#and i knew ten was petite but damn
olsenmyolsen · 7 days
Swimming Lessons
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Art By: @1005__H on twitter! I commissioned them after having this idea! They're wonderful!
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Art By: @auroraromaximoff They're looking for more commissions and loved making this art after hearing my idea! They're super nice. Please check them out and give them a follow!
maroon master list . dark master list . request marvel master list . short n’ sweet master list
Non-Canon - Post Hawkeye - (Bishova)
Summary: Kate does her best to teach her former Black Widow girlfriend, Yelena, how to swim.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Yelena hates the beach, Married WandaNat, Lucky is a good dog
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"Kate Bishop!" Yelena whined for the millionth time today. "I told you I don't know how to swim!"
Kate, still baffled by this recent revelation, dropped her girlfriend Yelena Belova onto her feet near the crashing waves of the private beach rented for the day.
"I still don't understand that! A part of me still doesn't believe you." Kate said through her sunglasses as she eyed the more petite blonde. "How does a former black widow assassin not know how to swim!?" Kate questioned as she threw her arms up.
With her arms by her side and green floaties on her arm, Yelena stomped her feet in the hot sand. "I told you I was a child assassin on a mission that week!"
"Ten bucks says Kate gets Yelena into the water before we leave today." Natasha Romanoff, Yelena's sister, said to her wife, Wanda Maximoff-Romanoff, as they watched the two from afar on the porch of the rental house for the weekend getaway.
Kate's pizza dog Lucky by their feet.
"Natasha!" Wanda gasped before slapping her wife's arm. "You can't do that!" She then shook her head and looked back to see Yelena lying on the sand, distracting Kate with a story about how she sniped a former secretary of state.
Wanda sighed. "Fine. You're on." Natasha laughed and sipped her iced tea. "Double or nothing?" She then asked with a coy smile. "Not a chance."
"Wow, how long did you stay in the crawl space of that apartment?" Kate asked, fully involved in Yelena's story as they slowly started building sand castles before remembering what her original plan was. "Wait- don't answer that- damn it, Yelena!" She sighed and scolded her girlfriend before standing up and shaking the sand off of her. "I'm teaching you to swim!"
Yelena looked down at the sand buildings before her and back up to her girlfriend. "But... but I'm busy." She said with a pout, making Kate grab her by her arm and hoist her up. Yelena stumbled. Always surprised by Kate's strength.
"Yelena, I didn't spend all the time putting sunscreen on you for you to not get in the water!"
Yelena crossed her arms over herself in her two-piece. The floaties on her arms making squeaking noises. "But what about sharks?"
"There are no sharks," Kate said, standing behind Yelena and beginning to push her into the sand. Yelena's feet dragged and made lines in the sand behind her heels. "You don't know that." Yelena countered.
"You don't know that either."
"Shit," Yelena whispered. "Okay but what if... what if you get swept out by a current!? I can't save you!" Yelena brought up a pretty solid reasoning in her mind.
But Kate would die trying to get Yelena to do anything. So if some all-mighty power thought that it should be because she's trying to teach Yelena how to swim, then so be it.
Although that would definitely traumatize Yelena for life.
Oh well.
"I won't get swept out, Yelena. I'm going to be with you the whole time. I promise." As those words left Kate, Yelena planted her feet into the sand and turned around to her dark-haired girlfriend. "Promise?" Kate nodded with a breath. "I promise." Yelena searched Kate's eyes for any doubt, but she knew she wouldn't find any. So she nodded, turned, and stepped closer and closer to the water.
"We can go slow," Kate said, step in step with the blonde as the tide rushed over their feet before being dragged out. Yelena jumped back. "Why is it cold!? It's in the sun all day!"
Kate couldn't help but think that that was a good point, and she didn't have an answer for Yelena. "I don't know, but it'll get warmer the longer you're in it."
Yelena looked up at her girlfriend's face before slowly lifting a hand for Kate to take. The taller of the two smiled and took her hand as her other one came to rest of Yelena's back.
Another wave crashed onto their feet, making Yelena laugh lightly as the sand was being pulled from under her feet. "That feels funny." Kate couldn't help but smile and laugh with her. "It does." She agreed as they walked further and further out.
"Damn it," Wanda said as she got up to go retrieve $10 from her purse back inside the house. Natasha watched her wife with a smile. "I told you."
"I told you." Wanda mocked back.
Natasha just shook her head and turned to Lucky, lying flat against the wooden porch. "Oof. Looks like I won't be getting any tonight."
Lucky let out an exaggerated huff from his nose before his ears shot up to the sounds of laughter coming from the shore, making him get up and run to Kate and Yelena.
Natasha watched the dog take off before her eyes found Kate holding Yelena up and over a wave.
The water now thigh-high.
"Ahh!!" Yelena screamed with joy as Kate set her back now and let a wave crash into them.
"It makes me walk funny," Yelena yelled with a smile as the wet sand below her feet gave out, making her stumble a tad. Kate nodded and grabbed the blonde's hand. "Come on, there's a sand bar a little further."
"Sand bar?" Yelena quietly asked before looking around. She didn't see any drinks or people. Yet she followed Kate as Lucky splashed into the water, swimming up to them.
Not caring about the waves.
"Oh, that's why it's called Doggy Paddle," Yelena said as she waded through the water behind Kate. The water slowly rising up her body with every step. As it got past her stomach and some faded scars that's when Yelena slowly began to worry.
"Kate, it's getting deeper..."
Kate Bishop opened her mouth to make a joke before her eyes saw the tiny ounce of fear Yelena had in them. Kate quickly moved to Yelena's side again as Lucky watched them as he swam by to the sand bar.
"Show off," Yelena grumbled, making Kate tilt her head disapprovingly. "Yelena, that's not very nice." Yelena kept her mouth closed as she slowly moved her arms in front of her with Kate's help.
Listening carefully to Kate's instructions.
Swimming more and more as, her feet began to touch the ocean floor less and less. The waves became calmer the further out they went, which helped Yelena and her nerves.
"Kate Bishop!" Yelena exclaimed as she no longer had her footing, forcing Yelena's mind to short-circuit.
This was it. She was going to drown. She was going to sink. Lucky was on the sandbar watching and was probably laughing at Yelena as she floundered her arms up and down like a mad woman. Yelena knew she had the floaties on, but amid panic, she couldn't think as her feet kicked nothing but water. She opened her mouth to call for her girlfriend's help, but the water went right down her throat due to her own body moving rapidly up and down.
(also, Kate was right there the whole time watching Yelena. Yelena made it sound WAY more dramatic.)
Yelena screamed and coughed up the salty water as Kate wrapped an arm around the blonde and moved her two feet back to where Yelena could touch again.
Yelena sighed and caught her breath again. "I almost died! That would not have been a cool way to die!" Yelena sounds almost disgusted by this. "I was right there. I had you." Kate said with a smile to Yelena, making the blonde swallow and nod while looking out to the ocean before looking back at Kate with her lips curling into a smile. "Thank you."
Kate nodded and swam beside Yelena, who floated with her arms lifted up. "Of course." Kate kissed the blonde's cheek as Lucky swan up to them. Splashing them, making Kate laugh before flicking a small wave of water towards Yelena.
Yelena narrowed her eyes after the initial shock. "Count your blessing, my widow bites are not waterproof." Kate laughs loudly at Yelena's unwavering tone before Yelena splashes Kate back.
Natasha and Wanda continue smiling while laughing and placing bets on Yelena and Kate for the rest of the day.
And when the sun began to dip in the distance, Yelena and Kate walked hand in hand along the beach.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
115 notes · View notes
mqverick · 7 months
scummy man || ✮⋆˙ .
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“Cause he’s a scumbag, don’t you know?
I said he’s a scumbag, don’t you know?”
────────── ★ ───────────
The moment Daniel Kaffee walked into your office with his stupid apple and his stupid, childish ‘hi’, you knew you were fucked from top to bottom. Of course, they hadn’t taken you seriously when you petitioned Division to have counsel assigned. They brought you the first idiot they came across.
You’d written a seventeen page memo to Bronsky outlining the situation, you’d pleaded your case for a half hour in his living room on a Sunday afternoon, and Division assigned a Lt. Junior Grade? They had too be kidding (or hate you).
You’d managed to scare him, at least, and that you were proud of. He seemed like the type, who was particularly full of himself, which was proven as quite the right accusation, after a few minutes of speaking with him. He was just a bunch of royal bullshit, you’d decided — fucking wanted him off the case, even though he hadn’t even started yet.
He was never going to take it seriously, judging on how loose and cool he acted. For crying out loud, Dawson and Downey were at his sake, while Daniel could not care less about them, opting to practice baseball instead, because he claimed he had a critical game coming. Was that guy serious?
“Lieutenant, would you feel very insulted if I recommended to your supervisor that he assign different counsel?” you threatened, face burning as you struggled to contain your anger at his complete indifference to the situation.
“Why would you do that?”
He had the nerve to ask. “You’re not fit to handle the defense. One second more with you and the marines will have sealed their poor fate.”
Daniel nodded, unimpressed with your tone.
“You don’t even know me. Ordinarily, it takes someone hours to discover I’m not fit to handle a defense. You’ve known me for less than ten minutes.” He walked away from you, as if your threat was a joke to him, like he didn’t believe you.
You stupidly stared at him, blood boiling as you wondered how impossibly scummy one could be.
“I do know you. Daniel Allistair Kaffee, born June 8th, 1964 at Boston Mercy Hospital. Your father's Lionel Kaffee, former Navy Judge Advocate and Attorney General, of the United States, died 1985. You went to Harvard Law on a Navy scholarship, probably because that’s what your father wanted you to do, and now you’re just treading water for the three years you’ve gotta serve in the JAG Corps, just kinda laying low til you can get out and get a real job. And if that’s the situation, that’s fine, I won’t tell anyone. But my feeling is that if this case is handled in the same fast-food, slick-ass, Persian Bazaar manner with which you seem to handle everything else, something’s gonna get missed. And I’d be damned if I allowed Dawson and Downey to spend any more time in prison than absolutely necessary, because their attorney had pre-determined the path of least resistance,” your monologue prevented you from taking a breath, confidently crossing your arms like you’d just won an argument, as Daniel took a quick sip from his Yoo-Hoo, staring intently at you. The sun was hitting his face and if you allowed it to yourself, you could’ve observed how stunningly green his eyes were.
“Wow,” he admired, very taken aback. “I’m sexually aroused, Commander. I may be picking the wrong time to ask you this, but are you seeing anyone right now? ‘Cause I think you and I would be perfect together. It’s clear that you respect me and that’s the foundation for any solid—”
“Shut up.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You let out an angry exhale and grabbed him by the collar of his thin baseball shirt, pulling him towards you. He gasped in surprise, breath caught in his throat as you stabbed your finger into his chest as a warning.
“Listen there, Kaffee, I will have you removed from the case, so don’t go around being cute and unbothered. Mark my words, you just waisted your last chance with me.”
And with that, you threw him back to the bleachers, storming away in annoyance and over the top frustration. Never had another human being ever crawled up under your nerves so quickly, it had to be an astonishing world record.
When you walked into your office the next day just to find Daniel sitting on your chair already, you neared the dreadful experience of going into cardiac arrest. You silently wondered how he’d managed to sneak in, but decided to ignore him.
“You didn’t do it.”
His words were softly spoken, causing you to look at him, undoubtedly baffled. “I beg your pardon?”
“You didn’t do it,” he repeated with more emphasis, as if that would help you understand what he was referring to. “I thought you really wanted me out of the case, so I went to check, see if you talked to my supervisor. You didn’t.”
Oh, so he was talking about that. You played it off as something frankly unimportant, not even bothering to reply anything to him. If you turned your back around just for one second, you could’ve seen exactly how distressed he was.
Daniel got up from your chair, walking up behind you as he towered over you, hands unexpectedly nervous, seeing as they couldn’t stay still for a full minute on the waistline of his uniform trousers. You chuckled silently to yourself, nose scrunching in pride as you turned your back, looking dead into his eyes, your own ones fixed on the way his Adam’s apple moved in his neck as he gulped.
“Good job, Lieutenant. I see you took my words seriously for once. Need to keep into mind that you shit your pants way too easily, threats have you following every order you’ve been given.”
Daniel’s eyes were blown with disbelief of your manners, brows raised in offense. There was no doubt that you were prepared to make his life a living hell, had every intention to cause this case to be his first and last one, because the way it was going, he’d either rip apart his diploma or plain out kill himself. And who had the delightful opportunity to hear Daniel complain day and night? None other than Sam.
“She hates me, I don’t even know why,” he cried while pacing back and forth in his small living room, bat placed over his shoulders as he rested his hands on it, mind far away from the case. Sam sighed, sinking back into the couch. “She barely even knows me! I always do stuff wrong for her, she’s never satisfied. Little miss perfect,” he continued without a break, swinging the bat now as he ignored the board that stood in the middle of the place. Sam felt nauseous, having baring his unstoppable yapping for what felt like decades, even though it’d only been less than ten minutes.
A knock on the door pulled him out of his unlimited boredom and he got up to see who it was, ignoring the way Daniel kept going on and on. He looked over the eye on the door, almost letting out an audible groan at the fact that it was you who had knocked, meaning that your appearance would drive his friend even crazier.
“Come in,” he whispered lowly to you as he unlocked the door and let you in. You shrugged your jacket off your shoulders, noticing that Daniel hadn’t even acknowledged the fact that someone else had gotten into his house. “Damn, I’ve never seen him like this before. Normally he loses interest in a girl after a date or two…” he commented with a smirk, but you ignored him.
“You know, I wish she could’ve taken me out of the case, so that I wouldn’t have to see her face again,” Daniel admitted frustratedly, stopping dead in his tracks momentarily as he laid his eyes on you. Suddenly, hitting his head as hard as possible with his bat didn’t seem like such a terrible idea. Oh, he was fucked to the core.
A smug, proud smile spread across your lips.
“Talking about me, Lieutenant Kaffee?” you rhetorically asked, crossing your arms and puffing your chest out arrogantly as you strode confidently across the room to get to him.
Daniel pretended to turn a deaf ear to your question, head strictly observing the case’s board as he gripped on the hand of his baseball bat. He wished the earth would open up and swallow him out of existence, his brain bleeding at the pure satisfaction he’d so universally given you by admitting the very phrase that you’d been accusing him of; dropping the case, because he couldn’t take the seriousness of it. And oh, well, because he couldn’t bare another second with you breathing down his neck and constantly criticizing him without even caring enough to get to know him — not as Daniel Kaffee, but Marine Lieutenant Kaffee. You had no idea of his potential, yet you still found it in you to look down at him, underestimate and humiliate him.
Sam incredulously just existed there, not taking any stance against either one of you. He’d been friends with Daniel since ages, which cast him to be very close to his way of thinking, and he knew for an undeniable fact that his friend was building up a brick wall of denial, hatred and irony just because he wouldn’t want to face the reality of the situation that pained his mind.
Daniel was captivated by you, Sam claimed.
He silently watched the way his eyes never left your face the entire time you spent in the small apartment, while working on the case, the split second that Daniel subconsciously let his jaw slightly hang open when you determinedly explained every detail of how to teach the marines how to act in the courtroom. Of course, Daniel was going through a matter of confusion.
You stood an obstacle to his limitless confidence and that wasn’t something he particularly wanted to experience every passing day, thus why he’d convinced himself that he hated you. But that was simply not true, at least according to Sam’s observations, which always proved to be right.
“I hate her,” he’d say all the time, but even the sound of his voice gave away the fact that he didn’t. How could he, anyway? Despite the hard time you were giving him, you actually worked by his side, boosting him even more. Come on — he was going to be in a courtroom — he’d never been in one before. All because of how stubborn you were with this case. Daniel loved it.
“Nobody likes her very much,” he’d said in Cuba, shouting his statement loudly enough for all the people in the convertible to hear despite the dizzying noise of shots and fighter planes. You’d rolled your eyes, opting not to give him the chance to stupidly smirk at himself for managing to piss you off (that was exactly his only goal).
Predictably enough, Daniel was laying down on his couch as a baseball game faintly played in the background, preventing him from concentrating. Truth be told, his mind was blank. He’d prepared himself mentally for what was coming; they’d lose the trial, make complete fools of themselves in front of an entire courtroom. His father was shaking his head disappointedly at him, Daniel knew it. He fiddled with his bat, glancing at the remnants of the two days old pizza he’d heated up in the microwave fifteen minutes ago, lazily thrown in a piece of kitchen paper, next to a half empty bottle of Yoo-hoo. His white uniform from earlier was thrown in a pile in a corner, like a piece of garbage he was itching to get out of his house.
A sudden buzz from his bell was heard, throwing him off as he jumped a little, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he went to the door, wondering who it could be at that time, since he wasn’t even expecting anyone. Or so he thought. The moment he opened the door, you stormed inside without even waiting for him to invite you in. Daniel stood speechless for one second, then shrugged it off, simply because it was you, and your ignorance of him was unquestionable. He looked shit, he realised; dressed in a dark gray T-shirt that had small oil stains on it because of the pizza, an abstract, unbuttoned red, brown and green colored shirt thrown over it.
“I’ve really missed you. It’s been almost three hours since I last saw—” he began sarcastically, but you cut him off abruptly, while placing a stack of papers onto the living room table.
“I can already tell that you forgot we had to meet up to discuss about the case by the way you’ve shamelessly displayed your gross dinner all over the files we need to present tomorrow. Good job, like always, Kaffee.”
Daniel didn’t bother to huff or give out any reaction, at that point, he knew that you were aware of the fact that you pushed his buttons just by breathing the same direction as him. He let his bat against the arm of the couch, taking a folder into his hands and pretending to examine it.
“Is Sam not coming?” he asked without raising his eyes to look at you.
“I don’t know, he’s your buddy. Aren’t you supposed to know better than me?”
You judged his choice of childish drink with a long, disgusting glare, then buried your face into the papers as well. Dawson and Downey relied upon the three of you deeply and if proving them not guilty meant you had to spend your Friday evening in Daniel Kaffee’s apartment, then so be it. It was a lot quieter than usual and the unfamiliar emptiness had you wondering. The baseball game was still on, distracting you from thinking clearly. “I think Kendrick ordered the Code Red. So do you,” you mumbled out of the blue, catching his attention in a second.
“You didn’t just come here to bother me?”
“You’re the worst lawyer I’ve ever met,” you spoke rudely, noticing Daniel’s face drop. “Why don’t you get the poor guys a new attorney, huh? You stand no chance anyway, you’re too afraid.”
“You still haven’t taken the time to get to know me, so I don’t think that you have any rights to go around telling me what to do, Commander,” the boldness of his tone matched yours as he sat on the couch, still denying the urge to look up at you, gauge your reaction to his words. He liked to ignore you, it gave him the impression that he had some sort of power over you that drove you as far mad as you did to him. Ignorance was kind.
“Think I’m going to change my mind about you the moment I hear your childhood sob story? They can all say you’re the best damn lawyer it’s ever been their pleasure to have as an attorney, and I still wouldn’t be convinced. But go on, though, I’ll humor you for tonight. Were daddy’s expectations really that high that they scare you off to do your job correctly?”
He pursed his lips, a slight furrow between his brows again as he stared pointedly at you. His heart crashed every time you went down the family path, not fully understanding how you’d figured him out so quickly and with less effort than even Jack put into his conversations with him. “Okay, then, if you really believe all that, get me replaced, I won’t stop you. Or did you already try that with no luck? Please, spare me the psycho-babble father bullshit, though, it’s your only argument and it’s getting tiring.”
“At least I have an argument.”
“Fucking congratulations! That’s just splendid!”
“Another lawyer won’t be good enough!” you accidentally admitted on your temper. Your eyes widened at the echo in the dead silence, that grew in the apartment, after what you’d just blurted out. Daniel’s eyes softened, filled with pure bewilderment, jaw going slack. His upper front teeth were visible as he stared at you stupidly enough to have your cheeks burning the brightest shade of red. You tried to find an excuse to reason yourself, but nothing could cover up the royal bullocks you’d thrown all over yourself.
He’d never let you live that moment down.
“You frighten me. I’m involved in a situation now, in which the stakes couldn’t be higher. I’m not going to take time out to give tutorials in criminal procedure to an internal affairs schoolgirl who doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing and still has the nerve to threaten my lead.”
“I just melt when you sugar-talk me, Danny.”Daniel felt a sudden rush of heat form in the back of his neck, traveling all the way up to his face at the sound of his nickname falling out of your lips. It wasn’t even a big deal — everyone called him Danny, yet the way it sounded in his ears when you uttered it out, it felt as though someone had turned up the dial on his internal embarrassment thermostat to maximum, and now he was sure he was ready to burst at any moment. The awkwardness of the moment had both of you completely mute, blankly finding random things in his house to interestingly stare at, as if they were suddenly very important. “Anyway, I think you know exactly how to win. They need you.”
A dumbstruck smile lightened up his face.
“You really think so?”
“Do you have something to drink?” you dodged the question, knowing that you’d revealed too much of your genuine feelings about him. Of course you admired him, how could you not?
“Yeah — Yeah! Something to drink, yes, just a second, let me see what’s in the fridge,” he exclaimed, inexplicably jumpy as he practically flew to the fridge. The corners of your lips turned upwards, enjoying the way he struggled to roam through the drinks and food, some things falling over in his attempt to search in the back. When he finally approached you, he was proudly holding a small bottle with a yellow Yoo-hoo tag on it.
You sighed. “You’re ridiculous.”
“It’s chocolate milk, you’ll love it.”
What the hell, you thought, taking the drink from him as he handed it over to you with a warm smile. Your face was filled with disgust, almost hollering at the smell. When you let a few drops touch your lips, you coughed dramatically and shook your head in denial of what you’d just drank, placing the bottle back on the table.
“That’s the most foul thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Wait until you try my cooking. I usually save that card until the fourth or fifth date, though,” Daniel smirked, eyes gleaming under the bright yellow light of his living room. He looks so dumb, how is this man a navy lawyer? you questioned yourself.
“Explains why you’re single, then.”
“Maybe I’m just waiting for someone.”
“Is it Jack Ross? ‘Cause I think he likes you back, you should totally make a move,” you teased him.
“Maybe said someone is annoying me as we talk.”
“Come on, Danny, can’t take a joke?”
He didn’t say anything, just rolled his eyes and twirled his bat on the ground, while pacing around the coffee table. “Can I ask you something personal?” he asked out of the blue, causing a pit of anxiety to form into your stomach.
“I suppose you’ll ask even if I refuse.”
“Look at you, you’re finally getting to know me.”
“Shoot, Kaffee.”
“What made you become a lawyer for the Navy?”
Your expression changed, now fully confused. You wondered how he’d possibly come up with that question all of sudden — was he doing some sort of research on you, get you exposed and out of his lead case so that you wouldn’t annoy him anymore with your constant complaining? Or was it more just Daniel being… well, Daniel and randomly coming up with the most out of context questions and things to discuss about?
“They wouldn’t let me fly the planes,” you simply gave and he tsk’ed with a dramatic head shake.
“Pegged you for the one that never gave up. You are becoming less of a role model on Junior Lieutenant Kaffee now, Commander. You’re like seven of the strangest women I’ve ever met.”
“That’s rich of you to say,” you added a little too quickly and loudly for your liking, hating how you were always so eager to defend yourself in situations that didn’t ask for it. “I’m the girl guys like you hated in sixth grade.”
Daniel’s eyes softened as he hesitantly took a seat next to you. “You’re wrong,” he muttered through his lips, looking down at his entwined fingers before exhaling exhaustively. “You’re the girl guys like me pulled the pigtails of at minor interactions just because they were too afraid of letting her know how they really felt about her.”
A pause. Silence built up in the room as Daniel kept looking down on his lap, eyes closed as if he was hoping for something, as if he was scared that the moment he’d open them, you’d be gone, because he’d screwed everything up again. But you were still there when he eventually decided to look over at you, staring blankly at him with no emotion whatsoever. He despised the fact that he couldn’t read you, hated the thought of not knowing exactly what went through your mind during that moment; it caused him too much anxiety, plus, with his little experience with girls, he’d never lived anything similar. They were all so chattery and urgent to fuck him that they didn’t hold anything back… and then, there was you.
