#and i finished so early i had been expecting to sit here til 7 but its not even 5! anyway. indulge me just this because the rest has been
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alexanderpearce · 4 months ago
can i say something. i am just finishing my last ever assignment of my five year undergrad (yeah yeah we get it) and i feel like ozymandias king of kings doing this shit my fingers are on fire on my keyboard my wordplay and language are brilliant and fun this low HD is in the bag i feel like fucking coming
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everafterkeiji · 4 years ago
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Song: Officially Missing You by Tamia
Summary: When Tsukishima realizes how much he needs you even if you just started dating
Pairing: Kei Tsukishima x fem! reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 5.8k
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"Yes! Of course, Kei!"
It's only been two weeks when the blonde finally received your sweet approval of being his. You probably wouldn't have guessed to see the harsh boy with red cheeks and a smile on his features on that day, but it was safe to say it was a sight to remember. Icons and nicknames changed instantly when you two got home, the giddy feeling in your hearts making the new lovers stay up and talk until the dawn. You also couldn't forget the look on Yamaguchi's face when he saw you two holding hands when Tsukishima was walking you to your bus stop for you to go home, the green haired boy rushed to you immediately hugging you, genuinely happy his best friend finally found someone.
Even if it was only two weeks ago, it felt as if it should've happened a little earlier than that.
The only downside to this new found love was that you didn't exactly go to Karasuno unlike your boyfriend. You went to Nekoma high unknowing they were soon to be Karasunos opponent but you disregarded the idea and still decided that he was in fact, good for you. So every morning, he calls you when you two when you were on your way to school. He insisted on this little habit knowing you two never really have the time to be around each other since he was busy with training and so that he can spend time with you without his annoying teammates scramming around that he has a girlfriend.
With you being hours away from him, it was only right to text or call him whenever you arrived, reassuring him you were safe and sound. Even when you two were walking home, there was no way for you to end the call, cautious of the time you spent even if it was through FaceTime. In a short amount of time, this little habit was already embedded in your relationship. Tsukishima even managed to take notice of your schedule the minute you got home. When you've finally made it back to your house, you were bound to finish all of the requirements so you can talk to him all night once you're done.
You also managed to slip in a little gesture for the boy, sending him audios of you greeting him good morning or overall reminding him to take care of himself. Telling him it was his little good luck charm, something to remember you by whenever he was training. Surely he shouldn't be affected by something so simple but since it came from you, his heart never fails to flutter whenever he hears your sweet voice, greeting him so early in the morning with your little giggle when you went to talk about a dream you had.
As far as Tsukishima knows, he hasn't really made it clear to his teammates he was in a relationship. He didn't want to hear the never ending questions of the mysterious girl or even how it started. Even Yamaguchi doesn't ask questions about you knowing Yamaguchi was the only person Tsukishima even introduced you to- well was forced to introduce you since he really couldn't find an excuse as to why he was a holding a girls hand late in the afternoon.
"T-tsukki?" Yamaguchi utters, his eyes switching back and forth between your hands that were intertwined and to you in general. He wonders if he was dreaming, there was a huge chance of that but remembering how his best friend mentioned a girl in one of their conversations he can't help but blink wondering if you were the girl he was talking about. You look up to Tsukishima while he lets out a sigh as he pushes his glasses forward.
"This is Y/N my uh..girlfriend." You smile at the familiar boy and remove your hand from the blonde before sticking your hand out aiming to shake hands with him but instead arms were wrapped around you shortly catching you off guard. You hear a tch behind you but your hands were clasped into his shaking it excitedly.
"I'm Yamaguchi! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
On your side of the story, Kenma didn't really wanna intervene but when he sees you smiling at your phone he can't help but wonder if it was a game. Which lead you to admit that it was just your boyfriend and hearing the words slip your mouth, he just continued on with his game not even asking who the boyfriend was but soon Kuroo found out about the little secret at practice when it was just the two of them knowing you trusted Kuroo as well.
"Y/N promised me she was gonna ask something about chemistry. You know where she is?" Kuroo asks but he only receives a shrug from the smaller boy.
"Probably texting her boyfriend." He says nonchalantly and Kuroos eyebrows furrow but once he realizes that Kenma was actually being truthful, a smirk appears on his face.
"Ah! A boyfriend! That's interesting, I wonder who the bastard is. Do you know?" Kenma shakes his head no but Kuroo only lets the sly smirk on his features as he thinks about the next day, ready to bombard you with teases.
Kuroo stuck to his promise, urging you to spill who the lucky guy was but you only remained quiet with flustered cheeks as Kenma slightly glares at him wishing he'd stop the jokes, fully respecting your decision of not letting Kuroo know who the boy is.
Up til now, no one really noticed that their tallest teammate was in love since Tsukishima really didn't show an ounce of adoration on his features and he was entirely caught up in improving his moves and mocking the first years so his love life was kept behind doors.
But even if his features didn't show, his heart says otherwise.
How can his heart skip a beat when he sees you? What is that happy feeling in his stomach whenever you hold his hand? What is that anxious feeling when your name flashes on his screen? Needless to say he was new to everything, but nothing beats the feeling of having him make his way home to your arms when you two meet. All his exhaustion from long practices vanishes quickly when your arms were around him, your scent rubbing off him, and especially when your lips press to his cheek.
Disregarding his crave for your presence, he was still in denial of being clingy. He never really liked the idea of a person acting in such a way so he assumed he wouldn't act like that but when a girl comes strolling into his life, of course he was bound to act different but then he remembers a certain conversation between you and him.
"How was your day?" He asks and he can see through his screen you were shuffling in your bed hugging a pillow underneath you, your cheeks resting on the soft material and Tsukishima smiles slightly at the appeal.
"All good, Tsukki. Did you miss me?" You teased with an eyebrow raised. He rolls his eyes when he hears your little giggle, making his heart jump at the sound.
"You really didn't miss me?" You chuckle again but you look at the camera to see him staring right back.
"Pft..Of course I did, dumbass but I'm not the one to be clingy." He states and you run your fingers through your soft h/c hair. "Its okay to be clingy, babe. I really wouldn't mind having my boyfriend be crazy for me." He chuckles at your comment but shakes his head before adjusting his glasses.
"Sucks for you then, you can't expect me to be clingy that's for sure." You pout and his lips merely broke into a smile. How cute. He thought.
"Then maybe you are crazy."
"Oi!" And your laugh just echoes through his ears, a sound he found addicting like his favorite song.
Now that texting was your usual way of communicating, he wonders what it'd be like to be around you all the time. If only you were in the same school as he was, he wouldn't dare to pass up the opportunity of being with you 24/7 even if he has to be with his teammates, he'd still pick you over them in a heart beat.
With your father switching between Miyagi and Tokyo, it was beneficial for you two to meet at a location while your father was at work, waiting for him to pick you up. After school you would just ask him to take you to your school then picks you up in the afternoon so he can finish his job at Miyagi. With pure luck, you'd arrive at Miyagi at 7:30pm, wherein they've yet to finish training so you spend time with him when you're able.
So here he was after practice, bidding goodbye to Yamaguchi with his phone in his hands messaging you if you were here. You replied a yes and he was already on his way to see you, eager to experience your embrace.
And this is part of the day that he loved.
Ending the day, exhausted and worn out, just to feel refreshed when his eyes land on her figure. His heart swells with joy when he sees her sitting on the bench with a longing expression of her face. Then light is brought upon his world when her eyes met his, forming a smile onto her features as she walks over to him, slowly wrapping her arms around his tall figure. A sigh of relief is expressed and he reciprocates the embrace immediately his chin resting on top of your head as his hands caress you waist gently.
"You wanna eat before you go home? You look tired babe." You say and he just mindlessly nods, lost at the sweet tone of your voice. You step away from the embrace, grasping your hands with his before walking inside the convenience store. As you two pick up the food to eat, you were back at the bench with your head to his arm while you two feast on the snacks enjoying the night sky.
"Kei?" You turn to him and he looks right at you the minute his name slips off your lips.
"I might be busy for a bit. There's a group project and an individual presentation for me to do. Is that fine with you bub?" You ask and Tsukishima rests your head on his arm once again.
"Of course I'm okay with it, idiot. Just don't over work yourself got it?" You nod and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"What about you? Still training with Yams and the others?"
"Tragically, yes." He comments making you laugh. You threw the wrapper into the trash bin at the corner, Tsukishima following your movements as well. You both stood up, linking your arms with his as you two walk.
"I'm assuming they're not as bad as you make them to be. I mean Yamaguchi is so nice." You say earning a scoff from the boy.
"I promise you that two of them are little delinquents from hell-"
"Kei!" You slap his arm gently and he laughs at your gesture before planting a kiss to your hair, catching you off guard and making your heart leap with excitement.
"Okay, some aren't bad but you don't need to meet them. It's too chaotic and I know Hinata would not stop when he meets you." Tsukishima comes to a hault when you've received a notification from your father who was ready to pick you up. As expected, you immediately hug Tsukishima before pulling away and landing another peck to his cheek.
"I'll see you when I see you, Kei. Thanks for tonight." You say and he too lands a kiss upon your forehead before muttering a stay safe underneath his breath. You smile at his words before walking away from him, turning back to wave at him once in a while. Once you were for sure out of his vision, he smiles to himself, satisfied of another happy night with you.
As five days pass, he's yet to hear from his lovely girlfriend, not even meeting him in the morning now that she's driven to school by her father later than the time she usually goes with him. He's received texts later than he expected but it just proved she had a lot on her hands. He was the one who said to take her time so why's he missing her this fast? So he put his thoughts into practice knowing there was a practice match happening soon and he was expected to do his best.
"Oi, focus." Kageyamas voice detaches him from his thoughts earning a glare from the blonde. As the practice went on, his thoughts remained to be consumed by you.
Once they were back in their classroom, Yamaguchi takes a sit in front of Tsukishima who was busy scribbling some notes he'd missed when his mind was distracted by the thought of you.
"Did you and Y/N fight? You've been distracted all morning." Tsukishima crosses his arms to his chest, leaning back on his chair with a scoff to his expressions.
"No we didn't."
"Then what happened?"
"It's nothing serious." Tsukishima exclaims making Yamaguchi shrug before grabbing his snack and munching on it.
"Well that's good then. I like Y/N for you." Tsukishima playfully pushes Yamaguchi while his friend laughs knowing he made the taller boy blush.
When practice came to an end, he was expecting a message from you claiming you've gotten home safe, but all he saw was his wallpaper staring back at him, not even a single notification displayed or even a sound indicating a message. Beside him, Yamaguchi sneakily peaks at where Tsukishima was looking and he smiles to himself.
"Looks like somebody's missing Y/N-chan too much." He says earning a scoff from his friend.
"Shut up, I don't miss her."
"Your face says the opposite." But I do miss her, she's just really busy and I won't bother her for it but what if she's not at school? He thinks to himself. Worry rushing to his mind but his pride of messaging her stopped him.
"She's probably busy. Why don't you leave a message for her then?" Tsukishima rolls his eyes before plugging in his headphones that were around his neck.
"Like I didn't thought of that. I got to go." Yamaguchi bids a goodbye to the blonde before riding his own bike, heading home. Tsukishima stayed behind, hands gliding over his phone picking a song for him to listen to since his usual companion wasn't there.
"I like this song, do you have a playlist?" You asked while you walked alongside him. He nods making you smile.
"Can you send me your playlist?" Kei knew it was just a innocent question but it was enough to make his heart triple it's speed.
"No. Low class people like you don't deserve my music taste." He jokes making your remove the shared ear bud and slapping his arm playfully.
"You're a pain in the ass."
"Geez, thanks Y/N."
Once he arrives home, he laid in bed with his phone clutched to his hands, still waiting for the notification sound. The more he hears the annoying ticking of the clock, he unlocks his phone hurriedly before clicking on your contact typing away his anxiousness.
Oi, answer the phone dummie
Minutes turned into hours and soon his message was left on delivered.
I hope she didn't overwork herself. He thinks before wearing his headphones hoping his nerves wash away with every song but with every melody who does he think of?
It was all you. He even wonders if it was healthy to miss a person like this. He opens his phone swiping continuously, gazing at every picture of you two taken from his phone. He'd see the photos of your cute little smile when you two were out on dates, you casually holding his hand, or even pictures with him when his arms were around your waist. He finds himself chuckling at photos you told him to delete but to him they were all adorable. From staring at the ceiling with memories replaying in his head, he falls asleep.
For Tsukishima, it was rather weird to step into your school knowing you didn't even expect him to be there.
"Hinata can you shut the fuck up?" Tsukishima groans as he tries to block out the excitement of the tangerine haired boy. Hinata was rambling on about how he was ready to beat the team against them but Kageyama wouldn't shut up as well making the conversation last longer than expected. The bus stops making them all step out, face to face with the Nekoma boys volleyball team.
"I've never seen you in your school uniform before. What school do you even go to again?" Tsukishima asks while you fix your tie. This was the first time he was seeing you after school. He couldn't really ignore the dark colors of your uniform.
"Nekoma High. Did I really not mention it to you?" Tsukishima shakes his head and Y/N giggles. In every date, you disregarded conversations about school since you two always had a nick for talking about songs and movies so it was no surprise the question slipped through his mind.
"I'm sorry I didn't mention it before, my parents went to Nekoma so I'm assuming it was only an obligation for me to follow in their footsteps."
"Following them to be the shortest student in Nekoma then?" Tsukishima teases and you roll your eyes.
"Says the fucking giraffe."
"Oi, say that again."
"A gira-" Tsukishima flicks your forehead with his fingers before walking ahead chuckling to himself before you caught up to him smacking him with your backpack.
He watches as Kuroo and Daichi shake hands, Yamamoto and Tanaka looking like a brawl was bound to happen, and Yamaguchi beside Tsukishma as they both watch the two teams.
"Someone can finally see their girlfriend~" Yamaguchi teases and Tsukishima rolls his eyes before looking around to make sure no one heard Yamaguchi.
"Shut up and lower your fucking voice, she's probably in class anyway."
"What if she watches us then? I bet you'd lose focus huh?" Yamaguchi laughs beside him and Tsukishima smacks the back of his neck playfully making him groan in pain.
"Let's get going everyone!"
"Holy shit!"
You stare at your phone with a miss call and message from Tsukishima but you couldn't respond as fast since you woke up late. Staring at the wall beside your bed, you got off your bed immediately and rushed your way into the bathroom to take the fastest shower you can take. Exiting the bathroom and wearing your uniform not even bothering that droplets from you wet hair created a trail around your room as you pack what you needed for school.
You went downstairs and bid goodbye to whoever was in the room and immediately opened the door to reveal your father, impatient with his hand on the steering wheel.
"I'm really sorry!" Your dad chuckles breaking his angry facade as he opens the door for you as you step in panting at how your energy was drained from moving so fast.
"You didn't eat did you?" You shake your head and your father hands you your breakfast. "I saw you passed out on your table I figured you'd be late so I went ahead and bought some." You smile at him, thanking him as he starts the engine and you pray that you weren't late and that you were able to compose yourself for the presentation.
When you made it to school you were already greeted by cold winds and you clutch onto your blouse, irritated that you couldn't bring a jacket but then you remembered a certain boy had your jacket. You decided it was best to find the jacket after your nerve wracking presentation since now you were focused of keeping away the anxiousness that was creeping up on you.
As you walked into the classroom, you were greeted by your also nervous classmates cramming around you asking if you were ready to which you responded too defensively letting your confidence collapse. You desperately wished the teacher would just cancel the presentation or even continue it some other day but she just had to pursue it tdoay and now it was affecting everyone.
"Good morning everyone!"
A voice echoes through the room and you swore you can hear the silent groans from your fellow classmates but a good morning was their response back. Your eyes land on the wall clock above the board and you bit your lip wishing it would all finish alreasy.
"Is everyone ready?"
"Nice kill!" Nishinoya shouts as Tanaka hit another successful spike. Everyone had their guards up especially the Nekoma boys, overwhelmed at Karasunos quick attack from the first year duo. Kenma, observing every teammates and reading the game as he usually does and Kuroo looking as intimidating than usual.
The bell rings and you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You place all of your belongings back to your bag and immediately leave the classroom knowing you were freezing to death. The presentation went better than what you expected, not a single stutter in your presence but deep inside you were crumbling with every word you manage to say. The minute you sat down, your heartbeat never came back to its original pace and the sweatiness in your palms didn't go away either but now that the class is officially over, you can finally have a moment to properly breathe.
You wandered around classrooms searching for the quiet setter to retrieve your jacket but he was nowhere in your sight. You assumed it was because he was still in training so you grabbed a snack before walking to the Nekoma gym.
With every walk, the more chills ran up your spine, cursing you were forced to wear a short skirt as a uniform. By the time you've reached the doors of the gym you already wanted to beg for Kenma to give you your jacket.
Your voice echoes through the gym as heads turn to your direction. The game to a hault suddenly and a certain pair of wide eyed golden brown eyes were stuck on you. Yamaguchi's eyes land on you before changing his gaze to Tsukishima who had a very obvious surprised state in his expressions. Yamaguchi chuckles as Sugawara looks at the boy.
"Who's that?" Sugawara asks as his curiosity watches you from afar as you make eye contact with your boyfriend, whose heart was picking up a new pace with every second your eyes remain on his.
"Ah Y/N! Come watch-" Kuroos eyes gaze at you and Tsukishima. He wonders if this was what Kenma was talking about, but you've never mentioned a boy like him, especially from a different school and with this assumption in his mind, an idea surfaces to his mind making him smirk.
The game finally resumed and you hear your heartbeat all too loudly as you took a seat watching them. Why is he here? A practice match? Why am I suddenly nervous? You assumed that the reason you felt nervous was because you haven't seen him in a week and you certainly did not expect to meet him like this, especially when Kuroo was there.
Kenma waves at you from where you sat and you awkwardly wave back as Karasuno wonders who you were.
"I bet it's their manager." Tanaka replies as his hands came contact with a ball, receiving it. Daichi glares at him and Tanaka quickly turns his head avoiding his gaze and Kuroo takes another look to where you were, eyeing your worry to a possible member of the opposite team.
The sound of the volleyballs colliding with the floor is a sound you should be used to considering every match Tsukishima has, you have to be there. Now that this was your first match you see him in, it was very unexpected that you came in such a random time. Even if you were late to this match, what mattered to you is that you finally get to see him. You certainly didn't mind watching him in such a focused and skilled state.
Your eyes linger to his teammates, seeing Yamaguchi in the corner and you waved to him and he flat out ignores you and you wonder why. Sugawara turns his attention to you giving you a warm smile before returning to watch the game.
They all look kind, what is Kei even talking about delinquents from-
A loud sound caught you off guard as two Karasuno members shout knowing they've once again succeeded with their quick attack. You turn to see number 9 and 10 as the others compliment them on the move.
Is this what Kei was talking about?
You began to turn your attention to the two watching them play as if every move was planned beforehand, moving in synch with each other. Kuroos confusion now grows as he watches you switch back and forth between 9 and 10. At that moment he wanted to give up in finding the mysterious boyfriend but once a ball suddenly hits a certain player, his assumption was proven to be correct.
"Tsukishima-" You watch as your boyfriend winces when a ball harshly passed to his fingers making Tsukishima look over to you, seeing your face painted with a weary expression. As he reassures his teammates he was okay, a rotation begins and he was face to face with the captain of Nekoma.
"The boyfriend huh?"
Tsukishimas eye's widen at Kuroos words but the second he realizes he was being serious, he lets out a sigh before returning his focus to the game not wanting to disappoint the team.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Tsukishima replies before eyeing the ball carefully as Kuroo manages to spike it past him. Tsukishima glares at the captain but Kuroo laughs staring him down.
"Okay then four eyes. You better not be lying to me then." Kuroo says and Tsukishima sighs once more before forgetting the conversation that just happened, desperately wishing your relationship wouldn't be announced in this way.
Despite having to switch back and forth between classes and to the gym, you really wished the practice match ended already. You had no other choice anyway. With every visit to the gym, your eyes were still fixated on Tsukishima. He knows you were staring right at him and the nerves catch up to him the minute you watch him.
Now it's different, finally the practice match came to an end as you went to Kenma, tapping him slightly on the shoulder. He turns to you but another figure comes beside you two.
"Y/N. This is Shoyo." Shoyo excitedly shakes your hand with his and you smile at him and take in his features.
"Are you Hinata?" Shoyo happily nods but his head comes to a tilt when you mentioned his name knowing Kenma didn't exactly introduce him that way.
"Do we know each other? Oh! You're the girl who entered the gym! I'm so sorry I didn't notice you though!" He rambles on and you giggle at him, understanding why Kei was irritated at the small boy.
"Well not really but-"
"Oh Y/N, I forgot here's your jacket. Sorry for keeping it too long." Kenma hands you your jacket and you smile, hugging the fabric close to you.
"Thanks Kenma! I actually wanted to get it from you earlier, I didn't know you were in a match." Kenma nods to you and he signals you to move close to him. You awkwardly obey as he whispers into your ear.
"I think Kuroo knows who your boyfriend is." You chuckle at his words but when you pull away you notice a certain friend was staring down your giant of a boyfriend.
"T-thanks, Kenma." Now, you weren't humiliated of your relationship, what you weren't ready for was Kuroos endless comments on how you've finally settled on a boyfriend.
As Karasuno entered the bus, Tsukishima desperately wanted to stay behind so he can walk you home now that school ended but coach Ukai insisted on training once they were back. You wanted to talk to him but his entire team was caught up with talking to Kuroo and the others and you didn't wanna interrupt. Tsukishima didn't even notice when the teams were all gathered, you were already gone.
But now he's caught a familiar figure with hands stuck to their phone with earphones plugged in with their eyes calmly set ahead of them. Tsukishima stands up with his duffel bag catching the sleepy Yamaguchi off guard as he quickly makes way to his teacher asking if the bus could stop. Takeda questions the tall boy as the rest of the boys woke up slightly wondering if they were at school already.
"Sir please, I promise I'll make my way back to the school for practice. This is um- important." Tsukishima pleads and Takeda nods giving in the boys request.
"Are we here?" Tanaka lazily asks, rubbing his eyes and he watches Tsukishima making his way outside the bus. He was half awake so he mindlessly lifts his duffel bag in his shoulders thinking they've arrived but he watches through the window of Tsukishima catching the attention of a girl. Takeda eyes Tanaka wondering if he was going to leave as well.
"Look Tsukishimas with a girl.. WITH A GIRL?" His scream awakens half the team but they groan and once Nishinoya lays eyes on the pair he was up on his feet, face near the window.
"TSUKISHIMA HAS A GIRLFRIEND- OH WAIT THAT'S THE GIRL FROM THE NEKOMA RIGHT?" Nishinoya shouts and Daichi runs a frustrated hand through his hair, now all the members of the Karasuno volleyball team had their curiosity to the window. Once they saw the girl give a peck to Tsukishimas cheek, they were all wide eyed and interested in what was happening.
"Are you sure she's isn't held hostage?"
"Yo, she looks hot-"
"Oh she's the girl Kenma was talking to!" Hinata exclaims and then they all look at the boy.
"Didn't know she was Tsukishimas g-girlfriend though!" He says and Ukai is confused as to why all the boys were all staring at the window, it's also been three minutes since Tsukishima left and the bus was still not moving. Sugawara looks over to Yamaguchi who had no reaction whatsoever so he nudges him.
"Did you know about this?" Suga asks and it was a moment of silence until Yamaguchi felt a dozen eyes land on him, suddenly feeling like he was gonna faint from how intense Tanaka and Nishinoya was staring at him.
"He- I uh.. m-met her already.." He shyly says earning a scream from the two years as they surround him.
They scream and Suga and Asahi laugh at the two years but smile as they watch Tsukishima walk with the girl, hands together with the afternoon sunlight shining on them.
"Let them be everyone. Sorry about that sir, we can go home now. " Daichi says and Tanaka and Nishinoya finally left Yamaguchi. Before the bus moves, Tanaka decides to bring up a plan for the blonde boy.
The trip finally resumes and once the couple was in their sight again, casually laughing, Tanaka opens the window with a goofy grin on his face along with his partner Nishinoya as the rest of the team open the window ready to tease the poor boy.
"I'm Sugawara!"
"I'm Kageyama."
You didn't really understand why the Karasuno team was introducing themselves to you, especially when you were on the walk with your boyfriend who has been blushing the entire time, badly wanting for the earth to swallow him.
"I'm Y/N! H-hello!" You say with a giggle, laughing at Tsukishimas expression and he walks ahead, hands to his pockets with head low as you catch up to him with the bus still slowly following you two.
"YOU'VE GONE SOFT YOU BEANPOLE TAKE THAT HA!" Hinata screams and once Tsukishima hears his voice, his head snaps looking at Hinata before Hinata grabs onto Tanakas jacket tugging on it and yelling for someone to drive and leave now. Before Tsukishima can even run to him the bus drives off leaving a very happy Hinata and an embrassaed boy.
You link arms with him again, still laughing at what he just had to go through. Tsukishima hides his face from you and you pull his hand making him stop as you stood in front of him with that gorgeous smile he adores.
"Kei, seriously they're gone. Stop blushing already." You say making Tsukishima drop your hand as he walks ahead making you shake your head before chuckling.
