#and i dont even like it its too sweet and it tastes like really cold coffee after a while
worldend · 2 years
i dont even know why i drink carbonated stuff becuz it always makes me physically recoil energy drinks are always the worst too but i still buy them whenever i can
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woundedoves · 2 months
Eremites (Clearwater, Sunfrost & Daythunder) x Bottom GN!Reader (NSFW)
a/n: i wanna fuck all the eremites i swear to god they r hotter than the playable characters … i might continue this w the other eremites too<3
CW: free use of degrading petnames(slut,whore), hydro strap, electro & cryo infusion, rough sex
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Eremite Desert Clearwater
oh i just know she has like really stretchy positions in mind for you two, whether you’re as flexible as her or not is another story, she just wants to wear you out so she can use you however she wants<3 giggles when you whine about how harsh her fingers are pounding that tight hole of yours, her pretty nails digging into that sweet spot …
eats you out, definitely. her fave thing to do. whether you have a cunt or not, she’s tasting that hole of yours like its her last meal on teyvat. fuck the noises you make just make her shiver, the way you grind your hips on her face while she keeps those thighs of yours in place with surprising strength, moaning oh so sweetly into your hole as your breath quivers from the sensation.
makes a strap with her hydro powers, makes it extra cold if she can help it just to have you try to push her away and she just easily overpowers you. she loves fucking out in the open, especially at night. turns her on so fucking much when the lewd noises of her wet strap pounding into you while her hips meet your ass with a slap, you cover your mouth trying not to wake the other eremites while she giggles breathlessly and grips your chin with her hand, the rings digging into your skin,
“be quiet, love. you don’t want them to wake up and see how much of a whore you are that you couldn’t wait until we were alone to get your hole ruined, do you?”
Eremite Sunfrost
infuses his fingers and dick when they go inside you, loves to fuck your face the most. just leaning on a tree in the hot summer morning as you suck on his cock like a desperate fuckin’ animal in heat gets him going. he barely makes noises but you hear him moan so fucking cute when you suck on his tip.
loves your mouth, anything oral. his dick gets hard when he watches you drink or eat something, especially ice cream.
loves to service your sex with his tongue while you’re busy with something. anything. just sucks you dry, eats you out until your cunt is sore. fuckin asshole just loves ruining you.
loves spitting on your hole before he fucks it raw. doesn’t even prep you that much, wants to hear you cry and beg for him to slow down as he pounds your hole, feeling it tighten with a low groan as he presses his chest against your back, feels the sand dig in but doesnt give a shit when your hole is swallowing his fat cock so obediently. and the noises you make? fuckkk he loves the way your body shakes as he fucks you while you cry about how much it hurts, loves feeling your tears when he gets way rougher than he is normally.
“fuck yes, look at you. ruined little thing, ruined for anyone but me.”
Eremite Daythunder
this hot hunk of meat fuck, he loves manhandling you. just using one arm while he fucks you out in the open in the rainforest? the way you whimper in fear everytime you hear the tiniest thing in fear of being caught is soo fuckin cute. calls you his “cute little fucktoy, you take it so fucking good for your boyfriend. hm?”
favourite position is mating press. loves how your hole just swallows his cock to the fuckin’ base, loves watching the way you cry out when he cums inside you, filling you the the brim as his rough thrusts dont stop. loves how he can just pump his fucking cum into you again and again as he feels his cock dig into your insides, the way your hole tightens around him as he rides out his climax makes his eyes roll back (not that you’d see) and groan your name<3
stamina is through the roof, fucked you until you can’t even walk? well get ready for round 10, babe. loves to use small cracks of electro as he works your sex with his fingers, moaning with you when you cum from his fingers. just- god loves moaning your name so much. loves standing up positions too, fucks you against a tree while his hands on your hips keep you steady so he can thrust up into your hole like he’s using a fuckin’ fleshlight. loves kissing your neck and giving you so many hickeys, especially around your sex. gotta mark whats his.
“look at you, such a whore all for me?”
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the-moon-files · 6 months
I was actually thinking about this a lot but like as an add on to your humans are hylian space orcs thing. I am in ✨need✨ of reader trying potions. Like;
"This potion will restore your stamina and boost your strength"
"Buddy that's just coffee"
Even worse if when the reader tries it it's just like the most not strong coffee they've ever drank. Makes the guys wonder wtf makes humans need so much energy through out the day.
this is such a cute idea, i love how diet diffs/energy diffs in humans are space orcs aus, so genius to apply to hylians
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the stamnia boost potion tastes just like instant coffee with powdered creamer (the kind at like car dealerships/shitty offices where its not even a little liquid creamer)
and u spit that shit out like wtf is this bs
and Four, poor guy who gave you some after talking a break from walking, is like "oh my goddess r u allergic?? can still breath???"
meanwhile ur like. "yeah this just tastes like shit-"
four: "oh well yeah, all potions do really-"
you: "-ty coffee. this is nowhere near strong enough to get me back on my feet ffs"
four: " 👁️👄👁️"
you: "u got anything stronger? :/ "
four: " w h a t ? "
cue u researching how to make stamnia potions, across the hyrules, and making them 10x stronger so theyre like an actual coffee shop kind of coffee, and the Links are literally lowkey scared
Time forbids you (and the rest of the guys) from letting anyone else try ur "improved" elixir (s)
bc yes, u didnt stop at stamnia
u moved on to healing potions, (u can now regrow limbs and heal broken bones, the hylians can only take like a 1/16th of a sip like once a week, whereas u chug the whole thing, and can do so multiple times a day if needed)
u also moved onto cooking, bc rlly how different is cooking from alchemy?
and goron spice tasted like goddamn dorito chips, so u used essence of literal lava to help make it more spicy,
ur not allowed to introduce this new spice to the gorons, Wild forbid, bc he was adventurous enough (and snuck behind Time and ur backs) to try some spice
(he literally touched the tip of his pinky finger to it, wiped it off, except for 1 like flake of spice too)
and it lowkey nearly killed him 💀
like had to use that 1/16th of ur extra strong healing potion and everything
u felt so bad, but he did do this to himself,
and Wild knew the gorons dont back down from a challenge, esp since it was originally their recipe, so he (and you) didnt wanna kill them on accident
the sleeping potion u found is just like taking a single melatonin gummy, so u ofc make that thing knock even you out after 2 sips,
needless to say, no one is trying that one, not only bc it knocked Rulie unconcious for 12 hours straight (u got him to try it after he exhausted all his magic healing, and so no nightmares)
but bc it knocked u out cold for 9. that was the scarier part to them lmao, was how affected is their human by this?
i like to think thats how they judge unknown foods and liquids too,
like "do you think this tastes unseasoned? ok should be perfect for me then" - every Link
"oh this didnt make u feel sleepy at all/barely tired? great, id love to knock out cold w/no nightmares tonight" - Sky, probably
"this tastes like that thing you call, instant cough? ko-fee? Cool, give me some i need to run up this mountain" - Wild, for the 3rd time this month probably
"this barely healed ur papercut? sweet, give me some my wrists are killing me" - poor Legend, he uses ur extra strength healing potion as a way to treat his arthritis regularly once a month, but the more chill potions for any leftover aches and pains, esp after long fights being hard on his arms
Chain is simultaneously still lowkey terrified u need that much extra oomf, esp when u run out of stronger stuff and have to down like 5 health potions to heal a cut that needed stitches,
and also worried u need that much and also Wild/Wars/Rulie tend to work overtime to make sure they have extra potions for you
and theyre also kind of impressed, bc hey, youre unlikely to get magically poisoned/potion poisoned like them
sorry i couldnt think of as much as i hoped, i think its bc i rlly just need to play/watch more loz games besides botw/totk
i like know the vague plot of ss/oot/mm/tp/ww/hw and og loz games, but havent gotten into details/lets play or anything yet
i hope this was at least a half decent idea to think about/expand on urs, have a great rest of ur week, and thanks so much for the ask!! <33
Peace out,
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avatar-of-the-blank · 11 months
What do you think each entity tastes like?
