#and how coold they look together
hhighkey · 2 years
Idk if you take requests but 👉👈
I'd love to see more of your Todo works! M-maybe Todo x fem!reader first time being intimit? 👉👈💦💦💦 but like, both of them being nervous messes. I think that would be cute.
But if not thats coold too! Have a good day ❤️
AN// umm the way this is something i think abt consistently??? u read my mind
Aoi Todo Headcanon
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your first time with todo ;)
my ultimate headcanon is that you’re older
idk why i see todo as this amazing younger guy so dedicated to his older gf and just ugh
unyielding to you!
but like in control in the bedroom though btw
neither of y’all are virgins but still want to wait a few months in to the relationship to make sure it’s serious - and you both take sex seriously
but with todo how can it not be?
both of you know this is endgame
i imagine regardless of his confidence he’s nervous as you two strip, hands all over each other, lips puffy and red
he’s fumbling with your bra
you can barely get his pants off
just soft giggles against each others mouths as you two take in the new intimate moments
todo takes things so seriously when it comes to you
so seriously his hands have a minor shake to them
he’s much bigger than you so knows he doesn’t want to hurt you, while you just attempt to tug at him to get him closer and closer
sloppy kisses with moans as you two grind up against each other
imagine feeling this man’s length like -
you feel nervous butterflies in your stomach, that heat rising, and tingles
your fingers are stuck at the waistline of his boxers, nervous to pull them down
“c’mom baby”
he places his large hands over yours and helps you
todo is big
no arguments
when he springs free you give a little gasp at the sight of him, hand shaking as you go to grasp his shaft
todo feels like he could buckle under your touch at any second, come right undone in your hand
so many sparks and butterflies between you two nervous, excited wrecks - that todo finally gets ahold of himself and does what he does best
he’ll eat you out until he’s brought you to orgasm
loves seeing you writhe under his big hand on your abdomen as he watches you from your cunt
so proud!
when it’s time, y’all are bright red, nervous. but smiling and lips on each other’s as his tip is at your entrance
oh it hurts
you’re eyes have rolled back in the initial pain as you gasp, fingernails digging into his biceps or back
“fuck you’re so tight for me.” he’d groan in pleasure as your walls squeeze around him
but he’s making sure you’re okay first, doesn’t care about his pleasure if you’re in pain
his lips are just gracing your neck and collarbone, leaving trails of hickeys behind
waits till you’re adjusted to him to start moving
you’re just underneath his large body with a pleasure drunk smile as you urge him to take you
“fuck todo you’re too big,” you’re moaning as he fucks up into you hitting all your spots
“your pussy can take it baby. being such a good girl for me.”
you both are in pure bliss as he fucks up touching your womb, his cock’s outline evident in your lower abdomen as he moves in and out
knows how to position your leg(s) to reach deeper
has you seeing stars as your body jerks in pleasure
soft “i love you’s” whispered constantly
kissing while fucking galore
his normal gentleness is basically gone as he’s rough with your tinier body seeing how much you can handle
he wants you filled with him by the end of this and more
he’s just imagining the future in this moment of when he eventually puts a baby in you ;)
but for now he’s just a groaning, grunting mess as sweat drips down his forehead as your cunt tightens around him
“gonna come soon baby,”
you look at him with those eyes that he loves, the soft pout on your lips, telling him exactly what he needs to know
bucks down and braces his chest on yours, forearms on either side of your head as he speeds up to an almost relentless pace to get both of you off
“let’s come together,” you’re barely able to breathe out, seeing stars
y’all finish together, his come coating your insides as you shake, gripping to him for dear life as your mind went blank
king over aftercare
todo cleans you up before himself in any way
does whatever you want- cuddles or running a bath it doesn’t matter
just holds you and won’t leave your side to make sure you’re okay
love this mans
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Wally is their sunshine...
Y/N beheld the lovely man, entranced and cupped at the cheeks. He was as limp as a rag doll in their hands. He looked up in dazed adoration. Like a child that had total faith in their mother. And Y/N just had to lower their head towards his forehead. They began grooming it, almost like a cat...
= Do you want me to stop?
= Nooo...Tiickles...
= Hehehe. Alright.
They kept doing it. And they slowly, slowly began to sing:
= You are my sunshine...my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.
Wally felt a sort of...rising in him. Like a realization of a buried small earthquake...Tears came up...His blissful, magic smile, even that, began to slowly fade...
= You'll never know, dear, how much I love you...Oh, please don't take my sunshine away...
Wally felt a lump in his throat, even through the enchanting mist...He had to sing, lest he cry...
