#and his voice when he was trying to fish out of the mc why they were looking for charm in the first place đŸ˜©
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sister-lucifer · 6 months ago
One Must Stake His Claim: Prologue 
Or: How It Started 
[Chapter One] [Masterlist]
Nightbringer Diavolo + Lucifer x Male Reader 
Genre: ? (Hard to say, it’s not really sweet enough to be fluff or harsh enough to be angst).
Summary: The first sprouts of a rivalry start to emerge when Diavolo makes his attraction to the new human painfully evident. 
Content/Warnings: Slightly suggestive but not really, just some sly implications, jealous Luci, smug Dia, oblivious MC, MC is referred to with he/him pronouns, this takes place at the beginning of Nightbringer when there’s still tension between Dia and Luci
A/N: This is stupidly self indulgent. Literally just me indulging in a fantasy i’ve been marinating in for days. I know for a fact I will be made fun of for this /lh
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“I want him.”
The words come out of Diavolo’s mouth so suddenly that Lucifer nearly chokes on air. 
They’re said with such a casual joviality, yet they feel so heavy, falling from the prince’s lips and crashing onto the pristine white tile at Lucifer’s feet. 
You what
“I want him,” Diavolo repeats simply, “He’s quite cute. I’m inclined to keep him for myself.” 
He nods in the direction that you just walked off in, and Lucifer looks down that hall just in time to catch the last glimpse of you before you disappear behind a door. His mouth hangs open in a terribly undignified manner as he slowly turns back to Diavolo. The demon prince laughs heartily, patting Lucifer’s shoulder as though he’s just said something hilarious. 
“What’s the look for, friend? Are you surprised that His Majesty could ever find time for genuine attraction between lavish soirĂ©es and keeping his nose in the air?”
He laughs again, rather fond of his own joke, and this time the sound makes Lucifer’s hands tremble as they resist the urge to ball into fists. 
“No,” Lucifer forces out, “I’m just surprised at your
He pauses, fishing around for the right word. 
There’s a brief pause, then, before Diavolo’s laughter resumes, even more raucous than before. The prince simply can’t help himself. 
“Oh, Lucifer!” he manages through his fit, “You never were all that good at hiding your true feelings. Tell me, what about that bothers you so much?”
Lucifer is silent for a long few moments—partly because he despises trying to talk to Diavolo when he’s laughing so hard, and partly because he’s struggling to find the words to explain himself in a manner that will save his pride. 
“You talk as though you’ve some sort of
claim to him,” Lucifer begins, but he’s not sure how to continue. The last few notes of Diavolo’s laughter stop short as he quirks a brow curiously. 
“I only mean that
I wouldn’t expect you of all people to speak of him that way,” Lucifer finally says. 
You lie,” Diavolo says slowly. A sly grin slowly splits his face, and Lucifer swallows hard. 
“You lie,” he repeats, “there’s much more to it than that. You can hold a stone face all you’d like, old friend, but your eyes give it away. You’re angry, Lucifer. Why is that?”
Something in his voice says that he already knows, that the question is pointless and he simply wants to hear Lucifer say it for his own satisfaction. When Lucifer is silent, Diavolo only presses more. 
“Are you truly worried for the human’s dignity? Is that it? I haven’t even insulted him, and yet you scowl as though I’ve said something terrible, as if I’ve insulted his entire lineage. You’d never jump at the chance to defend your brothers that way over something so minor, but you do it for a mere human, a species you used to feel only apathy towards.  So, what is it? Do you know something about him that I don’t?”
It’s a stupid thing to even imply, that Lucifer may be privy to any knowledge that Diavolo is not. The demon prince knows all that goes on in his kingdom. 
The silence that settles over them is heavy. Diavolo is smiling with a horrid expression of self satisfaction, and it only makes Lucifer’s scowl deepen.  
Finally, Lucifer opens his mouth to speak, and he can hardly hear his own voice. 
“You have no right.” 
You have no right to take him from me, that’s what he means, I deserve him more than you do. He doesn’t say it, but they both sense the unspoken words hanging in the air. 
Suddenly, Diavolo’s grin doesn’t reach his eyes. 
“Oh, but I do, old friend,” Diavolo says matter-of-factly. He places a heavy hand on Lucifer’s shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. 
“If I have no claim to him, then neither do you. Surely we can agree on that, no? After all, you’ve hardly done more than frown at him every moment he’s in the room. If that was your way of courting him, I’m afraid it’s failed you.”
Lucifer growls and pushes Diavolo’s hand away. 
“I won’t let you take him that easily,” he snaps. 
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Diavolo responds without a moment of hesitation, “I just hope you know what you’re getting into challenging a demon.” 
“You don’t scare me, don’t even try.”
Diavolo only hums in reply before promptly turning on his heel to leave. 
“In that case,” he says with a shrug, now standing in the doorway, “you should prepare for quite the spirited battle.”
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cherimoyatea · 4 months ago
The LaDs Men healing your inner child...
...they accidentally evoke your insecurities and comfort you.
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❧ Part II - Rafayel - Tears & Tenderness
Pairing: Rafayel x You Synopsis: A playful banter goes wrong when Rafayel chooses the wrong words. Word Count: 820 Tags: rafayel doesn't want to snacked, banter gone wrong, bullying, tears, fluff, romance, comfort Side Notes: Part II of the mini-series! This time, we carry the trauma of having faced bullying, but we also find plenty of comfort in our beloved fishy. Similar to last time, I refrained from going into too much detail on the subject and instead provided hints to avoid any potential triggers. Oh and I bet he does taste yummy, but that's a plot for another day! Anyway enjoy! đŸ©·âœš ❧ Part I - Xavier ❧ Part III - Zayne ❧ Part IV Sylus
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''Excuse you, Miss Hunter!'' Rafayel quickens his pace as you playfully pinch his cheek, turning his head to the other side to escape your teasing. ''Oh, come on, Raf, just a little bite—I'm staaarving!'' You easily catch up to him and tug at his sleeve, admiring his flushed face, which you find so endearing.
It's been hours since you took a wrong turn during your trip, and now you're trying to find your way back to the hotel while walking through the picturesque landscape. Rafayel grimaces as your stomach growls again, still horrified by the suggestion you made earlier. ''No, MC! You can't munch on me! Even if you ask a hundred more times, the answer is always NO!''
Pretending to pout, you stifle a laugh at his reaction. Of course, you don't actually intend to do that, but getting a flustered response from your boyfriend is too much fun. You let go of his arm and continue walking beside him, an amused glint in your eyes. ''Fine, forget that! I bet you don't taste as good as your fish friends anyway.''
The merman scoffs at your words, raising an eyebrow as he tries to ignore your teasing gaze. He knows you're just trying to get a reaction out of him, so he decides to play along.
''Oh, yeah? Maybe I should just return to the ocean where I'm not being bullied then!'' He responds, his cheeks and ears turning a shade pinker as he walks. ''Is that what you want? For me to pretend you don't exist, just like those losers did?''
He turns his head to see your reaction, and his grin immediately falters when he notices the frown that has appeared on your face, suddenly aware of his mistake.
Ouch. That hurt.
''Why would you say that?'' You glance at your partner as a tiny knot forms in your throat, questioning his words. He had just casually thrown them at you without a second thought and now he is taken aback by your sudden change in demeanor. Rafayel's heart aches at the sight of the tears slowly welling up in the bright eyes he loves so much, and he immediately regrets his poor choice of words. He should have known better.
''You know how much this triggers me, Raf. How could you say something like that?'' You hear your voice tremble slightly as you try to maintain your composure, your steps slowing until you come to a halt. No. Rafayel would never intentionally hurt you, but his words have stirred up memories within you—memories you thought you had left behind.
Now, they come crashing over you painfully, and that familiar feeling of helplessness threatens to overwhelm your senses.
The artist straightens his back, his gaze locked on you with growing concern, reflected in his pink-blue eyes. He had no idea that the simple remark he made teasingly would get under your skin, and he feels terrible for it. How could he have missed that you were still hurting even after all these years?
''I'm sorry, Cutie. Hey... please look at me.''
He gently turns you toward him, his hands resting on your shoulders. He can't help but notice the hurt in your expression and silently curses himself for being the cause of it. ''I'm a fool for saying that... please... don't you ever think for a second that I would want that, Sweetheart.''
Tears roll down your flushed cheeks as you try to form coherent words from your trembling lips. The memories spin cruel, vibrant images in your mind and you try to shake them off somehow. Just moments ago, the mood was so light, and now you feel guilty for ruining it. ''It's not your fault, Rafayel... I just... it hurts...''
Rafayel nods understandingly as you struggle for words, his eyes watching you intently.
He has waited so long to meet you, his beloved bride. All he wants is your happiness, and the mere thought of you being distressed devastates him. He would do anything to ease your pain, erase your painful memories—even ignite his flames and set himself on fire if it could bring light and warmth during your darkest times.
''I know and it’s not fair, but what happened to you wasn't your fault—none of it. You've always been nothing but perfect, and you didn't deserve to be treated like that.'' Rafayel's hands move from your trembling shoulders to your cheeks, wiping away your tears with his slender fingers as his expression softens. ''And I will burn anyone to ashes who dares to say otherwise, alright?''
The beautiful Lemurian looks at you as if you are the only precious thing in this vast, ruthless world, and his tender eyes seem to seep into the cracks of your hurting soul.
''Please, can I see your smile? Let me see that beautiful smile of yours, so I can engrave it on the canvas of my eyes.''
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Thank you for reading! Cheri 🍒 Updated Nov. 20th: Added links to the other parts + fixed formatting.
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koolades-world · 7 months ago
inspired by the baby geckos i keep finding in my house (btw if you guys liked this and levi you should totally go check out @lvlup-levizine cause it's all about our favorite otaku :) and yours truly is part of it)
Mc to the rescue!
"MC! MC!" Levi could be heard all throughout the House of Lamentation. The only times he was ever that loud was when he was wrapped up in a game. He almost never realized until Lucifer was banging on his door, telling him to 'settle down' as he always put it.
Of course, with volume and urgency he was screaming at, you flew to his room despite that fact that you were halfway across the house, playing a game of cards with Mammon and Satan. Belphie had attempted to play, but was currently slumped across your lap with his cards just barely in his hand. Unfortunately for him, you had to roll him off unceremoniously to rush to Levi's side. All three of the brothers protested in their own way. Belphie groaned, Satan scoffed, and Mammon whined, but nothing was going to prevent you from reaching your video game loving recluse.
"I'm here! What's the matter?" You hastily knocked a couple times, then threw open the door anyways at the sound of him freaking out within the room. You whipped your head around in every direction, in search of what could be causing him such distress, only to find just him standing there.
Despite being in his comfort place, he looked like a fish out of water in the middle of his own room. He was in a stance you could only describe as part of a fight or flight maneuver, to which he was doing neither. He resembled something closer to that of whatever a baby goat might do when it loses it's mother. ie: tremble and hope the situation will resolve itself. It was odd to see someone look so afraid to take a breath and also look as if they were going to hyperventilate all at the same time.
Instead of using his words, he silently pointed to the center of his face. Sure enough, perched on his nose, was a little something. You got a little closer and saw that on his nose wasn't a something, it was a someone. That someone was a tiny gecko. "Is that why you called me here?" You let out a deep sigh.
"Yes!" He hissed, a newfound urgency creeping into his voice as the little gecko repositioned itself on his face to get a better look at you.
"You had me worried. I thought it was something serious. I left a game of cards with Mammon. You know how he is. He's probably peaking at my cards as we speak." With a knowing smile on your face, you shook your head and crossed your arms.
"This is serious!" It seemed as if Levi couldn't decide whether to look at you or the creature on his face. His orange eyes flickered from the gecko, to you, then back to the gecko.
"Here, I'll get it if that's what you want. Then, I have some questions for you that you better answer." You approached him, and slowly reached out to his face. It started to redden as soon as you made contact with his cheeks, trying to chase the little reptile into your cupped hand. Capturing geckos could be a bit tricky at times. Sometimes, they went with you willingly, and sometimes you end up spending more time than you should chasing it around whatever room you've found it in. For Levi's sake, you hoped it would be the former case.
As soon as the baby gecko hopped into your hand and off Levi's forehead where you'd chased it, he let out a big sigh of relief. Carefully, you trapped it in your hands and had Levi walk you to the front doors to let it free. You saw it off and placed it in a bush, while Levi watched from the doorway: a far enough distance away that he deemed safe.
"You saved me! Thank you! I'm forever in your debt! Your good deed will not go forgotten!" Levi tried to slip away from you and the nonverbal promise he'd made by slowly but surely side stepping his way back down the hall to his room.
"You've got some explaining to do, Mr." You put your hands on your hips and stared at the demon that seemed to be looking everywhere but at you.
"What is there to explain? That little beasty jumped on my face, and you put it back where it belongs. Not in my room, and most definitely not on my face." He said rather unceremoniously.
"I think you're missing the point." You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Here, just start from the beginning." Once Levi realized he wasn't escaping the topic, he visibly wilted.
"Do I have to? It's kind of embarrassing." He mumbled.
"Levi." You said in a stern tone that Lucifer employed often.
"Fine. No judging though, alright? I was playing that otome game that I got the other day. The super cool I mentioned to you. I was having a moment with my favorite LI. It was getting really good. But, I was so focused, I didn't notice that little creep on my monitor. Before I knew it, it was too late and it was jumping at me. My life flashed before my eyes!" He dramatically recounted, clutching his chest.
"What do you have against geckos? They're pretty cute to me." You asked, puzzled.
"Geckos are sooo cute." Asmo, who happened to be walking through the foyer, chimed in before continuing on his way. By the looks of the giant box in his arms, his newest skincare products had just arrived.
"See? Besides, shouldn't you like geckos? They're a reptile, aren't they?" You finally got to the root of your confusion.
"Who ever said I had to like reptiles?" He crossed his arms, turning his nose up.
"You had a pet snake. And your tail. I just assumed you liked reptiles." You gestured to it. Throughout the whole ordeal, it had been out and was squirming about the entire time.
"That doesn't mean anything. I can like snakes without liking geckos. And I'd expect you of all people to be more cultured than that. My tail is clearly not a gecko tail. I have scales, not whatever geckos have. Not scales, I bet. My tail is way cooler than theirs." He started off back to his room, probably to fix everything he knocked over with his tail his tizzy.
"Levi. I think they do." You suppressed a smile.
"LALALA! I can't hear you!" He held his hands over his ears and began running away. He turned a little prematurely down the hall and ran into the wall. As you snickered to yourself, he bumbled away, still running as fast as he could.
Who would've guessed geckos would have been a fear of the Great Levichan?
