#and hopefully that'll help too
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goingghostcomic · 11 months ago
Does the fact that DP now has an official canon continuation affect you while working on the comic
Like does the new canon stuff influence your own vision or has your vision for your reboot remained the same since you started?
Sorry it's taken so long to answer so I'll match with a long answer and update in my process, I'm so sorry lol
But no, an official canon continuation will not stop me from making the comic. And while I do own the new comic and plan on getting all the future official DP merch I can get my hands on, it wont effect my story in the slightest because I haven't read it. Plus I've already written my story and I'm very happy with it. I will someday read the new comic but not anytime soon, I'm just so happy it exists and that it's in my hands either way.
What might stop me (for a little bit at least) is a full on rebooted series, not a continuation/revival because the fandom has been around so long and we've all influenced each other in big or little ways. And since we're all playing in the same sandbox there's naturally some overlap. But this started as a pitch bible/proof of concept for a full on reboot of my own and if there's an active reboot airing I'd be very sad it wasn't mine (so silly I know lol but it's true).
What has stopped me is the a back and forth issue I have on the comic in general. I have found a style of comic I enjoy making, but I have gotten in my own head about it being stiff and bad. I know practice make progress and I'm getting more confident about it and also considering making it into a fic with art and slowly adapting it into a comic just so I can have some thing to post and put out there. But my iPad is dying and outside of sketches on paper I haven't been able to write or draw to the extent I'd like. I've been saving for a new one for a while now and about half way there but life happens and it takes a toll on my savings. So I'm trying to decide what's the best way to proceed and I have a lot of options and that's also a little overwhelming, which sounds silly typing out. But it's easy for me to feel guilt every time I try to commit to one game plan because all my best options rely on me getting a new iPad
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oreegaanoo · 1 year ago
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Character reference sheets and two frames from the animatic! :3
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essenceofarda · 5 months ago
update on fancomics!
Part (chapter) 5 of Romance in Rivendel (my celrond fancomic) is Sooo close to being finished y'all! Just a few more pages :) Also just finalized the scripts for Part (chapter) 6, and will be working on the thumbnails today for it :D Part 6 introduces Glorfindel btw ;)
Also for Of Blessed Thyme & Thistle (my farawyn + Eothiriel fancomic), I've finished all the thumbnails for Chapter 1! Will be 33 pages in total 😳
I'm hoping to really 'crunch' down and get a bunch of pages finished before the end of november (tis' tricky tho! I'm moving house in November so we'll see how functional i am this coming month LOL) for the Comic Crunch Challenge! 52 pages may be a bit ambitious, especially seeing as I Am in the middle of moving house, but even if I get just a couple pages done, I'll be happy :)
Anyway, I hope to create a bit of a buffer for both these comics, so that we can hopefully see some more consistent updates going forward :D
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fooltofancy · 4 days ago
ah, an Unwell day.
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noahtally-famous · 6 months ago
finished s2 of the reboot wooo!!
(that took a shorter time than i expected. reckon it's bc of the fic I've been rotating in my mind since i picked up the reboot again)
dont have as many thoughts for this one as i did for s1, but i will still compile them into an 's2 thoughts' post hopefully within next week?
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roughentumble · 6 months ago
this logan kinshift is making me REALLY want a deeper voice tho i am like drooling for T
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weekly-wingmits · 11 months ago
I'm Taking A Break
Hey yeah so it turns out you can't take on infinite creative projects, one of which uses a lot of unfamiliar subject matter/technique, and also be going to school, in a foreign country, living semi-independently. That's. a lot of things. So! This blog will be going on a short break.
Will I come back to it? Yes! I still enjoy the concept. However, I may try to build up a bit of a buffer before returning, as I'm not a fast artist.
What about the asks? The asks in my inbox WILL get answered at some point when this blog returns! For that matter, the askbox will stay open over this hiatus!
What will the blog look like in the future? During this break, I'll still reblog winged mcyt fanart - in fact, my very erratic queue currently extends well into May as it is.
When I start up the wingmits again, I'll be working on ways to... minimize the amount of art I don't want to do. See, I love drawing the wings themselves, and other magical/animalistic features. What I don't love drawing... is people. This blog is somewhat good practice, of course, but it makes the wingmits less fun! And this blog is for fun! I'm not sure how exactly to reduce the humanoid drawing involved here, since it's kinda part of the point, but one idea I was given was to draw features directly onto the cubitos. I think this is hilarious and will definitely go on the idea pile, but I don't think it's the only solution I want to take. (Also, sometimes I WILL still draw the actual people involved! Just... probably not every single week, In Detail, like I've been doing)
I feel like I don't have a super solid "quick" art style yet; if I can manage to find a way to draw things that doesn't take me five hours and that I still like the look of, that'll definitely translate to the blog, but currently I'm just not there.
When will I be back? I don't want to give a specific date, because this is a "I'm figuring myself out" break, not a "I'm doing something specific" break. I also don't want to make the break too long - for my own sake as well as yours - so prooooobably mid to late June, when I'm home and out of school for the semester?
Thanks everyone for your understanding <3
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
life is not worth living if I can't make art
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daz4i · 1 year ago
i am soooo good at thinking up ideas and going "oh i should do [thing]" and then never following through
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the-silly-creature · 5 months ago
My shitty flute playing gave me a headache but now I know I can play at least one undertale song
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returnedmakeupbrush · 5 months ago
my god this week has been shitty
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someonesomewheredown · 1 year ago
Suffering the curse (period-induced migraines)
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moe-broey · 1 year ago
Piercing bump jumpscare......... 😔💔
Only on my left fang! But man that is a bummer... esp bc healing has gone so smoothly otherwise. From what it seems like though, I should be able to do some at home treatments and Hopefully it'll pass.
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lumarys · 1 year ago
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cringetober day 1: heterochromia!
i have no clue how consistent i'll be with this challenge but you don't know till you try!!
this is actually one of my old ocs! you might recognize her if you've been following me for ling enough since she used to be my icon. for the most part i don't think about her much and a lot of the ideas that inspired her were recycled into other characters, but she's still got a place in my heart <3
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lettuce-gremlin · 2 years ago
Love feeling so anxious that I feel physically ill
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cetoddle-archive · 2 years ago
my favorite necklace got tangled into a nasty knot and i'm literally inconsolable about it
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