#and her name is lorelei
cromchie-biscuit · 1 month
Day 1: Soulmates / First Meet
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maykitz · 8 months
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my opinion on durge and orin relationship pre worm incident
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luxtea-07 · 2 months
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blazamy fankid
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luuxxart · 9 months
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a hubernie comic for the very lovely @petraswyvern !!! honestly forgot how much I missed drawing these two 😭😭😭
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theraedar · 2 years
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Oh right i should probably show yall lorel’s mom concept LOL, she’s a composer/pianist..music runs in the family.....
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randomminty · 8 months
You are a real one for remembering Lorelei's OG RBY/PokeSpe design. (I love her anime one it has such wild librarian/office lady vibes.)
YAAYY i love her rby design... while were here i think we should all look at her scrapped gen 2 design as well
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Important. They were going to give her a little jacket
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occasionaltouhou · 2 years
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regular touhou #8: mystia encounters the rare “Food Critic”, is baffled
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ffs-abalisk · 10 months
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New bae who dis~
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vulpixelates · 1 year
today's goals: stop tummy hurty before our new fridge gets delivered and come up w a damn name for my latest ttrpg character so i can start doing more work on her backstory and play her finally
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nevalizona · 11 months
I think I'm gonna go through and retag all of Lorelei's posts with her maiden name instead of her married name. That way I don't have to worry about it ending on her husband's tag by accident🫶
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usermoon · 2 years
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look who’s back!
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lisbonsteresa · 2 years
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#damnit theo now all i can think of is that au it would work so well like the way he was nervous and fidgety before she came over#(for obvious reasons but it could also be because he knows her name when he comes looking for her; he knows he's about to meet his soulmate#and everything involved in that...too much involved for him to deal with now so he tries - and only kind of succeeds - to ignore it)#the way he has one arm kind of tucked into the other (to hide his tattoo) and his 'um' and how he just looks at her for a beat#(hoping it looks more like him still finding it hard to talk about red john and not like some part of him just tilted onto a new axis#in a way he's trying desperately to ignore)#meanwhile lisbon has 17 people say 'hi' to her every day; she's long since stopped wondering if person 18 could be The One#(but something flickers in her chest when she shakes his hand; faint and unfamiliar; it throws her off for the briefest of moments;#causes her 'hi' to come out much quieter and softer than she intended....but of course it did; she's talking to a man she knows#just went through a terrible loss; he LOOKS lost; why wouldn't she want to treat him delicately; it's part of her job#(even if she's starting to get the distinct feeling this man is going to make her job a whole lot harder)#i'm spiraling juuuust a little#tm#AND THEN THE 'TERESA LISBON. THAT'S A NICE NAME.' HOOOO BOY#(ack imagine if lorelei saw jane's tattoo and brings it up while lisbon's listening in in 5.01....#'i think you do it to be close to teresa lisbon. and i understand why; considering those words on your arm')
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glaciescustodia · 9 months
Bday Asks. // Accepting.
@grislyintentions - A small dark navy container rests upon her desk with no clue of who the sender might be. Upon it is attached a note: 'Happy Birthday, Starshine! May the light of the stars illuminate your future forward'.
When opened, the interior of the container contains several stamina candies in swirls of gold and yellow, shaped deliberately to resemble the stars she so dearly loved.
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She had just gotten back from acquiring herself a pouch of water, and though everything on the desk as it is should be, the addition of a box, certainly did not help alleviate the suspicious gleam in Lorelei's eyes.
It did not go too well last time, getting pranked by a researcher friend from the Spantamad, no matter how playful it was meant to be. She's learnt to be somewhat cautious these days. Still, what is written on the note, within her grasp now, removed that suspicion entirely.
Aye, the elven blooded scholar recognized well the handwriting, that and Starshine. Only one person did say it, whenever they were together, something uttered only between them or well, written in this case.
Her sleepier twin must truly be busy, to not personally come by and deliver it in proper.
''Two can play that game, sleepyhead''.
Needless to say, the gift is much appreciated but now, time to return the gesture in kind.
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starfoam · 1 year
//... On a scale of 1-10, exactly how funny do you think an amnesia thread for the shits and giggles could be
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chaosxabove · 2 years
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References with Maya and the emos that surround her
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Teddy Bear
a leib x mc2 fanfic requested for @veryturtlecol
It was mid-afternoon, the bell had rung, and Lorelei was heading home. She had just finished her last exam and was exhausted. She leaned against the wall, texting her fellow guild mate.
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She then looked to her previous texts to Lieb, none of which has been answered. Lorelei held her phone towards her chest. It’s been a while since she had spent some time with Lieb. Hopefully, he won’t mind if she paid him a visit. She pocketed her phone and began to make way to her boyfriend.
It was only about 30-minutes when Lorelei arrived at Ueno Academy. Sitting in front of the gate was a labrador therian with a fluffy green scarf wrapped around his neck.