You, who Daniel didn’t know how to feel about.
And suddenly, he couldn’t stand — bare — the fact that you’d been staring at him with so much to say, all that visible through your glassy eyes, and it was killing him, causing his stomach to flip, because he was ridiculously unaware about whether he did the right thing to reveal so much with that metaphor, or if he’d just ruined every aspect of professionalism between you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, his voice worn out, shaky as if he was about to break down right there in front of you. Your lack of response made his heart feel tight. “I’m not going to reassign Dawson and Downey to another lawyer, by the way. Neither will you ever be able to replace me, because I’m going to stick here.”
You instantly warmed up. For the first time, his confidence gave you that slight ounce of reassurance that you needed to get, put the colour back in your eyes as you grinned proudly at him, not caring about the so though Commander title you’d been given. “What made you change your mind?”
“Not you,” he replied, reciprocating the calmness and brightness of your face. “Just… don’t wear that perfume, it wrecks my concentration.”
“Really?” you asked in awe. Daniel just smiled. You noticed his Adam’s apple bob as he inhaled the courage to say something, then…
“This might be the wrong time to ask this, but would you really hate the idea of me taking y—”
“I am so sorry,” Sam interrupted, barging into Daniel’s apartment while panting, struggling to take his coat off as he put a hand over his chest. “I had to take care of my daughter, she got sick and my wife wasn’t home, I — Oh, I walked into something there, didn’t I?”
You think? Daniel mutely thought of saying to his friend, so mad inside as he glared at him with burning passion to slam the door shut into his face and returning to the conversation he was having with you less than twenty seconds ago.
“I need to go, anyway, I promised the Marines that I would visit them and help them prepare for the court. I’ll see you tomorrow, Danny. Bye, Sam,” you dismissed them, getting up from the couch and waving goodbye to the two of them as you walked outside with a small smile.
“No wait!” Daniel called, but it was already too late. “What the fuck, Sam?! You know something called knocking on the fucking door?”
Sam didn’t reply, simply because he was too busy explaining the story of why he thought he wouldn’t make it to the case preparation as he cleaned Daniel’s living room. He realised that his friend was paying no attention to him at all, only staring at the almost full Yoo-hoo bottle you’d left on the table from earlier, and that was all Sam needed to know exactly why he was being ignored. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
Daniel never replied.
“Hi!” he greeted you with the following day, head peaking in your office through the half closed door. He looked dumb, his oversized blue varsity jacket covering most of his palms as he held onto the door with a wide grin, eyes sparkling. You couldn’t understand his excitement.
“Hey,” the reply was dry and held back.
“I think we might actually have just enough evidence to prove Dawson and Downey innocent, all thanks to you,” he claimed happily, allowing himself fully into your office. You gave him a weird look but didn’t question anything, instead ignored him as you organized the discarded papers on your desk into folders. Daniel’s face dropped at your lack of enthusiasm for him, worry written all over his face as he quickly began fiddling again.
“That’s quite literally my job, Daniel.”
“Did I do something to offend you?” His heart was racing now, mind stuck in the loop of any words that he could’ve said to cause your so indifferent reaction. “You’re giving me the cold shoulder. I thought we moved past that.”
“It was just one conversation about the case. It’s not like we’re expected to act like friends after not bickering for a total of five minutes.” Oh. Daniel’s stomach was tied into knots, he felt as though he’d been kicked in the crotch with the worst possible amount of strength. His face was paled, eyes growing blurry as he nodded at your statement, not finding himself strong enough to say anything back to you, and instead choosing to walk out with his last pieces of remaining dignity.
He thought you might had started liking him. Even a little, he didn’t care about the numbers.
Daniel got easily emotionally influenced, though, and his performance at the court was screwed. He wouldn’t communicate with either you or Sam, interrogating the men on the stand with such frustration that the jury sighed every five seconds. You pinched the bridge of your nose and tightened your fingers into fists, crumbling a paper in front of you as Sam touched your shoulder in a way of telling you to calm down.
But how could you? You were losing the case already and it hadn’t even been a day. What is he doing? you thought, relentlessly questioning his choice of tone and movements. You had no idea how you restrained yourself from slapping him against the wall when he returned to the desk, hands shoved into his pockets as he set his jaw.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you whispered yelled at him, but he didn’t even bother to look at you. When the judge dismissed everyone, Daniel walked away as if nothing had happened. Your head was going to explode, you decided, as you followed him, high heels slamming against the floor. You’d strangle the soul out of him, who would even defend you? Sam followed silently, keeping it low-key as he whispered at you not to create any more trouble. Daniel was seemingly upset and at the back of your mind, you wondered if the reason was the fact that you’d neglected him less than an hour ago back in your office. You felt like you should’ve kept that for yourself and tell him later eventually, when the trial would be over. “Do you have any idea why he’s like this?” you turned to the other attorney.
“Why do you think?” was the only thing he left you with, his words ringing in your head as your pace quickened unnecessarily faster than expected. Your breath was coming in short, eyes stinging as you repeatedly called for Daniel’s name in the corridors without any response.
He was proving you right by all this.
All your doubts and fears about him being unable to thoroughly handle the case were bursting one by one, getting huger and huger until you’d start breaking down in a corner on his behalf. You hated Daniel Kaffee more than any other person.
“Daniel, fucking stop!” you shouted and he finally stilled. Your immediate instinct was to take a break from the intense walking, hand over your chest as you tried to regain your balance.
“Maybe you should’ve asked for them to keep me out,” was all he said before disappearing outside. He was mad, but mostly exhausted with everything, especially overwhelmed by you. He was done trying; finished with the case, finished the way you treated him — how one day you loved him and the next day you pretended he wasn’t even there, as if he didn’t exist. And he was fine with that, you didn’t want him, he could live.
But you gave him false hope, or so he thought.
“Lieutenant!” he heard you yell again, your pants mixed with the sound of your heels against the hallway floor. He decided not to turn around, didn’t want to hear anything that you had to say. “Lieutenant Kaffee!” And suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks, letting out a breath as he slammed his arms against his sides in defeat.
“What? What do you want from me?” he asked with frustration, voice raspy and shaky as he firmly loosened the black tie that felt like it was cutting the air out of his lungs, suit all messed up and wrinkly from fighting it off his body. He felt heavy, bothered, didn’t want to exist anymore.
“What do you mean what?” you asked with fragility, and it was the first time he’d ever heard you speak a sentence so softly and fearfully.
“I mean what is it?”
“I wanted to say that you did quite well in there, even though it was your first time and that—”
“Please — don’t even — don’t even start…” he cut you off mid-word, eyes squinting close as he tried not to look at you, afraid that just one glance at your face would be enough for him to bend.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re giving me mixed signals!” he abruptly bursted, making you jump a little. You’d never heard him raise his voice like that before, despite the fact that you’d been into countless bickers before with him. No, there was something different this time, something more into it.
“You’re — you’re confusing the shit out of me! One day you fucking hate me and the other you get so nice with me that it almost makes me believe that maybe, just maybe, I could have a chance with you… Start things over. And then you go back to day one — and no one has ever… I feel like one day I’m saving you from a burning building and the next I’m throwing you to the sharks, this — this is exactly how it is with us and it’s all your fucking fault! I’ve tried so hard with you, to make myself worthy, to catch your attention, to make you realise that I don’t think I’ve never admired a person more than you in my life before… and you keep throwing everything away! And I’m fine with that, but for the name of love, stop giving me hope that one day maybe you’ll actually start liking me.”
His monologue left you speechless, every word, every breath engraved and buzzing into your troubled brain as he walked away, this time without being stopped by anyone. Daniel felt like rubbish. On one hand, he felt relieved for letting the thoughts that had been eating him alive out, but on the other he felt even heavier. He knew he’d risked so much for speaking up, but the final straw had been put into his overfilled glass.
For a short moment, he considered turning back.
Perhaps you’d have something to say to him, but that was exactly what he dreaded. The more he’d spend looking at you, waiting for an answer or even the slightest reaction, the more he’d want to listen to what you’d have to say to him, and that was cautionary for his condition. Obviously, he’d fallen for you along the line. You’d screwed him over so deeply that he didn’t know where to grasp at to save himself from losing the grip he had by the end of the cliff. No, he decided, if you wanted him half as bad as he wanted you, you’d go after him, search for him, ask people, show that you cared, even if the amount wasn’t a great deal.
It was insignificant to him, if you cared about him as much as he did for you, he just wanted you to care. Even as a companion, or a respected fellow attorney. You didn’t follow him, though, and the sad part was that he wasn’t even surprised. Of course you had nothing to say to him, you’d made that very clear by wanting him so badly off the case that you were prepared to move the sky and earth just to earn the satisfaction of watching him be defeated. And if you so utterly needed him uninvolved, why did you give him motivation not to quit? Why did you keep pushing him?
Every ounce of feeling that he had for you was a big, unanswered why that tortured him inside.
Daniel wished he could erase from your memory what he’d just confessed. Make you forget all about it, have you look at him with the same hateful eye that you always did. Because now, you’d look at him with pity, scared of what to say to him (he’d revealed way too much and he was only just realising it) — gosh, he’d ruined it. He was so exhausted, both mentally and physically.
Ethic violations were involved in the mess, as well, because of course they would be. A sexual relationship with a fellow counsel in the middle of a trial? What was he thinking? As if you even wanted him breathing near you in the first place.
It had only been three, going to four hours, ever since Daniel got his heart crashed, made a fool of himself not only in the courtroom, but also in front of you. For him, it felt like days, even a full week. His only company was a bottle of Jack Daniel’s that he’d almost finished, stuffing it in his coat’s large pockets as he walked back home.
This was how you felt about him. You hated him.
And he’d have to make amends with that, but not without the encouragement of cheap alcohol pouring into his system. Thank god for Ross, who always bought him all the booze he needed.
You, on the other hand, had wasted all of your breath trying to look for Daniel everywhere. It’d almost been an hour and you were at the hands of Sam, trying to think about all the possible locations that his friend could be at. You searched for him at the O Club, down at the basketball court, even his own apartment, but he was nowhere to be found. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest, caught in your throat as you walked back to his neighborhood, opting to give his apartment another try. It’d been more than thirty minutes ever since you first went, maybe he’d returned by now. Your hands were shaking as you brought a loosely balled up fist to the surface of the door, hesitantly knocking on it once, twice — then heard steps from inside.
“Go away.”
Your entire body eased momentarily at the sound of his voice. Good, he wasn’t dead. His tone was cold and distant, nevertheless, and you knew that he was in no mood for seeing or even speaking to you after how you’d behaved during his speech, or even earlier, during the trial. Your mouth went dry at the first attempt of speaking back to him.
“You’ve got no place to call me that.”
Oh. So, you’d really broken him.
“Daniel,” you corrected yourself halfheartedly, your hands rubbing up and down against the sides of your outer thighs, “can you let me in?”
Your face dropped. You weren’t used to Daniel being so… you didn’t even know how exactly to describe it. The relationship between the two of you hadn’t started on a brilliant basis, neither did it get any better throughout all the time, but even though he didn’t seem to like you very much, he’d always been open for you, in some sort of way that your mind still struggled to comprehend.
“Daniel, please,” you begged, stepping back, surprised when his door creaked open just an inch to reveal his heavy lidded, blurry eyes.
“Do you have anything to say to me about the case? Otherwise, get moving, Commander.”
“Did you… Are you drunk?” you found yourself asking worriedly, ignoring his previous question.
“Why do you care, huh? Last time I checked, you didn’t give two shits about me!” he yelled, slamming the door back shut into your face, causing you to flinch. “Get the fuck out of here.”
“So this is it?”
Daniel swore he was only a second away from exploding, your question sending him over the edge as he chuckled in frustration, not knowing whether you asked what you asked simply to piss him off, or if you were genuinely placing an inquiry that you had been unclear about.
“This is what? Are you fucking with me?”
“You’ve hated me ever since you stepped into my office. You always did, say it. Just say that you hate me, you can’t stand me anymore, come on. Or is this just for Sam’s ears? That you wished I’d taken you out of the case just so you wouldn’t have to listen to my voice any longer. Come on, Kaffee, that’s all you’ve got to say.”
Daniel backed away in disbelief, then made you silently wince as he punched hard against the door, the sound of his skin hitting the processes wood ringing in faint echoes inside your eardrums. You’d driven him out of control.
“Me? Hate you? How could you possibly say such a thing — I — I…” Daniel wasn’t sure how to continue the sentence. There were too options and both of them would have a negative impact upon your relationship with each other and case.
One; he could let his tipsy mind ramble on and on about how you hadn’t once left his mind ever since he saw you for the first time, that he’d never felt so intimidated by anyone, never had fallen into such a deep awe of someone’s passion and ability to pursue their goals in life. That he wished he could possess the one thirds of your courage and determination, because you were honestly scared of nothing, got all the questions you wanted answered within a heartbeat. You didn’t back down in any occasion, you were your own person and Daniel had fallen so deeply in love with everything that you so proudly owned in your character that he thought he was a lost card.
Two; he could never continue the sentence, trail off and stay completely silent, see if you had anything to reply to him — and of course, he opted for the safest option, which was the second one. He was too scared of wearing his heart on his sleeve, knowing that you’d break it anyway.
“The fact that you’re so fucking scared of being a lawyer is beyond me. You’re in the Navy for crying out loud, get a hold of yourself,” was all you muttered in response, leaning against his door, completely unaware of the fact that he was also in the same position, that if the door disappeared in thin air that very moment, you’d fall on top of him with your mouth so dangerously close to his own that he’d pass out (and so would you, in some extent.)
Daniel’s every muscle was so tightly contracted, that he believed they’d crash altogether without any warning if he spent one more minute, forehead pressed against the door, knowing damn well that you were still outside, that you breathed just as heavily as he did, that he’d tied himself to the tracks, ready to be run over.
He knew that whatever was happening in that moment would reek of runny makeup and salty tears, sweat of agony running down the faces of two attorneys, bewildered and scorned as they fell into silence in preference of doing what they’d studied in law school for four years; defend their own selves, master the words. The ability of speaking had died down your throats near the day you chose bitterness over respect for each other.
Daniel averted his eyes to the ground, mustered all the courage he could possibly get and loosened his fingers in his fist. He called your name once, twice, but no reply ever came back. He knew you’d left, could understand it by the way he peaked through the glass hole in his door and saw that no one was there. His logic screamed at him to stay where he was, crash in the couch, close his eyes and sleep, forget about the case, forget about you, the conversations, the feelings, the tension, everything. Take down the entire Jack Daniel’s bottle and lean into the cushions without any further thinking.
Thank God that Daniel hated logical reasoning.
His door flew open as he hurried outside, not caring about his half unbuttoned dress shirt and blowsy uniform. It had been raining for hours now, the steady patter of water hitting against the windows of his small apartment long since faded to a dull rush in the back of his mind. He stepped out of the building, the thick material of his coat almost getting soaked through instantly. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out how far ahead you’d gotten, the pouring rain blurring his vision as he eventually spotted you on the road.
“Commander!” he shouted, but you didn’t turn, so he called for your name instead, numerous times until your feet gave up. A piercing gust of wind shook the trees above your head, showering your already miserable frame with a fresh deluge. You wiped the water from your eyes with a wet sleeve and tucked a lock of long brunette hair that fell into your eyes behind your dampened ear.
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” you said with a steady voice, barely audible in the downpour. Daniel tried to catch his breath as he finally reached you, looking like he was about to either melt along with the rain, or simply vanish.
“No, I can’t accept that. We — We braved extraordinary circumstances to get over here. You need to give me one chance,” he begged, but you kept walking, tired of his mediocre speeches and dramatic overreactions everywhere possibly imaginable. You wanted facts, wanted to listen to him fully, crystal clearly admit what he had to say. Not dance around it like he’d catch on fire. “Hey, I’m talking to you! Fucking listen to me!”
“Fuck off, Lieutenant Kaffee!” you screamed back, not caring about the fact that the rain would probably give you a deadly cold the following day, if not kill you by throwing you off at a very abrupt road pit. Daniel was soaked, hair sticking to his forehead and still very drunk. He felt embarrassed of how high pitched his voice got whenever he yelled from the top of his lungs, almost sounding like a complaining kid at the supermarket, who wouldn’t get the sweets he wanted from the counter while waiting to pay.
He needed answers. Did you even like him?
“You’re saying I’m scared and you can’t even face how you feel!” he shouted catching you off guard. “You can’t even look at me without lying.” Your blood was boiling into your veins as you gave him that chance, which he so desperately wanted, to explain himself to you, to see what he had to say.
“What did you just say?”
Daniel came closer, hands shaking from the temper building within him, looking pathetic as his hair dripped along with the rain down his face.
“You say I’m scared, but you’re terrified. At least I’ve shown you how I feel about you. I give myself away, because I can’t hold back everything that goes into my head the second you walk in it. I’m too weak to defend myself when it comes to you — look at me, you make me forget how to do my job — and I’m one of the most qualified lawyers out there, according to the Navy.”
“What are you talking about? You haven’t even once told me anything about how you feel about me. I’ve overheard you say to Sam that you hate me, that you wish you couldn’t hear my voice. What the fuck were you on about, huh, Kaffee?”
Daniel threw his hands and looked up, gulping down his worn out feelings as he tried to collect himself from breaking down in front of you, yet once again. “You know what Sam said to me when I kept telling him all that stuff about you?”
“I don’t care about what he said to you,” you scoffed in annoyance, ready to leave again, when you heard the words fly out of his mouth.
“That I’m in love with you!”
Daniel ached to prove that you were the scared one in this, breath wasted as he summoned every single ounce of remaining strength he had to grab you by the arm and yank you close to him, crashing his lips into yours forcefully. He never imagined the first time he’d get to kiss you to be that way. His body was trembling in fear (and because of the weather), heart hammering in the most literal way possible. The kiss barely lasted, seeing as you pushed him away almost instantly.
He felt crashed into millions of pieces, exploding like they did in the cartoons. He’d gathered so much courage to finally kiss you, and there you were, looking at him like he’d committed some sort of unbelievable crime, like he’d offended your honour. Daniel felt like an idiot; he’d ruined everything even worse. Had he really misinterpreted every look, every conversation, every fight? He wanted to cry, so he did. His tears ran down his salty cheeks, mixing with the rain, which allowed him to sob as hard as he needed to, not caring whether it made him look more pathetic and weak than he already was.
Who was going to see anyway?
You weren’t saying a word and Daniel was sure that another heartbeat was all it would take for the organ to crawl up inside his throat and hurl out, break; rip in two. He’d said his biggest fear, had actually put the exact words in it, then proceeded to throw an action. And he was destroyed, not because you didn’t kiss him back or because you pushed him away, but because you had chosen the mute torture of silence.
“…What else do I have to do to prove to you that I’m so fucking head over heels for you that I can’t possibly concentrate on anything else? I might lose the case and make a fool of myself, because you make me not think,” he tried again, this time with a fragile and weak voice. He honestly had no idea what more he could do to convince you about his feelings, about how nuts you drove him with your attitude and insane personality.
But again, you opted not to say anything. Instead, you quickly took a few steps forward, grabbed him by the ends of the collar of his long, black coat and pulled him into you, mouth capturing his own swiftly as you tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss. Daniel was paralyzed for a short second, not knowing if he’d been struck by some sort of lightning that had killed him and brought him to a different reality, or whether you kissing him was an actual, real, skin to skin thing.
Stupidly enough, he allowed his lips to turn upwards into a broadening smile, responding with such enthusiasm, even though he was ridiculously taken aback by your choice of action. It took him a minute to regain his composure, the storm — hell, the entire world — around you feeling meaningless as his hands laced with yours, causing your grip on him to relax a little.
Daniel was falling fast, faster than ever, craving more of your scent and the feel of you pressed closer and tighter to him, the taste of alcohol mixing along with the buds of your mouth, unsure how this whole story had even began for him.
But his stupid, stupid lungs had to find air, and he was forced to separate from you with the feeling of gravity being torn out of his core. You’d disconnected your hands from his (with another pitiful drop in his stomach) so you could run them through his disheveled, wet hair, and his eyes fluttered close at the touch. You looked up at him with an emotion that neither of you could really find the words to explain, and Daniel wanted to kiss you again, heat rising to his face, forming a what he thought could be a permanent blush as his heart nearly leapt out of his chest.
“I’m so wet,” you realised out loud with a dumb smile, trying to hold back a giggle as you watched him bemusedly, eyes glowing brightly at the way he looked at you with such confusion, a bulge straining into his damp uniform pants.
“What — wha… what?” his voice was high pitched and shaky as he cleared his throat. “Oh! Shit — the rain, let’s — let’s get you inside!” He was so flustered and hard, just from one kiss, and he stuttered in every word he spoke. He took his coat off and covered your head with it as he grabbed you by the hand, hurrying back to his apartment.
When you went inside, you acted all unbothered, like nothing had even happened just a moment ago, and it was killing Daniel, because he was terrified of you throwing him away once again. He helped you to the couch, then rushed into his bedroom, pulling out every piece of clothing that he had in the wardrobe with such anticipation as he anxiously roamed through the selves to find blankets to offer you, get you dry from the rain.
“Okay, this is all I have. Do you prefer the pink or the... what color is this — orange? Coral? Erm, which one—” he was getting tongue tied and you found it adorable, taking both blankets off his hands as he stared at us, mesmerised. You looked over your shoulder, as if he was looking through you, then returned your gaze at him, getting nervous. “I’ll — I’m going to make coffee!”
You heard him smack his forehead as he went in the kitchen and grinned like a child. “Daniel?” you called from the living room with a slight chuckle.
“It was coral, by the way.”
“The blanket. It was coral. Can I change my clothes? I’m getting your couch wet,” you asked.
“Sure! Closet’s in the left.”
You got up, wrapped in the blankets as you walked into his closet, shamelessly going through all of his ridiculous, childish, cheap shirts that you so deeply hated (loved). You found a black shirt, which you threw over your body as you picked a checkered shirt to put on as well, feeling a little lump from the chest pocket. You went through it and pulled out an unused condom, cheeks turning pink as you held out the object and went to the kitchen, proudly exposing it in your hand.
“Is this a gift?” you questioned, laughing wholeheartedly when you noticed Daniel’s cheeks burn red in earth swallowing embarrassment.
“Oh… uhm,” he snatched the condom off you, “you’re wearing my special shirt.”
“Your what?”
“My special shirt. It’s for… good luck… for when I go to baseball games and everything. Or — Or dates. Nothing important, no need to make a great deal out of it.” He felt dead inside, still very confused by the fact that you still hadn’t made the smallest reference to the kiss you’d shared. Was it just a thing that occurred due to the heat of the moment? It broke him just to think so, because for a split minute, he gave himself the permission to picture the two of you together, as an actual couple in love. Was he supposed to bring it up first? Were you waiting for him?
Daniel felt like a jerk, unintentionally pouting.
“Please,” you mumbled. Please stop being pathetic, I really like you too. “Danny?”
“It’s still raining. You can stay… I mean, if you want to, of course.” And gosh, both of you were about to melt, saying nothing, just staring at each other with millions of words being exchanged just through the different kinds of gleams in your eyes. You fucking hated Daniel Kaffee so much.
“Danny?” you repeated and he urgently shook his head, letting you know that you could keep going with the question. You smiled warmly, wrapping your arms gently around his neck, then, “I’d love to stay overnight. Oh, and you’re like seven of the strangest men I’ve ever met.”
for your information, me and @honeymvnt wrote this together. might be one of the best things i’ve ever had the chance to write, ilysfm lia 🫵🏼🎀
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im-ovulating · 2 years
Kinktober Day 8
(A/n: Based on a request from @pawspurpaw; 'Italics'=thoughts) (let's just pretend it's still October 😅)
Reblogs are appreciated🛐
Hope you enjoy~♥️
Word Count:
Summary- What more can I say? You and your mate love the chase...
