#and his whole body starts to tremble because he’s crying again
inkykeiji · 22 hours
kissing his teeth one by one, dragging my tongue along their edges in one slow, single lave, murmuring into his frozen tears that i love him, so much
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maxtermind · 6 months
absolutely loved ‘baby, would i still be your lover’, everyone single one got me in my feels! i was wondering would you consider doing a part 2? whether it ends in angst or fluff
I'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye
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★ : summary :: when he accidentally insults you during an argument- aftermath ★ : feat :: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris ★ : genre :: hurt/comfort, hints of angst ★ : word count :: 4.3k ★ : a/n :: thank you so much for the love on part 1 💓 some of these have open ending so you can pick whether you'd like to forgive them or not as a reader!! feedback is appreciated :)
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( part 1 )
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Max Verstappen
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You sighed as you sat down to have your morning tea as usual, trying to pretend that nothing was wrong. As if you hadn't spent all night long getting your phone spammed with calls that you were ignoring.
After mindlessly roaming around for a bit, you eventually decided to crash at your best friend’s place. You lazily waved at her as she frantically got ready to leave for work. However, you were on your tiptoe as soon as the door opened.
A body that was possibly sleeping while leaning against the door fell inside and you heard curses that you were quite too familiar with. Your heart clenched at the sight of your boyfriend - or perhaps now, your ex-boyfriend - on his knees, nursing the wound on his head. The ache of seeing him in pain reignited the anguish you thought you had left behind.
“Okay,” you heard your friend murmur. “I'm gonna let you guys get to it.” She was out the door a second later.
You looked at the closed door instead of the man who was desperately trying to make eye contact with you.
“How long have you…” You trailed off before deciding that you didn't want to know.
“As soon as you turned your phone off, Y/N! I've been here since last night.” "Why?" you choked out, the words barely escaping your lips as tears threatened to overflow. His brows furrowed before he ran his hands over his face and got up to sit right next to you. You saw his hand itching toward yours and instinctively pulled it towards your body. "Because I needed to see you in person, to talk." He took another deep breath and you later realized that he was trying to stop himself from crying. “I realize I messed up, baby. I.. I never should have let you walk out.” But his attempt to mend the shattered pieces of your relationship only served to reopen the wounds, your walls instinctively rising in defense,"Talk? You think a talk is going to fix everything?" Max's eyes were filled with a mix of regret and desperation as he reached out for your hand, his fingers trembling slightly. "No, I don't think a talk will magically fix everything," he admitted, his voice raw with emotion.
"But it's a start. I need you to know that I'm truly sorry for what happened. I hate myself for hurting you, for making you doubt how much you mean to me."
You couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze, the pain of the previous night still too fresh in your mind.
“How can I trust you again, Max? How can I be sure that this won't happen again?" Your voice was barely a whisper, filled with the ache of betrayal.
Max's grip on your hand tightened, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I know I've messed up, Y/N. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn back your trust. I'll work on my temper, I’ll be better to you, I'll do anything you ask of me. I just need you to give me another chance." “You know you’ve always been the best to me, right? I just can’t believe that instead of talking it out yesterday, you straight up skipped to breaking up wit-” Fresh tears started falling down your cheeks. Max immediately leaned forward to hold you in his arms and you let him because you needed him. But how could you trust him again? How could you be sure that history wouldn't repeat itself? That he won’t throw away your whole relationship just because the anger got a hold of him? As Max held you close, you felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over you. Part of you wanted to push him away, to scream and shout at him for causing you so much pain. But another part of you craved his warmth, his touch, his presence.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Max whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I know I messed up, and I hate myself for it. I never meant to hurt you, I swear."
You buried your face in his chest, the tears soaking through his shirt as you struggled to make sense of your feelings.
“I just don't know if I can do this anymore, Max," you admitted, your voice muffled against him. Max tightened his embrace, his arms wrapping around you protectively. "I understand," he murmured, his voice gentle. His admission eased your thumping heart a bit, you were glad to have him back. The storm within you finding a momentary calm.
"I made you feel like our relationship was disposable, like breaking up was no big deal. But that couldn't be further from the truth. You're the most important person in my life, baby and the thought of losing you terrifies me. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us, to show you just how much you mean to me. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust if you still want me."
Lewis Hamilton
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The weight of Lewis's words hung heavy in the air, suffocating you as you retreated into the sanctuary of your bedroom. Tears streamed down your cheeks unchecked, your heart aching with a pain you couldn't quite comprehend. How had a day that started with such a promise turned into this? You buried your face in your hands, the sting of Lewis's words feeling like acid running through your veins.
Outside the door, the silence was deafening, broken only by the muffled sound of your sobs. Lewis stood frozen in place, his mind racing as he replayed the exchange in his head.
He couldn't believe the words that had escaped his lips, couldn't fathom how he had allowed his frustration to morph into such hurtful remarks.
Minutes stretched into eternity as Lewis grappled with the weight of his actions, the gravity of his words settling like a lead weight in his chest.
He wanted to reach out to you, to apologize and make things right, but his feet remained rooted to the spot, paralyzed by the magnitude of his mistake.
Inside the bedroom, you were consumed by a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Anger, hurt, betrayal - they all swirled together into an ugly monster, threatening to engulf you whole.
How could the man you loved, the man who had always been your rock, turn on you with such venom?
But beneath the anger and hurt, there was a flicker of doubt, a gnawing fear that maybe Lewis's words held a grain of truth. Maybe you were too insecure, too needy, too demanding. Maybe you were asking for too much, expecting him to be there for you when he had his own priorities and responsibilities. Maybe-
The sound of a soft knock on the door snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to see Lewis standing there, his expression wrought with regret and guilt. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of the unspoken apology hanging heavy in the air. Looking at him distraught made your chest feel worse. How could he make you feel ten fold worse than this and not feel a thing? 
"I'm sorry," Lewis finally whispered, his voice barely audible. "I didn't mean what I said. I was out of line, and I know I hurt you. Please, let me make it right." He rushed through the words.
His words pierced through the haze of your pain, and you felt a bit of heaviness leaving your body. He crossed the room in a few strides, dropping to his knees in front of you, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. 
"I don't know what came over me," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion before your boyfriend took your hand away from your face and kissed your cheeks. "I was so caught up in my own frustrations that I lashed out at you, and I hate myself for it. You don't deserve to be treated that way, especially not by me."
You studied his face, searching for any sign of insincerity, but all you saw was genuine remorse and regret. And despite the pain still raw in your chest, you couldn't deny the love you felt for him, the longing to mend what had been broken between you. “You hurt me,” you whispered but didn’t push him away as he laid down with you, holding you close to his chest. Some of your resolve wavering when you felt his fast heartbeat. “I wanted you there so much.” He nodded as he shushed you, his own eyes dropping tears. “I’m so so sorry, baby. I can't even begin to express how deeply I regret the way I acted the whole day, I know you deserve so much more but-” You shifted slightly, knowing all that you wanted right now was comfort, you didn't want to forgive him or minimize the weight of his actions. "I don't know if I can right now," you replied, your voice trembling with the weight of your emotions.
Lewis's eyes brimmed with tears as he whispered, "Please don't shut me out. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
You felt a pang of guilt at the pain evident in his voice. "I just need some time to process everything," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I understand," Lewis replied, his tone filled with sorrow. "But please know that I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."
You nodded, silently acknowledging his words as you allowed yourself to be enveloped in his comforting embrace. 
"I promise to make it up to you," Lewis vowed earnestly, his voice laced with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust."
"I want to believe you," you admitted quietly, your heart heavy with uncertainty. Everything was a little too raw right now and your emotions were all over the place.
"I'll spend every moment proving it to you," Lewis declared, his eyes locking with yours in a silent vow.
“I was thoughtless and cruel today, and I never should have let those words leave my lips. You are not insecure, you are strong and resilient, baby. You deserve so much better than the hurtful words I spoke. Please know that I can’t lose you, Y/N. I will work tirelessly to regain your trust and rebuild what I have so carelessly shattered. You mean the world to me, and I will spend every moment striving to be worthy of your love.”
Carlos Sainz
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As you sat nervously in your childhood home, the familiar sights and sounds providing little comfort, your mind raced with thoughts of disappointment and hurt.
For the third time, Carlos had failed to join you in meeting your parents, leaving you to face their questioning looks and unspoken concerns alone. You had rehearsed what you would say to them, how you would explain his absence, but each time, the words caught in your throat, choked by a mixture of frustration and sadness. For the past few days since you walked out of your apartment, you had been ignoring Carlos’ attempts to reconcile with you. The calls and texts he spammed you with were ignored and curses left your mouth as soon as your mind went back to the day of the argument, bringing unwanted tears to your eyes.
In the passing, you saw a Ferrari conference being conducted and as much as you wanted to reach out and talk it out with him, your heart did flips that you were sure you should have visited a doctor for.
Your parents, ever perceptive, noticed your unease as you fidgeted with the napkin in your lap, casting worried glances in your direction. You tried to muster a reassuring smile, but it faltered, betraying the turmoil within you.
How could you explain to them that the man you loved couldn't find the time to meet them, despite his promises and assurances? "What's wrong, sweetie?" your mom asked, concern evident in her voice.
You sighed, hesitating for a moment before replying, "It's Carlos... He like…"
Your dad's brow furrowed. "Is everything okay?"
You tried to muster a reassuring smile. "Yeah, he said that he got caught up with work. You know how busy he is with his racing and all..." Your dad’s brows furrowed when you trailed off, about to ask you what exactly you meant but just as you were steeling yourself to broach the subject, the doorbell rang, startling you from your thoughts.
Your heart sank as you realized it was likely a neighbor stopping by to meet you since you don’t visit that often, you stood up to go greet them. But then, to your disbelief, you heard his voice drifting through the door, before you saw your boyfriend standing right behind it. Your head titled in confusion and you drew a breath that took most of the stress from the previous days away from your body.
"Sorry I'm late," he said, his tone apologetic yet determined. Carlos took your hand and kissed it lightly,"Traffic was a nightmare." “What about the conference that you-” “You’re the most important person in my life, Y/N.” He cut you off before pulling you in and walking to the dining room that was in his vision. As if that was the answer to your question.
You turned to face him, your eyes wide with surprise and a flicker of hope. There he was, looking slightly disheveled but undeniably earnest, his gaze that locked on yours was as if it was seeking forgiveness. You could see the sincerity in his eyes, the regret etched in the lines of his face.
Your parents exchanged a glance, their expressions softening as they took in the sight of Carlos standing before them. 
Despite their reservations about his repeated absences, they couldn't deny the genuine affection that Carlos held in his eyes when he looked at you.
Before you could find the words to respond, Carlos took a step forward, his hand reaching out tentatively. "I'm really sorry, both of you," he said, addressing your parents directly.
"I know how important this is to you, and I should have made more of an effort to be here on time."
His words hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of his shortcomings and a pledge to do better. You felt a surge of emotion welling up inside you, a mixture of relief, gratitude, and a glimmer of renewed faith in your relationship. "Well, we're just glad you could make it," your dad said, offering Carlos a handshake.
"Thank you for coming, Carlos," your mother said, her voice warm yet cautious. "We understand that life gets busy, but it's important to make time for the people who matter most."
Carlos nodded, his expression earnest as he met her gaze. "I couldn't agree more. Family means putting in effort, I promise to make it up to all of you."
As you sat down to dinner, the atmosphere was tinged with a sense of reconciliation and hope. Your hand still intertwined with his as you saw him charm your family. Despite the rocky start, Carlos's presence brought a newfound sense of unity and understanding to the table. And as you shared stories and laughter, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to mend what had seemed irreparably broken.
In that moment, you realized that love wasn't just about grand gestures or sweeping declarations—it was about the everyday moments of connection and compromise, the willingness to forgive and grow together.
And as you looked at Carlos, his eyes filled with determination and affection, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, hand in hand.
Charles Leclerc
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Charles had apologized right after he had said those words and though you had both fallen back into routine, the underlying bitterness and resentment was still present. You weren’t the one initiating any kind of affection from your side and every time Charles was initiating anything, you half assed your way out of it. Was it childish? Probably. But you were still not comfortable with how easily you had forgiven Charles, burying your hurt just to avoid conflict once again despite knowing deep down that he has hurt you probably more than anyone else ever has. These thoughts were running through your head as you sat beside Charles, your heart still heavy with the weight, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Especially because Charles seemed distant, his mind preoccupied with thoughts, that you couldn't help but wonder what exactly they were. Why had he even asked to go on a date today? To break up with you? Suddenly, Pippa appeared, her presence causing the knot to form in your stomach to get tighter. She approached with a confident stride, a charming smile gracing her lips as she greeted Charles with a hug.
"Hey, Charlie!" Pippa exclaimed, her eyes flickering briefly in your direction before returning to Charles. "Long time no see!"
Charles returned her hug, though his embrace seemed somewhat forced. "Hey, Pippa. Yeah, it's been a while." 
You observed their interaction closely, your unease growing with each passing moment. Pippa's presence always seemed to unsettle you, and you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their friendship than met the eye. Was he gonna break up with you in public and confess his years long feelings for Pippa? Charles glanced at you, his expression softening as he reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. "I was just out with Y/N today."
You couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth at his actions, his affectionate gesture soothing some of the tension that had been building between you.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N," Pippa said, offering you a friendly smile. "Sorry I didn’t see you next to Charlie."
You returned her smile, though it didn't quite reach your eyes and managed to reply without gagging. "Nice to meet you, Pippa." Charles tightened his grip on your hand, silently reassuring you of his presence and support. "We were just grabbing a coffee," he explained, his gaze flickering between you and Pippa. "Care to join us?"
Pippa hesitated for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly as she glanced at you before turning back to Charles. "Actually, I was hoping we could catch up alone, if that's okay."
You felt a pang of anxiety at her words, a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of your stomach. Despite your reservations, you nodded, forcing a smile as you released Charles's hand. It was better to walk away yourself than to have Charles dismiss you.
"Of course," you said, though your voice sounded strained even to your own ears. "I'll wait for you outside."
Charles shot you an alarmed look as you stood up,”I’ll see you in a few.” Charles’ hand lingered on yours for a moment longer before you reluctantly let go and made your way to the door.
You leaned against your car and enjoyed the wind for a second. You couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of the exchange between your boyfriend and his best friend sitting inside.
You were half scared to find them kissing or something but, instead a sense of confusion washed over you as you watched the way Pippa was angrily point a finger at Charles and scream at him.
It was a second later when she stormed out before making her way towards you.
"Is he doing this because of you?!" Pippa's accusatory tone sent a shiver down your spine, her words hitting too close to home.
Before you could even process what was happening, Charles emerged from the cafe, his expression determined as he approached you and Pippa.
"Go home, Pippa," he said firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument as he intertwined his hand with yours.
Pippa's eyes blazed with anger, her fists clenched at her sides as she glared at Charles. "You will regret this, Charles!" she spat before storming off, leaving you both standing there in stunned silence.
Once Pippa was out of sight, you turned to Charles, your heart pounding in your chest. "What was that all about?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly.
Charles sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at you with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry you had to witness that, Y/N. Pippa has been... difficult lately."
You frowned, your mind reeling with confusion and frustration. "Difficult how?"