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mingis-orangejuice · 7 months ago
Asking the L&Ds boys "What are we?" Part 3: Rafayel
Summary: MC and her boy have been in a sort of situation-ship but MC wants to know why they haven't officially called her their girlfriend
a/n: This ended up being much longer than I thought so I'm making it into 4 parts (one for each boy) Here's Rafayel's part. I'm still writing Sylus' part, so it might take a little longer to come out
Genres/Warnings: angst, fluff, kinda slow burn, a little suggestive
Word count: 1114
Other parts: 1, 2, 4
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Under the dazzling lights of an enormous banquet hall, you stand alone awkwardly looking at your phone. It was another one of Rafayel’s art shows. While you love to support him and his art, after going to about 4 different events in one week it gets old. Thomas was really running Rafayel rampant these past few weeks to get him to sell as much as possible before he goes off on one of his random solo trips. And even tho Rafayel hates these types of events he knew it would be good for his image and his wallet (not that he needs it) 
Why did Rafayel have to leave you by yourself? You hated going to big fancy events the only plus side of coming to these was getting to spend time with your boyfriend
 wait was he your boyfriend? You guys never actually had that conversation but he gets pretty boyfriend-y when you guys are alone he calls you every night before bed to tell you goodnight, takes you on expensive overnight trips and gets all pouty if you don’t stay the night, but he also still calls you Miss bodyguard but sometimes calls you his muse. What does that even mean? Was he just playing with you or was there something more? 
You were thinking so hard about this that your facial expression looked pretty intense. You didn't even notice that most people at the event were actively avoiding you since you looked like you were ready to explode.
“Hey babe,” a voice from behind you snapped you out of your deep thought. Your expression changed to one of confusion and disgust at the random man who felt that it was ok to call you babe “Are you here alone? I can show you around. I know everything about these art pieces.”
You looked at him, now with a blank expression “Really?” you questioned sarcasm heavily coating your voice. Where is Rafayel? Why is he taking so long to come back? Thomas said he’d only be gone for a few minutes, but it's been over half an hour and now some creep is trying to talk to you.
“Yeah, I'm close personal friends with the artist, I’m actually his inspiration for most of his work, I’m basically an artist too he should be giving me half the profits from these since I’m such an integral part of his work, but I let him keep all of it since we’re such good friends” He steps closer to you as he spouts his nonsense. You, looking rightfully annoyed with him step back but this guy doesn’t get the hint and keeps stepping closer “What d’ you say, babe? Wanna spend the rest of the night with a real artist?  He continues to advance towards you while you step back even further, in your mission to get away from this creep you didn't notice one of the wires running along the floor that connected to one of the lights illuminating an art piece. You tripped backwards. Luckily a firm pair of arms was there to catch you before you hit the floor.
You look up to see who your saviour is. And to your surprise, it was none other than Rafayel. “For a bodyguard, you’re very clumsy” he chucked while steadying you.
“It’s not my fault,” you say preparing to defend yourself.
“I know, it was his” Rafayel points to the creep that had been pursuing you. “What do you think you’re doing pestering MY muse? She clearly doesn't like you can’t you take a hint or is that head of yours just full of fish tank pebbles”
“Just who do you think you are, if you hadn’t come in and ruined everything she woulda gone home with me” The creep angrily stepped towards you and Rafayel. He looks towards you trying to grab your wrist “Babe tell this guy to fuck off so we can get back to our conversation alright.”
Rafayel quickly swats his hand away “Why would she go home with a loser who pretends to be an artist just to get in her pants, when she can have this real artist who gets to be in her pants every night?” Rafayel says with a shit-eating grin. 
“Raf!” You lightly slap his chest a little amused and a bit embarrassed that he would say something like that out loud.
“Yeah, whatever she’s ugly anyway” The creep tries to leave, but Rafayel signals to some of the staff to grab that guy and remove him from the event. As the staff are holding the creep by the arms Rafayel brings his face close to his. “You’re lucky I’m only having them throw you out of the venue for talking about my muse like that.”
Later once the event was over, you and Rafayel were sitting in his living room, he was sketching some new ideas for paintings, and you were absent mindlessly playing on your phone, the questions from earlier still buzzing through your head. While lost in thought Rafayel lays his head on your shoulder. This makes your heart skip a beat and breaks you out of your trance.
“What are we ?” you suddenly ask slightly turning your head to where Rafalye was leaning.
“What?” he lifts his head off your shoulder to look at you confused.
You took a deep breath before starting, scared of confrontation, but you just had to know “When we were at your art show you kept calling me your muse, and apart from that you also act like my boyfriend most days, but you’ve never said that you were and you’ve also never called me your girlfriend. So I’ll ask again, what are we?”
“What, I thought it was obvious?” he said with a little smile. He takes both your hands into his and looks into your eyes
“Well, it's not obvious to me, so?” you wanted to look away from his gaze but you were afraid if you did you wouldn’t have the courage to look back at him again.
“You’re my muse,” he said excitedly, smile growing even bigger.
“I knew it, that's all I am to you just some inspiration for your art ” You sigh and get up to leave but he holds tighter to your hands
Is that what you think a muse is ?” He laughed softly. “To me a muse not only inspires my art but is my art, everything I do is for my muse. My muse consumes my every waking thought, I need her to be around me at all times to even function properly. You’re more than just a girlfriend to me, you’re my most precious muse.”
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r0-boat · 10 months ago
Would you be willing to write something about the kings finding out the mc has chronic pain? Specially nonstop headache type of thing, like they find out after a run in with someone from paradise lost. Basically the mc getting called out for hiding something from them
This is so interesting thank you for letting me write this!
Please let me know if I get any thing wrong stuff like this makes me nervous to write, but I still try anyway!
Whb Kings reaction: Mc with a chronic pain
Sfw a little angs
Mc's chronic pain comes from headaches
Terrified. Utterly terrified. He's already scared enough because one day he feels like he will just lose control of his rage and hurt you. Every time he sees you in pain He just wants to take out his rage somewhere else. Rage that he can't do anything, rage because you're suffering, wrath because he knows angels will use this weakness in some way.
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Is he overreacting? Perhaps. But it comes from a place of worry and genuinely cares about you. He acts like a pissed-off cat when he finds out you've been hiding it from him, sitting crisscross, his arms folded, staring blankly at a wall in the corner, not speaking to you until you apologize. He doesn't like that Lucifer is pretty much The only one able to help you, but he doesn't trust anyone more than Lucifer for your health, so he's probably going to get over it.
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He doesn't quite understand why you kept this from him. His pride is mostly more broken than his feelings. He takes great pride in taking care of you in all your needs. All of them. He cannot take care of your needs when he does not know. You must tell him everything from now on please...
"are you sure there is no immediate cure? I'm sure there is something no matter how expensive I shall cover for it."
A proposal you adamantly declined. Mammon pouted, but thankfully did not pester you further. If it wasn't for Lucifer having all your health care already free Mammon would surely cover.
Salty little worm, but puts aside his salt for the sake of your health. But he must come to all your visits. He has to be in the room with you at all times, glued to your side like your shadow. He must know everything about your health from now on. Your punishment for keeping this from him!! He must know everything that Lucifer knows EVERYTHING. 70% is because he wants to help you when something happens. The other 30% is because he wants to be the closest one in your life and is jealous of Lucifer because he knows more about human anatomy and can be the only one who can help you, but he can't do anything about it. After all, he needs Lucifer because he is pretty much the only doctor who can help you who knows about humans. But that doesn't mean he can't voice his complaints.
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And oh he will every visit grumbling something about something about anything.
He understands why you kept it from him. He straight up says "it's okay your secret safe with me I'll forget it 5 minutes later anyway."
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At least he remembers that you need to see Lucifer every now and then, and his subordinates make sure they carry any painkillers or any prescription you need. Beelzebub makes doctor's visits and sitting in the waiting room a lot more fun, anyway. You can't help but laugh when you see him absolutely mesmerized by the fish tank. Bael has all of your scheduled appointments and each prescription down to the milligram memorized, and he will spam your phone if you have an upcoming appointment.
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He already knows. He had been waiting for you to tell him. And once you tell him or try, he cuts you off and says, "I know."He knows more about human anatomy and is studying more about human health, mainly because of you. Of course, he would put you under a special microscope and be extra attentive to any signs of your health. You kind of forget that he is technically a doctor, and he can spot your health far better than you can.
Lucifer becomes extremely hovering, especially when it comes to your health. Sometimes it bores on nagging. But he just wants you to be healthy, humans are quite fragile and their life goes away in a blink of an eye He would do anything to make you live as long as you can.
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ikeromantic · 11 months ago
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 1
This was an ask from @otomedad that I just had to write. I did some reading up on the history of tattooing in Japan and there was so much that I found super interesting. So! Here goes, starting with Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune! Approx. 1500 words.
“What’s this, fireball?”
You feel Nobunaga’s breath tickle your shoulder blade, his lips so close they almost brush your skin. For a moment, you don’t know what he means. It’s hard to think when parts of you are being ‘claimed’, afterall. But you smile as the memory comes back to you. Sitting on a stool, arms braced on the counter in front of you, with the buzz of the tattoo gun in your ear. “You like my koi?”
His fingers brush the inked design, tracing the outline of the leaping fish. “It is very well done.” He does not sound pleased, though he’s trying to hide it.
“You don’t.” A slight pout draws your lips out and down. 
Nobunaga stills behind you, so motionless that you don’t even feel him breathing. Just as you are about to break the silence, he wraps his arms around you, pulling your back against his chest. “It is part of you, so it is beautiful.” His chin rests on your shoulder, just above the tattoo in question. “Why did you receive this mark?”
There is an unexpected tension in his voice, and you laugh to ease it before explaining. “I got it after I graduated from design. It represents my struggles, and my determination.” You turn your head to kiss his cheek. 
He regards you with a serious expression, tense despite your affection. 
“Do you really hate it?” You can’t help how vulnerable you feel as you meet his carnelian gaze.
“I told you. It is beautiful, as you are. But . . .” He pauses, a slight grimace crossing his expression. “I do not like that someone marked you. Someone else claimed this -” He leans back to spread his hand over the koi. “Every part of you is mine.”
“Are you jealous of my tattoo artist?” You grin, unable to hold back. “You know I picked the design and the colors and everything, right? He was just some guy with a good flash book . . .”
Nobunaga’s frown does not ease, though you know that he’s aware this is ridiculous. 
You snuggle back against him. “Alright, alright. I understand. If you could do tattoos, I’d get one from you, ok?”
Something mischievous flickers in his gaze and a slight smile turns up the corners of his mouth. “Yes. This is acceptable.”
You aren’t sure what he’s accepting. Nobunaga can’t do tattoos, right? Right? Whatever questions you have disappear as his lips find that sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
You roll up your sleeves to start working on the kitchen’s herb garden. The day is warm and sunny, promising a hot afternoon. It’s a good thing you’re starting early. 
About an hour into the weeding, Hideyoshi stops by with a tray of cool water and a wide straw hat. He kneels beside you. “You know it’s bad for your skin to be exposed to sunlight for so long. Even in the morning, you can’t -” He stops midword, his mouth hanging open.
“Hm?” You look up, dusting your hands off. Before you can ask anything else, Hideyoshi grabs your elbow.
“What is this?” 
You realize he’s pointing at the serpent tattoo on your forearm. The snake curls over itself in a complex circle, with the head pointing at your wrist and the tale toward your elbow. “Oh! Erm,” you give an embarrassed laugh. “That.”
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.” Hideyoshi holds your arm up, inspecting it. “A thief. I should have guessed. What prefecture is this? Where are you really from?” The questions come lightning fast, his usual gentle lecturing tone replaced with a hard, brittleness that does not suit him at all.
“A thief? Are you serious right now?” You try to yank your arm back, going from bewildered to angry. 
Hideyoshi pulls you up to standing. “If you won’t answer my questions, maybe you’ll answer Mitsuhide’s.” He glares at you. “I can’t believe I - I called you my sister!” 
You take a breath, trying to hold in the tears suddenly threatening at the corners of your eyes. Sister. Why was this man so infuriating? First putting you in the sis-zone, and now accusing you. As if you hadn’t shared so many sweet moments. Almost-kisses. Holding hands. “Why are you freaking out about my tattoo?”
“It marks you as a criminal.” He sighs, looking away. “If you’ll come clean with me, maybe we can -”
“Come clean? Hideyoshi, I told you I’m not from here. In my ah, my village, people get tattoos because they like the way they look.” You wiggle your arm in his grasp. “This one means the cycle of life. Birth and death. Look at it!”
Hideyoshi slowly turns back to examine the mark on your arm. “It is . . . very finely done for a - a punishment.” He purses his lips. “And I do not know of a prefecture that uses a snake . . .”
You nod emphatically. “Exactly. And you know me. Hideyoshi?” Your tone brings his gaze to your face. 
He studies you for a moment. Then his grip loosens on your arm, the pad of his thumb stroking your inked flesh. “I may have, um, jumped to conclusions. My apologies.” A breath, then, “Sis.”
“Thanks.” You take your arm back, feelings still hurt. 
For a long moment, neither of you says anything. Then he drapes an arm over your shoulder, pulling you to his side. “Let me apologize properly, after work tonight. Stop by after your bath and I’ll rub some oil on your arms and legs.” Hideyoshi’s cheeks hold a faint heat. “A brother should care for his sister when she’s working so hard.”
You know he knows there’s nothing brotherly in the touches you share, but you nod in acquiescence. Then you pull away. “The garden won’t weed itself,” you say.
He grins. “I suppose not.” Hideyoshi’s hand takes yours before you can take a step. “It’s nice. Your tattoo. Once I really looked at it.”
“Thanks,” you smile back, feeling a little better. “I’m looking forward to my massage tonight.” You give him a cheeky wink. 
You splash to the river’s surface, sputtering from the water in your mouth and nose. Masamune laughs beside you, his strong arm holding you up above the roiling surface of the water as the current pushes you both downstream.
“Maybe next time we should look for a bridge,” you shout to be heard over the river.
“Nah. Where’s the fun in that?” Masamune’s blue eye gleams with unfettered joy as he pulls you toward the opposite shore. 
Once you hit the bank and crawl out, you flop back onto the grassy hillside. “Fun? Not drowning is fun. And now I’m soaked.” You glance over to see Masamune already stripping down, laying his clothes out to dry. 
He grins when he sees your expression. “What’s the matter, kitten? Tiger got your tongue?”
“Pffft.” You sit up, ignoring the way your face heats. You shrug out of your kimono, very aware of how thin your linen underclothes are. Especially now that they are wet and clinging to your skin. 
Masamune’s appreciative look does not help. He grins unapologetically. “I should come out this way more often. Great view.”
You throw a clump of grass at him and jump up to run. He chases you, laughing, and catches you pretty quickly. 
His laughter stops with a sharp inhale. “Are you hurt?”