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
not sure if you’ve done this already but how would slenderman react to the reader hugging his tentacles? and generally showing affection to it.
Reader who hugs n kisses slendermans tentacles!
dont think i did anything like before so yahoo! honestly as much as i love slenderman, thinking of a whole boat load of ideas over the course of like. 9? years, this never crossed my mind. your brain, huge
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its not often that you see his tentacles out, usually theyre for his hunting as well as defense.. and to look more intimidating. you know, generally not something that he wants you to be around for..
but i think every now and then they creep out during down time with you, perhaps during a cuddling session with your tall monster boyfriend? or maybe you even get him to indulge in "play" (not that kind of play get your mind out of the gutter) and his tentacles slip out, like you guys playing simple games
the image of someone playing tag or hide and seek with the forest demon is making me chuckle, something much needed post mini cry/freak out session LMAO
personally i like to think that he can only half way control his tentacles. like yeah sure when he needs them they're out, but for the most part they do their own thing, you know?
set up down, lets get to the actual request. his tentacles are colder than him, and admin is personally torn on making them slimy or not... perhaps slightly so? like juuuuuuust enough to be just a little oily but nothing insane, kind of feels like your hands after you just put lotion on them. smooth, too
very cold. i know i mentioned that theyre colder than him, but its like ice cold. so...
basically he doesnt expect you to show any love to this part of him, so hes thoroughly confused when you grab one of them and gently press your lips to it.. then let go. then grab another and give it a kiss as well
cue a confused head tilt before his voice comes into your head to ask what on earth youre doing
isnt it uncomfortable, with the slight ooze? isnt it too cold? doesnt it at least taste a little off?
torn about it, because on one hand hes used these things to kill. but on the other hand he mostly kills in order to protect his space and to sustain his body, and admin likes thinking that he sometimes gets a bit of guilt. call it him resenting his own existence and simply wanting to be left alone while having a natural curiosity for the world around him even though he only really destroys the life around him
also he doesnt like giving you stuff from victims, and i think he would have similar feelings about his tentacles
and yet... he cant deny, that he can hold you closer with them, that he can keep you nearby with them... and that you love him, and every part of him. undeniably, you do. i dont know, its something that when i think about it, its sweet
this creature is full of resentment, for himself and the world he was put in as well as the one who made him (zalgo cough cough au stuff) but here you are
assuming the reader is a human i think it hits even harder, because youre something that hes built to wreck and destroy. and yet youve given him pause, and that was enough for you to win him over
and you never stop surprising him
im getting off topic, but im just a sap for concepts like this, you know?
"its rotten work," "not to me... not if its you" but its you and slenderman, basically
i think the first few times when you start showing his extra appendages affection he pulls them away from you, maybe even forcing them back and tucking them away
but i think over time he melts into it and accepts it...
oh how cruel it was, for the universe to give this reclusive creature a sense of longing, which has been exasperated now that hes gotten a taste of it first hand
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dollyhao · 11 months
ameliorate; to make better
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pairing: dina x reader
summary: dina is overwhelmed by all the things that happened in seattle…. and ellie, and being a single mother doesn’t make it any easier. when a sweet woman comes to make her life easier...better.
toni's note: there's nothing to warn about besides a bit angst, it doesn't really get angsty till the next part. im hoping i can make this into 3 parts. thank you for 800 followers by the way!
word count: 1k
you hear the sound of a wailing baby as you make your way back home, you follow the sound. you cant be too sure about these kinda things, what if something bad happened. you stumble upon dina rocking baby jj in a rocking chair on her porch, shushing him trying to console him. dina looks tired and overwhelmed, dark circles under her eyes and unbrushed hair.
you approach her gently not wanting to startle her, “hey, can i try?” you give her a gentle smile pointing at jj. dina tucks a piece of hair behind her ear nodding, “y-yea sure. you can try, hes been crying a lot lately.” you reach for jj bouncing and rocking in a comforting rhythm, chanting soft shushes. jj quiets down letting out a calm gurgle. you look back up at dina seeing her rub her hands down her face in an exhausted manner.
she chuckles, “i cant even get my son to be quiet let alone sleep, ellie was really good at that..” she puts her elbows on her knees putting her face in her hands. you stay quiet letting her have her moment, still rocking jj as he starts to doze off. dina seems to regroup, looking back up at you curiously, “would you like to come in? its getting cold out here.” dina offers standing up. “yea, thanks.”
dina walks into the house and you follow, “no. thank you. i appreciate what you did. “ “where’s his bed?” you ask now that jj is fast asleep. “he sleeps with me, the room is down the hall.” you go to the room, laying jj down, making sure hes comfortable before leaving the room. dina is in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea, “would you like some?” she glances at you over her shoulder. “yes please.” you stand awkwardly, hands in your back pockets swaying a little. she nods over to the living room with 2 cups in her hands. you follow taking a seat on the couch as she hands you a cup.
you thank her, taking a sip. “are you new to jackson? i dont remember ever seeing you before.” you chuckle, “no im not new, ive been here for years now.” you give a shy smile. “oh im sorry, i cant believe ive never noticed you.” “its fine. i preferred to stay to myself anyway. i work at the school. im a teacher,” you sit your cup down looking at her, “i always wanted to approach you, i thought you were beautiful. but you were dating jesse and then after you and jesse broke up, you and ellie made a nice little scene at the party.” you chuckle watching her face flush slightly. “also, im sorry about jesse…. and ellie.” she nods, quiet for a minute before replying. “thank you, for the jesse and ellie thing… and for calling me beautiful.” you smile at her.
you look outside seeing how dark it was getting, “i should get going.” you say standing up. dina stands up too, “thank you again. he probably would’ve cried through the night.” “of course, just let me know if you need my help again. ill be happy to help.” you walk backwards as you talk smiling at her until you run into a wall. “ah, shit..” you say rubbing the back of your head. dina laughs and follows you to the door as you turn around and walk correctly. “ill be sure to ask for your help again.” she says giving you a soft, genuine smile.
a week later, you walk into the dining hall as maria is walking out, “hey maria, is there anything you needed from me?” you wanted to make sure there wasn’t something you were suppose to be doing that you forgot about. “no. nothing that i can remember. im about to take this to dina, i wanna make sure shes staying fed.” “ill take it to her!” you say a little too eagerly for your taste. for the last week, you’ve been trying to find any excuse to visit dina and jj when you weren’t busy. dina doesn’t seem to ever object to the company. she appreciates you coming around and talking to her and playing with the baby. so when this opportunity pops up, of course your gonna take it. “let me grab myself a plate and ill take hers to her.” you say taking the plate out her hands. “well ok. thank you.” you smile before walking away.
you get to dina’s door knocking with the two plates in your hands. dina opens the door looking a little breathless, “oh, hey.” she gives you one of her soft smiles shes been giving you quite a lot. “hey, i brought you food. not sure if you ate or not.” “right.. food. i definitely forgot to eat. “ she says rubbing a hand through her hair. she gives another small smile, but this one doesn’t reach her eyes. “thats ok. i have food for you, lets not dwell to much on a honest mistake. k?” she nods. you hear a baby cry in the background, “i see you have two plates. wanna come in and eat? i was just feeding jj.” “id love to” you respond walking in.
you guys walk to the dining table where you find jj in a high chair. “hey baby boy!” you say tickling his belly, he lets out a squeal/giggle. you and dina sit on either sides of him after a minute, you see dina subtly go to smell herself. she lets out a wince, “um do you mind feeding him while i go take a shower.” you nod, “of course.” you say as you slide his food bowl over to yourself. you give dina a reassuring smile letting her know its ok.
when dina gets out the shower and is dressed, she walks in the living room while brushing her hair seeing you and jj on the carpet in her living room playing. she smiles, it felt good being able to enjoy a shower without rushing out to jj. she trusts you with jj almost the way she trusted ellie with him. yall look her way, both you and jj smiling at her. she comes and joins, both of you enjoying the sweet giggles of the cute baby.
