#and i can't pass things off to them because neither of my bosses know how to do the things i do
kentucky-daisey · 11 months
I'm not much one for physical contact, but I had a really stressful meeting at work and all I want is a really tight hug. I'm emotionally exhausted.
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37-drc89 · 11 months
the way things go; lee minho
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❁ nothing warms your heart more than his presence.
trope: roommates to lovers.
genre: comfort, slight angst, work exhaustion, happy ending.
summary: finally understanding that your failure doesn't scare him away.
warnings: blood, mention of overprotective parent, family problems, let me know if i should put anything more in here.
word count: 3,7k.
note: this is very much my first fic here, like, ever. i'm still green in tumblr, any links and mostly making posts look good, but i'll eventually master it. i look forward to seeing your opinions and things i can change or make better, i'll appreciate every comment. and, please remember that english is not my first language! if you see any typo or something doesn't make sense, please inform me! thank you:)
Coming back home on Friday after whole week of working your ass off really feels like a walk of shame. You feel like everyone passing by can tell how awfully you did at your workplace today. And they wouldn't be wrong, the amount of scolds your boss threw in your direction through past few days is worryingly numerous.
Whether it was missing out on paper work your boss asked you to do for him, because you were so sure the deadline was set on the day after, or accidentially knocking off of your desk whole cup of hot, sweetened tea that later on you had to scrap off of the covering, under the strict eye of the middle aged man that scared you so much. Especially with the amount of misfortune that chased after you lately, like it was glued to you.
Cringe makes its way to your face. You're shuffling your way to your apartment, not really in a hurry, feet lazily dragged after you as you didn't even have any strenght to properly lift them off the ground. You most likely look like you've been partying for at least three nights in a row, but you can't find it in yourself to care about it. Not now.
Seeing the building in which your apartment is placed have never felt so relieving and you can feel your legs giving up under your weight just at the thought of splashing on the bed and dozing off. Vision of passing out on the sidewalk doesn't seem appealing to you, so you rush yourself to the door, typing entrance code and walking into the elevator, stairs not even crossing your mind. Your tired body slumps itself against the wall as you patiently wait to get to the 6th floor, finding relief in having something to support yourself on. Finally getting to the door you can't help but feel excited, tapping your feet happily just at the thought of making up every hour of sleep you've missed this week because of your busy schedule. You slide the door open and the very first thing reaching your ears is eager meowing, three fur balls appearing at the entrance immediately. You can't help but smile, kneeling to give each of them gentle head pat before taking off the coat and shoes. This truly felt like a bliss, like you've just slid off a bag of stones off your back. Sigh leaves your mouth, heading to the kitchen you turn on the kettle as your tea craving grows with every second. Soonie appears next to you, sitting at the table just across from you. You've grown so friendly with your roommate's Minho's cats that neither you nor him have any problem with kitties occupying places people normally wouldn't let them sit on.
Then you freeze for a second.
You look at Soonie.
Soonie looks at you.
Your brows furrow and the cat goes back to whatever he was doing previously.
Minho is coming home today. He's been away for past five days due to his business trip, that was probably exhaustion fogging your mind enough to forget about this. He's coming back today. And your apartment looks like a bomb has been detonated right in the middle of it all. You can't risk him seeing how messy you got, Minho is always the one to put stuff at the right place, making his bed no matter in how much of a hurry he's in, always the one to do the dishes and basically make everything look perfect. You can't see him disappointed in you for such an easy thing, he'll think you don't even gather your life together. Not like you do, but it's nothing in his business, you shouldn't become another one of his problems. He's just your roommate and the only thing you share and should take care of is apartment that is now in complete mess. You can blame it on your lack of time, barely spending any time at your place recently, but that won't help in current situation.
Quick glance at the time, 4:23 pm, you reach out for your phone to scroll up the conversation with your friend to make sure how fast you have to act.
He's back in town at 5 pm. Could this possibly get any worse?
You scold yourself internally for letting this whole situation happen. But you don't have time to think about this now, and as you turn off the kettle you speedrun to the livingroom, gathering scattered clothes from all around the place. You blame it on Monday when you got up so late you didn't even have time for brushing your hair and of course, the shirt you were looking for was nowhere to be found. Out of all things, it was the one you needed that day.
Then you pick up empty cans of soda, bottles of water and cups of coffee from the table and quickly throw them into the dishwasher. You blame it on Tuesday, the night you realised you have to write that fucking paperwork you got scolded for missing on Monday. So you sat there for hours, head empty, taking breaks only when your tired tears started wetting your pages, scared that all your miserable efforts will be ruined.
Rushing to Minho's room you pick up blanket and pillows from his floor. You blame it on Wednesday, the day you were already on the edge of breaking down and giving up on your job. Even though the boy is only a roommate for you, you've grown so used to his presence you started finding peace in it. Even after the worst day you knew that someone will always be there waiting at your apartment to serve you cup of hot chocolate and bowl of ramen, to take your turn of folding laundry or just listen to how appaling your day was. But he wasn't home and it left you all to yourself which was never the best idea. So, seeking for at least tiny bit of comfort, you slept on his floor. That sounds so fucking stupid and weird when you think about it now, but just the aura Minho left in his room made you feel a bit closer to him. Reminds you of every time he invited you over to play some online games for 12 year olds or spill any tea that happened at his work. Though, you never wanted to interfere his private space, so sleeping in his bed didn't even cross your mind. Floor was just sufficient for you, and you let your tears flow that night, just as much as you needed it. You know he would understand. He might seem cold to others, but you know he would. He already unwrapped his side of him to you letting you see that truly, inside, he's softer than anyone you know; It's all for Soonie, Doongie and Dori. They really do get the best of Minho.
Going back to the kitchen, you gather empty boxes of instant ramen, snacks and every ready shop food that you could possibly find at the convenience store. You blame it on the whole week of rushing, not even having time to eat a proper meal. You can feel it down your stomach, body demanding anything that could properly feed it and give it any strenght to function as it should be functioning. Honestly, you can't recall the last time you didn't feel sick. Lump in your throat was your loyal companion since a week ago, constant urge to throw up not leaving your body even when you were falling asleep and you know you'll have to appreciate normal, nutritions food more.
You run around the apartment holding a wet towel, wiping quickly every mirror hung on the walls as you know nothing pisses Minho more than fogged glass. So you try your best to do it carefully, just like he does it. Reaching the last mirror placed in the front hall you eagerly wipe it, aware of your lack of time. Then it all happens at once.
Shitty food, lack of sleep, liters of coffee and ungodly amount of stress feel like kicking in all at once, like it's been gathering in your exhausted body for the whole week just for this one moment that you needed to be fucking careful.
Vision blurry, feet suddently tripping over itself, mind going blank just for a second, but second is enough for you to try holding yourself onto the small table placed right under the mirror and shaking it so hard when sudden thump reach your ears, followed by loud sound of shattered glass. You don't want to look. Because you're fully aware of what just happened. You don't want to look but you do. Eyes landing on the remains of now broken vase, water all over the floor, flowers that were resting inside it now cut in half and completely soaked.
And it was Minho's favourite vase. The first and the last thing he always glanced at when leaving or coming back home, admiring its beauty, pretty patterns, unique shape and the prettiest flowers inside. Flowers that he got for his 25th birthday that passed not so long ago from his dearest best friend Jisung. Flowers that he was so happy to receive, first thing he did after coming home that day was showing them to you, proudly, ranting about how they perfectly suit the room. And you ruined it all.
Your body slides slowly on the wet floor, water soaking your pants on your knees and you support yourself on the palms of your hands not to completely fall into the mess. You feel small pieces of glass ripping open your delicate skin of your hands, small streams of blood making their way to the floor, mixing with spilled water but you couldn't care less. Elbows start to shake under the weight of your body, shoulders tensing and your head falls, your own quiet sobs reaching your ears. It quickly turns into uncotrollable groans and whines, tears now flowing down your face with no end, nose already full, loose hair stick to your now completely soaked cheeks.
And you blame it on yourself. You could seek for anything to put his all on, like your boss, for making you feel useless for not even managing to do your fucking job properly and assigning you more work than anyone else in your department. Or your mother for not teaching you how to manage your time and how to function on your own, her overprotectiveness during your childhood and teenage years showing so often that you never even got any time to learn adult life before stepping into it. But you know it isn't their fault, no matter how hard you try to think that it is. You let yourself into this situation. You let yourself be in the state you're currently in. You didn't try hard enough to make yourself a decent person. There's no one you can blame but you.
Your endless cries must've muffled the sound of door cracking open, eyes reaching only feet of your roommate that was now standing at the entrance. You couldn't look up, even if you wanted to, you couldn't look Minho in the eyes. Not when he's witnessing your failure and the mess you made out of something so dear to him.
Meanwhile Minho stood there, body frozen, gazing at your tiny figure splashed on the floor, shoulders shaking. He doesn't even notice the crashed vase at first, your current state drawing all his attention immediately to you.
He doesn't give himself any time to think much longer about what's happening in his front hall right now, dropping bags he's been holding in his right hand and suitcase on his left and appearing at your side the second after, kneeling by your vulnerable body on the floor.
"Hey, hey.." Minho lightly lays his hand on your shaky back, carefully caressing it to soothe you. "Easy now, I'm here."
The only respond he gets is your dramatic, loud sob ripping out of your heavy chest. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Minho... Is the only thing you could get out of yourself, followed by another set of pretty disgusting, wet cries.
"Are you hurt? Let me see your hand, please," your roommate asked quietly not to scare you after noticing red coloured drops beside your knees. Gently, he took your harmed hands into his and studied small pieces of glass stuck in your skin. "Let's get it cleaned, okay?"
His hand makes its way to your waist and he stands up slowly, careful not to make any sudden moves that could put you in pain. He shuffles you to the bathroom and helps you sit on the toilet seat and starts preparing alcohol and wet towels.
You feel pathetic.
Not only you ruined his special item, something so important and beautiful, but now he has to take care of someone that caused all the damage. You feel helpless once again, like you couldn't do anything fucking right for once. Once.
Your caring roommate starts removing glass shatters from your wound, his tongue sticking out a bit from the corner of his mouth, fully concentrated in his task. He knows that if his hands twitch even a little bit, he might hurt you even more, and let me tell you, his hands are trembling. He can't recall a situation when he saw you in such state.
You always seem tough, tough against any misfortune that meets you. You surely talk to him when you need some shoulder to lay on, about your worse days and he's cautious enough to notice when you're exhausted. But he's never seen you at your breaking point, starting to believe you don't have any. Yet you're here, in front of him, not even being able to speak properly. He can't help but feel kind of relieved at the whole situation knowing that your hard, protective shell cracked a little bit, letting him see something he's never seen in you before. Weakness.
"This might sting a bit," Minho informs you as he presses alcohol soaked paper to your wound. Whimper leaves your mouth at the unpleasant feeling and you hang your head down. He quickly wraps bandage around your hand and clasps it between his warm palms.
"Hey, you don't have to worry about that the hall. I'll take care of it, okay?" He tries to lower himself, kneeling in front of you, so he can get a better glimpse of your puffed face. You shake your head and straighten your back, looking at him with serious expression.
"No." You sniff, "No, I broke it, I broke something so important to you and it's my fault. I'll clean it. I'll buy you a new one, the same one, I promise Minho."
His hands make their way to your back, slowly, eyes remaining on you for any sign of discomfort. When you sneakily lean into the touch, Minho pulls your body entirely towards his, clasping your weak figure into his arms and sways you left and right, wanting to feel your muscles relax in his embrace.
"What's wrong, hm? My roommate senses are tingling," his voice muffles itself by pressing his mouth against your shoulder, "Talk to me, y/n, please?"
"I had the worst week ever here, without you."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You just shake your head no, holding onto his waist tighter than ever. You feel him nod. His calm aura pulls you in completely, feeling like walking into hot building during snowy, cold winter. Your cheeks warm up, pressing right below his neck, his body warmth transferring itself to you.
"It's lowkey weird." You choke out, coughing right after because of how stuffed your poor throat felt.
"What is?"
"You comforting me while I'm sitting on a toilet seat."
You manage to let out throaty chuckle to light the atmosphere up, however, you can't help the warm stream of tears flowing right after.
"Want to move it to the livingroom?" Minho pulls out of the hug slightly, setting his gaze at your red face again and your eyes make their way to the floor. You still haven't looked him in the eyes, not even once, as you're scared of the wave of guilt that will follow. As if the one you're feeling right now isn't enough. You feel like a child scared to get shouted at by their parents.
Minho crouches down in front of you and you hum in question, brows furrowed. He only gestures with his hand for you to hop onto his back, already positioning your legs on his hips. You groan but don't protest, you know how Minho is and you know fighting him is hopeless. Wrapping your arms around his next securely and glueing your chest onto his back, you melt into the warmth of his body. He stands up, feeling your breath tickling the skin behind his ear and smiling to himself, noticing how it got much steadier than it was before. He leads both of you out the bathroom and again, the sad view of Minho's favourite vase on the floor, not really looking any similar to vase anymore, hits you, shoving another wave of guilt through your nerves. You close your eyes and rest your forehead on your roommate's shoulder.
"I'm truly, so, so sorry Minho. I never meant to do this, I was just trying to make the place look presentable for you and it ended like it always does." the words left your mouth as quiet squeak, taking another deep breath before speaking again; "Yet you still have to clean the mess I did, like you always do. I don't deserve it, I don't deserve you. I failed being your perfect roommate."
"Who said I wanted a perfect roommate?" he asks as you reach your shared couch, carefully laying you on it then sitting by your side, facing you. "You think I'm mad at you, but I'm not. I've broken like five vases in my life and none of this was anything I planned, just like you."
You finally find some strenght in yourself to raise your gaze and lock it at his round, dark eyes. And he's right, no matter how intensively you look into them, you can't find even a tiny bit of anger in them, they sparked with understanding and you find yourself feeling bad at even thinking someone this precious could get so mad at you. They were so pure you could see your ugly, messed up reflection in them. Before you could start thinking about this again, his eyes squinted a little bit as corners of Minho's lips curled upwards in the most beautiful, sincere, affectionate smile you've ever seen. You only realised that his hand was placed on your trembling knee when you felt his fingers caressing it softly, sending warm shiver through your whole body.
"What about the flowers? You loved them..." You turned around to take a glimpse of the mess once again but Minho quickly grabbed your chin with only pads of his fingers and made you look back at him. "I'll take over from here, you get rest now."
Just as he was about to stand up from the couch you grabbed him by his sleeve and almost agressively pulled him right into your arms, crashing in the tightest, breath taking hug as you truly couldn't believe you had him by your side. Just when you thought you crossed his boundaries by that sudden action and started to loose your grip on him, he dragged you right back to him like he was waiting for this moment to happen. His heart pressed to yours, he definitely could tell how fast and heavy its beating right now. Both of yours eyes closed, you just enjoyed this such intimate moment, very first one since you've moved in together. Neither you or him dare to make a move in fear of ruining this beautiful scene.
"Thank you," you murmur into his neck, so quietly you're not even sure he heard it. "only you can endure me as your roommate. How are you not tired of this?" Chuckle leaves your mouth but you quickly tone it out in case he responds, Well, I am actually tired.
"Because you're the only one that can endure me, too." He pulls out of the hug, though he doesn't move too far away, being so close to your face you could feel his minty breath on your nose. "I guess it's just the way things go."
Next thing your brain processes is his perfect lips landing on yours in swift motion. Suprisingly they're not rough, not even a little bit, they're so soft you barely feel them at first. Your heart goes up your throat for a mere second, dropping back down the moment he caress your cheek gently with his warm hand, now covered in the tiniest layer of sweat caused by the adrenaline. When your body finally understands what's going on, you lean into him completely, hand going up on the back of his head, tangling into his soft, dark hair and Minho takes is as a sign to continue, now pressing his lips onto yours with more force, making sure you feel them properly. A sigh of relief leaves both of your mouths and you smile into the kiss. When you eventually just slightly pull away from each other, faces still close, you notice new emotion making its way into his eyes, overtaking the rest as he studies every part of your face carefully. It's love. His eyes are full of love. Its so intense like it just have been freed from his chest after months of hiding in the deepest corners of his heart.
There's still so much you don't know about him and there's so much he doesn't know about you, but the gate has opened now and there's no turning back. You don't know what any of this means yet, but you can think of it tomorrow. Or in a month. Or in a year.
For now it's just you and him. And that's what matters the most in the world.
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besiegedhunter · 1 year
Why Lupos fear Projekt Red. Il Siracusano lore
So personally speaking Red has always been one of the more mysterious characters in Arknights to me and chief amongst the reasons is how she scares other Lupos. A thing that even theorizing why never made total sense.
But then Il Siracusano came out with so much Beast Lord lore and somehow made it more confusing.
(It's quite a long post so)
What I'm referring to is the last moments of the story before the Zarro boss fight in IS-10:
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This. This is effectively the same effect that Red has one other Lupos which it draws attention to by referring to it as a 'chill' such as Red's talent name as well as when later in the event Crownslayer meets Red again
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Now on the surface this makes sense. Red is Grandma's Fang and Grandma is a Beast Lord who'd be able to do the same thing. We also know that Crownslayer's mentor taught her a bite so there's techniques that Beast Lords pass onto their Fang.
Except it's not as clean cut as that because we don't see any sort of ability like this outside of Red. Neither Bernado or Lunacub exhibit this ability. There's also no accounts of any other character, playable or not, showing anything similar outside of the Nightmare Knight.
Then you take into account this from Lunacub's files on the Beast Lords:
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"Polar opposite of Originium"
We know that like them there are also Feranmuts like Nian and her siblings who have no connection to Originium at all and don't use Originium arts wherein lies the problem.
It's not an Originium Art, it's inherit to Beast Lords and yet Red seems to be capable of it also.
So two options:
One is read the end of that screenshot. "Researchers struggle to find the profound differences between them and us." and we know thanks to Mephisto that if an Ancient goes into the Sarcophagus that they revert into an animal.
Not only that however. This is speculation but between both of Mephisto's boss fights we see that he's capable of healing and making husks out of corpses that he controls however in his second one after going into the sarcophagus he gains the ability to teleport.
I can't say whether this is a Feranmut ability but between the abnormal size as well as this, it's a possibility that it's between a regular bird and a Beast Lord.
But pushing that aside, it's possible that Ancients have abilities deep inside of them that they share with Beast Lords that they can bring out but that it's rare that they do.
Maybe this is the explanation for this part of Horn's files though it, like other aspects of some characters, isn't a 1 for 1 thing like Zarro and Red.
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Second option is that it is "functionally the same" but actually has a different origin. I'd rationalize it as Grandma seeing how useful this ability is (assuming Zarro even used it consciously and other Beast Lords do too) and so tried creating something identical.
Maybe it's Red getting drenched in presumably wolf blood, with it lingering on her that other Lupos can smell and that sets off a fear response? This being my original theory based off Red's tendency to identify Fangs through scent as well as this pit from Executor and Vermail's vignette in Operational Intelligence.
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Now the thing I would say about this one in particular is that, if killing enough of a certain animal/race makes said race terrified of you then why do we not see that from people such as Hellagur or Lappland or long lived characters?
But that's all I'll say on that because I do have a secret third option which is only secret because it is the worst and if true then wow that's cruel.
And that is that Red isn't the one who has these effects on Lupos but instead it's Grandma who can't be seen but is with Red, possibly intentionally doing this as to stop Red from staying from her mission OR and perhaps more interestingly (and ooc) is Grandma permanently gives off this effect.
Is there evidence? Well sadly there may be.
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Here we see another Wolf Beast Lord making herself imperceptible to Rhode Island's personnel and in the second screenshot it's possible that she's hiding herself from even Lunacub, though it may also be that she left to somewhere.
Then there's Red's dialogue after her first promotion where she says she can hear Grandma. I repeat "heard" aka she didn't see her.
Now consider this: Zarro and Grandma are the same being with the same abilities and he went to Lungmen just to tell Texas he needs her for something and also that he raced across Il Siracusano to meet Bernado after he put his plan to detach the new city from Volsinii into action
The fact he doesn't use any sort of long distance communication implies to me that Wolf Beast Lords aren't capable of it, meaning it's improbable that Grandma wasn't there
So if Grandma has probably visited Rhodes Island, wasn't even seen by Red and would naturally have the same ability as Zarro while Red having it opens a billion questions,
It's arguably the most likely one.
Now that's all on the brain storming but if I can have a little more of your time, please read this:
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Red's Trust 2. The one after her questioning the importance of family and preceding wondering if her life would be different if she wasn't a wolf hunter (aka groomed by a evil wolf to win a murder game so said wolf can become the leader of their pack off her efforts)
Now consider that the reason why they're afraid of her, why she can't befriend her fellow Lupos is because the person who has controlled her her whole life is still there, warding them off
Think about that the next time you see one of those tail hunter memes
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jaywaslost · 1 year
Did it matter?
This is a birthday gift for a dear friend of mine, the one and only @asukamood
I didn't expect to be posting it anywhere but after some convincing, here we are! While I do doubt this is gonna show up on anybody's feed or be read by many, I hope it's worth the time of whoever does. If there are any errors do forgive me please I haven't read this twice as I can't stand to view my own writing—
I've stalled long enough, enjoy!~
It was over now, he didn't need to think of anything that happened in the past. Things have always been this way, Hacker would even say he hated and still hates the man with his entire soul!
The images infront of him only fueled that, but why did it hurt so badly?
Why did he still care?
Hacker was losing his patience.
He’d been flipping through the channels on T.V for the last 2 hours, unable to find something interesting enough to settle on. His phone was dead and the charger nowhere to be found, but his laptop wasn’t much of an option either considering the fact Randy decided to “revoke his computer privileges” because his sleeping hours became even more oddly timed than before.
Why does it matter, anyway? He still got the recommended 8 hours, sometimes even more!
He scoffed remembering that conversation, but it was too late to really change anything. Could he steal it back? Probably, Randy never quite bothered to hide things from him or Bobby unless they could actually hurt them.
He kept losing his cigarette packs recently, which was quite odd considering he shouldn’t even know about them..
It’s fine, he was probably thinking too deeply into it.
The laptop was most likely just..out there in the open.
It would be so easy to grab.
..then again, h̶i̶s̶ d̶a̶d̶ Randy placed enough trust in him to leave it that way while he was out of the house. Hacker didn't want to lose that trust or even worse, disappoint the man.
He could make-do with the TV for now, that is if it stopped showing the most boring content ever.
Really, what was so interesting about a recent robbery and why was everyone talking about it?!
A robbery isn’t something new or even rare, quite the opposite. It didn’t make sense, if it was Nightmare’s doing the news would’ve already spread even faster than this so that idea was scrapped quickly.
Couldn’t be either of his “emotional support idiots” as he called them either, the outcome would’ve been similar if so.
Hacker buried his face in the cushions, considering going back to sleep at this point.
Bobby woke him up a few hours prior (he should’ve already been awake by then, as it was 3 in the afternoon but really, who would pass up a chance to sleep in? His boss did say he had the day off due to complications anyway so who cared, really.) telling him he and Randy were leaving, saying the older one asked if he wanted to come along or stay. He opted for the latter, too out of it to guarantee not embarrassing himself in front of h̶i̶s̶ b̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ Bobby and giving him valid blackmail. The little gremlin would absolutely love that and he didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of it, really.
They planned to get groceries and maybe pass by a few other places, he made sure to remind them to buy him a charger replacement. It was stupid, neither of them had an iphone so he was left with no choice but to let it be which was irritating. How was he supposed to entertain himself properly? It was so boring alone, he couldn’t even talk to Blue to pass the time. Hacker was sure he figured it out by now but didn’t drop by as to not give away their location.
Time was passing by so slowly, Hacker felt like he spent days on the couch waiting. He almost regretted not going along with the other two, maybe he would’ve gotten a kick out of that and not gotten so bored. Knowing them, Bobby was probably rambling on and on about a new piece of minecraft merch he wanted and Randy, being himself, was unable to say no when he asked to buy it.
Seriously, did that kid not know how to calm down? He was gonna be the reason they ended up broke soon if it went on that way.
I̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶..n̶i̶c̶e̶. T̶h̶e̶y̶ w̶e̶r̶e̶ h̶a̶p̶p̶y̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ w̶a̶y̶. I̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ c̶o̶m̶f̶o̶r̶t̶a̶b̶l̶e̶, t̶h̶e̶ m̶o̶s̶t̶ w̶e̶l̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ h̶e̶ h̶a̶d̶ e̶v̶e̶r̶ f̶e̶l̶t̶.
After nearly falling back asleep, Hacker finally mustered up the energy to stand up and move a little. Maybe that would make it a little less boring than just sitting there.
He didn’t have breakfast yet, so he headed to the kitchen. It was emptier by this time of the week after they got through everything, but at least there was still the ends of a bread loaf and some waffles in the freezer.
It took some time to decide but Hacker ended up just making a regular sandwich. Best not to end up throwing the bread out, not after their hard earned money was spent on it and it was perfectly fine anyway.
His focus was no longer on what was going on on the television, instead busy deciding if he wanted to go back to sleep after this until the other two returned or not.
Too busy thinking about what he was going to distract himself with, Hacker didn’t realize the knife in his hands ended up cutting his finger a little bit.
