#and i never want mitch to leave but if the day ever comes when he does there are going to be a lot of people who realize they fucked up
eyes-above--the-waves · 5 months
Last year, Mitch Marner was literally leading the LEAGUE in Playoff points after the 1st round and people were still like 'who cares, he never shows up when it matters' (because that series didn't matter, I guess?), and now this year he hasn't scored yet and people are mad at him and saying he's useless so like...it doesn't actually matter how he performs. He could score a hatty while standing on his head and people would still complain that he only scored 3 goals so what's the point? I don't blame Mitch at all for saying he doesn't listen to outside voices. The outside voices are shit.
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
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Y/n applying lotion on his torso..!
It would be last minute..and he would run to her and be like
‘Be quick’
Ever since the couple has arrived to their hotel room, YN has been bugging him about applying sunscreen to his torso. Especially now more than ever since he chooses to basically go topless on stage (she'll never complain about that) while playing in an outdoor venue in Barcelona.
The first time she brought it up was in their hotel bathroom. Harry, fresh out of the shower with nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips, was busy untangling the necklaces around his neck when his wife comes into the room. She holds the bottle out to him with a suggestive tone and a raise of her brow.
He stands frozen for a second, eyeing the sunscreen with a contemplative hum before decidedly shaking his head.
"M'good, baby. Thank you."
She narrows her gaze at him, flickering her eyes from the bottle to her husband, before saying, "M'gonna bring it anyways."
YN turns on her heel but before she can fully leave the room, he reaches over and smacks the underside of her bum just to hear her squeak. He chuckles to himself when he sees her hand peek back into the room to show her middle finger at him.
The next time she brings up the sunscreen, is when he's doing a sound check later that day.
She watches from the sidelines, perched on top of an equipment box as she sits in on Harry and the Love Band rehearse before the show tonight. The yellow sunnies sitting on her face help block some of the glare from the bruiting sun reflecting from the massive stage. Everyone has the same idea along with shorts and some type of short sleeve top for their attire.
As much as YN loves to watch Harry in a white tank top, black Ray Bands, and a clip securing his curls on the top of his head, she wants nothing more than to sooth his tan skin with a protective layer of SPF.
While Harry talks some things over with Pauli and the horns ensemble, YN perks up when Sarah waves her over.
Harry's eyes flick over to his wife up on the platform with his drummer, helping apply lotion to the top of Sarah's back before going back to his conversation.
Soon enough, YN's offering sunscreen help to the rest of the band like a mom at a soccer game. Even Mitch rubs some over his arms while YN dollops a blob on his nose. Everyone happily accepts her offer...well, almost everyone.
When the band rehearses Grapejuice, Harry waltz up to where his wife sits as he sings, "There's never been someone else so perfect for me."
When she waggles the bottle in his face, he gives her a cheeky smile, playfully grabbing and tossing the bottle to the side. Before she can even get one word out in protest, he tugs her off her seat and pulls her in close as he sings.
She tries to pull away as he brings them to the middle of the stage, but his grip on her is strong.
His high notes go wobbly as he giggles, watching as YN gives up her efforts to escape. Eventually, she succumbs to his swaying and lopsided smile and slow dances with her husband for the rest of the song.
The last time she brings up the sunscreen is in his dressing room. And this time around, she doesn't ask.
Harry is already dressed for the stage and was busy tying his shoe laces when his wife's heels come into view. Not even a second later, so does that damn sunscreen bottle.
"Put it on."
"M'fine. I don't need it." Harry tries to reason. "It's gonna be night time when I'm performing out there anyways."
He holds back the temptation to smile at her stubborn look but he knows that'll only make her frustrated. But given that the cute pinch in her brow is already there, he guesses there's no point in trying to hide his smirk.
Plus, it's really hard to not already have a pleased expression at the sight of her in a silk blue dress that was only waiting to be taken off of her body by the end of the night.
"I don't care. Put on the fookin' lotion."
"Your chest has been red since the last show."
"You look beautiful."
"You're getting sunburned!"
"No m'not."
Before he can get another out, YN presses the pad of her index finger into the a spot by the one of the shallows tattooed on his chest and he hisses at the sting from his inflamed skin. He bats her hand away and notices how the yellow imprint from her finger slowly fades back to red. Despite the clear indication that she's right, he still doesn't say anything.
Even married, he can't let go of his pride to being wrong to his love. He's denied her of her help all day that it would only embarrass him and make him look bad if he gives in now.
Knowing this herself, YN tucks her lips in with a shrug. She places the bottle on the vanity and decides to leave the matter alone. She tried, and if he needs to have aloe vera be applied to his skin when it begins to peel, well, he could do that himself.
Despite how frustrated, irritated or upset the two might be at each other before a show, they're never ones of break their traditional pre-show ritual.
She cups his face and presses a short kiss to her husband's lips.
"Have fun out there. You're gonna do great. I love you."
His mouth opens to say something, anything, as she turns to walk out the room, but no words come out. Instead, he's left to finish getting ready with the icky feeling of guilt settling in and that damn bottle staring back at him.
Before the show starts, YN and her manager, Jenny, walk backstage to get to their designated spot in the pit for family and friends. She turns her head to the sound of feet hitting the pavement and a call of her name.
She furrows her brows when she sees Jeff and her husband running up to her, his cropped blue vest in hand instead of on his torso.
"What's wrong? Everything alright?" YN's voice is laced with concern given that he's supposed to be moments away from being on stage.
"Be quick." He pants out of breath. She's confused for a moment at what he could possibly mean. It's when she looks at what he's shoved in her hand that it finally clicks. She's quickly popping the cap off the bottle and squirting some lotion in the palm of her hand. After handing the sunscreen to her manager, she rubs her hands together before lathering up his torso, his abs, his chest--anywhere she can cover.
"Aw did you have to put on a little sunny-screen because your mummy told you to?" Jeff teases in a baby voice before breaking out in a laugh, only to receive a slap on the arm from Jenny.
YN doesn't even hit him back with a witty comment. Too smug, smiley and occupied with smoothing the lotion over her husband's broad shoulders and down his arms to care. So much so, that she doesn't even notice when Lloyd takes a few quick pictures of the couple before running off to take his place on stage.
She rubs the remaining bits of lotion over the apples of his cheeks, his t-zone, and his nose before taking hold of his face to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
"Okay, yeh all set."
He shakes his head at the smugness written all over her beautiful features. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone how he always folds for her in the end, no matter how strong headed both of them are.
"You're lucky I love you."
"Please, you're the lucky one."
"Damn right I am," He grins at her giggle as he pulls her back in for another kiss. Too enthroned and stupidly in love with this woman, he doesn't think twice about cupping her cheek with one hand while his arm circles around her waist, deepening what was supposed to be a short and sweet kiss.
"Um, H?" Jeff calls after a moment. "You got a show to do, remember?"
"Mhm, yeah." Harry mumbles out of the corner of his mouth to not completely break the kiss, fully enclosing himself around his wife while her arms go around his neck. "Be there in a sec."
Jenny's back is the the couple, her hands clasped together as she looks up at the ceiling to give them their privacy. She already knows that its best to just let them be than trying to break them apart; for Harry's shows anyway. But when it comes for her singer, she's hustling YN to be on stage, ready to perform, and on time.
Jeff on the other hand is looking down the empty hallway, anxiously looking at the watch on his wrist before scratching at his brow. He spares a glance at the two with a pained expression.
"You Love Birds need to go on a second honeymoon or some something, you horny fucks."
"Way ahead of you, Jeffery."
Harry give a lopsided grin at YN's words, pressing another smearing kiss to her lips. The two weeks they used for their honeymoon back in January was barely enough time for anything before having to go back on their respected world tours. With both of their show numbers decreasing by the week, the married couple plans to go MIA for a very long time: drinking wine at their private villa in Italy, walking along the shore at their getaway beach house in Malibu, tangled under the sheets in their bedroom in France.
From their spot backstage, they can hear the field full of fans begin to scream in excitement as the intro video plays. Desperate, Jeff turns to the wife for some complacency. "Mrs. Styles? Unless you want your husband to be out of a job in the next 60 seconds?"
YN pulls away with a smile, biting her lip as her husband looks down at her like he's one kiss away from canceling the show.
"Think of me when you're out there." She closes her eyes when he bumps their foreheads together, nearly melting when he rubs their noses together; a soft and loving gesture despite the dirty thoughts swimming in his head.
"Always." Harry answers easily, bringing her hand to his lips and presses a kiss to the rock on her finger.
With a new sense of spunk and pump to be on stage, Harry throws a sly wink to his wife before maneuvering around her and walks towards the stage. YN's eyes linger on his back muscles as he lifts his arms in the air, looping them through the arm holes in his cropped vest.
His words are cheeky and light as he says over his shoulder, "You coming, Jeffery?"
SINCE 2010 masterlist
@ashtongivesmebutterflies @cacapeepee @harianaswhore @gxbiqs @mvaldez7821 @yourfavplayboybunny @drewrry @thurhomish @roseke @majasophieanna @lilfreakjez @rach2699 @renatavieira
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
can we get some brothers best friend action with will?
where reader is mitch marner’s twin sister, and for as long as every one can remember, william and reader have always silently swooned and liked one another, and constantly blatantly flirted with each other. but reader had a long-term boyfriend, who might i add is/was super toxic and she physically couldn’t break up with him in fear he’d hurt her… so when they eventually did break up after he had done something bad to her, she ran to will’s apartment, not knowing who else to go to.
“No, I’m not leaving you like this.” Will
“Just tell me what you want.” Will
“I want you.” Reader
Absolutely, we can! Well, at least I hope we can 💓
I tried to portray your idea, but I wasn't sure if I made it too heavy 😅 I'm typically not into darker themes, but I found my thoughts naturally drifting in that direction 💓😉
If there was meant to be more of a smutty undertone, please let me know - I believe there could be a continuation, but I didn't feel it would mesh well with the dramatic scene 😉
Tropes & warnings; friends to lovers; mild abusive!boyfriend, toxic relationship; language, hurt emotions; happy ending, I promise!
Word count; 3.1K
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50, @findapenny
Storm & Thunder - “No, I’m not leaving you like this!” I William Nylander
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For as far back as anyone could recall, there's been an undeniable connection between you and William Nylander. Growing up as Mitch Marner's twin sister, your life was closely linked to his from the early days of being drafted. And ever since the chemistry between you and William was unmistakable, simmering quietly beneath the surface like a promise yet to be fulfilled.
It all started innocently enough, with playful teasing and banter exchanged during family dinners and time spent in the hockey community. Initially, you were just friends; William saw you as nothing more than his good friend’s sister, and you were happy with that. However, as time passed, something changed between you, developing into a deeper, more significant bond.
It was in the stolen glances across crowded rooms, the gentle touches when passing each other in the hallway of the training arena or after games, and the way your heart would skip a beat whenever he flashed his trademark smirk at you.
And you knew you weren't alone in sensing the magnetic attraction between you. William's gaze lingered a fraction longer than necessary, his smile slightly softer when directed at you. Though neither of you dared to articulate your feelings, the truth was apparent in the way your bodies drew closer together, pulled by an invisible force that seemed to strengthen with each passing day.
Even your friends and family couldn't deny the vibe. They shared knowing glances whenever you and William were in the same room, nudging each other with sly smiles as if to say, "I knew it."
But despite the undeniable chemistry and the encouragement from those around you, something held you back—a silent agreement that neither of you dared to break. Maybe it was the fear of messing up a good thing, or perhaps it was the uncertainty of what lay beyond the boundaries of your friendship. Mitch had never outright forbidden you from dating his teammates, but there was a lingering sense of loyalty, a feeling that taking things further with William might upset the delicate balance of your relationships.
So, you and William circled around each other, caught in a never-ending game of cat and mouse where the stakes were higher than either of you cared to admit.
Timing, in particular, had never been on your side.
Despite the undeniable connection between you and William, there was one unsurmountable obstacle standing in the way - your boyfriend, Marc, who cast a dark shadow over your life.
At first, Marc seemed like a dream come true. As the true gentleman he was, he showered you with attention, affection, and gifts, making you feel incredibly fortunate. The sex between you was nothing but amazing and intense, dare you say, almost addictive. And his presence in your life gradually expanded, until it felt like he was a permanent fixture in your small studio apartment.
However, as time passed, his once-charming facade began to crack. He became possessive, demanding, and controlling, suffocating you with his actions and leaving scars deeper than any physical wound could. You weren’t allowed to socialise freely with your friends, your work hours were restricted to 9-5, and attending hockey games was only permitted on weekends, if at all.
You attempted to break free from his grip numerous times, but each effort only seemed to tighten the chains that bound you to him. Marc wielded power over you with precision, manipulating your emotions and exploiting your vulnerabilities until you felt unworthy of anything better.
He was a skilled manipulator, a true narcissist who thrived on exerting dominance over you, leaving you feeling powerless and isolated in your suffering.
You weren’t entirely naïve, though. Deep down, you did recognise your own worth. You knew you deserved love, respect, and care. Yet, the fear of Marc's anger, his violent outbursts, and the harsh words he directed at you, kept you ensnared in a cycle of psychological abuse and manipulation.
The thought of what he might do if you tried to break free, of the repercussions that would surely follow if you dared to defy him, was unbearable. So, you remained, trapped in a prison of your own creation, suffocating under the weight of a love that had turned toxic long ago. And as days melted into weeks, and weeks into months, you began to lose hope that you would ever find a way to escape his grasp and reclaim your life.
Yet, even in the darkest moments, amid the suffocating despair, there was a glimmer of hope—a lifeline that you clung to with all your strength. And that lifeline came in the form of William Nylander, the Swedish figure who had always seen beyond the façade you'd constructed around yourself and into the depths of your true self.
He understood the truth, perhaps better than anyone else. Not even Mitch, your own twin, could grasp the extent of your suffering, but William did. He noticed the faint bruises beneath your sleeves, the forced smiles that failed to reach your eyes, and the way you flinched at the slightest unexpected noise. Although Marc had never physically harmed you, his tendency to grab onto you had left marks on your arms.
"Try and leave him, y/n/n – we’re all here for you," William would gently urge you, his voice a comforting salve to your wounded spirit, fully aware that leaving wasn't an easy choice for you to make.
"I-I can't, Willy," you'd sob, tears choking your voice as you sought refuge in his embrace, your heart burdened with the dread of what awaited you at home.
William grasped the complexities of your predicament and proceeded with caution, never pushing you beyond your boundaries but always offering steadfast support.
Through every tear and every outburst, he remained by your side, a guiding light in the darkness threatening to engulf you. His mere presence dispelled the shadows, reminding you that you weren't alone in your struggles. 
Though you struggled to articulate your gratitude, he didn't need to hear the words. His deeds spoke volumes, a silent vow that he would never desert you, no matter how fierce the storm raged around you.
And as days turned into weeks, you found solace in William's companionship, seeking refuge in the warmth of his embrace and the security of his apartment nearly every day. With Marc increasingly absent, claiming to be preoccupied with his newfound interest in golf with his co-workers – or so he called her – your time with William became more frequent and precious. You even managed to spend more time at the Ford Performance Center and the Scotiabank Arena along with the rest of the players and friends.
In those moments, surrounded by his laughter and the camaraderie of the team, you experienced a peace that had long eluded you. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, you could smile without the weight of the world pressing down on you, laugh without fearing retaliation, and simply be yourself without the suffocating presence of your toxic boyfriend looming over you.
It felt liberating. It felt like the right path. And as you snuggled closer to William on his spacious sofa one evening, his reassuring presence soothing your tired soul, you dared to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, there was hope for a brighter tomorrow.
However, the next night, everything collapsed like a house of cards.
It began like any other disagreement, a petty argument over insignificant matters that somehow escalated into a full-blown confrontation. How it had started was a blur, lost in the fog of anger and frustration that clouded your mind. But as the voices grew louder, so did the intensity of your emotions.
Marc's accusations struck deep, his words piercing your heart like daggers. He blamed you for spending too much time with the Maple Leafs and their partners, alleging that your passion for hockey was abnormal and unhealthy. But you knew the truth. He was simply envious of your brother's success, resentful of the bond you shared with Mitch, and the happiness you derived from supporting him at the arena where you had spent countless years together.
