#and i have my follow up doctors appointment in a few weeks and im scared of that
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ilkkawhat · 17 days ago
not that i have the opportunity to even do it right now of course since i’m at work, but just like alan has graffiti in the dark place screaming “don’t write” i think i need something plastered around with “don’t drink”
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jj-maybanks-daughter · 7 months ago
y/n and rafe had been married for 2 years and have been trying to have a baby for a year and 6 months. they had tried everything. rafe gave up drugs, she took fertility pills, tests, looking through family history, and even shots. y/n hates shots but she would do anything to bring a baby into the world. it all paid off eventually 
warnings: throwing up, difficult birth, blood, stitches, hard pregnancy, some cursing, mention of wards death, lmk if i missed anything
y/n leaped out of bed, rafe slowly opening his eyes and following her to the bathroom. “you good, babe?” he asked peeking through the crack she left in the door.
“i think i’m gonna throw up.” she sighed lunging to the toilet and lifting up the seat. rafe pulled her face out of her hair. 
y/n turned around and smiled at him. 
“bro, why are you smiling. it’s fucking 7:32 am and you just threw up. i wouldn’t be smiling.” he said after dropping her hair. 
“babe,” she paused, “do you know what this means?” he smile just got bigger and bigger. rafe sat to think for a minute
“wait…” he started to smile after he realized,  “when was your last period?” he unlocked his phone to open the period tracker he got on his phone to keep track. 
“i didn’t want to get your hopes up, but i think throwing up is a good sign.” y/n chuckled. her period was 4 days late, but they are never on time. morning sickness might have just confirmed the news. 
“oh my god! oh my god!” he got up to pick her up and spun her around in his arms. “we need to go get a test!” he yelled, thrilled. 
“babe, it’s so early.” she smiled 
“oh right… as soon as the open. can i get you anything? water, snack?” he asked excitedly. 
“all i want is to brush my teeth.” she laughed. she didn’t want to be to excited, in case she was getting her hopes up. 
rafe hopped in his pickup truck to run to the pharmacy. he didn’t know how many tests to get, so he got three.  
he checked out and got home as soon as he could. 
“i’m home!” he said, barging into the door of the house on figure eight. 
he handed her the tests and led her to the bathroom. he waited outside as she took them. 
“babe.” she said as she opened the door, tests on the counter. “i really don’t want you to get your hopes up. it might not be anything. i don’t want you to be disappointed if it’s negative.” she said, looking down at her feet. 
“i know, babe.” he said pulling her in for a hug and resting his head on hers. “i just need to feel confident. all i want is for you to be healthy.” 
the timer went off a few minutes later. “rafey, im scared” she admitted. 
“it’ll be alright either way, ok?” he reassured her. she was more worried for him to be upset with her. she knew he’s been wanting to be a dad for a long time, and this finally seemed like his chance.
“three two one” she counted down as the flipped the tests. “OH MY GOD! I CANT BELIEVE IT!” she yelled and cheered
“i’m gonna be a dad!” he picked her up and spun her around. “finally! it paid off, babe! i’m gonna call a doctor and we’re gonna get you an appointment. i’m so excited!”
a few weeks later was your appointment.
“i’m nervous, babe.” y/n admitted in the car ride there. 
“it’ll be alright. i can’t wait to see baby’s heartbeat.” he put his hand on y/ns thigh as his eyes stayed on the road. 
“there’s the heartbeat!” the doctor smiled as she pointed to the screen. 
tears of joy ran down both y/n and rage’s faces as they admired the screen. “how much longer till the baby comes?” rafe jokes.
“due to the issues with getting pregnant, we are going to have you come in every other week to check on baby, ok?” the nurse smiled.
“we have to tell everyone!” rafe said, ecstatic as they got to the car. “they’re gonna be so happy. sarah is gonna be so excited.” 
him and sarah had figured things out after the death of their father. they were really close, and rafe finally accepted the pogues. 
“well we can tell them to meet up at the house, and we’ll tell them there!” y/n told him. 
rafe called sarah to bring her and her friends over tonight. 
 “what’s up, rafe?” sarah asked, concerned as she walked in the house, he friends piling after her. 
“y/n! they’re here!” rafe shouted upstairs. “it’s good, don’t worry.” 
sarah let out a sigh of relief at the good news. 
y/n hurried down the stairs, still careful not to fall, and rafe watched her, nervous. “slow down, babe. dont want you to fall.” he said, protectively.
“i wont” she giggled. she still grabbed onto the railing and rafe relaxed a little. “come, sit!” she led them to the living room to sit on the couch. 
“what’s wrong?” kiara asked, raising an eyebrow. 
the couple looked at each other and smiled. “your want to say it?” she whispered in his ear. he smiled in a really? way. she nodded and he looked backed over to the pogues.
“we’re pregnant!” he laughed. 
“oh my god! really?!?” sarah yelled hopping up and hugging y/n 
“yes!” she smiled, tears rolling down her eyes.
“when did you find out?” jj asked. jj was best friends with y/n when they were little. they’re still friends, but not as close. 
“a few weeks ago. we wanted to make sure before we told anyone.” rafe answered.
“congrats, guys!” john b said, patting y/n on the back as she wiped her tears. 
the cat was out of the bag. they didn’t need to worry about anyone finding out about the pregnancy if it didn’t work out. they had grown pretty close to their unborn baby. 
rafe had set up the nursery, sarah and y/n went to buy the baby clothes, they had a gender reveal party, (it’s a girl!) they threw a baby shower, everything the baby needed. 
y/ns belly had grown a lot, it was painful for her and not one day went without crying and throwing up, even after they were told it would get better. she had a meltdown over little stuff, but rafe didn’t let it bother him, considering she was carrying his baby and she couldn’t control the hormones that came with that. 
“do you want anything to eat?” rafe asked.
tears welled in y/ns eyes. “what’s wrong, babe?” he asked 
“i’m hungry b-but i don’t know what i want to eat.” she put her head in her hands.
“do you want a sandwich? i’ll go get you one.” 
“i want something sweet.” she never liked sweet stuff, but rafe wasn’t going to argue with her about that. 
“we have a watermelon. do you want me to cut it for you?” he asked. it took her a second to think, but then she nodded her head and looked at him. “i can do that. go head and put on something to watch.” 
he cut the watermelon and y/n was relaxed for about 5 minutes before she heard a curse from the kitchen. “FUCKIN SON OF A BITCH” 
“rafe?” she asked, sitting up and walking to the kitchen. she saw blood all over the kitchen, which made her nauseous. she ran to the bathroom to throw up while rafe had to deal with his bleeding finger. 
he ran it underwater and tried to save the watermelon, but there was no use. there was blood everywhere, even if it was just his finger. 
y/n came rushing back to the kitchen. “are you ok, babe?” she asked eagerly as she traced circles on his back while he washed his hand. 
“i just cut my finger, it’s alright.”
“why did it bleed so much?” she asked looking at the kitchen.
“it was deep, but it shouldn’t need stitches.” he looked at the still bleeding finger, and showed it to y/n.
“uhhh- that’s pretty deep. can we just go to the hospital? it’s making me nervous, it shouldn’t be that deep.” she told him. 
“i’m going to wrap it with this and then your gonna drive us and you will get stitches and we’ll get back.” 
rafe wasn’t going to argue with her, although he really wanted to. he drove them to the hospital and got it stitched up. 
they came back and cleaned the kitchen. they started making out. “do you want to?”rafe asked her. they were nervous to have sex while pregnant, but at this point,
both of them were basically helpless.
“yea” she gasped out as he led her to the bedroom. they still had a month until the baby would come. they went 7 months without having sex, they needed it with everything that happened the past few weeks. 
“how do you want to do this? i don’t know what’s comfortable for you.” rafe asked as she sat on the bed and he watched her and tried to come up with a plan. 
“idk just do what feels right and i���ll tell you if it hurts.” rafe layed down next to her and pulled down her shorts and panties and he pulled down his shorts and boxers, lifting his shirt over his head not long after. 
“do you want this off?” rafe asked as he tugged on her shirt. she shook her head “no” she didn’t like how she felt with out her shirt on while pregnant. 
rafe kissed all over the back of her neck and rubbed her back. he made his way down to her thighs and caressed them until she was wet enough. “your gonna tell me if it hurts?” he asked, leaning on his elbow to look at y/n in the face.”
“yes babe, i promise.” 
he lined himself up and slowly pushed in his nine inch cock. she was still really tight, even though she was growing a baby not to far ahead. 
he waited for her to nod until he started thrusting.  both let out moans. it relieved a lot of pressure for y/n, making her super pleased with the performance. “ooh keep going” she moaned as he picked up speed.
“oh fuck,” she whispered under her breath as her eyes rolled behind her head. 
“how’s that, babe? does it hurt or are you good?” he managed to say as he thrusted even faster.
“it’s good baby” she moaned out. “gonna come…” her legs started shaking and rafes thrusts got sloppier. he pulled out and finished with his hand. “thanks, babe” she said as she came down from her high.
“sure, babe.” rafe walked out and came back with a glass of water and a wet towel to clean y/n up. he helped her get dressed into comfy pajamas, and he changed into different boxers. “good night.” he kissed her forehead and her belly. 
about three more weeks went by of pure craziness. 
“babe, babe!” y/n whisper yelled as she hit rafes shoulder. 
“what” he asked groggily. rafe was never a morning person. 
“im having contractions, i need you to time them.” 
“ughhhh im sleeping tho.” 
she looked at him and hit him again. “just do it.” 
he timed them on his phone. “they are just getting longer. should we go?” he asked showing her the phone. “there like four minute apart. i think we should go.” he brought her to the car, and packed their gas into the car. 
“can i stop for a coffee?” rafe looked at her as he drove. 
“what the hell rafe! i’m in labor!” she yelled at him as she threw up the what the hell hands. 
he didn’t say anything and just drive past the dunkin. he called the hospital to get her a room. 
they got there and got led up to her room. they settled her into the bed as rafe held her hand. 
“i’m scared” she sobbed. “i don’t think i’m ready” rafe kissed her on the forehead. 
“it’ll be alright, i promise.” 
 a blonde doctor came in with a clipboard “hello, mr and mrs cameron! i’m going to be delivering your baby today!” she spoke as she walked in farther.
she checked y/ns heart beat and blood pressure. “i need you to relax a little. your heartbeat is going up, and so is baby’s. it’ll be alright, nothing bad is going to happen” the doctor reassured in a nice voice
“i think im going to have to break the water, it’s going to speed up labor and help your cervix dilate a little more.” the doctor announced. 
rafe held y/ns hand tighter, he could tell she was scared. 
“so this, is going into your parts and i’m going to find the amniotic sac, and poke it with this, and it’ll break your water. it might be uncomfortable, but i’ll make it fast.” 
the doctor stuck her two fingers and the tool in, as y/n whined at the pain. it popped and liquid spilled out, the nurses cleaned it up quickly. 
“now i can monitor baby more closely.” the doctor said patting y/n on the leg. 
her contractions grew more painful, rafe helped her through them. “can she get anything to help with the pain?” rafe asked the doctor, concerned for his wife, considering she has a super high pain tolerance. 
“we can give her an epidural, but there’s a line of people waiting.” the doctor told him as she checked y/ns heart again.
“do you want to to that, babe?” he asked pushing the hair out of her face. she nodded eagerly. rafe knew it must be bad if she wanted a shot. 
after an hour of painful contractions and waiting, she finally got the epidural. 
“how are you feeling, baby?” rafe asked, looking you in the eyes. 
“better” is all she could say. 
“it’s time to push, are you ready?” y/n nodded. “ok, dad. i’m going to need you to hold her leg up.”  rafe obliged and lifted her leg up, a nurse doing the same on the other side. “ok three, two, one push” the doctor told y/n. 
she yelled in pain as she tried to deliver the baby. rafes heart broke at the sound of her in so much pain and he couldn’t do anything about it. he pushed the hair out of her face as she kept pushing and crying. 
“i can’t do it” she yelled 
“yes you can, y/n. it’s only a little more.” the doctor told her. 
she continued to push with cry’s and screams. 
“i see her head, i see her head!” the doctor yelled as y/n kept pushing. 
“we’re almost there, babe!” rafe smiled to her.  
y/n felt a tear that caused even more pain, but as soon as she heard the baby cry, it was worth it. “you did it babe!” rafe cried to her. 
“dad, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?” the doctor handed him scissors to cut it. he smiled the whole time. 
they placed the baby on y/ns chest as the doctor delivered the placenta and stitched her up. “how long is she going to cry?” rafe asked the doctor. 
“she’s probably hungry, but most likely your supply hasn’t come in yet. you can feed her once it does, but that could be a while. just try to rock her and hold her, she’ll calm down.”
y/n scooted over so rafe could squeeze in with her and the baby. “what are we gonna name her?” rafe asked smiling down at the baby.
“ do you like blake?” y/n asked.
“perfect. blake cameron. can i pick the middle name?” rafe asked.
“blake isabel cameron.”
“i love it.” 
sarah and the pogues came to the hospital to meet the baby. 
after a few days at the hospital, they could go home.
“this is your home, baby!” y/n whispered as she brought blake into the house. 
she handed her over to rafe to carry her upstairs. “this is your room!” rafe sat down in the rocking chair with his baby, admiring the work he got done on the nursery. “this is perfect,” he said smiling at blake and his wife. “ all i have ever wanted is right here, thank you babe” he kissed y/n on the forehead and rocked baby blake isabel cameron to sleep.
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fulgurbugs · 1 year ago
sorry this is gonna be a tmi and gross period post but idk what to do anymore so i’m gonna vent online
ok so my periods are famously inconsistent and unpredictable. most recently what ended up happening was i missed mine for like, months before it came back with a vengeance and i had one that lasted over a month long. this one was also extremely heavy towards the end, as well as like. idk how to describe this. very fleshy. chunky. however there were no cramps or pain associated with it, mostly just i was spending a fortune on pads and tampons (i had to double up to be safe) while this was ongoing i attempted to look for a gyno in my area, but i would only be able to get an appointment after i moved back to college with at minimum a few weeks wait. so i ended up not making an appointment because it was starting to wind down and i ended up getting super busy with school starting again. i still brought it up to my doctor before this and eventually had an appointment where i managed to sneak in on a weekend i could come home with my gp where she prescribed pill birth control which i started taking as directed not very long ago. but, a few days after i started taking it my period started again, extremely heavy, and this time, painful. it’s been about 4 days of extremely heavy blood flow and cramps, and i haven’t been able to focus on my school at all or go anywhere, i just want to lie in bed and rot. im bleeding through supers in under an hour, and i don’t know what to do. i’ve contacted my doctor and should hopefully hear back from her in a few days. but i’m so scared that something more is wrong or that this one will also last over a month like the last one.
do any other accursed uterus havers have a similar experience and any idea what’s wrong with me? or what i should do? if this one goes over a week i’m going to seek more urgent medical attention. i’ve heard suggested from people i know that it could potentially be endometriosis or a cyst so if anyone whos following me has some firsthand experience please let me know, im having a really rough time right now. sorry for the tmi and all but im so extremely uncomfortable and losing my mind and need help
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 year ago
I don't know if I'm using this correctly cause I'm pretty new to tumblr and I normally just scroll my few followed tags but i stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd give it a try?
I think i might have ADHD? But I've no idea how to figure out if im right. Cause i know lots of people these days think it's trendy or self-diagnose and im scared im just looking for excuses for why i don't do stuff or keep forgetting things(or people💀) or. Just. Lots of stuff. Wont go on a rant. Ur not here to diagnose me😅
Are u just supposed to go to a phychologist? Cause im going to see our school phychologist this week (for my anxiety, i had an appointment with my doctor - for sth totally unrelated, issues with my joints - and i won't go into details but i had a little breakdown over nothing and she was like you kinda have anxiety, don't u? and i was like i do? Cause i knew about anxiety but never thought it might relate to me but looking back i prolly should've noticed the signs lmao) myb i could ask her to give me some pointers where to get a diagnose cause she prolly cant diagnose me lmao(i just feel school phychologists arent qualified for that stuff? Altho myb she can at least guess?). But there's not really a lot of awareness about adhd in my country and that there's different types not just bouncing on a chair(although i do that too)? Like my mom graduated as a psychologist(works as a social worker now but nvm) and she doesnt think i have it and says i just have to try a little. And i dont want to go asking about getting a diagnose and then realizing i dont even have it and i made all these issues up?
Sorry i dont really know what im expecting from this. I just want to figure out if theres an actual reason for things i do or if its all in my head
Thanks for listening (?) to me rant
Hi there,
I’m not familiar with evaluations from different countries, so I’m not sure how the diagnosis would work. You can see a psychiatrist/psychologist. But I would look into the pros and cons of getting a diagnosis before you decide to pursue a diagnosis.
Maybe my followers can give some insight too. I know some who don’t live in America, so maybe they can offer some advice? I’m stumped when it comes to other countries.
I’m sorry if this doesn’t answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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kaimelia · 4 years ago
Heartbeats (Ch.1)
a/n: hi! so, this is something I've been working on for a while and im finally posting it....I'm going to finish paper rings soon but this has been sitting in my computer for too long now and I want to start posting it! I hope you enjoy it :)
It’d started small; they were at the park, and Link was chasing their four-year-old around the grass as Amelia laid on the blanket, snapping pictures with a wide grin spread across her face. Scout ran into her arms, and she hugged him, glancing up at her husband as he walked back. She noticed a slight limp in his leg and raised her eyebrows in confusion, making a mental note.
“I’m fine,” he muttered, lowering himself onto the blanket across from her. “My leg’s just a little sore. I must’ve slept on it weirdly.” Scout moved from his mother’s embrace to grab the truck he had brought, pushing it around the blanket. Amelia tilted her head to the side.
“Okay, but you’ll tell me if it gets worse, right?” Her voice wavered more than she expected it to, and she knew Link would notice. He grabbed her hand.
“Of course.”
A week later, she woke up to the sound of him heaving into the toilet. She ran into the bathroom, placing her hand on his back and kneeling on the bathroom floor next to him. “You okay?” He nodded slowly before puking into the ceramic bowl again.
“I feel like crap.” Amelia placed her hand against his forehead, standing up to wet a washcloth.
“I don’t think you have a fever. Is it just nausea?” He breathed heavily once she placed the cool washcloth on his forehead, wiping away the beads of sweat on his face.
“I’m exhausted, too, but that could just be from work.” She frowned sympathetically, running her fingers through his hair.
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” Amelia joked, happy to hear a quick laugh from him.  She glanced up as the bathroom door was pushed open.
“Is daddy okay?” The mother smiled, tousling her husband’s hair and standing up to take her son’s hand.
“Daddy’s just a bit sick. Let’s go get you ready for school, okay?” She led the boy out of their room and into his, helping him get ready for school. He rambled excitedly about his new dinosaur toy as she made waffles for him, pouring an absurd amount of syrup onto the plate. Link came down a few minutes later, rubbing his forehead with his hand. “Hey, you’re feeling better?” He shrugged.
“Gonna call in sick to work and sleep all day.” He placed his hands on his son’s shoulders. Scout turned to his father, excitedly waving the dinosaur in his face. “I can pick this guy up from school.”
“Can we get ice cream?” Amelia raised her eyebrows at her son’s request.
“You’ll have to convince your father on that one.” Scout grinned widely up at his father.
Amelia wasn’t at all surprised when she came home from work to see them eating ice cream in the living room, The Good Dinosaur playing on the TV. She kissed her son’s forehead, receiving an absent-minded greeting from him before his attention diverted back to the movie. She moved to sit on the other side of her husband and curled into his body. “Hi,” she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. “Are you feeling better?” He pursed his lips tightly.
“Not really. But I’m okay.” She took a moment to look up at him, noticing the unusual paleness of his skin, the slight shake in his hand that was holding his ice cream. Amelia placed her hand over his heart, feeling the quick beating of his heart.
“Are you still having leg pain? From the other day at the park?” He paused for a moment as if in thought before confirming. “You should go relax. Take a nap. I’ve got him for the afternoon.” He hesitantly complied, leaving her to make dinner and amuse their son with conversations about space as he happily ate dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. Once she heard Link leave the room to shower, she proclaimed it was bedtime, promising to cuddle with the boy before bedtime. He followed her into the master bedroom without complaint, laying down next to her. Link returned to the room later, throwing his clothes into the laundry hamper.
“I think you should go see a doctor. I think that something’s wrong, Link.” He turned to face her at the sound of her soft voice. She was sitting on their bed, leaning back against the headrest with her computer open and about fifty different tabs pulled up, their son sleeping soundly with his head on her chest. Link sighed. “I’ve been keeping track of your symptoms. Leg pain, nausea, fatigue. I’m terrified to think that something’s wrong.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “We can ask Nico to see you sometime. Just get a scan done or something.”
“You think this is cancer?”
“I think that with your history, it’s not out of the question.” She closed the computer and placed it on the nightstand, wrapping her arms around Scout. “I’m scared of you dying. I would rather fight whatever it is with all of the information we can get.” He moved to sit next to her, pulling her into his side. “It’s not just you and me. We’ve got this little guy to worry about,” she motioned towards the sleeping boy.
“I’ll see if Nico can give me a scan tomorrow.” Amelia turned her head to look up at him.
“Thank you.”
