#and i just cant not go cause these gatherings are very important to him
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wolfsrainrules · 1 year ago
Stares off into the distance:
Apparently my brain is just going to run along with various crossovers. Today, I bring you the thought of a John Wick fusion au (actually five differnet ones) with Batman/DC. (Again: a reminder that all my DC/Batman knowledge is fandom based)
@north-peach hellllppppp
Couple of thoughts for this.
The First: Janet Drake is one of the underworld's best. She's fantastic at manipulation and killing. She could walk herself out of a situation covered in blood, and convince people who saw it all happen that she never touched the body.
Tim grows up at her knee. He learns for the very best. And Janet teaches him everything she can- because despite the job and the crazy hours, and the travel, she loves her son. She wants to give him every opportunity to make it out alive from anything. Unharmed and not in trouble if possible, but alive most of all.
John Wick is a ghost story to the underworld. Tim has always been curious about people who could cause such a stir as his mother or John Wick might. When he meets him, he decides that man is Friend Shaped despite every sign saying Do Not. Despite every horror story saying it's a bad plan. (Much as he will later look at a story in a city of a cryptid said to be a manifestation of a city, a demon, a physical representation of all those who have died unavenged and decide the same)
More than that- John has ZERO idea how to handle Tim. He's a k i d. John's not gonna kill him for just...showing up all the time. It's not like he interferes or causes problems. In fact, he helps sometimes. Provides info, or a direction, a place to crash-
Tim confuses John.
Tim is also the very first to congratulate him, when he manages to get out of the underworld for Helen and mean it. To not even question the 'impossibility' of the Baba Yaga deciding he was done. John didn't bother to ask how Tim knew he'd left and why before the news actually broke out.
Tim watching John get out, go for it and SUCCEED is what gives him the courage to confess to his mother that he wanted to spend some time outside of the underworld, watching the curious case of Batman and Gotham. And Janet loves her son. So she arranges for it to be so.
They both know who Bruce Wayne is. Janet had figured it out before even Tim. She makes him promise that, if he needs her, he will call her, and lets him hunker in Gotham while he does what he wishes. She makes some trips back to Gotham, of course, but not so many that enemies can figure out there's someone important to her there. Janet is THE Femme Fatale. She has plenty of people who would go after her boy. And she's not having that.
Tim doesn't actually PLAN to get involved in vigilante life. At all. He's underworld born and bred. He's a survivor, manipulative, and can be a level of cunning and cold and ambitious that always makes his mother so so proud. He's not a do-right kind of person. He's not someone who does things for people outside of "me and mine" without a reason. Or if it goes against his moral code.
Except Jason Todd becomes one of "Me and Mine". He's a friend. A nosy vigilante who sees that his friend is alone and sets off his instincts as dangerous yes, but also as 'not a civilian' in a conventional sense. He's not a street rat, but he's not...normal either. And Tim? Tim, once he decides this Robin is his Robin, well he can't very well leave him undefended doing this ALONE can he? Though he understands by working with Robin, he cant use the tried and true methods of murder, as it could get pinned to Robin or Batman and he can't have that. If he wants to fly with Jason, he needs to fly by his rules. So a new vigilante is born that runs the streets with Robin. A little more vicious but in a cold and precise manner. Exacting. He doesn't let Jason go after his mother without doing the information gathering, and stops his death by Joker.
For a time, Tim finds himself pulled into the Wayne family, and he...thrives with them. He's happy. He learns under them. Expands his skillset, and still sent out to learn from people around the world. He is NOT fool enough to turn that away- his mother would somehow KNOW wherever she was if he turned down that kind of opportunity and he did not want to imagine the disappointment and response. NO THANK YOU.
When the underworld is kicked like a hornets' nest by John Wick coming back into the fold, Tim is...curious. He's kept an eye on John and Helen, if not stayed in direct and constant contact with them. He hadn't expected John to step foot back into the underworld.
And then his mother sends word to him, calls him back to the Continental, warns that the underworld is getting REALLY kicked up as a result. Tim...needs to go. He cannot imagine NOT answering his mother.
He arranges things on the Gotham end. Says temporary goodbyes and gets to the NY branch asap. Beats his mother there.
Makes it just in time to see John Wick pull a gun on Continental Grounds and shoot a newly crowned seat at the Table and is caught up in the chaos.
His family are going to end UP in the chaos themselves, because they will not cannot leave Tim in it alone. The connections Tim has are MUCH a surprise, he's done very well in hiding exactly what he used to do, and WHY he has a contact and hand in everything, and can ALWAYS get his family what they need. The Second: Tim Drake still grows up at Janet's knee. He learns it all. Thrives in it all. He ends up NOT going down the road of hitman or assassin or any number of things he could have done. Instead Tim Drake chooses to be a Information Broker that claims Gotham eventually, and by means of getting taken in by Bruce, the Wayne Manor and grounds around it become neutral grounds much like the Continental, if you want Tim's services to remain open to you. If you pull the underworld onto the ground...well. Just because Tim goes by Bruce's rules, and just because he PREFERS the route of nonviolence does not in any way mean he would not kill to protect it. To prove a point. To make a statement. To allow one to get away with it is to allow danger to his family and he WILL NOT, no matter that they all are perfectly capable of defending themselves. The Underworld is entirely different than their villains. To not kill the offender is to open themselves to weakness and targets. So Tim WILL.
Gotham is not Wayne Manor. The City is fair game to the underworld. Wayne Manor is NOT.
The Third:
Janet raises her boy at her knee still. Tim chooses the route of Doctor instead. He sets up in Gotham, and decides he likes the foolish vigilantes enough to step in when it's needed and save their lives. He becomes known to the Batfam as a Doc that will not ask questions, but is absolutely one of the most capable people they've seen. If Leslie isn't available, or not close enough, they go to Tim, if Tim doesn't find them, because he certainly seems to know when they need it.
The Batfam does sometimes find him having dealt with Some Things underworld involved so they are WORRIED about their idiot, despite the fact that Tim can and will Wreck everyone that causes problems in his area. He has also shown up stripping off blood covered scrub tops or whatever cause hes coming in hot from another healing thing, and they all wonder and worry and just- it's fine. Everything is fine.
They worry anyway.
Despite the fact that Tim has friends seemingly everywhere, from all walks of life, favors all over, and connections to seemingly everything as a result of his work. (He has absolutely been offered favors as payment, hits, assassinations and all sorts of things. He never turns them away. Janet taught him better. Instead he has markers and logs, books and written promises all stacked away. He remembers them all of course, but better to have written proof somewhere, something official. The Continental holds it for him.
The Fourth:
Gotham HAS a Continental Hotel due to all of its.....everything. Janet Drake runs it. Tim knows EVERYONE and everything, and has absolutely run the counter often. Bruce doesn't know what it is. Ra's absolutely does. Tim is the next to take over the branch and EVERYONE knows it.
He ends up occasionally, when people step on his morals, providing information to the Bat.
Jason managed to find his way inside by accident, and may or may not get himself heavily involved in the underworld even BEFORE the Red Hood thing.
The Fifth:
Same concept as 4 except BRUCE WAYNE runs the Continental and the ripples of everything therein.
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thealmightyemprex · 26 days ago
Sci Fi Month :50's vs 80's The Thing
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So part of Sci Fi Month this year ,I wanna do an experiment where I look at the 80s Sci Fi Remake Quartet
The 50's was the rise of science fiction as a genre ,and lead to many classic films,and especially loved by kids and by the 80's these kids had grown up and decided to put new spins on the ideas.
Now remakes get a bad rap,but the Sci Fi remakes of this period are gnerallly considered some of the best remakes ever.
So what I want to do is look at both the original films and the remakes ,so your kind of getting two reviews in one
Starting off we get one of the big 3 Sci Fi claasics of 51 (ALong with When Worlds Collide and The Day The Earth Stood Still being the others ) and a loving remake done by the legendary genre filmmaker John Carpenter :The Thing from Another World and The Thing
Plot of both movies:At snowy research facility an alien creature is running amuck
So its kind of facinating cause the legacy of these two films has actually shifted .The Thing From Another World was considered a capital C Classic,produced by the legendary Howard Hawkes with that signature Hawkes flare (NOT DIRECTED ,PRODUCED .Christain Nybie directed the film,not Hawkes ) ,a great bit of science fiction horror while the remake was seen as gorey trash .....And then in the last 40 years it shifted ,where the remake is now seen as a masterpiece and one of the greats of horror cinema and barely anyone talks about the original ,or does it dismissively though it still has fans (My dad is a fan )
Now Ive seen both films multiple times(4 times in full for the 51 film,probabbly 5 times for 82 film ) ,and for this rewatch I watched them back to back to really gather my thoughts
My thoughts on 51 films.....Is that I wish I loved it but I dont .Now Ive grown to like it and I think its a very important film ....Its just not one of my favorites
What I like about it is theres some really good subtle humor,mainly surrounding the reporter Scotty that is legit funny,specifically one scene where the Thing attacks .I also like the chemistry between Margaret Sheriden and Kenneth Toby is charming as hell and Kenneth Toby is a really solid leading man .I also like Robert Conthwaites performance as the antagonistic mad scientist .....I despise the character but I'll get into that.I will also say there is a little nuance with the fact the soldiers are going agaisnt orders .I also honestly like the Thing itself ,played by the towering James Arness (Who I am happy to know went on to a sucessful TV career playing Matt Dillon in Gunsmoke and stars in one of my favorite 50's Sci Fi flicks ,Them! ),he's an affectively scary monster I feel.I think making him a blood drinking plant is neat idea and I think its kind of neat you dont get a good look at him....That said -
I have 3 big issues with the film,that while there are some good scary scenes with the Thing ,It doesnt fell like its prsence matters cause theres a big problem I have with Howard Hawkes films.....the protagonists tend to be too macho for my tastes ,like to the point they arent allowed to get properly scared .Now again Hawkes only produced but he was hands on and Nybie admitted to doing the film in Hawkes style.....And my problem is......I dont like Hawkes style ,the overlapping dialogue is neat but hard to follow ,the pro macho military stuff is eye roll worthy and....Hoo Boy....I hated the villainous scientist but not in the way Im supposed to.I like the performance buuuuuuuuuuutttttt his writing is obnoxious and frustrating an over the top characture of an obassed to ludicrus extremes scientists
SO yeah I like but have issues with the 51 film.....so how do I feel about the 82 film
My thoughts on the 82 film.....are its damn good .There are folks who swear by it as the greatest horror fim ever made and John Carpenters masterpiece and while I cant go THAT Far ....Its still pretty fucking great
Alot of my love comes down to the fact I just love the ensamble .Im actually baffled older critics bashed the characterization cause I think the cast are all very solid ,not only having a dynamic lead in the form of the usually reliable Kurt Russell ,but you also get Wilford Brimley playing crazy marvelously ,Richard Mauser who is great at playing the enigmatic dog keeper ,and you get the debut performance of one of my favorite actors Kieth David,not that you can tell its his first movie cause his film persona is fully formed!.And the cast is littered with great performances .I also think the Thing itself is scarier here ,a shapeshifter who can ssimilate anyone .Not only do you get a lot of very gooey gorey effects ,wonderfully created by Rob Bottin (Who exhausted himself so much they had to bring in Stan Winston to do the dog monster )....But the film is drenched in dread and paranoia ...To the point it kind of breaks movie rules.Theres a lot of unanswered questions .....And it actually makes the film better .Like the hero at one point kills an innocent guy to show how and paranoid everyone is .I know Christain Nybie criticised the down ending but homestly for me it is one of the monst perfect movie endings ever
Soooooooooooo yeah I think the Thing 1982 is the better film .I do reccomend people watch both though
Please share your oppinions as well
@countesspetofi @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @the-blue-fairie
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9
@filmcityworld1 @princesssarisa @florals-cardigan
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changbinsboobs · 3 months ago
thank you for a very in depth response! i totally got what you meant its like he cant alter his actions to be as he wants which is the opposite of how he really is, phew that was a mouthful but yeah i can totally see him being on way when he wants another thing entirely to be different for him.