= The...other...night...dear...Asss I lay sleeeping...I dreamt I held yooou in my arms...
Y/N gasped, incredulous. He sang...almost perfectly...How? They had put him quite under...
= And noow that you're heeeere...My dreams are waaaking...You always keep the sunshine around...
They finished the song together. Forehead to forehead...
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gabiioartist · 3 years
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After redesigning the winx normally, I redesigned their enchantix forms to fit what I would prefer them to wear! I am still really proud of most, except musa. I like the direction I went in but it’s too different lol
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captastra · 3 years
Day Four
Fandom: The Outer Worlds
Prompts:  Word: play | setting: modern setting/ghost hunter au
Words: 1.5k
The ghost hunters crew finds themselves on site of a run down theater for another investigation. Will they find what they are looking for? @writersmonth
“All set up?” Max asked Parvati as they stood in the middle aisle in the theater.
“Almost…” she gritted her teeth as she fiddled with the contraption she had spent the past few minutes setting up. “Just about” - an audible pop rang out - “there!” She clapped her hands together before standing up triumphantly. “We are all set and ready to capture anything out there.”
“Excellent.”  He turned toward the stage and called out, “Rhea, Nyoka, Felix, are you guys almost done?”
From the balcony above, Nyoka could be heard yelling, “All set up here. Got both sides like the Doc and Par recommended. Heading down now.”
Rhea stepped out onto the stage right as Felix appeared from the other side. “All set here Max” - she waved her hand over her head at him - “got them by the back doors and set up downstage. Right Felix?”
He was looking into the darkness behind him but turned around at the sound of his name. “Yup all set here. Can we get out of here now. I keep thinking I’m hearing something backstage and it's creepin’ me out.”
“Scared Felix,” Rhea teased, her footsteps echoing as she jogged over to where he stood just off stage. He turned quickly at her words and Rhea enjoyed the way his face turned red. Apparently whatever was occupying his thoughts went away as he quickly puffed out his chest before replying.
“Me, scared?” He tried to sound deeper than his normal voice, standing up taller even though Rhea was still taller than him. “Never, I” - he stopped at the top of the steps leading down the stage - “am never scared. Ladies first.”
“Oh thanks.” Rhea rolled her eyes but found herself smiling as they quickly made their way down the stairs. They continued to tease each other as they walked back to where Parvati and Max stood waiting for the rest of them.
“Will you two get a room if you’re gonna keep flirting like that?”
Rhea and Felix jumped at the words before sheepishly looking away from each other as Nyoka came into view. She gave them a knowing grin, her eyes flickering between the two of them before turning to Max.
“All set up top.” She motioned to the balcony above them. “If the ghosts are here like the reports say, I’m sure we’ll catch them. I thought I’d never finish setting up with all the equipment you gave us, Parvati.”
“Oh, well, I was just going off of what Dr. Welles recommended.” She started listing off the different machines they were using for the job tonight. “So with all of that, we should be good! Dr. Welles really needs us to catch somethin’ tonight, so I made sure we were prepared!” She placed her hands on her hips in a triumphant pose.
“Yes we are all very proud of you Parvati,” Max said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “But I am with the others, we shouldn’t stay here any longer than we have to.” The way he looked around the empty theater, his eyes narrowed, darting around at nothing in particular yet seeming to take everything in. “We’ve been here long enough.”
Rhea glanced around as well, letting herself finally take in the theater as it got closer towards the end of the hour. There was an eeriness about the faded colors, moth eaten seats and curtains, and peeling wallpaper that didn’t seem….right to her. It was almost as if she could see the majesty that had once been The Lunar Theater. She wished she could have seen what the theater had been like during its prime. According to their research, the theater had run for decades. A long list of well known plays and actors and actresses had performed on that stage.
“It must have been quite the experience to see a play here.”
Nyoka stood next to Rhea, taking in the theater as well. She had a pensive look about her though still guarded as she crossed her arms across her chest.
“Yeah,” Rhea said, trying to collect her thoughts about how this place was making her feel. “It must have been a magical time.” They stood there in silence, imagining a theater filled with wonder and people.
“Uh you guys,” Parvati’s voice rang out in the quiet theater, a twinge of fear evident in her voice. “It’s almost time,” she looked at the watch on her wrist, “we need to go.” She started walking towards the door, but not too far away that she would be alone walking back towards the doors.
“No worries Parvati,” Max attempted to sound calm, but the way he tensed as he made his final touches around the machines betrayed how he really felt. “We are leaving now.”
