#and i like walker i'm a fan whatever it's fun
dummie-writes · 5 months
the party walkers
self insert .✧・゚: *✧・゚:* school bus graveyard
words: 2.21k
next part: a rescue mission
note: hot minute, hey guys, this is my first time writing for school bus graveyard! currently, it's probably my favorite webtoon (that being said, all my other favorites are on hiatus, so, yk. that's that.) if you followed me for genshin one shots, I just wanna let you know I'm NOT gonna stop writing them, permanently at least. I haven't been able to fixate on genshin for a bit because the app is too big for my phone and trying to play on my computer kills me inside. hope you enjoy, also things prooobably aren't gonna be perfect, lol, I'm going off memory of the first chapter/s
content: self insert for sbc, uh, go read that first, I don't think I'll end up including anything (at least, not here) that needs extra trigger warnings. long term, it's a tyler x reader, maybe, idk, but regardless I don't plan on starting that for a bit.
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i. a demon inside of my skin
you hadn't been in "the room where it happened", so to speak. actually, you didn't know what everyone else was dealing with for about a week after savannah, because you thought you were having batshit crazy nightmares! your hotel room was a good bit further away from everyone else's that first night, and after making a run for it into a room and barricading yourself in, you thought that would be the end of it. everyone did, didn't they?
and then, you went home. warm bed, soft blanket, box fan running in the background while you scrolled through various social media apps. it was nearing midnight, but that wasn't new for you. the early morning hours were your friend, the moon a sibling by your teenage years. not unique, sure, but that was the reality of that situation. a small shiver tickles your spine as you remember the night mare last night brought you, your fingertips ghosting the spot on your knuckle where you had banged it and broken your finger in that dream. it was even sore when you woke up. sometimes, nightmares were like that though. sometimes people woke up gasping for air after drowning in their sleep, or craving cigars after being a smoker in their dreams. sore knuckles weren't that far off.
it was like a flash; one moment, you were watching a college aged blonde talk about the type of oils she used for her long, silky, soft hair, and the next, the sky from out your window was a bleeding carmine. there was a loud silence, no wind, no rain, no box fan or phone.
then, again, you heard it. click, click, click. chatter, chatter, chatter. okay. cool. another nightmare. fun and fantastic.
shooting out of your sheets, your index finger throbbed, sparing a second and glancing at it revealed purple spots upon green bruises splotched along your hand. curling your finger inward hurt, but was possible. making a fist around your blanket, you threw it as hard as possible off of you, hoping to distract whatever was making the noise. it did not have the desired affect, and flew a couple feet before expanding and landing softly on the floor. that didn't matter, you were already on your feet and they were thudding to your door before you were aware of what was going on, scrambling on the carpet of your bedroom as you heard skitter like movements from where your eyes couldn't catch the gray, uncanny human-like figure making its way toward you on all fours. it was fast. way, way too fast. the undignified squeal you released as you yanked open your door turned into a gravelly scream of both terror and agony when you slid through, slamming the door shut before you, a blackened finger along with it. it didn't fall to the floor, but instead was hanging painfully out of your back, right under your shoulder blade. like a when a plank of wood splinters, but has enough fibers to hang off and out of the main piece and bobs back and forth. except you're not a piece of wood, and you have to not scream right now.
you feel nausea drinking its way into your chest, but adrenaline pushes it to a back burner as a need to survive pulses in your brain. grabbing a random shoe, a picture frame from off the wall, and a small ball which were left on the floor earlier, you throw them in another direction and hope it sounds enough like footsteps that when you get into the bathroom, whatever that thing is doesn't try to follow you in there.
the balls of your feet aren't much quieter than your whole foot, but they'll have to do as you nearly slam the bathroom door, stop yourself in the knick of time to edge it closed instead, and lock it. for the first time in your entire life, you internally thank your parents that you didn't get that house with the skylight in the bathroom.
now, you hold your breath. the creaking of the floors beneath your cheap carpet tells you that that thing, that monster, that whatever-it-is, is passing by. your fingers shake as you cover your mouth with one hand, the other cupping your nose as you try desperately to slow and quiet your breathing. unfortunately, the racing of your heart isn't helping, and neither is the recognition of that wound that craved up your back so nicely. again, your stomach turns. you don't have time to deal with that right now, even if you can feel blood dripping down your back and throbbing which matches your heartbeat.
click, click, thump, thump. the shadow from the light outside darkens, two fuzzy shadows before the door. silence. praying.
click, click. click. it slowly, slowly, drags its hideous feet away from the door.
you can't breathe for another minute, and the instant you do, it comes out as a heave. your eyes go wide as you scramble toward the bathtub, making it just in time to spill your guts. after emptying your stomach, you pull away with watery eyes and a raw throat, coughing a couple times. you feel a little bit better, as you usually do after throwing up, but that won't last. also, you need water, and that means looking in the mirror if you don't wanna be loud. but for right now, you just need to lay down for a moment. just breathe. you're so, so light headed. you had only just woken up, and this all felt so real. the pain in your hand and in your back. the scratchy stinging you feel up your esophagus. the exhaustion pawing under your eyes as you start to lean backward;
except, you can't, and when you try that, you only shoot straight up and nearly puke all over again. thankfully, this time, the finger actually falls out of your back.
"𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵. 𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯."
you can reach the majority of the wound if you really reach. it won't be perfect, but you should be able to get it properly clean and bandaged with the first aid kit your family keeps in the bathroom. you don't really know how to clean a wound this big, though. will you need stitches? the only real way to know is to look at it, even if you aren't really ready to do so.
"𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘢𝘮 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴? 𝘪𝘧 𝘐'𝘮 𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭."
the thought came to you before you even moved from your spot on the floor. oh, yeah. that's right. you're asleep.
huh. most dreams feel a little more, don't know. dreamy?? if this is a dream, candy is going to start raining from the sky right now.
right now. here.
𝘯𝘰𝘸, you think, looking up at the ceiling half heartedly. alright, if this was a nightmare, it was a really weird horrible one. and also, you'd rather not push your luck at this point. so, mirror it is. ignoring the pit of panic welling in your chest, you push yourself to your feet, and tip toe to the kitchen sink. you stare at the faucet, and then force your eyes upward. your hair is frazzled, and there are white specks along the corners of your mouth. and then, you turn around. your jaw tightens when you see the open wound, your nightshirt torn open and revealing tattered, aggressive flesh beneath it. that thing probably cut you to the bone. hopefully, because there is in fact a bone there, it didn't hit any organs. you can breathe fine, so your lung didn't seem all too punctured. it's just ugly. ugly and painful.
cleaning it is the first step, and you're just thankful that despite the fact that you stupidly, stupidly, stupidly dumped isopropyl alcohol onto it in hopes of doing so (for a second, before the burning, you felt a little uncomfortable. and then it hit, you nearly cracked your tooth from biting down so hard), it's over with.
a week later, you find yourself in class, rubbing sleepiness from your eyes. so, long story short, that wasn't a dream, and something is horribly wrong. you waking up to a long scab running down your shoulder blade told you that much. and things were about to get a lot worse. in the real world, that is.
"sir, please. they do literally nothing. they just sit there all spaced out, rubbing their eyes. it's like they aren't even trying for this project!" brandy, your classmate begs in a hushed tone. as annoying as the brunette could be at times, she wasn't wrong. a pang in your chest as you think of possibly making it so that the other members of your group protect fail because you are too tired to do your part. god, sorry brenda, you're too busy trying to huddle up in a bathroom all night and take care of a wound that isn't healing for some reason, all while praying that the thing that chased you in there and will probably kill you, doesn't murder you. but she's still not wrong. and it isn't like she knows that, because you have something seriously wrong with you. it's not her fault, and she shouldn't have to pay for you being crazy.
"mr. thomas," you quietly call, rubbing your elbow uncomfortably as you stare at the floor. you can see brandy pause from the corner of your eye, and you think there's even a sorry expression on her face. even if she was annoying, she clearly hadn't thought you heard that. and she had a right to be upset.