i wonder then does he find idol lifestyle quite lonely? he seems generally insecure and i think the members know this but still nitpick at him for varied things u mentioned awhile ago he has an explosive personality do u think thatll affect his chances of having a healthy lasting relationshio / his own family? i mean if hes been an idol for so long and lets even the smallest things bother or affect him yknow how hurt people hurt others im just saying hes got to kinda get some thick skin eventually. otherwise it might not be for him even tho his heart wants kids i dont think he'd be mentally well enough just yet. idk i could be exagerating but i look at some idols and think if they arent in a relationship are they on the more toxic side of things? cause people really like to paint idol as being innocent
just look at how blinks overreacted to something they dont know nothing about and witch hunted some random guy because they assumed he was rose's ex. i dont know if a normal person would be able to handle such a thing if they were to date changbin theyd have to also have a certain level of wealth and popularity already because otherwise they have to adjust to changbins lifestyle and that sounds quite messy in and of itself
Omg i had this in my draft and forgot to finish it. So...
For his explosive personality question - i think it just really depends on the person he's with. For example me? I don't mind people with explosive personalities, i myself am like that. What i mind tho is the idol life. Someone else might be the exact opposite of me. And yk at the end of the day love & attachment play a big role.
And if considering his energy alltogether in relation to long term relationships i don't even think that explosiveness will really be a problem for him there - rather than that i think his high & even unrealistic expectation will be a major problem. Him idolizing his partner and putting them on a pedestal. Expecting perfection from them cuz thats how they are in his head. And we all know theres no perfection in this life, so.... Another thing i think will be a problem is his nagging. I see him not being able to easily let go of things, since he is so deep in his perception, i think one problem would have to be talked iver and over again and he wouldn't be able to easily let go of something that hurt or angered him cuz it has to be resolved from the roots, not just superficially. Like whatever happens, i roots deep in his system and it would have to take a very experienced, psychologically, emotionally aware person that excels in communication & has the will and patience to deal with him to actually work through problems. Now mind you this isn't something confirmed by tarot, but rather my own take on the clues I've gathered from readings & observation.
In short - he has his flaws of course, like all of us, but i think he is a person thats introspective and ready to listen, work on himself and improve. He also looks like someone who isn't afraid to invest effort & and time when he thinks its worth it. And i think thats a very important thing for everyone!
I don't think once he finds his person he'll have many struggles within himself or even within the relationship. I believe struggles will come more from the outside than from inside.
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httpiastri · 8 months ago
im the BIGGEST mclaren fan and oscar fan in the world ever and i dont even have the energy to celebrate oscar's first win (yes bc of the fucked up way mclaren did it but wtv not getting into that) bc of how devastated i am about paul. i just want to give him the biggest hug in the world and tell him its ok and that we all still love him. i hope he knows how much support he has and that making mistakes is ok, its only his rookie season no one expects him to be schumacher or senna or whoever, we just want you to be a happy paul aron :(
seeing him banging his head and looking out into the distance after the crash omfg i will jump off a cliff i swear. hes so hard on himself and i was legit sobbing thinking about how much harder he is on himself (probably) this year after what happened w merc and prema. he deserves so much more omg. the fact that kimi ended up winning the race just made me think of the lacy edits too and omfg i cannot. i love kimi dont get me wrong but what are the chances that paul's win became kimi's instead? i js cant.
and dont get me started on that fucking penalty. he already dnf'd i don't understand the point of them punishing him any further did u not see how mad he was at himself?? fuck you fia fuck. you. cz WHY WHAT WAS THE REASON??? i feel like ive never seen them do that to a driver, usually they cause a collision and dnf they just get time penalties but a TEN PLACE GRID PENALTY?? FOR THE NEXT RACE?? THIS LATE IN THE SEASON?? it just seems SO unfair and so harsh. not agreeing w the grid penalties at all esp when the driver alr suffered from their mistakes but the crash w maloney fine i can kind of understand, but ollie's? sorry but i didnt even see them crash that hard? (or was i half asleep? idk i js literally do not remember seeing it) seriously tho wtf.
i hope his friends, family and team gave him the biggest hug ever. he'll come back stronger ik it! we'll get thru this u guys:(
paul nation family group hug 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
this is very valid :(( it wouldve been easier to celebrate if it had been better with the team and whatever, but now it was so easily overshadowed by everything that happened in f2 and i just 😶
to me, most of my pain is based on (just like u said) the fact that i think he's hard on himself, and wants to prove so much after everything that has happened. i just hope he sees the reality; that he's doing super well, in his rookie season nonetheless, and we're all so proud of him. mistakes is okay, shit happens, even max verstappen made a bunch of mistakes yesterday!!
i didnt wanna look at the clips of him in the car nor hear his radio (ive seen the screenshot of him admitting that it was his fault tho) and i saw the clip of him after getting out of the car and i just...... nope. and esp w kimi winning aaaa it made me so happy but-
god i dont understand the penalties like. yes he made a mistake but zane was also going very very slow (on the slower tyres also) so it was hard for him to tell what zane was going to do. like these things happen within even a fraction of a second and you need to trust your instinct and sometimes it doesn't work out? like obvs i cant compare it to any personal experiences in racing but in my own sport i know the feeling of getting a bad pass etc, and something tiny can mess up the entire timing and feeling and everything? so zane just going slower makes a lot of difference :// it's not common that they do this but ive seen it sometimes but this is just so.... gAH!! esp with the thing with ollie because they didn't even show it, so it can't have been THAT important, right?? so stupid
pls everyone gather around for a group hug! with paul in the middle bcs he deserves all of the love!!!!!!! <3<3<3
(oh and just so you know. "we just want you to be a happy paul aron :("........... you actually broke me with that one, i hope you're happy that im crying bcs of you 😭)
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handbagman · 2 years ago
may I hear about the lore to your ocs (you don’t have to answer this but I just think your ocs r cool)
thank you 4 asking herws a braindump from what i can rmemebr 😭😭
charlie is a cloud god and his son mariel is a little water dude abd also the prince . charlies eye is also Fucked up(cause of stupid grandpa lore LMDAOOO) and its so like. dense i guess(????) that half of his body is slowly disintegrating. he gets help from A Doctor but doesnt actually pay attention cause of the disintegration so he just gets his medicine and never takes it. after a while of not taking the medicine he doesnt notice anything wrong until He starts Rapidly Disintegrating
okay hes not Rapidly rapidly disintegrating hes just getting fucjed up faster so he calls a cool company over to give him a body guard and his bodyguard is a guy named sirius vega (who is. importabt later LMFAOOO)
when he still has a bit of him left sirius (<- guy for later) literally has to give him like. 40 million stardust (<- important later) pills a day just so that he could stay conscious (<- ALSO IMPORTANT LATER)
when he gets rapidly disintegrated the only surviving parts arw the side of his body with the eye so he just lost his left brain left arm most of his heart his leg its like that one tiktok audio where its like "his leg got turned inside out" LMFOAOAO the reason he isnt dead is because of the jackload of stardust (<- still important) he had to take
sirius starts having to watcg mariel and keep charlie in check . problem is that sirius also has basic (not-human) needs and sleeps as well so whenever he sleeps charlie goes like "oh its time to get silly" and then starts grabbing people from Down Below (the planet below has other kinds of people) for experiments and also killing them 😭
mariel hears all this shit and as a little like. 14 year old (damn i never said his age) he goes in to investigate (when charlies not there) . when he sees all the deadbodies and Very Sad People hes like "NAHHHH" and runs out the room .
charlie is about to enter the room when that happens so hes just like "damn bro 🤣 wanna help" and mariels like "DAD WHAT THE FUCK" and charlies like "🤣🤣🤣🤣"
their house castle thing is coincidentally on the Edge of the Highest level of cloud so mariel just runs out the house (sirius still sleeping like a boat engine LNFOJAOA) and Jumps off and charlie watches like "damn ☹️"
the next day while charlies getting in a argument wirh sirius "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE" "BRO HE JUMPED OFF" "HE WHAT???" mariels on The Planet.
on the planet theres 2 other types of dudes the fire and the plant dudes (long story short he doesnt actually know much about these guys other than whatever he got in school and the last thing he remembers is The torture room so he doesnt think about it). mariels about to make the third kind on Complete accident
LONG LONG LONG story short stardust gives life to people theres cool star guys that live in space that dont actually kill people by heat and stardust is like dandruff to them so it just gets Everywhere and everyone has Some stardust in them
EXTRA LONG STORY SHORT water people (from the clouds) are made from fish. how are the fish made? idk 😭 when water people evaporate (grow up) the fish slowly die and they turn into cloud people . since mariel is Not in the clouds his ass is NOT gonna evaporate for a while
AANNNYYYWAAAYYYYSSS jesus christ okay so mariel starts crying over the river when he sees that he cant live the rest of his life as a little fish guy and fish have started gathering around him and when he cries theres Little Bits of his Stardust in the tears so when they hit the water the fish (that are already alive) come alive as well (cause now. the water is alive(???))
