#and hopefully the classes i need won't fill up!!!! :))))))
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watery-melon-baller · 4 months ago
Lads i have Fucked Up Big Time
#somehow I just. Fuckin. Forgot. That if I wanna switch my major that I have to do a bunch if shit#and I missed the deadline for it because I didn't realize that I needed to do it and also forgot to reach out about it until WAY too late#so now I can't do anything until the spring#which is also bad because I don't know what the fuck my class schedule should be!!!!!!!#advisor told me that I can talk to her after the enrollment period and schedule a meeting and we can figure out what I'm doing from there#but like. ouggggggghhg#Im so worried there's gonna be some fuckup with my schedule and I won't be able to register for enough classes to be a full time student#which would be so bad#idk should I just wait until AFTER the enrollment period??? and just have no classes???#I'm gonna try and register for a few classes so I at the very least have Something in my schedule#mainly ones for my current (old) major and a few of the new classes#because multiple classes that I need to take I can Only take them IF I'm enrolled in that major. Which I'm currently not because I'm stupid#im just stressed now and unfortunately there isn't much i can do 🥰#i don't even know which classes I should be trying to take. I can GUESS but like who the fuck knows#so i can't even try and plan out a potential schedule i just get to sit on my ass and stress#sighh. im gonna try to not think about it bc its gonna stress me out#on one hand it's tempting to blame like. idk. literally every adult i talked to because none of them actually told me#“Hey btw you actually need to go to this office and fill out this paperwork and submit it by a due date”#they were just like yeah okay u can take some classes. and then we'll figure it out later#like. i would have gone and done the shit if I knew I needed to do iT!!!!#but also I should have sat down and looked more into it to so#bleughhhhhhhh#I'm just stressed. and annoyed. at myself mainly because like. duh of course I'd have to go fill out paperwork but I just was like#“Yeah I'll talk to my advisor later” and kept pushing shit off until it was too late <3#idk man im. so tired#hopefully it'll all work out okay and fine and i won't have the shittiest schedule on earth next semester#and hopefully the classes i need won't fill up!!!! :))))))#ahahahahahsh#im fucked man#lilac post
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shuafiles · 4 months ago
lie to girls [l.jn] preview
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SUMMARY | it was hard watching jeno struggle with his relationship, but it was even harder when he ran to you for comfort every time. especially when you, his long-time best friend, have been in love with him for the longest time. but when jeno starts lying about where he’s going and who he’s with, you realize the biggest lie might be the one you’re telling yourself—that he’ll ever choose you. or girls will cry, and girls will lie, and girls will lose their goddamn minds for you.
PAIRING | nonidol!jeno x afab!reader
CONTENT | university au, angst, best friends to ?, aespa members included, cheating, swearing, drinking, smut (not everything is included in the teaser yet but just so you know whats in store)
WORDS | 855 (just this teaser)
A/N | sneak peek of what im working on! im planning on making this a looong one but i was too excited so i decided to share without spoiling too much. let me know if you like it! total wc is still unknown and the release date will hopefully be before november ends. also its my birthday today so heres my gift to you :D
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“hey.” jeno greeted you, standing at your front door, which only meant one thing. they fought again.
you pushed the door wider, letting him inside. he looked like a mess, his shoulders slumped, dark bags around his eyes, hair disheveled. even from afar, you could tell he was going through something. his phone was in his hand, checking for notifications, but he let out a huge sigh when the home screen was empty.
“do i even want to know?” you prodded, eyes watching him as he plopped down on the couch. his head tilting back on the headrest, head filled with thoughts.
“you know how she is.” jeno mumbled, rubbing his face with his hands. “said she needed some space.”
unfortunately, i do know how she is. jeno’s girlfriend, karina. they’ve been together since first year of college when jeno met her at some random party. they were the kind of couple on campus that, at first glance, seemed perfect, but you knew all too well what kind of chaos haunted them in private. you were too familiar with how she behaved with jeno; most of the time, you couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
jeno didn’t even have to say anything when you saw him at your front door. you have grown accustomed to this pattern: the same heartache, apologies, and cycle of hope and disappointment. and every time it occurred, jeno ended up here—at your door, at your couch, sulking.
you wanted nothing more than to scold jeno for letting himself get run over by her, but you kept your lips sealed. deciding that giving him comfort and support was probably what he needed right now.
“again, huh?” you sat down on the opposite side of him, tucking your legs beneath you.
“i don’t even know what that means, y/n.” jeno sighed, running his hand through his hair. he lifted his head to face you, gaze soft as he held eye contact with you. “one minute, everything’s perfect, and we’re fine, but suddenly, i’ve apparently done something wrong, and she won't even tell me.” his voice cracked, hopelessness evident in his tone. it pained you to see him like this. how many times is he going to let her do this to him?
“well, did you do something wrong?” you asked, but you knew jeno too well, he wouldn’t do anything to sabotage his relationship. sure, he has made mistakes in the past, but he was a good person, a good friend, and a good lover, you suppose.
jeno stayed silent for a moment, recalling if he had done something to make his girlfriend upset. “i–no, at least i don’t think so.” he shook his head, “i’ve just been busy with classes, but i always make time for her. and everything we’re together, i always try to make it special. you know?”
you nodded along to his words, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. you have heard this story countless times, so you could probably recite it to him. it wasn’t unusual for karina to act like this; she’d get upset over something vague, and then jeno would beat himself up for it, but he’d still bend over backward to get her back.
“maybe she’s just going through something?” you said, trying to think of what to say to ease his mind.
you and karina were acquaintances at best. it’s not like you didn’t try to be her friend, but something about her attitude just seems so off-putting to you. you weren’t entirely sure if karina was fond of you either. of course, you never told jeno any of these. you knew he wouldn’t listen, not when it comes to her. he loves her. he’d return to her every time, like a moth to a flame. and you’d be there, picking up the pieces when he got burned.
“i wish she’d just tell me what’s on her mind instead of leaving me wondering what i did wrong.” his face twisted into frustration with a mix of confusion.
“jen, you know i can’t help you if you don’t tell her what you’re feeling.” this time, you couldn’t hold back. “you’re supposed to tell her these, not me.”
jeno flinched at your words, somehow unsatisfied with your advice. “yeah… you’re right.”
you watched his expression, his eyebrows furrowed while he was deep in thought. “i’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted to hear.” you hesitated, knowing you were treading dangerous waters. “i just think… you deserve someone who actually appreciates you.”
jeno stayed silent, processing your words as if he hadn’t told himself that a million times. but for some stupid reason, he couldn’t keep it in his head. he looked down at his phone, tapping the screen once more, but to his disappointment, there was still nothing. “i know you’re just looking out for me, y/n. but… i just can’t give up on her. not yet.”
and just like that, you could feel him slipping away, back into her orbit, leaving you alone with all the things you couldn’t say, wondering when he would run back to you again.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 10 months ago
Bros, Bros, and more Bros
I made a mistake! My cousin told me about this fortune teller that cast a spell on him. Apparently, it made every man he ran into act like a fatherly figure in his life. I had an awesome dad, but I've always struggled to connect with guys my own age, so I tracked the witch down and begged her for another spell. She eventually came around, but the effects aren't quite what I expected...
"Sup, dude! Wanna skip and hit the park?"
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My eyes stretch wide to take in the sight of my own father, carrying a skateboard over his shoulder like it's the most natural thing in the world. He's been acting like this for weeks; not washing his hair, barely even washing himself, and constantly wearing that stupid cap backwards. He's lost any sense of his old self!
"Dad, it's Monday. You've got work," I reply, not wanting him to piss his boss off.
"Work blows!" he sneers, "I hate wearing this stupid tie, and I'd rather hang with you, bro."
I sigh as my father tosses down his skateboard and extends a palm, pulling me into a cliche bro-hug where he claps me on the back. My dad used to give out hugs all the time, but it was never as performatively masculine as this. All this stupid curse did was turn my father into an 40 year-old frat guy.
"You're going to work," I say firmly, "And I'm going to school. We can play videogames or whatever when we get back later tonight."
"Bruuhhh!" he groans, "Fine. I'll catch you later, dude. There's pizza in the fridge if you want."
The idea of leftover pizza this early in the morning makes my stomach ache. My dad used to cook an entire meal every morning, complete with fruits and veggies. Now, he'd probably settle for a bag of chips.
The man leaves the skateboard behind and grabs his suit jacket, pulling it on with an attitude. He gives me one last head nod before bounding out of the house, hair flowing behind him. I imagine it's only a matter of time before my dad's boss is fed up with his new persona. I can't imagine a bro-personality is very conducive to getting work done in a corporate office. Hopefully, he'll mature soon.
With an empty stomach, I saunter out of the kitchen and walk to campus. I'm grateful to live close to the university. Hopefully, my curse won't get in the way of my day.
"Hey, how's my favorite student doing, bro?"
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My professor yells and breaks into a goofy grin at the sight of me. I close the door to his office to give us a bit of privacy. Mr. Carlton only acts like this when I stop by, so his colleagues would be shocked to see such a drastic shift in his usually stoic personality.
"I'm good, Professor Carlton," I say, "I wanted to check on my grade for this course."
"No need to be so formal, dude," he smiles, clapping me on the back, "You can call me Daniel. Want a drink? I have some bourbon."
"I'm good. I really just-"
"Relax, bro," my professor says, shoving a glass in my hand, filled to the brim, "This is good stuff. I save it for special occasions, so sit down! Kick your shoes off! I don't care!"
The department head pulls off his suit jacket and leans back in his chair, propping his feet up on the desk and stretching his arms behind his head. I'd never seen the man act so unprofessional, but ever since the curse, he's started treating me like his closest buddy.
"Professor...sorry...Daniel, I just wanted to hear about my grade."
"I got you, bro!" he laughed, "Just keep doing what you're doing. I don't care if you don't show up!"
My shoulders relax. That's what I want to hear. It's not that I don't want to attend his lectures, but the last time I did, he started acting like a jackass in front of the entire class of 50 students. His presentation went from ancient monetary systems to ratings of best celebrity nip-slips. It's a miracle he didn't get fired!
"Ok, good. I have to go," I say checking the time, "And you have class in 20 minutes."
"Shit, I know," he groans and gulps down the rest of his booze, "Another day another dollar, I guess. When can we hang out, man? Tonight? I really wanna hang out with my guy."
"Nope, sorry!" I tense up and grab my backpack, "Good luck with the lecture."
"Right on, bro," he holds a sad hand up for a high-five, swallowing the rest of the drink he poured me.
I give my tipsy professor a halfhearted clap and scamper out of the office as quickly as possible. These interactions make me cringe so hard when a grown man acts young and cool for me. It's especially awkward to see such a respected individual sink to such a low level. What would we even do if he came over?
"Dude! Long time, no see!"
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In the hallway, I run into the football coach and two of the team's best players. The three of them look like they're getting back from an early morning conditioning session. They're all sweaty, panting, and happy to see me.
"Oh, hey," I muster, feeling increasingly less cool around these jocks. I hate to admit it, but guys like this wouldn't give me the time of day before I got that bro-curse.
"Hey, man! You gotta come hang out with us," the brunette grins, "The team's still changing, but you're cool to come in the locker room!"
"Yeah, bro!" the blonde quickly adds, "We'd love to have you in there!"
My heart pounds faster and faster. This is why I've never been able to connect with guys my own age. I find myself boning up every time they look in my direction. Now that these two athletes are practically begging for me to join them in the locker room, my erection is bursting out of my pants!
"We can take care of that too," the coach suddenly mentions, pointing a finger at the tent I'm trying to hide in my crotch.
"What?" I stammer with a dry mouth.
"What do you think bros are for?" the coach continues, clapping his two players on the back, "My boys would be happy to help a brother out!"
The two football jocks nod. It feels like I'm dreaming, and I don't know what to do. Before I can decide, the two athletes have approached and grabbed me by the arm. Their grips are firm, and I realize I'm being escorted into the changing room whether I like it or not!
"Who's this guy?"
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My stomach drops as I enter the locker room, finding an array of footballers in different states of dress. They all glance up at me with confusion, like I'm not supposed to be there, but then their faces soften. The gypsy's magic sets in, and they don't see a stranger when they look at me. They see their bro.
"Oh, it's you, bro," the same jock says, letting down his guard. I think I recognize him as the quarterback.
"Oh yeah, dude!" the massive lineman stands up and pulls me into a sweaty hug, "Glad you're here!"
"That's right guys," the brunette at my side says, still holding me tightly in place, "Our best bud is here, and he needs some attention."
My face flushes as I suddenly remember the problem poking out between my legs. By now, the entire football team is staring at it. If anything, it's only become more rock solid.
"Let me take care of that for you, bro," the quarterback says, grabbing my crotch without any hesitation.
"Move, I'll do it," says the lineman, pushing the quarterback out of the way and getting on his knees. He opens his mouth wide and-
"Shut up, all of you!" the coach suddenly roars! The locker room falls silent: these athletes are really well trained. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it right. Line up!"
"Yes, coach!"
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The jocks back up and form a line in front of the lockers. Even the blonde and brunette that were holding me, release and join the rest of the team on the bench. Suddenly, I'm standing with the coach, looking at an entire team of well-disciplined football players. My throbbing erection is very apparent and pointing right at the small crowd of muscular men.
"Our bro deserves to be kept satisfied, right?" the coach slams a hand on my back.
"Yes, coach!" they shout back.
"So we don't just want to get our boy off once and move on, now do we?" he punctuates his question with another slap, this time lower on my back.
"No, coach!"
"We're going to set up a system for us to get him off whenever he needs it!"
"Yes, coach!"
The broad-shouldered and balding coach gives me one more slap, clapping me on the ass this time while staring into my eyes. "I'm gonna have my boys take turns sucking you off, bro. You just tell me which one's your favorite. Sound cool?"
I manage to mumble my assent, and with one look from coach, the quarterback is on his knees crawling towards my crotch. He pulls down my pants and unleashes my aching hard-on. "I got you, bro," he says, before putting his mouth to work.
After a few minutes, the coach pulls the jock off my pole and orders the linebacker to get busy. Before long, it's the brunette's turn, then the blonde's. I cycle through all 30 of the team's exceptional players, and I've gotten off more than just a few times. It's impossible to choose a favorite.
At the end of it all, the coach pushes the last player aside and says, "My turn, bro," before opening his mouth as wide as he can.
The entire football team watches as I spend the next 15 minutes just filling their coach's eager throat. When I'm finally done, I feel completely spent. I swap numbers with each jock and am repeatedly promised that they will be available whenever I call, but it isn't enough. They want to hang out with me now. They want to go out and party. I find it too difficult to say 'no' to a group of 30 eager athletes, so I let them sweep me up and take me to the nearest bar.
Needless to say, we end up causing a bit too rowdy of a scene.
"I got a complaint about a bunch of college idiots causing a ruckus. Would that be you?"
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The officer was all business when he first walked in the bar. My football bros were dancing and yelling, barely even paying attention to the policeman scowling at the wild scene in front of him. He looked pissed, and his glare only softened when it found me.
"Woah, didn't know you were here, man," the cop says, cracking a slight grin on his hardened face.
"Well, I am!" I cry, feeling the effects of all the drinks my bros had been buying for me, "You should forget about work and party with us!"
"You got it, dude! Screw this badge!" the officer yells, pulling me into a tight embrace. I guess the bro-curse even works on law-enforcement!
Just like that, I'm dancing with a policeman in the middle of the dance floor. He doesn't have any moves, but he loosens up after we get some beer down his throat. The football team loves watching the cop party right alongside them. Apparently, this guy has broken up many of their parties in the past.
"Drink! Drink! Drink!"
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The officer gulps down his seventh beer and slams the glass on the floor. It breaks, but the shattering is largely drowned out by the music. His onlookers go wild, but I can see the intoxication on his face. Beer is plastered around his mouth and dripping down his neck to soak into his uniform. I doubt this man has ever been this drunk in uniform before.
He stumbles over and throws a muscled arm over my shoulder, "Come here, bro. Let's do some shots or something!"
"I think it might be time to call it a night, officer," I yell in his ear.
"Oh, screw that!" he whines, "And don't call me officer! It's so formal!"
"Ok, what should I call you?"
"I dunno..." he mutters, "Buck! Call me Buck. That's what my wife calls me."
I roll my eyes at the mention of his wife. Of course this guy is taken. He's a complete stud of man. I've always liked a guy in uniform.
"How'd you like to come home with me tonight, Buck?" I ask sheepishly.
He lights up, "Bro, I thought you'd never ask!"
The cop grabs my arm with a wicked grin and stomps his way towards the door, dragging me along like I'm the prize he won at a fair. The players on the football team all stare at him with envy, mad that he's stealing their new best friend away for the night. I could see how badly each one of the jocks wished they were the one having a sleepover with me tonight.
"Hop in, I'll drive," officer Buck slurs his words and gestures to the police cruiser with his free hand.
