WILLIAM M. GRANGER jr; 31. mechanic. artist. brother. uncle. need something shot? hit my instagram @grangerphotography cause i'm an addict for making - bad - choices| devil on my shoulder. i've been hearing |[ BAD VOICES ; ]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
"Yeah, like that." He softly sighed, "I'm sorry for saying that, I don't know why I said it. If I'm honest here, you'd probably should be more worried about me trying to do some shit like that before you." Liam's mind worked a little differently than most, it was also for this reason why it was a good thing no one could read his mind. "No argument here." He probably deserved another few weeks of the silent treatment, but they both knew that was only going to end one way. Unless Liam wanted to be ignored, or simply didn't care, you couldn't and wouldn't succeed. "You're right." And he stopped right there. He could've added more, his pride told him to. But it was just excuses at this point, and there was no denying the ending result.
"I didn't walk out in hopes of you chasing me, Amelia. I just -- I don't know." He responded honestly, "But that's fair." Liam nodded as she told him what was up, holding his hands up in defeat, "You can leave when you want to leave." He promised once again.
It was awkward, silent, at first. He didn't really know where to begin, and just like the angel she was, Amelia would start the conversation. The question wasn't one he cared for, but at least she spoke. "I'm fine." He replied, before glancing over at her, "The real question is how are you? How are you feeling?" He asked, "Are you craving anything in particular?"
“Like the fact that you think I tried to trap you, yeah you could have voiced you had work.” She was still bitter about the fact that he would even think that she would try and trap him with a child nonetheless. It was more hurt than anger that he thought that and she hoped he would eventually realize that this was definitely not something planned. “You deserved a hell of a lot worse than that but you better be right, Liam.” She knew he wasn’t his dad and would be there but right now she didn’t really feel that way. “But you did, Liam. You walked out on me when I so desperately needed you to stay.”
“You’re not worthy of my time right now. I told you if you walk out, I’m not coming after you,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. It would take time for her to get over what happened but she knew eventually she would. “No, we can take your car but the moment I want to leave you better drive me back here, Liam. I’m not kidding.” Amelia moved to his truck and quickly climbed into the passenger seat, putting on her seat belt. Once they started to drive, she glanced over at him with a soft sigh leaving her lips. “How have you been?” She should at least ask because even though her anger and hurt was there, she still cared about him and his feelings.
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Liam made his way into her apartment, hands shoved deep in his pockets, and silent. He'd eventually find himself a seat in front of the counter, watching as Aiyla began to pour their much needed drinks. "Uh, lets see -- I got my girlfriend pregnant, then accused her of trying to trap me." He recalled, "Even though, I'm more the one who'd try to trap her. And then I walked out because I had to be at this bar gig I picked up, didn't really tell her that. But I didn't walk out before, you know, she told me I was free and I didn't need to worry about her or the baby. So, now, I'm pretty sure she thinks I walked out on her and the kid. The kid has barely began to boil yet, and I'm already pulling a William Granger SR." He rambled, "You think that shit is hereditary? Being a shit dad? Shit, both my parents sucked ass. So, it'd be a double whammy."
He found that he just continued to ramble, aware himself that half the shit he was saying didn't make all that much sense. But he also never thought he'd be a dad. He was good with his siblings, with his nephew, but his own kid? Another child to add to the Granger clan? Shit -- what the fuck was he thinking.
It wasn't uncommon for Liam to just appear at Aiyla's doorstep without a moment's warning, but what was uncommon was the expression upon his face. He was usually cheery and with a trick up his sleeve, but the man stood before Aiyla felt deflated and hesitant. She frowned softly, offering Liam a silent invitation as she stepped aside so he could come in. Immediately, she grabbed a bottle of hard liqueur and two glasses. "What's happened?" Aiyla pressed as she poured themselves a drink, no doubt she would need one too after his confession. If she knew one thing about Liam, it was that he didn't possess this level of caution very often, which must have meant something was wrong.
