#and i dont feel like doing the ø all the time
zeltqz · 2 years
the ask was for a sanzu x fem reader nsfw and they’re both getting high together in the car and they do the thing where they bloke smoke in each other’s most and one things leads to another. But I thought it would be funny of on the middle of their sesh, ran calls and idk you could decide if he answers or not. Lol
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— mile high club
ø contents: smoking, smut, possessiveness, fluff, takeomi slander ish bc i hate the mf, friends to lovers, mutual oblivious pining, akashi brothers' mentioned beefing
o word count : 7.1k.
ø notes: is it even a sanzu fic if i dont include some sort of tension and psychological explanation to do with the neglect he faced from Takeomi? no? ok anyway...
@wenumsmol 🫶🏾
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The sun sets over the streets of Tokyo when you park the car in the garage of the Akashi household, having dropped Haru off at home since you’re now his designated driver because his license got suspended for reckless driving.
“We’re here.” The car shuts off when you turn the key, both hands resting on the wheel like the professional, respectable driver you are. “Now get out of my car.”
Sanzu groans from the backseat, laying flat on his back, hand splayed over his forehead, the cold heat from his hands doing wonders to soothe his burning headache. 
“Oi.” Over your shoulder, you peek at him, fighting the urge to poke him awake. “I said we’re here.”
“I know.”
“ So…get out?”
“I don’t wanna.”
“You don’t—” You bite your words, stopping yourself to give yourself time to take a deep breath, soothing your bubbling frustration before it erupts. “You don’t want to enter your own house?”
He raises a long, slender finger, pointing insistently out the window. You follow his gaze to the back corner of the garage, Takeomi’s bike perched on its stand. 
“Ohhh,” you realise, unbuckling your seatbelt to turn and face him fully. “Well..you can’t avoid him forever.”
He removes his hand from his forehead, eyebrows knitted, forehead creased as he glares at you. “Watch me.”
“I’m serious, Haru.”
“So am I.” He’s sitting up, face stern and serious, you swear his green eyes practically glow in the dark as they catch the edge of the yellow tint garage light. 
When it comes to Takeomi, Haruchiyo mainly plans on avoiding him at all costs, dodging him around the house, wearing headphones at full volume just to drown out the sound of his brother’s voice, not coming back home for days on end, rather spending the night at yours or Mikey’s house.
He’s developed different coping mechanisms : talking to Mikey is a big help, though Mikey isn’t one for therapeutic advice, he’s still willing to lend a helping ear and listen to Haruchiyo rant on and on. It’s not much help though, only hearing responses like ‘ hm ’ , ‘ oh ’, and ‘ah’,  maybe if Mikey has a little energy left in him, he’d nod occasionally, but that’s about as much help as you’d get. 
His second coping mechanism is you,  someone he’d befriended a couple months back and kept you by his side secretly ever since, using you as a personal chauffeur and a therapist, but more importantly a best friend. Someone who’d be there for him without judging him and his dirty secrets; someone who likes to be around him not because they’re scared or intimidated, but because they enjoy his presence. 
He cannot be in the right state of mind when talking to his brother, not wanting to remember their interactions in the morning, so he relies on getting stoned or drunk to wipe his memory. It’s a potentially dangerous mechanism, but Sanzu enjoys the adrealine rush of trying something new, enjoys the out of body experiences, the fuzzy feelings, the wild imaginations and visions that make his world look colourful rather than monochromatic. 
“Haru.” You call his name with that sweet voice of yours, one that makes his heart warm. “You can talk to me about anything, okay? I’m always gonna be here for you.” 
He’s looking down at his lap, mouth twisted in a way he always does when he’s deep in thought. You can’t help but wonder just what’s going through that brain of his, knowing fully that up there is a mess of unorganised feelings and emotions he’d never been able to fully process.
“Haru. Is everything oka—”
“You know what I want?” He cuts you off, changing topics with a bright smile. 
His decision to switch topics isn’t something that offends you, knowing that he takes time to fully open up and you’re willing to wait as long as he needs. “What do you want, Haru?”
“I want weed.”
“There’s no weed, wait. What are you doin—” He moves quickly, his lean body brushing past yours, balancing a hand on your lap for leverage as he reaches inside the glove compartment pulling out his stash. “What the hell! You stashed your crap in my car?!”
“Of course I did.” He cackles at the dumbfounded look on your face, moving to the backseat. “Where else would I put it?”
“Uh—I don’t know? Your room? Anywhere but my damn car! I got pulled over the other day. What if I had gotten caught and they searched my car?”
“Did you?” He shrugs half heartedly, opening the ziplock bag. Almost instantly the car smells of marijuana, your nose wrinkles as you try to process it. 
“Well, no…but that’s not the point!”
“Shhhh,” he shushes you, taking his time to roll his blunt, all the while you’re glaring at him. “Stop pouting. You should be thanking me.”
“For what?”
“This.” He licks the joint to seal it, lifting it towards you like it’s his artistic masterpiece. The smile on his face screams child proud of their school project, diamond scars stretching cutely as his smile only widens. “It’s strong. Try it.”
“It better be.” You snatch it from his hands, holding it between your teeth as you manouevr yourself to the backseat to seat beside him. 
His chin is heavy on your shoulder as he watches you light it, wanting to be as close to you as possible not only to get a whiff of that perfume he loves that you practically drown yourself in, but to see your initial reaction to the weed. 
The smoke burns your throat before you could fully inhale, coughing violently whilst pounding on your chest to ease it. Haruchiyo grabs water from the front, tossing it to your lap as you erupt in a series of coughs. “What is that?” 
“I dunno.” He eyes the joint between his two fingers, looking oddly fascinated by it. “I just heard it was strong.”
“No shit.” It hurts when you talk, still feeling the ghost of smoke searing your oesphagus. 
His spare hand hooks onto your legs, and you yelp as he swings them over on his lap, slender fingers rubbing up and down your thigh as he smokes. “You’ll get used to it.”
“I don’t wanna.” You shift upwards on the seats, sitting on his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to rest your forehead against the side of his face and shoulder. The scent of his cologne is overpowered by the marjiuana, but it’s still visible, dipping your face between his neckline and sighing. “This one is too much.” 
“Are my eyes red?” His jaw moves when he speaks, and it tickles as his smooth skin brushes against your cheek.
It pains you to move from your current position, his warmth and scent are soothing to you, but you shift back, turning the car lights on to see better. The corners of his eyes are red, and he’s struggling to keep them fully open. 
“Yeah, they are.” The urge to brush his cheeks is tempting, and your fingers twitch and hesitate by your side.
“Hey hey, wanna see somethin’ cool?” When you nod, he shifts upwards, his hand grabbing to hold onto your waist to ground you before you slip off his lap. 
The sudden contact had you stiffening, blood roaring in your ears as his strong hand held your side. You watch him perform a trick, his diaphragm contracting as he inhales, lips pursed as he exhales, several rings of smoke following suit. Your brows raise in surprise, ready to praise him when he sucks it all back in with one huge breath, the rings dismantling in the air. 
He turns back to look at you, chin high in the air, eyes tinted red gleaming as he grins at you, cheerful and animated. You can’t help it, reaching out to cup his soft cheeks with one hand, tracing over the outline of his lips, the shape of his scars with your thumb. 
It’s like he’s frozen stiff as your fingers feel up his face, and he blinks at you as you look at him with those soft eyes of yours. “You’re so cute, Haru.”
His eyes dilate; from the light in the car, or the strong weed you don’t know, can’t tell. What you can tell is that from his silence, his mind is running wild, thoughts bouncing across his brain from left to right, mirroring the way his eyes dart over your face, your lips, and the curve of your nose.
“So are you.” The words spill out from his lips faster than the blush creeps onto his cheeks. He looks away, embarrassed, clearing his throat before smoking from the joint again. “I learnt it from Ran. That useless lazy fucker is sometimes helpful.”
“Ran, huh?” Your fingers find themselves latched to the front strands of his hair tucked into a ponytail, twirling it on your fingertips. “He’s the tall one, right?”
He chuckles, short and amused, voice muffled from the joint between his lips. “All my friends are tall, ya know?”
“Well maybe if you let me around your friends, I’d be able to identify them.”
“You’ll live without ‘em,” he says, blowing smoke in your face, snorting when you cough and swat the smoke away, then try to hit the side of his face, only for him to catch your hand in time. “Your reflexes suck ass.”
You struggle to shift your hand from his grip, frowning at him. “I’m not a ninja.”
“I can teach you to be one.” 
“You a sensei, now?”
“I’m anything and everything. Like Batman.” 
He smiles when you laugh softly, the sound making him feel lightheaded, paired along with the weed flowing through his veins. “Batman is rich, though. You’re not.”
“I can steal money, all is good.” His hand, warm and hot, slides under the hem of your shirt, leaving a searing trail behind his movements that burns into your skin. “I’ll buy you anything once I get rich. Promise.”
He’s been subtly leaning closer as he speaks the whole time, but you don’t notice until his forehead brushes yours and you’re both staring at each other, daring the other to move closer.  “ Anything? ”
Green eyes fall down to your lips, not even trying to look subtle. “Anything.”
Fuck, at this angle you look so pretty, staring down at him with those dreamy eyes of yours, looking at him like he’s the most precious thing in the world. He always feels like that around you, another reason why he loves getting high around you. It forces him to be vulnerable around you, letting the feelings he’s been shovelling down refsurface.
Though it’s risky, and there’s nothing more he fears than rejection, he’s always been a risk taker. You make him feel good with your words, your presence, your voice, the silly moments you two share alone in his car, your room, his room. 
Your lips are what he favours the most on your face, always glossy with whatever flavour lipbalm you wear that day, and he physically fights the urge to kiss them just to guess it. His eyes are drawn towards your lips like a magnet. The way you bite at them when you’re focused, chew on the skin when you’re nervous, lick them when they’re dry, he notices, and wonders how soft they truly are.