You realize that he’s noticed the ink on your side, a tiger in the midst of peonies. The red, pink, and orange probably look like a wound beneath the opaque cloth. “No, nothing like that.” You carefully tug the linen up to show him your tattoo. 
“Wow.” His eye is wide as he takes in the art piece. “Gorgeous.” His calloused finger brushes the skin on your side, sending a shiver across your belly and up your ribcage. “It’s like a painting.”
“Thanks.” You feel more than a little self conscious, but also gratified by his reaction. “It’s supposed to be, like, fragility and strength? Together?” You find yourself a little tongue tied, too focused on his warm hand touching you. 
Masamune finally looks up, catching your gaze. “It fits you, kitten. Strong and fragile.” His expression is more serious than you’re used to. A deeper emotion moves in the depths of his blue eye. 
The urge to kiss him is strong, but you resist. You tug the cloth back down and step away, heart beating frantically. Masamune likes to flirt, you think, that’s all. You wrack your brain for a witty comment and come up empty. 
He smiles, drops his hands. “Our clothes should dry out soon, and then we can continue on.”
“The temple better be awesome. You’ve talked it up too much to take anything less than.” Your destination is safer ground, you think, jumping right into the new topic.
Masamune laughs. “There’s not another like it anywhere.” Something about the way he says it makes you wonder if he means the temple you’re traveling to or something else. 
“Worth the trip then?”
He catches a bit of your damp hair and twirls it around a finger. “I’d say this trip is already worth it.”
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sugar-omi · 11 months ago
(I’m on my đŸ©žso please excuse the hornyness)
I woke up this morning with cove on my mind (who doesn’t) and just thought of a funny scenario. imagine the step 2 moment where MC and Cove can cuddle but they weren’t quietly told that it’s not ok by Cove’s mom. Skip to step 3 they love cuddling as friends. (they are still secretly in love with each other tho) this leads us to my dirty little thought, Cove and MC as friends having a little sleepover at Cove’s house and cuddling. Poor sweet Cove has a dirty dream about his dear friend MC, when he wakes up from it he finds himself hard as a rock and his hips grinding on their own into MC’s ass. And of course cove would quickly run to the bathroom without waking MC and panic to himself and try to get it down.
Or MC wakes up before cove because of the movement and lowkey doesn’t mind it, MC pushes back against cove a little and just listens to the little sounds he makes in his sleep
OMG TWINS đŸ€­đŸ€­ omg maybe thats why my cove posts have been so unhinged lately... so excuse ME for the feralness im about to drop rn because youve planted a nassssty seed in my head..
cove usually doesn't have dirty dreams, always dreams about the beach or his fish, or something asinine. can count his dirty dreams on his fingers with some leftover.
before, they'd always been faceless. couldn't tell a single detail of who it was, even if it didn't matter.
but this time it wasn't a question of who it was.
the dream is so vivid, and the pleasure shooting through his veins feels way too good when he realizes it's you grinding against his bulge.
in fact, it feels better than when he gets himself off, and dream-you isn't even touching his cock yet, your crotch grinding along the length of his bulge in his sweatpants.
every roll of your hips is so fucking delicious he feels like he could collapse. can't help but grab onto your hips, helping you move and roll his hips into yours.
and when you lean forward, hands on his chest under his shirt, feeling up the dips and valleys of his lean muscle, your lips inching closer until they finally meet...
he definitely thinks this is as close as he can heaven. your plush lips move against his, the kiss becoming more passionate, more heated as he tries to match you.
if anyone could see inside his dream right now, they'd think you're passionate lovers, your lips slotted together perfectly, like you're meant to be, and he wonders if you'd feel like this in real life too. if your kiss would be this good, this enticing, and when your tongue slips past his lips, invading his mouth, he wonders if you'd taste this sweet too.
you break the kiss, leaving him hot and panting, his chest rising and falling like he's ran a marathon, your lips trailing from his mouth down his jaw, quickly finding a sensitive area under his ear, right behind his jaw.
doesn't even realize you're shoving down his sweatpants, your own pants disposed of at some point in this dream, until he feels the heat and wetness of your sexes rubbing together
let's out such a pretty and loud whimpery-moan, curses and bucks up into your cunt, making his length glide against your wet, hot core. / hand, thrusting up into your tight fist wrapped around both your cocks.
forgets this is a dream for a moment, distantly thinking he wants to see the end. and his stomach feels so hot, so tight like he's gonna burst.
eyes rolling when dream-you says his name right in his ear, your voice breathy and desperate...
when he opens his eyes, hoping to see your blissed out face, all he sees is a dim room. his room. and the back of your head...
his heart is beating out his chest, and he doesn't even need time to wakeup before he realizes what happened. especially when he feels his hard length pressed right against your ass, the heat and bit of pressure from your ass against his cock has him losing his grip on reality a bit.
but the guilt crashes on him, can't believe he had a dirty dream about you. much less with you in his arms.
it's a miracle if you don't wake up, cove's a big clumsy mess all the time, but this time the shock has him moving a bit more calmly. calmly as in he doesn't scream or squeak, and doesn't flail or fall off the bed like he otherwise would.
but he does unwind his arms around you, carefully pulling his arm from under your body and trying to untangle himself from his bedsheets and your legs.
really, it's a miracle this hadn't happened before. especially when you were 13 and your hormones had more control of your body than you did.
slips out of bed, so thankful that his bed is close to the door and there's minimal creaking of the door and floorboards. all but dashes to the bathroom.
i wonder how he'd deal with his. well.. big problem.
he'd been leaning on the counter, his shaggy hair hanging in his face and he's painfully aware of how hard his cock is. he's fucking throbbing in his sweats, his hard length heavy against his thigh.. he couldn't fucking forget about it. and can't forget that dream.
thinks about waiting it out or a cold shower. but a cold shower doesn't sound appealing at all, and he really doubts his hard-on is going anywhere...
resigns to getting himself off. hoping just once will be enough.. hopes that maybe he can finish quickly before you wake up, he's still pumping after his near orgasm in that dream.. fuck he's kind of glad he woke up now, realizing it'd be really fucking embarrassing if you woke up to cove creaming his pants of you dry humping him (and then some) in his dream
his eyes roll and flutter shut when his hand wraps around his length, his shirt muffling the moan on the tip of his tongue. it doesn't feel nearly as good as it did in his dream...
but he really tries not to think about that. it's so fucking disrespectful to you to keep thinking about it, let alone get off to it.
focuses on all his ero spots, that way he can finish faster and even if he's shaking in his hands because he's running his thumb over his sensitive mushroom head, and giving his cock short, tight pumps, and his nimble fingers find their way to his chest..
well he just needs to hurry up and finish before you wake up and so he doesn't think about that dream, trying to replace all his senses with himself in lue of you. albeit dream you, but still you.
hates that he thought about his best friend like that, and hates that he can hardly get off without distantly thinking about how this would probably feel so much better if it was you touching his cock...
thrusts up into his hand, biting down around his shirt as he groans lowly, but the sound is still loud in this quiet house, and he hopes you didn't get up at some point, walking by and hear him..
if only you could see what a pathetic sight he is.. panting, shirt bunched up and wrinkled, his pants sloppily shoved down his thighs and his cock flushed and throbbing in his hand, covered in his thick, bountiful load.
even he can't help but curse because fuck he feels like a fucking degenerate. feels dirty. he doesn't eve. know how he's gonna look at you, and fuck you definitely can't cuddle anymore until he gets a grip on himself.
but how would he explain that? "hey i had a wet dream about you, sorry bestie, let's not cuddle anymore unless you wanna wake up to my hard dick on you"
that's too weird, and creepy. God he'd hate if you found him creepy and disgusting, the thought of what your expression could be makes him said and he makes his stomach twist...
can't even return to the room, it feels too awkward to do so now. he'd really feel like a creep if he slipped back into bed with you.
ends up setting up camp in the living room, either doing his abandoned homework or trying to find some way to distract himself, wouldn't be surprised if he ends up falling asleep on the couch.
but regardless of how he spends the rest of the night. what if you are awake, and realize what's happening?...
doesn't matter if you're a night owl or a gentle sleeper, although either help because you realize it so much sooner than if you're asleep
i mean, who wouldn't realize their best friend (and crush), gasping in their ear and then moaning softly, his hips bumping into you..
whatever the case, you're awake now when he tightens his grip around your midsection, his hips easily and expertly rolling against your butt, and his legs, which are tangled with yours, easily forces you to move against him, his cock so obviously hardening, getting thicker and so fucking prominent, against your ass.
your heart is beating against your chest like a drum. you're losing your fucking mind, you can't believe what's happening..
your teeth sink into your lip when you hear cove call out a soft, cut-off call of your name.
he's dreaming about you. and clearly it's something dirty if his bulge is anything to go by.
you can't deny that it's turning you on either. it's be weird if it didn't. your crush pressed against you, grinding his fat cock into your ass while having a nice dream about you? it's surprisingly flattering, and you're loving it
as it goes on, cove's hips progressively get more.. aggressive. almost. your head is spinning.
you wish you could know what he's dreaming about and wish it'd happen in real life, right here and right now. but for now, you'll settle for your own mind. afterall, you have plenty of fuel to run off of.
cove's moans and gasps are so pretty, even his indistinguishable mumbling is making your blood pump. his murmurs are usually a good sign after all.
and his cock.. you didn't expect him to be small. he's a big guy, after all, and to say he's packing a third leg might be an exaggeration, but fuck if he's not coke bottle thick and clearly long enough to hit all those deep, deliciously impossible spots inside you.
you wanna wake him up. but if you do.. you wonder what he'd do. run away? probably. you're not even going out, so his first reaction would definitely be to apologize profusely and go hide.
of course, he does wake up, though. you realize that when the grinding stops suddenly, and he tenses around you, and eventually, he starts prying his limbs from under you.
you reprimand your heart for being disappointed that he doesn't check if you're awake and proceed to do something with you, anything at all, maybe even recreate that dream.
and you are torn between logic letting you let him slip out the door, and your desperation wanting to pull him into bed.
he's gone for awhile, you're not sure how long, but it's a few minutes that make you think maybe he's.. taking care of his problem. and then it makes you think that you could take care of your own problem if you're quick enough.
there's definitely a line crossed. tonight has blurred the line between you, knowingly.
you let him keep grinding into you, even if he doesn't know that.
so whats one more thing he doesn't know, your body shifting to his side of the bed, his body heat and the scent of his shampoo and cologne thicker now that you're on the side he slept.
and your hand slipping under the sheets.. your eyes fluttering closed as you try to imagine a scenario between you. surely, you can imagine it just this once, balance out the scale?
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bjhlvr · 6 months ago
break up with your boyfriend
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synopsis! you knew jang wonyoung was pretty.. no, she was beautiful, obviously you liked her. but you couldn’t imagine that you would cheat on your boyfriend with her.. you didn’t know you liked her that much.
CRUSH! wonyoung x SIMP! fem reader GENRE! suggestive, a bit of angst, fluff, strangers to friends to lovers TW! reader is so down bad, cheating, pet names ( baby, love, darling, sweetheart, pretty girl ), reader is sunghoon’s girlfriend, drinking, making out(?) idk kissing, non proofread, prob poor language n grammar mistakes NOW IS PLAYING! . . . we'll never have sex by leith ross
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it wasn’t your first time going backstage since your boyfriend was an idol, but this time it was different. it wasn’t your boyfriend's group concert or photoshoot, you were actually here to meet jang wonyoung. well, actually sunghoon asked you to come just because he wanted to see you again and be able to spend some time together since he was busy with enhypen's tour and stuff, but he also wanted you to meet his mc partner.
everyone knows that sunghoon and wonyoung used to be mc partners on music bank. now they had to be mc together once again for some award that you couldn’t remember the name of.. to be honest you didn’t even know what award was that, because you didn’t care.
now you were sitting on the couch in your boyfriend's green room, feeling all nervous. your hands were sweaty, heart pounding in your chest like crazy, mouth suddenly dry.. what was wrong with you? you were just about to meet the jang wonyoung. of course you knew wonyoung, who doesn’t? she was one of the prettiest women you’ve ever seen and that’s why you were nervous as hell, feeling like your heart would explode. you took a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down.
“it’s just another person im about to meet, why am i so nervous..?” you thought before you heard the door opening, a quiet sound of a girl laughing.. such a beautiful laugh. then you saw her. jang wonyoung herself just walked inside the room where you had been waiting for your boyfriend. she looked stunning. you couldn’t lie, she always looked amazing, but today, in person, it was different. she looked like a real life princess.. or doll even. you couldn’t look anywhere but at her, your mouth was closing and opening, you looked like a fish without water while trying to say anything. something. fuck please say something stop fucking staring!
“are you okay, sweetheart?” wonyoung asked. fuck. the nickname. why why why why why. she looked so good, her laugh was almost the best sound you’ve ever heard, her voice was just like honey and the way the fucking sweetheart slipped out of her tongue.
“oh, um. yeah, im alright” you answered nervously, trying your best to not look like you were nervous at all. in fact, it didn’t work and you just hoped she wouldn’t notice. but she did.
“you’re y/n, right? sunghoon’s girlfriend? it’s pleasure to finally meet you!” wonyoung said with a slight smile playing on her face, her red lips were so glossy and shiny, you couldn’t help but steal a few quick glances at them. you cleaned your throat and smiled back shyly, wiping the sweat off your hands at the fabric of your jeans to shake her hand. “i’ve heard a lot about you”
“oh really?” you could feel your cheeks hitting up a bit when she mentioned the fact that your precious boyfriend was talking about you. you knew he was, he was talking about you quite a lot actually. in the past at least, bow he was too busy preparing for his upcoming comeback, photoshoots and this stupid ass tour. honestly, you felt lonely the past few months without your boyfriend. even if sunghoon was near you, you still had this feeling that something was wrong, that he was too tired to give you his attention. you weren’t asking for all his attention and to be with you all the time, no. but even when you were together it felt like he was.. different? that’s true, he was a bit different, his attitude changed since the begging of your relationship and you hoped that his feelings wouldn’t change.
“yes! that’s why i was so exited to meet you, he told me we had a few same interests and quite similar music taste,” wonyoung let go off your hand and your smile fell a little. you couldn’t really explain why tho, but the feeling of her hand on yours was somehow comforting and unique? she tilted her head to the side when she saw that you weren’t smiling like before and quickly apologised. “oh im sorry! maybe i shouldn’t talk about that?”
“no-no, it’s totally fine! i was exited to meet you as well, wonyoung,” you quickly calmed her down and explained, well not really explained, but the fact that you wanted to meet her since you started listening iz*one was kind of true.. “i was a big fan of iz*one, you know?”
“oh really? was i your bias?” wonyoung sat down on the couch next to you and smirked slightly. she was hoping she was right about this bias thing.