"I would like to change groups, if, um, possible."
there's a pause, and from your peripheral view, you can see your teacher and classmate motioning at each other, her probably trying to convince him to let you do so. a small thump, and then a sigh. "alright. I'm going to put you with ashlyn's group. "
as a redhead from across the room pops up and looks around, mr. thomas looks through a few pieces of paper, crossing something off with his pen. he didn't say it out loud, and frankly, he didn't have to. that was the group in the class that was also failing, so, you being in it wouldn't have much of an impact anyway. at least you wouldn't sink the whole ship all by yourself. was it smart, as a teacher? no. he probably should have put you with a tutor or something. looking up at mr. thomas as you nod and collect your things from your desk reveals an, in fact, apologetic eyed brandy. she mouths a "thank you", and you nod in return. you would drag your chair to their little group later, first, you should go introduce yourself, and hope they don't kick you out.
the bright blonde of the group catches you with his eyes before anyone else. you can hear him say something, and the rest of them stop talking and turn to look at you as you awkwardly walk over. their eyes are so piercing, it's making you uncomfortable.
"can we help you?" a brunette asks, tilting her head up to look at you. her tone carries no malice, just curiosity. makes you feel a little bit better.
"I'm so sorry to ask this, if you guys don't want me in your project I'll go ask if I can be alone or join another group or something, it's not a big deal. I'm having issues with my part of the project, and it's affecting everyone else's work in my group. so they were wondering if I could join in with you guys."
they all share a really weird look with each other, like they're talking telepathically or something. a tense moment passes, and two members speak up at the same time.
"yeah sure lol."
"fuck no."
"tyler! be nice! besides, we probably need someone who actually knows what's going on in this class!"
"didn't she just say she was having issues with her work? it's not like she's going to add much."
"to be fair, I don't think any of us are doing all too great on the work anyway."
you feel the need to clarify, mainly to get this over with. "I'm not really having trouble with the work. I'm just not doing it. I'm having sleeping issues, again, not a big deal if you don't want me to join."
they all stop, and look at you again. the redheaded one narrows her eyes, letting the braid she was messing with fall to her lap. her and the boy next to the brunette girl who asked you a question - actually, now that you're up close and looking at him, that looks like one of the boys on the baseball team. didn't she call him tyler? like tyler hernandez? huh. you didn't even realize you guys shared this class.
"what kind of nightmares have you been having?" the blonde asks, looking at who you're starting to assume is ashlyn. they have a staring contest of sorts while you start to answer. "oh, just weird ones. like, ones with monsters... and stuff..."
you didn't say anything about nightmares.
he looks at you again, a cat like grin on his face. "I think you should sit down. "
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
next part: a rescue mission
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docholligay · 5 months
What would be your dream race? Real or made up.
Hm, I mean, I would love to run a LOT of the world ones: London I put in for the ballot every year, I would really really love to run the London Monuments half, but I haven't put in for the ballot for it--my grandmother has said she'll help me pay to run London if I get in, but a half marathon is not impressive to her ahaha, and London is the only marathon she gives a shit about that's not Boston (I cannot qualify for Boston)--but someday if I have the free cash I'll probably put in for the monuments half.
Someday, SOMEday, I'll run the Marathon du Medoc, which has oysters and wine and steak and shit along the way, and has people throw up all the time, because it also has a rule I VERY much support: you have to be able to run the marathon in 6:30. That's not crazsy at all, that's only a 14:50 pace, BUT, if you're stopping at everything, as a practical matter you have to have a fair amount of cushion time.
So as a practical matter I'd want to make sure I could run a marathon in a 10 minute mile. That DOES NOT sound impressive. Until it's like, mile 20. (Seriously, if I drew London tomorrow my strategy would be 'survive'. Until beeb is in klindergarten, i don't have the time to train for a marathon. Cutoff for london is a 15 minute mile, I would come up with a run/walk strategy to survive the thing so I didn't DNF)
There are plenty I WOULD run: Paris, Tokyo, I do put in for Chicago, NYC, but those 3 above are probably my "If you said I could run whatever" choices. On the ground right now, whole trip being paid for it would be the Monuments half, because I know I can run a half without trouble. And I LOVE running through cities, especially major cities.
Now, if I had a shit ton of money and I could put on my own race, so looking forward to making everyone SO mad at me:
The Kawaii Ass Bitch Magical Girl Women's Run!
There would be the 5k, 10k, and Half.
There would be a drawing to win a Tokyo Marathon Package with guaranteed entry for the racers. This is, last I looked, worth about 6k.
If you run the 5k, you get one entry, if you run the 10k, you get two entries, if you run the half, you get three.
Anyway, also along the course I would have some cool stuff! At the start of the 10k/Mile 6ish, I would have a bunch of kids in the local band playing some magical girl themes and the like (I would pay them) and at the 5k start/the last 3ish miles for everyone else, I would have a big arch that would be all decorated and everything, and as you run through, there are speakers playing different attacks and power ups and the like from different magical girl properties. There's a spot on the course I'm thiniking of where you would have to go through a tunnel, I light it all up with those LED rolls so it's like a transformation for you.
Maybe before every start the countdown to the start gun would be Zettai Unmei, that sounds fun to me.
Anyway, the last stretch before the finish line would be playing the outers (read: harumichi) transformation music, and I would SOMEHOW figure out how to have fans blowing either fake or real rose petals, depending on the permits I could get ahaha.
Because it would be putting you up to run a marathon, it would presume you are of the athletic quality to run a marathon, at least potentially. So the cutoff times would be as follows. THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE FOR MOST PEOPLE'S TASTES.
5k: 30 minutes
10k: 1 hour 3 minutes
Half: two hours fifteen minutes
If you don't cross the finish line in that time, your name isn't in the randomizer.
Why? I get fucked every time I run the run to the pub by a bunch of 10k slow walkers in the last goddamn mile or so, walking four abreast for funsies. By the time I hit these people, the 10k has been started for AN HOUR AND A HALF. The draw prize is a place in the Dublin marathon, pretty much like what I'm suggesting above. I am bitter about this. I am bitter about fucking slamming into a bunch of people who could not fucking finish the Dublin and killing me when I am at the toughest point of the race, for me. I would hope this would encourage people who want to walk, to walk somewhere else. You can all think I am a villain, and that is fucking fine. There are some years the people who won did not even RUN the race. This INFURIATES me. Hate me! It's cool!
Also there's beer at the end I hate a fucking race without beer at the end.
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bvnnyholly · 10 months
the evans and their favorite arctic monkeys album (gn!reader x the evans)
note: this only consists of tate, kit, kyle, jimmy, jpm, rory and kai— their seasons are the only ones i've watched LMAO. they're also the only ones i think would listen to the monkeys.
CAUTION: opinions, slight mentions of intercourse, mentions of being impregnated, cursing, and ahs spoilers.
tate langdon - favorite worst nightmare
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-he's definitely a big fwn guy, alex turner wrote 'do me a favor' just for him I JUST KNOW IT. the album title fits him too.
-he found out about arctic monkeys through you when he was looking at your spotify playlist. he found the band name a little bit silly so he played it but to his surprise, he actually liked it.
-his favorite songs have to be brianstorm and d is for dangerous.
-he probably also like 'humbug' and 'whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not'.
kit walker - the car
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-not so sure about this but considering that he works at a gas station, 'the car' kinda fits him and it also sounds kinda old and funky so i think kit would like that
-he probably listens to arctic monkeys when you play it in your record player. he wasn't really a big fan of it at first but he grew into it and the band reminds him alot about you so he really likes it now.
-his favorite song is probably 'i ain't quite where i think i am' and 'body paint'
-he also likes tranquility base hotel and casino and plays it after a long day at work
kyle spencer - whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not + humbug
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-he definitely likes wpsia and relates to it.
-he discovered it at a frat party and liked it. he probably listens to them after class. you both became friends because you also liked the monkeys.
- his favorite song has to be 'riot van', 'certain romance', and 'mardy bum'
-he also likes am because who doesn't
franken kyle
-humbug is his favorite because of how slow it is and how it's not as fast paced like the other albums.
