#and i cant liveblog!! who am i without my liveblogs!!
selfryedxpunk · 6 days
im literally gonna sob wwe is basically my life and without it i feel like complete shit and i feel so left out im literally gonna bawl my eyes out
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eerna · 9 months
the Yatori still Yatoris
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milkbreadtoast · 3 months
still on my reread of early twsb and... the inn mini arc is so good/important... i didnt realize how much when i first read... but like... (ch 46 thoughts IM PLAGUED BY THE #YESSAYS AGAIN)
the MC trio's personalities are all SO diff and up till now theyve had a lot of friction and only rly interacted together bc they were kind of forced to... But despite their stark diffs one of the main thing that unites them is they all have the same strong moral compass... like their morals r in alignment. They all can't stand seeing injustice... and their diff personalities give them diff approaches to solving the (same) problem; diff strengths filling in what the other lacks... but they have the same goal/their hearts r in the same place... I rly think this is the strongest thing that binds them together🥹 theyre all good kids...
This inn mini arc is the first time the MC trio r all united in thought and working together completely of their own volition (while they showed teamwork before, it was still in situations where they were basically forced to be together, e.g. training lessons or punishment)
But here they witness the same event and they all feel the same rage at the injustice and put aside their differences to make a plan...
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yeseo's had a lot of misunderstandings/misreadings of cedric's behavior and saw him p unfavorably up to this point but thats slowly starting to change... im just gonna drop some liveblogs here skfjd
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(+ u wouldnt think much of it but the fact that he observes they all make the same expression "at the same time" means he's glancing at each of their faces...)
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the fact that hes constantly checking cedric's reactions + trying to read what he's thinking/feeling in the moment... yeseo's empathy is 1 of his strongest traits imo and this an example of how he extends this to everyone (including the guy who he has thought of as a huge jerk all this time + is trying to avoid)
(and this is something I RLY rly love about yeseo... even w ppl he tries not to get close to/doesnt particularly like he still cant help but empathize with them? like even way before this when he concludes cedric must be entering the tournament to help his "son" who is in pain... and reasons that he must feel angry seeing chris freely mooch off yeseo's ether bc his "son" suffers from ether depletion... and when the 3 are assigned to clean the portal as punishment, and he's waiting outside w ced... notes that "he looks serious even from the side" and blurts without thinking "um... it will be okay, your royal highness." "...i am talking about Sadie." all these are examples of him extending empathy to cedric/thinking of him sympathetically (even tho he has the wrong idea)... He doesn't have to, but he does anyway, because that's the kind of person he naturally is... I really do think his strong empathy is 1 of his most prominent chara traits. 🥹❤️‍🔥)
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🥹... this moment is rly cute skfjsn but yet again!! another small ex of him trying to understand what cedric is thinking on some lvl and relate/connect w him (EVEN THO ITS ALL SUBCONSCIOUS... AND HES THINKING THIS IN LIKE A LIGHTHEARTED JOKEY WAY... STILL TRUE)
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(^the fact that he describes how cedric's eyes look means that he looked over & checked cedric's reaction in this moment, even tho ced didn't give a verbal rxn like himself & christelle...)
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^^^^^🥹🥹🥹..!!!! AAAAH... also i talked mostly abt cedyes here but he definitely grows closer w christelle bc of this too (and the 3 of them as a whole)... and again its bc their morals r in alignment here + he's starting to understand what kind of ppl they r... but its ESP important w cedric bc he never rly thought of chris as a bad person? but up till even just the day before he's thought of cedric as being a huge asshole... witnessing all these tiny little moments that together signal a (gradual) turning point in how he views cedric makes me WANT TO FUCKING SCREAMMM AAAA!!!! AAAAAAAAH.
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NEW HAVEN WARDS THOUGHTS. ok i have. many. primarily though i would love to hear what fucking. tide's pov of insane tidalwave situation is. or just like. nhw tide thoughts in general!!!! him!! he!!! ok ok gotta go put goats 2 bed brb
AHAAAA HAHA I LOVE YOUUUUUU TIDE LAMBERT. i love you tide lambert. i also am extremely delighted by the fact that you and whiskey both sent me asks at the same time indepenently asking me about tide and mark. awesome little bowl of seeds for me in my inbox. under the cut with you
i haaaaave so many emotions about nhw tide the more i think about him.
i am still so MASSIVELY undecided on the whole clone thing but i do feel so strongly about the endbringer thing i brought up one time. i dont remember the way they are in canon but i have a lot of thoughts about tide and his siblings and their "ages" (magma is the oldest, tide is VERY close second (theyre not twins, but theyre probably only a year or less apart so they are The Oldest as a unit to the others. magma still plays the "im older than you" card to tide though). whirlwind and seismic ARE twins and they have such middle child energy. shockwave is the youngest until elle and has a complex about not being the youngest anymore. elle is the beloved baby girl. trust me i have experience in this this is basically the way my dads side of the family is) . anyway im getting distracted. anyway. tide and magma being the oldest and also being given powers specifically to counter leviathan and behemoth. i have emotions about this !!!! (i actually still dont really know whether behemoth is specifically fire coded but he does sleep in volcanoes so let me dream until worm proves me wrong). so like. even if theyre not clones they still get the whole "i was created for a purpose and i feel like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders because of it and its my only purpose and without it im lost and i dont know what to do with myself"
anyway. thinking about. tidalwave first meeting or like. early stages of meeting or whatever. tide is fucking INTIMIDATING. hes REALLY powerful, and also including that thing i put in my one liveblog the other day about Sere- if tide Wasnt A Hero it could be a goddamn disaster because his powers have the potential to be so fucking scary and bad and dangerous. luckily he is also the worlds biggest softie. tide is marginally less emotionally repressed than mark is, so he's more willing to initiate things.
i constantly think about tide in the context of that one post thats like "i hate when people say it costs nothing to be kind. it costs so much. i mean i'll pay it but damn" (im so mad i cant find that rn but. nhw tide thesis statement) hes not naive!!!!!!!! he knows how awful and shitty the world and the whole cape system is. but hes trying so so so hard to do the right thing and help people. that fucking gets on marks nerves so bad. tide is Too Nice and he hates it. "why cant you be more of an asshole so its easier for me to hate you" etc etc etc.