“yeah, actually! you and nako were my biases,” you nodded and looked at her. she was wearing this elegant white dress for photoshoot, it was covering just a half of her long legs. she sat down and the edge of the dress rolled up a bit so you could see her slender smooth tights
 she quickly saw that you were looking at her legs and fixed her dress, apologising that she might cause you a discomfort. “oh no, it’s totally fine, sorry i was looking at your legs anyway!” you blushed a bit more and tried to fix your gaze on something else, on that fancy korean makeup at the table, on that stupid bottle of water you were drinking like twenty minutes ago, just on something.
“it’s okay, don’t worry. so i was right, i was your bias!” wonyoung smiled. her smile was so sweet and soft, you were sure that smile alone could light up the whole world if that would be possible. you nodded once again and reached for the bottle of water, suddenly feeling thirsty. “what’s your other interests? tell me about yourself” wonyoung leaned back on the couch stretching her long legs to give you full view of them.. you swallowed hard and took a deep breath. was you holding your breath without even noticing it? shit.
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it’s been already three weeks since you’ve met wonyoung. you exchanged numbers on the first day and now were texting each other and talking on the phone almost all the time. she was so nice, kind and open minded, you liked that a lot about her. she was really sweet, the way she was asking you questions about your day and plans all the time, how she was treating you: she would place a blanket on your knees if you were sitting wearing a short skirt, would give you her water and food if you needed it, would even pay for you. obviously you refused every time she said that she wants to pay, but she wouldn’t listen. you even met her members, they were all friendly and nice, leeseo once joked that you and wonyoung are acting like a couple.
it was friday night, wonyoung invited you over for a drink since it was her free time and she wanted to relax and talk with you about nothing and everything. her members were out, sunghoon was on tour, so you didn’t want to spend time alone and leave your friend alone either. you decided to wear shorts and oversized hoodie, it wasn’t too warm outside, but you wanted to feel comfortable and you would get a taxi anyway.
when you arrived, wonyoung opened her dorm door and smiled at you. you notice her slightly red cheeks, which means she already started drinking without you. she looked gorgeous without makeup, in her victoria’s secret pyjamas. such a simple but elegant look, just for her.
“you made it! come in~” you felt wonyoung’s arms wrapped around your waist, but before you could hug her back, which you wanted so badly, she let go and stepped back so you could walk inside. you smiled back at her and took your shoes off right when you stepped inside her dorm. it wasn’t your first time being here, so you knew where the kitchen was, what her room looked like and where you could barrow some things like cereal or napkins. you felt wonyoung’s hand on the small of your back, she guided you to the couch so you could sit down. her touch sent a shiver down your spine, it was a usual thing to be honest. every time she was touching you on purpose, when your hands accidentally brushed each other’s
 the effect she has on you was visible for everyone.
“how are you, pretty girl? something new happening? tell me about your day,” she asked. oh those nicknames, they were doing something to you as well. at first you tho maybe she was talking with everyone like that, but you’ve never heard her calling yujin or liz with those nicknames. it was only you, you were the one who she wanted to call “sweetheart” or “pretty girl” all the time. she was actually calling you those pretty often tho, at first you thought maybe she forgot your name or something.
“it’s been pretty boring.. i haven’t done much, was just chilling at home and doing some relaxing stuff since sunghoon is out of town.” you shrugged and looked up at wonyoung. she was standing right infront of you, opening a champagne bottle. you placed your hands on your thighs feeling a bit nervous. yeah, you were alone with wonyoung a few times, but it was in public and you’ve never been at her dorm with her all alone, without ive members, so it felt a bit.. exciting?
“oh, okay. what did you do?” wonyoung asked after she finally opened the bottle and poured you both for a glass of champagne. she helded one to you and sat down on the other side of the couch, her exposed legs were on top of the fluffy cushions and you couldn’t help but look at her legs a bit more than necessary. you shook your head to clear your mind of those thoughts and looked at her face. her puffy lips touching her glass softly while she was taking a sip, her eyes never leaving yours. fuck.
“nothing much.. watched some movies, read a new book. regular stuff.” you answered, trying to act nonchalant while your voice were a bit shaky so you cleaned your throat like something else caused that tone in your voice, not your nervousness. you took a sip of your champagne as well, looking around to distract yourself a bit. “what about you?”
“oh i’ve been busy all week.. our tour just ended and we were on a couple of awards, just regular working stuff.” she answered and crossed her legs, exposing more of her skin when she moved. you could barely function now, knowing what color was her underwear behind those thin shorts.
“yeah.. regular working stuff.” you repeated her words and blinked twice to get yourself together. obviously it didn’t work, so you decided to took another sip of your champagne, feeling sweet sparkling liquid going down your throat.
after a few hours of talking and watching movies you both were drunk as hell. at least you were. you was never a great drinker, always getting drunk too quickly, but wonyoung seemed fine and almost completely sober, just a bit more talkative and touchy now. you wouldn’t notice the way she was craving your touch at first, she was always like that: could’ve hug you any minute, touch your hand or like when you just arrived guide you with her hand on your back or hip. now she was cuddling with you, laughing at the stupidest joke ever that one of “friends” characters just said. you weren’t going to refuse her suggestion to cuddle when she asked about that, because honestly you wanted to hug her too and alcohol was affecting your mind and body a bit.
“are you hungry?” wonyoung asked suddenly. she raised her head up from your shoulder to look you right in the eyes as she always did. you looked down at her, took a quick glance at her pretty lips and back at her eyes. you shook your head in protest, but you were, in fact, hungry. you just didn’t want to let go of this hug. “don’t lie~~ i’ve heard the sound your stomach made like half an hour ago, let’s eat some ramen!” she pouted slightly and you found that incredibly cute, she looked so adorable like that. you chuckled at her reaction and playfully rolled your eyes as you were annoyed and then nodded.
“okay” you agreed and waited until wonyoung stood up from the couch. you followed her to the kitchen on your a bit shaky legs and watched as she opened one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out two packs of buldak ramen. you watched as she cooked quietly, admiring the way she did that so skilled and gracefully
 how can someone cook ramen gracefully? well jang wonyoung definitely could. she wasn’t talking with you, completely focused on her little mission: to feed you.
“you look so pretty..” you said, voice just a bit above a whisper. you wasn’t expecting this words coming out from your mouth like at all, you hoped she didn’t heard you. but she did and turned around almost immediately. wonyoung’s eyes widened a bit, cheeks redder than they’d been before, chest raising with every deep breath. she wasn’t expecting you saying that either, she was actually shocked. she didn’t know what to do, how to react. people called her pretty and other synonyms all the time and she always smiled at them, thanked them, that’s all. but now she was completely lost, she didn’t know what to do.
“you think im pretty?” wonyoung asked with a slight smirk after she finally could process everything and wasn’t that shy anymore. she finished cooking and placed a pot with ramen on the table where you were sitting.
“of course i do! you’re the prettiest person i know!” you confessed, feeling the heat raising on your cheeks. you really do think wonyoung was the mos beautiful person you knew, you always loved the way she looked. not that you loved just that, her personality was great and she was an incredible friend and hardworking woman herself, but you always admired her.
“thank you, y/n. you’re the prettiest person i know too,” wonyoung smiled looking down at you, a shy smile playing on her lips as she sat down. you nodded without saying a word before you could start eating.
it was already past midnight and you decided to stay at wonyoung’s. she suggested you to sleep with her in the same bed and you agreed, because why not? she gave you some clothes to sleep in and waited you on the bed while you were doing some skincare. you walked out of the bathroom to see her sitting on the bed, her legs on the floor and hair pulled up in a ponytail. she looked unreal. the moonlight was shining through the window’s curtains and falling right in her face, the way she looked under that light was literally unreal. like a scene from the movie.
“what’s wrong??” wonyoung asked with a confused expression, she looked at you a bit worried since you were just staring at her with slightly open mouth.
“nothing! it’s nothing, let’s sleep..” you tried to change the topic and finally get some sleep. as you sat down on the bed next to wonyoung you felt her hand on your thigh, stroking your skin gently with her thumb.
” she said before she kissed your lips. she just kissed you. even if it was just a little kiss, a quick smooch on the lips, your eyes widened and you followed her with your gaze, looking how she lays down on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep. maybe she was so drunk so she kissed you. maybe she just
 you didn’t even know what to think about that situation. you couldn’t sleep properly that night.
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you haven’t spoken with wonyoung about the kiss, she probably forgot about that anyway, since she was drunk that night and you didn’t want to make things weird between you two. the way she was acting around you didn’t change, although you were a bit more awkward with her if that’s even possible. you thought about that kiss a lot more than necessary, you liked that in the way you should’t and you craved more. you wanted to feel her lips on yours a bit longer, just once again, a little kiss. her lips were so soft, you could remember that very well even if that smooch was less than a second long and you barely felt anything, but you just cannot not think about that all the time. you knew it was wrong, you had a boyfriend after all. you shouldn’t be attracted to his friend, to your friend. you couldn’t betray sunghoon, you felt so bad because you couldn’t resist the urge to kiss wonyoung again and again and again.
firstly, you thought that feelings towards wonyoung were because you felt lonely and you needed attention. sunghoon wasn’t home since last month, you were alone and all he could do is facetime, text or call you and obviously it wasn’t enough. you needed to touch him, you wanted to feel loved. you cried a few times. one time that was because sunghoon was angry at you when you said you needed him and his attention and he just blew up.
“listen, y/n
” he said that night. no ‘baby’, no ‘love’, just your name. you sighed. “im tired, i have work to do. i can’t just let you in my hotel room or came home for two days just to spend them with you. i need rest, im tired and i don’t have time, don’t be stupid.” he ended the call after those words and you couldn’t hold back your tears. sunghoon called you stupid, he said he doesn’t have time for you and that made you feel so bad and insecure. you understand that he’s tired and all, but the way he was talking to you the past few weeks, not days, weeks and you were sick. there was a moment when you thought maybe you should take a break in your relationships, maybe it’ll get better, but you never talked about that with sunghoon. you just.. can’t.
fifth week without your boyfriend. you called wonyoung, invited her to your place to hang out. she was your friend, even if you met just a month ago, she became your close friend really quickly. she understood the way you felt, could give you a great advice, comfort you when you needed it and said the words you needed to hear at the moment. it felt like she was your soulmate.
when wonyoung arrived at your place, she saw you almost crying as you opened the door. she quickly placed the grocery bags with snacks on the floor and hugged you. her expression was worried, but her touch was soft and gentle, she wanted to make sure you were safe in her arms. and you did. you always felt safe around her, she was so kind to you and you couldn’t remember anyone who would treat you as she does. with admiration, caring..
“did he do something? why are you upset?” wonyoung asked, pulling back from you and scanned your face to catch any answers in your eyes or expression. you shook your head in protest, biting your lower lip slightly.
“it’s whatever, wony..”
“it’s not, darling. not when you’re upset.” she cuts you off. you weren’t expecting your next move at all, that was the last thing you could ever imagine doing when you were upset because your boyfriend wasn’t giving you enough attention. maybe it happened because of this fucking nickname she called you, it definitely did something to you, but you kissed her. not like she did a few weeks ago, a real kiss.
you wrapped your hands around her neck, pulling her closer, craving her touch and warmth of her body. wonyoung kissed you back and your eyes widened because you weren’t expecting that.. you thought she would push you away, but she pulled you closer and wrapped her arms on your waist tighter. you closed your eyes and let her explore your mouth with her tongue, she led you towards the bedroom. when you both were in the bedroom, she sat down on your bed, pulling you on top of her to sit on her laps. she kissed your neck, her hands were rubbing your exposed hips gently. she sucked in your skin, bit it a few times, licked your collarbone and you moaned in pleasure. the most beautiful woman you could ever imagine now was kissing your neck and whispering the softest words against your skin.
“i would treat you so much better..” wonyoung muttered against your skin, her fingers found the edge of your pyjama shorts. “he doesn’t deserve you.. at all” she said before she pulled you in another passionate kiss. her tongue exploring your mouth with hunger, she kissed you like she wanted to eat you. well she did.
“mmm, i..i don’t think it’s right..” you found some strength in yourself to protest and placed your hand on top of hers, she was just about to pull your shorts aside.. you would be a fucking liar if you say you didn’t want that, didn’t want her fingers inside you, her lips on yours. but you can’t. that was wrong, you have a boyfriend.
“you really think so?” wonyoung looked at you and gently stroked your cheek with her free hand. she brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and you leaned into her touch instinctly. “look me in the eyes and say you don’t like me. don’t like the way im touch you, kissing you.. come on, pretty girl, say it”
you swallowed hard. the words stuck in your throat, you couldn’t say anything. not because you were nervous, because you didn’t want to lie to her. because you liked the way she was touching you. you liked that since day one, since the moment you two met.
“what is it, baby? can’t talk?” wonyoung chuckled at your reaction. she didn’t want to force you and obviously didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. “tell me you don’t want this and im not gonna do anything.” she said. her eyes full of love and adoration, you’ve never had someone looking at you like that in your life. you felt.. loved? like you were seen and understood. every time you were with wonyoung you felt like that and you loved it. maybe you loved her?
“i.. i want..”
“what? you want what, exactly?”
“you. i want you, wonyoung”
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author note: i tried so hard guys please let me know if there’s any mistakes, stupid parts or anything else. there’ll be a part two btw so wait for it ( idk when but HAHAH ) 💋 pls tell me if i forgot about any tw’s ‌
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lunawagner · 7 months ago
In the Name of Love - 2/2
warnings: female mc, self-hatred, mentions of toxic relationships, sex-aversion, trauma talk, oversharing, validation from Rafayel for all who need to hear it
part 1
"Are you awake?"
You rubbed your swollen eyes and nodded.
'I am sorry."
"Why do you apologize? Probably there are some tears and snot on my shirt and bed but I think they can bring innovation to fabric painting if we give them a chance."
You kicked his legs as he laughed along with a fake pain.
"Miss bodyguard, is it really okay to kick your weak and fragile employer like this?"
"I didn't kick my employer, I kicked my cheeky boyfriend."
"Who told you cheeky boyfriends should be kicked?"
Rafayel pulled you into his embrace again. Even though you feigned cold you couldn't refuse the warm hug.
"Then what should I do with this fish?"
 You may as well just give hugs and kisses. "
Seeing his shining eyes, your face betrayed a smile. You leaned on and kissed him shortly before hugging him back.
"Thank you."
"Would you like to talk about it?"
You were afraid. It was a delicate subject you'd never shared with anyone before.
"Or I can prepare a feast in the honor of Miss Hunter who always protects the citizens of Linkon bravely"
Rafayel attempted to stand up but you stopped him.
 I want to talk with you. But
 You might need to deal with more tears and snot during the process."
"Give me a second."
Rafayel left the room shortly and came back with tissues and ice cream. After giving them to you he prepped you up and pulled you to his lap
"I guess we are ready."