the fish are like "what the fuck is rhis what happened" and mariels like "AHHHHHH AHHHHHHH AHHHHHH" cause hes like 14 and all tjat Other Stuff
the fish cant go back into the water and because theyre all like. 2% mariel (the stardust) (like skim milk!) they vaguely understand the world around them . and considering The World Around Them for 100% of mariels life was living in a little castle with a king in a monarchy thats what the water people start making with mariel as their leader
fastforward like 5 years the waterpeople kingdom shit were doing. alright. not horrible. they started making their own water people and stuff very fun. mariel didnt really do much (cause he didnt need to do anything) and nobody actually attacked each other cause most the fish beef was with the fish personally and not the water people themselves
what mariel Doesnt know is that his dad was actively trying to find his ass in the last 5 years . when he got in that argument with sirius (sirius got forced to stay in the castle with him) (+ felt like he had to so that charlie doesnt kill anyone else) sirius was like "TELL HIM YOU'RE SORRY FOR SHOWING HIM DEAD PEOPLE OR SOMETHING??? WHAT THE FUCK????" and charlie was like "oh but i have to find him to do that" and sirius was like "ohhh my god GO FIND HIM THEN"
his dad Finally found him with a cool ass telescope and was like "hmmmm yes. maybe when i say sorry i can also tell him to come home"
charlie doesnt actually Know what hes apologizing for but he gets sirius to go sneak in there and give a envelope to some guy that passed it over to mariel and mariel was like ".Well."
charlie actually was gonna apologize and he even made a Cool Lightning Bolt to do it
sirius was still on the planet so he kind of just. watched from a distance as mariel went over to this hill
charlie wanted to be Dramatique with that shit so he was gonna shoot a lightning bolt down before he came down
problem is 1. shooting lightning is hard 2. he only has 1 (VERY BLURRY) eye to see out of 3. hes fuckinf stupid
so. mariel gets there. and charlie Shoots the lightning bolt Right At His Arm and Demolishes it Entirely
sirius is obviouslt panickinf now cause hes like ">,9!,]@0?@0" got out his hiding spot to try and help and mariel is just laying there like the familg guy death pose
sirius gets over to his dead body and is like "😭" (<- literallt he starts crying)
1. sirius is the doctor from before thats how he knew how to help-ish with the meds
2. he got kicked off the doctor team for wanting to Actually Help Peoplw
3. he was a Very Good Doctor so people actually requested for him before he got fired
4. he got shot in the head by said doctor team but still lived + multitude of other injuries
5. he lived because Hes not actually fully cloud
- His ass is actually a star guy covered in cloud skin. Long long long story short this star person was beefing with some other star person and lost So Fucking Bad that they defied the laws of. space i guess and fell onto the planet below. as soon as the star person fell they got attacked and i guess some cloud guy had a Very sharp spear so it cut a small piece of the star off
- that small piece of star is sirius, whos stardust slowly brought the cloud ground (cause they live on clouds. cause theyre cloud people) alive and wrapped himself in it
- the very large piece of star Still doesnt know what happened
- random fact but stars in space have 1 set form but stars in any place with gravity can get as big or small as they want . the star person 100% couldve killed everyone on the cloud land they just Didnt Know where it was or what they were doing
-said star person lives under the top layer of cloud and (yeah it filters in light and rain LMFAOO) helped mariel get on the planet withoit him dying
6. also sirius is trans the reason charlie didnt properly recognize him is cause doctor him was pre transition
7. whenever sirius feels Very Lots of Emotion he starts "bleeding" (literal liquid star starts leaking) from every cut in his body + his eyes
when mariel got hit with lightning it also fucked up BOTH his eyes (made them the same thing his dad has)
since starDUST brings people to life and sirius is a Literal Star Wrapped in a Cloud Coat (not like he knows that) when he cried he cried Over tje body and his liquid star stuff brought mariel straight back to life but it also fucked him up heavily
long story short sirius runs away from the castle Properly, mariel rips his cloud eyes out ans abandons his water dudes out of panic + blindness and charlie is now fixated on getting his son back
there is. more. but i have to go now so if anyone actually read this fsr and read rhe entire (i didnt count how many woeds it is) thing Thank You LMFAOOO
doesnt really matter though cause i dont even talk about my ocs rhat much on here
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piratefishmama · 2 years ago
The only issue is, it's one of those campaigns.
It's one of the campaigns that has the party rolling their eyes and groaning in deep misery when the OBVIOUS Steve NPC is described from head to toe in painfully obvious clarity, especially because they all know he'll have some kind of importance, he'll be useful in some way, and Eddie's own personal characters, will constantly be flirting with him in some shape or form.
Yeah, even the villain characters.
They'll mention his looks, they'll compliment his muscles, his strength, his daring, they'll openly marvel over the feats of bravery he daringly launches himself into.
Yep. Even the villain characters.
Eleven picked a good one to throw Steve into, because he's just. There. In this fantasy land mindscape, his real body passed out in his room, in his bed at home, his mind stuck there having to follow this ragtag bunch of weird little dudes wishing he'd paid a little more attention to Dustin when he was ranting about D&D cause he's pretty sure the pointy eared ones are Elves, and the small one that kind of reminds him of Dustin... is dwarf socially acceptable? Is that their actual names?
He doesnt know.
Anyway, he's following this weird little party, words put into his mouth that help them along so he doesnt mind that sometimes the words don't actually sound like something he'd ever say, he survives all the fights, is flirted with by pretty much all the random characters along the way which... y'know, it's not bad, definitely an ego boost since he'd been having a bit of a dry spell lately, but...
They do all kind of remind him of a certain someone.
Even the weird obviously evil guy in the pointy hat that keeps popping up and randomly proclaiming that "no matter how handsome your guide may be, no matter how strong, and i can tell he's strong, yep very strong--those muscles--what was i saying?---" which honestly Steve would have laughed at if he wasnt in the zone. (read: forced into stasis until his turn to 'act' came)
And then there's the obvious one.
The Bard.
They meet him in a tavern in some town that Steve couldn't pronounce and didnt want to butcher it in an attempt to try. Steve, leaning against a wall close by the Party's rowdy attention getting table because 'Sir Stephan of Harring Town' only leaned. He looked prettier when he leaned apparently, he never sat down, had to wonder how his legs werent aching yet. Fantasy magic maybe.
The Bard is singing his songs, playing to his audience, gathering coin from anyone willing to part with it, and then he spots The Party.
Or rather, he spots Steve. Because what self respecting charmer would go after a table of rowdy elves, sorcerers, and Dwarves when they could go after the hot knight (Paladin??? God Steve had no idea)
The bard is...
Okay, it's basically Eddie. Down to the slim waist, pretty brown curls, and the big brown doe eyes that really put truth to the idea that the eyes were the windows to the soul, those eyes held everything.
Robin had been right that one time, watching those big doe eyes break? Torture. Total, complete, and utter torture.
He could excuse the others. He could make up excuses, could reason with this weird dreamscape he's somehow cooked up cause surely he must be dreaming -and if he is dreaming it's a sign he's spending way too much time with the kids- the villains, the random people he's never met, the weird side characters, all of them flirting with him or fawning over him but this one.
The Bard.
He cant excuse the bard. It's Eddie. Right down to his rings and his perfectly plush lips. He can't make excuses for how the bard sidles up, flits around the table playfully ribbing each party member as he goes, before settling beside him to strike up a conversation that's made up of mostly come ons with a spattering of information about where they (meaning the party) ought to be going next while the party talk amongst themselves.
He cant make excuses for how he leans in, how while usually his words arent his own, now, in that moment, he could speak, he could make the bard swoon, playful and suggestive in his own words as if his dream was finally giving him time to talk.
He had no idea that it was because somewhere out there, Eddie had set it up for the bard to have engaged in conversation with the party's guide, no guidelines for what they were talking about, the bard was simply spending time with an NPC while the Party took their time to make a choice on their next action.
He'd almost managed to coax the little shit into sneaking out of there, when the Bard suddenly returned to his actual role of information giver and shit stirrer, when Steve finally caught sight of her.
In her own clothes, standing in the middle of the little tavern, the people around her ignoring her as if she werent even there, she stood there, expression deadpan, arms crossed over her chest.
"This... isnt a dream, is it?" He'd hazard a guess.
"This is Eddie's current campaign happening at the Cabin. Please tell me you finally understand how he feels? There have been more than enough things here to show you so far and there would be more if i were to leave you here." Uhm. yep. yep he got it. but--
"You shouldnt meddle like this, Eleven, I could react any way to this information, i could be angry or worse! It's dangero--"
"You like him. It is obvious." Yikes. Was it? Or was that just Eleven being brutal again? "Now you know he feels the same. Do something about it. We're all exhausted."
And then he woke up. No chance to argue. Didn't even get a chance to warn the Party that the Bard was absolutely unintentionally sending them into a for sure trap set up by the evil flirty wizard. How did he know that information pray tell?
Dont ask him, he didn't have the foggiest. It was just in his brain. Much like the fact that Eddie liked him. which. awesome. great. fantastic.
One problem however: How the fuck was he supposed to know how to ask out a guy?!
Steve getting literally STUCK in one of Eddie's campaigns.
Like. Actual normal Steve isekai'd into one of Eddie's campaigns.
Maybe by El, who was tired of them dancing around each other like, "i'm going to help him see." Cause Eddie keeps making bard characters that flirt heavily with the 'Steve' NPCs or couple NPCs that are basically Eddie and Steve just being painfully obvious, but Steve is blind to it and El has had enough.
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rat-lurker · 1 year ago
alrighty im gonna rant about an oc ive been neglecting artwork wise since i created him, Mango
Gun and death mention warning (nothing too detailed)
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While I havent drawn him since i created him back in 2020, he is one of my most developed ocs, for being such a 1 off without any thought behind him.
I created him first at school, getting the idea from a flower in my biology book. I cant really remember why I felt like I needed to created an oc based on the flower, or why I specifically created a flower dragon, but that was when he was born. I digitalized him later at home, with the above ref being what I created.
He first started off as non important, i wanted to sell him since I didn't really have an idea for him. He ofc didn't sell (I wasn't that good at art/designing, and the community I was in was more interested in furries than reptiles), so I tried again, making a story with him, Mira and my most beloved oc at the time, Malvin.
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And that is what started him off. In the story, he appears near the end of the story, taking interest in the other 2. He introduces himself the same way they introduced each other, carving his name into the bark of a tree. While the other 2 were just confused about the creature in front of them, Mango was startled by noises that seemed to be coming towards them. He quickly pulled the seed on the tip of his tail off and buried it. As he patted the soil above the seed down, he was shoot by the humans that were chasing the other 2 previously, dying. While Malvin proceeded to mourn, shaking Mango to wake him up, Mira went to attack the humans, getting shoot in the wing. Malvin had enough, he took off his mask, and the humans collapsed. After a couple more minutes of trying to wake Mango up, the ground where Mango had buried the seed started to rise, and out came a smaller version of Mango, reborn.
And that's basically all the backstory Mango got. Ive since updated information about him in general; mainly regarding his species.
