#and honestly polyamory was too
confused-disaster32 · 4 months
Seeing Challengers on tiktok (and sometimes other apps too) means having to deal with ppl constantly demonizing one of the three and the then insisting that the other two would be better off with each other (usually with patrick/art or patrick/tashi) despite the fact that all three of them are complex and flawed individuals who have done good and bad things throughout their live who quite obviously need each other in order to make their lives work
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thatsgaybro · 3 months
I’m slowly being won over by monoshin over shinkami
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Nephrite / Naru Art I made, set in the 30th century in Crystal Tokyo after Nephrite has reincarnated (they are both in their 20s). I'm undecisive whether this is part of the same continuity as 512TR(ans) and most of my other NephNaru works, so you can interpret it how you wish (whether this Naru is cisgender or a transwoman, etc). There are also NSFW versions (for adults only) on my Bluesky account that show more of these scenes... though in this case you can't really see the naughtiest bits due to the pose, there's still more nudity than I'm willing to risk on tumblr, alas XD Also, this week is the LGBTQ Week event- this art is not for that event, but please check out that event anyway, there's a lot of beautiful art by other people! I hope to contribute a piece or two to it soon myself, with other pairings.
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sunnymainecoonx · 1 year
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Man I'm tired-
Hey, psst @con-cognito, a lil gift for u just bc I wanted to draw :3
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
No because I've seen so many people complaining about Joseph cheating being out of character when the first thing I said when I found out was "oh yeah checks out lol" .
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theposhperyton · 3 months
Happy Pride Month from the Maficule in Ye Olden Days™️!
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(This art in particular is of them when they were just starting out - not romantic nor poly at this point, and barely even a mafia)
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This is amazing you are amazing I love you
Wow finding love on Tumblr dot com in the year 2024. Who would have thought?
Happy Valentine's Day! The California State Library loves you too! And also the state employee who runs this account because that's who is writing this, am I breaking the fourth wall too much or—
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illmer · 1 year
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Hate to say it... But I am guilty of the Genshin self insert crime. Twice. Their names are Micha and Glenn respectively. And no, they’re not in the same AU, they’re for different settings for different types of cringe maladaptive daydreaming. (The kind where I kiss men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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stevethehairington · 5 months
okay but. stranger things challengers au when hrjskskdjsms
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michi-chelle · 10 months
recommendations for resources or reading material about queer polyamorous relationships?
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bearjam · 9 months
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mamamittens · 2 years
My looooooove this is so fun, I am hype. Can I please have my OC x Marco and Ace? oooor if I can just have one boy.. Marco? thank you <3 I hope I filled this out right.. [what I asked for might just suit Marco but if your up for a challange..]
Cream Poprocks Alcohol Mind eraser/motor oil/Jager Bomb/Pink Schnapps[OC is sub]/ Mochi Ice Cream coffee
Man big list -sweating-
I love you <3
Well, I hope you enjoy your date!
Date Night Event!
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Warnings: (Background/implied yandere behavior). Car sex, sex as a tool for manipulation, slight voyer/exhibitionism kink, rough sex, dom/sub behavior, degradation (whore and slut used), and spit roast (simultaneous sexual intercourse on both ends).
Word count: 2,468
The atmosphere was cheerful, gaudy Valentine’s day decorations decorating the venue in a somewhat restricted array of white, pink, and red hues. Chocolate candies at every table and an excessive amount of food with food dye in them offered at a buffet table. Ray nibbled on a small sandwich, having removed a heart-and-arrow pick out of it for his own safety. He didn’t strictly… mind the holiday. Free candy is free candy, even if it had cheesy phrases plastered everywhere. At least this free candy didn’t have a one-in-five chance of secretly being a set up for a scare.
Well, unless you were really terrified of commitment.
Ray leaned against the wall, tilting his head to rest against Marco’s arm as he enjoyed a pineapple drink with pink food dye. Ace was prowling the food table as he stacked an increasing amount onto his plate. Ray snorted as Ace snapped his teeth at someone for trying to swipe from his plate. Ray suspected that he was raised by wild animals sometimes and Ace rarely did anything to prove otherwise. What was worse—he was cute enough to get away with being a feral bastard.
Marco and Ray had to act civilized if they wanted to get anything done while Ace ran wild, confident that his cute freckles will get him out of trouble. Truly, the real tragedy of their tri-relationship was that it wasn’t that far off from being the truth.
“At least he’s getting his fill now.” Ray mused, munching on another sandwich slice. Marco snorted, Ray’s lip twitching as he already knew what his partner was going to say.
