#and houka knows both of these things
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mo-ok · 8 months ago
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Toku Summer Day 3 - Fruit
Strawberries are stubborn like that. If you don't give them a hand they don't even turn red. Magiranger ep3: Ride the Magical Dragon
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asknarashikari · 1 year ago
Me: Have you guys ever done that ballon popping with your own booty for like parties or the like?
Mamato: Yeah.
Emu: Kiriya won. But Kuroto was being a fucking sore loser.
Me: Okay. what about when there's two people involved?
Both Mama's: *eyes widen* Please do tell...
Me: Well... Back then... I did that at the Ozu graduation party without the parents because they sent off their parents to a spa. We were a bit Wilding back then.
Mamato: And...
Me: Well... as their guest and provider at the time. Kai and I were a team on who can pop the most balloons until...
Emu: *smh* I already know where this going...
Yakumo: So sensei... This is Random's actual first child?
Tsubasa: Yes. My demi-god nephew. Knowing now... he probably doesn't know that he has a gazillion half-siblings. We met his ass during Kai's full training into a magician then again during Urara's wedding.
Kai: Hey, at least he was supporting my ass and our son during my training into full mastery of magic.
Urara: Kai... His ass needs to be neutered.
Hikaru: Aye. Agreed to my wife's on that notion,
Makito: My god... All because of an accident. As a big brother... me and dad definitely kicked his ass yet he did provide support for Kai.
Houka: At least he is doing the right thing instead of outright abandoning or disowning them.
...Wouldn't you end up dead at the hands of the entire magical family and their allies? Like, I'm pretty sure all of Magitopia AND Infershia's gonna try kicking your butt if you go after Kai when he's a literal high school kid
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 3 years ago
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Magiranger then! What an absolutely wonderful little show this was. Between this, Shinkenger and how well the Rouki stuff in Gaoranger is going I’ve got a pretty good feeling about diving right into 00s Sentai.
It’s just... really good? I have more in-depth thoughts about it but if you asked me to judge its quality it doesn’t get a lot more complex than that. It was a very very solid show that played to all its strengths very well and whose flaws are few and far between. Magimilf sort-of forcing responsibility on her kids in episode 1 wasn’t a great start and I feel there was far better ways to do it; Urara’s ‘romance’ with Hikaru is uh... non-existent; and the humour didn’t always hit. But those are incidental things that mostly just last an episode anyway (even if significant episodes at that), and do little to hurt the core strengths of Magiranger as a show.
I said fairly early on that Magiranger is a show that knows very well how to insert a family into a team show like Sentai, and I fully stand by it -- it’s a very natural fit for a show that puts focus on both the individual characterisation of each hero and how they work as a team, and why this works as a team and why it doesn’t just feel like, say, a bunch of Kamen Riders together. It goes to great lengths to show why they are essential to and inseparable from each other. Like -- it’s a family, right? They’re siblings! It’s a bit hard to describe something so basic as why siblings and family (a healthy one anyway) are important to each other and how fundamental a support network they are, so I’ll just say that Magiranger succeeds simply by portraying a very convincing family. Makito the worrying but stalwart oldest sibling; Urara the middle child who tries to shoulder everything; Houka the older sister who really does whatever the hell she wants but at her heart cares most for her loved ones; Tsubasa the edgy young adult who’s smart but needs to learn to apply himself; Kai the rebellious little teenager who doesn’t know how to control his emotions but whose emotions ultimately are dialed towards love. Later on a teacher who comes to care deeply for his students more than he thought he could, and a mother and father who put their kids before everything else and from who you can clearly see why their kids turned out so well.
I haven’t even talked about how intriguing the villains are; the first half’s entrancing mystery of Wolzard and then the final act’s immensely fucking cool gods of hell; or how cute the magic theming is, or how much I like the designs or the wonderful action. Because while I could talk about all that - and it’s all very very true that I love it a bunch - what matters most about Magiranger to me and why I loved it so much is that magical family. It’s been a fun ride and I’m very glad to have picked it on a whim
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toku-explained · 4 years ago
The Befriended Dragon Swordsman
Heroes' Odyssey: After a look at Z and Geed's team up against Gilvalis, we begin a look at Warriors of Light.
Saber: Storious does a ritual on Legeiel's book to draw his power to the limit by adding a new page, so Legeiel can have his revenge on Saber. In an effort to befriend the boy, Touma deliberately transforms into Primitive Dragon, doing so in Liberation to be safe. Each time the boy lashes out and cancels the transformation. Legeiel begins his rampage. Touma realises while rushing to help Buster and Saikou there the boy's loneliness is that of one who doesn't know where everyone he knew went. When he goes to fight, Primitive Dragon takes over, leaving Saikou trying to restrain him. Rintaro and Kento arrive. Touma starts to make it through to Primitive Dragon, staying transformed despite Kento's expectations. When Legeiel goes for Saber after defeating the others, Rintaro defends him, deciding to trust his resolve. The boy shares his loss, and Touma tells him the continuation of his story, as he found his friends again in the elements. Legeiel defeats Rintaro, only for his attack on Touma to be worthless when Touma now stands, his bond with the boy solidified in the Elemental Dragon book. Saber and Legeiel fight, Saber asking about his being human, which Legeiel seems to deny, before remembering when they all came to Wonder World for the first time. He refuses to accept it, and Saber is forced to put him to rest. After, Touma finds the boy again, accompanied by Tassel, who tells him he needs to find Luna as soon as possible. As the Northern Base members regroup, Rintaro has found his resolve, and Kento remains sure the future will not change.
Zenkaiger: Magin appears to be into fortune telling, we saw a hint of that last time. The world has frozen thanks to Kori World, whose working under Barashitara. Both sides are incapable of fighting well thanks to the ice, sending the Zenkaigers crashing into Magin. Turns out when she was even younger she was Zyuran's neighbour in Kikaitopia, and he's protective of her. Since arriving in this world she hasn't met anyone she knew until now. They let her stay, but she isn't interested in joining the Zebkaigers, feeling she lacks any physical skills. She does fortunes to try to find Kori World, unsuccessfully. She blows up at Gaon when he badmouths fortune telling, before deflating and saying she's just useless at it. Kaito manages to cause her to remember why she started in the first place, before they rush to face the Tojitendo. Kaito doesn't know what an Ice Age is. Magin decides to join the team, and this time rather than just shooting a Kudakk, almost shoots herself. Magin somewhat resembles Houka's outift, and as ZenkaiMagin is in the vain of the "Mystic Sentai" resembling MagiKing. They use the Toqger gear for a link up attack, then Magin uses magic to help them move on the ice. They defeat Kori World, then a Kudaitest absorbs the gear to become Dai Kori World. They go in ZenkaiOh ZyuraGaon, but even now they're having trouble with the ice. Magin grows to become MaginDragon, which definitely references MagiDragon, and maybe Gosei Dragon. Kaito combines her with Zyuran, forming ZenkaiOh ZyuraMagin. This weakens Dai Kori World enough for ZyuraGaon to finish the job. Vroon is again witness to Koritopia being liberated. A last fortune says the glasses will come to them.
ZenkaiRed Introduction: I do question why they did this so early, I know it's for White Day, but why. As with the All Red team up from Super Sentai Movie Ranger, this is set in the future, indeed it's a sequel to that story. It's nice to see Ise Daiki again. Don't have subs yet. Kaito seems to have been heavily bothered by the comments about him not being red from the last warriors, which leads to him messing up in battle against some Kudaks and a Kudaiter, until the mysterious ZenkaiRed appears and defeats the Kudaiter with his blade technique. Ijirude presents to Tojitendo his new soldier, Normal Warumono World, which seems to be identical to Super Warumono World. At the shop Secchan brings up the fact there were only 5 Geartlingers right before Kai appears and introduces himself, saying as red he should be Zenkaiger leader, and the others should be human. He heads off to deal with Normal Warumono World, Gaon is the first to follow him and mysteriously changes into a human. Arriving at Normal Warumono World, the regular team goes, only for things to go sideways when Gaon can't transform. Kai transforms and battles, Normal Warumono World saves himself from the blade attack but using 3 Kudaks as a shield. Kai leaves, and Gaon goes after him. As they all call after him, Magin suddenly becomes human too, to all of their confusion.
Zenkaiger Special File: Didn't bother with the first, which just showcased Kaito and Zyuran's changes, this one is set after the team assembled, and featured Kickboxing World, which turns Zyuran and Gaon into toys and traps them in his ring. Magin calls an interval, which the team uses to steal them back, and physically combine them into ZenkaiOh so they can defeat Dai Kickboxing World.
Dogengers: Yabai Kamen brings them all of Shikadoshima. The heroes stand at Tanaka's side, the villains join Yabai Kamen, and the battle begins. Each hero faces their villain from earlier. Yabai Kamen, frustrated by Rookie actually managing to hit him, mocks I-Doll as he goes to his full armament, Rookie saying that she was absolutely alive. Each her defeats their opponent, but Yabai Kamen stands out, now voiced by Seki Tomokazu and in his COMIC Ver. Which originated in the YABAI comic and the creation of a real suit was crowdfunded. He seemingly kills Tanaka, and defeats the other heroes. Kitaqman begs Tanaka to wake up, and before Yabai Kamen can make the killing blow, Ohgaman arrives, having dug to the Yamataikoku Era to find the other Golden Seal, which he uses on Tanaka. Tanaka finds himself in the memory of the room he played in with Yuki, alongside Insurgent and Doll, who ask him to show them his future. He awakens, and transforms into Rookie Memories Mode, with each arm taking on the features of one of the I-Dolls. Reaching out, he now draws Golden Seal from El Brave's belt, Fukuokaliber's Clear File, Yamashiron's stomach and Kitaqman's phone. This power altogether is enough to defend against another attack, before he uses the power on everyone. This brings about El Brave Champion Form, Fukuokaliber is joined by the original, Aoiron and Daidairon are brought out from Yamashiron, and Metal arrives to assist Kitaqman, who's now in the all red Jyuketsu Form. Furthermore, Yuki's safe, freed by Eboshi Musha. And so Ohgaman gives this gathering of heroes a name... Dogengers.