"I think I'll handle the driving, if that's alright," I say, "Just hand over the keys."
"Anything for you, bro."
"Looks like someone got lucky!"
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"Oh my God. Dad you're still up?"
"Bro, you said you'd play videogames tonight and then you never showed! What was I supposed to do?" he retorts, unbothered by the late hour or the cop hanging on my arm.
"You have to go to work in 4 hours!" I scream, "And you haven't even changed out of today's work clothes! What are you thinking?"
"Chill, bro," my dad says, turning to the drunk policeman holding my hand, "Take him to the bedroom and show him a good time. I'm sure you were going to, but the dude could use some extra help relaxing tonight."
The sound of my own father encouraging the man I brought home to 'show me a good time' makes me question everything again. My dad just witnessed his son bringing home a cop that's the same age as him. He doesn't even care! I want to tell him to grow up and be the man I used to know, but Buck is already jerking on my arm.
"Let's go, bro," he mumbles lowly, using his strong arms to drag me into the bedroom.
"Enjoy your new cop friend, bro!" my father calls and I hear the sounds of his videogames start back up.
I barely have time to worry about any of it. Has this curse gone too far? Will my dad make it to work tomorrow? Does Buck have a wife I need to worry about!?
It all goes away when I'm thrown on the bed. The intoxicated officer flips the lights down low, and stumbles in front of me. He may be drunk, but he is certainly not a disappointment. The cop stares down at me as he rips his state-issued hat off and unbuttons his dark uniform shirt, all the while moving his hips to the beat of gunfire from dad's videogame in the living room.
With his hairy chest exposed, he crawls on top of me and whispers in my ear, "Where do you want me to start? Us bros gotta look out for each other, don't we?"
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v1x3n · 1 year ago
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simon 'ghost' riley ⸝⸝ navigation
୨୧ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 : hes your brothers best friend and a friend you've known since the three of you were children, you could class him as family. so the place he chose when he needed somewhere to stay was of course your place.
୨୧ 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 : angst, fluff, smut - longtime crush, regret, dry humping, praise, degrading words, cumming inside.
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You were 10 when your brother, Jack, invited his best friend over. He was 13. It just so happened that every other day he would come over, hang out with your brother and talk a little with you. Soon you began to gain a little crush on him, but he was your brother's best friend - ofc you couldn't do anything. Plus he was older than you, at the time even 3 years apart seemed like a million. Maybe when you're older?
Growing up with your brother and his best friend constantly around you, causing Simon to be classed as ‘family’. So when he needed a place to stay after a 3 month mission, your family let him in instantly. Meaning he would live with you until his next mission - hopefully he wouldn't be as annoying as he was when he was younger. You hadn't seen him for maybe a few years after he joined the military - 3 years at least. At least your brother and him still talked so there was some sort of contact.
Knock knock knock
The door. Without thinking you stand yourself up and head to the door. You knew it was Simon and you wanted to greet him kindly. Perhaps he was still fit - ofc you would wanna be nice looking and get dressed up all cute for your old crush, definitely if he was fit. Almost sprinting to the door whilst sorting out your outfit, trying to make yourself look more presentable. Just so he doesn't think you're a scruff or anything of the sort.
"Hi!" cheerily greeting him as you fling open the door.
He retorted with a small nod and a grunt - as if he was telling you hello back. Swiftly shuffling out of the way to let him through, you couldn't help but feel like he was avoiding you. You watched him walk away, a puzzled look plastered on your face.
Entering the kitchen - leading the once known man along with you. "Tea?" murmuring trying to get away from this very awkward situation. Simon gives a slight nod, still not spilling words from his mouth. An uncomfortable atmosphere fills the space around you as you make his tea, grabbing one of your brothers' mugs, pouring the heated water into the cup. "Your brother around?" he hums, finally speaking up. A quick shake of the head comes from your person as he looks over at you mixing his tea bag into the water. One fast, clean swoop - passing the mug over to Simon as he looks into it, almost checking if it's good enough then he nods at it. “At work.”
Taking a small taste test of it as you lean against the counter, glaring into his eyes as he sips on the tea you had made for him. He smiles at you, a warm but slight one, before taking another sip of his tea. Gazing into his eyes and finally checking him out, head to toe.
You could tell he had just come from battle, war, revenge, just by how he was dressed. Grey sweater with his camo army pants, his vest and his big puffy black boots. Stained in blood, mud and gravel. A haze of red rushes to your cheeks as he speaks up. "like what you see or what?" grumbling with an obvious grin smelted onto his lips, under his Black, skull printed balaclava whilst he catches onto your eyes peeking at his body - lingering for more than his liking. "Oh sorry. i..i was just uh." trembling through your words as you search for an excuse.
"I was just joking, god you haven't changed a bit" he slightly laughed, your face burning through with embarrassment.
"Say yourself, you're still the cold, sarcastic little shit you were years ago." retorting back at him as you start to giggle as well. Simon stops himself from laughing more whilst holding the mug, making sure he won't drop it. "Well," he chuckles. "But at least I don't get all nervous and blush from silly, small things." Your two's banter had gone on for years, since you had met. That's probably the main reason you're so close - and the reason you fell for him whilst you were a dumb child. You both share a knowing look, and then start laughing again.
"Heard you're a lieutenant now?" you question, full well knowing the answer because your brother had told you. He gives a miniscule nod, still sipping on the tea that was almost empty now. A small smile on your face burned from the joke fight a minute ago.
Simon was never a talker. Yeah, he would piss around a bit, but still not much speaking. He would whip up some snide or mocking response in a flash if he wanted to - but most of the time he wouldn't bother. You knew Simon and you knew what he was like. So seeing him this quiet was normal - even though you were used to having a mad, loud life. Simon would only really banter with close mates, mates he had been with for a long time. It wasn't a surprise he was like this with you then, you know years of pissing each other off to mockery to small lil crushes almost made you more than just a mate he had known for a very long time.
You take a deep breath and continue with the conversation. "Anyways," biting your lip subtly while stretching and standing back up - grasping his cup away from him. The once filled mug was now just cold leftovers from the tea - pushing it from the counter and into the sink, ready to wash later. "I'll go show you your room, yeah?" without even waiting for a reply you scatter off down the hall. Eagerly following you down, up the stairs then back down another overly long corridor: then there it was, Simon's new room.
The room was plain, with a few pictures on the wall, a nice king-sized bed with soft, plush bedding. A small desk with a few documents scattered on the top of it, across was a wardrobe - filled with some guest clothes, PJs, towels and a robe. Stuff like that. There were some shirts he had guessed you had bought specially for him - seeing the size of them.
Not like he was fat or anything but you cannot say Simon wasn't a big guy - he was excessively muscular and quite tall. Tall enough that you had to almost strain your neck to look up at him properly.
"Here," you added, passing him a towel that you had picked up from the bed.
A quick glance gets chucked at you and he greatly accepts it into his arms, "bathrooms just next door and clothes are in the wardrobe."
"I stink that much?" He already snickers, removing his jacket from his person as he does so. You scoff. Almost instinctive too.
"you're alright, just don't want you going around spreading blood and dirt round the house. i don't think my parents would like that." He rolls his eyes and smirks at you. "Yeah, yeah." He steps out of the bedroom leaving his filthy jacket behind. "Your brother told me your parents are away for a bit?"
Your parents had left for some work thing for a few months - leaving you and your brother at home alone. At least now Simons is here you could have some more fun.
"gone for the next two months." you reply from his bedroom, chatting while he turns the shower on. You neatly fold up his dirty jacket and take a slight huff.
Around an hour goes by, lying down in your bedroom - scrolling endlessly through your phone as Simon stays in the shower. Thuds. Loud foot-slamming thuds blast from the bathroom. Pull yourself up and out of bed to check on Simon just to see him with just a towel on his bare body, the towel slowly descending down his hips. Peeking down at his pelvis as crimson rushes to your eyes, you swiftly glance back up to see his smug face gazing down at you.
"You good?" the man before you pondered, staring down at you as your eyes hovered around his damp body.
"Yeh, fine." you mumble, averting your eyes. "Jacks not back until late tonight, works keepin him behind so I'll just order someit" you added, your voice barely audible.
He nods, swiftly and heavily - great you were stuck with him for a few more hours seeing as your brother was busy. Sighing when you move away from him, back to your room to order some food. You couldn't get the image of Simon out of your head. His naked person, water dripping from his hair. His chiselled and smooth face. Plump lips that would just be great to kiss. Bet he would be a sloppy kisser, especially when drunk. God can imagine. With his glistening brown eyes that had seen more things than anyone could ever think of, you could tell his story, his life through his pupils. You loved his soft, flowy hair - it was the perfect length that showed off his sharp but still soft jawline. Dirty blonde colour that you would actually just die for. It just suits his fine hairstyle.
Let's not even talk about his body. Shit his sexy ass body. His perfect waist. God he looked slutty. You could see the outline of his cock through the towel. Aaaa. Thinking about it makes you wet. The towel was slanted so you could see his nice hips. It felt for your eyes only, as if he had done it for you. His muscles are just flawless - not too chiselled so it's not rock solid, but not too soft so there's still an outline. His alluring pecs, they looked as soft as a marshmallow. You need to get your hands on them instantly. knead them, give them seductive, black and dark purple bruises, lick his pretty ass nipples. Maybe you shouldn't be thinking about this.
Fuck did you still like him? Pack it in honestly! He's your brother's best friend, plus it wouldn't be like Simon was attracted to you. You weren't his type. Now that you think of it you don't recall Simon ever mentioning a girlfriend or crush or anything of the type. Has he ever had a girlfriend? I mean there's nothing to disapprove of when it comes to him. He was sweet when needed, sarcastic, funny, hot, fit, cute, cold. However, you don't mean a mean cold. You mean a sexy, mysterious, snarky, controlling cold. If he wanted you too, you would bend over for him and let him take control - do whatever he wanted. That's just the type of person you wanted and it was lucky you had someone who seemed like that type naked right now in your house. Fuckkkkkk. Were you starting to recatch feelings again? Maybe you're just needy and need to get laid.
With an irruption the thoughts hault as you hear Simon, “is there eh.. anything I could do? Chores or whatever?” he asks with a certain nervousness in his voice. You didn't quite catch exactly what he said with your head half still in the clouds.
“what? No no. "you're a guest it's not your place” sweetly laughing at his ridiculous ask. A subtle ‘oh’ sound pours from his lips. You stare up at him - making quite uncomfortable eye contact with him as he sighs in and out and walks towards the living room. “You sure? I wouldn't mind.” His rough accent formed out through his lush words. It was hard to tell whether you thought he was cute or not.
"Oi" you warm him when you see him picking up some rubbish and putting it into the bin, pointing your finger at him as if to tell him off while following him into the living room. As you see him sitting on the couch you continue, "shut it, it's fine.” sighing softly when you sit beside him.
Soon you two began to talk a little - carrying on your banter from before as a shitty TV show sounds in front of you. Throwing harmless insults side to side to each other as it starts to get more physical - jokingly hitting each other, pushing and messing with each other's hair and now this… Simon was chuckling and pushing you over onto the cushions to then tower over you - pinning you to the couch. "Hey!" you howl as he grips onto your arms to keep you down. Grimacing as he snickers above you, almost mocking your tiny body with his. He lingers there for way too long, staring down into your eyes - his contact deciding whether to look into your eyes or those distracting lips of yours. Then he chooses; his glaze loiters over your cherry lips as he leans more into you. The sensation of his scent fills your nose as he gets closer, blocking the space that divides you two. "S-simon?" whispering your answer to him while he gets way too into your space.
That was enough of a sign for him to make his move. And before you can resist, He closes the gap between you, his lips find yours, claiming them in a passionate kiss. It feels surreal and wrong, but part of you can't help but be swept up in the moment. The moment felt electric as your tongues met in a sensual way. Your heart is beating faster and faster. You can feel your body melt into his, all traces of thought and logic vanishing amidst the heat of the moment.
He grabs onto the side of your waist and calmly smooths it out as he increases his kiss, stopping every few 30 seconds to breathe. "Wait!" you burst out and push him away from you. He breathes heavily - catching his breath as you scoot yourself to the end of the couch. Swiftly picking yourself up and exiting the room that now forever holds that memory. Simon was left confused and dazed. You were sloppily kissing him one second then you had just picked yourself up and left him; not saying anything about it.
Emotions of confusion to lust to anger to sadness flood your mind as you figure out what the fuck had happened. I mean it wasn't like you didn't like him but you liked the kiss. But that's normal right? Liking the kiss? It didn't mean you liked him. You had told yourself for years so you had told yourself again: you cannot like him. He's your brother's BEST mate. There's no way your brother wouldn't stab you if he found out you were even thinking about Simon like this. Making your way to the bathroom floor - the slick cool floor so you can just slide onto and rethink your entire life. You sit there with your head in your hands, trying to make sense of the feelings you were feeling. Sighing as you fight with your inner self.
It wasn't like you hadn't kissed before though. It was after parties a lot- both of you were hammered and in each other's company and then it would just kinda happen. The warmth of his lips were always on your mind, after the amount of times you two had kissed it was almost like his plump lips were imprinted onto yours. You could draw them with your eyes closed almost. "This is wrong," you whisper to yourself, "this is wrong." But it felt so right. The feeling of Simon's lips on yours, the way his body pressed up against yours like a perfect fit, and the way he looked at you with those irresistible deep brown eyes.
“y/n?” a rough voice sounded from the room behind the bathroom door, scared to even answer at the act you had just pulled.
“‘M sorry si.” whispering so he can just barely hear you.
He then pops open the door to see you were on the floor and hiding yourself from the world almost. "Love? You got all upset?" isn't wasn't really a question - more of a statement.
You had kissed him and then left him. Maybe you should at least give him an explanation?
“It's- it's just I can't…
Your Jack's best friend man, and- and it's wrong. You're one of my mates for fuck's sake.” Whimpering kinda through your words, looking up at him with your nearly pricked eyes.
“Maybe we should yk… not do this.” Your words slip out as you regret the thoughts spewing out of you.
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Without another word, you two had lived out the rest of the day in silence - not talking about the situation nor anything in general. It was weird, almost eerie how quiet the house was. Faint blasts of media when either of you switched on a TV or your phones but other than that no sound came from your mouths. Jack still hasn't come home, god his shifts were ages.
It was awkward- too fucking awkward. You two had sat down on the couch, put on some TV show you both enjoyed and ate your takeaway. All you wanted was a big fat burger more than anything and maybe to unsay everything that happened a few hours ago. It was a fucking mistake to kiss him then.
“Simon” a small voice creeps out of your mouth, barely audible. His head swings in your direction, so fast he could actually break his neck. God it was too embarrassing to bring up before, “your food alright?” fuck why the shit did you say that?
“Yeh. Fine." Fuck, you were fucked. Holy shit. The air was dead silent, it was pure threatening. You knew you had upset him. He didn't show his emotions tons but you knew you had. You almost felt like you were in the eye of the storm. Not a word is spoken and the air is thick with tension.“Good, good” your tone progressively gets quieter the more you talk. "Listen" words get cut off by the blast of the door opening. The sounds of stomping follow through the hall and into the living room.
“Oh Simon!" Jack almost squeals out.
Simon looks at Jack with his heart pounding in his throat. Jack looks back and smiles, seemingly unaware of the tension in the room. He ruffles Simon's hair and grabs the extra bags from the takeaway, snacking on them as he settles down in his chair. The air is thick and unbearable. You try to act calm and casual, but your nerves are getting the best of him. Your leg is bouncing off the floor like crazy, bounce bounce bounce - over and over until Simon lays his hand on your knee. “Pack that in."
“Ooooo, Simon!" Jack laughs as he smirks at you two, “you better not be touching up my sister.” He chuckles once more, as if he didn't know the obvious sexual tension in the room as his hand touched you. You wanted his hands to touch elsewhere but you had fucked up. The pooling puddle of guilt only increasing with time just made it worse, the little voice in your head chanting ‘simon, simon, simon’. JUST SHUT UP!
“I wouldn't go anywhere near her '' Simon laughed it off as if he wasn't on you a few hours ago. You feel your heart sink and a wave of embarrassment wash over you. You try to force a smile but your face feels numb. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart and ease the tension in the room. You take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts. You force yourself to make eye contact, hoping you look confident and composed. You take a deep breath and attempt to speak up. "oi twat," you speak to Jack while pushing Simons hand that was still on your knee away, "work alr'ght?"
"what yous been up too?" jack smiles over at you.
"Oh uhm," a blush spreads across your cheeks when you remember the kiss you and Simon had shared on this same couch a few hours ago. "Just watching uh tv" you smile to try to make yourself seem less suspicious. “Oh well, I'm goin’ to bed” Jack states and then moves away from the living room to his bedroom. Leaving you and him alone once again.