“There is a mass on your leg. We can do a biopsy to see if it’s cancerous.” Nico’s face was stern as he spoke, although Amelia could hear the slight waver in his voice. She often didn’t think about Link and Nico’s friendship, but at this moment, she could see that this was difficult for the man in front of her. She looked over at Link beside her.
“When can you do the biopsy?” Amelia asked, squeezing Link’s hand. He squeezed hers back, his gold wedding band pressing into her skin.
“I already talked to Bailey, and we can have her do it in about half an hour.” Nico’s hands folded together over the desk. “I can’t be the one to do it. But it’s just a biopsy, and you don’t need an orthopedic surgeon for that.” He said something else that she didn’t quite hear, and he left the room a moment later. She turned to her husband.
“You okay?” Link shook his head.
“No. I just want to go home and hold you and Scout. I don’t want to be here in the hospital.” Her hand settled against his cheek, her thumb wiping away a stray tear that had fallen from his eye.
“Let them do the biopsy, and then we’ll head home.” Amelia helped him to stand up and silently led him to the exam room down the hall. They waited in silence, gripping each other’s hands tightly. Amelia laid her head on his shoulder. “Whatever it is, we’re gonna figure it out, okay?” When Bailey walked in, she offered them a sympathetic smile before asking Link to move onto the table and performing the biopsy. There was an attempt at small talk, yet Link seemed to have turned into a brick wall, ignoring whatever they were saying. The chief promised to rush the results, directing them to wait in her office. As soon as she returned to the office an hour later, the couple knew the results.
“It is cancer. We’ll make an appointment to stage it, and we can get you in soon.” She left a moment later, leaving the couple alone in silence.
“Link?” He looked over at his wife with teary eyes.
“I just wanna go home.” She nodded in understanding, offering him her hand and leading him out of the hospital. They were greeted at their house by their son, who Maggie had watched during the day. He eagerly jumped into his mother’s open arms, ranting about the day’s events.
“You look sad, daddy.” He wrapped his arms around his father’s legs, not noticing the cringe from his father at the pain.
“I’m just tired, Scout. All good.” Amelia rustled her son’s hair.
“Alright, Scout. We’re gonna get you your bath, and then you can come and cuddle with mommy and daddy for a while, okay?” She led the energetic boy into the bathroom, the sound of water running soon filling the home.
“If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” Maggie smiled sympathetically, rubbing Link’s shoulder before letting herself out of the house. He walked into the bathroom and rested against the doorframe. A happy scene played out in front of him; his son splashing water at Amelia, who was sitting outside of the tub. Her smile was genuine, and she looked over a moment later.
“Hey, we’re almost done in here. Quick bath tonight,” she teased, grabbing at her son’s nose. Scout giggled loudly. Link smiled and left the bathroom, changing into his pajamas and flopping onto the bed. There was a knock on the door soon after, Amelia walking in with Scout in her arms, his smile wide as she placed him down on the bed. Scout had always loved sleeping in their bed, curled up between his parents, surrounded by their love, as he would say. He quickly fell asleep, softly mumbling nonsense about dinosaurs and his cousins. Amelia’s eyes met Link’s. “What’re you thinking about?” He brushed his hand through the boy’s blonde hair.
“How terrified I am. Like you said the other night. It’s not just me anymore. I’ve got you and Scout.” He sniffled. “I don’t want to believe it. I think some part of my brain is convinced that if I don’t acknowledge it, it won’t be real.” Their son sighed contently between them, curling into his mother’s body. “It’s cute. How he curls up like that.”
“He was always in this same position when I was pregnant,” she whispered, pulling up the blankets between them. “Even now, almost five years later, he still does it.”
“How are we going to tell him?”
“We’ll wait until we know more, and we’ll explain it simply, answer any questions he has. He’s a smart kid. He’ll probably pick up on it before we get the chance to tell him.”
“You’re so calm about this. Normally, it’s the other way around,” he whispered, moving his arm under the pillow.
“I guess my brain understands that you need me right now. I’m sure I’ll start freaking out any day, now.” He breathed out a soft laugh. “But, I’m also scared. Just doing a better job at masking it.” She reached for his hand across the space between them. “Promise me one thing?”
“That whatever it is, you’ll fight. You promised me a few years back that you would always fight for our dreams. My dream is that you’re okay.” He nodded his head quickly.
“Of course.” Her lips turned upward into a small smile. “You have to promise me that you’ll be here whenever I need you. At all my appointments and treatments.”
“Scout and I will bring you ice cream every day.” Link’s eyes fell to their son, watching the rise and fall of his chest. “Try and get some sleep, Link.” She slipped her hand away from him and reached behind her to turn the lamp off, sighing tiredly. “I love you.” His hand found hers again.
“I love you.”
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pankows-girl · 5 years ago
What Happens When Pogues Mack Ch.2
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Pregnant!Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: mentions of abuse, cursing i think??
A/N: i did some research while writing this chapter but i don’t know how accurate what i wrote is. theres probably some types but im too lazy to correct them. also quick shout out to my lovely friends for their support of this series @outabanks @spilledtee @redridinnghood​
[Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3]
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The following weeks of your pregnancy announcement were kind of tough on you and JJ. Word had got out that you were seen at the shop buying a pregnancy test and soon what seemed like the whole island knew you were pregnant. Everywhere you went, people gave you judgemental looks, especially the kooks. You tried your best to ignore their lingering stares but it was starting to bug you and even though you tried not to let JJ see it, he realized and it made him feel terrible.
He had done his best to make you feel better but he was struggling himself. His dad found out what happened, forcing JJ to come clean to him and then beating him senseless for his stupidity, calling him useless and a waste of space. He tried to fight back but he never even stood a chance. JJ was left bruised and limping for a week as you nursed him back to health in the safety of your home. 
 As far as you were concerned JJ should just move in with you so he can be close by when the baby comes. You even brought the idea up with your mother and she actually agreed, knowing how bad JJ’s home life was like. You were honestly surprised but didn’t want to question her in case she changed her mind. You gave her a big hug and she smiled at you. She just wanted the best for the two of you.
You planned to talk to JJ about it later on in the day when he came over. Your mother helped you schedule an appointment with an obstetrician and she was going to take you and JJ to it. You were going to take a nap until JJ arrived but a knock on your door distracted you.
“It’s open!” You called from your bed.
The pogues burst into your room a second later, scaring the shit out of you. 
“What the fuck?” You yelled, laughing a little with your hand over your heart. You were expecting your mom or your little sister but the sight of your friends made you smile. “What are you guys doing here?”
The four of them came to sit next to you, John B and Kie opting to sit on one of your bean bag chairs as your bed was too small to support the lot of you and lacked space. JJ took a seat next to you, pulling you into his lap and holding you close to his chest as Pope stole the spot you were sitting in before.
“We just wanted to see how you were doing,” John B said. “You haven't been around much and we miss you. JJ has been hogging you for far too long.” Kie nodded in agreement.
“I miss you guys, too,” You smiled, face contorting as JJ began to leave small kisses down your neck.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Pope laughed, shoving JJ back. “You guys are already having a baby, you don’t need to make another one in front of us.”
You all laughed and JJ flipped Pope off, a shit eating grin on his face. “You’re just jealous I’m actually getting some,” He told the Pope who rolled his eyes in response and your face grew hot at his words.
“Are you nervous?” Your mom asked as you, JJ, and her followed the nurse down the hall. It was long and narrow, multiple rooms on each side and the linoleum floor squeaked as your feet shuffled along.
“I’m more excited than nervous, honestly,” You answered. JJ smiled at you, taking your hand. He was excited too. He still couldn’t believe that in just a few short months you and him would be parents.
“In here,” The nurse said, leading you into one of the many rooms. “The OB/GYN will be here in just a moment. Why don’t you get comfortable.” The nurse helped you settle into the recliner chair. The paper cover wrinkled as you climbed on, laying back. JJ and your mother occupied the chairs next to the bed as you all waited patiently.
A moment later there was a knock on the door and you all sat up straight as the doctor entered the room with a kind smile on her face.
“You must be Y/N,” She said reaching her hand out to yours and shaking it. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Willson.” 
After introducing herself to your mother and JJ, Dr. Willson got to work preparing you for the ultrasound. She rubbed some sort of sterilizers on your stomach to clean it and grabbed some gel.
“This might be a little cold,” She warned before squeezing the tube of gel onto your stomach. You shuddered at the feeling, reaching out for JJ’s hand and grasping it tightly.
Dr. Willson began moving the sonographer over your belly, spreading the gel out evenly. She pointed at the monitor, “This area right here is your baby. Right now it’s about the same as a raspberry.”
Your mouth gaped open in astonishment, unable to believe that your baby was so small and that you actually had a child growing inside of you. JJ’s reaction was the same as yours. He looked shocked but so proud at the same time and it made your heart swell with love for the blond boy. You heard your mother sniffle and looked over at her in surprise.
“What’s wrong?” You said as you saw her start to cry.
She waved you off, “Nothing, nothing. I just can’t believe my little girl is going to be a mother. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, mom.” 
It had been a little over a month since your first appointment with Dr. Willson and your baby bump was starting to show. JJ was obsessed with it, always touching it every chance he got and giving it little kisses. You would stroke his hair as he did so and more often than not your mom would find the two of you asleep in that position.
You also finally asked JJ to move in with you and he said yes. You sort of expected him to fight you on it but you also knew that things were getting worse with his dad back at home so moving in with you was just the escape he needed. He didn’t even bother telling his dad because it's not like he would notice considering all he seemed to care about was his alcohol. JJ vowed to never let your baby grow up like he did and would make sure to always protect your guy’s child.
Today was no different than any other day. You and JJ were cuddling in your bed after a long day, your eyes closed in content as he gently rubbed your belly. Neither of you could wait until you were far along enough to feel the baby kick.
“How’s my little plum?” JJ whispers against your stomach.
“Your what?” You said, peaking your eyes open with a giggle. JJ flashed you a toothy grin, his eyes shining brightly.
“I looked up what size the baby is at 12 weeks. Right now she is the size of a plum.”
“She?” You questioned raising a brow. “What if it's a boy?.”
“It’s definitely a girl,” JJ said smugly. “I have a feeling. Call it a sixth sense or whatever but I’m certain. I bet my whole share of the gold on it.”
“My money is on a boy.”
“We’ll see, pretty girl,” JJ said, leaning up and pecking your lips. “Now let's get some sleep.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years ago
Ghosting A Wayne
Warnings: Adult content +18 only!! Smut, Agegap, Swearing, A Little Angst?
A/n:Ok so this is the first real full smut iv done and im super nervous about posting this one i hope its good but if its shit im sorry hope you enjoyxx
After getting cold feet because of your own insecurities you get a visitor pick you up from work.
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Ghosting A Wayne
You sighed as you pulled out a batch of cookies from the oven placing the three large trays out on the cooling racks today was a baking day to fill the display out the front ,you'd been alone with your thoughts all day and were just about done, glancing at the clock you fist pumped the air. Home time. You quickly undone your apron hanging it on the hook by the kitchen door then called out to Tom that your shift was done.
After your first lunch date with Bruce you intended to leave it there but the man was very persistent... and charming somehow he'd managed to talk you in circles and wrangle a second date and third and forth. you'd canceled your fifth using work as an excuse and he bought it for about a week, then he began asking when you were free telling you to call him giving you his personal number which you didn't call.
That worked for about three days before he began messaging you about a date you replied with excuses it seemed to work until he showed up at the door to drop Damien round instead of Alfred, Jack had covered for you not letting either of them in saying you were ill. It wasn't that you didn't like him or anything you were scared, scared of getting hurt he was amazing a perfect gentleman he made you laugh he took you to fancy places but didn't make you uncomfortable even going so far as to berate another guest as he heard them make a comment of the restaurant 'letting anyone in these days' when he was returning from the rest room , you felt special and safe with him.
But he was The Bruce Wayne and nothing would ever come of it. Someone like you had no right to be with someone like him, he deserved a high class well educated successful woman not a minimum wage cafe worker who dropped out of college. You found yourself growing to attached to him and it had frightened you. Not only that but what would people say when they found out, probably think your a charity case or a gold digger you could see the headlines now ' The playboys new sugar baby' with photos of you plastered across the tabloids you shivered.
Damien had spoke to you about it he was far to smart for his own good telling you your being a 'stupid female' and that you should just talk to Bruce about it, Jack also scolded you for being stupid and letting your insecurities hold you back.
The boy had been soo happy for you when you were going out with Bruce, he admitted that he felt responsible for you being alone and not having friends or a boyfriend it broke your heart, hearing how he blamed himself for it, yes it had been hard taking on a 8 year old at 20 years old and yes you did need to grow up quicker then most and avoid the typical early twenties drinking and clubbing but you wouldn't change a thing. When he had brought it up you both had a heart to heart and you were gobsmacked at just how mature he had soundec. He told you that he didn't care about Bruce being Damien's dad or that he was older than you, he was happy that you had someone who made you happy and wanted you to got out with him again and be happy. The boys didn't understand.
"Tom I'm finished don't touch the cookies before they cool you can have one to test but that's it theirs 48 here I've counted, so if you have anymore I will know its you, you greedy little shit" you said opeing the door you walked straight into him he was wide eyed pointing out to the font over his shouldet. You froze thinking the worst it was gotham afterall.
"Oh my god tom?"
"You have.. Out the there.... Man front" he said not making any sense you pushed past him through the door
"whats wron-"
"y/n!" you snapped your head to the counter seeing Bruce standing their ignoring the odd looks he received from the other few customers scattered about in the cafe. You slung your bag over your shoulder cradling your coat in the other hand cursing quietly. Scanning the cafe for a quick exit wanting to run. There was one way in and out and he was between you and the door. Giving in you plastered on a polite smile.
"Bruce what are you doing here?" you asked tentatively due to the blank look on his face unsure what mood he would be in after you ghosted him. Making your way around the counter he followed on the other side meeting you at the end.
"I wanted to take you out, Jack told me when you finished so I thought I'd come pick you up for dinner" you felt the gazes in the room shift from him to you and the whispers started. Bruce held out a hand taking your coat from you while you tried to come up with a reason not to your anxiety screaming at you to run. You sighed at him biting your lower lip raw he lifted a hand pulling it gently forcing you to release it. He smiled meeting your eyes trying to calm you.
"Bruce I don't feel like going out tonight can we reschedule?" hooking his arm around your waist guiding you out of the cafe past the gossiping customers opening the door for the both of you pressing himself to your back giving you no room to bolt away. Hed catch you anyway.
"Good news, we don't have to go out Alfred is making us dinner back home, so we get to have a relaxing night in." you nodded as you left walking down the street feeling your nerves spike as you realized there was no reason to avoid this. He kept pace with you to the side arms ready to dart out and catch you as you glanced around a little skittish he ushered you into a ridiculously expensive Lamborghini and took off down the road.
"So that's Tom then? the one you were talking about?" he started you were confused as he acted like you hadn't been avoiding him for the past week and half you just nodded.
"Err yeah that's him we get along work really well, I was doing all the baking today couldn't handle the customers they were doing my head in." he nodded placing a warm hand on your knee running his thumb in small circles you took a deep breath.
"I know what you mean, had a lot of meetings today with a bunch little men wanting me to over invest in companies that wont last the financial year" you tensed as he left his hand on your leg still navigating the traffic, you tried to shift your led from underneath him but he just followed squeezing it lightly making your breath hitch and clench your walls tight.
"Sh-shouldn't you have both hands on the wheel in a car like this?" you asked quietly he laughed giving you a mischievous look then you screamed as he let go of the wheel completely still picking up speed quickly.
"OH MY GOD BRUCE NO!" you cried leaning over grabbing it yourself he just laughed out loud placing one hand back on it the other still resting on your knee.
"Its fine I could probably drive this with my eyes closed, it's nothing like my other car" he said cheekily as he made his way towards the outskirts of gotham you swallowed nervously.
"yeah please dont do that"
"Don't worry I'd never let anything happen to you sweets" you blushed as he used the nickname he'd given you onde he found out about your sweet tooth and the fact you do all the baking at the cafe.
"He says after driving without hands." you scoffed looking out of the window as the scenery changed. It wasn't long before you pulled up to the manor. It was impressive you'd only been inside twice whilst waiting for Jack to get his things he thought it was the perfect place to hid from his dentist and doctors appointments. Once out of the car he lead you inside where Alfred greeted you both.
"Ah Master Wayne dinner will take another hour or so I'm afraid and Y/n its lovely to see you again." Bruce gave you both a look seeking an explanation for the first name basis.
"Have you met everyone in this house before me?" he asked sarcastically you smiled at him before Alfred took your coats hanging them up.
"Well sometimes the boys play about getting ready so Alfred comes in for tea whilst we wait and I've met Tim he has come over a few times drank my whole pot of coffee and left." he grunted before leading you to a small sitting room off to the side.
"We will be in here Alfred call us when dinner is ready." Alfred nodded smiling slyly before closing the door leaving you in private. You sat down on the leather sofa a nervous wreck looking around the opulent room feeling out of place, he took a seat beside you offering you a glass of what you assumed was scotch he sat and leaned in next to you. Relaxing as he took a slow sip of his drink.
"Don't look so worried the boys explained for you. Your scared of getting hurt I can understand that I don't exactly have the best record but I'm not giving up as you can tell."you looked down into your glass a little ashamed as you heard hurt laced in his words.
"I-its not that, its me I.. I love spending time with you I really do... but I dont think you should waste your time on me... thats all" he frowned you sounded so ...defeated , he didnt like it one bit placing his glass down putting two and two together. That he didn't know Damien said you were being a 'difficult woman' and Jack had said that you hadn't dated since school and were afraid of being hurt he summarised that it was because of him but it sounds like there was more to it then that. Bruce took a deep breath regarding you carefully.
"Waste my time? why would spending time with you be a waste. There is something between us, I have never felt this type of pull to a woman before and I'm quite determind to see you if you havent already noticed" he said sternly you shrunk into the sofa he sighed pulling the glass tumbler from you hand.
"Whats really going on? we were going fine then you just pulled back. I want this, us and I know you do to but we have to talk to each other." You leaned forward locking eyes with him feeling overwhelmed you shook your head pulling back he followed leaning back pulling you across the seat wrapping his arms around you pulling your face into his chest holding you, you tried pulling yourself off of him but he was to stronger than he looked. You Gave up then took a deep breath endulging in the closeness breathing him in.
"Talk to me please" he spoke quietly into your hair
"I cant, I just cant, your-I, you need someone better. And if people find out then what will they think? that I'm a charity case some passing fancy? that you'll get bored with and you will bruce. When you find some older succsessfull women who equals you. someone that I can never be for you. I wont be good enough for you and you'll see it one day" once you started you couldn't stop as the words kept coming your fears poured out after being kept bottled up since that very first date.Fears of loving him and then him leaving, or of what backlash Jack could face if you were painted to be a whore trying to capture Bruces attention, the cps could investigate if it seemed like you were becoming a party girl like what Bruce typically dated. Then there was the fact that the school could start being funny if word got out that you and bruce were together. But the main reason was that he was to good for you and you knew it. You heaved a breath feeling lighter yet your stomach churned he had been quiet throughout and you'd gotten yourself worked up shaking from your anxiety feeling sick to your stomach.
"I'm sorry I know I should have spoke to you instead but I... I was scared that you were going to realize I'm right and leave ...so" he hushed you rubbing your back lightly causing you to shiver and relax onto his chest.
"So you left before I could?" you flinched then nodded it sounded so petty when said out loud he moved sitting up a bit more dragging you with him not releasing you for a second, he would have preferred if it had all been about his past but now realized you had low self esteem you had fears about the future, the age gap, Jacks future and how people would judge you all of these fear were to blame. And he understood it must be daughting, but what got him most was that you thought he'd let you deal with it alone , that you were so scared of loosing him in the long run you tried to walk away now and that was all the proof he needed that you did feel somthing for him.
"Tell me something does Jack have a problem with you being with me?" he asked you shook your head instantly.
"No he loves it, he wants me to be with you he saw how happy I was he has been pestering me to call" he pulled his head away smiling confusing you.
"I can tell you that Damien is thrilled he has even been bragging to his brothers that I've found the perfect woman and they cant wait to meet you by the way the
and he threatened me before every date to 'not to fuck it up' so let me ask another question if Jack, Damien me and you are happy what does anyone else's opinion matter? it's our life why should we make ourselves miserable over a few tabloids that can be taken to court and be corrected? and I do have reporters that I trust with these type of stories one is a very close friend who I could give an exclusive to before any rumors get around and the press make up some nonsense. Not only that I know Clark wold print the truth if he knew that it involved the boys being bullied in the school." he let you pull back shocked you didnt think he would want anyone to know, you thought hed be ashamed of you.
"wh-what?" it was bearly a whisper but he heard it.
"You heard me sweets, Clark wouldn't let me down not with this and there are other reporters who I've trusted to cover stories of the boys in the past one phone call and I would have everything sorted and anyone who tries to make this something its not will feel the full force of my legal team." he leaned in giving you no time to reply kissing you deeply invading your mouth moaning into you. His tongue dominated your mouth taking your breath away he paused pulling you to straddle his waist you blushed looking down at him.Trying to put your weight on your knees conscious of your weight Bruce not having any of that tugged harshly pulling your weight on his thighs.