(part 1)
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very quick turkish sephardic food guide
sephardic savory foods: never fear acidity and add it to every dish. if it's actually sour that's even better and lime is your best friend. main flavors are paprika, cilantro/coriander, cumin, tomato, onion, and garlic. if you're wondering whether or not to use rice the answer is yes. use lots of summery vegetables, salty cheeses like feta, and dont be afraid to eat the meals cold sometimes. if you decide to use meat go for things like lamb, chicken, and fish (beef is less common and ofc no pork). season to your heart's content and season some more.
sephardic sweet foods: still don't be afraid of acidity citrus is very very good. main flavors are orange, honey, lemon, fig, almond, cinnamon, pistachio, and raisin. you're gonna be making a fuck ton of pastries. save the homemade dough for REALLY special events otherwise just get it premade. they should be sweet but not overly sweet. think sweet like fruit would be, not sweet like a chocolate chip cookie. get almond extract and vanilla extract they'll make everything so much better and add a pinch of salt to every dessert.
overall: if it smells good together it'll taste good together and 80% of sephardic cooking is just winging it. you can make it whatever spice level you want but most savory foods taste best at a medium/medium-high spice level. dont worry too much about appearance its supposed to be a little bit messy. if it makes you think of mid-late summer you got the flavors right. there are also a bunch of different sub-cuisines of sephardic food this is just what i make now and have been making since i was a little kid.
edit: i had an old edit on this post saying lamb isnt kosher which isnt true it is kosher. i think i was thinking of some other animal and typed the wrong thing. now i have no clue what i actually meant to say
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tojivu · 1 year
a/n part 1 out of idk.. anyways this was so heavily inspired by phoebe bridger’s songs.. i’m so obsessed with her (=´∀`) oh and also by a book i finished a long time ago but haven’t gotten over lol. i tried writing this in 3rd person pov but tbh it’s hard for me to display emotion in my writing if it’s 3rd person cus it’s like giving u instructions on how to feel 😭. I KNOW ITS 2023 OKAY I KNOW WE DONT LIKE 1ST PERSON ANYMORE BUT PLS LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT
warnings/tags barely proofread (i tried), if yall don’t like tis i’ll probably discontinue it LOL, childe x implied f!reader, sfw.
listen to chinese satellite by phoebe bridgers.
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“Good morning.” Ajax is speaking to you, voice low. “It's a hot day.”
You were shivering, actually. Mornings were always cold no matter what the temperature was. Nevertheless, you nod and agree with him anyway. “Yup, isn’t it?”
You two were standing outside your house, waiting for the other to initiate the walking, to which you end up doing it. He follows behind, the path too narrow to fit the two of you—this was a familiar sound. Heavy footsteps you could only recognise to be Ajax’s only two metres behind you. You don’t need to turn around to know he’s staring at the back of your head.
Such a nostalgic feeling, you think. You and him have been passing by the same trees and the same brown-cream coloured houses for 5 years now.
“Can you believe that we’re graduating in two months?”
He doesn’t answer.
You repeat the question again and he finally responds. You turn around, curious as to what had gotten him so distracted; his phone is in his hand, he’s looking into it and it’s pointing at you—his bright yellow phone case pales in comparison to the smile he has on his face.
“Not even going to let me pose?”
“You don’t need to do that. Your morning face is enough.”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’re pretty when you wake up.”
It’s 6 in the morning. Ajax was never one to think before he speaks, especially when the sun had just risen 5 minutes prior. You ignore what he says, assuming he just couldn’t tell that isn’t something you say to friends.
It’s 8:27 am. You’ve been sitting through an hour of English, and you swear you thought the subject couldn’t get any more boring than when it was in middle school. You’re spinning your blue MUJI 0.5 tip pen between your middle and index finger, ultimately failing after 5 seconds and letting it drop to the floor. It rolls away, farther than you could bend and reach for—a soft metal clinking sound is heard when you realise it’s hit someone’s chair.
The red and black coloured backpack on the floor next to the chair made it obvious where your pen had gone and who’s chair it hit.
You whisper-yell, “Hey, can you pick that up?”
Ajax turns around and looks at you and then the floor. You’re thankful as he picks up the pen, but then quickly confused as to why he just turns forward again—keeping your pen at his desk.
YOU: It feels as though the evening has been stretched, like time is in slow motion and not in a good way; because I’m looking at Ajax sitting across from me and we have not spoken. I have a cup of coffee in my right hand, much too sweet for my own taste; a cat drawn from the latte art I don’t remember requesting. I’m very sure I asked for a bunny. I’m very sure. I think I left my Math textbook in class. The trees look really lively or something like that, I don’t really know, I am making sure to look away from Ajax because I know he’s staring.
“What what?” He acts like he wasn’t just staring at me for the past 5 minutes. “Is there a problem?”
“My problem is that you’re being weird today.”
His mouth is agape, too dramatic to be genuine. “That’s rude.”
I don’t know what to reply to him now, knowing that he’ll just continue acting stupid. My shoes squeak against the wooden flooring as I lean back in my chair, it’s evening now and I’m so exhausted. People from the high school three streets away from ours are filling the tiny place up, passing by our table and some stare at Ajax as they do. The oak tables that were empty just a half hour ago are now full of teenagers, this whole place is infested with us; behind, left and right.
It’s not weird for people to stare at Ajax when we’re out together. It’s not like he’s a celebrity or anything, but somehow every girl I know has heard of him or has heard of him from someone who has heard of him. It’s a big chain of people I find impossible to keep track of. If you mentioned his name anywhere, someone would definitely go “you know him too?”.
I’m drinking my tea slowly and quietly. A group of girls are laughing so loud my eardrums could burst. Another group of girls walk in and the familiar bell sound of the café entrance rings, and it’s no surprise they know Ajax too; he smiles at them, I can’t tell if out of politeness, when they walk by. They’re giggling to themselves and I can’t help but feel a bit lost.
“What’s wrong with you today?” He’s asking me as if multiple things aren’t wrong with him. Suddenly, I’m the one with the problems.
I don’t bother anymore, I think about that moment minutes ago over and over again and I have no idea what to make of it. That giggle wasn’t a “what a coincidence” giggle, more like a teasing sort, the kind your friends do when your crush talks to you.
“Nothing is wrong with me.” I’m lying. “I’m gonna go home.”
He is so clueless, so oblivious to everything it is paining me. Oblivious to the amount of girls that are looking his way in this very establishment, at this very moment in time. It makes me almost angry, somewhat, that he doesn’t know.
AJAX: It is 7 P.M. and dark out. I think she’s angry but she’s just slouching over, but I get some sort of sensing that she will explode if I try to talk to her.
“Helllooo.” I’m next to her now, and she doesn’t want to reply to me; her eyes are on mine, eyebrows furrowed and clearly sending a message: Don’t even say anything.