“You didn't need to lie." His eyebrows knit softly, and he looked at you in a way that indicated there was more on his mind.
“Way what else was I meant to say? That we made out on the sofa, his best friend and his sister, then i ran off cause im too much of a fucking pussy because the person i like finally kissed me and i was scared?!”
He sighs out loud, then shakes his head in his hands, “you like me?” Simon's breath hitched in his chest. He didn't hide the colour that crept into his cheeks, his eyes searching for yours as he breathed in and out - trying to process everything. As his eyes looked at yours, yours were glued shut. Trying to block everything out.
“N-no.. I- it just came out. I didn't mean like- like that." Your body stiffened. His nostrils flared as he took an uneasy breath, his expression turning sour. He cleared his throat once and took a slow breath. "Good." Simon muttered. His voice was cold as he looked away.
“Good? Why's that good?” Your scoff becomes almost deadly when you hear his mumbles that he obviously didn't intend on you hearing.
He glares at you, knives being thrown at you through his firing pupils. “Wouldn't wan’ get into that” simple but saddening answer. Your eyes mould shut and you sigh at him.
“Whatever” you set yourself up and start to step off, away from the scene - once again. "Fine, pussy off again" He's trying not to show how pissed off he is, but it bleeds through every syllable.
“What the fuck?” Your eyes squinted as if you were trying to see him. Stomping towards him, your footsteps create thunder and lightning with every step forward. Getting himself up and then backs up and glares at you with that dead expression he had only used on the pricks he met. “Why are you acting like this?”
“Why are you leaving again?”
Letting out a harsh sigh as a response, you stop in front of him as if defeated.
“Cause we fucking kissed!” you shout at him, pushing him from his chest but he doesn't budge, the tears calmly falling from your tear ducts, calmly despite how fucking angry you are, “and maybe i like you but im just some fucking toy for you!” your voice quieting while the tears cloud your mouth. The salt seasoned your tongue. Simon groans. "It's complicated love.” His voice has taken on that husky tone that sends wet heat straight to your core even though all you wanted to do was fucking kill him right now. "You are not a toy to me, your- it's-''
“It's fine Simon, I understand."Mumbling and whispering your answers.
“No you don't. Even I don't even fucking understand. You're amazing but I'd fucken ruin you doll. ‘M not right for you. Love, you need to move on.” He said, sputtering, like he didn't want this to happen. You could sense a hint of sorrow hidden in his eyes.
“I DON'T WANNA. I WANT YOU!” finally shouting at him, to knock it into his head. Not caring if your brother hears your desperate words anymore. You could see him fighting against anger. He was trying hard to control his anger in order to respond calmly. In the end, he couldn't hold back and barked at you. “Love. Fucks sake” he cursed under his breath, the words wrought with exasperation and longing.
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The details melted from your brain, like you fought and now you two were on the couch - the place you two had been earlier that day, kissing once again. You positioned yourself atop him, feeling his hands curve around your waist as his grip intensified. Your body pressed firmly against him, enhancing the closeness of the intimate embrace. The kiss was deep - almost smothering you with his lips. The groans that fall from his mouth to yours echo through you both could make your little cunt throb. But instead of your cunt throbbing, his cock does instead. The tight tent growing under you, the sensation pushing up against your pussy, the gentle, sweet moans that drip from your lips only create an even smaller free space in his boxers.
He presses his lips to yours after slipping his tongue out of your mouth, a small peck on your lips and then releases you. Simon's heavy breathing mixed with his blush filled face made your wet spot glow. “This - is this alright?" you nervously whispered into his ear to check up on him. Simon pulled back so you two were not in each other's face to catch his breath before leaning back in and kissing you more. It’s deep and passionate, a lot of feelings built up inside him for you, and it was all being unleashed through his actions and kisses. The length underneath you being unable to leave your head, your mind running with lewd thoughts. As if you were sleepwalking or something but as soon as you thought about riding his girthy, thick, hard length it was almost magically your cunt started dragging against his size, humping his pathetically rock hard cock.
The kissing stops as he lets out a short whimper before pulling you back in for a rough kiss, almost eating your face off. Like he needed you so fucking badly, like he had wanted this for hundreds of years. Like a hungry lion when meeting any piece of meat near. Dangerously gripping onto your hips and helping you through your grinding. He knew it would be pathetic if he came from this, no actual contact- it was just you humping his hard on through layers of clothes but he was close. The heat from both your bodies combined with your passionate, deadly kissing and then on top of that the grinding, it's all intoxicating to him.
As your breaths synchronise and the space in between you grows as he leans back against the couch, letting you do whatever - surrendering to your touch.
His head gets launched back and a groan falls from his mouth when you grind faster as your hands trail up your body and lift the fabric over your head. The shirt drops to the floor as he aws at your chest, the plump skin that flows above your pretty yet basic bra. “So fucken pretty" he groans into your breasts and kisses the fat.
His hands comfortably lay on your thighs, squeezing the fat and gleaming his smile up at you. His mind is hypnotized by your perfect body, the way your body curves at the right place, soft skin and fuck your sensitive spots. Could almost finish with the way you moan when he grabs onto a sensitive spot. His gaze lingered on your figure. The only thing that snapped him back was when your voice reached his ears. "This okay si?”
“More than okay darling.” He smiles sweetly up at you, "You okay with more?”
Swiftly you nod at him, ready to take anything. Within a second he took off his shirt, his hand still around your waist so you don't fall with his movements. His shirt fell down to the floor, exposing his bare chest that you had seen so many times before but… today was different. He then pulls your body up and places you on the other side of the couch.
As your eyes follow his chest he unzips his pants, his rough voice sounding through your ears. “Pants off.” He commands you to do as asked - and you follow through. Scrambling to tug off your pants and then your panties, your cunt gets a hit of the breeze to it. He gazes at your bare form, no pants, no panties and no shirt. Only a bra yet to be ripped off. He groans at the sight of you. As you look back towards him you see him getting out his cock, the length bouncing out. You were a little scared to touch, after the events from before you weren't sure what was okay now…
“Come ‘ere love” Simon's voice mixed between his rough voice and one that's trying to be as loving as possible. Following his commands brings you to be sitting on his lower stomach, he was laid down with his hands rubbing up your hips. Murmuring sweet, soft things to slowly melt your brain.
“So so pretty dove” he hums to himself and smiles, meeting your gaze with his own.
Without asking you had enough, enough of the build up, enough of practically edging since the shower scene, enough of not being filled with his cock! Pulling your hands to his chest and lifting yourself, making sure to be careful and not hurt him. He questions, “what are you up to love?" not angry, just curious. No reply came but a soft whine while you sink yourself onto his cock, feeling him fill you up. Hovering just above, not taking the full thing. His groan just makes you a little more scared, well not scared just you wanted to take this slow. It's your first time with him, Simon Riley - the man you had a crush on for years maybe, and you didn't wanna drop down onto his big cock and cum instantly. That would be so fucking pathetic. But then again you feel the knot ripping already by just seeing his face making those sounds and his cock being slightly in you.
Simon's hands wrap around your waist, gripping his fingernails into you - small curved cresents buried into your skin. A groan growls from you, then when he lifts you up, and plops you all the easy down onto his cock, a loud gasp follows. Spearing your cunt. “S-si!” you loudly moan out. Your cunt squishes his cock, his groans only make the heat maximise. Eyes roll back when his strength lifts you back up and spears you onto his length once more. After a while of the same movement you were basically a flop. Just his fleshlight.
“Fuck princess!” Simon whines when he stops force impaling you, then you start bouncing up and down. Your tits bounce along with your movements, creating a hypnotising target for him. Up and down, following every jump you make. Your walls tighten around his cock. The wetness from you running down his cock, creating almost a fountain from your moistness. “Keep going doll” groans drop from his lips as his orgasm nears, your wet cunt engulfing his dick. Your cunt is filled with his cock. Honestly if he were to come, you'd just burst. You thrust yourself up and back down. His groans and your moans create one big potion. A potion that would surely have you, Simon and your brother all sitting down at the dinner table tomorrow talking about what the fuck was going on.
Your guilt gets closed off when Simon's voice whispers out, “‘m close!” fusion between being quiet and being loud. Bouncing faster, more mewls fall out of you. Being ping-ponged onto his cock just felt so fucking good. “Me too” barely formed your words, too busy with the pleasurable activity.
“Your body's so fuckin’-” his groan slices through the sentence, “so fucking perfect, fucken made to take my cock. Werent you? Cute little slut all f’ me” His blabbers between his shut teeth came out louder than he wanted. He was very clearly trying to last as long as possible and not cum. Your bounces fasten up when your high glows closer and closer, so desperate for a release and his release. His length hits all the right fucking angles.
“Let me cum inside you.. Please please please" His plea filled the living room, so eager to fill you up. With your mind elsewhere and letting your slutty body take control you let him. His grip onto your waist tightens, forcing your movements to grow. His cock feels every wet spot inside you, the pressure building up. He moans out, his grip tightening as he thrusts up into you. His rhythm increases, you feel yourself getting closer and closer, your body trembling and your mind spinning. The small sweet faces you make, your eyes rolling back into your currently empty brain. Soon his warm, salty cum fills you up, spurting down from your pussy. Your orgasm soon follows after, both your cum mixing together - creating one big sticky mess. A mess that surely you'd regret in about 10 hours. His eyes almost fell back with his head, leaning back against the sofa.
He slowly pulls out of you, a small trail of cum following behind him. Taking a deep breath and a big stretch. You feel a rush of pleasure course through your body as he leans in and plants a soft kiss on your forehead. Your eyes are glued closed, savouring the moment. His lips linger on your skin, and you can feel the electricity in the air. You take a deep breath and open your eyes, looking into his addictive eyes as you smile weakly at him.
Perhaps you were right to fuck him and it was for the best. You finally shagged him and the faux images didn't have to be in your head anymore - you finally put an end to those fantasies. Now for all the consequences for shagging him. Simon Riley. Your brothers' best mate.
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rustfoxes · 4 months ago
Disjointed DAtVG feelings/opinions
I've played the game for a bit, I'm not too far in yet, and honestly? I hope it gets better. Spoilers & venting below as you might guess.
Everything seems to be tell, don't show. There's very, VERY little trust in the player. Characters happen upon a ruined village? "The village is ruined! There's no one here!" Yes, we can see that. Character looks upset? Text pops up on screen to tell you that IN FACT!! Character is upset. Couldn't have guessed.
Everything is explained out loud immediately, except the arguably actually important things. If I remember correctly, there's no mention of the 10 year (?) timeskip from DAI, everyone just now knows everything about elven magic and the Fade and the Veil EXCEPT FOR THE PLAYER. None of that is explained! New players are expected to just know, which in some games works, but when you throw characters into a magical forest and say it's Arlathan forest, how tf are they supposed to know what Arlathan is.
Why is Varric a brunette all of a sudden
Characterisation of returning characters is fucking wild. Fun, jokey Harding? Massive chip on her shoulder and real aggressive for some reason. Soft-spoken and measured Solas? Yelling, again, for some damn reason. Where is his iambic pentameter? And he hates blood magic all of a sudden?? Did the writers play the earlier games at all? Solas SPECIFICALLY says in DAI that blood magic has no morality to it and is merely a tool.
The game is linear to the extent that I cannot for the life of me see the point of the game asking you to wrap up unfinished business before moving forward. What unfinished business? You've locked us into a small room with 0 exits and 1 chest. There is no business.
So far there's been zero time for any of the story to breathe. There are no story beats, because the drum machine that is the pacing just keeps hammering on. The gravity of the situation has no time to set in for anyone. THE ACTUAL GODS OF MYTH HAVE BEEN BUST OUT OF GOD-JAIL. THIS IS A HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM. "Yeah, well, people would've died if Solas hadn't been stopped from tearing down the Veil." And this is preferable???? What the actual fuck. DAI Solas wanted to rebuild and to safe-guard his people. TWO of the people he wanted to PROTECT EVERYONE FROM are now out. But oh man, that Solas, he would've hurt folks. You think the wondertwins won't? Jesus fucking Christ.
The gameplay more or less just completely scraps character classes. Playing a mage rn and for some damn reason she has separate ranged attacks. What the actual fuck. What is the point of making people choose a class if a damn mage has to stand next to enemies to attack?
So far doesn't feel like an RPG at all. Starts in media res which is fine, but your character is already established as a cool hero and an important figure. Why? Why weren't we along for that ride?
Character movement is janky af, DAI was much smoother 10 damn years ago. Hopefully they'll somehow manage to fix it.
Either they needed better actors or a much better voice director, because holy shit is the dialogue awkward and halting and just... no.
Writers have clearly had shoes far too large to fill. Dialogue wants to be funny and witty and clever. It is not. Specially not with the phoned in voice acting.
Where have my Welsh/Irish elves gone? Wtf happened there? Also why wasn't there anyone around to tell the actors how to pronounce the elvhen words??
Why the fuck is the rogue our healer.
All quests so far have been walking from A to B, collecting some coins along the path, and then fighting 5 or 10 enemies. No variation at all.
Idk man, I really hope the game will find its legs as it goes on, but so far? Massively underwhelming and honestly quite disappointing. Absolutely does not feel like DA. People critisised DA2 for being rushed and DAI for a whole host of shit, but at least I felt like I was playing a Dragon Age game.
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duchess-kyuupid · 1 year ago
Not quite an X Reader request, but a fun little prompt: In the place of Yuu is a TWST version of Little Ghost from Hollow Knight. Everyone thinks the kid's some random five year old fae that got swiped up by accident and is mostly babysat by the staff, but that doesn't stop some students from trying to bully the baby.
However, the baby in question is very good at hiding knives on their person and is secretly a master swordsman, and one day stabs a bully in the leg for shoving them, right in front of the bully's dorm leader.
Question: How do the dorm leaders react in this situation?
Okay uhh... I haven't written anything for a long time I know, but this I feel like I absolutely HAVE to do. Hopefully Silksong comes soon...right?
« Little Ghost gets into a Little Fight™ in Twisted Wonderland »
[TWST x Hollow Knight, Platonic affection, Ghost is slightly taller than Grim, not an x reader, the bullies are from each respective dorm (like Riddle's bullies are from Heartslabyul, etc.)]
So this whole conundrum started when Little Ghost found their favorite dorm leader in the halls in between classes. In their little scurry to reach them, they had to bypass a couple other students who were also in the hallway. One such student, with their small group of friends, intended to punt them and disguise it as a mere "shove."
"Better watch where you're going, shorty- us tall people can't see you from all the way up here when- OW! God damn it, what the hell?"
Little Ghost hides away their sharpened nail within the cover of their cloak, as if it was never there to begin with. They look up to the bully, pure malice filling the void of its blank, unblinking eyes. The bully's friends decide it was probably best to take the bully to the nurse and apologize on their behalf because, just look at his leg, it's bleeding! And, oh god, how big is that hole in his foot? What even is this weird shadow stuff? Best to just apologize and get out of there while they still could...
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Riddle witnesses the whole thing from the very moment that the Little Ghost saw him to begin with. Yet, the bullies left so quick that he didn't get a chance to collar them for their blatant disregard for the lives of innocent creatures. And almost immediately after the bullies left, the knight headed straight towards Riddle.
He was angry at first, at how the bullies so flagrantly disobeyed Rule #75: Never kick any creature with your left foot on Thursdays. But rather, he ended up feeling more concerned over the safety of the knight than anything else.
He took a moment to make sure the knight was feeling okay before going off into great detail about how it's against school policy to carry and conceal any weapon that isn't a wand on campus. Granted, he momentarily stops himself mid-sentence during his rant about this, since technically Little Ghost isn't even a student at NRC, so perhaps those rules don't apply to them? Hmm... An interesting counterargument indeed...
Ghost merely stares blankly back with little reaction to the scolding from Riddle. He sighs and decides to say nothing else about the knight's hidden weapons because, ultimately, Riddle is just happy that he won't have to worry so much about the little guy getting hurt with the knowledge that they can protect themselves if they need to.
"Well," Riddle supposes, "I guess I can let it go just this once. But just make sure that you don't go around stirring up even more trouble. Just let me know if anyone else decides to bother you, and I shall make sure to deal with them properly. Still, I need to go make sure those other ruffians don't make the same mistake twice about breaking the Queen's rules."
Riddle leans down a bit and pats the top of the knight's head with endearment in his eyes before walking away towards the nurse's office, an obvious glare of anger in his stride as he walked.
And the Little Ghost, left all alone in the hallway, looks down to their little hand, holding onto their precious charm: Fury of the Fallen.
Ah, another time then... they think.
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Leona catches the whole thing and laughs about it as he watches the bullies scurry away in fear. He'd be dead before he admits it out loud, but Leona was actually just about to step in for the Little Ghost. True, he was pretending that he didn't see them as they were trying to approach him in the hallway, but he's always trying to look out for Little Ghost, whether on purpose or not.
