#and hickies are an added bonus
alwaysbetruexo · 4 months
Craving a good makeout session with some hickies, who's down?
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babyleostuff · 1 year
Hey hey :) I absolutely love your writing I can't stop myself from reading and rereading them over and over again!
I don't know if you're taking any requests, but if you are could you write about seventeen being softdoms. Like them being all manly + all soft for their s/o. Masculine without the toxicity lol
If not you can just ignore this ask 🥰
author's note | ah we love us a softdom seventeen 😍 i decided to split it up to sfw and nsfw, hope you don't mind <3
also, my inbox is open again, so if you guys have any requests or asks feel free to write me!
soft dom seventeen | ot13
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The type to spoil the living shit out of you, because you deserve all the best things in the world (one word from you and the next day you’ll get whatever you mentioned). Also, may be a bit overprotective, but it’s just because he doesn’t want you to get hurt. He makes it his life mission to keep you safe at all times, so he will fight anyone who dares to make you uncomfortable. Even when he’s angry or having a fight with someone, the second you enter the room, he’s all like “hi baby ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶”:
➼ Seungcheol, Mingyu, Chan, Wonwoo 
A complete gentleman who will do anything to make you feel like a princess. No matter how bad of a day he’s having, one look from you and he’s all smiley and happy again. His heart eyes are reserved for you and you only and he will not hesitate to use them in his favour. Protective, but not in an overbearing way. He’ll just shoot the stranger one look and they’ll know that it’s better to not make you uncomfortable. Bonus: he gives the softest kisses in the world (they make you melt on the spot):
➼ Joshua, Dokyeom, Jun, Seungkwan, Vernon
He knows how weak you are for him and he will use that to his advantage. A lot. He just loves messing with you and seeing you all flustered because of him (don’t worry, he makes it up with a lot of kisses). He’ll do anything you ask him for - there is nothing more important to him than your happiness. So you can say that he’s weak for you as well??? He’s a certified simp, what can I say. Also buys you flowers out of nowhere and gets you your favourite candy just because he can:
➼ Minghao, Jeonghan, Woozi, Soonyoung
Will be destroying you with his cock, while telling you how pretty you look. One second, the most sinful words are escaping his mouth, mocking you how weak of a slut you are for him and the second he’s giving you gentle kisses on your neck, soothing his previous made hickies. BUT, turns into a completely different person when he’s finally satisfied with how many times he’d made you cum. The aftercare is top tier and he turns into the softest and gentlest being:
➼ Seungcheol, Mingyu, Chan, Wonwoo, Woozi
Treats you like you are made of porcelain, while still fucking you nice and deep, hitting all of the right places. Most likely will make you come with his mouth or fingers a couple of times, before he slams his cock into you, making you see stars. Repeats how pretty you are and how good of a job you’re doing, while sucking your nipples and circling your clit with his thumb. He swears he lives for your moans and the way you push your hips against his face when he’s eating you out:
➼ Joshua, Dokyeom, Seungkwan, Jun
Teases the shit out of you, before he even pulls out his dick from his briefs (which at this point you’re practically begging him to fuck you). Will make you say exactly what you want him to do to you, every single sinful thought that you’re having or else he’s just going to leave you hot and horny. But, when he’s satisfied with how wet and needy you are, he’s ramming his cock into you in no time. The touch of his fingertips is feather like, his lips slowly outlining the shape of your body, while his cock is fucking you dumb:
➼ Soonyoung, Vernon, Minghao, Jeonghan
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm
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mistress-amidala · 4 months
James Kelly x bratty reader ۵
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She has an affinity for smacking his 'cute little butt.'
James Kelly x bratty reader that uses the heel of her foot to kick his butt when he pins her wrist above her head to stop her from being able to touch him. Making him grunt, his hips bucking forward.
James Kelly x bratty reader who clenches his jaw hard enough to crack a tooth when she blows kisses at him teasingly. When she know he's hitting his limit with her and her behaviour. Just an inch away from pinning her wrists again and bending her back down and over the nearest surface. Not quite sure if he wants to spank her or slam his cock into her, railing her into the next life...
James Kelly x bratty reader who has a love hate relationship with how she tilt her head to the side. Depending on when she is doing it sweetly, or taunting the shit out of him.
James Kelly x bratty reader who smacks her ass every time she uses his hair as handle bars when she's riding his pretty face. Pretending to be annoyed... he's not fooling anyone. And he knows it.
James Kelly x bratty reader who even though he denies it. Gets turned on when she sticks her tongue out at him all bratty.
James Kelly x bratty reader who loves the feel of her thighs in his hands. Gripping at them, watching the flesh pool between his fingers. He's so vocal about it, almost strangled sounds escape the depths of his throat. As he rolls her skin beneath his fingers. Moaning and groaning as he rubs slow circles into the skin of her thighs with his thumbs.
James Kelly x bratty reader who will let out the most animalistic sounds to man kind when he hears her moan. Growling and groans emitting from him when he finally gets to hear her moan. His favourite god damn sound on the planet, no matter how many times he hears it he could never get sick of it. It's a siren song, and if she moan while calling out his name... man is done for.
James Kelly x bratty reader love marking. On both of them, hickies, bite marks, scratches, the whole shebang. He loves how she's showing everyone he belongs to her, and she belongs to him.
James Kelly x bratty reader he loves being able to make her laugh, especially giggle. And if they happen to be having sex at the time, the added sensation is an unbelievable bonus. You best believe he's going to try his best to make her keep giggling.
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dividers by @rookthornesartistry
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weebsinstash · 7 months
more valentino PLEASE 🙏
How does the saying go, "i want this man in ways that are concerning to feminism"?
I was thinking of how Angel used to live in V Tower and, how fucked up would it be for him to receive a good morning text from Val to head up to his room, and AD is thinking it's a booty call, but it's ACTUALLY Valentino being a manipulative piece of shit
Angel comes into the room and Valentino is already half or fully naked but like, he's not hard or anything and Angel is confused? The moth is just, chilling naked smoking with this satisfied look on his face? And Valentino just, gives him some menial command to run him a favor, and he pauses mid-sentence to turn and call out YOUR name before regarding his Fizz Bot, "Kitty, why don't you make my baby a drink?" and you're just like, slinking out from under the covers, ashamed that Angel now knows you slept with the Overlord, let alone someone you know uh, treats him pretty fucking poorly (although I imagine not like, the entire entire brutal extent of it, also, Angel Dust using Reader as a shield against Val because they're both calmer when you're around)
Could you imagine some scenario, platonic romantic it doesn't matter, where like. Angel is talking to Valentino and he sees you in the corner of his eye and he just stops mid sentence, does a double take, looks at you half naked in his boss' bed, and Val forces him to focus and carry on the conversation while he's crying. Angel is just all but sprinting out of the room by the time he's dismissed and Valentino may even play fucking mind games to make him like, MARINATE in how horrible this makes him feel. Valentino is dragging out the conversation and putting on his nail caps or doing his skincare routine at his vanity and making Angel sit there and wait as he's deliberate dragging on his sentences and constantly pausing but if Angel moves to leave Val snaps IMMEDIATELY. So Angel is just. Forced to stand there.
VALENTINO TALKING TO Y O U, MAKING YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ANGEL AND THE REVERSE. Valentino being manipulative and awful and shitty and doing shit like "so Angel baby, I was gonna take a trip to the spa tomorrow, mhm, and also hey you're coming too *looks at you* so Angel what do you think we should get my other amorcito over here done?" the evil bastard is making you two talk to each other, about each other, when you're both like, IN TEARS
Angel, trying to hold on to the last shreds of his sanity: s so... h have you... ever had a facial before
Valentino pausing from doing his mascara with the biggest shit eating grin on his face: oh yeah, someone just had a really, really BIG one
Reader, happily getting drunk off the drink Kitty brought you because it helps take away the pain of this entire interaction: a. .. a massage or something might be nice
Valentino, doing his contour: but baaaabe, I thought you told me you were shy about who puts their hands on your body. Are you trying to make me jealous?
