#and i cannot forgive the script and direction for this
sprwingishere · 1 year
the more i read the hunger games, the more i realize the movies did not do everlark any justice.
book one literally portrays more of their interactions in the cave than what the movies showed combined!
but well, i guess we cannot get everything we wish for. i do gotta be grateful for jen and josh’s acting, though.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Chelo Alonso (Sign of Rome Morgan the Pirate La ragazza sotto il lenzuolo)— She was an international star, and she was so hot she had to turn down marrying a prince, and became so famous for being hot that Fidel Castro sent Che Guevara to beg her to go back to Cuba. She was also called the Cuban H-Bomb. She makes me light-headed.
Agnes Moorehead (Dark Passage, Mrs. Parkington)—i'm just submitting all the milfs at this point
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Chelo Alonso:
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"forgive me sending in more pictures of her but i CANNOT be normal about here asdhgkljhahgjkhgkajshgajghshgjl"
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Agnes Moorehead:
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“Daughter of a minister, she’s incredibly religious. Would arrive on the bewitched set with “the bible in one hand and the script in the other.” And once during an earthquake, she refused to run to safety and said, “God will protect me.” - Her father prohibited her from attending an acting school until she had a formal education so she got a degree in biology. She taught at english, speech and history a high school while also getting degrees in English and Public Speaking. Entered AADA at 25. - Her film debut was in Citizen Kane when she was about 40 - She had a lovely singing voice. - Despite her religiosity, her privateness and close relationships with female friends fueled rumors even during her lifetime that she liked women. In her rather emotional interview with Boze Hadleigh, she expressed her desire to not have her private life be reduced to a few paragraphs of sensationalism. It is not really possible to know with certainty. - She had a farm with cows and donkeys. Lastly, I am aware that Agnes was not considered a leading lady and I’d like to campaign for her inclusion as we have reason to believe that this might have been due to the prejudices of ageism, her unusual (but stunning) features and a number of other factors: 'To classify her roles so as to discover her closeted lesbianism, although productive in the exploratory sense, runs the risk of imposing another set of stereotypes upon Moorehead. Linking character actresses and lesbians confirms marginalization, and while Moorehead played marginal characters in most of her plays and films, she could have played the leads had she so been cast, and she did play supporting roles brilliantly. That New York and Hollywood directors cast her as the outsider may be as much a statement about ageism and sexism as about sexual identity. It is probable, however, that her sexual identity figured and figured prominently, and if as an overlay to the other issues, we are left to interrogate the entertainment industry that forced her into exaggeration because she could not express whom she really was. Endora and Moorehead, one and the same, finally achieved supporting star status, with all the ambiguous meanings implied by the ''Bewitched'' narrative; however, Moorehead might have achieved diva status within legitimate classical theatre had she sought unambiguous sexual leads. Because she did not, or could not, we can conclude, using the soft evidence of innuendo and intuition, that her sexual identity clearly affected the direction of her career.' From a paper called ‘The Witching of Agnes Moorehead’ by Lynne Greeley”
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beevean · 9 months
Nuke Sage. She brings nothing to the table lol
So far, she really hasn't.
I know that many people love her. Some love her arc, how she develops emotions and the need for a familial bond. Others love how efficient she allegedly is, how utterly loyal to Eggman she is even after she grows a heart. I know this, but there is nothing about her that appeals to me. She's bland, quirkless (she supposedly told Eggman one joke, offscreen), repetitive in her dialogue, the discount copy of Rei Ayanami and more blatant about it than the Death Egg, and her sacrifice for the sake of her "father" was literally nullified twice over.
Oh, you enjoy her because she develops emotions? Gamma is literally right there. And his sacrifice stuck. And I got to play as him and experience his change of heart. Frontiers' story is just a half-baked SA1, and that game already needed more time in the oven. no you cannot @ me.
And we talked multiple times how she's actually not as impressive as the game makes her out to be, and by all means, Eggman should have lost his patience the moment she kept insisting that he needed to team up with Sonic, like he did when Infinite disappointed him one too many times. mfw in the Japanese script, Eggman ends up saving himself from Cyberspace because Sage is that incompetent lmao
And the writing itself flipsflops between "Eggman is only proud of her because she's so impressive that it shows how great he is" (mostly in the missable memos) and "Eggman genuinely cares about his daughter and cries when she has to die and call her his daughter and adorable and holds her hand in the DLC and genuinely ponders whether she likes being called 'she'." It's... forgive me for the joke... wildly inconsistent :P
^ the thing is not that he assigned a gender to a creation of his, because he calls most of his robots "he", it's nothing new. The thing is that he actually stops in his tracks and questions if Sage would prefer "she" over "it". It's that he cares about her opinion, when by all means he shouldn't give a single shit about an AI's preference.
Then you add how fans, already juiced up over years of discourse on Mr. Tinker, took this undecisive writing and decided that this is proof that Eggman was Not So Bad After All, that he has a good heart deep down, that this sudden love for his "daughter" is what finally makes him human and tridimensional! They Fixed The Bad Character! Now yes I shouldn't base my opinions on the fandom, but as I said, if Flynn's intentions were to paint Eggman as a self-centered creator, he did a very poor job, because there is a reason the voice director ordered Pollock to sound like he was in tears when he said lines like "I understand. Go, fulfill your function".
And the kicker? Sage hasn't made a meaningful appearance yet. She cameo'd in MOSTH, looking sad and red/black instead of blue/white, and she's nowhere to be seen in Eggman's dreams in Dream Team, which lowkey implies that he actually doesn't love her as much as it seemed like in Frontiers.
but in the Takeover that everyone will take as gospel, Eggman says that she is the reason he keeps existing. Who wrote that. How can you put those words in that order in Eggman's mouth. And fans not only gush about how cute this is, but roll their eyes that Sonic is bored at this wildly OOC display of affection.
Sure, as a character she barely existed for one year, there's plenty of time for her to come back and finalize Eggman's direction. But yeah... so far she hasn't done anything to ingratiate me.
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serialkilluh1996 · 2 months
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☆The star's rabbit☆
Writer-Billy Loomis x actress- @yourgraveisnothere
Warnings➛: Nothing in particular. It's pretty appropriate besides a few mentions of death and murder/Written in third person
Author's note: this is specifically written for the tagged blogger above, but feel free to read it anyway. This is only a bit of a drabble as I'm having a slight break down. That being said, this may go somewhere further with a part two depending on what my mental state does.
"This script is fucking ridiculous." Ray slams the stack of paper on the coffee table, folding her arms and leaning back into the rolling office chair, sassily letting it spin the other way.
"Ray, darlin', you CANNOT keep throwin' hissy fits every time ya see somethin' in the writing you don't like," her manager, Keith, explains, scratching his goatee as he speaks in a flamboyant Australian accent.
"Well, I can't necessarily focus if he keeps rewriting it." She rolls her eyes. "Listen, honey, you are an ACT-O-RESS. You don't write. You act. Miller makes the characters, you just play them." "Keith, they don't care about Miller or his stupid movies. His last good film was 'WEREWOLF', and he didn't even put in the effort to give it a meaningful name. The only reason people even watch the shit he makes is to see ME." She spins back around, her brown-eyed gaze locking onto Keith.
"Let's just be honest. The people don't want Miller. They want me. My face is on all of the movie cases. I'm the one that brings in all the cash in this establishment, and I expect to be treated as such." She pouts, prompting Keith to release an exaggerated sigh of annoyance.
Every day, he asked himself how much more of her bullshit he could take, and everyday, he took more.
"What. What do you want." He throws his hand up, the question coming out flat like old soda. "I want Miller to use at least a penny of his brain and think of something a little more creative. My brain cannot handle another thousand rewrites before he settles on the same stupid damsel story. Why do I always have to play some needlessly ignorant stuck up bitch who spends half the movie screaming?"
"Ray, you know the gimmick. They're not going to give someone with a face like yours a meaningful story or personality." "That's because people keep letting all these old and disgusting perverts become successful writers." Ray takes another spin in her chair, giving Keith attitude he was already too irritated to deal with.
"On the contrary, Ray. I'm a very desirable and young pervert." Both Ray and Keith turn towards the direction of the shady voice, eyes landing on the beholder standing in the doorway of the lounge. He was definitely desirable. There was something mysterious about him.
He looked about 6'0" with dark eagle eyes complimented by his sharp brows. He had thin, perfectly shaped lips, almost like a doll, hiding a set of killer teeth that could ruin self esteem with even the laziest smile.
He looks like the type of guy your parents tell you to avoid, but you don't because you're simply too drawn in by his crow-like beauty to do so.
"Ah, Forgive me for my vulgar behavior. I'm William Loomis, Co-director and writer. But, please, call me Billy." He circles in on them, hands behind his back as he stares Ray down with his manic, sleepy eyes like a vulture. They look big, almost excited, if not for the dark edges underneath that gave him an eerie glare.
Without breaking eye contact, he smirks, letting that smirk turn into a devilish grin as his eyebrows raised. He leans in on her.
"You must be Ray. I've seen your movies before. Astonishing, really." He reaches out to shake her hand, in which she squints and complies, giving him her freshly manicured hand as a sign of low hostility, even though her heart was beating out of her chest.
"And your hands. They're remarkable." He compliments, to which she snatches her hand away.
"So, you're also responsible for this stupid fifth rewrite of 'STAB'? How the hell are we gonna get this damn movie out there if a group of idiots can't even finish writing it?" She yammers, now visibly maddened by the mere sight of his handsome face. Now Ray was finally face to face with one of her tormentors.
"Fifth rewrite? What? You still think we're doing that mess of a movie?" He yanks the 'STAB' script of the table, carefully ripping it to shreds in front of them, Keith looking absolutely leveled by this new turn of events.
"The fuck are you doing?" Keith asks with audible frustration. " 'STAB' is out of the picture. It was a trash movie and now it's finally going where it belongs?" Billy throws it in the garbage bin.
"After a bit of persuasion, Miller has decided to let me take matters into my own hands. We're making a new movie," Billy leans in uncomfortably close to Ray, his eyes bouncing between her and Keith. "A better movie." He chuckles, pulling back.
Ray and Keith shoot each other a look, both undeniably confused by everything.
"You're sick and tired of being the same basic ass damsel in distress. Sick of being the frightened little girl they make you pretend you are. Don't you want change, Ray? Don't you want... a twist?" He gestures with his hands, knuckles clenching with excitement, Ray raising an eyebrow at the question.
"What if, for once, you get to fight? You're a strong woman, arent you? Playing in all these movies can only make you crave a certain... violence. You start to imagine yourself in the eyes of your attacker." He walks behind her chair, tucking her black and blonde split hair behind her ear before grabbing a handful.
"You see, when you imagine this...you see yourself when you're in your attackers eyes...." he lets go of her hair, crouching down," You imagine what all these fake killers see when they chase you....." He pokes her nose. "A rabbit. A fast bunny with a cute face and quick feet.... You see the appeal. You want to feel what they feel. You want a bunny to chase, don't you? You're sick of being the prey." He pulls out a hunting knife, placing it in her hand before pressing her knuckles down to ensure she gripped it.