-he listens to arctic monkeys when you play it and cuddle with him. you play it so much while you guys cuddle to the point where he associates the band with cuddling.
-his favorite songs are 'secret door' and 'cornerstone'
-he also likes tbhc because it's calm, he gets jumpscared when 'she looks like fun' plays though. he also likes 'i wanna be yours', the calm stuff basically.
jimmy darling - am
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-jimmy definitely likes 'am'. his hair is also just as musty and covered in hair gel like alex in his late 'sias' and 'am' era.
-he heard 'am' through the local radio and really liked it. he sings 'r u mine?' for you in one of his performances on the freak show, and you absolutely love it.
-one of his favorites are 'do i wanna know?', 'fireside', and 'snap out of it', but absolutely despises 'why'd you only call me when you're high?' because he says "the lyrics are too real".
-jimmy stays loyal to his beloved 'am', probably because he doesn't know other albums exist, you're trying to get him into 'sias' though.
james patrick march - tranquility base hotel and casino
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-james adores 'tbhc', he thinks the storytelling and the story itself is genius. but even how much he likes it, he wouldn't be caught alive listening to it (probably because he's dead).
-he first listened to the monkeys when you asked him to play something that isn't jazz. you forced him to spin one of your records, so he picked 'tbhc' because he found the title intriguing. he loves it but would never admit to you.
-'star treatment', 'one point perspective', and the title track are always on repeat for him. he thinks 'golden trunks' are the two of yous' song.
-james probably doesn't explore the arctic monkeys much, he listened to 'the car' but it was too modern for his taste.
rory monahan - suck it and see
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-assuming that rory lives in california, he would definitely listen to "sias'. he also fits the album's aesthetic very well.
-you both discovered arctic monkeys at a record store. he picked 'suck it and see' as a joke and because he's a borny little shit. to his surprise, he ended up liking it though.
-'black treacle', 'piledriver waltz', and the title track are his favorites. you'd both debate on which one is better: the 'sias' version of 'piledriver waltz' or alex turner's version, he always defends the 'sias' version for some reason.
-he probably listens to the other albums but not as much as he does to 'sias'.
kai anderson - am
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-he doesn't listen to 'am' that much, he doesn't listen to music that much in general. he thinks it's something sacred and should only be listened to when doing something holy, like creating a messiah with your sister through your gay boy toy twink cult member.
-he discovered 'am' through the internet, and plays it typically when he works out or attempting to "create a messiah" with you.
-he only listens to 'do i wanna know' because it's average republican behavior—he also only listens to mainstream music so like it's the only song he knows.
-as i said, mainstream music type of guy, so definitely only am.
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laf-outloud · 11 months
It’s interesting how whenever Jared isn’t there, Jensen will happily make jokes about him, much like during J2 panels when he makes jokes about Misha. The antis of Jared and/or Misha on any side will take those jokes seriously as some sort of indicator of Jensen’s ~true feelings~
Ultimately all these guys are entertainers and therefore sure, he could absolutely be seen as pandering to whatever audience he’s in front of. But the most logical conclusion is that they’re actually all long-term friends who are comfortable making fun of each other because none of it is mean spirited. They know they’re joking, they’re all clearly friends, so shouldn’t it be obvious to the fandom that they’re joking too?
Mark seemed very genuine in this clip and it speaks volumes of the close friendships throughout the cast: https://x.com/rowwyaboat/status/1716614286804455877?s=46&t=eTIYBJflezjsZxlN-TlYeQ
I have no doubt that there are friendships between them, I never said there wasn't. And if they don't mind being the butts of jokes, that's fine for them, but I'm talking about how I feel and react to certain things, not how they do. I don't like the way Jensen jokes about Jared (particularly because it encourages AAs to be assholes towards Jared and his fans). I don't like the way Jensen betrayed Jared over the prequel. I don't like how Jensen treats service workers, I don't like how Misha uses Jensen to rile up Hellers, I don't like how Misha mostly singles out Jared when talking about on-set pranks (especially since he knows how his fans treat Jared). I'm not saying Jensen, Jared, and Misha shouldn't be friends, or that they should be offended by each other's jokes, I'm saying I don't like these things about these actors.
And if SPN was the best set ever, good for them. They created something that can be rare in the industry. (And yet, there was still room for improvement, which Jared has employed on Walker.)
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bubblyernie · 6 months
Hiya! I notice you’ve played a lot of dnd rangers just like me! I wanted to ask what draws you towards the class? what do you enjoy about the class? And what do you think is the classes identity what makes a ranger ?
I’ve played swarmkeeper feywanderer horizon walker drakewarden and gloomstalker, I’m drawn towards the class in part because I’m a Ranger irl it’s my day job, but I also love the jack of all trades support vibe of the class it doesn’t excel anywhere but can help every class with a little bit of something and I view the classes identity as the professional adventurer someone who spends their life balancing the threats of the world whether that be the threats of the wild the monsters who inhabit it or the people who cross it, balancing their needs, kinda like Geralt of rivia balancing the needs of “monsters” and people, they work to make the world a safer better place picking up whatever skills and magic help them survive, I also note that every dnd class is either some form of Hunter or Tamer, the gloomstalker, horizon walker ,hunter and monster slayer, hunt the creatures of the wild, while the drakewarden, the swarmkeeper, the beast master and the fey wanderer spend their time befriending and taming the monsters of the wild. I don’t mean to answer my own question but I’m interested as someone who’s played the ranger just as much as me how your opinions may differ (I also especially love your borrower style ranger the little fellow is so cute and very well drawn)
Thanks for listening to my rambling and questions you can ignore this if it’s too much for whatever vibe you’re feeling rn have a lovely day !
hi!! Fun fact, i actually havent played any rangers 🥴 I'm the kinda dnd player who plays in like 2-3 campaigns but makes like 50 ocs. ASDFJKSDJF (I've only played a cleric and a barbarian in campaigns, but for oneshots I've tried every race) Id love to play one, but its kinda hard to do that for a oneshot since so much of the ranger class is dependent on favoured terrain/knowing your surroundings and levelling.
This is SUCH a fun ask because I LOVE the ranger class for its very niche yet versatile character archetype. I think if there's one type of word I could use to describe a ranger is a survivalist — the rangers that I do have, a handful of them are fashioned after Scouts/parkrangers (because....I was one.) or famous character types that do a lot of adventuring like cowboys, pirates, explorers etc. — if I'm being honest, ranger is the most 'adventurer' type there is!
(as a note here, i know pointy hat has mentioned a ranger's big thing was an animal companion -- i think?? IDR -- which is like a fun take. I really like his stuff, but i feel like a class shouldn't be bound to smth like a pet. any class can have pets!)
To use my own as an example, I have a bounty hunter devil cowboy (monster slayer), a princess-mononoke-ish Artemis huntress (hunter), a HouYi type ancient hero with 3-legged crows (swarmkeeper), an Indiana jones style explorerer (horizon walker) and a borrower (beast master). I really love the idea of all of them being really different but all being excellent survivalists and navigators!
Im a big fan of rangers that have fighting styles other than archery too. I think archery is awesome for the fighting style, but having duelist (like the borrower) or dueling (monster hunter) gives it an extra bit of flavour to just "class that wields a bow". it also sets them apart from a fighter bc in my head a fighter is more military while a ranger is more solitary. It establishes them as a martial class for sure, but its so versatile and has that edge that comes with dex-based instead of str-based.
I particularly like monster slayer bc to me that was very like...witcher-y. The cowboy is a monster slayer with favoured foes as humanoids bc he only tracks humanoids (bounties), which is some fun flavouring. There's a lot of customization! To clarify, there's a lot of room for flavour, but not as much choice for character builds (like, mechanically, at least compared to stuff like warlocks.)
The addition of magic also helps give it some class distinction :0
TLDR: mixes the best aspects of rogues and fighters with LOTS of room for flavour text.
