#and i am choosing to believe the shadow lady is charlie and she is a dog lover
knockknockitsnickels · 9 months
Fun kids night feat: Wes & Wormwood babysitting
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Outing with Rosie and Alastor, where the avowed purpose is merely Shopping around Pride
They come back eight hours later laughing lightly, covered in blood, a few bones retreating back through the skin as they heal and arms filled with bags.
By which, of course, I mean the arms of a shell-shocked Husker who is also drenched and looking like he's mid war flashback. Niffty popping out of one of the bags atop the heap, waving at the others in the Hazbin Hotel foyer and gesturing at her pretty new dress!
As the doors swing open there's the sound of more panicked screaming, explosions and generalised terror than usual.
"Uhhhh... have a good time, guys?" Charlie asks, diplomatically.
"Oh, it was quite the jaunt Charlie, you really should come along next time with your lovely little lady!"
"Yes, Charlotte, you and Vagatha should come next time. Perhaps you might even find joining in a little game of Knife Tag quite stimulating, hmmm?"
Husk, hands shaking as he lights a cigar makes pointed eye contact and shakes his head.
"Aha, maybe next time then!" she declines, taking the hint.
"Speak for yaself toots, tell me more about this murder slash shopping spree cause it sounds like exactly the sorta thing Cherri and I enjoy doing. There any limits on the amounta limbs you can use in Knife Tag...?" Angel asks.
Twin cannibalistic overlords turn their genuine delight in the direction of the pornstar.
'Why Angel, of course not! If Al gets to use his shadows, and I am allowed to use my blood magic, I can't see any reason you wouldn't be allowed the... upper hands!" Rosie bursts into laughter, and Alastor chimes in as well. The cacophany reminding everyone that sometimes power corrupts, but it also sends you a little 'round the bend too.
"Alright, count me in next time ya gonna play, I'll grab Cherri... sounds like a damn good time."
"Splendid my good man, you won't regret it! And of course, as the new player, it will be your choice of the final victim... and I believe we can safely say that Rosie and I will be happy to take on any... specific insignificant little insectoids... between us. It's only good manners, after all."
"...Husk, I'm about ta fuck ya boss and his bestie. You might wanna look away."
"Okaay, how about we try some deep breathing exercises and calm down..." Charlie intervenes, half delighted at the budding friendships around here but also caught up on whatever the fuck Knife Tag is and who is howling outside. "Let's go to our happy places..."
"Oh I'll get all up in ya happy places if you'll let me..." Angel grins, winking suggestively at the cannibal overlords. He doesn't normally do broads, but well... for removing Valentino, he'd marry Rosie on the spot.
"Well, dear, it's not as if we're opposed to the idea of a mouthful of Sinner meat..." Rosie chortles, and Al side-eyes her with a grin. These two should not be left unsupervised together.
Charlie's shoulders slump. "Husk... I think I need a drink."
"Me too, Princess. Me too."
"Dontcha worrie Whiskers, Toots, I got this all in hand. Or at least, I will in a minute."
"GET OUT OF THE FOYER WITH YOUR NASTINESS!" Vaggie yells, waving the spear. Soemtimes these Sinners were EXHAUSTING.
Angel narrows his eyes at her. "You still mad I was gonna make you an' charlie pay for the full experience, huh?"
"...uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrgh, Charlie why didn't you choose a less mouthy sinner for your redemption projeeeeeeeect..." she groaned, slumping over to the bar.
"Nah. I know ya love me, Vagina..."
"Charlie can I kill him...? Please?"
"Hah, I knew ya were into pegging. Always talkin' about impaling a guy like I can't zero in on your kinks..."
Lucifer, one foot in the door, pauses. "Did I walk in at a weird time? This feels like a strange conversation to have in the foyer."
"Oh, hey Dad... Rosie and Al just went out for some shopping and something called 'Knife Tag' and when they were telling us about it, they invited me to play but I said no so then Angel said he'd like to maybe with Cherri and they said he could ask them to kill The Guy he's stuck with and then Angel said he was going to... uh... do various things that I'm not talking to my dad about and-..."
"Char? BREATHE." Vaggie reminds.
Lucifer's eyes narrow as he mouths the words 'knife tag', and then pushes the door back open to look outside.
"Is THAT what happened out there? What the FUCK kind of game is Knife Tag to do..." he gestures, as a building explodes in fiery debris. "THAT?!"