“So confident this will even make a dent? I don’t know where the fuck he puts it…” Marco complained with a playful glare in Ray’s direction. Seems he was still put out that he lost a bet and had to cover groceries for the rest of the year… fair enough.
“Well, some days all I have is hopes and dreams. Let me believe in a lie for a few hours, alright?” Ray snarked, stealing Marco’s drink for a sip. Marco amicably allowed the theft before giving Ray a soft peck. “Why are we here anyway? I know you’re a sap, but this is a bit much, even for you.”
“Well, I thought the atmosphere would help.” Marco shrugged. Ray paused.
“Help what? Cause as much as I want to believe, we both know Ace will eat his bodyweight in food tonight no matter how tall his plate gets.” Ray eyed Ace as he made his way back to them.
Ace beamed, practically skipping as he effortlessly balanced his food. To Ray’s surprise, he handed a few choice items over without any fuss.
Marco accepted the pineapple jelly with a fond smile as Ray took a cup of chocolate mousse.
“A treat for my future husbands!” Ace crowed proudly. Marco scowled, tsking at Ace.
“I didn’t get to tell him yet.” Ray glanced between the two in confusion.
“Uh… what? Was the food spiked with something, Ace? You’re not normally this bold.” Ray distracted himself from the chastised expression the younger man had. He grimaced and shrugged.
“Sorry. Got too excited.” He excused. Marco sighed, swallowing the pineapple jelly in a single toss of his head. Marco looked down at Ray apologetically.
“There was a business deal with Ace’s bio family. It was sealed with an ‘arranged marriage’. Really, I think Roger just wanted to argue with Pops for a few weeks.” Ray frowned.
“An arranged marriage? In this day and age? With who?! Do we need to sneak you out of the country, baby?” Ray asked in concern. Ace looked pleased as he shook his head.
“No, Ray. It’s with us. Since Roger kept arguing about Ace keeping his family name, Pops decided to force the issue. Now, we’ll all have the same last name.” Marco said, quite pleased with himself. Ray wrinkled his nose in displeasure.
“Why is our relationship being used as a bartering tool?” Ray sneered. He wasn’t against marriage, particularly to Ace or Marco, but being told he had to… irked him. Ace grimaced again mid-bite.
“It’s not! This is just for convenience! Uhm! Legal convenience!” Ace stammered, quickly correcting himself as Marco gave him a look. “Ah… I hope you’re not mad at us. I… I thought it was a nice idea.” Ace sighed, nibbling at a chocolate bar. He looked like a sad puppy being left at a kennel.
Ray scowled anyway, though his heart twisted uncomfortably as Ace visibly shrunk into himself. Marco, usually the more mature and laid back on between them, also seemed to be folding in on himself. Seemingly upset to have put Ray in this awkward position.
Really, it was more about the principal of the matter. If he was going to get married to anyone, he wanted to be involved from the start! Not told that it was practically a done deal! Who the hell wants that? Frustrated at being surprised like this and guilty that his partners were upset, Ray sighed.
“I’m not mad… I just… need to go for a walk.” Ray hissed, certain that the fresh air would soothe his nerves so he could properly address this new issue.
“Ah! Ray! Wait!”
“Don’t… let him walk. We’ll catch up in a minute.” Marco soothed Ace as Ray exited the venue. He was glad they didn’t make a reservation at a restaurant or something. It would be harder to casually shoot the breeze outside if he had to worry about finding his seat again later.
The chilly late-winter air settled heavy in Ray’s lungs as he paced. Muttering angrily to himself. Rapidly flipping through his many issues with the situation.
First off, he wanted to know where Roger and Pops got off deciding their sons’ relationships like that! All of them were too old to be corralled into ‘proper’ relationships. Though at the very least they had enough sense to not break them apart.
He also wanted to know why he was the last one to know. Ace seemed fine with it—likely a combination of legally getting to change his name and not seeing the issue with it. But Marco and himself were independent adults and have been for years. How was he just finding out about this? And not even from them.
A massive part of his life just… just… written off as a trade deal?! What the fuck?!
Marco and himself had never really needed to fancy papers to determine their relationship. Adding Ace into that, while quite an eventful time, didn’t take away the legitimacy of their bond either. So to imply that they needed it after all these years was insulting. And weird. Why now? What changed?
Roger and Pops had been arguing about Ace for years now… seems odd that it was suddenly resolved and Ray didn’t hear about it until now. And with such a weird solution too…
“Babe, get in. You’ll catch a cold out here.” Ray jerked, looking towards the street next to him where Marco was pulled up beside him in a bright blue bug. Ace looked at him from the window with a despondent expression.
He only realized then that his nose was frozen. Tips of his fingers numb with he venue quite a ways behind him.