Charles hesitated for a moment, his gaze searching yours as if trying to find the right words. "She's been pushing boundaries, trying to come between us. But I won't let her." 
"Hey," he continued, taking your hand in his. "I told Pippa that I wouldn't be spending time with her alone anymore. If she can't accept you, then it's better for us to not be friends at all."
You blinked in surprise, a rush of gratitude flooding through you at his words. "Really?"
Charles nodded, squeezing your hand gently. "Really. You're the most important person in my life, and I won't let anyone come between us."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. "Thank you, Charles. I appreciate you standing up for us."
He smiled softly, squeezing your hand reassuringly. "I'll always stand up for us, Y/N. You mean everything to me."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you threw your arms around him, holding him close. Despite the lingering bitterness and resentment, you couldn't deny the overwhelming love you felt for him in that moment.
Lando Norris
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As you stepped out of the taxi, the cool night air enveloped you, offering a moment of respite from the whirlwind of emotions that had engulfed you throughout the evening.
Your heart still felt heavy with the weight of Lando's hurtful words, but beneath the pain, a numbness resided- knowing deep down that you might’ve just broken up with your boyfriend.
Before you could take another step, you heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, you saw Lando rushing towards you, his eyes filled with remorse and his expression wrought with sorrow. Your hand instinctively went to your chest, trying to calm the rapid beating of your heart.
"Y/N, please wait," he called out, his voice pleading as he reached your side, breathless from his haste.
You pulled your face to meet his eyes, uncertainty and wariness etched into your features as you met his gaze. Part of you yearned to turn away, to shield yourself from the pain of his words, but another part couldn't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, he was sincere in his apology.
"Lando," you said softly, your voice tinged with a mixture of hurt and apprehension. You wanted to say more but the damn ball in your throat stopped you doing so.
He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours as he searched for the right words to express the depth of his regret. "I know I messed up, Y/N. I hurt you, and I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for that."
His words washed over you like a soothing balm, offering a sliver of comfort. But still, you couldn't bring yourself to let go of the hurt that lingered in your heart.
"I should have been there for you tonight, supporting you and showing you how much you mean to me," Lando continued, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "Instead, I let my own selfishness and insecurities get in the way, and for that, I am truly sorry."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to him, the sincerity in his voice echoing the ache in your own heart. You were sure you’ll regret letting go of this amazing relationship without at least attempting to work on it.
Despite the pain he had caused you, you couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance to rebuild what had been broken.
"I don't expect you to forgive me right away, Y/N," Lando said softly, his hands shaking and showcasing the intensity of his vulnerability.
"I know I have a lot of work to do to earn back your trust and your love. But please, just give me a chance to make things right. I promise to do whatever it takes to show you how much you mean to me, every single day for the rest of my life."
His words hung in the air, heavy with sincerity and remorse, leaving you torn between the desire to hold onto the pain of the past and the hope for a brighter future. As you gazed into his eyes, searching for any hint of insincerity or deceit, all you found was raw honesty and unwavering devotion.
With a heavy heart and a flicker of hope, you reached out to take his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you just yet, Lando," you whispered, your voice trembling with uncertainty.
Lando takes a step closer, gently cupping your face in his hands. "I'll spend every moment proving I'm worthy of your love, Y/N. Let me show you how much you mean to me, starting from this moment. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust, even if it means giving you the space you need. Just know that I'm here for you, whenever you're ready."
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( writing masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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elllisaaa · 2 months
Hi, can I ask for a big dick Jay smut story wherein everytime the reader complains the more he dig it inside of her in her tight hole? Thanks! Also, I'm your new follower. I love reading your stories tbh 😊 keep writing!
BIG DICK!JAY who knows that he's massive and always takes his sweet time helping you stretch out enough so that it doesn't hurt when he finally pushes his dick inside of you.
but today, jay is mad. mad at you because you just had to tease him and send him some revealing pictures of you even as you knew perfectly well that he was working all day. and even if he was a gentleman and the sweetest boyfriend ever, sometimes he just had to put you back in your place, to remind you of who was in control.
"stop squirming around now, or i'm gonna be even more pissed off. and you don't want that sweetheart, do you ?" you shake your head no, really trying to avoid moving, but each time jay pushes more of his length inside of you, it feels both painful and not enough. he hadn’t prepared you at all before burying the tip of his cock inside of you, and the stretch hurt as much as you love it. "j-jay ! please…" - "oh, darling, look at you. you don't even know what you're begging for."
and he is right. you don’t even know if you want him to stop or to just push his whole cock inside of you. but you feel so close to the edge already. and jay can feel the way your tight walls are clenching hard around him. he coos at you when your whole body starts to tremble under him. "you're so pathetic. teasing me and then not being able to pay the consequences." tears are gathering in your eyes as jay pushes another inch of his cock inside of you. you really are pathetic because he is halfway in and you are already about to cum. "'m close, gonna c-cum, please…"
as you are about to let your orgasm crash over you, jay pulls out all the way, letting you empty and crying out at the loss of both him and your orgasm. "no, no, no ! please jay, i'll be good, i promise ! i'm sorry !" there. he has you exactly where he wants. jay smirks as he pushes the tip of his cock inside of you again, the whimper slipping past your lips ravishing his ears. "yeah ? you're really going to stop being a brat and sending me dirty things while i'm at work ?" - "y-yes ! i'll do everything, please, i just want you…" you sound so desperate already, and he hasn’t even fucked you yet. but it’s perfect, he loves when you’re all wet and pliant by the time he pushes his whole dick inside.
"then you're gonna stay still, and you're gonna take what i give you without cumming darling. understood ?" you nod but jay wants words from you, so he grabs your jaw firmly, eyebrow raising. "understood ?" - "yeah ! yes, yes i'll do it, i swear !" and because he isn’t a monster, jay leans down to peck your lips as he pushes his cock further into your dripping pussy, forcing another moan out of you. it’s going to be a fun night.
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leonsgfpost · 23 days
note: Hi! this is my third official post, crazy stuff. Thanks so much for all the support, I didn't think my trash was any good 😭 Btw, I hope you enjoy this too. English isn't my first language, so sorry if there's a mistake. 💕
tags: smut, comfort, insecurities, Leon is so cute, Leon x fem! reader, doggy style, orgasms and more!
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Leon loves you madly. He really does. So every time you ask that question, "Do you love me?" he answers honestly, just because he can't tear his heart out and give it to you.
This man is capable of lowering the moon if you ask him to, he would do anything for you. He is honest, he doesn't lie. He wakes you up with soft kisses, on his days off he hugs you as if you were the only thing that keeps him grounded. You are everything to him.
And it's not that you doubt him, but different situations in your past led you to be insecure, to a sour whirlpool forming inside you about it. About him. Even now, when he's balls-deep inside you.
"Leon, Leon-" You murmured between ragged gasps, feeling his chest pressing hard against your back holding you in place. Taking every thrust he gave you. "Do you love me-?" And that feeling inside you came again. You felt like crying. Maybe from the pleasure, or maybe from the overwhelming sensations.
For a moment you think he doesn't hear you because of his current state. Heavy breathing, eyes tightly closed, body sweaty and his mind blank every time he sinks down to touch that spongy spot inside you.
But he wouldn't miss a hair of yours.
"I love you, I do, dear.... More than anything." He affirmed again, because he would repeat it to you every time you want. And the question sounds unreal in his fucked up head, of course he loves you. You're the only person he can open up to, show that young man who died inside him in 1998. He even took the audacity to have hopes, dreams again. Because next to you nothing seemed impossible.
"I love you, I love you." He murmured in your ear along with the low moans he couldn't contain, not when your walls were sucking him in so good. And I'd be lying if I said not now he's the one who wants to cry. He'd kiss every part of your body, kiss you all over until he could make you forget everything. Just like he does when he's with you.
His hips try to keep his deep rhythm, while his arms search for a way to embrace you to keep him grounded. Your ass is smacked by his pelvis every time he plunges in, over and over again with ambition. The wet sound of your wet pussy is the complete opposite of the cute words coming from Leon's lips.
"You're the only one for me, you're everything to me...Oh, G-God-" Now he started to ramble, trying to get his whole cock inside you until he can fuck your brains out and make you forget.
"Fuck, I love you, baby-!" His voice was already shaking, but I didn't know if it was from the effort of pushing you or the effort not to cry over you like a fucking baby.
"C-Come on, say you love me too." His voice tried to sound demanding, but it sounded like a plea. A desperate plea to know that you loved him too, because he wanted to be loved. He needed it.
"I love you, Leon. I-I love you, I love you so much." You said obediently, your voice coming out choked from having your face buried in the sheets. Your hair was disheveled, little beads of sweat trickling down your back and trembling thighs trying to support your weight. And little tears began to fill the corners of your eyes.
Maybe he had already fucked your brains out.
And Leon's chest tightened, pushing his lips carelessly into your hot cheeks. He was always so sweet even when he was fucking you like you were a slut. His cock bullying your bruised pussy again and again, because he couldn't catch a break. You were the air he needed to feel alive.
You made him feel alive.
As alive as he was now, as his hips began to quiver and his thrusts became sloppy, feeling his cock contracting tightly inside your walls. He could lose his mind right now for you.
His fingers moved down to play with your painfully throbbing clit, you let out a high pitched moan and your walls tightened feeling the familiar euphoria explode inside you, your orgasm coming in a sloppy way. Your body immediately relaxed into the sheets, trying to recover, but Leon wouldn't slow down, not when he was so close too.
He released your clit to run a sticky hand up to one of your tits, kneading it as if it were his own anti-stress toy. He carelessly kissed your wet cheeks and his hips pushed all the way in, releasing all his seed inside you. His cock contracted and discounted with spasms, giving you all of him.
"I love you." He whispered weakly, hugging you and trying not to fall on top of you. His heart beating fast in his chest, beating for you.
Because Leon Scott Kennedy loves you more than anyone. And he would devote every day of the rest of his life to prove it to you, if you let him.
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were there too many "I love you"s? haha, sorry! But I can't help but think that Leon really needs a lot of love.
Let me know if u liked this, thanks!! 🎀💗
bye, bye (💌)
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actuallysaiyan · 9 months
Hiiiii!! I’m so happy requests are open baby!!! Can I maybe request some smut? I’m thinking Yuta with a little cry baby girlfriend who whines about it being too big 🙈
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, dub con, Yuta is a meanie in this one, AGEDUP!Yuta, biting, creampie, swearing word count: 1.3k pairings: AGEDUP!Yuta Okkotsu x Fem!Reader summary: you're always trying to get out of having sex with Yuta because his cock always stretches you out, but one night you bite off more than you can chew while you tease him.
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Yuta was the perfect boyfriend. He really treated you like this little princess. He goes out of his way to buy you little gifts and to take you out to dinner whenever he’s got the chance. Whenever he has to leave for work, Yuta makes sure to take time to call you or Facetime you whenever he can while he’s gone on long missions. He really is the most romantic and perfect boyfriend.
And your relationship has bloomed beautifully. You started out as friends, shy and hesitant to really speak to one another. But then as time went on, you couldn’t stay away from one another. Soon you both confessed to one another, and it was like a fairytale love.
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Lots of soft kisses, hand holding, going on dates together. Yuta showed his devotion through all kinds of words and actions. But the one thing you didn’t do often was have sex. Yuta was crazy big. His cock was much too girthy for you to truly enjoy it. He did everything in his power to make it pleasurable for you, but it was always too big. You’d whine and beg him to stop, but he was growing more impatient as the days went by.
He has you over one night, and one thing leads to another. Yuta has you on his lap as your lips are locked in a steamy and sloppy kiss. His hands are trembling as you continue to rock your hips against him. Then they slowly side up your body to wrap around your neck.
“D-don’t fucking tease me.” He spits out when you pull away.
You pout, “Yuuutaaa, I’m not. I just wanna fool around a lil bit!”
He growls under his breath, his patience wearing thin now. He squeezes your throat a little, making you whine loudly. It sounds so good when your airway is closed off just that little bit. His thumbs press down a little more, watching your eyes flutter. Then he releases you, allowing you to catch your breath.
“What did I say, princess?” Yuta asks, leaning in to press kisses along your throat.
“I’m not teasing you, Yuta.”
He frowns as he hears you lie to him. You are indeed teasing him. There is no other reason why you’d be grinding your pretty body all over him. Your clothed cunt keeps pressing against his raging hard-on. His hands then move to grip your hips, stopping you from doing anything else.
“Baby,” Yuta warns. “If you don’t stop messing around, I’ll have to punish you. You don’t wanna be a bad girl, do you?”
Despite seeing that look in his eyes, you want to continue pressing his buttons. You want him to snap and take advantage of you. You’re desperate to see your normally docile and sweet boyfriend turn into the monster that lurks just below the surface. To have him pin you down on the couch and to fold you into the position he desires, it sounds like a dream come true.
So you whine and you begin grinding against him once more. He’s trying to stop you, but you won’t listen to him. Then he slaps your thigh, making you yelp. This won’t even stop you. You’re on a mission and you know what you want as the outcome. A few more thrusts of your hips has Yuta fuming below you.
With movements that are so fast they leave you dizzy, Yuta has you pinned under him. One of his hands holds your wrists above your head. He has his whole weight on you now too, keeping you secure beneath him. He looks into your eyes, and you see that you’ve made him snap.
“Silly little princess,” he says with a smile. “You’re being a bad girl again.”
You whine and whimper as he undresses you with haste. Your pretty little panties are torn off your body. His large hand presses between your plush thighs, two fingers shoved deep inside of your cunt.
“Yuta! W-wait!” you whine, tears in your eyes now.
He shakes his head, reminding you of how he needs to punish you. He needs to teach you a lesson. You were so bad for him, now he’s got to correct your behavior. It feels so good to have him fingering you so vigorously that your tits bounce in sync with the thrusts.
“So fuckin’ wet, I knew being rough with you turns you on…”
You’re blushing as he says these filthy things to you. The monster that lurks just below the surface has just emerged and you’re in for a wild ride. The coil in your stomach tightens more and more, but before you’re allowed to release, he pulls his fingers from your cunt and shoves them into your mouth.
Your eyes widen when you watch him undo his pants with one hand. You eagerly suck on his fingers that are just filled with your juices. Then you gasp when you feel his fat cock slapping against your folds. A pathetic mewl escapes your lips, making Yuta chuckle darkly.
“Can your puny little cunt even handle me? You’ve never been able to handle me before.’
Your eyes begin tearing up when you feel the thick head prodding your tight little hole, “Please…go slow. Yuta please go slow!”
He laughs in your face, then leans in to kiss you roughly. He continues to just fuck you shallowly with the tip of his cock. Even that is such a stretch for you, and you’re desperately trying to push on his stomach to make him slow down. But there is no way you could get him to stop completely.
You cry out when he finally impales you on his cock. You look down and you swear you can see a bulge in your lower tummy. Tears stream down your cheeks as he begins a rough and deep pace. Every thrust has the tip of his cock slamming against your sensitive cervix.
“Yuuu! Oh please slow down!” You cry out, and you begin to cling to him. Your nails leave crescent moon indents into the meat of his arms.
“Nuh uh, princess. You were being such a fucking tease, now you gotta take my cock. I know you can do it for me.”
