#and i gave him my number then immediately regretted it
andichoseyou · 1 year
i wish i could put into words the way i feel right now. i feel like i'm doing everything i can to do the right thing. the right thing for ME. but with every decision i make, i feel extreme guilt and second guess myself like crazy. like i dont KNOW what im doing idk if any of the decisions i am making are actually good for me. i am constantly in this state of isolation and loneliness, but when there's a chance for a potential romantic relationship i back away and ignore the possibilities of what could come from it. i don't want to be in love but i crave intimacy. i don't want to hook up and leave, but i want someone to hold me.
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Grow Old With You
Bob didn't want to introduce his girl to his squad. But she was his fiance and he did want them at the wedding. When Hangman tries it on, Bob knows she really is the one
This is so fluffy I love him sm
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She squeezed his hand. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to," she whispered to him.
When Bob turned to her, she fixed his hair and gently pushed his glasses up his nose. He shook his head and squeezed her hand. This was something they had to do, he knew it.
After he had been called back to Top Gun, Bob had been permanently stationed in San Diego (aside from deployment). He and the rest of his squad were kept together, ready at a moments notice to be called back to Top Gun.
After two months of living there, the most beautiful woman knocked on his door. Her car had broken down and her phone had no battery. Bob was only too happy to help. She'd introduced herself abd he introduced himself right back. Except he introduced himself as Robert. Nobody called him Robert.
"But you can call me Bob," he said quickly, correcting himself. Bob had offered her something to eat while they waited for the tow truck to arrive.
They'd spoken a lot in that time. She found out he was a Weapon Systems officer and she was fascinated. It was easy to lose track of time with Bob.
Before she knew it the tow truck was pulling up outside. While the mechanic hooked her car up, she wrote down her phone number and left it on his kitchen table, praying he would call her.
She didn't tell him she had left it. Bob couldn't help but regret not asking for her number as she climbed into the tow truck. He should have gone with her, he thought instantly. Or, at least driven her there himself.
But it was too late, and he doubted he'd ever see her again. Sighing, he headed back into his house. He didn't notice the little piece of paper on his table at first, walked past it at least four times before he finally saw it.
And, when he did see it, he immediately saved her number to his phone. He didn't text or call right away, but he didn't know how long to wait.
This wasn't his department. This was something Hangman and Rooster usually did. Part of him was itching to ask them for advice, but he wanted to keep her to himself. God knows as soon as Hangman and Rooster found out about her, it would be game over for him.
The WSO looked at his future wife, at the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He could do this. For her, he could do this.
Bob lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. "Ready," he said and pulled her towards The Hard Deck.
He couldn't very well message Rooster and Hangman, he knew that. But there was one person he could ask for advice. Nat was only to happy to help Bob with what to say. She gave him flirty lines to text to her.
But, the more that Natasha sent to him, the more things didn't feel right to Bob. He couldn't send any of these. 'You can take a ride in my cockpit ;)' and 'Are you a tarmac? Because my heart wants to land and stay with you' especially didn't feel right to him.
Bob thanked Natasha for her help, but he didn't take it. No, three days after he had met her, three days after she had left her number on his kitchen table, Bob finally messaged her.
'Hey, it's Bob'
That was all his text said. Anxiously he waited for her to text back. What if she doesn't? What if she was just being polite? What if she'd already forgotten about him?
'Hey, the WSO, right?' She had texted back. 'I was beginning to think I wasn't going to hear from you, haha'
The way Bob's heart was beating, he couldn't believe it. She was interested, and she had been waiting for him.
Bob felt the blush raising to his cheeks as he typed back a response. They texted through the afternoon, only stopping because they needed to sleep. The conversation ended with her asking him over for dinner, to repay for how he helped her when the car broke down.
The music didn't stop when they walked in. That would have been dramatic, but very fitting, thought Bob. But, the way all if his squad was staring at him, the music might as well have stopped.
She squeezed his hand and he started forward, taking her over to the squad. Only Natasha knew of her existence and, as much as Bob wanted it to, he couldn't keep things that way.
The dinner was the first date of many. Neither of them had known it was a date, not until much later in the relationship. There was a second, and then a third. On the third they found themselves on his couch, her arms around his neck as they kissed.
It was maybe two months after that third date that they realised the first dinner they had was their first date. But Bob already had the date memorised.
Bob had let her set the pace on their relationship. She was the one who had him wrapping his arms around her, she was the one jumping into hid arms after days apart and kissing him softly.
Four months of this and Bob realised that he wanted to grow old with her.
"Who the hell have you got there, Baby On Board?" Hangman called. He wasn't looking at Bob, concentrating on the woman stood beside him. As he usually did when facing a gorgeous woman, Jake wore his killer smile.
"Shut up," Natasha said to him as she strode forward. "I'm Nat, its nice to finally meet you."
Although this was her first time meeting them, Bob had been sure to tell his girl all about them. As they cooked dinner together, moving in tandem around the kitchen, he'd tell her about their first time at Top Gun, when they were all called back for a mission.
They were stories she'd never get bored of hearing. Her Bobby, the weapon systems officer.
They introduced themselves to her. One by one she shook their hands grinning at them. Bob couldn't help but feel slightly protective as she shook Bradley and Jake's hands.
As the game of pool resumed, Bob sat himself on a stool and pulled her into his chest. His hands settled over her stomach and she leaned against him as she spoke to his squad.
After a good few minutes, Bob hopped up from his seat. "I'll get us some drinks," he said and kissed her cheek. She squeezed his bicep as he walked to the bar.
As soon as Bob was out of sight, Jake came walking towards her. He was the only one she recognised from just how often her Bob complained about him. "What did Baby On Board do to get a pretty thing like you?" He asked as he leaned against the wall beside her, towering over her.
She stared at him, clearly unimpressed. "Uhm, he's sweet, lovely, a perfect gentleman and incredibly hot," she said as she looked towards the bar, searching for her Bobby.
But Hangman wasn't giving up. "Okay, so what do I have to do to get a girl like you?"
She reeled of the list she had just given him.
"Okay," he tried again, leaning closer. "What do I have to do to get you?"
She rolled her eyes. Finally Bob came back and passed her a beer. "Thank you, Bobby," she said and kissed his cheek as he wrapped an arm around her. She turned her attention back to Jake and held up her hand, revealing the ring on her finger.
"Oh," Hangman said and backed away.
Bob grinned and leaned down to kiss her. This was the woman he was going to spend his life with.
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reallyromealone · 5 months
This isn't a request but I'm brain rotting rn about imagining Emma is once again at a toman meeting with another 'girl' and Draken of course scolds her and is like "Don't go bringing your schoolmates to a gang meeting," but it's actually reader crossdressing and Mikey's new bf
Thank you, bye bye I had to tell somebody and I thought you would like it. 🤧
Title: cross dressing
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Pairing: Mikey x reader
Warnings: slight au, male reader, cross dressing, fluff
Notes: made some slight alterations for the sake of hahas
Mikey was slightly annoyed as he heard his younger sister brought someone to a Toman meeting, the girl making friends at university and he often saw her friends when he got home from gang stuff or helping shinichiro with his shop on occasion.
What he wasn't expecting was (name) to be dressed in cute feminine clothes and a mini skirt, tucked flat-- Mikey chuckled silently to himself as he knew (name) probably regretted letting Emma get into drag racing shows. Draken scolded the girl as (name) glanced around and saw Mikey leaned back on his chair with his legs spread, slicked back blond hair showing off his tattoos as he winked before blowing out smoke from his cigarette.
(Name) And Mikey had recently begun dating, the blond initially hesitant when he learned Emma had a male friend and Draken nearly hostile at his girlfriend being so close to the cute boy but they quickly realized that (name) was not interested in Emma or any other girl.
What Draken didn't know was that Mikey immediately went on the hunt, practically popping up anywhere (name) was to flirt with him and eventually begin dating him.
So when the twenty-one year old saw his boyfriends bare thighs swished slightly by stockings and that cute skirt, (name) looked nervous at the look he gave him though... The Toman underlings who stood in position in the back garden of Toman headquarters didn't see the look as their boss being a horny bastard but instead saw it as annoyed.
To be fair, Mikey was incredibly hard to read.
"She can stay but she has to stay out of the way, we aren't responsible if she gets hurt" Draken sighed and kissed Emma's forehead as the blond girl beamed up at the tattooed man "thanks Kenny!" She said sweetly and the giant of a man grumbled but didn't say anything.
(Name) Sat with Emma quietly as they started their meeting, Emma and (name) chatting amongst themselves and working on a project, (name) explaining his half and what he was doing.
They didn't even notice the meeting end until Mikey wandered to them "oi" he said passively as (name) looked up confused and Mikey raised his hand, many members holding their breaths only for Mikey to grip (name)s neck and kiss him softly "what" Baji said confused, he was fully ready to get the cute girls number but seems Mikey got to her first.
"What's with the clothes? They look weird" he asked confused and mitsuya looked up from his laptop, working on business expenses that he will be sending to Koko later "Mikey! Don't tell a girl her clothes look weird! That's rude!"
"But (name) isn't a girl" Mikey said bluntly as he plopped beside (name) and draped himself over the other "I just made (name) wear girl clothes, he owed me a favor" Emma said sweetly "besides he looks cute! Don't judge my fashion Mikey!"
"Wait, she's a dude?" Pah said confused and (name) nodded "yeah "
"Wait why did Mikey kiss you?" Chifuyu was also confused, a group of grown ass men who ran a notorious gang and made illegal millions couldn't figure out was a relationship for the life of them.
"(Name)s my boyfriend" Mikey said bluntly, Draken connecting the dots fast.
That would explain why Mikey went to a specific apartment often.
And based on how he played with (name)s skirt...
He would be going back pretty damn soon.
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yuwuta · 6 months
cw some kind of college au/boarding school au? this used to be for rodeo station and now just... exists on its own, friends to lovers, megumi has toji and satoru as father figures so are we surprised that he’s a bully and doesn’t really grow out of that phase… anyway, apologies to muta and miwa, 1.3k words
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Nobara makes a poor effort to stifle her laughter as Kokichi stomps up to stand in front of you, hair and clothes drenched in chocolate milk, shoes sloshing with each step, and the bandage on the side of his cheek peeling from the wetness.
When you look up at him, you’re unimpressed, and unsurprised, so you resume annotating your lecture notes as if you weren’t interrupted. If Kokichi wanted to stand in a puddle of dripping milk, then so be it—you should have finished your notes yesterday, and you couldn’t get through your other tasks without catching up first.
“Look, I already said I was sorry. I shouldn’t have kept bothering you for your number when you’d already said no,” Kokichi starts, wiping dripping milk from his chin, “Now, will you please call off your guard dog.”
You don’t reply immediately, focused on finishing the last paragraph of the page, much to Kokichi’s dismay, and Nobara’s amusement. He huffs at your silence, frustrated and humiliated, but there’s nothing for him to say or do until you respond. Maybe that’s something he should have considered when he kept trying to talk to you in class. Still, even now, you’re not ignoring Kokichi to embarrass him or string him along; you just want to finish your godforsaken anthropology homework.
“You seem to be under the impression that I can make Megumi start or stop doing anything,” you sigh, put your highlighter down, and tiredly look up at Kokichi, “But I regret to inform you that you’re wrong.”
Kokichi’s nose scrunches in disbelief, an angered hand coming to wave in front of his face, but his dripping clothes result in splashes to his face—and further laughter from Nobara. He sighs out of frustration, trying to put away his pride, but Nobara’s giggling and your nonchalant attitude are really making it difficult for him to take this in stride.
“Okay, you’re fucking with me—and I deserve it, alright? But, Todo already gave me a fucking lecture, Mai won’t look at me, and Megumi is going to rip and stain every single shirt I own at this point.” 
“That sounds like your problem,” Nobara snickers, rolling her eyes when Kokichi gives her a glare. 
“I'd love to help, Muta, but this is out of my control,” you loll, capping your marker, “Maybe try apologizing to Megumi instead of dripping chocolate milk over notes and shoes.”
“Eh? The hell am I apologizing to him for?” 
“You’re the one who pissed him off—how should I know?” you sigh, sliding your pens and markers into your bag, and closing your folder. 
Nobara pipes in to taunt, “You’d better figure it out soon, though. I hear they’re serving spaghetti tomorrow, and that definitely stains.” 
You swear you hear Kokichi growl, but it only makes Nobara laugh harder. The two of them together is a bad combination—Kokichi is easily aggravated, and Nobara easily aggravates. You’re certain that if Megumi weren’t already on his ass, Nobara would have stepped in to bully him just for the fun of it.
Still, you’d rather not have to testify on either of their behalf, so you bid Kokichi a goodbye, offering him your best advice about cleaning milk stains out of white shirts, and drag Nobara by the arm before she can make another quick quip to finally make him snap. 
She’s still laughing at Kokichi’s expense all the way back to your dorm, “As much as I like seeing Megumi pummel Muta, he’s definitely gonna get written up, at the very least, if he keeps it up. Just tell him you’re not mad about it anymore, and he’ll piss off.” 
You stuff your hands into your pockets, “I don’t control megumi. I didn’t tell him to egg Muta’s car, and pour milk all over him. ” 
“Like hell you don’t,” Nobara scoffs, “Kokichi was right about one thing—Megumi’s a doberman on a leash and you’re his owner.” 
“I didn’t even tell him that Kokichi kept asking for my number. I’m pretty sure Todo told Yuuji, and Yuuji told Megumi.”
“Yeah, that’s almost worse,” Nobara huffs, “He’s just moved to protect you out of undying loyalty—it must be nice to have a knight in shining armor. Does he call you ‘my liege,’ when you’re alone? He might as well bow down and kiss your shoes with the way he worships the ground you walk on.”
You know Nobara is teasing. The rhetoric that you have influence on Megumi isn’t new to you, but it’s always confusing for you to hear. You’ve known Megumi since grade school, and one thing you’re certain of is that he does things of his own conviction, and when he’s decided something, there’s little anybody can do to convince him otherwise. He’s the true definition of steadfast, and sometimes you wonder if his beliefs have inadvertently made him gain masochistic tendencies, because you’ve seen Megumi suffer in pain just to prove a point. 
“Megumi’s his own person, and he’s not easily influenced,” you chuckle, “If anything, he’s more of an attack dog—he bites whenever he sees something he doesn’t like.”
“In any case, he’s your dog,” Nobara shrugs. She pauses for a moment, skipping to catch up to you with a scrunch to her face, “I change my mind though, he’s definitely not scary enough to be a doberman. What are the puffy ones—the really small ones that yap a bunch?” 
She lights up—“Yeah, that’s way more fitting! Plus, he’s got spiky hair like those little mutts, a really bratty, spoiled one too. Gojo probably kept him in his Birkin as a kid.” 
You giggle as Nobara searches for an image to compare to one of Megumi. She goes as far as to make a collage and send it in your group chat for approval, instantly getting a rave reaction from Yuuji, and predictably, no response from Megumi.
Nobara walks you back halfway to your dorm, leaving you on your own to head to the gym to meet up with Yuuji. When you get back to your room, you’re not surprised to already see Megumi inside, sitting snugly on your worn-in couch with a book in hand. It’s Wednesday, so he only had morning classes, and prefers to spend his afternoon studying in solace, usually taking advantage of your larger, empty room to get his work done. He gives you a small wave, enraptured in his reading, and you know better than to try and disturb him, so you take your place on the opposite side of the couch with the remainder of your notes in hand, finally having the peace and quiet to finish your annotations. 
Megumi finishes his chapter before you’re done, but he waits for you, quietly scrolling on his phone so as not to interrupt you. You don’t face him when you speak, keeping your eyes on your notes, and simply stating, “Kokichi apologized.”
You hear him hum. you know he’s looking at you, but you don’t meet his gaze, and do your best to bite back a smile before he asks, “You forgive him?”
You finish your annotations with a final asterisk at the bottom of your page, so you cap the marker, and finally turn to face Megumi. He doesn’t ask a second time, even as you silently observe him, even if your smile is confusing to him.
“I wasn’t ever really upset,” you explain, “It was annoying, but he wasn’t harassing me or anything.” 
He hums again, but it’s not agreeing. “Tsumiki is gonna get mad if you get suspended.” 
Megumi calls your bluff with his hum this time, and you sigh. Tsumiki won’t get mad, because Megumi would never get suspended, not as long as Gojo is around as headmaster.
Megumi turns his body inward, raising an arm to rest his elbow against the cushion of the couch. He lolls his head to rest against his palm, cheek squished, and almost mischievous glimmer in his eye. In this light, you see Nobara’s argument—with sleep-tousled hair and expectant eyes, Megumi looks an awful lot like a puppy waiting for a command. 
It’s cute, until you realize that Megumi is awaiting your command. Is he?—why would he, he’s never been known to listen, and yet, you’re tempted to see if you truly do have him on some proverbial leash, like everyone else seems to believe.
“Megumi,” you call, softly, “He’s learned his lesson, and I’m fine, alright? Leave him alone.”  
Megumi blinks slowly. His features soften, only for a moment, before he’s turned away from you to pick up his book again. He doesn’t respond verbally, doesn’t touch on the topic for the rest of the evening that you both spend studying in your room, but the following day, you walk past Kokichi and Miwa heading into their chemistry lab, and notice a distinct lack of milk or food residue on his clothing or in his hair, so there isn’t anything more to be said.
Megumi is waiting outside of your lecture hall after your last class of the day, offering you a carton of strawberry milk—unopened, and un-thrown. You accept it, reaching up to ruffle his hair as a thank you, and you’re surprised when you feel him move into your touch. He dips his head down a bit further, gently knocking it against yours before straightening up with a sly smile. He nods his head, wordlessly, and turns towards your dorm, ready to walk you back. 
You follow, dazed, as you stab the straw into your milk. You’re a half-step behind Megumi, head clouded with confusing new daydreams about the boy in front of you, and now you can’t help but to wonder if you’re the one left to follow Megumi’s whim, or if he’s just pulling you by his own leash. 
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f1amour · 13 days
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pairing: lewis hamilton x reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 27 lewis is 39), italics are flashbacks, angst. no happy ending
authors note: not spell checked sorryyy. based off this request. heavily inspired by the song so long, london. hope you all enjoy this fic and cry as much as i did writing it <3
So (So) long (Long), London (London)
So (So) long (Long), London (London)
So (So) long (Long), London (London)
“Flight 444 from London to Mexico City will begin boarding in ten minutes please have your passports and tickets ready.”
Even a number reminded you of him. It was good you’ll be leaving this place that reminded you so much of him. You didn’t want to leave but you had to.
“I just don’t understand why you didn’t come to me and talk about it. You said you’d retire with Mercedes then we would start a family. Now I’m finding out through social media that you signed with Ferrari for 2025?” You call after Lewis who had walked into the house with you standing in the living room with a pissed off look on your face.
“I don’t understand why I need to discuss that with you. It’s my career not yours, you don’t have one.” He says and immediately regrets it.
“Because I gave it up for you! To be the happy and proud girlfriend who went to every race and stays behind the cameras. The one you go home with. The one who supports you through every thing. Who celebrates your big wins and the smallest ones. I’m not taking this disrespect from you, Lewis.”
I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist
I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift
Pulled him in tighter each time he was driftin' away
My spine split from carrying us up the hill
Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill
I stopped tryna make him laugh, stopped tryna drill the safe
Lewis had convinced you to give him a year with Ferrari and after you two would get engaged and have your family like you both always wanted.
He still had the 2024 season with Mercedes and was going to make the most of it. You stopped going to every single race deciding to stay home and figure out what you’d be doing with your career. You had met lewis when you were 22 and he was 33. The age difference didn’t bother you but you never thought it would actually get in the way.
It was the opposite as most age gaps are discussed the older one wants a family by now and the younger one still wants to make a life for themselves before having a family.
You were ready for the next step you wanted to marry Lewis after five years together but he was still focused on his career and trying for his 8th championship title.
“I’m gonna be late. I’ve got a meeting with the team and I don’t know how long we will be.” You read the text message from Lewis and sigh deciding to get out of your dress and into some comfortable clothes.
Your usual date nights you had at least one time a week had dissipated to almost none at all. Even when it would be long distance you’d have face time dates with Lewis but recently it’s just been distant with rarely any calls or texts.
You weren’t sure if you could keep going on like this.
Thinkin', "How much sad did you think I had. Did you think I had in me?"
Oh, the tragedy
So long, London
You'll find someone
Ticket purchased for Heathrow airport to Mexico City April 18th, 2024. One way.
You had decided it was now or never to leave the relationship. You loved Lewis but feeling like a second choice was no longer the healthy thing in your life. You’ve felt so unloved for awhile now that it was messing with your mental health.
London was your home for so long. He was your home for so long. But it was time to say goodbye.
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out
I founded the club she's heard great things about
I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the Heath
I stoppеd CPR, after all, it's no use
The spirit was gonе, we would never come to
And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free
“I’m a bit confused…why am I dropping you off at the airport? I don’t have to leave until a few more days.” Lewis says pulling into the private parking lot.
You get out of the car and grab your suitcases out of the trunk with his help, “I’m done, Lewis. I’m done waiting for you. I’m done being the second choice.”
“No, no, no. You cant do this, y/n!” He shakes his head while you let one of the airline workers grab your suitcases.
