#and i also feel really bad for toro
earlycuntsets · 12 hours
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STANDING ON A BALCONY nine floors above the teeming streets of New York, Gerard Way overlooks the city in which My Chemical Romance began assembling their ambitious new album, The Black Parade. The newly peroxide- blond frontman takes a deep drag from a cigarette and exhales with a sigh. He knows he shouldn't smoke, but it's his only remaining vice.
"If I hadn't been sober, I think The Black Parade surely would have killed me," says Gerard, who climbed on the wagon in 2004. "We were going insane the whole time, and I had to cling to my sobriety to stay even a little lucid. The album became like this beast that was consuming us."
Following up a release as successful as 2004's Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, which sold 1.4 million copies in the U.S. alone, is never an easy task. And the various scares the band experienced as they worked on the new record-drummer Bob Bryar had a near-fatal staph infection, Gerard seriously injured his foot, and some restless spirits at the studio where they recorded kept them all on edge-did not help matters. And neither
did MCR's decision to make The Black Parade (Reprise) a concept disc. Together, Gerard and his bandmates-Bryar, guitarists Frank lero and Ray Toro, and bassist Mikey Way (Gerard's younger brother)-decided to craft a record about a dying young man who is visited by a cast of strange characters that help him examine his short life.
But diving into the conceptual deep end proved well worth the hassle. The Black Parade is not only MCR's most realized offering; it's also one of the most eclectic, enjoyable rock records of the year. One listen to tracks
like "House of Wolves," "The Sharpest Lives," and "Dead!" makes it clear that My Chemical Romance can still rip a good metallic punk tune. But the bandmates are now equally influenced by epic albums like Pink Floyd's The Wall, David Bowie's The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, and Queen's A Night at the Opera.
"A lot of bands from the scene we came from try to strip down their music to 'keep it real," Gerard notes. "But the real you is what you've always had inside you and what you strive to be. So when we started compiling the material we had written, we were like, You know what? This has to be a huge, theatrical record."
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE started working on ideas for The Black Parade in the back of the bus while on 2005's Warped Tour, after which they flew to New York and rented a rehearsal space for two months. And that's when things started to get weird.
"I was living in Queens, and I had to commute on the subway every day," Gerard says. "I was suddenly very scared and paranoid. I felt more like an outsider than I ever had, and I had no confidence, which is bad when you're trying to work on a record. And I had no anonymity because there were a lot of teenagers on the train." In reaction to the young fans he encountered on the underground,
Gerard wrote "Teenagers," a T. Rex-style romp with the chorus line, "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me." "The song came directly from commuting when school let out and being so terrified of them," the singer says. "I was like, Wait a minute. These are the same people that listen to our band. Why am I scared? And I realized it was because they're scared, too. Teenagers are made to feel like they can only solve their problems with violence. They lash out at each other in a really volatile way." After several months experiencing the joys of mass transit, MCR had completed only a handful of songs and felt like a change of scenery (and climate) might do them some good. "I couldn't keep working in New York," says Gerard. "We wanted isolation."
id: Gerard leads the way to what will likely be the band's second platinum record
So the group relocated to Paramour Mansion, outside of L.A. Nestled high in the hills, the deluxe estate overlooks the trendy Silver Lake area and boasts spacious rooms, a gorgeous pool, lush gardens, a state-of-the-art recording facility-and a few special guests.
"The place is definitely haunted," Gerard says. "Doors would slam, and the faucets would turn on. You'd get a bath drawn for you of freezing-cold water in your room, and you wouldn't know why." As unnerving as its mischievous spirits could be, the Paramour was also inspiring, and contributed to the haunting vibe of songs like "The End" and "This Is How I Disappear." More important, it led Gerard to come up with the bleak, surreal concept for the record. "I would have these night terrors, where it would feel like someone was choking me, and my heart would stop and I would stop breathing," he says. "I would wake up in the middle of the night and write these notes to myself, and one of them read, 'We are all just a black parade.' So I started thinking about how this band is kind of a black parade, like a funeral-procession rock thing. And I used that idea to piece together this story about the idea that when you die, death comes for you however you want." Gerard molded his concept into a narrative about a character he dubbed the Patient, whose strongest memory from childhood is of his father taking him to the city to see a parade. Two songs into the album, he dies, and the black parade comes for him.
"During the rest of the story, he meets this entity of death and all these characters, like Mama, who represents anyone who's ever lost their son in a war," Gerard explains. "It's almost like these Canterbury Tales, where he goes along on this journey, and at the end he decides whether he wants to live or die." With the concept in place, My Chem made the songs as sweeping and theatrical as Gerard's lyrics. They accomplished this, in part, by combing through their own eclectic record collections and pulling choice elements that would set them even further apart from other melodic punk bands.
The first two minutes of "Welcome to the Black Parade" stemmed from Gerard's love for Broadway musicals, the horns in "Dead!" came from Mikey's interest in Blur and Britpop, and the jaunty feel of "Mama" was informed by Tom Waits and Nick Cave. But the most poignant moment on the record, "Cancer," was (unlike its morbid moniker) something of a pleasant surprise. "I was very upset about something in my personal life, and that's when that song came out," Gerard says. "It was really spontaneous, and it was recorded pretty much live with Rob [Cavallo, the record's producer] on the piano and me in the vocal booth. Then we added layers of drums, which gave it a certain urgency. It's the song I'm most proud of because it was the most pure emotion we've ever captured, and it gets such an immediate response. You can't shake what the song is about."
As the CD approached completion, some members of the band began to show signs of nervous exhaustion. The group was scheduled to fly to England to play the Reading Festival, and as the date grew near, Toro, who has a fear of flying, got noticeably agitated. Then, after the band tracked "Welcome to the Black Parade," which was originally called "The Five of Us Are Dying," the guitarist lost it.
"I thought I had this premonition," Toro explains. "I was flipping through the TV channels, and on the news. there would be something about a plane crash, and every time I woke up in the morning, the clock would say 9:11. I was playing Tomb Raider the night before the flight, and on the level I ended up at, there was this whole flashback to a plane crash. So right before the flight I was like, 'That's it. I'm not flying."