“Hey Cu Sith!”, Lorelei’s feet carried her towards the key that would help her reach Lieb. Of course she didn’t think of Cu Sith as a tool, but being her boyfriend’s “beast” does have some benefits.
As she got closer to Cu Sith, she noticed that he looked dejected; his ears were drooping and was fiddling with the fringes of his scarves in between his fingers. Lorelei gradually slowed down to a steady pace. When she reached Cu Sith, she crouched to his level and gently placed her hand on the therian’s shoulder.
“Cu Sith, is something wrong?”, Lorelei said lightly. Cu Sith doesn’t meet her gaze, but responds in a hushed voice. 
“Lieb is very angry at me…”, he whimpered, carefully trying not to cry, “He was working very hard, so I made him some coffee. Unfortunately, I accidentally tripped and spilt it on some documents…”.
Cu Sith buries his face in his hands, muffling a few sobs, “He yelled at how I was bothering him a-and-” before the whimpering therian could finish, Lorelei pulls Cu Sith into a tender embrace and rubs his back.
“There, there. You were just trying to help. You didn’t mean to spill the coffee”. Lorelei continues to rub and cups the teary therian’s cheeks. “Just sit here and let me talk to him, I’m sure he can’t stay mad at you forever!”
“B-but Lieb is very busy right now!”, Cu Sith squealed. He resumed tugging on his scarf and spoke more softly, “Sorry, but Lieb is up to his neck with work right now. Maybe we should just leave him alone for the time being…”.
Lorelei ruffled Cu Sith’s head and giggled, “Don’t worry, I know a few ways to help that old grump relax”. She took out her phone and placed it in front of Cu Sith. “I ordered this cake from Asterism since Lieb was eyeing this when we were out last time. Would you be a dear and fetch this for me please?”
Cu Sith stares at her phone for a moment and looks back at Lorelei
“...When was the last time he smiled like that?”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Lorelei looked back to her phone, and saw that it was a picture of her and Lieb. They were sitting in a ferris wheel, sharing a scarf, the full moon reflected in the water behind them. This was when they first went out as a couple.
“...It’s been quite a while…”, she said softly. Lorelei continued to gaze at the photo, tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. Before she could shed any tears, Lorelei quickly brought up the photo of the cake and presented it to Cu Sith.
“So that’s why I need you to grab this cake! He’s been working SO hard, he DESERVES to have something nice!”
The canine therian wiped his tears, “If Lieb likes this, then I guess it’s okay…” With renewed vigor, Cu Sith stood straight up and faced Lorelei, “I’ll go fetch the cake, and you’ll help cheer up Lieb!”
“Now that’s what I like to hear! Let’s do this!”
Without any further words, Cu Sith ran off to retrieve the cake, leaving Lorelei standing alone. After a moment, she looked around to make sure she’s alone. She then took a deep breath, turned her gaze towards the academy, and made her way to find Lieb.
She peered inside Lieb’s study room. It was messy, paper-work piled on every surface on the desk, mixed with various empty cans of energy drinks and bagged food. The curtains were drawn, not letting even a speck of light within the room. The only source of light would be coming from the glowing monitor in front of the polar bear therian. His figure was hunched over his work, rhythmic tapping coming from his keyboard with the occasional break of a scribbling pencil. Lorelei opened the door, creating a creaking sound to rise above the others.
“...Cu Sith, I’m sorry about-”, as he turned on his chair, he was faced with Lorelei, arms crossed.
“Lorelei! I, uh, didn’t know you were coming over.”
“I just wanted to see you”, Lorelei made her way to Lieb, carefully not stepping on any documents or trash, and sitting herself down on the corner of Lieb’s desk.
Lorelei started toying with a misplaced pen on Liebs desk, without turning to face him, “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m starting to miss you.”
“You know how work is.” Lieb begins to turn to face his work
“Won’t you spare some time with me? We barely even speak to each other.” 
“I’m sorry Lorelei, but I need to get back to work.”
“You know I have a lot of work to do. I can’t afford to take any breaks right now-”, Lieb couldn’t finish his thought as he felt a warmth on the back of his neck. Lorelei wrapped her arms around Lieb, nuzzling her face on the scruff of his neck. He didn’t resist, nor object, instead Lieb placed his hand on hers. Her hands were cold. The two sat in silence for a moment, taking in the moment.
“Lieb. Are you happy?”
“I can’t say I’m unhappy.”
“But are you happy where you are right now?”
“...What do you mean?”
“Lieb, you’re smart, kind, and reliable… but you are not human.”
“And that’s supposed to be a bad thing?”
“No. It means that you will eventually outlive me. I may not know who I am, but I do know that I am a human. Someday, I will leave this world, without you.”, saying this, she tightened her embrace.
“Lieb, are you really happy with me? With Us?”
“I am.”