You hiccup as he continues to fuck you so fast and hard. Your tits bounce even harder and faster at this pace, making Yuta lean in and latch onto one of your nipples. You yelp as he bites down on the swell of your breast. Then he bites and sucks on the soft skin of the other one. He continues like this as he’s pounding you into the sofa.
“Your cunt is so tight, baby. You must like this,” he teases you, his face in the crook of your neck now.
You try to hold back your moans, but you can’t. Despite the roughness of the pace and the slight pain from him hitting your cervix, it’s really starting to feel good too. Yuta brings one of his hands to his lips and he spits on his fingertips. Then he shoves his hand between you two, rubbing your clit fast and sloppy.
“Cum for me, pretty girl!” He coaxes.
You whine loudly, “Yu– please please please!”
The coil tightens so fast, you’ve barely got time to warn him. With a loud cry, you begin to cum hard. Your walls are squeezing him so snugly, making him grunt in your ear as he leans in closer to you. There’s a ring of your cream foaming around the base of his cock as he continues to fuck himself into you.
Then he’s falling off the edge too, his lips smashed against yours as he pumps ropes of hot cum into your waiting womb. His hips don’t relent as he rides out his intense high. Just as you’re both coming down from your high, he slowly pulls out his thick cock and watches all the cum begin to dribble out of your tight cunt. He laughs lowly, then stuffs himself back into you.
“See princess, told you that you could take it.”
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kooqitas · 4 months
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#pairing: yoongi X reader #synopsis: eating your pussy is like a amusement park for your boyfriend #wc: ~850 #notes: not proofread, english isn't my first language!
#tags: pwp(!), oral (f.) eating pussy, dom!yoongi, overstimulation, cumming in pants. | inspo by hc yoongi
★ m.list | inbox
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you knew it was ruined when yoongi went between your legs.
you knew he would spend many minutes there, eating your pussy is like a amusement park for him, the best part of the sex. 
he kissed you on the lips, over your panties, jesus, you are really ruined.
"i haven't even started yet and you are wet?" he provoked you.
“shut up, yoongi!”
“i will!” 
he smiled to you, and in the next second his mouth back for your down lips, kissing soft the lace of your panties.
yoongi kissed you through your panties, rubbing his lips slowly against the fabric, making you feel every inch of his thin lips touching you. and he laughed when he saw how wet you were getting with that simple act.
“stop laughing!” you teased him. but yoongi didn't answer you.
he ran his index finger slowly across the wet panties, making your thighs tremble at the touchand then he lightly bit your panties, which made you moan, and then he pushed your panties to the side.
fuck, yoongi salivated when your pussy was exposed to him, you literally saw the drool running down his mouth, the way he looked fascinated at the mess he had made in just a few minutes over you, it was kind of embarrassing, but the the way he looked at you made up for all the embarrassment.
“i want you smearing me, leaving your smell all over my face, my tiny slut!”
he rubbed his nose on your wet hole, making you shiver from the different contact, but yoongi didn't take long to put his tongue in your pussy, doing what he did best: sucking you.
“fuck!” you moaned as soon as you felt him part your lips only to spit, making the saliva flow into your hole that was already calling for him.
yoongi was agile when his tongue entered you, sucking every inch of your pussy in a way that only he knew how to do.
yoongi lets out a quiet moan as you grab his hair, leaning down toward you gently and looking at you with a devil look in his eyes. "already? calm down, you know i’m going to spend the whole night here…”
yoongi's calmness is something that irritates you (a lot), he continues tasting you with the greatest calm in the world, while you start to lift your hips, trying for more contact.
“i need more, please” you begged.
yoongi leaves a light bite on your clit, which makes you close your legs around his head a little hard, of course it hurts, but he doesn't care, on the contrary, he loves your reaction.
for a few minutes he just sucks you, alternating between your clitoris, your wet hole, sometimes rubbing his nose, his chin, making you smear all over his face, leaving your smell there. his hips lifting more and more and your moans getting louder and louder until you finally came in his mouth.
you think it's finally going to end, but in the next second yoongi still has his tongue in you, seeming even more determined to continue his own service, putting you in a mental space you didn't even know you were capable of reaching.
it was too much, the overstimulation hitting you hard while he didn't let go of his mouth from your pussy, you knew he wouldn't stop (except with the use of your safe word), you and he knew you could take more.
"t-too much!" you moaned as you tried to release yoongi's strong hands from your thighs, but of course it was no use, he was much stronger than you and besides, he was determined to give you a second orgasm.
eating your pussy was yoongi's playground!
“no, baby, let me suck that pussy some more, hmm? i like this so much!” he said before going back to sucking your pussy voraciously.
you try to escape his arms again, not because you really want to, but your body reacts to the overstimulation on its own, and the way yoongi grabs your hips, forcing you to stay in place makes you cry with lust.
he spits twice on your pussy, before slapping it hard and going back to eating there, you close your legs again, but yoongi is a little violent in the way he opens them just to continue sucking you
you pull his hair and that just motivates him even more, if that was even possible.
you feel your body shake and the blurred vision makes you wonder if you're going to end up passing out, but in the next second you feel your body cumming again, and you scream yoongi's name so loud that you know all the neighbors will hear it.
you're a wreck, but as soon as yoongi finally lets you go and lies down next to you, you realize that his black underwear is completely wet, fuck, yoongi cummed in his pants while sucking you.
"can you sit on my face or is your leg still shaking?" your boyfriend asked once your breathing calms down.
ah, yeah, yoongi really has a tongue technology.
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rae-writes · 1 year
when it's time for mc to return to their original timeline how do you think the [nightbringer] characters would react if mc told them that they were from future and it's time for them to go back to the present timeline and that they'd meet them then
The common room was silent— so silent, it sounded like the entire Devildom was sleeping all at once. There was tension so thick you could cut it by just swiping at the air- there were eleven pairs of eyes trained onto Mc; the single tear that dripped down their face was like a harsh shock wave.
"I'm sorry...but I have to leave- I have to go back to my timeline now..I'll see you again when I return, okay? I promise."
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Lucifer is absolutely flabbergasted, red eyes wide as he scanned your face for any signs of humor, but you weren’t joking. His hands trembled uncharacteristically, fingers twitching as he stretched his arm out to try and grab at you; "What do you mean you have to go? Don't...your place is here, with us, you can't leave- what the hell do you mean you'll see me 'when you return', I'm me! I'm right here! Don't go-!"
Mammon doesn't fully process your words, only really catching the part where you said you had to leave. He feels nauseous and scared as he immediately begins to stammer and stumble over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer so he can feel that you’re still there; "Y-you can't leave! Why would you want to leave- your home is here, you belong with us- with me- I'm right here, where are you going? Don't leave me behind! I-I need you! Please!"
Levi instantly has tears in his eyes, too preoccupied with watching you start moving away from him to realize you said you’d see him again. His tail whips out to circle your waist, arms frantically grabbing at you as he cries; "W-w-wait-! D-don't go, don't leave...did I do s-something- a-are you leaving because of m-me? I-I'll fix it, I p-promise, just please don't go..."
Satan's first instinct is to get angry- to throw a fit and throw anything in reach and scream and lash out, but he just stands there staring at you. He understands the concept of time travel and other timelines- he's read all about it- and essentially knows that he'll see you in less than a minute once you go back, and yet...; "Leaving...? You're leaving? I- I don't...I don't want you to go..don't-...just..Mc, please."
Asmo hears everything you're saying, but he just doesn't understand! He practically curls his whole body around you as he stutters through his denial, trying so hard not to cry because it would ruin his makeup; "What do you mean you're leaving, hon? Time travel is nonsense..you belong here, with us! Y-you're not actually going to leave me, right? Not me...don't leave me.."
Beel immediately panics as his thoughts run rampant about losing you and never getting to see you again, despite you assuring him that you'd see him very soon- he can't lose someone close to him again, not you- and the way he grabs onto you shows his desperation; "No! I-I mean...no, you can't leave us- why would you leave us? I thought you were at home here, with us, please...I can't lose you, too..."
Belphie, like his twin, is panicking- but he's in a hysterical panic. He breaks down into sobs and apologies right at your feet- apologizing for any time he was snippy with you and especially the time he got so mad he almost hurt you after finding out you were human- he's so sorry, just..don't leave-!; "No, no, no! You can't! You can't leave us, please, don't leave, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong to you- just don't leave me! Please, don't leave me..."
Diavolo understands the concept of what you're saying, though it's still hard for him to grasp the fact that you're leaving to go back to a different him...why couldn't you just stay with him in this 'timeline'? Didn't...didn't you still like him either way?; "What...what? Mc, I don't understand...just stay. Here. With- with me, with us, I don't...why must you go back? Don't you like it here?"
Barbatos shouldn't be worried. He knows exactly what you're talking about and what you mean by 'see you again when I return' and yet he can't help but feel at a loss, torn between letting you just walk away or trying to stop you- he doesn't want you to go back to future him...he wants you here with this him; "I...wait, Mc..don't-...don't go back. Stay, please..I know I'll remember the time we spent together here when you return, but I...I don't want to let you go.."
Simeon is in an odd state between panicked and calm. One on hand, he trusts you. If you say you promise you'll see him again- whatever that means- he believes you. But on the other hand, he's already lost so much in life and he can't possibly bear to lose you too, so he grabs you and holds on tightly; "Go? What do you mean 'go'? I...Mc...I don't want to let you go..I don't want you to leave- please stay...with us. With me."
Luke's confusion dances across his face as he latches onto your waist, firing a thousand questions at once, as fast as he can speak them; "What do you mean you're leaving? How can you see me when you 'return'- what does that even mean?! I'm the only me...and I'm right here- where...where are you going?! Don't leave me! I don't want you to go!"
bonus :
Solomon is there to wrap his arms around your waist tightly for comfort, keeping the others from coming too close; he can't let them take you away from him- won't let them convince you to stay. Your place is in your own timeline, with the present versions of them, with him. He promised he'd bring you back home with him and no one is going to stop him; "Come on, Mc...let's go. We need to go- this is what we've been working towards remember? You'll see them in less than a second once we go through the portal. I'm here with you, I'm not ever going to leave your side. You trust me don't you? Let's go home. Together."
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
luxiem and noisy sex
tags: established relationship, gender neutral reader, smut, bottom/top or sub/dom not specified
⚠️ blow job mention in shu's entry
⚠️ mature content under read more. content under read more is not intended for minors
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 Ike Eveland
relatively quiet. ike doesn't make a racket often— it's more likely that he'll either tease you with dirty talk and come-ons
but once his brain gets too fucked out to stay coy, he's all shaky breaths and little whines
you can hear him quivering under his breath, as if getting caught would be a problem
which it very much isn't
invite him to get a little louder if you want an adorably flustered, adorably hard novelist. he'll feel so dirty if you do, but at the same time, he feels like making noise proves how much he trusts you
if you're noisy:
even though he doesn't make much noise, sex with you isn't complete without coaxing such sweet squeaks out of you
he takes it as a challenge, trying to figure out which part of your body is most sensitive by how loud you react
it makes him feel so sexy, and desirable, and powerful no matter what position he's in
prefers when you can't form words anymore, only helpless cries. oh, and if you actually do cry? god, he'll remember that forever
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦁 Luca Kaneshiro
brings a whole new definition to "loud in bed". like seriously, even if you've had noisy partners before, luca puts them all to shame without even trying
he reacts to almost everything, and it doesn't take him a lot to get there. sometimes you wonder if he's faking it, but no, he's just that aware of everything he feels
he starts out with exclamations, and somehow forms words all the way until the end of the night. the sentences stop making sense halfway through, and by the time he climaxes it's a miracle if he can even get through his words without tripping up
if you're noisy:
is he the luckiest guy in the universe or what? it feels great to have someone that gets what it's like to be loud
doesn't even care what you say or do as long as he can hear it. just being able to hear those noises has his engine revving
then again, when you're lips are pressed up to him and he can still hear the muffled sounds and your vibrating throat, he just wants to fuck until you both white out in the afterglow
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 Shu Yamino
shu doesn't take sex too seriously and just wants to have fun above all else, and you have to wonder if it's because he always laughs at least once when you sleep together
he's actually quite ticklish, and his moans sometimes end in giggles. they sound so sweet even though what you do under the covers is anything but
this is one of the few things he's actually insecure about. he's so worried that it might kill the mood or make his partner feel self conscious
don't take it personally. he whimpers plenty when he's not giggling, and the last thing he wants is a misunderstanding just because of how his body expresses pleasure
if you're noisy:
sometimes he wishes he could commit every one of your noises to memory. they're easily his favorite part of going down on you
he fantasizes about your voice getting excited often. if you're ever apart, he'd love to listen to you masturbate and call his name over the phone
hell, even hearing his name from your trembling lips has his cock throbbing, ready to fill that pretty mouth and give you something to really choke on
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 Vox Akuma
tends to make more guttural sounds. growls, hums, and purrs galore. vox doesn't even try to make them sound sultry, they're just so low and irresistible, as expected of the voice demon himself
but if you catch him off guard you might just make him squeak in surprise and satisfaction. he even stutters and trips over his words
which is something he gets embarrassed over, especially since all his other noises are still on the low end of the spectrum, but calling attention to it gets him even more aroused
great sex usually ends with high-pitched whimpers and gasps, and the best ones have him screaming as he orgasms
if you're noisy:
your noises make him so unbelievably horny, you have no idea. the second he realizes you're loud, he wants nothing more than to hear you all night
it's a huge ego boost and fuels him to keep pushing his limits. anything to keep you crying out for him
he'll goad you into responding to his dirty talk just so he can hear you whimper in-between your words
whether you want to be praised or degraded, he tries to mention your voice and noises as much as he can since it's all he can think about
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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gavisfanta · 4 months
Gavi smut pls
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summary: you and gavi have sex for the first time after his injury
warnings: smut
"Amor" Gavi whispered.
"Hm?" You hummed while lifting up your head. Gavi started stroking his fingers through your hair and started kissing your head.
You two were laying in his bed comfortably, he was scrolling throught tiktok, atleast that was 5 min ago, until he put down his phone. Your head was positioned on his chest and your arms by his side, stroking his skin with your fingers.
"I've been thinking" He started and you lift up your head to look at him. "We haven't had sex in a long time."
"That's also because you were injured." You answered and sat up to get a better look at him.
"Yeah but, I feel like my injury is healed enough to have sex." You smiled as you looked at him. He looked at you with all seriousness, big eyes and mouth slightly hanging open.
"Are you sure? Your muscle tense up a lot when you have sex." Your smile faded and you looked at him in all seriousness.
"I am sure" Gavi reassured you and then leaned closer to kiss you. His lips made contact with yours and suddenly it felt like you where whole again.
The next few minutes you two spent with undressing eachother, until eventually you both were naked and you on top of Gavi, you two were making out passionately, but slow.
Until eventually Gavi moved down his hand and began to rub your clit, slowly at first but the pace of his fingers just got faster.
He enjoyed you moaning in his mouth and you squeezing his bicep with your hand.
He began to rub your clit but then removed his fingers again, he kept repeating that for about 2 minutes until you couldn't hold it anymore. His hard erection was poking against your stomach so you immediately rolled down from his body and looked at him.