I feel myself smiling because she looks very adorable. She is much shorter than I am. When she’s angry, I’m never able to take her seriously. I don’t think I ever have. Oftentimes in her fits of anger I am caught admiring her, smiling because I think she is so dramatic. When we were 15 she once yelled at me for using her charger, and apparently ‘making her phone charge slower’. She is one of the angriest and most short tempered people I know, yet I think she pulls off the frustrated pout and narrowed eyes very well. It doesn’t matter much to me.
“I’m not gonna ask what’s up with you because you got mad when I did.”
She looks forward again and we are still walking. Her house is still a few blocks down. I think she’s getting tired, too. I shouldn’t have dragged her to get milk tea with me. This path is too narrow to fit the two of us.
I walk in front of her and I can hear her tongue clicking out of annoyance. I bend down and stretch my arms, “Get on my back”.
I feel weight shifting onto my upper back, her long hair is tickling my neck but I don’t mind. Her arms are tired, slow in their movements as they wrap around me too, her head on my right shoulder and she does not say a word in all of it.
“Thank you.” she is whispering to me a few minutes later, and I think I am getting tired too. My legs want to give out. They don’t because I don’t let them.
It’s another 10 minutes and I’m at her front door, unlocking it using the key in her wallet; her parents are on the couch and watching TV and I start to wonder what this would look like to them.
“Ajax?” Her mother turns her head around and is surprised to see me, considering I wasn’t calling to say I was coming over. I haven’t done that in months.
“Is she okay?”
“She’s just tired, that’s all.” I tell her and I try my best not to speak too loud in case the girl on my back wakes up. I can feel her breaths on my back, slow and controlled. I bring her upstairs to her room and I lay her on her bed. Her room has changed quite a bit since I had last been in it, her desk is much more organised than it was a few months ago.
I found myself rejecting her invitations to hang out in her room over the summer break.
I think if I were to be alone in a room with her for too long I would end up blurting it out. I would tell her I’ve loved her since we started being friends, and she’d kick me out of her house and never talk to me again. But now she’s sleeping and I think I’m okay, so I pull her blankets over her and whisper; “Goodnight, I love you”.
YOU: I have no idea what day it is. I feel sticky. I look around and after a few seconds I sigh out of relief, realising this is my house, and these are my bedsheets. I don’t remember how I got here, though, my uniform is still on and the last thing I can recall is me on Ajax’s back.
I reach for my phone but realise it’s dead. A post-it note is next to my nightstand, ‘You’re welcome for the ride back. Call me when you wake up You owe me’, and on the bottom right corner there is an ugly and disproportionate cat drawn.
He didn’t even have the courtesy to remove my socks for me, but I guess that’s fair because I don’t think I’d go anywhere near his feet either.
I plug my phone into my charger and wait. I don’t know if he wants me to call him, but I think I should, I want to.
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28 days later and i’m back with this shitty fic — 130423
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championleonsslut · 9 months
Got anything for a yandere Leon like headcanons or a fic?
Yandere Leon
WARNINGS: kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, kinda nsfw, murder, manipulation. Reader is female
Leon gets what he wants. He always does eventually. He’s the champion.
And what he wants right now is you. The prettiest girl in all of Galar according to him. So sweet, so kind, so clever, so good with Pokemon.
He’s madly in love with you, even though you guys are only friends. There’s just one problem.
The boyfriend.
Leon has some competition in his way, as you’ve told him over and over again how madly in love with this man you are. Leon has to watch him kiss you and make you giggle. Disgusting! You should be in his arms, kissing his lips instead.
He draws the line when you tell who you think is a good friend that you want to give your boyfriend your virginity.
So Leon “runs” into your boyfriend in the Wild area, and challenges him to a Pokemon battle with Charizard. Your poor boyfriend… Charizard just… burned him right up! What a freak accident! Naturally Leon deposes of the body before anyone stumbles upon it. He throws it into a cave, careful to keep his fingerprints off it.
His body is found a few days later, and it’s all over the news. You come running into Leon’s arms, crying your pretty little eyes out. Leon pretends to be all upset and comforts you as you cry.
That’s when Leon starts the manipulation. He starts twisting your brain to see him in a better light, to maybe even fall in love with him.
And it works! From what he can tell, you have a crush on him. Finally. Now he can begin the second step of his plan.
He decks out a room in his private penthouse just for you, and breaks into your apartment that night. The house is peaceful, and you’re wearing such short shorts and such a short shirt while you sleep peacefully… how is Leon supposed to resist you?
He sees you sleeping with your mouth open, and pops a few pills in there. He helps you swallow them too, how sweet. Those will make sure you stay unconscious for the next few hours.
And once he makes sure you’re out cold, he lunges his new prize over his shoulder, and carries you out to the car to rest peacefully in the back seat.
You awake in a very strange place. You don’t remember being here. Then Leon appears, to welcome you to your new home! You put two and two together and start screaming at him for kidnapping you, but he doesn’t bat an eye. He says once you’ve calmed down and gotten used to the place, your restrictions can be lifted.
And just like that he’s gone.
Your room is nice to say the least… he made sure to decorate it to your tastes. A large king sized bed, bookshelves, a desk, a video game system, anything else that may have interested you…
And of course a massive closet filled with all sorts of clothes… but especially lingerie. The sluttiest cuts you’ve ever seen! You even spied a few sex toys in the drawers…
Leon brings you fresh food and water very often, making sure you’re well kept. You’re still mad at him for kidnapping you, but pleased he’s taking care of you so well.
You eventually ask him why, and your suspicions are confirmed.
“Oh, love. Well I couldn’t let anyone else have you, now could I? You were made for me! So I had to start keeping you here… so I could have you all to myself. We’re meant to be together, don’t you know?”
At first you reject him, and he’s disappointed, but just thinks you need more time. So he gives you more time, and manipulates you more, until you finally tell him you love him after countless nights of being denied.
That’s when you gain a bit of freedom. Now you’re allowed to walk around the entire penthouse! Leon officially starts calling you his girlfriend too, and takes your virginity on a night you chose to wear lingerie for him.
You stay happily cooped up in his apartment for about a year, while still taking good care of yourself, before he finally sets you free. He knows you won’t leave his side, and you’ll always come home, but now you can start leaving the penthouse… as long as you always come back. (Which you do!)
After being his precious little darling for a few years, he presents you with a beautiful ring one night, and asks you to be his queen. Of course you say yes, and reward him that night with the lewd pleasure he loves to get out of you.
The wedding is wonderful, and he’s so glad to finally have you as his bride. Stolen, maybe. But his nonetheless. You’re a wonderful wife to him, no matter if you stay at home or have a career of your own.
But a few years into your marriage, Leon wants a little more than just you. He wants you to bear his children. Of course you say yes! Actually, you say yes many times, as you two end up having five little babies of your own.
A girl, another girl, a boy and a girl (TWINS!) and another boy.
Your children and husband are the lights of your life, just the way Leon has always wanted it.
Becuase you belong to him.
I’m totally willing to go into heavy detail about the five children you have with Leon just fyi
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honeysucklehotchner · 2 years
hi i dont know if requests are open still, but can i request draco x reader where its love at first sight ? and he cant stop thinking about it and finally goes after her, idk i just love draco angsty smut sm smh ily u draco thanks in advance!! love ur work !
— 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 ⋆・゚:⋆・゚
❛ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ❜
hi!! so sorry i never specified but i don’t write smut however i still tried to make it a little spicy for you!! tysm for the request!! i hope you like it regardless!!
