#i’ll definitely flesh this out more in the future
spuukinightmares · 2 months
As a fellow werewolf lover THE WEREWOLF MONDO AU HELP???!!! I would love to know more about it honestly 😼 (pulls out a small notepad and pen) WereMondo lore drop plz
Mondo Owada Werewolf AU Lore
Okay so. First of all. This is my very first Tumblr ask and it made me so so happy I genuinely almost started crying HJDNJSNCS I’m !! So glad that you’ve taken interest in my werewolf mondo AU that means so much 2 me uwaaa 💕💕/p
That being said, I actually don’t have much lore? Whenever I think abt this AU I always have a bunch of ideas spinning around in my head, and just about all of them are contradictory. There’s just so many possibilities to explore with the idea of Mondo being a werewolf, yk?? I don’t really have anything super planned out or set in stone, but I can go over the main ideas that I like the most in terms of how being a werewolf in general would work and how things could affect Mondo + his peers in particular !!
Also some of this stuff might contradict what I said in my headcanons post bc like I said I’m still sort of in the brainstorming phase of this AU where not a lot is set in stone/subject to further changes. Just be aware !!
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Werewolf transformations are painful as hell, and de-transformations aren’t much better. The entire body is basically getting squished, stretched and reformed, and there’s a bone cracking and muscle popping too throughout the whole process. Not only is it agonizing, but it’s really uncomfortable! It wouldn’t be unusual for someone to be grunting/groaning in pain, but Mondo is the type of person who would try to tough it out silently I feel. He wants to be able to hold onto some of his dignity, so he’d deliberately try not to make a lot of noise, especially if he knows someone is watching. He can’t help but let a few cusses slip though, and when he’s sure he’s in an isolated place where no one will hear him, he’ll be doing a lot more cursing and doing it a lot more loudly.
I like to think of werewolfism(?) as a curse that acts as retribution. It manifests in those who already have a hidden side to themselves that they force down, typically affecting people who present as being very strict and rigid, not offering themselves a lot of freedom or leisure. It’s like a punishment for never allowing themselves to release their pent up frustrations, and now they’re cursed to do exactly that every time the moon casts its light unto them. There are exceptions to this, of course. I like to think that a werewolf’s behaviour is dependant on what part their human self refuses to let out, and most wolves tend to act violent and feral for this reason.
In Mondo’s case, he can already be considered pretty aggressive. The side that he doesn’t like to let out is his softer, weaker side. Therefore, his wolf would probably act more like a puppy, if I’m being honest. Way more affectionate, albeit still incredibly scary looking. Imagine a large beast closing in, sniffing their way up to you and you expect them to just start tearing you apart for food… and then it starts headbutting you like a cat. Don’t be totally fooled though, even though he’s a lot more submissive in this form, doesn’t mean he’d let you get away with hurting those he cares about.
Despite being pretty pleasant as a wolf, Mondo is still highly concerned about being transformed. Why? Because he has little to no idea what he’s like in that state. Most werewolves can only remember bits and pieces from when they were transformed, everything else is just a blur. He only knows that he’s a werewolf, and based on what little knowledge he has on that subject, he just assumes that he’s out there wreaking an insane amount of havoc on anyone he sees. It doesn’t help that every time he wakes up after a de-transformation, he has this inexplicable feeling of guilt that hangs over him.
I do think it’d still be really interesting to give him some monstrous moments that align more with his assumptions though. Perhaps these moments could be the ones that Mondo recalls the most clearly, being that it’d technically be when he’s in the “most control” because it stems from his aggression outside of his werewolf form. It’d likely add to his fear that he does worse to people while he’s transformed, being some of the only things he can remember.
I know I mentioned the idea of some of the Crazy Diamonds + Daiya being werewolves, but honestly? I think I kinda like the idea of Mondo being confused and alone a lot more. First of all it has angst potential and I slurp that shit up like a thirsty butterfly on a sunflower, second of all I think it would be more interesting for Mondo’s development if this was something like an over-arching story. Characters could slowly realize the secret he’s been hiding, and Mondo can gain people to confide in overtime. Also Daiya is still dead, so he can’t turn to him either, unless you count venting to his grave.
Furthermore, I think Mondo’s werewolfism would be rather recent. His curse would be attained likely by the time he took his first step into Hope’s Peak. In his final free time event in the game, he compared to accepting the invitation to the academy as running away from his fear of losing the gang/moving on to the future, and I think this would be the final nail in the coffin that awakens the werewolf curse within him, forcing him to face the fear he tried to turn away from. Imagine his confusion during the first full moon at Hope’s Peak where he starts transforming into a beast out of nowhere.
Nobody but himself knows that he’s a werewolf, however I do think it would be interesting if the students and staff (the staff would probably try to keep it on the down low to not alarm their students or harm their reputation but let’s be honest at least a few of them gotta know) of the academy knew that there’s at least a wolf among them. They’d likely find this out based on evidence that’s left behind (claw marks, camera footage, attacked victims, etc.), which when found in the morning it leaves Mondo wondering, “did I do that?”
What was supposed to be an opportunity for students to guarantee their perfect future quickly turns into a real life game of werewolf where everyone is panicked trying to figure out who it is before someone can get seriously hurt.
Here’s one of the funny parts though: there’s actually more than one werewolf! Most of the stuff that’s left behind in the morning from the werewolf rampage doesn’t actually come from Mondo. Not many people realize there’s more than one, but it’d probably dawn on them as the AU’s story progresses. Can you guess who else is a wolf? :] (the other wolf/wolves aren’t set in stone either but you should guess anyway)
Although they’re rare, most people in this AU know about werewolves (just not 100% how they work), and the government would certainly take measures to fight against the threat of the cursed — either by hunting them down to kill them, locking them up, attempting to tame them, or desperately researching a cure which may or may not involve needing to experiment on werewolves. Basically, none of the outcomes will be pleasant for Mondo if he gets found out.
Unfortunately, plenty of people suspect him right off the bat due to his stereotypical behaviour, but since that evidence is flimsy at best, he isn’t really pursued for it. Kyoko is the MVP for both Mondo and the other students, as not only is she the leading detective on the case and does most of the investigating/deducing, but she also defends Mondo against the unfounded accusations towards him. That’s not to say she herself doesn’t still suspect him, she just doesn’t want anyone to jump to conclusions before any real proof is found. That’d only cause more problems than solutions.
Allow me to talk about how some of the other characters would come into play for a bit! Kyoko & Celeste might be some of Mondo’s biggest obstacles when it comes to keeping this secret. Kyoko for obvious reasons, and Celeste because she can so easily tell when he or literally anyone else is lying. Kiyotaka would very likely be accusatory towards Mondo at first, but after they become friends, he’d be Mondo’s greatest ally, defending him vehemently no matter how concrete any evidence against him might be. Fukawa is the most accusatory out of everyone by far, and she and Yasuhiro are both incredibly paranoid about the whole thing.
I think the way they’d verify who is and isn’t a werewolf is by locking someone inside a fortified room somewhere within the academy for observation during the full moon. If they don’t transform during the night, they’ll know they’re safe, and if they do transform, the authorities can take action. I’m no expert on Kyoko’s character, but since she’d be the detective leading the investigation, I think she’d volunteer to be the first one to stay overnight in the sealed room so that she can verify her integrity. As for who goes next, it all depends. Maybe it could be left up to a vote between those who know that there’s a werewolf, or maybe Kyoko will decide on her own based on who she thinks is the most suspicious. Either way, if Mondo gets thrown into that room, it’s game over.
I think that’s about all I have so far?? Sorry if some of this doesn’t make sense, I wrote some of it at like 6am while running on 0 hours of sleep. Idk what else to write about ehehe. Also gotta love how I said I didn’t have much planned out at the beginning of this and now here I am like 10 paragraphs later. erm.
But anyways !! I hope this was satisfactory enough and thank you again for asking it made me rlly happy :] if anyone else has any questions or comments or whatever don’t be afraid to submit an ask !!!! I’d love to get more hehe :D
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pugh-bug · 5 months
Flashing Lights
Art Donaldson x reader
If people like this I’ll write a part 2 and possibly some sub Art fics in the future. Challengers is all I can think about at the moment and this blonde man is living rent free in my brain.
‘Come on come on, they can never have too many pictures taken of them!’
Your friend dragged you and your mediocre camera, quite forcefully, to Tashi Duncan’s party. It wasn’t just that you hadn’t been invited and that you weren’t remotely a tennis player it was that Ashley’s lame excuse of ‘they need more photographers’ was patently untrue. Everywhere you looked there were photographers with cameras that cost more than your yearly rent.
‘I’ll get us a drink wait here.’
You watched her confidently insert herself into the queue for the bar, in between endless posters of Tashi Duncan hoodies and Tashi Duncan headbands. If you hadn’t been such a feminist you might have felt a little sick from all the masturbatory self promotion.
In your idleness you decided to people watch. There were no less than a hundred people there already, all dressed elegantly with hair and makeup that no doubt took longer to do than the night would even last. You pulled at your tight dress. Flattering? Definitely. Comfortable? Absolutely not. Ashley had the tennis body, the Tashi Duncan confidence and skill but without the praise or queue of fans. You had your camera.
You hadn’t touched a tennis racket since you were ten years old. These people weren’t your peers they were your betters, including the snobby photographers and perhaps even including Ashely. At least she knew what ‘down the line’ meant.
‘Can we go?’ Your voice sounded bitter as Ashley handed you a cocktail. ‘I’ve got two photoshoots to edit for tomorrow and I don’t even like tennis! Why am I even here?’ As your friend defended her plan to ‘sleep with as many rich tennis players as possible’ your eyes wandered once again, this time landing on a man who needed no introduction.
‘Is that … Art Donaldson?’
It was him, smoking a cigarette by Patrick Zweig dressed for Summer. Fire and ice in the flesh. You suddenly felt the need to readjust your dress, your hair, your earrings. To fidget. To fidget and prepare for the chance he might look in your direction and see what he wanted.
‘Fuck me it’s Zweig.’
As Ashley launched into a thesis on why Patrick was the hottest man she’d ever seen, your eyes bored into the side of Art’s head. His curls fell so perfectly on his forehead but all you could find yourself imagining was messing them up. As your staring breached the line of too far, Ashley tapped your arm. ‘Think I should go talk to him? Flirt a bit? He’s a bit of a man whore, I’m pretty sure I could get him.’ Just as you opened your mouth to speak, the recipient of your staring began to move closer.
It only took a few moments for Art to reach yours and Ashley’s corner of refuge but his eyes never strayed from you. Zweig had followed him like a puppy and whilst you couldn’t have cared less where the brunette chose to stand, you could practically feel Ashley screaming in her head.
‘Aaliyah right? You basically murdered my friend out there yesterday.’ As Ashley corrected Patrick’s memory, you forced your eyes to look at anything that wasn’t Art’s knowing smirk in your direction. It didn’t work, in fact your refusal to make eye contact with the future star had made your feelings glaringly obvious.