"You want to be a predator....don't you, Ray?" Billy asked, looking Ray dead in the eyes as he holds dearly onto her hands, making sure she can't reject the weapon that was quite obviously not one of the props. Her face heats, eyes struggling to focus on his.
Keith looks between them, standing up in a ready stance to break up anything that happens.
"That's enough." Keith says firmly. "No, no. It's fine, Keith. Tell me more about the rabbit. About my rabbit. " Ray is enamored by the look of chaos in his eyes. She knows simply by his anxious glare that shes in for some wild ideas. He gives a hearty chuckle, flashing her with his perfect set of ivory chompers.
"Let me tell you about a woman by the name of Sidney Prescott."
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Thanks for reading!
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
I AM SO SO NOT READY for raymew...more like im not ready to see Sand hurt but arggghhh lets goooo
ohno ray seems to have not been a great influence on mew
okay i LOVE how protective cheum seems over mew but hello where was all this love and concern for ray all this while like whats that about !??
my gawd First is so dang good in this scene with Khao not like im surprised but gawd the hurt is hurting and it is not one bit comfy but again nobody should expect messy gays the show to be a comfort watch lmao
OHMYGOD why is everybody so good at their jobs...we barely knew anything about plug and yo's relationship but was that scene IMPACFUL or what!!!
no matter how much mental torture this may offer, its great that we also have guaranteed quality performances like wow what a pleasure it is to watch them perform
i get that top seems to be very much in love with mew but him acting all holier than thou about smoking PLS bit rich coming from somebody who literally cheated on him like WOW yes mew TELL HIM
my gawd ray getting on my nerves he's so selfish wanting to have both mew and sand and using his cuteness to get his way like excuse me who allowed you outta my pocket and into the world where you can hurt sand GET BACK IN HERE!
my gawd ray using all his perusasion moves and then some but sand standing his ground multiples times im SO PROUD OF HIM 🥹
ray did not just use orphans to get sand to agree like arrest him milord its too much!!
oh damn top approaching cheum for help, man clearly serious about his concern (pretty obvious/out there prediction based on how you think but mewtop endgame methinks :3)
okay papang's character CLEARLY has just work on his mind SURE completely his excited thirsty looks giving NOTHING away
STFU did i just see boston looking at a selfie of him and nick while drinking alone in a bar WOW did not think i'd have lived to see this day lmao
is it just me being too sandray biased or did raymew not have much chemistry in that library scene...the way ray said you look delectable felt mechanical sorta like its something he just read off a script in his head and not what he thought of right then...probably also due to it being early days together but also i did NOT hear ray say that he doesnt want a band anymore...i simply didnt hear it...it makes me feel NOTHING
why the fuck have all these people been invited these two self destructive boys have evidently NO clue in life...as expected i mean lol otherwise whats the fun in a show about a bunch of well adjusted adults with entirely healthy relationships lmao
STFU did mew just try coke NOMYGAWD this is gonna be such a train wreck of a party I CANNOT
gawd pretty boy ray (SO PRETTY but also)whipped af he's gonna hurt so so bad when he realises mew has been knowingly or unknowingly using him to get over or spite top
zjnsnsjs what was that laugh mew did when ray asked if cheum invited top...book looked so HOT and MY GAWDS TOP GUN TOP AHRJMSNANSKAKA
is ray thinking what im thinking?? that mew is showing more emotion in the past 1 minute than he did the entire time they were together and it was entirely directed at top!?
ahjansnnsjsjs mew you menace that was such a badass move im gonna forgive you for using ray and making out with him for a hot second cos WOW
sand nick moving on buddies CUUUTE if only the moving on was working out for either of them 🤧🤧
wow nick has got some guts walking upto ton like that after having secretly recorded him and ruined his friend group...im dyingggg at his (desperation dressed as ) confidence
not to get distracyed but that teeny glimpse of neo's forehead through his fringe making me wanna scream...he looks so so sooo goood argh WHY DO THEY COVER IT UP HUH FOR WHAT?? FREE THE FOREHEADS!!!
2 freddie mercury's making out at a halloweeen party...woulda been such an iconic moment...ray playing spoilsport boy you better get back in my pocket (THREAT)
When tf is ray gonna learn not to kiss people without their consent he making me madder and madder!?!?!
holy fucking shit sand's expression after ray said "you love me" !?????? im so devastated at that milli second of a reaction FIRST IS SO FXKING GOOD!??
"you're mine no matter what!????" um how DARE he!????
YES SAND GOOD ON YOU IM SO PROUD OF YOU ray you better count your days im coming for you😤😤😤😤
mew breaking up with top cos he cheated on him to be with ray who has "always" been faithful to him and this always faithful guy just decides to offer himself to his "fuckbuddy" and some other random dude from the party so easily?? gawd i feel bad for mew.
i know mew is going through hell and sorta acting out...but my gawd unhinged mew is so hot????? i feel like my brain is turning to mush everytime he does something wild
pls that bgm in the topmew scene...no matter how this scene ends...they have to be the endgame i really dont see a way around it
cheum deciding to draw boundaries and blaming ray for showing no concern for her and ruining things while the police are literally checking the room for drugs after having pinned ray down is just the sorta shiz the show promised and it has delivered so good i could scream into my pillow for hours
2 seconds...thats all it took for khao to make an impact with that scene...he's MAGIC i tell you
cheum and april should just run away together just for a while give themselves some peace of mind
pls the romcom music for topmew its driving me insane.....this was supposed to be my sandray WHERE DID IT ALL GO WRONG
sandnick cuties I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC ARGH...whether its kept as moving on partners or new found besties or even fwbs...i am full on supporting that shiz...sand deserves some fun too
cant believe boston was the least active character today...i almost have humane feelings towards him wow
sghahnsnznsjwjzjjsjsjsnjs omygod next episode preview ducking hell
Forget everything i said about sandnick and arresting ray and being mad at him...i am still mad but ahhh sandray my babies WE ARE SO BACKKKK....they better have a proper talk so ray can apologise and start off on a proper note or else imma lose it again but ahhhhhh i havent smiled at a preview in a loooong time fuckkk feeels goood😭😭😭
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buckera · 6 months
sorry if this rant is annoying, I just... I'm realising some people in this fandom are insane and not in a fun way 😭 accusing oliver of "lying" in interviews? when there was no way he could have known over a year ago that natalia would be gone within the first 10 minutes of the new season? he's not a writer 😭 "calling me out" for "forgiving" him too easily...I'm actually stunned. of course now he's scared to say anything!
oof I didn't know this was a thing, but yeah some people in this fandom are just mean and stupid which is the worst possible combination.
sorry, I'm agreeing with you a 100% but now I gotta rant too lmao
when that interview first came out, I spoke about this, but he is an actor, it's his job to be excited about his character's storylines — yes even his female love interests that the fandom doesn't like.
he is literally paid to promote the show and whatever's going on and it's incredible that some people have zero comprehension skills when it comes to understanding that 1) he isn't a writer on the show 2) he doesn't even know what's gonna happen to the character beyond like 4 eps at the time and not at all around the season finales (they literally get the scripts like a day prior to shooting most of the times) and 3) there are things he cannot legally discuss in a truthful way, so all he can do is give general answers... that the fans love to twist into something that they truly aren't.
so just to reiterate: no one ever promised that Natalia would stick around until the end of the show and she and Buck would get married and live happily ever after...
all Oliver said was that he's excited to explore the relationship between the characters... you know the guy who just died and a death doula who could potentially help him work through this majorly traumatising event??
yeah, the show didn't take it into that direction for various reasons but NO ONE promised that they would.
nonnie, you better just block people who are being this abrasive and stupid cuz you've done nothing wrong, nor did Oliver 🫶
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dastardlydandelion · 2 years
my thoughts and feelings on scream vi. i have a lot of them!
boy howdy, that was a ride! so overall I enjoyed it a lot! gonna start out with the positives before i leap into the negatives.
spoilers under the cut!!!
my favorite part was the carpenter sisters, by far. i am aware that there are plenty of people who dislike sam. that’s valid, obvi, people are entitled to their opinions. nevertheless, i do feel like a lot of the hate directed toward her is honestly unfair. hate from billy/sydney shippers who cannot conceive billy having cheated on her even tho he was like, a literal murderer. said shippers angry that their conspiracy theories about sam being sydney’s daughter are just blatantly untrue bc sam is latina, the stu/billy shippers angry that billy evidently enjoyed sex with women outside of using sex to manipulate syd, etc. these are kinda stupid reasons to hate sam, u guys.
now, others were not a fan of sam bc they didn’t care for melissa barrera’s performance in scream 5 and ykw, fair enough. HOWEVER, i would like to interject here that i am personally more forgiving toward some of her wonkier scenes bc i understand what the directors were going for. scream 2022 is a fan movie and sam is a fanfic character brought to screen. her dialogue is what u would read in a middle schooler’s fanfic and that’s…weird but nostalgic, so i get it. this movie was swaddled in nostalgia. also we have to understand sam as a character who intentionally represses her emotions bc of her internal proclivity for violence. much of her performance is restrained until act 3 and while i 100% understand why this didn’t work for some people, it didn’t bother me personally bc i’m sympathetic to the intent behind it.
i was supposed to be spilling my thoughts about scream vi and instead just went off on a tangent about 5. bc context needs context and i can never get to the point without detours and most of my detours involve giving context to the context or covering my bases, for those who potentially wish to poke holes…
ANYWAY. i genuinely enjoyed sam and tara in scream 5. some of my biggest beefs with 5 were the changes to the initial script that decreased the tension between the sisters and robbed us of their familial context. ykw, like amber and tara being romantically involved + amber and sam’s mutual dislike of each other, which would’ve layered amber’s motivations as well as added to the conflict between the sisters. the originally scripted scenes with their mother drunkenly displaying her fear of sam, particularly her fear of sam harming tara, which would’ve helped the audience understand why sam was desperate to leave woodsboro and why sam represses herself so heavily…and here i am still talking about scream 5. but my point is i already loved the sisters and i was very much looking forward to them and seeing how their relationship developed in 6.
and it did not disappoint!! oh my lordy. i love how sam just goes completely into mama bear mode over tara!!! it works so well on so many levels. she wants to protect her because for five years she wasn’t even there, because she spent the most horrible three days of her life nearly losing tara, because their mother and tara are now estranged specifically bc tara chose to allow sam back into her life, and bc she feels like she has to be hyper-vigilant bc tara coped in the opposite direction and chose not to deal with what happened at all.
i loved the push and pull between them, how tara clearly loves sam very much but is straining under her smothering and frustrated bc their coping mechanisms clash with the calamity of a car crash. adore how tara defends sam even when she’s upset with her but i think my very favorite thing was at the end when sam HAS PUT ON HER FATHER’S COSTUME LIKE I HAVE WANTED HER TO FOR FUCKING MONTHS AND STABS BAILEY TWENTY TIMES AND ONLY STOPS HERSELF FROM DELIVERING THE FATAL BLOW WHEN SHE HEARS TARA!!!! AND THEN TARA VISIBLY GIVES HER PERMISSION TO KILL HIM SO SHE UNLEASHES IT AND STABS HIM IN THE FUCKING EYEBALL OH MY GOD.