"I'm not blushing, dumbass." He says stubbornly and you pull him by the hand again bringing him close to you. You were 5'7 so it was enough for you to place your delicate hands to his warm cheeks and before he can respond you've placed your lips onto his for the first time, and you can sense how shocked he was. You pull away with a cheeky smile as you walk ahead of him while he was still in deep thought of what just happened. He couldn't really put into words how his heart practically went in loops at the gesture.
If this is what he receives after days of not being with you, then maybe he'd consider being clingy.
"Huh, first time you've got nothing to say." You teased as you continue to walk laughing at the impact your kiss hand on him. He looks at you before a smile creeps on his lips, then catches up to you pulling you by your waist and now he was standing in front of you, his figure towering over yours.
"Oi, you think you can just pull a stunt like that pipsqueak?" You happily nod as he lowers his head making you roll your eyes knowing this was his gesture when he was ready to throw some insults.
But instead of an insult, all you got was a pair of lips on yours before it vanished before you, the blonde pulling away from the peck as he flicks your forehead like he always does, with his fingers dragging you out of the daze.
"Are you coming with me or not?"
".. of course I am, Kei."
"Good cause it looked like you wanted something else-"
When he walks back to Karasunos gym, he was greeted by his teammates standing in front of him all lined up, as he lowers his head, Yamaguchi laughing silently at his friends embarassment.
".. yes she's my girlfriend-"
Then the sound of chaotic screams and endless questions has begun.
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hikarimiyanaga · 4 years ago
I'll Always Be Yours (Part 8)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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Eight Song : Sleep Tonight
A/N : Another English song and the finale of this series.
You enjoy your honeymoon with Natasha Romanoff. Still, nightmares persist.
A little late but better late than never.
Tell your goodnight to the light and close your eyes
There's a better place for you than to stay awake
You'll get closer to a paradise of dreamers in love
You'll get better like heaven has done something
You smile as you and Natasha settle down in your room. You’re in a resort in Palawan and Steve assured that no one would bother you two for at least a month. You unpack the last of the suitcases when Natasha hugs you from behind. You laugh then turn to her.
“Y/N Romanoff.” You kiss her and smile.
“Yes, Natasha Romanoff? Do you want something, my love?”
“You.” You smile. “Always you.”
You sigh as you can’t sleep. You look over Natasha and smile. She looks so peaceful… granted you did kind of overdid with 5 times nonstop. You just can’t help but savor your lovely wife. You pull her closer into you. You were just falling asleep when you hear Natasha whimper. Your open your eyes as she tries to hit you. She whimpers again and you rub her back and whisper comforting words to her. She was having a nightmare. You should’ve been used to this but it still breaks your heart a little when it happens. She calms down after a minute and you sigh in relief. You stare at the ceiling before groaning. You can’t fall asleep again.
So lay now, hear me all through the night
There's no teardrop, you can count on me tonight
Or I'll stay up with you
You two are just exhausted tonight. It’s been three days since Natasha had her nightmare. You were talking about everything that came to mind before you noticed that she fell asleep. You smile and kiss her forehead before tucking her in. You get your sketchpad and pencil and begin drawing. You get through at least two drawings before Natasha reaches out to you.
“Y/N?” You put aside your sketchpad and pencil before turning to her.
“What’s wrong?” She pouts and you can’t help but smile.
“What are you doing?”
“Sketching? I can’t get those beautiful beaches out of my head and I just had to.”
“But sleep?” You get a hair strand out of her face and she hums.
“Sorry, baby, I promise I’ll cuddle you after I finish.”
“I promise, Nat.”
After half an hour of sketching you hear her whimper and you quickly set aside your sketchpad and pencil.
“Nat? Baby?” You try to calm her down, but she wakes up. “Are you okay?” She nods and looks at you. She kisses you and you kiss her back.
“It was a nightmare.” You nod as she settles on your side. “Can I watch you?”
“Watch me do what?”
“Of course.” You kiss her forehead before getting your pencil and sketchpad. She puts her hand on your thigh and you smile. You sketch for an hour before she falls asleep. You sleep besides her after you hide your pencil and sketchpad.
Baby it's alright
I'll be right by your side
No need to cry out loud
Nothing to cry about
Baby it's alright
I'll be just by your side
I'll keep you on my sight
I'll never leave 'til you sleep tonight
Natasha cries this time and you panic as you try to calm her down. She hugs you tightly.
“I’m right here, baby. Don’t cry.” You say as you rub her back. She calms down and you can’t help but sigh in relief… it feels like her nightmares are becoming more often.
“Nat. We need to talk.” She gulps and goes to you. You pat the spot besides you and she sits.
“Y/N? What-“
“You keep having nightmares, Nat.” She gets teary-eyed. God, did you get tired of it? Of her? Everything- “It’s not that Natasha. I know what you’re thinking.” You take her hands. “I’ll never get tired of you. Even if you make me pass out by your libido or keep me all night with your nightmares. It’s just-“ You sigh and run a hand through your hair. “I’m worried. Are you stressed? Sad? Guilty?”
“Afraid.” She mumbles and you hum. She takes your left hand and smiles at the ring. “I just- I keep thinking about messing things up and then all of those worri-“
“Get in your dreams. What was your dream last night?” She looks up to you and you give her a smile.
“You know that kid you helped yesterday?”
“It was… you were with his mom and you were both just so happy.”
“So you got jealous and worr-“
“And guilty. I can’t give you kids, not until I stop being an Avenger and I don’t-“
“Nat. Have you ever asked what I wanted?” You smile and she shakes her head. “Ask then.” She takes a deep breath and looks you in the eye.
“Okay. What do you want, Y/N?” You take her left hand and kiss it.
“You. And everything you’re willing to give. Will that include kids? I don’t know. Will it kill me? Of course not. As much as I love imagining a little you and me running around our own house, it’s early for us. We just got married two weeks ago. You are the love of my life, Natasha, nothing and I mean nothing could ever change that.” She’s crying by the time you were done and you wipe her tears away.
I'll cover you with my arms and hold you tight
And I'll be listening to your wonderful and calm little voice
I'll keep watching 'til my eyes burn down
“Y/N?” Natasha shakes you but you just whimper. “Baby?” You wake up with a gasp and you look at shock. You stare at each other then you suddenly cry. “Y/N.” She hugs you and you tremble.
“You were gone again.” You say and Natasha nods. She straddles you and hugs you again.
“I’m not going anywhere anymore, Y/N. I swear on my life.” You nod and hug her back. You fall asleep after a few minutes and Natasha lays you down slowly. She cuddles you and falls asleep.
“Y/N? Not sleeping yet?” You shake your head and smile at Nat.
“Go ahead. I’ll just finish this piece.” You’re both back in the compound and you’ve been painting for the last ten hours.
“Okay.” She complies and you hum. You take your phone and earphones out. You choose one of her recorded messages. She recorded them so you can listen to her voice even if she was on a mission.
“Y/N. Have I ever told you how blown I am by your paintings?” You smile. She has. Multiple times actually since you’ve given her one. “The way you make art is like the way you love. You’re attentive, focused, and determined.” You chuckle. “That’s why I was floored when you gave me one… and when you let me back inside your life. I messed up. I know that. But I’m going to try and make it up to you with every single day of my life.” You hum. “And when I’m away… well, just listen to this and the other recordings. I’m going to come home to you. I know I will. I don’t think I can spend another lifetime away from you.” You finish it up and sigh in relief. You clean up your art supplies and stretch your body as you make your way to your room. You see Natasha fast asleep and you go to bed beside her. You can’t fall asleep yet so you get your sketchpad and sketch your wife.
Natasha wakes up before you and it was a rather rare sight. You usually wake up alongside her or before her. She notices your open sketchpad and gets it. Oh. That’s why. She chuckles and you stir awake.
“Morning, Nat.” You greet and she puts the sketchpad aside.
“Morning, baby. Nice sleep.” You hum in confirmation and she can’t help but kiss you. You smile against her lips.
“Now, it’s a good morning.” She grins and you sit. You notice your sketchpad and look at her.
“You drew me.” You scoff at her.
“Woman, I draw you all the time.” You stand and go to your closet. You open it and gesture at the top shelf full of sketchpads. “All of these are filled by you. My landscape sketches are with Silvia.”
“Really? How come you neve-“
“Because some of them are kinda what I just remember of you.” You get the oldest one and give it to Natasha. “That’s the first one that I filled.” She opens it and smiles.
“It’s beautiful.” You chuckle and sit beside her.
“That’s because that’s how I remember you.” She looks at you and you put a strand of hair behind her ear. “Beautiful, bad-ass, kind and smart. The love of my life.”
“I love you, Y/N Romanoff. I’m so glad you’re mine.” You grin and kiss her.
“I love you too, Natasha Romanoff. I’ll always be yours.”
And thus ends my series that I somehow wrote under a week.
I'm still floored by fast I wrote this.
And how it's more than 10,000 words in total.
Also, it's pretty amazing that this series' total notes is over 100 which is beyond my expectations?
I expected 20+ and that's that.
So, Thank You so much for all the love you all gave this series of mine.
45 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years ago
Galactica, Chapter 58 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Katya found out she might be pregnant, the assistant network caught on to BDR’s latest paramour, and Violet was ordered to go home and rest.
This Chapter: Gigi’s new look gets the reaction she’d hoped for, the twins enjoy some one on one time with their respective partners, Courtney has a rain-soaked nightmare, Pearl looks (but doesn’t touch) and Katya stresses.
Courtney knocked softly on Ivy’s door, a smile on her face that had been there almost all day. Fame had thankfully left early, she and Patrick spending the evening at some fancy opera event at the Met, leaving Courtney to get ready for her date in peace.
Her first official date with Bianca. It was almost too exciting for her to comprehend.
“Hey Courtney, what’s up?” Ivy asked, looking up from her computer, beckoning Courtney inside.
“Well, I have a date tonight...and it’s really important and I need to look hot and...I thought maybe I could borrow something from the closet again?”
“Oh. Yeah, that’s fine. Um...let me just finish this email and then I’ll help you. Feel free to go have a look around, though.”
“Thanks.” Courtney bit her lip, sensing that Ivy was decidedly less enthusiastic about this than the last time she’d helped. She was probably in the middle of something important, maybe anxious about her own Friday night plans. Courtney felt bad, and would have told her to forget it if she had literally any other options. “I promise to be quick!”
“Yeah, no worries.”
Courtney kept her promise, pulling a short, royal blue dress with a high slit and a pair of strappy aqua shoes.
“Are you sure you wanna wear those shoes, Court? It’s kind of horrendous outside,” Ivy said, but Courtney shook her head.
“It’s fine, I’m just gonna be going into a cab and then inside. Thank you so much for your help!”
“No problem,” Ivy said, always gracious even when Courtney was obviously annoying her. “I hope you have a good time.”
“I’m sure I will!” Courtney exclaimed, taking the dress and shoes back to her own office to change, already feeling giddy with excitement, wondering what Bianca’s idea of ‘wining and dining’ would be like.
She took her time getting ready, freshening her hair with a curling iron she’d stashed in her desk and giving herself what she hoped was a sexy smoky eye. She kept an eye on the clock, knowing that Fame expected her to be in the office until 7:30. She chose a berry-colored lip gloss from the samples that Alaska had given her, and then stepped into the bathroom to get dressed, thrilled that the dress fit perfectly. She checked her phone and computer one more time before signing out, making sure that there were no last-minute requests from Miss Fame, and then made her way downstairs to grab a taxi.
She’s just settled into the backseat when a message came through that made her heart sink.
FAME: Dogwalker sick. Need you to walk Charles ASAP.
Courtney groaned, tapping on the glass partition to redirect the cab driver, and then texting Bianca.
COURTNEY: Still dealing with a work thing. I’m so so sorry, I might be a little late.
BIANCA: No rush. We can always push the reservation.
COURTNEY: I’ll tell you the second I’m on the way.
Courtney knew that dog walking was an occasional part of her job, although it hadn’t come up yet before. However, she’d carefully read the 7 pages of instructions Violet left about him, knowing that Charles was Fame’s treasured companion and she would be toast if anything ever happened to him, and prepared for the time when she’d have to step up. She wasn’t terribly worried--after all, she loved dogs, and her own family had German Shepherds, so a big dog shouldn’t be any trouble.
But Charles wasn’t just big. He was massive, outweighing her by a hefty amount, first fighting her as she tried to put on the raincoat that he apparently hated, and then dragging her down the street so fast that she slipped on some ice, falling to her knees on the corner, immediately cursing herself for not listening to Ivy about those stupid shoes.
“Charles, sit!” Courtney was terrified that he would run into the street without her and get hurt, rain and sleet pummeling her face as she sacrificed her umbrella to grip the leash with both hands. As she tried to stand, a bus drove by, sloshing icy gutter water all over her. “Fucking shit!”
Charles, of course, paid no attention to her predicament, still single-mindedly bound for the edge of the park where he was trained to do his business. Courtney got up, shivering, and took him across the street, finding herself soon faced with picking up a steaming, human-sized pile of shit in the pouring rain. By the time they got back to Fame’s mud room and Charles properly toweled off (with him stepping all over her chest with muddy paws in the process), she was soaked to the bone and shivering like crazy.
She glanced at herself in the mirror, wincing at her soggy, lifeless hair and smeared eye makeup, knowing that there was no way she could show up for a date looking like that. She got out her phone, dialing Bianca’s number with shaking fingers.
“Hey, sunshine,” Bianca answered, and Courtney closed her eyes, cringing at how wrong that nickname was at the moment.
“Hi. Um...I don’t think I can make it tonight,” she said, trying her best not to cry.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just...I had a situation with Fame’s dog and I’m soaking wet and I look an absolute mess and I can’t-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa...are you okay? It’s freezing outside!” Bianca exclaimed.
“Yeah...I just...I should go home, I can’t-”
“You’re not seriously thinking about getting on a train to the Bronx right now, are you? You’ll die of hypothermia. I can hear your teeth chattering, for fuck’s sake.”
“But I can’t go out, I look-”
“Okay, then we’ll stay in.”
“But you wanted to go out, and-”
“No, I wanted to spend time with you. I’m starting a hot bath right now. Get a cab, come over, I’ll see you in ten minutes,” Bianca instructed, and Courtney couldn’t help but feel a bit of relief that someone else was taking charge of the situation.
Gigi couldn’t stop staring at herself in the hallway mirror, her fingers gliding through her silky soft hair for the third time.
It was the most gorgeous deep auburn red, the color bringing out her freckles and playing up her grey eyes.
She looked like a completely different person, and she loved it.
“Looks like someones been to Juju’s.”
Gigi turned to see Symone leaning against the doorframe, a smile on her face, the adorable gap between her white front teeth stupidly charming.
“What gave it away?” Gigi giggled, throwing her hair over her shoulder.
“Just wait til you go shopping.” Symone grinned, her jeans slung low on her hips. “The underwear I have now is more expensive than any other clothes I have ever owned.”
“You got new underwear?” Gigi felt her eyes widened. “With like… With Sutan?” She bit her lip. Sutan had gone with her to the salon, him and Juju talking quietly while she was getting her hair washed by an assistant. They had obviously made the right choice, Gigi feeling like a superhero, but she couldn’t imagine any man coming with her to a lingerie store.
“Sure.” Symone shrugged. “It’s all ‘foundational undergarments’ and ‘French cut’ this, ‘t-shirt bra’ that. ‘You need a secure adhesive backless’. Where I’m from we just call those chicken cutlets.” Symone smiled. “For my first fitting, he asked me to wear high rise briefs and a seamless bra. I felt like my grandma.”
Gigi laughed, the tiny worry she had felt flare up already gone again.
“Do you want to cook dinner together?” Symone pushed out from the door, and Gigi nodded, this modeling thing already so much better than she had dared hoped for.
“Ah!” Violet moaned as Sutan pushed her forward, his body boxing her in and keeping her in place. They were in the kitchen, the counter digging into her hips.
“Hey gorgeous,” Sutan’s voice was low, his lips against her neck, his warmth breath tickling her skin. She felt him grab the edge of her skirt, hiking it up and over her knees, thighs and even ass as he pulled it higher and higher, pooling it on the counter, forcing Violet to hold it herself, his hand guiding her before he let go.
“Please-“ Violet groaned, his fingers digging into the fabric, every move she made exposing herself further.
“Please what?”
She could feel Sutan’s fingers glide up her outer thigh and Violet blushed, her core burning hot, her panties getting wetter by the second.
It felt absolutely filthy, and so fucking good, Sutan in complete control and Violet loved it.
They were both tipsy, their wine glasses and dinner plates in the sink, the dishes completely forgotten when Sutan had given Violet a quick kiss that had developed into so much more.
“Please what lovely eyes?” Sutan’s voice was silky smooth, nothing in his tone betraying the way his fingers danced over her ass cheek, nails scratching on skin, a fingertip sneaking under the lace.
“I-“ Violet swallowed. She felt like she was drowning, wanted to drown, wanted to disappear in everything Sutan was. “I-“
“Tell me,” Sutan whispered, his lips against her ear. “Or I might punish you darling.” He leaned forward, pushing her that little bit further, and that was when it happened.
“Ah!” Violet closed her eyes, a blinding pain shooting through her. “Wait! Wait wait wait!”
Her foot had gotten caught on an angle, and Sutan jumped backwards.
“Wait,” Violet took a deep breath through her nose, the pain already disappearing, frustrated tears welling up in her eyes. “Fuck-“
“Everything okay?”
Violet turned around to see that Sutan had taken literal steps back, his trousers still tented, his dick obviously hard underneath the zipper.
“Mmh,” Violet nodded, the delightful embarrassment from earlier replaced with something that felt a lot more like shame, her eyes focused on Sutan’s feet. “I-“
“Can I touch you again?”
Violet’s head snapped up, Sutan looking at her, a glimpse of insecurity in his eyes, almost like he was the one who had done something wrong.
“Please-“ Violet opened her arms, and seconds later she could bury her face in his neck, his arms around her, holding her tight, kisses pressed into her hair.
“I’m sorry,” Sutan murmed, his voice low. “I didn’t mean to-“
“I know-“ Violet smiled, the apology so unnecessary it was almost comical. “I know.”
“Good.” Sutan pulled back, a hand in her hair tilting Violet’s head upwards so he could look at her. “Good. I shouldn’t have-“
Violet leaned forward, shutting him up with a kiss, her arms going around his neck as she held him tight.
When her cab pulled up in front of Bianca’s building, the doorman immediately rushed forward to open her door. She was fumbling with her credit card, fingers still stiff and cold, but he gestured for her to put it away.
“Ms. Del Rio is taking care of that,” he said, handing over some cash to the driver, then covering her with an umbrella and walking her to the lobby, where she was sent up in a different elevator than last time, directly to Bianca’s second floor, right outside her bedroom.
Courtney clutched her soaking wet jacket, trying to get her bearings when Bianca appeared around the corner, looking at her with concern and dismay.
“Omigod, baby, come here…”
Courtney barely knew what was happening as Bianca rushed her into the bathroom, helping her strip off her wet things.
“What the fuck are you doing in these shoes in this weather? And this jacket--why aren’t you in a winter coat?” Bianca asked, dropping it to the floor and then unzipping her dress, her voice gentle despite the scolding words.
“Th-that is my winter coat.”
“That’s not a winter coat,” Bianca informed her, pulling the dress down.
Courtney didn’t have the energy to protest, and besides, she was much more concerned with the dress.
“The dress isn’t mine, I think I ruined it-” she began, voice breaking, and Bianca looked it over while she stepped out of her panties and placed her jewelry on the counter.
“It’ll be fine, it just needs to be cleaned,” Bianca promised, leading her, still shivering, over to the jacuzzi tub, where a huge pile of bubbles was waiting for her. “I didn’t make it too hot, because I didn’t want to shock your system. But you can change the temp if you want.”
Courtney sank into the bubbles, the water silky and warm as a hug. After a few seconds, she finally began to feel her fingers and toes again, flexing them under the water, a sigh leaving her. She looked up, where Bianca was setting a remote control at the edge of the tub--which apparently controlled the jets and the temperature and even the lights. Courtney had never seen anything like it. She’d also put out a whole basket of bath products and lit a couple of candles.
“I’ll give you some privacy now,” Bianca said. “I left some towels and a robe on the warmer, and uh...if you need anything else, just let me know, okay?”
“Can you stay?”
It was embarrassing to admit, but Courtney didn’t want to be alone right now. Bianca didn’t make her feel weird about it though, simply took a seat on the ledge beside her, chatting about her trip, the trouble her staff had created while she was away, her voice soothing as Courtney leaned back against the terry cloth pillow with her eyes shut.
After she’d warmed up a little, Bianca washed her hair, strong and sure fingertips massaging the lather into her scalp as the other hand cradled her neck. She then helped her dry off with heated towels, and finally wrapped her in a warm fluffy robe while she ran a blow dryer through her hair. Courtney couldn’t remember ever feeling this cared for in her life, not even as a child, and if it wasn’t such absolute heaven, she’d probably feel ashamed at how much she enjoyed it.
She managed to swallow down a few mouthfuls of soup from the Chinese delivery that Bianca had ordered for dinner before her eyelids began to droop. Bianca noticed immediately, pressing a kiss to her forehead and then leading her to bed. She curled into Bianca’s arms, limbs growing heavy as hands stroked her back soothingly.
“Do you feel better now, angel?” Bianca asked.
“I felt better the second I walked in the door,” Courtney murmured.
“I guess there’s not really a door. The second I stepped off your elevator,” Courtney said, making Bianca laugh, her sleepiness causing her to be more honest than was probably called for, adding a whispered, “You make everything better.”
Pearl sat at a stool towards the back of the club, nursing a drink while telling herself over and over again that she was doing nothing wrong.
For one thing, she and Adore were over. Actually, fully over. And for another, she had no idea if Dahlia was even dancing tonight. She’d just come by for a casual drink...for the third time in 3 days. Just to see. Just to look.
And there was nothing wrong with looking, right? Even if she had lied to Trixie and Katya about where she was.
Pearl had already brushed off a parade of girls, tipping all of them, but saying no to everything else they offered, since she didn’t want to miss her chance of seeing Dahlia.
She was just about to give up, when one of the last dancers of the night came on, and there, there she was.
Dahlia was just as beautiful as Pearl remembered her, even more beautiful actually, since her costume for the night was the naughtiest sheer black teddy and lace panties, tiny little pink bows attached to the spaghetti straps of her top.
Her brown hair was styled in a delicate mess of brown curls, her plump lips painted pink, her eyes heavy and sultry, Dahlia looking like a sex kitten getting ready to go on the prowl.
Pearl swallowed as ‘Kiss It Better’ by Rihanna started playing, taking a big gulp of her drink.
Pearl hadn’t known if she wanted Dahlia to notice that she was there, hadn’t really thought this through at all, but when Dahlia dipped down on the pole, her ass beyond perfection, their eyes met across the room.
Pearl watched as Dahlia’s lips parted for a second, her eyes widening, but then, she smirked, throwing her hair over her shoulder.
“Mmh,” Raven moaned, her fingers in Raja’s long dark hair, her fiancée's lips on her neck, one of her hands up her top. They had been watching a movie on the couch, staying in just the two of them such a rare treat that they had even made popcorn. “Please-”
“Please?” Raja grinned, her long body on top of Raven’s under their blanket, their movie completely forgotten. “Are you being polite princess?”
“Fuck off.” Raven showed Raja’s shoulder, which only made the older woman laugh. “I’m perfectly polite.”
“Sure,” Raja smiled, shifting her knee so it slid in between Raven’s thighs, her skirt riding up to make room for Raja’s pant covered leg. “That’s what I love about you. How polite you are.”
Raven pulled on Raja’s hair, a surprised gasp leaving her girlfriend. She thrusted her hips, forcing Raja off balance and down in a messy kiss, teeth clacking, their lipsticks smearing, Raven taking charge.
“Just a few more minutes.” Trixie smiled, his open palm resting on Katya’s knee, his thumb rubbing up and down, trying his best to be comforting.
They were in the bathroom, Katya sitting on the closed toilet while Trixie knelt on the floor next to her, the elephant in the room the pregnancy test that was lying on the edge of the sink, both of them doing their damndest not to look at it yet.
He could tell she was anxious, knew that from the second she told him that she’d bought the test after work, even before she admitted that she was afraid to take it.
Trixie had always assumed that one day he’d be a father, and he was certain that Katya would be the best mom ever, so in his mind, this news was either amazingly exciting or slightly disappointing.
But Katya was another story, her clear terror making him dampen his own enthusiasm so that she felt safe to express herself. The last thing he wanted was to make her feel guilty for being scared on top of everything else. He knew, also, that there was a chance that she wouldn’t want this potential baby, so he prepared himself mentally to support her in whatever she wanted to do.
“I love you,” he offered softly, adding, “And it’ll be okay, no matter what it says.”
“Mmhmm,” Katya murmured agreement, though her eyes said that she didn’t fully believe him.
“Yo yo yo, where my bitches at?!” called out a voice, the slur telling them that Pearl had been drinking quite a bit.
Trixie assumed that Katya wouldn’t want to be interrupted during this private moment, but apparently, he was wrong.
“We’re in here!” Katya called, and Pearl’s heavy footsteps approached the door, pushing it open.
“This is a weird place for a party, dudes,” Pearl said, jacket hanging off one of her shoulders. “What’s going on?”
“Umm…” Trixie considered how to handle the situation delicately.
“I might be knocked up,” Katya said quickly, and Pearl’s eyes grew large, her mouth falling open.
“Probably sex,” she answered, and all three of them laughed, breaking the tension just a little.
