#and he's fascinated by my color changing fairy lights
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My youngest brother, aged 4: Thank you for the pizza!
Me: You're welcome
Him: Now you have to say thank you to me because I helped you. I put on the cheese and pepperoni.
#ramblings of an artichokie#siblings of an artichokie#I love him#he also just demanded that I make him a hello Kitty bag#and that I paint my nails because he wants to see them#he's sleeping in my room tonight so that my parents can get some sleep#and he's fascinated by my color changing fairy lights
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Some Peter Pan 2003 edits, enjoy.
(Nichya, do you agree with me by thinking this movie is the few examples of a live action Disney remake being as good if not better than the original?)
I agree and there's a very good reason why that is the case: it wasn't made by Disney, but by Universal, who wanted to be more loyal to the original story - and like Jason Isaac's himself said, that was the thing that made this movie so different from most adaptations of it.
I'm gonna be real, I used to hate basically every version of Peter Pan, mainly because of the Disney cartoon being my introduction to the story. I just never understood why Wendy liked him, or why he liked her, or how Neverland was in anyway special/different from any generic "Magic place", or why I should care if any of these characters leave it behind or stay. And keep in mind, this was coming from a child that was all about the Disney formulas. Peter Pan, as a concept, just REALLY felt hollow to little me.
... And then I watched this movie.

Let me tell you, 6-year-old Nichya was OBSESSED with this movie (and with Jason Isaac as Hook). 24-year-old Nichya too, even more so actually, because EVERYTHING ABOUT IT is perfect - including the thing that aged "poorly", aka the special effects.
Neverland doesn't really look real and that's good. The dated effects, the epic music and the very colorful lighting make it look like a place that could only exist in dreams, so when Wendy and her brothers are in awe of it, I totally get it. Today's tendency of films in which every scene look super dark and/dull makes me appreciate it even more.
The lighting also does wonders for the storytelling, showing Peter's magical connection with Neverland as it changes based on his emotional state, or in moments like Wendy seeing Hook for the first time, with the extra focus on his eyes - you can practically hear the book quote of Wendy being fascinated instead of frightened.
Speaking of the book, the fact that this adaptation had the guts to go with THE thing that could end making it far too corny and silly, aka the "kiss" Wendy has on her lips and that shows she's starting to grow up and become interested in romance is SUCH an important plot-point and key aspect of her character arc, and is delightful to see an adaptation that goes "We already have a magical land, fairies, mermaids, and a boy that stays a kid forever. How is the 'kiss' going to make it less realistic? It's fantasy already!"
And I love, love, love how they make sure we know who Wendy is outside of romance (a storyteller that wants adventure, a child that is both really mature and responsible, but also activelly trying to escape that role, someone who is very motherly but has a ton of anxiety about the prospect of eventually being the adult in charge) - but without ever downplaying how much her romance with Peter means to her.
He was the boy that was giving her everything she was looking for at the moment: friendship, adventure, excitement, and, more importantly, a way to escape any responsibility she didn't want - forever. He really is the hero she had been waiting for, and that, as a consequence, makes her realize that growing up and eventually having a family is not that scary after all, as long as she finds the right person, someone who understands her and that she trusts.
Obviously, she doesn't want to get married and have a ton of kids NOW, but she wants the promise that this will happen - when they're ready for it, when they're older. But Peter Pan is no ordinary boy. It's not just that he's too immature to fully embrace his feelings for Wendy right now, and could truly allow himself to love her later. He is NEVER going to reach that point, he's far too afraid to allow himself the chance to even try. And that breaks Wendy's heart.
And it breaks Peter's heart too, because he WANTS to be loved, and he already cares for Wendy in a way he never cared about anyone else. But because of who he is, she, and everyone else, will inevitably leave him. Because ALL children grow up. He is the only one who was blessed, and cursed, to be the exception.
He'll never be a husband and father. He will never be someone's child or sibling. He's the true lost boy, out of reach forever. He is truly free from everything and everyone, but the price is the knowledge that, sooner or later, he will find himself completely alone time and time again. And Wendy, the girl he loves, will one day either forget him or grow old and die - after having lived a full life with someone else, because Peter couldn't, and wouldn't, grow old with her.
He's doomed to be lonely forever... just like Hook. But unlike Hook, when he is immature and selfish (like when he closes the window at Wendy's house in the hopes that she'll believe her parents stopped waiting for her and her siblings), he does it out of pure desperation, because he's a child that genuinely doesn't know any better.
Hook however, is coming from a place of malice. When he "pursues" Wendy, he does out of jealousy that Peter managed to find true love, while he will never have that. He does it to steal that from him, to hurt him, to make him endure the pain of knowing that, of all people that could have replaced him in Wendy's heart, he was the one who did it.
And, of course, while he never really does anything to Wendy, the constant implication that, at any second, he might, looms large. Their dynamic is inherently predatory, with Hook exploiting the fact that Wendy is mature enough to want a romantic connection, but is still too naive to understand all the implications behind it, and, more importantly, that no adult that wants to be with her like that could possibly be someone she's safe with it.
He is an intriguing, tragic figure like Peter and thus can "seduce" her rather easily too (the fact that Jason Isaacs is really fucking hot doesn't hurt either), but he is doing it through constant manipulation, reminding her that she can never have the boy she actually wants and exploiting her childish need to have some form of petty revenge against him for it, by "befriending" the person he hates the most in the whole world.
But there's another thing that brings her closer to Hook: the fact that, despite being the complete opposite of her father, he still LOOKS like him, is the real adult authority figure around, and he is offering her advice and comfort when she experiences her first heartbreak. He represents both her adolescent impulse to rebel, to proove she's grown already, and her childlike instinct to just run to the arms of her parent and let him call the shots because she's afraid of making mistakes and wants someone who can tell her what to do, how she's supposed to act.
There is a recurring theme through the movie of Wendy's mostly innocent fantasies being read through an adult lenses (see the teacher's concern and offense at the drawing of Peter above her in bed - because he's FLYING, not touching her in anyway). Much like when she was the "mother" of the Lost Boys, when she is by Hook's side, Wendy is a child playing pretend. But the threat Hook poses is very real and his intentions are downright evil. Because Wendy ran away from the flawed, but well-meaning adults she could trust, she walked right into the trap of a very dangerous man that is taking advantage of her need for a protector, a mentor.
And that's why the kiss scene is the perfect climax for the movie, as it concludes three character arcs at once. It shows us Wendy choosing true love, however fleeting, instead of Hook's lies, and indulging in one last childhood fantasy before growing up. It gives Peter the only form of closure he could ever have, knowing that even if he can't be with Wendy, he will always be "the one" for her and won't ever be forgotten, just like he won't ever forget her, because they mean too much to each other. And Hook is forced to accept that, because he can't connect with anyone without manipulation, which could never last, his life truly is void in a way even Peter's never would be.
So yeah, it's a great movie with serious guts, and everyone else can just quit trying to make a new adaptation, reboot, sequel, prequel or whatever because they're never getting anywhere near this level of quality.
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A Pleasant Surprise
Contains: Dottore x GN!Reader, Reader lives in Snezhnaya, Dottore is nicer than canon, SFW, basically fluff (no angst at all)
I suggest listening to the song Fairy Fountain by Super Guitar Bros just because it’s such a good song for the setting
After being countlessly hurt by significant other after significant other, you give up on love, and decide to per-sue anything other than a person to depend on. But after walking through a Snezhnaya market and meeting a man with blue hair and a mask on their face, perhaps /this/ man was the partner you needed.
You had always been let down by love. Time after time, significant other after significant other, you were hurt and broken. Damaged goods. It’s not like any of your past lovers were /bad/.. But they also didn’t even meet the basic requirements. One cheated on you, another refused to let you meet their friends, and one after another, they left. And it wasn’t like you were looking for a lover when you met those people, either. You just happened to stumble upon them. Hurtful coincidences aside, you were in the market for buying flowers.
Ever since you were young, you always had a sort of fascination with flowers and plants in general. So here you were, searching for the seeds of a Snowdrop flower in the local Snezhnaya market. It wasn’t as full as you expected as you walked throughout the cobblestone streets, looking around at the local architecture. After just moving to Snezhnaya from Sumeru, the climate wasn’t the only thing that changed. As you expected, people here were quieter and less welcoming to newcomers, but that didn’t matter /too/ much to you.
The only thing that made you even more happy than the architecture was the flowers that grew in the colder climate of Snezhnaya. Snowdrops, Snapdragons, Irises, Pansies, and even more were located in Snezhnaya, and that made you even more excited to be here.
Tucking your coat tightly against your body, you walked down the street, searching for any sort of flower shop or merchant in the area. Although there weren’t any apparent signs of any sort of flower merchant, you didn’t lose hope, slowly winding into the darker parts of the streets.
