#and i tag all posts containing it with 'queer' so you can filter if you like
freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
sup yall we're vibing here
anyway. hey, my name's freddie, and i'm finally trying to write an actual intro/master post which... we'll see how this goes.
important stuff is highlighted in orange.
so, basic stuff:
as I said, my name's freddie. he/him pronouns. i'm a college student (majoring in accounting, might add a psych minor). not gonna say which college but i'm currently in california.
i've been on tumblr since 2019 i think? not under this account, this started as a fandom account and then spiralled out of control... really fast. um, my regular tumblr which i've not actually opened in ages is @chronicchthonic14 so. yeah.
not particularly relevant to this blog, but i might mention it at some point so, i have autism and adhd. and some other things but. like. that list is very long and those are the two most relevant because i promise if i come off wrong/mean, i didn't mean to, i just forget to make my words normal. but. those are the two most referenced. if for whatever reason someone wants to know more or has questions you can send an ask ig?
i'm scottish, born there. moved to US when I was four. finishing uni and moving back.
some quick warnings
this blog definitely contains cursing/vulgar language, whatever you want to call it, so if you're not comfortable with that, probably not the blog for you, as i don't tag cursing or anything for you to filter out.
if, for whatever reason, if i ever reblog something that contains a slur (against racial minorities, queer people, anything) i will ABSOLUTELY tag that though.
also if anyone has any trigger warnings they think any content needs, please let me know-- asks, dms, comments, reblogs
the cursing thing also applies for sort of dirty jokes? think that only applies to like. two posts and very not explicit. those aren't currently tagged but if they get any more explicit they certainly will be.
queer identity because the explicit reminded me, i'm asexual, and probably straight. maybe bi? dunno, don't particularly care. and i'm trans. ftm. this isn't the blog i talk about that on usually though, unless it relates to a specific ask or a fandom thing.
which, getting into what this blog is for because i can't think of anything else i need to add here (guys let me know if i forgot important stuff, please, i'm an idiot!!! i will forget the important stuff and write random shit instead!! i've already deleted three tangents from this!!)
fandoms!! ones i write and/or post about or will potentially post about
percy jackson extending to hoo, toa, tkc (definitely post way less about this), mcga (again, way less). haven't read TSATS or COTG yet, but spoilers are fine. i post way more about minor characters. write fanfiction for and have some posted (both on here and ao3) and a bunch of snippets.
dcu-- films, comics, animated shows, all of it. personally, my favorites are young justice (the comics, not show version), new teen titans, and batman inc (batgirls, nightwing, and red robin esp). late 90s yj run is my favorite, and i loved the DCeased event. favorite batman comic is definitely court of owls run. no fanfics posted, but some on docs.
mcu-- way less so, but have a stucky oneshot. slowly making my way through in timeline order.
throne of glass. i'm an aedion and chaol apologizer because they do a bunch of dumb shit but then WHO DOESN'T in this series. fanfics in doc, not posted.
this would go on for ages if i listed everything so instead, here's an ask i answered on my fandoms/genres and everything. feel free to send me asks about anyone. if you send me something about radium girls i may cry though (tears of joy) so there's your advanced warning.
main things you'll see on my blog are incorrect quotes, snippets, and the occasional fic
my... idk, contact policy? seriously what do i word this
asks are always open, anon is on.
if you send hate... whatever. i'll probably delete it.
unless i find it funny. then I'll post it. there's really little you could say to me that would hurt.
when i say asks are always open, you can drop anything you want.
literally anything
you need to vent? want advice? want to request headcanons? request a fic? give me a prompt? ask random things about me? something else I've forgotten? go right ahead
if you want to ask me to update my fics? go right ahead. sometimes i forget i didn't post something.
send as many asks as you want, i don't care if it might be spam
i can't promise i'll respond to asks in a timely manner, sometimes i open my inbox and forget they exist for months, i'm sorry. if it's something you really want answered you can send another one
dm's are alright? if you want to be friends or something, go right ahead.
anyone can reblog any of my posts/comment/heart, i don't care. you want to heart 50 things in a row? i adore you. if i had kids, you would get my firstborn
if we're mutuals you can ask for my insta/give me yours.
now, other accounts:
anyway, i think that's it?
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gingerrroot · 3 months
a (re)introduction
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you can call me ginger.
US-based, white, cis, disabled, queer, survivor in my 30's.
my expertise lies in trauma and sexual violence, and i studied to be a clinical mental health counselor, but that's not what i am actually doing for work. i work as a bartender at a community-focused nano-brewery, and as an assistant to a local construction/renovation company that focuses on historic buildings. i used to work at a pig boarding facility and foster home, with one of the leading experts in mini-pigs, so i also know a lot about them.
my interests include love, beauty, community, growing, learning, reading, creating, cultivating, nature, eating, sleeping, video games, tv, my pets, pickles, pigs (the animals), astrology, parapsychology, and my husband.
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i do my best to tag things appropriately if you filter certain content, for whatever reason. for example, food will be tagged, bugs/insects/creepy crawlies will be tagged, any posts related to violence of any kind will be tagged. if they are my own posts, they will likely also contain a read more.
all newly uploaded media will contain captions or a description in the alt field, or in the body of the post.
my boundaries are below, TLDR: i can and will block you for any reason, don't get overly familiar, rude, or cross my boundaries.
you do not know me. we are not friends. (unless you do, and we are). i am not here to build a parasocial relationship with anyone. not every single aspect of my life, thoughts, emotions, or relationships are fully represented here for you to have a full and accurate view of my life. i am a human, please treat me like one, and approach in good faith, and i will do the same.
please do not message me with trauma dumping, oversharing, or asking for personal information.
if we are mutuals and/or interact regularly, these first two do not apply to you, but i do ask you to Ask before divulging trauma.
if we are mutuals, and/or interact regularly, you are free to ask for other forms of contact, just let me know your username and such bc i won't know who you are if it's not the same.
i am not interested romantically or sexually. do not sexualize me or get sexual with me. yes, i used to sell content. if you are trusted, you can have access to my stash for a price. if i decide to post more content, it'll likely be here for free.
i am no here to debate or argue, please do not follow me bc you want to keep tabs or talk shit. if you've got something to say, please say it, or just block me.
if i am incorrect, misinformed, or have reblogged or posted something that is a scam or bigoted: PLEASE tell me! please engage in good faith. i will happily remove the post and learn more, where applicable.
please do not repost any of my content without my permission! just ask, and credit me (link to the original post, or tag me). if you're not going to write *good* alt text/a *good* image description, you may not repost anything (feel free to copy/paste the original image description and edit it).
you DO NOT have permission to repost/upload any of my old camming content, should you have or gain access to it. please be respectful and keep it where it is.
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directactionforhope · 8 months
Go Here for Instructions on How to Submit Posts!
And go here for an example.
Submissions limit of 5 posts per person each week, please!
Otherwise, unfortunately, I'll get too overwhelmed by the submissions volume to post anything. Thank you for your understanding!
Me and the Basics
Call me Cactus! They/them, late twenties.
I'm the person who runs the Reasons for Hope tumblr.
This is a sideblog-to-a-sideblog for Reasons for Hope, because I want to promote actions and spread awareness for things that don't always fit on a good news blog specifically
For context: Queer, trans, disabled, white, USian, for context.
Let me know if I post something offensive, I promise I have practice fixing things when I mess up instead of lashing out at the person who told me. I don't want to post hurtful things, so I genuinely want to always learn more about how to not do that, even when it's uncomfortable.
This is all very long because I'm still incapable of being concise.
About This Blog
Made this blog because I keep wanting to reblog or post about actions people can take, but didn't want to put them on Reasons for Hope unless they were actually mostly good news.
As a person who's Been There with spiraling, I really get the need to have access to a space that you know will contain good news and ONLY good news, in this day and age.