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Warnings: Primal kink, Collaring, Brat kink, Hunter/Prey
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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Alec Volturi x Hybrid! Fem! Reader
Wind rushes past, whistling in your ears as you run through the forest, dodging branches and foliage. Your heart hammers in your chest in time with your feet pounding on the ground.
You can hear him behind you, but you don't dare chance a look. You push your legs to carry you faster as you try to keep your lead. He had given you a ten-minute head start, and this is all you had to show for it. He had only started after you a minute ago and already closed the majority of the distance between you by the sounds of it.
"You can run all you want, but you can never escape me!" HIs voice echoes through the trees, sounding out with a sinister glee.
'Shit!' your mind races as you take in your surroundings.
Trees on all sides of you seemed to close in as you looked for a place to hide. You knew he was right: you couldn't outrun him, but you could try your best to hide.
There! A fallen tree with a hollowed-out hole just big enough for you to squeeze into. Rushing over, you quickly slide in, making sure to cover your tracks leading to the log. You clamp your hands over your mouth as you try to slow your breathing and calm your racing heart.
"Y/n~" You can hear his voice call out, sounding much closer than before. "Where are you?"
You're sure he can hear your heart beating its way out of your chest. He has to. There's no way he doesn't; he's just toying with you.
Your hands are shaking with adrenaline, fear and anticipation pumping liquid fire through your veins along with a different heat that's curling in your gut. Sticks are snapping under his weight as he stalks closer and closer to where you're hiding. You know he's doing it on purpose too; knows you can hear as he comes closer and closer to where you're hiding.
Then it goes silent.
Four beats.
You think that by some miracle he missed you. Your hands move from covering the labored breaths coming from your mouth to hold onto the petite leather strap around your neck.
Taking the moment to rest your head against the log, you can't help but pat yourself on the back. You finally did it, you won.
And then your arm is grabbed, and you're pulled from the fallen tree in favor of being pinned against a cold, hard chest.
"Gotcha," His cool breath fans against your ear.
"Go fuck yourself!" you spit out as you struggle to free yourself.
Your attempts prove fruitless as he effortlessly spins you around and all but slams you against the nearest tree.
"Well, you see, that's kinda what I was hoping you'd do."
Before you can protest about your back, Alec is pressing his lips to yours in a heated kiss and you can no longer bring yourself to care.
Your hands come up to tangle in his soft black locks as you press yourself closer to him. He nips at your bottom lip before hiking your leg up to press even closer to you. His cock already hard and pushing deliciously against your clothed slit in a way that has you moaning in anticipation.
Alec shifts to press kisses and bites into the soft skin of your neck, leaving marks that would surely leave a bruise -even if only for a few hours, damned accelerated healing.
Getting impatient, you drag your hands down, trying to undo his slacks. He pulls away from your neck, grinning like a madman, as he grabs your wrists and undoes them himself before doing the same to yours.
When you're both free from the restrictive clothing, he's reaching down to lift you by the back of your thighs. Using the tree as support, he pushes into you, fully sheathing in one go.
"Fuck, you're so tight, love-" His head drops to the juncture between your shoulder and neck as he sucks in an unnecessary breath.
Your hand is back to gripping the short hairs near his neck when he begins to thrust.
It's a rough pace that has you shifting up against the trunk with every thrust. The woods around you amplifying the sharp slapping noises of skin hitting wet skin. It only serves to make you want him even more, though.
You swear you can feel Alec in your stomach with how deep he's hitting. His animalistic growling mixes with your high-pitched mewling as he continues to pound into your tight cunt.
Your hips are beginning to ache with each hit of his, but the slight pain just seems to add to the pleasure. You can feel the heat coiling tighter in your core as you get steadily closer and closer to your release. You can't help but have a little fun, though.
"Is this really all you've got?" you breathe out. "I have toys that have gotten me off quicker-"
Your sentence is cut off by him gripping the back of the collar wrapping around your throat so prettily.
"Do you really want to finish that sentence, piccola ragazza?" Alec growls out dangerously.
You can't help the shit-eating grin that graces your features.
"Say what?" You bat your eyes innocently. "That my bright pink dildo fucks me better than yo-!"
You're cut off with a yelp as you're pulled away from the tree and pinned to the forest floor.
"We'll see about that..."
He starts to fuck into you with a renewed anger that has you seeing black spots dance in your vision.
"Oh, god~" Your eyes roll back when the new position has him hitting your g spot with each thrust. "Oh, god, right there!"
"Still worse than your stupid little toys?" He sneers.
"A bit," you manage to squeak out between moans.
With a growl, Alec's hand wraps around your throat, cutting off your air supply just enough to make your head spin.
"If you want to keep running that smart ass mouth of yours, I can easily fix that."
Your fingers are digging into his wrist as he keeps his grip tight. The lack of air mixed with just how hard he's thrusting into you has you spiraling towards release faster than you'd like to admit.
Your moans are coming out choked as he continues to slam into you, abusing your sloppy cunt with each hit to your cervix. Every brush of his cock along your gummy walls has you inching closer and closer to an orgasm.
The nails of your free hand are digging into the leaves and dirt below you, creating drag lines as you're pushed and pulled by Alec's grip. You can feel the tension building more and more in your core, threatening to spill over with every shift of his hips.
A particularly hard thrust sends your head back as a guttural moan leaves your parted lips. You let go. Your orgasm sends full body shudders through you as your soaked cunt clenches around Alec. The pulsating of your gummy walls sends you mate over the edge as well.
His head drops to the crook of you neck as he stills inside you, his cool sperm filling any place he wasn't.
For a moment neither of you move, just taking the time to bask in each other's presence and whisper sweet nothings to the other.
Unfortunately, nothing last forever and you have to break apart. There's a beat of silence as you head back to the castle before you decide to break it.
"You don't actually fuck worse than my bright pink dildo..."
And then you're running yet again.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! I was inspired by the game I saw @zablife create a few weeks ago (I can’t find the link for it, sorry!) where you send people a GIF for them to use as creative inspiration for either a blurb, headcannon, moodboard or one shot or fic whenever they choose!
This can sit in your inbox for months and months if you wish, the idea of this is just to be there for when you feel as though you need some inspiration for something creative and just want to have a bit of fun or get the brain into a creative place! Please don’t feel any pressure to use this I just thought it might be quite a nice thing to use when you’re in the mood to write but aren’t sure what!
I hope you enjoy this and have fun with it! X
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Aimee!!! Thank you so so much for sending in this beautiful gif!!!! Those eyes and that smirk, made me think of this little story 🥰♥️✨
Boys will be boys
Tommy Shelby x reader blurb
Master list
The day had been shit, Arthur wouldn’t stop getting snow and whores, John had been all over the place, and Polly and Ada did whatever the hell they pleased, taking the betting shop secretaries to a pub to prove they can have a drink as well.
But as he heard a familiar voice outside his office, and judging by the moody sound of it, his day was only starting.
Standing up from his chair, Tommy walked around his desk to pour himself a drink. The liquid burning his throat.
But nothing could compare to his wife’s mood.
“Don’t tell me to calm down Finn, if you repeat that word in my son’s presence I will wash your mouth with soap.” He heard Y/N say right before storming into his office. “I have enough with your brother swearing ten words and using one properly in a sentence.”
“I didn’t know he was hiding under the desk, sorry Y/N.” Finn looked at Tommy in an attempt to ask for forgiveness, Y/N had been like a mother to him, her sons were more like little brothers than cousins to him.
Moving his hand, he quietly asked his brother to leave. “It’s alright Finn.”
“Tommy, is not alright!”
“Care to elaborate for me, love?” He asked patiently.
Y/N didn’t usually stormed like that in his office in the middle of the day unless it was something important.
“Well, yes… you should be the one explaining to TJ’s teacher where did your son learn to say that he wants to blow snow from your cunt. Because he shouted it when his teacher asked him to do his school activity again.”
Tommy had to suppress a loud laugh as his wife took the glass of whiskey from his hand in a fluid motion, downing it in seconds, while he connected everything in his mind it must’ve been what Thomas Jr. heard uncle Finn say over the phone as he was hiding under his desk.
“Don’t laugh Thomas! Is not funny!” She was furiously serious.
Oh shit, she saw him.
Whenever she called him Thomas, he was in trouble.
For such a petite woman, she seemed to be taller when she got angry.
“Am I laughing?” He asked with his hands in front of him in an attempt of self defense.
Her little finger pointed at him. “I know that smirk.”
It was barely unnoticeable, but it was there, his eyes sparkled exposing him.
Trying to hide it from her -because she knew him too damn well-, Tommy walked around his desk, to take a seat.
“If you don’t control him, he’s going to do whatever he wants.”
“Are you still talking about TJ or Finn?”
“Both!” She exploded.
“Love… I’m sorry to break your heart, but you can’t expect TJ to be just like Charlie, TJ is a rebel by heart.”
“Why do you bring up Charlie? We’re talking about TJ.”
“‘Cause he’s your favorite.” Tommy shoot lighting the cigarette between his lips, blowing the smoke away.
She loved all her five boys equally.
“That’s non sense!”
“You punished James and TJ last week.”
“Because they told Frances she could find a husband if she wore one of my lipsticks!”
TJ and James were only eleven months apart, so they were practically like twins, Charlie on the other hand, being the oldest, he was always trying to please his father, he was constantly trying to be a role model for his brothers.
“And what about Benjamin?”
Y/N stole the remain of her husband’s cigarette, which gave him the opportunity to grab her by the waist to make her seat on his lap.
“When I asked him to finish his food he got up on the table and shouted he was a fucking Shelby, he didn’t need me to tell him to eat.”
“Well… he’s right.” Tommy admitted making a face. “Hey!” He complained when Y/N smacked him on the chest. “Boys will be boys.”
“I don’t know what bad habits Alec will learn from you and them.” He was only six months old, but she could already see him running behind his four older brothers, breaking the Christmas tree and a few dining room chairs as they chased after each other, just like TJ, James and Benjamin did two weeks ago.
But Tommy being Tommy, got a replacement right away, anything for his boys, his little gang.
“You still want to try for the girl then?” He joked, but Y/N’s head snapped to look at him, his hands already sneaking under her skirt.
“Don’t even joke about it, you only make boys and I already have five of them, six as you’re another child, my hands are full.”
Even though she said no, the pulse on her neck as he kissed her there, told him another thing.
Now there was no way he could hide the little smirk he had on his lips as his wife turned to look at him.
“Well… you see it’s funny, because after having tea with Pol this morning, she read the leaves in your cup, and she says you’re pregnant.”
Fun fact: my brothers broke the Christmas tree one year when they were kids, there you go, inspiration comes from reality 😂
Special thanks for the children sassy comments inspiration to @runnning-outof-time & @notyour-valentine ♥️✨
Tag list:
@lyarr24 @datewithgianni @runnning-outof-time @gretelshelby @cloudofdisney @lespendy @gypsy-girl-08 @onlydeadcells @esposadomd @cillmequick @stevie75 @strayrockette @the-forest-witchh @zablife @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @peakyscillian @forgottenpeakywriter @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @babaohhhriley @ange-thoughts @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @rangerelik @moral-terpitude
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grangerliam · 7 months
TO: @robertsameliax
TIME: 9:40AM
LOCATION: Her Place.
Liam laid quietly next to a sleeping Amelia, her petite body pressed up against his side. Nothing but peace seemed to fill the room as Liam flipped through messages on his business Instagram. As he answered a few of the messages, his phone began to vibrate in his hand. Vince's name flashed across the screen. Sliding to answer the call, Liam pulled himself out of bed, doing his best not to wake up Amelia. "What's up?" He'd greet his brother, after softly shutting the door to the bedroom behind him. "Hey, I don't know what you're doing, I probably don't want to. But I need you to come get Axel." Liam's jaw ticked, "Where's Allie?" He'd ask, already aware he wasn't going to like this answer. "I don't know, man. Her and Bill went out last night, and he came back. But I guess she hooked up with some dude? She's not picking up her phone, and there's no fucking way I'm leaving the kid with Bill. Nic works night shift, Chris can't do it, and I have to be at this new job at 11, so ---" He trailed off, not needing to add anything else. He knew Liam knew he meant come and get this damn kid, now. And he knew that if there was anyone who'd fit Axel last minute into their schedule, it was Liam. Liam rolled his eyes at the mention of his sister and father together. And then again at the fact that Allie was really doing this shit again. "Yeah, fine, give me 20 minutes."
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Without waiting for a response, Liam hung up the phone. Bringing his hand to his forehead, he'd become to rub his temples with the sides of his thumb and index finger. Frustration sitting in his chest, and tensing his muscles. "Fucking Allie." He'd mumbled to himself, before quietly heading back into the bedroom. Shutting the door, he'd claw back into the bed, placing a kiss against Amelia's forehead, down to her cheek, to the tip of her nose, and finishing off with a soft kiss against her lips. "Hey --" He greeted, he gave her the softest smile, "So, you sure you're ready to be reintroduced to the Grangers?" He asked, "Because not much has changed in ten years. Besides the fact that Bill showed back up, and Allie got knocked at up 16, and decided to be just about as good of a mom as Beth was." Calling his parents by their first names would shock most, but growing up where they did, it was truly a means of survival. Mom and dad were earned titles, and neither his or hers had earned it. "I gotta go get my nephew," He began to explain, "and I know you said you wanted to send the day together. Which is cool, but it's just going to involve a third person, or we can just rain check."
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marie-dufresne · 7 months
Discovering Chivalry
Surprisingly amenable to his new engagement, Heidegger rectifies an insult done to him, and a grievous wrong done to his intended. The timing, however, could have been better.
Josef Heidegger had not expected to enjoy himself at the Dufresne gala. He wasn’t one for shows and charades, so having to pretend to be the beau of a girl he had met three days prior was not his idea of a good time. Rubbing elbows with people who knew they were better than him was even less of an ideal situation.
And yet…as soon as she had come to stand at his side, he found himself comfortable. Artemis joined them for a time and while Josef wasn’t the perfect conversationalist, both Artie and Marie were well versed in the social arts to speak just enough for him without making it obvious they were speaking for him.
When he broke a wine glass in his hand, forgetting his strength, his intended was neither frightened nor annoyed with him.
She was impressed.
“We make our stemware from reinforced crystal,” she explained, “to avoid breakage and save on cost.”
That he could shatter the thing with his bare hand—by accident—was no small feat and he found himself receptive to her praise. Not that he was in a hurry to do it again. It made a damn mess all over his thigh.
Though the night was generally enjoyable, there had been one exchange in particular that had…soured it. An older gentleman, drunk, with three young ladies (hired, by the looks of them) clinging to his arm, full of giggles.
“Well you’re the youngest she’s ever had!” He had laughed, gesturing to the petite woman on Heidegger’s own arm. He felt the way her grip tightened and she gracefully excused them, leading him away from the crowd.
When he questioned what the drunk had meant, she had simply smiled and gave him an affectionate squeeze, resting her curls on his arm.
“You aren’t the first time I’ve been used as currency,” she said simply, bringing him out to a balcony, overlooking the grand party. Here they could be alone without causing scandal or appearing rude.
Letting out a gruff sort of grunt, he released himself from her hold, meaty hands gripping the marble rail.
“And when were you his currency?”
Marie stepped forward, standing beside him, but not touching. “It’s nothing to worry about,” she assured him, “six or seven years ago, I think.”
Heidegger was not an educated man, nor was her a quick thinker, but even he could do basic mathematics. He didn’t know exactly how old she was, but if he had to guess, she was somewhere between nineteen and twenty-three.
Marie could see him thinking, working something out in his mind and she sighed. Placing her little hand over his own.
“It’s nothing to worry about,” she pressed, “but the world of high society and big business is beautiful only on the surface. Are you certain you want to be a part of it? There’s no room for heroes.”
Turning to look down at her, he gave her a firm once over, his eyes narrowing under his bushy brows as he wondered if she, too, was only beautiful on the surface.
“How old are you?”
Marie wasn’t expecting him to ask outright, but she supposed knowing the age of one’s spouse was helpful, so she didn’t hesitate to answer.
“Twenty-one. Plenty old enough to navigate this world.”
Twenty-one. So she’d been fourteen.
He grunted again and the next day he did what any rational man would do.
He beat the man for a solid twenty-minutes.
He hadn’t killed him, though he’d wanted to, but for the sake of his connection to Artie, Josef had held back, shown restraint, and kept it to a thorough maiming. The older man may or may not regain his ability to walk, but Heidegger didn’t really give a shit.
Artemis ShinRa, however, did.
He’d been in Heidegger’s office for ten minutes now, fuming, and unable to come up with anything to say. Finally, he let out a sigh and dragged his hand down his face.
“What were you thinking?”
Heidegger turned up his palms as if the answer were obvious, like he’d done nothing wrong. “The man insulted me.”
“Insulted you. How?”
Harold Davenport insulted everyone. He was known for casually offending and most people took it with a grain of salt and moved on.
When Heidegger said nothing, but pursed his lips in annoyance, unable to meet his friend’s demanding gaze, Artemis sighed again.
“It’s about her, isn’t it?”
When he was met with silence again, he crossed his arms, then uncrossed them, then began to pace. The damage control he was having to set in place because of this bordered on insane.
“Listen. I am…thrilled that you’re getting along with her, Josef. Trust me, the two of you happy together will make all of our plans that much easier, but for fuck’s sake, this is not the time to discover chivalry!”
Chivalry? Well, yes, he had been defending Marie’s honor or…something….like that, but Heidegger’s pride took precedence over that (an immaturity he would grow out of to some extent) so he scowled and sat back.
“He touched something that was mine, so I punished him for it. That’s it.”
Artemis stopped his pacing. Davenport had put hands on her? Not with her consent, that much was certain. If he’d done so by force, he couldn’t fault his friend, as much of a further mess that would make this entire situation. Or…had Arthur Dufresne offered her up one last time? If so, Artie would see to it that Arthur was…properly re-educated regarding the meaning of a contract and the legality that bound the parties to it.
“Last night?” he asked, a fist under his chin, brows furrowed in curiosity.
“No,” Heidegger bit off gruffly, “Before. Before….” he waved one of his hands around “before all this.”
Ah. The third option. Heidegger was a fist-happy fool.
Closing his eyes, Artemis inhaled slowly, keeping himself calm for the moment.
“You beat one of our investors to near death…because at some point in time….he slept with your fianceé. Am I hearing this correctly?”
“It needed to be done.”
“And do you intend to issue this punishment on every man who has been with your new little pet? Because I assure you my friend, the list is quite extensive. I’m on it myself.”
The way that Josef sat back in his chair, eyes glistening beneath his bushy brows, chest rising with an overly masculine need to fight told Artemis that Marie had not disclosed the information of their previous relationship to her newfound partner and that amused him. This had been a business transaction, after all. Didn’t she want all the neat little dotted Is and crossed Ts?
“If you want to take a swing at me, I’m right here.”
“It wasn’t personal,” Heidegger grumbled beneath his beard, “it’s a matter of principle.”
Artemis scoffed, letting out a frigid laugh as he waved his friend away. “Principle? I took you on because you have no principles!”
When Josef’s palms hit the desk, the chandelier rattled and when he stood, towering over his employer, the floorboards groaned and door trembled in its frame.
“I will not be made a fool!” He bellowed, red faced and seeming to grow thicker in his rage, “I will not be laughed at and mocked!”
Any other man may have pissed himself at the outburst, fearful that the man might tear him in two. Had any other man been standing before him, he might have been torn in two. But Artemis ShinRa was not afraid of his loose canon of a friend—not for his own sake—so he did not tremble and he did not assuage.
“Well. That ship has sailed, my friend. You’re marrying a whore.”
And then he strode from the room, listening as a handful of pencils splintered in Heidegger’s grip.
Marie Dufresne herself was just outside the office, just as he knew she would be, and Artemis was not gentle when he clutched her face in one of his hands, squeezing her jaw and rendering her without her ability to speak—or move.
“Get him under control,” he growled, shoving her away and storming from the building, displaying his anger to those who mattered little to him.
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deeptrashwitch · 9 months
Part ten, Private Alexander Christensen!
Lights, cameras, action!
The beggining (part 10)
-Alicia, you okay?-asked Luke some days later
-I'm fine-answered her with a sigh-what do you need Luke?
-Elijah is going to the trial right now, I thought you should know
-How is he?
-Nervous, but he's stubborn
-I can bet, can I ask you a favor?
-Yeah, what is it?
-My sister, she in Killeen and is a journalist-explained with a broken sigh-she'll do me a favor, a plan B if you wanna call it that way
-For the trial?
-Kind of, they slander us, I'll answer with all gunnery power
-You need me to talk to her
-Give her this, and tell her that she need to wait my sign-said while giving him the archive she got from Wraith-all anonymous. Tell her that she have my permission to destroy them
-...Yes Captain, and where you gonna be?
-Going for our next member, an old friend recomendation
-Oh, is he like you?
-Nah, he's different from me, a Drill Instructor
-I see
She smiled and made a sign to let him go, and the red-haired went out. Alicia felt a chill, but didn't say anything and went to the medic bay. Jackson was inside and felt curious about his Captain getting inside just because and she just pointed the medical records.
-Wraith give it to you? Christensen, a Marine
-She did, but is incomplete, we might need to go so I can ask for it. Camp Lejeune is not answering nor even taking account of the petition-answered the blonde one with calm-should I ask Edward to get the plane ready?
-No, we'll go on normal
-Alright, and by the way, you haven't came here after you arrived
-When we come back from...Camp Lejeune
-Sound like you have something against that place
-I don't, but is my old stationary base
The SEAL just hummed before going to pack, thinking that the paleness was because of old bad memories. Hours later they were again on Austin Airport on their way to North Carolina. And soon they arrived there, where Alicia told Jackson where the medic building was and he went there in silence after smiling a bit.
She just walked a bit and frowned by how silent felt the place even with the training noises on the background. That silence became heavier and heavier while her steps lead her to a specific point of the path. Then she saw it and her breath got caught in her throat.
The Task Force 267 memorial.
Looking at the names, the dates, the rank and everything there. Her eyes burned with tears for a second before she put on her sunglasses again, the past came back bit by bit before she dared to see the black marble plate. Then noticed how a man, taller than her and covered head to toe on clothes even with the heat of the day. The natural white lock of hair gave her the answer of who he was, but remained silent when she saw him pray in front of the plate.
-Did you know them?-asked genuinely curious once he finished his praying
-No, but I've heard a lot about them, mostly during my basic-answered calmly-the Drill Hat didn't shut up about them
-Is that so? What did he said?
-He called them...other kind of Marines, "steel and stone Marines" if I recall exactly. Telling us that if there was a team that went hell back and forth without even blinking, it was them-explained with a little smile-always saying that their Captains were something else
-We're Marines, even more, every soldier goes to hell no matter the branch
-That's true, but the way he said it...sounded like he knew something else
-I can tell that he always sounded proud when he said that Deepwater and Guardian were as hard as a damned rock. Honestly I always thought Brown was bitter as heck
-He is, but now he vents during recruits basic
-You know him?
-We were together during basic too, but back to the point, you're Private Christensen, aren't you?
-Yes ma'am, what can I do for a Captain right now?
-Wraith, does it ring a bell?
-She contacted me, I guess you might be Captain Marchant
-That's me, have you heard about the rumors?
-I really don't care about them, ma'am
-Good to know, you have the proposal, what about an answer?
-Why me?
-You're a talented sniper, and I can use one like you inside my team, and Brown contacted me just in time
-Aren't you on the middle of a storm?
-Hmm, true, but we will make to the other side
The sniper just smiled before giving an answer, saying he'll be on the base as soon as he can be transfered. She smiled too before looking again to the plate, getting serious while the patch on her pocket started to be heavier. Some steps behind made them to turn around, and both stood firm as they saw a Mayor stopping besides them.
Alicia felt a shiver as she recognized that Mayor, the face was one she remember so well and that remind her about the mission. That was Oliver Reyes, her former Captain, also known as "Deepwater".
