papers-pamphlet Ā· 1 month
About the wife . How is she ?
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@steph-schuyler @lil-gae-disaster @imobsessedwiththeatre @laurenshamiltonjr @hamiltonsaurus @marsfingershurt @hamalicious-soup @paradox-complex @cacaobeans
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spuukinightmares Ā· 2 months
As a fellow werewolf lover THE WEREWOLF MONDO AU HELP???!!! I would love to know more about it honestly šŸ˜¼ (pulls out a small notepad and pen) WereMondo lore drop plz
Mondo Owada Werewolf AU Lore
Okay so. First of all. This is my very first Tumblr ask and it made me so so happy I genuinely almost started crying HJDNJSNCS Iā€™m !! So glad that youā€™ve taken interest in my werewolf mondo AU that means so much 2 me uwaaa šŸ’•šŸ’•/p
That being said, I actually donā€™t have much lore? Whenever I think abt this AU I always have a bunch of ideas spinning around in my head, and just about all of them are contradictory. Thereā€™s just so many possibilities to explore with the idea of Mondo being a werewolf, yk?? I donā€™t really have anything super planned out or set in stone, but I can go over the main ideas that I like the most in terms of how being a werewolf in general would work and how things could affect Mondo + his peers in particular !!
Also some of this stuff might contradict what I said in my headcanons post bc like I said Iā€™m still sort of in the brainstorming phase of this AU where not a lot is set in stone/subject to further changes. Just be aware !!
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Werewolf transformations are painful as hell, and de-transformations arenā€™t much better. The entire body is basically getting squished, stretched and reformed, and thereā€™s a bone cracking and muscle popping too throughout the whole process. Not only is it agonizing, but itā€™s really uncomfortable! It wouldnā€™t be unusual for someone to be grunting/groaning in pain, but Mondo is the type of person who would try to tough it out silently I feel. He wants to be able to hold onto some of his dignity, so heā€™d deliberately try not to make a lot of noise, especially if he knows someone is watching. He canā€™t help but let a few cusses slip though, and when heā€™s sure heā€™s in an isolated place where no one will hear him, heā€™ll be doing a lot more cursing and doing it a lot more loudly.
I like to think of werewolfism(?) as a curse that acts as retribution. It manifests in those who already have a hidden side to themselves that they force down, typically affecting people who present as being very strict and rigid, not offering themselves a lot of freedom or leisure. Itā€™s like a punishment for never allowing themselves to release their pent up frustrations, and now theyā€™re cursed to do exactly that every time the moon casts its light unto them. There are exceptions to this, of course. I like to think that a werewolfā€™s behaviour is dependant on what part their human self refuses to let out, and most wolves tend to act violent and feral for this reason.
In Mondoā€™s case, he can already be considered pretty aggressive. The side that he doesnā€™t like to let out is his softer, weaker side. Therefore, his wolf would probably act more like a puppy, if Iā€™m being honest. Way more affectionate, albeit still incredibly scary looking. Imagine a large beast closing in, sniffing their way up to you and you expect them to just start tearing you apart for foodā€¦ and then it starts headbutting you like a cat. Donā€™t be totally fooled though, even though heā€™s a lot more submissive in this form, doesnā€™t mean heā€™d let you get away with hurting those he cares about.
Despite being pretty pleasant as a wolf, Mondo is still highly concerned about being transformed. Why? Because he has little to no idea what heā€™s like in that state. Most werewolves can only remember bits and pieces from when they were transformed, everything else is just a blur. He only knows that heā€™s a werewolf, and based on what little knowledge he has on that subject, he just assumes that heā€™s out there wreaking an insane amount of havoc on anyone he sees. It doesnā€™t help that every time he wakes up after a de-transformation, he has this inexplicable feeling of guilt that hangs over him.
I do think itā€™d still be really interesting to give him some monstrous moments that align more with his assumptions though. Perhaps these moments could be the ones that Mondo recalls the most clearly, being that itā€™d technically be when heā€™s in the ā€œmost controlā€ because it stems from his aggression outside of his werewolf form. Itā€™d likely add to his fear that he does worse to people while heā€™s transformed, being some of the only things he can remember.
I know I mentioned the idea of some of the Crazy Diamonds + Daiya being werewolves, but honestly? I think I kinda like the idea of Mondo being confused and alone a lot more. First of all it has angst potential and I slurp that shit up like a thirsty butterfly on a sunflower, second of all I think it would be more interesting for Mondoā€™s development if this was something like an over-arching story. Characters could slowly realize the secret heā€™s been hiding, and Mondo can gain people to confide in overtime. Also Daiya is still dead, so he canā€™t turn to him either, unless you count venting to his grave.
Furthermore, I think Mondoā€™s werewolfism would be rather recent. His curse would be attained likely by the time he took his first step into Hopeā€™s Peak. In his final free time event in the game, he compared to accepting the invitation to the academy as running away from his fear of losing the gang/moving on to the future, and I think this would be the final nail in the coffin that awakens the werewolf curse within him, forcing him to face the fear he tried to turn away from. Imagine his confusion during the first full moon at Hopeā€™s Peak where he starts transforming into a beast out of nowhere.
Nobody but himself knows that heā€™s a werewolf, however I do think it would be interesting if the students and staff (the staff would probably try to keep it on the down low to not alarm their students or harm their reputation but letā€™s be honest at least a few of them gotta know) of the academy knew that thereā€™s at least a wolf among them. Theyā€™d likely find this out based on evidence thatā€™s left behind (claw marks, camera footage, attacked victims, etc.), which when found in the morning it leaves Mondo wondering, ā€œdid I do that?ā€
What was supposed to be an opportunity for students to guarantee their perfect future quickly turns into a real life game of werewolf where everyone is panicked trying to figure out who it is before someone can get seriously hurt.