ANYWAY. early tidalwave. tide looks at wavelength and immediately sees a difference between him and some of the other villains hes fought. theres this almost feral desperation to him. outwardly hes cold and calculating and brutal but like. just a little bit beneath the surface he is. like a cornered animal. he doesnt Want to be doing this, but he Has To. and tide can. really sympathize with that and understand that i think. Mark Also Hates This, He Does Not Like To Be Perceived. i imagine theres a lot of back and forth like "i understand" "how could you possibly understand"
they become sort of like unofficial rivals- tide knows how the hero system works and how fucking nasty things could end up for mark if he fights someone who doesnt care about what happens to a villain, so its always tide seeking him out (fight to maim, not kill. sorry that sentence lives in my mind forever now). tide maybe lets him slip away and escape way easier than he should. because he Gets It. he genuinely does want to help mark, not in an "i can fix him" way, but in more of an "i can see youre in a horrible situation and i dont want to kill you just because of that, so im helping in the small way i can without making things worse for you" way. mark knows hes doing this. they never talk about it. they talk more than people who are supposed to be intent on killing each other should talk. neither of them will ever say it out loud but. the human connection outside of their respective Situations is kind of nice. regardless of how fucked up the whole thing is. ill-advised hookups, unmasking, etc etc all of that. but They Dont Talk About It Ever. next day theyre back to trying to kill each other like nothing happened. tide maybe privately mourns this, but still never says anything about it. tide visits mark in the hospital because no one else will. tide tells mark about ashe because no one else will, even if he knows that will basically shatter everything between them (its not tides fault, why would it be, but mark is a very "shoot the messenger, ask questions later" kind of guy)
anyway. i think about them a lot
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arodrwho · 3 months
dw liveblog
oh that's fun!
hey why is the child still here? get him out of there he is like 14
hey ruby you do kind of have bigger things to worry about. like i assume theyre connected bc yall keep telling us theyre connected but yknow
"i have to hope birds will sing again. there will be birds" those are cool last words. wouldve had more punch without the repetition of "there will be birds" imo but whatever. u can't hope for maximum eloquence & emotion when ur about to die
:( bye kate
oh my god. cherry and carla within seconds of each other
i assume they'll all be back but
"you've got worse problems" THANK you
HUH??? WHAT'S UP WITH THE TARDIS INTERIOR. a) that's not THEIR interior, and b) it's small!!!!!!!!
holy shit.
"and why am i still alive"
"i am an extinction event"
"this feeling you are feeling right now, this doubt, don't you feel so alive?"
lot of banger lines in this
"it's a remembered tardis, bits and pieces of every tardis that ever was, held in place by hopes and wishes and luck" oh i love that very much
!! 73 yards
holy shit
i do love that fifteen just screams sometimes
time skip? or something?
so we assume the baby is ruby?
a metal spoon. is there some meaning to this that i should know about?
:( if mel forgot then she's going to die soon yeah?
well back up why did. oh she's adopted. thats why her mum died first. duh. the death wave is using genetics. + it isn't an always thing, just a sometimes thing
:( mel
:(( nooooo u cant tell mel
<3 kiss the tardis
pls why don't u notice :( i wanted u to notice :(
she's trying so hard :((
what do you MEAN she's already dead
NO ruby don'ttttt
is it your own name? or?
oh i love you so much
oh the rope. THE GLOVE!!
oh you KNEW!
oh whistle!
!!! alive!
and a very pretty effect too!
thank god ruby's mum and grandmother are alive
alright but who the fuck is mrs flood though
what the fuck were her plans
oh the baby is alive
i was waiting for you to say skaro
what u mean u have to become a monster
is it NOW when u bring back skaro, or do u mean what u have to do with - yeah with suktekh
well that's one way to do it
i am so glad her birth mother ended up a normal person
ruby i really think you should leave her alone
like you have the right to seek her out, but i don't think you should
that said that's mostly because i wouldn't, personally, and my situation was very different from hers
well. sure. sometimes it works out like that
oh that's disgusting
"my real mum" go fuck yourself
go fuck yourself
absolutely go fuck yourself
nah man i hate everything about how this was handled, actually
i was willing to put up with the parts i didn't like, because ruby had never devalued her mum before, but she just did that and now i want to stab her
who the fuck are you, though. iris wildthyme? the master? the rani? some other motherfucker? elaborate and elucidate.
like u have to be some other motherfucker bc of the weird ominous shift u've been saying but
ANYWAY. i hope there is some kind of storytelling bullshit at play that i can twist and manipulate so i can believe ruby's story didn't actually end that way bc i hate it and it sucks
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macbethz · 4 months
ok final thots. thank you to those who supported me liveblogging both those episodes i love doctor who so much. i also unfortunately love being a critic
all three dw episodes seem to be engaging heavily in this new folklore-ish lean that was established in wild blue yonder - the goblin stealing children, the bogeyman, the fiddle battle with the devil. im interested to see where it goes bc i think its a compelling throughline and one thing rtd lovessss is creating episodic stories that resolve into an overarching narrative. I do think DW seems to be pivoting towards its more family-centric roots, which is fine i guess. I am aware im not the target audience of doctor who but i do love her for her darker moments so ill always be a little sad
i think its kind of funny that the bbc lied in their marketing a little? like space babies was not about the first 5 second butterfly thing and the beatles were barely in the devils chord. actually really funny i literally cant be mad
ncuti is literally electrifying every time hes on camera. i believe he's the doctor 10000% and he really brings that combination of whimsy and sadness to the role that makes me want to see more of 15. ruby i find....less compelling. at least as of rn. I think the main point of interest for her is the mystery of her origin but as a character she's kind of a non-entity in the same way i found many of 13s companions. she almost reminds me of early season Clara in that she's just kinda Mystery Twee Girl but Clara ended up as one of my favorites because she became the most sick and twisted woman on planet earth over the course of 3 beautiful seasons so I have not lost hope yet.