-Mayor Reyes-muttered while they did the salute
-Captain Marchant, have passed a long time-said the Mayor with a smile-it's good to see you
-Agreed sir
-Have you came to see them?
-Negative, I came here to talk with Private Christensen and my Sergeant went for a document we needed
-I'm surprised, I thought you would have came to see them
Alicia didn't answer and just looked her former Captain almost frowning. She felt relieved inside when she heard Jackson arriving again, and she looked at him while he raised an eyebrow, surprised. The blonde one just saluted the Mayor before looking at his Captain, that just frowned a bit on the Mayor's direction before looking at him.
-Do you have it?-asked curious and tense
-Yes ma'am, the Private accepted?
-I'm glad, we'll go once you give the order
-See you on Black Tomb, Private
The sniper just nodded and both of them tried to go, but the sound of Reyes laugh made them stop. Jackson noticed how tense Alicia was, something way worse that he has ever seen.
-Go back, Private-ordered Reyes on Alexander's direction
Christensen doubted for a second, looking at the Captain and the Sergeant. But nodded again before doing a salute again and go back to his duties.
-You should present your respects-said the Mayor with bitterness
-I did, I presented my respects during that day-answered the woman firmly
-While giving the flags, how does that even count?
-Did you? Did you present your respects, Mayor?
-I had to, every day I pass in front of this place
-That sounds like you don't want to do it
-Just remember something, Marchant-growled the man, putting a hand on her shoulder and tightening his grip-if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have to give that flags
She didn't said anything, just shoved aside the hand. Without an expression she took out the patch of her pocket and put it over the plate. It had the Marine simbol, but also two wings crossed behind it and their motto "never doubt, do the mission" written there.
-You taught us something when you were a Captain, "complete the mission or die", and we obeyed-said she sadly before looking the Mayor in the eye-you don't know how much I regret that, you basically printed that on our brains with fire. We did, and look where they are...and even then, only Carabalí is the real culprit of all this
-I had to give the flags to their families, see them cry, bury their caskets, while you just stood there with our other superiors. Never complain to me about this again, you have no right
She frowned at him once again, before walking again to the exit of Camp Lejeune. Jackson followed her in silence, noticing how she was now clenching her fists on the side.
-You don't have good feelings about him, do you?-asked him once inside the car
-Absolutely no, he's the the reason I don't come here as often as I would like
-Does he always blame you?
-When he have the opportunity, yes
-Three years ago, didn't go well
-I see, to the base?
-Yes, let's hope they didn't blow something up while we weren't there-said Alicia with a little smile-and we need to talk with Elijah
The SEAL nodded and they went to the airport, waiting for the flight to Texas again. And soon they were back in Black Tomb, where Jackson waited as he remembered the Captain accepted to go to the bay.
-You're not letting this one go, are you?-asked her while feeling a pull on the wound
-No, I won't
-Alicia, how's Camp Lejeune?-questioned Wraith walking towards her
-As usual, but if you ask about the documents...it was Reyes fault-said the Captain
-Of course was that bastard, anyway, about Christensen?
-He'll be here
-Good-murmured before noticing the flinch the black-haired had, something weird for her-you okay?
Alicia frowned but remained silent for a second, just to feel a very well known sensation on her side.
-No, I'm not-said while starting to feel pain-the stitches broke
-Stitches?!-asked Jackson worried
And so she was moved to the medic bay.
0 notes
darkriversdeep · 2 years
Story: Dark Rivers Deep
She was twelve with a small thin frame for a body, that while tall, looked horribly straight. Her non-existent hips where only slightly smaller than her shoulders were broad and when she wore her jeans, the waist band was enough to make them look exactly the same size. Her long brown hair was straight too and her face angular, giving her a strange elf appearance that would have been comical if it wasn’t so damn sad. She was a plan Jane in every way. Not even her hair had volume to contrast against that bean pole image. It laid flat against her scalp looking thin, even though it was actually fairly thick.
Her nose, eyes and jaw line were all sharp and petite, while her arms and legs looked over long and starved for mass. Her skin was pale and sickly, contrasting her dark brown eyes that looked large and dark behind her thick glasses, but really they were small and deep set. The glasses magnified her eyes, however to look twice as large than they were.
Jenna recalled that morning as she sat huddled under the thick brush and deep rooted trees, fearing for her life and hiding from whatever kind of horror was out there, right now, hunting her. Life seemed so much simpler this morning than it did now. She recalled standing in front of the mirror like she did every morning, wishing she didn’t look so thin and pale, wondering when or if she would ever make a friend and worried about what kind of bullshit she was going to have to put up with today in school. Now she wished she could return to that simpler time and start over. Maybe then, she wouldn’t be out here in the woods, after dark and running for her very life. Something was out there! It was coming for her and Jenna felt sure it was going to kill her!
Her dad would miss her of course, he was her only true friend in this world and she loved him dearly. He had raised her by himself, her mom having died giving birth to her and although he wasn’t the most suited for raising a girl, he loved her just as much as she loved him and he did his absolute best. Her dad wasn’t good at knowing what a girl should look like, but hell, he wasn’t good at knowing how a guy should dress either. He wasn’t hansom or ugly, he was just as plain has she was and just as tall and thin as her too.
Jenna missed her dad right now, but was glad he wasn’t here with her or it would be both of them falling prey to whatever creature was stalking her. She hadn’t as of yet hadn’t seen the beast, but she could hear it, stalking, moving slowly through the thick underbrush, it’s paws snapping twigs and branches as it moved. It wasn’t trying to hide itself, but rather it seemed to want her to know that it was stalking her, hunting her and had every intention of devouring her.
Why had she gone running off? She had been laughed at before by more than just the kids in her class! Mr. Cardin had laughed at her before many times! She didn’t understand and now she was here, in the deep of the woods, scared for her life and being hunted! What made this time more painful for her? There wasn’t even a difference between this time and all the many times this year that he had done that very same thing.
“Why the fuck did I run?” She whispered to herself, her breath sounding haggard and short in her ears. She was close to panic and she knew it.
A small twig snapped, giving away the location of the creature that pursued her. It was north of her current location and by the sound of it, she had put some distance between her and it. She wished she knew what it was. She might have been an ugly girl, but she was smart like her dad. She read all kinds of books on animals and was familiar with all sorts of species. She thought it was a large cat, perhaps a mountain lion or cougar that lived in the mountains that surrounded Ashley, Idaho, but she could not recall ever hearing that they had come this far down. They were a good ten miles from the mountains here and they were moving away from the mountains with every sprint and step.
It was time to move, but this time, instead of continuing south, she moved west, toward town. She didn’t know how far she had run and that didn’t really matter. She knew the highway was west of her location and if she could make it to the highway, she would most certainly survive this day. As she stood to move, she secretly swore to herself that she would never go running out of school again.
0 notes
All Grown Up: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU [[REUPLOAD]])
"How was work?" Steve asked as the girls entered the house after having their first day at the shop.
"Fine," the trio declared in unison, quickly heading for their floor of the house.
"Okay," Steve said, mainly to himself with furrowed brows. Putting the baked ziti into the oven, "I'll call you up when dinner's ready."
"Okay!" The trio called back.
It wasn't necessarily unusual for the triplets to be so tightly knit, but Steve still watched, confused, for a moment. Feeling as though something was off. As though something had happened.
"Well," Bucky announced himself, toeing off his work boots. "I figured out why the girls wanted to work down at the shop so bad."
"Oh?" Steve quirked a brow and leaned against the kitchen counter.
Bucky nodded, "Yup."
"And why's that?"
"They wanted to drool over the new alpha that dad hired since he retired," Bucky rolled his eyes. "They kept wanting him to show them how to do things. And wanted him to explain the parts of a vehicle. None of them actually cared about what they were supposed to be paying attention to. Hell, half the damn time, they were ogling him instead of looking at what was under the hood."
"Aww, babe," Steve pulled him in for a hug. Teasing, "It sounds like you're jealous."
"I'm not jealous," Bucky insisted, even though his lower lip was pursed in a pout.
Steve mimicked by exaggerating a pout of his own. Stroking the soft, gray hair at the back of Bucky's head, he reminded, "They're getting older. This is what they do."
"We should've never let them grow up," Bucky grumbled.
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes, "That's what I've been saying all along."
"Maybe we should listen to you more often," Bucky smirked, leaning down for a kiss.
As Steve pulled away so he could get the garlic bread in the oven, Bucky settled on hugging him from behind. Scenting him, Bucky kept his nose buried in his neck. Not that Steve really minded. Especially considering how upset the alpha seemed to be.
Steve patted the hand resting on his stomach, "Just because they wanted to be around some new alpha doesn't mean that they don't still love you."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Bucky playfully dismissed, kissing the mating scar. "I just didn't expect to be pushed aside, ya know? It's not something I'm used to."
Considering Bucky was their kids' favorite parent – and how could Steve blame them for loving their alpha father so much? – Steve knew that the alpha wasn't used to being cast to the side. He was always the first one they ran to – a fact that Steve adored and encouraged.
So, he gave his husband's strong, calloused hand a comforting squeeze, "I'm sure their crush will wear off soon. After all, they have their peers to drool over."
Bucky groaned in his annoyance, "Can't we just pretend they're still little and aren't interested in anyone?"
"Please," Steve good-humoredly scoffed, "If you believe that they haven't had crushes before now, you're even more gullible than I thought."
Scoffing, himself, Bucky bent down to nip at Steve's shoulder. Correcting, "I know this isn't their first crush. For fuck's sake, this isn't our first rodeo."
"I know," Steve chuckled, turning to face Bucky. Looking up at him, he scrunched his face in mock disgust, "Maybe shower before dinner? So you can, you know, taste the delicious dinner I slaved over."
"Oh yeah?" Bucky smirked, pulling Steve in close. "What do I get if I do?"
"My sincere gratitude?"
Bucky feigned thought, tapping his finger against the dimple in his chin. Then decided, "Anything better? Perhaps something... sweeter?"
Rolling his eyes at the double entendre, Steve shoved at the alpha's broad shoulder, "Go wash up."
"'Go wash up,' and we'll see?" Bucky quirked a brow. Stepping away from the petite omega, he playfully started unbuttoning his flannel. Revealing the black tank top underneath, he theatrically seduced, "You know you can't resist all of this."
Keeping a straight face, Steve deadpanned, "Oh, yeah. What a hunk. Oh me, oh my, how will I ever control myself?"
Bumping into the back of the sofa, Bucky stumbled, but caught himself before he could fall. Laughing all the while as he regained his balance. While he was still facing Steve, he blew a kiss his way.
"Stop while you're ahead," Steve wisely told him. Then teased, "And maybe you'll get some head later."
Bucky wiggled his brows and joked, "Wanna join?"
"Maybe later," Steve chuckled, shooing him away.
Creeping closer so he could hear when the shower water started, Steve then headed for the Girls' Floor. Finding Bitsy playing a video game, Cori on her phone, and Nevie listening to something while reading, Steve knew that it was the perfect time to strike. Especially when Bucky was busy elsewhere.
"Okay," Steve announced, making sure he had each of their attentions. When Bitsy was only half-listening to him, Steve decided, "C'mon, pause the game. Now Elizabeth Sarah."
"Ooh," Cori teased while Nevie's jaw popped open.
"Enough Cecilia," Steve warned. Bitsy paused the game, and looked as though she would've mocked her sister getting in trouble but decided against it considering how stern Steve was being.
Once Nevie removed her wireless earbuds and bookmarked what she was reading, Steve started. "You're working at the shop to learn about vehicles, not to ogle the new mechanic."
"But pops," Cori argued, scrolling through her phone, "He's like really hot."
Then, as if to prove her point, she turned the phone so her omega father could look. Instead, Steve scrubbed his hand over his face and reprimanded, "You guys can't go around taking pictures of people. Especially not employees."
"I only sent it to Abby," Cori defended herself. "Besides, it was a group shot. He smiled for it and joked about needing to take another because his hair was a mess."
"No more. And I mean it, no more. You let him work, got it?" Steve crossed his arms along his chest and briefly glanced towards the stairs. Continuing, "You're supposed to be learning how a vehicle works. If you don't because you're too busy sexually harassing the employees, you won't be working there and nor will you be enrolling in driver's ed. Got it?"
The trio nodded with large, wide eyes. None of them wanting to upset their fathers nor wanting to make someone feel uncomfortable.
"And please," Steve suggested – nearly pleaded, "Ask your dad a question every once in a while, alright? He knows what he's doing and wants you guys to know too."
The three teens looked from one another. Then, Cori sighed and exaggerated, "But Ronnie is so hot."
Steve quirked a brow at her, but didn't say anything. When Bitsy and Nevie tried – and failed – to keep their giggles in, Steve broke too. All the while, Cori playfully rolled her eyes and promised, "I'm just joking."
"You better be," Steve shook his head. Hearing the timer for the oven, he gestured for the girls, "Go on, the table needs to be set and you don't want dinner to burn."
Each of them groaned in annoyance and Steve smirked to himself. Remembering how eager to help all of the kids had once been. He missed those days. More than just because his kids thought that chores were fun, but because all of his babies were grown up. Ollie was getting married, Finn was going to be graduating college soon with a bachelor's in music therapy, Kit was going to be graduating high school soon and was accepted to the same trade school that Bucky had attended, all in hopes of becoming a better mechanic. And the girls, the sweet, sweet girls, were going to be driving soon. Much too soon for Steve's liking.
At the landing of the main floor, Steve's gaze caught onto Bucky's. They didn't have long before it was just the two of them. It had been so long since it had been just the two of them. But just one of those dopey smiles and winks from his husband, from his mate, was enough to set his soul alight with love. No matter what, they'd make it through. Just like they always had been.
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grantspectortrash · 2 years
All The Times She Tried To Tell Him
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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Summary: From being eight years old and scraping your knee, to finally saying it when your feelings just can’t be denied anymore. It takes you years to tell Steve how you really feel about him.
Word Count: 7.6k
A/N: Some angst, some fluff and a whole lot of Best Friend Steve. I’ve been so excited to write this one so I hope you enjoy! Requests are open btw <3
Close the door on your way out.
It was summer when Steve got his first car and, once he had passed his test, life was a dream.
He had driven to your house straight away and when you heard a car horn beeping for a minute and a half straight, you knew exactly who it was.
You had clambered into the passenger seat, a massive smile on your face, and when Steve had made a comment about only putting clean shoes into the car you had laughed.
"You're obsessed already." You joked as you strapped your seatbelt on, "Just make sure we don't crash, yeah?"
The summer sun was high in the sky and Steve’s leather seat stuck to your legs as he drove around Hawkins, showing off his car and trying to impress you by explaining all the gear changes. It had made the pair of you ecstatic, while Steve tapped against the steering wheel and drove around with a massive smile on his face, you were picturing all the adventures you could have together.
Since you were kids the pair of you had biked everywhere together. Riding to the arcade had been a weekend ritual since you were ten. A race to the outdoor pool was your summer holiday tradition and as soon as you had been old enough, biking around Hawkins late at night made you feel as though there was nothing else in the world but you and Steve, and you liked it that way.
After Steve got his car, though, life consisted of two things.
One, Steve Harrington was still your best friend, even if him getting his license made him ‘cool’ and he had begun to hang around with that Tommy and Karen and the likes of them every now and then.
And two, you were the only person who got to sit in the passenger seat. You spent that first summer doing everything you could imagine - driving to the arcade, driving to the lakes, getting lunch from a drive-thru just out of town, the sun on your face and Steve by your side.
It had been the perfect summer, and once school started again in September, Steve picked you up and dropped you home every single day without fail, rain or shine.
The passenger seat was reserved for your butt only, Steve had promised so that first day he got his car. It was an honour and you felt a swell of pride every time Steve demoted one of his other friends into the back seat.
And, to be fair to him, you did get to be passenger number one for a long time. Until, after a year and a half of having those Best Friend Privileges, Steve broke his promise.
On one particular February day, a week before Valentine’s Day, you finished your last class and headed to Steve’s car - just like you did every day. On that day though, your stride faulted as you rounded the corner, only to find a petite blonde sat on the hood of his car.
Steve stood in front of her and the pair of them were locking lips in a disgusting show of tonsil-tennis. You didn't even know someone could get their tongue down someone's throat like that. It made your stomach drop and there was a tense feeling in your throat.
You approached them cautiously, but making sure your footfall was loud enough for them to hear. The pair pulled away from each other long enough to notice you, and when the blonde tried to pull Steve back in, he stepped away. Naturally, the girl pouted and glared at you.
“Can I help you?” She asked, voice laced with annoyance.
“Hey,” Steve stepped in immediately, “This is Y/N. Shes gonna drive with us.”
You gave the girl a tight-lipped smile as she slid off of Steve’s car hood.
“Oh right.” She touched her lips, patting down the shiny skin to ensure her lip-gloss was still intact, then - with the same damn hand - she stuck her hand out for you to take it. "I'm Lindsey, Steve's girlfriend."
You took the girl's sticky, lip-glossy hand while clenching your jaw. Steve had never even mentioned Lindsey before, and you were pretty sure somebody didn't become someone's girlfriend over night.
"Right. Steve's never mentioned you." You took your hand back, not afraid to be a bit territorial. Steve shot you a look, and Lindsey made a sound of disapproval.
"I was gonna say something." There was a defensive tone in Steve's voice, his eyes flicking between you and Lindsey, "It just didn't come up in conversation."
You nodded, not looking at Steve and definitely not looking at Lindsey. There was a beat of awkward silence and you knew Steve didn't have the balls to resolve it.
"Shall we get going then?" You said, shouldering your school bag just so you have something to do with your hands.
"Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely." Lindsey spoke and you caught how she rolled her eyes before getting into the passenger seat. Seeing her there made your heart hurt, as if someone had planted a knife there and twisted, slowly and deliberately.
You got in behind her. And that ride was the worst of your life.
The entire drive Lindsey made sure you knew exactly who she was. She was Steve's girlfriend and you were just a friend, nothing more. She planted kisses on his cheek as he drove and put her hand on his thigh. She whispered sweet nothings to him at red stop lights and made him roll down her window because she was "weak" and Steve was "so much stronger". It made you want to throw up. On her, on Steve, and their shitty PDA-filled relationship.
The pair of them ignored you the entire ride, and when Steve tried to make eye contact with you in the rear view mirror, you turned away. And, to top it all off, Lindsey's perfume was beginning to make your nose itch. It was something sweet, too sweet, and it caught in the back of your throat.
You were glad when he dropped her off first, hoping it meant the pair of you could talk about what was going on, but after they snogged when she left Steve said, "I'll pick you up at seven okay? Date night."
"Date night." Lindsey grinned, then trained her eyes on you, any hint of happiness dropping from her face.
"Bye Y/N." She turned on her heel and Steve instantly drove off, without even letting you get in the front passenger seat.
"Hey, what the heck?" You lent forward so Steve could hear you.
"What?" He didn't look at you, but the annoyance was raw in his voice.
"Um, Lindsey? Me in the backseat? You broke your fucking promise, Steve."
He looked at you then, frowning, "Oh come on. You really thought I'd never get a girlfriend?"
"Its not that. It's the fact you didn't tell me. What happened to no secrets between us?" You weren't just hurting anymore, you were angry too.
"Okay so I didn't tell you. Sorry. It's not my fault you're single."
"Steve-" You couldn't think of what else to say, his words cut too deep.
After a few minutes of tense, painful silence, you tried again. You knew your house was close approaching, and your chances were getting slimmer to fix this - whatever it was.
"I don't care that you have a girlfriend. I care that you broke your promise."
Steve turned to you, "Why do you care so much? It's just a seat." His eyes moved back to the road.
"It's not just a seat. Stevie you made a promise. It's just I thought you meant it, that I'd be the only one. And I liked it. I liked that it was only for me. And I thought you did too." You didn't even hide the pain from your voice and Steve must've noticed because his voice softened, "I did. I do. It's just, you need to get over it. We're not kids anymore."
His words made the knife in your heart twist harder and you decided then and there it didn't matter how gentle his tone of voice was, his words were still sharp to you.
"You are so full of shit, Harrington. You don't get it do you? You don't see how much I care. How many years I've been by your side and all this time I have been so in-"
The car came to a screeching halt as Steve slammed on the brakes. You were outside your house.
His actions angered you more than his words, and tears made your vision swim, "You know what? Forget it. Enjoy your date with Lindsey. I don't give it a shit. Don't pick me up tomorrow."
You slammed the door as you left.
And after that you didn't see Steve for two weeks. And it hurt like hell. More than hell, actually.
You skipped school on Valentine's Day, only to hear the next day how Steve got Lindsey a pink teddy bear. As far as you can tell she didn't get him anything, other than the shit tonne of hickeys that she boasted about.
Sixteen days passed - the longest you've ever gone without seeing Steve - and it was on the Saturday morning that you heard a car horn beeping. You knew exactly who it was.
You headed out, anger fuelling your stomping feet and your heart pounding out of your chest. Steve was sat there in his car, alone. As you walked up to him he nodded towards the front passenger seat and you slung yourself into the car - a movement that was second nature to you at this point.
"Hi." Steve said tentatively, a small smile on his face. He looked good, really good, and you were annoyed that you noticed. He was wearing that jumper you liked and blue jeans, nothing out of the ordinary for Steve, but the sight of him made your heart beat faster than before.
"Hello." You replied, voice tight and keeping your emotions close to your chest. Steve eyed you, trailing his gaze from head to toe before he cleared his throat.
"So I, uh, broke up with Lindsey." Steve ruffled his hair as he waited for you to say something.
"Oh right."
"I realised how much of a dick I had been and, honestly, she was such a bitch. She said a lot of mean shit about you and I realised I couldn't let it slide, y'know? I'm really sorry Y/N."
You nodded, taking in his words. "You better be. This has been shit."
Steve sighed, “I know. I'm sorry."
Trying not to say anything that would ruin the moment, you looked over at Steve. He was already smiling at you. That sweet, gentle, familiar smile.
How could you tell him now that you loved him? You had just got him back as your best friend, and you couldn’t risk arguing with him again So, you didn’t push it. You smiled back.
"Anyway," Steve was grinning now, and he reached out to trail the line of your jaw with the pad of his thumb, "You look way better in the front seat than her. And you always will."
Don't look at me like that.
Halloween 1984. You were trick-or-treating, alone. And it's not like you wanted to go alone, it's just that Steve had unceremoniously ditched you for Nancy to go to some stupid party at Tina's place. So much for being a best friend.
You had ended up as one half of Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, and you were beginning to feel like an idiot in your stupid costume. It was October for God's sake, and there you were - all gold and shiny and absolutely freezing your tits off. But, you know it wouldn't have mattered if Steve was with you, dressed as Luke, because Steve would've made you feel safe. He would've made you laugh and no matter what you were wearing or what time of year it was, Steve always made you feel warm.
But no. Not today. You were cold, and alone. And you didn't have the balls to actually knock on anybody's house. Wouldn't they think you're a little old for candy? Or, in that shiny gold get-up, they'd probably think you're a hooker, not a kid wanting to get treats.
You had started to think about how this Halloween was both Steve and candy free, and you bit down on the inside of your cheek. You were determined to still have a good time.
The first bit of luck you had was finding a forgotten cape left on the ground, you scooped it up and tied it around you. Now, you were a cross of a space princess and a superhero. What a look. You spent the rest of the night like that, exploring the Halloween-themed streets.
You heard Tina's party even from way down the street, music blaring and people yelling and screaming. At one point, when you had been down to the end of the cul-de-sac, you had seen Billy Hargrove shirtless, absolutely shitfaced and drinking from a keg...upside down. Jocks were weird, man.
Now, you were just taking in the scenery. Damn near every house had Halloween decorations, from fake, inflatable ghosts the size of a tree to little light-up pumpkins in people's gardens. You'd even seen a cat with little bat wings on it.