And in that moment, something within you snapped. Years of suppressed frustration and bitterness erupted to the surface, igniting a tempest of emotions that threatened to engulf you both. You couldn't stand by and allow him to diminish the one thing that brought you happiness, the one thing that had been a constant source of comfort and support throughout your life.
With tears streaming down your cheeks and your heart pounding in your chest, you found yourself standing up to him in a way you never thought possible. It was as if you had grown wings, emboldened by his words and fuelled by a newfound sense of defiance. You refused to let him dictate the terms of your life any longer, to control what brought you joy and fulfilment.
In a voice filled with determination, you shouted back at him, each word echoing like a battle cry against the tyranny of his dominance. Though your hands trembled, and your knees threatened to give way, you stood your ground, unwilling to yield in the face of his aggression.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, you felt a glimmer of hope kindle within you, a beacon of light in the darkness that had threatened to consume you.
“Why the fuck do you even care, Marc? You're always at work, with your colleagues, or with some other whore you've picked up! You don't even love me; you don't even want to fuck me! Why can't you just leave me alone? I don't want you in my life! You're not some gift from God to the wor-"
And then it happened. Like a bolt of lightning, as the words poured from your lips, fuelled by years of pent-up frustration and resentment, Marc silenced you with a swift, forceful slap across your cheek.
The sting was sharp, cutting through your skin like a hot iron. Your hand instinctively rose to cradle the tender flesh, the red mark a painful testament to the violence just inflicted upon you. Tears streamed down your cheeks unchecked, your eyes swollen and puffy as the reality of the situation began to sink in.
The room descended into silence, as the only sound was the distant hum of the city beyond. You stood frozen, unable to move as shock and fear gripped you in their icy hold. Your mind screamed at you to flee, to escape the danger lurking in his gaze, but your body remained rooted to the spot.
Then, you noticed it—the spark of something sinister igniting in his eyes, a predatory glint that sent a chill down your spine. And suddenly instinct took over, adrenaline flooding your veins as your heart raced in your chest. Without hesitation, you turned and ran.
The fight-or-flight response kicked in, and in that moment, flight was your only recourse. Your feet pounded against the pavement, carrying you forward with a speed you didn't know you possessed. You had to get away, to break free from the toxic and perilous situation that had ensnared you for too long.
And as you vanished into the night, seeking refuge from the tempest raging both inside and out, you knew there was only one place you could go: to William's.
You knew you must have looked a sight: eyes swollen and puffy, tears still tracing down one cheek, the other flushed red from Marc's blow. Rain had soaked your hair, leaving it a tangled mess against your face, while your sweater clung damply to your body. Even your homey sandals couldn't escape the rain, their socks sodden from your frantic escape.
The train journey dragged on, each stop feeling like an eternity. Anxiety gripped you tighter with every passing moment, your mind overrun with a whirlwind of thoughts and fears. You couldn't help but keep checking over your shoulder, heart pounding with the dread of Marc following you.
And upon arriving at your destination, you wasted no time, hastening towards the familiar safety of William's apartment building. Fortunately, the guard recognised you despite your dishevelled state, offering a sympathetic smile as he opened the door, though you were too consumed by your turmoil to acknowledge his kindness.
Breathless and trembling, you rode the lift to the upper floor, each second feeling like an eternity as your heart continued to race in your chest. The journey blurred by, your mind struggling to process the night's events and the enormity of what had just occurred.
And finally, you stood before William's door, your hand hesitating for a moment before instinct propelled you to knock softly against the wood. As you waited for him to answer, a single plea echoed in your mind: please, let him be home.
"Y/n? Shit, what's happened?" William's voice was filled with concern as he swung the door open, taking in your dishevelled appearance. "Fuck, come in."
But you were frozen, your body unable to respond as the realisation dawned that you might finally be safe, yet still unable to shake off the shock.
And William sensed the gravity of the situation, approaching you with cautious steps, mindful not to startle you further. He stood calmly, giving you the space, you needed to ease out of the grip of the adrenaline rush.
Words caught in your throat, the weight of the ordeal bearing down on you heavily. You wanted to explain, to recount the nightmare that had unfolded, but fear and uncertainty barricaded your words. Yet, as you stood there, trembling and teetering on the edge of collapse, William's reassuring presence began to seep into your core, offering the comfort you so desperately needed.
"It's... Marc," you managed to choke out, tears once again streaming down your cheeks. "He— he hurt me..."
The words hung in the air, the truth settling heavily between you like a dark cloud. In that moment, William's expression transformed, a mix of anger and concern contorting his features.
"What?" he exclaimed sharply, his eyes flashing with fury. "He hit you?"
"Yes... I'm... I'm sorry... I didn't know... where else to go..." you whispered.
William felt a fire ignite within him at the revelation, a fierce protectiveness washing over him as he fought the urge to seek retribution against the man who had dared to lay a hand on you. But he knew that now wasn't the time for vengeance. Now was the time to comfort you, to ensure your safety and well-being above all else.
So, with gentle motions, he wrapped an arm around you and slowly guided you into his condo, his presence a comforting shield against the turmoil. Seating you on the sofa, he enveloped you in his embrace, his touch offering solace amidst the chaos.
Though familiar with such scenarios, tonight felt weightier than usual. Your boyfriend's actions had crossed a line, and it was time for decisive action. William simply couldn't bear seeing you in such distress any longer. You, whom he loved so deeply, deserved nothing but happiness. And he was determined to see that you received it.
And with every passing second, his soft whispered reassurances began to ease the tension, as he draped a blanket over your shoulders, and you felt a warmth spreading through you.
However, as you sat there, enveloped in the comforting silence, guilt gnawed at your insides like a relentless beast.
"I'm so sorry, Willy... I-I didn't mean to ruin your evening," you spoke softly, regret tingeing your voice.
"Hey, you're not ruining anything," William replied, his tone tender and reassuring, yet you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze.
"Yes, I am... I'm always just intruding on your life with all my problems," you sighed heavily, the weight of your burdens pressing down on you. "You should just leave me alone, Willy... I'm just 50 shades of fucked up..."
"No, I'm not leaving you like this," William interjected firmly, his voice brooking no argument.
"Please, I don't want to be a burden to you anymore..." you pleaded, your voice tinged with desperation, a bit louder this time.
"Then what do you want?" William asked, his gaze unwavering as he searched your face for answers.
"I-I don't know..." you admitted, feeling lost and uncertain amidst your turmoil.
"Come on, y/n, just tell me what you want," William urged, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions.
And then, in a moment of raw vulnerability, the words spilled from your lips without hesitation.
"I want you," you confessed, your voice stronger than a whisper, finally meeting his gaze.
"You have me... You've always had," William replied softly, meeting your eyes with unwavering sincerity.
"No, I want to be with you, Willy..."
In that moment, as your eyes locked, a wave of comfort washed over you, a sense of peace settling over your troubled soul like a gentle caress.
You had finally vocalised what you'd been longing to say for so long, the ties with your boyfriend holding you back now severed. But now, you were free. And your first act of freedom was to express to William how deeply you desired him.
"I'm sorry... I just... I know I've been nothing but a burden to you all these years," you confessed, attempting a half-smile. "But... I've always... I've always been in love with you... I guess I've just never... been able to say it... out loud."
It was a tremendous relief, and you felt the weight lift from your shoulders. And as much as joy stirred within you, William too released a sigh he'd been holding onto for years.
"I'm in love with you too, y/n... I always have been," he revealed, flashing you a tender smile, before he gently leaned his forehead against yours, his hand tenderly caressing your cheek. "I love you so much, and all I want is for you to be happy."
Drawing back slightly, you locked eyes with his deep ocean blue gaze. "You make me happy, Willy... You always have," you exhaled softly. And with the floodgates open, you couldn't contain the emotions any longer. "You've always been there for me... and I can't put into words how much it's meant... you're my soulmate..."
William offered you a wider smile, his lips drawing closer to yours. "And you're mine..."
It was the moment you'd yearned for, and now, after an evening filled with thunder and heartache, the universe had healed the wounds and guided you to where you truly belonged: with William Nylander. And as your lips met in a tender kiss, sharing the warmth of your breath, you knew without a doubt that you had finally come home.
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
auston leaving the arena and noticing you and your friends waiting outside to meet the players or sum and he’s literally like love at first sight and starts flirting and gets ur number 😭 lmao for us realistic toronto girlies obvs - ⛽️
hehe obvs😋❤️ thanks for feeding into my delusions🥰 Auston Matthews x f!reader
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You stood next to your friends, your hands in your jacket pocket as you shivered from the cold. It was near the start of the season and the weather in Toronto was getting colder by the day--fitting for the sport, but not for you as you stood outside the arena in hopes of meeting the players.
"Guys--I don't know if it's worth it anymore--"
"Y/N I don't think you get it," your friend Emily started. "If I don't meet Mitch Marner before I go back to BC--I'm gonna dig my own grave," she said with such seriousness in her voice--yet her teeth were also chattering from the cold. Emily had moved to BC soon after she got her masters and she was only back in town for a little bit for her mom's birthday and to watch the game.
She was a huge fan to say the least. Growing up watching the NHL and even playing for her local girls team. Unlike you--you had only got into it recently, never having that same influence while growing up.
"You can't reason with a girl in love," your other friend Olivia mused with a laugh. You merely roll your eyes and dig your hands further into your pocket.
"I just don't think they're gonna come ou--oh my god," you breath our, your jaw dropping as you see two men resembling Mitch and Auston in the distance coming out of a back door.
"Oh my God!!" Emily screeched, jumping up and down. "Miiiitchhh!"
Mitch being the ever sweet golden retriever he is, excitedly walked over while Auston begrudgingly dragged behind him with a sigh. He was tired, his body aching from a harsh slam he took and all he wanted was to grab dinner with Mitch at their favourite restaurant before going home and collapsing into his bed with Felix by his side.
Mitch with a wide smile, approached Emily, feeding off of her excitement as he spoke to her and entertained her with a selfie.
Meanwhile, Auston was about to let out an annoyed breath when his eyes wandered over to you, unable to tear his gaze away. He was captivated by your beauty, your warmth radiating even in the chilly evening air. As Mitch continued chatting with Emily, Auston excused himself, making his way toward you where you stood off to the side watching your friends interact.
"So you're not a fan of Mitchy's?" he teased in question playfully, causing your eyes to widen in panic.
"Oh no I--I am!" you stutter in defence, your cheeks burning up at the accusation. "I'm just a new fan and didn't wanna seem like...a fake one," you admit bashfully, looking away.
Auston smirked, his confidence radiating off of him as he watched you squirm. If he was honest, he thought it was adorable and he loved how sincere you sounded.
"You didn't grow up with the game I'm assuming?" he asked, wanting to know more about you.
"Yeah...my parents are from a hot country...hockey is probably the last sport they'd be interested in," you say with a laugh. "So that's why my knowledge is limited."
He laughed and gave you a slight nod. "Well, you don't have to worry about that with me," Auston replied, leaning casually against the wall next to you. "I won't judge you for being a new fan. In fact, I think it's great that you're getting into the sport."
You couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement as Auston continued to flirt with you. His charming smile and the way he effortlessly carried himself made it hard for you to resist his charm.
"Thanks," you replied, trying to hide your growing smile. "You're a lot more cute in person," you breathed out, your cheeks heating up immensely at your admission.
Auston's smirk widened, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, so now we're moving on to compliments, huh?" he teased, his voice laced with playful sarcasm. "Well, I have to say, you're not so bad yourself. Actually, you're more than just cute. You're downright stunning."
Your heart fluttered at his words, a blush spreading across your cheeks. You had never expected Auston Matthews, a professional hockey player and known heartthrob, to flirt with you so openly. It was an exhilarating feeling, and you found yourself getting caught up in the moment.
As you go to respond, Mitch walks over and interrupts. "Hey--I made the rounds. We can go now."
You reluctantly tore your gaze away from Auston, feeling a mix of disappointment and anticipation for what could have been. Mitch's interruption reminded you that this encounter was likely just a fleeting moment, and you had to make the most of it.
"It was nice meeting you," you smiled.
Mitch looked between the two of you with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow, catching on to the flirty tension. "Wait--aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friend?" he teased.
At that, Auston's eyes widened. "Shit--I never caught your name," he pointed out with a bashful smile. Mitch rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Y/N," you giggled in response.
"Did you at least get her number?" Mitch asked, Auston shaking his head no. "Dude! It's like you have no game!"
"I was working on it!" Auston exclaimed.
Mitch scoffed and shook his head in feign disappointment as he snatched Auston's phone out of his hand, unlocking it and opening up his contacts. "No clearly you've lost your skills and I gotta be your dating coach now," he continued to tease, before he handed the phone to you to put in your information.
You continued to giggle as you did just that while Auston blushed madly.
As you entered your name and number into Auston's phone, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Mitch's playful teasing added to the lighthearted atmosphere, and you found yourself growing more comfortable in their presence.
"There you go, Auston," you said with a mischievous smile as you handed the phone back to him. "Now you can call or text me anytime."
Auston's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, but he flashed you a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. I'll definitely be in touch."
Mitch raised an eyebrow and nudged Auston. "See, buddy? It's not that hard."
Auston rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his expression. "Yeah, yeah, Coach Marner. I'll try to step up my game."
You looked off to the side, noticing your friends were now the ones waiting for you. "I think I've gotta go...like I said, it was nice meeting you," you smiled, taking the courage to step forward and press a light kiss to his cheek. "You guys played amazing tonight," you say softly and with sincerity.
As you pulled away from the gentle kiss on Auston's cheek, you noticed a flicker of surprise in his eyes, followed by a genuine smile. "I'll text you."
"I'll hold you to it, Matthews."
542 notes · View notes
hischierdevils · 2 years
Ruin The Moment | M.M.
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note: this song reminded me of mitch
summary: you take mitch as your date to a wedding but your ex is there and has questions
warnings: shitty ex, fluff, slight angst
wc: 1.4K
“Congratulations! It was a beautiful ceremony.” Mitch shakes your older brother’s hand before hugging your new sister in law. 
“Thanks, man.” Your older brother pulls you in for a hug. “It’s about time the two of you got together.” He says as he looks at you and Mitch standing next to each other. Mitch matched the color of his tie to your dress and he looked absolutely amazing in his suit.
Mitch had been your best friend since your first day at Blyth Academy. Everyone that knew the two of you had expected you to get together at one point but you never did. Mitch’s first love was always hockey and you didn’t want to pull him away from his dream. 
Cue the shock when you arrived at your brother’s wedding with Mitch as your date. You’re pretty sure your mother had tears in her eyes when she said hello to you. The only person that didn’t seem happy to see the two of you together was the best man, Jake. He also happened to be your ex-boyfriend. 
“Hopefully you’ll be the next bride.” Your new sister in law says as she hugs you. 
You smile at her as you glance over at Mitch. “I think it’s too early for that.” Even as you say it, you know he’s the only man you could ever picture walking down the aisle toward.
“Let’s get a picture of the four of you.” Your mom comes up behind you with her phone, motioning you and Mitch to stand by your brother and his bride. Mitch puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. You place your hand on his chest as you smile at your mom. “You all look so good.” She cries. 
“Mom, it’s their day.” You laugh as you move away from Mitch. His hand catches yours and he intertwines your fingers before you can get too far away from him. “The reception is about to start, let’s go find our seats.” You tell him. 
You and Mitch were sitting at a table with six of your brother and sister in laws single friends since you added him as a plus one at the last minute. Mitch wasted no time in introducing the two of you to everyone at the table and chatting everyone up. 
It’s not until after the first dance when the bridal party sits down do you realize that Jake has a perfect view of you and Mitch from his seat. He obviously watches the two of you during the speeches and even makes a joke during his own about how his friendship with your brother survived dating his sister. 
Your brother looks at Mitch apologetically but Mitch shrugs it off, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “You okay, y/n?” He whispers in your ear. 
“I’m fine.” You assure him before sipping on your champagne. “I’m glad you’re here with me.” 
He smiles and leans over to kiss your forehead. “There’s nowhere I'd rather be.”
After dinner, Mitch leaves you to find a bathroom before making you promise to dance with him. As if you could ever tell him no. As soon as Mitch is out of sight, Jake drops into his empty seat. “Nothing to worry about, huh?” 
You roll your eyes before turning your head to look at him. You’re a little surprised to feel nothing when you look into his green eyes. Blue is a little more your color now. “Mitch and I were just friends when you and I were together.” You explain. 