“Do…do you wanna kiss me?” Your question catches him off guard, brows knitting in confusion as he wonders if he’s been speaking his thoughts aloud this entire time, but in truth, he’s been making his intentions obvious as he’s been staring at nothing but your lips the entire time.
“Huh? Don’t be weird.” He instantly facepalms himself mentally, fighting the urge to turn back time to take back his words, but it’s too late when your brows rise, lips parting slightly in surprise before looking down at your lap with a slight frown.
“Oh, sorry. That was weird, wasn’t it?”
“It’s fine.” His heart stings in his chest, he can feel it clenching painfully leaving nothing but a hollow feeling in the depths of his stomach when he realises you’re upset. “Why’d you ask that anyway?”
Maybe he can shift the narrative, find out a way to spin the conversation back to kissing. He still has a chance. “Have you never kissed anyone before?”
“I have!” The pout is back on your face, but not from being sad; he can tell the difference, so he sighs in relief. But still…the way your lower lip juts out slightly has him fighting the urge to tug and bite at it. “I’m not a virgin, idiot.”
He doesn’t bother trying to hide the surprise on his face, and you notice. “What? It’s that hard to believe someone would fuck me? Am I that ugly or something?” 
The effects of the weed start kicking in,  now you feel yourself getting emotional over nothing.
“I never even said anything.” 
“You didn’t need to. I’m not stupid, Haru.”
He flexes his jaw as he glares at you, trying to shovel his anger down. The argument is pointless, so he stays silent, bringing the blunt back to his lips. He inhales it for longer this time, and it can’t possibly be healthy for his lungs, but he doesn’t care.
“What time is it?” you ask, and his hand squeezes your waist tighter, stopping you from squirming from his lap.
“Why do you need the time?”
“Because I gotta get going at seven.”
“...why ?”
“Because…” you chirp, shifting to face him with a huge smile on your face, “I’ve got a date.” 
When you bite down on your lip, he can’t even be bothered to look down at it, or notice it. It’s silent in the car as you wait for Haru to be your best friend/wingman that hypes you, ask you for his name, height, age, job, personality, whatever. But he’s silent, face unreadable, and the tension in the car rises thick when he continues to stay silent; your excitement fades along with your smile.
He knows he’s been silent for too long, now everything is awkward, but he can’t find the right words to say. Congratulations? It’s just a date, what do you expect him to do? Find you wedding rings? 
His brain isn’t co-operating either, not in the right state of mind to process his words like a filter, so he says nothing before he says something he’ll regret.
“...Anyway,” you have to choke your words out, refusing to show your slight embarrassment, “hurry up and get high, so I can leave and get laid.”
“I am high.”
“Then I can leave.”
“No, you can’t.” He glares back when you glare at him, but he can’t find it in himself to control himself any longer. Maybe it was a bad idea to get high in a confided space with you, on his lap, with your face so close to his. 
“Why can’t I?”
“...’cause he’s a loser, and you don’t wanna get laid by a loser.”
You snort. “He’s the only loser available, so maybe I do want to.”
“What if…there’s another loser available?” He goes stiff and still when your eyes flick up to his face, looking concentrated at him eye to eye as if you were trying to decipher his words. “Me. I’m the loser.”
“You?” He simply nods and you do the opposite and shake your head. “You’re not a loser.”
“Yeah, I am.” You shift on his lap when he shrugs, leaning his head back against the headrest, and you watch as smoke leaves his lips as he exhales. 
His senses are intensified with the drugs, your fingers tickling their way up his shoulders, along his neck, to behind his head, lacing them between his soft hair. Leaning down, you hold his face in your hands and kiss him.
The moment your lips touch his, he feels like the world paused, and he’s dying to find whoever has control over the remote of his life so they could press play and he could embrace you like he deserves. Or, maybe he’s dying, and whoever is up there allows him to imagine just one night with you before he fades into nothing.
It’s real, all real. The tender slide of your lips against his are real, the sensation of his teeth sinking into your soft plump lips, biting, and nibbling at it is real, the gentle moans he eagerly draws from your lips when his tongue swipes against yours, wet, messy and sloppy is real. 
“Fuck—” you whisper along the swell of his lips, pulling away to examine his face.
He looks gone, shallow half-lidded eyes looking up at you with blown wide pupils, mouth half open as if he’s forgotten how to close it. 
“Haru, you there?” Your knuckle traces along the side of his face, stopping under his chin, lifting it to look up at you.
“Yeah yeah, ‘m here.” 
Your giggle echoes in his ears, and he’s never been harder in his life, cock pressing uncomfortably tight against his pants. “Good, because you look wasted right now.”
“Just, fuck— stop talkin’. C’mere.” He pulls you down for a kiss with a hand at the back of your head, sloppily working his mouth against yours. He tastes like weed, the smell strong but it doesn’t stop you from licking into his mouth, desperate to drive the strong taste away and replace it. 
Big, strong hands wander the length of your back, slipping under your shirt, cold hands hugging you tight, tight to his body that you can’t help but arch into him.
A sound that comes from the inside of the house has you pulling away, turning to face the window, and he trails his lips down the length of your neck. His nose pokes into the flesh of your neck as he sucks deep, red hickeys onto the plane of your neck, breathing heavily as he savours the feeling of your soft feeling of your skin. 
He could get used to this; the weed makes him feel like your skin is ten times softer, or maybe that’s how it generally feels and you’re just perfect, so soft everywhere. 
“Tak—take this off.” The words are lost to your neck as he sucks along the column of your throat, rogue hands wandering along your chest, up your shirt, kneading your tits through your bra.
“Okay, okay, wait —” When you pull backwards, he follows, leaning up from the seat, lips attached to your neck by the hip. “Haru. If you want to see me naked, you’re gonna have to let me remove my clothes.”
“Just…wait a min’ longer…” He sucks harder, and you shudder as shivers race down your body at the feeling of his teeth nibbling at the sensitive part of your neck. When he’s satisfied, he pulls away, admiring his handiwork. “You look so sexy like this, fuck.” He’s tugging your shirt off, throwing it behind you, uncaring of where it lands. 
Warm hands roam your stomach, your sides, sliding up further to wrap around your throat. “So beautiful ‘n sexy, just for me.”
“You already said sexy.” He hums absentmindedly, obviously not paying attention if the way he’s squeezing the fat of your breasts were any indication. 
“You’re sexy times two.” He grins up at you before pulling your bra cup down, and you inhale sharply when it brushes down your nipple. “No, no actually. Times infinity.”
You flush hot at his words, especially when his lips brush against your ears, biting down against the shell. He’s sweating from the heat in the car plus the heat from both your panting bodies. 
“Don’t you think we should—ah fuck—” He tugs you upwards on his lap, your clothed cunt grinding against his hard cock, hands curling into fists behind his neck. 
“We should what?” His musical chuckle vibrates along your ear, sending cold shivers down your spine, forcing you to arch to chase the feeling away. You squeal when he bites down along your ear once more, smirkingpleasantly at the soft, squishy press of your tits against his chest.
“We should go to your room. I mean there’s not much room in here.” Your neck aches from the angle you’re sitting at, neck bent at an awkward angle to avoid hitting the roof of the car. 
There’s not enough space in this crammed car to fit yourself comfortably. Haru, on the other hand, is more than comfortable, seated on the seats like a king that’s blessed the majestic view of your half naked body atop of his. 
“I got an idea,” he says, not giving you a moment to wonder what he’s thinking before he’s lifting you from his lap, plopping you onto the seats. Your forearm darts quickly to cover your chest when he pops the car door open, lips pressed together tightly as he walks to the front seat, yanks the door open without a care and readjusts the seats back, pushing it till there’s enough room between the wheel. “This space big enough for ya?”
You tilt your head past the seat, surveying the space with a keen eye. There’s enough room for you to kneel down and take his cock in your mouth without a fuss or a struggle. A bed sounds nicer though, the thought of sinking into his soft mattress as he fucks you crosses your mind, but it’s overpowered when you remember his siblings are home and you’d rather die than let them hear you.
“Seems good,” you shrug, sliding quickly out the car; the cold air from the garage AC hits you smack in the chest, hardening your nipples momentarily. 
“Ah, ah wait.” Haru pulls you back before you could climb on top of him. The cute way your tilt your head at him, confused, makes his heart do a triple beat for a moment. “I wanna try somethin’.”
It’s stressful the way he’s manouevring you along the seat, pressing your back into the front seat as he shifts to kneel between your legs. “Hold your legs up for me.”
You swallow hard, unable to taste your saliva with how fast your nerves are racing. Doing as he said, you bring your hands under your thighs, holding them up as he tugs your pants down, struggling to get them past your bent knees, glaring at you when you choke on your laugh, muttering out a quick apology. 
“Don’t apologise now. You’ll be beggin’ for it later, trust me.”
His confidence is over the roof right now, evident in his strong posture, shoulders back as he leans forward, swiping a finger along your folds with ease. 
“You’re really wet.” Your slick catches on the tip of his finger, and you want to hide your face between your hands when his pink tongue darts out to lick at it. 
“Could you maybe not do that? It’s awkward…”
He hums when he looks at you; now it’s his turn to tilt his head at you. “How else am I supposed to eat you out then?” His hands press themselves between yours under your thighs, and your back aches from almost sliding down the seat in this awkward position. “You want me to skip the prep? Fuck you into the seat right now?”
“I mean—” It sounds like a good idea, but then you remember the length and thickness of his cock through his pants and swallow excessively. “Prep please.”
He smiles at you, the car light reflecting off the side of his face as he dips his face closer, digging his fingers into the swell of your thighs, nose pressed against your folds and sniffs so hard it’s like a vacuum, your clit tingles with the need to have his tongue in you. 
“This gonna sound so weird, but I really don’t give a fuck but…” he moans as he licks along your slit, a long, wet stripe from the bottom to the top, “you taste so good, fuck—”
“Haru stop…” He seals his lips around your clit, fingernails digging into your thighs as he sucks hard, numbing your clit with the continous flicks of his tongue moving at rapid speed. “Oh my go—”
Your hands fight the urge to fly to his hair, pull him closer to grind his nose against your stubborn clit, but you remember his instructions, to keep your hands on your thighs, keep you spread open for him. 