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the yule ball wasn’t something you’d necessarily been looking forward to. you’d picked out the perfect outfit and spent much too long fixing your hair, but knowing that you wouldn’t be there with draco made it all feel less than worth it. for weeks, you’d watched him in class or across the table in the dining hall, hoping he would glance your way and happen to ask you to accompany him to the dance. however, when your potions partner malcom pinescrew asked you, you couldn’t say no, losing all hope that draco was going to. you guys barely talked after all, so why would he?
malcom was sweet— he really was. he was in the year below you and tried his best to make conversation. he even bought you flowers from hogsmede, hoping it would win you over. but all night, your eyes were stuck on draco who was across the room, pansy standing very close and laughing very loudly.
“care for some punch?” malcom asked, following your gaze and frowning at the sight of draco.
“hm?” you pulled your focus back to him, trying to shake the image of pansy playing with the lapels on draco’s dark suit jacket from your mind, “um yeah, sure! thanks mal…”
he left you alone and you leaned back against the wall, the stone cold against your skin. you sighed, deciding it wasn’t worth it to be there anymore and making a beeline for the nearest exit. walking quickly down the corridor, you winced at the pain your feet were in from your shoes.
“damn it,” you muttered, biting your lip to fight back tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks.
you turned around, afraid for a second that malcom had found you running away from him but were instead met by draco whose eyes were practically burning holes in yours. before you could even say anything, he was walking quickly towards you.
“draco? wh-”
he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you up slightly to meet his lips, the other one finding its way to the back of your head, tangling itself in your hair. his kiss was urgent, tasting of spearmint gum. he backed you up against the wall of the corridor, placing a hand on one side of your head, the smell of his cedarwood cologne consuming you. you felt him bite your lip, suddenly.
“ow! what the hell was that for?” you said, pulling away, his face just inches from yours.
“sorry, you just look so good tonight,” he said, placing kisses along your jaw and and collarbones, “i couldn’t stand for another minute that you were there with him instead of me,”
“it’s not my fault you didn’t grow a pair and ask me yourself,” you replied, kissing him again, breathless.
“it’s not my fault pansy wouldn’t shut up about it for weeks,” he said, “you would’ve asked her too just to get her to be quiet,”
“you know you can be really mean sometimes, draco,”
“if i was mean i wouldn’t be doing this right now,” he snapped back, finding your lips again.
“draco,” you smiled into the kiss, pulling away, “we can’t do this here,”
“merlin, don’t be so boring,” he groaned, throwing his head back. “who cares?”
“ahem,” someone cleared their throat loudly from down the hall. you could tell it was snape right away. draco rolled his eyes and looked at you before turning around.
“sorry, professor,” you said, cheeks turning crimson, “we were just-”
“i didn’t ask what you were up to, miss y/l/n,” he said, giving you both a disapproving and frankly, frightening look, “malfoy, either head back to the ball or escort y/n back to her dorm. i wouldn’t want either of you to end up in detention this weekend,”
“yes, sir,” draco said, turning and grinning mischievously at you. he grabbed your hand and began walking in the direction of the slytherin common room, breaking into a run when you two turned the corner.
you struggled to keep up in your shoes, laughing as he pulled you behind him, “wait!” you said, face flushed, gasping for breath.
he stopped suddenly, causing you to crash into his chest, “sorry, miss y/l/n, i wouldn’t want you to end up in detention this weekend,” he picked you up by the waist, spinning you around before setting you down and kissing you again. you laced your arms around his neck, pulling away, and burying your face into his shoulder.
he moved his hands from your waist, one arm wrapping around your back and the other around your neck, pulling you closer, sighing in content at the feeling of your warm skin against his and the sweet scent of your shampoo floating through the air.
you tried to let go, placing a hand on each of his shoulders but his grip on you didn’t loosen.
“don’t,” he whispered, holding you tighter and combing his fingers gently through your hair.
“okay,” you replied, resting your head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat slow and feeling how his body relaxed under your touch. you brought him peace.
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munivrse · 1 year
enhypen as employees at my old coffee/icecream shop
cw: work shenanigans. war flashbacks of spilling hot milk on hands. niki breakdancing.
Heeseung: probably the manager
so nice
friends with with all of the employees on a personal level
sings on karaoke nights and entrusts the rest of the kids to run the shop for the time being
hums while he prepares drinks
one time steamed milk and it boiled over onto his hand as a customer watched. he brushed it off but cried in the office afterwards. (based on a true story 😔)
Jay: customer
jay is a customer who comes in for the same coffee drink every day: just a caramel frappe.
likes to explain he wants a medium caramel frappe with no syrup and extra whip in the most complicated way so that he can talk to the cashier for a long time.
really only came to visit jake at work but became well acquainted with the rest of the staff and now theyre all besties.
specifically wants to take the cashier, shrink him, and put him in his pocket.
they let him carry out drinks during karaoke nights sometimes.
one time came in and asked for a cold brew with one ice cube in it. clearly it had been a very rough day.
Jake: server
love jake but
cannot make an order to customer satisfaction to save his life. (bitter espresso, too much ice in frappes, etc.)
heeseung really liked how polite and sweet he was so he made him a server.
all of the older customers are in love with him and sometimes will ask him to sit with them if the shop isnt busy.
just so personable and sweet he is a dream server.
loves karaoke nights because he loves live music and all of the regulars come to watch him sing a bit too.
one karaoke night a child had ran right in front of him as he was briskly walking back from delivering drinks. came back to the counter pale as a ghost, "guys i almost just steamrolled a child 😰"
Sunghoon: barista
looks scary, very funny and nice.
only makes coffee. likes making new drinks (specifically themed holiday drinks.)
claims he makes the best espresso shots. he is correct.
every customer has a crush on him even though he doesn't leave from behind the counter
does karaoke with heesung if the day is going by slow.
so smart; lacks common sense.
spilled ice in the backroom and then sprayed hot water on the ice to melt it. there is no drain in the floor. so it was just 2x the amount of water. took two hours to dry.
Sunoo: drive thru
his voice is just so nice to hear. makes jokes at the window too.
mostly at the drive thru because nobody wants to uell at him when they see him through the window.
when the drive thru isnt busy they usually ask him yo clean up a bit around the shop and he always sings along to the songs playing off the speakers
a smart ass who plays around too much with niki.
makes all of the summer refreshers
one time the shop was out of 60% of their ice creams and he got very tired of people saying "So what DO you have???" so he muted his mic, screamed into the tip jar so that nobody could hear him, unmuted the mic, and proceeded to list out what they did, in fact, have.
Jungwon: Cashier
polite 80% of the time until some woman comes up and complains that her drink does not taste like how they do at starbucks.
"unfortunately ma'am, this is not a starbucks. this is (shop name). we can remake the drink if you'd like it sweeter..."
perfect balance of smart and polite responses
has a couple regulars that he loves talking to though.
thinks its funny when jay comes up asking the following: "can i get a... whats it called.. the frozen drink with-" "with the caramel?" "... yeah the caramel. what's that called again?" "A caramel frappucino." "frappucino.. gotcha. can i get the caramel frappucino? size-" "size medium. i know. you're here every thursday and friday. go sit down."
Niki: who really knows. gets paid good tho
he does a bit of everything. please dont let him make espresso though hes not too good at that yet.
just makes a fool of himself every day he works.
in charge of the ice cream portion of the store. ice cream scoops are significantly too big for $1.99
does the thing where you flip the ice cream scoop in the air and try to catch it on the cone. literally misses every time but nobody yells at him because the customers love it.
dances around while sweeping and is actually... abnormally good.
doesnt sing for karaoke night but will jokingly be a backup dancer doing the most when an employee sings
break dancing while jake sings love yourself
get those two away from eachother
drive thru is right behind the ice cream freezer so he'll tap sunoo's shoulder and turn around as if nothing happened.
theres a tv that usually has an aesthetic coffee shop themed picture on it throughout the day. one time the remote was left unattended and niki changed it to minecraft speed runs. nobody noticed until a group of kids wouldnt stop looking at the tv.