However I do think the companion-doctor relationship is the thing the entire show runs on and I'm not, AS OF YET, super compelled by what 15 and ruby have going on. Hitting a lot of the same notes as rose/9 without the emotional follow-through and DISAGREEMENTS that really made that relationship interesting to watch. I think that's the main thing is I need to see some kind of conflict. 15 is a lot more open than any previous doctor by a LONG shot, presumably because of 14s off-screen therapy LMAO. There's a lot on the table up front in terms of backstory and personality (which i get helps set up new fans) but that also means a lot of the narrative tension created by that kind of inside information is lost. We need something else to replace it and make that dynamic interesting! For me doctor who maintains its narrative momentum through character relationships, i'm not particularly interested in just seeing Space Adventures without that kind of meat behind it idk. it makes them feel a little hollow to me
what else um. jinkx monsoon ate obviously. music is the meaning of life thank you for acknowledging this doctor who.
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bigshotexpress · 8 months
poppy playtime chapter 3 spoilers ( i am watching a lets play, this is a live blogging)
bioshock vibes with the radio messages.
seems pretty spooky so far. though, man, the escalation is pretty quick. poppy playtime is doing its best to beat the 'horror for children' allegations it seems.
like, the line about the dead kid in the duffle bag really isn't even. that horrifying as far as horror games go, i think? but it caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting it to be that blunt about it.
ah. the huggy from the trailer IS, in fact, a hallucination. cool
oh! kissy missy! cool! i wonder if they're going to get into the horror of Her existence. There seems to be some strong implications here.
ah. we're getting to actually hear the children talk now. that's gonna help with the horror escalation. before the kids were just... an implied reality. didn't have to really face it deeper than a surface level awareness. with visuals or audio of the kids? that is gonna help make things a lot more scary.
have the devs said how many chapters this game is going to be?? i wonder how much more there is planned for this.
wanted to make a 'would you rather be stuck in the superstar daycare (fnaf) or playcare (ppt)' but like. objectively superstar daycare is better. fazbear ent is not intentionally trying to murder children like, as a whole, they just keep having rabbit-dressed people kill people in their establishment. playtime co is actively and intentionally murdering people as a whole.
unfortunately, i gotta say, ppt is starting to fall into the batim... 'this building could not possibly be this big'. it reminds me of portal in a way, and I've never questioned how big the aperture building was, but thats because its Comedic. I am having trouble suspending my disbelief on playtime co being able to make this much underground factory without the world knowing that they HAVE that large space, even if not whats down there. batim escaped this by being semi-reality, and aperture is. comedic. but ppt has yet to justify itself to my brain. small thing though, unimportant.
oh kissy and poppy time! hi!
oh, player got tortured? interesting. mommy long legs also said player worked there, though. interesting.
he trapped poppy in the case? also wow, 'god awful'. I was caught off guard by that. just didn't think she'd use that. phrase?
oh hey! huggy confirmed dead! rip huggy boy.
ollie why do you speak like dora explaining what us kids at home should do. who are you. what are you.
'why does catnap avoid the school?' because it used to be a kid. I would avoid it too.
hm. okay well dawko's title sorta spoils the name of the shadow lady from the trailer. but okay. oh wait no its brought up in the game like two minutes in. fair enough.
ohh she knows us too and also confirms player used to work there. is miss delight like. an actual person???
Ah. wanting to murder all of the children. Well, hello Mrs Afton, I guess.
oh nope she is a toy. i think? she has a cut out. probably a toy. oh. yep thats a toy. has a lights on lights off weeping angel mechanic too. neat. not that scary to me, though. partially because i cant get a good look at her dang design. partially because she's so brightly colored. sorry girl the bright blonde hair is not helping your fear factor. dawko disagrees with this opinion evidently lol.
oh oof she keeps clipping through a closed door. with her mechanic, in such a tight space, doesn't seem fair. rip dawko.
why does she have that moon laugh.sfx i know, unfair comparison, but it just sounds so much like moon's laugh but. female voice actor.
dawko brings up lack of checkpoints, and that paired with the clipping through closed gate thing makes me thing the devs thought this segment was a lot easier than it seems to actually be. partially because of that clipping bug, probably.
end of liveblogging part 1
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whim-prone-pirate · 1 year
8:23 who up watching the end of phineas and ferb the mvoie rn
8:26 ........archives WOAH SCARY FACE
8:27 oh my god color pallets i'm gonna be sick
8:28 LUMITY ANGST ???? IN HER DREAM ?????? WHAT THE FUCK ?1??1???1?
8:29 oh em gee not lilith's died hair again
8:30 please do not the luz
8:31 luz blames herself for flapjack💔💔💔💔
8:32 hehe face hold
8:34 REUNION !!!!!!!!
8:34 ray ray im going to kill myself
8:39 not precariously stacked jenga!!! no !!!!!
8:44 ok i got distracted with a different fandom thing where are they
8:46 collector playing grudgby is real
8:47 oh no!!!!!!!!!!
8:48 bros participating in eugenics
8:48 "how'd he get here without a body" most normal toh problem
8:49 oh collector my bug😭😭😭
8:50 kmskmskmskmskmskms
8:50 jaw on the floor she's dissipating
8:51 he csnt fix her😭😭😭😭😭😭
8:52 NO SHE ISNT !!!!! SHE IS NOT !!!!!!!!!!
8:52 oh😭😭😭😭😭 my😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 god😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
8:53 TITAN ????? HAII
8:54 watching. and dreaming. watching ..
8:54 where did he get a bad girl coven shirt
8:54 this is what modern leftist political conversations sound like
8:55 it's giving lich
8:56 big fan !!!
8:56 what'd he say what's he SAY WE ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME HERE
8:56 CAMILAAAA !!!!
8:58 "please stop run away" * i am feeling burdened and i taste milk i mumble please please run away but it lives where i live
9:00 did i miss something why are they mossydiseased like luz
9:01 i'm too tired for fight scenes rn
9:03 oh my god the titan's hand looks so cool
9:04 oh my god she put their glasses on for them
9:04 their hair looks so good🤭🤭
9:05 that fight was not as drawn out as it deserved to be but that is not dana + co's fault💔💔💔💔
9:06 collector💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
9:06 here's how gustholomule can still win
9:07 we have thirteen minutes for canon raeda and huntlow and gustholomule AND another lumity kiss. no pressure tho
9:07 oh god her look is so dark she's. wow
9:07 she doesn't have to be naive to the people who want to hurt her anymore. a win.