“So…” Pearl plopped down beside Trixie on the tile floor, and a rush of gratitude flooded his heart, relieved for the distraction, understanding why Katya called her in. That is, until she asked, “Have we thought about names? Cause I’d like to submit ‘Pearl Junior’ for consideration.”
“Pearl Junior?” Trixie scoffed. “Why, you’re not the father.”
“Come on! Little Pearlie J. P.J.?!”
“I don’t hate it,” Katya said, and Pearl cheered, giving her a fist bump. “But remember, I might not even be pregnant.”
“True, but you guys are getting married. It’ll be relevant eventually.”
“Not necessarily,” said Katya, gripping Trixie’s hand tighter. He squeezed her back in what he hoped was a reassuring manner.
“Yuh huh! That’s why we call you ‘breeders’!” Pearl insisted.
“But I just don’t-” Katya began, but was interrupted by the timer on Trixie’s phone.
“You ready?” he asked, taking both of her hands in his.
“Well...remember, sometimes these tests aren’t 100% accurate. So whatever it says, it might not mean...” He reached out, catching a tear that had slipped down her cheek. “Babe…”
“I know. But I...can’t look.” Katya curled into his arms, burying her face in his neck. “You do it.”
Unfortunately, the stick was just out of reach, unless he let go of her, which he wasn’t prepared to do.
“Pearl, can you-”
“Sure.” Pearl snatched the test off the sink, looking at it, brow furrowed. “What the fuck does 11 mean?”
Katya’s head snapped up, reaching for the test while Pearl picked up the box.
“Why would it say 11? That’s so dumb, how do you know if...ohhhh.”
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chrysalizzm · 4 years ago
i uh. realized people follow me now because of uh. you’re human tonight on ao3 asdjgfs
i have content!! behind the scenes content as promised. i do outlines for my fics as a general rule of thumb just because i personally can’t write things to a satisfying finish if i don’t Do That, and so - here are my chapter/plot outlines for you’re human tonight ^^ (i have no idea if this is interesting content or not i thought i’d put it out there because i think outlines are kinda fun hhhh)
chap 1 fundy
subtitle: an inkling
fundy makes an iron golem gone wrong, dream makes it go boom
chap 2 purpled
subtitle: uh oh social interaction
purpled shelters a fugitive, gets his house explosion-proofed as thanks
this is probably gonna be the only chapter with a funny title hh oh well
update: it’s not and i’m pleased with myself for branching out with my dry humor
chap 3 sapnap
subtitle: dust to dust
sapnap’s dying via wither effect, and he knows respawn’s around the corner but goddamn if it doesn’t hurt til then. dream skids in around the nether fortress corner, drops all his weapons cradles sapnap’s head in his hands, has always taken death much harder than anyone sapnap’s ever met. at the last few seconds, when death creeps up like a shroud, dream starts to hum to him hoarsely, pressing his forehead to sapnap’s, and in the final moments sapnap doesn’t hurt at all. the last thing he hears is dream whimpering. he visits dream’s bunker the next day, knocks on the door over and over, but there’s no sign of life there. sapnap shrugs, bites his lip out of guilt for forcing dream to sit there watching him die (if temporarily), and moves on.
the chapter that introduces dream’s primary ability of soothing hurts. put a lot of emphasis on the fact that sapnap ached up until the moment dream started humming, because for dream to do that is pretty frivolous considering once sapnap died he’d respawn and the hurt would just disappear but dream wanted sapnap to have a peaceful last few seconds. emphasize how abnormal it is that withering stops hurting. 
chap 4 ponk
subtitle: beaches dry of sugarcane
dream visits ponk after george burns down the first tree. when ponk arrives to the second tree to move in, he realized dream made the tree flourish, grow healthier and bigger. 
chap 5 sam
subtitle: fuck this shit i’m out (edit: the official subtitle is “oh god oh fuck”, i changed it last-minute)
dream picks sam’s brain for manhunt strategies while the latter is mining for redstone. sam stumbles upon a spawner and reels back, trips, nearly misses the moment dream sweeps him behind him and his eyes flash beneath the mask and when sam gets back up, dazed, there’s nothing but the splay of cobwebs all over the walls. 
chap 6 punz
subtitle: lines drawn
in an unrelated skirmish, punz drives his sword up to the hilt in dream’s chest, relying on respawn for dream to not feel any pain and for punz to get paid. dream doesn’t die. this is understandably alarming. 
can we get some funnies in chap? just a few laughs?? a lil funny for mr luke punz man?
can we get some panicky dry humor for real tho because punz strikes me as someone who copes with morbid humor and dream spluttering up blood is def a situation that punz would not know how to deal with
chap 7 wilbur
subtitle: so about that date
wilbur makes platonic moves on dream while dream fake texts his fiance under the table. wilbur also accidentally vents to dream about his little brother tommy and how afraid he is that tommy will get himself hurt for how reckless he is. dream siphons some of his anxiety from him, smiles as they depart from one another. wilbur notes that dream is shaking when they leave. 
chap 8 skeppy
subtitle: get wrecked noob
dream walks skeppy through some pvp. when skeppy demands a rematch w tommy and gets a lil stage fright kinda sorta thing, dream siphons his anxiety and his nerves and goes full soccer mom with bad and skeppy loses 5-2 but like!! he won!! against tommyinnit!! HH
is there any mental image nearly as powerful as dream wastaken, the soccer mom
chap 9 jack
subtitle: mandatory volunteering
after tommy goes on another one of his destructive rampages lmao, dream enlists jack, newest-comer, to help him rebuild stuff bc underclassmen have to do whatever upperclassmen tell them to do thems just the rules. after rebuilding a statue near the community house, dream pats it fondly, and when tommy sneaks back to set in on fire for shits and giggles, he finds that it’s fuckin fireproofed AGAIN
rebuild efforts, i promised monuments rebuilt so thats what theyre gonna fuckin Get
chap 10 antfrost
subtitle: twist the knife
ant on what ends up being an unpublicized manhunt: dream stops the manhunt because he’s triggered a raid and by the time the hunters get there, alarmed by the screaming and the fire and dream’s unresponsiveness, the villagers are all dead and there are raider corpses everywhere and dream is lying near the bell on his side, whimpering. (what the hunters don’t know - dream tried to fight off the raid but was overwhelmed and witnessed the village get slaughtered, he took the pain of the villagers that weren’t dead but were dying.)
segment: There’s a reason they do the manhunts, and it’s not just for them to horse around and try to kill one another for a few days. Antfrost is the newcomer but he’s always been good at reading people and from the outset he knew that Dream was someone filled to the brim with the restlessness that characterizes humans, that never-settling wanderlust, and his brain works too fast for the rest of his body sometimes, and he just needs an outlet. It’s part of why he eggs Tommy on in their little war games, why he holds onto those discs even though he doesn’t need them, why he gets that delighted look on his face when someone tells him that Tommy’s griefed them or stolen from them or otherwise ruined their morning. Antfrost thinks the only times he’s ever really seen Dream silent, Dream waiting, Dream unmoving, are when Dream is 
chap 11 karl
subtitle: head in the shallows
karl, sapnap, george, and dream have a sleepover after mcc 11. karl, nearest to dream, wakes up when dream starts tossing and turning from a nightmare. when he tries to shake dream awake, dream’s eyes fly open and he slams his fist into the wall behind him and the earth, the literal earth, the entire slab of it, shudders like an earthquake. sapnap and george sleep like the dead, so it’s just karl and dream staring at one another. finally karl asks, concerned, “do you want some tea or water or anything?”
chap 12 hbomb
subtitle: a maid’s burden
“i want to dress up as a maid for fundy,” says hbomb with false bravado. fundy’s fiance levels a very impassive look at him for an awkward minute or two and just when hbomb thinks he’s misread dream and fundy’s relationship dream says “i’ll get you a wig” and the entire chapter is just dream idly twisting the fabric of reality to get hbomb the items he needs to put the outfit together
pranks, i promised pranks, theyre gonna get pranks
chap 13 alyssa
subtitle: message in a bottle (edit: official subtitle is “ship in a bottle”)
alyssa’s leaving, at least temporarily. 
alyssa tells dream it’s getting dangerous on his server, doesn’t relish the expression that brings to his face, but he holds her hands and nods and bids her safe journey. when alyssa returns, running for something (later we’ll learn she had heard that dream was bad, that he might be dying), she finds that her house is completely inaccessible by everyone save her, placed in complete stasis by someone. 
start of the chapters leading up to festival arc. build unresolved tension in this one. 
chap 14 niki
subtitle: life doesn’t discriminate
wilbur and tommy are relentless, they waste no time; niki is willing to wait for it. 
the night before the duel, she goes to dream and holds a sword to his throat and demands he call it off, even though she knows it’ll mean little because of respawn, tells him she won’t stop hunting him down until he gives up l’manberg. dream smiles a little sadly and pats her hand and her fright, her rage, it simmers back down, and the anger that had swarmed her and made dream out to be the devil dies down until it’s just her friend, who was playing along with tommy til it got serious and he got cocky, who’s just as in over his head as she is, and maybe niki’s soft but she likes that about herself, that she’s always the first to forgive. niki is looking at the healing cut on dream’s neck, uncovered by any bandages, when dream shoots tommy, a clean shot that causes no suffering.
a long chapter, probably. i think at some point in this i want to mention niki’s respect for dream for apologizing during the first pet war, for not letting things get any bigger until fundy came back. some parallels can be drawn here - that dream let the fire die down in the initial stages of the pet war, that dream won’t let go of the l’manberg war now, and it occurs to niki that she doesn’t know dream nearly as well as she thinks she does if she expected him to act exactly the way he did during the pet war. she’s got what she’s wanted - dream’s remorse, proof of dream’s humanity - even though it’s not in the form niki wanted it. 
chap 15 eret
subtitle: crown of thorns
the king in name only consults with the true leader. 
they’re both upset about pogtopia’s exile, eret arguably more so because they think their early betrayal of l’manberg somehow butterfly-effected into the current dumpster fire, and as they talk eret works themself into a full panic attack reflecting on things that were, things that could’ve been - and the tide washes out all of a sudden, and eret’s left with the same looming hollowness they’d been feeling before, no dregs of the panic, they’ve never had a panic attack that left them feeling normal after - but dream is now wheezing like he’s about to die and eret immediately walks him through the panic attack, levelheaded even as they’re confused out of their mind. 
chap 16 quackity
subtitle: water to blood
quackity is a snake in the grass. 
quackity at schlatt’s side during the few weeks of his presidency. he knows schlatt from before, has been his friend, so he knows when his friend is acting off. the cynical, straight-faced humor is still there, his completely bland delivery and brazen showmanship, but it’s twisted to the left somehow, to make it so that those qualities that make up his friend have rotted, hurt people. quackity eventually goes to dream after schlatt first overdoses with a lot of questions, maybe even to confess that his allegiance has begun to shift because he can’t go to pogtopia and he can’t go to schlatt - and dream just gives him a long, sad look before lightly patting quackity’s shoulder and says “i can’t guarantee anything - just that you’ll be safe” and shooing him off and as quackity heads back to manberg he realises all the hostile mobs are avoiding him like the fucking plague. 
it’s big q!!!! fattest ass in the cabinet!!!!! pog!!!
fun fact this chapter’s subtitle was almost “chekhov’s gun” until november fucking 16th of 2020
chap 17 tommy
subtitle: most disputes die and no one shoots
tommy learns how a legacy dies.
a compendium of tommy watching the madness consume wilbur. it needs to be emphasized in this chapter that wilbur becomes an entirely different person when they’re ejected from manberg, that he becomes obsessed with the legacy he’s created and watching it crumble is what twists him; when dream gives tommy his crossbow, tommy, out of desperation and a need to have an older sibling again, asks what’s wrong with wilbur; dream’s face hardens and he asks tommy to take dream to wilbur. it’s a terse meeting, the only one they have before techno and before wilbur completely loses it and demands the tnt; wilbur says a lot of things tommy doesn’t understand (it’s complex mythological jargon hinting at dream’s status as a god but could be misconstrued to refer to dream’s status as simply the world owner) and at one point wilbur sneers, “are you trying to play god, dream?” and dream lurches forward and grabs wilbur by the wrist, and there’s a completely silent moment where tommy feels the air suck out of his lungs and there’s an off buzzing in his ears and he fancies he hears something that sounds, just a bit, like dream, whispering desperately wilbur wilbur wilbur it’s me it’s me listen listen listen then a shrieking, acrid wave of no and tommy reels back and when he looks up dream has staggered back, his hand to his mouth, blood dripping from somewhere beneath his mask, sounding like he’s gagging or maybe he’s sobbing, as wilbur shrieks in a voice that is entirely not his “get out get out if i can’t have l’manberg...” and tommy understands, finally, as dream sprints out. that’s not wilbur.
a distinction needs to be made perfectly clear in this chapter, as with schlatt’s chapter: it’s not them. they’ve been twisted out of control by something bigger than them, something that wants to toy with the young god running an oasis of peace for his people. it doesn’t need to be outright said in this fic; in another we can delve into the madness and who did it and why. for now, just make it clear it’s not explicitly anyone’s fault.
chap 18 techno
subtitle: colosseum
dream had to let techno in first, you know. 
techno and dream have interacted often - the duel, the championships, they’re friends more than acquaintances now. but techno was called in by someone wearing his brother’s face that he honestly doesn’t recognize from his voice and when he arrives at spawn, before tommy fetches him, he sees dream sitting cross legged waiting for him and they talk about the situation, dream giving techno a quick brief. when tommy comes, crying “techno, this way, this way to pogtopia”, and crossbow bolts are being fired at techno, dream gives him a lil wave goodbye (or what techno thinks is a lil wave goodbye but what actually turns out to be putting a swiftness effect on him).
“that’s not my brother, dream,” says techno, and dream’s mouth wobbles and he says, hoarse, “i know.”
techno Suspects, but only knows that dream has world-manipulating powers and thus standard minor god powers. he doesn’t let dream know he suspects. 
chap 19 bad
subtitle: run devil run
bad trusts dream, perhaps against his better judgement. 
dream comes to visit bad and skeppy on neutral grounds in the interim leading up to the festival that everyone on the server is side-eyeing and side-stepping. bad considers his friend and the owner of the world as he gives dream an impromptu tour through the escape route he and skeppy have dug out, wonders with a little reproach how dream could let things get to this point, then, soft, gentle as always, acknowledges that dream is only human kindly. when he says that, though, dream’s face crumples, as though those words hurt him more than any criticism bad’s given him in the time he’s known him, as though bad had driven a blade into his heart, and bad doesn’t understand but he lets dream run away from that. when a small flock of creepers explode over the tunnel the night before the festival and bad grumbles that he has to fix it, he learns dream left him with a fortified escape tunnel.
a/n: i’m sure the irony isn’t lost on you.
chap 20 tubbo
subtitle: cadmean victory
what say the sacrificial lamb?
tubbo is coming to terms with the fact that he might not make it out of office in one piece and it’s not his first time respawning but the older members of the server always, always did their best to shield the younger ones from death. he runs into dream by complete coincidence while he’s avoiding pogtopia (mostly wilbur) and manberg (mostly schlatt), caught between two strangers wearing his friends’ faces. he looks at dream, who looks back at him impassively, and tubbo starts to cry, because it finally hits him that even with his death and respawn nothing will be fixed, nothing can change, the poison’s run too deep into the veins of dream’s beautiful little world and now nothing can be right anymore and it feels like he’s shattering into tiny, aching shards - and then dream kneels before him, takes his hands, presses his forehead to them, sighs like his heart’s breaking, and tubbo feels a small calm thread back into him as dream stands abruptly, jittery. dream, with hands that shake, grips tubbo’s shoulder, hovers for a second, then his head jerks up and he bolts into the forest, clambering up a tree with admirable ease and disappearing away into the leaves as schlatt suddenly emerges from the bushes nearby with a joyous, plastic “hey! tubbo!”
chap 21 george
subtitle: lantern burns low
a moment in the night; george is visited by a specter. 
dream comes, pale, and asks george if there is anything wrong, is everything okay with you? takes george’s caught-off-guard face in his hands and says george george george, are you - and george catches a glimpse of dream’s powers (is he safe safe does he hurt no but fear but anxiety there are dregs hush now quiet now he is safe all quiet quiet quiet he’s safe) and he says, stricken even as the constant thrum of nervous energy he’d kept with him fades out, “dream what was that,” and dream presses his hands to his mask where his eyes are and says, despairingly, “they don’t get to have you too,” and staggers back out. 
george is the first person dream overtly “comes out” to. this is also why george doesn’t see dream til the festival. 
chap 22 schlatt
subtitle: the empty throne
dream visits schlatt in his office. 
schlatt, possessed by madness, has no idea what he’s saying but it feels right, it’s exactly right, everything is in his hands, and when dream approaches, his hands facing up, is he there is he there yes yes yes tainted polluted this is twisted this is madness madness madness dream reels back, shaking, and schlatt leans in and leers, not even knowing what he’s saying, “you can’t even fix it, young god,” and relishes the way all the color drains from dream’s face.
chap 23 dream (edit: this monster ended up being split into three for pacing purposes and also if i left it together it was gonna be. h. 14K WORDS. also the drama of a cliffhanger at what most people thought was going to be the last chapter was too good to pass up don’t @ me
subtitle: do you feel like a young god?
running, running, running again
finale!! dream takes everyone’s old hurts into himself, takes the madness from schlatt and wilbur, promptly passes the hell out because no one should be doing that, wakes up, gets the shit hugged out of him, and explains a little, and gets told that he’s loved over and over. 
i uh! take questions! i like talking about this story, there’s a lot i still want to show, and even apart from that i just really love mcyt haha
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mostfacinorous · 4 years ago
Stoki Whumptober Day 22: Do These Tacos Taste Funny To You? [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]
As the day dawned and they considered their options, Loki sent tentative tendrils of power towards the stone. 
It was recovering-- that much was clear, but it wasn’t anywhere close to being usable. 
“This will take several days.” He announced shortly. 
Rogers looked up from the fire, frowning. He seemed to have recovered some of his lost body heat, and nearly all of his wandering wits.
“Not much choice, is there? So what should we do?” 
Loki pondered. 
“We have a few priorities. The first should be sustenance, I think. Food-- preferably meat, if we can manage to trap anything. Then, shelter. What we made in a few hours yesterday was a start, but it is nowhere near enough to keep you alive, and my powers are low from keeping the heat around you. 
Rogers looked startled.
“Wait-- what did you do?” 
Loki cocked his head, then huffed a little laugh, feeling sheepish. He’d thought it would be obvious, but apparently Rogers had been too out of his mind to realize. 
“It’s no matter. I kept the heat close, that’s all. Without food and rest, I will not be able to do it again, and so we should make an effort to secure both food and a place that will support us for the next few days.” 
Rogers nodded. “What’s the best way to do that?” 
Loki thought back to hunts and adventures, and adjusted for his current state-- tired, magically weak, and Rogers, human, though extraordinary for one. 
“A den.” He decided. “We dig down before we build up, and that will be easier if we can find an area with good snow drift.” He glanced at Rogers’s hands, remembering how stiff and red they’d been the night prior. 
“Perhaps I should take the lead on that. Do you know anything about tracking or trapping?”
Rogers shook his head apologetically. “The woods isn’t really my forte-- even back in the war, we just carried rations with us.” 
Loki sighed. 
“Alright. Shelter first, then. It will, I think, be the most pressing of our needs. And maybe we can build upon what we already have, rather than starting anew.” 
This was less than ideal, of course, but they’d make it through. As long as they could keep Rogers warm enough, even if they found no food, they would last three days. This would all be fine. 
Loki’s first act was to find two trees near enough to one another that they could lay the trees they felled between them, stacking them almost like weaving, to form a wall, and wedging more trees in at an angle, to form a triangular shape. It was, again, not wind proof, but he hoped to get it closer to that before night fall. 
Once the walls were tall enough to allow them to walk inside while bent over, they switched to installing something of a roof-- simply more trees laid across. 
“All these trees we’re tearing down-- it’s not going to affect the timeline, will it?” Rogers asked, when they’d nearly finished with their labour, as it grew to early afternoon. 
Loki shrugged.
“It may have some effect, though who knows what… and it probably doesn’t do to dwell on it. We have little enough choice.” 
Loki showed the Captain how to scrape off the snow and find the wet leaves and pine needles beneath. “This is to fill the gaps between the logs. Can you work on this, while I search for food? Take breaks and warm your hands by the fire when they grow uncomfortable.”
“Okay. Stay close though-- within hearing range.”
“Of course.” Loki wasn’t sure whether the Captain was more concerned for himself or for Loki, but given what he knew of them man, he thought it was likely the latter. 
Sweet fool. 
Loki wished he’d taken the time earlier to fashion and set traps, but he’d chosen to prioritize otherwise, and so that left him likely needing to use what was left of his power for the day on food. 
He managed to use his Jotun eyes to find a rabbit’s burrow, and uncovered three fat rabbits for dinner. Satisfied they would have something, he began next to forage, finding a few mushrooms he was familiar with on tree trunks, low to the ground. 
He wished he had a pot; a stew would be immensely satisfying given the temperatures, and being able to melt snow and drink it warm would warm them very effectively, but he was making do with what they had, and so spits over the fire would have to do. 
He was careful not to cook the meat too long, unwilling to lose the animal’s fat to the flames, and passed two of them to Rogers to sup on. 
“Is that gonna be enough for you?” The Captain asked, nodding towards Loki’s own meal.
“I found a few mushrooms, I’ll round it out with that and it will be plenty.” Loki assured him, opening the small satchel he’d made out of the hem of his cape, tied up and around itself. 
The mushrooms, he had to admit, didn’t sound as appealing as the meat, but they would help him to feel more full. And it seemed to satisfy Rogers, who began tucking into his food with a voracity that Loki hadn’t expected. He wondered if his body, superior to the rest of his species, made superior demands of him as well. He was glad, suddenly, that he’d chosen to divide up the food that way. And with any luck the meat would help him feel warmer overnight. 
They finished their supper and settled into their new lodgings, watching as the sun dropped behind the trees and slowly all light faded but that of the fire. Loki kept that built high enough to warm the space, and was gratified to find the set up holding heat much better than last night’s had. 
He was just beginning to settle in when the first of the cramps hit him. 
At first he thought little of the discomfort, but as it grew, he found himself clutching at his middle and wiping sweat from his brow. 
“Are you… Loki? What’s wrong?” The Captain moved closer, clearly alarmed, and Loki waved him off. 
“Perhaps the meat was undercooked.” He said, feeling slightly miserable about it. 
“If that was the case, I should be feeling it too. What about the mushrooms? You know which ones are safe, right?” 
Loki groaned. “I thought I did-- there must be some differences to Asgardian ones.”
Well, that would explain his current state. 
“I should-- ah, go purge them.” Loki began to crawl towards the exit, and Rogers moved to follow. Loki stopped him. 
“I will not freeze to death in my efforts-- you might. And, if you don’t mind… I’d rather you not see me like this.” 
Rogers did not appear impressed.
“What happens if you pass out, or get lost, or if it gets worse and you can’t make it back?”
“Then you come look for me in the morning. I mean it, Rogers-- stay with the fire.” 
The Captain glanced away, his lips going thin. 
“I told you to call me Steve.” he said, and Loki sighed, glad that he was giving ground to Loki’s argument in favor of complaining about what he was called. 
“Steve, then. Let me handle this myself. I’ll return as soon as I feel up to it.” 
Rogers pushed a hand through his hair distractedly. 
“Alright, but I’m not waiting til morning. If you’re not back by the time this log burns down, I’m coming looking for you.” 
Loki glanced at the fire. That didn’t give him long, and if he had any hope of retaining his dignity-- his stomach cramped again, and made a sound like a restless beast. 
“Fine.” he said quickly. “I will walk in a straight line from the door into the woods. But if it comes to it, I imagine at some point you should be able to smell me.”
He wrinkled his nose and climbed out into the cold, fully prepared to use the dregs of his magic to speed the process of emptying his stomach, if he must.
He could not say he was looking forward to it.
Some hours later, Loki returned to the shelter, shaking with exhaustion, and sore from the day’s exertions, and ready to simply curl up and rest, at long last. Rogers was still awake, waiting for him and staring into the flames, and though he’d wrapped himself in Loki’s cape, he was glad to see he didn’t appear to be as poorly off as he had been the night before. 
“Hey,” he greeted. “You doing okay?” 
Loki huffed. 
“Well, I feel a good deal less like dying.” Though he did not mention that it had smelled for a bit like he had done, out there.
Rogers laughed a little, sounding surprised. “Glad to hear it, I guess. Here.” He lifted his arm, creating an opening in the cape that Loki supposed he was meant to crawl into. 
“What?” Loki asked. 
“I figure-- it’s cold. We should share body heat. Especially if you’re feeling sick-- we can’t afford for you to get worse.” 
It was Loki’s turn to laugh, though there was panic hidden under it. The Captain was sweet, but a fool. 
“Do you suppose I withstand the cold better because I run warmer than you?” Loki asked archly. “I am cold-blooded, Captain. I would only steal your heat. I have none to share.” 
“Steve.” He corrected quickly, then shook his head. “I don’t care. As long as… if being warmer would help you, you should share my heat. You’re shivering.” 
And Loki realized it was true; he was exhausted, drained both physically and magically, and his sleep had been cut short the night prior with watching over Steve. 