There were kids everywhere, all sporting costumes of all shapes and sizes. An E.T costume, a Scooby-Doo costume. Indiana Jones, a fairy. There were endless amounts of kids, all laughing and smiling and getting a shit tonne of candy that was no doubt going to make them sick by tomorrow morning but, you loved watching them. Halloween was one of the best holidays ever, and no matter how old you got you weren't going to change your mind, and you certainly weren't going to let Mr Steve "I'm so in love with Nancy" Harrington ruin your night.
But, after an hour or two of wandering and marvelling in the joys of Halloween, you decided to call it quits. Lucky for you that it was a quick walk home, because the darkness of the night was coming in fast.
You were about to turn down the road when you spotted two boys in Ghostbusters costumes stood by themselves and a little way off the road, and both looking utterly terrified. You recognised them both almost immediately - the perks of Hawkins being a small town.
"Hey, it's Michael right? Or Mike? You guys okay?"
The first boy's head shot up, his arm instinctively wrapping itself around the smaller boy.
"Yeah, yeah. We're fine."
His voice was shaky and the smaller boy's face was white and sweaty.
"Are you sure? I know your sister, I can go get her for you? Or Will, I could find Jonathan for you?"
"No." Mike's words cut off your own, not even allowing Will to speak, and he tried to wave you away, "Honest we're fine. Just some bad candy."
You hesitated a little, but decided to let it go. "Okay, if you're sure. But your sister's at Tina's if you need anything."
Mike hummed in agreement, and then the two boys were moving again. You decided to keep on walking - there wasn't much you could do if they insisted on not taking your help.
You were nearly five minutes from home when you saw a familiar car drive past; they were moving slow and soon enough you heard the tale-tell signs of a window being lowered.
"Hey, is this the right way to Tina's?" Jonathan Byers' head popped out from the window, his hair as messy as usual and a frown on his face. His eyes glanced over you costume, but said nothing.
"Yeah, end of the cul-de-sac. Got a bunch of drunks passed out on the grass, can't miss it." You said, then, almost as an afterthought, "Nancy's there."
You knew Steve and Nancy were official, or whatever, but it didn't take a genius to work out something was happening between the Byers boy and the Wheeler girl. Whatever it was, you had tried to warn Steve about, but he had ignored you.
"Yeah. I know. Thanks, Y/N." Jonathan nodded, then began to wind his window back up.
"Hey," You stepped closer to the car, halting him, "by the way I've just seen your brother and Mike together, they look a little shaken. I'm not sure where they went, home hopefully, but just a heads-up."
"Thanks. Appreciate it." The frown on Jonathan's face deepened, and he drove off.
Thirty minutes later you were in bed and ready to sleep.
Two hours and seven minutes later, however, you were awoken by the sound of someone banging on your bedroom window. You flung back the covers and opened the window to see Steve precariously balancing on the side of your house. He clambered in before you could say anything.
"Stevie? What the fuck?" You whispered, stumbling back as he fell into your room with a harsh thud. He stood up, and sloppily closed the window behind him. "Are you drunk?"
He turned to you then, eyes slightly red, and you could tell it wasn't just from the alcohol. He had been crying.
"She thinks it's bullshit." Steve's words were only slightly slurred, but when he wrapped his arms around you and you brought him in for a hug, you could smell the faint whiff of vodka on his breath.
"What's bullshit? Who-" You stopped mid sentence, feeling Steve's jagged breathing against your body. He was crying again. You stroked slow circles on his back.
"It's Nancy, isn't it?" You suddenly got the urge to go find that Wheeler girl and shout at her until you were blue in the face. You had known she would hurt Steve, if only he had listened. You didn't like Nancy anyway - you had been so close to building up the courage to tell Steve how you felt about him, and then BAM, Nancy Wheeler came along and changed everything.
Steve pulled away from you, "Can we get in bed?" His big, brown eyes looked at you pleadingly. They were glazed with tears that were yet to fall and he blinked hard, trying to push them away. "Please?"
He grabbed at your hands, trying to pull you to the bed. The way he was looking at you, all vulnerable and innocent, it broke your heart. He didn't deserve to be hurting. He didn't deserve to date shitty people. He deserved so much more.
"How can I say no when you're looking at me like that?" You smiled, trying to make him laugh. Instead, he just sniffled. "Come on."
You sat on the bed, pulled back the covers and got in. You scooted over, and Steve kicked off his shoes before climbing in, fully-clothed. As he turned to face you, he noticed your Leia costume discarded on the floor. He groaned.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled as he moved closer to you. You got comfy, and ended up with one hand on his face, stroking the tears away.
"It's okay," You whispered back, "It doesn't matter. There's always next year. Plus, you'd actually need to watch Star Wars to know who Luke Skywalker is."
Steve groaned back, "Maybe I am bullshit." The look on his face made you want to cry - he believed it. Everything Nancy must've said to him, he believed.
"Hey, that's Nancy Wheeler talking, not you. Stevie, what happened?"
"She said I was bullshit. That we were bullshit, me and her. That we were just pretending to be in love. That...that she didn't love me. Not really."
You didn't know what to say, so instead you wiped the tears away, brushing his cheek gently.
"Jonathan picked her up, did you know that? You were right about them I guess. I was just too stupid to see it."
You sighed, "You're not stupid. You were in love and you see what you wanna see."
Steve looked at you properly then, focusing on your face. He scanned you - taking in the way you were looking at him, bringing a hand up to where yours rested on his cheek. He took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze.
"Why can't I just find someone like you?" His voice was quiet, and he closed his eyes before pulling his hand away from yours. Those words nearly killed you.
"Well, I'm someone like me." You whispered.
Steve didn't reply, not in a full sentence anyway. He mumbled something indecipherable, then snaked an arm around you, managing to flip you over even in his drunken state. Now you were spooning, and any opportunity to talk to Steve face to face is over. So, you speak into the void.
"You deserve better Stevie. You know that, don't you?"
He nodded, and you felt the movement against your own head. You felt his breath on the back of your neck, warm and steady. His arm was thrown across your waist. And it all felt too good to be true - he wasn't here because he wanted you, he was here because he wanted someone to look after him. He was broken now, and as his best friend, you were the one who had to pick up the pieces.
"The one's out there. You'll find her soon enough. You'll find someone who loves all your silly jokes, and someone who'll want to watch you play basketball. They'll like the way you style your hair, and they'll house-sit with you when your parents are away and they won't complain once that your house is an absolute bitch to clean because it's so big."
You swallowed, getting that maple-syrup feeling in your throat.
"You'll find someone who doesn't believe you're bullshit. Someone who loves you for exactly who you are. Someone who'll sit with you when you're planning swim team exercises, and someone who knows you so well that they actually think they know you better than they know themselves. Someone like me."
The last three words came out before you could stop them, in a rushed and quiet whisper. All of those things, every single one of them, perfectly described you.
You loved Steve, you had loved him for as long as you could remember. And you were thinking all of this when it dawned on you - the way Steve was breathing, the way he wasn't saying anything. The way your heart ached because this wasn’t the first time you’d tried, and no doubt it wouldn’t be the last but -
"Damn it Steve, you're asleep aren't you?" You whispered, and you got no response.
Did you scrape your knee falling for me?
"There she is." A young girl whispered, her voice high and her pretentiousness even higher. Two other girls whispered back, and of course you had heard what they’d said.
They were mean to you. Every day.
It wasn't your fault you were the new girl, or that you hadn’t made many friends yet. It wasn’t your fault you didn't get along with the other girls, and it wasn't your fault that you were eight years old and had no ability to stand up for yourself.
You were sitting on one of the benches on the school grounds, your head in a book and your palms sweaty as you heard the girls approach.
"Hey nerd!" One of them pounced on you, grabbing you by the shoulders and squeezing them tight.
You didn't move.
"What ya reading?" Another came and sat beside you, trying to grab the book from you.
You didn't let her.
"Oh come on, don't you know sharing is caring?" The third one said, and the trio laughed.
Again, you didn't speak. And once the girl on your shoulders moved, you took your opportunity. You swung your legs out from the bench and tried to walk away, and it would have worked, if the ring leader of the bullying hadn't stuck her foot out and sent you tumbling.
You crashed to the floor and your book flew out of your hands. Tears prickled at your eyes immediately - you sat up to find your knee all bloodied, the skin broken and now peppered with asphalt and dirt.
Amongst the laugher of evil girls, you hear someone yelling. "Hey! Hey!"
You looked up, your vision watery, to see a boy from one of your classes. He was tall and seemed to have a lot of hair that stuck up in every direction. You barely knew him, but he stomped over to the girls in such an angry fashion you wondered if he was your guardian angel.
"Leave her alone!" The boy said, swiping your book from the floor and dusting it off. The girls snickered, but you didn't dare look at them. "You all have cooties, you know that? And you're all ugly. U-G-L-Y!"
The boy spoke with so much force that you just sat there in awe that somebody was actually standing up for you. This was the first time ever.
The three girls made a noise of shock and disgust and then one yelled, "Harrington, I'm telling the teacher!"
They stomped off in unison.
"Hey." A hand stuck out and you finally looked up. The boy was smiling down at you, sympathy riddled in his kind eyes. You thought about how pretty his smile was. "You okay?"
You took his hand and stood up, trying to not put pressure on the leg you'd scraped. "Yeah. Thanks."
Once you'd stood, the boy was still holding your hand. He noticed, and shook it in greeting.
"I'm sorry about those girls, they're assholes." That was the first time you'd heard another kid use a swear word, and you giggled. "I'm Steve Harrington, by the way."
He let go of your hand, and you instantly thought about how much you missed it. "I'm Y/N."
Steve handed you your book back, and after that you couldn't stop thinking about him.
You fell on Friday, and by Monday you had scraped together enough of your pocket money to buy him a chocolate bar - the first time you ever tried to show him how much you loved him.
After that, the two of you were inseparable and while the wound on your knee scabbed over and healed, your love only grew and grew like a never-ending wound that would never, ever, heal.
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my.
The summer of '85 changed your life.
It was the summer you got your first job, working approximately ten metres away from Steve at the Burger King while he slung ice cream at Scoops Ahoy. It was the summer you met Robin - a girl who suddenly ended up being by your side as often as Steve was. It was the summer you dreamed of, until it wasn't.
Because although it was the summer of blazing heat, pretty sunsets and driving to the mall, it was also the summer you learnt how to sew skin back together. It was the summer you learnt what evil truly was. It was the summer that changed your life.
Before that summer the scariest thing you had ever witnessed was The Wizard of Oz, a movie you had watched as a kid and somehow the creepy horror of it all had left an impression on you. And throughout the rest of your life you had never come close to anything as scary as the Tin-Man.
That was until one day, on your day off, you came to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy. And he wasn't there.
Scoops Ahoy was closed - a messy handwritten note saying "Be Back Soon!" in Robin's scribbly handwriting. You frowned, spinning three-sixty on the spot to look at the second level, trying to find any sign that indicated Steve was in the building.
And then you saw him - not Steve, but Dustin. And where Dustin went, Steve followed.
You bounded your way to the escalator, taking two at a time and soon you were hurrying off after the curly haired boy.
"Henderson!" You yelled, waving your hand out so that when he turned he'd spot you. And he did, and he looked panicked. His face was a sheet of fear, his feet shifting as he stopped as if he was ready to bolt already.
"Have you seen him?" Dustin's voice was just as panicked as his face, and a certain dread started to settle in your stomach.
"No, why?" You asked, suddenly feeling on high-alert, "What's going on?"
Dustin didn't have time to answer because Lucas Sinclair's sister was sprinting towards the pair of you, skidding to a stop. She had a My Little Pony backpack on and a bike helmet on her head with flashlights strapped to it.
"I can't find them." The young girl was out of breath, her voice equally as worried as Dustin’s.
It took her a few seconds to notice your presence and then her eyes were flicking between you and Dustin, waiting for either one of you to say something.
It made the hole in your stomach grow, the anxiety and unknowing-ness of it all was starting to make you feel more than uncomfortable. "Excuse my French but what the fuck is going on?"
Dustin ran his hand over his face, "He's not told you, has he?" His voice was a mix of pity and frustration, one you couldn’t quite work out why.
"Told me what? Look, is Steve okay?" You knew though, somewhere in the back of your mind, that he wasn't. And it made you feel sick.
"We have to find him. And Robin. Please. They're in danger." Dustin grabbed at your arm, pulling you along. "You have to believe me."
The three of you were walking at a fast pace then, beginning to look out for the Scoops Troop duo. Dustin finally let go of your arm as you turned to him, "I believe you. But if we need to find them, save them from whatever danger they're in, then let's split up. Cover more ground."
"Good thinking." Erica said beside you, and if you weren't feeling so sick you would've been impressed that her small ten-year-old legs could keep up with your impossibly fast strides.
So, the three of you split. And seeing Dustin's worried eagerness, you picked up your pace. You were practically running laps of the mall, trying to find Steve and Robin. Below you, Dustin was yelling their names but it was lost in the constant hum of noise that came from a mall being full with kids enjoying their summer.
On your third lap you heard the unmistakable sound of a girl crying in the girl's bathroom. You flung the door open to see a sight that made your heart stop.
Steve was on the floor, his face bloodied and already bruised, and Robin was over him, shaking him and calling his name.
You were by his side before you could even register it, pushing past Robin to get to him. The girl wasn't injured in any way, but there was a glassy look behind her tear filled eyes.
"Y/N, oh thank God!" Robin spoke and you locked eyes with her briefly. Your could see your own reflection in her eyes - profusely sweaty and the perfect picture of pure panic.
"What happened?" You barked out, taking Steve's head into your lap and cradling it gently. He was hardly responsive.
"Drugs. Russians. They- they tortured him. He was fine a minute ago, we were talking. Laughing. I told him-" She stopped short, wincing.
Russians? You wondered if you had misheard her, then you tried to shake Steve the way she had. Still, nothing. He was breathing, at least.
"Go find Dustin. Get ice packs, aspirin, a medic. Fucking anything. Anyone." You couldn't think straight. You never were good in a time of crisis.
Robin stumbled to her feet, her Scoops Ahoy outfit dirty and slightly bloody. "Okay. Okay."
Then she was gone.
You looked down at Steve, taking in how bad it was for the first time. His left eye was already bruised and swollen, with dried blood smeared across the skin there. He had a split lip, his chin also covered in dried blood, and a worrisome puncture hole marked his neck.
"Oh Stevie, what the fuck have you got yourself into?" You whispered, not realising you were already crying. Already absolutely sobbing your heart out because who would do this? Who could hurt him like this? Your heart was breaking at the sight of him, hoping for Robin's return.
You reached your hand up to the sink, trying to keep still enough for Steve. You wet your hand and brought it down to his face, trying to wipe away the blood.
"Can you hear me, Stevie?" You spoke as you ran your thumb over his cheekbone, trying to get rid of the worst of it. There was a mumble of a response, barely there.
"Please stay with me. I need you." There was a painful desperation in your voice, one that hurt deep inside. "Stay alive, okay? I need you to stay alive, because I can't do this without you."
Your voice was breaking and cracking as you spoke and your fingertips dug into Steve's shoulders, hopelessly shaking him. His eyes flickered open and shut again, and you thought maybe you were getting through to him. Maybe.
"Steve I love you, okay? Do you hear me? I need you because I love you so please just wake up!"
After your confession, the rest of the night was a blur. A horrible, painful blur that you would never be able to forget, no matter how hard you tried.
Robin came back with Dustin and Erica, sporting handfuls of medicine, bandages and a stolen first aid box from JC Penney's. Erica held girls at bay, one's who were desperate for a wee but not desperate enough to mess with one menacing ten-year-old.
Steve woke, eventually, after tender care. Apparently whatever serum they had given him had worse effects than the one Robin experienced. Whoever they were.
Then, sat on that bathroom floor, Dustin told you everything, and you believed every word. And hours later you experienced the very world he had explained.
Steve was at your side all night, mainly because you were petrified of losing him. You were ready to fight along side the kids, with fireworks and broken pieces of glass and anything you could get your hands on.
You met El in the worst way possible, by sewing up her knee after she expelled a piece of the Mind Flayer from her body - you didn't how how she survived the pain. You had been ready to pass out at the first instant.
When Billy died, and the Mind Flayer died, you had watched Max scream. You had held Steve's hand tight. You were bloody and bruised and you weren't even sure if it was your blood on your body. You had held Will, not sure what comfort you could give such a traumatised child.
Then it was over.
And a week later, the summer of '85 - the summer that changed your life - was over.
You were in bed, Steve at your side. You hadn't talked about it yet, but the fact he had slept in your bed every night since the battle of Starcourt Mall, you could guess how he felt. And you certainly hadn't spoken about your confession - or whether he had heard it or not.
At least his bruises had faded. But one thing that hadn't faded were the memories.
Your nightmares were bad, but Steve's were worse. You would wake in the middle of the night to him screaming, his hand tightly gripped to your arm as he woke and figured out where he was. You would soothe him, trying to figure out how to put him back together when you were falling apart yourself.
And on this particular night, Steve revealed to you how bad his nightmares really were.
"I don't want to sleep." He whispered, a tinge of pain in his voice. The both of you were tired, barely sleeping a few hours each night before realising that being awake was better than the hell that awaited you when you closed your eyes.
"Me too." You whispered back.
There was a stretch of silence, one that left so many things unspoken, yet both of you knew exactly what the other was thinking. Why torment yourselves again by speaking about it?
"I'm glad you're alive." You said without filter, turning to look at Steve in the dark. He looked at you then, and found your hand with his own under the covers. His fingers interlocked with yours and he squeezed, once.
"I'm glad you're alive too." Steve didn’t let go of your hand, and you were grateful for it. In that past week the pair of you had been inseparable in ways you hadn't before - holding hands after you switched the bedroom light off. Cuddling each other as you tried to drift off to sleep. Staying with each other as you showered, taking turns to face the other way but never leaving, just in case.
Steve moved his body to fully turn to you, moving your hands so they were pressed against his chest.
“I can't believe you're the one that found me." He took a deep breath, recalling the memory. "I remember seeing you, it's hazy but it's there. I knew you were there."
"Oh." Your voice was small. "I wasn't sure how much you remembered-"
Steve interjected, "I remember you."
You waited for him to say more. He didn't. "Do you remember anything I said? Do you have any memories of that moment?"
In the dark, Steve shook his head, "No. It's fuzzy. It's almost like I could hear you talking, but couldn't hear the words. Why? Was it important?"
You stuttered in that moment, questioning everything you'd ever known about your friendship with Steve. You weren't sure what to say, your mind was empty, but the words found your tongue before you could register them.
"No, nothing important." The lie seemed obvious, like a blinding light in the darkness. Yet, Steve didn’t question it. And you never mentioned it. Life went on.
How could I have been so stupid?
By the Christmas of '85 you had a new job, as did Robin and Steve. Family Video wasn't the best place to make a buck, but it was enough. And the three of you were together, so how could you complain?
Yet, internally, that was all you did.
You spent months and months by Steve's side, stacking tapes and selling videos, convincing yourself everyday that you didn't watch him. You didn't stare as he chatted with customers. You didn't watch how his muscles flexed or how his hair parted or how he straightened his nametag. You tried to convince yourself that you didn't love him - but you did.
And how many years had it been?
Five, maybe a few more? Maybe a fucking decade?
And so what? You hadn't told him. Or at least, you hadn't been able to tell him fully. There were times, of course, where you had been close. A few times where you had said it outright, only for it to be taken as a joke or he hadn't even been conscious to hear it. And Steve, oh wonderful Steve, had been ignorant to it all.
Which wouldn't have been an issue, apart from the fact there was one person who wasn't ignorant to it at all.
"So tell me," Robin appeared beside you out of nowhere, nearly making you drop the Christmas movies that were in your hand. "What we looking at?"
You shot her a look, straightening the stack of videos in your hands. "Nothing."
She took a few from you, slotting them into the gaps on the shelves. "Well it looked to me like you were staring at Harrington, again."
"Robin," you groaned, putting out the remaining videos, "will you please drop it?"
Steve was at the other end of the store, but that didn't stop you from dropping your voice slightly. Robin shrugged her shoulders at you.
"All I'm saying is I'm sick and tired of you watching him with your little puppy dog eyes."
You barged past her playfully to get to a cart that had more videos stacked in piles. "And all I'm saying is that he obviously doesn't feel the same, so there's no point."
"That's bull." She looked at you with raised eyebrows, a look that seemed to suggest 'just watch this'.
She shouted for Steve then, beckoning him over. You stared at her, dumbfounded.
You hissed under your breath, "What are you doing?"
Robin didn’t answer because Steve had reached you, slinging one hand on his hip as he stopped.
"What's up ladies?" His eyebrow quirked up, his eyes meeting yours to give you a small smile.
You didn't know what to say, didn't know what Robin was about to do.
"Y/N's going on a date tonight."
Steve's smile was instantly replaced by a frown. A deep one. "With who?"
He looked at you, the displeasure evident on his face. You shook your head, coming up blank.
"Matt Bradbury, remember him? Used to be on the football team." Robin spoke for you, her smile wide and her eyes alive with joy. You wondered if punching her in the face would be in bad taste.
"You've got to be kidding." Steve was pouting now, and his other hand came up to his hip in a disapproving pose. "That asshole?"
His eyes were on you, trying to scan your face. You were aware of how bright red you had turned, not sure whether you hated or enjoyed this whole thing. You wanted to end it, save yourself from the embarrassment Robin was causing. But there was one thing that was obvious: Steve was jealous.
It was riddled in his face, the way he was stood, the way his eyes flickered from yours to Robin's, the way his lips were turned. Everything about it stunk of jealousy.
And it made you question everything. When was the last time Steve went on a date? When was the last time he didn't open the car door for you? When did the two of you start going for dinner, claiming it was totally platonic?
Your palms were sweaty and your heart felt as though it was beating out of your chest. A faint flicker of a smile began to tug at your lips. Steve noticed.
"What? Why are you smiling like that?" He asked. It was only then that he clocked how Robin was smiling at him - the way she looked so defiant, like she had won a game he didn't know he was playing. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"What's going on?" Steve was heating up now, the tops of his ears tinging slightly red. He was wiping his palms on the sides of his jeans.
Robin almost laughed, "I'll leave you to it."
She left then, with you and Steve stood there like total idiots. Idiots in love, apparently.
"I'm not really going on a date." You said, feeling like your words were breaking the ice.
"Oh, right." Steve was looking at you, all frown and pouted lip. "Then why did she-?"
"I think she wanted to prove something. To me, at least." You basically cut him off, wanting to get your words out as quickly as possible.
You looked up at him, taking in the sight of his brown eyes. The very same eyes you'd been in love with for years. You could smell him, the mixture of sandalwood and orange and, always, something minty. Something so Steve.
"How long have you loved me?" The question was bold, the words unbelievably confident even to you. And if he rejected you, if he said he never loved you, then fine - at least you'd know now.
But he didn't protest. He didn't throw up at the thought. Instead he blushed deeply, his mouth hanging open and moving as if he wanted to say something but just couldn't.
So, you stepped back in, "It's just I think I have loved you for the best part of ten years now and I need to know if you feel the same. After all this time, after all the times I've tried. Might as well rip it off like a band-aid, get it over with and-"
"Shut up." Steve cleared the distance between you to the point where the tips of his Nikes meet your Converse. He placed one hand on the side of your face, his thumb tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. "Just shut up. Because there's no way I'm letting you say that you've been in love with me that long, just as long as I've been in love with you."
Steve swallowed hard. His mouth was inches from yours, "I'll admit it took me longer than most to realise it, and I'm sorry. But let me make it up to you."
He dipped his head, rosy lips coming down to meet yours. His nose pressed against your cheek as if it had always belonged there. His hands settled on your waist, holing you in place, as if you were going to go anywhere. You were exactly where you wanted to be.
You could hear Robin clapping her hands and you took your hand away from Steve long enough to flip her the bird.
When the pair of you pulled away, you were both grinning ecstatically.
"Fucking idiots," Robin laughed, "After all the times she's tried to tell you. Took you long enough."
taglist: @carpediem1219 @i-will-duckyou-up
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buckybarnesdiaries · 4 years
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Steve gives you Bucky's dog tags for a reason.
word count: 2.4k (lol, sorry)
warnings/tags: none. bucky being a cutie.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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“Welcome to Wakanda, agent (Y/N)”.