“Are you lost?” A soft, alluring voice called out from behind you.
At the sound of the voice, you immediately turned around, being met with the face of.. Huh, he was wearing a mask. He was a tall man, with light blue hair, pale skin, and a white and black mask covering the rest of the features of his face. You stared for a moment, looking him up and down. He tapped his foot impatiently.
“Well?” His voice had a hint of annoyance as his fingers idly fidgeted with his gloves and the collar of his thick jacket.
“It um.. It seems I am a bit lost,” you mumbled, looking down at your feet. Even if you couldn’t see his eyes, whatever color they may be, you refused to make eye-contact with the mask he wore out of pure embarrassment.
“Ah, that’s normal for newcomers,” he looked at you with what you could’ve sworn was a hint of a smile on his face, tilting his head slightly, “I hope my assumption is correct?”
You nodded with a slight redness to your face. “You are.”
“Where did you move from?” He stepped forward towards you, his steps marked with a clink of his shoes.
“Sumeru,” you said with a smile, looking up at him.
“I am as well from Sumeru,” he looked down at you with the mask, now that with what you could definitely say was a smile on his face. “Your name?”
“Oh, it’s [Name],” you replied with a quirk of your lips, “what about you?”
“Ah, well, most call me “The Doctor”, but you can preferably call me Dottore,” Dottore answered, upturning his chin to stare out into the street. “What were you looking for prior to our..” he thought for a moment before saying, “accidental meeting?”
“A flower merchant, preferably one with Snowdrop seeds.” You responded as he offered a hand out to you.
“Well then, allow me to show you the way,” you took his hand as he held you along the streets, pointing out spots and little secret establishments you might want to check out at a later time. You told him about your life in Sumeru, and in return, he told you about his. And although he didn’t share /too/ much of his life in Sumeru — he said he was too personal to share, and you, being not one to pry, said it was fine —, you still felt connected to him in a way you hadn’t felt before with another.
While you weren’t in the business for a partner, you were in the business for a friend, right?
And finally, you reached your destination. The blue-haired man led you towards a tiny stand decorated with flowers, with the signs scattered across the booth being covered in ivy. “Do you perhaps have Snowdrop seeds?” Dottore asked the woman seated at the booth with a blank expression, and, even though you couldn’t see his eyes, you could tell a certain coldness had entered his voice.
“Yes, we do,” the lady grinned, scrambling to look around the booth.
“Wait!” You exclaimed, examining a flower with white and purple petals. “Are these Violas?” You inquired, giving her an endearing smile.
“They are,” she returned your smile, “quite impressive, you know, most people here don’t know what any of these flowers are,”
“It’s truly disappointing how uneducated people are on flora.” Dottore added, staring straight at the lady.
“Yes, yes it is,” the woman murmured solemnly before returning to her searching. “Here they are,” she held up a small brown satchel, handing it over to you, “be careful with them.” She placed the satchel in your hands, hugging them before letting go. “That’ll be twenty mora.”
“Alright, I have the money right h—“ But before you could pull out the money, there was already a bag of coins in front of the lady.
“Please, keep the change,” The Doctor pushed the bag towards the merchant, a faint quirk of his lips revealing a smile.
“Dottore, I can not allow you to do this for me, I mean, I just met y—“
“—Please, do not worry,” he smiled down at you, leading you away from the booth with a wave of goodbye to the woman. “It’s no issue for me, really, [Name].”
“No, no, seriously, how can I repay you?” You insisted with a frown, staring squarely up at him.
“Truthfully, your company is all I need,” his voice revealed some warmth from inside of him, a demure smile on his face. This smile was different. It wasn’t from a joke, or fake; it was genuine. A genuine smile. It made you want to smile. “However, I am dreadfully sorry, but I must leave, for I have work to do,”
You frowned. Just when you thought you were making friends, you lose the one person you met.
He grinned at your reaction. “Please, you’ll see me again,” his voice dropped to a whisper. “I’ll be sure of it.”
“Thank you,” you said to him as you watched him go. He paused for a moment, turning to nod at you one last time before walking off into the streets, which had now become crowded with people.
You smiled like an idiot on the walk home, carrying the small satchel in your hand like it was the most precious thing you owned. When you got home, immediately, you planted the flowers, quickly watering and tending to them day after day.
After going to the market for weeks, you didn’t see the man who said his name was Dottore. It sort of upset you. You only met him once, but you found his company.. Pleasant. Searching through crowds for an odd mask, or blue hair, or a thick jacket — which was very common in Snezhnaya, but you still searched —, you found nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Whenever you asked around about a blue-haired man named Dottore, everyone shook their heads and walked off. On the contrary, when you asked about “The Doctor”, people ran off, or fully avoided the question, simply answering with a shrug and a, “I don’t know.”
Currently, you were sat at your windowsill, watching the snow fall with a frown. You were disappointed you hadn’t seen him in weeks, even after he told you that he’d be sure to see you again. It made you frustrated but sad at the same time, and you didn’t even know /why/.
The land of Snezhnaya was already covered in a thin layer of snow as you slipped on your boots and coat, walking towards the town full of people and the market, where you had met that blue-haired stranger.
As you walked through the crowds, ducking away from people and hitting shoulders, you saw something. A glimpse of blue hair. You almost screamed his name, if you had thought he’d hear you over all the talking, though. As you ran towards him, bumping into strangers who stared at you with an annoyed expression or a sneer, you noticed what booth he was standing at.
The flower stand, decorated in all its glory from the first time you had seen it with the same exact man. You grabbed his wrist, looking up at his mask.
“Hi,” you said with a soft smile, eyes lighting up with excitement.
“Ah, hello,” he returned your smile, handing over some mora to the woman behind the booth before holding up a satchel of something you couldn’t see. “I wanted to find you, but I guess you had other ideas.” Dottore teased, grabbing your hand and walking you to a less crowded area.
“Where have you been?” You inquired, tilting your head slightly with interest.
“I had to work in Sumeru for a moment in time,” he looked down at his feet, frowning. “I apologize for not finding you or warning you I would not be here.” His voice dropped a little quieter as he apologized, and you just stared at him.
“I didn’t mind, really,” you insisted, even though it was clearly a lie. You had waited on him, and he /wasn’t even here/. “You’re here now, and that’s what matters,” you smiled.
“I suppose you are right,” he grinned, looking back up at you, “how are the flowers doing?”
“Amazing,” you said cheerily, taking his hand in yours. “I have something to show you,”
“Then, by all means, lead the way.”
#dottore x reader#dottore#genshin impact#genshin x reader#genshin x yn#genshin x gn reader#dottore x gn reader#genshin fluff#genshin x gender neutral reader#genshin dottore#genshin x you#dottore fluff#genshin impact fatui#dottore x you#dottore x y/n
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OKAY YEAA i'm sending more. 11, 12, 22, 29 :^) remind me not to send any asks at 5:30 am or something ever again i don't think my brain functioned properly at that moment BBFBGNBFBFB
@roseeway — [ OTP/SHIP ASKS ]
LIVE 👏 YOUR 👏 TRUTH 👏 The world needed to hear me talk about Max's weak pull-out game in Detective AU
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Faith, in general, has a tendency to bottle everything up and push herself to put others first. She's not good at asking for help or letting herself be vulnerable in front of others. Not to mention the guilt she feels over being a nuisance to the people she cares about. She has an image she must maintain, she has to be The Captain, and The Captain needs to be able to hold it together.
Once they're getting closer, especially after her Death Wish Arc, Max is able to pick up on when she's starting to do worse. In the way she talks, the way she withdraws herself more than usual, the ways she isn't taking care of herself. He knows she doesn't always like to talk, but he will do things to ensure she knows she isn't alone in ways that won't completely overwhelm her.
Post-Scylla Max takes being open and honest with her much more seriously. Talking isn't as difficult for him, but when it's with her he begins finding enough comfort to let himself be seen, understood, loved, and taken care of proper.
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Honestly? Not really. Most of the time they're rather in tune with each other much more than they ever expected. Their personalities and general attitudes make it rather easy for them to bounce off of each other. He's fascinated with her and respects her, and she values his insight and perspectives greatly.
The first time he ever raised his voice at her in frustration was when she gave him the journal and the walls came crumbling down for the first time. She did not react kindly to it and grabbed him by the collar and told him to never fucking talk to her like that ever again. And he didn't.
