#and i didn't want to misspell his name either
a-bee-wizard · 1 month
so i somehow missed that hatari didn't die when matti left
new guy is the guy who raps on helvíti
i guess that's fine. helvíti is the odd one out on that album as it isn't about the evils of capitalism and/or bdsm.
it's also not really a character song like 14 ár or hlauptu. it's just about hell ~in general~
it's also a song about hell that doesn't really reference the divine comedy, which strikes me as odd. hatari is honestly pretty high brow usually (their society of the spectacle bit for example).
listening to him sing spillingardans on iceland airwaves 2023 is a mixed bag for me
i think he has potential, but afaik this was his first performance as "the general" character so i HOPE most of my issues will resolve naturally as he gets used to the role
my main issue is that he yells when he should scream. matti would make noises with his throat that sounded like he ate a cheese grater before going on stage, whereas new guy has the same cadance as someone yelling homophobic slurs at a soccer game
what i think is happening is that he is using the front part of his mouth instead of using his stomach/chest/diaphragm. (<- i don't sing but i do martial arts and have lots of experience screaming and hearing other people scream)
he also doesn't really feel like a general on stage. too jumpy. more like a schoolyard bully, due to the soccer game-type yelling?
this performance specifically reminded me of chain chomps in mario. wawawawawawawa.
again, i think most of this COULD be nerves
and like he is in fact NOT matti, and ultimately that WILL mean changes.
i'm excited to hear any new material written for new guy specifically, and hear him play to his strength. mattis strength was VERY specific, so its not weird or bad or anything that he isn't able to do it as well as he did
just please don't rap. i can't deal if hatari turns fucking rap metal i CANT
im also excited to see where he takes the character of the general. mattis general was always more of a charismatic cult leader than a high ranking military officer to me. with this new guy they could play into the more militaristic aspect maybe? that could be fun. really go to town on the military cosplay bdsm vibes, lmao.
i feel like i need to hear a proper song written for him and his vocals, recorded in a studio to really pass judgement.
but i don't immediatley hate it.
release an EP or something, a new song? PLEASE LADS. IM DYING.
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kiwiikato · 2 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Nine
note: so like i died.... IM SORRY EVERYONE, i have so many comments to read and respond to so i'm sorry for the disappearing. i just get so busy with my mental health and family. i don't have tumblr on my phone always, it's an on and off thing so thank you for the patience. this chapter is really choppy and maybe misspelling. sorry guys <3 :(
you sat cross legged on the floor at the hidden base under kenji's house. kenji and mina were with you as you stared at the baby kaiju who babbled and cooed at the cartoons that played for her.
you watched as kenji admired himself in the reflection of the containment unit, styling it for his public image. you couldn't help but to tag along in admiring him as well, it isn't everyday that you get to admire athletically attractive kenji sato! but it was not your everyday, for the past months it has been.
"mina, we got plenty of fish and pon de rings, right?" ken asked as he straightened out his coat. "yes ken, we're all stocked up." ken turned around, turning to the both of you. "now if she wakes up, put her show on. let her dance her little heart out to that stupid song. and if there's any trouble, you let y/n know. and if you need additional help, you ping me on this."
ken raised his arm, showing off his watch to you both. "ken, she's never been safer. have a good time." mina said reassuring him of the baby kaiju's safety. he smiled softly, turning to you as he crouched down to your level. "let me know if you need anything, okay? i'll drop everything and come back. i'll be back soon, don't worry that pretty little head of yours about this interview either, okay?"
you nodded, giving him a happy "okay!" to which he smiled back. "atta girl." his hands found your face as he pulled you in, placing a kiss on your lips and then another on your head. you blushed at his affectionate actions, still not so used to them. he smiled as he got up, walking away to the interview he had promised to ms. wakita.
you got rid of the containment unit that held your baby kaiju in, asking for help from mina to pull up a hologram of an area covered with trees. the reason why was to show the baby how to play a game of hide and seek.
she was getting restless and persistent asking for kenji to come back. none of the videos playing were enough to satisfy her so you took it upon yourself to distract her with a new game.
you showed her you hiding behind a tree or a bush of sorts, giving her time to mimic you. it didn't take long for her to get the movement down as she copied you. "good job girl! you got this." you said cheering her on.
it was then that an idea came into your head. "mina, can you help me with a demonstration?" mina floated down towards you. "yes y/n, what would you like me to do?" she asked as she hovered in front of you.
"can you do me the favor of counting to twenty, letting me hide in that duration of time like your typical game of hide and seek. i want to show the baby kaiju how to do it so we can both play." mina nodded in her own way, flying to a tree near by.
she 'closed' her eyes as she faced the tree and waiting for your signal. "okay baby, me and mina are gonna show you hide and seek. just sit and watch, okay?" you told her as she cooed. "okay, ready mina!"
you ran as you heard mina began to count down. your feet hit the floor as you ran through the trees, looking for one in a closed area to hide you better. diving into the area, you crouched down, pulling your body to your knees to make yourself look smaller, more hidden to mina.
mina soon hit twenty, moving away from the tree and began to look for you. the baby kaiju watched, wondering where you went. her eyes followed as mina searched for you, yelling your name out to lure you out. no response came from you, showing no signs of who she considered to be her parent.
it wasn't long before she panicked, her eyes began to glaze over with tears, bringing her to cry as she yelled out for you. your body that was hidden stiffened hearing her cry, instantly jumping away from the trees that blocked you from her view.
"mina! call the hologram off!" mina instantly stopped playing, returning the big room back into its metallic silver state. you turned into your ultra form, rushing to her as you picked her up. you held her to your chest, softly rubbing her back as you rocked her side to side. her head perched at your shoulder as her small hands wrapped around your neck and shoulder.
"there there. i'm here, everything's okay." you hummed softy, trying to soothe her. "would you like me to pull out the containment unit for her?" mina floated up to you asking. "yes please, that would be nice, thank you."
the containment unit rose from the ground, opening to allow you to put the baby kaiju inside the familiar area. she grabbed the crushed car, hugging it to her body. "do you want to see daddy?" mina asked her to which she cooed. you watched as her eyes lit up, having a soft spot for kenji.
"here you go." mina pulled out videos of kenji making her happily spin around to watch them all, forget in about the incident from earlier. "how about a snack while you watch?" mina asked as a small platform with a huge fish rose to her. "oooh look at the fishy, so yummy!" you cheered as she grabbed the fish and ate it happily.
her joyful expression didn't last long, changing into one of discomfort as her stomach grumbled from the fish she ate. she burped out, a green circle of gas leaving her lips as she looked at it weirdly.
"oh my! what you're experiencing is acid reflux. symptoms include heartburn, nausea-" mina was cut off by the baby opening her mouth, a nuclear burp of sorts shooting out a laser that burned through the glass of the containment unit.
you and mina panicked, as she escaped, pushing through the hole, letting her out into the open space. the whole room set off with alarms, flashing the room with red and sirens. mina ran to the side waving her robotic arms. "look over here. look at daddy. he's right here!" a inflatable figure of kenji grew from the ground, looking slightly disturbing at the way his face was plastered on.
you stared at it confused. "where did you even get this mina?" "please do not question." you laughed slightly, returning back to the situation as the baby kaiju ran up to the inflatable and hugged 'kenji'.
"y/n, go searching for kenji. he's not answering his watch and i'm worried we won't be able to fix this situation ourselves. he's at tonkatsu tonki."
you nodded your head, quickly running out of the place, not without hearing the pop of the inflatable. you ran into kenji's garage, taking one of his other motorcycles to reach him. 'sorry ken, hope you don't mind this.' you thought to yourself as you revved the engine and drove forward.
the wind fought against your body as you sped quickly off onto the bridge, stunned at how it grew over the body of water that separated you from the city. it wasn't long before you reached the main land, driving around in a hurry to where ken would be.
you had to stop at a red light, impatiently waiting for it to turn green. your eyes widened, watching a pink object jump over the city as it landed down and chased after something. "is that-" your phone rang, quickly answering it to mina.
"y/n, the baby is in daikanyama, i was able to contact ken, he is currently heading that way." "thank you mina." you hit the gas in the motocycle when the lights turned green, quickly cutting between traffic in a rush to reach the baby kaiju.
ken frantically drove through the roads, searching for the baby after his alarm had went off signaling him of the chaos that was happening at his house.
"ken, a disturbance has been reported in daikanyama. there seems to be a large, pink creature terrorizing the locals. i am sorry. i'm a terrible babysitter." mina told him over his helmet of his motorbike. "yes, yes you are! where is y/n?!" he yelled over to mina.
"she is currently searching the baby kaiju. i had sent her out to contact you since you had not been answering my alerts over your watch. in the short time that she was gone, the baby had escaped." he groaned, worried but glad to know that he wasn't the only one looking for her.
"ken, i have located her, she is not too far from you." "maybe i can get to her before-" he was cut off hearing the sound of the KDF drones fly over him. panic set over his as he watched them for the baby. "send the location to y/n!" he yelled out in fear.
"location has been sent, she will be there." mina responded back as ken zoomed through the colorful city. you, on the other hand, zapped into your ultra form, jumping into the sky as you flew quickly over the city. the motorbike had been set down on top of the roof of a building, trying to prevent it from being stolen.
your eyes landed on the baby kaiju who chased after some people. you recognized one of them as the reporter that ken had the interview with, as she ran with an older lady and a child in her arms. you landed roughly on the ground. you were started to see that kenji had arrived right after you.
the both of you made eye contact, focusing on the problem at hand. "hey! come on, come on." kenji yelled out to her, making the baby turn out at look at you both, jumping up at joy. "come to mommy and ...daddy." you heard as he hesitated to call himself that, not used to the idea of being a caregiver for something officially. "come here baby." you said as you crouched down, opening your arms for her to run into.
the crown around gasped, reminding you of being in public. you quickly stiffed up as kenji verbally panicked. "uh i- i mean, stop there, beast!" he posed dramatically, kneeling on one knee as he placed on hand on his hip and the other in front of him in a stop motion.
you snickered at him, until you heard the familiar rumbles. your eyes turned to see the babies eyes grow wide as she closed her mouth in a desperate motion. "no, no, no..." kenji mumbled watching as she look like she was about to barf. but she didn't, instead another laser shot out from her mouth, slamming against shields that the both of you had made in front of you to not get hurt.
the laser bounced off from your shields, knocking down a pac man statue that kenji picked up. "uh mina, we have a situation. baby just melted pack man." you got up from the kneeling position, "kenji!" you were calling out for him to turn, seeing the baby kaiju start to walk away.
leaving him in his conversation with mina, you chased after the baby. desperate to reach for her and to have her back in your arms. she bounced and jumped after people who sat in go carts, excited to catch what she thought was a toy that shined colors in the road. you fearfully moved around after her, scared of stepping on something or someone.