Anyway, his laugh was more like a snide snicker, filled with mocking amusement. It was almost ironic how those beastmen could be so frightened by such a small little mouse, and hearing them squeal like babies was almost like music to his ears.
Leona smiles wider when Ghost finally approaches him after the incident, and he dips down to give them a little pat on the head.
"Nice job there, runt. That's what they get for messing with the wrong pack."
However, Leona's caught by surprise when the Ghost takes his hand from their head and places something in it. It felt cold- metallic maybe?- in his hand, and he takes a look at the gift Ghost had given to him. A... brooch? Ehh... The thought is nice but he's not exactly a jewelry kinda guy, you know?
Oh wait, and there's a note on it too.
'Mark of Pride. To my favorite pack leader.'
The next day, almost all of the Savanaclaw residents took notice of the new brooch their leader started wearing around.
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Well, those bullies did have it coming to them, to be fair. Azul is in equal parts surprised and not surprised at those turn of events. On one hand, he's not surprised that Ghost had a little something up their sleeves on how to protect themselves, but on the other hand, he just didn't expect it to be...that.
Like, you'd think that you wouldn't be able to do a lot of damage with just a comically sized nail, but apparently, it was enough to scare even Octavinelle students away. And what was with that shadow magic? He's never seen anyone use anything remotely similar- not even cosmic magic came close to what the Ghost wielded in tandem with their nail just now.
My, he's just reminded of how the land has so many things to learn and many more to gain from. Azul approaches Ghost after the bullies leave with a smile on his face. Whether the smile is from his eagerness for a new deal, his relief that Ghost is safe, or even a combination of the two- not even Azul knows.
"That was spectacular, Little Ghost! You really showed them what's what!"
And Ghost just looks back up at him with his eyes, devoid of any sort of emotion. Most people have become quite frightened of Ghost by now, and it feels like Azul is the only person who ever looks them directly in the eyes. After all, after spending basically your entire life at the bottom of the ocean, peering into the darkness is nothing new for someone like Azul.
For this reason, while Azul was talking his mouth off at the prospect of learning about Ghost's void magic, Ghost reaches into their cloak and pulls out a charm, picked out specifically for Azul.
Ghost stands on their toes and stretches out their arms to offer their one and only charm of Unbreakable Greed to Azul, and he receives it gracefully with a polite thank you and a semi-surprised expression.
"It's remarkably shiny. Beautiful even. Thank you, Ghost." Ghost quickly finds a pen and paper to write on for a quick note to Azul before he starts getting any ideas.
'Don't sell this one. It's supposed to bring you more money.'
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He was too carried away in talking off Jamil's ears, so much so that he never even noticed the kerfuffle until the bullies started making a fuss.
"NO! GHOST, STOP IT. That's mean!" He scolds ghost as if they were a cat, and he didn't even realize that it was out of self defense. He picks up ghost and cuddles him close to his chest and tries to apologize to the bully for the inconvenience.
Meanwhile, the bully just screams out about how the ghost is a devil in disguise- a monster. Kalim doesn't believe them as the ghost just looks back up to him with (seemingly) innocent doe eyes.
"Well if you were being mean like that to them then its no wonder why they hurt you!" And by that point, the bullies had already started to run off, frightened of getting on the wrong side of an Al-Asim as well as...whatever Ghost is- monster or devil.
"You didn't get hurt did you, little guy?" Kalim asks worriedly, and Ghost merely shakes his head no. With a sigh of relief, Kalim smiles and continues walking through the hallway with Ghost still in tow within his arms.
This was probably the most perfect time for Ghost to offer their gift to him, so from their pocket they take out their Hiveblood charm.
And Jamil has to stop Kalim from crying on the spot when the Ghost attaches the charm onto his cardigan. Ghost doesn't even need to explain what it does- Kalim will probably wear it every day anyway.
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Vil sees what happens and also laughs for a second as he watched the bullies run away from the scene. Though, he was a bit disappointed, in a way. Those bullies were the ones who started it, and yet they didn't even have the courage to finish it? Not only that, but they didn't even look the least bit graceful in their bullying tactics. How shameful. He ought to scold them for bringing such disgusting habits into the Pomefiore lifestyle.
But, Vil decided, they were very much beyond his recognition right now. As Housewarden, he can probably set them up with a punishment befitting their actions later, but right now, Vil notices the Little Ghost approaching him with a sort of glee in their steps.
"Hello there, Little Ghost. You weren't hurt, I hope?" And Ghost shakes their head no before reaching into their pocket to pull something out from under their cloak.
Immediately, the hallway fills up with a strong stench in the air that seemingly came from nowhere. But, Vil knew better. After all, he can practically see the fumes radiating off of whatever the Ghost had in their hand. What confused him though, was why it only started smelling when the Ghost took it out from their cloak if they had it this whole time...
The Ghost reaches out their hand to offer their Defender's Crest to Vil, but he looks at it in disgust and pinches his nose so he wouldn't have to smell it. (Alas, this tactic did not help whatsoever, as now he was forced to almost taste the smell as the fumes visibly wafted into his face.) Still, he tried his best to decline the offer as politely as he could... In classic Vil fashion, of course.
"If you plan on giving me that, then forget about it and keep it for yourself. It's disguising and revolting. I'd probably catch 10 different diseases if I so much as touch that thing." Reminder, this was Vil trying to politely refuse the gift.
He almost felt bad about what he said once he sees the way that the Ghost lowers their arms and looks down sadly. Keyword: almost. While their eyes held nothing but emptiness, you could almost feel the small amount of sadness coming from them as they took a moment to think. To be honest, Vil was mere seconds away from reaching for his handkerchief to begrudgingly accept this...lovely gift before the Ghost puts it back into their cloak and pulls out something else instead. It was their charm of Deep Focus, and the beautiful purple gemstones on it shimmered gloriously under the lights in the hallway.
"That's much better," Vil smiles in acceptance and graciously takes the new gift, "And rather beautiful too. Thank you, Ghost."
Ghost was at least happy that Vil liked this one since it was pretty. To be honest though, they were still pretty hurt that Vil would call it disguisting... Ghost can't smell anything, so how were they supposed to know that Vil wouldn't like it?
At least, now it means that they can keep their memento from one of their best friends from their own world.
'I won't ever forget you, Dung Defender. Not even if I lose your Crest.'
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Please don't blame him for not stepping in. He doesn't do too well with fights- or just drawing any sort of attention to himself. But! At least when the squabble was over, Idia stood in place and waited for the knight to come to him like they initially wanted. Usually, once Idia sees someone- anyone, really, with the exception of his brother- approaching him, he'll take any sort of excuse to get out of there to avoid confrontation.
Lucky for him, the Little Ghost can't speak. Or perhaps, they choose not to. Either way, it makes it a lot easier for Idia to hang out with the Ghost when he knows he's not going to be expected to answer any random questioning or have to actively participate in conversation.
It's gotten to the point where Idia and Ghost can communicate with each other without making any sort of sounds at all. It's kinda creepy to the other students at the college though... I mean, how can you tell what Little Ghost is thinking when they've never spoken, when their mask is immovable, and when their eyes hold nothing but empty void in them?
Ortho would just tell those people off for him though, because it's in those eyes of theirs that they can understand each other so clearly. Can't you see how much expression Ghost has? Just look at those eyes! [Its complete and utter darkness.] But...to be honest... Ortho doesn't understand it either. Idia supposes he might need to improve Ortho's emotional reading modules...
Going back on topic, Ghost approaches Idia in the hallway and their creepy nonverbal conversation began.
'Are you hurt?' 'No.' 'Good. I can dox them later if you want. Wanna play some games with me later?' 'Yes. I have something for you.' 'Let's see it then.'
Ghost pulls out from their cloak their most precious charm they own: Wayward Compass. Idia's gamer instincts can tell how much latent immense power that is stored in this innocuous brooch, and he accepts it gladly.
Later that day, Idia asks Ortho to scan the object to see what kind of power lays behind this brooch.
"It just shows you where you are on any map."
"Like a GPS?" Ortho nods.
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He's quite pleased actually. He, as well as most of Diasomnia (being the fae that they are), knows the ghost isn't quite a fae, but isn't quite human either, so even he's at a loss for what kind of being the ghost really is. And this mystery makes it all the more easy for Ghost to become the target of bullying, and thus all the more easy for Malleus to become super protective over little ghost. Ultimately, Malleus is glad to see that they were not hurt in the fight.
After all, from the moment when they first met and he looked into it's eyes, he could sense that same sort of empty loneliness within as he does within himself. The Ghost isn't scared of him either, so naturally it seemed that they've become good friends, even if neither party are prone to speaking very much- if at all.
As the Ghost approaches Malleus in the hallway after the fight, he pets the top of their head and wonders to himself- what sort of material is this mask thing made of? Bone? Or is it a type of exoskeleton? Is it made from ceramic or glass? Or perhaps a strange type of wood? Maybe it's made from a material that's only exclusive to the world that Ghost is from.
Lost in his own thoughts, Malleus continued to pat Ghost's head endearingly, and he didn't notice that Ghost was holding something out for him until Ghost takes his hand off of their head and instead wrap his fingers around the stem of a precious white flower. It looked delicate, like it could break apart and fly away at any moment.
And yet, it was such a beautiful flower.
"Is this... for me?" he asks, to which Ghost responds with a nod.
To be honest, the knight would have been completely infuriated if those bullies had managed to break the delicate flower from their home world. They would not have gotten away with the measly scrapes that they did. There was only one of these flowers, and I mean, sure- it was supposed to be for someone else, but the knight got transported here before they could even bring it to Elderbug. Truly though, it was a miracle that the flower had managed to last this long without being broken.
Meanwhile, Malleus gets lost in his thoughts again for a second after realizing that this was the first gift he'd ever gotten from someone he considered as a friend. A kindred soul. He must take great care to protect both the flower and this little creature that is neither fae, human, nor monster- but a friend.
He takes extremely good care of the flower. It might even become one of his favorite items, next to his precious Tamagotchi game, and he places it in an enchanted vase to protect it for as long as he can.
POV: you're an aspid who broke the delicate flower
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tf2occontest · 2 months ago
Pierce / The Supplier VS The Renaissance Man
(Full matchup list here)
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Alright team, here's a recap: This is a contest to determine who amongst you will take the top of the leaderboards and be hired at TFI! Simply put, whoever gets the most votes gets to move on, and whoever doesn't... Well. They'll be put down swiftly and cleanly. :}
So, mann your stations, because here are your next contestants! Vote for your favorite mercenary who you want to win the TF2 OC Contest! - P
We highly encourage you to take a peek to make your decision!
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Pierce / The Supplier
Image credit: @/sharkk-fin
Meet the RED Supplier. This guy's not the brightest or the nicest, but he gets the job done! His job is to deliver ammo boxes and medkits to his teammates as fast as possible. When you put it that way, it sounds like a fun video game! Pretty useful when there's none nearby, and your teammates are off doing who knows what! I mean, how many times has THAT happened to you? You're super low on health, or you're in the middle of fighting someone, and there's no resupply nearby?? They're halfway across the map! Medic's busy trying to recreate Meet the Medic, and Engineer's dispenser was JUST destroyed! Sounds like you need someone fast and reliable to help you get back on your feet. Well, I can't promise he'll be reliable, but he sure is fast!
But of course, there's a catch. You can't have someone who's good at his job AND is the sweetest guy on earth. He has his likeable aspects of course, but he's still an asshole. He's got this huge ego, and a love for pulling pranks on his teammates. He's a huge jerk and will probably make your work life miserable! Maybe you can tape a picture of his face to a dartboard and throw darts at it, make the thought of punching that smug grin off his face your reason for getting up for work that day! But if you can look past all that, and somehow befriend him, he's a cool guy! Loyal and nicer to the people he cares about, but that still won't stop him from playing pranks.
He's great at his job, but not so great with people. If you're willing to sacrifice the sanity and happiness of your favorite mercs for a successful mission, he's your guy! A vote for Supplier is a vote for (hopefully) not waiting 12 seconds before respawning because you couldn't get to a medkit in time!
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The Renaissance Man
Image credit: @/mnyehlike
The Renaissance Man class is a classier (heh) jack-of-all-trades type character. He's not exemplary at any one thing, but he's dabbled in a lot, and thus has multiple fields of expertise that can be called upon for battle purposes. The RED Renaissance (Cardinal) likes to keep his secrets much closer to his chest, to the point of engaging in a cat-and-mouse game with his Spy to keep everything about him, his past, and why he knows so much a secret (there might also be a situationship there, but nobody knows for sure). The BLU Rennaisance (Jay) doesn't have to work to keep his secrets, as nobody particularly cares. He's reclusive, preferring the company of a greenhouse and its occupants to any team members. He sometimes gives clippings of more dangerous plants to his Medic for experiments. The job of The Rennaisance Man is to fill in whenever a different merc needs to call out sick, on paper, but in practice, he's called into battle whenever the hell he or the rest of the team likes to have an extra man in the role he's imitating. His most valuable skill is the ability to imitate the skill set of anyone. This includes any mutants or robots; a little magic goes a long way. Where does the magic come from? The Rennaisance Man never shows and tells. (On the misspelling of the name; Cardinal has lobbied to get it fixed since he joined up. Jay lobbies to keep it the same, just to piss Cardinal off. Not changing the paperwork is easier than changing it.)
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hellishdeer · 1 year ago
Live reactions and ramblings about the two final episodes of Hazbin Hotel
Warnings: SPOILERS!!! Same as the other two posts, Incoherent, unfiltered thoughts, I wrote them as I was watching. Most of them are in chronological order, but not all. It's also longer than the others, since It's the finale 💀
Everybody already knows Vaggie is an angel?! I thought she would still try to keep it on the down low after coming back, but hey, good for her!
Charlie has hooves :00
Alastor just kicking his feet please- 💀 why is he so babygirl coded
"Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath." This entire piece of dialogue might be on of my new favorite Alastor moments ngl
"What's that you said about smiles?" "Good girl :)" The head pat I can't- 😭
"Bank accounts are scam created by the shadow-goverment!" 💀
Alastor listening to Charlie vent :'D he seems so fucking done
"Come on now Alastor, she's much too young for you! Just kidding, I know you're an ace in the hole!" "A what now?" I ADORE ROSIE ALREADY
"Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you!" 🥹❤️
"Susan, who's a bit of a..." "Ornery old bitch?" Alastor has stopped holding back all together, huh? 💀
"You have an X over your eye, and you wield an angelic spear. It's not exactly rocket science." The entire Hazbin fandom:
The dance choreography in "Out of Love" is goddamn stellar!!
The entire scene with Rosie talking to Charlie, she's such a fucking sweetheart and one of my new favorites!! ❤️
Alastor letting Charlie borrow his microphone!!!
"She's bound to pass the test as the princess of Hell!" There's a test??? Hopefully I'm taking this too literally, because otherwise there is a lot of new unanswered questions 💀
"She's filled with potential that I could guide!" ..Is anyone really surprised at this point?
"Oh Alastor, I can't wait to see you get fucked!" Vox sweetie, do you even know who you're talking about?
Even getting off a random ass pole, Angel has to do it in style :'D
Cherri Bomb is there too, hell yeah!!
Cherri ffs, can you at least pretend to care about Charlie's speech 💀
"An enjoyable collective to be around, I admit one could get accustomed.." OH MY GOD????
THE KING OF ROACHES 😭😭❤️ I need to draw it at some point
SIR PENTIOUS TRYING TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" TO CHERRI BOMB Cherri if you don't want him I'll take him!!
Charlie being afraid of loosing all of her friends :(
"MORE THAN ANYTHING (REPRISE)" *quiet sobbing*
Even Adam thinks Lute should chill the fuck out :'D
"Let the slaughter begin." CHILLS.
"I'm about to end your fucking life." FUCK 👏 HIM 👏 UP 👏 ALASTOR
THE ENTIRE FIGHT BETWEEN ALASTOR AND ADAM my 15 year old self is having a stroke
"Radio is not dead, but it is ending this broadcast.." Even when retreating from the battlefield, he does so with class, I love him so much-
Charlie apologizing to the angles as she's fighting them, this girl-
On a more serious note I really hope that Cherrisnake won't develop further than this. They have clearly very different needs and wants, that I can't see mixing together very well. Cherri enjoys being free and doing as she pleases, with nothing tying her down, whereas Sir Pentious seems more traditional. It's also kind of shallow on both ends, Sir Pentious developing a crush seemingly out of no where, because "ooo hot lady!" and Cherri only being actually interested in sleeping with him after finding out he supposedly has two dicks.. :/
THEY FUCKING KILLED SIR PENTIOUS AND IN SUCH AN ANTI-CLIMATIC WAY FUCK YOU ADAM??!? I kinda saw this coming after it was said Angel wasn't the one to die but
Charlie's devil tail :0
LUTE RIPPING HERSELF FREE FROM THE RUBBLE I'm just straight up terrified of her at this point
"Sorry I wasn't here sooner." YEAH ME TOO BECAUSE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER MIGHT STILL BE ALIVE IF YOU DID 🙃 But seriously where was he??? Surely he had heard about his daughter going to war against HEAVEN????
