#and his widow got his money i guess
arathergrimreaper · 2 months
Ngl, I like Legally Blonde but...
some of the cases in the first movie...I mean...the defendants got fucked over because of a rich asshole marrying someone who happened to be traditionally pretty and blonde and his grown daughter's age....
and we just never talk about that...
0 notes
sea-owl · 5 months
Oh no sorry not the isekai AU. The AU where due to circumstances each of the Bridgerton’s lost their loves. An example I think Daphne lost Simon because she was too late to the dual and Anthony shot him in the shoulder. Simon left the country after that. All the Bridgerton’s lost their partners in similar ways (Anthony married Edwina and Kate left to go back to India, Penelope vanished after Colin found out she was Lady Whistledown etc.). Then somehow the siblings traveled back in time to Daphne’s entrance to society. I was thinking what if instead of keeping a cool head about everything and thinking about how they are going to approach their true loves slowly instead the siblings just snap.
I'm so sorry anon but I really don't know which au this is. It sounds like a good au, but if I wrote it out I can't find it. I have the vaguest guess but im unsure if it was one of mine or someone else's, but I have the vaguest memory of an ask that included a part that said Simon gifting Daphne a piece of jewelry that was actually an heirloom passed down to all Duchesses of Hastings before he left England but she was getting married to the prince instead. Again I don't know if that one was mine or someone else's, I feel like it might be @thekatebridgerton but I'm not 100% sure.
But we can start a new one!
So let's start with the bad endings.
Saphne: For this one I'm thinking the duel happened just a bit earlier. Anthony and Benedict knew that Daphne would go to Colin to get any information so they purposely gave him the wrong time for the duel. This led to Daphne arriving after Simon losing the duel and getting shot in the shoulder. Daphne tried to chase after him but her brothers dragged her home instead. Per their agreement Simon left the country after that. Daphne did end up getting married to the prince but she was never truly happy in that marriage, she was content at best with a few moment of happiness with her children here and there. She never did fall in love with the prince, and moving so far from her family did make things harder at times but like most things in her life Daphne learned to adapt to the cards that were handed to her.
Kathony: Anthony and Kate could never let themselves stop putting duty first. Anthony could also never get over his fear of dying young. In the end Anthony had married Edwina and Kate had left back to India. During their marriage Edwina and Anthony were cordial at best but when Edwina heard of her sister leaving a part of her blamed herself and another part blamed Anthony. They both did their duty and had one son, but after that they both came to an agreement where they would find pleasure and possibly happiness outside the marriage. So long as they were discreet. Edwina had met her true love in one scholarly Mr. Bagwell who she would later remarry once she was widowed. Anthony threw himself even further into the role as the viscount, though there were times he would look while ridding to see if a familiar rider would appear out of the mist just like she did all those years ago. Kate on her side did return to India and cut contact from her family. She bounced around from governess job to governess job, keeping herself busy so she does not dwell on thoughts of the past, and people she loves but would prefer not to remember for her own emotional sake.
Benophie: The news of Sophie's arrest had been brought to Benedict's attention later that day. Had he been a little bit faster, or had the news got to him just a little bit sooner, he would have been there when Posy took the blame for the item Sophie was said to have stolen. Araminta, who was losing control over both Sophie and Posy did not like that and both ended up getting sent to Australia where they stayed after their sentence was done. While they could have gone back to England if they raised the money for it neither wanted to risk facing Araminta again. They ended up changing their names when starting over. Benedict always kept a close eye on any news of former convicts returning to England. Praying any of them will lead him back to Sophie.
Polin: Things were getting heated on both sides of Penelope's life. The hunt for Lady Whistledown continued, becoming even more intense. More guards were haunting the print shop where she used to go, and she has heard more than one whisper of spies keeping eyes out in ballrooms. Meanwhile as Penelope someone had found out about her Irish Catholic heritage from Portia's side. Prudence and Philippa were spared due to them being married already and Felicity was still young enough they could hide her away until it blew over but Penelope and Portia took the hardest blow. Despite the fact that Portia converted years ago for her survival and Penelope was never raised catholic. To be honest she should not have been that surprised when Colin finally caught her in that church, dressed as a maid. They argued, screamed at one another, which turned into a very intense kiss. After Colin said he needed to think. Penelope had thought he hated her now and surely he would turn her in? Colin legit just needed a moment to think, he was given a lot of information in one day, and he was already protective over Penelope when news other family broke out, now it was just intensified. He was going to propose marriage the next day. What Colin did not know that the column Penelope was going to send out would be her last one. She later disappeared into the night, and he spent years looking all over the world for her, chasing down any lead, not knowing that she had hidden herself away in America.
Philoise: After her conversation with Anthony, Eloise lets her fear of commitment win and decides to return to London without marrying. Phillip takes the rejection gracefully, quoting that he did invite her to see if they suit. They did not, and he was not going to push her. Eloise's heart broke, though, when the twins asked why she was leaving tears in their eyes. In London, life continued on, Eloise found things to occupy her time, movements that she wanted to help move forward, and while she enjoyed pushing for change, she still felt her life was rafher lonely. She was never truly happy in London, never was, and often found herself itching to run just like when she was younger. Then, one day, many years later, during a society event, she would rather not be at a Sir Crane was announced. Eloise was taken aback because her Sir Crane wouldn't be caught dead in London. And it wasn't her Sir Crane, rather it the son of her Sir Crane. Oliver didn't say much to Eloise but did stop by to call on her the next day. He gave her a bouquet of medow cranesbill. "A final gift from my father," Oliver told her.
Franchael: After the death of John, both Francesca and Michael had mental breakdowns. All Michael could think to do was run while Francesca dug her heels in at Kilmartin estate and kept it running. When they reunited years later, both refused to talk about John and what happened to their friendship, despite the fact that's what they needed to do. Being reunited, Francesca became aware of this sexual tension that has been simmering between her and Michael. Still upset that her husband and unborn child were taken from her, she found herself wanting to walk down a wicked path. Well widows are more ignored by society so why doesn't she have some fun? She falls into bed with Michael. They still don't talk. Not only is Francesca discovering her physical intrest in Michael but some feelings she rather ignore are emerging too. They still don't talk. Francesca discovers that Michael has malaria and has attacks from it every so often. They still won't talk. One of these attacks ends up taking Michael's life and Francesca ends up right back where she was all those years ago. The man she loves is dead and she's pregnant. Only this time Francesca has to hide away, but her baby makes it. Thanks to Janet and Helen they organize papers so the boy is considered legitimate and the new earl of Kilmartin. Francesca loves her son sometimes she wishes his father were there so she could tell him she loved him too.
All the siblings have regrets in their lives by the time they pass on. None of them ever really found that love match Violet used to describe what she had with Edmund. Oh, they had their great loves, despite how fleeting they were. Some did marry, some chose to remain unwed. But none of them expected to wake up on their past selves bodies. After poking around they discovered the year is 1813, Daphne is in her on third year in the marriage mart and the Duke of Hastings has just passed, leaving his title to his only son.
Several thoughts hit at once.
Simon was due to return to England soon. Kate would follow a year later. Sophie was currently trapped with Araminta. Penelope was debuting this year. Phillip was currently at Cambridge. Michael was in the army.
Their loves were so close. They lost them once but never again.
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takingchences · 3 months
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A descendant of a legendary quirk longs to separate herself from her family name, but first she'll have to confront villains, ghosts from the past, and her growing attraction for Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!oc
Warnings: mature language, angst
series masterlist + my masterlist
Before the final round, the students were allowed to rest and refuel. Sana decided to wait for the cafeteria line to die down, wandering the halls absently without a set destination in mind.
After a few minutes of walking, however, she came across the very last person she wanted to see; Yoichi Sakano stood tall and proud in a sleek black suit, his fingers typing on his phone furiously. When he heard her approaching, he put his phone in his pocket and held his arms open as if inviting her in for a hug.
She stayed where she was.
"Congratulations," he smiled, his glasses glinting in the fluorescent light. "You didn't make a complete fool of yourself." He dropped his arms back to his side. "Though," he adjusted the frames on his slender nose. "I wouldn't say fourth place is anything to brag about, would you?"
"Says the man that's practically quirkless," Sana scoffed. "I'd like to see you try and do better."
Her father's cheerful facade dropped. Everyone in their family knew his dirty little secret, and how sensitive he got whenever the topic was brought up. It was the reason they arranged for him to marry her mother in particular, despite her not having a light-based quirk.
Because Yoichi Sakano was born weak.
Since the day he was born he'd been praised, their family having concluded that he would be the strongest Sakano in generations. Until the day he'd presented his quirk, and they realized that they'd vastly miscalculated. Sana found it amusing, really. How her family was so obsessed with power, ruining so many lives with quirk marriages, only for it to backfire on them. She assumed that his own insecurities were why he felt the need to criticize others so harshly. And why he seemed to loathe his own daughter's existence as much as she'd grown to despise his. Because as it turns out, she is the most powerful, not him. And it wasn't due to the Great Sakano Bloodline, either, but her mother's quirk.
Sana is a physical reminder of Yoichi Sakano's failure, his inadequacy. No amount of fame or money could buy her father the happiness he seeked. So he tried to take everyone else's away. If he had to be miserable, then so did they.
"Such an insolent thing," he chuckled, though the sound was cold and hollow. "So much like your mother." He tutted, shaking his head. "Remind me... where did that get her?"
Now he'd hit her weak spot. Touché.
Suzume Sakano was an unsolved mystery to everyone around her. Sana herself knew next to nothing about the woman. Her memories of her mother were vague at best, the woman having left when she was still very young. Most of the public assumed the woman was dead, and her father took no action to deny the claims. As an alleged widower, he could use sympathy in his favor.
But Sana refused to believe she was dead. No, her mother was simply lost.
If the strawberry blonde concentrated, she could remember jasmine perfume and warm hugs. She caught glimpses of blonde hair and delicate smiles in her dreams. She assumed they'd shared the same eye color, but she couldn't be sure. She didn't remember, and there was no evidence of her existence anywhere in the house. No one ever spoke of the woman. The subject was considered taboo in their household.
So how had Monoma known to bring her up?
The solar girl scoffed. "You're a real bastard, you know that?" The man smiled, as though she'd said something amusing. "Does the name Monoma mean anything to you?" She eyed him warily.
"No." Yoichi dismissed. "Should it?"
Sana sighed. So he just made a lucky guess, huh? That, or I'm just that easy to read. "I guess not..."
Her father bowed his head thoughtfully. "Endeavor's brat seems particularly fired up today." He gazed out the window and down at the stadium below, his hands tucked behind his back. "I heard he hasn't been to the house in months. Trouble in paradise?" His mock sympathetic tone was really starting to grate on her nerves.
"You would know, right?"
The last time her father had been called to the Todoroki house was to discuss a quirk marriage between their children—her father ultimately refusing Enji's offer. Not because it was morally wrong, but because he feared Shoto's quirk would overpower her's and any children they might have in the future would not inherit her family's power. "Maintaining the legacy" and all that garbage.
Yoichi frowned. "I'm not sure what you mean."
"Shoto and I haven't spoken in nearly a year... since that time you met with Enji. Did something happen?"
Yoichi chuckled, but the sound still wasn't quite right. "You think I have nothing better to do than meddle in my daughter's life?"
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time, would it?" Sana crossed her arms. "You and Enji are more alike than you think."
The orange haired man scoffed. "Enji Todoroki is a fool. A pathetic, broken man chasing after a meaningless title. His children are no better. The youngest is gifted, yes, but lacks motivation and discipline. Enji's 'masterpiece' is but another failure in a long line of mistakes. Like father, like sons, I'd say."
The strawberry blonde's frame trembled with barely concealed rage. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as she bit her tongue. How dare he disrespect T-
"Besides, I told you before. Your quirks aren't compatible. It would've been a terrible match... However," his tone changed, immediately putting her on edge. Her father only sounded like that when he was scheming. "That Bakugou character..."
Sana felt her world grind to a halt, the ground crumbling beneath her feet.
No. No. No.
"I'd be curious to see the outcome of such a smart match." His lips thinned into a devious smile. "The possibilities are endless."
Sana managed to grab a quick bite to eat just as the break was ending, though needless to say her appetite was nonexistent after the encounter with her father. His last words haunted her memory.
Her father wanted to arrange a quirk marriage with Bakugou? Her friend? The boy she was quickly falling head over heels for?
Sana banished the thought. She couldn't afford to be distracted before the finals. She needed to focus on what was right in front of her, which at the moment, were her classmates... in cheerleading uniforms?
"What the hell?"
Apparently, Kaminari and Mineta had tricked the girls into dressing up as cheerleaders. They hadn't been able to find Sana, so she'd (thankfully) been spared the embarrassment. Of course, that didn't mean she couldn't help the girls get back at the two idiots later on.
Midnight explained how the final round would work, each of them going head to head against one another until only one remained.
Ojiro and an unknown student stepped forward to announce their withdrawal from the competition, despite the protests of their friends. Midnight enjoyed the display and bumped up two members of Team Kendo to even out the number of finalists. It was then that the first set of one-on-one battles were announced: Midoriya vs. Shinso, Bakugou vs. Uraraka, Iida vs. the pink-haired girl from Midoriya's team, Shoto vs. Sero, Tokoyami vs. Momo, Kirishima vs. his dollar store knockoff, and Sana vs. Kaminari.
She grinned wickedly as they locked eyes, the honey blonde winking as he shot finger guns. Oh, this is gonna be fun.
"Let the battles begin!" Midnight purred.
There was something different about Izuku Midoriya. Strange. Odd. Out of place. She'd noticed it for some time now, like how he always seemed to be at the center of things. Just earlier today she'd questioned what made him special enough for Shoto to issue him a challenge. Her old friend had mentioned the greenette being connected to All Might. Was that all it was?
No, there had to be more to it than that.
She'd trained with Shinso. She'd taught him ways to defend himself, both if them aware that he couldn't always rely on his quirk to get him out of trouble. She'd also been brainwashed by him multiple times in the weeks leading up to the Festival. She'd volunteered to help him test his limits, and not once had she snapped out of it on her own. So how was it that Midoriya was able to wake up just before his foot could cross over the boundary line?
Shinso appeared to be just as shocked as the rest of them. Not good. "Come on, Tosh!" Sana yelled, worrying her lip as she leaned forward, literally on the edge of her seat as the two fought.
She was friendly with Midoriya, but he would have numerous opportunities to prove himself if he lost now. For Shinso, this was it. This was his one chance to prove himself capable of becoming a hero. If his efforts weren't recognized today, he'd have to wait a whole year to try again.
The lavender-haired boy held his own for as long as he could, but Midoriya was more experienced in combat, and quickly overtook him. Her general studies friend was understandably upset over the loss, so she cupped her hands around her mouth, shouting encouragement nonstop.
"You were amazing, Toshi!" She leaned over the rail, grinning as he slowly looked up at her. "Super kickass!" A small, reluctant smile appeared on his passive face. Other general course students joined in to cheer for him, praising his quirk and valiant efforts. She clapped for him as he exited the arena.
He'd worked so hard to stand on the biggest stage in Japan. He'd made it to the final round, only to fall short of winning because of a bad matchup. Sana was sure that with his quirk, he'd had a real shot of placing in the top 5, if not higher.
Sana only hoped that someone in a place of power had paid as much attention to his performance as she had.
Soon, it was Sana's turn to warm up, her fight with Kaminari up next. The rounds were flying by fairly quickly. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. She did her usual warmups, plus those she'd learned from ballet so long ago. Her dance background came in handy even in combat, the intense workouts helping to strengthen her stamina and flexibility, all while maintaining a lean, muscular frame.