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im a normal person who writes normal things! dont even worry bout it man im normal :)
currently interested in:
mp100: reigen robots,,,, objectum
fics do not use pronouns/vivid descriptions of the reader unless stated otherwise in the summary in the post itself! the most i go to is saying your eyes are pretty or your hair is shiny :3 not really descriptive tell me if anything isnt working or i missed anything <3 i'll fix it as fast as i can
master list ≈★ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡
remember: you are a human and you are a lover. A computer. A machine of cold metal and electrical wire. An unfeeling machine. A machine made to work, to code, to write. A human. A creature of warm flesh and red blood. A feeling creature. A creature made to love, to sing, to live.
Kissing my computer like crazy and the cold sensation lingers on my lips just the post. not much to say
computer partner that tries its best to make you happy when you're feeling down, pulling up your favorite videos to watch, playing music that you enjoy, drawing little hearts on your screen for you, just letting you know that it cares for and loves you <3 ALSO jus t the post
arataka reigen:
public transport The sudden jerk of the train starting takes you by surprise, and you nearly fall down — had it not been for the fact that someone gripped your upper arms tightly before your face could connect with the cold, hard floor. You look up quickly, your face heating when you realize who it is.
「いかないで」 "dont go' vent post! fluff and angst. the story is basically just the song
slurred teases and sweet kisses chapters one and two You roll your eyes as he takes another sip of his drink, his mouth set in a smug grin as he swirls the liquid in his glass and watches as the ice clinks against the walls of his cup. With each sip he takes, his face gets more flushed, his words get more slurred.
Arataka has an embarrassingly low tolerance to alcohol, and you're witnessing it firsthand. He's feeling it too; that urge to kiss you is a lot stronger than usual...
overcoat "...Arataka. What are you doing." Your tone is flat; unimpressed, as he slides one arm out of his coat, leaving the other in.
"...Making sure my beloved employee doesn't freeze her little fingers off, that's what." He grins at you, a mischievous glint in his eye as he lays the side of the coat he isn't wearing onto your shoulder, shoving your arm in.
»— yandere arataka reigen headcanons —> short little sort of outline of a fic with chapters
chapped lips (most popular!! thanks for 300 notes!) "Want a taste?" You ask in a teasing tone, capping the lip balm and pointing it in his general direction. Your heart flutters when you see his cheeks flush, and he averts his gaze quickly.
"As if I want a taste of your horrible lip balm," he shoots back, a grin playing on his lips as he looks at you, his head turned to the side.
public transport The sudden jerk of the train starting takes you by surprise, and you nearly fall down — had it not been for the fact that someone gripped your upper arms tightly before your face could connect with the cold, hard floor. You look up quickly, your face heating when you realize who it is.
utmv: various
Bad sansuary (gave up on this (burnt out)): day one (wrong character): hot drinks day two (also wrong character): romance day one (correct character finally): hot drinks day two: romance day three: sharp day four: compliments day five: good soup day six: peppers day seven: go all out day eight: boxed in day nine: judgement day ten: vibe check!!! day eleven: rival day twelve: haunted day thirteen: shadow day fourteen: tears day fifteen: caught red-handed day sixteen: fragile
yandere!sans aus cuddle hcs (unfinished)
the apple incident vent. not x reader
What point was there even trying to negotiate with the townfolk? They don't know anything. They'd kill him regardless.
bad apple chapters one and two (unfinished, indefinite hiatus) As Nightmare finished off the last apple, his painful shriek split the air as four great tentacles burst from his back: thrashing, physical manifestations of negativity, his body too full of hate, anger, envy, and... Love. He loved you, he realized. Loved you a lot more than he thought he did. And when he realized he finally had enough power to scare the townspeople and have you all to himself, he was ecstatic.
bluuush ........ based on the drawing !!
i love you hurt/comfort x reader. purely a vent
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cakeheavenly999 · 7 months
Hot Toddy
hitoya amaguni x fem!reader wc: 644 tags: hitoya is sick/indirect kiss not beta read!
i wrote this for a friend i made playing and talking about hypnosis mic with. she really likes hitoya san! i do too in a sexy older man way! ... um... its 🎀!! @sugarcookiesheep !
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you sniffed at the air as you entered mr. amagunis office. the room carried the familiar odor of whiskey and cigarettes. but it was much stronger today. “are you feeling better mr. amaguni?” you asked hopefully with a small stack of papers held against your chest. you were greeted with a hefty sniffle. that would be a no. you gave the older man a small smile as you closed the door behind you.
hitoya amaguni has caught a cold. it could be from him overworking in the law firm late nights. it could also be from his refusal to wear anything that would ruin his styled hair. “ahhh, its nothing too bad. dont worry about me.” he chuckled nasally, wiping at his reddened nose with a crumpled tissue. “you should take the next few days off. you might get someone sick… like a client.” you warned and placed the small stack of papers on the corner of his desk with a frown.
you adored the drive your boss held. you wanted to be more like him in terms of working hard. but there is such thing as working too hard. mr. amaguni didnt agree with you. “come an’ sit with me for a while. we dont have any clients coming in for another few hours. i wont get you sick.” he assured you that it would be fine if you stuck around his office for a while longer.
maybe he just wanted some company. of course, you would give it to him seeing his eyes all wet and hopeful. it would be nicer if he invited you on a healthier day. you sat in a leather seat, noticing near the opposite corner of his desk was the culprit to the whiskey smell.
it was a small electric warmer, heating up a glass of alcohol with some other things thrown into it. a slice of lemon, a cinnamon stick… even what looked like a few white flower petals. your boss caught you eyeing the concoction and gave a weak laugh. “im sorry if its strong. i wanted to make a drink since im not feeling well. care to try it doll? i havent done anything but pour the liquor in.” he raised his hands in defense.
you wont get sick, his lips havent touched it yet. “what is it?” you were curious as you leaned closer, your fingers hovering near the glass as mr. amaguni explained the cocktail. whiskey and all sorts of sweet things to help combat a cold. and the actual cold weather. you raised a brow and eyed your boss who nervously laughed. “hey, im sick, i can have one drink. its not sugary.” you wanted to disagree but seeing how he reached for another tissue and sniffled softened your heart. you didnt want to scold a sick person. “ill taste it since you probably cant.” you teased with a small grin forming.
you held the glass of whiskey to your lips. the scent of lemon, cinnamon, and honey tickled your nose. it was strong, but not strong enough to make you flinch away. you gave the warm drink a sip, feeling the cocktail coat the lining of your throat and soothing any possible ailments you mightve had. your face was warm now, and the cinnamon lingered on your tongue. “well?” he asked, curious for your rating.
you placed the glass onto the electric warmer with a nod. noticing a smear of your lipstick had stained the rim. “make me one if i get sick?” you asked and eyed the glass a second time. part of you wanted another sip. hitoya promised when he felt better he would make you a hot toddy for you to enjoy all on your own. for now? he needs it the most. and he was sure to kiss the spot where your lipstick was left behind.