"And as for finding someone better I doubt it. I've said it before and I will say it again I want you. Not some stuck up model who's one surgery away from being on botched. The day we met I was floored and for the first time I saw what I truly wanted for me and my family. And it wasn't some highly educated business woman, no it was a sexy little mama bear who treated my son as her own." you gasped as he brought your hips closer resting you on his crotch before leaning forward capturing your lips again this time slow and deliberate pouring himself into it you, you moaned quietly as he rocked you across his groin. Pulling back for air
"So little miss now we have all that cleared up is there anything you want to add?"
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" you gasped out trying to collect yourself as you began getting tearful as you felt stupid for being so silly yet relieved that he hadn't thrown you out, he chuckled shushing you then moved biting at your earlobe .
"That's ok love I'm sure you'll make it up to me" he said kissing down your neck biting below your ear then lower to your pulse point feeling it race under his tongue before sucking harshly bordering on painful.
"o-OH Bruce" you gasped gripping his shoulder trying not to lean back to far and fall he noticed using and arm to hold you elbow resting on your waist curling his fingers into your low bun pulling slowly stretching your neck before him leaving marks up it you groaned closing your eyes trying to rub your thighs together as your pussy grew hot and clenched dampening your panties he ran his nose down your neck kissing your collar bone lightly.
"Aww sweety so desperate hm?" you whined squeezing his hips between your thighs again grinding softly against him he chuckled biting the top of your breast running his tongue along your cleavage unbuttoning your blouse with deft fingers then returned them to your hips pushing you harshly on his erection you cried out looking down panting as he dragged you slowly back and forth feeling him through his trousers was almost to much you fisted your hands in the crisp shirt covering his shoulders. He let out a breathy growl smug as you started trying to rock on him faster pouting when he held you controlling your pace circling you slow on his bulge dipping his thumbs into your pelvis tilting you catching your clit with every pass of your hips you shook your head eyes tightly shut.
"OH fuck shiiitt Bruce" he watched eyes blown as he built you up slowly drinking in your flushed face pouty full lips forming an 'o' as you let out high pitched cries his hands smothered your breasts squeezing them in his palms testing them before he tipped the cups down teasing your pink nipples to attention. You opened your eyes glazed over pleading with him.
"Please Bruce... I dont-fuck" you moaned high and louder almost squeeling as he pinched one of your nipples refusing to let go pulling your chest towards him by it until he could lay a sweet kiss to the other suckling catching it between his teeth nipping it letting go with a loud pop. You panted harder as he toyed with you, your body trembled as he pulled you closer to the edge your clit rubbed harshly against him and he growled relishing in the way your heat seeped onto him. He couldn't wait. He wouldn't. With a one sweeping motion you found yourself lying on the sofa with him hovering over you pulling your leggings down over your hips skimming your quivering thighs with his knuckles befor rubbing your calves and griping your ankles encircling them effortlesly, running his thumbs across the inside of them . Following bending as he went kissing your soft stomach and pelvis finally leaving a small kiss on your mound over your panties you moaned at that. He slipped your leggings off taking your flats with them you blushed as he stared seeing the wet patch you'd left on your panties crawling back up you exploring with his hands the whole way. Hooking a hand around to back of your neck he pulled you up into a bruising kiss needy as he angled his head to devour you deeper his other hand dragging your shirt from you by the back of the neck unclipping your bra and he went lowering you back down you blushed trying to cover yourself he growled pinning them beside you.
"Nooo you dont babe, let me see, show me" he ground out a deep gruntle sound that vibrated threw you trailing the tips of his fingers from your throat down in slow unpredictable patterns leaving goosebumps in his wake your nipples pebbled as he past them your whole body shuddered
"Fuck. Your stunning" you didn't meet his gaze it was to hot, posessive like he was claiming you already just with his eyes watching closely memorizing every freckle and mark on your skin, he let out a deep shuddering breath when you arched up inyo him as he fingered the bow on the waist band of your panties back and forth he brought his fingers lower and lower across your mound. You squirmed trying to buck up against him trying to get him where you desperately needed him whimpering pitifully. His response was to stretch out his fingers across your lower tummy and push you back down holding you still. You protested as his warm hand covered your whole mound and rocked forward trying to catch your clit on the heal of his palm that rested just out of reach.
"Such a greedy little thing. I think I'm going to have to work on your manners" he chided before using a hand to unbutton his shirt revealing a perfectly sculpted torso, you made a noise in the back of your throat that you didn't recognize at the sight of him, caramel skin taught over deliciously defined muscles and small thatch of hair disappearing below a teasingly low hanging trousers he let the shirt slide to the floor undoing his belt then slowly pulled his trousers over his hip grunting thrusting forward as it glided over his cock. You bit your lip still trying to move against his heavy hand he granted you a little mercy twisting as the wrist slotting his thumb between your lips seeking your clit and rubbing a figure 8 hard.
"AHH! F-Fuck BRUCE yes oh god-" you gasped deep breaths as he rolled your cilt around almost rough in his ministrations the fabric of you panties hieghtend the sensation you closed your eyes grinding yourself down on him tears leaked from them his other hand came up to your throat forcing you to face him.
"Look at me baby. come on let me see you... ah there she is good girl" he praised as you looked at him tears clinging to your lashes his hand still working you. Sobbing incoherently trying to buck up to him.
"OH fuck please-PLEASE let me come bruce please I'll do anything PLEASE" you breathed out hoarse gasping when your pussy weeped wetting the sofa below you he played you like an instrument taking you higher and higher you clenched and withered as you felt that familiar burn of an orgasm start in your lower tummy , almost cramping as it traveld lower to your pussy you chased it trying to rock harder just as you were at the presapice he stopped pulling his thumb away bit still pinned you down.
"AH! NO Br-BRUCE come back" you sobbed reaching out for him as your body hummed hot and quivering you gave up on finding his hand throwing yours between you trying to take over and force yourself over the edge. Soo close. Bruce was quicker catching them in one hand pulling them above you head. He watched waiting for you to come down from the almost high. Pouting all the way.
"You can count that as your punishment babe" he whispered huskliey into your neck kissing at the marks he has left. You cried out frustarated sweaty and exhasted.
"But im feeling a little mercifull tonight." you looked at him from below your lashes his heart skipped a beat seeing you look at him so needy and ready you looked so small,he could do anything to you right now but only wanted one thing. Shuffling back leaning down he placed an open mouthed kiss on your panties slipping his fingers in the sides draging them off before standing removing his boxers freeing his erection you gasped as it bounced up tapping his stomach ,hesitantly you reached out running a single finger along the underside from tip to base he jerked forward when you cupped him testing your grip befor stroking him he stopped you
"Fuck sorry babe but I cant wait." he growled out pinning you back down running his weeping head up and down your slit you tensed as he probed your enterance. Sensing your nerves he locked lips with you coaxing out your tongue sucking on it before licking in your mouth makeing obscene noises feeling you relax he took the chance and slowly begun stretching you around him ,you gasped at the slight sting pulling back rest your forehead on his grunting softly as he kept a slow steady pressure finally knocking his hips with yours you panted feeling your walls fluttering around him then squeezing
"shit Bruce" he huffed out a laugh flexing in response
"carefull there babe" you grunted feeling stuffed full as his head pushed against your cervix.
"Bruce please...HUrry up!" you clenched him stealing his breath from him he gave a playfull glare you felt a little tremor of apprehension as he repostioned your legs higher on his hips placing your heels into his lower back before plowing you into the sofa grunting and growling as his thrusts rocked your body you were by no means quiet as the veins on his cock massaged your walls with delicious friction he slowed then pressed himself tight against your clit rotating catching your gspot you bucked violenty against him head thrown back as you wailed he leaned up sucking and biting at your neck then resumed finding a brutal pace aiming for your gspot hitting it with pinpoint accuracy. You shook your head screaming out uncontrollably bucking begging for him to go harder, faster just wanting more. It wasn't long befor you saw stars letting out a silent scream tensing before you snapped cumming around him almost blinded as he rode you through it still hitting your spot faster if that was even possible before stuttering his hips holding himself tight locking you both together as he flooded you.
"OH GOD fuck FUCK yesyesyes good girl yes fuck" he moaned as you lay beneath him, limp body still quacking in the aftermath of your own end. He stayed still until he was soft catching his breath recovering before you removing himself he sat back on his knees watching as he leaked from you quick to scoop his cum and press it back within you, you whined still painfully oversensitive trying to pull away from his invading fingers. he chuckled as you squirmed utterly spent.
"nooo bruce" you whined as he prodded your freshly fucked pussy lighly grazing your abused clit causing you to whine at him pitifully jolting with every swipe.
"Aww baby are you sore?" you pouted at his words nodding he got up sitting you up handing you your forgotton drink you took it gulping it down ignoring the burn. he retrived his boxers throwing them on then a soft blanket covering you before scooping you up heading for the door.
"Bruce? what are you doing?" you asked gorgily already struggiljng to stay awake he leant down shutting you up with a kiss.
"We are going to bed you need some sleep before we continue." you blinked
"wha?" he grinned cheekily
"well how are we going to build up your stamina if we dont push past your exhaustion?" you almost cried just wanting to sleep.
"What about Alfred dinner?" you questioned
"He didnt make any I had to have a reason to get you here didnt I? he went to bed. and dont worry about Jack he is staying over in a room next to Damien's" you looked at him shocked
"What why was he here? do you think he could have heard me? bruce!" you panicked suddenly fully awake trying to wiggle out of his grip he laughed kissing your face.
"Oh my god what about our clothes? Bruce go back and shit we made a mess i need to clean that up..Bruce are you listening?" You created as he continued further away from the room youd just soild.
"he didnt hear you at all it was one of his demands when we planned this. And dont worry about the room or the clothes alfred will take care of it" he said scaling the stairs with ease taking you to his room
"planned? you who else knew? And what do you mean alfred will take care of it? no absolutly not that is embarassing" you argued as he kicked the door to his room shut behind him depositing you on his bed following you down landing above you kissing you again.
"me alfred damien and jack planned it but dick and jason knew too thats why they are scarce and alfred has cleard up worse trust me." he explained you stared at him in horror
"My little brother set me up with you?oh my god I'm not going to live that down and i need to clear that up its to embarassing for alfred to see" you cried he laughed out loud.
"Well I think its was worth it, and you can try and beat Alfred to it but that room will be ccleared up before sunrise and you won't be leaving this bed before then" he said snuggling up with you under the cover ,you made a noise as he tucked you into his chest his heart beat calming you making you drift into a peaceful sleep resting on his chest, feeling safe and sound wrapped up in him as he traced patterns on your back, sighing he was finally content a peace he hadnt known befor washed over him satisfied that he had found the woman that would complete his family, his chest swelled as he placed a kiss on your head. He wasn't ever letting you go now that he had you here. Glancing over at the clock, hed give you an hour or so to build up some energy before he woke you smirkjng to himslef planing all the wicked ways he was going to toy with you during the night. Oh yes the night was young and if Bruce had his way you wouldnt be leaving his bed tomorrow because you wouldnt be able to, thankfully you hade a few days off so he might let you recover. Then again he might not.
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anythingandeverything1d · 5 years ago
Plum Sized
Part 1: Congratulations Part 2: Im having your baby
The next few weeks had gone by in a blur. Harry had left again to do some more writing, promising he would be back for your next ultrasound and doctors appointment. Luke was still getting over the fact that you had just let Harry back into your life like that, but since Harry hadn't really been around much he was warming back up to the idea a little bit more and had started coming over more, specifically in the mornings which had been really hard for you. You had woken up every morning with extreme morning sickness. You couldn't eat for hours, you felt dizzy and threw up multiple times. Certain smells and foods just made you want to vomit at the thought. 
You were laying in bed trying to avoid throwing up when Luke walked in with a smile. “Morning beautiful, figured you might still be sick and in bed so I brought you a smoothie. Shouldn't have any weird smells or anything so I thought it might be worth a shot.” He handed you a large smoothie and sat on the edge of the bed. “How are you doing?”
You took the smoothie and thanked him before taking a small sip. It actually tasted amazing and nothing about it so far had made you sick so that was a big plus. “Not too bad....still just so nauseous. I mean the sight of food, the idea of food, it all just makes my stomach turn. I’m also just getting nervous about the appointment. I have to have my blood drawn and then we will probably find out the gender from that and of course it’s Harry’s first time going to an appointment so thats extra pressure because well because its Harry.” you sighed taking another sip and sitting up.
Luke nodded. “Have you heard much from him recently?”
“No...he’s been busy writing I think.” You bit your lip. Truth is after Harry had spent the night, he had waken up and left. You had hoped there might be something left to reconcile but he was really only interested in the baby. He had left the following afternoon even though you had asked him to stay. All you wanted was for him to actually step up, to be there for you the way he said he wanted to be. “He should be coming here tonight so that he doesn't miss the appointment..”
“Well I hope for your sake he does.”
“I’m sure he will but anyways lets talk about something else. What have you been up to? What’s new in your life?”
“Uh not a lot...I do have a date tomorrow though.”
“A DATE?!”
Luke laughed and grinned, “Yeah I met this girl, her name is Kayla and well we really hit it off so I’m taking her out tomorrow for a fun picnic lunch date. I think it’ll be a lot of fun.”
“Im sure it will be, you plan the best dates. So where did the two of you meet?” you played with the styrofoam cup your smoothie was in distractedly as went on about meeting Kayla at a gas station. You wished Harry would plan cute dates, and care more about everything. You wished he would text you good morning and good night or check in throughout the day. You wanted more from a relationship but at the same time...you really only wanted Harry. It was a hard place to be in at the moment. Just thinking about it and how frustrated you were with him made you tear up. You wiped a tear and noticed Luke was looking at you weirdly. “Sorry what?”
“I asked if you were okay....you seem. I don't know...not okay?”
You laughed and wiped another tear away. “Yeah, I’m fine just been thinking.”
He nodded unsure but was willing to let it go for your sake. “Well I have to go get ready for work, but enjoy the smoothie and text me later to let me know you are okay and all good. Promise?”
“Promise. Thank you for the smoothie..You really are the best friend a girl could have.”
“I try” he squeezed your hand and then walked out, leaving you to your thoughts.
After a few hours of lounging around you decided to get up and be productive. You threw on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and froze when you looked in the mirror. Your stomach had definitely grown, and a small baby bump was definitely visible. You light touched your stomach and smiled. It was all startling to feel real. You got to work, cleaning almost every room of your house and by the end everything was spotless and beautiful. You felt good. There was just something about a clean house that cleared your mind. It was almost 4:00 pm by the time everything was finished and you still hadn't heard from Harry. He was supposed to come home tonight so that he could take you to your appointment in the morning. *Hey, how's writing going? Think youre going to make it home for the appointment tomorrow?* you texted him. You sat waiting for a reply but when it didnt immediately come you decided to start on dinner. Tonight you were going to be making spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread, nothing too fancy but still delicious. You were boiling the water and buttering bread when your phone buzzed. Harry’s face was on the screen so you quickly answered it. “Hey!” you said cheerfully.
“Hey love, look I’m in the middle of a song right now and I don't want to stop so I don't think I’m going to make it tomorrow.”
Your heart sank and tears threatened to spill from your eyes. “But Harry this is a really important appointment. This is where we-”
“I know, I’m sorry. I’ll be at the next one I swear.”
You didn’t even answer, just hung up the phone and went back to cooking. The whole night was spent thinking about Harry. How couldn't he want to be there? Why was writing more important than his family? Did he even care at all? You were frustrated, upset, hurt, and confused. None of it made sense. Harry always said that he wanted kids and he wanted to be the dad that was there at every moment. Yet here he was not even caring to show up and you were done with it. *Good luck writing. Don't bother in calling me anymore I think our baby will be better off without you in its life* you know it was a long shot, something meant to dig at him but you didnt care. You were done with letting Harry hurt you again. You were sitting on the floor crying when Luke walked in carrying two suits. 
“Hey which should I wear- Are you okay?” he immediately knelt down, dropping the suits and rubbing your shoulders. “(y/n) are you okay?” You shook your head no. Luke got more worried. He tried scooping you into his arms. “Are you hurt? What happened?”
“No.” you wiped your face and let out a shaky breath. “I think I just broke up with Harry again.”
Luke froze trying to decide what to say. He decided to play it safe, “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault, its not mine, its his. He just doesn't care.”
“He will one day, it just sucks he doesn't realize it now.” you nodded leaning into him. “So youre going alone tomorrow?”
You nodded again. “I’ll be okay.”
He sighed, “no. You shouldn't go through all of this alone. I’ll go. I’ll take you.”
“But your date..”
“I’ll reschedule. I have a friend in need.” You smiled and wiped your tears. 
“Can I still pick out the outfit you wear?” Luke laughed and nodded standing up and then pulling you to your feet.
“Of course.” He looked at you and gave you a look.
“Your belly...its like actually bigger.”
“Well I do have a baby inside me that grows everyday.” You laughed. “Today, at 12 weeks, the baby is the size of a plum.”
“A plum? How do you know that?”
“I have an app that tells me its size according to fruits every week.”
He laughed and rolled his eyes, “A plum. Who would've guessed.”
You laughed instantly feeling better. You held up the two suits and smiled. “The grey one. It brings out your eyes.” You smiled and handed it to him.
“That was a quick decision.”
“I’ve been your friend for forever. I know what you look good in.”
The rest of the night was spent lounging around. Luke had gone home, promising to pick you up for your appointment and you still hadn't gotten a response from Harry. You weren't really expecting one, but you had hoped he would say something. You decided turning in early was a good idea so you threw on Harry’s old t-shirt, the one you slept in every night and jumped into bed. You were exhausted so falling asleep was easy. You had awoken to the sound of the door opening. You laid in bed listening for other sounds but didnt hear anything. You covered your head with the blanket and tried thinking to if you had imagined it or not. Then you heard footsteps walking up the stairs. You panicked. You didnt know what to do. You grabbed your phone and looked for something you could attack an intruder with. The footsteps were getting closer and your heart was racing. The door opened and you were ready to dial 911. “(y/n)?” Harry’s voice whispered. You breathed out and turned on a light next to the bed.
“Harry what the hell!” you screamed. “I thought you were a robber or murderer or something. You cant do that!”
Harry walked in and smiled holding out a giant bouquet of flowers. “I’m sorry...I didnt mean to scare you but I also didnt want to wake you if you were sleeping.”
“What are you doing here.” 
He sighed and walked to the bed sitting down next to you on the edge. “I came to apologize. I haven't been a good dad lately. I haven't even been good to you. I got so distracted trying to please the fans with this next album that I was forgetting what's more important. My family. I know I don't deserve forgiveness. I know I promised you I would be here and be present and then I wasnt but this time I will be. I want to be there for you. I want to be there for this little one.” He touched your belly and smiled. “Im done writing for now. At least leaving to write. I want to be here, with you, as much as possible. I want us to work on whatever this is and to experience all the baby stuff together.”
“Please (y/n)....give me one more chance...I promise not to screw it up.” He placed his head down by your stomach and your fingers immediately went to his hair. You sighed and he looked up.
“Fine. One more chance but if you screw this up Harry you won't be in my life or the baby’s.”
“Trust me love, I won't screw it up again.” He kissed your forehead and set the flowers on the nightstand. He then stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed. He pulled you against his chest and trailed fingers down your belly. “Did you know that the baby is the size of a plum today. Like an actual plum, isn't that crazy?” 
You laughed and turned towards him. You touched your nose to his and smiled. He kissed you softly and smiled back. “I’m glad youre here Haz” you snuggled into him and he held on tightly.
“Me too.” He rubbed your back until you fell asleep and part of you expected him to be gone when you woke up. Just a dream. An imagination. But when your alarm went off and your eyes opened, you were snuggled against his chest, his body gently snoring like the angel he was. You rolled over and snoozed the alarm before returning to him. You traced his butterfly tattoo until he cracked his eyes open with a smile. “Morning.” he whispered deeply.
“Morning.” you smiled before climbing out of bed. 
“Where are you going” he groaned sitting up in the white comforter. “Im exhausted...cant we stay in bed a little longer.”
You walked over to his side, knelt down and kissed his nose. “We have an appointment so get up and get ready.” You smiled and stretched. Harry jumped out of bed and froze watching you. “Whats wrong?”
“Your belly...I can actually see the plum size. That is so cool.” “Wait until you see the baby at the appointment.” you smiled walking into his embrace. “We should be able to see actual features today. It won't be just a blob anymore.”
You were getting ready and so was Harry, except he was pretty much done. He was in his black skinny jeans, a tshirt and a sweater vest. “Do I look like a dad?”
You laughed and nodded. “You look like a hot dad though.” He grinned and kissed you about to respond when the doorbell rang. “Can you get that, its probably Luke.”
“Yeah he's coming today too.”
“Great...” Harry mumbled walking downstairs to answer the door. You finished throwing your hair in a pony tail and picked one of Harry’s smaller shirts, the one with his album title along a heart with his name, before running downstairs. Luke and Harry were just staring, no glaring at each other. 
“Hey” you smiled hugging Luke. “Ready to go?” Harry and Luke nodded and you followed them outside. 
“Whats the deal?” Luke harshly whispered, grabbing your arm and pulling you back. 
“What?” you played innocently.
“Why is he here?”
“He’s the dad Luke..”
“Yeah but I thought you were done with him.”
“I was...but I feel like I owe it to the baby to give him another chance. He showed up last night and promised to be here. I’m not just going to say no Luke.”