Also made it because I have Opinions and want to talk about Issues and activism and I'm committed to not doing that on my good news blog unless it involves, again, actual good news.
So, follow if you want! I definitely invite people to send in actions (links to campaigns/petitions/major protests/letter writing campaigns/etc.) specifically as submissions. I'll put up a how-to and link it here at some point, bc I've learned from Reasons for Hope that if they're in ask format I won't usually have the time/energy to reformat that/make it into a post.
(Sorry to people who've sent asks in on there, you're great. I'll switch to a submissions-based attempted system there too once I get the chance. May be a minute, I'm about to start a new job(!!).
My Editorial Standards
My usual editorial standards from Reasons for Hope apply, modified for this sort of blog:
Any donation-related posts/submissions need to be from some kind of established organization. It can be super grassroots etc. but I need to be able to verify that it's not a scam.
For that reason, no personal fundraisers/gofundmes. I'm genuinely sorry about this because I know a lot of people need the help but like I say on Reasons for Hope, there's no way to truly vet the vast majority of those posts, and I really don't have the time to try.
I'll come up with some sort of tag to put on all the particularly upsetting/fucked content so people can filter it and just see the action posts. Preferably something unique so it doesn't screen out other people's posts if you want to filter
More below:
I'll also have a tag for any particularly upsetting/fucked informational/educational things I post, because I do want to help spread awareness about a number of things, some of which will be pretty upsetting.
That said, I'll try to keep those informational posts only to things that are solutions-focused and/or have an element of good news or hopeful updates, where possible.
I'll also keep most of those posts behind a read-more where possible.
For more info about why I'm including that stuff, see the bottom of this post.
I will not post any campaigns or actions for reelecting Joe Biden until either the genocide in Gaza ends, or until September 1, 2024 (the month early voting starts).
Why do I have that policy? Because Joe Biden is absolutely committing war crimes, but Donald Trump would still, in fact be worse, for the US in general, for BIPOC in the US in particular, and for Palestinians/Gaza. I made a post about this with more details that I'll link here at some point.
Everything is going to be labeled with the link's source, the organization running it, the date posted (if identifiable), and the dates of the campaign/campaign deadline.
Re: Posting bad news here
I've been thinking about starting this sideblog-to-a-sideblog for a while now, because there are a lot of actions/campaigns/etc. that I really wanted to help promote, but did not want to put on Reasons for Hope, because I'm trying really hard to keep that limited to actual, you know, reasons for hope.
That said, I will be including upsetting stuff here. It will have its own tag for people to filter if they only want to see the links to actions. But I am committed to including it.
More below the read more, because this got longwinded and a bit personal:
That's partly because there are a lot of issues that very people know about, and I believe a lot in the power of spreading knowledge/awareness.
It's also because of the reason I finally stopped pondering and decided to start this blog: I just found out tonight that my grandfather died young because of toxic radiation from a nuclear meltdown at a super dangerous and experimental nuclear reactor, which the US government covered up completely and continued operating for decades. Right next to Los Angeles. btw.
If you live in or near Simi Valley, Chatsworth, or the West San Fernando Valley, or your parents did, get high-risk-level-appropriate cancer screenings. And if you're in Simi or within like 5 miles of it...probably don't drink the tap water. Also maybe try to move. (Consulting with a public health scientist/activist friend about this, will report back.)
I was already anti-nuclear, including anti-nuclear power, because of the absolute devastation it's done, especially to Indigenous communities and Japanese civilians. I didn't want to get into it on Reasons for Hope because of the whole "urgency of climate change" thing. But suffice to say that being anti-nuclear just shot very far up my "activism priorities" list.
None of this, or any other horrific things I may post about, conflict with or ruin my faith in humanity. I've definitely been incredibly pessimistic and misanthropic in my life.
But I believe that, for all the bad and evil things humans do, there is equal or greater potential for good. I believe it's like they say: "Hurt people hurt people." That's not the case always, but it is very often. Now, for the first time in history, we have the physical ability to end starvation and scarcity and a lot of death and suffering. We're still getting there, though we still have a long way to go.
I believe in a future where we can all hurt each other (and the other life around us) far less. I believe in a future where we have beaten and reserved at climate change.
I want to live to see that future, and I want all of you to get the chance to see it with me.
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harrypotterfuryroad · 8 months
you only said "no" to "are you a terf?" because you've bought into the "it's RADFEM" bullshit smh. you're not slick. literally half your posts are filtered for me because their original tags contained "radfems do interact", "radfems please interact", "radfems please touch" etc. Well, here are some excerpts from a former radfem's take on radical feminism in a trans person's inbox:
"Radfems are just TERFs who won’t say tr*nny, but the rhetoric is the same, and the ideology that backs it is the same.) and so women’s oppression is based on [a dyadic view] of biology. [...]
"TERFs also like to say that they don’t want trans people dead, and lots of them probably don’t, actively, want trans people dead. again, this doesn’t matter; they support and hide and protect the ones that do, and their rhetoric and the things they want to achieve do that whether they say they want it to or not, and they know this, but their allegiance to female-ness and sex-based oppression is simply more important. [...]
"I left TERF-ism because I’m black, really. I couldn’t stomach watching black trans women dying, and I didn’t really see how they were hurting feminism or infiltrating womanhood. All I could see was those women’s victimhood and I couldn’t be a part of that anymore–but even after I stopped associating with those people, stopped reblogging and liking their posts and stuff, I agreed with them, deep down.
"And it wasn’t until it was explained that way that I could easily sort through what was 'fascist’ and what was 'non-fascist’. I could use that to measure up my anti-racist activism… not fascist. LGBT/queer rights? Not fascist. Disability activism? Inherently leftist, actually. But TERF-ism? There was no way for men or trans women to ever be entitled to live and thrive in a TERF world, which made me realize that TERFs are inherently fascistic."
idk how aware of it you even are, but you are neck-deep in radfem ideology, and it's really not okay. i hope you eventually have the courage to see that and change.
filtering tags like that is for weenies
anyway yeah i remember that post, it was hot nonsense throughout, but you handpicked the worst parts
massive citation needed for that first point (but that would require you to define what a radfem is beyond "person i've decided i disagree with" which i know you can't so we'll just keep going)
"women's oppression is based on a dyadic view of biology" yes, unequivocally true, observing this doesn't make you any kind of bigot
i could just as easily turn this point around on you, we point out violent misogyny and homophobia constantly but we get #notallmen'd every time
"i left because i'm black" is really where the cracks start to show. "i couldn't stomach watching black trans women dying" at whose hands? and are they dying in such huge numbers that they're overwhelming other women dying? and are they getting harmed by things that maybe feminist activism is trying to address? can you even answer those questions in detail? the constant implication that feminists are responsible for the murder of trans women is a little tiresome, maybe look into what actually happened instead of using murder victims as props
"easily sort through what is fascist and what was nonfascist" when their working definition of fascism seems to be "things i'm told i don't like." crazy enough, men thriving is not a primary goal of feminism! if you can articulate why "all lives matter" is stupid and racist then this should also be easy for you to grasp (and if you can't articulate that, that's on you). why do racial minorities, sexual minorities, and people with disabilities warrant an activist movement but women don't?
but thanks for your concern, i'll change my ways immediately
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destinationtoast · 2 years
How to address non-binary characters in fandom stats about gender
@once-a-polecat asked a thoughtful and interesting question in response to my post about Canon gender representation & shipping:
So, I know this is a VERY small number of characters (statistically speaking), but how do you deal with, or plan to deal with, the increasing numbers of characters who are non-binary in canon? (Jim Jimenez in OFMD, or Desire in Sandman for instance.) If you’re documenting how prevalent it is that fans introduce gender diversity to binary characters at some point you have to address the question of canon characters who do not have a binary gender. And I understand how much of a tricky question this is because it’s less easily traced across fandoms and some characters may not have a binary gender in ways that do not track with Western human society (they may have culturally significant genders or be non-human beings etc…), but small numbers and diverse types of genders gets difficult for data visualization purposes.