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Now this is where the development mostly is. Mango is part of a species i made up called flower dragons, dragon like lizards that are made of fruit flesh, their key aspect, being able to be reborn. As shown in both Mango's backstory and the image above, flower dragons are able to be reborn as long as the seed on the tip of their tail is planted into soil. After a bit, the dragon will reform, tho as they go back to being a baby after being reborn, they are very vulnerable due to not having their new seed yet.
Best part about all this? The species is basically extinct in the world Mango is in, with him being the only member alive at the time of his appearance in the story. Luckily for him, flower dragons reproduce asexually, collecting the pollen of other flowers onto their wings. After they gathered enough pollen, pulling off a wing (removing the wings does not hurt) and planting it into the ground will cause a new flower dragon to be born. A flower dragon due to this also rarely look like their parent, as the appearance of the dragon is determined based on the pollen collected previously.
Thanks to this, Mango has increased the population by 3. He'd probably have made more progress if he wasn't so killable.
Anyway that's my rant about Mango over for now. Ill probably talk about him more if I ever make a dedicated post about Malvin. Im also probably gonna finally make him and Mira a new ref, Malvin has gotten 2 new refs, despite all 3 being created around the same time,,
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divetodistraction · 5 years ago
How can u get away from seeing your best friend self destruct with a toxic relationship he had just gotten rid of without being a bad friend?
I’m a loss for words, I can’t even get out of social gatherings now, I don’t want this..................................................................víbora tu find out I don’t like her, even more i dont want him to notice, i just cant watch this charade guys i just can’t
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shigayokagayama · 2 years ago
I think one of my only nit picks about Mob Psycho is I do wish there was a moment Mob voiced his opinion on Teru. I feel like the story does a good job at getting across how he feels about Ritsu and Reigen but not really him?
Like, i wouldn’t consider them super close or anything. And I feel like you can def gather an idea of how Mob feels about him (generally a good friend who’s also very helpful, perhaps even a similar “admiration” he has to Ritsu where Ritsu has a lot going for him academic wise and Teru is someone popular with girls and has a confident attitude) but I guess I just wanted a little more of his own thoughts? I’m not sure how to put it but I think about how in the guidebook he has a lot to say of Ritsu and Reigen but for Teru he’s like “he has a good fashion sense”
Obviously a big part of Mob’s character is he doesn’t speak his own opinion a lot and the story hides his direct thoughts a lot and it makes him interesting as the story asks you to try to understand him and what he’s thinking and who he is.
But there’s a layer to their relationship that I thought was really interesting and I guess I wish it came to light more?
Both are important to their respective development being the first psychics either have met. Their relationship is focused on the idea of strength but also a wake up call to living in reality. Teru has to accept living a life with more then his psychic powers despite hating that part of himself and Mob has to accept that he can’t just suppress his psychic powers forever and that they’ll always be a part of him no matter how much he hates it.
I think there’s something super compelling about someone seeing you at your lowest or what you see as your worst or perhaps they bring out the worst in you but your relationship with that person. And sometimes its easier to do that with people youre not super close to because showing your flaws to the people you hold really dear to you is hard and you’re so scared of disappointing them. I get reminded of that idea
I do think it’s there it’s just subtle and I love subtle! I think Teru himself is a subtle character in a lot of ways.
I wanted to know someone else’s thoughts on this though or what they think of their dynamic cause it’s on my mind sometimes sugwusbwj
oh i totally agree with you their relationship kind of fascinates me. i believe i remember reading an interview where one said that if mob wanted advice for stuff dealing with his powers he'd probably go to teru but dont quote me on that bc i dont actually remember where that comes from.
im so glad we got confirmation that they still hang out afterwards and just seem to both be physically incapable of making the first move ("you should invite me to hang out more" INVITE HIM YOURSELF TERU!!! MY GOD.) because the ending of the manga left it sorta ambiguous and the idea of teru drifting apart from the singular friend who he has an actual emotional connection with has been haunting me since i first finished the manga. like, i know he does hang out with the awakening lab kids and presumably teru and the spirits and such gang sometimes, but those are all people whove only known the teru that is working on bettering himself and considering how adverse teru seems to the idea of getting help (see him rushing into every situation on his own and getting his ass kicked) i cant imagine any of their conversations would ever turn to the problems hes had in the past and the problems hes currently dealing with. i mean, reigen only knows about terus parents because he was in the room when teru explained his situation to mob.
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they just feel superfluous to me?
they dont really add anything to the plot beyond being giving a reason why salem wanted the maiden powers: because with the maidens, she could get the super important magical relics and those existed because of the brother gods.
which like, okay. the version of them in volume 4 is fine; its not that original of a concept but your story doesnt have to be totally unique to be good. it seemed to be setting up a path of light (ozpin and the elder brother) vs a path of dark (salem and the younger brother) which would give a fairly aimless show some structural foundation, and could lead to an interesting twist that builds on the foreshadowing of ozpin being shady.
theres also some cool ideas to build on from that where the line between "light and dark" isnt necessary where the line between moral and immoral is.
i like that the younger brother seems more themed as destruction and the elder as creation because those are morally neutral acts at base, and despite being antonyms or one another, theres a very thin line between them. and i mostly like their characterisation in volume 4 even if its quite shallow. plus, the cave-art-esque animation style for them is very cool.
in volume 5, they become unbearable and this is where they really start feeling superfluous to me.
i actually like their characterisation this volume; the way they play with ozmas life like hes a puppet and the curse of salems immortality is really good from the standpoint of cruel and uncaring gods. the kind whose worship is closer to racketeering than any religious practice. the brothers literally massacre an entire world just because maybe a 100 humans tried to hurt them; theyre in good running with like any greek god.
the problem is that they are very much framed as if they are in the right. like im not gonna go bat for salem here because home girl did some fucked up shit, but the brother gods are not at all the good guys.
theyre presented as if they are the morally correct ones and that salem had ruined the paradise that humans used to get to live in, and that they have proved that they can be trusted to make a morally correct choice when the relics are gathered. to which i would argue:
past-remnant being a paradise is debatable. the fact that the human set up was feudalism but with magic is half the argument itself.
the two of them treated like a yo-yo with the resurrection routine which could probably cause ptsd by itself. the punishment salem received was unjustly harsh and i guess her only viable solution was begging them for mercy. all of humanity (apart from salem) was wiped out because some people were mean to them. younger bro also broke the moon because fuck it, we ball, i guess. the elder brother decides to give ozma the job of uniting all of humanity, and decides not to help him by idk killing salem or even just explaining what happened to him, or not spawning him in mid-fight. theres also the pretty horrific way that oz respawns like he just takes over some guy who now just gets no free will because fuck him in particular.
he also decided not to do anything about what the humans were doing to the faunus? like, okay, youve wiped your hands clean with humanity but what did the faunus do to you?
its really weird to frame these fuckers as being in the right. theyre not. salem is, also, not in the right, but in her defense, she didnt massacre literally everyone on the planet because they shot some arrows at her.
again, i would be fine with this take on the gods if they were framed as morally grey figures. but theyre not, theyre painted as the rightful rulers who had to abandon their creation because one lady was fucking stuff up. and we're supposed to just accept this and cheer on the heroes as they stop salem from getting the relics, but like, no. these guys are horrible and beating me over the head with the morally correct framing just makes them unbearable.
and also, they arent crucial parts of the plot that cant be taken away and replaced by something else. as is, they represent an apocalyptic scenario; salem gets the relics together before our plucky heroes can save the day so the brother gods arrive and judge humanity as a failed experiment and kill everyone, again.
but you can replace them with anything else that would cause an apocalyptic scenario? like salem getting the relics together itself can be an apocalyptic scenario. salem having four evil maidens could be an apocalyptic scenario.
we dont need the brother gods for the plot to work, and idk about you, but i think its pretty weird for the all powerful creators in a show that often brands itself as women-led and feminist.
For those of you who have watched RWBY what are your opinions regarding the brothers and their actions? I am asking for science.
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gaeasun · 3 years ago
43 with Wrecker and Echo. I think the batch should get their heads out of their butts and look after Echo just as much as the fandom makes him look after them as the team mom.
Ok I'll admit I finished this a while ago and I ENTIRELY forgot this existed. Oops. Here's some love for Echo, he deserves it.
Being an ARC trooper, even with his timecut short, had given Echo a lot of experience as an elite soldier. He’d helped infiltration ops, intel gathering, sabotage, and a lot more. He was used to a fast pace.
This was something else. 
It was practically non-stop. They never got official leave or break time. They only got to sleep in shifts as the stars raced by on the Marauder, and shoved ration bars in their mouths whenever they just had a moment to breathe. On Kamino, they were dragged to examination after examination, which was anything but restful. 
In a way, Echo liked the never-ending missions. They distracted him, helped him to keep his mind away from thinking about how things were before. With the 501st, his first home. With-
But sometimes that pace meant he struggled to find time for important things as well. Now he didn’t have to just worry about getting enough food, water, and rest, but also he had to upkeep his new mechanical parts. He usually let Tech help him with that, since he barely understood the more delicate complexities of what had been done to him. But that also meant both he and Tech had to be not busy. 
That just hadn’t happened recently. 
But it was fine. His legs weren’t hurting more than usual, they just felt a little… funny. It probably wouldn’t be a problem. 
Three hours into the mission, as they were slogging through heavy mud to get back to the Marauder, it became a problem. 
“What’s that?” Hunter asked. Tech took that as pointed towards him.
“That plant, as it’s locally known, is a bog mouth. It’s called that because-”
“Your legs,” Hunter whispered to Echo as Tech went on. “They’re making a funny noise, like a whirring.” 
“I’m sure it’s fine- kriff!”
The very next step Echo’s legs locked up and he nearly ate mud. Luckily Hunter already had an eye on him and was able to catch him. 
Tech immediately had his scanner out and running over his legs. “It appears the lubricating system has malfunctioned and mud has made its way into the interstitial spaces in the machinery, causing the systems to freeze.” “Great,” Echo muttered. “Can you fix it?”
“Not here,” Tech admitted. “The equipment I need is aboard the Havoc Marauder. We will need an alternate method of transporting you, as you obviously cannot walk without your legs functioning.”
Echo tugged on his leg, trying to free it from the mud. It gave a little, but he still cant walk on it. “You should go ahead then. Get to the Marauder, and then swing back to pick me up.”
Wrecker laughed, loud and easy. “Aw, we’re not going to leave you behind! I got this.” He squatted in front of Echo, patting his shoulder in what looked like an invitation. “Get on!” 
“I’ll just slow you down,” Echo tried to argue, but Wrecker wasn’t having it. 
“Echo, either you can hop on or I’m carrying you bridal style,” Wrecker grinned. “And we all know Crosshair will never let you live that down.”
Out of the corner of his eyes, Crosshair smirked, not even pretending otherwise. 