IT WAS A MASK??? I love how Adam just looks like.. a guy.
Lucifer not taking the fight at all seriously, I love him :'D
Nifty just zoning out during the TV interview, I love when jokes go full circle :D
ALASTOR'S PART IN THE FINALE SONG. I got some serious chills. He looked actually frantic, only for him to pop up later, pretending like nothing is wrong, he's such a good character oh my god???
I... feel like I'm going to combust. There was so much new information.. I need to go lay down and sleep for like a day.. or two 🙃
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mayhem-neverending · 10 months ago
The Big Bad Wolf
Part XX
Word count: 1,293
Warnings: none
Notes: This is a short little bit I just wrote while the class is watching a movie. Unedited. Enjoy :)
You were in heaven for the next 15 minutes. Obito's warmth and rich musk enveloped you like a weighted blanket, pulling you deeper and deeper into divine comfort as your breathing slowed and matched each other's. That was, until a burning smell wafted to your nose. 
Your brows crinkled, then you realized, “Oh shit, the eggs!”
You stumbled out of his arms and ran into the kitchen, yanking the pan off the gas burner and turning it off. The blackened eggs smoked and the smell assaulted your nose. You took the pan out the back door and dumped it in the snow. 
Obito opened the kitchen window as you were walking back in. An amused smile played on his lips when you made eye contact with him before he walked across his cottage to open the front window as well.
You shared that smile and said, “Whoops,” with a shrug. 
He playfully rolled his eyes. You shook your head at yourself while turning on the tap to wash off the pan. You scrubbed the charred bits of egg off and looked up at Obito who came to stand in his usual spot against the counter. 
“Something about smelling burnt egg has really done wonders for my appetite,” he drawled, a teasing look pointed at you. 
You gave his side a light shove and he chuckled at you, not having budged an inch. “You're awful,”
“Not as awful as the breakfast you were trying to serve me,” 
“Oh shut it,” You grinned, putting the now clean pan on the drying rack. 
“I suppose I should actually make you something now. Maybe we should stick with toast, though,” 
“Hmm, that may be for the best,” 
You rolled your eyes at him and pulled the new loaf of bread from the cabinet. He watched with his arms across his chest, leaning lazily against the counter. The way his shirt pulled against his biceps caught your eye, and you had to force yourself to look away. 
“Are you up to train today?” He asked out of the blue. 
You looked down at your sweater and jeans and back at him. “Don't think I'm appropriately dressed for that,” 
He hummed. You continued, “Besides, I have laundry, cooking, sweeping, and all that to do today. I have to catch up from our mission,” 
He looked like he wanted to roll his eyes. “Fine. How's Hikaru?”
You smiled and took a sip out of the coffee He had given you earlier. “He's good. He was so excited to see me,” 
You huffed a laugh. “Kakashi got him a matching Hokage robe. He wore it around the house all day when we were home together,”
He quirked a brow but quickly lowered it. “I'm glad he's doing well. It must have been hard for him to be without you,”
You nodded. “All’s well now. Hopefully there won't be any more big adventures for me for a long while,”
“I think I can agree with that,” 
The toast popped up and you quickly spread butter and jam over them. You handed them over to Obito on a plate and grabbed a broom. He sat down at the table while you got to work. 
The entire time Obito wasn't too far. He seemed to find himself near the same places you were working in throughout the day. You couldn't help but notice it, and while you worked quietly, you thought about how lovely it was to be held by him. His proximity didn't help, and you could feel your body, your energy, being tugged towards him wherever you were. You wondered if he felt the same. 
It had been some time since you were held by a man. More time since you were help by a man that you wanted to be around, so you figured the pull must be because of that. A need needed to be filled, and he was an attractive man, whom you enjoyed spending time with, that was happy to do it. You definitely didn't like him more than you were supposed to. 
The line between caretaker and friend had already been crossed. You could reel yourself in before it went further than friendship. Self restraint was one of your stronger qualities. No matter how much your heart fluttered, or how strong your desire to climb onto his lap became, you could handle yourself. 
The day was coming to an end and you were dusting around the fireplace - the warmth of the blaze sinking into your skin in the most welcoming way. Behind you Obito was lounging on the couch, his legs spread and a book that he was reading in between glances at you in his hand. 
You could feel his hot gaze on you like electricity; jolting you wherever it landed. For a moment you thought he might even be using his chakra to reach out to you, but your signatures only intermingled at the edges when you checked. Glancing back, you saw his eyes on the pages of his book. 
He looked so good like that, with the warm light of the fire flickering across his face, his dark eyes catching the glow. His one arm across the back of the couch, the material doing little to hide the tone of his muscles, and his sweatpant clad legs, sitting open and just inviting you to take a seat. The urge to straddle him and rip the book out of his hands was so startlingly strong that you fumbled the duster and dropped it on the floor.
You cleared your throat with wide eyes, facing away from him while you picked it up. A voice in your brain told you to walk away to take a moment, so you headed for the linen closet in the hallway. You could feel his eyes on you until you disappeared.
While putting the duster away, you took a deep breath. You looked back in his direction and pressed a hand to your cheek, feeling the heat of it. You reminded yourself that those thoughts were absolutely inappropriate, and decided it was close enough to five that you could probably just leave and rid yourself of your indecent thoughts away from him. 
“Hey, I'm going to go ahead and head out,” You called to him, walking to the kitchen table to grab your bag. 
“Oh, that time already?” He sounded disappointed. 
“Uh, yeah. I'll see you in the morning,” You put on your coat and slung your bag over your shoulder. 
“Okay, have a good night,” he said, watching you from the couch. 
“You too,” opening the door, you waved to him and headed out. 
You visited Hina on the way back. She was doing surprisingly well. It seemed that having Toji and her grandma's help was really good for her depression. She was already taking to motherhood well. 
On your way out, Genma was coming in for his shift. He stopped you near the barrier. 
“Hey, how's it going?” He asked with a smile.
“Good, you?”
“Good. I was wondering, since you weren't able to come to my birthday, would you come out with me this Friday for a few drinks?”
You thought for a moment. It would be nice of you to go, and you probably deserved to relax after the recent stress. Plus, you hadn't been able to properly catch up with him since coming back. 
“I'll see if Toma will take Hikaru and let you know?”
He grinned and readjusted the strap of his backpack. “Awesome. Okay, I hope he does,”
“Me too,” You replied back genuinely. 
“Cool. I'll see you later,” 
“You too.” You waved as the two of you parted and headed to the daycare distractedly, more than a few things clouding your mind. 
Part XXI
Taglist: @mostlyunsure, @humongousdreamlandbear, @ichaichahatake, @mandy-yeager, @detectivestucks, @faces-ofvenus
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anjumzm · 8 months ago
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic.
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 7
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Aanya Volkov
The "Le Flamington"  was a luxurious café located in the heart of the city. Above the café we had some IT and Finance corporations, it was always buzzing with people coming in and out even at odd times. Me, Rebecca and Gina frequented the café, all thanks to Ms.Gina King and her influence and also the fact that some one from their family literally owned the entire building.
Nothing shocking there, the rate at which the Kings owned most of the buildings here, I wonder if they wanted to buy entire London off.
I just want this nightmare to be over.
Like he'd said, the driver picked me up from my college around 12:45 pm. I'd asked him to pick me up from the back gate, hopefully the guards didn't notice my absence given that my classes were still going on. I'll have to wrap up whatever absurdity this is and get back before someone reports me missing and Dad brings his army here to escort me back home.
Just when I'm about to message Caleb, I feel arms around me, from the back caging me, long, veiny fingers splayed on the table.
"Hello, little bird" He whispers.
Chills run down my spine and goosebumps erect on my arms,my entire body stiffens, as though it's readying itself for flight or fight mode, sensing that in the moment I'm a prey with the attention of a predator on me.
"Theo" My voice sounds like a whisper to me, a bit shaky. He gets around the table, dripping confidence as though he owns the entire world and sits in the chair opposite me, his fingers locked and his chin resting on it. He watches me with amusement, a small smirk playing on his handsome face.
He's a King, through and through.
Wait, Handsome face??
Who am I kidding,  ofcourse he is handsome, the moment he walked in I could see the group of girls seated on the table opposite ours, giggling and whispering with awe on their faces.
The vermin knows this fact for sure, judging by the wink he threw to the waitress passing by.
"Well, do you plan to give me back our Book and stop this madness, I'm sure you've had your fill of drama for the week"
"Aren't you a charmer, miss Volkov, and straight to the point,I like it. By the way you look lovely today, although one might argue that you look lovely everyday"
"Cut the Crap, Mr.King and give us whats ours. There are many lives at stake ,Theo, why won't you understand this? Today or later my brothers might connect the dots and know that you're the one behind the theft and I don't need to fill you with details of the aftermath, while I couldn't give a damn about you, there's Aunt Annika, Rebecca and Gina. I don't want you to be the reason that we entirely distance ourselves from the Kings for good"
He doesn't say a word, not one and keeps staring at me with his dark blue eyes that are void of any emotions, the constant smirk pasted on his face.
"I'm tired. Let's get this done with, Tell me, What do you want, why did you call me here?" I say with a calm I'm not feeling at the moment.
"I want you to get engaged to me"
I freeze, I can hear ringing in my ears, but then I shake my head, the absurdity of the words drawing a full fledged laugh out of me, so much so that the people around me start staring at  me as though I'm an idiot.
"Sorry, I think I heard you wrong, what did you say again?"
"You heard me right, Aanya, I want you to be my fiancé, for us to get engaged"
"Are you drunk, or has someone's curse finally reached you, are you losing your mind?"
"As absurd it may sound, I assure you it's the only way for you to get your book back, the only way to save your family from the Bratva's wrath"
"My father would never ever agree to this, you know how he loathes your father and thinks you to be the same as him, he literally thinks you guys are a menace to the society and belong to some mental asylum, not to mention the beef you have with both my brothers, judging that they're aware that you were the one who leaked Mr.Williamson's data, my father doesn't know about this for the same reason that I've kept quite, we love Aunt Annika a lot. So as much as you would like us to be "engaged" it will never happen"
"Then you better get to work Aanya, I'll be visiting my Grandparents in the US next week, I want you to put this out on the table before your family, and convince them by hook or by crook. If by the end of my visit I don't get a reply from you Ms.Volkov, I'll personally hand over the Black book to the Pakhan"
I'm at loss of words, I feel as though the world's spinning, my hearts beating faster trying to make sense of his words.
"Why do you want us to get engaged Theo, what do you plan? Is your Grandfather aware of this? Your parents?"
"You don't need to concern yourselves with my plans Ms.Volkov, you do your part and I'll do mine and at the end of it we both get what we want, as for my family, my Grandfather won't meddle in my business for a while, my father would always support me, as for my mother....like you said let's not taint the relations my mother and yours have, the only thing they need to know is that we are to be engaged"
"You're a monster Theo, a narcissist, unfeeling monster who wouldn't care if the world burns at his feet, as long as he gets what he wants"
"Like I said, tell me something I don't know sweetheart. As lovely as this conversation with you has been, I need to get back to the priority tasks at hand. Remember, you've got one week Aanya, don't think too much about it, since patience is not one of my virtues" He gets up and leaves through the door at my left.
What do I do now?
Till the end if the day I'm so exhausted, that I collapse as soon as I lay on my bed at Caleb and Jaspers house. At around 3 am in night I go to the kitchen to get some water, and find my brother and cousin whispering to themselves.
"Seriously Caleb, Knock some sense into Aaron, man. At this rate he'll either end up killed or in Jail, there's only so much our parents influence can do" Jasper says.
"I'm trying Jasper, gods I'm trying. There's... something going on back at home, it's affected him badly, he's become like this bull, Punch first and ask questions later. He's usually calm and composed, this is the first time he's acting so out of character, as if he can no longer control himself" Caleb says running his palm through his face.
I can see worry etched on his face. Caleb never shows it but he's the most understanding, the most calm and collected person, who always has a plan and tries to stick to it, but I can see that he's tired. My brother Aaron, I've never seen him turn this violent like Caleb says, but all of this is also messing with his mental health. With all that's going on, I'm sure my parents and grandparents are having a difficult time too.
I know exactly what I need to do. With newfound courage and determination I take out my phone and write
'I'm ready. I'll get engaged to you, give me sometime and I'll convince my family'
The reply is quick
'Looking forward to it, Ms.Volkov'
I need a break. I really need a break.
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heartwoodventures · 1 year ago
Potions Lesson
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Ziv gasps at the setup, marveling at the little alchemy stations. "Ohh how lovely..."
Leo looks around. "It looks cozy."
Ziv nods. "Potions class could not have come sooner..." he grumbles with ginger pat to his side. "I am very eager to learn how to brew a good potion. The timing is...well timed."
Leo ponders over Ziv Zorasch.
Silaena: ..Why do you need potions, exactly?
Aislinn blinks owlishly and looks up from the cup of coffee in her hands as people begin to arrive. Clearly, wandering out from the maze of her thoughts, Aislinn gives her head a shake and waves people in. “Grab a spot at any of the tables. We’ll double up and share as need be.” She explains, her low, soft-spoken voice stretching in an attempt to reach across the room.
Leo: "Is it because you have something odd going on with you and you can't take healing magic right now?"
Nonoli looks around. "There's no stools...!"
Ziv: "Potions, they help with the pain of injuries, you see..."
Leo walks up to a spot and then starts to browse through things, looking at the bottles. and things on the table.
Ziv: "The tables are short enough, I think you'll do fine."
Leo nods to Ziv Zorasch. "It should be okay Noli."
Aislinn goes and sets her coffee down on the counter as she waits for people to settle in. To Nonoli's point, she tilts her head, considering. "If you need, I can go and grab one from downstairs."
Rising Lotus had already set herself up at a table, eyes looking over all the ingredients she sort of just wanted to, dump all together haphazardly. She was able to fight the urge for now though. "...isn't this jus' like cookin' but for shite you can't exactly eat some times?"
Nonoli furrows her brow.
Riylli waves eagerly to Aislinn as she enters the classroom. "Hey! I got a Starlight present for ya! I was gonna give it to you at G'lewra's but I guess y'couldn't make it? Ill wait 'till after the class though! Dont wanna disrupt the teacher."
Ziv: "Or just jump -on- the table." Ziv shrugs at Nonoli Noli.
Nonoli is frustrated with Ziv .
Leo smiles at Ziv.
Nonoli : "And block the love of science with my rump!? I don't think so!"
Leo: "That may not be a great idea. Want me to go find you a stool Noli?"
Aislinn eyes Rising as she takes in the ingredients and decides leaving the room might not be the best idea. She looks to Leo “Aye, if you wouldn’t mind popping downstairs and grabbing a stool. Then we can get started.”
Turning to Rising, she tilts her head. "Aye, it's a little like cooking. Except supposing if you get creative in the kitchen and add too much salt it probably won't hurt you."
Silaena: Hm. Mind terribly being my station partner, Ziv?
Ziv nods to Silaena. "Not at all, by all means feel free."
M'shara approaches a table and begins going over the supplies on it.
Nonoli seems lost in thought. "I should probably get a stool from downstairs... I'll be right back."
Leo Veldha ponders over Nonoli Noli.
Silaena runs her hands over the little station, clearly familiarizing herself with the contents. "Fair warning, every time I've tried to learn alchemy, it's exploded horribly."
Ziv: "Oh dear, well at least there will be healers nearby in case a flask explodes or something.."
Leo tilted his head as he examined the contents on the table. "Some of these look familiar. Do you recognize what they are Noli? Admittedly my time in Sillfane Glade was... well, rushed. So this is one of those holes I'd like to work on filling in."
Nonoli nods to Leo. "Of course! You're looking at the third best alchemist in Heartwood you know!"
Leo smiles at Nonoli. "I thought you'd at least be the best or second best. Who has you beat? Aislinn? She does know her stuff!"
Nonoli nods to Leo.
Rising Lotus: "Well hopefully we won't be makin' anythin' too complicated then. Every time I've cooked more than jus' puttin' meat over a fire I get pretty free form with the measurements."
Clearing her throat, Aislinn turns now, her assessing gaze sweeping over the room. Most of those gathered she knew. One of two, she didn't recognize. That didn't come as a surprise to her. She regularly had her head down involved in some project or other that she lost focus of everything else, eating, for instance. Let alone poking her head out of the clinic or workshop to *meet* people.  She takes a breath and addresses the room "Alright, let's get started." ....
M'shara: "Quiet down please."
Ziv motions joyfully to Aislinn.
