#and i like their design and i like their behavior and just
harunayuuka2060 · 2 days
*In the cafeteria, students couldn’t help but cast curious glances toward the table where the Diasomnia students were seated. The attention was particularly drawn to the table due to the conspicuous behavior of certain individuals among them.*
Malleus: You should eat plenty, dear, so you can grow strong. *while deboning a fish for his child*
MC: ...
MC: Does Dada think I'm weak? *they asked innocently*
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Not at all. You could say I'm simply looking for an excuse to pamper you.
MC: *noticed the distinct pout on their father's face right after he spoke*
MC: ...
MC: *smiles warmly* I understand.
Vil, Rook, Riddle, Trey, and Cater: ...
Cater: Am I dreaming or is Malleus-kun acting cuddly?
Trey: *removes his glasses, wipes the lenses clean, and then puts them back on*
Trey: ...I think we're seeing the same thing.
Vil: Isn’t that the student who was found seriously injured during the last orientation?
Rook: Oui. It's reassuring to see that they’ve made a full recovery.
Riddle: So Malleus-senpai accepted them to Diasomnia?
Vil, Rook, Riddle, Trey, and Cater: ...
Malleus: I need to assist Lilia with buying furniture for your room. Is there anything you'd like us to add?
MC: If it’s not too much trouble, could you design it to resemble my old room?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *hesitantly* I’m not sure I can do that, dear. Your… old room brings back some painful memories for me.
MC: *seems to understand* I see...
MC: ...
MC: Pépé mentioned about a doll. Can I have it again, Dada?
Malleus: Are you sure? It’s a bit worn out after all these years.
MC: *nods*
Malleus: *smiles* Alright.
Silver: Do we really need to check the room once more?
Sebek: Is that even a question, Silver? Absolutely! Waka-sama entrusted us with the room of his cherished child, so it has to be perfect!
Silver: *sigh*
Silver and Sebek: *entered the room and were surprised to see an old, worn-out doll sitting on the bed*
Sebek: What is that horrid thing?! Quickly—let’s get rid of it! It could be infested with bed bugs!
Silver: Are you sure we should be doing that?
Sebek: Yes! It tarnishes the room's pristine appearance!
MC: That’s the doll my father gave me.
Silver and Sebek: !!!
Sebek and Silver: *turned around to find MC standing behind them, their confusion evident as they realized they hadn’t heard MC enter the room*
MC: ...
MC: What's wrong?
Silver: N-Nothing. We just want to apologize for insulting the doll.
Sebek: Y-Yes!
Silver and Sebek: How is that possible...
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Emberlynn Pinkle is legit the best hellverse (or whatever its called) character. Design and character wise. She isn't red so that's already a win. She has a diverse body type. Her characterization matches better with the 'the characters are demons, they're behavior is supposed to be questionable' but in a way that isn't contradictory or uncomfortable.
She harasses Blitzo sure but she's in her own room and he's the one that broke in. She's doesn't pearl clutch when something is done to her. Hell, she takes getting stabbed like a champ. The things 'wrong' with her seem like they come from her personality and not a list of things to make her edgy. She isn't needlessly cruel.
Her casually having a necklace that can protect her from demons is interesting. From the trailer for the rest of season two we know IMP are going on the run, having her as a real character who is hiding the group just because she is fascinated by them would be a good addition. This show needs a genuine sweet character (that isn't a punching bag like Moxxie is) or one that is filled with joy (like Millie but whose entire character doesn't revolve around someone else).
IDK im reading too much into her, but Emberlynn is a breath of fresh air. She is cringe but honest.
Or maybe I just stan another monsterfucker who knows
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deyisacherry · 2 days
i can't just stand people judging how others like to draw or see Sun and Moon (canon fnaf)
yeah they don't look like the canon ones, yeah people like to think about them being loving with a human, yeah people like to make AU's of them being any creature more than just robots
that's. literally. fandom NORMAL AND NICE BEHAVIOR. they're not attacking you to make you draw them in a different style, they're not forcing you to feel romantic attraction to them or making them feel attraction for a human, they're not forcing you to do AU's
you don't like the designs? the styles people use to draw them? you don't like the AU's?
then make your own content instead of judging others and literally showing their art or mocking their style saying that you don't like it
that literally makes you look really bad cause none of them have done anything wrong to deserve that
what's supposed to be a nice and safe thing for a lot ppl turns out to be bad cause someone just hates that they're not canon accurate? boo hoo
gatekeeping sun and moon while being mean is just dumb and immature.
they do not belong to anyone and we DON'T OWE ANYTHING TO ANYONE, so we'll keep drawing them however the heck we want.