“I can do this actually. Just like you can decide our future for the both of us I can break up with you. I’m 27 years old, Lewis. I want to marry you. I want to have your children. I want to support you at every race while being the supportive wife. I’m so in love with you that I would give up everything including my career to make you happy.” You look at him, sadness in your eyes.
It was a realization you both were finally coming to terms with…it wasn’t a healthy relationship anymore. To give someone hopes of a family and marriage one day that may never happens wasn’t right. And to give up your career for him didn’t settle right with him either.
It was the end now.
“I’m so sorry, my love.” He whispers wiping your tears away but they just keep on flowing.
“I’m sorry too. For believing you everytime. I gave up most of my 20’s for you. I gave up the time where I should be enjoying my life and figuring out what I want to do with my career. But I blame myself too because I was so in love that I would look past all our flaws.”
For so long, London
Stitches undone
Two graves, one gun
I'll find someone
“We’ve done so much good for each other. The last few months haven’t been the best but you gave me some amazing years filled with love. I won’t ever forget that.” You tell Lewis kissing his cheek.
His eyes know welled up with tears, “I love you. I know I didn’t show it enough lately but I love you. I always will.”
It was sad to think of but Lewis was your first love.
But you would be his last.
And you say I abandoned the ship
But I was going down with it
My white-knuckle dying grip
Holding tight to your quiet resentment
And my friends said it isn't right to be scared
Every day of a love affair
Every breath feels like rarest air
When you're not sure if he wants to be there
“Eight times we’ve said it before, here’s a ninth for you. Lewis Hamilton wins the British Grand Prix!” The crew you were with cheer watching the race while you sit there with little to no emotion in your eyes. It was nothing out of the ordinary for them seeing as you told them you didn’t know much about the sport and had no interest in it (all lies).
They had known you for three months now and for that time they have seen you only smile for guests who were on board and when they weren’t you didn’t show much emotion.
They loved your personality when you would show it at times so they assumed it was just some personal problems at home that had you so sad sometimes.
He had finally won after two years of no wins and he had done it in his home. A home that was once yours.
You wanted to cry and shout for him but you felt nothing, your soul had been so empty since leaving him. You hated him for it.
So how much sad did you think I had
Did you think I had in me?
How much tragedy?
Just how low did you
Think I'd go 'fore I'd self-implode?
'Fore I'd have to go be free?
“So we’ve got some guests coming on board later on today they’ll be here for three days. The primary is very well known I am told to not disclose his name until they are here so please as always treat our guests as usual and minding for autographs.” Your captain tells everyone and they all nod in agreement but then start conversing with each other about who it could be.
You were just ready to get back to work and not hear about Lewis’s win for the 100th time today.
It was time to welcome the guests on board and while the crew waits as they walk on board you can’t help but feel some nerves which you never get while on the job.
And as they all come in you realize why you were feeling that way as Lewis now stands right in front of you followed by a group of people (half of them models) which you’d never met before.
You give your fakest smile to them all shaking their hands until it comes to Lewis, your hand only lingers on his for a quick second before you pull away.
One of the models clings on him while you show them around the yacht.
Was it so easy for him to move on? Did he ever really love you?
You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?
I died on the altar waitin' for the proof
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days
And I'm just getting color back into my face
I'm just mad as hell 'cause I loved this place for
It had been a day with Lewis and his friend on board and you’ve successfully been able to avoid being in a room alone with him. He was shocked how much you’d change in just a short amount of time.
Your eyes no longer holding any emotion in them. Your smile now only held up when attending to guests. You were a completely new person. He wasn’t sure if it was for better or worse.
You’d been setting up the dinner table when you freeze smelling the familiar cologne you’d gotten so used to for five years.
“How did you find me?” You turn to Lewis, him knowing exactly what you meant by the question. He had all the money in the world and chose to travel to Mexico to enjoy his break? His own yacht sitting in Monaco but he chose to go on a different one?
“I…I hired someone to find you. I needed to see how you were doing and you weren’t answering my messages, y/n. What happened? You changed.”
“I changed? Fucking hell I mean what do you think? The person I thought I would marry and grow old with refused to show me any commitment. He failed to love me the last few months we were together. I gave up a career I loved for him and now I’m here attending to other people and their needs…it’s like I never got out of our relationship the way I care for others but myself.” You chuckle, your eyes no longer filled with tears as they usually would have by now.
You felt nothing but at the same time felt everything looking at him.
So (So) long (Long), London (London)
Had (Had) a (A) good (Good) run (Run)
A moment (Moment) of warm sun (Sun)
But I'm (I'm) not (Not) the (The) one (One)
So (So) long (Long), London (London)
Stitches (Stitches) undone (Undone)
Two (Two) graves (Graves) one gun (Gun)
You'll (You'll) find (Find) someone
“I’m not gonna tell you this again but please let me go. I need you to let me go because if I stare at you any longer I will go back. I’ll be yours again. But I’m already lost enough within myself, Lewis. I’ll be okay one day it’s going to take time but I’m grieving. I’m grieving us. Our dreams. You. I’m learning how to live again and it’s not easy but I’ll be okay. But you need to let me go. Please just do that for me?” You beg him. You’d be on your knees begging just so this pain in your heart would finally leave. You loved him so much it hurt but the stars weren’t aligned for both of you.
“Maybe in another life we could have made it?” Lewis says, his hand on your cheek.
You lean into his touch knowing it would be the last time you’d feel him close, “In another life.” You whisper quietly where he barely heard it.
Why not in this life?
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hamable · 8 months
Ok I’ve been grumbling a lot so here’s what I LOVED about PJO episode seven:
- every Sally flashback. I love seeing the struggle Sally went through, mostly alone, to raise Percy separate from a world actively trying to suck him in. There’s no good explanation for being so adamant to send him away out of love. If they lived in a normal world she’d homeschool him in a heartbeat. Her kid thinks he’s unwanted and it feels like there’s nothing she can say to make her words and actions match. Heartbreaking and really well done. It also allows me a small bit of sympathy for Poseidon, who is in a similar situation on a larger scale. (Not entirely, he’s a goddamn god and all that, but I liked seeing their struggles framed as parallel, wanting to keep Percy safe and having to make hard choices to do that.)
- loving Toby Stephens as Poseidon. Cant wait for more of him.
- Annabeth gave Grover a stress ball
- annabeth immediately takes the stress ball away and I’m like >:0 only to realize it’s bc they’re about to encounter Cerberus and Annabeth is always thinking six steps ahead.
- Asphodel was haunting, I liked it a lot.
- Annabeth getting stuck because she has regrets. It gets me thinking… Percy “good kid” Jackson (who feels like a screw up constantly, who would fall on his own sword a million times before letting someone else get hurt first) and Grover Underwood (who feels directly responsible for Thalia’s death and probably a majority of his ward Percy’s misfortune) are standing RIGHT THERE. What the hell kind of regrets does Annabeth have that she’s the first to get grabbed??
- Hades is very fun. I cannot believe this is Nico’s and Bianca’s father. And Hazel’s omfg. my heart melted when he said “I will give you sanctuary.” Do you know how big a deal that is? Percy is, for all intents and purposes, THE lightning thief, who broke into YOUR underworld, slinging accusations and speeches, blaming you for a war you want no part in (and that he, as the supposed thief, is literally the cause of) and you look at this kid. This poor 12 year old. Who Does Not Know what storm he is walking into. And you tell him he is public enemy number 1, that he is not safe anywhere, but that he and his mother will be untouchable here, should he ask for it. You tell him that you saved his mother of your own volition when we know Zeus himself would not save his own child. Legendary.
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calypsocolada · 2 months
WORTH THE WAIT | s. gojo
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synopsis: a handsome regular gives you his number… request: "hi I was wondering if you could make a Gojo fic where you and him meet at a coffee shop were you work and when you are on your shift he comes to order something he started to flirt with you and he gives you his number on a napkin but you throw it away but regretted it" an: hi hi hi! i hope you all enjoy this lil fic! cw: none, fluff, not proofread wc: 1.1k
click here for my masterlist
“Just your usual?” You asked, hand paused as you waited for an answer. When none came you looked up. Your regular at the coffee shop you worked at just stared at you with this sort of wide and surprised look. You looked back at him, furrowing your brow. “Are you okay?” You asked, the man blinked and cleared his throat. 
“Uh- yeah… sorry just my usual.” He answered, face red. You gave him a soft and small smile as you clicked a few buttons on your register. 
“That’ll be three dollars.” You said as the man reached and grabbed for his wallet, fumbling slightly as he did. You wondered what had gotten into him today, usually he was so calm and collected. He’d joke with you some days, flirt with you on others. But not today. He pulled out his wallet, handing over a hundred dollar bill. 
“Keep the change.” Your hand froze the exact moment it came in contact with the bill. Your eyes snapped up to his. He gave you an almost shy smile as he let go of the bill. Your hand didn’t move.
“Wow… uh-- are you sure?” You asked as he immediately nodded his head.
“You deserve it.” He says as your hand moves slowly to ring up the latte and charge it. 97 dollar tip?
“I just make coffee.” You answer, trying to hand him his change. He doesn’t make a move to take it back. 
“Seriously, keep it.” He says gently and steps to the side to let the next customer order. You place the money in the communal tip jar and take care of the next customer.
“Here’s your latte.” You place it on his table, the white haired man looks up at you, face still red as he thanks you. “That tip was very generous.” You say as the man reaches for his latte, leaning back in his seat.
“I come here a lot and you always take good care of me.”
“You make it sound like I go above and beyond.” You laugh as the man gingerly sips his coffee. 
“Just showing a little appreciation. Next time I’ll give more.”
“Mhm. That was nothing.” He says nonchalantly. Earlier he seemed shy but now he was slowly getting back to the confident regular you saw on almost a daily basis. He stuck out like a sore thumb. The only man you’d ever seen with striking white hair. He usually dressed in all black, eyes hidden behind black circular sunglasses. He even wore them inside. You never questioned it because he usually charmed the thoughts out of your head. You cleared your throat.
“Do you work around here?” You asked as the man nodded his head.
“I’m a teacher.”
“A teacher?” You echo, sort of shocked. Dressed like that? “What do you teach?” 
“The arts.” He says and looks up at you. At this angle you can see his eyes. The bluest eyes you’d ever seen. Almost like ice. 
“Hmm.” You hum. You didn’t exactly know what you took him for but an art teacher was surprising. 
“Y/n, your breaks starting,” Your boss calls as you nod your head to him.
“Well, enjoy your latte.” You say with a soft smile.
“Wait,” The man says, pulling out another hundred, he clicks his pen writing something on the back of it before handing it over. “This one’s just for you.”
“Seriously… that’s too much, I can’t accept that.” You say but he slips it into your apron.
“Enjoy your break.” He smirks.
“He gave you his number?” Your coworker asks as you turn the bill over in your hands. “Actually,” She starts to laugh. “He does flirt with you all the time so that’s not surprising.”
“He does not. He���s just nice.” You roll your eyes.
“Are you crazy? Seriously, you must be the most naive person in this world. The tall, handsome mysterious man gave you almost two hundred bucks and his phone number, constantly flirts with you and you still think he’s not into you.”
“I’m just some barista… seriously you overthink things.” You say, stuffing the bill into the communal tip jar. Your coworker looks at you with her lips parted. 
“And you underthink things… and what the hell he said that was for you?”
“It’s policy to share tips.”
“God,” She groans loudly. “I wish he’d flirt with me.”
The next couple days passed and you had about driven yourself into insanity. Your handsome regular hadn’t shown back up. The money had been evened out and you lost his number. You felt terrible. You could’ve at least taken his number and sent him a thank you for all the money. Was he really asking you out? Sure he seemed flirty with you but you had a tendency to read things wrong and you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. But as the days slowly passed you realized how idiotic you were being. After all, the man literally gave you his number. Your last boyfriend was a complete loser and here comes a gorgeous man, tall and lean and seemingly had a stable job and could make you laugh and you blew it. You softly groaned into the book you were trying to read. The cafe was dead and in moments like this you tried to pass the slow moving time with books. But your mind kept wandering to him over and over. You closed the book just as the front door dinged. Your eyes flew up and sure enough met the black sunglasses on your regular. You audibly gasped, sitting up straighter. 
“M-morning!” You called out before your cheeks went bright red, embarrassed at how excited you’d just been.
“Morning,” He smiles.
“Your regular?” You asked as he nodded his head, pulling out his wallet. You had so many things you wanted to say to him but instead you took out a page in his book. “That’ll be three dollars.” Again he hands you a hundred and you blush.
“Keep the change.” He says and instead of placing it in the communal tip jar you slide it into your apron.
“I never got your name by the way.” You say over your shoulder as you fix his latte.
“Satoru.” He says softly. You hand him his latte and watch as his eyes catch something written on the side. He blushes.
“Sorry I wasn’t able to call.” You say as he locks eyes with you. You watch his thumb gently slide against the side of the cup where you had written your number.
“That’s alright, it was worth the wait.”
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fatecantstopme · 10 months
She's My Siren
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus size!reader
Summary: The boys are working a case where several men have brutally murdered their wives for no apparent reason. Turns out they were influenced by a siren. The siren sees Dean and appears to him as someone he knows.
Warnings: canon violence, cursing, use of pet names. SMUT, oral (M and F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V), face sitting. Fluffy fluff fluff.
"So what do you think this is? Just a bunch of dudes ganking their wives?"
"I mean, that's what's happening," Sam replied with a shrug. "but I think something is making them do it."
"Well they're not possessed, so what's doing it?" Dean asked.
"I have no idea. Maybe we should call Bobby and (Y/N)."
Dean groaned. "She's gonna laugh at us for not figuring it out."
Sam smiled. "Probably, but we do need their help."
"Fine," Dean grumbled.
Sam pulled out his phone and dialed a very familiar number.
"Hey Sam. Having some trouble?" Bobby answered on the second ring.
"We can't figure out what's causing these guys to kill their wives."
"Tell me what you've got so far," (Y/N)'s voice said from the other end of the phone.
Sam put the phone on speaker so Dean could talk. "All we've got is four guys who murdered their wives for basically no reason. No possession, no shapeshifters, nada."
"All the husbands knew exactly what they were doing...and they all regret it," Sam added.
"Anything else?" Bobby asked.
"All of them met their 'perfect' woman not long before killing their wives," Dean answered.
"Define 'perfect'," (Y/N) said.
"They all said 'she was perfect in every way. Exactly what I wanted'," Sam responded.
The boys couldn't see the look Bobby and (Y/N) exchanged, but they did hear her soft chuckle. "And you boys couldn't think of anything that could fit that description?"
Dean gave Sam an 'I told you so' look. "I'm guessing you have something in mind?" he said aloud.
"I do indeed," she answered. "Ever hear of a Siren?"
"A Siren?" Dean asked. "Like Greek Mythology?"
Sam gave Dean a surprised look.
"I can read, you know," Dean mumbled.
"Yes, like Greek Mythology," (Y/N) said with a small smile. "What do you remember from the stories?"
"Uhh...they're super hot women who lured sailors to their deaths?" Dean said.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and Bobby chuckled. "Sort of," Bobby replied. "They're actually quite hideous, but they can read minds. They appear to the guy as their ideal perfect woman, put some mojo on them, and make them kill."
"What kind of mojo?" Dean asked.
"Don't really know," Bobby answered. "Siren songs aren't really songs...more like a spell that falls on the person."
"Okay, so how do we find her?" Sam asked.
"Honestly, boys, my money is on her finding you," (Y/N) said.
"Great," Dean mumbled. "So...how do we kill a Siren?"
"We're...uh--gonna have to get back to you on that one," Bobby said.
"Just keep your eyes peeled and don't do anything stupid," (Y/N) said. "We'll get back to you as soon as we find something."
"Thanks guys," Sam said before hanging up.
"Sooo a Siren, huh?"
"Looks like it."
"Who do you think she's gonna look like?"
Sam rolled his eyes. "Probably one of those chicks from 'Busty Asian Beauties' you're obsessed with."
Dean's eyes lit up. "Hell yes. Let's go find us a Siren."
(Y/N) and Bobby had been digging through lore books for hours before they managed to find something potentially useful.
"I love a good 3,000 year old text," (Y/N) mumbled in annoyance.
"I'm not even sure what it means," Bobby responded.
"You're supposed to be the expert, Singer," she teased.
He chuckled. "Let me see it again."
He took the book from her and read the passage again...and again...and one more time for effect. "I think I've got it."
Bobby explained his reasoning to her and she agreed. She placed a call to Sam, but he didn't answer. When she called Dean, he picked up almost immediately.
"You got something for me, sweetheart?"
An almost imperceptible shudder ran through her body at the pet name. She was used to him calling her that and other similar names, but it never ceased to have an effect on her. She knew he called all the girls 'sweetheart', so she knew it didn't mean anything...not that she wanted it to...right?
"Bobby and I think we figured out how to kill her."
"Lay it on me."
She cleared her throat. "Uh, you'll need a stake, dipped in the blood of someone actively under her spell...then just stab her."
"Okay, sounds easy enough. We'll just get some blood from one of the poor saps sitting in a jail cell."
"Not quite, Dean," Bobby cut in. "The guy has to be actively under her spell...none of those guys are anymore."
"Damn. Okay, so how do we get it?"
"I have a terrible plan, but it should work," (Y/N) said.
"I'm always down for a terrible plan," Dean responded.
"Find the Siren, one of you gets dosed, the other uses his blood to gank her."
"You want us to get dosed?" Dean asked in surprise.
"Obviously not, but it's a surefire way to get the job done. As long as only one of you gets dosed."
"What happens if we both get it?"
"You'll probably try to kill each other," Bobby answered.
"Great. That's just great," Dean grumbled.
"If you've got a better plan, go for it," (Y/N) said with a shrug.
"We'll make it work. I'll call you when we're finished." Dean hung up without another word.
(Y/N) and Bobby exchanged another glance.
"Carvistly is what, three hours from here?" she asked.
Bobby nodded. "We should probably head that way."
"Any luck tracking down the Siren?" Dean asked when Sam walked into the motel room.
"Nope. Any word from Bobby or (Y/N)?"
"Got a way to kill her and a...rather terrible plan."
Dean explained (Y/N)'s plan, as well as how to kill the Siren.
"You're right, that's a terrible plan," Sam said when Dean finished.
"Yeah, but it's all we've got."
"Fine...but how do we find her? I mean, I've talked to all the vics and they all described a different chick. We have no idea what she's gonna look like."
"That's true. Guess we'll just have to hang out at the bar and hope she comes to us."
"We're lucky there's only one bar in town," Sam commented.
"Dude, for real."
The two hunters made their way to the bar and got themselves a high top table towards the back of the room, giving them a good vantage point of the rest of the bar.
"Do we even know how she's picking her targets?" Dean asked.
"Well, all of the guys have been married so far, but I'm sure she'll go for just about any guy desperate enough," Sam answered with a pointed look.
"What's the look for? You saying I'm desperate?"
Sam shrugged.
"I'm not desperate."
"Right...when was the last time you got laid?"
Dean scoffed. "All the time, man."
Sam raised his eyebrows and Dean groaned.
"Okay, fine, so it's been a while. That doesn't make me desperate."
"Whatever you say, Dean."
Dean grumbled as he took a swig of his beer. He was not desperate. Absolutely not. Dean Winchester was never desperate. Maybe he just hadn't been horny lately...a man doesn't need to get laid every day. It had absolutely nothing to do with a certain hunter he couldn't get off his mind. Definitely not.
Sam was scanning the bar, looking for anyone who seemed out of place...but no one was catching his eye. He felt a little bad for teasing his brother, but he just wanted Dean to admit the truth.
"I'm gonna hit the head," Dean mumbled.
He watched Dean walk to the bathroom, several pairs of eyes on him the entire time. Most were women, but none of them stood out as concerning. Just the typical hot bimbos Dean always seemed to take home.
Sam's mind began to wander a bit while he waited for his brother to return. He had a lot on his mind and working this job was, unfortunately, not his priority.
Dean made his way back from the bathroom, jarring Sam out of his trance. "I'm gonna get another beer. Want anything?"
"No thanks, I'm good," Sam replied.
Dean walked off towards the bar and Sam's eyes followed him out of habit. Dean was halfway to the bar when a woman approached him. Sam's jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw her. Had Dean not told him (Y/N) had called from Bobby's two hours ago, he would have been certain she was here in the bar.
He watched the woman walk up to Dean and touch his arm, and he was out of his seat and heading their direction in an instant.
"Hey there, handsome," a woman said from beside him, her hand touching his arm.
When Dean turned to face her, shock lit up his handsome face. He knew it wasn't her, but the resemblance was so uncanny, he almost believed it for a moment.
Realizing the woman before him was the Siren, he quickly regained his cool. "Well hello to you too," he said with a smirk.
"How 'bout you buy me a drink?" she said lightly.
Her voice is wrong, he thought to himself. "I'd love to," he said aloud.
He followed her towards the bar, turning to see Sammy following close behind. The expression on Sam's face told him that his little brother knew what was happening.
Dean held back a little, allowing Sam to catch up to him.
"Dude, she--" Sam began.
Dean glared at him. “Not of word of this to (Y/N), Sammy. Not a word.”
Feeling a little more comfortable knowing his backup was there, Dean continued to follow the Siren. When they reached the bar, he ordered a beer and she ordered some fruity cocktail.
"So what's your name, beautiful?" Dean asked.
"Hi, Kimberly. I'm Dean." I guess she doesn't know everything...
"It's nice to meet you, Dean."