Despite his misgivings, Toro boarded the plane, and when My Chemical Romance returned to L.A. (all of them still very much alive, thank you very much), The Black Parade was completed without further incident. Listening back to the record, the band members were in awe of what they had achieved and eager to share it with their fans. "There was a real confidence that came to us," Gerard explains. "Having survived it, we felt like we were changed forever. I feel different as a performer now, and I think we really finally discovered who we were as a band." But just because MCR were done with the record didn't mean that it was done with them. About a month later, the band was shooting a video for "Famous Last Words" with director Samuel Bayer (Garbage, Smashing Pumpkins) on a set featuring walls of flame, when-seized by the moment-lero grabbed Gerard's throat from behind and wrestled him to the ground. The singer rolled one way; his foot went the other. "It bent completely backwards, and I heard a crack and felt this agonizing pain," Gerard recalls. "I tore all the ligaments in my foot, but I got up and continued to perform." "I didn't know what I was doing," says lero, shaking his head. "I wasn't trying to hurt him. I felt awful. I still do." Gerard's injury was serious, and he still walks with a cane, but it paled in comparison to what happened to Bryar. At the end of the shoot, the pyro was so intense, the drummer could feel his leg burning, but he stuck it out for the rest of the song. By then, he had a nasty third-degree burn. And the misfortune didn't stop there. Bryar didn't take his antibiotics regularly, and he failed to keep the wound clean. By the time the band got back from a brief tour of Japan, the burn was severely infected. Then Bryar's face swelled up and, after doing the MTV Video Music Awards preshow telecast and a special club show, stumbled into a hospital emergency room in intense pain. "I thought I'd be there for 10 minutes, but as soon as they saw me, they got all serious and gave me an IV and said they had to do a CAT scan," recalls Bryar."They did all these blood tests and kept me there for 14 hours." Doctors discovered that Bryar's leg infection had spread to his blood and caused an abscess in his face that was creeping dangerously close to his brain. If it had been left untreated for another two days, he could have died. "The whole thing was such a nightmare," Bryar says. "This doctor stuck my cheek with a needle about six inches long and the width of an IV tube. Then he went in and out of the inside of my mouth with the needle about 10 times. Fortunately, the treatment worked, and Bryar left the hospital three days later. With tragedy averted, My Chem are now focusing on touring for The Black Parade. They'll be in Europe for most of November, and when they get back at the end of year, they'll start rehearsing for a U.S. arena tour that starts in February. "We want to put on a full show with props and staging like The Wall," Gerard says. And MCR plan to keep the Patient alive long after they're done touring for the CD. "I would love to see the story turned into a play or a musical, and it could easily be a movie," enthuses Gerard. "Making this record, we cut ourselves open every day, pulled out every organ, and lay them on a table so it would be something we're completely happy with. We want The Black Parade to exist for a long time." "The whole hole thing nightmare. This doctor stuck my cheek with a needle about six inches long and the width of an IV tube." -BOB BRYAR
"I felt more like an outsider than I ever had, and I had no confidence, which is bad when you're trying work on a record."
12/2006 revolver - mcrhollywood on flickr
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cadejos · 1 month
a bit of personal nanami trivia (with some higuruma as well) in regards to fashion, color symbolism and morality 💭
the main visual association i made when i first saw nanami's suit was benicio del toro's character in sicario, and it's sort of tinted my personal take on the character since.
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in the film, the color beige is associated with moral ambiguity, of all things. alejandro is a perfect chameleon, a character that blends in with his ever-shifting landscape effortlessly. he never discloses his alliances, and he constantly keeps you guessing about his goals.
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of course, i think those things end up being more applicable to nanami's draft version than his canonical self in any strict capacity. still, i feel like in the context of his character design, it's interesting to consider the choice of beige, a color commonly associated with neutrality—
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—as opposed to a black suit, which could be more conventional. contrast this with our other prominently suited character, and his own much starker moral perspective, which is befitting of a character preoccupied with the justice system. higuruma dons the color black.
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and i feel like it comes down to personal moral frameworks and self-concepts. nanami doesn't view himself as a good person (or a bad one, for that matter), whereas higuruma does seem to focus on the darker side of people, including himself, which leads to self-hatred.
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it may seem silly to suggest that nanami could ever be morally ambiguous (he is one of our most morally outstanding characters, after all), but not only does he likely perceive himself that way since he's a jujutsu sorcerer (though he strives to help others), he also sort of aesthetically plays the role, don't you think? by appearing fashioned after villanous figures (yes, i am taking the yoshikage kira cues as valid too), yet not being actually evil—you end up with a feeling of incongruity. i personally had it at the start, at least. nanami is a character that could have easily ended up being evil, but due to a last minute course correction, he wasn't. yet, you still get to perceive the aesthetic residuals.
as a last note, we can follow through on this color analysis with the movie too. in sicario, alejandro takes off his sport coat whenever he's conducting official "business", donning the color of the law which is blue, and it's nothing but performance on his part, befitting of his enigmatic morality and ability to adapt to his surroundings. however, in nanami's case, we can see that he often takes off his suit jacket or unbuttons it whenever he's really serious about a job, exposing his blue shirt. practicality aside, if we are to consider that beige = ambiguity and blue = justice, then it's at these moments that nanami feels most steadfast about his duty, and he embodies the color associated with righteousness.
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zzthekaiju · 4 months
Call this whining, but now that Wingard's out of the director's seat (here's hoping they either get Dougherty back in the saddle OR someone like Guillermo del Toro on the line), I've been noticing a LOT of people wanting the next Godzilla movie to basically be "Godzilla gets fed up with humanity and turns on us all". And I really don't want that for a number of reasons (reinforces the bias against reptiles, been done before a million times, personal bias, etc.), particularly one specific detail...
It renders Serizawa's sacrifice, and the overarching themes of coexistence in the Monsterverse, entirely pointless.
That heart-tugging scene of him putting the fate of the world and its number one guardian above his own, of him making one last connection with the beast that inspired him, that moment they lock eyes before he gives his life to save him...it all goes down the drain if the ultimate endgame of the Monsterverse is Godzilla becoming our greatest threat when the OH SO PERFECT AND SQUEAKY-CLEAN APE gets to be the hero all the time (don't get me wrong, I love this version of Kong, but it just feeds into the "mammal good, reptile bad" trope I despise so much). Everything Serizawa and Monarch stood for as a whole ends up being for nothing if that's how it all goes down. And really, we've now done the whole "Godzilla gets pissed at us because of the actions of a few" thing with the Mechagodzilla situation.
NOW, I'm not saying Godzilla needs to be totally spotless. Absolutely not. I'm fine with him being kind of a jerk at this point...but what if he changed? What if, instead of just keeping him that way...we saw him develop? Y'know? As a character? Which is what he very much is, and NOT some glorified plot device?
Listen, making our relationship with Godzilla the centerpiece of the conflict isn't a bad idea. Not at all, as a matter of fact. A good way around it could be that the new monster he has to defeat is Hedorah, or a monster very much like Hedorah (considering the involvement of Yoshimitsu Banno, it feels inevitable). A horror conceived by our hubris and lack of care for the Earth. And yeah, Godzilla would be really angry at us...but he could also be tired. Overwhelmed. Borderline depressed at his Sisyphean life of having to undo every mistake we make. Maybe the real conflict could be him trying to find something, anything that makes his job worth it and not him not feel completely out of place in a world that's changed so much in the centuries he's been dormant. Maybe Monarch and/or a new cast of humans could help show the Big G that we appreciate him. They already teased this with how he acts around the Roman Coliseum (the novel confirms that he's homesick, awww), so why not give him that sort of emotional arc like they did for Kong? Maybe even give him more than just one scene with him and Mothra together, and show why their relationship works so well, ESPECIALLY when Big G's having a crisis! A unique jerk-to-nice-guy plot! I don't know, something that doesn't begin and end with him doing nothing but destroy things. That was cool for a while, but we need to get out of this "Godzilla can't be relatable because reptile" bunk that I have no doubt the higher-ups think. Heck, give him that son that Wingard clearly wanted to give him. Maybe the twist is that Little G absolutely adores humans and convinces his old man that they aren't so bad. That would work amazing! The possibilities are endless!
That, or they could go with my pitch for a "Godzilla X Mothra" movie. Please...?
I'm kidding, Twitter user Riamus came up with a WAY better premise, to be honest.
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ghosts-and-glory · 3 months
I'm on a horror movie binge rn. Lmao I'd like to ask: what do you recommend? What are your favorites? (The one I'm watching currently is so mf boring but I'ma see it through)
I know I said I’m a film buff on Instagram and I know you saw it and I almost feel I HAVE to clarify that some of my tastes are like objectively bad. I like DARKSTAR (1974) But boy do I have recommendations.
