#and honestly I’m okay with it LMAO
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xwildwhirlx · 8 months ago
of course they knew that keeping his name as “Poof” would be a bit too on-the-nose
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birdy-babe · 4 months ago
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hadideedee · 10 days ago
I would just like to say, to any avemuji/bandori fans that struggle with moral scrupulosity or engaging with media that has/alludes to problematic elements;
You are not a bad person for enjoying said media. You are not a bad person if you don’t feel any particular way about something having problematic elements.
Obviously if it makes you really uncomfortable please take a step back and do what you need to do to make yourself feel better (blacklist tags, log off, etc.), but don’t feel like you have to completely purge yourself of something that you find entertaining/comforting just because something in it is a bit unsavory. All types of media and art dabble with darker themes.
You’re not a bad person for being interested in things, I promise.
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years ago
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Turtles of Time
<prev [2/7] next>
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poseidonstaint · 7 months ago
i know everyone is praising ify for how he’s playing this season and i do think he is slaying but some of his moves kinda bother me😭😭😭i didn’t like how he took all the drug juice i feel like brennan obviously had a plan for how that was gonna work with persimmon dead AND everyone would’ve got a cool moment with the drugs but he kinda just took it :/ obviously it worked out and it did lead to that convo w liv and russell but idk i felt like jacob in that moment and i’m not even playing LMAO like i would rather have just seen what brennan was gonna do and got to see how everyone was gonna take it
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p00pdev1l · 2 months ago
so I’ve made a more personal/multifandom sideblog here @jinxedjazz don’t by any means feel obligated to follow it! I’ll still be hanging out here too! but I just wanted to keep you all in the loop if you see any interactions from me here too!! and if you’re just wondering where I ran off to
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cinnamonsly · 1 year ago
tw// blood
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sum vent arts from the past while that i think are pretty enough to share here
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mysteryskullyatta · 6 months ago
Ramattra is an omnic who’s very steadfast in his ideology. It’s something that he challenges to be changed, all the while still firmly believing that it’s nigh impossible.
That is, until that very thing happens when he meets you.
It wasn’t immediate, by any means, but to him it came crashing down so fast and sudden that he had no idea what to do with himself.
It was the little things you did that ruminate in his mind during his times of solitude. The gentleness of your touch that left his sensors metaphorically burning when it lingered. The sound of your laughter, especially the quirks you have of it when you laugh even harder. The tilt in your voice whenever you greet him. The way your smile rivaled even the stars themselves with how bright it got. How animated you got whenever you spoke of something you were passionate about. Everything that made up who you are, that made you unique.
He never realized just how much it affected him until the realization hit him like a ton of bricks.
This was not ideal for him in the slightest.
He’s a leader. For a rebellion, a cause, a better way of life for his people! His memory shouldn’t be clogged and his servos shouldn’t be in overdrive all for the sake of one person. Even if it was something he felt you deserved, it was something he couldn’t afford to do. Nor did he feel he deserved to have it returned. So he decided to do what he thought was best.
Confront you about it.
He couldn’t just avoid you without a word, and this way the bandaid can be ripped off and it’ll definitely get you out of his head—
“But what if… I feel the same way about you?” The soft quiver in your voice made Ramattra falter. Not to mention the way you were looking at him. Misty eyed, brows creased, with a gentle frown. Knowing that he was the reason made him feel a sharp pang within him.
“… What?” His voice had gone quieter as well, to more closely match your volume subconsciously.
You pause for a moment, shifting nervously and averting your gaze briefly to work up the courage before looking back at him. “I don’t want to hinder you. But I also.. really don’t want you to stop spending time with me. Because I feel the same way about you.” You take a step closer to Ramattra, and he makes no move to distance himself. He’s silent, motionless even. “The way you make me feel is unparalleled to how anyone else has made me feel, and I don’t wanna lose that. Lose you. I know it’s selfish, but I—… it’s the truth.”
Another beat of silence passes as you both stare at each other still. Then, there’s a slight shift from him, a quiet hiss as if vents were puffing out steam, closer to you. “This is… not what I was expecting.”
Your brows crease in gentle concern. “Is that a bad thing?”
Ramattra straightens up at this. “No! You misunderstand,” he pauses, before taking a stride towards you. Closing the distance between you both. “You are simply full of surprises. Which is not a bad thing in the slightest. But this does make it much more… difficult.” His gaze trails down your form, almost unbeknownst to you if it weren’t for the feeling it gave you that sent heat rising to your cheeks.
“… How so?” You decide to carefully ask, and his hand twitches.