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twst-hottest-takes · 2 days
Hot take: Beastmen and Sea People aren't talked about enough in twst. I feel like Sea People are kind of elaborated on, with some information about how the Sea culture is different from land culture. However Beastmen culture seems to be pretty much the same as human culture, except the women are stronger than the men.
Honestly I was really hoping Cloudcalling on the Savanna would give us more. Like maybe a language barrier, since animals usually communicate non-verbally. I feel like there could be so much done with Beastmen as a species, and they're literally just humans with animal ears and tails stuck onto them! Do they even have fur, or is it just skin??
Now I do understand this is common with half human half animal characters, but the troupe, and design is so bland. The only shows I can think of off the top of my head that have done half human half animal characters right is Dungeon Meshi, and HunterxHunter in its ant arc. Then again in HunterxHunter they were more like 1/3 insect, 1/3 human, and 1/3 animal than 1/2 human and 1/2 animal...either way I liked how much it went into the species, and how their society worked.
Sorry my rant got a little derailed at the end, but I'm sick and tired of seeing anime people have animal ears and tails thrown on them, and everyone oooing and ahhhing over it. And no I don't hate Leona's, Ruggie's, Jack's, Cheka's, Chenya's, Fellow Honest's, or Gidel's designs I just want substance for their species, since animals are so different from humans.
The world building around the beastmen is sparse!
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I super agree with this one. There are so many elements to animals and how animal "societies" work that it's interesting to think about how that might cause them to differ from humans. For one thing animal species are so different from each other I wonder if there aren't cultural divides between beastmen of differing species or any ingrained animosities from their beast attributes that effect how certain beastmen interact. For example, I don't believe that a general rule for all beastmen is that the women are stronger. I believe that was established as a fact about the Sunset Savana specifically because hyenas and lions are largely female dominated species (the former being an active matriarchy, and the latter having majority female populations). Jack as a wolf beastman doesn't relate to the idea of being intimidated by women because wolves have a different hierarchy system. These are the types of things that should be discussed more.
In addition to this, anon mentioned general character designs, and I feel that "basic animal person" design complaint in my soul. There HAS to be more to a beastman than just "has animal ears and tail" right? There are elements of other animal traits in there, like the fangs on the Savanaclaw trio. Leona behaves like an obligate carnivore and naps most of the day.
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Ruggie Birthday Boy Suit Vignette: Ruggie mentions the bite strength of hyenas.
And of course there's Jack and his sense of smell and general dog-like behaviors including tail wags when he's happy. I frequently ask where the animal ends and the human begins, and if I asked all the questions I wanted to about how the animal elements of beastman effect their anatomy we would be here ALL DAY.
And this is of course excluding all the fun hypotheticals and headcanons, ie. "Tweel Anatomy discussion."
There IS more to be talked about when it comes to beastmen culture, animal traits, and relations with humans and other sentient species. There IS the groundwork laid here! TWST just doesn't take the time to really dive into what makes the beastmen so unique and how the world works around them. They seem to be pretty common, and with the MC being from a world where animal people presumably don't exist one would think there would be plenty of oppprtunities to educate them on these matters. But do we get that? No. TWST doesn't have time for that.
I feel your frustrations, anon. I really do. These boys are so cool in concept and they deserve better!
Thank you for the take!
Also I completely neglected the mermen part of the ask, but I think we established that that bit of worldbuilding isn't quite as frustrating. (Also I will take advantage of any excuse to talk more at length about the Savanaclaw trio.)
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sigyn-foxyposts · 2 days
"The Afton family" Part 1/2 Fnaf Amaranth AU!