“Fine,” Echo grunted. 
“Good!” Wrecker beamed. “Cause there’s no way we’re leaving you behind, you know.”
Echo sighed and wrapped his arms around Wrecker, before the larger clone slowly stood and pulled Echo’s legs up and out of the mud. They dangled uselessly against the back of Wrecker’s legs, getting even more mud over his armor. 
“Don’t worry Echo.” Wrecker patted Echo on the forearm. “You won’t slow me down. You weigh less than some of my equipment!” 
“It’s because he doesn’t eat nearly enough,” Crosshair muttered. 
“You’re one to talk, Crosshair,” Wrecker laughed. 
In no time at all they reached the Marauder, though Wrecker was reluctant to set Echo down. 
“Come on Echo,” he coaxed. “You deserve a little time off your feet.”
“I need to get my legs working again,” Echo sighed. “But thanks.”
Finally, Wrecker set him down near Tech’s workbench, and the goggled clone set to work. In the middle of the maintenance, one of his ration bars ricocheted out of nowhere and smacked Echo in the face. 
“Ow,” he muttered. “Thanks Crosshair.” He of course, received no reply. 
When he’d reached the end of his snack, Tech announced he was done and rebooted Echo’s legs. It was a relief to kick and stretch them out again. 
“Thanks, Tech.” His vod nodded, satisfaction in his eyes. And something else, was that, amusement?
The next second, something soft fluttered around Echo and he found himself being bundled up in a blanket. 
“Wrecker,” he sputtered. “You know my legs are working now, right?”
“Aw don’t worry, I’m just saving you a trip to a bunk. You deserve a good rest now!” Wrecker gleefully dropped him in one of the four bunks and fiddled with the blanket until it was secure around his shoulders. 
Hunter came over, one of Crosshair’s reflectors in hand, and angled it so Echo could see his own face. He hadn’t really looked in a mirror recently, as the sight never looked like him, but especially now. He had large bruises under his eyes and while he’d managed to gain some weight back, he’d lost some again. 
“Alright,” he grunted, and resigned himself to his fate. Taking a nap wrapped in a blanket wasn’t the worse place to be. “Thank you Wrecker. Can you try to keep in down while I’m resting?”
“Of- course,” Wrecker corrected course and whispered, giving a thumbs up at Hunter before he tip-toed out of the room. 
“Get some rest Echo, you deserve it.” Hunter gave him a nod before slipping out of the bunkroom, dimming the lights as he went.
Deserving it wasn’t really the issue, but he’d still give it a shot. Maybe, wrapped in warmth and care… and a blanket… he’d finally… finally be able to…
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sindar-princeling · 2 years ago
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I posted 465 times in 2022
That's 369 more posts than 2021!
235 posts created (51%)
230 posts reblogged (49%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 463 of my posts in 2022
#lotr newsletter - 164 posts
#it's mine my own my precious - 136 posts
#no questions except on party business - 127 posts
#anon - 61 posts
#not lotr - 28 posts
#frodo - 25 posts
#aragorn - 20 posts
#lotr - 15 posts
#rings of power - 15 posts
#samwise - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i saw the asks and mentions and yall are the best but i cant reply rn because in a minute im flying out to see ✨️❤️david tennant🥰✨️ live
My Top Posts in 2022:
absolutely loving the daily dracula idea let's do lord of the rings next
1,660 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
between the newsletter’s entry where we learn the ponies are okay, me picking apart rings of power and analysing why it doesn’t fully feel like tolkien, and this one gifset of frodo and sam i reblogged, i felt like i finally have to gather my thoughts regarding what makes tolkien tolkien
and while there are many things that do, i’d argue that the most special one is its earnestness.
characters in LOTR care unabashedly, with all their hearts, and love so easily, whether it’s platonic, familial or romantic.
the hobbits feel like the most obvious example - merry, pippin and sam follow frodo for as long as they’re able; their loyalty goes deep to their bones, and their relationships are so full of trust, joy, devotion, fondness.
but all of LOTR is just more examples of the same thing. after the war legolas spends the rest of his life in middle-earth with gimli - they travel together for over a hundred years - and then he decides he won’t just say goodbye when gimli dies! and he does something that hasn’t been done before and just takes gimli to valinor, but not before aragorn dies. because they both loved him, too. faramir asks “do you not love me, eowyn?“ and she realises she does, and he says he’ll marry her and they’ll grow a garden and heal, and he kisses her even though everyone can see them. sam loves frodo, and he loves rosie, and he spends his life with her, then joins frodo in the undying lands after she dies.
and it shines through in the movies, too! it’s thanks to both the direction and the acting skills of the cast, of course, that so, so often all emotions are on full display - whenever sam and frodo interact, when aragorn kisses boromir’s forehead, when the hobbits say goodbye at the grey havens, when pippin finds merry at the battlefield, the way gandalf reacts when frodo says he’ll go to mordor, the way theoden breaks down at his son’s grave, the way he cares about eowyn like she’s his own child, the way eomer reacts when he finds eowyn and thinks she’s dead. those are just examples off the top of my head.
it’s also very special to me because in many fictional works (not only in fantasy) people just aren’t allowed to be that open - mostly men, but not exclusively - meanwhile this earnestness is something i always look for in fiction.
it stands out especially if you consider some fantasy creators (not naming any names but you know who i mean ajsjdjfjf) saying they “just want to reflect the misogyny of the period” (which is just bullshit and also demeaning to people of all genders in so many ways), because while LOTR is heavily male-dominated, tolkien managed to do something very, very interesting and important there.
he says, “war is the province of men”, but it doesn’t mean you’re supposed to want to be there. you’re not supposed to want to go to battle, suffer and/or die. eomer wants eowyn to stay home because he loves her, and couldn’t stand to see her die in a cruel, gruesome way (and when he thinks she’s dead, it’s the most devastating display of grief in the whole movie trilogy).
the heroes go to war because there are things that need defending, and dying for a noble cause is honorable, but again - it’s about defending, not about fighting. the clearest villains of LOTR are people who want the war to happen. many of the heroes, most of whom are men, just want peace for their people, want companionship (one of the first things aragorn says to the hobbits is that he’d be happy to have more friends, because being a ranger means he’s lonely), or want a good meal and a good drink like the hobbits. they want comfort and warmth. they want to finish a book like bilbo. they want to live in a garden among all things that live and grow like faramir. they want to marry and have a home and kids like sam.
and the things is, it’s not always that common in fiction, but it’s absolutely common, you know. IN REAL LIFE? BECAUSE MEN ARE PEOPLE? so it’s just really good to have tolkien absolutely divorce masculinity in his works from how his characters show emotions, or how much comfort they crave. and that is a realistic approach i’m interested in.
1,956 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
The previous post made me think some more about the real life influences on LOTR, so because I’m down with a cold and have a lot of time to spare, I finally wanted to write a coherent post about those comments GRRM made about Aragorn and his tax policy.
For those who haven’t heard the actual quote, here it is:
Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles? In real life, real-life kings had real-life problems to deal with. Just being a good guy was not the answer.
And my god, do I have problems with this approach to Tolkien. It’s kind of like asking why Bilbo was unconscious for a lot of the battle of five armies, when we know it was a story Tolkien was telling his kids before sleep.
When looking at LOTR, I think you can’t not read it as an ultimate escapist fantasy - and what’s most important, Tolkien’s personal escapist fantasy.
He is Frodo - a man born into a middle class family, educated, well-read, with close friends coming from the same “social sphere”, like Merry and Pippin, who died in WWI. Sam is in a very literal sense the batmen Tolkien fought with, which he said he considered “so far superior to myself”.
Tolkien had a few batmen during the war, like the article from my previous post mentions. Most probably because he fought in a few different units, but also, he may have lost some of them to war.
And in LOTR, they all get a happy ending.
Of all four of them, Frodo is the only one who can’t return home, most probably mirroring Tolkien’s trauma. He’s the only one whose ending is grounded in trauma, PTSD, loss. The rest of the hobbits get happy endings - very simple and traditional in a way that after the war was nothing but good - they marry, they have kids, the kids marry each other, everyone is happy and lives long lives.
Sam, especially, gets the happiest ending of all in this sense - he marries a woman he grew up with, he has so many beautiful kids, he is mayor for like seven times and everyone loves him, the Shire thrives.
Tolkien was too traumatised after the war not to write Frodo as a mirror of his experiences. But then he took all the people who fought alongside him, who suffered alongside him, people who he lost, and gave them the happiest fairy tale endings he could think of. And it’s not that Merry, Pippin and Sam weren’t as traumatised - this ending is not meant to belittle their experiences - Tolkien is simply giving them the ending that real life didn’t give them.
Returning to the original point, to Aragorn - it’s just another version of the same mechanism. Gondor was struggling, Gongor had Mordor as their immediate neighbours and was heavily affected by the war as well. And then there came a just, good king, and everything was fine. The end. It’s a subplot of the same fantasy as the hobbits’ endings. It doesn’t matter how hard ruling is, we trust that Aragorn is a good king, because people of Gondor deserve a good king (the people of the real world deserved a good ruler who wouldn’t drag them to war), and we know that Aragorn is an honorable, just man.
Nothing about the LOTR ending - apart from Frodo’s trauma - is meant to be realistic. Why would Tolkien want to write WWI and the aftermath - this time fictional.
2,038 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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a friendly reminder 🔫🙂
(ID is added in alt text)
8,910 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
between describing elrond as an "ambitious political leader" and describing GoT as a "spiritual successor to lotr movies" I see now how stupid it was to think that the lotr series' intended audience would be you know. lotr fans
9,688 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kazuhasmaid · 3 years ago
Hi!! Id really love some cute gorou fluff. Like he is HEAD OVER HEALS for you but has been away a lot because of all the war going on. But when the war is over and you two can have a reunion UT WOULD BE SO CUTE. like his tail would be wagginf and ect. I'd rlly love it!! <33
gorou comes home ♡
gorou x reader
word count: 922
genre: fluff
a/n: THIS IS OVERDUE AND IM SO SORRY, i thought i could write this when gorou comes and when i have the opportunity to learn more about him through his voice lines but i just found out he's coming in december. DECEMBER.
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OKAY so as we know, gorou i mean- GENERAL GOROU is usually at the front lines defending, off the fatui, or some other trouble that threatens the safety of watatsumi island and its residents.
that being said all the war between the resistance against the vision hunt decree that has been going on, has caused the two of you to barely see each other, and with the hunt decree that loomed- it didn't seem like, coming home to you every day was going to be possible for gorou, much to his dismay.
you stare at the wall of the shared home, boring holes into it or the clock, ticking for who knows how long, and once deciding you'd like to take refreshing air outside for the sake of keeping yourself busy, you take your basket to go shopping and trading along with the merchants that traveled along, maybe whip up a dish for dinner.
you approach closer to the gathered people of watatsumi only to overhear that- oh. oh?!!! WHAT'S THIS? THE HUNT DECREE IS OVER? OH???