You took a spoon from the ice cream. It was sweet and delicious.
 always had some problems with sex. Like everybody was sleeping with their partners or joking about it with friends. But
You felt tears welling up again in your eyes.
"But I did not like it."
As your voice trembled you tried to keep it up by eating more ice cream.
"I guessed that something was wrong with me and I didn't want my friends and boyfriend to hate me."
"So I always laughed with my friends when they made jokes or touched my
chest and hips. It shouldn't be a matter since we are of the same gender."
Your tears dropped in the ice cream box. You scooped that part with your spoon but Rafayel catched your hand and carried the spoon to his mouth.
You did not dare to look at his face so you kept your eyes down.
"And when that guy asked me out, they all said I can't find a hotter guy so I should give it a try."
"I sensed that something was off, he was so touchy and demanding. But my friends said it is only normal since he likes me."
"So I started to date him, I did everything as he would be pleased. But all in all, he was only seeing me as a
 as a fuckable piece of meat
You couldn't breathe and heavy sobs finally took control of you.
"I hated his gaze, I hated every inch of my body, I hated my own gaze!"
Your body was shaking fiercely.
"But, but I didn't know, I didn't know what to do. He called me his Venus, his honey fountain and I needed to be a "woman", accept and enjoy his
"Sssshh, I got it."
You closed your hands on your mouth to s your cries.
"I am sorry, I am so sorry!"
Pouring all your pain like that wasn't fair to Rafayel. You knew it, but you couldn't stop it. You never were able to stop anything.
It took quite a while until your sobs and shaking calm down, still Rafayel continued to hold you in his arms all this time.
"Sometimes I want to die and become a flower. I don't want to see any more meat or strange fluids." You murmured in a tired voice.
"But if we don't have meaty fluffy bodies, how am I supposed to hug you like this?"
He nuzzled his cheek against your cheek then placed a kiss there.
"How I am gonna feel your heartbeat and warmth. How am gonna give you fishy kisses"
He puckered his lips like the times you squeeze his cheeks. You sniffed and kissed him before wrapping your arms around his neck.
"It is not your fault, nothing is wrong with you."
Rafayel spoke in a serious voice. Burying your face to his neck, you listened to him like a little child.
"Your life, your body, your heart. All only belongs to you. Nobody has the right to force anything on you. Nobody is more important than you. "
"If you don't like something, don't want something, then others shall respect it or get lost and spread their viles somewhere far from you."
You nodded.
"What I fell in love is hidden in your eyes, your laugh, your tears. I have never deemed you as a mere body nor will I in the future. I am the last person who would hurt you, and devalue you. You are my little treasure."
You were about to cry again.
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jazjelspen · 2 years ago
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.2]
(what if our mc just got tired of Night Raven College and it's inhabitants?)
(what if our mc meets a boy of red hair and blue eyes to show them the way around RSA?)
(also please read the small authors notes at the bottom if you make it that far T-T)
it's been a good short hours on the ship and this whole time you've been chatting up a storm with your new friend Rielle, and during this time you've both actually warmed up and learned a handful about each other! 
you learned about each other's basic favorite things like colors, food, subjects, and even in music! Conversations seemed to flow smoothly like water between you two and you even learned how enchanting and magical his singing voice sounds, it almost had you entranced.
your new friend and you were now having a moment of silence while taking in the sounds of the water splashing against the ship until the boy spoke.
"if you don't mind me asking-- and I don't mean to pry! just that.." Rielle spoke while he nodded his head forward towards the direction of your cast holding your broken arm."is the reason why you're wounded related to your experience in Night Raven?... you don't have to answer if you don't want to I'm just genuinely curious." he gave you a comforting smile and his eyes were right on you, listening intently.
you gave a half-hearted and sheepish smile as you looked away and quickly started reminiscing about the events these past few months had in store for you in your head before you started to speak.
"well... in a way yes. I don't want to point any fingers--" you did want to point fingers, in fact you had many people to point fingers to. you sighed as you lightly shook your head in disappointment whilst facing the ship's floor "there were people who should've just done their job." your face started to form in a bit of a scowl "then maybe, just maybe... I wouldn't be in this state."
the young man formed an 'o' with his lips as he understood what you're trying to say.
"hmm..I see.. I'm very sorry _____, I promise that with my friends and I you'll never get a scratch on you while you're with us! and if it makes you feel any better, our staff too is always responsible and capable of finding a solution for any problem you're facing!" Rielle tried his best to sound optimistic and uplifting with the brightest smile on his face to get your frown turn upside down! and to also make you feel a little more confident in yourself as to give you more hope that your situation will turn around.
his very short speech made your head turn towards him and as he intended, you smiled warmly back with a new spark of optimism rising in your chest.
"thank you Rielle, that's... very kind of you." you spoke "I'm sure that while I'm with you, I'll at least have less than half of the injuries I have now."
he chuckled softly before responding to your comment "i'm sure you'll have few to none."
there was a moment where you two just looked at each other, both smiling and chuckling with the cold yet fresh sea breeze hitting both of your faces and the last few shines of the setting sun hitting both of your faces so perfectly. when you both calmed down you could feel this feeling of optimism rise up in your system even further.
this guy, his school-- you had a really good feeling about this change.
as well as a terrible feeling but about NRC.
but you didn't want to think much of it, not right now at least.
 on Rielle's side he genuinely feels and understands your predicament, having to adapt into a strange new world that works differently than your own home does... he gets the feeling of being a total fish out of water. so because of this he feels he has this kind of connection with you because of this small detail you both have in common.
but in a really random way you also couldn't help but notice how ethereal the shade of blue was in his eyes.
you were about to ask a question but were rudely interrupted when the sailors of the ship were yelling from up above and hanging on the ropes beside the sails, announcing that the ship is now slowly arriving towards the school.
the news made you automatically want to stand up and get a good look of the school. to then have your eyes finally meet the shape of a large white castle as the focal point with the peaks of each of it's towers glistening while still being overshadowed by the shining and setting sun behind. the scene was breathlessly magical with the special touch of this entire moment being the mixed splashes of orange, deep purple, and yellow of the sky blending in with the glistening waters of the calm ocean.
Rielle slowly stood up beside you while facing the school as well "amazing isn't it? seeing the academy shining against the sunset is one of my favorite things to see here." he said before he took in a big inhale of the ocean air to then exhale, taking in the scene and all it's beauty.
"you're damn right it's amazing." you chuckled at your comment before Rielle quickly joined in too in a shared chuckling fit. For the rest of your time on the ship you two decided to just calmly enjoy the view until the ship reached ashore.
Let's speed up to now reaching and stopping on the shore.
A gangplank was set down for you and any other residents to hop off the ship. Rielle and you slowly yet excitedly walked off at the exit to finally walk down to RSA-- that was until Rielle stopped you before you could step a foot on the large plank.
"Here, let me help you out my friend." Rielle then offered a helping hand by extending his elbow out, asking you to link your uninjured arm around his as a way to help and avoid slipping but also because he's just a gentleman at heart.
you gave him a smile and a small 'thank you' as you accepted his offer while linking both of your arms together with him(or only hold onto his arm with your hand, whichever you feel comfy with)and carefully walked off the ship with him at your side. when you two find yourselves on the shore at the edge of the sea you could feel a bit of nervousness now in your system since to you it seems like you're in a whole new world. Rielle noticed this and in another attempt to cheer you up he gently tugged at your arm that you linked with him to have you look at him, to give you a reassuring smile.
"You'll be just fine _____, I'll show you where you need to go if you'd like. just know I'll be right here with you."
His words started to sink in as you gave him a hesitant nod but a strong statement,
"Let's do this."
Meanwhile... at Night Raven College..
well... I'll save all the NRC chaos in the next post, it deserves it's own chapter ;)
(will include descriptive yet somewhat short reactions of only house leaders unless there is demand for other characters)
(also if you're confused why I had a ship travel you to RSA instead of just going through the forest and through the town I completely forgot that the isle of sages housed both NRC and RSA 💀💀but im already this far in so pretend it makes sense please T-T)
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enhafilthandfiction · 2 years ago
Enhypen - when you're on your period
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A/N: Helloooo! This wasn't a request but I feel like writing this reaction since I'm currently on my period >:( Ughhh pls send help
Pairing : Bf!Enha X Fem!Reader
Warnings : Blood (obvi), food, crack, mentions of sex in jake's
Word count : 1,361 words (about 150 words each)
Masterlist - Tips
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♡ Lee Heeseung ♡
His heart would break seeing you like this
he would immediately notice you got your period, but wouldn't say anything to save you some 'embarrassment'.
He'd act nonchalant and chill, wanting to just chill whilst you were both at home and procrastinating.
"What ya wanna do?" he asks, once you come out of the bathroom for the millionth time. (It felt like that for him)
He'd let you pick whatever you wanna do and gives in, even if you wanted to test your makeup on him or paint his nails 😭
He ain't saying no
You end up watching a movie when the cramps became a little too much, laying on the couch with him behind you, hands wrapped around your waist, but ready to let go of you whenever you need to use the bathroom (again)
Hearing you whimper in pain would pain him as well, gently bringing his hand over to your tummy to rub in circles.
It doesn't really do anything tbh, maybe distract you, but you appreciate him trying đŸ„ș
Later, he'd definitely make you some ramen, insisting that it was the only food that would cure your cramps and upset mood.
Will definitely sing you to sleep, that's why his head voice is so good.
♡ Park Jay ♡
Everyone says this but : MOM MODE ONNNN đŸ€—đŸ˜Œ
Literally won't stop making sure you're good
and he's prob the most chill about it, like its not a big deal at all
he's just very mature
"You sure you have everything?"
"Don't be shy y/n, it's okay"
"I don't mind buying them for you"
And he does, bc cool boyfriends arent embarrassed to buy tampons 😎
Oh wait
"Pads or tampons?" "Ah ok" "What size exactly??" "Got it"
Hurries up bc he doesn't wanna leave you alone for too long.
Asks you what you wanna eat and will literally cook you anything
pasta with ice cream sauce? Ok
Pineapple on pizza? Ok
cook you his pet fish? Also ok
Makes you tea before bed, because he insists its good to prevent cramps
Might cuddle up in bed and lets you rest your head on his chest as he reads you a book of your choice.
Jay reading to you in that American accent đŸ˜©
♡ Sim Jake ♡
Boi does his research
he knows it has to do with periods and hormones when you start acting up
Is lowkey scared so he relies on google to provide him with answers.
"Ughhh, Jake, my cramps are getting worse" you whine, still laying in bed, scrunching up your face
He smiles brightly as he remembers of his searches
"I've heard that having sex could reduce period cramps" he announces proudly, looking at you like 😏
"You're seriously tryna get your dick wet rn??" you get mad and start throwing pillows at him.
"N-Nah but for real!!" He protests, ducking your hits "Seriously, I've read it online" he says in his defence, trying to catch his breath from that near pillow fight
"Damn, since when did you get so good at pillow fighting?" he tries to compliment but it only makes you wanna punch his bicep playfully.
You whine out in pain again, gripping onto his sitting figure at the edge of the bed. "What I am supposed to do?" he questions, haven already given you one alternative.
"Oh, how about we listen to my boy Justin?" he asks, already whipping out his phone
"Noooo, Enhypen is so much better dude" you reply, glaring at him
he agrees and puts on 'pass the mic'
He pushed your shoulders playfully "You got -pushed -pushed" he sings along
Anyway, ends up buying you mc donalds and ice cream to make it up to you
he rly tries but he's a little clueless tbh.
♡ Park Sunghoon ♡
Bro lowkey ghosts you and avoids you
he knows that you're in a bad mood, and he doesn't wanna make it worse with uncontrollable teasing 😭
when you notice his distant behaviour, it only makes you even more upset
"HOON" you yell at him from the other room
he knows he fcked up and feel like he's boutta get his ass whooped.
He makes it hesitantly to your room, regretting it immediately when he sees your pout.
"H-hi y/n, he stutters, thinking of whatever he's gonna say, not wanting to upset your hormones.
"Hoon, why are you avoiding me?" the first tear rolls down your cheek "I'm literally bleeding and you're leaving me alone!" you burst out crying.
He stand there, biting his bottom lip, contemplating what to do
"C-can I hug you?" he asks, moving closer to you. He wraps his arms around you when you nod, pulling you in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry y/n, I thought you wanted to be left alone" he reasons, making sure you know he's sorry
"Its fine" you so sob into his shirt "Now can we watch your ice skating videos and cuddle?" you smile up at him suddenly, flattering your previously wet eyelashes to convince him.
He sighs, knowing you'll just burst out crying again if he doesn't agree
You reach for the remote, pulling on one of his ice skating videos.
He's already on your bed, hands behind his head, almost drifting off
"You look like a grandpa" you laugh, climbing onto your bed and getting closer to him, when the video starts playing.
"He wants to 'compliment' you back, but he fears he'll upset your hormones so he just doesn't say anything for your sake.
♡ Kim Sunoo ♡
A literal sweetheart
Almost like your bestie tbh
He cares about you so much and clearly shows it when your in these situations.
He doesn't hesitate to literally do everything for you
Take off your make up and does your skin care routine for you
Might even wash you if you're too tired to shower lmao
He pouts at you whenever you get cramps, wishing to take them away from you, just to see you smile again.
"My poor baby" he would say, hugging you close to him, gently, not to hurt you or anything.
He'd also be the best at tittie rubs
Like if your breasts were sore, he wouldn't mind massaging them, his soft hands easing some of the pressure on your chest.
You might even fall asleep like that, his hands on your chest under your top, acting like your bra as he sleeps behind you.
♡ Yang Jungwon ♡
Very mature #2
Cares a lot about you and worries
Studies and researches about it so you won't have bad periods :(
Worries when you wear tampons
"Doesn't that hurt?"
"Is it safe though?"
"Y/n, I don't think you should sleep t-tampons because you know, it m-might get stuck in there or something"
He just wants to make sure you're okay
"Ok gynaecologist 😀"
He doesn't really mind if you bleed on his sheets, as long as you aren't wearing tampons to bed
"It's fine sweetie, I'll clean it up"
Doesn't get mad or anything, changes the sheets and makes you change
Definitely cuddles you to sleep and holds your hand if the cramps get too much
♡ Nishimura Riki ♡
Teases the hell out of you
But also tries to help if you get cramps
If he sees you on the couch, he'll crawl in behind you, placing his hands on your hips.
He squeezes your waist
"My little ketchup bottle" he coos
"Nikiii" you try to squirm away embarrassed by his comment.
Definitely rubs your tummy if the cramps get too much
Slightly awkward at first and he feels a little shy doing it
"This okay?" he asks, rubbing circles in your tummy
You don't have the heart to tell him that it doesn't help but at least its a good distraction.