Angel, desperately trying to ignore Val blowing you a kiss and you clearly having bites and hickies alllllllll over you like there wasn't a single inch of you the moth didn't put his hands mouth or otherwise on: uh huh! Cool! So! Guess we can! Decide later right! :)
Valentino, doing his nails: wrong 💅 I also need you to
And the mf is just doing that shit for like 20 minutes straight which doesn't SOUND like a lot but when you're standing there just talking and waiting and, especially having a moment like THIS, it's just DRAGGING ON, and when Angel finally leaves, you're crying, and here's Valentino, "awwww, pobrecita, come here, what's wrong?" and hugging you and you need the comfort and you're drunk and, now maybe you're just a little scared he's the only person you have left....
Also. Bonus round for the angst. Can you imagine. Angel runs off and it's you sleeping with Valentino that finally hurts him so much he's finally RUNNING running away, meeting Charlie, having another place to live. He's still working under contract but the second his shift ends he's out of the studio without another word because... he can't protect you anymore. He feels like this is his fault. He failed Molly and now he failed you and he's worthless and trash and an addict loser-- meanwhile you're beating yourself up because you've lost your only friend down here and also your biggest supporter and Valentino all but lovebombs you (and the worst part is, it's genuine and if you reject ANYTHING, he's getting Offended Bigly)
Ugh. Ok. I'm sorry. Finally finishing the post with one more thing. Valentino is definitely the type to give you expensive gifts and he doesn't actually care about the amount of money he spends on you BUT, will use the fact he's spent so much money on you to manipulate you IN A HEARTBEAT
And also. You're not allowed to reject gifts because it sets him off in like 5 different ways. "Oh so my gifts aren't good enough for you?" "Do you have any idea how much I spent on this?" "I TOOK THE TIME to get this for YOU" God forbid if it's something custom. Could you imagine he offers you something and he doesn't immediately tell you it's custom, like he's got sketches in a notebook somewhere, this is MADE WITH LOVE ableit his creepy obsessive love, and you could literally have a very polite "oh my gosh I couldn't that's so expensive I, I don't deserve it, wow" where you're obviously very happy but just shocked and feeling guilty, like a FLATTERING rejection that is obviously an insult to YOU, NOT him, and he's just. The switch fucking flips. His head tilts. He lets out a hum as his smile pulls way too tight. Lashes out within seconds. Grabs you. takes that jewelry or watch or expensive thing he bought you and literally forces it onto your body, and he's not screaming or raising his voice, he's getting right up in your face and growling out the deeeeeetails of how he got this for you until you're crying and apologizing for your ingratitude
Ugh he's so cunty and mean and awful UGH WHY WOULD I LET HIM HIT, he would use that heart shaped belt he has to put heart shaped welts on your ass and then set your cute bruised heart covered butt as his phone wallpaper and your icon in his contacts and save your name as Ropebunny or something rhfkcsbfkhdxkfh
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
https://www.tumblr.com/gabessquishytum/737343342801829888/firefighterhob-kitchen-disasterdream-dream-is?source=share -- I saw a list of prompts for Valentine's Day floating around my feed and one of the choices was "breakfast in bed". So i thought, let's check in on our favorite firefighter & his disaster "chef" boyfriend.
So, Dream is blissfully happy with his burly, attentive, firefighter boyfriend - Hob cooks for him and sexes him right. (Dream might have been banned from the sibling group chat because everyone is tired of him talking about his man all the time.)
Any way, it's Valentine's Day and Dream wants to do something romantic for Hob - he's going to cook him breakfast in bed! Dream has watched Hob cook for him for months. Cooking does not look that hard. Dream can totally focus enough to do it. Besides, Hob will still be a sleep (he was able to swing it so he was off shift on V-DAY), so he won't be able to use his sex wiles to distract Dream. This will totally work!!!
Nope, it does not work, at all. Hob wakes up early, finds Dream cooking for him, to bring him breakfast in bed, and Hob is so touched by his boo's thoughtfulness, they start going at it ...... to forget about all the cooking food.
Long story short -- Hob's ladder company has to come out because the fire alarm goes off and they get to see Hob in nothing but unlaced work boots and boxer shorts (and covered in bites & hickies) holding Dream's ravens' cage; and Dream bare foot, in dark red panties wearing one of Hob's shirts, standing on Hob's booted feet.
I'm thinking Hob just scooped Dream up, grabbed the bird cage, and evacuated with Dream in his arms down flights of stairs.
Hob is never going to live this down,,,,but his boyfriend is hot! So his team gets it.
Only 3 days till V day now!! A perfect time to imagine Dream’s terrible attempt at breakfast, bless him.
They do make the most adorable picture out on the front lawn. Dream is flushed with embarrassment; he keeps hiding his face in Hob’s chest (which has the added bonus of being super warm and fluffy). Hob is holding him close, with one eye on the ravens (who are enjoying the morning adventure) and occasionally pressing soothing kisses into Dream’s bird-nest hair. Several of Hob’s team members are faking being mad at him because he's got a cute boyfriend AND a day off to spend it with him. They can't wait to meet Dream properly (hopefully clothed) when they have a little station get together.
The crisis is averted, Hob’s team send him back into the house with many wolf whistles and well wishes. Dream is still a bit teary eyed though, and that won't do. Hob tells him to get dressed in something cute and comfy - they're heading out for Valentines brunch. Dream perks up a bit but only because he's going to enjoy fighting with Hob over who gets to pay the bill.
They come back home later and successfully manage to prepare chocolate covered strawberries without any incidents - yay!! The ravens get special valentines treats, and then it's time for Dream and Hob and the strawberries to head to the bedroom. They won't be emerging until they absolutely have to like if the house burns down <3
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fantasy-relax · 8 months
Jealous kitty.
Donna Beneviento x Reader (MC)
"I will be working with Cassandra on her.."
She doesn't listen after that static fill her head, you are leaving her. This Is her chance her route why Cassandra is always ruining it.
"You're going to leave me for Cassandra?" She can't help te venom in her voice, you are leaving her for her flirty, dramatic, excentric (adopted) niece. If it was Bela or Daniela she could at least understand the blonde was a softy behind her cold exterior and the red head was sunshine incarnate. But Cassandra?
"I don't going to leave you I'm just gonna be in Cassandra's play" You remark not made her fell better at all" For three months and one week approximately. The Romeo original is going to be better by that time. I still want to work with you, I just need to change the schedule for that.
She can't do nothing to stop the hurt that she feels, she was here first, she asked you to work with her first! how can you go to someone else so easily?.
"if is not okay with you, I-"
"Ok" her jaw is tight trying to bite the word before saying it" Okay, you need a more flexible schedule I can do that, It will be just for few months and you will come back to me " She can adjust both of your schedules to ensure she is in the theater when you were rehearsing because she refuses to let you alone with Cassandra, she knows how her niece can be.
She looks at you and her anger subsidy when in your face in your eyes all she can see is softness and care.
"I will always come back to you"
God, how much she wishes for that to be true.
She knows that next few months will be difficult for you, she knows that you need all the rest you can get but she is angry for your choices. It doesn't help that the play is Romeo ad Juliet, every single touch, hug and flirt put her in the edge of throwing her tool box at Cassandra's head.
"When I said left I meant my left, move it again" she was being petty but every single time her eyes closed the image of you with Cassandra tormented her so she decided to torment you "Good job, now these two" She ignored your pleading face.