Present Mic's voice filtered through the speakers above her head, naming the winner of the latest battle. Sana slowly rose to her feet, releasing a deep breath to calm her sudden nerves before heading towards the main stage.
The roar of the crowd nearly sent her sprinting back to the waiting room. It was so loud, and coupled with the voice hero's quirk, it was impossible to hear her own thoughts. Mindlessly, she took her spot across from her golden-haired friend.
Outwardly, Denki seemed relaxed, but there was that ever present glint in his eyes that always made it seem like he was up to something.
"I'm not into hurting girls, Sana, especially ones as pretty as you." He called out to her, brushing his bangs out of his eyes in an exaggerated move. "After I win, how about I make it up to you with a candlelit dinner for two?"
"Oh, Denki," Sana shook her head with an amused smile. She could see Midnight raising her whip in her peripheral vision. "I wouldn't worry about me getting hurt."
With a snap of Midnight's whip, the fight began.
The dark blonde sent a stream of currents towards her, the strawberry blonde easily dodging. She knew that she needed to be overly cautious with Denki. She didn't know what effect his quirk would have on her, unsure if she would be able to absorb the attacks the same way she might've done if she was up against a heat-based quirk. So, until he wore himself out or she figured out a way to neutralize his quirk, she was stuck playing defense.
If only she could neutralize his mouth.
"What's your dream date?" He continued to talk, as if they weren't in the middle of a fight in front of a crowd of thousands, not to mention that the feed was being broadcast nationwide. "Whatever you want, babe, it's my treat." His boyish grin almost made her want to say yes.
"Sorry, babe, but I'll have to raincheck." She rolled out of the way as he fired off another impressive wave of energy. He was pushing himself too hard, too fast, putting too much power into his attacks when he should've been conserving his energy. The electric boy already looked sweaty and mildly dazed. At the rate he was going, he'd be out of it in no time. "I already have a date."
The mix of confusion, disbelief, and kicked puppy on his face was honestly adorable.  The poor thing looked dumbstruck. "Wha- seriously?"
And that was her opening.
She dashed forward in a blur, shoving him back with all her might. Denki stumbled back, so startled by her sudden proximity that he accidentally triggered his quirk. Sana jerked back as the dark blonde fell flat on his butt.
It hadn't hurt as much as she'd expected, which she was immensely grateful for. She'd managed to solidify a layer of light around her hands to protect herself just in case Denki was able to set off a counterattack. Her skin buzzed and tingled from the after effects. They stared at each other for a moment, both their faces slack with surprise. The blonde scrambled to his feet, his face steaming.
Sana giggled breathlessly in surprise.
She curiously wiggled her encased fingers and watched them crackle with electricity. She tilted her head innocently at the blushing blonde. "No hard feelings, right?"
Bursts of energy shot out from her glowing palms and straight into Denki's chest, sending him flying backwards and straight over the boundary line.
She cupped her hands to her lips. "Sorry, babe!"
Maybe that'll teach you not to underestimate your opponent.
Sana frowned as Pros and even classmates criticized Bakugou for fighting Uraraka so fiercely. Mr. Aizawa was the only person willing to defend the boy other than Sana herself. The teacher put the pros in their place, while the solar girl dealt with her peers.
"Just goes to show how little respect women get, even when they posess powerful quirks. We're only viewed as equals in theory, but never in practice." The strawberry blonde sighed.
The complaints of her classmates died down, the crowd around them falling silent as they were berated for their prejudice. "We're gathered on the biggest stage in the country right now to prove ourselves, yet people still want us to hold back. There are two female heroes ranked in the Top Ten. They didn't get there because others 'went easy on them.' Do you think villains care what gender you are? They won't show mercy, regardless of whether or not they're opponent is female.
"Bakugou is the only one here acknowledging Uraraka's strength. She's more than capable of handling herself." Most of her friends had to look away from her harsh glare in shame and embarrassment. "As for Bakugou, we all know that he wants to be the best, and he's willing to take on anyone to prove it. Saying he's bullying a woman by giving her the respect she deserves just proves how warped our society is."
Kirishima looked ashamed. If he was a puppy, his ears would be flat against his head. "Dammit." His fists shook in self anger. "You're right, Sana. I should've never said something so unmanly." His eyes went wide before a sheepish expression appeared. "I mean, uh, unwomanly?" The corners of her lips quirked in amusement.
"Thanks, Eiji."
After the round was finished, Bakugou returned to the student section to find his classmates waiting for him. "Sorry, man. We shouldn't have judged you." Kirishima held out an arm for a fist bump. Bakugou's brow furrowed deeper.
The ash blonde listened, stone faced, as the class apologized for being so biased during his fight with Uraraka. "Sana never doubted you, though. She was pretty fired up about it, actually." Kirishima rubbed the nape of his neck, his cheeks dusted with pink.
Bakugou searched for the familiar head of strawberry blonde hair, but found nothing.
"She went to meet someone." Sero spoke up, noticing his wandering gaze. Bakugou grunted. Her fight had been quick and easy. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that she'd beat Dunce Face. Speaking of which...
"Why are you acting weirder than usual?" Jirou nudged Kaminari with her boot. The lightning boy had been pouting since the moment he got back to the stands.
"I missed my chance, Jirou!" He whined, twin rivers running down his cheeks. "She's taken!"
"Dude, what are you talking about?" Sero laughed, thoroughly enjoying the scene. The rest of the class watched on, most in amusement while others were mildly concerned.
"My dream girl rejected me," Denki shook the raven haired boy's arm. "On national TV, too!"
"Who are you talking about?" Jiro's eyes went wide. "Wait, Sakano?!" She cackled.
Bakugou's ear twitched, tuning into the conversation. "You asked her out during the match?" Kirishima held out a fist. "Dude, that's so manly!"
Kaminari shook his head dejectedly. "You don't get it. She already has a date."
Bakugou clenched his jaw. His vermilion eyes slid to the red-and-white haired boy sitting in the row behind him, frowning down at his feet with a distant look in his eye. He grunted, kicking his boot up on the back of the seat in front of him.
Sana scowled up at the flaming mass of muscle standing before her. "Look," she sighed. "I know we aren't exactly each other's biggest fans, but we have a common problem now: Shoto can't stand either one of us, and he refuses to acknowledge that I exist."
"My son doesn't need friends." Endeaver crossed his arms. "He needs to unleash his full potential."
"What he needs," Sana snapped. "Is help. He won't get there on his own." Sana insisted. "And we both know you're the last person he'd go to for that. So, I have a proposition for you. Lend me your fire... and I'll make sure he uses his."
By the time Sana made it back to the stands, the first round of battles had ended. She slipped into the seat next to Bakugou with a sigh. The ash blonde turned to face her with a frown. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her pupils were dilated. His frown deepened. "The hell were you?" He grumbled. "Off with your secret boyfriend?"
Sana looked disgusted, remembering exactly who she'd snuck off to meet. "Please," she scoffed. "Besides," she tilted her head and batted her eyes. "Why would I choose some extra over your dumb ass?"
Bakugou huffed, his lips curling up into a small, satisfied smirk. "Always thinking about my ass."
"And your tits."
He made a growling sound, which only made her laugh harder. Bakugou faced forward, still making angry noises. Sana sat up straight, no longer clutching her sides. His clenched fist rested on the arm rest of his seat. Wordlessly, she placed her hand over his as Midnight announced that the second round of battles were about to begin. Bakugou stared down at their hands in surprise. He waited for the familiar tingle that came with her using her quirk, but nothing happened.
She was simply holding his hand.
Bakugou blushed angrily. The rest of their friends hadn't noticed them yet, otherwise they definitely would've had something to say about the way they were sitting together. Suddenly, Kaminari's words from earlier came to mind.
"She already has a date."
Bakugou drew his hand away from under her's as though he'd been burned and crossed his arms. His vermilion eyes were unreadable. Sana glanced at him in confusion. "Screw off. I don't have time for your games."
There was a flash of hurt in her eyes before her expression went blank. "Fine. I'll find someone else to play with." Her tone was dripping with sarcasm as she stood and stalked to the opposite end of the row to sit with Mina.
"Dammit," Bakugou punched the armrest in frustration. That's what I'm afraid of.
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jon-withnoh · 5 months
guess who's back to exploit your offerings of rebecca drabbles
💗for danvich please!
also i hope you get well soon! (damn you covid coworker)
Finally got to write something for this :) Beware, it is angsty!
When I finally returned to the house, I felt like a stranger. My own shadow seemed too tall to belong to me, the sound of my feet on the flagstones held no trace of the timid girl I had been. I crossed the hall, barely spared a glance for Frith except to hand him my coat and hat. He bowed his head to me, and for the first time it seemed only right that he did so. 
I had not wanted a big reception in the hall, no endless train of servants waiting to greet me. This time, she had honoured the request, maybe because it had been mine and not Maxim’s. She would not be waiting for me in my own rooms, that much was clear. I went up the stairs and threw open the doors to the west wing. I no longer cared who heard me. She stood on Rebecca’s balcony with her back to the room. There was a dull pain in my stomach at the sight of her. She had suffered so much, had been so steadfast. Her hair had more grey in it now than when we’d met. When she turned her head slightly to the side, her cheekbones were more prominent than ever. At the same time, she was not as pale as she had been, there was some colour in her face, even if it was just from the wind. I went to her. She looked at me, shrewd and unsmiling. 
I tried to smile. “It is as we expected. If he is hanged, the house will go to the next male relative in line. That’s Beatrice’s son, of course. As long as the court has not reached a decision, everything remains as it is. But if they do, well…”
“You will have to leave.” 
“I see.” She turned her whole body to face me and I mimicked her, searching her face for I did not know what. Her expression was impossible to read. “You would stay with Mrs Lacy first, I expect.”
“I suppose so.”
“She would be more than happy to host you, I’m sure, even indefinitely. There must be money as well, a widow’s pension of some sort. You would be provided for.” 
There was something unpleasant in her tone. I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “What does it matter now? We don’t know that anything will change at all.” 
“You mustn’t leave these things up to chance, Madam,” she said. “When something does happen, it will happen fast.”
“Stop.” I had meant to sound decisive, but the word came out as a whimper. “Please stop. Why must you talk about it? Why must we think about it now? We still have time and just for a moment, I want to—”
She raised an eyebrow. “You want to… what?”
“I want to stop. Just stop and be still.”
“Yes, here. With you.” I uncrossed my arms and held out my hands to her. When she did not move, I took a step forwards and brought my hands to her forearms, gently brushing my thumbs over the black fabric of her dress. 
“If you don’t feel the same, tell me. Say the word and I will never touch you again. I promise. You have nothing to fear from me.” 
She was silent. I took hold of her hands and brought them to my waist. The gentle pressure of her fingers reassured me. She was not merely humouring me. I moved even closer, pleased when she pulled me the rest of the way towards her. 
I brought my hand to her face, tracing the sharp angle of her jaw. “Don’t make me imagine a future you have no part in.”
She blinked, then shook her head. She wore an expression I had become accustomed to over the past few months, her eyes blank and unfocused. She had not been with me entirely. She had heard my words in another woman’s voice. I could not bring myself to care. 
“Don’t ever leave me,” I said. “Please.”
She seemed to become aware of my touch again, leaning in so that my hand was pressed against her cheek. She turned her head and kissed my palm. 
“I would never leave you,” she murmured. “You know I could never leave you.”
I closed my eyes, bracing myself for what I knew would follow. 
“I will be with you always.” Her lips so gentle against my skin. “My Rebecca.” 
The grip of her fingers tightened around my waist. I tipped up my head to meet her, greedy despite the cold that pooled in my fingertips. She kissed me. I had grown accustomed to the way she kissed me in these moments, the way she would have kissed Rebecca had she ever been given the opportunity. Every movement, every touch was worship and I let her worship me. Below us, the indefatigable waves crashed against the cliffs.
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thelittleliars · 1 year
P.S. I Want You | Chapter 3
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: none other than fluff I guess?
Words: 8.5K
AN: It's been so long since I last posted for this story. But here's the long awaited Chapter 3!! I hope y'all like it! P.S. the end is NOT angst. This entire fic is supposed to be pure fluff, I just suck at writing an end for chapters.
P.S. I Want You Masterlist
Natasha currently stood in front of your apartment door with a small bouquet of different colored roses and of course a postcard from Budapest. Her nervousness was through the roof. She never thought that she could feel such an intensity of the emotion, let alone caused by a person. With a heavy sigh she lifted her hand to knock on your door but paused before her skin came into contact with the wooden door. "You got this. You're the Black Widow for christ sake!" She mumbled to herself, trying to encourage herself but her own words didn't hold any weight. The door opened, she came face to face with a beautiful woman not older than you. "Oy, I thought I heard someone foreign here." The girl smiled at Natasha. "How can I help?"
"I.. uhhh.. is-is Y/N here?" The Avenger asked. The confusion was clearly written all over her face. "No. She'll be back soon though. You can come in if you want to?" She offered the other woman. Natasha shock her head. "Oh no, I don't want to intrude." 
"Please come in, I can get you a coffee. Y/N always says I make the best coffee ever." She gestured for the red head to step inside. The words made Natasha jealous. Sending you the postcards made her think that you were hers in a way, though she knew that you two were nothing yet. The thought of you being together with the women in front of her brought up anger and sadness. She needed to get out of here quick. "No thank you. It was supposed to be a quick stop by to say hello anyways."
"Okay" As soon as Nat saw the other girl nod, she walked out and towards the stairs. She was so busy with her thoughts that when she arrived at the bottom she didn't see someone opening the old elevator door. She walked right into it, her head hitting the wood hard. "Fuck.." The person walked back out. It was you. "Nat?" You were stunned to see the red head again, it actually felt like a fever dream but in a good way. Natasha looked up to see you and god damn you looked way more beautiful than the last time she saw you. "Y/N.. h-hi." She stuttered out. "I-it's good to see you. Let's go upstairs." 
"I don't wanna intrude." She told you. "Oh you would never. I only need to talk with Réka for a second and then we can go." You took her arm and dragged her into the elevator. Natasha was confused, where would you two go afterwards? This was your apartment where your most likely girlfriend was too. Were you too ashamed or embarrassed to stay long here? "Ohh you don't know yet.. would have thought Yelena told you." You mumbled still not telling Natasha the news directly. The other girl's heart was already starting to break, the possibility of you not being available anymore hurt her, you weren't even hers yet so why did it that thought hurt so much? "I moved into another district. It's an apartment I've wanted ever since I moved her and I finally had enough money to live there." The red head felt such relief and joy that she could shed a tear or two. "That's great! Where exactly did you move to?" She asked before she realized she still hold the small bouquet of roses and the postcard. "Also these are for you." She handed you the roses but hid the card. She decided to give it to you later. "Aww Nat. You really didn't have to!" You blushed. "But thank you so much. I love it. And I live in the inner city now. Near the metro station Astoria if you might know it?" 
"I heard the name somewhere but I'm not sure. I never had the time to explore Budapest." You nodded in acknowledgment. "For how long are you here?" It wasn't a want to know it, no you desperately needed to know it. "For the next 2 weeks. I took some time off. Maybe you can show me around?" She wasn't sure but was hopeful that you wanted to spend time with her and show her around. You look at her shocked. Two weeks of Natasha?? And she wants you to show her around? What did you do to deserve this heavenly time with her? "I-I uhm yeah sure. I do have to go to work though. Luckily you arrived on a friday evening. We got the whole weekend for us, no interruptions unless Yelena is also joining." You joked before you knocked on the door. "Helló Y/N. Kérlek fáradj be." 
