#i split them up half and half so they could each b really good ik its cheating
calebarchived · 4 years
✆ ✉ ☎ ⁇ ✿ ø ✘ # @ & % ツ $ ♀ fr all of my muses :) (pick n choose who gets what)
a text that wasn’t sent ( viktor ) 
caleb [ 3:31 am ]  feeling: horny! boing! is it bad to ask if that door is still open?? the back one??
a drunk text ( saige ) 
caleb [ 2:45 am ]  illl level with you i have no idea where i am
caleb [ 2:46 am ]  r u sbusy am i interuppting anything can u come pick me up
caleb [ 2:47 am ]  it’s ocdl and im sad.
a suggestive text ( viktor ) 
caleb [ 4:21 am ]  feeling: horny! boing! is it bad to ask if that door is still open?? the back one?? 
a random text ( cain ) 
caleb [ 7:12 pm ]  if you’re interested at all i just reupped. first time since being back and it feels so good x 
a scared text ( viktor ) 
caleb [ 5:13 am ]  i think keeping any of this up is really going to get me into deep shit 
caleb [ 5:14 am ]  and i still feel like youre only doing this to get back at elias 
caleb [ 5:15 am ]  i really dont want to be a pawn n the game or whatever 
an excited text ( philly ) 
caleb [ 2:11 pm ]  you need to come back to the motel right this fucking instant 
caleb [ 2:12 pm ]  there’s a guy staying here from that reptile show on tv and he’s going to let us touch the lizards!!!!!! im stoked!!!!! 
a heartbreaking text ( saige )
caleb [ 2:43 am ]  i miss her so much i cant sleep i think im fucking sick 
caleb [ 2:44 am ]  remember that time you came over and she thought you were my girlfriend and she made us lasagna? thats my favorite meal, her lasagna 
caleb [ 2:45 am ]  and i’ll never get to taste it again and thats fucked. that’s so fucked. i could kill him
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Also i remember that you did an essay on nextgen relationship to witchcraft ??
i would like an mini essay on how each next gen tap to their other half (whitelighter and cupid) ?🥰
[this is where i’d put the link to the next gen’s relationship to witchcraft IF I COULD FIND IT] rip lmao but yeah!! bc basically everyone in the next gen is a halfling so i feel like there’s really like A Lot here like witchlighters are already just like hella rare and then pj parker and peyton are very possibly the first cupitches to exist ever y’know what i bet i can find? my mini essay on cupids & whitelighters yeah boi so i think the primary distinction between whitelighters and cupids comes down to like. head vs heart. and i know whitelighters are like innately good people who want to help others through good deeds blah blah blah but there is an inherent Logic to the process. whereas cupids are just a lot more fuck around/find out. it’s the same thing with orbing vs. beaming orbing you think of a place and you’re there beaming you feel a place. if pj and melinda were to swap bodies neither of them would be able to teleport. so i think the way that they were raised/trained also impacts that a lot so let’s go chronological order and start with wyatt
so, full disclaimer here, i am going off my own writings here as there are some blanks left in canon (i.e. who has what powers) also i made leo a whitelighter again bc like. a) i wanted to b) melinda’s a witchlighter which would be objectively fucking weird if leo was not a whitelighter ik the comics had this whole think about ~latent whitelighter dna~ but like girl what. and then also c) and i’ve talked about paige and motherhood before but i really don’t think paige wants to whitelighter for her kids bc she doesn’t want to be viewed as like,, as business associate to them bc that’s weird it’s one thing for your brother in law to be your whitelighter it’s a whole new can of worms for your mom to be your whitelighter. on top of that paige is still a charmed one and a witch so like. she definitely does not have the time to be the entire halliwell family’s whitelighter. but leo’s right there just give him healing and orbing hell he loves being a whitelighter just reinstate him. like come on. amirite lads? it doesn’t matter if i’m right or not this is my story and i’m sticking 2 it. okay let’s rock n roll
wyatt powers are projection, orbing, orb shield, healing, telekinesis, telekinetic orbing and he is a half split mother’s a witch father’s a whitelighter. i mean i think wyatt was really definitely as like The Witchlighter like at magic school all that like yes paige is a witchlighter but paige did not go to magic school and grow up around a bunch of little witches i think teleportation powers are Insanely Rare for anyone who’s not a halfling so the fact that wyatt can just. orb. he can heal. like this is Insane. but unlike a dency type situation where like these powers are so rare they basically have to be self taught i think there are a good amount of whitelighters at magic school who can teach him how to master his skills there’s also paige and leo so like. he’s pretty much covered. that and the whole whitelighter thing just really does come naturally to him like he was doing all this batshit crazy stuff from the womb like he healed piper from the brink of death at like age two. wyatt’s whitelighter powers are a