The second time he ever raised his voice was after he carried her back to the ship at the end of her Death Wish Arc. After Ellie looked her over and patched her up, Max remained by her bedside. When Faith woke up, she was very avoidant about what happened and tried to play it off nonchalantly, but it struck a nerve with Max. Before he could think about it he was being very stern, and Faith had to face the consequences head on how serious the entire ordeal was and how much it affected him and the crew. It was the first time she broke down and was truly vulnerable in front of Max. She didn't tell him everything, not yet, but she confided in him enough to change the course of their relationship forever.
The last time they got into a real argument was during their kerfuffle in Fallbrook. I think we all know what happens here, and I've talked enough about her making her heart known just for him to break it and push her away out of guilt, fear, and shame. Sparking the entire ordeal of when she runs away to Devil's Peak Station and finds unplanned solace in Hiram. The smoothing over doesn't necessarily happen until their Reciprocation and Reconciliation night on Scylla. But again.. I can gush about all that another day because y'all already know I never shut the hell up about their Fallbrook and Scylla Arcs.
22. What reminds each of their partner?
Books, tossball, OSI trinkets, Free Range Fixer, mock apples, whiskey, pens and parchment, her locket, the color blue, those are of some of the things that remind Faith of Max.
Books, tools, trinkets, schematics, sweets, rum, the stars in the void, sprats, fairy lights, hot tea, the color red, accessories, she's a bit more mysterious, but Max picks up quick on the kinds of things she likes and commits those details to memory whether he means to or not.
29. Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
Neither of them honestly. They're both the ones freaking out.
Despite how many elevators Faith has to use in Halcyon, she really doesn't like them all that much. She can get motion sick rather easily and elevators make her feel queasy and nervous, but it's not something she's going to make known.
I think Max would get pissed if someone was jumping in the elevator.
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Name: Luminara Flutterwing
Age: 17 in fairy years
Monster Parent: The Butterfly Queen
Killer Style: Iridescent dresses that change color with the light and my mood, paired with combat boots to stay grounded.
Freaky Flaw: I'm a bit flighty and sometimes get carried away by a gentle breeze.
Pet: A hummingbird named Buzz. He's as fast and energetic as I am!
Favorite Activity: Pollinating flowers and creating shimmering light shows at dusk.
Biggest Pet Peeve: When people leave their trash in beautiful natural places.
Fav School Subject: Botany. It's fascinating to learn about different plants and how they grow!
Least Fav Subject: History. It's hard to keep track of events when you live in the moment like I do.
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When a Winter Fairy is Your Best Friend.
It was a sunny day, perfect for lights fairies to work, it was 12pm, meaning the sun was at the perfect moment for light fairies to help garden fairies with the light, all of them were working, the day was going normal, all of the fairies tend to work together, by little teams, since it is easier and also more entertaining for them, a few had to help, there was this one exception, Light Fairy Matthew, he often helped garden fairies, but today it seemed nobody really needed him, he went down, and sat to just try to not feel so lonely that day, he was thinking a little too much everything about him and his light talent, “The rainbow I made last time was not as colorful…” he thought, and like that many thoughts came in.
A little noise made him turn to the side… it was one of the message fairies “Message for you Matthew! Have a nice day.” “Thank you!” Matthew opened up the little letter, it was written in light blue and it felt cold, just by this feeling a wide smile on Matthew’s face appeared because he knew what it meant.
“Matthew!! I am waiting for you at the barrier, I have extra free time today, I also have a little present for you. - jiwoong.”
Matthew felt so happy to see his best friend, mostly when he was feeling so sad and unseen. Frost Fairy Jiwoong was a winter fairy. He made sure all the stations were protected when winter came in and also made ice crystals. Jiwoong and Matthew became friends one day at the changing station from winter to spring, a new Light Fairy Matthew who was just starting as Light Fairy was melting ice crystals, he was fascinated by the look of everything since it was his first time being there, he heard a subtle laugh behind him, “Do you like those? Those are ice crystals, made by first fairies like me.” “And how do you make them?” “After we end here I will show you, do you know where the winter barrier is?” Matthew just confidently nodded to then think to himself that he actually did not know what any of those words meant. “I will see you later…” “Matthew! My name is Matthew.” “I am Jiwoong! I will see you later Matthew!” That day Matthew continued to do his job for the changing station. After the day went, he tried his best to ask other fairies how to arrive at the winter barrier. After getting lost a few times, he arrived. “Are you looking for something here, warm fairy?” The king of winter fairies was there, kindly asking him. “I am looking for Jiwoong.” “Let me cover your wings with glitter so they don’t break, if you feel too cold, leave immediately.” Matthew walked looking at everything like it was the best thing he's ever seen. “You are here.” Matthew turned around to see Jiwoong, “Come here, I will show you what you asked.” That night without even realizing they spent it together feeling like they already knew each other for a long time.
Back in the present, Matthew arrived at the barrier, Jiwoong was already there. He covered Matthew’s wings, and started flying away. “I found a great story you will like.” “That’s the present?” “That and other thing I made, come here.” They entered Jiwoong’s little house, Jiwoong handed Matthew a book, and a little diary “Here! You could write whatever goes in that smart head of yours and even show me if you want!, also here.” Jiwoong handed Matthew a little bottle of perfume “This has a cold scent, just for you!” Matthew started reading the book Jiwoong handed out, making little additions from time to time, while Jiwoong paid all the attention in the world to his friend.
Jiwoong also went to the warm side from time to time, with the help of the inventions of Tinker Fairy Ricky, but most of the time Matthew visited the winter side, he did this so often most winter fairies knew his name and who he was. Having a winter fairy as best friend was the best for Matthew, he always discovered something new to learn.

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Additional information about my trainersona.
Let's start with relatives
Her parents, as of right now, are nameless at the moment. So I'll start with her sibling. (Remember, most of this is not related to me, irl)
Siblings: 1 brother (younger)
Name: William
Age: young adult
Gender: male
Specializes in: Normal Types
Dream: To be a pokemon historian
Current location: somewhere in the Unova region
Bio: William is Meagan's little brother, as children, they've protected each other, now as adults they went their own paths. Meagan is still debating her path while her brother's is clearer. He moved to the Unova region to learn more about the history of pokemon and has traveled to other regions.
Now for the cousin and uncle (bare in mind, this is not cannon to the games or anime)
Cousins: 1 known cousin, but his name will come as a shock.
Name: Guzma (Yes, I'm making Guzma the cousin. Again, this isn't cannon.)
Age: young adult (his real age is unknown)
Gender: Male
Specializes in: Bug types
Current location: Alola region
Relation with my trainersona: His father is the brother of Meagan's dad.
Bio: After changing his ways and disbanded Team Skull, Guzma got better with his family and has helped young trainers get stronger. At one point, he got a surprise from his cousins who wanted to visit Alola for vacation. He caught up with them and is happy that William became interested in alolan history. He even introduced some of his old friends from Team Skull, who are now helping Alola their own way. Meagan even teased him if he liked Plumeria.
Now, the last relative that I should mention is a member of the Elite Four of Kalos, and that relative is her uncle Wikstrom!!
Name: Wikstrom
Age: Adult (probably in his 50s, I'm guessing)
Gender: Male
Specializes in: Steel Types
Current location: Kalos Region
Relation to my trainersona: He's the younger brother of Meagan's mom.
Bio: As a member of the Elite Four of Kalos and a Duke at the Battle Chateau, he is one of Kalos' strongest trainers. But every spring, he hosts a festival called Knight Fest (similar to a Renaissance festival in the real world). Meagan helps her uncle prepare for it every year ever since she was a little girl. He doesn't consider her a princess, but he calls her his little mage due to her fascination with psychic and ghost types. (I didn't want to use little witch cause it's too close to bitch)
Now, for Meagan's interests.
Interests: Like her uncle, Meagan is interested in the medieval world of pokemon as well as the many myths that pokemon influenced the world. When she was a toddler, she dressed as a small fairy cause her mother wanted her to be cute. But as Meagan grew older, she moved to the mage aspect cause of the nickname her uncle gave her. Despite her taste in music, she does branch out into other pieces of music that she finds interesting. Her style changes depending on her mood. So we'll be talking about her aesthetics and musical tastes (wish I did this in her bio)
Musical tastes: She likes slowcore, goth rock, and gloomy trip-hop as her choice in her musical performances, but the music she normally doesn't play is pop music, zen music and fantasy music, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like those genres. She just doesn't do that type of music on stage.
Aesthetics: Meagan can sometimes wear street clothes and gothic attire (like the hex maniac), but she'll wear light colors and, of course, wears her own mage outfit that she wears for either Knight Fest, larps, or plays Dungeons and Pokémon. (similar to Dungeons and Dragons) she doesn't wear the same uniform as the rest of Lady Olympia's students cause Olympia said she's fine as she is. She is also not going to be forced to wear bulky gear by the Pokémon Protection Agency. That's for the Squad Force of the agency and the hired Pokémon Rangers.
