#and i honestly don't usually picture him with the helmet
cicadidae-tm9899 · 24 days
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i did a couple more doodles of the bbg <3 <3 <3 i really am in love with him....
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charlosvibesonly · 8 months
New Romantics
A Max Verstappen Imagine
Pairing : Max Verstappen x fem! reader
Part 1
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A chilly evening at Max's cozy home, lights casting a warm glow on the walls. Max and Y/N are cuddled on the plush couch, their laughter and the occasional purring of the cats creating a comforting atmosphere. The soft hum of the TV plays in the background.
Y/N: (teasingly) "Your cats seem to like me more than you do, Max."
Max: (grinning) "Well, maybe they know something I don't."
Y/N chuckles, leaning in for a kiss, but Max's expression shifts, clouded by the recent media storm.
Max: (sighs) "You know, sometimes I feel like they're right. Like I'm just a guy in a fast car."
Y/N: (softly) "Max, don't let them get to you. You're an incredible driver. Your dad would be proud."
Max: (looking away) "He always pushed me. Said I had to be the best. But lately, it feels like I'm drowning in expectations."
Y/N reaches out, taking Max's hand
Y/N: "My mom was the same. She pushed me to be strong, independent. But it's okay to lean on someone, Max. You don't have to carry the weight alone."
Max: (meeting her gaze) "I want to be the best, for him, for us. But it's hard."
Y/N: "You're already the best, Max. Not just on the track, but in here." She places her hand on his heart.
Max leans in, forehead touching Y/N's
Max: "I don't say it enough, but having you by my side... it makes all of this bearable."
Y/N: (smiling) "That's what partners are for, right?"
They share a lingering kiss, the connection deepening.
Days pass, their love evolving into a comfortable routine. However, the weight of schedules and the lack of spontaneity begin to strain their relationship.
Y/N, dressed in her black dress is enjoying a lively party with friends. Laughter fills the air as they gather in a chic rooftop bar, overlooking the city's skyline.
She runs into Lando.
As the night progresses, Y/N and Lando find themselves engrossed in conversation, reminiscing about races and sharing personal anecdotes.
Lando: "You and Max, huh? The power couple of the track. How's it going?"
Y/N: (grinning) "It's like navigating a racetrack blindfolded, Lando. Fast, unpredictable, and occasionally we hit a few bumps."
Lando: (teasingly) "Well, as long as you're not swapping helmets with anyone else."
Y/N laughs, her eyes flickering with a playful spark.
Y/N: "No helmet swaps, I promise. Just the usual chaos and occasional drama."
Lando: "Drama, you say? Spill the tea, Y/N. I'm all ears."
Y/N leans in, sharing a whispered detail about the media frenzy surrounding Max, her voice mixed with amusement and concern.
Lando: (raising an eyebrow) "Media troubles? That's a new one. But hey, Max can handle it, right?"
Y/N: (nodding) "He's trying, but sometimes the pressure gets to him. And honestly, I miss him when he's away practicing."
They clink glasses, the distant city lights providing a picturesque backdrop.
Lando: "Speaking of which, where is Max tonight? Training hard, I presume?"
Y/N: (sighing) "Yeah, he's in the zone. Sometimes I wish he'd take a breather, but the championship dreams are driving him."
The night unfolds, and Y/N finds herself torn between the joy of her friends' company and the absence of Max.
Later, when the party begins to wind down, Y/N receives a text from Max.
Max: Hey, how's the party? Missing you.
Y/N: It's good, but not the same without you. Miss you too.
Y/N returns to her hotel room, and Max is back from practice. The atmosphere is tense as they face each other.
Max: (looking at his phone) "Care to explain this?"
Y/N: (confused) "What are you talking about?"
Max shows her the viral picture – Y/N whispering into Lando's ear, smiles frozen in a moment of intimacy.
Max: "This, Y/N! People are saying you're cheating on me."
Y/N: (shocked) "What? Max, it's not what it looks like. Lando's a friend, and we were just talking. Someone must've misunderstood."
Max, fueled by the pressure of upcoming races and the online accusations, struggles to control his frustration.
Max: "Misunderstood? You're whispering into his ear! How do you expect me to feel, seeing this crap?"
Y/N: (defensive) "You know I'd never cheat on you, Max. This is ridiculous. We were just having a conversation. It was harmless."
Max, however, finds it hard to brush off the viral image.
Max: (angry) "Harmless? Do you know how it feels to see people question your relationship? To doubt if the person you care about is staying true?"
Y/N: (emotional) "I hate that you're hurting, Max. But I won't let baseless rumors ruin us. We need to trust each other."
Max, in a fit of frustration, paces around the room.
Max: "Trust? Easy for you to say. I'm out there pushing myself to the limit, and this is what I get in return?"
Y/N: (teary-eyed) "This isn't about trust issues, Max. It's about us, about weathering storms together. But if you can't handle that..."
The room falls silent, the weight of their words lingering in the air.
Max: (softening) "Y/N, I... I didn't mean to lash out. It's just, everything's getting to me."
Y/N: (whispers) "I get it, Max. But we can't let the world tear us apart. We have something real."
In a cozy, dimly lit restaurant in London, tucked away from the bustling streets. Max and Y/N sit across from each other, a mixture of emotions in the air.
Max: (nervously playing with his napkin) "Y/N, we've been through a lot. Ups and downs, fights and kisses. And I wouldn't change any of it for the world."
Y/N: (smiling softly) "Me neither. It's been a rollercoaster, but it's been our rollercoaster."
Max takes a deep breath, his eyes locked onto hers.
Max: "I've been thinking a lot about us, about our future. And, well, I can't imagine it without you."
Y/N: (curious) "Max, what are you...?"
Max interrupts her, getting down on one knee, a small velvet box in hand.
Max: "Y/N, I can't promise it'll always be easy. Hell, knowing us, it probably won't be. But I promise to be everything you need and more. Will you marry me?"
Y/N, surprised and overwhelmed, hesitates for a moment before a smile spreads across her face.
Y/N: (teasingly) "Max Verstappen, getting down on one knee? Never thought I'd see the day."
Max: (grinning) "Well, there's a first time for everything."
Y/N chuckles, her eyes sparkling with emotion.
Y/N: "Alright then, Max. You drive me crazy, but... yes, I'll marry you."
Max's face lights up with joy. He slips the ring onto her finger, and they share a passionate kiss, sealing their promise amid the romantic ambiance of the London night.
Max: "To us, Y/N. Ready for whatever comes our way?"
Y/N: "Ready as I'll ever be, Max."
They clink glasses, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the city's twinkling lights, ready to face the new chapter they've just written together.
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deadgirlwalking91 · 2 months
TYFTV is currently my favorite GuitarSpear fic out there, and I'm not usually one for pre canon stories, so you've really got something special!
You told the other anon that sometimes you've had to walk away because the tension is so high. I've felt the same way reading what you've wrote so far in some parts (especially the party kiss, and now the bed scene.)
Idk if you ever plan on getting into, if so then feel free to ignore, but if not, what do you headcanon Adam's relationship with Sera and Emily is like? You've shown Adam's comfortable taking his helmet off with Sera alone, and going off the dialogue, she starts off seeming like his boss, but the way she talks to him almost seems more like an upset mother.
Hey Anon! Thank you so much - seriously, I really appreciate the kind feedback <3 the bed scene from the latest chapter is possibly my favourite thing I've written so far for this fic (and possibly ever); I had SO much fun with it!!! Oh honestly, yesterday I was typing away and got to some points and just needed to take five minutes because I was getting myself all flustered 😂 I don't know if that's a good or bad thing considering I'm the author and therefore I'm supposed to control the situation, but hopefully it's an indication of what's to come (and hopefully now I haven't talked it up and it falls flat lol, how awkward if that's the case) I think Adam and Sera have a special connection considering they've known each other for thousands of years. Yes, she's his boss and ultimately calls the shots when it comes to exterminations, but she genuinely cares for him as if he were her son, so his disappointing behaviour does affect her. So your interpretation is correct there! We will be seeing more of Sera soon, which should hopefully help paint more of a picture of their relationship. As for sweet Emily, she's still blissfully unaware of the exterminations. She doesn't have a whole lot to do with Adam, though now I kinda wanna write them interacting...hmm...
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noctusfury · 5 months
Who Replaced Savage as Alvin's Chief Subordinate? (Defenders of Berk/RTTE)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Today, we'll be going into another Alvin/Outcast topic!
Anyone wonder who replaced Savage as Alvin's subordinate after Dagur's defeat at the Defenders of Berk finale? Savage fled after Dagur's capture, and Alvin was left sans a right-hand man. So who took over his position?
I can think of a few people. Though, it could always be somebody that we don't even know. But, for argument's sake, let's start with four likely candidates. With one additional fanon option, which I'll add at the end of this.
The first candidate I'd like to present you as a likely option is this guy in the Riders of Berk episode "Alvin and the Outcasts," where he runs to Alvin, who's in Stoick's place, and reports of having been given reports by Scouts about Bucket and Mulch with a bunch of others heading to Thor's Beach, along with Stoick and a group heading into the forest.
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We also see in later on, when he's stranded on Dragon Island with Alvin, Savage, and others.
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Personally, I like this guy. He looks like he's got a good head on his shoulders, and he's got a pretty nice voice. Sadly, he doesn't have a name despite having a speaking part since he doesn't have one in the credits. 😔🙏🏻
So let's just call him Hugin, after one of Odin's ravens who reports to him all he finds. 🤷‍♂️
It's hard to tell if we see him in other episodes after this, since it's been awhile since I've watched ROB, and we also have to deal with the multiple Outcast minion clones that resemble him. 😵‍💫
The Second Candidate for the position of Alvin's chief subordinate is this guy, found in RTTE Season 6 episode "Return of Thor Bonecrusher", who talks to the Gang and informs them about the situation, as well as the pike:
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Let's call him Cheeky, due to his cheekguards. (I honestly don't know what to say about that helmet. It's not even covering his cheeks but his nose area instead. 💀 Is his beard THAT bushy? 😅)
Now, this could be pure coincidence — again, given the clones DreamWorks Dragons LOVES to duplicate — but we also see him in "Alvin and the Outcasts", along with, I assume, the first candidate I've just mentioned earlier, convening with Alvin in their Great Hall, listening to Alvin's plan about capturing the "Dragon Conqueror".
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Judging from this picture above, I'm assuming that he's one of Alvin's subordinates, since usually the only ones allowed to be in-the-know about a chieftain's plans or schemes are those under their retinue: the commanders who lead the men and keep things somewhat civilized and orderly.