The bartender handed them their drinks and Dean followed her to a solitary booth in the far corner of the bar. Dean noticed Sam taking a seat not too far away.
The Siren leaned in close and began chatting with Dean, laying on the flirtation very thick. Despite the fact she was literally wearing the face of the one woman Dean really loved, he found it very hard to reciprocate.
Thankfully, the Siren didn't seem to notice. In all honesty, Dean's bad flirting was better than most of the population's good flirting.
A half hour and another round of drinks later, Dean found himself mere inches from the Siren. Her scent was intoxicating, and he wondered for a moment if that was the 'mojo'...except he didn't feel any different. He knew it had to be something else.
"Your lips look so soft," the Siren muttered as she reached up a hand to touch them.
"They are," Dean murmured as he leaned in closer. "Wanna find out?"
She smiled and for a moment--just a moment--Dean forgot that it wasn't her. His eyes fluttered closed and he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. He was instantly intoxicated by her...he wanted her so badly he could hardly breathe.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, a small voice screamed at him, reminding him she was a Siren, but the feeling of desire--of mindless devotion--quickly overcame the voice.
After what felt like an eternity, she broke the kiss. Dean was breathless, but he knew he would have happily suffocated to death kissing her.
"Why don't you take me back to your place?" she asked, voice suddenly sultrier than he remembered it being before.
He wanted nothing more than to take her to his bed, so he agreed without hesitation. Dean took her by the hand and guided her outside, helping her into the Impala, and taking off without a second thought.
Sam came running out of the bar, just in time to see Dean speeding away with the Siren in his passenger seat. "Shit..."
When Dean arrived back at the motel, he escorted "Kimberly" into his room. "Sorry for the mess," he said quickly as he knocked a few books off his bed.
"Don't worry," she said as she came up to him and ran her hands up his chest. "I don't mind a little mess."
Dean looked down at her and let out a soft groan. "God, you are so beautiful," he whispered.
She smiled knowingly. She had been more than a little surprised when she read his mind at the bar...it was rare to meet a man who's ideal girl wasn't a tall, thin, bombshell, especially a man who looked like him. But she knew what he wanted and she was more than happy to give it to him...until she got what she wanted.
Dean kissed her passionately and pulled her down onto the bed with him. He began to slowly peel off her clothes and she tugged at his shirt. He broke the kiss just long enough to pull his shirt off over his head.
Suddenly, someone knocked on their door.
Dean groaned. "Ignore it."
She was happy to do so and continued to kiss him.
"Dean!" Sam yelled from the other side of the door.
Dean pulled away for a moment. "Kinda busy here Sammy," he called.
"Open the damn door, Dean! She's not who you think!"
"Don't listen to him," the Siren said. "He wants me all to himself."
Dean's eyes darkened. "But you're mine."
"That's right, sweetie. All yours," she purred. "And I can be yours forever if you just get rid of him."
"Get rid of him?"
"You have to kill him, Dean, or he'll take me away from you."
"That's never gonna happen, baby." Dean stood up and crossed the room.
The moment he opened the door, Sam punched him in the face, sending him spiraling back into the room. The Siren watched with a smile as the two men fought each other.
"Dean, you gotta snap out of it!" Sam yelled.
"You can't have her. I won't let you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Kimberly's mine, Sammy," Dean insisted as he swung at his brother.
Sam ducked out of the way and slipped behind him. Dean swung his foot around and managed to knock Sam to the floor.
The Siren stood off to the side, egging Dean on. "Kill him for me, Dean. We can be together if you just kill him."
Dean was on top of Sam, punching him repeatedly. Sam reached into his jacket and managed to grab ahold of the stake. He jabbed Dean in the arm and kneed him in the groin with a mumbled apology.
Dean groaned loudly and Sam pushed him off and onto the floor. When he stood up, the Siren noticed the stake in his hand, but it was too late. Sam was blocking her exit. She turned to run towards the window, but Sam was faster. He stabbed the stake into her back and she fell to the ground with a scream and a thud.
Sam turned back to his brother, who was now kneeling on the floor. "You okay, Dean?"
Dean looked up at him with a glare. "Did you really have to go for the goods, man?"
Sam chuckled lightly. "Sorry about that, but you were being a dick."
"I was hopped up on Siren juice, dude!"
"Well lookie here, guess they don't need our help after all," Bobby said from the open doorway.
(Y/N) came up beside him with a smirk. "Nice work you two. We thought you might need some backup, but looks like we were wrong."
"We can help with the body dump at least," Bobby said.
Bobby and (Y/N) stepped into the room and Dean yelled "no!" in an oddly high pitched voice. (Y/N) did her best not to look in Dean's direction, despite his outburst...his shirtless form made her stomach do somersaults.
"Jesus, Sam, how hard did you hit him?" Bobby asked.
Dean scrambled to get to his feet, but he wasn't fast enough to stop (Y/N) from seeing the Siren. Sam had reached for her, but he saw the look on her face and knew it was too late.
"I don't think that's his problem..." (Y/N) said softly, pointing to the body of the Siren.
Bobby came up beside her and cursed under his breath. He and Sam made eye contact and slowly started to back out of the room.
"Does anyone want to tell me why the Siren looks like my twin?" (Y/N) asked, stopping everyone in their tracks. She turned to fix all three men with a hard stare.
"We're just gonna...umm--go, uh anywhere else," Bobby said. He grabbed Sam's arm and dragged him from the room, closing the door behind them.
(Y/N) fixed her intense gaze on Dean. "Well?"
"I--um, well--you see, I...um." He couldn't quite meet her eyes.
(Y/N)'s expression softened. She could see his discomfort matched her own. "Sit," she said gently, gesturing to the bed nearest the door. "And maybe put on a shirt."
Dean sat down, tugging his shirt back over his head. She sat across from him, finally able to look at him without feeling incredibly awkward.
"It just sorta...happened," Dean mumbled.
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah--you musta been on my mind when she read it, ya know? So she made herself look like you." He didn't want to tell her the truth...all this time he'd spent pretending he didn't feel this way was going to be thrown out the window in an instant.
"That's not how it works, Dean," she said softly. "Sirens can see your innermost desire...the woman of your dreams."
Dean let out a little groan and bit his lip. He exhaled heavily and finally lifted his head to meet her eyes. "Guess there's no point in lying then."
She shook her head. "Not really."
Dean's heart was hammering in his chest. It was so loud that he was surprised (Y/N) couldn't hear it. She looked beautiful, sitting there with a confused and concerned expression on her face. For the first time in the years he'd known her, he was struggling to push his feelings back down. Now that the box had been opened, he couldn't put them back.
"She didn't get your voice right," he said softly.
"Your voice...it wasn't right. It was missing the softness...the--" he struggled to find the right word, "--the melody."
"You think my voice is melodious?" she asked in surprise.
"I think it's the most beautiful sound in the world."
She laughed, thinking he had to be joking. When his expression didn't change, her laughter came to an abrupt stop. "Oh, you're serious..."
"I changed my mind. Your voice is the second most beautiful sound in the world."
She swallowed thickly. "What's the first?"
Dean smirked as he crossed the short space between them and sat on the bed directly beside her. "Your laugh," he whispered.
Her breath caught in her chest as she looked at him. His expression was something she'd never seen on his face before, but it sure looked a hell of a lot like lust.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm clumsily telling you how I feel about you," he answered honestly.
"That you like my laugh and my voice?"
He sighed. "I like them because they're yours."
She wanted to believe it, but she couldn't wrap her brain around the idea that Dean Winchester liked her. It wasn't even remotely possible, so he clearly had to still be under the Siren's spell. There had to be some alternate explanation for why the Siren took on her appearance.
"I guess the Siren's mojo really screwed with your head."
Dean shook his head. "It didn't mess with my head, (Y/N/N). It just made me face something I've felt for a long time."
Her breathing sped up as she stared into his eyes. "And what is it you feel?"
"Affection," he answered. "Adoration...devotion, desire, longing." He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, fingertips lingering on her cheek. "Love," he finished softly.
She inhaled sharply, disbelief evident on her face. "You love me?"
"With everything I have."
Surprise lit up his face and he dropped his hand. "Why? What do you mean, why?"
"I mean, why would you love me of all people?"
"I don't really know how to answer that...I just--I just do."
She shook her head and stood up. She began to pace and the words tumbled from her mouth before she could think about what she was saying. "There is absolutely no way that you, Dean Winchester, love me. I mean, look at you! You're literally perfection in human form. Every woman on planet earth with a set of working eyeballs wants you. You could have your pick of any fish in the sea! I've seen the women you go home with, Dean, and they sure as hell don't look like me. I'm not what any man would use to define the 'ideal woman'...I'm short, I'm certainly not thin--I've got hips and thighs and a big ass, not to mention large boobs and a soft stomach. There is nothing special about me. Someone like you isn't meant to be with someone like me."
Dean stood up and grabbed her, pulling her to a stop directly in front of him. "Are you done now?"
She was slightly breathless as she nodded.
"Okay, good. Now listen--I'm not perfect. Not even close. I'm aware that I'm attractive, but inside? Shit, (Y/N), I'm damaged goods. Beyond damaged. Why do you think I only bring home chicks that look like that? Baby, they're easy to entice home and there's zero strings attached. I've kept my feelings buried for so long, it just became easier to pretend they didn't exist. It kept you safe...I didn't want to expose you to the darkness that lives inside me. You deserve so much better than me, (Y/N)."
She stood there in stunned silence--unable to grasp a single word to say.
"And another thing--you're my ideal woman. I don't give a damn what society's beauty standards are. For the record, I love your thick thighs and that gorgeous ass of yours. I love your boobs, and your hips, and your stomach--baby, I love all of you. You're perfect. So don't you dare tell me you're not meant to be with someone like me...because in reality, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you."
"Dean," she whispered.
His eyes fluttered closed for a moment as he tried to stamp out the terror that she was about to rip his heart out. He opened his eyes again and saw the whirlwind of emotions in her eyes. "Yes?" he asked tentatively.
"Please kiss me," she murmured.
He didn't need to be told twice. His lips crashed against hers in a searing kiss. He moaned softly, licking against her lips, silently begging to be let in.
She parted her lips, allowing his tongue entry. She sighed as he tightened his grip on her, pulling her flush against his chest.
Dean deepened the kiss, large hands roaming her soft body until they landed on her round ass. He gave it a light squeeze and she responded with a little moan.
Dean broke the kiss to begin trailing down her jaw to her neck. His lips felt like heaven against her skin and she clung to him, head tossed back in pleasure.
He nipped at her pulse point and she moaned softly, eliciting a growl from deep in his chest. He pulled away from her, slightly breathless, and leaned his forehead against hers. "I take it back," he whispered.
"I've got a new favorite sound."
She cocked her head to the side in confusion.
He grinned devilishly. "Those pretty little moans you make? Those are my new favorite."
Her eyes widened slightly, but a small smile played at her lips. "I bet if you try hard enough, you can hear a few more."
He chuckled. "Oh, baby, you ain't seen nothing yet."
"Uhhh guys?" Sam suddenly said from the doorway.
They both turned their heads to face him, embarrassment reddening her cheeks.
"Little busy here, Sammy," Dean grumbled.
"I can see that, but umm...dead monster body," he said as he pointed at the Siren's body.
"Gross," Dean mumbled. "I forgot about that."
(Y/N) chuckled lightly. "We should probably take care of that."
He nodded. "We'll pick up where we left off later." He shot her a wink and gave her another kiss before peeling himself off of her.
An hour later, the body had been properly disposed of and everyone was ready to head home.
"You boys wanna come back to my place and rest for a few days?" Bobby asked.
Dean looked over at (Y/N) before turning his attention back to the older man. "Yeah, Bobby, I think we could use the rest." He glanced back over at (Y/N) just in time to see the soft smile on her lips.
Bobby nodded. "Sam, why don't you ride with me?"
Sam looked confused for a moment, but realization quickly lit up his face. "Oh, yeah--right. Sure. I'll uh, see you guys later, then."
"Mhm," Dean hummed, clearly not really listening anymore.
Bobby and Sam got into Bobby's car and drove off, leaving Dean and (Y/N) alone.
"So, uh...whatcha say we stop at the nearest motel on the way?" Dean asked with a sheepish grin.
She smiled. "I think I could be persuaded."
He grinned fully, reaching out to grab ahold of her and pull her into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he leaned down to kiss her.
Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to take her right then and there, but he wanted better for her. Her kiss lit a fire inside of him that burned more brightly than he had ever felt before. He wanted her with a kind of desperation he had never known was possible.
"Why don't we skip the motel," she whispered against his lips.
She glanced at the Impala. "The backseat is pretty spacious."
He chuckled. "It's plenty big enough, but I don't want our first time together to be in the back of a car. I wanna make love to you properly--on a bed."
She smiled, practically melting against him. "Then you better drive fast, because I don't know how long I can wait."
His eyes widened. "Yes ma'am."
She laughed lightly as he opened up the car door for her and she slid into the passenger seat. Dean ran to the other side of the car and jammed the key into the ignition. The car roared to life and he sped off toward the highway.
"Oh thank God," Dean mumbled about 20 minutes into the drive. "There's a motel 10 miles up."
(Y/N) laughed warmly. "Step on it, handsome."
He grinned and laid his foot down a little harder on the accelerator. Less than 5 minutes later, Dean was pulling into the motel parking lot.
"I'll go get us a room. Should be quick," he said as he hopped out of the car.
A few minutes later, Dean returned with a room key in hand. He opened the car door and held out his hand for her to take.
"Come on, gorgeous. We've got important things to do," he said with a smile.
"Lead the way."
Dean had to consciously force himself to walk at a reasonable pace to the room. (Y/N)'s legs were a lot shorter than his and if he'd walked as fast as he wanted to, he would've been dragging her along.
As soon as they were in the room, Dean shut and locked the door.
(Y/N) glanced around. "Looks clean enou--"
Dean silenced the rest of her sentence with a well-timed heated kiss. He'd whipped her around and pressed her up against the door, hands gripping her hips as he kissed her passionately.
She gripped the edges of his shirt and tugged upwards, silently asking him to remove it. He pulled back, yanking the shirt off his head, before attaching his lips back to hers.
He slid his hands under her shirt and her body tensed up on instinct. She'd always hated people touching her stomach, but she did her best to push away her discomfort.
Despite her best efforts, Dean could feel her unease. "Baby, look at me," he whispered.
Her eyes met his and she visibly relaxed.
"I've got you, okay? I love you, I love your body, and I wanna touch and see every inch of it...but if you're not ready, I can wait."
Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of his sweet words. Normally, she would have taken him up on his offer, but not now. She wanted this...wanted him...and that meant giving in completely.
She pushed him back ever so slightly, giving her enough space to unbutton her shirt and slip it off. It fell to the ground, leaving her upper half in just a bra.
She was self-conscious for no more than a moment. Dean's hungry eyes traced their way down her torso and back up, desire evident in his gaze.
He pressed his body up against hers again, a soft moan escaping his lips. "So fucking perfect," he whispered.
He slid his hands up her back and deftly unhooked her bra. She let him pull it off and toss it somewhere behind him. He groaned as he palmed each of her breasts in his large hands. He began to kneed them gently, pinching her nipples as she gasped.
Suddenly, his hands left her breasts and traveled to her thighs. "Jump," he whispered.
"Excuse me?"
He gripped her thighs tightly. "Jump, baby. I've got you."
She looked at him like he was crazy, but she trusted him completely. She jumped up and Dean caught her with ease, tugging her legs around his waist. She locked her heels behind him and he pressed her back against the door.
Her breasts were now at the perfect height for his mouth to feast on...and feast on them he did. He sucked and nipped, his light stubble scratching against her skin deliciously.
His arms wrapped around her back and he lifted his head to look at her. "Keep those legs tight, okay?"
As soon as she nodded, he pulled away from the door and carried her to the bed. He laid her down gently, but instead of crawling on top of her, he stood at the end of the bed.
She sat up slightly. "Dean?"
He licked his lips and looked back up at her face. "Hmm?"
She crooked her finger, gesturing him to come to her.
Instead of climbing onto the bed, he leaned down and placed a kiss to her belly, just above her pants. "These should go," he murmured.
He made quick work of removing her jeans, his calloused hands gliding back up her legs to the hem of her underwear.
"I don't think you need these either." He tugged them off and threw them onto the ground.
She laid before him, completely bare, and she didn't feel self-conscious at all. She couldn't--not with the way he was looking at her.
His breathing was slightly labored as he stared at her. He palmed his painfully hard cock through his jeans, a strangled moan escaping his lips.
She sat up and licked her lips. "I can help you with that."
His eyes widened, pupils dilated to the point of obscuring his green irises. "Oh yeah?"
She nodded and slid off the end of the bed, dropping to her knees before him. She looked up at him and slowly began to undo his belt.
"Holy fuck..." he murmured. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she undid the button on his jeans and slowly began to pull them down.
He helped her take them off completely before she hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxer briefs. "These are in my way," she said huskily.
He yanked his underwear off with such speed, if she'd blinked she would have missed it. What she couldn't miss, however, was his surprisingly large member mere inches from her face.
Dean noticed her wide eyes and he grinned. "Like what you see, baby?"
Her lust-filled eyes flicked up to his. "I like every inch of you."
He wasn't sure if she was talking about his body or his cock, but he didn't have time to think about it. She gripped him tightly and slid her mouth onto his cock, eliciting a loud moan from him.
She kept her eyes fixed on his face as she began to move her head and her hands in an expert rhythm. He could barely breathe as he stared down at her...pretty mouth stuffed full of his cock and her big (y/e/c) eyes looking up at him.
He slid his fingers into her hair, pulling it back from her face so he could see it better. The blunt tips of his nails raked against her scalp as he tightened his grip, a moan of ecstasy escaping his lips.
"Fuck, baby...feels so good."
She moaned around his cock, the vibration sending a shock of pleasure through him. His hips jilted forward slightly, causing her to gag a little. He instantly pulled back, not wanting to hurt her.
In response, she grabbed onto his upper thighs with both hands and tugged his hips forward, relaxing her throat as she did to take him even farther into her.
Her watery eyes met his in a silent plea. Dean was pretty sure he knew what she wanted, so he tentatively pulled back and thrust his hips forward gently.
Her eyes seemed to light up and she moaned loudly, giving him the confirmation he needed. He gripped her head with both of his hands and he began to fuck her pretty face.
(Y/N) tightened her grip on his thighs and desperately tried to keep her eyes open and on his face. She wanted to see him come undone more than anything. At this moment, she was just along for the ride.
Dean's grip on her hair tightened to an almost painful level, but she didn't complain. The moans and whispered pleas coming from his mouth were reward enough.
"Baby, I'm so close..." he groaned.
She released a deep moan and his eyes flicked down to meet hers. The moment his gaze found hers, he came with a moan of her name. (Y/N) didn't let go of his cock until she'd swallowed every last drop of his spend before finally releasing him.
He nearly collapsed on the bed, but through the fog in his brain, he remembered (Y/N) would have needs of her own.
"Come here, baby," he said softly as he reached for her. "Lie on the bed."
She stood up with his help and laid down on the bed, feet hanging over the edge. When Dean didn't move to join her, she began to shift uncomfortably.
"You're too far away," he insisted.
She immediately started to move closer to him, but he shook his head, grabbed her hips, and tugged her to the edge of the bed where he wanted her.
She gasped in surprise. "Dean!"
He grinned as he dropped to his knees. "What? I wanna taste you."
She looked a little shy. "You don't have to."
He looked at her in confusion. "I know I don't have to...I want to."
"Baby, if you taste half as delicious as you look, then I'm going to be the happiest man in the world."
"Oh," she whispered in a slightly more surprised tone.
Dean grabbed her legs and threw one over each shoulder before diving into her pussy like a starving man at a feast.
"Oh!" What started out as a pleasantly surprised sound quickly turned to moans of enjoyment.
She'd known he would be good...after all, he had a lot of practice, but she hadn't expected to feel like this. Dean's mouth had been on her pussy for less than 30 seconds and she was already a gasping mess.
Her hand fisted his hair, tugging on it slightly, legs desperately searching for something to hold onto.
Dean was an incredibly fast learner. He paid attention to what made her moan, what made her grip his hair harder, what made her squirm...he was determined to be the absolute best she'd ever had.
"Dean," she gasped. "You--it--shit...feels so good."
He grinned against her pussy before wrapping his lips around her clit and sucking intently. His tongue began to swirl around her clit, spelling out her name in fast-moving cursive.
"Oh god!"
Her legs began to tighten around his head and he had a vague thought about wanting to be smothered by her thighs...but the thought was pushed aside when she cried out, cumming all over his mouth and chin.
He hungrily lapped up as much as he could before she yanked on his hair and desperately tried to squirm away. "Sensitive, Dean!"
He finally allowed her to pull his head up and he stared at her pretty face as he licked his lips. "Infinitely better than I'd imagined," he murmured.
"Huh?" she asked, clearly still dazed from her orgasm.
He smiled as he crawled on top of her, placing a kiss to her lips. "You taste like heaven," he whispered.
She blushed, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her for another kiss.
He'd found himself growing hard again while he was eating her out, and as he deepened the kiss, his cock brushed against her pussy, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
He smiled against her lips. "(Y/N)?"
"If I told you I wanted to do something really really badly, would you be willing to do it for me?"
She cocked her head to the side as she regarded him. "That would depend on what it is."