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nancylou444 · 3 months
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I saw this yesterday and I wanted to take it apart for my own amusement.
It's a reblog to this screenshot post by @walker-girl.
Nenncy got a blog that 'not activexl' where she was the biggest fan of Castiel Yeah, spelling my name wrong, so mature. Is she talking about @cass-headcanons? (x) Yeah, that blog wasn't about me being his "biggest fan", you twit. It was about CANON that hellers wanted to ignore.
Like most canon regarding Dean and Cass.
other blog there she shipped Castiel and Meg I think you mean "where", but obviously you didn't major in English Lit. Guess she is talking about @cas-deserved-to-be-happy So I guess shipping Megstiel is wrong.
She also had a very active and popular destiel blog that he mistakenly outed herself DID THIS BITCH MISPRONOUN ME!!!!!!!! Or whatever the term is.🤣🤣 Nah, I think the twit is just stupid. Oh so you admit @myperfectdestielblog was 'popular'? Not too active with only 95 posts. And I didn't "mistakenly" out it.
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Not a mistake at all.
Current followers count:
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Most of those are dead blogs, but I'm pretty sure if I posted something new after all these years, the sheep would eat it up.
Can't remember why I deleted four posts, but it was probably for a good reason. 😝
As I said on that post, over the years, we have gotten tons of anon asks from "wincest shippers" that can't hide their heller traits.
I was able to get hellers to follow me, quite easily in fact.
And THAT is what still bothers them. They had NO idea until I told them.
A reply to the above post:
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how can they spend so much time and energy hating on someone
is there not anything better for them to do in their lives
why bother reading on someone they despise so much
and roam accounts that only spread love for the said person
Gotta love the hypocrisy, isn't this what THEY do towards Jared?
That was fun, but now I need to get back to my Pride Month posts.
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yenn-reads · 1 year
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A new month, new favorite series. And this month it’s going to be spooky.
Where are all my monster fuckers?
I have some treats for you. I have to admit it was hard this time to decide on three stories and maybe some of you are a little disappointed not to see their favorite monsters. I'm 100% a vampire fucker. I always was and always will be. So there's a lot of them in here today.
But like always, if you have your own favorite, tell me in your reblog. Share all the vampires, werewolves, ghosts or whatever monster series you love!
These are mine:
The Pull
Vampire!Henry Cavill x OFC Rowena (💕🔥🌩, status: completed)
@sillyrabbit81 is one of my favorites. I don't think anything I've read by her has ever disappointed. But this one really needs more praise. The story of the Crown Prince of Vampires Henry and his mate Rowena is breathtaking. It is full of emotions and the plot will keep you hooked until you manage to read all 25 parts. And if that's not enough to draw you in, perhaps the cameo appearance of Werewolf! Alexander Skarsgard will make you read it. You definitely should!
Mikey (+Walter+August+Sherlock) x reader (💕🔥🌩, status: ongoing)
This is my all-time favorite supernatural story, ever! @raccoon-eyed-rebel built a world and a whole lore around this story that is absolutely spectacular. It's fun, it's romantic, it's heart-breaking, it's hot. And because she has the incredible talent to put more than just one Henry-shaped guy into a story and make it work, we get Mike, August, Walter and Sherlock to live with us. All of their characters are built so uniquely, you're going to love them all. So it's a good thing we're in a slowly developing reverse harem.
And because I'm an annoying little fan girl I got some glimpses and spoilers for it and let me tell you, @raccoon-eyed-rebel is going to give us some really good stuff for this one!
Hades (Geralt/August) x OFC Eliza (💕🔥🌩, status: completed)
Second post, second time I have @daydreaming-in-letters on my list. Though this wasn't intentionally, it's far from a mistake. Because she is a favorite writer of me for a reason. And her Hades-AU is my favorite of her stories. It's absolutely unique. As always @daydreaming-in-letters knows exactly how to build worlds and atmosphere with her words. Let her take you to the underworld. Get to know Hades. In his divine form or his human resemblance. He will take your breath away.
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Take a look at those stories, read, reblog, talk about them. Every time I see someone of my mutuals reblog something I recommended, my heart fills with joy. And be sure, the heart of the writer feels the same.
By the way, sorry for shameless self promotion but I couldn't let that opportunity slip, if you still want more vampires, you could also take a look at my own series
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Pupupupupupupu (sound effect)
Ara ara Anon here! Here us a fun ask for you! That probably required research (Lol).
What type of chocolate brand do Lookism boys and girl loves? And what your favorite also?
Hey Ara Ara anon! How you doing? This ask made me lol, athough all your asks have tickled me. First you were thirsty, now you're hungry?
I'm not actually a huge fan of chocolate in general but Toblerones are my weakness.
I'm was thinking about the chocolates and I think it might be too region specific. I'm from the UK. Vin is a classic Yorkie, Gun is a Lindt truffle but does that mean anything?
And then I thought about flavour of crisps (or chips). And if Jake Kim was McCoys Steak and Johan Walker's barbecue rib (WHICH IS ALSO NO LONGER MANUFACTURED)... and again, too specific?
Sorry for twisting your ask. I've left out any that doesn't give me a general vibe. But anyway.
Lookism Fave... Snacks
Jake: crisps/chips vibe. Like there'll be a serious Big Deal meeting and you just hear 'crunch'. Shifty eyes, a little guilty. "Sorry. Please continue" until Jason gets into the flow of things again then... 'crunch'.
Mira: Home baked cookies! Cupcakes! Brownies! Started when she was young and to share with Zack and Johan. She still bakes for Zack, and he's touched until she shares it with the rest of the group too >:(
Zack: something boring like protein bars. Remember the fitness craze when you would kid yourself and microwave a bar and 'OMG it tastes like rEaL bRoWniEs'. Fucking lies man. But yeah, he's one of them
Zoe: Definitely a strawberry pepero girlie. And what a conveniently easy snack to share with Piggy too. Looooove pepero day. Still waiting for big or little Daniel to send her some
Daniel: I mean. Honestly. We've seen little Daniel's eating habits when getting trained by Vasco. I don't think he's too fussy
Vasco: y'all got kinder eggs? the choc eggs with the toy inside and a kiddie's choking hazard warning? He loves them but the warning is actually for our lil Tabasco
Goo: reminds me of RDJ/Iron Man era. Just snacks everywhere. You're talking to him, quickly glance away and suddenly he's manifested a fresh pretzel??
Mary Kim: popcorn. Something to munch on whilst Vin Jin is being a drama queen
Gun: are cigarettes a snack?
Johan: he'll have whatever you're having. You don't get a say in this.
Crystal: justice AGAIN for crystal and why tf she needs to restrict her diet when Daniel DOESN'T
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Why I like Asa and Yoru
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"Hypothetically…if one person in class…had to jump off a roof…and that person was to be chosen by a vote…I think they'd all vote for me. I'd vote for me too."
Chainsawman has probably my favorite cast of female characters in any action shounen manga. Something about the way this author writes women just really works for me.
I always hate in manga when a female character is just the male lead's friend, or the male lead's love interest, or the male lead's mom, or teacher, or secretary, or dog walker or whatever... Basically, they tend to either have no character or life outside of the male lead's world.
Something I really like about Chainsawman is that all the girls and women act like they could be the protagonist of their own stories. They all act like they have their own problems, their own goals, their own sh*t to deal with... They all feel like actual characters and not just things to be added to the male lead's story. If something happened to Denji and he were to die or something they each would still have a life to live and a story to tell.
So when I saw that part 2 of the manga would focus on a girl as the new protagonist, I got really excited!
(spoilers for Chainsawman)
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And just as I imagined, it took me just one chapter to completely fall for Asa. I love this girl.
Just like all the other girls in the series, she feels like she has her own struggles to deal with. She hates devils and yet has to live in a world where everyone's biggest hero is a devil, both of her parents are dead and she has no friends which means she's always alone, and everywhere she goes she keeps attracting bad luck after bad luck, be it a devil trying to kill her, her classmates trying to kill her (in more than one ways), or the crazy girl inside her head threatening to kill her.