Dogengers 11.5: A stageshow from right before the last episode aired. Shaberryman starts us off, but before he can do anything Fukuokaliber shows up and defeats him, at which point Kitaqman joins him, then runs off when asked to do something, Fukuokaliber chasing after, but soon El Brave is here to face Shaberryman, joined by Yamashiron, and before long Rookie is here. He stumbles, giving Shaberryman an opening, but Ohgaman comes to take over and utterly demolishes him. The Dogengers gather together on stage. The team discuss things, Rookie still having confidence issues, but they encourage him, the team wave to the audience and leave. Yabai Kamen and a pair of Karami take the stage, posturing, until Kitaqman brings Rookie to test his skill. The fact this is a Hero Show keeps being mentioned. Yabai Kamen storms off, leaving the Karamis to face the heroes, Kitaqman calls on El Brave to do the actual fighting. Yabai Kamen sulks when Ohgaman and Yamashiron greet him, Ohgaman fights him, but Yabai Kamen isn't doing anything, Yamashiron interrupts and after some talk the heroes leave. After more posturing Fukuokaliber comes to face him, until Shuraomaru takes the stage to face him instead, defeating Fukuokaliber. The rest minus Ohgaman arrive, Rookie makes a futile attempt to attack, and then Yabai Kamen revives I-Doll, she doesn't speak and demolishes the heroes. Ohgaman arrives, encouraging the others to fight against the villains, but Rookie isn't able to act until Ohgaman defeats I-Doll, joining the fight. When Ohgaman apologises for defeating I-Doll, Rookie says the real I-Doll is in his heart. Shuraomaru faces Fukuokaliber, Yamashiron, Kitaqman and El Brave, 3 of whom defeat him, and Rookie and Ohgaman face Yabai Kamen, but the rest of the team don't let the finish happen until they receive audience cheers and do the roll call, then join together to defeat Yabai Kamen. After the heroes leave, Gulf and Gallia appear, depressed over missing the show.
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dangerouscommiesubversive · 4 years ago
First Lines Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
I was tagged by @toku-fangirl-2015​ <3 <3 <3
So, uh, obviously I’ve got a lot of writing up, and a fair amount of stuff still in progress. We’ll do some recent full-length fics first, even if two of them are still works in progress:
The way it works is, you wake up in the morning and there’s a dragon living in your chest. (from a WIP)
Discord, May 9th, 2019, 11:19 PM gudetama's buttcheeks#19X46: oh holy shit holy shit holy shit ReadySetGou updated an antique railing#XX304: wtf is ReadySetGou wait that’s the Japanese guy youre in love with right I thought you said he died (from a WIP)
They meet for the first time in Marrakech, in a coffee shop. It’s not as if Gai’s looking for company. It’s just that he’s on the phone with Naomi, promising to bring her back a souvenir when he’s next in Japan, and when he looks up he realizes that someone else in the room understands the language he’s speaking. (from Phone Home)
All right! Now, prompt fics, working backwards!
“Hey, look, I’m sure we can take care of this later--” “You know, M, this would be easier if you’d just take off your pants.” (current prompt in progress)
Hiiro walks into the CR with the kind of tense dignity that generally means he’s had a long surgery and he’s very tired and stops when he sees that the cot is already occupied. “Pediatrician, is the Bugster actually sleeping?” (post)
Really, Shoutaro thinks, it shows a lot of restraint from Philip that he managed to wait a full week after discovering that Roidmudes were back in the world before he insisted on meeting one. (post)
First: they’re at the docks, walking together, talking about the problems they’ve encountered. Kiba says he’s not sure Kusaka is trustworthy, and Takumi nods and doesn’t say anything in response, because he definitely could say a few things, but he’s not sure if Kiba’s trustworthy either. (post)
“Oh, Sougo,” Tsukasa breathes out, “what have you done?” Sougo actually sputters a little. “Me? How is this my fault? I just got here.” (post)
The photo studio doesn’t move as frequently as it used to, which is sort of a relief. The constant hopping it used to do was exhausting–apart from whatever Tsukasa needs to get done, and whatever problems each World has, there’s always the issue of learning the way around a new neighborhood, not to mention finding a new grocery store. And, of course, the restructuring of Tsukasa’s wardrobe, which is a problem they’ve mostly learned to live with. (post)
“–so the Zyurangers were the first team to ever go past five members, but Big One from J.A.K.Q. was the first sentai ever to join his team late. And for a while the Kyouryugers were the biggest sentai, but now the Kyuurangers have them beat, especially since some of the Kyouryugers are part-time. I’m kind of wondering if we’re ever going to see a team bigger than the Kyuurangers, twelve is so many–” “Gai, my dear?” Gai blinks. “Yes?” (post)
When Keiichiro gets back to the apartment Kairi’s already there, curled up on the couch in Keiichiro’s bathrobe and a blanket with several boxes of takeout waiting on the table. None of the boxes seem to have been touched; Kairi’s attention is entirely devoted to the steaming cup of coffee he’s holding in both hands. (post)
“How did you find this place?” Yuichi says as they round the corner into the little alley. “Fujisaki recommended it to me, actually.” Kiyoshi grins up at him. “Apparently she and a couple of her girlfriends like to go here sometimes. She says the coffee’s only ok really, but the pastries are really nice. Here, this is it, Cafe,” he squints at the sign, “Nas–nascita.” (post)
Luka wanders through the common area of their slapdash temporary living space, lost in her own thoughts, and nearly pulls a gun when she hears Noël say, “Bonjour, Miss Luka.” (post)
It’s a crowded room, but nevertheless Tooma knows when he’s being watched, and he turns and meets the thoughtful gaze of the man in the check pants and the cabbie hat and says, “Why are you staring at me?” “Trying to remember where we’ve met before. Besides here, of course. You’re one of the Lupin guys, right?” “Lupin Blue.” Tooma pauses. “You’re Spada, I remember you. From the Kyuurangers.” As he speaks, he remembers–“You’re the chef.” (post)
Makito wanders into the library mid-morning with a slip of paper in hand and begins running his fingers along the shelves as he searches for a book, and then stops, frowning. “Hey, did someone organize these? Who did this?” Kai doesn’t look up from his homework. “Who did what?” “Organized the books.” “Oh, yeah, that. Houka’s boyfriend.” “Houka has a boyfriend who organizes books?” (post)
“Your sense of timing leaves something to be desired,” Tetsuo gasps. “As usual.” “What, as usual? I’m tryin’ to be more spontaneous.” (post)
Parad twitches violently and nearly falls over, and Emu looks up from the patient file he’s reviewing with some alarm. “Parad, are you all right? You feel,” and a wave of nausea hits him as he’s saying, “sick.” (post)
Souji’s an attractive man in general, but there’s something about his legs in particular that just makes Arata completely lose his mind. It’s not just that they’re good legs, although they are incredibly good legs–it’s that there seems to be a lot of them. Arata’s not sure how that works, since Souji’s not actually much taller than him, but he’s not going to argue with it. (post)
“All right, are we recording?” “Camera rolling, Dr. Kujou.” “Ok, excellent. This is a video record of Game Disease recovery experiment number one hundred and thirteen. Today we’re attempting a revival using Roidmude Core technology donated by Dr. Sawagami Rinna, she’s a fantastic lady, we’re sending her a fruit basket–I’m focusing, it’s fine. Subject is Momose Saki, we have on file a signed release from her next of kin–” (post)
Clink. Clink. Clink. There is someone in Maki’s laboratory, and he has not authorized anyone to be in there. Of course, it might be Date, the man’s always making himself inconvenient, but somehow Maki suspects that it is not. Clink, clink, clink. He steps into the laboratory and it is, of course, not Date. (post)
All right, and with that we’ve hit 20 and I’m stopping. Anyway...clearly I like to open with dialogue, but otherwise I’m not sure that you could say there’s a particular pattern.
I am tagging @si-siw and no one else, but feel free to blame me if you decide to do it too. ^_^
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years ago
Kill la Kill the Game: IF: “Quick” Ending Thoughts
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I’ve been thinking about Kill la Kill's OVA because I finally finished IF. I've definitely wondered if the game's story would mess me up as badly as that extra episode did. 
Dramatic, but the OVA really put me in such a funk when it dropped. Thoughts of rewatching it turn my stomach. 
But in the end, while I do have gripes with the game's story mode, it ultimately doesn't make me feel sick like the OVA does. I'll write my in-depth thoughts eventually (maybe after eight months again), but tl;dr, the game does what the OVA doesn't: it respects Senketsu as a character.
And since my own investment in the anime overwhelmingly stems from Ryuko and Senketsu's partnership and camaraderie, for me, personally, the game's simple choice to honor that Senketsu is a person is... meaningful. It's what I wanted from the OVA.
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I'll save most of my blathering for that future blog post, but I do want to highlight some of my favorite moments from Ryuko's final two IF episodes because it's fresh in my mind, and, well... I just want to gush for a bit. Major spoilers for the game to follow.
✄ First, I think it's hard to capture Mako's "Hallelujah!"s in a 3D format, but these lines are cute:
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Mako: I bet Lady Satsuki just wanted some friends, too! And now, she’s got a whooooole buncha naked friends!
I've said similar things before, but I love how Mako doesn't hesitate to see Satsuki⁠—who is so often treated as greater than human—as an ordinary girl who just wants friends.
✄ But more to my main motivation for this post, Ryuko and Senketsu's interactions are the real fanservice of Kill la Kill. (For me, anyway!)
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Senketsu: What do you mean? What edge?
Ryuko: Senketsu... I got a batshit-crazy idea.
Senketsu: Don’t you always?
Ryuko: You know it! Anyway, do you think you can do what it’s doing?
Senketsu may worry (and who wouldn't for this girl?), but he also admires Ryuko's creativity and ingenuity, and it's so precious.
✄ I really don't have a lot of constructive things to say about their moments together. Ryuko and Senketsu are just absolutely adorable in these final episodes.
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Ryuko: There’s nothing the Primordial Life Fiber can do that you and me can’t. Nothing.
✄ Babies. 10/10/ A+.
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Senketsu: Reckless is our middle name!
Ryuko: Damn right!
✄ Seeing Ryuko smile in Senketsu-Kisaragi is such a joy, too. That didn't really get to happen in the anime.
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Ryuko: I guess this future can happen, too!
✄ And while I do get a kick out of "more comfier," Ryuko talking about how good Senketsu-Kisaragi feels makes my heart melt.
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Ryuko: This is... Senketsu-Kisaragi... It feels way warmer and more comfier than usual. I feel unbeatable!
Did I lose way too many Bloody Valors and go for this line more than I should have purely because it's sweeter than sugar? Yes, yes I did.
