papers-pamphlet 1 month
About the wife . How is she ?
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@steph-schuyler @lil-gae-disaster @imobsessedwiththeatre @laurenshamiltonjr @hamiltonsaurus @marsfingershurt @hamalicious-soup @paradox-complex @cacaobeans
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Do i need to explain (@papers-pamphlet)
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lil-gae-disaster 1 month
Josephine and Kenneth prolly met once as kids . Imagine ur cousin had a lesbian affair with the wife of your late drinking partner . Insane .
And ur drinking buddy had an affair with your cousins almost-fiance (/ex-fiance?)
It's all connected :0
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papers-pamphlet 23 days
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@hamalicious-soup @lil-gae-disaster @marsfingershurt @imobsessedwiththeatre @laurenshamiltonjr @paradox-complex @cacaobeans
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
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Me when when clausephine
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papers-pamphlet 27 days
Josephine does still have some doubts when she visits . " What if she's just using me because she's feeling lonely again ? What if she still thinks it means nothing ? Should I even give her another chance then ? "
But if Josephine truly lost all hope in her, she wouldn't have come all the way to Scotland to a random farm in bumfuck nowhere just to see her again (she didn't know it was owned by relatives)
The way Claudia's letter was written was more coherent and it seemed she was in a good place whereas the one sent to her while Claudia's husband was out in war seemed more depressed and lonely.
She gets her confirmation when she actually sees how Claudia is doing (after beating the shit out of Joseph because she's petty and catching up with Freddie and Gilroy).
Back in England, Claudia looked terrible. She looked completely hopeless and tired of it all . But now, she seems full of life , happy .
They catch up, it's awkward . But Claudia doesn't hold back anymore. She's open with herself now that she wants to be with Josephine and regrets that she denied herself that all these years. They kiss, and instead of hesitating like she always did, Claudia is responsive. After over a decade of such an excruciating situationship (for lack of a better word), Claudia has FINALLY accepted herself and now they're FINALLY together . God . Took them long enough .
Anyways once the divorce/annulment is settled, Claudia and Josephine (along with Carol) peace out of the farm and move back to the Segensfeld manor in Germany 馃槑馃槑
@lil-gae-disaster @hamalicious-soup @marsfingershurt @imobsessedwiththeatre @laurenshamiltonjr @paradox-complex @cacaobeans
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
When Freddie sees Claudias reaction to Josephine, he's just like (mentally)"that's the miss Josephine you were avoiding and Carol was talking about??"
"You like girls ??? Wait, MY COUSIN ????"
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
The long awaited (?) Claudia lore (and, who is Josephine von Segensfeld ??? What went down in Germany ??? 馃え馃え)
Shit guys I've been letting all this fester in my head for so long but now that I finally posted that comic I can finally dump it all here yipeeeee
Okay so first off, Claudia. Well, to begin we should start with her father and his born family. Leone Difiori was born of a wealthy noble family in Italy, but was kicked out and disowned for "incompetence" among many other reasons. In other words, he's kinda stupid.
He married a commoner woman to gain some sort of standing. Then, Claudia was born the first of five children. Things were looking hopeless though, Leone worked tirelessly every day and it really wasn't going anywhere.
Then, both mother and father came to the idea --- have Claudia marry to a rich family once she grows up ! And then she'll rescue us from poverty ! So, they raised her just for that.
Despite growing up with such pressure, Claudia couldn't refuse it. She had no reason to resent her parents for anything, her father was a bit of an idiot, but he was trying, and her mother was so sweet and pitiful. She felt it her obligation to marry a man, be a good wife, and help her family.
Once Claudia grew up, her father began his game plan for marrying his daughter off. He then began correspondence with the Segensfeld family in Germany (using his former nobility standing to his advantage and not revealing that he was utterly broke and disowned.)
So the father of the Segensfelds gave him the okay, and so Claudia's father had brought her along with him to Germany for an arranged marriage !
Now let's talk a little more about Josephine von Segensfeld .
As previously stated, Josephine grew up very freely. She was the youngest and her father spoiled her and let her do as she pleased without much pressure on her. (It is here that I realize that Josephine is kinda the polar opposite of Joseph Hayes and that was completely unintentional but still hilarious 馃槶馃槶)
She was pretty. Many men tried to take her hand in marriage, she refused. A few times her family tried to arrange marriage for her, she threw a hissy fit and they never spoke of it again. (Girl is a lesbian woah)
The day the Difioris arrive at the Segensfeld manor, she's immediately interested in the daughter because she's pretty. The Difioris stay as guests in the manor while they discuss the arrangements. During that, Josephine makes her first move and gains Claudia's friendship.