"Fair enough."
Suddenly, he flipped onto his back, taking her with him. She gasped as she found herself looking down at him from above. "You could have just asked," she said with a chuckle.
"Oh that?" He smirked darkly. "That's not what I want..."
Her breathing began to pick up pace again. "Then what do you want?"
He grinned wolfishly. "I wanna taste that sweet pussy again."
Her eyes widened. No one had ever eaten her out twice during sex. "But you just did..."
He nodded. His eyes softened as he looked at her, his fingers gently rubbing circles into her thighs. "Please baby? I would do anything."
She bit her lip. She couldn't deny, the idea of him wanting to eat her out again was an incredible turn-on...but she was still sensitive from a few minutes prior.
"Please," he begged again, green eyes widening.
She sighed, realizing there was no way she could say no to him when he was looking at her like that. "Alright."
He grinned. "That's my good girl. Now come up here."
Her pussy clenched around nothing at the praise, but then confusion settled on her face. "Come up...where?"
"Here," he said, patting his mouth. "I want you to sit on my face."
Her eyes widened in shock. "What? No! Absolutely not. No way." She tried to scramble off of him, but his strong arms held her in place.
"Why not?" he pouted.
"Umm because I could seriously hurt you! Or I don't know, smother you to death!"
He laughed lightly. "I would die a very happy man."
"I'm serious, Dean! I'm not light!"
The smile disappeared from his face as he took in the shock and disbelief on hers. He sat up and ran his hand along her cheek. "Hey, baby, look at me."
Her eyes slowly shifted to meet his.
"(Y/N), I want this. Badly. Now, I would never force you to do something you didn't want to do, but I don't want you to say no out of some misguided desire to protect me. I'm more than capable of picking you up and tossing you around, so I promise you're not going to smother me or hurt me. I wanna feel those sexy thighs of yours wrapped around my head as I devour that sweet pussy."
His eyes darkened as he spoke and it lit something inside of her. She was scared of hurting him, but she could see how much he wanted this. "I'll--I'll try," she whispered.
He smiled. "That's my girl." He laid back down on the bed. "Now come here and have a seat, gorgeous."
She blushed, but did as he told her--mostly.
"Babe, I said sit."
"I am sitting," she protested.
"No, you're not." He grabbed her hips and tugged her down so she was directly against his lips. "Fuck yes," he mumbled into her before getting to work.
(Y/N) gasped loudly. This new position changed the angle of his tongue inside of her and his nose bumped against her clit every time he moved.
Within seconds, she was a moaning mess above him, hands grasping onto the headboard for stability. Her hips started to move of their own volition and Dean gripped her hips to help facilitate the movement.
She didn't know she could feel this incredible...her body was shaking with a pleasure she'd never felt before--every nerve ending alive with need.
"Dean, I can't--I need--please."
He tightened his hold on her hips and focused his tongue on her clit as she rode his face. Seconds later, she yelled his name as she orgasmed, drenching his face in her slick.
God help him, but he didn't want to stop. He'd never been happier. The sounds she made, her taste, the need to pleasure her...all of it made him want to never stop.
Unfortunately for him, (Y/N) managed to scramble away with cries of sensitivity. She collapsed on the bed beside him, trying to catch her breath. Her legs shook with the aftershocks of her orgasm as she came down from her high.
Dean wiped his mouth and turned to look at her, a wide grin gracing his handsome face. "Thoughts?"
"You can...do that...again...anytime you want," she said between breaths.
He chuckled. "Oh, baby, don't tempt me." He rolled on top of her and gave her a soft kiss to her lips. He slowly kissed along her jaw and down to her neck, sucking on her pulse point.
She had no idea how he knew that would drive her crazy, but she was glad he did. Despite her exhaustion, she wanted him...wanted to feel him so badly she could hardly breathe. "Dean..." she whispered.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"I want you."
He raised his eyebrows. "Where?"
She fidgeted a little before murmuring, "Inside me."
He pressed his index finger against her lips. "Here?"
She shook her head.
"Then where, baby?"
She took his hand and guided it between her legs, placing it against her dripping pussy. "Here."
His eyes seem to sparkle as he looked down at her. He wanted to hear her demand what she wanted, but this was close enough for now.
"Anything for you, baby."
He sat up and gripped his cock, giving it a few strokes before lining himself up with her core. His eyes flicked up to hers and he asked softly, "You ready?"
She nodded.
"Words, baby."
"I'm ready, Dean, please."
He pushed into her slowly, eliciting a sharp moan from her lips. The stretch was deliciously painful, but she was desperate for him to keep going. She whined softly when he stopped to let her adjust, so he continued to push until he was fully seated inside of her.
He dropped his head down to her forehead, breathing heavily. He'd never been gripped this tightly in his life and it felt amazing.
(Y/N) had similar thoughts. He fit her perfectly...a feeling she'd never before experienced. Like the last two pieces of a puzzle locking into place.
Dean shifted his hips, starting a slow pace to keep from hurting her. Much to his surprise, she couldn't care less about the pain, she wanted more.
"Dean, faster," she whimpered.
He couldn't tell her no even if he'd wanted to, and he certainly didn't want to. He began to thrust into her with more force and speed, earning moans of pleasure from her lips.
"You feel so good, baby. Never felt this good before," he whispered softly.
The room filled with the sounds of their shared moans, the salacious slapping of skin, and the whispered words meant only for each other.
Dean was about as far from a virgin as a person could be, and (Y/N) wasn't new to this either, but he had never ever had a sexual experience even remotely close to what he was feeling with her.
Most of his experience came from one-night-stands, which meant there hadn't been feelings of any kind involved, but with (Y/N)? He could hardly breathe, it felt so right. Three words crept into his mind, but he pushed them away quickly. He didn't want to ruin this.
He focused back on the beautiful woman beneath him and his heart nearly exploded at the sight. He'd never seen anything so incredible, so beautiful, so perfect. He was dying to watch her come apart for him--he just knew it would be a sight to behold.
"Do you think you can give me another one, baby?"
Her eyes widened. "I don't know, Dean...I've never cum more than once before and I've already done it twice."
He smiled. He liked knowing he'd done something no one else ever had. "Come on, pretty girl. I know you can do it for me," he murmured.
Before she could say another word, he shifted her hips to give him better access. The new angle left her speechless as his cock slammed into that delicious soft spot deep inside of her--a spot she hadn't been certain existed until this moment.
She dug her nails into his back, clinging to him for dear life. It felt so good she could hardly think. Her brain was filled with nothing but the pleasure she was feeling.
Dean knew she was getting close and he was desperately holding back his own impending orgasm. He would be damned if he came before her. "I need you to cum for me baby. Can you do that?"
She nodded and held onto him even tighter.
Dean's motions never slowed, his aim never faltered. He was determined to push her over the edge. He wanted it more than anything.
Her legs began to shake and strangled cries left her throat as she neared orgasm. With one final thrust, (Y/N) shattered--a broken scream of his name leaving her lips.
Dean continued to thrust, chasing his own high as he helped her ride out hers. "Where do you want it?" he whispered.
In her haze, it took her a moment to figure out what he was asking her. "Inside of me," she begged. "Wanna feel you fill me up."
"Fuck," he groaned as he moved impossibly faster. Moments later, he came harder than he could ever remember, emptying inside of her for what felt like an eternity.
Eventually, his hips slowed to a stop and he nearly collapsed on top of her, completely spent and out of breath.
After a few moments, Dean pulled out and rolled over to collapse beside her on the bed. "That was...fucking amazing."
She laughed lightly. "I would have to agree."
He turned to look at her. "Best sex of my life."
She rolled her eyes. "Okay, riiiiight..." She chalked up his statement to a post-nut haze.
"I'm serious, babe. There's something different about having sex with someone you love."
(Y/N)'s entire body froze, but her mind beginning to race. He'd said earlier that he'd loved her, but she honestly hadn't believed it. Hearing him say it now reminded her that she hadn't responded to him the first time.
Dean noticed the tension immediately and suddenly realized what he'd said. He started to panic...Shit, shit shit. "(Y/N/N), I--"
She waved him off. "Dean, you don't have to explain--" she started.
He pulled away from her so he could see her face better. "That wasn't some post-orgasm utterance. I meant it--I mean it."
She laid there, desperately trying to wrap her brain around what he was saying. "What?" she said again, softer this time.
He rolled onto his side so he could see her better. He reached out and gently caressed her face, eyes watching her reaction with trepidation. "I'm in love with you, (Y/N). I've known it for a while, but it didn't seem like something you would want to hear. I said it earlier in that motel room, but we didn't really have a chance to talk about it--and I don't want you to think for even one second that I didn't mean it. I love you with everything I have, baby. I would burn this whole world to the ground for you."
Hearing Dean Winchester say those words was enough to shock her into silence, but hearing them directed at her? It was a feeling she couldn't even begin to describe. "I don't know what to say," she whispered.
Pain flashed across his face, but he hid it before she could really notice. "You don't have to say anything."
"Of course I do," she insisted. "I never expected to hear you say anything like that to anyone, let alone me. I'm struggling to find the words to say...I guess I'm just unprepared. I never thought Dean Winchester would be the one making me speechless with his beautiful words, but here we are. All I can think to say is, I love you too."
A warm smile graced his features. "I couldn't have asked for a more perfect response." He leaned down and kissed her gently. "I love you," he said again.
She smiled back. "I love you too."
Dean pulled her against his chest and held on tightly. He didn't want to let her go for fear of losing her. He knew their lives were risky--he knew either one of them could die at any time--and he didn't want to waste a single moment. He'd already wasted so much time pretending not to love her. He would never make that mistake again.
Apparently (Y/N) was having similar thoughts because she whispered, "I never thought I'd be thankful for a Siren."
Dean chuckled lightly and kissed the top of her head. "Me neither, baby. Me neither."
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dailydegurechaff · 3 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… I’ll do you one better: Tanya³
(+ a small fic I never finished.)
Erich… isn’t sure what he’s seeing. He knows he’s wearing his glasses and he definitely has not been drinking… So what in the world is going on here? Why is he suddenly seeing things in triplicate?
Three of them. There are three little Degurechaff Devils in an office where there should only be one. 
When he’d knocked on her door, she’d called out that she needed a second. He hadn’t listened to her and opened it anyway. He’s regretting that now. Staring at them, both his head and his stomach are starting to hurt. 
All three of them are staring back at him. One is looking at him in abject horror, the next one’s eyes flash in recognition and she actually smiles (even more shocking, she does it in a way that isn’t uniquely terrifying, but perhaps actually cute), and the final squints at him a bit, as though she doesn’t know him. 
One of the three, the one who looks absolutely horrified, opts to greet him after a moment, “Ahaha—… Colonel Lergen… did you need something?” She sounds like she might be freaking out a bit. Erich feels similarly to her.
The second Degurechaff, the one who had smiled at him, turns her head to look at the first. She looks confused now. “Did you just say ‘Lergen?’ Not Rerugen?”
The first responds again. While she sounded nervous a second ago, it’s forgotten as she turns to her counterpart, “Seriously? You’ve been speaking this language for over a decade and your accent is that bad? Yes, I definitely said Lergen. Why would you pronounce it Rerugen?”
Now it’s the third one’s turn to speak, “No, I agree, it’s definitely pronounced Rerugen, but… this isn’t him. Rerugen has dark hair and brown eyes… and if I’m going to be honest, a fairly unfortunate haircut too. This guy looks too normal to be Rerugen.”
Degurechaff One immediately disagrees, “What are you even talking about? Lergen’s always had blonde hair and blue eyes.”
The second one backs her up, “Yeah, I agree this is definitely the right sort of coloration, but… now that I’m looking at him, Rerugen is supposed to be more handsome than this.”
“Handsome?! Has Being X poisoned your brain that badly?” Number Three yells at Number Two.
Two snaps back at her immediately, “That’s not what I meant at all, and you should know that! I meant by conventional standards! You know, stronger jawline, sharper features!”
Did— did she just say he was ugly?
Before the other two start arguing, the first one cuts them off, “Hold on. Are we sure we’re all talking about the same person here? Maybe you both are thinking of someone else, this is Colonel Erich von Lergen, my superior, formerly a part of Personnel, but now he works in Operations in the General Staff. He’s been looking out for me for a while now. For example, he made an effort to keep me off the frontlines, and when I was stationed in the southeast, he gave me a preliminary warning that Dacia would invade. Things like that. He’s a very good superior. Does any of that seem familiar?”
“Ah… that does seem to match up with who I was thinking of. I wonder why he’s so different from what I know…”
Now that Erich’s kind of over the shock now, he’s a bit tired of being talked about like he isn’t here. Interrupting the conversation between them, he finally speaks, “Degurechaff… what is going on here?”
All three seem to remember that Erich is actually here and a part of the conversation suddenly. They turn back to look at him, but none of them seem to really know what to say, faces varying shades of hesitation, confusion, or irritation.
The way they act and carry themselves is… actually slightly different. Looking closer at them, maybe it’s only that there’s one Degurechaff and two extremely close doppelgängers? If he studies them, yes they’re close enough to be siblings, but there’s differences between each.
The first one is the one he recognizes, the one who looks as he expects her to and also is getting his name and appearance correct. She’s just the slightest bit taller than the other two, but it’s a marginal thing. She’s paler than the other two in all aspects, a corpse-like pallor to her skin, hair colored platinum blonde, and eyes the color of ice. When he meets her gaze, it’s easy to tell her apart. It’d be impossible to mistake those disconcerting eyes that look a bit dead, or perhaps look like she’d want everyone around her dead if it’d bring her a bit of peace. So this one he mentally categorizes as ‘Original Degurechaff,’ or perhaps more accurately ‘The Degurechaff That I Know.’
The second one that he heard speak— the one who had called him ugly?— is the smallest of the three. Of course, Degurechaff has always been small, but this one beats the other two. Actually, she even looks younger than the others, if that was even possible, and honestly she kind of acts like it as well. She has shorter, curlier hair than the others, and it’s much brighter in color— much closer to gold than platinum blonde. Compared to the one he knows, she seems more… emotive, perhaps the best word for it is. So this one has to be ‘Little Degurechaff’ or something to that effect.
The third one is about a midpoint between the two in hair color and stature, though her hair is a right mess. A prominent flyaway sticks out of the top of her head, refusing to lay flat. Framed by pale lashes, her eyes are a more vibrant blue than either of the others, but they’re just as cold-looking and tense. He wouldn’t call any Degurechaff patient, but this one gives him the impression she’s much more irritable than the others. Her uniform is also starkly different from the other two, who are almost matching, but all three carry a recognizable Silver Wings Badge. This one… perhaps he should denote her as the ‘Irritable Degurechaff’? She’s always been irritable, though, hasn’t she?
The designations are a start, but still he has to wonder... Why? Why is this happening?
Ah, hold on. Is that it? Is this a punishment from God, specifically designed to torment me?
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jaiden-zhou · 11 months
(1) casual iso <3
contents: headcanons, reader is a uniqlo employee for plot purposes
not a writer but,, iso is so.. sigh, imagine this reserved uniqlo wearing hitman acting like an absolute puppy for you. yeah this is self indulgent and yeah maybe its based off of my experiences but hey, content.. its long.. i.. the things this man does to me
part 2, part 3
iso whose closet is practically all uniqlo apparel, from core basics to limited exclusive collabs, anything else is like expensive tech wear/street style clothes, he likes his quality
iso who always grabs heavy oolong milk tea with tapioca pearls, a classic predictable drink (his friends call him basic for it, but he doesn't mind), every afternoon he gets the chance to
iso who ends up being an employee there with how much he visits, the owners are a chinese elderly couple who like gossiping with him in mandarin (he has fun listening to their stories and such)
iso who likes having music playing of his own whether it be from his headphones or speakers, even at work his music is playing loud enough for only him to hear from his headset hanging around his neck
iso who works evening shifts part-time and gains a lot of eyes from admirers where he gets at least three numbers given to him a month like "you're really cute, text me <3 (XXX) XXX-XXXX"
iso who's never interested, none of them catch his eyes like how he catches theirs, and ends up tossing whatever number scribbled onto a receipt away
iso who goes to uniqlo on his day off for a collaboration launch consisting of outerwear jackets and trousers that match his style only to not find his size on the racks
iso who takes his time trying to comb through the racks, desperate to find it on his own and take it with him before giving up, pulling down his headphones, and reluctantly asking you
iso who, at a reasonable distance, looks over your shoulder as you look up the product listing with the desired size and color, hearing faint rap music playing through his headphones slung around his neck, finding that there should be three units left and listens in quietly when you radio your coworkers if there are any in the back before going to look for yourself
iso who waits patiently at the same spot for quite a while before you go jogging up to him with the jacket he has been wanting, the plastic and paper still wrapping it up signaling that it has been unprocessed and untouched
iso who still is patient with you with an expectant look, not the impatient kind, it's the anticipating excitement kind, as you're still a little out of breath from running around finding the item for him unwrapping and removing all the excess packaging and giving it to him with both hands, garbage tucked at your arm
iso who looks at your earnest expression, sweet eyes, and genuine smile and feels his breath hitch before taking the coat and doing a little head bow while muttering a quiet 'thanks'
iso who leaves an anonymous compliment to you, conveying his gratitude for going out of your way to find him a limited quantity jacket and sub-consciously thinks of your cute expression of when you gave it to him every time he throws it on
iso who was asked to pick up a morning shift, no one else could and so he decided to just wake up early enough and suck it up but boy does he not regret it
iso who opens up the shop for the first time ever and lo-and-behold, you waltz in as the first customer and immediately he recognizes you, and apparently so do the owners
iso who listens quietly as, whom he likes to call granny, greets you with a warm voice asking if you're ready to go to work
iso who once again patiently waits for you to walk up and order, finding out that you're also a regular here, always grabbing a drink before your long shift at the japanese clothing store he met you in
iso who's still a little quiet, shy even, when you greet him noting that you recognize him from a while ago, your friendly exterior giving him a fuzzy comforting feeling inside
iso who after making your drink, bids you goodbye and continues on (not before asking to switch to morning shifts.. for some reason hehe)
iso who starts seeing you most mornings before you work and then with some time, working up the courage (it was very hard, he was very nervous you just didn't see it) to ask you for your number, nothing romantic just being friendly, right?
iso who starts getting a little closer to you, learning what day and times you work, your hobbies, your favorite things, the music you listen to <3
iso who sometimes drops by your workplace to give you a drink or some food and simple yet subtly sweet encouragement that always seems to lift your spirits to push through the day
iso who even starts to see you near or at the end of your shift to take you home, you've worked long enough, and it's dark out.. :(
iso who likes to ensure your safety by accompanying you home, his friends like to say (tease) that it gives him an excuse to see you more. it's dangerous out at night, what are they talking about? nonsense. (denial is a river in egypt)
iso who as time goes by, slowly craves your presence a little more than he'd like to admit, you're always on his mind and he often flusters himself with his thoughts of you, his cheeks donning a light-pink blush. maybe his friends are onto something.. ugh
yeah i'm definitely writing more iso content hehe
"don't have to take me home every time, zhao yuuuu." you whined next to him. "i've done it before and i can do it again."
you only get a short scoff in return, iso's hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket.
"it's dark, you're more at risk when you're alone." iso states matter-of-fact. his headphones at his neck with no music playing. "you know this too, so you shouldn't be complaining."
"yeah but," you pause for a moment. "i don't want you to have to make the trip each time to pick me up.."
iso takes in your dejected tone, his eyes soften.
"and i don't want you being in potential danger where i could've been there to deter it." iso chides softly. "please, for my peace of mind.."
"whatever you say," you comply, your shoulder bumping into him jokingly as you share a quiet laugh. "thanks, yu. it means a lot."
"always," he replies, a certain warmth sets in when he hears you say his nickname.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #37
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 10.7k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Haneul is absolutely incredible.
He makes sure to prove that to you on every date and it's not him doing it purposely. It's you who thinks that every time you laugh, smile or just look at him being him. He's become a person you talk to all the time, even if it's just simple text messages, and has become a constant person you hang out with whenever you get the chance.
Ever since Friday happened, you exchanged your numbers in hope of your date, he has shown you how much interested he is in you. He even texted you if you got home safely that night and ever since then, you've been texting nonstop. And by nonstop you mean exactly that, the whole Sunday full of you being on your phone texting him as you planned out your date which happened the next day.
Monday. Your first official date. It was simple, just right for your first date as you got the chance to know him even better, this time without your friends' prying eyes and loud music surrounding you. He took you on a nice dinner, the only right time in your schedule considering you had work that day. You had an hour or so to make yourself look more presentable, trying to freshen up and cover the tiredness off your face.
The dinner was nice, he paid even though you insisted on splitting up the bill. You felt bad, knowing he had a part-time job in a bookstore nearby his college. Haneul insisted, stopping you before you could voice out your concern and distracted you by taking you for a walk alongside Han River.
It was so romantic with the moonlight and street lights, his fingers intertwined with yours as he gave you a shy smile trying to hide his blush. As much as you were shy the first time you held hands, you felt like it's even bigger deal for him as he confessed you couldn't leave his mind after he first met you. He confirmed Yejun's words of him coming to the club in a hope to see you there.
"I'm not a stalker, I promise," he laughed sheepishly that night, "I told my friends about you and they wouldn't let me live ever since, so they would purposely drag my ass there but I can't say I didn't want to go because I wanted to see you again." He told you, your heart warming immediately as you told him that's very sweet and cute of him.