Of course, the men in these two pics look different: One looks rather friendly while the other one just above us looks rather stern and focused, as a subordinate ought to be. So this could just be two completely different people. Though that could be that he only gets "that way" — friendly and talkative — when talking about Ice Pike. (That, actually could be very interesting. 😮 A literal ice-breaker, that. 🤭)
So in case I'm wrong, let me clarify: the second candidate is the one we see in "Alvin and the Outcasts," just like this fella here just down below, wearing a... full-faced spangenhelm — the Third Candidate:
Let's call him Helmface.
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We also see him in "Return of Thor Bonecrusher," and, if memory serves, he was with Cheeky when he explained the pike, and then threw up when Fishlegs, as Thor, ate one of them raw. 💀
In ROB's "Alvin and the Outcasts," we also see him — or who we assume is him — among those stranded with Alvin.
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However, keep in mind that full-helmed goons for Outcasts, Berserkers and Hunters are usually just your run-of-the-mill common soldier. So I may be fully wrong and am just assuming that since the other two subordinates are there that he is also a subordinate.
And now we get to the Fourth and Final Candidate: Mildew.
That's right. Mildew.
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As you know, in the ROB finale, as well as Defenders of Berk, Mildew has become an Outcast and serves Alvin. And after learning how to train dragons thanks to Hiccup impromptu dragon training lesson, he uses this knowledge to teach the Outcasts how to train dragons — namely Whispering Deaths and even Changewings.
(I'll be honest, I was rather disappointed that they passed on the opportunity to have a bunch of Outcast Dragon Riders. That would've been much more entertaining. And that would've been an extra nod to the books. That really should've been added. 😢😔)
He's also shown to be really intelligent, not only in being competent in handling the dragons, but also came up with several ideas to deal with the dragons: In ROB's "Dragon Flower," he bought Blue Oleanders which was basically poison for the dragons and thus weakened them considerably (honestly, it would've been great to utilize blue oleander to keep dragons away from certain places or as a type of defensive measure, etc — another lost opportunity); In "Dragons We Trust," Mildew successfully used his dragon tools to frame the dragons and get them banished from Berk, thus leaving Berk open to an Outcast raid (you can read here). In DOB's "Live and Let Fly," "The Iron Gronkle," "Tunnel Vision," and "Worst in Show," Mildew set a plan to destroy Berk from within by using Whispering Death eggs. And, unintentionally, it brought forth the Screaming Death, which gave a much greater challenge to Berk; and he also then suggested using those tunnels made by the Whispering Deaths to sneak into Berk and do whatever they wanted, and was able to capture Meatlug as a result.
And finally, at the end in the DOB finale episode "Cast Out," he was the inside man which helped Alvin and Hiccup to sneak onto Outcast Island and free Stoick and defeat Dagur. I don't know how he got caught, since I'm sure Savage or the other Outcasts should've told Dagur about him, the Whispering Deaths, and the caves. But they either don't know, or, in Savage's case, perhaps he didn't like Mildew's increasing importance within the Outcast Tribe and didn't want him doing the same thing as a Berserker subordinate. Who knows. But that would actually be interesting. 🤔🤷‍♂️ But all we know is that Mildew was one of the few Outcasts who knew about Alvin's return and helped him defeat Dagur.
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In conclusion, Mildew is a resourceful and intelligent individual, despite his acrimonious and recalcitrant complaints. He obviously keeps all that to himself while on Outcast Island, since he could lose his head. Or maybe he just genuinely enjoys not being on Berk. Who knows. 🤷‍♂️
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According to School of Dragons game lore — and you guys know how much I avoid game and comic lore to the hilt! — Mildew apparently can't stand that there are too many dragons both on Outcast Island and on Berk, and thus travels to a less-populated island called Icestorm Island. This would, of course, disprove this theory that Mildew became Alvin's chief subordinate, if this is true.
So this is up to you guys on whether you wish to incorporate this part of the game lore into it or not. Personally, I don't. So I'll be ignoring this. That being said, though, it WOULD be like Mildew to try to get away from dragons. But in the show, Mildew looked like he was having a soft spot for the Whispering Deaths and all that, so... I don't know. Make out of that what you will. 🤷‍♂️
And thus, my final candidate is a fanon one of my own concoction:
Fishlegs Ingerman.
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I had just posted some posts concerning this (see here and here), but Fishlegs after the "The Return of Thor Bonecrusher" would've been the perfect candidate for Alvin. He saved his (Alvin's) life and is very intelligent and strong as an individual. If Fishlegs decided that Berk wasn't the place for him and yearned to do something more or to continue doing something adventurous, joining the Incasts-nee-Outcasts as Alvin's chief subordinate — even heir — and gaining fame and achievements and honor for himself. Personally, I'm really liking this headcanon-cum-theory. 😁
Of heck, it could even be some random character who we aren't aware of. Or even a child or young man that washed up on shore who Alvin had taken under his wing. The sky's the limit!
So in conclusion, there are several candidates who have the potential of being Alvin's chief subordinate. As to who, I'll leave that up to you. Let me know what you guys think. I'd love to see your thoughts on this.
After this post, there will probably be another 3 or so Alvin or Outcasts-related articles before I dive into the Berserkers or other topics! I'll also try to make sure to post the links on my blog so that they'll be readily available.
Thank you very much for reading! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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cherry-velvet-skies · 2 years
Welcome back to another installment of Rating Beatle Eras By What They Looked Like! (Still kinda working on the title 😅)
Part 2: Ringo 🥰 Now our sweet bby Bongo has had many eras so let's get right into it 😁
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Stormy Hurricane (Pre-Beatles Era)
Now I will say out of all the Beatles, Ringo definitely looked the best in the Teddy Era
The bit of facial hair he has paired with that sleek silver streak is totally working for him
Plus I see that he knew rings were going to be his theme from the very beginning
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7/10 we're starting off pretty strong here and I hope it stays that way lol
Tough Guy Attitude (1962)
Honestly still giving Teddy Era vibes even though he looks completely different
Ringo had baby bangs before they were cool
I know the outfit is kinda basic but he looks fabulous anyway
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8/10 nothing too extravagant but he's still handsome regardless
Aspiring CEO of a Hairdressing Franchise (1963-64)
The Mop Top has officially emerged
I feel like if he wasn't a musician the hairdresser thing would've totally worked out
The look is softer than the previous two eras and I feel like that suits him better
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8/10 again because even though it's a simple look he still rocks it
Human Sacrifice (1965-66)
I know y'all thought this hairstyle was atrocious but I gotta be honest it's not THAT bad
Like in the Help! movie I thought he looked really cute, and in '66 his hair is the same just longer
I will agree though that the whole longer sideburns thing did very little to help this look lmao
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8.5/10 and I know that's a high score but he looks adorable and I will stand by that
Master's Degree From Fashion School (1967)
No because I love this. I used to not like it but now I love it
This era didn't feel like Ringo to me at first which is why I didn't like it, but now I see how he embodies it and I'm so into it
This photo doesn't even need to be in color for me to know there are probably 17 different colors in that outfit and I fucking love that
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10/10 and I also love that little pin he's wearing it's so sweet
Textbook Definition of Tareme (1968) (pls google tareme if you don't know what it means I don't know how to explain it)
He officially entered Poor Little Meow Meow status when he looked like this and I will not accept criticism
I know I didn't choose a picture from it but the Mad Day Out photoshoot I'm- he looked so precious
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1000/10 I want to hug and kiss him NOW 😤
Tumble Starker (1969)
AWOOGA (sorry)
Ringo's best era change my mind (you can't)
I know it looks super similar to the previous one but there is something different here. The last one was cute this is just sexy I mean we can't lie
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37561239/10 this man could do anything he wants to me 🥴🥴🥴
500 BC Genetics (1970)
I'm- no. I'm sorry I can't.
Richie bby what were you thinking
He looks like he's wearing his hair and beard like a bicycle helmet
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1/10 only because I like his outfit. The rest is unredeemable.
Jesus Impersonator (1971)
The hair is cool but I'm not liking the beard so much
His sense of style is still going strong but between the last era and this I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster
How does his hair grow so fast
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5/10 I'm going right in the middle because I neither love nor hate this
Full Coverage (1972)
Well would you look at that the hair got better and the beard got worse
I swear he must secretly be one of those hair salon dolls where you press a button and their hair grows like ten inches in two seconds because HOW
I mean I'm sure it keeps his face warm so I guess that's a plus
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6/10 I like it slightly more than Jesus Impersonator but not by much
That'll Be The Slay (1973)
This look had me twirling my hair and giggling like bro he's so fine omg 🥵
I usually don't like this hairstyle but it so works on him
Plus the star earrings are yoU KIDDING ME
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100/10 also his character deserved SO MUCH BETTER IN THIS MOVIE I'M STILL MAD ABOUT IT 😤😤😤
Beard Redemption Arc (1974)
What a surprise the beard is back
But would you believe me if I said I liked it this time
It's like a combination of the last two eras and I think I've finally found a hair and beard combo I appreciate
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7.5/10 a pretty damn good hair to beard ratio
The Rise of the Silver Streak (1975)
I know he had already been a Dad for several years at this point, but this is the first era to actually exude that dilf energy we all know and love
Also I know that the little silver streak in his hair can be seen in many previous eras as well but I feel like he really embraced it here idk
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9/10 I'm really vibing with this one
Character Development (1976)
Why does every person who has such luscious hair have that one era where they decide to chop it all off
I mean if I remember correctly he was going through a lot during this time so maybe he just needed a drastic change or something
I do appreciate the silver streak being on FULL DISPLAY
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4.5/10 not for me but I respect it
Ognir Rrats (1977-80)
I must say his fashion was on point during this time
A lot of these eras start to blend together after a while since they all look pretty similar lmao
But that doesn't mean that the quality factor goes away. He still manages to pull off most of them
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8/10 and the Ognir Rrats movie lives in my brain rent free
YMCA (1981-82)
Why does he look so good like this omg
I'm not even attracted to the cop uniform usually but I guess that's just the power of Ringo
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9/10 this is my guilty pleasure Ringo era
*asdfmovie voice* I Like Trains (1983-86)
Even though I wasn't born yet when Ringo was the Thomas the Tank Engine narrator I somehow still remember hearing his voice when I watched it as a kid
Which is even wilder because he was the narrator for the UK version and I live in America
The conductor look does suit him though
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8/10 because watching the show now and hearing him make little voices for all the different trains is top tier comedy
Commercial King (1987-88)
Ringo did more ad cameos in this era than I can count
I'm also confused about the commercials where he couldn't even actually try the product because of his food sensitivities (looking at you, Pizza Hut)
This era is similar to Rise of the Silver Streak, except a little less dilf and a little more "rockstar who wants to branch out and try new things"
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8/10 and if you haven't seen the commercial he did for a Japanese sparkling apple juice company, I highly suggest you watch it it's hilarious 🤭
Volleyball Player Braids (1989)
You either get the title or you don't there's no in between
These little braids both suited him and looked very out of place
At least his hair was long enough again to the point where he could braid it
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7/10 not my favorite, but he looked good and he knew it too
Experimentation (1990-92)
This is pretty much his default look at this point but the title does have a purpose
He had a mullet briefly in '91 and then promptly got rid of it lmao
Something tells me he made the right choice because despite not choosing a photo of it, it honestly didn't look that great
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7/10 I respect him for not only experimenting but acknowledging when something is not working for him
Classic Rock Chic (1993-96)
When I tell you this look goes SO HARD 🥵
He IS a rockstar and is making sure everyone is gonna know it
I know he looked like this for about four years but I wish it lasted longer. This look peaked in '95 and there was nothing else like it 😌
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25/10 I feel like I have to file this under the dilf category because I'm too attracted to it for it to be anything else 🤭💕
Fountain of Youth (1997-2020)
I am not joking when I say that he looked EXACTLY the same for TWENTY-THREE YEARS STRAIGHT
He cut his hair short again in '97 and then said fuck it we're staying like this
I do think it's funny how he had so many different eras when he was younger and once he entered his sixties he just found one he liked and stuck with it
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5.5/10 I guess the short hair suits him but I'm just admiring the fact that he wanted something more low maintenance as he got older lol
All-Starr (2021-Present Day)
His hair is longer again and honestly I think he looks great
I love that the earrings and ombre sunglasses have not left since the 70s/80s because I absolutely love them
The peace sign necklace is also a serve and I'm not ashamed to say that he is the reason I bought one that looks exactly like it 🤭
8.5/10 he's really just adopted that rich guy aesthetic where he either dresses so cool it makes him look thirty years younger or he just wears tracksuits 90% of the time and honestly I love that for him 😌💕
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littlemissagrafina · 2 years
Pumpkin Man
@comfortember Day 2. Stressed
Summary: "Aren't you supposed to be in school, Kid?" Tony asked with a frown as he answered the call.