whew, lotta caps lock, but yeah. yeah, no, i was just that excited. tara didn’t even have to say the words, it was the look in her eyes and the soft tilt of the head and sam knew it would be okay. that was so touching. hands down, my favorite scene. <3 <3 <3
also the storyline surrounding sam? perhaps a tad exaggerated in this horror movie context but not at all unlikely or untrue to life.
a woman who only resorted to violence in retaliation to her more dangerous boyfriend’s violence being DARVO-ed by social media? a woman being turned into the monster of the story while internet fans fawn over and infantilize the man who victimized her? a woman who chose violence only to survive vilified while terminally online fans edit flower crowns onto her actually evil boyfriend’s pics and proclaim his innocence in cutesy fonts??
yeah, that’s pretty fucking familiar. this probably would’ve happened to sam even if billy loomis wasn’t her father, her heritage just makes it 10x easier for people to manipulate the story against her.
this is where the social commentary of the movie is a little ambiguous and i actually prefer it that way. are they calling out scream fans? true crime fans? media misogyny? could be any of the above, take ur pick. i personality interpreted it as a combination of all three.
the subtlety on that front was a breath of fresh air considering so much was…not subtle at all. i greatly enjoyed this film and i adore mindy BUT her explaining the new rules of a “franchise,” was a little bit too much. it’s a scream film so there has to be a scene like that, ofc, but it could’ve been shorter and it didn’t have to spoon-feed us that hard.
speaking of subtly? uh, yeah. i mean, unfortunately bc of unmarked spoilers i knew detective bailey and ethan were ghostfaces. i did not, however, know any of the ghostfaces other than these two, nor did I have any idea what their motive was. but between quinn mentioning the death of a brother and sam getting called from richie’s phone? yeaaaaah, that clicked into place pretty damn fast. soo not subtle, but amusing. amusing so i’m not complaining yet, i actually had a laugh.
now i feel like i’m rambling without direction but my goal was to tackle positives first, so more positives?
the core four. love them. the way their relationship developed in this film was warming and believable to me, even if the character interactions were perhaps more abridged than they should’ve been give the rapid-fire pace of the film. mindy and chad are great, easy to love, and mindy especially is so relatable to me. kirby is back and she got screen time!!!
the minor characters? not too many, but the ones that were here somewhat fleshed out the setting. i would love a fanfic where sam kills date rape frankie. also the owner of the bodega, shoutout to that guy. a kind stranger in a city famous for rudeness, he dead ass lost his life trying to help our leading ladies. he looked away from ghostface to get his keys so they could unlock the door. r.i.p bodega owner.
the kills! everyone is raving about the kills and i am also a fan. not without my nitpicks, i wish maybe a couple would’ve been more creative BUT mostly i am pleased. i love gore and there was more gore. the ladder scene delivered on the suspense that was promised to us, oh my. my heart was pounding the entire time and altho were barely got to know anika, i truly felt for her. bleeding, scared, doing her best to hold on, gazing at mindy through a blur of tears and panic as she moans, “I don’t want to die, i don’t want to die.” 😢
that said i was hoping the kills might be a tad more creative? it was mostly just a lot of stabbing. which. yes, ghostface stabs. the franchise is famous for the buck 120, which i can attest is a very sharp knife— i have used it to stab through frozen meat and not only did it go right through the package, the tip of the knife got embedded in the table. which is okay bc it’s an old table with a ton of stains and it’s already beat to hell, but that’s not the point. THE POINT, lmao. unintentional pun, I swear! but idk, i was hoping for some variety especially bc the trailers kept emphasizing that this ghostface was “different.”
many of my predictions were correct but where they did manage to surprise me, they really surprised me! like the first killer unmasking himself right after her killed laura?? i gasped! the choreography of the fights in the shrine, dude! i loved the carpenter sisters + chad taking on the ghostface how they did it as a pack. that was awesome! and then chad is gonna finish ‘I’m off and BOOM, the second one pops out! the way the ghostfaces take chad down was brutal but also, like they’re twinning?? the dual knife swipe was spooky and this is genius when we find out that these two are actually twins. or…I think they are? they’re siblings at least, i wanna think twins bc I’m pretty sure the characters are supposed to be the same age even tho the actress who plays quinn is a few years older irl.
misc fun things: jason watching jason takes manhattan in his apartment. mindy’s fashion sense. kirby eating. ethan is not dressed in blue plaid like the ghostfaces before him, but he is wearing red plaid over a blue shirt, so close enough. nancy loomis finally being acknowledged as sam’s murderous grandma. gale dodging sam’s punch just to get hit by tara, pffft. last but not least, ALL THE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. 😍
those were all the positives. but balance is balance so as much as i loved this film, i still have to touch on the negatives.
the killers? i was right about the anti-dewey angle, but i’d pegged the wrong pig. kirby reed, i formally apologize for ever suspecting u. i appreciate the anti-dewey angle with detective bailey and that being a cop gives him power and authority that ghostfaces before him did not have. but the motive reveal complicates things and it’s pretty convoluted and too convenient the way these ghostfaces were able to worm into our cautious protagonists’ lives. i know let some things slide because of bailey’s aforementioned social power by virtue of being a cop, but this is over the top. i have so many questions. did the siblings go to college just to follow the survivors? they all have fake names?? how did they find out about jason and greg? how is the *whole* family like this?
ur telling me richie’s entire fam indulged his stab obsession to the point of them not only accepting his being a serial killer, but becoming ghostfaces to honor him in their vengeance driven kill spree??
umm…yeah, this is all a little too kookaburra for me. but i will say i liked their style. i like that they actually seemed to be bringing the costume to life. the ghostface costume was originally packaged in-universe as the “father death” costume, it’s the grim reaper by another name. and these ghost faces were actually kind of swooping around like a reaper, an angel of death. cannot emphasize enough how much i loved the twinning with the knife wipe and just like, having multiple ghostfaces onscreen in general. i am too high right now to look up the actress’s name who played quinn but kudos to her for chewing the scenery once she unmasked. but some of their choices didn’t make sense to me. why did ethan help mindy after quinn wounded her? why was a target put on anika’s back at all??
so…more negatives?
um…let’s talk about suspension of disbelief for a moment. we all have to have some of that when watching slasher films and movies wouldn’t be movies if we expected them to be exactly like real life. i like to think that as long as a movie follows its own logic, i have a pretty healthy suspension of disbelief. i can accept the improbable in the scream ‘verse…but not the impossible.
u know what’s impossible?? chad surviving that. fml. yeah, no, that guy’s internal organs are soup. it’s even a stretch that he survived scream 5 since amber clearly slashed open his femoral artery even before she stabbed his guts, but this???? chad was being carved up by two ghostfaces and blood was dead ass gushing from his mouth like a waterfall. i love chad, truly, i do, but his survival was insane, i can’t accept that.
on that note, i found it frustrating that the injuries in this movie were seemingly only as severe as the storyline wanted them to be. again, it’s a movie so we have to have a level of suspension of disbelief and that’s fair! i can accept people being more durable on the screen than in real life but where they lose me is when they’re keeping semi close to reality in one scene and totally ignoring it in the next. anika loses a lot of blood and is in great pain, which hinders her ability to escape (so she doesn’t). i buy it. gale is stabbed in the abdomen twice, deeply, and loses so much blood she entrusts the carpenter sisters’ with last words, passes out from blood loss, and is in bad shape when paramedics arrive. i buy that. mindy is similarly stabbed in the abdomen multiple times, survives because ethan helps her for some mysterious reason, which I buy…I don’t buy her RUNNING TO THE SHRINE MERE HOURS AFTER.
we have a throwaway line about her being on drugs, but no, i still don’t buy it. story time. my work mom, okay, so she was in a really bad car accident once. running on pure adrenaline, she raced out of the car with broken bones and punched the driver of the other car that hit her. immediately after, she collapsed and guess what? she’d injured herself further by punching this lady. so even if mindy wasn’t feeling her wounds because of the drugs (which i could buy easily enough), no responsible hospital would allow her to run wild like that.
at the shrine tara is stabbed UP TO THE HANDLE IN THE BACK and it doesn’t?? effect her like at all? okay, okay, i could possibly buy this with the adrenaline excuse, cause I mean, again, that is a thing. my work mom paid the price for it. but after being stabbed in the back, tara is also stabbed in the torso after being dropped from quite the height and that wound similarly has no tangible impact beyond a few pained pants while she was struggling against a larger, more physically powerful ghostface…and adrenaline wears off? at the very least, after they’re finished off the ghostfaces, tara should’ve been shock-y and sam should’ve been trying to get her medical attention ASAP. at this point the movie wasn’t following its own logic in regards to injuries that’d previously occurred in the movie.
i find it so hard to believe laura’s character at all, that she would go into a dark alley searching for a strange male she had never, ever met in person before dead ass a blind internet date. no girl or woman would ever do that, let alone a supposedly a highly educated New York newcomer.
the pacing in this movie was almost a little too fast. i feel like there wasn’t much room to breathe? i didn’t want it to be slow or anything, but it was almost dizzyingly speedy. i LOVE the chase scene with gale but what the fuck. they made a point to talk about how they weren’t safe in broad daylight, then they cut to gale’s apartment and it’s like nighttime? huh?? how many days did i just watch???
the secret celebrity cameo was jack quaid? boo, letdown, boooooo.
neutral stuff: i feel like sam’s bf only existed in this movie so they could do ladder scene LMFAO. but i didn’t want to see romance so that’s perfectly fine with me.
…possibly have more to add, but idk? i’m high af. overall i really enjoyed this film though. especially the carpenter sisters. sam put billy’s costume on in the best way. it was a monkey paw wish for detective bailey that backfired on him majorly, she looked fucking great in it, she literally stayed in it and then at the end, she let go of the mask. because sam isn’t a murderer. she may have internal violent desires but she keeps that part of her in check cause she’s a good person and only acts on those impulses when real danger is afoot. she isn’t her father and the wants to leave that mask behind its past behind, and follow her sister into the future.