Note: Yes, this AU is inspired by Mobox87's and many others old FNAF lore that was created back in 2015-2016 but is remade to fit into what we have today. I'm simply doing this for the sake of fun and keeping a part of the nostalgia alive. All designs are inspired by how I viewed them personally growing up, making them my original designs. Please tag me if you ever make fanart, thank you :D
A huge thanks to @vamnp for coming up with the name of this AU!
The Parents:
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Name: Scott Ralph Afton.
Nickname: Scotty
Nationality: British (Moved to America)
Scott is clumsy and laid back. He is also a bit skittish because his dad used to scare him, intentionally as a child.
Has always struggled mentally, thanks to his childhood being quite rough.
He was bullied in school for being the shy and antisocial kid, often hiding in the bathroom stalls to get away.
He never had a good relationships with his parents, not even with Vincent no matter what he originally thought.
Has undiagnosed ADHD.
His special interest is machinery!
Likes to keep things organized and tidy.
Hates when someone is disobedient.
Loves teasing and making dad jokes!
Like his second oldest son, he has a fondness for the animatronic Foxy!
Suffers from insomnia and hallucinates.
He has a high pain tolerance and often gets injured, hence the many bandages he is wearing. His wife puts them on.
Feels horrible for not being able to stop Vincent from killing his children & being the cause of so many deaths.
Scott is the phone guy and tape guy (aka Henry but now it's Scott!)
Scott didn't actually die after the animatronics attacked and stuffed him into a suit, he was just severely injured.
Despite being in pain, he managed to stay alive until someone found him. After that incident he decided to retire.
He commits suicide, suffocating during the fnaf 6 fire together with Michael.
Scott is a hard working man that love's his family more than anything, but struggles to keep the stability going. Not only does he specialize with dangerous animatronics at work along side his brother Vincent, who has always been questionable in nature. He has always struggled mentally thanks to his upbringing.
The lack of sleep he is getting from his insomnia and night shifts causes him to get injured on the job. Which his wife is very unhappy about, they could be bickering and next thing they know they're argumening over family matters. Though Scott tries to be the one who puts an end to it and be a better husband and father to his children, he has to admit he is far from perfect. He retired from his own business Fazbear entertainment after the tragedies and focused on his remaining family, returning briefly during fnaf 6 to aid Michael and decided he would commit suicide with them.
Name: Margaret Fritz.
Nickname: Mag, Magpie.
Nationality: Norwegian.
Margaret met Scott through high school and originally felt bad for him, letting him rant to her about his inventions.
This somehow sparked feelings between the two and they remained high school sweethearts up until their marriage.
Margaret went to medical school and worked as a nurse for a few years, earning a good living for them.
She did end up quitting early and became a stay at home mom when she first got pregnant with twins.
Later in life she would try getting back into the work field but retires due to mental health issues.
Has a slight drinking problem and hates how addicted she is to it.
She suffers from compassion fatigue.
Developed depression and erratic behavior after the disappearances.
Feels guilty for Charlie's death because she was drinking that night and asked Scott to get him. (He was working late)
After Scott died in the fire, she went back to her drinking habits and died from liver failure. (Basically suicide)
Margaret is a stay at home mother who often finds herself stressed over not just her kids, but also her husband. Thanks to his recklessness at work and his horrible sleep schedules, along with his mental health. Margaret and Scott tend to argue a lot about his well being and over how they should manage things in their household, which often ends up going nowhere. This caused her to pick up a small drinking habit that she tries her best to hide from everyone, especially her children. Margaret originally came from Norway but moved to America with her family when she started high school. There she not only met Scott but got a degree in nursing and after a few years of dating, fell pregnant. This caused her to have to stay home permanently and at first while it was difficult, she knew she was doing it for a good cause. Their growing family. After the missing children's incident she went completely off the rails and had to be sent away to the mental hospital by Scott. She really struggled, especially with the guilt of not being able to protect her children that she had spent so much of her life taking care of. Eventually though she would be able to return back to Scott and their remaining children, raising them.
Older siblings:
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Name: Coppelia Afton.
Nickname: Lia
Age: 11 (in 1984)
Coppelia is the twin sister of Charlie!
Struggles sleeping like Scott.
Her special interest is also machinery!
She's often found outside tinkering in the garage with something.
She also loves reading books, specially the book that she was named after.