✄ They remind me of a butterfly, especially from a distance. That Senketsu's teeth come to resemble wings makes me so emotional. Their good communication allows them to soar, or they're both emerging from their chrysalis, flying out into the world....
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Idk symbolism, but I love.
✄ IF excels in the details. Subtly emphasizing Ryuko and Senketsu's growing bond, Senketsu speaks more when playing dual-wield Ryuko, and his sp.C complaint that Ryuko's making him dizzy changes to support. With Kisaragi, for the first time, Senketsu has something to say for each super.
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Ryuko: Let’s go all out!
Senketsu: I’m ready!
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Ryuko: Let’s fly, Senketsu!
Senketsu: Right, let’s step on it!
✄ Senketsu also speaks in Kisaragi—also for the first time—during normal battle. I caught the lines, "Don't bite your tongue!," "I'm starting to sweat!," and "Leave it to me!" 
Senketsu telling Ryuko not to hold back with “Don’t bite your tongue!” might be my fave, but the lines all highlight how their teamwork has grown.
✄ I'm really bad at RPS, so I lost this final battle, um... a few times, let's say. But one thing that got me is that even when fallen over, Ryuko and Senketsu would still float. Not even a KO can bring them down!
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✄ On that note, I'm sure I'm the only one who finds this amusing, but that Ryuko casually floats along in Senketsu-Kisaragi just 'cause she can makes me smile, especially considering her angry stomp-stomps only moments before. They flyin' now.
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✄ That Ryuko seems so offended that Houka would say Junketsu-Shinzui is stronger than Senketsu gets to me, too.
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Houka: It’s [Junketsu-Shinzui’s] way more powerful than your Senketsu.
Ryuko: Do I look like I give a damn?!
✄ But back to the battle, of the three options that can trigger the SEN-I-SOSHITSU, these lines are unquestionably my favorites:
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Ryuko: If I get to be like this someday, then I’m all for it. But first things first! I gotta get back to reality and make sure I get it!
Just Kill la Kill me with cute, why don't you?
✄ "Ryuko! I can feel your blood surging!" is a line that sounds like it shouldn't be adorable, but it is so adorable. They are adorable.
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Senketsu: Ryuko! I can feel your blood surging!
Ryuko: We got a lot riding on this. We can’t lose this one!
✄ This makes me feel so many things.
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Ryuko: Hey... Senketsu? When this world disappears... what’ll happen to us?
✄ Kill la Kill makes me feel so many things. It's weird to have finally played to the end of IF after all this time. It's weird that there's no content waiting for me anymore. 
The game got mixed reception, but if this is it for the IP, I'm good. Unsure, but hopeful. That's a nice end.
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Ryuko: Oh.
✄ tl;dr, I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion, but to me, the story of the Kill la Kill game is a more satisfying send-off for the series than the OVA.
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chevalierene · 6 years ago
The PRxPRince Experience
It’s been nearly five months so it’s high time I finally wrote up my review ^^; In April of this year I had the pleasure to see Machida Nanoka’s directorial debut show, PRxPRince. This show was also the first solo lead for Snow Troupe’s Towaki Sea (Hitoko). As this was the first bow hall show I have seen the theatre is much smaller than the Grand Theatres with no balcony and holds a little over 500 people. 
The intimacy of the show is doubled with the cast of 30 people who all get to shine during the show. There are enough additional scenes for everyone in the cast to play important roles and it also showcases a lot of the younger actresses as well. 
All bias aside, PRxPRince is a fantastic show and is possibly my favorite Takarazuka show that I have seen yet. With the combined powers of Machida sensei’s writing and Hitoko’s sensual charm onstage they somehow created a show that is both very fun and extremely lethal. Before the show premiered just from the interviews it was evident that Machida sensei knew exactly what she was doing. She had been a fan of Takarazuka for a number of years and it shows in the final result. 
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The show opens with the three ministers of Pecchieno, the Genovia-like country in which the story takes place, who are trying to figure out a way to get the country out of financial difficulties. Caspar (Kanou Yuuri) and Elias (Ichika Ao) have very different views on how to go about this dilemma with Caspar being very old-fashioned and Elias being a Millennial and very social media savvy. Damian (Yume Maoto) is kind of the moderator between them and the one who ends up suggesting the ultimate way to solve the country’s issues (which will be revealed later on). 
The next scene is a PR campaign video that introduces Victor (Hitoko), the oldest prince of Pecchieno as well as his two younger brothers, Valentin (Aya Ouka) and Valtteri (Ayami Sera). The opening song “Welcome to Pecchieno” is one of the catchiest songs in the show and gets reprised later on, inevitably becoming an earworm for anyone who hears it. What should be noted about the opening is that Victor’s glasses are removed before the start of the PR campaign video so Hitoko’s blue contact lenses and smooth blonde hair are on full display. And it is truly devastating! (Sidenote: I had no idea that the intro song actually introduces the rest of the cast who come onstage briefly until my last time seeing the show because I had my opera glasses focused on Hitoko for the other 6).
The next time we see Victor he is dressed in a parka, tennis shoes, a lab coat, and has large round glasses and messy hair. Victor is the leader of a group of scientists whose goal it is to find a solution to the polluting problems from the neighboring country (though this plotline might have changed since the director’s talk cause there was probably something I missed but I tried my best to follow along with the laboratory scenes). Elle (Jun Hana) is one of the scientists who really likes Victor and Victor really likes her. They are very adorable and awkward together. They are also both incredibly intelligent. Elle is seen as very smart but also fierce and is not one you want to mess with (she does Karate poses).
During another PR campaign tactic the princes are literally being mobbed by fangirls (listed as Fangirl 1-6 in the program) in order to promote tourism. At one point during a struggle Victor’s glasses fall off and he falls to the ground. He then emits a very unsumire moan. Suddenly, the lights change to a vivid bright green and music starts. Victor lifts up his head but his entire demeanor has changed. It is revealed during this song that this is in fact Christopher and he is searching for his goddess. The awkward prince Victor is replaced by Christopher, a very handsome, cocky, and aggressive version who makes every girl around him fall to the ground in delight. This reveal was so secret during the press for PRxPRince before I saw the show that I knew that Hitoko would be both extremely kawaii and extremely ikemen but I didn’t realize that Victor would change into a completely different person!
Through a flashback scene told by Alice (Sahana Mako), the family’s nurse, it is revealed that because Victor was just TOO BEAUTIFUL and maids had to flee the room because they just couldn’t handle it, a hypnotist is brought in to put a spell on Victor that allows his ikemen side to stay hidden when he has the glasses on. However, the side effect is that when the glasses get removed his ikemen side is so extra and over the top that he is literally a completely different person. In the show there are two songs that feature Victor and his Shadow which is the other side of him. The Shadow (Houka Haruna) is distant for the first song and represents Christopher behind him in the background. The second song is started by Christopher and the Shadow comes out wearing glasses. In the middle of the song the Shadow puts the glasses on Christopher. When he turns around he is once again Victor. The glasses are then removed completely and they have a duet dance together. The transitions from one to the other are incredible and it shows off Hitoko’s acting skills in the best possible way. It isn’t just the glasses that make the change. As Victor, Hitoko speaks and sings in a higher register that is closer to her natural speaking voice, she stutters more, her posture is often bent forward, has more outbursts and exclamations and is also portrayed as very sensitive. As Christopher, Hitoko is in full dangerous otokoyaku-killing mode; her speaking and singing voice is deeper, her posture is straight, she is more confident, aggressive, and controlling. Christopher also speaks in a very old-fashioned way and gives off an air as otherworldly in many ways. Another neat thing is that Victor addresses himself as “Boku” and addresses Elle as “Elle-san”. Christopher uses “Ore” when referring to himself and just says “Elle”. 
Elle faces a crisis at one point when Christopher tries to make a move and she slaps him. She immediately panics when she thinks that she has hurt Victor though and tries to figure out what happened to her sweet awkward boyfriend. Her and Victor sing a duet towards the audience in separate rooms. The song is later reprised after Victor admits that he likes Elle and they sing it to each other in a very tender moment. Jun Hana has a very Disney princess vibe to her which is exemplified whenever she’s around Hitoko who has an equally Disney prince vibe. They are characters who could literally be in a shoujo manga. While Jun Hana does not have the strongest singing voice per se, she makes it work here. 
Victor’s brothers, Valentin and Valterri are also rather amusing to watch. I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed watching Aya’s performance as Valentin. She was VERY extra. Valentin is a true narcissist and has long flowing locks. He also tends to play with the ends of his hair and is the MOST dramatic person I have ever seen. He pines after a girl he once knew called Diana and throughout the show tries to pursue a girl of the same name played by Seina Nozomi who he’s convinced is the same one he once loved. Valterri is the youngest brother and is obsessed with working out. He’s very impulsive and doesn’t really think things through which gets him in trouble later on (Victor and Valentin silently scold him at one point which is funny since both of them are using big gestures on the side of the stage while other characters are talking). He is also head over heels in love with Marie (Irodori Michiru), the sister of the rival country’s ruler, Queen Lily (Ai Sumire). Ayami Sera did a really good job at playing the bratty younger brother who just wants to have fun. This was probably her biggest role to date so far too so she got to show off her singing as well. 
Speaking of Ai Sumire I need to talk about her because she was one of the most phenomenal parts of this show! She is portrayed as a campy villain with a very extra evil laugh. But DANG the girl has the most powerful voice and even gets the only vocal song in the finale! Catch me singing “IKEMEN! I-KE-MEN!” constantly. Lily is almost always surrounded by her posse made up of Rose (Shouno Chio) who is more or less her secretary who always carries an iPad with her to let Queen Lily know about the latest thing that their neighboring country is up to and Garrett (Kiraha Reo) who is Lily’s erm...really hot boytoy/bodyguard? What was quite surprising for me the first time I saw it was that Garrett does not speak AT ALL in the show. He whispers behind his hands to Lily but other than that he is completely silent and yet, the way that Kiraha (Kari) presents herself onstage even without saying a word is mesmerizing to watch. She just emits the most brooding otokoyaku energy that is mostly reserved for kuroenbis in revues. Garrett smokes, casually checks his watch, and performs a tango with Lily and I cannot stop LOOKING AT HIM ONSTAGE! Even when other characters are talking onstage if Garrett is there (save for when Victor is present) my eyes would float over to him just to watch him stare into the ether and make the slowest and most deliberate of gestures. 
