#and i do it kinda regularly too 🤨
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alligaytorswamp · 2 years ago
which brain disease makes me come up with entirely fictional scenarios in my head, that are just miserable and make me cry irl ??
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papers-pamphlet · 7 months ago
The long awaited (?) Claudia lore (and, who is Josephine von Segensfeld ??? What went down in Germany ??? 🤨🤨)
Shit guys I've been letting all this fester in my head for so long but now that I finally posted that comic I can finally dump it all here yipeeeee
Okay so first off, Claudia. Well, to begin we should start with her father and his born family. Leone Difiori was born of a wealthy noble family in Italy, but was kicked out and disowned for "incompetence" among many other reasons. In other words, he's kinda stupid.
He married a commoner woman to gain some sort of standing. Then, Claudia was born the first of five children. Things were looking hopeless though, Leone worked tirelessly every day and it really wasn't going anywhere.
Then, both mother and father came to the idea --- have Claudia marry to a rich family once she grows up ! And then she'll rescue us from poverty ! So, they raised her just for that.
Despite growing up with such pressure, Claudia couldn't refuse it. She had no reason to resent her parents for anything, her father was a bit of an idiot, but he was trying, and her mother was so sweet and pitiful. She felt it her obligation to marry a man, be a good wife, and help her family.
Once Claudia grew up, her father began his game plan for marrying his daughter off. He then began correspondence with the Segensfeld family in Germany (using his former nobility standing to his advantage and not revealing that he was utterly broke and disowned.)
So the father of the Segensfelds gave him the okay, and so Claudia's father had brought her along with him to Germany for an arranged marriage !
Now let's talk a little more about Josephine von Segensfeld .
As previously stated, Josephine grew up very freely. She was the youngest and her father spoiled her and let her do as she pleased without much pressure on her. (It is here that I realize that Josephine is kinda the polar opposite of Joseph Hayes and that was completely unintentional but still hilarious 😭😭)
She was pretty. Many men tried to take her hand in marriage, she refused. A few times her family tried to arrange marriage for her, she threw a hissy fit and they never spoke of it again. (Girl is a lesbian woah)
The day the Difioris arrive at the Segensfeld manor, she's immediately interested in the daughter because she's pretty. The Difioris stay as guests in the manor while they discuss the arrangements. During that, Josephine makes her first move and gains Claudia's friendship.
So almost immediately, Leone is found out as a fraud and was about to be kicked out of the manor by the father until Josephine pleaded to him for them to stay because she likes Claudia so much 🥺🥺 "father pleaseeeee the daughter is so sweetttttt would you allow at least her to stay ????? 🥺🥺🥺"
Never being able to refuse his daughter, he accepted and lent the Difioris some money for them to get an apartment to stay.
Often Josephine would send for Claudia to visit the manor and they would simply spend time together doing normal friendly things. And then one day during a party, Josephine not being able to keep it in anymore, makes the first move and kisses her while they were alone.
Claudia, despite knowing how "unnatural" it is, goes alone with it. She's not sure why.
So . Things happen and they begin to regularly have this explicit love affair -- but it's still completely undefined to the both of them.
Josephine is smitten hard. She spent so much time with her, gave her so many gifts (even had a certain miniature portrait of Claudia painted so that she would be able to see her likeness wherever she went) and so was Claudia, but she couldn't understand that for her mind was too wired to that mindset she was raised with.
Eventually Claudia had to remember what her purpose was -- she couldn't keep this up any longer. It was unnatural (no matter how much she enjoyed it -- enjoyed Josephine's company and affection), she had to be with a man. These feelings couldn't be real, no? It can't be.
One day, another gathering is hosted at the manor and Claudia goes to Josephine in her room to tell her it's over. The noble was completely livid over this. How could she break it off after all this ??? (She couldn't understand why Claudia was so deep in self-denial for she didn't know what it was like) So they have this big argument and Claudia ends up storming out. Both were angry, crying and bitter.
And then, Giles found Claudia. They marry. Some years later Leone dies of illness, her siblings grow up and get good enough jobs to support her mother. What was even the point ?