Can be quite hyperactive and playful, often leading her to be a bit brutal.
Love's to have playful banters with Scott or Charlie to see their reactions.
When she was younger she used to draw disturbing drawings, she grew out of it though! Scott affectionately calls her "his creepy daughter"
She loves eating bacon and eggs or pancakes, calling it her british breakfast. (Because she thinks it's funny)
After Margaret was sent away Mrs Andrews, their neighbor helped Scott take care of Coppelia and her brother.
This caused her to became a mother figure to her and she calls her mom!
She doesn't like any of the animatronics and once she got so scared as a child that she threw up and cried.
Coppelia is her families only daughter and tue older twin, taking most characteristics after her father. She is very hyperactive and playful, often tinkering with machinery like her father when he was younger. She can't be still for long, yet somehow she never runs out of energy either. She loves playing around with her siblings which often leads her to be a bit competitive and rough. She always feels a bit guilty because she accidentally hurts them or make them cry! The reason she prefers playing with her siblings still, is because she gets bullied at school too. Unlike her father though, she puts up a fight which gets her in trouble. Surprisingly Coppelia never noticed the issues her family had before her siblings went missing and her parents were even more unstable than what was normal to her. As if she didn't already struggle sleeping it got even worse for her, grieving heavily at the fact she might not even see her twin brother or younger brother again. She didn't know what to do and was afraid of when her father had to get back to work, but Margaret wasn't there anymore. Luckily their friendly neighbor Mrs Andrews would offer to watch over her and her baby brother, offering her support to the girl and comforting her. She knew what it was like loosing someone.
Name: Charlie Afton.
Nickname: Charles.
Age: 11 (When he died)
Charlie is the twin brother of Coppelia!
Struggles with anxiety.
His favorite animatronic is puppet.
He really likes collecting porcelain dolls.
Enjoys listening to the music box because it was a lullaby his parents used to comfort him with as a baby.
Charlie is actually left handed but forces himself to use his right to blend in!
The lefty animatronic was based on a stuffed teddy bear he owned.
Later Scott recreated Lefty as a animatronic to capture Charlie.
Like Scott he is also clumsy and skittish.
He is very pale and easily gets bruised.
To avoid people assuming bad things about his home life, he wears make-up, long sleeves and pants.
He originally wore make-up to just hide his bruises but started to enjoy it!
His parents find this adorable and often his mother helps him experiment around with her make-up stash!
Even though he keeps calm under stressful situations, when conflicts arises his anxiety skyrockets.
Especially when his and Coppelia's bullies search for them during school.
He knows Margaret has a drinking problem but hasn't said that he knows.
He hates when his parents argue because of how his brother accidently got in the way and was injured in the past. Luckily it never happened again.
His favorite cousin is Chris, someone he heavily sympathizes with!
Vincent stabbed Charlie multiple times in the lungs out of drunken rage, leaving him outside to bleed out in the rain.
Charlie is the oldest son and younger twin, taking a lot after both his parents. He is quite gloomy, clumsy and introverted but a passionate caretaker like his mother. Like his sister they're not exactly popular at school and the kids often picked on them, but Coppelia was there to protect him! Sometimes he wishes he would be able to do the same, to show that he was capable.. But all he could do was run and get the teacher. He makes up for this when he is able to protect his brother and the missing children after he is killed by Vincent outside of the pizzeria. The reason he died was because he was waiting for Scott to finish working after Maggie forgot to pick him up. Then the same children who bullied him and his sister threw him outside and locked the door. At first he blamed both his parents for his death, but stopped holding a grudge against them when he realized Scott and Michael tried to free them behind the scenes.
Younger siblings:
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Name: Bartholomew Fritz Afton.
Nickname: Bart, Fritz
Age: 7 (When he died)
His favorite animal is the fox, hence why he loves and adores foxy.
He has an obsession with pirates and pretends to be one all the time!
His favorite holiday is Halloween.
He likes to tease and be the annoying younger brother, often copying Coppelia's behavior.
Whenever he's bored he ask his parents or older siblings to read to him.
His favorite books are pirate books and books about norwegian folklore: because they have scary sea creatures.
Sings those kids nursery rhymes 24/7.