"Helló Réka! Mennyi a posta ma?" (How much mail is it today?" It was Natasha's first time hearing you speak in hungarian and oh boy did that do something to her. "Egy levél és két képeslap." (One letter and two postcards.)
"A levél az én munkámból származik?" (Is the letter from my work?" She nodded and handed you your mail. "Alright well I told them my new address again so you shouldn't get mail for me anymore." You gently laid the roses on the table, opened your letter to see what your work wanted from you, then looked at the two postcards.
Hey Y/N Y/L/N!
You still haven't texted me your new address so I'm still gonna have to send them to your old place. 
Greetings from the "Big Apple." 
~ Yelena 
The other one said:
Hiii Y/N Y/L/N,
it's me again! You have to come visit me whenever your vacation is. I have so much to show you!
Greetings from Ohio.
~ Yelena
P.S. yes I did copy my big sister, don't you dare tell her!
"That tiny little szuka.." (bitch) you muttered. "Thanks again. If there will be more mail just text me?" 
"Will do!" She smiled and nodded you goodbye. You turned to Natasha, who seemed to be in a frozen state. "You good?" She hummed in a higher pitch. She was fine but at the same time not at all since all she could focus on how hot she found you talking another language. While she basically ogled at you, you put the postcards into your backpack, then grabbed the roses with one hand and with your other free hand Natasha's wrist.
Even though it was just her wrist you were holding, she felt all of the sudden super shy. Nat tried so hard not to blush in front of you both but of course you saw the tint of red on her face before you dragged her out of the apartment and down the stairs. 
Right before you went out of the gate, she gathered herself and took her confident front while her insides were all jelly. It was a mask she mastered a long time ago. The mask or the acting was the main reason why she even came as far as she was now. You on the other side had an open and happy look. It sure was something new to you, being close to the girl you liked who also seemed to like you back but having Natasha by your side gave you a huge boost of confidence. And thanks to the boost, the huge urge to hold her hand in front of everyone came along. You were not someone who like pda much, the red head could relate to that. She wasn't used to affection so it made her very nervous when she felt you sliding your hand from her wrist to hold her hand. You notice her sweaty hands almost immediately but didn't comment it, assuming that this must be a lot for her already or simply just a gay panic but even calling that out or teasing was something you knew would be embarrassing for her.
After a couple of minutes you asked her if you guys should take the metro or walk the short distance. "Is your new apartment far?" She wasn't used to walk any kind of distance. Europeans constantly walk a lot and they don't even mind it which is mind boggling for her.  You saw her hesitation. "You get to hold my hand for 20 more minutes love." You proposed to her. "If we take the metro we'd be there in mere minutes. It's your choice though." She was quiet for a minute. Thinking over her options. She'd love to hold your hand on the way home but the thought of 20 more minutes in public scared her. She knew that love wasn't just for children but kinda acting like all love like, triggered the familiar feeling and struggle of the mantra. "Let's take the metro yeah? It's not far from here either and the sooner we get home the more privacy we'll have." With a nod from her you lead the obvious shorter girl to the metro station, no words were exchanged during that time but you didn't mind it. 
After buying tickets you rode down the first escalator, this time you guys stood behind one another since it's normal to leave the left side free for people who want to walk faster. As you turned towards Natasha who was behind you, you noticed the height difference was gone now. "Ohh look you finally don't need to look up to me anymore." You teased her with a slight evil glint in your eyes. "Rude!" She slapped your shoulder lightly. You only chuckle before stopping and giving her a big happy grin. "You're lucky you're cute." Natasha told you. She just didn't know how else tocounter back but you of course knew. "Cute? I'm offended Natasha. Don't you think I'm a lot more than cute?" You turn back around because you knew the escalator was almost done. "What if I told you that you're only cute and nothing more?" She said when you two stood next to each other at the platform. You once again took her hand, looking at her face to see if there's any kind of uncomfortableness, when you didn't see anything you answered her. "I guess I have to accept it then since I don't want to end whatever we have going on right now." 
"Would be a shame if you end it. Especially since I came here for you only." Your assumption of her coming here for you was correct and that did something to you. Not only did her words make you blush, it also gave you a rush of what felt like butterflies. This was the first time you didn't know what to do and say. Instead you silently went into the metro. You were glad that it arrived in the perfect moment. When you guys got out a station later and you still hadn't uttered a word, Natasha was worried that she fucked up. She knew that couldn't have fucked it up that badly since you still held her hands on the way up to the streets. As if you sensed her self doubting you apologized. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I go all quiet when I don't know what to do or say." Nat walked next to you as you softly guided her through some smaller streets towards your apartment. "Thank you for telling me that. It'll definitely help me navigate my way around you." You snorted. "Why does it sound like you're-" "I just.. I don't want to make you uncomfortable by putting you in a situation where you feel like you don't know how yo act. I like our teasing and flirting nature but if it gets too overwhelming at some point I'll slow down." 
"Nat, you honestly can make myself speechless as much as you want. Just promise me you'll pick up the conversation afterwards because I for sure make shit super awkward with my silence and body language." Your heart filled with warmth. Nobody ever was this respectful and thoughtful with you. She halted at a corner, wanting to say these next words directly to you so that she could read your face. "I.. I can't promise you anything but I'll try my best if that's also alright with you?" You nodded and gave her a smile. "Of course. Thank you for trying. I appreciate it." Natasha looked down, feeling a blush rising up that she didn't want anyone to see. She was being very open and soft with you. It's terrifying her but at the same she liked the feeling. You leaned against the wall to give Nat some space after seeing her struggle with things innerly. The blush was noticeable for you too but didn't usher a words about it. She pulled herself together and wanting to continue walking but the place you two were at gave her flashbacks. This was the place where she and Yelena ran to her sister's bike to flee from Taskmaster. A whole ass car flew right down the street but it seemed like there was no damage left. "Oh my god. This is where we were running from-" She stopped herself, realizing you didn't know a thing about what happened last year. She also didn't dare to look at you, fearing a curious look sitting on your face but nothing came from you so she stole a glance at you. You stood there so carefree while taking Natasha's whole form in. The red head looked absolutely fine in that outfit of hers. Black jeans, some tshirt or top which you couldn't tell since she wore a leather jacket over it and of course some sneakers. Nat saw the look you gave her. So she came closer and cornered you, even pressing her body against yours. The two of you were as close as it could get. Breaths were mixed, heartbeats were beating out of your chests and legs were feeling like jello. How either of you were surviving that moment was a question nobody could answer. Your eyes fluttered close as you were about to close the distance of your mouths. "I have to tell you something major." Nat whispered. She desperately wanted to kiss you but the guilt of not telling you about her real job was holding her back. "Is it important?" You opened your eyes while seeing a certain urgency in hers. "Yes." 
"That's alright. Let's go to my apartment then, it's literally right around the corner." She leaned back and nodded. You took her hand once again and lead her to your apartment. 
"I'm an Avenger." You look at her puzzled. The word rang a distant bell in your head but nothing concrete came up so you asked her. "What's an Avenger?" Now she was surprised. "You haven't heard of the Avengers? Iron Man? Thor? The Hulk? Hawkey? Captain America? Black Widow?" Only after hearing the superhero names, you kinda realized what she was talking about. "Ohhh ain't that the group of superheroes or something?" When she nodded you felt your heart sink. Was everything she told you prior just a big lie? It all confused you, at the same time it also made you sad and angry "So you were lying about being an agent." You didn't even ask, you just stated it as it was a fact. Natasha was quick to defend herself. "No. There is some truth behind it." But she didn't explain further. And you swore that if she wouldn't tell you why exactly she lied then it'd be over. Lying and then not laying all your cards open after getting caught is a deal breaker for you. You looked at her and waited patiently for her to explain herself further, hoping desperately that she won't fuck this up. Minute after minute passed by, your hopes were now crushed, even when you saw a hint of a struggle in her eyes but honestly that wasn't enough for you. 
"I value honesty more than anything." You tried again. If she wouldn't take this chance then it'd be over before it even started. When nothing came again you sighed while trying to come up with the best way to break whatever this was off. Natasha stood up and walked towards your window. She looked outside with a grim expression. Both of you were quiet and in your heads, thinking of right words to say to each other. When you opened your mouth to say the words I can't do this any further she beat you. "I was a Shield agent before joining the Avengers." For Natasha it was enough explanation, for you not so much but all you asked of her was honesty and that you got. "Alright. I just don't see why hiding that information was such a huge deal."
"We're huge overseas and I guess I was just very cautious." You nodded and believed her but you also felt like she still hadn't fully told you the whole story. Unsure how to move past this you continue sitting awkwardly in your living room. The other women started to notice the awkwardness and remembered what you said earlier. "Are we still good?" Were we? You honestly didn't know but your heart still craved her so you let this incident slip. "Only if you can explain your postcards to me." You needed answers, ones only she could answer. So the second she nodded and walked back to the seat she was sitting before, you stood up and got the stack of postcards she sent you. "They're in order."
The first one was from London. She started telling you why she hadn't written to you in the months before. "The Avengers were broken up and fought against each other which ended up pretty badly with half of us breaking the law and get arrested. I was hiding in Norway before my sister, Yelena, contacted me and I traveled to Budapest. We had a little undercover side mission here and it lead to London. Where we had to lay low but then I saw a souvenir shop one day and it reminded me of you." At that her face started to get a pint of red. "I uhh quickly wrote the postcard and somehow that was the start of it all." 
"You chose a very unique and pretty card. It ended up immediately in my collection!" You told her. "Since Rome was such a short stay do you have something to say about that or wanna jump right to Norway?" 
"Well all I can say to Rome is that it was really short but beautiful. Norway was once again more of laying low. I still was on the run. Then Toronto came and somehow met another fellow Avenger. Clint or rather Hawkeye. He actually dragged me to a big league hockey game." Nat grunted in annoyance at the memory. You on the other side grinned at her reaction. This is exactly what you imaged her to act like when you read the Toronto postcard. "You don't like hockey?"
Her expression was unreadable but she voice her thoughts before you hurt your brain by trying to read her intensely. "It's alright but watching it was boring. Dragging long, let me tell you that." To get more comfortable you lifted your legs and sat cross legged. Nat followed your example and did the same, though her position was sideways so she could look at you better. This time you copied her, also wanting to get a better view of her. "What if I told you I love watching hockey and american football?" She raised her eyebrows but also looking at your face to see if you were just teasing her or not. "Then I'd say don't you dare to make me watch it with you." 
The biggest shit eating grin was plastered on your face. "One day.. one day I'll definitely dare to make you watch it with me." The read head's heart was suddenly beating wildly at your words and the grin that is still on your beautiful face. She didn't know how you could make it so easy for her to feel like this. Her eyes flickered down for a second. There she saw the Berlin postcard. The horrendous things that happened there flashed in front of her eyes and felt the weight of that trip drowning her again. You reached out for her hand and held it when you saw that her mood changed completely into the opposite direction. "I-I got caught.. they interrogated me for two months before a deal was even brought up. I was allowed to finish my side mission with Yelena. It lead us to Berlin, the authorities weren't keen on having me back in the country since we Avengers made a lot of destruction there. One thing led to another and somehow the person we wanted to save-" Her breath got caught in her throat. The words the wanted to say died. Your heart broke at the sight. Seeing her broken and this distraught gave you an ache in your heart. "I went back to my parents house. I needed change and comfort. In that time I didn't write you and I had hoped that I didn't fuck things up with you." 
"Nat, I'm so sorry that this all happened to you." You scooted closer to her and put your arms around her. She immediately leaned her head against you. Your warmth made her feel safe. "Let's talk about the rest another time, yeah?" Her head brushed against you as she nodded slightly. "I never was much of an open book." She admitted to you in a hush of a whisper. "And that is okay. Nat, I only want you to be honest with me. If there is a situation you feel like you're not ready to share then just say that. I don't ever wanna push." After Natasha agreed, you tried to lighten up the mood by asking her about her superhero stuff. "Sooo.. Do you also have some kind of superhero name?"
At that she smiled and leaned back from you. "I do. It's Black Widow!" The name coming from the hero herself sounded so damn hot and mysterious. Plus you instantly loved the way she said it. "Hot damn, Nat that sound so freaking badass! What about a suit? Or like what else do you wear while fighting the evil?" Your bubbly nature of asking made her feel super warm on the inside. "I have a couple of suits that I wear if the mission is gonna be bigger. Otherwise I wear just normal simple clothes." Your mind immediately jumped to her in a superhero suit. "Oh to see you in action in one of your suits." You almost moaned at the thought of how sexy she'd look. "What kind of in action though?" She wiggled her eyebrows. You let out a gasp before you slapped her arm in a teasing manner. "Natasha Romanoff! Get your head out of the gutter." Then you cleared your throat before admitting that you wouldn't mind what she had in mind too. "Yeah? I can promise you that the suit slips on and off pretty easily." She teased you. Meanwhile you were stunned by the teasing you got back from her. "Oh my goddess. You really need to stop putting more ideas in my head!" You groaned out loud. Nat had a smirk on her face while looking at you like you were prey. She came closer and pushed you on your back easily. Then crawled on top of you, hovering over you but never really touching any part of your body. That action left you breathless. "Care to share those ideas? Would only be fair for me to know right?"
"What? You want me to tell you specific details of how I imagine I get railed by you?" She nodded. "That my dear Widow is something you have to seduce out of me but the only thing I'm willing to tell you right now that it definitely involves a strap on." Even though you felt confident to tell her that, a huge blush crept on your cheeks. Since Nat was so close to you, you felt how her breathing increased. She got turned from what you said. "Ohh who knew that such a pretty mind had all those dirty thoughts?" At that you couldn't bring out a word, you didn't even know what to say to that. She saw that so helped you by asking if you wanted to go on a date with her the next day.
"Yeah sure. Do you have something in mind yet?" You asked since it was her idea. She smirked at you. "Ohh I have plenty in mind but nothing of that is appropriate." You tried so hard not to let it get it to you since you blushed way too much around her already. "I really think you should stop teasing me."
"I know I should but seeing you like this is making me go wild." She confessed. 
"Maybe we need to get this out of our systems before continuing with the romance part?" You said. Natasha pondered for a second. "Do you really think that once I get a taste of you, I'll be able to get it out of my system? "
"Could be since the having sex with me might be so fucking awful." Natasha snorted at your words. "I can't imagine that. You look like someone who knows what she does." You felt honored that she believe that but it was the exact opposite. "First time." You whispered, the word barely got out of your mouth. That shocked Natasha, she did not expect you telling it the information this honest. Some small joy bloomed in her chest, while you probably hinted at your first time ever she herself hasn't had sex with a woman yet, with your confession she didn't feel alone. When you saw her expression you realized it'd be her first time too. "No way." Natasha knew exactly what you were talking about. "Yes way." She got all shy but you still made her feel like she didn't need to be embarrassed in any way. "Had there been someone before or would it be your complete first time too?" 
"There were times I had to for missions but not with any women." 
"What do you mean you had to? Please don't tell me you were giving yourself up for the sake of a mission." When no answer came you felt the heaviness of your heart breaking for her once again. Tears were trying to break free but you held them as good as you could. "Oh Nat, I'm so sorry. You don't ever have to do anything you're not okay with around me and with me okay? You can also always tell me if you changed your mind because that is also an important option."
"Thank you. Truly, thank you so much Y/N." She was extremely grateful for your reassuring words. You nodded, then shifted the conversation a bit. "Soo.. I think we need to figure out the pace for whatever relationship we currently have because I don't think I can handle these mixed paces."