"Never you mind, your Lowness, it was merely a bit of fun to pass the time. Though if you want to try your hand sometime, we can oblige..."
"Not before my turn, though." Angel reminds them, buzzing with excitement and texting Cherri about it right that second. She was on her way.
"We would not dream of it, my effeminate fellow, you will bring an interesting element to the match as, I'm certain, will your little explosives-loving friend... Miss Bomb, was it?"
"Hells yeah she will! Can't wait... when you wanna do it?"
"Well my schedule's free tomoorow after midday, if you had time to pencil it in Angel. I think it's important to make time for a little relaxation and murder now and then." Rosie adds, glancing in a pocket book that seemed to match her attire.
"Oh, yeah I can fit that in..." he pauses, holding in a That's what He Said with every fibre of his being, "But I meant, ya wanna go get wild in another way? I got space before my shoot tomorrow morning, and Cherri's on her way to spice things up, so..."
Lucifer sits down at the bar. "I will take whatever you have, immediately, that will deafen me on consumption."
"Make that two."
Husk starts mixing something with an alchemical flair immediately. "One Deadman's Switch coming right up for everyone... you'll sleep right through anything that might happen in the next twelve hours. Promise."
"...Huck was it? You ever been kissed by the Devil, cause I think you've earned it!" Lucifer said gravely, full of sincere thanks.
"You uh... you got something that'll blind me temporarily too?" Charlie laughs, only half-joking.
Cherri slams open the door with the subtlety of a grenade in a toilet bowl. "Wassup mates, I'm here to fuck and fuck shit up!"
Husk pours the drinks a little faster.
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Book Recs
Hello! so for my first post, I'll recommend some books, so y'all can have a closer look at some fandoms I'll post about! enjoy!!
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Harry Potter By J.K. Rowling is definitely an interesting, well-written series! there are 7 books however, and the books get bigger as the series progresses. It's sometimes difficult to know the exact order, so I'll list it below:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Although the movies are great, they don't include all the amazing details, as with all movies. A short summary:
Harry Potter, a young boy who’s being constantly abused by his uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia, gets a peculiar letter from the magical school of Hogwarts, where he spends most of his time, becoming his home.
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." ― Albus Dumbledore
“You’re just as sane as I am" - Luna Lovegood
“Mischief managed" - Fred and George Weasley
It is Important to know that j*r is a huge transphobe, along with other things, and is currently being erased by the fandom itself.
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians, along with the other series by Rick Riordan, is a definite must-read. With each book, you can really notice the character developments and a lot more! There is loads of representation in this one, with lgbtqia+ characters, black characters, Muslim characters and more. It's very action-packed and addicting, sucking you into the magnificent world of Half-Bloods and Demigods within the first page. The first series consists of 5 books, in the following order:
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse
Percy Jackson and the Battle of The Labyrinth
Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian
THE MOVIES ARE TRASH SO I DEFINITELY DO NOT RECOMMEND WATCHING THEM BEFORE READING THE BOOKS!!! There were many changes and the movies aren't nearly as good as the books. A short summary:
Percy Jackson, a 12 year-old who lives with his mother, Sally, and step-father, Gabe, attends the private boarding school Yancy Academy. While on a school trip, his teacher, Mrs. Dodds, turns into a fury and attacks him. This, in turn, triggers a series of other problems and adventures.
“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.” - Percy Jackson
“With great power, comes great need to nap. Wake me up later." - Nico Di Angelo
“Even strength has to bow down to wisdom sometimes." - Annabeth Chase
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The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is one of my most recommended series! With everything it deals with, from the Capitol to the districts to the champions, the books are amazing! 
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire
Starring the movies is the amazing Jennifer Lawrence, but with all books, the movies have slight differences, although I definitely recommend watching them when you're done with the books.
A Short Summary:
In what was once North America, the Capitol of Panem maintains its hold on its 12 districts by forcing them each to select a boy and a girl, called Tributes, to compete in a nationally televised event called the Hunger Games. Every citizen must watch as the youths fight to the death until only one remains. District 12 Tribute Katniss Everdeen has little to rely on, other than her hunting skills and sharp instincts, in an arena where she must weigh survival against love.
"May the odds be ever in your favor." - Effie Trinket
"Fire is catching, and if we burn, you burn with us!" - Katniss Everdeen
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.” - President Snow
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Divergent is another book with a huge fandom, and rightfully so. This book is amazing, and you honestly can't live without having read it!