That's all I have for now, I'll add in those other 3 characters in future Pokémon fanfictions after the second part of My Nightshade.
Elfmoon3 out!
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Perhaps it was not the most flattering image for a bustling business like this: a scruffy, intimidating figure loomed outside, an oversized hobo with disheveled brunette locks and tattered clothes that seemed to swallow his massive frame. He stood in stark contrast to the gleaming glass façade of the confectionery, where delightful treats were artfully arranged in vibrant displays. As he peered wide-eyed through the large window, the rich, sugary aroma wafting from within danced tantalizingly in the air. Each time a customer passed, the fragrance enveloped them, but they often cast furtive glances at the hobo, hastening their steps and whispering under their breaths, a mixture of concern and unease painted on their faces.
In an unexpected moment, the beggar finally resolved to step inside the confectionery. Towering over Honey, he stared at her, bewildered and curious. His voice, barely above a whisper, emerged from his chapped lips, "Did… Did you really make all of this?"
The air around them thickened with intrigue, drawing the attention of those nearby, who watched with a mixture of fascination and apprehension.
It's the sort of dichotomy you typically see in dramatic works of art: the stark contrast of things light, smooth, colorful and lively against a shape dark and imposing, rough angles and tattered edges—a contrast which becomes even more obvious as he braves the venture in and stands in perfect parallel to the saccharine sprite whose labors built the wonderland around them.
Towering, indeed: he stands more than head-and-shoulders over the fairy (in her humbler form); where he is "scruffy," all bulk and roughhewn, she is almost surreally pristine. Thick golden curls which spill over shoulders, not a hair out of place—all round shapes and delicate adornment—and long lashes over lavender eyes.
Eyes that blink at him, once, before an effortless smile curls her lips; all but aglitter with pride.
❝ You betcha'! Hehe... ❞ Preen preen preen. It wasn't the first time someone had reacted so, but that didn't change how nice it felt to hear; to see. ❝ —well, actually, giving credit where it's due: my little helpers do lend me a hand (or rather: paw) with some of the prep-work and ingredient management, but they don't quite have the dexterity to roll and layer phyllo dough, or temper chocolate. So it's up to me to make that magic happen. ❞
❝ See anything that caught your eye, Mr. tall-deep-and-dusky? Or did you maybe want to have a better look around? ❞
#dichotomouskey#answered.#kingdom hearts.#( dubious onlookers are weak and will not inherit the earth. )#( honey literally could not care any less. everyone is welcome. ESPECIALLY when that someone's stroking her ego. )#( queue. )#( ...also hi :0) )
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Shadows and Starlight
Book 43: Malakar's Magical Bedtime Story
It was bedtime for baby Aurora in the cavern lair of Malakar, the sorcerer and something that Malakar had grown to love doing every night since Malakar had saved her from the dingy tower was to tell her bedtime stories.
The bedtime stories that Malakar told varied every night. Some nights he told fairytales, other nights he told her fables and tall tales, and other times, he would tell her stories that he improvised himself.
Tonight was no different.
Tonight, while Aurora was doing some last-minute playtime in her night clothes on the floor of her bedroom, Malakar was scanning the bookshelf for the perfect bedtime story.
“Now,” he said to himself, “what story shall we read tonight?” He flipped through the collection of books on the nearby shelf.
He picked up the books and inspected their covers.
Paul Bunyan? No.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf? Nah.
Cinderella? No way.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears? No, that story had been told three times already.
Then, he picked up an indigo-colored book and inspected its cover.
It depicted a princess about to prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel, her expression a mix of curiosity and trepidation.
"Ah," he said, "here’s a good one."
Book in hand, Malakar picked up little Aurora and sat her on his lap while he sat in the rocking chair.
“Aurora,” Malakar said, settling into the chair as it swayed back and forth, "tonight’s story is all about a beautiful princess, a spinning wheel, a wicked fairy, and the curse of eternal sleep."
The sorcerer opened the book and Aurora made herself comfortable, suckling on the evening bottle that Malakar had prepared for her earlier. Now, something else he grew to love to do while telling Aurora these stories was to use his magic to make the illustrations of the stories come to life, making the story come alive as he read.
"Once upon a time," Malakar began, "in a kingdom far away, there lived a king and queen who longed for a child. Their wish was granted, and soon, a beautiful princess was born. She was named Aurora, just like you my dear. She was named after the dawn, for she brought light and joy to the kingdom."
As he read, the image of the king and queen appeared in the air before them, their faces glowing with happiness as they held their newborn daughter in their arms. Aurora’s dark olive eyes widened, fascinated by the moving figures that seemed to leap off of the pages of the book.
"The twelve good fairies of the kingdom have been invited to the christening celebrations," continued Malakar, making the images of the fairies appear in front of them, "they each offered their magical gifts of beauty, wisdom, and happiness to the little princess. However, just as the twelfth fairy was about to present her gift to the baby, the thirteenth and wicked fairy, who had not been invited to the celebration, appeared and placed a terrible curse on the princess. She declared that when the princess reached her sixteenth birthday, she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die."
At these words, the image of the thirteenth wicked fairy emerged, her dark cloak billowing around her as she cast her spell while floating above the royal cradle. The room seemed to grow colder, the shadows deepening, but Malakar's presence remained a comforting constant, and Aurora was safely snug in his arms.
"However, all was not lost," said Malakar, "though she could not completely undo the evil fairy's spell, the twelfth fairy had the power to soften to spell. The spell was changed that so when Aurora had pricked her finger, she would not die. Instead, she would fall into a deep sleep that would last until a king's son would come and awaken her. When the celebration was over, the king issued a proclamation, or a rule, that demanded that every spinning wheel in the kingdom would be burned, so that the princess would never prick her finger… or, so they thought."
The image of the spinning wheels burning in a glowing bonfire appeared in front of them. Aurora watched with wide eyes, her little mouth forming a perfect ‘o’.
Malakar continued the story, "Sixteen years passed and Princess Aurora grew into a beautiful young lady who was loved by everyone. However, on the princess's sixteenth birthday, she wandered around the castle until she came across a little room at the top of the tower where a lone spinning wheel sat."
The scene shifted to the princess walking towards the spinning wheel, reaching her hand out to touch the sharp spindle. Malakar's magic made the scene so vivid that Aurora could almost hear the fast whirring of the spinning wheel.
"But," said Malakar, "no sooner had Aurora touched the spindle, that the evil fairy's prophecy was fulfilled. A small drop of blood fell onto the floor and the spell began to take its effect. The princess Aurora laid down on the bed that was in the room and fell into a deep sleep, from which no one could wake her up. When the twelfth fairy heard the news, she decided to put the entire kingdom to sleep until Aurora awakened so that she would not be all alone when the spell would eventually break. Then, to protect the castle, the fairy cast a spell that covered the castle in intertwining brambles and thorns. There, the castle remained that way for a long time."
Baby Aurora's eyelids fluttered as she drifted in and out of consciousness listening to the story and watching as the twelfth fairy put everyone in the palace, including the king and queen, to sleep at the touch of her wand. Between the sound of her father's melodious voice, the gentle swaying of the rocking chair, and the images of everyone in the palace sinking off to sleep, it was as if she too was falling asleep along with them.
Malakar noticed and kissed her forehead. He placed the empty bottle on the bedside table and burped her gently before continuing the story. Aurora snuggled up to her father's chest and clutched onto his robes.
"However, just as the twelfth fairy had promised," said Malakar, a hint of promise in his voice, "a handsome and charming prince called Caspian, came riding along on his beautiful, white, horse. He had heard about the story of the sleeping beauty and was determined to break the spell."
The scene changed, showing Prince Caspian riding on a white horse and his sword gleaming in the light. He hacked his way through the forest of brambles and thorns until he made his way into the castle. "He made his way across the castle and up the winding staircase until he reached the castle and spotted Aurora sleeping peacefully on the bed. The second he saw her, he was instantly in love. Then, he placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand."
The scene showed Caspian confessing his love to Aurora before planting a gentle kiss. As the kiss was planted, Aurora's eyes fluttered open, and like Caspian, the second she saw him, she fell in love.
"It was because of that kiss," said Malakar, "that the spell of the thirteenth wicked fairy was broken and the princess awoke. She had waited a long time for Caspian to come, for she had met him in the dreams the fairies had bestowed upon her while locked in her spell. Soon, the palace came back to life as everyone woke up and carried on as if nothing had happened. The forest of brambles and thorns disappeared and the castle was now covered in freshly bloomed flowers."
The scene changed once more, showing Princess Aurora and Prince Caspian getting married, the two of them dressed in gorgeous white and cream-colored wedding attire. The king and queen looked on with pride and the twelve good fairies hovering over them. A shower of flower petals cascaded in front of them and the sound of wedding bells rang throughout the room.