fuckin breeze. i also think wyatt sort of id’s a little more as a whitelighter than a witch just bc chris is like so witchy wyatt feels like okay i must be more whitelighter by default. like chris will go out demon hunting and wyatt just like. doesn’t really want to do that so wyatt think’s it’s because he’s just more of a whitelighter more of a pacifist by nature. it’s not really it’s more just like chris is fuckin crazy but it doesn’t really matter. i also think that since wyatt is one of the only people with healing when the cousins are in trouble they almost always go to him, which only sort of adds to the Whitelighter element. i also don’t think wyatt has had any charges yet bc like. he’s really young he’s like 22. but i think he definitely will i think that’s something he would want to have. i think the elders also have some slight reservations about giving him charges bc like. very high probability he will fall in love with them.
chris powers are telekinesis, telekinetic orbing, orbing. does not feel very whitelighter at all. i mean for starters, wyatt’s totally Stacked with whitelighter powers that he just seemed to immediately have mastery over chris not so much. and it’s also like. everyone in the family Expected wyatt to have healing and then literally no one expected that of chris. like he tried he read about it all that and whenever he would try the sisters would just be like it’s okay hey you know not everyone has healing healing it’s big like not everyone can master it paige couldn’t heal til she was like 30 it’s nbd so chris is like yeah :| okay :| but it kind of bothers him how it’s like. his family just knew he wouldn’t be able to do that. and beyond that i think chris really does have this desire to prove himself in the craft to prove he’s a strong, talented, capable witch (which he is) and that’s really where he directs his focus. the power he hones the most it telekinesis. orbing and tlk orbing kinda of take a back seat simply bc they just aren’t as strong of combative powers (however, paige let him in on the insider secret that you can orb hearts of demons so that’s p fuckin cool. leo like Freaked out when paige told him this because he’s just a kid!! he doesn’t need to be hearing all of that!!! and paige is like yeah, just a kid who fights demons, leo. he’s seen worse and chris just looks at leo like yeah i mean i have and leo’s like cool gonna go have another parenting crisis). basically while chris knows he is a witchlighter he very much does not feel like one. he identifies as a witch. full stop. (side note he does not know he was the time traveller who came back to fix the timeline and if he found out and found out that he convincingly posed as a whitelighter and people actually believed him i think he’d lose it laughing)
melinda powers are empathy, orbing, telekinesis, telekinetic orbing. i think melinda views her Main Power as empathy, i think melinda considers herself to be more of a pacifist. again, this is kind of in relation to chris, so it’s like considering yourself to be short bc your brother’s 6′5″, but like. melinda is short. and she is more of a pacifist. i think given her empathy which is technically a whitelighter power tho it is much power likely she inherited the power from her aunt phoebe, she’s not really like. a fighter or a powerhouse or anything i think she also inherited piper’s want of a normal life. in my writings melinda is actually a nursing student i mean she’s a freshman in college but like. she wants to be like a nurse or a doctor she hasn’t entirely figured out how that would work with her like. Witch Schedule. but she kind of doesn’t care?? like she has a full family of charmed ones. they can save the day by magical means; she can save them by mortal ones. she also just like as a fun fact with her empathy powers can diagnose things really well because she can just like. feel what other people are feeling. so yes i think she’s really more whitelighter than witch i think if people ever saw her out and about with her whitelighter (i gave her a new whitelighter that isn’t leo in canon explanation is the elders are kind of worried the halliwells are getting a bit too cliquey little bit too much of a feedback loop there and they don’t really have the best relationship to the elders so like. now that one of them has kind of broken off into her own path they’re like okay can we give her a new whitelighter. just to kind of make sure they don’t all hate us. out of canon explanation i think it’s more fun for melinda to have a whitelighter her age instead of constantly dragging her dad to davis). i also think melinda is the most likely out of any of the next gen to receive a charge, but again, this is like, way out bc she’d like. 18. i also think she would keep her whitelighter on speed dial bc i think she’d be Super Nervous about fucking shit up like so bad for the first couple while. like eventually she’d get the hang of it and be confident and capable in herself and her abilities but for the first bit she’d be like. so so so anxious like s1 piper need to have everything be perfect when it most definitely is not.