Luke rolled his eyes and you pulled your arm from his grip to catch up to Harry. He smiled and grabbed your hand. “Ready to see our little baby love?”
You nodded and climbed into the car. Harry decided he wanted to drive so Luke jumped in the backseat. The car ride there was silent, no one really talking but when we got to the waiting room you told Harry to check you in so you could run to the bathroom. The nurse was waiting with the two guys and you followed her in. She retook your weight, stating that you had gained a little which was normal. She then took all three of you into a room where you changed into a gown and waited. Harry was anxiously pacing the room and Luke was just glaring at Harry when the doctor walked in. “(y/n) so nice to see you again, are you ready to see the baby?” You nodded as he looked to the two guys. “Who do we have here today?” he asked. Harry stepped forward and extended his hand. 
“I’m Harry, its a pleasure to meet you.” he smiled and gave you a reassuring wink. 
“Harry is the dad.” you added looking at the doctor. He nodded and smiled.
“Its nice to meet you Harry. And you?” he looked over at Luke. 
“Oh, I’m Luke. I’m (y/n)’s friend.” 
“Nice to meet you too. Alright lets see what we got here. He turned the lights lower and squirted the cold gel on your stomach earning a surprised look from Harry which made you laugh. “Have you been having any symptoms?”
“Yeah I’ve had morning sickness quite a bit lately.”
“Ah, thats a normal but unfortunate one.” He was scrolling around your stomach looking for the baby. “Has it been manageable?”
“Yeah its not been too terrible, I’m still feeling good most of the day.”
“Good thats what we want. Ah here it is...” Harry grabbed your hand and smiled looking at the screen. “So you can see here is the head, the butt, an arm, a leg, everything seems to be there. Let’s see if we cant get the heartbeat.” Luke looked a little sick but smiled when you looked at him and Harry was in awe. 
“I think she looks like you..”
“How do you know its a she?” you asked surprised.
“I just feel like its going to be.”
“I feel like its going to be a boy, and I think he looks like you.” Harry smiled shaking his head. He was about to respond when you heard the familiar thump thump thump of a heartbeat. Harry had tears falling down his cheek. You smiled and wiped them away.
“That’s amazing.” he looked at the doctor with a smile. “Thank you for showing us that.”
The doctor nodded, flipping the light back on and handing you a towel to wipe your stomach. “Okay, you look good the baby looks good but we do want to do a blood test..From this you can find out the gender if you like.”
“Yes.” You said and looked at Harry.
“I think we should wait...let it be a surprise.” Harry said looking at you.
“Harry its not your decision.” Luke intervened.
“Its my baby too. I think we should wait.” He said pointedly at Luke.
“It should be (y/n)s decision. She's the one carrying it.”
“Well I think we both would have fun waiting.” Harry looked at you and you looked down.
“You haven't even been here. You don't have a say in it.”
“Luke,” you cut him off. “It is Harry’s baby too. He's the one here now and thats all that matters. Why don't we wait now and we can always decide later to look.”
Harry smiled and nodded at you, then glared at Luke. Luke just rolled his eyes. “whatever.” The doctor took your blood, explaining that it would also test for some genetic defects and diseases and that you would receive a call in the next few days with the results. You held Harry’s hand the whole time while talking to Luke so luckily you did not faint. Harry helped you to your feet, and held onto you to make sure you weren't going to drop back at any notice. You smiled and gave him a reassuring kiss. He let you go a little but still tightly held your hand. You set up another appointment and then walked out with your guys. Harry opened the car door for you and Luke climbed in the back seat. After ensuring you were buckled the three of you drove home. Luke left without saying a word and Harry rolled his eyes.
“What an asshole.” 
You lightly smacked his arm and smiled. “He will come around. Trust me.”  
Harry’s only response was a kiss on the cheek. “Come on, we need to go by my place and pick up some stuff.”
“What stuff?”
“Like all of it.”
“Well I figured we should probably live together so I can help out with everything..” Your mouth dropped open. “Unless thats not okay...” he added concerned he had overstepped.
“No. No I would love that...I just didnt think thats what you would want.”
“(y/n) I know the last few months have been rocky with us but I want to be here all the time with you. I love you and I want us to make things work. If me being here to help, mends that? I’ll never leave the house again.” He kissed your softly and you smiled. 
“I love you Haz.”
“I love you too love.”
Part 3 of the pregnancy series, hope you guys like it :) There wasnt a lot of action in this chapter but just wait for the next ;)
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mae-gi-writes · 5 years ago
Deobi Playlist (EP 10) | The Boyz Imagine
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The Boyz x Hospital Playlist inspired drabble series.
Main characters: Kevin, Juyeon, Hyunjae and OC (Mae)
Sides: the rest of The Boyz
Genre: fluff, slice of life, BROMANCE BRUH
EP 1 | EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 | EP 6 | EP 7 | EP 8 | EP 9 | EP 10
"Excuse me."
"Yes," Juyeon whips his head up to see a pregnant woman waddling over to the counter with an expression that looks murderous. Holding her belly against herself with a grocery bag slung over her shoulder, she slams her entire body onto the front counter, which causes him to jump in surprise. 
"How are you, ma'am? How can I help you today?" Juyeon flashes a wan smile, used to dealing with unnerved clients. There's usually always a reason behind their madness.
"I have been waiting for at least an hour!" The woman bellows, practically red in the face, "I'm due in two weeks, and there are so many other pregnant women waiting behind me. How come it's taking so long?"
"Ma'am, I'm sorry we--"
"Do you know how hard it is for us, pregnant women, to sit here in this stuffed waiting room while babies are kicking?!" She interrupts with another yell as Juyeon's hands come up in defense, "I want to see Dr. Bae right now! Right now, you hear me? I'm tired! I want to go home!" 
Panic rises at the back of Juyeon's throat, "I--I am so sorry about this ma'am. But due to the number of patients today, the office is running a little slower than usual. I'm really sorry--"
"I don't want to hear your stupid reasons. I want my appointment!" She bellows, "Now!"
Fear coils through his stomach, a sick feeling tying into knots as his throat dries up with the countless excuses dying on the tip of his tongue. 
Shit, his heart races. How is he supposed to deal with that? 
He'd give anything to be shadowing a doctor right now. 
The door to the doctor's office suddenly slides open, revealing a gentle-eyed Jacob who's gaze quickly flits between them in understanding. The woman doesn't even wait a second, quickly twisting her body and waddling towards him. 
"Dr. Bae, I was just telling your stupid staff here that you need to speed up your process! Do you know how painful it is to be sitting around with that?" She motions towards her belly, legs wide apart and fists clenched at her sides as though she's preparing for battle. 
But Jacob's expression stays unfazed, "I apologize, ma'am. Unfortunately the speed of the diagnosis does not rely solely on me, but my patient."
"Yes, but--"
"Some have--" Jacob pauses, presses his lips together as sympathy flashes through his face, "some have difficult obstacles they've had to face in regards to their pregnancy. Not everyone is as lucky that their baby is growing up to be healthy."
The woman blinks, opening her mouth, then closing it upon realizing that she has been shocked into silence. 
"I understand your frustrations, I really do," Jacob's voice is gentle, a soothing lullaby that instantly makes Juyeon feel like the world is a better place, "but we all have to cooperate a little, work together to make this work. Don't you think?" 
For a moment, there's a complete silence so palpable that Juyeon can hear the ringing in his ears. He can feel the eyes of a multitude of patients drilling into the back of his skull and goosebumps suddenly explode along his arm at the sensation. 
"Alright," the woman finally lets out a grumble, "fine. Whatever."
And she turns around, wobbly on her feet, before plopping back down at her seat looking slightly disconcerted by the effect of Jacob's words. 
Juyeon sends the said doctor a look of utter gratefulness, which Jacob answers with a wink of his own before retreating back into his office. 
Thank god. 
It's been a long day running back and forth between the maternity department and the pediatric ward, but it is only when the last patient bids their goodbyes that Juyeon allows his neutral mask to fall.
"I'm sorry doctor," he bows his head to the ground, not daring to make any kind of eye contact due to the embarrassment coiling through him, "It was my fault. I couldn't calm her down in time."
"No no," Jacob's lips curl up into a smile, face softening with understanding, "it happens all the time. Impatient patients are the norm around here. Mothers-to-be, especially."
"Still, I'm sorry."
"Did that swear you off the Maternity Ward then?" Jacob's smile widens into a teasing grin.
"Well, if it's of any comfort, it's no better in the other wards."
"What do you mean?" Juyeon frowns. 
"Some of them are always looking for donors, others always doing extra shifts. The pediatric ward is the only one that's doing okay, as of late. Cancer department is just a hole of sadness."
"That's...not very encouraging."
"That's the reality of it," Jacob shrugs, "did you give it any thought? What you wanted to specialize?" 
"I don't know. Cancer, maybe. I'm not good with kids and the Cardiac Department looks like hell. Also, Organs make me squirm."
Jacob laughs at that, the sound bouncing through the room like sunlight, "that's exactly the same reason why I didn't want to specialize in surgery."
"That makes the two of us."
After packing up their belongings and clocking out for the day, Jacob offers to buy Juyeon dinner as a thank-you for helping him throughout the day and though the latter tries his best to refuse, the doctor insists that it's just something he does with all of his underlings, and that not treating Juyeon would just not be right. 
So Juyeon has no other choice but to follow as they walk to the parking lot. They unexpectedly bump into Hyunjae and Changmin in the lobby, causing Jacob to invite them both to join. 
"Why Jacob, I think that's the first time you're buying me dinner," Hyunjae can't help but comment as they settle at one of the tables of Mama's chicken, a small restaurant just down the street from their hospital. Juyeon smacks his thigh in protest, aiming to be subtle while the former stifles his groan of pain. 
"What?" Hyunjae hisses venomously.
"You don't say those kinds of things," Juyeon hisses back.
"You only care because you want him to give you a good review."
"Piss off, Hyunjae." 
The dinner goes surprisingly well considering that Juyeon isn't really familiar with Jacob. Having Hyunjae helps ease the tension between the interns and the doctors, lightening the atmosphere and loosening up his tongue. They share stories about patients, heart-wrenching stories about the ones they lost, and the ones that they managed to save. The more they spoke, the more Juyeon felt like this was the right path he'd chosen, after all this internal dilemma that had cost him a few years. 
"So why did you want to study medicine?" Asks Hyunjae to Changmin, who is already slightly flushed from his second beer. 
"I--uh--I just wanted to make the world a better place," Changmin stammers, ears flushing red, "I don't think I've considered anything else."
"See, this is the problem with interns," Hyunjae shakes a hand at him, "you guys think that being a doctor is honourable. It fucking sucks, okay? Like, it's really shitty. The shittiest of everything shitty in this world."
"Not all that shitty," Jacob intercepts.
Hyunjae scowls at him, "for you, maybe. You work in the Maternity Ward. What's the worst? That a pregnant woman comes screaming at you?" 
At that comment, Juyeon can't help but glance at Jacob, eyes meeting for a quick second in understanding. 
“I think I got used to that,” Jacob answers with a small smile, “Pregnant women don’t scare me.” 
“You’re brave, Dr. Bae,” Hyunjae sniffs, “there’s no way I’d be able to make it.”
“Do you regret choosing to be a surgeon?” Changmin pipes up.
“Nah,” Hyunjae flashes him a grin then, leaning back against his seat and poking Juyeon’s neck as he does so, “couldn’t find myself a better match. Surgery is all I live for. It’s like me against death, and most of the time, I always win.” 
“And the times you don’t?” 
“You win some, you lose some. That’s the reality of it.”
When Jacob and Changmin bid their goodbyes, Juyeon accompanies Hyunjae back to the hospital -- the latter has a night shift. It is his second one in a row -- while throwing his friend a couple of worried glances out of the corner of his eye. 
He knows more than anyone how much Hyunjae gives to the people. No matter how much bravado he puts on about doctors and how medicine really is like a beast you can’t tame, there’s definitely always a sparkle in the said doctor’s eyes whenever he talks about it. Juyeon admires that, and he admires Hyunjae (not that he’ll ever tell him though), but his stomach can’t help but churn with worry when he notices the darkening blue aprons underneath his friend’s eyes, or the tiredness lining them, red-rimmed and mouth pulled down in a way that only suggests he lacks sleep and energy. 
“Hey,” Juyeon speaks up when they reach the hospital doors. Hyunjae looks back at him as he says, “try getting some sleep. You look like crap.” 
“Thanks Juyeon. I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“I’m serious, Hyunjae. Continue doing that and you’ll pass out in mid-surgery.” 
“Yeah yeah,” the older man sticks out his tongue in retaliation, “I hear you, mother. You heading home now?” 
“Yup. I’m done for the day. I got tomorrow off too.” 
“Lucky bastard.”
Tagging: @juyeonzz @thesingingfae1905 @gratefulmaria @nochuu17​
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Also, for all those who have sent me requests, don’t worry I’m working on them! they shall be up soon! <3
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mate1959 · 4 years ago
2021-08-23 Chemo
Heute war es also soweit. Der Tag begann wunderschön mit einem Sonnenaufgang in einem tiefen Morgenrot und wunderschönen Wolkenformationen. Der Weg zur Ärztin war trotzdem gefühlsmässig wie damals, als ich als Kind zum Zahnarzt musste in Erwartung von Bohrer und Schmerzen. Zum Glück ist es danach vorbei. So ist es auch heute.
Zuerst hatte ich ein Gespräch mit Frau Jermann. Viel Neues gab es nicht zu berichten. Ich erzählte ihr, wie es mir die letzten zwei Wochen so ergangen ist. Und da es keine dramatischen Entwicklungen gab, war das schnell abgehakt. Im Moment passiert ja vieles in meinem Körper drin. Draussen können meine Lieben und kann ich unterstützend wirken und Einfluss nehmen.
Von der Krankenversicherung hat Frau Jermann seit ihrer Anfrage wegen der Immuntherapie nichts gehört. Das erstaunt sie doch sehr. Sie wird nachhaken und die Dringlichkeit einer Entscheidung betonen. Wir unsererseits haben beschlossen, die Immuntherapie auf jeden Fall durchzuführen und notfalls auch selber zu bezahlen. Ich erhielt mehrere Inputs von verschiedenen Seiten, diese Therapie unterstützend zur Chemotherapie zu machen. Die Ärztin bestellt diese nun und am Mittwoch habe ich einen ersten Termin dafür.
Danach ging es auf den Coiffeur-Sessel und die Zeremonie begann. Zuerst gab es Akynzeo, das habe ich das letzte Mal in meiner Aufzählung vergessen. Akinzeo ist ein Antiemetikum.
(Erklärungen am Ende des Textes)
Dann wurde wieder die Nadel in die Vene gesteckt und zuerst eine Kochsalzlösung eingelassen. Danach Cortison gegen die Übelkeit. Das wird mich vielleicht wieder in ein Hoch versetzten. Anschliessend gab es die eigentliche Chemo mit den Zytostatika.
Danach war es vorbei und es gab in der nahe gelegenen Pizzeria ein Pizza mit Estela, die mich auch dieses Mal liebevoll begleitet hat. Die nächsten Tage geht es nun weiter mit den begleitenden Medikamenten gegen Übelkeit, Magenschutz etc.
Einen Schrecken eingejagt hat mir mein lieber Freund Andi, der einen Badeunfall erlitten und sich dabei einen Halswirbel gebrochen hat. Das professionelle Vorgehen des Bademeisters hat ihn vor Schlimmeren wie den Rollstuhl oder den Tod bewahrt. So ist er mit dem Schrecken, Schmerzen und einer Halsstütze für die nächsten drei Monate davongekommen. Gute Besserung Andi. Und wieder einmal der Weckruf, dass es, bei aller Sicherheit in unserer Gesellschaft schnell und dramatisch anders sein kann.
So. Bitte entschuldigt diesen nüchtern vorgetragenen Bericht. Die ersten Nebenwirkungen sind schnell aufgetreten heute. Schwindelgefühle. Zum Glück ist mir nicht schlecht. Und ich habe die nächste Raketenstufe auf dem Weg zum gesund sein gezündet.
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So today was the day. The day started beautifully with a sunrise in a deep morning red and beautiful cloud formations. The way to the doctor was nevertheless feeling like when I had to go to the dentist as a child in anticipation of drills and pain. Fortunately, it is over after that. It is the same today.
First I had a conversation with Mrs. Jermann. There was not much new to report. I told her how I had been for the last two weeks. And since there were no dramatic developments, that was quickly ticked off. At the moment, a lot is happening inside my body. Outside, my loved ones and I can be supportive and have an influence.
Mrs. Jermann has not heard anything from the health insurance company since her inquiry about the immunotherapy. She is very surprised about that. She will follow up and emphasize the urgency of a decision. For our part, we have decided to carry out the immunotherapy in any case and, if necessary, to pay for it ourselves. I received several inputs from different sides to do this therapy in addition to the chemotherapy. The doctor is now ordering it and on Wednesday I have a first appointment for it.
After that I went to the hairdresser's chair and the ceremony began. First there was Akynzeo, I forgot that last time in my list. Akinzeo is an antiemetic. (Explanations at the end of the text).
Then again the needle was put into the vein and first a saline solution was let in. Then cortisone for the nausea. This might put me back on a high. Then there was the actual chemo with the cytostatics.
After that it was over and I had a pizza in the nearby pizzeria with Estela, who also lovingly accompanied me this time. The next few days I will continue with the accompanying medications against nausea, stomach protection etc.
My dear friend Andi gave me a fright when he had a swimming accident and broke a neck vertebra. The professional approach of the lifeguard saved him from worse like the wheelchair or death. So he got away with the scare, pain and a neck brace for the next three months. Get well soon Andi. And once again the wake-up call that, for all the safety in our society, things can change quickly and dramatically.
So. Please excuse this soberly presented report. The first side effects appeared quickly today. Dizziness. Fortunately, I don't feel nauseous. And I have ignited the next rocket stage on the way to being healthy.
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Así que hoy era el día. El día comenzó maravillosamente con un amanecer en un rojo intenso de la mañana y hermosas formaciones de nubes. Sin embargo, el camino al médico fue emocionalmente como cuando tenía que ir al dentista de niño, anticipando los taladros y el dolor. Afortunadamente, después de eso se acaba. Lo mismo ocurre hoy en día.
Primero tuve una conversación con la señora Jermann. No hay muchas novedades. Le conté cómo había estado las últimas dos semanas. Y como no hubo acontecimientos dramáticos, eso quedó rápidamente atrás. En este momento, están pasando muchas cosas dentro de mi cuerpo. En el exterior, mis seres queridos y yo podemos ser un apoyo y una influencia.
La Sra. Jermann no ha tenido noticias de la compañía de seguros de salud desde que preguntó por la inmunoterapia. Está muy sorprendida por ello. Hará un seguimiento y hará hincapié en la urgencia de una decisión. Por nuestra parte, hemos decidido llevar a cabo la inmunoterapia en cualquier caso y, si es necesario, pagarla nosotros mismos. Recibí varias aportaciones de diferentes partes para hacer esta terapia como apoyo a la quimioterapia. El médico lo está pidiendo ahora y tengo una primera cita para ello el miércoles.
Luego me dirigí a la silla del peluquero y comenzó la ceremonia. Primero fue Akynzeo, lo olvidé la última vez en mi lista. Akinzeo es un antiemético. (Explicaciones al final del texto)
A continuación, se volvió a introducir la aguja en la vena y se dejó entrar primero una solución salina. Luego cortisona contra las náuseas. Eso podría volver a ponerme en un aprieto. Luego vino la quimioterapia propiamente dicha con los citostáticos.
Después se acabó y comí una pizza en la pizzería cercana con Estela, que también me acompañó cariñosamente esta vez. Los próximos días continuaré con los medicamentos de acompañamiento contra las náuseas, la protección del estómago, etc.
Mi querido amigo Andi me dio un susto cuando tuvo un accidente de natación y se rompió una vértebra del cuello. La profesionalidad del socorrista le salvó de cosas peores, como una silla de ruedas o la muerte. Así que se escapó con un susto, dolor y un collarín durante los siguientes tres meses. Recupérate pronto Andi. Y una vez más la llamada de atención de que, con toda la seguridad de nuestra sociedad, las cosas pueden cambiar rápida y dramáticamente.
Así que, por favor, disculpen este informe sobriamente presentado. Los primeros efectos secundarios aparecieron rápidamente hoy. Mareos. Afortunadamente, no me siento mal. Y he encendido la siguiente etapa del cohete en el camino hacia la salud.
Antiemetika sind Wirkstoffe, die für die Vorbeugung und Behandlung von Übelkeit und Erbrechen unterschiedlicher Ursache eingesetzt werden. Zum Beispiel bei einer Reisekrankheit, einer Migräne, einer Magen-Darm-Grippe, bei einer Chemotherapie und nach Operationen. Ihre Effekte beruhen auf dem Antagonismus an verschiedenen Neurotransmitter-Rezeptoren.
Akinzeo – Struktur und Eigenschaften Netupitant (C30H32F6N4O, Mr = 578.6 g/mol) ist ein fluoriertes Piperazin- und Pyrimidin-Derivat. Palonosetron (C19H24N2O, Mr = 296.4 g/mol) liegt in Arzneimitteln als Palonosetronhydrochlorid vor, ein weisses, kristallines Pulver, das in Wasser löslich ist.