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JACOB ELORDI as Bobby Falls He Went That Way (2023) dir. Jeffrey Darling
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"You're right." He admitted, with a firm nod, "I could've at least voiced that part, it's not like I had a problem voicing other stuff." That was usually his M.O, he never could voice the truly important stuff. He clenched his jaw at her remark, his nostrils flaring, "Fine, you can have that one. I deserved that, but I'm not my dad, Amelia." Shit, he had given up quite a bit in his life already to prove that. When she spoke again, he found himself internally cringing. That was not at all what he meant, or was trying to say. "I don't want to walk out on you, Amelia."
When she agreed, he felt a slight relief, but he knew that this could still go south, and fast. He followed slowly behind her, "Really know how to make someone feel worthy of your time." He muttered, "Yes, I'm driving, are we going to do this like a Tinder meet up? Or can we take one car?" He asked, nudging his head towards his car, "I promise I'm not going to hold you against your will, or some shit."
Amelia rolled her eyes. “Not like you communicated that to me which would have been better than just leaving but you couldn’t even give me that decency.” Would she still have been mad? Yeah but it wouldn’t have been for the fact that he walked out without a word. She didn’t know what he thought, his true feelings, or whether or not he would be back. And she was done chasing him after he left; she wouldn’t do it. “Could have fooled me. That’s exactly what he does.” She knew it was a low blow to compare him to his father but damn if it didn’t feel that way. “Glad to know you won’t walk out on them but you’ll walk out on me.”
As much as she wanted to fight and yell, she didn’t have it in her. She was already exhausted from her day at work and this was the exact opposite of what she needed right now but she was going to just roll with it. “Better to get this out of the way,” she replied. “You driving to dinner?” She asked, before she found herself walking to her car to throw her bags and stuff inside. “You’re just lucky that I’m hungry right now.”
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Liam found himself tossing and turning in his own bed. The mattress suddenly uncomfortable, and the emptiness of the other side hitting him harder than he'd like. He had texted Amelia, but she hadn't gotten back to him. Not that he blamed her, he probably wouldn't have gotten back to him either. Staring up at the ceiling of his room, he expel a heavy sigh. In the same instance, his phone would ding at a notification of a text. Jumping up, he'd grab it, hoping it was Amelia, but slightly defeated when he saw it was Georgie.
They hadn't spoken in months, it seemed like now. He knew she was still alive, and that was all that really mattered to him. Whatever she wanted, it could wait til tomorrow. He wouldn't be surprised if it was another drunken text. But before he could sit the phone down, his facial recognition would register on the screen, unlocking the phone and therefore, the message behind the pay wall.
He'd sit straight up as the code word stared back at him, "Fuck." He muttered, as he saw that she pinned her location.
( iMessage 📲 Georgie ) you're kidding right?
He'd hit send, but realize quickly that the message was never delivered. Either she had blocked him, or her phone died. Money was on her phone died. "Goddamn it, Georgie." He hissed, as he threw the blanket off him, and sat on the edge of the bed. He attempted to call her, only for the call to go straight to voicemail. Staring down at his phone, he knew he had two options. He could ignore her, like he had been doing, and hope she was fine. Or he could go to the location on his phone, and make sure she was. He sat there for a moment longer, his head telling him it wasn't his problem anymore, while the many years of friendship and care told him he needed to go. "Fuck!" He shouted as he pushed off the bed, and hurried to get dressed.
He'd raced towards the location she had sent him, many different scenarios running through his mind. But this had been his part in her life for so long, haven't it? He was the one that came to the rescue, and he was the one who cleaned up her messes. Which made him sure that whatever he was about to walk into was going to be another mess. Killing the engine in front of a run down bar, Liam shook his head, "For a rich girl, who refuses to wear anything but heels, and must always have your hair in place, you really do pick some of the trashiest fucking places." He mumbled to himself as he threw the door open, and headed towards the front door. The sound of commotion behind the door bought something primal out of Liam, as he stormed his way into the shit hole, "What the fuck is going on?!"