Surprisingly, I haven't watched the movies yet, but I hear that they aren’t that bad, so you should give them a go!
In a world run by fictional classes known as factions, children who reach the age of 16 begin to choose which factions they wish to call home for the rest of their lives. Each faction comes with its own ups and downs, so it's definitely a hard choice, especially for someone as unique as Beatrice.
“Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it“ - Four
“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.” - Dauntless Motto
"We are not the same. But we are, somehow, one." - Tris
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You might have heard of this series, and it's really addictive, trust me! The Mortal Instruments is one of the most astonishing books I've ever read, and it's most definitely my go-to when recommending a book series!
City of Bones
City of Ashes
City of Glass
City of Fallen Angels
City of Lost Souls
City of Heavenly Fire
Again, (I know this is rather disappointing) I haven't watched the movies, but do check them out!
Clary Fray's search for her missing mother leads her into an alternate New York called Downworld, filled with mysterious faeries, hard-partying warlocks, not-what-they-seem vampires, an army of werewolves, and the demons who want to destroy it all.
via: https://shadowhunters.com/shadowhunters-novels/the-mortal-instruments/#:~:text=Clary%20Fray's%20search%20for%20her,want%20to%20destroy%20it%20all.
“Heroes aren't always the ones who win. They're the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don't give up. That's what makes them heroes.” - Clary Fairchild
“If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell.” - Sebastion Morgenstern
“The descent into Hell is easy.” - Motto of the Nephilim
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Gay. What more needs to be said?
SADLY, there isn't a movie yet, but I think they're working on one, or sure though
Set in a world in which a female Democrat from Texas wins the presidency in 2016, Red, White & Royal Blue chronicles the illicit romance between the president's son, Georgetown senior Alex Claremont-Diaz (Dad is a Mexican-American senator), and Prince Henry of Wales, his childhood nemesis.
Via: https://www.wsj.com/articles/red-white-royal-blue-book-summer-beach-read-11565285001#:~:text=Set%20in%20a%20world%20in,of%20Wales%2C%20his%20childhood%20nemesis.
Also, classic enemies-friends-lovers arc and honestly it's amazing
“As your mother, I can appreciate that maybe this isn’t your fault, but as the president, all I want is to have the CIA fake your death and ride the dead-kid sympathy into a second term.” - Ellen Claremont 
" 'that’s because you can’t hear all the menacing gobbling.' 'Yes, famously the most sinister of all animal sounds, the gobble.' " - Harry and Alex
"History, huh? Bet we could make some." - Alex
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I’m sure you've heard at least a little bit about this book. While not nearly as famous as ones mentioned above, it's still just as good, of not better. I'd say this book is one of my favorites, to be honest. It speaks about a lot of topics people usually find disturbing, and it makes me so happy that it's there, it's written, it's amazing. PTSD, coming out issues, abusive relationships and more, this book is truly awesome.
A young boy named Charlie usually dissociates, and pushes other people away. He’s afraid of beginning high school, until he meets two other students who show him how bizarre and amazing the world is.
“And in that moment, I swear we were infinite” - Charlie
“We accept the love we think we deserve” - Mr. Anderson
“You can't just sit there and put everybody's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love" - Sam
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This book is honestly pro-feminist and I think that's much more than enough
Kaur explores the true impact of sexual abuse and harassment, as well as the difficulties of immigrating, being a female, and depression.
It's also a poem
“what is stronger
than the human heart
which shatters over and over
and still lives”
“you do not just wake up and become the butterfly 
- growth is a process”
“on the last day of love
my heart cracked inside my body"
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This book isn't very well-known, which really sucks because I really love how it speaks about the consequences of WWII from the German point of view. And about the Germans who did not believe in Hitler's ways. It's also based on a real story, and it's so cool
A nurse working in a nursing home meets a peculiar old lady who decides to tell her her story when she meets the nurse's younger son, Karl, who reminded her of her brother. Lizzie (the old lady) speaks about life in Dresden before the war, and even after it. She also tells them the story about the strange, magnificent elephant in her garden.
“That was the only way of keeping our hopes alive, by looking beyond all we were seeing around us, and the shadow of disaster that hung over us.” - 
“I think I have always had a strong sense of justice, of fair play, of what is right and what is wrong.” - 
“Our home should be an oasis of peace and harmony for us in a troubled world.” - Lizzie (Quoting Papi)
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This book is pro-blm and it's ahead of its time (by like 2 years but still). 
Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. via: https://socialjusticebooks.org/the-hate-u-give/#:~:text=Sixteen%2Dyear%2Dold%20Starr%20Carter,hands%20of%20a%20police%20officer.
“Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.” - Lisa
“Daddy once told me there’s a rage passed down to every black man from his ancestors, born the moment they couldn’t stop the slave masters from hurting their families. Daddy also said there’s nothing more dangerous than when that rage is activated.” - Starr
“Everybody wants to talk about how Khalil died,” I say. “But this isn’t about how Khalil died. It’s about the fact that he lived. His life mattered. Khalil lived!” I look at the cops again. “You hear me? Khalil lived!” - Starr
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bleachanimefan1 · 4 years
Oblitus Part 19
Once Upon A Time
Alastor sat with his hand resting underneath his chin while he squeezed his other hand. Small droplets of blood dripped as a large tentacle was summoned, smashing into a floating blimp that was flying above him. It grabbed the blimp shaking it until a snake like demon came crashing out the window along some egg people.
"I don't know why I reacted like that. I've never felt any thing like that before." Alastor murmured under his breath. His shadow hovered next to him, leaning closer, whispering.
(Why not kill her then?) His shadow had a dark expression on his face with a scary grin.
"Why keep her alive?" Alastor questioned. He laughed. "My friend, even i don't know. She stirs something in me something that I've never felt in a long time. Not since, mother..." His eyes drifted down. Alastor's shadow frowned with an angry expression on his face as he crossed his arms.
(She's ruining everything! You've forgotten what you promised to do!) Alastor shifted his gaze on his shadow. 
"Oh, I've forgotten what I'm supposed to do?" Alastor asked. He stood up abruptly, making the shadow back up. Alastor narrowed his gaze at the shadow, glaring at it, scowling. "How dare you question me!? I know exactly what I'm doing and I will proceed with the plan!" He yelled.
"You know, if you keep talking to "yourself" people are going to think that you're crazy," the two heard a familiar voice call out. Alastor and his shadow turned to see Rosie and Mimzy. "Not that you're already are." Rosie smiled as she finished. Alastor grinned.
"Why if it isn't my two favorite ladies!" He replied. "Why are you here?" The two women walked over to him. Mimzy held out Alastor's monocle to him.
"You left this," she said. Alastor stared at it in silence with an owlish look. He took it from her putting back on.
"I've completely forgotten about it," he replied. "Thank you, ladies."
Rosie looked to the side, seeing the remains of Pentious blimp, exploded all over the streets. The snake demon was trying to crawl away but Alastor manipulated his tentacle to catch him and was now smacking the poor guy back and forth, slamming him on the pavement. His egg bois were screaming in terror as they ran around trying to get away as more tentacles came after them.
"So your venting your rage on this poor unfortunate fellow?" Rosie laughed with a twisted smile on her face.
"He was flying that obnoxious contraption in my territory. So I had to teach him a lesson." Alastor answered, shrugging his hands. Rosie looked at Mimzy before looking back at the radio demon. She smiled.
"Are you sure that this doesn't have to do with a certain human?" Alastor stiffened, dropping Sir Pentious in midair and the snake landed face first right on the sidewalk.
"No, not in the slightest! Even if I was, which I'm not, she overreacted!"  Alastor said. The two girls looked at each other with suspicious looks on their faces by the way Alastor acting.
"Well, you did slap her on the butt. Can't you see from her point of that how that can be odd?" Mimzy pointed out. "I wish that you would do that to me." She murmured so quietly that Alastor didn't hear that last part.
"No, how so?" He asked.
"She is from a different time than you and me, Al," Mimzy said. Alastor raised an eye not exactly understanding what she meant.
"Are you telling me that I've offended her?" He questioned. Both girls nodded.
"Yes," Mimzy replied.
"Absolutely," Rosie commented.
"Pardon me, ladies, " Alastor said. "I need to go. Thank you for the chat."
 Anna walked into the park and soon found herself in the gardens as rose bushes were lined down the sidewalk. At the square, stood a fountain. She walked over to it and sat down. However, as she was lost in her thoughts, Anna didn't notice that she wasn't alone. 