(Quelle: Pharmawiki) __________________________ Antiemetics are active ingredients used for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting of various causes. For example, in motion sickness, migraine, gastrointestinal flu, chemotherapy and after surgery. Their effects are based on antagonism at various neurotransmitter receptors.
Akinzeo - structure and properties Netupitant (C30H32F6N4O, Mr = 578.6 g/mol) is a fluorinated piperazine and pyrimidine derivative. Palonosetron (C19H24N2O, Mr = 296.4 g/mol) is present in drugs as palonosetron hydrochloride, a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water.
(Source: Pharmawiki) ___________________________
Los antieméticos son sustancias activas que se utilizan para la prevención y el tratamiento de las náuseas y los vómitos por diversas causas. Por ejemplo, para el mareo, la migraña, la gripe gastrointestinal, la quimioterapia y después de la cirugía. Sus efectos se basan en el antagonismo en varios receptores de neurotransmisores.
Akinzeo - estructura y propiedades El Netupitant (C30H32F6N4O, Mr = 578,6 g/mol) es un derivado fluorado de la piperazina y la pirimidina. El palonosetrón (C19H24N2O, Mr = 296,4 g/mol) está presente en los medicamentos como clorhidrato de palonosetrón, un polvo cristalino blanco que es soluble en agua.
(Fuente: Pharmawiki)
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drkcnry67 · 4 years ago
in truth...
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title: in truth
pairing: dean x reader
fluff: in vino veritas
heaven and hell: book of the damned
rating: pg
tags: nothing really too major...
summery: not telling
@spnfluffbingo @heavenandhellbingo @sweetness47
You had to do something, you were not about to let the mark on the love of your life kill him… so you made a deal, you had gotten your hands on the book of the damned and you were now working with Rowena to try and remove the mark…
Rowena: are you sure you don't want to talk to Dean about this… I mean it's his life, his risks…
Yn: I know what he would say and I would rather just remove the mark and save his ass… so we can start the beginning of the rest of our lives together.
Rowena looks up from the book briefly…
Rowena: does that mean something happened, or is it something you learned?
Yn: its none of your concern, now lets just do this...
Rowena: ok fine, let's begin…
The spell’s list of ingredients were not long, but some had been lost to man for ages, centuries in fact:
Something made by God, but forbidden to man: the forbidden fruit-the apple from the garden which crowley had helped to procure for this spell
Something made by man, but forbidden by God: The remains of the golden calf idol, which was later destroyed
The caster's heart: The life of the thing the spell caster loves most
The fourth and final ingredient is a lock of hair from the target with the mark: you had taken a lock of hair from dean when you gave him a hair cut…
Rowena: yn since this is your spell, please tell me what have you brought that is the life of you
You present the case to rowena who opens it and smiles ever so slightly.
Rowena: so what being does this type of murder…
YN: one who wants to save the life of the father of her unborn baby…
Rowena: finally, how long have you known?
You had to take a breath, you were really overwhelmed…
Yn: about a week, since my last doctor appointment. Ive been waiting for the right time to tell Dean but the mark has to go away before dean and i can talk about this baby… cause the mark is causing him to for as hot as it is, be a lean mean hunting machine, talking to sam about this many nights after hunts, sam has told me that he has nearly been killed because dean just gets carried away. This mark needs to be removed and i know he would not listen to me if i tried to explain this…
Rowena: very well, but so you know, you and dean will still have more troubles once the mark goes away, the danger will still be ever present. The hunt doesnt stop when you remove the mark, it will intensify it in more ways then one.
You were now the one standing over the bowl where the ingredients you would be using were being placed with the following words:
YN: Ab manu Dei! (by the hand of God)
You placed the forbidden fruit the apple of the garden of eden into the bowl.
Yn: Ab manu hominis! (by the hand of man)
You placed the piece of the golden calf idol into the bowl
Yn: Ab cruore cordis mei ad fusuro in aeternum! (my bleeding heart i cast into eternity)
You opened the case and poured the heart of your own mother into the bowl.
YN: Tolle maledictionem tuam, ab hoc viro! (take your curse from this man)
Thats when you took the lock of deans hair and put that into the bowl. Suddenly a red blush colored light flew from the bowl, it flung you and rowena back, and left you both to go find dean. You got up and ran after it, you only hoped that you would get to dean before it got to dean…
you were scared, but you ran anyway, rowena on your tail, she had the book, she remembered your deal but she wanted to give you the book anyway. She didnt want it knowing that you were expecting.
You saw dean and dam arriving home at the bunker, you were half way down the road, you stopped suddenly, the red light flying over head… your only instinct was to yell.
YN: dean watch out… im sorry love i had to do it…
Thats when dean was struck by the red flash… once it was done with dean, it flew up into the sky, and suddenly the entire earth went dark as night. You ran a bit more but fell down closer to the impala…
You passed out from power exhaustion and from all that running. You woke up a few hours later only to find that you were on yours and dean bed… dean was just sitting there.
Dean: i know what you did, but i have to ask you why…
Yn: cause i didn't want you to go into the next phase of our lives together with that mark, it was changing you dean, it was changing you… do you know that you almost let your brother die last week during one of your hunts… never mind when me and you went to handle a demon a few days ago. I needed you to have a clear head for what i was gonna tell you.
Dean stands up… but before he could speak the words that you had been holding back for a while now just came spilling out.
Yn: we are pregnant!
This made dean stop dead in his tracks… this made his expressions change rapidly.
Dean: what did you just say?
You grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit on the bed as you looked into his eyes…
YN: i found out last week at the doctor, i am carrying your child dean winchester, and i know its not been that many years together and we haven't even discussed children as a future possibility but i totally understand if you don't want to raise this baby with me… and if that's the case then ill leave but on the off chance that i am wrong about you that you do want to raise this baby with me then please for the love of god understand now that what i did i'm removing the mark, i did it for us, for our future, for the life of our child.
All dean did was cup your cheek…
Dean: don't you dare think for one second that i would ever want your baby.. Hello yn… you don't know me but i know you… i also know that when you removed the mark off your boyfriend here, i was able to crawl into his body, he was supposed to keep the mark. You were not supposed to remove it… you didnt keep it locked up…
You reached round the back of your headboard, you grabbed the small vile and tilted his head back and dumped it down his throat.
Yn: in vino veritas… you just ingested truth serum. Now tell me the truth, who are you and what is coming, what did i unleash by removing the mark off of Dean…
Demon: i have no name, i am from the inner circle to the overlord, i am the one thing standing between you and your boyfriend here, who let me tell you is trying to fight his way out of my blockades. But to tell you the truth, the mark of cain held in the darkness, god’s sister, and without a host the darkness is free to destroy all she touches.
You lept off the bed, and revealed the devils trap beneath the bed. You did the exorcism and dean’s body fell lifeless on the bed. It was 3 minutes later that he sat shot straight up and he looked at you.
Dean: yn im so sorry, i didnt have any control, i heard everything that monster said… and im thrilled that you and i are going to be parents. Dont think for one second that anything the demon said was anything remotely close to what i want… i want you and this baby and we are gonna have the perfect life together you will see.
The rest of the day was spent cuddling in bed, you were discussing baby ideas, plans to add a doorway to the room next door, the plans grew and grew till you both passed out from mental and physical exhaustion.
No one thing would stop you and dean from living your best lives, no one would stop you guys from living eachother till the day you truly were to part.
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oh-theatre · 5 years ago
Objection!: Chapter 27
Chapter title: Clocks Tick and Phones Still Ring
A/n: ....yall im so sorry for how long this took and the fact that not only did it take forever but it fucking sucks. I hate this I'm sorry I can't just here I'm so sorry
First | Previous | Next
words: 2155
summary: Through troubling times Logans mind run wilds trying his best
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, shooting, crying
Ao3 Link  
Twenty minutes later...
Do you know what you are supposed to do when the love of your life sits pale and barely breathing in a room?
No Im genuinely asking
Because running out of the room and collapsing to sobs on your knees does seem valid however Logan just stood there. He stood there frozen, Barbara knew what to do. She ran to Pattons side, taking his cold hand, silent tears as she examines his soft face. Virgil emerges moments later, the family rule disposed of as he takes Patton's other side.  Roman took the end, and soon the room felt tight, he couldn't breathe.
He wanted to yell
Or cry
Or do anything remarkably human
But he just stood, nurses and doctors rushed by him, his friends talked in whispers of concern.
Why didn't he care?
He could hear the rest of them talking, questions fired at the nurses and doctors, sweet words of encouragement for a speedy and safe recovery for Patton. Telling them how much they care for him, but not Logan. In what seemed like minutes, the rest had decided to give Logan a moment. A moment for what? That was lost on him but alas the room fell quiet.
“This is your own fault, you understand that right?” He finally sets on speaking, not that anything would respond. Unless you count the steady monitor and the wheezes from the machines. “I'm not sure how many times I must clarify this but I'm not Liam. You can tell me things, you can trust me”
He scoffs, his arms crossed over his heart.
“None of us are Liam. You know I don't say ‘I love you’ ok?” He pushes, he can feel his nostrils flare. Do something Patton, respond. “I've only said it to my mothers and you” He glares, why was he just laying there. How dare he? “You took that from me!” He takes a second, breathing deep. “You knew...you knew this was going to happen. You have a will...its reasonable. You have two kids, a sister and assets at your disposal. But they showed it to me, they brought it to me”
He took his copy out, the crumpled and tear stained document felt too heavy.
“I, Patton Hart, residing at 1823 Millow Lane, declare this to be my Will, and I revoke any and all wills and codicils I previously made.” Logan begins to read, his hands shake noticeably but he continues. “I leave minor children surviving me, my daughter Valerie and son Remus. I appoint as guardian of the person and property of my minor children my partner Logan Tolentino. He shall have custody of my minor children, and shall serve without bond. If he does not qualify or for any reason ceases to serve as guardian, I appoint as successor guardian my sister Barbara Hart.” He finishes, some small part of him almost hopes that Patton awakes. An explanation ready. “This was recent, you knew, you knew something was going on!” He shouts, he tries to recenter but he can't, everything is too much. How was he supposed to handle these things?
“Logan? Everything alright?” A knock allows him to remember he's here.
“M’fine” He lies, and soon it's just him once more. “You changed it, this was clearly recent because I know you. I know that it takes you forever to trust people...although looking back on this unfortunate event you don't trust me. How dare you do this? How dare you not tell me, how dare you turn away from and do this” He rips the paper, watching its remains crumple to the ground “It's not that I can't do it, or won't” He states “Its that I don't want to…” He approaches Patton, finding himself next to the pale faced man. “I don't want to do this without you” He breaks, the anger shatters as his hand meets Patton's cold touch. “Please Patton..” He barely whispers at this point, his heart feels too heavy to be his own. “You do not get to be the love of my life and then die, you do not get to do this to me. Do you understand?”
“Papa?” Logan turns and eyes in horror as the twins, so bubbly and sweet, lose everything about them. Emile bursts through, his eyes and breath apologetic. “What happened...to papa?” Remus cries, Valerie shakes her head.
“Logan I am so sorry, they ju-” Emile begins but Logan sighs.
“It's alright” He assures standing, Emile takes his cue and walks away, leaving the three of them in the room...well four of them, for now. He takes them both in his arms, a breath of relief knowing they exist, knowing they are there and ok. He leads them to the bed, sitting at the end as they fear their place. Valerie squirms first, crawling closer, but alas her hands recoil. Remus has no qualms, he jumps hugging his father.
“Papa wake up please” He begs, his voice so soft. His energy and excitement for the mystery of life is gone. He wanted certainty, he wanted his father. Soon his sad calm aura turned quick to confused anger. “Wake up! Wake up papa! Wake up!” he cries, Valerie's simple tears, as she watched in pity for her brother, were nothing compared to the waterfall. Logan takes the boy, embracing him gently in his arms, soothing him to breathe. Valerie adjusts herself under the blankets, hugging Patton as she tries to mimic his sleep pattern. Logan watches knowing his world is breaking, and he's only got a smidgen of knowledge of what to do.
“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out” Valerie hums, Remus eyes her red and puffed. She continues her gentle tone, and Remus joins her on Patton's other side. Both cozying up to him, simple and sweet tunes until the pair tire themselves out. Sleeping away, Logan sits in the chair, he watches hoping to protect them for a moment before his own eyes fall prey to the idea of rest.
A week later…
“So we ended up going to the wrong store” Logan explains as he sets up the meal, the children giggle placing the sheet over the table. The hospital had granted them permission to use a table, and set up for meals in Patton's room. “Here you are” He hands plates to Valerie, she juggles them carefully setting them neatly upon the surface.
“Imma go get napkins!” Remus declares, he enjoys the sweet gushes the nurses give him so running through the halls was his favorite pastime.
“He's not gonna come back with napkins” Valerie sighs, continuing to help Logan. He sits by Patton, recalling their day. “Lollipops maybe, but not napkins” She finishes giving Logan his moment to set the food. He had been trying his hardest, help from Roman and Remy was required for cooking. He followed the recipe and tried for a simple mac and cheese today, with some salad and sweet desserts.
“Ready?” Logan asks as Remus emerges with a bundle of his own finds, none of which included his treasure he had set to get.
“Don't forget food for papa” Remus reminds, Valerie nods already chomping into her meal. The twins had insisted they set a place for him every time, serve him food and Logan would wait until he was alone to pack it back up. They knew he wasn't eating it but it was nice. “He's going to be so big and strong when he wakes up”
If he wakes up
“Absolutely” Logan agrees. So they eat and Emile comes to pick them up for a day away, Logan cleans and makes sure everything returns to normal. He can't say he doesn't enjoy the few moments alone, it takes time to go from a solitary routine, to adding a romantic partner and then children.
But he misses the second part more than he cares to admit. He sits at the end of the bed, stroking away Patton's loose hairs, the freezing touch scares him. He moves closer, somehow finding himself exhausted and wrapped around Patton. Its funny, he used to dream of the day's end when he could cuddle up in bed alone, the world was his own. But he hadn't realized how much he missed having someone, Patton, there with him until it was gone. Sleep had been awful, restless, but as soon as he had his protective arms around Patton, making sure he was ok...Logan fell fast.
“Careful Lo, hes just a baby” Patton smiles, swaddling the young child in Logan's arms. The man fears his own breath, the smallest of tears as he watches the young one snore so easily. Patton keeps his arms connected and in this moment they just are, they feel connected. A soft kiss to Logans cheek as footsteps shuffle behind him.
“This is Jamahl, Terrences brother” Cindy introduces, Patton flashes his award winning smile. The boy remains hesitant, keeping his eyes steady on the little child in Logan's arms, he has no choice he thinks. If he wants to keep his brother safe this is his option. So he goes with them.
“Where are we going?” He asks, as the neighborhood finds itself less familiar. Patton looked at him, he insisted on sitting in the back with the children. Keeping an eye on the baby.
“Home” He replies, Jamahl scoffs shaking his head. “My home, and Logans and if you would like it to be...your home” Patton corrects, Jamahl gets a choice? That's new. “Oh I should warn you-”
“Here it comes” The twelve year old sighs, Patton keeps a gentle grin.
“I have two twins at home, they're both five years old.” He pulls out his phone, swiping to show a shining photo of Patton and two young ecstatic children, “Thats Valerie and that's Remus” He points, beaming with pride. Jamahl nods, ok...not as bad. “They're wonderful and...five years old and very excitable so just be wary” He laughs, Logan could never get tired of the sweet sound.
They arrived at the house quickly, and Patton was not wrong to warn the child.
“Im Valerie!” A young girl smiles, shaking his hand vivaciously.
“Im Remus!” The boy greets, a giant hug. Jamahl freezes but allows it to happen, thanking whatever ethereal being let Patton pull the twins off him.
“Remember what I told you humbugs, no touching unless they are comfortable with it ok?” Patton reminds, they nod before waving their goodbyes. They run off and Logan disappears into the hall, coddling the baby. Jamahl looks worried and Patton assures him. “You wanna come see what's going on?”
“Yes please” He nods and finds himself allowing Patton to lead him into the baby room. A bed set up for him as well, he watches Logan be ever so careful with the baby and Patton respect his boundaries. He shrugs.
Maybe this won't be so bad.
A month later...
“Its your fucking fault!” Logan decides, Emile shushes him backing him up from Virgils heated face. “Everything that is happening is your fault!”
“Logan you're being a dick right now” Remy announces, a glare from Emile quiets him. Logan scoffs kicking the chair underneath him, scaring even Roman.
“And yours too” He points, his nasty finger threatening the detectives. “Why didn't you do anything, day after day he came to you! About Liam! And now because of your fucking negligence, he was too scared to come to you and tell you about these phone calls!”
“You know what Lo? I shouldn't have told you, as of now you have no legal bindings to Patton, so me telling you that we searched his phone and found the phone calls, that was a courtesy” Virgil spits, Logan goes to approach not sure what his next move is but thanks to Roman and James he has no time to figure it out. They command him to sit, calming both parties and get a soothing talk down.
“You know it's his fault Roman” Logan sighs exasperated, Roman nods unsure but doesn't want to to escalate.
“You know what, fuck you Logan!” Virgil screams, Logan stands.
“You're the reason those children are gonna lose their father!” Logan retorts, that catches something. Virgil pushes past Remy, almost landing one on Logan before Roman grabs him, both surprised by how well they fit together. Silly to think about at this moment.
“Maybe if you weren't so fucking cold they would see you as a father” Virgil replies once more, that hurt. Logan won't lie that his knees buckled and he might have fallen right then had Barbara and Marcy not taken him and cared for him. He wants to keep going but a chilling throat clears the room. Instantly they both look to the doctor who stands, judgmental but patient.
“Hes awake”
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hobiwonder · 6 years ago
Baby, Baby | 04 (m)
Pairing: Jimin x Reader x Taehyung
Genre: Surrogacy AU
Warnings: Smut (i’ll let it be a surprise HUEHUEHEUE), Fluff. A bit of Angst but it will be worth it. Child birth (not much detail)
Words: 12k
Summary: When you’ve run out of savings to continue on to the last semester of your Bachelors - you take an unorthodox route. Helping a desperate couple have a child and getting paid for it? Heck yeah. But what do you know - it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.
A/N: here it is folks. Unedited as always but i’ll upload the edited version once i receive it [uploaded]. I’m kind of wanting to weep that this is over but i like how it’s ended. keep in mind there is a sequel. So enjoy my loved. let me know what you think :) Again - I don’t claim to know how giving birth works but this is fiction and if you’ve stuck with the series im sure you’re okay with inaccuracies in the story lmao
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You can’t tell what your OB/GYN is pointing at exactly. Actually you kind of have tuned her out the moment she’d pointed out that this was the human growing inside of you. And as soon as you can finally – finally– see what seems to be a prominent nose and a head – your breath is hitching.
“Oh would you look at that. It’s a boy!” Exclamations are sounding off in the room and you can’t glance away from the screen. Still watching your baby boy’s little feet and the blurry features of his face as he turns.
Oh lord.
He wasn’t yourbaby boy. He was…. Taehyung and Jimin’s. And that’s when you finally glance over to the happy couple that’s embracing each other while Jimin also seems to be playfully sighing because the baby is not a girl like he’d hoped.
“Congrats baby. I was hoping for a little ballerina but a boring business man will do.” Jimin is patting Taehyung in mock consolation while he only rolls his eyes at Jimin with the widest smile you’ve seen so far.
“Who says boys can’t be ballerinas?” you don’t realise that it’s you who’s spoken up for the first time until everyone is looking at you. And Jimin is finally rushing ahead and cradling your face in his hands while the doctor has gone to get the nurse to discharge you.
“Of course they can,” His smile is genuine. You can tell from his eyes. You had apprehensions that maybe Jimin will slowly start to realise that he has no biological connection to the child and maybe detangle himself once you’re pregnant but the gorgeous blond had just only proved you wrong time and time again. He had been the most caring one and sometimes it had made you forget that it wasn’t his child that you were carrying.
His warm hands hold your face in his as he towers above you on the ultrasound bed. And Taehyung has come to stand beside him as well, helping you get up and get yourself together – ready to go home. He just smiles kindly – helping you walk out of the clinic and get to the car after the doctor had told you to take it easy for the next few weeks until your due date. Which, speaking of, was right before your graduation. You weren’t sure if you would even be feeling up to it when it should be the biggest day of your university career but you had quickly shaken yourself out of those thoughts before you delved too far.
A sharp pain is shooting through you just as you are about to sit in the back seat and immediately, Taehyung is slipping his hands around your waist to steady you before you fall.
“Are you okay? Y/n?”
His voice sounds muffled, and distant and your vision is going blurry. You’re not sure if you’ve lifted your hand to clutch at Taehyung in order to stay upright because everything is hazy. And when you can finally hear Taehyung clearly again, Jimin is also crowding you, his hand had slid to the other side of your waist until you could finally see both of their faces.
“I think we should take her back inside.” Taehyung’s deep worried voice is what you can decipher first.
“Let her talk first. Y/n? Darling? Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes. I just,” You can’t even describe it. You don’t know where the pain came from and where you even felt it. Maybe in your heart? Was this bad for the baby? What was happening? The feeling in your hands has returned somewhat because you can feel the friction of Taehyung’s cashmere sweater against your fingers.