9:09 I LOAF YOU :)))))))))
9:09 so the next eleven minutes are domestic bliss????? yeah??????
9:10 steve moment!!
9:11 bump cut your hair ..🙁
9:11 cute boscha moment sobs
9:11 darius protects the isles from absolute bitches and whores (real)
9:12 the guards!!
9:13 see you in the stars bug😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:13 sorry i'm ruining my own like
9:13 SHE CANT USE HER GLYPHS ??????????????????????
9:14 oh my god what's happening
9:15 oh my god THEY LIVE IN THE HOUSE
9:15 willow short hair<3
9:16 flapjack.
9:16 lilith looks so good and matt's stache hasn't grown at all
9:16 AMITY ????????????? LOSES MY MIND
9:17 bump gardener era
9:17 coven removal so real
9:17 ok what was THAT little moment with aladarius
9:18 raeda is def married right like for sure i need to make sure i didn't miss a ring or anything
9:19 oh my god does she have a tattoo
9:21 by.3😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:21 do you think she's gonna play one more song. she's. she's gonna come back— NO SHES GONNA COME BACK😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 /ref
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lampmanliveblogs · 9 months
Happy New Year!
As I’m posting this, the new year has not yet begun in some parts of the world. But it has in mine! So to you unfortunate people still stuck in 2023, I just wanna say ”Hi! Cant wait for you to catch up to the rest of us in the future!”
2023. Twenty-twenty-three. Two-thousand and twenty-three. This year, I gotta say, for me personally has been kinda meh. It wasn’t all that bad I suppose, but it sure could have been a lot better. I’ve had good times, but the greats were not that great, and I’ve had bad times, but the lows were not that low. Towards the end there, I did lose basically all my motivation to do anything but play Stardew Valley.
So yeah, my creativity and spark to create has suffered a lot this year, which has left me with a lot of unfinished projects gathering dust. So for 2024, my New Year’s resolution will be to complete a lot of unfinished business.
First and foremost we have my liveblog of The Owl House and that Vee fanfic I’ve been working on. Then I’m going to finish Winter Heist and then… I have been giving some thought to an old project that’s been left unfinished for years now… a fanfic that I wrote more than 184 000 words for, and yet, despite all that work, it remains incomplete. But… maybe the time has come for me to take another crack at JoJo and the Crystal Gems…
We’ll see, we’ll see. Really, I should not be telling you all this, since research indicates that if you tell people about your goals, you are actually less likely to succeed. Then again, you can’t spell ”success” without ”succ,” and… I’m not sure where I was going with that one, but, uh…
Happy New Year! That’s the important part. Let’s all do our best this year. I’m looking forward to getting back into liveblogging again. Until then, I’ll leave some of what I’ve written for chapter two of that Vee fic under the Keep Reading.
Our lives became a fairy tale Without rules or laws But is there anyone who knows? If the journey has an end?
(Note: The thing with the cards will make a lot more sense when I publish the full chapters.)
(Note: I still haven't settled on an actual title for the fic)
Lamp Entertainment presents…
The night was growing old, but Masha laid wide awake, looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars glued to the bunk above. They were tired, dead tired, but thoughts buzzed around their head like ten million fireflies, keeping them awake.
Not only were shapeshifters, basilisks, witches, magic, demons, and other worlds real, but shapeshifting basilisks demons from another world filled with magic and witches were real. Masha had spent most of summer sharing a bunk bed with one, just as they were doing now. It was a lot to take in.
Oh, and as it turns out, the story of the Wittebane brothers meeting a witch? It was true. The brothers had met a real witch, a witch that they had followed back to the Demon Realm, the world of demons and witches. Not only that, but old Philip Wittebane was still alive and kicking, turned into a monster and spending the last four centuries working on a plan to exterminate all witches.
That evil, wicked man was the reason Vee was alive. Vee had been… brief in talking about her origins. Masha knew better than to pry too much, and thank Goddess Marco and Samuel did too. Just telling them about her true identity had obviously been very difficult for her, and if there were things she wasn’t ready to tell them yet, then they wouldn’t pressure her.
Even so, what she did tell them did not paint a pretty picture.
”My name, it’s Vee as in V, as in ’five,’” she had explained, holding up two fingers forming a V. Her voice trembled and her gaze lowered, looking at something far, far away from the comfort and safety of her new home. She took a deep, unsteady breath before speaking again. ”I… I am number five. Lab animal number five.”
And all of the sudden it made so much sense why ”Luz” had spent the first few weeks of camp jumping at every sudden sound and always looking over her shoulder. Why she would always sneak out of bed when she thought everyone was sleeping to make sure the door wasn’t locked.
It made Masha’s blood boil. Philip Wittebane better never show his face in Gravesfield again, or so help them…
Something else troubled on Masha’s mind. They reached down on the floor, grabbing the vaguely clothes-shaped pile of fabric that was their discarded costume. The deck of cards was still in the pocket where they left them, still in the same order. The first three cards were still The Two-Headed Snake, The Light, and The Red String.
They shuffled the deck thoroughly and drew the first three cards again.
The Light. The Red String. The Two-Headed Snake.
What was the chances of drawing the exact same three cards? One in a million?
Maybe there was still some magic in them…
Eventually, Masha drifted off to a sleep filled with dreams they couldn’t remember in the morning.
Chapter 2: For the Future (that we can’t see)
Vee woke up early, before the others. Well, it wasn’t that early, it was just past eight in the morning. But considering the late night, it felt early even as the sun shone through the window.
She spent some time just coiled up in bed, enjoying the comfortable warmth under her two blankets. She thought if going back to sleep, but eventually convinced herself that it was time to rise and shine.
The others were still asleep, so Vee climbed down from her bunk as quietly as she could. Easier said than done you had a thick tail instead of two nimble legs. Somehow, she made it down without waking anyone up, though that might have had more to do with the fact that her old cabin mates were exhausted after yesterday.
She noticed a deck of Hexas Hold’em cards lying on the floor. She recalled Masha playing with a deck on the day Luz contacted her from the Demon Realm. Vee couldn’t smell any magic left in them, which meant it was probably the same deck. They must’ve fallen out of Masha’s pocket. She gathered them and put them in a neat stack next to their costume.