"So you want to be a bottom too, hm?" He teased while climbing over you, his dick aligned itself with your entrance and he pushed it in, it felt good, you hadn't had sex in way too long and the only ways Gavi was able to pleasure you was eat you out, but it just wasn't the same.
You moaned immediately and arched your back up against him, he went slow at first but then sped up his pace more and more.
As your walls clenched around him, low moans began to escape his lips, you smiled you looked at him. You were barely able to keep your eyes open due to the pleasure, so when Gavi looked at you and saw you smiling, he grabbed your left leg and put it over his shoulder. That allowed him to hit deeper and as he started hitting your g spot your moans began to get louder. Your legs started shaking when he wetted his fingers in his mouth and started rubbing your clit with them.
"You need to stop clenching around me babe, I'm not gonna last long." Gavi groaned as he slowed down a bit, you clenching around him made it a bit difficult for him to even move.
"Sorry." You moaned as he pushed himself into your pussy again. A loud cry for help escaped your lips, the pleasure was too much for you, to make it worse, Gavi brought his hand up to his mouth again to taste your juices that stuck to his fingers.
You arched your back, feeling his dick against your walls as he yet stayed still.
"Please, move." You barely got out any words, the pleasure being to much of him being inside of you again. The stretch was unbelievable.
"Mhm" Gavi hummed while he began to move again, slow at first but in the matter of seconds he started snapping his hips against yours in a very fast pace. You moaned loudly with every thurst he hit inside of you, his fingers rubbing your clit made the warm knot in your stomach worse. Your legs began shaking as you came hard around his dick. Because you clenched so hard around him and also arched your back, he also came inside of you. Your legs still trembling while he collapsed on top of you and kissed your neck. He started planting sloppy kisses along your shoulder and collar bone, your fingers ran through his soft brown hair.
Eventually he pulled out of you and laid down next to you, taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his mouth to press light kisses against it.
"Did you enjoy it?" Gavi asked while he made eye contact with you. "Have I still got it?"
A chuckle escaped from your lips as you nodded your head. "You still got it, nothing to worry about."
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mushies-stories · 9 months
patience 18+
part two (Read part one here)
Stu Macher X F!Reader!Virgin
summary: you finally tell Stu you're ready. he shows you just how much he cares for you and how sweet he can be.
Warnings: SMUT! unprotected sex, fingering, first time, eating out.
Authers note: this took a minute and i am so sorry! i decided to give the fics a name since there's two of them~
word count: 2684
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Over the next few weeks Stu made sure to make you cum every day on his lap, thigh and soon on his long fingers. He wanted to make you urge him for more and once you expressed interest in pleasing him too he was more than willing to show you how it's done. 
He could have came the moment your soft and delicate hands gripped around his length, needing both just to wrap around his whole length. He loved the deep blush that spread across your face when he gripped his hand over yours own to show you how he liked it. 
Once he had you on your back and his head between your plushie thighs and crying out his name he knew he wouldn't be able to wait any longer. Your pussy tasted like heaven and your moans and cries were angelic to him. He slid a finger in while his lips moved to suck your clit. Your back arched into his touch and your fingers tangled in his short hair, trying to grip as much as you could. 
Stu groaned softly against your pussy and your body jerked a little. “More, Stu please.” you begged breathless, feeling your orgasm building slowly. He adds another finger and curls them right into your sweet spot while his tongue flicks and sucks your clit into his mouth again, determined to make you cum on his tongue. You whine and throw your head back, your pussy beginning to spasm around his fingers. Your orgasm hits you hard and causes your legs to shake slightly around him. “Stu! Oh… god, St-u feels so good.” he made sure to keep licking and pumping his fingers into you until your breathing slowed.  
He pulled back with a small grin. “Feel good baby?” he asked while he peppered your inner thighs with kisses. 
You nodded with a small smile, your face flushed and naked body on full display for him. “You always make me feel good.” you say shyly. Stu’s gaze still made you a little nervous, he looked at you so lovingly and sweet you didn’t know what to do with it.
Stu chuckled and lifted his weight off your lower body and sat back. He pulled his shirt over his head before crawling to hover fully over your smaller frame. Still in his jeans he pressed his throbbing cock against your messy pussy. “Yeah?” he asked, wanting to hear you say it again. 
You gasped and gave him a soft moan. “mhm. Always makes me feel so good, Stu.” you say again. He smiled and rolled his hips again while he started to kiss and bite at your neck. His hips rolled against your ore and his mouth wandered your skin. He thought about how to coax you into feeling ready, what more he could do because he needed you. Needs to feel you so desperately but so far, he had been mostly following your lead and could usually tell when you wanted more. Right now however he wasn’t too sure. You seemed to almost be content in the way things were and he didn't want to scare you by pushing for more.  
Your pussy was still so wet and Stu pressing against your sensitive clit wasn’t helping. You whispered and arched your back a little, every movement from him making your brain lose focus more and more. “Stu…” you say softly.
He pulls back to look at you with soft eyes. “Yeah Babygirl?” 
You take a moment to speak, thinking the words over carefully. “Do you think…” you take a little breath. “We could go all the way?” you ask, voice quit with a little bit of a tremble. 
Stu looked at you with big eyes. He was shocked that you asked him so explicitly, even if it was clearly hard for you to even get the words out. He searched your eyes, not sure what he was even looking for but when he saw only love and trust in them, even in your nervous fear, he couldn’t help the bright smile that spread across his face. “We can do whatever you want baby, you sure? I want you to be completely sure you're ready for this Babygirl because there's no going back.” he asked, wanting to give you a chance to reconsider. 
You shook your head softly. “I want it to be you Stu, is that okay?” you asked, nerves growing even worse. You knew deep down he wanted to. He wouldn't have put all this time and energy into being so caring and sweet with you if he didn’t, but you doubted yourself in being able to make it pleasing for him and made your tummy do flips. 
With a nod of his own head he leaned down and kissed your lips, firm but gentle before looking back into your eyes. “More than okay sweet girl.” he leaned back and looked at your angelic form sprawled out on his bed. He was the luckiest man on earth, he thought, to have you looking at him with such trust and desire. “I want to be your first.” he said with a genuinely warm smile before he began to undo his jeans, his eyes locked on yours. “Your first and your last, I want no one but you Babygirl.” Then he slid his jeans off his hips to allow his cock to spring free. 
You had seen it more than a few times by now but now with the idea of him being stuffed inside your little pussy made your legs twitch too close, Stus body between them not allowing you to do so. 
Stu leaned over you and held himself so his face was level with your own. “Don't be scared baby, okay?” he said with a small nod and an encouraging smile. 
You gave him a weak smile but nodded anyway. “I'm not, just nervous…” you admit. Feeling silly for being the one to ask but still feeling so embarrassed by the whole thing. 
He hummed in understanding. He held the base of his cock and pressed the already swollen tip on your clit before gliding it down through your slick folds and back up, teasing you a little to help you relax just a bit. You sigh a little at the feeling, he was already so close to you. “I’ll go slow and gentle Baby, just tell me if you want to stop, okay?” he says as he pressed against your tight hole a little, a little warning he was going to put it in. 
You nod and hold onto his biceps. “Please Stu.” you urge him to do it, get you through it already so you can finally be with him, feel all of him and feel good. 
With a soft grunt he moved, hips pushing the head of his cock past your tight entrance with a little hiss from him and pitchy gasp from you. He waited a moment before slowly, so agonizingly slowly moving a little more and a little more. The more he fit inside you the tighter you felt. His cock twitched and your walls clenched hard around him. 
“Baby, too tight.” his voice was a little strangled and he wasn't sure if he was telling you because it felt so good, or if it felt too good and he could take it. “Babygirl, need you to relax a little for me.” he says, eyes meeting yours. 
You shook your head a little. “Can't… Stu you're too big.” you gasp softly, his cock becoming a little too overwhelming. 
“M’not to big baby… I promise baby, it will fit.” he mumbles softly, reassuring you again. The hand that was holding his cock came to your sensitive clit. His thumb rubbed short fast circles while he sank a little more in. your warm gummy walls were sending his cock and mind into overdrive; you were so tight he wasn't sure he was going to last. Then he looked down at you, eyes half lidded, and mouth hung slack, trying to keep your little sounds of discomfort back while he worked himself into you. He was determined to make this good for you, make you feel loved and cared for. 
He was almost fully in when you finally let out a strangled gasp, hands gripping his arms so tight he knew there would be marks tomorrow. “Oww, Stu… it h-urts!” you whined, voice breathy as you stumble over the words. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. That made Stu’s pride in his own body spike a little, even if he felt bad about it hurting you. 
Stu cradles the side of your head and kisses your forehead then your cheek and finally to your neck where he sucks and nips the skin. His thumb rubbing lazy circles on your ever-growing sensitive clit. “I know baby, but I'm almost all in.” he tells you as his warm breath brushes along your skin. Your back arches at the added sensations. “You can do it, I know you can. Such a good girl for me.” he coos at you as he finally thrust the rest of his length in and bottoms out in your pulsing cunt. 
Your walls fluttered and calmed down around him. Unable to form any words, you could only manage a high-pitched whine followed by soft breathy moans. You clung to him, grounding yourself in an attempt to keep your head straight. 
He let your clit be once he felt you relax around him and your breathing slowed down a little. “Feel a little better?” he asks, voice soft and gentle. He strokes your air while the other hand messages your hip. 
You nod and give him a small smile. “I'm okay.” Your furrowed brows tell him you were still worried and uncomfortable despite your claim.  
Slowly he rocks his hips into your own. He doesn’t pull back enough for you to feel any loss of him, just rocks himself in you trying to get your pussy nice and wet around him. Your eyes flutter and you gasp out a soft ‘oh’ when his cock hits that little bundle of nerves. A small smile played on his lips, you made the cutest faces when your pussy was getting needy and feeling good.
“Better.” you mumble, brain slowly beginning to flood with the pleasure of finally having his cock stuffed deep inside. Your pussy fluttered around him and you could feel your slick start to leak out around the base of his cock. 
“Want me to move baby?” he asks, more for himself, your pussy was so tight and being so deep in you for so long was making his cock throb. 
You looked up at him with glossy eyes, your unshed tears filling most of your vision. “You can move.” you tell him.
He smiles and leans down to lock you in a deep kiss. His hips move back slowly, letting you feel the whole of his length as he pulls almost all of the way out. You gasp when he sinks back in and he takes the opportunity so claim your mouth. Every Time he pulled back and slipped back in he picked up his pace. The faster he got the more your little mewls and gasps turned into sweet moans that he gladly devoured. He only pulled back when the need for air became urgent. 
“Fuck.” he can't help but grunt out. Your face captivated him, made his cock twitch and throb angrily. Your face was flushed, eyes droopy and laced with pleasure. Your parted lips to grace him with all of your little sounds. “Like my cock fillin you up Babygirl? You're doing so fucking well for me, pussy squeezing and taking me so well.” he asks, wanting to hear you say it. He waited so long for this he needs to hear you say. 
You have a hard time focusing on him while he continues to thrust into you. “Mmmhm, feels go-ood” you managed to gasp out.
Stu groans at your words. He keeps a steady rhythm. He held your hip still while he fucked you and brought the other to your chest. He pitched both nipples softly and groped at your breasts. “Perfect, such pretty tits baby.” he coos and keeps teasing your now pebbled buds, helping to send you closer and closer to that growing pleasure. 
You could feel it, the twist in your stomach, the heat growing fast. “m’gunna…Stu!” you whine and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down, wanting to just feel him close to you. Your legs shook around him and couldn't help the string of loud whiny moans that came out of you. “Please, please Stu, feels so good.” you babbled, brain turned completely into mush as you fell apart under him. 
Stu practically shuddered, you were begging for him to make you cum. He wanted to see it and feel you cumming on his cock. “Sweet girl needs to cum? I got you, I'll get you there.” He made sure to angle just right so he was hitting that sweet spot deep inside your aching pussy. A hand came to cradle your jaw to make sure he could see your face, so you couldn't hide when you came undone. The other focused back on your clit, swiping at it in time with his thrusts. “C’mon Babygirl, let me feel you cum around my cock, wanna feel your tight little pussy squeeze me.”
Stus voice and his lewd words were just the thing you needed to send you right over the edge. You back arched and rise off the bed. A loud strangled moan filled the full when your pussy spasmed and clenched down around his length. His hand on your jaw helped keep you steady so he could watch the pleasure wash over you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head before closing, brows furrowed while you shook under him. He helped you through your orgasm with his own strangled groans and grunt. He was about to lose it himself and once you pushed against his shoulder he wasted no time in pulling out to let his cum coat your dripping pussy. 
“Fuuuk… baby you felt so good.” he groans. He let his cock rest against your sore pussy, relishing in the way your body twitches just a little when it brushes against your swollen clit. He smiled down at you before planting another kiss on your forehead. “You did so good Babygirl, so fucking good for me.” 
Stu praises make your face flush again. You bring your hands up to cover your face a little, needing a moment to recover concise thoughts. 
“Baby… baby you okay?” Stu asks, becoming worried he did something wrong.
You shook your head and flung your arms around his neck. Pulling him down he finds his place in the crook of your neck. “I'm okay.” you state, voice a little shaky. Your body was growing heavy and tired. “Just… a little flustered is all.” you confess. 
He chuckles and nuzzles into you. “Well how about we get you cleaned up and we head to bed?” he offered. 
You groan at the thought of having to move at all. 
Stu leans back and slides a hand between your thighs while he glides his middle finger along your folds, collecting and mixing your fluids together all over your pussy. You shudder and wiggle your hips at his actions. “Made a mess of you baby, gotta make sure i clean you up.” he says, eyes filling with lust once again at the sight of your messy and dripping cunt. 
You whimper and sit up. “Okay okay, bathtime.” you conceded with a soft chuckle. 
The rest of the night Stu made sure to pamper you, make sure you had a snack and water. He even fluffed all of the pillows on your bed. He slept with you in his arms, never letting you go or pull away from him. He’s made it this far after all, why would he ever let you go?
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sinsirellaxx · 6 months
This request is so middle school core but I'm such a sucker for this trope, could you do how the toxic Slytherin boys would react to either them finding out they were a bet or you finding out you were a bet? I <3 your writing
Slytherin boys – You find out you are a bet/They find out they were a bet
Warning: Toxic Slytherin boys and physical abuse (Tom Riddle), so please proceed with caution. Otherwise have fun reading!
Also: Not proofread.
A/N: Thank you for your kind words! Honestly, same – I love those tropes that are all over TikTok. 🙈 Glad you enjoy my writing!
Mattheo …
… clenches his jaw when you glare at him with tears in your eyes, angry at himself and angry at whoever told you about the stupid bet. He watched you shake your head in disbelief before taking something out of your pockets. It was the money they had bet on. You flung the money in his face before storming out of his room. Mattheo just closed his eyes, his anger reaching a new peak as the money made contact with his face. How dare you throw something into his face?
He wouldn’t bother running after you. You’d be crawling back to him in no time.
Theodore …
… scoffs at your accusations. “Do you really believe them over me? Do you have that little trust in me?” He raises his brows, mock hurt all over his face. Theodore would make you feel bad for doubting his love for you. If his friends were the ones who told you, he’d have to talk with them. If your friends somehow found out and told you, he’d make you question their loyalties. “Don’t you see, bella? They’re trying to rip us apart. You know your friend still has a crush on me, don’t you? I didn’t want to tell you, because I don’t want to see you hurt, but it is true, cara mia.”