“You what? Are you in pain?” Taehyung’s voice is much clearer now and right by your side while you rest your body against him. It takes you a minute but you shake your head slowly to tell them that you’re fine.
“Not anymore. I-I just need to sit I think.” Immediately, Jimin is going to the other side to slip in the car so Taehyung can guide you in gently and slipping beside you so you’re nestled comfortably between them. The driver waits and Jimin has already put up the security screen to give you three some privacy. Taehyung’s adjusting the pillow behind your lower back so you’re sitting more comfortably and putting on your seat belt while Jimin is just holding your hand, asking if you need water or anything else.
“N-No. I’m okay. Not sure what happened back there but I’m fine now.”
“Thank goodness. Gave us a scare, y/n.” Jimin’s light chuckle is enough to diffuse the tense air and have you all relaxing back in your seats as Taehyung taps the window to let the driver know to drive. Unlike Jimin, his expression hasn’t changed. His still steely gaze looks ahead of him, while his right arm is resting behind your head on the headrest of your seat – almost protectively. You can tell that he’s still worried even after you’ve assured them that you are okay. And you were. So you do what you always do when you know that - unless you are sincerely honest with Taehyung – he’ll stay worried and will not believe you. Your smaller hand reaches out for his own that’s resting on his lap, less cautiously since your last intimate encounter those months ago in the bathroom.
“I’m alright Taehyung.” Encasing his larger hand in your own, you squeeze lightly, “I promise I’ll mention it to the doctor at the next appointment.” It takes a few minutes for him to look at you and your hand is starting to get sore because you’ve been holding up your pinky to make the promise a real one. May be a bit childish of you but you didn’t care. You were just being sincere and this was your way of showing that sincerity. Plus, his melodious little laugh and the gorgeous smile that accompanied it was worth it.
“Fine. But you tell one of us immediately if something changes okay? I don’t even care if we have to fly back.” Oh. You’d almost forgotten about that. But you give him another reassuring smile, locking both of your pinkies to promise him that you will indeed tell him or Jimin. Mainly because you were sure that you won’t be needing to make that emergency call at all.
“We’re going to hold you to that, okay?” This time it’s Jimin who is speaking up from the other side and you only roll your eyes playfully but nod anyway, giving him a thumbs up while he only mutters ‘cute’ under his breath making you blush like a little girl.
“Alrighty, let’s get going. We have a flight to catch soon.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay here? We can stay. Or at least one of us can stay.” Jimin is holding you close to him, making it slightly harder to think with his warm body pressed against yours, as much as he could, with your large distended stomach between you both. Nonetheless, he’s leaning his head down to look in to your eyes and see any worry there that might tell him to stay when really – there was no need to.
“I am okay Jimin. Promise. I won’t be the first pregnant woman staying alone for a week. Plus, the whole staff will be here. I’ll be fine!” Your arms are trying to keep a hold on his frame as well to relay your sincerity but he’s still looking at you like he just knows you might collapse any second. Which was not true in the sense he thought. You may, however, collapse because of how close Taehyung also stood to you both, watching Jimin make sure that you’ll be fine on your own while they visit Taehyung’s family for a week at their annual family gathering.
“We trust you, y/n. Right Jimin?” Taehyung is pointedly looking at Jimin who is only scoffing at his question without even so as a look in Taehyung’s direction and you can sense that there is something probably going in between them – perhaps related to the arguing you’d heard a few times in the last few weeks. But of course, it was none of your business and you only were there temporarily.
“Don’t.” Jimin’s voice is curt, and it’s the first time you’ve heard him reply to Taehyung that way. You’d heard the muffled fights a few times, and some of those times had been able to make out Jimin’s annoyed tone but quite frankly – hearing it first hand and clearly for the first time has you cowering slightly.
Taehyung is only looking away probably to avoid any more drama or to make a scene in front of you and you can respect that. It was their private matter and you weren’t going to ask questions you didn’t need to know the answers too. But that didn’t mean you weren’t concerned for the couple who you’d grown to care for so much. You don’t want to give the credit to just the pregnancy hormones – you genuinely cared and held a special place in your heart for both of these men. And your heart broke slightly seeing them agitated with each other when they were normally the epitome of a loving, healthy relationship. Something you definitely wanted now and even longed for on some nights when you lay in your bed alone.
“I-I’ll be fine.” You gesture towards your phone that lay on the kitchen counter, “I will call if anything is wrong.” After a few seconds, Jimin is nodding, finally satisfied that it was okay for them to leave and now you were getting worried that they will miss their flight. “You should hurry! You’ll miss your flight.” The butler is taking their luggage out to the car while you follow them to the main door. Though Taehyung is only chuckling at your worried face.
“We won’t when the plane is our own, darling.” Of coursethey have a private jet. Holly cannoli. Their son would be spoiled to the heavens. You suspect that they are laughing at your gaping mouth but you don’t even bother hiding your surprise and just nod along mumbling a ‘wow’.
“Alright then, y/n. Take care of yourself and our little guy here.” Jimin is pecking your cheeks, hands lovingly caressing your stomach before he’s opening the door and leaving along with Taehyung who hesitates for a second, looking at you after Jimin has withdrawn but walking out after him anyway – making your chest slightly constrict with disappointment. No matter how many intimate encounters you two have had – which wasn’t that many – Taehyung always seemed to withdraw from you after each one as if slipping right back in to the demeanour he probably had around his office – reminding you that this was a business transaction. But again, the way they both cared for you made you feel like a part of their family and, stupidly, build this false sense of fulfilment that you knew would be gone as soon as this baby was born.
You’re about to make your way back to the main living room area – Jimin had banned you from coming outside in the cold to see them off – when the main door is opening and you assume it’s the butler returning.
“Are they safely go- Oh. What’s wrong? Did you leave something behind?” It’s Taehyung, standing in the doorway for a few seconds looking at your puzzled face before he’s taking long strides towards you until he’s slipped a hand behind you to pull you closer to himself, startling you.
But you don’t get to ask him what’s wrong again as he places the softest kiss you may have ever felt upon your skin, on your forehead. His lips rest on the skin of your forehead for a few seconds longer until he’s pulling back slowly to look in to your startled – flushed – face.
“Huh?” You’re kind of dazed with his strong hands holding you like that.
“This is what I left behind.” And now you realise what he was referring to and it makes you look away shyly – but of course, Taehyung is surprising you once again when you glance back at him. His face is inching closer and your own body has frozen on the spot. What was he doing? Was he going to kiss you? All these thoughts are running through your head, all the while Taehyung is inching closer to your mouth, so much so that you can feel his minty breath on your lips. They’re almost on your own when the main door opens again.
“Taehyung?” Jimin is staring at you both – embracing each other – which an unreadable expression and suddenly, you’re filled with guilt. You can’t tell if Jimin is upset, disappointed or happy. You’ve never seen the blonde without any expression at all on his face and it makes you feel even guiltier as Taehyung retreats back to Jimin – Jimin waving you good bye with a forced smile before the door had closed and you’d had to hold the wall for support to calm your heart.
Why didn’t you stop Taehyung? You can’t imagine how hurt Jimin would be thinking that you had taken advantage of the situation and not pushed Taehyung away. You cannot imagine upsetting Jimin, ever. Not after how kind he has been to you. Actually, you can’t imagine hurting either of them at all. Even if Taehyung’s flitting moods confused you so much. But there was little you could do about that when you yourself had no idea how to deal with a situation like this. Plus, you weren’t the greatest at confronting people. Heck, you’d never been in contact with so many people until you had started university and you still didn’t know many people.
But you were going to be alone for a week and while Jimin had made sure to read up on what you should be expecting at 32 weeks pregnant – and talk your ear off too about it – you were going to admit that you were only slightlyscared of spending time by yourself after being surrounded by the two men almost every day at one point or another. Walking back to the living room – you settle on the couch for the night with one of the staff rushing forwards – at Taehyung��s orders – to make sure the pillow behind your back is nice and settled and you can relax. The staff usually went home but both men had them on 24/7 duty while they were gone and it made you feel bad that they’d also be missing time away from their family.
“Hey Gerta, do you have your kids waiting for you?” The nice elderly woman is smiling kindly at you as she brings you your dinner from the kitchen – that smells amazing if you say so yourself – before she replies.
“Yes I do, ma’am. But it’s fine. Mr Kim’s orders are priority.” You just scoff at the mention of your son’s father. He was too serious for his own good.
“I’m sorry. He’s a bit of a pain isn’t he sometimes? I told him I could look after myself.”
“Oh no!” She’s looking at you with her eyes growing wide in disagreement, “Mr Kim has never been nicer since you’ve come to the manor my dearie. He even smiled when he asked me, and I couldn’t help but say yes!” She’s laughing in amazement while you’re only looking at her, puzzled. This was him being nice? How bad had he been before? His poor staff. Though you did agree with Gerta – you would say yes to anything if he smiled at you too.
“Besides, you need support in this time, my dear. This is a very crucial time and you should not be alone, so they did the right thing, those boys.”
She’s nodding along to herself while you just giggle, watching her walk back to the kitchen as you eat your veggies with steamed fish. You never knew you’d be fond of fish until you hallway in your pregnancy and Jimin had made it clear that he’d dictate your diet and consulted with Dr. Klarna on regular basis. You’d been told that the company provided a dietitian that came with the contract, but apparently Jimin had turned him down and wanted to be personally involved, as well as taehyung. You’d heard this at one of your OB/GYN appointments when the receptionist from your very first appointment had gushed about them both to you – making your heart flutter once more at their generosity. The end was coming closer, though, and you needed to stay guarded. This was almost over and you knew you’d have to face reality soon.
“Are you eating enough? Avoid large, infrequent meals which will make you feel as if you’ve got a brick sitting in your stomach. Instead, go for light, easy to digest foods which won’t require intensive digestion. Fruit, vegetables, toasted sandwiches, salads, yoghurt, cereals, crackers and cheese are all good staples for healthy snacking. Remember to drink plenty of water. Maintaining your hydration will help you to stay mentally alert and keep your kidneys functioning well. Y/n? Are you listening?”
“Yes Dr. Park. Seriously Jimin, I’m fine! You should’ve gone for a medical degree instead, you know?” You’re chuckling along with him when he agrees.
“Not the first time I’ve been told this but yeah, I really should’ve. Didn’t know I’d be so interested in this to be honest.”
You’re lying in bed, talking to Jimin on the phone on the second night that the two men have been gone. They’d told you that they’d call frequently like they’d promised you and so far, Jimin has been making good on that promise. Taehyung had yet to speak with you past the greetings before he was gone to either get ready for bed or doing something else. But you didn’t mind because you were happy to at least hear one familiar voice. You didn’t want to admit to them that you were already feeling lonely.
“Okay enough about me,” You whine to Jimin, “How’s everything going? Are you both enjoying yourselves?”
Your voice sounds hopeful because you don’t want to sound nosey or invasive. They were gone for a family holiday and you were in no shape or form their actual family so technically, Jimin did not have to answer. But you never knew he’d open up the way he does when he finally responds after a sigh.
“They don’t know about us – about you being our surrogate because Taehyung didn’t tell them that specific detail. So… it’s going.”
“Oh… I’m sorry Jimin.” Why didn’t Taehyung tell his family? Is this what they had been arguing about? The little sting that you feel in your heart is almost avoidable but you can’t help but take notice of it. Was he ashamed of having you as a surrogate for his child? You needed to get a hang of your thoughts – remind yourself that this probably wasn’t about you. Your mind was just making you think up stories and possible scenarios that kept you wedged in to their lives for as long as possible. It was quite pathetic actually and now – you were feeling the sadness creep up again.
“It’s fine.” Jimin sighs wistfully “I’m more mad that they keep referring to his future child as a he! All of them! A bunch of sexists I tell you.” Jimin’s adorable whining makes you laugh and his fearless advocacy for a daughter as Taehyung’s first child is one of the few reasons you loved him.
Suddenly – you’re gasping out loud at your own thoughts.
“Y/n? Everything okay? What’s happening?”
No everything was not fine. You were in love. Your brain had thought up the word so easily as if you’d always loved him. More specifically, you yourself had finally come to accept that you loved Jimin. You loved him. And possibly Taehyung too because they both made your heart flutter and made you feel emotions you didn’t even know existed. And you knew you were in trouble and everything was just notfine.
“N-Nothing. I’m okay.” No you were not. “Just your little boy kicking again.”
Jimin is chuckling away again at the mention of the baby’s vigorous movements that had continued since that unforgettable night when Taehyung had spoken to his child. You still remembered the happiness on his face when you’d all felt the little bub kick. God. God damn it you loved him too. Fuck you loved them both and you were finally letting those feelings sink in and shake up your entire body. Your hands had started to shake as you held the phone to your ear but you made sure your breathing wasn’t getting too loud as the overwhelming emotions bombarded you at the most inconvenient time.
“Daddies are away and he’s already causing trouble for mum, hm?” Jimin probably doesn’t realise – or think much of – when he speaks to you like that. Like you belong in their family and are a part of it but it affects you a lot. It’s been so long that you’ve pretended that it’ll all be okay but it wasn’t going to be. You were in deep and your heart had locked all your feelings in place for the two of them that you knew – you knew they weren’t going anywhere.
“Y-Yeah,” Your laugh is nervous but thankfully Jimin has bought it because he’s moving on quicker than you thought but you’re thankful either way.
“Hey babe, I’m talking to Y/N. Want me to pass the phone?” You can hear his tone change to talk to taehyung but after a few seconds of silence you can hear Taehyung rustling in the background before you hear Jimin sigh again. “He’s not in a good mood, but says hi though.”
You can hear how dejected Jimin sounds and you can’t help but worry about what’s happening there with them both. “It’s okay. You two take care. And feel free to call me to complain about Taehyung’s ‘sexist’ family.” You’re smirking, trying to liven his spirits but only manage to get a tired laugh – better than nothing.
“I will, sweetheart.” You two stay on the phone for a few seconds, nothing to say to each other, just listening to each other breath. It was nice and a much needed break for your fluttering heart that was making you breathless in the wake of your epiphany about your feelings for the two men. “I… I miss you.”
Damn your heart. Damn your eyes. Damn everything. Mostly, damn the universe for making your first love be exactly not that. It wasn’t a first love. They were your first loves. Two men. Who loved each other and not you. And the tears welling in your eyes were suddenly making you feel like a lump was stuck in your throat – threatening to cut off your air supply and suffocate you.
“I miss you as well. I-I have to go to the bathroom. Let’s talk later. Goodnight.”
“Alright, goodn-” You don’t wait for a reply before you’re hanging up – a chocked sob leaving your lips while you’re bringing your hands up to your mouth to quieten your cries so the staff still on duty don’t hear you cry. But to no avail – the tears keep coming. Each passing minute is making your chest tighter and your sobs louder. You know that Jimin will be worriedly calling again in the morning, but you couldn’t do this anymore. You needed to set boundaries but deep down – you knew it was futile. You were already deeply, madly, irreversibly in love with them both but you had no idea what to do with that affliction and all this love they’d been insulating inside your chest. The night is spent crying into your pillow – the only comfort being the bittersweet kicks of a child that won’t remain your own in a few weeks. And for the first time in a long time – you truly realise how alone you have been, are and will be.
You’d been avoiding Jimin’s calls for the last three days until you’d finally given in and told him that you’d just been too busy watching movies and having fun to check your phone. His tone had reminded you that he was an excellent people reader – even through the phone – and you could tell he didn’t buy it. Taehyung had finally talked to you that day and asked how you’ve been feeling and you’d tried your best to avoid any sentimental topics – to keep yourself from having a breakdown you’d had that night. Jimin’s annoyed tone had sounded even more aggravated when you’d heard him in the background and both of them had sounded increasingly frustrated. At who? You could only guess. Could it have anything to do with you? His family? Your bet was on Taehyung’s family but of course, it could be you as well since they’d been arguing – or you thought you heard them arguing – before Taehyung had received the invitation for his family’s annual gathering in the Caribbean. And quite honestly, you were super jealous of how they could just go away from this cold while you were stuck inside. But of course, you never said it out loud.
They were supposed to be returning in two days and since it was the weekend – you’d given the staff the day off. It was surprising how hard it was to convince them all to go home to their families since they’d received direct orders from Taehyung and Jimin. But after much pleading and reassuring, they’d relented and tentatively taken the night off only because both men were returning shortly and you had been doing fine the past week. So it had been utterly surprising – perhaps surprised is an understatement – when you’d heard two angry voices in the living room. They were hushed, whispered shouts that were increasingly getting louder and at first you’d thought that someone had broken in. Then you’d realised that the manor was under strict security since the owners were gone and there was no way someone would be breaking in.
You’d only just fell asleep about a few hours ago so you were still groggy when you awoke from the ruckus in the living room. To see what was happening, you first roll onto your side and then use your hands to walk yourself into a sitting position. Moving your bottom close to the edge of the bed so you’re not straining and leaning forward more than you need to, you carefully get up as your feet slip in to the comfy house slippers that were padded enough to provide comfort to your easily swollen feet. A hand rests on your belly as you walk toward the living room, the voices getting louder.
“Don’t be childish Jimin, we already left early.” You can discern that it’s Taehyung’s enduring voice but he also clearly sounds exasperated as well. You’re walking towards the living room with one of your hands holding on to the wall as you walk but stop just before you reach the main area, hesitating if you should intrude. This didn’t sound good.
“Childish? I’mbeing childish? That’s rich coming from you.” Jimin is scoffing and you poke your head out slightly to watch Jimin loosening his tie, harshly tugging it off of him as Taehyung is also ridding himself off of his coat. They both look tense and you know that this must be related to his family. Or at least you suspect so.
“What the fuck do you want from me Jimin? Huh? What?” Taehyung’s arms are spread out in question, his tone rising again. Jimin turns around to look at his partner in the face – rage written all over his face and you can’t help but gulp. You’d never seen Jimin like this. So angry.
“For you to be a man – god even just a decent fucking human being and tell your family-” Jimin scoffs, “I don’t know- that you’re already going to be a father soon? We’re bothgoing to be fathers soon? That they don’t need to set you up with a girl just so you can knock her up? And maybe while you’re at it – you can tell your stuck up brother to fuck off back to where he brought Angela from because you already have a boyfriend.”
Jimin’s chest is heaving and he’s standing tall – looking defiantly at Taehyung who stands a few inches taller than the blonde man – lips pursed as he listens. You can even see the flickers of guilt on his face grow in to a sigh when he looks down. You had so many questions. Who was Angela? Why was Taehyung’s family trying to set him up with someone when they already knew about Jimin? And that someone being a woman?
“I… You know that she meant nothing. She means nothingand you know that Jimin. You know that you’re the one for me.” Taehyung’s voice is softer now and when Jimin replies; his voice is even softer.
“And y/n? Does she also mean nothing to you?” You’re gasping aloud at the mention of your name and thankfully you’ve ducked back so they can’t see your head peeing through and are too immersed in their conversation to notice your little gasp. You didn’t need to be here anymore. You needed to go. Your heart couldn’t bear to hear it from their own lips that you indeed, didn’t mean anything to them. Just like that Angela woman. They both loved only each other and you needed to get awa-”
“You know that’s not true.” And you’re stopping right in your tracks at Taehyung’s soft, almost tortured reply.
“Then why babe,” Jimin has started to whisper now and you chance a peek at them both again and can see Jimin resting his head against Taehyung’s, holding on to his hand, “why do you push her away? I know you feel something for her too.��
Too? What did this mean? D-Did Jimin harbour some feelings for you too? Your breathing was starting to get faster and louder and you knew any minute that if you didn’t get away you’d out yourself.
“I’m just… I’m scared Jimin. I’m scared that my family will put her through exactly… exactly through the pain they put you through. I love you and I know how much it hurts you when they treat you like a temporary phase in my life. She’s too good for me to bring her any more hurt.”
You were positive it wouldn’t hurt any more than it did that night when you’d felt so alone – in your feelings, physically, emotionally and any which way you could imagine.
“She’s stronger than both of us Tae.” Jimin is smiling now. Both of them snickering sadly – still holding on to each other. “She’ll be okay. We will be with her.”
You couldn’t hide anymore – that’s what at least your body had decided because before you could comprehend what was going on, your feet were taking you to the living room where you walked out to, completely exposing yourself when you stopped right beside the large couch, only a few meters away from them. You held on to your stomach protectively and then came the word vomit.
“I-I’m sorry to barge in but I-I need to say this.” gosh you were already a stuttering mess but the word vomit continued while the two men watched in surprise – taking in your night dress and the way you held your belly protectively.
“I-I don’t know what kind of feeling you two have for me b-but I c-can’t pretend anymore. You two have been s-so kind to me. Over these months I-I’ve truly had a family after s-so long,” Oh boy, here came the waterworks as your voice starts getting chocked up, tears welling in your eyes, “and even though I knew I couldn’t let myself be involved b-but I,” you hiccup, “I stupidly am! I-I…” Your voice breaks as a sob leaves you, all your emotions flooding the already tense air with more feelings that you were dumping on them both.
“I love you b-both. I don’t know if you both love me or not but I-I just had to say it. I’m just… ugh, I am in love with you both when I-I know you probably don-”
“Y/n.” It’s Taehyung’s deep voice that’s stopping your little sobs and hiccups. “Stop.”