She slithered silently out the room, past Samuel and Marco in the guest beds that used to belong to Willow and Amity. The whole thing reminded her of summer camp. She’d often wake up before her cabin mates then too, often sneaking out to enjoy the early morning sun. Masha had called camp prison, but as far as Vee was concerned, her first true sense of freedom had come from that place.
Making it down the stairs was one of those things that was a lot more uncomfortable with a tail than it was with a pair of legs, but Vee decided to stay in her true form for a bit longer. For the longest time, even before she made the decision to tell them, there had been an insistent voice in her head telling her that her friends would find her true form repulsive. It was nice to learn that wasn’t the case.
Oh stars, she could barely believe it. She had told them! She really had told them! Even though the thought had terrified her, she had still gone through with it. And it worked out, they didn’t hate her, they didn’t resent her for deceiving them.
There were some things she hadn’t told them. Things she had only ever told Camila, late one night after she woke up screaming from a nightmare. She wanted the truth to be a happy thing, not marred too much by what had been.
Vee was determined to move beyond her past pain. At times, the darkness made itself known at the back of her head, deep within her lizard brain. But she was getting better and better at pushing back. She had optimism for the future.
First things first though. She needed to call Camila’s work to let them know she was going to need a few days off. Vee, being naturally paranoid and a born liar, had already fleshed out a halfway decent story.
It took some convincing and a little bit of improv, but Vee was eventually (imitating Camila’s voice, of course) able to get Camila’s sudden leave accepted.
Once that was done with, Vee began cleaning up the mess in the living room while contemplating what to do with Luz. Should she take on her appearance and go to school as her again? Or should she call the school and inform Luz wouldn’t be coming for a few days? Both alternatives had its ups and downs. On one hand, Vee actually did like school and learning about the Human Realm. And Luz’ grades really did not need to get any worse. On the other hand, keeping up the deception would add another element of complication. Vee was good, but was she that good?
She mulled over it while cleaning up until she heard movement coming from upstairs. She turned to her friends groggily making their way down the stairs.
”Good morning!” she said cheerfully.
”Wow…” Samuel whispered. ”I was halfway convinced I was dreamt up everything,” he said a little louder.
”Not me, cause I’m not that creative,” Marco said.
”I gotta say, I think it would make for a pretty good story,” Samuel continued. ”A demon fleeing from an evil emperor ends up in the world of the humans, accidentally taking the place of a young girl headed for summer camp… yeah, that’s a good story. Maybe I should write a book about it.”
”Don’t you have like fifty-eleven different fanfics you’re already writing?” Masha teased him. Samuel blushed.
”I do finish some of my fanfics,” he said defensively. ”Unlike my thirteenth favorite fanfic writer, The Lampman. That guy couldn’t finish a fanfic if his life depended on it. ”
”I don’t know who that is, but he sounds like a talentless hack,” Marco said.
”I’m sure he’s not that bad,” Vee said. ”Anyway, here I am, very much real. By which I mean ’real-ly hungry.’ Anyone else want breakfast? I’m starving!”
The others agreed that breakfast would be nice. Vee lead them into the kitchen and began fixing some food. One thing the other Cabin 7 members had noticed about ”Luz” was that the way she’d scarf down her food at every meal like she had never eaten before. Which, based on what they now knew of Vee’s past, sadly made a lot of sense. Though that was not the only thing they had noticed about Luz ’ eating habits.
”You used to choke on your food a lot,” Masha observed. They were absentmindedly playing with the deck of Hexas Hold’em cards. ”Was that because you usually swallow your food whole?”
”Yeah, pretty much,” Vee confirmed while frying up some eggs. ”I do have teeth to chew with if I have to, but I usually don’t. Human throats are a lot less flexible than basilisks and I wasn’t used to it.” To demonstrate what she meant, she took an apple lying on the counter and swallowed it whole, making her throat bulge outward.
”Not gonna lie,” Marco said. ”That was a kinda gross.”
”You should see how I eat eggs then,” Vee chuckled. ”The difficult part is spitting the shell out in one piece.”
”Th-thanks, but I think we’ll skip that one,” Samuel quickly interjected. He looked contemplative for a moment. ”Do you have… is it poison or venom? I can never remember the difference.”
”If I bite you and you die, I’m venomous,” Vee explained. ”But if you bite me and you die, then I’m poisonous. And no, I don’t have venom. Don’t know if I’m poisonous though. I might be.”
”What if I bite myself and I die?” Marco asked. ”What does that make me then?”
”Stupid,” Masha said, prompting a good group laugh.
”No new information there,” Marco said between giggles.
The eggs done, the gang sat down at the table. Sitting on chairs designed for human creatures with things like ”legs” and ”butts” was yet another thing that was a bit awkward for Vee. She’d usually just stand at the table, but she decided to sit down this time. Before she sat down, she grabbed a special jar from one of the cabinets.
It had a homemade label, saying in neat handwriting that it was ”For Vee only.” A second pencil had added a small face making a sick face, to which the first pencil responded that ”I told you so.”
Her friends watched with interest as she took three slices of bread and spread thick layers of jar’s contents on them. It looked like some chocolate spread, but with strange lumps in it.
”What is that?” Masha asked finally. ”Is it some kind of special basilisk food?”
”Uh… kinda?” Vee hesitated. ”It’s nutella, with protein powder and, um… wood chips and sand.”
This was met with wide stares.
”Wood chips… and sand?” Samuel asked, as if to make sure he ha heard it right.
”It’s good for my digestion,” Vee said with a little shrug. ”It was either that, or I keep chewing on twigs I found on the ground. Camila thinks I need a lot of protein, so that’s what the protein powder’s for.”
”And the nutella…?” Masha asked. 
”Oh, that’s for taste,” Vee said. Deciding that was enough explanation, she took one the fried eggs and sandwiched it between two bread slices slathered in the cursed nutella. ”I think Demon Realm stomachs are just tougher than human stomachs,” Vee said between bites of her sandwich. ”Luz told me there was a bunch of foods she couldn’t eat in the Demon Realm, but the others didn’t seem to have any problems with anything from here. Well, except for garlic.”