"Nope! We have a half day today. But that's besides the point. I need your help!" Peter yelped and it instantly set off warning bells in Tony's head.
"I'm on my way. Don't move!" Tony ended the call, his suit already forming around him with Peter's location popping up to display in the HUD of his helmet as he took off.
Read on AO3
Tony woke up on Wednesday morning surprisingly refreshed despite staying in the lab late the night before. He supposed the fact that he only pulled all nighters every few weeks now as opposed to most nights had helped his sleeping habits. Who'd have thought?
He woke up and let himself laze around bed for a few minutes before getting up and ready for the day. He didn't have any scheduled meetings and there were no pressing projects, so it was a rare, truly quiet day and he took the time to enjoy his morning coffee while Friday updated him on anything she dubbed important enough.
There was a voice note that Peter left him during his patrol the previous night that Tony couldn't help but smile at after listening to. The kid spent most of it rambling on about The Churro Lady and how she'd given him both a cinnamon and sugar churro and one coated in freshly melted and still gooey chocolate. 
It honestly left Tony craving a churro himself and he was just about to order a few when his phone started ringing, Peter's number and goofy contact picture displayed across the screen. 
"Aren't you supposed to be in school, Kid?" Tony asked with a frown as he answered the call.
"Nope! We have a half day today. But that's besides the point. I need your help!" Peter yelped and it instantly set off warning bells in Tony's head.
"I'm on my way. Don't move!" Tony ended the call, his suit already forming around him with Peter's location popping up to display in the HUD of his helmet as he took off.
He spent the short flight (probably shorter than it would have usually been but hey, sue him, his kid needed help) with possible scenarios bouncing around his brain, each one worse than the last.
Landing in the location that Friday had pinged Peter at (a quiet street near Delmar's) Tony wasn't quite sure what he was seeing. Or we'll, he was, but it didn't make that much sense to his still panicked, adrenaline filled mind.
Ned and MJ sat practically collapsed against each other roaring with laughter, little snorts and gasps escaping each time they tried to stop which only set them off again.
The object of their amusement? Peter. Who sat criss-cross applesauce with his arms crossed… and a carved pumpkin ok his head.
As Tony's brain caught up and processed the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a laugh as well and by the haunch in Peter’s shoulder, he wasn't very impressed. At all.
"Mr Stark! You're not supposed to laugh, you're supposed to help me! They're traitors!" Peter whined, flinging a hand out to point at his friends who, only just managing to smother their laughter, set off again at the image Peter made.
Tony chuckled quietly, raising his hands. "Sorry, Kid. Would the pumpkin on your head have anything to do with what I'm supposed to be helping with?" 
Peter groaned, said pumpkin wobbling as he tipped his head back dramatically and flopped backwards against the pavement. Tony had the instinct to tell Peter to get off the ground (who knew how many gross diseases there were on the New York pavements) but he ignored it for the moment and instead crouched next to Peter.
He knocked on the pumpkin, catching a glimpse of brown curls through the cut out eyes. There was an inaudible mumble from inside the squash so Tony knocked again.
"What was that, Mr Pumpkinman?"
Peter grumbled. "It's stuck." 
Tony had to smother his laugh, but figured it was safe to grin since he was pretty sure that Peter couldn't see his face at this angle. 
"And why, exactly, do you have a pumpkin stuck on your head?"
There was a sigh from inside the pumpkin. "Because it was sitting out with a Halloween display at Delmar's and he said that I could have it since they were taking it down tomorrow."
Tony hummed thoughtfully. "And your next logical thought was to stuff your head inside it?" 
Peter was silent, only Ned and MJ's giggles heard on the surprisingly quiet street.  
"...yeah." Peter reluctantly admitted and Tony didn’t have to see his face to know that he was pouting. 
Deciding to take mercy on him, Tony stood from his crouched position, ignoring the popping sound his one knee made and hoisting Peter up with him. Activating his gauntlet, he warned Peter to keep still before carefully slicing the pumpkin open until he was able to slide it off.
Peter was still pouting when his face was revealed, a fee pumpkin guts stuck to his face and hair.
"One more question," Tony grinned, "Why didn't you just use your spidey powers and break it off?"
Peter stared at Tony, then at Ned and MJ who, yet again, all started laughing at him.
It was needless to say that Tony's day didn't turn out quite the way he thought it would, but he wouldn't change it for a second. Minor stress attack and all.
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
We're back at Suzuka but it brings back a few nightmares
And we're finally back at Suzuka 🤩
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Bad thing that it's raining way too much and this is a bad memory. Very bad memory. It's been 8 years since the world witnesses how Jules Bianchi crashed so violently... It gives me the chills to even think about it.
I'm gonna start as usual with the press conference from yesterday, and I'll continue with FP1 and FP2, respectively.
I wasn't expecting those glass or acrylic panels in between the drivers at the presser, but it looks funny actually.
The one moment I have found really amusing has been Max's and Daniel's interaction with Max pressing his face to the acrylic. Truly funny, honestly. Meme material right there, you gotta admit it even if you don't like Crystappen.
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Time for FP1 and I love this circuit, actually. Old school, super exciting. Japanese fans are so cool. I've seen that Guenther sign and I'm dead 😂 That woman's the best.
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Not much has happened all the way through the end, really. It started off pretty damp but not really that rainy, but almost towards the end it started pouring and this is a little scary now for what we all know can happen here (I know, like any other circuit, but the memory plays a part here).
Yuki's, Mick's and Seb's helmets are crazy good this week! Those are beauties right there!! 😍
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Less than 4 minutes to go and Zhou goes out splashing water all the way behind him. Nice picture, too. Looks incredible, him driving all alone splashing water all over. This sport can be so beautiful. Even those tyres look so cool on track. Really cool images, seriously, I'm in awe.
NOOOOOO MICK HAS A BIG SHUNT RIGHT AT THE END OF FP1!!!!! OH MY BABY BOY NO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 That's so unlucky, oh my god... He'll be out of FP2 for sure, that's bad... I really hope he's okay. Let's see what happens afterwards, but it looks like he's fine. Thank goodness 🥲
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So I've watched almost a complete hour of FP2 and nothing has happened. It's still looking very slippery, although they're all now driving with Inters, so that's clearly an improvement.
It's been 1 hour and a half listening to the Spanish commentators, like that's a pleasure or something. Worse than torture, so annoying.
The only interesting thing has been the Merc 1-2 in FP2. Why do they keep giving me hope for nothing?
Anyway, I'll watch everything tomorrow after work but I'll stay updated through Twitter as usual. I'm beat today so I better head to bed if I wanna be alive tomorrow.
Peace out!
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insaneshane · 2 years
Apologies for the long wait! I'm simply a lil silly thing. Anyways, moving on from the Martinverse (Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon), I'll be covering the Tolkienverse! Now, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit have no shortage of unique swords, and considering my format change, I'll do armour in this post, and swords in another.
As usual, I'll start with armour, and first up we have Thorin(son of Thráin, son of Thror)'s armour!
Now, he wears two distinctive sets, and I definitely have a preference. But I refer to this first set as his Dragonsickness Armour:
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Okay so first things first, I *do* like the design. Like, it's very unique, and has personality imo. But I just *know* this shit is heavy. Unless of course it's a special material made to be as strong as steel but impossibly light (/j). Under the fur cloak he's got all the right stuff, pauldrens and whatnot, and we can see that he's wearing mail under it as well, so it's all theoretically practical.
I understand it's "King Thorin" or whatever, but I'd replace the crown with a helmet. I've seen fanart of him with one, but he never wears it in the movies so shame on him. He does have a shield though, so I can forgive him.
Speaking of the shield, I like it. It looks rather small, but that's fine, if he can use a tree branch effectively, he can use this (/s).
Realism: 7.5/10
Appeal: 6/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 7/10
Now, his other armor, what he wears throughout basically the whole series:
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It's super simple, it looks like just mail under a coat. Also it seems like there's no mail on the biceps. I understand he was literally homeless, but I'd have to rob someone, I couldn't wear this.
Realism: 9/10
Appeal: 1/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 3/10
Next is the Rivendell Elven Soldier Armour:
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I'm sorry it's such a shitty picture, but everything else was either a drawing or homemade. Now, it doesn't look all that protective tbh. I don't see any mail underneath, the elbows are exposed which leads me to believe other joints are as well (knees, ankles, etc.), and honestly it just doesn't scream "sturdy" to me. I understand elves are light weight warriors, but for a vanguard I'd want a little more protection.