Malakar concluded, with a soft voice, "When the king and queen heard about their daughter's love for the prince, the two were married just a few days later in a grand ceremony. The kingdom rejoiced and the wedding receptions lasted well into the night as you could already guess, nobody went to bed that night for no one was the slightest bit tired. And so, Princess Aurora, Prince Caspian, and everyone throughout the land lived happily ever after. The End."
The sorcerer closed the book and the room returned to its soft, warm glow.
"You see Aurora," whispered Malakar, brushing a stray auburn curl from Aurora's face, "this story proves that true love can overcome anything, even the darkest of curses." He looked at little Aurora, who was now sound asleep, resting her body on her father's chest.
"But you, little star," he murmured, "will never need a prince to protect you… not yet, anyway. You have me, and I will always be here to keep you safe."
Malakar placed the book back on the shelf with a wave of his hand and laid Aurora gently in her cradle, tucking her in and placing the stuffed duck, that had been discarded on the floor, under Aurora's arm. The baby clutched it close to her chest and smiled gently in her sleep.
“Sleep well, my little princess,” he whispered, "May your dreams be as sweet as the tales we share each night."
Dimming the oil lantern next to her cradle just a touch, Malakar quietly left the room, leaving Aurora to dream well into the quiet night, just as the princess did in the story.
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For Honor [Samurai!Yamada Ichiro/Reader] - Chapter 1
Having a handsome bodyguard wasn’t a negative.
You had rejected the idea of hiring someone outside of your normal circle, why couldn’t you simply be protected by the guards you’ve come to know rather than a total stranger? Once it had been explained that you needed someone who knew the terrain much better you had quieted down, knowing that defying your parents would only make it worse on you. You were to go to a neighboring kingdom through an off the road path with only this bodyguard, your parents swore he had a great reputation, to your new husband. You wouldn’t be married as of yet, this was supposed to simply be a test, but you hadn’t been too fond of the idea.
You didn’t care enough to fight it, however.
You set off in the early morning hours without even seeing your bodyguards face as you’re escorted into the covered wagon behind him by your father, who wishes you safe travels before handing you a large pack of food that should last you. There’s a change of clothes as well for you to change into once you’ve reached the castle, your looks should be impeccable upon first entering, though there are likely people waiting to do your make-up and such before you even catch a glimpse of the prince. First impressions were as important as your safety and you supposed it was lucky that you weren’t the fussy type of princess who would object to not arriving in style. The weather for the trip is at least cool enough that you don’t complain about being shoved into the back of an oversized wooden box, drawing the curtains to look out at the scenery when your imagination starts to bore you.
“What’s your name?”
“…Yamada Ichiro.” He didn’t strike you as the strong silent type but he hadn’t offered up much in the way of information since you first started traveling together hours ago, leaving you even more curious about him. You’d only seen the side of his face when he had turned to look towards rustling trees, analyzing a potential threat, spotting an interesting eye and a beauty mark right under it. “Are you uncomfortable?”
“I’m okay.”
“We’ll be stopping for the night soon, princess.”
After another hour passed the journey was on pause for the evening and you find yourself sitting directly next to Ichiro who had started a fire, saying you’d have to cook and warm up quick so he could put it out before you’re caught. He was making a small meal out of the rations your parents had packed for the two of you, feeding the horses nearby before returning to sit by your side. The sun hadn’t set quite yet which meant you had more of a chance to see your bodyguard’s face, gasping as you catch a glimpse of red and green.
“Are your eyes two different colors?” You reached over to grab his chin, turning his face towards yours so abruptly Ichiro nearly dropped the meat he was cooking into the fire. He’s clearly startled but you’re paying his facial expression no mind, instead peering deeply into his eyes with a fascination he’d seen on countless others. “They’re beautiful…”
“…You should ask for permission before grabbing someone like that.” Ichiro was fighting to keep a straight face, placing a rugged hand over yours and gently removing it from his face. You must not have been used to asking, simply doing as you wanted when you wanted because of your status, so he couldn’t fault you too much. It wasn’t a harmful action, but having his visual eccentricities pointed out always managed to embarrass him; it certainly had nothing to do with the fact it was a genetic factor that tied him strongly to a father he’d much rather forget.
He wasn’t used to beautiful women touching him either.
He couldn’t chase the thought of how soft your delicate hand was, especially when it was compared to his; when he had touched your hand earlier you had seemed surprised at the roughness, but that was the life of a swordsman. Before he’d become a samurai he had led a far less honorable life, one of hurting the innocent just for the sake of money, but he had turned himself around. His hands still felt like they were stained by the blood of those he should’ve been protecting rather than collecting money from but there was no point in staying in the past. If he hoped to ever make up all of his misdeeds then he’d have to keep moving forward, starting by taking care of his brothers and protecting those that needed help.
He had actually checked into your family before he’d taken up this job offer, knowing he couldn’t turn down his nose at money but if he were to help a family who was infamous, he would never forgive himself. You yourself had seemed pleasant enough in the short time he’d known you even if you had hardly talked, something that he predicted would be changing now.
“So, do you have a family? Tell me about them.”
“…I have two little brothers who are waiting for me at home.”
You nodded your head as Ichiro recalled some of his fonder memories he had with his brothers, talking about their shaky relationship but how he was sure they would protect each other when it truly came down to it. You can see the fondness for him shining through in his eyes which only made you feel a little more… confused. The love of his brothers was attractive, as was the fact he had turned such a bland meal into something edible. You could listen to this man talk for an eternity if you had to, another plus that he managed to tell stories in such a captivating way that didn’t have you bored to tears. The number of men that tried to woo you with the most basic tales of heroics were innumerable but the ones who talked so fondly of their family and their home were few and far in between.
Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed a flustered look on his face and Ichiro looked away.
“I didn’t mean to talk so much… I apologize.” He coughed into his hand, shifting uncomfortably on the ground as he tried to regain his composure. It wasn’t normal for him to be so thrown off by someone staring intently at him but there was something about your gaze that made him the slightest bit nervous.
“I feel like I could write on your life now. The great tales of Ichiro.” You smiled at him as you tried to steady your heart. “I didn’t mind listening to you at all.”
“My life is… hard to describe in simple terms. I’m sure you understand the sentiment.”
“I think my life is far more boring than yours!” You laughed, placing down the rest of your food. “I’ve been stuck within walls my entire life, the outside world is only books. I’ve done my best to speak with others from different walks of life but once they learn I’m a princess, they always become so stiff and formal. I much prefer someone who’ll freely speak about jumping in the mud on rainy days with their brothers rather than someone who thinks throwing big words at me will make me swoon.”
There was an implication there that Ichiro picked up on, that you were comparing him to those that had actively tried to woo you, and he was worried for a second that he was appearing more unprofessional than he’d like. He bowed his head again in an attempt to apologize but you held out your hand, patting the top of his head briefly before withdrawing.
“Sorry, I should ask to touch, right? But that’s a sign of affection, correct?”
“I- uh, yeah. I ruffle my brother’s hair all the time…” It was certainly different having you do that to him though, the vice like grip around his heart tightening further. You looked even more beautiful in the light of the setting sun, the fire highlighting your eyes; he had been speechless, antsy, when he had first laid eyes on you and he was thankful that you had given him a few hours to get his bearings together before you tried to talk to him. You had made such a strong impression upon him that he knew he wouldn’t be forgetting you soon; you reminded him of the princesses in old fairy tales that he would read to Saburo at night.
“Should we sleep? Are you joining me in the back?”
“I’ll keep watch out here.” Ichiro began the process of putting the fire out, helping you up the wagons steps the minute he’s done. He watched carefully as you settled yourself in before closing it up tightly, only the front portion with slightly parted curtains giving you a glimpse of the moon. You can hear him shuffling about as he wiped away any traces of the two of you being there before he settled himself on the front of the wagon, leaning back against the wood and allowing his eyes to slide shut.
You caught one last glimpse of your bodyguard before you fell asleep, hoping you’d get to ask him even more questions tomorrow.