You’d watched him play many times, instead of doing your own work, and although you found tennis a little boring the man had you riveted. The ease at which he hit the ball with such force, the little hand movements he’d do during a tie break and his cruel habit of taking his shirt off on hot days … you were hooked.
As he eyed your dress you wondered if he’d seen you, made note of just how many matches you’d been front and centre at. Maybe he knew you were an amateur photographer and perhaps his smirk was intended as a mockery of your being there. Art knew you didn’t belong at thee Tashi Duncan’s after party. You both knew it. He looked at you, finally as you’d lifted your gaze, and cocked his head slightly to the side.
‘So, you don’t like tennis?’
‘Oh. You heard that.’
His voice was glazed with amusement as he sipped his cold beer, daring you to defend yourself.
‘Ashley was invited,’ you lied with little ease. ‘I’m here as her friend- well I guess also photographer but you all seem to have that covered.’ Both yours and Art’s eyes glanced at the gang of professionals taking Tashi’s photo. She was holding the shimmering trophy as if it was nothing of real value, she had the humble but proud smile down. Art clocked your jealous expression and raised an eyebrow. ‘Tashi not your favourite?’
‘She’s pretty amazing and she looks fucking beautiful tonight I can’t lie. I just, I guess I wish I was that talented.’
Despite her successful flirting to Patrick, Ashley heard your little, sad admission. Mentally you scolded yourself for letting Art see your vulnerable side. Instead of judgement he smiled.
‘Are you not the best at getting front row seats?’
He left off ‘at my matches’ but the point had been made loud and clear. You chose not to react and to ignore him completely. ‘Ashley?’ But when you turned your head to your friend you saw her mouth was occupied. Oh.
Art laughed at his best friend. ‘Seriously? You couldn’t go one night?’ No, Patrick couldn’t and he couldn’t find it in his horny heart to feel guilty for stealing your one friend and escape route from you. The pair, still connected by their lips, hurried away from the party and to some poor fucker’s bedroom. You were alone with Art Donaldson and the party that engulfed the two of you had began to die down.
‘I should go too-‘
‘Wanna go down to the beach with me?’
You couldn’t help but scoff audibly at his request. ‘You don’t even know my name.’
Art’s eyes practically gleamed with cheekiness as he moved towards you. ‘Then tell me.’
‘It’s Y/N.’
With a charming smile he repeated his offer. ‘Y/N… wanna go down to the beach with me?’
If a mind reader had been in attendance you’d have been mortified as your first thought was: Oh god have I even shaved?
The decision to take your heels off had been an impulsive one and an instant regret as you felt the brittle sand rub against your toes. Avoiding the broken glass, you walked into Art’s shoulder and quickly apologised. ‘You’re like a baby deer.’
You perched on the rock overlooking the water that moonlight reached. Art’s eyes were transfixed on you as your hair blew from your shoulders. Surely he was just bored and flirting for fun. But you hadn’t seen him speak to anyone except Patrick before approaching you.
‘What is it about photography?’ Art gestured to the camera you almost forgot you were still wearing around your neck.
‘What is it about tennis?’
Art lit his second cigarette, took a drag and smirked.
‘I’ll let you answer that.’
Much to his elation, your dress had begun to ride up but you hadn’t noticed. You simply dug your toes in the sand and smiled coyly at the blonde. But how to best handle this?
‘Watching you play tennis isn’t like watching other people play tennis.’
Art grinned, only for a moment, but you caught the ego boost in real time. He moved backwards in his chair, outstretching his long legs and looking up at you with keen interest and quiet amusement. ‘Go on.’
Your mind flashed back to his most recent match. His opponent had purposefully coughed every time it was Art’s turn to serve and instead of letting it distract him or doing it back Art had fired the ball, with force, by his head. It had been a warning, not a greatly subtle one but certainly great to watch. The shock on the boys face as he narrowly missed receiving a black eye had made you laugh and you suddenly remembered Art had beamed at you when you had.
‘You’re just really good at it.’
‘Try again.’
He wasn’t making this easy for you but that didn’t mean you had to shower him in compliments, not when he hadn’t so much as asked you your name until prompted. You watched him, completely settled and comfortable in Tashi Duncan’s deck hair and wondered if someone this confident and talented (and knew as much) could possibly be single… unless?
‘Are you and Patrick just friends?’
He twitched ever so slightly at your question before covering his shock with a chuckle.
‘Umm.. yes. Sorry to disappoint.’
You smiled, suddenly feeling more confident now that you’d put him on the spot for the first time that night.
‘Not disappointed.’
Seeing you at ease, seemingly with any answer he had to offer, Art relaxed into his chair again. A moment of silence passed as the two of you listened to the very end of the party above and the seas tumbling waves. The water was just beginning to reach the rock you’d been safely perching on. A sign to leave.
‘I think I should go back to my ho-AAA!’
You’d barely taken two steps before buried broken glass assaulted your feet.
‘Jesus fuck!’
The pain shot through you from toe to head, it settled in between your eyebrows as you frowned, trying not to scream. Art’s face was a picture of panic. He couldn’t help but notice how much pain you were in from putting weight on your foot, which had just begun to bleed as a thought entered his head.
‘I’ll carry you.’
‘I think I can walk.’
You took a hesitant step further but your foot ,in an act of betrayal, buckled under the pain. Giving Art a look of defeat you sighed. ‘Yeah, I think you’re gonna have to.’
You thought it would feel strange, the man whom you’d been watching almost obsessively for months play a sport you despised carrying you to safety. It didn’t. It felt right. His strong arms flexed under your weight as he took confident but cautious steps to Tashi’s party. There wasn’t much left of it. In fact the only people still there were two photographers packing up their lighting equipment and they didn’t give you so much as a second glance.
‘Any chance you secretly are friends with Tashi?’ Art asked, his voice hopeful, hoping he could drop you off to safety. He pursed his lips when you shook your head. Another moment of silence passed through the two of you but this one was different. You craned your neck out to gage the distance before suggesting:
‘My hotel really isn’t far. A mile at most.’
Art smirked for a moment, forgetting what the actual circumstances were. Your foot had stopped bleeding but you didn’t feel like walking. In fact you were rather enjoying Art Donaldson: the knight in shining armour. It was a good look on him.
‘Think of it as a workout.’
It wasn’t the recreational workout Art had been hoping for that night but he did it. He carried you and your shoes to your hotel room. The receptionist barely reacted to your new person but of course what did she care? She was probably only concerned with what mess you’d leave the cleaners.
‘67, this is it.’
Art put you down, keeping his arm around your waist for support. He was a little flushed from the exertion and you were flushed from the pain, or perhaps just his wandering hand.
‘Do you want me to st-‘
‘I want you to stay.’ You interrupted him hurriedly, desperate for him to stay. In that moment you didn’t mind if he stayed to read the complimentary bible next to you or if he wanted to fuck you mercilessly in front of the bathroom mirror. You just wanted him close.
At your eagerness, Art smiled following you in. Your hotel room was not too messy for visitors but it certainly hadn’t been expecting any. For a moment you wondered how Ashley was getting on in her room down the hall and if she too had embarrassed herself in front of her favourite tennis player. Somewhat likely.
‘I think seeing as you’ve carried me bleeding you can see me in pyjamas. Give me one se-‘
You gestured to the bathroom and your dress, looking forward to getting out of it but Art shook his head. You froze. His face was one of sheer determination and unwavering confidence, not unlike the look he gave cocky opponents who needed humbling. He closed the gap between you until his chest was inches from yours but blocked by your camera. You took it off, not breaking eye contact, and placed it slowly on the desk behind you.
Just as you thought the only way to break the silence would be with a kiss, Art broke eye contact. ‘Do you have any antiseptic wipes? Anything to clean it?’ You felt your stomach unclench. ‘Yeah.’ Limping slightly, you fetched a packet from the bathroom sink and placed them in Art’s open palm. He gestured to the bed.
His order was polite but you felt compelled. Sitting on your own bed as if it was alien, you looked up at him waiting for the next.
Art got down on his knees. Your stomach flipped. With careful hands, he held your injured foot and inspected it. You’d never felt so exposed before, the way his eyes engaged with your wound as if it were more fascinating than any match he’d won. There was an unspoken rule for neither of you to speak as he cleaned you. It stung like a bitch but you only let out minor hisses in pain, barely audible to Art but not unnoticeable.
As he took out a plaster, seemingly from thin air, and applied it to your foot he said: ‘Before tonight,’ Ouch. You winced from the pressure he applied. ‘I’d seen you watching me.’ He didn’t look at you, only concentrating on his handiwork and causing you as little pain as possible.
‘Yeah I gathered from all the teasing.’
His voice grew suddenly lower. ‘I’m not talking about tennis matches.’
You were suddenly reminded of a not so distant memory. Ashley had stood you up for lunch, she’d found a better hot date, and you had been in the cafeteria alone. Art had been queuing in front of you, waiting for Patrick and you’d been in awe. What you hadn’t noticed was that he’d sensed your eyes burning holes into the back of his head long before he turned around. He had given you a passing look of recognition and slight amusement before finding his seat next to Patrick.
You imagined alongside that memory were hundreds others. Hundreds of days you’d stared at Art, watched how he span his apples before eating them and the line of his jaw when he drank water in oppressive heat. All the time he had known, you just hadn’t been as subtle as you thought.
Art gave you your foot back and sat on the bed beside you. For a moment you couldn’t bare to look at him, incase he disappeared and decided it was funnier to leave you hanging. Your foot was the least of your worries. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d really kissed someone, with feverish need, but you wanted to.
Noticing your inward battle, Art raised his hands almost in defeat. ‘I can leave.’ He meant it, there was no judgement. You turned to him, your eyes meeting his clouded with lust, and recognised that this was a man who needed to be wanted. He wanted to give and receive pleasure, not out of boredom but out of a clawing need for it. If you wanted him to leave then he’d leave but if you wanted him to stay then he’d make the most of it.
Your hand settled atop of his.
Part 2
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highvern · 11 months
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem reader
Genre: smut, friends to lovers, established relationship
Warnings: kissing, groping, dry humping, oral (m. receiving, f. implied), dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics but they’re both actually switches (Mingyu is a service top), multiple orgasms (m. receiving), cumshot, mentions of butt stuff, Mingyu is obsessed with titties, pearl necklace, spitting, cum eating (kinda), minor hair pulling, praise kink and strength kink go burrrrrr, Mingyu is a simp that loves his gf, his gf is a gremlin though he does threaten to lock her in a closet at one point but he kinda has point, they’re both horny that’s all I can say
Length: ~2.5k
Note: not a direct part 2 of Drunk Goggles ! but same couple set a few months in the future :) they’re in love and obsessed with each other. If there are any spelling errors ignore them, I don’t respect the English language <3
MDNI! if I look at your blog and there isn’t an age indicator you’ll be blocked read more here
“Permission to be horny?” Mingyu mutters, lips still connected to the spot on your neck he likes to claim whenever granted the opportunity.