”What, they couldn’t eat garlic?” Masha asked in-between bites of their own sandwich. ”Like vampires?”
”Precisely,” Vee said with a nod. 
”Wait, really?” Masha exclaimed, nearly choking on their food. ”Vampires are real? And they can’t stand garlic?”
”Yes,” Vee said, smiling at the funny face Masha was making.
”Oh, so that’s why you had cloves of garlic next to your bed,” Marco said and nodded a little. ”It’s to keep the vampires away.”
”Kinda. There aren’t any vampires in Gravesfield (I hope), but it makes me feel safer to sleep with it,” Vee explained. ”Hunter said that basilisks and vampires used to be natural enemies, since we both feed on witches. Garlic is deadly to vampires, and since a lot of witches have vampire ancestory, a lot of them have inherited a garlic allergy.” Vee smiled at a memory. ”Willow’s and Gus’ weren’t that bad, but Amity’s was really bad. Luz was devastated, because one piece of garlic bread meant no more kisses for the day.”
That image garnered a few laughs.
”I can’t wait for you guys to meet Luz, the real Luz,” Vee said. ”She’s the coolest! Seh fights Belos and doesn’t afraid of anything.”
”Well, I think you’re pretty cool,” Masha said. They reached out to hold Vee’s hand, soft skin skin meeting rough scales. ”My whole life I’ve been looking for signs for the supernatural, for ghosts or demons or what have you…  I never dared to believe that I would ever find anything, much less that I would ever become friends with a living, breathing demon!”
Samuel put a hand on Vee’s shoulder.
”And I’m really happy you felt comfortable enough to tell us your secret,” he said. ”I know it couldn’t have been easy. I’m honored you felt you could trust us that much, and I promise you won’t regret it.”
Marco put his hand on Vee’s other shoulder.
”I used to think Cabin 7 was the coolest cabin in Connecticut,” he said. ”Now I know we’re the coolest in the whole world. I mean, who else can say they have a freakin’ shapeshifter as a friend?
”Aw, you guys…” Ve was struggled to hold back tears. She lost that battle, and big warm tears started rolling don her cheeks. ”I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” she sobbed. ”I wanted to, but I never dared.”
Masha, Samuel, and Marco acted in unison, standing up to embrace Vee in a big group hug.
”Hey, it’s okay,” Masha said. ”We get it. It took me forever to come out to my parents, much longer than it took for you to come out to us. It’s okay, we promise.”
”Th-thanks,” Vee said. She managed to wriggle one arm free to wipe the tears off her face. ”You guys really are the best.”
They stood huddled together for a minute, until Vee felt her love of hugs starting to give way to her fear of being restrained.
”I’m fine, I promise,” she said, trying to wriggle free of the group hug. ”I’m just so happy is all.”
Eventually, the Cabin 7 crew relented with their physical affection and let her go. They had breakfast to finish after all.
The three humans watched with equal amounts fascination and disgust as Vee ate an entire banana, without peeling it. ”The shell doesn’t taste that good, but hey, it’s the inside that counts, right?” she said. And really, who could argue with logic like that?
Her friends had a few more questions about her biology yet.
”Do you shed your skin like a snake?” Samuel asked while helping to gather the dishes.
”Uh-huh,” Vee hummed, putting the dishes in the sink. She decided to be lazy and do them later. ”I actually shed not too long ago. The old skin’s in a box in the basement, if you wanna see it.”
”…that’s a hard pass for me bro,” Marco said. ”Why would you even keep it?”
”What were we supposed to do, throw it out in the garbage?” Vee asked rhetorically. ”You saw how Jacob acted yesterday. After Camila locked him in his own cage, he hasn’t dared to go after us directly. But I don’t think he’s above digging through the trash to find proof there’s a demon living here. As is, everyone thinks he’s a raving lunatic conspiracy nut. Which, to be fair, he is, he just happened to stumble onto the truth this one time.”
The three friends nodded, for the first time realizing just what it would mean if Jacob actually did get proof of demon presence in Gravesfield. The town had a history of witch hunting already, who’s to say the people of today wouldn’t continue the tradition should they learn of Vee’s presence? Not to mention what the government might do to get their hands on an interdimensional traveler.
”It must’ve been incredibly hard for you,” Masha said. ”To have to pretend to be someone else, in a world you know nothing about.”
”It wasn’t always easy,” Vee admitted. ”But… well, it’s kinda what we basilisks do. Disguise, observe, lie, infiltrate, feed, survive… a lot of it was pure instinct. I’m a natural liar.”
Samuel shook his head. 
”’Liar’ is a bad word,” he said. ”Very strong, very stigmatized. Say you’re a born actor and a natural talent at improv.”
This made Vee laugh.
”If you say so,” she giggled. She cleared her throat and the next time she spoke, her voice was an exact imitation of Samuel’s. ”A lot of it was instinct. I’m a born actor and a natural talent at improv.”
”You’re so gonna have to help me write my résumé,” Masha said to Samuel, prompting a brief chuckle.
”I’ve been thinking of doing NaNoWriMo this year, so I’ve been practicing how to make sentences longer,” he explained. He then had to spend the next fifteen minutes explaining what that was and deflecting questions his friends had about the novel he was totally going to write.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
every wednesday I remember about LBAF new chapter at 7pm when I am either neck deep in shit or about to take a nap and just stare into space for a while knowing I wont be able to liveblog
okay but brain tired I dont remember anything from the prev chapter. Except Nico. That was something else
why is he stressed...what did I miss?
omg chairman is DRESSED UP
So, here he was, wearing a white kurta with sequins and shit.
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yeah secrets are not secrets in this household
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Murder, arson, violence :)
Also, would I kill Marcus on site? Yes. Am I attracted to crazy smart assholes who would burn the world down and just intelligence in general? ...yes. I CAN EXPLAIN MYSELF-
Not excusing the shit he did though of course not.
He wondered if he should sit down and talk to bapak about it. Maybe he should check if bapak wasn’t having an immortality crisis while Max was growing up and Rafe was getting married.
also Lucifer and shadow demons are definitely coming up in this fic. And Nico saw some future glimpse about the LBs which is why he told magnus to take care of them or sum shit. Oh and the Logan (?) guy with mal is the warlock. Also poison theory confirmed! -Leftover thoughts from Tuesday
just kill her now and end it. sigh
Max ignored that. “First…I think she has feelings for me.”