When he leaves for practise, he'll definitely leave you a plushy, big enough that you can hug it close
"Maybe this plushy will help :]" gives you his favourite plushy :(
He'll overall check up on you a lot, and really tried his best to help you out
I need a sweet boy like niki 😭
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Hello! Thankyou for reading! Hope y'all are okay and remember that periods only last about a week! You got it!! For anyone who get cramps, I hope they're not as bad or get better :)
Lyyyy <333
If you enjoyed this post, you can help support my blog by tipping me here! Anything is highly appreciated!
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
9 Days of Solomon: Day 4 - Ocean
Well this didn't go at all how I expected it to lol. It was going to be all angst, but then it decided to do its own thing. I always just follow where the story leads.
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You knew that Solomon was not fond of the ocean, but sometimes you have to do things you don't like in the name of magical research. Or at least, that's what he had said.
The two of you were on a tiny boat out in the darkness of the Devildom ocean and Solomon was using a spell to attempt to find some kind of unusual fish.
You were mostly keeping an eye on the boat itself and trying not shiver in the damp salt air.
Apparently, this fish was in possession of some rare type of scale that was one of the best potion ingredients around. You couldn't buy them because the fish were so elusive, nobody knew where they were at any given time.
But Solomon had been tracking the ways of the fish for a length of time you didn't care to think about and he was sure that there would be a school of them in this part of the ocean on this night.
The more time that passed, though, the more you began to think you'd never find the fish.
At some point, Solomon sighed and dropped the spell. He was standing at the railing, looking down into the black waters. You came to stand beside him.
"Everything okay?" you asked.
Solomon frowned and looked at you. "I was so sure they'd be here, but I can't seem to locate any. All this time out here on the ocean for nothing. I'm sorry, MC."
You smiled. "I don't mind. It was nice just to be out here with you. Why don't you like the ocean, anyway?"
Solomon's eyes returned to the glassy water that rippled its waves against the side of your boat. "The ocean is one world I've never been able to truly discover. It's vast and deep, holding so much just beneath its surface. It reminds me too much of
You cocked your head slightly. "Yourself?"
Solomon looked at you with a startled expression before it smoothed into a smile. "It always surprises me how well you know me."
You were about to respond when the entire boat rocked hard, sending both of you stumbling back. Solomon reached out to grab you.
Salt water splashed over the side where the two of you had just been standing, rushing down the deck and soaking your shoes.
And then you saw it - the head of a massive sea serpent that had risen from the water right next to your boat. It was black, its eyes glowing a smoldering deep blue.
Solomon pushed you behind him, his arm wrapped around you protectively even while he stood in front of you. "If only Leviathan was here. You don't suppose this is one of Lotan's relatives, do you?"
You squeezed Solomon's arm. "How can you be so calm? He looks like he wants to eat us!"
Solomon laughed. "I dare him to try."
His tone of voice let you know that Solomon was not calm. Not at all. He was getting ready to defend you, whatever that looked like.
The beast tipped his head over the rail to look at you in a surprisingly gentle gesture. You felt Solomon's arm tense around you.
The sea serpent made a low mewling sound, then opened its great jaws. Certainly you were privy to the sight of many rows of very sharp teeth, but they were almost secondary to the other thing you saw. Cascading out of the beast's mouth was a plethora of sparkling fish. They piled up on the deck, a handful of them still wriggling. Half of them remained in the beast's mouth as he closed it and lifted his head again, watching you both curiously.
You felt Solomon relax.
"Ahaha! He had eaten all the fish! No wonder I couldn't find them." Solomon sounded bemused.
You moved out from behind Solomon and he let you go. You stepped up to the sea serpent and patted his nose. "Hey, thanks. We were looking for those."
The sea serpent trilled at you before descending back into the water, creating waves that rocked the boat slightly as he went.
You turned back to Solomon. "How did he know you wanted some of those fish?"
Solomon was smiling, watching the water where the beast had disappeared. "I'm not sure. Maybe he could feel my spell. It was probably disrupting his dinner."
Later, you would keep a handful of those shiny scales as a memento of that night. Not only to remind you of the kindness of a sea serpent, but as a keepsake of the time you spent with Solomon. A reminder of his depth, his laugh, and how he was always there to protect you.
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day 1: stars | day 2: nostalgia | day 3: knife | day 5: pact (nsfw mdni) | day 6: snow | day 7: familiar | day 8: Barbatos | day 9: humanity
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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ruhorih4ra · 3 months ago
Ladies, gentlemen AND non-binary sheeps, it is with great pleasure to inform you that I've finished my fanfic. đŸžđŸŽ©
Please, picture me as Spongebob screamin YES! to that hot fish lady. Without further ado, enjoy.
Even before you opened your eyes the voice of Satan cursing someone had reached your ears, threats and promises of a slow death left the mouth of the Avatar of Wrath. However, the moment you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was Sc.
Resting on a bed, just two meters away from you, Sc was wide awake, lying on her side and dressed in a loose blue robe as if she were actually in a human world hospital; For a brief moment you thought that was the case, the room seemed oddly human style. “Good morning, Mc.” She said, smiling brightly. You couldn't stop looking at her nose, a white patch covered most of it but the bruises around her eyes were evident.
“Where are we?” You asked, your senses still a little numb. “In the Devildom, this sickening room is just another unnecessary idea of Sc.” Satan replied, successfully startling you when you realized how close he was.
In fact, you were on the same bed. He was also wearing a blue robe, but he looked way healthier than the black-haired woman. “Satan? Why are you here?” You had to turn slightly in order to properly seeing him.
“He's already healed. He just wants an excuse to be close to you.” Sc offered unamused, Satan glared at her with killing intentions that disappeared completely when he turned his gaze towards you. “Sc stabbed me in the stomach, this sanctimonious prig thought she could get rid of me,” A soft blush colored his cheeks before he hugged you, resting his forehead on your back. “We found you gravely injured. I thought it’d be best for us to be together.”
Sc's eyes rolled back while Satan strengthened his embrace. “Why did you stab him? how? I thought you had a pact with him.” You instinctively took Satan's hands in yours.
“Hey! He almost ripped my scalp off! Don't look at me like that. You're scary even now.” Sc said. “What do you mean you thought we had a pact?” Satan asked, finally breaking the hug.
“What do you mean he almost ripped off your scalp?!” You asked Sc first, quickly turning to Satan and glaring at him. “Satan?”
The Avatar of Wrath alternated glances between you and Sc, with the sudden silence the room became even more eerie. Your accusing eyes weren't helping either. “Sc is a secret agent who is part of an organization dedicated to investigate paranormal activities in the human world. She came here to investigate Diavolo's business with the three legged crow group, gathering information just to use it against us.”
“Of course you’d say that! Now I'm the terrible villain and you are poor demons who are in danger!” Sc sat up, ignoring her wounds, leaning forward with an accusatory gesture. “See? We were only protecting ourselves from this monster.” Satan said solemnly.
“She is a spy?” You turned completely towards him, he nodded in response. “And you didn't tell me anything?” You asked, this time Satan's face showed the sincere realization that he had screwed up again. “Bbut I tried.”
“Coming at me in your demon form is not trying!” He ran a hand through his hair. “You were in your demon form too!”
The door opened at that moment, Mammon walked in with a bouquet of flowers, two big get-well balloons, more gifts than he could carry, and a pair of red, swollen eyes that indicated he wasn't having a good time. “Hey! How's Mc doing?” The barrier of gifts he was carrying blocked his vision. “Ya better be taking good care of them, Satan.” He put the gifts on a table that happened to be in front of the bed where you were.
“Mammon.” You called him. The heart of the Avatar of Greed skipped a beat, he moved as fast as if he had seen coins flying. “Mc! You're finally awake!!” He pushed Satan away and hugged you, the gentleness of his embrace surprised you. “Mammon? Did you know that Sc was a spy?” You felt his body tense for a few seconds before relaxing again.
“Ya know what? I think I should leave, Lucifer's gonna be real mad because I kind of stole his credit card before comin' here!” He tried to break free from your arms but they managed to keep him in place. “You knew?” You repeated.
He sank into your arms again, some part of him imagined that embrace as the last one in a long time. When he replied, he sounded sad and defeated, resigned even. “I did. I'm sorry, Mc.”
He backed away until his back was against the wall. “I want to say more but I think after everything that happened everyone should be here.” Mammon said. A quick glance at the demon was enough to know the miserable state he was in.
You sighed, suddenly very aware of the situation. “If you’re already cured you shouldn’t be here, Satan.” Sc watched intently how the 'heartbreaking' scene unfolded in front of her, with the way the blond demon was looking at you, everyone might have thought you asked him to rip out his heart with his own hands. “Actually, I still feel sore.”
“You know, Mc? I was very embarrassed to report that ‘The Seven Princes of Hell’ were madly in love with the human they hay kidnapped.” All three heads turned towards her, when nobody said anything Sc continued. “Do you want to know how many times I had to listen to Mammon trying to confess to you?”
“Hey! Shut up, witch!” Mammon was red all over his face and ears. “Really Mammon? that's pathetic.” Satan shook his head with disappointment but Sc hadn't finished speaking. “Pathetic? you forced me to accompany you to the human world so someone could read your hand and tell you if Mc and you-” “STOP RIGHT THERE BEFORE I KILL YOU, SC!” He shouted, the redness even more evident on him.
“I thought they were torturing you, manipulating you, using you as their private slave. That or a public demonstration of the differences between humans and demons,” Sc looked you in the eyes. “but even now one of the most famous demons cries at the prospect of leaving your side.” She concluded closing her eyes, a satisfied smile on her face. “I think you should recover first. Then, we can leave.”
Those words washed over them like holy water, a mix of emotions displayed across their faces. Satan felt very ill then, he was sure something was wrong with him, he couldn’t find any wrath inside him only a feeling of dread. His hands subtly touched the place where SC had wounded him, although he knew there wasn’t even a scar left. But something ached, something inside.
He didn’t feel your hand on his cheek until he saw your worried face. “Are you okay, Satan? Maybe you’re not healed yet, you look sick.” He realized then that maybe it’s you what hurt, it’s the little demon he never was, crying because you’ll go. “Come here, you need to rest.” You changed places easily, inviting him to lay on your chest.
He hugged you tightly, at least he wanted to be able to engrave that moment in his soul, just so he could remember it later when you were gone.
“Witch?” Mammon murmured to Sc but she only shook her head. “Ugh! No, I won’t stab you.”
At first, Mammon's words sounded like the most reasonable thing to do, such a mature and out-of-character act. Later you realized your mistake. Coincidentally, from that day until you recovered, the brothers and even the prince and his butler took turns to visit you. Beelzebub and Belphie visited you together, Satan and Asmo sometimes appeared at the same time. There was even a day when Mammon, Leviathan and Lucifer arrived one after another. Not even once did they all gather in the same room at the same time.
Simeon arrived one day looking happier than usual, he stood at the door and cleared his throat. “It is my pleasure to inform you that we are complete in purgatory hall once again!” He stepped aside and Luke and Solomon appeared doing the pose of Ruri-chan. While Solomon seemed satisfied and cynical, Luke was dying of embarrassment, he held the pose for half a second before running towards you with childlike joy. “I missed you, Mc.”
“I missed you too, Luke.”
They stayed for a long time, Solomon recounted silly and unimportant details of his trip while Luke spoke non-stop about his time in the Celestial Realm. You enjoyed it, truly, but you couldn't ignore the shadow that overcasted all the happiness around you. Nobody else noticed it, or at least they were better than you at ignoring it.
The elephant in the room.
You whistled long and loud when Mephisto appeared. You thought he would get annoyed and scold you for your lack of decorum, but he smiled and bowed. “Thank you! Thank you! You're very kind, thank you!”
“Mr. President, what have I done to receive such an honor?” You read that Diavolo had given the promotion to Mephisto in person, exchanging a few words of consideration towards his dear friend, the whole emotional moment was captured in a special narration written by the president of the Newspaper club himself. “I'm just doing charity work, sick homeless people are my weakness.” He said as he took a seat beside your bed.
You gasped, overdoing it a little. “I see you’ve grown a sense of humor!”
He rolled his eyes but never stopped smiling. “I'm just stating facts.” Mephisto wanted to hug you, after knowing everything you had been through and seeing your condition he couldn't shake the feeling that you would be gone in the blink of an eye. You were human, not a demon.
Accepting that took him a while, but when he did he also had to accept that he wanted to be around you as much as possible. He merely put his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it affectionately. “Thank you.”
You put your hand on his, the fabric of the glove as soft and neat as ever. “Why? don't you know it is just plain, simple courtesy?”
@yuumaofc @asmolover1234 @gallantys @prefesro @urminebutidontwantyou @fiveofspades @exrellian @cutestpatoootie @fandumshippr @frenchmess23yo @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
Part 24 Here!!!
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fortheloveofarchons · 6 months ago
You Look Different, In A Good Way (Rafayel) (Full N$FW chapter down below on Ao3)
C.W. - A Rafayel x MC ship - Fluff and humour - Fluff and smut - Orgasm - MC top/ Rafayel bottom - Tied up (sort of)
Rafayel: Been staying up late recently so my memories are bad. Can you remind me what today is?
You: Aww, I was hoping you’d be the one to remind me. 
Rafayel: Keywords, date with Rafayel 
Rafayel: Knew this would work by asking you this question because it helps jog my memory
Rafayel: You should’ve been here by now 
You: On my way! On my way!! On my way!!!
Rafayel: Geez I’m glad you didn’t send a voice message from this message
Rafayel: Hurry, Miss Bodyguard, your docile, obedient fishie awaits for you 
You immediately arrive at the door, but not before you knock a few times. 
“Come in!” His voice calls out from the other side of the door. 
When you go in, you are confronted with a jumble of items. Papers and stationery strewn across the floor; his paintings are half finished on the easel, but Rafayel was nowhere to be seen.
In an attempt to avoid tripping and falling, you walk over a few objects on the ground.
“Rafayel?” You ask. “Where are you?”
“Here,” Rafayel walks from the other side of the room, holding a bucket of rolled up paintings. “I’ve found a lot of old paintings in my closet, I was thinking we could–” 
The moment Rafayel glances up and sees you, standing in the doorway, his eyes widen in surprise, and his grip on the bucket loosened. 
The bucket tilted to the side, and before he could react, it slipped from his hands. 
The sound of the paintings and the metal bucket hitting the ground echoed through the room, scattering rolls of paintings across the floor. 
“Raf! The paintings!” You immediately run over and squat down to pick them up. After finally getting all of them in your arms, you put them all in the bucket neatly. Standing up, you were about to hand it over to Rafayel, but he just stood there as if he was stunned into a statue, his eyes still locked on you. 
“Raf?” You brush it off with a playful grin, laughing softly. “Looks like I surprised you, are you okay?”