"hey! baby!" you yelled out for her to look back at you but instead she continued to run. you internally cussed, aggravated at the situation at hand. finally she stopped running, causing you to skid to a stop.
you looked up seeing her eyes on something. a sort of robotic machine, just like in the shape of mina floated around her. tiny coos of happiness came out from her, possibly confusing it for mina. her joy was gone as she watched it change shapes, making her turn her head to the side.
"baby, come to me, please." you took slow and quiet steps but the machine flew in front of her, right in between the both of you. "stupid KDF." you mumbled as you walked slower. the thing suddenly shot out a needle with green liquid at her leg, causing her to stumble.
you weren't that clothes, and you were still in the main street of people, so walking was becoming an issue. you watched with fear as she pulled out a street light pole, holding it up to her body as she whacked the robot towards you. you quickly caught it in your hands, squashing the machine and dropping the broken pieces of metal.
she happily jumped towards you, you went to grab at her. she was right there, in the grasp of your fingers, yet she slipped away. it felt like the world was against you. all you wanted more than ever was her in your arms.
she jumped high, highest you've ever seen as she's launched herself a metal tower. she was far from your reach again. you groaned as you ran through the street, hoping you hadn't stepped on anything.
you watched as she jumped up, climbing the tall structure. it was almost like the world held some pity for you as you saw kenji run up to her. "where's baby? there she is! come down! right now, be careful!" you watched him yell for her to return as you got closer. jumping, you were able to land next to him.
"she's not listening ultraman! she's not going to come back down. we have to go up." you said panting slightly. your hands found the bar of the tower, grabbing onto it as you climbed up in a hurry. you just wanted your baby. kenji took the hint and climbed up as well, jumping up farther, almost like a spider monkey.
a swarm of KDF jets and robots swarmed in at the both of you, surrounding the baby. you watched as they shot more of the similar needles from earlier ago, covering her back in multiple needles.
a shrill cry was heard from the baby kaiju, now slightly dangling at the attack she experienced. you quickly climbed up trying to get to her but a jet flew in front of you, trying to stop you from reaching them. kenji shot out a blast of energy, hitting al the small robots to get away from the baby kaiju.
the jet in front of you flew into your hair, shooting out a smoke bomb of sorts, blocking our your vision. you waved at the smoke, trying to get rid of it as you coughed. you heard kenji yell out. "hold on! i'm coming!" making you panic more since you couldn't see much.
you heard a cry from the baby kaiju, making you climb up in a hurry, unaware of your surroundings, just to reach her. "NO!" you heard kenji yell out, till a snap of sorts was heard. "y/n y/n, please help." you heard a voice call out to you in a soft whisper, laced with worry and panic.
"i can't see, fuck, where are you?" you called out. "climb higher, i'll be right here." you quickly climbed up till you could finally see. you stared at the baby kaiju who laid in kenji arms. "what happened??" you asked.
"she was right there - she was falling and i tried reaching but i just could barely reach and something snapped - she's hurt, fuck, she's hurt." he turned to look down at the baby while breathing heavily. "shh it's okay, you're gonna be okay, daddy's here." you went to reach out to him, to carry the baby, but before you could the jets of the KDF surrounded you.
"ultras! turn the infant over to the KDF and we will take no action against the both of you." kenji and you looked at each other. you felt your eyebrows furrow in anger at their offer while kenji growled to himself. he turned to you, giving an almost 'up' motion with his head. you knew what he meant.
the both of you blasted off into the air, flying away from the scene of the attack. "give her to me kenji, i'll make sure she's okay." kenji passed the baby kaiju to you. you held her to your body, your body wanting to protect her from any more pain.
"mina, she's hurt! prepare the base! we have to call him. call my dad." his voice sounded hurt, scared of what was to happen. you could only hold the baby closer than before, careful with her arm, as you floated to his house.
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Cult of the sacrificial lamb ♡
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a/n: there is no actual lamb cult, I just like the title 😭 nsfw, mentioning their cock and titty sizes lmao
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★poka and juniper the Valais black nose's: the twins are inseparable. You need to bathe one but it's not the other's bath time yet? Suck it up then, 'cause they're both going in the tub now. No guarantee you won't get splashed with water. Poka is colorblind, and juniper is.. interesting. Who knows what's wrong her. The only way you can tell the difference between them is through their eyes. Who's blind and who isn't.
Physical appearance: they're both dark skinned with loosely curly black hair. At this point you should give them a haircut. Juniper has green eyes and poka has blue eyes. Juniper is 130 lbs, while poka is 120 lbs. (Juni's packing some pretty big milkers, DD cup bra. Poka got a 6 incher) 5'5
★violet the harri: violet is a little violent. Her name suits her. Kinda. You could be busy doing your chores and she'd tackle whoever decided to come within a 15 foot radius of your location. She likes to bite too, they out multiple muzzles on her only for her to chew through them. She's only ever docile with you, kinda. Just ignore the multiple bite marks around your arms.
Physical appearance: B cup, 140lbs, white long hair, pale as fuck, and violet eyes, 5'3
★azucar the Columbia sheep: I was hesitant to put azucar here since she's 17, legally a minor. I won't do any nsfw content with her because it makes me uncomfy. She can be the sweetest hybrid you ever met or the meanest. No in-between. Her moods flip like a light switch, unpredictable. She'll cuss you out in Spanish and then t-bag you. Talk about a hormonal teenager
Physical appearance: c cup, 137 lbs, curly white hair, pale skin, black eyes, 5'4
★wehrner the American black belly: he has daddy vibes, like he could bend you over his knee and spank your ass because you didn't address him as 'sir'. Bastard. You often catch him shamelessly fapping behind a tree in the fields, even when you freeze and stare at his impressive dick he doesn't stop, instead, inviting you to join him. And that's the story of how he got the cone of shame.
Appearance: 8 incher, 150 lbs, 5'7, long black and brown hair, grey eyes, peach skin, large horns curled around his ears
★Sally the angora goat: 'it's earthworm Sally! Carrying diseases from Florida to Cali!' That is her theme song fr. She's been fooling around with the neighboring farm's ram's so much you doubt she isn't carrying a couple STDs and maybe rabies too. Although she is very bubbly and cheerful, she just starts so much unnecessary drama with the other animals
Appearance: curly long white hair, pale skin, red eyes, D cup, 120 lbs, 5'6
★opal the Tennessee fainting goat: she's so tiny, and mean. She bit your ass and chest so many times you're always looking around your surroundings before entering the fields. Although recently you discovered a rather popular way to stun her and run away
Appearance: black straight hair (I bet she has split ends), peach colored skin, tiny horns on her head, 90 lbs, 4'10, A cup
★sasha the Australian cashmere goat: Sasha is quiet and stoic, but she doesn't hesitate to step in Incase somebody wants to start a fight. She's Kim's second favorite female (you're the first ofcourse)
Appearance: fluffy platinum blonde hair, pale skin, black eyes, small horns sprout from her head, B cup, 152 lbs, 5'9
★kim the dutch landrace goat: Kim can either be your angle or your debil. Yes that misspelling was intentional. More than once has he tried humping you, even convincing the girls to try and help him, except you keep running away. STOP RUNNING AWAY. Is it so bad he wants to impregnate you with his children!?
Appearance: long silky black-blond hair, bro is ripped, large horns curl around his head, 160 lbs, 5'11, 7 incher
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busycucumbermelon · 9 months
Five vampire siblings, with one obsession
Summary : you never thought that your standoff-ish attitude and how you learned to behave at Sunshine Academy would backfire on you, especially in this way: having five people obsessed with you was far from easy.
Warning: blood,broken bones, very traumatized reader, vampires, threatening, sketchy jobs/illegal jobs, tell me if I missed any
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Description of a Demi humans just in case Demi-humans once looked like animals, but have morphed over generations into human-like beings with animalistic features. story starts below this.I hope you love it or at least like it.🥰😊
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author note
If you want a series or something with these characters, please give me ideas or requests as I'm not really sure what to do with them. Additionally, if you see that I have misspelled any names or the spelling isn't similar, please let me know as I'm unsure how to properly spell them and have been winging it myself.
Since you were six, you lived at Sunshine Academy, trained with Demi-human to serve owners. Occasionally, they allowed humans for tests, experiments, or their underground fighting ring, where many patrons enjoyed watching humans being pummeled to the ground. You survived it all, but the Academy decided to sell you off since you weren't making enough money for them. Everyone knew you'd survive, which ultimately led you to your current situation.
With your best friend becoming a  servant, to two of your five new owners - although you preferred to call them kidnappers - you struggled to adapt to this new life as one of their prized possessions.
Sadly, your indifference toward pain, your fighting skills, your ability to quickly solve problems, and your inability to be vulnerable with anyone besides your best friend - their servant - ultimately ended up pushing them all to the point of obsession. In their minds, you had no flaws except for that one: you didn't know how to be vulnerable with anyone other than your best friend. To them, you were the perfect plaything, and they used your skills and talents for their own benefit.
You also had a good mouth on you, and you weren't afraid to argue back with anyone, especially if you knew you were in the right. This often resulted in all of them being at each other's throats, which could be seen as both a win and a loss for them, and you.
