#and hope and youth
g3othermal3scapism · 9 months
if ur making a collection of good dance scenes in cinema and u dont include rain man, jojo rabbit, or moonrise kingdom, you will start to cough in 2 days.
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razzafrazzle · 22 days
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I was put on this earth to draw bill cipher in minxy little outfits
[image description: a page of drawings of a human design for bill cipher from gravity falls, done to look like a magazine cover. here, bill is depicted as a thin, pale-skinned androgynous person with an uncomfortably-wide smile. on the left is a large full-body drawing of him with short yellow and red triangular pigtails, and he is wearing a yellow bikini top, long flaired pants, and chunky platform sandals, all with eye imagery present. on the right is a a smaller image of him with a longer yellow ponytail, where he is wearing a yellow sleeveless crop top and miniskirt, and is carrying shopping bags. below that is the text "billy" repeated down the page in a sleek font. the background is a soft, muted rainbow. end id]
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kenchann · 1 year
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the amount of stuff i wanna draw from this event aughauhaguh so many cute and funny moments bonus one piece doodle cause-
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kimtaegis · 5 months
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may you find happiness there, may all your hopes all turn out right! ↳ for @magicshop 🌸
cr. dwellingsouls, atoz v; insp.
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otaku553 · 1 year
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inchidentally · 2 days
“some great teamwork as well from Mr. Norris over here, keeping me in second” (bashful Lando smile)
x x
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notedgyanymore · 1 year
Danny tells the Justice league that he is thousands of years old and a powerful ancient entity. He thinks that he is lying, but little did he know that what he said is more true than not.
When Danny tells the just League that he's an ancient entity, he expected to gain some respect and authority. Unfortunately for him, that didn't happen, his appearance and maturity level and later mention of an evil adult version of him all seem to indicate that he is the teenage aspect of a multifaceted being, which leads to the justice league keeping their somewhat condescending attitude towards him after all, no matter how old he technically is he still a teen at heart.
What Danny doesn't know is that the justice league's assumption about him is actually pretty close to the truth. Being clockwork's apprentice, it's a given that Danny has time traveled a lot and for that reason, there are multiple versions of him simultaneously existing at the same time, each of them solving a different problem. In fact, Dan himself still exists as he is the angry aspect of Danny who is there to punish humanity when it goes too far and the version of him who was defeated and later imprisoned is the version of Dan that has overstepped his role.
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wi1dshxpe · 7 months
gortash sets up a lending library at his estate after seeing durge’s in the bhaal temple. they both know they’re the only people who use them so it turns into a sort of game. durge loves music, so after enver’s last visit a book about viola has appeared in the temple library. enver fancy’s himself a jeweler so it’s only natural a scroll about gem welding would end up in his library. books relating to their schemes, hobbies, pasts, futures, inside jokes and aspirations get passed back in forth. the only extended pause is when a novel about star crossed lovers gets dropped in the bhaal library. it’s weeks before the favor is returned and enver receives a scroll about bhaalist marriage ceremonies. he doesn’t know whether to take it as an advance or a threat, so he accepts it as both.
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maximura · 14 days
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deramin2 · 1 year
I don't know how to really express this except to come across as a "kids these days" scold, but so much of the criticism of queerness in Good Omens would simply not be a thing if kids these days watched more 20th century queer media. Or more complex indie queer media in general.
People seem to want a show that's like the straight stories they grew up with but gay. Or the gay fanfiction they grew up with. But that's not really the tradition it's coming from. First off the novel was released in 1990. Queer film classics of the time are Dead Poet's Society (1989) and Torch Song Trilogy (1988). The TV miniseries Tales of the City (1993) wasn't made until 3 years later and it was so far out there it never had a huge audience. Philadelphia (1993) is also 3 years out and was basically the first big studio queer film. The first fluffy queer Hallmark-style romcom wasn't until Big Eden in 2000, a full 10 years after publication.
Queer stories from the time it was written were about complex and often fraught relationships between people who the world was trying to force apart. There is an incredibly strong tradition in queer films of relationships with no guarantees they will work out both in the face of their personal baggage and the weight of the world. Take a film like Torch Song Trilogy that's about the two great loves of Arnold Beckoff's life over 9 years and how homophobia shapes them. Both externally (especially Allen) and internally like Ed struggling with his bisexuality and being terrified of being publicly out. Written and starred in by Harvey Fierstein, who identified as a gay man at the time and only came out as nonbinary last year.
The Boys In The Band (1968 play, filmed 1970 and 2020) was a monumental moment in Broadway history where finally there was a play about gay men in their own words where no one died and very strongly showed that homosexuality doesn't make people miserable but homophobia sure does. But that homophobia also throws their personal lives into constant turmoil and none of them are in happy relationships, although Hank and Larry are devoted to each other in their own fucked up way.
"Relationships are complicated and hard to make work and sometimes a struggle against the odds" is an aesthetic of classic queer film making. Partly it was influenced by the Hays Code (although independent films were not bound to it), partly influenced by the rampant queerphobia in society at the time that was inescapable. But it's also an aesthetic choice to resist the banal and unrealistic relationship depictions of straight media. There are actual stakes to the relationship. Queer people were actively resisting a world that said "Romance is seeing someone across the room and instantly falling in love with each other and little conflicts happen along the way but ultimately they're destined to be together and everything is happily ever after." Recall that "stalking as romance" was a completely inescapable trope in 1980s straight romance films, and every goddamn movie was being turned into a romance film.