“Yeah, okay.” Jake huffs. “You ditched me for him anytime he was in town. I don’t know why I stayed so long.”
“You cheated on me.” You remind him through gritted teeth. “What does it matter now anyway?” 
“I just want you to admit that I'm not entirely at fault, y/n.” Jake tries to place his hand on top of yours but you pull away from him. “We were so good when we were good.”
“But we were usually bad.” You say, remembering the arguments, the sleepless nights on the couch. 
“I was jealous of him.” Jake says motioning to Mitch’s name tag at the table. “Clearly for good reason.” 
“You treated me like shi-”
“Excuse me.” Mitch’s voice sounds behind you as you feel a large hand rest on your shoulder. “I’d like to dance with my girl.” 
You allow Mitch to lead you to the dance floor and you eagerly step into his embrace as he holds you for a slow song. “I should’ve known he’d try something.” Mitch murmurs in your ear. 
“It’s fine.” You insist. “I’m fine.” 
“Y/n, if you just told your brother…” 
“They’ve been friends just as long as you and I have.” You tell him. “I don’t want to come between them.” 
Mitch rests his chin on the top of your head as the two of you sway back and forth. “If your brother knew the way Jake treated you he wouldn’t want to be his friend.” You rest your head on his shoulder. Deep down, you’re not so sure that that’s true. Your brother and Jake have always been close. Sometimes you wonder if he knew how awful Jake was to his girlfriends. 
As the night continues and Mitch gets more alcohol inside of him, he starts losing pieces of his outfit. First it’s the suit jacket, and then his tie. On his third trip back from the bathroom he’s missing his belt. 
“Looks like you’re going to have your hands full tonight.” Your sister in law jokes as Mitch attempts to grind on you. “He can’t keep his hands off of you.”
You blush as you wrap your arms around his neck. “He’s affectionate enough without alcohol.” You laugh. Deep down you love how handsy he is, but he doesn’t need to know that right at this moment. 
“You look beautiful tonight, y/n/n.” Mitch whispers in your ear as you dance together. He keeps you close to him all night, spinning you around the dance floor and kissing your forehead or cheeks any chance he gets. 
When you finally decide to call it a night, Mitch holds your hand and skips to your car. “You should drink, I drove.” He tells you as he opens the driver side door for you. 
You laugh and kiss his cheek. “I will drive, yes. Can you get in the car okay?” 
“Yeah, watch!” Mitch happily sprints around your car and opens the passenger door, effectively hitting himself in the face. “Shit.” 
“Oh my god, Mitchy.” You run around the car and place your hands on his face as you inspect him for any blood. “Are you okay?” 
He gives you a dopey grin. “I’m fine now that you’re here.” 
You roll your eyes and help him up. “C’mon let's get you home.” Once he’s safely in the car you get in the driver’s seat. 
As you drive, Mitch sings along with the radio and you fall in love with him even more as he sings your favorite song to you. “You know, this would be a perfect wedding song.” He tells you seriously. 
“Oh yeah?” You laugh as you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. “First dance or walk down the aisle?” 
“First dance for sure.” He smiles at you. “You’d look so good in a wedding dress.” Your heart soars as Mitch continues to talk about what he would do for his hypothetical wedding. 
When you pull into his driveway, he slumps in his seat. “Do you need help?” You ask as you’re already reaching over to undo his seatbelt. 
“No, I'm just not ready for this night to end.” He turns his head toward you and for a moment you think he’s going to kiss you. “Thanks for letting me be your fake date tonight.” 
Reality washes over you as you watch your best friend reach for the door handle. You consider admitting your feelings to him for a moment but decide that it’s not the right time. It never is. “Of course, Mitchy. Thanks for coming with me tonight.”
He reaches over to boop your nose with his finger before he opens the door. “I’ll always be here for you.” He gets out of the car and gives you a little wave. “Good night, y/n.” 
“Good night.” You reply before he shuts the door and starts walking toward his front door. “I love you.” 
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merrybloomwrites · 1 year
You Can Start a Family (Chapter 10)
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Summary: Love on Tour comes to an end, and new relationships begin in Italy.
Previous Chapters: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine
CW: Smut
This is the final chapter of this main story! But don't worry, I have lot's of plans for blurb/ one shots. Check out my last post here for more details about that. And please send me requests!!
Thank you to everyone who has read this story! It's the first things I've ever published like this and the feedback has truly been wonderful. I hope you enjoy this last chapter.
The second week of traveling Europe and going to shows is just as wonderful as the first. Maybe even more so. You’re more comfortable with everyone, having become friends with the whole band and a fair number of crew members. Things have calmed down slightly, and you learn that there was a lot of extra craziness surrounding the Slane and Wembley shows. Everyone has a bit more free time now, including Harry.
You, Harry, Sarah, and Mitch hang out a couple of times all together. Each pairing also spends some quality one on one time together. Sarah made plans for the two of you to get massages as well and mani pedis during a day off in Cardiff. You and Mitch have lunch together followed by him teaching you some new skills on guitar. Harry had found a hiking trail he wanted to try so the two of you do that together and have a picnic.
Mitch and Sarah each go out with Harry, and have a date just the two of them. After each outing you all tell each other what you’d done but don’t share all of the details. It doesn’t seem necessary. There is an inherent trust that you all have, and this allows you all to keep some of the individual moments special. You’d realized that in a relationship with this many people, each individual pairing needs to be fostered.
The four of you are able to hang as a group two times that week. The first time, you all go for a walk in Cardiff together and have lunch. The next day you have a movie night in Harry’s hotel room. Both times are very casual, and the conversation about Harry officially entering the relationship is never brought up. There’s an understanding that things are to go back to normal until tour ends.
You enjoy the last three shows you are at. There is a chance you’ll be back for the final show in Italy, but nothing is set in stone, so you keep that to yourself. You wander around the stadium with Brad again for the two Cardiff shows and are permitted to sit in front of the barrier during the show in Belgium. You take in every moment in Werchter, ignoring that this time tomorrow you’ll be back home. You latch on to Mitch and Sarah the second the show ends.
The three of you fight sleep that night, staying up too late talking, kissing, exploring each other’s bodies once again. You wake up wrapped in their arms and continue the activities from the night before. You spend time simply pleasing each other with your hands and mouths until your alarm goes off, signaling you need to start getting ready for the airport.
You shower, get dressed and make sure everything is packed. There are about 15 minutes left before your car leaves for the airport, and you hear a knock at the door. Mitch goes to answer and a moment later he walks back, Harry following him.
“I just wanted to say good-bye,” he says. “It truly has been wonderful getting to know you these past couple of weeks.”
“I’ve had a great time hanging out,” you reply.
“Will I see you again soon?” he asks.
“I hope so. I’m working on it.”
“Good,” he says as he pulls you in for a hug. It’s everything you’ve come to expect from Harry’s hugs- comforting, long, feels like home. You say good-bye to him before pulling back, and soon after he leaves so that you have alone time with Mitch and Sarah.
You’ve been holding up better than when they left you a few weeks prior, but as the time to depart draws closer, your eyes start to fill with tears. You look up, trying to blink them away, but it’s no use.
The second they notice Mitch and Sarah wrap their arms around you. For a few minutes no one speaks. You all just stay in this group hug, comforting one another and soaking up the contact. Your phone buzzes, and you have a text from Pete saying he’s available to drive you when you’re ready.
Sarah steps back, allowing Mitch to pull your lips up and meet his. “I love you,” he says against your mouth before moving to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I’ll miss you baby.”
“I’ll miss you too, Mitch. I love you so much.” After one more kiss you turn from him to Sarah who immediately pulls you in tight.
“I love you sweetheart. And we’ll see you again soon, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, now so emotional that you’re having trouble getting the words out. Your “I love you” is barely a whisper, but she hears. Her hands rub your back and she kisses you just like Mitch had- first your lips, then your forehead. You keep your eyes closed, committing every detail of this interaction to memory so you can hold on to these feelings as long as possible.
You take a deep breath and finally break the hug. You grab your bags, dry your tears, share one more simple peck with each of them and walk out of the room.
Pete is waiting in the lobby along with Madi who says, “Hope you don’t mind me tagging along. A friend of mine is landing soon, and I wanted to be there to pick her up.”
You’re happy to have Madi’s company, so you reply, “I don’t mind at all!” and you give her a genuine smile. It was hard saying good-bye to Mitch and Sarah, which is why you had decided it should be done in private and not at the airport, but having Madi in the car with you raises your mood. It makes you realize that in the past two weeks you have made a lot of new friends, which is something so difficult in your adult life.
You spend much of the flight home thinking about all those friendships, the moments you spent with the band and the crew. Though you are sad to leave, you also feel happier than you have in a long time.
You text Mitch and Sarah once you get home and even though it’s the middle of the night for them, they both reply immediately. It fills you with warmth to know that they stayed up until they knew you were home safe.
The next few weeks are just like those first weeks of tour, except this time you’re on the phone with more than just Mitch and Sarah. You speak to Harry every couple of days, and occasionally get to FaceTime with other members of the band when they hang out together.
A week after you leave you find out that Harry has rented out a number of homes in Italy for the week following the final show. Much of the band and crew would be staying there for a relaxing vacation after these stressful months. At first Mitch and Sarah say that they’re not going to stay, that they want to fly back to you as soon as it’s done, but you tell them not to come back right away.
You tell them that baby Ryan’s grandparents are planning to visit, and that you’re going to get more time off that week. You assure them that you can fly out at least for the second half. What you don’t tell them is that you’re actually planning to get to Italy just in time for the final show. Pete’s been helping you coordinate the details, ensuring that no one else knows. You’re not sure if he’s an incredibly loyal person, or if he simply doesn’t care about your personal life, but he’s a lifesaver for helping you without asking any questions.
The weeks end up flying by. You and Ryan spend as much time outside running around or swimming in the pool as possible. You’re keeping so active that you’re exhausted by the time you get home each night. While tiring, it comes in handy because before you know it, you’re packing for a week in Italy.
Keeping your travel plans a secret from Mitch and Sarah is difficult, especially when they call you while you wait at the airport. You run to find a quiet corner, praying no overhead announcements get picked up by the phone. You keep things light, a normal Friday night phone call before they head to bed. When they hang up you breathe a sigh of relief, as it seems they didn’t figure out your whereabouts.
This trip is definitely more stressful than the last. It’s not a direct flight and the second leg is delayed. Once you land you still have to take two trains, and due to you arriving late you miss your original departure. You get new tickets sorted and grab lunch to enjoy on the way. Finally, you arrive in Reggio Emilia, but Pete is no longer able to pick you up, since he has other jobs assigned to him. He sends another crew member, Erin, which leads to a moment of confusion since you hadn’t met her before and didn’t have a way to contact her. It takes a while but you eventually find her in the pickup area.
It's nearly 6 PM by the time you make it to the stadium. Erin ends up being a literal godsend and shows you a place where you can quickly freshen up and get changed. She also takes care of your luggage and leads you down the hall to the band dressing room.
Luckily the door is open, so you walk right in. Ariza is the first to notice, shouting, “Hey! She’s back!” which alerts everyone else to your presence.
You’re looking right at Mitch and Sarah, and you can tell the exact moment they realize who Ariza is talking about. You blink and the next thing you know Mitch has wrapped his arms tight around your waist to pick you up and spin you in a circle. He quickly puts you down and lets go, not wanting to be too obvious in front of the whole band.
Sarah hugs you next, tucking her face into your shoulder and pressing a kiss there knowing that your hair is blocking the intimate gesture. You’re then pulled into hugs by the rest of the band as well as some crew members who pass by.
After a short conversation with the band, they turn to continue getting ready. There’s definitely a different atmosphere in the room than usual, and you know everybody is dealing with their mixed emotions about this being the final show.
“Do you think there’s any chance I can say hello to Harry before the show?” you ask Mitch.
“We can go check,” he replies, “but I’m not sure if he’ll want to see people right now or be alone.”
“Of course.”
The three of you walk down the hall and Sarah gently knocks on the door. You’re standing behind her and Mitch, and so Harry doesn’t notice you when he opens the door.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” he says with a smile.
“Brought a surprise,” Sarah says before stepping to the side.
The second he sees you his eyes light up. He pulls you in for a hug, one arm secure around your waist while the other holds the back of your head. You stay like that for a full minute before he pulls back and ushers the three of you into his dressing room.
He sits in his chair, gesturing that the three of you take the couch. You sit in between Mitch and Sarah who each take one of your hands in theirs, still in slight disbelief that you’re there.
“I thought you weren’t coming for another few days,” Harry states.
“Yea, why’d you lie?” Sarah asks with a smile.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure this would work out. I didn’t want anyone to get their hopes up just in case I didn’t make it. And I barely did. I was supposed to get here hours ago.”
“What happened?”
“Typical travel nonsense, nothing to worry about. Now tell me, how are you all feeling?”
Everyone is quiet for a minute. Harry speaks up first, saying, “I’m feeling sad that it’s ending. And proud of what we accomplished. It’s very bittersweet.” He pauses and the others nod their heads in agreement. “And I’m also feeling very hopeful. I will say I’m glad to have something to look forward to.”
You give him a confused look, not exactly sure what he’s talking about. He continues, “I mean if the offer is still there. For me to join you all.”
It clicks in your mind and your expression changes immediately.
Mitch reassures him quickly, “Of course the offer is still there. We want you to be a part of this Harry. You’re so important to us, and if we can make this work, I think we’ll all be extremely happy.”
Harry visibly relaxes in front of you, a content smile spreading across his face. This moment of peace is short lived as there is another knock on the door. Pete is there alerting everyone that it’s almost time for Wet Leg to open the show.
“I should go, I want to talk to them before they start,” Harry says.
You all get up and you turn to give Harry another hug before leaving, as you know you likely won’t see him again before the show starts. You lean in to say, “I am incredibly proud of you. Everything you’ve done is amazing. And I’m very happy to see what the next chapter brings for you, and for all of us together.”
When you pull back you see a hint of tears in his eyes. He blinks them away before looking back at you. He brings one hand up to rest on the side of your face and then hesitates. He moves forward slightly, your eyes meeting and his lips a mere inch from yours. At the last second, he seems to stop himself, and you feel his lips press against your cheek.
He pulls away to press a kiss to Mitch and Sarah’s cheeks as well, and you’re all blushing when you walk out of the room.
After a brief stop in the band dressing room, you all head out to watch Wet Leg. Sarah and Mitch are more reserved, standing together, Mitch’s arm around Sarah’s waist. A part of you wishes you could be like that in public, but you’re honestly just happy to watch them be adorable. Plus, you know the fans are loving how cute they’re being. You dance with Madi, Elin, Ariza, and Pauli and have a wonderful time.
Once Wet Leg is done you join the people who are congratulating them. After a little while you make your way to the band’s room again so you can see Mitch and Sarah before they go on. You don’t say anything, but you don’t have to. They heard your words to Harry earlier and they know you’d be saying the same to them if you had privacy.
You use your all access pass to its limits during the show, moving around to wherever you’ll get the best views without blocking any of the fans or getting in the crews’ way.
You’re mesmerized from the first moment everyone steps on stage. Harry looks amazing in his silver outfit, and you love the denim jumpsuits on the band. You practically melt every time Harry speaks in Italian. The extra songs are so special, and you barely hear the Two Ghosts intro leading to Falling because the crowd is screaming so loud.
At one point you find yourself with Brad, James Corden and a few others mixing in with the fans. Everyone loses their minds when they do the full version of Best Song Ever, including you.
You cheer extra loud for everyone when Harry introduces the band. Fine Line nearly brings you to tears. The piano piece that Harry wrote to play as the final song truly did bring you to tears. It was so beautiful and a perfect ending to the tour.
Everyone takes their final bows. Harry walks across the stage, thanking all of his fans before moving back to the center. He takes it all in, finally falling to his knees because he is so overwhelmed with emotions. You glance at Mitch and Sarah, now standing together with arms wrapped around each other. They’re watching him and you can see the love and admiration in their eyes. They’re just as proud of him as everyone else.
As soon as they walk backstage you and the rest of the family and friends head there as well. Immediately you’re met with celebratory chaos. For a solid half hour there’s cheering, shouting, dancing. Finally, everyone starts breaking away to get changed. After everyone is ready you all head over to a nearby club to properly celebrate the end of tour.