It’s like your body has been trained to listen to his every command because instantly you stop speaking, lips still trembling as you wipe at the tears that had fell from your face, refusing to look at their faces. You can hear their steps after a few seconds until both of them stand on either side before Taehyung is turning you towards him, Jimin is settling behind your back to embrace you in to a loving back hug. And that only makes you cry harder while you furiously wipe at your face. Taehyung’s hands have now slipped around your waist, just a little lower so he was holding on to the sides of your bump and Jimin was hugging your waist – occasionally sliding his hand down to rub at your belly.
“Breathe, y/n. Are you breathing? Slowly.” You nod, slowly bringing your heaving to a gentle inhale and exhale until you’ve relaxed enough – but you still avoid his gaze.
“Look at me y/n. Look up darling.” You shake your head, a pout visible on your face as your lips tremble again, too embarrassed after your outburst. You don’t know if this was their pity or if this actually meant something but you were too scared to let them continue. Afraid it may very well be pity from them at your pathetic yapper.
But Taehyung’s hand is coming up to tilt your chin up to look you deep in to your eyes – his own dark chocolate brown ones boring in to yours with such intensity that you’re already captivated. You can vaguely feel Jimin pressing light kisses on your neck – making your heart flutter again.
“I love you too. So does Jimin.” Jimin is nodding vigorously behind you as he continues to lightly kiss any patch of skin he can find and it’s getting harder for you to concentrate. “We both are in lovewith you too. So much.”
You can only stare because you think- you think you might faint. You’d expected every negative scenario but never this. Had you really thought so low of yourself that you never entertained the thought of them actually, maybe, loving you back too? So they weren’t gay after all? They weren’t just pity fucking you?
“B-But-” Your puzzled face and stuttering has Taehyung chuckling sweetly at you. Taehyung was chuckling and he was looking at you like he looked at Jimin. This was entirely new to you.
“We’re bisexual sweetheart. Why do you think we did all those naughty things to you? Hm?”
Jimin’s suggestive whisper is taking the breath out of you when he starts to suck just above your jugular vein. Taehyung is only smiling at you, shaking his head when your mouth is opening in an ‘O.’ Why didn’t you? Good question. Why did that never occur to you? Of course they were if Taehyung’s family was still introducing women to him hoping he got hitched and had a child of his own. Thisis why Jimin was angry.
“We’re not just saying this. It’s been a long time coming and this trip… this trip back to my family really reeled it in that I do love you.” Just like you’d had lost it the other night – finally admitting you were in love with them both.
“I’d known for a while now that I loved you, my love. Taehyung here is the more stubborn one.” Taehyung is giving you a sheepish smile as he just opts for holding you tighter against him, careful not to squish the bump between you two as he looks down at it before looking back up at you.
“Being away from you both,” his hands continue to caress your belly while he stares in your eyes so deeply it’s like you’re getting to know him all over again. This was the Taehyung Jimin knew and you could see why he was so in love with this man. And you could also see why Taehyung was so in love with Jimin. Gosh. You really lucked out, huh?
“Is that what y-you two had been arguing about?”
“I was in denial. But seeing now that my family will never understand that Jimin is a part of my life and now – you as well; I just don’t care anymore. I love you both and they can eat my dust.” Taehyung is scoffing so playfully yet meaning everything he says and it makes you chuckle between sniffles, making him smile as well. Happy that you were happy. And then all three of you are laughing – letting the tension out in chuckles and giggles and snickers until the sounds naturally die down. Taehyung is now harbouring a small smile as he takes in your form that’s being clutched by Jimin, again. He’s giving your large breasts a once over before his eyes are sliding down to your bump – your night shirt short as it ended just above your thighs.
You hadn’t been expecting them home so soon and had forgone underwear and the realisation makes you gasp aloud.
“What? What’s wrong?” Taehyung is furrowing his eyebrows looking down at you, his hands resting protectively at your belly but that only makes you flush more.
“Y/n? Baby what is it?” Jimin is also sliding down his hands to your stomach.
“N-Nothing. I’m okay. I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine. You’re all red.”
“Maybe she’s thinking naughty thoughts, hm?” Jimin is leaning forward, bottom lip being bitten red by his teeth as he looks at your nervous, sheepish expression.
“Oh, are you darling? Do tell.” When you don’t say anything, Jimin has slid his hands down to your ass, giving it a squeeze until you gasp.
“Speak when you’re spoken to, love.” It’s so embarrassing because of how easily soaked you’ve become and the most Jimin has done is kiss your neck. Your heart is in overdrive and you can’t help but cower under Jimin’s cold tone that you’ve never heard before.
“I-I’m not wearing…. A-any underwear.” You were only wearing a bra because you just needed the support or your back ached like there’s no tomorrow. But the way Taehyung’s gaze had changed from teasing to predatory had you even wetter and by god, you felt like you were a bunny trapped between two wolves as they held you between each other.
“That’s okay baby. Makes it easier for us.” Taehyung’s husky voice is sending chills down your spine and you’re suddenly so nervous as if this is the first time you’ve been intimate with them both.
“E-Easier? W-What-”
“Let’s take her to bed babe, she’s been standing for too long her feet must be hurting.” Jimin, ever the protective boyfriend – and very likely your boyfriend now too? The thought sent such pleasant butterflies hayward in your stomach and finally, you never wanted them to leave now.
Taehyung just nods at Jimin as he slips his hands under your knees and one behind your back until he’s lifted you bridal style and is now making his way towards their bedroom and with each step – your heartbeat is getting faster with excitement and nervous at what’s to come. He’s setting you down carefully, rolling you on to your side so you’re more comfortable. You watch the two men slowly take off their shirts, pants, shoes and everything else until they stand naked in front of you. Their utter confidence makes you breathless and your eyes are probably almost popping out of their sockets as you stare at how long and girthy Taehyung is. His figure is toned and thick but Jimin is more muscular. His own length more rosy and veiny compared to Taehyung but not as long – not to say it was any less intimidating as you watched them embrace each other, hungrily kissing each other until the sounds of their passion echoed the room while you lay on your side – watching them dazedly as they ran their hands all over their naked bodies. In this moment, all you could think of was Michael Angelo’s David – especially when you looked at Jimin though with a much larger penis of course – you chuckle internally.
Gosh, they were so picturesque. It was like something you’d see right out of erotic classical art. And you don’t realise that you’ve started to moan quietly as well as you watched them – feeling like you could probably orgasm by watching them two. But your little noises seem to snap them out as they break apart, lips wet and swollen.
“Sorry baby. We didn’t mean to leave you out.” Jimin is almost cooing his apology at you as he slides in bed besides you – facing you while Taehyung is laying behind you. Both of their naked bodies pressing close – Taehyung’s body closer than Jimin’s as you could feel his length pressing against your buttocks.
“I-It’s okay.” You’re dumbly replying, still feeling like you’re in a dream but when Taehyung is sliding his hands along your sides until he reaches your waist and starts to pull up your night shirt – you know it’s very real. Because as soon as your shirt has reached just under your breasts, baring your form from the lack of any undergarments – you can feel Taehyung’s hard length press against your back and the flesh to flesh contact makes you almost flinch. You were sensitive all over and about to cum and they hadn’t even done anything yet.
“Are you wet y/n? Hm? Are you wet for us baby?” You never thought Taehyung would be this vocal in bed but apparently he was because each filthy word is falling from his lips – unlike before when Jimin had been the one guiding Taehyung. You can only nod, whining out your reply as Taehyung wastes no time in slipping his hand between your legs just as Jimin takes your mouth in your first ever kiss.
His pillowy lips are sheathing yours in such a loving, passionate lock that you’re both moaning – you from the taste of him and also the longing for this exact same moment. His kisses are hungry, fast and messy. His tongue licks your lips before he’s diving in again and almost forcing your mouth open to thrust his tongue inside.
“Mmf.” You can only moan as you hold his arm while his own is holding your hair to guide your head to the rhythm of his kisses.
“You taste so sweet. Oh baby, I bet your cunt tastes even sweeter.” You can hear Taehyung swear behind you under his breath as he’s lifting your legs up to wrap it around his own, bending it backwards so you were spread open for his large hands to slide in between the sticky mess that was your pussy.
“Fuck, she’s covered in cream Jimin.” The obscene sounds of Taehyung’s three fingers slowly rubbing all your wetness in your pussy to indicate just how wet you were have you gushing even more – moaning in Jimin’s mouth who just won’t let up. Every time you broke apart to take in a breath he attacked your neck with his voracious lips, sucking in bruises until he took your lips between his own again to make out with you again. Not that you were complaining, you were already drunk on his kisses and holding on to his naked flesh – the feel of his toned abs pressing against your distended stomach was just something else altogether. You’d imagine what they would feel like without any garments separating you all from each other – but none of your fantasies matched the reality. This pleasure was far more cavernous with the knowledge that they loved you back.
“Why don’t you have a taste Tae? I’m fine up here.” Jimin is breathless as well but not nearly as much as you while he dives in again but this time placing kisses along your neck and jaw before kissing your lips again, thrusting his tongue in – forcing your mouth open almost as if he’s trying to mimic what he’ll be doing later on and you just want to scream at them to hurry up. The need in your core was so burning, so intense you never thought you’d be this turned on ever in your life after the last time you’d been intimate with the both of them.
“Don’t hog her babe. I need to kiss our girlfriend too.” And yeah. The chances of you fainting are very good right now after hearing Taehyung call you his girlfriend. But thankfully, your brain has something else to focus on as Taehyung shoves a finger inside your pussy, slowly and deeply nestling it in your walls until he can tickle that spongy spot inside you that has your purring.
“T-Tae, oh god.” You’ve broken apart from Jimin who’s thankfully moved down to your aching chest, slipping his hands inside your night shirt to undo your bra but when he can’t take it off without having your night shirt off, he’s asking Taehyung to move slightly so he can take off your shirt.
“There we go.” He’s taken off your shirt as well as your bra, so now your heavy, milk filled breasts lay bare, looking disproportionate to your frame when you look down.
“You’re so beautiful y/n.” Jimin sensing your hesitation is pressing kisses to the tops of your breasts as you lay on your back while the two men are perched on their elbows looking down at you like you held the stars in your eyes. And you could say the same for them both. Taehyung starts to move his finger inside your tight cavern, pulling out gently as you moan out your pleasure, having the ache relieved even just a bit with a single finger inside you.
“A-Ah.” Your half groan and moan has Taehyung increasing his pace as he turns your head towards him to make your glassy eyes look in to his own lustful ones.
“Feels good?” You just nod, your mouth hanging open with your lids heavy as Jimin slips lower to take your aching nipple in his mouth and sucking gently. You needed to warn him that if he sucked too hard they might start leaking again. That had become a more frequent occurrence now as even just a squeeze to your chest had your nipples leaking – your body prepared to produce milk for its offspring.
“J-Jimin be c-careful- ah!” It was too late because you could feel the wetness sliding down the swell of your other breast that wasn’t in Jimin’s mouth as well as Jimin’s subsequent moan at the sweet taste of your milk.
“Fuck, she’s leaking again. Feeding our Jiminie are you darling? Always so good to us.” He’s not giving you a chance to reply as he presses his lips against your open mouth, sliding his tongue inside your mouth straightway, making you moan from the overwhelming sensations of Taehyung’s finger continuously fucking inside your sopping cunt as Jimin sucked your tits dry, laving them with his tongue over and over. The familiar knot in your belly getting tighter and tighter as Taehyung took his time – unlike Jimin – kissing you for the first time. It reminded you of the week before when you’d been so close to kissing this gorgeous man.
“Mmmf-” you pull away when you need a breather and Taehyung resorts to taking your lower, swollen lip between his teeth as he pulls beguilingly – making your mouth fall open once again when another long, bony finger shoves through inside you. With each suck of Jimin’s lips on your nipple as his tongue traces your areola, your pussy is gushing more liquid nectar around Taehyung’s scissoring fingers. He sits up further to shove his hand even deeper between your legs so his palm is brushing against your swollen clit – making your thighs fall open even further to accommodate his hand.
“Are you uncomfortable baby? Does anything hurt?” You’re whimpering out a no with a shake of your head as Taehyung makes sure you are comfortable. A little time on your back won’t hurt for now.
“T-Taehyung. Oh god. J-Jimin. I-I’m so close.” Your head is thrown back against the pillow as Jimin kisses his way towards the other breast but meets in the middle with Taehyung who’d also started to kiss your breasts. Just then, you can feel another hand in between your legs as Jimin’s thicker fingers start circling your clit, making you cry out louder. Though both of them are now making out right in front of you, in the middle of your chest as you get a close up of their tongues and teeth clashing as they moan in each other’s mouth like their hands aren’t buried deep in your pussy.
“Cum for us baby. Squirt all over our fingers like you did the last time.” Jimin says as he breathlessly pulls back from Taehyung to start circling your clit in small figure eights while your whimpers and moans get louder. Your breast where Taehyung lay is still feeling heavy and the nipple is puffy from the milk slowly leaking. And finally, Taehyung is leaning down to catch the fat nipple in his mouth and starts to suck harshly while he’s shoving his fingers inside your cunt at a laborious pace. Tears are welling up in your eyes because it’s all just too much but you don’t want it to stop either.
“Please cum for us, love. We need you nice and wet for our cocks. Come on, y/n. Cum baby.” And just like that, Jimin’s words are tiding you over as your climax is washing over your sensitive body – leaving you a twitching mess in its wake.
“Just like that, good girl… You’re so good for us.” Taehyung is detaching himself from your nipple as he’s slowly withdrawing his fingers covered in a glossy gelatinous liquid before he rubs it over your sensitive nipples and just like that – both of them are licking and sucking over your swollen nubs and sucking off your cum from your sticky, sweaty body and god – it makes you wetter than before. Was this even possible? You’d just cum but you could fee a trickle of arousal leave your entrance.
“Fuck, y/n, leaking again already?” Taehyung is teasing you slightly as he places a sweet kiss against your lips before he rolls you to the side.
“You okay my love?” Jimin is watching your breathless, sweaty face that’s glowing so beautifully in his vision – his hand caressing your face as you nod slowly and his hand is sliding down to your hips to lift your leg and wrap it around his own waist.
“Just let us know if you hurt or feel uncomfortable okay? We can change positions if you get tired.”
“’m okay. P-Please T-Taehyung.” He’s pressing sweet kisses in your shoulder, cooing at you before he’s rubbing his hard length against your aching pussy.
“Gunna fill this pussy so good. Fill you up so good. Stretch your pussy so well, baby. Love you being swollen with my baby.”
It’s like Taehyung’s lost his filter and you can’t get enough. Each word is pushing you closer to another orgasm and he hasn’t even put it in yet. Jimin is just lovingly rubbing at your bump, placing kisses on your forehead and when Taehyung finally slides in from behind – you gasp aloud before moaning even louder as his girthy length stretches open your labia around it.
“Tae! Oh god. Oh.” You’re so breathless that Jimin has to calm you down, holding on to your hips snugly to his own to stretch and spread you open for Taehyung’s assault from behind. Jimin is hitching your leg up even higher and it allows Taehyung to fuck his cock in to you even deeper.
“Fuck yeah. So good. Jimin s-she’s so tight and wet. Fuck.”
“Yeah? Our little guy can probably hear you praise his mother,” Jimin is smiling wide and so are you through your moans because you can feel your baby kicking. You just hope to god babies can’t learn words in the womb or you all would be in big trouble. His dad has a dirty mouth on him. “He’s kicking y/n. You okay baby?”
Your responding moan only makes him chuckle as he presses his lips to yours in a loving peck. You’re looking in to his eyes and you wish you could look at Taehyung too but for now, Jimin’s adoring gaze is enough for you as his breath fans across your face. Watching yours contort in pleasure as Taehyung’s pace is increasing fast, chasing his release no doubt, as his body is rocking yours against Jimin creating friction against his hard length. You can’t help but feel bad that Jimin is so hard and yet you haven’t touched him yet. So out of curiosity as well as wanting to please him – your hand is slipping down towards his girth – until you find that it’s not wet enough even with his pre-cum so you’re doing something you never thought you’d ever be bold enough to do. Sliding your hands behind you where Taehyung is rutting inside you fast, your and his own arousal making enough mess to drop down his length and sound the room in an obscene squelch. Collecting the mess there, you’re bringing it back to Jimin’s length as he watches you in amazement whilst you just start to draw your hands up and down his length.
“F-Fuck… y/n. God, you’re so hot.” His moan are now joining you two and you’re trying to keep up.
“Fuck fuck fuck. I’m going to cum baby. I’m going to fill this pussy full of my seed.” Taehyung is growling out behind you as his hips snap into yours – slapping against your ass every single time and making the flesh of it jiggle. You’d thought that you’d feel self-conscious of your growing body weight but the way the two men looked at you made you feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet. Is this what love was?
You don’t have time to think that one over because Jimin is fastening his pace on your clit as Taehyung shoots out his release – spurts of his semen filling you up until the creamy liquid is sliding back out with every gentle thrust of his cock – milking out every drop from it.
“Oh fuck… fuck that was amazing. You did so good baby. So so good. Are you hurt? Are you okay?” Taehyung has reenergised enviably fast while you’re still slurring out your words.
“’M okay. G-Good.”
He’s kissing your shoulders and your hand has lost its rhythm on Jimin’s shaft but he’s also rubbing your leg that’s propped on him, soothingly.
“Can you handle more? We don’t have to continue.” You desperately clench at Jimin as he let’s your leg back down to let you stretch it out.
“N-No. W-Want you in me. P-Please Jimin.” You know you’re being needy and bratty but you can’t help it. You were addicted to this euphoric feeling and the look on Jimin’s face tells you that he was not opposed to that idea. However, you did need to change positions.
“Can w-we move.”
“Of course sweetheart. Where do you want to move?” Your face is flushing because you feel like this is such a scandalous position to be in. but you did just get your brains fucked out so maybe it was okay to ask. Plus it’d be the most comfortable for you.
“O-On my knees.” Jimin is only muttering a ‘fuck’ under his breath as he nods. Taehyung is sliding out of you as he helps you get on all fours, giving you a pillow to rest your elbows on more comfortably while Jimin moves behind you. He’s caressing your ass cheeks, massaging them lovingly while Taehyung is settling beside you on the bed, face close to yours.
“You feel okay y/n?”
“Y-Yeah. Just g-go please.”
“Go where?” You’re biting your lips in embarrassment as you look at Taehyung who only encourages you with a nod.
“Answer him, babe.”
“I-In me.”
“There you go.” And slowly, he’s pushing in the sloppy mess that Taehyung’s left behind. You’re so full of cum that as Jimin pushes in further, you can feel more of Taehyung cum pouring over Jimin’s length until he starts to roll his hips – fucking Taehyung’s cum back in to you.
“Jimin!” The different position allows you to feel Jimin’s length in a way you couldn’t feel Taehyung – but just as pleasurable. You were grateful that he didn’t just start to go hard from the get go as you were still a twitching mess from Taehyung before.
“Yeah? Like my cock baby? Tae stretched you out so good. You’re so nice and warm y/n. Fuck.” He’s increasing his pace now after being on edge for so long when you’d tugged at his length to provide him with some relief – you knew it wouldn’t be long until he was emptying inside you too. And after being fucked so well by Taehyung, you were hanging on by a thin thread before your second orgasm erupted.
“I l-love it. Mmh.” You’re whining and whimpering and Taehyung is just watching your face, resting his head on his elbow as if he’s watching his favourite film. He’s now taken the position of rubbing at your bump, feeling his little boy kick once in a while, whilst Jimin fucked you in to Sunday.
“Fuck y/n. You’re so wet. I’m going to fill you up too baby. You’ll have both our cum inside your sweet cunt. So precious like this,” his hands are sliding down to rub affectionately at your belly as his fluid hips slap against your ass when his pace gets impossibly fast and deep.
“Ever since that baby had started showing, I’ve been wanting to fuck the shit out of your beautiful body baby. Every single time you’d walked past me with your milky, sweet scent,” Taehyung seems just as enchanted by Jimin’s words as he slips his hand further down to your clit, “I wanted to push you against the nearest wall, put you on the counter top, on the washing machine, every,” a thrust, “fucking,” another one, “surface I could find and fuck you until you cried.” And you were. Crying that is. Tears were steadily falling down your cheeks as you moaned in a high pitch with every thrust of Jimin’s cock inside your canal.
“Make her cum Jimin. Make her squirt. Cum for me Jimin. Both of you.” He’s placing kisses on your shoulder as he leans back to kiss Jimin on the mouth and just with a few more thrusts, a few more fucks of his cock inside your weeping and withering cunt, he’s cumming inside you while your whole orgasm is taking over your body.
“Fuck! that’s it. Keep cumming baby. Yeah.” You realise that you’ve squirted again as you’ve become even more unbelievable wet while Jimin fucks your gushing pussy – affectively pushing his cum back inside you until you’re whimpering and trembling from the oversensitivity.
“Lay her down Jiminie. She’s exhausted.” Jimin is withdrawing slowly, catching his own breath while he helps Taehyung lay you on your other side so you can rest. They’re both settling in on either side of you as you lay there – half asleep already. Your pussy is leaking with their cum but you can admit that this is the happiest you’ve been. Ever.
Both of them are cuddling you now, Taehyung laying facing you while Jimin lays behind, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear.
“We love you so much.”