Really Max? You think?
And then he thought, if anyone other than David kisses me ever again, I will set myself on fire.
Oh damn. OH DAMN
I dont like this...
“I…I can’t live without him,” Max whispered.
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this is sad. I shall now cry
is this foreshadowing? to there being a way for this?'
“If a solution doesn’t exist,” Max said. “Then I will create one myself.”
Abigail is literally the best character in here
New beginnings are so beautiful
Okay but I know we're all worried for the entire mavid drama rn but I am particularly worried about lexi and liv.
they cant communicate. That's it. It was an issue when they first got "together" and then when they finally actually got together and it has clearly not changed one bit. Right now it's about moving in together, what will it be next? I remember thinking it was a little funny in part 1 and 2 but it's just concerning now. How will they work in the long term like this? Relationships cannot be built on miscommunications.
Need to see jace and gabriel bonding please and thank you. Jace's fears are totally valid though but I feel like he needs to actually get to know Gabriel.
He knew Magnus was struggling with his immortality lately.
oh :(
I love diego and alec so much
He saw two girls running across Angel Square, holding hands and trading soft kisses. Unafraid. Unbothered.
Alec did this <3
“It’s called sexual tension, dad, jeez,” Max had scoffed when Alec had voiced his surprise.
the blackouts...fuck
oh we had one yesterday! not a magical one but it was in the middle of my nap...
They had an alliance. They protected each other. They helped each other.T hey trusted each other.
I am so proud of him too <3
Would literally die for him
Why was everyone taking so long to get ready? How long did it take to put something on? Five minutes???
Whenever I have to get ready for something, I kick everyone (my brother) from my room and lock the door for a good hour or 2. We just hosted a dinner last week...HOW THE FUCK DOES IT TAKE YOU 5 MINUTES-
“I know she is safe with you. I know however much I love her; Rafael loves her twice as much. Maybe thrice. I have no doubt that he will be a good husband. But Anjali is not just gaining a husband. She is gaining a whole new family.” “And I will protect her as I protect the rest of them,” Alec promised. “That’s all I needed to know,” Diego let out a deep exhale.
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Just...no words
no warlocks here...fuck
magnus? you good?
but like...damn he can do math...damn...
me @ me:
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10?? 15?? DUDE??
oh my god his OUTFIT I WILL DIE
oh my god they're wearing a lehnga...fuckkkkkkkk
uhhkdhdshjds women
i will actually pass out they are all so hot
Selena chuckled, realizing that this meant David had probably tried to take selfies with Chopin before.
proof or it didn't happen
Gabriel...OH MY GOD
sigh...jace be nice
oh yeah logan YOUNG. and they are TWINS
She thought of all the young warlocks in the blacked out cities. They must be terrified of not being able to access their magic. She hoped they felt safe enough to reach out to their institutes.
the signal's been down for that long...?
also do not climb the twoers
“Anjali said the ceremony lasts past midnight,” Rafael informed. “So, you’re gonna stay put and play nice.”
Yeah! Welcome to a desi wedding, my loves <3
Today was about him. Him and his amor. Fuck everyone else.
his magic...the device
oh :( nooo that's so sad
they should be able to choose their own suggens properly
they're all so BEAUTIFUL
What’s with all the gorgeous women today?
omg she's beautiful...
“Did you know that the colour of the mehndi has a deeper meaning?” Anjali’s mother asked him. “The darker it is, the happier your marriage will be.” “No pressure,” Rafael chuckled as he looked at Anjali. “Your hands better be red when you wash the mehndi off.”
THEM <333
She knew how to take his dreams and make them come true.
This!! oh my god this!!
I have a feeling something will go wrong
nope nuh uh I am done goodbye
marcus. fucking marcus.
I...oh my fucking god...
ps - all of yall lusting after the white kurta has me cackling lol.
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water-mellie-seeds · 2 years
I. I almost always make an embarrassingly emotionally charged post when i beat a game sooooo here it is! A completely spoiler free post so onlookers who dont know anything about the game can read if they'd like!
I genuinely thought i would never in my life get to play Persona 5(Royal) and now here i am ,at 4am watching the true credits roll. I saw the whole thing through. Wow. What a feeling. Like,a sick and overwhelming feeling but not unwelcome. I really seriously...beat the game. Thank you everyone who saw it through with me! I had so much fun! And so much pain and so much love in my heart the whole time. It was an experience I never thought id get without just watching someone else. Its foggy due to the hardships of thst part of my life BUT a few years back I watched a dear friend play a portion of it,but we both accepted it was too long a game to continue that way so I gave up my interest in it,bought q2 and played (some of...its hard) that instead because i couldn't fully invest. But here i am now! It's honestly pretty crazy to think about. Thank you bee (@brainless-but-thats-all ,u know him) Of course in specifics,id never have the platform to play it if not for him giving me my nintendo switch lite<3
Hm...what else. Sorry you had to see me be gay...and i apologize that almost all my screenshots and videos OF this liveblog were of incredibly poor quality. That's how it is sometimes</3
Strikers next? The problem is theres no safety mode... p4g? Revisiting Q2 but i beat it this time? Who knows! I'll be on the frontlines of persona 6 hype when it comes out! Unless you cant be gay again in which case i will renounce it/j
I'm excited to see how my Which boy would you have joker date poll ends,its very intense stuff right now<3 for those of you who followed me over that? Hi! Especially hi to the mishima enjoyers(intellectuals) who i was able to converse with.
A special thanks to Pea,my favorite Very stealthy lil anon who was the most hyped for my liveblogs! This one goes out to him,Haru says hiiii♡/teasing
And to everyone else who commented throughout!
A special shoutout to @astro-inthestars who saw a bunch of this and comforted me in my time of need/ij
Well,i cant think of much else to add really,but thank you all again for sticking with me! I had so much fun! Im going to keep chipping away at the thieves den of course! I hope to get as many awards as possible! And I'll definitely be doing NG+ soon!