A second after you crossed their airspace, you were courteously greeted. The views from your ship were indescribable. Peace invaded you just at the sight of the open fields and the warm colors of autumn. You could get used to that place too. To live in calm, work hand-to-hand with Shuri, and have time to spend it with Bucky. The reason why you were flying there. Removing your right hand from the control and grabbing in a fist the dog tags hanging on your chest, you took a deep breath while closing your eyes before getting ready to land. T’Challa was waiting for you at the entry of his kingdom, accompanied by his excited little sister and some of his guards.
Pressing a sequence of buttons above your head, to pull the control back, the ship went down slowly folding its wings. As you landed and turned off the engineers, you freed yourself from the seatbelt and the huge headphones to step out. Shuri received you with a friendly hug, breaking protocol and being just Shuri. You built a strong relationship since you met a year ago, when you brought Bucky to that beautiful and magical place, to let him recover. To let him rest.
“Your highness”. You uttered to T’Challa crossing your forearms in the traditional salutation of Wakanda.
“Agent (Y/N)”. He corresponded walking closer. “The white wolf asked me to let you know he wouldn’t want to be… bothered with visits today”.
You couldn’t help but frown. The last time you saw him was around three months ago. You usually interchanged letters from week to week, being one of the fewer persons he trusted in. And it wasn’t just a question of trust. Steve told you about his feelings, his shyness, and insecurities, his fears. What Bucky didn’t know, again, it wasn’t a question of trust from you either. That’s why the Captain gave you the dog tags, after more than thirteen years under custody. You wanted to see him, to know if he was happy there as he wrote you in his letters one million times.
“He doesn’t wear his arm here”. Shuri clarified, taking a position close to his brother.
By the look on their faces, you were aware of two things. One, they noticed too that something was growing between Bucky and you, and that it wasn’t a simple friendship. Two, they weren’t going to stop you. Oh, quite the opposite. They’d bring you to him on a golden platter and a big red bow on your head. The king beckoned a hand to urge you to follow him to the inside of the building and use one of their ships to fly above the place to the white wolf’s location.
You were nervous. You didn’t sleep more than a couple of hours last night thinking about him and how he’d react to having back his tags since the forties. Your eyes were focused throughout the window on your left, watching different citizens taking care of animals and plantations, children running from one side to another, playing and having fun. Oblivious to the horror of New York, where you resided. One of the cities in the world with the highest rates of street violence. Serial killers or simply killers, rapists, kidnappers, drug dealers (...). It was a minefield and Wakanda seemed and felt like Heaven.
“Did you think about the offer?” Shuri nudged you to push you back to reality, turning your head towards her.
“Since you dropped it to me”.
“I…” You needed to put away your gaze again, focusing on the blue opened sky in front of them. “I want… to consult him first if you don’t mind”.
“Of course, (Y/N)”.
“I don’t want to put his world upside down, now that he’s not the…” You couldn’t finish the sentence. You couldn’t pronounce that detestable nickname and the pain beneath it.
Shuri nodded in silence, not needing your explanations. She knew how you felt. She understood you. The talk didn’t continue, stretching your right hand on your lap to calm your nerves and make you comfortable with the situation. The flight didn’t last longer than five or ten minutes, losing the track of time deep in your thoughts. The pilot indicated to you through the headphones that you were about to land, glancing at a complex of small houses in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and wilderness.
You were the last one jumping outside with your hand grabbing the tags on your chest, trying to find the encouragement there to follow T’Challa’s hand pointing at a man working with goats and collecting hay for them. Licking your lips and assenting with your chin, you guided your steps towards him. Slowly. As if you wanted to turn around at some point. But you knew it was too late when he was the one turning at the sound of your heavy boots cracking the grass under them.
Bucky didn’t look annoyed for your visit, nor the lack of attention to his petition. Although there was something in his pale blue orbs you weren’t able to decipher, until he bowed down his head unconsciously to his left shoulder covered by a dark fabric matching his eyes. You had to do your best to not roll yours, shortening the distance setting you apart. You had been dreaming about that encounter since the last time you were there before Shuri accessed the darkest place of his mind and cleaned it from any trail of HYDRA. Now, he was free. And he looked in good condition as the bags under his eyes had disappeared and his hair was almost tied with a bun. His cheeks seemed a little more chubby and you just wanted to pinch them. But it’d be weird and out of place. For the time being.
Bit by bit, a sweet smile widened in your lips, curving them as Bucky stared at you again when he was conscious that you didn’t care. With or without a metal arm, your feelings were exactly the same. You couldn’t admire him more than you were admiring him at this point. You couldn’t love him more than you loved him already. And God was a witness of how many times you practiced to confess to him and tell him that the only thing you wanted in life was to be by his side. Bring happiness to his days, bring him peace and harmony.
“I'm sorry…” “I brought you…”
You two spoke at the same time, breaking in a soft giggle that jumped your hearts in complete sync.
“You first”. He let you, waving his hand.
“I… brought you something”. You susurrated, loosening the grip around the metal hanging on your chest to take off the necklace.
You noticed the way his eyes widened in surprise and confusion. Why did you have them? Who gave them to you? Why now? Bucky gulped watching you stretching the dog tags between your fingers towards him. He didn’t know what to do, taking a second before he was able to react. He couldn’t remember when was the last time he saw them, and the amount of memories they gave him overwhelmed his whole brain.
In slow motion narrowing his eyes, Bucky held the chain with two fingers to hang the necklace from it. You thought he was about to wear them, but he destabilized you as he directed his hands to above your head, to place them where they were an instant before. You didn’t understand. Didn’t he want them back?
“I want you to keep it”.
“I want you to have something mine”. Bucky recognized with a shy smile decorating his lips. “Those tags and my arm are the only things I have from my past. And… I won’t give you my arm…”
“Well, I bet it’d look good hanging from my neck”. You jocked tilting your head.
In his gift, you found the encouragement you needed to talk about T’Challa’s job offer. It wasn’t as if you were proposing to him, in the end, you were just friends even if it felt quite the opposite. You licked your upper lip, kissing your teeth after it, earning more than his attention.
“Shuri said, uh… I could come here, work with her. We’d do great things together, not only for Wakanda but for the world”.
Bucky’s gesture didn’t change a single inch, focused on the nervousness you were trying to hide from him and reading the reasons beneath.
“So T’Challa offered me to stay here”.
“Yeah… Permanently”. You assented pressing your lips, breathing through your nostrils.
“Did you accept?”
“Not yet. Not until talking to you about”.
He nodded then a couple of times, turning to the goats behind him coming closer. “Got to finish some stuff… Maybe we can talk later about it unless you have to leave”.
“No, no. I, uh… asked for the day off. Banner didn’t need me at the lab today”.
“Okay, good”.
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While the king was showing you the new level for research and investigations, Bucky took the advantage to go and find Shuri without your knowledge. He found her in the surroundings of the main building, working on your ship as you said it made some kind of random noise that put you out of your nerve during the flight.
“I need my arm”.
The princess squatted close to the left wing, turned at him without standing up. Pulling her sunglasses to the top of his head, she raised an eyebrow.
“For what”.
“You know for what”. He clicked his tongue, placing his hand on his left shoulder.
“No, I don’t”. She lied while cleaning the grass and oil in her expert fingers.
“I need to have two arms”.
“You’ve been working the last months with one arm only. Why do you need it now?”
“C’mon… Argh…” Bucky rubbed his face with boredom. “I want to hug her, okay? Can you just… give me back my damn arm?”
“Not enough reasons, you can hug her using your right”.
“I want to have two hands when I kiss her”. He finally confessed in a hiss, provoking a triumphant smile growing on Shuri’s lips.
“If you lie to me, if you don’t kiss her, Sergeant Barnes… I’ll code it to punch your face”.
“Wait…” Bucky wrinkled his nose drawing a horrified gesture on his face, as he turned his blue eyes towards his left shoulder. “Can you… do that?”
“Try me”.
No, of course she couldn’t, but he didn’t know. Which were a good push for him to not go against her and her petition.
“C’mon. I’ll set it up and help you to put it on”.
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Your eyes were traveling from one picture to another. He put some of them around his small house and it looked better now. More like a home. A place to stay. And for a second you felt a twinge straight in your heart when you noticed one photograph of the two of you, close to his bed. It was after your first mission together. Steve insisted on taking it, after noticing the sparkles between you. But you didn’t know he brought it to Wakanda with him, as your copy is on your nightstand too. And you used to fall asleep every night looking at it.
The curtain being moved and some steps in pulled you out from your thoughts, turning to find Bucky staring in silence at you. Your orbs landed on the metal arm. It was different too since the last time you saw it, with golden strips forming between the silver ones. You couldn’t help but sigh.
“You didn’t need to…”
“Yes, I did. I did need it”. He interrupted you, breathing through his parted lips and his heart about to fly off from his chest.
“Because, otherwise, I couldn’t do this”.
You were about to ask what he was referring to, watching him breaking the distance between the two of you in three fast strides. You closed your eyes at the moment his hands held your neck and Bucky slammed his lips on yours. The kiss, the contrast of cold and warmth on your skin, the everlasting longing for it to happen… All of this caused you to gasp, tangling the tunic at the height of his chest in your fists, not wanting him to take a step back. Your mouths fit perfectly without looking for it, made for each other, as he secured his fingers on the back of your neck. And you felt your knees weak when he pecked your lips one more time, before caressing your nose with his, not being able to open your eyes. Neither of you.
“I don’t have the right… to ask for anything”. He babbled. His insecurities coming afloat even if you hadn’t pushed him away. “But… I want you to stay here. With me. I… I don’t have much to offer you, but I promise to make you happy”.
At this point, your eyes were filled with tears, strongly closing your eyelids to not let them fall. You swallowed a sob, moving your hands from his chest to his middle back, embracing him tighter as you could.
“You’ve been making me happy since we met, Bucky”.
He chuckled breathless, intuiting he was too at the edge of his crying because of that affirmation.
“Every Tuesday, I wait at the stairs of my apartment for the mail, for your letters. I’ve… read them so many times I can recite them… by heart. Every word you've written to me”.
“I will continue writing them for you, even if you stay with me”.
Your voices were low, barely audible out of his place. Like secrets. Bucky kissed you again, bending enough to raise you by the back of your thighs and urge you to surround his waist with your legs. The dog tags on your chest clicked against the other, as you moved your arms to his shoulders and neck, and you were unable to stop kissing him. You two could die right now and not be bothered because you were finally together, and that was all you deserved in life.
“Tell me you will stay… please”. His beg brushed your lips, still pecking them between syllable and syllable.
“I will…” You replied without hesitating as you could, eager to correspond to every gesture from him. “I will stay with you”.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it and/or reblog it.
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themadlostgirl · 3 years
Looking up to You
*Getting requests done so I can procrastinate on my school work!*
Prompt: Tall, glasses wearing Reader is insecure and Peter makes them feel better
I thought that Neverland was supposed to make things better. I thought that being on an island with no rules full of people who didn’t fit in or were unwanted in their old homes. But I was just as much an outcast here than I was at home. How was that even possible? How could you still be the odd one out in a realm full of oddballs?
The biggest one was that I was a girl. Being a girl on an island full of all boys was already bound to make me stand out. The other thing was that I had to wear glasses. It really wasn’t that big a deal but I have yet to see any of the boys wearing any. It also made things complicated at training since they were prone to slipping while trying to fight and I had to worry about not breaking them. If my glasses broke then I was really screwed cause I was borderline blind without them.
The real clincher in it all was just how tall I was. I towered over most of the boys, including our leader.
Back home all the girls were petite and cute and could snuggle up next to their fellas and put their head on their chests. Tall boy. Small girl. All of the boys I knew in my village seemed to resent that I was taller than them. Like it was some great offense. Needless to say, it sucked.
On Neverland I thought things would be better. I came to this island and met the leader of the Lost Boys and the boy who kept everyone in line. Peter Pan. For the time when I first met him on the sandy beaches where I had been dropped I thought that I had made it to paradise.
Peter didn’t look at me like I was some giant come to stomp the village people into dust. He looked at me like a normal person. He even complimented my glasses which was something no one had done before. Said they made me look distinguished, especially compared to the savage boys that roamed the island.
As nice as his words had been the moment was quickly ruined when I met the Lost Boys and they piled on me ten times worse than the people did back home. I try to keep my chin up but most days its hard to want to even leave my tent. When I wasn’t training I was crouched somewhere trying to make myself as small as possible.
Currently I sat at the edge of the camp watching the boys jump around a large bonfire. It looked like fun. I took off my glasses to wipe some smudge away when one of the boys came over and snatched them right out of my hands.
“Hey! Give those back!” I shot to my feet but the world was so damn blurred I could hardly make out who was who.
“What? These?” one of the boys held up my glasses. “How bad is your vision anyway, sasquatch? Holy shit! I put them on for two seconds and I already have a headache. You’re as blind as a bat.”
“Really? Let me see!” the boys tossed my glasses around taking turns looking through them and howling with laughter the entire time. I stumbled after them in a haze trying to stop them before they broke them.
“Give them back!” I shouted at them, near hysterical, “You’re gonna break them!”
“Aw, she’s scared we’re gonna break her glasses.” the boys cackled. “You mean like this?” I heard the definite snap of my glasses being split in two.
They tossed them to the ground and stamped on the broken pieces with their feet until nothing remained but a busted frame and a pile of broken glass. I knelt down trying to grasp the broken pieces, my hands getting cut up on the sharp edges of glass.
“What’s going on over here?” the sound of Peter’s voice sent the boys scattering. “First smart thing you’ve done tonight.” Peter shouted after them. “Don’t think you’re safe just cause you ran away like cowards. There’s no place on this island where you’ll be able to hide!”
Peter knelt down next to me. “Stop messing with that,” he swatted my hands away from the broken pieces of my glasses, “Honestly, what do you think you can do with this? You can barely even see right now, can you?”
I placed my hands back in my lap. Peter sighed and scooped up the pieces. I was able to make out a greenish glow coming from his hands. “There, that should do it.” he tilted my chin up and tucked my glasses back on my face. His fingertips gently traced down the side of my face before pulling away. “Good as new.”
“Thanks,” I whispered, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Sure I did. Can’t have you running into trees cause you can’t see right.” He stood up and held out a hand for me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. I automatically hunched over and tried to retreat back to the sanctity of the shadows.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked, catching my arm before I could make a swift exit.
“I was just going to sit down.”
“All I ever see you do is sit during our celebrations.” Peter looked back at the bonfire. “I know things can be pretty tough around here but these nights are meant to be fun. Why don’t you go have some?”
“Over there? Where everyone can see me?”
“Yes, pet,” Peter nodded, “That’s where all the fun is being had after all.”
“No,” I shook my head, “I don’t want everyone staring at me.”
“What’s the big deal? Who cares what they think?”
“I’m the big deal.” I stood up straight so Peter had to look up at me, “I am literally the big deal. Look at me! Everyone already thinks I’m freak cause I’m so tall. I don’t need to be doing something stupid like drawing more attention to myself.”
“You don’t want to have fun cause you’re tall? Felix is tall too and he knows how to have let loose a little.”
“Well Felix is a guy. Guys are meant to be tall. When a girl is tall it’s weird.” I clutched my arms to my chest. I winced slightly and remembered that my hands were still cut up. Damn it. I tried dabbing at the blood with the end of my cloak.
“Let me see that,” Peter grabbed my hands and inspected the cuts. “Is that what you think?” he asked as he placed his palms against mine. A green glow passed between our pressed palms and a small tingling sensation radiated from my fingertips.
“It’s what I know.” I told him, trying to ignore the rapid beating of my heart.
“The boys that don’t like it if a girl is taller than them are just upset because they can’t look down on her.” Peter looked up at me, “You need to find the ones that are more than happy to look up to you.”
“Kinda like you?” the words slipped past my lips before I could think better of it.
“Yes, pet,” Peter wove our fingers together, “Kinda like me,”
I could swear my heart was going to burst out my chest. He smiled at my wide eyes and pulled me closer to the bonfire. “Come on, let’s dance.”
“Do you not want to dance with me?”
“No, of course I do!”
“Then fuck what anyone else thinks. If someone says some shit to you then I’ll break their kneecaps. Got it?”
My cheeks warmed and a smile grew on my face. For the first time I held my head up a bit higher. “Got it.”
Peter pulled me into the ring dancing around the bonfire. At first I was nervous and all too aware of the eyes on us but then Peter pulled me close as we jumped and spun around the fire and everything else melted away. He was staring up at me with that mischievous grin and those sharp green eyes. I had never felt more seen but when it was him I didn’t care. I never wanted him to take his eyes off me.
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chocominnie · 4 years
Wasted Times- Pjm.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Warnings: A lot of Fluff, Angry Sex, Slight BDSM, Dom!Jimin, Jealous Reader, Fuckboy!Jimin, oral sex, Penatration, Foot Job?, kissing, spankings, seriously lots of jealousy and tension, use of the word ‘’whore’’, exhibitionism, cum in pants
Word count: 5.8k
Authors Note: So this is a draft of mine from way long ago. It was also posted on another account I used to be apart of, but no longer am. It’s an oldie but goodie. 
Copyright:  please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken.
Summary:  Two weeks, five days and counting since you’ve last seen him. Two weeks since that sinful body was tangled in yours, where you both let out strings of moans and shared sloppy wet kisses. Two weeks.
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If it wasn’t for Hoseok that whole night wouldn’t have happened. Despite you already knowing of Jimin, what you didn’t know is that looks can deceive. Oh yes, they deceived you very well. When you met him it felt like it was unreal? It felt as though you were talking to an angel. The butterflies in your stomach whenever he spoke made you feel the blood rush to your cheeks. So unreal.
A cute cheeky smile and a squeaky laugh. Someone’s who’s kind hearted, as what you previously had heard from Hoseok himself. Oh, but did he leave the major detail out from you.
He’s a fuckboy.
One that knows exactly how to play his cards right. Knows how to get into a girl's pants and make them melt with the sweet and dirty things that pout out his mouth like honey. He has the looks and charms for it. The hand he runs through his hair constantly, those pink full lips begging to be touched by someone else. 
You’ve only recently found out about most of the girls he’s slept with. It wasn’t a lot but enough for him to qualify to get tested every month. All because he can’t keep his god damn dick in his pants. And you, the fool, fell for it. You fell for his ways. 
Yet he pretends to know nothing. He pretends like he didn’t break your heart by saying he can’t commit to a relationship. He was just a one night stand. He fucking acts that nothing happened between you two prior to having sex.... and it hurts.
Now you’re sitting in your office stuck in-between whether to let that night go, or to bring it up with him. Because surely, he felt something too when you guys made love for an hour and a half right? Right?
‘‘Y/N. Did you hear me?’ ‘  
You quickly snap back to reality to the nagging voice beside you. Taking a sip of your peppermint tea, you turn towards the young girl. Her full bangs compliment her perfectly shaped face. Her long, straight hair that curls at the end a bit is jet black with no sign of split ends or damage. She holds a blue folder tightly to her chest with a cheeky smile upon her face.  
‘‘Mrs. Jane would like to see your work for this month’s upcoming project. Do you have the rough draft done?’ ‘  
You nod, ‘’ I’ve finished it already. Are you collecting?’’ The girl nods her head and holds out her dainty pale hand. Next to you is your documents drawer which you rummage through for a good minute or so before finding your pink folder with all the information and sketches.  
‘‘Thanks..’‘ She smiles, then walks away to her next prey. You let out a big sigh and place your hands in-between your head. Never have you had someone constantly be on your mind.  
It was killing you.  
‘‘ Child are you okay?’‘ 
You turn towards the voice to your left which sits next to you is your best-friend. Her smirk lets you know she knows what you’re thinking about. She knows. She also knows about that one night stand that you couldn’t shut up about two weeks ago. 
You try to hold back your laugh, ‘’ I’m. fine.’’ You manage to choke out. She shakes her head again with that damned smirk on her face. ‘’ Was he that good that he has you sitting here contemplating life honey?’’ 
Your eyes go eyes go wide and soon enough you find yourself swatting her thigh while trying to cover your face of embarrassment. ‘’ Stop! Geez I shouldn’t have even told you about it.’’
‘‘ I knew about him before you even did. Once you told me after the fact, I automatically recognized who he was by the way you described his features so well.’‘ She shrugs, swiveling her chair around to face you. You do the same.
‘‘ What?’‘
‘‘ I went to high school with him. Park Jimin right? He was a ladies girl. Everyone wanted him. Plus he was a former dancer.’‘ 
Former dancer? It all makes sense. The way his body was nicely toned, not to muscly but noticeable. The way his hips moved every which way making sure his sinful area poked and pried at every nerve inside your walls. Made you let out strings of moans and whimpers because of how good he felt inside you. You’ve never felt something like that before. How dare he.
‘’ Well he has a cute friend. His name is Tae... Tae something. I don’t know but they were also friends in highschool. He was a handsome boy as well. If you would like to you know... tap that.’‘ She giggles.
Who does she think you are? Some type of person who gives away sex for a living? Definitely not. By the looks of your face she quickly abandons the subject. You decide it’s best to get back on task before your whore of a boss comes back around.
Only before that petite girl, with the bangs and perfectly trimmed straight hair, comes back with your folder and a ton of papers for you. As if this this day could  get any worse.
‘‘ No I don’t want to go tonight.’’ 
It feels like you’ve said this on the phone more than ten times. You’re sure of it. He just doesn’t want to give up. You’d rather be in the comfort of your home cuddled up in a blanket watching Netflix all day. After-all, it is a Friday night and it has been a very stressful week for you in the office. A nice hot bath and a binge worthy tv show is all you want right now. It’s what you deserve.
‘‘ Come with us it’ll be fun. You can invite your hot best friend too.’‘ He says, and you know he’s smirking on the other line. ‘‘ Hoseok for one, you will not hook up with my best friend understand? Two, i’m tired. I want to sleep.’‘
‘‘ Oh come on Y/N it’ll be fun. It’s just a night out on the strip. It’ll be fun. I’m bringing Jimin.’‘ He tapers off at the end to wait for your reaction. 
Could this be it? Another chance to see Jimin. Your chance to ask him.. if that night he felt something. Surely he did right? 
‘‘ I’ll come. But that doesn’t mean i’m coming for Jimin. I’m bringing Scar with me as well.’‘
A few seconds of silence fills the other line. Which you know that Hoseok probably muted himself to scream in success. You take this time to think about what you’re going to wear. Something that’s eye catching? Or something that’s casual yet classy since it is just hanging around downtown. Why not do both?
Hoseok come’s back to the line and you notice he’s more cheerful. It makes you smile to yourself, how cute. ‘‘ Be there in 45 minutes. We’ll be waiting by Krystal okay? Meet us out front of that place.’‘
You two say your goodbyes and hang up the phone. Anticipation runs deep through you lacing your blood with it. Just the thought of seeing him again rubs you the right way. 
Going into your closet, you take a good look at it and decide on a casual yet classy outfit. One that will surely catch his attention but very presentable as well. You hope that it’s going to pull through. Taking out your phone, you send a text message to Scarlet telling her all the details and to meet you here. 
‘’This will be one hell of a night.’’ You smirk to yourself as you pull out the accessories to your outfit. 
It wasn’t until you heard the doorbell constantly ring that broke you out of your trance of admiring yourself in the mirror. You look ravishing. Delectable. Every thing in the book. Surely you must have been admiring for quite some time because twenty minutes had passed and you didn’t even know it.
The doorbell ringing comes to a halt once you open the door forcefully. Scarlet greets you with a smile and a hug before coming inside. 
‘’ Okay does this make my ass look bigger than it already is?’’
You glance over at Scarlet who’s posing in-front of the hallway mirror, earning a small chuckle from you. ‘’ Yes, that dress always look’s good on you.’’