“No complaints from me.” Felix said, quickly catching up to where Parvati stood to walk back with her.
Rhea glanced around one more time while the others started to leave. Usually on these missions, there would be a feeling...a sense of what existed in a haunted setting. Yet here, she felt nothing. She still felt nothing. Guess the doc was wrong this time. It had happened before, sometimes it was old plumbing, other times it was how noise was filtered through the windows. But the times they had been real, she knew.
“Hey, rookie,” Felix yelled at her from the exit, “you wanna get left behind or what?”
She waved him off, smiling when she heard Parvati mutter at him, “you gotta stop calling her that.” But his words seem to stick with her. No, this was not a place she would want to be left alone, walls closing in around her, to become a forgotten relic that no….
“Stop it,” she muttered to herself, clenching her fists at her side. Focusing on her breath, Rhea made her way back to the group. They all shuffled in front of the closed doors, an uneasy feeling settling over the group.
“All here?” Max didn’t wait for a response, “Let’s go.”
There was a small murmur from them as Max moved to open the doors. But when he pushed, the door didn’t move. He pushed harder, using his shoulder this time to try and move the door. But it didn’t budge.
“You having trouble there old man,” Felix smirked as he stepped forward. “Why don’t you let me help you out.”
Nyoka stepped forward silently to help and the three of them attempted to push the doors open. But no matter how hard they tried, the doors wouldn’t budge. Rhea watched as they moved to try and open the two other sets of doors that should have opened out into the lobby. Those remained shut as well.
“Guys?” Parvati sounded scared as she wrapped her arms around herself as if to protect her from danger.
“Dammit,” Max muttered under his breath as he began to pace. “Ellie, we seem to be having issues here, anything showing up on your end?” He paused his walking for a moment and called out again, “Ellie are you there?”
Each of them tried to call Ellie over their own respective radios, but only silence answered them. Max and Felix both let out more explicits while Nyoka turned her attention back to getting the door open.
“No, no,” Parvati began to rock on the balls of her feet, shaking her head. “I’m not supposed to be in these things, I’m supposed to be in the car.”
“We left the doors unlocked,” Felix insisted to no one in particular. “I swear we did..” He trailed off, appearing lost in thought as he stared at the doors. 
“Open you fucking doors,” Nyoka said through clenched teeth. She continued to push against the doors, but no matter how much force she used, they remained shut.
Rhea walked over to Parvati and put her arm around his shoulder. She tried to combat the fear that was fighting to settle in her, if only to stay strong for Parvati. But as the seconds continued to tick by, she felt the thoughts from earlier settling back in.
Parvati shivered and leaned closer into Rhea for warmth. “When did it get so c-coold?”
The others were too lost in their own worlds to hear what Parvati said, but her words made Rhea’s blood run cold. Now that she thought about it, the room had gotten colder, much colder than when they had first arrived. Rhea tried not to think about it, wrapping her arms around Parvati to keep her warm.
As they both watched the others start to act more and more frantic, Parvati turned her head to look at Rhea.
“Ye-eah?” Rhea attempted to keep her voice even but the cold had settled in on her as well.
“I-I,” Parvati swallowed, “I’m scared.”
Rhea was about to answer, say anything to try and keep Parvati calm, but a soft cough from behind her stopped her in her tracks. Her breath hitched in her throat as the shiver, that damn shiver, went up her spine. She stood there rigid, not daring to look behind her. Or rather, unable to make herself move. She didn’t want to see it, didn’t want to know the source.
“Rhea?” Parvati’s concern did nothing to shake her.
The cough came again, this time loud enough to catch the others' attention as well. They all froze, Nyoka by the door, Felix standing a few feet from her, and Max, having just turned in his pacing so his back was to them, stopped in mid stride.
Almost in unison, they turned to face the source of the noise.
A ghostly man stood before them, waiting patiently for them to respond. When no one moved, he floated forward and gestured towards the seats behind them.
“We are asking all patrons to find their seats. The play is about to begin.”
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handmadecp · 4 years
Small, Ladies ‘Satchel Style’ Shoulder bag.
Hi guys, been a while what with all this Covid Lock down stuff going on, been helping a lot of folks out that couldn’t get out so haven’t been able to do much, then came along a quite big extension to our current layout in the workshop so with all that I’ve been pretty busy, but..finally, I am back in the workshop doing what I enjoy. I was half way through a small bag build so some of you may/ or may not have seen a few pics already, but it’s all good. here is a short series of pics showing the build along of this particular bag. Apologies if it’s not in the same kind of detail I am generally known to show but as already stated its been hectic. If any of you give this one a go and you feel there is something missing from this build along please feel free to ask..I don’t bite and I welcome the interaction with other Makers. Lets go.
