rkconfessionary · 7 years
"how long will it be until they decide i'm too old for this? when they do, and i haven't accomplished anything, will i regret the years i spent here? i hope not. how do you keep from regretting?"
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rkconfessionary · 7 years
"When will I ever become a first priority in someone's life? At first I thought it was okay to be lower but now that I think about it... It hurts so much. How long must I wait before it's too much for me to handle?"
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
[i don't want to write a ship on my character but i'm worried that people will think my muse is boring if i don't.]
please don’t ever feel pressured to have a ship, or enter into a ship with another person, unless it makes you happy! there are plenty of single muses here at rookies and we encourage all types of plots, not just romantic ones. friends are just as important, in my opinion, for a muse to share their dreams with and get excited with when auditions and life-changing things happen. we hope that you feel like rookies lets you have the muse you want to have, whether they have 100 ships or absolutely zero. 
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
( because rk is such a big place, the welcomes and messages people get are wonderful, but sometimes there's just so many, it gets overwhelming trying to reply to everyone's ims. i still have welcomes i need to get to, and i appreciate every one of them, but people move at different paces and it doesn't always mean people are ignoring you ;; )
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
( the heartbreaking moment when you see someone you tried plotting with on the dash, actively replying to others on the dash for days and blatantly ignoring your msgs you sent days ago. dude I know you read it, you could've just said you weren't interested. ghosting isn't nice y'all, rip )
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
( personally, I'm happy either way! summarising my muse or the other mun reading the profile. but it upsets me is when neither are done. how are we supposed to brainstorm if you know nothing about my muse? :( I would be more than happy to summarise, please don't be scared to admit you don't have the time or energy to read information. I'd rather plot with someone honest about it than have to keep denying plots that make no sense for my muse! )
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
( I'm often stuck on mobile a lot + try to plot at work so I lack the time / ability to really read through every page. It certainly doesn't mean I don't care and if someone does tell me to please check out the page first, then I'm happy to do so if you help to link me. Sometimes, I just want to get the conversation going before having to really read through everything. )
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
some people (like myself) actually prefer the mun to summarise their muse in their own words. It helps get a better feel than reading through thousands of paragraphs. Some people have really long bios and no basics and for those who can't read english well or who don't have the time needed to read it can be daunting. i admit that i don't always read backstories but most of the time i read profiles if i have a plot running or if i want to plot but sometimes i don't because of various reasons.
( please remember to put parenthesis around ooc confessions! )
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
( when it's obvious people haven't taken the time to read even my muse's profile, it makes me feel unwanted. i read every bio before i plot, and sometimes i miss things, but it really makes me feel unwanted when someone doesn't even know what name my muse likes to be called or how old they are... ;~; )
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
( everyone enjoying the rk spring event is so nice to see! also all the couples coming out is very interesting too! )
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
[I think it's great that Dokyeom didn't sign because of his own principles!]
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
Since this blog recently picked up pace, it’s become highly controversial, and we can understand why. Many people brought concerns to us about the confessions blog, and we’ve taken a few days to discuss these concerns, and have since come to a team consensus (thank you, new mods!)
The confession blog’s rules are now updated. Please check those out here.
These are the changes:
Please be clear as to whether your confession is in-character (my character talking) or out-of-character (me the typist talking), even with anonymous confessions. Put IC confessions in quotes, and OOC confessions in parentheses. For example, “This would be a confession from a character in the roleplay.” (This would be a confession from a typist in the roleplay.) If it isn’t clear whether your confession is IC or OOC, it will be deleted. 
If you’d rather not be mentioned on this blog at all, please let us know, and we’ll delete any confessions we receive mentioning your character.
Following this blog is totally optional. We tag confessions with the URLs of characters mentioned, so you can even block this blog if you’d like to avoid seeing any confessions in tags.
In order to follow these new rules, all confessions currently in the inbox will be deleted. Please make sure any confessions you submit from here on out follow these guidelines.
We will do our best to monitor things on our end, but please be mindful of OOC feelings. The purpose of this blog should be to focus on IC drama and gossip, not to cause any OOC. 
With that being said, sometimes confessions do get eaten, but most of the time, confessions that don’t get posted aren’t posted for a reason. It is absolutely unacceptable to send confessions that we don’t post directly to members of the roleplay on anon. That counts as anon hate, and we won’t stand for it.
We want to protect this as a space for people to be able to say things secretly, but our top priority is keeping Rookies an enjoyable (and safe) space for our members. We hope these changes will make the confessions blog easier to enjoy for everyone. If we find that the blog is doing more harm than good, our next step will be to turn anon off.
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
Everyone is free to live his way he wants. So please don't judge, don't hate :) Thank you!
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
free hugs to everyone
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
you were flirting with gucci and settled for less...
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rkconfessionary · 8 years
I hope Kangjoon finds a lot of happiness in his future. I'm really rooting for you!!
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