Also, I think the solid metal "plume" on top is an interesting choice. Just like with Daemon's helmet, it's unnecessary weight, and will likely give you a sore neck after wearing it for too long. Other than that, it does look pretty cool.
Realism: 6/10
Appeal: 7.5/10
Name: 3/10
Overall: 5/10
Next we have Elrond's Armour, which is surprisingly similar to the standard soldiers armour:
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The first thing I see it that he has mail on, which immediately puts this at a higher rank. However, his thighs are exposed save for the mail hanging down, which I think is an interesting choice seeing as there's a rather important artery in there. No gauntlets, or even gloves, is a downside, not to mention wearing a crown in place of a helmet again.
I will say, props to him for not wearing something drastically more fancy than his foot soldiers, it definitely inspires confidence in his leadership imo.
Realism: 6/10
Appeal: 8/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 7.5/10
Galadriel's Armour from Rings of Power! I suppose spoilers?
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Firstly, oof. I think this shit is ugly tbh. But, that's more personal opinion than objective.
Onto actually reviewing it, it looks decent enough. However, the chest plate is too form fitting, I don't think it should curve inwards at the stomach like that. And yes, I understand Elrond's was pretty close fit too, but it's still a full round chestplate, not trying to accentuate anything.
Other than that, it's some genuinely good armour. Full chain underneath, so props to her, even though it's a little messy. And let's focus on the elbows a little bit. This is the perfect way to armour that joint, because it's not as exposed when your arm is outstretched as it would be with other armour. But you still have full range of motion!
Also, this is another good example of tasteful ornamentation.
Realism: 8/10
Appeal: 0.5/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 7/10
Last, but definitely not least, Lord Sauron's Armour
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I'll try my very best not to be biased here, but like, c'mon, do you blame me?? This is so fucking cool.
Anyways, even without the bias, this armour *would* protect you. Like, it might shred you to pieces while donning it, but it's so worth it.
It's got all the things I usually look for, mail, helmet, joint protection, but also a fucking cape. Hell yeah.
Now, in my attempts to remain unbiased, I will say that any other time I'd dislike the spikes, namely the ones on the pauldrons and helmet, they're simply ridiculous. I do like that he sort of combined a helmet a crown (looking at you two Thorin and Elrond). But yeah this is just badass.
Realism: 7/10
Appeal: 12/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 8/10
And that concludes the Tolkienverse Armour review! As always, if there are any you wish I would've reviewed, let me know and I'll get on it! And remember, I'm aware it's fiction/fantasy, but this is something I enjoy, so I'll continue doing it!
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stardust-kenobi · 3 years
My Purpose
Din Djarin/Mando x Reader
Summary: You're captured by the Empire, held for questioning concerning the location of the child. Under Moff Gideon's supervision, you endure harsh punishment. You knew that Din would never leave you behind. The moment you heard blasters firing rapidly outside your holding cell, you knew he'd come back for you.
Warnings: violence, mild torture to reader (no SA), mention of blood, death, reader being "helpless", helmetless Din, fluff
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: I mean, don't we all fantasize about being rescued by a bounty hunter as a helpless damsel in distress? Just me? well, enjoy anyways. This honestly reads like a Mandalorian episode. @ jon favreau, hire me pls. reader is referred to as “her” once or twice but otherwise can be read as gender neutral.
gif credit: @isetthetone
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"I won't talk" You spat at the men towering over you. You were firm, and steady in your composure. More troopers, higher ranking than the predecessors, continued in the attempt to break you. The Empire wanted the child, and you'd never let them get close. The vents blasted near frozen air onto your shoulders from above, insulated in your holding cell that was encased with metal and designed for discomfort.
Without another helpless word, and the press of a little red button, bolts of electricity coursed throughout your already exhausted body, delivered by the small device forcibly wrapped around your head. The pain was excruciating, but you were beginning to feel numb with every passing second. This was the 5th...no, 6th time...so far, that this pain has been inflicted on you. It benefitted neither party in the room. You offered no evidence of weakness aside from your obvious pain. They had to know that you weren't any close to revealing any useful information.
"If you won't talk, Moff Gideon will be taking matters into his own hands. Give us the location of the kid, or suffer the consequences" Their voices were muffled in a similar way that Din's helmet muffled his voice. It reminded you of him in an oddly comforting way. You missed him terribly already. Without even seeing the true look in Din's eyes when they captured you only seconds before you were able to make it to the Razor Crest, you knew his heart made the most difficult decision he's ever had to make. You knew it was you or the child, and neither of us would ever let them get their hands on him.
Although you kept your composure in the presence of your captors, you were scared. Petrified, even. Din swore to himself many months ago to protect you in exchange for you assisting him in raising the child. You knew little of childcare, but Din knew you could both figure it out together. After all, you did owe him big time for saving your life when you first met. And here we were, right back where it all started...you needed to be saved again. You hoped he'd gotten the child miles away from here by now. You'd lost track of time but it felt like hours, maybe even half a day at this point.
Your silence was the only response to the further questions.
"Suit yourself" One of the troopers scoffed, and swiftly exited with his partner. The door slid open and closed just barely long enough for them to leave. You were then trapped, cold, and alone again. As much as you wanted to be relieved from your situation, you cared significantly more for the safety of the child and your armored protector.
The minutes dragged and your chest felt heavy as the panic began to sink in. This was it for you. No way they’d let you leave after being of no use to them. Your death was inevitable, and your racing thoughts began to slow as you came to peace with that.
You heard the faint hissing of a door on the other side of your cell, signifying someone's entry. Then suddenly, your cell door slid open, revealing a towering figure. Although you'd never seen the late Darth Vader, the way you imagined him was reflected in this man.
The jet-black shine of his armor was enough to startle you in his presence. But his expression...the menacing grin framed the picture of a despicable man.
Your face was blank. Showing any fear was not an option right now. Although, you were subtly trembling in your seat.
"You know that you've made a big mistake, right?" He said, approaching you slowly, using his height to tower over you while you were seated on a steel bench.
"Your beloved bounty hunter isn't coming back for you," Moff Gideon said softly, getting uncomfortably close to your face. "Why not just comply with our requests so we can move along with the search? hm?"
"You'll never find them" You hissed at him.
"Oh, actually I will. That you can count on" He laughed. The insulting tone made you sick. "However, if you tell us where they are, your torture will come to an end and we can get this whole thing over with. What do you say?"
"Your persistence is admiring, truly it is. But why waste your time? He doesn't care about you. He's a Mandalorian. They only care about their creed. Everything else is just...a commodity."
You shook your head in denial. That wasn't true.
"You're wrong."
His gloved hand firmly grabbed your chin, pulling your face up toward him. You cringed and winced under his touch.
“Where are they?” He persistently shouted in your face. You jolted your head backward in attempt to put distance between the two of you. With your response of more silence, you were met with a sharp and painful blow to the side of your face. You turned to look back at him, trying to collect yourself from the pain. His fist was still tight and ready to throw another punch.
The second punch was worse, it radiated pain through your entire skull and caused your eyes to go blurry for a moment. The cuts already open on your cheek were split open with damage you were taking. You felt the blood begin to drip down your face. Any additional infliction would be hell, but you’d take any pain necessary to keep everything you loved safe.
His other hand brought to your attention a small red button. The same button the stormtroopers used to electrocute you before. You whimpered in anticipation and tears involuntarily formed in your eyes.
A deranged smile spread across his face. Your fear just fueled his power. And just before he could inflict any additional pain on you, he seemed to have received transmission into his ear.
His brows furrowed. His eyes then locked with yours.
"Repeat, commander" a look of concern was on his face. Disbelief, even.
"Don't let him step foot on my ship" Moff Gideon seethed.
Although you were uninformed to the other side of the conversation, there was no question. You grinned ear to ear. He came back for you. Of course he did.
"Well, change of plans. The Mandalorian dies today" Moff Gideon snickered.
"We'll see about that" You whispered.
The ship shook and vibrated under your feet. As if a ship had docked...or crashed, maybe. Moff Gideon snapped his attention behind him, as if he could see what was happening through the secured doors.
Another transmission came through, one you still weren't able to hear.
"If he doesn't have the child, then he's no use to me. Kill him."
Your heart sank at the mere thought of losing him. But it wouldn't happen. Gideon's troopers were no match.
Moff Gideon kept his close watch over you while he hid like a coward in your cell with you. His hand rested atop his blaster in preparation for what he knew was to come. The cruiser you were aboard had a crew of probably 50 people. If they all served to be as awful at combat as other troopers that you’d seen Din take down, you’d be rescued in no time.
You watched Gideon’s body language grow more and more nervous and fidgety as the commotion grew on the other side of the door. Blasters and the sharp clinking of metal filled the narrow space of the ships walls. That muffled sound was moving closer. As the situation became less favorable for Gideon, it became more favorable for you. That fact alone put a smile on your face.
Then suddenly…three loud bangs penetrated the walls. It sounded as though someone was trying to break through the first door. But that wasn’t regular armor hitting the metal…it was beskar. Gideon trembled. He jolted when the banging arrived at your cell door. He was displeased to hear you laugh at his reaction, which fueled his anger.
He yanked your arm and threw you in front of him as a human shield, pulling his arm around your chest and igniting the dark saber, holding it only centimeters from your throat. The blade vibrated loudly, threatening to take your life in one motion. What a fucking coward. Can’t even fight without using you as bait.
It took less time for Din to break through the second door. Within seconds, the door snapped and broke open, revealing your protector wrapped in his armor as usual. What was unusual, though, was the splattered blood across his chest plate. You couldn’t even imagine what he’d just been through to get to you.
“Step another foot closer and she dies” Moff Gideon insisted.
“Let her go” his soothing voice broke through his helmet, calming your nerves, even with death being only a movement away. “You’re outnumbered, Moff Gideon”
“I would disagree. It seems it’s one on one”
He pulled the saber closer to your neck. You whimpered and squinted your eyes shut. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you opened them back up. You see Din’s fist in a ball, revealing his frustration and anger.
“Based on your fighting skills I’d say it’s more like two on one, wouldn’t you think?” Din snapped back at him.
“Alright. Let’s fight then, Mandalorian” Gideon said with a smirk on his face. He threw you down carelessly back onto the bench. You cried out in pain as your face hit in the cold seat.