The place Harry chose is perfect. Downstairs in a small dining room, quiet music playing, and delicious Italian food set up along one wall. Upstairs is the complete opposite. It’s darker, there’s loud music, and a bar is set up on every wall of the room.
After scoping out the place Mitch simply says, “food” so you join him and Sarah at the buffet. The three of you are joined at a table by Madi and two of her friends. The food is delicious. Your family may be Italian, but they’ve never made anything this good.
Once you’re all satisfied you head upstairs. It’s gotten extremely crowded, and you have to weave your way through people to get to the bar. Sarah orders for everyone since she has the loudest voice out of the trio. You smile as she hands you your favorite.
For the next hour or so you dance, drink, sing along to the music, and have a great time. It’s been years since you’ve let loose like this, and you’re enjoying the freedom of it. For the most part you stick with Mitch and Sarah, but you also spend time hanging out with other band or crew members.
You find yourself lost in the crowd after Pauli leaves the dance floor to head to the bathroom. A moment later a man you don’t recognize walks up to you.
While the party is mostly for all the people who worked on the tour, there are also others there that you haven’t met. Some are crew members you haven’t had the chance to talk to, and some are friends, family members, or industry contacts that got an invite because of the status they hold.
“Hey, I’m Ricky,” he says, holding his hand out to you.
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you,” you reply while quickly shaking his hand. You don’t necessarily want to talk to him, but you were always taught to be polite.
“Great party huh?” he asks, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, yea, it’s pretty cool,” you reply, looking around for someone that you know but not being able to see anyone. You can’t explain it, but something about this guy has you feeling uncomfortable.
“What are you drinking? I can get you a refill.”
“Thank you but I’m alright.”
“Yea it’s getting late huh. Maybe we could get out of here, have another after party of our own.” And there it is. You’ve been hit on a couple of times before and you never know how to respond.
“No, I think I’m just going to find some of my friends.” You turn and try to walk away but he grabs your wrist to keep you there. The second his skin touches yours you start to panic. You’re not fully freaking out, figuring he wouldn’t try something in a room full of people, but what if he’s able to get you alone?
“I could be your friend.” If you weren’t so worried about what he might do, you’d be rolling your eyes at that awful line and the way he thought that would actually work on you.
“That’s okay, I’m all set on friends at the moment. Now please let go of me.”
His other hand slides to your hip, gripping tightly and he leans in to say, “Oh c’mon babe, don’t play so hard to get. It’s a night for celebrating. Let’s have some fun.”
Your panic kicks up a notch at how close he is, and how tightly he’s holding on to you. It’s becoming more obvious he’s not going to take no for an answer, and you’re desperately trying to think of ways to get away from him, or at the very least, stay in the crowded party room until someone finds you.
He steps more into your space and your mind goes blank with fear. Suddenly there’s a hand on the small of your back and you jump at the touch. “Shh, love, it’s just me,” you hear Sarah say and take a deep, relieved breath. You’re finally free from his hold and you lean into Sarah who wraps her arm tight around your waist.
You look up and see Mitch leaning over Ricky, talking so low that you can’t hear him, but whatever he says works and the man walks away looking both embarrassed and afraid. Mitch takes a deep breath before turning to you. He cups your face in his hand and asks, “Are you okay?”
Your eyes are wide with leftover fear and panic as you meet his, but you nod. “I’m okay,” you say quietly, but they’re both close enough to hear you.
“Okay. Good. Do you want to leave and go back to the house?”
You shake your head no. “I really don’t want to end the night on that note. Can we stay a little longer?”
“Yea, baby, whatever you want.”
“But just stay with me, okay?”
“Of course,” Sarah says.
Mitch adds, “We’re not leaving your side for a second.”
You take another minute to collect yourself and put a smile back on your face before sliding your hand into Sarah’s and leading her to the dance floor. At first, you’re not as into it as before, going through the motions rather than fully dancing. Eventually the rest of the band joins in and you feed off their positive vibes. By the time people start leaving an hour or so later you’ve basically forgotten about Ricky.
After another little while most of the people have gone. The music is turned down and the lights are still dim but brighter than before. Mitch leads you and Sarah over to one of the bars, where Harry now seems to be sitting by himself, a new drink in hand.
You had lost track of Harry an hour or so before, and it seems he had spent much of that time in this location. You’ve never seen him drunk before, and while he’s certainly not wasted, he’s not sober either. He has a sort of a lost, sad puppy look on his face.
“You alright man?” Mitch asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Yea, mate. I’m good,” Harry replies in a tone that indicates he’s definitely not as good as he says.
 Mitch gently takes the glass from his hand and places it on the bar and says, “I think it’s time to go. They’re starting to clean everything up.”
“I don’t want to go,” Harry replies. A beat later he continues, “I don’t want to be alone.”
Your heart breaks at the sadness in his voice and you share a look with Mitch and Sarah. You know they feel the same.
“You’re not going to be alone, love,” Sarah says gently. Harry looks up at her, not understanding. “We’re coming with you. Tours over. We’re all going to be together. And that can start tonight. Does that sound alright to you?”
His face lights up at this news. He nods and looks between the three of you, seeing smiles on all of your faces.
“Come on, let’s get going,” Mitch says, wrapping an arm around Harry and supporting him out to the car. Harry leans heavily on him, but you think this has less to do with being unsteadily drunk and more to do with seeking comfort from the physical touch. You know that’s what he’s doing because you’re doing the same with Sarah.
A large black Chevy Suburban is waiting outside for your group. You and Sarah climb into the back row and Mitch and Harry take the middle. You try to stay awake for the drive, but it turns out you’re heading straight to the beach villa which is two hours away. You fight sleep for the first few minutes, trying to watch the scenery outside, but Sarah sees what you’re doing. She knows that between working all day Friday and then immediately traveling to the show, you likely haven’t slept in close to 40 hours.
Her arm wraps around you and her hand presses gently on the side of your head. “Sleep my love,” she says. You stop trying to fight it and instead melt into her side, your head resting on her shoulder. You fall asleep immediately.
The sun is starting to rise by the time you arrive at the house. The others had all dozed off as well but wake up when you pull into the driveway. You, however, snuggle closer to Sarah, refusing to open your eyes. Mitch looks back and sees the predicament and says to Sarah, “Go in with Harry, I’ll take care of her.”
Sarah moves you so that you’re leaning against the window instead of against her. Mitch lowers the middle row of seats so that Sarah can get out and so he can reach you. He carries you into the house and finds the other two in the bedroom. Harry is setting out some of his clothes for everyone.
“I don’t think they knew where to bring your bags. We’ll get them here in the morning, but you can borrow these for now.” Mitch lays you on the bed and takes off your clothes from the day, pulling a large t-shirt over your head to cover you.
“If you guys want you can have this room, I’ll sleep in the other one,” Harry says.
Mitch and Sarah share a confused look. “Harry,” Sarah starts. “We were planning on you staying with us here. So that we’re all together.”
“Will we all fit?”
“Of course we will. Y/N typically sleeps on top of one of us anyway so technically she doesn’t take up any room,” Mitch says with a fond smile.
They climb into bed with you, Sarah next to you on one side with Harry on the other. Mitch checks the doors are locked before turning off the light and getting in next to Harry. Everyone falls asleep within minutes.
You wake up to bright sunlight in an unfamiliar room. You’re laying on top of someone, a male someone, but it isn’t Mitch. You think about everything you remember from the previous night, and panic. The only thing that comes to mind that could explain the current situation would be if Ricky had come back and somehow got you to go home with him.
You quickly sit up, moving so suddenly that you nearly fall off of the bed. Sarah catching you is the only reason you don’t fall to the floor. Seeing her is enough to break through the panic, and your brain finally wakes up enough to realize what’s going on.
You weren’t sleeping on Mitch, but he is right next to you. It was Harry underneath you. You’re embarrassed by your reaction, and disappointed that you ruined what should’ve been a sweet moment.
“Are you okay?” Harry asks. “Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?”
“No! Not at all. I’m fine, I just got confused for a minute. There was a guy last night who was hitting on me and not taking no for an answer and when I woke up in a new place, I got scared thinking I was with him. Just freaked out for a second.”
“Who was it?”
“I think he said his name was Ricky.”
“I don’t know a Ricky. He must be one of the people management insisted we invite for networking. I can get the guest list, figure out exactly who he is if you want. Get him fired or something.”
His protectiveness has you feeling incredibly cared for, but you assure him that it’s fine.
“Can we just redo that?” you ask.
“What do you mean?” Sarah says.
“Redo the start of the day. It’s the first time all four of us are waking up together and I ruined it!”
“You did not ruin anything Y/N,” Mitch says. “You expressed real emotions, okay? We’ve talked about this; you can’t feel guilty for having feelings.”
“I know, I know! I’m not trying to ignore my feelings. But I want today to be a happy day. And I want to start it right. So can we please forget all that and redo?”
“Yes, love,” Sarah says. “We can start again if that’s what you’d like.”
“Thank you!” You crash into Harry, pushing him back so he’s once again laying down with you on top of him.
You lift your head off his chest to meet his eyes. “Good morning darling,” he says, and you smile as you say the same to him. You then turn to Mitch and Sarah and they each wish you good morning and place a kiss on your lips.
There’s a moment where no one knows what to do next, but Mitch makes a decision. He leans down so he’s level with Harry. Their eyes meet and slowly they inch their faces closer together. Finally, their lips meet. It’s a small press of their lips, chaste, almost domestic, like it’s something they’ve been doing to greet each other every morning for years.
When they pull back there’s a new light in Harry’s eyes. He looks happy and peaceful, like he’s been waiting for this forever. He turns his head, and since you’re still on top of him you think it’s your turn to properly greet him. But Sarah leans in, capturing his lips with her own. Mitch chuckles as you pout, but the expression quickly fades away as you watch the two of them.
While the kiss with Mitch was one of familiarity, and rekindling a romance, this is two people exploring each other for the first time. After years of friendship and working together, they now get to come together in this new way. They take a minute to get lost in one another, and you smile as you hear soft sighs from both of them.
They break apart and Harry looks to you. He brings his hands up to cup your cheeks and you move so close that your noses brush and you can feel his soft exhale on your skin.
“Is this okay?” he asks quietly, and you whisper “yes” before crashing your lips to his. His fingers slide through your hair, holding you close to him as his lips slot against yours. It’s a short kiss that has you craving more, but as you pull away you know it’s perfect for the moment.
“I want to have a proper date with you all,” Harry says.
“We’d love that,” Sarah answers.
“Tonight. I don’t want to waste another minute.”
The conversation is interrupted by knocking at the front door. You move so that Harry can get up and answer it. He walks back a minute later and lets you guys know that your luggage was just dropped off. Hearing that makes you realize how long it’s been since your last shower and so you open your bag and grab what you’ll need.
Everyone takes turns showering and getting ready. Once you’re done you realize you’re starving and look at the clock. You’re shocked to see it’s already past 2 in the afternoon. You head to the kitchen and see Harry making sandwiches for everyone.
“Anything I can help with?” you ask.
“Got a bunch of fruit in the fridge, can you help me cut that up?”
You get to work, natural light streaming through the windows of the beautiful kitchen. The four of you sit down for lunch and then enjoy the afternoon sitting out by the pool. Luckily the house is set away and is completely private, allowing you all to be yourselves without fear of fans or paparazzi seeing.
By 5 o’clock you’re all inside getting dressed for the date. Harry had planned it all and told you to dress nice, but casual. You’re a bit confused but settle for a blue and white sun dress. You walk downstairs and see not only Harry, Sarah, and Mitch, but two other people as well.
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet Claudio and Mia. They’re going to be cooking dinner for us all tonight,” Harry says to introduce you. You shake their hands and say hello and you realize the date Harry has planned.
It’s perfect. A wonderfully cooked Italian meal here at the villa. There’s no risk of you all being spotted or overheard, and you’re free to have a true first date. If you’d all gone out, then you’d have to be careful about everything you say and do, but that’s not the case here.
The four of you make your way out to the patio and immediately open a bottle of wine, Harry filling everyone’s glasses. A few minutes later Mia brings out the first appetizer, a caprese salad that must be made with the freshest ingredients you’ve ever tasted. Next, she brings out a fig and goat cheese crostini, some of which are topped with prosciutto that makes your mouth water.
Dinner is just as delicious, homemade pasta topped with a sauce that is both decadent and light, bursting with flavor. After dinner, while you’re sharing the second bottle of wine, Claudio and Mia come out one last time. They inform you all that they are heading home, and dessert is plated in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.
You thank them profusely, telling them how much you loved everything, and Harry walks them out. He comes back and the four of you are once again alone. While dinner conversation had been quite casual, everyone learning more about each other, it starts to get a bit deeper.
“How exactly will this all work?” Harry asks.
“Well, obviously communication is the most important thing here,” Sarah replies. “Everyone needs to be honest and open about anything they’re feeling. If we hide things from each other that will create problems.”
“And what about publicly? We can’t really go and tell the fans all four of us are together.”
Mitch answers this time saying, “No but we could just say that you and Y/N are together. She’s been seen enough with us, people probably have assumed by now she’s our friend. You’d say we introduced the two of you and you hit it off. And because she’s our friend it would make sense for all of us to be seen together.”
“Lots of double dates in our future,” Sarah says with a wink.
Harry turns to you and asks, “Are you okay with that? Dating me publicly?”
“I am. I know that it’ll probably come with some pushback from fans and things like that, but I really think this could work. And we’ll all be happy.” Harry leans in, pressing his lips to yours. It’s innocent enough and first, just a couple of quick pecks.
He pulls back and his eyes meet yours. There’s a moment where he watches you, his gaze intense, and the next thing you know his lips are back on you. Even though the kiss is firm, his lips feel wonderfully soft against yours as he takes control of the kiss. You feel his hand move to your thigh and you gasp, opening your mouth and allowing for his tongue to enter.
“Maybe we should head inside,” Mitch suggests. You bite back a whine as Harry pulls away, already missing the feeling of his lips. Everyone stands and heads inside to the bedroom. It honestly should feel weird, the group of you moving in near silence, but the energy is one of excited anticipation.
You pause once inside the room, unsure of what to do next. There are so many options, too many choices, and you do not want to be the one making any. You look to Mitch, who sees the hesitation from all of you, and he takes control of the situation.
“Harry and Y/N, lay next to each other,” he says. You both follow his directions as he turns to speak with Sarah. You’re only left wondering what their plan is for a moment before they also climb on the bed, Mitch straddling Harry while Sarah does the same to you.
She leans in to kiss you, her tongue sliding in immediately. She swallows the whine you let out, and all you can think of is her. It’s been over a month, and you’ve missed them all so much, you’ve been starving for their touches.
After a little while (truly you have no idea how long) you feel Mitch’s hand pick yours up and he places it on Harry’s thigh. A second later you feel Harry’s hand on you. It starts moving higher on your leg, sliding under your skirt. Sarah shifts only so that you can spread your legs a bit but continues to keep her lips on yours.
Harry’s hand moves again, this time to press two fingers to your clit over your underwear and you’re gasping in pleasure at this touch alone. You automatically grab his thigh and realize that your hand hasn’t moved since Mitch placed it there. You decide to follow Harry’s lead and slide it up his thigh. You and Harry let out matching moans as you finally grip Harry’s hard length over his shorts.
You feel Harry pull away for a second before he slips his fingers under your panties to touch you directly. Your eyes roll back at the feeling of being touched so intimately. Summoning confidence that you didn’t know you possess, you slide your hand under his layers of clothing. There’s a moment where you hesitate, unsure if it’s okay to touch him directly. He senses your inner debate and guides your hand to his cock, letting you know it’s absolutely okay with him.
You grip your fist around his length and pump him a few times. The noises he makes only turn you on more. Your other hand travels down to Sarah’s leg, and you move under her skirt and waste no time sliding your fingers into her underwear to rub through her folds.
She’s soaking, and you easily push two fingers inside her.
“Fuck, Y/N,” she moans before starting to leave love bites along your neck. She pulls back and looks to her side, saying, “Mitch, switch with me.”
He gives Harry one last deep kiss before pulling away from him. Sarah gently pushes your fingers out of her so she can move to Harry’s lap. “Are you clean?” she asks him as they help each other out of their clothes.
“Yes, got checked a couple weeks ago, haven’t been with anyone since.”