“Not again, I don’t even know if we have band aids this time..” he muttered, seeming more annoyed than anything. The cutting board had some of the blood on it now, he’s definitely getting questioned about that later on.
How much more entertaining could this day get?
Leaving his now abandoned breakfast on the counter he left to search for the box that should just about contain all of those.
They weren’t in the cabinets, nor were they in the bathroom or closet next to it.
There was a box in Bobby’s room but that was a last resort, he’ll get the silent treatment for a few days for using those over a small cut like this one but letting it be like this wasn’t much better.
It didn’t take much longer for Hacker to remember Randy kept some in a box under the TV.
All the way back in the living room.
And he went around the entire house for absolutely no reason.
None at all.
For a man who wanted to live so desperately he was starting to think death didn’t really sound all that bad.
With a sigh, he made his way back to check if there were any.
Sure enough, they were there.
A full box.
‘At least that wasn’t for nothing?’ he thought while opening it, finally covering the cut. Hacker knew he should’ve been more careful ,but the reminder was annoying regardless.
Whatever channel was on was still talking about the same topic, the words blurred together as he didn't care enough to focus on them.
That was until a certain name came up.
Hacker’s eyes snapped up to look at the screen as a cold sense of dread crept upon him.
There he was.
The same man he referred to as his ex constantly.
There was never an issue speaking about him vaguely, but for some reason seeing him after so long didn’t have the same effect.
A long time passed since they parted ways, Hacker would’ve forgotten the details if not for how they met in the first place.
It wasn’t…normal in any way but it could’ve been worse, a lot worse really.
He remembers looking around the room he woke up in, trying to figure out where he could be or see if there was anyone he knew.
Anyone who could help him figure out what happened, really. All he knew was that it was not where he remembered being a few moments prior.
After a comically long explanation, his eyes finally landed on someone who looked around the same age.
The man standing over him called the other, through the whispers of other people in that same room Hacker was able to figure out he was his son and that this man was the boss.
Apparently, his name was Colton.
Eyes still glued to what he was watching, Hacker listened attentively this time to what was being said.
Colton was handcuffed, saying some things he couldn’t decipher over the sound of the justice reigns employee speaking about the entire situation.
His eyes kept darting back to the blond instead of focusing on the words like he wanted to, but he caught enough to understand the gist of the situation.
After he returned back to his normal life, many questions about what happened came up. He was declared dead after a nasty crash, so how was he here and if it was faked then who would do that and why?
Hacker didn’t have the guts to answer at the time, he wasn’t sure he’d go into detail if asked now, either.
Apparently, one of Colton’s ‘minions’ was meant to go into a store and get something from the cashier, but they were seen and authorities were called after the citizen noticed how much more afraid she got as the conversation between them went on longer.
After the arrest, they couldn’t stay silent for long.
Everything about the gang finally came out, which led to the current situation at hand.
Hacker wasn’t sure how he felt about it. It was good, finally there was no need to think about the possibility of whatever website he was looking at being related to them, or being targeted as a possible threat and potentially even killed.
Part of him wasn’t so sure about that feeling, though. There was a slight panic at the back of his head, that same part of him didn’t want to see it happen.
He knew it would come so why did it feel strange?
Why did he feel like he..regret something?
There was nothing to regret in the first place.
W̶h̶y̶ w̶a̶s̶ h̶e̶ s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ a̶t̶t̶a̶c̶h̶e̶d̶.
Feeling around for the remote to turn it off, he still couldn’t pull his eyes away from the screen.
From his face.
Hacker never saw him looking like this. Helpless, in a way.
Why did that make his heart hurt? There’s no reason for it.
It wasn’t like their time together was that good anyway, he knows it. Both of them knew it wasn’t healthy, but it was addicting. The thrill of something new and unexpected, the possibilities that came along with it and little feeling of control it gave.
T̶h̶e̶ a̶t̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ h̶e̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ g̶o̶t̶ b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶.
I̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ a̶d̶d̶i̶c̶t̶i̶n̶g̶.
Whatever, what they could have been is in the past by now. He moved on and improved himself and his relationships.
He’d like to think so at least.
Whoever was speaking seemed to finish, as the camera focused on the cuffed man held in place by none other than Finch.
Hacker didn’t have any difficulty recognizing him really- Serious as ever, doing his job as usual without any unnecessary speech or pointless banter as he ordered around some others.
The man’s demeanor caught his attention very quickly but that was besides the current point.
Colton seemed to be thinking of something, and if Hacker knew anything about him is that whatever came out of his mouth next would either cause someone a crisis or get him into more trouble with the law.
He wasn’t stupid enough to go with the second guess, he knew better than that.
Somehow it was a mix of both, surprising and not at the same time.
Suddenly, he could no longer breathe.
Not a single sound came from him, he didn’t move a single inch.
Not even when the report ended, he and every other gang member was officially in custody of the police.
Why does he care?
..well, ‘care’ is a little much.
Hacker didn't know how he felt, if he had to be completely honest.
Despite being mostly happy about it at first he couldn’t help but consider how things would’ve been if that went differently.
If the past itself went differently.
From the moment he heard the name get mentioned, Hacker knew his fate was sealed.
Colton was to be executed for all the crimes he committed, nothing could get him out of the grave he dug for himself.
Not now.
It didn’t matter, that was fine.
Hacker wouldn’t be affected by it, if anything that’ll only further prove the fact he never actually killed anybody (what was the need to frame him, seriously wasn’t being ‘dead’ enough??).
He felt weird.
Whatever, it won’t last.
He’ll forget soon, he always does.
..The silence was getting irritating, but he didn’t really have any desire to move and put something else on, it would probably be something else that’s boring just like before either way so there wouldn’t be a point.
The food left on the counter now long forgotten, Hacker found himself thinking about some things. Past events that could have gone differently, how things would have gone.
What if he never got through the database that one day? What if he listened to the warnings and didn’t stick his nose where it didn’t belong?
He probably wouldn’t be in this situation now or before, they’d have had no interest in him.
Why was it so conflicting? It didn’t make sense anymore.
Not like it ever did, but this was new.
It didn’t take long for him to lose track of time, too engaged with considering the possibilities and chances that were missed.
Could there have been a time they were truly happy?
Why did Colton take interest in him? It’s not like he was boring or unattractive, quite the opposite really. But, with the way that man saw people it probably wasn’t very relevant compared to something else he saw. The question still remained as to what it was.
It wasn’t like he could get answers for that question, not now.
No use dwelling on it.
It had been a long time since that anyway.
Since the day they met, the fire had died by now.
He had no reason to crave it. The silence was messing with his head.
..He missed the late night conversations, the absurd topics that sometimes came up out of the blue. They were rarely ever peaceful or calm, but they were entertaining. A nice change. Colton was always the type not to waste time, discarding whatever seemed useless or bothered him even slightly the moment it did so, yet he kept Hacker around instead of ignoring him.
He didn’t need to, but he did.
T̶h̶e̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶ o̶f̶ h̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ b̶a̶c̶k̶ w̶a̶s̶..p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶a̶n̶t̶ i̶n̶ a̶ w̶a̶y̶.
S̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ k̶e̶p̶t̶ h̶i̶m̶ a̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶. S̶u̶r̶e̶, i̶n̶s̶u̶l̶t̶s̶ a̶n̶d̶ a̶r̶g̶u̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ w̶e̶r̶e̶ t̶h̶r̶o̶w̶n̶ a̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶-̶ q̶u̶i̶t̶e̶ f̶r̶e̶q̶u̶e̶n̶t̶l̶y̶ a̶t̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶, b̶u̶t̶ h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ i̶g̶n̶o̶r̶e̶d̶. A̶t̶ l̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ n̶o̶t̶ f̶o̶r̶ t̶o̶o̶ l̶o̶n̶g̶.I̶t̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ b̶e̶ a̶ h̶u̶g̶e̶ l̶i̶e̶ t̶o̶ s̶a̶y̶ h̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶n̶'t̶ e̶n̶j̶o̶y̶ g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ "s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶ t̶r̶e̶a̶t̶m̶e̶n̶t̶" a̶t̶ t̶h̶e̶ t̶i̶m̶e̶, n̶o̶t̶ g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶e̶ s̶a̶m̶e̶ a̶s̶ a̶n̶y̶ o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ m̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ i̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ g̶a̶n̶g̶. S̶o̶m̶e̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ h̶e̶ c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'t̶ t̶e̶l̶l̶ i̶f̶ t̶h̶e̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ g̶i̶v̶e̶n̶ w̶e̶r̶e̶ t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ o̶f̶ e̶n̶v̶y̶ f̶o̶r̶ h̶i̶s̶ p̶o̶s̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ , b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ t̶h̶e̶ l̶e̶a̶d̶e̶r̶'s̶ s̶o̶n̶ s̶o̶ i̶n̶t̶i̶m̶a̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ c̶a̶m̶e̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ i̶t̶s̶ b̶e̶n̶e̶f̶i̶t̶s̶ o̶f̶ c̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶, o̶r̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ p̶i̶t̶y̶....
While they were never official per say, they acted the part frequently enough for Hacker to consider it that way. He found it funny how at the time it seemed to be the other’s first go at something like that, it was no wonder he couldn’t know how to act properly to make Hacker know his place and yet keep whatever they had going on alive.
He thought it would be safe to assume most of his..negative? Traits were due to the influence of his father. The man was truly one of the worst he ever had the misfortune of coming across.
The idea of being stared down at by that man, tied down in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere made his skin crawl.
..Did he ever know about them?
He knows he never said anything, it was unlikely Colton did either but he couldn’t help wondering if that was possible.
He was just a mere tool anyway, all of them knew that.
The reason he was kept living was the fact he was useful at the time, that was it.
It was good enough for him.
The realization of that stung at first but he came to terms with it eventually.
At the time it wasn’t expected to come up in conversation, but it did regardless and undeniably made him question some things.
It was during the end of his first month there. Hacker was still getting used to the new routine, which was quite boring but he couldn’t do anything about it even if he tried to (it wasn’t like he wanted to piss someone off, he was even more of a twig back then than he is now so there was no chance it would’ve ended well, thinking about it.). Wake up, take a shower and get your breakfast avoiding as many people as you could to not aggravate anybody then go see what Colton was up to and potentially even get a task assigned to him. Those “tasks” weren’t any easy feat by any means, although it was all digital Hacker wouldn’t be allowed to get up and do anything unless absolutely necessary before he was done. He was always watched to make sure nothing was leaked either, it was quite uncomfortable for a while. Energy draining, to say the least. (He wasn’t even allowed to sleep in after as compensation. Just how unfair was that?!)
That day though, instead of being busy with something as he usually would be whether it was ordering (or moreso berating) someone around or actually doing some things himself, Colton was just..spinning around on a chair seemingly bored with not much to do. When the door creaked open his gaze immediately landed on Hacker’s curious face.
“Your hair looks absolutely terrible, did you even look at a mirror before coming here?” he scoffed, sitting up properly instead of whatever deranged position he was in just moments prior. (How did his back not snap actually he never thought about that..)
“You flatter me so early in the morning” Hacker rolled his eyes, a normal greeting in their words consisted of that and occasionally some other pointless remarks so it was a good sign.
“Why did you come here to bother me already”
“Can’t I just see my favourite person in this entire place?”
“Cut the bull, what do you want”
“You <3”
“Maybe I should get rid of you by now-”
“-it’s not really like anyone would care, no one is looking for you or into your supposed death anyway”
Hacker wanted to respond, but he couldn’t.
A good sign, he said. Clearly.
“Oh?” The previously bored man now seemed interested, his expression perked up when he realized the other didn’t respond but actually only looked towards the ground instead.
“Did I hit a nerve there?” Despite the question usually being used in a joking matter when mentioned in a conversation with any normal people or friends, Hacker could clearly tell he was being mocked.
It wasn’t the first time someone said he wasn’t cared for.
Why does it matter now.
Why did he freeze.
Colton got up and walked towards him before grabbing his hand and stroking it gently. He never did that without reason.
“Poor little Theodore, I heard there wasn’t even a proper funeral held for you”
“I doubt many, if anyone, would have attended though so it doesn’t matter that much, don’t you agree?”
“To most you were probably just that annoying person they wanted to get off their backs huh? I bet some were even happy with the news.”
How long did he plan to continue?.
“Annoying, in their way. Did you ever have many friends, actually? I don’t see a reason for that to be the case but I can’t help the curiosity”
“Stop it.”
“When were you the one in the position to demand things of me?”
Right. He wasn’t.
“I understand them, really. The reason I’ve kept you around is because you’ve been useful, I have no reason to hide that. I'm sure you already knew, though?”
He hoped it was just some sort of insecurity acting up.
Apparently it wasn’t.
He leaned closer, now speaking right into his ear.
Hacker would have usually liked the sensation, he wasn’t one to complain about a man he found so pretty willingly being so close to him (quite the opposite unsurprisingly) but this time it was chilling.
“If only you kept yourself in your own business, then this wouldn’t even have come up at all. I’d not need to put up with you still, you wouldn’t need to be told all of this. Maybe you’d have come to the realization yourself after some time hm? The reason few were there before you were “dead”, how no one is looking for you right now despite some details about the death not adding up. Honestly I’m not sure how they even made the mistakes that they did but it doesn’t matter, I digress. Won’t you humor me with a response?” He continued, Hacker could practically feel his smile growing wider.
Of course he’d want to hear that.
“..I think I’ll be leaving”
“What a shame, so fast today”
Colton moved away slightly, but grabbed the other’s chin to bring him closer for a few moments before letting him go.
While Hacker would usually find that nice, he didn’t feel the same about it this time. He wanted to just go.
“You can leave, but don’t forget to come back in a few hours. You’d get lonely so I doubt it’ll happen, but a reminder doesn’t hurt”
It didn’t need to be said, Hacker’s mood was ruined after that. He left quieter than usual after that, clearly not happy about what just happened. N̶o̶t̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶ h̶e̶ h̶a̶d̶ t̶h̶e̶ g̶u̶t̶s̶ t̶o̶ s̶a̶y̶ a̶n̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶.
It wasn’t like he didn’t already know but that didn’t make it better, the others in highschool made sure to remind him plenty. He heard it so much before and never cared, what was different this time?
He ended up back in his own room if it can really be called that considering how it felt more like a cell of sorts than anything (did these people not know what paint was?? Grey isn't the only colour for walls, seriously it was BEYOND boring! It was even chipped, come on!), still without an answer.
Why was Colton so amused seeing him react that way? It couldn’t be that entertaining, it sucked to be told that kind of thing.
Saying anything back may have ended with him dead, so he just..didn’t respond at all. It fueled the other even more to continue which was the opposite of what he was hoping for. Though again, it wasn’t all that surprising seeing what he is, why did he expect anything else? That was stupid.
Though, people are different anyway. Maybe he was having a bad day, so he couldn’t help but take it out on somebody right? It made sense, Colton was never the type to wear his heart on his sleeve. He trusted Hacker enough to show him that, if anything, the man should be proud, really. S̶t̶o̶p̶ m̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ u̶p̶ e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶s̶ f̶o̶r̶ h̶i̶m̶.
He was unharmed anyway, it was fine. Knowing the other, Hacker doubted anybody else would have managed to end the conversation there. But, he did. He was allowed to leave without too much trouble. He wasn’t hurt, Colton didn’t lay a harmful hand on him at any point despite some occasional threats of it. His….humor? was unique to say the least, finding what would usually be disturbing to be amusing instead. Though, it wasn’t his place to comment too much about that.
Some insults here and there are normal especially for a gang setting so he didn’t pay much mind to those, if anything a lack would be strange.
Nothing was wrong, but he couldn’t help feeling hurt.
It was so annoying.
It was all fine.
..How quickly was his supposed death handled?
Did his parents even know? Did they ask? Miss him? Search for him in hopes it was all fake?
If they did, would they have known?
Was there a possibility they cared enough to try s̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ looking for him in this situation he found himself in?
He wanted to humor that thought for a little longer, the thought he mattered to them enough for that.
I̶t̶ h̶u̶r̶t̶ t̶o̶ k̶n̶o̶w̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ h̶a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶, b̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶ h̶u̶r̶t̶ e̶v̶e̶n̶ w̶o̶r̶s̶e̶ t̶o̶ t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ w̶a̶s̶ i̶t̶ f̶o̶r̶ h̶i̶m̶. K̶n̶o̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ d̶i̶d̶n̶'t̶ e̶v̶e̶n̶ b̶a̶t̶ a̶n̶ e̶y̶e̶. I̶t̶ h̶a̶s̶ a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ b̶e̶e̶n̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶a̶y̶. A̶s̶ c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶ o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ g̶o̶t̶ i̶n̶t̶o̶ t̶r̶o̶u̶b̶l̶e̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ p̶a̶r̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ i̶f̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ o̶u̶t̶ a̶t̶ h̶o̶m̶e̶ o̶r̶ s̶c̶h̶o̶o̶l̶, H̶a̶c̶k̶e̶r̶ W̶I̶S̶H̶E̶D̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ c̶a̶r̶e̶d̶ e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ t̶o̶ s̶c̶o̶l̶d̶ h̶i̶m̶ a̶t̶ a̶l̶l̶. M̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ h̶e̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'t̶ b̶e̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ d̶a̶m̶a̶g̶e̶d̶.
"F̶r̶e̶e̶d̶o̶m̶" w̶a̶s̶n̶'t̶ a̶s̶ n̶i̶c̶e̶ a̶s̶ p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶ i̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶, h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶n̶'t̶ "l̶u̶c̶k̶y̶" t̶o̶ b̶e̶ a̶l̶l̶o̶w̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ l̶e̶a̶v̶e̶ a̶t̶ a̶n̶y̶ t̶i̶m̶e̶, h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶n̶'t̶ a̶l̶l̶o̶w̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶, i̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ n̶o̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ n̶o̶t̶i̶c̶e̶d̶.
S̶o̶m̶e̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶, i̶t̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶e̶d̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ e̶v̶e̶n̶ p̶r̶e̶f̶e̶r̶r̶e̶d̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶.
H̶i̶m̶ d̶i̶s̶a̶p̶p̶e̶a̶r̶i̶n̶g̶.
He left years ago, why is he thinking about this at all?
He didn’t like it.
W̶h̶a̶t̶ d̶i̶d̶ h̶e̶ e̶v̶e̶r̶ d̶o̶ f̶o̶r̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ t̶o̶ n̶o̶t̶ s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶ h̶i̶m̶ a̶t̶ a̶l̶l̶ w̶h̶a̶t̶ d̶i̶d̶ h̶e̶ d̶o̶ f̶o̶r̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ t̶o̶ n̶o̶t̶ c̶a̶r̶e̶ n̶o̶t̶ e̶v̶e̶n̶ o̶n̶e̶ b̶i̶t̶ w̶h̶y̶ d̶i̶d̶ e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ e̶l̶s̶e̶ g̶e̶t̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶ h̶e̶ g̶o̶ w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ w̶h̶y̶w̶a̶s̶i̶t̶h̶i̶m̶w̶h̶y̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'t̶t̶h̶e̶y̶c̶A̶R̶E̶-̶
His head hurt.
A nap wouldn’t hurt would it?
If he was needed, he’d be woken up.
A few words wouldn’t hurt after, he probably didn’t rest well enough that night.
Yea, that's why he was unsettled.
T̶h̶e̶ r̶e̶a̶s̶o̶n̶ h̶e̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ C̶o̶l̶t̶o̶n̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ a̶ s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶ w̶h̶e̶n̶ i̶t̶ c̶a̶m̶e̶ t̶o̶ h̶i̶s̶ f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶.
It wasn’t like he’d be hurt over it anyway, T̶h̶e̶y̶ c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'t̶ b̶e̶ b̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶d̶, h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ e̶a̶s̶y̶ e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ t̶o̶ s̶c̶a̶r̶e̶. Colton wouldn’t let it happen. ...h̶e̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'t̶. R̶i̶g̶h̶t̶?̶.
Definitely, he had no doubt.
It’ll be okay once he wakes up, forgetting this even happened.
Who knows, maybe he could even get an apology!~
Or that was just wishful thinking, either way it was fine. I̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶ o̶n̶l̶y̶ t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ d̶i̶s̶t̶r̶a̶c̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ h̶i̶m̶ f̶r̶o̶m̶ a̶l̶l̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ h̶a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶, h̶e̶ c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'t̶ g̶u̶a̶r̶a̶n̶t̶e̶e̶ s̶t̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ s̶a̶n̶e̶ i̶f̶ h̶e̶ s̶a̶t̶ d̶o̶w̶n̶ a̶n̶d̶ t̶r̶u̶l̶y̶ a̶c̶k̶n̶o̶w̶l̶e̶d̶g̶e̶d̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ s̶i̶t̶u̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶. D̶i̶s̶a̶s̶s̶o̶c̶i̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ i̶t̶ e̶n̶t̶i̶r̶e̶l̶y̶ w̶a̶s̶ b̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ f̶o̶r̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ a̶l̶l̶.
I̶f̶ h̶e̶ d̶i̶e̶d̶ h̶e̶r̶e̶, t̶h̶e̶n̶ s̶o̶ b̶e̶ i̶t̶. A̶t̶ l̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ h̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶n̶'t̶ d̶o̶ s̶o̶ a̶l̶o̶n̶e̶, s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ b̶y̶ h̶i̶s̶ s̶i̶d̶e̶.
..D̶o̶e̶s̶ i̶t̶ t̶r̶u̶l̶y̶ e̶v̶e̶n̶ c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶?̶
..Hacker was starting to consider requesting some sleeping pills, his mind was running wild again.
It was annoying and pointless.
It’ll be fine when he’s awake, everything will be normal again.
This won’t matter, it’ll never come up again.
Word count: 4.4k
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quinloki · 8 months
Jesus. My mom likes to joke that I was a handful and I'm tempted to say well at least I didn't do that. I was actually her mild child so idek what she's on when she says that. Had to pick my sister up from a party one time and she ran away into a corn field.
I'm over here in awe at your level of badassery, Quin.
Ah, hahaha, idk if it's badassery, most of it was really just dumb luck.
But I mean, I think at least part of why I'm content being a homebody at this point in my life is that I didn't have too many dull moments between... oh, 14-28 or so.
Joy and sorrow both for sure.
under a cut cause I went on a bit of a ramble!
I've had a rat fall out of a ceiling and land on me, a giant moth knocked itself out on a light and landed on me 😩, I had some drunk guy shove me down concrete steps once and ended up with just a couple bruises, had to escort police to the site of a several weeks' dead 6' long boa, learned how to disarm someone in my karate class because my ex was talking about, well, concerning things and I lived alone.
I've been in a handful of fist fights, and only lost one. Not that I should've really gotten into any, admittedly, but still. Survived 6 different stalkers, a one-night stand who turned out to be a drug dealer, and two "you shouldn't meet people on the internet face to face without telling anyone that's what you're doing" scenarios - for which I am quite grateful neither went terribly wrong.
And I don't mean those all bad things, just a short list of stuff that happened.
But I've lived out of my car, melted a steak to a pan (nearly setting my home on fire in the process, thank you whoever was looking out for me on that one), committed a crime for which the statute of limitations has LONG since passed (petty theft - I have said I was not a bright teen), had a job I still can't talk about cause that NDA is valid for the rest of my life (and the job was boring AF I swear on my smut-riddled soul).
I will say one of the coolest moments of my life was kind of silly, but I still love that I did it. I was working security - my cousin was my boss at the time, and trust me I got nothing special for it - but security tended to get along with maintenance.
One of the maintenance guys had stopped at the desk to talk to my cousin, and I lifted his keys. You know those big loop maintenance key rings with like 30 keys on them? Yeah, I pulled it clean off him and he didn't notice. He started to leave and I lifted my hand up, ring and all for my boss to see, and he just starts laughing, calls the maintenance guy to come back and get his keys.
I doubt I have the skill to do something like that anymore, but it might be fun to practice.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: Another long one. This one doesn't have so much of the worried reaction, cause I wrote it to fit the Mafia! Jungkook character. It's still fun though ^-^ Thanks again for the request. 💜💜💜
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Other parts:
Summary: When a loose end breaks into Jungkooks house with guns drawn, you get a first-hand lesson that maybe Jungkook isn't as invulnerable as you had thought.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic violence, gun usage, blood, murder.
Mafia! Jungkook
Fighting to get free, you're kicking your legs. Squirming. Squealing as you shove your hands against Jungkook's chest, pushing him back as hard as you can. Tears starting to fill your eye line.
"Stop, stop, stop," you shout, with no effect. Struggling harder.
"Admit it!" He yells back, a smile on his face.
"Never," You scream. Not able to hold it back anymore. Your screech morphs into forceful laughter as Jungkook continues to tickle you. Your cheeks aching from how widely you're smiling. Your sides hurting as you keep thrashing for release.
"Admit I could beat up the Hulk, and I'll let you go." He insists again, pressing you down with a massive grin.
"Okay, okay!" You squeal, finally conceding. Groaning in relief, when his fingers stop tickling your stomach. Your limbs dropping down to rest. "You could totally kick the Hulk's ass." You chuckle, rolling your eyes.
"Damn right I could!" He bursts into laughter also. Easing back with a sigh now that he no longer has to hold you still. Neither of you phased by the movie that started the debate still blaring in the background.