tamora powers are molecular combustion, healing, invisibility, psychic link with kat. so. tamora’s technically like only 1/4 whitelighter as neither of her parents are whitelighters, her maternal grandfather is a whitelighter and that’s it. so that’s why both her and kat are a little less whitelightery that the rest of the next gen tamora can’t even orb. which was like genuinely a shock as literally every other witchlighter in the family can orb, but she just straight up cannot. she can heal, though, and is the only one beside wyatt with that capability, so her whitelighteryness is still there. she just can’t orb. and then while molecular combustion as a power obviously came from piper, healing, invisibility, and even her psychic link with her twin are all very whitelighter-y. (side note, it is specifically the whitelighter part of the twins that give them this link just like how all whitelighters are linked to their charges, them being twins just like. amplifies it. it also allows kat to always be able to orb tamora to her side and sometimes orb her other places without ever seeing her but that bit still doesn’t work that great. so while part of it is a Twin Thing, it’s also a whitelighter thing, which is why like warren and sheridan do not share a psychic link. note pt.2 the girls powers were bound when they were kids bc they had i mean like p dangerous powers at least tam did but as established by the fact that paige could always orb despite having her powers bound, their whitelighter abilities were always active. kat could always orb, tamora could always heal, their psychic abilities stayed active.) and like, because of this it’s the same though i’m just leaving the parenthesis before i forget, tamora for the longest time had no offensive power the only thing she could do was heal. she was also kind of like the coward to kat’s fearlessness or even just like henry’s popularity. she’s the shyest out any of her siblings, a lot more reserved, she has anxiety, blah blah blah. so she never felt very witchy. she had her whitelighter power and her cowardice. and kat was off running around having a wild time and henry was reading about the most terrifying demons known to man shit that have clawed their way out of the underbelly of the earth and tam’s just like. like no?? stop??? oh my god??? and then around age 14 when the girls entered high school they unbound their powers and started to train them and tamora just really only felt more uncomfortable in her own skin bc like. molecular combustion, man. and piper would teach her like how to use her powers like okay you just really really angry and you throw out your hands like BAM and she blows up a chair and turns to tamora with that cute lil grin on her face like okay now you try and tamora just feels so out of place man. like her aunt piper is this fuckin powerhouse and this power is like. it’s just too much for her like she always somehow felt like there was some cosmic swap some mistake in the grand design where she and kat got mixed up somehow and she should have freezing and kat who’s bold and fun and brave and strong should be able to blow things up. because this isn’t her. this is too much for her, it’s too loud it’s too. strong. that being said, she’s always had a knack for it, which she doesn’t realize bc like. it’s a very rare power. but she was able to gain mastery over it faster than piper did in her day. so piper knows it’s not a cosmic mix up. she knows this is the power tamora was meant to have, and some day she’ll grow into it. it’ll just take time. but yeah. witchcraft is not so much tamora’s speed she doesn’t like. necessarily identify more with her whitelighter half (or fourth but whatever) but she does just. like she likes those powers more she feels more comfortable with them. i think if she were to body swap with kat she’d be perfectly fine at orbing too. in regards to charges she is Also 18 so again long way out i think she would be open to the idea but it would necessarily be something she’d like really really Want to do i think like her whole dynamic with peyton would really be her jumping off point for whitelightering but if she got someone who was a lot more just like. into making bad decisions i don’t think tam has the backbone yet to tell them off. 