Both men circled one another with their weapon of choice in the ready position. The saber was still ignited, and Din had his staff of beskar. No lightsaber could ever cut through beskar, not even the dark saber. Din swung first, striking Gideon’s side armor. He retaliated, only to be met with the staff that rejected the saber’s power.
There were flashes of blinding light back and forth, both men having a fair chance against the other. You watched in terrifying anticipation, fearful of Din’s safety. You believed in him, but to watch him fight scared you. After a few minutes, Din finally had Gideon pinned against the floor, with the beskar staff pointed right below his chin. The saber was thrown from his hands, and out of his reach.
This was it, you thought. We are getting out of here.
But not yet. Gideon made a move so swiftly you couldn’t even comprehend what had happened. The staff was knocked from Din’s grip, and he was thrown backward onto the floor. Gideon somehow maneuvered himself on top of him now, with the staff in his control.
No. Please no.
He could’ve killed him in one motion, but instead, Gideon pushed the staff under the grip of Din’s helmet and forcefully pulled it from his head, slicing his chin in the process. You gasped and looked away, to be respectful of his creed. You’d never seen him without his helmet. All you caught glimpse of was the deep brown color of his hair.
You only listened now, as you were unable to watch how this would end.
“You have nothing now” Gideon started, breathing heavy through his words. “Your creed has been broken. You have no purpose” he laughed, pleased with himself for to bring shame to his opponent. "Give it up, Din Djarin."
A familiar voice broke the air that you’d ever only heard through the distortion of a helmet. You gasped softly.
“She is my purpose. The child is my purpose. I won’t let you take that away from me” Din said. It sounded like the voice was directed toward you rather than Gideon based on your positioning. You melted at his words.
Not another word was spoken before the clanging of metal filled the room again, you couldn’t tell what was happening, which made you all the more terrified. Gideon groaned in pain, it sounded as if he was on the ground now.
“You’ll never take the child. And you’ll never see the light of day again. All because you took my girl” Din breathed deep through his words.
You heard the dark saber ignite again.
The vibration from the saber indicated a swift movement.
A loud thud against the ground.
You trembled with your arms covering your head in a fetal position on the bench. You knew it had to be Din who was still standing, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
“Y/N” his warm voice graced your ears only inches from behind you. You audibly sobbed. Knowing immediately you were safe. He was still helmet-less, you could tell. You turned over to face him, but kept your eyes closed so you wouldn’t see him.
The electrocution device wrapped around your head was removed gently. You'd somehow forgotten it was even there. His hands then wrapped around yours as you moved to sit in an upright position.
“Look at me” he pleased softly
“But your hel-” you started
“Look at me” he insisted, squeezing your hands gently.
Your eyelids folded open slowly. You weren’t afraid, but you were hesitant. He was crouched in front of you. What you saw as your gaze met his, took your breath away. His eyes were brown, a match to his hair you caught glimpse of before. It was Din. You were finally seeing the man you loved for what he really looked like. He was so beautiful. All the words you wanted to say failed to leave your mouth as you scanned his face over and over again. His expression was riddled with worry and concern.
“Did he do this to you?” He referred to the gash above your cheek, and the other visible bruising down your body. You were suddenly aware of how deeply he cared for you.
On the verge of tears and still remaining speechless, you nodded your head. “I’m okay”
“He’ll never take you from me or lay a hand on you again” your eyes travelled over to Gideon’s lifeless body on the floor. Din gently pulled your face back to look at him so you wouldn’t be more traumatized than you already were.
“I’m here” he reassured you. A smile formed on his lips. Maker…that smile. You were seeing him smile for the first time. Sweat and patches of blood scattered Din's face. You couldn't imagine the hell he went through to get to you.
“But Din, your helmet” you remained confused. You knew that meeting other Mandalorian recently may have changed his outlook but you never thought he’d break the creed intentionally. He could’ve put it back on. But he didn’t.
“It’s okay... I wanted to see you with my own eyes. You are my purpose now, y/n”
He said it again. The same sentiment that surprised you before. Your heart was so full in that moment.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner" He remorsefully spoke. "Its my job to protect you, and I almost failed you. It'll never happen again"
You shake your head. He didn't need to apologize. He was here now and that's all that mattered.
“I’ve never been happier to see someone’s face in my entire life” you say, continuing to admire his features. You bring your hand to cup the side of his face. He closed his eyes gently as a result of your caress. Your skin against his was so mesmerizing...so new to you...so new to him. You halted your gaze this time at his lips and then looked back to his eyes. He was looking at your lips too.
Neither of you had to say another word. An unspoken desire between the two of you was about to be fulfilled. His finger guided your chin closer to him.
The silence was so loud. The lack of troopers and personnel on the ship was haunting, yet somehow incredibly peaceful. The beating of your heart was beginning to fill that silence in your ears. It beat rapidly in response to your near death experience in addition to being this close to him. Being completely alone and intimate with him.
You leaned in to him with his guidance. As your lips just barely brushed against his, you took a sharp breath in. The skin on his lips was supple and warm. As you fully pressed your mouth against his, you fell apart into his kiss. Your whole body was encased in warmth and a feeling of security from this closeness with him. His hand rested against the back of your neck and pulled you closer into the kiss, if that was even possible. Even though you were truly alone, this kiss alone made it feel like you and him were the only two people left in the whole galaxy.
You never wanted to pull away from him. You both waited so long for this moment.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that" He whispered, as the kiss finally broke.
"I do, Din. Trust me I do" You giggled. You were captivated by the feeling that this kiss had left with you.
He pulled his head back to take another look at you.
"Let's get you home" He said, before standing to his feet.
Even weak from his battle wounds, he scooped you up into his arms, and carried you back to the Razor Crest.
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sir-sunny · 3 years
(Green) okay! Here are some unlikely friendship headcanons!
Kokichi and Hiyoko:
-Blame DRS for this one
-Lowkey HATE each other but also can't help but be drawn to each other, probably because they're both gremlin children
-Will usually team up to make fun of people like Mikan or Miu even if they're angry with each other because the prank is worth it
-ABSOLUTELY fight over who gets the last bag of fruit gummies (Kokichi usually wins because he's a manipulative bastard)
-Kokichi genuinely hates that Hiyoko likes to kill small animals and because he's the way he is, instead of directly telling her to stop, he'll try to guilt her into feeling bad
-Hiyoko is one of the few people that Kokichi will dress differently around, even if he doesn't go all out. He'll wear something small like,,,multicoloured shoelaces and Hiyoko will be like "!!! I thought you were just an emo asylum patient this is actually kinda cool"
Gonta and Jataro:
-Already talked about this before but!! Big brother Gonta and Little brother Jataro!!
-Gonta is one of the few adults(technically) that Jataro trusts, mainly because he likes bugs and bugs are creepy and cool
-Sharing bug facts!! Gonta tells Jataro that the spots on a butterfly's wings are used to ward off predators and Jarato is like 8O!!!
-Jataro draws pictures of him and Gonta hanging out together. Gonta doesn't know why but he cries every time he sees them
-Do not bully Jataro otherwise Gonta will Not be happy
-Gonta doesn't mind that Jataro wears his helmet most of the time. At least then there's a smaller chance of him getting stung by a bee!
-"Do you hate me?"
"What?! Gonta could never hate you! Gonta doesn't hate anyone!"
"Oh...that's not good. Now I need to find a way to make you hate me."
"W-wait, Gonta can hate you if you want that! Gonta want to make Jataro happiest he can be!"
Makoto and Nagito:
-Honestly they give me brother vibes,,,hope bros,,,
-Makoto might not be as obsessed with hope as Nagito is but he can sort of understand where he's coming from. It's nice to believe in something like that when the world hasn't been that nice to you
-Nagito's a little jealous of Makoto's luck usually playing in his favour but he's also happy that Makoto doesn't end up getting hurt most of the time
-Being the Genuine Good Boi he is, Makoto will talk to Nagito and try to understand him on a level that most people don't get, because God damn it he can SEE how much this boy is struggling and he wants to help : (
-,,,Makoto asking Nagito where he buys his clothes because they're kinda nice-
-Good at impersonating each other : )
Gundham and Himiko:
-A popular friendship in the fandom but very much deserving. Chaotic Mage Pals
-Himiko thinks she's training Gundham in how to magic, Gundham is actually the one giving Himiko solid advice on how to take care of animals while casting sick spells
-Gundham's energy gets to be a bit much for Himiko sometimes so Gundham subconsciously lowers his voice when spending time with her
-The four devas love Himiko! They especially like hiding under her hat when they want a nap
-Gundham carrying Himiko to somewhere comfortable when she falls asleep and not acknowleging anyone when they point out how cute it is because he's evil damn it this is just so he can carry out his evil plans without someone getting in the way
Chihiro and Kaito:
-Kaito is the perfect mix of self confidence and positive masculine energy that Chihiro has been looking for so they're drawn to him like a magnet
-Training! They train a lot and Chihiro is a bit slow to start but Kaito is there to make sure they don't give up
-Kaito's main knowledge of computers are the control panels in a space ship so Chihiro talks to him about other types of computers and Kaito barely understands but he's trying real hard
-Chihiro wearing Kaito's space jacket,,,it's like twice as big on them but it's warm and comfy so it's nice
-I like to think that Chihiro can speak English too so imagine them both having full conversations in English and none of the other characters understanding
-Chihiro mentioning one day that their favourite constellation is the Ursa Major because it's like a bear that's protecting the stars. Kaito winning a bear plush at a festival and deciding to give it to Chihiro because he remembered
Hifumi and Tsumugi:
-Either fanboy/girling about their favourite animes together or having passive aggressive debates on which girl is best girl and what adaptation was better than the manga etc etc
-Tsumugi makes a cosplay for one of Hifumi's characters one day because she just felt like it and Hifumi almost goes into cardiac arrest
-Hifumi being jealous of Tsumugi's height and grumbling about it to himself whenever he sees her hgirughtr
(I'm gonna stop here because this is already a lot but if you want more I'll be happy to supply!)
kokichi and hiyoko are a NIGHTMARE duo akskjdjdjf god could you imagine these two talking shit behind ur back,,,
gonta and jataro canon siblings!!! they are literally adorable i LOVE their dynamic
nagito will get into an extremely passionate rant abt hope and whatnot and makoto will very politely nod and try his best to keep up akaskhdhd
gundham and himiko are such a good pair omg like gundham genuinely respects himiko's talent and refers to her as a mage, he'll even aid her in tricks involving animals (he'll make sure that theyre all very safe of course)
oooooo! kaito and chihiro would ve such good friendsssss kaito would be so supportive of them and he'd be so unwaveringly positive and kind,,,, and these two bonding over constellation stories,,,,,aaaaaa,,,,,
hifumi and tsumugi would get along SO well alsjdhd these two cosplay together, binge watch anime together, go to cons together, collaborate on art pieces MAN,,
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nitannichionne · 3 years
If He Was Your Fan, Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2 (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)
Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2
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Henry announces that he is driving you and Stella to a place for breakfast. You and Stella are both relieved you got dressed up a bit. The name Lanes of London Mayfair is a big indication that you should. You are dressed in a fluffy burgundy fisherman’s sweater and black leggings with brown riding boots, looking ready for a day of shopping but not at the gym. Stella is in a white shirt and beige jeans with dark brown sports jacket and ankle boots. You are happy you left your usual athletic gear behind.