“Hmmmm,” You pretend to think. “I’ll allow it.”
“I really, really, really want to fuck you.” He punctuates his statement by trailing his hands down to your ass, palming the plush flesh and pulling you down harder on his clothed cock.
“I’ll definitely allow that.” You sigh, hand twisting in the short locks of hair on your boyfriend’s head.
His hips cant against yours when you arch into him, pulling the seam of your jeans just right against your clit. Mingyu is good at this. He’s good at most things, but sex is something he excels at; especially when it comes to sex with you.
You’ve never had a partner so open about their desires. Mingyu has no shame, bursting at the seams to let you know how much he wants you, needs you in moments like these. His forwardness makes you blush like a schoolgirl with a crush, and it certainly doesn’t help that he looks like that.
But as hot and sexy as your man is, he is still an incredibly huge klutz. You realize you’re falling off the couch before he does, mostly due to the fact Mingyu is planted firmly below you with his face buried in your chest. His obsession with your boobs is almost comical (and has gotten you out of more spats than you can count when you flash him in the heat of an argument) but it shuts down his brain.
“Oh shit!” You squeal, tumbling to the plush carpet. Nothing bruised except your dignity.
“What the fuck?” Mingyu calls after you, confused to find cool air rushing in where the heat of your body occupied.
All you can do is laugh, eyes covered by the crook of your elbow. You don’t see the way your boyfriend looks at you with love filling his eyes (and his dick). Or the way your chest shakes as you laugh, causing your tits to bounce with the sound of your cackling.
Your laughter dies in your throat, transforming into a hum when you feel Mingyu’s body cover your own, picking up right where he left off by taking your left nipple in his mouth, torturing the flesh with his tongue and teeth.
“Fuck, babe.” You whine pathetically. Hands moving to the waistband of his pants, fisting the material in an effort to get him naked.
His hips are cradled between your thighs, his erection hot and hard in his pants. When you plant your feet on the ground and grind against him, Mingyu sucks harder and uses a free hand to snare your wrists and trap them above your head.
“Be good.” He warns. Mingyu's attempt at domination falls flat because you know the only promise on the other side of it is that he’ll cream his pants before he gets his fill of you.
“I can be really good if you let me go.” You whisper, pushing your chest up into his face.
“Yeah?” He questions hopefully, unable to help that he’s a sucker for everything you do.
“Mhmm, want you in my mouth Gyu.”
Mingyu doesn’t respond sans the slow grind of his hips against your core, letting you feel all of him. He detaches from your nipple to bite across your chest once more, the echo of burning kisses left in his wake.
“Please, baby.” You press. “Wanna taste you.”
He might be the man of your dreams but Mingyu is still a guy. So when a beautiful woman (you) begs to suck him off, who is he to deny that experience? It’s a selfless act of him really.
Mingyu slides off you, giving you room to prop yourself up. You take him in. His hair is wild from your pulling, short tufts pointing every which way. His naked chest is flushed and heaving like your own. When your eyes trail south, his abs clench under your heated gaze. It's impossible to ignore how the movement makes his dick bob in his sweatpants, leaving nothing to the imagination.
“Sit on the couch.” You demand when your eyes meet again.
Having you boss him around gets Mingyu hotter than he’ll admit (to anyone except you). He knows most people assume he’s the one who calls the shots in the bedroom; Seungcheol had cracked one too many jokes about it for him to be unaware. And occasionally Mingyu does, twisting you into whatever position is stuck in his head or telling you to touch yourself while he watches from the end of the bed and jerks off. The glint in your eye when he bends you over the kitchen counter to stuff you with his cock tells him you like it too. But the second you command him to do anything, Mingyu folds like a house of cards.
You’re not unaware of how much he likes it but it leaves you in awe every time he scrambles to do what you say. Right now, he’s tripping out of his pants and underwear as he hops on to the cushions. You thank whatever powers may be that you don’t have a roommate to consider when fucking your ridiculously hot boyfriend on every surface of the apartment (especially when Mingyu’s attempt at fucking you in the bathroom ended with cum on the mirror on several occasions but thats a story for another time).
The hand circling your jaw distracts from your goal as mouths meet. Mingyu is bent over at the waist above you, tongue tracing hotly against your lower lip. You subtly push him back into the plush upholstery, propping yourself up on your knees, hands gripping his thighs to press further into his space. With Mingyu distracted, you let one of your hands drop to circle the scorching rigid flesh at the base of his cock.
“Fuuuu–ck,” he groans into your mouth but doesn’t breakaway. As much as he wants your mouth on his dick, Mingyu really does love kissing you. Probably because he spent months thinking about it and now he actually gets to do it as much as he wants.
“Yeah?” You echo his previous words. When your thumb traces the leaking tip to spread his pre-cum he moans again.
“Yeah.” he mumbles, nodding his head in affirmation.
When you’re finally able to pull away from his lips without protest in the form of him chasing you, you descend to mouth down his neck and chest. Your boyfriend is all hot skin and taunt muscle under your ministrations, shaking breath causing his chest to lurch when your teeth scrap his nipple. Your breasts brush purposely against Mingyu’s cock as you sink lower, his head goes fuzzy and tips back. The soft pass of skin plants ideas in his head about the day you’ll let him cum on your chest. You’re already enthusiastic when he comes on the swell of your ass or in your mouth. But the visual of you covered in his spunk, chin and nipples glistening white and skin flushed flashes in his vision. Mingyu opens his eyes and starts tracing patterns across the ceiling in hopes it prevents him from making it a premature reality.
You're not much better off. The contrast of his rigid length against the soft flesh of your chest has arousal gushing from your cunt. The thought of Mingyu finishing on your skin always makes you wet. Something about your incredibly sweet and polite boyfriend being incredibly filthy with you makes your chest heave. The first time he came on your ass you had him fuck you again while it cooled between your cheeks. It was also the first time Mingyu played with that hole, found out cum and spit made decent lube, and how you cum insanely hard if he thumbs the taunt ring of muscle while he fucks you stupid on his cock.
If you had lube you’d entertain the idea of letting him fuck your tits but you know the chaff without it isn’t worth it for either of you. Instead, you let the tip of your tongue trace the bulbous head of his cock, the tang flooding your taste buds. You’re doing nothing more than teasing him but the way he’s leaking against your tongue tells you he loves it.
When you back away just enough to spit on it, a rush of breath leaves his nose as your saliva dribbles across his frenulum and you smirk. Mingyu is so fucking easy.
Since the first time you two fooled around, you’ve discovered all the ways to get him whiny and desperate, memorizing his favorites with impressive speed. Mingyu likes it wet and messy, spit and cum glossing your lips and chin, dripping in his lap to pool at the base of his dick. He prefers when you use your mouth to focus on the head of his cock, but he’ll never complain if you use a hand to jerk him off in tandem. When you’re going to play with his balls, he moans when you fondle and whimpers when you give a gentle squeeze. If you meet his eye when your lips are stretched around his cock, he’ll blush like a virgin who hasn’t fucked you six ways from Sunday. And if you let Mingyu cum in your mouth, he’ll go down on you till you're shaking and he’s hard enough to fuck you right.
Tonight you try your best to give him a top notch performance. It helps that every detail about having Mingyu like this gets you hot in the best ways. Enjoying giving as much as he enjoys receiving. Having him wrapped around your finger makes you whine along with him, sharing in his pleasure like it’s your own.
The vibrations from your soft moans and whimpers do nothing except stretching Mingyu’s resolve thinner and thinner. Tangling his hands in your hair, he gently guides you back and forth, mostly taking the strain off your neck rather than enforcing your rhythm. The tug against your scalp satisfies you all the same.
“Fuck, baby,” he cries. “So good, fuck. So fucking good.”
A harsh suck causes his dick to exit your mouth with a lewd pop before it smacks against his tummy. Mingyu is quick to grab his cock, fisting himself before tapping against your lips for re-entry. You just stare from under your lashes, eyes wet from the prodding against the back your throat, only allowing gentle kisses to the soaking flesh.
“Open your mouth.” His words may seem dominant, but the whiny tone betrays his desperation.
You continue to sit there, allowing your nails to dig into the skin of his thighs, mixing a volatile cocktail of pain and pleasure. When his other hand unravels from your hair to pry your jaw open with his thumb, you can’t help the whimper you release in response to his manhandling as he forces his cock back between your lips.
“Gonna cum?” Your question is garbled from the way he stuffs your mouth full but Mingyu puts two and two together with his limited brain capacity.
“Wanna cum in your mouth,” he begs. “Please, baby.”
When your eyes flutter shut, Mingyu knows he has permission to do what he does best. He starts fucking your mouth in earnest, soaking in the sounds of you gagging and choking around his cock as practically humps your face. If you want his come he’ll give it to you in spades, he’ll drain himself until he’s on the verge of passing out if that’s what’ll make you happy.
It only takes a minute before you feel him twitch against your lips and the hot rush coats your tongue, dripping down your throat as you swallow around him. Mingyu’s hips buck up as he gives you his load, cum seeping out of the corners of your mouth and down your face just the way he loves. You pull away just enough that some of the spray hits your chin and leaks down onto his shaft allowing you to continue to jerk him off as he sings you praises.
In your opinion, the best part about Mingyu is if you keep sucking after he comes, he’ll come again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” he bites. Mingyu loves you (not that he’s told you) but when you do this he thinks he might have to take away your dick privileges.
You pop your mouth off his cock but your hand doesn’t stop. Thumb swiping at the pearly slit right below your mouth, pushing the remains of his release across the spongy head.
“What baby?” Your brow is furrowed in mock concern, like you have no idea the torture you’re inflicting. “Just want you to cum.”
You’re evil. Pure evil sent from a past life to punish him.
“I have!” He winces. He grips the couch cushions for dear life as stars cloud the edges of his vision.
“But I want you to cum again. Don’t you wanna give me it?”
He can’t breathe.
“Please, Gyu? For me?”
You’re playing him like a damn fool.
“Just wanna feel you to cum on my tits, baby. Please!” You cry.
He’s drowning.
Mingyu’s second orgasm is less dramatic than his first. He’s writhing and shaking from the sensory overload, ass leaving the couch as his hips jerk wildly. His cum is more of a dribble than the sizable spurts you’re accustomed to but you take what he gives you with glee. You jerk him off over your chest, allowing him to paint your skin in white streaks, redden tip rubbing against the puckered flesh of your nipples to get every drop. Mingyu can barely keep his eyes open to enjoy the way you cover yourself in him, how you claim yourself as his in such a primal way.
It’s the gleam in your eyes as you pant below him, nearly drooling at the mess you’ve made that has him giving you one last sputter to trickle between your breast down to your navel.
When you go to mouth at his balls, Mingyu grabs a fist of your hair in reflex to keep himself out of your reach. He gently tugs until you slide your eyes away from his softening dick to his face.
“I will lock you in a closet if you try that again.”
Mingyu knows he sounds ridiculous but you’re insatiable and might actually kill him if you try to touch his dick again.