He's more reserved than his friends and if it weren't for you, he would decline their constant nagging of going partying. But he admitted that he doesn't regret going because it means he'd probably never met you.
That night you had your first kiss.
Every day from Monday, no matter how tired you were from your work and Haneul busy with studying and attending class, you've always made time for each other. Went out on dates, from going to watch a movie in the cinema to another dinner. It doesn't really matter where he took you, all that matters was just two of you being two cute people having dates.
Haneul, originally from China but he and his parents moved to Korea when he was five, has stolen your heart and you couldn't say no when he asked you on your fourth date to be his girlfriend. That night you invited him to your place and opened a bottle of wine while talking and watching the movie, cuddling on your couch.
Kisses became much more intense and not just as innocent as before. Making out has become an act that happened on a daily basis as soon as you were safely in your apartment, the only place where you could be alone since Haneul lives in a rented apartment with two of his roommates. He proved to be even more controlled, not letting his hands linger on your skin for too long until you had to take his hands and put them on your ass while you were making out, sitting on his lap.
With Haechan, you moved naturally as things felt right and you feel like you were mostly affected by the curiosity of intimacy, so you wanted to take things further each time you spent together.
But now that you're dating Haneul, you knew more about those things and explored just enough that you became the person to guide him. From what he told you on one of your dates while you were talking about your and his exes, he had only one girlfriend before you and apparently it wasn't anything serious. And that one time you were making out on your couch again, grinding against each other to drive away that thirst, he confessed that he never had sex apart from blowjobs in his previous relationship.
He seemed to be a little embarrassed about it at first, but you assured him there was nothing wrong about being a virgin and you could take things slow. From his point of view he was a twenty, soon to be twenty-one, year old adult in a college with almost no experience (apart from handjobs and blowjobs) whatsoever. Guys his age, roommates, are wild and seeking for sex at every opportunity. But that's what makes him different, better and maybe that's why you started to like him to the point he has become your boyfriend.
"I like you so much," he confessed against your lips, "I don't think I can wait any longer."
So, you experimented and tried to get to know each other more intimately, see what the two of you like and what works the best for you two. You haven't had sex as soon as he confessed his want for you. You felt just the same, wanting to take another step in your maybe short relationship but it doesn't matter because it felt right. Still, the two of you got to know each other's bodies differently with a couple of handjobs, blowjobs and him exploring your own body with his mouth and fingers.
"I told Kiko."
You pause for a second, hands lingering against the cotton material of a greyish sweatshirt as you glance at Jungkook, who's standing beside you holding shopping bags of clothes you've managed to buy.
You're leaving tomorrow to spend some time but most importantly Christmas with your family. As you spoke with Jungkook on the phone yesterday, the two of you had decided to hang out together while you do the final round of Christmas shopping. Most stuff you bought is ordered anyway, already packed nicely to be given.
What Jungkook has just said doesn't come as a surprise, considering he has talked to you about this topic before and you encouraged him to do it. There's no need for him to elaborate more since you already know what he means and is talking about.
"And? How did she react?" you ask mindlessly, taking out the sweatshirt to have a proper look.
The truth is, you're acting way more nonchalantly than you really are and you're trying not to show too much interest in this particular topic, even though you're curious how she has taken the fact you were hooking up with her now boyfriend. You told Jungkook you respect his decision and you do, still trying to remind yourself of that sometimes, but you do hope she had at least a bitter feeling after hearing it. It's only fair for how much she hurt him.
"Surprised? And good, I guess." he answers with a murmur.
Humming, you turn the hanger where the sweatshirt is hanging from around, looking at Jungkook. "What do you think? Will Jimin like this?"
Jungkook sighs, not surprised by the lack of reaction you're giving him but at the same time he can't say he was expecting much. He just thinks you deserve to know that Kiko knows about you two.
"Yeah," he nods to answer you.
"What size should I buy him?" you think out loud, glancing at the label to see what size you're holding right now.
"Medium, he's tiny." Jungkook answers, causing you to snicker as you take the sweatshirt with you since it's medium. It looks a little oversized anyway, so it should fit just right.
"Be glad he doesn't hear you," you chuckle, the two of you turning around to make your way towards the cashiers as you put a hand on Jungkook's back, pushing him forward as he looks cluelessly at you. The poor guy has been shopping with you for the last hour and half, sighing every time you've excitedly led him towards another shop.
Jungkook reacts with a snicker, knowing how whiny and offensive Jimin gets whenever someone teases him for his height and size overall. That someone is usually Jungkook.
When you pay for the clothes you bought for Jimin and your dad, Taehyung's coat is already bought and safely put in one of the shopping bags, you make your way out of the shopping center. In the garage as you approach Jungkook's car, he pulls out his car keys and opens the car from a distance.
"So, did you tell her about us too?" You can't help but go back to the previous conversation which seems unfinished.
"Yeah, well I didn't tell her why we hooked up or anything. I just said we did," he tells you as he opens the truck, loading your bags there while you do the same thing. "Don't worry, I wouldn't talk to her about your sexlife." he reminds you, looking at you to make sure you look him in the eyes as he says it.
That makes you smile. No matter how much Jungkook loves Kiko, he thinks about you too and is considerate automatically without you even telling something.
"I know you wouldn't," you tell him softly, "And it's not like I'd mind it that much anyway, I don't think I'm embarrassed about the fact that we simply agreed on hooking up because I wanted to experiment."
"Still, it's a private and quite intimate topic. I don't think she needs to know any details, she knows the main thing and I think that's enough." he shrugs, closing the truck with a soft thud as all of your shopping bags are placed there.
As you think about it, you do feel a little weird knowing that you and Jungkook hooked up and are completely fine. Not always though, these are just moments when that thought crosses your mind and it's more like bewilderment. Overall, you're glad it hasn't affected your friendship in any way. Still, you've seen him naked, you've experienced what it feels like to have sex with him and you don't think it's something you'll forget. Not necessarily because it was one hell of a ride, but because it's a simple fact. You're not thinking about this every day but there are moments when you're completely bewildered how your friendship works. As long as none of you make it weird, it won't be. You've talked about this numerous times together after all.
Just like what happened with Yoongi. You went back to normal without any problems.
It's more like 'Wow, we pull this off without destroying our friendship or making things weird'. Mainly talking about Jungkook here. Can you even consider Yoongi as your friend? You don't hang out outside work, you just manage to give him a handjob in his brother's office. Oh, fuck. You've to stop thinking about this, it's starting to give you a headache.
You let out a chuckle at your thoughts, just when you sit in the car while Jungkook starts turning on the temperature and pulls out his phone to turn on his playlist. He looks at you, chuckling at your own chuckle. "What?"
"Don't you feel weird knowing we've had sex and are completely fine? Like we forgot it happened in the first place." you speak out your thoughts, mainly amused by them in the first place as Jungkook seems to think about your words for a moment as he shrugs.
"I didn't forget, I remember everything." he cheekily grins, poking the tip of his tongue to the inside of his cheek cockily as you push him in the shoulder while laughing, ignoring the rush of heat in your cheeks.
"Oh, shut up."
"Honestly, I think it doesn't have to be weird if we're fine that it happened. I mean, the both of us are living our own lives and are in a different stage with our relationships." he tells you once your laughs calm down, voice tender but serious at the same time.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," You knew he would always send comfort to your rather overthinking mind."Speaking of our relationships. Do you think I could invite Haneul for New Year's Eve?" you ask, meaning to ask him this for quite some time as you and Haneul talked about your plans for Christmas and NYE a few days ago.
He said he'd spent it with his friends, usually partying, but now he'd like to spend it with you. So, you thought Haneul could join you and your friends. Jungkook is bringing Kiko, Jin has a wife and probably everyone else is bringing a plus one.
Jungkook starts the engine, glancing at you for a moment as he opens his mouth. "Yeah, why not," he shrugs, one of the songs by Billie Eilish already playing from the speakers as you grin at him excitedly. "I'd like to meet the guy anyway." he mutters, causing you to groan.
"No, don't do that." you whine, "Stop acting like my dad."
Jungkook cackles, scrunching his nose as he drives from the underground garage to the main road. "I'm not, I just can't wait to meet him."
It's been around a week since you've told Jungkook about Haneul. You've told him pretty much at the very beginning about him, after your first or second date. You've never had any secrets with Jungkook (minus the incident with your car) and you often tell him things he could live without not knowing, so sharing your private life with him is like a daily routine. Sharing a new person in your life is quite big news, even though you haven't made a big deal out of it and simply told him you're seeing someone while talking with him on the phone.
He hasn't had a huge reaction, nor were you expecting one as he asked about Haneul and how you met him. So you told him everything, from how you went and what an amazing guy he is.
"Don't," you whine through a giggle again, "If you're gonna try to intimidate him, I swear to god. Haneul is such a sweet guy."
"He better be, or I'll kick his ass." Jungkook says, making you laugh again as you start groaning.
"You won't be kicking any ass. Haneul will pass your vibe check, I just know it, he's great. He's treating me right and brings me roses every time he sees me, even though I told him specifically he doesn't have to do that. How sweet is that?"
"Don't you prefer peonies over roses?"
"Not the point," you grit through your teeth, ignoring Jungkook's proud smirk. "He really is great." you gush over your boyfriend again, sighing a content smile as Jungkook snorts under his breath.
"Alright, alright, I get your point. I wasn't trying to intimidate him, by the way," You cock your brow at him, pursing your lips. "I'm just saying I'll let him know what happens if he hurts you."
Rolling your eyes, you hide your smile by looking out of the window. "Alright, alright, Mr. Jeon."
He rolls his eyes playfully, snickering under his breath. There's a beat of silence for a moment, Jungkook silently singing along to Billie's song while thrumming his tattooed fingers against the top of the steering wheel. "You know," he glances at you when he stops at the red light, giving you a toothed grin. "Maybe we could go on a double date."
You see how the corner of his lips twitches when he sees your glare. "Don't push it." you murmur through clenched teeth, fighting off a smile when you hear Jungkook's bubbly laugh as he steps on the engine as soon as there's a green light.
The rest of the ride is spent with Jungkook's soft singing and brief conversations. Jungkook is leaving for Busan in two days, taking some editing work with him to spend more time with his family. From what you understood, he's going alone. Not that it matters whether Kiko is going too or not. She went to Busan to spend Christmas with Jungkook and his family last year. It looks like they've decided to spend this holiday separately. You're not sure if she's going to Japan for a few days, probably not since it wouldn't be that convenient considering you're going on NYE trip on 28th and maybe her family is coming instead of her. Well, if she's going to Japan she could stay there and not come back.
You almost cackle loudly at your bitter thoughts, knowing if Jungkook could hear them he would be disappointed. But not surprised, right?
Somehow the universe seems to have its own twisted way of punishing you with endless and bitter thoughts about Kiko, it seems like God or whoever is up there loves her, because your eyes almost bulge out at the sight of Haneul in front of your apartment building. You don't notice him, not until Jungkook parks his car and the two of you get out of it.
He waves at you with a bright grin, your eyes widening as Jungkook follows your line of vision. He hasn't seen Haneul yet, he hasn't even met him in the first place. You thought your best friend meeting your boyfriend will wait until the NYE trip, that's what you hoped for. It's not like you don't want them to meet. Considering your previous conversation with Jungkook, you feel like you haven't made it clear enough for Jungkook to save his protective persona. You're more nervous for Haneul meeting Jungkook than Haneul himself, who's already walking towards you with the still same bright smile.
It's even worse when you both stand in front of the truck, Jungkook opening it as he turns to you, lips already curved in a satisfied smirk. "Looks like I'm meeting your little boyfriend."
You frown, ready to tell him to piss off and maybe threaten him a little (not that it'd help but you'd still feel better), but it's too late when you hear Haneul.
"Hey, I was just about to ring you." Haneul says when he's in a closer proximity.
You give him a smile, taking a few steps towards him as he welcomes you with a sweet peck. You shyly pull away. "Hey, I thought you'd come later." you tell him lightly, seeing him shrug as he hides his hands into his burgundy jacket pockets.
You made plans to hang out one last time before you depart to your hometown to see your family. He was supposed to come in half an hour.
"Yeah, my class finished earlier," he simply answers, eyes shining as he's looking at you with that adorable smile. You're about to say something, your own lips curled in an adoring smile but before you can open your mouth, Haneul's eyes shift to Jungkook.
Jungkook naturally came up in your conversation on one of the dates when you were talking about your and Haneul's friends. He has a very important place in your life, he's your best friend after all and you don't have any reason not to mention him. You still remember Haneul's interested expression when you told him your best friend is a guy. When you started talking about Jungkook and your friendship, he quickly understood that you and him are very close.
Yet, not even once he questioned your friendship and looked like he's suspecting anything, like most of your friends or people who simply don't believe in a friendship between a woman and a man. He even told you that's cool, since most of your friends are guys. One of the reasons Haneul is so understanding and sweet. He's different and very kind.
The topic of you and Jungkook hooking up before hasn't been the right topic for any of your dates. You weren't about to spill your private sexlife at him on one of your first dates while you talked about your friends. You'll tell him, you know you can trust him now that he's your boyfriend. You just wanted to see whether your relationship is going to be something more serious. But not that you're dating, it's only fair for him to know what happened between you and Jungkook.
You would lie if you said you're not slightly frightened about his reaction. But you're not going to keep that away from him, now that he's about to meet Jungkook and probably see him more often. You can kind of relate to Jungkook when he said he can't be between you and Kiko. You're not in the same situation but the thought of them hating each other makes your stomach clench with uneasiness.
Haneul already knew you're with Jungkook, shopping for some last minute presents. Not even once he showed a sign of jealousy or something negative, not even now as he smiles at Jungkook.
"Hey, I'm Haneul." he tells him lightly, grinning as your heart swells at his cuteness. You watch him outstretching his hand towards Jungkook.
You don't realize you're eyeing Jungkook from the side, sending him warning daggers not until he glances at you before he takes Haneul's hand and shakes it.
"Jungkook." he introduces himself simply, giving him a faint smile in greeting.
"I've heard so much about you," Haneul starts, letting out almost like a nervous chuckle, your lips pursing as Jungkook gives you a teasing grin.
"Have you?" he muses, still smirking at you as you roll your eyes. "Glad to know you haven't forgotten me." he teases you, pinching your cheeks as you slap his hands away.
"Don't make me aggressive, Jeon." you warn him, hiding your amused grin as Haneul stares at the odd interaction between you. Still, he's grinning almost amusingly at you both. It's because he probably hasn't seen you being annoyed and this kind of playful before.
"Aggressive, isn't she?" Jungkook looks at Haneul, grinning as he points at you while you slap his finger away.
Haneul laughs, throwing his head back in laughter as he looks at you. "I don't think so, she's totally harmless. Right, princess?" Haneul teases you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he pulls you closer. You purse your lips at the pet name, shyly avoiding Jungkook's eyes.
It feels different when he calls you that in front of someone else in your presence – Jungkook out of all people.
"You're in for a wild ride," Jungkook snorts, ignoring your glare as he cackles under his breath. "Should I help you with the bags?" Jungkook asks, holding your shopping bags as you quickly snatch it from him as he starts grinning at your rapid reaction.
"No, you should go," you dismiss him, thanking Haneul as he helps you with the bags. "You already met him, so kindly shoo away."
"Oh come on, don't be so rude," Jungkook feigns a whine, shutting his truck. "I'm not that bad, am I Haneul?" he spreads his arms as if the answer is obvious, looking at Haneul who shakes his head with a breathy laugh.
"That's debatable." you mutter, grinning innocently at Jungkook when his amusement falls and he sends you a glare.
"You see? Women. You drive them home, walk behind them like a puppy for two hours in a shopping center and she gives you this attitude," Jungkook complains, tsking as he playfully looks at you and you snort at his playfulness. "Lucky for you I've somewhere else to be."
"Ah, such a shame." You're the one who feigns a pout this time, devilishly laughing at his glare.
Just like nothing happened, he's outstretching his arms for you as you chuckle and walk into his arms. "Call me when you get to your parents, alright?" he murmurs as he hugs you.
"Uhm," you hum against him, nose digging into his cold and padded jacket. "Say hi to your parents from me."
"Likewise." he says when the two of you pull away.
You nod, waving him off as he's already going back into the car. You and Haneul make your way towards the apartment building, cold spreading on your already red cheeks.
"Well, that was something," Haneul chuckles, aiming at the meeting of Jungkook. "He's a cool guy," You hum, opening the door for the two of you as your kind boyfriend takes all the bags from your hands.
"And a strong one." he adds as you chuckle, frowning in confusion.
"He almost cut my blood flow when he shook my hand." Haneul chuckles, noticing how you're not surprised, not even a bit.
How could you, Jungkook looked suspiciously fine, so you're not surprised he did something like that.
"I'm sorry about that." you chuckle, pressing the button of the elevator as the door opens and you step in.
"No, it's okay. It's good that he's protective. Luckily for him, you don't need his protection anymore. You've got me." Haneul jokes, wiggling his brows as you giggle before he leans down and kisses your lips.
"Yeah," you breathe out a chuckle, "Just don't tell that in front of him."
You both laugh, making your way to your home. Haneul is the first one to take the shoes off and you kindly ask him to put the shopping bags into your room, warning him not to peek inside since there are some presents for him too. He promises he won't look, cutely grinning at you as he goes to your bedroom. As you're taking off your jacket, your phone vibrates with a new message.
Kook: isn't he too young? 
You can hear the teasing in his voice even through the message, knowing he's just being his annoying self. You won't let him get to you. You laugh at the message, thumbs already moving to text him back.
"Fuck you"
His response comes in a few seconds.
Kook: you wish
You gasp at his message before an amused smirk plays on your lips, your thumbs already writing your response.
"Oh wait already done that"
Snorting, you send him the emoji of a middle finger too just for the right measure, shoving your phone into the pocket of your jeans. You just know he's cackling at your response and you shake your head, chuckling to yourself as you follow Haneul, ready to hide your presents until you can safely wrap them.
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"...you know what he's like. He basically interrogated me in the middle of dinner. At least he wasn't showing his set of knives this time."
His childhood bedroom is swallowed in darkness and silence as he lays in his empty bed, hand clutching the phone to his ear.
Jungkook laughs at that, trying to silence his laugh by pressing his lips together. Everyone has already gone to bed and the last thing he wants is for his mom to scold him in the morning for being loud.
The story of your dad's knives is quite remarkable. You've never been that kind of daughter to sneak guys to her home when your parents were there, or even if they weren't. From what you've told Jungkook, from the period when you didn't know each other, you weren't that kind of girl to bring any guy to your home. It wasn't intentional, you just didn't really find any guy to invite home.
Even though you don't admit it or think that, you've always been beautiful. You were cute as a kid and beautiful even in your teenage years when most of the kids would have a glow up. You didn't need that. Jungkook has seen your childhood pictures a few times and no matter how many times you waved him off, brushing off his comments whenever you got embarrassed at him for looking at them in the first place.
"Oh god, this is so awkward. How could I have worn that?" You'd always whine, snatching the picture from his hands as you hid it with flushed cheeks.
Everyone thinks they had a bad looking phase, if not – they're lying. Even Jungkook's photos from his own childhood and teenage years are proof of that. He'd had the same reaction whenever his mom showed you those pictures, wanting to snatch them from your hands as he started screaming out of embarrassment.
Cute bunny. That's what you always called him when you saw twelve years old Jungkook with a bad haircut and bunny toothed grin.
However, Jungkook doesn't think you had a bad phase. It's simply true. You've lost your baby fat over your teenage years and even though some pictures might've been cringe-worthy, he didn't see why you were freaking about them so much.
You had to be aware that you're not ugly. The amount of guys that used to bother you with their intrusiveness speaks for it. You hate intrusive people, guys even more.
And whenever you'd mention any guy to your dad, teasing him because you liked his protective dad reactions because they were funny, he'd always show you his knives and inform you how sharp they are. You and Jungkook would always laugh about it, not that Jungkook has witnessed your dad doing that. It's just enough he heard you telling him that.
It became this joke that seemed almost forgotten, until you've just mentioned it.
Your father is a funny guy, he's not some psycho that would actually hurt anyone. Still, like every father, he's protective of his precious daughter that gets her looks from him. Your dad used to be a heartbreaker, not intentionally, his handsomeness even surprised Jungkook when he saw his pictures from a young age. It runs in the family, that's what he thought while looking at your family's pictures.
Apparently, you mentioned Haneul over the Christmas dinner, so your dad asked a lot of questions which is understandable. Now that you're older, your father is more fine with guys being around you.
But instead of trying to snatch any guy that would be able to fall on his knees for you, you always pushed them away. It kind of stuck to you until this day. Having a boyfriend and wanting to have a relationship is different. The amount of guys Jungkook had to push away from you and tell them to fuck off because you found them annoying and kindly asked Jungkook to take care of it whenever you went clubbing, is huge. Sometimes you didn't even have to tell him, all it took was one glance and Jungkook was already on his way to you. On the other hand, men in clubs think they can do anything just because they're out having fun, trying it on every girl. It happens to every girl in the club, not just to you.
Maybe that's one of the reasons you don't enjoy clubbing that much. You do enjoy it when you're drunk and have friends around you. It makes you feel safe.
"How was your Christmas? I saw the photos on Instagram, Haru is so freaking cute." he hears you gush over his little niece, causing Jungkook to smile as he remembers her big eyes and a big smile when she saw all the presents.