So almost immediately, Leone is found out as a fraud and was about to be kicked out of the manor by the father until Josephine pleaded to him for them to stay because she likes Claudia so much 馃ズ馃ズ "father pleaseeeee the daughter is so sweetttttt would you allow at least her to stay ????? 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ"
Never being able to refuse his daughter, he accepted and lent the Difioris some money for them to get an apartment to stay.
Often Josephine would send for Claudia to visit the manor and they would simply spend time together doing normal friendly things. And then one day during a party, Josephine not being able to keep it in anymore, makes the first move and kisses her while they were alone.
Claudia, despite knowing how "unnatural" it is, goes alone with it. She's not sure why.
So . Things happen and they begin to regularly have this explicit love affair -- but it's still completely undefined to the both of them.
Josephine is smitten hard. She spent so much time with her, gave her so many gifts (even had a certain miniature portrait of Claudia painted so that she would be able to see her likeness wherever she went) and so was Claudia, but she couldn't understand that for her mind was too wired to that mindset she was raised with.
Eventually Claudia had to remember what her purpose was -- she couldn't keep this up any longer. It was unnatural (no matter how much she enjoyed it -- enjoyed Josephine's company and affection), she had to be with a man. These feelings couldn't be real, no? It can't be.
One day, another gathering is hosted at the manor and Claudia goes to Josephine in her room to tell her it's over. The noble was completely livid over this. How could she break it off after all this ??? (She couldn't understand why Claudia was so deep in self-denial for she didn't know what it was like) So they have this big argument and Claudia ends up storming out. Both were angry, crying and bitter.
And then, Giles found Claudia. They marry. Some years later Leone dies of illness, her siblings grow up and get good enough jobs to support her mother. What was even the point ?
During the war, Giles' absence... Claudia had been receiving letters from Josephine once more. She tried to ignore them. Burn them, even. But she was just so lonely. (And she had to see her again eventually.)
Her judgement is poor and Josephine sails to England and visits Claudia this time. What happens is almost a repeat of last time. Nothing would change unless Claudia would just stop lying to herself.
@steph-schuyler @hamalicious-soup @lil-gae-disaster @marsfingershurt @imobsessedwiththeatre
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
when they're on the farm, does Claudia keep in touch with Josefine (was that her name?) or do they have some kind of breakup or drifting apart??
They're sort of like, an on-off thing. As of staying in the farm, she's "cut her off"
So their relationship kinda goes from (Germany) Situationship. Josephine catches feelings, Claudia denies she has any feelings at all. Messy messy messy falling out which leads to both parties being really bitter towards each other and Claudia marrying Giles in attempts to be fixed, to (England, after Giles left) Josephine begins contacting her again and Claudia tries to ignore her but eventually caves in and invites Josephine over which leads to that "affair" shown in the latest comic. Another messy falling out again.
In conclusion, they can't be happy unless Claudia just stops lying to herself
Theres a lot of history between the two and the feelings are complicated, I'm currently writing a text post that finally explains it all :3
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
So we know claudia's reaction to gilseph.
But what about Giles's reaction to clausephine?
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Although I have plans for that, I wanna get on it a little sooner(specifically when I finish this comic 馃槶馃槶), have some pre-war failmarriage stuff that's related though;
He does know of Josephine (only as one of the daughters there and that she has a strange distaste for men, but that's about it)
He had some suspicions (how she befriended a noblelady despite her family being dirt poor, the amount of letters that come their way, the way Claudia scowls when each one arrives)
If he was even a little bit interested about his wife and her antics, he would have opened one of them and immediately found out the truth -- but alas he doesn't care about her that much .
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
Damn why does Josephine and Claudia remind me of the meme: The bride and the ugly ass groom
Incoming new reason as to why Claudia broke up with Josephine --- she was way too pretty for her 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
I can very well imagine Freddie being curious abt this miss Josephine and asking Claudia abt her
Who will likely not tell Freddie abt.her lesbian affair
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She'd look at him like this and go "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME !?" And then trying to completely dodge the subject every time Freddie brings it up
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
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@lil-gae-disaster @hamalicious-soup @marsfingershurt @laurenshamiltonjr
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papers-pamphlet 29 days
So while the divorce gets planned out, Claudia also announces that she should move out soon (this time out of her own volition rather than impulse out of guilt in the Giles dies route) once everything's sorted out
It's been a few years, but that night she wrote a letter to a certain noble German lady inviting her to visit the farm to see her and talk, genuinely :)
@hamalicious-soup @lil-gae-disaster @marsfingershurt @cacaobeans
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
*pushes Claudia and Josephine together like barbie dolls* kiss and be happy >:(
let there be drama :3
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papers-pamphlet 1 month
Hate that I let this drag on so long, now I hate myself.
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Hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell.
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