And just like that, you start apologizing to him. With a heavy sigh, Theodore pulls you into his arms, holding you close to his body. “I forgive you. But please – never doubt my love for you again.”
Bullet dodged.
Lorenzo …
… rubs his hands over his face as he paces around in his room. You have been trying to talk to him – apologize for your wrongdoings – but he simply wouldn’t listen. Lorenzo had already known about the bet – he was the mastermind behind it after all. He had been watching you for a while but did not know how to approach you without appearing too needy. So, instead he told his friends to make a bet with you – the goal: You have to seduce Lorenzo Berkshire. You had actually agreed and given it your best. Enzo had enjoyed the advances you had made; all the attention you had given him.
And this whole drama of him ‘finding out’ and you tearfully apologizing was just a positive side effect. It was his way to ensure your emotional dependency on him.
“How could you do this to me?” He cried softly as he slid down the wall, face in his hands as he forced himself to cry. You immediately ran to him, falling to your knees in front of him as you tried to pry his hands from his face, apologies falling from your lips like a mantra.
When you finally uttered the magical words, he had hoped for he bit back a smirk before removing his hands from his tear-stained face. Please, I’ll do anything you ask of me!
Draco …
… stared at you in disbelief. How did you find out? Raking his hand through his hair he stared at you silently. For once, he didn’t know what to say. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Because he knew that nothing he said would make it better. After a minute of silence your tears finally fell, your bottom lip trembling at the betrayal. How could you do this to me.
Your voice came out in a broken whisper before you walked out of his room, leaving the blonde to watch you leave with sad eyes.
Blaise …
… was honestly impressed when he found out about the bet. He never would have guessed you to engage in silly things such as bets. He’d underestimated you. Blaise would tell you that he knew – he’d let everything play out and watch your reactions whenever he mentioned words such as ‘bet’, ‘honesty’ and ‘loyalty’.
“I love you so much, babe. I really appreciate your honest and good-natured heart.” Blaise whispered against your lips before passionately kissing you. When he wanted to pull back, you followed him with your lips not wanting to part yet – not ready to look him into his eyes yet. You were obviously ashamed for hiding something from your boyfriend and Blaise knew. Oh, he knew, and he would enjoy watching you squirm and do anything to please him. And if you ever got mad at him for something or denied him any request, he’d throw the truth into your face and make you pay.
Tom …
… is deeply disappointed when he finds out. The more he thinks about it, the angrier he feels. And when you finally walk through the door of his dorm – he is filled with blinding rage.
“I didn’t think you’d stoop so low … how pathetic.” He grit out, his steps slow as he walked towards you with a dark look on his face. You stared at him with confusion written all over your face, your eyes wide with fear as he pressed you against the wall, trapping you between his arms.
“I can’t believe I didn’t find out sooner – and don’t you dare deny it.” He spat, clenching his jaw as he penetrated your mind. Your eyes widened when he found what he was looking for. He knew.
“Yes. I know.” He murmurs, dragging his nose from your cheek to your ear – and before you know it, one of his hands moves to your throat, fingers gripping tight as he smashes your head against the door.
“Time to reap what you sow.”
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dmitriene · 7 months
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cw: fluff, comfort, pure smut from the very start, established relationship, male and female anatomy, slightly posessive behavior, gagging (with stockings), reader don't talk much and at all, intense sex, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, pet names, squirting, emotional outburst, crying after orgasm, aftercare, caring simon. pairing: bf simon ghost riley x gf fem reader
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴. 𝘢𝘰3. ˑ༄
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you've been in this position for a while, when simon's mind focused solely on the primal act of fucking you.
he holds your legs gathered together in the air, pressing them to your left shoulder, exposing your sopping cunt that continues to dribble with slick and cum from the amount of his previous loads, buried securely deep inside you.
with each harsh thrust, he probes at your spongy spot and cervix, pushing you deeper into a state of pleasure induced bliss, the force of his muscular, slightly hairy hips causes your tits to jiggle, adding to the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body that fidget against the crumpled sheets with each movement.
your eyes roll back, lost in the intensity of the moment, as you drool and mewl pitifully, the black stockings stuffed in your mouth serve as a harsh gag, muffling your sounds of pleasure and submission to this primal act between you two, which started right because of the cloth, that you currently wet with your drool.
— “look a' you, all — hhfh, fucked out, plian' thing„
simon snarls and huffs almost animal like, the intensity of the moment causing sweat to gather on his forehead as is dark, hungry gaze locks onto your rolled eyes and the way your head tips back, lost in the dizzying pleasure.
he continues to fuck you with an insatiable hunger, driving himself further into your warm and wet cunt, the loud slaps of his thighs against your ass fill the room, punctuated by the wet squelches each time his meaty, veiny cock sinks back into the mix of fluids.
with each thrust, he covers himself in the milky, sticky mess, marking you as his own over and over and reveling in the raw, carnal connection between you.
you moas and arch your body like a broken string, and simon relishes in these sounds, knowing well that this an another orgasm is building within you, the unbearable tightness in your lower abdomen only adds to the anticipation.
as his thrusts push forward, fat tip of his cock snaps against your cervix with a force that leaves you gasping, it's as if he's trying to mold you from the inside to fit the shape of his throbbing, upward curving cock, hitting all the right spots to drive you wild and cry for more.
you raise your shaking hands in feeble attempt, scratching at his scarred and sweaty chest, leaving behind red thin marks in your wake, he emits a mixture of a chuckle and a moan, a primal sound that escapes him when he feels your cunt flutter and pulse around him, tightening with each passing moment, making him taunt almost cruelly
— “pussy is swallowing me whole, going to cum, darling girl? you going to — haah, heck, cum for me again?„
of course, he doesn't wait for an possible answer, just continues his relentless assault, driving himself deeper into you with each forceful thrust, the sound of his powerful slaps against your flesh fills the room, accompanied by his brutal grip on your long ago limped legs, the sheer pleasure is so overwhelming that you're lightheaded, completely lost in the sensation of being fucked stupid on his cock, not feeling anything except how he fucks you, manhandles you.
your body jiggles with each collision of his body against yours, your ass raw from the each new impact, the cloth stuffed in your mouth muffles your sounds to gurgles of pleasure, adding to the intensity of the moment, as your whole body trembles slightly, a result of the intense feelings building in your stomach.
the sight of the bulge from his shaft is the furthest thing from your mind as you surrender to the overwhelming pleasure, yet it still making you gush harder and him go deeper
— “jus' look a' you, go' a bump from my cock, shit, looking jus' like a dre — dream.. h-hu.. c-cuming!„
and finally, simon's body tenses, slightly soft muscles on his stomach going rigid as he reaches the peak of his pleasure, with a final, forceful thrust that snaps you, he empties himself fully inside you, painting your walls with thick ropes of his cum, filling you up nicely.
as the sensation of his cum flooding inside overwhelms you, your eyes flutter and your eyelashes tremble, you reach your own climax, arching your back and writhing on the sheets.
trembles run and wrack through your body as you release spurts of hot liquid, a mixture of your own clear squirt and his cum, soaking his cock and staining the sheets beneath you, the room is immediately filled with the scent of sex and the sound of heavy breathing, marking the culmination of everything that happened.
simon, through slightly shocked by the wetness of your pulsing hole and the fact that you just squirted, breathes heavily as he slips out of you with ease, his cock is drenched and sticky, coated in strings of his own cum and your slick.
your folds continue to flutter and release globes of his slightly watery cum, mixing with your own squirt and dribbling down your swollen flesh.
but the warmth of the moment is juxtaposed by the thick tears sliding down your cheeks as you whimper and mewl, the fabric in your mouth muffling the sounds of your pleasure and sudden vulnerability, mixed, intense feelings bring moisture to your eyes.
simon immediately releases your legs with a newfound softness and awareness, gently placing them down from their previously elevated position in the air, as he rubs your thighs with a gentle touch, feeling the tension in your muscles and circling his fingers over them, trying to provide you with kind of relief.
with a tender gesture, he slips the stocking out of your mouth, letting it fall to the floor as he tosses it aside, and there is room for a concern that fills his flaring brown eyes, as he watches you hiccup and sob openly, continuing to massage your thighs, murmuring softly as he asks if he went too far this time, trying to understand why you're crying
— “you alright, love? i'm, shi' — i'm sorry, did i wen' too far? did i hur' you?»
you shake your head gently, feeling your head spin at even the slightest movement, and he just nods in understanding, as he sees that you're physically fine, even if you can't find the words to speak, he understands.
simon takes charge silently and momentarily, gathering you up in his strong arms, holding you against his broad, yet soft chest, on which you lean with soft sigh of comfort and absolute limpness in your body and mind.
he carries you with ease, his muscles supporting your weight as he takes you to the bathroom, there, he prepares a warm bath, ensuring the water is just right, just so he would gently set you down in the tub, helping you relax and soak away the remnants of your encounter, as well as comfort you with careful massaging movements of his thick palms and soft touches of washcloth and soap against your body and swollen pussy.
afterwards, he'll surely take care to change the drenched sheets, replacing them with fresh ones for obvious better comfort, and throughout it all, simon pampers you, attending to your needs, and providing comfort until you eventually drift off to sleep in his strong, protective embrace, snoring against his chest under warm blanket and tender kisses that he press to your head and temple, murmuring an familiar, loving words — “sleep tight, darling„.
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madschiavelique · 1 year
hii i love your work!
i was wondering if you could write a sensitive fem!reader x Miguel O’Hara x Peter B smut? peter is like a soft dom and miguel is a hard dom?
miguel of course says something a little to mean while fucking her from behind, and she starts to cry and peter is all like “miguel, you made her cry”
thank you 🙏🏼
OMG anon you don't know what this did to me
you just provoked my new addiction : i want to write so much more miguel x reader x peter now i'm OBSESSED (also tumblr was kinda bugging while i tried doing this post so i hope things will be alright fdvfbsef - and this is not proofread :D)
summary : miguel made you cry because he was mean as you were eiffel towered by him and Peter B.
content warnings : SMUT (18+) minors dni, hard dom!miguel o'hara, soft dom!peter b. parker, reader being eiffel towered (i'm french and feeling very patriotic on this one🥖), miguel being a bit too mean, overstimulation, pnv sex, sodomy, no use of Y/N word count : 1,2k
tag list : @fandom-ash
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You whimpered once more, your whole body feeling electric and tired at the same time as you sank down shakily. Miguel was behind you, his warm breath landing on your ear as you felt his torso bulge against your back. Peter was facing you, kissing your shoulder as your breasts pressed against his chest.
You couldn't tell the time any more, whether it had been an hour or more that they were fucking you without stopping. Many orgasms had been reached, and your body was floating in this cloud of overstimulation. You were exhausted, at the end of your rope, with barely enough energy to lift your body and sink on both of their dicks buried in you.
Needing to regain your strength and rest both your thighs and your whole body, which had been in orgasmic succession, you rested for a moment, not moving as their two cocks stayed all warm in you.
"Did I say you could stop?" Miguel grunted against your back, his teeth grazing your skin as his hand rested on your thighs and squeezed your flesh between his massive fingers.
You let out a moan, your head falling back to rest in the crook of Miguel's neck.
"I can't," you breathed shakily, "it's too much."
You could feel the electricity coursing through your thighs, your body on fire, absolutely exhausted by the effort that had been required of you from the start.
"Come on sweetheart," Peter encouraged, caressing your cheek as he waited for you to continue. "You can do this."
You inhaled harshly, pressing down on your trembling thighs to rise again and continue. The knot forming in your body stretched from your lower stomach to the small of your back. The overload of sensation was heightening your sensitivity to the limit, both physically and mentally.
Your legs were tired, trying to bury yourself properly on them. One of your hands had found its place on Peter's shoulder, the other holding Miguel's thigh and allowing you to hold on better as you went back and forth.
"Is that the best you can do?" Miguel grumbled against your ear, both your faces covered in a light sheen of sweat.
One of his hands went to your hip, digging his fingers into your skin as he pushed even deeper and you let out a moan. The fatigue was getting hard to handle, all the sensations mixed together, their breaths, their voices, their words...
"If you can't do it right, I'll find someone who can".
This sentence stung you in the chest. All you were doing was trying to do your best for them, to make them feel good and have your share in it too. Were you really that incapable? Were you so incompetent that you didn't do anything for them? Were you really that useless?
"Watch your mouth," Peter warned, not necessarily condoning the crude words his partner had just uttered.
But it was too late, your heart clenched, your throat constricted as a ball formed in it. Your eyes burned, you would have preferred not to cry, but your nose stung so much in your abstinence that you ended up breaking. When the tears came, you lowered your head against Peter's shoulder, and they flowed hard and committed.
"Hey what's that," he said, feeling beads running down his skin that he knew wasn't sweat.
You didn't dare look at them, your hips still moving, your shame and discouragement oppressing your chest.
"Look at me," he asked softly as his hand came to rest on your cheek.
You looked up, your eyes unable to find his. But he placed his index finger like a hook under your chin to raise it, and your wet eyes met his.
"Oh no," he said, mouth half open, "bunny, are you crying?"
You immediately felt Miguel tense up, his hand suddenly much softer against your skin.
"What?" he asked, gently sliding his hand over your jaw in the hope of turning you towards him and seeing your face.
But you pulled away from his touch and buried your face in Peter's shoulder, not feeling strong enough to face Miguel's gaze.
"Miguel, you made her cry," Peter said, stroking your hair gently as Miguel's mouth fell open in surprise.
He hadn't realised the impact words like that could have on you, especially in this context. You had been so good to them, and you still are, their absolute dream. You are perfection itself, and Miguel would obviously never want to replace you with anyone else.
"Muñeca..." he murmured against your back as he came to kiss you tenderly, his hand caressing your hip.
Your tears were still flowing, your back shaking with little jolts of heartache and pleasure.
"Mírame," he asked gently, kissing the back of your neck.
You breathed in, lifting your wet cheeks from Peter's shoulder and turning to meet Miguel's face.
His eyes instantly became pained, pained to have been the one to cause this state. He would never, ever wish for anyone but you. He caressed your cheek, kissing the corner of your eyes and licking your wet skin.
"Please forgive me, amor," he whispered against your skin, "you know I never meant these words, right?"
Your chin trembled and Peter put his hand on your other cheek to wipe it clean.
"You're the only one we want," Miguel assured you, his eyes fixed on yours. "You're the most perfect thing that ever happened to us, and we would never want anybody else than you."
You sniffled, the sweet words he gave you pressing into your heart like a comforting balm. You loved them both so dearly, and it felt good to know that they did too.
"How are you feeling right now?" Peter asked, kissing your cheek softly.
You breathed in, still feeling the exhaustion weighing on your thighs and body.
"Like everything's too much," you managed to whisper, sniffing and swallowing.
"Do you think you can come just once more for us, nena?" Miguel asked, kissing your shoulder gently and stroking your thigh with his thumb.
The knot in your stomach was still tight, and it was almost painful not to get any relief from it.
"Mhm," you nodded as you pushed on your thighs again to raise them up.