But what's really interesting is that, even though she deals with a lot (and it really is a lot, my God I feel sorry for her...) she is always true to her ideals.
Even though Asa has probably all the reason in the world to just be the most miserable person alive, she never stops being a nice person. Any time she's offered the option to help someone right in front of her she takes it, even if things don't work out in the end and she ends up getting really hurt as a result.
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Something that I don't feel many people often realize is that being a selfish jerk is easy... Like, absurdly easy. There is nothing more tempting than just saying "My problems matter more than yours, so deal with it!"
Again, by all accounts, Asa should be the world's biggest supervillain because almost everyone and everything treats her like garbage... And yet, for some reason she still remains a good girl, never betraying her standards.
I'm not sure if it's because she knows how ugly it is to be a bad person and she refuses to be like them, or if the little love she received in life is enough to stop her from falling into temptation, but for whatever reason, she still continues to be one of the noblest heroes I've ever seen, even despite all the misery she faces every day.
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But aside from being a noble and kind soul, Asa also has amazing chemistry with her internal roommate, Yoru.
I've always been a big fan of this trope, the two souls in one being, the devil in your ear, the demon that hides a secret power in the protagonist's body.
I liked it in Naruto with the fox, I liked it in Bleach with the inner hollow, and I also liked it in Soul Eater where they have people turn into weapons and have their souls literally connect, or in the Kane Chronicles where they have the protagonists be hosts for the Egyptian gods.
It's just a really fun idea with the concept of establishing a strong bond with another being and having them understand you on a deeper level than most people would. Having someone that knows your whole story, your secrets, your fears, your worries... It's kinda scary but at the same time fascinating because you have someone constantly looking at you and making you realize things about yourself you didn't even know about.
And that's exactly what Yoru is.
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She's always pushing Asa to question and challenge her ideals. making her see who she truly is, and what she truly wants. It's like having a psychiatrist inside your head, constantly talking to you about who you are... And they do it in such a charming way.
Yoru keeps going back and forth between being this threatening creature holding Asa hostage to this complete dork who has no idea how the real world or how people work. It reminds me of Shen and Po how Asa goes from being scared of her to just being baffled by her.
These two have such good chemistry, probably the best one I've seen from this trope. I could watch them just talking to each other forever.
I love how Yoru keeps acting like she's so elegant, sophisticated, and gracious always making these exaggerated poses as if she was in a perfume commercial or modeling for a magazine... But when you hear her actually talking she kinda sounds like she's five years old, and you just have Asa looking at her antics and trying to process how to even react to her. It's just great mood backlash that really works.
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I know it's weird to like a character so much when these two only had about 10 chapters of existence so far... But even from the little pieces I've seen from them I feel so many things clicking just right for me.
Great chemistry, great ideals, great personality... And I didn't even talk about how awesome their "war powers" are.
I completely adore this duo and I'm very happy with this new direction for Chainsawman!
Favorite character list>>
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Oh sorry the writers thing, but here the thing, you need empathy to do a different pov
Like my Yasuke thing, I point out the guilt he have for not saving the odas and how in the what if continuation that red will do
Also sorry this in my mind
Yasuke chasing Akechi across a battlefield: GET BACK HERE EASTERN JUDAS!
Also it very like the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi to be an endgame item…but if it have new game plus
Also another thing, hmm I think the majority of blacks boys don’t think we need some bland af black character to understand we can be good people
Also modern activitism heavily started in fandoms, dear lord I just give a snippet
Certain Star Wars fans on tumblr: If you like this villain, you’re a Nazi/Abuse apologist!
Me an abuse survivor: Strange how this villain lead me to meet someone that guide me through Hindu stories and now I own a copy of the Ramayana!
Also this
Back in the day, people say that fandoms will change for people like me to have conforms and compassion
But I never felt so isolated and suicidal being in big fandoms like Star Wars or kids media, and superhero media
Also I’m not taking about the og fans like you
I mean the feminists, communists, and “representation matters!” Fans
True about empathy and all that good stuff, be very difficult to write stories about life as a "dark ages" peasant if you had to have the lived experience so imagination is key.
Also sorry this in my mind Yasuke chasing Akechi across a battlefield: GET BACK HERE EASTERN JUDAS! Akechi: WHO THE FUCK IS JUDAS?!
Don't apologize that's funny as hell.
Also another thing, hmm I think the majority of blacks boys don’t think we need some bland af black character to understand we can be good people
I really wish things hadn't gone the way they did with Cosby, I'm terrified of what they might do to Good Times, also if both JJ's will show up, JJ Walker and Miss Janet Jackson.
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Oh looks like people are being honest, unlike how they were with the scooby doo thing, well there's that hope out the window.
Also modern activitism heavily started in fandoms, dear lord I just give a snippet Certain Star Wars fans on tumblr: If you like this villain, you’re a Nazi/Abuse apologist!
It's why I stay on the periphery of fandoms, I can see what's going on and collect information and not have to deal with that nonsense.
Me an abuse survivor: Strange how this villain lead me to meet someone that guide me through Hindu stories and now I own a copy of the Ramayana!
That's that video game with the rabbits right?
I haven't gone through many of the Hindu texts like that, I like reading the different cultural epics if I can find the time.
Also this
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How dare people say Aang pisses on the poor, red door dilemma, sometimes the author really just likes that colour.
Back in the day, people say that fandoms will change for people like me to have conforms and compassion But I never felt so isolated and suicidal being in big fandoms like Star Wars or kids media, and superhero media
Also I’m not taking about the og fans like you I mean the feminists, communists, and “representation matters!” Fans
Fandom should be fun, we should get together and nerd out while quoting our fav lines from whatever it is and tossing in occasional Monty Python Holy Grail jokes.
Got a question you ask someone, they don't know but well they do know someone who may know and they'll get you the answer.
It's supposed to be fun, white guy wants to dress up as T'challa because that's their fav character nobody cares, there will be a significant number of jokes made though
It's supposed to be fun though
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incarnateirony · 2 years
You’re delusional .
Wow. Nice one. Just pinning this. Almost deleted it for its lack of content, but actually, these two words tell a lot.
If you follow my anon chain:
They tried to pearl clutch about Ethics
Their Ethics were self defeating to the person they were defending, because they're literally the ones that started the threats, I just offer to take them up on it
Showed you didn't follow the conversation because you pretended it wasn't documented, and when presented with the documents--
You didn't actually care about the ethics, and got called out as a human shaped object with no moral compass, which became clear, because you started arguing about basically their right to act like this to "enjoy fandom"
I pointed out if you actually were enjoying yourselves you wouldn't be threatening people and spending the bulk of your time trolling in inboxes
No. Actually, you are. The reason you, and your friends, were reduced to this stab is you actually realize that. So, once you internalized that your argument is based in delusion (and frankly disappointment with the content of the actor you stan for social reasons more than the man himself), and you had no way to continue your stream of assault and were just standing there looking like a clown, you call other people delusional.
Because you're angry. Mostly at yourself, really, but in this moment, me. But that self hate is what drives this rabid projection behavior of yours to begin with. Oh, and probably some anger at Jared, silently, for not giving you What You Need To Win As A Fan. But you can't admit that to each other without getting ostracized.
See, you guys have gotten real mad I stole that word from you, and that my use of it each time seems to be panning out. Because that's the reality. You've been spraying your delusions for years, and you pin yourselves in corners every time trying to incite high school drama, and then you scream everybody else sucks.
I repeat. If you're having such a star spangled awesome time with Jared's shit, go enjoy that shit. I'm trying to enjoy my shit but you guys are so obsessed with being angry raging homophobic attack dogs all the time that you throw temper tantrums you can't get in my server to fuck around.
You're not here for fun like you claim. You're here for ego, stupid games for stupid prizes, and some concept that you "won" something. You don't know what you want to win anymore, but goddamnit, you can't confess to being a loser, so you're going to keep going towards a vague goal with no potential resolution until you die, basically.