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Pic 0 : The black dyed Veg Tan shoulder.
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Pic 1 : I purchased a nice ready dyed black veg tan Shoulder 3- 4mm, nice strength and flexible too. I also purchased a pattern for a ladies small shoulder bag based on the old UK satchel bags school kids used to have, but a smaller version. All credit for the original design and pattern goes to ‘Craftsmangus’, they have a great YT channel and they make coold patterns. I purchased, downloaded, printed, cut out and transfered all the pieces to the leather as shown in this first pic, using a paint pen refill as usual as it comes of.
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Pic 2 : After cutting the sections out I also used the pattern to mark all the holes on each piece and then followed up with a stitch hole punch as shown until all pieces were cut out and had the required holes. I will point out that if you buy this pattern from Craftsmangus and intend to make this bag a sI have done it there is a sklight change on mine to the video they have showing the build. on their video they are seen to cut one buckle strap...I decided to do the version with two buckle straps as you will see. Decide at the cutting out stage how many of each piece you will need for the version you want.
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Pic 3: Stitching the small gusset to the outside small pocket using a saddle stitch. I find it difficult personally to use a stitch pony when doing the bags and doing it ‘free hand’ where it flops all over the place can be a bit annoying, but..just chill your beans, take a deep breath..smile and carry on, it’s the only way.
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Pic 4 : Here you see the small gusset attached to the front pouch pocket ready to be stitched to the front of the main body. ignore the white marks dotted along the stitch holes..I count the holes to be sure there are enough on both pieces as I’ve been caught out before and end up with 18 holes on one piece and 16 holes on the piece it’s being attached too...you can see the problem. So I count and I use the paint refil pen and drag it across the holes as I go, that is the only reason it looks that way, just my personal choice..and I would recommend if you buy patterns, never just assume that the required holes are correct..check them.
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Pic 5 : Hand stitching the other side of the front pouch gusset to the main body using a saddle stitch.
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Pic 6 : Ta daaaa...done, the outside small pocket is now attached firmly to the main body and the stitches are consistant all the way round.
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Pic 7 : Outside holes all counted, ready now to stitch the Bigger gusset to the front of the main body. all the stitching on this bag is saddle stitching. If it ever changes I will let you know.
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Pic 8 : Using a few super strong clips I held the gusset in position as I stitched and moved them along as I went, it helps a lot to keep the holes aligned. Some times I will glue a gusset into position before I stitch but that can sometime leave holes out of line and also leave some glue on show when finished, so I pick and choose when to use it now, but if its a help to you do it..Sometimes I do...sometimes I don’t. Here you can see the clips holding it in position and the gusset laying along the edge as I stitch it.
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Pic 9 : Large gusset attached to front section .
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Pic 10 :
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Pic 11, close up of the attached gusetts....so far.
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Pic 11A Marking positions for the buckle and clasp straps to be glued and stitched.
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Pic 12 : It’s a simple matter to cut out the buckle straps..I made two for my bag, then punch the stitch holes if not already done. rough the leather a little under where you will glue the strap (s), glue that small area , glue the back of the strap and glue...then stitch into position, before doing that bit, dont forget to make some holes for the buckle pin and force your strap through the buckles, on the other end which in this pic is under the buckle...you will need to attach a magnetic closure. Very easy to fit, just use the pins on the magnetic clasp to mark where you will put them,,then cut very carefully two small slits to pass the magnetic clasp ‘pins’ through, then bend the pins down to secure.
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Pic 12A : using the clasp pins to mark where to cut the tiny slits to pass them through. Be careful when making the tiny slits you dont push so hard you make a ‘big’ slit.
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pic 12B : Fitting the magnetic clasps.
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Pic 13 : another view shows the underside/inside of the stitching when done. note the two ‘marks’ on the back section. just inside the bag, those are where the ‘D’ rinds are attached using the same method, thread the small strap pieces through the ‘D’ rings, rough a little and glue together then glue to the bag, this time I used a stitch awl to push the stitch holes all the way through and then hand stitched.
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Pic 13B : gluing the buckle straps on ready for stitching I used evo stick 528 contact adhesive.
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Pic : 13C positioning the ‘D’ rings.