#Yamada Ichiro#Ichiro Yamada#Hypnosis Mic#Hypnosis Microphone#Hypnosis Microphone Imagines#Hypnosis Mic Imagines#Hypnomic#Hypmic#Hypnosis Microphone x Reader#Yamada Ichiro x Reader#AU#Scenario#Female Reader
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Dream SMP characters and my interpretation of them:
-Techno: The smell of Dirt and soil,blood,wine and old books. Silk pillowcases,golden jewelry,mosaics,stained fingertips, grand staircases,scented candles,storyteller,lazy smiles, secretive,slow dancing,sad resting face,elegant language,cold weather,confident,doubts himself,philosophy, messy braids,glowdust flakes, poetry,graceful movements,neat and cursive handwriting, greek mythology, oriental music,pale skin,libraries,sarcasm, long-lasting friendships,quotes,frosted windows,layering clothes, know-it-all,rude but endearing,pile of papers,cherry blossoms,muted colors,overthinks everything,devotion,logical thinking,insomniac,scattered mind,castle walls,laid back,tired eyes,long debates,show over tell,lingering touches,rulebreaker, dirty palms,old movies freezing feet,old habits,late nights studying,early riser,skips meals,eye bags,tea with milk,velvet jackets,dimly lit by streetlights,ancient wood floors,flowy curtains,art museums, gravely morning voice,echos in the middle of nowhere,sleepy whispers,nostalgia everywhere,red lipstick stains,loves animal more than people,calm and quiet, healing stones,parked car conversations,sharp jaw,obsessed with memes,violins,doves, doves,floats instead of walks,unbroken promises,twisting and winding hair around fingers,nail biting, repeating phrases,mist secret scars,rumors,always wearing earphones,metaphorical, emotions fragile as a flower, speaks with his eyes,fluttery eyelashes,dog lover,forehead kisses,calligraphy,pretty knives,cares too much,lopsided grins,messy desks,talks for hours no,rolling his eyes all the time,powerful strides,wants to conquer the world,slender hands,good grades, dusty book covers,wax stamped envelopes,vintage mirrors
-Phil: The smell of cold air,pine trees and sandalwood.Dead birds and mothballs,stops on the sidewalk to make sure nobody is left behind,morning person,herbal teas,crows,eats breakfast outside,constellations,family portraits on walls, chirping and whistling,crime documentaries,cool father figure, graveyards,weeping angels,meteor shower,many friends but only a single close one,contagious laugh,fragile teacups,fog, early mornings,fuzzy blankets,springs of thyme,bare feet, empty streets,rosemary stems,flickering lanterns,burnt wood bowls,feather collector,antique silverware,a sky full of stars, skylights,torn pages,overstuffed bookshelves,makes you feel comfortable whenever you talk to him,organized,full of ideas, believes in magic,gives the best advice,lost in his own way, warm hugs,scrapbooks and bullet journals,old cars,soft features,daydreaming,bright eyes,getting lost in the woods,moonlight,self knitted sweaters, stargazing on tailgates,the universe,hand in hand with wandering hearts, garage sales,questioning life but feeling at peace,attic bedrooms and haylofts,pursuing science and desiring art, photo albums,hopeless romantic,dark chocolate,open windows and quirky morning rituals,actually knows what brunch is, succulents,a kind-hearted loner,free-spirit,plaid button-ups, always ready to let you rant,abandons projects quickly, complicated past,bold moves,goes with the flow,aims for things that seem unachievable,lives in extremes,knowing smiles,constantly busy with something new,soft touches,love at first sight,naps alot,subsequent tea stains,sparkly eyes, abandoned barns,handwritten notes,feather quills,fascination with the sky,whispering secrets to the wind,great with kids, takes a backpack everywhere,hugs trees,big winter coats,road trips,knows tons of medical info,bites his nails,comforting presence,lost souls,city lights from a high rise
-Wilbur: The smell of fire,smoke,caramel and coffee. Stands up for people who can't for themselves,emotional wreck,loves his family too much but still yells at them,soft turtlenecks,sits in different spots every time he eats dinner,chipped nailpolish, songwriter,probably depressed,wakes up in the middle of the night to write down random thoughts,heartbroken teenager songs,dark psychology and deep meanings,globes and maps, wants to travel and make lots of memories,curls of steam, earbuds in,spattered ink,good singer,keeps to himself,old music and dusty vinyl,the type of person that you could stare at for hours,loud laugh,ride or die,dreams about his future, believes in fresh starts and new beginnings, messy and tangled hair,summer nights,soft features,deep thinker and dimples, having crushes,musicals and theater, half finished diaries and laptop stickers,mixtapes,quirky love notes, secretly kinda insane,always ready for coffee,thrift shops, beachy waves, bonfires,probably drives too fast,cutoff jeans, cream and sugar,nude colors,always creating new problems for himself, fights for equality,long debates and tired eyes, tapping a rhythm and humming quietly,spends all his time on social media,beanie galore,trench coats,foggy glasses,cozy sweaters, dancing around his room to the Beatles,looking out the window when the sun is setting,birkenstocks,guitar strumming on a warm summer evening,bells and chimes,subtle sadness, the feeling of diving into a deep pool,perfect proportions,too many playlists,holding hands,pretty boy,sew on patches and bomber jackets,candid photos,warm sun on bare skin,dancing silhouettes on the sunsets,beach walks at midnight,messy but cozy room,different mood every minute,singing his favorite song at the top of his lungs,sharp grins,haunted houses, paranormal stuff,late night snack runs with friends,explores creeks and lakes,double checks everything he does,walking through hot sand,backyard campfires,acoustic songs,photo booths,train platforms at night,s'mores,sun bleached arbors
-Tommy: The smell of plastic,fresh cut grass and musk. Does the bare minimum at School,unless genuinely interested in a topic,doodles on the side of his paper,movie marathons,empty coca cola bottles everywhere,rope swings,glossy nailpolish,lots of energy,life of the party, kidcore ,can always make you laugh,loves photography,eyestrain and bright colors,bruised knees and untied shoelaces,paperballs in class,brand new red converse,denim jackets,pins and clips,chalk drawings in the middle of the road,every text contains emojis, garden sprinklers,graffiti,wreck this journal,vibrant dyed hair, scribbles and highlighter pens,carnivals,involed in many things, watermelon flavored anything,loves to climb trees,screaming on playgrounds,oversized t-shirts,stained glass windows, anklets,skateboards and hula hoops,milkshakes on the front porch,social butterfly,always in a hurry,pinkie promises,tangled headphones,melted crayons and gummy bears,bean bags and hummingbirds,spinning around till he gets dizzy,chaotic and crazy yet so fun to be around,rushing into things too quickly, roller coasters and derbies,doesn't get knocked back by criticism,cans of fizzy drinks and neon lights,skips school,tye dye shirts and nitendo games,impulse and class clown,sticks stickers on stranger's things,pickpockets his close friends,has to carry a walkie-talkie around with him at all times,sleepovers and sneaking out through windows,pockets full of change and random buttons,stands out in crowds and makes friends easily, pretends to be fearless but is scared of the littlest things,trips and rips his jeans daily,uno cards,social butterfly,music discs, fights with his family but would actually kill for them,broken handwriting,flannels and jerseys around his waist
-Tubbo: The smell of honey,fresh bread and citrus. Lowkey soft, hugging a teddy bear,pressed flowers,eats alot of bread,big hoodies,fairy lights and blanket forts,prank calls while holding in your laughter,beeswax candles,sidewalk dandelions,gentle cuddles on the couch,pastel yellow and cute doodles,flower crowns and diasy chains,plays the ukulele,fascinated by bees and supports local coffee shops,outdoorsy sunshine addict, sparklers and iced lemonade,festivals with fireworks and fireflies in mason jars,homework done as soon as its assigned, watercolor paintings,giggling uncontrollably,long hugs and lazy cartoon afternoons,park dates and forehead kisses,cutting pants into shorts,messy wild hair and pear lollipops,has tiny random braids decorated with golden yarn,hearing the crinkle of leaves underfoot,suprise piggy back rides,adult swim shows and lip gloss stains,being goofy without meaning to,bounces in his step and stops to pet stray animals,baked bread and washi tape bracelets,bike rides and summer picnics,rolling down a hill in the spring and bringing home grass stains on his jeans, waving at someone across a crowded room,spontaneous hang outs and self made clay rings,sitting in the warm sunlit grass on early spring mornings,rock painting and hiding them for other people to find,picking apples from trees but needing to be held up in order to reach one
-Ranboo: The smell of peppermint tea,denim and rain. Is there for everyone but never themselves,regrets things they said but can never find the nerves to apologize,clumps of mascara and winged eyeliner,writes down every tiny thing in notebooks, loves children and their friends,forgetting that they already grabbed a waterbottle,drawing on condensation windows,rainy days and puddles,always on the edge of a breakdown,elevator music and long limbs,old tape recordings and cassettes,moss covered ruins and greenhouses,wanting to be in multiple places at the same time,different colored socks,long hugs and head pats,reading under the covers,collages and spray paint,record players and walks alone through the woods,loves playing by creeks and collecting stones,always wondering and worrying about things they shouldn't,vivid dreams and leather jackets, silver necklaces and piercings,snoozing their alarm clock, seeing the moon in the early morning,blurry photographs and windswept hair,downpours and comfortable silence,wrapping gifts and handing them over with shaking hands,sitting on a rooftop and spontaneous plans,lofi sounds and long train roads,deja vu moments,randomly dissapears and sipping tea, cold concrete and city parks,tickets and brochures from places they visited,dusty parchment and desperately trying to be a good person,wikipedia articles and lace-up boots,often loses track of time while talking to people they love,sings to the radio and avoids conflict if possible,can't sit still for five minutes, perpetually in an emo phase and knows more than they let on, hawaiian shirts,henna tattoos and sparkling water,sleeping in complete darkness and the relief of falling into bed,midnight thunderstorms and anticipation for the coming day,lucky charms and the sound of rain hitting the windows
-Dream: The smell of apples,eucalyptus,vanilla and green tea. Freckles and smiley faces,glow sticks and wrinkled linen, probably a really good singer,wild laughter and jellyfish, popular,tanned skin and cruising with the top down,doesn't take shit from anyone,analytical and self assured,beachy waves and dreamy sunsets,running barefoot,likes being active and on the go at all times,sassy and dramatic as fuck,dream catchers and hammocks,glow in the dark stickers on his phonecase, feisty and a sense of danger,brought home stray cats when he was a child,falling in love with strangers,waking up early and continue laying on the bed,golden hours and 4pm naps,soft aching hands burried in messy hair,center of attention,static and heavy breathing,old percy jackson books under the bed, throwing pebbles at the closed windows of his friends' room, retro diners at 2am,adrenaline junkie and nighttime thriver,will go insane if cooped up indoors for too long,deadlines till last minute,oversleeping and coming home past midnight,naturally a really good surfer,hugs from behind and neck kisses,checking the fridge at 1am,ice cream in bed and cat cuddles,always picks up over facetime
Might make more parts for some of the other guys :)
#mcyt#minecraft youtubers#minecraft#tommyinnit#dreamsmp#wilbursoot#philza#mcytblr#sbi#technoblade#dream#dreamwastaken#ranboo#tubbo#moon is back with all of his awesomeness losers#long post
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The Flower Thief
A young boy comes to Hyrule and meets a princess with a terrible destiny.