Jungwon, Sona and Haru stayed at his parents' house as well. As much as Jungkook loves his family, he's happy there's finally silence and his eardrums are not ready to burst.
"Great," Jungkook chuckles, "Everyone's finally sleeping. As much as I love Haru, she was crying for like half an hour and stopped just like fifteen minutes ago."
The whole time Jungkook was calling with Kiko, Haru cried through most of it and it was so loud that even she could hear it. Mentioning her, Jungkook has told his parents that they got back together when Jungkook's mom was asking about Kiko.
"She should've come here too then!" Jungkook's mom said when she found out.
"She's spending it with her family." Jungkook easily replied which is true. He wasn't lying when he said that.
What his parents don't know is the fact that Jungkook didn't ask her to come to Busan with him. He's happy they're back together, but he also acknowledges there are certain things that are different now and he wanted to spend this year with his family only. Them getting back together still feels fresh in some kind of way. So they talked about it and came to the conclusion it'd be better if they celebrated this family holiday with their own families.
Kiko was fine with it. Something tells him the only reason she was okay with not going with him this year, is the fact that she's probably embarrassed even though Jungkook's parents don't know anything about why they broke up because he didn't tell them.
"She's a baby. Babies cry." He hears you giggle, your own voice hushed meaning you're in your room too and everyone's probably sleeping as well. Well, it's almost midnight so it would make sense.
"I know that," he points out and you can perfectly imagine his frown, thanks to his slightly offended but feigned tone. "I kinda wish they went home."
"Jungkook!" he hears you exclaim, giggling right after as he starts laughing with you.
"I'm joking, I'm joking!" he exclaims back through his laugh, trying to muffle it with his hand.
You both giggle, trying to calm down. "Listen, I talked with Jin and told him you're bringing a plus one. He's fine with it, just thought you should know."
"Yeah, thanks." He hears the smile of appreciation in your voice.
The two of you talk for a couple more minutes, voices already sounding tired before you decide to end the almost thirty minutes long call.
"Y/N?" you hear Jungkook murmur, his own voice thick with sleepiness and raspiness as he hears you hum. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Kook." He hears you smile, already hearing you falling asleep as he ends the call, finally allowing himself to rest.
That is until he hears Haru's cries from the other room again, causing him to sigh as he lies on the side, grabbing one of the pillows and pressing it onto his ear. Yeah, he wasn't lying when he said he wishes they went home.
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"Bring your boyfriend sometimes."
Those were the words your dad said to you once you were leaving, ready to go back to Seoul. Your boyfriend. You're not surprised he didn't say his name, knowing your dad it was his way of teasing you or he simply forgot what his name is. At least your mom playfully rolled her eyes, swatting her husband in the chest.
"What he means by that, is that we'd love to meet him sometimes." she corrected, glancing at her husband with raised brow as you snorted.
You might not live with them anymore, but you know them very well. Especially your father and his tactics and role of being a protective dad.
"Don't give me that look," you told him, tugging your suitcase with you. "There's no need to be protective, even when you meet him. Jungkook made sure of that."
"I've always liked him." Your dad said, the words aimed at Jungkook as you simply chuckled at how relieved he seemed to look, knowing there is at least one person being as protective of you as your father.
However, you're not sure what your dad would think if he saw you right now.
The moans ripple from your throat, your cheek pressed against your pillow as you spread your legs even further apart to give Haneul enough space for him to thrust deeper. Now is definitely not the time to think about your father and their possible future meeting, you plan on introducing him to your parents and family. That can wait though.
After you came back to Seoul, relaxed and fully excited to see Haneul again, you met the same day you arrived back home. He came with a bouquet of roses, welcomed you with a kiss as you both started talking about your Christmas and the days you were apart. You exchanged Christmas presents too, your heart swelling at Haneul's cuteness as he kept smiling whenever you opened one of his presents for you. One thing led to another and things got much more heated which slowly led to Haneul confessing that he's ready and if you want him, he'd love to take another step into your relationship.
Maybe you're moving too quickly, although you don't think about it that way. Everything you do together seems natural and you both enjoy it. So, you agreed. That night you took Haneul's virginity while riding him before he fully dived into the world of sex and orgasms. And you've been more than happy to cooperate, desperate for his touch too.
"Let's do it again." Were his words when you brought him his first orgasm that night, your own orgasm ripped away from you since he came much faster than all those times when you gave him a blowjob.
There was nothing embarrassing about it. It's the first time he has ever experienced that feeling of being inside someone else and you made sure he knew that, showered him with kisses on his red cheeks and face full of embarrassment.
"You should take a break." you laughed at his determination of having sex again.
Twenty minutes later and you were doing it again, this time Haneul taking the control as he lasted longer and snapped that knot in your stomach, finally bringing an orgasm to your eager self.
A day later and you still can't keep your hands from each other. Haneul has stayed at your place ever since you've come back from your parents' house and those days have been spent with nothing but sex and constant cuddling. Since he's free from classes, thanks to the winter break, he brought some of his clothes to your place as you'll straight go from here to the cabin to celebrate New Year's Eve and spend a few days there to just relax. Your departure is scheduled tomorrow, still having two days to settle down in the cabin before the New Year's Eve comes.
The buzzing of your phone shakes you out from the pleasure as you groan, reaching for your phone. Haneul stops, still staying inside of you as he peeks at you from his fucked out state. You look at your phone, eyes widening at the name flashing on the screen.
For some reason, your stomach drops at the absurd situation of him calling you right now while you're in the middle of something. You ignore the call, turning off the buzzing by pressing your volume button as you turn to Haneul.
"It's Jungkook," you explain, "I'll just call him back later."
He nods, leaning down to kiss you before he starts pulling out before he thrusts. You make yourself comfortable, the side of your face meeting the softness of your pillow as you sigh in content as the pleasure slowly builds back in.
He's barely in his third thrust as your phone starts to buzz again.
"Continue." you tell him over your shoulder, hearing him groan in response as he listens to you.
You do the same thing, turning off the buzzing. This way you don't cancel the call, Jungkook is just going to think you're not answering because you don't have your phone with you. Having sex while your phone keeps buzzing would be distracting anyways, so it's better to turn the buzzing off. Putting your phone back on your nightstand, you moan as Haneul's length brushes against your sensitive spot while he groans at your walls tightening around him.
"Crap, I don't know how much I'll last." he groans, hands gripping your hips as you moan in response.
You feel yourself getting there, orgasm approaching as you clutch your sheets between your hands, telling Haneul you're close. He picks up the pace, bottom lip tucked between your lips, you encourage him to go harder before your phone starts to buzz again. The two of you groan at the same time, Haneul stopping his movements and this way your orgasm is gone in a second. Your lips curl in disappointment and frustration.
"Just answer him." Haneul sighs, pulling out of you, his length slapping against his abdomen as you bite your bottom lip at the sight.
Freaking Jeon. You sigh, reaching for your phone as you accept the call, already pressing it to your ear.
"Yah, where are you?" Jungkook speaks as soon as he notices you've accepted the call, his Busan accent coming through as you snicker.
"Hello to you too," you say ironically, chuckling right after. "Sorry, I was busy." you murmur, glancing over your shoulder at Haneul whose lips quirk up in a smirk, mimicking your own as you suppress the giggle that wants to ripple from your throat.
"Busy doing what?"
And he calls you curious.
"Just packing my stuff." you reply, clearing your throat as you feel Haneul's hands on your spine slowly coming to your ass cheeks.
You glance at him, raising his brow as he innocently shrugs and just traces his fingers on your exposed skin. Your thighs are starting to ache from the now awkward position as you hear Jungkook's voice again.
"I was just calling and checking in with you. Who are you driving with? We still have space in my car, I was wondering if you want to go with us." The caution in his voice is noticeable but somehow he remains soft and calm.
As much as you'd love to ride with Jungkook, knowing the rides in his car are always better than the chaotic duo consisting of Taehyung and Jimin. However, the thought of you spending a four hour long ride with Kiko in the same car is a huge no. You'd rather walk there than share a car with her. You get the feeling Jungkook knows that, that's why he sounds so cautious, but at the same time he's his usual self, sweet and caring, to ask just in case you'd want to go with them.
"Oh, no it's fine. I already talked to Jimin yesterday and he--ahh," you gasp as you feel Haenul's length pressing back inside you as you stare at him with widened eyes.
Index finger on his lips, he tells you silently to keep quiet as you bite your lip.
"You good?" Jungkook asks unsurely, the worry in his voice obvious as you feel your heart beating fast against your ribcage.
"Yeah, yeah, what was I saying," you nervously chuckle, biting into your lip again as Haneul picks up the pace. Fuck, you hope he doesn't hear the sound of your and Haneul's skin slapping, even though he still holds somehow steady and not that fast pace, so the sounds of your explicit actions are minimal.
"Oh yeah, I talked to Jimin and we're going with them. They still have two places left, so..." you trail off. Not from the awkwardness of declining Jungkook's kind offer, but from the fact Haneul reaches down between your legs and circles your sensitive bud of nerves.
You gasp into the pillow, momentarily forgetting Jungkook's on the phone as you hear your name coming from his lips. The low and slow tone as he says it completely goes unnoticed by you, until you hear him again.
"What are you doing?"
It's a simple question, yet the knowing tone in his voice causes your stomach to drop for the second time as you clear your tone. Your instinct reacts automatically, the need to get an orgasm is strong as you embrace yourself to keep your voice steady which you're doing an awful job at.
"I gotta go, I'll call you later." And you end the call before he can utter a single word, tossing your phone away as Haneul gets rougher and faster with each thrust.
The slight embarrassment comes right after you come around Haneul's length, his own orgasm filling up the condom as he goes to dispose himself off it as you lay on your back, staring at your plain ceiling. Jungkook's low tone rings in your ears and with each passing second you realize that fuck, Jungkook just maybe heard you while you were having sex with your boyfriend. There's a chance he probably didn't know what you were doing.
Yet, it's his voice and that tone stuck in your mind for the rest of the night. You don't call him back that night. He doesn't either.
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Jimin and Taehyung come to pick you up the next morning, stuffing Jimin's almost full truck with your and Haneul's suitcases for a good five minutes until it can be shut. Just like you predicted and already knew, riding in the same car as Taehyung, it's guaranteed there won't be a minute of silence. The four hour ride is long, mainly filled with Taehyung's passionate and loud singing that to be fair, makes even you laugh. The social butterfly he is, once Jimin scolds him and tells him to shut up, he starts to make conversation with Haneul who's sitting right behind him, politely and friendly answering any of Taehyung's curious questions.
Thankfully, he doesn't bring up Jungkook and you 'dating' which makes your stomach clench uneasy for the entire ride. You still need to tell him it was all fake, before he could accidentally spill it out and before you can tell Haneul about it. Fortunately, whenever Jungkook's name somehow pops up in one of Taehyung's stories, he doesn't mention anything about you and him. Even Jimin gives you a thoughtful look in the rear mirror while he's driving, giving you a slight smile.
It's not until you've to make a stop at the gas station because Taehyung drank a lot of water and needs to use the restroom, that Jimin turns to you and gives you an assuring smile. While Haneul went to grab and buy some snacks for everyone, it's only you and Jimin in the car.
"I told Tae not to bring up you and Jungkook 'dating'," He even makes air quotes which makes you chuckle, "I just told him it might be uncomfortable for you and Haneul too if he brought that up."
"Thanks Jiminie," you give him a smile, "You're a literal sweetheart." you tell him honestly, fully realizing his kindness.
"I know it's not any of my business, but I think you should tell him soon if that's what you're still planning to do. You know Tae, sometimes he doesn't realize he spilled something after it's done."
It's true. You love Taehyung and you know he's having your back just as much as Jimin does. The only difference between him and Jimin is that Taehyung means no harm but has a big mouth especially when he's enjoying himself, meaning whenever there's alcohol. There's no doubt there will be lots of it once you arrive at Seokjin's cabin.
"Yeah, I know," you sigh, "I'll tell him as soon as it's possible." you promise more to yourself than Jimin, already seeing Haneul and Taehyung laughing while walking out of the gas station with a huge bag full of snacks.
Surely, that was Taehyung's idea.
The rest of the ride is more calm while Taehyung stuffs his mouth with snacks, silently listening to the casual conversation happening between you, Jimin and Haneul. It's until Jimin informs everyone that you're five minutes from the cabin, that you pay more attention to your surroundings. The road is snowy but Jimin manages to drive safely and slowly up the hill. You can see a few cabins along the way until you ride more up the hill, the place more separated from the rest of the cabins.
You can already see a few cars parked in front of the wooden cabin, recognizing Jungkook's car almost immediately as your eyes widen.
"This is the cabin?" you ask, staring at it completely thrown off by its appearance. It's massive.
You knew it'd be a bigger size since a lot of you are coming and from what you've heard from Jungkook, there are enough rooms for two people sharing one bedroom. You didn't expect this cabin to be so big and modern, reminding you of those cabins they portray in American movies. It even has a set of huge windows in the middle of it, if it weren't for the daylight you'd be able to see inside. If this looks so magical from the outside, you're not sure how beautiful it must look inside. Even the huge trees behind it make it even more magical and breathtaking.
"Yeah, Jin's parents are loaded if you couldn't tell." Jimin answers, chuckling as he parks behind Jungkook's black Mercedes.
Everyone unbuckles their seatbelts, not wasting any time to just sit in the car and admire the surroundings behind a window. Jimin opens the truck, handing everyone their suitcases as Taehyung starts waving at Hoseok and Jin who are standing in the distance. They wave at him, or at everyone as Taehyung rushes with his suitcase to meet his friends.
"Tae, you forgot your bag!" Jimin shouts at him, holding Taehyung's duffel bag but the younger one easily ignores him even though he obviously heard him. "Dumbass." Jimin mutters, earning a giggle from you.
Haneul helps you with your suitcase, grinning at you when you look at him to thank him with a smile on your lips. He's already holding his own suitcase that Jimin so kindly handed him. When everyone has their suitcases and travel bags, leaving the truck empty, Jimin shuts it.
"Hey, you guys made it!"
You glance at Jungkook who's happily grinning and walking towards you. He's wearing a dark green sweatshirt with black jeans, his favorite black padded jacket unzipped which you'd usually scold him about considering it's cold.
"Hey, yeah, we had to make a stop at the gas station because someone had to drink the whole water bottle." Jimin ironically snickers, already annoyed at Taehyung for leaving his stuff for Jimin to carry as Jungkook's eyes look at you.
You quickly jump into action, shaking your head. "Don't look at me, it wasn't me. It was Taehyung." Jungkook chuckles at your quick need to clarify.
"Obviously," he playfully rolls his eyes, stretching his arms to hug you as you hug him back. He does the same thing with Jimin as he helps him with Taehyung's bag, giving a nod to Haneul in greeting. "Everyone's mostly settled, so you should pick your rooms fast."
Jin is already approaching you, welcoming everyone with a bright smile as he shares his enthusiasm with everyone coming.
"Come, I'll show you the cabin and you can pick any free room." he offers, taking the bag from Jungkook's hands.
In the distance, you notice Namjoon walking into the cabin with a woman next to him as they hold hands. Oh, you totally forgot he has a girlfriend. It's nice to see him again. Even though you've only seen him once, the camping trip is still very memorable in your mind for many reasons, Namjoon is a cool guy. He was very easy to talk to and very sweet, which you don't get those vibes from a lot of people, especially when it's the first time you meet them.
"Hey, I got you something. Can I steal you for a moment?" Jungkook asks, eyes focused on you as you respond with a nod.
"Will you pick our room please? I'll be right there in a second." you tell Haneul, taking your suitcase from his hands insisting he doesn't have to carry it since his hands are already full with his suitcase and your travel bag. The least you can do is take care of your suitcase.
"Yeah, sure." he smiles, leaning down to kiss you which you happily welcome as Jin calls out for him.
"There will be lots of time to be all lovey-dovey, come on!" Jin yells at Haneul, causing him to blush as Jimin's bubbly laugh resounds. You catch him slapping Jin's arm teasingly while the older cackles loudly, leading them to the cabin when Haneul catches up to them.
"What's up?" you ask Jungkook as he wraps his hand around your wrist and gently tugs you towards his car.
"I wanted to give you this later, but I've been driving this in my car for a few days. Plus, I think you might put a good use to one of those things." he answers, cheekily grinning at you as he opens his own truck.
Not going to lie, you're kind of unsure about what to expect. The last time he surprised you with a gift... he shocked you too much with it. However, you couldn't put a good use to that gift. Not without him which was so freakin frustrating that you wanted to smack it against the wall. It's safely hidden underneath your bed for no one to see.
You look into the truck, seeing nicely wrapped up presents as your features soften, already staring at Jungkook. "You brought me Christmas presents?"
Presents. Not a present that you and Jungkook agreed on, since you don't want him to waste his money on you by buying you multiple things. You're both too stubborn not to buy anything for each other, so you settled on one present instead. Looks like he can't keep his promise while he just innocently grins as if he could read your mind. He doesn't have to, your expression says it all which you're completely oblivious about.
"You can unwrap them later," he says, taking one of the presents that is wrapped in gold wrapping with little snowmans on it. "I think you could use this one though."
You take it, quirking your brow at him, still not approving he bought you more than one present. But Jungkook doesn't care, nudging his head in the direction of his present to urge you to open it. You do, the glimpse of light yellow fabric is just enough to give you a clue what it is. Your mind is already going back to that time you've last seen him, as you shopped for Christmas presents.
"Wow, this is cute!" you call out, nudging Jungkook to get him out of your way as your eyes stay focused on the light yellow knitted sweater that's hanging on the rack. 
You hear Jungkook snickering but he follows you, getting to you as you're already reaching for it and examining it from close. "Isn't it pretty?" you ask, eyes sparking as you look at Jungkook.
"It is." he says simply, causing you to roll your eyes at the lack of his reaction. Typical man. 
You dive your hand into the sweater, trying to find the price tag which takes a few seconds as you pull it out and check the price. The price spills out of your mouth in a shocked and disapproving manner as you scoff. 
"Are they serious? They want this much for a simple sweater?" 
The truth is, the sweater is completely soft and without doubt warm for this cold weather. You could probably afford it, but you're trying to save as much money as you can for your car and presents for your friends and family. That's the main priority right now. Besides, you've a lot of clothes and this sweater for its price is just not worth it. 
"It's not even that pretty. Just put it back." Jungkook says, taking the sweater from your hands as he hangs it back while you pout. 
You want to argue with him that it is pretty but you know you don't need it. So you just sigh, focusing on finding a decent present for Jimin as you already make your way towards the men section. Jungkook trails behind you like he's been doing for the past hour.
"You bought me that sweater?" you almost yell, eyes widening at Jungkook who seems to be genuinely happy to see your reaction as he bites into his lower lip and nods. "But I thought it's not that pretty." you tease him, glancing at him as he innocently grins.
"I just said that so you'd put it back," That explains while he took it from your hands before you could even take one last glance at it. "I went back to buy it after I drove you home."
Your heart warms at the new information, your shoulders slouching as you pout at his kindness. You can't believe he went back and bought it for you. The price was ridiculous for such a piece of fabric, even though you secretly love it. Well, maybe not that secretly judging from the way your eyes sparkle when you look at the sweater. It's not the fact you actually got it. It's the fact Jungkook put the effort to buy it for you, not caring about the price or the fact he had to go back to the shopping center after walking around there with you for two hours.
"You're such an idiot." you murmur, sniffling as he starts laughing at your current state.
"One way to show your gratitude." he jokes, causing you to glare at him.
"It was too expensive." you point out. Of course, you're grateful he bought it for you. You'd be grateful nevertheless of what he'd buy you. You don't like when people spend their money on you and Jungkook tends to do that a lot. With your approaching birthday, you're not sure what he'll buy you then.
You always try to buy him something useful and of course, something he'd love to have. But it's incredibly hard to buy him something since most of the things he wants, he simply buys for himself. When he had his birthday in September, you invited him to dinner, a Korean barbeque, along with Taehyung and Jimin and gave him a cute bunny key-chain. It was after you went back home and stumbled on this open shop with stupid but cute things. Taehyung went there immediately, so the three of you waited outside for him as you just browsed through the rack of key-chains outside. You joked the bunny looks like Jungkook which he rolled his eyes at but grinned nevertheless of you teasing him. It's not something he'd obviously buy for himself and it's not something useful. But you went inside and bought it for him.
"It can be your lucky charm." you simply told him when you gave it to him.
He grinned cutely, scrunched his nose as always as he put the keychain onto his keys, dangling with it in the air.
"I don't care," Jungkook tells you, ignoring your comment of the sweater being too expensive. "I even washed it for you."
That's true. There's no trace of the price tag, which is usually cut off anyways before you give it to someone as a gift. But as you bring the sweater to your nose, you recognize Jungkook's fabric softener right away and you gush at the sweet but soft smell.
"Thank you." you tell him, pulling from the sweater as you hug him.
He laughs, hugging you back. "It's nothing."
"It's not nothing, Kook," you murmur against him, pulling away. "I've got your presents with me too."
Yes, Jungkook isn't the only one who thought about this. He's also not the only one who bought more presents than just one. You're guilty too, but only because you had a suspicion he'll do this.
Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, snickering at you as you proudly grin at him, your face screaming 'See? You're not the only one'.