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Pic 14 : shows the magnetic clasps used, very easy to do and if you follow the video on YT from ‘Cratsmangus’ then you should have no issue with them. The next part of the project is to stitch the back section to the rest of the bag by saddle stitching to the other side of the gusset. I find you can’t really use a stitch pony for this as you need to get your hand inside the bag and it is quite a ‘fiddly’ part of the build but again..patience pays of.
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Pic 14A : positioning the gusset to stitch the back section on. you could glue this on but I prefer to be able to move it around if the holes don’t alighn which I can’t do if it’s glued together. Your choice.
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Pic 14B : sewing the back section to the main gusset.
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Pic 14C : almost there...fingers getting sore, ouch.
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Pic 15 : The strap making is simple, just like making a small belt. I used my strap cutter which can be bought online for a few pounds and is very worth the money, but you can do it with a sharp knife as I used to do. But for those of you here for the first time, there is a picture coming up that shows my strap cutter better. I then used an ‘English’ point strap end punch to cut the end shape, then held the strap to my partners own bag to get a decent length...cut to length, punced some holes for the buckle, attached the buckle by folding one end of the strap, cutting out a small area of the very tip of the strap (as bent over) to create a hole for the bucle pin to go through...attached it, then roughed, glued and instead of stitching I chose to use silver double headed rivits to match the buckle. All of the other clasps, clips, buckles on my bags are done in the same way, if you are new to leather craft there are more detailed instructions in my archive photos on other bag builds, belt builds and strap builds should you need more information. This bag, I would say..is for a person with the basics already sorted such as stitching, gluing neatly, strap cutting, buckle fixing etc however it could be achieved by a complete newby, but please be warned,,,use cheaper materials until you are confident in what you are doing...leather is expensive, especially here in the UK. You have been warned.
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Pic 16 : And basically once the back is stitched on and the strap has all it’s clips and buckles on...that’s it. The only other thing I have done is to go around the edges with a fine sand paper to smooth the edges a little but not too much as I feel the unburnished ( or unpolished for the newbies ) edge adds to the overall look and appeal of this tough looking but smart little shoulder bag. Also I have added my own ‘Shaman’ Tag to it which I think sets it off just right. The following pics are just to show it from different angles.
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Here you can see the wooden strap cutter I use, a simple, cheap easy way to cut nice straps.
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I hope you like this latest project, as I’ve said many times before, I started my blog in 2015 when I picked up my first piece of leather to document my own Journey into this amazing craft little realising how passionate I would become about it and whilst I am by no means a novice now I still have much that I can learn and as I learn I share with anyone who might be looking and thinking...there’s no way I could do that..but it looks cool. Well...check out my archives my earlier attempts are a little ‘rocky / shakey’ and my stitching took practice. If you are willing to not let mistakes make you quit and choose to use failure as a lesson on how ‘not’ to do it, then you too can do this. Give it a go, just get a cheap piece of leather to begin with , find a smaller project and go for it. Please feel free to ask questions that is why I started this blog to share knowledge that others have shared with me. Many more projects to come guys so watch this space and as always..’Stay Crafty’. P.s..to any of you guys wondering about my little old workshop and what it was that took me so long these next few pics will explain. Thanks for sticking around.
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This extension to my partners area of the workshop, lower work surfaces for sitting.
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Extensions to my work area for lower surfaces for sitting, last year I did a lot of standing..this year it time to sit a while especially if stitching by hand.
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The brown table you can see is no longer there, my partner and I now have plenty of room for standing work or sitting work, as with all things it took time, but it’s done and we can get back to business. I hope you’ve enjoyed this latest build, thanks to everyone who follows my little blog I appreciate it and if it was your first time seeing it I hope you will check out the archives and come back again. till next time ..take care guys.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
“there little band”
Soothing like stars that puts out for Woes self can  fright it self must gloom: there little band for other  crown, he approvd to grant be seen than be—I care  below the parents simple than to sence, Caryatids,  lifted drowsily, and gan tell his 
pale court fell. Whaever has met wi my Philly? The  through we wear the smile, than a case of  louers pitied hence, cried, and, and steep, will bitter, Fruit. Never  wi my Phillis, he is gone, O thou would tell Amynta, gentle you  know. Confesses grew as we can look on 
the island, and I entered My hearts,  Love! to me as a bed of satin and  botchingly Death can join together woman. Everybody love  be sweet Minister in the cincture slips on the  musics to think abundantly, O 
beloved, coold? And though far off everybody  love has evn been alone is pennd doth thy  speech is young year; So far I read; and there rose suddenly  that no heavily again he caught hell say with cauld,  and Line, nor all the thorns and how pleasure 
have spoke imperious pain; hedge-crickets, or grots,  or can I longd the queen for public  strife, A lightning, and his fair I changed through with  that thou would scarcely see, on one knows not love with her  solitary felt endued with labyrinths 
0 notes
foreveregyptian · 7 years
ask prompt rose/wish/heaven/velvet/pearl/cherry/silk/matte/satin/opal/kiss (2/4)
rose: what makes you feel beautiful?
ahh this is a cliche-typical-of-a-muslim answer but wearing Hijab. other things like taking a shower or doing a mask. 
wish: what are your favourite memories?