Huffing, Ray clambered into the backseat. The front occupied with boxed up leftovers that Ace was sure to clear out by the end of the day.
Ace leaned against the door, giving Ray space as he kept his chin tucked into his clavicle.
“I’m not mad at you guys.” Ray sighed, rubbing his cold nose. “Just frustrated with the surprise.” Ace looked at him with hopeful eyes as Marco smiled.
“Yeah. We could have broken the news better. I’m sorry, yoi.” Marco apologized as he started driving. Ace reached over slowly and pulled Ray into a blissfully warm embrace.
“I’m sorry you have to get married because of me.” Ace whispered into his chest. Ray felt his heart break a little at that.
“What? No, baby that’s not what I’m upset about!” Ray wrapped his arms around Ace’s back, rubbing up and down his spine as Ace squeezed him tightly. “This is just something I would have preferred to be included in deciding! Just between the three of us.” Ray clarified softly.
Ace pressed his lips against Ray’s throat.
“You promise?” Ace sighed, sucking a harsh mark on his skin. Ray shuddered, squirming in the seat while Marco kept his eyes on the road, smirking.
“C-Course I do! S-Sssshit Ace, easy~!” Ray whined, feeling his lover’s teeth sink in deeper. His seat belt clicked open audibly as Ace pulled his hips closer. “M-Marco has to pay attention to the ro—ahn~!” Ray squeezed his eyes shut as Ace slipped his hand under Ray’s pants. Curling his fingers over his clit and teasing him.
“Oh, I’m perfectly capable of driving like this, babe. Ace? Keep your clothes on. We can punish him for hurting your feelings at the house.” Marco said dryly as Ace sank another finger into Ray’s cunt. “Try not to make a mess back there. I know it’s hard for you sometimes being soaked for us.”
Ace grinned down at him hungrily as Ray steadily sank into the seat. Sliding beneath Ace as Marco kept driving.
“What? Can’t drive straight if I fuck him in the backseat?” Ace asked with a sly glance. Ray could barely see Marco, his upper body now flat as his legs twisted with mounting pleasure. Ace shoved up his shirt, peppering bite marks around his binder. “He does get wet awful fast for a slut, I’ll give you that. I like that about him though.”
“We’re on the highway, Ace. I can’t exactly pull over to join you two.” Marco reminded him as Ray gasped, his binder unclipped and allowing Ace to continue his assault on his bare breasts. Ace’s hand still toying with his cunt as he did so.
“All that fuss about getting married. Tsk. Bet if we were on the backroads Marco could pull over for a spit roast. You’d like that, right? Can’t complain with your mouth full.” Ace snarked against Ray’s bruised tit. “He’s so wet, Marco. I think he really likes getting toyed with in the backseat.”
“A-Ace! Oh fuck hnn~!” Ray threw his head back, nails digging into the arm rest above him as Ace bit the other side of his neck, thumb heavy on his clit. He shuddered, gasping and trembling as he came.
“What pretty sounds you make, Ray.” Marco mused, turning the car somewhere. “Is it really any wonder we want to make you ours forever? Bet he’s making a mess back there, isn’t he Ace?”
Ace chuckled against Ray’s throat.
“Course he is. You know how much of a slut he is.” Ace agreed, much to Ray’s dizzy surprise.
“You’re right… we’re off the highway now. You have fifteen minutes before I join you two. Better make it count, babe.” Marco warned lowly. “And if you get seen you have to wear a cock ring for a month.”
Ace’s head shot up before ducking down below the window line as he cursed. Yanking a blanket over them both as he pulled down Ray’s pants.
“Fine. You won’t be a fucking tease for me, right Ray? Going to make you scream like a whore.” Ace laid down over Ray, knocking the air from his lungs as he thrust in balls deep. Ray couldn’t help but gasp in shock as Ace held him down into the seat as he set to beating Marco’s time limit. “Let’s make Marco jealous he has to drive. C’mon. Say his name for me.” Ace panted, fucking Ray into the seat with considerable force.
Ray’s every breath being jackhammered out of him as Ace pulled his hair, forcing him to expose his neck for more hickeys and bites. His cunt burning from the fast pace. In spite of this—or maybe because of it—Ray could feel himself begin to tremble. Gasping and moaning as asked while Ace kept mocking him for it.
“Marc—oh~! Ah! M-Ma—ah—co~!” Ace laughed, forcing his thighs to spread out on the backseat. Ray wasn’t sure if it was the rapidly approaching climax or if he could feel Marco speeding up.