Hates loud shouting and glass breaking after he accidentally stood between his parents when they were arguing.
His favorite cousin is Brenda because she likes playing pirates with him!
Vincent lured Bart to parts and service, breaking his kneecaps, cutting of his hand and slicing his throat. It was so deep he pretty much decapitated him.
Bartholomew also known as Bart for short, is the second oldest son. He is hyperactive and outgoing to the fullest, insisting he is the leader of any group he comes across, siblings or friends. You'll often see him wearing pirate gears and singing songs, dragging around his younger brother who happily follows. He also never stops talking about what interests him and struggles knowing when to stop. He loves pirates, sea creatures and foxy! Bart also always unintentionally gets himself into trouble, even if it isn't his fault and while he loves his father the most, he hates being punished by him and go to the thinking corner. After he was killed by his own uncle Vincent, like the other missing children he can't trust adults and is very aggressive. Even to his own father Scott, when he figured out he possessed Foxy and tried to communicate with him.
Name: Matthew Afton.
Nickname: Matt.
Age: 4 (in 1984)
He is a very bubbly boy, who easily make people smile.
He is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
His favorite animatronic is balloon boy.
Balloon boy was inspired by Matthew's younger appearance and made by Scott.
He has a huge sweetooth and will try to steal sweets when no one is watching!
Margaret jokinly and affectionately calls him a ''menace'' to her existence.
He loves being around other people, which is why he always follows his brother or mother around.
He has a few funny quirks, such as rocking back and forth when he is excited, walking on his toes or biting on things.
He also tends to be so quiet that Scott got scared by him multiple times becuse he was just standing there, smiling at him.
His favorite thing is arts and crafts and he actually helped decorate the pizzeria along with other children there.
He loves playing with balloons, but hates when they pop, then he will start crying.
He used to be close with Bart before he went missing, now he is very attached to his older sister Coppelia.
His favorite cousin is Elizabeth because she offered him ice cream once.
Matthew is the youngest son and the only surviving family member of the Afton family with his older sister after Michael and his parents. As a child he was a bubbly boy filled with laughter, often finding himself following others around rather than leading the way like his older brother Bart. He was very young when his brothers disappeared and when he got older he struggled remembering them. When Maggie was sent away to the mental hospital, Scott retired to take care of him and was finally able to improve on his parental skills. When Matthew became an adult he started working under Fazbear entertainment despite the history it held to his family with his sister.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
I have to say that I’m so impressed with how layered the show is. I know that’s stating the obvious, but on first watch it’s so easy to just blame everything on Lestat including how things go with Claudia. He is an out and out and proud monster and does very obviously evil things. But the more I watch it the more I see that Louis is really not perfect. He weaponises so much of Lestat’s biggest fears and the power he knows he has over him. He loves Claudia but he also really uses her as a prop to replace first his lost chance at a ‘real’ life and then his lost sister. I find it fascinating too how he won’t break up with Lestat. He won’t tell him he doesn’t want him. He won’t leave him until he’s literally forced. Not that I’m blaming Louis for anything really it’s very clear why he does everything. He loved Lestat but can’t reconcile that so he turns his anger first inwards and then outwards. I guess I’m just saying that they’ve done a great job with things like Armand’s word during 2x05 and moments where we get Lestats pov through dialogue, at laying the groundwork for series three to actually track. In fact Louis really does lay out the problem in 2x08 (even if it turns out he didn’t say it to Lestat in reality) he was to blame for their problems too because he was punishing Lestat because he was sad. He does this to Armand and a lesser extent Claudia too so we can see it’s a pattern of behaviour. I do love Louis and as I said during my first watch I was totally on his side and remain there but there’s just so much gorgeous nuance now. Super clever! They are all monster and no one is blameless and it makes it so much more interesting.
This show is a masterpiece. A multi-dimensional, layered, staffed with in-universe-set-design-commentary (the books Louis reads), story-level outrageously well done enhancements of the source material, costume-design, visuals and actual text giving social and racial commentary, fused together by a - at first glance - clear if not especially easy bigger story. Only that the story then turns out to be a tale, and edited tale, misleading in places, drawing everything into question ... and yet - it is the truth, or a truth, enough... of the truth.