Roughly you punch your fist into his chest, intentionally knocking the air out of him. Taking advantage while he is caught off guard to push him flat onto the carpet beside you. Straddling his lap, you lean over him pinning his arms to the floor before he has a chance to argue. Not that you think he would. The fun-filled smile doesn't leave his face for a moment. Completely amused by you, while you try your best to put on an intimidating act. Trying to stop yourself from smiling again.
"Jeon Jungkook. You cheated." You playfully scold, "And if you can't have a grown-up discussion, then you can't do other grown-up things either." You accentuate your point by grinding down. Feeling his hips push up as you tease him. Lifting up right away, shaking your head as you remove the contact. "Nah uh. Cheaters don't get that." You smirk.
"Don't be mean just cause I won." He runs his tongue inside his cheek. His gaze showing desire and a want for you to continue. But you're not done toying with him.
"You didn't win." You poke your tongue out, rocking your hips a single time more, "Confessions under duress are not admissible anyway."
"No, but it's good leverage to have." He answers a little too honestly and without thinking. Not entirely talking about your play fight anymore.
Chuckling awkwardly, you shake off the train of thought that wants to evaluate what he just said. Not wanting to let your mind remember that part of him right now. Trying instead, to return to your spirited banter. But he gets in before you.
"Nope," He easily breaks out and overpowers your hold wrapping his arm around your waist, carrying you as he stands up. "you admitted I'm stronger than the Hulk, and I'm never gonna let that go." Bending down, he throws you over his shoulder, slapping your ass to tease you back.
His shoulder digging into your gut stops you from taking a full breath or making a snippy comeback. So you slap his ass in retaliation instead.
"Come on Kitten, you have to give me a prize for winning." He purs suggestively, carrying you out of the living room into the foyer.
He's going to take you upstairs, but you don't make it to them before both of your heads snap towards the entrance. A flurry of gunshots exploding just beyond the front door. The commotion silencing as quickly as it started.
Jungkook slings you off his shoulder. Becoming another person in an instant. Purely focused. Opening the coat closet, he pulls a Glock from his jacket.
"Get upstairs, now." He barks.
You don't have to be asked twice, running to the stairs. Gasping as the garage door next to the steps opens, two hooded men storming in with guns drawn. Jungkook reacts quickly, firing past you. Shooting one of them, missing the second who ducks instead of firing back.
At the same time, blowing open to the left of you, the front door is kicked in. Swinging wide, four more masked men rush the house. Firing rapidly and wildly. Scarcely missing Jungkook who is moving preemptively and is 3 steps ahead. Running forward he shoots the second man in front of you. Grabbing your arm, dragging you over their dead bodies into the garage with him.
Shutting you in just as bullets explode through the wood door at your back.
Jungkook forces you to keep up, throwing you behind the car. The automatic shots continuing to decimate. The four-wheel-drive being the only thing that keeps either of you from getting shot.
Panting and on the verge of tears, you're crouched beside Jungkook. Watching him, waiting to react to anything he says. Knowing he is all that stands between you and death. But also knowing that with him in this mindset he could do just as much damage to you as one of those other men might.
The gunfire stops. Distorted voices shouting behind the door's remains. Jungkook cautiously raises up, leaning over the hood. He lines up a shot as the door opens warily, taking down another of them. Slouching behind the car as a new wave of bullets comes in response.
In front of you, the shelves covered in storage boxes and the workbench full of tools is ripped to shreds. Things erupting in every direction. Covering you in debris.
Pulling his phone from his pocket he shoves it in your lap.
"Call the first number!"
Your brain is stalling, your hands are shaking, but you follow the order as best as you can. The way your fingers are vibrating making it so much harder.
"What's up Boss?" You can hear the faint sound of his first lieutenant, as the firing ceasing again. Jungkook snatches the phone, speaking lowly and calmly.
"My house is breached and we're under fire. At least 3 guys. Semi-autos. We're held up in the garage and I've got maybe 15 rounds left." He passes the information over precisely. Remaining organized and in control.
"We're 10 out," the first confirms back, yelling orders to people on his end of the phone.
Your head jolts towards the garage door as it heavily clunks, starting to lift along the tracks. Exposing you on two sides.
"Fuck," Jungkook exclaims. "We don't have 10 minutes."
He stands, staying low. Opening the car door, tossing the phone in, followed by you. Your limbs hitting everything as you try to keep up with his pace. Making it onto the seat in an awkward heap.
"Stay down," he growls, slamming it, sealing you in. You're ahead of him this time, already kneeling under the steering wheel. Pressing your chest and head into the seat as flat as possible.
Inside the car, you can only hear the sounds of blasts for a few moments. Heavy things being thrown in every direction amid tense silences.
Outside the car, Jungkook fires off 3 shots, aiming for the legs he sees as the garage opens. The angle is wrong, and he doesn't hit them. Having to retreat back. Throwing the workbench down, using it as a meagre form of barricade. Blocking himself into the corner, hunched behind it. It's barely wide enough to protect him at the front and on the side. The height of the desk only just covering his head. He aims over the bench, hoping to keep the front two from coming in with suppression fire.
However, his attempt is unsuccessful. As he raises up, a bullet wings his right arm. Involuntarily dropping his gun, he shouts in pain. The Glock falling on the wrong side of the table.
It only takes him a second to compose himself, lunging over to pick up the weapon. But it's a second too late.
One of the men charges from inside the house. Booting the table into Jungkook, throwing him off balance. Holding him at gunpoint as he hits the floor.
Briefly, you see the other two men through the window as they pass the car. You're too terrified to move. Your hand cupped over your mouth, muffling the panicked breathes and whimpers that you can't hold in.
Working as a unit, one of the men clears the table out of the way, another picks up Jungkook's gun, while the third ushers him out of the corner and onto his feet, keeping the sights tightly fixed on him.
Getting in his face, the lead man removes his balaclava. Seething hate filling his expression. "You remember me?"
While he isn't going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, Jungkook is certainly perturbed by the reveal.
It was nearly 5 months ago that he had ordered this man and his family killed. It drew far too much attention when he refused a deal Jungkook made him. So an example has to be set. The man's wife, two children and his visiting brother were murdered in the gruesome display. And Jungkook was told that the man standing in front of him now was also killed. But it seems the men charged with the hit got complacent. They didn't confirm the kill.
Mentally, Jungkook was already recalling the four men on task. If he made it out of this they were going to suffer greatly for their mistake.
Seeming infuriated by Jungkook's lack of fear and stoic glowering, the unmasked man slams his fist into the Mafia King's face. Shouting as he does.
Methodically, the three intruders begin to tear Jungkook apart. He put's up a fight as best as he can, but the men are trained and three against one isn't fair odds in this situation. Knocking him between them, they strike with their knees, fists, feet, hurting him in any way they can manage. Beating him into the ground. Pulling him back onto his knees whenever he drops back or falls forward.
Biting your palm you're trying to stop yourself from crying out as you sob into your hand. You can hear the hits. The thumps from him being tossed around. His groans of pain. The slough of abuse they spit at him while they work him over. Cursing him. Mocking him.
Suddenly, the car door jerks open. One of the masked men dragging you out by your hair. Making you produce an ear-shattering scream. One he silences with a fist to the face. Your body collapsing, slapping into the concrete.
Groaning in pain, your sobs can no longer be restrained. Loudly bawling, tear stream your face, hardly able to breathe as you panic.
Your heart aching as you see Jungkook across from you. Hunched over on his knees, he's gushing blood. It's running down his face. Matting his hair to his forehead with the sheer volume of it. He's splitting it up, his mouth dripping with it. His shirt soaked in it. Flowing down his arm from the bullet wound also.
You'd never have thought you would see your Boyfriend in such a state. You've witnessed first-hand the power he has when he's the one responsible for this kind of damage. In your mind, you saw him as invincible. Unbeatable. A cruel monster driven by hubris that could never be stopped.
The times you'd seen him beat people like this, the times he hit you like this, you had privately desired for him to suffer the same fate one day. For karma to return everything he had dished out.
But now that he was, now that he was the one being treated without mercy, even with it being justified, you can't feel anything but fear and sadness. Regretting ever having wished this upon him.
"Jungkook," you gently call.
He's disoriented. Too many headshots having made him dizzy and unfocused. But your soft voice cuts through all of that. Looking up from the ground to you, his eyes go wide seeing you in harm's way again.
"Y/-" he starts to get up, only to be interrupted and held down. The unmasked man's hand coming down on his shoulder. The barrel of Jungkook's own gun being aimed at his chest as the man hovers over him.
"You know, your guys didn't kill my wife right away." He digs the gun tip into the bullet wound on his arm. Twisting and stabbing into the raw flesh making him grit his teeth to bear the pain. "They shot her where he knew it wouldn't kill her. Then they let her bleed out. While I could only watch. While my kids watched." The pure rage in the man's voice is finally softened. Instead, sounding horribly grieved and agonized over the memory. "Someone like you, you're probably not capable of love," he spits, pushing off Jungkook to stand straight. "But whether you love her or not, I still want you to watch her die."
The words register, but you can't absorb them. You can't react.
"Wait. Wait!" Jungkook yells after him.
Your body is throbbing in terror. Watching him advance on you. Watching him raise the gun at you.
The shot hits you in the stomach.
"No!" Jungkook howls. The two men punting him back down as he climbs to his feet. Extending the barrage of hits to impress upon him that he shouldn't try to get up again.
In shock, you delicately dab at the hole in your side. Blood pulsing out of you. The pain is more than you could have imagined. You can't pull in a full breath. Short gasps are all you can manage. Doubling over onto your hands and knees, you weakly shriek unable to deliver a solid scream.
They drag you by your arm, hurling you at Jungkook, your torso landing in his lap. He clings to you, drawing you in tight. His face twisted in anger.
"Y/n." He growls. "Don't you dare-" he can't bring himself to finish that thought.
"Don't worry darling. It won't take long." The leader says above you, sounding genuinely sympathetic. "You though," he redirects, snarling at Jungkook. "you're gonna die slow."
Not able to breathe and the blood loss is making your head light. The room feels like it's spinning. Your eyes rolling back as they close. The reprieve of rest calling you into unconsciousness. And you can't resist.
With his hand held to your heart and his chest tight, Jungkook feels for a beat. The irregular rhythm assuring him you're still alive at least.
"I hope you really did love her. Like how I loved my girl and my boy. My wife. I hope you can feel that type of pain."
Jungkook is shaking. Unfiltered loathing ravaging his thoughts. A murderous expression concealing his heartache as he feels your pulse gradually start to slow.
Moving begrudgingly like it's his duty, the leader pulls one of the few remaining tools from its place on the wall. Wringing the handle of a large Philips Head screwdriver.
Working together, the three of them rip your unconscious body apart from Jungkook. His efforts to keep you close having little impact. Numerous injuries having sapped his strength.
Stretching him out, holding him down, they pin him with their weight. One of them securing his legs. Another holding his arm and torso, the majority of his heft used to force Jungkook's face into the cement. The leader kneeling all of his weight on his left arm to keep it flat.
As the tip of the screwdriver is pressed into his palm, Jungkook grapples to keep his hand closed to no avail. The shank piercing the meat of his palm. Screaming as the length is stabbed in and yanked out. Hissing through his teeth while the sharp point trails up. Reaching about halfway up his forearm it digs into the muscle. The blade slowly forcing its way into the skin, causing him to roar again.
All at once, a shot rings out. One of the intruders taking a bullet in the back. An assault of gunfire spreading across the height of the garage, sending the other two into a panic. Scrambling for their guns. Releasing Jungkook in the frenzy, who cradles his wounded hand for a moment before jumping on the attack. Finally having sufficient reinforcement to fight back.
Picking up the screwdriver with his good hand, he lunges at the surviving masked man. Dragging him off balance. Straddling his side. Stabbing down and around to drive the tool into his chest over and over. Burying the metal in the man's throat as a final strike. His damaged hand slamming down on the top of the screwdriver, forcing it through the other side of the man's neck.
Some of Jungkook's rage having been vented, he falls away panting watching the man, satisfied as he quickly bleeds to death.
The leader of the assailants, the source of all of this woe, is completely unmatched by the dozen men who suddenly surround him. They don't grant him the opportunity to even raise his weapon, shooting him in the shoulder, knocking him down. Incapacitating him and restraining him swiftly as he tries desperately to get loose.
There are a few seconds when the dust settles, where everything is quiet again. Only the sounds of wheezed breathing and footsteps taking any space.
Apart from the few men busy with securing the house and the area, all of them are at attention looking to assist their battered leader. Wanting to help. Waiting on an order.
"Her," he signals in your direction. "Get her to a hospital."
"You too, Boss." His second lieutenant leans down, helping Jungkook stand. Getting him to solid footing.
"I'm not dying in the next 20 minutes. Let's wrap this shit up first." He dismisses the gesture. Shirking off the pain at risk of appearing weak.
"And this one?" His first aims a gun at the intruders head.
"Patch him up. He's gonna die slowly," Jungkook's voice deepens as he repeats the man's own threat back at him.
His eyes following as he gets picked up and thrown into the trunk of one of the cars. The Mafia leader in him already, concocting ruthless plans in specific detail over all the ways he is going to torture him. And how he's going to silence any doubts about his strength that this attack may have caused.
Carried in another man's arms, you're taken to the back seat of a car. The movement string you awake. The pain keeping you immobilized and dazed.
Jungkook limping slightly follows after you. He presses his hand to your chest again, relieved as he feels your heart still beating, as he sees your eyes fluttering.
Your head laying on the seat, he leans over resting his forehead upside down on yours. "I'm so sorry baby." He whispers. His hands bunch tightly around your arms, pulling at your skin. The war of both sides of him crashing together. His eyes going cold, his breath becoming ragged.
Struggling to remain conscious, your eyes close again. Jungkook's bloody hand slapping down on your face, shocking your eyes back open. Tears instantly returning to your cheeks.
"Don't you dare die!" He hisses. His hand curls around your jaw, his fingers digging into your cheeks. "I'm not going to let other people think they can come at me. Take my things. Try to hurt me." He growls, speaking just loud enough for only you and him. "So you're gonna keep living Y/n. Cause until I give you permission, you don't have the right to die."
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jay-wells-writes · 3 years
Best 20 Bucks ever (August Corbin x reader)
Okay so I was asked to another Corbin story and this is what I came up with. No smut this time around but Corbin with babies and reader being done with peoples shit.
Like I have said before, August Corbin is from Sleepy Hallow. BUT this is NOT a Sleepy Hallow story. I just took the man and name from that show. I hope you all enjoy!
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Gif found on the interwebs
When your Grandma left the house to you, your Aunts and Uncles agreed with the changes to the will. Unfortunately your Grandma’s sister didn’t. She believed that the house and everything in it should have gone to her and her kids, she was “Your Grandma’s sister after all.” and it was a family home that had been passed on to your Grandma by their parents. The thing was, when your Grandma had been sick, neither her sister nor her sisters' kids were there to help. Hell they weren’t even around when she got better.
So when the towns folks found out about you dating Corbin most had been happy, but the select few that weren’t, had your distant family putting ideas and thoughts into their heads. For the most part, whenever they showed up at the dinner or had an issue that required the law you and Corbin stayed away and let the others deal with them.
You should have known that something was going to go down when you saw your Great Aunt and her children walking into the diner. Of course it had been busy so you weren’t given enough time to think about it. Instead you greeted them like you would anyone else and made your way to the pick up window to grab the order that just came up. Walking back to the counter you were busy placing your next order in the system when the hostess came and stood next to you.
“Kinda got a problem and I was left in a bind.”
Almost instantly you knew what her problem had been. Letting out a sigh, you turned to the young girl and smiled.
“What did they make you do, Kim?”
“They all but demanded that they be seated in your section. They believe it is wrong that you refuse to wait on them. But they had a party of seven so they couldn’t sit in your last open spot.”
Laughing, you shook your head.
“Doesn’t sound like a problem to me.”
“It wouldn’t be, but that evil woman had smiled and told me that it was alright. That they would sit at the next table, but that she wanted her granddaughter and the guy she is with to sit at your table. I find it kinda odd that she would bring her whole family on a date.”
Instead of laughing you felt your heart drop, because you knew that your Great Aunt only had one Granddaughter and she was already in a hush hush relationship with her boss. So you knew they were plotting something. Looking at the table you began to shake, more so out of anger.
“Y/n, are you okay? You're really pale, but I can see in your eyes that you are pissed off?”
Turning to look at Kim you smiled lightly and nodded your head.
“I am fine, they just took it too far this time.”
You quickly finished putting the order in the system before grabbing two glasses of water. Taking a deep breath you then made your way to the table. You didn’t need to look at Kim to know that she was telling the others you were upset by the new guest. And if you had anyone to bet with you would have bet that in the next 30 minutes either August or one of his deputies would be walking into the diner.
Setting the glasses down you weren’t even able to get a word out before your Great Aunt was speaking from the next table.
“Look who we found y/n! We ran into Tom while visiting family last week and when we learned that you two had dated I just knew we needed to bring him this way so that you guys could see each other again.”
Plastering a smile on your face you nodded to your Great Aunt before turning back to the table. Looking at your distant cousin you couldn’t help but put her on the spot as you spoke a little louder then needed.
“Betty, I heard that there were some issues at the shop the other night and that it had you and your boss there extra late. I also noticed that you and him were the only ones not at the high school game a few weeks back.”
Taking a drink of her water you watched as Betty looked down at the table and you couldn’t help but genuinely smile as her Mother spoke from the next table.
“That’s my Betty. Always staying late to help her boss close. While he told me the other day that out of all his employees Betty is the sweetest and he doesn’t know what he would do without her.”
You had to bite your lip from saying “Probably his wife” because you weren’t going to play their games, but also because you knew that her boss's wife had known about the affair and was planning on letting them and everyone else know she knew, when they celebrated her birthday next week. Instead you nodded your head and smiled sweetly before turning to look at Tom. Almost instantly your smile dropped from your face as you spoke.
Laughing loudly Tom stood and pulled you in for a hug.
“y/n! Surprise!” as Tom sat back down you couldn’t help but notice that the secretary for the station came in and made her way to the counter. Laughing at August’s subtle way of finding out what was going on you rolled your eyes as Tom continued to talk. “Imagine my surprise when I met your Great Aunt last week and learned that she was related to you. Why I think we spent a good couple of hours talking about me and you, didn’t we Ma'am?”
You couldn’t help but feel your skin crawl as your Great Aunt chuckled as she answered Tom.
“That we did. Why, I was so upset to learn that when he moved away you didn’t go with him y/n. He is such a sweet young man.”
Hearing your Great Aunt say young the way she had, had you taking a deep breath and speaking up. Unfortunately between both tables your nerves had been shot and you couldn’t help but say what was on your mind.
“Hmmm. Well just make sure you count all your money before this sweet young man leaves your house. Truthfully you should count yourself lucky that you weren’t younger yourself. Had you been, I am sure he would have sweet talked you into giving him more than all your money before he split like he did on me.”
You could see Tom turning red with anger as he shot up from his seat, but before you or him could say anything Dale was coming from the back and stepping next to you with his arm around your waist.
“Y/n, I knew I shouldn’t have let you work a double today, you're wearing yourself thin. Heck August is gonna kill me if he sees how tired you are. The other girls are gonna take over your tables. I want you to go home and rest, I am also giving you tomorrow off.”
Before anyone could say anything Dale was twisting you around and pushing you lightly to the back. As you walked away you tried to pretend that you weren’t crying, but you knew that everyone saw the tears falling down your face. Before the back door shut you could hear your Great Aunt’s voice raising and Dale’s voice raising to meet hers.
Walking into Dale’s office you waited for about 10 minutes before he walked in. Before you could even say anything though Dale was lifting his hand and shaking his head.
“Don’t you dare apologize. In mine and everyone else's eyes you did nothing wrong. In fact it has been a long time coming. It’s just too bad you didn’t let that evil woman really have it."
Laughing as you wiped away your tears you shook your head.
"Okay, I am not sorry for slightly losing it. But I am sorry for causing a scene. I can just imagine how many people are calling/telling August about this."
"He called me and I told him I would call him back after I checked on you. Just forget about tonight, go home and get some rest. We will see you in a couple of days."
Shaking your head you stepped up to Dale and the door. Kissing him on the cheek you began to walk away as you called over your shoulder.
"You'll see me tomorrow. They are just butt hurt that they can't have my house. And just like my house, they ain't getting my job."
Walking to the front you didn't look back at the tables but you knew they heard what you had said and that made you smile as Dale's laughter filled the back.
You were woken up later that night, when you felt your bed shift and a large arm pulling you to the warm body behind you. A quick look at the clock showed it was just past midnight. Letting out a sigh you pushed yourself further into August. Even without saying anything you could tell he wanted to talk but at the moment you didn't. Rolling to face him you reached up and ran your hand over his cheek as you shook your head.
"Not tonight. I know we need to talk and I want to, I just can't tonight. You already know everything that happened between us. Right now I just want you to hold me."
Instead of saying anything August smiled down at you before quickly kissing you. Pulling away from the kiss he placed a hand on your head and pulled you to rest your head just under his chin. Between his breathing and the warmth that surrounded you, you were back to sleep instantly.
The next morning you happened to wake up before your alarm went off. Knowing that August was off today you slipped from bed as best you could without waking him. After a quick shower you walked into the kitchen to see August making coffee.
"Oh hell no. It is your day off. Get your ass back into bed."
Laughing at your slight outburst August pulled you to himself and placed his face into your neck.
"I will only go back to bed if you're with me."
Knowing that he wasn't going to let you go and that you couldn't break out you wrapped your arms around him and moved your head so that he could bury himself further into your neck.
"Dale told you he gave me today off and that I didn't take it?"
Standing straighter, August moved you so that you were against the counter next to the coffee maker. You couldn’t help but let out a yelp when he picked you up and placed you on the counter. Pulling your legs apart he stepped forward and rested his arms against your legs. Giving you a small smile August nodded his head.
“Dale did. I also knew you wouldn’t take the offered day off and that you would be going into work today.” Standing to his full height you watched as August began to fill his travel mug with coffee. “It so happens that Dale is down a cook, so I told him that I would help him out this morning. Now get that sweet ass of yours in the truck, we're gonna be late.”
Giving you a quick kiss, August helped you off the counter and smacked your ass to get you moving. A part of you was annoyed that August was being overprotective but another part of you was getting turned on by how August was showing his dominant side. Smiling you pushed yourself closer to him as you began to play with the collar of his t-shirt.
“This isn’t a good idea, Aug.” You could see that August was getting ready to argue so you began to shake your head. “No, no it’s not what you think. It’s because of you going all alpha male.”
Grabbing your hips, August shook his head.
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
Smiling, you brought your hand up and ran your fingers down his neck.
“Oh no. See I know you and I know that you aren’t going to throw your weight around and act all tough. You're going as my backup, you just want to be there in case it gets to a point I CAN’T handle it, and THAT is a major turn on. But the big issue and why this isn’t a good idea is because I remember that cook out and how good you looked grilling.”
Pulling you flushed against him August began to run his fingers down your chest.
“Oh, you mean that day you wore those shorts that showed off your legs amazingly and that low cut tank top? Guess it’s a good thing you aren’t wearing that top, damn I couldn’t keep my eyes off your chest.”
Pushing back you took a small step towards your bedroom.
“Oh, so you want me to change into it?”
Laughing as he grabbed your waist and pushed you to the door, August spoke into your ear.
“Hell no. I can’t blame the grill for burning the food like I did that day.”
Just like you had thought, having August cooking was a mistake. He was doing everything he could to tease you and it was driving you crazy. It had been a slow morning so August was helping move things that Dale couldn’t anymore. And that meant you had to stand there and watch as August flexed and grunted, two things he knew drove you crazy.
You weren’t sure what was said after you left the following night but you had a feeling that Dale had told them not to ask questions because everyone looked like they wanted to but didn’t. Since it was the end of the week you and the other waitresses ended up rotating tables and that meant it was your time at the counter.
Hearing the bell ring above the door you turned away from August to see one of his deputies walking in with his wife and their newborn twins. Giggling with happiness you called them over to the counter and then yelled for August. Turning and seeing one of his men, August chuckled and made his way over. You and August have been to the couples house multiple times since the babies were born. But it was like seeing them for the first time every time. After explaining that they heard August was cooking for Dale they figured coming to get some lunch would be nice. Of course the minute August saw the babies, cooking went out the door.
You had been standing there watching August as he fed one of the twins when you heard a cough from beside you. Turning around any traces of your happiness left your face immediately.
"Tom. What the hell do you want?"
Keeping your eyes on Tom you could see August stand straighter at hearing you say Tom. Looking at him you noticed that Tom wore no smile on his face today.
"Those were some nasty things you said last night y/n."
"Because all of them are true."
“Listen, I came here at their request. They made it sound like I was going to be welcomed by you.”
“Why in the hell would I welcome you Tom? You literally took everything I had. I was kicked out of my home because you made me believe you had been paying the rent. I went into debt because of you, I lost everything because of you. So again why in the hell would I be welcoming to you?”
From the look on Tom’s face you could tell that everyone in the diner was now watching the both of you. You wanted nothing more than August to wrap his arms around you, but a major part of you had been happy when he didn’t. A quick look back at him showed that he was still by his deputy and that he still had one of the babies on his shoulder. Hearing Tom’s voice had you turning around and looking back at him.
“Y/n, listen. We are getting a crowd, why don’t we step outside and talk this over.”