Hereā€™s one of the funny parts though: thereā€™s actually more than one werewolf! Most of the stuff thatā€™s left behind in the morning from the werewolf rampage doesnā€™t actually come from Mondo. Not many people realize thereā€™s more than one, but itā€™d probably dawn on them as the AUā€™s story progresses. Can you guess who else is a wolf? :] (the other wolf/wolves arenā€™t set in stone either but you should guess anyway)
Although theyā€™re rare, most people in this AU know about werewolves (just not 100% how they work), and the government would certainly take measures to fight against the threat of the cursed ā€” either by hunting them down to kill them, locking them up, attempting to tame them, or desperately researching a cure which may or may not involve needing to experiment on werewolves. Basically, none of the outcomes will be pleasant for Mondo if he gets found out.
Unfortunately, plenty of people suspect him right off the bat due to his stereotypical behaviour, but since that evidence is flimsy at best, he isnā€™t really pursued for it. Kyoko is the MVP for both Mondo and the other students, as not only is she the leading detective on the case and does most of the investigating/deducing, but she also defends Mondo against the unfounded accusations towards him. Thatā€™s not to say she herself doesnā€™t still suspect him, she just doesnā€™t want anyone to jump to conclusions before any real proof is found. Thatā€™d only cause more problems than solutions.
Allow me to talk about how some of the other characters would come into play for a bit! Kyoko & Celeste might be some of Mondoā€™s biggest obstacles when it comes to keeping this secret. Kyoko for obvious reasons, and Celeste because she can so easily tell when he or literally anyone else is lying. Kiyotaka would very likely be accusatory towards Mondo at first, but after they become friends, heā€™d be Mondoā€™s greatest ally, defending him vehemently no matter how concrete any evidence against him might be. Fukawa is the most accusatory out of everyone by far, and she and Yasuhiro are both incredibly paranoid about the whole thing.
I think the way theyā€™d verify who is and isnā€™t a werewolf is by locking someone inside a fortified room somewhere within the academy for observation during the full moon. If they donā€™t transform during the night, theyā€™ll know theyā€™re safe, and if they do transform, the authorities can take action. Iā€™m no expert on Kyokoā€™s character, but since sheā€™d be the detective leading the investigation, I think sheā€™d volunteer to be the first one to stay overnight in the sealed room so that she can verify her integrity. As for who goes next, it all depends. Maybe it could be left up to a vote between those who know that thereā€™s a werewolf, or maybe Kyoko will decide on her own based on who she thinks is the most suspicious. Either way, if Mondo gets thrown into that room, itā€™s game over.
I think thatā€™s about all I have so far?? Sorry if some of this doesnā€™t make sense, I wrote some of it at like 6am while running on 0 hours of sleep. Idk what else to write about ehehe. Also gotta love how I said I didnā€™t have much planned out at the beginning of this and now here I am like 10 paragraphs later. erm.
But anyways !! I hope this was satisfactory enough and thank you again for asking it made me rlly happy :] if anyone else has any questions or comments or whatever donā€™t be afraid to submit an ask !!!! Iā€™d love to get more hehe :D
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noorahqar Ā· 4 months
ohhhhh that makes sense! i will do an ask game thingo!
ok im gonna say number 8 reoccurring dreams for the questions game & šŸ‘ŠšŸ™‰ for the loz one. i think i mightve typed the wrong emoji monkey but WHY IS THERE MORE THAN ONE EMOJI MONKEY ANYWAY
thank u and goodnight <3
Hi Bee!!! I also don't know why there's more than one monkey! Why is that a subgenre of emojis. I kind of get the cats, at least. Altho this guy šŸ˜¼ has no rational reason to exist IMO.
8. any reacquiring dreams?
Yeah I'm guessing that meant reoccurring. Not really anymore. I never had reoccurring dreams, but I'd have dream sequels two or three years after the original. The only one I remember right now is one that had the titanic in it. Not much else. It was like... 6-ish years ago, tbf LOL
šŸ™Š Unpopular Zelda Opinions?
Zelda unpopular opinions... Hmm. I'm a sheep when it comes to opinions but I can think of one currently.
I don't think every Zelda game from here on out HAS to be open world. I've seen a lot of people view the open world format as the future of all games, but linearity is nice too. I've heard people say that Nintendo doesn't go back once it's found a formula that works, and I'm vaguely scared that'll be the case moving forwards LOL.
Additionally, because my rambles kept ending up here, TOTK's map was kind of mediocre. It was fun seeing how it had developed over the five-ish years since BOTW, but there wasn't much new to explore. The Depths and Sky Islands? Yeah, they're there, but only about 20% of either of those had any actual content. There were a lot of missed opportunities. But the little lore drops were fun! I really liked the contents of the Gerudo depths. I wish it'd been explored more.
Eek. Don't get me started on how none of the civilians recognize Link. Or the repetitiveness of the dialogue and sages. Eughh. As you can see I'm stuck somewhere between adoring TOTK and disliking it LOL
šŸ‘Š Favorite Zelda Villain/Boss?
Oooooh. I'm gonna have to say the very final boss of TOTK, for strange reasons. Spoilers ahead (It's been a year. Is it still spoilers?)
I saw the name "Demon Dragon" on Ao3 like a week after the game came out and immediately did that thing where I forget spoilers on purpose. (It works so well. I did the same for the Seized Construct and was SO SHOCKED when that boss fight occurred.) But I expected it to be a main boss _before_ Ganondorf. Like Mucktorok or something. I actually thought the Spirit Temple was where it'd occur.
It did NOT occur in the Spirit Temple. It was fucking awesome, LOL. Not a hard boss, more for the spectacle, but the thrill was insane!!
Thank you for the ask, Bee!! ā¤ļøā¤ļø
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