Or, Ganondorf visits Hyrule for the first time as a child and falls in love with the green and beautiful land, even as he is warned away by the woman who will become Zelda’s mother.
This story was written for Ties of Time, an Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask fanzine, which you can find on Twitter (here). The story is also (on AO3).
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Ganondorf had never been beyond the mountains separating the desert from the plains. The road from the fortress to the waystation was, if not well-traveled, safe enough for a child in the company of an escort. He’d crossed the bridge leading to the canyon pass a few times, always pausing to peer down through the railings at the great river rushing along the gully below, but this was the first time he was allowed to accompany a caravan through the Gerudo Valley pass and into Hyrule.
He thought he knew what to expect from Hyrule. He’d heard all manner of stories from travelers, and he was given Hylian books to study as he learned the language. Yet as the red earth and dry gravel gave way to healthy swards of grass, he could not open his eyes wide enough to take it all in. There was so much green, so much luxury.
The climate changed as the caravan traveled east. The mornings were cool but not cold, and the days were warm but not hot. The sun was veiled by clouds that drifted like floating islands across the blue sea of the sky, dappling the light into gentle shadows.
Ganondorf was not prepared for the rain. Everyone took notice when the afternoon became dark and the air grew heavy, but no one seemed concerned. He was familiar with the storms that pummeled the open desert, fierce and veined with jagged lightning, and he was afraid of what the blanket of clouds might portend. He was even more afraid of the disdain of the adults, however, so he held his tongue. If he cried when the first drops fell on his skin, each tiny splash as soft as the finest silk, his tears went unremarked.
Vast fields spread before him as they rode east. Brightly colored wildflowers pushed their way through the tall grass on leafy stems, and the wind was fragrant with the sweet smell of growing things. The caravan turned north at the first ranch they encountered, skirting along the low fence marking its perimeter. Ganondorf was amazed to find that the crooked and neglected fenceposts were made of wood. He realized that, to the local farmers, timber must be far more common than stone. As their party joined the main road, the trees grew larger and the flowers became even more colorful. The early summer greenery seemed almost blasphemous in its profusion. Stalks of young wheat swayed in the breeze, and cows dotted the rolling plains.
At last, upon ascending the crest of a low hill, Ganondorf saw Hyrule Castle, its spires stretching bravely into the sky. This architectural feat would have been impossible in the desert, where the gale winds would quickly strip the tiles from the towers if lightning didn’t strike them first. The town spilling down from the castle walls was just as bold. Roads and houses spread along the wide valley of a river with no regard for how disaster might strike and send the water roiling from its banks at any given change of the weather. Hyrule was, he thought, a miracle.
Once the road approaching the castle town began to grow crowded, one of Ganondorf’s aunts pulled him aside as they watered their horses. “You must dress as we do,” she said. “The people of this kingdom are guided by superstition, and they will not look kindly on someone that they cannot fit into the stories they tell themselves. You will be in danger if anyone learns that you are different from us, and we may not always be able to protect you,” she warned him as she twisted his hair into a high ponytail and secured it with a jeweled band.
Taking care not to be noticed, Ganondorf exchanged his robes for loose pants and a sleeveless tunic. He had learned to appreciate being seen as special, but there had always been a part of him that wanted to dress like the girls his age. The thought occurred to him that perhaps it was only in Hyrule that he could be normal. Ganondorf resolved to use this situation to his advantage. He would break off from the group as soon as it was expedient to do so.
The women shed their travel cloaks in Castle Town as they merged into the throng of people converging in the central market plaza. Zora and Gorons jostled for place among the Hylians in front of the stalls, and Ganondorf spotted the leafy foliage of a few Deku Scrubs and even the broad shoulders of a Moblin. Almost no one paid any mind to the group of Gerudo that gradually split apart as they went their separate ways. A few people paused to cast glances in their direction, especially men, and Ganondorf’s companions seemed to enjoy the attention.
Ganondorf kept his own cloak drawn around his narrow shoulders. The bearded faces of Hylian men were strange to his eyes. He was disturbed by their large and clumsy hands, whose thick fingers sprouted coarse hair. Ganondorf didn’t want to attract their notice, and he was much more interested in seeing than being seen. He watched a team of laborers eating at the base of a tree emerging from the paving stones of the plaza, throwing their breadcrusts into a bed of flowers overgrown with weeds. In an alley leading away from the market, a woman emerged from her townhouse to throw water onto the cobblestones before whisking the puddle into a drain with a broom. And then, wonder of wonders, a fountain burbled its lazy jet of water toward the sky with no other purpose than to provide a pleasant breeze for the cat napping on its stone rim.
All of this was fascinating, yet Ganondorf was not satisfied. He wanted to see something even more rare and beautiful. If the town below the castle was filled with marvels, he could scarcely imagine what treasures might be contained within the castle itself.
It was not difficult to sneak past the guards posted along the outer wall. They were slow and he was small. Just to be safe, Ganondorf used his modest measure of magic to quiet his footsteps while shifting the color of his cloak to reflect his surroundings. He had a fair amount of practice evading the watchful eyes of his mothers and aunts, and he liked to think he was skilled at avoiding detection. Or perhaps it was simply the case that the soldiers standing at the castle gates did not expect anyone to enter. Perhaps they assumed that no one would dare.
The courtyard on the other side of the outer wall was surprisingly pedestrian. Wooden crates were piled near the servant entrances, and a small moat ran between uneven patches of grass that had been trampled by men and horses alike. Ganondorf challenged himself to make his way beyond the castle’s inner wall, which was somewhat trickier but not beyond his abilities. There wasn’t much to be seen here either, nothing more than a few narrow walkways lined with mossy stones sunken into the spongy earth between overgrown shrubs.
Ganondorf was disappointed. The curving rows of proud cypress trees surrounding the Gerudo fortress and the tiled mosaics glittering under its shaded awnings were much more impressive. Ganondorf paused at a muddy puddle lingering in the shadow of the castle’s mold-spotted wall. He debated whether to continue on or turn back, wondering if perhaps Hyrule’s beauty lay more in its wilderness than its towns. He decided that he had seen what he’d come to see. There was no need to remain here.
As he turned, Ganondorf caught a breeze that carried a sweet fragrance unlike anything he’d ever encountered. Intrigued, he followed the scent along the inner wall of the castle until he found himself at the gate of a secluded courtyard garden.
Tall bushes with glossy leaves separated the garden from the bare stone of the castle walls. Each of the bushes bore a profusion of white flowers as large as his palm. The scent was stronger here – richer than jasmine and as fresh as the sky after the rain.