During the war, Giles' absence... Claudia had been receiving letters from Josephine once more. She tried to ignore them. Burn them, even. But she was just so lonely. (And she had to see her again eventually.)
Her judgement is poor and Josephine sails to England and visits Claudia this time. What happens is almost a repeat of last time. Nothing would change unless Claudia would just stop lying to herself.
@steph-schuyler @hamalicious-soup @lil-gae-disaster @marsfingershurt @imobsessedwiththeatre
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kankuroplease · 4 months ago
I don’t know if I missed any information in previous posts about her where you have answered this, if so I’m sorry for the repeat question.
I love chiha so much! As a little sister myself I cling onto little sister characters, and I am actually appalled at the fact that more characters don’t have younger siblings in naruto. Sorry that was a lot of typing just to not get to the point😅
In a previous post you said Gaara is not her type and sasuke is a no no, so is there an example of a canon/oc character that is her type or maybe a ship you already have setup?
Also if it’s not too much to ask what are her relationships like with some of the other characters (team10, team8, etc…)
These questions are more for your new au, but I completely understand if I’m thinking too far ahead
Very sorry about the length of this
In general, Chiha loves being the youngest to as it gets her out of trouble (no one suspects the youngest) and it’s fun to give Naruto a little sister
In this au, she’s still a menace, she’s just more small town coded
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Chiha would definitely have a huge crush on bull rider Sasuke. He’s in a cowboy hat, keeps cats, let her feed the baby animals, never complained about her tagging along, gave her his old guitar (which yeah, she read too much into), and she’s not blind 🤣 (the main thing she doesn’t like about him in TSAU is that he is hung up on another girl and would tie her down to the city she wants to leave). They just get in stupid arguments because Chiha doesn’t know how to handle having a crush/her crush being so popular and they both have tempers.
She ADORES Sakura so much. She helped Chiha practice to get on the cheer team, taught her how to do her makeup, and how to throw a mean punch. Sakura Graduating early and going to college meant she didn’t get to spend her teen years with her pseudo big sis, but they called and texted regularly so they are still very close.
While she likes Kisame as a person, she’s bummed that once again, Sakura is leaving her in the dust with different life stages. So she doesn’t spend too much time with the happy couple.
Or Nara, as she calls him, don’t have much to do with each other. She’s convinced he’s the laziest cowboy ever and she’s not sure why him and Naruto are friends or what Temari sees in him 🤨
He is Menma’s friend and her favorite rodeo clown tbh. She’s so happy that he’s always willing to share snacks with her and always gestures for her to take a deep breath when she’s nervous in the arena. Good friend 10/10
Ino’s family was on a whole different level to the rest of their town financially and Ino was this spoiled rich girl that got to go live in a city, so she really doesn’t know her. Chiha is very sucked to see her again in this au as a regular girl
Tenten is her other pseudo big sis that thought her how to lasso ~~she could’ve asked Naruto or Sasuke, but that was embarrassing as a kid when she said she already knew how~~ and let her borrow her moms old records to play when she was little.
Tenten and Chiha often run into each other for different town events as Chiha is a singer and Tenten does bar tending too. So they usually catch up at those functions if not at the rodeo.
He will always have a hero’s cape as her first actual dance partner (bros don’t count at parties). It was awkward as heck being a wallflower and then he came along and asked her to dance 🥹 they’ve developed a great friendship due seeing each other during Naruto’s training and even have a secret handshake
He’s a legendary bull rider from their town and Naruto’s mentor. She doesn’t know much about him, but he’s kinda always been around because he knows her parents?? All she knows everyone wants him and he can carry a note, so he better get his butt on stage and do these duets so she can make more money/get more attention 🤣
She also doubles as his errand girl during rodeos do to his injuries that have left him sidelined this season.
All she knows about is that before he was a rodeo clown/announcer, he was also a bull rider and that some big bad bull ended that career.
Oh and he’s loaded and his wife is too hot and cool for him, but his son is cute.
Obito’s wife that doesn’t do box seats even though she could. Anytime they’re around her hometown, she hears a lot of whispers and rumors about her, but Chiha doesn’t really care to listen to them.