It is just brilliant. As a book reader I find new references on every rewatch. The tropes they try to subvert are brilliant. The little hints and patterns and behavior traps the characters fall into. The way the first seasons set already up soooooo much.
Just brilliant :)
So happy to hear you think so, too :P
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pov: you're Loop after I learned that I can show you souvenirs
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deltarunebt · 4 months
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Meeting (Befriending?) Jevil
So much for an easy first fight.
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fantasygerard2000 · 5 months
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It honestly feels like the discourse around these two is less about Disney not being "bold" or "creative" and more about people being salty they didn't get their goth GF and glowing twink
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dirty-trash-mongrel · 11 months
okay i know it's kind of late to be posting about episode five but.
J holding a whale plush. J holding a whale plush. I can't get over this.
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J likes plushies and just general stuffed toys
She's the kind of person that would collect and get pissed if one in a collection she didn't have was sold out somewhere
I don't care if it's more likely that these were for Tessa but J just happened to pick one up out of boredom
I'm headcanoning that the whale plush J's holding was like one of Tessa's only stuffed animals and she just demanded that Tessa got more and claimed it as her own
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Basically forced Tessa to bring along all of her stuffies, that's the only reason why there were multiple pods sent out so that they could fit them all
Tessa got really annoyed at J's whining for this and that's why these pods were actually (J offered to pilot one and Tessa said no because 'They'd be fine' and she didn't want them to crash with either of them in it)
That's why J and Tessa have been kind of bitter towards each other lately because J is still mad and Tessa is still irritated
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Imagining a scenario where Tessa, V and N are desperately and silently trying to get Uzi to stop talking because Uzi is making fun of J for liking stuffed animals
J defending herself by saying it's highly professional, going on a massive and passionate rant about the history of plush toys and how the companies that make them don't make enough stock
all while Uzi is standing there confused and the others are silently annoyed and facepalming while J is talking because they've heard this many times before in the mansion
thgis is canon liam vicklers told me 😁😁😁
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rhytmrocket · 3 months
hey all so uh im suddenly super hyperfixated on gengar
idk i just love this devious creature
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have my top 5 gengars :D (ft cool silly palettes bc i Love it when people draw gengar with cool silly palettes)
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controllerofthemist · 10 months
My thoughts on Skirk
With the way Skirk treats and talks about him, its no wonder Tartaglia turned out the way he did. A bright and naive 13 yr old boy with no combat experience falls away from the comfort of his home into a world full of monsters with no sun or safety and the only psuedo-caretaker he has won't even speak to him properly because she says him as too weak to bother with, and after 3 months of fighting his way through hell and losing his humanity, he returns to that home he was longing for, only to find that 3 days have passed since he left and he tells not a single person what happened to him. No wonder he lost his mind down there.
I miss the Skirk that I had made up in my head, the one I patched together from different fic writer and fan artists ideas for her, the one that had that same rambunctious and bloodthirsty personality that Tartaglia inherited, the one that took care of a child the best she knew how while hardening him to survive the abyss' dangers, the one that at least *tried*, because she *wanted too*.
I just feel disappointed, and I think a lot of other people are as well.
I think that, until we see her again, I'm just going to keep pretending that the one in my head is the real one.
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ahavrn · 10 months
Waiting fr th day more ppl acknowledge uzi is no longer a normal worker drone n starts developing animal behaviors of her own
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crescentfool · 1 year
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does anyone else want to stick these two in the same room together or is that just me... i simply think they are adjacent in vibes... (+a bonus thing???)
get u a fictional guy that makes you feel like this... seeing these guys just evoke a Similar Kind of Brain Chemical and Response. Help Me.
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also have bonus yosuke doodle featuring the same brushes used here...! from january 23rd, lol.