Of course, no true royal comedy would happen without the king and queen themselves. King Anselm (Souno Haruto) and Queen Beatrice (Maisaki Rin) are the parents of the V3 (the campaign name for the three hot princes). King Anselm is very attached to everything he owns especially his expensive collection of various artifacts. Queen Beatrice is just trying to have a nice time and wants everyone to be happy again. They are also IMMENSELY in love and get very lovey-dovey in front of their boys who are all grossed out by their displays of affection. Given that the two actresses are also classmates they play off of each other really well and have a very nice relationship that is enhanced through that. They play an important role to the story and Maisaki Rin (Hime) even gets a moment of adlibbing. 
One of the great things about PRxPRince was actually the amount of adlibs that were included with each performance. There are several moments in the script where adlibs occur for each performance, similar in the way of the adlibs in shows like Lupin III and Bakumatsu Taiyouden occur. Even though you can tell these adlibs are planned out somewhat in advance it’s nice to see the actresses work with things that are also on the spot sometimes since not everything is completely planned out. Some were funnier than others but that’s all part of the fun of the show and just finding a good balance with the audience. Personally I loved the adlibs even though I couldn’t understand some of them sometimes. Other things that were adlibbed were little gestures here and there that the characters would do that were different with each performance. One of my favorites was watching Kari scold Michiru at one point and one performance Kari leaned over Michiru so much that Michiru’s tiara had bounced back onto her head as she came up. The adlibs definitely made each performance I saw unique and lots of fun especially when the show was in the middle of Japan’s naming for the new era and suddenly 平成 (Heisei) and 令和 (Reiwa) adlibs were added to the mix. 
As the ministers figure out the next part in the V3 PR campaign Damian suggests that they host a ball in order to find eligible matches for the princes. A lot of stuff goes down in Act 2 during the ball including Marie showing off her pet bug to literally everyone within range, Elle finding said bug and actually communicating with it, Garrett and Rose playing musical instruments, Valentin doing a slow baywatch walk, and Victor expressing his true feelings towards Elle. At the very end of the show Victor and Elle actually go into the audience to do high-touches with those lucky to be on the aisle seats (alas, I was not one of them). One of the best moments was from the final performance when Top Stars Nozomi Fuuto and Maya Kiho were in the audience and I was able to see Hitoko shake both of their hands in a very sincere gesture since she was so happy both of them could make it to the show. 
I talked a bit about the music before but OH MY GOD this show’s music is incredible! It’s very catchy and pleasing to the ear. A lot of the songs are slightly reminiscent of older Takarazuka shows but are also not too old-fashioned sounding. A lot of brass and strings are used in the songs which is very enjoyable. The finale takes it one step further though and incorporates electric guitar. 
Yes, I am going to spend an entire paragraph just on the finale because it deserves to be talked about. After the happy ending of the show intense rock music is played as the curtain rises to three figures: Ai Sumire, Kari, and Shouno Chio. A rock version of “Lily’s Song” is played and it is THE BEST THING EVER! After my first viewing I always looked forward to the finale because it starts off super strong and doesn’t disappoint. Ai Sumire is the only one who gets to sing in the finale which is appropriate considering her voice is amazing and is one of the best singers in Yukigumi imo (Daikiho aside, of course). After the villainous trio have their number Hitoko sneakily walks onstage to stand on a platform. She is dressed in a dark blue coat with gold trim and a silk wine red shirt on beneath it. Her blonde wig stays on for the entire time. An instrumental rendition of “Two souls” is played as she descends the stairs, dancing fluidly and gracefully like a swan and takes front and center. The “fuu!” that emits from her lips is enough to make the audience shatter into 1000 pieces. They have fallen under their prince’s spell with the lure of Hitoko’s sanpakugan (this was so effective I was unable to watch this part of the finale with the opera glasses because it was THAT powerful). The rest of the otokoyaku join her shortly afterwards in a dance which evolves into an instrumental “Diana” as Hitoko takes off to change into her next costume while Ayana leads. After the otokoyaku dance they scatter and the musumeyaku all appear in lovely pink dresses. Hitoko has changed into a Prince Charming white military uniform and dances in the center, surrounded by beautiful women, which honestly, the dream. A shift in the music starts and one by one the ladies leave the stage until there is one remaining. But even SHE isn’t the goddess that our prince seeks. Jun Hana makes her way onto a small platform in a gold ball gown similar in style to Belle’s from Beauty and the Beast. When Hitoko turns around and sees her it’s like a wave of happiness rolls through them both and they have a classic waltz set to an instrumental version of “Someday My Prince Will Come” from Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs. It is canonically one of the purest moments in the entire show even though the entire time I watched it I prayed that Hitoko would not trip over Jun Hana’s massive ballgown. The only mishap I saw was on the first day when while twirling Jun Hana to the side she slipped ever so slightly but managed to catch herself gracefully. After their intimate dance they exit together and the curtain call rolls. 
This show brought together so many hearts and it was so refreshing to see Yukigumi do a comedy bow hall since it has not been done since the early 2000s. I love this show more than I have loved any Takarazuka show and I feel blessed that I was able to see it live as many times as I did and to be able to share this wonderful experience with others. 
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years ago
Heh heh, whoops…
… Realised I forgot to do a Ryusoulger Raw post.
So… Y’all get to hear my initial reactions to the subbed version! Yay! XD
Let’s a-go!
In no particular order and w/ many typos:
Naohisa peeling the banana for Ui bc she’s so busy staring. XD Ui, I know Asuna is beautiful, and the boys, too, but please remember to eat?
Well, that’s either really convenient, or Naohisa knows more than he’s letting on. This is Sentai. It could be either.
Aw, poor Melto. Come here, I’ll give you a hug. ^^ Sometimes I’m a good mother.
I think I already waxed about why I love the way Banba immediately, like, flies to this guy’s side in the tags of Ryuu’s gifset, but it still holds. Believes he can’t trust people and that kindness is weakness, but still can’t stop himself. I am really hoping for an episode/something way down the line where he has a ‘I would have turned into a monster w/out Touwa and the rest of you’ moment. Might just write one myself, eventually. ^^
And the coincidence, one of the true heroes of Toku, saving the day is also still hilarious. Like, if Banba had been one block over.
Why was he even on this street to begin w/?
Why is Touwa here? I find it hard to believe Banba would at all be interested.
No, actually, I know why. Bc plot.
Aw, he came bc he loves you two and is constantly anxious. Melto is absolutely the type of person who is afraid to let the people he loves out of his sight bc what if they didn’t look both ways before crossing the street and got hit by a truck???? And I doubt Biker Dad’s death helped that at all. Kou and Asuna are all he’s got left of his ‘family’ and he’s secretly terrified of losing them, too. Hey, Melto, I think I just got an idea for an angst tidbit for you, and I’m really sorry.
Aaaaand the youngest brothers are at it again. XD Dorks.
My ‘age’ order for this family is Naohisa, Banba, Melto, Asuna, Kou, Touwa and Ui. Age in quotes bc obviously the canon ages are completely wild. But I think I’ve done the fam break down before, so I won’t go into it again. ^^
I mean, gotta hand it to Wyzul. It’s a situation where acting blatantly weird and out of place works. Like, it’s a legit acting job. People in special events/games. Ren fairs. Yes, he’s acting really evil and suspicious, but that’s easily explainable as that being the character. Another pretty good plan. Very Sentai, but actually a good plan.
I don’t actually play Dark Souls, but…
Okay, but I wouldn’t be getting too comfy, yet. You’re missing one, and he happens to be the most stab-happy out of all of them. Like, I’m sorry, but as a villain, I would be celebrating while Banba was unaccounted for. I’d be checking the back stairwell.
This confirms that the chibis are merely going in colour order and have no bearing on the focus character.
Mother¡Melto makes another appearance, in a small way. ^^
I don’t know, Asuna. Given that none of you remember how you got here, I think it’s very valid of Melto to fear this was a Druidon trap.
Kou takes a moment to look majestic. XD HAve you been taking lessons from Banba? ^^
This is so obviously suspicious. Like. It’s obviously magic. Touwa and Asuna win the doofus award this ep. At least Kou figured it out eventually.
Touwa is the super winner of the award, though. Asuna had the sense to snap to it when told there were Druidon. XD
Honestly, she probably needs the protein and calories. Her super strength might mean she burns through energy faster than other people.
Actually, I dunno if that makes sense.
Mother¡Melto again. XD ‘Don’t eat mystery meat!’ is kind of like he’s telling her not to take food from strangers…
Yup, Touwa’s a dumb. ^^ I love how in the character blog, Yuito was like ‘he would have gotten scolded if his brother was there.’ XD Probably one of the reasons they didn’t want Banba in Wonderland w/ them. A) he would have snapped Touwa out of it too soon, and B) given how the chests open in their own, they didn’t want to reveal too much about his past, I guess? Though I wish they would tell us at least a little more. Keep it slow, absolutely, but I’m hoping for some more concrete hints soon.
A for effort, Melto. You tried.
Also, oh, Kou. ^^ Cutie. So it is limited—bc they had to stay trapped in the ‘box,’ it couldn’t actually grant Kou’s wish. But it sure tried. Kinda like w/ that Yummy that was destroying people’s dreams when it tried to attack Eiji, and the world came out of his mind.
Aw, he’s fine. The boy is durable. ^^
Kou, now is the time when you assume this is not the real world, you dork. XD
Aw, did Banba help clean up? Actually, there’s no indication if he did or not, but it’s sweet to think he did. ^^
I mean, he’s got a point. It could have a backlash. My recommendation would be to poke it first. Though since Kou crashed into it before, it’d probably just be impervious…
Oh, don’t remind him of that, that was (obviously unintentionally) kinda insensitive of her… Well, it did say that she sometimes has a habit of saying the wrong thing/speaking so bluntly she has trouble communicating… We haven’t really seen that yet, but I think it’s kind of coming into play here, since Melto’s bio, and this ep, establish that Melto is self conscious and doubts himself in comparison to the others… So that probably hurt him a lot  more than she intended it too.
But bc he’s Melto, he didn’t communicate that, so she had no way of knowing and no chance to reassure him she didn’t mean it that way.
God, Banba’s got a compulsive apologising streak, Melto has an inferiority complex, neither likes admitting hurt/weakness, esp to people they care about… And then there’s Asuna being too blunt and saying thing w/out thinking, Kou and Touwa are probably in the ‘bottle things up’ boat, too, just of the Stepford Smiler/Snarker variety… Any more of my quirks you’d like to spread out amongst the team, Toei? Like, maybe Gold is constantly terrified he’s bothering everyone?