Aislinn: "For those that don't know me, I'm Aislinn. I work in the clinic with Lewra and in the workshop on various technological projects. I'm also an alchemist which is why Lewra asked me to teach this class. She sends her apologies but is...occupied elsewhere." There was a minor hitch over that last detail but she has a great poker face and quickly moves on. ...
Nonoli ponders over Aislinn.
Aislinn: "Alchemy is basically, the creation of potions. Good and bad." She gives a half shrug. "Like cooking but more exacting. A little foxglove can strengthen a weak heart. Too much can cause a heart attack. You gotta understand and adhere to the rules before you go getting creative and experimenting." She explains. "But today we're going to make a basic healing potion. Nothing so dire but it should give you good practice with the basics."
Riylli raises her hand, then asks her question out loud anyways. "Can we make potions that give me lots of muscles?"
Ziv swishes his tail back and forth excitedly. "Healing potions, perfect! Maybe now I won't have to pilfer from Noli's stashes..."
Leo gazes upon Aislinn in deep reflection. "I see...  so it's an art of precision."
M'shara simply pretends she hears none of this.
Nonoli senses something amiss with Ziv .
Odile rushes into the room.
Aislinn eyes Riylli with faint amusement. "You can conjure golems from the earth. How much more force do you need at your disposal?"
Leo looked at the equipment in front of him with a newfound respect. It must have been a perilous art to develop.
Rising Lotus: "If you want to be strong like me you have to earn it the true way, not cheatin' with potions and magic."
Aislinn flicks her attention briefly to Ziv and raises a brow
Leo ponders over Nonoli. "Are you okay Noli?" He had missed Ziv's comment.
Aislinn: "Anyone here have any alchemical experience?" She ventures. Basically she wants to know who she can maybe not have to watch so closely in favor of who might possibly cause an explosion. Just in case.
Riylli: "I need enough to carry Mana around when she's old obviously!"
Nonoli: "I think I just discovered why my potions keep going missing..."
Leo is taken aback by Nonoli.
Nonoli: "I do! I do!"
Silaena: ..Do you have a potion addiction, Ziv? I know -how- alchemy works, but..Yeah, practical experience is explosive at best.
Aislinn nods to Nonoli and gives the lalafell a subtle smile. "Good to know."
Ziv is taken aback by Silaena.
Leo: "I learned to brew them before, but it was a -really- long time ago. I can't remember anything about it, so I figured it best to start from scratch."
Nonoli smiles in warm satisfaction before Aislinn.
Ziv: "A what?! Of course not--potions are merely useful to a warrior such as myself who does not easily take to healing magic."
Silaena furrows her brow at Ziv Zorasch.
Odile: "But healing magic is gentler than potion recovery Ziv."
Aislinn: "Alright. A basic healing potion is good knowledge for any mercenary to have. It ain't going to miraculously patch up a bullet wound but it'll shore up stores of depleted aether in the body and buy you some time until you can get to a medic of some stripe."
Rising Lotus shook her head. "I've only ever have bought or get that sort of stuff from folk. Seems complicated with all that measurin' an' all."
Ziv frowns at Odile. It couldn't be helped. He offered a slight shrug and returned his attention to the head of the classroom.
Aislinn tilts her head to Rising. "It can be, aye. But we're gonna go through this one step by step." And hopefully minimize any sort of surprises.
Aislinn "So." She begins and motions to the contents on the tables before them. She draws close to Rising and Riylli's table. "A basic healing potion consists of distilled water, mistletoe, a powdered mushroom called a chanterelle and powdered water and lightning crystals." All of which she holds up one by one off the table as she introduces them. "The first thing we're going to do is pour the distilled water into the crucible and turn on the flame. There's a switch under the pot to get it going."
Riylli: "We're gonna... drink the crystals? Ain't that dangerous?"
M'shara reaches forward to turn on the crucible then picking up the distilled water and carefully pouring it out into the pot.
Ziv nods. "Sounds simple enough." He begins by adding the distilled water to the pot. "I figured the crystals added extra flavor or bubbles," he said to Riylli's comment as he flipped on the burner.
Nonoli had to use all her willpower to stop herself from starting an "Ackshually" prompt after Ziv's comment.
Leo smiles at Nonoli. "I guess we're starting then? Should probably check the quantities."
Rising Lotus looks over the reagents, shrugging as she dumped an unmeasured amount of water into the pot before turning up the flame way too hot. "There's some soup they used to serve in Drybone that was cold, but then they served it to you with a fire crystal to heat it up. Never got sick or nothin' from it... well you didn't eat the crystal in it of course. Jus' the stew 'round it."
Nonoli: "Turn on the burner. I'll get the water set up!"
Leo nods to Nonoli .
Aislinn shakes her head at Riylli "They'll be regents to cause a chemical reaction imperative to the potion's creation later."
Leo did as was requested and turned on the burner. At the same time, he glanced through the recipe on the page. Seemed simple enough.
Riylli: "...Ah. Yes, of course." Riylli nods along like she knows what any of those words mean. "Er, are we supposed to be starting already?"
Odile climbed up the side of the table to add the pieces of the potion into the pot.
Aislinn eyes Rising's pot. "That's gonna boil fast. You need to watch it. The minute it does, lower the flame to let it simmer." She instructs the woman.
Ziv: "Oh...I wonder if our flame is too high also."
Aislinn: "You all seem to be able to boil water. Good." If she sounds sardonic, it's not on purpose. She has seen people explode boiling water. "Once the water is boiling, add three mistletoe berries. That should be all you have on the table, and lower the flame until the water is simmering."
Odile sets the flame to medium, to boil it faster.
Silaena seems to simply watch, humming. "Maybe. Guess we'll find out."
Rising Lotus: "Uh, right." she started to watch her pot, wondering how hot simmer is. "Alright Riylli add them berries, and I'll figure out how much to turn it down by."
Aislinn: "This is the first part of precision. Boil it too hot and the berries are ruined. Too low and the toxins in the berries won't boil out."
Odile turns down the Heat and adds the berries one by one.
Leo nods to Aislinn.
Ziv drops the three berries into the pot and keeps the flame at its current setting. The fire is on the low side, causing the water to bubble slightly as it simmered the berries.
Riylli nods and pops each berry into the cauldron. "I guess I've done somethin' like this before when I'm makin' my syrup... Y'don't wanna burn out the colour!"
M'shara watches Odile, nodding in approval.
Aislinn nods to Riylli in agreement
Leo took a look at the water. "Oh, I don't think it will be long... hey, where are the berrie Noli?" He looked around the table for them.
Nonoli: "They're right in front of you..."
While they work, Aislinn takes a moment and carefully watches the room.
Rising Lotus watches the water start to bubble, giving it a few moments before she cranked it down some. "I guess if it stops bubblin' 'we'll jus' turn it back up 'til we hit the sweet spot. Also what does color have to do with a healin' potion?"
Leo grabbed the three berries in the bowl and then watched as the bubble started to come up steadily in the cauldron. "Thank you." He dropped them in and then lowered the flame.
Odile: "Red for blood. For easier identification. in case of a rushed scenerio."
Nonoli closed her eyes and sniffed at the air. "Ah, the sweet smell of science." Nonoli smiles in warm satisfaction.
Riylli: "Vibes, Rising. Vibes. The red health potions taste the best! And, I don't know, maybe it'll mess with the ingredients too."
Silaena tilts her head. "Well. It -seems- to be working out, so far."
Aislinn: “It should end up smelling almost sweet. The liquid should turn a pale yellow color as the berries cook. If it goes dark or brown or smells sharp and acrid….well, you burned it. It happens.”
Aislinn: “That’s when you toss it out and start over. But so far, I’m not picking up any weird smells so, good on you!”
Ziv stares at the lightly simmering pot, barely beginning to turn a colored hue as the berries softened up. He adjusts the fire, turning it up just a little, because he couldn't fight the urge there was something wrong.
Nonoli nods to Aislinn.
Aislinn: “Alright! Next, add one level scoop of powdered mushroom using the small metal scoop on the table and mix it slowly into the liquid  you’ve got simmering. Again, be patient. Don’t just go dumping it in and whisking it to death.”
Aislinn's definitely not looking at Rising out of the corner of her eye when she says this.
Rising Lotus "I've mostly had the blue flavored ones. Wonder how we get to blue from these red berries...that turn the water yellowish?" she snapped her fingers. "Oh wait, water crystals are blue!"
Nonoli: "I'll handle this one, Leo!"
Leo nods to Nonoli.
Nonoli carefully pushed a measuring cup into the bag of powdered fungi and slow-dripped it into the simmering water.
Riylli eyes the powdered mushroom "Mm... Chanterelle... Hey Aislinn, do we need to use ALL of it in our potions?"
Leo took a step back, "All yours Noli, show me how it's done!" He watched closely as his tail swayed back and forth.
Ziv steps back for this part, looking intimidated by the more sophisticated ingredients. "Why don't you, Silaena?"
Odile takes the measuring spoon scoops up a good amount of powdered mushroom fungi powder and uses a gloved finger to scrape out the excess and keep it measured.
Aislinn tips her head to Riylli. "No, if you do, you'll ruin it. This is where you get to practice precision."
Riylli: "Good!" Riylli declares, dipping her finger into powder and sticking it in her mouth
Odile picks up the whisk and stirs gently.
Aislinn huffs out a soft laugh of amusement at Riylli
Rising Lotus finally seemed to have a good simmery pot going, and she was about to give it a big ol' scoop of mushroom dust when Riylli tasted some. "...What's it taste like?"
Aislinn nods in approval as Nonoli levels off her scoop of mushroom powder
Silaena nods, veery carefully leveling out a scoop, before stirring the whisk. Probably a little -too- slow.
Riylli: "You've never had it? It's a pretty regular part of the keeper diet. Try some!"
Nonoli: "... don't eat the reagents, Leo."
Odile: "Likely tasting like a spore sponge."
Leo laughs at Nonoli. "I wasn't planning to Noli. Have you ever eaten the ingredients when making potions before though?"
Ziv raises the flame a little, thinking it will help somehow. The cauldron boils steadily, producing some steam.
Nonoli: "It's smart to taste them, if they're edible. But that's just to make sure they haven't gone bad."
Leo nods to Nonoli Noli. "Makes sense to me."
Rising Lotus "Hmm....no. Maybe if it wasn't dust an' a mushroom still." She scoops some of the powered, shaking off the extra but still probably a pinch to much. "Get to stirrin'." she held the spoon out to Riylli.
Riylli frowns. "Y'should level off your measuring cups with your finger, that's what Mana always does when she bakes." She explains and begins to stir carefully. "But a little extra probably wont hurt! Im betting these are mostly here for the flavour anyroad"
Leo: "You know, I am a little surprised that you don't taste more stuff though."
Nonoli ponders over Leo. "Most of this stuff is toxic before it's brewed!"
Leo: "Yeah, but I just think about all the cookie batter you steal when Coco bakes cookies."
Leo winks at Nonoli.
Ziv looks at Nonoli in surprise. "How can something that heals you be toxic?"
Rising Lotus: "That wasn't a cup though it was a spoon."
Ziv: "I don't understand it..."
Nonoli looks at Leo in surprise. "I-I do no such thing!"
Leo beams with delight at Nonoli .
M'shara: "You've clearly never been healed by me before."
Riylli: "Same thing!"
Nonoli: "It's not toxic when you drink it!"
Riylli: "They got all sorts of cups and spoons when you're bakin', and Twelve help you if you mix up a tablespoon with a teaspoon"
Silaena: Most alchemical ingredients balance out the toxicity with each other. It's a science, like that. Or how they're prepared, too.
Ziv: "I see..."
Silaena: Some of them are even only in something to make it not poisonous, too.
Aislinn: “So now you’ve got all the ingredients for a proper healing potion. And you’ve simmered them long enough for them to integrate. Which is a nice soup. Now we need a strong chemical reaction to flash it into something more.” She inhales a breath as if bracing herself. “This is one parts water crystal and two parts lighting crystal mixed and added to the bunsen flame beneath your crucibles. That’s one small spoon.” She holds up the smallest spoon that hardly looks like it could hold anything of substance. “Of blue crystals and two spoons of purple. There are wards of shielding written into the tables and if something goes wrong just step back. Quickly. Please remember the estate was just rebuilt and I don’t want to have to go through that again.”
Leo is taken aback by Aislinn. "It goes into the flame?"
Aislinn nods to Leo. "Into the flame. This creates a quick, small flash of high heat needed to transform the ingredients into a proper potion."
Rising Lotus wiped her hands on her apron. "See this is why I don't cook 'sides from jus' puttin' things over a fire. Too much work. Or at least with cookin' you can jus' like, eyeball spices an' then choke it down if it's bad." she glanced to Linn as she gave the next explanation, looking much more excited for this one. "One of blue two of purple!"
Leo: "Okay..." He grabbed a small bowl and then the blue and purple crystals. "Let's see, one part blue, two purple..."
M'shara looks to Odile, "Did you get that?"
Ziv picks up the blue crystal. "Adding crystals to fire? It's certainly not what I expected but okay. I will add this one if you'd take care of the purples."
Riylli: "My turn!" Riylli declares, proudly taking each scoop and measuring them off with her finger. Into the fire each of them goes with a quick pop of energy, leaving Riylli with a little bit of purple residue on her finger. She looks at it. She stares at it. She contemplates it. Ultimately her intrusive thoughts win through and she carefully pokes the residue with her tongue to see what it tastes like. Just a little bit!
Nonoli: "You can do it!"
Nonoli strikes a triumphant─but not too triumphant─pose for Leo Veldha.
Leo motions joyfully to Nonoli.
Odile nodded. she looks to the crystals. She uses her aether to hover one blue, and two purple.
Leo: "Yes ma'am." he laughs.
Silaena nods once again, moving to measure out the purple crystal dust. The moment her hands come close to it, though, there is prompt little explosion of levin.
Leo carefully measured out the crystals. One teaspoon of blue and two teaspoons of purple. He tried not to pull any more than he needed and put them in as equal quantities. After giving them a good mix, he shrugged and added them to the flame. "Well, here goes."
Ziv looks surprised!
Rising Lotus scoffed as Riylli got to do the cool fire throwing part. She flicked a few more grains of purple in when Riylli was tasting the crushed crystal.
Odile adds the first portion of purple, then the blue, then adds the last portion of purple.
Ziv: "Well there goes our purple--!"
Silaena: ..Yep. Sorry about that. Should've let you do it.
Ziv: "It's' okay. We should try again, with two new crystals."
Ziv: "This health potion -needs- to turn out! I'm really starting to feel it now..."
Leo: "Look good?"
Nonoli seems lost in thought. "So far so good!"
Odile looks stumped.
Aislinn: “Riylli!” She catches the sight of the Keeper putting a finger of crystals in her mouth. Nymeia help her. She’s drawn next by the sound of the small explosion at Ziv’s table. Not enough to trigger the ward. “Alright, there?” She asks.
Silaena nods. "No injuries. Just a little explosion when I touched the lightning."
Ziv: "Umm...well...no. Yes, I think we just need to simply try again. Though I'm not sure why your touch would cause an explosion like that."
Ziv gazes upon Silaena in deep reflection.
Riylli smacks her tongue a few times. "Tastes like... tingling. Like there are bubbles popping on my tongue! They should put this stuff in candy..."
Aislinn hums in thought as she looks Silaena over. "Does...that usually happen when you interact with aspected aether?"
Silaena tilts her head. "Sometimes. Most times, really."
Ziv continues to fuss over their pot, stirring it steadily to prevent it from boiling over.
Aislinn quickly tosses over her shoulder, "Riylli, stop eating the crystals. Do you want aether sickness?"
Riylli: "N... No..." Riylli mumbles, properly scolded
Rising Lotus jumped a bit at the explosion, bumping some of their blue crystal dust onto the table. Her attention returns to Riylli as she describes the taste, flicking more blue dust into the flame. "Guess that makes sense, purple is lightning. Guess blue would taste wet then..." her hand got close to the blue powder when Linn called Riylli out, slowly pulling her hand back.
Aislinn returns her attention to Silaena. "Hmm. Try switching. Ziv, add the lightning crystals, let Silaena handle the water crystal."
Riylli: "Quit addin' more crystal!"
Silaena hums, nodding again. "Sure. Ready, Ziv?"
Ziv nods, exchanging the water crystal for the two lightning ones. "Yes, let's see if this way does better."
Silaena moves to measure out the water crystal. And, not a hint of explosion, it seems, as it goes into the fire.
Ziv drops the crystals into the flame like two ice cubes into a glass of water.
Rising Lotus: "Psh, it was like, hardly anymore than we needed." she went to give their pot a few stirs as she looked at the so far unremarkable hue.
Riylli: "No causin' trouble for the teacher! We gotta be EXACT! Otherwise the cookies will end up super salty! I mean, potions."
In the wake of the expected flash of heat, Aislinn studies Silaena with open curiosity. "Right, then. " As quiet as she is, she raises her voice over the room. "Your potion should now be blue in color and clear. Go ahead and pour it carefully into an empty flask using the funnel on the table to check it for color and clarity." She explains.