He’s devouring your pussy like a starved individual, flicking his tongue rapidly, slurping the wetness that drips from your puffy folds. You try to close your legs, try to squirm away from the ticklish feeling of his wet tongue trying to squeeze its way through your cunt, but it’s intoxicating, and overwhelming, especially when his finger tickles against your hole.
It’s fascinating watching it go in and out, and Haru dreads pulling his mouth away from your cunt but he needs to watch your face as his finger slides knuckle deep inside you. His bloodshot eyes twinkle as he watches your slick coat the length of his finger, translucent liquid dripping down his knuckles to the seat. 
“You always get this wet?”
“I don’t know…” It’s not often you finger yourself, so the experience is first hand. You’re also partially amazed that your body managed to produce this much slick from a single finger. “Wait, wait, right there. That feels so good—”
“Here?” His finger curls inside you, itching the side of that spongy spot. 
“No, no—not there, wait—” Your hips shift to the side a little, then it’s like something switches inside you, hands shaking against your thighs as he spreads you out with a second finger, applying pressure to that spot that has your moans increasing in pitch. 
His cock twitches with the need to replace his fingers, sink himself deep inside you, watch your eyes cross as you melt in pleasure. He leans forward, slurping, sucking along the sensitive hood of your clit.
Your body feels numb, voice coming out as breathy pants as you tilt your head back to hit the headrest, giving into the warm, fuzzy feeling deep inside your abdomdem as he fingers you to your climax. 
He knows that you're close when your walls cling and squeeze his fingers tight, barely giving him enough room to move them. His own tongue slithers through your folds, lapping up the leftover slick. The taste of you is better than he’d expected, and he thinks he could live between your legs for the rest of his life. 
There’s a swell of pride swirling through his chest when he feels you lose yourself on his fingers and tongue, your teeth pressing into your bottom lip painfully as you jolt and sit up from the effects of your orgasm. Your hands forget holding your thighs up, gripping onto his hair tied up loosely in a ponytail and tug him forward, craving the warmth of his mouth sealed around your clit as your world comes tumbling down.
It takes a couple moments for you to get yourself together, still holding painfully onto his hair before letting go. He presses ticklish kisses along your thighs, licking at the wetness spread along them. 
“That was—” You swallow, trying to find the words since your brain isn’t co-operating. “That was so good.”
You look all cute when flustered, face heated and flushed, your pretty lips left open as you pant heavily, desperately trying to catch your breath. 
“Think I found my new addiction.” He grins up at you, big hands squeezing the fat of your thighs as he kneels up between your legs, wrapping them around his waist and leans in for a kiss.
Your hands cup his cheeks, holding him close to you as he licks into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself on his tongue, giving you a moment to gather your nerves because you’re going to need it. 
“I’m ready,” you mumble into his mouth, feeling the shiver that races down his spine.
“Bet, okay. Hold on.” He draws back, big hands spreading your thighs apart.
You look at him through your lashes as he sheds his shirt, tossing it behind you. His body is lean, capacious, abs faint but visible and your mouth waters, hand flying out to run down his stomach. Your touch is so light, his muscles flinching away from the ticklish feeling. Everything you do to him makes him feel so good. 
He grips both your hands, pinning them above the headrest. “Keep ‘em there,” he says, unbuckling his belt, sliding his pants down to his knees. He grabs a condom from his back pocket, ignoring your humourless stare.
“You planned this?” You gesture at the condoms with your head. 
“Better be safe than sorry.” He bites the end of the wrapper, pulling the condom out, rolling it slowly down his shaft. 
Your eyeroll is cut short when the tip of his cock angles itself at your entrance. He can see the way you’re dripping, the slick smeared along your thighs. 
Warmth engulfs the head of his cock as he slowly pushes it in you, and he hisses, biting his lip to stop himself from thinking how good you feel, how tight you’re going to squeeze his cock, how he’s going to cum inside you—
You’re panting, the tip of his cock stretching you out, almost screaming when it pushes past, the thick head making you dizzy it carves a path inside you. “Ah, Haru that—” He pushes deeper, and his eyes roll back when you clench around him.
Haru swears, gripping onto the base of his cock, squeezing it to stop himself from cumming too quickly, pushing through the urge to shove the rest of his length inside you. He stills halfway, needing to take a moment to compose himself, his mind fuzzy and warm, and he feels lightheaded. 
He has to close his eyes, knowing if he looks down, seeing his cock between your legs, halfway inside you, he’d cum in an instant. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to wait—I can take it,” you pant, hips desperately trying to rut forward. “Please…”
He takes a moment to swallow, groaning lowly, as he pushes the rest of his cock inside you, trying to ignore the tight suction of your walls. The moment he bottoms out, he’s falling forward, dipping his face between your neck and shoulder and moans, the sound desperate and needy, causing your pussy to clench and quiver around him.
You wrap your legs around his waist, arms wrapping around his head as you hold him closely, enjoying the feeling of his breath tickling your shoulders. “You okay?” 
It’s funny how you’re asking him this instead of the other way round, and a part of you feels pride in the fact you could make someone this desperate and needy without effort. 
“I’m good…it’s just…fuck , you’re so tight.” He forces himself to inhale deeply, eyes squeezing shut painfully to compose himself. He shivers at the feeling of your nails raking up and down his hair, scratching at his scalp addictvely. “You’re good though, right? It doesn’t hurt?”
You shake your head, smiling softly at him. “Nah. The seats a little uncomfortable but…that’s about it. You can move, Haru.”
“It’s uncomfy? Oh…” You almost want to cry when he pulls out, but he’s lifting you from the seat, switching your positions, slotting you back down on his lap. 
“You want me to ride you?”
He nods, biting his lip when you grab onto his cock, seating yourself down on his cock. 
“Oh my god—” You feel so full, his thick cock stretches your walls, whimpering beside his ear when he rolls his hips sensually, pressing his cock deeper inside you. 
“ Holy shit , you’re so tight.” Your pussy drives him into a frenzy, eyes threatening to roll back at the way your cunt squeezes him so tight, clinging to every inch of him. 
He swears, voice low, sounding wrecked as you begin riding him a little faster, slowly lifting your hips up and down. The obscene squelch of your pussy grasping pathetically around his thick shaft has him biting his lip so hard he might draw blood. 
“ Haru.” You wail his name, collapsing onto his chest, shuddering when his hands, rough and warm, grab onto your hips to slow your pace down. 
“Yeah?” His voice is quiet, like a whisper, so he clears his throat and tries again. “Yeah? What’s wrong?”
“Lemme move—” You trail your lips down his neck in an attempt to soften him, waiting for him to let go of you so you can move faster. There’s a nudging spot inside you, an itch that needs to be scratched. Your attempt to move is shut down again, frustration building up and up the longer you feel his cock twitch inside you. “Haru please…”
“If I let go, you gotta promise to take it slow.”
“But I wanna make you feel good.” You whisper along his lips, tugging at it with your teeth. He groans into your mouth, and shifts for a moment, his cock follows suit, twitching desperately for some friction. “Wait, do that again.”
“This?” He rolls his hips upwards, rolls your hips backwards and forwards, and you drip a little wetter down his leg, wetting his thighs. 
“Yes. Do it again.” 
He starts a steady pace, steady enough for you to feel the way he’s deliberately aiming at that spot in you that makes you squirm around. 
“I’m so close.” He says beside your ear, his voice lingering in your head, clouded by the feeling of his hands roaming your back, scratching at it with every bounce you give him. 
“Me…me too.” 
He’s tense, gritting his teeth when you clench around him. You shift backwards, unslinking your hands from around his neck to grab at his knees, using them as leverage to support yourself as you roll your hips in circles.
He can feel the energy buzzing between you both, can feel the tingling sensation on the edge of his fingertips, the drugs running through his veins has the regular feeling of sex intensifieid, and he swears he can feel every inch of you. 
Everything is so hot right now, the temperature in the car, the feel of your hands braced against his knees, the way your nails dig into the bone, the way your tits bounce in his face as you fuck yourself on his cock. 
You clench when you cum, and he leans forward suddenly, grabbing your hips to lift you up, slamming you back down with a loud moan, hips jerking as he cums inside you. 
You’re shaking, trembling at the feeling of his cum spurting inside you, the wet sensation is ticklish, cold shivers running down your spine. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good,” he mumbles again, holding you down to feel your greedy walls sucking him in further. “Holy fuck, I could stay here forever.”
“I need a shower.” You say once you come back to your senses, groaning softly when you lift yourself up and off his cock, the wet squelch following after echoes throughout the car. 
“That’s so hot.” He mutters, eyes wide with fascincation as he reaches out to thumb at your clit, enjoying the way you shiver and let out a soft moan as he rubs it in circles. “Holy shit that’s so hot. You’re so hot.”
“I kno—” It’s distracting when you can feel his cum dripping out from you slowly making you lose your train of thought , the drip of it is anticipating until it forms a small pool between both of your bodies. “I know.”
“You hesitated.” 
“I didn’t.”
He removes his thumb, wiping the wetness from it along his tongue, tasting you, and you feel your face flush at the action, burning hot when looks up at you, the corners of his mouth dragging up slowly. “You did.”
“Shut up.” 
Sanzu’s reaching towards the backseat for his stash, and you laugh at how his arm barely reaches it, flailing it uselessly around the air. 
“You’re not gonna reach it, Haru.”
“Watch me.”
He grunts and groans like he’s lifting heavy bricks, and you start to take pity on him. “Dude, just give up.”
 If there’s one thing about Sanzu it’s that he’s determined, but not in the way you think. It’s more the stubborn version, always trying to do the impossible, ignoring you when you tell him it’s not possible, then sulks when he fails. 
He clicks his tongue, shifting you down on his lap so he has more room and this time successfully grabs at it. “Told you. Always hatin’ on me.”