“Good,” she says, running her entrance above the tip of his cock. “Is this okay?” she asks him.
“Please, yes,” he practically begs, and she sinks onto him. You’re watching them so intently that you don’t notice Mitch at first. That changes the second he pulls your panties off and his hard cock grazes your sensitive clit.
He brings his hand to your entrance, pushing in one finger at a time to open you and ensure you’re ready for him. A moment later his fingers are gone and you feel his cock lining up. His eyes meet yours in a silent question and you nod your head, wrapping your legs to bring him closer to tell him that you want this, want him desperately.
He slowly pushes inside you and you let out a broken moan at the feeling of being filled for the first time in over a month. You pull Mitch’s face down to yours, having realized that you’ve barely had the chance to kiss him all weekend, and you need to remedy that immediately.
The time that follows is both blissful, and a bit confusing. Everyone’s hands are traveling over any limb they can find, kisses being pressed against any bit of bare skin.
You and Harry are the first to come, nearly simultaneously while his tongue is sliding against yours. A moment later you hear the cries that can only mean Sarah has followed the two of you. Finally, you feel Mitch’s thrusts stutter as he finishes inside you.
Everyone comes down from their high, Sarah pulling off and laying next to Harry. Mitch moves to pull out of you but you hold him close and whisper, “Not yet, please.”
“Okay, baby, I’m here,” he answers, leaning down so that you can tuck your face into his neck. After a couple minutes you release your hold on him. Sarah has already snuck out to grab a couple of damp washcloths from the bathroom and she helps everyone clean up.
You all get ready for bed, checking in that everyone is okay with what just happened. Not one of you has any complaints or uncomfortable feelings, and you fall asleep content that the four of you will work just fine together.
The rest of the week in Italy is absolutely perfect. Your group has plenty of time to spend together and your personalities fit together wonderfully. There are a few more discussions regarding the dynamics of the relationship which helps you all feel secure with one another.
During the middle of the week Harry rents out a couple of boats and you all spend the day on the water. Gemma and a few others join you and it is absolute perfection.
At one point Harry wanders to the kitchen area and a moment later Sarah follows him. While he’s been enjoying the day as much as everyone else, she can tell he’s bothered by something and is determined out figure out what it is.
They talk for a few minutes while making drinks for everyone, and after a beat of silence Sarah finally asks, “What is it Harry?”
“Not sure what you mean. I’m fine.”
“No you’re not love, something’s bothering you.”
He takes a deep breath and says, “I know there’s paparazzi watching us. And other people are here. And I guess I am used to hiding a lot of my life but this time feels different. I don’t want to hide our relationship.”
Sarah places a comforting hand on his arm and says, “I completely understand. I know it’s not ideal that we can’t all be together publicly, but if you’re ready, nothing is stopping you from being with Y/N in front of the camera. Whatever comes from that, we’ll make it work.”
Harry smiles, eased by Sarah’s words of wisdom.
They walk back to the main area where the rest of you are hanging out and Harry sits down next to you, closer than he usually would in public. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, and you give him a look. He can tell that you’re confused by the gesture, but not mad or uncomfortable.
He leans in and quietly asks, “Would it be alright if I kissed you?”
“Of course you can.”
“I mean, in front of everyone. With paps watching over there.”
“Yes Harry. That’s perfectly fine with me,” you answer with a smile.
He cups your face, pulling you close to him. He hesitates with his lips mere centimeters away and you whisper “It’s okay, Harry.” A millisecond later his lips crash against yours. He presses firmly against you, a series of chaste kisses on your mouth, nose, and forehead. When you look up you see everyone watching the two of you.
Mitch and Sarah are looking over, warm smiles on their faces. After a beat, Gemma jumps up and rushes over to give the two of you a hug. “I told mum weeks ago you two would be perfect!”
The rest of the day is absolutely wonderful. After sailing in the sun for the afternoon you all head back for dinner at a beautiful restaurant.
You, Harry, Mitch, and Sarah get to the house just after sunset. Immediately you fall into bed, not wanting to waste another moment. You explore each other’s bodies once again. Harry proves without a shadow of a doubt that he is a gentleman, checking in with you constantly as he slides into you for the first time, stretching you more than you’ve ever been before.
As you’re all catching your breath, trying to readjust the mess of covers, you can’t help but start to giggle. It’s contagious and suddenly the four of you are laughing, though no one’s entirely sure why.
You finally calm down enough to say, “I can’t believe this is my life.”
“Well, believe it baby,” Harry says. “Because we’re not going anywhere.”
“Good.” You reply, shifting everyone so that you’re laying across all three of them. With your head on Mitch’s chest, torso being held by Harry, and legs tangling with Sarah, you fall asleep.
Your last thoughts of the night are about how indescribably happy you are that you’ve found your home and have started a perfect family.
@akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @theekyliepage @numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry @ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess @houseofdilfs @shaquille-0atmeal-1 @kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye
AN: Thank you again for reading this story! Can't wait to share more with you all!
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nomagicartz · 3 months
Waaaaaait a minute here!
With all the Merome art you’ve made, I’m surprised to see Mitch and Jerome on your relationship chart are just friends! Are they crushes? One sided love? Spill the details spill them!!!!
this might be a long one because i am oh so ill over them
im glad you noticed that silly little detail ! to put it simply they are awful and mitch will not come to terms that he likes men . its awful . theyre awful .
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mitch being this awful is why i often draw him looking away! or just never making eye contact with jerome
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So for . most of the story . their love is very one sided . Jerome devotes himself to Mitch, and hes kept it up since day one. They met in the games. The only time Mitch will ever let himself get that close is when they are in the games.
Mitch wants to let himself love Jerome. But how can he. How could he. He kills Jerome like clockwork in those games. He knows exactly where to hit him. His sword has carved through Jerome's chest more times than he can count.
Jerome is a loyal dog. He's a dead one. He doesn't care about any of this, he's just glad Mitch is there, and that he can devote himself.
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Mitch cant love Jerome back till he leaves the games. He's stuck in a burning house and he cant leave. Jerome wont leave without Mitch.
So theyre stuck in a never ending cycle. Mitch wont leave till he loses. But he's built for killing. Its carved into his being. Every time he tries to let someone else win, to let Jerome win, a switch flicks on in his mind, and blood soaks his hands. Jerome wont leave without MItch, so every game he tries his damned best to win, to get them both out of this awful cycle. But theyre stuck in this holographic world, where death is only momentary and sweet.
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Im so sorrty for ranting holy fuck i hate them actually theyre so awful to each other .
TLDR mitch bets on losing dogs and has too much internalized homophobia . here have a playlist with songs that i associate so deeply with them .
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6 angst pls!!!!!
OK, so there 5 more asks of this same combo so I'm just gonna count them all as this one:)
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Being on Harry's management team was mostly wonderful and a very positive experience so far. He was so kind, honest, direct, hard-working, receptive, and trusting. This conglomeration of traits made him a dream to work with. He hardly ever gave you any trouble, but he was human so of course, he made mistakes and bad judgement calls, but he was never one to come up with some elaborate scheme to distract from those things. He'd fix the issue with whoever had been involved and move on, he didn't feel a need to defend himself to the press or the public when they had nothing to do with his private problems. No twitter-storms for him and that made the management team's job pretty easy.
But just because Harry was a mellow and level-headed guy it didn't make him exempt from the old rumor mill. People just found any excuse to be nasty. And like any normal person, Harry had things going on in his personal life that sometimes just made him more sensitive or susceptible to feeling low. Like now... someone he had been seeing exclusively for a few months apparently hadn't granted him the same courtesy. A friend of his in London saw her kissing someone else and well...he didn't take it too well and out of frustration, he drunkenly kissed the next willing person and well...that backfired on him. And now the person he'd been seeing was telling everyone that he had cheated on her. Harry was really angry with that.
He knew that he couldn't control other people, but he just wished that the people he let into his life would just take a moment to think. Thankfully no one was really believing that he had been seeing this clout-chasing chick, but it still hurt his feelings. He had let her in to his life. He had slept with her, he had taken her on dates, he had told her things about himself...he felt betrayed and for some reason this particular time it was just taking a lot longer for him to bounce back.
In session, his writing was reflecting his evident frustration and he was being quite petty. This was personal and he hated that he was stooping to that level. He felt immature and incapable of handling what he was feeling and it was ridiculous.
"This is so fucking stupid..." he groaned into his hands. You'd watched this chaos unfold for long enough, so you decided to step in.
"Guys, I think it's a good time to take a little break. Get some lunch...take a walk..." she said to the others in the room.
"Yeah, good call." Harry mumbled and people started getting up to leave and as Harry stood from his seat and started walking out behind Mitch you called out to him.
"Not you, Harry!" you called after him and he patted Mitch on the back and said a couple things to him before Mitch gave him a thumbs up and headed off. Harry came back over to his previous seat as you stood at the control panel, just looking around. You were the newest addition to him team, hired on just shy of a year ago. You'd mostly been handling contracts though and he'd been touring and releasing films so you hadn't really had a lot of face-time with him. And he didn't know you as well as he knew the rest of his team, they'd been friends even before they managed him. So you got that you were new and that he was a bit unsure around you, but you just wanted to make sure he was OK.
"Look, I know that we've basically wasted the morning and that we're gonna need to pay for another day-"
"Harry, I don't care about that, I'll book another day out if you want it, no problem." you assured him, "I just wanted to make sure that you're OK." you said and his expression changed to a more relaxed one.
"Oh." he said and you offered him a slight and sympathetic smile.
"Yeah. I know it's been rough and I know that we don't know each other that well, but if you're not feeling this kind of work right now you don't have to do this." you explained and he smiled a bit.
"I know I've sucked today, but to the point where my own manager would rather I not do a writing session?" he asked and you chuckled.
"Can I be candid with you?" you asked and he nodded firmly, "I really like your music. And I'm not just saying that, it's heavily featured on a few of my playlists," you explained and he smiled, "And while I realize that some of the best work can come from painful or angry places, you're currently giving... Taylor Swift circa 2008-2009." you said and he literally burst out laughing and you chuckled softly at his reaction.
"Some might argue that those were her golden years." he said after he settled down.
"I'm not saying it's bad, but what I mean to say is she was a teenager then and it...shows. And not that you can't behave like a teenager as an adult... everyone's journey is different!" you defended and he chuckled, "But I know that's not you. And I just feel like you're just really frustrated with everything you're going through and it's not coming out right because you're kind of trying to force yourself to push through your hurt with this process." you said and he bit his lip sadly for a moment before he sighed.
"Look I'm just...feeling really hopeless right now. And you're absolutely right, that's not me." he shook his head as he looked in your eyes. "I feel so foreign to my own mind....like, when did it even know how to think that way?" he said and you nodded, "I mean...I can't accept to believe that things will never work out. That I'll never get a chance at a normal relationship again. That everyone in my life has an ulterior motive...but I'm starting to, Y/N." he said with so much hurt in his eyes, they were glossy from the tears forming and you just reached out and he grabbed your hand.
You didn't have any words to say to him. You had no idea what it felt like to be him. Anyone would think he'd have it easy, but it was harder than it was easier most of the time. You just wanted him to know that you heard him and that you were there with him, that's it. Your thumb ran over his knuckles in a comforting gesture and suddenly his tears startled to fall and he inhaled sharply as he tried to hold back his sob and you frowned when he just decided to let it out. You stood immediately and hugged him against your chest. His head was resting right over your heart and you just held his head with one hand and lightly scratched his back with the other. After a few minutes he'd calmed but made no move to get out of your hold. You understood, sometimes you just needed to be held.
"I'm sorry, I didn't plan to lay all that on you." he said quietly and smiled.
"It' don't mind it. It's why I'm here." you said and he let go of you and leaned back as he looked at you looking a bit perplexed.
"What you're here for?" he asked with some hurt in his voice and then you shook your head.
"Oh, not like as part of my job, Harry!" you explained quickly, "I mean like here here. Like on planet earth. As a human being I'm here to share experiences and relate with other human beings. To learn to care for each other and help each other..." you said and he nodded and then smiled slightly.
"Right...I was about to say, after everything I've just told you?" he chuckled lightly now and you did too as you place a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding." you shook your head in a little embarrassment, "So did that help? Just...letting it out?" you asked him and he nodded.
"Yeah, I feel a bit better." he said.
"A bit is more than nothing." you said with a smile, taking the win and he nodded. "So, would you like to keep trying here or would you like to call it a day?" you asked him and he sighed and looked into your eyes.
"I think we should call it a day." he concluded.
"OK, I'll let the guys know." you said with a small smile and headed out to the food lounge. After you told them the new you chit-chatted for a bit before saying goodbye. You hummed happily as you considered the possibilities for the rest of your day... grab your things, pick up a nice bottle of wine, call your nail lady and to see if she could squeeze you in for a pedi? As you came back into the studio you that Harry had his things packed on the floor beside him while he sat on the arm of the couch. He glanced up when he heard you come in and you smiled, "Hey H, sorry if I kept you waiting, I got to talking. Did you need something else from me?" you asked.
"I'm gonna ask you something and it's gonna sound awful, but I promise I mean it in the most not awful way-"
"Harry, just ask." you interrupted him with a chuckle and he nodded.
"Right. Ummm...w-would you like to spend the night at mine?" he asked you and you looked at him skeptically.
"Not sex!" he said right away and then shook his head, "Not because you're a person I wouldn't want to have sex with. Like I would if I had to. Like...last people on earth type of thing. But well, that sounds like I'd do it with you just because I had no other choice. Which I mean, I would still probably have sex with you given a choice, you know?" he finished his ramble and you just decided to not even go there.
"OK...so not for sex. So then for what?" you asked him.
"Just to be with someone. We could play board games or watch movies or tv...ummm, I'm pretty sure I've got everything I'd need to make banana bread... we could do that. Or just talk and listen to music? We can do whatever I just don't want to be alone." he admitted softly.
"Harry...I really want to, but I also work for you and I... just don't want to blur the boundaries too much." you explained.
"You literally just told me this is why you're here." he appealed to her, "I'm friends with Jeff and Tommy...why couldn't I be friends with you?" he asked and you smiled at him.
"You're not exactly asking a crazy question..." you said and he smiled lightly at you. "Fine. But I'm gonna go home and pack a bag. When I arrive I hope to smell some banana bread in the oven." you said and he smiled.
"Deal." he said and you nodded. He reached for your bag on the coffee table and handed it over and you smiled and thanked him as you walked down the hall. "Gonna go say good bye to the lads."
"Yeah, you go ahead." you assured him and he made his way down the other hall, "H!" you called after him and he glanced back, "You're gonna be OK. I promise." you said and he smiled before you waved and headed back to your car.
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rosielou94 · 2 years
The Tulsa King Boys as Boyfriends
This is my first ever post on Tumblr, but I am way too obsessed with this show to not share my fluffy thoughts. I know most of the cast are oooold, but I just couldn’t help myself!
The gifs and pictures are not my own, I sourced these through Tumblr and Google. 
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 Tyson Mitchell
·        He’s your biggest cheerleader. You just got a new job? He’ll sing your praises from the rooftop. Nailed a big presentation? He’ll whoop and cheer you on, and take you out to dinner to celebrate. Nothing you accomplish is ever too small to be missed. Even if you’re having a bad day and all you managed to do was get out of bed and brush your teeth? Tyson’ll order takeout, rent your favourite movie and turn the living room into a giant pillow fort to celebrate you making it from the bed to the couch.
·        He’s absolutely in awe of everything you do and he loves telling anyone and everyone about you. His family at the dinner table, Dwight while he’s driving him around, the old lady in the fruit section of the supermarket – he’ll tell them all just how amazing he thinks you are.
·        He’s always trying to make you laugh; and he always succeeds. He’s constantly telling jokes – the cheesier, the better. Even when he isn’t telling jokes, he’ll do or say something that has you belly laughing until tears roll down your cheeks. This guy is a class clown, but he’s your clown, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
·        He LOOOVES PDA. He can’t himself. He always holds your hands when you’re out, and he can’t resist pulling you in for a kiss right there in the middle of the street. He loves to cuddle you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and dotting kisses up your neck. He doesn’t care who’s around or who he does it in front of. He loves you, and he doesn’t want to hide it.