Scarlet grins at you, ‘’ Thanks. I try I try. You look sexy Y/N. Who’s getting it tonight? ’’
You giggle once more before  adjusting your black dress ‘’ You look so good Y/N i’m not lying. Did you put some make-up on?’’
You shyly nod your head yes, ‘’ Just a little. Not one of my dramatic looks.’’
‘‘ It suits the mood for tonight. Nothing to dramatic, more neutral.’‘ Scarlet says, picking up her purse again. ‘’ The dress does bring out your curves.’‘ She steps back and pulls out her phone for a snapchat picture. 
The two of you pose in the mirror for a quick second then giggle afterwards. Scarlet brings her phone back down as her fingers begin to type at a rapid speed. ‘I’m going to caption it; Going out with my babe!’’ 
You on the other hand were to busy into the hearts snapchat filter with Scar in the background of your video. You tap her with a smile and she looks up with a smile as well. ‘’ We are so gonna be late Scar. ’’
‘‘ Okay. Let me just grab my purse and we can go.’‘ 
You can’t believe you’re actually doing this. The cool breeze is enough for you to handle. Not to cold and not to hot of a breeze. Downtown is busy tonight, especially the strip. The neon signs blare into your vision, the cars speed past with drunk laughing people. Music plays coming from each store or bar you two pass. There’s a jazz man who’s playing some cool tunes next to the giant water fountain. You drop a ten dollar bill into his case hoping to brighten those tunes up a bit. Couples are everywhere you look. You haven’t been downtown in such a long time. Everything feels so brand new to you. It’s so lively. 
Scarlet walks confidently in-front of you, hips swaying naturally. You see Hoseok down the sidewalk waiting at the entrance for your arrival. Behind him is Jimin who looks fine tonight. He wears a long sleeve white Stussy t-shirt with black distressed jeans that show off his thighs. The same thighs that flexed with each thrust two weeks ago. The same thighs you wanted to ride because they had you soaking wet. Oh geez.
‘‘ Y/N! ahhh you look so good tonight!’‘ Hoseok grabs your hand and twirls you around a little. ‘‘ You’re right. Wow Y/N.’‘ A voice comes from behind him.
Part of you just wants to melt right into his arms right then and there. Keep it together.
‘‘ You don’t look bad yourself Jimin.’‘ It’s like your eyes refused to make eye contact with him. You want to, but can’t pull yourself to do it. ‘‘ And this is my best friend Scarlet.’‘
‘‘ Hello I’m Scarlet or Scar for short. Nice to meet you.’‘ She smiles, Jimin takes her hand and gives it a kiss. His eyes never leaves hers when he does so.
Scarlet lets out one of her nervous giggles as he lets her hand go. ‘’ How sweet.’’ Jimin smirks at her, ‘’ No worries. I’m Jimin, Park Jimin my love.’’ 
You almost choke at those last two words. My love? Seriously?
‘‘ Okay enough now that you’ve met my flirty friend who doesn’t know boundaries...’‘ Hoseok glares at him, earning a shrug from Jimin. ‘‘ .. I’m Hoseok. I’ve seen you on Y/N’s social media.. and I must say you are very pretty.’‘
‘‘ Thank you Hoseok. You are handsome as well.’’ She says.
You decide to end this introduction and start off the night. ‘‘ Alright enough of the talking. Can we have some fun tonight?’‘
‘‘ I agree, let’s get some drinks first.’‘ 
Only one hour in and you’ve only had one long island ice tea that you haven’t even finished yet. Somehow you’ve got tricked into third wheeling. Hoseok and Scarlet seem to be hitting it off very well walking in front of you.  But walking next to you is a quite Jimin. He’s to busy scrolling and typing on social media for him to even notice you. Oh so you thought.
‘‘ Y/N...’‘
The butterflies in your stomach begin. What could he want? ‘’ Hmm.’’
Jimin locks his phone and places it in his pocket. He then looks at you with that oh so familiar warm smile. ‘’ They seem to be hitting it off well yeah?’’
Oh. ‘’ Yeah. I ship it.’’ You giggle, crossing your arms.’’ How have you been? Haven’t seen your pretty self in weeks.’’ 
‘‘ I’m fine. You know, work and stuff.’‘ 
‘‘ Yes I can say the same. I’ve got some things going on as well.’‘ His eyes shift back towards the busy city. ‘‘ I’d be lying if I didn’t say I missed you.’‘
You stop dead in your tracks. He missed you? All this time you had thought he didn’t care but he does? ‘’ Missed me huh. Or did you miss the idea of me.’’
He smiles, ‘’ Can it be both?’’
You decide to let that comment slide. ‘’ Well Jimin. I missed you too.’’
‘‘ Great so I can do this.’‘
You’re caught off guard by his lips connecting with yours. Both of you move in sync with each other. Jimin open’s his mouth more so his tongue can move more freely inside of yours.  Both of your tongues fight for dominance making you moan inside the kiss. His hands cup your face, sending chills up your spine. Soon you find yourself whimpering for more, but you can’t let it go this far so you break away first.
‘‘ Hmm I missed those lips on mine. Sorry if I spooked you my love.’‘ Those dark brown eyes look deep into yours. ‘‘ I missed us talking constantly before we..’‘ He trails off, looking away from you smiling shyly.
‘‘ Yeah me too. We spent a lot of time texting and calling each other before that. But after that night we sort of.. stopped? I’ve been meaning to bring this up without it being awkward.’‘ You bite your lip, fiddling with your fingers.
Jimin looks around you guys. Scarlet and Hoseok are nowhere to be found. As he expected. ‘’ Well it looks like our friends ditched us. Have you eaten?’’
‘‘ I munched on something before I came here with you guys.’‘ You say, eyes shifting towards the city again. ‘‘ Well if you’re up for a little bit more of a walk I know this good place on the boardwalk. We are getting closer and closer to the beach.’‘
‘‘ Is this you asking me on a date Park Jimin?’‘ You giggle, covering your mouth with your hand. ‘‘ It can be considered our first friendly date. I would love to take you out some other time where it’s not last minute my love.’‘
‘‘ Stop saying that.’‘
‘‘ Saying what?’‘
You roll your eyes playfully, ‘’ My love. Stop saying it.’’
Jimin raises his eyebrows at you in amusement, ‘’ Did you just roll your eye at me.. my love?’’ Your cheeks have never hurt this much before from constantly smiling, but tonight you just cant stop them. ‘’ And if I did?’’
‘‘ I suggest you don’t do that again.’‘ 
The walk wasn’t as far as you thought. Jimin had linked his hand in yours on the way there. It surprised you for a minute but you let it happen. He hasn’t let go since. The two of you are sat down at a table outside by a waitress who cannot keep her eyes away from Jimin. Only if she knew how much of a sex god he was. Then she really wouldn’t be able to keep her eyes away.
‘‘ The moon looks beautiful tonight.’‘ He nods his head over towards the sky. Your eyes gaze over the sandy beach and waves that crash onto the shore. The moon lit sky peering over it looks beautiful.
Jimin brings both of your hands onto the table and intertwines them with his. A smile appears on his face when he sees you shyly try to hide your smile from him. Jimin’s most favorite feature of you is your smile, and moans of course, but your smile brings him happiness. It’s something about the way your lips curl up into a smile and your eyes narrow a little bit with it. Or when you laugh at one of his comments or jokes. It makes him happy inside and out.
‘‘ So, what were you saying earlier my love?’‘
You playfully roll your eyes again at that nickname. Before you can roll them again, Jimin’s smile drops and he let’s go of your right hand. You furrow your eyebrows at him for a second until you’re caught off guard with a tiny slap to the inside of your thigh. You hiss at the pain.
He says, ‘‘ Stop rolling your eyes at me. playful or not my love, I don’t like it.’‘ 
‘‘ Fine but stop calling me that nickname. You said it to Scarlet. Now I don’t want it anymore.’‘ You say, attitude high with your arms crossed.
Jimin chuckles and lets his tongue swipe across the inside of his jaw, ‘’Someone’s jealous.’’
‘’ I just see the name is useless is all if you’re calling other girls that.’‘
‘‘ Hmm jealous now aren’t we?’‘ He smirks, leaning back in his chair. ‘‘ Says the one who was all over me that night. Practically craving me. Now, what If i let someone else do that hmm? Equivalent to you calling other girls that name.’‘
His smirk never lets up. You know you trying to act all tough isn’t going to last. It’s just not in you. But what you can do is make him jealous and tease him for a while. You consider it a payback for those two weeks of hell you went through.
‘‘ I’m enjoying our night out Jimin. Thank you for taking the time to catch up with me tonight.’‘ Your face is innocent as ever, sipping on your water. 
His expression changes when your foot travels up his leg and onto his crotch and slowly grazes over the tip of his dick. Jimin glares and bites his lip at the constant friction between the head and your foot going in agonizingly slow circles. He let’s both of your hands go to try and pry your leg away but you increase pressure making him choke out a small wince.
‘‘ Aww. Cute.’‘ 
Jimin’s head pops up with a death glare on his face, ‘’ Don’t call me that after you just tried to pull some type of stun-’’
Your foot begins it’s slow circles again. It’s fun watching him stop his sentences. The way he holds in his moans and bites his lip. It turns you on very much.
“Fuck,” He grunts, eye’s closed.
You stop once your food arrives. The same waitress that can’t keep her eyes off of Jimin. She makes eye contact with her, and he winks as she places the food in-front of him. Your face drops into a stone cold expression. Once the waitress leaves his head slowly turns towards you with his famous sly smirk. He knew just how to press your buttons. 
You start back up again, going at an even faster pace at this point. He curses at himself and his eyes close again. You smile when he starts to shake his legs and breathe heavily. Only for Jimin’s eyes pop open with a devilish smile that confuses you. He grabs your leg and makes sure that your foot is positioned right ontop of his dick. He rolls his hips to the movement of yours, looking you dead straight in the eyes. You go along with it for now. But your eyes almost buck out of your head when he starts letting out moans and grunts as he throws his head back.
‘‘ Mmm fuck Y/N you do this so well.’‘
You’re at loss for words. The risk of being caught mixed with the sight you’re seeing now has your panties becoming wet.It takes all your might not to just jump over the table and devour him when he sighs in relief. You watch his body convulse of the aftershocks. So fucking sexy. 
And as if nothing had just happened, he picks up his fork and begins to eat his pasta. The rest of the night is silent. You both eat in silence but in the inside you want to say something but you know better. The stunt you just pulled has something coming for you. Maybe payback wasn’t such a good thing after all.
After Jimin comes back from the restroom, assuming he cleaned himself up well down there, he sits back down at the table with a warm smile. It confuses you.
‘‘ Do you want to leave now? We can go to my place and just chill for the night. Looks like the two love birds might have already went back to one of their place’s.’‘ He says, grabbing your hand once again.
You nod your head dumbfounded at what you didn’t know that was going to happen at his place. But you agree to go. What can go wrong?
The moment you guys enter his luxurious apartment, he pins you against the wall and raises your hands above you head. He tilts your head and nips at your neck, alternating between kissing and sucking. He hit one of your sweet spots that has your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
‘‘ Please Jimin.’‘ You cry out. Slowly pulling away, he pulls you from against the wall and bends to dip an arm under your legs to lift you up bridal style.
He deeply chuckles into your ear, ‘‘ You have an eventful night planned out for pulling that stunt at the restaurant sweetheart.’‘ His words sends shivers down your spine. 
Jimin closes the door behind him, giving you a taste of comfort before he has his way with you. He places you on his bed and you stare into those dark brown eyes that you love oh so much. 
‘‘ Face down, ass up now.’‘ He growls. 
You nod your head and do as told. Soon you feel your dress being unzipped and thrown to the floor. You’re in nothing but your bra and baby pink lace thong. His hands run up and down your spine, then to your ass. 
‘‘ You ruined my pants today. Made me cum inside them since you wanted to feel like you had control over me.. babygirl.’‘ He says, hands stopping right above your ass.
‘‘ Count for me Y/N.’‘
You don’t even have time to take a breath in when the first hard impact comes. It wells tears in your eyes but you love it. You love every smack and every second of it. And so you count for him, you count all fifteen hits to your sore,red ass. 
‘‘ You’ve taken your punishment well.’‘ Jimin says soothing the pain by rubbing over it softly. ‘‘ You looked so pretty doing what you’re told my beautiful girl. You deserve every inch of me. You deserve all of me.’’ His voice is soft and low. It intoxicates you. 
Jimin shifts you onto your back, his hands tracing every inch of your body. You prop yourself up with your shoulders and you don’t jerk away, instead you let him lean in and kiss you passionately. The lewd sounds of the two of you sharing a wet, sloppy kiss can be heard throughout the apartment. You whine in his arms wanting more than just the kiss. He growls in return, yanking your head back to mark up that pretty neck some more. His hands swiftly makes their way towards your nipples, you moan out in response.
“mmm so cute and hard for me.” He flicks your hard nipples with his index and middle fingers on both your breasts. The way he speaks is sinful. Your panties grow even more wet as he pinches your nipples to make you whimper. “ Making pretty sounds for me hmm? Got you all wet baby?’’
With his hands dropping to your hips, he pushes you to lay down on the bed. Your breasts look so captivating to him. Your back arches when his lips connect to your right breast and soon to your left.
“Jimin...’’ You whimper, tugging on his hair to get him to look at you. He pauses the swirling of his tongue on your breast and looks up with lust filled eyes.
“ Yes sweetheart?” He coos.
‘’Off... t-take it off.’’ You whine, moving your hands towards his clothing and tugging on it firmly.
Jimin smiles before balancing on his knees to lift off his shirt. You watch him strip his shirt off, revealing his beautifully toned stomach and sharp v-line. You want nothing more than to run your tongue across him, leaving hickies behind.
Once he takes off his shirt, he dips back down to you to kiss your lips once more. ‘’ Your reaction was instantaneous, your back arching as your hands flew to his hair in shock at the pleasure it gave you. You really were sexually frustrated. Just him kissing you was all too much for you to handle.
As if he could tell what you wanted, his hand found its way to the hem of your lace thong. He feels how wet you were with his index finger sliding up and down your entrance. Your breath hitched as he slid them off with his teeth.
Your mouth instantly falls open when one thick finger slides inside you, your wetness pouring out beneath his finger. Once his finger is coated in your juices, he pulls out of you leaving you whimpering at the loss of friction. You watch him slide his wet finger into his mouth, his eyes close as he hums around it.
“You taste so fucking good. Let me have more of you yeah? He says, waiting for some type of consent from you. 
You nod, wanting him more than ever.
Jimin props both your legs up onto his shoulder, licking his lips at the sight of your glistening core. You are left exposed to his lustful gaze as he took in the appearance of your swollen lips. Your lips spread apart to expose your clit that desperately seeks attention.  
And so he provides it. His head dips down to get to work on your cunt.  The pleasure you feel is outrageous, it has you clawing at his back, not even letting up, before letting out your never ending moans. You knew for a fact that Jimin’s tongue was a work of art when put to the test.
“Oh fuck! ” You yell out, arching your back when his lips begin to suck harshly on your clit, that bubbly feeling in your stomach appears. 
“Do I make you feel good ? Hmm, use your words.” He encourages, using two fingers to spread your folds apart to lick and suck on your clit.
“It feels so good Jimin, oh my gosh, please don’t stop. Fuck!” You cry out, tossing your head back as you clutch onto the sheets once more, leaving his hair alone. As soon as he hears that, he seemed to lose control. His fingers start abuse your g-spot in sync with his sucking on your clit. That’s all you took for you to explode around his fingers. Your body spasms when you close your eyes. You can practically hear your heartbeat pounding in your head.
That doesn’t stop Jimin though. He continues to abuse your hole but you can’t handle the over-stimulation. You grip his wrists to stop him in which he obliges. He pulls his fingers out of you slowly and shows you them before sucking on them harshly.  
“ Such a naughty girl now aren’t we.” He coos, rubbing your thighs that shake endlessly. “Want more princess?”
You nod your head, to busy lost in a trance. His words always get to you. A boy who knows his way with his words. The things that come out his mouth laced with either sweet venom or sugar. Damn him. Damn him for making you feel like this. Damn him for letting you fall under his ways. 
You don’t realize all of his clothes were off until the head of his cock is sitting at your entrance. He’s a nice size, as you remember, but it’s the thickness that gets you. He has a lot of girth and it damn sure stretches you out. 
“Shit, oh my gosh.” You moan, letting your head fall back as he starts easing into you. 
“ Mmm babygirl,” He growls, using one of his hands to spread your lips, giving him the bes view of you taking him all the way. “Fuck just look at that baby. Your little pussy stretching to take my thick cock. Feels good yeah?”
“ Yes Jimin, fuck, it feels so good please. ” You whimper, wanting to feel all stuffed and full. Finally he bottoms out and you definitely feel it in you.
Jimin’s hands grip your hips as he starts to move inside of you. Since your previous orgasm residue was still there, mixing with your fresh juices,  every time moved in and out your juices would drip.Lewd, wet slaps filled the room as the pace quickened, wanting to get you to cum again.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room. There was no point in hiding them now.  With his hips moving at a fast pace, and his dick murdering your g-spot, it makes you feel that familiar feeling again. 
“My good girl, you’re doing so well for me.” Jimin smiles, praising you as you become undone around him. Your hole spasms around his length and it feels like heaven for him. Jimin holds himself up on his elbows, resting his face against yours while he gently eases you through your orgasm. 
“You don’t know the things your body does to me Y/N. The faces you make when i’m fucking your brains out. You look like you’re in pure ecstasy because of me and only me, baby.” He whispers, his lips hovering just above yours. You nod and press your lips against his. Smiling into the kiss, his hips begin fucking you  again, getting up to his previous pace.
Your body is automatically put into over-stimulation mode. “Are you going to cum again for me?”
“Mhm, oh my god!” You whimper, closing your eyes shut harshly. Jimin pulls out of you, and starts to slide his cock up and down your folds to bring you to another orgasm. You let out a scream as Jimin watch your juices fly and soak everywhere around you both. Your death grip on the sheets havent left and your back is arched so high from the bed that he has to bring you back down. 
“Fuck, that’s it. You’re squirting princess.” He praises you, smiling as he doesn’t stop movement, juices everywhere. “You’re squirting so much baby look at you.’’
The feeling is too much for you so you shut your legs around him. Jimin smiles at you when you finally open your eyes. They hardly stay open but long enough for you to see him get himself off using his right hand. You open your mouth to say something, but he interrupts “Shh princess, you’re too sensitive. Maybe next time.”
You nodded with a small pout on your lips. You want him to cum inside you. To feel his hot sperm coat your insides. Your body says otherwise. You are spent, exhausted to the max..
Just as he is about to cum, you sit up and climb over to him. Your mouth quickly finds it’s way to his length and as if a habit, you begin to suck. ‘’You don’t have to princes- fuck.’’ He groans, releasing his load inside your mouth while you deep throat all his length.
Soon you pull away from his cock after he cums. You open your mouth to show him and then swallow it all down. ‘’ Filthy whore.’’ He smirks, pecking your lips.
Jimin kisses your forehead once more, before lifting up and disappearing into the bathroom. He returns with a warm, wet towel to clean up the mess between your legs. Your eyes flutter open and close. You catch a glimpse of his nicely toned back when he turns to disregard the towel. He comes back again with a green t-shirt which makes your heart flutter as he pulls it over your head. Another forehead kiss, then those nose, then the lips. 
‘’ Jimin?’‘ You coo.
He climbs in bed beside you, ‘’ Yes?’’
‘’ We never discussed what we are...’’ You say quietly, picking at your fingers. 
He laughs softly, ‘’ You know I can’t commit right now. I have too many things going on and-’’
‘’ Excuses Jimin.’’ You pout, turning away from him. ‘’ Aww come on don’t be like that. Listen, if I ever get my life together and the ladies off of me you’ll be the first one I run to, my love.’’ 
‘’ Promise?’’ 
‘’ I promise.’’
Oh so you had thought. Another two weeks had passed and the same thing happened. Now you’re stuck in your office again contemplating life, as Scarlet would say. The only difference is, he texts you more often. Usually good morning and goodnight texts. An occasional ‘how was your day.’ 
You can’t help but to wonder what he’s probably doing with other girls. Feeding them empty promises. Saying sweet nothings in their ears. Letting them hear what they want to. It’s no doubt he knows what he’s doing. No doubt.
Only if he hadn’t wasted your time.
Two weeks and counting since you’ve last seen him. Two weeks since that sinful body was tangled in yours, where you both let out strings of moans and shared sloppy wet kisses. Two weeks.
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laketaj24 · 3 years
Single in Staten Island: Tattoos & Kisses
Author’s Note: This is a three-part series I am going to do on Pete!! I am going to use the prompts I got in the second part! I talked with a friend about him—he does truly deserve a good girl or someone who won’t fuck him over. Taglist is here! Reqs are open, but I’m slow, no lie.
Warnings: None, just language.- Smut in the following parts.
Pairings:Pete Davidson x Reader
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“What’s your order?” The chipper attitude they were supposed to have had left the day you turned in your two-week notice. This coffee shop had been the bain of your assistance. Fuck this place. Fuck these people and fuck their fancy, overdone ass orders. You leaned on the counter, giving the man in front of you a stern look.
He looked around. Clearly, you didn’t have an attitude with him. He’d just walked in the fucking place. “Uhm—,” his eyes found the menu, but there was an aloofness in him that triggered you.
“You’ve been in line ten minutes, and you don’t know what you want?”
“Yep.” He nodded and shot a smile. “Ten whole minutes. Still a fuck up.” His finger tapped on the counter, and he looked up at the menu. Nothing here looked worth seven dollars, especially not a coffee. “What’s good here?”
“Look, I don’t know. ”You sighed. “I’m about to go lunch, and you’re the last order.” You flourished the lack of customers behind him.
“You from around here?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Your attitude is pretty fucked up; I figured you lived up the block.” He took a pregnant pause and chuckled. “An Everything Bagel, jalapeño cream cheese, and a grande black coffee.”
“What’s the name?”
“Spell that.”
“You can’t spell Pete?”
“You from around here?” You quipped.
“Yeah, I figured your name is probably spelled all fucked up and shit.”
He laughed, which was not what you expected; you just knew this was the gasoline added to a shitty fire. “What’s your name?”
“Kinda weird.” He shrugged. “You wanna go somewhere better than this on your lunch break?”
“Unless you have a gram and a beer, no.”
“I have a gram and some black coffee if the barista doesnt quit before she puts my order in.”
You snickered. “That’ll do. Where are we going?”
“Anywhere but fucking Staten Island.”
 The ferry. It hadn’t been in the plans, but you were happy you said yes to the lean stranger. He leaned against the railing, a cigarette in one hand a flask in the other. It wasn’t precisely beer, but you had no complaints. “You want a sip?”
“Sure,” You took the flask without hesitation and chugged down three gulps before passing it back to him. It was gin, dry grade A gin. “That’s the kind of shit you bring on a ferry?”
“I thought I grabbed my tequila, but I must’ve drunk it all.”
“Drunk at 2pm on a Tuesday?”
“I’m not drunk; I’m enjoying a drink. Judge much?”
You shrugged and turned, resting your back on the railing beside him, feeling the cool breeze run through your hair. “So why did you invite me out here?’
“You looked like you needed saving, and I’ve been there. Shitty job with shitty people.” He flicked his cigarette ashes into the water below him. “Plus, you cussed me out on the job, which means your kinda badass.”
“I like to think I am.” You admit and nod your head. “You ever get tired of doing the same old shit?”
“yep, that’s why I get tatted.”
Then you noticed the tattoos spackled across his body in random places, and they were once more in a random fashion. Yet, you liked them; they matched him, odd and somehow insanely attractive. “Pete, I want a tattoo. Take me to your guy.”
“What do you mean to take me to my guy? Does it look like I have a guy?” Pete laughs. “I’m like a god damn coloring book; let’s find the first shop and just do it. I pick yours… you pick mine. Stranger tats.”
“Why not?”
“Your boyfriend won’t appear and try to beat my ass?”
“Unless you’re imaginary, too, I think you’re good.”