You giggle, faint and shrill, leaning forward to rest your head against his shoulder, watching him dug through the contents of the bag, his slender, skilled fingers professionally rolling another blunt. 
It’s silent in the car again, you two both bask in each other’s presence. Both of you refusing to discuss what happened earlier, not sure if those sudden feelings you felt were because of the weed or if there’s something else deep inside, a false truth you’ve refused to make terms with, or shoved them aside for another unknown reason unbeknownst to you.
Your head is racing with thoughts, pictures of Haru wondering where you suddenly felt these emotions towards him came from. The thought of sharing him with anyone else angers you, but it shouldn’t because you’re both friends. The thought of him laying in a car with another girl on top of him angers you, makes you feel bitter and resentment towards this imaginary woman your brain fabricated inside your head.
It’s like your body is working against you. 
Stupid weed. 
Haru’s gone for the second time today, and for the first time in what felt like ten minutes—in actuality it was only three—you look up at him. He looks like he’s falling asleep, those chubby cheeks of his so promising, so soft, you can’t help but shift upwards, pressing soft kisses against them.
It should be weird to him  that he doesn’t question your sudden out of character movements, but then again you both did just have sex not longer than five minutes ago. 
His phone rings at the backseat, pulling you away from his neck where you were sucking fresh purple hickeys onto and he groans when your ass brushes aginst his cock. It’s been slightly hard the entire time, still not over his recent orgasm, but not strong enough to maintain itself to stand tall. 
“What’re you doin’?” You freeze as your hand hovers over his phone. 
“Your phone’s been ringing non-stop. It’s irritating.” The caller ID is Ran, and part of you wants to answer it so you can know what he looks like. It’s been nudging at your brain the entire time, trying to figure out which one of his friends is who, trying to put the pieces of the faceless group of boys together to solve the puzzle. 
“Just ignore it—okay then.” You answer the phone away, turning the camera away from your naked body onto Sanzu’s face. You squirm around, trying to find where Sanzu threw your bra and shirt as the two engage in small talk.
“What do you want?”
Ran snorts on the other end, his voice deep, familiar, and husky. “Don’t needa get all pissy, you big baby. Takeomi wants to know where you are.”
“What the fuck does that have to do wit’ me?”
“Call him, or somethin’. I don’t fuckin’ know?”
Haru sniffs, nose wrinkling when the smoke he blows out invades his nostrils. “Tell him I’m busy.”
“Being a fuckin’ junkie?” Ran snorts, petty and bitterly, voice now laced in sarcasm. “So productive.”
Haruchiyo rolls his eyes at the same time you put your shirt back on, reaching under your shirt to fix the straps of your bra. “I’m doing more than getting high, you slug. I’m with my friend.”
You had tuned out the conversation from the beginning, your main priority being your clothes, but at the mention of ‘friend’, he jostles his leg, catching your attention. “Say hello.”
“Oh? Who might you be?”
“I’m—” Haruchiyo ends the call before you could even get the first letter of your name out. “What the hell?”
He lazily shrugs, tossing his phone into the backseat without a care. It hits the edge of the seat, before hitting the floor with a mild smack. Two noble fingers grasp at your chin, redirecting your gaze from his probably broken phone to his face. 
The kiss is passionate, and long, his wet slide of his tongue laving itself inside your mouth. Your face grows hot when his lips wrap around the length of your tongue, sucking the moisture from it, replacing it with his own. It’s messy but you don’t care, happily drinking the mixed saliva from his mouth. 
His sharp teeth sink into your lips, stopping you from pulling away, kissing you with fervour as his heavy head spins, and bright flashes of colour appears behind his closed eyes.
“I’m so hungry,” he gasps out when he finally pulls away, wiping the saliva from his mouth with his forearm, giving you back the breath he stole from your lungs with that kiss.
“You want me to drive you to McDonalds?”
He grins up at you, that stupid adorable look on his face that has your heart warming in your chest. “Is this your way of asking me out on a date?”
“It’s my way of forcing some food down your throat before you die of starvation.”
“What if I was thirsty instead?”
“McDonalds sells drinks, dumbass.”
“ Or… ” He places his hands on your hips, pulling you forward on his lap. You yelp at the motion, hands flying to the headrest behind him to stabilise yourself. 
What he’s insinuating is lost to you for a moment, only becoming obvious when his hand snakes down to your pussy, thumb nudging insistently at your clit. His eyes dip down to your chest, your nipples still hard and poking through the thin fabric of your shirt, then drags them back up to your face and smiles.
“You’re so horny.” Your eyeroll is fabricated and fake, part of you deep down wants it too. 
“You like it though.” It’s true, and he knows it too. The defeated look on your face is all he needs to know when he moves to open the car door, nodding his head outside. “Let’s go to my room now.”
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TRUSTING ME BRO I COULD CRYYYYYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭I hope it does not disappoint... REAL THOUGH about the drama you mentioned in your tags, that's exactly how I felt reading If My Wife Becomes An Elementary School Student's title, for example, but I'm told it's wholesome☠️☠️I would love to hear about the one you were thinking of though!
I WILL BEAR IT IN MIND TO PREPARE FOR ARACHTAGON WHENEVER THE TIME COMES... totally understandable to get frustrated with RNG on top of that, RPGs can be so evil 😭😭😭still, again, I'm glad you're back to it! Also totally understandable to want to play on the original consoles... NOTHING beats the experience... the availability of playthroughs nowadays is nice for sure to be able to experience the series without investing that much!
I would LOVE to see more Normal interactions between Ichiban and Jo for real😭they have so much potential for silly moments... ever-thankful for your content and I Can't Say Enough always looking forward to whatever you might have in store :] whether it's that or something else :]
I EXPECT YOU'RE DONE WITH EPISODE EIGHT NOW AT MINIMUM SO I WILL JUST SAY the Ohashi arc and Episode Ø [<- why the hell is ep eight called this] are peak to me I am soooo glad you enjoyed the arc... LOVE the OST too, Yugo Kanno is a legend. HOWEVER all the songs on it are titled words that start with S and P so you get titles like Scarlet Pussy 😭
OH BUT SPEAKING OF SP'S WACKASS STRUCTURE pleeeeeaaaase consider watching SP: The Motion Picture and SP: The Motion Picture: The Final Episode after you finish the show... there is A Cliffhanger and those are the true conclusions to the story... and SP Final In Specific is what blew my nuts clean off...
STOPPP NO THAT'S EXACTLY THE DRAMA I WAS TALKING ABOUT BUT I DIDNT WANNA SNITCH ON MYSELF 😭😭 it really is a cute show..... im ngl it has some of my fave tsutsumi scenes/performances like it TRULY blew my expectations out of the water. i just feel SOOO awkward about it cause.. with a title like That and a premise Like That i wouldnt blame a single person for giving me a weird ass look so i generally try not to talk about it ☠️ its my guilty treat so to speak and i cant even tell if im making it sound worse than it actually is (╯x╰ )
in any case... i finished Security Police SO !!! onto After The Rain for me when it comes to Media Thats Awkward To Talk About But Please Believe Me When I Say Its Not What You're Thinking :]
LMAO PLEASE like... so long as you have the right equipment you don't even really have to do much extra grinding by the time you get to him... it truly is just hoping RNG doesnt dick you over ☠️ i've been cruising through the game since tho ! i dont expect myself to get into anymore awkward blockades anytime soon and then i can finally say i finished this game (●ˇ��ˇ●)
THANK YA THANK YA it aint much but its honest work..... i have been real dead this week tho and i always get scared if ill draw again durin periods like this- i HOPE to come up with something soon cause there really is an untapped well of Good Stuff to be explored :]]
THE SOUND DESIGN OF SP WAS REALLY GOOD IN GENERAL THOUGH LIKE not just music wise was it good but i really loved hos inoue's migraines gave me migraines... immersion... but also just knowing when to keep things dead silent (like finding nishijima's corpse) did SOOO well to put emphasis.. the weird as hell names are just bonus points by now like. Gotta Let Bro Have SOMETHING As A Thank You For The Sound Design (╯▽╰ ;;) OH BUT IM GLAD THERE'S MOVIE TIE-INS CAUSE THE LAST SCENE HAD ME CONCERNICUS LIKE 👁️👁️? i was only able to find the first 2010 movie on the site i usually go to but its somethin...
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idratree · 10 months
just reply to this post with your request and i'll do It!!So, nsfw, fanfictions or aks, headcanons and so on.
I ask that when you send me a request, you use these symbols to help me differentiate!!
Ø = fanfic
♧ = aks/headcanons
♡ = soft/fluff scenario
♤ = nsfw/smut scenario
♢ = drabble
"ok and how does it work to make the request?"
When you send it you will just copy and paste one of these symbols to specify what you want, for example:
"♡♢" This means the person who aks wants a soft themed drabble, and this will work with all other symbols, hope it wasn't confusing to understand!!
i will accept requests that do not have these symbols anyway, but this is a way I found to avoid getting confused and organize myself better, so I will be grateful if you use them, but lf you don't want to, it's okay (however, I want to warn that not all the asks will be accepted if I don't like them!!)
idol x idol (but depending on the request I can make an exception for at least some ONEUS ship, but it will depend a lot and I can't always make exceptions!!)
dubcon, noncon, yandere scenarios, sadism (I don't have a strong sadistic vibe, so if it's something along those lines, I won't do it.) rape play, anything involving bodily fluids like piss, menstruation, feces, blood/vomit and so on.
little space, incest, age play, p3d0, will also not be accepted so please do not request this and the others above, your ask will be ignored and deleted.
Optionally there is a limit of 5 prompts, use them if you want and ask for them at the time of the request! ^^
"l want to hear you beg:"
"Arch your back for me.
"you're mine, say it."
"oh fuck."
"hold on tight."
"Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me."
"You're so fucking hot."
"Spread your legs wider."
"You taste so good.
"Tell me what you want."
"Let me see those eyes."