After that, Henry takes you and Stella to a place that is not even listed.
“I looked up London Trench,” you tell him. “They are online orders only, aren’t they?”
“For the general public, yes.”
You and Stella look at each other. She looks excited but you feel sick for some reason.
With a knock on the door, and Henry telling his name and time on the intercom, you are buzzed in. You step into a boutique that almost looks hidden.
“Mr. Cavill?” a woman bows.
“Hello,” he nods. “This is my lady and her friend. My lady needs a few trenches.”
A few? Did he say few? A few trenches was like…rent money! You look at him incredulously, and he only gives small smile.
“Must make it worth their while,” he shrugs.
Within an hour you are in selections called the Queen Classic, a straight cut, and the Goddess, an A-Line for dresses. You opt for the Goddess, and he takes you to Burberry’s for something shorter and surprisingly more expensive than that. You are cringing inside, and Henry hasn’t flinched. He is happy to see you try on coats. You feel the looks of the sales people at both stores. Face to face they are amicable and friendly, but you see the looks in the reflections of the mirrors when they do not think they’re looking. They don’t think much of you, maybe they think you’re a flavor of the month? Maybe it’s all in your head?
“Well, that’s that,” he sighs. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” you smile. “yeah.”
“Sweetheart?” he says slowly, his blue eyes searching yours.
“I-I didn’t realize they’d be so—”
“Good coats are required here, love, I won’t have you getting sick,” he nods, tipping your face up for a quick kiss.
You nod and smile in understanding.
“Alright, you two, don’t get into too much trouble,” he winks. He gets in his car and is gone.
“Gotta be at work today by four for the dinner rush,” Stella said brightly. “What do you want to do?”
“Let’s just hit a mall or something,” you say. “and we can’t go someplace Henry would.”
“I know, the places he took us!” Stella laughs. “He’s…he’s kinda out of it, isn’t he?”
“Childhood weight problems aside, I don’t think he realizes how hard it is out here, no!” you laugh back. “Experience is the best teacher on those things.” You get slightly serious. “I hope he never suffers like that. No one should.”
You both decide to go to Victoria’s Secret several blocks away, opting to start walking off that massive breakfast you just had. When you arrive, you ask for what they have in emerald green.
“That his favorite color?” Stella asks.
“No, it’s actually blue,” you say. “hey do you have any blue green?”
“Hold on, let me see what we have,” the clerk smiles and leaves to check.
“You seem to buy a lot of that stuff,” she says softly. “Do you wear it?”
You are looking on a rack, but you are thinking of the previous night:
“It’s tomorrow,” Henry said softly and pinned you against the door to kiss you.
You instinctively put your arms around him, welcoming his kiss, his touch. You raise your leg and he semi squats to help you wrap it around him. You both pulled at each other’s clothes hungry to feel skin to skin, your kisses passionate and breathy. You pulled your sweater over your head as he wrapped your other leg around his hips, kissing your chest and licking the skin between your breasts that your bra left exposed. He carried you up the steps to your loft bedroom and laid you on the bed, pulling your jeans off. He smiled at your navy blue bra and panty set. He returned to kissing you, and you pull at his sweater as he unbuckles his belt, slid it off and threw it carelessly on the floor. He slid his jeans off, and stood in nothing but boxer briefs that did not hide his arousal. He crushed you into the sheets and you arched to him, wanting nothing more than to feel him…
“It’s a lot easier to always wear bra and panty sets,” you joke softly.
“How many do you have?”
“Uh….I really don’t know?” you answer honestly.
After getting lingerie and clothes, you catch the tube to Angel Central Mall, and do some shopping there. You feel terrible that there isn’t time for a mani pedi, so you find a massage place that does shoulders and neck, promising to do a pamper session on another day.
As you both make your way back to Brixton, you look at the sights out of the window, try to remember the exchanges. You are so grateful to Stella for being your friend, smiling at her as she steals a nap during the ride home. You notice that some young people are staring at you. You sigh. You may be recognized, you have to get used to that.
Back in Brixton, walk back to your building together.
“There were people staring at you?” Stella gasps “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“There was no danger,” you tell her smoothly.
“Why haven’t you posted yet?”
“Why haven’t you posted yet?”
“I post all the time—”
“Never pictures of yourself, though.” Her eyes narrow. "And never of you and Henry."
“Even before I dated Henry, I never posted much about my love life online,” you shrug. “My s/o’s asked to take pictures, so I didn’t deny them, but I’m not big on my love life on social media. Special occasions or requests sure but—”
“I get it, you like that your relationship is between you and Henry, not you, the world and Henry.”
“Yeah, it’s more intimate that way,” you smile. “I have pictures of Henry and me on my phone. Besides, it’s lots easier if there is a breakup.”
“Breakup?!” Stella chortled. “Break up? You and Henry? I don’t think so.” She pauses and turns you around in mid walk. “I’ve seen how he looks at you. He has no intention of letting you go.”
“I know,” you nod. “I’ve had the rug ripped out from under me before, that’s all.”
“You have?” she asks. “How bad?”
“Engaged,” you shrug, earning a small gasp from Stella. “he thought the ring on my finger, though not the marriage one, meant he could treat me any way he wanted. He cheated, he lied…it was like he thought the commitment gave him carte blanche to act up.”
“That’s shitty.”
“Yeah,” you shake your head. “Rings can be a symbol of love that will never end, but for some it is ownership or cuffs.”
“Kinda dark, there.” she says softly. "I don't think Henry is--"
“Sorry, it’s in the past, and I’m over it, but I learned that commitments mean different things to different people.” You take a deep breath. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way, Stella.”
“What do you mean?”
“The last time I was in love was my ex-fiancee,” you tell her. “and that was a long, long, time ago.”
“So you are in love with Henry!” she cheers.
“Yeah, of course, I am!” you laugh at her. “He’s intelligent and fun, has a good degree of common sense. He’s a natural leader and he is protective of and warm to those he loves. I need that, all of it. I have never felt so safe before, never..”
“He’s not bad looking either!”
“His looks can only go so far,” you shrug. “I’ve dated men who were good looking, even a model and an athlete. You’d be surprised how little that all matters if they are thick or coldhearted. Or even worse, a man with money who thinks he can treat you any way he wants because he buys you things--”
“Yeah…” you giggle, realizing you’re using a British term. “thick.”
You both drop your stuff and go back to Market Row, Stella to work and you to do more shopping. Upi check out some of the surrounding stores, hoping for some really special finds that could liven up or make you feel more unique.
You finally make your last huge purchase: a bicycle. You head to Brixton Bikes for that, and get the lights, the helmet, anything you need. Strapping your bags to the rack in back and no longer a single walking moving target, you head home.
Just as you get a good stride on, your Bluetooth starts to play the instrumental version of “Addicted to Love.” You smile, clicking on. “Hey, love.”
“Hey….are you out and about?”
“About to head home,” you say.
“By yourself?”
You don't miss the edge in his voice. “On my new bike,” you tell him. He is quiet. Ooh, that’s not good. “Sounds like you’re in pub.”
“Yeah, yeah, very good, I'm at the pub, " He says. You can hear the smile in his voice for not using the word bar. "just for a pint with friends,” he says. “I just wanted to see how your day went.”
“Pretty well, but we didn’t have time for spa,” you say. “but I did find some nice things.”
“Good, glad to hear it,” he says. “I’ll stay on till you get home.”
“Awwwww.” Some men sigh dramatically in the background.
“Shut up!” Henry laughs.
You talk until you are safely inside your studio. “Alright, I’m locked up tight.” You feed Luna.
“Good,” he exhales. “they say it isn’t safe for women—”
“I am a moving target now, Henry.”
“Alright, alright,” he exhales heavily. “Talk to you later?”
“Definitely,” you sigh, sitting on your couch and starting to unpack your purchases. “Love you.”
“I love you, too.” He purrs, earning another round of catcalls from his friends. He laughs.
“Good night.” You shake your head at him and his friends.
“Good night.”
The first forty eight hours in your studio have been anything but calm, but now there is quiet. After unpacking your things and washing them for wear, you finally get ready to go to sleep. You take a shower and make your way up the steps to bed. It suddenly looks too big to you. You suddenly notice there is something under your covers. You pull them back and find the t-shirt he wore under his sweater last night. You squeal and throw off your nightshirt, trading it for this one. His scent surrounds you as you pull it over your head and you fall on the bed, your impact setting off the scent of him in your bed. You inhale with a smile as Luna jumps up and sleeps at the foot of the bed opposite you, where she usually nestles by Henry’s feet. You look at each other and you sigh dreamily, closing your eyes and letting sleep claim you.
BULLETIN: With this new beta thing, I may have to start a new master list. I will be sure to put the link to 1-60 if I do. Love you, thanks for your support and especially for your comments, likes and reblogs. You truly give me life, people, you really do.
@mistress-of-ward @nuggsmum @messyinsomnimaniac @jencanbeyouryengeralt @sweetdreamsofgelato @mary-ann84 @omgkatinka @the-soot-sprite @viking-raider @keanureevesisbae @henryobsessed @summersong69 @sunshine96love @michelehansel @thelastsock @tumblnewby @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocks @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield @musicartmayheminmyheart @kaatelyynn-blog-blog @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerwriterchic @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl1 @xoxohannahlee @fckdeusername @maan24 @kaatelyyynn​ @absentmindr​ @introvertedmouse​ @sassy-pelican @griscka75 @angelcavill66 @marantha
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Time for Luffy's fashion exam! Now, I'll be honest, I did skip an outfit because I decided I will be ending this whole thing with the Strawhat fashion show in Episode of Luffy. Also, sorry for the posting gap, I remembered I have other unfinished post sets. That being said, this is a very long one so let's do this!