"We can just unwrap the rest of it later, with Tae and Jimin too." you think out loud which Jungkook nods to, agreeing with you since he brought their presents with him too.
Jimin and Taehyung have also brought their presents for you and Jungkook too, so like every year, you're going to unwrap them too and witness their reactions to your presents while unwrapping them.
You clutch Jungkook's present to your chest, ready to join the others until Jungkook stops you with a soft 'hey', his hand grabbing your wrist. Staring at him curiously, you hum in response.
"What was that call earlier?" he asks, your throat getting dry right away as you're trying to keep your natural and automatic reaction at bay.
You can't read Jungkook's expression at all, it seems like he's asking you a casual thing but in reality, he's mentioning yesterday's call. He definitely heard something, you're not sure if he knows or not, but all you can do is act like nothing happened. The fact he's bringing this out of nowhere makes you embarrassed because this has never happened before. You wouldn't care about it if he didn't just bring it up.
"I don't know what you're talking about." you tell him casually, lips pressed in a tight line as he lets go off your wrist with an amused chuckle. Okay, he definitely sees right through you. What did you expect, right?
Still, you don't give him that satisfaction of giving him a reaction as you hold your head high and raise a brow at him.
"You're awful at lying, I told you that many times." he jokes, shaking his head at you as a frown makes its way to your face. "Lighten up, I'm just teasing you."
Still, you clench your jaw in the same embarrassment as you can feel your cheeks heathen up. Thank god for the cold outside, your cheeks are already red from it.
"I'm not lying." you pathetically state, knowing he doesn't believe you a single word as he chuckles again. Lowly and deep.
Your breath catches in your throat when he leans towards you, lips dangerously close to your ear as you can feel his hot breath against your skin.
"I think you forgot that I know how you sound when you're getting fucked."
If it could be realistic, your jaw would hit the floor at how easy he says it, your heart almost jumping out of your chest as your insides tremble with something you can't put your finger on. Is it an embarrassment? Excitement from the words he just said to you? Why would you be excited? That doesn't make sense. Jungkook has a great way of talking and choosing his words, making anyone flustered.
"Hey, there you are!"
Before you can try to get some word mess out of your mouth, there's a feminine voice you recognize in a second coming your way. You look behind Jungkook to find Kiko approaching you, wearing just a cardigan as she hugs it closer to herself. Great, just what you needed right now.
You're still in shock from Jungkook's honesty and bluntness to fully grasp the fact, there's Kiko approaching the two of you until she stands beside Jungkook.
"I was waiting for you, I already picked our room," Kiko smiles at Jungkook, directing her brown eyes to glance at you. "Hi, Y/N." she says, somehow cautiously and you'd mentally snicker at how careful she seems to be while facing you again, if your head wasn't screaming at Jungkook's bluntness. Your own eyes stare at Jungkook who simply watches you waiting for you to say something.
"Hi," you let out a dry greeting, not even hiding the fact you're not pleased to be in her company. "I should pick our room too." you murmur, walking away from them with an annoyed huff as you hear Jungkook sigh.
"What are you doing here in the cold wearing just this? You'll get sick." he scolds Kiko gently and when you glance across your shoulder, you see him pulling her closer to his side to warm her up.One glance at them and you're ready to fume, especially at the sight of her in her full princess and innocent glory. Just great. When you thought you could actually make it through this trip without feeling annoyed.
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pinksturniolo · 6 months
Biggest Fan: Part Three
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Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader
Summary: The one in which a fan gets rear ended in a car accident by none other than Christopher Sturniolo during her stay in Los Angeles.
A/N: This is my first series I will be publishing on here! There will most likely be 3 or 4 parts. I hope you like it and I’m really excited to share with you all. :)
Content Warnings: smut, oral receiving/giving, fingering, raw penetration, swearing, throat fucking, bondage (if you are not comfortable with that please don’t read), mentions of a head injuries, mentions of a car accident
word count: 4,423
side note: sorry for the long wait!! it was a crazy day lol but here it is <3
inspired by this song:
You ended up needing three stitches.
Apparently, you had underestimated the cut on your forehead and if it wasn’t for Isabel, you would’ve just left it with the bandage Chris had put on for you. After you left the triplets house, she insisted that you go to an urgent care and get it checked out. You explained the details of the whole night to her, starting from when you left your hotel room to get Wendy’s up until the moment Matt knocked on Chris’ door.
“Holy shit. Our first night in L.A. and you manage to get in a car accident with Chris Sturniolo which ends up in him eating you out? What kind of black magic have you been doing?” Isabel jokes as you look out the car window, avoiding eye contact with her. You were on the way back to your hotel after leaving the urgent care. You groan, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.  “Let’s never talk about this again, please.” You reply.
At the same time, your phone rings, Chris’ name flashing across the screen. Your heart immediately jumps, and you look at Isabel in fear, showing her the name.
“Oh my god. Answer it!” She says, her eyes wide, glancing at you and to the road, trying to focus on driving.
“Fuck no! I cannot talk to him right now… How did he even get my number?” You wonder aloud. The call goes to voicemail and almost immediately after, you receive 2 text messages from him.
Hey. I got your number from Matt. Just wanted to make sure you’re good.
He called the tow place so they could get your tire fixed and take it to your hotel. Lmk when they drop it off.
You read the messages but don’t reply, putting your phone back down and leaning back in your seat. Exhaustion was beginning to set in. You hadn’t slept in almost 24 hours. “Why didn’t you answer?” Isabel asks.
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk to him… I just feel utterly mortified from what happened. It was an amazing night, don’t get me wrong. He’s cool as fuck. I guess I’m just being insecure, but I feel embarrassed about it. It’s not like me to do one-night stands. What if he just regrets it?” You tell her, really starting to question everything that happened last night.
 “Y/N. Stop. You seriously need to get out of your head and give yourself some credit. He’s obviously interested in you if he’s calling and texting you. You’re hot okay. Any guy would want you.” She says, making you smile.
“Besides, we came to L.A. for a reason, right? To let loose and have fun. This is best case scenario Y/N, might as well make the most of it.” She adds, turning into the hotel parking lot.
Isabel was one your best friends, one of the reasons being she always gave the best advice and knew what you needed to hear while not sugar coating anything. You had always appreciated her for that. She parks and you both unbuckle your seatbelts, grabbing your things and getting out of the car. “You know what, you’re right. I need to stop overthinking things so much.” You say as you walk into the hotel lobby, getting into the elevator. She smiles at you and gives you a hug. “Exactly.” She replies. You both head to your rooms and once you hit the bed, you knock out, unable to keep your eyes open for one more second.
When you finally wake up, it’s 6 p.m., the sun starting to set outside. You had slept the whole day. You yawn and stretch, getting out of your bed and heading to the shower so you could wake up.
You still have Chris’ clothes on and can smell the scent of his cologne lingering as you take them off. You remember that your wet clothes are still in a pile on his bathroom floor, silently cursing to yourself for forgetting them there. Now you had a reason to see him again.
You decide to go wash his clothes at the hotel laundry mat once you finish in the shower. You still haven’t called or texted him back, a feeling of guilt washing over you. You know that you should, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it yet. What were you so afraid of?
You were afraid of how good it felt being with him. The connection you felt scared you and you hadn’t even gone all the way with him. But you couldn’t get him out of your head. Last night played over and over in your head like a broken record.
The way he made you laugh. The lustful look in his eyes. The feeling of his hands gripping your waist. The way his lips felt on your neck. The feeling of his hair tickling the insides of your thighs as he licked and sucked and fingered you until you were whimpering his name. The way his voice sounded…
“Anything to get you in bed next to me, princess.”
“You look so pretty like this.”
“Cum for me sweetheart.”
His words played repeatedly in your head as you lay in your bed, a movie playing on the tv, but you couldn’t pay attention. All you could think about was him. You burned a hole into your phone as you stared at it.
Stop being a pussy. Just call him. You think, picking up your phone and dialing his number.
Your heart races as it rings, and you almost change your mind and hang up at the last minute when he finally picks up. “Y/N?” He says. “Hey.” You respond, the cheesiest grin appearing on your face the minute you hear him say your name.
“I was starting to think you ghosted me.”
“Well, I actually was until I remembered you still have my clothes and I have yours.”
“Funny joke. I washed your clothes earlier, you can come get them anytime. Unless you want me to bring them to you?”
“Uh… I’ll let you know. Me and my friends planned a hiking trip for tomorrow.”
“…. Okay. No worries. Hey, did you get your car back?”
“Yes, I did. Thank you so much for that, and please tell Nick and Matt thank you for me as well.”
“Of course. How’s the cut?”
“I actually ended up going to urgent care and getting three stitches. But they were pretty small, it was no big deal.”
“Damn. I’m sorry, Y/N. I knew we should’ve called the ambulance.”
“Chris, it’s okay, I promise. How’s the Kia? I was too in shock to even ask last night.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. The bumper is a little messed up and one of the lights broke but I think your car ended up taking most of the damage… Sorry again.”
“Well at least it’s not worse. You do owe me a frosty though.”
“Hm, I would argue a McFlurry makes up for it way better.”
You and Chris end up talking and laughing almost the whole night about anything and everything. Everything except the things that occurred in his bed. You’re too hesitant to bring it up and he seems to take the hint, not mentioning it either.
The next day, you and your friends take a trip up to Big Bear, hiking for most of the day. You enjoy the views and spending time with them. You still can’t help but realize that you’re not a hundred percent in the moment, counting the minutes until you could get back to the city and talk to Chris again.
Chris’ mind hadn’t stopped racing since the morning you left his house. His heart ached as he watched your friend drive off with you in the passenger seat, feeling like a love drunk fool.
He immediately asked Matt for your number from when you had exchanged information after the accident, a knowing look in his eye when he gave it to him. “Gonna ask her on a date or what?” Matt teased him, which he ignored completely.
“Don’t pretend like I didn’t hear some interesting noises coming from your room last night!” He shouts as Chris runs downstairs to be alone in his room.
His heart sank when you didn’t answer his call and he chalked it up to the fact that you were probably just tired and needed sleep. Which he desperately needed as well but he couldn’t help and wait for you to text or call him back as he made himself busy, cleaning up his room and washing your clothes when he found them still lying on his bathroom floor.
After a couple hours passed though, he lost hope of getting your phone call and finally laid down, deciding he should get some rest. He tossed and turned for a while though, unable to get the memory of last night out of his head.
The look in your eyes when you told him to touch you. The way your lips felt on his, your hands in his hair. The sweet sounds you made as he tasted you. The way you clenched around his fingers as he made you orgasm, the way his name sounded as you screamed it.
Fuck. He was down bad and he knew it.
There was an infectious energy between you two and he craved more of it. He finally fell asleep thinking of you and when he woke up, the sun was setting.
Matt and Nick forced him to come out of his room and eat something. He talked with them for a while, avoiding mentioning you. He took a shower and was about to turn on a TV show to try and get his mind off you when you called. He couldn’t help the goofy smile that plastered his face as he answered, grateful to hear your voice again.
Hours later that night, when you and him had finally hung up, he already knew. It had only been a day, but he just knew he wanted more time with you, to take care of you in all the ways you deserved. When you told him you would be on a hiking trip the next day and wouldn’t have service to text him, he couldn’t ignore the way it made his heart sink.
He was falling for you, head over heels.
As soon as you got back to your hotel, you were exhausted and your feet ached. You took a shower and lay down, sending Chris a quick text message.
Hey :) Just got home, I think my feet might fall off lol. It was great though, I’ll send you pictures in the morning. Sorry I can’t talk tonight but call me when you wake up!
The next few days passed incredibly fast. Chris had to go to Boston unfortunately, but he told you he would be back the day before you left to go back home.
You and your friends spent time at the beach, walked the Hollywood Walk of Fame, danced at the club, and did all the things you had came to do. It truly was the best vacation you had been on.
You and Chris texted nonstop and stayed up talking on the phone when you could. He was one of the sweetest people you had met, and the more you got to know him, the more you wanted nothing but to spend every second with him. How could your feelings grow so strong in such a short time?
The night Chris came back home, you were in your hotel room, most of your belongings packed and ready to go. You were in your nicest set of silk pajamas, brushing your hair for the hundredth time as you waited for him to arrive.
You both agreed that he would come over with the clothes you left at his house, and you could give him his. But you both knew it was more than that. There was unfinished business, and as eager as you were to finish it, you were still a bit nervous.
Chris arrived a few minutes earlier then he said he would, a soft knock sounding at your door that summoned those damn butterflies again.
You took a deep breath, opening the door to reveal him there, cheeky smile as always, both of his arms resting on the door frame above him. He was wearing jeans and one of his fresh love t-shirts. Does this man ever not look good?
“Fancy seeing you here.” He says as you step aside, allowing him to walk in. You laugh, going over to grab his clothes for him.
He sets a bag with yours in it on the table in your room. As you go to hand the clothes to him, he doesn’t take them right away.
You hold it out awkwardly, an expectant look on your face as he raises his eyebrows at you. “Are you not gonna take them?” You ask, lowering your arms down.
“Is that it then?” He responds, giving you a look that has your heart starting to beat faster. “What do you mean?” You say, dragging it out longer. You couldn’t just jump his bones the minute he walked in, could you?
“Don’t play stupid with me, Y/N.” He speaks lowly, making your heart feel like it’s doing flips inside your chest. He pushes the clothes in your arms down to the floor and moves closer to you, now inches from your face.
“Do you know how crazy you drive me? I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left.” He says quietly. You feel his breath across your lips as he moves even closer, smirking at the obvious effect he has on you, as a deep blush fans across your face. He places his hands on either side of your face, his thumbs stroking softly. “You have no idea of all the things I wanna do to you…” he breaths, his lips brushing yours. “Then show me.” You whisper.
He wastes no time placing his lips on yours as you kiss him back, your mouth opening to allow his tongue to tangle with yours as your arms go up to wrap around his neck. He moves his hands down to your hips as they slip under your thin shirt, the feeling of his hands on your bare skin giving you tingles down your spine. He slips his hands to your ass, squeezing tightly, making you moan in his mouth. “Jump.” He instructs and as you do, he picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
He walks towards your bed, your lips still joined in a sloppy kiss, setting you down on it and hovering on top of you.  You can’t control the moans that slip from your mouth as he leaves spongy, wet kisses down your neck and chest, removing your shirt and his in the process, and you allow your body to respond to his commands, and to his satisfaction he discovers you don’t have a bra on so he can leave more love bites on your breasts.
He takes his time sucking on them and rolling his tongue slowly over each of your nipples. You wrap your legs around his waist, feeling how hard he is, and you can’t help but buck your hips up into his, causing him to moan out, his mouth travelling back up to your neck which seems to be his favorite spot to kiss you.
He notices the hickeys he left on you the first night you spent together and smirks at you as he pulls his head up, whispering in your ear. “Do you like seeing my marks on you? Does it make you wet knowing that you’re all mine baby?” Fuck. This man will be the death of you.
“Yes, Chris.” You breath out, again bucking your hips up onto his rock hard dick currently straining through his jeans. He hums in satisfaction, grabbing your wrists in one hand and holding them above your head. “If you keep doing that, I’m not gonna last.” He warns, his fucked-out expression as he looks at you, making your already wet center soaking.
Of course, this makes you grind on him again, the feeling of it too good to stop. He grips your wrists tighter in his hand, undoing his belt and taking it off his jeans. He then wraps it around your wrists, belting them together tight enough to where you can’t move them but not too tight to where it’s uncomfortable for you.
“Is this okay?” he asks, pausing to look into your eyes, searching for any hesitation. “Yes.” You respond, your heart racing and pussy throbbing so much it almost hurts. “Promise? Just tell me to stop if you need me to.” He says, sliding your silk shorts down your legs, discarding them on the floor.
“Yes, I promise.” You say back, anticipating his next move. He bites his lips, his eyes taking in your naked body, your lace panties the only thing left. “So beautiful, princess. Just for me.” he whispers as if he’s saying it to himself, but you hear him and you think you just might pass out from how sweet it sounds.
He pulls you slightly down the bed, your hips on the edge as he leans down, knees hitting the floor, his head now level between your legs.
His blue eyes burn into yours as he wraps your thighs around his face and wastes no time pulling your panties aside to let his tongue slick through your wet folds, up and down, side to side on your clit and then back down to tease your entrance. You cry out loudly, throwing your head back and squeeze your thighs around his head relentlessly which only makes him hold you in place even tighter, ensuring you’ll have more bruises in the morning.
The position he has you in and the constriction of his belt around your wrists is enough to send you over the edge. The feeling is indescribable, and your whole body is ablaze with euphoria.
It doesn’t take long until you feel yourself close to an orgasm as he moans dirty words against you. “Fuck baby, I missed you. I touched myself so many times remembering how good you taste.” His voice sends deep vibrations through you. “Are you gonna cum for me princess? I want you to cum all over my tongue.”
He then grabs your hips, guiding them to thrust against his face as you ride his tongue. “Oh my God, yes Chris!” You scream, letting him use your body to get off on him.  You cum hard, your body shaking as you continue to moan his name. He helps you ride it out, his hands gently rubbing your legs and thighs and he gets up to take the belt off, rubbing your wrists as well.
He kisses you softly as you catch your breath. You feel fueled by lust, the need to make him moan your name strong when you look him in the eyes, an idea popping into your head. “I want you fuck my throat.” You say, the surprise in his face makes you laugh but you’re serious as you sit up to unbutton his jeans and pull them down his legs.
“Yeah?” He responds, a playful fire in his eyes. “Mhm.” You hum, biting your lip and the innocent look in your eyes almost makes him lose it then and there. He stands up at the edge of the bed and you turn your body the opposite way, laying down flat so now your head hangs off the edge.  
“Tap my thigh if you need me to stop, okay?” He says, his breathing heavy as he pulls his dick out of his boxers and from the view you currently have, it looks huge, veins running along his shaft and precum oozing out of the tip. He brings it to your mouth, and you open to wrap your lips around it, your tongue swirling around him teasingly. “Fuck…” He whimpers lowly, trying to contain himself as he slides it further slowly, your saliva coating him.
 Your cheeks hollow around him and he pauses halfway, letting you adjust to him. He waits a few seconds before going deeper, brushing the back of your throat, making you slightly gag. He moans loudly at the feeling, which makes you hum around him. You are enjoying every minute of this.
He starts to slowly thrust himself down your throat, careful to pause every now and then when he feels you gag. But you quickly get used to it and reach up to grab his hand, motioning for him to continue. He picks up the pace, loud moans now leaving his mouth which only makes you wetter. “Fuuuuckk… Y/N. Feels so good.” He breathes out. He wants to cum down your throat so badly but at this point he needs to feel himself inside you more than he’s ever needed anything.
He pulls out and helps you back into an upright position on the bed, laying you down against the pillows. “Please tell me you’re on the pill.” He says, pulling your panties off and discarding them somewhere along with the pile of clothes forming on the floor. “Yes.” You respond, grateful you were because you wanted nothing more than to feel his bare skin against yours.
He takes your legs, spreading you open for him again and rubs his cock against your entrance teasingly. “Please, Chris. I need you.” You whimper, gripping his arms and wrapping your legs around his lower back. “No need to beg, sweetheart. You got me.” He responds as he pushes himself inside you.
You both moan in ecstasy at the feeling, your eyes rolling back as he continues to sink himself all the way into you. “God, Chris…” You say, a slight burning as you adjust to his size.
He groans loudy, thrusting into you slowly, the sight of your blissful expression and the way your tits bounce with each movement almost sending him over the edge. You meet his hips with yours each time, uncontrollable moans pouring out of you. “I love making you sound like this baby. Tell me only I can make you feel this good, Y/N.” He says, his breath shaky but his grip on your legs strong.
“Yes, Chris. Only you can do this to me. Feels so- ah- so gooood.” You respond, at this point ready to do anything he says. The feeling of him inside you is like no other. He moves harder and faster, hitting your g spot with each thrust.
You clench around him and he feels your wetness drip down his cock. The pleasure you give him is unmatched but the way he feels being close to you like this, your bodies becoming one has him in a state of bliss. He knows you’re close and wraps you tighter around him, his face falling to yours, one hand pressing into the mattress, the other hand pressing down slightly on your abdomen.
You cry out at the sensation, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging his hair.
“Can you cum again for me baby? Please… I wanna fill you up while you scream my name.” He says, his hips slamming into you, pounding you over and over again. “Please baby. Please cum for me.” The needy sound in his voice and the pace of his thrusting brings you to your second orgasm, clenching around his cock and releasing all over him.
Your whimpers are swallowed by him as he kisses you, his orgasm shortly coming after yours, spilling himself inside you. You both gasp for air, completely spent, and he stays there for a few minutes, holding you as you both catch your breath.
Once you both have settled down, he grabs a damp towel and cleans you up. You lay together, Chris rubbing circles on your back as you hold him. “Goodnight, princess.” He whispers and you both drift off to a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you and Chris spend exploring each other’s bodies in every possible way in the time you have left before you have to check out of the hotel.
Under the sheets, he covers every inch of your body in kisses. In the shower, he fucks you up against the glass, pulling your wet hair from behind you. On the couch, you ride him until your legs shake, while he whimpers in your ear.
When it came time for you to leave, you tried not to cry but it was bittersweet. You and Chris had shared something special, and you both agreed there was more between you two then just amazing sex.
He made you promise to call and text him anytime you could, and the good thing was, your hometown was on the East Coast which would make it easier for you guys to meet up when he visited Boston.