WHO: @grangerliam WHERE: Some No Name Bar Outside of Covington
Despite having drank nearly her weight in whiskey and the hours that had passed since the fight she'd had with her mother, Georgie could still feel the sting of the slap on her cheek.
It hadn't been a hard hit- and Georgie could see the regret in her mother's eyes as she'd turned on her heels and stormed out of the kitchen and further into the gilded cage the Abhrams called home. However, the physical contact still hurt. Physically. Emotionally. Which was why the usually vivacious blonde got into her car and simply drove. She drove until her gas light came on and then pulled into a bar in the middle of nowhere, practically on autopilot as she sat down on a stool in between two men who's stares only caused her order to go from a double to a triple.
Two hours, a game of pool, and a line dance on top of the bar later and Georgie, even in her now inebriated state, knew something was off. She couldn't find her car keys and the two men from before were the only ones left in the bar with her. Somehow even the bartender had disappeared when she wasn't looking. So her plan was to settle her tab with whatever cash she had on hand, get in her car and lock the doors while she waited for an Uber to come and get her. She'd go back to Ozan's place, probably. Or Neslihan's. Or the Yoon's. All she knew was that she wasn't going back home. However, when she went back to the bar she found her keys missing and her wallet empty. Shit.
Georgie's unsteady legs carried her outside as quickly as they could manage, eyes scanning the nearly empty and badly lit parking lot for her Audi, but it was gone. Pulling her phone out with the intention of ordering an Uber and then calling the police, the red battery icon in the corner read 1%, causing the inebriated blonde to let out a low hiss of annoyance. Change of plans.
( iMessage 📲 willy🍆iam ) → mongoose ( iMessage 📲 willy🍆iam ) →📍
Despite not having seen or spoken to Liam in person in weeks and despite his valiant attempt at ending their friendship for good, Georgie had faith that he'd show up for her. She had to. And with that thought in the back of her mind, that the man who'd always been her very own knight in shining armor was coming to rescue her, she stormed back into the bar with a newfound (and ill advised) confidence as her phone died. "Who the fuck stole my car?!"
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Did he expect her to be calm and easy going about this? No, he definitely didn't. That wasn't the Amelia he knew and was fucking crazy over. That didn't change the fact, however, that his jaw ticked at the way she responded. Staring at her, the awkwardness he felt moments before faded into annoyance. "I walked out because I had a job to be at, not because I was taking you up on your generous offer." He spit out, "I really don't know who you think I am, but who the fuck I am not is my father." He reminded her, "Yeah, my initial reaction suck, I apologize for that, but if you think I'm walking out on this kid; you're in for a hell of time, sweetheart."
"I want to talk, depending on if you want to yell or have a civil conversation will determine rather we have that conversation in public." He explained, "If you're not ready for that right now, that's fine. I'll slink back to my little hell hole for a few more days. But I'm here, rather you like it or not."
The night that Liam walked away from her when she desperately needed him was the moment that she had decided she was done. She loved him but right now she couldn’t stand the thought of him. They had hurt each other many times but this was a new low even for him. She knew he was processing his feelings but so was she. She was the one that had to deal with the ever changing hormones coursing through her veins that she was sure was driving her crazy. The one thing that she knew how to do was compartmentalize and that included throwing herself into work.
Amelia had only taken on a few new clients so that she didn’t find herself too stressed. She had back to back meetings and was glad when the last client she had for the day had left. Grabbing her belongings, she headed out the building and to her car when Liam popped out. Seeing him physically hurt her. Her chest tightened, her stomach in knots at the sight of his face, his voice - his everything. “Oh now you want to talk?” She asked, not really looking for an answer. “I told you when you walked out, you’re off the hook so what the hell do you want?” She crossed her arms across her chest as she finally looked up at him.