Sorry (exhibit A XD) that got a little nonsensical. Right now it’s mainly Banba, Melto, and Asuna who are exhibiting some of my habits (apologising [for ex. rather than thanking someone], a slight inferiority complex compared to more “successful” friends, an in ability to read social cues and saying things w/out thinking).
And I love them for it. DX Really gotta write more Melto now!
Aaaaaaaaand… Now I’m crying all over again. DX I mean, hi Biker Dad and all, but poor Melto… TT^TT
This poor baby… DX Like, you can tell that for a fraction of a second, he’s almost like ‘oh my god, you’re alive?!?!?’ And… Then the memory hits him. DX
And then he promptly logics himself out to ‘I’m hallucinating.’ Oh, baby… DX
I know it would’ve broken the illusion, but… I wish Melto could’ve hugged him. Let the boy hug his Biker Dad. DX
Or, if not, can someone please hug someone??? Please?!?!?
Aw, he’s scared, though. I mean, I totally think he was the anxious, ‘oh my god what if I turn around for a moment and they fall of a cliff?!?’ sort of person before, but losing their Masters magnified that. He loves them so much he was afraid of something happening to them before, but now that something terrible has happened to someone else he loves, it’s even worse.
Basically, he was already terrified of something bad happening to the people he loved, and then something did, validating that terror.
Inferiority complex probably didn’t help. It’s not exactly resentment toward people perceived as ‘better’ (though there is some in it), but feels like a failure on the part of the one w/ the complex for not being ‘good enough’ or able to ‘catch up.’ He knew they were good at fighting, but was terrified by their recklessness and feared he might not be strong enough to help them one day, or something. Not sure any of that made sense.
I do like the idea of Biker Dad inside the Blue RyuSoul just being like, ‘oh no, Melto is worrying himself into a corner, maybe it will help if I astral project and give him a pep talk.’ Might be cute if the Masters’ souls are still semi ‘present’ or ‘aware’ in the RyuSouls.
… Ooooooo. I just got an idea. Kinda like in that Magiranger episode. Like, the trio get trapped in some ‘magical dimension’ or something again, and, like, the Masters are somehow there, or their souls come out of the RyuSouls somehow… Anyway, could have something like when… Houka, I think it was, didn’t want to leave that place bc it seemed like their mother was there. Could also include friendship bc maybe the final straw for them finding the will to go isn’t just ‘we need to protect the world’ but also, on a more personal level, the Tatsuis and the brothers? Like, if they realise that the boys are getting overwhelmed in the real world, esp if the brothers are partially fighting to try and rescue them, and are about to get defeated, and meanwhile Ui’s in the line of fire bc she’s trying to help civilians and doing everything she can, too… Could be cute. And heartbreaking.
That was a bad explanation, I’ll try to be more concise later.
Why… Is he explaining this?
Again. I wouldn’t be celebrating while mister handsome murder boy the Majestic Knight is still at large.
I like how it’s still saying ‘here, here.’
Wow, Melto can jump!
Oooo. They came out of the fire! Cool effect.
I’d question how Biker Dad knows this, but he’s dead, so maybe he’s omniscient now. I dunno. I’m inclined to give more leeway to people knowing weird things if they’re dead. Bc they’re no longer tied to this plane, ya know?
……… Butt. DX
AAAAH! DX Poor baby. He’s all like ‘I did it, dad!’ and briefly forgets that it was an vision, and then of course Biker Dad is gone, and it… TT^TT
Ah, yes. The perfect way to get me to stop crying. Cut directly from sad, introspective Melto to Banba tenderly caressing the lid of some random box. XD
Now, I will not grow out of that joke. XP Ryusoulger here, making me jealous of inanimate objects like pros.
Must everything he does be so very attractive? And by that I mean sexy? But for some reason I am very self-conscious about that word???
Touwa still wins the super doof award.
And now, Melto does math. I think.
XD Kou’s crash into the dome was useful! Though I’m impressed Melto could have any estimation of what the height of that was. ^^
I really like the little collars of the suits. I really do.
(pictures at the bottom)
XD Using the Minusaur’s power against it. ^^ Nice going Melto.
I guess it’s not technically him piloting alone—though he does seem to be the one in control…
XD Wyzul and Crayon’s reactions are so funny. ^^
Touwa just lying on the grou w/ his arms folded is still funny.
Banba just… Freaking teleports behind Kou. How did he even find them? Did he walk down the street carrying the box while fully transformed? XD
Banba interrogating the mooks is hilarious bc, esp in most recent years, they can’t actually talk. The most recent exception I can think of is Kyuranger’s mooks.
XD The absolutely unnecessarily fancy sword twirling he does just to point it in the other direction. <3
I mean, I guess it might seem a little silly, but… Isn’t there a belief in Shinto that all things have souls, even inanimate objects? So… Not so far afield, really. Though that does kinda make it sadder that Banba just smashed it. DX Requiescat in pace, antique miniature garden box. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Most easily defeated Mimic. Ever.
Asuna and Kou are either staring into my soul, or thinking about how cool Banba is, and I find both to be valid.
Touwa, don’t be mean. DX Ah, dorks.
This scene is really cute. Y’all here turning into a family w/out noticing, between the younger sibs teasing Melto and then goofing off among themselves, Banba just walking behind them like a tired babysitter and even shooting a look at Melto like he’s trying to make sure Blue’s still w/ them… Cuties.
Also, Touwa bouncing. ^^ <3
The soft piano version of the theme song definitely helps, too. ^^
That hug is still available if you want it, Melto.
And yes, I’d like to think it was. ^^
Still wondering what was up w/ that hooded person. They’re in the opening. They can’t just forget they exist! What happened in the rest of that secene w/ the brothers? Not even Touwa has mentioned it. Did they get their memories of the encounter wiped? Or is there something more?
I like the opening shot of Asuna playing a carnival game while the boys watch. Like, it’s so cute and family-y. Melto’s so excited for her like a proud mom and Kou seems to trying to perfect his strategy. XD
Asuna once again finds herself talking people out of… That.
At this point, I don’t care how short that Banba sulking scene is or how little it relates to the plot. I just want to see it. ^^
That’s all, folks! Virtual mochi for anyone who read all that! I really liked this episode, and I’m glad for Melto getting a chance to be very heartbreaking, too. Next episode is an Asuna ep, and while I’m a little cagey about it bc of the short summary we saw at first, I’m willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt and not jump to conclusions about how they’re going to handle it. Hoping we’ll see Anky Mom, too, though there haven’t been any shots of her in the previews… Well, it wouldn’t make much sense if they didn’t eventually bring her back in some way. Still hoping for more concrete info about the brothers’, and specifically Banba’s past. Not all at once, but you could slowly start giving us more. Though it’s not that pressing, and is mainly bc I’m an impatient baby—they’ve got time to do it. And then there’s mysterious hooded person who is in the opening. Gaisoulg? Master Gold? Probably too old to be Gold, but who knows. It does seems strange that not even Touwa, the more friendly of the two, has brought it up to the trio. You’d assume he’d mention ‘oh, yeah, mysterious cloaked man came and sought us out and [something something]’ Makes me very suspicious of cloaked man. Did he wipe their memories? Threaten them? Just plan ask them to keep him a secret? Is he friend of foe? Is he Naohisa? Who knows. But I’d like some clues. At some point.
Lastly, the screenshots I promised, of the life blobs, and the thing everyone else probably already noticed:
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allylovesall · 6 years ago
TOP 10 Best Sentai Heroine (according to me) (yeah, I know most of the list are Yellow girls)
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10th: Natsume Mio/ToQ Sangou from Ressha Sentai ToQGer (2014)
While people adore Kagura a lot (for real, Ai is cute and pretty tho), I prefer Mio. I love ToQGer, and it’s one of the best series from 2012 - now. Mio is a strong and she’s a real big sister to Kagura (even though they’re in the same age). She’s kind, but too kind, ready to sacrifice herself for others, hide her own tears just to make the others not to worry about her. But all in one, I like her personality, but the character doesn’t seem to stand out.
Favorite ships: Tokatti x Mio
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9th: Amu/Zyuoh Tiger from Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger (2016)
Hmm, I’m not a big fan of Zyuohger, what I like the most about it is the characters. So this is why Amu and Sela are both in low rank. She’s cute, but more than just pretty face. She looks childish, but she understand about life more than Sela, who thought to be a mature character. And maybe, the real big sister is this Tiger girl in my opinion. Amu loves shopping, eating, and lazy with the housework, but she is not the dreamy girl. That is what I like about her.
Favorite ships: Yamato x Amu
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8th: Sela/Zyuoh Shark in Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger (2016)
Sela is the typical pure and sweet girl. The reason why I adore her more than Amu a bit is her beauty :v . At first, I thought Sela would be a pure and sweet girl, and a little serious in the inside. But she’s not, she’s a younger sister of the team, naive and easily fall in with others. I like the naive character (outside or inside are okay), so I love Sela the sharkie.
Favorite ships: Tusk x Sela
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7th: Myoujin Tsukasa/Patren Sangou in Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger (2018)
Okay, seriously, at first I hate her, cause she looks a little too arrogant to me and just pretend to be a badass woman, and I thought she would be another Nishihori Sakura. But I love her after episode 3. She’s smart (smarter than the Pat boys for sure), Tsukasa loves stuffed animals, especially those look a little weird (like Jagaton, but Jagaton is cute :< ), and she’s quite like Sela, a pure and innocent girl who believes in others to easily. Also, she’s the one who ask to investigate the Kaitou at the beginning, is that enough for her intelligent? And btw, she’s the most beautiful Pink heroine that I’ve ever known (Yeah I know Ahim is beautiful too)
Favorite ships: allTsukasa except Keiichirou since I enjoy shipping them as friends. 2 of my favorite must be Kairi x Tsukasa and Tooma x Tsukasa :))
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6th: Ozu Urara/Magi Blue in Mahou Sentai Magiranger (2005)
One of my favorite series. I love both Houka and Urara but only this girl is in my top 10. A nice and mature girl, more than Houka. And she loves Hikaru deep in her heart, a great character like Urara deserves a happy ending, right? Sadly it has been too long since I last watched Magiranger so I can’t really remember about it.