PLEASE- you couldn't even process this as the only thought in your mind was how you were hoping to see gorou soon, but as you thought further, as he is the general, matters at hand, helping out after the events is a must as part of his duties. you sigh happily, out of content and desperation, oh how you miss him.
though the news has definitely made your day brighter, going about your day, more relieved that your significant other was safe, sound, and would soon be with you once again.
as you placed toppings on your dish, you stood back, trying to see if the appearance of the food was appetizing, or the aroma of the homely specialty that gorou seemed to love so much that you had once packed him the same dish for a week straight. it even came to a point where you had to necessarily suspend him from this dish for a while cause he was getting sick from the food and it wasn't gonna be healthy if he didn't keep his diet well balanced for a very active one like him. he did sulk a bit about it for a minute but he just went on about it but he would continually tell you that he's not begging but rather asking you to make some of your specialty for about 7352829352 times once again.
taking chopsticks to your hand, your attempt to your first bite was interrupted with a burst of the door, to see gorou home.
anyways, after he thoroughly inspected you, making sure his beloved isn't hurt, he just..
he pulls back from you, his eyebrows furrowed, hands gripped onto your shoulders, as his eyes lock onto yours and soften, burying his head into the crook of your head, arms relaxing as he takes in your scent, that he faces the reality that he's finally home with you.
he leans back to the point that you two end up falling onto the couch as he holds you close and smothers you in kisses around your forehead, your cheek, your lips, your jaw, your neck, and your shoulders.
tail wagging quite literally.
"i missed you so much-
day and night i was so occupied i never got the time to write back to you, and i apologize for that, I PROMISE THAT ILL MAKE UP THE TIME LOST, i swear!"
"gorou, it's fine! i understand how important you are and all your good deeds and hard work paid off to this very outcome, i'm just so glad to be with you again.." you reassure him, taking your hand in his.
"i miss having you in my arms like this.. you know, i had to see other inazuman couples like this?? and it made me realize just how lonely i am without you, or whenever i was roaming to patrol, id look to my side, forgetting you weren't with me, but that's what kept as a reminder to me, that working hard for the safety and the resistance will make this place a safer one, not just for others but for you, a place where we can be safe, free and live peacefully. now that the resistance's objective is achieved, the work has lessened and that means having more time with you, a win-win, is it not?" he says, kissing the top of your nose.
he hugs you once more, placing kisses around your shoulder,
and once he's settled, he puts his face next to yours,
"wait. ..i smell my favorite food..?????"
his head perks up to the dinner table to see it ready for two people.
he holds your hand, leading you to the dinner table with him, holding your chair out for you.
gorou notices that the cutlery around was only for one person. and with this, he intends to grab one more set-
that was until you held him back, a faint blush present on your cheeks and suggested, "what if i fed you instead?"
"w...wait- WAIT??? like... spoonfeed me??????"
mans was about to die.
goodluck spoonfeeding a blushy, adorable gorou at your hands.
he might've spilled some of it but hey y'all got to take a bubble bath together right after.
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©kazuhasmaid please do not copy, paste or repost. plagiarizing or republishing in a different language will not be tolerated.
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peaky-shelby · 2 years ago
Despair in the Departure Lounge
He's pining for her
In a people carrier
There might be buildings and pretty things to see like that
But architecture won't do
Although it might say a lot about the city or town
I don't care what they've got, keep on turning 'em down
It don't say the funny things she does
Don't even try and cheer him up, because
It just won't happen
He's got the feeling again
This time on the aeroplane
There might be tellys in the back of the seats in front
But Rodney and Del won't do
Although it might take your mind off the aches and the pains
Laugh when he falls through the bar
But you're feeling the same
'Cause she isn't there to hold your hand
She won't be waiting for you when you land
It feels like she's just nowhere near
You could well be out on your ear
This thought comes closely followed by the fear
And the thought of it makes you feel a bit ill
Yesterday, I saw a girl who looked like someone you might knock about with
And almost shouted
And then reality kicked in within us
It seems as we become the winners
You lose a bit of summat
And half wonder if you won it at all
And don't say 'owt 'cause you've got no idea
And she's still nowhere near
And the thought comes closely followed by the fear
And the thought of it
Makes you feel a bit ill
Despair in the departure lounge
Is one and they'll still be around at three
No signal and low battery
What's happened to me?
Well that shit’s depressing. Literally Kylian’s POV. Especially the part where he sings about how being successful means giving up/losing something important that you cant replace which makes him wonder if he has truly won after all. That shit is heavy.
This is not Kylian’s song when Taylor goes back to England. Taylor is not going back to England. This is Kylian’s song when he leaves PSG and Taylor for Real Madrid to achieve his dreams. It’s literally perfect. This is the song when he’s on his private plane to Madrid and they are over the city and his agent is telling him about the architectures and how beautiful the city looks below them. And kylian mind is somewhere else. He is not thinking of the city below him. He is thinking of Paris and how beautiful his city looks like from above. Especially at night. He is thinking of Taylor and how beautiful she looks like. Especially at night. And he knows that when he lands, Taylor is not waiting for him. And and and oh my goddd he has this sinking feeling that he is losing her. That he has lost her. And it’s that sinking feeling that makes you panic a bit, that makes you want to throw up. But he is Kylian Mbappe. He is the best player in the world. He has a destiny to fulfill, a legacy to make and therefore he must play in the biggest club in the world. And he is heartbroken but also this is the very thing he has been working on since he started playing football as a child. This is his dream. Or is it? Is it really?Or is the girl he left in Paris his new dream? When did his dream change? When did his dream became more than football? Oh my godjsjsjsjdjd im crying? He’s supposed to be happy and he is but also he is so fucking sad. So fucking lonely and heartbroken and scared. Scared that he is going to regret this. Scared that he does not know what he is doing. Scared to find out what’s out there. He tries to keep a brave face. A smile. His family watches him. His mom notices something is off. She reaches for his hand to ask and Kylian squeezes it as if to say “Dont worry mom. I’m fine. I got this. I wont let you down.” He needs to fulfill his destiny here. This is what he is supposed to do. This is what is expected of him. So he gathers himself together. Take a deep breath gets himself ready for the cameras and people waiting for him as soon as he lands.
Fuuuuvkkkkkkk uuuu anon. This got me fcked up!!!!! Stop ruining my week! PSG has done enough damage already! 😫😫😫😩🥺😢😭😩😤🥺😢😫😫😫😫😢😭😭😢😫😫😩😫😫😩😫😫😫😭😭😭😖😣😖😟😔😣😔😞😭🥺😩😫😭😢😩😫
You wanna write the sequel to New Romantics bc damn this shit fucked me up too 😭😭😭 good job anon 😭😭
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keigelsss · 4 years ago
Hard At Work - Kuroo Tetsuro
a/n: HERE IT IS!!!!! it’s really bad. i struggled. i just wanted to get it over with but this idea weighed heavily on my mind for so long and i cant seem to get it out the way i want so this is the bare minimum with what i was trying to go for sorry :/
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, timeskip!kuroo, dom!kuroo, language, teasing, literally half the fic is foreplay oops, smut, oral sex, unprotected sex (no glove no love y’all), kuroo smacks your ass once, sir kink?, SIZE KINK, belly bulge, overstim, squirting, creampie, as always my shitty writing. *thoughts in italics… if i forgot a warning pls lmk*
Summary: you never thought you’d find yourself in this situation, let alone with the man in charge of your paycheck. luckily those files weren’t that important.
word count: 4.7K
You’ve only been working in this position for about two months now, assistant to one of the smartest sports promoters in the country. It’s a wonderful job and you get to meet star athletes almost every day, but what wasn't in the job description was the super hot promoter that you would be working under literally. If you thought it was hard coming into work with someone so damn attractive, the amount of teasing that went on in and outside of the office was insufferable.
Your day began like every other; come in, bring Kuroo some coffee, a full list of the day's meetings and tidy up in his office. While setting the coffee on his desk, you anticipate what comment he’ll make about the lack of a baked good to accompany his beverage.
“Awe Y/n, looks like you forgot to bring something to munch on again,” he was currently going through emails while twirling a pen in his hand. That scheming smirk that you’ve come to recognize all too well plastered all over his smug face. 
“I’m sorry, Kuroo, they were all out at the café.” You placed your belongings on the small desk located in the corner of his office, spending some time to go over today's schedule as well as sort through a few contracts and client files.
“It’s all good,” he let out a soft chuckle. “You could always let me eat you instead, shortcake.”
You gave a pointed glare to the man before sighing and closing the file cabinet you just finished sorting. “I think it’s best if we get to work, we’ve got a long day ahead of us, sir.” he sends the smallest smirk in your direction then returns to his tasks. Shit... Did I mean to make it come out like that? Whatever he always teases the ever-living hell out of me so it's about time I had my share of the fun too, it’s only fair. Right?
Most of the day was uneventful, the typical routine coming and going without any interruptions. At around 4 pm though, you found yourself swamped with far more paperwork to go through than usual as well as having to scan and digitally file. We didn't have this many meetings today, did we? I just did a stack like this… Most of these need Kuroo’s signature, they shouldn't be on my desk.
Raising your head you shifted your gaze, letting your eyes land on him. He’s seated only ten feet in front of you behind his desk but today it seems like an entire mile. Did he always look that good going through his messages?
While gathering the papers that were wrongfully in your pile and saying a quick prayer to anyone out there, you walked over to sit in one of the matching seats opposite him. Placing the folder down softly to not mess up the flow of his work. He instinctively moves his elbow away to make room for the file and side-eyes it momentarily.
“Just give me two minutes here and I’m all yours sugar,” he says with a quick smile in your direction.
Humming your response and relaxing into the chair you take the time to admire his features. The messy but somehow put together hair that, according to his long-term clients and friends, has been that way since childhood. The sharp features of his cheeks and jaw, his pink lips permanently resting in his signature smirk that can mean an infinite number of things as you’ve come to find out. A muscular neck that is far too appealing for your taste, broad shoulders leading to strong arms, and an equally muscular chest. It’s no doubt that he is built like a god under that dress shirt, it fits him so perfectly it's almost offensive.
You’re so caught up in your thoughts of the man in front of you that you don't even notice how he moves his body, giving all his attention to you.
“Stare any longer sweet girl and you're gonna start drooling all over that cute outfit of yours.” His deep chuckle vibrates through you, definitely causing something to happen deep in the pit of your stomach. Your body was so hot and your throat was so damn dry from the way he was looking back at you. Is he undressing me with his eyes? Fuck! I’m one to talk, I’m doing the same thing.