“You’re no fun.” You pout, unable to hide you’re disappointment when Mingyu refuses to let you play with him.
“Get your ass on this couch and I’ll show you how fun I am.”
Tonight, Mingyu discovers you really like when he collects his cum off your chest with his tongue and spits it in your mouth. You like it even more when he holds you down, pins your wrists at the dip of your spine, and eats it from the back like his life depends on it.
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kitthepurplepotato · 10 months
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Chapter 13 - You are my Number One.
Summary: Katsuki is more freaked out about Y/N’s appointment than Y/N herself.
Warning: Swear words, nothing too cheeky this time!
First Chapter Master List
It’s 5AM in the fucking morning but Katsuki is already freaking out.
He’s not worried. He has no reason to be; he’s not a fucking doctor but he knows there is no way Y/N’s appointment will bear anything but good news; she’s healthy and full of energy, her movements are back to normal even without the meds, so really, there is no reason for him to be a big ball of anxiety right now.
No reason.
But… he still can’t stop spiraling about the ‘what if’s.
What if she only looks fine and after a few tests the doctor decides to put her back on the meds? His woman is strong, the strongest person in the world but she would break down to hear that after all the work she’s done to get better.
What if the doctor tells him to wait another year before she goes back to actual hero work? Again, she would loose her shit. She would probably burn the whole hospital down out of frustration. Katsuki is not a big fan of rescue missions and it’s also way too fucking early for that shit. He does miss the adrenaline of being on the field but he definitely does not miss the smell of burnt flesh and he might be the number two hero, but he definitely can’t save more than 3000 people in one go, especially as at least half of them are disabled and incapable of running.
“Woman.” Katsuki shakes his still sleeping girlfriend with a manic face. “Whatever happens today you can NOT burn the hospital down.” He yells with a serious face but his woman only snorts at him.
“The fuck, Katsuki?” She laughs and oh god, he absolutely fucking loves her sleepy little laugh. “Why are you the one freaking out? You look I just went into labor.” Honestly, Katsuki wishes that was the case. Even though, now that he said that, Y/N would probably burn the hospital down due to her frustration from being in so much pain for so long. Okay, no kids for Katsuki then. It’s a small sacrifice for the greater good. “What the fuck are you muttering about?” She giggles at him so Katsuki decides to change the topic by pushing a big cup of coffee into his girlfriend’s hands. It works every time. Nothing is more important than a morning coffee. Not even mass murder. Good.
Katsuki feels like he’s about to throw up. His face must be really pale as the Menace looks at him with worry etched into her features.
“We need to leave in twenty minutes, hurry up.” Katsuki makes a hard turn and stomps towards his dresser to find something normal. What do people wear to hospitals at all? His usual attire in a hospital usually consist of a hero suit soaked through with his own blood. Or ridiculously oversized trousers and a hoodie three times the size of him topped up with a cap and a face mask or at least that’s what he used to wear when he was forced to go to therapy.
This time, Katsuki wants to look… well… proper. He’s not going there alone, he’s going with his partner, his future wife (probably?!), the woman he’s so fucking proud of; he wants her to be proud of him too. It’s stupid, he knows, but somehow, it feels like this is important; this is the first time they attend an important appointment together. This is the first time he’s going to be seen as Y/N’s boyfriend. Katsuki feels like he’s about meet her parents or some shit.
“You don’t need to come with me, I’ll be fine alone.” She mutters, but that’s the last thing Katsuki wants to do.
“Do I fucking look like I’m capable of sitting on my ass right now, you idiot?” Katsuki lashes out. “I want to be there, I want to hold your hand and shit. I want to… fuck, I want to be there with you. I want to share the burden. You see, I’m already freaking out so you don’t have to. You can just giggle and be fucking adorable while I shit my pants. I’m perfectly fine with that.”
“Katsuki, you don’t make any sense but… thank you?” She giggles again and Katsuki swears he would be able to survive without water and food and get his nutrients from Y/N’s laughter instead. He’s so fucking fucked, isn’t he?
“Put some clothes on and let’s go.” Katsuki takes a plain black T-shirt and some tight jeans out of his dresser and makes a beeline to the bathroom. “If you don’t have proper clothing on by the time I come back you are going to the hospital in your pajamas.” Katsuki threatens but it doesn’t have an edge.
“Roger that, boss!” Y/N salutes before Katsuki slams the bedroom door aggressively.
“Keep your eyes on the road, Kats, I won’t disappear.” You smile at your boyfriend who’s absolutely freaking the shit out right now, for no reason at all. It’s a little bit endearing.
You always knew he cares so much more than he’s willing to admit; he’s secretly a big softie for all his friends, even though he does nothing but yell at them all the time, but this is the first time Katsuki feels safe enough to actually show his affectionate side to anyone else and it makes you so fucking proud to be on the receptive side of it even if it’s a tiny bit annoying.
You don’t want to know how has Katsuki felt when you were gone for a day of this is how he reacts to a doctor’s appointment. Maybe you should thank Todoroki and Midoriya for keeping him alive while you were away back then.
“Technically…” Katsuki is about to give you shit and go all nerd on you, but you don’t let him finish.
“Technically, I can disappear, yes, but it doesn’t matter if you stare at me or not, I can literally do that anyway.” You retort scoldingly.
“Sorry, I’m just really fucking worried.” Katsuki sighs, his eyes finally back on the road. You sigh and move your your hand to caress the blond’s thigh, drawing soothing circles on his jeans to calm him down.
“You have no reason to be. It’s over, Katsuki. I’m over it and I know I won this fight, I just need a stupid paper from the doctor that makes it official. I trust my gut and my gut tells me I’m good. Don’t you trust me, KitKat?”
Katsuki visibly shakes at the new nickname you just gave him; thank god you two were waiting for the light to turn green, otherwise he would’ve caused an accident by stepping on the brake so suddenly.
“What’s with you and your stupid nicknames?” Katsuki mutters with the most adorable pout on his flushed little face.
“I can’t help it, you are so fucking cute.” You giggle and Katsuki is about to explode out of embarrassment when a loud honk coming from behind startles you both; the light turned green and you didn’t realize. Oh fuck.
“You are insufferable.” Katsuki mutters in front of himself and the rest of the ride is silent. You know your boyfriend well enough to know that nothing will calm him down right now anyway, so you just let him mutter to himself for the rest of the journey.
For your surprise, Katsuki intertwines his fingers with yours right when you stand by his side after the ride. His hold is downright painful, but you decide to not speak up about it; Katsuki clearly needs this right now and seeing him so stressed about something that doesn’t even affect him in any way makes you realize how important you are for him. Bakugou Katsuki can’t seem to stop surprising you these days, in a good way.
“Hello.” Katsuki mutters at the entrance; it looks like it literally pains him to be nice to someone else for once, but he does it anyway. Why? You have no fucking idea. Katsuki looks at the amused lady at the front desk with a constipated face. “Appointment. For Y/N.” Katsuki mutters again, his face red as a tomato. You don’t have the heart to tell him that he doesn’t need to do this at all as everyone knows your face by now.
“End of the hallway, right side, 235. Good luck!” The lady gives you a thumbs up and you can barely smile back as Katsuki is already pulling you towards the fore-mentioned door. He knock three times aggressively and the door opens; the nurse’s face pales at the sight of the number two hero towering against her at 6AM in the fucking morning.
“Ahh, Y/N! Come on in, your guest can wait in the waiting room until we finish!” The nurse gives Katsuki a forced smile, already knowing there’s gonna be drama.
“I’m not a fucking guest, I’m her boyfriend! I took care of her fucking ass this whole week! I should be allowed to come in!” Katsuki almost yells at the poor nurse, but his voice gets quieter as he finishes his sentence. Fuck, he’s trying so hard.
“Sir, I understand but we need your girlfriend’s full attention. We need to do some tests as well today. Please, take a seat outside.” She points at the bench on the hallway. “Would you like some tea, or some coffee? We have some pastries as well if you are hungry!”
Wow, you do get a different treatment when you are the number two hero in the country.
“Do I look like I need caffeine, woman?” Katsuki mutters under his nose, his hands still in yours. “Just fucking… go…” the blond mutters, slowly letting you free from his grasp.
“I’ll be fine. I love you.” You hug your boyfriend tightly, hoping he can feel how grateful you are for everything. The nurse steps back into the office and leaves the door open for you to come in when you are ready. You didn’t miss the tiny fond smile on her face as she left.
“You are invincible. Whatever fucking happens today… you are… you are my number one.” Katsuki’s head is about to explode. Your heart skips a beat.
“I’m the luckiest fucking bitch to walk this Earth. Fuck, Katsuki.” You can’t stop yourself from jumping on him and kissing him fiercely in the middle of the thankfully empty hallway like your life depends on it. It takes him a few seconds to reciprocate but when he does it gets even harder to let him go; he kisses you with the same fervor, his touches hot and full of desire. He pulls away rather abruptly, takes a few deep breaths then he finally speaks up:
“Go before I devour you in the middle of this stupid hallway that smells like cheap bleach.”
“I’ll be out before you know it.” You smile and leave a last, lingering kiss on the blond’s lips before you close the door on his cute, anxious face. You’ve never been into the whole marriage thing but you kinda want to elope with him right here, right now.
“Let’s get this over with.” You sigh as you sit down in front of your doctor, who can’t hide his amused face as he takes in your red lips and disheveled hair.
“I really want to tell you off for coming to my office looking like that but I’m actually quite impressed. So who’s the lucky guy?” The doctor smirks at you; your cheeks flush, making you look like a ripe tomato but he only laughs at that.
“See it for yourself after we are done here, sir.”
This is it. This is fucking it.
Oh shit, you haven’t been anxious at all before but now it kicks you in the face as you take in your doctors office, the white walls and all the equipment he’s about to use on you.
“Whatever happens, you are my number one.” Katsuki’s words play in your head like a mantra as your body slowly lets go of all the tension that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
It doesn’t matter what the doctor says; it might sound super cheesy but even if you can never be a hero again, having Katsuki by your side, saving people for the both of you is more than enough for you.
So this is what people call “love”. It’s so powerful it changes even the strongest, most determined people.
You can’t help but giggle to yourself from your own silly thoughts.
You really are the luckiest person in the world, aren’t you?
… Next chapter!
Potato ramble:
- This story is about end in a few chapters. I gave this a lot of thought and I realized I don’t need to write down every single idea I had for this one otherwise this story will never end and I have so many other stories in my head I want to share with you all, so I made the executive decision to try to finish this in 5 chapters (you guys know me though, that will be 10 lol).
- My plan is to finish this one, take a bit of a break and continue posting only the Deku one for a few weeks then come back with the Kirishima spin-off and then later with a new Katsuki x Reader series. I already have a few chapters ready for both but I’m trying to aim for having almost the whole thing written out before I start posting to not overwhelm myself but I might change my mind about that as I really enjoy to hear your thoughts and add some things you want to see and I absolutely love to listen to your feedback and make the next chapters more enjoyable. It’s hard to be an adult, I just wanna write and read your comments 24/7 😂
- Ah, also! I got over excited and I already have edited the header for the Kirishima spin-off! I hope you like it!