This was a good opportunity to teach them how to share, which of course annoyed all of them. The only reason they were all together was because their mother had important news to share that she wanted to tell them at the right moment. In the meantime, the siblings tried to just sit it out so they could inherit the house. Well, it was not a house—it was a castle, and now, they had to deal with each other's constant presence on a daily basis, which was making them go stir-crazy.
Milmira and Marissa were the oldest siblings, and they were the new owners of your previous best friend, and still your best friend. This meant you spent a lot of time around the two of them, and luckily, they didn't feel like changing the name you had given him (Reiner) so that's the name he stuck with.
When you and Reiner first met, he was the same age as you—four years old. However, he had already been taken from his parents and sold into the Sunshine Academy.
Reiner was a ram Demi-human, and surprisingly enough, the two of you got along pretty well. Reiner was also the main reason you met some of your other friends back at Sunshine Academy.
Reiner, he became a servant to two people who would constantly interrupt your conversations and override the fact that the two of you were even talking. These two people would tell Reiner to either leave the room or to go do a menial task for them. Due to Sunshine Academy's intensive training, Reiner had a sense of loyalty and commitment, and he would do whatever he was told.
Marissa and Milmira were the only twins in the group, and they were used to sharing everything, including you. Without your knowledge, they had come to an agreement that they would also be sharing you. However, this arrangement felt like a complete surprise to you.
That's when you felt that you needed to take a break from them, or, well, try to do so to the best of your abilities. Even though you tried to find ways to distance yourself from them, the siblings had a discussion and decided to take away the room you had been designated. This meant you would have to hop rooms and sleep with one of the siblings or with a servant. However, luckily, you had made a bond with a few servants, which made your situation a little more bearable.
Occasionally, a sweet otter from the kitchen would allow you to share her bed or sleep on the floor in her room. You didn't mind sleeping on the ground, as it was something you had often done at Sunshine Academy. In addition, there was an overly clumsy deer who would let you sleep in his room at times, although it depended on whether he wanted you to or not. Of course, if neither of them wanted you to sleep with them, you would have to go to one of the siblings' rooms or Reiner's.
At times, when you would put up a fit, Reiner would get punished for it. This happened because the punishment would hit close to home for you. Additionally, since your training at the Sunshine Academy made you used to pain from them, they couldn't punish you by breaking bones or anything of that nature.
After a week of being standoffish and grumpy, while Reiner tried to calm you down and get used to his role as a servant, the twins instituted your first punishment: You don't remember much of the punishment itself, except Melmira giving you a soft apology before her fist met your ribs. Although you barely even said anything besides a small "Oh," you felt the crack and heard it, but you didn't move a muscle or indicate any signs of pain.
This unsettled all of them, as they were used to humans screaming in pain, while you just sat there. You didn't even move to stop her hand.
The twins each had very different reactions, as they were used to sharing everything, feelings included. Melissa, on one hand, was torn between feeling awfully proud and excited to see what else you could do, while simultaneously worrying what Sunshine Academy had taught you, as you were a human who shouldn't have been there in the first place. On the other hand, Milmira also felt worried and tried to bring up the topic, only for Melissa to brush it off.
In contrast, Milmira was worried about your closeness to Reiner from the beginning, as your attachment to him hinted at possible unresolved attachment issues. After she had broken your ribs, she became even more certain that something had happened at Sunshine Academy that the rest of the world was not aware of. Milmira was the more gentle and considerate twin.
Marissa and Melissa had vastly different reactions to seeing one of the siblings getting in trouble or drama occurring. While Melissa often wanted to stay out of it or watch from the sidelines, Marissa would cheer it on and add fuel to the fire. Meanwhile, whenever you tried to tell her that these situations aren't anything to be happy about, her excitement would often overpower any reasoning.
This was one of the reasons why the twins often got into long fights with their siblings, as well as one of the reasons they didn't like being in the castle—they were used to traveling and going wherever they liked. This would also be beneficial for their careers, although they had never told you about them, as none of them really informed you about their respective careers.
After a few days, you started to figure out more about them. You were used to studying people, especially since you held a high rank at the Sunshine Academy. On a few occasions, you slipped up and mentioned that you knew more than they had told you, and although no one said anything, your actions implied that you had been watching and studying them quietly.
Although Marissa never really noticed or paid attention to this, Melissa actually did take note. At first, Melissa thought you might just have a good memory or be observant, but now she had her suspicions. She knew that something was up, but she wasn't sure exactly what it was yet. She also didn't know if her siblings had discovered it either.
Krollien also discovered this, and he was the next to give you a punishment. However, before that happened, he decided to give you time for your ribs to heal and see if he could investigate your mysterious past and figure out what it was that you were hiding.
Krollien took this time to get to know you, much to the dismay of his head servant Jessie. You soon learned that Reiner was the twins' head servant, which meant he would have to be around them 24 seven, further limiting his interactions with those outside of this seemingly exclusive group.
This new information made you even more hyper aware of your surroundings, and how the rest of your stay would likely go, although none of them truly saw or noticed anything. You were, after all, quite good at bottling up your emotions, even with them all spending so much time with you.
Just one thing, to continue occupying your mind: why was everyone so upset about being in the castle, and why were they all supposed to be in the castle in the first place? Whatever it was, it seemed like it was taking forever...
While you wanted to figure out everyone and how you fit into their weird life, you knew you'd have to start with Krollien. Even though he was in a bad mood, his mood seemed to lighten when you were around. You soon realized that he hated being in the castle and seeing his siblings everywhere.
Whenever you tried asking him a direct question such as, 'How do you fit in to all of their weird lives? If they were all so obsessed with you and hated each other, how would they share?' He would simply laugh it off and tell you that you'd see in due time.
When he wasn’t trying to spend time with you, he was budgeting and doing other things you didn’t really understand. budgeting especially because at the time he was using terms, you didn’t get understand
In the middle of falling asleep,you would learn he ended up taking a vineyard to live in from one of his clients after not paying him back. this was when you started to have a grasp on what he actually did for work.
You thought you were pretty good at math so occasionally you’d offer to help him with something math involved. this was usually to Jesse’s dismay. as Krollien would always tell her to go away, so he could talk to you for a little bit free of interruptions
Even though this would often result in you teasing Krollien about his nickname for Jesse, which was "Bunny," something that he felt was supposed to demean her, you thought it was romantic and sweet, and you would occasionally bring it up when he annoyed you or if you wanted to annoy him in return. This would often make him frustrated and slightly embarrassed, and his response to this would always make you laugh.
Krollien’s frustration stemmed from the fact that his little sister, Lilybet, would often make the same joke before he left the castle. Although he might have found it amusing at first, it eventually began to grate on his nerves, especially as she continued to do it again and again.
The more she and lilybet got to know each other, the more she started to understand her circumstances. Lilybet didn't have a job outside of training servants - unlike her siblings who all had different illegal and legal jobs. When she wasn't training servants, she was mostly just trying to be the perfect daughter - something her mother did by having her wear very frilly dresses, which she constantly complained to you about.
Now she was starting to understand her siblings' worries, but she decided she would not worry about it too much and simply continue to get to know you. She was still competing with her siblings to see who’s official pet you would be - even though their mother told them to share, they all knew they weren't going to do that.
She especially hated the constant comments from her younger brother, Silus. Although they lived in the same house, there was still a sort of rivalry between them. All of the other siblings had already left and created their own estates, but the two of them remained there, waiting until their mother died to see who would get the estate. Still, this didn't mean there wasn't a lot of tension between them, with Silas always blackmailing her, and she doing the same in return.
Lily had a confusing behavior. After a hard, rough day, she wasn't usually very cuddly and often just wanted everyone to stay away from her. However, she let you stay. Occasionally, she wouldn't let you leave her arms after a really rough day. She would only get more and more annoyed if it wasn't her day with you.
Lilybet genuinely adored you, but when she had heard about her siblings hypotheses of your past could be she was less interested in how it affected you mentally and more about how it changed you physically. She knew you had a pain tolerance that was almost unbelievable. What else could you do? You didn't even flinch when your ribs were broken.
She brought you along on head servants' tests and training - occasionally giving references. One day, she decided that you would be the challenge - not as a real threat, but simply to teach the servants not to judge an opponent simply based on appearances. It happened only once, and something in you did change, although it was brief. For a second, Lilibet was genuinely scared for the servant's life.
Another person also saw you that day - albeit out of curiosity and a bit of fear. You're different than anything else that has ever been created or painted, making you much more intriguing. This made you even more special and the perfect subject to paint.
 Silas was an avid fan of art, specifically his interest in humans. He was very much into tattoos and the beauty of the human body. However, his tattoo-covered body always caused distress among his siblings and the mother. Still, he made it his goal in his business to show exactly that - the beauty of life in all its natural forms.
To you, his way of showing his affection to the world was definitely not beautiful. Silas would beg to differ, though, your days with him were mostly spent with him painting you. While he was kind of.... To put it simply, rude, his head servant told you that this is simply his way of showing he liked you. If he didn't, you would have been dead by now.
Silas didn’t praise often, and he was always filled with snarky responses; teasing manners; and occasional compliments on your features whenever he was painting you. In general, he was rude, and just a person you liked to stay away from. Unfortunately, you were now his household pet. While that word was very demeaning and beneath your status - no, you refuse to believe it - it seemed to be true.
You were not claiming yourself to be above any of the other servants in any way, shape or form. You didn't understand why this was happening to you. Why you had to be the chosen pet? Why not some other human? Why you?
Anyways, let's go back to Silus. We can talk more about the mental torment later.
Silas is very different compared to his siblings. He doesn't care what his mother thinks, and he barely cares about any of his siblings' opinions. His relationships with his siblings are relatively good besides Krollien - the two are completely different and hate each other, as they are complete opposites.
Just like the rest of his family members, he was not exactly a morning person. Silus was also different than his siblings when it came to restraining his strength with you, perhaps because of your past. Whatever the reason, he had a good excuse to not hold back when he was with you.