"Please kiss me."
"Use your words honey"
"Tell me what you want It"
"Louder, I want to hear you"
"Does that feel good?"
"Say my name."
"Show me how much you need me."
"you like it huh?"
"fuck, that's right..."
"good job, baby."
"you're such a good girl/boy huh?"
"you're doing so well baby"
"you look so fucking good."
"kiss me."
"Does it feel good?"
"Is this okay?"
"i won't hurt you."
"| wanna touch you so bad."
"Am I going too fast?"
"Open your mouth for me."
"Don't make me wait."
"|t hurts so good."
"Hold me closer."
"look at me.
"don't be cruel"
"Call me that again."
"Stop teasing me like that and say what you want."
"answer straight to me darling, no mumbling."
"| want your face between my legs."
"i need to come. please, i'l do anything."
"you taste like heaven."
"someone's needy huh?"
"don't you feel like getting on your knees?"
"missed my touch that much, did you?"
"you're so good for me."
"i want to see how pretty you look with your lips around my dick."
"let me take care of you."
"you keep your hands where they are or il tie them up."
"do whatever you want with me, i'm yours."
"your body was made for me:"
"make me feel good."
"do you really think you're in a position to give orders?"
"come in me. i need you to fill me up."
"I can fill you up?"
"let me come in you, please. i want to fill you up."
"you're such a fucking tease."
"show me how much you want me."
"i can't get enough of you."
"how badly do you want me?"
"did i say you could stop?"
"you don't have to be gentle."
"you look so good like this."
"i want you to feel good."
"say you want me, and i'm yours."
"there's so many things i wanna do to you."
"take off your clothes.
"Look at you, look at how you look so dirty"
"Aren't I your good girl/boy?"
"Your man is gonna do whatever you want, just ask me..."
"I can do this for you dear."
"i love you."
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just-antithings · 3 years
Helluva Boss, huh? Name your top favorite interactions so far!
"do you honestly ever shut up about millie?? it's always oh, how's millie? i can't tonight, i'm hanging with millie. i'm so worried about millie! and she's always. FIVE. FUCKING. FEET away from you, it's pathetic."
"........that was... oddly personal."
lives in my mind rent fucking free
honestly ep 6 is just my absolute fucking favorite theres so much gold there
the entire interrogation scene. "daddy likey dumby." moxxie's fucking coffee order that, being a starbucks barista at one point, i could follow perfectly. "i'm a VIRgo. >:3" "his fat mom is DEAD!" knife cat blitz with the little blep.
moxxie living out his disney princess and phantom of the opera dreams while blitz is simultaneously having the worst time of his life
its such a funny fucking episode
non funny wise though stolas's "you will be okay" from ep 2 is. so good. soft birb man
and the entire post-ozzie's scene in ep 7. guh. pain
im ngl im just absolutely fucking obsessed with blitz. fucked up little man
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18 notes · View notes
yaesfoxussy · 3 years
Chronicles of the Kitsune Cohort
Currently reading Divina Vulpes
You look a little nervous, little one
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This is just a side rp/simp blog for my main @hutaoscoffinn​
If you want to join the symphony go on ahead, Maestro~
This blog is strictly 18+ so if you are not 18+ or I find out you are not 18+ you WILL be BLOCKED
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♪ ONLINE: I’m online and paying attention to my asks! Actively admining for other rp accounts as well~
♪ OFFINE: I’m not around at all right now. You can still submit anon posts and I’ll still be admining for other accounts but I’m bust right now. I’ll be replying later~
♪ SEMIAROUND: I’m responding when I can but right now I also have things to do. Don’t expect fast responses because I’m in class, eating, working on a project, ect. During this time I’ll be more focused on responding to my own inbox rather than actively admining for other blogs~
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♪ SOFT: I’m in soft hours and I just need some affection and love. Lots of cuddles, soft kisses, words of affirmation. Could also mean I’m upset from something, either way just overall needing gentle times and vulnerability~
♪ NEEDY: I want some attention either sexually or for some other reason. I could be upset, happy, ect. Overall depends but just know I’m needing some attention~
♪ SMUTTY: horny hours hello. Welcome to smut hours and I’ll probably be shifting active rps that are okay with smut towards something smuttier. If you dont want to do anything smutty though let me know~
Note: most feelings will be paired with another one. For example, fluffy horny would basically mean I want soft smutty hours. Upset needy would mean I feel upset/anxious and need some attention and affirmation. You do not have to shift the rp especially if something is already happening in a certain way but if you want to, you can <3
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All roleplays will be tagged in y.rp along with the character
Tags below are old tags, new tags will be #y.general #y.rp #y.dazai ect
ex) #mymaestro #mymaestro.dazai <- old tags
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I hope you will find this story to your liking, well, more like to mine
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14 notes · View notes
daydream: closer
[note] i have no idea why i wanted to do this ^~^ but i decided to write down the nice daydreams i have cause some of them are so amazin. maybe even good enough to be fics but i dont have the want to continue them and stress over bringing out more than what made me happy... i am smiling so much after this, im in love with it, please listen to the song if you'd like, i just discovered it and it's beautiful.
[song] OoOo(오넷) - CLOSER (feat. hihat83) [prod.정건호]
i stood in the hallway, my name dripping quietly out of his lips. that boy that didn't talk much. with curious, dark hair, and eyes that seemed to say everything to whoever dared to gaze into them, he stood before me then.
i raised my eyes, meeting his. in a place surrounded with people, he asked "will you go to the dance with me?"
longing for answers and wide eyes. time stilled for what seemed like minutes, even hours. pokes and whispers of delight from my friends, the words slipping out of my mouth before i could realize:
"yes... i will"
he turned, the corner of his smile stamped into my head. i reached over with light fingers, placing them over my heart. it was beating fast. unknown feelings and warm cheeks.
in front of a mirror, with few friends. looking at myself, in a long dress. out of what seemed like changing into the 50th dress, this was perfect. my favorite color, comfortable.
a smile on myself, looking at myself differently. what is this feeling?
wrapped in what hugged me perfectly. dark hues of green and light touch ups. i step into the room, eyes wandering around. people and lights turned low. laughs and warmth. i smiled.
a tap on my shoulder. it was him.
skin ablaze and stomach occupied with the flutter of butterflies. i glanced at my friends, earning approving sounds.
dressed in a clean suit, the ravenous hair same as before. thoughts of intertwining my fingers into his locks roamed my mind. i shook them out. what was i thinking...
he reached out. somehow, he seemed nervous too. a song played overhead. it was slow now, calm whispers and looks of love around the room. a hand held out for me.
our eyes met, an arrow the size of a needle seemed to pierce my heart. his smile... it was beautiful. i could remember him that way forever.
i took it. our hands finding their places, instinctively. neither of us seemed to know how to dance.
we didn't need to. we moved. my heart felt moved by the the light that shined in his eyes as he looked into mine. should i be feeling... no. he was close.
i had my head close to his chest, the music taking over me. he was tense. my hands made light circles on his shoulders, telling him it was okay. moments captured and blushes.
"do you want to.. go eat somewhere?"
it was late. close to 10 pm, what could possibly be open? but i agreed. he made me feel so... at ease.
i took his hand, blowing a kiss to my group, who were busy anyways. he led me out slowly, the walk there sending sparks flying from our clasped hands.
walking into a place flooded with lights. adjusting our eyes and setting our food down. bunching my dress and taking a seat. it all happened fast, and we laughed.
no one but us there. almost time to close, our conversation stretching for what felt like hours. he asked for my hand again, bending his head. his lips touched the back of my hand.
i felt...beautiful.
he made me see differently. is this feeling... love? for myself. but
for him, too.
[tagging] @softbobamilktae 🥺
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cloudyfm · 4 years
✆ @ ♀ “” (eli & seb) ⁇ ø ♀ (eli & orion) ✘ (lil and kai)
send “✆” for a MORNING text.
elijah: can u wake up i want to slap ur ass good morning for luck
send “@” for a SCARED text.
elijah: please call me i think i fucked up .... .. dude i literally fucked it with beryl i dont know what the fuck to do 
send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
elijah: i just called my parents and it went to voicemail lmao are you going to be home soon i want to smoke
send “” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
elijah: i miss you ... ik youre in dubai with annie and i hope ur having a fucking amazing time, im happy for you guys. idk i just it feels weird without u ?? like im missing a limb or something ??? idk what im saying im going to bed ig goodnight
send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
elijah: BOOOOOOOOOO it’s late ))))): but clal me abou t last night. please i wanna talk 2 u ....,.. i cnat stop thinking abt u
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
elijah: i know its 4am but ive been thinking and i need ur opinion ?? ok anyways do you think worms on a string have feelings yes or yes
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
elijah: im sorry orion, for everything im so fucking sorry. i know i said this all to you already but i literally just am going to keep saying it until i know you believe me. i mean u said you did but its not enough. ive felt like what it was like to have you back and im not losing that again
send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
lilia: god youre suck a fucking joke. literally can u not tell that half of this group thinks of you as one? grow up before you pick fights with me no reason, maybe then ill give you my time.
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fourrarri · 4 years
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@themechaneer​ : ✉, ⁇, ✿, ø, &, %,ツ,♀-sends the whole list almost- ._. 💞 ( deleted, drunk, suggestive, late night, loving, curious, excited, heartbreaking )
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          💸 ║ ❛   —————  6.30am.  A day like THIS rarely exists, but today Lance is gonna get killed by his own boredom, he already knows it. No appointments, no jobs, no nothing. But what is he supposed to do that early in the morning ? Turning around in his bed, he grabs his phone to get up to date on social media. A boring STRATEGY. Jumping from one app to another eventually causes him to look through his contacts, the first name immediately catching his attention is JOEL. Without hesitation he starts typing.
[ 📲 → banana joel ] —— hey u busy? u wanna do something today?