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nijjhar · 1 year
Gospel is a Good News of our Supernatural Father of our souls learnt Gospel is the Good News of our Supernatural Father of our souls learnt through logical reasoning only. https://youtu.be/OzGgwr6Wqt4 For this to receive, you must be capable of Logical Reasoning to Brew Logo, which is His Word, the Gospel Treasures that rest in your heart.                      APOSTLE THOMAS IN A NEW LIGHT                                 Abraham Yeshuratnam                                           I would like to give the back story of this study before proceeding to analyze the details of the controversy over the arrival of Apostle Thomas in Kerala in South India. This background information indicates the extent to which previous studies have not impartially investigated his alleged arrival and this paper, therefore, attempts to address the gaps in the existing historiography. The Book of Acts tells the story of the Early Christian church in the First Century AD, with a particular focus on the ministry of the apostles Peter and Paul. A major theme of the Book of Acts is the growth and expansion of the Christian Church from the Jews in Jerusalem to the Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire. Bruce points out that, “The first Jerusalem church lasted for some forty years. It left the city and went into dispersion not long before A.D.70, and although even in dispersion it continued for long to call itself the church of Jerusalem, it had no more any direct association with the city. When Jerusalem was refounded as a Gentile city in A.D. 135 a new church of Jerusalem came into being, but ........ Over 40 pages long script. Youtube channel - Truthsoldier I served in the satanic Iraq war. I openly am shamed for that and I asked for forgiveness for taking part in that war. I actually had my awakening while over in Iraq. My eyes were opened to the injustice of that war. The Iraqi people loved Saddam; they had whole stories with nothing but Saddam’s face on everything. Since then I have been speaking out against the US and ISRAEL on my Youtube channel. Here is my contribution:- Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead letters, the Holy Books. If we have One God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, then there should be one Faith. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus. Solid Proof; this Golden Temple is of the same size as the Holiest of Holy that used to be in Jerusalem and its Curtain held the Secrets of the Oral Torah = His Word was rendered from the Top, the Temple High Priests, to the Bottom, the village Rabbis off you go �� Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John and thus, everyone makes a direct approach to God through His Word = Logo = SATGUR PARSAD. So, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests and Mullahs, cannot give your account to God as the Rabbis used to give at Passover. So, they are "ANTICHRISTS" that have a following of the spiritually blind Super Bastard Fanatic Devils - John 8v44 -, Hindu, Jew, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, etc. Outwardly, and not spiritually inwardly. These spiritual selves Hindu, Jew and Christian, are never born like Christ, the Title and they never die but the tribal selves Judah, Levi, Jatt, Tarkhan, etc. were born and they will die. Thus, Jesus was born and Jesus died on the Cross and rose on the Third Day and NOT CHRIST, THE TITLE. Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush being considered by Anti-Christ Bishops for Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize should rather go to Assange and the Iraqi Journalist who threw both his shoes at the hypocrite Bush in Iraq. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Christ Jesus was killed by the Temple High Priest Hypocrite/Blasphemer against the Holy Spirit and so are these Bush and Blair who at the backing of Jewish people in the USA destroyed one country after the other starting with the cradle of Humanity Iraq, the Land of the forefather of the Chosen People who are no more faithful to Abraham but has become sons of the Highest Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. Blair and Bush’s blasphemies against Holy Spirit are bearing Fruit in economic chaos created by Virus https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs American Jews are today – http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm Destroying one country after the other, so that the scripture is fulfilled. Also, do not forget the partition of India and how the dirty hearted-British divided the homeland Punjab of the brave Jatt tribal soldiers who fought in the two World Wars for the British. My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Full description:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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agonybow · 4 years
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scorpionyx9621 · 2 years
TW: Death, Queerbaiting, and Voltron
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Like I'm sorry y'all I'm just as hyped for the new content as much as anyone but the second I heard Lauren Montgomery was the one directing the first animated movie my heart sank to my god damned stomach.
For those of you who don't know, Lauren Montgomery was one of the co-directors for Voltron: Legendary Defender with fellow LoK creative director Joaquim Dos Santos. For those of you who very fortunately were not on this god forsaken hellsite between the years of 2016-2018 VLD had this website by the god damned throat. From seasons 1 through debatably 6 it was a genuinely good, if weirdly paced show. Then from Season 7-8 the show went down the shitter. FAST.
To make a long story very short that can be easily explained much better than I ever could by a brilliant YouTube miniseries by The Sin Squad. Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos both had an original script that involved killing off one of the characters, but were forced by their production company DreamWorks to keep said character (It's Shiro.) Alive because DreamWorks correctly predicted that Shiro would become the favorite character of the show.
How did Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos react to this news that they had to re-write a heavy portion of the show just to keep Shiro alive? Well they made it work for Season 3-6 with minor jabs towards DreamWorks here and there. Yet the second they could get Shiro introduced fully back into the team on Season 7 onwards they do a litany of things ranging from pretty good to exceptionally bad.
Announce that Shiro actually died but we're gonna fudge with reality and our own universe to bring him back (cool I guess)
Instead of expanding upon Shiro's role as a leader and a character just designate him as a talking head and a wallflower until they get back to earth (Bad)
Upon getting back to earth, the show shoves a half-baked romantic subplot for Shiro involving another man whom we know Jack and Shit about only to have him be on screen for all of like 4 minutes, 3 of them he's fighting with Shiro, and the last 1 minute he's dying. Perpetuating the bury your gays trope yet again. (very derogatory and bad)
Take a character who literally could have been the champion of diversity in an animated show (A gay, physically disabled Japanese man suffering from PTSD) and turn him into a wallflower for what could have been a fantastic growth opportunity and just have him go through even more trauma all for shits and giggles. (Hatred)
LM and JDS both fully admitted that they did all of this and the reason for this being largely because of their resentment towards DreamWorks and they both regret how the show ended. (*Screams into the dark, cold, uncaring void*)
I do not mean this post to be an attack towards Lauren Montgomery. She has a family and loved ones who care about her, sh does not under any circumstances deserve harassment or threats. She is a professional writer who makes a whole lot more money than I do and is able to churn out a literal multi-million dollar franchise in less than 3 years. Even if said franchise crashed and burned in a way that is only comparable to the finale of HBO's Game of Thrones. She has the professional chops and I don't. I am not at all trying to say I could ever fix Voltron after the literal maelstrom of a shit storm it became with the fandom literally threatening to kill people over ships.
But I am never going to forgive her and Joaquim Dos Santos for what they did to Takashi Shirogane. Ever. And after hearing the announcement this morning that she's at the helm of this upcoming animated movie I cannot in good faith just sit by and let people not know what she has done. Yes you can call me a crazed Shiro Stan. You wouldn't be wrong. But Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos both tortured and maimed a disabled Japanese character and turned him gay only for the woke points and to create more pain. They never wanted to make Shiro gay in the first place because they never wanted Shiro to be alive at that point.
I am happy to see that the Team of Bryke is working very closely with Lauren Montgomery on this if only because they were they original creative directors, but if I were in their position being forced to give one of the highest positions to a well known and documented bad-faith actor, I'd keep her on as tight a leash as possible. I'm still going to watch the movie, but I am going to be hyper-vigilant about the fact that Lauren is the one at the helm. I want this movie to succeed just as much as anyone else, but like I said, I cannot in good faith just stand by and let it not be known what Lauren Montgomery has done and what she could be capable of doing again.
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the script and direction (excluding ep 6) is very clear that Kate is the protag and Anthony is the tortured anti-hero. Edwina is clearly depicted as childish and selfish. When she ignores Kate’s hurt in ep 2? When she worries about Kate’s parentage hurting her match? Those aren’t lines assigned to a sympathetic character. I think CC can’t deal with the fact that her character is disliked and is trying to make herself seem more important than she is. Shonda is helping. I said what I said bro
See I will always blame Anthony for most of the things. He needs to apologise to Kate. And because the show can't give it to us-i have my headcanons that he begs for forgiveness later on.
But Anthony wasn't a family first, Edwina and Mary were. It hurt that Edwina absolutely disregarded the fact that Anthony humiliated Kate. I know they tried to sell her as an innocent being who has no idea of what's happening but she is eighteen. You cannot convince me she is not aware of her sister or half sister's basic emotions.
And then I saw a script CVD had shown from the scene where Edwina asks smth like "so does it make him an honest man or..." and it shows what tone Edwina was using. It was condescending. She wasn't an innocent or a fool.
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lyricsofravensong · 3 years
New ways of falling asleep
(Jake x MC • fluff ?)
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This is not the way you used to fall asleep before. 
Both of you were used to not falling asleep at all. 
You were used to staying awake with your melancholic thoughts like a protagonist of an old-fashioned film. You were used to turning and rolling around in your cold and lonely beds, never finding an angle good enough. You were used to a show of painful memories streaming inside your heads until the small hours, used to the unsettling flashbacks in the synopsis of your nights. Used to the shrieking soundtrack of your fears, guaranteed to turn your dreams into nightmares. Used to the feeling of emptiness when the first beams of morning light were reflected upon the technicolored sky. 
Both of you were used to sleepless nights going by with the same plotless script. 
But now your nights are directed by a new cast of feelings:
You’re playing to be asleep when you hear Jake entering the bedroom. You try hard not to smile too widely when he’s slipping under the covers quietly, careful not to wake you up, although he secretly hopes you would. A soft press of his lips on your forehead forces your eyes open. He smiles and chuckles in amusement, already familiar with this plot twist. He sets the warmth of his body beside you, his fingers running gently on your cheek and lips. You see his eyes gleam softly in the dark as he leans closer and kisses your lips, so tenderly it melts your heart.
Jake lays his head on the pillow, so close your noses almost touch. And they do touch as you zoom in, stealing another kiss from his lips. Your hand strokes his hair, his ears, and the back of his neck. You can almost hear him purr as he closes his eyes, enjoying your touch. 
His hand travels down to your waist, fingers tracing the skin of your arm on the way, sending tingling goosebumps all over your body. The plot intensifies as he pulls you closer than is possible to be, dragging you into the smooth choreography of desire. Your legs get tangled naturally, hands slip under shirts on their own, mouths linger on the taste of each other. 
There’s no need for rehearsing since you have already memorized every speechless line of the scene; the perfect dialogue that cannot be quoted by words. 
Then suddenly, Jake yawns.
The action unwinds, the scene is cut. You feel a lovely squeeze in your heart by the sight of Jake, looking vulnerable yet so utterly adorable in his tiredness; in his soft aesthetic. The way you smile needs no subtitles to tell that this is not a blooper, but a cinematic turn of events. You yawn too and lean your head against his chest, listening to the most calming sound of his heart beating steadily beside your ear. 
He puts his arm under your head, and you’re too comfortable to point out that the arm will be numb by morning. Jake takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your hair, whispering I love you as he breathes out. Slowly you feel sleep taking over as the scene gradually fades out of your awareness. 
And that’s how you fall asleep these days. 
To the sight of sleepy eyes and smiles, to the endless streams of good night kisses. To the tight hold, that means you are never alone. To the warmth that tells you’re completely safe. To the sound of breathing that fulfills your soul. To the touch that takes your pain away. To the whispered words of love, guaranteed to make all your dreams sweet. 
Now, this is a script you would never rewrite. 
The charm of this storyline never wears out.
These nights with a new way of falling asleep are like a new way of falling in love.
Please forgive me if the language is unclear, I was once again defeated in the wrestle against english grammar. 🤕
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ny-sims · 3 years
Tutorial: Custom Shells P1 - Creating The Script
Helloooo! This is a quick crash course on how to edit/create the script for custom shell buildings. This is not a beginner tutorial! However, I’ve made it super easy for anyone who wants to try!
I decided to start with the script so that experienced cc creators and modders could just take it and go lol. There absolutely will be a more in depth tutorial, that will cover the entire process, as it is a long one! 