Whenever you tried to move out of his grasp, he would either pull you closer or tighten his grip on your waist. The twins would always comment on the purple hand marks on you, each sibling having their own way of putting their mark on you. However, these hand marks would last until you were with Silas again, right before he renewed them. These marks weren't even fully healed before they appeared again
Though the marks were not sexual in nature, you hated just lying there in bed. Silas, on the other hand, would happily stay in bed all day, unless it was for his work which he would brag about to you, or when he was painting. You were always his muse, but if you weren't there to model for him, his paintings would usually become inspired by nature instead. The only exceptions were when his siblings intervened because they were not letting him spend all of his time with you.
Silas wasn't always affectionate, but he would show a sudden softer side when it came to you. He would perform actions that were definitely out of character for him, and if anyone made a comment about how he did it for you, but not for someone else, they would not be around for very long afterwards.
Every one of Silas' siblings had their own 'special thing' they would do only for you. This moment only made their mother realize that she may have just made her own life a lot harder. She still saw you as a pet, but she feared that if she didn't have control over all her sons and daughters, they would continue to act as if you were on a pedestal, and she would lose any chance of gaining their true obedience.
Many of the family members, including Lilibet, had opinions on their mother that weren't very positive, many of them negative. Lilibet tried to gain her respect, but it was just for the money, and many of the servants had their own opinions on her - most of the opinions were not positive in the slightest. Their mother knew that you might just be the child who makes them realize that she doesn't offer them as much as they believe. In their minds, she is their mother, after all.
To the mothers, you weren't really much of a threat. You were a lowly human, and she could easily kill you if she wanted to. In the past, she had killed her children's previous human lovers after all. This time, however, something was different. Their infatuation with you quickly grew and turned into an obsession, and they could not seem to get you out of their minds - especially after you became aware of this obsession. It was hard to get five obsessed vampires away from a single human.
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neyswxrld · 9 months
cold as ice
wolffe x reader (gn)
summary: Reader is left in the lurch, Wolffe is there to comfort!
warnings: a bit angsty, showering together (nothing happens, it's a warm up/comfort shower)
word count: ~1380
advent calendar masterlist
a/n: this is the twelfth fic for my advent calendar!
p.s. english isn't my mother tongue, sorry for misspellings! 
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With chattering teeth, you step inside your apartment. Your hands and toes feel like ice. You are sure your nose and your cheeks are red, if not almost blue already. You are shaking, and there is a small coat of snow on top of your shoulders and your beanie.
"Baby? What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be out eating with your friends?" Wolffe, who had opened the door for you, asks, confused and steps aside.
"Yeah- I- I-," you can't even form your sentence before your knees give out and you almost fall to the ground, if it wasn't for Wolffe who reacts impossible fast, catching you in time.
"Hey, hey, Cyar'ika!" he calls out, holding you up and closing the door behind you.
"What the hell happened? You're freezing!" he realizes, feeling you tremble in his arms. 
"We need to get you warm again. Come on," he mumbles and starts to pull your coat from your shoulders, guiding you to the small bath.
He carefully manhandles you, pulls off your clothes, and turns on the shower for you.
As you stand under the hot water, slowly getting warmer again and enjoying Wolffe's soft massage on your scalp, you stop trembling from the cold so much. The clicking of your teeth stops, and you start to feel how the fading cold leaves space for your disappointment and fury.
"We- We wanted to eat dinner in that stupid restaurant. But Sari said she wouldn't be able to come and get me, so I thought I could walk," you begin, already feeling how Wolffe tenses behind you at the mention of your supposed friend's name.
Since you and Wolffe knew each other, he knew of that one friend group of yours. While he isn't a big fan of them due to various different occasions, with you on the receiving end, he still tries to support you and be there for you. Whether you decide to stay with them or to end the friendship.
You talk a lot to him about those friends, and you've already started to distance yourself from them. Every time you hang out together, you feel bad afterward and question your worth. Wolffe had to knock some sense into you again too often already.
But you still weren't able to fully let go of them. You were clinging to your past and the need to get some of that again. But the truth is: they changed, you changed, and your lives just don't seem to be compatible anymore.
His eyes narrow, and due to his cybernetic eye, he looks intimidating and kind of dangerous. If you didn't know him that well, you might have been a bit scared. But it's Wolffe. He wouldn't hurt a fly when you were with him.
"Walk? But isn't that like over half an hour?" he asks, and you nod. "Yeah, normally it's not that bad, I've walked to that place a few times already, but I didn't realize it was that cold," you murmur, leaning on him a little bit. He closes his arms around you, pulling you closer to his naked chest.
"I thought it was okay because we would sit in that restaurant and we would eat a nice and warm dinner," you continue, already feeling angry tears in your eyes. You try your best to swallow them down.
"When I arrived, the restaurant was closed. The lights were out, no one was inside, and I was standing there alone. At first, I thought it was my fault... I thought I got the date wrong or that I messed up the locations, but then I looked up our messages, and I was right on time. Then I thought that maybe they wouldn't know of that either, and I waited. For almost half an hour again, because I was sure they all would step by. I was asking in the group chat where they were, and suddenly, not only Sari couldn't come, but all of them had other plans with their families, or they were sick, or something like that. So I decided to walk home again," you tell Wolffe, this time you can't fight your tears.
"Why didn't you call?" he asks, a bit confused. "What would you have done? Come by and walk with me, so we're both freezing?" you want to know. "I'd rather come home to you and get warmed up by you than be the cause of your discomfort," you say, blinking some tears away.
Wolffe sighs and nods. "Yeah... You're right."
"Do you know what the worst thing about that is?" you ask quietly after some silent moments. "I actually fooled myself into believing this really could be true. Sudden sickness, changing plans because of family problems, whatever they said. It would have been okay for me. But then Au'rii coincidentally sent me a picture from a party he was at. And then, in the background, I could see all of them. Drinking, laughing, partying."
This time, you really start crying heavily. You're almost embarrassed by how loud your sobs are, but then you remember that you're with Wolffe. Nothing has to be embarrassing with him.
Disappointed, angry, and furious all the same, you turn around to hide your face in his neck, trying not to feel hurt that much. It doesn't work.
"Instead of just saying that they don't want to hang out with me, they act like that," you cry, feeling how Wolffe hugs you, carefully stroking over your naked back.
"Oh, Cyar'ika," he murmurs, pressing a small kiss to the side of your head. You can't stop crying, not now. Everything is just a little much.
"I know that it hurts. It hurts in your heart. But you know what? If it hurts there, it's okay. Because that means you're a good person," he whispers, tapping the place where your heart sits under your skin.
With one second, your feelings change. Instead of crying out of anger and disappointment, your tears intensify. Suddenly, you cry because you're so touched by his words. Wolffe, the tough, strong man, a war hero, tells you that you're a good person. Because you have feelings. Because you mean well. Because you don't expect the worst of people and get disappointed over and over again. Because you still keep going on, believing in the good in people.
You keep crying into his shoulder until you feel like you can't anymore. Wolffe is always by your side, never leaving you and every time a new wave of sobs hits you, he hugs you a little tighter.
After a while, your eyes and cheeks are puffy, hurting from all the tears. Snot leaves your nose, and apologetically, you wash some off Wolffe's shoulder, glad that the shower is still on.
"Come on, let's go and cuddle up on the couch. We can watch some of those winter wonderland movies," he suggests, wrapping a towel around your bodies as soon as you step out of the shower, carefully drying your skin.
"But you don't like those movies," you mumble. He just shrugs his shoulders.
"It's okay. I can keep up with one or two if it makes you happy," he smiles, kissing your temple.
About half an hour later, you sit next to each other on the couch, cuddled up under some soft blankets. Each of you has a hot chocolate in your hand and enjoys the sweet taste of it.
"You know what?" you ask him after some time.
"What?" he wants to know.
"I enjoy everything with you so much more than I ever enjoyed anything I did with them," you murmur after some time, leaning onto him, careful not to spill your drinks.
Wolffe smiles softly, lays an arm around your back, and slowly starts to draw small circles on your hip.
"You know what?" he now asks.
"What?" you repeat.
"I enjoy everything we do, too," he smiles, pressing another kiss on your temple. "So, so much."
Together, you let the evening fade out. Cuddled up on the couch together, worshiping each other's company and appreciating the warmth.
That evening was the last time you ever heard something of your so-called friends. Wolffe helped you to finally let go of them and break the contact. Since then, you've felt much better.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023
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wait hi hello i didn't know you had a sams AU that's got a background SunxEclipse thing going on 👀
Yeah!!! Lol it's a pretty recent development. (At least publically.)
It's more focused on Solar x Moon right now.
But it's not an official fic or anything.
Just a series of roleplay shananigans with my friends over shipping these two since June of 2023 that I decided to share recently with y'all.
We kept debating on what to call this thing, as I feel "double Eclipse lovers" au is more accurate 😂
As of now I call it "Automaton Heart" au.
Witchy calls it "Automation Heart" au.
Cause either they mispelled it, or I misspelled it. 😂
But I'm torn because I like BOTH names so I've been referring it as both.
As I called it cause Witchy had the idea of Solar's heart being blessed by Aphrodite, which changes their fate. Which is why I call it that.
Mostly @witchysolfan draws stuff based on our conversations and I ramble a lot.
But you can search either on my blog. Or just the "Solar x Moon" tag because that's the tag I use when I'm talking about those too.
I might turn it into its own fic eventually, but for now I got a lot on my plate as it is.
And I want to focus on Lofi and Dadler lives more seriously. 💕 I haven't forgotten them
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magnolix · 2 years
MHA exchangestudent!y/nheadcanons
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They would definitely be interested, Iida and Momo would be trying their damndest to make sure the class was as respectful as possible (gotta respect the class reps) - They probably told Mineta that class was canceled for that day just to save you
If you don't speak the language (native English speaker) then I feel that either Midoriya or even Pony (from class 1-B) would try to help you out.