          Before he hits send though, Lance stares at the message for a moment. Being the typical OVERTHINKER he is, he has a lot of things on his mind as he looks at the way he’s texting. That’s a little needy, way too early to send something like this. It’s gonna make me look desperate. So instead of hitting send,  —DELETE IT. He should get a clear head before doing something ridiculous like that. So Lance throws his phone to the other side of the bed, gets up and heads straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
          2.40pm.  Boredom eventually got the best of Lance. He has done his daily meditation, his yoga session and even WORKED OUT a bit. The least he deserved was a drink, just to cool down a bit. One drink lead to another though. So while most people are currently on their lunch break, Lance is lying by the pool, drunk like a teenager on their first house party. And as he’s just lying there it starts to feel like his surroundings are circling around him. God damnit. His hand grabs his phone, holding it closer than usual to his eyes so he can actually see what’s on the screen. Again, the only name that seems to pop up is JOEL. Why not.
[ 📲 → banana joel ] —— i litraly have nothin to do right now u busy? [ 📲 → banana joel ] —— repsond amorrrrrr me siento caliente😒 [ 📲 → banana joel ] —— i know u know what tthat mean 🔥💖
          Does it work the way he wants ? Of course not. Joel does not respond in seconds like he imagined. A sigh escapes his mouth as he puts his phone away again. His eyes start to get heavier anyways. Maybe he should just sleep a little...
          11.50pm.  Since Lance decided to take a 4 hours nap earlier while sobering up, he is taking the consequences now. His mind is wide awake and his legs got a light sunburn, hence why he’s standing in front of the large window with just a shirt and his briefs. And of course a glass of GIN in his hand. Today wasn’t really productive and he feels the regrets right now. As he steps away from the window he gets to the couch to sit down. His phone has been strangely quiet ALL DAY. When he reaches out to grab it and unlock it, this one name pops up once again; JOEL. Lance sees these thirsty messages he sent in his drunk state, yet there’s no feeling like embarrassment. He’s used to his own bad behavior by now. Still, since Joel hasn’t responded to it he feels like he should at least write something, just to make sure he didn’t scare him off for good with that.
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[ 📲 → banana joel ] —— ey it’s pretty late i know but i got kinda fucked up today so don’t take anything above serious. u should know me by now. i mean do take it serious but u know i think u pretty hot but i dont want u to think i see u as a fling or anything. i do like u and i like spending time with u even when i dont spread my legs u know. idk does that even make sense?  [ 📲 → banana joel ] —— ur not ignoring me right? look i know i speak weird when i dont know what to say but u geting my point right??? [ 📲 → banana joel ] —— i mean u could come over tomorrow morning and we can spend some time together. have breakfast? jump into the pool?? 
          1.15am. His excitement can get a little too much sometimes and his sense of time gets a little lost when he’s got rough days like this. Usually he is well aware of the fact that not everyone’s a NIGHT OWL like him. But the fact that Joel is not responding puts his mind on a roller coaster. The TV he turned on for a little distraction doesn’t help at all. Lance feels stupid for the way he acted, not only towards Joel but in general. Reading over the texts he sent again, he notices how he basically presents a VULNERABLE spot for Joel to hit. This thing can’t stay this way.
[ 📲 → banana joel ] —— u know what i take it all back. u think its cool to act all beyond reach and shit but its not. i aint some kind of hoe u can ignore all day [ 📲 → banana joel ] —— fuck u and ur high and mighty ass. dont think u can call me again
          He hesitates for a moment before he eventually throws his phone over the couch and directly on the floor. By all the breaking noise it’s pretty clear to him that it did NOT survive this. Well fuck. Is this an overreaction ? Most definitely. He gets up from the couch to pick up the pieces of his phone that are scattered on the floor. 
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          ❝  Carajo, idiota...   ❞
TEXTING  MEME  || accepting.
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sharkeysnight · 4 years
all the unusual music asks ! 👀
bless your heart kaya. heres all the ones i havent done yet
☮ When was the last time you went to a concert? Which one was it?
my last concert was when i went to see adrian belew last april!
☠ Do you play a musical instrument? What instrument?
i primarily play bass, although i can also play guitar reasonably decently
☯ How many CDs do you own? From which artist do you have the most CDs?
i dont own any cds! i do own two cassettes though. one is so red the rose by arcadia, which i bought when i was so out of it that i didn’t remember that i don’t own a cassette player. the other is young lions by adrian belew, which i bought out of sheer hysterical excitement at seeing it for SALE in PUBLIC for a DOLLAR 
✖ What do your parents think about the music you listen to? 
my mom mostly likes the stuff i listen to, or at least tolerates it. although i was in my room very cheerfully yelling along to king crimson neurotica a few months ago and she passed by and was like. what are you SAYING what kind of MUSIC is THAT and it was very funny
☢ Do you still buy CDs? Which was the last CD you bought? 
no cds! but the last record i bought was peter gabriel plays live
☤ Do you most pay attention to the melody or the lyrics? 
i pay attention to the melody, and then to the way the words sound and feel in my mouth. i absorb lyrics like a sponge & can sing every word to so so many songs without any real effort, but a lot of the time the actual meaning of the words goes right over my head unless i actively pay attention to it on purpose
♫ Name your top 3 albums from your favorite band/artist. i have 3 fave bands that are tied in my affections, so here’s my top 3 albums from each of them!
queen: 1) queen ii, 2) hot space, 3) jazz
punch brothers: 1) the phosphorescent blues, 2) who’s feeling young now?, 3) ahoy! ((i know ahoy is an ep but i love it SO dearly)
the used: 1) shallow believer, 2) vulnerable, 3) artwork, with a special shoutout to heartwork because it really should be somewhere on this list on account of i adore it
✞ Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music? 
yes! but it depends on what music and what other things
◔  Put your mp3/ipod on shuffle and name the first 5 songs you stumble upon.
on the silent wings of freedom - yes
the blood - the cure
after hours - the velvet underground
we’re going wrong - cream
turn it off - paramore
ϟ  Do you sing in the shower?
yes! very excitedly and passionately! although i think i’m going to have to stop bc in my new apartment the bathroom is right near my roommates’ room and i dont want to bother her :(
ø  If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?
im desperate to know how to play the marimba. i think its absolutely the worlds stimmiest instrument. the SOUND! the RESONANCE! the slight vibration when you tap the mallet onto the wood and then it bounces back up again! its absolutely amazing. if i had the money and space for a marimba i would instantly evolve into an ideal version of myself. also i think it would be cool to know how to play the tuba but im slightly less passionate about that
☺ What do you think the world would be like without music?
i think the world would be entirely unbearable, actually. not to be melodramatic but i genuinely don’t think i would be able to exist in a world without music
✦ What musicians did you like 5 years ago? 10 years ago?
five years ago i was super into the band, t. rex, and my chemical romance, and i was just getting into talking heads. ten years ago i was into owl city, avenged sevenfold, and rihanna
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uiruu · 5 years
long post with phonology stuff dont read if you arent interested lol
hey so i have a conlang, and i wanna borrow loanwords from korean, but i’m having trouble deciding which vowel phonemes i should use to represent certain korean vowels. 
here is the korean vowel inventory: /i e̞ a o u ʌ̹ ɯ/ (with some speakers having a length distinction in initial syllables, and many if not most young speakers having no such distinction) (im not counting ø and y because theyve turned into we and ɥi for most modern speakers, and im not treating e and ɛ as distinct, cause again, they arent for most speakers)
here is my conlang’s vowel inventory: /i e a o u ə~ɘ/, as well as long versions of each. the long version of /ə~ɘ/ is /ɨ:/, though the rest of the long/short pairs have the same vowel quality. in the fictional history of my conlang, the original vowel was /ɨ/, and the short version has lowered to somewhere around /ə/ or /ɘ/. short /i/ and /u/ might also be lowering, but in the language’s fictional history, the lowering of /ɨ/ occurred first, and that’s the state that the language is in right now. 
so.... some of these are easy, right? /a/ for /a/, /e/ for /e/, /o/ for /o/, etc. the problem lies in the korean vowels /ʌ̹/ and /ɯ/. now, if i want to keep these vowels distinct from others as they are in korean, i could represent /ʌ̹/ with /ə~ɘ/, and /ɯ/ with /ɨ:/, since they have similar vowel qualities. but... the problem is... often my /ə~ɘ/ vowel is more like /ɘ/ and just sounds better that way to me, which is noticeably higher than /ʌ̹/, and doesnt feel like a perfect match. and i dont want to lower that vowel to a /ə/ in every situation just because i wanna capture the sounds of korean lol, just for a couple loanwords and proper names.... the other problem is that /ɨ:/ is inherently always long, and /ɯ/ isn’t. i’ve been toying with the idea of getting rid of phonemic vowel length and having long vowels have different vowel qualities from their short counterparts so they arent just merged, but historically long vowels would still affect the stress of a word in my language. so, a korean name like /t͡ɕinsʰoɭ/ would be /t͡sinsol/, and inflecting that name for the genitive case would result in /ˈt͡sinsolen/, but a name like /hasʰɯɭ/ would be /hasɨ:l/ and thus /haˈsɨ:len/, with the stress on the penultimate long vowel. that’s not a huge deal, but it just doesnt sound right to me, i dont like that lol.
another option is to just merge the two vowels into the short /ɘ/, which is fair, but.... sigh.... when it comes to things like this, i want to be as perfect as possible, and something about this solution just rubs me the wrong way. same with treating /ɯ/ as /ɘ/ and /ʌ̹/ as /o/, i don’t like that solution. this feels like something i should just get over though... it’s okay if i dont have a perfect one-to-one representation for all of another languages phonemes... sometimes i’m just gonna have to merge them. i hate doing it, but it works, and it’s not like it can’t lead to other interesting alterations and such... idk... 
i think i’m leaning towards treating them both as /ɘ/, unless an instance of /ɯ/ is word initial, in which case it could be /ɨ:/, but i’m not sure.