·        He treats you like an absolute princess. He’s constantly showering you with gifts. Sometimes they’re big, like expensive gifts perfume or a dress you saw in the window of a boutique. But Tyson also knows that you appreciate the little things. If he sees your favourite candy bar, he’ll buy you some. If you’re having trouble sleeping, he’ll pick up some lavender bubble bath and a nice candle so you can relax in the tub (but he’ll 100% join you). He loves spoiling you, but he knows that money isn’t everything. Sometimes he’ll leave notes around the house for you to find with a cute saying, or a funny joke. He loves making you know just how loved you are.
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 Mitch Keller
·        Mitch is a pretty private person. It takes him a while to open up to you, but once he does, you forge a connection like you’ve never had before. You spend countless evenings in Bred 2 Buck, sipping on beer and talking about anything and everything. His time in prison meant he spent a lot of time thinking, and he loves to share those thoughts with you. He also enjoys telling you about his time as a bull-rider, reliving his glory days and making you laugh at some of his stories and gasp in shock at others. Mitch is a great storyteller and you could sit for hours listening to his deep, honey coated Southern drawl.
·        Mitch isn’t a fan of PDA, but there are times when he cant help but softly caress your thigh under the table while you’re at the bar, or hold your hand while you drag him around another early morning farmers market (which he loves, but he’d never admit). However, when you’re alone, he’s constantly pulling you close for deep, tender kisses. His loves to run his hands through your hair, stroke your cheek and pepper kisses on your nose and forehead. He’s incredibly cuddly at home and his favourite thing is snuggling under a blanket on the sofa while he plays with your hair.
·        When it comes to giving gifts, Mitch is incredibly sentimental. He didn’t have much money growing up, and he knows that it’s the little things that matter. He might not treat you to fancy, expensive gifts, but you can guarantee he’ll write you endless songs on the guitar and perform them over a candlelit dinner. He’ll run you a bath with your favourite products or take you for a picnic on a sunny day (and he’ll have made all the food from scratch).
·        Mitch loves to just sit back and take you all in. The way your hair shines in the hot Tulsa sun, the sound of your laugh as you sit on the porch watching the sun set, the sparkle in your eyes when he names a cocktail after you at the bar and makes it for you every time you come to visit (even though Tyson has been dying to have one named after him). These are the things that bring him pleasure. He never felt himself to be worthy of love, and no matter how long the two of you have been together, he can’t quite believe how the hell he ended up so lucky.
·        Mitch is a family man and he wants to provide for you. You know that no matter what, you and his dad come first. If you’ve had a long day at work, he’ll take care of dinner and the dishes. If you’re feeling down, he’ll put on your favourite show and sit through the entire thing, even if it’s not what he enjoys. He wants to make you happy, because in his eyes, you’ve made him the happiest man alive. He’ll spend the rest of his life trying to make you smile.
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 Armand Truisi
·        Armand is pretty shy. After an unhappy marriage to his ex, his confidence took a hit. It took him months to work up the courage to ask you out, and he stumbled over his words on the first two dates because he was so nervous. He was sure he’d blown it, but you thought it was cute. He used to second-guess himself a lot, but after realising that you genuinely think his jokes are funny, and that you really do enjoy the Sicilian pasta he makes, his confidence is growing.
·        Armand has a huge love for interior design. He always said he bought the interior design courses for his ex, but you know he poured over the books after she went to bed. He has a soft spot for Art Deco and took you to the Art Deco Museum in Tulsa for your fourth date. It’s now become a favourite place for the both of you. You could listen to him for hours while he talks about the time period, the famous art pieces and how much he loves certain pieces of furniture.
·        Armand is a hard worker. He loves his job at the ranch, and he loves working for Dwight. However, no matter how tired he is, or how long he’s been awake, he’ll always make time for you. If he gets home just as you’re getting up, he’ll make you a cup of coffee and chat to you while you get ready for the day. If he’s working at the ranch on a Saturday, he’ll bring you along and let you spend time with the horses, offering you free riding lessons and showing you how to reshoe a horse. He’s good at what he does, and he’s a natural teacher.
·        Armand is like a nervous teenager when it comes to PDA. He wants to hold your hand and shower you with kisses, but he’s conscious of doing it in public. At home he loves to slow dance. He’ll put on a record (that you picked up at a local vintage fair) and slow dance you round the living room. Armand’s a good dancer, and he’ll spin you round and round until you’re dizzy, dipping you low to the ground as the song ends and kissing you softly.
·        Armand’s a homebody through and through. There’s nothing he loves more than mowing his lawn, tending his garden and doing DIY around the house. You love to watch him as he works, and he pretends like he doesn’t notice you staring, but he’ll stand a little taller when he pushes the mower, or he’ll flex his biceps a little harder while he’s his screwing that cabinet door back on. He much prefers an evening in than going out. He’s forever cooking you new dishes that he’s discovered, or playing you old records. He’s a huge fan of classic movies and he introduces you to a new one every weekend, usually under the comfort of a blanket with a big bowl of popcorn.
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 Goodie Carangi
·        Despite his tough exterior, Goodie is a teddy bear. He acts all tough out in public but at home, there’s nothing he loves more than resting his head on your lap while you run your hands through his hair. He’s not afraid to let his guard down at home and will happily watch rom coms with you (but he’ll never admit it in front of the guys).
·        Goodie enjoys the finer things in life, and he loves treating you to them as well. He’s the first one to know about the latest, fanciest restaurant and you can bet he’s booked the best seats in the house. He goes all out for your birthday and Christmas, buying you the fanciest clothes and jewellery. Gift giving his definitely his love language and he has no problem showering you with presents.
·        Goodie HATES flying, but he wants to treat you to weekends away. You take the train a lot, visiting towns and cities throughout America, staying in the most luxurious hotels and dining in the fanciest restaurants. He really wants to whisk you away to Italy though, and he’s working on his fear of flying. He’s always refused to travel by air, but he knows how badly you want to fly somewhere special, and he’s willing to work on his phobia for you.
·        At first, Goodie comes across as no-nonsense. But behind closed doors he’s goofy, and has more than a few cheesy jokes up his sleeve. He loves making you laugh and can command a whole room with his stories. He’s a charmer, and he knows when to be serious and when he can loosen up a bit.
·        Goodie is a great listener, and he gives incredible advice (that was his job with the Invernizzi family, after all). If you’re having a bad day, he’ll pull up a chair, make you your favourite drink listen while you tell him your problems. He always knows exactly what to say and gives you multiple points of view to help you make the best decision.
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 Dwight Manfredi
·        After 25 years in prison, this man is TOUCH STARVED! However, he’s old school and isn’t a fan of PDA. At home however, he’s always kissing you on your lips or cheek, wrapping you up in warm, tender cuddles and he loves to hold hands while you’re snuggled up in front of the TV.
·        Dwight is a gentleman and you can always expect him to open the car door for you, hold open the doors to restaurants and shops, and pull out your chair when you sit down for dinner. He’ll have a cup of coffee waiting for you when you wake up and an ice cold glass of wine waiting when you get home. This man knows it’s the little things that count and he’ll never take you for granted.
·        Dwight’s an avid reader, having spent the last 25 years reading anything he could get his hands on. He loves the classics – Jane Austin, Charles Dickens and Emily Bronte. He loves reading to you in front of the fire with a glass of wine in his hand. He could spend hours in bookshops and he loves it when you recommend him a book you’ve enjoyed.
·        Dwight likes to treat you, but he knows that gifts can be superficial. Whenever he get you something, you know it comes from the heart. If you have a favourite pastry at a particular caffe, he’ll head out early and buy you a box while they’re still warm and fresh. If he knows you have a favourite author, he’ll wait in line to buy their new book as soon as it comes out and he’ll absolutely find a way to track that author down and have the book personally signed.
·        Dwight knows he missed out so many opportunities and experiences while he was in prison, and he wants to see and do everything with you. He’s always whisking you off to the latest exhibitions, or on weekends away to places you could only dream of. He loves watching the sun rise and he’ll wake you up gently so you can enjoy it on the porch together, a cup of steaming Italian coffee in your hands.  
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heartlandians · 8 months
Filling Empty Spaces (Amy/Mitch), part 221
Mitch and Amy find an unexpected connection due to absent lovers. Set around season 11->.
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this story, so hopefully there won’t be too many grammar errors.
Amy walked downstairs from the loft, carrying Lyndy against her side while the girl's diaper-bag was swinging along on the opposite shoulder.
Every time Amy entered this space, her heart jolted a little bit.
The familiar scents of leather, feed and horses made her feel at ease instantly, and the sounds of swallows flying pass the barn hallway made her recall so many fond summer memories.
She was going to miss this when she and Lyndy would move back into the ranch house, even though she was still going to be coming in every day to do the chores and work at the barn office.
But there was a difference between walking across the yard to get to it compared to actually sharing this corner of the ranch with the horses.
Some of their things upstairs were already packed, even though the move was still months away for the young mother and her daughter. She usually wasn't one to prepare that much in advance, but Amy had figured getting started might make her realize that it was actually happening in the first place.
The Heartland house was going to be theirs.
Even though she had entertained the thought about moving elsewhere with Ty for a while, in her heart of hearts she had always known she would never leave this place - not for good, anyway. She could travel, but all roads would always lead back to here, both physically and mentally.
She had been made feel bad about wanting to stay here, but Amy just couldn't understand why would she ever want to live anywhere else but at Heartland.
It just didn't make sense to her at all, so every time someone argued with her about it or tried to convince her to even think any other place as a home, she couldn't help but wonder if that person really even knew her at all.
When Ty had shared his visions about their house together, Amy had felt guilty. It had sounded like his dream, and she had never wanted to deny him his dreams, but at the same time, thinking about living there had not felt correct somehow and she had secretly felt bad about it while still going along his plans, because it had felt like she had had to.
They had been married, after all, and when you were married, you had to make compromises, right?
As much as she felt guilty about admitting it - even to herself - not having to do that anymore felt like a relief, among other things they had planned together (or more like, "together").
Heartland had always been her home and it would continue to be her home. She was going to be the next generation of Bartletts to keep the ranch in the family - and it felt right.
Maybe one day Lyndy would be the next in line as well.
Or Georgie or Katie.
That would remain to be seen.
As she passed the empty stalls of horses that were grazing outside, Amy heard a truck pull in. It wasn't an unfamiliar sound, per se, just the timing seemed... unexpected.
Before getting any visual, she figured maybe it was Jade and Sloane who had decided to come and meet her at the ranch after all, even though Amy's plan was to pick them up on their way to the rodeo.
But when she saw a worn-out pale blue truck and two young men inside, Amy realized she had no idea who these people were.
It was a sunny day and she had to do some squinting, but from what Amy could tell, the driver had a cap on and two long, black braids resting against his shoulders as he steered the wheel.
The other guy was more of a James Dean type with his short wavy hair he had no doubt used many minutes styling in front of a mirror this morning but besides that, he looked like any other cowboy one would come across this part of the world.
The truck stopped in front of the barn, and the passenger jumped out, giving the driver a nod as if to thank them. As quickly as the truck had appeared, it was gone just as fast, the driver heading away after dropping off the other young man.
It seemed intentional - which only confused Amy more. They weren't here to ask directions.
"Hey. Amy Fleming?" the man checked, adding to the bewilderment.
He knew her name, which in a way was not unheard of, as she was pretty famous in certain circles, but it still made Amy feel uneasy; she didn't like when people knew her - or of her - but she had no idea who they were. Meeting someone like that made her feel like she was in a disadvantaged position.
Amy studied him, running possible scenarios in her head, then wondering if this was a client.
The only problem with that was that she was sure she had no client meetings today as she had cleared her calendar due to her plans to attend the rodeo.
That being said, sometimes clients did drop in - unannounced - but usually they had their horses with them as they were typically hoping it would help them pressure her to give them some of her time.
This guy, however, was alone.
"Yes?" she finally confirmed with a hint of doubt in her tone.
"Trace Hawkings", the young man introduced himself after wiping his hand on his jeans first, making sure it had no dust on it, as he was looking to make a good first impression.
Amy looked at it and then wondered how exactly they would shake hands, seeing she was holding Lyndy. The girl pressed against her more firmly, not sure of this stranger in front of them.
The young man, thankfully, picked that up himself fairly quickly too, not prolonging the awkward situation of her leaving him hanging.
"Oh, right", Trace realized his mistake, seeming a bit nervous, even though at the same time some type of care-free confidence pushed through. In some ways, this guy reminded Amy of Caleb, but maybe every young cowboy did in some way. "I'm the kid from Tim's rodeo school", he then offered when Amy just stood there, puzzled.
Then it hit Amy.
The ranch hand interview!
It was all coming back to her now.
She had rescheduled that interview for today in a rush because she had not wanted to think about that yesterday during her stressful venting moment with Mitch.
But he was here now, ready to be interviewed.
And she was supposed to be on her way to the rodeo.
Amy sighed, which Trace had a response to. She regretted her reaction instantly.
"Oh... is it not... what you expected?" he wondered, as he had barely even been here for two minutes and it seemed like she was already disappointed. "Because I can assure you that while I may not look like much, I'm a hard worker. I know horses and I'm not stranger to ranch work either. Maybe your dad can vouch for me?" Trace added, hopeful the connection would benefit him somehow.
"No, it's not that, it's just..." she began, but then wondered if he actually needed to know everything that was going on in her head right now. Instead, she had to come up with a solution to a problem she herself had created. "How does your day look like?" Amy asked.
He furrowed his brows ever so slightly.
"You mean, like... typically?" Trace asked, wondering what exactly did she mean.
"I mean, today. Are you busy?" Amy added. She needed to think on her feet in order to fix this situation.
Trace thought about it for a while.
"I can not be busy, if you want..." he offered, wondering if this was some type of a test.
"Great. Would you be interested in joining me for a rodeo?" Amy asked.
Trace's brows now shot up, surprised by her initiative.
"Oh, wow--what", Trace stuttered, not really following her trail of thought, but at the same time it kept him guessing and excited; he loved rodeo for similar reasons. "I mean... Rodeo? Really?"
"Yes", Amy said, giving him a nod that requested him to follow her. "I need to be on my way, and you need to be interviewed, so it's like killing two birds with one stone. And I have one extra ticket, so you're in luck", she explained, walking toward her truck.
Seeing Georgie was a no-show, due to her disagreements with Amy's relationship with Mitch, Amy had one ticket to spare.
"I mean, why not. I love rodeos", Trace said, walking with her.
If this was a test, it was a pleasant one for him.
"Figured you might. Hop on in", Amy told him.
When Trace saw her struggling with holding Lyndy and trying to get the handle, he opened the backdoor for Amy so she could get the girl into her seat.
"Oh, thank you", Amy said.
The next thing he did was offer to take the diaper-bag from her.
She was impressed by him so far, in contrary to what he believed. "Thanks."
As Amy adjusted Lyndy into her seat and buckled her in, Trace walked on the other side of the truck to put the diaper-bag on the opposite back seat.
Even though Amy's focus was on Lyndy, she couldn't help but notice Trace wasn't afraid of sudden change of plans and he seemed perceptive, noticing when someone needed help and didn't just stand there, waiting for someone else to do something.
When it came to this line of work, those were good qualities to have.
When Amy closed the back door and walked to get up to the front seat, Trace was already seated on the passenger side.
"So, this is your daughter?" he asked, assessing the situation.
Amy buckled herself in and nodded. "Yeah. Lyndy."
"Cool", the young man said, nodding.
While Amy reversed the truck, Trace figured he should check something, as the situation was a bit... odd, to say the least.
"So... I have to ask; did... I mess up the time? I mean, you told me to come today, before noon, so..." he spoke nervously.
When Amy steered the truck around the circle in the middle of the yard, she sighed quietly, feeling like she was just juggling things these days and others had to deal with it.
"No", Amy wanted Trace to know it wasn't him. "I've been sort of... struggling with my schedules lately. Sorry about that", she confessed. "That's why I need someone to help me with the chores."
Trace nodded, understanding that and harboring no hard feelings. "Well, if you'll have me, I'm the guy to do that."
Amy nodded, not ready to hire him just yet - even though she was desperate for help - but so far she had no reason to not continue this informal interview.
"So, what's this rodeo? Not local, I assume, because otherwise I would have definitely been there", Trace commented.
"This one's in Calgary", Amy shared. "I'm going to pick up few of my friends from the town first. -- Actually, you probably already know one of them", she now realized.
"Oh yeah?" Trace asked, wondering who it was.