If you speak Spanish then Sero's gonna be your buddy as he loosely translates for you
If you do speak the language (hey good for you, Japanese is pretty hard to learn) then you get a bunch of more options
If you're from the UK or with a heavy ass accent (like me ^^) then you're probably gonna be hanging out with Bakugou because even though you two can't understand each other, there's enough hand motions and tone raises for him to understand what you're saying
Y/N: "You lavvy-heided wankstain, bug off yay mangled beetroot, I cannae function rit!" Kirishima: "Bakugou, what did they say?" Bakugou: "Piss off, I'm working." Midoriya: *frantically taking notes*
I'd like to think that the Bakusquad would hoard you to themselves and Mina, Denki, and Sero would be walking you around campus, showing you all of the cool stuff to see
"And this is the other class for the generic studies, and that's the area for the support item workshop thingy," Mina explained. "You mean the Department for Support?" Denki corrected her. "Yeah yeah.."
The lunch rush fucking scares you. You're used to leaving class early to get in line so it's a new feeling to be able to get what you want on time without breaking some noses.
Y/n: *running full speed towards the cafeteria right after being let out of class* "OUT TEH FUCKEN WAY!" Bakugou: *running alongside Y/n* "THIS BITCH WANTS PASTA!
You probably made fun of some of their quirks at first but in a friendly and joking way,
you even gave some of them nicknames
Midoriya: Mocha Todoroki: Zuko Kirishima: Jaws or Hammerhead Mina: Weed Jesus Iida: Speed Jesus Sero: Spiderman Jiro: Bluetooth Bakugou: Blondie Ayoyama: Cheese-eating surrender monkey (took you a while to explain that one to him (yes it's a Simpsons reference))
When it comes to actually doing some of the work like homework n stuff, you'd either get shy and have to work up the courage to ask them for help or Momo would just take the lead and invite you for a study session - you didn't know she was rich until you went to her house
The work studies really freaked you out, no matter what your quirk was, you got scared of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya after seeing what they could do - really made the mind wander when you saw them panting
If your quirk is support based, I could see you helping out some of the others Recovery Girl style
If your quirk is attack based, I could see you running around as Bakugou is trying to spar with you
(you most likely hid behind either Shoji or Eraser Head)
the moment you realize that almost everybody has either a hero work-study or daddy issues (or both if they're lucky) you try to get assigned to a work-study as well
If you apply for Edgeshot's, Mt.Lady's, or Ryukyu's agencies, they would accept you on the spot. Saying something along the lines of "expanding your horizons", "getting you good experience", "making you stronger" etc.
If you apply for Best Jeanist's, Endeavor's, or Hawks' agencies, I feel like Endeavor and Jeanist would have a full-scale interview but Hawks would have you join immediately
As for other heroes like Mirko, Crust, Gang Orca (and the other top heroes), it would be a mix depending on what your was
Speaking of Endaevor
Oh poor, poor Endeavor
I may be an Enji simp but I cannot deny how quickly this man would fall to the verbal wrath of our generation
You'd misspell his name on documents
You'd get his food order wrong
You wouldn't tell him about changes to his schedule
You'd wake up each and every day and choose violence
And best of all, he wouldn't be able to do shit about it
He's stuck with you and you know it
#gaslightgatekeepgirlboss (or boy boss, non-binary boss, you get the idea)
Y/n: "You have some paperwork you need to fill out, you have a press meeting today at 8:30am, one of your sidekicks is currently out doing your laundry, and that mission report should be back in an hour." Endeavor: "Y/n, it's 9 am. Are you sure that meeting isn't wrong?-" Y/N: *smirking* "I know what I said."
When it comes to events at UA like festivals or other small things like that, it's up to you
if there's a sports thingy though like the Baseball OVA (god bless) I feel like you'd be absolutely amazing at either soccer or baseball
like, you know how to swing
and you know how to kick
and you know how to girl boss (sorry I'll stop)
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 3 months
“Evan didn't show up in NYC until March of this year. It makes nooo sense but of course people will believe it.”
It’s really frustrating to see some people on that Reddit blindly believe the person and not bother to try to vet what they’re saying or can’t even see through it all. Absolutely nothing they say makes any sense. How could Evan be in a committed relationship with someone in New York for an entire year when he didn’t even go to New York during the time they allegedly dated and we have quite a few sighting of him on dates in LA and St. Louis (the stuff with Haley was pretty public too) but we saw absolutely nothing, not even a hint of this alleged person in NYC? This person also said that Evan and Frances broke up in March 2022, that’s not true, that was September 2022. They only add “details” into their story after other people reply with stuff they know about Evan and they to make it fit into their story. A bunch of the stuff they said also seemed inspired by either a blind item I was reading or some celebrity gossip I saw some time ago about a completely different celebrity. I also noticed that the way they type is really weird, like the grammar is really bad, they misspelled a lot of stuff (like they misspelled Haley’s name, they spell dying as dieing and lying as lieing). They don’t capitalize or use apostrophes, they say stuff like “thru.” All that to say they type like a young teenager to me. Not the “grown woman” they claim to be. They also claim their friend is in NYC so I’m assuming they are too right? So why did they post this at 3am on Thursday night and kept replying to people all throughout the night until like 11am on Friday then came back around 8pm? Don’t they have like a job or stuff to do as an adult? It’s giving they’re actually from a completely different part of the world or they’re an unwell person, or they’re a child who is on summer break lol. I don’t understand why they are doing this, are they just someone who hates Evan and wants to ruin his reputation? Are they an upset fan who is genuinely angry at Evan for dating Natalie and are lashing out? Like I just do not understand.
THANK YOU!! i can’t believe some people are genuinely falling for this or thinking it seems credible. this is so obviously either fabricated or the end result of someone being catfished. and whoever they are, there is legitimately no way they are more than MAYBE a young adult. way too young to be talking to evan 🗿
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Ghost of You
@otto-troy idk Tyler origin story?? Let me know what you think. Also I wrote this at like 2am so please excuse any misspellings or mistakes lol this also ran away from me lol, sorry it’s long
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Laurel was stood at the car with a few others looking over the map of the area listening to the talking that went on between Morgan and the leader of the small group they been traveling with for a few days, almost a week now. Joshua was his name. Lyn and Morgan had come across his group while they traveled and well Morgan thought it would be a good idea for Laurel to socialize for awhile, considering...well considering everything that had happened. Lyn thought it was a shit idea. She was better, but she was still constantly on edge and she hated being around people considering the one person she wanted to be around wasn't there anymore. But they had offered a tent to her and one for Morgan as well, so it was nice to sleep someplace nice. Joshua had a moving caravan that his people traveled with and they would settled in a place for a few days like they were doing now. Currently they were trying to divide up the places to scout out and search for supplies while the rest of the camp rested. Lyn had volunteered not being very good at sitting still.
Her hair was still cut short, a little shorter than her shoulders. Enough for her to braid it back or put it up in a small ponytail. She wore her leather jacket, with black jeans and her boots. Her machete at her side, a pistol on her belt.
"I'll take that area." Lyn said pointing to a town near the map, it was small, should be easy to scout and bring back anything she could find, "I can leave now and get there and back before nightfall." She glanced at Morgan who nodded gently.
"I'll go with you." A voice spoke up from the other side of Joshua and Laurel raised her eyes, looking at the tall blonde male. She internally groaned but held her breathe a bit. It was Tyler. He was around her age, taller than her, although not taller than Troy was. But he was perhaps a bit bigger than the Otto. Tyler had been hanging around Laurel a lot since she and Morgan first joined the group, Lyn didn't know why and she didn't really care. She just wanted him to stop. She avoided him at any cost, often resorting to eating in her own tent, or just getting up early in the morning and getting to any chores to help with so she would be busy and Tyler wouldn't bother her. But the man was persistent, taking any chance to be around her, sitting next to her at the fire, helping her with things. Laurel had told him to get lost several times but, well he hadn't seem to understand the message.
"I'll be fine." Lyn said matter of factly before grabbing a walkie form the hood of the car and tucking it into her belt, "it'll be faster if I go alone."
"We don't know the area." Tyler pointed out, looking at Laurel with blue eyes, "it would be safer if we go together, in case you get hurt."
A scoff left Laurels lips as she stared at Tyler staring at him in annoyance, "I won't get hurt, believe me. I'll be fine." Although before either of them spoke again Joshua did.
"We go out in pairs." The leader said firmly as Laurel clenched her teeth, out of annoyance and also to keep herself from saying something stupid. She mumbled a quiet fine and grabbed the map, folding it up and shoving it into her pack before taking off in the direction of the town not waiting for Tyler. He would only want to strike up a conversation and in those moments, Laurel finally understood Troy's urge to shove people to walkers. Lyn heard Tyler jog to catch up with her and fall into step beside her as he swung his pack over his shoulder. Laurel just kept walking, ignoring any attempts Tyler made at talking, not responding. He was talking, but Lyn wasn't listening, he was just white noise at this point.
"Hey Lyn." Tyler's voice finally broke through as he grabbed at her shoulder. Laurel came to a stop and whirled around, jumping at his touch, quickly pushing his hand away. Tyler held his hands up, "hey." He said softly, "are you okay?"
"What?" Lyn blinked staring at him, trying to remember anything he has said in the last half hour or so.
"I asked if you were okay." Tyler said softly and lowered his hands, "you haven't said anything this entire walk." He looked at her in concern. Laurel sighed and shook her head, glancing around, watching their surroundings, "so?"
Tyler gave a short shrug, "I just...well I just wanted to check if you were okay." He looked over her, and Lyn felt something knot inside her. She hated the way Tyler looked at her. He wasn't exactly subtle about it. It mirrored the way Troy looked at her, but it wasn't the same, and it never felt the same.
"I'm fine." Laurel said dryly and turned to keep walking, "what were you saying?" Tyler took a moment before following her.
"I was asking where you were from." The taller man said with a light shrug, "don't really know much about you. Thought we could get to know one another better since it seems like you and Morgan might be sticking around." Laurel groaned internally but she knew if she didn't at least chime in Tyler would just keep bugging her.