9 (2009) It’s number 2 on my list of faves. Very very good movie
Mad God (2021) Absolutely a visual masterpiece, kinda lack plot, more vibe based.
The House (2022)
It’s a classic for a reason
The Exorcist (1973)
The Thing (1982) My all time favourite movie
The Conjuring (2013)
Parasite (2019)
Nope (2022)
Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Mist (2007)
Not a horror but still disturbing
Schindler’s List (1993) Had to watch it in two sittings cause I felt sick
Seven (1995)
American History X (1998)
Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) Another movie I just personally love
Mid teir but I was entertained
Barbarian (2022)
Talk To Me (2022)
The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)
Hereditary (2018) I’m sorry I laughed through this movie. The ending is really funny tho.
So bad it’s good
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) Only slasher I like and I fucking love this movie.
The Invisible Man (2022) One of my favourite bad movies
Grimcutty (2022) Watched with family and lost our minds
Hell house LLC (2005)
The Decent (2005)
Tv show honourable mentions
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities (2022) It’s a anthology and very very good
Midnight Mass (2021)
The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)
From (2022) Kind a thriller but the gore fucks so hard.
Hight On My Watch List
Movie I wanna recommend cause I’ve heard really really good things but have yet to get my hands on.
As Above So Below (2014)
Come and See (1986)
Skinamarink (2023)
Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018)
If I think of more I’ll add them. Unfortunately I don’t really have any hidden gems, most of these are relatively mainstream. It’s probably cause my memory is shit and it’s either movies I watched recently or movies that really stuck with me.
If I’m missing a mainstream movie it’s probably just because I don’t like it or haven’t seen it. I’m sorry I don’t like midsommer or the witch, I think they’re boring and not really scary. I also mostly cut movies that are horror comedies like Tusk or Cabinet in the Woods, even tho I like them haha. And I don’t really watch/ like slashers, sorry Saw and Scream movies.
I also want to mention that some movies have more triggering content ie sa and animal death. I highly recommend websites like “Common Sense Media” and “Does the Dog Die” for relatively spoiler free trigger warnings for a comfortable horror experience.
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rdiowx · 1 year
Hi im rdiowx, you can call me Ray or radio since rdio is just radio without the “a”.
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Im autistic and Mcr is my special interest! I do take requests (however they aren’t open for mcr, Gideon graves or ryan ross rn!) if you have any ideas you want written so dont be afraid to ask!
They/them but he/him is fine too
This is a nblm/mlm blog.
Both my ao3 and Wattpad are: Cndlewax
I write for… (hcs are in white fics are in blue)
— EDGING BASEMENT GEE (special appearance from bullets! Frank)
—EDGING BASEMENT GEE (special appearance from bullets! Frank)
nothin yet
nothin yet
nothin yet
Nothin yet
Kinks im fine with
I will write…
The occasional angst (not a big fan)
Pretty dark fics if i have an idea i really like, ex: kidnapping and yandere themes > I HAVE A BLOG FOR THIS NOW ! :3 : @rdiowxdeaddove
Poly x reader relationship, Ex: frerard x reader, rikey x reader
Kinks that arent illegal and dont gross me out :) rn i have no idea what that entails
I will NOT write
Fem readers
Scat kink
Age gaps that are illegal
Pregnancy fics
Angst without comfort/a good ending (i dont know i just dont like them)
Vore (i feel like that speaks for itself no?)
Definitely not major character death man im a crybaby
Most drugs, HOWEVER marijuana is fine cause i have the most experience with it and cigarettes are also fine cause i grew up around a bunch of cigarette smokers.
Selfharm or suicide, i dont read thoes fics let alone feel comfortable writing them
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💧🐕🦇��🦴🌹🧩🩺🕯️🧟‍♀️👾 ,🦈🎸,🫘👽 🐾 🪰, 💣‼️,…
I don’t write for female readers at all.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 2 months
If you want to share; do you have any horror movie reccs? I kinda like the less indie ones haha, but anything is nice!! I really enjoyed Talk to Me and Black Phone from some of the recent-ish ones. Looking forward to watching Longlegs!
oh man do i !! ill share some of my favs and this got really long so under the cut lol
i love scifi horror, and prometheus/alien covenant is such a big pick for me, david8 one of my fav horror antagonists ever. Also in the scifi horror genre, i ADORE event horizon, its basically demonic haunted house in space with the best cast ever and you should watch it.
I love Robert Eggers generally (the lighthouse is probably my favorite movie of all time tho i dont really consider it horror) but the witch is definitely horror and if you like historical/period pieces its an absolute must watch.
If we want some more serious veined and disturbing horrors imo- lets go with Dogtooth and The Killing of a Sacred Deer by Lanthimos. Theyre slower and heavy and too bright and too horrible. their strangeness just picks at you, movies that really feel like someone grabbing your face and forcing you to look. in a similar world, i like funny games, both the original and the remake, as well as suspiria, the original and the remake. It's become rather trendy lately, i keep seeing gifs of it around lol, but Possession is also fantastic, another great performance from sam neill.
I love 80s horror, The Thing is probably one of the best horror movies ever made, just a masterclass of tension and effects work. I love the movie CHRISTINE which is about a murderous possessed car. the shining is a fucking classic and still one of the most unsettling movies for me to watch. i also love children of the corn, the strange folk horror of it is really just kind of crazy cool and underrated imo..
back to recent, its very hyped but It Follows definitely lives up to that hype. one of the best film scores in recent memory, insane performances and sense of dread. if you dont mind extreme heavy violence, green room is a fantastic watch. get out is a modern horror classic and another must watch, and i see it talked about less, but i love peele's US even more and find it so so terrifying, lupita nyongos performance in it is beyond haunting.
im a huge huge sucker for a monster movie, i adore monsters, i've already mentioned the thing and alien series which are great examples but here, take some more! i loved crawl, alligator themed florida horror. Underwater, if you like a big monster. del Toro's mimic is crazy and creepy. Annihilation isn't what id call a horror movie, but its quite horrifying, and definitely has some of my favorite movie monsters... same with When Animals Dream its more a coming of an age than a True Horror but its my favorite werewolf movie ive ever watched so i would be remiss to not mention it
i also LOVE found footage, a subgenre only really pursued by horror film, and theres a lot of bad ones but a few good ones lol. The Bay is one i'll always recommend, it uses so many mediums so well to weave this very real and awful tale of ecohorror. the OG, the blair witch project. Hell House LLC is the perfect halloween movie to get freaked out on before you and your friends go to a haunted house...
i could go on and on but this is already a lot lol....but theres so many great horror movies out there!! you need only to watch them 🫶 hope you enjoy if you do check any of these out!!
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constantineshots · 7 months
Keanu's Constantine movie is a bad adaptation but it does provide you some "Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme" moments if you have read Hellblazer, like that scene where he traps the cockroach with glass,the chair :( ,the security guy with cards,the part where he spits on the sink (imagine if he did spits a parts of his lungs there).... still confused why they made John American and why is chas..like that...I guess I just don't like shia Labeouf:]....