kat powers are molecular immobilization, orbing, omnilingualism, psychic link with kat. absolutely no on the whitelighter front. yeah she can orb and is omnilingual doesn’t even register those as whitelighter powers. considers herself a witch through and through. is not wise, is impulsive, is reckless, is a witch. would never take a charge. if she did, she’d go on all their adventures with them bc that’s just the type of person she is. doesn’t to the vague, gentle guiding of a whitelighter she is not vague. she is also very close with chris bc they have such similar ideologies. but yeah. she’s not a whitelighter.
pj powers are levitation, astral projection, beaming, sensing love we have exited whitelighter territory and entered cupid territory i think pj very much identifies as Cupid-Witch i think she is Thee hyphenate i think she wholeheartedly embraces both parts of her craft as the eldest of her charmed ones set she does feel the need to like Set a Good Example she measures out all her potions ingredients perfectly and mastered spell writing from an early age she treats the craft with respect. she doesn’t necessarily treat the cupid practice with respect that’s not quite the right word there’s no dignity it’s all fun. bc love is fun!! her and parker have a running betting pool on various relationships in school. melinda would sometimes put down money, now that peyton goes to school with them she’ll also place bets. henry jr also does this despite having zero magical abilities to sense anything he thinks that makes it more fun. but yeah. pj views herself as cupid. she loves giving relationships the little Push they need to blossom. people think it’s because she has an advice columnist for a mom and they like trust her bc like. she’s nice and her dad’s a relationship therapist her mom’s an advice columnist and almost everyone has at least one friend that pj has had a hand in their relationship so if she sets something up they’ll trust her. the school newspaper suggested that she actually start an advice column or a matchmaking thing but she turned it down bc like. she doesn’t do remote, y’know. her cupid powers are very personal, she needs to see it irl all the move parts before she makes a judgement call. but yes. very cupid. loves saying it, too. people are like wow you’re so good at relationships she’s like yeah i’m basically cupid lmao. parker boos every time she makes that joke.
parker powers are premonition, beaming, sensing love. so parker definitely considers herself a cupitch not just a witch but she doesn’t go as far pj just bc that’s not like her mo. pj does have a slightly higher eq than parker a bit more of a gentle touch they stay neck in neck in their betting pool because of parker’s premonition power however pj knows her sister can see the future and frequently engages to change the circumstances. parker does meddle as much as her sister. and like yeah parker is p witchy she does focus a lot on combat she did turn her cupid ring into an athame bc like. fuck yeah. but she isn’t like chris or kat where she’s like I Am A Witch Full Stop she really does see herself as a cupid she had yet to like. Set Up a relationship like pj does but she doesn’t consider herself any less cupid for that she is a cupid that is who she is. she’d just like. a tiny violent one. 
peyton powers are telekinesis, beaming, sensing love. again kind of like parker where she still very much identifies as half cupid she just doesn’t do mayn cupid things. i mean she’s also like 14 so like give it time but yeah pj was ten and putting couples together on the playground like it was wild. and it’s not like parker where she doesn’t have the eq to do it like parker just straight up doesn’t know what to say to steer to people together she’d just be like hey u to r in love with each other so. have at it. like baby peyton could probably get it right in the very subtle classic cupid manner she’s just too shy. like she could not imagine just walking up to someone and talking to them lmao. especially not about love. and since the girls aren’t full cupid they don’t have temporal manipulation they can’t move through time nor can they slow it down to speak to people’s subconscious but if she could that’s what peyton would do. bc she does love love in the very true cupid sense she just like. like talking to people?? aaaaaa amirite lads.