And you kept your promises while he kept his, each time you got to see each other was better than the last. You couldn’t get enough of each other, and he made you feel so comfortable in your own skin. You silently thanked the universe for putting the events of that night of the accident into motion because if you hadn’t met Chris, life wouldn’t be the same.
chris & y/n:
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a/n: and there it is!!! my first series completed :) pleaseeee let me know what yall thought! matt series next???
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auggieblogs · 1 year
ugh, math!
Max Verstappen x reader
Summary: Overwhelmed by math exam anxiety, you were on the verge of despair. Max's comforting presence and soothing words were your saving grace.
Author's note: Oh my god, I absolutely love this prompt. Thank you so much, the anon who requested this. I really hope you enjoy this!
P.S.- I am not technically a woman in STEM so I don't know the struggles, but I have 12th grade math, and it is downright depressing for me. Again, I might have projected a little too much. Apologies in advance.
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The weight of the upcoming math final pressed heavily on your shoulders, making your chest tight with anxiety. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the complex numbers and equations in your textbook. You deeply regretted taking this class, and an overwhelming sense of incompetence washed over you. You were about to give in to despair, convinced that you simply weren't smart enough for this. The more you tried to grasp the concepts, the more they seemed to slip through your fingers like sand.
Just when you thought you couldn't bear it any longer, the door opened, and Max walked into the room. His perceptive eyes immediately caught the distress etched on your face, and worry flashed across his features. Without hesitation, he rushed to your side, his voice filled with genuine concern.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Max asked softly, crouching down in front of you.
You looked up at him, your eyes brimming with tears, and it all became too much to bear. You broke down in front of him, your sobs escaping uncontrollably, your head buried in your trembling hands.
Max hated seeing you like this. He immediately wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you close to his chest, and kissing your forehead gently as he whispered soothing words. His fingers ran through your hair in slow, calming strokes, offering comfort and reassurance.
You hiccupped between sobs, words tumbling out in a rush. "I can't do this, Max. It's so difficult, and I feel like giving up. I'm not smart enough for this, I just can't."
Max held you even closer, his voice unwavering and reassuring. "Listen, bub, you are incredibly smart, and you're not a quitter. I know you can do this."
His words gave you a glimmer of encouragement. Sniffling and wiping away your tears, you took a deep breath and returned to your study materials. Max remained by your side, not entirely understanding the complex math, but his presence was a source of comfort.
As you worked through the complex equations, Max fetched your favourite chocolate milk and prepared your go-to comfort sandwich. He knew that a touch of familiar comfort would help you feel better. Between study sessions, he quizzed you on formulas and cheered you on with a smile and encouraging words.
Hours upon hours passed in intense studying, but Max's belief in you never wavered. He could see your fatigue setting in as the night wore on. Gently, he suggested, "You've been working so hard, love. Maybe it's time to get some rest."
Reluctantly, you agreed, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling upon you. Max helped you tidy up your study materials and led you to the bedroom. He tucked you into bed, his fingers continuing to run soothingly through your hair.
"Try to relax," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "You've got this"
After a night of restful sleep, you woke up early, refreshed and determined. Max's encouraging words from the previous night echoed in your mind, reminding you of your own capabilities. With newfound confidence, you revisited your formulas and reviewed the key concepts, ensuring you were as prepared as possible.
As you entered the exam room, your heart still raced with anticipation, but there was a newfound sense of self-assuredness within you. The questions on the paper no longer seemed insurmountable; you tackled them with determination and clarity.
Hours passed by in a blur of focused effort, and when you finally submitted your exam, you felt a sense of accomplishment wash over you. The exam went remarkably well, and you couldn't help but smile as you left the room.
Outside, Max was waiting for you, a proud and supportive grin on his face. His mere presence brought an extra layer of warmth to your already joyful heart. He enveloped you in a hug.
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼𓇼 ⋆。˚𓆝⋆。˚
The day the results were finally revealed was a day of both excitement and trepidation. Your heart raced as you logged into the exam portal, hoping beyond hope for a passing grade. As the page loaded, your eyes widened in disbelief, and a rush of pure elation surged through you – you hadn't just passed; you had aced the exam!
Unable to contain your excitement, you called Max immediately. His voice was filled with pride and joy as he exclaimed, "I knew you could do it, baby! I'm so incredibly proud of you!"
He couldn't wait to celebrate this incredible achievement with you. He suggested a celebratory dinner or date night. However, you were still feeling the exhaustion from your intense studying and the emotions of the past few days. You wanted nothing more than to stay in and unwind in the comfort of your own space.
Max decided to make the evening just as special at home. He ordered your favourite takeout, ensuring it was exactly what you were craving. He also brought home an assortment of your favourite ice cream flavours, knowing that dessert would be the perfect indulgence for this celebratory occasion.
As evening descended, you both snuggled on the couch, surrounded by pillows and blankets. The collection of your favourite movie, "The Princess Diaries," is played on the screen. Max's arm wrapped securely around you as he pulled you close, planting sweet kisses on your forehead. Laughter filled the air as you indulged in your ice cream, not caring about what was going on in the film but rather the ridiculous jokes Max was currently making.
With each passing minute, the exhaustion from the weeks of preparation began to catch up with you. Max noticed your eyelids growing heavy, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of you, content and peaceful in slumber. He gently brushed a strand of hair from your face and took a picture, capturing the moment .
maxverstappen1 posted on their story
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guccifrog · 8 months
matt sturniolo x f!reader
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idk what to feel about this one tbh 🤓
y/n's pov
"Here," Chris said handing me a soda can, I took it and nodded my thanks. We've been all sitting in the waiting room for the past four hours, since I got to the hospital first thing in the morning, no one was allowed to see Matt. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, every time the doctors opened the door.
Nick sat wide awake, his head resting on my shoulder as I stroked his hair back from his forehead. His eyes never left the door, and every time it swung open, he tensed. Chris was sitting on the floor next to us, his head in his hands. He kept checking his phone, only to sigh and put it away again. The triplets' mom, whose name I learned was Marylou, sat across from us with their dad. Her eyes were red from crying, but she tried to keep a brave face on for her kids.
The clock on the wall ticked loudly, the seconds seeming to drag on for an eternity. I glanced at Nick, trying to think of something to say to take his mind off the waiting, but every time I opened my mouth, my voice caught in my throat.
Marylou shifted in her seat and glanced at me, then back at her Nick. She caught my eye for a moment and gave me a small, sad smile. I really wanted to go over and hug her, to tell her that everything would be okay, but I didn't know what to say to someone who was facing what they were facing.
The door suddenly opened, and a doctor came out, her expression serious. My stomach clenched in fear as she walked over to us. "I'm sorry to say," she began, her voice quiet but firm, "that the surgery was not successful." Nick's head shot up, his eyes wide with disbelief. "The patient has sustained too much damage, and his organs have begun to shut down. We've done everything we can, but…" She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
I felt like the world had stopped spinning as the doctor spoke those words. Is that it? Is this how it ends? it's that simple?
Nick started to shake uncontrollably, his eyes filling with tears. He buried his face in my shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around him, unable to believe what I was hearing. Chris threw his arms around us both, sobbing into Nick's hair. Marylou and her husband both cried silently, their faces twisted in pain.
"Can we at least see him?" Marylou asked, her voice shaking. The doctor nodded, motioning for us to follow her. Nick clung to me, as we walked down the hall. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, wishing there was something I could do to make this better.
The room was dimly lit, and machines were beeping in the background. The hospital bed was elevated, and a body lay under the thin white sheet. Nick's body went limp in my arms as he realized it was his brother. His sobs grew louder. Chris squeezed past us, falling to his knees beside the bed. He reached out and pulled the sheet back.
"What the fuck?" I gasped as I looked at the body that was under the sheet. That's not Matt, it's someone else. It was an old man's body. The room spun, and I felt like I was going to throw up. "Oh my god," I heard Chris say, his voice cracking. "Is this some kind of joke?"
Nick was still sobbing into my shoulder, oblivious to what had just happened. Marylou knelt beside the bed, her hands clutching the sheets. The doctor walked over to us, her expression grim. "We're so sorry, There's been a mix-up. We'll go find your son immediately." She turned and practically ran out of the room. Nick looked up from my shoulder, confused. "What do you mean, a mix-up?"
Chris, still staring at the body on the bed, said, "I don't understand. That's not Matt. I'm sure that this isn't even his room." He turned to the other doctor. "Who's body is that?"
The doctor paused, his face pale. "I…I don't know. The records show that he was supposed to be here, but…it's not him." He looked at us, his eyes filled with fear and regret. "I'm so sorry, we'll try to fix this"
Nick pulled away from me, his face a mix of anger and disbelief. "Fix this? How do you fix something like this?!" He pointed to the body on the bed. "That's not my fucking brother! Where is he?!"
Marylou took a deep breath and tried to calm him down. "Nick, we need to stay calm. The doctor is going to find out what happened and make sure Matt is okay. Let's just try to wait here." She squeezed his hand, but he pulled it away, pacing back and forth.
The doctor returned a short while later, her expression grave. "We've identified the body as belonging to a man named Matthew Williams. He was admitted to the hospital under a false name, and the records were somehow switched with your son's. We've notified the police, and they're investigating the situation." I stared at her, My face a mask of disbelief and horror. "I am so, so sorry for this mistake. We'll do everything we can to find your son and get this sorted out."
Nick collapsed into a chair, his head in his hands. Chris knelt beside him, trying to comfort him. Marylou looked from Nick to the doctor, her face pale. "Do you have any idea where our son might be?" she asked, her voice shaking. The doctor shook her head, her expression pained."Not yet. We'll alert all the hospitals in the area and work with the police to locate him as quickly as possible."
As the minutes turned into hours, the waiting room seemed to close in on them. Nick paced back and forth, unable to sit still. Chris tried to stay calm, but the anxiety was evident in his voice when he spoke to the doctors. Marylou sat in a chair, her face pale. The silence was broken only by the occasional sob from Nick or the beeping of the machines in the hallway.
taglist :
@mattestrella @chrisfavoritepepsi @sunsetsturniolos @littlebookworm803 @sturniozo @sturniolooooo @athaliahxoxo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ev3rgreenxtrees @nonamegirlxsturniolo @crybabycat1 @mooniethesimp31 @ducksturniolo @ifilwtmfc @pepsiimaxx @sleepysturnss @lustfulslxt @ilovemattsworld @hrt-attack @flowerxbunnie @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @secret-sturniolo @iluvmeeen @that-general-simp @swangelss @familynotfandom @fuckshitslover @styles-sturniolo @lvr-111 @opheliaofficial07 @kiarastromboli
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lizthewriter · 8 months
bad idea right? / diego hargeeves
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PAIRING  s1!diego hargreeves x fem!reader
SUMMARY  you and diego broke up a while ago, but when he texts you at perhaps the most vulnerable time of your life, you can't help but answer.
TAGS  s1!diego hargreeves x fem!reader, clubbing, partying, exes, reunion, making out, everyone simping for five meanwhile my obsession with diego 🧍‍♀️, i just rewatched s2 and s3 of tua
QUOTE  "i'm right here with all my friends, / but you're sending me your new address, / and i know we're done, i know we're through, / but god, when i look at you," - bad idea right? by olivia rodrigo
WRITTEN  12.10.2023
tonight was your night. strobing lights flashing all around you, sticky spots on your arms where people accidentally spilled their liquor, bodies flush against your own as everyone flowed with the music. you could forget all about any and every difficulty in your life. one night of drinking and partying, which you would most likely regret in the morning. but for now, you didn't care. you were having fun.
"hey, what's that?" your friend shouted over the booming music. you couldn't hear her.
"what?" you shouted back in confusion. she reached over to you, pulling out a blinkering device from the small, glittery purse barely hanging off of your arm. It was your phone - someone was calling. She looked at the caller ID and her expression darkened. "Who is it?"
You walked around her, only to see him. That stupid fucking smile of his, so goddamn beautiful. You felt your heart sink into your stomach and it settled with a tragic gurgle at the bottom of your gut. Your friend immediately hung up on him and gave you your phone back. "Just leave it alone, okay? Remember why you came here in the first place . . ."
Her expression was encouraging - she wanted you to say it. With a relictant role of your eyes, you responded, "to get drunk and forget about him," with as much disdain as you could.
"Exactly," she responded with a simpering smile, clapping her hands together. She grabbed you by the shoulders, turned you around, and started to push you towards the mass of bodies. "So go out there, dance your ass off, and make every man in this room jealous that he can't have you. Go!"
"All right, all right!" You exclaimed in response, shrugging her hands off your shoulder and entering the crowd through a very narrow passageway between two couples dancing it out. As the scent of alcohol, sweat, and sex assaulted your senses, you started to wonder whether this was a good idea at all. You slowly looked towards your purse. No. You promised yourself you wouldn't crawl back to him. But it was just too easy to pull out your phone and stare at new messages you recieved.
DIEGO (10:34PM) look, i know things ended badly
DIEGO (10:34PM) but i can be better
DIEGO (10:35PM) Location shared. come on please, just talk to me
It wouldn't be a big deal if you went over, right? I mean, you were just friends. That's what you decided on when you ended your relationship, even if you had ignored him since said desicion. It was just one night. One singular night, and you were just stopping by. It totally wasn't a bad idea at all. Right?
You didn't bother saying goodbye to your friend. She was probably already luring they guy she was dancing with to the bathroom - you wouldn't see her for a while. And she wouldn't see you either.
His address wasn't far off from where you were - you could walk there, even. You ignored the catcalls and whistles thrown your way, rushing through the streets to the one person who could ever get you to do something like this. He was your biggest strength and your worst weakness, all at once.
You climbed the stairs to an apartament complex to the second floor, flying past the different room numbers until you found his. With heavy breath, you raised your hand to the wood but hesitated. How was this night going to end? Well . . . how do you want this night to end? You weren't going to pretend as though you didn't miss him whole-heartedly. But it was hard to pretend as though he wasn't the one who ended things.
You were delusional. You thought, maybe one more night together would be good for us.
You knocked, three times. It wasn't long before he swung open the door and leaned against it, again, with fhat smug smirk. Diego. His eyes followed the length do your body - you almost forgot you had dressed up to go out with your friend.
"All for me?" He asked, returning his gaze to your eyes. It was alluring - not begging, but demanding that you come inside. It was hard to tear your eyes away from him. He was still in his vigilante gear and he knew how that made you feel.
A plesant blush spread over your cheeks. "I was out clubbing," you responded shyly, shifting your weight between your feet. He said nothing, only moving out fo your way and pulling the door wider. Asking to please, come in. You hurried inside - after all, you were shivering from the freezing cold in a much-too-short mini-dress and skinny heels. "I'll admit, I wasn't expecting you to reach out."
"No?" He had his back turned to you, by the small counter that must be the kitchen. He faced you again, with two glass tumblers and offered you a drink. You accepted - after all, he was being hospitable and you didn't want to be rude. Finding a place to get comfortable, you leaned against what you could call a kitchen table, but being truthful, you were practically seated upon it. "I wasn't expecting you to come."
You shrugged, taking a long dreg from your tumbler, staring at the bottom of it when it left your lips. The tension in the room was thicker than blood. You looked up when the sound of Diego's drink meeting the table met your ears. He approached you, almost cautiously, like you were a deer in headlights. Taking the drink from your hand, he placed it on the table far from you and rested his hands on the surface of the table behind you. You were trapped. But it didn't much feel that way. In fact, you felt almost free, like ever since the break-up a piece of you had been locked up and now that you were with Diego . . . you were free to be who you are and do whatever you wanted.
"Which means we both know why we're here, right now," he said softly. An hour ago, you had told your friend that you and Diego were purely platonic. I only see him as a friend. You scoffed at yourself now. If that wasn't the biggest lie you've ever told yourself.
One of his hands reached out, trailing shapes onto the skin of your hand. This was a horrible idea.
"If you don't want to do this, I suggest you leave now."
It was a terrible idea.
But God, you wanted him.
"Why do you think I'm here you big dummy?" You smashed your lips against his, wrapping your legs around his torso while your hands trailed their way up his neck.
He grinned against your lips, his hand trailing down to clutch your ass. "Now that's what I'm talking about."
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nottsbitch · 3 days
Casual - T.N.
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Summary: Just a girl and her favorite situationship, who are strictly "casual". 18+ contains smut.
Frat Boy Theo
In the semi-dark house, all that could be heard was blaring music, making it impossible to hold a conversation.
You had regretted your decision to come as the smell of sweat surrounded you. But unfortunately for you when Theo wasn’t answering your text you knew exactly where to find him.
Every Friday night his frat would throw a themed party, and when this was going on it was almost impossible to get a hold of him.
As you navigated through the large crowd, you finally spotted Theo on the far side of the room, engaged in animated conversation with a girl you didn’t recognize. Her hand rested casually on his arm, and the way Theo laughed at something she said made a pang of jealousy twist in your gut.
The music seemed to drown out, leaving just the sight of them and the gnawing feeling that perhaps he wasn’t as committed to you as you had hoped. It stung to see him so at ease with someone else, and despite the thrumming bass that filled the room, the ache of your jealousy felt deafening.
You took a deep breath and pushed through the crowd, determination set in your stride. When you reached Theo and the girl, you tapped him sharply on the shoulder.
His smile faltered as he turned to face you, the recognition in his eyes quickly replaced by a flicker of surprise. "Theo, we need to talk," you said, your voice steady but edged with frustration.
The girl looked between you two, clearly sensing the tension, and took a step back, giving you both space. Theo's expression shifted from confusion to concern as he tried to gauge the situation. "What's wrong?" he asked, but you could hear the uncertainty in his tone.
"Oh, I thought something might be wrong, but I’m just thrilled to see you’re perfectly fine here, chatting away." Your tone dripped with sarcasm as you gestured toward the girl he’d been talking to.
"Alright let's talk upstairs, Now," He said quickly pushing you to the stairs trying to avoid any onlookers who may have been listening to the conversation.
Once in his bedroom, Theo was quick with attaching his lips to yours, his arms tightening around your waist as he tried to pull you closer and closer.
As he started walking you backwards towards the bed his lips moved down to your neck.
"This isn't talking" You pushed out trying to hold back your moan, Choosing to attempt to stand your ground upset by the way he was acting.
"Can't we talk about this later?" The look he gave you immediately shutting you up.
You watched as Theo walked to his bed sitting down on the edge before motioning you over "Come here" It came out as a whisper as he gestured to his lap.
As much as you didn't want to you found yourself walking towards him, your arms going around his neck when you reached him pulling him in for another kiss. This went on for what felt like forever your lips together, his hands twisting and pulling at your hair every few minutes.
"You know you're my number one girl." He said smiling as his hands began to tug your shirt over your head. He left a trail of kisses on your exposed skin, as he continued to talk about how you had nothing to worry about, though your anger was long forgotten.
You pulled Theo's head back up to yours, your hands running through his hair before you guys were back to undressing each other.
"You're so gorgeous" Was all you heard from Theo which you almost missed because of how low it came out. "Your not leaving this bed until the only thing you remember is my name."
Shivers ran up your spine as you pulled him down to kiss you for the millionth time, this kiss more aggressive than the rest. Theo had his hands on your sides as he moved over your body. Once situated he moved his hands to yours interlacing your fingers as he pinned you into the mattress. Your tongues fought for dominance the only sound heard was the quiet moans coming from both of your mouths. You could feel the warmth radiating off of his body as you used your legs to pull him even closer.
You pulled apart for one moment "I'll never get tired of looking at you" He said, as his eyes hungrily took in your naked body.
You bit your lip trying not to let his words have too much of an effect on you, remembering that sex was the only thing you were ever going to get from this man.
Your core tightened as you guys made eye contact. The feeling of his skin on yours always left you feeling speechless.
When you leaned back in you kissed him more desperate then you ever had before. Not being able to hold back your moans as you ran your hands from his hair to his shoulders, using them to pull him closer if that was even possible.
He bit your lip before pulling away, much to your displeasure. He had his body positioned between your legs. He gripped your hips painfully tight as he started kissing up your thigh.
As you closed your eyes letting out soft whimpers he took the time to look at you, before slowly pushing one long finger into you and quickly pulling it out again. This causes you to open your eyes and look at him. He admired your wetness on his finger before bringing it to his lips and sucking it clean.
You heart was racing out of control at this point just waiting for him to make a move.
"I want to hear every noise you make, Don't try and stay quiet. Got it?" The most you could do was nod your head. He ran his hand through your hair, moving down your body until he reached where you needed him most.
The next thing you knew, his fingers were on you clit, rubbing slowly. You let out a cry from the pleasure "Theo... Don't stop!"
And he didn't, his fingers continued to work as he moved his head next to yours whispering in your ear "I wouldn't dream of stopping now."
The feeling of his hand caused your arousal to take over your mind. Your legs were starting to shake as your head fell back, every sound coming out of your mouth like you couldn't hold it in. The sounds were going to his head causing him to speed up his pace bringing you closer and closer to your release.
She had never felt this much pleasure moaning loudly as he held your hips, stopping you from grinding against his hand. Then before you expected it a wave of pleasure came over your entire body.
You cried out sharply as Theo continued his pace letting you ride out your orgasm.
That was the start of your night and later as you laid next to a snoring Theo, you could only think how things didn't feel so casual to you .
I'm literally so bad at writing smut if this is bad just let me stay blissfully ignorant
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