I guess... it wouldn't be that "bad" if John is atleast British?cause I think they capture the vibes better than the NBC show...i think it's better than the show(I haven't watch the show yet)
You know like ur typical comicbook movie from the early 2000
In other Universe there's probably a decent hellblazer live action movie from the 2000 and it's directed by Guillermo del Toro....(My dream hellblazer director) He did Blade 2 and Hellboy 1&2)
i’d say watch the show, but that wasn’t the best adaptation, either. they have zed, but i’m not really sure where they were going with her to begin with because she was just. around john. for some reason. throughout most of the show and had some romantic? plotline? that i still don’t entirely understand but.
anyways, the show feels like a cw show. the movie is not a great adaptation of hellblazer. but there are references to the comic series in a few medias he’s in- they even reference a little bit in dc’s legends of tomorrow ( WHICH IS NOT THE BEST ADAPTATION OF JOHN, EITHER. AGH! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I WATCHED IT ), where he goes back in time and talks to his mother at a bar and essentially has a moment of “if i kick my dad so hard in the balls here, he would never have me” which kinda neglects his sister.
also, yeah, the american vibe did feel very weird to me. which is a shame because i love keanu reeves ( who doesn’t let’s be honest ). but i can agree, there are moments where i’m like “oh that’s neat that they added that!” but they do that with a lot of the media he’s in, you just have to scope it out. hell, they have hellblazer references in supernatural.
i’d have to watch the hellboy movies myself, but i have a friend who was/is in love with them, and she’s a film nerd ( love her tho don’t tell her i said this ) so i’m going to take her word for it honestly and assume he could probably do good. she’s heard me ramble about hellblazer so much that she could give an answer about his ability to direct something like hellblazer- which, i mean, he does a lot of things, so i wouldn’t be surprised if del toro could do a halfway decent job at it.
i’d like a more concrete adaptation of hellblazer, where it’s rooted in the hellblazer comics and not some weird storyline to appeal to mainstream television and media. because hellblazer was never meant to conform and didn’t even conform to the time period it was placed in. that’s all <3
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Started: 20 July 2024
Last updated: 28 Sep 2024
Introduction post/meet the writer
Requests - I take requests from lots of fandoms Note: I don’t write smut or male x male. I’m female and she/her so don’t really have experience to write for it.
Current fandoms I write for: twenty one pilots, one direction, marvel, Star Wars, 5 seconds of summer, my chemical romance, gravity falls, to all the boys I’ve loved before
(But also just feel free to ask because I love so many things there’s a huge chance you’re in a fandom I haven’t listed and I’ll write for it!)
Twenty One Pilots
Tyler Joseph/Blurryface/Clancy
Weak - Tyler Joseph/Blurryface - Angst, Fluff
Break the Cycle - Clancy x Reader + part 2 - Angst
For you - Angst, Fluff
Can you just be an adult about this for once? - Fluff
Cookies - Fluff
Number 16 Cotton Candy + part 2 - Clancy x Reader - Fluff/Angst
In-Ears - Fluff/Angst
Alter Ego - Blurryface - Angst w fluffy end
Fairly Local - Blurryface - Angst w fluffy end
Cover - Fluff
Sleep - Fluff
Bad Date - Fluff
Flirt - Fluff + Mature
Jealous - Angst
Radio interview - Fluff
Taco Bell Day - Fluff
Escape - Clancy x bandito reader
Breakup - Fluff
Elevator - Fluff/Angst?
Josh Dun/Torchbearer
Neighbours - Fluff
Stressed - Angst
Copycat - Fluff
Secret Relationship Joseph!Reader - Angst/Fluff
Promise - Fluff
We're Going Back Torchbearer - Angst/Fluff
Drum Lessons - Fluff
Irrational - Angst
Lore - Fluff
Anniversary Date Torchbearer - Fluff
First Kiss - Fluff
Kids - Fluff
Study - Fluff
Spooky Jim + part 2 - Angst/Dark
Pushing me away - Angst w fluff
Daughter - Torchbearer x Nico!Daughter!Reader
My Chemical Romance
Gerard Way/Party Poison
Desert Echoes (Dad Party x Daughter) - Angst
Welcome to The Black Parade - Gerard Way x reader + part 2
Opener - Reunion!Gerard x Reader - Fluff + Reunion Tour
What's Wrong - Reunion!Gerard x Reader - Angst
Secrets in the Zones - Party Poison x Dr D.'s Daughter
Mikey Way
Trapped - Fluff, Angst
Surprise! - Fluff
Water Fight - Fluff
Frank Iero
God you're annoying - Angst
I don't want them to hurt you - Angst
The Project - Fluff
Am I supposed to be impressed? - Frank Iero + Gerard Way x Reader
Ray Toro
none yet!
Peter Parker/Spiderman
The Darkroom - Fluff
Interview - Fluff
Bullies - Fluff
5 Seconds of Summer
Luke Hemmings
none yet!
Michael Clifford
none yet!
Ashton Irwin
none yet!
Calum Hood
none yet!
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Michael in the Mainstream: Top 100 Movies #100 - #76
For the longest time I've wanted to do something like this, but I never could find the right time to do it. It just seemed so daunting, and the website's image limit was a hindrance, and then my computer died and my wife's computer was all I could use... and then I went on my hiatus from doing major reviews. But I found some time, so here we go.
These are my hundred favorite films ever made, divided into fourths so each one can get an image and I can devote more time to gushing about them if I want to without feeling like I'm dragging things out.
Speaking if dragging things out, let us waste no more time! We have a hundred movies to go, so let's knock out the botom quarter!
100. Us
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Jordan Peele’s sophomore effort gets a lot of shit that I feel is mostly undeserved. Sure, some of the over explaining at the climax is a bit clunky when taken at face value, but it almost feels like it’s by design, as if the movie is daring you to nitpick the premise so that you can ignore the message it’s trying to convey. For me, I find that the stellar themes, fantastic acting, and godly soundtrack manage to make up for any of this movie’s flaws.
99. Crimson Peak
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Murder! Mystery! Ghosts! Incest! Leave it to Guillermo del Toro to craft a Gothic horror film this stylish and impressive! This might just be my favorite of his films, and I definitely think it is severely overlooked compared to the rest of his output.
98. Mandy
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Nicolas Cage is one of my favorite actors of all time, because when he goes crazy it’s always fun, and when he’s dramatic he genuinely kills it. This film lets him do both,with the first half being a slow burn dramatic romance that ends in horrific tragedy, and the back half having him do demon drugs and get into a chainsaw duel while he murders an entire cult. Truly a beautifully insane film.
97. Scream
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The film that both revitalized and ruined the slasher genre, with winking nods to the tropes that made those films what they are while also playing things just straight enough to be appealing. Only a genre master like Wes Craven could pull off a pitch-perfect satire like this, though none of it would be near as good if it didn’t have a great cast who were firing on all cylinders. Young Neve Campbell before she became a sellout, Matthew Lillard cementing his place in horror history, David Arquette and Courtney Cox in their prime, and Roger “Mojo Jojo” Jackson playing the iconic voice of Ghostface… They’re as crucial to this movie’s success as the meta winks and impressive kills are.
96. Jojo Rabbit
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Taika Waititi made one bad superhero movie and then everyone turned on him as if he didn’t make the film that proves you absolutely could make Blazing Saddles in this day and age. While it’s neither as gut-bustingly funny nor as profane as Mel Brooks’ magnum opus, it’s still a very fun, funny, and heartbreaking satirization of Nazism. I think he’s allowed to make one Love and Thunder when he made something this good.
95. Akira
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The movie with the coolest bike slide in cinematic history, and this is indisputable because every single movie and show with motorcycles in it borrowed that cool bike slide. This film does show its age a bit, but it’s still an awesome sci-fi showcase of animated action and body horror. Plus it’s just a lot of fun seeing Tetsuo and Kaneda spend at least half of their dialogue dramatically screaming each other’s names.