I wanted to give a long-ish answer (or really, to discuss a number of possible answers, all of which sometimes apply but aren't complete on their own), and I also wanted to open it up to others for ideas, so rather than reply in the notes, I'm replying here.
One answer is to say that I'm limited by the data I have available about canon (e.g., in that past 2018 work I was pointing to about Gender representation in canon vs. fanworks, I was working with someone else's movie data set, which didn't contain any data about canon nonbinary characters). That raises a question for future analyses -- does anyone know of a reliable list of canon nonbinary characters that is kept up-to-date? How good is Wikipedia's List of fictional non-binary characters, e.g.? Also interested in lists of canon trans characters.
(A quick aside, because I'm about to talk about limitations: I'm incredibly grateful for the AO3 tagging system, and everyone who makes it work! In part because it allows me to do far more complex stats about all this stuff than any other fandom platform -- or other media platforms, period. And because it gives us all some pretty outstanding sorting and filtering superpowers. Hallelujah! Okay, now onto some limitations. :) )
Another possible answer is to say that my stats are about how people tag things on AO3. So for the most part, I just follow however people are tagging things on AO3 -- and if AO3 users start tagging more ships as "Other" as they often do when a canon nonbinary character like Jim Jimenez or Desire is involved, some of my tag-based stats will pick up that kind of thing (even though I'm currently investigating F/F and M/M specifically, about which more below, I do often include more shipping categories than that). However, this is also only somewhat satisfying, since tagging practices differ between fandoms and change over time (e.g., I *think* more people used to tag some ships involving nonbinary characters, like LaFontaine/Perry from Carmilla, with gendered tags like "F/F" rather than with "Other" -- though maybe that particular example was just because L/P was often a background ship). And I know the use of "Other" can also be touchy; it can be frustrating to lump together human-only ships like Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez with ones like Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, for one thing. (And AO3 could even change some of these tagging options in the future, which might make such data even less useful.)
Another answer is to say, "Nonbinary characters are usually just noise, statistically, because there are so few of them -- I can ignore them most of the time." (Which you nodded to in your question, though you didn't suggest being so dismissive about it. :) ) There are some times when I make those kind of omissions or oversimplifications, though I avoid it when possible. For the purposes of my upcoming "F/F vs. M/M" analysis, this answer and the previous one both come into play -- my initial goal is to look at how explicitly queer fic differs between fanworks tagged "F/F" vs. "M/M." Which will unfortunately miss a whole bunch of queer fanworks featuring nonbinary characters. But I am going to simplify things by initially focusing on those two largest and most explicitly queer ship tags.
A final answer is to say that I've tried to make up for limitations in my other work by explicitly seeking out and analyzing gender diversity in some of my stats, like my analyses of Trans, nonbinary, and gender-diverse characters on AO3. [Edit: and then I addressed the possible visualization complexities by looking at each of the common tags -- like "Nonbinary Character" -- separately.] At the same time, because I don't know which characters are trans or nonbinary in canon, those stats have been vague about which gender diversity is coming from canon vs. from fandom -- see my above question about good lists of canon gender diversity. (Also, this doesn't capture types of gender diversity that aren't reflected in the tags.)
Finally, a shoutout to @centrumlumina who does a fantastic job hand-labeling the gender and race of all the characters for the annual top AO3 ships analysis. I am in complete awe. Canon race and gender are both things I wish were easier to analyze/find data about -- but at least for the characters in the top 100 ships each year, Lulu has provided a great data source!
Thanks for the question -- curious to hear if/how others think about this topic.
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This blog is a compilation of resources for queer or questioning youth. Some original posts with advice, some (mostly) reblogs, some links.
Tagging system
All posts will be tagged #queer youth resources unless it's not a resource. In that case, those posts will be tagged #not a resource for filtering.
Other tags include:
#trans youth resources, #homo youth resources, #mspec youth resources, #aspec youth resources, #intersex youth resources, #questioning youth resources, #mental health resources, #ally resources
You can also find upcoming pride events in the tag #pride events
Some posts are sorted by country. Current country tags with content posted include #usa resources, #uk resources, #czech republic resources, #wales resources, #germany resources, #japan resources, #ireland resources, #canada resources
This blog is majority English language, however in country tags you may find posts in the official language(s) of the country.
Most important posts are also tagged as #important as I think they can be very important resources.
All of these are featured tags if you'd like to look through them, however many currently only have a few posts as I'm still gathering resources.
This blog is currently run by one person, so I can't be active all the time. If you'd like to help me gather queer resources, here's what you can do.
1, tag me in posts that contain resources so I can reblog it.
2, send me links to resources or your own advice to queer youth in the asks.
3, make posts of your own with resources. If you do so, please tag me!
Even if you can't create/find resources, any interaction is greatly appreciated! Reblogging our posts, sending an ask, etc.
Feel free to request resources on a certain topic or for a certain purpose! I will do my best to find resources that fit what you ask for :)
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
Omg! A radfem Good Omens fan! Finally a sane person in this fandom LMAO it feels a bit lonely to be honest. I have a few things to say (it's a bit long, sorry):
First, thank you for answering to that comment in your askbox so clearly! It's so funny reading "queer" people being shocked that we watch Good Omens. Like, we're gay AF and the show is gay AF. Plus, if radfems didn't watch shows/movies with the same worldview as them, they wouldn't watch anything at all.
I absolutely agree on the blind adoration for the actors. I mean, those guys are fifty and are clearly jumping on the "woke" train (don't really like the word "woke", but you get me) to get a positive image. But at the end of the day, they're just fifty year old men and I'm sure they have done or supported nasty shit too, like basically any man in the world. Thank you for mentionning Sheen's partner being so young and thank you to the radfem who explained David Tenant had a friend actor doing creepy things on set and he used to joke about it. Those two news are absolutely the least shocking news ever. I can't stand the way most girls and women easily fall the feminist, woke nice guy persona and get their hopes up only to learn that yeah, those people are still men. They are no exceptions.
Plus, I also think that the writer of the show is glorified to no end. I mean, he's a good writer, but it's too much LMAO. I agree with the bit about changing God to a woman being void of any meaning and I would like to add that God wasn't a woman in the book, the writer changed it for the show (likely to appear more feminist to the viewers).
Lastly, I wanted to ask you questions:
Did you notice that the most popular fics on ao3 for the Aziracrow ship contain at least one of the two characters having a vulva? If yes, what do you think of it? (Personally, it was shocking to me. I had just finished the show, went to ao3, started reading a fic and... omg skslsks It's so prevalent, too... Thank god we can filters tags nowadays.)
2. What do you think of people who use she/her pronouns for Azi and/or Crowley on twitter? (Again, it was shocking to me given there was nothing indicating that in the show. They're creatures in the bodies of men, and are seen are men by anyone. It makes absolutely no sense to me, and it feels forced AF.
(All in all, I think the fandom thinks the show is more woke than it actually is, because no one who isn't following the writer on tumblr would think "oh yes, those characters are definitely going by she/her and have vulvas". People are allowed to write what they want on ao3 and on twitter, I just think it's insane how prevalent it is in the fandom. But well, I suppose most people in the fandom are Gen Z...)
I'm stopping there. Thank you for reading all of this!
I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond to this! 💕 but thank you for sending this!!
I see that sort of shock from “queers” often regarding shows with canonical gender identity having characters. I remember there being a post about OFMD that said “how are terfs watching this when there’s a nonbinary character?”, as if we combust on the spot if a character has a gender identity 😂
This attitude of “how can you watch something you don’t entirely agree with” says quite a lot about the “queer community” and their cult mentality. They can’t seem to wrap their minds around the idea of watching something and being critical of certain parts…because they seem to only want to watch or read things that perfectly align with their views (or that they can interpret to perfectly align with their views, as they’ve done with GO). Just look at how they act about reading/watching “terf” perspectives. “Don’t even look at terf blogs! It’s dangerous and they’re bad, just trust me!”.