Favorite ships: Must be Hikaru x Urara :>
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5th: Mamiya Natsuki/Bouken Yellow in GoGo Sentai Boukenger (2006)
And once again, lots of people are fan of Sakura, and I, myself are crazy in love with Natsuki-chan. A real cutie and and her voice is one of the reason why I love her. Natsuki like a power of the team, makes the Boukenger less serious. How can you say no to this cutie pie? I can’t, and in a million years? no way.
Favorite ships: AllNatsuki, but Satoru x Natsuki and Masumi x Natsuki mostly
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4th: Hanaori Kotoha/Shinken Yellow in Samurai Sentai Shinkenger (2009)
I love Shinkenger, but not a fan of it. I love Kotoha, and I’m a fan of her. Outside, Kotoha is the real younger sister, shy and looks a little weak. But who knows, she’s really good with sword and flute, but she’s still clumsy in other things. I like her, I don’t think she’s annoying at all. So you can realize how I really love the cute girl more than the mature girl?
Favorite ships: Takeru x Kotoha
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3rd: Usami Youko/Yellow Buster in Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters (2012)
According to me, Youko is the most unchancy female character (and really, the ToQGers can’t compare to her). She lost her mother when she was 4, and lost her forever after 13 years. She had to stand on her feet too soon, while she can just be a normal teenage girl like others. But even she’s in the force, she still keeps her teen side in her. She’s not the kind of serious person, she works at a buster seriously, she’s still keep her teenage part beside, a nice and trustworthy person you can count on.
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2nd: Hayami Umika/Lupin Yellow in Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger (2018)
Okay to be honest I was in love with this cutie before I saw the actress. Umika is the cutest girl I’ve ever seen (just after Saki). And thanks to Kairi, we can see plenty of her cute expression. If you don’t trust me? Watch the LuPat from the beginning. And beside, her husky voice is one of my favorite too. Umika worked as a thief just to save her friends, but deep inside, she started to love her life now. She’s the type like: Childish but mature, maybe? And yeah, how can you say no to that baby face?
Favorite ships: AllUmika but mostly Keiichirou x Umika for sure :>
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1st: Rouyama Saki/Go-On Yellow in Engine Sentai Go-Onger (2008)
I watched Go-Onger right after Shinkenger. And I gotta say, no one beats my little Saki, no one. I returned to Super Sentai quite late, about 2016, that was the time I watched that 2 series. I was like: “Who is this? How can she be so pretty?”. I even search all the Google about her. Saki had her signature smile, which made the team cannot be a team without her. How can I stop loving her?
Favorite ships: Yeah, just with Sousuke and no one else
btw, sorry for my bad English :> I will make 5 worst (according to me again) later
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technopup-a · 7 years ago
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► Name ➔ Inumuta Houka ► Are you single ➔ No ► Are you happy ➔ Getting there. ► Are you angry? ➔ Not. ► Are your parents still married ➔ That’s complicated.
► Birth Place ➔ Japan ► Hair Color ➔ Blue ► Eye Color ➔ Green ► Birthday ➔ November 10th ► Mood ➔ Weird. ► Gender ➔ Male ► Summer or winter ➔ Winter. ► Morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon
► Are you in love ➔ Yes. ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No. ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ N/A ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Urk-- *looks at the thread with Shirou* ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ No. ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yes. ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Probably. ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ This question is confusing and irrelevant. ► Love or lust ➔ I usually experience both, but love I guess. ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Lemonade. ► Cats or Dogs ➔ Dogs. ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends. ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ I’d say data crunching is a pretty wild night in. ► Day or night ➔ Night.
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Yes. ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Yes. ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yes. ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Yes.
► Smile or eyes ➔ Eyes ► Shorter or Taller ➔ Shorter, but it doesn’t mean much. ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Intelligence. ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ Relationship, but hook-ups can be fun, too.
► Do you and your family get along ➔ My mom and I did. ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Eh. ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ Yes. ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Nope! Just left.
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Since I’m dating them, yeah I guess. ► Who is your best friend(s) ➔ ...I guess my boyfriends are. ► Who knows everything about you ➔ Iori Shirou.
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tailoredhonnouji · 7 years ago
So, it seemed that some answers were finally going to be given. “Captors” was all Iori needed to know.
This project was linked to the first--that the city they were all whisked to was connected to this one by the same god-like arrogance the Scientists displayed before. And true--Iori had never seen this particular doll-like woman before. But her instructions and the offer of a ‘prize’...
“This is either a test, or something whoever’s running this island can’t do on their own.” The tailor mused to his partner. With lips pursed and caught in the silence of everyone else, his golden eyes caught Houka’s own emerald gaze, both in contemplation...
Iori’s was the first to flash with an idea, and got a nod of approval. So turning back to the abyss, joining the first few teams to announce their presence, he spoke.
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“Ofiuko! We are Inumuta Houka and Iori Shirou! Our team name name is Fiber Optics!”
And same as the meteor-like plunges before them, the pistol shot to the ground between them. Busy with other announcements, the girl moved on.
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“Well, first part solved. You should take this--this kind of thing has you written all over it. I hope the name is alright.”
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ryuuzu-gamako-satsunon · 8 years ago
ok here's some UzuRyu headcanon
I jumped onto this train bc I saw some art of ryuko and sanageyama as childhood friends and I really liked it so i’m just diving headfirst into this entire ship (pray for my multishipping ass)
and also I’m cutting for length bc good fuck am I long-winded
it takes a long goddamn time (relatively) for ryuko and uzu to get to a Relationship Situation
mostly bc they’re both idiots that don’t have the best grasp on their emotions
like, it starts out after the Final Battle. ryuko and mako start hanging out with satsuki and the four devas and at the beginning it’s super weird for everyone involved but they all become friends eventually,
and ryuko and uzu kinda start off from their last battle. even w/o the goku uniforms/senketsu ryuko just hands uzu’s ass to him. but they don’t really hate each other anymore so he’s like “yeah wow ok you’re way stronger than me, I admit it, lets let this go and go get like ice cream or something” & ryuko’s just like “yeah aight that sounds fun kinda” and they hit it off as friends.
so like, everyone’s all weird and still kinda tense in this group. satsuki’s Calmed Down a bit but it’s still weird to go from “enemies”->allies in The Battle->friends. except ryuko and uzu, who are now Buddies.
and they stay buddies. for like, years. everyone graduates and ryuko and mako and satsuki and the devas all become Actual Proper Friends (and satsuki and nonon start dating) and all that instead of Lady Satsuki And Her Sister(and sister’s bff) And Her Bodyguards. and there are ryuko and uzu, hitting up convenience stores at 4 in the morning to go get slushies, aggressively playing pokémon at each other, climbing into abandoned shit to hang out and go “man was that big battle fuckin weird or what”, shit like that. it’s a Chill™ buddyship and it surprises a few ppl (at some point ryuko and mako try dating. uzu is cheering them on the entire time even tho eventually they decide that dating was kind of a weird change and while they still care abt each other, they’d really just prefer to be bffs)
and By Now, the other devas have started pestering uzu about always hanging out with ryuko. (mostly its nonon) like “hey i’m gonna go to a park w ryuko n mako” “oOOOooOOooooOoHhhhHHHhhHhhHHh AAaRrrE yOu NoW”
and uzu’s just like “whatever, i’m gonna go get food with my buddy” and just does not even notice what they’re insinuating for the longest time(much to nonon’s Increasing Frustration)(nonon ships it)
but Eventually he kind of starts Feeling Feels, but he doesn’t really know what Feels they are
until one day they’re like, hanging out at a park w mako and fam, and they’re leaning against each other doing the Buddy Thing, and ryuko fell asleep bc she and mako and satsuki and nonon were up all night playing tekken for Girls Night or w/e (nonon spent most of the night like “so 👀👀 ryuko-chan 👀👀👀 do you like 👀👀 /like/ 👀 sanageyamaanyone??”)
and uzu realizes that if neither of them ever moved from that exact spot he would actually be pretty happy. and THEN realizes “Oh Shit I think I have a Thing for ryuko, What Do I Do” and spends the rest of the day as a flustered mess
and THAT NIGHT once they go their separate ways he kicks in the door to where the rest of the devas are chilling(someone’s house? idk) and he’s like, bright red and just shouts “I THINK I LIKE RYUKO HELP ME WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO” and there’s like, this moment of stunned silence, before they all start laughing. uzu’s like “DONT MOCK ME THIS IS A CRISIS” and they’re all just, howling. eventually they calm down but it is Brutal. like “dude it took you long enough it’s been Four Fuckin Years, ur 22, what the fuck” “awwwwwwww the northern kanto monkey is finally having his big-boy feelings” “DAMMIT I lost the bet, couldn’t you wait like six months to realize what emotions are,” type of shit. but once they calm down they are All On Board for this
but nobody knows if ryuko feels the same way, right? so the devas are like “you keep being buddies w her, we’ll try to figure out if she feels the same”
so they keep being buddies. except now uzu’s a flustered, awkward mess. its ridiculous and Very Obvious. and ryuko just does not notice The Obvious. she notices he’s acting weird but it doesn’t Click. a month or two passes and she Does Not Notice.
the devas are, at this point, Very Frustrated.
and one day. one day. some fanfic shit happens. like maybe uzu tripped over something while being A Mess and is generally being, well, A Mess, and ryuko’s like “hmmmmmm” and then like “oh no. Oh No I Think I Like Him”
and once they go their separate ways ryuko goes to satsuki (because satsuki is not only her sister but In A Relationship, she must know what feelings are, right?) and while bright red, kicks in the door and says “SIS HELP WHAT DO I DO I THINK I LIKE UZU”
satsuki is (not)stunned (she was there when uzu went to the devas for help) but basically says “well I mean. does he like you back? if he does, maybe go for it? just like. tell him how you feel” and ryuko’s like “NOOO I CAN’T DO THAT. THATS NO. WE’RE BUDDIES WHAT IF IT MESSES UP THINGS” and satsuki’s just like Oh My God Just Do It Already (which she does not say out loud) ryuko eventually leaves to go talk to mako about it and have Crisis Time bc Emotion
and satsuki IMMEDIATELY goes to the devas (sans sanageyama) like “GUESS WHAT I JUST FOUND OUT YALL it is GO TIME!”