94. 300
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I make fun of Zack Snyder a lot, but I do it out of love; the dude who made 300 has gotta be capable of doing better than his recent output, after all. Stylish, slick action and slow-mo put to good use showing an army of nearly naked macho men cutting down hordes of nasty bad guys… The fact I watched this movie so much as a teenager should’ve been the first hint I was bisexual.
93. Spider-Man: No Way Home
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People are really fucking hard on the MCU Spidey, and not without reason, but sometimes it really comes off as disingenuous. Look at this film, for instance; it has gotten some flak for just being a cheap nostalgia circlejerk that uses cameos so you can clap and cheer and ignore the ‘plot holes.’ I cannot imagine being that miserable of a movie watcher. To me, this film is a tribute to the cinematic Spideys that came before while giving them some degree of closure that I never thought I’d see, while simultaneously bringing Holland’s take on the character closer to where he should be. It’s also really hard to hate a movie where Willem Dafoe gets to go Goblin Mode again and power bomb Tom Holland through several floors of an apartment, cementing him as comic book movie villain royalty once and for all. Are there cheesy moments, moments where things don’t make the most sense? Sure. But to focus on those bits instead of the core themes and how the characters are used is an awful way t do film criticism. The returning heroes and most of the returning villains are used very effectively to tell the story they wanted to tell, and most importantly they don’t overshadow Tom and his friends. The fact he stands toe-to-toe with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield is nothing short of amazing, spectacular even.
92. The Lost Boys
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Joel Schumacher died with one of the most unfairly earned infamous reputations around. Man made one campy superhero movie where you can see George Clooney’s nips and hear Arnold Schwarzenegger make ice puns and suddenly everyone forgets he made one of the greatest and most homoerotic vampire films ever made. While the stuff with the kids is very hit or miss, the stuff with David and his vampire biker gang is awesome, and the climax is one hell of a good time.
91. Barbie
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Want to introduce your kids to feminist concepts but really don’t think they’re ready for Poor Things? Greta Gerwig has got you covered, with this pink-hued intro to feminism that uses the world’s most popular doll in a meta-narrative about her impact as well as what it means to be a woman and how the patriarchy is detrimental to both men and women. Margot Robbie gives a great performance as the titular heroine, but it is Ryan Gosling as the well-meaning idiot turned antagonist Ken that steals the show. It helps that he sings one of the most incredible, sincere power ballads ever written.
90. Street Fighter
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As a connoisseur of cheesy, “so bad it’s good” films, quite a few of them have made my top 100. Here’s the first of those, this goofy Saturday morning cartoon of a film where the most American character ever (Guile) is played by the least American guy imaginable (Jean-Claude Van Damme). While it undeniably fumbles a lot of the cast of the game it’s adapting, Chun-Li and especially M. Bison are done so well it’s hard to be too mad. It’s a fun, stupid, silly 90s action film and sometimes that’s all I need.
89. Knives Out
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After polarizing sci-fi audiences with his Star Wars film, Rian Johnson subverted our expectations by delivering a whodunnit for the ages. After seeing them restrained by blockbuster franchises for the better part of a decade, seeing Daniel Craig and Chris Evans really let loose again is a real treat.
88. Everything Everywhere All at Once
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Twitter tries to convince me every other week that this movie is dogshit, but I ain’t buying it. This is one of the best uses of the multiverse in recent memory, using it to tell a stylish, silly, and heartfelt story about family and trauma. The entire cast is amazing, but it’s Ke Huy Quan in his big return to the silver screen that really steals the show.
87. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
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My favorite thing about this movie, this proto-slasher, is just how fucking unclean it makes me feel. It’s not overly violent or gory, but it is genuinely grimy and unsettling in a way few other horror films can match. The dinner scene near the end in particular is just so fucking unnerving. Just truly unmatched atmosphere with this movie.
86. Spaceballs
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While I’m not going to argue that this is a better film than Blazing Saddles, I still enjoy it a lot more since I’m a bigger fan of Star Wars and sci-fi than I am of Westerns. It’s just a damn funny parody, and hoe can it not when it has some of the funniest people to ever live (Mel Brooks, Joan Rivers, Rick Moranis, John Candy) and a great heroic lead performance from Bill Pullman all delivering some of the silliest lines ever written?
85. RRR
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This is basically live action historical fiction anime. These characters pull off some of the most insane feats of action I have ever seen, action that makes the average American action film look like Peppa Pig. But I would not give a shit if there wasn’t a strong emotional core; the two leads have a brotherly bond unlike anything I’ve ever, and it makes the action that much sweeter. Frankly, this movie would make the list just for the final battle alone, since it might be my favorite action scene of all time.
84. Strange Magic
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This movie holds a very special place in my heart. I went to see this with my wife back when we first started dating, and at the time I was filled with anxiety and insecurity, worried that I wasn’t good enough and didn’t deserve a relationship among other things. I sat down to watch this, and when it got to the titular song, something clicked, and I felt secure. I felt like our relationship was the right thing, and all these years later it’s hard to deny I was right. So thank you to this cheesy jukebox musical inspired by Shakespeare and George Lucas’ desire to make a film for little girls. They will never convince me you’re a bad movie.
83. Princess Mononoke
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Maybe Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is objectively better, but this is my favorite. I think it’s because this one is a lot more excitin and action-packed, with all sorts of thrilling setpieces interspersed with the quieter dramatic moments Miyazaki excels at.
82. Jurassic Park
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One of Spielberg’s greatest achievements is bringing dinosaurs to life on the big screen. No matter how many times I sit down to watch this, I still feel the same awe the characters do when they lay their eyes on the dinosaurs—which really highlights how good the cast is, because they’re amazingly convincing even when they’re looking at dated 90s CGI.
81. Labyrinth
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It’s David Bowie starring as the villain in a musical filled with puppets that’s directed by Jim Henson. How the fuck is it possible to not love this movie?
80. V for Vendetta
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Yes, this does dumb down the politics of Alan Moore’s comic significantly and turns the story into a much more straightforward plot. But what it lacks in depth, it makes up for with Hugo Weaving and pyrotechnics. And it’s not like there’s no depth here; crucially, this film keeps the entirety of the prisoner’s letter sequence. If that was left out, I would not have liked this movie at all.
79. Wreck-It Ralph
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It’s amazing how much Disney got right here that it would go on to get wrong over the next decade. We have a hidden twist villain, something that hampered later films… but he’s shown to be a dick, with the villain reveal being how evil he is. It’s a big crossover of nostalgic properties… but they’re more used as seasoning for a story about original characters. It’s just astonishing how Disney would end up dropping the ball, even in this film’s sequel, when they got everything right the first time.
78. Sin City
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What’s black and white and red all over? This bloody brilliant adaptation of Frank Miller’s sleazy comics (and one of the last genuinely good things with his name attached to it). The visual style here is the real big selling point; it genuinely looks like the pages of a comic come to life. While the movie as a whole is fantastic and “The Big Fat Kill” segment is still really, “The Hard Goodbye” and “That Yellow Bastard” are the real highlights, the former because of a career highlight performance from Mickey Rourke and a terrifying villain turn from Elijah Wood of all people, the latter because of one of Bruce Willis’ finest performances of the 2000s and excellent use of slight splashes of color (yellow for the titular bastard).