This part, however, is super important! After looking at the scripts for shells included in the game, I realized that each shell has an individual one.
This is the reason that some prior attempts have resulted in the shell not showing up in-game. The script cannot be copied and applied to a customized clone like other objects.
Now that we’ve solved that mystery, lets get into the tutorial!
Since I’m such a good person lol, I’ve included a prepared template. Everything is basically already coded and ready to go!  
It also includes unprotected versions of two core dlls: Sims3GameplaySystems.dll & Sims3GameplayObjects.dll
(I can barely take any credit lol, since the shells in the game have literally the same code with different class names. So, it is a super easy code!)
Creating The Script:
Required programs: 
Microsoft Visual Studio - For C# coding, be sure to install the .NET Desktop Development workload. See an installation tutorial for VS 2019 here.
You do not need to know how to code C# for this tutorial but it’s great if you already have some prior knowledge and/or experience using VS.
First start by opening the project in Visual Studio: 
Download & extract this folder and navigate to the “src” folder shown below.
Click “CustomShellBuilding” to open the project. 
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With VS now open, simply follow the directions written in the script (forgive my typos lol, they’ve been corrected): 
Rename the script class to something that is unique and probably wont be duplicated.
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Once you have renamed the class, it will update both in the coding window and in the Solution Explorer.
The notes in green are 100% optional and do not affect the code at all. Feel free to delete them!
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Now that the class name has been updated, the script is ready to build. 
Simply, click “Build” in the upper task bar and select “Build Solution”.
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This step will create the .dll file that you will need to add to the .package file. 
To find the .dll, navigate to the “net20″ folder. The file path should be similar to what is highlighted below. 
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& Voila, It’s done! You’ve successfully created the script for your custom shell.
Next Steps:
This script can now be used for one custom shell. 
This process must be repeated for additional shells! 
To learn how to add the script to the package file, see “Adding The Script To The Package” in this great tutorial on MTS.
The script name added to the OBJK should be the following format:
Ex) Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Shells.UniqueName
Use this to create the FVN Hash for the S3SA resource.
Additionally, the Sims 3 Object Modding tutorial on MTS is helpful for beginners to reference.
Keep in mind that this is one step in this entire process. More tuts coming soon***.
Special thanks to tonytins on GitHub for this super bomb TS3 Scripting Template!
This definitely would not be possible without the Unprotect application by the amazing folks at Simlogical! 
S/O to all of the helpful tutorials and people on Mod The Sims and Tumblr that have assisted me in my scripting journey lol! 
I hope this little crash course was simple enough to follow and that it’s been helpful! 
As always, if you experience any issues or have any questions, feel free to message ya girl! 
Thank you guys so much for the support!!
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Lost and Wins in Adaptation
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Dear everyone, as per Anon’s request, I shall analyse a Kuromyu and discuss the Lost and Wins in Adaptation. The results of your democratic votes (comments and asks) are out, and the winner is TANGO ON THE CAMPANIA! In this post I shall only be discussing character/plot influential changes, so no stand-alone comedic sketches will be included.
This is going to be a very long post because there’s just so much to unpack. But feel free to read it in bits, or skip to the part you are most interested in (but do come back later though (ÒvÓ)b). This post will include the following sections:
What makes a good adaptation?
AberHanks - Expert Glue and Filler
“Just like my family!” - One line, many messages
Grell - A Capable Career Woman
An unfortunate Sacrifice
Raw Trash Demon
Active Inclusion Midfords - Manga Fix?
Reunion and Aftermath
I promise you the analysis will make you love TotC even more!
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1. What makes a good adaptation?
2.5D wouldn’t exist without the 2D, so it is essential for any 2.5D producer to prove to the fans the producing side understood the source material using their form of medium. Changes are inevitable, but the key is that when things are changed, the core of the original needs to remain intact.
Theatre as medium’s biggest disadvantage is its strict time constraints. Whether the producers are capable of adapting a story within the time constraints without it feeling like a quickly duct-taped patchwork is what distinguishes a good adaptation from a bad one. The scriptwriters have no choice but to sacrifice parts to tell a concise story, but the art is in skillfully choosing what to yeet. The musical does need to be able to stand on its own without new audiences going “what?”, after all
2. AberHanks - Expert Glue and Filler
The most obvious difference between the original manga and Tango on the Campania is the addition of Aberline and the musical original, Hanks. In Tango on the Campania they are very cleverly employed to tie the musical together within the time constraints.
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Ronald appeared before the Campania Arc, but it wasn’t before this one that he gets his own proper introduction. What the manga readers and musical-only audience have in common then, is that at this point of the story, Ronald is almost equally new. The line: “if we get to meet again, alive, that is” is a very effective way to introduce Ronald’s chipper but cynical personality. In the manga Ronald’s conversation partner was a passenger who fancied Ronald. It would have been a waste of stage time to adapt the third class setting and introduce this girl too, but skipping the line entirely would not do Ronald’s introduction justice. So the script writers cleverly used AberHanks instead, and when Ronald delivered the iconic line, the impact is still the same as in the original.
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Additionally, AberHanks are supportive roles in them being police officers who help combat the zombies. The historic Titanic had a really poor survival rate, and that’s without dealing with murderous zombies. In Campania however, that’s a different story. I would argue that Aberline and Hanks evacuation efforts, along with the Formidable Midfords greatly increased the survival rate of Campania passengers.
This addition is a brilliant three-birds-one-stone move. This firstly shows that despite AberHanks being the comic relief, as the police they are not there to fool around. Secondly, by explicitly placing the Midfords along literal fighters of crime, the audience also clearly understands what the Midfords - the Chivalric order - are: fellow fighters of crime.
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Thirdly, the gentleman’s code of evacuation is children and women first, and AberHanks would undoubtedly also have heeded that code. And yet Frances was there, and AberHanks never attempted to evacuate her or doubted her skill. The police and Frances fighting side by side shows the audience that even in the 19th century, Frances is recognised firstly as member of the Chivalric Order, before being ““just a woman in a huge dress””. Don’t mess with her.
3. “Just like my family!” - one line, many messages.
A very small but game-changing alternation is when Ciel was trying to convince Lizzie to remove her dress to benefit escape. In the manga when Lizzie refused, O!Ciel immediately rips the dress, saying that once dead she won’t be able to wear any dress, because death is the end of everything.
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In the musical with real child actors they couldn’t very well reenact this scene, so instead they gave Ciel the line: “Everything is over if you’re dead, just like my family!”
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In the musical, Ciel doesn’t touch Lizzie, which is very clever. When someone refuses to remove her clothes, it is because she feels infringed, exposed and/or unsafe. If somebody doesn’t do something out of fear, what you need to do to convince them is to minimise that fear. By forcefully ripping her clothes, MangaCiel only made Lizzie feel even more infringed.
Instead of touching Lizzie, MusicalCiel appeals to Lizzie’s empathy. By making Ciel say “my family” to Lizzie, both audience and Lizzie are shown/reminded how Ciel had tragically lost his family, and cannot afford to lose more. At that time of the musical, new audiences wouldn't know yet what Ciel had been through. So when later the Cinematic Record of Sebas started, “just like my family” also functions as an effective foreshadowing of what would later be revealed, avoiding Ciel being in a cage looking like it came from nowhere to new audiences.
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One could argue that Ciel’s phrase was emotional manipulation, yes... but it was a literal life or death situation for the objective good of everyone. And besides, we all know who our Trash Lord™ is; manipulation is part of him.
Ciel had yelled at Lizzie, and immediately he turned around, clutching his chest. It was such an impressive moment because it showed how that blow Ciel dealt was a doubled edged one. Lizzie was clearly hit too, and very quickly she realised her own fault and apologised. Then the most fun part for the audience is to consider whether this was Ciel’s genuine reaction, or whether that was all part of his acting skills in manipulating Lizzie. I say both are equally likely! (Oh Reo, you brilliant little...)
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I personally consider this alteration superiour to the manga original.
4. Grell - A Capable Career Woman
Per Yana’s direct request to Grell’s actor, Uehara, she asked him to portray Grell as a capable career woman because Yana admitted she failed to do so herself.
Most of Yana’s request was fulfilled simply by Uehara’s acting and respect for Grell, but there is also one tiny line added to her script which emphasises her focus on her job. “I’m dropping you!”
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Nobody on the Campania had time to fool around because it was literally going down. Grell had her job to do, and yet Rian thought it a good idea to withhold information from Grell about the method of stopping the zombies. By threatening Rian whose life was at Grell’s mercy with “I’m dropping you”, the audience is very effectively shown that Grell is a no-nonsense woman, and that she knows how to get someone to talk. 👌👌👌
5. An Unfortunate Sacrifice
Some things had to be omitted to fit the stage time limit, but the most painful omission in my opinion were details in Sebastian’s cinematic record.
A really unfortunate but understandable omission was Ciel reuniting with Tanaka and Madam Red... but considering the time constraints of the musical, shoe-horning these moments in with different actors would have come at the expense of the rest of the musical. Though very sad, it is what it is.
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Another omission is Sebas forgetting to spare one assassin to interrogate. In this post I discussed in detail why this omission by the movie adaptation was such a sin. Tango on the Campania omitted that part too, though as a stage medium it is more forgivable than an animated movie with endless possibilities Ò^Ó. Nevertheless it is a bit sad, because this omission takes away that the audience can see how Sebas was just so used to massacring on auto pilot, and how even Sebas himself recognises he needs to learn control.
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THOUGH, I must say the musical actually tries to compensate for this shortcoming, unlike the movie. This omission of what showed that Sebas was far from perfect at the beginning, Furukawa compensated by simply being the most insincere, passive-aggressive, unprofessional, arrogant prick he could be.
The audience won’t catch a hint that Sebas used to be no more than a weapon, but they will see how Sebastyun never served a human on close proximity before!
6. Raw Trash Demon
I have already talked about how Sebastyun is a real game-changer on this blog, so I will not repeat every detail again. So here I will only address the significant changes in spoken lines that add to Sebastian’s character before he was fully trained. In this post I discussed in detail how Furukawa portrayed Sebastian’s gradual growth from raw demon to one hell of a butler. Sebas at the beginning was really butler in appearance only, as he was insolent and never knew when to shut his wondrous trap.
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In stage format it would have been quite awkward to do a bath scene, so instead the creators replaced it with a wound-dressing scene. Instead of pouring hot water over the boy, Sebastyun is now scrubbing his master’s skin off. When the boy protests, rather than immediately apologising like his manga counterpart did, Sebastyun just shoves the feedback right back down the boy’s throat. “You’re making too much of a big deal out of it.” Here we see how Sebas is not there to serve his master, he’s just doing his thing because he has to.
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Another line that is musical only is when Ciel’s stomach rumbled, and Sebas laughed his arse off, saying: “what an inglorious sound!” In the manga Sebas started a high-horse speech about human weakness, which was quite bold already. But he did not seem to dare straight up humiliate his master for a basic bodily need.
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Sebastyun however? Balls of steel.