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TO: @robertsameliax
LOCATION: Outside of Perry Mason Law
Liam haven't seen or really spoken to Amelia since the night he walked out of her apartment. In all honestly, that was probably the lowest and most birth righted thing he had ever done. But it wasn't necessarily because he wanted to, he had a job to be at, and remaining in her presences would've probably made matters worse. Mainly because he was truly just saying anything at that point. He accused her of trying to trap him, which after the fact, was a truly hilarious notion. Because if anyone would attempt to trap the other, it was Liam. Instead of waiting at her apartment, he had made the decision to wait outside her office. He wasn't 100% sure she'd be there, but he figured he'd give it a try. His decision would be proven smart the second he saw her exit the building. Slowly walking up to her, he pressed his lips into a flat smile, "Hey--" He greeted, shoving his hands into his pockets, as he rocked back on his heels, "You haven't really been picking up the phone. Which, I mean, is fair." There was a small pause, before a sigh, "If you're not busy, I'd like to talk. Maybe get some food? My treat." He suggested, his eyes falling upon hers, "Please."
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TO: @ahalyaxreddy
LOCATION: Outside Urban Harvest
Liam's eyes immediately fell upon Ahalya, who was standing near her car. Without much warning, Liam would appear just before her, plopping himself against the side of the hood, "So, do you remember when I'd work here, and like I'd show up late, and you and your dad would be like 'where the hell have you been?' And usually it involved me being out all night, usually with some girl?" He began, taking absolutely no breathes in between sentences as he rambled on. "And your dad would joke about how I'd give him a grandkid before you, and you'd roll your eyes and be like 'he'll probably end up with some nasty incurable disease first'?" Liam dark hues fell upon her features, lacking their usual mischief, "Yeah, well -- if you and your dad made a bet on that, I'd like to inform you that you now owe him."
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"I think about it every day, and tell myself that one day I'll do it." Liam commented, "Run away. That is. You'd think it'd be easy, but here I am. In the flesh." He cocked a brow at the brunette, "So, you're telling me you're not scared, then?" He questioned, "So, does this mean that whatever idea I have you're going to go for it?" Liam knew better than that, and of course, she would always have the choice to back out. But what fun would this be if he didn't add a little peer pressure. "Exactly." He nodded, a devious smile spreading across his features at her question. "Lets say that was on the agenda, would you do it?"
"I aim to please always," she told him proudly when he said that her story made her the coolest fucking person he'd ever met. It was high praise especially coming from Liam and she had to laugh at his question though. "Unfortunately at this stage in life--I don't think I'd do well in the wild, but the urge to run away and never come back--sometimes is quite strong." Kaira said all of this with a smile but really it was the truth. If given the chance to disappear and never look back, maybe she'd do it one day. When she asked him about his story and he gave her that vague answer she had to narrow her eyes before nodding, "c'mon--do you think I'm scared? I'd love to be part of this crime--makes me feel slightly dangerous," she grinned at him before chuckling at his response to her question. "Alright alright--that's true, I did know what I was signing up for so I'm sure our friendship will be fine...any more hints about this adventure?" When he asked her about planes, she let out a soft sigh before glancing back his way. "Are you going to make me jump out of one?" | @grangerliam
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LIAM: it was, i'm very proud. LIAM: over my dead body. LIAM: great... because i'm outside your door.
Liam pressed sent on the last message just as he turned the corner into Aiyla's apartment building. His mind racing a million miles per hour as her recalled every memory from the last few days. The sudden change of life news that he still found himself struggling to comprehend. Not that he should, he was more then aware of how something like this happened. Once the door swung open, the normally cheerful Liam wasn't the one that greeted the brunette. There was no devious plan for the night, or worry for the woman to regret opening the door. Well -- at least, not in the usual sense. He forced a smile at his friend, "Hey -- so, uh, I think I may have fucked up." He began, then shaking his head, "No, I, uh, I definitely fucked up." He awkwardly chuckled, "You got something good to drink?" @aiylademirci
AIYLA: it was pretty bold of me wasn't it? AIYLA: your charm freaks me out, stop it AIYLA: i'm always free for you <3
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28, 32, 42, 46
28. What is the most common lie your muse tells themselves?
That he is unlovable, and that he wouldn't be good for anyone long term. He thinks he's worse news than he actually is most days. Basically that the idea of putting someone through him would be misery for that person. And funnily enough, this only seems to be in romantic love. He's a kick ass friend, and he terms to know that. But also, everyone's replaceable, and just because someone says they love you to your face, doesn't mean they're not holding a knife behind their back.