so now those guys are Waiting For Someone To Make A Move. Trying To Drop Hints. all that sort of thing
and like two weeks later, nothing’s happened, and they’re sick of waiting. ryuko and uzu have still been hanging out This Entire Time. they’re both very flustered and again, Very Obvious. and Neither One Of Them Notices. Enough Is Goddamn Enough, the devas decide. Something Must Be Done
so uzu and ryuko are hanging out alone, mako had to go do something. satsuki and nonon and houka crash the party. houka says something along the lines of “wow sanageyama look at you out and about w your crush, u go dude.” uzu turns bright red again and there’s this Painfully Long Moment before ryuko puts 2 and 2 together. and she jumps up and just shouts “WHAT” uzu’s just “AAH WHAT, WHAT” “YOU LIKE ME? I LIKE YOU!” “WHAT? YOU LIKE ME? I LIKE YOU!” “AAAAAAAAAAAA-” “AAAAAAAAAAAA-” and houka just fuckin, leaves. “my work here is done, bye”
nonon and satsuki are still there like “this has been painful to watch for like 3 months will you two just date already”
in their excitement, uzu hugs ryuko, they kiss, and they Finally Start Dating. Finally.
anyway that’s my uzuryu headcanon
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biomic · 8 years ago
How about a list of 5 kamen rider/Sentai crossover you'd like to see (I think I know who'd be your number 1, Choo choo)
5. kabuto/go-busters - hiromu’s super speed with the kabuto riders’ clock up powers would be so cool, but mainly i want tendou and jin to ruin each other’s lives4. ghost/goseiger - the bond between ghosts and angels is Real3. wizard/magiranger - it’d be so good. houka would get dates with both haruto and rinko, makito and nitoh would become best friends immediately because of how embarrassing they both are, and now that im thinking about it tsubasa/shunpei would be very good. why hasn’t this happened yet2. fourze/kyuranger - space. friends. friends in space. 1. den-o/toqger - this thing writes itself but mr. toei is a Coward
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himitsusentaiblog · 8 years ago
Here's an idea: What five Pink Rangers would you have as a team?
Oooo good question.  Well, I’d have to hurt myself if I didn’t put Peggy Matsuyama/Momo Ranger from Himitsu Sentai Goranger in there first.  
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A brilliant badass and weapons engineer, she brings skills and experience to the table very few other Pink Warriors can match.
Next, I’d go a bit softer but no less important and add Ahim De Famille/Gokai Pink from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.
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She is the voice or reason, moderation and diplomacy on a team of reactionary and devious pirates. If you need someone to help talk your way out of a bad situation or get the civilian populace on your side, you need look no further.  She’s also the conscience of her team and the person people can go to for support both moral and emotional.
Third, I would feel bad if I passed on Rei Tachibana/Dyna Pink from Kagaku Sentai Dynaman.
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Rei is an inventor with a gift for connecting with animals (except cats) and a skilled fencer.  In a fight or when dealing with problems of a scientific nature, she’s one of the best there is.
Houka Ozu/Magipink from Mahou Sentai Magiranger is next on the list.
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We need someone with an understanding of magic and though she may be a bit flighty and would probably try to play matchmaker for all of her teammates, her knowledge of transformation magic and ability to turn herself into various things would be an invaluable resource for any team.
Lastly we go back to the utterly competent badass pinks and take GoGo Sentai Boukenger’s Bouken Pink/Sakura Nishihori.
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Second in command of the Boukenger team and expert in weapons and tactics, being a former officer in the Japanese Self Defense Forces. She knows her way around many military vehicles, is an expert at hand to to hand combat and a crack shot with a rifle.  She would be a perfect #2 for the team under Peggy.
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shi-no-ganbou · 8 years ago
1, 19, 52 for writer ask meme
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Hammond’s Postulate involves a much more suspicious Ragyou and dictatorial Satsuki. In HP, Ragyou approaches Ryuuko shortly after the Fight Club incident because it’s canonically been months since Satsuki first approached her about the “problem girl in the kamui” and Satsuki hadn’t killed or gotten rid of her yet. Normally, I would think Ragyou would be egotistical enough to not care about somebody causing trouble for her daughter, but it is still something I found that the canon glossed over because wouldn’t Ragyou be suspicious that her efficient daughter was taking so long to get rid of a problem? Especially one that could wield a kamui without getting consumed by it?So Ragyou mentions this in passing to Nui, who overhears it and decides that she hasn’t seen Satsuki in a long time and now is the perfect time to visit. Houka, meanwhile, was running various tests of DNA and other biological components (eg: expression levels of certain genes) to figure out why both Satsuki and Ryuuko can wear kamui without being consumed. [Note: I am aware that he thinks Junketsu can be worn with enough mental prowess.] Nui happens upon his research just as it finishes and takes a copy of the results back to Ragyou after a nice interruption of Satsuki’s tea time. She and Houka realize the same thing at the same time - Satsuki and Ryuuko are siblings. She invites Ryuuko to the Kiryuuin mansion, and over a couple of months, starts to gain her trust and tells her about the genetic secret. Satsuki has been drowned in work (unsure what it is yet) and becomes highly stressed, cutting Houka off from telling her the most vital thing - that she and Ryuuko are related. This comes down to the events of the Tri-City raid and the Grand Culture and Sports Festival, where things were radically altered and now Ryuuko is leaning towards the side of the life fibers as well, without being brainwashed (and thus is is harder to keep the greatest asset that humanity has out of Ragyou’s hands).
19. How do you cope with writer’s block?
Lol, burying myself in other half-finished art pieces and stories. Then I get frustrated at whatever I was doing that I go back to what I was doing in the first place.
52. Who do you write for?
My original project, and the only story I was supposed to write on KLK ever, was DTR. It was dedicated to H0saki, who had inspired me to like KLK and shared my love for Jun!Ryuu. I don’t know why I write, otherwise. 
Thanks for asking!!!!
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years ago
Goop Plays Kill la Kill the Game: IF (Ryuko Episodes 5-8)
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It’s been a while.
Episode 5
Writing about these episodes has been a struggle. I wouldn’t be able to narrow down a single reason for my eight-month hiatus from IF’s story mode, but I can say that it’s difficult to talk about content that is overwhelmingly—and disappointingly—a rehash of scenes I’d already watched before.
Ryuko’s fifth episode especially feels like a game of “spot the difference.” Segments of Satsuki’s story are repeated with astonishingly minor changes, and while this has been an issue with earlier Ryuko episodes (1 and 3), by episode 5, it’s starting to feel very tedious.
I won’t deny that the slight alterations are charming—they very much are! Mako’s contribution to Ryuko and Senketsu’s fight against Nui, for example, is adorable:
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Mako: My dad says, “When you’re outnumbered, get more weapons!” An eye for an eye, a blade for a blade!
However, such minimal additions feel like a dishearteningly poor use of the player’s time. If I hadn’t already questioned it before, these chapters really made me question the choice of a two-campaign story mode. 
It’s not that I don’t see the appeal of such a structure; there’s something fun in telling one side of a story and then changing the perception of that story by telling another side of it. Plus, with IF in particular, I think there was a goal—at least to some extent—of confounding players with Satsuki’s ending. I could see Ryuko’s campaign as a means of making the plot more interactive, which is of course fitting for a video game. By not spelling everything out right away, players are encouraged to unravel the mystery and put the pieces together. 
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Satsuki: I had a bad dream....
But... there’s just too much overlap for me to feel that the two-campaign structure was the most effective storytelling decision. The choice perhaps makes more sense from a gaming standpoint; it’s easier to focus on one playable character rather than jump around between two. But I don’t know—perhaps it could have been fun to give players a feel for more of this game’s roster all at once. Maybe we could have played as the Elite Four or Ragyo or Nui, too.
Because from a story standpoint? One major letdown of Ryuko’s fifth episode is that actually fighting Nui completely lacks the power that the cutscene in Satsuki’s campaign has.
Sure, that scene certainly doesn’t have the impact of similar moments in the anime (episodes 18 and 21/22), but you can’t really expect it to, and it works well within the context of IF. Ryuko and Senketsu haven’t been through as much together, but Ryuko still keeps her temper under control to prevent a repeat of hurting Senketsu from it again, they burst into battle with “Before my body is dry” playing, and though the animations in the game can be stiff and limited, it’s still sweet. 
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Ryuko: Won’t know ‘til I try! So let’s do this!
They sparkle! Their hearts are as one! They’re uniting to take down this threat.
But in Ryuko’s story? You just fight the fight. You miss out on Ryuko shit-talking Nui, you miss out on the song (seriously, was it just the struggling Steam port, or does “Before my body is dry” really not play during the fight?), and most importantly, the emotion I get from the cutscene is largely lost.
Don’t get me wrong—skipping a repetitive scene is appreciated. But at the same time, the omission makes me long for a single story mode. Players could have fought Nui with “Before my body is dry” playing and watched the Satsuki-story cutscene upon victory. That bit of “Satsuki’s” story already focuses so much on Ryuko that in some ways, it honestly feels more “Ryuko” than Ryuko’s story! Why not just have a unified story mode?
Ryuko’s episodes shine when they significantly differ from what players already witnessed in Satsuki’s campaign. The very beginning of episode 5 is charming because seeing Ryuko just wanting to smash things is legitimately amusing.
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Ryuko: Oh! So, I just gotta smack ‘em all in the head.
But this could have easily fit into a single story that switched perspectives. And in fact, moving into episode 6...
Episode 6
It’s almost humorous that Satsuki’s story has purposeful omissions to “justify” the existence of Ryuko’s campaign. I am astounded at how Mako literally does not exist in the Satsuki equivalent of Ryuko’s sixth episode:
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Seriously, what? This reminds me of Kingdom Hearts jokes about how it’s rude of Disney movies to totally edit out Sora, Donald, and Goofy.
But jokes aside, the Kingdom Hearts comparison actually has some real weight in regards to IF. In Kingdom Hearts, the Disney worlds are—at least, in my opinion—the most fun and engaging when they do more than simply rehash the films they’re based on with Sora, Donald, and Goofy added. In the same way, Ryuko’s campaign in IF is the most fun and engaging when it does more than simply rehash Satsuki’s campaign with Mako added.
And why was Mako even literally edited out of Satsuki’s cutscenes in the first place? It’s really a bigger discussion, but this choice only adds to my frustrations with how Kill la Kill handles Mako’s character. I’ve already written about my beef with the anime in that regard, but IF is even worse. Mako’s so inconsequential to the story (at least thus far) that she can be totally cut out and have absolutely nothing change. For goodness’ sake, she sleeps for a good chunk of her screentime!