Like that's it. That's your contribution to planet earth until you die, because you've shown incapable of change. Your contribution is wasting kilobites on the internet losing twitter battles and control of TV shows. And that's part of why you're so damn angry at the people who made change, who it's OBVIOUS made change, why you are squealing like teapots trying to deny the source of that change. Because you don't know how to contribute to society, and that too makes you mad, and makes you feel like you're losing.
Frankly I'm not even convinced you're here for Jared. Blogs like 2po, lolj, hookerwitch actually spend more time obsessing and trying to find ways to nerf Jensen's success, to stalk and hate on his projects, to bitch about the Winchesters, FAR MORE than they ever actually like. talk about jared or walker. I legit think he's just something you use as a barbie of ideology and he's even been failing you there. They don't care about the dude either. It's about that Win. They don't know what Win or Lose is, but they can definitely tell they're leaning closer to Lose in their fucked up paradigm, and they're always gonna be losing, because they actually have no goal to win much less means. It's just noise and attention. Anger at successful people. Anger at picking the "wrong horse". Whatever. Just anger. But lmao "we're here for a good time." You sure don't fuckin act like it.
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volfoss · 6 months
Leaving it up to Tumblr to choose my next comic chronology in like... 2 months when I'm free of green lantern (2 months is not very generous I fear)
Reasoning under the cut :3 (very long)
Duke- pretty short (less than 200 issues), I really like his character from what I've seen of him. I think it will also be hell (as is the nature of most batman adjacent chronologies) but it'll be worth it... Nice and short one and also swag character
Jefferson- 1. Black lightning is very fun early on and 2. I've already made the spreadsheet so I just have to read it. He's just like... A very cool character and I like him a lot so far. I just am gods scaredest soldier with long chronos (which his isn't too bad but it's ALSO batman adjacent and those are so scary)
Barbara - my best friend Babs but also if I have to reread the killing joke I AM killing Alan Moore ok. In theory I love her SOOOO much. In practice I think the fact I'm having to keep a "how bad is the disability rep" counter next to each issue says a lot. Unfortunately. Also already made this spreadsheet but I think it would be a very bad and good time.
Clint- again in theory would be fun. He seems right up my alley but alas if I have to see Tony Stark I do fly into a blind rage. And unfortunately I think he appears a lot... And also unfortunately I think I would suffer due to blonde man disorder ok (as I always do)
Silhouette+Aaron- package deal bc they're siblings. I've already started this one and then stopped because whoever is writing the early stuff SHOULD go to hell for what they're doing. For those unfamiliar, silhouette is one of the only heroes I've ever seen using forearm crutches (pretty awesome) and her power is that she can kind of travel via shadow iirc? Which would be really cool if they didn't like... Make her lose all her clothes and mobility aids when she's doing this. Which is why I quit. But she's very very cool minus that (and in my mind... I know she's written better later on) and her brother is his own can of worms (in... Definitely a way). In theory tho I rly gotta get through their stuff
Theodore - first off: I am a FIEND for marvel 70s horror comics. Second off: he is better than swamp thing. Third off: his big red eyes. But to be serious though like .. the Steve Gerber and Gerry Conway era of man thing is SO good and like .. political in an interesting way. I just need motivation to get around to it. Also he's cutesy ok!!!
Jason Blood- another consequence of the 70s horror era fan but this guy has CRAZY lore. He's a medieval knight who got possessed by a demon thanks to Merlin and then he's just lived through the centuries and become an occult guy. Reasons why I stopped this one - sometimes old horror comics are bad and horrible. And also a like 60 issue Garth Ennis written series. But I do really wanna finish his stuff bc he's like .. DC's version of Hellstrom (which. Genuinely awesome character, if you're interested in older horror comics def check his original run out <- my plug for my silly husband hellstrom who sucks so much or whatever. He's rly good tho seriously)
Jennifer - I've already made her spreadsheet and started it but the writers are soooo fucking bad most of the time. It's actually horrific. Pros for her- pretty good character when written well (her hellcat series stuff was REALLY nice for me. But I'll always hype up patsy walker aka hellcat at any chance) cons for her- the misogyny ... And my reward for finishing it is watching the she hulk show. So take that as you will
Dracula- I started his stuff bc I was PROMISED Gerry Conway (who is like.. one of my top 5 writers. He does amazing old horror comics and made a bunch of very cool characters). And then he left like 2 issues in and it went downhill. Some of the same authors who did some of the good (other marvel vampire who is redacted for my own safety ok) issues did stuff for drac. In theory this would be silly campy 70s horror comics fun. In practice oh my god I am gaining new authors to hate so bad...
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j2memories · 8 months
EW Article (April 13th 2022)
Jensen Ackles on directing Walker and finally getting to work with the band Kansas
Plus: Check out exclusive photos of Ackles and Jared Padalecki with the group.
By Samantha Highfill | April 13, 2022 at 10:38 AM EDT
The Supernatural family lives on... in more ways than one.
Not only did Jensen Ackles reunite with his onscreen brother of 15 years, Jared Padalecki, to direct this week's episode of Walker, but when he spoke to EW, he was in the middle of another big moment: seeing the pilot of The Winchesters get made.
"I'm sitting in a car on set watching takes from the front seat," Ackles says with a laugh. "We just did a huge stunt." (For a Supernatural show, that sounds about right.)
This week's Walker will also feature a number of Supernatural Easter eggs — most notably, a performance by the band Kansas, whose "Carry on Wayward Son" became the unofficial theme of the show over the course of its 15 seasons. As fans know, Kansas was originally supposed to perform in the Supernatural series finale before COVID restrictions forced a rewrite. Now, Padalecki and Ackles have finally been able to make that happen.
Read what Ackles had to say about it and check out exclusive photos below.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You've directed on Supernatural, but what was it like for you to walk onto a new set and take on that role?
JENSEN ACKLES: Well, look, it was still a friendly set. [Laughs] Jared had laid the groundwork of like, "This is my brother. I'm here because of what he and I built together." He gave a great speech to the whole crew, saying, "We wouldn't be here without the work that this guy did with me." I was vouched for by the commander-in-chief, so although I was a guest in someone else's house, it was a house that felt very welcoming.
You've obviously seen Jared play a number of characters on Supernatural, but what was it like to see him in such a different setting, playing a character he's said is more of a Dean than a Sam?
Funny enough, I feel like Walker is probably more like Jared than Sam was, not necessarily in actual character development, but just in mannerisms and reactionary things, the nuances of what Jared's doing. I think this feels a little closer to him, which is great because who knows him better than him? It was fun to get back into the shorthand with him with performance notes, with technical notes. I can even use a reference to a movie and he knows that I'm actually giving him a note. There's nobody else I can do that with. He and I have that, and we'll always have that. That's not something that fades away.
How did the Kansas performance come about? Did they just call you up one day and say, "P.S. We have Kansas"?
Basically, yeah. They were like, "We're writing that script right now, but we just found out Kansas is actually going to be in Austin playing one night and it happens to be three days before you start working." So I was in prep and basically they broke the main unit early on the previous episode so that they could do a full company move over to the Moody Theater in downtown Austin and we could set up and shoot, essentially, a rock concert. So I shot that while in prep, and then a couple days later we started rolling on principal photography for me.
How did you prepare?
I basically went back and watched a bunch of rock concerts to see how they were directed and then got with my DP, Peter Kowalski, who, funny enough, was the A camera operator from Dawson's Creek. I was like, "PK?!" And he was like, "Jensen?!" [Laughs] I think the first time I ever stood on a surfboard was his in North Carolina. So that was a great reunion, and he and I worked really well together. We spent half a day in the Moody Theater shooting a rock concert with Kansas as our subject. And they were awesome. They were like, "How many times do you want us to do it?" We were like, "Three times max," and they said, "We can do it three, we can do it five, whatever you need." They were so accommodating and so cool, as I knew they would be.
Did it feel like a full-circle moment knowing you almost had them in the Supernatural finale?