i’ve made other decisions to preserve the korean sound as much as possible already though, like for instance using /t͡s/ for /t͡ɕ/ even though i have /t͡ʃ/ in my language... partially because i’ve actually started to want to pronounce /t͡ʃ/ as /ʈ͡ʂ/, and palatalize /t͡si/ and possibly /ki/ into /t͡ɕi/ anyway, so using /t͡s/ to represent /t͡ɕ/ makes more sense to me than using /ʈ͡ʂ/. the problem is when it’s not korean /t͡ɕi/, but rather something like /t͡ɕu/.... do i go with /t͡su/ or /t͡sju/? on the one hand, /t͡sju/ could turn into /t͡ɕu/ if it palatalizes, but on the other hand, that’s not how languages ever borrow words haha, they borrow based on the sounds that are closest at the time of borrowing, and then sounds may change further afterwards, causing the original and borrowed versions of the word to deviate. i’m undecided on this, cause /t͡ɕ/ could be reasonably borrowed as /t͡s/, /t͡sj/, or /t͡ʃ~ʈ͡ʂ/ even without the idea that the language could have its own /t͡ɕ/ one day. 
i have merged things in some areas though, when it’s unavoidable. merging the two /e/s is fine, korean does that anyway most of the time. i’m not sure if i should treat the fortis consonants as geminates, but i cant have geminates word initially in my language anyway, and i dont distinguish between aspirated and unaspirated, so all three serieses of korean obstruents are merged word-initially. 가, 카, and 까 would all be /ka/ in my language. 아가, 아카, and 아까 might differ though, being /aga/, /aka/, and either /aka/ or /ak:a/. i’m not gonna create aspiration in my language or fortis stops just in order to romanize/conlang-ize korean words haha. this isn’t a conlang based on korean, i’m just trying to figure out how to do loanwords and proper nouns. 
any thoughts or opinions or feedback from phonology people who do conlangs and know about korean? phonology is my main area of interest in linguistics, and much of the reason i even have a conlang is for it to a playground for me to experiment with different ideas i have for sound changes and things like that. so yeah, i’m trying to figure out what i want to do about this instead of just going “eh, whatever”, because this is the interesting part to me haha. 
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calebarchived · 4 years
✆ ✉ ☎ ⁇ ✿ ø ✘ # @ & % ツ $ ♀ fr all of my muses :) (pick n choose who gets what)
a text that wasn’t sent ( viktor ) 
caleb [ 3:31 am ]  feeling: horny! boing! is it bad to ask if that door is still open?? the back one??
a drunk text ( saige ) 
caleb [ 2:45 am ]  illl level with you i have no idea where i am
caleb [ 2:46 am ]  r u sbusy am i interuppting anything can u come pick me up
caleb [ 2:47 am ]  it’s ocdl and im sad.
a suggestive text ( viktor ) 
caleb [ 4:21 am ]  feeling: horny! boing! is it bad to ask if that door is still open?? the back one?? 
a random text ( cain ) 
caleb [ 7:12 pm ]  if you’re interested at all i just reupped. first time since being back and it feels so good x 
a scared text ( viktor ) 
caleb [ 5:13 am ]  i think keeping any of this up is really going to get me into deep shit 
caleb [ 5:14 am ]  and i still feel like youre only doing this to get back at elias 
caleb [ 5:15 am ]  i really dont want to be a pawn n the game or whatever 
an excited text ( philly ) 
caleb [ 2:11 pm ]  you need to come back to the motel right this fucking instant 
caleb [ 2:12 pm ]  there’s a guy staying here from that reptile show on tv and he’s going to let us touch the lizards!!!!!! im stoked!!!!! 
a heartbreaking text ( saige )
caleb [ 2:43 am ]  i miss her so much i cant sleep i think im fucking sick 
caleb [ 2:44 am ]  remember that time you came over and she thought you were my girlfriend and she made us lasagna? thats my favorite meal, her lasagna 
caleb [ 2:45 am ]  and i’ll never get to taste it again and thats fucked. that’s so fucked. i could kill him
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clownpool · 5 years
*whispers all the kyjae texts thanks 😈*
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 06:46: gm
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 06:47: i woke up eoarly ot text you good morning since i know you wake up around this timev. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 06:47: but now i’m going bacik to sleep because bi ccan’t be awake this early. so gm and gn. 🙂
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 19:50: The reason why I haven’t told you about our kiss is because I keep thinking like what if it didn’t mean anything to you and thats why you havent remembered it. and if thats the case, I dont want to remember it either because that hurts... but I also know that something traumatic happened to you so I dont want to flood you with more concerns because thats not cool and also theres the fact that if I tell you then that means we both realize we actually like each other and that is scary because your my favorite person in the world and I dont know how i’ll be able to handle that news i may just die of happiness
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 17:05: I can’t explain, but if you’re there, you have to leave HQ. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 17:05: NOW.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 17:06: Something bad is gonna happen, and you can’t be there. Just trust me.
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 22:36: you ever think about how cute oyu actuaally are? like do you ever sit and tahink about it because xi do. not with me i onxly think aobout you.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 22:36: y
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 22:37: uo kneow? asol i'm sorroy ii electrocute you somet.smie.. i just get excited ahnd i can't help it.i apctually kind of liek it a lot.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 22:37: i laso think you aer gprcnie charming. yare you prince charming
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:45: I just told Nemo that DND night is cancelled. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:45: Andres already knows, so you gotta tell Gabs and Bry and we’re all set.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:47: Since your Mom has that date tonight... I figured we could hang out in the astral plane or on the actual plane... 🤔
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:48: Only if you think we’re finally ready 🙂
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 00:28: My dads not mad by the way he was just very suspicious.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 00:28: and made me sit down with him and talk about awkward things again. I was directed to the fish bowl again too.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 00:30: also we’ve gotta keep the door open now-- not just five inches.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 00:31: when he said that I short circuited a little 😬
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 12:31: Sometimes there’s not answer for things Ren. Life isn’t always pie graphs and charts and you can’t always plan for things to go your way. it’s not like that! you can’t sit there and try to analyze everything and you can’t just put me in a box of situations that you’ve previously handled
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 12:32: You can’t fix something that isn’t broke. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 12:33: There isn’t anything wrong with me or you, we’re fine. and I’m not avoiding you, so stop overthinking it. can’t you just forget it and stop being weird already because it’s not me.  
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 11:51: ayYYYYYY lmao
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 11:51: [Image attached]
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 11:53: Do you like my new alien face?  
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “@” for a SCARED text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 23:41: I know it’s late, but I don’t have anywhere else to go.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 23:41: I just found out my entire family has been lying to me this whole entire time. And I have a sister? And my dad left her behind...?! and Scout knew and Judith knew... maybe even Edie knew? I don’t know...
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 23:42: Can I just come over? You’re the only person who feels like home right now.
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “&” for a LOVING text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:02:  hey boy, with that face, you must have +10 Charisma 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:02: are you a bard?
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:02: cuz you're plucking at my heartstrings.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:04: Ren give it up, you can’t win. I hold the title for the best DND pick up lines, and you hold the title for actual thief of my heart. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:05: Ever been with a rogue...?
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:05: We like to do it...
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:05: from behind.  😆 🤣 😂 🤫
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 13:06: but also, no really, you pluck my heartstrings right of my chest. 
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 20:05: Since our bodies don’t really exist in the astral plane...
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 20:06: Like it’s just our souls it doesn’t really count until we actually... 🙃
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 20:06: –do you catch my drift?
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 08:16: Guess who has the car today because Scout’s off in another timeline again? 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 08:17: This guy!
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 08:17:  [Image attached]
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 08:18: So... chicken nuggets in the car for lunch? 🤔
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 14:20: Ya... that’s really nasty Scout. I don’t know how those crumbs got there...
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 14:21: Maybe you should ask Nemo for some cleaning supplies to clean up Dad’s mess.
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 14:21: I agree, we shouldn’t be eating in the car anymore...
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 15:00: Ren, I was obviously lying to get her to stop asking me about it. I’m sorry hahahahahah.
–––––– KYLE ; ( @Renjae ): Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text. 
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 19:34: You’re right. I lied, because I didn’t think you could handle the truth and because I knew you would judge me either way. you want everything perfect in your stupid perfect life. your dad wasn’t perfect so you kicked him out, nemo didn’t perfectly fit in either so you pushed him away, and now i’m not fitting in either because i’m a liar?
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 19:35: I know I’m not perfect, I was stupid to try and be that guy for you
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 19:35: I just hoped that maybe you would try and understand. –I don’t like being the bad guy. I don’t like hurting people, but I have to.
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pluvicor · 5 years
all the texts, ILY
“✆” for a MORNING text
[Text > Simon] hey simon, good morning 😇[Text > Simon] can i borrow your waffle iron? mine has just gone to sh*t and ive already made too much batter
“✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT
[Text > Simon] youre doing it for unrelated reasons, i feel foolish asking this of you[Text > Simon] but when have i not been a fool?[Text > Simon] i just wanted you to promise youre offering them protection without any ulterior motives[Text > Simon] i want to... believe in you, hear your voice saying it. can you do it for me this one time? can you promise me?
“☎” for a RUSHED text.
[Text > Simon] whats the psychic types weakness? this is time sensitive[Text > Simon] nvm i lost 😞
“⁇” for a DRUNK text
[Text > Simon] listen[Text > Simon] theres DEFINETLY a lame type of pride in being the.only.one still dressed after a full night of strip poler
“✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text
[Text > Simon] what kind of things are you into?
“ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[Text > Simon] do you ever look back to some event in your life and think: so thats foreshadowing. bc i do it. a lot. in fact my life is so full of foreshadowing that i might as well be living in the dark
“✘” for a HATEFUL text
[Text > Simon] you know what? you know why youre considerably WORSE than he is? you pretend youre out there with whats best for others in mind when in fact you want to fulfill your own agenda, stroke your own ego like thatll fill the hollow space in your chest. in fact, you dont care about anyone but yourself. youre dissimulated and cruel
[Text > Simon] if im going to live forever i WILL live to see the day youre both buried in the same fucking grave. go choke
“#” for a RANDOM text
[Text > Simon] any anime recs?