Everything was perfect, you were hers. At least for this timeline.
She knows that she is being clingy but she can't help herself, kissing you, touching you just being close to you make her the happiest woman in the world. And you let her! You don't get mad or annoyed with her, you don't mind her behavior at all you indulge her!.
You brought light to her world she can't lose you if you were gone she doesn't know what she would do. She prays for Forgetfulness in the next loop she doesn't wish to remember this happiness she doesn't wish to know what being yours mean, it will be too much pain for her to bear it.
She was the first to notice how some of her clients will sneak looks at you, how they would blush when you handed their order, how they would giggle like idiots outside the shop pointing at you oblivious self.
When you finally noticed, you try to let them down gently some understood, others will come back bought something and flirt with you like she wasn't there.
Puttana. Vaffanculo, tutti.
"Sweetheart this can't go on" of course this can't go on, these bitches need to back the fuck out. "We need to maintain a professional image in the shop, that mean no kisses in front, no stealing me away to the nursery when I'm working and no picking fights with the clients, okay?" WHAT.
You are joking right? This is a bad joke right?. No. You are serious.
She pout and put her best puppy eyes. She can see how close you are to bending to her wishes but in the end you stand firm.
"Dear, sooner or later the glamour will fade way but the reputation of your shop will be damaged. We need to be professionals about this." Why did you had to be like this?
Your lunch break became make up break. But it seems not matter how many hickies she leaves in you, they still keep trying to take you away from her.
Of course she sees when that Figlia di puttana give you some paper, you take a look just to roll your eyes and quickly throw it in the trash, she was curious to know what exactly was so she picked up.
A number.
This. Is. Enough. She walked back to the nursery, less she throw a pot at the next woman that flirt with you, avoiding you every time she go out. When you grabbed her hand she easily go away just saying:
"We must keep a professional image in the shop, remember?" the look in your face made her smile.
You wanted her to play nice, she will play nice. You were about to know what Malicious compliance mean.
Avoiding you for almost week, was hard for her but it's all part of her plan. She can feel your eyes on her every time she is with you in the front.
Did she bend a little more that necessary? Yes.
Did she put more sway on her hips when walking? Yes.
Did she can feel the hunger and desire in your stare? Yes.
Did she enjoyed it? Absolutely.
Now the final details for her plan.
"Hi aunty! Did you are still messing with my roomie?
"I'm not messing with them, I'm doing exactly what they asked me, now can I ask you for a favor?"
"You betcha! What do you need?
" A friend of yours and your thieving skills"
The day has come, Five minutes before five o'clock she put the kettle her phone buzzed.
"We are outside!"
Perfect. She goes to the front, ignoring the sad look in your face. "Why dont you take a break I made some chamomile tea"
You nod, and she knows that you would come back quickly, not willing to leave her alone for more that a few minutes knowing how hard is for her to deal with people.
She almost feel bad about what is going to happen.
Angie friend comes to her.
"My friend said that you would reject me I said that at least I should try so what do you say pretty girl, go out with me?" your stare was burning with jealousy and she don't even try to hide how pleased she was with that
"Well I have been a little neglected" she was being mean and she was enjoying it. "but is a no, sorry"
" Oh well I try it" the sigh that she let go was more of relief than disappointment the poor girl was perfectly aware of the murder in your eyes.
"Professional image, dolcezza" it's all she said before going back to the nursery. Riling you up was so fun.
You were fuming all the time you were working. Not even your so called fans were willing to talk to you for more than two minutes. At the end of the day you looked at her with fire in your eyes that made her so restless but she will no be the one to admit defeat.
"Do you mind if I walk you home?"
"It will be my pleasure, Tesoro" the smirk in her face just made you more angry.
The walk was silent one.
At the steps of her family home you looked at her, putting her best innocent face she looked back at you.
*Just a little more*
She took a step to you and patted your shoulder with a hand full of dirt, because she needs your shirt dirty for the next part of her plan and because she deserves to be a little shit. You blinked at her audacity.
"See you tomorrow, dolcezza" smiling she opened the door. One, two, three.
She was being hosted over your shoulder it seems that the adrenaline and anger was giving you strength, closing the door with your leg you make your way to her room, opening the door aggressively and throwing her in the bed.
"Why are you being so rough" She was pouting but she knows you can see the mischievous shine in her eyes.
Without answering her question you kiss her with all the hunger you had been keeping inside. Freeing her hair out of her bun, you tore her shirt open, kissing her free skin soft sighs escaped of her mouth transforming in a whine when you bite her clothed breast while taking off her pants, she raise her hips her patience had been running low since you put that stupid rule.
You move away with fascination and adoration in your face how easy is for you to made a mess of her, she is panting trying to catch the breath that you stole, tears in her eyes for the pain of your bite and she knows her underwear is ruined already.
She is so needy and she is not afraid of admit it.
Your praise never fail to make her blush, she is so embarrassed and so flattered.
She knows that you are still mad when you grab her legs rougly moving her to the border of the bed, quickly you kneel devouring like a starving beast.
She loves this.
You in her arms sleeping so calm so comfortable. Your naked body pressing close to her your back and shoulders were full of scratches that she touches softly.
Maybe she was a little rough too. But considering that her legs feel numb and she is sure she is full of bite marks is fair to say this is a tie.
You are hers and she is yours.
She glances at the clock in her dresser. Well, she is the owner she can open a little more late is not like is the first time she has done it.
She just wants to enjoy this a little longer.
Later an alarm goes off, waking both of you.
Moving slowly you hiss "My love did you have to scratch the hell out of me?"
"Depends, did you have to fuck me into the mattress?" Not that she is complaining as is what she wanted, she needed your unshackled desire. And how much she enjoys feeling you so deep in her.
You blush but the proud smile in your face give away your satisfaction. "You could have cut your nails if this is what you were planning"
Oh this is not over yet. "I have been busy".
She tries to hide her smile when you asked her for clothes.
"Donna, sweetheart, darling, dear, you don't expect me to walk around like this" you gesture at your body full of marks that the tank top can't hide.
She shamelessly ogle you God, if she doesn't knew that you need to present your exam she would be all over you, under you, beside you.
When she became a pervert? Oh you were waiting her answer.
"I'm sorry cara mia Is all I have" she said with the most sincere tone she can muster. She hid all the other clothes obviously. She don't want her efforts to waste.
You sigh.
"You are going to be late, dolcezza" this time she can't hide her smirk.
Cursing you give her a quick kiss and run to the school.
She walks calmly to her flowershop. Her legs aren't numb anymore but she is still tired. Even so she feels like she Is walking in clouds.
The smug smile she gives to your fans when they see the marks that you left in her neck can't be stopped by her shyness.
Oh how much she enjoy the envy in their eyes.
She is yours, you are hers.
Her phone is buzzing taking it out she reads the message that her beloved niece have sent her.
"Sorry Bambina, I guessing you saw them? "
"Did you did what i asked you?"
"Yes, Daniela is outside and today is not her laundry day. Now excuse me I need to bleach my brain."
When you came back every single client had a particular reaction to you appearance. You have been laughed, scoffed and nodded.
" Ah, problems with a misbehaving kitty?" Well she would have behaved if her partner stopped being so charming. "here this cream work wonders for that injuries"
She is laughing freely in the nursery she was having a blast with all this.
"Thank you, sir" she bets you're so red right now.
"Is nothing dear, I remember when I was younger my beloved Jerry was a jealous and clingy kitty, always wanting to be with me, practically throwing himself at me, fighting with whoever took my attention away" oh? "it was a problem when I had to work, he don't liked being alone that much so I made sure to let him know every night that how much I loved him and that I would never leave his side." OH
That is not a bad idea. God, she is really a pervert.