32. How does your muse feel about crocs?
He loves them, thinks they're very comfortable, and doesn't care that most think they're ugly. Crocs are his slippers.
42. Does your muse reply to scary chain emails/messages?
No. He does not. The man literally does scary shit on the daily. Shit that would and could kill him long before some cursed email could. Plus, he laughs because his life is pretty much cursed as is. A little too late.
46. What is your muse’s first thought upon waking up?
Since this man will and has fallen asleep just about anywhere, and doesn't usually find himself in his own bed. Its usually a matter of wanting to know where the fuck he is when he comes to.
#( x. | answered. )#( x. | headcanons. )#/the way i shouted NO in my head at the crocs question bc i do not like. while liam laughs bc he do.
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50 oddly specific headcanon asks.
Send me a number! (some slightly nsfw) || specify muse if needed
How does your muse feel about seafood?
What is their favorite piece of technology?
When did they lose their virginity?
Was their anything their parents pushed them to do? (e.g. sports, theatre, band)
Describe your muse’s worst nightmare.
What is a deal-breaker when it comes to dating someone?
What was the most embarrassing moment in your muse’s life?
What keeps your muse up at night?
What chronic illnesses does your muse have, if any?
Does your muse get carsick?
Does your muse wear glasses/contacts?
What are some warning signs that your muse is getting depressed?
What is your muse’s favorite candy?
Does your muse have a “victory song” and if so, what is it?
Who do they tend to bicker with the most?
Has your muse ever been hospitalized or institutionalized?
Does your muse pray, whether it be to a god or some other force?
Has your muse ever lived in poverty?
Do they have any distinct voice mannerisms? (e.g. saying ‘like’ or ‘um’ a lot, stutters)
Where are your muse’s ancestors from? Do they keep any of their traditions?
When did your muse learn about sex?
What is your muse most thankful for?
What shoe size is your muse?
Does your muse hate their middle name? \ What is it?
How many hours a day do they spend on the internet/watching TV?
Does your muse have any trophies?
If your muse was given the opportunity to go sky diving, would they?
What is the most common lie your muse tells themselves?
Has your muse ever had a pet? If so, what type?
Who was your muse’s first kiss?
What is your muse’s first memory?
How does your muse feel about crocs?
What are your muse’s biggest pet peeves?
What was your muse’s happiest birthday?
Does your muse cross their legs/ankles when they sit?
What simple task is your muse surprisingly bad at?
Did your muse ever own a Tamagatchi?
What was your muses’s first job?
Does your muse usually go for truth or dare?
Has your muse ever been to a concert?
What is your muse’s favorite holiday?
Does your muse reply to scary chain emails/messages?
Describe the first person your muse remembers losing.
Would your muse ever roleplay?
What is your muse’s Hogwarts house?
What is your muse’s first thought upon waking up?
Name a song your muse can sing every word to.
Who would your muse sacrifice themselves for, if anybody?
How long is your muse’s penis? || What bra size is your muse?
If your muse could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?
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"I still want to be in touch with my younger self, which is everything that I am. I don’t want to look at everything from the outside. I want to be in it. I want to see it all from my eyes.”
JACOB ELORDI Brisbane, Queensland, Australia — 26th June, 1997
#( x. | look at the camera. )#the fact he a cancer.#and also my brother's fucking age#and also the way 1997 still makes me feel like we're talking about some fucking teenager and not an almost 30 year old.#im sick.