"That's truly going to be a challenge since I wouldn't mind having you in bed already while at the same time I want to get to know you more." Natasha confessed. You were taken aback by her boldness for  a moment before truly realizing how your body reacted in its own way. Your cheeks were warm and red. You really couldn't believe that the goddess that Natasha was, was actually interested in you. "Well you'll get to know me more on the date tomorrow."
"That I will." She too looked shyly away. The new and unfamiliar emotions were getting a bit overwhelming. "I think it's a good time for me to go." You nodded sadly but understood that this day had to come to an end at some point. "Okay.. but don't forget to send me a text so I finally have your number and can send you the details for it then." Natasha looked confused at you since she doesn't know what you were talking about. "What? How am I supposed to text you? I don't have your number." This time it was your turn to be confused. "B-but I gave your sister a postcard with my number on it. She was supposed to give it to you."
"She didn't." Natasha was pissed at her sister. How could she not give her the postcard with your number on it? "Ohh.. well I thought you saw it since the postcards kept coming but hadn't the time to shoot a simple text." It made you sad that Natasha never received your postcard. You knew it was just a piece of paper but you still couldn't shake off the loss of the postcard. "If I had your number I probably would have sent you a photo from each location I was at and tease you with the great postcards I had found for you." 
"That would have been exciting! Not only that but you also did a great job with the photograph you took in Rankin Inlet so I can only imagine what other great pictures I would have gotten then." You complimented her photograph skills. "If you give me your phone number now, that still can happen." She smirked. "I'll also be on Yelena's ass for not giving me that postcard." You held out your phone to Natasha. She took it and texted herself after adding her number to your contacts. "I can't wait for tomorrow." She smiled at you. "I can't wait either." Natasha surprised you by kissing your cheek before walking out.
Today 05:37 AM Brunch picnic date? 
Today 09:21 AM What time is considered 'brunch'?
Today 09:23 AM 9:30-11 AM
Today 09:24 AM Nat I just woke up omg
Today 09:24 AM Just lunch then?
Today 09:26 AM What about a late breakfast date and depending on what we do afterwards either lunch or a picnic?
Today 09:26 AM Multiple dates in one day? 
Is that even acceptable?
Incoming call
"Did you even ever go on dates with your ex-girlfriend?" You greetingly joked as you can not fathom her confusion. 
She felt the need to defend her as the words of her ex lover rang in her head. You only have time for your job! You're basically married to it! "We went on dates! Took her on more dates than she ever deserved." 
"Nat? That was a joke okay? I'm sorry it didn't came across that way. I just can't seem to come to the conclusion why you'd think that it'd be multiple dates." You gently told her. 
"What else could it be??" She asked confused, hoping for clarity from you.
"A long date? Or a never ending one?" She snorted as if that's the most ridiculous idea on earth. "That's stupid." Your heart went down your pants, fearing that this would be the end of planing a date. "So should we cancel it then?" 
"What, no! I didn't mean it like that." Natasha said it fast. She was irritated by your opinion but it never meant that she didn't want the date to get cancelled. You broke out into a wide smile after hearing her being in a bit of distress that you put her in. "Just kidding with you." She groaned super load. "Y/N come one!" You giggled at her antics, liking the way she reacted. "Admit it. You love it." 
"Pff. How can I love it when it's irritating?" She asked. "Well maybe because I challenge you in a different way and you're not used to it?" You pointed out. She hated how right you were. It made her feel vulnerable and that was something she did not want to explore more right that moment. "I'm ending this call."
"Natty noooo. I'm sorry for being so forward with you. I might be super comfortable around you already so I guess I have to hold back a bit." 
"I don't you to hold back for my sake. I don't want to change you. What do you think about breakfast in one hour?" 
"I'd be alright with it even if it were in half an hour." You truthfully told her. Natasha told you she'd be by your door by then before she ended the call abruptly. You didn't know what just happened, what triggered her mood to shift in the middle of the conversation. You needed to ask her about that later. For now you got out of bed and made yourself presentable for the date. And it was not long after you finished putting on a bit makeup when the door bell rang. When you opened the door Natasha stood there in a brownish-red shirt and black pants. "I hope I'm not late?" She asked while being a bit out of breath. You shook your head, then glancing down at the apple watch that you wore. "Why would you be late? You're right on time."
"I honestly didn't know what to wear." She said. "I then realized that I only brought some pants and tops. Also a dress for some reason." At the mention of a dress your eyes almost bulged out. Though you loved everything she wore, you couldn't stop imagining her in a dress. "I'm gonna need that dinner date." You muttered to yourself. Natasha smiled at that, already excited at the thought of your reaction to seeing her dressed up. "Breakfast is casual anyways so you're all good." You gave her a grin before complimenting her how beautiful she looks. The red head wasn't used to compliments and especially not when she wore casual civilian clothes. She didn't know how to feel but she knew how to put on the acting front and so she did, she suppressed her feelings and complimented you back. You two were quickly walking outside after that interaction, going in the direction of your favorite place to get breakfast. It was called Zoska and wasn't even a minute away from your apartment. "How does it feel to be back here?" You asked her. Nat took a second to think how to answer. "It feels weird. I have a lot of negative connections towards the city." 
"Must be hard for you. Is Budapest as bad as you described São Paulo in the postcard?" As soon as the words left your mouth, you wanted to take them back. It was so insensitive of you to ask that. Natasha visibly froze, she regretted ever sending off that postcard but she was too shaken up to care at that time. "Forget that I asked." It was awkward for the rest of the walk and it continued up to the point where she asked you what food you would recommend. You had a hard time to recommend her just one thing since everything on the menu was just amazing so you just told her what you'd get and that were the Rántotta Menu. You'd get scrambled eggs with two toppings and coffee. "That sounds delicious. I think I'm gonna take that and... - wanna share some pancakes?" You looked up from the menu card, her green eyes were already on you patiently waiting for an answer. "Sure." You mumbled as you got lost in her eyes. They were so mesmerizing and calling out for you. "Has anybody ever told you that you have the most stunning eyes in the world?" The redness on her face didn't register in your mind, you were just too hypnotized by how her eyes looked at you. This whole situation was new for Natasha, she usually wasn't fazed by people looking at her but your gaze was something else, it was intense yet so soft and curious. "Well..I guess someone just did." She teased. "Good because that someone definitely wasn't lying. That someone is also sorry to stare at you for so long but they can't seem to get out of the trance those beautiful eyes put them in." 
"Well that someone has one of the most beautiful eyes too." She shot back in the most seducing tone you ever heard. But since you were bad at taking compliments you had to give one back. "My eyes are nothing compared to yours." 
"How would you know? You can't see yours unless - Y/N do you by any chance stare at yourself in the mirror?" She was teasing, you knew that but it still gave you a bit of a nervous-panic rush. "What? No!" Your eyes widened and suddenly you were thrown out of the trance. "I'm quite the opposite if you must know." Natasha lifted her eyebrow."Yeah? Tell me more about who you are." You smiled at the redhead and shook your head. "I'll tell you only after we order and eat the food. That's the main thing we came here for." Natasha simply took the opportunity to flirt more with you. "I definitely came for the pretty girl and not the food." Your body heated up everywhere. You didn't know how or why her words affected you so much. "Are you always such a smooth talker?" 
"Perhaps but honestly just wait until you hear my dirty talk honey." You gulped. "Teasing me like this right now is just plain rude!" Shortly afterwards, a waiter came and took your order, it didn't take long until your food was ready to be devoured. Natasha was in heaven with this food, almost moaned loudly. Praised you for the great spot to eat breakfast. After breakfast you walked back to the little park that was basically right in front of your apartment, you guys strolled through there, you itched to hold her hand again but did no such thing after yesterday. Instead you asked what she'd like to see of Budapest for the rest of her stay. Your favorite places were the first thing she said. She wouldn't mind tourist spots but wanted to avoid crowdish places  in case someone did recognize her. You understood from where she was coming from so you suggested museum's and doing a segway tour through the city. 
After just aimlessly walking through the streets for a while you both decided to go back to your apartment for a quick break from the heat that started to build outside. You offered her something to drink, she chose a coffee while you chose a chamomile herbal tea for yourself. For a while the two of you were simply sitting on the couch with your legs crossed, knees touching each others and the warm drinks of your choices in your hands. "I guess I can see now why you stayed in Budapest. It's beyond beautiful and the atmosphere here is very pleasant." You nodded. "Well there are many other beautiful cities in the world and I've been to a lot already but I guess only Budapest's beauty made itself a home in my heart." 
"That sounds lovely." Natasha said while a sudden longing build up in her to have the exact same feeling of home for a city as you had. She felt a hand on one of her legs, the warmth your radiated gave her a fuzzy feeling. Natasha wasn't used to physical touch and therefore kinda hated it, she forced herself not to shove you away since she had to admit that it felt nice to have you touching her. You saw the slight sad look in her eyes, you knew that longing of wanting to feel home too well. That's why you put your hand on her leg, it was your way of giving a bit of comfort. You were glad that she didn't push your hand away, in fact she even put hers over yours after a couple of minutes. It didn't dawn on you until that moment how touch starved you actually were. The warm feeling with the weight of her slender hand had you craving for more skin contact with her. You wanted to be as close as possible all the time. 
The quietness in the room was comfortable, yet you felt super awkward about it so you had the urge to turn on some music for it to play in the background quietly. "Let me put on some music. I have a great new ambience or instrumental playlist." With that you withdrew your hand from her hold, turned towards the coffee table to put down your mug and reach for the remote of your speaker. Quickly you turned it on while lowering the volume since you knew you had in on max the other day, before connecting it with your phone. After you started shuffling the playlist you turned all your attention back to the red head who was looking down at her hand that you abandoned. You tried your luck again. You gently laid your hand near hers, slowly inching forward, the second you touched her fingers and played with them you heard her let out a small sigh of relief. "Please tell me if this or anything else I do makes you uncomfortable." 
"This-this is.. nice?" She said it in more of a question then a statement. "It feels weird but at the same time good?" You realized that she must not have gotten a lot of physical affection as she grew up and that's why the feeling of any touch is foreign. "When was the last time someone hugged you?" You blurted out. Then being super shocked at your own boldness. "The last vivid memory was from last year with Yelena." You nodded, not sure if she even saw it since her attention still was on your joined fingers. "Would you be alright if I hugged you? Maybe even sitting on my lap while I hug you?" She hesitated but started to crawl on your lap nonetheless, her short legs were resting next to each side of your hips while her arms were hanging stiffly against her own body. You slowly put your arms around her, watching her expressions closely. When there was no sign of discomfort you pushed yourself closer to her and hugged her a tad tighter. Natasha stilled in your embrace, taking in the new feeling of being close and being touched so gently. The second she decided this ain't so bad, she hugged you back and relaxed her head into the crook of you neck. "I read somewhere that we need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance and astonishing 12 hugs a day for growth."
"That's insane." She mumbled into your body. You agreed with her. After a few minutes of hugging, you felt it was a long enough hug for her as a start so as you leaned back you were really surprised when she pulled you back in again. "You smell nice." Was all she said as explanation. "Thank you. I actually put on the most expensive perfume I own." She inhaled your scent one last time before she removed herself from you. 
"Your most expensive perfume you say.. and all that just for me? I feel honored." Her teasing made you smile. It all just felt so natural. "You absolutely should." There was a split of a moment where she froze before she looked super nervous. "I want to kiss you so badly right now." She confessed. "Can I kiss you?" You wanted to say 'yes' so badly but you didn't, instead you tried to tease her again. "I don't kiss on first dates." She huffed in hopes that you found her so cute that you change your mind but you didn't budge. "Then we call its quiets on the date. Problem solved." You started to giggle which made Natasha smile widely. She liked hearing you giggling and laughing. "I want it to be special." You looked down to your hands. 
"Oh so this isn't special right now?" Your head shot up fast, seeing her lifting up her eyebrow. "Would you rather it be in public where thousands of eyes can judge our first kiss?" Your eyes widen, the image of your first kiss being public made you very uneasy. You shook your head. "Maybe I make an exception and do kiss on a first date."
"Yeah?" - "Yeah" And with that you both leaned in slowly and kissed each other with such care. After the kiss the both of you had such genuinely smiles on your faces that you wished somebody would have taken a photo of that moment. "How's that for a first kiss on a date?" She teased you. "How about a second kiss right afterwards?" You shot back. She didn't hesitate for a second as she dived into your space for your lips and kissed you a bit more desperate this time. It felt as if she was chasing something, chasing the feeling of belonging and home.
"What have you done to me?" She said in a breathless whisper once she put a bit of space between the two of you. "How is this even possible? We're still strangers." You wanted to answer, reassure her that even though they were still strangers that whatever was between them was right but you couldn't. A loud ringing from a cell phone blared through the room, it interrupted the precious moment between you, basically ripping the both of you out of the bubble Natasha and you had created. Who's phone was it? Yours? No that couldn't have been, you always had your phone on silent since the tone of a single notification of an app irritated you. It was Natasha's phone and it was on the cupboard at the entrance next to your front door. Recognition flashed across Natasha's face, the only ringtone she had for her parents was the sound that was currently coming from she phone. "It's my parents." She told you as she slowly removed herself from your lap and went to get it. "Take the call. I'll be in the bedroom to give you some privacy." 
Natasha was grateful for that but she also didn't mind you being in the same room as she took the call. Alexei's and Melina's faces popped up as soon as she accepted the FaceTime call. "Natasha finally you answered! I was getting worried!" Natasha and her parents talked for a while. You didn't mind her taking the time to talk to them, it was cute but after some time you became thirsty and had to go out of your room to get a bottle of water. So when you quietly walked by her, you were surprised that her dad spotted you immediately. "Is that your girlfriend?" Alexei asked with a huge teasing smile while Natasha wondered where he got that ridiculous idea from. "What?" He repeated himself. "Your girlfriend? Yelena told us about her." Yelena and her big mouth would be the death of the older sibling. "I don't have a girlfriend! I've literally have gone on one date with her." She cleared everything up. "Okay, okay. Just don't forget to use protection!" You heard a slap and then a new voice. "They don't need protection they're women." She scolded the man. "Just test on std's and you should be totally fine."
You looked into Natasha's direction, her face was as fire red as her hair, which was even more of a darkish red than when you first met her. You found it cute too see her all embarrassed. For once in you life you were glad that you never had these moments with your parents. "Why are you guys giving me sex talk?? I'm old enough to know what I'm doing!" She shook her head in disbelief. Alexei answered that they couldn't do it with Yelena. "Just because she's asexual? C'mon we all know that asexuality is little to no sexual attraction, the whole sex thing can still happen." Natasha's embarrassment turned into slight annoyance. 
"That is true but the way she acts whenever we only being up the word sex is telling me enough. You however give off strong playboy vibes-" You tried so hard not to laugh but that ended up with something that sounded like a snort that then turned into a cackle. "Sorry." You whispered. "I'm only getting a bottle of water!"
"Listen I-" Her mom cut her off though. "Enjoy your vacation Natasha. Stay safe and allow yourself to be happy. We love you, bye." The Black Widow couldn't believe it, her own mother just hung up on her like this. And then the audacity to even emphasize the enjoyment she should have on her vacation.. she was just stunned.
You sat on the countertop in the kitchen where you had a great view on the couch where Natasha still sat with hot red cheeks. She seemed to be in deep thoughts too so you spoke up to get her out of that state. "Nice parents." You commented. The answer she gave you was unexpected since it was a question instead of a comeback. "Do I really give off playboy vibes?" She asked with shame. Suddenly she overthought a bunch of memories, especially the ones with past partners. Natasha knew the main reason her ex girlfriend broke up with her was because of her being too busy with her job but she can't help but wonder if the playboy vibes were an additional final straw for her ex to break up. 