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Kid Luffy, Post-Enies Lobby & Fish-Man Island: I think it's super cute when Luffy has white t shirts with red based logos because it reminds me of the first picture. Makes him look baby plus, they can always be found in cute domestic EPs or fun, cute flashbacks. The shorts change over time and that's also kinda cute, a range of cuffs is a nice change up. It's nice to see the red contrast the blue shorts and the white is a nice color on him cos it contrast his hair!
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Romance Dawn, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily, Marineford & last Dressrosa outfit: This look is the pre Luffy look. It's the pre Timeskip look everyone thinks of is cuffed shorts, Kimono sandels and sleeveless vest (and Strawhat, obviously) but have you ever seen them all in a line? It's mad. Each outfit is the same basic look bit more are more spicy each time! I like the Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago looks a little bit more cos it's nice to see that jacket open and it feels like he was trying something new. I also feel that the buttons on the jacket look like the ones on Shanks' pegged ankle sailor pants when we first see him so that's cool. (it took me hours to find the name for his trousers, oh my fucking god) The last Dressrosa outfit feels like a nice callback to the rest of the line up here without being too much cos it's just a red vest top instead and I do find it funny it's like the Enies Lobby and it's used in Dressrosa because of the jokes people make about Robin and Law being so similar.
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Timeskip: This is it lads, it's the one true icon itself, the post look! ☺️ When I sit back and look at it I see all the people this look is influenced by and want to cry at how masterful it really is. (Now, I do wanna say that I didn't come up with this nor am I the first to say it and I am definitely probably looking too much into this but) The yellow belt is taken from Shanks' red belt the first time we see him and the Shanks look Luffy is more familiar with. Now onto the jacket. I know it won't stand out as to why for most but it's Ace inspired! When Ace leave to become a pirate, the start of his adventure, he has his jacket open and Luffy having his jacket open also shows his scar from the ending of Ace's adventure. I also really appreciate how no one hides scars in this anime. Also, someone said that the style of the jacket and it's fancy frills could be in reference to Sabo's little jabot collar and honestly I do see it. it's quite subtle unlike Shanks' but not as hard to catch as Ace's so I enjoy thinking that it's there too. Lastly, he still has his cuffed shorts and kimono sandels because it's still Luffy's outfit at the end of the day and he is still who is is, just with a stronger appreciation of what people have done for him now. It's also his colour pallette for the pure fact he is the main character n needs his pallet. also sometimes he just has normal wooden sandels but the same outfit sometimes, it's a small detil a lot of people overlook but I prefer the sound of his Kimono sandels 😊
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Dressrosa: I love this outfit cos it's stilly but also has very nice vibes. Looks ready for the beach but is really throwing hands and that's the best kind of outfit, it's a nice expectation subversion tbh. I also like how he tried to hide the Straw hat but not... All of it? And I love how the crew didn't actually question it either. It would have been super easy for one of them to just tell him to leave it behind or something but I do really love how respectful they always are of the hat. I myself have a hat that's super important to me and when I loose it I go mad.
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Whole Cake Island: I love this arc for outfits! I swear if the actual content of it doesn't kill me, the act looks will 😭 it's all so magical and it knows it is! Like I said before, white is a good color on him as he has black hair but for the same reason, so is black! In this arcs outfit range, the Staw hat seems almost invisible and his outfit gets less and less 'Luffy' as the arc gose on showing this is not about him. He's not the focus of this arc and you can see that in a lot of the outfits thb. I also like the lack of blue and yellow, 2/3 of his colors as Sanji is often associated with those too as we've talked about before. Also, I like the little red strips on the white jacket with the gold buttons, idk why and I think it's nice that the last 2 outfits are so simple in general, it's a nice look for him. oh, what's that? A Pink jabot? Your killing me Lu, straight up killing me here lil' bro! Side note, is this the first time in canon Luffy has worn a suit jacket or is it the only time I've noticed? Cos DAMM!! Shits sick as fuck and I actually love that when wearing a suit jacket as such he always keep short on 😆
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Spa Island, Z's Ambition & Strong World: WHOS READY FOR A RELAXING SUNNY DAAAYY!? (pun not intended but very much enjoyed) I actually adore the fact Luffy still tries to go swimming cos it was his favourite thing to do as a kid so like fuck Luffy is gonna give up on that. He's got his safety measures ready, what more do you want from him? I mean I personally want him not to swim with his hat on cos it's litrally Staw and that's not good for water but anyway Z's Ambition, am I right!? The top is so fucking cute and I just noticed those shorts are also ✨designer✨ fancy man!! Now, the pic of Zoro is the one I missed out before and it's also from Z's Ambition. I love that Luffy has the shark top but Zoro has the ocean shorts. I really love Zoro in this purple cos and thick white stripes really work with the ocean waves. It's really well put together and hes got dark brown sandels on to off set all the white but keep the purple from being a stand out color, it's cool! Than the last Luffy looks like he's at a fashion show. It looks like the shorts come from a kids set the shark top belongs to. Imagine those together, it'd be so cute. However, it isn't an ocean patten, those are clouds cos Nami has a bikini top with the same pattern in Skypiea and it's actually one of my favourites for her.
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Boss Luffy Historical Special! This filler AU is so much fun, I think any it a lot. He has his hair up in that super cute and useless way that doesn't actually do much but I do have my hair like that a lot n it's just... nice? Idk, it's strange buy I like he did that. I really enjoy his Kimono more that the actual Wano one cos it's a lot more simple look. The Sai being tucked in in that way is also cool but kinda makes it look like it's stabbing him a bit 👁️👄👁️. I like the pin strips being like a faded purpleish cos if you just glance at it, it makes it look it fuzzy. The belt also looks very nice with the middle ligter bit. It really feels like the Wano one was inspired by this is a way cos of the color matches. Like, it's probably not but still.
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3D2Y, Adventure of Nebulandia 😍 & Heart of Gold: Hat-less Luffy is both a sin and a blessing. Regardless, I LOVE OP BOYS IN HOODIES!! I had to show you this specific the 3D2Y because we don't see the hood and it's soooo cute cos it a paw 😍 but also 😬 cos it's like... Kuma's paw the thing that cause 3D2Y in the first place. But that's also why it's so cool at the same time and AHHHHHH 😄 Now! On to Nebulandia! I really like this movie but also in canon, how does he have that jumper? Who made it for him and can I have one? It's Usopp flag design so I guess it could be him but he doesn't seem the type. Point is I want one. Last of this set is some really cosy outfits!! "How much fur?" "Yes" am I right? Like the first one is sooooo cosy with all the fur! Plus, a funky new bamboo hat, always a good thing to have a new hat. I appreciate that you can see the zips on these too. Then the orange turtle neck one with little fluffy bits is just here cos it's so out of his usual looks, I had to at least mention it.
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Strong world & Film Z: The shorts on the first one are really cute cos it's a light rosey pink with red fur and just a plain solid dark blue colour jacket works really well. Not to mention the fact he has a super cute orange and yellow flight helmet hat with goggles on under the Staw hat. The 2 bag straps also make an X which is a nice detail. The 2nd outfits in this movie are super fuckin cool ngl. It's so strange to see them all dress in black and have guns but I like the red shirt for him with the yellow highlighted parts. Makes the Straw hat actually work with the outfit instead of ignoring it. Film Z brings us the same flight helmet hat just brighter and without the goggles but also opens with this T-Shirt and Luffy being silly with it. I think that's the only reason to mention it, it's funny. Then the obligation pirate outfit, always stunning plus the meat belt.
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Film: Gold & Stampede (also used in Cidre Guild): these are my top 3 Luffy outfits no matter what else I see. I love the straw cowboy hat sooooo much cos it's very Luffy. I like the balls they has as a team to choose white for all of them, considering they are all quite messy people, living for that dad shirt and I like the Golden chain around his neck but am always confused as to why it was never used against him. Like dude could and should have tried to choke him at least once, right? Anyway, the dress! Now, the dress isn't actually that good but it's my favourite because it shows how Luffy has no fucks about gendered things. On to of that, a big pink flower is wonderful and look at his confidences in it, he's so proud of it the boom, Nami told him he can't wear it! Lastly, the Stampede outfit!!! Just like the Nebulandia jumper, I have no idea who made it but it's irrelevant cos it's beautiful and I want it so badly. I like that it's white and red stripes, gives thenprefect vibes for Stampedes opening. The shirt is actually too big for him, you can see on his arms but it's actually super cute. I love the simple look of these shorts then the fact his yellow belt is replaced with white bandages and the black on the kimono sandels are now red? It's such a simple pallet and it's truly the best!
I also just wanna add, I think it's really cute when Luffy has the Straw hat on his back just cos his hair is really cute. Idk why, it's looks kinda cursed but cute at the same time
This post took 2 weeks or so to make and we made listening to the complete BNHA soundtrack, film gold OST and Sonic generations vol.1
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confusedbluecactus · 3 years
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I posted 123 times in 2021
20 posts created (16%)
103 posts reblogged (84%)
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I added 61 tags in 2021
#fanart - 11 posts
#transformers - 8 posts
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#hollow knight - 6 posts
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#autothotsrollout - 5 posts
#tooquirkytolose - 4 posts
#transformers g1 - 4 posts
#adorable! - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 105 characters
#just like loki i believe the show can be better and the writers and directors have a chance at redemption
My Top Posts in 2021
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A simple comic for practice. I don't do comics a lot, I kinda want to try to make more. This is like the second one I've made and it's just to figure out how. I have no idea why the bigger pieces tend to come out blurry, but at least the last panel is clear.
The context behind this is that I usually die in the most avoidable ways. I don't jump high enough, I forget I can run, etc. etc. I play Hollow Knight mainly because I enjoy the lore and exploration, but in order to explore you gotta fight through a lot of enemies and bosses.
The backgrounds are just blurred googled pictures of in-game locations.
12 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 03:27:05 GMT
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Here is page 2 of 3 of my little comic. I'm sorry that's it's been a whole month since I posted the first part, I am currently attending college and forgot to bring my tablet with me when I moved in. I've also been distracted by schoolwork lately, things picked up by the 2nd week lol and I really want to do well. Thank you for anyone who was waiting for being patient.  ...and as always click on it for better resolution.
13 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 14:01:07 GMT
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Found an old drawing from earlier this year. I cleaned up the speech bubbles since my handwriting is very messy. Mythology!Loki trying on MCU!Loki's helmet. The rest of the page will follow this one.
13 notes • Posted 2021-09-08 14:01:26 GMT
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MCU!Thor gushing over double the Loki's while Mythology!Thor's deciding he done with everything right now.