“There is nothing to talk about Tom. You came here hoping to find a broken lonely person. Someone you could talk your way back into their lives. But the thing is, Tom, I am not that person. You leaving me was the best thing that could have happened. Because it brought me closer to my Grandmother and introduced me to new people. If you had still been in the picture I am 110% sure I wouldn’t have what I have now. And as for the crowd, you had no problem having a crowd last night.”
“Your Great Aunt said the house was falling apart. She brought me here in hopes that I could get you to sell it to her. That she had offered to buy it before and you said no to her offer. That you got involved with an older man and she couldn’t help but think he was a bad influence on you. Come on y/n, sell the house, leave the grandpa, and we can find a place together away from that old crazy lady.”
You were seeing red and you didn’t even need to look back at August to know that he was holding his hand up to stop his deputy from coming after Tom.
“Okay, first off IF IF I was to ever sell the house, I would NEVER move back in with you. You are only trying to get me to do it, because that crazy old lady gave you a number and you saw a chance to take even more from me. Understand and understand now, I WILL NEVER COME BACK TO YOU! That brings me to the second thing. August is one hell of a man and one hell of a person. You are fucking as crazy as my Aunt if you thought I would leave him for you. Unlike you he has held a job for longer than a week. Hell he has been at his job for years. That Grandpa could pick you up and throw you further than your ego. Listen, I am done. I am done with this conversation, I am done with you and I am done with her. So go back and tell that crazy ass lady th- Wait. No, hold on for a moment.”
Turning to look at August you couldn’t help but smile at how proud he looked at you. At some point he had given the baby back, but he still remained with the group. When your eyes turned to Davies and his wife you could see August grin as he figured out what you were about to do. “Hey Davies, how is house hunting going?”
Hearing his name being spoken, August's deputy looked at you as he sat straighter.
“No luck so far.”
“Well I just heard about a nice small two bedroom.”
“That so? Want to give me the name of who’s selling it?”
Smiling, you walked over to the group and held out your hand.
“You have a 20 on you?”
Looking at you like you had just grown a second head Davies reached into his wallet and pulled out a 20. Placing it in your hand you smiled and turned to August before looking back at Davies.
“Congratulations. You are now the proud owner of a small two bedroom house located right here in town. You just need to give the last owner time to move out and it is all yours.”
Smiling at the reaction on Davies face and seeing his wife crying you smiled at them. Hearing shouting from the end of the counter you turned to look at Tom as he stood quickly. Almost instantly Davies was pulling his wife behind him as August did the same to you.
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! 20 bucks! You just sold that house for 20 fucking bucks when that old hag was going to give you 40,000 for it! What the hell are you thinking?”
Looking at Tom you tilted your head when something crossed your mind.
“She wasn’t going to buy the house for 40,000 Tom. So where did that number come from?”
Seeing that he slipped up Tom looked down before bringing his eyes back up.
“The old hag was going to give me 10,000 if I talked you into selling. We could have had an extra 10,000 but you just fucked that up.”
You didn’t even realize you had been moving until August’s arms wrapped around your waist.
Suddenly tired you dropped your head forward.
“Just get the fuck out of hear Tom. I am done with this. Go back and tell my family that I sold the house to a family that deserves it.”
“This is a public place, you can’t kick me out.”
For the first time since all this began August spoke up, and hearing his voice had you instantly relaxing.
“Actually, when Dale isn’t here she is in charge. So if she wants you out, you're out.”
Seeing how you had been resting on August, you saw Tom’s eyes widen when he realized August was who you were seeing. And he suddenly laughed.
“Oh this is great. This is your new boyfriend? This is who you choose? Of course he has had his job for years, it’s not like people are lining up to be cooks. Jesus y/n, small town life has really fucked with your head."
Before you could say anything August was moving you to the side and making his way to Tom. For the most part Tom tried to act like he was scared but you could see the fear in his eyes as August stood over him.
"Say what you want about me I don't care. But since you have been in this diner you have been down right rude to y/n. Who happens to be working, so the way I see it you are harassing her. So I will tell you one more time. Get out of the diner and don't come back."
Instead of listening to August, Tom tried to stand tall. And even though you couldn't see August’s face you knew he was smirking.
"So I take it you are refusing then?"
"Yeah I am refusing. There is nothing you can do to me. She has no say where I can and can't be."
Shaking his head, August turned to look at Davies.
"You my witness?" Instead of answering, Davies nodded his head. Turning to the small group of people that were in the diner he asked the same question. After getting confirmation from them, August turned back to Tom. "Last chance."
"Please….. it's not like you can arrest me."
Smiling big and stepping even closer to Tom August shook his head.
"Oh, but that's exactly what I am doing."
Before Tom could say anything more August was grabbing him by his arm and pushing him down onto the counter. You couldn’t help but giggle when you heard Tom yelp in shock. To your surprise you watched August pull cuffs from his back pocket and cuff Tom. Just as he pulled Tom up a couple of his deputies came in. When Tom saw them he instantly started yelling about August, but instead of replying to Tom they looked at August.
"Hey Chef we were told that you may need some help down here?"
Almost instantly Tom stopped yelling and you noticed his face turning pale white. Pushing Tom to the two deputies, August let out a sigh.
"When have you known me to need help? Nah, Tom here just didn't want to listen when the manager on shift told him to leave. Now I will tell you that Tom is her ex so we have what some may say is a conflict of interest."
"How do you want us to handle this Chef?"
"Just take him to his hotel room, make sure he packs and follow him out of town." Turning to Tom August nodded his head. "I don’t want to see you back in town."
After Tom and the deputies left you felt a weight being lifted. Hearing Davies calling your name you turned to him and smiled.
"What’s up?"
Seeing the distress in his eyes you knew what he was trying to ask.
"Yes, the house is yours."
"But it was your Grandma’s house."
"It was. But Davies, you and your wife were always favorites of hers. She always prayed that you guys would be able to have a child. She would be extremely happy that I sold it to you and your family."
"But for 20 bucks?"
Laughing, you hugged them both before turning back to August.
"Best damn 20 bucks I ever made. Meet me at the courthouse tomorrow and we will have them change the deed over to your name."
Turning back around you watched as August made his way to you. The minute he was in reach you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his chest.
"Should have stayed in bed." Laughing loudly August hummed in agreement. "So Aug?"
Looking up you saw that August was looking down at you.
"What's up?"
"So it turns out I need a place to crash for a few days."
Laughing you felt as August ran his hand up and down your back.
"You can stay with me. But I have one condition."
"What's that?"
"It isn’t for a few days. You aren't allowed to leave."
Pulling on his shirt you had August bring his face down to yours. Once he was in reach you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him as you nodded your head in agreement.
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make-sterek-canon · 4 years
That night I saved you || PolArm oneshot (KinnPorsche The Series)
Getting hurt being somebody's bodyguard is part of the job. It's inevitable.
Getting killed is another thing entirely. In Pol's eyes, it's unacceptable. Even more if the one at risk is Arm.
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“That night I saved you”
[Pol’s POV] (Italics = emphasis/others; italics and bold = thoughts)
Extremely warm night. Sticky climate. His suit is completely ruined from all the sweat and dirtiness. There's also some blood mixed in there. Snot too, probably. Pol can't tell.
He's holding Arm down with one hand and the gun with the other. Arm is unconscious and not even responding to any external stimulus. All Pol can feel is his heart beating in his chest. Too slow to be noticed but it's something, some hope in the dark situation they're in.
Pol needs to get Arm out of there and fast or he'll lose him, and he's definitely not ready to say goodbye just yet. Maybe not ever.
He pushes the button on his earpiece but dead silence welcomes him from the other side. He takes off the damn thing rather violently.  Time to put into action his last resort then.
"Pete! Pete!" His shouts fill the air. The bullets are still flying around and there's too much noise. He waits a few seconds, then tries again. Calling Pete desperately. Unrelenting sweat is falling down his face and neck, wetting even more his white (not anymore) shirt.
"Here!" He hears, and he sighs in relief.
"Listen! Can you handle it? I need to get Arm some help, he's in bad shape!"
"Go, I'll cover you!
That's all he needs to get going. Ducked behind a pile of sturdy-looking boxes, Pol tries to pinpoint Pete's position so he'll know where to move. Judging by his shouts he might be somewhere to the right and if Pol remembers correctly there's an exit that way. He needs to move to reach it though and it's easier said than done since he still has to protect both himself and Arm from getting hit by stray bullets. The only way is staying crouched while dragging Arm's motionless body.
Unresponsive as his fellow is, Pol is taking longer to do just that. He also needs to call someone to come and get them because they took Pete's car this time and of course he's the one that has the keys.
Pol curses under his breath. He'll definitely make a copy for next time. If there was a next time. There is still the possibility that none of them will survive the night after all.
After countless and torturous minutes he finds himself closer to the right side exit. This abandoned warehouse is big but not enough to get yourself lost.
Fortunately, no one has seen them and Pol hopes it stays that way for a bit longer.
"Hang in there, Arm. We're almost out."
He hasn't moved yet and Pol is starting to think that he's been dragging a corpse all along, but the sole thought is quickly getting to him and there's no time to lose.
The air is even more stickier and dense outside than inside the building, and Pol is heavily wheezing from the effort. Resting Arm's back against the facade, he places a hand on his chest to support him while taking the phone out with his free hand. Scratch that. He decides against it when not even two seconds have passed. They were not going to make it if they had to wait for someone from the major clan to come.
"Think, Pol. Think..."
Raising his eyes he suddenly notices an old gray Sedan some meters away, parked on the side of the smaller building, part of the main one but detached.
"This better work."
Hauling Arm as carefully as his own banged up body allows him, he walks to the vehicle. It should be easy to open since its windows are not armored as Pete's and the rest of their cars. Or if it's a getaway car as Pol suspects he could probably find the keys nearby, placed there for the owner to grant a fast escape. 
First things first, he rests Arm against the car and checks to make sure it isn't open before looking for the keys. Crouching close to the driver's side tire Pol sticks his hand in the space between the car's fender and the tire, finding the keys on top of it. Bingo. After grabbing them he gets up and when a shot rings out, his hand opens on instinct dropping them to the ground. The bullet impacts against the gravel right next to where Arm is and Pol's breath stops working for a second, scared that he might have been hit.
"Where do you think you're going, scum? Put your hands up and turn around. Slowly."
Pol does as he's told, facing the man. He's pretty much average looking, not as big in size as Pol and he's definitely tired if his labored breathing is any indication. He has to take him down. And fast.
The quietness doesn't last long when the man steps forward with his gun still raised. The distance is shorter and Pol takes that chance to surprise his enemy, crouching down and getting some gravel to throw it to his face. That gets him a shout in response and he promptly throws himself against the man next to take the gun away. It flies off somewhere. But that's not the end of it. The man only needs a moment to collect himself and he attacks Pol. Avoiding blow after blow, he counterattacks when he has the opportunity, but he's not fast enough to block a sudden kick to the ribs. Falling to his knees in agonizing pain, Pol raises his head to look at the man, who's got a karambit and is brandishing it right in front of his face.
"Very nice... Just stay there like the dog you are. Fucking useless." He snickers and Pol flinches in disgust. "Your fuck-buddy must be dead, huh? Don't worry, you'll be following him soon enough..."
Pol glances Arm's way and his eyes tear up but he bites down hard on his lower lip to prevent the tears from falling. It's highly efficient since the pain distracts him from feeling anything else. He's not going to give the bastard the satisfaction to seeing him cry. Not for his own life, but for his fallen friend. The defiant look Pol sends the man's way makes him smile sadistically.
"Ah, that look... I'm so gonna enjoy butchering you like I would do a pig..."
A sudden movement causes Pol to look behind the man, a bit to his left. The man notices but it's not enough for him to turn around or even move. There's no time since he already has a bullet embedded in his skull. The dead body falls forward right into Pol but he moves before it touches him. 
Still kneeling, he looks up at the shooter. Vegas.
"Empty promises... I hate people who are all bark and no bite the most." He says, with a gravely tone full of disdain. 
And suddenly it's like a staring contest. But this time there's neither winner nor loser.
"Where's Pete?"
Pol is not sure if he should answer though he somehow knows that Vegas means no harm to his friend.
"Still inside."
"Get the fuck out of here or I'll finish you off. Less Kinn's bodyguards means less threats to my clan."
"Why won't you then?"
"Finish us off."
"Let's just say that a certain someone wouldn't like that. Be grateful."
Guess who.
With nothing more to say, apparently, Vegas turns around and walks to the main building, gun in hand and ready. You can still hear some commotion happening inside. Pol watches him go for a second before getting up to get the keys from the gravel to open the car. He checks on Arm then, looking for his pulse in the neck. It's there. Weak, but there. Pol heaves a sigh of relief. 
Getting him inside the car is not as easy at it looks but he manages to lay him down on the back seats. Pol is still not sure how is he that unconscious but he suspects he was brutally hit with something, and he worries that Arm might have a concussion since he's bleeding quite profusely from the head.
The road is completely empty on their way back and Pol speeds through it with too little care for anything else than getting Arm the help he needs.
Pol is so focused that he swerves and almost goes off the road when his phone rings unexpectedly, strident in the silent car. 
His heart still in his throat, he answers after a few more tones ring.
"Pol, it's Pete."
"Hey... How are things there?" He asks the best he can, trying to steady his racing heart so it could return to normal.
"Calmer. I- I think we did it. The cargo is ours" Pete's voice is wavering a little, and Pol is not going to ask how they got it since he already knows. They had outside help and if Boss Korn found out he'd be anything but happy. But he won't say a thing. He's never been a whistleblower and he won't start now.
"Not many. We came prepared after all."
"Yeah..." Pol distractedly says, looking at Arm through the rearview mirror.
"What about Arm? Where are you taking him?"
"Where do you think?"
"Dr. Top? Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Pol grips the steering wheel so hard that both his hands start hurting, and he asks with his teeth clenched. "I don't have many options at the moment, or do I?"
He doesn't trust the man either but it's also true that there's nobody else they can go to. Dr. Top is as mysterious as he is a good doctor, and he'll treat Arm fairly. 
"Ok, ok. Do what you have to do."
Running a trembling hand through his thick and slightly sweaty hair, Pol exhales slowly. "Pete, Arm... he... I'm not sure if he's alive. He hasn't moved or anything since before we left. He had a pulse when I got him into the car, but it was weak. He... he may be dead for all I know and fuck, I'm not okay with that..."
"Pol, you need to calm down," Pete says softly. "It's going to be okay, you hear me? He's gonna be alright. He's one of the toughtest men I know. So stop thinking. It's definitely not helping."
"It's just-"
"No, and whatever you might want to say? Just keep it for when he comes around. Okay? Call me when you get there."
"Yeah, alright. I'll call you."
"And... ?"
"Stop thinking. I got it the first time, Pete."
"Just in case you forgot."
"Right... See you."
"See ya."
Then Pol hears a "Vegas, what the f-" and suddenly the line is cut off. 
He doesn't move or says anything for a while, but the silence becomes too much and he feels the need to fill it.
"Vegas came to help... Can you imagine? That sadistic bastard helping us... Well, more like helping Pete." Pol mumbles, looking in the rearview mirror from time to time. "He saved my life. I'm not sure if I should be grateful or scared. I owe him, big-time." He doesn't know what comes into him but in a flash, Pol hits the steering wheel quite violently. "Fuck, Arm. Talk. Open your damn eyes. Can you at least hear me?" Regret washes over him the second he explodes. "I can't believe I'm doing this... I'm sorry. Fuck. I'm sorry. I should have been there for you sooner. If you die...” Don't you dare die on me.
The Anakinn residence comes into sight, imposing and in complete darkness except for the lights on the front facade. 
Next to it, Dr. Top's house lies. It kinda looks like a cabin and it has all the comodities and necessities but if he lives there is basically because it is in his contract. Other than that, he comes and goes at will. No questions asked.
Getting out of the car Pol opens the back door to take Arm out. He doesn't even care about leaving the car open since it's not his and carries Arm bridal style towards the house. The entrance light turns on before he reaches the wooden door and it opens, showing the doctor in silky maroon pajamas. He's the definition of tall, dark and handsome. That's probably why Boss Tankhun and Vegas' brother Macao are head over heels for the man.
"Sleeping, Doc?"
The man smirks for a microsecond and urges Pol to get inside. "Leave him on the dining room table." He quickly follows the orders. It was like someone had told the doctor that they were coming because the table was clearly prepared for an emergency. Leaving him there, Pol steps back. That's when he takes a moment to evaluate Arm's state by himself. He's too damn pale. But other than that he looks like he's sleeping.
"Can you tell me what happened to him?" The doctor asks while checking Arm for vitals and shining a light into his eyes.
"I don't really know. I wasn't even close when it happened." Pol explains. "But I guess he was hit with some kind of weapon or thrown against something..." He stops talking, swallowing hard when he notices that his voice is breaking.
"It must be a concussion... Has he been unconscious the whole time?" 
So I was right. Pol nods, not trusting his voice just yet. 
"I'm gonna need you to be vocal, Pol. Get yourself together and talk."
"Y- yeah, he's been like that since I found him lying on the ground."
"That wasn't so hard, was it?"
Pol clenches his fists. Son of a...
"Okay, you can wait outside. Drink some water. Eat something. Do whatever you want, but get out of my sight."
"What? No-"
"Yes, Pol. You're making me uncomfortable, and you don't want Arm to suffer the consequences, right?"
Frowning and still with his fists clenched, he barks a resounding negative, storming out of the dining room after glancing at Arm for a brief second.
If he lets himself get carried away and closes the door with more force than necessary nobody can really blame him.
Pol doesn't know how much time he spends sitting on that awfully orange colored sofa, but he's been dozing off for a while, his eyes opening and closing non-stop. 
But he knows he obviously lost the battle when he's startled awake by a hand shaking him. His own grabs that hand determined to get it off him in the worst way possible but he's promptly stopped by a familiar voice calling his name. "Pol, it's me."
Pete's delicate face welcomes him when he opens his eyes. "Pete. You're here." Surprise follows and he sits upright. "Why are you here? I thought you were with V-"
"He dropped me off and went back to work. He's got some unfinished business to attend..."
"Yeah, I can only imagine." Pol snorts, running a hand through his hair and clearing his throat. He feels it scratchy, like something got stuck there.
"Have you drank or ate anything? I don't want to be that person but you look bad..." And it must be true when his friend is looking at him in such a worrisome way. He doesn't even get upset for not having called him.
"I just can't... I feel like throwing up every time I think about it. Arm..." The reality hits Pol in that exact moment he remembers why he's in the state he is in. "Fuck. Arm. Pete, how is he? Do you know? Has the doctor talked to you? Is Arm... ?"
"Stop. Man, you're freaking out and that's not going to help either of you," Pete tries to calm Pol, taking his hands between his. "He's alive. He's fine. But he's not waking up. Dr. Top said that it'll probably take some more time for him to come to his senses. He also said that he's suffering from a severe concussion and that he's lucky he has no brain damage. So it's just a matter of time until he..."
"I want to see him." Pol declares, getting up in such a rush that it desestabilizes him for a second.
"You're going to hurt yourself even more. So stubborn..." Pete mutters, frowning while holding him by the elbows. "Has Dr. Top checked you up? Ah, don't bother answering. I already know what you're gonna say. Sit, for fuck’s sake."
"I need to see him," Pol almost begs. He just wants to see with his own eyes that Arm is alive. Is that so hard to understand?
"No, it's not." It's almost as if his friend had read his thoughts but he just said it aloud. "You know, it should have come as a surprise... but it just makes perfect sense. You are always together, and don't let me get started with those meaningful stares and little touches... Say, when you do you think it all started?"
"What do you mean?" He's still not ready to admit it out loud. Not if he can help it. So he chooses to play dumb instead.
Too bad Pete doesn't think the same.
"When did you fall in love?"
"You're being more nosy than usual..."
"I'm just curious."
"Should I ask you the same then? About you and that... man?" Pol answers back, quite forcefully.
Pete stills for a moment, with his eyes being the only thing giving him away. "I guess I deserved that one."
Feeling bad, Pol quickly backpedals. "No, I'm sorry. I just don't want to talk about it. It's not the moment nor the place."
"You're right," Pete shrugs sending him a tiny smile. "But don't think this is over."
"Oh, trust me. If I know you, and I think I do quite well, I just know you're not dropping it out anytime soon."
"Just delaying it. Because you look awful and I pity you."
Pol can barely contain a laugh. Pete is that good. He's a ray of sunshine among the darkness that lives within them. Even when he's had it really bad himself. Being a ball of happiness is his greatest charm.
"Okay, jerk, now make yourself useful and take me to him." 
“Methinks you should ask nicely,” Pete pouts, obviously faking being upset.
“Well, me thinks you're being ridiculous.”
“Ah, you're no fun...” Sighing, Pete puts an arm around Pol's waist, and he instinctively puts his right arm around Pete's shoulder as support. "Alright then, I'll take you to your lover boy. He's rocking the Sleeping Beauty look, let me tell you."
"I'm telling him once he wakes up."
"Oh yeah? Then I'll tell Boss Tankhun to punish you later.
Pol snorts. "As if I hadn't had enough beatings for two lifetimes..." 
"At least you weren't almost killed like a million times. Those guys were ruthless. The bullets kept coming and I thought I was a goner."
"You don't know the half of it," he mutters shaking his head, remembering how Vegas had saved his ass. Probably the same way he had saved Pete's if you think about it.
It seems like while Pol was asleep Dr. Top had moved Arm from the dining room to the guest room that was next to the kitchen and the toilet. Not by himself, of course, but with Pete's help. 
The bedroom is neither big nor small, and it looks cozy with that warm wall decor paper beige colored with golden motifs. There are some paintings and portraits here and there, and a wardrobe in the bottom right corner, not too far from the full sized bed. 
Arm lies there, still a bit too pale but he doesn't look like he's dying anymore. Pete was right in his Disney comparison and Pol cracks a smile.
"Whistle if you need me. I'll be in the living room." Pete interrupts his train of thought and he just nods, following his friend with his gaze as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him. 
Turning around, Pol walks to the bed and sits on the right edge, facing Arm. His hand moves before he can think about it and he places it over Arm's heart. His heartbeat is steady and Pol closes his eyes to calm himself. They're both safe and together. Together... As if the touch was burning him he removes his hand from Arm's chest.
"I'm going crazy... There's no other explanation." Pol sighs, running a hand through his hair as a nervous gesture. "You really need to wake up, Arm. That doctor freaks me out and I don't like the thought of you spending the night here. I want us to go home."
It's right then when Pol notices that Arm's hand is palm up on the sheets in a clear invitation. After clenching and unclenching his fist a few times, he closes the distance and grabs Arm's hand with his own, lacing their fingers. He's almost tempted to kiss the back of his hand, but what he does is leaning towards Arm to whisper in his ear in a soft tone: "Are you going to leave me hanging? I didn't peg you as a cruel man..."
At first Pol thinks it's his brain playing tricks on him or maybe a muscle reflex but when it happens again it makes him lose his breath. Something is squeezing his hand. Leaning back a little, he looks into Arm's chocolate eyes, unblinking. Awake at last.
"We're even then, because neither I pegged you as a romantic man..." His voice sounds extremely hoarse but it's like music to Pol's ears.
Wetting his lips, he smiles from ear to ear. "Ass."
This time, neither of them smile in solitude.
Writing this second oneshot was a challenge. It almost killed me, haha. But it was fun and I loved writing it. So worth it!
I hope you guys like it ^^
Here’s the first ArmPol oneshot I wrote. This one is a continuation. Kind of~
I’ll probably write a third one (last?) and maybe a Vegas/Pete spin-off!
Now go  give the teaser for the series some love.
Thank you! <3
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ficsbynani · 4 years
Chasing Delilah (1)
Chris Evans/OC
March 22, 2018
Atlanta, Ga
Honeylux Studios
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"Thank you for filling in on such short notice. Kendra is sick and can't do it."
Delilah nodded fixing her hair in the mirror in front of her, she had heard the same thing from stuffy nosed Kendra when she called a couple hours earlier, so she didn't want to hear it again from their supervisor, Kelly. Doing the interview didn't bother her, the constant last minute changes was starting to annoy her.
"What is this interview for anyway?"
"It’s for endgame."
“Like Avengers? Marvel?”
Kelly stared at her and nodded slowly, “Yeah. What else would I be talking about, Delilah?"
Turning away from the mirror Delilah stared at her for a moment about to say something smart until she heard one of the assistants call her name. She approached the assistant accepting the cards she was handed. The assistant ran through how much time Delilah had for the interview, what to expect for the duration and all of her angles.
"Got it, honey. How much time do I have until they get here?"
"He was supposed to be here about 10 minutes ago but he's running a little late."
Delilah nodded. "And how long ago was that?"
The assistant looked at her watch and hummed, “About twenty minutes ago. He's probably stuck in traffic or coming from filming. He should be here soon."
"He's here now. I assume you two were waiting on me."
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Both women looked away from each other toward the voice. Delilah walked towards him with a polite smile and her hand extended to him. "Glad you made it safely. Hope it wasn't too much trouble."
He shook her hand enthusiastically with a big, wide smile. "It was no problem at all. I'm sorry to have kept you ladies waiting like that on me. I'm usually pretty punctual."
"It's no problem, Mr. Evans, we didn't mind waiting."