"I'm from California." Lyn finally answered after a moment, "I grew up in Irvine, and then moved to Santa Clara when I was around sixteen."
"Why'd you move?" Tyler asked without missing a beat. Resigning her fate of having a conversation with Tyler during this run.
"My mom got remarried and we moved in with my step-dad." Laurel replied as she reached into her bag, pulling out the map to check their surroundings. They were closer now, and so far they hadn't run into any trouble which was good. Maybe things would be easy and they could get in, find supplies and get out. The rest of the way Tyler had insisted on asking her questions about her life, her childhood whatever the hell he could think of. Lyn gave minimal answers, not going into detail and steering away from...certain aspects of her childhood. Eventually the two finally reached the town and went about looking through the stores. So far they hadn't found anyone, living or dead, but had found some supplies here and there.
Currently the pair were in a general store, or what used to be one. Tyler had found a stash of some cans he was loading into his pack while Laurel was searching the small pharmacy for anything useful, one never knows what one might find, so she still checked even though the store looked pretty picked over.
"Find anything?" Tyler called.
Laurel picked up a container and began to dig through it, "not yet. It's pretty empty back here." She sighed and began searching the shelves. There were a lot of empty packages and expired medicine. She moved to the back counter, opening up some cupboards, grabbing at some bottles of pills. Penicillin, that was always helpful. Her head turned as she heard a sound, although before she could react a walker was on top of her. Laurel let out a yelp as she slammed back against the ground, pushing back against the walkers shoulders as it snarled and lunged at her. Lyn grunted looking for her machete, but she couldn't see it...She looked back up at the walker, looking at its teeth. Struggling to bite into her...maybe she should let it? If the creature got to her neck...well she would be dead in seconds. In a matter of seconds she would be back with him. Her eyes would close and finally when they opened again they would see him. It was just a few seconds when her breathe slowed and she seemed more calm, debating her choices.
Although before she could choose how to react, the walker had a knife in its skull, and died. Laurel’s breath left her lips in a rushed breath. She was hauled to her feet so quickly it almost made her dizzy. Tyler had her by the arms, talking to her, checking her for bites but her ears were ringing as she just stared at the walker.
“Hey, hey,” Tyler said urgently, placing a hand on Laurels cheek, forcing her to look at him, “are you okay?” He asked firmly.
Lyn felt the emotions bubbling up in her chest, and she felt the sting of the tears that began to gather in her eyes. She didn’t speak just nodding as she fought the urge to cry.
“It’s okay,” Tyler said with a relieved breath and quickly pulled Lyn into a hug. Holding her tight as he repeated the phrase, “it’s okay” several more times. Laurel closed her eyes and hug onto him for a moment letting out soft sobs as she cried into his shoulder. The tears and emotions too much to hold in for the moment as she sobbed. Tyler held her close, mumbling soft words to her hair while he listened to her cry. He kissed the top of her head slowly, then down to her cheek briefly. Finally he pulled away from Lyn for a moment when her sobs had subsided and stared at her for a moment. Then without missing a beat he placed a hand on her cheek, sliding her fingers into her hair before leaning in, pressing his lips to hers in a rather deep kiss.
Laurel surged backwards immediately, backpedaling into the wall behind her. Her eyes wide with shock, although the shock quickly turned to anger, “what the fuck!” She hissed and surged forward shoving Tyler back and storming past him out of the shop. She heard Tyler calling for her but she ignored him and just kept walking wanting to her as far away from him as possible.
Tyler and Laurel made the walk back to camp in silence. Lyn didn’t want to look at him, and thankfully Tyler had kept his distance and kept his mouth shut. That was until they were closer to camp. Lyn could see their camp as they walked through the forest. Then she felt Tyler grab her arm and turn her towards him. She pulled her arm away from his, staring at him.
“What?” Lyn demanded, her tone sharp and annoyed.
“What happened back there?” Tyler asked gently, “I mean…”
Laurel raised an eyebrow, “what happened back there? You kissed me!” She hissed, “and you’re lucky I didn’t break your nose.”
Tyler let out a laugh a disbelief, “yes I kissed you. And you ran away like I was on fire or something. So I kissed you. What was wrong with that?”
“I’m married.” Lyn said firmly, her tone darkening as she glared at Tyler, “you know that.”
“I know you were married. Two years ago.” Tyler insisted stepping closer to Laurel, “come on, you can’t tell me your still holding a torch for someone whose been dead for that long” He shook his head with a laugh, “I mean, come on. You can’t have a relationship with a ghost.”
“Fuck you,” Lyn said softly, her voice low and dark as she stared up at Tyler, “you don’t know the first thing about me. Or him.” She turned to leave but Tyler caught her hand again.
“I know you can’t be alone forever.” Tyler said firmly, his grip on her wrist tighter this time so she couldn’t pull away.
“Let me go,” Lyn warned shaking her head, “I mean it Tyler. Let. Me. Go.” She swallwoed but he didn’t.
“We can be something.” Tyler said, staring at her, “you don’t have to be alone. You can be with me. I mean the guy is dead. It’s time to get over it.” He tugged her closer in one swift movement and leaned in as if he meant to kiss her again. Although this time Laurel reacted quicker. She shoved him back, ripping her hand from his grasp and then the next moment, she swung at him. Her fist connecting to his nose with a harsh smack.
Tyler stumbled back holding his nose, “what the hell?!” He exclaimed paining lacing his voice.
“What the hell?!” Laurel echoed his words before surging forward and hitting at Tyler again, not exactly punching him, but hitting him with her hands, “what the hell was that?! What the hell were you doing?! What the fuck?!” She demanded as she kept yelling and hitting him. Tyler let out grunts of pain, trying to grab her arms to get Lyn to stop hitting him but she wouldn’t it. Just hitting and yelling at him. Soon enough, their altercation attracted more of the camp and Morgan and Joshua with a few others ran over.
Laurel yelled while Morgan pulled her off of Tyler. Joshua and a few others had rushed over as well trying to figure out what happened. All of them, staring at Lyn as if she was some sort of animal. Lyn continued to cry and yell, struggling against Morgan as he tried to talk to her, to get her to hear him, but she didn't. She couldn't. Thrashing against Morgan, rage burning through her, she fought to get free. To hit something again, Tyler, anything. Although she slowed her struggled for a moment as she gasped in a breath, her lungs burning. But it wasn't the struggle of air that made her stop. Or Morgans calls to her, nor Joshuas shouts. No.
It was the figure leaned up against one of the trees around the camp that caught her attention. Laurel stared at the figure, several feet away from her, first she had just seen it from the corner of her eyes and then...her gaze settled on him. Tall and slender. Dressed in dark green cargo pants and a soft grey t-shirt. The shirts she would steal when he wasn't paying attention and wear for the day, or sleep in. His dark brown hair, pushed away from his face in soft curls. The curls Laurel run her fingers through when he was stressed, when she was anxious and needed comfort. When they would lay in bed in their trailer and read. He looked back at her with blue eyes, the eyes she could happily drown in. He wore a soft smile, gentle but amused, almost charmingly silly. The kind of smile he would save just for her. The kind of smile he gave her when he would return to their trailer and walk in on Lyn dancing around the trailer to music being played by a small boombox she had found on a run. He would at her like she was the most ridiculous person in the world, and then get dragged into dancing with her for a bit.
Laurel felt the air leave her lips as she finally stopped thrashing, her eyes latched onto the figure. Her husband. Leaning against a tree, and smiling at her like he had never left. She was afraid to blink, that if she would break eye contact with him he might disappear. Pushing at Morgan's hands, she tried to get free. To run to Troy. Although a few moments after she had stopped actively fighting Morgan in such a violent way, Joshua had approached. Seeing his chance he had slammed the heel of his rifle against Laurel's head. Knocking her out cold in one swift moment, Laurel crumbled to the ground.
Laurels vision was fuzzy once she woke. She opened her eyes slept and blinked, the light hurting her eyes. A groan escaped her lips as she tried to move, her head ached.
“Take it easy,” a voice said, Morgan’s voice, “you took quite a hit.” Lyn turned her head to see Morgan sitting in the tent with her. His words echoing in her head, right…she cursed mentally and closed her eyes for a moment before sitting up.
“Yeah it hurts.” Laurel sucked in a breath as she gently touched her hand to her head before looking at Morgan, suddenly feeling ashamed for what she did, “sorry…”
“No need to apologize.” Morgan said with a shake of his head, “Tyler explained what happened. He should be the one to apologize.” He looked at Lyn, “are you okay?”
“Peachy…” Laurel sighed and closed her eyes again.
“Joshua wants us to leave.” Morgan said, “but I think I can talk him into letting us stay.”
“Don’t bother,” Lyn’s eyes snapped open again, “I don’t want to stay. I’m getting the hell out of here Morgan.” She looked at him, “no way in hell I’m staying here.” Lyn guessed Morgan seemed to have some understanding because he didn’t argue and just nodded.
“Then we should get our stuff and head out before it’s dark.” Morgan said and stood, “I’ll grab your bag. Just take it easy.” He said and left the tent. A long breath left Laurels lips as she dipped her head down, leaning her arms against her knees.
“Hey,” His voice echoed and she groaned.
“What do you want?” Lyn asked lifting her gaze to find Tyler standing outside of the tent she was in. The first thing she noted was the bandaged on his black and blue nose. She couldn’t help but smirk, it looked broken.
“I just uh,” Tyler cleared his throat, “I just figured I should apologize.”
“Oh your just figured that?” Lyn asked tilting her head to the side, “how smart.” She sighed and stood up. She grabbed her jacket and tugged it on, feeling Tyler’s eyes on her the entire time.
“You’re really okay with what, being alone for the rest of your life?” Tyler asked staring at her, “tied to a ghost?”
Lyn swallowed as she took a few steps towards the entrance of the tent and looked at Tyler, her gaze surprising softly, the same with her voice, “I…I’d rather have the ghost of him, than someone, anyone else.” She looked at Tyler who stared back at her, “if the ghost of him is all I have. It’s all I want.” Her hand went to the wedding ring that hung around her neck, and she held it for a moment. Swallowing the pain that was rising in her throat.