“Uh it looks like some papers of yours got in my pile, if you can sign them, I’ll finish scanning and get out of your hair.” 
You sat up to hand him a pen then rest your palms against the desk. Those pieces of paper are the only thing separating the two of you and it helps you keep a grasp on reality for the time being.
He toyed with the edges of the folder, lifting just the corner, not even bothering to read over the contents. “Yeah, I put them there thinking it would keep you in the office just a bit longer but you caught on to my plan faster than I thought.” He met your gaze with a semi defeated smile.
“You thought I wouldn't notice at all? Kuroo, I thought you were supposed to be the mega genius here because I had just filed all of those this morning.” A sudden boost of confidence ran through your body and your hands found their way to the folder and started mimicking his previous action that, hopefully, would drive him just as crazy as it did you. Your cold fingers delicately traced above his watch then to his forearms, stopping right where he cuffed his sleeves. A small hiss escaped him through his teeth followed by an airy laugh.
“Call it an experiment.” You couldn't help but giggle at his response.
He suddenly moved back, completely reclining and relaxing in his chair. He went to loosen up the tie around his neck and even went as far as to open two buttons on the restricting shirt. Cheeky bastard.
Kuroo cleared his throat. Resting his elbow against the arm of his chair, chin resting in the palm of his hand. “I bet I can tell what you're thinking right now, shortcake,” he continued to roll his chair back slightly.
Without giving a second thought you moved around to his side of the desk, sitting and leaning on the end farthest from him. You conjured up the best comeback your normally shy and reserved self would never think of, but right now, it's war.
“Oya oya? Tell me, boss, what am I thinking right now?” you finally turned your gaze towards him, pulling off the most convincing innocent eyes you had.
He stood up from his seat, taking the slowest steps toward you and stood right beside your small body. His large hands are dangerously close to the edge of your skirt. If he could feel how hard your heart was beating in your chest you’d be done for. 
That contagious laughter of his booming throughout the room once more. He’ll never admit it but your teasing words sound a lot like him.
“Well if the way you're clenching the hell out of your thighs right now isn't the biggest sign.” His calloused fingers finally make contact with the exposed skin on your legs and slowly rise to trace the curves of your body. Finding a place to rest on your jaw with his thumb gripping your chin forcing you to look directly at him. “I’d say you're thinking of all the different ways I could make you cum on my desk,” his thumb began to slowly trace your lower lip.
You were barely aware of the small moan you let out while fluttering your eyes closed. “Let's say you're right Kuroo,” you nearly choked on the lack of saliva in your throat. “What else am I thinking?” your response barely above a pathetic whimper.
He let out a happy sigh as he placed his thumb between your lips, pressing slightly to signal you to open up. That sigh quickly turned into a small moan when you let your tongue slip from your mouth and wrapped your lips around the digit. Years of hard work and skill evident in the sensation of his thumb pressing against your tongue.
“You’re probably thinking about my cock filling every inch of your tight little pussy,” he moved to stand between your legs, his other hand finding residence on your hip and squeezing the clothed flesh possessively. “Or maybe you’re thinking you might just have the upper hand here because you caught on to my little trick,” he began to mess with the hook and zipper on the side of your skirt. Lowering the piece of flimsy metal agonizingly slow. 
“If that’s the case then you're seriously mistaken sweetheart also when it's just us, call me Tetsuro,” he whispered his name in your ear and if you weren't trying to match his teasing energy, you would’ve made the first move but the build-up was so much better.
He finally let go of the zipper on your skirt and began to pull it slowly down your thighs, all while maintaining eye contact. He slowly removed his finger from your mouth and trailed any lingering saliva along your bottom lip and down your jaw before his hand found comfort around your neck, offering the softest squeeze, eliciting yet another breathy moan from your lips. If only you knew how much those sounds of yours were causing him to short circuit.
“Tetsuro. If there’s anything I know very well, it's my place in this office.” You kept steady eye contact while attempting to squeeze your thighs together. 
Kuroo noticed your struggles and continued to strip the skirt from your body. Your lower half was beginning to burn with anticipation. His long fingers then traced the outline of your panties, if he looked any closer he would see the little wet spot forming right at your entrance. He lightly pulled on the thin material and snapped it back against your body, a small chuckle rising from deep in his chest because of how cute and responsive you are to his actions.
“And where is that exactly?” He can't help but tease you, even though his cock is absolutely suffocating, he still wants to make sure you know who’s in charge. 
“I'm an employee on your payroll, aren't I?” your voice was so soft, focusing more on steadying your breathing. He began to run the back of his hand along your hip and grazed his knuckles against the area that you ache for him the most, a throaty sigh escapes you and some of that newfound confidence as well. Where the hell did she come from?
“It only makes sense that my position is under you.” Kuroo is slightly surprised by your response but he can tell that you’ve had enough of his teasing just like he’s had enough of having to come up with new ways to fluster you. Now it seems that all his prayers are being answered, he finally has you to himself all alone in the office, and there’s only one thing on his mind after hearing the words slip from your lips. “That’s definitely the right answer, but I hope you don’t mind if I spend some time on you first?”
His fingers were now pulling the fabric of your panties down and off your body, he never breaks eye contact, rubbing his hands all over your legs and occasionally squeezing your soft skin. He finally returned to eye level and placed both hands on your cheeks, bringing you in for a hot and desperate kiss. He managed to push you further onto the desk so you can rest comfortably, the cold sensation of the wood on your bare skin forced a tiny gasp to escape. 
Kuroo began to play with the buttons of your blouse, pulling on the material. By the time he gets to the last button, you’re halfway done removing his, finally seeing the strong body underneath it all. Hot. Once he had you completely undressed he took a single step back. Biting his lip and admiring your body.
“You’re so god damn sexy.” He came back to you, hot mouth leaving kisses all over your neck and chest. He spent some time on each of your breasts, sucking and biting on your sensitive nipples, sending waves of pleasure straight to your core. His hands hooked under your knees and spread your legs. You're practically dripping onto his desk by now and can’t help but grind your hips against nothing, desperate for some sort of relief. 
“Someone's a little needy, huh?” his breath was hot against your stomach and fingers digging into the meat of your thigh. Once he got on his knees in front of you, his fingers found their way to your throbbing center. Slowly parting your folds and massaging your sensitive hole with perfect pressure. “Fuck. You’re so fuckin’ wet too,” with his other hand he used his thumb to play with your clit. You threw your head back, letting out a soft moan as you made contact with the desk below.
Kuroo wasted no time putting your legs over his shoulders, leaving wet kisses along your thighs and placing several on your hips. He finally placed a kiss on your clit, causing you to yelp and buck your hips against his face. “You taste better than I imagined baby girl,” he licked a stripe through your folds, then sucked on your clit softly. “Mmm it feels so good!” you’re a moaning, whimpering mess already. Kuroo has to use his hands to keep you still but he’s humming happily while lapping up all you have to offer him and you can't help but shake. “Am I making you feel good, pretty girl? Your cute little pussy is so sensitive huh?” his tongue was replaced with one of his fingers gathering up your slick and slowly entering you.
“Yes yes fuck I love it. I want your cock. Please.” you looked at him through lidded eyes sucking your bottom lip harshly in between your teeth. He can't help but smile at how cute you look begging for him. “Relax baby girl, we’ll both get what we want but I gotta work you up a bit more.” He added another finger curling them a little to find your sweet spot, while sucking on your clit. He knew he found it when you squeezed your thighs around him and called out his name. Your walls twitching around his fingers, reaching your first climax of the day. 
He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his mouth, sucking off every bit of your juices, moaning in sheer delight. Another kiss was placed on your clit before he began a trail of them to your neck and jaw, teeth sinking into your skin. One of his hands caressed your cheek as he kissed you on the lips, your taste and his hot breath sending another wave of arousal through you and you moan into his mouth. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours. “Wanna make you cum with my tongue one more time okay sweetheart?”
You wanted to whine and throw a fit but his mouth was magical and you weren't one to complain. With a small ‘okay’ and another kiss on the lips he made his way to your pussy once more, already swollen and ridiculously sensitive. He began with the same rhythm as before, soft groans of satisfaction driving you wild. The grinding of your hips against his face only became more violent when he added his long fingers. Finding that same spot as earlier. 
“F-fuck oh fuck I’m gonna cum!” you arched your back off the desk and brought a hand to your chest massaging squeezing your nipples. The only thing you hear before your orgasm rips through you is the loud squelching of fingers inside your pussy and his moans of praise. When you open your eyes and finally come back to earth, you see Kuroos face, hand and wrist covered in your juices. “I haven't even fucked you yet and you squirted just like that? You're gonna be the death of me Y/n.” 
You giggled a little, hiding your face in embarrassment, body still trembling from the intense orgasm. Of course that smart mouth of his is sinfully skilled. He moved your hands out of the way, intertwining his with yours, lifting you and pulling you into another kiss. 
You let go of his hands running yours along his toned chest, leaving small scratches, quickly removing his belt and slacks. You squeal at how big he looks in his boxers, his cock begging to be free. Pulling the waistband down and letting it drop to his feet, you moan at the sight. A small bead of precum forming at the tip, now an angry red from being neglected for so long. “I wanna make you feel good too Tetsu.” 
Before you can drop to your knees for him he puts his hands on your hips, rubbing soothing circles. “Next time gorgeous, I wanna feel you right now.” he lifted you off the ground, legs wrapping around his waist and lips meeting in a sloppy mess of teeth and tongue. One of his hands made their way to your ass, squeezing softly before landing a smack. You moaned in response and ground your hips against his throbbing member, the tip creating glorious friction against your folds. He finally placed you back on the desk then fisted his cock a few times, running the tip against your folds and teasing your entrance.
“Want you inside me now Tetsuro. Please.” your chest was heaving in desperation and he loved that he made you like this. “Okay sweet girl. If it’s too much let me know.” You gave him a small nod and he kissed you while letting himself slip inside your warm walls. You were already so wet from before but he was so long and thick that the intrusion was slightly painful. 
“Holy shit! you’re so damn tight.” he says through gritted teeth. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, fingers tugging softly on his hair when you feel him bottom out inside you. He lets out a few puffs of air because it's taking all his willpower not to cum with the way your pussy is gripping onto him right now. You let out a few whimpers and he checks your face for any signs of discomfort before retracting his hips and thrusting into you. You make eye contact with him, he’s absolutely mesmerizing with that lusty look in his eye and a small layer of sweat on his forehead. 
“S-so big Tetsu. It feels so good.” you squeeze your legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him closer to you and he groans in response. He begins to thrust into you slowly, still trying to keep his cool but finding that sweet spot inside you every time. “Oh you're gonna make me cum with the way you are clampin’ down on my cock like that sweet thing.” he shifts the angle of his thrusts and cages your head between his arms. His large upper body casting a shadow over you that makes you shiver. You can see the way the muscles on his forearms and biceps are flexing with every thrust. How he’s looking down at where you two are connected in pure fascination, tugging his lip between his teeth.