Leo gazes upon Nonoli in deep reflection. "Hey Noli, do you think Nolas may like this kind of thing?"
Odile: "Maybe, Leo."
Aislinn: "If it's purple. You added too much lightning and burned it. If it's still pale, it's fine to drink but I doubt it's gonna do you any good when you need it. If it smells bad...well, this is not a potion that should smell bad. Don't drink it." She ticks off the common problems found with making this potion.
Nonoli gently stirred their ingredients, glancing up at Leo before raising a brow. "I don't think kids like anything they can't eat. Potions are usually rather bitter too."
Ziv places the funnel over the flask and slowly begins to ladle the light blue concoction. Steam fills up the glass beaker as the hot liquid is poured into it. "This was not so difficult at all. With enough mistletoe and ground mushrooms this will be easy to make in my own room."
Silaena taps her chin. "Really not selling the lack of potion addiction there, buddy."
Rising Lotus gave it a few more stirs, wasn't quite as blue as ones she had purchased before, but it was a tone of blue at least. "Alrighty, guess we ought to dish it out. Get the bottle ready." she lowered the heat and went for the ladel. "...I guess we can add some blue to it to make it more blue..." she eyed those crystals again.
Leo closed his eyes. "Mm... I'd like him to try a lot of things to see if he has a hobby he likes. I guess you're right though, maybe I'll wait until he's older..." His ears perked up at Odile's words as he gave her a small smile. "Thanks Odile." He took a glance at the color of the potion. Looked blue to him!
M'shara: "Simply try not to blow up the house if you have a lab in your room."
Aislinn nods to Ziv as she eyes the color of the liquid he's pouring into the flask. "I think you've got the hang of this, Ziv."
Leo looks at M'shara in shock! "Good point... definitely when he's older..."
Ziv motions joyfully.
Riylli: "We added enough!" Riylli scolds while getting the bottle ready
Ziv: "It feels good to have the approval of a learned professional. Excellent! Perhaps next I can work on adding a grape flavor..."
M'shara checks carefully over the potion in the cauldron.
Silaena: ..Why grape, specifically?
Odile looks shocked.
Aislinn sidles up to Rising and Riylli's table and removes the vials of powdered aether. Definitely not because she overheard the plan to add more to the drink.
Riylli looks sad as her purple candy is taken away.
Ziv: "For flavor of course! Is there another fruit flavor that sounds more appealing?"
Nonoli: "I was creating alchemy fire in my room a summer ago, when Zoronado and I would go on our adventures. Napalm really saved our skins in more than a few pinches."
Aislinn gives Nonoli a look of approval. Nothing wrong with weaponizing what you need for defense.
Silaena taps her chin. "Blackberry."
Leo ponders over Nonoli. "What's napalm do?"
Nonoli: "It's like... an extremely hot liquid that ignites anything it touches. If you got it on your clothes you could leap into a lake and it would still burn!"
Leo is taken aback by Nonoli Noli.
Silaena Naellenar: Well, that's a marginally terrifying thing to be making in your room.
Leo Veldha bit his lower lip. "I think it's best Nolas stay far away from alchemy then. At least until he's much older." He cleared his throat. "Well all that aside, it does sound very useful." His ears perked at Silaena's words. "And terrifying, yes."
Nonoli: "I used every precaution!"
Ziv: "Oh...well that's a good idea as well. I will have to engineer a blackberry flavor as well."
Rising Lotus rolled her eyes at Riylli, trying to look all innocent as their crystals were confiscated. She gave the concoction one more stir before scooping some up and pouring it into the beaker until it was almost full. "How's it look. Blue enough?" she bent down some to inspect it a bit closer.
Nonoli: "There's all sorts of neat stuff you can make, with the right reagents."
Odile takes a beaker, a funnel, and ladle to fill the potion into the beaker.
Leo smiles at Nonoli.
Silaena: I think I'll stick with weapons and trinkets, myself. Alchemy clearly doesn't like me much.
Nonoli: "Potions of invisibility, elixirs of night vision, giantstride tonics. Potions of strength."
Aislinn: "Anyone have any questions regarding the state of their potion or about the recipe in general?" She asks as she sets the vials of aether on the counter and begins circulating the room, handing out papers "I have copies of the instructions here for you. Lewra and I will leave the set up here for you all to practice if you want. The clinic should have enough ingredients stored if you need."
Nonoli smiles at Aislinn.
Leo motions joyfully to Aislinn.
Riylli raises her hand again. "Is ours okay? It's not super blue"
Leo: "Thank you Aislinn."
Nonoli continued to stir the beaker to make sure nothing burned on the bottom of the glass.
Ziv takes a swig of their potion, happily accepting a leaflet. "Indeed, many thanks. This will be a skill I use most often, rest assured. No more bothering the clinic for simple potions."
Aislinn smiles and gives a nod to Leo before turning to Riylli's question. "Hmm. Let's see it?"
Leo: "Hey Noli, do you mind if I practice making some potions with you sometime? As a healer I feel like I should know more about them and, you know, not rely on my magic as much as I do."
Nonoli nods to Leo.
Leo smiles in warm satisfaction before Nonoli. "Thank you."
Rising Lotus "Yeah I've seen bluer. I'm tellin' ya it needs more blue." she eyed the crushed water crystals on the counter on the opposite side of the room as she was handed the paper.
Nonoli: "Of course! I don't... want to make anything in your house, though. Your beastly boy gets his greedy little hands into everything!"
Nonoli is frustrated with Leo.
Leo laughs at Nonoli.
Riylli nudges the bottle in AIslinn's direction. "I think we mighta just burned out the colour!" Riylli says, repeating the same phrase from earlier. She's clearly learned a new fun fact.
Leo: "He's a handful isn't he? But that's part of what makes him so fun. If you'd like we can move some things around in our old room here in Heartwood."
M'shara eyes the potion on her table. "A well crafted product if I can say."
Odile: "Indeed."
Nonoli: "Oh we still have our old room. Well... half of it. When we remodeled we had to fix the entire back end..."
Leo nods to Nonoli.
Aislinn carefully takes up the flask, eyes it and then gives it a sniff. She tilts her head, considering. "It's a little weak. Most likely boiled the mistletoe too hot." She hands the flask back. "It might be a little less potent than normal but it won't do you any harm if  you drink it." She stares up at Rising over the rim of her spectacles. "It does not need more ‘blue’." She states definitively. Giving them a taste of powdered crystals may have been a mistake. 
Nonoli: "All my potions... gone... gone!" Nonoli clutches her head.
Leo turned his gaze to Ziv for a moment as he smiled at Noli. "I'll help where I can..."
Riylli: "Ha! Told you!" Riylli is a teachers pet. "Y'should be the one to drink it though. How's your wound doin'?"
Ziv looks over to Odile and M'shara's table with hopeful eyes. "Are you two going to finish that? The potion?"
Nonoli: "I'm just glad I was in the clinic when it all went down... if I was snoozing in my room I'd be a pancake!"
M'shara: "What do you mean finish?"
Odile: "Yes and you are not getting one lick of it."
Ziv is taken aback by Odile .
Leo let out a sigh. "That was rough. I nearly lost it when Coco was caught up in that. It was all I could do to stop myself from slamming my body against that door instead of holding that... thing down."
Aislinn hands copies of the recipe out to Ziv and Silaena
Rising Lotus: "It's not my fault no one taught me what a simmer is." she took the potion from Aislinn, temperature testing it by tapping the side a few times. "An' it's gettin' better, should be gettin' the bandages off soon anyway. Ain't hurt as much to move." she swirled the potion a few times before throwing it back, letting out a light cough as it was a tad too hot for chugging but she managed it anyway.
Ziv: "Denying a wounded man treatment, that is cruel..."
Riylli: "...How is it? Feelin' healed?"
Odile: I had to lock up the potion cabinets after your little raid in the Med Ward."
Aislinn glances at Odile and Shara's flask and nods
Ziv shows Odile his utter disappointment. "Yes and it was not very appreciated--! I have suffered greatly..."
M'shara eyebrows slant downward in concern. "Are you stealing potions from people?"
Odile: "You are wounded mentally, not physically."
Ziv disagrees with Odile. "Supplies from the clinic were out, I was merely redirecting."
Rising Lotus smacks her lips. "I guess I feel sort of less sore, not the same kick as a normal potion though." it needed more blue.
Aislinn: "Thank you all for coming and learning a bit about alchemy. I'm thinking all of these potions turned out fairly well. Nice job." She nods
Odile: "You need a shrink, not a potion."
Ziv looks at Odile in surprise.
Riylli : "Thanks for teachin' us!"
Aislinn gives Riylli a slanted smile of appreciation
Ziv: "Oh it's nothing like that...Thank you professor Aislinn for teaching us, yes! It is good to learn self-sufficiency."
Rising Lotus nodded "Aye, thank ya. Probably will still rely on others for it, but it's fun to know what I can do with crushed crystals an' fire now!"
Silaena nods. "Mm. Thank you for the lesson. Sorry for blowing up your crystals, too."
Nonoli smiles at Aislinn.
Odile: "Ms. North I would suggest locking up all alchemy equipment from Ziv until he takes a psych test."
Nonoli: "Alchemy should be a mandatory course for any mercenary! A quick sip of a potion can be far more reliable than a proper heal!"
Leo ponders over Nonoli .
Ziv agrees wholeheartedly with Nonoli .
Ziv looks at Odile and buries his face in disbelief.
Leo: "If you say so."
M'shara clears her throat. "We can discuss those matters in private."
Aislinn turns her attention to Odile, her brow lifting. She catches Shara's reply before she can move to question the lalafell's statement and instead shares a look with the other officer. "Duly noted." She replies neutrally to Odile.
Rising Lotus rubs her chin. "Maybe I should teach a fishin' course or somethin' for folks...not that it's hard. But some of the finer details, an' how to know what fish you should eat or somethin'."
Leo: "But regardless, thank you for teaching us Aislinn."
Riylli: "Can we go volcano fishin' again?"
Ziv: "Why I've never heard such nonsense in my life. If you'll excuse me, I have much practice to do with my alembic."
Silaena: Good luck? Try not to get too into drinking the potions, I guess?
Silaena fails to understand Ziv Zorasch.
Rising Lotus: " I mean, /we/ can, but if I'm gonna teach a class or somethin' it probably would be more pratical an' like, survival trainin' an' all."
Ziv: "Oh do not listen to those overblown reactions. There is nothing wrong with taking medicine."
Riylli: "Volcanoes need survival training the most!"
Leo expresses his worry with Ziv .
Odile: "If the cleaning crew and I go into your room Ziv, tell me we would not find used potion bottles everywhere in there. We got rich last time just from bottle returns."
Silaena : Hard disagree. Too much is a dependency, Ziv. Those are a weakness folks can exploit.
Leo: "Ziv, I don't know what's going on lately, but you should take care of yourself."
Silaena: But you're a grown man. So it's not really like anyone can stop you, either. Just be careful?
Rising Lotus: "How often do we end up there though? The one time we went fishin', an' then when we returned for that hunt? Probably more practical to have like...cold places trainin'."
Riylli: "THEY'RE COOLER THOUGH! Y'gotta go somewhere cool to get students interested!"
Ziv turns a bit red from all the fuss over him. "Yes yes, I agree, a grown man indeed. There is no need to worry so much over nothing.."
Ziv looks stumped.
Odile: "We fuss, because we worry."
Leo nods to Odile .
Rising Lotus: "I mean this was pretty simple an' we were invested right?"
Ziv hurries off with his leaflet before someone tries to tell him he can't brew any potions. "Why thank you, that is very sweet. But humbly I must point to my track record. In any case, goodnight to all--I have important matters to attend."
Ziv bids farewell.
Riylli: "That's 'cuz Aislinn is cool." Riylli says, before something dawns on her. "Oh! Gotta go grab my gift for her! Be right back!"
Leo : "Are you about ready to head home Noli?"
M'shara hums along to the music.
Nonoli nods to Leo.
Leo: "Let's get going then, I'm sure Zoro and Coco are waiting."
Riylli rushes back in and right up to Aislinn, holding a clear jar full of purple stuff in her hands. It kind of looks like a potion with how purple it is, fittingly enough. "Here! This is a syrup I made outta my very own home grown sweet violets! Y'can basically use it in any cookin' you do that needs sugar if you want a bit more unique of a flavor. Mana likes it in her tea!"
Nonoli: "Let's go see what this 'cleansing ritual' your wife mentioned is all about."
Odile gives Riylli a big hug.
Leo expresses his worry with Nonoli. "It's not fun..."
Nonoli ponders over Leo.
Rising Lotus looks over the paper she was handed, trying to see any recipes that would catch her eye to try this again when Riylli came running back with the present. Something then dawned on her when she heard Nonoli mention the cleansing ritual. "Oh right. Hey Lin an' M'shara. There's a little voidsent named Zilmat that'll be workin' in the library."
M'shara: "A what now?"
Aislinn looks up from her thoughts of Ziv as Riylli returns. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise at the jar. "Oh!" Something warm lights behind her eyes. "Violets. I get it. Can't say I've ever had the privilege of trying violet syrup." She says as she takes the jar. "Thank you! I'll have to try it in tea like G’manafa, then."
Aislinn stops and blinks at Rising. "I'm sorry, what? A voidsent?" Talk about whiplash.
Riylli grins proudly. "Good! The sweet violets are special violets because they're sweet, so they make a really good syrup!" Riylli states simply, before turning to Rising. "And don't you worry, you'll get my next batch whenever its grown, okay? Can only make so much at once, especially now that its winter." She explains, then moves off to the side to let Rising deal with the voidsent fallout
M'shara: "Are you entered into a pact with this voidsent or something that can control it?"
Aislinn hugs the jar close to her as she stares at Rising, her lips forming a thin, hard line. She's not thrilled.
Rising Lotus "Aw, thank ya. I'll find ya somethin' nice...but it'll be harder since it can't jus' be fish related..anyway!" she returned back to the other matter. "Long story short, Riylli, I, an' some others went to where that tomestone lead." she motioned to Linn "Was Jackal's hideout, an' with the tone of money he said I could have, half of which went to here to fix the place up, there was a little eye voidsent fellow that has to listen to me now."
Riylli: "I told her it was a terrible idea..." Riylli mumbles from off on the side
M'shara raised a brow at the last part. "It has to or -must-?"
Rising Lotus: "I think he has to. That's what the letter said anyway. He's pretty harmless an' a huge coward, think Jackal mostly jus' fucked with him most of the time, so things should be fine. Kept a good track of all of that bastard's books, an' liked readin' so seemed like a good fit."
Aislinn shifts slightly, clearly uncomfortable. She hated anything having to do with the void. Having one occupying space under the same roof wasn’t ideal. “Alright.” It was not alright. “But why does it have to live -here-?”
M'shara draws in a deep breath then exhales slowly through her nose.
Rising Lotus: " 'Cause that's where the library is. Doesn't really leave it 'less I come get him, an' still sort of jus' hides when folks go in there. Still workin' on that, wouldn't make much of a librarian if he ain't helpin' folks."
M'shara: "What it is eating?"
M'shara: "Are you feeding it?"
Rising Lotus: "He said Jackal used to feed him scraps, when we found him he was eatin' coffee beans. So jus' normal food for his size. Nysc gave him some aether wine once."
Riylli looks back and forth between them, then starts scooting towards the door. She did not want to get involved in this well deserved scolding. "Alright, I'm, uh, off for now. Happy Starlight all!" She says, then poofs
M'shara was a hard woman to read but the way she ran her fingers through her hair was telling enough. "Well then. I suppose it will have to be taken up with her."
Aislinn lets go a perturbed sound in the back of her throat, wordlessly but vocally backing up Shara's questions. "So Nyscera knows." She shakes her head, annoyed, among other things. "Fine. I'll add some wards to the lab. The workshop. The clinic." She murmurs under her breath. So much for stepping foot in the library again. 
M'shara: "I can assist with your warding."
Aislinn tips her head gratefully to Shara. "Not exactly my specialty. You're probably better at it than I."
Rising Lotus let out pfft and a dismissive wave of her hand. "You're worryin' 'bout nothin'. I'll let ya meet him sometime, he's too small to do any damage an' too cowardly to try. Plus feel bad for the thing, Jackal was an arse to him all the time, bastard wasn't ever there for me an' left me an' my ma." she shrugged lightly.
M'shara nods her head. "Yes, I understand how you feel about it but smaller more cowardly voidsent also tend to be opportunist who will consume something larger than them at the first chance."
Aislinn: "So you're saying the thing has a reason to hold a grudge against people, considering how it's been treated." She points out.
Aislinn lets go a breath "I can't say I understand your reasoning, Rising. And I trust you but I also..." She trails off and decides against explaining her reticence. "There's nothing good about the void. I've seen that much."