Miguel's hands both came to grip your hip to guide you, helping you to sink and rise much more easily and sparing you a little pain in your thighs.
"You're so good for us," Peter breathed, kissing the crook of your neck lovingly, "you're doing such a good job, taking us like that."
Miguel kept pace with your hips, neither urging you on nor slowing you down. Both their warm breaths landed on your skin, whispering sweet, soft words that softened your heart and enveloped it in adoration.
Your moans began to multiply, vibrating in your throat a little more as you finally approached orgasm.
"Come for us, muñeca" encouraged Miguel.
And you came, your whole body shaking as if a bolt of lightning had struck your core and spread seismic waves of pleasure throughout its entirety.
You let your head rest against Miguel's chest, and he kissed your forehead gently.
"I knew you could do it," he whispered.
"You're our angel," Peter confirmed as he kissed your cheek.
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theshift · 13 days
The Breakout
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Before everything fell apart, Marcus had a life that he was proud of. He wasn’t some thug or low-life; he had his routines, his ambitions. Boxing was his escape, the one place where he felt in control. He spent hours in the gym, the sound of fists hitting heavy bags and the smell of sweat filling the air as he trained. There was something about the discipline, the focus, the rhythm of a good fight that made the chaos of the outside world fade away. He wasn’t a pro, but he was good—damn good—and he was starting to get noticed. On weekends, he’d run along the river, feeling the early morning breeze, imagining his next match. Life wasn’t perfect, but it was his, and he had a future lined up. That was before it all got ripped away—before he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Now, that life seemed like a distant dream, one he’d never wake up to again. The real world, the one he’d worked so hard for, felt like it had vanished forever.
Marcus had been in prison for two long months. His life had been ripped away, and now he was just another inmate waiting for judgment in a system that didn’t care.
But even worse than being locked up was dealing with Officer Nathan, the patrol officer who took sick pleasure in making Marcus’s life miserable. Nathan was cruel. Every day he found a new way to degrade Marcus. Whether it was spilling his food on the ground or shouting insults that cut deeper than the metal bars around him, Nathan loved to remind Marcus who was in control.
Today had been no different. As Marcus sat on his cot, his mind still reeling from the news of his sentencing—fifteen years—Nathan showed up at his cell with that same smirk.
“Well, well, look at you. Fifteen years, huh? Guess you’re gonna rot here for a while,” Nathan sneered, leaning against the bars. “Bet you thought you’d get off easy. But nobody cares about some low-life scum like you.”
Marcus clenched his fists, staring at the floor. He couldn’t believe it. Fifteen years for something he didn’t do. His whole life—gone. He swallowed the lump in his throat, trying to ignore Nathan’s voice.
“You know what the best part is?” Nathan continued, his voice dripping with cruelty. “You’ll be here, getting old and wasting away, while I’m out there. Free. Living my life. Makes you wonder why you even bother fighting, doesn’t it?”
Marcus’s body tensed. “I didn’t do it.”
Nathan barked out a laugh. “Sure, that’s what they all say. Keep telling yourself that, Marcus. Doesn’t change a damn thing.” He tapped the bars with his baton, a sharp clink ringing out. “You belong here. And I’m going to make sure every day feels like hell for you. Count on it.”
Marcus couldn’t take it anymore. The injustice, the humiliation—it all boiled inside him. He couldn’t live like this, not for fifteen years. His hands shook, his breath coming in sharp gasps as his heart pounded in his chest.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You look like you’re about to cry. Go ahead,” Nathan jeered. “Cry like the pathetic loser you are.”
Something snapped inside Marcus.
“You think you’re untouchable,” Marcus muttered, his voice low, trembling with rage.
Nathan raised an eyebrow. “What was that?”
Marcus slowly lifted his head, eyes burning with something darker, something Nathan had never seen before. “You think you’re better than me because you’re on that side of the bars? Because you can do whatever you want to people like me?”
Nathan chuckled, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes now. “Yeah, I do. What are you gonna do about it?”
Marcus’s lips twisted into a cold smile as he stood up, his body humming with a power he had always kept hidden, a power he had refused to use until now. His gaze locked onto Nathan, and the room seemed to thrum with a strange energy.
Nathan stepped back from the bars, suddenly on edge. “What’s your deal, man? Sit down before you do something stupid.”
But Marcus didn’t stop. His eyes were like burning coals, and a strange pressure filled the air around them. He closed his eyes, focusing inward, feeling the dark energy swirling within him like a storm, ready to be unleashed.
He had never wanted to use his gift, but this was different. This was survival.
Marcus's body felt weightless as he reached out mentally, a strange, ethereal sensation that began to rise from the depths of his chest. The connection to Nathan was immediate—a tether of energy, dark and tangible, latching onto him like invisible chains. Marcus’s mind surged toward Nathan, slipping through the cracks of his consciousness, feeling his presence as if it were a physical thing.
The shift was sudden, a jarring sensation that sent Nathan stumbling backward. His hands shot up to his head, as if he could physically block Marcus’s intrusion, but it was already too late. Marcus could feel Nathan’s mind now—panicked, scattered, full of raw terror.
“No—what are you doing?” Nathan’s voice was sharp, trembling with fear.
Marcus’s smile widened. His consciousness flooded Nathan’s mind like dark water, consuming him, pushing past every mental wall the officer tried to erect. It was a slow process, deliberate, like sinking into quicksand, inch by inch, until Nathan’s screams became muffled in the back of his own mind.
Nathan staggered back against the wall, his body twitching as Marcus took over. From the outside, it looked like Nathan was having some kind of seizure, his face contorting in shock as his limbs jerked, resisting the possession. But Marcus was relentless. He pushed deeper, feeling his own awareness settle into Nathan’s body as though slipping on a perfectly tailored suit.
Nathan's mind screamed, trapped now as a mere voice, a presence that Marcus could feel but had full control over. “Stop! Get out! You can’t do this!”
Marcus ignored him. He flexed Nathan’s fingers, feeling the strength of his new form. The once-familiar prison walls looked different through Nathan’s eyes—sharper, crisper. Marcus rolled his shoulders, testing the muscles that now responded to his command.
Inside, Nathan’s terror grew. “What are you—get out of my body!”
Marcus’s laugh, low and cruel, rumbled through Nathan’s throat. “Oh, Nathan… you’re not in charge anymore.”
With one final surge of effort, Marcus forced Nathan’s consciousness into the back of his mind, shoving him deep into a corner, trapping him in the prison of Marcus’s old body. Nathan was now locked away, his pleas for help falling on deaf ears as Marcus stood tall in his stolen skin.
Nathan, now trapped in Marcus’s body, staggered forward, horrified at the sight of his own hands—Marcus’s hands—reaching out toward him, mocking him. He tried to scream, but Marcus simply sneered. “Enjoy being on the other side of those bars. I’ll make sure to give you the same treatment you gave me.”
Marcus felt the real Nathan's panic, buried deep inside his old body, helpless and confused, as the guards dragged him away. “No! You don’t understand—I’m not Marcus! I’m Nathan! Please!”
But no one listened. To everyone else, it was just Marcus losing his mind.
Meanwhile, Marcus—now fully in control of Nathan’s body—strolled through the prison halls, relishing the newfound power. Nathan’s voice screamed in the back of his head, but Marcus simply tuned him out, reveling in the freedom and control he had never felt before.
“You’ve had your fun, Nathan,” Marcus muttered under his breath, his voice sounding strange but powerful. “Now it’s my turn.”
Nathan was trapped inside Marcus’s body, powerless, screaming silently as Marcus turned and walked down the hallway in his new form. The other guards greeted him with nods of respect, completely unaware of the switch.
As Marcus settled into Nathan's body, something unexpected surfaced from the officer's memories—Nathan was secretly into men. Hidden beneath his tough exterior and cruel demeanor was a desire he had never dared to act on, a truth he kept buried deep, afraid of what it would mean for his image as the hardened officer. And to Marcus's surprise, Nathan had even found him attractive, though he would have never admitted it. The irony was delicious.
Now, with full control of Nathan's body, Marcus realized he could have the life Nathan was too scared to embrace. He wasted no time. With Nathan’s face, his fit build, and authority, Marcus quickly began to attract attention, something Nathan had always fantasized about but never had the nerve to act on. Marcus, on the other hand, had no qualms about indulging in what Nathan had suppressed. Within days, he had hooked up with men who were drawn to his new appearance—something Nathan had always dreamed of but never had the courage to pursue. It wasn’t just about the power; it was about taking Nathan’s secret desires and living them out in ways Nathan never could.
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More days passed, and Marcus, now in Nathan’s body, relished every moment of his new life. He took over Nathan’s duties, tormenting the real Nathan—trapped inside Marcus’s old body. Every time Marcus walked by, he could see the fear in his own face, the panic in Nathan’s eyes as he tried to tell the guards what had happened.
“Nobody’s listening, Nathan,” Marcus whispered one day as he passed by the cell. “They think you’ve lost it. Crazy, isn’t it?”
Nathan, trapped and powerless, screamed, banging on the bars of the cell. “Stop this! Please! I’m not Marcus! I’m not him!”
But no one believed him. To the other guards, he was just another inmate losing his mind.
Marcus continued his life as Nathan, basking in the power that came with it. He spent a week tormenting the real Nathan, letting the other guards treat him the same way Nathan had treated Marcus. The irony wasn’t lost on him, and he loved every second of it.
One day, Marcus stood in front of a mirror in Nathan’s office, staring at the reflection of Nathan’s face. A thought struck him.
“Why waste this? Why stay here as some low-life prison officer?” he murmured to himself. He grinned, running a hand over Nathan’s strong jawline. “I could do so much more.”
The next morning, Marcus handed in Nathan’s resignation. He was done with this place, with this pathetic life. He had bigger plans. He left the prison behind without a second glance, the real Nathan screaming in his own body, now doomed to serve the sentence Marcus was supposed to endure.
And Marcus? He moved to the city, reinvented himself as a model. Nathan’s looks, once wasted on cruelty, now served Marcus well. The spotlight loved him, and he embraced his new life, his new identity.
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As Marcus rose to fame, Nathan remained locked in a cell, forgotten, living the nightmare he had once created for others.
And Marcus? He was finally free.
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sassypantsjaxon · 2 months
Zoro offers to kill Judge
When Sanji returns from Whole Cake and his wedding and Luffy and Nami will only tell him the barest details because it's Sanji's business to tell and he isn't saying anything. Zoro says he can go and kill Judge right now and still be back in time to fight Kaido. His captain tells him No. Sanji wanted them alive. Zoro respects that, but he still offers again when Sanji finally tells him why he had to ask Zoro to kill him. Sanji manages to fake a laugh through his tears as he tells Zoro No, that's not necessary.
It's not the last time Zoro offers. When Sanji starts staring out into the distance, towards where he knows the North Blue must be, with this desolate look on his face. When he buys Zoro a good bottle of sake. When his hands start to tremble with contained strength. When he gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for everyone. There's no rhyme or reason to when or why Zoro offers. As a reassurance, as a thanks, as a promise. Sanji knows he means it, every time, and he denies him every time. He'll never admit how much he appreciates the offer. How much he wants to accept, but he just can't. It becomes a part of their courtship, just as much as their daily sparing. They'll fight over anything and everything, they'll make up again over shared food and clean dishes and naps on the deck, and Zoro will kill Judge for Sanji. Keep his beloved hands clean of his creator's blood. He offers once, in between the proposal and Luffy declaring them husbands, says It can be a wedding present, and is only joking about it being a gift for their wedding. Sanji still laughs when he says No. Sometimes they'll go so long that Sanji starts to wonder if Zoro's changed his mind, that maybe he won't kill Judge for him after all. And then one morning, out of nowhere, Zoro will catch his hand as he he's in the middle of something else, and tell him I'll do it for you, just say the word. And Sanji will tell him Not today. Sometimes he wonders if the only reason he keeps denying Zoro this one thing, it's really because hearing the offer sounds like a reassurance of the other man's love for him. And then Sanji tells Zoro about their child. And Zoro has plenty of his own concerns. Children are so fragile, both their bodies and their spirits so easily broken. But it's different for Sanji. This constant battle between joy to have this little thing growing in him, and the terror that maybe the things he's managed to fight away will be passed on to this innocent party. Zoro offers again. He'd be back home long before the child arrives. Sanji cries and tells him It wouldn't change anything now. It's the first time his answer hasn't been a no. But it's not a yes either, so Zoro waits. Maybe the day Sanji agrees will never come, but Zoro will wait for the rest of his life if the reassurance is the one thing Sanji needs. And their baby comes and Sanji laughs at how terrified Zoro is to hold them for the first time, and they look just like Zoro, and Ussop jokes that Sanji's genes didn't even put up a fight and Sanji just looks so so relieved. Their child is no stronger or more durable than any other child in the world, they cry when they're upset and laugh when they're happy and Sanji couldn't be more relieved. And Zoro knows. He knows what the answer will be the next time he asks. He knows that no child will ever go through the torment that Sanji did. He knows that Judge will never hurt another person. But he doesn't ask. Because he needs Sanji to be absolutely sure of his decision, so he doesn't ask. And still one morning, as Sanji's waking up and Zoro's going to bed, and Sanji is holding their child his his arms, with all the wonder that something so precious could be theirs, and he looks up at Zoro with a lifetime's worth of love, and tells him Yes. And Zoro says Consider it done.
He goes alone. He knows the rest of the crew would join him, destroy all of Germa 66, send it to the depths of the ocean for the sake of their kindhearted cook. But this is only Zoro's promise to keep, so he goes alone. He finds Germa without any trouble. He's always trusted to seas to bring him exactly where he needs to go, and this time is no different. It's big and cold and ugly and contradictory to everything Sanji is. Just having heard about it, Zoro had wondered how his Cook could have come from a place like this. Seeing it for himself makes him wonder even more. It's easy enough to find the palace, even easier to find the throne room. Judge recognizes him immediately. Pirate Hunter. Greatest Swordsman. First Mate to the King of the Pirates. Husband to the failed prince of Germa. It's pathetic, the way Judge begs for his life, promises Zoro anything he could want. There's only one thing he's capable of granting, and Zoro doesn't hesitate to demand it. Reiju named as his successor. He knows it's what Sanji would want. The only way to guarantee Germa's sins won't be repeated, aside from destroying it outright. There are plenty of other things Zoro wants from Judge. But none he's truly able to give. He wants Sanji's peace of mind, for himself and for their child. He wants Sanji to never wake up and fear he's back in that cell again. He wants to take all of Sanji's pain and bear it himself, but this is the best he can do. It's almost not even worth the effort it takes to kill Judge, and he almost feels bad for putting this coward's blood on his swords, except they're begging for it almost as much as Zoro is. He passes Reiju herself as he's leaving the throne room. She takes in the scene with no emotion showing on her face. Zoro isn't sure if her lack of reaction is from the modification Sanji had told him about or if this would be her response anyway. Zoro stops just past her, but doesn't turn back to look at her. Tells her Sanji has a child. Named Sora. They're safe and loved and cared for by the family he's created for himself. He thinks he hears some emotion in her voice as she tells him Good. I'm glad. Zoro doesn't stay to hear anything more. He wants to find the room Sanji was held prisoner in, destroy it, bring this whole place to the ground. But he'd only promised Sanji this one thing. He returns to the Sunny as easily as he had left. He hadn't been gone long. Everything's exactly as he left it. Sanji and Sora are still waiting for him. Sanji falls into his arms, finally free of this weight he's been carrying his entire life, looks up at Zoro with a tear filled smile and tells him Thank you.