Delilah shook her head a small smile on her face, "Speak for yourself, I did mind."
"Please call me Chris," he chuckled, “Well in that case, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting..." His voice trailed off waiting for her to tell him her name.
“Its Delilah, Chris."
 "Accept my apology, please, Miss Delilah."
Shifting her weight from foot to foot, Delilah nodded at him with a polite smile. "I guess l accept your apology Chris. You ready for your interview or you need a little time to get yourself together?"
"No ma'am I'm ready to get down to it if you are." he replied smiling.
Both went to their respective seats, neither spoke as they were given last minute touch ups from hair and make up. Delilah was given some last minute information from Kelly just before the cameras started rolling.
Delilah put on her big, bright smile looking into her camera, “Welcome to Honeylux Backstage Pass, I'm Delilah Anderson. With us today we have Captain America himself, Chris Evans." She paused for him to speak to his camera. "I'm glad to have you here today."
His brows rose playfully, "Thank you for inviting me, Delilah. That's a great dress by the way. You look gorgeous."
"Thank you, I see you trying to match me, Chris."
A hearty laugh escaped him when he looked down at himself and back at her realizing that they were pretty much wearing the same shade of brown. "So that was you I saw peeking in my bedroom window this morning."
Delilah smirked, “Oh, Chris, if I'm going through all that to peek in your window, I’d go all the way and climb right in."
A light blush rose across his cheeks that he tried to conceal by wiping his hand over his mouth and beard. "Noted, duly noted."
Delilah laughed, glancing down at her cards. "Since I've gotten you all the way here, tell me what you've been up to."
"As you know I'm here in Atlanta filming Endgame. And that's why I was a little late today, we got a little behind in our schedule."
"A little late? " She asked, chuckling. “Since you brought it up, you were not a little late, you were a lot late. You didn't want to come see me and Honeylux, Chris? I'm hurt.”
Chris laughed again, starting to get a little flustered, unable to hide the blush that creeped into his cheeks. "No, that's not it. I wouldn't do you like that, Delilah.”
“You wouldn't do me like that," she repeated playfully, “Then how would you do me, Chris?" They held each other's stare for a few moments before Chris broke and looked away rubbing his hands over his clothed thighs trying to dry his sweating palms "Chris, what do you like to do when you're not filming? I know that you've pretty much been in Atlanta on and off for the last two almost three years."
"I really don't do much. I go to a good restaurant every now and then, go to the gym and go home."
"Come on, Chris. I know you do more than that. You don't seem like a homebody to me. In fact a little birdie told us that you're a bit of a night owl."
"I... Who told you that? Was it RDJ?” he laughed. 
Delilah laughed giving him a playful innocent shrug, "I can't reveal my sources. "So let's try this again, what does Chris Evans do when he's not filming?"
"When I'm not filming I may, possibly go out to a bar or two or have a little party or go to a party."
An hour later, they wrapped their interview and Chris left her with a promise to not be late next time and a big hug. Delilah avoided her boss knowing that she wanted to talk about the flirtatious parts during the interview. If they were gonna make her do that interview last minute then she was going to do it her way. 
"Here you go. A strawberry lemonade vodka."
Delilah look up from her phone frowning, "I didn't order this. You can take it back."
"Its from a gentleman in the booth across from you. He asked me to bring it." The waitress discreetly nodded her head in the direction. "Trust me, you wanna take it."
She looked around the waitress spotting the patron who sent it and slid out of her booth. "I'm gonna move over there. You can send my food there." Not waiting for a response, Delilah grabbed her drink and crossed the bar sliding into the empty side of the booth. "An apology drink?"
"That depends. Are you accepting?"
"Hmmm … I accept but this doesn't completely make up for it."
Chris laughed, his hand going to his left pec, "This is not gonna be easy, I see. So what are you doing here? Alone at that?"
"I'm here to get my fried pickles." 
"And why are you alone?" 
"Hmm … maybe you should've been a journalist. You're pushing that question of yours," she responded taking a sip of her drink.
He shrugged, turning his baseball cap backwards. "Learned from the best I guess."
Shaking her head, Delilah stirred her drink around with her straw. "You didn't. If you had then you would've known why I was here alone before you asked the question."
"Okay, you got me there. Can I have an answer?"
"I'm alone because I'm always alone, Chris. I hope that answers your question."
"So since you're alone and always alone you wouldn't have a reason to turn down an offer to go to a more comfortable place."
"Comfortable place like," she drug out staring at him, "your place?"
Chris returned her stare, feeling sure of himself in the moment. Mentally applauding himself for not blushing the way he did during the interview. "My place. It's a few minutes down the street. You keep pulling on the sleeves of your sweater so I assume that you're cold in here, its an unusually chilly evening and my place just happens to be pretty warm. Got a fireplace."
Delilah smirked looking away for a moment, "Observant. Tryna get me to your place using your fireplace. Smart."
"Thank you. So you'll have your pickles and drink and then we'll go try out this fireplace. It's a date."
"I guess so then. But what are you gonna have?"
Chris peered over at her from the top of his glass as he drank from it. Once she returned his eye contact, he winked at her. 
The pair enjoyed their drinks, food and conversation with no interruptions. Chris' cute family stories and funny stories from set had their flirtation a bit forgotten by Delilah. Their conversation became animated a few times leading to one or the other reaching out for small, innocent touches every now and then. Their playful banter continued on their walk to his condo. 
He spoke politely to the men coming out of the building as he and Delilah entered. Their conversation ceased on the elevator ride up. Chris whistled softly to fill the silence until the elevator pinged on the 20th floor. 
"Ladies first," Chris offered playfully. 
Delilah walked out in front of him, tucking her clutch under her left arm. She looked down between them when she felt him hook her pinky with his then at him laughing at the smile on his face. 
"Don't want you to get lost or anything. It's a pretty long hallway." He kept her pinky hooked tight until he let them into his condo. She stood in her spot looking around as soon as he cut the lights on, she could hear him locking the door. "This is my temporary home. Not bad right?"
She shook her head slowly, "Not bad at all, Chris. Now where's this fireplace?"
Chris shrugged off his jacket and took off his hat sitting them on the stand beside them. He put his hand the the small of her back giving her a gentle push. "Let me give you a tour. I'll make the fireplace our last stop."
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Chris stood with his hand on the doorknob of the last room he needed to show her. "What do you think so far?"
"It's nice. I could almost buy you being a homebody when you have downtime," she joked, "Almost. But I like it. The floor to ceiling windows and that shower are definitely being added to my wishlist."
"You like the shower? Well if you're nice, I'll let you use it." He joked opening the last door. "And the reason you're here, lounge room. Or if you'd like the fireplace room."
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Laughing, Delilah walked into the room and tossed her clutch onto the sofa. Her eyes lit up a bit when it lit up. She assumed he did it from behind her with a remote. "Fireplace room, I like it, we'll call it that."
Standing behind her, Chris put an arm loosely around her neck pulling her closer to him sending a chill through her. "Cold still?" He asked in her ear.
"Uuuh," she hummed biting down on her lip, "You could say that."
"I can warm you up, if you want." He spoke in a low tone moving his other hand to her waist, gripping it. "Yeah?"
Had he not been so close to hear and felt the vibrations from her body as she spoke, he wouldn't have heard her answer. Releasing his hold on her, Chris pulled his shirt over his head then removed his shoes and socks. He approached her again, this time kneeling in front of her undoing the clasp on her right heel then the left and tossed them aside. His hands traveled slowly up the outside of her legs, from her ankle to her thighs, disappearing under her dress. 
His hands went to her panties, slowly pulling the thin straps down her hips from under her sweater. She braced herself on his shoulders stepping out of the thin fabric. Drawing back a bit, he pushed her sweater up above her navel holding it there looking directly at her pussy. Delilah pulled the sweater off, tossing it into the sofa on top of her clutch. 
Chris caressed her thighs, her back arched slightly, and his hand moved from her thigh towards my quivering center. Using his other hand, Chris put her right leg over her shoulder pulling her closer. Gently he parted her lips and ran the palm of his hand against her clit, stoking Delilah's inner fires. A soft chuckle escaped him when her body jerked in response, followed by a deep guttural groan. His head lowered a bit moving in closer, deeply inhaling her scent. Then leaned closer and started to lick at her wetness, from bottom to top, the long smooth strokes, making her knees buckle prompting him to hold her up as he worked. Giving only hums in response to her moans, her groans and her whimpering. 
He sucked on her clit, and swirling his tongue around it at the same time, pushing her to the brink repeatedly. Her hips bucked against his face, lifting and rolling in an instinctive rhythm. Chris followed Delilah relentlessly, devouring her and then slid one finger deep inside her, following with another. They slid in and out while Chris focused his attention on her clit. Delilah could feel herself slowly building as the flames were in the fireplace were. 
Chris double his efforts, feeling her push his face into her center.  Delilah's body locked, becoming rigid as the convulsions hit me, staggering in their intensity. She came crashing down as the flames started to crackle a bit louder. 
She cried out loudly as her stomach muscles clenched and tightened. Her body shuddered with the aftershocks and Chris stayed there slurping and sucking as the aftershocks faded slowly away from her. Pulling away, Chris started to plant slow kisses up to her stomach, looking wickedly up at Delilah.
"Warmed up?" He asked standing to his full height licking remnants of her from his lips. 
"Very. Helluva first kiss."
Closing the small gap between them, Chris lowered his head capturing her full lips in a kiss. His hands instinctively went to her ass, grabbing and massaging it while her hands rubbed up his chest meeting at the back of his neck both deepening the kiss.
"How was the second one?" His words were a soft whisper against her lips.
"Just as good as the first."
Chris grabbed her hands and kissed her palms then placed them on his belt. "You mind giving me a hand with that?"
An audible groan passed Delilah's lips as she tugged his belt open. Her eyes met his, silently asking him for permission to unbutton his jeans, smiling when he ever so slightly nodded. Delilah had them open and down in seconds, her hands went to grab him. Chuckling, he stepped out his jeans putting his hands on top of her easing them off. He pulled her in front of the sofa and turned her around, her back facing him. 
"You remember what you said to me during the interview,  Delilah?" 
Delilah paused to think. "I said a lot to you."
"You said that I didn't want to come see you. Ring a bell?" 
"Yeah, I remember."
Chris caressed her sides, "Put your knees up on the sofa and grab the back. And I said I wouldn't do you like that. What was your response to that?"
Delilah did as she was told, looking over her shoulder at him. "I asked how would you do me."
Leaned down to kiss her lower back, using his tongue to trail up her spine to her neck. Her back arching in response, curses falling from her lips as she tilted her head back. 
Chris gently pushed her hair away from her ear, nipping at the skin below it. "You asked me how I would do you. My answer," he bent his knees a little lining himself up with her entrance slowly pushing inside her, "Like this. Hold on, beautiful."
He moved slowly at first, standing back up straight and placed a hand on her back keeping it arched. He gave her just a little. Not going all the way in, and pulling back out. 
He teased her this way a few times, until she started begging him to give it all to her. In that moment all she wanted was for him to bury his dick inside inside her. He smirked moving his hand to her shoulder and thrust his dick deep inside her. Delilah moaned loudly and gripped the sofa right as he pulled back and thrust again. Slow, long, hard thrust, in and out. In and out. 
Chris started moving faster acknowledging he desires she was moaning out to him.  Him burying his shaft deep inside of her wasn't enough. She started moaning, begging for more, faster, harder. She wanted all of him. He picked up the pace, moving faster, careful not to disturb her curls. He wet a finger and reached around to stimulate her clit while plunging deep inside of her.  Chris felt her start to squeeze him and his smirk grew into a wide grin. He thrusts hard and fast, until she screams for mercy, cumming again. He was more than pleased with himself to have brought her to a second orgasm. 
Chris eased himself out of her watching her head drop and slowly start to catch her breath. "Turn around and sit down," He instructed gently. Delilah turned slowly, now eye to eye with his dick and her mouth started to water. "Can I touch your hair?" 
"Yes, Chris. It's already sweated out," she joked softly. 
A chuckle escaped him, one hand went to the back of her head urging her closer and the other brought his dick to her lips tapping for her to open which she did. 
She sucked him the same way he had just fucked her. Hard and fast. Careful not to hurt her, Chris gripped Delilah's hair, holding her in place. He paused for a second to firmly plant his feet before thrusting into her face. Strings of curses and groans came from him feeling her stroke and massage his balls with his nails as he fucked her face. He groaned louder, telling her that he was about to cum. Delilah braced herself just as he exploded, filling her mouth with his seed. Delilah swallowed every drop and slowly licked his dick clean as he released his hold on her and pulled out.
Waking up warm, Delilah felt an arm around her waist and slowly opened her eyes. The events of the night before all coming back to her. A great night that she wasn't sure what it meant, her body was sore beyond belief but she was satisfied. Her mind and body was conflicting with her. She enjoyed herself but she didn't know what to say to him. Maybe it was a one night thing, a good end to a heavily flirtatious day. 
Easing his arm off of her, Delilah crept out of the bed putting a pillow in her place. She limped around the room looking for her clothes for five minutes until it hit her.
"Fireplace room, duh," she whispered limping out of his bedroom. 
Dressed aside from her panties that she couldn't find, Delilah rushed as fast and quietly as she could out of his condo. She fought hard against herself on the elevator ride down to the lobby to keep herself from going back up to his place and starting again. 
She decided against sitting in the lobby while she waited on her Uber and stood outside. Texts from Kelly about other interviews she had lined up came through momentarily taking Delilah's attention from the man she'd just left. But nothing could take her attention from the ache at the apex of her thighs.
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finnwolfhard7137 · 4 years
The Heart of Mine-
Miles Fairchild × Reader
Chapter Twelve REWRITTEN
((This means more chapters to come))
Word Count 2.2k
Warnings: angst and fluff
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You wake up to Miles playing with your hair. Twirling it between his fingers and playing with it. You love your hair getting played with, and Miles knows it. You hum from satisfaction and bury your face deeper into his chest.
Miles "Morning."
Miles "Someone doesn't want to get up today." He chuckles.
Miles "Let's just stay in bed until Flora needs us then, how does that sound?"
"So good." You mumbled. You reposition yourself next to Miles and he holds you close. You start to think about the very first time he touched your hand. How it made you feel. And when he first kissed you, how that made you feel. Now here you both are, so in love with each other that you never want to be unconnected from each other. It is crazy how time has passed, and how many things have changed. Before coming here, you felt so alone. All of your past relationships ended badly and were very toxic. Now you are dating your best friend. Oh and the fact that before coming here, you did not believe in the supernatural. And now you fear being killed by an entity that you can't see until it manifests...crazy to think about. Then, you think about everything that has happened to you the duration of you being here and all the pain you have gone through. But you would endure it all over again because you had Miles to help you get through it all. You love Miles more than anyone, so it has all been worth it. 
When you wake back up, you hear loud banging coming from the hall. You quickly turn over to shake Miles up but he was not in bed. You struck up the courage to get out of bed to see what the banging was. You open up the door and peak your head around the corner but nothing, no one was there. Where is that banging coming from? It sounds like it would have been right here...You walk on and down the hallway and get closer to the sound. You walk towards the other side of the hallway: the east wing. You lean your head around the corner and to your absolute relief, you see Miles throwing a ball against the wall. You audibly sigh and he hears you and turns around.
Miles "Oh hey babe!"
"Hey...you scared me. I thought that Quint was doing all the banging."
Miles "Oh I'm sorry!" He walks up to you and cups your cheeks, "I just wanted to blow off some steam and this is the only way I know how without my drumset." 
"It's alright, I'm glad that it was you. Where's Flora?"
Miles pecks your lips, "She's outside with Mrs. Grose, she wanted help in the yard."
"Oh that's good!"
Miles "Yeah. I don't want her to hate her, just be aware of her that is all. She is my sister and I have to protect her."
"I know," you kiss his cheek, "you are a great older brother."
Miles smiles, "Thank you babes. Come on, let's eat.." he throws you over his shoulder, "I'm starving!"
When Flora and Mrs. Grose came in, Flora was limping. Miles immediately got furious, as he should be.
Miles "What happened?!"
Flora "I-....I tripped." She said looking at Mrs.Grose. 
"Is that right?"
Mrs. Grose "Yes. Poor thing tripped over a rock in the garden."
Miles kneels down to his sister, "Are you telling me the truth?" She takes a deep breath, looks at you and then back at Miles and then bursts out in tears. 
Flora "No!" Miles does not respond, he only picks his sister up and takes her to his room. 
"What did you do to her, Mrs. Grose? She's just a kid!"
Mrs. Grose "She cut off a flower that was not ready to be cut. I taught her a lesson."
You shake your head, "Y'know. I thought you changed. I thought that you weren't going to beat on anyone anymore, but I guess I was wrong. Because not only have you beaten me numerous times throughout the year of me being here, but now you are beating an 8 year old child. You should be disgusted in yourself." 
Mrs. Grose gets in your face, "Listen here, little one. You are not the boss here, I am. I hired you to take care of Flora, not boss me around and tell me how to run things around here."
"I am not telling you how to run things, I am telling you that your punishments are barbaric!"
Mrs. Grose "Yell at me one more time, and you won't wake up tomorrow." You don't know what to say. You just simply back away slowly and head to Miles' room. 
When I opened the door, Flora was in her brother's arm's and softly crying to herself. Miles looks up at me and never had I seen someone look so lost before. I sit down beside them and wait for them to tell me what happened.
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Miles "She pushed her, Y/n. She pushed her because she cut a flower...a fucking flower."
"Where does it hurt, lovebug?"
Flora "Just my knee. I'm okay."
Miles "No it's not okay. I'll fucking kill her! She can hurt me, but not you two. I won't allow it, I am supposed to protect you. That is my job."
Flora "You do, Miles. I am okay. If you do anything, it'll only make things get badder." She isn't wrong. Mrs. Grose hates it when we argue back at her. If Miles goes off, she could seriously hurt him or you and Flora. The best thing is to stay away from her as best as possible. 
Miles sighs. You rest your head on his shoulder and he rests his head on top of yours. "I don't know what to do anymore." He said with sorrow in his voice. 
"Neither do I. But all I know is that we just need to stick together. No more going anywhere alone. Especially not being alone with her."
Flora "Is that the plan?"
Miles "That's the only plan we have right now so yeah."
Flora "Okay. But what about your couple stuff?"
Miles chuckles, "What about it?"
Flora "Wouldn't it be weird if I saw you two kiss and stuff?"
Miles "You see me kiss Y/n everyday, whatcha talking about?"
Flora "I don't know."
"We aren't going to let you be alone anymore, Flora. So Miles and I will just have to adjust to you being around us 24/7. Which is totally okay."
Miles "Yeah. We love you."
Flora "Love you."
When everything has calmed down, you, Miles and Flora go back into the living room. Mrs. Grose is in the process of cleaning Flora's room so you three get nibbles to snack on. Everything is fine and dandy until Mrs. Grose comes out of the room and see's Flora's knee.
Mrs. Grose "Flora, what happened?!"
Flora "Huh?"
Mrs. Grose "Who hurt your knee darling?!" Flora just looks up at you and you knew immediately that that was not in fact Mrs. Grose who pushed Flora in the greenery. Mrs. Grose looks up at you and you get a chill down your spine, "Did you do this to her?!"
"Wha-no! No of course not!"
Mrs. Grose "You did, didn't you!?"
"No! Flora, tell her the truth!"
Miles "No, enough. You did Mrs. Grose. You took Flora with you to the greenery and she came back with a messed up knee."
Mrs. Grose "I didn't go into the greenery today Miles, what lie are you telling now? Y/n-"
Miles "This isn't a lie! And you are not going to blame her for your abuse!"
Mrs. Grose "I did not harm your sister."
Miles "Maybe, maybe you didn't-"
Flora "Quint.." we all look down at her and Miles grabs a hold of your hand as you start to panic. When he turns to face you, he can see the fear start to build in your star-like eyes, so he pauses the conversation and talks to you directly.
Miles "Babe, hey, look at me. Remember what happens when we get scared, alright?" You quickly nod and sniffle away your fear as you try to clear your mind as fast as possible. Miles looks at Mrs. Grose with disgust.
Miles "Why did you have to kill him, hmm? If you just banished him off the grounds, none of this would be happening."
Mrs. Grose "I..I thought that I was doing what was best at the time."
Miles "Well I bet you regret it now, don't you Mrs. Grose?" All she does is hang her head and places her arms around her torso. 
Flora "I forgive you." She said in almost a whisper, making Mrs. Grose look up from the floor. 
Mrs. Grose "How could any of you forgive me?"
Miles "I don't. But Flora is still too young to know everything that you have done since coming to this house. She is still kind and loving, unlike you. She has a bright light that shines through the darkness in this house, that keeps the monsters in these walls away. So of course my sister forgives you, Mrs. Grose. I don't think that she has it in her heart to hate anyone, even Quint."
Flora "You are wrong about that.." you snicker because it was so abrupt. She is feisty sometimes and you love that about her. 
Miles chuckles and moves a piece of brown hair that had fallen into his sister's eye, "Yeah, no one likes Quint. But you know my point, don't you?"
Mrs. Grose "I do. I love you Flora, I hope you know that. I am far from perfect but I would never harm you! Any of you.." That pissed you off, to say the least. Miles has told you all of the things that she used to do to Miles when he would misbehave as a kid, and you know first hand how dangerous she is. So for her to say that, was only a bribe method to try to convince Flora that she isn't a brutal woman. 
Miles "Don't. It's useless Y/n. She'll just say what we all want her to say so that we stay quiet. Let's just go outside.." he picks his sister up and she quickly wraps her legs around him as he starts to walk. You attempt to walk but she grabs your hand. 
Mrs. Grose "Y/n please, let me talk-" Miles is ready to attack her head on but you speak up before he gets the chance.
"You've had plenty of chances to talk Mrs. Grose. But all you seem to do is lie."
Mrs. Grose "I-"
"And you really had me believing last week..with all the compliments, with all the laughter and the days off..but here we are today and Flora got hurt. Not in my presence, in yours. So don't you dare blame me for hurting Flora, she is not just the little girl I am babysitting, she is like my little sister. So never.blame.me.again." After that, she let go of your hand and you and Miles walked out of the house.
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Outside, it is a thunderstorm. And yet you three walked out into the pouring rain, sat down on the grass, and let the cold rain cool you off. It is almost a cleanse that you all needed so desperately in that very moment. You three stay silent for quite awhile, just holding onto each other as the raindrops landed on your skin and clothing. 
Miles "It is like God heard our cries for a break in this fucked up house." 
Flora "Language!" She said dramatically. 
Miles giggles, "Sorry sis. But wouldn't you agree?"
Flora "Yeah, it feels good."
Miles "Babe?"
"Hmm? Yeah."
Miles "You okay? She didn't grab you too hard did she?"
"If she did I forgot."
Miles "..I like that answer." He leans down and kisses your forehead and lays his head back down into the grass. 
Flora "Will we always be together?" We look at her and she starts to cry, "I mean..will we always be together..like-"
Miles "Of course we will always be with you Flora."
Flora "No! I mean will us three all be together..forever?" You never realized that she feared this. You never even knew that she feared losing you.
Miles "Yeah, of course."
Flora "Sorry...being here in the rain just made me feel so scared to lose what we have.."
"We are right here, little one. We aren't leaving you, ever. Okay?" You reach over and wipe away her tears just like Miles did. 
Miles "Why are you scared, sis?"
Flora "I-not I just thought about you both and I got sad 'cause I love you guys."
Miles "We love you more Flors. Don't cry anymore, alright? I don't like seeing you cry." Flora smiles and stops her tears as best as she could. 
Flora "I wonder if the fishies are okay!"
Miles "How about we all go check on em.."
"After you two." You watch the family you've gained walk ahead of you and you realize how blessed you have gotten throughout this hell. You might have endured a lot this past year and a half, but you would go through it all over and over again because you have Miles and Flora by your side. And they are your world. 
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colemacgrathtkz · 4 years
Buying time
Previously. Next
Fair warning: This one is long.
A few days after her return, Noceda made her way into the Blight manor. She hadn't seen anyone else from the "good old days".
Today, Amity should be finished moving back into her old room. Now that the "empress" had returned, Luz needed a place to stay.
The Owl house didn't seem like it would be accepting new tenants. Amity said she could stay at the "New Coven" HQ. Belos's former castle might as well be put to good use.
Stepping through the front door, she expected to be greeted by either stuffy parents or mischievous siblings. Neither seemed to be home. Just a familiar face waiting to report her news.
Luz: "Good afternoon, my lovely gf! I'm ready for my homecoming party!"
Amity: "I've already updated Willow and Augustus. They should be ready to speak with you after some time."
Luz(folding her arms): "Why so formal, Blight? Is it the house? Maybe we should get our own-".
Amity: "Everyone's going to need time to take all this in, even me. But what about you? Any trouble moving back into your old castle?"
Luz (sarcastically): " You mean Belos's hand-me-downs? You know, after I killed him. Not so bad once you get passed the stares and constant reminders of who I was."
Amity: "Sorry."
Wait, why was she apologizing?
Luz nonchalantly shrugged.
Luz: "Meh, there was vacancy."
Speaking of vacancy, even for a big house, this was unusually quiet.
Luz( jokingly): "So, when's the party? I want to see everyone. Where are they?"