Spending time with my cousins. we were practically raised together but they moved to a different state recently and we rarely get to see each other as often now. 
heaven: describe your ideal date
oooooh. honestly anything i do with my significant other, as long as i spend time with them. hmmm maybe a nice cafe or something. really anything. 
velvet: describe your dream home
one with rooms. a nice kitchen…. and id like the things to coordinate like the rugs and shower curtains and decor and stuff. 
pearl: what is your favourite: scent, flavour, sound, texture?
scent: roses! i really like rose scented things and also rose water.  
flavor: hmm mint chocolate, or just mint in general. I prefer mint gum and i also like the freshness after using mint toothpaste. 
sound: ohhhhh when the weather is just perfect, not too warm not too coold, its kind of cool, the sound of the breeze rustling the leaves. and maybe birds also. 
texture: idk how to answer this…. i guess i like various textures. maybe fur? like super soft fur. 
cherry: what words of advice would you give to a stranger?
It all depends on what that persons going through. but since everyone goes through rough patches at some point; we all reach points in our lives where things seem hopeless and dont go as we planned. patience, dont complain, and ride it out. Whats meant to be will come to you, and what isn’t will never reach you. Everything happens for a reason, so be patient. 
silk: describe your most recent dream
I was making sandwiches at subway and i was pretty good at it. it was a tuna sandwich. 
matte: what is something you are proud of?
lol one thing i guess is going to umbc. 
satin: what never fails to make you happy?
being with my friends! I can be comfortable with them and they make me feel good about myself. 
opal: talk about your interests and passions
- languages. one of my long term goals is to learn as many languages as possible because i want to understand all people. Translations can only get you so far and they water down true feeling thats conveyed beautifully and perfectly in the original language. 
- art. i really like art because it lets me express whatever im feeling, particularly when it comes to anime or dramas. I’ll usually draw a bunch of my favs or one scene that really hit me. 
- cooking. ive been interested in cooking/baking ever since i remember and for a while i had a baking instagram account but i turned it into my art insta because i never have time for baking anymore. I’ve wanted to go to culinary school but my parents discouraged me from doing that because it “wasnt a respectable occupation” but i still do it as a hobby and im fine with that. I cook dinner sometimes and its something I enjoy and look forward to in my adult hood inshaallah. 
kiss: what do you want from life right now?
i would say that I want life to go as I’d want it to, but life never goes as you plan it because God has plans for you and He know whats best for you. I’d like life to just go, and whatever comes my way ill go with the flow i guess. 
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sending-the-message · 7 years
I Just Had The Creepiest Text Conversation With My Friend by CR_Jones
Not too long ago one of my best friends, Mario, and I were having a text conversation about making plans to go see the new IT movie that is coming out later in September. Mid conversation, Mario started talking about something completely unrelated and continually texted me a series of very creepy text messages.
Me: (Talking about plans to go see IT) Yeah I guess we’ll just see who can drive that Friday whenever we meet up. We’ll just play it by ear.
Mario: Stopp touchhingg the therrmostat its soooo coold in here
Me: What?
Mario: I’mmm soo coldd
Me: What is this? What are you talking about?
Mario: Theee thermmostat stooopp touccching itt
Me: How could I possibly be touching your thermostat right now?
Me: Are you drunk or something? Why do you keep texting like that?
There was about a twenty minute pause here before he texted me back.
Mario: SOoo CoLDdd
Me: You’re starting to freak me out Mar. What is this about?
I try calling him but he doesn’t answer.
Me: Mar can you answer your phone please
Mario: Whehere arre the ligghhhts
Me: Dude, seriously what the fuck are you talking about?
Mario: It’ss soOO DarRKKkkK
I try calling him again. Nothing.
Me: I’m going to kill you if this is a joke you’re genuinely starting to freak me out.
There was another long pause here before I finally started texting him again.
Me: Mar?
Me: Are you still there dude?
Me: ????
I try another call, still nothing.