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drefear · 1 year
Daddy Issues Part 2
Best Friend’s Dad!Miguel x Reader
TW: a lot of angst, a lot of sad, a little bit of fluff, jealousy, smut p in v, oral (m and f receiving) awkward shit between Gabi and you and Miguel.
AN: ok here it is! Part 2 is here and now I can focus on HTTK so here ya go :)
Part 1
Weeks. You’d been avoiding Miguel for weeks.
Every day, you thought about that night. The way he touched you, spoke to you, held you. You had sex before, sure, but that… that was next level. A different world.
That was intimacy.
You cried almost every day. He had tried calling you a few times, but you never answered. The whole event felt too painful and your heart couldn’t take it.
Gabi came over and you told her a story that you had met some guy and he swept you off your feet, but he was controlling and had a temper. She sympathized and held you as you cried and that made everything so much worse. How could you do this to her? Sleep with her dad and lie to her? You had to be the worst friend in the world.
During this time, you had finally moved out of your and Gabi’s apartment, and spent some time back with your dad while looking for a new apartment and getting some auditions.
As you sat on the couch and shoved popcorn in your mouth, your eyes still watered and burned. Some gross love story was on and it made you sad once more, the lingering heaviness in your body coming to the forefront of your mind.
The doorbell could be heard and you got up to answer it, not giving a damn that you were in baggy sweats and a big sweater. Swinging open the door, your eyes froze.
“M-Miguel?” You sputtered, seeing him stand awkwardly at your door. “What are you-“
“Miguel!” Your dad cheered and hugged his friend, pulling him inside past your shocked frame. “We’re having a family night again. You used to love those, hon!” Your dad continued and Gabi stepped inside with her boyfriend. You nodded and followed.
You moved close to your best friend and sat on the couch, Gabi rubbing your arm comfortingly as she tried to make you feel better. The second Miguel looked at your small frame, face stained with tears and a bit puffy from crying, he hated it. And it wasn’t like you were enjoying it either. All of your emotions started to come up in your throat like nausea.
The guilt you felt about lying to Gabi, the anger you felt towards him making you feel-
How did he make you feel?
Angry. But also… sad. And amazing.
You couldn’t deny the whole experience was almost otherworldly.
You got up abruptly and mumbled a quick “I’ll go make something,” before hurrying into the kitchen.
Miguel moved to follow you before Gabi caught his arm.
“Don’t. She might snap at you.”
Miguel nodded, “that’s ok, she can if she wants to.” And with that, he continued.
You stood, turning on the oven to put in some cookies. You loved baking cookies. They were soft and warm, like a hug. You could really use a hug.
“Mi cielo…” his voice had that same effect as he spoke while you stared ahead at the tray of dough.
“Go away.” Is all you could say without turning into a sobbing mess. His hand found your shoulder and you spun around fast, stepping out of his vicinity. “I said go away.” You repeated and heaved, the upset building in you wildly.
He clenched his jaw, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“This is not the time or place to do this, Miguel. My dad and my best friend- your daughter is in the room right next to us. If they hear this, neither of them will forgive us.”
The words coming out of your mouth made your hands tremble and your stomach sick. How could you have let this happen?
You turned your head and moved to check on the cookies. “We need to act like nothing happened.”
“But I-“
“No. Nothing happened.” You repeated and he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“I’d like to talk about this another time, because while you have nothing to say, I do. And I’d like it if you'd hear me out.” His words made your mouth dry as you just sighed and nodded, not able to even answer. Your brain was fried, you felt ambushed. You knew your dad was just trying to cheer you up, but he had made this so much worse for tonight. To sit in a room with two people you lied to and the person your heart aches for the most, yearns to touch and hold and love. But that could never happen. He was best friends dad, he was supposed to be like family.
Once he exited the kitchen, you let a few silent tears fall. The conflict inside of you was roaring like a storm at sea.
You’d finally found an apartment, a place by your dance agency that had a beautiful view of the city. It was absolutely perfect. Cute little kitchen, a master bedroom and a big closet, everything was a dream. You signed those papers and paid everything upfront, having saved a lot from sharing an apartment with Gabi.
Moving in was easy, since you didn’t have a lot of furniture and your dad said he’d help you out. He planned a fun day of helping you move in.
And he invited Miguel and Gabi.
As you saw your father standing in your new doorway, your arms swung around his neck. “Thank you, dad.” You couldn’t help but be giddy about it all.
Gabi was behind him, and behind her was… Miguel. You hugged Gabi and gave Miguel a polite smile, mumbling a “hi Mr. O’Hara,” and pulling in Gabi to show her around.
The men started to carry in the big furniture, including the couch your father bought you as a gift and the bedframe you got at an antique shop. You plopped down on the mattress and spread out your arms, staring up at the ceiling. This was the beginning of your true freedom, your independence.
Someone clearing their throat stirred you out of your daze and you leaned up on your elbows to see Miguel. You just huffed. “The boxes are all in the living room.” He said and you nodded, “your dad brought some food and beers, said we should all break in your new place together.”
“Of course he did.” You murmured and bit your lip in frustration, trying not to be so rude. “Fine.”
An hour later and you were still stone cold sober, not having even a sip of a beer and only drinking water. Miguel was still nursing his first beer as Gabi and your dad had already made it to their second.
“So, Miguel!” Your dad smiled, leaning on a knee, “how’s the girlfriend?” Your body stiffened and your eyes stayed trained on the water bottle in your hand.
“Ah, she’s not my girlfriend, it’s not serious.” He went on and you began to drown him out. You didn’t want to hear any of this, you just wanted to be alone in your new apartment.
“Come on, man. Six months and still no title?”
“Six months?” You gapped and everyone turned to you, making you glance around and realize your error. “I-I’m just shocked, is all… that’s a long time to not have some sort of commitment… or loyalty.” Your eyes flickered to his and a slight bit of hurt and anger tinged his features, still trying to play it off as if he was unbothered.
“Like I said, it’s not serious. But it feels nice to be with someone mature…” he leaned back and took a long swig of his beer, eyes never breaking from yours. You tightened the grip on the bottle in your hands and then looked back to your dad.
“Sorry dad, didn’t realize you were the only single person in the room now.” Your smile was normal and sweet to everyone else, as if you were teasing your father, but Miguel saw through it. This was a competition now, a challenge.
“You have a boyfriend?” His voice was meant to sound relaxed, but it was a bit harsh.
“Oh no no, it’s casual. Just hanging out.” You shrugged, “men are really just a distraction right now, ya know? They all just want one thing, and I’m not into the whole ‘multiple women’ vibe. Men who entertain more than one woman at a time are disgusting. Pigs, really.” You went on about this and his mouth found the bottle once more, tipping it back and downing the rest. He immediately moved to pop open another and you smirked.
You, 1. Miguel, 0.
He was quiet the rest of the night, listening to Gabi and your father trade stories as you laughed along and gave snarky comments. When the night was finally over, you wished everyone goodbye and were about to shut the door when a hand stopped you.
“Forgot something.” Miguel’s voice said from the hallway and you found yourself being pushed backwards by him opening the door wider. He closed it behind himself and his eyes glared into yours with fury you recognized once before.
“So, a new guy?” He spit out and you stayed quiet. No words came out and this made him angrier. “What? Nothing else to say? You sure had a hell of a lot to say before, why not now?”
“You’re drunk, Mr. O’Hara-“
“Cut it with the ‘Mr. O’Hara’ bullshit.” He barked and you flinched, “you’re seeing some fuckin twerp now?”
“You have a girlfriend.” You spat back at him and he rolled his eyes.
“She’s not my girlfriend, we’re just-“
“Six months. You’ve been seeing her, taking her to dinner, seducing her for six months. That’s a relationship!” You shouted at him and Miguel’s eyes just fell to the floor. “Just get out, I don’t owe you an explanation. I can see whoever I want, I can fuck around and be a whore if I really wanted to! It’s none of your business!”
“You’re mine, so it’s my business.”
“No I’m not.” You yelled and he grew still. The heavy tension fell on your shoulders and your tears spilled down your cheeks, the breath in your lungs burning from inhaling too hard. The two of you stared at each other for a bit before you whispered, “You and I had sex. That doesn’t mean I’m yours. Not when you were fucking her the whole time.” His eyes dropped to your hands and he just nodded before clicking his tongue.
“You’re right. I’m too drunk for this… congratulations on the new apartment, amorcita.” His tall frame walked to the door and before you could stop him, the door was shut and he was gone.
Days later, and you were still a mopy mess. Everyone noticed your lack of friendly-nature, it was like the sun was gone. A knock on your door made you stir and sit upright. You opened it and saw your father, smiling face and holding a bag of groceries. Your dad stepped in, put everything away, then sat on the couch. You’d been crying before he got there and he saw that, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” He asked quietly, like he was trying to soothe a beast. You cried more, surprised that the well still was not dry, and he held your hand. “It was Miguel, wasn’t it?”
Your whole being shuddered and your eyes snapped up to his.
“Yeah, I see how you look at him, how you smile… I might be an old man, but I know my little girl.” He pet your head. “Listen. I’m not going to say I’m happy about this, because I think he’s far too old for you… but you’re a woman, and I know I raised a smart girl. Just always think about if he’s worth possibly losing your friendship with Gabi.” He pecked your forehead as you sniffled, thinking about his words. As he stood up, you grabbed his hand.
“Dad?” Your voice cracks and he looks down to your sad form. “I love you. Thank you.”
You fell back asleep soon after. Sleep was your only safety blanket, your only holy ground. It was the coping mechanism you shouldn’t have, but desperately needed. Sometimes, you’d end up sleeping at your father’s house from not wanting to be so alone.
Time went by so slowly and finally, a phone call woke you out of your deep sleep, answering without noticing the name. “Hello?”
“Can I come over to talk?” Miguel’s voice was full of gentle fear, like he was afraid to scare you away.
“Where are you telling Gabi that you’re going?”
“She’s with her boyfriend. Mi cielo, Please.”
“Fine. I’m at my dad’s tonight. He'll be home in an hour, and I don’t want him here while we talk about this.” You rolled out of bed and moved to the bathroom.
“I’m on my way.” You hung up after he said that and placed your phone face down on the bathroom sink. Staring at your reflection made you realize something…
You looked awful. You got yourself ready as usual, finally washing your face fully and doing some skin care, brushing and flossing your teeth, brushing your hair and pulling it into a ponytail, and finally putting on a summer sun dress.
You looked like yourself again. And it felt good.
The knock at the door was like a calling card for death, it felt like the end and a sinking feeling grew heavy in your stomach. Thank god for waterproof mascara.
Opening the door, you saw him standing there with a single rose in his hands. You stared at the flower before meeting his eyes.
“Why… did you bring that?”
“Because I saw it and it reminded me of you.” His words made your heart flutter, made your head almost dizzy with the happy hormones, but you needed to keep your cool.
“Um. Thank you.” You took the flower carefully and stepped aside so he could come in. “We… need to talk.”
“I know.” He nodded and sat down, spreading his legs a bit and unbeknownst to him, showing off his large size. He watched you sit across from him, crossing your ankles and playing with the flower in your hand as he cleared his voice. “I should apologize.”
“Yes, you should.”
He smiled, your biting and firey personality showing again. There was his girl.
“When your dad called and asked about the shirt, I was surprised. I didn’t think an old man like me could- would ever get that attraction from a young woman again…” he spoke, “you’re everything that a man could love. Everything a man could ever need, but… I’m too old for you, and I don’t want to hurt your friendship with my daughter.”
You nodded along. His eyes followed your movements, as if waiting for a response, but you didn’t give one.
“So, if that’s all you had to say, you can leave now.”
“What?” He was shocked. He- he was trying to admit he wanted you but couldn’t have you, and you were just brushing him off?
“You heard me. You might have another date lined up after this, and I wouldn’t want you to keep her waiting.” The rage in your throat was coming out fast, and you might just start yelling at him if he didn’t leave soon. “Spare me the pity party for your age, Miguel. You know that you’re gorgeous, you can get anyone you want. So cut the shit. Who is she?” You barked and he leaned back, surprised.
“What are you talking about?”
“That woman! She made you so hot and bothered on that stupid date that you fucked the first girl you saw afterwards. Is that the woman you’d been seeing? What’s her name?” You bubbled, louder now. His eyes saw something he never thought he would in yours. Jealousy.
“She- she’s a coworker, it was just dinner-“ he mumbled and you laughed. You laughed!
“Just dinner? Do you think I’m stupid? That’s the one you’d been seeing for months, right?”
“Mi corazón, I don’t know what you think happened, but it didn’t-“ and something hit him. He didn’t owe you an explanation about her. But you wanted one.
You shared his feelings.
This was a revelation. You weren't upset because you regretted everything, or were worried about Gabi.
You were upset because you liked him.
Miguel smiled wide and that just stoked the fire inside of you.
“You think this is funny?”
“Hysterical, actually.” He moved forward and grabbed your wrist, yanking you to sit on his lap. “Because she could never be you, amor.” He tilted your chin with his index finger to look up at him. “I’d choose you a thousand times over.”
You were speechless. “You… would?”
“Well, that depends on your relationship with this boy, because if you were single, I’d chose you. I’d ask you on a date.” His words made your face burn with a heavy blush. “So?”
“So that boy… never existed.” You admitted shyly, avoiding his eyes contact as he laughed harder. “Shut up!”
“Go on a date with me.” He repeated and you nodded, then swallowed thickly.
“But… we need to tell Gabi.” You announced and his body stiffened, that familiar fear he felt before creeping in. “She deserves to know what’s going on.” You watched his eyes. “We already crossed a line we can’t erase, she should be aware that we might start seeing each other.” His hand found yours and he sighed, nodding.
The front door opened and your father stepped inside, barely glancing at the two of you as you both froze. As he took his shoes off, he smirked at you two.
“So the talk went well, I see, which means I’m making some rules. Rule number one, no sex in the house.”
“Dad!” You shouted, standing up fast and stepping forward.
“And protection is a must. My little girl isn’t getting pregnant before she can make her dreams come true-“
“Oh my god, stop talking!” You begged and he folded his arms, Miguel standing up behind you.
“He’s right. He’s just doing what any good father would do, mi amor.”
You visibly saw your father cringe. “Rule number two, no lovey-dovey talk in front of me please. That includes pet names.” He smiled, "I'll let you two have a few more minutes, but then I’m watching the game.” He walked to the kitchen, to which you moved to look at Miguel again.
“So. I’ll see you…”
“Tomorrow. We can tell Gabriella tomorrow.” His voice was firm, a man on a mission. Your man on a mission.
You were dressed in her favorite color. Why? Well, since you were about to tell her, essentially, thatyou wanted to fuck her dad, you figured you’d try to score all the points you could get. You’d keep the fact that you did already a secret for now.
As you got to Miguel’s house, your heart pounded in your chest. He wanted you to meet there so her boyfriend didn’t have to be subjected to the innate awkwardness of the situation.