They’re so used to this idea that everything they look at must be in agreement with their views, that I guess they just assume everyone else feels the same way.
And yeah, if radfems (I consider myself just adjacent, but I’m using the term broadly here) wanted to follow that line of thinking, we’d be shit out of luck. Misogyny is everywhere, seeping into the writing of every female character. And because radical feminism is so vast in the topics it covers, it would be hard to find something that agrees with every single position.
I hate the blind adoration for the actors and for Neil. Yeah, the actors are fun personalities to follow and watch in interviews, yeah Neil says some funny stuff on tumblr sometimes. But ultimately they’re all men, they’re all celebrities, and those two things rarely go well together without some sort of issue.
People treat Neil in particular like some kind of god because he validates their gender headcanons, and somehow can’t see that he’s just trying to string them along for clout. And I’m pretty sure there was something about writing a female child character in a really creepy way (snow glass apples?), but nobody cares because oooo he said trans rights!!
God was definitely made into a woman in the show for easy feminist points. And it’s disappointing because it would be so interesting to actually do something with that concept. The easiest thing to do would be swap the roles of Eve and Adam. But he couldn’t even be bothered to do that.
As for your questions…
1. Yeah, I’ve noticed and it drives me crazy. To me it reeks of homophobia. It seems as though these writers are taking the first opportunity they can to make a gay couple straight, and to assert their belief that heterosexual intercourse is superior to homosexual intercourse.
2. The she/her pronoun usage has gotten especially bad after season 2, and I think it’s really annoying lol. It seems like a way to cope with the fact that Aziraphale and Crowley were pretty clearly men the whole time, with Aziraphale even referring to Crowley as a man in the 40’s scene.
Again it reeks of homophobia to me because people seem so, so eager to take this gay couple and make them seem straight. Just let them be men in love.
It also reeks of sexism because often the she/her pronouns go to Crowley when he isn’t like, the pinnacle of masculinity. All it takes is for him to have longer hair than usual and suddenly everyone’s going “omg she’s so pretty!!!” It feels very performative (come on. Nobody actually thinks Crowley is a pretty lady. It reminds me of the people who comment on ugly TIM selfies like “omg slay queen!! You’re so beautiful!!” Because they know it’s expected of them to validate male feelings). And it’s concerning that people can’t seem to accept that having long hair doesn’t mean Crowley’s a woman.
The fandom absolutely thinks the show is more “woke” for lack of better term, than it is. They’ve built up a bunch of headcanons in their minds, and because Neil has okayed the headcanons, they’ve deluded themselves into believing it’s canon. But the truth is that there’s no explicit mention of angels and demons being nonbinary. The “sexless” line in the book is vague enough that it seems to be interpreted differently depending on who you talk to, yet the fandom has decided it means celestials don’t have genitalia (yet somehow have every other sex characteristic?).
The average viewer is not going to watch this show and go “ohhh, I see, they’re both nonbinary and this is a super queer show!”. They’re going to watch it and see two men in love. Which is amazing! It’s upsetting to me that the fandom has decided that two men in love isn’t enough. Unfortunately I think what’s happened is that it’s a bunch of straight women who got bored of fetishising gay men, and have now moved on to romanticising this idea of being as Queer and Different and Quirky as possible.
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saspitite · 1 year
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plain text/screenreader friendly version will be made soon i promise
hi, i'm saspitite, but you can call me sas, saph, or cadaver!! genderqueer shrimp has breached the internet!!! i use any pronouns but she/her :) oh and i am most definitely on your dni list, btw. will sometimes blog in finnish or german.
i have been dubbed as the "shrimp blog" and "hevisaurus blog" several times on separate occasions and i take great pride in that
current icon: #062 from Drowned Shrimp
current header: a post-concert photo of Heavysaurus
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@saspitidy - art blog
@is-the-shrimp-video-cute - blog giving context to videos/general media involving shrimp and some other crustaceans
@hotelmabiya - in-character flight rising clan lore blog (hiatus)
@ebiquest - game project blog (hiatus)
all about me
➸ this mess is a place just so you know. i will be reblogging All sorts of shit. i try my best to tag so you can filter for your own curated experience but i am not perfect 👍
this is not completely a politically-based blog but i might occasionally reblog that kinda stuff. hide #shrimpolitics if you don't wanna see it.
i also love to post about gay things and the Good Ol Leftist Agenda so there's that. i don't really have a tag for it yet (and probably never will) so, uh, suffer. serious/heavy issues are tagged as #serious stuff... if i can remember to use that one
and i also love posting about shrimp/crustaceans!! my general posting tag is #shrimposting and my general reblogging tag is #shimpy shemps (note that these aren't EXCLUSIVELY just for shrimp, but for other crustaceans too sometimes). if you see a shrimp in a post and wanna know what species it is (or if there's just general context in relation to shrimp missing) you can tag my sideblog @is-the-shrimp-video-cute and i'll most likely be able to answer because i'm just that normal about them lol
(more tag info found towards the bottom)
➸ messages and asks are always open, please just don’t spam me, it makes me nervous!!
➸ MESSAGES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AGAIN! i thought my old system was a bit tiring so i just opened them back up.
➸ pretty please pleaseeee send me asks in general i love answering them!! (/nf)
➸ i do my best to add image descriptions for any images/gifs i add in my posts, but i may occasionally forget to/don't know how to describe them. do let me know if i should add/fix an id for anything in any of my posts!!
➸ mutuals are free to ask about any possible phobias/triggers i need tagged if they'd like, i just removed that information publicly for safety reasons.
➸ btw i love all trans people and aros and aces and mspec lesbians and bi lesbians and afab transfems/amab transmascs and multigender people and queer poc and disabled queers and fat queers and neurodivergent queers! i do not care what people say about you i love you forever!!!!!!!
➸ also i say faggot and dyke and tranny a lot. so uhm idk block me if you're a coward
➸ DNI if you: have a human body, breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, eat food to survive, physically exist, have cooties (AHHHHH!!!!), or have joy and whimsy in your heart!!!!!!! (^ if its not obvious, this is satire. ^)
"#giggle" - posts i think are especially funny
"#gold star sticker" - my all time faves
"#shimpy shemps" - posts about shrimp/crustaceans not made by me
"#shrimpolitics" - political bullshit
"#serious stuff" - posts touching on serious or heavy topics, may sometimes contain triggering subjects
"#identifying shrimp / identifying crustaceans" - me adding the species of a shrimp/crustacean found in a post (if its not already outright stated) !!
"#out of all the posts out there this is certainly one of them" - posts that took me like 300 rereads to mildly comprehend and i still don't fully get what's happening. yet i reblog
"#(____) wunk" - i have no clue how but this became my tag for rabbits.
"#sas says" - just a normal post i'll make, maybe a random life update or a funny joke i wanted to share
"#sas scavenging" - me showing off something i recently found/bought, which could be anything from t-shirts to rocks
"#shrimposting" - me blabbing about various crustaceans, typically fun facts and whatnot
"#shrimping" - any of my irl activities and whatnot that involves me wearing my shrimp costumes (like conventions and events!!)
"#the shrimployee" - work rants
"#venusposting" - posts of my cat venus
"#sas spiels" - writing/creative concepts that might not be fully fleshed out, just me sharing some thoughts i had in my head
"#sas stories" - my writing!!
"#sas scribbles" - my art!!
"#sas songs" - my music!!