“Just like that! What a slut! Begging for someone else while I make you scream. Is this not good enough for you?” Ace smirked. The wet sound of him driving Ray mad audible over the dull hum of the engine.
“Yes! Y-Yes! A-Aceee~!” Ray cried out, shuddering as he clamped down on Ace so hard his cunt ached. Ray distantly heard Marco clear his throat but if anything, the sound motivated Ace to start moving faster.
The car door was yanked from Ray’s grip, dull garage lights visible suddenly as a blurry figure leaned over him. Hands held his head back as Marco leaned in close enough to accommodate Ray’s lack of vision. His glasses nowhere to be seen.
“You worried us, you know.” Marco said softly into Ray’s ear over the sound of wet sex and Ray’s own pitiful moans. “Running out into the cold like that, yoi. But you’ll make it up to us, won’t you slut?”
Ray whined as his thighs began to ache but Marco kept staring down at him with a dark smile. He kissed Ray once, a lingering soft kiss against Ace’s harsh thrusts.
There was the sound of a zipper as he stood up again. Ray squeezed his eyes shut as Marco’s hard cock pressed against his lips. Dazed and rapidly becoming overstimulated, Ray allowed Marco access. Ace’s hand pressed firmly over his throat as Marco slid inside. He struggled to breathe past the thick obstruction but managed. Barely.
“Fuck that’s hot. Think you can still say his name? You’re such a talented whore, I’m pretty sure you can. Go on. Show us.” Ace gripped Ray’s hips, tilting them up to reach deeper as he licked along Ray’s throat. Biting firmly for a long moment, forcing Ray to moan hard on Marco’s cock. “Our slut.” Ace sneered.
Ray moaned around Marco’s cock as hands gently cradled his face, holding him in place. Balls coming to rest firmly against his nose as he pressed in deep. Marco groaned and chuckled.
“Yeah, babe. Show us what our little slut can do, yoi.”
Ray barely had the presence of mind to cry out at this point. Sore and bruised, he took everything they gave him. Even though his thighs trembled and cunt ached from Ace’s abuse. And his throat burned around Marco’s relentless cock.
Because regardless of the future, he was theirs.
“Our slut.”
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painonthebrain · 8 months
Simultaneously want to write horrific transformation whump with Starling and gay shit where Flint and Oath are so homo for each other
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tiny-feisty-gay · 2 years
gdi am i gonna end up writing morticia/larissa fic? i don’t need another wednesday ship to write for
... but the idea of polyam bisexual morticia and supportive himbo gomez may be too much for me to resist tbh
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bisexualjohnseed · 6 months
So I'm playing through BG3 again and I just got to the tiefling party. Tell me why every single one of my companions (except for Wyll, of course, but flirting was still had) wanted to fuck me. Every single one. 😭 Do you understand the amount of self control it took not to abandon my plans of Astarion romance right there and then and run right into Gale or Lae'zels arms? Or, worse, KARLACH'S????
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biracy · 9 days
Anti-poly sentiment and biphobia do definitely stem from a lot of the same ideological places, all of which are either direct reinforcements of or sociocultural remnants of heteropatriarchy, of the historical precedent of men literally owning their wives. This has evolved and shifted gender dynamics, but the core of it remains the same. The suggestion that their partner may be bisexual is "threatening" to these kinds of controlling, possessive people because it suggests that their partner may be attracted to people who are not them, or who are not "like" them, superficially (i.e. of the same gender). There is a long-running expectation for bisexual people to eventually "settle down" - i.e., become monogamous and cease identifying as bisexual. Why would you keep identifying as bisexual when you're with me? Because you want to cheat on me? And anti-poly sentiment carries the same idea - "my partner belongs to me, my partner can never look at anyone else, if I even had to think about my partner having sex with someone who is not me I would kill them and then myself" is exactly the same as the rhetoric deployed by controlling, biphobic partners to bisexual people. I don't even want to do the "well polyamory isn't for everyone! Monogamists are super valid too!!" thing because quite honestly, I think you NEED to be able to grapple with the reality that it is extremely unrealistic to expect your partner to only ever be attracted to you, and that you have been fed the lie that a "healthy relationship" means expecting two people to fulfill all of each other's romantic, sexual, and emotional needs for their entire lives by a patriarchal society. I genuinely think more people need to think about polyamory in the way I think more people should think about bisexuality - accept that it might happen, accept that it isn't a slight against you if your partner is bi or poly, accept that you will not and SHOULD NOT be the center of your partner's universe for the rest of your life, and if you can't accept these things I really don't think you're emotionally mature enough for a long-term relationship at all.
(and of course not all bisexuals are polyamorous and not all polyamorists are bisexual but I am both and it's my post. so.)
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