"No, you are more intimidating and mysteries. A flirt too but still super respectful." You told her truthfully. "Nat look, the best advice I have is to not hang onto words parents say to your face. They always think they know you best but they don't." She sighed, not sure how to feel. You saw her struggle so you continued. "If you don't believe me then ask Yelena or your Avengers friends. They know you well enough too. And if we're being honest I once saw a viral video of Tony Stark.. now he's the definition of a playboy or rather a playboy. Believe me, you're nothing like him." And with that you went to her and hugged her for a split of a second. 
"Thank you." She said. You asked her if she wanted to watch a movie, which she quickly agreed to. One movie lead to two movies lead to three movies which lead to you both falling asleep on your couch. At some point in the middle of the night Natasha woke up by a sound from outside. She saw you still sleeping peacefully but thought you'd like it more in your own bed so she picked you up and put you to bed, then vanished out of your apartment. The next morning came with no evidence that Natasha was even ever there. 
Yelena was furious, the airline somehow lost her luggage, she didn't care about her clothes since they could be replace but your postcard was in her suitcase too. She was too proud and embarrassed to get in touch with you and tell you about the incident. Unfortunately the tiny blonde ex-assassin had no time to visit Natasha. She couldn't get in touch with anyone for weeks, she only hoped that Natasha took care of herself and went back home to their 'parents'.
Taglist: @dcrogoy , @arcturusseer , @comet-forgot-you , @arualdcg , @kksalexa , @imnatobsessed , @presser24 , @00alycia , @wannabe-fic-reader , @lonewalker17 , @mrsrushman , @ctrlamira , @red1culous
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Opportunity of a lifetime (Mission Impossible)
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plot: you being a thief crossing roads with Ethan Hunt and leaving an impression on him so he recruits you to IMF.
characters: Ethan Hunt x reader + Benji Dunn x reader + Luther x reader
a/n: first one shot to post. sorry if there are any mistakes point them out to me so I can fix them.
*gif doesn't belong to me*
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Growing up as an orphan was hard but you were tough. Since you’re an orphan you played and stayed outside most of the time and did pick up a skill or two. And you kept practicing picking locks and pockets, you were getting pretty good, the things any money you got from people were a great price.
Until one day you pick pocket the wrong person, it was just wrong person wrong time. Well, that’s what you thought but that man saw your potentials, so he took you under his wing trained and shaped you to be the perfect thief. And that training included incredible gymnastics skills, hand to hand combat due to excellent upper body strength and acrobatics. After that he sat you out in the world his thief, his legacy. You did so wonderful on your own and even gained a name for yourself in this game.
That tracks up to now: There you were in the middle of a job planning to retrieve an item for a buyer from Brij Nath’s private gallery and the party was your way in. You’ve done jobs like that a thousand of times, so it was an easy one; go in disable the system making it think it’s a glitch then replace the painting with a fake one and get out so easy so boring but the pay was worth it. What you didn’t plan was to get caught.
“Who’s that?” asked Benji using the comms.
“I don’t know but I intend to find out.” Ethan glance at you when you first entered the party. Didn’t really think much of you just a regular person but he was proved wrong when he saw you sneaking into one of the rooms that were off-limits. He got curious and followed you while still checking with Jane she can handle herself for now.
That lead to this moment Ethan had a tight grip on your arm staring at you with an intense gaze “Who are you?” he asked.
“You think I’m going tell you that?” you raised your eyebrow.
He sighed “I guess not.”
Before he could get another word out you managed to grab his wrist then turn your body to get his hand off you, delivering a strong kick to his ribs then went for a punch but he managed to block your punch. You tried to shake this man off you by fighting so you can make a run for it but he was good at fighting ‘Who is this guy?” until you saw your opening when you got to handcuff him to the door handler. He didn’t realize until he heard it and looked down to see the handcuff. He then looked at you with raised eyebrow “Seriously?” you just shrugged “It’s working just fine right now.” You turned around got the painting, made it to your exit at the widow then faced him again seeing how he’s trying to unlock to handcuff “Hope to never see you again” winking at him then jumped.
~~~~~~ skipping time to a couple of months after ~~~~~
Benji made an id after searching for too long with the help of Ethan then finally found out who you are, he was busy with other things not his fault though. There they were at Benji’s desk, Benji’s eyes glued to the screen Luther standing behind him leaning on his chair while Ethan was pacing the floor.
“Oh my!” Benji’s voice broke the silence, Ethan turns around to face the two of them reading everything they can find about you.
“Ethan are you sure you want this person to join the IMF? Because wow!” Benji spoke first.
“Let’s me see” Ethan went to stand next to Luther to get a look at the screen.
“Yep, that’s them” Ethan looked at the picture of you on the screen then read the files. You defiantly made a name for yourself. As a thief you stole all kind of things and it was impressive how good you are but never killed anyone not a killer.
“That’s a long list.” Spoke Luther after reading the files they have on you. “Looks like they really left an impression on you if you’re thinking of recruiting them.”
“But are you seriously still thinking about it?” Benji took his eyes off the screen to stare at Ethan.
“Yes Benji. I want them on this team.”
“And how are you supposed to get them to meet with you? And how are you going to trust them or then trusting us?” Benji was seriously questioning his friend decision on this. And he had all the rights to do that, you being on the team when you’ve been working solo for almost all your life is going to be hard and having people to trust you when you met in the most unconvincing  situation was completely something else. How are you going to have their backs in the future should you actually work with them on missions?
“And how are you planning to do that?” Luther straightens up and turn to get a better look at Ethan.
He smiled at him “Easy one of you is going to pretend to be a client that needs a job to be done.”
Benji rolled his eyes “Of course it’s that easy. Like they’re not going to check the background of the client.”
“So which one of us do you want to be the client?” Luther asked Ethan.
There you were checking your watch to meet with the new client. You did everything checking background, activities across everything. Even though you did shady business you don’t want to be caught dealing with shady people or being set up to take the fall for something that might or did happen. You were taught way better to fall for that. Your mentor wouldn’t forgive you for it. The client sat up the place for the meeting and to make sure you had access to all cameras close by to alarm you if you see a bogie on your tail. And just on time the client showed up as promised. You enter the tunnel knowing full well that if this thing goes south you got a way out.
“Good evening are you Y/n?” he asked.
You looked him over, a man with a nice navy Armani suit, tie and cuffs. Expensive cuffs always a good sign to good payout for when the job is done. Ginger hair slicked back with think black frame glasses.
“You got that right. What can I do for you mister Smith?” you showed him a smile to ease him. He looked a little nervous.
“Well I’ve contacted you for a job and apparently you’re the one to go to for that.” He nodded at you.
“I take full price before the job is done and an extra after especially if it coasted me trouble.” You told him.
“I bet you do.” He chuckled a little “But I’m not the one who wants to hire you.” He waved his hand.
With your confuse expression someone walked out of the shadow and stood next to mister Smith. He looked directly at you and you recognized him, it was that man the same man you left handcuffed in Nath’s party. You sensed someone walking behind you, turning your head you saw this big man standing in your way out of the tunnel. Turning your attention to the men standing before you.
“So you found me? Want me to congratulate you? Who are you anyway? And did you hire me to do a job or you wanted to arrest me?” You asked.
“Not really. I’m not here to arrest you.” He took small steps towards you with his hands raised “And I’m not a cop or a fed either. My name is Ethan Hunt and I want to offer you an opportunity of a lifetime.”
You raised your eyebrow at him ‘so he’s not a cop. What does he want anyway?’ you nodded at him “Well go on.”
“I read your files, consider me impressed and you are exactly what I need on my team.” He told you.
“You’re kidding right?”
The man behind you spoke “No he’s not.” You turned your head to look at him “He’s really impressed with you and what you do.” He smiled at you.
After listening to Ethan’s offer you took a moment to process what he’s saying to you. It was a lot to take it but you would be lying if that didn’t excited you. This opportunity was gold, so what if you’re doing it to save the world and you could die a horrible death and no one would know what you did. That wasn’t any different from what you are doing now beside you did think this what you were doing got boring with time. So you had no other choice but to accept.
“I accept.” You said it while looking at him “But I got to warn you I’m not very good at teamwork.”
“Don’t worry about that.” He smiled and offered his hand to shake yours. After you shook on it, he said “Welcome to the team.”
“I’m Luther.” He shook your hand after Ethan while smiling at you, so you smiled back.
The last one was mister Smith, he was hesitant but you shook his hand “Benji” he said.
“Why do you look sad dude? I’m joining the team.” You smiled at him while walking with him.
Ethan and Luther were walking in front of you two “He had second thoughts about you joining us.” They laughed.
You turned to Benji “Don’t worry I’m not going to rob you while you’re sleeping.”
He turned his head so fast to look at you “You’re thinking about doing that?” he said in a panicked voice.
But you just laughed.
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changingplumbob · 4 months
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 1
Time to get reacquainted...
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In the biggest house in Willow Creek live the next iteration of the Goth family. Alexander and James took in Alexander’s youngest brother Milton after Bella’s disappearance and Mortimer’s death. It was especially hard on Milton who was so young and devoted to his mum. Left with a lingering sense of unease Milton has been sleeping in the same room as Alexander and James. It was the best decision with the nightmares the boy had. While the family still wonder where Bella is Milton is slowly growing and developing his resilience.
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The happiest household members are cats Gertrude and her kitten Hamlet who spend their days wandering around the mansion and sporting whatever outfit cat loving James can get them into. James. He loves Alexander. And Alexander loves him. Sure he was first attracted to the older man’s money but he loves him now. So much so that he’s fighting his black widow aspiration and trying to enjoy the time he can have with James.
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It may be the middle of autumn but with indoor heating the household remains as toasty in the dining room as they were in their bedroom.
Milton: Yes, leftovers for breakfast
Alexander: I’ll make something proper later. Did you sleep okay
Milton: I guess
James: Any nightmares
Milton: No
Alexander: That’s wonderful news, come here
Milton gets up and Alexander sweeps him in to a hug.
Alexander: I love you little brother
Milton: I love you to
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Milton: And I love you Uncle James
(Yes James is technically his brother in law but Milton likes to call him Uncle)
James: *sniffles* I… I have something in my eye
Alexander: You big softie, you’ve always been a terrible liar
James: I think my ex-wife would disagree with you about that
Milton: How long were you married
James: *sighs* Far too long, luckily I ran into your brother
Alexander: Lucky for me
Milton: *pulls face* You’re not going to talk kissy stuff now are you
Alexander: Not at all *winks at James*
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Alexander: Milton, James and I have been talking and we’d like to give you more space
Milton: What do you mean
James: You best explain love
Alexander: Well, you are my brother, and you’ll always be my brother, but it’s important for married couples to have their own space
As soon as he's said it Alexander can see Milton has misunderstood as his face falls.
Milton: So… you need me to leave and go back to Dina?
James: Not at all! We love you here don’t we Gertrude
Gertrude: *purrs* more human servants is acceptable
Alexander: We would just like to give you somewhere you can make your own rather than you sleeping on that airbed. You’re staying here so we may as well move you in properly
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Alexander: We’re thinking we could move you into the suite of rooms that James and I shared before we got married. What do you think about that
Milton: *hesitantly* I don’t know
Alexander: You can think about a while if you like
Milton: I mean my own rooms would be cool but…
Alexander: I’m listening
Milton: It’s so posh there
Alexander: *laughs* Don’t worry, we can redecorate
Milton: We can?
James: Why have money if you don’t spend it
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Alexander: We’ll swing by the shops on the way out and it should be set up when we get back
Milton: Back from where
Alexander: I need to go see Dina. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to
Milton: No! I… It was our house, I don’t want to be afraid of it
Most of Milton's nightmares take place there but he hasn't told Alexander that.
Alexander: If you’re sure
Milton: Are you talking to her about money
Alexander: Not today. I’m hoping she’ll let me collect some of mum’s things
Milton: Mummy… I miss mummy
Alexander: Yeah. I miss her to
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It’s cloudy when they arrive at the place they both called home once. The house had been in the Goth family for generations. Now the only Goth blood inside were the toddler twins Dina conceived with Mortimer before his untimely death.
Milton: Do I need to talk to Dina and Nina? Or Mortimer and Eve
Alexander: No I can talk to Dina, Nina will probably be polishing the silver or something. Don’t worry about the toddlers, I imagine they’re swamped with expensive toys
They enter the hallway and Alexander goes to find Dina. Milton decides to check out his nursery. He’s pleased to see it hasn’t been torn to shreds yet, and the toys he called friends are still there, not ruined by his younger siblings. Maybe if Alexander didn’t get Dina too angry he could ask to take them home, they can’t be worth that much to her.
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Alexander: Hello Dina
Dina: What are you doing in my house
Alexander: Newsflash, you left the door unlocked. Not a great idea with toddlers around
Dina: *scoffs* don’t pretend that you suddenly care about my children, you’ve been ignoring them
Alexander: Actually Dina I’ve been busy with Milton and-
Dina: I know. Getting married to money and stealing my son away must take up so much daylight
Alexander: Milton is my mother’s son, not yours
Dina: Mortimer wanted me to look after him. The legal papers say so
Alexander: Then Dina, you should have looked after him! Instead you completely missed him running away for hours. What kept you from noticing? Counting the simoleons in the vault or was the latest reality show too captivating to turn off?
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Dina: You spiteful- Get the hell out of my house
Alexander: *sighs* I’m sorry, I got carried away
Dina: Entitled orphan brat, you’re no different than me, you went after a wealthy married man
Alexander: I love James
Dina: And I loved your father
Alexander: You knew him for how long? Mum wasn't even gone when you slept with him
Dina: That is not relevant! And for your information your parents had problems before I came along
Alexander: Look Dina, I know that. Believe it or not I didn’t come here just to argue
Dina: Doesn’t look that way to me
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Dina: You’re a jealous hypocrite
Alexander: Look, I’m not here for the money
Dina: Good, because it’s not yours anymore
Alexander: I’m here for Milton. He’s been having trouble adjusting to the loss still so I wanted to get mum’s journals
Dina: Her what
Alexander: Her journals. She kept them since she was young. I think it will help him be closer to her to read them
Dina: I haven’t seen them
Alexander: You don't need to. They’re in the bookshelf upstairs. Just give me five minutes to grab them
Dina: Fine. You may as well take his ratty toys while you’re at it
Even though it curls his stomach, Alexander manages a thank you to the blonde before heading to collect the journals. He's doing it for Milton, he's doing it for Milton.
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Previous (Pancakes) ... Next
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
I got one! What about jack and bo find out their s/o is secretly a highly trained assassin/vigilante that kills crimals and other bad people at night to keep innocent people safe and often sneaks out to go patroling at night until they get caught sneaking out. (kind of like stain from my hero academia but they're not insane or kill heros)
𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖐𝖊𝖕𝖙 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐
Note: Trigger warning: mentions blood and death on Bo's part. Also! Woah! Two fics in one day?! I'm on a roll!
Fandom(s): SWWSDJ, and DachaBo
Character(s): Sunny Day Jack, and Bo
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You had always dreamed of being a hero. Someone everyone could look up to, and ask fro help. However when you got older that was all down the drain. You saw how corrupt everything was. It didn't matter if you did bad or good, it just mattered how much money you were willing to throw around. You weren't going to stand for it. It went against all your morals. So instead you took matters into your own hands. At night you would hunt for those who slipped the hands of justice. While getting ready you always made yourself swear that you would only target those who deserve it. It was almost like a prayer at this point. 