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olivieraa · 8 months
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this scene is so funny to me.
like, I've seen my fair share of anime. If there's anyone that's aware of the sexualisation of female characters in media, esp anime, its me. my liveblogging consisted of two main things. loving on VA's and hating on what happens to female characters in... almost every damn show I've ever watched. it was constant.
it got to the point where I got nit-picky. there were shows where it was excessive, where it was a part of the show. and there were shows where it had maybe one or two scenes. and I still called those shows out, bc I was always baffled as to why there had to be even one scene where a woman's body was the centre of attention.
I could go into heavy detail on that but I'm tired.
so this anime. this anime is the second type. its not a fanservice anime. its an adventure anime. but to be who I am today watching anime vs who I was years ago, I see this in another light.
so like, we know that there's a lot of things girls and women cant do without it being sexualised. we know that femininity is so engrained in how we're raised and the standards all around that we're either "happy" to portray them and fit the mould of what we think a woman should look, act and dress like, or we're pissed off about it.
about not being able to eat a banana in public, about wanting to play outside in the dirt but you're not allowed ruin your dress, or if that's not mentioned, its the monitoring of opening your legs while wearing a dress in front of boys, its the desire to cut off all your hair so its not in your way when you're playing or eating but your mother says your hair is too pretty to cut off, etc etc.
yes I thought the close up of this girls ass was unnecessary. its the second time in 6 eps (which shockingly, is not a lot, but still too much), and they advance the plot in no way. I've talked about that enough.
but what I see this time around is-- I'm imagining a real life girl. she hasn't talked much this whole time. idk what her deal is. but two characters have brought up that she's a tomboy. she got naked in one scene not caring who saw (legit doesn't care if a dude sees her naked), and then there's this scene. and also she mentions that she's herself (a human, basically) before she's a girl.
so basically the universal rule here is "a girl shouldn't climb a ladder first because then her ass is visible (no matter the clothing type) and the guy can't NOT look like its right there why wouldn't he, so therefore it should be the guy that climbs first bc its not like the reverse would happen"
and this guys quote is basically him saying that she needs to be more conscious about what her body can do to a man. what her existence can do to a man. that she has to monitor herself bc if something happens to her, its her fault. that a womans life consists of making DUMB FUCKING DECISIONS like NOT CLIMBING A LADDER FIRST and over-thinking and over-analysing everything bc she dares to have a female body.
and then... we all know... what happens... when girls and women get absolutely fed up of these rules
they opt out.
they opt out of it.
and we're supposed to accept that as normal. somehow. that bc you decided you dont want to follow these "rules", you decide to... go a different path, rather than just, idk, not follow the rules.
that's literally an option.
to stay as you are. a woman. a female.
and not follow the damn rules.
nobody is forcing you to.
you're not breaking any grounds when you decide to go the other way. you're really not.
0 notes
dullahandyke · 8 months
Ok hiii trial four part 2 yippeee... I am typing this one on my phone but I'm not posting it until I transcribe the first one so fuck knows when you're getting this ETA: getting it now lol. batch 2 of the case 2 liveblog bbyyyyyy
My God gregson can we go two sentences without saying something racist
Love susato continuing to envision ryuu as some sort of small purse dog who cant be let onto the road without being run over
Natsume said the only reason he got pinned was bcos of sholmes but now gregson is claiming there were 2 additional witnesses... hm
Istg if the reason bvz is taking an interest in this case is bcos natsume is Japanese I'll kill him dead
Gregson complaining the police r humiliated by sholmes... lol
Halp the way sholmes's address is public information... very sholmes move actually. Hope iris has a hell of a defense system
Halp they just let themselves in???? Is the door not even locked 😭
IRIIIIIIS ITS IRIS AGAIN!!!!! hiii iris :3
Hurley... such a cute nickname <3 tho the gaa parallels continue
Whenver sholmes gets mad he destroys a bust of napoleon and buys a new one 😭 we NEED to get him some stim toys
Ryuu wanting a typewriter bcos his handwriting is so bad hes jusr like me fr...
Susato playing the koto bcos her blorbo plays violin... I love her so much
Sholmes adhd the realest
Ginny... so cute
Iris's pout animation is also rlly cute
Also love how Iris is like sholmes is Not my dad I'm just his 10yo roommate
OMG IRIS LOGIC AND REASONING SPECTACULAR!!!!! love the data background
'Hurley is always stabbing his notes with a knife, hes so silly' love the dynamic those two have going on
Iris has such nice handwriting... yea girl threaten the police
Sholmes has fucking conditioned me, whenever I go back to the crime scene I make sure to pan around to see if hes hanging from a rooftop or some shit
Btw I've not said but I rlly like the layout of the move options thwyre really nice... no more going back 2 the detention centre whenever u wanna go somewjere
Also omg a cannon in a room this is just like Mary Poppins....
Conspicuous wedding ring on garrideb's finger... maid is called Joan... knowledge of a certain Joan garrideb.... hm
Why did sholmes just fuckig. Appear. What is he reading
Didnt realise I could pan in the garridebs room so I went to do it and there sholmes fucking is... teleportation
Can we stop making jokes abt Joan's weight >:( I'll kill
Also love how ryuu gets scared when sholmes turns out the spotlight... stop using the stage lights its scaring the hoes
I dont like hanging out w the garridebs it's not fun.... domestic abuse, fat jokes, etc... can we leave
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#and i'm wondering where the man who would often remind us that he had to wait three (3) years to find out if han solo was alive or not
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm sorry but I cant read 'Wilhand'ildan' without saying it exactly like "pregananant" from that 'am I pregent' video
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The cast just breaking character and planning a sleepover. This is why I fell in love with critical role
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I follow a "today in star wars history" page and today I found this
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And listen, there are definitely worse picture of him but I highly doubt that's his headshot
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So, last campaign we had Sprinkle, a rodent that was a pet that the group pretended was dead because it was hilarious. This campaign we have Pate, a rodent that everyone pretends is alive because its hilarious.
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genreawareness · 2 years
“the three of us have a very important job.” “>:) to find out which us presidents were secretly gay” “No.” “ok fine, bi”
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munamania · 3 years
okay im caving. im watching druck now <3 thx druck mutuals for making me do this xoxo
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