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I’m… I’m sorry, Felix, but no one wants to sit next to fucking Oliver. Why not? ‘Cause he’s a scholarship boy who buys his clothes from Oxfam. Harsh. That’s so harsh. You’re such a snob.
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"You wouldn't be able to claim that whole big brother thing rightfully if it wasn't." Liam commented, more than aware that the title could almost reflect a second father if one wasn't fortunate enough to miss that bullet. Jeremy and himself had not been. When he asked if he had another cigarette, Liam simply nodded, before pulling the pack out of his pocket. Taking one out, he'd hand it over to the man, followed by the lighter. Some would be surprised to learn that smoking was nothing Liam's most deathly habit. Therefore, he found it to be the lesser of two evils.
He puffed on the bud one last time before smearing it into the top panel of the bench. Once it was out, he tossed it behind him, before his attention found Jeremy once again, "Do it." He responded, "He'd be even more pissed when he gets out, but what's that shit about tough love?" Liam questioned if that was really a thing, but each to their own. "Shit, I remember Nic left me and Vince in lockup for two days before she came to bail us out. And then told us we were lucky she didn't just let them keep us." He rolled his eyes, his big sister really did deserve the world. Which was why he was more then okay with setting into the guardian role completely now so that she could do whatever it was that she wanted. "We could, but knowing my brothers -- they'd somehow find a way to pay me back for that. I don't know if I can take the risk." He chuckled, shaking his head.
Blue eyes rolled to the sky as his head half shook, "you know that's my greatest talent." Then his chin lowered and his gaze met Liam's, "one might even think that was my sole purpose for existing." Jeremy stepped loser and curled half his outstretched hand at a man who could easily relate to him. "Got another one of those?" Smoking wasn't something he engaged in often, unless it was that rolled up sweet may jane variety, but he figured he could use the aid in calming down after the adrenaline spike.
"I sure as fuck hope not," he shook his head, laugh damn near humorless as he lowered his large frame to sit near Liam, "but if that fucker ends up in jail I might just let him sit there a while." Tired of this shit, he was. There was a bruise on his chest the size of Derek's fist to only contribute to how done he was with all these fights and blowups. "Damn, maybe we should call the mayor," Jeremy joked, this time the little grin was real, "put in a curfew request. There's some hooligans on the loose."
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"I don't believe I'm missing shit, so --" He chuckled, forever one not to understand people's obsession behind coffee. But each to their own, he just knew he would be getting his caffeine intake elsewhere. He rolled his eyes as Sarai made her comment, "Right? Who would've thought?" Very few, in all honestly, while Liam had a lot of girl friends, he never really had a girlfriend. Amelia had always been the closest he came to that, and over ten years later; he guessed she could finally hold the title rightfully. Why she even wanted it, would be a mystery to him for the rest of time. "I am being nice to her!" He assured, "I mean, she might want to punch me from time to time, but I am very nice to her." A hell of a lot more nicer then he was when he was 17 that was for sure. "I'll be there with bells, don't be surprised if he wants to come home with me after this. Cats love me."
"I just call it like I see it, Sarai." He responded with a shrug, "You're giving very quitter behavior right now. I'm ashamed to be witness to it." Nothing in his tone suggested anything other then him simply just teasing her. He looked up at her, a cocky smirk on his features, as his brow rose, "Shit -- you caught me." He said, "Something about it just does something to me." He looked back down at his small meal before him, "You want some juice for your blog, say less-- but I'll give you one chance to back out of this now. Afterwards, I take no responsibility for the scars I leave you with."
“You don’t know what you’re missing, my friend.” Sarai shook her head—unable to imagine a life without coffee. "Ooooh... Look at little Liam making plans with girls." She teased, unable to resist giving him a hard time. While she was happy for him, she couldn't pass up the opportunity to poke fun. "You better be nice to her, Liam. I'm not kidding. She's a good person, and I adore her, so be good." Amelia was tough as nails, but every girl had a vulnerable side, and knowing the two’s history together, she didn’t want her friend to experience yet another heartbreak. “Alright, let’s do tomorrow. Whenever you’re free, come on over.”