Amity: "That's going to have to wait. My family's already on their way to a conference. We'll be gone for four days."
Luz: "Sounds like high class stuff. Perfect for a romantic getaway, like in the movies. Ok, I'm in!"
Amity: "You can't come."
Luz( pouting): "Huh, why not? I was technically at the top of this food chain. What could possibly stop this empress from returning to high class society?"
Amity: "Me. Remember, everyone was afraid of you. You're supposed to be a secret. Everyone at HQ has orders not to mention you being back."
Sticking her hands in her pockets, the sulking latina turned to leave.
Luz: "Fine! I'll just hang out with Willow and Gus."
Amity: "Those two are busy. Willow has official coven business. Augustus works with his father. They can't drop everything just because you're back."
Stopping mid step, she glanced back to hear about the others.
Luz: "Eda? King?"
Amity dodged her gaze.
Amity: "We haven't been able to reach them. They left Bonesborough to cure the curse... with Lilth."
For a brief moment, red flickered in Luz's eyes. Unfortunately, Amity caught glimpse of that. She made her way to the staircase.
Amity: "Enjoy the alone time."
Being left alone wasn't a fun thought.
Luz: "Hold on, you sure there's no way I could tag along?"
Amity: "Not without some assurances."
Luz: "Like a certain glowing circle floating in midair?"
Got her...
Amity: "The everlasting oath will only work if we're both on board with this. If you're willing to promise give up your magic, it could work. Just for four days, ok? I want to breathe easy. "
Luz: "Ok, but on one condition. We don't tell anyone else about this. There's probably a line of witches who want to take a shot at me."
A purple halo was spawned before them. Amity held her hand out, ready to begin. But just as Luz held out hers, it crackled. A burst of red in its hue, it zapped both their wrists before dissolving. The slight scorch marks seemed to send a clear message.
Amity( disappointed): "I knew this wouldn't work."
Luz: "Hang on, one more time. Close your eyes."
If you looked up "suspicious" in the dictionary, you'd see this moment.
Amity's narrowed eyes tried to read Luz's intentions. The suspect raised her right hand and put the other one on her chest.
Luz: "No tricks, I swear."
Complying with her request, Amity didn't peek.
Luz's eyes darted for the closest reflective object. Settling on a mirror, she knew who else was staring back.
Luz( mouthing the words): "Come on, help me out here."
Trying once more, two hands joined together without fail.
Luz: "See? No sweat. Now, when do we leave?"
Amity: "Tonight, I'm almost done packing. But there's something else I've got to say. My family's arranged for all of us to have our own rooms, for privacy. So..."
Amity brought a hand to Luz's face, smiling.
Amity( patting Luz's cheek): "Good luck finding a last minute vacancy."
And with that, a slack jawed girl was left to wait at the door.
Luz: "Fine, I don't need magic. I've got a dangerous rep!"
[The morning after Luz's return, at New Coven HQ]
Gus: "We've got to drop everything and deal with this!"
Amity: "No, we need to focus. How did she even get here?"
Willow(sarcastically): "Maybe you can find the answer at your next book club meeting? Spoiler alert! Luz's pages ahead of us."
Gus has been working with his father. Though, keeping his finger on the town's pulse was definitely a useful thing. From hearing rumors to reading reports, Gus was the group's ears.
He'd barged into Amity's briefing. Reports of crystal balls disappearing overnight. That definitely seemed like New Coven business.
Of course, it seemed like a good time to inform them of last night's visitor.
Gus: "This can't a coincidence. First, she shows up. Then, robberies happen all over town, overnight! What next? The town gets knee deep in a potion flood?"
Willow: "That doesn't sound that bad, all things considered."
Gus(hysterical): "Oh, sure! Why don't we just ask our former dictator? Hey, Luz, how bad are things going to get?"
They took the news about as well as could be expected.
Gus: "We can't just ask her. She'd probably get scary and wipe out the town."
Willow( putting a hand on Gus's shoulder): " Come on, Gus, this is Luz we're talking about. She's got a big imagination. She'd probably come up with something way worse."
Ok, that's enough panicking.
Amity: "She's not going to wipe out Bonesborough... today. Look, right now we've got questions that need answers. And each of us still have jobs to do. Augustus, I want you to keep up to date on the investigations. Willow, I need you to go to the tree. The portal's gone, but there might be something left behind. Anything that could give us a hint.
Get to it!"
This was normally the part where everyone's dismissed. But Willow waited to shut the door behind Gus.
Willow: "Now that he's gone, we need to clear the air."
Amity just sat down, resting her head on her arms.
Willow: "Do you know why I became your personal assistant?"
Amity(sheepish): "Because you're that nice of a witch and couldn't let me fall apart?"
Willow: "Luz meant alot to us. But she meant a whole lot to you. If anyone was going to get her back, it was you. You were the key to seeing her again. And I wanted to be there to see my friend again.
Guess I dropped the ball on that one, huh?"
These two might not be friends, but they had each other's backs.
Willow: "So, do you trust her?"
Amity: "I don't know."
Smirking, Willow wrapped one arm around Amity's shoulder.
Willow: "Well, maybe we can do something about that? See, while you were obviously crushing on her from afar..."
Amity(slightly blushing): " Obviously?!"
Willow(smug): " I was learning up close about schemes, plots, and ruses from a master of shenanigans."
Willow's confidence had improved.
Willow: "I've got a plan. If everything goes well, you might get everything you hoped for.
Twoo wuv's kiss saves Luz and both of you get a happy ending."
She took jabs at her new boss when she could. Payback for the years of bullying.
While Amity became beet red, Willow continued.
Willow(whispering): "Here's what you need to do..."
The afternoon after the conference, at the Blight manor.
The "undercover" duo knocked at the Blight manor entrance.
The family should be back, by now.
They were met by the twins, Emira and Edric.
Willow: "We need to talk to Amity."
Emira: "She's sleeping."
Gus: "It's four in the afternoon."
Edric: "She didn't get a wink, last night."
A smiles appeared on Amity's siblings.
Edric: "Want to see why?"
Not even waiting for an answer, he brought up a scroll. The footage was ready to go.
Edric: "We had a ball to cap off the night."
Emira: "But Luz wanted to do something special."
There, on the screen, Luz stood in the spotlight. Holding the mic and a spanish guitar, she broadcasted for the dance hall.
Luz: "This one goes out to a special someone here tonight. It's called, 'You're in my heart'."
Amity could be seen hiding her face, as she tried to excuse herself.
Emira: "We told her, Amity left during her performance."
Edric: "So, she asked for our help in finding mitten's window."
Pulling up another recording, this one seemed to take place outside.
Luz: "I saw this in a movie, once."
As the shot panned out, the eyes of these two detectives nearly popped out at the screen. What they saw could only be described as an army of Luz clones. The one up front, holding the guitar, began to play. The rest of them sang behind her.
Luz army(echoing): "Love of my life, you've hurt me.
You've broken my heart, and now you leave me."
The Blight twins collapsed from laughter.
The two guests looked at each other.
Gus(confused): "Are we... sure that's not the real Luz?"
Willow: "I thought Luz wasn't supposed to do magic?"
Edric(astounded): "That's why she asked for our help!"
Emira: "I just thought she was trying to get in good with her future in laws. Those powers glyphs weren't a bad start."
Before Willow could ask about that, Gus had his own question.
Gus: "When did you even learn this song?"
Blight twins(in unison): "Last night."
Willow: "No one tried to stop her during any of this?"
Emira: "People were too sacred they'd set her off. I mean, even we had trouble believing she wasn't going to start... you know."
Edric: "That is, until she wanted to pull something over on Amity. And really, who are we to try and stop her from redeeming herself?"
Emira: "Yeah, shame she made Luz walk home."
Slowly, Willow pieced together a realization.
Willow: "Time's not up yet and she's walking back alone.
Wait, did you post this on Penstagram?!"
Author's note:
Admittedly, the bonus was inspired by this moment in the show
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and a song on the radio.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
It's been a long time since I didn't write anything 'original' of mine, so just have this
Suffering due to the silence
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Usually he admired the silence.
It was just so peaceful whenever no one was yelling, making a fuss over something... it was perfect. He could work at peace, read a good book, anything really. When the quarters of Shie Hassaikai were avoided of any sound, it could be uncomfortable to many, but for him it was heaven on earth.
Although... he learned recently that not always the silence was pleasing... and he got that lesson in the worst way possible.
"There is no way you need to raise your voice like that." He hissed while you still continue glaring at him with arms crossed "You're an animal now to keep howling like that?"
"Howling? Chisaki. Is that hard to understand that not only you gets worried in here?! You just go into a meeting, nearly almost dies and expect me to not be like this?!"
"You're being irrational." He sighed in annoyance, hand on his temple before he pointed at you while opening hsi eyes "You aren't delusional to think that a job on the mafia is all peace and happiness. Not even commenting on my quirk that can easily get rid of anyone or any injury in general."
"So you prefer to get hurt endless times instead of being careful with your own damn mouth?!" His eyes darkened as his voice lowered as a warning.
"Care to explain what is that suppose to mean?"
"I mean that you don't measure your words neither care about your own state!"
"Stop. Yelling." He hissed but you only ignored the venom on his voice.
"You don't give a shit about me, your partner, getting worried that well, I dunno, just got shot and simply dismissed as nothing?! I know your quirk Chisaki, but that doesn't mean you can just threw insults at other gangs or leagues and just get attached, and even getting the fuck up excuse that they threw the firts move!"
He clenched one side of his head as he growled the kore you speak, why can't you just stop?! He doesn't need you to fuss over something that is clearly not to be even concerned about it.
"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH FOR ONCE!" he, before he could even process, let out a shout, shocking you to the point if even making you jump.
He breathed in and out, before returning to his composture, the most ugly and cold glare on his eyes to you.
"Whinning and complaining wont lead us to anywhere. And clearly your "worry" isn't just going to help this. So stop with this nonsense for once." He said nonchantly but evidently fed up with all of this... although he noticed the moment a tear fell from your eyes he had gone too far.
He went to speak again before you simply sniffled and looked up at him with the same cold and distant look he gave to you a few minutes ago.
"If it's that what you want. Fine by me... Overhaul." He felt shivers of disgust running his spine at hearing his villain name from your mouth as you walked away with not much words and closed the door of his voice.
That was the last thing he heard from you for at least now two days and a half...
He had heard of those 'silent treatment' before. Precepts whose got someone on their lifes often spoke about their partners and how they had "fuck up" to this point. Whenver he heard those, he couldn't understand neither would care to try to, in his head, silence was a blessing.
But he thought the exact same opposite when it comes to having a partner as well... he thought it was unnecessary, a complete waste of time and that teh feeling of 'love' was purely illusion... the moment he layed his eyes on you, he found out those things were real.
The disgusting butterflies on the stomach, the anxiety and craving to see them again, the utter worry and pain whenver you saw they crying or possibly being on danger... it was all true.
This silent treatment, was indeed a pain.
He at first thought that on the first day you would stop with this childish thing and return back to normal... but you didn't. The more the tickling of the clock on his way ticked on his ears, the more he bounced his knee in irritation... another second passed by without you on his presence.
He didn't received any words of you. At all. Not even a glimpse of a eye. And this was slowly torturing him...
He was becoming so desperate at this point that he even tried to catch your attention by calling you or requesting that a precept called you into his office. All of this ended in, you walking past him more quickly and one nervous as hell precept knocking on his door, saying that you had things to do at the moment.
Things were getting bad and darker for the young leader of the Shie Hassaikai. Everyone on there knew that you were the only one whose could calm down the best without getting killed by him... you were the only one who could keep Chisaki Kai calm and... happy to say the least.
You were his joy and light on his dark life... the more he tried to denied, the more he fell for those sweet and innocent eyes and gentle as a touch of a angel personality...
Now? He couldn't even get a good morning or a simple greeting.
He walked into his room and didn't find you, which was odd considering that it was night time already... he had noticed that you waited to get out of the bed only when he left and that you slept on some free room or went to bed way earlier than usual.
He sighed and prepared his heart and chest, which was already feeling tight and cold as ice, to find you reading on the living room... as usual, not even sparing a glance at him.
"Is late. You should go to bed." He commented nonchantly while you flipped one page from your book.
He wasn't blind, he could see teh red in your eyes and the hints if dried tears on your cheeks... for how exactly long you had cried because of him...?
"... is.. a interesting choice." He averted his eyes a bit "But even if it's a catching story, you need rest as well."
Only a nod of your head. It was all he got so far.
He sighed and got out of the room, entering his office and closing the door for just a bit only to open the slightest to catch a glimpse that you had gone to the bedroom shortly after he closed his office.
He had to admit. You were persistent.
And he? Was too prideful to say those words his inner being was almost begging for him to do.
Say that you're sorry dammit. Push your pride aside for once... you love (Y/n), you fucked up. Why cant you just say it?
... he didn't know.
Now, it was four days since he had last heard your voice or even felt a brush of your fingers... amd he could admit that he was just miserable.
How could he get so... dependent, in a certain way, of you?
He even himself stopped talking, the less he already did, and even let some slips of precept pass since it didn't matter to him at that time... he only wanted for you to at least look at him. Look at him with love again in your eyes.
One time Rappa was speaking to Tengai and let it slip some shit about Kai just when he was passing by... and the man himself got surprised when Chisaki only passed by without much of a word.
Both man had their eyes wide open and quickly got even more shocked when their boss quickened his steps just a bit to try to speak to you again.
He heard what Rappa said clearly as day. But he cared more about feeling or hearing his love again then some thug that little respected him.
He was... numb.
Although the breaking point reached when he caught a conversation of you and Chrono. Hearing your voice again did atrocities with his heart and head, and he swore he let out a breath he didn't even knew he was holding when he got the privilege to listen such a melodious sound again.
"Come on (Y/n), we're almost begging here.." Chrono spoke while you picked your mug and poured your drink on it.
"Seing the boss in this state is worse and way too fucking uncomfortable then seing him angry. And I fucking meant it! JUSt TalK WitH HiM LiTtlE PuNk-!" Mimic shouted while you sighed and took a sit on the kitchen.
"... you two really dont think I want to..?" You spoke, one of the saddest tone of voices he ever heard coming from you.
"Then why the fuck?" Kurono spoke, more confused then ever.
"I just think he really doesn't care too much sometimes. And whenever I spoke up my worries he just brushes off like it's just annoying or bothering him... it sounds like his worries are rational and worth it while mine is just... whimpering."
He sighed, having to admit mentally that you weren't wrong in the slightest...
"Besides... the way he shouted, and what he said" you tightened your grip on your mug as your eyes burned "I-I... can't just forget neither let it slide..."
He walked away from that place, opting to not hear anything about your sadness longer... While his commurates still try it to change your mind.
That was it... his pride and arrogance that go to hell.
You went to enter your room, knowing that Chisaki was probably still on his office working, feeling more tired and sad than ever as the days passed.
How long would you be able to atture this torture (Y/n)...?
You pushed the door and froze when you saw the back of your lover, taking off his tie before he looked at you, same tired and devoid of happines expression of yours.
You lowered your head and turned on your back to him, preparing to leave before you widen your eyes a bit when you saw the wall desconstricting and constructing another part right on the middle of the door... preventing you to get out of the room.
Damn his quirk...
You stayed immobile while your heart pumped hard against your chest while your ears catched the sound of his foot steps coming closer to you.
You didn't move, only gulped the thick air stuck on your throat when the sounds stopped, meaning that he was close enough to you.
"... I am not used to this." His voice sounded so raspy yet rough that send shivers through your spine.
You gasped a bit when you felt his hands and arms wrapping around your midsection to bring you close to his chest... warm breath hitching the back of your neck and ear, making your heart bump like crazy.
"I do understand that you worry about me just as much as I do... but.." he sighed shakily while hugging you closer to him, breathing in your pure and clean scent was so calming yet let him nervous someway... "I am not used to it."
You stood still, not even breathing almost as you let him talk...
"I am not used to such a kind and gentle soul care for me... even spare a single sign of... love." He closed his eyes in a sigh "I learned from a very young age that you can't just trust someone... because normally they would dissapoint or stab you on the back... Pops was a exception since the old man took me in... but I feel in need to repay him and you know it (Y/n)... for me, someone can't just do such a kind action without wanting something in return, and even if him or you say that is not necessary I just can't help it..."
You furrowed your eyebrows together but resisted to touch the arm beneath you.
"I never got such a good person on my life until he took me in... or when I met you..." he sighed, tightening his eyes at feeling the burning on them forming "I know you worry, but for me... it just doesn't matter what happens with me, if I got my goal, then is fine... but I never stopped to think that you were hurting because of my actions and consequences and.... I am so sorry for that..."
You widen your eyes at the last sentence as tears escaped from your eyes... for Chisaki to apologize, without being completly sarcastic, it took a lot...
"I am sorry... for not taking your opinion and worry. I worry just as much about you yet due to my arrogance I couldn't see your own... I'm sorry (Y/n), a millions times sorry, a thousand times sorry but..." he tighten his grip around you as he buried his face in your neck.
"...Will you talk to me already..?"
You furrowed your eyebrows but smile at the same time before sighing, using your hand to brush the slightest his skin a bit.
He felt joilts of eletrevity of feeling your touch on him again, sighing a bit in relief but still wouldn't let go of you.
"... for you to give one apology it takes a lot... imagine a thousand." You sighed and he swore that at that moment a tear or two escaped his eyes as he hugged you tighter as a form of gratitude.
He let go a bit just to pass his arm around your the back of your knees to lift you up in bridal style as he settled on the bed with you on his arms... laying his head on a angle that you couldn't exactly see his face properly.
When he felt your fingers brushing his dark brow looks he knew he wasn't at least that much fucked... but he still holded you close to him, afraid of you regretting your decision.
He sighed through his nose as he nuzzled himself onto your neck, relishing on the calm and peace that only you aas able to give to him.
"Never do this again." He muttered in your neck, the sound appearing muffled by his black mask and your skin "I felt like I was losing myself."
Your giggles were just music to his ears as he allowed himself to smile and close his eyes in bliss, enjoying the feeling of your lips on his temple.
"I didn't thought that four days were enough to leave you like this... I'm sorry." You giggled at the vibrations that were caused by his low groan on your neck.
"You're the reason of my happiness. If you wanted to make me suffer then you were suceful... "
He brough you closer as your sweet voice and gentle touches lulled his tired soul to a peaceful sleep.
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 5: One’s desires (Part 4)
Warnings: blackmail, mind control
Author notes: Ogawa being a girl for once didn’t seem like such a bad idea... What do you think? XD
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The weeks passed, rather quickly. It was meaningful to say human life was spent within a blink; time had never fled so fast to me, although the fourteen first years of my existence had been dull, filled with boredom, to the point a second would seem like an hour to me.
The day of Mori-san's birthday approached, and Dazai-san looked more and more concerned about my own presence at the party. The lower men would definitely have their evening off to spend with their families while the executives and their second in command would enjoy the luxurious festivities with corrupted businessmen and politics; I, a mere lieutenant, was not supposed to be there, even though I was Dazai-san's protege. I wonder if his other subordinate, the "dog", had been invited as well. I had heard rumours about his strength but had never gotten the opportunity to meet him in person. Would we get along...? However, those thoughts were just a small matter in comparison to the problem I had on my hands; I looked horrible.
Any woman would want to dress up for a party, even more for a fancy event. Picking up her outfit and choosing her makeup according to her hairstyle were points a member of the feminine gender could not neglect, for appearance also represented who she was inside. A woman could not dress up in any way... But I... I was a hideous person, so thin the bones of my back and my ribs actually showed when I looked at my bare body in the mirror. Despite the sleep I had been granted, my eyes were still circled and my hair was completely colourless, as if it was not even alive. I gritted my teeth in front of the mirror, then resigned myself to wear my usual suit, which managed to hide the horrible thing I had for a body. I had no curve and my chest, due to long time starvation, was flatter than the usual. There was no way the ugliness I saw in the mirror could be covered up by a pretty dress and nice makeup. I would just end up shaming Dazai-san... Oh... No one expected a lowly lieutenant like me to look good anyway, as long as I wore something correct. I would just be there because the Boss had ordered me to. Even so, was it wrong to wish I could dress up, even for an evening...?
"You seem down, lately, Ogawa-kun." My superior noted when I entered his office in the morning.
"I can't pretend the contrary..." I sighed "Moreover, it is such a ridiculous reason..."
"Do tell me. I am so bored, you could make me laugh~"
"If you insist..." I cracked a smile "Actually, I am troubled by my outfit for the Boss' party... I can't pick one..."
"Too many choices~? Men have it easy, any suit can dress us up." He chuckled.
"If only...! It's just that... Nothing could suit me..." I confessed "But that's just a trivial matter, nothing involving life or death..."
"I must say, I thought you didn't care about such things." He told me "And to be honest, it is not 'trivial', as you would put it. It is not vital, indeed, but it is not trivial. If it is important to you, you have the right to be troubled over your outfit."
"Do you really think so...?" I was shocked by his reaction, not expecting his support the least.
"Of course. And I'm even going to help you by giving you advice. What about you go and see ane-san? She will most certainly be able to find you something."
"D-Dazai-san..." I could not help feeling grateful "Thank you..."
"Don't worry~ You'll be perfectly fine. Besides, you're okay as you are, so don't torment yourself too much." He smiled.
I felt myself blushing slightly upon hearing his words. Although he was just being nice... It was good to be complimented from time to time.
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The day of the party, the very feminine executive of the Port Mafia accepted to take care of my appearance, not without stating it was a shame I had not come to see her earlier. She was one of the few women in the organisation and, although I had sometimes watched her taking part of a torture session, our relationship had remained strictly professional. I was not even aware that she had kept an eye on me all this time...
"You should eat more." She stated, taking a look at me "Does Dazai-kun not give you enough money to feed yourself?"
"That's not it..." I shook my head "I just... Don't use the money for eating..."
"Is that so...? That being said, there are rumours about a morphine addict in that boy's squadron. Do you know anything about it?" She asked.
She was terrifying. There was not a single thing happening in the Mafia that she did not know of and, despite not uttering a single word about these matters, she watched it all in the shadows. Even so, she also had a reassuring and mother-like presence which made me feel safe. I could tell she would not harm me in any way. Her hands stroked the skin of my cheeks as she examined my face, thoughtfully.
"Your eyes have a beautiful colour." She noted "It is very unusual. Who do you take after?"
"I'm not sure..." I admitted "Perhaps... My mother...?"
"What do you mean you are not sure?" She sighed "Whatever... Modern clothes won't fit. I'll find a suitable kimono for you. Besides, the obi makes a rather practical place to hide your gun. It'll be perfect."
"I don't know how to thank you... Helping me out like this... Whereas you must have much more important matters to take care of..."
"What are you saying?" She giggled "I really enjoy dressing you up like a doll. Besides, who said we were done~? There is a dozen outfits waiting for you to try them on~"
"Is... Is that so...?" I grimaced.
"Of course~ And we'll find the perfect one, believe me~"
After an afternoon of being wrapped in silk by ane-san, she finally made up her mind and accepted to give me a night blue kimono covered in colourful flowers. The sleeves were long, characteristic of the furisode worn by young unmarried girls and the obi was not tied too much so I could easily put a gun under it to defend myself. The executive smiled at me gently as she combed my hair with her delicate hands, doing her best despite its short length. Finally, she clipped in various hairpins and jewels to make it look better.
"You look very pretty." She complimented me "It was worth asking for my help, finally."
"Of course...!" I agreed, barely able to hide my joy "I am very grateful..."
"By the way, Ogawa-chan... Do you know what the flowers on your kimono mean? I'm afraid it might bother you..." She hummed.
I considered her question and lowered my eyes to study the patterns on the sleeves. They were red, scarlet flowers, splattered like blood on the silk. She had not asked such a thing innocently… I chuckled and a slight smirk made its way to my face.
"Higanbana..." I recognised them "Red spider lilies. It doesn't bother me, I am used to carrying death around me. I only fear the Boss may find it ominous, if anything."
"I'm sure he won't mind. I just realised, but that colour suited you so well..." She laughed softly.
"Of course it does, ane-san. What am I, but a murderer? Even makeup and a fancy attire can't hide that fact. But I do not care."
"We are flowers of darkness that can only bloom in the shadows. Our beauty shall not radiate in the sun, after all..." She patted my shoulders "Just let me paint your lips with rouge, then you'll be ready, Ogawa-chan."
"Thank you, ane-san. For everything."
She grinned.
"Our heart shall never soften, lest we want to fall apart."
Kōyō ane-san accompanied me to the party, dressed in a gorgeous red kimono which enlightened her naturally pale complexion. Thanks to her presence, I was noticed by only few curious people and could easily make my way inside the crowd of mafiosi and corrupted officials chatting, drink in hand. I took a deep breath and put a hand onto the gun, carefully put inside the obi. If anything were to happen, I could defend both myself and Dazai-san. There was nothing I had to fear, despite the feeling of uneasiness overwhelming me.
"Ogawa...? Oh, it really is you...!" A familiar voice greeted me from behind.
Calmly, I turned around and wore my most polite smile, before realising it was Oda-san. I relaxed my posture.
"Good evening." I nodded at him "Dazai-san told me he had invited you. Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Not quite." He admitted, rubbing the back of his head "I'm not used to all of that..."