"Hey what is taking you so much! We're going to be late!" it seems that the kitty never stopped being clingy" Hurry up!
The man in front with you just laughed.
"See, so clingy" She walked silently to you side" Make sure to show your kitten love continously less they want to scratch you up" Good advice but she makes no promises, the man looked at her " Ah, young love " she blushes but smile" I'm coming Jerry!"
" Wisdom of your elders never should be wasted" you flinched, she giggles at your reaction " you should treat your Kitten right.
"I'm gonna start by putting a damn bell on you" you said before grabbing her by her waist.
"What about the Professional image, dolcezza?" She had gotten her way again.
"To hell with it" you kissed her" I need to take good care of my sweet, clingy and jealous kitty.
She was putting a show but the look of the few fans that refuse to take the hint was worth it.
She noticed the crow outside and she kissed you more aggressively.
She would enjoy her time with you. Because now you were hers but the next time it wasn't safe to say you would come back to her.
It will be too much if she sent a video to Miranda?
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denim-devil · 2 years
Kinktober Day 5 — Wall sex/Hickies
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Pairings — Bully!Billy Hargrove x Wheeler!Male reader
Summary — Having the house to yourself was always a bonus but a certain Hargrove stumbles in and breaks apart your plans for a relaxing night…
A/N — Okay so I lied, I’m back on with Kinktober I just needed to clear my head and really decide on characters I find easy to write, so here it goes…
──────. • ☆:*.☽ .* :☆゚• . ──────
He pushed past you, making his way into your home through the open front door. You shivered at the cold draft he brought it, he looked to be cold himself but you didn’t say anything.
Instead you sighed, slamming the door shut before turning to Billy. He made himself at home, sitting on one of the counter top- stools, his ring clad fingers travelling over to the freshly made batch of cookies.
The smell almost had Billy weak in the knees, he didn’t waste time, placing the warm crumbly biscuit in his mouth.
“Hands off Hargrove, there for my little sister’s baking stall-“
You were angry, you spent all night trying to perfect the recipe and once you did, Billy had to come and tear it all down, like he did with pretty much anything you did.
He stood before wrapping one of his much larger and warmer hands around your mouth, pushing you back into the wall behind you harshly causing a thump to ring out into the open space.
He was close, practically breathing down your neck.
“But there so damn sweet-“ he teased before taking another bite of the soft, halloween themed cookie. A certain blush crept up into your cheeks, blossoming like a tree’s branches.
Billy took that as an invitation, removing his hand his darted forwards, lips crashing into your own. Your anger was replaced with an almost tethering hunger, one that had you give into him, to your previous feelings for him.
This whole year was like a chase of cat and dog, Billy always coming out on top, including tonight.
“Get off of me you dick-“
You struggle to get out of his grips but of course, Billy wasn’t going to make it that easy for you…was he?
Another chuckle and a shove later your turned, now facing the cold, wooden wall. You begin to panic knowing full well Billy had some shitty trick up his sleeve.
He secured your hands together with one of his own before using the other to twist your face towards him gently. Your met with his ocean blues, his messy, dirty blonde curls hanging over his forehead…you really needed help.
“You know…this game, it’s got me thinking” Billy pressed his front into your arched back, before looking back up at you, licking over his teeth before his lips stretch into a menacing smile.
“Thinking what?” You slightly stutter over your words but the shyness only added fuel to his fire. He cockily began attacking your neck with his lips, kissing the sensitive skin residing underneath your right ear, toying with it before sinking his teeth in, sucking, creating a dark, red blotch.
“Thinking that maybe…just maybe you’d be into me” his voice continued on it’s low tone, it’s raspiness causing your thighs to press together, relieving the ache between your legs.
“You t-thought wrong” your cheeks heat up, you were the same colour as Billy’s open, burgundy shirt. He took note of that and used it to the best of his abilities. Releasing your hands, you rest them above your head, against the wall like the rest of your body, giving into him.
His finger tips graze over the waist band of your denim jeans, already they unclasped the button seductively, which helped Billy push them down, along with your boxers, that alone had you squirming in place, you were lying if you said you never thought about this…
“There we go, fucking perfect sweetheart” the nickname alone had you pushing back into him, your bare ass rutting against his clothed ass.
Quickly, due to his own aching member, Billy too unfastens his belt clasp and button, shoving his denim jeans lower until they pooled around his ankles, his cock slapping up into his flat stomach suggesting his boxers had also joined the mess of denim material on the kitchen floor.
He settled into you, his girthy cock slotting perfectly between your ass. You melted into his touch, clearly giving up your tough demeanour.
“How wrong was I…?”
The question left you speechless, you could only concentrate on the way his cock felt…down there, you’d give anything to know what it felt inside.
“B-Billy please; I’m begging- fuck” your whimpers of neediness encourage Billy to spit into his hand, reaching down he began fisting his dick, lathering the slick until he was satisfied.
He pressed the tip against your hole before silence fell over the both of you, preparing yourself’s for what was to come.
Once you breathily sighed, wiggling your hips antagonistically, Billy pushed forwards, stretching your pucker uncomfortably, he was big, so damn big you were scrambling to grip onto the hands securing your hips in place.
“Stop- please, it hurts”
Billy understood, slowing down but still pushing forwards, willing to break the boundaries you’ve had in the past, you were his now…nothing could change that, especially judging by how your body was reacting to him.
“Look at that- so fucking accepting, this body needs it- fuck, that’s it sweetheart”
The burn slowly sizzled down into a dull pleasure that began to ring from your gut upwards, blooming across your body. Billy was fully sheathed inside, he’s never felt more at home.
You nod before allowing your bully to start his ravishing, you were certain by the end of this, you and your body wouldn’t be the same, that’s for sure…
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sluttytulips · 11 months
rich!toji imagines
a/n- first post !! i’m excited to actually post and write my random little daydreams. i think i went a little overboard on this one think but 🤷🏻‍♀️.i’m new to actually posting anything so bear with me <3
-when i say school i mean college or university !!
-this is mainly nsfw so if you aren’t 18+ please do not interact or view my content!
• who buys you new clothes all the time because the second he sees you in that tight, pretty little dress, the panty and bra sets or the lingerie that he bought/picked out for you he can’t help but to rip it off as soon as he can after he sees you in it.
• “come on ah- toji this is my favorite dress.” “oh, don’t worry sweetheart i’ll buy a new one. but right now, it’s in the way and i need your pretty little cunt wrapped around my cock.” “tojiii” “fuckk- look how pretty your ass is in this. i can’t help it baby.”
• who loves to spoil you.
• wears a suit for his job but he never wears a tie. he just wears a dress shirt slightly unbuttoned with his jacket. (like a slut !!)
• who has you come to his work or study (when he is at home) and see him so you can cock warm him while he works.
• who loves to bend you over his desk and slap your ass until it is bright red before he practically ruins your cunt because you decided to start moving your hips while he was on call and he has to make you learn your manners.
• who sometimes orders a limo to drive the both of you around to formal occasions (especially work related ones) just so you can ride him/suck him off/he can give you head before. (rip to the chauffeur)
^^ he prefers to drive you around though
• who has you suck him off from under his desk when he’s speaking to a client/another employee in person (bonus points if it’s a higher up)
• who begins to drive you to and pick you up in an expensive car every day after you are finished with work/school bc again you are his princess (but also maybe because he’s heard about/seen your classmates/coworkers show interest in you and he wants to show that they aren’t half as good as him)
^^ he is possessive as fuck (not just as rich!toji)
^^ def covers you head to toe with hickies when something like that happens (more than normally bc yk he’s gotta make sure everyone knows you belong to him)
•who probably would work in stocks or something like that (we all know he loves a little gamble)
• who will bring you lunch every day on your break at work or when it’s your lunchtime at school.