“You’re lucky he’s just a ghost.” Lyn said stopping beside Tyler as she walked out of the tent, the softness gone from her voice, “because if he was here,” she said staring at him, “he’d break every bone in your body after that shit you pulled.” Lyn paused briefly, “and I’d let him.” She looked away and walked over to where Morgan was waiting. Lyn took her bag and swung it over her shoulder and followed Morgan away from the camp. Tyler watching her as she left until he couldn’t see her anymore.
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everestica · 1 year
i've come to lurk in your inbox and ask for some deuce.
up to you but i was thinking either him having a crush on a delinquent reader (cause yk he was one and now ykwim) or maybe childhood friends to lovers?
EITHER ONE! you can pick, i'm sure it'll be great either way!! <33
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'*•.¸♡ Deuce Spade x DelinquentChildhood!Reader!♡¸.•*'
➳ Fair Warning I wrote this at like 3 AM so if things don't make sense or words are misspelled that's the reason why lol&lt;3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
Deuce in middle school was a lot different then how he acts now at Night Raven, and everybody who had heard about his past had known that, but there was one thing that always made him think about changing into an honor student even before his mother said anything, and that was (name). Growing up (name) was always very sheltered by their parents and never really got out much but when Deuce's mom started working with (name's) parents, they were finally able to have an actual friend. Deuce and (name) grew up like two peas in a pod most of the time, and spent almost all the time they could get together, well together! Then comes Middle school both (name) and Deuce had changed a lot, (Name) was a lot less sheltered and got into a lot more trouble and it didn't help that their partner in crime was Deuce Spade, one of the really well know delinquents in the school. They together were a forced to be recond with, but when Deuce found out about his mother and how she felt that she was a terrible mother because of the way her son was, he immediately rethought about what he was doing. As much as he wanted to impress (name) and wanted to have something to talk about with them, this was his mother and his future, and so with that when the carriage came to pick him up for Night raven he left all that in the past.
Then a couple months later the spelldrive tournament comes on and lots of different school come from all over to see the matches between the dorms at Night Raven and between the Spelldrive team at NRC and RSA. That's when Deuce had saw (Name) again, it was the first time since he had told them on the last day of school that he needed to take a break from there friendship and he needed to start working on grades and building up his future. After the games he went to try to find you through the crowds of people but you found him first tapping him on the shoulder, you looked different from when he left to come to NRC, a lot less of your "delinquent nature" but some of it was still there, it's not that easy to just give up your past and who you once were. You talked for a little before he finally couldn't help himself anymore and confessed.
Deuce: I love you (name), and I've had a crush on you ever since we were kids, ever since you were sheltered and you though that you could eat flowers and they would taste as pretty as they looked. I know it was a shitty move to just leave you behind like that but look at you now, your doing so well for yourself and I couldn't be happier to know somebody like you..
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shinchinror · 2 months
It's ovulation week that's why I'm writing like this lmao.
This is work of fiction, names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Apologies for grammatical error and misspelling. If you happened to notice some, feel free to correct me. Thank you.
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I was on my period when Magnus began to crawl on my back and put his weight on top of me. He began to kiss my nape while I'm playing a video game on my phone.
For that sudden move, I flinched but I continued to control my character. I don't want to lose another round in this game.
Magnus groaned frustratedly when I ignored him. His hand traveled down on each side of my waist, pressing it softly with his thumb. I groaned because of it.
“Sweetheart, I'm on heat…” his voice is pleading and arousing, making me stop from what I'm doing.
I turned around to face him and he didn't even bother to move. When I completely faced him, he immediately snuggled into my neck and sniffed my natural scent. I smiled and played with his hair.
“What were you saying earlier?” I asked even though I completely heard what he said.
“I-I'm… I'm on heat.” he whispered through my neck and I barely heard it.
I cackled, “What?”
Him feeling embarrassed, he raised up and that's when I saw his handsome face. His skin is pale but his nose is kinda red. His eyes are heavy lid while staring softly at me. I looked up at his messed up hair and I found him cute by how he looked right now. Out of instinct, I pushed his head toward me as I gave him a smack and immediately let him go.
He looked shocked after a quick kiss. He was staring at me in awe as his lips parted.
“You…” he trailed off before claiming my mouth in just a snap.
I chuckled between his kisses but when he pinched my waist my smile dropped. I whimpered and reciprocated his kiss that made him more intense, he sucked my lips and entered his tongue inside my mouth and lapped me like I'm his prey.
Our non-stop claiming lips stopped when his lips shifted to my cheeks down to my neck and now to my collarbone. I grunted when he nipped my skin and licked it after.
I was losing my mind as I gripped his hair. His hand began to enter my blouse and immediately snap the hook of my bra easily, freeing my mound as he grabbed and played with it.
I moaned when he pushed my clothes aside and sucked my peak while his other hand was playing with my other mound.
My womanhood got wetter because of it. Making me on edge as I squeeze my legs. Him noticing it, he parted my thighs by his knee and centered himself on me. I groaned when I felt his hard on.
Him hearing that raised his head to see my flushed reaction as he rocked his hip to me. I was covering my mouth with the back of my hand while he was doing that, trying to stop my whine but there's still coming out, making him chuckle as he took my hand off away from my mouth to free my moans.
“Hmpp—ah, mmh, ahh, nghh, huffmmp!”
Him still brushing his hard on against me chuckled. “There’s still no intercourse yet you're already enjoying yourself.” A smirk flashed across his face that made me blush.
Then my eyes widened when I remembered I was on my period. I pushed him out of me and before I escaped, he immediately grabbed me and threw me back on the bed. Locking me with his arms.
“What with the sudden attitude, huh? Why did you push me?” His eyebrows were furrowed and you can clearly see he was mad for what I did.
Feeling guilty, I chuckled awkwardly and looked away. I don't want to keep him hanging because he should know this.
“I—uh… uhm… I'm on my period.” The last word was barely heard because of how I said it.
He didn't budge so I slowly looked at him and I found him smirking. Why the fck he looked glad?!
“Oh, really? That's great then.” he muttered and straddled me again. He began to kiss my neck and I pushed him lightly.
“Magnus, don't you get it? I'm on my period so no lovey dovey thing!”
“Why?” He asked nonchalantly.
“Because it's gross?”
“Well not for me. I love blood.” He uttered and before I protested, a sharp pain struck on my shoulder and that's when I knew he bit me.
I whimpered and grabbed his arm painly, he's now sucking my blood with his pang directly on my skin. Making me lightheaded.
“M-Magnus…” I groaned.
“I'm a vampire sweetheart in case you forget.”
I grunted in response.
When he was done sucking me, he began to crawl down. My eyes widened when he tried to take off my shorts, I pulled the top of it to fight him. It was embarrassing! I was on my period for peak sake.
“Don't make me mad, sweetheart. You wouldn't like it.” His voice is dripping ice.
I flushed and shook my head. “It… it's gross, Magnus! I don't like it.”
“Oh, sweetheart. Any kind of blood is fine for me as long as it came from you so don't be shy and obey me.”
This time, I didn't have the courage to fight him back when he took off my shorts again because of how dangerous he looked, his eyes were glowing along with the moon that was glistening outside our window.
I closed my eyes embarrassedly when he opened my legs. I thought he was now going to penetrate me but I felt a soft and squishy thing that was playing with my clit. That's when I opened my eyes and I found him eating me.
“M-Magnus!” I yelled and tried to push him but he just lay hold my legs and pinned it to his shoulder. Not making me move by how he gives me pleasures and embarrassment.
I cried but he didn't stop and continued to suck me harder. And our bodies collided by god knows how many times I came under his touch. The hot night ended in the morning where I was completely blown off.
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sllowshow · 6 months
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Colton
good salt of the earth people. teen marriage runs deep in this family, they were married right after their high school graduation. not yet pregnant, just sure of themselves. they were in love and when you're in love, you make this big crazy commitment in front of everyone who knew you when you were a baby at church and then you get a little house way out of town and have gorgeous girl boy twins. that's all you really can do.
their dad, jody (woody harrelson fc), has a hard way of loving. he's the kind of dad that kyleigh and colton could never really know beyond the context of him as their dad. like he wasn't trying to be friends with either of them. he loved them a lot but he didn't show it in that way, he's like more on the wavelength of. always really good about making kyleigh got her oil changed. helped colton build a new bookshelf before he moved out. i think kyleigh maybe got a little more sweetness out of him just because. well look at her that's a baby girl. but he and colton, regardless of the love between them, just had a very straightforward relationship. they talk about work, they talk about basketball, and they talk about kyleigh's kids (and eventually his. he was pretty relieved by that.)
their mom, tanya (kyra sedgwick fc) is THEE busy body church lady to end all busy body church ladies. she's a school teacher AND a sunday school teacher, and she's so nosey its insane. she's very much a part of small town politics. to that extent, she's also always up in her kid's business. i think she makes up for their dad's hands off approach. she can be a little blunt in the way she approaches things, she doesn't see the point in beating around the bush. i think she was also soooo tickled that kyleigh got teen pregnant by **** ***. like sorryyy but like that's the exact kind of family a mother like this is salivating to be apart of.
i think they're very take it as it comes people if that makes sense. like when kyleigh got pregnant, that was just a fact. i think their dad probably pulled some macho bullshit on w*de just because he felt like that was his job. scare the kid straight. and there was a brief panic of what will people think... until again she remembered it was actually a win socially. but ultimately that just became the fact of the situation. if she was going to do that, she was going to do that, so they let her go and be an adult. same with colton and school: they didn't get why he wanted to do all of that, but if that was what he wanted to do, that was his prerogative. enjoy the debt and the liberal arts master.
i think they lived in the house the twins grew up in forever. i think their dad hated visiting them in st louis, they certainly preferred hosting. their mom the kind of grandmother that's always posting memes about how a grandmothers love is the strongest force in the world but misspells the kids names in the post. their dad the kind of grandpa who just wants to sit on the couch and watch the most random war movie you've ever heard of at the family function. weirdly feel the need to call out their mom was obsessed with skye (like everyone else) and they both more than once commented on how tyson was "exhausting." like their mom would always be passing on advice on how to deal with a hyper child as if it worked. kyleigh is right there.