"The fanciness...?" I guessed "Neither am I... I must say, it is too much for the poor slum girl I am."
"Yet, you carry yourself so properly..." He remarked "Not that I am here to judge..."
"I originally come from a rich house." I recalled "I remember seeing my mother greeting some important guests. She wore a kimono too..."
"I see... You never talk about your parents."
"I never talk about the people I kill. I could speak about the plethora of cowards who deflected the Port Mafia as well, but they aren't interesting." I grinned.
"My apologies, Oda-san... I know you do not kill... All that talk must have made you uncomfortable."
"I'm not... Uncomfortable. Only intrigued. Do you enjoy that work...?"
I frowned, taken aback.
"Do I enjoy it? Obviously I don't." I blinked "It's just work..."
"You don't seem particularly repulsed by it either."
"Is an office worker repulsed by paperwork?" I glanced at him.
"It happens... When there is too much."
"Then, the man is an idiot. Working is vital to earn money, and money is vital to live, although too much creates such greed human beings tend to become vicious." I sighed "Whatever..."
"I'm not sure to ever understand that way of thinking..." He shrugged it off.
"That's because you perhaps haven't lived in the shallows yourself. Surviving... This is my only way of living. I don't care about being immoral." I smiled.
"Yeah... I can see that. At least, you know that what you do is bad..."
"Who would think killing is good?"
"There is someone I know who doesn't quite make the difference between good and evil..."
"Oh, really? I wonder if we are not thinking about the same person..."
"What are you talking about~?"
We both became more cheerful upon seeing Dazai-san appearing in front of us with his carefree smile. I noted, amused, that he had not bothered getting changed at all, wearing his usual dark suit and his heavy coat I found so warm.
"Nothing important." I told him "Good evening, Dazai-san."
"Good evening, Odasaku, Ogawa-kun~ So you did go to ane-san. I'm glad she found something suitable." He said.
"Thank you." I felt my cheeks heat up the slightest.
"Do you want a glass of champagne?" He suggested as a waiter carrying a tray walked next to us.
I accepted and had a taste of the drink. I had heard it was expensive alcohol, produced in France. A single bottle of good champagne could cost hundreds of dollars and even more yen. I brought it to my lips. It was sweet, a tad bitter, but overall sweet. The bubbles made it a fresh drink, the perfect one for a fancy event like the one we were attending. I remembered when I was younger... The father used to import it to sell it in Japan to other rich businessmen. He would always keep one or two bottles for himself. He had done so for wine, too.
"So, are you enjoying yourselves~?" My superior asked us.
"I feel uneasy..." Oda-san admitted "I might go look for Ango."
"Oh, I'll reach you soon...!" He promised "What about you, Ogawa-kun?"
"I'm anxious." I declared without detour "Why was I invited...? I am a mere lieutenant, I don't have my place in there."
"You don't stand out." He chuckled "But, indeed, why were you invited...? I had a talk with the Boss, a moment ago, and he refused to tell me anything."
"I'm afraid we'll have to find out..."
"Good evening Dazai-kun, Ogawa-kun." A poised voice interrupted our talk.
We both turned around, and I bowed, automatically, feeling as though my back was being pushed down by some uncontrollable strength. The charisma emanating from this person, the imposing fear-inducing aura of his... It was far more powerful than Dazai-san's, and my whole being shook in fright before him. So, he was the Boss of the Port Mafia, Mori Ōgai-san... The merciless leader of this organisation...
"We've already seen each other." My superior was the first to raise and look at the Boss "Several minutes ago."
"Indeed. Ogawa-kun, you may raise. After all, you are my guest, tonight...~" He demanded.
I was paralysed. This was an order, I had to obey his order so I would not be punished, yet I... Was unable to even lift a finger. This man bore no good intention.
A glass fell down and cracked on the ground, waking me up from my dazed off state.
"Oh my, I'm so clumsy...~" Dazai-san chuckled as people came to pick up the shattered pieces of glass.
I immediately regained consciousness and smiled at Mori-san.
"It is an honour to have been invited, Boss." I said in a breath.
"Well, I wanted to introduce you to someone important, after all." He smiled back "Dazai-kun, how could you drop this precious crystal glass?"
"I hurt my hand with a knife earlier, and the pain loosened my grip."
He was lying, with a most casual smile. However, I could feel that those were no usual words. The Boss had easily deduced the executive had attempted to save me and was silently threatening him, with this fake, knowing and mischievous smile. I wanted to run away.
"Be more careful in the future." He advised, smug "Ogawa-kun?"
I hesitated upon taking his hand into mine, sensing that as soon as I would make contact with him, my fate would be sealed and I would not be able to go back on my words. Moreover... I was unsure whether it was permitted to touch the Boss of the Port Mafia. I sought approval from my executive.
"Yes, Boss..." I timidly obeyed, registering the nod from Dazai-san.
"So..." His voice lowered so I was the only one hearing him "You have no choice but to do as I say, now."
His fingers imperceptibly crushed mine, and I held back a gasp of pain.
"Whether you like it or not, you will use your ability for me. Otherwise, someone you care about will die. You know I cannot kill Dazai-kun, but I have my sources, and it seems someone miraculously survived the massacre of your family... Isn't it odd~?"
My heart skipped a bit, and I let the Boss drag me across the room, completely losing both composure and willpower. Ruriko-chan... How had he known? Then, again, he was the leader of this underground organisation, there was nothing he would not be aware of...
"If I reveal the truth to Dazai-kun, how will he react, do you think? He will be disappointed, he will toss you aside like a worthless pawn..." He smirked at me "We would not want that, would we~? Not after everything he did to keep you there~”
"N-No, Boss..."
I was in front of a child. He was small, had deep eyes lost in thoughts and held onto the ugliest plush toy I had ever seen. Mori-san let go of me to introduce us and slowly pushed the boy closer to me.
"This is Yumeko Kyūsaku-kun, call him Q. He is eleven and a member of the Port Mafia too, and has an ability involving breaking people."
Horrible. This man was horrible, and despicable. At eleven years old, how could he make this poor boy a member of an organisation...? It was insane. I felt as though I had stepped onto a mined ground.
"Hello, Q-kun..." I tried a friendly smile "My name is Ogawa Yōko, I am glad to meet you —"
As I was going to shake his small hand, I retracted immediately upon seeing the razor blade in the palm of his hand. What on Earth...?
"Oh, you noticed it, miss...!" He chuckled, much like a madman "Too bad, I can't show you madness~"
This boy was sick, too. He was mentally unstable, what was I even doing, talking to him? Around me, the silence had fallen, and hundreds of evil looks were turned toward us. People were expecting; what was the show Mori-san would create for them? What kind of twisted plot had the Boss planned to entertain his guests?
"What do you want from me...?" I glared at the Boss.
"That boy... Has troubles." He grinned "I do not quite understand what is in his mind, and I would simply like you to read his thoughts."
"Oh... Well..." I looked at Q-kun a moment "He's very glad to see the light, for once, and only wants to have fun... If I may, Boss, teaching a child to have fun with razor blades is not quite... Sane."
"We do agree about that, then. You see, Q has always been a peculiar child... He seeks joy in madness, his own and people's. But that's not our topic. Ogawa-kun, I'm afraid you misunderstood me." His eyes narrowed.
"Did I...?" My voice came out meekly.
"I have no interest in these useless and superficial thoughts. What I want to know is his inner desires. Because it is the true power of The Sweet Appeals, isn't it? Discovering one's deepest and secret desires...~"
My hands trembled uncontrollably in fear. What was he going to do to me?
"I... I don't quite control it..." I defended.
"I don't care about that. I need you to delve in Q's world, and you will."
Suddenly, someone pushed me against the boy. Quickly, I grabbed his shoulders to prevent us from falling on the floor, then knelt in front of him.
"Are you alright?" I inquired "Are you injured anywhere?"
Q-kun's innocent and dumbfounded face turned into a large smirk when he heard my question, and, with horror, I noticed his sleeves were reddening. I backed away, terrified. He had blades hidden on his arms as well, and I had unintentionally hurt him... Mori-san grabbed the ugly plush from the boy's arms, earning a displeased whine, and showed it to me.
"When that thing is torn up... That boy's ability turns on...~ So~? What will you be able to find in the world of madness, I wonder~? Oh and by the way... If you hurt any of my guests, I'll have you killed~ That being said..."
The moment Dazai-san was about to reach us, guards restrained him and kept him farther. I was frightened. So much that I wanted to break into tears. What was going to happen to me...? I did not want to die...! My heart thumped in my chest and time seemed to slow down. All too brusquely, I saw the doll being torn in two.
Nothing happened, at first. Then, one by one, a mark appeared on the guests and they started attacking me. I remembered the Boss' words about hurting them, and did nothing. If I were to hurt them, even the slightest, he would take my life... The punch never came. Was that an illusion? It did not hurt. But still... Containing the part of me who wanted to counterattack was becoming harder as the seconds passed. What was I supposed to find in there, anyway...? There was nothing related to Q-kun, nothing I could hear about his thoughts, nothing at all... And how to get out of there? I started sobbing like a lost child. I wanted to go out. I wanted to be freed from that nightmare!
Something hurt. An attack. Somehow, it had touched me. I realised that, the more time I spent in the illusion, the less I had control on my own mind, and the more I would give in to madness. I groaned as the guests hit me, but did not try to defend myself. How to leave...?
"Stop it... Stop it... I beg you... Stop..." I cried "Someone... Someone...! Help...!"
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smartzelda · 5 years
Okay, first off, I know I said we would start where I left off in Corona, but I need to take a second to recognize something I forgot in Toy Box when rewriting the last post. Yozora.
Sora's "I never looked this good"
And Donald and Goofy like, "He looks kinda like Riku. Must be him."
And the Kingstagram post: "Yozora looks so much like Riku! I have GOT to play this game someday!"
Soriku bro😔👌
Okay, now back to Corona😂
So, where we left off, Gothel took Rapunzel back to the tower, and I'm skipping to Gothel's Rapunzel trap working on Flynn, and Flynn slowly dying
So, starting with Rapunzel, she starts off pretty confident, talking about how she'll run and run and run from Gothel forever, but in one moment, she becomes more submissive
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If only she could just use her hair to save him.
Though obviously these are two different feelings going on, we're gonna start with this loose parallel of Rapunzel to Sora, who also in a single moment or from a single event, goes from confident to crying on his knees
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If only Sora had his friends to give him the power to drive back the demon hurricane.
And of course, neither Flynn nor Riku will let it be this way. Flynn can't let her give up her dreams and her freedom to save him, and Riku just can't let Sora give up and believe he can't do anything.
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["Sora, I believe in you. You won't give up."]
So, what do they do?
Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, condemning himself to death, but saving Rapunzel's life (or at least, right to truly live)
Riku takes a shot at the demon tide, sacrificing himself in hopes of saving Sora's life.
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In other words, they do a true love's sacrifice/act of true love
Quick intermission since here is where Gothel becomes the heartless and final boss. I still suck at this boss. It took me an hour or two to beat her. However, this is also when I started abusing shotlocks for the first time, so there's that. Abuse ultima shotlocks, cast magic, time your dodges, and hope whenever you attack you don't get attacked 😂
So, by the time Sora, Donald, and Goofy get up to the tower, I think we're supposed to presume Eugene is nearly dead, but Rapunzel is holding on, not wanting him to die
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And of course, Sora desperately reaches for the light, calling for Riku. I guess you could say he's holding onto Riku.
["Riku! Riku, answer me!"]
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Rapunzel sings her healing song that talks about reversing time, bringing back "what once was mine", changing "the fates' design, ect, and then her tear drops onto Eugene's face. And so, after both of them risked their own lives in acts of true love, both of them cheat the different deaths which would have been thrust upon them, changing fate's design
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In similar fashion, due to what I believe to have been Kairi holding Sora's form together and Riku's act of true love saving Sora's heart, Sora too has cheated death (at least for now), and after reaching for the light, calling for Riku, and flying into it, he goes for Riku's heart first, saves all of his friends (minus Kairi till the light tunnel, though Sora doesn't save her) and not only reverses, but rewrites the destined events to happen in the timeline. I'd say it parallels Rapunzel's healing song, and even though he does save everyone and not just one person, there definitely is something to the fact that he specifically goes for Riku, specifically calls his name, and ends up wresting him from his fate first.
(Don't worry, bro, his heart'll be okay now)
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Also, side note: During Rapunzel singing her healing song, she and Eugene confess that the other was their new dream and that just my heart
Bro, Eugene like, "Did I ever tell you... I've got a thing for brunettes?"
He really be the Riku parallel in this scene, don't he😏
Now of course, being me, I can't pass up the next parallel in this world
Sora: Well, if he comes back and tries to bother Rapunzel again, then Flynn will keep her safe.
Donald: Come on. Rapunzel's the tough one, if you ask me.
Flynn: True. But nevertheless, I won't let her out of my sight.
I mean, maybe it's just me, but it seems this parallels Riku wanting to have the strength to protect Sora, attaining that strength, but also being aware that Sora can take care of himself and has his own strength
And of course, this world is ended with a funny sex joke and Flynn getting stared down by Maximus and wet willied by pascal
Since here we're done with the worlds in the first area of gummi space and launched into the next, I'm gonna add that after every world I spend forever in gummi space farming meteorites and occasionally fighting the heartless and some boss battles, and every time I get launched into the next area of gummi space, I get all the treasure planets and the warp zone things too (apparently actual words evade me for both those things today). Legit though, farming meteorites is so helpful in getting synthesis materials you can use for upgrading your keyblades
So next was on to Monstropolis. I don't have much to talk about here.
Sora, Donald, and Goody freaking out over each other's monster forms? Hilarious.
Monster Sora? He will never not be adorable. Same with Boo
The big blue turtletoad unversed are annoying, and ngl, I had to dodge around a lot and play safe so I wouldn't die in like 2 hits.
Both the keyblade forms for Oathkeeper amd the form for Ultima on monster Sora are just so epic!!!
I still hate light rails with a passion.
Poor Sora so tired of dealing with computers thst when Goofy suggests smashing it, he's completely ready
Monstropolis: Randal nearly becomes leather wear before Vanitas saves him
The fact that Sora, Donald, and Goofy talked about Sora's weird kh1 smile and afterwards actually came up with a name for it. "Do the silly face special!" Also, when Monster Sora does it, it's definitely cute compared to the kh1 scene
The final boss unversed still sucked and took me plenty of tries, but I think I did better than my proud run.
Ngl, I chanted YEETUS VANITAS cause I knew when it was coming
Poor Vanitas. He just need some love. From what I can tell in kh3, he's probably not hurting like he was in bbs and is less angry, and because there was a hole in his heart, he believed he had to join with Ventus to fill it even though their hearts have grown apart. Vanitas probably needs love to fill that hole
Poor Sora hurting and falling to the ground while Vanitas tells him that Ventus is in his heart
And last but definitely not least! Sora's Kingstagram post on the Vanitas scene where he learns that Ven is in his heart. And at the end of it, after talking about how apparently Ven is in his heart and stuff (I think) he's just like, "Would Riku know?" And the fact that Sora's included Riku in the Kingstagram posts means he was probably thinking about him and the fact he thinks Riku might know these things just... aaaaaaaa brooooo
And now onto Arendelle, home of many a Soriku parallel and where I did a lot of backtracking to save points
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Part 14
(Misaki woke up to half of his body on the floor, the other half was still tightly held on by Usagi, the sun was starting to come in through the windows).
Misaki: Shit, (Misaki dropped down on the floor the rest of the way, untangling himself from Usagi, he picked up his phone that was sitting on the coffee table to check the time, it was six-thirty. He sighed and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast for Usagi, he made his favorite tamagoyaki, rice, and brewed some coffee).
Usagi: (Starts to stir, the smell of coffee wakes him, he sits up rubbing his eyes and walks into the kitchen throwing his arms around Misaki to recharge).
Misaki: (Smiles) Good Morning.
Usagi: We slept through dinner.
Misaki: (Let's out a soft laugh through is nose, while plating breakfast). Yeah we did, we were tired.
Usagi: It felt nice to sleep at home in our- well on our couch, didn't make it to our room. I'm sorry, I was just so tired.
Misaki: (Turns to Usagi, Pushing messy bed head hair out of his eyes, he grins at him lovingly, staring into his blue-purple eyes). Usagi, you don't need to apologize, I'm just so happy you're home, and better. I hated seeing you in the hospital. I love you, I don't want you to be sick, I can't-
Usagi: I know what you're about to say, and that's never going to happen. (Usagi leans down and softly kisses Misaki who slips his tongue in Usagis mouth, their tongues dance together passnailty, Usagi's hands wander towards Misaki's Cock).
Misaki: (Pushes Usagi away, whispers gently) We can't.
Usagi: I can't even help you get off, you're hard. (Places forehead against Misaki's).
Misaki: (Blushes) No! Usagi, It's only two weeks, plus on thing will lead to another, I want to have sex as much as you do, but your doctor said no.
Usagi: The doctor said you could help give me a bath.
Misaki: (Picks up plates and starts walking to the table), Nice try, I was there, I remember what he told you.
Usagi: (Rushes up behind Misaki) "Help" Give me a bath is different than taking a bath with me, like you can just hang out in there to make sure I don't fall.
Misaki: (Sits plates on table, walks back to the kitchen to get coffee). we'll see.
Usagi: (Sits down), That wasn't a no.
Misaki: (Grins and rolls eyes sitting down). Is there anything you want to do today?
Usagi: (Chewing), You need to study.
Misaki: My test tomorrow is Psychology, I already told you, i'm good at that.
Usagi: Actually, Psychology comes naturally for you somehow.
Misaki: I know, i'm not a complete idiot.
Usagi: Yeah.
(They continue eating for a few minutes until the doorbell rings).
Misaki: (Gives Usagi a confused look). Its seven-thirty, who would be here this early?
Usagi: Takahiro?
Misaki: No, he went back to work today. (Doorbell continues to ring).
Usagi: Wanna get that?
Misaki: Sure. (stands up, walks over to intercom and presses the video button, Isaka's stands at the door, he's grinning suspiciously). What?
Isaka: Is that anyway to greet your boss?
Misaki: (Turns to Usagi who shrugs). What are you talking about?
Isaka: Let me in, I have to talk to You and Usagi, It's really important.
Misaki: (Sighs, unlocks the door). What do you think this is about?
Usagi: I have no idea, but It can't be good.
(Eri woke up to the smell of bacon wafting into the bedroom, she smiled rubbed her eyes and walked into the kitchen, Rose seemed to be making a full course meal at seven- thirty in the morning).
Eri: (Leaning against the hightop counter that looks into the kitchen), Do you always make a full course meal for breakfast?
Rose: (Smirks) No, Just for you.
Eri: (Blushes), You don't have to do that, when do you have to work?
Rose: Actually, I don't have to go in for a few days, since i've been working so much.
Eri: Oh, okay.
Rose: (Puts rice, bacon, eggs, tofu, mushrooms, strawberries, and toast). Do you want coffee or tea?
Eri: Oh, wow this looks amazing, and tea please.
Rose: Got it.
Eri: (Takes a seat in the chair she was standing beside) Thank you so much Rose, this looks amazing).
Rose: I've always loved to cook.
Eri: So why did you become a nurse?
Rose: (Hands Eri her cup of tea), Because I love helping people.
Eri: (Smiles), That's sweet.
Rose: (Nods) Dig it, i'm going to take a shower.
Eri: (Don't you want to eat?
Rose: (Walks around to where Eri is, wraps arms around her neck) Nah, I already did, i'm used to getting up early. (gently kisses her cheek) I'll be right back. (Walks into the bathroom with a huge grin).
Erin: (Smiles) Damn, this is good.
(Usagi and Misaki sat on the couch their hands were laced together, Isaka sat across from them, his hands formed a steeple against his mouth, he was in serious business mode).
Isaka: So, you're probably wondering why I'm here?
Usagi: That thought did cross our minds yeah.
Isaka: Well, good news we finally found a place for Chibi here.
Misaki: Wait, really?!
Isaka: Yeah, Akihiko's personal assistant.
Misaki, Usagi: WHAT?!
Misaki: Um, I don't think Usagi needs an assistant.
Usagi: I- Isn't that kinda what Aikawa is?
Isaka: No, she's your editor.
Usagi: So what would Misaki do?
Isaka: I'm glad you asked here's a list. (Passes list to them).
Mikaki: (Picks up list), Answer business calls, Decides where conferences are held.
Usagi: Wait, this says you'll go to meetings for me! Misaki, do it, I hate going to meetings!
Misaki: You still have to show your face at conferences babe.
Usagi: Okay, but you decide length and location, so can they be short and sweet?
Misaki: I haven't even decided if I wanted to do it.
Isaka: Misaki, after the incident with your favorite mangaka-
Misaki: Ex-favorite.
Isaka: You came to me and said you wanted to work with Usagi, do you remember that?
Misaki: Yeah, but I thought it would be like, helping him decide on covers or something, not a personal assistant!
Isaka: This is better, look at this rate Usagi will have more books out, and you guys will have more time off to be with each other, isn't that what you've always wanted?
(Usagi and Misaki look at each other, they give each other a half grin and blush).
Misaki: Well, yeah I guess. So what else would I be doing?
Isaka: (Grins), Well, Usagi is there anything else you want him to do, business related?
Usagi: No, how much would he be making?
Isaka: about four thousand yen an hour.
Usagi: I think he should be paid more.
Misaki: No, Four thousand is fine Usagi, I just feel like im kinda being paid to be your fiance.
Usagi: What? No this is not what your doing.
Misaki: Are you sure, are you okay with this?
Usagi: Yeah, Misaki you motivate me to work, plus I can knock at a book in four or five hours, plus you won't be started for a few months unless stated otherwise, right Isaka?
Isaka: Right, (Stands) We'll be in touch, thank you for having me.
Misaki: Yeah, we'll we didn't have a choice, but we'll see you later.
Isaka: Right, we'll I'll see you guys later. (See's himself out).
Misaki: (Looks at Usagi, and blushes)
Usagi: (Softly caresses Misaki's cheek) Why are you blushing?
Misaki: I- I don't know, are you really okay with this?
Usagi: Yeah, I just want to spend all the time with you that I can.
Misaki: Me too.
Usagi: So, what do you want to do today?
Misaki: I don't know, but you need to take a bath or something.
Usagi: Are you saying I smell?
Misaki: (Smirks) In the nicest way possible.
Usagi: Fine, but you have to help me. (Stands, pulls Misaki up).
Misaki: Usagiii.
Usagi: (Smirks, pulls him into the bathroom). Please?
Miksai: (Sighs), Fine but if you try something-
Usagi: (Puts hands up in surrender).
Misaki: Okay, just sit on down for a second while a draw the bath?
Usagi: Why would you want to draw the bath?, Just put water in it.
Misaki: (Sarcastic look), Funny.
Usagi: I thought so.
Misaki: Okay, step in the bath.
Usagi: I need help.
Misaki: You do not.
Usagi: I need help taking my clothes off.
Misaki: (Folds arms, leans against the wall). Usagi, you slept in your robe and boxers.
Usagi: I can't take it off by myself.
Misaki: Usagi, I love you but i swear to god if you don't take your clothes off and get into the bath right not, I will kill you!
Usagi: (Blushes) O-Okay, Sorry Misaki, I was just trying to have fun.
Miskai: I know you are, but I can't risk you getting hurt, we can't have sex, trust me, I want to so bad.
Usagi: This is really hard for me.
Misaki: Me too, now get in the tub, and wash your body.
Usagi: Will you wash my hair?
Misaki: That I will do.
Usagi: Okay.
(Usagi, Strips, and steps into tub, Misaki blushes, he can feel himself starting to get hard, Usagi also starts to get hard, but neither on of them mention it, Misaki sits in the ground beside Usagi and watches him clean his body).
Misaki: God, you're so sexy Usagi.
Usagi: (sets on ledge of tub, grinning at Misaki), and you're so fucking cute.
Misaki: (Chuckles), Thanks. Want me to wash your hair?
Usagi: Yes!
Misaki: (Laughs), Okay, (Misaki washes Usagi's hair taking his time, massaging his roots, running his hands through Usagi's soft hair, he carefully washes the soap out of his hair, careful not to get any soap in his eyes), Okay, all done.
Usagi: (Sits up dunks head under water). Okay, I'm done. I'm going to go to the bedroom and put on some clean clothes, Decide what you want to do the rest of the day.
Misaki: (Okay, stands up and kisses Usagi on the forehead). Maybe we can have a movie day?
Usagi: Sure, go pick some out.
Misaki: Okay, I Love you so much Usagi.
Usagi: I love you too.
Misaki: (Smiles and heads into the living room to search for movies).
Usagi: (walks into bedroom and changes into grey sweatpants and a black long sleeve shirt, walks into the living room to see Misaki Searching for movies on netflix).
Misaki: So why did you get the VPN?
Usagi: Duh, to watch american movies, we watched a lot of them, didn't they help you with your english?
Mikaki: Yeah, they did actually.
Usagi: Did you find anything?
Misaki: "Step brothers", "Baby Mama", "the other guys", and I heard "love simon was good"
Usagi: Okay, sounds good, I don't care what we watch, I Just want to be with you.
Misaki: Okay, want to me to make popcorn?
Usaggi: (Sits on couch): No, come here, (Pats spot beside him).
Misaki: (Walks over to Usagi, and sits in his lap).