"#a terrible thing has happened" - a terrible thing has happened
"#cosmic intertwines" - my eldritch horror universe (note that this is an umbrella name for all of my fictional worlds listed below and may be tagged in posts that focus on other worlds, but is usually reserved for the gods and outer activity of my fictional universe)
“#machina mundi” - an advanced post-apocalyptic robot world
"#hotel mabiya" - my flight rising clan
"#belet's dream" - a world of diverse anthropomorphic animals
"#the intergalactic voyagers" - the saga of a group of friends and their exploration of the cosmos! (takes place in the same world as "belet's dream")
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alexinity · 5 months
Hi there,
I’m sorry you’ve gotten so many anons that are downright hateful. You can disagree with someone without telling them to kill themself, and I wish these anons would actually try to engage with you in a meaningful way rather than just threatening you. That’s why I’m writing this ask. I was hoping to explain some of the nuances of dark content in a way that isn’t pure defensiveness. It’s okay if this doesn’t change your mind, I just wanted to try and actually explain helpfully.
Firstly, I understand why you’re upset about the post. Incest is extremely taboo and morally reprehensible in reality. (And I agree with you it’s not my cup of tea in fiction either.) However, on sites like tumblr and ao3 it’s very much up to the reader to avoid things they don’t want to see. Yes, tag filtering exists and many of us use it, but some things still slip through the cracks. Even if this post wasn’t filtered for you, it was still marked as mature by tumblr and the top of the post itself contains all the relevant warnings. If you didn’t want to see the content, all you had to do was block and scroll away.
Second, in fiction communities, it is absolutely inappropriate to pathologize people’s fantasies and tell them that their content should not exist. Studies have shown time and time again that fantasies do not correlate with real life intentions to commit taboo or illegal acts such as incest. In fact, modern psychiatry believes that engaging with fanfic (and other safe sane consensual ways of engaging with dark fantasies) is a helpful outlet for people. Adults are capable of separating fiction from reality. To pretend otherwise is to buy into purity culture rhetoric.
On the topic of purity culture, policing fandom content in any way is absolutely a Trojan horse for purity culture. Just look at what happened to ff.net. First it will be dark content, then it will be any nsfw content is unacceptable, then it will be queer content, and so on and so forth. The thing about claiming the moral high ground is that morals are subjective and the goalposts will always be moved. You may think I’m exaggerating by saying that objecting to fictional incest and other dark content leads to the exclusion of marginalized folks, censorship, and the destruction of fanfic communities but it absolutely does and it has already happened.
Anyway, thanks for reading this far (if you have) and again I’m not sending this out of malice so I really hope it doesn’t come across as a personal attack. But at the end of the day, (as much as I understand having a visceral reaction to dark content) this one is kind of on you. Tumblr has dark content, this is common knowledge. A post gave appropriate warnings. And you purposely engaged with a post you knew you wouldn’t like. Being into dark fantasies with fictional characters is not an offense worthy of a callout post. Next time please just block and scroll. Other people should be able to create the content they like without being shamed and harassed. Not everything has to be for you.
i understand your point, thank you for being respectful, i got tired of people just jumping on me, thinking they will do something by calling me names and telling me to off myself.
Thats one of the reasons i wont be saying anything about content like that anymore, the other is that no matter what me and other people said as a response we got insults and not being taken seriously.
Of course i dont think only my opinion is right, i respect other peoples opinions but i also expect a normal response. Instead i was called thin-skinned and told to suck it up. Immature response in my opinion.
i will also add that not all people separate fiction from reality and a lot of them are adults.
i dont wanna deal with all of that anymore its pointless
Again thank you for being respectful and kind, some of the asks i received were pretty mean lol
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Name: Melly
Age: 20+
Pronouns: She/They (Primarly)
From: Germany
Just a stupid queer and disabled fellow with too much time and obsession on her hands.
I mainly do self-indulgence content regarding the Gaming Creepypastas, mainly Ben Drowned and Lost Silver, and even have my own headcanoned Lore/Canonverse.
Said Content consists of art, sorta crafting and writing. However my writing can't really be found on Tumblr, as it gets little reception, nor do I seemingly really understand how fanfictions on Tumblr work.
But feel free to check out my written work here if you are interested (Or other art): DeviantArt, AO3, Wattpad
My side blogs! AUs Lovechildren
Please keep reading to get the full info about this account.
First things first: Despite being mainly about Creepypasta, this is not a horror blog. It is mainly about shipping, analyses, fluff or alike and memes. It is also mainly about Video Game Creepypastas, with only a handful being exceptions, like TV show based Creepypastas.
If you're a fan of more horror or the classical Creepypastas, this account is a miss for you.
Also I am NOT a Friday Night Funkin' blog! If you're looking for that content this isn't one such blog. I have unfortunate experiences with that community.
Also also this blog may still contain NSFW topics, and therefore may not be suitable for minors. Even if I'll try my best to filter and tag everything accordingly which may be upsetting to them, I ask to be aware of this. And if I happen to overlook something bad that would need to be tagged or filtered correctly, tell me please.
This blog mainly includes the ships of:
SilvernMoonShipping/DrownedSilver (Lost Silver/Ben Drowned)
BlindHomicide (Eyeless Jack/Homicidal Liu)
These two are the main OTPs
Other ships that may be included:
Dark/Link (or Phantom Link)
If none of these ships are to your liking that is fine, just ignore this blog. I don't intend for any ship wars. Ship and let ship.
Also note I am NOT a multishipper, or at least definitely not for the two main ships up there, so don't expect to request a different ship with any of the ones mentioned, because you will not get that here. With the ones under there I may reconsider, but again, this is not a place for shipping wars or to find content of a ship I don't create for.
Unless I or my depictions specifically state otherwise, all characters are usually intended to be 18+ Exceptions: Thomas who is usually 16 and Aika who is a little girl around 8-11
I am open for requests, but please understand or accept if I do refuse one due to skill or discomfort over what the request may be.
Also I tend to get phases of hiatuses or breaks and ask for you to be patient and not be worried. I may simply go inactive for a while. Unless I post that I fully left, there is no need for confusion or concern.
My asks are open, however while you can ask Ben and Silver usually from long ago, this is not a full on ask-blog. I still am happy over interactions via headcanons, AU talk, considering I have tons of self-indulgent shit to talk about, mainly Aus or simply wanting to know more about my canonverse/”lore”. Or even requests or also wanting to gush over how cute these ships are, this blog was mainly created to share the love for these beautiful moon bfs after all hehe.
I will try my best to answer asks, be it whatever, even asks at Ben and Silver, but again, be mindful that this isn't a full on ask-blog, but rather asks are open for different multiple reasons.
I hope I can do reference sheets soon as a pinned post.
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miss-sapphicana · 3 months
Blog Content PSA
This post is the mobile friendly version of my "psa" page that is viewed better on a computer. The information is exactly the same, this is just for mobile users to visualise this information easier. | Navigation.
I wanna clarify some stuff about this blog !! Apart from what I say on my "about" page, I wanna specify some stuff of what I will post / reblog to avoid future inconveniences :)
Regarding following blogs back: This is not my main blog, this is a sideblog - therefore I cannot follow blogs. Even though I really enjoy being here on gaylor-tumblr, my main focus here is my main, and since I only have one dash, I really don't want people who post hate content of what I like. although I don't mind seeing different opinions, I do mind opening my safe place and seeing hate about what I enjoy! my main is a One Direction blog, mainly about Louis and Harry, therefore if you dislike them and I can see it on your blog easily, I won't follow back, and if I follow back and i see you post hate towards them and/or fans, im unfollowing. I won't block you (unless it's bigotry) because maybe I do wanna see your posts and interact with your content, but I just don't wanna see that obligatory when I open this website. Believe me when I say it's not personal and I won’t keep resentment towards you, we are people of course we are gonna differ in stuff; I don't care you dislike them at all, you have your right to! I just don't wanna open my only fandom space and see people hating them :)
I will reblog stuff from a lot of perspectives of the same topic and that doesn't mean that is my point of view. I created this blog mainly as an archive to myself and anyone who wants to use my tag system, I will reblog gaylor history, gaylor thoughts, etc - stuff I won't agree with (in general). My idea is to have all data possible archived so anyone can make their own conclusions alone. We are not supposed to follow blindly the same four blogs over the years who fight for the same four muses, trying to fit everything into their narratives at all cost without considering a more complex situation. You don't like me reblogging a specific topic? filter tags, don't follow, block me, do whatever makes you happy but pressing the ask button to claim I think a certain way (when they are other people's posts, not mine) because you saw a reblog that contradicts another, is gonna get you blocked.