He humiliates his master, can’t apologise for shit, and when he says things in compliance with his master, it’s in a tone of: “well, screw you too”. Sebastyun was so bad at his job that Ciel too was given another line that wasn’t in the manga: “The preparations of a day’s meals is part of a butler’s job”.
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Sebas had just criticised his master for being a useless kid, and now Ciel makes a comeback with the line: “well, you don’t even know what your literal job is, let alone how to do it.” The addition of this line is very powerful in my opinion, because it quite effectively compensates for the omitted scenes of Ciel and Sebas both sucking at their respective roles.
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When O!Ciel commented on Sebas’ awful cooking, MangaSebas seemed quite willing to do his job well, and immediately offered to fix his mistake. Sebas does not apologise, but he does show that he made a mistake in not being considerate enough of Ciel’s current condition.
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Sebastyun however, couldn’t apologise for shit at the beginning. Instead of showing openness to feedback, he immediately externalises by making humans the problem again, rather than his own lack of cooking skill. No wonder Ciel smashed that table with such aggression!
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Another changed line is Sebas bringing his master hot milk after his failed dinner attempt. Originally Sebas did so potentially as an attempt to show his readiness to do better at his job. He explains that he does so out of consideration for the well-being of the boy.
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In the musical however, Sebastyun does not say the manga line. Instead he says: “I can’t afford to have you starve to death.” I am not sure whether this was the script or Furukawa’s improvisation, but either way it perfectly shows yet again, how Sebas is not there to serve his master, but to just get his tasks over with.
This is a very short but efficient alternative way to retell how Sebas especially at the beginning was not very enthusiastic about being summoned, as analysed here from the original Japanese manga. Sebas is not like: “(UwU) gimme more orders”, he’s like: “(ಠ_ಠ) what is it this time?”
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A small addition that was definitely an improvisation was Sebastyun sitting down on Ciel’s bed, and the boy pushing him away. (At the beginning of the run Furukawa didn’t do that yet. The first time Furukawa sat down Reo just moved aside and gave Sebas a nasty look.) Here it also reemphasises how little Sebastian understood of what was done and NOT done as a servant.
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A final, noteworthy addition in the far beginning of their contract was Ciel saying that he acknowledges both he himself are the demon are still fakes. The boy says this line after Sebas had brought him hot milk which Ciel appreciated.
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Ciel calls his butler forward in a soft tone, and Sebastyun just looked so self-congratulatory, self-satisfied, he adjusted his suit, standing all ready like: PRAISE ME! (●´ิ∀´ิ●)✨
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Yeah no... you wish.
In the manga this line doesn’t exist, so Sebas is simply surprised to hear the compliment, and then his master just splashes the cold water right over him.
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7. Active Inclusion Midfords - Manga Fix?
The most dramatic and influential change to the musical is the active inclusion of the Midfords. It is an entire scene that was added to the musical, so it is a bit impossible to unpack everything in this already very long post. So here I will only address the most game-changing alterations.
Yana Beaten to the Punch, strike 2 and 3?
Now many chapters later than the Campania Arc, we know that the Midfords had been the legal guardians of Ciel after the death of his family. But even before the release of the chapter, we’d see in Sebastyun’s Cinematic Record how the Midfords were very involved with their nephew. This shows how much respect for the manga the musical producers had, and how well they understood their source material that they too could beat Yana to the punch. Strike 2!
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Both Midfords were present before and during the decoration ceremony. And Sebas bows deeply, thanking them sincerely for their aid all this time. Sebas cannot lie, so when he says “sincere gratitude”, it really was sincere. Alexis responds humbly, saying that it’s simply the right thing to do.
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Not only did the Midfords aid Ciel in his reintegration into the world, Frances also showed the audience and Sebas she knows exactly what she is preparing the child for. Frances says she understands how cruel it is for the young Ciel to do what is expected of him, because being Earl means more than wealth and power. It is: “shouldering the burden and name of ‘the Queen’s Watchdog’.” The musical also does a great job at linking Frances’ position as the previous Watchdog’s sister, to being the legal guardian of the future Watchpuppy.
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I have seen many manga readers talk about how they found Frances’ involvement insufficient in the manga, and I understand. She has a very small role in the manga, so we don’t know what she has or hasn’t done to help. But in Tango on the Campania, we do get a much clearer sense of the Midfords’ role in Ciel’s life.
Ciel was still mid-preparation before the start of the Ceremony, but Frances and Alexis had already arrived to keep a parental eye on him.Ciel is surprised, but Frances responds with: “it would set a bad example if the star is late”. Though it is but one short phrase, the script writers shows (not ‘tells’) how she is there because she wants to make sure Ciel’s decoration will go smoothly, as well as that her own role is to set an example for Ciel by being on time herself.
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This is possibly a reference to what Sebas says to Frances in chapter 14, how he wishes her to be his master’s example. Except that here in the musical, it is Frances who takes this initiative, which in my opinion is the superiour way.
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When Frances commends Ciel for his courage of returning to fight, Sebastian adds: “The most opportune chance for counter attack is when the opponent strikes. That is what milady Frances had taught him, the Young Master said.”
To which Frances is quite surprised to hear, and incredulously she says: “Ciel said that?” This makes one suspect whether Frances really said those words to supposedly Real Ciel. It would be very funny if Sebastian (accidentally) gave Frances a hint of his master’s real identity. I am not sure whether this is an implicit hint that Frances might have started suspecting Ciel is not the Real Ciel. Some have theorised Frances has the deepest suspicions among everyone. If that turns out to be true, then TotC might have beaten the original manga to the punch again. Potential strike three!
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Another change is the replacement of Madam Red with Alexis. This one is just a very pragmatic change, because the phrase “To Ciel you are already as good as family” is very iconic and important and shouldn’t be left out. But getting a Madam Red in here out of nowhere would require time-consuming exposition. So by giving this phrase to Alexis instead, the musical effectively solves two problems in one go.
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8. Reunion and Aftermath
Another addition to the original manga is the reunion on the rescue ship, just like the the movie adaptation of the Campania Arc did. After all that has happened it is very nice for the audience to see the emotional reunion and the aftermath. In the manga the Arc ended with Sebas and his master on the rescue boat, and it had a very nice, open feeling to it, I absolutely love it! 💖🚤
Audience Considerate Story Telling
To a musical-only audience (which TotC had a lot of because of the collaboration with TOHO), the opening ending might have felt a bit abrupt. These musical-only spectators don’t have the Arcs after the Campania to know for sure Sebas and Ciel went home safely, and that life would just continue. Nor would they know for sure what kind of impact the enormous revelation of Undertaker being a reaper would have on our protagonists. Had the non-manga audiences been given the same ending as the original, then it might have looked a bit like this to them.
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Also considering the musical medium, any (Japanese) audience would want a satisfying finale song to wrap everything up. (Kuromyu21 not having one was a real complaint among JP spectators). And after the dramatic brawl song of Sebas fighting the zombies on that boat, you can’t very well pull another song on that tiny thing again. Okay, the song TotC did settle with for the finale song was......very disappointing in my opinion as it reminded me more of a Disney parade, but it at least had a song.
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Emotional Full Circle
Despite the song being quite unfitting, the emotional reunion really, REALLY hit hard. When Lizzie says “welcome back” to Ciel, it was a perfect full circle back to what Lizzie couldn’t do 3 years ago.
In her flashback of 3 years ago when Ciel returned to her, the boy lifelessly said: “I’m back... Elisabeth”. Lizzie however never responded with “welcome back” because she was too preoccupied with something just feeling off.
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In the musical reunion however, unlike 3 years ago Lizzie was fully emotionally equipped to genuinely welcome her fiancé back, and Ciel too happily responds: “yeah, I’m back, Lizzie”, using Lizzie’s preferred name.
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Sebastian’s Aftermath
The reunion is but a simple addition, but it allows the musical to show the impact of such a traumatic event on the omnipotent demon butler.
The Cinematic Record showed how cocky Sebastyun was, and how he didn’t have a single worry in his life. After Undertaker had fatally wounded even the demon however, Sebas became a different person. In the finale we see Undertaker silently disappearing into the shadows. Sebastyun wasn’t even entirely sure whether Undertaker was there, but at the merest suspicion already you see him flinch and twitch. This shows how from now on Sebas has become a person who is on edge.
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I mean, what’s the point of telling an event if the event doesn’t impact the story and characters, right? In this way too, the inserted aftermath scene skillfully wraps up an overwhelmingly eventful story.
9. Afterword
Well, thank you for reading this looong post till the end! As discussed in this post, TotC did a wonderful job at adapting an existing story with consideration of its audience and medium.
The largest obstacle of the theatre medium is time constraint, so the makers have to sacrifice parts. In what was sacrificed however, they more than sufficiently compensated by including parts outside the Campania Arc into the musical, without harming the integrity. This shows just how much respect and knowledge the TotC team have of the source material.
As a musical adaptation, it is an exemplary production.
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Related posts:
Hyper Detailed Development - The Art of Kneeling
That Demon, Skin Crawling
That Butler - Punchable
Lost in Translation II - Sebastyun’s Butlernese
126 notes · View notes
9worldstales · 3 years
MCU “Thor”: Who’s to blame for Thor’s banishment?
So I’ve seen around people blaming Loki for Thor’s banishment and…
… I can’t help but wonder if they realize that, by saying so they aren’t just pinning the blame on the wrong person but they’re doing a HUGE, GIANT SIZE disservice to Thor.
But let's list sources used for this first.
Movies: “Thor” (2011), “Thor – The Dark World” (2013)
Comics: None mentioned
Direct-to-video animated film: None mentioned
Motion comics: None mentioned
Books: None mentioned
Novels: “Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor” by Alex Irvine (2015)
Webs: None mentioned
Others: “Thor” old movie script, Interview “Director Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Feige Interview THOR”, interview “EXCLUSIVE: Screenwriter Don Payne Talks Thor!”, Interview “SDCC 2010: Chris Hemsworth Interview THOR”, Video “Thor (2011) Chris Hemsworth Kill Count”
Although “Thor” is meant to be an origin story for both Thor and Loki…
Kevin Feige: The movie, very much, is an origin of Loki, almost as much as it is an origin of Thor. We had to ride that balance. There were drafts where Thor took over too much, and there were certainly drafts where Loki became too prominent, and I think we found a nice balance that is clearly the origin of both of those characters. [Director Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Feige Interview THOR]
…the focus was mostly on Thor and his journey to learn humility.
I mean, this is not MY interpretation of the story, it’s basically what everyone involved in the production says the story is about. Thor is unworthy, the banishment is just, from it he learns humility and becomes worthy again.
Don Payne: Whereas we’ve got an extra-dimensional being once worshipped as a god by the ancient Norse who’s banished to earth and stripped of his powers to learn humility, all set amidst the Shakespearean intrigue of a dysfunctional royal family. You just have to find the things that make Thor timeless and relatable as a character. It certainly helps that he’s charismatic and likeable, albeit flawed. He’s banished for good reason, but I think people will want to go on the journey with him and root for him to find redemption — particularly with Chris Hemsworth’s performance. [EXCLUSIVE: Screenwriter Don Payne Talks Thor!]