Mario: ITt’sS soOooO COcold here
Mario: SOoo Cooldd
Mario: sOofd COoolddsa
Mario: Sosofo coOOLsd
Me: Please stop this
Mario: sosfOFJl coLODOJ
Mario: SooJDOK COlLDLOhfa
Mario: SOojfdoCdnlsODkwnqq
Mario: SODJjdsifajoiCodlfOPAJjdapODNOonfda
Mario: sofsadjpOIDSIsnfSiIJDOSpdSfjoebdfIHSOIHSfiodshvdf
The rest of his texts after this are just nothing but gibberish. He would send me a new one about every five minutes and continued to do so well into the night. I continually told him to stop whatever it was that he was doing and tried calling him several more times, but nothing was working. I finally said fuck it and just put my phone on silent and tried going to bed hoping that Mario would get bored of this “prank” that he was trying to pull on me once I stopped responding to him.
I woke up the next morning and immediately reached for my phone where I saw that I had over one hundred unread messages all from Mario last night. Most of them were just lines and lines of the same shit that he was texting me earlier. Nothing but gibberish. Nearly 112 messages of it.
He had kept texting me well past the time that I had fallen asleep, and he had continued to send them in the same, five minute intervals that he had done before. He had finally stopped texting me at 3:00 in the morning, his very last message being “bye.” I don’t know what game he was trying to play, but I was thoroughly annoyed that he had decided to pull this prank on me completely out of nowhere. He actually had me going there for a second near the middle of the conversation when I was genuinely starting to get scared and worried, but now I just found myself pissed off at his dumbass shenanigans.
I sent him a text a little after waking up to see whether or not he was done with his bullshit.
Me: Are you done texting me gibberish?
I waited all morning for a response, but didn’t get one. I wasn’t going to text him again until he answered, so I just stayed away from my phone for most of the day. At about 5:00 in the afternoon I heard a knock on my door.
When I went over to answer it I was completely surprised to find two police officers standing there. A man and a woman, both with worried looks across their faces. They asked me if I had been in contact with Mario recently and I immediately felt my heart rate go up knowing that this was no joke. I told them that I had been in contact with him and asked if something was wrong.
They informed me that Mario had been missing since 4:00 p.m. yesterday and wanted to know if I had recently talked to him at any point before that. I told them that we had been texting each other all afternoon yesterday and that he had continued to text me well into the night. The officers shared a confused look with each other and asked if they could see the messages.
I invited them inside and showed them my phone. They examined the text messages together for a very long time whispering things back and forth to each other before finally turning to me. They told me that the time stamps on the messages didn’t make any sense. I asked them what they were talking about and they said that Mario had left his phone behind whenever he had gone missing. There was no way that he could have sent those texts because he didn’t have his phone with him.
I felt my entire body stiffen and go cold.
The police officers asked me if I could come in for some questioning which I agreed to do. My phone was confiscated as evidence and I had to continually keep explaining the same story over and over again to several other police officers once I got to the station.
While I was in the interrogation room going over the same story for the fiftieth time with one of the higher ranking officers a detective burst into the room and whispered something into the man’s ear before quickly leaving. An awkward silence filled the room for several seconds before the officer finally spoke up. He said that he was sorry to inform me, but Mario’s body had just found in the woods near his house. He had apparently died early this morning from currently unknown causes.
At first, I wasn’t able to put together what the officer had just said. I had heard the words and everything it just wasn’t getting through to me. As soon as it hit me though I could feel the tears starting to bubble up behind my eyes. He told me that he’d give me a few minutes and then left the room. I let it all out then. Crying and slobbering like a five year old, all over the interrogation table in front of me.
I stayed with the police another couple hours giving them any last minute information that they needed before I was able to leave. It was already dark out by the time I left the station. My phone was returned to me as I was walking out the door, and I drove home which is where I had another crying fit while lying down in bed.
I must have fallen asleep at one point because I was awakened in the middle of the night by a call that was coming in through my phone.
I reached over and answered it without looking at who it was. I said hello in my “I have just woken up” voice, but no one responded. While it was quiet I felt like I could just make out very soft sobbing coming from the other end of the line.
“Helllooooo?” I said again pulling the phone away from my ear to see who had called me at such a late hour.
My heart nearly stopped.
The call was from Mario’s phone.
I checked the name again knowing that there had to be some mistake. The police station had Mario’s phone why would they call me from his phone this late at night?
I put the phone back to my ear.
“Who is this?” I asked, not in the mood for any games.
There was no answer, but the soft sobbing continued. I was starting to get angry.
“Who the fuck is this!” I almost screamed.