Using his arms to push off the desk, he tugs your hips to the edge and keeps his fingers embedded in the soft flesh, meeting each of his thrusts. You lift yourself as well, resting on your elbows and watching him. You notice a small bump on your belly each time his hips meet yours and it's enough to have you roll your eyes back. Holy fuck now that’s different. Kuroo noticed your surprise and pressed a hand against your tummy, making you feel him even deeper if possible. 
“I’m right there baby girl. Can you feel it?” You feel as though you're being split open but it hurts so good. His stare and dominating aura so sinful and addictive, you know you're in trouble. “Yes it feels so good. I love your cock.” He feels you fluttering around him and picks up his pace. The sharp sound of skin slapping echoes throughout the office along with his animalistic growls. 
“Is that right. You gonna cum on this cock, like a good girl?” his thumb found your clit, working small circles. “Make a mess all over my desk? Let me cum inside this tight pussy?” his thrusts were reaching deep, that bulge in your tummy only looking bigger now. You tried meeting his thrusts halfway, your hand gripped his wrist and you neared another orgasm. “Y-yeah, oh fuck. please. I wanna cum so bad. wanna make you feel good too, sir.” 
At the last word you said he thrusted into you once more. your walls fluttering around him bringing his release as well, he hunched over with a groan and found your lips as he spilled his seed inside you. The warmth filling you up and making you feel nothing but bliss. Your ankles locked around his waist, heels digging into his lower back, keeping him buried inside you while you caught your breath’s. 
He pulled away first, watching as his cock slipped from your tight hole, both of you letting out a sharp breath from the sensitivity. His cum followed right after, dripping down onto his desk. The sight of your clenching pussy and the mess was enough to get him hard again. He wants as much as you’re willing to give him. Lifting your upper body he pulls you in for another kiss, this one a bit sweeter. 
You pulled away and began kissing his jaw. “I want more.” You said looking up at him with bright eyes. Your makeup is messy but you still look delicious as ever. 
He gave you a playful grin and a peck on the lips. “You read my mind gorgeous.” 
He spun you around and bent you over the desk, pressing your body into the wood but not enough to hurt. His fingers slowly ran down your spine, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You turn your head slightly so you can see him, right now he looks intimidating as ever. Large muscular body towering over you, one hand gripping your ass and the other teasing the head of his cock along your folds. He can see how your dripping hole is clenching around nothing, your frame trembling from previous orgasms. He's so damn overjoyed that he slips right inside you, not wanting to waste another second outside of your tight pussy. 
The stretch that he provided was nothing you've felt before, he was definitely the biggest you’ve been with. You felt every ridge and vein, every twitch, you still feel him in your stomach. Nothing beat how warm he is though, flooding every nerve with heat and electricity. 
He set a brutal pace, balls slapping against your clit each time, making you cry out and moan incoherent versions of his name. His left hand gripped your thigh and hitched your leg on the desk, the shift in position causing him to drag the tip of his cock perfectly against your g-spot. “Right there Tetsuro, feels so fucking good.” you ached your back in ecstasy. 
The hand he had hooked under your knee creeped up your thigh and rested on your hip. He used the other to raise you off the desk and wrap around you. His warm hard chest pressing into your back and his large, rough palms massaged your tits. You can feel his warm breath on your ear and you shiver when he groans. The deep rumble of his chest crashing into you like a wave. 
Hearing his moans right in your ear was like heaven, the feeling of his cock twitching inside tells you he's close. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum so fuckin’ hard. Your little cunt’s squeezing me so fuckin’ tight. You gonna be a good girl and let me cum inside again?” his rough pounding turned into slow, deep strokes. Slamming into your sweet spot with pin-point accuracy.
“Please. Feels so good and I want your cum. Want it in me so bad.” his hand moved to your jaw turning your head, squishing your cheeks and leaving a sloppy kiss against your lips. You brought your arm up, grabbing his face, pulling him closer. You sucked his bottom lip between your teeth and he growled in response, slow thrusts gaining some more speed.
The hand he had on your hip made its way in front of you, fingers trailing softly against your swollen clit. Tears were pricking the corners of your eyes from overstimulation but you loved every second of it. “I want you to milk my cock, take all your filling like a good little shortcake and make a mess on this desk. Can you do that for me?” you only nod and moan your answer.
The intense eye contact between the two of you, mixed with his hard thrusts and rough fingers, make that tingling feeling in your core seem like the first one all over again. Your head falls back against his chest as your body locks up and shakes uncontrollably, the tight fluttering of your walls brought his release as well. 
You can feel his warm load inside as he keeps fucking into you, allowing you both to ride out the intense wave of pleasure. All while massaging your clit, only bringing on another orgasm, making you squirt once more on his hand and desk. Feeling it drip down your legs, surely his too. 
Once the rush of euphoria passed, you both fell forward, his cock still inside you as you both caught your breath. You were still quivering with aftershocks of pleasure when he slipped out of you, a mixture of both of your cum spilling onto the floor and down your thighs. 
He stumbled back onto his chair and took a deep breath. Hypnotized by the way you’re still spread out for him to see, the beautiful sight of your plump ass becoming something he wants all the time. You finally sit up slowly turning to lean against the desk, legs feeling like noodles. Both of you catching the other staring and letting out a fit of laughter. He reached for your hand and pulled you down on the chair with him to relax, wrapping his strong arms around you. 
“So, I was thinking, maybe I should give you a promotion.” he kissed the top of your head and you pinched his nipple teasingly. “Stop fucking around Tetsu.” he smirked and gave you a knowing smirk. 
“We just did, sweet heart.” you rolled your eyes and nuzzled into his neck. 
After resting for a while the two of you got cleaned up and dressed, tidying up the office so it didn't look like two people just fucked in it. Once you were done you both stood and looked out the window of his office, watching the sun disappear and the stars start to shine. He made a sound like he just remembered something. 
“Do you wanna go out to get something to eat?” he looks at you while putting his coat on.
“I’d love to, I’m starving,” you grabbed your purse and put on your coat as well. “Oh, uh what time is it?” you ask him. 
He lifted the sleeve of his jacket, looking at his watch and raising a brow. “That’s weird. My watch is stuck at 4:45.” you look at him in confusion. 
A sudden burst of wheezing laughter echoes through the walls and you’re still wondering what’s so funny. He turns to you and looks at your face, melting at how cute and innocent you looked. 
“I think you ruined my watch, Y/n.” he brings a hand up to your face moving a piece of hair that was out of place. You can't help but blush at his words, instantly turning away from him and opening the doors to his office.
“Well we’re even now because you ruined any other man for me.” You walked ahead of him in annoyance but he knows it won't last long.
He’ll have you screaming his name again in his bed in no time. 
I wonder if he was joking about that promotion though…
✨stay sexy my friends✨
Taglist: @bobabybo
a/n: if you made it this far... yooo... im so sorry you had to read this. it didn’t tickle the brain the way i wanted and i trashed it like ten times only to go back with what i originally started with but if you liked it and you feel a lil sum ;) lmk i would love feedback or what I could’ve done better. i don’t know what I want to do with this blog just yet but for now its just my thirsts and writings. i reply and like on @keigohoes im just stupid lol.
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americano-jowajowa · 4 years ago
✒ [ 00:45 ] SUGGESTIVE || Han Jisung
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Scene: When he walks in on you naked // wc: 765
Having a light shower in the evening is the best thing before going to bed, especially when you get to feel your soft sheets gliding smoothly against your fresh skin. The night was slightly chilly as well, perfect to have yourself buried in your duvet but before you could do that you have to do your nighttime skincare routines. It was 11 pm as of now, Jisung aka your roommate, should have probably been sleeping since 9 pm so you took off the towel from your torso and wrapped it around your hair instead. You were at ease, or maybe just had no care that your body is like exposed every inch. Proceeding to do your skincare, you grabbed your favorite lotion from the nightstand and tried opening it. It came in a tube and it was new, hence, explains why you're currently struggling to open it. It pissed you off a bit that you cant even open a tube of lotion, so gathering your strength to your hands you sat on the bed and tried to force the lid open while unconciously gripping the tube tightly.
It wasnt a good move, because the moment the lid finally opened tons of the white lotion flew and fell onto your body. Some made it onto your face, your torso, and even your thighs. It made you pause for a moment, before making you sigh in frustration. "Great, I made a mess." You muttered to yourself, and once you decided to stand up, you fell back in utter shock when the door to your room slammed open.
Behold, there was no other than Han Jisung who seemed to be in a state of emergency, but once he absorbed the scenario in front of him he paused. You were still in shock because of his sudden appearance, you still didnt quite get why he was staring at you up and down. However, you didnt miss the way his eyebrows flicked up as if he were impressed nor the licking of his lips and a muttered "Damn" under his breath, but the moment you felt the slick of the lotion trickling further down your body, you squeaked in realization and hastily covered yourself with a pillow. You even grabbed another one to throw at his face cause you knew very well that would distract his lingering gaze on you. "STUPID, Dont you know how to knock?!" You shouted at him, obviously flustered by the way you attempted to avoid eye contact whilst covering yourself with the huge ass pillow you have. Although, Jisung just barged into your room while you are butt naked, had lotion explicitly dripping across your skin and that he was hit on the face by an extremely soft pillow, he casually leaned his back onto the wall and cleared his throat in all seriousness. "I'll knock next time but as of now that's not important. Something serious just came up and I dont know what to decide ." By the tone of his voice, you were convince that it might be pretty serious so you gathered the courage to peek at him despite your current position. Once you locked gazes, he asked. "Should we get the pizza with pineapple toppings, since there's like a limited low price offer? Or would you like burgers, maybe some ice cream for movie night instead?"
Your jaw dropped in disbelief, and you threw another pillow at him, you even grabbed the vase on the nightstand which finally eased him to moving out. "You PRICK, get out!!" Jisung dodged the pillow you threw before rushing out in fear of getting himself bruised. "Im sorry! Im sorry! If it makes you feel better, I'll buy you that peach flavored drink!! I know how much you love it and you also have a nice set of peaches as well—"
"GET OUT." Okay, maybe barging into your room for options wasn't a great idea. Jisung made a mental note to himself that there are certain times that food aren't gonna be your first priority. He walked back to the kitchen where his phone is at, he really did plan to order some midnight foods, but now he suddenly remembered how you were freaking out while laying back in shock on your bed, lotion all over you bringing up such nasty thoughts in his head. It made his blood rush up to his cheeks and down south as well, because, damn, he knew you were hot... But who you knew you looked like a snack as well?
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