I will probably never agree 100% with a post made by another blog, the only time is okay to assume I agree 100% is when the post is mine or when I textually say "I totally agree with [insert post]". Otherwise, don't assume I agree with a blogger just for a reblog, a lot of times I just reblog posts because they contain sources, dates, context, etc. That could be useful to understand better the situation or ever another one.
I really don't care about your opinion on muses, i don't give a fuck of who do you think reputation is about (for example). What do I care about is what you do to others based on that. I would say I don't generally agree with almost everyone here and that could never make me disrespect or wish the worst on you. We are allow to be different, we are allow to share spaces thinking differently, that's what life is about. If I don't ask for your opinions on a muse, don't give them specifically to me, post them in your own blog! and with this I don't mean you cannot talk to me about muses, you can always send a question about that - being respectful and with the intentions of wanting to admire and enjoy queer art - if you come to me and start randomly telling me why you think a song is for a muse in a "I'm right you are wrong" way, you're also getting blocked.
If I dislike a gaylor blog and I say that publicly - it could be for only two things: 1) bigotry (they're either racist, misogynistic, lgbtphobic, xenophobic, etc) and disrespectful (either with other bloggers, or the way they talk about celebrities or art they don't enjoy, etc. Mean in general.) or 2) because their statements related to gaylor are either fake (literally spreading misinformation - not only about dates, places or people but how PR and bearding works in general) or because they not only refuse to look into other perspectives, but they also get aggressive when someone doesn't blindly believe in them. I'm currently studying PR at university and I won't tolerate any lies about how industry actually works, I also won't tolerate just having the exact same behaviour that religious or conspiracy people who just blindly believe what they read that fits what they wanna believe. Believe what you wanna believe, seriously, but if you come here and say you receive "anons" or "secret information" about taylor and/or her team in a nostradamus predictions way, not only you are objectively reaching, but I also have cero patience for you being mean to people who are clearly sane and don't agree with that. Being that said, if you don't fit any of these two options, I like you or I don't care at all about what you blog about, I really like following a lot of people who think differently, I believe it helps me a lot to not only understand better the panorama but to don't let myself be biased by only one single muse narrative :)
I know I should not clarify this because its obvious but I wanna do it to leave no room for doubts! but this is for all gaylors, this is for everyone no matter what your "favourite" muse or the one you think is the most "realistic" one. I don't care if you are a kaylor, a swiftgron, a tily, etc - if you behave like I explained above, you'll be blocked no matter what even if I agree with you in who is the "main muse" of an era.
Lastly, regarding swifties or non-gaylors: everyone is welcome to check my blog and ask questions, but as I said on my "about" page: I'm not here to prove to you that Taylor Swift is queer. That is not my purpose. If you wanna follow / interact because you like only part of what of I reblog / post or you wanna learn more, that's fine for me! As long as you understand you also will be blocked if you try to come to convince me taylor is straight.
Taylor haters are blocked instantly, you don't like Taylor Swift? don't engage with Taylor Swift blogs in your spare time!!!
I'm always willing to make new friends and to chat about our interests even though we may differ! As long as you're decent, I genuinely believe we can get along ♡ Don't be shy to ask questions! or dm-ing me if we are moots ;)
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ao3tagoftheday · 4 years
A bit nervous asking, but what is the general consensus on shipping a canonically gay character with someone of the opposite sex? For example, I find a male/female pairing really cute, but the female is canonically gay. It makes me feel somewhat guilty to ship them, so I was just wondering if this is looked upon negatively or not.
As always, people, I will not tolerate y'all shitting on anon in the notes. People who ask respectful, polite questions get the courtesy of a respectful, polite response. Ok? Ok.
I don't know that there's any such thing as a general consensus about anything when it comes to shipping. Shipping discussions are mostly an excuse for everyone to be an asshole to everyone else tbh. But if you want my personal opinion, here it is:
I think people should write whatever the hell they want. There are things I wouldn't be willing to write and things I wouldn't be willing to read. This would probably be one of them. But my personal boundaries are different from yours and you should write what you want to write. That said, I would urge you to follow a few guidelines.
Make sure all your work is clearly and thoroughly tagged. If you're writing this character as bi, put a "Bi [Character]" tag on the fic. Same if you're writing her as straight. If you're writing her as breaking up with a female partner to date the guy you ship her with, tag that. If there's any character bashing, tag that.
Write an author's note. Say that you understand and respect her canon sexuality, that your fic is not intended as a denunciation of her sexuality, and that anyone who has issues with a portrayal of the character as non-gay should look elsewhere. Say this politely, but do not beat around the bush.
If you're posting about this ship on tumblr, keep the post out of the main tags for the relevant characters. This may be the first time in my life that I've urged someone not to tag something in any context, so that's new. But queer people who are fans of the character are likely to look through the character tag and it isn't really fair to them to have hetero content for a canon queer character hanging out in there. I also recommend this for your own sake. If you're putting your posts in the main character tag, you're probably going to end up in the middle of a fandom shitstorm and that's no fun at all.
Be sure to tag any tumblr posts with the ship name and with something like "straight [character]" though. You want people to be able to filter out this content. And if anyone else ships these two, you want them to be able to find your content.
Finally, anon, you might want to do a little soul searching about this. I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong; you should engage with your fandom however makes you happy as long as you're not an asshole about it. But it's worth thinking through why exactly you find the idea of shipping this gay woman with a straight man appealing. Maybe it just boils down to "I think they're both hot and I want to write the smut" and that's fine, but you should consider whether or not this is a pattern for you. Do you have any queer ships? Do you have any f/f ships? Have you shipped other gay female characters with men before? If this isn't just a one-off, you should give some thought to whether the idea of f/f relationships or queer relationships in general makes you uncomfortable.
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
There is not a single good reason to tag a queer positive post with “q slur” and it’s honestly such a red flag if you do this.
No seriously. There is absolutely no reason to do this. Ever. At all.
If you, personally, don’t want to be called queer, that is your prerogative. If this is a word that has hurt you before and that genuinely triggers and upsets you, there are things you can do to improve your own online experience. One of them would be, oh I don’t know, not putting posts containing that word onto your own damn blog by reblogging them.
If you do not want to be included among queer people, then you shouldn’t include yourself in a group that self-identifies as queer. Which is what you do by reblogging queer positive posts; none of these posts were talking about you, personally. They are talking about queer people. And if you feel the need to reblog them, then you include yourself among these queer people. Go reblog posts with the alphabet soup acronym if that is what you, personally, feel suits you better. You could literally just not reblog a post that contains the word “queer” and talks about queers.
You don’t have to ever interact with a post discussing queer themes, queer people and queer identities. If you find the term queer so very offensive and lack context-reading skills that would help you see that queer people proudly calling themselves queer is actually in no way or shape the same as someone using it as a slur, you even have the tools to avoid ever seeing any post containing the word queer by blacklisting not just “queer” as a tag but also filter it as content, which thus will block any post that anywhere at all contains the word “queer”.
I will 100% assume you are an exclusionist or a TERF if you still end up reblogging a queer positive post and tag it as “q slur”. Because you had choices here - not reblogging a post containing the word “queer”, blacklisting the tag “queer”, filtering for post content containing the word “queer” - but you chose not to do any of that, you chose to reblog a queer positive post and then tag it as “q slur”, and at that point, exclusionism and TERF ideology are literally the only reasons left why you would do this.