Usagi: Let's just stay like this for a little while. (Lays down pulling Misaki with him, and the cover over them, he kisses the top of his head).
Misaki: (Starts a movie and smiles, cuddling closer to Usagi), Yeah okay.
(Rose steps out of the shower wrapped in a towel, shes drying her hair of as she walks into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee).
Eri: (Blushes) H-How was your shower
Rose: (Smirks), Wet.
Eri: Uh. (Clears throat), Oh, well that's good. So what do you want to do today?
Rose: (Glances at clock on stove). It's ten, we can go to the beach?
Eri: Which one
Rose: Odaiba Beach
Eri: Oh sure!
Rose: It's only 30 minutes from here, Oh but you need a change of clothes?
Eri: Uh, yeah. (Smirks).
Rose: Okay, come on. (Smiles and grabs Eri's hand pulling her off the chair and into the bedroom).
(Misaki, sat up rubbing his eyes, his phone vibrating off the coffee table woke him up, he picked up his phone and saw text messages from Aikawa).
Message Transcript:
Aikawa, what's wrong? Was the date that bad?
No! why would you say that?
Well why are you panicking this early? Wait my lovely pain in the ass fiance didn't forget to turn in anything did he? YOU said he was good for at least four months.
No, that's not it. It's just we are going to the beach and last night was amazing, but is it weird I'm still nervous?
No, Look I felt Nervous with Usagi for years, I mean I still get butterflies when i'm around him.
That's cute. He says the same thing about you.
Really? I mean, I already know that, look just relax, or try and have fun, I gotta go, Usagi and I have a huge day Planned.
Watching Movies all day?
Yep, have fun.
(Misaki sighs sliding his phone across the coffee table, it falls off, he doesn't care, he looks behind him, Usagi is sound asleep, Misaki grins, Usagi needs his rest, he stands, softly brushes Usagi's hair back and plants a soft, long kiss on his forehead then hands to the bathroom to take a bath. Misaki closed his eyes resting his head against the wall, he was happy, Usagi was back and things were normal, expect he missed Usagi's touch, and the warmth of his body, the feeling of him Usagi inside of him, but they couldn't do anything until Usagi was clearled, which lucky was the day of his graduation. Misaki smiled to himself, twisting the engagement ring on his finger, there was only one thing that was worrying him, Usagi telling the public that they were a couple, he didn't care about the "but we're both men" Mindset anymore, I mean that's not what this is, it's more what will his fans think? Misaki let out a deep exhale before dunking his head underwater, he needed to talk to Usagi).
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: That Place Where You Can't Remember and You Can't Forget
Summary: Red is back and things are going swell.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Brotherly Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pregnancy, More Angst
Warnings:  Implied underage pregnancy. Implied miscarriages. Past Trauma.
Chapter List
What Will Be, Will Be
Something To Say, But Nothing Comes
Can’t Go On, Thinking Nothing’s Wrong
Seldom All They Seem
Voices Are Heard But Nothing Is Seen
Winter Makes You Laugh a Little Slower
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
It was deep into the Underground nighttime when Rus wandered downstairs to get something to eat. He still felt a little achy and not all of it was from being stuck in the cold the day before.
Waking from his post-dinner nap left Rus restless enough for Blue to notice, teasing him about being a squirmy wormy, but there was no good way to tell his bro that the real problem was he was horny, plain and simple, and could he please get the fuck out for a couple hours so he and Edge could make some squelching noises?
Planning wasn’t exactly Rus’s strong suit; the evidence of that preceded him whenever he walked. So it was lucky that Edge more than made up for it. He owed Edge big time for asking Blue if he couldn’t go over to the Librarby for him in search of a particular puzzle book he’d heard was there. It was pretty good as excuses went; they all knew books were in short supply in Underfell. Blue agreed happily, and if there was a certain knowing gleam in his eye lights when he left, eh, Rus wasn’t much of a planner, but he was pretty good at pretending not to see things he’d rather not. It was a gift.
The moment the door closed behind his bro, Rus was on his feet and headed towards the bedroom at the fastest waddle he could manage. Ungainly as he was, he didn’t exactly feel like much of a seducer; his heavy belly was pretty much front and center, not exactly what he thought of as a turn on.
Somehow, Edge didn’t seem to mind. His hands and mouth were as eager as when they were only fucking around, hell, more so, he seemed happy to worship every part of Rus, from his toes to the very top of his skull, wringing out orgasms until Rus could only lay back weakly, trembling against the sheets. He wasn’t an innocent by any definition of the word, but some of the heated things Edge whispered to him in the darkness of his (their?) bedroom left him blushing and craving even more.
That was hours ago, now, Rus had drowsed off while Edge was gently washing him with a lovely, warm washcloth. Now horniness was taking a backseat to hunger, it was always something, wasn’t it?
Rus squirmed free of Edge’s arms as carefully as he could, slipping on his robe as he crept downstairs. He paused at the door, watching as Edge slept on, his sockets closed, the sharp angles of his face relaxed in sleep.
Seeing him made something unnamed in Rus’s soul stir, squeezing so tightly he could hardly breathe. He turned away, letting it ease. Whatever that was would have to be a problem for Tomorrow Rus, because tonight, all he wanted was something to eat.
It was good that he closed the door when he did, because the baby chose that moment to wake up, too. Rus bit back a groan as the baby shifted around, settling right into his pelvic cradle like it was a damn lounger. It didn’t hurt exactly, but it was uncomfortable and the way the kid was wriggling made it feel like they were going to fall down and dangle somewhere between his knees.
“wish i knew when you were gonna put in an appearance, kid,” Rus muttered. “it’d be nice to stick a pin on a date.” He curved a hand under his belly and gave a hopeful nudge, trying to urge his little skitten to move up a little higher. No dice, the baby only shifted and then settled back in with another demanding squirm, the one that meant on no uncertain terms, ‘feed me!’.
Rus sighed and started down the stairs. “yeah, i’m going.”
Seriously, the most frustrating thing about this was dealing with all the unknowns. Undyne did the best she could, but she didn’t know much about skeleton pregnancies. Everything she had she was pulling from old medical journals, but it was looking like they were a little incomplete. For one, she hadn’t known the souling descending would hurt. It didn’t for other Monsters, but then, other Monsters were different. The cost of magic was a lot higher for a skeleton pregnancy, they didn’t have a uterus laying around waiting to get used. On the other hand, they did have the added perk that any skeleton could have a kid since they went with ‘bring your own’ when it came to a body.
Thinking about it made the niggling memories at the back of his mind perk up a little. Undyne hadn’t known it would hurt, sure, but Red had. Red knew an awful lot about soulings and how they descended and--
Before that thought could connect, Rus’s slipper caught on the last stair, tripping him. Even as he started to fall, he flung out his arms to catch himself, split-second thoughts of ‘fuck’ and ‘no’ and ‘not after everything’ swamping him.
But the rush of the hard floor to meet him stopped abruptly, blue magic engulfing his soul, cradling him gentler than he thought possible.
“careful there, mama.”
“red?” Damned creature of the night. It was like Rus thinking about him summoned him up from whatever hole Red crawled into. The living room was dark, but Rus could see the faint gleam of bluish light from the sofa, coming from a darkened lump sprawled across the well-worn cushions, buried in the blanket Rus left there for emergency naps.
“who else?” Red made a hoarse, chuffing sound that might pass as a laugh. “no one else is gonna get past the spells my bro put on your door locks.”
Wasn’t that the truth. He and Blue were both shocked at the layers of protection that Edge insisted on weaving into the door locks, warnings, shieldings, the works. But neither of them protested it; hey, if a little extra protection made Edge feel better about sleeping over, Rus was all for it. Looked like stopping shortcuts wasn’t included in the package, deliberately or not.
The floor was still a couple of inches from his dangling slippers and his soul was starting to get that faint achiness from being gripped for so long. Rus waggled his feet, but Red didn’t seem to get the hint. Heck, he wasn’t even sure how Red managed to catch him before he could fall, anyway.
“hey, unless you’re gonna carry me around like a living backpack, you can let me down,” Rus called. Red made a low sound that seemed to be agreement, because the light pressure on his soul faded, renewed gravity easing him to his feet. The kitchen beckoned, all the delicious leftovers from the enchiladas that Edge and Blue made last night calling to him, but Rus still hesitated.
Something didn’t seem right about the local gargoyle.
Rus made his way over to the light switch and turned it on to the dimmest setting. Even so, a pained hiss came from the sofa, Red slinging an arm over his sockets. Like bare bone was gonna work as a mask? Closer to the sofa, there was a familiar green stink in the air, one that Rus knew very well, indeed.
Okay, yeah, if he had a guess, he was gonna say Red was stoned out of his melon.
“where’ve you been?” Rus asked, amused. The crumpled paper bag on the coffee table offered a clue, even if there were nothing but crumbs inside. “over at muffet’s? please tell me you behaved.”
Red offered another laugh, his arm sliding down to let him peer lazily out. “relax, mama, boss would have my ass if i caused trouble over here in your pretty lil’ world.”
If Edge could pin him down long enough to talk to him, maybe.
But that was a problem those two were gonna have to fix on their own. “didn’t happen to bum a smoke off bunno while you were there, did you?”
That sharky grin of Red’s widened. “mebbe. that a problem, mama?”
Yeaaasssh. A while back, Rus helped Bunno rig the hydroponics for his weed farm and every one of those little plants was babied into maturity. Even half a blunt usually put Rus down for the count and Bunno could be pretty damned generous with his stash.
Ignoring the ‘mama’ thing seemed easier than trying to argue about while Red was blazing trails. “you hungry?”
Sockets slit open, reddish eye lights rolling in his direction, “you offerin’?”
“yeah. let me go warm it up. don’t run off now.” If he was even half as messed up as Rus usually got from it, he probably couldn’t even get his feet facing the same direction if he wanted to.
Red seemed like he knew it, too. That sharky grin of his tipped higher and he closed his sockets again. “do my best.”
The enchiladas were neatly put away in the fridge, just like he’d known they would be. Blue always made a little extra for dinners these days; there was no telling how many might be at the table, plus leaving plenty of leftovers for growing skittens.
Rus was never gonna earn a chef’s hat, but he could manage warming up the goods and dishing it out. The smell was making him drool and the baby was doing a tango up his spine by the time he brought the plates out. He plopped Red’s on the coffee table with a thump and sat on the sofa with his own, ready to dig in. His belly made for a decent tv tray if he kept a hand on the plate. He was still mourning the loss of an entire bowl of oatmeal from an enthusiastic kick sending it flying.
Blue thought it was funny as hell and even Rus bursting into stupid tears hadn’t stopped him from laughing. It was pretty hilarious now and little embarrassing, but at the time, losing that oatmeal had seemed like a devastating blow to his hunger.
He refused to let his enchiladas suffer the same fate.
The blanket was stirring, Red slowly emerging like a creature from the deep. Rus couldn’t hold back a groan of pleasure as he scooped up his first bite, holy shit, when Blue and Edge combined their culinary powers, they made some damned good eats. Red seemed to be in agreement if the way he started chowing down meant anything, slurping down noisy mouthfuls.
The kid probably liked their secondhand version of it, too, given the way they were squirming. Rus winced, rubbing at his roiling belly. Seriously, it was weird watching it. He’d seen other preggers Monsters a time or two and they always seemed to have cute, round little tummies brimming with baby. Meanwhile, Rus’s always looked sort of lumpy depending on what side the baby was leaning on, and seeing it from the outside when a little hand or foot decided to push out was like watching some creepy B movie about alien infestations. Wasn’t exactly comfortable, either.
Through a mouthful of tasty, tasty enchilada, Rus mumbled, “i tell you what, when this kid makes its exit, i got a whole bucket list of things to do. whenever they decide to stop loitering, anyway.”
He wasn’t the only one taking advantage of the lack of scolding brothers. Red was shoveling in the food, wiping his mouth against his shirt as he chewed thoughtfully. “been about twelve weeks now altogether, yeah?”
“yeah.” His thoughts were sort of tired and jangly lately, but that was a date he could calculate to the minute.
Red only nodded, grunting out, “shouldn’t be much longer, then.”
Again, that confident knowledge. Rus wasn’t sure what to do about it, past trusting that Red was right. He tugged up his shirt, pulling it overtop the bump. The bright orange of the ectoflesh was opaque, hiding the little babybones curled up inside.
Those tiny bones getting solid and strong, using up all the tasty magic the food generated as they got ready to come out to the world. Would they look like him or Edge? A combination of the two? They were both tall, so the kid had that going for them, but maybe the kiddo would have crimson eye lights and wee little sharp teeth, all ready to gnaw at the table legs when they started crawling. Maybe they would smile with all the delight Edge struggle to show. Maybe, maybe…
Rus couldn’t wait to meet them.
He stroked a hand over the swollen curve of his tummy contemplatively, “if it’s soon, guess we should start thinking about names.” Edge hadn’t even mentioned names yet, they pretty much stuck with skitten or baby when they talked about them.
Red only snorted, “don’t bother.”
That made Rus raise some mental eyebrows. “why, you have a suggestion?”
“heh, nah,” Red licked his plate clean, something that would have gotten him a sharp knock on the skull if Edge saw him do it. “skeleton babies are born knowing their names. makes it kinda weird that we all go by nicknames now.” His mouth twisted sourly. “well, most of us. but if you run a check, i'm still sans. can call me whatever you want, it’ll always show me as sans. my soul knows what it wants to be called.”
Red rolled his head in Rus’s direction. His eye lights were hazy, diffused, crimson muddied with flecks of green, and Rus wondered again how much he’d had to smoke. “y’can usually do a check on their soul, see what the kiddo’s name is. might be able to do it by now.”
Okay, that was some seriously unexpected news, every damn word of it. Rus didn’t really remember his own childhood much, it was weirdly blurred and by the time his mental film got back on track, Blue was a toddler, already fully cooked and walking on his own. Rus didn’t remember ever checking him to see his name. His bun was still baking in the oven, but here was Red telling him he could check the baby. He hadn’t even thought to try it.
It was tempting, so tempting, but.
Edge was upstairs sleeping with no idea that Rus was down here getting maternity tips from his stoned brother, and Rus could only imagine how hurt he’d be if Rus did it without him. He’d been freaked out at the beginning, but these days Edge was all over the baby, whispering secrets to the little bump that Rus strained to hear, resting gentle hands on the roundness of his belly in the hopes of feeling a kick. The first few times Edge asked, always so stiffly polite cause he didn’t want to presume, and it was so damned precious that Rus finally gave him blanket permission for belly fondling.
So long as he threw in plenty of foot rubs, Rus was on board.
Might be the hardest thing Rus ever did, but he regretfully set that new knowledge aside for sharing time. With any luck, he could catch Edge before he headed off to patrol, give him something to glow about while he was over in Underhell.
Thinking of which...“where’ve you been, anyway? you missed napstatton.”
His needling backfired unexpectedly as Red chuckled darkly, “was here earlier but you and the boss already went to bed. sounded a little busy, so i decided to take in the sights outside.”
Well, that wasn’t horribly embarrassing or anything. Rus could feel his cheek bones warming. “sorry about that.”
Red only shrugged. He sank back against the sofa cushions, propping one sock-covered foot up on the coffee table, his toes curling over the edge. “eh, it’s part of the deal. your magic is all out of whack, making you horny as a moldsmal in pollen season. may as well enjoy it while you can, ain’t gonna be doing much once the kid is here.” He laced his hands over his middle, tipping his skull back, eye lights examining the ceiling. “went to see my alphys today. me and ol’ al go way back. thought she might like a chat.”
That...sounded weirdly ominous.
“yeah?” Rus said, cautiously. He’d never met any of the other residents of Underfell, wasn’t even allowed outside to smoke whenever he’d been there. He knew they were more like their alternates in Undertale than here, in that Undyne was Captain and Alphys a scientist. Given what he knew of Underfell, Rus was pretty sure that’s where the similarities ended. He didn’t know why Red felt the need to talk with his Alphys or why he was bringing it up now. Could be that his pot-swirly skull was just yammering. Sure. Could be. But that wasn’t a bet Rus would put a G against.
Those crimson eye lights slid his way, sharper despite that lingering haze, “you stay out of underfell, you hear me? ain’t no time for picnics or movie nights or whatever shit you all think up.”
Um, yeah. Not a problem. Even if he wanted to take a trip through the void, which he really didn’t, Underfell wasn’t exactly his fave vacation spot; he’d barely ever been there even before the baby bump. Red was still glaring at him, looking for all the world like he was about to drag Rus upstairs and lock him up like some new bald version of Rapunzel.
Hastily, Rus nodded, adding for good measure. “yeah, of course. we’ll keep any picnics local.”
That seemed to be enough. Red relaxed back, his sockets sinking closed again and Rus made a mental note to ask Blue and Edge to maybe not mention his recent storm chasing. He didn’t really want Red to take his bodyguard tendencies to the next level.
“soulings are fragile until they descend.”
“it’s like getting touched with happiness.”
“my baby grew up just fine. little stupid, sometimes.”
Almost-memories churning through his mind, finding each other and connecting. Maybe in the light of day, Rus wouldn’t ask. But here in the deepest part of night, with Red pliable next to him, questions were easy to offer.
"red?" Rus asked, very softly. "how old are you?"
He didn’t open his sockets. “you already know that. same age as you."
"yeah. about fifteen years older than edge, give or take."
That got him a low chuckle. “afraid you're too old for him? don’t worry, he’s older than he should be and you didn’t age past twelve.”
“my sense of humor is my fountain of youth.” Rus hesitated, searching for words that weren’t land mines, "i was still in stripes when blue was born."
"i expect so."
"so were you, weren't you. when edge came." There. Now it was out there, the words hanging between them like glass ornaments and just as delicate. He didn’t know what he expected to happen, anything from Red shortcutting away to him screaming out abuse, offering his own words, these ones designed to cut deeply, damaging not the body but the soul.
He expected that and anything in between. But Red didn’t move, didn’t shout. His expression, smoothed by the best weed Underswap had to offer, didn’t so much as twitch. The only reason Rus even knew he heard was when Red finally spoke, low and gruff.
"papyrus," Red said, deliberately. "don't. let it go."
"'kay," Rus agreed, softly. That was as far as he was willing to pry, anyway. All things considered, he was getting off pretty light. But then Red shifted restlessly, sharpened fingertips scratching at the sofa arm in long, agitated strokes.
“’s why i was so mad, you know.” So softly, Rus straining to hear that raspy whisper. “that he got you knocked up and all. thought he might be like his old man, after all, got some sick fucking need ta spread his seed or some bullshit, and don’t care who it hurts.” His voice thickened, that familiar Hotland accent of his fading back, “the doc tried so many times, so many little soulings that sputtered out, didn’t even get a chance to descend. then there were the other ones, ones that made it further. not far enough, nothing but little bones left to dust. paps was the only one who came out okay.”
For one sickening second, Rus didn’t understand, trying to put those words together in his head in a way that made sense. Having it come into focus didn’t help; his imagination stalled, trying not to picture what Red was telling him. and all he could do was stare at Red in silent horror.
Red only chuckled hoarsely. His jacket was cast off on the floor by the door, a wilted, empty shell, and without it Red seemed smaller, frailer, his thin t-shirt offering little protection. “heh, don’t need to look like that. it wasn't that bad. doc couldn’t do it the old-fashioned way. barely wanted to touch me at all, much less fuck me.” He shook his head, a wobbly roll of his skull atop his neck, “fun fact, you don’t actually need to have sex to make a souling. it’s the buildup of magic you need, some energy to work as baby batter, lots of it. sex is a good way to build it up, is all.”
“that fact isn’t very fun,” Rus said, thinly. He shivered, curling his arms around his belly where his baby rested, still safe inside. His soul felt cold, colder than it had out in the woods.
How Red found another laugh, Rus couldn’t begin to guess, “guess not. anyway, the doc had his own method. and who was i, anyway? stupid kid, that’s who, believing a bunch of bullshit promises cause i wanted off the streets. ended up right back where i started, only with a special toy surprise inside.” Red’s smile softened, his gaze distant, “kid was a pain in the ass. used to get so angry over nothing, scream until he was red in the face if he even got his fucking hands dirty. but he was mine.”
His voice was fierceness itself, tempered with bitter nostalgia. “called him brother. it was easier that way. plenty of orphans on the streets, but me with a baby of my own was gonna raise some questions as to who was knocking up the stripers. brothers were better. safer. doc was gone by then, anyway.” Red tipped his head, slanting an unreadable look Rus’s way and he was a fucking Judge, he could read any expression. “you gonna tell him?”
It took a moment for that question to even register. Rus’s head was busy trying to wrap itself around Red having a baby, having Edge, still in stripes while he lugged around a belly like Rus’s, only without anyone making enchiladas or wrapping him up in cozy blankets to nap, or even having a roof over his head. Red on the streets with his baby, calling him brother until it was believed, until that was the only truth out there.
Tell Edge? Tell him that his fa—brother had been lying to him his entire life. Like Red deserved another weight to shoulder, burdened with possible hate from the one he cared for most for being a scared kid making the choice he thought was best, a choice he never should’ve had to make? Not a fucking chance.
“no,” Rus said at last, “no, i won’t say a thing.”
A flicker of relief crossed Red’s face, his sockets drifting shut again. “thanks.” He laughed again, a low slur of sound, “you know, for a long time, thought you all might be the same with your bros. couldn’t be sure without askin’. guess not, pretty sure by now you’ve never done this before.”
Rus tried on a laugh of his own, weak and watery, but it was there. “nope, this is my first go-around, probably my last, too.”
“heh. yeah. one skitten is good enough for anyone.”
They both fell silent at that, Rus still trying to absorb that unexpected info glut. He didn’t know if confession was good for the soul, but it sure was exhausting and soon enough Red’s skull was drooping to the side, his breathing going slow and even.
Rus didn’t quite dare try to move him to a more comfortable position. Instead, he carefully shook out the blanket and let it drift down over him. In his sleep, Red twitched, burrowing into the soft folds with a drowsy grunt.
Good enough.
He left their plates where they were, ready to beg forgiveness from his bro for the mess rather than risk waking Red by shuffling around too much. He went back upstairs to his room, careful to avoid the creaky stair.
A quick peek showed Edge was still in bed. He’d moved into Rus’s spot, close to the wall and rolled on his side to face it. Rus stripped off his robe and slipped beneath the sheets in his bare bones and belly to curl up behind him. But the expected comfort did not come. Those strong, scarred bones were cooler than to be expected from someone curled up cozy beneath the covers. His breathing was maybe a little too even, playing false.
Very quietly, Rus murmured, “you shouldn’t listen at keyholes. might not like what you hear.”
His soul sank as Edge shifted, proving Rus’s suspicions. He sighed heavily, still facing the wall as he said, evenly, “That is true. Or you may simply hear things you already know.”
Getting rendered speechless was a new trend that Rus couldn’t say he was enjoying.
Whatever Edge thought of his silence, he finally rolled over, his eye lights bright in the darkened room as he studied Rus’s face. “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. You didn’t sign on to be our secret keeper.”
“no,” Rus blurted, “no, it’s okay, it’s…it’s okay.” It’d be even more okay if he did ask, that was a promise Rus would be more than happy to give. So many secrets and all of them burdened with old hurts. But Edge only nodded slowly, his eye lights drifting down, resting on Rus’s belly.
He reached out, the bed creaking as he shifted, and his hand paused in mid-air, “Would it be all right if I—"
Rus didn’t wait for him to finish, already nodding along as he blurted, “yes.” He wasn’t sure what Edge wanted, but he was good for it. Anything to help settle the ache in his chest; he didn’t want to think of Edge as a child and couldn’t stop. A little baby bones crying over dirty hands while a too-young Red tried to soothe him however he could.
Edge moved closer, curling the lanky length of his body around Rus so that his skull rested on his belly. Like always, the baby seemed to sense Edge was close, wriggling happily as Edge lightly petted the taut ectoflesh, crooning out soft reassurances until the baby settled, calming.
They could probably sleep like that, they’d done it before. Except, maybe they needed something else. Something better, a distraction of goodness. Rus swallowed hard and managed to say, “red said that if we might be able to check the baby by now and...and if we did, we could see their name.”
Edge stilled, his startled gaze flying up to meet Rus’s. “Did you want to—”
“you do it,” Rus said, softly. Edge nodded jerkily, his gaze refocusing on Rus’s belly. When the feeling of being checked came it was distant, a brush-by instead of ticklish focus. Edge made a low, choked sound, and Rus couldn’t take it anymore, bursting out, “well?”
“Lucida,” Edge said. The soft wonder in his voice made Rus’s soul clench and just because he didn’t want to name that emotion didn’t mean he didn’t know what it was. “Her name is Lucida.”
The baby kicked hard as if responding to the name.
Her name. Her.
Their skitten was a her. Rus let out a laugh, uncaring that it nearly sounded like a sob, tasting his own tears as he whispered, “our baby’s name is lucy.”
“Lucy,” Edge agreed, and Rus barely noticed him moving until his mouth was pressed to Rus’s, a fierce kiss tempered by unbearable gentleness and broken only when Edge began scattering those soft kisses over his face.
Their baby, theirs. And she was gonna have daddies and papas and uncles, everything Rus could possibly offer to her, she was gonna have. All of it, safe and warm and loved.
That was a promise.
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