Since you lived alone it wasn't hard to just get ready, and leave. However things are different now. Now you have a partner, and because of his circumstances he lived with you. You loved having him there during the day. You got all the love and cuddles you could ask for! But when it came to getting ready for the hunt at night it became harder. You had to wait till he was asleep to get ready and sneak out. The more you got away with the  more confident you became, which led to your downfall.
Sunny Day Jack 
This wasn’t the first time he woke up in the middle of the night to with you gone. At first he thought you were simply in the bathroom, but after an hour of waiting you never came back. He began to worry. He heard of the vigilante running around ending the lives of people and heroes alike. What if for whatever reason you were a target?! He began frantically looking all over the house for you or worse….a body. 
After not finding anything Jack paced the living room trying to come up with places you could be. When passing the widow however he saw you jumping from the neighboring roof to the apartment building roof. Now Jack was really confused. He never said anything till the second time it happened. This time however he was waiting in the living room till you walked through the door 
“J-jack! What are you doing up?”
Jack looked at you, his eyes cold and calculating. “I could ask you the same thing, sunshine…where have you been?”
You knew you were caught, and had to finally come clean. You really didn't want him involved in what you did, but you also didn't want to lose him. You sighed putting your things down. “Okay Jack I’ll tell you.” You sat down and began telling him your story. 
He was silent throughout the whole story. When you finished he was silent for a bit longer before he took a deep breath “Why didn't you tell me sunshine? What if you were caught or worse killed? I would have never known….”
“I didn't want to get you involved. I wanted to protect you from it, I guess.”   
With a sigh Jack stood up and made his way to you. He sat beside you and took both of your hands “Sunshine, I'm more capable than you think, and I would do anything for you…Let me help you.”   
After he heard the shut of the door he was immediately up. Why did you leave and not tell him? Were you going out with someone? Was it a friend? A family member? ….someone else? Bo wasted no time getting dressed and following you out the door. 
He followed your scent all the way to another house. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck tingle. Why were you at someone else's home?! The closer Bo got the stronger the smell of blood filled the air. When he got to the source he was surprised. Peeking into the window he watched as you stood tall over the body of a man. Your blade dripping with his blood. Wordlessly you wiped the blade before turning to the window only to spot him “Bo?! What are you doing here?!” your voice was barely above a whisper but he could hear almost clear as day.
“I could ask you for the same puppy.” He isn't mad anymore. Curious more than anything. Why did you kill him? Did he do something to you? Why didn't you just tell him? 
You sighed walking over to the window “let's go home, and i'll tell you everything.” 
And that was what the two of you did. Bo had plenty of questions along the way, but you didn't mind. You want to be as clear as him as you could.
“So then can I come hunting with you?” 
You blink owlishly at him “....What?”
You saw his tail behind him begin to wag wildly “I can help you! And they would never suspect anyone has claws like me! It works out perfectly!”
You were shocked to say the least. You never thought Bo would ask to join you on the hunt, but in a way it makes sense. It must be his animal instincts.”We can go for a trial run tomorrow night….how is that?”
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madhattersez · 2 years
I finally got my hands on something I've been looking for (for a reasonable price) since I was just a lowly little level 12 hornball - A "Marvel Swimsuit Special!"
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This is the second issue in the series (though the third book of its kind), and it was released in 1993 when... times were different.
The coolest thing about them (other than the totally radical '90s hunkeroos and baberinos in general) is the amount of really talented artists that submitted pieces - So many industry-leading folks putting their spin on the self-aware, low-brow, tongue-in-cheek project.
This first image was by Joe Jusko, a super popular cover artist at the time. I remember his Conan covers the most.
I'll eventually scan the whole thing in high quality, but for now, I'll take some preview pics to show you some of my favorite and/or goofiest pages:
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Here is Domino, looking like we might need to race her to a Dermatology appointment. She's apparently tacky enough to wear a swimsuit with a domino print on it.
And check out Cable in the back - Sun's out, cyberbun out! He's ready to catch some waves on a totally-worth-the-money-and-production-time rocket-powered machine gun surfboard.
I really appreciate this artist's commitment to all the "Liefeld pouches" here. I hope they're waterproof, or all those Tic Tacs inside 'em are gonna get ruined. :(
Penciling by Chris Batista, ink by Hector Collazo, coloring by Mark McNaab.
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Let's kick off the "after the jump" part properly with this glorious image of Pip. Because this is certainly what people bought this book for.
It just so happens that this fuzzy little asshole narrates the entire issue, so he's to blame for the inherently sexist captions on all the pictures.
Jesus Christ, he's got two big toes on each foot.
Pencilking by Darick Robertson, ink by Andrew Pepoy, coloring by Tom Smith.
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I love me some Cloak and Dagger.
Tandy looks as gorgeous as ever. Surely she owns stock in boobie tape by now.
Tyrone, however, is getting so much sand stuck to him right now... I don't think he digs being used as a beach blanket. I'm... not even sure he's ever had to wash his cloak before today! Yikes. He's all like:
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Penciling by Joe Madureira, ink by Terry Austin, and coloring by Gregory Wright.
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I can't stop laughing at how much Thunderstrike looks exactly like the Genetic Freak, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner in this picture:
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The work is entirely by Lou Harrison. It may not surprise you to learn he's also a Fantasy artist.
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I've always had a thing for Silver Sable, and this page is just fantastic.
That being said, my favorite part is Sandman sitting there, looking like a dope, shaped like a sand castle. Which, while it seems silly, was probably the most challenging and detailed thing I've ever seen him do with his powers. Worth it for the shot, I suppose!
Line work and ink by Steven Butler, a favorite of mine. He did penciling for the "Silver Sable and the Wild Pack" series (which got me attached), but he's also known for designing the Scarlet Spider suit. Coloring by Gregory Wright.
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If you thought I wasn't going to Morb out on this post, you were undead wrong.
Just look at that ridiculous batpackage. Also... Is he really serving a cape over a leather jacket, but with absolutely no pants? Damn, dude.
Penciling by Gary Barker, ink by Jimmy Palmiotti, coloring by Tom Smith.
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I can spot Adam Hughes' work a mile away, wow. I guess I didn't realize he was doing work for Marvel this far back.
A fierce-as-ever, short-haired Natasha who looks like she got slammed so hard against a rocky wall that it cracked, got up, emptied out the rest of her clip, and still had enough time and energy to pose during a reload.
Black Widow, bay-bayyy. ♫
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Oh my god, Ghost Rider is just so naughty. Wearing nothing but his birthday bones.
This scene just looks like it smells awful.
Artwork by Tristan Shane.
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Shulkie in a metal bikini (function over fashion?), bursting out of the lava from an active volcano. You wanna talk "hot tub?" Sure, this gets a feature.
Penciling and ink by cover artist Steve Geiger, coloring by Paul... Mounts.
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Deezamn, Bishop. Never seen guy looking so buff before.
Instead of just Bishop, this looks like Hank McCoy and Bishop had a child together. Does he have any other mode than "arm vein p-pop?"
Penciling by Dwayne Turner, ink by Mark Farmer, coloring by Gregory Wright.
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Ah, one of the more famous '90s Psylocke images that wasn't done by Jim Lee.
This centerfold was used in lots of comic store ads for several years after this issue came out. I remember seeing posters in the shops themselves. Trading cards of this picture are one of the most costly to collect.
It's beautiful, and the colors/lighting/shading are all fantastic.
Penciling and ink by the wonderful Art Thibert, creator of the Raft max security prison and inker of some of the most iconic X-title covers.
Coloring by Paul Mounts, who did the coloring in hundreds and hundreds of just Marvel comics alone - I didn't mention that earlier because I was snickering at his name earlier in the She-Hulk feature. My bad.
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Well, this wouldn't be Tumblr without a cat picture, yeah? Or a catgirl picture, I suppose.
This is the most adorable scene in the book. Just Tigra innocently taking a cuddle nap with some... um... wow, I don't know what the fuck those things are. Snuggle up anyway!
Penciling and ink by Amanda Conner, coloring by Gregory Wright.
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Huh. Of all the characters in this book, I really didn't expect to see Dr. Cooper... Either which way, the swimsuit under the detective get-up is pretty choice, honestly.
This is, of course, another Adam Hughes line art joint. Ink by Mark Farmer, coloring by Gregory Wright (who did a lot of these, huh?).
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What's this? A parody ad that you'd more expect to see in an issue of "What The--?!" that only '80s kids will understand? Yup, totally.
This was in the back of the book and doesn't fit the theme at all, but it gets a mention because of the weird inclusion and also to stall time until I had the final image ready, because I needed time to prepare...
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This is the one.
How could I not end this little "show and tell" without this beauty right here?
Here, we have remorseless killer Frank Castle flexing his best end-of-catwalk pose in front of a... wrestling match between a bunch of lady demon dinosaurs battling... for his affection? To tip him American cash? Or maybe all those hearts come from their love of beating each other up? I'm not here to judge.
And then there's a sign for 75 cent hotdogs, but it's been covered with another sign for... $20 tooth brushes? What in the shit is going on here?
There is one thing I do know, though. The artist wants you to think that The Punisher has at least $2.75 worth of hotdog under that massive crotch skull.
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gunthermunch · 2 years
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[Transcript under the cut]
Mila sighs Marcus: Mila? Hey Mila: Marcus. Marcus: what are you thinking? Mila: did you know Carmen? Marcus: Villareal? Barely, she scared me. I mean- she was adorable, don’t get me wrong. But uh- she came from big money Mila: true, that’s scary enough. Mila: When she died, I tried getting closer to Jacques. Mila: Attempts at including him in clubs or any other kind of social activities failed. He only ever attented those classy gatherings hosted by Mortimer Goth. I also happened to be invited, since Mortimer and Ernest were friends. Mila: So i accepted, because i wanted to be around Jacques. I thought he could need some kind of moral support, and we were both widows after all. Mila: my father warned me about him, ‘’Jacques is like a sly, old fox. And you, sunshine, you’re a chicken’’ at first I just laughed it off but, after some years I understood. Mila: we got close, he was fun to drink with. I took his kids under my wing for a while, they looked grey and lifeless like they’ve been stripped from human care for months. Mila: it reminded me of my own after Ernest left and I had forgotten I was a mother too and not only a wife. Mila: My Gunther gave me a hand too, with the kids. I mainly took care of both Max and Lucas, they were so little. Mila: I felt for Carmen, so much. I still do. Marcus: what made you realize Jacques wasn’t worth the shot? Mila: well, multiple things. The way he treated Hugo, the pressure he put on Luna, and his inability to acknowledge Max. But what made me stay away from him was… Mila: ugh. he kept talking about Carmen as if she was alive, Marcus. It was driving me insane Mila: and I got so scared just thinking about those poor children, would he drive them insane too? Then I clashed into it, that was also Carmen’s fear. Marcus: so you think the rumors are true. Mila: all the mob stuff? It’s plausible. Mila: but I’m sure he killed her. Marcus: jesus mila that's dark Mila: I just hope his kids are turning out okay.
(Ian) ?: good evening, Mila! Mila: hello… Mr. McMillan, right? Ian: oh, haha! no, that’d be my husband right here, I'm Ian! Derek: hello Marcus: hey there Ian: we were just passing by, wondered if we could finally meet Otto’s little Lucas and maybe have a talk Mila: sorry but he won’t be around anytime soon Derek: why so? Mila: I told him he should just worry about school for now Ian: I see… will he ever move in though? That’s all Otto talked about on his last days Marcus: we aren’t sure Ian: well, that’s what we wanted to talk about. You see, we are childless, and we wouldn’t mind keeping an eye peeled for no other than him Mila: hm… Derek: we were Otto’s closest friends ever since he arrived on Henford, Ms. Munch. Ian: just consider it, Lucas won’t be alone. Mila: alright. Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind Ian: it was a pleasure! Marcus: …well, they seemed nice. Mila: and they’re right, my dad really liked those two. Mila: sigh I guess it could be just the two of us by july, Marcus. Mila: …. we should travel somewhere. Marcus: chuckles sure, why not
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cattimeswithjellie · 10 months
Wild Secret Life Guessing
NameMC Spoilers ahead!
All right then! As is tradition, as we get towards the end of a Life Series season, it is time for me to start making predictions about future episodes, mainly so I can look back later and either laugh at myself or feel smug and omniscient. Maybe a bit of both. Last session was absolutely wild and it's clear the Secret Keepers are driving towards the finish, so here's what I think is going to happen in Session 8 and possibly beyond!
There is a better-than-even chance that Session 8 is the last session for Secret Life. Under no circumstances will the game go longer than Session 9. CCs want Christmas off too, after all.
There will be no yellows left by the end of Session 8. The reds will take out all the yellows to secure as many hearts as possible, then turn on one another.
Scar permadies in Session 8. We know he turns red in the session and has an absolute banger of a skin for it. Chaos Scar has been aching to emerge for weeks, and he is finally allowed fully out of his cocoon. Scar will not pay attention to the idea of red tasks directing red violence, he will make his own fun and self-destruct gloriously.
Scar will manage to kill at least once in Session 8.
One of the previous winners will sacrifice themselves in an effort at kingmaking. Nobody really wants to win twice, but they all have their favorites. My money right now is on Scott to let somebody take him down to red for the ten hearts.
Mounders alliance is over in Session 8, and all the members join other groups or go unaligned. Joel and Bdubs will probably hook up with Martyn and become Big Dogs. Pearl might try and join the Cherry Blossoms or even the Big Dogs as well (not being literally red has never stopped her before), or she might go off on her own. Mumbo will remain deceased.
Heart Foundation alliance is over in Session 8. BigB will desert the team and retreat into his base with his excellent new Red skin. Tango and Skizz might stick together, but both of them will be gone by the end of the session.
Cherry Blossom Alliance does not formally dissolve but is functionally over in Session 8. Gem and Impulse both betrayed the alliance last session and Scott and Cleo reinvoked the Widows Alliance, which they have clearly been wanting to do all season. NameMC says all of the Cherries are red by the end of the session and I just don't see a lot of trust remaining there.
Roomies Alliance survives during Session 8. Etho got zombified in Session 7 and still managed to not betray the team, cementing their bond of trust. They are also all still yellow at the start of the session, which means they are all a target. They'll still all get picked off, but not, I think, by one another.
There is a slight possibility that Pearl and Gem do some kind of Thelma and Louise thing involving the camel, but that's based on interpretations of Pearl's Twitter emojis and I don't stand by it.
And the big one: Assuming Session 8 is not the final session, who lives, who dies, who goes on to a Session 9 showdown? Here's my list of Session 8 permadeaths, in decreasing order of likelihood.
And my prediction for eventual winner? It's hard to say even now, there are a lot of contenders, but I'm going to say Etho. He's positioned very well at the start of Session 8 for a win, he's got good allies and he's yellow with a lot of hearts left. Plus it would be really dramatic if we get to see whether Bdubs is literally ready to die for him, and you know how I feel about the Drama!
Watch this space, I'll be back next week to analyze how things went and how smart I am. And feel free to use comments or reblogs to tell me how very right or incredibly wrong I am, or to add predictions of your own!
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dreamsandscenes · 11 months
“Tommy only married Grace because she got pregnant”. (Let’s just ignore that they were together for about 2 years before they actually got married, I guess) But if he didn’t want to marry her/be with her, he could’ve very easily told her to go back to her American husband.
It wasn’t like she was alone and going to struggle and be shamed by society for having a baby out of wedlock as a single woman. He wasn’t leaving her to fend for herself with a child on the streets. She didn’t need him to take care of her; she was already married, so she would’ve been fine. If he didn’t want to be with her, Grace could’ve simply told her husband the baby was his and then gone back to America with him to live life as a wealthy housewife. It actually would’ve been easier for everybody if this had happened. It certainly would’ve been safer for Grace.