And the thing is that, scrolling through those blogs, especially through the “q slur” tag, usually shows that they are, in fact, exclusionists and TERFs. It’ll start soft enough with posts complaining that they don’t want to be called queer, which is reasonable enough, isn’t it? Then the rhetoric on the posts about not wanting to personally be called queer changes and gets more aggressive. Then it’s about not calling other people queer at all because you don’t know if they want to be called that (even though, let me point at the above where you could just not include yourself in posts about queer people). It then turns more into complains about comparisons when it comes to reclaims, how it’s “totally not the same thing” to reclaim gay and lesbian as it is to reclaim queer (even though it is. It literally is the same thing as we are reclaiming our identities that have been wielded against us). At which point it just escalates into flat-out open exclusionism because uh actually there is no need to reclaim queer at all, LGBT suffices entirely because no other letters are needed and if you aren’t L, G, B or T then you can’t reclaim queer anyway.
A--and there it is, the toxic TERF and exclusionism mentality, saying what they really mean. They don’t want queer people to exist. Period. Only the nice, clean lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people (though in enough cases, if you continue scrolling, you’ll reach the part where they too will be excluded). No complicated, other identities, only the “proper” and “good” kinds, eh?
Reblogging queer positive posts and tagging them as “q slur” is just the conversation starter here. The rat-tail that follows the “q slur” tag is like a meticulously crafted conversation to turn other people away from queer and to instead turn them toward exclusionism and TERF ideology and it’s insidious.
Because yes, queer has been and most likely still is being used as a slur in many parts of the English speaking world. And I’m sure there are many people who are genuinely traumatized by the way others have used this word against them. But if people in fandom spaces can manage to blacklist characters and ships they dislike, then people with genuine triggers or people who take genuine personal offense at as much as seeing a word - regardless of its positive context - should also be capable of blacklisting and avoiding those for them upsetting words. Because tumblr gave you the tools to not have to even see it literal years ago at this point.
So, if you’re not taking these easy measures to avoid the word? It clearly doesn’t actually bother you all that much, I’d say, because otherwise you’d take measures to avoid having to see it and you most definitely wouldn’t go out of your way to put posts containing it onto your blog.
You chose to still see these posts containing the word, you chose to interact with these posts, you chose to reblog them and put them on your blog, but you still feel the need to tag it as “q slur” by not recognizing the difference between a word used as an actual slur and people talking about their own lived experience in a positive light, and there is literally absolutely not a single good-faith read on that left for me. At which point I am going to use the tools given to me by tumblr and block you to avoid you ever interacting with my queer posts again.
Because I’m a queer woman and I take offense in you calling my identity a slur.
Happy fucking pride to all queers. Exclusionists and TERFs die mad about it. 🌈
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gummiix · 2 years
ᯓ★ intro ! (updated semi-regularly. ish)
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I am largely fixated on Sonic the Hedgehog, so that’s what you’ll (usually) see most on this main blog.
My other interests here include: Splatoon, Gravity Falls, Spider-Verse, Kirby, My Little Pony (Gen 4), Super Mario, the Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Dungeon Meshi, anything The Last of Us, Pokémon (mostly just team rocket), and various other random console games.
All of these fandoms can be found in my featured tags. Meanwhile, sideblogs are usually shorter-term hyperfixes or things that breached containment here.
Side blogs (newest to oldest):
✩ detroit: become human -> @iheartandroids
✩ smiling friends -> @iheartsmilingays
✩ the amazing digital circus -> @iheartdigitalcircuses
✩ nimona (the movie) -> @iheartnimona
✩ rottmnt -> @iheartrise
✩ stim blog gifs, sounds/music, stim boards, web resources, etc -> @stimmii
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Stuff to note (BYF section):
~ I curse. Some nsfw jokes might be reblogged as well. I’ve tagged these as “#suggestive joke” in the past, but I started tagging them as “#suggestive” a while ago.
~ Mass likes/reblogs don’t bother me, don’t worry :]
~ I may spam-like/reblog other blogs though, randomly. I don’t mean to bother anyone, and it’s genuinely never personal. sometimes I simply go through a spiral of stuff I really like, and feel the need to catalogue it somehow. [If someone else’s blog seems currently more interesting than my dashboard, then it can be nice to use it.]
~ Sometimes I talk a LOT in the tags. Like a lot. Sorry. Sometimes I don’t talk at all though. Roulette. but honestly I am Not very good at holding myself back when I feel like it, so welcome to my mind if you feel like reading it
~ On my main, I reblog things relating to politics/light discourse; usually just some civil rights stuff. I don’t tag these categorically.
~ I have audhd, and reblog about struggles sometimes with “#nd things”. Also,
~ I use tone indicators for anything that I think might be confusing, but always spelt out. For example, “/sarcastic” or “/light-hearted.”
~ I’m pan & demisexual, and like most of tumblr generally reblog a bunch of random of queer stuff here. hiiya
~ My memory is faulty, meaning I may reblog the same thing multiple times without meaning to, or forget to respond to a message/ask. (more on that below . . .)
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Moot-to-Moot Communication:
~ l am genderqueer and use they/she/he, in order of preference. (When I say “alternation preferred”, I mean that I would greatly appreciate if you alternate between multiple of these pronouns for me, rather than choose one set forever. thank you mwa)
~ If we’re mutuals, feel free to strike up a conversation for any random reason!!
~ I might be a lil late to respond, but I promise no matter what I will see your message and be thinking about it. The Dysfunction does do uh. hit (and also the anxiety or memory issues. lots of that too)
Drawn demonstration by user cuptoast on twitter:
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~ feel free to just message me a lil reminder if I don’t get back to you after a day!! I prolly forgor t💀. Just a little “yo” or whatever you want is great, it helps a lot.
~ However, I usually start conversations with an ask. (It’s a little silly, but it’s easier for me to keep track of and less intimidating that way.) If you’d prefer, you can just respond to it in messages.
~ I’m following over 4000 blogs 🥲. This means I never really see moots on the dashboard, which means I don’t really interact except for once in a while, when I might FLOOD your posts with likes + reblogs ,:]
~ In any potentially unclear messages, I would very much appreciate tone indicators (or any other form of clarification :p.) I may just ask for the tone if I’m confused.
~ Just let me know if you want me to tag something for filtering out, like spoilers but also literally anything else.
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In general, I block freely who I don’t want to interact with; but with the current situations, I want to clarify my stances if it makes anyone more comfortable to know (or uncomfortable, so they can block me in advance.)
- I stand completely with Palestine and Palestinians for a ceasefire, and against genocide, displacement, Hamas, and the Israeli military or government. I reblog about Palestine news and history frequently, as well as approved Gofundme pages for Palestinian families seeking to evacuate.
- I am against proshipping, meaning that I am heavily against even the fictional fetishization of children, rape, zoophilia, or incest.
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𓆝 ⋆。
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THE END!!!! Thanks for reading. pow bam bang you get hearts!!!! 💥💥💥💕💘💗
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rainbowsky · 3 years
I feel like it would be better if everyone could just concentrate more on the projects GGDD are bringing out ( SDC and OOL for example) and less on political issues that's out of our hands. More of that positive engagement is what we need
If you prefer to look away from politics that is your right, but that's not something you have the right to ask of others. Especially considering that I tag every political post that I make, so there's no excuse for people seeing things they don't want to see (if you want to avoid political posts from my blog you can filter the "your political disengagement is a weapon against you" tag).
You have created a false dichotomy here anyway, because people are focusing on both. People are enjoying and loving GG and DD and their projects, while reflecting on politics surrounding them.
I believe personally that in order to have a truly balanced and healthy perspective on GGDD one must do both. However, not everybody is up for that emotionally or psychologically, and that's totally fine too.
I'm going to go over some points that I made about this topic a while back. This is a slightly revised version of what I've said in the past. I hope after reading this, Anon, you can understand why I don't find the approach you've proposed acceptable.