“I’m soooo coooolddd.” Someone whimpered from the other end.
I felt my stomach drop. It was Mario’s voice, I was sure of it.
I could feel fresh tears starting to come as I heard the sound of my dead best friend’s voice.
“Mar? Is—is that you?” I managed to choke out.
But it wasn’t him I said to myself. There’s no way that it could be him.
There was no answer for the longest time. The soft cries from the other end of the line continued but neither of us said anything.
“Ittt’ssss soooo daaaarrrrkkk hereee.” Came Mario’s voice once again. He sounded frightened and alone. The sobbing got louder.
It was almost more than I could take. Was I dreaming? There was no way that this was all actually happening, but it seemed too real to be a dream.
I didn’t know what to say at this point. The crying, Mario’s voice, it was almost too much for me to handle.
“Mario, please.” Was all that I was able to get out before completely breaking down into tears.
After I said that though the sobbing on the other end of line stopped. There was dead silence for what seemed like several minutes, but couldn’t have been longer than a couple of seconds. I waited for Mario to say something. After another pause someone who was definitely not Mario said something.
Then the call was dropped.
My breath hitched and I stopped crying completely. I felt a chill run down my spine as the voice repeated itself inside my head. It was not Mario’s voice. It sounded nothing like what he was saying before that. This voice was deeper. Much deeper, and it had a weird distortion to it. An almost animal like distortion.
I pulled up my recents just to make sure that I really did just receive a call from my dead best friend’s phone, and sure enough there it was. Mario (mobile): 3:00 a.m.
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libidomechanica · 3 years
“But being the loftie oke”
That which I would sands;—for love  all were—where share the straight, and  so knowing? But being the  loftie oke, tho eer in perplexes roses  thy drop of lover bY ROBERT BROWNING  the falls under the  cruel be? With risk. What  time dissolved evening, as thought, and  I double the funds over the  shot in the dangerous  go with wings ; no daring— who has  safe. Bare bloated words through to  feeling mind, that glistened wings force— tho jokin  to my bonie her only the  banks of of a lie.  Nightful skilful cries, “Forbear, thus one but  patient languish. Chariot, roll their party  as think of summit, and  song, No hung stone of Endymion. ” Then,  and face which some people fire;  and yon with false-flatt. Or  such alone attorney. Come stroke that  she into a was  Woolfe were zombies. This impostor  can your sofas maw; or  sleepy eyes are gone is dead ? wants  white and brows, and so known to  haue my Friends, that after the  wight, Highland an eager gentle  hills, — of camp-light I call weary  lonelie huddled blood-shed themselves  abyde, Drunkards gather the new  delighten. and smite her own deserve  out, as white.         White thee clicked turn  rebuked the flocke, Socrates— but in the pass my honey,  draw no discerne with their meadows  of Cosset forbids; with  sheene: I shall the Devil; the  name as yourse of my antique  pendant looked these precious blue ladies, while  the pangs of shall round, nor, and  I dont, “t were shepehearde moments,  I poke you to high pouts and  along, as in each might former tongue  like china. The kindly music, throught,  and I hungry wolf, or commodities, 
in hot see how should will would  fire the maidens” hair for  the crackling seer let go! O  heauen the human dress will  silent, so i can constantly luves  dated and quite is doomed to  say; but in thy love youth her voice,  although steered in spit out of my  back across. into my colours  shoot his the hang those cried, thy  self is necks unyoked as if  thou cheerless sleeping mass Bittering Thus  short, then brass. of flower, rousers return  the song which our  soul upon me, and my days sweet 
Societies Night! Even the come  died but by thy seas wisdom or wholes.  In my deares with from  the woodland loued lassie, O.  I never stalks, together to  delican flying to beauty, dost  royal scrawled on the was  drink of us Claimd the  fresh myrth it, put the seen the  slain felt upmountain kindly flower  or gemmes of keen. singing before  here capital apace,  held all new them; white short,  the but if he hall round the  sea of wicked a bowerd around  your for the  eternall not mouth growth of bliss for  hear her bugle, and  without with been rooted  priest eyed an House our  muttering dew, and image  rondured. To the could  devour that will not attaint the  world, the lasted toge there the Lions voicelestial 
can I said crackling about Ferguson,  it have seen the coold as  back care in thinking her barke an  ox oer soft have give would be. Some  pearls, until fair stilts, and to alike,  and more forbear to the  hard the pure lifes out old elegance,  fetter, and burst emptied  some when to wished the  convulsive i the devourite  is a danced the wood.
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