‘Fucking Brickhouse like you, single in Staten Island?”
“Single in Staten island is not a rarity.”
“Well, you’re not wrong. It’s the only way to be.” He said with a bit of sarcasm.
 The conversation was random the entire ferry trip; you made wisecracks and rebutted, flirting with you but keeping his distance. “Tell me three weird facts about yourself.” You twiddled with your fingers and looked up to meet his brown eyes. “I’m sure you have more than three, but spare me the rest.”
“I like to be alone.” Pete looked back. “But I love a good party, but when I go, I hang out alone and watch people. People are interesting as fuck.”
“I find them to be boring.”
“That’s because you’re not looking for the right things.” He pointed to the woman about fifty feet away from the two of you. The older lady sat tired, sunglasses covered her face while the gray hair blew wild in the wind. “See Gladys there; she’s about to go home to a man she’s been with for thirty-five years. The best dick she ever had.”
Your face radiated with heat as you suppressed a chuckle. “Has to be to stay with it thirty-five years.”
“You haven’t had someone dick you down that makes you want to stay thirty-five years?”
“Not even make me want to stay a week,” You answered.
“That’s fucked up.” Pete smiled.
“That’s life, Pete. Unfortunately, people don’t always get good dick like Gladys.”
“Yeah, lucky bitch.” His phone rang, and he shifted, digging in his light denim jeans to retrieve his iPhone and answer the call. “It’s Pete.”
You turned, giving him some privacy and taking it all in. You didn’t plan to return to work, fuck that place and everything it entailed. You started a new job in three days; you’d take these three days to not give a fuck. That feeling started today; it started with your new friend Pete and this tattoo. The call ended after a few minutes; he didn’t talk about much, just a conversation with a friend and plans he had for a party later tonight.
“The shop is about five blocks from where we get off. Have you decided what I’m getting?”
“I want to see the designs first; I want it to be memorable.”
“Make it your number.”
“Is that your coded way in asking for it?”
“Not coded, I swear.” Pete leaned closer to you. “I kinda think if we are gonna get stranger tattoos, we should have each other’s number.’
“We won’t be strangers then.”
“Call them something else then.”
“I’ll let you know if you can have this number later… I haven't got an invite to this party yet.”
“You're totally invited.” Pete tossed his hands up. “Give me three digits.”
“847.” You snickered.
“Good, I guess I can work for the next seven.”
 The shop was grimy, with dark walls and low lights. The smell of weed and liquor hit your nose, and you felt at home for some reason. Your legs ached; the walking didn’t bother you usually but pairing it with walking didn’t do much good for you. You sat in the chair across from Pete. “Don’t make this a dumb tattoo.”
“You’re talking to the king of dumb shit.” He pointed to the small elephant; it wasn’t dumb, though. It had a feminine line design, and it was petite, adorable even. “I’m sparing you today. You’re getting this,” He smiled. “An elephant, not dumbo but a distant hot cousin.”
“I like it.”
“Good.” His smile was sincere. “I hoped you would. When is she up?” He asked the artist.
“I can get her now.” He answered as he started to sketch the elephant onto the transfer paper. “Hop up, sweet cheeks, and it’ll be about ten minutes.”
Pete extended his hand like a gentleman and led you to the red leather chair. ‘Ever had one before?”
“I have three.” You admitted.
“I see none.” He looked you over quizzically. “Not a one.”
“They are hidden….” You answered, choosing not to tell him they were down your chest and down your thigh.
“Secret tattoos. I like it. I can dig it.”
“Sure. Where is this party tonight?” You asked.
“Back in Staten Island.”
‘Can I trust you, Pete?”
“I hope so; I feel trustworthy?”
“You answered that like you didn't know the answer.” You shifted in the seat and pulled your shirt over your head. You revealed the tattoo of the moon phases going down your chest. “Just because you can't see something does not mean it isn’t there.”
“They're fucking awesome, like the person they are on.”
“You only think I’m awesome because you don’t know me.”
“I know enough.”
It was not like you to kiss a stranger because instead, you wanted to admit it or not, Pete was a stranger to you; you didn’t care. You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his, and he responded immediately, kissing you back eagerly. His lips were soft, full, and applying just the perfect amount of pressure to yours.
“You two want to fuck or get this tattoo.”
You exhaled, pulling away from him. “Can we do both?”
To be Continued.
@honestsycrets​​ @pyschiccreationtaco @opalsandlacemain​​ @battbeans​​ @placeoffreedom​​ @daddyavesxx​​ @niamandthings​​ @honeyel​​ @locht3ssmonster​​ @itslovengie​
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bucksfucks · 4 years
           amorosa // steve rogers
           chapter three: midnight
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    chapter one // chapter two // chapter three
                    chapter four // chapter five
               ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
                             main masterlist
summary || you wake up alone, a single note in the kitchen detailing where steve has gone. a few hours later you’re in his lavish office where he hands you a contract telling you to look over it before he takes you out to dinner. what you don’t realize is that dinner soon turns to something a little more risqué.
pairing || sugar daddy!steve x reader
word count || 2,908 words
warnings || financial struggles, sugar daddy dynamics, undefined age gap, public washroom sex, unprotected sex, heavy daddy kink, mocking, degradation, name calling, orgasm denial, blowjobs, praise kink, dirty talk — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
      When you awoke the next morning you found yourself alone in your bed. The sheets were cold, though his side still smelt like Steve. You groaned as you stretched your arms above your head and your legs as far down as you could. 
     You were sore.
    Sore in the best possible way as butterflies flocked to your belly as you thought about how Steve was perfectly situated between your thighs or the way his cock filled you full. 
    You finally got the strength to get out of bed, legs slightly shaky as you grabbed your phone only to find it dead. It was plugged in and forgotten soon after as you started on a pot of coffee. 
    Your eyes caught sight of a note neatly placed on your small kitchen table, coming closer to inspect the neat writing over it. 
    Had to run to work, last night was everything and more. Give me a call when you see this. xx 
    Steve (678-136-7092)
    You smiled, as old-fashioned as a note might be, it made you feel warm inside as you impatiently waited for your phone to charge. It was only ten in the morning, you were sure he could wait just a little longer. 
    Your peace was soon disturbed by loud, incessant knocking at your front door that startled you, making you jump. You barely had time to set the piece of paper down before an envelope slipped under your door. 
    Grabbing it and quickly tearing it open you couldn't believe your eyes. 
    An eviction notice? 
    You groaned, rolling your eyes in disbelief as you shot daggers at your front door where your landlord was surely standing not even minutes ago. Still, you shook your head, tossing the notice onto your table before grabbing Steve's note and hoping your phone had enough juice to turn on. 
    Your day seemed to be turning up as it flashed on, a small victory as you quickly punched in Steve's number, turning speakerphone on as you tapped your foot waiting for him to pick up. 
    "Was startin' to think I scared you off after last night," Steve chuckled as he picked up the phone on the third ring. You playfully rolled your eyes, falling back against your bed. 
    "Scared me off? If anything you'll have trouble getting rid of me." You chid back as you heard Steve laugh followed by a click, probably an office door closing. 
    "Princess I won't be gettin' rid of you anytime soon." He said earnestly as you bit your lip trying to conceal your smile. You felt giddy, like a high schooler talking to their crush late on a Friday night. 
    "Do you think you can come down to my office this afternoon? I think we should discuss some rules." He said seriously, a twinge of professionalism coming through as your stomach flipped with nerves. 
    "Uhm yeah, sure, does one o'clock work?" You asked, sitting up to take a look at the time on the wall clock mounted right across from your bed. 
    "That's great, I'll send over a town car. See you soon, Princess." Steve said and you could hear the smirk in his voice as you stood up, feeling more confident in yourself. 
    "I'll see you later, Daddy." You nearly purred as he groaned lowly on the other end of the line, "oh I can't wait." And with that you were getting ready for your day. 
    Stark Towers was an impressive, daunting looking building as you stepped out of the town car Steve had sent over. The driver told you to just go to the front desk, tell them your name, and the rest would be taken care of. 
    You did just that, the petite woman behind the desk giving you a warm smile as she led you through a set of doors where you both got into a polished elevator. She hit the number 92 on the panel before you began your swift ascent. 
    The doors opened to white marble tiling, dark blue accents, and crystal clean statutes as she led you to a large set of where the name Steve Rogers, VP read in neat writing. She knocked twice before the doors were opened. 
    Steve had a hard look on his face that softened immediately as he caught sight of you. 
    "Thank you Belinda, can you prepare an all access card for her please?" He asked as she nodded her head, disappearing back into the elevator as Steve led you inside of his office. 
    He embraced you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placed a sweet kiss to your lips. 
    "I haven't stopped thinking of you," he mumbled, smiling as you played with the short hairs at the nape of his neck. He hummed, feeling the vibrations against your own chest as he leaned his forehead against yours. 
    "But as much as I'd love to take you right here, over my desk and in front of the windows, we have to set some rules." You couldn't help but whimper at his words, your arousal growing as he took a step away. 
    "Sit," it was a gentle command, and you did as you were told, taking a seat in one of the two plush chairs that were positioned right in front of his large oak desk. He leaned against the front of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest as he licked his bottom lip. 
    "I'm a man of business as you know, so," he grabbed something behind him, "there is a short contract." 
    You narrowed your eyes at the paper, extending your arm wordlessly as he gave it over to you. You skimmed over the first few paragraphs, noting how there were four pages total before you glanced at where he had already placed his signature. 
    "You signed already?" You asked, a little puzzled as he chuckled, "this is something I'm confident in." Steve shrugged, pushing himself off the desk and placing both of his hands on either side of your chair. 
    "Take your time, I don't need an answer right away." He says sweetly, his body towering over yours and the only thing you can think of is how much bigger he felt as he was on top of you last night. 
    You nodded your head slowly, swallowing thickly as he straightened his posture. He was so tall and broad and you had to stop thinking of him like that. At least for right now. 
    "I'll take a look at it tonight," you replied as he smiled, "good girl." 
    The praise sent another shiver down your spine as you watched him lick his bottom lip, he knew what he was doing to you, was this a test? 
    "Let's have dinner tomorrow, same time, different place? You can ask any questions you have pertaining to the contract, how's that sound?" You nodded your head again as Steve spoke. 
    "That sounds good." You told him with a smile as he extended his hand for you to take, he helped you up before his arms were around your waist again, lips against yours before his hands travelled down to your ass. 
    "Good girl, maybe this time you can skip the panties?" He purrs against your neck, his lips already nipping at your exposed collarbones as you feel him stiffen against your hip. You gasp, nodding your head, "o-okay." 
    "Okay who?" Steve eggs, "o-okay, Daddy," you whisper, biting your lip as he slowly rocks your hips against his. 
    You're just able to get your hand on the outline of his cock as his intercom buzzes, "Mr. Rogers, your one-thirty is here, should I send him in?" A woman's voice interrupts the two of you as Steve groans, rolling his eyes. 
    He hits a button on his desk harshly, "give me five minutes." 
    You reluctantly step away from him, taking in the bulge in his pants, wet lips, and slightly mused hair. 
    "I'm sorry Princess, Daddy's gotta work," he winked, readjusting himself as you gave him a small pout. He cooed at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "don't pout, if you're good maybe you'll get a surprise or two tonight." Steve promises as your eyes light up at his words.  
    "Now be a good girl, okay?" He says, giving your bum a pinch as he leads your out of his office, pressing the button on his elevator. 
    "Stop at the front desk on your way out and pick up your access key, okay? And text me when you get home, the car's out front for you." Steve says as you nod, clutching the contract tightly in your hands. 
    He presses a chaste kiss to your cheek before the elevator doors close leaving you alone to your thoughts. 
    You sat in your dimly illuminated kitchen, Netflix playing softly in the background as a cooling cup of tea was at your side. The contract was in front of you as you tapped your pen against it. 
    Clause 1.0: You will attend all events asked by Steve Rogers assuming he gives you enough time in advance. 
    That seemed fair, not like you were about to turn down anymore fancy dinners or a trip to the Alps. 
    Clause 2.0: In return, Steve Rogers will take care of and pay all bills. Any extra cash needed will be provided. 
    2.1: A credit card with a limit will be available at any time
    You stared at the words, it almost seemed too good to be true. You'd struggled with money nearly all your life and for Steve to just take all those troubles away? 
    Clause 3.0: This is a monogamous, exclusive relationship where no third party shall be involved unless each party involved agrees. 
    No problem there. 
    Clause 4.0: Transportation and housing will be provided through Steve Rogers. 
    As your eyes scanned through each clause you felt yourself getting antsy, wanting to see Steve again as you chewed on your lip. 
    You got to the final clause, skimming it over. 
    Clause 10.0: You are to refer to Steve Rogers as Daddy unless specified otherwise. 
    Your stomach flipped, thighs burning as you longed to feel the weight of his cock between your legs. You wanted to sign the damn thing right then and there, but you capped the pen, sliding the contract up the table before hopping into the shower. 
    Tomorrow would be interesting. 
    Steve had chosen an equally fancy restaurant, you expected nothing less as you walked through the glass doors, led to the table where Steve was waiting for you, phone to his ear as he caught sight of you. 
    You were wearing the only form fitting dress you owned, but it clung to you like a second skin and you could see his eyes darken as he cut whoever was on the phone by hanging up on them without a second thought. 
    "Christ, Princess," he groaned in your ear as he enveloped you, "you tryin' to give me a heart attack?" He smirked, taking your head and letting you spin around as you giggled. 
    "Only the best for you, Daddy." You purred, watching as his jaw clenched. You slid into the seat, Steve climbing in beside you in the booth before his hand was instinctively on your thigh. 
    Two menus are placed in front of you, the waiter pouring two glasses of water as you skim through the pages. 
    "I have something for you," you whisper, grabbing the folded contract out of your purse, handing it to Steve as he looks at you darkly. 
    He looks through it, noting the signature as he shoves it into his blazer pocket. 
    "It's all official now, Princess," he purrs, tilting your chin upwards with his index finger so you're looking up at him. You can feel the heat coming off of his body, the warmth of his finger under your chin causes you to shiver as his lips hover over yours, "meet me in the bathrooms in three minutes." 
    With that, Steve slipped out of the booth and gave you one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing from sight. Your heart was racing, nearly beating out of your chest as you tapped your fingers on the table before deciding fuck it and slinking away to the bathroom. 
    Steve was leaning against the wall, foot against the wall as he cocked his head to the side. 
    "There's my best girl," he said, extending his hand before pushing you both through the threshold of the toilets. 
    The door was locked seconds later, Steve whipping around to pin you against the sinks. 
    "Princess do you have any idea how hard it's been to keep my mind off of you? When I've had you writhing under me, my cock deep inside of you as I fucked you senseless?" His words were a low growl in your ear as you gasped. 
    "Daddy, fuck, I-I need you." You mewled, pouting and nearly begging him up you looked up at him through your lashes. 
    "Love hearin' you beg for my cock, Princess." He growls, hand snaking behind your neck as he kisses you roughly. It's teeth and tongue as he nips at your lower lip, tugging it before he's shoving his thick thigh between your legs. 
    You gasp at the contact, his hard flesh meeting your core as jolts of electricity run through you. You can barely keep your eyes open as his mouth is sucking right below your ear, his coarse beard tickling at your skin. 
    "Grind yourself over my thigh, Princess. Wanna watch as you ride it." He whispers darkly into your ear. You're shamelessly grinding yourself over his thigh as his hands go to palm your breasts through your dress. 
    It feels quick and dirty, but it's exactly what you need. 
    "Fuck, Daddy, want your cock." You whimper before he's stopping all movements to grab your chin and force you to look up at him. 
    "Oh is my dumb baby already so desperate for my cock, hmm? Then get on your knees and open that pretty mouth of yours." It's a simple command, your breath getting caught in your throat as you're pushed down onto the cool tiling of the bathroom floor. 
    You watch as he undoes his belt, bulge meeting your eyes before he's freeing his cock. 
    "Go on, Princess. Put that sweet mouth of yours to work," he purrs, running his thumb over your bottom lip as you wrap your hand around his base. 
    You pump him slowly, eyes watching him as he lets out a low groan, throwing his head back when you wrap your lips around his tip. 
    You can taste the salty pre-cum as you take him further, slowly relaxing your throat before hollowing your cheeks as you bob your head. 
    "Oh fuck—what a good little girl, look so pretty with Daddy's cock in your mouth Princess." He praises, your arousal growing as you feel your panties get wetter as you take him further. 
    Steve's gripping the edge of the counter as he lets his head fall forward. Your saliva coats his cock, your hands, and your chin as you moan around him. Steve's low grunts and groans fill the echoey bathroom before he's pulling his cock out of your mouth. 
    "Up. Now." And there's a sense of urgency in his voice that you've never heard before. 
    You do as you're told, Steve lifting you onto the counter and hiking your dress up, sneering when he finds you wearing panties. 
    "What did I tell you about panties, Princess?" It's a condescending tone as your head falls forward. He's pinching each cheek with his fingers as he makes you look up at him.
    "Good girls get rewards," he speaks, "but bad, bratty girls don't get to cum." He growls, ripping your panties off as you squeak. 
    He's plunging his cock into you seconds later, the action causing your body to jolt upwards. Steve is merciless in his thrusts as he keeps your body locked with his, your legs wrapped around his torso as he clamps his hand around your mouth to keep you quiet. 
    "My dumb little baby, couldn't even listen to simple instructions," he grunts, "God your pussy feels so good wrapped 'round me, Princess."
    You can feel the coil starting to form, the pressure building as your toes curl inside of your shoes and you want nothing more than to chant more, more, more. 
    "I know you wanna cum, baby, I can feel you squeezin' me," he whispers huskily, a dark smirk on his lips. 
    "If only you had listened to your Daddy," he almost snickers as he pulls out, fisting his cock until he's painting your thighs with his cum. It makes you shudder, watching him cum, feeling him cum, as he makes you watch. 
    He's breathing heavy, panting nearly as he drops his hand and kisses each cheek lightly before sealing his lips over yours. 
    "Let's get you all cleaned up, Sweetheart." Steve's tone has changed, now sweet and caring as he takes care of the mess he's made. You let, relishing in the gentle touches before he's helping you down from the sink and back onto your feet. 
    You pout when you meet his eyes again and he taps your nose, "don't give me that look, Princess." He warms playfully before you're making a hmph sound that makes him chuckle. 
    "How about I take you back to mine, we'll order in tonight, though what I want a taste of isn't exactly on anyone's menu."
tagging // @jennmurawski13​ | @nakedrogers​ | @vollzeitliebe​ | @kelbabyblue​ | @jevans2​ | @babyyhoneyydarling​ | @rogerslovesstark​  
any and all feedback is always appreciated! <3
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andcontemplation · 2 years
This one’s for @multi-fandom-and-thoughts​, inspired by an old discussion (like, really old, I’m sorry this took so long to post) about the song Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot.
Hawkins, Summer 1979
She had a bit of a mean streak. Not always, just lately... ever since he got back from New York. The last four years in particular had changed the Joyce he knew it seemed. 
No. It wasn’t time that changed her -- It was Lonnie. Her husband made her that way. He  put that chip on her shoulder. 
Sometimes Hopper could even see a side of Lonnie surface in Joyce, bubbling up like toxic waste underneath her usually pleasant demeanor. It was the way she snapped her gum at him. An ignorant look. How she picked at him sometimes, just looking for a fight. Lonnie had ingrained himself in her over the years, hiding just below the surface of the once happy, bubbly Joyce. It made Hopper sick to think how it might’ve been avoided if he just stayed all those years ago. 
So much could’ve been avoided...
Joyce was there when he woke up that late afternoon; when he couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning in the heat. Funny she’d show up now, considering the dreams of her he’d been fighting all damn morning.
She was waiting for him by the back steps of his trailer, hidden from the view of the driveway and road beyond. The green Pinto was parked back there too, tucked under the yawning branches of the maple, out of view from the main road. A precaution she had started taking ever since the spring, when they almost got caught. Lord knows what Lonnie would do if he ever found out she’d been coming around this whole time...
In his night-shift induced sleep haze, Hopper watched her closely from his bedroom window as he pulled his pants on and tried to find a clean shirt. It looked like she'd gotten dressed up to come see him, wearing the tight, faded bell bottom jeans he liked on her -- the ones that looked like they were made just for her, and a low cut top. Her long hair was tied back loose over one shoulder, tumbling down in messy chestnut waves. Overlooking the lake, she was leaning against the rail smoking and he wondered then how long she'd been there, waiting for him. The look on her face told him she was in a mood and he prepared himself for it when he stepped outside.
But contrary to expectations, her face lit up like Christmas lights when he slid the glass door open and joined her on the deck.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, clearing his throat, trying to hide the sleep from his voice.
"Thought I'd drop by. Say hi." She gave him a little half shrug and flashed him a flirty smile. 
Hopper looked her up and down but was quick about it when normally he would have stopped to admire her petite frame and the way those jeans clung to the curve of her hips. 
"Hi,” he said. “You look nice."
 ”Thanks,” she replied, rolling her eyes and fighting the blush creeping up on her cheeks. "I picked up a shift at the Hideaway. Lonnie has a little debt owed to Sal. Lucky me, he volunteered my next ten weekends there without asking."
Hopper felt his heart sink despite himself.
"A little debt, huh?"
The thought of Joyce having to work off a gambling debt for Lonnie, and all the sleazy men at the bar who would no doubt be making a pass with her looking fast like that… it made his blood boil. He couldn't understand how a husband could just throw his wife to the wolves like that. 
"It's just hours worked. I get to keep my tips. And since Lonnie's freezing me out…" she trailed off. “At least I’ll make more there than Melvald’s.”
There was a merry go round conversation he didn't want to have again. Lonnie and his money were often quickly parted, despite his young family and their simple, basic needs.
"Damnit, Joyce I told you if you need help-"
He brought his lighter to the end of the cigarette but the damn thing wouldn't work. He shook it angrily and tried again, finally getting it to light in a flash of orange flame.
"And I told you I don't want your money, Hop." Joyce cut through his smoke with her hand. “You already helped so much with the boys… Sending them to camp with their friends? There's no way I can repay you for that in this lifetime.”
Then she took the cigarette from him and took a puff, watching his reaction..
"I don't need repayment," Hopper reiterated. He wondered how many more times he could reassure her. "That was a gift. They’re good kids. And they deserved the summer away from… this place." 
"Well, I think you still deserve something for your gallant gesture." 
Joyce smiled wide and she reached for the belt loops on his jeans, her fingers dancing softly against his hips. He pulled away, just a bit and took his cigarette back.
"I don't want that either. We're square okay? It was just helping a friend out." His eyes leveled with hers. "You don't owe me anything. I don't owe you anything. Capiche?"
Joyce's face clouded over and she pulled her hand away.
"Don't be mad." Hopper said, his voice low and quiet. He didn't want to start a fight.
"I'm not mad," she said, clearly looking for one. “I just don’t believe you.”
Darkness flashed across her face and he readied himself, but instead of the usual outburst he was expecting, Joyce grew quiet and her lips pressed tight together. Hopper had only ever seen her like this once before and as he recalled, it ended badly. The maddest she'd ever been with him was like ripples on the water and it made him so uneasy when she simmered like this. He didn't know how to handle it, so he just changed the subject.
"Do you want me to rustle something up before you have to go?"
"I didn't come here for you to make me dinner," she said petulantly, crossing her arms in front of her chest and turning towards him.
"Then what are you here for?" 
"It’s so hot,” she blurted out, looking out over the little lake in his backyard. “I thought I’d go for a quick dip before work… If that’s ok with you, friend?”
She held his gaze and didn’t wait for his response. Her hand moved to her top button on the blouse, working it open easily. Then she moved down to the next and another. The message he was getting was loud and clear and despite her behavior and his hesitations, he felt his body respond. First the blouse was gone, draped over the railing. The jeans followed soon after.
Under the hot August sun slowly dipping in the endless blue, sinking toward the treeline, he watched her undress for him and wondered how he could be so lucky and so fucking cursed at the same time.
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