“BXG should stay away from politics”
While I understand some people get involved in fandom strictly for the enjoyment and escape, I don’t think it’s appropriate for those people to try to dictate how others approach things. As a politically-minded person, the idea of ‘staying away from politics’ - especially the idea of pressuring others to stay away from politics - goes against some of my most deeply held values.
There are also some fairly glaring problems with the idea that BXG should stay out of political discussions.
1] Making it socially unacceptable to care about politics is a means of ensuring people remain uninvested in what happens in the world.
‘Politics’ is a word that is often used to emotionally distance people from things that directly impact them. Labeling social issues as ‘politics’ and then making 'politics’ a dirty word is a psychologically manipulative practice that frames important, life-changing issues as tedious, negative and inappropriate pursuits. People might as well be saying, “Don’t trouble yourself with how the world is run, with how people treat each other, with what you’re allowed to do, say or think, with who is in charge of things or what decisions and actions they impose upon others.”
How convenient for the powers-that-be. How convenient for the status quo. A population that has a distaste for 'politics’ has a distaste for concerning themselves with their own interests. A population that has a distaste for politics will not only avoid thinking about how things are run, they will dissuade - often vociferously - other people from thinking or talking about those things as well.
When you make it socially unacceptable to think about issues that matter, you ensure that the people will never really question what’s happening, or demand change. You will ensure that people do not inform themselves or reflect on and develop their own ideas and values. You will ensure that people who try to stand up for themselves in a broader way will have little support, and will face bullying and stigmatization for their efforts.
2] Disinterest in politics reflects a level of privilege a lot of people don’t have.
When an issue of injustice comes up and someone’s response is, “I don’t want to talk about politics,” or “Let’s try to stay away from politics” in a very real way the message they are communicating to others is, “Whatever is happening to those people, I don’t care. My conversational discomfort in this moment is more important than the injustices those people are dealing with.”
The fact is, our actions and choices are inherently political. They reflect and often reinforce the sociopolitical structures we live within. The purchasing decisions we make, the media we consume, the ideas and policies we legitimize via our behavior - all of these things are political whether we know it or not.
The big difference between thinking of ourselves as political and thinking of ourselves as not political is that apolitical people are able to move through sociopolitical structures completely unconsciously, while others don’t have that luxury. Poor people, racialized people, immigrants, targeted minorities - none of these people have the luxury of ‘not caring about politics’. Their lives often depend on being deeply invested in what happens in the public and private sphere.
If you’re able to ‘not be interested’ in politics then you are a fortunate person indeed.
To people faced with injustice and inequality, politics can often be a question of their very right to exist, let alone thrive, in this world.
3] Editing politics out of discussions about GG and DD is a lot like erasing their queerness. It adapts them into a narrative that, while it may feel good for some fans, isn’t real.
It may make some fans more comfortable to edit out the parts of this fandom that are confusing or unsettling, but fans who prefer their perspective to be balanced and based on reality will just have to accept that this fandom will sometimes force us to reflect on things that aren’t so pleasant.
GG and DD are living under an authoritarian regime. They are frequently called upon to perform and present propagandistic ideas and projects. All of this just goes with the territory. If we refuse to explore and understand the political elements surrounding GG and DD we will be missing important context about them and and their lives.
The politics are relevant to the fandom. They are relevant to what we discuss, how and why. They are an inextricable element of GG and DD’s lives, and that necessarily makes them an inextricable element of any meaningful discussion of them and what they do.
4] If you share their propaganda posts and projects, you ARE being political.
I really feel the need to point out this obvious fact, because there appear to be some people who really don’t get it. GG and DD’s propaganda posts and projects are inherently political.
It is hypocritical and unreasonable to spread that propaganda and then tell people not to discuss it.
Having said all of that, there are simple ways to co-exist even if we disagree.
There are a lot of reasons why people participate in fandoms, and not everyone is in a mental or emotional place where they want to be exposed to political discussions, which can be stressful. Fandom can be a form of escapism, and a way to enjoy something light and fluffy without having too look too closely at the cracks in the facade.
That is a perfectly legitimate position to take on things, and people who don’t want to take part should be free to filter those things out of their feeds. Tagging political or stressful posts is a must.
However, what isn’t legitimate is telling other people that they shouldn’t be thinking about it or discussing it, or claiming that it doesn’t belong in the fandom. Respect needs to work both ways, and space needs to be given for people to pursue fandom in the ways that work best for them. 
BXG are a broad category of people with a broad range of interests, motivations and needs. It is possible for all of this diversity to harmoniously coexist, but that means respecting each other and working together. Tagging posts that we know some fans would rather not see is one excellent way of doing this. And that includes tagging posts that contain propaganda messages or projects, which can be offensive or triggering for people who have grown up under authoritarian regimes.
I also want to add a personal note here.
There are a lot of troubling things happening right now. A lot of people are feeling unsettled about it. One of the main ways in which people process and come to terms with difficult experiences is through talking about it and exchanging ideas with other people who care. It would be a huge disservice to a lot of fans who are struggling with what's happening to say, "You're not allowed to think or talk about this. Let's focus on other things."
One of the primary purposes of my blog from day one has always been to try to be supportive, particularly of marginalized people or people who are dealing with adversity. I want my blog to always be a place where people can feel safe to talk about the things that are on their mind.
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griseldagimpel · 3 years
Improving AO3: What Should Additional Metadata Restrictions Accomplish?
In my post on possible ways that AO3 could improve, one of my suggestions was stricter rules about metadata content, with “No racial slurs in the metadata” and “don’t negatively name users in the tags” given as examples. Alas, even something as deceptively simple as that proved to have many complications.
This isn’t a post about sorting out all of those complications. Instead, this is a post about what metadata restrictions (regardless of what they are) should accomplish and not accomplish, as well as some general musings on the topic.
Firstly, any additional metadata restrictions shouldn’t affect the vast majority of the metadata on AO3. Take the example of the Sexy Times fic that led to the new tag limit on AO3. Most fics weren’t affected by the new tag limit because most fics weren’t using hundreds of tags in the first place. By the same token, most metadata (in my experience) don’t contain racial slurs. Additional metadata restrictions should be about people who are being trolls (or at least are displaying an utter lack of common sense and/or common courtesy!)
Secondly, any additional metadata restrictions need to allow for nuance. Various slurs, racial and otherwise, have been reclaimed by some people but not others. And even if you haven’t reclaimed a slur, you can generally tell how a word is being used. By the same token, not all slurs (racial or otherwise) have the same impact. (And, of course, how much impact they have isn’t universal.) This nuance needs to be accounted for!
Thirdly, any additional metadata restrictions need to be comprehensible for a least the bulk of AO3′s fics. AO3 has over 7 million works in English, but that’s not the only language supported on the site. Any rules would not only need to account for the same word having different connotations in different languages but also that not all languages function the same way.
Fourthly, any additional metadata restrictions shouldn’t inhibit the conveyance of information about the fic. The purpose of metadata, after all, is to give prospective readers information about the fic they may or may not read. Metadata space shouldn’t be ridiculously hostile, but on the other hand, the metadata still needs to be able to properly describe the fic contents in a way that allows for author flexibility. (Tangent here: thinking about how some people use “queer” in a reclaimed manner and others do not, I wonder if there’s a way to generate a list of all canonical AO3 tags that use “queer” so that people who don’t like to see the word written at all can filter the use of those tags out.)
Fifthly, any additional metadata restrictions should be devised with consideration to what scenarios either occur on the site already or could plausible occur. Think of this as a counterpart the first and fourth point. With any additional metadata, there is a lot of valid nuance to consider. There’s no need to fret over scenarios that aren’t likely to occur.
Sixth, any additional metadata restrictions should NOT rely heavily on automation or a simple list of banned words. I’ve seen attempts to implement this. It’s not a desirable result.
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