Kenneth Branagh: That story arc of the flawed hero who must earn the right to be king is in our piece, but what’s key is the stakes. There, it’s Europe and England, and here, it’s the universe. When that family has problems, everybody else is affected. If Thor throws a fit and is yelling at his father and is banished, suddenly the worlds are unstable. [Director Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Feige Interview THOR]
Chris Hemsworth: At the beginning of this film, he’s certainly a brash, cocky warrior who’s about to inherit the keys to the kingdom, and his father thinks that he’s not ready. It’s the journey of him learning some humility through the film. I think he’s one of those people who has his heart in the right place. He’s doing what he’s doing for his family and to protect the kingdom, and he thinks it’s the right way to do it. It just happens to be a very aggressive way of doing it, which probably isn’t the right way. It’s about tempering that raw emotion that he drives off most of the time, into the right direction. [SDCC 2010: Chris Hemsworth Interview THOR]
And in fact Thor makes a 180° turn from how he started.
The boy then man who insisted he wanted first to kill all the Jotun then give them a lesson is the one who sacrifices his chance to meet Jane again to save them.
Young Thor: When I’m king, I’ll hunt the monsters down and slay them all! Just as you did, Father.
Thor: March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits so they’ll never dare try to cross our borders again.
Thor: You can’t kill an entire race!
The man who said his father was an old man and a fool, becomes the one who says there will never be a wiser king than Odin.
Thor: And you are an old man and a fool!
Thor: There will never be a wiser king than you. Or a better father. I have much to learn. I know that now. Someday, perhaps, I shall make you proud.
The man who returning from Jotunheim was too busy to care for how Fandral got hurt so that it was Odin who had to say to get him to the healing room, is the one who, once back to Midgard, first worry about having his friends getting Heimdall on the healing room and then about what he’ll do with his brother.
Odin: You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom? Get him to the healing room! Now!
Thor: Get him to the healing room! Leave my brother to me.
The man who thought his father’s lessons were wrong, then admits his father was right.
Thor: While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You’d stand giving speeches while Asgard falls.
Thor: Neither did I. My father was trying to teach me something, but I was too stupid to see it.
The man who first was told by Loki going to Jotunheim was madness and did it anyway then tells Loki how destroying Jotunheim is madness.
Loki: Thor, it’s madness.
Thor: Loki, this is madness.
The man who would start a fight just because he was called ‘princess’ versus the man who kept on refusing to start a fight with Loki even after the other hit him four times and only does so when Loki threatens Jane.
And then there are the comparisons that got lost because some scenes got cut. For start an even better comparison, in which another man calls Thor "Princess" and Thor this time refuses to fight.
Jotun: Run back home, little princess. [Thor stops in his tracks. Loki goes white. He knows what's coming.] Loki: Damn. [In one quick move, Thor pulls Mjolnir, swings it, and KNOCKS the Jotun clear across the plaza. The Asgardians reluctantly draw their weapons, gather into a circle around Thor. Volstagg looks around at the angry Jotuns approaching them.]
Drunk townie: You were in the diner with that hot girl. [Thor doesn't like where this is going.] Drunk townie: I wouldn't mind her doing a little research on me. [He laughs. Thor is annoyed.] Thor: I have no quarrel with you. But she's a lady. You should be more respectful. Drunk townie: And you should shut the hell up, princess. [Selvig looks to Thor, concerned that he's going to lose it. But, to his surprise, Thor remains unaffected by the Townie's baiting.] Thor: I will not fight him. Drunk townie: Then it'll be easy to kick your ass.
Or like the deleted one in which Frigga said that Thor believed to be ready… when in the end Thor will realize he’s not.
Odin: Do you think he’s ready? Frigga: He thinks he is. He has his father’s confidence.
Thor: There will never be a wiser king than you. Or a better father. I have much to learn. I know that now. Someday, perhaps, I shall make you proud.
You might remember Thor smashing a cup because he wanted another drink… well there’s a deleted scene in which, just before the Warriors Three and Sif reach Midgard, he brings a cup to Izzy in payback for the one he broke.
Thor: This drink, I like it. Darcy: I know. It’s great, right? [Thor hurls the empty mug at the ground, SHATTERING it.] Thor: (CALLS OUT) Another! [ISABELA ALVAREZ (60), the diner’s proprietor, glares at Thor from behind the counter.] Jane: Sorry, Izzy. Little accident. What was that? [He doesn’t understand. The other patrons stare at him.] Thor: It was delicious. I want another. Jane: Well, you could have just said so. Thor: I just did. Jane: No, I mean, ask nicely. Thor: I meant no disrespect. Jane: All right. Well, no more smashing. Deal? Thor: You have my word. Jane: Good.
As the group finishes breakfast, Thor looks at the mug in his hand, gets an idea. Thor: [About a cup] May I have this? Darcy: Sure. Thor: Thank you. Please, excuse me. [Thor leaves. In front of her diner, Isabela prepares to open for the day. Isabela sweeps the front porch. She looks up to see Thor approaching. She eyes him suspiciously. He offers her a MUG.] Excuse me, Isabela. Isabela: Oh my gosh. Thor: To replace the one I broke. Please, forgive me for my behavior. Isabela: Okay, thank you. Thor: if I may, I’d like to come back here for more of yours splendid "coffee". Isabela: Any time.
And then you might remember how Fandral was hurt in Jotunheim and it was Loki and Volstagg who helped him, while in a deleted scene we’ve Selvig being hurt and Thor helping him.
And so on and on and on.
Thor started one way, this caused his banishment and the banishment changed him.
If we go and say Thor didn’t deserve to be banished, that it was all Loki’s ploy, we ignore how Thor before was an unworthy person and after he became a worthy person. We turn Thor into a person who’s ALWAYS worthy, regardless of him acting one way or its exact opposite but for some reason was misjudged and punished unfairly and never really had to change because he was perfect as he was.
We turn Odin into a fool who punished a worthy son for crimes he didn’t do and then took the punishment back not because Thor changed, but because he realized he made a mess.
The idea Thor’s banishment is Loki’s fault is against the authors’ intentions, damages Thor by stripping him of his growth and, ultimately, it’s totally false, so trying to pin the blame on Loki so as to make him look bad is simply wrong.
Although Loki did some things that triggered Thor’s reactions, Thor wasn’t completely and utterly brainwashed. It was Thor’s decisions who ended up bringing those consequences and Loki had no idea Odin would go as far as banishing Thor.
In a deleted bit Loki says Odin normally ALWAYS forgive Thor.
Fandral: Well, if he doesn’t show up soon, he shouldn’t bother. Odin looks like he’s ready to feed him to his ravens. Loki: I wouldn’t worry. Father will forgive him. He always does.
From Thor’s reaction to his banishment it’s clear it’s the first time he got such a punishment and that he assumed all he had to do to be forgiven is to retrieve Mjolnir.
The novelization is not shy to say that:
Odin had always favoured Thor because Thor was a warrior, just like him… [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
The Warriors Three and Lady Sif clearly follow Thor because they don’t think it’ll end up in Thor being banished for disobeying Odin’s orders even though they know he shouldn’t have done it.
This proves it was the first time Odin reacted as such to Thor’s disobedience.
But let’s dig more into the story.
Loki yes, caused the coronation to be delayed by having three Frost Giants sneak into the vault and attempt to steal the Casket.
His purpose was:
Loki: That was just a bit of fun, really. To ruin my brother’s big day. And to protect the realm from his idiotic rule for a while longer.
Loki has no reasons to lie to Laufey about this. The ‘a while longer’ clearly imply he didn’t expect it was permanent. If he had said ‘to have him banished forever’, it would have affected Laufey just the same, he wouldn’t have judged him worse.
Thor’s reaction to the invasion is entirely Thor’s.
Thor: The Jotuns must pay for what they’ve done! Odin: They have paid, with their lives. The Destroyer did its work, the Casket is safe, and all is well. Thor: All is Well? They broke into the weapons vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these relics... Odin: They didn’t. Thor: Well, I want to know why! Odin: I have a truce with Laufey, King of the Jotuns. Thor: He just broke your truce! They know you are vulnerable! Odin: What action would you take? Thor: March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits so they’ll never dare try to cross our borders again. Odin: You’re thinking only as a warrior. Thor: This was an act of war! Odin: It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail. Thor: Look how far they got! Odin: We will find the breach in our defenses and it will be sealed. Thor: As King of Asgard.... Odin: But you’re not king! Not yet.
Loki doesn’t even talk here. Thor, despite Odin thinking the opposite, insists they should just attack Jotunheim until Odin reminds him he’s no king.
This is relevant because if the coronation has concluded and the Jotuns had found on their own the way to get into the Vault, Thor would have waged war against them. This is what he wants to do and discussing things with Odin doesn’t change his mind, Odin merely forces him to shut up with his ‘I’m the king’ card.
Originally he would leave slamming the door behind himself, a sign he was still upset. We don’t see this, but we see him he’s still upset enough he turns a table upside down.
Then he has a discussion with Loki.
Thor: It’s unwise to be in my company right now, Brother. This was to be my day of triumph. Loki: It’ll come. In time. Thor: What’s this? Loki: If it’s any consolation, I think you’re right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard’s defenses once, who’s to say they won’t try again? Next time with an army. Thor: Exactly. Loki: There’s nothing you can do without defying Father. No, no, no. I know that look. Thor: That’s the only way to ensure the safety of our borders. Loki: Thor, it’s madness.
It’s true, if Loki had revealed he had been who orchestrated the break of the Frost Giants instead than telling him he also thought they were a threat, Thor might have calmed down. But this is not excuse enough for how Thor disobeyed Odin’s order, and only proves Thor wasn’t fit to be king right there because he insisted on going to Jotunheim even though Loki also reminded him this means defying Odin.
This is a serious matter but the key of it is that Thor wanted doing it before and still wants to do it now. He just can’t control his own wish to fight the Jotuns even if his father told him no. He’s not thinking. He’s not a common warrior, he’s the man who’s meant to be king.
If it takes him so little to wage war, then he’s unworthy of being king.
And does Loki really want for him to go to Jotunheim?
Not in the slightest, he knows it’s madness, in fact, believing Thor can’t be stopped, he tries to have him tattled out to his father.
Fandral: Well, at least he’s only banished, not dead. Which is what we’d all be if that guard hadn’t told Odin where we’d gone. Volstagg: How did the guard even know? Loki: I told him. Fandral: What? Loki: I told him to go to Odin after we’d left. He should be flogged for taking so long. We should never have reached Jotunheim. Volstagg: You told the guard? Loki: I saved our lives. And Thor’s. I had no idea Father would banish him for what he did.
In a deleted scene we see that as the group is about to ride toward the Bifrost Loki leaves them for a moment to talk with a guard. He’s not lying when he says he warned the guard.
The novelization digs a lot in how Loki didn’t want them to reach Jotunheim and in how Odin KNEW Thor would just do something, so it’s entirely possible Thor would have acted even if Loki had disagreed with him or had told him nothing.