Crows are cawing in the distance outside Rafayel's studio.
It’s been about thirty minutes, and all you’re doing is watching the completely cocooned Rafayel on his sofa. Being covered with a large, soft blanket, he pulls it tighter around himself, seeking solace in its warmth and security. Rafayel’s body was curled into a tight ball beneath the layers, his face completely hidden from view, and no sound was emitted from the pink cocoon. 
“Raf? Still being silent?” 
“Raf~” You stand up, walking over to the pink cocoon. “Come on, say something.”
“Signals sucks down here.” Rafayel finally replies. “Use drift bottles, okay.” 
Is he
 actually angry at me? Your mind wanders, trying to decipher the purple betta fish’s mind. But, if that’s really the case then what is he angry about? Could it be my hair? Yet
 why would he be angry about it? That doesn’t make any sense

Without a word, all you could do was to sit at the edge of the sofa, the cushions dipping slightly under your weight. You reach out, your hand hovering just above the blanket, unsure if your touch will be welcomed or rejected. 
You're taking care not to attack the shark and instead tame the fish, after all. 
You gently poke the blanket with your finger. Once, twice, and then

“...I don’t think this is how Red Light, Green Light works.” Rafayel shifts slightly, but he doesn’t turn to you. To you, the air in the room is thick with frustration.

 Is he angry at me because I didn’t tell him I cut my hair off? Hmm
 that must have seemed shocking to him. He's seen me with my long hairstyle every time, after all. Still, I didn’t think I’d get this kind of reaction from him. 
Thinking that you’ve angered him somehow, you sit closer to the pink cocoon, your fingers nervously playing with the ends of your newly cut hair. It was much shorter than you’ve ever worn it before, after all. 
 I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to anger you like this.” You begin, your voice soft and hesitant. You reach up, tucking a small, stray lock behind your ear. “If it’s really about my hair, I know it’s a lot shorter than you’re used to, and I should’ve talked to you before making such a big change.”
That made Rafayel immediately turn around, his blanket already on the floor. 
“What? What are you talking about?” Rafayel asks, his tone puzzled. 
You bit your lower lip, your cheeks flushing slightly. “The haircut,” you said, your eyes searching Rafayel’s face for a reaction. “I didn’t think you’d like it short. I guess it does look odd–” 
Hearing your nonsensical words, he flicks your forehead. 
“When did I ever say that I didn’t like your hair?” Rafayel folds his arms, his lips quirking in annoyance. “Miss Bodyguard, why would you judge yourself too harshly? There’s no such thing as beauty and ugliness in art, after all.” 
” You blink your eyes in confusion. “Why did you cover yourself–” 
It is at that moment that you notice Rafayel's ears have turned slightly darker, taking on a hint of red. 
“Okay, okay!” Rafayel covers his ears with his hands, yet it doesn’t stop a soft blush creeping up his cheeks, deepening to a rosy pink. His eyes dart on the floor, avoiding direct eye contact with you. “I was stunned, alright. I’ve never seen you like this before, and I just
 didn’t know what to say.”
“A compliment would do?” You let out a playful laugh. 
“Well, you look beautiful as always,” With a shaky breath, he finally let the words escape his lips. “You
 You look so beautiful with your new haircut. It’s giving
 bright and optimistic vibes.” 
“Oh?” You smile back, letting out a soft, sheepish laugh this time. “And what about my previous look?” 
” Rafayel puts his hands down, and puts his finger on his chin, contemplating this deeply. “Back then, your long hair made you look mature and elegant, so imagine my surprise when I saw you today.” 
“Well,” You play with the ends of your hair with your finger. “It’s my first time cutting it this short, so I get what you mean.” 
“Could I
 touch them?” 
As the two of you sit close together, the light filters through the window, casting a gentle glow over everything. The evening sun gently covers Rafayel like a veil. As he looks at you, you can see tiny bits of sunlight shimmering in his eyes. Your new haircut catches Rafayel’s eyes, and he’s drawn to the way the light plays off the strands of your hair.  
With a hesitant smile, Rafayel reaches his hands out slowly, trembling slightly. 
Gently, he brings his hands closer, and his fingers brush against your short hair. The texture of your hair is soft and silky, and Rafayel couldn’t help but internally marvel at how the individual strands slip through his fingers. Your hair feels cool and smooth to the touch, all thanks to that hair salon’s treatment. 
He gently combs your hair with his fingers for the next few minutes. Usually, he’d ruffle and mess up your hair, but this time his fingertips slowly trace along the contour of your head. 
Almost reverently, as if handling something delicate and precious. 
You couldn’t help but close your eyes, leaning into his touch. A warm, glowing feeling settles in your heart. 
“Does it feel that good to you?” Rafayel asks. 
“It does.” 
The first thing you notice when you open your eyes are the tips of his violet, wavy hair that covers his eyelashes. They look like jellyfish, how they happily swim and dream. 
Lingering in the ocean of love. 
Another thing you notice is how close Rafayel is to you, his scent familiar and comforting.
Breathing in deeply, you couldn’t help but inhale Rafayel’s scent. It tangles around you.
Lavender. Citrus leaves. The tang of mirabelle plums. A kiss of patchouli. 
“Angelfish?” His breath is much closer to you. 
“Yes, Rafayel?” 
Rafayel leans closer to your face without saying anything, his bangs touching your forehead, and his hand touches your jaw. Rafayel’s thumb presses against your chin, and you draw a shuddering breath, your entire body tight and tense. 
The air around the two of you is static, heavy, and charged.  
And then Rafayel lowers his face to yours.
Your heart has stopped beating for a second. Your chest hollows out as you take a surprised breath, and his lips lightly brush against yours. 
He wraps one hand around your neck, fingers sinking into the ends of your hair at your nape, and holds it. Not too tight, yet he doesn’t let go of you. 
He pushes you closer, and your body shifts against him, sitting on his lap, letting out a soft groan as mouths parts, only to meet again in another kiss, this time hungrier and more
As the two of you continue to kiss, your eyes peek open to see his reaction, only to find a few warm tears dripping out from his eyes. The more you kiss him, the more you see the transformation of his tears from clear, salty droplets to shiny white pearls. 
You want more of him, but his emotions are a priority. 
” You let go of the kiss, a thin strand of saliva connecting both of your lips, and it falls to your chin.  “Are you okay?” 
White pearls, all in crooked shapes and sizes, drop to your thighs and onto the sofa. It wasn’t until one of them fell to the floor, making a bouncy, clinking noise that made Rafayel reel himself back to reality. 
The silence in the air feels suffocating that you have to say something, to console him, to understand why
” You brush your thumb against his cheek, wiping the thin stream of salty tears on his cheeks. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I’m here. Is there anything I can do to help? Please, anything.” 
Your murmurs of sincerity– No, your voice is Rafayel’s need and desire. It braids together in his gut, how achingly sweet it sounds.  
Rafayel’s blue-pinkish eyes droop for a second, but his faint, appreciative smile touches his lips. 
“I’m fine, really.” Rafayel finally replies. “I guess I was just in the heat of the moment.”
Before you could even say anything, Rafayel gently sets your body back on the sofa, and he stands up with his usual charming smile. “Come, let’s go out for dinner. I know a good restaurant nearby.” 
Full chapter down below!
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kingovharts · 8 months ago
Oh no! Young Child!Mc's pet gold fish died and poor MC's dad has to start teaching them the concept of death.
What does he do to try to get MC to understand? Upon, finding out that their dad would someday pass away MC just starts crying even more(Like straight up full-on sobbing)? Ah the woes of taking care of children :)
(Also on a slightly less funny aspect of this scenario since MC's mom isn't here would that also be put into consideration.😼‍💹💀)
Y’all 😭 I never had a pet fish (I think?) before. Well we did have this huge ass aquarium when I was young but I remembered waking up with the fish gone so I was never attached. AnYWAY—
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Under the cut cuz it got tooooo long again. 😭
Julian rushed out of the living room when he heard you crying. Upon arriving, he saw you holding the bowl you bought at the pet store for the little fish you desperately wanted after seeing the cartoon "Finding Nemo." The bowl, once a symbol of your joy and excitement, now held a lifeless fish floating at the surface.
“Daddy, why is Nemo not swimming? Is he asleep?” Julian looked at his precious child, then at the fish, which bore little resemblance to the vibrant orange character from the show. His heart sank as he realized the heavy burden he now faced.
How time flies. It seemed like just yesterday he first held his newborn baby, full of promise and innocence. And now, he had to teach them about death—a parent's most difficult task, one he had dreaded but knew was inevitable.
“Umm, peanut, you see, Nemo’s soul is gone. It means he’s not here anymore.” Julian decided to be honest. He feared that sugarcoating the truth would only lead to misunderstanding, leaving his child more confused and hurt.
“Gone? But why? He was fine yesterday!” Julian's heart ached as he saw you crying again. He truly was weak for you, your tears cutting deeper than any wound.
“Yes, peanut, he is gone. But I’m sure Nemo left the world happy because you made him happy!” Julian tried his best to cheer you up, but your next question made him pause, the weight of it nearly crushing him.
“Just like mummy?” Julian once again looked at your innocent face, eyes wide with confusion and pain. He hoped you would preserve that innocence. It was a hopeful thought, fragile as glass.
“Yes. Just like mummy,” Julian answered, his voice trembling. But your next question broke his heart completely.
“But daddy, does that mean someday your soul will leave too?” Julian couldn’t bear to answer. He hoped it wouldn’t happen soon. He wanted to see you grow up, live a normal life, and experience everything life has to offer. For that to happen, he needed to be strong, to endure for your sake.
“Yes, peanut. But not now. Daddy’s here.” Julian could only manage a smile, trying to fill the voids in both your hearts.
Julian pulled you close, holding you tightly, as if his embrace could shield you from the harsh realities of life.
In that moment, Julian vowed to cherish every second, to be the rock you needed, even as his own heart ached with the pain of loss and the fear of the future.
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the12thnightproject · 1 year ago
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Chapter 37: Schrodinger’s Kat: Too many things might not be what they seem. Or they
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
CW: Battlefield scene
Mitsuhide did indeed let me grab my fur cloak (ok, my borrowed Imagawa cloak) and went so far to make sure that my feet were well covered. Then, he urged me outside, into the garden, where it was once again snowing and the sun had already set. In the glow of the lanterns, I could see that the snowflakes collected on top of his head, turning that salt and pepper wig into a semblance of his normally silver hair.
We came to a halt just past the ice covered koi pond. I didn’t check whether or not the fish were still in there somewhere. I didn’t want to see if they had frozen to death. Schrodinger’s fish. “I was going to send you a message.”
“Were you indeed? Where would you have sent it from? Here? Or would you have waited until you settled in Kasugayama with the Imagawa?” Before I could respond to that odd line of questioning, Mitsuhide pulled us into the shadow of the wall, rendering us less visible from above.
Kasugayama? What was he talking about? Not willing to spend the mental energy trying to read his expression, I shrugged and continued my original explanation. “From here. I planned to flag down that spy who followed us from Sakai. To let you know what Yoshiaki was doing
 that Kennyo is still alive. But I guess since you’ve been here all week, then you’re already aware. And if Nobunaga is not aware, he will be soon
He acknowledged that with a brief nod. “I’m also aware that it’s an open secret that Yoshimoto has taken his page as a lover. His vassals are –“
“Idiots.” And causing Yoshimoto more trouble than he could handle.
“That is not the point. I’ve witnessed your relationship for myself. Watching as he takes your hands and touches your face.” Mitsuhide brushed his hand over my face, much the same way Yoshimoto was wont to do. Unlike Yoshimoto’s touch, Mitsuhide’s burned, even though, as always, his fingers were cool.
Unable to stand that internal heat, I stepped back. “That’s just Yoshimoto
 he’s a touchy-feely person. It means nothing. But even if it meant something, that’s no longer your business.” You let me go.
He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, when he finally spoke, it was a return to that teasing tone. “You are correct, Brat. No business of mine, save for my ego. It was simply meant as a warning. The ex-shogun is a vengeful man. One full of petty jealousies and complex plots.”
“Yoshiaki has no idea that I even exist.” I was sure of that. “Servants are simply part of the scenery to him.”
“As I was saying before you interrupted-.” Mitsuhide put his finger on my lips to ensure no additional interruption. “Imagawa’s vassals haven’t ceased complaining about how their lord is obsessed with his new page. How he fondles you in public, and holes up in his room with you for hours.” He shot another glance up toward the castle walls and pulled me further into the gloom. I suddenly realized that the person who had been watching me for the past few days was Mitsuhide himself. “If Yoshiaki hasn’t already heard of this, he will soon.”
“Why would Yoshiaki care?” And then the recollection of that first day here returned. Of that possessive, slighted tone in the ex-shogun’s voice when he spoke to Yoshimoto. “Oh. He’s the one with the obsession.”
“Indeed. He is the one with the obsession.” Mitsuhide took a step back, as if he were evaluating the nature of the word obsession. “I find it somewhat
 that in my attempt to get you out of the line of fire – for Yoshiaki would also be happy if a woman important to 
 to the Oda were to fall into his hand – you jumped right back into it.”
There was a lot to that statement, and I wished I had the time to parse it out, to discover what those odd pauses in Mitsuhide’s speech meant, but as it was, all I could say was, “I’m not important to the Oda.”
He merely looked at me. His face was shadowed in the dark, but for a moment, he half turned and his eyes gleamed in the lantern light.
Am I important to him?
Did he truly push me away to keep me safe?
There were a hundred questions I could have asked at that moment.
I said nothing.
It was not the time.
It was certainly not the place.
He reached out, took both my hands in his, carried them to his lips, and kissed my knuckles. The gesture was oddly reminiscent of Yoshimoto’s and I wondered if he was doing so to place a claim of possession on them
 to erase any memory I might have had of Yoshimoto’s touch.
My silence was enough of a response. He pulled me closer, pressing me into the wall, and kissed my forehead – almost a benediction. That gesture of peace became one of passion, as he melted into my side, nipping at my neck, biting my ear –
I groaned
 I would always be weak to that
 to him, my need for his touch rushing through my veins. Until he spoke. “Goro – my spy – is waiting on the other side of the wall. Leave. Leave now. I will explain it to Yoshimoto.”
Stung by reality, I yanked myself out of his embrace. Had all that been just to distract me? Even now was he still trying to force me to his bidding? Was this another feint, another character, another act? I imagined that my very existence here, in proximity to Motonari, who knew of the Kaya identity, was interfering with his own mission for Nobunaga. The mission that brought him here to begin with.
Of course
 it had never been about me.
“No.” I scooted further away. “Iekane knows where Aki is. I’m sure of it. Don’t worry. I will keep far away from your investigation. You won’t even know I’m here.”
“You’re impossible to ignore. I couldn’-“
“Just. Don’t.”