He didn’t have the energy left to argue, and so worked his way around the fire to sit beside Steve, ducking under his own cape for warmth. 
“If I make you cold, though-- you must tell me.” Loki cautioned. 
“Alright. And if there’s anything I can do to help, you hafta tell me. Deal?” 
“I suppose it must be.” Loki found himself leaning into the heat, and did not flinch when Steve’s arm curled around his shoulder to pull him closer, though it was a close thing.
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Support Group - Chapter Two
Ao3 link :)
My whole morning was just like regular. Breakfast in the main hall, where I ate too much food as a force of habit - when my brain realized food was free and in large numbers, it made a connection to the times I had been forced to starve in my closet for days, and from that moment I hoarded food into my body. The consequences of this were that I would be walking around with a tummy ache all morning, but the upset stomach was still way easier than going against the childhood trauma. 
After breakfast we went to the common room, and hung out in there. Yes, we were all traumatized young adults who fought and won a war, but we were also still kids, and being lazy on a Saturday is just an important part of being a student. So, while Hermione was searching through flyers and applications for job positions and study possibilities - we still did not know how to get her to relax, although being with Ron had helped a bit - Ron and I were lazily sitting on the couch looking through some albums of the Chudley Cannons, while ignoring the Transfiguration essay that had to be done by Monday. 
It was a normal Saturday, but the support group flyer kept appearing in my thoughts. Who had put it there? Which of the Slytherins would it be, and mostly, who would show up? It was not a secret, you know, that everyone still struggled and some people were in need of more support than they were getting. It wasn’t a secret, and not even taboo to talk about really, but it just felt weird to openly share some of the stuff your mind goes through. Nobody wants to remind each other of those bad times, and if your sharing of memories could awaken traumatic feelings in someone else, why not keep them to yourself?
So that is why most talks and memories were shared on late nights, with one of your best friends, while the rest was a sleep. Hushed whispers about nightmares that kept appearing, the people you missed and the way Hogwarts had changed. Late, silent nights.
Thatś why this sudden appearance of a so-called Support Group was… Out of the ordinary, and sparked my curiosity. Maybe I would drop by, say hello and goodbye and leave again, just to see what it was about. But then, they might expect me to share war memories, and that was definitely not something I would be up for. Sharing was a sore subject for me, something I barely even did with Hermione and Ron. Sometimes I did, when I woke up from a nightmare or came back from a flashback, cause I couldn’t just not tell them anything, but the days and weeks I felt hollow and numb 24/7? There was no use in telling them. They would just feel guilty about not being able to help, and apart from numb and hollow, regret would also be added to my emotions.
The rest of morning I spent weighing curiosity against anxiety, and when lunchtime came I still had not made up my mind. That was, until Neville walked over, came sitting next to us and started talking.
“Hey guys! What are you doing today? I was considering homework, but I think I can postpone that til tomorrow, don’t you? Anyway, did you see the new posters? The support group thing? It’s surprising huh?” He grabbed a croissant, put it in his mouth, and looked at us, expectantly. 
I didn’t dare reply, as I had not yet made up my mind, but Hermione had already opened her mouth. 
“I saw, yes. I don’t think it’s that surprising at all, Neville. In fact, creating a group where people can go when they need help is wonderful.” 
“Oh, so are you gonna go?”, I asked, carefully not revealing any interest in my voice. If Hermione was going, then I could just tag along with her, and if both of us were there maybe people wouldn’t expect me to talk. I could just be the quiet Boy who Lived and she’d be the representative of our trio adventures. 
“Don’t think so, no. I’m a little busy with all these program applications and to be honest if I ever want to talk I can just go to you two or Ginny, you know”.
She had a point, most of the people in our circle had enough friends or family to go to when in need. That’s why the Slytherin part was not that surprising; they often did not have these connections. Still, with my very close group of friends, I still had nowhere to go or vent. I talked to Sirius and Remus sometimes. I would sneak out of bed at 2 am, not being able to sleep, and go to look at the stars. Sometimes I could actually see Sirius up in the sky. Sitting there, I would start talking and talking about what was keeping me awake, and although it helped, there was not any response, and I think I needed a response.
Sitting at the lunch table I thought about Sirius, about the late night one-way talks, and about the fact that if they were alive, any of them, they would want me to seek a response.
So right there and then, I decided I would go.
“I’m going, yes”, I blurted out. It got me some weird looks.
“I did not know you were that into therapy and support? When did that happen, mate?”, Ron asked me, rightfully so.  We both weren’t the touchy feely type. 
“Yeah, I know… I’m just curious, and maybe some people will appreciate me being there”. Shit. Was that too cocky? I saw Hermione looking at me observingly, but I did my best to avoid her glance and tried to recover myself. 
“You know, cause maybe not everyone is comfortable sharing their stories, cause they uhh, feel like it wasn’t that bad, but if I share something light but bothersome, you know, they might think  ‘Oh, if Harry Potter shares that, I can share this’, right?”, I proposed. This wasn’t going smoothly, but they seemed convinced and Hermione’s look stopped being intense. Phew.
 “Yeah, guess so”, Neville continued “Maybe I’ll go as well, but not this time… Still a little awkward for me… With the snake and stuff”, he finished. Neville grabbed another two croissants and left the table, walking over to Ginny and starting a conversation there. Ron and Hermione picked up the conversation on Hermione’s study programs abroad, but I did not pay attention anymore. I had made my decision, and I was gonna hold myself to it. Support group it was, then.
It was five minutes to three when I made my way to the Charms classroom. I didn’t want to be early, but I wanted to be late even less. It would have been a bit too ‘Harry’ of me to stumble in 10 minutes late to a war support group and be like “Hey guys, I’m the savior”. Could not do that. Very inappropriate. 
The classroom had been adjusted to a more welcoming setting, which had been achieved by moving the school banks in a circle and having no one sit at McGonagall's desk, which was smart,  I don't think she would have liked that. On the board was written in chalk, in a very classy handwriting:
"Support group: first meeting. Introduce yourself. Share information in the manner you want. Listen to others. Feel free."
A good message, a little cold maybe, but good. Walking into the classroom, it appeared that despite my efforts of being casual, I still was one of the earliest people there. Better than being late. Most of them were young students, the kids who had been first and second years during the battle. There were about three of them, all Hufflepuff, gathered around at a single desk. They looked vulnerable, and I felt slightly impressed by their bravery of showing up to an event like this. In my second year, there were amazingly many things I would have done, and did, to avoid talking about my problems. To be fair, with the snake and all, I shouldn’t blame myself for that.
The other people looked as they had come here on their own. A few Slytherins, around my age, or 7th years. I’d expected them. It was their meeting. Still, there was tension. Blaise was there, his dark eyes looking down at the desk, focused on picking the grout out of the wooden cracks. A few others were next to him, the Slytherin kids who always used to hang around Snape. Then there was Luna, which surprised me, but only a little. Distracted as always, she was talking to the moving cat pictures that were on McGonagall's desk, and they seemed to be talking back. Curious.
There didn’t seem to be anyone who was taking charge, I noticed. The person who wrote the message on the board couldn’t be one of these kids, right?  Maybe they tried to be casual, just like me, and were actually succeeding at it, I thought. Although, the briefness of all the messaging did seem to belong to a strict person. Well, nothing to do but wait. 
“Hello everyone, good to see you all, I’m, uhm, Harry”, and as I spoke I realized that I did not have to introduce myself to these people. And that I was an idiot.
“We know Potter, I think we noticed you sometime last year”, Blaise snickered, but not in a mean-spirited way, just regular, Slytherin sarcasm.
I had learned to understand it, a little. It wasn’t like I was never sarcastic, I’d just always thought the Slytherins were mean and cruel. But in actually talking to them, I’d discovered they were blunt and full of jokes that only they understood, but without ill intent. Most of the time, that is.
“Well it said introduce yourself,” I tried to recover, “and after that to share information the way I want to. So, er, hi I’m Harry, and the war still really sucks?” Apparently it had become absolutely impossible for me to act normal and casual anymore. Lovely. 
The Hufflepuff kids looked up at me in a confused admiration. They whispered something to each other.
“This is Nicky, this is Mary, and I’m Robb, and we think the war sucks too”. It was a little black haired boy who said this, bright eyes and dark features. He couldn’t be older than 13. How were these kids so cool? 
“Thanks Robb,” I responded, “does anyone know when our host is coming in? I don’t want to act like this whole ‘the war sucks’ thing is me taking over the meeting… Do you guys have infor-” 
“Terribly sorry to be late everyone. Extremely bad manners, I know. I hope you all have made yourself comfortable and have had the opportunity to introduce yourselves a little. I’m not sure it is neccesary, but nontheless I shall introduce myself as well. My name is-” 
 “Draco?”,  I blurted out, quite suddenly and loudly.
“Well yes, Draco it is, thanks for the introduction, Potter.’ He said this with a tone of amused surprise, and not the snark I was used to, and might even have deserved in this situation. Attempt number three of acting normal, ruined that too.
“I’m, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt. Just, not what I was expecting and all that. Please continue”, I responded in my most civil tone, trying to show him, and everyone else, that I was not going to have a duel with Draco right here right now. 
“Thanks, will do. Anyway, hereby I open our first group session of post-war support, there’s tea in the corner and I’d love to hear everyone’s names. Let’s get started, yes?”
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hopewritcs · 6 years ago
dancing in the kitchen. nine.
pairing: romantic steve x reader, familial dustin x reader
word count: 1.5k
summary: without giving too much away: the reader is y/n Henderson, Dustin’s older cousin who’s staying in town, due to some family issues. takes place soon after s2.
note: sometimes i laugh because this fic is set during the new year and we’re in july.  which makes me feel lowkey bad about it.  but also ? wild.  i still love this one.  this is the final chapter ! with an epilogue to follow ( skipping ahead a few months ).  thanks for all the support, y’all have meant everything to me while writing this fic.  
other chapters: masterlist
ditc tag list: @stevieboyharrington, ,@thekidsofneibolt, @labgeek, @tyedyedstars, @samisimportant, @madhatterweasley, @pity-mee, @l4life, @restlessmelodrama @darkuserboxes,@princessnancy,@hipsmcgee, @wtf-richarddd @honey-your-bee-puns-sting@whataloadofmalarkey @queenlalybug @im-a-stranger-thing @bilesxbilinskixlahey @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia @trashyemonerd @theslayingavenger (if you wanna be added to the tag list, let me know!!)
Steve had called Y/N every day since their kiss.  He’d been dragged away for a family holiday, but had made sure to call the Henderson house every night he was away.  The first couple of times Dustin answered the phone.  
“Come on Steve, it’s not like you won’t see her soon.  Don’t you miss me too?”  Dustin had asked once.  
“Of course, dude.  But can I talk to Y/N?  Please.”  
After that, Dustin had given up answering the phone at all, knowing it was likely Steve calling for his cousin.  He did, however, take to calling them “mushes” from the top of the stairs any time he heard the pair on the phone.  He claimed it was gross, but he was happy that his cousin was genuinely happy.  Dustin may not know what brought Y/N to Hawkins, but he was glad it seemed to weigh less on her shoulders now that she had Steve.  
Finally it was New Years Eve and everyone was gathered in the Henderson household.  The parents were over at the Wheeler’s place, but instead of spending the night in the basement and being called up at midnight, the kids decided that spending the night at the Henderson house, with the teens, was a much better idea.  
The party was in full swing, everyone having shown up early.  They were all going to spend the night too, sleeping bags set up once again on the living room floor.  Reminiscent of the weeks prior when they had spent the night there as well.  It made Y/N happy to see everyone laughing and mingling around.  
Steve had been the first to show up, bringing in tow Lucas and Max.  He immediately planted himself at Y/N’s side while she prepared snacks and offered to help her out.  But he proved to be more of a distraction than anything else.  Earlier, while she had scooped out cookie dough into perfected small bits to put in the oven, Steve had taken it upon himself to grab a spoon and taste the homemade dough.  
That had gotten him kicked out of the kitchen and banished to the living room with the rest of the kids who had shown up by then.  They laughed, teasing him for getting kicked out of the kitchen by his girlfriend.  When Y/N heard that, she felt a blush creep up her neck, pattering her face with heat.  
Not that she’d forgotten.  The night was etched into her memory, dancing in the kitchen to the mixtape with Steve.  But it felt like it had been so long since she’d seen Steve that she could have convinced herself she’d dreamt up the whole scene.  If not for the multiple phone calls, and the ache of missing him, that is.  
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With snacks set out around the house, chips and such on the coffee table in the living room and the baked goods Y/N had made resting in the kitchen, everyone was settling in, getting ready to count to the new year.  It was still a few hours away, and the kids were deciding what they were going to do until close til midnight.  
It was just the kids and Steve that night.  Y/N had spent a good portion of the night before attempting to convince Nancy to come by with Jonathan, but her friend explained that they already had plans.  
“But I expect to hear everything about you and Steve when I see you on the first day of school in the new year.”  Nancy had said.  
“You wouldn’t have to wait so long if you just came here tonight!”  Y/N countered, huffing softly.  She had been looking forward to spending the time with all of her friends, not having expected Nancy and Jonathan to go off and do their own thing--even if it was a warning she’d gotten a couple of days prior when Will had been hanging out with Dustin.  
Spending the evening curled up on the couch at Steve’s side?  That definitely made up for any feeling of disappointment from not having her friend there too.  
The minute that she finished cutting up the brownies onto the platter, Y/N had settled into the living room and curled her feet up onto the couch, leaning into Steve’s welcoming arms and grinning when he kissed the top of her head.  
She’d forgotten all about the kids sitting around the coffee table until she heard Dustin speaking.  “So they got together on Christmas Eve Eve.  Who does that make the winner of the bet?”  
“Me.”  Will said, and then Mike was grabbing a couple of dollars from his bag, supposedly the betting pool, and handing it over to the other boy who happily pocketed the change.  He already knew he was likely going to spend it on something for the group anyway.  Something they could all share.  
“Still can’t believe you bet on us.”  Y/N hummed, shaking her head as she looked at her younger cousin.  
“And I still can’t believe I didn’t win.  Guess we’re both going to be disappointed, Y/N.”  Dustin said, shaking his head as he shuffled the cards that they had been playing with.  
Y/N scoffed, “How were you supposed to win if you didn’t even tell us about the bet?”  
“Would you have made it so I won?”
Steve and Y/N looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, “Probably not.”  they decided, looking back at Dustin who had had a look of hope on his face until they told him that.  
“Well that’s just rude!”  
“Fair’s fair, Dusty.”  Y/N said, tugging Steve’s arm and bringing him to sit down beside her on the floor where the kids made room for them.  Dustin still wore a look of slight annoyed betrayal on his face, but shook it off after a nudge in his side from Lucas.  “So, what are we playing?”  
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Time passed with laughter and jokes as they played a couple of different card games.  But closing in on midnight, they turned on the television and put on the ball drop live from New York City.  
“What’s it like there?”  Lucas asked, turning to look over at Y/N.  
“Did you ever go there for the actual ball drop?”  Max chimed in, turning around too.   
“Is it as cold as it looks?”  El asked quietly, turning to peer at where Y/N was sitting.  She was almost always soft spoken, and Y/N turned to look at her first.  
“Colder sometimes.  Once there was a snowstorm and I was walking home to the brownstone and I tripped and fell face first into a pile of snow on the sidewalk.”  Y/N explained with a light chuckle, shaking her head as she spoke.  “But, yeah, I went to the ball drop the first year we were in the city.  All of my school friends were like you gotta go, we gotta go, it’s gonna be epic. But in reality it was just this big old party and I would have rather been home curled up with some of my friends watching movies,” probably sneaking some of her parents stash of booze, but Y/N wasn’t going to tell the kids that, “and maybe checking out the ball drop on television.”  Y/N hummed contently as she spoke.  
“I’d like to go to New York one day.”  Will said softly, mostly sounding like he was talking to himself.  
“Maybe when we’re older we could do a road trip there.  That could be fun.”  Dustin nodded, nudging Will with his arm to show him he heard the comment and that he would like that too.  “I’m sure Y/N and Steve would chaperone us.”  
“Oh yeah, let’s tell your parents.  Hey, we’re gonna take the kids on a trip to New York City.  Y/N and I are going to be with them the whole time, just a road trip away.  I don’t think they’d go for it.”  Steve’s laughter bubbles in his chest, echoing against Y/N’s head, since she had been leaning against his chest.  
“They’d totally go for it.  Mom trusts Y/N completely.”  Dustin spoke assuredly.  When a grunt of questioning came from Steve, Y/N laughed softly and looked at her cousin.  “Oh, yeah, and Steve too, definitely buddy.”  Dustin flashed a bright grin at the pair, turning back to his friends and speaking excitedly about whatever possible New York City plans he could come up with off the top of his head.  
“Guys, the countdown’s starting, shut the hell up!”  Max said, slapping her hand on the coffee table to get everyone’s attention to the television screen lighting up the room.  
All the voices were pounding, shouting out as the countdown began. 
10 .... 
9 .... 
Y/N grabbed a hold of Steve’s hand, intertwining their fingers as she looked up at him.  
8 .... 
7 .... 
He smiled back down at her, both of them ignoring the continued countdown of everyone else. 
6 .... 
5 .... 
“Get a room!”  Dustin called, tossing a pillow at the pair.  
“Shut up Dustin!”  the other kids called back to him.  
4 .... 
3 ....
Steve kissed Y/N’s forehead and cheek.  
Y/N leaned up, about to kiss him lightly when,  
“You’re supposed to wait until midnight to kiss, buddy.”
2 ....
1 .... 
And they kissed.  
And for the moment, it really felt like everything was going to be alright.  
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bapyess1r · 4 years ago
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WARNINGS: cursing
Pairings: Rafe Adler x OC
Tags: @desertvvitch, @tiecladartist, @courtenbae
Chapter 1
Lyric’s POV
He was doing it again. Much like every day lately, he’d been in a verbal argument with someone over the phone during a conference. And lucky me, I got a front row seat to every single word. His office was right in front of my desk. The whole office seemed to quiet as muffled screams could be heard throughout the room. My co-worker Winter looked over from her desk to show me her gums and suck air through her teeth.
“You’re gonna have so much fun tonight!” Her voice dripped with sarcasm and I rolled my eyes. This meant there was going to be so much paperwork to do before I left. I groaned, digging my fingers into my hair and scratching at it in annoyance. I wore wigs to work because my actual hair would’ve been considered “less than favorable” in my work environment. ‘Horseshit.’ I thought. I settled for dark curls in order to remotely retain a professional image. Suddenly, it had gotten eerily quiet. He stopped shouting in his office and the air was back to normal. Or so I thought.
“LYRIC LEWIS!” I heard him snap suddenly, making my jump out of my seat a bit. I took a deep breath, eyeballing Winter as I adjusted my grey pantsuit. My blush colored heels clicked on the tiles as I rounded my desk with my hefty clipboard in hand. I pushed open his opaque glass door cautiously. I took a moment to center myself as I put my hand on the door and turned the knob.
“Yes, Mr. Adler?” I asked him calmly. Not that it would do me any good. He rested his face in his hands in irritation. To Rafe Adler, I was his rather invisible assistant. He never looked me in the face. If he did he saw right through me and never paid much attention. But he knew my voice. I didn’t mind but there’s this thing called respect…
“Ms. Lewis, please tell me there are no more idiots I have to conference with this afternoon.” He grumbled, rubbing his fingers into his bluish green eyes. As tired as he was, they looked a little gray today. I flipped through his schedule that I had written down as he leaned back into his chair. For a moment, I glanced up to look at him. Rafe was a handsome man. Stuffy but handsome. His hair was cut short on the sides as the length on top was slicked back off of his almost model-like face and when he did smile, which was very rarely, it was like a million watts. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers repeatedly at me with a growl.
“C’mon, Lyric! I don’t have all day!” He rushed me. And I flipped to today’s date. I ran my finger down the time slots to see what else was on the agenda for the day.
“Um… I believe that was all for today, sir. No more conference calls-”
“Thank God!” He sighed, dramatically. My face contorted a bit as he ran his fingers through his dark hair. “What else is there to do today?”
“You have a meeting with Chovak, sir, at 2pm. Early dinner with Samuel and Nathan Drake at 5? And then you had me put down paperwork hours from 7:30 til midnight.” I read everything off exactly as it was written. He hummed as he rummaged through the files on his desk.
“Make it 9. Dinner may take a little longer than I expect.” He said with a sigh. “That’ll be all, Ms. Lewis. Thank you.” He said as he began scribbling things on sheets of paper and tapping on his laptop. Not once did he look at me through this whole interaction. That was most days though.
“Did you need me to sit in on the meeting, sir?” I asked, pulling a pen from behind my ear and editing a time slot. I was hoping he’d say no. I still hadn’t had breakfast yet and I was starving.
“Yes.” He said simply. My expression faltered and I pursed my lips to keep from making a face. Of course I had to stay.
“Absolutely, sir. I’ll be going now.” I said with slight irritation but he didn’t seem to notice. He was already caught up in more work. I turned on my heel and just as I put a hand on the door, he called to me again.
“Oh, one more thing!” He said. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look at him.
“What is it, sir?” I asked.
“Would you be a doll and run down to Starbucks for me?” He said.
“Of course, sir. The usual?” I asked pulling out my phone to pre-order the drink. It would be done by the time I got there.
“Yes and add a croissant.” He mumbled.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be right back.” I said with a fake smile. Not that he’d see it anyway.
I went back to my desk and sat down with a sigh of relief. “That wasn’t so bad…” I said to myself as I put in Rafe’s order. After a few seconds of mental rest, I stood again and grabbed my black trench coat off the back of my seat.
“Goin’ somewhere?” Winter asked as I slipped on my coat.
“The King wants his coffee.” I told her in an exaggerated attempt at a British accent. She chuckled and shook her head.
“Best not keep him waiting then.” She said, pushing her cropped hair over her ear as I left.
Work that night was more or less the same. The office would be absolutely empty except for Rafe and myself. He would leave his door open to tell things to me or ask me to change/cancel appointments and meetings he didn’t have time for or just honestly couldn’t be bothered with. All the lights in the building had been turned off except the desk lamps to conserve energy (Good on him) so it was rather dim. I was playing music on my speaker. A hard rock station on my radio app. I had a gig tonight and I needed to amp myself up and rush through these emails and paperwork. I kept the volume low. Low enough for only myself to hear. My earphones had broken a week ago and I hadn’t had the chance to get new ones yet.
Green Day was playing softly as I worked. My eyes were getting heavy and started to burn a little. I needed to get out of the office soon. I bopped my head to the music until I heard movement and an annoyed sigh from Rafe’s office. I looked up a brief moment and he was looking right at me. Or more like right through me. His neatly trimmed brow raised as he rested his head in his hand. I gasped a little and pushed my hair off of my face nervously.
“If you’re going to play music, turn it up. All I can hear from here is static. Don’t be selfish.” He grumbled before looking back at his work. My eyes widened at his demand. And I was sure Green Day was not on his daily ten playlist. I turned the music up but I definitely got ready to change the station. But he stopped me without even looking at me. “And don’t you dare change this song.” He said. A look of amusement played on my face as I went back to work.
‘What do you know about Green Day, Rafe Adler?’ I thought with a faint chuckle. Another hour passed and I was almost finished with a final email. I looked up a second to check on my boss’s sanity as we’d been listening to punk and hard rock for a while now. The Pixies began playing and the sight in front of me was one I’m sure he would make me swear to secrecy. He was slouched into his chair with a leg crossed over the other; his ankle resting on his knee as he wiggled his foot to the music, tapping his pen on the table rhythmically to the drums. His curved lips just gently mumbled the words to the song. His sleeves were rolled to his forearms and his tie was loosened with a couple of buttons undone. And his hair. A few strands had fallen out of place but for the moment he didn’t seem to mind. It was very rare that I saw him like this. Whenever it happened it was always a nice surprise.
I felt the corner of my lips turn a little as I signed off the email and sat back in relief. Finally. I gathered everything together and stood from my desk to head into Rafe’s office. He seemed to notice my presence from his peripheral and pointed to a spot on his desk that wasn’t covered in paper.
“Leave it there.” He said and I did as I was told.
“I wrote responses to all of your emails and sent them back to you for you to review and send out. All of your appointments and meetings are up to date, dry cleaning should be here in the morning, and….” There was something else and I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
“And… you’ll be here first thing in the morning, cafe latte with extra espresso. I told you I had a meeting with the Drake Brothers.” He added.
“Of course. There’s a meeting in the morning. I completely forgot.” I mumbled.
“I know you did. You always do…” he hummed disapprovingly, rereading a sheet of paper. I hung my head a bit in embarrassment. Not that he saw that.
“Sorry, sir.” I said as my phone vibrated in my pocket. When I looked at the screen, it had been a text from my band mate, Clay. My eyes widened reading the text in all caps.
My heart dropped and I checked the black watch on my wrist and groaned. It was 10:15. I had stayed at work longer than intended and now I was late for the show. And I still had to change my clothes and do my makeup. I looked up at Rafe for a moment as he smoothed his hair back into place.
“Is there anything else you need from me tonight, sir?” I asked him. Once again without even looking at me, he waved me off with a grumble. “Alright then. I’ll see you in the morning!”
“At 7:30-”
“7:30?!” I exclaimed in surprise. I was going to be absolutely dog tired. Did he really need me for that? I knew he had a tendency to have me work ridiculously hours but come on! I have a life! I had music to write, songs to record, shows to book….