“Hey, who are you to call me a quitter? I’m trying to save myself here.” The man was like seven feet tall or something, and although she wasn’t dainty by any means, he still towered over her. Who the hell wanted to get hurt from kicking someone’s tall behind? “Unless…” She allowed the word to trail off, “you get off on letting pretty women go all dominatrix on you. That’s it, isn’t it? That’s your kink? Come on, you can be candid with me, I’m not going to tell anyone,” the next part was uttered under her breath, “just everyone following my blog.” If she didn’t see him as a great friend, she would never imagine teasing him this way. But Liam was like a brother to her. A very tall, giant of a brother.
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Liam shrugged when she questioned him about her mom and brother. "Jameson talked, your mother yelled." He explained, "Though, I guess Allie starting it didn't help the matters." It was the first time Liam really realized that his sister was in pain. Normally he was so focused on her acting out, and falling into dangerous patterns, afraid that her genetics already had her fucked. But it seemed to be more then that, she may have been the baby, but that didn't mean she didn't experience her own trauma that came with the Granger name. Add in the fact that the boy she thought she loved didn't stay for her and Axel, or that her best friend in the whole world got caught up in some messy shit. Only to have her family blame it on her, because, well -- they were the south side trash. The Carters knew nothing about how bad family could truly be. Between them, and the Grangers, they won the jackpot in that department.
When Dior told him she wasn't here to fight, and then apologized, Liam found that his eye would twitch. His jaw tightened, before he bowed his head down, bringing his hand to his forehead and rubbed his temples in frustration. The sleep exhaustion wasn't helping the situation. He had no intention to reply, at least, not yet. But it would be when she continued to add words, words he found rather humorous, that he found he couldn't hold back his own. Dropping his hand, his head flew up, "I know you?" He questioned, "You see, the Dior I knew, would've at least shot me a text telling me what was up. The Dior I knew, who's apparently standing before me, telling me that she knows its not my fault or my family's, wouldn't have ghosted me for fucking months like I was some walking talking fucking plague." He stated, "And the Carter family I thought I knew wouldn't have turned against me and my family at the first real sign of trouble. Shit, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that if yall thought we we were such diseased ridden trash, why even bother to act like you cared, but hey--" He shrugged, "I guess that just shows you never really know anyone." That was a lesson Liam had long learned, though. "I'm sorry to hear about Elora." He added, sincerely, his tone soft, before it grew hard again, "You might want to leave, would hate for you to succumb to the same misfortune because you got a little too close. I missed my last disease control meeting."
Dior swallowed hard. Definitely not a terrible reaction after the last few months. She knew that she hadn't stood by Liam when she had to. But everything Elora had been such a whirlwind. When it happened, Dior had felt so lost herself. She'd been helping her sister as much as she could, had made it her life's mission to simply be there for her, to help her in any way that she could. Dior had never told anyone, she never would, but she felt like she'd lost a part of herself the night that Elora overdosed.
A part of herself that she wondered if she would ever find again. Worry showed up all over her features when Liam mentioned her mother and brother though, clearly surprised. "Jameson and my mom talked to you?" Dior didn't have to ask what it was about, it was written all over Liam's face. She also knew how her parents felt about the Granger's lately.
She shook her head and took a deep breath. "I'm not here to fight you, Liam." She began, frowning back at him. "Look, I'm sorry, okay?" There was no other word to use. She knew that he expected more of her, honestly, Dior expected more of herself. She prided herself in being fair, in giving people chances. But this was different, this was her family and as much as she knew Liam and his family had nothing to do with this, the idea of upsetting her family during such hard times was incredibly stressful.
"Whatever they said, you know I don't think that way. You know me, I would never." She sighed loudly, trying to explain herself as best as she could. "We almost lost her, Liam. No one is thinking clearly and I know it's just an excuse, but it's the truth."
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