• who would have you call him sir.
• who would have a room renovated/added to his house just for you to relax in (for example like a little room with some bookshelves and a comfy chair and your computer and filled with stuff you love yk like maybe art supplies, maybe it’s your work stuff, maybe it’s something to do with a hobby)
• i don’t know why this is important to me but i feel like i need to specify that he wears an expensive silver watch and a couple rings.
• sometimes he feels like he has to spoil you a lot to make up for who he is (not often but)
• will use his authority/status to low-key threaten people who hurt you or make you uncomfortable.
• who would dig up dirt on someone and practically blackmail them to leave you alone or even just send the person off to the police depending on how pissed he is.
^^ “if you touch her, if you even think about her i will ruin you.” “i suggest you stop running your mouth or i’ll be forced to speak to your superior about it and it would be such a shame for you to get fired.” “you wouldn’t want this to get out, would you?”
• who has one of those fancy offices at his work that has basically all glass walls and he loves to strip you completely naked and fuck you while you are pressed up against the glass
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housesunstone · 4 months
here to enable your smutty porter headcanons, please and thank you
<3 your local aroace who is also horny on main
Please enable me!!!!
Honestly the best smutty headcanons come from aro and ace peeps
If you are under 18 please do not interact
- as mentioned in a previous post Porter is not the jealous type. He will go to a bar with his partner watch them dance with whoever they want, watch people flirt shamelessly with them knowing very well he’s the one taking them home
- in the same vein Porter will get handsy at the worst times, it doesn’t matter if he is out, shopping, movies, even just on a walk. It always starts the same him coming behind his partner, arms around their waist his fingers hooking into the loops of their jeans, his face into their neck peppering kisses up and down the curve of their neck, mumbling about how much he loves them, and how attractive they are, the kisses turn into bites, and his hands will roam both under and over the clothes
- Porter loves to worship his partner in bed. He will take the time love every inch of them. First kisses hand holding, playing with their hair, then slowly he will undress them, kissing, licking, and biting every inch of them. He is one to pay attention to spots on their body that get the most reaction to his antics and will always little ghost over them, small touches, barely brushing his lips there until they can’t take it any more and there are hickies and bites left in their wake
- he loves going down on his partners and eating them out, the way their thighs tighten around his head just gets him even more aroused. When their hands tangle and pull his hair it just encourages him even more. He is also not ashamed to admit he could get off by just eating his partner out and their moans and enjoyment of him doing it
- Porter gets pegged (enough said)
- Porter gets more pleasure from his partners enjoyment than his own. If his partner wants rough and dirty sex Porter will happily be as rough and dirty as they want. He is no stranger to adding toys, pet names, role play, into the bed room
- As he is the one who loves to worship his partner when his partner takes control Porter needs to be pinned down, sit on his lap, his hands tied unable to touch at his partners mercy
- Porter loves being marked up by his partner. Bite marks, hickies, scratches. He wears them with pride. He also loves when they peak out of his v neck.
- Porter is also obsessed with having sex up against a mirror. Him being able to see his partners face and they also see how beautiful they look freshly fucked is enough to make him go feral
- Porter isn’t a horse guy by any means but he will never say no to someone saving a horse and riding a cow boy. Bonus points if the person riding him doesn’t allow him to touch them, just watch
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iamfruitie · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 21
Soft Sex
“Darky~” Anti breathed out, feeling Dark’s kisses slowly training up his bare back. 
He’s lost track of how long they’ve been like this. How long they’ve been naked and just feeling each other’s bodies. Their touches were soft and tender, opposite to how their activities from the previous night were, the lingering hickies and bruises proof of that. 
“I got you, darling,” Dark whispered, kissing Anti’s shoulder as his hands gently rubbed his sides.
“Please, I need more. I need you.” Anti pressed the side of his face to the pillow as he took one of Dark’s hands and brought it up to his face, kissing his palm before it got tucked under his head to hold his cheek. 
“I know. I do, too.” Dark kissed Anti’s temple, slowly rolling his hips and pushing his cock in, having both of them feel every little inch. They were both hyper-aware of how everything felt, worked up to extra sensitivity. They were desperate for each other, on the verge of breaking already. Anti mewled and arched his back, legs wanting to go further apart, but Dark’s body on top of him prevented that. Dark practically growled deep in his throat and rested his forehead between Anti’s shoulder blades. 
“Darky, please. Move, please~” Anti usually was one to demand things. It was rare when he was begging, and the whine in his voice stirred Dark to begin slowly rolling his hips. He groaned when his movement earned a breathy moan. “F-Fuck, why does that feel so good?” 
“It’s different than our usual. Different always feels really good the first time.” Dark answered between his own little pants. 
“It always feels really good with you, Darky.” Anti giggled, tilting his head and silently encouraging Dark to kiss it. 
“Going for my ego there, darling?” Dark chuckled, understanding the silent request and pressing his lips against the exposed skin, barely scraping his teeth against it.
“Of course.” Anti giggled again. The giggle got followed by another moan as he tried to rock his hips back into the light thrusts. 
“This is why you’re my favorite.” Dark joked, slipping a hand between Anti’s body and the bed so he could rub at his cock. The lack of space didn’t let him wrap his fingers around, but what he could do was enough to get Anti to grip the bed covers. 
“The-The sex is a bonus~” Anti tried to joke back, voice stammering a bit. 
“Of course.” Dark echoed Anti’s words before using the hand he still had on the other’s cheek to guide him up into a kiss. He swallowed the moans and whines as he kept their slow, gentle pace, and he wasn’t shocked when it wasn’t much longer before Anti was gasping, tensing up, and cumming with a gasp into Dark’s mouth. 
“Good boy~” Dark praised against Anti’s lips as he pulled out. 
“You-You didn’t-” 
“Don’t worry.” 
“O-Oh~” Anti hummed when he felt Dark still rutting against his ass. “Cover me in your cum, Darky~” He knew speaking like that would get to Dark. He was proven right in a few more thrusts as he heard a wonderfully deep moan in his ear and a splash of warmth on his back. 
“I love you, Anti.” Dark breathed as he let his whole body weight rest on Anti, uncaring of the mess. He’ll get them in the bath later.
“I love you, too, Darky. I wouldn’t put up with your ass if I didn't.” Anti giggled, eyes half-closed and enjoying the added pressure, feeling covered and safe when Dark would do that. 
“Last I checked, you were the chaotic one.” Dark kissed every part of Anti’s face he could reach. 
“True.” Anti softly purred, letting himself embrace the fluffy feeling in his head. “But I still love you.” Dark only chuckled and continued his kisses. 
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malka-lisitsa · 9 months
💋 This is from @ripper-royalty
for each 💋 ill write a nsfw headcanon about my muse.
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Katherine has a kink for fucking in high risk places. Like Mr. Salvatore's office in 1864? That was a common spot for her with both boys. She likes to do it in places she could get caught. The added adrenalin makes everything better. In the red string verse- She especially likes to do it in the kitchen where she and Stefan could get walked in on at any moment by Damon.
Special red string bonus: while human, Katherine still likes it rough- but something she secretly enjoys extra hard is the sting she feels after Stefan's thick dick has split her open. And the hickies and bruises too. She likes to feel things lingering- small pains that remind her she got fucked HARD a night or two before. should something like a movement trigger a small pain, the memory of where she got it from will almost grantee she get's turned on all over again.