Tommy and Grace choosing to be together was the hardest option for them. Grace getting a divorce was challenging at that time in history. It seems that Clive may have refused to divorce too, since it took 2 years for Tommy and Grace to actually get married and even then, Grace is only allowed to because by that time, Clive is dead and she is a widow.
Leaving Clive would’ve meant Grace lost pretty much everything - her house in New York, any money she had, most likely all of her possessions were stuck in New York too, and I can’t imagine a lot of her family/friends would’ve wanted to associate with her due to her getting a divorce and living with another man. Choosing to end her marriage, and be with Tommy, probably left the rest of her life in shambles.
Tommy and Grace living together out of wedlock, with Grace being married to someone else, would’ve also been hard for them to deal with at the time, due to the societal standards. A lot of people would’ve looked down on both of them, and shunned them for that. It just wasn’t accepted.
Not to mention, Tommy’s family hated Grace. I can’t imagine that would be a fun experience for either of them to deal with. The Shelby’s are not the type to be polite and keep their mouths shut.
There were so many reasons for Tommy and Grace to choose not to be together and get married. I love them both, but I can take my shipper goggles off and recognise that it wasn’t the smartest decision for them to decide to be together. But they did. They CHOSE to do that, no matter how hard it would be, because they wanted to be together. Why would either of them choose to go through all that if they didn’t love each other? If they didn’t truly want that, they simply wouldn’t have done it. Tommy would’ve have just let her go back to America. The pregnancy didn’t force them to be together
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mermaidsirennikita · 13 days
What are your favorite Scottish historicals?
I recently did a recommendation list on Instagram!
However! To get more detailed...
My favorite Scottish romance novels as a collective are probably the first four Mackenzie books in Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzies & McBrides series (listed in order of publication, would recommend reading in order, they're all bangers):
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. This one is famous for featuring an autistic hero (ahead of its time) who ends up basically asking the heroine, a widow who's recently come into some money, to have an affair with him after he warns her off of marrying a tool. It's supposed to be this purely physical thing, but it gets deeper (... as does he ...) while also introducing his somewhat insane family.
Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage. The artistic brother decides to win his wife (who's been estranged from him for three years) back. It's a great example of a marriage in trouble book, where there are several reasons they broke up but most of them lead back to him just not being ready to be a good partner for her. And he has to prove that he's learned!!!
The Many Sins of Lord Cameron. The single dad brother sets out to solve a Mystery with this widow he had a near-thing with years ago, and they end up starting an affair, but his emotional wounds from his first marriage haunt the relationship.
The Duke's Perfect Wife. An all time favorite of mine, the asshole oldest brother mega alpha everyone hates ends up running into his ex-fiancee again... after which he's like "I am remarrying and it's gonna be her" (he got married briefly after they broke up, it's part of his tragic backstory)... and also she's a girl reporter and approaches him like "Oh hey, an anonymous person is sending me nude photos of you and it could ruin your political career :D". A FABULOUS second chance romance with two leads in their thirties (harder to find in a historical than you'd think), tons of passion, and the zaniness I want from this series. Jennifer Ashley excels at making you believe her couples are perfect for each other, and this one is the best in that realm to me.
I've read the subsequent books in the series, up to book #8, and I'd also recommend Rules for a Proper Governess (a stern lawyer takes on a street urchin who's recently started stalking him as his governess because she's the only one who can wrangle his two kids, and workplace harassment ensues) and The Stolen Mackenzie Bride (throws back to the ancestral generation, takes place during the Jacobite Rebellion, love at first sight between the rakish youngest Mackenzie brother and an Englishwoman engaged to another man, very star-crossed).
I also love Monica McCarty's Highland Guard series, which is a medieval Scottish series about Robert the Bruce assembling a group of dudes with Special Skills. Favorites include:
The Chief. The stern leader of the group ends up being tricked into marrying a woman he didn't want to marry for political purposes, is emotionally withholding but sloooowly falling in love. Also he has two kids from his first marriage that we NEVER SEE, which I found hilarious.
The Hawk. The rakish seafaring pirate-y one picks an Irish noblewoman out of the water and is like "Welp, I guess we have this random girl now". She's uptight, he's wild and incapable of committing, he bangs her on a raft in the middle of a storm to soothe her lmao
The Ranger. The one with insane sixth sense powers ends up undercover behind enemy lines (the enemy also being the man who killed his father) and ends up falling for said enemy's daughter
The Viper. The grouchy one with Woman Trauma ends up on a journey with a woman he has Mad Beef with, hate turns to love...
The Recruit. The New Guy sleeps with the woman he was supposed to marry, but he didn't know it was her and he basically said he'd keep sleeping with her after he married, and she went "you shall not cheat on me with me" and dipped. A few months later, they run into each other again. He realizes she's pregnant, he won't have any kid of his be a bastard, he forces her to marry him lmao
When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare is obviously a classic that everyone should read, includes accidentally making up a fiance who is real and being forced to handfast with him. Also romantic lobsters.
Maya Banks writes really good medieval Scottish books. I've only read a couple so, but I really loved Never Seduce a Scot, which has an arranged marriage situation between two people from rival houses... But the hero doesn't realize the heroine is deaf, which makes him worried about taking advantage of her. She's determined to make it clear that he is NOT.
Elisa Braden's Midnight in Scotland series is really fun if you want a pure romp! I also loved When a Girl Loves an Earl, which is about a zany heroine tricking the big Scottish hero into marrying her lmao. And he's covered up his Scottish accent after years of being Englishified (it's an issue the book touches upon nicely, I think) so she doesn't even realize he's Scottish until he's taking her TO SCOTLAND.
But yeah, otherwise definitely check out that post!
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ben-the-hyena · 29 days
I'm a bit confused. I know about Osamu Tezuka's Star System, consisting in reusing his characters from different stories for other stories as different roles as if they were actors, think a bit of Muppet adaptations. They could be interpreted as AUs. But is it the case of this one example ?
In a volume of Black Jack, another manga by Osamu Tezuka, Dr Tenma looks older (ormaybedoesntdyehishairandbeardfullyanymore), is more unhinged, is trying to get into politics and he doesn't seem to be a doctor of robotics but he is a doctor in medecine, even owning a hospital. And more importantly : he has NO son, but a total different child, a daughter named Kasumi (or maybe he had 2 children and she is the youngest hence why he looks older ?)
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He also acts more unhinged I fucking love his expressions lol and no matter the comic he is a father in, bastard always makes his kids feel neglected because he is a workaholic
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She mentions no mother, meaning he is a widow in that continuity too. But he mentions a granny, meaning that unlike Tobio who seemed to have no grandparents, either Hoshie's or Umataro's mother is around (ngl at first I thought he was maybe the grandfather hence why he looks older than usual but then he does call her his daughter later so no)
And not only Kasumi looks kind of a human version of Uran, at some point he does a mistake and accidentally calls her Uran before correcting himself. Does this mean in this universe there was something going on between Kasumi and Uran like between Tobio and Atom, or is it just because shebis meant to be played by Uran like an actress with the Star System and it was just meant to earn a chuckle from the reader ?
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She doesn't die fortunately, but she almost does in darker circumstances. She is so sad by him becoming greedier, angrier and more corrupted and ready to be gone on long trips poor little girl attempts at her own life, and goes into a coma. But fortunately Black Jack saves her, and we saw that Tenma does really care for her since by being seen with Black Jack he ruins his reputation and any chance at winning but he no longer cares, she is more important. And it's a nice change to finally see him have a child who lives and him being relieved and deciding to look on life a different way
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So yeah either Tenma and Uran are actors as himself and as Kasumi respectfully, or better yet : HC that in the Black Jack universe, which is like an AU to the usual Astro Boy universe (and vice Versa since Black and Pinoko both often appear in Astro Boy media ; I guess both franchises are AUs of each other), robotics doesn't seem to be as developped so Tenma turned to medecine instead and being intelligent became as good at it as he would be in robotics in another world, climbed the scale quickly to the point of having a reputation anf money, still married Hoshie and had Tobio, Tobio never died since no toy car since no robotics, so Tenma being happier longer, he and Hoshie some time when Tobio was older like a teenager they had a 2nd child Kasumi, Hoshie fortunately died of her heart attack since I guess her heart is fragile in every universe and Tobio would soon leave home to study so Tenma found himself with his newborn daughter but he was so deep in his career and work (maybe to make sure nobody dies like Hoshi did again) he didn't have as much time as before all while maybe increasing his work cadence to cheat his widower grief, and nowadays Kasumi is the same age Tobio would have been when he died in the Astro Boy continuity whereas he is alive and a young adult here and Tenma grew older and got a love for power and money the deeper he got in and Kasumi got lonelier and lonelier with her father and brother away and her mother she always hears about but never knew and can't help but wonder if time was better for the family before she was born which, of course, neither of them think so and they adore her
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poppetsisters · 1 month
I'm gonna challenge myself: I have to say ONE good thing about every MCU thing since Endgame:
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Mysterio's Mocap costume is one of the most genius, galaxy brained adaptations of his comic book costume I've ever seen.
Wandavision: Incredible miniseries with the coolest formatting mechanic. Genuinely the best MCU thing to come out of phase 4, and still the best MCU TV show of them all.
Falcon and the Winter Soldier: US Agent's characterization (before the finale) was incredibly well realized as a critique of American foreign policy and American exceptionalism
Loki S1: The design of the TVA is one of the strongest aesthetics in the MCU.
Black Widow: Haven't seen it, but Florence Pugh is a great actor and I'm glad she's the new Black Widow.
What If...? S1: Some of the episode concepts are interesting.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: Retconning the Mandarin to be Tony Leung Chiu-wai while keeping Ironman 3's message of "not assuming all foreign people are terrorists" was a good move. They get to have their cake and eat it too.
Eternals: Any time they're talking about philosophy is my favourite part of the movie.
Hawkeye: Didn't watch it, but I like the Kingpin.
Spider-Man: No Way Home: The suit worn in the final swing is my favourite live action Spider-Man costume.
Moon Knight: I liked the episode that was a specific reference to Jeff Lemire's run on the character.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Elizabeth Olsen slays as a villain, also the entire section where Strange astral projects into his zombified body is genuinely one of my top 10 MCU moments.
Ms Marvel: Very colourful and stylish show with a perfectly cast Kamala Khan.
Thor: Love and Thunder: I liked it when Thor wore the classic costume when he was doing that running montage.
I Am Groot: Didn't watch it, but looks cute.
She-Hulk: The gag where we saw an 80s TV Movie version of She-Hulk got a chuckle out of me.
Werewolf By Night: Getting jumpscared by the Marvel Studios intro was incredible. The whole presentation was visually and audibly fantastic. they should let Michael Giacchino cook more.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: The entire adaptation of Namor and Atlantis becoming a Mesoamerican culture genuinely makes it way more interesting than its comics counterpart.
Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special: I can't believe they let James Gunn do this. Very fun special with Mantis being the clear highlight.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania: I like that this movie didn't make a whole lot of money at the Box Office.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: I could say several good things about this movie but I'll say that Chukwudi Iwuji's performance as The High Evolutionary is one of the best MCU performances. He should've been Kang.
Secret Invasion: Didn't watch it, but I remember Fury had a decent speech about the civil rights movement I guess.
Loki S2: I still think about the scene in the record store a lot.
The Marvels: This film is just a very fun time and handled its three leads well. It finally made me like Captain Marvel as a character.
What If...? S2: Kahhori is a cool character and should be in future movies.
Echo: Didn't watch it, but Alaqua Cox deserves the world.
Deadpool and Wolverine: The bit where Handsome Deadpool said "The Proposal" and Default Deadpool got personally offended made me laugh.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
The Third Widow || Red Room 
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff X Fem! Belova! Reader.
Summary: Y/n Belova is the younger biological sister of Yelena Belova and the adoptive sister of Natasha Romanoff. Saved from Red Room by Melina & Alexei she now must adjust to a new normal. Going to school, recovering, and finding love in the eyes of another troubled teen, Wanda Maximoff. All while General Dreykov has his eyes set on claiming back what he calls his most powerful ‘widow’.
Angst | Dark Themes | 4.2K | Lots of Mentions of Death | Suggested Murder | 
Notes: Flashbacks are bold, italic and start with ‘~’ | Written in second person. | 
Translations: Мэри (Mary)
AC: 8-year time jump, I’m sorry!!! But it helps make the story add up with the black widow movie timeline x I’ve made a couple of changes in the BW script, whoops
The Third Widow Masterlist
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"Where did you think I was all this time?" Yelena now, 26 years old asked Natasha. 
"I thought that you got out and were living a normal life" 
"And you just never made contact again?"
"Honestly, I thought you didn't wanna see me."
Yelena scoffed, "Bullshit. You just didn't want your baby sister to tag along, whilst you saved the world with the cool kids" she says. Natasha dried her hands on the given towel at the gas station before walking by her, "you weren't really my sister" she mumbles. "And the Avengers aren't really your family" Yelena turned to follow the red head. 
"They're more of a family than Melina and Alexie" Natasha gives the cashier money for the supplies on the counter leaving Yelena behind in silence. 
Later the two sat at a table while Natasha stitched up Yelena's wound, "did you ever see her?" She asked the blonde. Yelena shook her head, "not physically, but I heard about her" Yelena looked away as Natasha wrapped the bandage around her arm, "He hides her" she added. 
"From you maybe, I can't believe you went back there…the last I heard was Red Room had moved location again and a few widows escaped…I thought you were one of them"
"And leave Y/n there?" Yelena frowned as Natasha took the seat across from her, "you might not feel like we're family but she's mine…that's why I need your help" 
"My help?" Natasha tilted her head slightly. 
"That gas, the counteragent, it was synthesized in secret by an older widow from Melina's generation. I was on the mission to retrieve it, and she exposed me, and I killed the widow that freed me" Yelena explained with a saddened look. 
"Did you have a choice?"
"What you experienced was psychological conditioning. I'm talking about chemically altering brain functions. They're two completely different things. You're fully conscious, but you don't know which part is you. I'm still not sure…I'm not even sure how bad things are for Y/n. He keeps her close to him, away from the rest of us" Yelena sipped her drink.
"Is that all there is left?" Natasha asked with an almost sigh. 
"Mmm-hmm. It's the only thing that can stop Dreykov and his network of widows"
Natasha reached for her drink, "Can you be sure she's still with him?" She asked. 
"He took her from me twice now. I've tried to keep track of things, but he hasn't been sending her on bigger missions like he did. He's trained her differently than us, maybe one in 20 survives the training, becomes a widow. The rest, he kills. To him, we are just things. Weapons with no face that he can just throw away. Because there is always more. And no one's even looking for him" 
"We tried, Yelena. When you took off and didn't tell us, we knew where you were going. We looked for you, we looked for Red Room and we found nothing. We don't even know how you ended up back there"
"I..I don't even remember…I forgot why I was even there in the first place until I was freed again" Yelena's eyes dropped to the table between them leaving them both in silence that neither wanted. "Where you gonna go?" Natasha asked breaking the silence. 
"I don't know. I don't really have anywhere to go back to, so I guess anywhere" Yelena read the label on the bottle of her drink, unsure how where she'd truly go after this. 
"Don't what?" Yelena questioned as she looked back up at Natasha. She chucked at Natasha's sly smirk, "You're going to give me some big hero speech, I can feel it" she adds. "Speeches aren't really my thing" Natasha smiled softly, "Huh?" Yelena replied with a confused look.
"It was more like an invitation" Nat explains. "To go to the Red Room and kill Dreykov?"
"Even though the Red Room is impossible to find and Dreykov is too slippery to kill?"