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Yes, there is a typo in it, I’ll sort that out later shut up 😂
- I hope you guys had a lovely week and sorry for being so late; I got some bad news from the doctors and it messed up my head a little bit, I also did several extremely early shifts in a row and was dead tired in the afternoon so I had a hard time writing this week. Next week will be even worse so yeah… sorry in advance 😂
TL: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai
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lightweaver-chosen-if · 7 months
We miss you, we hope you are being careful. Hope the writing is going great 😃.
Thank you, anon. And to everyone who’s been sending their best wishes and interest on the story.
It’s been a very busy month due to work—which is why I’ve been inactive lately. But Lightweaver is definitely still in the works!
I just haven’t been able to fully dedicate my time to writing like I did during the holidays. But I still write here and there when I can.
So far I’ve written 12k words since the update. I try to expand future scenes in my phone when I’m not able to just sit down and put words on CSIDE.
There will be an update at the end of March, but it probably won’t be the full chapter yet. It’s gotten bigger now that I’ve fleshed out the content more :D
But to give you a small idea on what to look forward to next time… You can meet your potential pet soon!
I won’t be able to answer asks much for the time being—but please know that I appreciate each and every one of them! I’ll still try to answer all of them when I can.
ok . . . that is all . . . thank you for stopping by. I hope you all have a great day! :D
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steddieunderdogfics · 23 days
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: Afewproblems! @afewproblems has 17 fics in the Stranger Things fandom and 16 of them are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @afewproblems:
The World is Upside Down (The King has Lost his Crown)
You Can Only Remember What You Want To Forget
A Quiet Confession
Essential Songs to Woo a Metal Head
A Clear and Present Threat of Tongue
"I love Linz and her writing. Even though she's not as active as she once was, I think she should still be celebrated. As a fandom, we tend stop interacting with authors when they aren't actively making fic, and that's disheartening." -- Anonymous
Below the cut, @afewproblems answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I love the ship! I think it’s mostly to do with the characters and the romantic archetypes they represent. You have two people from different worlds, different social stratas, and completely different personalities that still find common ground in one another. It’s Grease, Wuthering Heights, Titanic -these characters not only balance one another out, but they challenge one another to rethink their preconceived notions about the other. Plus, for that one forrest scene in the Upsidedown to have inspired an entire ship and fanon about these two - chefs kiss, 10/10.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Oh there are so many! For Steddie specifically though, I really like reading stories that explore the fanon around Steve’s not so great childhood. I process a lot of my own stuff through fan works so reading about Steve going through the same thing and managing to create his own found family and finding love hits hard in the best way.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Hmm I don't know if it's so much a trope as it would be considered a genre for fan fiction but I love to write hurt/comfort and angst -angst is my bread and butter! Nothing better than putting your blorbo in an emotionally fraught state and then having someone hold them for a little while.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I could be honest, I could be human by GerryStAmour. The angst, top notch, the descriptions are so well done! The writing is so great, please check Gerry out as a writer, his works are incredible! I also really love the Cousin!AU by @strangersteddierthings her work is absolutely incredible, please check her stuff out!!
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Hmm Possibly soulmates I think or soulmarks would be very cool!
What is your writing process like?
So i’ll normally get an idea and kind of turn it around in my head over and over until I can't stop thinking about it and have to get it on the page. Then the snippet or scene will begin to grow and take on more of a life of its own, it's like ‘okay this scene is great, but how did we get here’ kind of thing, that makes me want to flesh out the idea which in turn makes the story and characters expand and grow. I never plot out the whole story before starting, I let it grow from a starting point and let the story kind of take the direction that it needs to go in.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I typically write with Steve as the main character going through as much pain as possible!
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I try to get a few chapters written out before I post my fic, I find it a bit easier to keep myself motivated that way. I don't think I'd be able to keep up with a schedule.
Which fic are you most proud of?
I'm definitely proud of all of them but I think the first Steddie fic that I spent several months on, Warm My Cold and Tired Heart, is still one that I am incredibly proud of and really happy with how it turned out. It was my big jumping off point for the rest of my fics and love for the pairing - which is another point in it's favour!
How did you get the idea for You Can Only Remember What You Want To Forget?
It was inspired by a blend of two prompts in an ask from the awesome @zerokrox-blog “Things you forgot to say and things you were forced to say”. The prompt was a challenge to mix but I wanted to have one prompt reflect Eddie and the other reflect Steve. Eddie forgot to tell Steve the truth and Steve was forced to simply react. The story completely took on a life of its own after that though and quickly snowballed!
When writing You Can Only Remember What You Want To Forget, what was something you didn’t expect?
The table! It was a bit of a throwaway line about the Hellfire club noticing the crack and worrying that they damaged the table, only for it to culminate in Eddie’s apology and confession to Steve when he fixed it. Probably one of the best little ‘Setup’ and ‘Payoff’ moments I’ve ever attempted.
What inspired A Quiet Confession?
This was also inspired by a ask prompt that came in from an anonymous user, ‘You weren't supposed to hear that’. i loved the angst potential of someone saying just how much you love someone, while worrying they don't feel the same for you. Juxtaposing that with the intimacy that normally comes with napping with you partner and you have A Quiet Confession.
What was your favorite part to write from A Clear and Present Threat of Tongue?
Definitely the confession scene. The whole fic was based on the episode from New Girl where Jess and Nick kiss for the very first time and I loved writing down the garbled speech that Nick says when he stumbles over his words. I just had to give that to Eddie - it fit way too well!
How do/did you feel writing Essential Songs to Woo a Metal Head?
I was excited to explore the idea of Eddie completely distrusting Steve and his intentions, which would be fair for the 80s ya know? Why would Eddie believe that a jock and former prom king was being sincere with him, but having Eddie make this mistake and having to turn to the classic 80s rom-com trope of the grand gesture -I loved it! Having Eddie use music the same way that Steve did to confess his feelings originally? I was super happy that it came back around, full circle. (I also worked pretty hard on the music choices for Steve's mixtape so I am so happy people liked this one!)
What was the most difficult part of writing The World is Upside Down (The King has Lost his Crown)?
There were several difficult parts with writing this story, one was figuring out which scenes from the show should be included or left out for the story to make sense and still flow nicely. I didn’t want to spend too much time rewriting scenes to fit the canon divergence but at the same time there were several important scenes that needed to remain in the story for Eddie to specifically react to. Handling Nancy’s character was also difficult but very rewarding. I don’t hate Nancy as a character but I do find her challenging to write. I didn’t want to paint her as a villain either, she cares for Steve greatly but they couldn’t be what the other needed. It was hard to do her character justice but it was really rewarding to get her right - in my opinion.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I think the scene where Steve smashes the plate in You Can Only Remember What You Want To Forget is up there for me in terms of one of my favourite scenes. Having Steve just completely breakdown, feeling like he's not in control of himself and how frightening that is. It was cool to explore these incredibly intense emotions and having both Robin and Eddie be there to help him process these feelings without looking at him any differently was so so important. It showcased how Robin and Eddie are the two people that Steve could trust with his darkest moments and still love him. Ugh! Still love it so much!
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Oh! I do have a new project that I am working on, I shared a small snippet a few weeks ago but I will be very excited to share the first part soon. It is a Season Three AU exploring what might have happened if Steve and Eddie met in Starcourt mall that fateful summer of 1985. I’ve also been doing some writing for the Psych fandom to get back into writing after a long dry spell, it’s been pretty fun to explore those characters as well!
Thank you to our author, @afewproblems, and our anonymous nominator! See more of Afewproblems's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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tadc-harlequin-au · 1 month
Since you just restrained your lung demons, I’ll ask a fun question about the Souls-like Au:
Which Fighting-game archetypes would each character represent?
I know it’s set in an MMORPG but I see Ragatha’s design and go “she’s a fucking Zoner oh god” and I’m curious about what you think :)
Of course, if you don’t know much about fighting games, I’ll provide an alternative question:
What kind of combat system does the game have?
Black Desert? ESO? FF14? Dragons Dogma? Or is it just like Dark Souls or Elden Ring?
Have fun :D
For the Combat system I'm honestly taking major inspirations from God of War's (2018 and Ragnarok) Valkyrie/Berzerkers boss fights respectively, as well as obviously, Lies of P boss combat
I'm not actually very well-versed when it comes to everything you've described in the list, so I won't be taking inspiration from them lol
As for each characters' fighting style archetypes, I think I can do a list? These aren't final, but is closest to what I think their fighting style would be
Caine - Stage Control (His boss fight is kinda similar to Odin from GoW:Ragnarok)
Pomni - All-rounder (because ofc she is)
Ragatha - Zoner (or Glass Cannon? She's definitely one of the more 'damage-over-defense' type)
Jax - Pressurer (you know he's relentless in the battlefield)
Gangle - Trapper (I think this archetype fits her fighting style the best due to the fact that she's a Mercenary)
Kinger - Turtle (I can't really explain it for now, I need to think about it more)
Zoob - Dominating (Maybe a 'Keep Away' too?)
Again, this may change in the future as the AU gets more fleshed out, it's still pretty early to establish the game mechanics
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aphidclan-clangen · 5 months
question for the creator :3 is it a good idea to log everything that happens for every moon before you draw? bc that's what I'm doing, and I'm wondering if its a thing you did? basically, how did you start?
Yes!! Definitely log everything that happens, especially when you’re starting off. Later on when you have a more fleshed out plot and characters in mind you can start throwing out prompts that don’t add anything and focusing more on the ones that do. (I’ll also get very out of character prompts sometimes, I just throw those out entirely and hold on tight to the prompts that are in character)
I would log 1. the main moon events, 2. as many relationship events as I can, 3. the cats’ statuses/thought bubbles/whatever the sentences on their profile are called, and 4. Patrol events ((don’t forget to check the statuses of dead cats and outsiders!!)
Here’s an example of my logs:
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Everyone has a different way of coming up with a plot, either before the comic even starts or maybe the plot comes along on its own! I didn’t start AphidClan with a plot in mind, I was only drawing the daily events between the characters up until moon 6. Moon 6 onward is when I started building a plot and figuring out lore, worldbuilding, conflict, etc. I got a patrol that said Lilacpaw was murdered by a rogue, so I used that and went with a more murder mystery-esque plot
I would recommend playing ahead! Everyone has their own perfect number of how much to play ahead, I used to prefer it to be around 2-3 moons ahead of what I was drawing, to keep my workload small and spontaneous, but now that I have a much more plot-based story I prefer to play FAAAR more ahead than that so I have a more solid idea of the full story and how/when I want it to end. I’ve played up to moon 78 so far, and we’re currently on moon 20 in the comic
I started my comic very spontaneously with no future goal in mind. It took me a while to get to this place, where I now have a very plot-centered webcomic and a vague idea of how and when I want it to end. You very much make your own plot, and in a way, you make your own characters! The game gives you prompts that you can work with as inspiration for certain story events (like using the statuses “Stormkit wishes Sparkkit would play more quietly” and “Lilacpaw is worried about Stormkit” to create a plot event that adds more to Lilacpaw’s death) but most of the creative aspect you make yourself!