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rudycrowley · 4 months
Now, forgive me if I'm talking out my ass but I hate it when people wear clothes with Keith Haring's paintings and have no idea who he is. Maybe it's just me being naïve, but it's so annoying when I want to start small talk and say something along the lines of "Cool shirt, I like Keith Haring too" and they will just look at me like "what are you talking about?". Also I should highlight that I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Keith Haring either. Hell, I've been misspelling his name for the last year. But I firmly believe that you shouldn't buy clothes with things you don't know.
And I know that these people probably didn't put much thought into it, they just saw a cool shirt at the store and decided to buy it, not knowing anything about the artis behind it, but to me it's an equivalent of wearing a t-shirt of a band you don't listen (which is also a pain in the ass when I want to buy something because most cool t-shirts I see have a logo of a band I don't really like/listen to, but that's beside the point).
Sorry for getting a little bit serious for a second, just wanted to get it off my chest. Hopefully my rumbling made any sense.
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desertfangs · 1 year
Do you have an in-canon explanation for where Daniel was in BCo? I like to think he's on a secret mission for the court that Lestat couldn't reveal in the book.
Oh my gosh I'm so glad you asked! I think about this all the time. The fact that Daniel isn't there is just so weird. Like everyone he cares about is there: Armand, Marius, Lestat, Louis... It's just such an odd and strange omission and we know why (Anne either didn't notice or didn't care, she did not have any use for him by the end!) but in-universe it's just completely baffling. So I have many theories: 1. Daniel is there but left out of the book because he and/or Armand demanded it. I've mentioned before that maybe he paid Lestat off to leave him out, and @rainbowcarousels and I have joked that maybe it's due to his mortal family and not wanting to draw more attention to himself while he's still in the span of his mortal lifetime and people may be searching for him. If he has relatives who are actively looking for him or curious about his whereabouts, the less attention he gets the better. (This is, at the very least, why I think his name is misspelled in Prince Lestat.)
2. Daniel is housesitting Trinity Gate. I don't know, they could pay a gardener to water the plants, it's not really necessary but maybe he got really into video games and wanted some time alone to play through some epic game like The Last of Us or Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Maybe when he hears things are going down (via Armand probably, or a weird Facetime from Marius where the camera is facing his bookshelf) he offers to come, but Marius and Armand are worried he would put himself in danger, and so he's told to stay where he is.
3. Armand sent Daniel out on business. The guy has more properties than Logan Roy and all kinds of investments. Maybe he sent Daniel on some business errand or to handle some big real estate deal. And again, maybe he told Daniel to stay away once things got dicey.
4. Secret Court Mission! I love your theory so I'm adding it to the list. Maybe there was some group of vampires they'd been trying to bring into the fold and Lestat suggested they send Daniel to go negotiate with them since he's charming and affable but also good at getting the heart of things and asking tough questions. Or maybe he's on a mission to acquire some weird vampire artifact or priceless work of vampire art that they'd rather not publicize the existence of, lest the Talamasca also try to get their hands on it.
So yeah, lots of possible reasons, all fun to think about. I go back and forth on what I actually think but I do enjoy coming up with reasons he's not there. And if anyone else has their own theories, I'd love to hear them!
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lunathegalacticwolf · 7 months
It's about time I said some actual OC personalities and stuff like that.
These are for my ScaredyCatz AU I'm working on. I'm collaborating with @spookykittyzzz
Anyways, here are my OCs I'm using (these are just some rough ideas, so anything I don't mention will be left up for interpretation)
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- Friendly
- VERY protective over Pomni
- Kinda hates Jax (he mean)
- LOVES headpats
Random stuff
- He is an animal, but his species is unknown, but he definitely isn't a dog or cat (and my forbidden pet au kind of implies he isn't a raccoon either tbh, but that's for me to know and you to find out)
- He gets aggressive and VERY bitey when someone is rude to Pomni
- He absolutely hates when his species is assumed (hell, he forgot his own species when he entered the circus)
- He has no mouth (Zooble and Kinger have entered the chat)
- The eyes on his head and tail are completely functional
- He can only speak in static, whines, chitters, or yodel noises, no actual words. (Mostly yodel noises when he's happy or angry)
- He's trained similar to how a dog is trained (he isn't a dog though, I've already established that)
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- Sweet
- A bit clumsy
- Very nerdy
Random stuff
- She is an animal, a black Labrador Retriever specifically
- Ever since entering the circus, she could speak English and she stopped being able to understand animals (she even forgot she WAS a dog to begin with)
- She likes to eat chocolate (only in the circus, not in the real world because sHe'S a dOg)
- She has the freckles in the real world, but that's just because it's the beginnings of vitiligo (which is absolutely beautiful btw, google it)
- She's able to eat her red paw and it'll appear back a few seconds after being eaten, it's basically her infinite peppermint stash
- Same with the chocolate drips on her back and head
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- Energetic
- VERY obnoxious
- Kind of annoying
Random stuff
- They can speak, but they can only say "Gloink," their own name, "Gloink Quee," (not a misspell, I did that on purpose) or "Gloinks Come." (Yeah, basically a lot of gibberish)
- They're against the Gloink Queen
- They've been in the cellar before out of curiosity (yeah, they hated it)
- Since they can't say many words, no one knows their actual gender, so everyone just calls them whatever they want
- They get along with Ragatha the most
- They have their own room, however, they prefer to be with Ragatha (she's their bestie)
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- Sweet
- Kinda naive
- LOVES cuddles
Random stuff
- She was created after Bubble was and he claimed her as his "baby sister"
- When she's confused, she makes cat chirp noises (look it up if you don't know what that means)
- She may or may not have a crush on Sun and Sun may or may not be too stupid to get the hint 😏 (gay people) (Disclaimer: Cloud is a consenting adult)
- Bubble calls her his "baby sister" just to be annoying
- When she's annoyed, she has the blankest expression imaginable (basically this: 😑)
- Her voice sounds like Wolfychu (look Wolfychu up on YouTube if you don't know who she is)
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- Kind of flirty towards men
- A bit mischievous
- LOVES pranks (you totally can't guess who his best friend is lol)
Random stuff
- He's a smooth talker (as in deep, calming-type voice. Basically, he sounds like Spyro)
- He was a rapper in the real world
- He's still a teenager, specifically 15 years old
- He's VERY gay
- His digital avatar is a wolfdog. Thought I'd say that so you don't mistake him for a full wolf or full dog.
- He has a skull tattoo on his upper back (Zooble "totally" didn't do it at all)
- He calls Jax a "Jaxrabbit" (yeah, I'm SO funny)
God, this took SO freaking long. And yes, Jax DOES give the nicknames just to be rude like he does with literally everyone, so you can give them a nickname you think Jax would call them if you want, idrc.
If information on Iveri is needed, it's all on my Wattpad page, IndigoTheHusky.
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pixelkip · 1 year
Who is Annello?
Didn't think I'd ever have to be asked this but here goes bc I'm So Normal about them.
Ok short version: annello is a fusion of Annie and Garcello. They were created purely as a character for the song Unleashed, atsuover's mashup of Release and Animal, and they aren't canon to either the mod or the Canon lore of these 2. They almost made it into Hazy River with an updated design, remastered instrumental and new voicebank but it was scrapped. Their only presence in the mod is the icon unfortunately sjgkdjgkd
If you haven't seen Unleashed, here:
And the remastered version/scrapped hazy river version gameplay
And you should because it's a BOP
But for a longer version, the story doesn't end there.
Yeah, annello doesn't have any real lore. Except they sort of do??
Rageminer has offered some idea of how they think annello would come to exist, just keep in mind this isn't planned for any kind of official content or anything
This was stated I think once on a livestream but multiple times on Discord, that clover imagines they'd come from Annie finding Garcello while he's still all ghosty after he dies, and fusing with his ghost. The fusion would mostly be relying on Annie, and would be difficult and painful to maintain.
My interpretations usually take this in a different direction with the same basis but that's not important
Ok some extra stuff I couldn't fit in with the rest and I think is notable:
- Clover said once on discord that annello has 6 fingers, but even sprites in the video of the unused unleashed build with a new design don't have this. It was present in art by atsuover that circulated around discord while the new design was being developed, however. I think it's neat so I still draw them that way
- Yes it means they have 6 toes too
- their original voicebank was created by overlaying Garcello's normal chromatic scale (i.e. not the nerves one or the ghost ones) and Annie's updated scale. This was the first time Annie's new scale was technically used, but it wouldn't be heard on its own until Golden Arch March
- the voice from the remastered Unleashed was made by combining Clover and Anne's scales. This was done to make them sound more distinct from the 2 while still sounding like they could be a fusion of them. I personally prefer the old one but that's just me
- Annellos,, I guess associated color is yellow-orange, as seen in the Spotify art for unleashed and in art from discord or their new design
- with the new design, they got their own magic item, a canister of vapor that when opened creates clouds that produce acid rain. It can be seen in the remastered Unleashed video. This seems to be based on the Spotify art for Unleashed that shows them in the rain.
- and yes, their name is ANNELLO. A LOT of people used to mess this up, Anncello being the most common misspelling. It's been confirmed both in clovers comment on the remastered Unleashed and several times on discord that ANNELLO is the correct spelling.
- although, Garnnie was the name a lot of people, particularly the Japanese speaking part of the fandom, assumed for them and ended up being used for "failed" fusions of annello by atsuover
- and for those who are somehow still unsure, their canonical pronouns are they/them. Source: the time on discord someone tried to argue this with people and anne atsuover herself came to settle things with a screenshot of her own damn tweet about them.
I can make a separate post with a rundown of about MY interpretation of them if anyone wants but that's for another day
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