Yeah, and they were also really excited that they were getting to scratch an itch that didn't get scratched. I didn't know this, but they were literally at the airport and some of them were getting on a plane to come to Vancouver when they got called and told, "Sorry, COVID, we're shutting down." So that's how close we were to having that experience with them. The fact that we got to do that in any capacity felt like we got to scratch an itch that needed to be scratched.
This episode has a couple of Supernatural Easter eggs. Were those written in the script or was that more of a collaborative effort?
A little of both, but here's why: Katherine Alyse, who wrote the episode, knows Supernatural very well and essentially wrote a lot of Easter eggs. I was either like, "Oh, I can absolutely do that" or, "I can level that up." We definitely tried to pepper in the Easter eggs when we could.
Walker airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on the CW.
Link to the Article
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laf-outloud · 1 year
He's doing a season that has only 13 eps for the first time ever. He films in Austin now and spends most nights at home. So I'm not sure how cutting the conventions down to three is a stress point as far as having more time
The thing is, he doesn't work a regular 9-5. He works long days M-F (occasional nights and weekends when required) and he's talked about how he gets up at like 5am every day to have time to work out and go over scripts and stuff for the day. He also has to do script work (and prob EP work) on nights and weekends - his work on Walker isn't confined to the hours he is on set. Is it as grueling a schedule at SPN was? No. But that doesn't mean that it's a cake-walk schedule either. On top of that he has 3 young kids who all have a lot of separate activities that he wants to be involved in (per his own words). Kids are tiring as is, but add in activities for all 3, including weekend things like soccer games, and that is a lot of additional time. And on top of allllll of that, they now have a farm that they are trying to get up and running and while I'm sure they hire people to do a lot of the day to day stuff with the animals etc., that is still another responsibility. Plus he's not 22 anymore, the insane schedules they pulled during SPN just aren't practical anymore.
The Pads also have (well, mostly Gen has mentioned it) other projects in the works - and we don't know how far along those are or how much work is required by them to get or keep those projects moving.
After all of that I just want to also add - it is his life and his time. He does not owe it to any of us. It is his to do with as he wants and needs. Just because Walker doesn't work weekends does not in any way mean he owes US those weekends. While cons can be fun catching up with friends or old colleagues, they are still work. Who wants to constantly work M-F at their actual job, weekend/night work for that same job, home and farm responsibilities, kids and their activities and then work an additional 10-15 weekends on top of all that? The money for cons is great but not at the expense of his life and time. and his family's lives and time.
Very well put, anon!
"He does not owe it to any of us." Exactly! Whatever choices Jared needs to make regarding convention appearances, whether personal or business-related, are his choices. If he wants to spend his weekends lounging around on a couch instead of meeting with fans, great! (Unlikely due to reasons you've listed though, lol!)
As long as he's not making commitments and then backing out of them for frivolous reasons, I have no problem with him having a reduced convention schedule.
I do have a problem with Creation prevaricating on whether he'll be there and still charging full price without confirming a main headliner. Yeah, they're a business and can charge what they want and people can pay what they want, but withholding that information, if Jared has confirmed he's not going, just feels underhanded.
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isaacapatow · 9 months
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with @zackastor | the daybreakers : planning the start of the ranch decoy
Zack Astor: Watch out for tripwires. -Zack's command is sharp, as he trudges ahead of the raider in the general direction of the Daybreaker camp.- Fleet and I set up a couple of traps around here. Don't wanna explain how you managed to die on a recon mission. 
ike apatow: Maybe you could explain why you think I wouldn't be able to notice a tripwire. -he ranges a little behind Zack, not trying to outpace him but not following in a straight line-
Zack Astor: For the same damn reason the Daybreakers aren't supposed to notice them. -Zack casts a glance over his shoulder, regarding Ike from narrowed eyes.- There's a small grove up ahead that gives good cover. We're gonna set up camp there.
ike apatow: It's your party, Astor. i'm just here to put on a hat and pin the tail on the donkey. -he tugs his bag tighter over his shoulder- You had any run-ins with the Sunfacers yet? Personally?
Zack Astor: Not yet. -he avoids one of the traps they have set that seemingly hadn't gotten triggered yet- Why?
ike apatow: -hopping neatly over the tripwire- Exchanging information is all, Zack. You tell me about the Daybreakers, I tell you about the Sunfacers. That way when they form a fuckin supergroup, everyone's up to speed.
Zack Astor: Already told everybody what I know about the Daybreakers. Redwood made a pretty big deal about it. -he doesn't turn around- Tell me about the Sunfacers.
ike apatow: They set up in groups. Each group has a bunch of teenagers in it because they're the ones with the teeth filed the points. -they reach the grove and Ike looks around, unslinging his bag- They got some addle-brained idea that they can figure out a way to make enhanced groaners. Ones that'll be able to, I dunno -- think? Follow orders? Build a better toaster oven? Something. Anyhow, that's what the kids are for. To experiment with, so if it works, they'll be commandable walkers with piranha mouths.
Zack Astor: Sounds like they are fucking nutcases. Don't think we're gonna have to worry about them joining up with the Daybreakers. -Zack kneels down, pulling out binoculars and a rolled up tarp- Heard they killed one of yours.
ike apatow: -Ike stiffens slightly, glancing down at the crown tattoo on the inside of his wrist as he attends to his own preparations- They did. They killed Tristan and tried to see if he could turn one of their teenagers into a megazombie, or whatever the fuck they're after. I can't figure out if they are full on nutcases, or if there's something more cunning about em. 
Zack Astor: Huh. -he casts a glance at Isaac, eyes narrowing- What do you want, Isaac?
ike apatow: What? -Ike blinks, wondering if he missed a step- What're you talking about?
Zack Astor: Figured you didn't share it for fun. -he gets up again, pushing himself to his full height- Why do you wanna exchange information?
ike apatow: Beeeee-cause ... it's practical? -he shakes his head- What do you want? Are you really this fucking intent on giving me the gears every time we have to interact?
Zack Astor: Call it healthy caution, pal. -Zack grabs his binoculars, casting a look at the Daybreakers camp. He can see a patrol, slowly making their rounds.- The patrol's are bigger. And they changed the times. About time.
ike apatow: You're misdirecting your caution. It's not like I got any reason to put the screws to you. We got enough outside threats. -he watches the movement of the patrol, noting down the time, direction, number of people- From what you said, that General's some kind of prodigy at military tactics.
Zack Astor: How about I'm gonna be the judge of that. -Zack leaves it at that, crouching down onto the ground as the patrol passes by and disappears around the bend- He's pretty damn good at them, yeah. That's why he's starting up counter measures.
ike apatow: Catching on to what we've been doing to fuck with his gang. How big a fan is he of sieges? We haven't gotten too much in the way of snow yet. Might not be enough to keep him from deciding to camp outside our gates.
Zack Astor: If he has to he's gonna. He sieged a prison once while I was with them. Took a good month before they went down. If they siege us, we're fucked. General's never lost a big-scale fight like that.
ike apatow: I don't know if Redwood's ready to withstand a full-on siege. We're good, but we're not a military force. If they're equipped to outlast us they'd probably be able to.
Zack Astor: It ain't ready. Not for a full-on siege. -Zack stares down at the camp, his eyes narrowing- Our only hope is that they still haven't properly recovered from the fire. But if we're picking away at their supplies at the current pace, they're gonna be on us. We're gonna increase missions.
ike apatow: Okay. -he's quiet for a moment, then- Mostly gonna be you now, spearheading this. With both Ermano and David knocked off the board.
Zack Astor: -he doesn't respond for a moment- I'm gonna need the raiders. Outside security too.
ike apatow: -harrumphs, cutting himself off before an almost automatic objection- I guess they are both mine right now, huh, with Ermano down. Awright, boss, you got both. Should we scale back on the normies doing the outside jobs now? Figure it's above their paygrade now, if the General's stepping it up.
Zack Astor: We're scaling back. Anybody else is gonna have to pick up on their slack. -another patrol comes into view. Zack's eyes narrow. Increased intervals too.- Think they can handle it?
ike apatow: With me deploying them, yeah, they can. So long as certain people don't rush into danger because they insist on being the biggest baddest chick the world's ever seen.