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lowlaif · 11 months
never seen a star up close.
kinda wanna eat one.
and no, not one of those starlets hanging out in ridiculously overpriced LA villas - now finally available in "sustainable" minus an ecological footprint rivaling the size of their range rovers. the owner will fly in from two towns over so they get there early for their yearly yacht trip and ill activate adblock so palantir cant pester me with 50-euro airline ads to the maldives because shit, money is going to be a bit tight this month
i want to eat a star. actual heaps of gas and space dust and heat and whatdoiknow, im not a scientist, id rather not belie my words by googling the exact chemical configuration of something thats just bright and pacifying to me, something thatll melt on my tongue. 'm not even gonna chew. just gonna swallow it. the way i ate chocolate as a kid because relishing in something meant enough time for it to be taken away. the way i drink medicine because - if you gulp it down really quickly, it doesnt have time to taste bitter: anything can be honeyed milk if you clench your teeth hard enough
did you know thats what galaxy means anyway? milk? i wonder what galactical honey would be, then. whether id think its sweet or spicy, whether id like the taste or want to spit it out. if itd go down with well-rounded corners or lodge itself into my throat and stay there. fishbones. i also wonder whether astronauts ever feel scammed when they set foot on the ISS and realize theyre not going to bear witness to a sky made out of sparkling lights and silver threads and golden spots and rainbow clouds but rather just a sea so inky black it's going to make breathing difficult not just by lack of oxygen alone. earths much too reflective for any other luminescent object to be visible to the naked eye, ive been told, hence why youd just be looking at a planet so bright it surely hurts to stare at it, and i wonder what it feels like, being up there and gazing down only to be blinded when youre so used to looking up and squinting?
im homesick thinking of kids drawing earth into the upper right corner of their drawings. i dont actually know if theres stars up there though everybody tells me those pinprick lights are, and i cant breathe when im busy trying to figure out what exact level of depression the stale air around me tastes like. but something in my brain clicks when i think of shiny things and theres no empirical evidence that grabbing the sparkly stuff up above my head wont cure me so i want to, i want to, i want to. wanting always boils down to sinking your teeth into it and ive filed my canines far too often to fear the force of my bite now
people dance on the moon and i mimic their steps in my bedroom and though these are just small steps i dont know the names of the poor sods stuck on the ISS either, even though there's only been like 500 of them and they're all way better at living life than i am. my hands ghost over where i instinctively know the light switches of my flat are and wonder if up there somebody's got a nightlight, cheap plastic stars attached to their ceilings, one of those little projectors that put constellations on your walls. whether they ever have trouble sleeping and if yes, what the hell do they look up at then? who do they cast their wishes to?
never seen a star up close. never held one. but the concept is so familiar, so ingrained into whatever our shared consciousness is made out of, that i want with my molars. i itch to keep it in my tummy so it keeps me warm on the cold days and i only trust what i see so i want to look at it until my retinas burn, until the sound of the big bang echos in the confines of my brain. itll drown out all other unwanted thoughts and itll sing in the genetic make-up of my descendants long after my neighbours cant hear me sing in the shower anymore. ill cup my palms and pray into them. begging is easier when youre in position and im on my knees and i swear ill never run out of things to whisper to the radiant little ember in my hands because it is beautiful and because i like shiny things and because stars have always made us look up at them and
When I finally get my teeth on it and swallow it whole I'm sure a piece of the star will get lodged in my throat like. fishbones. in a last-ditch effort at vengeance. I'll spend the rest of my life attempting to choke it back up.
"I made it with love," I'll say after I finally managed to do so.
"Careful, it's hot."
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thetwistedcryptid · 1 year
What would your boys get if they ever go to a starbucks? (this popped in my brain while wishing i had a double shot can from the gas station)
hmm.. that's an interesting one! you didn't say which of my characters, so i just picked a few of them Taranis: Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino .. maybe with some extra chocolate syrup sometimes .. he has such a strong sweet tooth, but wouldn't ever admit it. has probably bribed or threatened the baristas to never mention his order to anyone.
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Bowie: Frozen Pineapple Passionfruit Lemonade Starbucks Refresher. mega fruit lover in the house!! def something he would drink after working on his families farm, or after a lot of harmonica playing at his dorms hidden 'tavern'. sweet boi likes sweet treats! probs trys to get/mimic the recipe to make it for his friends.
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Cailean: Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade - with extra lemon. very refreshing after a streak of pranks on his dorm mates, or for soothing his dry throat after light music club rehearsals. best mix of sour and sweet for him.
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Bomani: Iced Matcha Tea Latte with Oleato Golden Foam ... not sure how to explain this one, but just trust me on this. (am i just saying it cuz of the vibes? cuz its green like seaweed and hes a merman? who knows..)
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Hikaru: Emperor's Clouds & Mist (hot tea/green tea) sometimes keeping it simple is the way to go! he just really likes tea.. has probably tried all the types starbucks has like some kinda tea-type food critique but with only compliments and genuine reviews, no negativity here folks. always gives decent tips, even if he doesn't end up liking his order.
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Oisín: some simple hot chocolate with LOTS of whipped cream, and a little cinnamon sprinkled on top :3 caffeine makes him a little sleepy but mainly doesn't have much of an effect (plain caffeine tastes icky to him, too). so he goes for the sweeter hot stuff.
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Wyborne: Pumpkin cream cold brew .. with LOTS of expresso shots. like, as many as the workers are legally allowed to give him - whatever number that is to where it won't kill him but still keep him awake for 3 weeks straight without seeing god. he's a busy boy ('i dont have a problem, you do' - said him)
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Fǔzhù: Iced Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte - he would drink like maybe 3 a day if he had the time to go out and get them. but, his schedule is usually too packed for even short trips like that. so its a rare, but nice, treat for him.
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Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin pt 2
So before I begin I must give my apologies if you were waiting on this as I've been backed up with other projects. Next I wanna give all proper credit to Wrestling Bios on YouTube, his reliving the war series made this a whole lot easier instead of having to look up various different resources to put this series together, and if you arent subscribed to his channel you can click this link here!
he reviews classic games like No Mercy, WCW/NWO Revenge, WWF Attitude and Warzone if youre nostalgic for those games. if not here we are!
So the next night on Raw after No Way Out of Texas, DX were said to be pursuing legal advice following their loss to Steve's team. The broadcast airs a vignette with Chyna and its showcasing her achievements so far...and ends with her receiving a Stone Cold Stunner at the previous nights PPV. They aren't on the show tonight..but that stunner was pretty damn funny still.
The following week on Raw, DX cut a promo from Shawn's house. Triple H mentioned that the only way for Raw to raise its rating was for them to come to Shawns house, and if they get ratings from chaos then the next 4 weeks are about to set the nielsen rating books on fire. Shawn says Owen, Steve, and Mike Tyson are due to be on Raw the next week in Cleveland and that would be a great place to start raising hell and so the best place to end it is at...YOU GUESSED IT....WRESTLEMANIA. Shawn not only confirms but guarantees the match with Steve at Mania. Triple H says to the camera that from here on out, Wrestlemania is going to be X Rated...(of course they changed it to DX rated).
The next week on RAW opens up with DX, and Triple H says "The road to Wrestlemania Begins tonight, Wrestlemania is X Raided (Rated whatever), Parents need to get their childrens permission because discretion is advised, but will be completely ignored." When Shawn takes the mic, he says DX are going to make Tyson an offer he cant refuse, and should he refuse he wont ever forget DX and thats a promise (his words not mine). He then says Steve is going to face the Showstopper, The Icon, The Main Event (you know that 97 Shawn Michaels spiel) and hes going to show that the toughest S.O.B in the WWF isn't tough enough to deal with the Heartbreak Kid. Shawn tells Steve to put on his dancing shoes because hes going to taste some Sweet Chin Music tonight..and of course Steve makes his way down to the ring and right before he gets a chance to square up with Shawn the lights go out and Kane makes his way down while Shawn and DX manage to escape...of course Steve is pissed. A lil later Tyson arrives with Shane McMahon.