Konan seems cool and she often sees her (and her kid) sitting with Kakashi and Gai.
He’s that funny guy that’s always around Kakashi and has a positive outlook on things. She likes finding new dad jokes to tell him because he always laughs like it’s the funniest thing.
He’s cool for a cop, she guesses. The only times they interact really is when Sakura comes to see her perform
He is not cool. She tried the clueless cute act and he gave her a ticket anyways. He’s not cool and he’s not that cute, she doesn’t care what anyone says 💀
Chiha is so freakin’ scared of him. His aura is intense, but he’s another poplar cowboy who unlike Sasuke and Kakashi, will actually sign things for her (she resales it).
He thinks she’s a big fan of his and she’d like to keep it that way (for the money)
This beauty. Honestly only met him because Naruto gave her, Zabuza’s number one fan, his number to pass on to Haku. They’re just getting to know each other, but they have swapped jackets, so Chiha considers him a friend ✨
Like Ino, she never actually met Hinata. She saw her here and there when she was younger because she and Menma were close, but now she sees her every Saturday morning on her cooking show. Girls supporting girls and what not.
Seems like a sweet girl and her and her mother will try to recreate some of the dishes for fun. She teases Menma about it being his old gfs recipe and tells him he should try reaching out to her 😏
Her old high school principal. He wrote her a letter of recommendation when she asked (that she never used) 😭
As for her type, she just likes people that are free thinking and will show her (and only her) affection~
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t4tpumpkinduo · 9 months ago
No longer need to use anon hii ^_^ Okay, do you have specific heacanons about their species? Like how the work, if theres a culture behind it? They could share eachothers cultures.. And how different or similar is there relationship in Manburg vs Las Nevadas?
OMG HIII and yes i'm glad, i rlly appreciate yr qs :'[ tysm fr giving me the chance to yap abt these freaks its been YEARS. ok iwill start now
so first my hot take is cschlatt is a mixed king i think she's half sheep half goat. let me explain 🤚 do not interrupt me
well firstly, i just think it's kinda moe cuteness adorable and plays into his duality...i think her ma was a brown sheep, and his dad was a white goat and his hair ended up kinda swirled because of it. and up until revival brute forced white hair on her and made her confront stuff (and revival hair isn't dyeable to me), he'd dye it full brown regularly bcs his relationship w his dad was normal and healthy don't worry abt it don't worry stop asking questions. she's a clearly normal ram.
also uhhh. To support my claim, and this is meta knowledge, but i do think it's interesting tht even ccschlatt the guy will call his character a goat sometimes, does not disuade ppl who call him that in rp even though one of cschlatt's main character traits is the way he'll stand up for himself/hates being percived in a way he doesn't want, which means it mustn't be that srs to be called that in the first place, and also promotes rammie merch w goat emoji even though ram ones DO exists. 🤨 it's almost like he wants annoying microbloggers to dig into it too much. something to think about.
fr cq obvs he's a duckie primarily, some manner of patito but i also think he's part budgie and it fucked up his development in some way. idk, to me he has like. little claws he needs to file down which ducks do Not have, and he also just chirps which ducks do not do. his wings are yellow but if you fluff them up underneath you can see that it's a kinda dawny white, like they were SUPPOSED to grow more but just kinda stagnated, and that coloration is very common w budgies. not to mention those things are notoriously v small and weak and can die pretty easily so idk i'm sure that doesn't play into anything. mixed king who lost
for a culture thing i think uhhh. well i'm not sure if culture is the right word for what i'm going for but i'm not sure those things exist for me? i'm sure there's peoples, and i'm sure ancient avians have their own thing going on probably but most ppl are just some guy. like any guy who has an extra thing to upkeep. i do think cq cschlatt have some interesting seasoning to their hybridisms specifically however so:
ithink schlatt grew up in a v small town, w her and his family as the only Real hybrids which was also normal for him as a guy who takes being scrutinized and looked at differently very well. him niki n wilb were all besties, until wilb left to pursue his dreams of getting his dad to pay attention to him i mean getting his dad to pay attention to him i mean music. and then cniki and cschlatt had one of those weird toxic girl friendships breakups that fuck up their lives and leave them in resentment for years but they didn't know schlatt was a girl yet so it was extra weird for them. niki voice why are we having later to be thematically relevant tension you miserable asshole schlatt voice if you say anything else i'm gnna eat my own leg and you won't be able to stop me. so alas.