So queer people in film and television when they can make what they please have a long tradition of saying instead "People don't always realize the feelings they've developed for a queer partner right away. They may have reasons for denying those feelings that are both a reflection of the cruelty in society and of their own insecurities. People struggle with where they belong and their relationships reflect that. Loving someone doesn't mean they don't also drive you crazy and you might fight with them constantly. But that doesn't negate the love or that feeling that even if things aren't okay, they're better with that person around. But maybe that person can't stay around. The world may be against you. And also maybe you don't just want that one person in your life. Soulmates is a very flawed model. Sometimes the strongest love is a struggle with yourself and the world and your person. You have to overcome yourself first. Happily ever after is a lie. You may be happy for a while, and hopefully for a long while, but everything ends. And you have to be ready to love again. Also your platonic bonds are just as important and life-altering as your romantic ones. Sometimes those platonic bonds include fucking if you want them to. Real life isn't a bunch of platitudes and world-altering moments, it's daily work to better yourself and the world around you. Especially when things just fucking suck. But also remember to have fun and fuck the haters. People who don't support you can eat rocks and you should yell at them more to shut the fuck up."
That is a fundamentally different outlook on what a "good relationship depiction" looks like. Personally, I thought I hated romance movies and then I started watching queer romance movies and discovered I love them and watch them all the time. Because it turns out what I hated was relationships being shown that had nothing at all to do with reality and privileged incredibly toxic ideals. Finally there was complexity, there were stakes, and there were people who had to truly want to be together enough to fight the world for it and not because they happened to be there. There were people actually talking out their problems and looking for resolutions. (And sometimes that resolutions was "I can't fucking deal with this bullshit anymore and I'm out.") For the first time it felt real.
I'm an aroace trans gay man. Nothing about relationships or being in relationships has come easy to me, and the whole paradigm of straight patriarchal romance depictions makes absolutely no sense to me. It's completely alien. Queer romance stories actually feel human.
And that's the tradition Good Omens is coming from, even as it's being retold in 2019-2023 and hopefully beyond. Gaiman's work has always been based in that queer media paradigm. (I've been remiss and daunted and haven't read Pratchett but from what I do know his work also seems to sit more in that world view.) It's a beautiful cinematic tradition and it's baffling to me that people would resist it instead of embracing it for being honest.
And that's when I turn into a crotchety old man complaining about the youth not connecting with the history of their beautiful culture and instead begging for assimilation into a shithole allocishet media landscape that doesn't actually want them except for their money and has nothing at all interesting or valuable to say. But it's very funny (annoying) to me when people claim Good Omens is someone against queer culture when it's so thoroughly bathed in the best of queer media's storytelling traditions and what people are asking for is straight media with the serial numbers filed off. Like, stop being boring please and know literally anything about the culture the adults in the room lived through and were influenced by. The world didn't begin in 2015.
EDIT: I also want to add that in straight media arcs are linear. Traditionally in queer media arcs are cyclical. Queer media very often depicts people going around in circles relearning the same lesson over and over as they inch towards it sinking in. But every time they go through the cycle they gain just a little bit more enlightenment and slowly move towards a better place. From the comments this is an immensely important distinction. People don't actually have cathartic moments where suddenly all their past bad programming is shed and they saunter forward a new person with none of their old baggage. In reality people fall into the same patterns over and over even though they have had every opportunity to learn better. "People magically get better" is a trope of straight media that's an outright and frankly dangerous lie. Again, Good Omens follows the queer tradition not the straight one and it's depicted 6,000 years of that cycle. The world didn't end, and the wheel keeps turning, as it always has and always will. That's so fundamental to queer storytelling traditions I forgot to even mention it.
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okiedokie2216 · 2 months
loving an uncensored chinese bl is an extreme sport it seems😩
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arealtrashact · 29 days
What is it you hope for the ending of the Boys? What about the end for homelander?
I'm sure it will come as a shock to absolutely no one when I say that I want Homelander to live ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I get it ; there's pressure to deliver on the writer's end. An expectation to give him the death that most viewers believe he deserves. And sure, seeing him get spaghettified or be torn to pieces might be 'satisfying' in the moment but it would have zero lasting emotional impact.
I'm in the camp of fans who want him to lose his powers and spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement -- back to where he started.
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But worse this time. So much worse.
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yasmeensh · 3 months
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I have decided to stop meddling with this piece. It has to be done at some point, and here it is! I'm happy with how it turned out 😁 My last chimpanzee painting was two years ago, so it's time I make another one! Painted in acrylics and touched up with CSP. Shared some process shots too, just below :)
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it was very messy.... and the lighting made a HUGE difference in the end!
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hansslut · 14 hours
“i’ll come back. everyone, make sure to be healthy and dont get sick. how great it’ll be when we meet again, so be healthy and live well”
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the sweetest angel boy ever 🥹🫶🏻
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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Blue Canvas of Youthful Days responded to the deletion of drama from iQIYI
"We're sorry and understand your feelings. Don't worry, we are working on the issue and will find a solution to re-broadcast it. Wait for us and see us like a weekly drama. See you next week."
tr. mwsdrama
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Just gonna put these here in hopes that you understand my vision...
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