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sacred-arrow-writes · 8 years
Twelve Days of Christmas. On the Ninth Day of Christmas-
A/N: In which each day, Kagome gives Inuyasha a gift signed by his Secret Santa in hopes of bringing back his Christmas Spirit.
I got the idea from Hallmark as a prompt. Im just using the idea for the story, the only thing I kept the same from the movie is the newspaper, so don’t sue. I do not own Hallmark or Inuyasha and Co. So, enjoy! I’ll post a ficlet a day until December 25th. Enjoy everyone!
This chapter is trash. I am unsatisfied. I am SO SORRY ladies. I love you all!
@keichanz @inunanna @purekagome @mmhinman @grapefruitwannabe @ryupioupiou @akiza-hades-rose @kagomeforever @stoatsandweasels @adorableears7 @inukagfanfiction
Day Nine December 20, 2016:
She was warm and cozy, but when something wet and cold rubbed against her cheek, Kagome groaned. Sitting up, -letting the warm blanket fall from her shoulders- she gave a sleepy smile at the intruder. "B- Bang?" She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked at the large dog as he sat happily on his hind legs, tail wagging and tongue hanging from the side of his mouth.
Woof Woof Woof
Movement from her left caught her eye as a voice shrouded in sleep spoke. "Bang, shuddup."
Kagome turned to him, brown eyes wide, as she noticed Inuyasha laying underneath her. Scooting off of him in a hasty attempt, Kagome fell in the floor in a heap. Bang didn't hesitate to snuggle her crumpled form. "Bang, s-stop." She giggled.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha sat up quickly and knelt down to help her. "What are you doing on the floor?"
"Yeah, I bet it did hurt, wench." He pulled her up to sit on the couch, Bang followed suit and laid his head in her lap. "Yer acting like yer starved for attention." Inuyasha muttered. His dog turned his nose away, ignoring him.
Popcorn littered the couch cushions where they were laying from their battle the night before. A battle of who could catch popcorn out of the air with their mouth first. It turned into an all out war which ended with most of the popcorn on the couch and floor, but by the looks of it, Bang had acted as a vacuum cleaner during the night.
"I can't believe I fell asleep during the movie. I need to get to work." Kagome noticed that the half-demon gone human was back to his original appearance. Amused golden orbs assessed her appearance. "What?"
He smirked. "Nothing. You just look cute when you first wake up." A clawed finger brushed a stray raven lock being her right ear.
The blush did not go unnoticed by the half-demon. "W-well, then so do y-you."  Her voice cracked and she face palmed. "I had fun last night, but I really need to get to work and write my article. I'm a late as it is." Kagome stood up and smiled at the gorgeous man below.
"I had fun too. However, today is supposed to be day nine, and I bet there is a gift waiting for me today. So, how about ya meet me at my office this afternoon and we'll see what it is."
A smile so big it could have split her face. "Of course! I'd love to."
Inuyasha stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Did you really have a good time last night? I'm sorry I feel asleep. Damn human body doesn't work as good as my demonic side."
Sliding her hands up around his shoulders, Kagome leaned stood on her tiptoes to press her forehead against his. "Whether you're a half-demon or human, I like you for who you are on the inside, Inuyasha."
If Inuyasha wasn't already falling for Kagome, then she just stole his heart with that. Leaning back slightly, he gave a small keh before kissing her gently. When they pulled away, both were bright red and smiling.
Walking into the  Shikon Gazette forty-five minutes late, was probably not the smartest move. "Kagome Higurashi!"