Which... is actually an issue I have with the Grand Summoners crossover game, too....
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Ryuko: She’s [Mako’s] already asleep!
But in any case, Mako’s presence in the IF story seems to be purely because she’s a popular character. It’s disappointing to me that Kazuki Nakashima couldn’t find more things for her to do.
And it’s sad that she’s literally edited out of Satsuki’s scenes. I really cannot get over that. What the what.
More to the actual content of Ryuko’s sixth episode, the first part is just old hash browns (plus Mako), but the second part is much more intriguing. I find it curious that Senketsu knows right away what the Primordial Life Fiber is, but Ryuko doesn’t. Does he have a connection with it that Ryuko lacks because her Life Fibers haven’t been awoken yet?
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Senketsu: That... is what’s known as the Primordial Life Fiber.
Also, same, Mako, same. I also call Nui and Ragyo’s Primordial Life Fiber-y attacks in this game “meatballs.”
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Mako: Ooooh! It looks like a big ol’ meatball!
I feel like my previous write-ups on IF already express a lot of what I could say regarding this episode, but I will again reiterate that the character interactions are charming. It’s nice to hear Ryuko laugh (even if in a taunting way), and the Elite Four are absolutely adorable.
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Ryuko: Ha! Whatever. I’d like to see you try!
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Houka: Oh, my God. Do they have to be so loud? Our enemies can hear us from a mile away.
And since this is a video game and all, in regards to the one fight in episode 6, it’s a bit of a pain; battling multiple enemies doesn’t make for the most enjoyable experience because of the camera and inability to properly lock on to targets. But IF excels in the little details. The dialogue when other characters join you for the fight is as amusing as always. 
There really should be subtitles, though. It’s super poor accessibility.
Episode 6 also briefly questions the nature of the world. Earlier episodes of Ryuko’s campaign had Senketsu—and Nui—note that something felt off about time. Here, Senketsu outright says that time in the Fiber Palace is “seems unstable,” and interestingly, the camera focuses on Ryuko when he wonders if it’s the location or “something else” that’s causing the abnormality.
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Senketsu: The flow of time here seems unstable. Is this place causing it to happen...? Or... is something else triggering it....
It’s not in this episode, but given that Ragyo later describes Ryuko as “the singularity,” perhaps she is the one messing up the world.
I think Ryuko sums up my thoughts, though.
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Ryuko: I don’t get what’s goin’ on.
Of course, probably the most notable aspect of episode 6 is the ending, and while I could see right through what was happening, I have to admit that Ryuko going at Mako with the Scissor Blades is a stellar finish.
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Ryuko: I still gotta get revenge for my dad.
Senketsu: What are you doing, Ryuko?!
Episode 7
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Ryuko: Oh, blow it out yer ass... Nui Harime!
I got some issues with this.
For those who have been Kill la Kill-ing for as long as I have, you might remember that there was a flood of Mako-is-Nui theories immediately after the show’s finale. Amusingly, character designer Sushio outright denied the idea in a Tweet, and a Studio Trigger panel at Anime Expo 2014 (6th post from the top) also shot the notion down.
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aranbeik: is it [the Mako-is-Nui theory] true????
Sushio: It is no relationship at all
But fake Makos actually ain’t absent from Kill la Kill. In the official Drama CDs that came packaged with Japanese releases of the anime, there are two instances of fake Makos. The first happens in CD 1, where Maiko Ogure impersonates Mako for a huge portion of the runtime. The second happens in CD 4, where—“funnily” enough—Nui herself impersonates Mako after Ryuko has her heart brutally ripped out of her chest by her own mother.
And here’s my issue with IF’s portrayal: in both of these Drama CD cases, Ryuko is fooled. Mako isn’t Mako for tons of the first CD, and Ryuko doesn’t notice. And, in the Nui situation, it’s Senketsu who has to tell her that the “Mako” before them is not actually Mako. Which goes completely counter to what IF does!
It’s not that I’m against Ryuko recognizing a fraud, but her inability to in the Drama CDs lends insight into her character that I find fitting. Ryuko fails to identify the fake Makos in the CDs because Ryuko initially closes her heart off to the girl—something she outright admits in episode 22 (and which the English dub makes particularly prominent).
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Ryuko: Yeah, you [Mako] too! You’re like the most persistent chick I ever met! You didn’t care if I pushed you away! You kept coming back and coming back like a yo-yo!
However, after ripping Junketsu from her body, Ryuko becomes far more open, and it’d be really powerful for her to correctly identify a fake Mako then. It’d show how their relationship has grown and become stronger.
In IF, Mako and Ryuko have hardly had the development they undergo in the anime, and further, Ryuko’s explanation for how she knew it was Nui doesn’t make a lick of sense!
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Nui-Mako: How’d you know it was me?
Ryuko: Easy! After Mako wakes up, she’s always got drool on her face.
As Ryuko seemed to have already deduced that “Mako” was Nui before even looking at her, how in the world does this work?
Episode 7 has more questionable character writing for Ryuko later on, too. I’ve already written at great lengths about how I find her attitude regarding murder totally OOC, but Nui’s death scene also has such a strange line regarding Ryuko’s feelings towards Satsuki:
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Nui: Guess who ordered me to take the Rending Scissors from your daddy! Give up? It was Satsuki!
Ryuko: If she did, she musta had a good reason for it.
As sweet as the sentiment is, and as much as I understand that it’s there to point out how not even Nui can tear apart Ryuko and Satsuki’s bond, it leaves me totally baffled. Satsuki must have had a good reason to issue the order that killed her father, and Ryuko’s chill with that? At this point in the story, the kind of unwavering faith in Satsuki that Ryuko displays here is completely unearned. I could see Ryuko at the end of the anime feeling this way, but IF Ryuko? Not at all! She barely knows Satsuki!
But for all my gripes regarding the storyline, we Kill la Kill fans are starving. (Well, at least I am, anyway.) Even if Ryuko’s words to Nui make no sense, it is something I would have liked the anime to explore more, and the character interactions here are undeniably sweet. I love Ryuko and Senketsu’s banter and how it shows how comfortable and in tune with each other they are. I love Ryuko’s silly dialogue to Satsuki and how Satsuki smiles at it, telling us that even the “ice-cold” Student Council President can’t help but get a bit soft at this dorky shounen protagonist.
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Ryuko: I hate family drama. But I said I’d save Satsuki, sooo...
Senketsu: I had a feeling you’d say that.
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Ryuko: Looks like you’re having a really shitty day, Satsuki!
The battle that finishes up this episode, with “Blumenkranz” playing in the background and the Elite Four and Satsuki joining the fight with cute dialogue, is a joy, too. There are a lot of little details that I really appreciate.
(I also realized this time around that you can stop Ragyo’s Instant Kill and didn’t get obliterated by Shinra-Kouketsu like I did in Satsuki’s story.) 
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Ragyo: Your sins shall be purged along with your pathetic body!
Episode 8
But in regards to the plot of IF, Ryuko’s eighth episode finally starts dropping some more answers. As the ending of Satsuki’s story had implied, the world is outright said here to be her dream, created from Junketsu:
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Ragyo: Junketsu took your [Satsuki’s] dreams and made them tangible. That is the distorted world we see now.
However, I still can’t say I get it. When Satsuki wakes up at the end of her story, it’s the start of episode 1 of the anime. She hasn’t come into contact with Junketsu yet, so how has this distorted world even been created in the first place? I guess Life Fibers can just mess with time?
I’m also kinda amused that the world is said to be what Satsuki wants to happen, yet she describes it as a “bad dream” when she wakes up.
But the big “new” information is Ragyo’s assertion that Ryuko is “the singularity”:
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Ragyo: I knew it. You were the singularity, Ryuko Matoi.
As Ragyo explains, she could have taken over this fake world (and perhaps merged it with the real one, judging by her comment in Satsuki’s story about how such a world “can even be spun into a single yarn with the Primordial Life Fiber”), but Ryuko got in the way:
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Ragyo: Since my Life Fibers are much more powerful than Junketsu’s, I could’ve taken this planet over. Then, I could’ve enslaved humanity and begun the process of turning it... into a Cocoon Sphere. Yes, I could’ve. If it wasn’t for your existence, Ryuko Matoi.
Now, there have been hints that something’s up with Ryuko all throughout IF, but I can’t say I really know what to make of it. Senketsu remarks that Ryuko’s oddly strong in the first episode of her campaign, Ragyo adds to this and suggests that Ryuko’s affecting the Primordial Life Fiber in the same episode, and then, there also seems to be the implication that Ryuko is triggering the weird sense of time in her sixth episode. The final episode of Satsuki’s story seems to feature Ryuko absorbing Life Fibers, too.
It makes sense for Ryuko to affect Satsuki’s dream world, of course; Ryuko has Life Fibers in her, and she’s also the sister whom Satsuki is ultimately fighting for. I’ve seen theories that the Primordial Life Fiber takes on the shape of a baby to represent the baby sister Satsuki thought she’d lost (and at least in the English dub, Ryuko does refer to the baby as a “she,” further connecting the baby to the lost sister); so perhaps, even if Satsuki doesn’t recognize her connection to Ryuko, maybe the Life Fibers do. Ryuko has power in the dream world because, in a lot of ways, Ryuko is Satsuki’s dream. Maybe that’s the reason that Satsuki only gets flashes of scenes between her and Ryuko in the anime when the baby connects with her, too.
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Who knows? I can only hope that episodes 9 and 10 will clear this story up.
I’ve obviously got a lot of questions, but I know this is basically the end. I’m not sure how much explanation to expect going forward, and I’m still wondering about things that don’t even necessarily (?) have to do with the dream world, too. Like, whatever was the point of that moment with Ragyo and one of Senketsu’s scraps? And what was bothering Shiro?
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Shiro: There’s just one thing that bothers me...
I said in the beginning of this tl;dr report that I couldn’t pinpoint a single reason for my inability to write it for eight months. But maybe part of the reason is that it’s kind of nice to not know the ending. As long as I don’t play it, there’s still some official Kill la Kill content that I haven’t experienced yet, and it could be anything.
But at the same time, I don’t know how much longer I can go without seeing Senketsu-Kisaragi, so.
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The thing—i.e., this monstrous essay—that was holding me back from playing through to the end is now complete! And I’m ready to finally finish this game.
Here’s to hoping that the finale is satisfying 🤞
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