In a way he was hoping it would help him relax a bit as this was somewhat unusual situation to find himself in.
"She goes to the rodeo school too", was all Amy had to say before it clicked.
"Jade? Jade Virani?" Trace knew, as there were no other girls there.
Amy nodded. "Yeah", she confirmed.
The tone Trace used made her curious and she glanced at him. His eyes were direcred straight ahead and it seemed like he was drying his sweaty palms against his jean-covered thighs.
"Is that okay?" she checked.
Who was to say these two weren't some type of rivals, as Amy knew Jade could be very competitive.
"Y-yeah, of course", Trace replied.
Even though Trace said one thing, Amy wasn't completely convinced. But it was actually good thing the topic had come up now, before Jade was in the truck with them.
Amy had to be sure that there were no problems between people who were working for her, and more importantly, people who she would have around Lyndy.
"Jade's helping me out with Lyndy sometimes", she shared, checking on the girl through the rear-view mirror simultaneously. Lyndy was looking at the trees passing by, like she often did during car rides. "So if I were to hire you, you and Jade would probably be around each other a lot", Amy offered a scenario in order to see Trace's reaction.
Even though Amy was driving, she glanced at the young man's direction sneakily as they drove pass the Heartland gates, to see what his body language was telling her.
"Shouldn't be a problem", Trace said, clearly holding something back, but not giving Amy any more clues.
It seemed like it was somewhat impossible to get all information out of him now, when sat like this, but maybe adding Jade to the mix would bring a different kind of energy into this. ****
On their way to Hudson, Amy decided to steer away from personal scrunity and instead went through typical questions she would ask during a job interview - because that's what this was, after all.
Even though Trace held back when it came to questions about his personal affairs - which Amy understood as someone who was rather private person herself - he didn't hold back during the work related inquiries, which made another good impression on Amy.
As they drove toward Maggie's, Amy had heard about what interested Trace in this role, what his salary expectations were and why he would be a great fit for this job.
"There they are", Amy commented as they headed toward the couple standing on the curb.
Jade noticed Amy's truck and waved at her, but when they came closer, her hand dropped and the look on her face went more stern.
As Amy pulled over, Jade was almost in some type of staring competition with Trace while Sloane waited for the truck to stop.
"Do you want to take the middle seat?" Sloane asked from Jade when she opened the back door, and saw Amy's little girl who Jade babysat from time to time.
Jade turned her head toward Sloane, looking a little baffled now, but then nodded. "Sure. Sure."
The young bronc rider, covered in her typical black clothing, stepped in and took the middle seat next to Lyndy. The girl's face lit up when she recognized the familiar face.
"Hey, kiddo", Jade said, bringing her left hand to tickle Lyndy.
While Jade was entertaining the girl, Sloane slipped in next to her and pulled the door shut behind them.
"Hey, I'm Sloane", she immediately introduced herself to Amy. "Nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."
Amy had her head turned over her shoulder - and her seat - and she greeted Jade's girlfriend with a friendly smile. Even though there had been a slight change of plans, she was still excited to meet this person who meant so much to Jade.
This was going to be a big day for Jade - and Sloane.
"Likewise. I'm Amy. That's Lyndy", she said, even though it was rather obvious, "and this is Trace", Amy then gestured to the young man on the passenger seat, in case Sloane wasn't familiar with him.
"What are you doing here?" Jade then asked, almost cutting off Amy's introduction, her tone similar to a sibling who was somewhat done with their brother.
The tension, that had began from the moment Jade's name had been brought up in the first place, kept growing.
Amy wasn't sure she liked the energy, but they were now stuck with it due to the circumstances. Maybe she could find more about it as the day went on, and in a way, it could almost be the thing that helped her make a decision.
Right now, Amy really hoped that things would turn out okay, because she was in a dire need of assistance, and Trace seemed like a good fit otherwise; his expectations were realistic and the salary he was hoping to get was reasonable.
"Amy asked me to join her for the rodeo", Trace explained. "I came to a job interview, but... there was a slight change of plans."
"Job interview?" Jade repeated, then realizing Amy was looking for a new ranch hand. "You're going to be the new ranch hand...?" she stated out loud, sounding doubtful.
Before Trace could reply anything, Amy steered the truck away from the curb and started heading to Calgary.
"Well, this is the interview", Amy spoke. "We'll see what happens."
She felt like she needed to announce that so no one would get ahead of themselves yet. Anything and everything that happened today would affect her decision about that.
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inkedobsidian · 2 years
~ Grey - M.R ~
summary: sequal to Red. Y/N is now in the hospital attemting to recover
pairing: Mitch Rapp x Reader
warnings: After care in hospital, coma
word count: 1,083
a/n: Requests are open! Prompt list is there if you guys want extra ideas!
Master-List - Prompts
Mitch's life went from every shade of red to a pale shade of grey in moments. It's been almost three months since he broke down on the floor as Y/N got driven away in an ambulance on the verge of her death. As time went past Mitch watched Y/N's body shrink and deteriorate. As the color drained from her face she turned from a lovely pink shade of happiness to a beaten face covered in red, black, and blue. Now he has to sit by while her face turns to a sickly grey. Although Mitch gets sick thinking about the state of Y/N what he doesn't realize is he doesn't look too different from her. As his mental state deteriorates so does his physical health and he hasn't even realized it. Stan and Irene don't even mention how he looks because they know that the only thing he cares about is if Y/N will ever wake up.
Mitch's hair has started to snap when he runs his hands through his hair because of the little care he has for himself. His cheekbones are more defined but in a ghoulish way, just like Y/N. After three months all of her bruises have healed but the mental ones will stay forever and Mitch already knows this. His back begins to ache constantly as hospital chairs aren't the comfiest and he refuses to go anywhere in case Y/N was up and he's not here. Although the nurses have told him numerous times to go sleep in a normal bed so he's in better health for her he also refuses. The bags under his eyes grow bigger every day and he only takes small naps because nobody knows when she'll wake up.
As time went on and the world got more grey for Mitch. As Irene kept emailing him about new missions, Mitch kept ignoring them all knowing that he couldn't leave Y/N because the last time he did, even though it was only for a few moments, she was taken. As he tried to think through in his mind why this happened to her of all people, she wasn't an agent; she was just a civilian Mitch fell for. As he tried to answer all these questions he felt like he was trying to solve a crossword that had no right answer. As he sleeps memories of them come in flashbacks and as he stares at her sick and ghoulish body it's like he can hear echoes of her in his mind.
As Y/N sits stuck in her own mind screaming for Mitch to save her again she is just stuck in her imagination. Just like Mitch her whole world is grey inside her mind. She sits inside her mind in a house covered in darker splats of grey, the world in her mind is deteriorating and she knows that her body is probably doing the same on the outside. She wonders around her mind trying to escape the grey in her mind.
All these changes when flashes of color begin to appear and she begins to hear whistling in the trees. Colour only appears in flashes but the whistling is more constant before it begins to form words, echo's almost. The echo that she's hearing begins to turn into formable words and the voice is then recognized… Mitch is speaking to her.
"Y/N… I know people say you can hear when you're in a coma so I decided to finally speak. It's been about… 6 months I guess. I can't really tell. I haven't left your side because this feels like my fault. You never asked for this and I should've protected you more. You fell in love with the wrong person. I understand if you don't want to see me again after what happened because you went through enough trauma for a lifetime. Anyway, I just wanted to say I love you. I said it when they took you away but I don't know if you ever heard me with the pain you were in. I needed to say it out loud finally in a place you could hear me. I love you Y/N… I'm sorry."
Mitch holds her hand and begins to tear up as he realizes the damage just knowing him has caused her. His tears fall down his face and his throat feels like it's swelled up to the point of closing so he can't breathe. Within two seconds he can't breathe for a different reason.
"You need to stop blaming yourself…" A voice croaks almost as if it hurts just to speak, which in fact does. Mitch's head snaps up and he sees Y/N with her eyes ever so slightly open.
"How can I not blame myself when you're in here because of me." He shuffles the chair as close to the bed as he can even get to make sure she feels safe. "Well, I'm probably here because I refused to tell them shit, even though it hurt like a bitch." She says chuckling at the end, which made her start to cough. Mitch quickly hands her a cup of water that he refills every few hours. As it made its way down her throat she lent back with the relaxation of being alive but feeling all the pain that comes with it. As she winces Mitch goes to leave. "No don’t leave. Just a few more minutes alone.. please." Y/N whines trying to have a little more peace with Mitch.
"Aren't you in pain?" Mitch asks worried for her.
"Please I've been in more pain, I never realized how much pain the body can take before it passes out. I thought it was a lot less." She chuckles trying to lighten the mood.
"So you told them nothing?" Mitch asks not worried about himself more-so proud of her.
"Well, besides they can fuck off and bite me, not a single thing." She chuckles when saying bite me. Mitch just smirks at her.
"That's my girl." He smiles kissing her forehead gently.
"I heard you, when I was put into the ambulance, it was the last thing I heard before it went dark." She smiles at him. They both stay in silence and they just stay in each other's presence happy to be there together. Finally, Y/N opens her mouth to say something that's been on her time the entire time.
"I hope I look better than you because Jesus Christ Mitch you need a several-hour shower and a shave."
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Twdg + Clem when they walk in on their SO working out and they’re mad sweaty👀😂
Si Si I hope this will do! Btw all these are SFW!
TWDG Ericsson gang + clem walking in on their S/O working out
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She opened the door and wasn’t too fazed but still blushed a bit
“Oh…having fun there?”
She loses any form of conversational skills and goes back to the basics
Nothing but awkward small talk
She eventually leaves and pretend that nothing ever happened
“So how was your work out?”
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She’s very flustered
She gets all bushy and congratulations you on your athleticism
Then she speed walks away
You can shout down the haul all you want but she refuses to turn back
She doesn’t really talk to you or anyone through out the day
You, tenn, and the others try to talk to her but she gives the most bluntest responses ever
Don’t take it the wrong way though
She just doesn’t know what to do
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At first he’s very embarrassed
But then he gets over it kinda
He tries and brushes it off though
“Oh your working out? Bet you dessert that I can do more push ups then you.”
Before you can ever respond man already did 23 push ups
He’s always staring at the ground so you don’t see his red ass face lmao
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Man opens the door and is stunned
You look up and he’s staring at you in awe
He regains his focus and just compliments you
“You nearly done or do you want me to leave?”
He may seem chill how ever it’s all an act
He is internally dying fr fr
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As soon as he walks through the door, he just stares in silence
“Well someone’s been busy.”
He makes a joke before sitting down somewhere
“I’d join in too but my huge biceps are aching already.”
He’d flex his muscles too lmao
When you where done he’d give you a hug and then make a joke
“Well someone needs a towel.”
Even though he’s joking I give you full permission to kick that man gentle in the shins <3
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He’s very embarrassed
Instant regret kicked in
“Oh shit your working out…right well um I’ll be off then…”
He RUNS away
He’s totally embarrassed and won’t talk to anyone
You try and talk to him after but all he says is
“Yeh…did you remember to shower after.”
You punch him in the arm for that.
Please forgive him though he’s just processing everyone
He walks in and is just shocked
“Oh! If I knew you where going to be working out I would’ve made you some extra food.”
He still just kinda stares at you and is all flustered
You asking him what he’s still doing here and he comes back down to earth
He apologise and leaves
He stares off into space while he’s cooking and just kinda replays the whole memory
He feels so embarrassed lmao
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This girl didn’t know what to do
She was just sat there for a moment thinking
“Ah right, your busy…keep up the good work and remember to not out do yourself!”
She’s kinda blushing but pretending that everything’s normal
She acts pretty normal afterwards but will make a joke about you being all smelly and sweaty lmao
This girl was emotionally stirred up lmao
She walked in and her face went red
“Hey, hun!- ohh shoot!”
She then awkwardly stands there for a few seconds just admiring you
“Well um I’m going to go, keep up the good work and the towels and deodorant are in the top drawer…”
She’s never going to forget that moment lmao
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chayacat · 2 years
can i request a stan and mitch x reader 🫶
Of course ! there you go ! it's a little short, but this is the first time i made a characterxreader so i don't know how long it has to make ^^" Hope you like it still !
Support Hug Attack!  
Fandom: Road 96 
Fluff,Cuteness,support a sick OC, hug, comfort.  
You never imagined that one day your prayers would be heard. You worked at Super Supper but you only wanted one thing, to be allowed to leave this hell. The boss was horrible to you, constantly putting you down, or complaining. But one day they arrived. Well, they weren't heroes, they were robbers. There were two. and their outfits were... Special. It looked like they were coming out of an S&M role play. They had taken the contents of the cash register, as well as the customers' money before taking you hostage because according to them: "we can not make a good robbery, without hostages". This is Stan & Mitch’s rule. So they took you outside and 50 meters further, they hid with you to be able to count their loot.  
84 dollars, for you it was nothing but for them, it was huge. They were going to leave, explaining you that they needed a "fake" hostage and they were even ready to compensate you for the "emotional duress", but what was their surprise, when you grabbed Stan's arm, begging them to take you with them. And after explaining why, they agreed. Over time, you ended up becoming friends, and then... much more than friends. It was impossible for you, and totally out of the question, to choose between the two. So, you decided to love both of them. And they gave it back to you. Even if sometimes, Stan is not very sharing, even with his brother.  
But you didn't care, because they each brought something to your life, Stan the protection and Mitch, the gentleness. That day, they were out for one of their robberies, you had remained at the hideout, too weak to move. You hadn't been feeling well for a few days. And that, the Sanchez brothers had noticed. Unfortunately, taking you to a doctor was quite complicated, there were very few in this country. And the prices were excessive. But Sonya had a medical book at home, and Mitch was able to quickly find out what you had. It was a simple flu. You were lying down when you heard the sound of their motorcycle stopping. And by the sound of their voices, they had another good heist. 
“We’re home!” Said Stan descending the makeshift ladder they had built. 
“Hey...” you start before coughing dryly. “How did it go?” 
“$120. Best robbery ever. You should see the expression on that poor sucker’s face.” Responds Mitch.  
“I would have liked to see that indeed.”  
“How do you feel?” replied Stan sitting next to you. 
“Not much better...that damn flu doesn’t want to go easily....” 
“Don’t worry, with some rest, and some medication that we recovered thanks to Sonya, you will recover very quickly. Don't you want to at least eat a little something?” asks Mitch. 
“Urgh...Sorry Mitch but, just talking about food makes me more sick than before.” you responds with a disgusted smile.  
Mitch shook his head, making you realize that it was nothing, before going back up to park the motorcycle properly. Stan had turned on the TV, making sure that the sound was not too loud to prevent you from a headache. Or at least, prevent it from getting worse. Then he came back to you and, without warning, lay down beside you, taking you in his arms. 
“What are you doing?” you said, coughing again.  
“That’s my special technique to help you feel better, an hug attack!” he responds, hugging you more.  
“You know that you can be sick too if you stay so close to me?” 
“i don’t care, I can’t let you go through this alone. If I have to be sick too, then so be it. As long as you feel better after...” 
“Awww, you’re so sweet....thank you Stan.” you replied, kissing his cheek hidden under his hood.  
“Hey! Give me at least one place!” said suddenly Mitch, descending again the ladder.  
And without letting you or his brother answer, Mitch stood on the other side of the bed surrounding you with his arms as well. You couldn't help but laugh as you coughed lightly, these two are real kids. But feeling them both against you, felt good, and warms your heart. 
“If all three of us are sick, we are screwed.” you said laughing a little.  
“Don’t worry about it. We’re much stronger than you think.” said Mitch, kissing your head.  
“ I’m so lucky to have you two.” 
“No, WE are lucky to have you.” replied Stan.  
“Yeah it feels nice to be loved by someone...except Sonya of course.” said Mitch. 
“Heh, I love you guys.” you said kissing their cheek before falling asleep.  
“We love you too. Good night sweets.” 
The two brothers also ended up falling asleep with Tv’s sounds, hugging you to them as best they could. Being in between brought you comfort. Because you knew that no matter what you get, no matter what happens to you, they will always be there.  
You bless the day you met them. Forever. And you wish that nothing will separate you from them, except death.  
But as late as possible.  