“We do.” Jimin is mirroring Taehyung’s words while you mumble a ‘love you two’ as well. Lost somewhere between sleepy and sated. Taehyung is pulling the covers over all of you and the last thing you remember is the both of them leaning over you to kiss each other goodnight as well.
“Tae! Hurry up or I’m leaving without you.” Jimin is urging from the hall as you stand there clutching your stomach while looking worriedly at the same spot since it had happened.
By ‘it’ you mean that your water had broken. It had been just another day until Taehyung had decided to fuck you against the counter while Jimin held on to you and then both of them had switched places. You may think that may have been the reason for your water to break? Nope. It was Taehyung reading a story to your baby and then Jimin singing in his sweet beautiful voice – you’d only found out that he was an incredible singer – which had made you tear up, feeling overwhelmed with emotions and the two of them had coddled you, rocking you back and forth until you’d calmed down. You’d just taken a walk to the kitchen to wipe your teary face when it had happened and chaos had ensued. You weren’t due for another week so it had been unexpected.
“I’m coming!” A few seconds later, Taehyung is rushing out from the baby room with the baby bag that you’d all prepared to take with you when you were due. Even when you’d insisted that it was still two weeks till you were due, Jimin had had none of it and packed a baby bag filled with essentials for the baby and you. And boy had it come in handy as they rushed you in to the Rolls Royce you’d first gotten into when you’d signed the contract – and now it was time.
“Oh gosh.” You’re biting your lip in pain – the contractions increasingly getting painful with each one, so much so that you felt a dull ache in your back and lower abdomen, along with pressure in your pelvis. The felt like really strong period cramps with the intensity rising with each one.
“It’s okay darling we’re almost there. Drive faster Glen!”
“Yes, sir!” You’re all speeding through traffic while both men are trying to keep you calm and thankfully, you’re all at the hospital that Dr. Klarna works at in less than fifteen minutes.
“Nurse!” Taehyung is shouting and every nurse in the area is looking his way, promptly calling the OB/GYN on call until Dr. Klarna arrived.
“Oh my god.” You complain.
“Y/N it’s okay baby you’ll be okay.” They’re wheeling you in the room with Jimin and Taehyung hot on your trail and you don’t have to wait long until Dr. Klarna is rushing in.
“Hello y/n. I did not expect to see you just yet but don’t worry,” She looks at you and then both of the men and back at you, “You will be just fine. Let’s take a look at the heartbeat and your blood pressure okay? Just take deep breaths. Gentlemen, if you can help her out.” She’s smiling pleasantly before she’s checking your vitals and the baby’s heartbeat.
“Everything is fine. You and your little one will be just okay. He’s just impatient isn’t he?” You know that Dr. Klarna is trying to liven the mood but you were in so much pain that you wanted to be rude and shout at her! Thankfully, your boyfriends are holding your hand and reminding you to take deep breaths.
This was going to be a long day.
“Just another push. Keep going, y/n. There we go…. There we go. Good job!” You’re crying with exhaustion when you hear the faint sounds of your son, crying in his sweet little voice while Dr. Klarna is wiping your baby boy, cutting the umbilical cord and wrapping your precious bundle of joy before placing him on your heaving chest. Flesh to flesh. Jimin and Taehyung sit beside you, Taehyung’s face red from crying while he watched you in pain and Jimin had to console you both all through 10 hours of labour. But it was all worth it when your son is resting on your chest, his crying slowly dying down as you look down at him.
“You did so well. So well my darling. We’re so proud of you.” Jimin is placing kisses on your forehead while Taehyung is wiping his face and kissing your cheeks.
“Hey there buddy. Say hi, y/n.” Jimin is looking at you with tears in his own eyes when you swallow the lump in your throat, so relieved that you wouldn’t have to part with your son. You had met him only for just a few minutes and you already knew he was the love of your life along with his fathers.
“Hello my little angel. I-I’m your mom.” Tears are sliding down your face but you don’t care. The nurse is bringing Taehyung and Jimin water, congratulating you all three while they coo and aw at his precious, beautiful face. He had his dad’s nose, eyes and lips – looking like a miniature Taehyung. In response, your baby is pushing out his tongue and the nurse is letting you know that he needs to latch so he can have his first feed. After a few minutes, with the least amout of fumbling, your baby boy is a champion when he immediately latches on – taking gentle sucks while Taehyung watches with wide eyes. He’s is finally reaching his hand out to his son, letting the precious infant clutch his finger with his entire little hand and it makes you all giggle amongst your happy tears.
“Welcome, little one. We’ve waited so long for you.” He’s looking at you and Jimin before  looking back at his son suckling away at you – drinking in like he was starving, while observing the giant people surrounding him.
“That is one lucky boy. Not sure if I feel sorry or jealous of him. Three parents? What a miracle he is.” Dr. Klarna is washing her hands as she watches the three of you so enthralled by the little human.
A miracle he was. You had always thought you’d eventually end up with someone. Who knew you were destined to have two soulmates and a miracle nestled beside you?
a/n: let me know what you thought. even if u hated it lmao. thank you for reading!!!
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doodleimprovement · 5 years ago
Wellness: A Villian!AU Coco Fic Part 11: Rolling Thunder
Psychologist Malcom Kevgil is called upon by the Riveras to help with Miguels post-mortem development. He quickly learns however that this is moreso a trauma rehabilitation, and an untangling of lies and 90 year old mysteries.
He’s a smart man, but will compassion and an analytical mind win out against Family ties?
Solutions are put forward... 
This particular version of the AU has been written and developed by @im-fairly-whitty [Click here to read!]
Rating: Gen (subject to change depending) \ Warnings: None \ Word Count: 1798 (Maybe the longest??) // Masterpost Link
4:34 in the morning was not a fun time to get a phone call. The call would never, ever be good at that hour.
“Mmmh- Kevgil” The doctor grumbled slightly, trying to wake him up
“I’m calling on behalf of the Riveras. Your presence is required” The unknown voice spoke
“... It is 4:30 in the morning.” He commented, sitting up “What is the emergency?”
“Miguel has barricaded himself in his room, and will not speak to anyone”
Malcom paused
“.... Does anyone know why?”
There was a fumbling sound, and a much more familiar voice came through the phone
“He was fine during Dia De Los Muertos, and was quiet but.. okay through most of yesterday, but sometime last night he locked and barricaded his door with his dresser. Hector went to check on him to make sure he’d fallen asleep at around 2 but the boy had already locked himself away” Imelda explained “You are the only person we can think of that might be able to get through to him.”
This was it, Malcom realized. The cliffs edge, the bad part. He started to stand “I will be there soon. Tell him that I am coming, if you can. And tell him to practice our breathing exercises” He instructed
“.... Thank you” Imedla quickly responded.
She’d come a long way, he realized.
“I would not thank me just yet, Senora. Things might get worse before they get better. Hasta Luego” And he hung up, going for his closet.
He didn’t have the luxury of looking professional this time, so he grabbed an old pair of jeans and the sweater he’d died in. The soft fabric hadn’t faded with time - as is the case in the land of the dead so long as you are remembered. The 80s neon and patterns always comforted him when nothing else could.
He’d worn it just last week, telling friends about his frustrations with “a few clients”
Now he’d wear it confronting those clients. What fun. 
He made his way quietly through the towering land, not putting much thought into anything - he wanted to get a full picture of the situation before starting down the “find a solution” line of thinking.
He arrived at the Rivera Estate on foot, and when a worker saw him walking through the gates, he was ushered through the wide, empty halls and up a few flights of stairs to a conglomeration of people.
Imedla, Hector, and one of their grand-daughters - Victoria was her name, he was pretty sure
Malcom cut right to the chase
“Any progress?” He asked quietly. He wasn’t sure if he wanted Miguel to know he was here just yet.
Imelda shook her head. “I told him about your breathing exercises, but he has not responded to us at all”
“Then perhaps he is doing them. Can he hear us clearly through the door?” He asked, looking at the small crowd in front of the door, Hector being the standout of the group- staring at the door with a heated anger.
“Raise your voice just a touch and we are certain that you can” Imelda further explained.
“Hm…. and he hasn’t said anything?”
“Not that we have heard” She answered.
Malcom furrowed his brow looking over at the door. “Who got here first?”
“Hector” she answered
Malcom simply nodded, before pausing for a moment
“I’m going to try to talk to him”
Imedla sighed, looking at the door “You told me that we would reach the edge, and refuse to see it coming, Doctor” she rubbed her tired eye sockets “... You were correct”
Malcom didn’t respond, but they shared a brief look before he walked over to the door, raising his voice slightly
“Miguel? Its Doctor Kevgil. Your bisabuela called for me. Are you there?” He waited a moment “You don’t have to speak, but can you knock to let me know you’re listening?”
There was a moment… and then a knock
“.. Okay, you don’t have to talk. But… one knock for yes, two for no. is That okay?”
One knock.
Malcom smiled slightly. “Did you do our breathing exercises?”
“Did they help?”
“Good, good…. Do you want to talk?”
There was a long, awkward pause.
A single knock
“.. Okay” Malcom nodded to himself “It’s just going to be me, okay? No one else.” He assured, looking over at Imedla and Hector.
Hector looked less than pleased “Why can you go in?”
“He trusts me” Malcom answered succinctly
Hector puffed out his chest. The indigence in his stance nearly made Malcom cringe, but Imelda luckily pushed him back, gently.
“Amor, let him go… We have to get Miguel out of there”
The clenched fists didn’t relax, but he stood still.
Malcom’s eyes stayed on the couple while he opens the door, just slightly. Just enough. He made brief eye contact with Hector before he walked in.
The room was…. Big. It was big, and empty. There was a bed, a dresser, vanity, and a guitar stand. With the lights off, he couldn’t tell what colors the room was supposed to be, but his initial vision was not promising.
Miguel, for his part, was seated on the bed with his legs crossed, eyes glassy with tears that could technically no longer be shed.
Malcom let his posture relax.
“... Buenas Noches, Miguel”
“... Buenas Noches” His voice was raw “.. Did y’know you can’t cry?”
Malcom exhaled, and sat himself a respectful distance away from Miguel, at the edge of the bed.
“You can cry, Miguel.. You just doesn’t have tears. It doesn’t mean you don’t cry”
“... Doesn’t feel like crying” The boy simply retorted.
Malcom simply nodded “I understand…. Now..” The man turned slightly, putting one leg up on the bed “... Why am I here, Miguel?”
Miguel didn’t initially respond. He clenched and unclenched his fists, twitched a bit, and his eyes looked anywhere but Malcom
The boy’s eyes snapped back to the doctor
“Please, Miguel. Tell me why I’m here”
“... He’ll never be sorry” Miguel announced
“.. Who will never be sorry?” The man asked, feeling he knew the answer
“... Papa Hector” The boy nearly wheezed “He… he did this to me… and he’ll never be sorry”
Malcom kept his expression even. But he knew where he was.
They were over the cliff.
“... Why will he never be sorry?” 
“Because… he thinks what he did was right” Miguel forced out the explanation “Because even if it… hurt me, he thinks it was best for… the families reputation… the legacy is all he cares about”
“.. You think that he doesn’t care about you”
“... I know it”
“How do you know it?”
“... He never means his sorrys” Miguel answered, hoping Malcom knew what he meant.
Fortunately, Malcom did
“That’s very helpful, Miguel. Thank you. But that doesn’t explain why you locked yourself in your room.” He worded carefully,
“..... Angry”
Malcom took a chance, and put his hand on Miguel’s back.
“You’re angry?”
Miguel nodded.
“You’re angry at him”
The boy nodded again.
“.... What do you want to do about that anger?” Malcom asked.
The boy looked up at him, finally
And voiced exactly what he wanted.
About 45 minutes later, he left the room, closing the door right behind him, and turning to the group that had been waiting.
“How was he?” Imelda asked.
“.... He was upset and angry”
“At what?” She asked, Hector looking at her, before looking back at him.
Malcom looked at Hector, and took a breath. “You, mostly”
“.... Me?” The man looked genuinely shocked.
“Yes, you” Malcom responded, perhaps with more aggression than needed, but at this point, this was more than just an appointment, or a patient. “Because you killed him and he knows you don’t feel sorry for it”
The silence that followed that statement felt scarier than anything Hector could have replied with.
“... How do we fix it?”
Malcom felt the need to do a double take, but didn’t “... Excuse me?”
“How do we fix it?” The man aggressed
“... Do you feel sorry?” Malcom responded.
Hector’s shoulder’s straightened, his back taught, trying to appear taller. “... I did what I had to do “
“... But are you sorry that you did it?”
“.... I did what I had to do” Hector pressed
Malcom could finally, finally feel his composure crack, just slightly “You did not answer my question”
“*I did what i had to do”
“But are you sorry!?” Malcom nearly yelled
“No!” Hector nearly screamed back, panting just slightly.
Malcom took a deep breath, with his exhale, he felt his composure return “... Then there is no fixing it.”
Imedla stood in front of Hector, her hand pressing him back “How do we help Miguel, Doctor?” Her tone nearly begging.
“... He wants to leave” Malcom stated. “He’s scared of him”
The tension in Hectors shoulders warned the doctor to tread carefully.. But that seemed like an impossible task.
“Leave…” Imelda looked disheartened “Scared of him?”
“Extremely” Malcom admitted “He needs a place where he isn’t afraid to ask for something as inane as jeans”
Hector pushed Imedla’s hand away from him, reaching forward and getting a fistful of Malcom’s sweater
“You’re lying-!”
“Hector, para!”
“Let go of my shirt, Senor” Malcom exhaled
“You’re lying!” He shouted, shaking the doctor “What do you want with my Grandson!?”
“Hector!” Imelda shouted.
“Why do you immediately assume I have some sort of ulterior motive?”
Hectors hands trembled, readjusting his grip “.. You want to use him”
“For what?”
“To ruin us! You’re all the same!”
“ … Us?”
Malcom could start to feel things slot into place, so far as Hector was concerned.
“... You’re worried the minute he’s out of here, he’ll tell the entirety of the land of the dead what you did… You don’t trust him either”
“It’s you I don’t trust!” Hector countered
“Let me go” Malcom asserted, his voice firmer “Before I studied psychology, I nearly joined the army. I still recall most of my training, and I would hate to use it in such an emotionally charged moment”
Before the eldest Rivera could make the choice to respond, his wife spoke
“Hector… is this true?” Imelda asked, the heaviness of her voice causing Hector to pull away “You don’t trust him? You don’t trust our ninito?”
His lack of an answer - his aversion of her eyes, and his eventual weakened grip on Malcom’s shirt was way too much of a sign.
Malcom took a deep breath. “Is there any family member that doesn’t live in the hacienda? Or a family friend who could take him in?”
Victoria finally stepped forward, her eyes stern, but he could see that she was tired.  “.. There is one”
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beehask · 5 years ago
The day my world changed
I guess this is where I’m supposed to tell you about finding out about cm.
On Sunday October 27th 2019. I had just dropped my four year off with his dad and step mom. Twenty seven minutes after telling my sweet boy I loved him, everything changed. I was involved in a car accident. IN MY BRAND NEW CAR!!!!!!! I was taken to the hospital. They did tests. Referred me to multiple doctors since nothing was an immediate emergency. 
I was sent to have a million more tests. I wasn’t healing from the accident. Only getting worse. 
I had a follow up appointment to discuss a mri I had. 
I remember the doctor coming in. We were joking as usual. That’s the part where things became a blur. I remember hearing “well good news is what we thought was wrong, isn’t. Bad news is *
Insert blur* something something brain surgeon something something brain surgery. I smiled said thank you. Have a good day. 
I get home started talking to my husband and realizing this woman just told me Im being sent to a brain surgeon. 
I picked up the phone in panic. I asked her to tell me that again because it didn’t register with me
She  said “you have type 1 Chiari Malformation and are being referred to a neuro surgeon.
WAIT! Who is Kiara? What’s wrong with my brain. She informed me she wasn’t a chiari specialist so she couldn’t give me the details I needed. 
She told me how to spell it to do some research. 
I went outside. I cried. I screamed. I cussed. I was confused. Scared. I was every emotion. 
I immediately called my daughters grandparents. Her grandfather is a P.A. I was hoping he could help me. Help me understand what was going on. Nobody knew. We’ve never heard of this. Google only freaked us out that much more.
I didn’t want anyone knowing. I didn’t want pity. I didn’t want people treating me different. We informed immediate family. We told them we didn’t have much information at the time. Moments later the scheduling person from the surgeons office called. She was so friendly. She quickly scheduled the appointment. She asked if there was anything else she could do. With tears in my eyes I asked “am I gonna die? I have kids. They need me” she said honey were gonna take care of you. Don’t worry. 
The next few days all I did was cry . Why me? My life is finally perfect. Why would this happen to me? I don’t wanna die! I researched and researched. Joined some support groups. That only freaked me out that much more. 
I had a good three weeks before I met with my surgeon. So you know that wait is killer.
Heres the part where Im gonna keep you guys waiting on the next part like I had to wait. Im evil. I know. 
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we-will-all-be-stories · 6 years ago
weli have like three followers and like i dont actually expect anyone to see this i just want to rant and since i dont really have many friends i dont realy know who to tell. 
my mothers really pissing me off for reasons that honestly i shouldnt have to be dealing with. 
a few weeks ago my parents finally took me to a real psychiatrist, after 2 years of therapy and month in a mental hospital. it was set to be a three hour appointment for an official evaluation and diagnosis of my anxiety and depression and whatever the fuck else is wrong with me (which i dont understand since ive already been diagnosed by two prior therapists, the ER psych ward psychiatrist, and my psychiatrist at the mental hospital i was at, i dont see the need for anouther diagnosis of the same issues). okay, cool, whatever, obviously i’m panicking, not from the actual topic but just talking to someone in general (also my parents never leave the room b/c they think that i’ll just sit there and go non verbal, or as they believe, choose not to talk despite the fact that i have s.a.d. and was selectively mute growing up - i have non verbal episodes, it happens). well, essentially, i actually have no clue what happened in the room b/c after five minutes, the psychiatrist decided that i wasnt useful and i was too anxious to be productive and was sent out of the room. i sat in the waiting room for two hours continuosly calling and texting my mom to let me back on the room while i had a panic attack in the waiting room and slowly fell into a sensory overload from all the noises because the office is in a child pediatrics building and children are fucking loud. after two hours i’m left back into the room where the doctor tells me my diagnosis, my parents pay, and we leave.
i wasnt even present for my own evaluation. i get that he’s trained, but my parents no shit about how i feel, theres no way they can tell him. and furthermore, yeah, i’m anxious, but thats not the only thing i live with, yet its the only thing anyone will offer me help for. 
im used to being sent out of rooms. people dont have enough pacience and ust assume i can control this. i was sent out of the room during my 504 accomadation meeting at school too, you know, the “you’re child tried to kill themself, heres an extra day for classwork hope it helps” meeting. 
but heres the problem now. i have sensory issues to the point that putting on a pair of socks sends me into a panic b.c of the seams - a “bad touch” makes me break down crying - a flickering light burns my eyes - someone coughing feels like someone sceaming in my ear drums. and no matter what i tell my parentsm they dont understand how bad it is. 
apparently they mentioned it to the doctor, whose response was to get me an asd evaluation. okay, sure. its not like my old therapist hadnt been telling my mom to get my evaluated for asd and sesory proccessing dosorder, its not like my father works with psychiatrists who work with autistic kids everyday who has been telling my dad to get me evaluated. 
so finally my mom emailed my school counsler about the evaluation. she said that the school doesnt have the resources to do so. 
i went to my moms office to print out my essay, and she had her email open to my section. (she organizes her email by topic, she has a group of emails under my name). im a bitch and decided to look at the emails. she emailed my school saying that she is “sure i dont have autsim” but that my doctor is making her ask about an evauation. 
the school wrote back saying that refuse to test me because that would require an iep rather than just a 504. the school psychiatrist essentially refuses to test students “simply for a diagnosis” and that my education and grades must be severely impacted by my issues. listen, no one gets a psych evaluation simply for a diagnosis. you literally cannot get the help you need w/out a diagnosis. mental health affects you in all aspects of your life, not just school. so many students cannot go to therapists or psychiatrists and rely on school resources. furthermore, my education is impacted by my issues - how can i get work done when the loud classroom make me want to scream? but the school and my parents dont know this, yet refuse to let me advocate for myself. 
no one wants to have a certain diagnosis, you need it to get help. my psychiatrist has said he is 99% i have asd, however he cannot give me a diagnosis, and my school refuses to test me because i’m “too good a student” and i’m slowly dying. 
also im not a good student. i have an e in math, a d in government, i failed engineering bc the class was so god damn loud and anxiety creating. my education is impaacted.
when it comes down to it, to be honest, so much of this has to do with the stigma regarding mental health in general, and especially regarding autism. people are so scared to have an autsitic kid - i’m 15 years old, if you can love me w/out the diagnosis, you can love me with it. i’m the same kid. My mother grew up with an autistic brother yet she still wouldnt want an autistic child. schools assume that an autistic student cant be functioning without special classes and a helper and a bunch of accomadations - some people need that, others don’t. it doesnt matter b/c everyone is entitled to the resources neccessary to thrive, and everyine should be treated fairly. 
im a kid who grew up non verbal, ive had social skills drilled into my head by therapists bc i apparently “didnt have them”. up until this year i had good grades, i flew under the radar and suffered, and when i finally reach out for help, everyone is refusing it because they think i’ve already gotten enough. 
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