so he just didn't have that like...wider connection or interactions, and she ofc couldn't rely on her dad who probably ditched her and her sick ma when schlatts like. 13. so all the hybridism upkeep he knows, like upkeep and proper filing of his horns or polishing her hoovsies, come from his mama. horror sting. who dies not long after. wwell.
ithink cq also lacks a level of connection to wider bird hybrisisms bcs i don't think he ever had parents at all i think he just spawned. which is literally not uncommon in the mcyt world at all. but he had nobody to. teach him anything, so he just kinda lets his instincts guide him even tho tht doesn't work v well either.
ithink he was just a mildly feral street urchin type kid, yk stealing to eat that kinda thing and ended up being in and out juvie bcs of it at like. idk id say v young when he first got locked up, like 9 or smthng which is super insane but wht cn ydo.
(my other hc is tommy and cq know eachother frm juvie :] makes sense to me. cuz canonstyle ctommy is v fond of cq and cq of him before the smp even starts, and they make "jokes" abt peddling drugs together, right after cq talks abt being put on them in juvie, and is currently selling them to make money cuz he just got outta there. why do they both already know how to do this. guys who definitely made it insufferable in there)
and then on one of the times he gets away :] i think csam adopts him and loves him very much abt it even if cq more often than not pops in and out on account of the mc nature of the world. and cq definitely won't replay his kindness by accidently ruining his life. (REXHING AMD PUKGING.) but the guy is a creeper hybrid 👍 and not a bird. so he isn't really sure how to navigate that either and especially cuz cq is a shitty little shape shifter on top of it. smthing he is ALSO bad at and can't control v well or for v long w/o getting really fucked up from it. (guy who always loses) i never lose
scritches my head so yk general lack of upkeep type of guy. he doesn't know how to preen himself v well or v consistently, he doesn't get to his little claws fast enough so smtimes he just nips at them to stop from slashing someone's eye out by accident. but i do think he gets better at it eventually and nothing abt this fuckass evil server stops his progress either. guy who gets brutalized all the time to the point of severe scarring and nerve damage why am i on edge and hindered by scarring and nerve damage lolll 😅
anyways this got too edgy i'm cutting this off. the point is both these guys have probbles but what can you do in this bitch of a server. also the second question is so so good and swagiful and my response will be unspeakably long so i'm gnna resend that part to myself and answer it there ^_____^ 👍 on it's own post. yes thank you.
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powerpointprofessor · 8 months ago
Norikoposting lore edition
She's that Isle of Dogs oc x canon character
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(Still trying to figure out on what happens Post-Movie)
She used to work at a Library and wants to become a Novelist or a Journalist.
She dated this guy (call him Shimizu-San because why bother saying his full government name) When they both were 18/19 because she liked his interests, his interests were Bands,Street Fashion and overall music and had a dynamic where he would make music and she would write the lyrics. However there was one problem about Shimzu-San...
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He was an annoying whiny loser who's is a little bit sensitive of anything feminine, He has talked to other women (Not outright cheating but still 🤨)
She then just got annoyed by his behavior and broke up. This image pretty much just sums up their relationship
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I don't know what happened to Shimizu-San. Maybe he's in an obscure japanese band that has hard to find music? I do like a bit of obscure japanese music
Ok so Watanabe was a nerdy young scientist and had a friend who is also friends with Noriko, So maybe like a friend night-out, He's introduced to Noriko. They are both Reserved but kinda got along, And were both nerdy, Watanabe's nerdy about science and Noriko is nerdy about books
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(They're around 20-24 when they started dating)
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Watanabe was nervous when they started dating and Noriko was a little bit because she was worried he's act like Shimizu-San, However their bond was really sweet, Watanabe would tell interesting stuff about science to Noriko and she'd make sure to write it down.