Hopefully that answers your question okay! Have fun creating! ^^
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eternalglitch · 1 year
Dunno if you’ve heard this one before but can I say how much I love the title “Like Father Like Son”?
On initial reaction to the title it makes sense to assume Draxum is the “father” in question, since he’s the one in the summary, his pov is the prologue, and it’s his plan and desire to bring his creations back to his side. Also, Draxum’s villainy and Leo’s Forced villainy; i.e. Like Father (Draxum) Like Son (Leo)
But then you get into the Battle Nexus arc, the place where Lou Jitsu spent many years being forced to fight in and held prisoner. In comes Leo, handed over to Big Mama and forced to fight in her Nexus, and to top it all off he gets held prisoner in the very cell LJ, Leo’s father (unbeknownst to him), was trapped in; i.e. Like Father (Splinter/Lou Jitsu) Like Son (Leo)
The title is a double meaning, possibly even more that I haven’t seen yet. One could also bring in moments where the other Hamatos share LFLS moments, but since this is a Leo-Centric fic I’m focused on him for now.
This also makes me wonder if there will be more Like Father, Like Son situations in the coming arc(s). I’ll just have to wait and see.
(Unrelated to the title analysis, ironically I decided to send you this while walking home carrying pizza and thinking “omg this is what Leo was doing before being kidnapped by Draxum and forced to do villainy :0” lol. Your fic has plagued my mind and I’m not complaining.)
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I am so glad lfls' title worked so well because titles are one thing I am criminally terrible at. I don't even remember having to brainstorm for it, since I knew what my vision was before I even started fleshing out the plot so that title just instantly seemed to be the one.
Also there's definitely more to be mentioned in the fic regarding this link between sons and fathers :}.
It's been a while since I gave any new content actually, I'll leave some (short) related rough snippets of dialogue from Donnie planned for a future chapter under the cut.
“I just wanted you all to be proud of me. My brothers, you. I wanted to be someone that you’re glad to be related to, and I- I let you down bad, Dad. I let everyone down, especially Leo, and I just-“
“Do you think Draxum could’ve included any of his own DNA into the mutagen? Don’t I seem like his spitting image right now?”
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vieapuff · 5 months
Anti-clockwise: A mystic messenger Alternate Universe
Welcome to anti-clockwise, a somewhat reverse mystic messenger AU where instead of the choi twins living in the environment they did in canon, they lived with their politician father and step mother. Here are some simple character intros i made !
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More info about my AU is under this cut ✂️ !
Notes/ information:
1. Even if the twins are living a completely different life from canon, theyre still facing problems in life but a different set of problems from the canon story.
2. Step mom is not the same mom from canon story, I decided to not include her in this AU because I never want her to be near my babies. Saejoong may be present in this AU but he is still irredeemable, also Saeyoung doesn’t like his step mom too (will be explained in future art posts/ when i decide to drop more lore on this AU).
3. The characters here are younger because I want to see the twins live out their youth and high school days. Saeyoung and Maycee (MC) are lovers and have been together for almost 2 years.
4. Their personalities may be altered in this AU due to the fact that this AU basically takes away the situation which shaped Saeyoung’s and Saeran’s personality in canon. Saeyoung is at least 55% less jokester here, he’s more introverted and reserved, definitely is protective of Saeran still because he has a weak body. Meanwhile Saeran is carefree and friendly, is likable among his high school peers and obviously, has his red hair.
Thank you for reading :3 I hope one day i’ll be able to flesh out this AU because I think the concept of chaebol choi twins is cool :)
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scyllas-revenge · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @lordoftherazzles and @i-did-not-mean-to (although compared to idnmt's 550+ fanfics this will look pretty sparse XD
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14! One is a collection of a couple of short fics, the others are all stand-alones.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Tolkien, pretty exclusively. I don't know many other fandoms well enough to be comfortable writing in them for now
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Burn Like Cold Iron takes first place for everything as my only long fic. Then How to Cope with a Middle Earth Bed Shortage, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?, Customer Service, and A Helping Hand.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! There are a few here and there that slip through the cracks when I just don’t have enough spoons to reply, but I do my best!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write happy endings as a rule lol, so this is tough. The closest to angst might be Burn Like Cold Iron just because it will have some bittersweetness thrown in alongside the happy ending, but I definitely wouldn't call it an angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Considering most of my fic endings are pretty equally happy, my favorite is The Floor Is Molasses, because I just want Boromir to be happy and hanging out in the Shire.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A few times on FFN in the past. I’ve been lucky enough to avoid it almost entirely on AO3. Which is good bc it does not take much to make me cry 😂
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have posted one (1) explicit fic and we shall NEVER SPEAK OF IT (I am easily embarrassed and it’s a miracle I posted it at all)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nooooo, they've always intimidated me. Between all the canon characters and OCs I don't have room for anyone else!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oof I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be honored!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t done much more than brainstorm with fandom friends about plot points and stuff. But it sounds like fun and I hope I can cowrite something with one of my much more talented mutuals someday!!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I haven’t been super obsessed with a ship in years, so this is a tough question, especially since I’ve been focused on OC pairings lately. I’ve been pretty into Boromir/Theodred lately (but it’s such a tragic pairing and my poor heart can’t stand it), but hmm...my all-time favorite?? I'm a big fan of Nina and Matthias from Six of Crows, and Katniss and Peeta from the Hunger Games, and OOH Jaime and Brienne from Game of Thrones! There that's the one. All-time favorite. I did it. Phew.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I fully intend to finish my one ongoing WIP, Burn Like Cold Iron, and beyond that I really don’t want to start a fic I don’t think I’ll finish.
But I’ve written bits and pieces of a Middle Earth murder mystery I was really excited about, and I don’t have high hopes for actually fleshing that one out. I’ve never plotted out a murder mystery and would need to do some hardcore planning and plotting and scheming for it first and my brain is just not there right now XD
16. What are your writing strengths?
Aaahhh I am not good at complimenting myself (my therapist made me compliment myself last week and I almost cried lol) but I think I’ve gotten pretty good at writing engaging dialogue. I also am happy with a lot of my OCs, especially in my all-OC fic Something Burrowed, Something Blue, although I want to keep working at developing more complex characters in the future.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My writing speed. I’m so slow. So so slow. Dear lord.
That and detailed plots and worldbuilding. Basically I need to brainstorm more before I start writing, and get a better sense for where things are going and how they'll turn out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I could probably throw some Italian into a fic without much trouble lol. But Tolkien languages like sindarin honestly intimidate the hell out of me- I will jump through SO many hoops to avoid it. I am a coward
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior cats. I was 12 and submitted it to my English teacher for extra credit. I had no shame 😂
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It’s probably unfair to my other fics to say Burn Like Cold Iron since it’s so much longer than everything else I’ve written. So besides that one, probably What Could Possibly Go Wrong? I had fun exploring different characters’ points of view and sprinkling in lots of foreshadowing and dramatic irony for future plot points.
Tagging: @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book, @hobbitwrangler, @jaimehwatson, @frosticenow, @fishing4stars, @sotwk and anyone else who wants to play!
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vendetta-if · 2 years
hello! i wanted to tell you that this game is one of my most favorite pieces of writing i’ve read. it’s probably weird that i always cry when i read it and it’s always the same scenes, the way you wrote viktor and really fleshed him out is very good. i say that because he’s my favorite character in the whole thing, it’s strange but it’s the first time i loved a character wholeheartedly. first time i read this i cried so much when he passed, it’s just so so sad. i loved how he always picked MC, he was always there. it’s kinda hard for me to read this when it’s updated bc i just stay sad for a few days but i still really really love this game. i hope this isn’t weird, i just really really appreciate him and you for writing him. so thank you <3
Aww ☺️ Thank you so much for the kind words and yes, I also love writing Viktor a lot 😭 I’m glad that I can still write him in the side stories, but I also have something in mind regarding him in the future 😉 Not in this main story of course, but I’ll probably share more once I’m more confident and sure about it.
And don’t worry, I also cried when writing the funeral scene 😔 I rarely cry, but writing that scene just got to me, somehow. Also, you’re right, Viktor will always choose and prioritize MC; MC is his everything. That’s why I think the AU where MC died instead of him is a more heartbreaking and angsty one and it is definitely a crueler fate for him than death.
I’ve said this before, I think, somewhere, but MC right now still have their future ahead of them, especially after they’ve finally found their closure, they’ll be able to settle down and make a family with their chosen RO(s).
But for Viktor, MC is their future and in the AU where MC died… It really leaves him a hollow shell of the man he once was and he would stop at nothing to avenge MC and even once he succeed and he’s still somehow alive… It’s impossible for him to heal mentally and emotionally. All he has ever wanted is to be there for MC in every stage and important events in their life, and maybe, he would also get to be a grandfather.
I recently rediscover “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce in my playlists and I found out that he wrote the song for his son when he first heard that his wife was pregnant. The lyrics are about spending time with loved ones and how it feels like there's never enough time. And now, I can’t help but picture it being one of Viktor’s favorite songs and he often sing along to it for little MC… and now I’m sad 😭 I gotta include this somehow in the story later on.
If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I'd like to do Is to save every day till eternity passes away Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true I'd save every day like a treasure and then Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do, once you find them I've looked around enough to know That you're the one I want to go through time with
If I had a box just for wishes And dreams that had never come true The box would be empty, except for the memory of how They were answered by you
But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do, once you find them I've looked around enough to know That you're the one I want to go through the time with
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bloodiedrogue · 9 months
SUMMARY: The absorption of a curse has always been disgusting and lonely. Well, at least until Gojo showed up.
PAIRING: Geto Suguru & Gojo Satoru
WARNINGS: Brief descriptions of vomiting, angst, Geto POV, my own silly headcanons about Geto's connection to curses. :)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, I saw this headcanon and my JJK brain rot grew three sizes in the span of a minute, so I made this. Also, knowing me I'm probably going to get consumed by these two so if you want to be tagged in future JJK stuff just let me know!
The flavour is revolting. A combination of putrid acidity and rotten flesh —it’s the kind of taste that would churn even the strongest of stomachs, resulting in Geto himself struggling to suppress it. 
As he stands alongside Gojo, imagining the process of its inevitable digestion, he still can’t manage to do it in front of people. Fearing that they might judge his lack of composure each time he has to force the cursed sphere down, he merely pockets it instead. Muttering something along the lines of I’ll save it for when I’m hungry at the same time Gojo stretches his spine, acting none the wiser.
“What do they taste like anyway?” 