“@” for a SCARED text.
[Text > Simon] i can hear howling its so close simon i can hear but i cant see[Text > Simon] i cant SEE anything its driving me crazy call them back call them back please
“&” for a LOVING text
[Text > Simon] i was thinking about the type of relationship we have currently and... thank you for that
“%” for a CURIOUS text
[Text > Simon] do demons pay taxes? you should
“ツ” for an EXCITED text
[Text > Simon] samara said my name for the first time! she butchered the hell out of it but i dont mind it bc shes two and she finally knows my name! 😭😭😭
“$” for an ACCIDENTAL text
[Text > Simon] cara vc sabe onde posso comprar flores comestíveis por aqui? é pra hoje se possível[Text > Simon] oh sorry simon! wrong person
“♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text
[Text > Simon] im just dead weight at this point arent i? i could not be here and it wouldnt make a difference. like a ghost. have i already died and nobody had the guts to tell me?
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edenial · 6 years
I've fallen behind... what the heck is going in with twenty one pilots?? Did something new happen? I know about the tower and basically all about the first update whenever that happened, can't remember, but I know nothing about the newest stuff
okay you need to catch up on a lot, let me tell you and link you everthing you need to know
so, first thing you need to know is that the eye closed in 7 pictures, and that in each update there is something corallating to the lyrics in those pictures.
we have now had 6 updates. the pictures of the eye closing were published on the 6th of july last year, and since music releases by fueled by ramen tend to be on fridays (and would you look at that this friday is the 6th of july what a coincidence right) i just went ahead and assumed that we’re gonna get the seventh update this friday.
the first was finding the site : you’ll have to come and find me
the second was the clancy letter “you’re still sleeping” : my pretty sleeper
the third was a cheetah gif: the eye pic was a slowtown lyric, and the song also has the lyrics “we’re going too fast” i mean you see where im going with this
the forth clue was the title of the photo of 21 men “not my only friend”: the lyrics were from truce
the fifth one was the gif of a vulture (not actually blinking): nobody dreams when they blink
the sixth is associated with the first sentence in clancys double-sided poem “a lifeless light surrounds us each night” : remember the morning is when night it dead
the seventh being and now i just sit in silence, i assume silence is gonna be the name for a single or the album itself because of the reasons i wrote on my post.
I’m gonna put the keep reading thing here because this post will be a bitch to scroll past. so many things to talk about, so buckle tf up.
so yeah, this is the basic structure of these hints and updates. between these main hints we got a lot of cryptic clues, huge dog-bones and reward-treats.
you already know about the first clue which was finding the site.
after that we got an update on the site with the letter from clancy. some words had letters that were missing, which spelled out “you’re still sleeping”, hence the my pretty sleeper lyric. this basically means the eyes still closed i guess, no biggie.
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the third was this wonderful cheetah gif code-named 3lurr
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people have found that in 2012 the TOP twitter posted this:
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so obviously the cheetah has a meaning here. as people tried to find out what this gif was about they also figured out where its from. It’s from a movie called “Duma”. Yeah, Duma, like Dema. mind. blown. i know.  and it’s about this boy that finds a baby cheetah. Turns out Duma is also a Russian council set up by Nicholas II. (*ahem* Nico). Isn’t it amazing when things fit in like a pre-planned puzzle?
names are very central here since you probably know the 9 names in the middle of the dema map from the first update. the next person we’ll talk about is andré weil.
André Weil is the guy cropped out of the photo of the little kid. He’s a french  mathematician. He basically invented the Ø with 9 people. 9 bishops, 9 circles, 9 mathematicians.. you see what I’m digging into here? Also, the null sign (null means Zero) means absence, empty (aka silence? no?)
P.S: this dude also claimed that he “mathematically proved that God is real”. and as if all of this was planned for years, he worked on the concept of uniform space (SILENCE GIVES YOU SPACE) and stuff with a dude named Nicholas Bourbaki. yep, another Nico.
Something about this guy named Nico, (which then turned out to also be in a song title: Nico and the Niners - remember those 9 guys i just mentioned?) keeps appearing everywhere. In the cheetah gif 3lurr we talked about there have been letters literally moving too fast. when someone slowed it down they found it said “You still don’t know his name do you?” and “Nico Nico” (Nicholas II. remember?). Idk what other people think but i think this might be about the narrator of this album (clancy) and his adversary (nico) maybe? Like tyler and blurry where Nico is our winner and Clancy the dying man? Or maybe Nico is the leader of the nine and Clancy is an ally? not enough hints to understand it yet, at least for me. maybe Clancy is not his only friend? idk
Quick side-note: Nico (Niko) means victory of the people, basically a war hero in greek. Thats very interesting isn’t it. I thought so too.
The other song title leaked is Jumpsuit. Nico and The Niners and Jumpsuit were both found on the PPL Repertoire List, which lists all copyrighted songs for artists. (It’s been removed now, probably to protect song leaks.) The new Panic! at the Disco song titles had also been on here i think abt 2 weeks before the Say Amen video got posted. So in our case it would mean that we get a new Single around the 13th of July. Since they are both Fueled by Ramen bands, it could be that they have this protocol with every single they release.
Then we got 2 major updates, major because we finally literally heard from Tyler.
The thing is now it seems we are going back to where it all started, to the play, the war in it, 1939 (also the number of likes on their twitter, just saying). in the site dmaorg.info we now have a new picture of 21 people (who look a lot like those textbook soldiers looking over graves in the trenches that you see in WW2 might i add) in the same position the vultures are. it really feels like this is gonna be a going back to the origins, to the slow and deep self-titled times. to remember where the name came from, and to honor it. there are so many nodds to the play its impossible not to think about self-titled.
i saw an interview where tyler said he wanted to focus more on lyrics and make something less fun and dancey, and more like the self-titled album. with much better production of course. maybe thats why i have all of this in my mind.
Now, since we know that even image names are important clues, and that the photo has the title“__n_ot_myo_nly_fri_en d” under it, we took the image name of this photo of 21 men and entered it into the website just like we did with the violation code. and jackpot. bulls-eye. it led to a video. it doesn’t sound like anything remotely transcribable. i know. so, of course, it needs to be sped up and reversed.
some people heard “we are perdidos” which means “we are lost”, but in a minute you’ll see why this is not the case.
PS: the code, 2018_514_3_8 also spells out TRENCH which ties in with the whole war theme that I mentioned above.
next two updates are the vulture gif (named i as in eye -  look at it not blinking)
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and the second clancy letter (named reverse in reverse i mean come on)
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clancy’s letter is scarily depressing and sad. but more importantly it starts with the line “a lifeless light surrounds us each night”. like the sixth clue suggests, ‘remember the morning is when night is dead.’ dead light, and dead night.
if you obey tyler and reverse the letter sentence by sentence, it still makes absolute sense and changes its meaning. and its kinda insane that they actually did this.
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Another thing we got was this image with just a yellow strip and some numbers.
If you put that yellow strip over the double-sided poem you get the words “we are banditos”, portuguese for ‘we are bandits’. now the reverse message actually makes some fucking sense because its exactly what tyler said. told you you’d get it in a minute.
the numbers create 2018_514_3_8, meaning tylers message was in fact this sentence.
the sixth being lyrics from message man, i have a feeling clancy is the message man. the message man being the messanger between dema and the people outside? and nico is maybe a name for silence? the nine bishops maybe being 9 helpers of blurry and silence being an ally for blurry? blurry being dema? i really have no idea i really dont know.
this is it as far as i remember. i hope you are fully uodated now. welcome back to hiatus hell!
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trickarrowd-a-blog · 6 years
all texts obviously
text meme :  no longer accepting   /   @goodnessfilled
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: ayyyyy[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: wake uppppp[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: bruh[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: oh cool your dad let me in[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: he said youre still sleeping[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: lame[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: babe[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: baaaabe[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: baaaaaaaabe[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: ugh[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: at least vegas loves me
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i should have never come to this town [ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i swear to god death fucking follows me wherever i go
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: arch u need to lock ur doors and stay tf inside [ txt: justin gingerlake ]: sp is on his way to your house and he wants to kick your ass[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: jfc wtf were you thinking?[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: a gun? are you fucking serious?
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK HIGH text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: I AM THE ACID KING!!!
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: you ever tried shotgunning?[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i could teach you if you want 
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i miss home so bad right now[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: not california[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i miss the desert[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i miss my mom and dad[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i dont feel like i ever really got the chance to
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: im not your answer and you sure as fuck arent mine
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: for the record[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: im way smarter than that doiley kid[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: plus i could kick his ass
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: can i spend the night at your house?[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i dont want to be home alone right now…
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: youre so much smarter than you give yourself credit for dude[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: and ill help you study for you sats if youre worried[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: but youre gonna kill it man
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: couples halloween costumes y/n?
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: catch me in the front row with my hand printed “archie andrews fan club” shirt
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[ txt: toni the tiger ]: how the fuck did this happen?[ txt: toni the tiger ]: fuck[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: i think i’m actually in love with him what the fuck am i supposed to do?
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text. 
[ txt: justin gingerlake ]: Archie? This is Connor, Roy’s older brother,  you’re his boyfriend right? Roy tried to kill himself last night and he’s in the hospital right now. Everything is handled, but if you could keep it a secret and just tell people that things are alright for the time being that would be great, thanks. 
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wwickedspirits · 6 years
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
you think you knoww me but you dont you dont knoww any of wwhat im about an youre no better than i am goin after the same people wwho treat you like shit all the time
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
i really need to stop drinkin ivve just been under all this stress an i dunno wwhat the fucks goin on noww 
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
do you evver get the feeling youre bein wwatched but maybe its just by your future self an youre wwatching your memories 
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
i really might care about you
i havve the potential to care about you  
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
wwhys your url vvillain you dont seem that vvillainous 
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
sorry that wwas a cat 
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text. 
maybe i dont really care about you 
you might havve fucked up those chances
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