“Is there a problem?” He asked in a slightly unnerving tone. I chuckled and shook my head.
“No, sir! Not a problem at all.” I lied. “7:30 sharp. I’ll be here.”
“Then that will be all, Ms. Lewis. Goodnight.” He said monotonously.
“Goodnight, sir.” I said softly, scuttling out of the room to grab my things from my desk. I turned the speaker off and just as I turned to leave, I heard him sigh tiredly. Normally, I wasn’t one to care about how my boss was doing but Rafe looked really exhausted. He was swamped with paperwork and his lunch appointment took a little longer just as he suspected. He ended up cutting into his set hours. I kind of felt bad for him. Leaving him alone with all of that. Then I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and it quickly reminded me that I had somewhere to be. I briskly ran towards the elevators so I could leave.
I did everything I could to prepare and get ready for the show. I hopped in my car, a beat up black hatchback, and turned on the car light. Adjusting my rear view mirror on me, I grabbed my makeup and began to put on more and darken it. With that I drove to the venue, hoping and praying I wouldn’t hit any traffic. My phone rang as I drove and it was my band mate again. I answered in an overwhelmed voice.
“I’m coming, Clay!” I said as I weaved in and out of New York traffic like an idiot. He sounded irritated. But so was I. If I hadn’t needed to do so much tonight, I would’ve been there sooner. I hung up the phone as I pulled into the alleyway near the venue and hopped into the backseat to change into something a little more appropriate. A black knitted dress that was as see through as it could get with a high split. Beneath it, a yellow bodysuit and fishnet tights. I exchanged my pink pumps for black stiletto boots and I struggled very hard to get into this look inside the car. The easy part was changing my retainer for my septum hoop. But when I finally got dressed, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and jacket, rolling out of the trunk of the hatchback and beginning to close it like it was no big deal. I went to adjust my hair when I remembered I still was wearing my wig. Quickly I snatched it and the wig cap off, revealing blonde locks with a tinge of pink at the tips, dressed up with silver hair rings and silver beaded charms. The side of my hair was braided back and decorated with tiny silver hair clamps. I shook out my tousled hair and tossed it in the back seat, locking my car. When I felt like I was all set, I pulled my jacket on and walked into the side of the building.
A bouncer stood there, guarding the door. I placed my hands on my hip and looked at him with a thick raised brow as his eyes scanned my body up and down. “Yo, I’m with Floral and Fading.” I told him with a bit of bass in my voice.
“How do I know you’re not just some groupie?” He asked me. To think that I looked like a groupie of my own band was quite hilarious to me. We had a pretty big following but I didn’t think we were that big yet. Not having time nor energy to deal with convincing this guy that I needed to get by him, I scoffed and called Clay. I told him I was at the venue and he came, opening the door next to the bouncer.
“Shit, Lyric! You’re cuttin’ it kinda close, my friend!” My blonde spikey haired friend said with a smile. I looked at the bouncer and he gestured to let me in. I was already walking through the door though. “You look nice!” He shouted to me above the muffled bass, wiggling his brows. He was flirting with me again. It was never anything serious and he did it clearly for jokes. I was used to it after 4 years. He was the first friend I made in New York. We started the band after discovering that we were both musicians. We grabbed a pair of brothers that played guitar and bass, Clay played drums, and I mained vocals. A couple of months later we were playing our first show at this punk club. When word got around, it became every weekend. Underground famous. And still I worked this office job every day. Running myself ragged to keep myself happy and alive.
“How long til we go on?” I asked, shrugging my jacket off.
“5 minutes! Everyone is all tuned up and ready to go, your mic is set up just how you like, and the speakers work today surprisingly! Double checked them myself!” He smiled, parting his pierced lips to give a toothy grin, rubbing his eyes, probably forgetting that he was wearing eyeliner. It only smudged a bit, making his eyes look smokey.
“Well don’t jinx us just yet. There’s still a possibility they could go out mid scream.” I chuckled. He handed me a bottle of water and I began to chug it like no tomorrow as he led me to the band’s waiting room. They were all there. Singing, laughing, smoking, warming up, drinking a beer, just having a great time. Seeing them still be excited to play here after 4 years made me happy and excited for the night’s show. I did a few quick vocal exercises and did my jumping jacks to hype myself up and before I knew it, we were ready to go on.
The club owner went out on stage to introduce us and the crowd yelled rather loudly. I looked back at the band and grinned hard. There was nothing like hearing a happy crowd. I watched them turn the stage lights red. He hyped them up as we amped ourselves and shook the nerves. Sweat was beginning to form on my forehead already but it was fine. I didn’t care. The moment I heard him call Floral and Fading, the band and myself ran up the stairs and onto the rather small stage. I pulled the mic off the stand and addressed the crowd as if I would a familiar friend. I grinned as Clay began counting off beats with the crash cymbals and the band began to play aggressively and skillfully. I moved the rhythm, headbanging and revving the crowd up as they moshed and jumped around. Then I melodically began to deliver words I had sat countless hours writing carefully in order to get my stories and messages across. And the night went on...
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onewhoturns · 5 years ago
fictober.14.: intermediate frequencies
#Fictober19 Prompt: 14. I can’t come back. Fandom: Oxenfree Characters: Jonas, lost!Alex Rating: T (no warnings apply) Tags: Mystery? kinda?, supernatural, lost Alex, weird radio stuff Word Count: 1807
The messages started out simple. The first one, anyway. It was weird, to come in the middle of some rock ballad from the 80s, but he chocked it up to crossed wires and weird interference (which, well, seemed technically accurate). Skid Row was whaling away a guitar solo, and then—
“Hello out there? This is, um… Cave FM! ‘No. 1 for Cave, Grotto, and Subterranean Country.’ ”
It was a girl’s voice. Not the well-practiced veteran voice of the station DJ, but someone crackling in like some kind of prank broadcast. Gone and done in a few seconds, and back to the music. Jonas glanced at his car radio for a second, skeptically, but shrugged it off.
The second message wasn’t exactly terrifying, either. In fact, he wasn’t even sure he’d heard it at all, half asleep as he was. Same station, Bryan Adams singing on about whatever younger years blah blah— It was 7:05. Jonas wasn’t really paying close attention. But, again, mid-song;
…and the bad. Yeah I'll be stand- “Um… A-Alex? Can you… can you hear me? ”
It cut back to instrumental. But this time it didn’t seem like just a prank call. She didn’t sound… It wasn’t necessarily panic, but it was nervous. At least, he thought it was. But again; over and passed so quickly.
The third message was the first one to come from nowhere. His car radio was turned all the way down, between stations after stopping mid-tune when the light had turned green. It was just on static. Until there was a voice.
“Uh, testing, testing… this is a test of the Beach Cave Emergency System? ”
The voice had a kind of nervous laughter to it, like someone put on the spot, covering up anxiety with humor. It was the same girl.
The fourth…
The fourth message was when they started to ring bells.
“Hey, i-if you’re out there, uh, Alex? We… We got stranded on Edwards Island… and-”
Edwards Island. That… that was a thing. He’d been there, he’d been stuck there, he’d been terrorized there and only escaped thanks to— to something. Something involving Ren’s friends. He didn’t fully remember the night. But the name was enough to put him on alert.
She was asking for the same person, again. Someone named Alex. Maybe a friend, or a boyfriend, or a brother or something. Maybe a parent or a guardian. Someone who could help.
But the messages had come days apart. And there was no reason she’d be stuck there. The message came at 3pm on a Sunday, from the little radio built in to the kitchen of their new place in Camena. Ferries ran on the Island— well, he didn’t know for sure, but when he’d gone with Ren they’d run at least til five. No reason to be stranded.
The fifth message sent chills down his spine.
“Hey, Ren? Nona? Can you guys hear me? It’s Alex, in case you can’t recognize my—”
She always got cut off mid-message. Like someone terminated the broadcast before she was finished.
But that… those were his friends’ names. Those were— those were people who went to the island with him. And her…
Her name was Alex. Which meant all those messages before, they weren’t calling out for help from someone else. They were calling for help from herself.
His theory was confirmed while driving around Camena at 11pm on a Wednesday night in early July. He’d just leave his radio on and tuned to static sometimes, wondering what might pop up. Generally it would just be brief staticky half-seconds of advertising jingles or droning AM radio newscasters.
“Alex? This is… you, okay? Just… don’t go into the cave. Whatever you do, don’t go into the cave.”
It was the first message that felt… complete. Like she’d gotten out what she needed to say. And it… it made sense. Things started to add up - or kind of add up, with a hell of a lot of blurry bits in between.
The island had been… something. He didn’t remember a lot of that something. But the cave felt familiar. He didn’t go in, but Michael did. Michael went, and he brought a radio. Radios, like this Alex person was using.
Jonas wanted to know more. It felt like a bad idea, but he felt like he needed to know.
“Alex, this is… uh, Alex, and— listen, don’t come to Edwards Island. Whatever you do, just- don’t come here. Stay home. Stay… safe.”
He lay under his covers, staring at his alarm clock. He’d started to leave it running quietly in the background whenever he was sitting around. Any radio, really. It was maybe a little weird, but his dad was usually at work, and when he was home he didn’t comment on it. And it was summer, so there wasn’t a ton to do all day, aside from let Ren drag him around the area. They’d gone to the lake earlier that day.
Jonas’s brow furrowed, rolling over to examine the station. The noise switched back to music. He’d taken to changing stations regularly. It didn’t seem to matter what the frequency was; she’d be there.
“Hey! Uh, Jonas? ”
He sat bolt upright in bed, heart suddenly hammering in his chest. It was 2am. He’d been fucking around on his computer and-
“Or- or just to anyone listening, we’re trapped in—”
It cut out, again. He just stared at the radio on his bedside table for a long moment. “Alex…” The name felt odd in his mouth. Like it didn’t quite fit, or was the wrong shape. Which was weird, cause it was common enough. But somehow it felt foreign.
His name. She’d said his name. She’d called out to Ren, to Nona, to herself, and now to him.
Feeling like a bit of an idiot, he awkwardly picked up his little alarm radio. “Um… Alex?” This was stupid. He was talking to a $5 piece of plastic that didn’t even have a microphone. It couldn’t even transmit.
But he knew what could.
Panting, red-faced and pumped full of adrenaline, Jonas shifts his truck into gear, reaching for his prize. State-issued radio communications equipment from the forest service. Stolen. Basically: one hardcore walkie-talkie. His eyes are a little too bright, too frantic, clicking on the power switch and starting to press buttons, scanning through the channels like he might find-
There’s feedback, and it’s loud. He hurriedly flips off the walkie. That doesn’t even make sense. How could there be-
Fucking fuck, Jonas nearly swerved into the next lane over. Thank god the road is empty. 4am is pretty much always dead around here. He hurriedly pulls over.
“Who— is that— are you-”
“Is… Is someone there? ”
“Yes!” Holy shit. Holy fucking shit, this is— this is real time. “Are— are you Alex?”
“Is… If you’re there…” There’s a pause, and the voice drops quieter. “Oh my god, this is… fuck, you’re being stupid,” the voice on the radio mutters, like she’s trying to talk herself back to her senses.
“Alex, right? It’s-” He feels like an absolute idiot. “It’s Jonas. You-” He’s talking to his radio. His fucking car radio. Like that could ever work in a million years. His enthusiasm stalls. “…You probably can’t even hear me,” he mutters flatly, sighing. Stupid idea. Stupid plan.
But that wasn’t the plan, the plan was-
Jonas fumbles for the walkie again, flicking the switch and the feedback comes on before he flips it off again-
“Motherfucker, how is that-”
His heart is in his throat. That can’t be a coincidence. Not twice in a row. Fuck, is he dreaming?
Jonas turns off the car. The radio dies. He turns back on the walkie-talkie, this time with no wailing whining scream of feedback. He holds down the transmit button for a second, trying to find the words. But… No, there really isn’t anything to say. Just… “Alex?”
There’s a chirp of a finished message as he lets go of the button. Then silence. He’s reaching for the radio dial, thinking maybe that’s the only way to hear a response, when the walkie crackles to life.
“…Who is this? ” She sounds wary. Not exactly cold, but firm. Like she’s expecting it to be some kind of prank. Which is— can she even be pranked? Who is she? What is she?
He holds down the button. “It’s… uh. You- um, you called me. I think. Maybe from the island.” He feels like a dumbass. But also like maybe this is just some kid fucking around on a HAM radio, and his name was just common enough to be picked. Ren and Nona… not so much. But Jonas? It’s not unheard of.
There’s a half chirp of a ping, and Jonas pings back. He’s not sure what else to do.
For a long moment, there’s just silence.
He clicks open the channel again; “Are you still there?”
Another second of silence, and then— “Jonas? ”
Jesus Christ. Her voice is different than before. There’s plenty of standard radio distortion, but she still sounds pained. Like she’s choking on his name. He lets out a long breath. “…Yeah.”
“Oh my God.” Her voice is hushed.
“Who— who are you? How do you know my name?” His head is swimming, because this feels unreal.
“You-” The transmission cuts out. And it doesn’t come back.
“You don’t remember.” It sounds breathless. Like she’s been punched in the gut.
“…Should I? Do I— have we met or something?” He doesn’t remember any girls named Alex. Or anyone with her voice - and he’s been hearing her voice a lot lately.
“…No. No, we-” It cuts off again, and Jonas starts to think that’s actually intentional on her part. When her voice comes back, it’s quiet and sounds choked and thin. “No. We’ve never met. I don’t—”
He lets the radio silence go on, expecting her to come back any second. She doesn’t. Finally, Jonas risks a ping. There’s a ping back. So she’s still there.
“-I can’t come back,” she blurts, and it’s cut off quick, but he thinks he hears a bit of a splutter, a cough maybe, or a sob.
“What do you mean?”
Silence. It goes on. He gives her time to formulate her thoughts. He pings.
There’s no response.
“…Alex, are you there?”
He waits for a long time. Five minutes. Fifteen. Twenty. A half hour has passed, and none of his pings have been returned. Finally, Jonas sighs.
Keys turn in the ignition, the truck roaring to life, and he stabs at the radio’s power button just as the feedback starts again. But nothing over the walkie. No exclamation. No ping. He shifts the car into gear, and checks the walkie one last time, just to remember the station; channel 18.
[source for AO3 link]
15 notes · View notes
daily-tolgirl-smolbean · 5 years ago
January 14, 2020 (Tuesday)
Happy 1st Monthsary! <3
We’re finally a month in on our relationship officially!
Early morning greetings from last night:
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It’s been a month huh? We started by meeting on a place where one mishap could have cost us the chance to finally find each other. Got to finally have the chance to start our story from that very first coffee “date”. Got to know each other and realized that yeah, we could be something. Admitted liking each other. Feeling emotions that pushed us to break the barriers and distance between us. Til we fell in love, slowly and all at once. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve also been through a couple of bumps and issues which could have ended what would have been our epic love story. But we persist. And now, it’s been a month since we finally took the risk and bet our hearts on each other. And I couldn’t be any happier. ☺️
The day started with her greeting me a good morning and telling me she’s lucky she has me. But you wanna know the truth? I really am the lucky one. I never knew I’d find someone in this lifetime who would love me, care for me and cherish me the way only she can. What did I ever do to deserve someone like her. Whatever that is, I won’t let this chance go and make sure this would be for keeps. ‘Coz really, this is it huh?
I remember telling her that I think she’s my soulmate. I know i know. It’s pretty cheesy in a sense. But that’s what I believe in. We’ve only been dating for four months and officially together for a month but it feels like I’ve known her my whole life. I even told her about my theory that we’re probably soulmates and lovers through our different lifetimes. I even told her this one story where in one of our past lives, she’s this beautiful haciendera and I’m a peasant working on their fields. She was riding her horse looking through the vast fields when I suddenly stood up, removed my banig hat, swooshed my hair and looked up. And there it was, our eyes meeting. The world stopping. Like a cosmic event waiting to unfold.... hahaha i am so dramatic. I have this full scenario in my head and I’m pretty sure she also liked that idea. Us. Being soulmates in every timelines. In every universe. And in this lifetime, our story is only beginning. ✨
So our day goes by. We started getting busy with our work. We talked about our dinner date. I actually already reserved a table in Wildflour Restaurant near her office a few weeks ago. But she told me she needs to buy something in Greenbelt after work (which I honestly thought were some art supplies she was checking out last week). She’d have to walk back to her office area again if we’re having dinner there as I planned. So I told her we’d just have dinner in GB so she won’t have to walk back. So there’s me panicking looking for restaurants I could reserve. I mean, it’s the weekdays so a reservation probably won’t be necessary but I wanna make sure we have a table and that she won’t have to be hassled by waiting if it’s fully booked. Then I remembered that Wildflour has a branch in BGC (the original one) so I asked her if she wanna have dinner there. She asked me why BGC, and I told her We haven’t been there in a while. And we were also talking about that time I told her I like her which was in BGC. So she said okay. So I scourged over the internet where I could book a reservations and thank god I manage to arrange that fast. Our dinner date’s all set. 👌🏻
Our day went by. We’re chatting while working. I reminded her of the theatre production we’ll be watching in March (Band’s Visit). I have to make sure it’s in her calendar. My baby’s such a busy woman hehe. She also have some great chocolates there which she got from her officemate which she wanna share with me. We’re like this. We always make sure to share everything to each other. Food, events, shows. We really are partners na 😌. Lol we have some kulitans on our chat. I even shared to her about the top 1 trending topic in twitter #FlexKoLangJowaKo hahahaha. I wanted to be makulit and do flex her in twitter if only things aren’t complicated still in my life (re: family). Someday tho, nothing can stop me anymore ✊.
Then.. my surprise to her came in. I sent her a rose. This day won’t be complete without making sure she knows she deserve all the cheesy(sweet) gestures I can do. Hehehe. I ordered it a few weeks ago and can’t decide what flower to give. In the end, I decided to give her 1 red rose. Which means our 1st month. It’s simple but also something which I know could at least make her smile. 😊 also, we have this banter where I’d have to check in every month if she’s still my girlfriend hahaha like a monthly assessment. And I’m fully embracing this challenge. So i sent in a note with the flower:
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Look at her answer above! Hahaha told her “ay, asyumera pala ko haha. Okay lang kahit ano sagot basta yes”. She told me I should be nervous. Hahaha (kinabahan ako ng very light lol). So she thanks me for the flowers. I really am happy she liked it even if it’s just a simple one. I promised her back then that I’ll court her forever if it means we’ll get to spend our lifetime together. And yes honey, I won’t ever get tired of making sure you feel loved and cherished. 💕
Her work ended by 4 pm. So she went to GB to buy her stuff. I’ll be out by 6 pm anyways. Finished my work while she’s booked her grab going to BGC. I don’t wanna be late and make her wait so I booked a motocab. Definitely the fastest way through manila traffic. We have 7 om reservations. I arrived there around 650, got seated at the back and waited for my date.
The place looks amazing with the dim lights, candlelit dinner table and a semi casual feel. I was sitting by the window with my back facing outside. I ordered us some appetizer bread and butter and a salad so she’d have something to eat first when she arrive. I dunno why but I still get nervous when we’re about to meet for our date. Maybe because it’s a special day and I’m feeling a lot of things. I’m a bit on edge while waiting for her.
Suddenly, there was this knocking at the window on my back. And there she is, my love. Standing outside waiving at me while smiling her timid smile. My nervous energy turned into an excited energy. I’m like a kid who just got her present again. So I smiled happily at her and told her to get inside. She went around, arrived in front of me, I stood up and hugged her. She sat in front of me. Now I’m calm and content, she’s finally here. 😌
The waiter came back and gave us the menu. I told her to order anything she wants. Told her I love the apple pie here, she smiled and told me we could order it later. So I smiled like a kid. :) the bread and butter’s served. So she ordered the salmon while I ordered a pasta (she hates pasta while I love pasta lol). She also got a tomato soup which we shared. So we got to catching up on how our day went by while munching on some good baguette and some nice olive and basil butter. The salad came in and we continued eating.
We talked about how’s things at the office. Most people are still wfh due to the taal thing. She told me how busy the whole week would be so I told her she can do it and don’t stress herself too much. My baby’s really dedicated to doing her job so I just wanna make sure she’s taken care of. We also talked about our friends. We talked about us. We continued eating while food are now being served. She got me a bowl of her tomato soup. She got her salmon, I got my pasta. I told her the times I’ve been there and why I liked it there. It’s one of my fav restaurants and I’ve always wanted to bring her there.
One thing she really likes is taking care of me. So she got me a spoon of her salmon and spoon fed it to me. She has this shy smile on her face. I asked her if she likes feeding me. She said yes. So I smiled. I liked it too. ☺️ it’s really sweet of her (also I’m lazy so being spoon fed is a plus hahaha). We continued eating and kulitan. I kept telling her i love her which always makes her smile. We talked about yehessss we’re now 1 month na. And it still feels surreal how it’s only been a month. We really are on the same page when we talk of our feelings. We were teasing each other about “ibahay mo na ako”, “pakasalan mo na ako”, “magtanan na tayo”. Hahhha i’m serious tho, I would do all of that someday.
We also talked about our dream destinations. I wanna know the places she’d want to go to so I can plan it someday. I told her where I wanna go to. Her number one’s Japan, next is Thailand. London too maybe ‘coz her brother’s there. I told her my number one’s NYC and the second one’s Paris. Even if I’ve been there, I wanna go there next time as a romantic trip. I told her I want her to go to NYC with me and watch broadway shows with me. I’d want her to be the one I go back to Paris with. I wanna bring her to Japan (for sure) and that we’ll go to Thailand and London too. But then I thought, if she were to ask me where I’d wanna be in the world, I would have told her I’ll always wanna be wherever she is.
The whole dinner has been amazing. The place is nice, the food is good and my date’s amazing. So we finished our food and I ordered the apple pie and a cup of coffee. I think she also liked the pie which makes me happy. This time though, she took my teaspoon to make sure she’ll spoon fed me the desert the whole time. Well then, no objections from here ma’am. Hahaha We really are that couple people wanted to stir aways from ‘coz of the overflowing sweetness huh. :p
It’s gift time now! I took out a fat envelope and gave it to her. She asked me what it is. I told her it’s money for the drug deal. Hahaha just kidding. It’s a card with a gift inside that’s why it’s bulky. Before she opened it, she got something from her bag. Apparently she has a gift for me!!!! That I didn’t expect actually. I didn’t realized what she’s buying in the mall was her gift for me. I only had a bit of a clue when she was at the mall ‘coz she won’t tell me what she’s buying. I was so excited my hands are already about to claw the wrapper the moment I got it. So she laughed at me and told me I’m way too excited. I got a bit shy so I put the gift on my lap (but my nails are continuously scraping over the tape mehehe) She guessed what I was doing haha. She asked me if we should open the gifts now. I said yes of course! The child in me is always excited for gifts, especially the wrapped ones. She knew this. That’s why she insisted on wrapping her gift while she was at the car. God! This girl knows me so well she does things she’s not used to just to make me happy 🥺 I stared at her and all I was thinking was, I love you. 🥺
We opened the gifts. I got her a card with a sweet message. I wrote a few things too. I also drew her face with cat ears & 1 candle on the head. plus it’s a balloon head which a stick figure me was holding mehehe. I also got her a cat luggage tag. It’s why I asked her where she wanna travel to someday. It means I can’t wait for the future where we’ll always be together going on adventures. May it be around the world or just around the corner. As long as we’re together. I think she like that cat design so I’m glad I got it for her.
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As to her gift for me, it was the Captain America tumblr we saw in Typo last week. I really wanted it but it’s too pricey! So I was shocked. She shouldn’t have spent that much on me but god, it’s so beautiful 😲 She spoils me. I was so happy with the tumbler huhu. I really needed a new one too. This girl is amazing 😩 I thought it was my birthday hahhaha. I told her she doesn’t need to buy me present every month, she told me okay and it’s just that, this first month is special. My heart ❤️
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We finished up our pie and coffee (her spoon feeding me the whole time hehe), and asked for the bill. And as usual, my smol bean kept on insisting we pay half each. I told her we talked about this and that it’s on me. I know paying for the date is like outdated or something but I also like being able to treat her and take care of her once in a while. Plus it’s our first month and I want this date to be special for her. So she gave in. I just promised her I’ll let her pay on like, out 3rd monthsary lol.
We got the bill, I paid and we got out. I carried her bag while she carried mine. For such a smol bean, she always has her big back pack. We walked through BGC hand in hand with no destination in mind. We just kept walking til we reach the One Bonifacio High Street Park. I remembered that one chubby catto who’s like my soul animal. So we walked though there to check on him. Lo and behold, there’s lots of cattos there! Hahaha my smol bean’s such a fan of cats. So we decided to sit on the bench and watch them. She took pictures and kept getting their attention. I like watching her like this, so excited with the things she loves. Like me and cats 😉 There were 3 gray cats who looks like a gang, on of them is chill dude cat my spirit animal, and another ginger cat. They’re pretty entertaining to watch. I made up scenarios on what’s happening. It entertained us for a while.
There was a bit of a thing that dampen the night. So we got to talking about serious stuff. I reassured her of my feeling, my loyalty and my commitment with her. So we were silent and solemn for a while. She really shouldn’t be afraid and bothered of other people. ‘Coz in my world, she’s the only one I see. My priority aside from my family. Everyone else comes second. I promise this to her, we fixed the mishap and just snuggled there in the middle of the park.