They taste like death, he wants to say, like a decomposed corpse that’s expelled its insides or a pile of vomit left out in the sun. Instead, though, he just shrugs and tells him they’re flavourless. An empty vessel that fills him up but fails to provide the enjoyment of actually eating a proper meal. 
An answer that Gojo thankfully accepts with a nod before moving on—both of them walking down the street as he starts yammering on about whatever topic of interest he’s deemed exciting enough to share. Forever failing to catch on to the fact that all Geto wants is some peace and quiet as they make their way back to campus. 
This time it’s movies. Specifically Western ones. None of which Geto has seen or has any interest in, considering all he can think about is the curse that rests against his palm. Specifically how it causes his skin to itch with need despite wanting nothing more than to toss it as far as he can so that he doesn’t have to experience it slipping down his throat. 
He’s still not entirely sure why it happens but after a curse has been exorcized it’s as if this connection forms inside his brain. One that requires him to swallow the damned thing as quickly as possible, assuming there’s some sort of time limit. As if he doesn't, something bad might happen. So much so that, even now, even though it’s only been a few minutes since he initially got rid of it, he can feel it calling out to him in the back of his mind. Begging for him to eat —screaming at him to absorb its contents until suddenly they find themselves in the heart of Kyoto. 
At which point Geto can hardly contain the temptation. Palming the sphere with tightened fingers, it’s as if he can feel the curse inside pressing against the outer walls. Its voice echoing overtop of whatever Gojo’s saying now. Forcing him to close his eyes and breathe as he digs his nails into his own flesh, forcing his hands to his sides rather than inside the pockets of his pants.
“It looks so good! We should definitely see it when it comes out!” Gojo practically yells —most likely still talking about movies, prompting Geto to press his lips into a false smile and nod. 
Something he does quite often these days thanks to the amount of missions they’ve been going on. 
“Do you have a favourite?”
In response, he blinks, trying to force himself to return to the conversation. To seem like he’s present and calm rather than bursting at the seams with fear. “Hm?”
“Movie, Suguru!” Gojo chastises, rolling his eyes at Geto’s lack of attention as he shoves his arm. “Weren’t you listening?”
This time Geto rolls his eyes. Unable to come up with a clever rebuttal thanks to the curse’s desire to be consumed as quickly as possible. 
“I swear, you’re always elsewhere.”
“What do you mean?” 
“That head of yours.” Before he can process what Gojo is doing he feels his index finger pressed against his forehead, pushing him backwards roughly. Forcing Geto to grunt at the impact before swatting away his hand. “It’s got you distracted.” 
“I’m not distracted.” 
“Then what’s my new favourite movie?” 
Again, Geto fails to come up with a response, resulting in the humiliated feeling of Gojo Satoru being right. A feeling so utterly embarrassing that for a moment he forgets that he should be excusing himself to feed. To give in to the pressure of the curse’s voice penetrating every corner of his mind. To force the rotting flavour down his throat so that he can once again feel nothing.
It takes a while, but eventually, when there’s a pause in Gojo’s one-sided conversation, he lies and says he has to go to the bathroom. Another excuse his friend accepts without question, pulling out his phone while Geto walks a block back before dipping into the nearest alleyway. Completely unaware of the shaking hands that pull the curse out of Geto’s pants pocket. 
By the time he’s out of sight, the voice is borderline hysteric as it sits in his hand. Causing him to narrow his eyes in annoyance, almost immediately he raises the sphere to his mouth while clearing his throat, preparing the space with reluctant thoughts. Wishing just once he can find it in himself to consume without struggle. To taste without the urge to vomit. To feel, just this once, like his ability is more than just a fucking curse. 
Swallowing hard, he does his best to imagine something else in his mouth. Dorayaki, cheesecake —hell even those awful black sesame cookies his mom used to make when he was a kid. Anything to distract himself from the truth as he slips the curse between his lips, immediately gagging when the acrid taste first hits his tongue.
He isn’t sure why but every time feels worse than the last. As if the continual ingestion of these creatures is somehow rotting him from the inside out. Consuming his quality of life each time he’s forced to absorb it.
Which is ultimately an assumption he thinks about often. Considering that’s all he’s become lately, the idea that he’s been deemed as nothing more than some glorified maid being sent out to clean up messes really pisses him off. Especially because he knows that despite being an equal level to Gojo, the only reason he’s allowed to tag along is because everyone knows he’s a liability. A potential threat they might need to subdue in the future. 
Deep down, he knows he’s one wrong thought away from being subdued. After exorcising and absorbing over and over and over again, he can feel the madness slipping through. All the questions of whether or not it’s worth it to continue running rampant through his thoughts as he inevitably spits the curse out, heavily breathing through the rancid taste of failure yet again.
Under his breath, he swears and roughly grips the curse feeling his limbs begin to twitch —the angered voice returning before he can even think to suppress it. 
And all he wants is to listen. To grant the voice it's wish so that he may get his. But at the back of his mind, all he can think about is death. How it lingers against his taste buds, filling every crevice of his mouth with the kind of flavour he’d hardly wish upon his worst enemy. How it causes his thoughts to shift to a world where curses no longer exist. A world where he can finally live and breathe and—
He’s on his knees panting through the pain. Still gripping onto the sphere, instead of raised into the air it’s wedged between the concrete and his palm. Becoming more and more pressurized the longer Geto stares at Gojo’s frame, realizing he’s been had. That the illusion of his strength has been reduced to weakness in a matter of seconds. 
A fact that makes him wish the taste inside his mouth was real. That instead of death on his tongue there was instead death in his heart. In his stomach and his lungs —spreading throughout his system in a path that would eventually lead to nothing but darkness. 
Kneeling on the ground, he wishes he were dead instead of staring into the bluest eyes he’s ever seen, watching them narrow with worry. Seeing them twist and turn into shapes filled with panic and confusion and pity until they’re sitting directly in front of him. 
“What’s wrong?” 
For a while, he doesn’t respond. Instead, he only lowers his head and closes his eyes, allowing the breath of his lungs to filter through his tainted throat. Desperately attempting to coat it in a layer of something other than the leftover flavour of the curse until he’s able to look at Gojo, muttering out a pained bad. 
He nods his head, watching Gojo glance around the alley. Paying no mind to the curse in his hand until eventually it clicks and all he can do is stare. Focusing on the way Geto’s fingers angrily grip the sphere. Most likely wondering why he’s spent all his time lying about something so trivial as taste. 
“I thought you said they don’t taste like anything.” 
Despite everything, all Geto does is laugh darkly, shaking his head. Trying to act as calmly as possible even though the curse's voice is fully ripping its way through his mind now. 
“Guess I really am a liar.”
“Do they always taste bad?” Gojo asks, reverting the subject to its original topic. Prompting Geto to wonder why he cares to question an answer that’s so obviously right in front of him in the first place. 
Because sure, Gojo’s always been a bit ignorant of these kinds of things, deeming himself too important not to be given exactly what he wants regardless of how easy it is. But he’s never acted like that with him. At least, not in such a personal way. Not in a way that could result in some sort of crossed boundary. 
So, it throws him off. As he looks back up, watching Gojo’s hand tentatively rise to cup his cheek. How his thumb shifts to stroke the highest point of his bone structure before brushing away the loose hairs that have fallen in front of his face. How somehow the tenderness of his touch feels like the most painful thing he’s ever experienced, unaware of whether his actions are the result of pity or not. 
Which is why he brushes him off. Throwing his arm in the way of his friend’s lingering hand, he can’t help but groan at the sudden lack of contact as he falls back. His back crashing against the brick wall behind him as he glares into Gojo’s eyes.
As it happens, Gojo jumps at the sudden movement but doesn’t do anything to stop it. Instead, merely allowing Geto to stir in his anger as he hugs the curse against his chest, trying not to cry. 
Because despite the strength he manages to exude each time he stands alongside Gojo, deep down he always feels this weak. As he blinks back tears, hearing the repetitive chant of the curse in his hands —feeling the madness it inflicts as Gojo inches a bit closer, telling him that he’s okay in such a contradictive way— all he can do is sit. And stare. Attempting to calm himself down as Gojo shoves a hand into his pocket, eventually producing a closed fist. 
Almost immediately, Geto looks at him with confusion. The kind of look that results in Gojo scoffing in annoyance and opening his palm to reveal a piece of candy.
“Listen, I don’t know if it’ll help but—“
“I’m fine.” 
“Sure, okay… but maybe it’ll make it easier.” 
He wants to tell him that it won’t. That no matter how hard he tries to get rid of the taste that remains long after he’s consumed a curse, it’s always there. Sitting in the farthest corners of his body, waiting for their chance to become present once again. Waiting to make him feel disgusting and weak and—
“Stop being so prideful and take the damn candy, Suguru.”
Before he can deny him again Gojo grabs one of his hands and places it in the centre. Keeping it locked lightly around Geto’s wrist as the two of them continue to stare, wondering what the other’s thinking. Both of them trying to find the best way to go about this vulnerable moment they’ve just shared until Gojo lets him go.
At which point Geto feels that tinge of pain again. The one where he isn’t sure why his friend is doing this. Why, instead of chastising him for a weakness he’s repeatedly lied about, he’s offering support. Why he’s sitting there, allowing him to sift in the screams of this spherical curse for as long as he needs. 
“It gets worse every time,” he eventually tells him. Unable to hold back the way his voice breaks through each syllable. A sound that further paints just how weak he is at this moment as Gojo sighs. 
“What does it taste like?”
He nods just as Gojo starts to look around, eventually producing a small grin that leaves Geto confused all over again, watching him reach out to touch his head again. 
“Guess we’ll need to get you something sweeter then,” his friend suggests, and despite knowing that still probably won’t help, Geto merely nods again, feeling Gojo’s fingers ruffle roughly through his hair before he’s suddenly standing up and offering a hand Geto isn’t quite sure he deserves to hold. 
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presidenthades · 1 year
I am doing very minor revisions of Daemon’s Handbook (mostly formatting and continuity errors), and I wanted to do some behind-the-scenes commentary before too much time passes and I forget my original thoughts. Here’s Chapter 1!
DO NOT read these commentaries until you have finished reading the entire Handbook! There are many spoilers in each commentary for future chapters
(Note that these commentaries aren’t canon to the verse until/unless the author writes them into the series. I might change my mind on a few points later, but these are the thoughts I had while writing.)
Chapter titles are named for Daemon’s very bad parenting advice if he were writing an actual handbook.
The rumors that Rhaenyra’s kids are bastards started from a combination of a) black hair and b) Harwin still being unusually close/romancing Rhaenyra even if he isn’t the bio father. But when Jace grew old enough to look like a mini Rhaenys, most reasonable people gave it up.
JOFFRIDA. I was considering the name Jocelyn at first, but I wanted to lean into Laenor naming his third kid after Joffrey Lonmouth. There’s no obvious feminine version of Joffrey, though. Then I decided Laenor seems like the type to tack on a feminine suffix and call it a day. 😂
Daemon is convinced Aemond is a prude. We know how that turns out in Chapter 9.