16 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 14:02:25 GMT
Because it's been almost two years since rejoining the fandom and because I'm pretty sure no one is going to see this (at least, not for a long while) I'm going to do what any person on tumblr does: ramble about a character they really like.
I got reminded that Robots In Disguise (2015) was indeed a show after seeing one of Emperor Kumquat's latest videos. I barely remember anything beyond the first season besides vague feelings of childish enjoyment, okayness, disappointment, and random bursts of anger. And before I begin to ramble about something other then what I planned to (and most likely just re-state things that have been said a hundred times) I'm just gonna get to it.
I have really mixed feelings about Starscream's RID re-design.
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On one hand, there are certain aspects of it that I do like. I thought it was kinda cool that it looked like they took some of G1 Scream and TFA Scream's characteristics and at least kept a little bit of his heels. I kinda also liked his wings, and the "avenging angel" look they gave him as Emperor Kumquat said. But, sometimes his design kind of feels not so nice to look at. It's weird.
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I honestly don't know how to explain it. Sometimes he just looks off to me.
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I'm also not a fan of how they re-did his claws. I don't even know if these pictures help illustrate the point, I just picked the two that I thought looked closest to how I felt off of google.
Yeah, I don't know how to explain it other than it feels off. It feels like Starscream, but not at the same time. I really loved his old design and it's one of the reasons I was always drawn to him whenever he entered a scene. He was intimidating in a more subtle way and had a somewhat regal, knightly appearance. Everything about him was expressive. His wing movements, his facial expressions, his giant pointy eyebrows, the way he moved. And single thing about him caught my eye, made me want to keep watching him.
I was excited when they brought him back because I missed him and was glad that he wasn't dead like I thought was, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed when I saw his redesign. I was even more disappointed with how they took him out, but this post isn't about that. This is just me talking into the void that is the internet about how I felt about a character's redesign from a show that's like 4 years old. This was also a surprisingly short ramble, which I guess is good for whoever is reading this. This probably would have been a lot longer if I talked about the show itself, but I'm pretty sure I would just be re-stating points that other people have said before.
36 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 02:21:35 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sternerstufftoys · 5 years
"When you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way, from your first cigarette to your last dying day..." *click... click... click...*
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Oh look, there he is.
So onto the Seeker B-squad and I'm afraid their only representative in my collection goes to Revenge Of The Fallen Dirge, who stands in good company as one of a handful of movie toys that have graduated to main collection status, along with Mindwipe, TLK Barricade and DOTM Darksteel. And unlike Bayverse Starscream and his multicoloured clones Dirge actually takes some design cues from his G1 namesake. So G1 Dirge he is, to me at least.
Not that Dirge ever had much of a presence in the G1 cartoon. He usually just acted as a bit of extra Decepticon muscle, ready to show up and snarl angrily at whichever Autobot was actually going to carry the plot that week, something that he shared in the Marvel comics. Aside from being repeatedly blown up and then inexplicably returning alive and well next episode, there really wasn't much to say about Dirge, other than him being a gloomy old sod, and that was hardly enough to stand out in the slowly expanding Deceptiroster of 1985. If you'd asked me about him back when I was a kid, you'd get nothing more than a confused shrug. Dirge who?
So what's so important about Dirge that warrants adding him to the Snowflake Seekers? We-ell, like many people, I do have a streak of completionism in me that I sometimes fail to control, and that urge to have a 'complete set' of Seekers is a real one. But then, I don't have a Ramjet or a G1 Thrust, since there's no more moulds out there that do them justice (though I might cave and get a Classics Ramjet if I come across one at a decent price). And I have to admit after seeing pictures of ROTF Dirge I was hella intrigued.
All the classic Seeker hallmarks are there, albeit in homage form only. The shoulder intakes and chest cockpit are purely decorative, as the real things end up as his feet and right arm respectively. His face has that disappointing crinkly tinfoil look to it if you get too close, something that a few ROTF deluxes were saddled with, and is the only thing that really distances him from G1 aesthetics. He has the conehead on his bonce, but it doesn't quite have that bulky bullet feel to it this time around, since again, it's just decoration and not part of the alt mode. In fact, with the head tapering inwards at the neck, the cone feels more like a hat than a helmet, giving the unmistakable feel that Dirge has straight up joined the space clergy. Dirge for Pope!
Annoyingly though he has something that tends to pop up now and then in various robot moulds - sideways elbows. I'm convinced there's someone at Takara who honestly believes that the natural curl of the elbow is inwards. This means to have a more natural resting arm (and to put the missile launchers in their correct place) his hands need to be at right-angles to where they normally would be, so he's constantly snapping his fingers like he's in West Side Story. Well, he's always been one of the Jets. Haw!
Transformation is a faff, all told, and essentially amounts to wrapping a jet around his body; aside from his feet and right arm there's no real correlation between robot body and jet mode. But still, it's not the worst shellformer, and manages to be pretty kibble-free in his astonishingly great alt mode. Yeah, it's pretty well known that movie bots put the vehicle modes at the forefront as that was where the car sponsorship that funded the damn things came from... but this is a jet, and didn't even appear in the film, so it's just luxury. The jet nerd in me goes a bit doolally for this approximation of the old British Harrier jump-jet, and in sumptuous navy blue and gold he has a tremendously regal presence in the Seeker fleet.
So, British, dancing gangster, and religious. He's got a lot going on, old Dirge. I feel bad for overlooking him now. Dirge for cockney dancing space-Pope!
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bleusarcellewrites · 7 years
Ah well! Uhm maybe n*18 of that writing a drabble post ("this is without a doubt the stupidest plan you've ever had, of course I'm in") and then like college AU? (you don't have to ofc I'm just weak for college AU luro) Honestly anything w college AU luro would be a blessing I was just looking at that posts Bc I'm bad w prompts lmao 😂 just do Whatevr you want I guess? I'm sure it'll be amazing either way 🙏🙏
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh-kay! This took a long time, and I’m really sorry bc finals, work and I was just generally exhausted bc im an anxious lil shit something but but!!! Here it is! 
I really hope you like it! It has no plot whatsoever but I think the interactions are pretty good and cute! First time writing Kuro so like, I tried??? 
Okay, I’m done rambling. OH OH, uh, not really beta’d at all. I apologize for any mistakes, hope u don’t cringe like agressively. 
Disclaimer: Voltron doesn’t belong to me. 
18. “This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had, of course I’m in” // Luro
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had, of course I’m in.”
Lance flips his boyfriend off before he drops to his knees and takes a small bobby pin from the back pocket of his jeans.
“Keep talking, Tadashi, and this is the last time I do something nice for you.” Lance threatens, his hands still focused on pick locking the door.
“Well, that doesn’t sound good for future horny me.”  The young adult mumbles before frowning, “And stop calling me Tadashi.”
“It’s your birth name, Kuro.” Lance replies, nickname rolling easily on his tongue, and waves him off with a shrug, “But fine, your wish is my command, babe.”
Kuro pouts at him and kicks him on the butt from behind, smirking when Lance yelps in surprise.
“How long have you been planning this, babe?”
Lance hums. “A month before you graduated last semester.”
Kuro’s eyes snap open in surprise. “That long? Babe, you didn’t have to do this, I told you back then that I was okay not getting a photo.”
His boyfriend scoffs. “Hell no. You graduated with honors, love, despite the fact that no one believed you could do it. You deserved to have your picture with the Black Lion, your career mascot! It’s a College Tradition!”
Kuro chuckles softly at the passion in the brunet’s voice. “The Director didn’t like me, we all knew that. I’m just glad I was able to prove them all wrong.”
Lance looks behind him over his shoulder to met his eyes and then he smiles softly. “Yes…you did prove them wrong and I couldn’t be prouder.”
Kuro flushes at the praise and looks away, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Oh, hush.”
“But still, babe! You didn’t get to have a picture flying the Black Lion! So, that’s why we are here for!” Lance grins proudly and Kuro snorts.
“To break into the Castle of Lions just for me to climb over a rock statue?”
“Heck yeah, we are.” Lance smirks and Kuro returns the smirk.
Director Zarkon won’t be happy with the fact someone climbed over his favorite kitty.”
“Director Zarkon can kiss my ass.”
“Ew, babe, no.” Kuro laughs, “Just hurry up, before someone catches us.” He urges, leaning against the wall nonchalantly besides his boyfriend.
“Relax, Mr. Kim is usually off to talk with Miss Develt at this hour.” The brunet says off handedly, “It’s quite romantic actually, I can see the love confession scene building up, it could be any day now!”
Kuro snorts but smiles fondly as Lance keeps rambling about the love story between the janitor and the Head Nurse inside the campus.
“All done!” Lance cheers, ducking his head sheepishly when Kuro hushes him. “Okay, alright, you have the helmet?”
Kuro nods, raising the black helmet.
Lance hums in approval and then step inside the building, not bothering to be quiet int he least. They cross the silent halls until they reach the Black Lion Hagar, the mascot of every Law student inside the Campus.
The brunet cheers loudly at the sight of the big statue of the lion with black rock armor around it. Lance smirks smugly, looking over his shoulder to meet his boyfriend’s eyes, before it’s wipe off and then he’s shouting out in surprise as he slips over the recently wet floor. He shuts his eyes and breathes out in relief when he feels the familiar grip of a strong hand supporting him from his lower back.
“Nice catch.” Lance praises, snickering playfully.
“Careful, babe.” Kuro scolds with a frown and Lance shrugs, smiling innocently at his boyfriend, “At this rate it will be you who don’t have a photo for dying before your own graduation.”
Lance laughs before he pats Kuro on the arm, silently telling him to pull him up to his feet. “We don’t want that when I’m only one semester away from that, now do we?” Lance sings, turning around once again and heading towards the statue.
“Hop, hop!” Lance urges, pulling the older adult by the wrist, “Up you go, Black Paladin.”
“Pretty sure that’s more Shiro than me.” Kuro mumbles but shrugs, laughing as Lance keeps pushing him forward, “Alright, alright, I’m going.”
It’s an easy climb. The Lions were not statues any students are supposed to climb on, but the rule has always been overlooked ever since it became a tradition within students. Every students had a right to take a photo flying with their own Lion. In Lance’s case, he will be flying the Blue Lion the very same day he receives his diploma.
Kuro has already promised he will be the one taking the photo, which is only fitting for Lance to take his photo on the Black Lion.
“Ready?” Lance asks, smiling excitedly and Kuro nods, slipping his helmet on.
“Alright, now, in 3,2,1….” Lance counts slowly, the three fingers he had up going down as he calls them out and then he gives his boyfriend the signal.
“Form Voltron!”
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