We got to talking. She didn’t have the time to write message with her gift. So she wanted to tell me what she wanna wrote. She told me she loves me and that there was only one thing on her mind that she wanted to do. And that is to take care of me. She wants to always take care of me. With everything. From cleaning me up because of my messy eating habits, to taking care of me when i get hurt from being clumsy, to making sure i’m also emotionally okay. My heart beat so heard when she told me that. I felt the intensity of her feeling and how much she loves me. She doesn’t see my faults as something she’d hate but see it as an opportunity for her to make me feel loved. I was kind of speechless. And really touched. And made me fee how really really lucky I am to have found her. 🥺💖
So I was talking seriously with her about what she told me when suddenly, chill dude cat suddenly walked in front of us. Our eyes connected for a while and I told him what’s up. Does he have a problem? I was just kidding of course. Smol bean told me chill dude probably felt threatened with me. So I didn’t think much of it and got back to talking with smol bean. But suddenly, he was besides us. Hmmmm a bit suspicious. Is he gonna attack me? I didn’t mean what I said to him. So I just ignored him again. Another minute passed and suddenly he’s on my side, trying to slink his way into my lap! Apparently, that eye to eye contact between us was a connection built. He probably realized that we really are connected somehow. Last time i saw him was like 3 months ago and I felt connected to him even when he was ignoring me. Wat
So yeah, there he is on my lap, trying to find the perfect position to burrow on my warmth. I was exasperated for a while ‘coz I was having a serious talk with smol bean and that’s when he decided to get my attention when I’ve been trying to get his all night. What a bitch move. But man..... I also melted when his head booped my arms and hid his face on my body. 🥺🥺🥺 huhuhu i felt mushy. And smol bean’s cooing so much. She’s so happy and kinikilig with what she’s witnessing. Two stubborn headed lazy creatures connecting. Smol bean joked that chill dude just highjacked her thunder. She was telling me her monthsary messaged di ba. Ahhahahaa i feel so elated at that moment. There’s the three of us, snuggling in the middle of the park, like a little family. I feel happy, content and warm. 💗
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Too bad we had to go home. It’s getting late and smol bean has to rest na for early morning work tomorrow. I didn’t wanna remove him but we really had to start now before our grab arrive. So I slowly stood up and he slid down to the bench. He tried to hold on but yeah, he sat back down in the end. And my chill dude being chill as ever just sat there like the lazy creature he is hahahaha. We’re watching him while waiting for our grab and it’s taking a while so we sat beside him. I touched his head and pet him. He looked at me..... and went back to burrowing on my lap again. Hahahahahaha damn it, we’re back to square one. But i let him for a while. I like it too anyways. So we stayed like that til our ride arrive and i had no choice but to leave him. We left him on that bench, chill as ever. To my chill dude cat, rock on man 🤘
We got on to our ride where there’s a big doggo besides the car door. He’s a security dobberman. Looks like he’s bigger than smol bean so smol bean’s kinda scared and was trying to pull me away from him. I think he was nice though. So the driver and I chuckled over smol bean’s antics hehe. We rode our way to Makati so I can drop off smol bean. We’re holding hands and cuddling and stealing kisses from each other. The whole night was amazing and i think we’re both thinking how we wish we don’t have to be apart again. But for now, we have to go on separate homes.
We got to her dorm and we sat at our usual spot. I booked my grab but she told me she doesn’t wanna let go of me just yet. And honestly, i feel the same. So i cancelled my ride and stayed with her for a while. Flirting and kulitan 😜
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But it’s getting really late and she has to rest soon. She sigh and said okay. She insisted on booking me a ride so i let her. My ride arrived, she walked me to the car, i hugged her, kissed her and told her goodbye.
She message me to take care on my way home, she’s watching over me while prepping for bed. She was composing her monthsary letter for me too. What a sweetie 🥰 I got home, got ready for bed and she sent her letter to me...
And it’s everything I wanted from her. She promised to love me, take care of me, and that she won’t hurt me. She’ll love me the way I deserve. She thanks me for the love and happiness I give her. And that she’ll always want to be by my side. 🥺🥰
PS: I love this woman. I love my smol bean. I love you very very much. ❤️
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heliantyr · 6 years ago
Time for questions! I’m going to put 1-9 here plain and simple, and then the rest will be under the break just so that you don’t have to scroll to oblivion if you don’t want to see this! Let’s go!
1: Name
     My name is Jude, or Coreta if you wanna use my pen name! A few of you might also know me as Virchude since that’s my main blog!
2: Age
    I won’t tell you plainly, but I am still in high school.
3: City that you live in
     I’m just gonna tell you which state! I live in the lower peninsula of Michigan!
4: What do most people not know about you?
     I’m almost certain that none of you know this, but I am the youngest of  my dad’s (kinda) six kids.
5:  What do most people know you for?
     If we’re talking just here, I hope to all get out it’s my headcanons, but in real life it’s the fact that I get offended rather easily...
6: Hobbies!
     I do a lot of pointless writing (meaning I never finish anything)... I also draw a lot of random junk, I rad a shit ton of fanfiction, I sing/write songs a lot... uuhh and do nothing.
7: What are your passions?
     I have a very large passion for helping those around me who have suffered like I have mentally and emotionally. I also really like debating (more like arguing) with people about politics!
8: When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?
     Just yesterday my mom, older sister, and I ended up accidentally sitting down in the living room and ranting about how shitty out lives are... so.......... yeah
9: have you collected anything? What is it?
     I have a small hat collection (that I hardly ever wear), and I’m beginning a plant collection! There is also a ever fluctuating collection of cups and bottles in my room T-T
10: List ten things off your bucket list (I may not remember half of these TvT)
*Take a trip back to Colorado with my friends
*Start a business
*Travel to at least 8 countries
*Go to Andorra
*Be known for some great feat
*Have one of my works (whether art or writing, etc) become famous or greatly known
*Meet one of my favorite actors/band members (doesn’t matter who)
*Learn to swim...............
*Make drastic strides towards saving the planet
*Meet more people from my dad’s side of the family
11: What was the last thing you learned?
     Seeing as I got out of world history an hour and a half ago, we learned about the Cold War and how the USSR fell apart because of silly putty
12: How many relationships have you been in?
     Counting the ones that didn’t mean shit, 4. Only counting the ones that actually meant something, 2.
13 + 14 I am not answering.
15: Favorite food
     Menudo. Fuckin love it
16: Favorite drink
     hm... either tea or ginger ale, but out of a shot glass TvT A TWO LETER OUT OF A SHOT GLASS
17: What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?
     I went to NYC over my birthday weekend this year with my school’s choir, and our tour leader on my bus got me a pastry in Little Italy! It meant so much because I didn’t even know her! 
18: Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
     I’m usually pessimistic unless my friends are also being pessimistic, cuz then I’m frigin sunshine and rainbows!
19: Do you sleep during class?
     Not very often, and only if what I’m doing isn’t actually important.
20: What is the most expensive thing you own?
     If not my actual bed, my laptop, which is $200.
21: What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?
     ..... I... Don’t know... uh I got a huge fukin thing of cocoa butter lotion at the dollar tree... and it’s kind of multi use?!?
22: How many time a day on average to you check your phone?
     .........don’t look at me like that.
23: Text or call?
     Text. I wanna call people, but what if they don’t pick up? Or it’s really awkward? or I can’t hear them? or vise versa? or-
24: Opinion on long distance?
     Sounds like torture. I honestly couldn’t do it.
25: What is your definition of success?
     Feeling satisfied or content with what you’ve done.
26: Favorite song?
     um. At the moment, Killer Queen by Queen.
27: Favorite artist?
     Music wise, Patrick Stump. Art wise, Van Gogh.
28: Celebrity crush/crushes?
     That’s a long list. But my main two recently have been Sebastian Stan and Tom Holland...
29: When was the last time you read for fun?
     Aside from fanfiction? Last Wednesday night I stayed up reading Shakespeare’s sonnets to myself...
30: Favorite flower?
31: What is the best gift you could receive right now?
     A confidence boost that lasted at least the rest of high school...
32: Any guilty pleasures?
     Day dreaming about random shit.... random weird shit about people I know...
33: What is one thing you’d like to change about yourself?
     Hm... I think I’d change my mental health. I just wanna be perfectly okay for once.
34: What do you search for in a friend?
     being able to understand me, relate to me, and be weird with me. Also mutual interests. And reasonable barriers.
35: How many times have I said “I love you” in the past month?
     You expect me you count???? A shit ton! Do you know how many times a day I have a family member leave the goddamn house????
36: Where dd you last go other than your room/home?
37: Why do good things happen to good people?
     Because that’s not how life works. Our society constantly has people suffering, no matter who they are or what they’ve done.
38: In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out, or being stabbed in the eye?
     Seeing as I’m just about used to the pain of being left out, I’d say being stabbed in the eye. I am such a wuss T-T
39: How many green shirts do you own?
     1. It’s a St. Patty’s day shirt.
40: Do you like anime?
     noooooooooooo.......... not at allllll.... TvT I’m tired!
41: What do you invest the most time in?
     Either videogames or fanfiction.
42: What is the name of the last book you read?
     The Hobbit (even though I haven’t finished yet)
43: What’s the difference between loving and liking someone?
     No clue... Still trying to figure that out.
44: Where are you most productive?
     My art classroom
45: List three things you enjoy doing with friends:
*Complaining about life
*being gay
*Pretend to kidnap one of them my dragging them around the floor during lunch
46: List three things you like to do alone:
*Listen to music
47: Do you think that world peace will ever exist?
     As long as there are living things on it? Never.
48: Do you have any allergies?
     Absolutely none! I knew this kid in the third grade who was allergic to nuts, milk, AND gluten!
49: When was the last time you cussed at someone?
     My friend and I got into an argument about who the best actors are during english....
50: What was the last promise you made?
     .......Is it bad that I don’t remember?
51: What was your last dream about?
     I had a hedgehog (which I really frikin want), and I was taking care of them, and hen this asshole in my grade was in my living room and I had to be nice to him.
52: If you won a trip to Hawaii and could take 5 people with you, who would they be? 
*My best friend Kiara
*My friend Raph
*My other friend Molly
*My other other friend Faith
*My dog
53: How many countries have you visited?
     1, if you count the fact that I live in one!
54: What is your favorite medium of art?
     Music. It moves me so easily.
55: When was the last time someone complimented you?
     My friend Laura jokingly complimented my hair during english (we were looking at old english compliments) and she winked at me TyT
56: If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?
     uh... hol up, wha? 
57: Do you consider yourself mature?
     At times, yes.
58: How many days in your life do you think you’ve wasted on tumblr?
     so frigin many, but there’s more to come!!!!
59: What is your favorite quote?
     “I was so good at sports when I was in high school, that I started a band.”
                                      -Patrick Stump
60:  If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?
*Be kind to all (see how that’s turned out???)
*Spend life learning. Try to find the lesson in your experiences.
*Mental growth is more important than anything
61: What is your greatest accomplishment?
     Being alive today.
62: Do you believe in the death penalty?
     No, not really.
63: What are your goals in life?
     To be a better person than my mother is, and to help others on a mental level.
64: What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?
     I honestly have no clue... maybe something weird?
65:  If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.
     I would have to go with.......... oo that’s hard................... the bnha universe      T-T I want powers!
66: What were you like in 2013? 
     I was an awkward, abusive, shitty little child.
67: Do you have a job?
     Nope! I’m planning on possibly finding a part-time one soon, though!
68: Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.
     His name was Parker, and he was a year older than me. He was my first friend other than my older sister, and I loved him so much. I don’t remember much, seeing as the last time I saw him I was five... It was early fall, just when the leaves start to fall. We had one of those trees in my front year that dropped the seed thingies that twirled around. Parker and I would always toss so many of those in the air until out hands got cold... I really miss him.
69: If you could change one thing in society, what would it be?
     I would get rid of corrupt governments and people in positions of power.
70: How many all-nighters have you pulled before?
     Never have I pulled one for school, but I find myself staying up til the crack of dawn the day before school starts, usually. Or on nights when I can’t but help contemplate everything to the point of not being able to sleep at all.
71: Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is it?
     Tumblr is one of my favorites, but Ao3 has my ass.
72: What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
     Nothing. I tend to be very hard to bribe. But if I reaaallly needed the money, I wouldn’t be able to kill someone, I’ll tell you that.
73: Does money equal happiness?
     It can for some people, but not for all.
74: How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?
     I don’t know, a few? I’m never truly happy until my thoughts leave me alone. 
75: How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?
     More than happy, I can tell you that.
76: What’s the funniest joke you have ever been told?
     My generation is going to save the planet.
77: When was the last time you looked at the news?
     We actually watched a news clip during history today!
78: If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?
     Stop being a dick!
79: What is your favorite animal?
     A hedgehog!! 
80: If you could earn a million dollars for pretending to be dead for three years, would you do it?
     NO! I have people who would miss my sorry ass, then murder me for coming back!
81: What is one thing everyone is bad at?
     Having a lot of friends. A lot of the time (in my personal experience), the more friends you have, the less time you can spend with them, and the less close you are, until eventually you can’t keep dividing your time!
82: What time do you normally sleep? How many hours do you usually get? 
     uuuhh... yes, and not enough!
83: Does age necessarily equal maturity?
     No, but that does not excuse digusting things like p*****ilia.
84: What is your favorite clothing store? 
     ....The Hot Topical.
85: In the winter- beanies or gloves?
     why not both?!?!?!?
86: Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?
     Wings. I can’t swim, and I panic underwater.
87: If you had the power to erase someone from the world so that nobody remembered them but you, would you do it?
     That depends, does it fuck up history? Cuz in that case, no!
88: What do you fear the most?
     Being abandoned by everyone.
89: How many digits of pi can you recite?
90: If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, what year would it be?
     2015, so I could leave a better version of my for my friends that I leave at the end of the year,
91: Describe yourself in one word.
92: Describe your last victory.
     I had a conversation with that asshole from my dream without arguing with him.
93: What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?
     SO! This one time towards the end of the school day in the seventh grade. This one kid (let’s call him V) was sitting next to his friend (C). I look over as I go to shoulder my bag, and V is running his hand down C’s thigh. V catches me looking, and goes “WHAT?! he did it first!” like that made it better! (and it kinda did because that’s still one of my best stories!)
94: What is something you will never forget?
     Something traumatic
95: Would you rather forget all of the past, or remember everything in vivid detail?
     Vivid detail. Then maybe I could win arguments with my sister!
96: Have you ever broken a bone before?
     yeah... I fractured the growth plate in my foot in the sixth grade... by walking.....
97: Is it harder love someone, or hate someone?
     love is so hard....
98: Coffee or tea?
I drink both, but tea ftw!
99: What are some little things you do that have changed your life in a positive way?
     I have become more friendly with my dog, and he actually likes me now!
100: How many hours do spend on tumblr a day?
     quite a fukin few....
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-this-dizzy-dreamer- · 7 years ago
Colleagues and Cocktails (Chapter 2)
Pairing: Coworker!Sebastian Stan x Plus-size!Reader AU
Summary: When you get moved up to a new department at work you can’t help but dread every aspect of it, that is until you find yourself expecting one of your co-workers to walk through the door every day. Then you realize it might not be as bad as you thought. But the thing is he doesn’t seem to notice you at all. All he seems to give you are daydreams and interesting chats with your best friend.
Warnings: Language, Smut.
Word Count: 2.5K
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At exactly 6 in the afternoon, you arrived home to hear your television playing inside your apartment and shoes already outside the door. You laughed to yourself since by now you should have known your best friend would be over before you’d even arrive. Elizabeth could never wait to hear your gossip, but then again you could never wait to tell it to her either.
“Hey, girl! Sorry I got here so early. I couldn’t wait. On the bright side, I put the drinks in the fridge when I got here!”, she said as you put your things down on the couch beside her.
“It’s ok Liz, it’s a good thing you did get here before me. I have so much to tell you, but let me go shower first and then I’ll tell you over pizza. Order it, yea?”
“Of course, the usual with jalapenos, right?”
“Duh! Oh and get cheese fries too!” You said as you headed to your room to pick out some sweats and a tee.
You then made your way to the bathroom for a much needed soothing hot shower. Opening your phone to play some music while you showered you noticed an unopened notification in your email again.
sstan01: So how was it? Want to quit yet?
coffeelover04: Haha it’s not that bad. I think I could stay til I retire or you know die from staying late at the office and being murdered by some ghost or something. Whichever comes first.
After a minute without a reply and remembering the water had been running for a while now you finally stepped into the shower. Just as Billie Eilish’s Ocean Eyes started playing you had started conditioning your long jet black hair. For some reason, as you sang along you couldn’t help thinking about elevator guy and his beautiful blue eyes. He had seemed like such a jerk, but you couldn’t lie to yourself that was totally your type. Tall and brooding. You loved the idea of them being nice just for you. But then again, Sebastian seemed pretty cool too. He was nice. But maybe you could try talking to elevator guy, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt if anything maybe just having him under you would be enough, or on top whichever he preferred…
“Damn it (Y/N), he’s a coworker you can’t go messing with him, besides he wouldn’t be interested in you.”
Once you had finished your shower and taken your head out of the gutter, the pizza arrived. You pulled out two wine glasses and the bottle that had chilled in the fridge and settled yourself on the floor next to Liz who was sprawled out on the couch.
“Alright, spill! How was it? You didn’t find anyone to replace me, right?”She said taking a slice of pizza.
“Of course not, loser. No one else in this whole universe could possibly stand me and all my shit. But I mean, it wasn’t bad or anything. I was a little underdressed, and by a little I mean a lot everyone was literally in like business casual shit and here I was in a tee and leggings, I almost died of embarrassment on the inside. And when I was going in I forgot my ID and some dude didn’t hold the elevator door for me and he made me almost spill my coffee and then I couldn’t find a phone to actually work with for over half an hour and I didn’t finish all of my work for today too, sooo...yea.”
“Was he at least cute?”
“Is that really all you heard?” Laughing you shook your head. “He was alright.”
“Alright, what does “alright” mean? It’s a yes or no answer.” She said shoving you slightly.
“Fine. Fine. Yes, he’s cute, alright? Well, maybe a little more than cute, happy?!”
Elizabeth let out something between a screech and what sounded like a wounded animal cry. Startling you just enough to make you drop some cheese on your shirt from your fries.
“Are you okay?”
"It's not the first time I call someone cute."
"Besides me. I didn't know you had feeling OMG who are you. Where is my best friend?"
"Stop ok. It's not a big deal."
"Uh, yea it is. This calls for bottle number 2 to come out."
"Dude no I have work tomorrow morning and like I said it's no big deal."
“Uh yes, it is.”
As Liz was coming back with the second bottle you decided to check your notifications.
sstan01: lol glad to hear, even though that was oddly specific????
coffeelover04: Omg, so sorry. That probably sounded super weird. I’ve been on a supernatural binge and I’ve been drinking. Haha..ha I’m sorry.
“Who are we texting?” Liz plopped back down on the couch handing you your glass and looking at the messages over your shoulder. “sstan01? Who’s that? A tinder match? You’re still on that?”
“Dude no he’s not a tinder match, although I am still on it, that’s not important right now.” You almost chugged the wine n your glass remembering how you told yourself you were going to delete tinder a week ago. “He’s from work, I think.”
sstan01: Really now? Drinking on a Thursday? All alone, without me? Haha, jk. It’s ok don’t worry about it, it’s not the weirdest thing I’ve heard.
“You think?? What do mean you think??”
“ Well it’s from a work email, so it has to be someone who works with me.” You shrugged in defeat as Liz questioned you.
coffeelover04: Yes really. And I’m not alone I have a friend over. And I don’t know what to tell you about it not being the weirdest thing. Unless of course, you’d like to share what that thing is lol. Are we on that level yet, stranger?
“But it’s your personal email, how could he have gotten that?”
“Liz, I don’t know. I mean it’s on my resume...he could have gotten it from there? Why does it matter I don’t even really know this guy.”
“Exactly! Are you hearing yourself right now?” Said, Liz, as she playfully smacked your head. “You don’t know this man, but somehow he has your personal email?”
“Liz he’s not going to turn out to be a serial killer. He’s nice.”
“Again, are you hearing yourself? They’re always nice!”
sstan01: Oh, drinking with a friend? I’m going to let you go then. Could tell you my old man stories another time.
“ (Y/N)! See, old man stories! He’s a gross old man.”
“Ok, you’ve had enough to drink.” You say laughing and taking Liz’s glass. “You can crash here for the night and I’ll make us breakfast in the morning. Sound good?”
coffeelover04: Just my best friend, but alright. I’ll hold you accountable to those stories lol goodnight!
“Sounds great!” She said as she put away the half-empty bottle and pulled out the bed inside the couch, which you had bought exactly for these occasions. “Goodnight!”
Heading to your room you checked your phone one last time before plugging it in to charge.
sstan01: Anytime you want to hear them just let me know. Goodnight (Y/N)!
There was no way he could be a creepy old man, right? He had to be from work and most of them were pretty young looking, well at least those you’ve seen. Maybe you were overthinking it and had too much to drink too. It was best to just sleep on. So, slipping into bed you curled up and found yourself thinking about elevator guys deep blue eyes.  
All of a sudden you could feel him against you. Wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
Feeling his breath warm on your neck making your hair stand. You couldn’t help but whimper softly as you felt him push closer to you. Turning around you face those gorgeous blue eyes.
“I’ve been waiting for you.”
His hands trailed up your back and through your hair to your face. He caressed your cheek softly and began to pull you in.
“I think I love you (Y/N)...(Y/N)”
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!, Dude come on you said you’d make me breakfast….” Liz slowly came to view as you opened your eyes.
“God damn it, Liz, fine...gimme a sec. You know I was pretty content sleeping.”
“Yea I saw you were all smiley, it was a little unsettling.” She laughed as she shoved you toward your bathroom door. “But no time for that you have 2 hours before you have to go to work and I want food.”
“ Ok, but don’t start without me, I don't want you burning my apartment down.”  
Quickly putting your hair up and brushing your teeth you planned out your morning in your head.
1. Quick breakfast. Pancakes and eggs. Maybe bacon?
2. Change for work. Do you have work clothes?
3. Find sunglasses. This headache is going to kill you if I don’t.
4. Find keys. Probably on the couch.
Walking into the kitchen you could already hear Liz cursing the stove.
“ Come on stupid thing turn on already....”
“I’m here you can stop pretending you don’t know how my stove works.” Laughing you start the stove and start pouring in the pancake mix Liz made. “If you want some you can take out some bacon and eggs.”  
After breakfast, which took a lot longer than what you had anticipated, you started to look for an outfit and maybe even your sunglasses altogether. Finally after trying on 3 of the 4 dress pants you owned you decided on the only ones that did go over your thunder thighs and a nice light blue dress shirt.  
“Hey, you start work at 8, right? It’s 7:15.”
“Shit, ok can you do my hair please?”
Hurrying out of your room and into a chair you pulled out your phone and debated whether or not to let Jessica know you would be late.
“ I can still make it right?”
“ Yea, totally”, said Liz tugging at your hair “ If you quit moving like a five-year-old.”
Sitting still you decided to just convince yourself you wouldn’t be late. Plus finding your sunglasses could be put aside and you were pretty sure you were now sitting on your keys so everything would be fine.
“ Done, simple, but cute braided half up half down do”
“ Thanks, I owe you one. Help yourself to food if your staying and lock up when you leave! I love you!” Grabbing your bag and keys you made your way to your car as your phone went off.
sstan01: Good morning, are you getting coffee for everyone today or are you just late?
You decided to answer later because well, you were late and time wasn’t going to freeze at 7:55 just because you wanted it to. As you got to the office you make sure you had everything before you got out of the car this time and you prayed no one would see you or at least call out the fact that you're late.
Coffeelover04: Very funny, actually just walking in. Little hungover, but nothing serious.
Seb couldn't stop thinking about last night. you had told him you were with a friend and his mind raced. Were you on a date? Did you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? He had to remind himself that he barely knew you and was in no place to ask you. Plus you had said you were with your best friend, so why was he worrying? Or why did he even care? Maybe it had been because he had had someone over last night too, but somehow he couldn’t bring himself to do more with that girl other than kiss her once. He didn’t know why he had never had that problem before. He was charming and it had always worked in his favor. So why hadn’t he been able to turn on his charm last night with that girl? And why did he to this moment still feel a pang of jealousy in his gut. You weren’t the type of girl he usually chased, but for some reason, he was drawn to the mess you were. But he couldn’t let himself fall for you, especially not now that he had been promoted too with a new office and everything. But he still had a pretty good view of your desk, with the wall being clear glass and all, which you weren’t in yet and it was already 8:15.
Walking in you slowly tipped toed across Jessica at the front desk just as elevator guy walked in clearing his throat. You couldn’t help, but blush as you thought back to the dream you had and how good he looked in a full suit. He looked so serious and his face was just too captivating, the way his eyes searched the office and his tongue licked his lips before he spoke.
“Good Morning everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that al data is due at the end of the day, no matter what time you come in.” You hadn’t been too sure, but it was like he was directing that last bit to you, but he had no way of knowing you had just gotten there, right? You started walking back to your desk and as you got there noticed Jessica following close behind.
“ You know if you had warned a gal I could have covered for you.”
“ I’m sorry Jess, I promise I’ll let you know next time. Not that I promise they’ll be a next time or anything.”