You tugged at your skirt as you stood, finally knocking on the door. It swung open mere seconds after and you came face to face with Miguel. Your heart skipped as he looked at you and smiled.
“You look… wow.” His eyes were so sweet and puppy like, you couldn’t help but laugh. This gargantuan man was so soft for you, and you thrived for every second.
Holding your hand, he spun you to see the back of your outfit too, then pulled your hands to rest on his shoulders and bent down to press a slow kiss to your lips.
Grabbing the backs of your thighs, he lifted you to wrap around his waist and your hands slid into his thick brown hair as you kissed him back. Your back hit the couch and you gasped as his lips connected with your throat.
“Miguel- she’ll be here any minute!” You spoke, trying not to moan as he smirked against your skin, pulling down one strap.
“I’ll make it quick, I promise.” He whispered and moved his hands under your dress skirt, sliding your panties to the side. “Can’t help it, mi cielo, you get me so hard just looking at you in these damn dresses.” His words had you breathless, combined with his fingers prodding your entrance. The unzip of his pants made you practically dizzy, feeling his swollen tip dipping into you a bit. You took in a sharp breath as he groaned, “so wet already,” and pushed into you. The stretch was intense and your body curled into him instinctively from the burn. “Just a few more seconds, I promise.” His forehead leaned against your and you nodded, your hands pulling at his hair and making him want more of you. His mouth began to suck a bruise into the cleavage of your breasts and your head fell backwards as he sunk into you more, finally bottoming out completely. It was surreal, being filled with him, surrounded by his large body, and having all of your senses drowned in him. Your eyes almost crossed from the feeling it brought you and if you’d been more aware, you’d have heard the door open. But you didn’t, and so when he began rocking into you and lifted both your legs over one shoulder, your mouth fell open in blind pleasure. Your name fell from his lips and your nipples were rock hard from the sensation of him brushing his pelvis against your clit.
“Dad?” A feminine voice struck your ears and your eyes snapped open, upside down and staring at Gabriella looking away. Looking up, you realized Miguel was still moving. He didn’t hear her.
“M-Miguel, stop!” You called out and he immediately halted his movements, looking over your face. You pulled your straps onto your shoulders and stared at Gabi’s face, eyes wide with complete shock. Miguel’s eyes followed yours and he finally realized what was happening.
An awkward 20 minutes later of Gabriella refusing to come out of her room, she finally let you in and you sat on the bed with her, face still red as a beet and knee bouncing anxiously.
“So. You and my dad.” She said and you looked up with fear and regret.
“Gabi, I’m sorry, it just happened-”
“I figured it might.” She trailed off and your mouth hung open. “You always sucked at hiding your feelings, and he was always way too protective of you.” She stared at her shoes, “I just didn’t think it’d actually happen, ya know? Like I knew it could, but I didn’t think it actually would.” Your eyes filled with tears, scared to lose your best friend.
“Gabi… I’ll stop if you’re uncomfortable, we’ll stop-”
“And make you both miserable? No thanks. If there’s anyone I’d want my dad to be with, it’s you.” She sat next to you finally and put a hand on your shoulder. “And same with you. He’s had a little crush on you since your sophomore year of college, always just kinda staring, ya know? I tried to ignore it, but when we went to dinner and you two were dancing… it was just kind of obvious. And I want him to be happy.” Gabriella held your hand and you immediately started crying.
“But I’ll hurt you if you hurt him. And same goes for him. If you two do this, neither of you can fuck it up. I mean it!” She gave you a serious look and you nodded, smiling and wiping your eyes.
“I love you so much, Gabi.” You whispered and hugged her tight. She sighed and hugged you back. “Just… please don’t ever make me see that ever again.”
“I’m so sorry, I won’t!” You pulled away and looked at her face.
“And I’m not calling you mom either, so don’t ask.”
“God no don’t do that. I would hate that.”
“Ok.” She looked away. “So… is this why you were avoiding me?”
“Yeah… I couldn’t really face him.”
“Well, try not to think about that anymore, since this is happening now.” She heard a knock at the door and Miguel’s embarrassed form stood in the doorway, guilt on his features.
“You!” Gabriella stood up and threw a pillow at him, to which he caught reflexively.
“I’m sorry! I thought you were going to come back later.” His hands went up defensively and she glared at him, making you laugh.
“I don’t ever want to see that ever again. I don’t want to hear it, I don’t even want to think about it.” She shivered with disgust and you started laughing. Everything felt right.
That was until Miguel's work event, which was a few weeks later. He’d invited you as his date, and you excitedly agreed. Picking out your dress with Gabriella, you pulled out a long gown with a high slit to the leg.
“At least with that one, he won’t rip it.”
“Gabi!” You flicked her arm and she shrugged.
“Isn’t Danielle gonna be there?”
“Danielle, that woman he was seeing before you two started dating?” Gabriella glanced up at you from her phone as you stopped everything you had been doing.
“Oh.” Is all you could fathom. That’s right, she was a coworker. Your hands trembled a bit and Gabriella rested a hand on your shoulder.
“He never talked about her, and all he ever talks about anymore is you. So don’t worry.” You nodded and stared down at the blue dress. You bought that dress.
It’d been a few weeks of you and Miguel being together, practically inseparable. He had you sleeping at his house every other night, refusing to let you leave because ‘driving home would be too dangerous at that time of night.’
You knew he just wanted to hold you all night, to continue the constant overstimulation he loved to push you through. Whispers of ‘you can do it,’ ‘one more for me,’ ‘such a good girl, mi cielo.’ You’d twitch, tears streaming down your cheeks from the burn of your muscles, legs around his shoulders as his face buried into your cunt. His face was wet from how many times you’d already been pushed too far over the edge, finally kissing up your body as he smirked, pushing into you. No matter how many times you’d orgasmed, it would always be a stretch to fit him, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he chuckled. He loved watching you come undone all over his cock all night long, leaving bite marks on your chest and shoulders, feeling your nails leave angry, red marks across his back. God forbid anyone ever saw you two naked the next morning, they’d think you both got into a war with stray cats. Your favorite was when he was about to come inside of you, and he’d pull your wrist to his lips, kissing you there while he unloaded in you, then dropping his forehead to yours and smiling.
The night of the event, you were pushing your breasts together in the dress. Tugging the fabric to fit perfectly, you stared at yourself in the mirror. The navy blue velvet was snug against your curves, the neckline plunging down the center and the slit high on your thigh. It was long sleeved, balancing how much skin was showing perfectly, and you paired it with silver strappy heels. Bouncy curls falling down your shoulders and elegant, simple makeup, you were the picture of grace and beauty.
Yet, the knot in your stomach made you want to lie and say you couldn’t go, that you were sick, that something came up, that you couldn’t go- anything to stay home and not have to see her.
But it was too late, and a knock at your door made you hyper aware of the time. Grabbing a clutch you’d picked to match the dress, you hurried and opened the door.
“Mi cielo-” His eyes dragged over your form and then back up at you. “Preciosa, por dios.” His voice dropped an octave and you smiled, feeling him pull your hand into his chest and kissing your wrist once more, your favorite feeling. You blushed as he spun you around with him, kissing right below your ear and moving lower and lower…
“I’d ravish you right here and now if we weren’t going to be late.”
“I think I’d rather have you take this off of me.” You answered and he pulled away a little, checking your expression.
“Por que?”
“I just- I’m nervous.” You avoided his eyes.
“I’ll be by your side the whole time, I promise.” He spoke softly and you nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. That wasn’t the problem.
Arriving, you couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful decor and elegant architecture of the chosen establishment. It felt like something from a movie, and you felt eyes on you. Turning, you saw Miguel staring at you with a wide grin on his lips, just watching you as you gawked at the interior. His hand slipped into yours and you smiled up at him.
“Let’s find our seats, amorcita.” He whispered and kissed your temple, escorting you to the table in the front of the room. You both went to get drinks and he began to mingle, introducing you to many people you couldn’t remember the names of.
A pair of heels clacking from behind you made you turn a bit and there she was.
That woman.
You made eye contact with her and she refused to look away, practically glaring into your soul.
“Y-You must be Danielle.” You reached out to shake her hand, and she obliged, looking you up and down in judgment. Everything about this introduction made you want to crawl under a rock. She hated you and you would too if someone stole Miguel from you. You originally did, actually.
“Yes, and you’re the little brat who stormed out of his house, right? The one his daughter’s age?” She answered and your stomach dropped. Shit. She tilted her head and gave you a condescending smirk. “Not much to look at, are you? But I guess sometimes a man wants someone who can make him feel young and alive again. That’s a phase, and he’ll get over it-”
Miguel’s arm wrapped around your waist as he walked up to you two and he stared down at Danielle, making her suddenly stop talking and start playing nice in front of him. Your body was shaking a bit, thinking about what she’d said.
“Miguel, nice to see you.” She smiled up at him, bright red lips showing off her white teeth, and you immediately felt inferior. This was a grown woman, an adult who’d worked her way to her position, with degrees in science and more. She was on par with Miguel, and you were just a wannabe dancer.
“I wish I could say the same, Danielle.” His somewhat rude answer made you gawk up at him.
“M-Miguel-” You stuttered, and he continued.
“This is my girlfriend, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make her uncomfortable just because you and I have a brief history.” This was too much for you. He was protecting your honor, standing up for you, but you felt pain in your chest from the anxiety. You thought you might pass out then and there. Pulling your hand from his, you rushed to find a quiet place alone. Moving to a hallway separate from everything else, you pushed open a door and sat at a chair and table. The lights were out and you heaved in a long, much-needed breath. A presence could be felt behind you near the door and you slumped your shoulders.
“I just needed a minute, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.” You apologized and his hands on your shoulders made you feel even worse.
“Amorcita, you have nothing to apologize for. She shouldn’t have been so rude.” He whispered, pulling your hand to stand up. “Let me show you that she was wrong.”
His lips trail down your shoulder and he begins to unzip your dress. Your breath stutters and you glance to the door.
“Did you lock the door?” You ask, panting already from how hot his kisses get you.
“It doesn’t lock, so we have to be quiet.” The dress begins to fall from your arms and you gasp as the cold air against your chest, feeling his hands hold your sides and push the fabric to fall to the floor. He trails one of his hands to touch your clit and he smirks. “No panties? Sucia…” Your head falls backwards onto his shoulder as you grab his arm and he kisses into your hair. “Come on, preciosa, just focus on me.” His words send a shiver down your spine, fingers rubbing in circles as you see stars. Sliding down further, his finger enters you and he growls. “Dripping already, perfect for me.”
You moan and his other hand wraps around your mouth. “Quiet, besita.” You nod and writhe against his hand as he continues plunging his finger inside of you. The curl opf his digit makes you see white behind your eyelids and you feel everything inside of you explode, unexpected and fast. He takes his finger out of you and licks it, unzipping his pants and pulling himself out. He tugs his slacks down a bit and bends you over the dining table, hand sliding up your back and tangling into the hair at the base of your neck. Sliding into you, he puts his other hand onto the front of your belly and thrusts hard. The bulge moves into his hand and his head drops a bit, feeling himself through your stomach making him even more wild for you. Your body was perfect for him, the best thing that had happened to him in a long time, and he couldn’t be more grateful. He wanted to show you that gratitude and so he’d pleasure your body until you understood what you meant to him.
Your gasps and quiet begs made him continue to slowly thrust and rut into your heat. It was sensual and rough, without being too fast, and this made you practically melt in his hands. Your coil was tightening within the seconds and the pull you felt against your scalp as he pulled your back into his chest, now fucking up into you from behind harder. The new angle made you snap, making your mouth drop open and heave in a loud, muffled shriek. You couldn’t help it, he was always so good at maneuvering your body. Your entire being trembled and he pulled out of you, which made you push him backward. He stumbled into the wall behind him and you got on your knees, tongue out and immediately sucking around him. His hot length in your lips was absolutely heavenly, and seeing as you two hadn’t done this before, he was watching you with wild, eager eyes. The view of you on your knees between your legs, his cock in your mouth, and you slurping him like a woman possessed made him practically insane. Miguel couldn’t take much more, and when he felt the tip of his dick hit that back of your throat, that was his last straw. He came hard down your throat and you gagged on the thick spurts, but not once did you cough or spit. You drank it up, licking your lips and never breaking eye contact once.
He was frozen, shocked. His precious girl, his angel… his innocent woman was everything he dreamed of and more. He’d been holding back and staying on the more gentle side, but now? Oh, now you’d opened a door that he didn’t ever want to close.
Standing up once more, completely naked, you bat your eyes to him and he pulled you against him, kissing you feverishly. After a moment more of hard, rough kisses, you panted and pulled away.
“We have to go back out there.” You whispered and he huffed.
“What if I don’t want to?”
“You’re giving a speech, Miguel, you have to go back out there.” You insisted. His hands gripped you with no intent of letting go, but you were able to pry him off of you. Picking up your dress, you wiggle it back on and properly placed, but the marks on your body and the makeup on his face was hard to miss. He tucked himself back into his pants and groaned, trying to pull himself together. You both worked to make yourselves presentable in silence and finally turned back to each other.
He watched you smile a bit and reach for his hand, and he knew she was wrong. This wasn’t a phase. He loved you. He would keep you forever and there was no possible way he’d ever think of anyone else ever again.
Going back out to the party, you both stood by the bar and you excused yourself, walking to the ladies room while he waited for your drinks. You stood in the mirror and stared at your reflection. Your hair was a mess now, and your lipstick was smudged, as well as a few black mascara marks from tearing up while gagging on his cock. You couldn’t help but smile at this, until you saw Danielle behind you. Turning to her, a fear struck you but immediately dissipated as you smirked.
“What’s that look for?” She questioned and you couldn’t help but laugh,
“Just thinking about how unsatisfied he must have been if you couldn’t keep him.” You stared directly into her eyes. “I was planning on being the bigger person, but after having sex with him just now, I think I’ll say fuck that and give you my honest opinion. You’re a miserable, boring bitch. Have a great dinner and I hope you find someone as vanilla and mundane as you.” Your words were like knives being thrown and each one landed with precision and grace. You weren’t one to back down and you wouldn’t start now. Walking out of the bathroom, you turned back to say one last thing.
“And you should know, Miguel never even mentioned you.” You winked as her mouth dropped, leaving without another word. Finding your wonderful boyfriend again, he handed you the drink you had ordered and you bit your lip.
“What’s that look for?”
“I may have said a few things to Danielle just now.”
Miguel blinked with surprise and just laughed. “That’s my fiesty girl.” He said and sipped his drink, slipping his hand around your waist again.
The night went by beautifully after that, talking and laughing with his friends and hearing his speech. You two had left with smiles on both of your faces, and that night, Miguel proved over and over how much he cared for you.
And he continued to prove it every day for the rest of your lives.
Tags: @pllao @itzsab @smo66y @misswonderfrojustice @cyberbugg @jollybananaqueen @eeryyy @nightma @topreice @poppyflower-22 @yoonlith @miragemurder @ihateuguys @knoxx-seresinbradshaw @minaxcarter @autismsupermusicalassassin @migueloharaslxt @mintqueenjo @chshiresins @um-well @kxszy @miguelswifey04 @mushy-mushroom04 @tymns @oxrchd @mimiamma2002 @allysunny
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