77. Batman & Robin
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As long as I live, this movie will have at least one defender. Joel Schumacher created a silly, campy comic book movie for the ages, and maybe back in the day people weren’t read for it… but I was. I love the ice puns, the nipples, the bat credit card, all of it! All of its silly, stupid corniness makes this as memorable as it is! It’s like the West show with a gigantic budget.
76. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
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And speaking of camp, here is the cult classic. We can argue all day and all night whether this film has aged badly, but this was a huge step forward for queer cinema on top of being a damn good musical. If nothing else, this movie helped rocket Tim Curry into the stratosphere and made him the star we know him as.
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f1-birb · 11 months
you're welcome! :) fernando is known for taking and interest in and tracking the careers of all the drivers who won in fa kart, he did the same with oscar. obviously now he has his academy and manages some of those drivers too so he plays more of an active role than he used to. you may know this already too but couple of fun facts about lando - when he did his first test drive in 2017, the one he won with the 2016 brdc award and led to him being made a mclaren jr and starting the internship at the mtc, nando was there and lando posted times within 2 tenths of nando's time at just turned 17! also when lando did his first ever fp1 in 2018 at spa he crucified poor stoffel in the times from his first few laps. that fp1 was mclaren's final test for him to confirm the 2019 seat and he was announced v soon after. never been confirmed but rumour back in 2018 was that when rb were chasing lando for the toro rosso seat earlier in the summer it was fernando who pushed zak and boullier to take lando seriously as a prospect to go straight into the team in 2019. their original plan was apparently for him to do 2 years in f2 before promoting him but fernando's persuasion was rumoured to have made them think about promoting him earlier and then that fp1 sealed it.
I'm claiming you as the Lando-Nando Lore Anon
I knew with his academy he was pretty active in keeping an eye on talents and that he manages some of them, and I knew Oscar was an FA Kart kid like Lando, but I wasn't aware of how much he'd been doing the observing/borderline scouting before he had his academy
I hope everyone else likes the fun facts, because Lando being within 2 tenths of Nando's times is one of my favourites
I do feel bad for Stoff a little because Lando really did say "get fucked mate" 🥲 but equally it got my boy his seat and I can't be mad about that one bit
see that is a rumour I did not know! the Lando/RB one that I believe was confirmed (but I could be wrong!) was when Marko asked Lando if he knew how much an FRen car weighed and when Lando said he didn't his response was to say that Max would, and that was a sign Lando took to effectively mean "if you're not Max RB won't care" and it's played a part of why he's turned them down since, but I actually would love it the "Fernando pushed for Lando" one does have truth to it (if not just fully the truth)
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iheartfrogs1904 · 10 months
I watched this video essay talking about the sympathy for monsters. I didn’t realize that when people were kids they never felt bad for the dragon that would be ‘slayed’ in those children books yk. I feel like especially with this generation people are being taught more empathy like with stories like shrek (ya I did use it as an example like don’t even) where the ‘monster’ is a character who deserves empathy, like shrek. Like he literally just vibes in his swamp and people hate on him, I see in a lot of monster stories it’s there’s always an element of the monsters being invaded, even when you supposed to root for the invader(humans) which is find really fascinating. Like in the back of our minds when creating stories like this there’s always an element of humans invading or the monster being a “living obstacle” (Curious Archive (n.d.) Sympathy for the Monster). Curious archive also brought up a point that I never noticed, that when the monsters are shown to be on the ‘good’ side or sympathetic too they go up against an alien, a different type of monster. He mentioned colonialism in the YouTube video as well and it made me wonder like why these monsters need to go up against something otherworldly to show that they are worthy of sympathy from the other side, I’m referring mostly to Kaiju(mainly Godzilla) at this moment. Even in these stories they emphasize that humans are somehow separate from the “natural” order and the monster is there to protect it or the other way around, there is never the message of both should exist together without the existence of another monster threat to both sides. It is that colonial mindset that we are separated from nature that I think these tropes stem from, which makes sense especially with Kaiju when looking at the origins of it. Why does there need to be a side of humans vs monsters/nature instead of humans learning to be with monsters/nature again? That’s also why shrek is good because he helps the other animals in the forest and helps Fiona be herself which I really love :). Another take on sympathy for the monster is how we looks at marginalized people, like in Guillermo del toros movie the shape of water. I love the portrayal of how the monster is as an actual being and not just a crazy fish guy, and ya the main girl does get with him but it’s the way he understands what it is like for her in a world that at the time (and still today honestly) didn’t accept or care about disabled people, you can see in the other two supporting characters they are also marginalized as well and it makes sense why they were the ones to help fish guy n the main girl escape, because they too understood what it was like to be perceived as an other in their society. This trope doesn’t even have to apply to monsters specifically and just the “bad” side in general in stories as you can see time and time again a lot of villains are made to be disabled or marginalized which again is why I love the shape of water, shrek and also megamind too because they subvert these tropes, humanizing these dehumanized characters and actually respecting them in their story as people and not just as a “living obstacle”.
I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND WATCHING CURIOUS ARCHIVES VIDEO SYMPATHY FOR THE MONSTERS because he voiced everything I thought and more in that video :).
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preciadosbass · 2 months
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woke up at 10 to my dad shaking me, he seemed in so much more of a better mood than the past few days, which is good. i told him about the frank, mikey and gerard sightings [even though i’d already told him about gerards] and we joked for a bit. i don’t really remember what about but it made me feel good. i had my breakfast while showing him a few tiktok’s related to bands i like and stuff. not to mention i obviously cuddled boris the second i saw him. also, saw the RAY TORO PHOTO AAA HES ALIVE
after fussing boris some more i went back to sleep at 11:50 because i felt like my eyes were forcefully being pryed open.. took a while to actually get to sleep because of how hot it is. i eventually did and woke up 2ish. my mum and sister had already left to go out as my sister found out one of her online friends she games with lives close to us. i watched my dad play roblox again and he kept on blaming me whenever he died in natural disasters lmaoo — he played two more games before we went out for a walk to pick blackberries at around 4.
most of the ones i picked i didn’t end up keeping because i’m very particular and i cant eat them if they’re the slightest bit squishy/if the separate berry things that make them up are too big. its really weird. anyway, we’re both terrible at making conversation so we just tended to point out things around us, if that makes sense. like, ‘those ones don’t look ripe’. we were out for 30/40 minutes and when i got back home i cuddled boris. he seems off today, like the weather isn’t too bad and he hasn’t gone out from my knowledge, and he doesn’t seem content when i stroke him. i’m worried about him.
i continued watching a gerard video id started watching yesterday and went out to see boris. my parents were in the kitchen at the same time and i mentioned him seeming off but they said he went outside when i had my nap so that’s reassuring. i didn’t stay out there for long because he wanted to come back in. when i did come in i watched my dad play natural disaster again and had something to eat because just moving my head was making my vision cut out. afterwards i checked on boris and scrolled on mcrblr.
i did ask my mum if we could go on a walk but she said no so i’m still really anxious as i won’t be able to burn off what i’ve eaten. exercising at home just dosent cut it for me. i always get caught and become unmotivated so fast. it’s understandable that she did refuse though, she barely ever does, and she’s been up someone else house all day feeling awkward. i also asked quite late considering how fast it gets dark.
i carried on doing my own thing [looking at various band related posts] up until about 9, nearly ten, when i went upstairs to talk to my dad while waiting for my sister to get to sleep so i could ask the questions about boris. my mum said yesterday that maybe i should include my sister in my routine and ask her a couple questions, so after dad watched me play natural disaster for a while as we waited, i went into her room as i knew she was still awake and did exactly that. she’s almost always really understanding about the whole compulsion thing, although i knows she dosent actually get it because i dont myself, and it’s my issue.