“Don’t stress over it, love. But tell me what was all of that with Mr. Boss man?”
“ What are you talking about?”
“ (Y/N) dear, I saw you blushing and eyeing the boss when he told us about data.”
“ Wait….the boss? Jess no he can’t be the boss!”
“Oh but he is, just got promoted yesterday. Maybe if you had stayed till the end of the day you would have found out or at least came in on time today.” Jessica said as she walked off smiling to herself.
sstan01: Glad to see you finally made it. Seems like you’ve got a record of coming in late and it’s only your second day.
coffeelover04: Thanks, but don’t judge me ok? Pretty sure you aren’t Mr. Perfect.
Seb smiled to himself as he read your message in his office. Oh if you only knew.
Again, feedback is much-appreciated guys! ~xoxo~
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years ago
Snow Storm: Part 1
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Pairings: John Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, swearing
Word Count: 4,575
Aesthetics by @ravenangel33 (top) & @sorenmarie87 (bottom)
You sat on the floor in your completely empty dive bar, bouncing a tennis ball off the front door as you listened to the howling winds whipping around the building. You could see the snow flying outside the foggy windows signaling the start of the freak early winter week-long blizzard that meant you were going to be dead and alone until the roads were cleared. Since it was a small town and your bar was on the outskirts of the city it would be a day or two longer to get a plow out to your end of town. You huffed, shaking your head as you focused solely on the steady rhythm of the tennis ball. 
You were debating if you should just close the bar down and head up to your apartment upstairs or continue to just hang out and listen to crackly music from the old jukebox when the path of your tennis ball changed as the wood door opened. You jumped up as you watched a tall man, who was trying to hold on to the door loose his grip and cold wind and snow poured onto your polished wood floor as the two of you yanked the door closed behind the new visitor.
“Sorry about that.” The man huffed as you shivered, brushing the snow off your bare arms. You shook your head with a laugh.
“Don’t worry about it.” You brushed out your hair with your fingers in an attempt to tame the now wind swept mane and you looked up into tired brown eyes. “You’re lucky, I was just debating on if I was gunna close up for the night or sit for a little while longer playing with the tennis ball I’m now gunna have to wait ‘til spring to find.” You walked across the floor toward the bar when the man laughed behind you.
“Where are your shoes, little lady?” He asked and you giggled, looking down at your bare feet as you rounded the bar. 
“Upstairs. With the blizzard I wasn’t expecting anyone to come in for a week and since I live above the place there was no real point in putting them on.” He sat down at the bar in front of you, peeling off his jacket and tossing it onto the old oak bar beside him. “What are we having, darlin’?”
“Miller?” he suggested and you nodded as you walked over and grabbed one from the cooler.
“It’s on the house.” You said as you popped the top and set it on the bar in front of him. He picked it up, tipped it toward you in thanks before taking a long pull. “So, I know you ain’t a local or one of my regular travelers and no one comes to this town for pleasure, so what’s your business?” you inquired as you hopped up on the counter behind you, crossing your legs at your ankles. The man looked rough like he had been up for a couple days, his brown hair had a little gray in it and his brown eyes told you that he had seen some real shit in his life. 
“Just passing through.” He gestured behind him with his thumb as his eyes appraised you quickly. “How long is this supposed to go on for?”
“Weather station says about a week but who the hell knows.” You told him with a shrug and he took another pull of his drink.
“Where is the motel from here?” you pointed off to your right with a quirked eyebrow. 
“It’s about 5 miles that way but that depends on what you’re drivin’.” You watched his brow furrow slightly, his face turning into a look of concern.
“’67 Chevy Impala.” He said and you smirked while shaking your head.
“First, nice car; I love the classics and second, sorry about your luck but you ain’t getting that car through these mountains in this kinda storm.” He groaned as he stood up, abandoning his beer for his jacket.
“I don’t have a choice but to get there. My boys are there.”
“Hey, wait!” you said, jumping off the counter and running toward him. “How old and how many?” You asked as you stopped in between him and the exit, your hands rose in front of you and the man stopped, still putting on his jacket.
“Two- 7 and 3.” You nodded with a smile, deciding to leave his poor parenting choice alone for the time being.
“Alright, well I can tell you now if you take your car you aren’t going to make it. However, I have a snow mobile out back that I use to make runs into town for groceries and shit during blizzards and I can take you and keep an eye on your car for you.” He stepped around you with a shake of his head.
“Thanks but I can’t leave my car.” You grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving knowing full well that he would be found dead on the side of the road if he walked out that door.
“Then we will do this. I live upstairs; there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. How about we go get your boys and bring them back here. That way, your car isn’t just left here, you don’t have to worry about food for the week because I have a fully stocked kitchen up there and down here and you are guaranteed to have power and heat, which is something that is always questionable when it comes to that motel.” You watched him debate in his head for a moment before his tense shoulders fell slightly.
“Alright, fine.” He agreed, his rough voice sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. “But only until the snow clears.” You released his arm and nodded pointing toward the door.
“Lock that for me, please and finish your beer. I just gotta grab boots and a jacket and then we can go. It’ll only take about 15 minutes to get there.” You waited for him to nod before turning around and darting upstairs, hoping that he would still be there when you got back down stairs. A couple minutes later, you sighed in relief to see him still standing by the bar. He pointed to the pile of blankets and pillows in your hand quizzically.
“Planning a slumber party?” he asked. You laughed at him as you gestured with your head for him to follow you.
“No, my snowmobile is only big enough to hold 2 people. I have an enclosed toboggan that I use for groceries that your kids will fit perfectly in and these will keep them warm on the way back.” You flicked on the light to your garage with your elbow and walked over to your sled. “I’m (Y/N) by the way.” You called out as you dropped the blankets on the floor to hook up the toboggan.
“John.” You nodded as you knelt down, your fingers making quick work of the straps and hitch. “I appreciate this.” You looked up at him, his body towering over you and you smiled.
“It’s nothing. Thanks for agreeing to not commit suicide by frozen vehicle on a mountain and for giving me some company for the week.” You stood up, grabbing the pile of various colored fabrics off the floor and shoving them in the orange canvas. “There is a garage button over by the door we came through, would you mind?” You zipped the canvas closed and got up, pulled the keys off a hook on the wall and started the snow mobile as the garage opened.
“So I just get on?” John asked hesitantly as you grabbed your glasses, gloves and hat. You smiled at him and his sudden adorable awkward shyness and nodded.
“Yea, you gotta get on first.” You watched his eyebrows furrow slightly as you shoved your hands into your gloves and you bit your cheek as you watched him climb on. ‘God, he’s freaking cute!’ you though as you pulled on your hat and glasses. 
“Now, the only options for somewhere to hold are my hips or hugging my waist.” You told him, shouting a little over the hum of the engine as you climbed in front of him. “It’s gunna be really cold once we get going so feel free to put your hands in my pockets because I don’t have an extra pair of gloves.” He nodded as you sat down between his legs and his fingertips landed softly on your waist. You nodded as you braced yourself for the cold journey ahead and hit the gas.
It didn’t take 5 minutes of being out in the blizzard before you were both freezing. You could feel John’s body, pressed firmly against yours in an attempt to block out the wind and his hands were shoved deep in your pockets. You traversed the road that he would have had to travel on quickly but carefully, hugging the side of the mountain despite how familiar you were with the terrain. You never know with a snow storm where a patch of ice could be hiding. When you finally saw the sign to the motel, you already knew that the power was out. You reached down and tapped John’s leg.
“Power’s already out.” You called out to him. You felt his head lift off your shoulder blades to look in the direction you were pointing and you immediately missed the warmth. After a second, you felt his head fall back between your shoulders and you hit the gas a little harder, pulling everything you could out of your sled. As you pulled into the empty motel parking lot, you stopped near the middle, killing the engine as John got off the snowmobile. He gestured with his head for you to follow as he rubbed his hands together, blowing hot air on them to warm them up a bit. 
“Dad!” A little voice called out from the door you had parked just behind and John shooed him into the room to get out of the cold.
“Boys, bundle up. We are leaving.” He said, his authoritative voice sending shivers up your spine and you had a fleeting thought of what that would sound like in the bedroom.
“Who’s she?” The older boy asked as he threw clothes in a bag quickly, his eyes never leaving you as he zipped it closed.
“Don’t ask questions, boy.” John said as he helped his younger son into a jacket. 
“I’m gunna go get the toboggan ready. Are there any bags ready I can take with me?” You asked softly, gesturing over your shoulder.
“Dean, is the bag ready?” John asked while looking over at his older son.
“Yes sir.” You stepped toward him and held out your hand and watched him hesitate.
“It’s ok, hun. I’m just taking you somewhere that has power and heat. I’m not gunna hurt you.” You watched him glanced at his dad quickly before handing you the hunter green bag. You smiled at him with a small nod and you stepped out into the cold again as John told him sternly to put a coat on. It only took you a couple minutes to get the bag settled into the bottom and the blankets spread out and you finished just as the motel room door opened.
“I need Dean first!” You called out over the wind to John who nodded pushing his older son toward you. “Alright buddy. You’re gunna lay on the right side because you’re taller than your brother.” You helped him into the toboggan and despite trying to keep a straight poker face; you could tell he was scared. “Don’t you worry about a thing. It’s gunna be a little bit of a ride but nothing is gunna happen to you.” You turned and looked back at John, still standing in the door way and reached out for the younger boy. You smiled as he reached right for you, a small smile on his face and you ducked him under the canvas so his feet rested on the duffle. 
“Now Dean, I need you to hold on to your brother because it will be a little bumpy.” You told him as you pulled the blankets from the sides, wrapping the boys up as snuggly as you could. “I’m gunna zip this closed so you stay warm.”
“My dad’s coming too, right?” Dean asked, his green eyes slightly panicked as he held his brother close to him. You smiled reassuringly at him.
“Of course he is! Who else is gunna start the fire for s’mores when we get to my house?” You asked, hoping that your soft joking tone would sooth the boy’s fears. He nodded, pulling his brother closer to him and with a nod you started to zip the canvas closed until a hand stopped you.
“Give this to Dean.” John said as he held a handgun toward you and you looked up at him slightly shocked. When his commanding brown eyes didn’t wavier, you took the gun from his hand and unzipped the toboggan. 
“Here buddy.” You said, handing the gun into him. He took it without question and placed it on the pillow near his head. ‘Why the hell is this man giving a seven year old a fucking gun?’ You thought to yourself as you closed the toboggan once more and stood up. You watched John sling a rifle over his shoulder as he pulled the motel room door and suddenly, you became really troubled. “Hey, do I need to be concerned with all this?” you asked him, pointing to the gun behind his back. He glanced over his shoulder at the tip of the rifle. 
“No.” The single word answer did not settle your fears much and you suddenly wondered what the hell you were thinking letting this gun happy stranger into your home. You didn’t realize he was watching your emotions dance across your face and you jumped a little when he put his hand on your shoulder. “They are for my job. I... uhh… sell them. Traveling gun sales man.” He said with a slight nod of his head. You looked at him, not believing a damn word he said but in the blistering cold, you didn’t have a choice but to bring him back with you. You couldn’t just leave them in this motel for an entire week.
The trip back to your house seemed to go entirely too quick and the closer you got, the more concerned for your well-being you became. You were determined to keep a straight face to not upset this man’s sons. They didn’t deserve to spend the next week in fear like you were going to. They were just children. As the lights of the bar came into view, you sighed with relief knowing you would at least be in your home where you had frequent unexpected visitors that passed through before or after their hunts. You killed the engine as you pulled into the garage and John got off the second the snowmobile came to a stop. He walked to the toboggan as you closed the garage and unzipped the canvas.
“Boys…” a small smile crossed his face and he looked up at you, gesturing for you to come over quietly. As you rounded the toboggan and looked in, all of your fears and concerns were wiped away as you looked at the two boys, fast asleep, holding on to one another. With a smile, he reached between the canvas gently and picked up his younger son. “Do you mind?” He asked, holding him toward you and you shook your head as you quickly took off your gloves, dropping them to the floor before taking the sleeping angel in your arms
“What’s his name?” You whispered as John slung the duffle bag over his shoulder, pocketed the gun and picked up Dean in his arms.
“Sam.” He told you, his voice a soft and low in his chest grumble. You nodded and headed toward the house with a small smile on your face. The two of you carried the young boys up the stairs to your apartment and once inside, you turned down a hall on your right and pointed toward the first bed room on the right. “This will be you.” You whispered, gesturing toward the open door. You turned into the door directly across the hall and flipped on the tiny light on top of the tall dresser. “This can be them.” You stepped to the far side of the bed, pulled back the blankets and lay Sam in the middle of the bed.
“Thank you for this.” John said as he laid Dean down next to his brother and the two of you pulled off shoes and coats as gently as possible.
“It’s nothing, really.” You set Sam’s things down on the dresser and pulled up the blankets with a smile. “They are beautiful boys, John.” You told him with a soft smile and he nodded.
“They’re good kids.” You watched him look at his boys for a bit, his face portraying a list of things he wanted to say but with a small shake of his head, he put Dean’s stuff on the chair and walked out of the room.
“I’m gotta go grab those blankets from down stairs so I can put them back on my bed and then I’m grabbing a drink. You wanna join me?” You asked as you turned off the light, closing the door part way behind you. John raised his eyebrow with a slight sideways smirk as he flipped on the light in the room he was staying in.
“You were asking me not half hour ago if you needed to be concerned with me and now you wanna have a drink with me?” You huffed a laugh as you leaned against the door frame and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Honestly John, you terrify me. But, if you were a killer, one) you would have killed me already and two) you wouldn’t look at your sons the way you just did.” You watched John’s eyebrows fly to his hair line with a slight chuckle as he tossed the bag into the room and leaned the gun by the door frame.
“So I look like a murder now?” He inquired. You smiled, pushed off the door frame and headed down stairs with a nod. 
“Darlin’ you stormed into my bar, made me lose my favorite tennis ball, and talked about going on some suicidal road trip to pick up your sons. Then I offer my help, which I though was a losing battle on my end but turned into a freezing cold trip to a vacant, powerless hotel that was giving off a crazy creepy Shining vibe.” You turned around and looked at him as you paused at the garage door. “Doesn’t help that your name is John in that situation.” He laughed as you continued. 
“So I see your kids and I think ‘Hey! We are doing ok. I’m not gunna end up in a bathtub of snow with my kidneys missing.’ But then I load up your cute kids and I turn around to see your scary ass towering over me with a hand gun and a rifle, telling me to hand one of the guns to your kid, who already looks like he is terrified of me.” You looked up at him from where you were squatting next to the toboggan with a handful of blankets. “Kinda like this situation only with more guns.” His instincts took over and he kneeled down on one knee next to you.
“That better?” He asked with a slight laugh. You nodded as you handed him the pillows. 
“Little bit but I can tell you right now, I don’t believe a word of your traveling gun seller bullshit.” His face dropped as you gathered your blankets in your arms and stood up. “You don’t have to lie. ‘It’s complicated’ would have worked just as well. Not that I would have bought that either.” You heard his boots coming up behind you as you flipped off the garage light.
“Would you believe I work for the FBI?” He asked as he closed the door behind him, a slight smile in his voice and you barked a single syllable laugh.
“Too scruffy for a FED; next.” You said while dropping the blankets on the stairs and continuing into the bar. 
“Hmmm. What about teacher?” You turned to look at him incredulously over your shoulder.
“Try again.” He hummed, hard in thought as you rounded the corner behind the bar.
“What if I told you I work for the Marine Corp?” He asked as you pulled two glasses from behind the bar. You looked him and nodded your head. 
“Yea, I’d believe it. The way you carry yourself…” You pointed toward his face and wiggled your finger in a circle. “All that hair would be the only thing that gave you away. What are you drinkin’?” You asked gesturing to the wall behind you. “I got everything and you ain’t payin’.” He chuckled as he pointed to the bottle of tequila beside you.
“You can never go wrong with Patron.” He said with a chuckle and you nodded.
“Ain’t gunna disagree with you there.” You poured two slightly heavy shots and set the bottle down. “Here’s to…” You said, picking up your glass as you leaned an elbow on the bar.
“…beautiful angels with snow mobiles.” John finished for you with a wink and you blushed and giggled.
“Alright, angels with snow mobiles it is.” You clinked your glass with his and you both tapped the glass on the bar before downing the bitter liquor. You shivered at the bitter taste as your face scrunched up and as you did an exaggerated little dance, John laughed at you.
“First one is always the roughest.” He said and you nodded as you put the glass down.
“I’m a vodka girl, myself.” You said as you poured yourself a coke. “Though I’m not a big drinker to begin with.”
“You own a bar and you’re not a big drinker?” He asked with a shocked chuckle. “How is that even possible? May I?” He asked, pointing at the bottle.
“Shit hun, go right on ahead.” You took a swallow of your coke to get the sharp tequila taste out of your mouth and then jumped back up on the counter you were sitting on earlier. “Well, my parents had a lot of money. My dad was a plastic surgeon to the stars in LA and my mom was an OB-GYN to the stars; so basically one parent made them unrecognizable while the other helped them reproduce. I never wanted to be a doctor nor did I want to be in freaking California to begin with.” You took a drink, rocking your head back and forth before you continued.
 “So, my 19th birthday comes around and my attention hungry parents get an invitation to some awards show or model thing in New York. I beg them not to go; they tell me they have too, blah, blah, blah. Next thing I know, I’m watching a news story about how their private jet has nosedived somewhere in Missouri and there are no survivors.”
“Shit, (Y/N). I’m so sorry.” You shook your head as you took a drink.
“Na, don’t worry about it. It’s been 9 years. Wasn’t easy at the time but I made it. After the funeral and I sold the cars and the houses. I packed up every thing I wanted and back packed through Europe and Asia for two years with the money I inherited. Then I bought this place right out. Fully owned and operated by yours truly for the past 7 years.” You downed the rest of your coke before jumping off the counter.
“Well damn, girl. Look at you making a name for yourself.” You smiled as you poured yourself a shot.
“Hey, I did what I wanted to do with my life. I didn’t wanna be in LA so I left. I didn’t wanna be in the medical field so I didn’t. I wanted to travel and see the world and make a name for myself so that’s what I did and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Do I wish things with my parents turned out different? Of course, who wouldn’t? But if they had, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.” You tapped your glass on the bar with a smile. “C’est la vie.” He chuckled as you slammed the shot back, only shaking your head a bit at the taste.
“Well I’m impressed. It’s not every day you see someone your age with their shit together anymore.” You rolled your eyes at him sarcastically as you poured yourself one more shot.
“Oh, please. You make it seem like I’m just a teenager instead of being close to my 30’s and you look like your what, maybe 5 years older than me?” He raised his hands in defense with a chuckle.
“Hey, all I’m saying is kids your age typically own a successful bar.” You swallowed your last drink and pointed at him. 
“I’m gunna let the fact that you just called me a kid slide for now because I was just about to call it a night anyways. You don’t have to follow, stay down here as long as you like, all I ask is that you don’t drink me out of house and home, don’t trash the place and shut off the lights.” He shook his head, throwing back his drink as he stood up.
“I’ve been on the road all day and I’m beat so I’m done as well.” You grabbed the bottle of tequila and put it back on the shelf and left the two glasses on the bar to deal with the next day. You checked the front door just to be safe and walked toward the stairs, flipping off all of the downstairs lights in the process. “Thanks once again for doing this.” He said softly as you picked up the pillows and blankets off the floor.
“John, it’s really no big deal. Like I said, you’re doing me just as much of a favor by keeping me company in the storm.” You stopped just passed his door and turned to him. “The bathroom is the room next to the one the boys are in and I’m the door at the end of the hall. I don’t know what time y’all get up but don’t worry about waking me up if they’re loud. I could sleep through a tornado. Kitchen is just past the living room, fully stocked so make and use whatever you want. The coffee is on the counter.” He smiled at you with a nod and you turned to walk toward your room. “If you need anything at all please feel free to come ask no matter the time.” You turned to look at him with a smile before dipping into your room and softly closing the door behind you. With a slight shake of your head you tossed your stuff on your bed and couldn’t help but wonder just what the hell you had gotten yourself into.
Part 2
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siriuslymoon · 7 years ago
He’s Missing - A John Shelby Imagine
Requested: Yes
Pairings: John Shelby x reader
Description: John gets taken and you’re worried sick about him, all the while he’s worrying about you
Warnings: violence, swearing, sad John, early pregnancy reader
(Gif: @imaginesparadise)
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{Can I get a 7 with John please}
Weirdly enough writing this calmed me down, I ended up having a breakdown in college today because I lost my grandfather this morning, so I’m sorry if this isn’t my best work but I Hope you Still  enjoy! X 💕
“John?” You called out, aiming your voice at your front door which you had just heard open, it was probably John home from work.
You turned back to your book, expecting to hear John’s voice soon enough, probably asking about food or how your day was.
But When there was no reply you frowned.
There was movement again, but no clarification of who exactly it was that was moving.
You quickly rushed into your kitchen and opened the drawer, pulling out a large knife before walking down the hallway towards the doorway entrance.
John would probably yell at you for not just going and hiding in his office; using the phone in their to call for help, but you let your adrenaline get the best of you, far too panicked to think straight.
You saw the figure walking towards you, freezing when it eventually caught sight of you.
Oh god you were gonna die.
You strained your eyes, you could vaguely make out the silhouette of a man, but not quite.
Just a mixture of limbs in the darkness.
Your hand fumbled against the wall, searching for the light.
“Tommy?” You questioned
“Jesus Christ tommy, what the fuck”
Once your house was lit you could see that it was John’s brother- your brother in law, but something seemed off about him.
“Tommy...You Okay hun?” You asked, cautiously approaching the man as though he were gonna explode.
He didn’t seem drunk, he was standing perfectly fine, not even needing assistance from any of the furniture. But there was a certain expression on his face which told you he would much prefer to be led on the ground.
Preferably unconscious.
He didn’t even laugh when you awkwardly put down your knife.
Something was definitely wrong, the Shelby’s never missed out on an opportunity to take the piss out of you.
“He’s not here is he?” Tommy breathed, peering behind you to look into the empty house.
You turned around, following his gaze and searching the dimly lit room.
“Who, John? No. I thought he was wi-“
Tommy’s face paled, his lips falling open to mutter a string of curse words, already making his way back to the door. Fully prepared to leave you in confusion about the situation, and John’s safety.
“Thomas Shelby don’t you fucking dare” you warned, voice cold.
He froze, hand on the doorknob, head falling down til his chin ghosted over his chest.
“Where is my husband Thomas?” You demanded, hoping to get ab answer this time.
He met your eyes, his jaw tensing.
“...Someone’s got him”
There was a lot of screaming.... and then some more.
Most of this was on your part but a few others joined in from time to time, giving your vocal chords a break.
Most of it was aimed at Tommy, which you felt a little bad about.
You’d apologise later.
You’d tired yourself out for now, one final ‘fuck You’ to Thomas and you were leaning back into the velvet cushions and curling in on yourself, your eyes blinking rapidly to remove the tears.
Polly watched you, her eyebrows creasing in worry, her mouth drawn tight.
You were like a daughter to her, and she was the only one aside from John that knew you were going to have a child. She was the only one to see how happy and excited  you two were.
It killed her to see you like this.
“Tommy what the fuck have you done now?” Polly snapped and frowned at her nephew, her eyes always seeming to find their way back to you.
You had all gathered in Polly’s home, soon after realising John had indeed been taken, needing to think of a plan to get him back in time
You were watching them argue, a cup of tea going cold in your hands.
You couldn’t lose John, you couldn’t go through this again.
John going to war nearly ruined you, but at least he came back.
This time it didn’t seem as certain.
And this time you had so much more to lose.
As you thought this your hand settled over your stomach, you would be showing soon, and John could finally tell his brothers and everyone else.
He wanted to wait, god knows why but he did.
And you were too in love with him to want otherwise.
You loved how excited he was about being a father, he talked to your stomach every night, even though you reminded him the baby was probably still the size of a pebble at the time.
“My little pebble” he’d grin.
You thought of how you two would curl up against each other at night, how his hand would find your stomach, whispering random baby names into your hair until you both fell asleep.
“I haven’t done anything” Tommy spoke through gritted teeth, struggling to keep his tone level, not wanting to make things worse by arguing again.
“Let’s just save the blame for later Alright” Arthur ran a hand through his hair “who ‘ave we recently pissed off?” He asked the group.
Michael shook his head, bringing a cigarette to his lips and breathing in a mouthful of smoke.
“That’s a long list Arthur” the words tumbled out of his lips with the smoke, settling in the air.
Everyone nodded in agreement, letting an uneasy silence fill the room.
“For gods sake we’ve got to do something!” You snapped, causing the room to silence.
But Tommy nodded, looking away from you and back to Michael.
“Make the list. I want names, of everyone we’re doing business with- big and small. We’ll have men check them all out Alright” Tommy rose to his feet, walking off into another room.
No one spoke, though Polly’s gaze was speaking a thousand words and Michael was starting to listen.
He watched his mother watch you, following her gaze to the hand on your stomach, his one face paling with realisation.
He quickly scampered off to follow tommy, helping him with names And businesses.
They returned shortly after, an armful of books covering Tommy’s face.
He dumped them onto a table, everyone moving to get a better look.
“I’ve sent some men out but I think I’ve got a rough idea of who’s got him” he flicked through the pages, trying to find a certain one.
“Ahh” he ran his finger over the paper, fingertips tracings the words.