“Why did he always seem to get into trouble because of his older brother? Wasn’t he supposed to be the wiser one? Odin has expressly forbidden that they enter Jotunheim. Yet it wasn’t the first time Thor had done something reckless. And it wouldn’t be the first time Loki was powerless to stop him.” [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
Loki had made a decision. True, he could not dictate his brother’s actions, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t continue to make plans of his own. As the others checked and double-checked that they had everything they would need for the journey to Jotunheim, Loki slipped away. When Loki rejoined the others, they were on their way to the Observatory. Hogun gave him a curious glance, but he ignored it. What he had done was none of their business. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
They were on their way to Jotunheim. And what would happen once they got there was not in the hands of fate, but in the hands of his impulsive brother and his warrior friends. Loki would not be able to manipulate events there. He had to trust that the arrangements he had made would be enough for them all to survive. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
Odin spent an uneasy night and felt no better in the morning. He had not seen Thor since their argument in the Vault. There had been shouting in the banquet hall as Thor told his friends what had happened, but Odin had heard nothing since. Frigga had tried to reassure him that Thor’s temper would ease and this would blow over, but Odin knew better. His son felt himself to be king already, whether the ceremony had been completed or not. He would take action. It was his nature. Odin hoped only that the action would not cause more problems than it solved. Just then, a guard rushed to him, and Odin’s misgivings were proved correct. Thor had taken his friends and journeyed into Jotunheim. Odin felt a deep well of fury rise up within him. Thor has deliberately disobeyed his orders. So, too, had Heimdall, who should not have let anyone pass on the Bisfrost – especially not a war party going to Jotunheim. “Tell the barn master to have Sleipnir and my battle gear to be readied immediately,” he ordered the guard. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
Once in Jotunheim Laufey notices Thor wants to be there to wage war. He even warns him that if he keeps this up he would unleash something terrible… and it’s not Thor but Loki who accepts Laufey’s offer for them to leave, Thor doesn’t accept it even if they’re outnumbered and risk being all killed because, as Laufey said, he craved for battle.
Laufey: Your father is a murderer and a thief! And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. You’re nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man. Thor: Well, this "boy" has grown tired of your mockery. Loki: Thor, stop and think. Look around you, we’re outnumbered. Thor: Know your place, Brother. Laufey: You know not what your actions would unleash. I do. Go now, while I still allow it. Loki: We will accept your most gracious offer. Come on, Brother.
Ultimately, even if Laufey and Loki had almost persuaded Thor to leave, all it takes is a small provocation and Thor starts attacking Frost Giants.
Jotun: Run back home, little princess. [Thor stops in his tracks. Loki goes white. He knows what’s coming.] Loki: Damn. [In one quick move, Thor pulls Mjolnir, swings it, and KNOCKS the Jotun clear across the plaza. The Asgardians reluctantly draw their weapons, gather into a circle around Thor.]
Loki is clearly not happy with his brother’s actions, he didn’t want this. It’s Thor who decided to do this anyway and, during the battle, we see that Thor is in a great spirit as he destroys a Frost Giant after another for a total of 145 Frost Giants (you can see the dead count in the Youtube video “Thor (2011) Chris Hemsworth Kill Count”).
Through the battle first Sif and then Loki TWICE will urge Thor to leave, they’re outnumbered they’ll end up getting killed if they remain there and it gets no better when Fandral gets wounded.
When Odin shows up Thor is all for continuing the battle.
Thor: Father! We’ll finish them together!
This is not Loki dictating his moves. This is all Thor and ultimately it’s Thor who argues with his father once they’re back, which is the last straw for Odin.
If Thor had kept quiet or had acted sorry Odin might have still forgiven him. He does not.
Thor: Why did you bring us back? Odin: Do you realize what you’ve done? What you’ve started? Thor: I was protecting my home. Odin: You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom? Get him to the healing room! Now! Thor: There won’t be a kingdom to protect if you’re afraid to act. The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you. Odin: That’s pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You’ve forgotten everything I taught you about a warrior’s patience. Thor: While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You’d stand giving speeches while Asgard falls. Odin: You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy! Thor: And you are an old man and a fool! Odin: Yes. I was a fool to think you were ready.
This is no Loki needling Thor, this is all Thor, this discussing matching the one he had in the Vault with Odin previously.
And, credits when it’s due, at this point Loki tried to interject.
Loki: FATHER-- [Odin turns with a growl and gives Loki a look which stops him in his tracks.]
Only at this point Thor will be banished and while yes, the way Loki chose to interrupt the coronation clearly had upset Thor and his words didn’t manage to calm him down, it’s also clear that not only Loki didn’t want for them to go to Jotunheim and almost get killed but that it’s Thor’s reaction to the situation that causes his banishment and that situation could have happened regardless of Loki having a hand in it or not.
Invasions happens.
The difference between “Thor” and “Thor: The Dark World” in which another invasion takes place, is that although Thor is always trying to disobey to his father in both movies, in the first he did it because he wanted to go at war with the Jotuns, in the second he did it because he hoped to spare Asgard from a war.
In the deleted scene for “Thor: The Dark World” even Odin acknowledges Thor was right.
Odin: I thought you’d been blinded by passion but in truth you were the only one who could see and you... did what needed to be done
His motive for disobeying his father in “Thor: The Dark World” is the exact opposite than it was in “Thor”, but if he’d been the old Thor he would have had no qualms to drag all Asgard into a war.
So yes, Loki set up the situation, but if Thor ended up being banished it was solely for his own reaction to the situation, a situation that could have happened in other circumstances.
Would Loki coming clear with Odin lift Thor’s banishment?
No, of course not, because none of Loki’s actions are what moves Odin to decide for Thor’s banishment. What pushes him to decide for such a punishment are Thor’s reactions to the situation. If Loki had confessed the most this could cause was for him too to also be banished.
And, to Thor’s credits, he grew in his banishment and became a better person. This is important, it doesn’t deserve to be underscored.
Also, as said before, Loki couldn’t predict the punishment would have been banishment and he didn’t control Odin either.
Not only Loki actually tried to stop Odin, but even Frigga in a deleted scene begged Odin to reconsider and he refused.
So yes, Thor’s banishment ultimately turned out to be convenient for Loki, but he didn’t deliberately orchestrated it, he didn’t plan that far.
So really, let’s just Thor have his moment of personal growth in which he becomes a better person in his own movie, let Odin have his own agency in deciding if to punish his sons or not and just accept the whole trip to Jotunheim wasn’t something Loki wanted nor Thor’s banishment something he could predict.
In short simply accept the story as its authors wanted it to be.
I get not everyone might be aware of interviews and deleted scenes but really, I would say the movie made the whole thing obvious enough to be understood just by watching it.
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dreams-in-blk · 3 years
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Ef'd Up or Fabulous: You Decide
Black women explore so many unique, audacious ways of looking and being. It's a reminder that there are more possibilities for us in life than we even allow ourselves to imagine. The future is wide open. But, we miss out on the magic by being fixated on what's fucked up, rather than the continuous streams of miracles that flow from Divine Love into our lives every day.
RP, May 14, 2021 - 5 min read time
We love to say that "God is my co-pilot". And I believe y'all. And that is true. But see, the problem is, the majority of us let the Devil sit in the Captain's Seat. We listen to the negative voices inside of our own heads, instead of the positive directions that God is trying to give us.
It's the stories that We habitually tell ourselves about everything, that limit our options in life. Yes. You are living in a story of your own creation. Even if you don't know it yet. You are (at least) the co-author of the story of your life. Let me put it this way: You are the Assistant Director of your own movie. (You already know who The Director is.)
So many of us feel like we are locked in. Maybe it's our job. Maybe it's our kids. Maybe it's the rough stuff that has happened to us that we can't let go of. Maybe it's our past, or our mistakes. Or something in our record. Or some relationship we fucked up and can't forgive ourselves for. Or a tragic loss that haunts us.
Wherever you feel locked in (lemme tell you) you need to LET THAT SHIT GO! Let it go! You can do it. You can just lay that burden down.
In so many powerful ways, we write ourselves into a tragic story, when God is trying to give us a grand adventure. So, flip the script. This is your movie.
That's one of the things I really love about this time in history. Despite the pandemic and all the other bullshit that we have to deal with in racist-ass America, Black women, in fact all Black people have so many open possibilities, so many incredible ways to look and be! It gives me hope.
And, like their mothers and grandmothers before them, young Black women are opening up new spaces of freedom for self-expression and beauty
I only wish that all of Us would stop shackling ourselves to negative, self-limiting stories. I only wish We could really see how many extraordinary futures are in front of us.
It's hard. A lot of bad stuff happens to Us. And it is so easy to focus on that. We can blow that shit up so big in our minds that it blocks out the very good stuff that is available for us right now. This is why it's really important to practice gratitude and optimism.
Tune yourself in to hear the directions that God is trying to give you. And the best way to do that, is to turn your eyes toward the places in your life where you are already being blessed. I came up with a little saying to help with this: "Today I will remember my blessings with gratitude, and He will grant me more to be grateful for." Believe that!
Open your mind to your blessings and more blessings will appear before you. I believe that is God's Promise!
All that negative frame of mind is doing, is keeping you from seeing the life-enhancing opportunities that are available to you right now. We literally cannot see them, when they are right there in front of our face.
We train ourselves with complaint to only see the things that disappoint us. So the disappointing and terrible things take up more and more of the frame and crowd out the positive things that are trying to happen to us. It's terrible! Like your momma said, "Stop that!"
We need to get into the habit of (everyday), taking just a few minutes to reorient our minds to the positive. Even if it's just a phrase that we tell ourselves like, "Glass half full' or "Look on the bright side" or "Yeah. But the good thing about that is...''
Getting into the habit of orienting ourselves toward the good in our life allows us to see the possibilities for success even in failure. And that power to turn toward the possibilities is key to opening our minds and our imaginations to the kinds of lives that we dream of. So, please re-write your story.
Change the tragic storyline that you are living in, to something a lot more fun, and a lot more open, and watch how in just a little time your life will come into line with the blessings that God is trying to shower on you.
You need to change up your movie so it is not some sort of depressing, drab, boring melodrama about a couple always fighting, or being stuck in a loveless marriage with bad kids. You know some "White People S***" like "Marriage Story" or "Malcolm & Marie". Don't nobody wanna see that s***! You need to write you an "Action Comedy" or a "Whirlwind Adventure" or a "Bada** Black Woman Saves The World...Again" kind of movie.
Now, that's a movie somebody might want to watch. A movie you might even want to star in. And there are a hundred other movies you can be in after that. You can switch it up.
Your next story might be a "Comeback Kid", or a "Success Story", or an "Adventure for the Whole Family" or maybe even "One Of The Greatest Love Stories Ever Told".
With God's help, we can rewrite and reinvent our stories. We can give ourselves more room to explore nearly unimaginable possibilities. Your story might get so good, you won't even be able to wait to see the next episode! - rp ✊🏿
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