Soon, she heard someone humming on the other side of the fountain. She got up and walked around and spotted a tall woman with long flowing, wavy blond hair. On the top of her head protruded two very large dark horns, curled at the top. She was also wearing a long sleeveless black dress, dark heels, a pearl necklace, and arm gloves. Anna couldn't help but to feel entranced as the woman's voice sounded like angels singing in her ears. Her voice had also attracted several crows as well as she continued to sing throwing bread crumbs at them.
The woman stopped singing when she noticed Anna. She smiled. "That was a wonderful show, darling." Anna walked over to her. There was something familiar about this woman until she realized who she was.
"It's you! You're the woman in the family portrait with Charlie." 
"I'm Charlie's mother, Lilith." Lilith said. "And I've heard a lot about you. A little snake told me that a human was helping my daughter with her hotel idea."
"Why are you here?" Anna asked.
 "I was out for a little stroll until came across you," Lilith replied. "Why are you here by yourself?" Anna didn't answer. Lilith patted beside her gesturing Anna to sit down.  
"Here take a load off and feed the birds," she handed Anna a handful of crumbs, throwing some at them.
"Well, I'm conflicted between two guys. I don't know what to do. One is my boyfriend and the other is someone who I'm not really sure about," Anna sighed.
"How so?" Lilith smiled. Anna frowned.
"He makes me angry, but I can't help, but,..." She paused, trailing off.
"But, what dear?" Lilith asked.
 "I think I'm falling in love with him too?" Anna replied, unsure.
Lilith raised on eye brow, while playing with a piece of bread with her fingers.  "Well, do you?"
Anna groaned. "Maybe? I don't know!" She shook her head. "It's all too confusing for me!"
"I think that you should go with what your heart is telling you to do," Lilith told her. As she threw some crumbs, some of the birds glared at each other. They opened their mouths showing sharp rows of teeth. The birds pounced on another, digging their sharp talons into the other, biting. The victor chomped down as it ripped the flesh off their defeated foe. Anna stared with wide eyes in disbelief completely mortified at what she witnessed. 
"Oh good lord!" She exclaimed. Lilith laughed.
"It's in their nature darling, you can't change it," she said. She smiled a little before it dropped, frowning. She sighed.
"You know, I was at a similar crossroad to your own," Lilith told her.  "I had to choose who I wanted to be with."
"You were?" Anna asked. "Who was it with?
"You have heard the story of Adam and Eve, correct?" Lilith asked. Anna nodded her head. Lilith continued. "Before Eve, I was actually his first betrothal. However, we were completely different. He was all about orders and rules, while I longed for excitement and adventures. I couldn't stand him. Until I met an certain angel one day that changed my life for the better."
"That's completely different from what I've read. So, why did you choose him, instead?" Anna questioned.
"He makes me laugh," Lilith simply answered.
"He makes you laugh?" Anna asked, confused. Lilith nodded.
"Yes, Luci did what Adam could never do." She told her. "Right then and there, I knew that I was destined to be with him. So I defied Adam and God, and in return, was cursed with this horns."
"Did you ever ever regret it?" Anna asked.
"No," Lilith replied. "Not one bit." She stood up tossing away the remaining crumbs. "Sooner or later, you are going to have to decide what you want and what you want to do." She told her. Lilith began to walk away. "It was lovely talking with you. I just get back before my husband starts to worry about where I am. Ta ta!" She waved.
 Anna looked down, thinking. What was she going to do? Stay here and be damned or return to her life with Chris? Besides him, there wasn't really anyone else left. She was alone. Anna groaned as she looked up at the red sky. Plus, Alastor's already dead and she wasn't. How would that even work? Anna sighed. Why did it have to be difficult? Why not have both?
Suddenly, Anna heard someone calling out to her. She blinked and right in front of her was Alastor. Right in front of her face. She screamed, startled, and fell back right into the fountain. She sputtered and spit out water, completely drenched from head to toe. Alastor laughed. Anna glared as she narrowed her eyes, looking up at him. 
 "Why are you here?" She asked, angrily. She hated the feeling of her soggy dress. Alastor wiped a tear from his eye, from laughing so hard.
"I've come to apologize," he said. Anna stared at the demon in disbelief. What kind of trick was this? Alastor continued. "I believe my actions may have offended you, that wasn't my intention. If so, I'm sorry," he held out his hand to her. Anna stared at it, for a moment. She took it, however, pulled Alastor, right into the fountain with her. He was now wet, drenched, as well. She smirked.
"Now we're even."
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