Said woman cringed. Uh oh. She turned innocent eyes on her sister. "Yessss?"
"I have a right mind to throttle you!" Kikyou shouted as she flew across the room and tackled her twin in a bone, crushing hug. "Where have you been? You didn't come home last night and your phone was off!"
"I'm sorry, Kiki. I was with Inuyasha watching a moive for his S.S. gift. Can you let go? You're c-crushing me."
Kikyou loosened her grip and pulled back. "Next time send a text, call or something."
"Give her a break Kiki, she was with Inuyasha. He's a good guy."
"Well, what little we know of him, sure."
Kagome rolled her eyes. "He is, sis. Inuyasha is a great guy and I really like him."
Brown and violet eyes widened. "Like-like him?"
"Yes. Now, can I get to work please? I have an article to write." The raven-haired woman turned towards her desk and walked off.
Miroku turned to his cousin and whispered rathe loudly. "Holy crap! She's in love!"
"Shush! She'll hear you. Yes, I think she's actually fallen in love." Kikyou's eyes sparkled. "I'm really happy for her."
Miroku only nodded.
Around one o'clock, Kagome stepped foot into Inuyasha's office. "Knock. Knock, Inuyasha."  She smiled when she caught him staring out of his office window with his cell in one hand and the gift in the other. Kagome stood quietly as he finished.
"Yeah. I'm getting ready to meet her soon. I know what time I need to pick Rin up. Would you get off my case you ass? Yes I called you an ass, ass-hat. Whatever. Fine, I'll pick her up  at seven. She can stay with me. I'm hanging up now. Uh huh, bye." He pressed the end button and turned to see Kagome. "There ya are. I was waiting on you."
"I'm here. So, what is it today?"
He gave her a grin that kinda hit her deep in the feels as he peeled the paper back gently. A  dark green box came in view with a beautiful pair of golden bells with black music notes dancing around the edges. Lifting the lid, he picked up the note and handed Kagome the box. Clearing his throat, he read:
On the ninth day of Christmas,
My Secret Santa gave to thee;
Sing your joy,
Sing to thee.
Oh how we love,
the Caroling.
Merry Christmas, Your Secret Santa.
Kagome removed the red tissue paper to uncover a folded piece of sheet music. "Jingle Bells. That's a great Christmas carol. Oh, oh! Are we going caroling tonight?!" She folded her hands together in a plea as Inuyasha eyed her with a raised brow.
"Feh, I guess so. I have to pick up Rin, but I bet she'll love it. Mind if she tags along?"
"It's your gift, Inuyasha. Invite whoever you want, but the more the merrier!"
He laughed as she spoke so happily about spending time with him. "Great. Well, we have six hours until I gotta pick Rin up, so how about we go shopping and eat lunch?"
Her heart fluttered at his simple words. "Sounds great." Kagome walked up to him and handed him the sheet music. "I can't wait to hear you sing."
He let out a bellowing laugh. "Well, it won't be a very merry sound, but I'll give it a shot!" With that, he took her hand and led her out the door.
"That was amazing. I have never seen someone eat so much ramen in one sitting before!" Inuyasha had his arm wrapped around her waist as they walked down the sidewalk to Kagura's shop.
"You ain't seen nothing yet." He explained his love of ramen and how it was always his favorite homemade dish his mother would make him once a week. It started when he was little and Izayoi never stopped making it for her little boy.
"How sweet. You know, my mother makes some awesome homemade ramen and she taught me-"
Inuyasha grabbed her arm, halting all movement. "Wait- wait, you know how to make homemade ramen?"
"I'm not gonna beg or anything, but-" His golden orbs were molten with a small glint in the middle.
"Yes, I'll be happy to make you some one day."
"Sure thing." He kissed her temple before he opened the door to Kagura's shop where he was assaulted by a waist-high little girl.
"Uncle Ash!" He scooped her up and hugged her tightly.
"There's my girl. Are you ready?"