i eventually asked my parents the questions which took longer than i’d anticipated because of how different i think boris has been acting today. cutting the questions down and making them easier to go through makes my compulsions so much worse and sends me into utter panic but i tried my best not to drag it on, although i did. i just love boris so much. after that i went downstairs, had some icy water, brushed my teeth and said goodnight to boris. i brought his food to him so i could make sure he’s eaten and told him in advance about me being out practically the whole day tomorrow.
i hate being away from him, it makes me feel so guilty. plus, being with him just makes me feel so comforted, and hopefully it does the same for him too. i think it might do because for example, our dog is very noisy and he [boris] seems to be calmer when the dog barks if someone’s stroking him. which is another reason why i don’t like being away, i don’t like him being scared, or for him to be feeling anything bad in general. he knows he’s the boss of the dog though, which is good because of their size difference. i went to sleep early at 1:36 because i have to wake up somewhat early in the morning. i feel bad about barely doing anything at all today, but at least ill be productive tomorrow.
have a good day/night -_<
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grandtheftgoose · 5 months
ok whatever fob mcr band au
pete wentz: dream, he’s very pete coded to me in his yapping and heart on his sleeve
patrick stump: bad, they give me the same vibes and yeah
joe trohman: sam, this makes more sense in my head but i feel like sam and joe are similarish
andy hurley: puffy, i really wanted puffy in here and she gives me drums vibes
gerard way: sapnap, guys imagine sapnap with red hair like cmon also him and george as the ways?!?
mikey way: george, he should be bassist and he’s my babygirl also dnf is endgame so therefore petekey
ray toro: sylvee, incredible hair and guitarist sylvee 😍
frank iero: gia, women on guitar 😍😍 and also i love gia in au’s and i feel like george, gia, sapnap, and sylvee make sense as a band
gabe saporta: skeppy, i wanted skeppy in this au and i thought it would be funny like “pete wentz is the only reason we’re famous” is a very skeppy coded song
also idc about shipping outside of dnf like maybe skephalo patrick/gabe but that’s it.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 months
Universal Monsters Watch Through thoughts 6
So my watch through of Universal Monster films ends....On a whimper.This was the hardest batch to get thorugh cause the films were kind of meh and I was a little burnt out
26.Abott and Costello Meets the Invisble Man (1951)
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So I always heard this was the funniest of the Abott and Costello Monster trilogy ,and while I personally prefer Meet Frankenstein...This was pretty fun .Arthur Franz is decent as an invisble boxer accused for murder,William Frawley has a fun role as a cop ,and the wronged man plot works here.The highlight of the film is the boxing match where the Invisible Man helps Lou pretend to be a boxer.My big complaints are....I dont like Bud here,hes too mean and conniving ,and honestly the comedic premise of Lou getting scared and Bud not beliving him wears thin for me
27.Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954)
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So this is really the last film of the big ones,the last Universal monster introduced ,and owing less to the gothic feel of most of the other monsters ,we are firmly in the era of 1950's monster movies .Aside from Frankenstein,The Creature or Gill Man is the monster I have the most nostalgia for,for two reasons :First is when I was very young I actually went to Wakulla Springs for a fieldtrip ,where they filmed the underwater scenes from the movie (And got scared by a tourguide who implied the Creature might be real ).Second is when I was 12 I went with my Moms side of the family to Universal Studios Florida ,and spotted in the gift shop a bunch of Universal Monster DVD's ,but my mom said I could only get two ,so I got the FRankenstein set(Cause Frankenstein was already a favorite) and the Creature from the Black Lagoon set (Due to the Wakulla Springs trip which got me curious to see the movie )....Also due to getting those sets we got a few free tickets for Mummy 3 Tomb of the Dragon Emperor so that was fun .Anyway I watched Creature many times as a kid .....But while I have nostalgia for the film and love the Gill Man ....Every time I try to watch this film as an adult....I just feel it lacks something.The plot kind of meanders ,while the actors are great (Especially Julie Adams as the leading lady and Richard Dennings as the villain )I find the characters stiff and the ending is a big anticlimax .Not even mentioning the fact the Creatures theme is kind of annoying with how much it is used ....That said I do think this IS a good movie ,with excellent underwater cinematagorphy,the cast is exccellent as I said,the scene where Adams character and the Creature swim together is like an iconic movie moment,.....And the Creature himself is pretty great ,with an excellent design and being a monster I feel for .Also props to his two performers,Ricou Browning (For underwater scenes) and Ben Chapman (For the on land scenes ).Also one cannot deny the legacy of the film and influence it had,especially on filmmakers like Stephen Spielberg and Guillermo Del Toro
28.Revenge of The Creature(1955)
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I mean...Its alright .I like the premise of the Gill Man being put on exhibit in Marineland in Florida (Also as a Floridian I am so delighted how much Florida has to play in the Universal Monsters verse,also being the setting forAbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein ) ,I feel true sympathy for the Gill Man who is being prodded and detained by scientists and its a pretty well made film.....My problem is I am rooting soley for the Gill Man as I dont give a damn about John Agar or any of the human characters .Also dont like the big ping pong eyes of the creature in this film.Though the film is fun to watch to spot a young Clint Eastwood .Not a bad film,decent sequel but not one of my faves
29.Abott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955)
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Tired.Thats the word to describe this film,tired .This was the comedy duos last film for Universal and it just feels routine ....But also over stuffed,with Bud and Lou having to deal with multiple factions of characters and the Mummy is barely in it .There is one funny bit where Bud and Lou keep switching a cursed amulet ,got some laughs and its better then most of the mummy flicks but I didnt have a fun time with it .Not even Michael Ansara could save this
30.Creature Walks Among Us(1956)
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And at last we get to the final film in the Universal Monster cycle.....And while not a complete dud ,its pretty boring.Aside from the villain being a jealous husband the human characters might as well be carboard and not a lot happens.IT does have a cool premise though with the Gill Man getting burnt and surgically becoming more humanoid....And it solidifies the Gill Man as one of the most tragic of the monsters and the one with the most complete story.Will say while I dont like the movie .....The ending is great and a fitting capstone to this watch through
Final thoughts:This watch through was fun ,there were some duds (Mostly the Mummy movies ) ,but it soldified my love of these monsters ,actors and characters.Might do one more post about my overall thoughts but till then here is all 30 films ranked
The 30 Universal Monster films rankes
30.The Mummys Tomb
29.Werewolf of London
28.Invisble Agent
27.She Wolf of London
26.Mummys Hand
25.Mummys Curse
24.Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy
23.Creature Walks Among Us
22.Son of Dracula
21.House of Dracula
20.Invisible Woman
19.Ghost of Frankenstein
18.House of Frankenstein
17.Revenge of the Creature
15:Mummys Ghost
14.The Invisible Mans Revenge
13.Abbott and Costello Meet The Invisible Man
12.Dracula's Daughter
11.Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman
10.Creature from the Black Lagoon
8.Invisible Man Returns
7.Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
6.Invisble Man
5..Son of Frankenstein
4.Phantom of the Opera
3.Wolf Man
1.Bride of Frankenstein
@ariel-seagull-wings @piterelizabethdevries @countesspetofi
@themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
@princesssarisa @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench
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monsterblogging · 5 months
Pacific Rim: Ascension is pretty good, actually
So yeah, Pacific Rim: Ascension is a prequel novel to Pacific Rim: Uprising, and based on that you might think it wouldn't be that great. But IMO, it's very much worth reading for a number of reasons.