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writingkitten · 2 years
which molina character likes having their tits played with the most? (bonus if it's a dom leaning character who just MELTS when you do it) 💚
Robert: I had to put him first because holy fuck have you seen his chest? Oh my god I love it and he loves have it played with in any capacity. Massaging, caressing, sucking, biting… having his chest/tits given attention makes him feel like he’s being worshipped (which honestly if I got my hands on them, they would be worshipped) also loves having his tits held on to while his lover is riding him
Ricardo: LISTEN I KNOW I PUT HIM ON EVERY LIST PRETTY MUCH BUT COME ON HE’D LOVE THIS (very similar to my HC about being called “baby”/“ricky” in public, he’d never admit that he likes it as much as he does but I know, and he knows I know, and I know that he likes going in the bathroom after I suck a million hickies on his chest/tits and admiring the marks I left behind)
Otto/Doc Ock: okay I’m pairing both together because I feel like his love of feeling hands gripping his chest didn’t change after the accident. It’s a weakness for him, his lover’s hands against his fleshy pecs… he’s a sucker for feeling them crawl under his shirt, especially if he’s feeling tense
Harold: he didn’t think he’d enjoy it as much as he does, but my god my sweet adorable British boy loves feeling the most featherlight touches against his chest, gently brushing against his nipples, a slick tongue softly sucking them fuck I love Harold
Molina!Penguin (YES BABY ADDING THE FANCAST): same as Harold, BUT he knew for a fact he’d love feeling someone play with his tits there was never any doubt
Arden: gently nibble on one (1) nipple and he’s cumming
Dick: shocked the first time it happened, confused as to why it felt so good, wants it again so bad that he can’t even say it he just puts his lover’s hands on his tits and moans as they squeeze
Edelweiss: Will Give You Free Jam For Titty Squeezes (bonus points if you spread some on his nipples and suck it off)
Dunlop: anytime any part of his body receives attention he feels very loved so he’s a big fan of titty time
Boris: babby boi very similar to Dunlop but even more anxious and insecure so receiving that kind of physical love is probably gonna make him cry happy tears
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nicholas-wolfwood · 2 years
How about vash, leaving hickies and marks in places that won't be so easy to hide from anyone, doing a better job of it than his diabolical brother. leaving kisses and mutters of "I love you"s in the wake of each one before he decides to bite a different spot, repeating the process over and over. Even replacing the ones Knives gave you with his own in a very clear, very intimate 'fuck you and fuck off' to the other plant without outright saying it to his face.
but it doesn't stop there. The blond pounding into you, fingers on your hips almost leaving pleasant little bruises as the plant's strength is barely kept in check, like he's desperately trying to keep you there as he repeats words of love and adoration into your skin among the gentle sting of bites.
"You're so good for me, wolfwood." he praises into your jaw, taking hold of your leaking cock and helping you find release.
Send My Muse a Wet Dream
It's a strange thing, bliss. So rarely felt, and it wasn't just the pleasure from Vash fucking him into the mattress (though that was always a bonus, and one of his favorites!), but hearing his voice, his praise, feeling safe with him there, knowing he was pleasing him, and that vindictive spite as the outlaw laid claim over his stupid brother, like a middle finger from them both...
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He fights tooth and nail against waking up, coming to with a whine both out of frustration and disappointment, pressing his hips back as if hoping to find Vash still there. The empty bed added to that disappointment as he sits up, squirming with discomfort at the raging hard-on he was sporting before touching his neck where Vash had been marking in his dream. Some areas were still somewhat tender, the last of the bruising healing, but if he pretended they were from Vash instead...
Off to the bathroom he goes, to try and finish this as quickly as possible- and as quietly. He's hoping he didn't say anything in his sleep, or the people next door may have some questions for the 'priest'.
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yuriproblem · 2 months
okay here goes, there's a lot...
6, 12, 18, 21, 28, 33 (maybe just some songs you'd wanna do something sexual to tho haha), 47, and 2 of the bonus questions
love uuuu 💕💞💖💓💘💝
ilu ❤️💕❤️💕❤️
6. Something you did in bed and would LOVE to do again?
I would say most of my sexual encounters are ones I’d enjoy repeating but technically speaking most of them haven’t happened in a bed lol—but I guess number #1 would be that I want to have an aggressive make out session in bed again ✨
12. What’s the weirdest thing that turned you on? Did you masturbate to it? Would you do it again?
haha well I regularly make myself cum while online shopping which other people find weird but I don’t really lol. I’ve definitely constructed a lot of overly convoluted fantasies as well that I would occasionally return to but I can’t think of any off the top of my head that I would say are more weird than embarrassing?
18. You can do only ONE thing to your partner sex-wise for an entire month. What is your pick?
Can biting/giving hickies be one thing? I think no one would agree to this hypothetical scenario but it sounds perfect to me.
21. What’s the best orgasm you had in past months?
🤔 that’s hard to say…im kind of a quantity of quality gal with orgasms specifically so I admit they don’t necessarily stick out individually. Definitely most recent threesome was the most fun overall but was it the best orgasm in recent months? No, that probably was me coming a couple weeks ago at work
28. Favourite way of being praised?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…maybe just having my head patted/hair played with?
33 (13??) I think based on your added context you’re meaning to ask this one, but since the ask writer made this list so confusing I’ll do both as a bonus lol —Do you have some songs you wanna get railed to?
I have some songs in my current rotation that I think have the right vibe; Greedy by Tate McRae, asphalt rodeo by Elio
It might be an extremely silly answer but I think Bad Dog by Neon Hitch could be fun in the right mood? Although my real preference would to have someone make me the amv edit of my dreams for this song
33. Do you like to be intoxicated during sex? How? Why?
I like to be fairly tipsy? For maximum fun. But I admit it makes it harder to pee which is a bit of a boner killer for some.
47. Considering you ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE to do the next thing your partner will ask you to. What do YOU wish that would be?
Hm well I guess it depends on my partner. You or some other theoretical person? That’s kind of difficult either way. I wish I knew how to do shibari it would instantly be the answer to everything.
Maybe just ask me to fight them?
Bonus! 2. Are you satisfied with yourself in bed? What you think you lack? What you think you excel at?
I’m definitely not as confident as I’d like to be! In fairness I think you have to learn every persons quirks in bed individually. I have a tendency to get tunnel vision and focus on just one thing at a time? As for what I’m good at, usually I would say I’m pretty good at mirroring, so if someone is doing to me what they want me to do to them I can usually replicate it well? Obviously that doesn’t work for everyone though but I think there’s something to this.
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the-travelling-witch · 10 months
"here lies snowflake anon, killed by holly the witch after said witch brought to life an emotionally constipated japanese dragon with ties to the crime world. after that, a certain former harbinger went berserk." for the tomb, thx ♡
I DIDN'T REALISE I SENT THAT MANY ASKS DIAKSOMAODHW I FEEL BAD >0< i will keep this short then hshshshsh
1) yeah i know i might create a monster with that many kisses + gotta be ready after the hickies but hey that's what i'm here for for the indigo haired menace
2) if said menace wants affection he should just ask, i won't gatekeep hshshsh
3) since you have a hard time believing you entering your men's life was a blessing for them then ig we all shall make you a daily reminder for that cuz our beloved witch deserves any kind of love that exists in the world ^u^
also wanna leave you with an artist i found on tiktok that draws mostly about xiao and i think it's the sweetest (you will see why) ++ they share some tropes/hcs that are the same as mine for our beloved yaksha: pipiwuwu (ndr: had to search the name and almost lost my shit from laughing)
— ❄️
okay got it, i’ll remember that!! /silly also don’t worry, it’s all good, it’s my fault for letting them pile up ㅠㅠ
1) + 2) do you really think that idiot would ask for sth he wants and he would benefit from? no no, he has to make both of you struggle and then he’ll pretend he hates it but repay you tenfold
3) i mean it’s hard to believe in general but yesterday there was an added bonus of self doubt heaped onto the normal amount, so uhh idk it just doesn’t seem plausible (though i still think about it lots)
funnily enough, i already now that artist bc ofc their xiao content inevitably crossed my fyp and then just kept coming back jsjsh they make him so— *unidentifiable noises* i just want to hug him and shower him in love
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twsted-kinks · 2 years
Janitor!MC at NRC (a smut series)
Part 1: Crowley & Crewel
>Minors and ageless blogs DNI<
Series Content: Noncon/dubcon, forced stripping, unsafe sex, public sex, coercion, somnophilia, forced to wear skimpy clothing, bondage and other BDSM things, forced eye contact, biting/hickies, blood, weird dick shapes, watersports, forced prostitution, gangbang, spanking, forced exhibition, (may add more)
Parts: Crowley & Crewel (you are here), Ruggie & Leona, Idia, Rook, & Vil, Lilia & Malleus, Floyd & Jade & Azul, Che'nya (and a possible bonus part)
All characters depicted are 18+
I think we all know that when you suddenly appear in NRC, you are wearing nothing underneath those ceremonial robes. But, with you already being a bit of a problem, Crowley surely can't leave you all alone in his office, so he'll have to stay with you once he gives you some clothes to wear. Oh? Wouldn't it be easier for you to change later and return the ceremonial robes later? Well, there's no guarantee he'll get those robes back, you see! So you must change now and do it in front of him! Plus, he will have to thoroughly check to make sure you haven't brought any contraband onto his campus!