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#fe3h#sylvain jose gautier#persona 4#yosuke hanamura#crossover#lizzy does art#umm... hi.... (looks away) this is cringe but i am free. what is life if not to draw your favorite characters together on the same canvas#for the record i do not intend to conflate these two as the same character because they are NOT#'lizz. what on EARTH do you see in these guys.' you know. i wish i could answer that. (actually. i can.)#experiencing both of these characters sent me into an absolute spiral of denial when i realized that i enjoyed them#Words Hard but Basically i think its fascinating how both sylvain and yosuke have like this happier front that they project outwards that-#masks the struggles that they don't want others to see... and while both of them do cringe shit thats incredibly stupid#both of these characters have shown themselves to have like?? actual braincells? (re: yosuke at the start of p4 + sylvain support convos)#granted the kinds of themes and messages each of them is meant to convey varies bc of the setting and stories they are in#the sylvain + yosuke pipeline.... oh also i think the fandoms tend to rationalize both of their behavior towards women as like.#a closeted bi case. it's kinda strange to me why they overlap in certain ways hm hm...#but its just so funny to me that like. idk. they're both unbearable. they irritating for a reason /s#i should really draw these two more often (in like separate illusts) they are so fun i love their color schemes and designs it sparks joy#ok ok god i had a lot more to say about that than i thought oops. um. yeah. i learned how to draw for stuff like this. worth itTM
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kaelidascope · 2 months
I think I should clarify that when I say OOC behavior in Toxic Bees AU, I mean like they're still their basic skeletal designs as a whole (I'm not THAT bad of a writer) but they're OOC compared to the versions of them we know today As in I banked hard on certain aspects of their personalities like Yang's self-sacrificing tendencies, Ruby's immaturity, Weiss's arrogance, and Blake's flakiness Pretty much all these attributes are just amplified to shit and there's like no character growth until the final chapters NFJGFNGKF
Yang literally only thinks she's worth what she can physically offer to someone in the form of service (sexually, financially, or emotionally). Her untreated depression and anxiety causes her to internalize her abandonment issues so bad she's creating scenarios in her life that are doomed to set her up for failure from the start, and yet she doesn't understand why people keep leaving her when she can't stop being this disingenuous version of herself
Blake pretends her actions aren't the direct cause of her consequences and therefor justifies her actions because of her consequences. She desperately doesn't want to give a shit about anything but that act's only gonna get her so far before it blows up in her face. She wants to think that she deserves to be mistreated and can't stand the idea of forgiveness or compromise, so she'll sabotage her own life to get a result that's familiar
Ruby's age shows painfully hard in this and reflects on her thought process and maturity. She's 20 and doesn't have a clue, and up until this point has had Yang or her Dad do literally everything for her. Her growth's been stunted just as much as she doesn't actively try to get off her ass and do something about it
Weiss may seem put together, but she's been miserably sheltered her whole life. Home-schooled first and then immediately living with a romantic partner she's far too young for second, who ends up infantizing her more and she doesn't have the tools or communication skills to speak up for herself. She's better about it now, but her bad habits manifest in her inability to get a grasp on reality and treats people like objects because not once did she have a normal human bond in her house
Now take those versions of team RWBY and throw them into a college setting with their very first taste of freedom, absolutely NO proper job or life experience, and nobody to actively vibe-check them on fucked up, ill-intended, and misguided decision-making. THAT'S what makes this an OOC RWBY fic. Because we all were stupid in our 20s living out of the house for the first time
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pink-key · 9 months
Pinkie What do you mean the ticci Toby author went bonkers?
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Hehe Pinkie nickname reminds me of my favorite mlp character. I understand teenagers nowadays going uwu don't want to hurt the creator's feelings uwu, wish he was as nice as them at any point of his online presence lmao. He published Tobs on DA, seeking feedback or attention, then he got it. He hated any Toby fangirl and left aggressive comments under their posts, and, learned recently, also bullied them with the help of his circle of jerks in their dms. A lot of people didn't like his shipping with the mary sue character and preferred to ship him with other charas. He was so hateful about that he just wrote very, very rude comments under Toby ship art/fic. He was blaming the fandom that it depicted his goofy, childish character who annoyed twinkified version of masky like a kid as a.. goofy childish character, but who liked waffles a lot (waffle thing was annoying but in his art waffles were present so it didn't come out of nowhere, I remember that-). I am just surprised he is still blaming the fandom as an adult, he even drew a completely different character and slapped the name Toby on it, because he hates the fandom and his character this much.
Wanted to add, most of this comes from my memory and most things I mention are deleted (comments and so on) but I saw people also mentioning similar things around here.
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