“Remember the meeting we had last week? With some London gang wanting to expand?” Tommy asked the room, you and Finn staring dumbly at them before looking over at each other.
Last week you and Finn had tried to bake bread, something which went horribly wrong and ended up with John laughing at his brother and wife, sending Finn back to the shop and you far away from the kitchen.
Next week, much to John’s horror, you’re gonna try cakes.
“Course” Arthur nodded, keeping the conversation going.
“Weren’t those the ones who John beat up? Nearly killed one of their men?” Michael asked his family, and slowly they nodded, it was beginning to become clear.
“What? Why was John beating them up?” You inquired, your eyes finding Tommy’s.
Everyone seemed to simultaneously clear their throats and avoid your gaze.
“Uh hello” you snapped, your hands finding your hips.
“Why was my husband nearly killing a man? And why didn’t he tell me?”
You weren’t a fool, you knew what your husband and your in law family did, but John always kept you informed.
He knew that in this world, knowledge was powerful, and he wanted you to be the strongest of all.
So to hear that he didn’t tell you about this was a shock to the system.
“It was over you”  Tommy stated, staring into his glass as though he could drown himself in the liquid.
Arthur, as though seeing his brother wasn’t going to finish, told you the rest of the story.
“We was out, doing the deal in the open right, thought it was safer. And one of their men saw you walking past, made some rather.. uh ...sexual comments-“
Well that was definitely a death wish.
John got angry when men even looked in your direction, let alone those kind of comments
“We told him who you was, didn’t seem to bother him much. And when the fucker wouldn’t apologise, John made sure he was aquatinted with the ground, rather thoroughly.”
You nodded a thanks.
Was this all your fault, if you didn’t walk past then John wouldn’t have nearly killed one of their men..
Michael saw you furrow your eyebrows at the floor, and he got a pretty good idea about what was going on in your head.
“Y/N this isn’t your fault” he assured you, eyes narrowing in concern.
“Feels like it”
Polly quickly left her seat, sitting down beside you and wrapping her arms around you.
You hated how emotional you were being, but ever since you got pregnant you had been like this.
Last week John was an hour late to work because he had to stay home and calm you down after you broke a mug.
“I’m so sorry John you loved that mug” you had sobbed into his chest, clinging to him as you shook.
He shook his head, running a hand through you hair and trying to shush you, biting down his laughs as he did.
“Nah, I hated that mug”
You looked up at him, sniffing loudly and unattractively, but were still met with John’s smitten gaze.
“Really?” You questioned, voice cracking.
He nodded “yes sweetheart. You did me a favour yeah”
He swept a piece of hair out of your face.
“How about we go lay down, Yeah?” He took you upstairs, laying you in bed and sitting with you for longer than he should have.
“I love you” he told you before he left “you little weirdo”
“Hey! I’m carrying your little weirdo” you responded, which only made him grin wider and leave the room.
“Sweetheart don’t stress the baby” Polly had whispered in your ear, holding you close.
You nodded, your hand finding its way to her knee, gripping at the skirts.
The boys started to get themselves ready, Finn pouting because he wasn’t allowed to come.
“You can keep y/n company” Arthur pointed out, knowing how much the youngest Shelby cared for you.
And so he should, You helped the Shelby’s raise the boy.
“We can read some more” you smiled weakly at him before redirecting your gaze to the rest of the Shelby’s “seen as you’re not gonna let me come are you?”
They all shook their head “John wouldn’t forgive us if we did y/n”
And with that they left, going off to meet with a few more men and head off to find John.
Finn came and sat beside you, filling Polly’s space as she went to make tea, and throwing an arm around you.
“What do you wanna read?” You asked him, smiling softly at the freckled boy.
You knew he got annoyed when his brothers didn’t let him join in, he was so close to being a man that it began to offend him how against it they were.
It wasn’t that he wanted to kill or hurt people, in fact he hated that, but he wanted to prove himself to them, he wanted them to accept him.
Instead they would push him to the sidelines.
Finn thought for a moment before going over to Polly’s bookshelves and picking up the thickest book and grinning
“This one”
You were three chapters in when the phone began to ring.
You all startled, you and Finn had been reading together, Polly watching the pair of you with a smile.
“I’ll get it, you two carry on” she removed herself from the room and went to get the phone.
But the pair of you didn’t continue reading, instead straining to listen to Polly.
“I swear to god Thomas ....yes... they’re fine.... you won’t be when... can’t do anything....look more.... fine”
You frowned, the chunks of conversation you managed to get definitely didn’t make sense.
“You get anything?” You asked Finn.
He shook his head, shrugging “she’s mad”
“She’s always mad”
They had been calling to say there was no sign of the London gang, and in turn, no sign of John.
They had been out for hours and the sun was beginning to light the sky again, taunting you with its pale orange glow.
So much so that you screamed, running and shutting all of the curtains, banishing the light.
Finn held your hand as you panicked, trying to help you calm down by rubbing his thumb on your hand and telling you random stories.
“They’ll find him” he promised finally, his words falling apart in the air before they reached you.
“They better”
They didn’t.
It took four days for them to finally track the gang down, you don’t know why it took so long, it seemed as though everyone in small heath was helping and yet nothing.
You knew that that whole gang would most likely end up dead, but after John being missing for four days, you couldn’t care less.
The long days were made even longer by your constant worrying, and the Shelby’s refusal  to let you help.
You felt useless sat at home, worrying about your husband, whether or not he was even alive.
Polly could see you were getting restless, knowing that if you didn’t get permission to help soon, you’d go off to find him on your own.
So you and Polly eventually wore them down until they let you work on a few things from Polly’s home, calling them up with whatever  new information you could find.
And it was thanks to you that John was found.
You had made a few calls, found out who they had done business with and Alfie Solomon’s had informed you that a gang matching their description had recently purchased a rather large building just outside of Camden Town.
“I can take care of ‘em if ya’d like love, been driving me up the wall they ‘ave”
You chuckled, taking down the location he had given you earlier, before politely denying his offer.
“That’s very kind of you Mr Solomon’s but I think we’d like to take care of them ourselves-“
“No worries love, punch one of ‘em for me would ya” he chuckled.
“Of course.” You promised “and..Thank you Alfie”
“No worries Mrs John” he replied swiftly.
You laughed before ending the call and running to get Polly.
And so the Shelby’s ended up in London.
Parked outside the building Alfie had told you about.
“You can stay in the car” they told you, shutting the doors behind them and leaving you pouting.
“I’m not a child” you stropped
Polly laughed, staying behind with you.
“No, but you’re carrying one” she pointed out.
“Yeah and we both miss John”
You sat there for what felt like hours, but was most likely minutes. Your heart beating painfully fast in your chest.
“Y/n” Polly’s gasped.
Your lungs squeezed. Your stomach lurching so hard you thought you were gonna be sick.
But then you noticed her smile.
“Y/n he’s there, he’s okay sweetheart”
You ignored her calls for you to wait, throwing open the door and running to John, you could see a few cuts and bruises and you wondered if You world hurt him.
And as though sensing your thoughts, John met your eyes, shaking his head and throwing his arms open.
You ran into them, running into him and wrapping yourself around him.
“You’re Okay” he breathed, his palm against your head, holding you against him.
“Thank fuck you’re okay”
You paused, pulling your head out of his neck enough to look at him. Your legs still tight around his waist, one of his hands supporting you whilst the other ran through your hair.
He looked so relieved to see you.
His eyes a bloodshot mixture of tears and bruises.
“What?” You quizzed, cupping his jaw.
Your thumb gently stroking over a bursting bruise. The mixtures of reds and purples standing out like artwork on his pale skin, a painting of pain.
He relaxed into your touch, eyes fluttering shut and his lips quirking up into a small private smile.
He knew his brothers would laugh at him if they saw him, but they were still inside dealing with John’s captors, so he didn’t care.
“They told me they had you” he admitted lowly, his hands holding you tighter as he did, reassuring himself that you were real.. that you were okay.
“They said they were hurting you, beating you bad.. worse than Me...I fuckin thought-“ he broke off, seething, eyes holding that one certain rage he reserved for anyone who threatened you.
“It’s okay John” you tried to comfort him, jumping down from his hips to Stand in front of him.
You had your hands on his shoulders, feelings his hardened muscles, tensed and pained.
He shook his head, lips forming a snarl.
“It’s not though is it. I had a gun to my head, and all I could think about was whether you were safe, whether or not I had failed you... fuck y/n I thought you were dead... that you were both...“
He hands drifted to your stomach, eyes still staring into yours.
“I had a fucking gun to my head, seconds away from having a bullet in my brain and you’re all I can fucking think about....pathetic ain’t i?  I don’t ever wanna leave you Alright? I don’t ever want you leaving me neither, I can’t fucking cope on my own y/n. Had some fat fuck kicking my ribs in and it wa’nt half the pain I felt when I thought you were hurt.”
You were stunned into silence, it wasn’t often John blurted out long confessions of his affection, especially whilst sober.
“You really love me” you breathed out, starting to smile,
He laughed “Course I fucking do y/n, you’re my whole bloody life you are”
“I guess it’s a good thing I fucking love you too John Shelby”
He grinned leaning down, closing the gap between you and pressing his lips to yours.
Both of you using the kiss to reassure yourselves that the other was okay. Your hands running over each other to remind yourselves they were there. Moving closer together to make up for all the space.
“Easy there, you’ve already got one coming” Polly spoke suddenly, causing you and John to jump apart.
You blushed, hiding your grin in your hand.
John’s eyes widened suddenly.
“The stress” He blurted.
You and Polly shared a look, “uh, yes sweetheart you have been very stressed bu-‘
“No, not my stress, yours” he corrected you, frowning at your stomach.
“Mine?” You pointed a finger at yourself, struggling not to laugh at John’s serious gaze.
“Yes, it can’t have been good for the baby. I’m taking you to the doctor tomorrow and we are checking on that little one” he promised you.
“What little one?” Tommy asked, covered in blood but grinning.
“Our little one” John moved to be beside you, looping an arm around your waist and pulling you against his side.
You sank into him, your lips stretched in a wide grin. Your whole body buzzing, over filling with relief and happiness at having  John back, at him being okay. You were still going to clean and bandage all of his wounds, he wouldn’t get away without that, but nothing was broken or hurt too badly.
“You’re having a little ‘un” Arthur smiled at his family, everyone crowding in close, pretending not to notice how half of them were covered in blood.
You nodded, slipping your hand into John’s, your fingers tangling together.
He smiled at you, pecking your lips before whispering
“we are”
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heroes-of-our-hearts · 5 years ago
Chapter One: A Study in Stealth
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“The number one hero in America is still missing. If you’ve heard anything or have any information, please conta-”
“All Might was spotted today helping civilians escape from a villain with a fire quirk. In just-”
“We’ve heard all about your career, now we’re really interested in hearing more about your personal life. What can you tell us about-”
You let out a sigh at the sudden silence. It was odd hearing everything in a different language, but you’d spent years studying so that you could come to Japan one day. You thought it’d be under better circumstances, but life seemed to have a different plan for you.
Your gaze slid around the empty apartment you called home. It’d been months since the move. You hadn’t bothered settling in though, realizing that each momento you had would put you and those you cared about in more danger. It felt barren, white walls and plain furniture.
Part of you didn’t even feel like the same person anymore, despite still going by your birth name. Your whole world had flipped upside down so quickly. You weren’t sure if you were more angry or sad.
You didn’t have time to mope, however, as the time on your phone showed it to be nearly 7:00 am. You were going to be late for your first day of work.
A smile tugged at your lips. UA High School had a big reputation, and you were excited to be joining their staff for the time being. It’d been part of the relocation process. They thought of choosing a lower profile job, but what better way to hide than in plain sight?
He’d never know you were here, and until you could devise a plan to catch him, you would be safe.
There was a pep in your step that had been missing for weeks now. You felt like you had a purpose again, your hands twitching with the thought of using your quirk. There wasn’t much of a chance to be able to use it since you’d left America, and it became apparent that using your quirk would draw too many questions. So, when you left, you’d settled on a new profile.
You hummed at the thought of it.
The train was quiet this early in the morning, allowing you to ponder what the students would be like. Entertaining, for sure. They were the future of heroes, after all. None would recognize you, they’d think you were some unknown pro from America.
You could live with it.
Especially considering your quirk was now water manipulation, instead of your actual quirk. Not even the other teachers could be privy to that information. The only one who knew of your origins was Nedzu, and he swore to not tell a soul.
Your nerves were alight the whole train ride, and you found yourself eager to jump off. It wasn’t a very far walk from the station to the school, and you rather enjoyed the weather. It was definitely a change of pace from what you were accustomed to.
As you approached the school, your eyes grew wide. You’d seen many, many grand places in your day, but to be at a school as renowned as UA, well, you were a bit overwhelmed.
Even more overwhelming was the press steadfastly trying to get within the walls of the high school. They were crowding the entrance, pushing past one another to get a peek of the school All Might himself taught at.
And didn’t that bring a smile to your face.
You were a fan, if you were being honest. He always exuded such strength and bravery. He was the one who inspired you to pick up heroics to begin with.
The press was a bit of a problem. You didn’t want the one who was supposed to be your temporary tour guide thinking you were just a news reporter trying to get the inside scoop. As respectfully as you could manage, you pushed your way through the crowd, spotting a glint just below the gates.
You recognized that face rather well. It was Present Mic, a pro hero and rather popular radio show host. He was no-so-covertly waiting for you, his hands in his pockets as he whistled a tune.
You straightened out your hero costume. Well, it wasn’t really your hero costume. It was one that’d been designed for the sake of your cover. This was a fair bit more blue than you were used to.
“Present Mic,” you called, catching his attention almost immediately.
His gaze zeroed in on you, or at least you think it did, it was difficult to tell with the sunglasses.
“I’m Poseidous,” you told him, holding out one hand for him to shake. “The new teacher.”
You hated that name. It was cliche, really, without a lot of creativity behind it. You weren’t really expecting much though, considering an FBI specialist had created the profile for you.
It was like a lightbulb went off above his head. He took hold of your hand before pulling you in for an all out hug.
“American,” he said in English, pulling back from your embrace to hold your shoulders, “Very nice.”
You chuckled, awkwardly patting at the hands resting on you.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
He gave you a goofy little salute, a wide smile on his lips as he opened his arms in a grandiose gesture.
“Welcome to UA!”
His voice was loud and you cringed a bit at the sheer volume, but he was nice enough that you weren’t going to complain. As you stepped onto the grounds for the very first time, he launched into a detailed explanation of the school and the students that were attending.
You had little trouble keeping up, as you’d already been debriefed about important information- who you could rely on in the event of danger, training rooms, and escape routes. Hizashi, who had asked you to call him by his real name, was thoroughly enjoying your presence. The two of you got along well, playful banter and silly puns be damned.
“And I hate to do this to you,” he stopped in front of a door, one that seemed to be full. “But it’s time for you to meet class 1-A.”
You weren’t exactly nervous to meet the students, as you’d taught several young heroes previously, but you were more anxious about keeping your identity hidden. You had read and reread all of the notes that contained who you were, your backstory, your quirk, and even things as simple as your daily routine.
“Wait, hate to do it?” You echoed, but the man in questioned had unceremoniously shoved you through the doorway, slamming it shut behind you.
Silence followed, your eyes glaring so hard at the door you were sure a hole was going to burn through it. You’d known him for a whole of an hour and he was already acting like your best friend. You held back at cursing the man, sure that the students didn’t need to be exposed to you swearing like a sailor.
A cough caused you to look up, your lips settling into a fake smile. Customer service, (Y/N), you could do it.
“Oh, hello,” you greeted.
This time you weren’t able to stop the curse from making its way past your lips. You were so used to speaking English that you could sometimes forget where you were.
“Shit, sorry, force of habit,” you apologized, cringing at your own cuss.
Off to a great start, really. You got a handle on this whole ‘undercover’ situation. Nobody would ever figure you out now, especially considering how eloquent the media described you to be.
“This is a new teacher,” the current teacher introduced you, and okay, was that glare really necessary?
He looked utterly exhausted, and honestly, you could understand. It was early. Mornings were your enemy most days. You could never survive as a teacher, especially considering you struggled to get up during your school years.
Eraserhead, you realized. He was one of the teachers you’d been given a file on. You had to admit though, he was handsome in an unconventional way. It was more of a ‘I don’t have to try’ way, but you could still admire it.
“Hi, I’m Poseidous,” you announced, taking a moment to scan the bright faces of your new students.
You’d be teaching them on quirk development. At least, that’s what you were told. You still didn’t quite understand what UA was expecting of you. You’d taught a few kids, sure, but you by no means had any sort of degree that qualified you for teaching.
“I’m a pro hero from America,” you continued, glad that you didn’t have to stretch the lie too greatly. “And I’ll be teaching quirk development.”
A few hands shot up when you finished your little introduction. You raised a brow and looked back to Eraserhead. The man in question was staring at you, waiting for you to interact with his students.
Right, he thought you were an actual teacher. Fake it ‘til you make it.
“Yes,” you pointed to the kid with green hair and freckles. He seemed nice enough but the way his eyes were analyzing you was a bit concerning.
“Hello,” he mumbled, a bit shy. “I was just wondering what your quirk was? I’ve never heard of you.”
You raised your brow. Right to it then, eh kid?
“Water manipulation,” you lied, a smile ever present on your lips. “And what’s your name?”
“M-Midoriya,” he replied, too busy writing in his journal to allow for any further interaction.
Okay, okay, not bad.
“What’s up?” You nodded to the girl who was sitting up straight, her brown hair pulled high into a ponytail.
“What will your class entail?” You took note of how she went out of her way to speak English. It was surprisingly really good.
The studious one, you realized.
“We’ll be focusing on improving your quirk specifically. Each lesson will be tailored to help you develop strengths and minimize weaknesses.” Your reply was in English as well, and at the gentle nods she was giving throughout your talk, you knew she was understanding.
“Thank you,” she said back, a kind smile on her face. “I’m Yaoyorozu Momo.”
Just as you were about to call on another student, Eraserhead perked up again.
“Ask your questions later, you have an exam to study for.” He reminded them.
The students all grumbled, but one glare from their teacher, and they stopped immediately.
“Damn, where’d you learn that trick?” You asked, a playful smile on your face.
His expression was blank, his tired eyes just staring at you. You blinked.
“Not a talker like the other guy, got it,” you nodded, not put out by the odd behavior. In your time as a hero, you’d definitely seen odder. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N) by the way.”
You extended your hand in greeting, and weren’t the least bit surprised when he didn’t take it.
“Aizawa Shouta,” he said instead, his gaze flicking from your hand to your face.
You hummed.
“So I take it the other guy was referring to you when he apologized for throwing me in here.”
Shouta raised a brow, and you could see the hints of a smiling threatening to tug at his lips. Oh, you’d get there one day.
Though it was a question, you knew he didn’t need any confirmation.
“Great guy,” you commented, holding your fingers up in a mock salute. “I’m off to go meet the others though. I’ll see you around, Shouta.”
You felt his eyes on you, as well as a few of the students, as you left the room. There, that wasn’t so bad. Just be yourself. Only, not yourself at all, because nobody could know who you were. So be yourself, just not your hero self, and don’t bring any attention to yourself.
Easy enough.
Two teachers down, and only a few more to go if you were being honest. You had to limit contact to those who would only be necessary. Apparently, only the teachers of class 1-A fit that bill.
You were roaming the halls rather aimlessly, not really worried about time constrictions. You didn’t teach until later in the day, and the meeting with Nedzu wasn’t for another half hour. Your mindless activity was interrupted by a very large, very sturdy body.
Your eyes slid all the way up the expanse of his chest- which by the way, what was he wearing? You made eye contact with the great Symbol of Peace, though you’d be lying if your gaze didn’t flick up to those legendary bangs for just a moment. You gulped.
Not intimidating at all, right? Just a seven foot man with more muscle than you had dreams.
“All Might,” you said as nonchalantly as you could manage.
Luckily enough, your voice didn’t crack. Now that would’ve been embarrassing.
“You’re the new teacher, yes?” He inquired, leaning down to get a proper look.
“Hey, I’m not that short,” you muttered indignantly. And okay, maybe you were that short in comparison, but come on buddy, your dignity couldn’t take the hit.
“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Poseidous, right?”
You held out a hand to him, pleased when he shook it like a normal human being. One for three, (L/N).
“That’s me,” you proclaimed with a false cheeriness.
No, that was not you. That was so far from you, that you were sure you would’ve made fun of anyone who picked that name. Okay, no, you weren’t that mean. You would’ve definitely made a pun out of the name, or a Percy Jackson reference, or something else that wasn’t super mean, but definitely jested at the name.
“It’s a delight to meet another up and coming hero.”
You had no idea how he kept that smile up. To be honest, if the whole hero business ever fell through, he’d do great in the customer service industry. Would it be impolite to say that?
“And it’s an honor to meet Japan’s number one,” you replied in kind, though this time the smile was genuine.
You’d been wanting to meet him for some time. The last time you were anywhere near him was after you’d been rising through the ranks. Someone from your agency had worked out a meeting and everything, but it’d been cancelled last minute after a particularly gruesome villain attack. That was what you call a major disappointment.
He was supposed to be one of the world’s best, and honestly, you kind of wanted to fight him. Not like, ‘I’m evil and I want to destroy what you stand for’ kind of fight, but the kind where you test your abilities against somebody of his caliber.
It’d be interesting, that’s for sure. And it’d get one hell of a crowd. Perhaps it could be for a fundraiser event? You’d have to suggest the idea to your agency when you returned.
“I have a meeting with the principal,” you nodded your head in the general direction of his office. “Wow, didn’t think I’d be saying that again.”
The hero before you laughed, a deep and hearty sound. It was uplifting, and you found yourself joining in.
“Take care, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around,” he said.
“Likewise,” you replied, leaving with a gentle wave.
The walk to the principal’s office was quiet. The halls were empty while students were in their classes. It was eerie, a high school hallway without the hustle and bustle of teenagers. But it was also a little nostalgic. Don’t be misled, high school was awful and you’d never do it again, but a part of you did miss being so young, having no real care in the world.
You found yourself in front of Nedzu’s office surprisingly quickly, making you wonder if the walk was shorter than you thought or if you’d really just been that lost in your own mind. Starstruck, if you will.
You knocked gently, waiting with your hands clasped behind your back. The little creature that served as UA’s principal didn’t make you wait for long. He was ushering you inside within a minute of your arrival, his little paws gesturing towards the couch across from him. You took the seat gratefully, feeling the stress peel away at not having to worry about keeping your identity a secret.
“How is it so far?” He asked, speaking to you in English.
You smiled at the principal. He was aware you could speak both languages, but he’d done everything in his power to make you feel more at home. Apparently, this included speaking your native tongue.
“Lovely, actually,” you answered, surprised to find that you were telling the truth.
From what you’d seen, the campus was beautiful and large. You couldn’t wait to make use of the training rooms, even if you would have to wait until night before using your quirk. The staff that you’d met was friendly, and the students were pleasant as well. All in all, it could’ve been a hell of a lot worse.
“Though I wish I could be here under better circumstances.”
Nedzu offered a grimace in reply. He had been asking for you to make an appearance at the last few sports festivals. You had wanted to attend one but your schedule had gotten a bit hectic. Now, it seems you’d finally have the chance. Though, he’d wanted your hero moniker to attend really, so it didn’t have the same effect.
“Perhaps you’ll be able to return after everything is settled.”
His tone was hopeful, lifting your spirits the smallest bit. You had faith in your own ability as a hero, so you weren’t afraid of being unable to finish the task. You were just unhappy it would take so long before you could reclaim your image.
“It’s been all over the news,” Nedzu added as an afterthought. He gestured towards the television tucked in the corner of his office, the title in big red lettering.
America’s Number One Hero, Where Has She Gone?
You scrunched your nose up at that.
“Why do they always use the title, not my hero name?” You asked a bit redundantly. Nedzu took it upon himself to answer anyways.
“The title is more recognizable here,” he informed you, shrugging. “Though, I’m sure many still know your hero name, Tempest.”
You managed a half smile at the words he spoke. Okay, maybe you weren’t the most creative at hero names either, but Tempest was what you chose when you were fifteen, and you’d be damned if anyone tried to make you change it now.
Besides, Tempest was the number one hero in America. Nobody would question your decision, even if they thought it sounded lame.
“Maybe the people of Japan will get to know Poseidous,” you stated, only half-joking.
You were itching to get back out into the hero business. At first, it’d been a nice break. Now, you were just getting antsy. Not to mention, everyone thought you had abandoned them. You’d been listening to the news articles about your disappearance and most of them were about how the public assumed he’d gotten to you.
The principal tsked.
“No patrolling,” he reminded you, crossing his arms over his chest. “No being a hero, just a teacher.”
You deflated at that comment.
“Yeah, yeah,” you muttered, slouching back into the seat.
“Now, let’s get you prepared for your first class.”
That lightened your spirits, if only a little. You had something to look forward to, even though you wanted nothing more than to return home and show them that you hadn’t been defeated.
Alas, they were forcing you into hiding until there was a better plan of attack, until you were ready to go on the offensive. Luckily for you, you’d kept your hero life and your private life entirely separate. There was no one who knew of both identities, except for Nedzu. Not even the agent who had created your profile knew who you really were.
You could do this. You could help these kids prepare for their future as a hero, and then return to your duties once you were ready.
It was just a matter of waiting.
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