Aegon starts out a bit afraid of Rhaenyra. He shows more backbone later (especially Chapter 9) but I like to think he’s always going to be a bit afraid of her.
“Oh well, not Daemon’s problem.” (Re: Hightower boys and how they grow up) 😂😂😂
Joff’s curse tablets are inspired by the ancient Roman curse scrolls wherein people wrote things like “Livia has done me great wrong. O gods of the Underworld, make her go bald and die a painful death. If you do this, I’ll sacrifice five goats to you.” Why doesn’t she use a curse tablet again in the story? I’ll flesh it out elsewhere in the series, but TLDR magic has a price and Joff learns this very early in her life.
Vaemond’s funeral eulogy in this verse doesn’t go so hard on “our blood runs true” (he knows the girls are legitimate) but maybe he makes some quips about women and motherhood and sacrifice. Nothing overtly terrible but he’s thinking about the future of Driftmark, which is currently slated to pass to a girl after Laenor, when he thinks it would be best for Driftmark to stay within the male line. So he uses the eulogy to subtly push his agenda. I’m not going to go into more detail here because I might write out his actual eulogy one day, but that’s the gist.
Daemon shies away from comforting his daughters in this chapter. He eventually grows out of this in Chapter 7 (with Baela) and Chapter 11 (late night discussion with Rhaenyra).
Driftmark Lite! I decided not to have Aemond lose his eye at Luce’s hand for several reasons. First, I thought it would be tonally inappropriate; this fic strongly leans toward comedy, and the canon fight would have been too heavy. Second, a lot of this fic is me exploring what would be different if Rhaenyra’s kids were girls, and I thought this would definitely change.
In the GOT/HOTD universe, highborn girls are way less likely than boys to carry blades. Girls like Baela and Arya are rare exceptions. Girls like Sansa are much more the norm. If we’re going by traditional gender norms, girls are probably encouraged to talk their problems out rather than fight it out, as boys might.
So the fight doesn’t escalate as badly because Jace is trying to be peacemaker, and instead of bastard insults, Aemond uses the playground taunt of “you’re a bunch of wussy girls wah wah” (which only provokes Baela).
But the fight DOES escalate to a degree when Aemond specifically insults Luce about things she’s very sensitive about, i.e. her reading struggles and little phobias like rats. Luce retaliates by kneeing him in the groin, which is a move a girl is far more likely to use than a boy on another boy.
Later, Alicent freaks out a bit because she’s in “overprotective mother” mode but once she takes a breather, she realizes it isn’t that huge a deal and lets it go (but this is yet another reason she doesn’t really like Luce).
Daemon 100% got hit in the groin before, and no one can convince me otherwise. Who did it? Dunno. Are they still alive? Probably not.
Laenor’s mysterious death!!! Was it Joff? Did she use her curse tablet? Did she do it because she hates her name? We’ll have to find out when I eventually write her POV.
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Chapter 2 commentary here
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xylaes · 7 months
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It had taken Xylaes a long time to even want to test out what kind of magic his replanted arm was capable of. Much of the time he had kept it covered and away from his own sight lest memories of that entire experience within the House of Constructs in Maldraxxus be dredged up. Not to mention the revulsion he felt by having some stranger’s arm in the place of where his own should be. But it had proven to be useful in dire moments, and there were surely plenty of new discoveries to come.
One of the more recent revelations had occurred when he least expected it. His son Garren had invited him to his home in Bel’ameth during the Lunar Festival, and despite feeling strange about being in the new Kaldorei capital city for a variety of reasons, he wasn’t going to say no. Their relationship had been rocky enough, Xylaes would do everything asked of him to fix what he had broken in the first place.
Their conversation was brief, but at least somewhat productive as loose future plans were made to spend more time together. Bel’ameth had clearly been healing for the young man; he had deserved it after everything he went through, and seeing him happier made Xylaes happier. They departed with a slightly awkward hug, and Xylaes strayed away from the main festivities to leave him be, taking some time to explore the surrounding lands on his own. His wandering led him to a body of water that had a small waterfall cascading down over some carved rocks. As he stood there admiring the beauty, a feminine voice spoke up behind him.
“Lovely, isn’t it?” He turns to look at the Kaldorei woman addressing him: Tall, long, blue hair, flawless skin. She didn’t seem to be upset by his presence there and instead offered a warm, welcoming smile.
“It truly is, I’m very happy to be able to see it.”
It was then he felt a strange, yet somewhat familiar tingling behind both eyes. It wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling, but something he couldn’t quite place until the glamours covering the woman’s skin suddenly vanished to reveal burn scars covering about 50% of the flesh he could see. Her friendly disposition never once wavered, suggesting to him that those glamours were still in place; he could just see through them now. He tried not to physically react in any way, even though he had to assume that these burn scars came from Teldrassil; similar to those on his son. 
“And we are blessed to have it. I’ll leave you to your thoughts. Ande'thoras-ethil.”
He bowed his head politely as she continued her trek towards the Festival. He watched her curiously until she was out of sight, brow furrowing in confusion. Up until this point the replanted arm had only provided magic contained to the arm itself, and surely she hadn’t dropped her illusion just for him. It was difficult not to jump to immediate conclusions, but this was a step in a very exciting direction. Pollux would definitely be his first stop on the way home.
@daily-writing-challenge @garrennorassin @polluxhale
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Could I request Takeda Ittetsu yandere alphabet or general yandere hcs? :3
Of course! I’ll do the yandere alphabet, since that always ends up more fleshed out!
Takeda Ittetsu (Haikyuu) -The Yandere Alphabet
Warnings: yandere themes
A is for Affection: How do they show their affection for their darling? How often do they show it?
💖 Takeda is a little awkward and very shy, yet he’s still pretty affectionate. He’s just very hesitant with all of his movements.
💖 He really likes stroking your face and hair, but his hand will be trembling the entire time.
B is for Blood: How messy are they willing to get for their darling? Why?
🔪 Takeda doesn’t like to hurt others, much less kill them. I think he would only if absolutely necessary.
🔪 If he felt like he had to, he would make the death quick and cover his tracks very well.
C is for Care or Cruelty: How would they treat their darling when they kidnap them? Would they mock them?
💔 Takeda would be the epitome of care. He’d flat out spoil you!
💔 He’d make sure you’re at home and as comfortable as possible, then he’d bring you anything you want.
D is for Delusion: How delusional are they when it comes to their darling? Do they believe their darling loves them?
💭 Takeda is not exactly delusional, but he does daydream a whole lot. He dreams about you reciprocating his feelings and that bleeds into real life sometimes.
 💭 Generally, he’s pretty aware, but he doesn’t care that anything he does is illegal or morally wrong. It’s just necessary.
E is for Expose: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? How much time will it take to trust them?
💧Takeda is surprisingly guarded when you first come home. This is because he doesn’t want you to take advantage of his vulnerabilities.
 💧He begins to trust you pretty quickly, however, and will be very open about how he’s feeling after that.
F is for Fight: How would they react if their darling fought back?
👊 A part of him expected this, but it also breaks his heart. He can’t bring himself to be rough with you back, so he’ll probably lock you up in a room.
G is for Guilt: What would it take for them to feel guilty about their actions? Or do they feel guilty from the start?
😔 I think if you stayed miserable for too long or something really emotionally or physically hurt you, and it’s his fault, he’d feel terrible.
😔 He’d probably begin to think you’d be happier if you’d never met him, and that hurts a lot to admit.
H is for Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
🔥You’d probably be fine most of the time, but lying to him really upsets him. He can tell if you’re being honest or not and will get very cold if you’re not being truthful.
🔥He finds dishonesty childish, so it kind of ticks him off when you act that way. He’s honest with you, why can’t you do the same for him?
I is for Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
👩‍❤️‍👨 He doesn’t have anything specific in mind, except you reciprocating his feelings. His biggest dream is you loving him back.
J is for Jealousy: How easily do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
💢 Takeda doesn’t get jealous too easily, but he’s only human. If you become romantic with someone, he feels the need to whisk you away.
K is for Kidnap: How would they go about kidnapping their darling? How much do they plan it out?
🔒 He would use chloroform or a syringe filled with some knock-out medicine. Then, he’d drag you into his car and drive you to your new home.
 🔒 He would be insanely careful not to be seen and you better believe he’d never let you get away.
L is for Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
💌 He’s not very good at courting, but he’ll definitely try before doing anything drastic.
 💌 He would start out friendly, making sure you feel like you can go to him for anything. Then, he escalates the physical touch a little.
M is for Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they acted before?
🎭 He changes quite a bit, becoming possessive and controlling and obsessive x1000. He acts more deranged than before, and it’s very obvious.
N is for Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
🚓 Takeda just locks you away in a room by yourself for a little while. He doesn’t want to hurt you in any way.
O is for Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? What rights can be earned with time and trust?
📜 Takeda is surprisingly controlling, so he takes away a lot of your rights. If he takes away a right, it won’t be something you can earn back. It’s gone forever.
P is for Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
🕊️ Takeda is very patient with you, and does his best to help you out with everything. He understands you need time to adjust.
Q is for Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
🏃‍♀️ If you died, Takeda would never move on. He’d remember you forever, talking to a picture of you every day and visiting your grave.
🏃‍♀️ If you successfully escaped, he would search for you, but he may take that as a sign that you were meant to be free. He’d hate himself for failing, though.
R is for Rage: How do they act when angry? How do they calm down?
👿 Takeda gets cold and goes silent when he’s angry. The silent treatment and refusing to even look at you is common in bouts of anger.
S is for Soulmate: What made them fall in love with their darling? How did they first meet? When did they realize they loved their darling?
💍 Takeda fell in love with you when he saw how caring you could be, even if it was just one moment of vulnerability. 
💍 He would have probably fallen for another teacher, maybe one that just started at Karasuno. He loves seeing you working hard to make the high schoolers happy.
T is for Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
😭 It hurts, but he knows you just need time to get used to this. Eventually, you’ll learn to love living here… and him.
U is for Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
👌 Takeda’s strong aversion to dishonesty is, I think, fairly unique. It definitely upsets him, more than any other yandere.
V is for Visit: Would they allow anyone else to visit their darling? Do they trust their darling to talk to their loved ones (in person, on the phone, etc.) or not at all?
🧳Takeda wouldn’t let you, only because he’d be worried about getting caught.
W is for Weakness: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
❌ Wait until he becomes vulnerable with you and follow his rules until he trusts you, then use that vulnerability and trust to escape somehow.
X is for Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
🛐 Takeda isn’t exactly a worshiper, but he deeply cares for you. He’d do nearly anything to make you happy.
Y is for Yearning: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
😍 Takeda pines for a very long time, in fact, he may not ever snap. It’s when you reject him or choose someone else that he throws sanity to the wind.
Z is for Zero Tolerance: What is the thing that always makes them snap? What things will they not allow their darling to do under any circumstances?
0️⃣ He can’t stand lying about important things. He understands little things like “how are you doing” but if he knows you’re lying about something important? Oh boy…
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