Rising Lotus scratched the back of her head as she pondered what was being brought forth. "I don't think so. Seems happy jus' to be able to read mostly. Didn't have much stories back in cave after all. In the off chance he does try somethin' I think he'll be squashed pretty quick, but that ain't gonna happen."
M'shara: "Well, it'll get taken up with Nyscera I suppose. In the meantime we do have wards."
Rising Lotus: "Things will be fine." she assured them once more. "I mean, I used to think nothin' good came out of Garlemald, but then I went there an' there were good folk. I'm sure the void has to be the same then...jus' probably much lesser. But there are them voidsent that work for the saucer an' all, so there ya go."
M'shara: "Yes, well, I'd be more at ease if it was bound by contract like those at the saucer."
Rising Lotus: "I think the contract was given to me when he died, I can get you the letter to be sure, an' calls me master an' all, well did 'til I told him to stop."
M'shara: "Certainly. In the meantime I'll help Aislinn with some wards. Then I need to go get my beauty sleep."
Aislinn nods distantly, casting her gaze across the room. "Aye, that'll have to do." Inhales slowly, her thoughts retreating back behind a quiet, closed door expression. "Aye, I'm going to go ahead and start cleaning up and get back to work. Thank you both for coming."
Rising Lotus "Sure thing, thanks for teachin'. I'll drag him out of there soon so you can get a good look at 'em!" she grinned before giving them a wave and heading out the door.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year ago
My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 1 ](REPOSTED)
[Plaintext: My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 1 ](Reposted))
The NoSleep story title aside, here's the...story! I can't really think of a proper way to introduce this but it will probably be broken into parts.
Let's start from a bit of the beginning, shall we? The beginning...of her ending.
( Man it's a bit weird narrating all this when it was all just built up in chats. But it's a little exhilarating too. Like I'm actually telling you a story. How strange. )
Martha. Best of her peers, best of her age, shining star of her school-- All Saints High. Music? Voice of an angel and incredible range to boot. Learns from regular piano lessons without fail. Studies, sports? If you want to get on her level you'll have to grind HARD, and then have to answer her attempts to take the crowning seat back, as well. She can hurl a volleyball just as well as she can jot down Science notes. (Their theology classes fill her with just enough doubts to seek out more on her own ). She's no nobody. Everyone knows her name. She knows them, too. Well enough not to take anything lying down( LEAST of all taunts about her pronouncedly fluttery accent and her own accompanying G-rated cursing ). She won't just survive-- she will surpass. And she's built up the assets needed with everything shes got. Money, skill, sweet words, blackmail, friendships, favours, petty revenge, precious time, sweat, perfection. ALL of it.
Home is a hole.
It is void. A fine place to read thrashy romance novels, if only to forget about the endlessly yawning cavern depths. Others exist, somewhere there. She exists alongside them but they do not acknowledge her. It is alright as long as she never causes a scene, breaks the silence. It is even more alright when she keeps aiming past what is to her the sky, sun and space and beyond and catches their attention. Sometimes, achieving this even means a warm smile or two of them, from the two of them, thrown her way.
She catches it, picks it up, learns to plaster it across on her face. Red lips frame white teeth that twinkle like stars.
Pity they fell out then.
No one could believe it. No one wanted to believe it. In fact, common, widespread verity was so grim in prospect, so sticky a situation that it would attract investigators like flies to the rotting corpse, so un-profitable in comparison to the sum offered to keep lips sealed and stories spun-- that in the end, all that blew up the town to fearfully great heights was that there was a killer on the lose.
The newspapers turn obsolete.
Law efforts turn obsolete.
Gossip becomes old news.
Students turn obsolete as they graduate into college-age adults.
The holy water sprinkled on her casket goes stale.
Her friends do not visit anymore, because life has taken them away.
The school still stands, without Martha. She is there, of course. What could it ever be without her? She keeps asking herself,
staring into the dirty thing bobbing in dark water
cannot leave this bathroom stall
should not
for her murderer is outside, walking free, living, teaching freely
They say if you stay in the stalls all by yourself or look at the stretching mirrors too long, she will appear to drag you into the stories herself. They say if you are unluckier still, it will show itself, rising, rising, rising from and out of the times past, to the top of the water...
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[ ID: PNG of an item from Smile For Me the game, a pair of plasticky looking red jaws with yellow teeth, called the 'Toilet Teeth'. End ID]
Habit is pretty new around here, but if he can't find a single friend then God help him he is going to make the ghost in the bathroom who may-or-may not-exist-but-hopefully-its-a-may-- his friend. Now if only he had any idea where to start?!?!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year ago
2, 8, 9, and 15 for the New Year's ask game!
2. Will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc? 
I like participating in fandom events - prompt weeks, bingos, etc. I'll probably do a belated Flufftober for last years prompts soon, since I only filled... two of them? And hopefully next Flufftober I won't immediately feel my energy for writing snuff out on me.
Sadly it seems that some of the events I used to participate in have gone away. Hartmonfest being the most recent and the one I'm most sad about. I considered volunteering to take over running that one, but I didn't feel like I had the energy to really focus on it the way an event needs. Maybe if I'm feeling less worn out later this year I might reach out to see if I could revive it on a trial basis. I kinda feel a bit like I'd need to brush up on my photo manip skills though (gotta make a fun header for an event, right?) and... I haven't really done much in that area since high school with, like, the 2006 version of Photoshop in my graphic design class. So this might wind up being something I push off until next year.
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Usually it's not so much about being brave enough but having enough inspiration. That said, I've had a longer look at the body swap trope with Cisco and Hartley in mind for a while and who knows, maybe this'll be the year I finally start making progress on that idea. It'll be a more serious take than the fic I've already done with it - Cisco struggling to deal with Hartley's hearing while Hartley learns Cisco visions hurt a lot more than Cisco's been letting on - and it'll be something of a mutual annoyances to friends to lovers type deal.
9. Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January?
The Flufftober prompts. And maybe the Rose/Jack/Doctor week prompts I didn't finish last year. Try and get back into my writing headspace before I start tackling some of my older series again.
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks? 
So the wasp problem isn't 100% over yet, but it's hopefully going to continue to be in decline. That was a big stressor for me last year - I think more than I realized at the time. If they do come back in bigger numbers, that'll probably stress me out again and slow my creative side down again.
The home reno I had going on last year was another source of stress and while I will be doing part two of that this year, it'll be much smaller in scale - mainly painting and replacing some heavily painted-over wood paneling with drywall, as the paneling as seen better days. No flooring replacements or turning reach-in closets into walk-in closets. So it shouldn't take nearly so long or be nearly so stressful.
I'm especially looking forward to painting the fireplace. It's brick, but kind of a dirty looking off white with a few splotches here and there where it got stained a kinda... puke green tbh. A dark gray paint with a new wood mantle will make it really nice, I think. It'll go well with the light gray I've used everywhere and I'm thinking a navy color for an accent wall. Or possibly two walls. Still in the early stages of decision making.
I'm aiming for spring for the reno, which should give me plenty of time yet to prepare. But I'd expect that to interfere with my writing time since I'll have to pack those rooms up beforehand and unpack them later. Also going to get some of the furniture (definitely the couch and a rug I've had ten-ish years) professionally cleaned. They've both been through a lot and could use a deep cleaning.
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ratralsis · 10 months ago
Brief update
I haven't written anything long in a while because I haven't had a ton of time.
My latest writing class ended a few weeks ago. The course report I filled out wound up hurting my tutor's feelings so much that, even after I wrote multiple emails apologizing, she didn't want to continue tutoring me in the next class. I didn't think anything I wrote in the report would surprise her, but I was wrong.
It's what I get for trying to be honest. I wound up saying at the end of my apology email that they should either ask me for my feedback more often than one time at the end of the course, to avoid being surprised like that again, or not ask for it at all. I'll do the work either way.
Writing classes are hard work. I don't view them as supposed to be fun. I can write for fun on my own time. And I do. You have no idea how much I cracked myself up writing last month that showing a non-gamer a photo of Squall from FF8 would literally kill them, and that the UN is actually an organization devoted to wiping FF8 from the Earth. That's fucking hilarious to me, man. Love that shit. Didn't get a single note. Most of what I write doesn't. Doesn't bother me. It did bother me when that Doctor Worm story didn't get any notes. I've said that before, but it does still bug me a little. That was a good fucking story, and I don't care who says it isn't.
My cat, Tina, nearly died of some kind of nasal blockage or respiratory infection. For $65, she got a quick exam from a vet and some amoxicillin, and now, nine days after starting that (and with a couple of days left of the stuff to go), she seems much better. But she hasn't jumped or run to play with the cat toy in over a month. I think that her new normal will never be as good as it was even three months ago. That's life. The vet she's "doing great for her age." Her age is 89 in cat years. "Alive" is great. "Typical for her age" would be dead. It's like if you went to the gym and saw an 89-year-old woman walking on a treadmill going 3 miles per hour. "Wow," you'd say. "A twenty-minute mile? That's great for her age." But that's because most people who were born 89 years ago can't walk at all, because they're fucking dead. So are most cats who were born 18 years and three months ago, so, yes, Tina is doing great for her age.
I discovered a small leak in the roof of my garage this afternoon. I called my home insurance company and will hopefully have someone able to give me an estimate on what it will take to fix it soon so that I can determine if I need to make a claim or not. There have been multiple bad storms where I live recently, just like there have been literally everywhere on the continental US recently. Where I live has been pretty mild, comparatively.
I'm hoping it won't cost more than a couple thousand dollars to fix. I can afford that much, though it will hurt, a lot. I've been saving like crazy all year, and that will undo much of that saving, but it won't even put me as low as I was last year when I was literally begging for money on the internet.
It's been over two months since I said on my Animal Crossing blog that I would post my photos from Leap Day and the few days before it. I haven't done that yet, and that really does upset me. I try hard to be a man of my word.
I'm not talented. I'm not charismatic. I have very few innate abilities. There's only one thing I know how to do, and that's put in the work. I updated that Animal Crossing blog every day for nearly a decade, so believe when I say that 1) I know a fucking thing or two about a work ethic, and 2) I'm sorry I haven't posted those photos yet. It's been difficult to do much writing lately that isn't for my novel.
I had to throw away everything I'd been working on on the latest draft about three months into my last class. I'm still working on catching up. I have sixty days before the next class starts. I have ten chapters left to write before I can call this draft done. Can I do it? Of course I can. Who the fuck do you think I am?
But it means I don't have a ton of time to write for fun, or watch TV for fun, or play video games for fun, or anything for fun. Every night, after dinner, it's an hour of writing, at least.
It's not supposed to be fun. Even chess grandmasters, the ones who love the game so much that they become the best in the world, don't get that good by playing casually. They work at it. The only way to get to that kind of level is to work at it.
There's no such thing as good enough. There's better than the last thing, which is always possible, and there's perfection, which never is. That's all there is.
I'll be better later. Probably. I don't like to complain, so I try very hard to do it very rarely, but sometimes I go so long without saying anything at all that I think even complaining might be better than nothing.
Let me know if I'm wrong.
Let me know if I'm right.
Let me know anything at all. I don't like screaming into the void like this, but I sure have been doing it for over twenty years, haven't I.
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j4keluver · 11 months ago
7 acts of love
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heeseung knows you’re not a committed gamer like he is. ( “babe just one more round, i’ll sleep at 4:00 am, promise !” hee) he has multiple leauge accounts but one is specifically for you to play on. he keeps a steady ranking for you and teaches you one on one on that account without the pressure of competition. the only thing is that you can’t change the username since he’s the only one with the controls. guess you’re stuck with ‘donttouchmemybfcanfight’
believe it or not, jay is a journal fanatic. his multiple journals go from jotting grocery list to his most personal thoughts but there is a special journal that he keeps away from the eyes of anybody. it's a simple white journal with a polaroid of you taped to the top that is filled to the brim of song lyrics based on jay's fondness to you. there are little, wonky doodles of you on every page and he uses a photobooth strip of the both of you as a book mark. call him corny but god, this man loves you. who knows, this song might end up at your wedding?
jake never leaves the house without giving you a little smoochy, even when he leaves for early morning practice. in his words, 'your lips are just so addicting. i can never get enough.' (corny) when you're awake, he’ll always give you a kiss on the lips, dragging it longer than he needs to (“ you’re gonna be late-“ you “ i don’t care” *kiss* jake) when you’re asleep, it’ll be the lightest peck on the cheek or forehead. you’ll most likely still be sleeping until layla decides she wants some kisses too.
sunghoon isn’t the best with words when expressing his love for you and he knows that. he’s gotten better over the years but he’s still timid at times, feeling tounge tied at the thought of speaking up. you often fall asleep next to each other, you drifting off the sleep first. he'll turn to you, eyes turning into crescents, pure adoration flowing. he will slowly lift his hand to caress your check, so softly that it won't disturb. you with his touch being as gentle as a feather, he’ll whisper, “i love you”
the amount of photos sunoo has in his camera roll is actually insane. he takes an ungodly amount of photos of you. he doesn't delete any of them because he thinks you looks breathtaking in every picture. unless you really hate the picture and bribe with a kiss. even with that, only a select one or two get deleted. the pictures range from your date outings, you washing the dishes, to taking off your makeup. he’s run out of storage many times but refuses to delete your pictures and ends up buying more icloud.
with his spare time, jungwon can never doubt a good book. you also enjoying your selected books, you and him often wind down with some books you bought on a date. you were always used to scribbling your thoughts down on the side but your eyebrow corked when you see jungwon jotting down notes. “what are you doing?” you ask as you lean over to look. he closes the book and smiles, “nothing.” you shrug it off as jungwon continues to write how beautiful you look in this moment, attention long gone from the book. (she’s so beautiful oh me gee, hopefully she never opens this book, HER SMILE)
riki has artistic talent in a lot of aspects of his life. he becomes one with music when he dances, feeling every beat exude through his veins. his voice flows like smooth honey with lyrics. his art pieces blend in beautiful harmony to create an artwork even picasso would be proud of. he sketches you more than he would like to every admit. during class, lunch breaks, at night when he can’t sleep; he can’t help it. he knows your features like the back of his hand. every dimple, crease, texture, rosiness to your face, he never misses a detail.
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pessiofficial · 2 years ago
drop the list of your favorite footballers please???
hi yes absolutely thank you for asking! i've been meaning to make a list for a while!
i'll start with my favorite clubs and just keep adding in the reblogs i guess
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of course, lionel messi. my day one, the light of my life, the air i breathe. i would do anything for my glorious king. if he needed a heart transplant i'd rip mine out of my chest and give it to him. what can i say that hasn't already been said?
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next, THE xavier hernandez. one of my earliest football memories was watching the 5-0 el clasico in 2010 and his goal and villa's soul patch are the two most memorable moments of that game. i don't know where i'd be if it weren't for him, but he and iniesta are the reason i have a soft spot for la roja. i will never get sick of him talking about the grass and the pitch, and in my opinion he's the greatest cm ever. i could go on and on but i feel like his partner in crime deserves some of the spotlight as well.
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of course i have to talk about don andres. i didn't watch 2010's final live because i was too young, but i definitely watched a lot more of him than xavi growing up. he's just pure class and on a different level than everyone else. won everything there is to win and is such a humble guy on top of everything!!! i miss him and i wish he'd come to miami!!
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despite everything that's happened -- the cheating scandals, the models, the shitty move to psg that rocked my world in 2017 -- i am always gonna have a soft spot for neymar. he's never been a psg player in my mind, he truly belongs at barca. hopefully he'll be balling in his home again soon. truly magical in the ball, the only player in my opinion that even came close to messi during his peak.
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one of the most underrated players in my opinion. he was the reason i supported croatia during the 2018 world cup and i was sooo upset when they lost. he came in with big shoes to fill as xavi retired, and he definitely didn't disappoint. will always be a fave of mine. my friend and i once composed a song about him when we were younger.
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dinho is one of the few players on here i didn't get to watch at all, but he was always a favorite of my dad (who is an active anti-neymar dinho propagandist) and so he was a household name growing up!
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and the last old player i have to shoutout is carles puyol -- i didn't see too much of him live growing up but my dad really likes him (more than ramos but ramos is better imo). anyway best capi ever!
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i've mentioned a lot of childhood favorites of mine but i have to shout out current players now! these two are the future of barcelona and i'm so excited to see what they're going to do under xavi this season. one day these two are going to be to future generations what players like iniesta and pique were to me.
there are also some honorable mentions i wanted to add but wasn't sure about -- i adored pique growing up but the last few years have made me lose a lot of respect for him. it was really upsetting to be honest and that's why he's not here. also a fav of mine is cesc fabregas but i'm keeping him with arsenal for now, same w/ henry. there are a lot more players i could've added but maybe i'll add into this later!
more parts to come for sure! maybe they won't all be as in depth as this one was.
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