Once you finally begin stripping, Crowley is sitting behind his desk, eyes studying every bit of skin revealed to you. "Those robes are quite expensive." He warns, "You should be more delicate with them. Take your time." Urging you to go slower and not just rip off the robes to get this over with. If you look at him, glaring or gazing up with worry, you can see a soft pink dusting his cheeks as he licks his lips.
When you're finally unclothed, he gets up and stands between you and the door. He makes you hold your arms out as be feels around your chest, just checking to make sure you haven't snuck anything onto his campus. But his hands linger, feeling up your chest, and his fingers brush against your nipples again and again. His hands venture lower and trace your hips. He tells you, "Put your elbows on my desk for me and spread your legs. I need to check one more place."
With you now bending over for him, he lets out an audible groan. His hands trace up your back and back down to your hips. You feel his hands spread your ass cheeks and knead the flesh. At this point, he removes his gloves and brings one of his hands to your mouth. If you're reluctant to accept his fingers into your mouth, he reminds you that you're in a new world with nothing to your name. He's been so kind to you, offering you shelter, food, and even a job. Won't you help him out in return? You've already come this far with him. It would be wrong to stop now and leave him this... flustered. But, he'd never 'force' you! No, no, no! Of course, you're free to leave right now if you wish. Though, if you won't do the bare minimum for him, why should he give you so much? Just spend some time with him, and he can give you everything you need. Plus, if you leave, he can't just let you take ceremonial robes with you, and who knows what will happen to you if you walk out of here nude! Who knows how the other faculty and students would behave seeing a nude, magicless person wandering all alone.
You finally give in, opening your mouth and sucking on his fingers just how he tells you. Once he thinks they're lubed enough, he pulls then out of your mouth with a pop and brings them back, rubbing circles around your hole. At first he's slow, pushing only one finger inside of you. But his impatience gets the better of him and soon another finger is added and then another. Three fingers stretch out your hole, preparing you for him. If you're moaning, crying, or just remaining silent, it doesn't matter to him. Just the feeling of your tight hole pulling his fingers in is intoxicating enough. He almost feels regret when he pulls his fingers out of you. When he pushes his cock in, he has no control over the moan that escapes him. He gives you no time to adjust. His hands are already on your hips, holding onto you to the point you know there will be bruising, and he's rutting into you like a desperate animal. He doesn't care if you're getting off to this or not. You're just a warm hole with a sexy body, his new toy to play with as he pleases. If you cum, he'll make you thank him for it. If you don't, well it isn't his problem. The only this that matters to him is your warm hole, the way it keeps pulling him back in. He pounds into you harder and harder, pushing you and his desk back with each thrust, until he finally goes still with his cock shoved into you all the way to the base. He absolutely fills you, rope after rope of cum being emptied into your hole. After a moment, he pulls out of you, tucks himself back into his pants, and fixes his clothing all while you're laying there, collapsed onto his desk with his cum dripping out of your hole and down your thighs. He doesn't bothing cleaning you up. He just tells you to stand and hands you some clothes to change into. He escorts you to the Ramshackle Dorm once you've dressed. I'll leave it up to you if you notice the stares you get from the beastmen you walk by. Either way, you don't realize yet that they can smell Crowley's cum running down your legs.
The next day, you get your uniform, a maid dress. A fucking maid dress, thigh high stockings with garters, a pair of short heels, and no underwear. The poofy skirt of the dress reaches down to your mid-thigh, so just standing still means you're covered just fine. There is still a threat of flashing someone from bending over too far or a strong gust of wind, but at least it isn't shorter. (Also, if you have larger breasts, the top can barely hold them to the point your boobs could easily fall out if you weren't pulling the top up every couple of minutes.)
Your first day is hell. Crowley makes you blow him and swallow his cum before you get started, and, once you finally start your day as the new janitor, so many eyes on you as you trudge around the campus. You try to just continue your work anyway. You know there are people staring at your ass constantly and every time you walk up a flight of stairs there is someone way to close behind you. Thankfully though, no one touches you. No one catcalls you. You hope it fucking stays that way.
Anyway, this is your new life. Being used by Crowley every morning and evening before and after work. Sometimes he cums inside your holes and makes you walk around campus with it dripping down your legs and into the floor. Those mornings you save the carpeted places to be cleaned last because getting the stains from his cum out of the carpeting is both frustrating and leads to a lot of eyes on your ass. Sometimes Crowley cums on your face or on your chest and doesn't allow to to wipe his cum off. On those days, people tend to get more bold and have even walked up to you to get a up close picture on their phone. You've learned ways to try and convince Crowley to cum down your throat because it's just so much easier to deal with, but he still has his moments where he can't help but make you walk around campus with his cum dripping from somewhere on your body.
That pointer Crewel carries is the bane of your existence. At first, it was just a single light spanking on your hips or ass if you walked by him slouching or he found you bending over to far. It was annoying but you could deal with it. But, of course, it got worse over time. The spankings got harder and more... humiliating. It went from an annoyance that would happen when you two just happened to walk by each other to becoming a daily occurrence where you are dragged into his office as he makes you count every time he strikes your ass. Everyday it seems like the list of wrongdoings gets longer and longer. You're sure students have been telling Crewel every 'wrong' action you do each day, but you have no real evidence to confirm this. And Crowley just encourages this, giving Crewel the responsibility of any disciplinary actions relating to you. You know it's just because Crowley likes seeing the marks Crewel's canning leaves on your thighs and ass.
When you finally got your hands on some underwear, you thought you could finally walk around with some modesty. (Someone left a package of panties that look like they were taken from a fanservice ridden anime at the Ramshackle Dorm, and, while you'd normally not accept this type of gift, you didn't exactly have any options for underwear right now.) You still didn't want to flash people what's under your skirt, but at least now there was a layer of fabric between your crotch and the hundreds of eyes trying to gawke at you. You should have known this sudden change in uniform would cause problems.
During your (now daily) spanking, Crewel orders your hands on his desk and for you to stick your ass out for him. When he's greeted by patterned fabric instead of your bare ass, there's a short pause of silence followed by a deep chuckle. You hear a soft ringing sound and hear Crewel speak. "Hello, Headmage, I have a bit of a... Well, our little dog seems to have made a little addition to their outfit, and I want your input on this matter." You gulp. You've deal with Crowley plenty, but never with Crewel there too. Dealing with both of them will be hell. Here you are, standing straight and tall with these two men standing before you. "Go on." Crewel gestures to you. "Show Headmage Crowley your new addition." You're hesitant, but do as you're told, lifting your skirt to reveal the panties underneath. "Ah, I see." Crowley hums as his eyes bore into the fabric. "We haven't discussed a punishment for such a discretion, have we?" The two men speak a bit more and reach a final decision.