"That sounds like a shitload of work" Yelena slightly cocked a brow. "Yup" Natasha sighs, "Could be fun, though" she adds with a soft smile. 
Meanwhile, Wanda who is now 25 going on 26, has found comfort in being a part of the Avengers and being cozy with Vision, though not a day as gone by where she doesn't think of you and remember the innocent smile on your face and the first time, she kissed you. She still smokes and chuckles almost every time to herself at the memory of you telling her how terrible her trait is. 
When she was first asked to join the Avengers, she looked at Natasha who could barely look at her and acted as if she didn't know who Wanda was, the guilt in Nat's eyes made Wanda join the Avengers. She wasn't surprised to know the Avengers were most of her teachers from school, "that was the worse cover up" she chuckled to Tony when she first joined, "What was that all for huh? So, you could pick us out like candy?" she mumbled. 
She hated how Natasha never spoke about you or even mentioned you to her, even when she tried to ask about you and Yelena, she would brush it off and ignore her. So Wanda did her own thing, her own searching. She came across a book she'd been told before was dangerous, but she didn't seem to care too much and thought about what you'd say if you caught her going against the rules like she did. 
Vision was a good distraction for her, in many ways he reminded her of you and how you were learning to adjust to the new world. It broke her to look at him and not see you, every time she looked at him, she wished so much that it was you and she knew that wasn't far on Vision, but he'd never know… she never told him about you. Vision was able to help her see somewhat of a future together and sometimes she wondered what she'd do if you walked through the door, would she leave him for you? Even if nothing romantic were to happen but just so you knew that you had all her attention, or would she stay with vision and just be a friend you could count on.  
Kate was rightfully mad at Yelena for leaving without even as much as a goodbye. The person she loved so deeply in secret, the one she never told her feelings too just gone without a word broke her just as much as losing you broke her. She took her hurt out on her archery, winning contest after contest but none of that meant nothing to her when she couldn't show Yelena. 
She kept in contact with Wanda and often would spend nights staying up talking to her about things she wished to talk to Yelena about. Kate could hear how much Wanda missed you, whenever your name was brought up in conversation, she wanted to change the topic. It was like you were dead and there was no place for anybody to grief and slowly you became a topic that was just too much for Wanda to listen too.  
You needed no time to adjust to the environment that Red Room was. Dreykov sent you on many missions with his daughter, Antonia, even if you were solely there just to make sure she came back alive, neither of you spoke to each other and oddly enough you liked it that way. Your days there spent training no matter how much you already knew, you weren't to miss a day of training if you weren't on missions doing Dreykov's dirty work. 
The other widows feared you and how much you were treated like Dreykov's shiny toy. He used you to set the new standards for Red Room. New widows would be injected with the same sternum you were injected with. You were the new standard, they all had to try and match your skill, your style, everything. Dreykov made becoming a widow a lot harder than it was. Yelena showed clear signs of being able to pass the training, which was perfect for Dreykov's real mission for you, that was until she was freed of course. 
"Kill her. Don't bother bringing her back here" Dreykov spoke as he looked up from his screen towards you. "Yes, sir" you replied as you always did before your eyes dropped to the fellow Widow, you'd only seen in passing, "Is Antonia coming?" You questioned. Dreykov shook his head, "No. This is your mission. This is what have I prepared you for, you will go alone. You will report to me every morning until the mission is complete" he adds in a stern voice, "start with the house address on the second page, if Belova is going anywhere, it'll be there" He shoos you to leave his office, something he did far too many times. 
Sometimes when you saw other widows talking among themselves you couldn't help but feel alone in a world where everywhere you looked was somebody just like you. At night you couldn't stop yourself from looking at the scars and wounds you'd collected from each mission, running your finger over them wondering if it was all worth it. All the killing, the guns, the damage it causes to the people and buildings. Was everything Dreykov made you do really for the best like he says? All these thoughts only to be reminded by the lack of freedom that you would never truly understand your place in the world. You are a weapon, you needed to remember that. 
By morning you found yourself watching the house addressed in the mission file from miles away with binoculars glued to your face watching every move on the property. A woman with dark hair in a braid seemed to be doing some sort of testing on some pigs from what you could see, already assuming that was the famous Melina Vostokoff. Something about the area felt familiar, the house, the trees around you, the smell of the fresh air. You found yourself looking more at Melina with less care for the mission and trying to read her like she was trying to tell you something but maybe that was because you knew little about her from her file or maybe you were too focused on the mission and wanted to know everything there was. 
For hours you sat and watched as she did work around her yard, as the minutes ticked on the place only got more familiar to you, but you still couldn't put a finger on it as to why. Your attention on Melina was broken by the sounds of conversation coming from the hill beside you, with your binoculars you could see a larger man, a little overweight with a big beard and slightly long hair. He was covered in tattoos, his white tank top doing nothing to hide them. Beside him were two young women, one with bright red hair, she wore a white suit while the other women had dirty blonde hair, a baggy white suit with a green vest. You looked down at the mission file to confirm the target was in fact, Yelena Belova. 
You watched the three walk down the hill only to be greeted by Melina holding a rifle, your enhanced earing allowed you to listen to the unexpected greeting before the four traveled into the house. From the window, you could see they all sat at a table pouring drinks. The conversations between them made you take mental notes for when you had to report back to Dreykov. 
"So, here's what's gonna happen" the redhead spoke, you could tell her voice from Yelena's. "Natasha don't slouch" Melina spoke, her Russian accent was thick, "I'm not slouching!" The woman you assumed was Natasha Romanoff argued. 
"Yes, yes, you are!"
"I don't slouch!" Natasha spat.
"You're going to get a back hunch"
"Listen to your mother" a deeper voice spoke; you noted that voice down as Alexei Shostakov. Natasha signed "Oh, my God, this…" 
"Up, up!" Melina prompts as you watch through the binoculars, smiling softly to yourself at the scene you watched from afar. Such an unusual family you thought as you continued to take mental notes and watch the family of four down glasses of what you assumed was vodka. 
For a moment you lost yourself watching the family argue like other families did. "You're gonna tell us the location of the Red Room" Natasha demanded, shifting your attention back to the mission with a slight frown as you listened and watched even more. 
"You can't defeat a man who commands the very will of others. You never saw the culmination of what we started in America, nor did you" Melina explained before you heard saw her pick up her device she was holding before, "What are you doing?" Natasha asked after Melina explained a few more things.
"Oh, I am explaining that the science is now so exact, the subject can be instructed to stop breathing and has no choice but to obey" she goes on.
After moments Melina explained more about the science behind Red Room and how they were able to do the things they do, to you, it meant nothing but knowing you were different to the other widows. Melina didn't mention anything about the things that they injected you with or why, all you knew was that you had to tell Dreykov they were coming for him. 
You could hear the jets before you could see them as they surrounded the house with bright spotlights, guards you knew raided the house while you watched from a far unsure what to do when you saw them take your target, Yelena along with Natasha and Alexei into the jet. 
"Let's not keep him waiting" you heard Melina speak. 
You returned to Red Room a few short hours later when you didn't get any commands from Dreykov. Walking by the training widows to your room, you wondered where your target was and why Dreykov sent you on a goose chase. 
"Sir, What was that all ab-"you you paused after welcoming yourself to his office, seeing the red head, Natasha and Dreykov both looking over at you. "You're here. Good" Dreykov muttered but your attention was stuck on Natasha who sat with a frown. "Y-Y/n?" she questioned softly. 
"Oh, that's useless, she doesn't remember you or anybody else" Dreykov inserted himself. 
"What? You brainwashed her?" Natasha spat as she looked at him. "It doesn't matter" he muttered as he walked over to her, "she's better than you, faster, tougher, smarter!" he adds while circling her, "she does everything I say, when I say it. She has no intentions of leaving" he says to her before he looks back at you, "get out, you're not needed now!" He commands and just like he mentioned, you did so without a peep and walked back to your room.
"I know what you and Belova have been doing and let me assure you that it won't work on Y/n" Dreykov chuckled slightly while looking at Natasha. "What have you done to her?" Natasha demanded causing Dreykov to pull out the file he had on you. Everything you have ever done for him on file, everything he's ever done to you, burnt. 
"I gave her a real home" he replied placing the file in front of Natasha. "The Avengers, they kept looking for her. That was you, yes?" he adds. Natasha flicked through your file, some of the details she'd already known. You'd been on the Avengers radar for some time now, they just weren't able to track you back to Red Room. "For years you have been looking for her and now you have Belova looking too? She belongs to me, I raised her" Dreykov rambles as Natasha closes your file. "She belongs with her family!" Natasha looked up at the older man. He chuckled once again, "She has no family, not even Belova. She has no ties to her. Not anymore!"
He circled Natasha once more before leaning against his desk in front of her, "do you know what her next mission is?" He asked. Natasha's jaw clenched as she kept strong eye contact with, "she's going to kill Belova for me, clean up the mess." 
Natasha couldn't help but laugh in the man's face, "kill Yelena? Really?" she chuckles. "Don't laugh at me! At first, I wanted her to kill you for betraying your family but now?" Dreykov moves behind his desk, "do you know what I could do with an Avenger under my control?" he mutters moving his pinkie finger ring across the touch pad. Natasha looked behind her at the large screen with a map and mug shot like photos of thousands of girls, "I gave them all a home, a purpose! I took them off the street and gave them a life!" Dreykov says. 
"You took away their freedom! Their choices! You can't honestly sit there and think you'd a god" Natasha shook her head with a chuckle.
"Is this your plan huh?"
"My plan is to kill you" Natasha stood from her seat, Dreykov cocked a brow, "Well, I'm alive so what are we doing to do now huh?" 
"You don't feel anything, do you?" Natasha frowned, "did you feel anything when I killed your daughter?"
Dreykov laughed as he looked over to Antonia who stood patiently in the background, "Really?" He gestured for Antonia to step forward, "thank you Natasha for giving me one of my greatest weapons" 
You knew it would go against Dreykov's orders, but you couldn't help being drawn back to Melina's property, with your target in medical you assumed Dreykov would handle her and with Natasha in his office something didn't feel right. Slipping away without the guards noticing you was easy, especially when Dreykov was already busy with Yelena and Natasha. You traveled back to Melina's property knowing nobody was home, the sense of familiarity washed over you again. 
Slowly you stepped into the house, a familiar smell greeted you as you stood in the kitchen, you'd been here before you told yourself, but nothing was coming to mind as you walked through to the living room and slowly up the stairs to the second floor. You were drawn to the first room on the right as it was the only room with a closed door. Touching the handle and turning it slowly brought you even more of a familiar sense to the building but again, nothing came to mind as to why. 
The room smelt of dust as you switched the light on to see the bed made perfectly, a bookcase full of different books covered in dust leaving a trail from your finger as you ran over it. The desk looks as though this was a teenager's room, a laptop sat perfectly centered in the middle with a black leather book sat beside it. You frowned when you picked up the book, running your index finger over the red impressed name of yours before opening it. 
"There is 365 pages in this book, drawing something for me every day, or don't. But I hope you do – Wanda"  
Read on the first page, "Wanda" you whispered to yourself before flipping to the next page. 
"Happy birthday, Мэри x" 
Read the following page. The words stared back at you as you tried to work out who Mary was and why your name was on a book you'd never seen before and who was Wanda? You flipped to the next page as you sat down on the edge of the perfectly made bed with an even more confused look. A sketched drawing of 7 people sitting around a squared table with a birth cake in front of a young girl, at the bottom of the page wrote "first birthday!!" The longer you looked at the drawing the more you noticed who was in the photo, Yelena, Natasha, Melina, Alexei and two others you weren't sure of but there you were as a young girl with a big smile on her face with a banner above you that said "Happy Birthday" 
Melina's voice soon clouded your mind with what you overheard earlier in the day, "The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled, Dreykov has chemically subjugated agents planted around the globe" 
"Not me!" You mumbled to yourself as you threw the book to the side in frustration, "not me!" You spoke again. Your eyes caught a photo in a frame sitting on the desk, two small girls looking the happiest they've ever looked. You walked over to the photo and picked it up slowly, "Yelena" you whispered as you came to more realization. "Dreykov wanted me to kill Yelena because of this?" You asked yourself hoping that saying the words out loud would make more sense to the situation. Needing to take a moment as your breathing picked up and you felt overwhelmed you dropped the photo and stormed out of the room, leaving the light on. You needed answers and the only person who knew them was Dreykov. 
"Where's Y/n?" Natasha asked as Yelena helped reline her shoulder. "I don't know, I couldn't find her. We have to find Dreykov" Yelena replied, "I'll be right behind you" Natasha spoke giving Yelena the nod to go ahead.
Yelena rushed out as the building started to crumble, making sure to search each room in looks for you knowing that Dreykov was already on his way out of the building. Each room only left her with more worry and fear as there was no sign of you anywhere, she only hoped that Melina and Alexei had found you or that you were fortunately, for once, on a mission. Natasha collected all the data she needed for Melina and Yelena to help save the other widows as quickly as she could, even doing more digging in Dreykov's files for your name. To her surprise she found a lot more than she thought she would. 
You arrived at the usual place where Red Room was hidden only to find it crumbling, falling from the sky. Jets of Widows landed safely as you stood in anger waiting for any sign of Dreykov. 
"Y/n, you got out!" One of the Widows came up to you with a worried look, your jaw clenched at the sound of her voice as you looked at her, "Where's Dreykov?! Did you make sure he was safe?!" you asked in a demanding tone, the widow whose name you didn't know looked into your eyes with fear, "T-they didn't spray you with the gas?" she asked. 
"Gas?!" You frowned, "Where is Dreykov?!" You added. 
"W-we don't know…he's been controlling us. They told us we were free…" she tried to explain, "Shut up! Where the hell is he?! You guys a fucking useless!" You spat as you pushed by her. "Wait!" The Widow stopped you by lightly holding your arm, "You don't belong to him anymore, just wait, we'll help you" she said. 
"I don't need your damn help!" You gripped her wrist and forced her to let you go. A loud explosive was heard from above, all of you looked up to see what it was. "That better not be him!" You turned to the Widow. 
"Please, let them explain" 
"Melina, she knows everything!" 
"We can't trust them!" You shook your head leaving the group of widows behind and began searching the rubble for any signs of Dreykov or Antonia as more pieces of the place you called home fell from the sky. Among the rubble were the bodies of guards that didn't make it to the ground safely but still no sign of Dreykov. With more and more pieces falling you decided to wait where it was safe, further away from the scene and hope to see him land in one of the jets so you could handle him yourself. 
Why was there a photo of Yelena with a toddle that looked a little like you? Why was there a sketch book with a drawing of a first birthday which you only start to feel like was your own, but these people were strangers to you. You only know them from what you've been told, and nothing was ever mentioned about you having any connection to them and if you did, you didn't remember it. 
You realized the chances of Dreykov making it out alive were getting thinner by the second, you watched in the shadows as Natasha found Antonia before throwing a red dust into her face and the fight coming to a stop. 
"Is he gone?" Antonia asked out of breath. 
"He's gone" Natasha confirmed your fear. You watched her walk away after a few moments and called for Yelena. Now you'll never have the answers to your questions and without a home, what would you do? Where would you go? 
Natasha found Yelena and you felt relief when you saw her movements from afar. Your heart only broke as you watched the two reconnect and hearing Natasha apologize in Russian. They were a family, a real family. You couldn't bear to watch anymore and it wasn't worth inserting yourself for a fight, quietly you disappeared into the woods leaving behind the only place you knew was safe. You were alone, confused and hurt, all these emotions you had Dreykov told you were worthless now it felt like the only thing that mattered. 
You are alone, with nowhere to go.
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