Lieb spun around his chair to face Lorelei. Just as she let go of Lieb, she was enveloped in the warmth of the polar bear therian. 
“Lorelei, I’m sorry I couldn’t make time to be with you. I know it hurts to be away from loved ones for a long time. My own heart grows sick everyday when I’m away from you.”
“You are wrong on one other thing though…”
“On what?”
“I’m on borrowed time, Lorelei.”
“Borrowed… time?”
“I appeared sometimes after the pillars were established in this world. As quickly the pillars appeared in this world without notice, they can vanish just as fast, and I along with them.”
“So… that means… you could be gone tomorrow…”
“Right now, even. That is why I’m working so much. If I can find a way to link my home to this world, then we can be together.”
Without another word, their lips were drawn together, sharing a moment of peaceful bliss with each other. The two pulled their bodies closer together, not wanting to separate. Lorelei slipped her hand under the therian’s shirt and wandered around the bear’s bulky body and thick fur. She could feel his growing erection through his clothes. With one hand placed on Lorelei’s back and one on her thigh, Lieb pulled her closer to him, grinding their bodies together.
“Lieb, are you there?”
The soft spoken voice took both of them by surprise; it was Jambavan. Lorelei quickly hid under Lieb’s desk while he quickly composed himself.
“Ahem… Come in, Jambavan”
Jambavan opens the door and enters the room, trailing by his side was Cu Sith, who was hiding his arms around his back.
“Did Lorelei come by? Jambavan said that he didn’t see her”, Cu Sith questioned.
“She did come by, but she had too- AH!”, before Lieb could finish, a wave of pleasure washed over him. While Lorelei was hiding under the desk, she had easy access to Lieb’s cock.
“Lieb?! Are you okay?!”. Jambavan started to walk towards Lieb. Before he could get closer, Lieb took a shaky breath.
“I’m… alright Jambavan. My backs been killing me lately”
“Are you sure? You look a bit feverish,” Jambavan began to reach over to Lieb’s forehead, “What would Lorelei say if she saw you like this?”
Lieb brushes away Jambavan’s hand, “She would probably grab me a couple of aspirin”
Understanding what Lieb meant, Jambavan took a couple steps back, “Uh, okay… just take a break, it’s taking a toll on your health”
As Jambavan headed out of the room, Cu Sith glanced at Lieb, “And I’ll go grab some water for you!”. Before closing the door, Cu Sith turned to Lieb, “Oh, and when you see Lorelei, tell her that I got the goods!”
When both therians left the room, Lieb took a deep breath and looked down on Lorelei, “So, whatcha get me?”.
Loreilei takes Lieb out of her mouth and raises her eyebrow at him, “Really? Now? I’m literally giving you head!”
“Now, now, you can’t blame me for being excited for a gift.”
“And maybe I should use my teeth”, saying this, Lorelei flashes her teeth and lightly nibbles on Lieb’s member.
“H-hey! I was just messing around!”
“You better…”, Lorelei places Liebs dick back into her mouth and continues pleasuring him. Her tongue slides all over Lieb’s cock, coating it in saliva. As much as she can, anyway. Lorelie struggles to take the bear’s massive girth into her mouth. She reaches the midpoint of the shaft before she feels Lieb’s hand on the back of her head, pushing her to take more. Inch by inch, Lieb’s cock moves deeper into Loreilei’s throat, causing a gag here and there. Lorelie’s begins to feel lightheaded; whether its from lust or the fact that she has her boyfriend down her throat, she couldn’t tell. What she can tell is that Lieb was getting close. The way he was pacing her bobbing head on his cock, his quickened breath, the soft moans, she knew Lieb was about to release his stress. Lorelei held onto Lieb’s thick thighs and increased her pace.
“Ah, Lorelei, I’m about to…”, Lieb had no time to finish his sentence, as Lorelei swallowed his whole member, causing the bear to shiver in ecstasy. Pleasure roles down his spine as he unloads his stress down Lorelei’s throat. Lorelei  takes Liebs out of her mouth and kisses his member. 
With a wink Lorelie whispers “Feel better big guy?”
“Way better…”, Lieb reaches over and pets Lorelei’s head, “I’m so lucky to have you…”
“Hmhm… Are you saying that because I blew you?”
“I mean it, Lorelei”, Lieb’s hand caresses down to Lorelei’s cheek, “You made these last few weeks bearable. I’m so thankful that you’re with me.”
Lorelei cheeks reddened. She missed these tender moments with Lieb, with or without the sex. She felt safe with him, as if everything would be alright. She kissed the palm of Lieb’s hand, and looked up to him. 
“And I,  you”, she gets off of her knees and places herself on his lap, “You help keep me grounded. You keep me safe. You…”, she lays on Lieb’s chest, “...you make me happy…”
The two sat there, enjoying this small moment of bliss, although not knowing what the future may hold, know that they have each other.
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