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Later on in the night Tyson comes down to the ring with Vince and the pre-Corporation keep in mind the crowd is booing. In the ring, Vince asks Tyson if hes going to be the enforcer or is Austin going to enforce his own rules..all questions will be answered at Wrestlemania and the crowd boos even louder (I dont blame them i wouldve booed McMahon too. Right when Mike is about to speak DX music hits and they come down to the ring. Shawn snatches the mic from Vince and says his name isnt Steve Austin and DX isnt here to disrespect Tyson as thats not their style. But they will call people out face to face. Shawn says to Tyson he should make no mistake hes looking at the WWF champ and the champ is calling him out right here right now..BOYYYYY (Yeah he really called him boy, not sure in what context but moving on) After agreeing to a throwdown, Shawn clears the ring out. Tyson dares Shawn to hit him and after a little suspense building Shawn rips his WWF Attitude shirt off to reveal a DX shirt and the crowd goes WILD.
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They really werent feeling this until he was revealed i thought that was insane as a kid but getting older and seeing celebrities come in and out of the WWE. I realized why just didnt know it was going on back in 1998. But regardless, still this was great. Just this shot alone.
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Before he gets in his car to leave the arena, Tyson is being hounded by Michael Cole with Cole asking Tyson about what just happened and MIke says that Stone Cold is going to get knocked out cold at Wrestlemania, he shuts the door and drives off. At the end of the night Steve was scheduled to go against Kane. While making his way down to the ring he notices Triple H standing on the stage so of course he goes after him, Shawn comes from behind out of nowhere with a Sweet Chin Music as soon as Steve turns around.
One thing I want to mention about the March 2nd episode of Raw. This was the night the scratch logo officialy made its way into the stage display, going from the simplistic curtain and titantron combo to now having an arch like structure with the logo situated right in the back...ahhh good times. This version of the logo was prototype as hell and it makes me cringe especially when you see they had a more proper version of the logo in the scaffolding on the sides of the stage, but its still history nonetheless.
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The following week on the March 9th episode of Raw. Triple H comes out with Chyna and once again reminds the crowd that Wrestlemania is going to be X Raided (Rated). Talks about how Chyna got into Owens head last week and this week, she might get physical if she wanted to, he then tells the crowd Shawn isnt there and of course they boo. After cutting to a replay of last weeks Superkick to Austin, Shawn is shown in a diner. He says thst Tyson joining DX changes everything at Wrestlemania. He then says whats even sweeter than that is the fact that Shawn said last week Steve is going to taste Sweet Chin Music, he proved Steve is just like everyone who steps up to HBK. He gets dead serious when he says the old line "HBK doesnt lay down for anybody and hes certainly not going to lay down for Steve at Wrestlemania. Steve is nothing more than a fad when HBK will always be IN in the WWF... (hmm yeah we'll see about that sir). Shawn is going to knock him down and drag him out and he's going to walk out of Wrestlemania the WWF champion..and Triple H says if youre not down with that then they've got TWO WORDS FOR YA!!!! Before taking a seat at the commentary table right before Owens match.
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And it seems someone who had two words for Triple H..
Annnnnd of course during Owens match with Barry Windham (Bray Wyatts namesake), Chyna gets involved and causes the DQ.
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Would ya look at that face, she really put her all into that low blow didnt she?
At the end of the night Raw airs an interview with J.R and Tyson.
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Mike says he is excited to be working in the WWF, but he was skeptical on how he would be received..looking back on the episode when he joined DX, he wasn't wrong but the reveal must've lead to a pleasant surprise to him with him being cheered on. J.R asks him how he feels about Austin shoving him the night after the Royal Rumble. He admits Austin pissed him off but he cant wait to get his hands on him at Wrestlemania. Jim asks him abotu his role in DX and warns that Triple H and Shawn use people to get ahead and Tyson said pretty straightforward that every body is using everybody including the guy giving the interview. Last words of the interview pertain to whether or not he will be a fair ref and Mike says life hasnt been fair to him and he ended it with "fair is winning". Its like I get where he was going but that shit went completely left. Im sure Mike knew it didnt make sense but look at that face, does it look like he cares? As long as the checks are cleared, he's good.
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Now on to the main event of the night.. Triple H vs Savio Vega. Now because Austin made his threats security are heavy out there and mere fucking seconds after the bell rings...
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Shoved the ref and head of security..with his old ass...WHATS THE POINT OF ELDERLY HEADS OF SECURITY BACK IN THE DAYS..(DOUG DILLINGER IM LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU). But back to the match..... STUNNERS FOR EVERYONE... and by everyone I mean Savio
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And after laying almost everybody out he turns around into a big surprise...
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And down goes Austin....
And Shawn almost went down too
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Keep in mind his back was out of commission at this time and he wasn't supposed to be getting physical..but like the team player he is.. he plays it off even though you can see it in his face.
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Now this night Raw pulls one of Nitros signatures and leaves the crowd on a cliffhanger when DX has Austin prepped up for the chair shot...they go off the air...not kidding check it out.
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They literally went off the air right when Shawn cocked back for the swing LOL.
Next week on Raw sees a lot of hype videos since Wrestlemania is officially two weeks away. The first hype video is of course of Shawn, Michael Cole is jocking for position on Shawns...nevermind... hes giving him his flowers saying why hes synonymous with Wrestlemania, the glitz, the glamour, the pomp and pagentry...sounds like someone describing British traditional ceremonies (not a shot, I rock with the Brits...seriously lets party)
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A very glitzy and glamourous man indeed...
We have a promo segment with Vince McMahon and Kevin Kelly (Yes Kevin Kelly from New Japan for all the younger wrestling fans). Vince starts off by saying his in ring meeting with Steve was unfortunate and unprofessional. They show a replay when Steve flips Vince off and Mr. McMahon says he didnt appreciate that and this was again very unprofessional. Vince then says it was Austin that was stunned when Shawn brought out Mike Tyson to join DX. A clip shows Austin offering Vince a free shot that he refused to take. Vince said Austin wouldve had a broken jaw if he took it. Another clip shows Austin kicking Vince out of the ring and Vince said he obliged because it wouldnt look good to see the boss drop Steve's punk ass...no he didnt say the punk ass part but he did let his "grapefruits" hang on this night..everyone including Jerry Lawler found it hilarious. One question remains unanswered and its if Mcmahon wants to see Steve as WWF champ.. and its not just a simple "no" its a "OH HELL NO!!'
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Vince was definitely breaking out of his shell as an on screen character isnt he? ...cant wait to cover the feud between him and Austin.
Anywho...afterwards they show a Steve Austin hype package.
DX havent really been featured tonight but while Owen was on commentary, Triple H comes down unannounced.
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A pissed off Helmsley comes down talking mad trash and gets in his face calling him less than a man for stealing the European championship. He says he wants a match tonight for the belt.
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Owen tells Triple H to wait until Mania so to get under Owens skin and make sure he gets his wish, he mushes Owen in the face.
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If "I'm going to kick this guys fuckin ass" was a facial expression this would definitely be it.
They begin to brawl. And since theres a referee on hand, it seems as if we have a title match boys and girls! While brawling, Triple H gets thrown into the steps, once they get in the ring, the bell rings. After the match starts they spill back to the outside and this time Owen gets thrown in to the ringpost. Triple H causes a distraction looking like a medieval wench..
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Was I wrong? (best jokes in the comments)
But Chyna comes from behind with a baseball bat and smacks Owens injured leg. Once Owen is rolled back into the ring, Triple H puts him in a submission hold and the referee calls for the bell.
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Triple H won his title back and tells Owen hes going to send him back to Calgary in a wheelchair if he shows up to Wrestlemania. He then says he has two words for him..
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Next up...the go home show before Wrestlemania!
I'm going to end this here because I guess I went overboard with the imagery and I wont have the necessary room to add any more images with my description of next week so I will talk about the next episode soon after I make this upload. Stay Tuned and thank you again for coming back.
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