Of course as time went on Watanabe's work got in the way of his personal life a lot and was decreasing spare time to hang out with Noriko.
Noriko felt a bit lonely because he was caught up on science a lot. They still loved eachother a lot though
Eventually Noriko had a talk to Watanabe about this and decided to be good friends instead. They regularly hang out without too much pressure on both
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mhagun · 2 years ago
Diluc general hcs…★!
characters :: you (duh) diluc (also, duh)
t/cw :: mentions of depression and nightmares. nothing too heavy tho
a/n :: uhh uhh hhh VAMP ANTHEM 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️ listened to 'watch me' while editing this bcos,,, BANGER ??
☆ i (we) heart the grumpy old adult !!
☆ absolute bear man. He’s warm and his clothes and hair are soft and he likes drinking hot stuff so his cheeks are always warm and he mostly smells like cinnamon and grapes and he tastes slightly sour because he’s always drinking hot apple cider (no, he does not drink coffee. I refuse to believe so.) Also, posture. He’s horrible when no one is around, esp when he’s stressed. He’s lowkey embarrassed by it, and immediately straightens his back once he realizes that you’re in the same room.
☆  and bcos of his aforementioned horrid posture, his spine hates him. Therefore…. 🎇back massages 🎇. You might as well have a professional license due to the skills you’ve picked up since he asks you to help him out.
☆ also, slight perv diluc 🤨????
☆ im not even kidding that man could stare at your ass for dayyyyyss. Makes you wait tables around Angel’s Share (unpaid btw) just so he can stare at butt while you walk around and rush to take orders and serve guests. Also, avid ass slapper. They’re typically not hard smack, unless he gets tipsy, because while he has never been outright drunk, he is constantly of that wine grind 💪 (but he gets rly upset at himself and avoid you for the rest of the day).
☆ likes to have his hair styled by you. It doesn’t matter if it’s elaborate and detailed or as simple as a fucked up braid, it’s the thought that counts <3. he does have a favorite hairstyle tho… the aforementioned braid ! specifically little tiny braids that intertwine with his regular ponytail. he thinks their cute :)
☆ pls make fun of him for having maids. PLEASE. he cannot do laundry omg, and he can barely cook !! just because he is a big beefy man that would hold you in his arms, does not mean he is the entire package !! get’s rly confused when you go to the kitchen to make your own food, like, he was genuinely shocked. likes to do laundry with you tho, he finds it relaxing and sometimes dozes of while folding the warm sheets, especially if he’s had a rough day/week. He just loves laundry in general. He loves how warm everything feels, he loves the smell of soap and linen, especially when it lingers on your skin so that he can smell it when he kisses your hand. 
☆ also, diluc is not 6ft?? don’t get me wrong he’s tall, but not 6ft tall. he’s more,,, 5’9-5’10, plus he’s kinda… thick??? like, he’s more heavyset than tall lean muscle. dw tho, man boobs are preserved, abs are preserved, biceps ykyk. He also was pretty thick hands, and warm palms :)
☆ alrighty YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT TIME IT IZZZZZ:: diluc depression and nightmare segment -_-
☆ has nightmares pretty regularly actually. Most aren’t that bad, and he can usually go back to sleep relatively easily, but some nights he gets it bad. So bad, that it would wake you up and make you freak out. he doesn’t go back to sleep those nights, but after a while of holding him and rubbing his back while he sniffles into your shirt and drinks chamomile (i dont think he’d like peppermint), he’s usually pretty mellowed out.
☆ get’s rly upset sometimes, usually after a rough night of non stop work or nightmares. sometimes he will snap and yell at you over petty shit, but will always make it up to later. when he’s not screaming in incomprehensible frustration, he’s just uncomfortable and overstimulated and does know how to describe it. it’s the level of irritation a person with a stutter would exhibit when they are experiencing a word block (which, coming from a person w a stutter, is a hair pulling teary eyed level of anger i have to regularly suppress). all i can say is be patient. treat him like any other human and not a potential business partner he will literally die 4 you.
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