"Of course. Let me tell momma-"
"I see him baby. Come give me a kiss before you leave." Kagura stood beside the counter. "You must be Kagome."
She's beautiful. "I am. You must be Mrs. Tashio."
"Call me Kagura. It's nice to meet you." Rin was already running to give her mother a kiss. "What are y'all planning this evening?"
"Well, my ninth gift was to go caroling. I figured why the hell not? Rin would love that."
Rin's eyes lit up. "YES I would!"
"Then let's go."
"It was nice to meet you Kagura. You have a beautiful shop." Kagome looked around as she spoke.
"Come by sometime and take a look around."
"I will. Thank you."
"Bye momma. I love you!"
"Bye sweety. I love you." With that, the trio was gone. Crimson eyes lingered on the retreating forms and her ruby lips curled in a smile. It's about time, dog-boy. Kagura closed the shop up and left to head home to her husband.
"Sing it correcting Uncle Ash." Rin said as she held the notebook full of songs in her hands.
They closed in on the center of the town where the tree lighting ceremony was being held. It was almost time to light the tree and everyone had gathered around to sing. Kagome stood next to Inuyasha as he held Rin on his shoulders. When the tree was lit, the caroling began.
"Oh Holy night, the stars are brightly shining-" Everyone erupted in song and it was the most beautiful thing Kagome had ever heard. She looked up at Inuyasha as she sang and when she focused on his voice alone, she felt those damn butterflies erupt in her belly. He was a good singer and it was amazing.
When his golden eyes caught her staring, he turned his attention to her and sang only to her. He stepped closer so their shoulders touched, Rin's leg dangling against his chest, as he leaned down to look in Kagome's eyes. "Oh Holy night-" Inuyasha finished as he kissed her cold lips gently.
Kagome was taken by surprise as she kissed back. His lips were warm and inviting as hers were cold and maybe a little chapped. When he pulled back, Rin was grinning down at them. "You are so his girlfriend." She teased.
"Can it squirt." He lifted her off his shoulders to rest her on his hip instead. "It's about time to head back to my house. Bang misses you."
"What about Kagome?"
"I have to get home so I can start on my article."
"Oh right. It's picture time! Rin hold up the folder." Kagome pulled out her cell and stood next to them, -since Inuyasha refused to let her not be in the photo- and snapped a photo of the three. All three smiles were so happy and bright, Inuyasha felt so much for the woman standing next to him. "Are you sure you gotta head home?"
"Yes. I'm sorry, but how about tomorrow?"
"It's another date." He grinned.
"I never agreed to a date did I?" She teased.
"Yes, you did and I won't take no for an answer." He set Rin beside him as he pulled Kagome closer. Rin took Kagome's cell and told them to smile. Inuyasha posed for the camera with Kagome.
"Say Christmas!"
"Christmas!" Click. The shouted in unison. When the shutter clicked, Inuyasha pressed his forehead against Kagome's. "Do you feel it?"
Inuyasha grinned. "Yes. There is Christmas magic everywhere now and days, because of you." Kagome kissed his nose. Click. "I can't wait till tomorrow." The shutter clicked again unnoticed.
"I can't either." Kagome's cheeks flushed, whether from the cold or because of him -who really knew- and she smiled. The shutter clicked once more.
With a dip of his head, he kissed her as she ran her fingers through his short hair. She moaned slightly as he tightened his hold as the camera clicked once, twice and three times again. The kiss ended when Kagome broke for air. "I never tire of that." She whispered.
"Me either. Let me walk you home." He grabbed her hand and Rin's as Rin handed back Kagome's cell phone.
"Thank you." Rin smirked for she knew the photos she took to surprise Kagome later.
The three walked hand in hand down the street, each one smiling brighter than the sun at noon. Christmas couldn't get any better. Or so Inuyasha thought.
---To Be Continued---
Until tomorrow my loves. Check back and see what day ten has in store for our favorite couple!
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