Zack Astor: -he scoffs softly- She's behaving. If she doesn't, she knows what's gonna happen. -the patrol disappears again, but the tension of being on enemy territory remains- You trained her pretty good.
ike apatow: -Ike doesn't look over at Zack, both of them concentrated on the patrol moving out of sight- You had her in your Wolf pack, so I hear. She must've picked up some shit there to still count you as her friend.
Zack Astor: -his eyes narrow, though he doesn't look over- What's that supposed to mean?
ike apatow: It means she learned from you. It means you trained her pretty good.
Zack Astor: Taught her enough to keep her from killing herself.  Still didn't manage to keep her from fucking herself up for fun. You managed to leash her.
ike apatow: -he snickers a little bit at that- She's a heap of trouble, that one. Figures it would take the two of us and Ares besides to wrangle her back from being a three-ring circus all by herself.
Zack Astor: -Zack stares up ahead, even though the patrol has long disappeared around the bend- She's pretty damn loyal to you. Don't fucking waste that.
ike apatow: I don't have any intention to. -hums to himself for a moment- Would he start conscripting out of the Daybreaker prisoners? To replace the trained ones we've fucked up so far. 
Zack Astor: They treat their prisoners like shit, so he's probably not keen on handing them rifles. Not impossible, though. -he seems to work something out in his head- We don't have enough people to go and try to free the prisoners.
ike apatow: -ike's teeth skid against each other for a moment- Well luckily neither of us would seriously consider one of our available ways to eliminate that possibility of militarized prisoners.
Zack Astor: You're suggesting we kill them?
ike apatow: I'm very carefully saying that's not an option we want to dwell on.
Zack Astor: -his eyes narrow and he stays quiet for a moment- We might not have a choice.
ike apatow: Guess we're the two for that. Nobody else needs to know, if it comes down to it.
Zack Astor: Nobody does. We're gonna have to hit them hard. -Zack's considers Ike for a moment longer, before turning his attention away.- Not gonna let your lapdogs in on it?
ike apatow: This isn't something I take lightly, Astor, so lock up the attitude for a few fucking minutes. You were one of those prisoners and here you are now, getting some kind of life back together. Each one of those people could have a chance if we manage to rescue them but- -he grits his teeth, grimacing like he's swallowing back bitter- Everyone in Redwood matters more to me. We'll do what we have to, just you and me.
Zack Astor: -he takes in Isaac's tone without much reaction, aside from a tightening of his jaw at Ike's reminder of being a prisoner. His gaze still fixed on the camp, not turning towards Ike- Then we're gonna have to move soon. Figure out a plan. Maybe poison their food and water supplies and see if we can take down a few Daybreakers alongside with that too. That could give us the edge we need.
ike apatow: Do the prisoners eat different food from the Daybreakers? I don't like poison anyhow. It's... -too cultish, is what he wants to say, but doesn't- ...there's too much room for error. Can't account for how long it would take for each person. No, let's come up with something else. -he rubs his fingers in circles over his face a few times, thinking on it- We should give them an alternate Redwood.
Zack Astor: Alternate Redwood? -he raises an eyebrow- You mean a false target for them to attack? Or a refugee camp?
ike apatow: False target. A decoy. -Ike drags his fingers down his face, then lets go, jaw working as he sorts through the idea- There's a ranch west of Redwood that's big enough to seem like a viable settlement -- we could kit it out, make it seem like it's lived-in. We'll have to send some people to stay there to make it look real, but we're already splitting forces as it is. We've got our backs against the wall. Everyone's been pitching in, they're gonna keep on doing that. -he falls silent, though it's clear he's still running scenarios in his head-
Zack Astor: -he works through the idea in his head- So they're gonna focus their forces on attacking that instead of finding Redwood. It'd be easier to trap and kill them. -his gaze comes to rest on Isaac- It means whoever's there might get caught in the attack.
ike apatow: Yeah. That's exactly what it means. -Ike looks over at him- So you're gonna lead it, obviously. Since I'll have to handle Redwood. Who else are you thinking? I say ... Nicki, Silvy, Hazel. Some civilian sorts too. Sol, maybe Fleet and Val.
Zack Astor: -he seems to consider- Nicki's been behaving, but she's unreliable with that. What about Ares or Orion?
ike apatow: I don't have time to babysit her, if she wants to act like a kid sneaking out to get fucked up at raves. I love Nicki and I can't imagine her not being one of my raiders but she is a grown woman and she's gonna have to suck up her need to act crazy and put this town first. -he considers, then says- You can have Ares, if you want. It's good to keep people who love each other together for this. Keeps em sharper.
Zack Astor: Neither do I. But if they're gonna balance each other out, it's a waste not to take them both. -it's a good selection of people, at least.- Good. It's decided. You gonna tell your people the happy news?
ike apatow: -Ike grunts, still looking at Zack- You know I'm not saying this to get back at you, or any kind of tedious shit like that. You're our biggest asset when it comes to knowing the Daybreakers. There's nobody else who'd work as hard to keep that list of people safe from them like you would.
Zack Astor: -he narrows his eyes at Ike- Alright. Why the hell are you telling me that?
ike apatow: Because I know this won't be easy. And the ranch is gonna be way less protected than Redwood. So just let me say it out loud as I make a god damn list of people who might face something worse than death if we don't pull this off, fuckin' jesus christ.
Zack Astor: Jesus, alright. -he scoffs softly, considering Ike for a moment. There isn't hostility in his gaze, though he doesn't seem friendly either, which already is a shift- I ain't the one you gotta be telling that. Tell that to the people who need to trust me to keep them kicking. Can't have them go all crazy.
ike apatow: All right. I'll handle it as soon as we get back. The people on our list can opt out if they want, but let's hope they don't.  -there doesn't seem to be more immediate movement, so Ike drops back slightly, focusing on this new plan- You can have Clint, too, if that works.
Zack Astor: Clint, huh? -Zack stands up again, stretching out his legs as the movement seems to have slowed- As long as he can manage without his dog. He's the type to jump in front of a bullet for that thing.
ike apatow: He'll have to. He wants to be a raider so he can consider this an evaluation. Take Leigh too for numbers. -the tally in Ike's head clicks at that point, fulfilled,  and his frown lessens slightly- It's a defensible ranch but like I said, nowhere near as tight as Redwood. Your gang'll have its work cut out.
Zack Astor: We'll manage. We'll have to. -he responds, going over the list of people in his own head. They should be capable enough- We'll work out supplies and the likes once we get back to town. You tell most of your guys the happy message, and then we'll get to work.
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euphoriclusts · 9 months
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
juliet carmichael x diana kensington i'm getting rich girls energy. like they're friends who shop together, ride together, sunbathe together, holiday together. perhaps a little blair/serena. except instead of fighting over men for the men, they fight over men because they actually love each other and don't realise it.
amara jardine x kian buckston i do love a little age gap, and these two look like they could be quite cute. i feel like amara could be kian's sister's friend, or one of his friend's sister's/sister's friends (they're all incredible close). so they could see each other regularly but not for long, and then at parties/events they sometimes share an actual conversation. kian would definitely be concerned he was a little creep though, but that's cute right?
luka belov x fox sawyer if luka is a trainee mechanic, fox is an uber driver so perhaps he has a lot (suspicious) of issues with his car that he goes to luka to help him with. if luka is with the nhl, maybe fox is a big big fan and shows up to every, single match. so either way. it's giving fox being obsessed, in a fun, cool and adorable way, of course.
daxton warner x cullen wentworth daxton is a nhl forward, cullen is a serial killer. what could go wrong? (my brain is currently loading, but if i conjure up a vision, i will edit this later).
thea madden x clara walker i sort of vibe clara taking thea under her wing for whatever reason. maybe thea's recently had a break up, and they met at a club - or maybe thea's constantly arranging flowers for clara and so they end up having conversations at her shop and clara develops a soft (and protective) spot for the younger woman. they could either be a romance or bromance of dreams. two barbies together.
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