Before he could grab me again, I hurried out of the garden. He wouldn’t be able to follow me without giving himself – or me – away. I didn’t look back this time either, and stopped only to steal the bucket from beside the well. The well water was already frozen – no one would miss it. I filled the bucket with snow, knowing that if anyone questioned me on my way back inside, I would have a built in excuse for my absence.
Then I casually walked back into the castle as if I had every reason to be there. I even nodded at one guard at the main door. He returned my nod, then returned to his business.
Good. I hurried up the stairs toward Yoshimoto’s quarters but, just a few meters away from being home free, I nearly barreled right into Motonari. Shit. I bowed low, keeping my face turned away from his. “My apologies Lord Motonari.”
He grunted in response, and hurried past
 then he stopped. I sensed him whirling back toward me. “How did you know my name?”
My face stayed averted. I was good servant, not allowed to gaze at one of a higher caste. “Lord Imagawa requires I be able to identify all the daimyos and warlords and not offer any insult or impropriety.”
“Humph.” After another excruciating pause, he continued on his way.
Had he recognized me? I
 couldn’t be certain that he hadn’t.
Without taking time to sigh in relief, I hurried into Yoshimoto’s room, where Yoshimoto was kneeling on his futon, his eyes closed.
As soon as I entered, he opened his eyes and looked at me. "Katsu, that seemed longer than it ought to have taken to-"
"Get you your water? My apologies Lord Yoshimoto." I handed him the bucket full of rapidly melting snow. "Your drink."
Yoshimoto blinked. "Snow?" He kept his voice low.
“You did say you wanted to taste the pristine moonlight touched flakes." I winked at him. "This is the coldest freshest water in the area."
A slight smile touched his lips. "That does... sound like something I would say." He drank from the bucket. "You are frighteningly good at that." He dropped his voice lower, below the threshold of what someone listening in the next room or the corridor would be able to hear. "And your search?"
"Inconclusive." Then, in order to give him some better news, I added. “The correspondence we previously discussed is on its way to its intended target.”  At least Mitsuhide had hinted as such. I ought to tell Yoshimoto about Mitsuhide being here. “Well, the second target. As it turns out-“
Yoshimoto had stopped listening. "I'll be happier when we can be on our way, too." Our way? Was that for any spies?Or was Yoshimoto assuming that we would continue travelling together? I couldn’t think that far in advance. Perhaps anticipating my thoughts Yoshimoto asked, "If it turns out your father is dead, what will you do next?"
Though I didn’t want to imagine that prospect it was a fair question. "Return to his manor and try to salvage his... interests."
"If you want or need another option, you are welcome to return to Kasugayama with me." He smiled at me, but with the resignation of someone who didn’t have any expectation of success.
"There you go again, inviting me to be a guest in someone else's home." The home of a person whose disdain for women was pretty common knowledge.
"As long as you can fight, Kenshin won't care." He took a sip from the container of now melted snow, "It is really good water."
And in about 450 years people will have to pay one hundred and fifty yen for a bottle of something this fresh.
For a long moment, he was quiet, thinking those inscrutable Yoshimoto thoughts. Finally, he sighed. “Katsuko, you must know that-”
That was as far as he got before the sound of shouting and running feet reached our ears. Before I could do more than grab my sword, the door to the room slid open and four of the Kanamori vassals rushed in. Their weapons were out, so I presumed they aren't joining us for the fresh mountain water.
Yoshimoto was already on his feet. "What is the meaning of this insult?"
"We are taking him into custody." That was apparent. They had me surrounded. “Lord Motonari’s orders.”
Dammit. I guess he had recognized me after all.
“Unacceptable. Katsu is a valued member of my household." Yoshimoto threw on his clothing faster than I thought he could move. "I refuse to part with him."
"You'll have to discuss that with Lord Iekane.” Without another word, they confiscated my sword and "escorted" me through the corridor, with Yoshimoto protesting at their heels every step of the way. The darkened stairwells and hallways were no less forbidding in reverse as we were marched out of the castle altogether.
Outside is bad. It means they think there will be blood and they don’t want to clean it off a tatami mat. (Actually you can’t really get blood out of a tatami mat). At least I hadn't had time to take my cloak off, but Yoshimoto had to be freezing.
The vassals rushed me through the gardens, and to a stairway that led to the top of the castle wall.
Iekane and Motonari were waiting for us there, along with more of the Kanamori guards
 including, I noticed, Mitsuhide. His disguise was still complete and he appeared to be regarding the scene dispassionately.
So far, Motonari hadn’t realized he was here, but if he did, especially when we were this badly outnumbered, it would be the end of both our missions.
Making sure not to look at him, not even look near him, I tried to mentally broadcast an apology to him. This
 was probably exactly what he had been afraid would happen.
Before I could begin to formulate a way out of this, Yoshimoto addressed Iekane, "Master Iekane, what is the meaning of this insult?"
"This doesn't concern you, Lord Imagawa," Iekane said in that ingratiating tone that 
 really didn’t go along with the role he was playing as the acting daimyo of Genba. Then again, Yoshimoto was an Imagawa, and Yoshiaki revered him, so maybe that tone was real. "Motonari has a problem with a member of your household."
"I don't see how. My page has devoted his attention to me since the moment we arrived. Any insult would have come about because he was merely doing my bidding." In other words Yoshimoto was insinuating his own servants were more important than Motonari - which is not how I would have chosen to play this, but now it seems we were committed.
Motonari stepped forward and looked me over from head to foot. "Lord Imagawa, yer page is a spy who works for Mitsuhide."
With, people, with. And not any longer.
Yoshimoto whipped out his fan and semi-concealed a theatrically fake yawn. "Of course she's a spy. But she works for my cousin, not Mitsuhide."
Takeda Shingen? Wait. Yoshimoto if you're going to change the script, it would be nice if you handed me the updated sides first.
Iekane started to speak, but Motonari got there first. "Shut up."
Oooh. Someone doesn’t like Iekane. I... think I can work with that.
He turned back to me. "Yer one of the Mitsumono? Why’d ya help Mitsuhide?"
 I did a rapid revision to Kaya's backstory. I didn’t dare look at Mitsuhide. Did he believe I was a Takeda spy? Maybe
 that would be for the best. It would be the easiest and fastest way for him to wash his hands of me and continue on his mission.
“The best way to gain his trust was to help him.” Ok, think think, what else? “And of course once he pulled us off your ship, I figured the only way I was going to get back to Kasaguyama was to work with him."
“By burning down my camp." Motonari’s words came out as a growl, but there was a different kind of light in his eyes.
"Next time tell your men not to store, the gunpowder so close to open flame.” Hoping that I had judged his character correctly, I added a purposeful careless shrug. "Hell of a fire though."
He looked startled for a moment, then his laughter rang out across the dark night. "Hell of a fire."
Behind me, Yoshimoto shifted uneasily. Yeah so I had flipped the script too... but we were going to need Motonari to defuse this Yoshiaki mess, and the only way that was going to happen would be if we eliminated Iekane’s influence. One way or another.
The Kanamori guards seemed not to know what to do with Motonari's sudden outburst. Once again Iekane stepped forward, but no, I couldn’t let him take control this narrative. His, for want of a better word, superpower, was the long con. It had to be for him to have been able to fool Aki for so long. I gestured to Iekane. "Lord Iekane knows this, because he and I were both originally trained by the same spymaster." I glanced over my shoulder at the Kanamori guard who was still poking me with a sword. "Just a suggestion, but you might want to get a food taster in for Mozumi's meals and drink."
I wasn't going to outright accuse Iekane of anything, especially since I hadn’t found any evidence that he was responsible for Mozumi's condition, but all I needed was for them to hesitate before acting.
Iekane put his hand to his heart. "Are you accusing me of harming my dear father? The man took me in, saved my life. I'm devoted to his health."
"Yes, of course you must be." Finally Yoshimoto picked up on the good cop bad cop routine. We really should have rehearsed this. "A poor orphan is always grateful to the rich man, especially if he has no other living offspring."
The Kanamori guard became less poky with the sword in my back. So that's one thin-
"Heh. This is all very interesting." Motonari's tone said it was the complete opposite of interesting. "I don’t care if Iekane is offing his Pap, it all ends up the same in the end. Imagawa ya in for destroying Nobunaga and getting this party started or not?"
Crap. Iekane was my goal, but if I could throw a bit of help toward Mitsuhide’s mission, it would be a good thing too.
"The desire of my vassals is clear." Yoshimoto snapped his fan shut. The metallic clang was like the locking of a cell door. "That said, I do not agree that Sakai is a worthwhile target."
Ok, good, he'd given me an opening. "Iekane when you caused the cart accident, was your target me... or was it Hiko?"
"Accident?" Iekane’s laugh was on the disbelieving side of sarcastic. "Kaya, you've always been clumsy. And little boys, well, they can get into so much mischief."
 that was an unforced error to Iekane.
"Lord Motonari." I turned and directly addressed the pirate. "Has Iekane ever met Hiko?"
He frowned, either at the non-sequitur, or because he might have figured out where I was going. "No. He ain’t been to Sakai. Do you have a point, spy? Or are ya wasting time waiting for reinforcements?"
 well, that would have been a good idea. Too bad none of us thought of that.
"How does Iekane know Hiko is a little boy?" Before Iekane could formulate a bluff, I kept going. "Hiko is in danger, from Iekane. Before my former master disappeared, he sent me a letter, asking me to find Hiko and protect him from Iekane."
Don't ask me why. Don't ask me why.
"Why, why would I care about some street kid?" Of course Iekane asked.
"Because," Yoshimoto took up the thread of my logic and embellished it into a telenovela. "Hiko is actually Mozumi's son. His blood son."
Yoshimoto, WTF? Then
 I considered. Oh
that's actually
 pretty good.
Since Yoshimoto had his bard on I kept quiet and let him continue. "Hiko's mother was one of Mozumi's concubines. But Mozumi's second wife Osumi was jealous of Niwa, and arranged for an attempt on her life. Frightened for her safety and realizing she was carrying a baby, Niwa decided to fake her death, at least until the child was born. Unfortunately, during childbirth, poor Niwa’s death became a reality. This was when her sister decided to raise Hiko as her own. She already had a daughter, Sho, and the children were devoted to each other."
Yoshimoto finished his epic with a flutter of his fan, and I could tell he was holding back from actually bowing. Ok, a little over the top, but at least he had remembered to account for the existence of Sho. Mozumi's vassals might not remember all of his former concubines, but they might remember the existence of a daughter.
"And that is why Iekane plans to attack Sakai. It would be easy enough to kill one small boy in the confusion and make it look like an accident of war." In fact, that probably was why Iekane had chosen Sakai. Or at least one reason. Once again I was glad that Yoshimoto, or rather the Takeda mitsumono, had taken Hiko to Kasugayama.
"That's ridiculous." Iekane addressed Motonari, "Lord Imagawa has spent so much time on the arts that it’s rotted his brain. No true warrior would believe such a fanciful tale."
I heard a whisper from the direction of the Kanamori guards. A rather familiar voice, in fact. “Mozumi did have a concubine by name of Niwa.”
And thank you Mitsuhide for backing up Yoshimoto’s flight of fancy.
Iekane took a nervous step in that direction, trying to read the Kanamori guard’s faces.
Another voice, from one of Mozumi’s vassals. “Lady Osumi was the jealous type.”
 had also been Mitsuhide, once again employing that ventriloquism trick he’d used back in Sakai.
“Are you really believing this nonsense?” Iekane looked around. But he was nervous. As he spoke, fumbled for something he had in his kimono. Something black and shiny. A pistol?
In that moment, I didn’t know who he planned to shoot, but only Mitsuhide would be familiar with the quicker action of a western pistol. But if he acted, it would be the end of his mission – because Iekane wasn’t his target. Iekane was mine.
I allowed myself a fast peek at him, trying to determine whether he had something in mind. He looked, for the first time in my memory, agonized. Indecisive. If this incident deterred him from his mission, I knew he would hate himself forever.
And so before Iekane could even point the thing, I jumped at him, hoping to knock it out of his hands.
Instead of pushing me away, Iekane grabbed my wrist. Only then, I could see it wasn't a Nanban pistol at all. It was dark and oblong, gleaming of some unfamiliar material.
Our action carried us backward, and then, rather than twisting, or braking, Iekane let us continue to fall backward, over the wall of the castle entirely in front of the started gazes of Yoshimoto and Motonari
 and though Mitsuhide leaped forward, his hands reaching for me, he was not in time to prevent us from sailing over the edge.
Oh shit, this is going to hur-
We never hit the ground.
There was a flash of light, and I felt a bit of a jolt of electricity, and then the world was replaced by stifling grey.
I've been here before.
“You are indeed stupid, putting me right where I wanted to be.”
It was as if I were back in that crate, as closed in and impenetrable as a coffin, yet without any physical walls that I could pound on or kick. I tried screaming but nothing came out of my mouth.
Find a piece of yourself that you can hang onto through all of the roles you play. Some thing. Some goal that’s more important than who you are portraying at that moment in time.  If you lose that piece, you’ll lose yourself in the game. You might never find your way out again.
The memory wasn’t of the wormhole that pulled Toshiie and I into the Sengoku. No it was of a thick endless grey. A grey where time had ceased to exist. Iekane had pushed me and I’d become trapped, alone, dissolving

 not me.
Someone else’s memory?
And then I felt Iekane grab onto my wrist, as I could tell he was preparing to throw me off him. Fling me somewhere.  Somewhere into the grey. Again. His voice was harsh in my ear. "Give my regards to your father."
“Oh no you don’t. Not this time!”Mine or not, that vision was a warning of what could happen if I allowed him to throw me deeper into the wormhole.
I grabbed onto his arm, snatched that odd device from his hand. The wind whipped around us, pulling us in all directions, as we battled over it. Lightning crackled in the distance and Iekane yelped as if he'd been shot.
I tightened my grip on the thing, kicked out, and in the weird gravity field of the wormhole, we ricocheted away from each other. With a howl of rage, Iekane disappeared from my view, spinning, tumbling head over heels, his hand still reaching for the device.
The fog faded, pushed away by a fetid heavy breeze that carried a stench of blood and ash and decay.
As the wormhole gave way to smoke, that eerie silence was replaced by shouts. I had the sensation of falling into intense heat. It was all the warning I had before my feet touched ground. I ran three staggering steps, through the dark haze, tripped over something soft

 and landed on a body. Even in the heat around me, the person was limp, his clothing soaked and -
Where’s the rest of -- ?!
Oh God.
Get away from him-
I'd seen battlefields from a distance.
There had never been a desire to get any closer than my perch from a tree in a nearby forest. Though that distance had been enough to give me an idea of how much smoke, noise, and confusion there could be, nothing could have prepared me for the smell or the heat.
Or the feel of a dead body beneath me.
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