You don't know what potion Crewel made you drink, but you've never felt so horny in your life. You absolutely need cock and both of these men have one. You quickly undo the zipper to Crowley's pants and desperately pull out his hardening cock. You hear Crowley chuckle as you eagerly take him into your mouth, his hand resting on your head as you begin bobbing your head up and down on his dick. You reach your hand down to touch yourself, feeling so happy when Crewel doesn't stop you, but, of course, when you get close to cumming, he pulls your hand away. You want to protest, but Crowley's cock tastes too good to leave your mouth. Crowley only pulls your mouth off his cock so he can cover your face in his cum. You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, and Crowley rewards you by shooting a couple of ropes in your mouth. You eagerly swallow it and moan at the taste.
Crewel pulls you up and drags you to on of the chairs in his office. He sits and has you sit on his lap, facing him. You spread your legs wide open, your panties now see through because of your fluids, and grind on Crewel's hard bulge. Crewel pulls out his cock and slaps is against your crotch. You quickly pull your panties to the side, line up the man's cock, and sink yourself onto him. The moan that escapes you is deafening. You waste no time and ride him like a bitch in heat. Praise after praise of his cock escapes your lips as you hold on to his shoulders for support. Crewel takes the top of your dress and rips it apart, freeing your chest. He takes one of your nipples into his mouth and bites, hard. It hurts, but you can't help but moan and ride him faster. The only thing that stops your hips in their tracks is Crowley's hand holding you still. You feel Crowley line his cock up (either same hole or different one depending on what you have/want) and shoves himself into you. You curse and moan the feeling. You begin to move your hips again with both of the men rutting into you as well, their cocks pounding into you and stretching you out. It doesn't take long before you cum. Your tight hole(s) clamping down on the cocks inside you has the two men soon joining, both of them groaning and coating your insides with their cum.
You don't know how long you three fuck or how many times people have cum. All you know is that, by the end of this fuckfest, your maid dress is torn to shreds you're covered in sweat and cum, and your soaked panties have ended up in your mouth as a makeshift gag. Crowley drags you up, making you stand on wobbly legs, while Crowley encases you neck in a red collar. You go to take the panties out of your mouth, but a swift spank to your ass stops you. "Did you really think that was your punishment?" Crewel asks. "That was simply a reward for us catching your insolence. You're punishment begins now, my little bitch. But, since you were so eager in letting us indulge, I will allow you to walk on two feet instead of four tonight."
The moon is high in the sky and the cold wind bites at your skin. A silicone buttplug with a short upturned tail sits in your ass. Crewel walks ahead of you. The leash in his hand yanks you forward as you fall too far behind him. You keep looking around, to see if anyone is seeing this, but you keep finding no one. You don't see that there is indeed a pair of eyes, the eyes of a hunter, who is very much enjoying the scene. A pressure has been building in your bladder. You try to keep your legs closed as you walk, trying to just hold out until you can get to a bathroom, until you finally try to get Crewel's attention. You try to mumble around the panties in your mouth, but Crewel stops you, saying, "Ah, behave. Muzzled dogs don't speak." You whimper in response, and he raises one of his eyebrows. "Oh, you don't need my help, do you? You're free to pee in the grass or on the tree. After all, that's what we're on a walk for." You look at him with petrified wide eyes. "Now be a good dog and do your business." Crewel says and lets more of the leash go so you can walk into the grass. You stare at him, then at the tree, and back to him. You whimper again and he sighs. "You really are an dumb puppy sometimes. Fine, I'll help you, but, if you act up anymore, we'll have to try this again during the day."
Crewel walks up to one of the trees, pulls you along, and commands you to sit by him on the grass. Crewel opens his fly and pulls out his dick, aiming his tip at the tree. "Now, watch and learn, you dumb dog, this is how bitches like you mark their territory." Crewel releases steady stream of piss, soaking the bark of the tree. You flinch when the splashback hits your skin, but you stay in place and wait. Once his stream ends, he shakes the last droplets of piss from his cock and tucks himself back into his pants. "See. It's simple." He tugs you towards the tree. "Dogs like you smell piss and then mark their as well. Now sniff it." You reluctantly move closer to the bark and smell it. You gag at the acrid smell. "Hmm, strange reaction for a mutt, but you'll learn how to behave properly. Now do your business." You go to stand, but Crewel stops you. "Ah, no you don't." He tugs you back. "Stand on all fours and lift you leg." You look up to him with tears in your eyes. He sighs. "If you don't go now, we'll have to try again in the morning, and I don't hink you're ready to do this around other mutts yet." Reluctantly, you rest on your hands and knees, and you lift your leg next to the tree. It takes a couple of moments, but finally you let it go. Piss rushes from you and splashes against the tree. "Now, that's a good little bitch. Such a good dog." Crewel pets your head as you tremble. Once the stream of piss dies down, a trickle of urine runs down your leg. You bring your leg back down and look up to Crewel who's smiling down at you. After that, he walks you back to the Ramshackle Dorm, undoes the leash, and wishes you a good night before he leaves. Once you're inside your room, you go to the bathroom to clean yourself up, but, when you go to take the collar off, you can't. There's no physical lock, but you can't undo the buckle. You groan, stupid magic collar with a fucking magic lock. You still clean yourself up and pass out on your bed soon after.
The next morning you wake up to a new uniform and a note. Apparently, you're now allowed to wear panties with your uniform, which would be amazing, if the maid dress wasn't even skimpier! The skirt is ridiculously short and doesn't even cover your crotch. Just standing still has your panties peak out of the bottom of it. You could try and pull the skirt down but then your nipples would be free for everyone to see! (And, if you have larger breasts, the top band of the dress desperately clings to your boobs with your areolas peaking out the top. You make one wrong move and your boobs are falling out of the dress.) You sigh. Well at least you can wear fucking underwear now.
Bonus content:
It seems like everyone and NRC appreciates this new uniform much more than you do, not much to your surprise. They especially appreciate it when Crewel decides to make your daily spanking a public affair. People crowd around to watch you bend over a table while Crewel spanks you with his pointer. That's when the catcalling started. Them regularly seeing the wet spot on your underwear from getting spanked and seeing your chest get regularly exposed when you work has definitely boosted their confidence. You hear "Show us that chest/those tits again," "Why don't you bend over and give us a show," and similar things regularly. Still, none lay a hand on you, which you're thankful for.
Your nightly escapades where Crewel walks you on a leash and makes you pee before you can head back to bed aren't too frequent. But it happens at least twice a week and one time even five times in a week. You're pretty sure no one has caught you in the act, but you know that many fonthe beastmen know. The day after each one of these nightly activities, you catch a beastman, sometimes even multiple beastmen, taking out their cocks and pissing on the same spot you pissed on.
At least all that is outside though, and you can get away with not having to clean any of that. However, inside the buildings themselves, the bathrooms are horrendous. Just knowing you have to clean that space means they're purposefully making a mess. With you running around with barely any clothing, you know there are so many men jerking off in the bathroom stalls. Hell, you've seen guys watch you, get hard, and runaway to take care of themselves. At least some people are decent enough to aim for the toilet bowl or clean up their mess, but so many more just jerk off and don't care where their cum lands or they purposefully cum in a weird place for you to clean. You've been in the bathroom, heard moans from behind a stall you just cleaned, and had to clean cum off the door a fucking second time. Why the fuck is this your life?
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