“I…” He trails off yet again, optics tilting back up to look into your eyes. Those gorgeous, delightful eyes. With that sweet and tempting redness in your cheeks to match. “I originally intended to have this talk to leave, but…” His voice goes quiet once again, as soft as he can muster. “You make me want to be selfish.”
At this point it felt like your own heart was going to burst out of you with the way it figuratively leaps into your throat. But, you stifle the urge to giggle in a flustered manner and you slowly reach out and grab hold of his hands. Well slow and careful enough for him to make any show of discomfort or stop you if he wanted. And he doesn’t. “You can be selfish. You have me every step of the way, if you’ll let me.”
His voice box imitates a shaky breath, and your name slips out in that soft and fond tone as his hands gently grasp yours, holding them in turn. He truly couldn’t resist you even if he tried. “I believe I would like that very much.”
The way you lit up right then has him suddenly feel like he was going to overheat. “Okay! I’m yours, then.”
“You… are mine,” Ramattra repeats, testing the way it felt to say himself. Something the both of you felt quite pleased with, to say the least.
Ramattra is very steadfast in his ideology, and he still is. Only now does he have an added priority. An added love. For no one else but you.
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leviiackrman · 7 months ago
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SIMS 4 OC BUILDS: Hokage Retreat
As of right now, the last house of my current sims builds is the home of the Seventh Hokage himself! Mumma Chika and their triplets: Nori, Kyo and Hiro, all live in this modern home, located on the outskirts of the hidden leaf village for a bit of well deserved privacy. Although both incredibly busy, Chika and Kakashi enjoy spending majority of their time in their home - entertaining their rambunctious children!
Lookbooks: Ackermans || Rikihisas || Enatsu || Kyutoku || Olalias || Hatakes || ATLA || Ginnivan || Ishimoto || Drakes
Builds: Saitama Loft || Sunset Cosy Cabin || League of Villains Hideout || Tiny Treehouse || Maritime Villa
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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librarian-computer · 5 months ago
Guys- whenever I make posts like these. I get a lot more notes compared to my posts abt art.
Do I need to tag yall?
Are yall not seein it?
Are yall not interested in it?
Do I need to get better?
Do yall want me to stop??
I’m serious when I’m asking this because I genuinely don’t know :,)
I have maybe two or three, maybe four of the same exact people that like or reblog- but that’s about it.
I need guidance, guys- I don’t know what I’m doing ;-;
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cuteniarose · 4 months ago
ATLA for the ask game!!
*stares blankly at my screen as I try to remember the last time I've felt any strong emotion for an AtLA character*
(no genuinely those guys just kinda Exist to me istg I’m not invested even when I’m actively rewatching the show)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) – This one’s easy: Azula. One does not simply go through their teenage years as a severely mentally ill girl with a shitty dad and emotionally absent mom who favours the other child and end up normal about Azula lmao. I need any and every canon media to leave her the fuck alone. No I do not have a vision as to what happens to her post canon. Yes I do think that what the creators went with sucks ass and thus is not canon in my multiverse thank you very much
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) – Appa. Just Appa. As a bonus, baby Appa. I need a plush of him more than I need to breathe (though Hanička might get to it so.. how good that idea is may be debatable). Oh, and The Duke. Have you ever seen him hugging Toph in the background of the last episode (I believe)?? Babies, absolute babies, they deserve the world, your honour
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) – …. Mai? I feel like Mai doesn’t get enough love in the fandom. My current objective is trying to get the friend I’m making watch AtLA for the first time like her :P
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) – Okay, I’m gonna be honest, I’ve thought over this one for a good 20 minutes and haven’t been able to come up with anything because I Genuinely Do Not Care That Much, but during this past rewatch I’ve been doing with my friends I have had a *Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme* moment at every reference to Yangchen thanks to A CERTAIN SOMEONE, so… might not be me who never shuts up about her, but she still counts (though I did go on a small infodump when my friend asked me “which one’s that one?” during the Avatar State montage in Book 2 Episode 1, so… perhaps there is more of a case to be made here). Oh, and Smellerbee. I wanna know what Smellerbee’s deal is. No one ever talks about Smellerbee :/
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) – Hama. Partially for Ming-Hua related reasons, partially because I’m obsessed with the concept of bloodbending (and yet cannot give two shits about Amon or Tarrlok 🤔 Hm, correction: the concept of bloodbending women :D), partially because I wholeheartedly believe that she was brought back to the South Pole and she and Kanna got to be lesbians together for whoever many years they had left – side note, how come every bloodbending woman is a lesbian? – and there’s a certain subsection of the fandom who have proven to not be able to be normal about victims of colonisation, hence the “problematic” category. (Also… not a character, but the Great Divide is a fun episode and you all are way too mean about it. Yes, it does have some.. questionable implications, but all the arguments about how it doesn’t further the plot are stupid as fuck because IMO, if we have time for half a dozen random Fire Nation adventures and a whole episode dedicated to Zuko’s sob story and the trashfire that Ember Island Players is, we have time for the Great Divide. Argue with a wall)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) – Zuko. This is because I do not like him. No further commentary lest this fandom tear me to pieces. And Jet. This is also because I do not like him. And Sokka. But I actually do like him, I just think it’s funny when he suffers (/affectionate)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) – Pakku. It has been 11 years since I watched AtLA for the first time and never once have I been convinced that Kanna actually married him. Absolutely not, to superhell with you. If there’s any NWT waterbender who deserves to get with Kanna, it’s Yugoda. Hama/Kanna/Yugoda polycule when???