The author was clearly very familiarized with the lore developed for PR1, and actually integrates a lot of it into the story in a way that gives it a sense of depth, reality, and drama that Uprising and The Black lack. Characters are also generally written well (and Hermann is written so wonderfully well), and Vik and Jinhai's backstories are, in my opinion, extremely engaging. And if you're one of the people disappointed that the Kaidonovskys and Cherno Alpha didn't get more screentime, you are absolutely in for a treat.
For the lore-oriented fans, the author's clear attention to detail means this book is actually a fairly reliable source on what was originally developed for PR1, including Jaeger details and character histories. It does include at least one piece of outdated data (Romeo Blue having three legs), and the story claims that drift compatibility is something you either have or don't have (something we know isn't true from Beacham's posts), but there's no reason to dispute, say, Vulcan Specter having a drill weapon or Shaolin Rogue having an extra-aquatic design.
The book also gives us lots of wonderfully bizarre kaiju. The somewhat frequent mentions of tentacles (forbidden by del Toro) suggests that these are based on very concepts, or were invented by the author himself. Either way, they are absolutely great monster designs. If anything, some of the things these monsters have going on make the movie's kaiju look a little boring.
That said, it's not perfect. Hermann's cane is never mentioned at all, and - well, the rest of the issues are spoilers, so I'll put them under a cut.
We learn that some people have apparently been using Pons technology to implant programming into people's minds - a detail which ultimately has no relevance on the plot, and feels weirdly edgy for Pacific Rim. And I know it's a common trope in sci-fi, but its proximity to right wing conspiracy theory bullshit makes it... not exactly my favorite trope. I don't know whether its presence in sci-fi is really super problematic, but in real life belief in this kind of thing has been used to basically justify witch hunting. Like, I understand the dramatic value here, but at the same time, people still living today were put on trial and even sent to jail based on belief that this was a real thing. Like I'm not going to tell you that this is an Objectively Bad Trope, but it's definitely a trope with a lot of terrible baggage.
The story also gives an explanation for how it was worked out that kaiju blood explodes when exposed to rare earth minerals, and it's pretty ridiculous. Supposedly a kaiju's blood rained down on a microchip factory, and the factory exploded. Accepting this detail means accepting that nobody's phones, laptop computers, or other electronic devices never came into contact with kaiju blood splatter or mist, and that kaiju blood never splattered into a damaged conn-pod. This is the kind of thing that should have been observed fairly early in the kaiju war, not several years in.
Also the PPDC in this book apparently just classifies information for No Real Reason, like the fact that a particularly violent kaiju cult tried to destroy the world. Like you'd think that this would be the kind of thing they'd want to broadcast, for reasons of "hey look how awful our political enemies are."
Also lol the fact that PPDC records pilots' drift memories and just peek into them is creepy. Like it doesn't exactly make Mako Mori look good when we learn she's been invading cadets' privacy like this, ya know?
But yeah like, I think it's definitely worth a read. The book shows a lot of imagination and makes good use of Pacific Rim's worldbuilding. Even if you don't like Uprising, you'll probably still find something to enjoy about it.
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cypriathus · 1 year
Updated: September 10, 2024
My anon name is 🦅🦁 or 🦁🦅
For those who stumble upon my account... Hello and how are ya? This is my very first time using Tumblr! You can refer to me as Yume, Dreamy, Floof, JJ, Roving, Gryph or whatever nickname you wanna give me. I'm a genuinely curious individual who sometimes gets obsessed with stuff that I eventually want to get engaged with or stuff that I have no intention of trying out, but I'm very fascinated by it. I'm also just a silly, creative Canadian who's trying to get the most out of life.
My general pronouns are she/her, but I genuinely don't mind you referring to me as they/them and he/him. I will not specify my age publicly due to privacy reasons. If you want to know, just shoot me a DM/message.
Some of my hobbies include writing, drawing, listening to music, reading novels and manga, watching YouTube, occasionally watching movies, TV shows or anime, and baking once in a blue moon. For those wondering what kind of art I do, I've primarily been doing a lot of digital artwork as of now. However, I have been using traditional mediums (acrylic paint, markers, coloured pencils, and regular ol' pencils) for many years now. You can find most of my current artworks that I have shared on my Instagram account (@cypriathus). Before we move on with other stuff about me, some of my interests include psychology, sociology, criminology, law, biology, outer space, mythology, folklore, legends, religion, history, internet mysteries, and lost media.
My Tumblr family!
I listen to a myriad of music artists including:
Set It Off
System Of A Down
Tally Hall
Citizen Soldier
Fall Out Boy
Finger Eleven
Get Scared
Avenged Sevenfold
Sick Puppies
Infected Musroom and so much more
I have watched a lot of anime and there are still some I need to get around to watching eventually. Some of these anime include:
Cat Soup
Ergo Proxy
Perfect Blue
Tokyo Godfathers
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Haibane Renmei
Outlaw Star
Now and Then, Here and There
Serial Experiments Lain
Summer Wars
Angel's Egg
Most Studio Ghibli movies
Cowboy Bebop
The Tatami Galaxy
Mind Game
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
Mononoke and so much more
Non-anine movies and TV shows that I remember watching:
Breaking Bad franchise
American History X
Mad God
Schindler's List
Final Space
Del Toro's Pinocchio
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
The Mask
The Wedding Singer
The Dark Crystal
Lord of War
Monty Python and the Holy Grail & Monty Python's Life of Brian
Silence of the Lambs
Popee the Performer
Mr. Stain on Junk Alley
And many more
Some manga and books that I have currently read are:
Chainsaw Man
The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún
The Ancient Magus' Bride
Trigun and Trigun Maximum
Goodbye, Eri
Look Back
Yogen no Nayuta
Eden: It’s An Endless World
Keyman: The Hand of Judgement
Rojica to Rakkasei
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
Animal Farm
The Green Mile
Salem's Lot
Lord of the Flies
The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Complete Tales of H. P. Lovecraft and more
I would like to stay anonymous for the most part, so don't pry me for certain information that I don't feel comfortable sharing. I'll only share bits and pieces of my life if I feel comfortable with you.
Don't ask me for pictures of myself or I'll block you immediately!
Don't be rudely judgemental
Don't send anon hate
Don't say discriminatory and sexually disgusting things
Don't threaten me
Don't mention pre-existing fictional characters or other forms of media through the comments, reblogs, and inbox.
Don't recommend me pieces of media I should watch and/or read because that gets under my skin really badly as I view it as a threat to my independence and freedom of choice.
If you want to provide constructive criticism, give me more than one thing to work off of because it'll give more of an opportunity to grow.
Do not interact with me if you're one of the following (I'll add more if needed):
Someone who invalidates a person's pronouns, gender, and/or identity
Someone who supports, participates, tolerates, and/or justifies any of the above.
That's most of the stuff you need to know about me as of now. Anyways, as I mentioned in the description, I plan on using this blog as a way to share various ideas in regards to my personal writing projects. I'm open to listening to your ideas, sharing new ideas, and even constructive criticism! I hope you enjoy your stay here and I can't wait to share my ideas with y'all!
I have a side blog where I roleplay, make moodboards, and post stuff that ain't related to my work: @floofgryph
I also have a Metal Slug blog: @thesilliestrovingalive
Writing Projects:
Masterpost for the Iron Eclipse AU (Metal Slug)
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