#and i officially have no asterite
nessa-writes-stuff · 2 years
Im almost finished thank goodness, this has taken way too long
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hoonietual · 1 year
HERE'S WHERE I PROMITE HONKAI AGAIN FJDJDJSJSS (tho the gacha system does have problems. not because it's rigged but because all the newer characters NEED all of their gear; their signature weapon and three stigmata. and that gear comes from the gacha. there are f2p alternatives but they're so mid, you'd be better off just doing gacha. also the weapons are the only thing you should aim for)
honkai releases skins every version, or every other version it seems like. some skins are free from events (those skins don't have special effects) while others can be purchased. there is a system called the gacha pyramid where, if you gacha enough times, you'll eventually get the outfit. the paid skins get special effects.
sometimes, they will return previous skins in a system called "time capsule" where you can buy the skins for 30000 asterite (a free currency that you can farm)
a lot of the outfits are pretty but they also release the prototype designs and sometimes i like the prototypes more than the official outfits 💀💀 (it's been like that for the past few outfits actually)
if genshin released skins more consistently, i think it would be better
honkai is truly mihoyos favourite child
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asteriskheart · 3 years
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@asterites​ asked; plots please c:
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►  ❪  PLOTS  //  always accepting  ❫
Plot 1. First and foremost has to be Kairi. A while ago I put more thought into the culture on Destiny Islands and Radiant Garden, and ended up churning out a bunch of traditions, festivals, carnivals and holidays. These two can attend one of these! A fun event for the two of them to spend time, where Kairi can introduce Stella to a number of things or, in the case of RG, they can both discover more of the world's intricacies together. Plot 2. So I have an au for Kairi where she wandered into Castle Oblivion instead of Sora, and uh, let's just say Namine didn't restore her memories and as a result this Kairi is... more susceptible. She lives in the castle with Namine after Organization 13 is taken out by her, Riku, and the Replica, but they could leave and meet Stella or Stella could somehow wind up there. While Namine comes first, she'd grow attached to Stella. It's likely to turn into a different dynamic compared to the one in the main verse though. Plot 3. Classic myth verse interactions with Sora, or as you also know, Aether. He could come across Stella and find her familiar, eventually continuing to see her could lead to some of his memories slowly start to come back. He'd have to come to reconcile what happened all the way back during the Titanomachy and the resulting fallout that affected everyone involved. Plot 4. Normal things with Sora !  Tease him, chat with him, give off those big sis vibes !  They can hang out at the beach. He can let her try the dishes he’s made with Remy as an official taste tester. It's been a while since Sora participated in the sport, and Tidus always had the edge over him, but he could show off his skills in blitzball. They can have a very chill relationship, though if he ever heard of Stella's ideas to villanize to he'd heavily disapprove of it. The knife of that kind of betrayal stings a lot to him. Plot 5. So my Zack isn't from the ff7 remake or compilation, he's the kh version you see from bbs. After realizing RG was destroyed while he was off training, he essentially became a wandering mercenary across worlds, expanding his goal of becoming a hero and is working towards preventing events like that from happening again. There's different points during his timeline where he can run into her and it's pretty easy to start with something simple like having him fall into a bodyguard role of some type for Stella during his travels.
Plot 6. Like Zack, my Tifa is the kh counterpart and honestly these two can be just good friends, you know ?  She's constantly on the lookout for Cloud but she wouldn't mind stopping by to check on Stella to see how she's doing. Just don't tell her about any plans to destroy the world or something, it brings back bad memories of what happened to RG. Plot 7. Touching on gen.pact, I'd offer my verse for Meliodas. I've established in it that he's a known adventurer, but one who's rebuffed any recruitment attempts of the regular Fatui. While he doesn't explicitly detest archons  ( as he's had no direct contact with any to his knowledge )  he is disinterested in them and any god in general thanks to past experiences, so he holds a rather irreverent attitude towards them. As in, he'd sooner laugh in their faces before he'd ever kneel before one. Meeting the Tsaritsa wouldn't change that. Here's the kicker though. Stella and Meliodas have many similarities. Both are former representatives of 'love', fallen from grace so to speak after having done things that earned the ire of their people. Both have lost lovers, something that set them on their current paths. Both have a definite bone to pick with divinity. They have the capacity to relate to one another. Meliodas isn't looking for revenge yet  ( he's too busy trying to accomplish something else that has priority )  but there is an opportunity for a working relationship of sorts between them. Maybe even an expression of empathy towards each other's plights, if either ever bothered to divulge any of their past. Plot 8. Another gen.pact contender, the first shogun Makoto. Currently, she's living in a hairpin that's supposed to be in the care of a young girl, but for all I know through some stroke of sheer luck it could have made it's way to the Tsaritsa's hands. Makoto was never close to the cryo archon before her own death, but she could be curious enough about the abrupt shift in ideals to reveal herself. Needless to say, Makoto has doubts about Stella's plans and methods, and is a little saddened to see how she turned out after she showed promise when taking over the role of archon. Plot 9. Eclipsa is the opposite of Stella, firmly on the far end of the darkness end of the spectrum to Stella on the light end, and she is known as an evil queen  ( complete with a forbidden chapter of dark spells ), but she's not a bad person at all. Both pretty much look out for themselves, and are rather eccentric figures. Eclipsa is someone who makes guitars out of skeletons so she's not going to bat an eye at Stella's more occult fascinations, and may even make suggestions here and there. Plus she's got a lot of time on her hands after escaping her imprisonment in crystal which happened thanks her kingdom condemning her for falling in love with a monster and subsequently getting rid of him and their child. Why not spend it making some new friends ?
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