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misshoneyimhome · 1 year
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Tags: ex-boyfriend!Freddie; Frederik AndersenxReader; Fullf; Wedding; 
”Lover” – Taylor Swift
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January And this is our place, we make the rules And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
The day had been nothing short of amazing. Stephanie was the most beautiful bride, you’d ever seen in real life, and the ceremony had left no eye dry. Mitch had looked so proud, standing there, seeing the love of his life walking towards him; about to say yes to be his forever. 
It was simply wonderful.
And you’d had a great time as well. Seeing one of your best girlfriends marrying the love of her life; her best friend, made you feel warm and deeply happy for her. And of course, you’d make it your life’s mission to hunt down Mitch if he’d ever break her heart; but in this very moment of ‘I do’s’ and vows, you had no doubt they were made for each other. 
The only little tinge you felt in your chest, was caused by the gazing honey brown eyes, belonging to none other than your gorgeous of a ginger ex-boyfriend/former lover: Frederik Andersen. 
You and Freddie had history – not a long one, but history, nonetheless.
Freddie had very casually walked straight into your heart back in 2019, when he was the starting goaltender for the Toronto Maple Leafs, the moment Stephanie had introduced you to the team and their significant others. You’d come to know Stephanie through another girlfriend of yours, and your quickly growing friendship had made her take you in and made you a part of the inner circle of the hockey team. 
Something you’d never even dreamt of in your life but was so grateful for had happened. 
And you enjoyed every second of it. Every game, every team event, and not to mention, every time Freddie had looked at you. If someone asked you, if you believed in love at first sight, this was probably the closest you’d come to experience it. Because it must have been love - And Freddie had not held back in expressing his feelings for you, and bluntly asked you out.
So that was your history: one year of pure joy and happiness; amazing sex, laughter, comfort post losses, and genuine heart-warming feelings. 
Unfortunately, your fairy-tale had been cut short, when Freddie was to move to the Hurricanes in North Carolina, and you were unable to move with him. Not only because you’d only been going out for a year, but also because you’d just started your new job after an important promotion, you’d worked so hard for. 
And it’s not that you didn’t want to move with Freddie, but he simply couldn’t live with himself if he knew that it’d been his fault that you’d have to give up on your career and start all over – just so he could have his. No, it wasn’t fair, and eventually you’d agreed. 
The first couple of months went well though; you tried to talk every day and keep each other updated of your whereabouts, but then it grew too hard for the both of you. The distance alone just made you fall apart – and it had been Freddie who’d eventually been the one to rip off the bandage. 
Although it’d hurt, you knew it was for the best. 
So here you both were, at the party of a wedding between your very close friends. Both standing in a room, filled with nothing but joy, laughter, and romance. And Freddie simply couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. You were gorgeous. 
He could tell that you’d spent hours getting ready; your hair and make-up were flawless, but what was truly captivating was your smile. The dimples by your lips, that you’ve always hated so such, but he loved so wholeheartedly, because it meant that you were happy. 
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my Lover
As you were standing there, talking to some of the other guests with a drink in your hand, it was like Freddie’s feet moved all by themselves. The magnetic attraction between the two of you, made him slowly yet determined walk in your direction; and as you felt his presence near you, you turned around and as your eyes met the soft expression on his alluring, handsome face, your heart melted all over again.   
“Please, dance with we?” he simply asked, husky words softly escaping his lips, and as an automatic response, your head nodded, and your mouth spoke the word ‘yes.’
We could let our friends crash in the living room This is our place, we make the call And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
One of his hands, softly took one of yours, and his other hand was placed on your hip, as your available hand gently took its place on his shoulder. You knew people were looking, but there was a not a drop of care within either of you – both just simply enjoyed and embraced he gentle touches and the air you shared between you. 
It was like everything was coming back to you, a monsoon of emotions washing over your body, mind, and soul. And oh, how it felt so good. 
As the two of you swayed softly to the music playing from the speakers, you were in a world of your own. His arms stretched to push out apart, swing you around, and then pull you back into his body. His large, warm, and solid body. The body you knew oh so well; you’d seen naked on multiple occasions; you’d been intimate with, touched, and kissed – the body of the man you’d love for three years. 
And it looked good in a suit. Freddie’s always had a great taste in suits, and you’d never held back on your compliments of the matter. But tonight, he looked exceptionally good. The summer had done him well, given him a light tan, almost brightening his already fierce ginger hair. He shone nothing but confident and self-awareness, as he once again starched his arms, pushing you apart, and then pulling you back in again.  
And then he held you tightly.
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever) You're my, my, my, my Lover
“You look beautiful,” he whispered delicately into your ear, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. His voice, the words, his breath; he had you wrapped around his finger all over again. 
You offered him a sweet smile. 
“Thank you,” you simply replied, as your eyes locked and you again swayed from side to side, holding each other closely. 
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue All's well that ends well to end up with you Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
Gently, he once again repeated the dance moves, but this time as he’d pulled you back into him, he held your hands between your chests, one still resisting on your waist, and leaned his forehead against yours. Both of you almost closed your eyes, as you leaned into each other, and mentally left the room, only letting yourself be aware of the music. You were mesmerised. Lost in another life – in a life with only you and Freddie. 
“I’ve missed you,” his words were smooth and soft, his breath warm, and his heartbeat steady. His words worked like magic, making your knees weak and leaving our mind in a haze. 
But then you felt it. The way he’d left your heart hollow when he’d broken up with you. The pain he’d caused when he spoke the words you never thought would be said between you. The dryness in your eyes, after you’d shed every single tear, you had left in you, after he’d given up on your relationship. 
So, you forced yourself to look up at him. And into the deep of his eyes, where you could almost see your own reflection. 
“Don’t play with me.” Your words were shaky, and voice close to trembling.
He kept his eyes locked on yours, and your bodies swayed towards the end of the song; and he knew, it was now or never. Either he spoke the words he so deeply, desperately needed to speak, or he’d lose you for good. 
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever) You're my, my, my, my Oh, you're my, my, my, my Darling, you're my, my, my, my Lover
“I love you,” he almost whispered. Your pupils were shifting from side to side, as if searching for evidence of truth or lie in his soul. Your breathing increased, your palms got sweaty, and you could feel that oh so familiar and very pleasant tinge of sensation in your fingertips – it was love.
Waves of delicate softness flowed through your veins, as your heart pumped red blood spreading oxygen to your cells, filling the void within your heart with warmth, joy, comfort, and pure happiness. 
Words escaped your mouth, and air left your lungs as you spoke. “I love you too.” 
And as the last melody of the song played its tunes, Freddie’s lips found their way back it their rightful place: to your lips, in a tender kiss. 
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*sniffling and teary eyed, I look up from Bug's shoulder*
Wh-*sniff* what did the entry s-say about his... Ludwig's deal... again? Something about protection? *sniiiiiifffff*t-there was somethin' bout an ambulance too, but I, *sob, hiccup* I can't make any sense of it!
*face returns to Bug's shoulder, hugging them tighter*
Bug is shushing you, trying to be as comforting as possible.
"Spy, take a look again, lad. Maybe you missed something."
Jacques looks over the entry, then the next entry, & the next, until finally one seems to yield some sort of result, "July 1946, I turn 38 tomorrow & yet I feel as if no time has passed since my deal with Satan 4 years ago. I have a hypothesis that the deal, & my subsequent meddling with the occult, has slowed down my aging. I cannot prove this, however, until I grow older & see if that is truly the case."
"The war in Europe ended last year, & I'm glad about that, but I've been plagued by nightmares ever since. I see hellfire, I see my father & stepmother, I see myself as this masked persona I have created, & I'm scared. But then I wake up & the fear disappears, as fast as it arrived. One dream, however, won't let me be, & it leaves me shaking & sweating when I wake up. One of these days Mitch, the Heavy, will hear me screaming in the night & will barge into my room when I'm unmasked. I can't have that, he might recognise my face from the newspaper, & then he might turn me over to the authorities. They will never believe me that I killed General Somerton out of self defense, how could they when I am who I am?"
"Anyway, my dream. In it, I am accosted by those thugs again. They shatter my violin & rip open my grandfather's grimoire, & as I fight back one of them shoots me. Unlike in real life, I don't manage to kill all of them, & they run. Someone calls an ambulance for me, like in real life, but there is no Satan, there is no god, & no one comes to drag me away from the scene before the police & the paramedics arrive. Sometimes my wounds kill me, although the position of the gunshot wound should not be able to do that. I hate it when my dreams are medically inaccurate, I didn't study for five years for my own mind to disregard that."
"Sometimes the wounds don't kill me, which is the worse option. My mind skips over the hospital, & the prison, & the deportation, but it lingers on the camps, & it lingers on the sight of my father in prison rags, even though I know he died before he let them drag him away. I see him there, with a face like death itself, & he is smiling at me, welcoming me into his open arms. He asks me how I enjoyed America, if I enjoyed the hunger, the pain, the fear. He asks me if I missed the cushy life I led in Germany, as the daughter of a famous doctor, instead of living as an outlaw & a vagabond away from my home country. He mocks me, all the while smiling at me & telling me how much he missed me. Telling me the sweet things my father would have never stooped low enough to say."
"My deal with the Devil ensures that I won't be deported, that I won't be found as long as I don't bring attention to myself. I've since talked to other demons, made sacrifices in blood & bodies, done everything so that I may survive in this pointless war over gravel. All my days are filled with the anxiety & fear over someone figuring me out, finding out who I really am. It's worse than when I lived with Vogel, & I hate it, & the dreams won't let me forget. But, thanks to my deal, I am alive & safe, & when my contract is over & the next poor fool takes my place, I will be able to get out of here & do something I actually love. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to get my medical license back, maybe I'll be able to practice medicine & actually live without fear."
"My contract is up in a year, & I don't know what I'll do when I leave BLU. I never want to work for Mann Co. again but they pay so well & they provide me with protection. We'll see, we'll see. For now, I have a new formula for sleeping meds I want to try out. Hopefully, tomorrow, it will at most make me face Heavy's wrath, & not Satan's. Alright, that wasn't funny, but I do hope it doesn't kill me or make me oversleep again. The lock on my door can only take so much before it breaks."
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starkraivennemad · 3 months
Rock Star - Chapter 14: You Can Find Me In The Club
The music was blaring loud. 
This was not a small venue like at Marcus’ private party. This was a full-out dance club and Jim was liking it.
It was not his music playing and he was happy to listen to something different. He just wanted to lose himself in the scene. 
Especially after Goldie’s funeral.
“How dare you come here! You! You’re the reason she was never happy! She’s…” Mitchell Harris-Weiland was all but screaming at Jim as he rose out of his seat before his eldest daughter, Melody, grabbed her father’s arm and pulled him to her.  “Just get out you bastard.” Mitch tearfully hiccuped, “You’re not wanted here.” The grieving husband dropped his head onto his daughter’s shoulder and sobbed.  Looking at him over her father’s shoulder, Melody pointed to the exit with her chin.  When Jim still stood there in shock at Mitchell’s reaction, the youngest daughter, Jaime, stood. It was plain as day that she wanted to reach out to him, but could not, knowing it would further upset her father. Her apologetic eyes, very much like her mother’s, silently begged him to leave. He gave a short nod to the sisters and left the church. So intent on leaving he nearly walked past Sebastian who simply pivoted into place before him as Devlin brought up the rear, clearing the way to their rental car. It was as the car was driving off that Jim remembered the rosary in his pocket. I can’t go back in there. I’m sorry Goldie. I meant to give it back for you to hold for me until we met on the other side. As Devlin drove through the streets, Jim recognized a place and demanded he pull over into a car park behind a hotel. Not giving Devlin nor Moran warning, Jim stalked out of the car and walked to a spot near the hedges. The hedges were taller than when he was last there, but he knew where he stood. I was created here… “Sir? Company…” Moran gently cleared his throat when other people arrived in the car park. Jim was grateful Moran asked no questions, leaving him to his memories, as he got back in the car. Mum’s gone. Goldie’s gone. Hell, even Nicky is gone. Except for Edie, there really is no reason for me to ever step foot back in this fucking place ever again is there?
It was a mixed blessing at the church, peripherally he could see the reactions of others who recognized him there, but it was a funeral. Normally, he would be thronged in such a small crowd that would vie for his attention. Being at a funeral usually provided a level of consideration against such. Still, he could tell some really wanted to catch his eye regardless. He was grateful for Moran’s presence that kept them away then.
Unfortunately, he’s doing the same thing now. Here at the club. Keeping them away.
Jim knew he should have stayed at the hotel and left for the airport to go back to London.
He didn’t.
He needed... distraction.
It was something Sebastian apparently understood as he did not argue about the sudden change to stay the night. Nor to go to a dance club an hour away. It also helped that Edie, who came from the area, was visiting her parents for the weekend while Jim was gone, and was already there blowing off steam of her own. He happily joined her in the closed-off VIP section that overlooked the dance floor. Sworn off hard drugs years ago, Jim had stuck to alcohol as it and other recreation circled among the small group gathered in VIP.
As always, Sebastian said nothing. Simply stood and watched and listened.
“It ought to be against the fucking law to look that dangerous and that damn good without even trying.” Edie slammed back a shot. “Seriously Jim. How have you kept your hands off him?”
Moran’s well cut dark suit was made slightly less serious by the removal of the tie and opened collar. But his entire bearing screamed both come let me fuck you, yet at the same time, come near me and die . Which meant few people were coming near the VIP. And the few who had the guts to come to the booth, only stayed but so long with Moran’s looming presence.
“With ease.” Jim huffed, his eyes narrowing on the bodyguard. “He’s a pain in the feckin’ arse and not one he’d think I’d like.” 
I saw that hand flex, you overgrown behemoth. You wish - don’t you? Keep fucking wishing! 
“Well can I put my hands on him then?” Darlia, a more than two sheets to the wind wants-to-but-doesn’t-realize-yet-she’s-never-going-to-be-more-than-a-backup singer and guitarist, ogled Sebastian. 
“I’d like to see you get the nerve to try, girl.” Edie giggled 
“Pah,” Darlia dismissed her. “He looks tough - yeah, I bet he’s a softie. All rosé wine and red rose petals on white satin sheets.” 
It appeared as though Moran had not heard her, but Jim knew otherwise. Jim could see the major eye roll as he turned his head away. 
Okay, he’s NOT a sappy romance type of bloke, no surprise there.
Darlia started to wobbly get up, obviously to attempt to lay a hand and perhaps more on Sebastian.  
Jim quickly stood to block her. “Hands. OFF!”
“Hey- !” Darlia started to push at Jim, but Sebastian quickly moved in front of him to block it. “Jim’s the one that got in the way - what’s your problem?” 
“His problem..” Jim shoved Sebastian slightly aside, “...which you’ve now made my problem is that you aren’t respecting boundaries. Don’t touch him-” Jim pointed at Sebastian, “- Ever. ” 
At Edie and Sebastian’s surprised looks, Jim realized he was just short of snarling at the woman and quickly lightened his tone. “Besides, Darlia darling, one - he’s on duty, so no. Two - you touch him unawares, I’m pretty sure you’ll never strum the strings with that hand again, woman. Three, though I suspect it will be a tough choice - if you’re lucky, he’ll let you keep your hand attached to you, after all, you don’t need it to sing.” Jim muttered, which really meant he yelled at a lower volume, the only way to be heard where they were. “Four - if, and that’s a big IF. he’s in a generous mood, the fucker might even remember to apologise though it would be totally your own damn fault for being so stupid.” 
He saw the infinitesimal nod of Sebastian’s head confirming it.
“Aww, thank you, Sir. I didn’t know you cared.”  Sebastian snarked.
“Fuck off. I don’t want a lawsuit.”
“Of course, not.” Sebastian grinned, not buying it. 
Edie, knowing Jim was likely correct, on the lawsuit and the potential hand loss, reached for Darlia’s arm enticing her to sit again with a shake of ice tinkling in a drink glass. 
“And that’s if he doesn’t simply choke the shit out of you for the fun of it.” Jim added. 
Jim just made out the quick flex of Sebastian’s hand as he smirked at Jim’s comment. Jim recalled Sebastian’s hands at Marcus’ birthday.
Because I know you liked it.
As if having heard the thought, Sebastian turned his head to him and outright grinned. 
Jim unconsciously rubbed at his chest, his nipple ring as he glanced at Sebastian’s strong hands, casually held in front of him in a modified stand at ease.   
What would they feel like? ------------------- Continue reading and comment on AO3...
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