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cuteniaarts · 8 months ago
Me, six-ish hours ago: Yeah, I had the idea for an Avatar Suiren AU pretty much as long as Suiren herself existed, but idk if I'm ever gonna develop it, it's really hard to upkeep interest for it on my own...
Me, as soon as the concept of Suiren and Vaatu bullying Raava together popped into my head while I was typing out that long ass post: Fuck it, new strain of brain fungus acquired–
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(Also yeah traditional art being posted for the first time since... 2020, probably. Don't have the spoons to transfer this to digital rn, maybe I will at some point and I'll do a fuckass Spirit World background or smth. We'll see)
First time drawing Vaatu so don't make fun of me, but honestly he's such a funky little guy and rather fun to draw. You just get that main shape down and then go nuts with the frills :) But also, credit where credit is due, scrolling through the Vaatu tag on @shadelorde’s blog really helped, so thank you for that 😊 And I really had no idea what to do with Suiren’s design here, I think I’ve used up all my character design juices on the nine previous iterations of her that exist, so for now she’s in a random dress with her hair down. I’ll probably alter it if I ever do a proper design for her in this verse
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#sotrl suiren#vaatu#avatar suiren au#I spent so long typing out tags for this post and tumblr fucking deleted them…#I’m going to go bite into a wall istg#I don’t have the energy to rewrite all of them so… quick summary#this takes place immediately after Suiren frees Vaatu during harmonic convergence#he briefly went all big and then shrunk so he could get a better look at her#while all this is going on Raava is screaming very loudly inside Suiren#Suiren is beyond caring. either Raava shuts up or she gets out. no other option#the avatar becomes balanced by fusing with Vaatu too or the avatar ceases to exist and suiren gets to live a normal life#spoiler alert: Raava does shut up but not for long#Suiren begins regretting her life decisions as soon as the two start arguing inside her#I’m pretty much stealing all the lore Kat came up with in bonded and adumbration lmao. hi Kat#oh also like 10 minutes before this Suiren killed Unalaq#his spiritfucker ass wouldn’t let her get to Vaatu that easily. but let’s be real he stood no chance against her#it’s fine though no one liked him anyway#honestly she did everyone a huge favour#anyway. yes Vaatu does have a tendril wrapped around her shoulders. bc it’s cute okay#damn Suiren how come Nia lets you be the weird lesbian daughter to TWO evil dads??#(yes I’m aware neither Vaatu nor Ghazan are evil. I’m trying to joke here but it’s almost 10 a.m and I can’t think anymore#simply everything is hilarious now)#what else did this used to say…#oh right. nia stop making LoK antagonists obsessed with your OC challenge#the Red Lotus are her parents. Kuvira is in love with her. now she’s being all buddy buddy with Vaatu#only one that’s missing is Amon bc I genuinely do not care for him lmao
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flowercrowngods · 9 months ago
🕯️ please no sleep paralysis tonight 🕯️
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i love your new icon!! (almost didn't recognize you on my dash lol)
Thank you I’m making twenty one pilots my entire personality right now!!!!!
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Hehe… both sides of my personality….. racoon and twink
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yumiayumu · 1 year ago
natla is not perfect, not the best if i’m being honest. it’s just okay (better than the movie) and this is me without my puritan glasses on. casts were good, i especially like how dallas nailed zuko’s awkwardness lol, and i appreciate their dedication to do their own stunts. vfx and costumes were great. the writing tho… this is the reason why i stopped watching live actions in general. i’m aware that adapting a book or a cartoon is hard and it doesn’t have to be 100% accurate but if you’re gonna add or remove stuff at least make it make sense and ties the whole story together.
the only reason i want a season 2 is because of my girl TOPH 😤
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valentronic · 1 year ago
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was very enamored by the warden’s character, so i wanted to put my own spin on his design :]! thought it’d be neat if the metal on his face was more integrated, instead of just being a mask, and somehow that idea evolved into robot claws cause everyone loves robot claws amiright
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