Before he was aware of what he intended to do, Ganondorf found himself slipping his knife from the sheath at his belt to cut the thick woody stem of one of the flowers, whose petals spread elegantly from the golden shimmer of the nectar at its center. He had never seen anything so beautiful before, and he wanted to hold it. He sliced through its stem and watched as tiny beads of sap welled from the incision. As he withdrew his hand, clutching the flower alongside his knife, Ganondorf heard the soft murmur of a woman’s voice, quiet but resonant.
“He’s a good man, I think,” the voice said as it grew louder. “My honored mother wouldn’t have chosen him if he weren’t, Hylia rest her soul. He’s kind, and he has a strong will. And that’s the problem; that’s precisely the problem. He will make a good king. But then what need will there be for a queen?”
Ganondorf watched as a young woman stepped into the garden. The deep chestnut of her hair was accented by her dress, which was dyed with an indigo as deep as the sky at twilight. A white-haired woman of the same age trailed along behind her, as silent as a shadow.
“Tensions are mounting at our borders,” the woman continued, “and Hyrule does not need a king. Hyrule needs peace. I will do what I can, yet I worry about the signs in the stars…”
Ganondorf knew he should flee, but the princess was so beautiful in her garden that he couldn’t help but stare. It was like a scene from a fairy tale. He was transfixed.
A moment later the spell was broken, but it was a moment too long. Ganondorf pulled his foot back to retreat, but the princess’s Sheikah attendant was on him like a cat at the slightest hint of movement.
“What have we here?” she murmured, her voice as soft as velvet. “Such a pretty girl, with such a sharp blade.” The Sheikah bent his hand so that the bones of his fingers twisted. Ganondorf dropped his knife but managed to hold on to the flower.
“A girl after my own heart,” the princess remarked with laughter in her voice. “Bring her closer, Impa, if you will.”
The Sheikah released Ganondorf, but not before giving his hand another painful squeeze. The warning in her touch was clear. Ganondorf understood that he was trapped, utterly and completely. He waited for panic to rise in his throat, but it never materialized. He realized that he might be forced to remain here, with soft grass under his feet and the delicate scent of white flowers lingering in the air. Perhaps such a fate would not be so terrible.
“On a tour of the castle, were you?” the princess prompted.
“Who sent you?” the Sheikah hissed with narrowed eyes. “Tell us and you might survive.”
The princess raised her hand, and the Sheikah fell back.
“How do you find my castle?” the princess asked as she gestured to the flower in Ganondorf’s hand. “Do the gardenias please you?”
Ganondorf knew that neither force nor speed could extricate him from this situation. Words were the only thing that had any chance of saving him, but his tongue was like lead in his mouth. He could only gaze at the princess, who seemed to glow in the pale sunlight. His fingers tightened on the flower.
The princess saw this and smiled. “It seems a shame for us to keep all of these gardenias to ourselves,” she remarked, switching to fluent Gerudo. “We can stand to part with one. I hope you will consider it a gift, but take care not to touch it. Its petals will blacken at the slightest contact with your skin. The flowers cannot survive after they’re removed from the plant.”
She began to reach out, perhaps intending to draw Ganondorf’s hood away from his face, but she allowed her hand to drop to her side. “We will release you,” she told him, “but you must not be caught on your way outside the castle. Nothing will protect you should one of the soldiers find you within these walls.”
The princess smiled again, but her eyes were like ice. “There is nothing here to be stolen that cannot be freely given,” she said, “but remember always, child – Hyrule does not take kindly to thieves.”
Ganondorf did not need to be told twice. He turned and ran, bending to snatch his fallen knife from the grass as he fled from the princess and her garden.
He was careful not to touch the gardenia as he made his scurrying and surreptitious way back outside the castle, but the flower’s petals were already tinged an unhealthy shade of gray by the time he was able to stop to catch his breath. They had begun to curl at the edges, and their sweet smell had grown sour.
Now there was no reason not to touch the flower. Ganondorf stroked its smooth white petals and touched his nose to the golden center of its blossom as he crouched against a dirty wall in a back alley of the market. Even as its petals spoiled before his eyes, the gardenia was divine in its beauty.
Ganondorf used his knife to cut away the rest of the wooden stem and tucked the flower into an inner pocket of his tunic. He wanted the fading flower and the memory of the castle garden to be close to his skin. The furious beating of this heart had slowed now that the danger of being caught had passed, but Ganondorf was still haunted by the cold eyes of the princess.
He would have to be more careful next time.
#Legend of Zelda#Ocarina of Time#Zelda's mother#Impa#Ganondorf#young Ganondorf#Zelda fic#my fic#Ties of Time
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Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 102- 106
I thought abt skipping those chapters cuz the difference from the anime are’nt big & there’s hardly any tohru in them which I know where the great difference between anime & manga is. However, I like yuki & I was delighted to see the difference between manga yuki & anime yuki! Really, furuba anime makes so much focus on him & all, yet manages to miss the mark when it comes to his character. Yuki is such a prince “from a fairy tale but with trauma” in the anime which contradicts his vision of himself in canon as he said it IS fake, but in the manga he’s a real character with layers.
A-Chapters 102 & 103/ se03, ep 3 ( A dynamic Yuki vs a prince):
Not much change in the plot from the anime, se03, ep 3, except few things I’ll highlight here:
MACHI: ch.102 is basically machi’s story that we saw in se03 ep 3 first half before the motoko part. but it’s fascinating how the anime handled it greatly & how the manga had its unique touch. The anime gave machi’s part its own color, mood & focus, while the manga excelled in the facial expressions.
YUKI: In ch. 102 & 103, Yuki in particular had many facial expressions in such a refreshing way different from the anime. In the anime, yuki emoted exclusively with kyo & kakeru in ways that you don’t need to hear his monologue to understand his thoughts, he was also allowed expressiveness with machi in the anime but with maintaining big doses of his princely aesthetics & mannerism cuz we see him from achi’s perspective. Ironic cuz she calls him imperfect but the anime gives him lots of shojo bubbles from her pov. In the manga, yuki is way more expressive with lots of characters!!! Even with the fanclub girls, he had funny expressions, & we see a cute scene of machi trying to cheer him up!
in the manga, yuki & machi both are given expressive features. Machi isn’t silent with her head down 95% of the time & yuki is is not living in his own head & is very dynamic with other characters as well, which makes him feel real.
Also, in the manga, yuki isn’t super skinny like the anime! I love how he fills his school uniform without it looking so baggy. In the manga, yuki looks like a grown teenager boy reaching his 17!!! In the anime, yuki looks the same all seasons.
In the anime, the clear body growth was exclusive to kyo in se02, during beach arc mainly cuz the plot required it as tohru kept commenting on kyo growing up physically & told Kazuma. So, the anime made huge effort to make kyo look grown physically. Also, in the anime, yuki is given a princely aura from se01 to 3 as his physical appearance & aesthetics remained the same minus his interaction with kakeru where you see glimpses of a more firm & free character. A peek into his soul perhaps?
B-Ch 104 -106, Anime, se3, ep 4. (Isuzu’s Arc closed, Akito’s begins!):
I love the way the page transitioned from Isuzu’s hair at kureno’s feet to Haru’s entering akito’s room!
I love akito in this chapter/ep, not love her as in support her, no. lol. but love how this chapter/ep sheds light into her twisted mind. Great writing! The way Akito was shocked at kureno’s betrayal of saving Isuzu is why Akito’s growth from abuser to feeling guilt & repent is not satisfactory in the anime ( I’m yet to reach this part in the manga, so I’ll wait to see if it was handled differently). Akito was way more self-centered & concerned with her delusions to stop a bit & entertain the thought that isuzu was on the verge of death. This is a huge red flag. This is sth you can’t brush under tohru’s healing words of feeling similar to akito & akito finding “ true friendship” as a healthy replacement to her delusional “ together forever”.
-The core characters that the entire show/ story/ manga is built upon their views are tohru & akito. You can’t spend 2 seasons & a half faintly touching these characters’ pov & trauma, then give quick hasty focus, then hit them with “ healing growth”. Both tohru & akito needed more screen time/ spotlight to dwell into them cuz they’re fascinating characters!
This chapter the focus is on haru & isuzu, however, these two characters arc would pretty much be wrapped after this chapter/ep minus few cleaning here & there. Akito’s descending into darkness truly begins here. This is what should be followed & given much care!
I love how this line connects what seems like a sub-plot story to the main story of the original zodiacs!!! In the original story, the cat refused to be by the Ruler’s side & it was percieved as the cat betraying him & the others. All the rest of the animals must ALWAYS be on the Ruler/Akito side & not copy the Monster/Cat behavior. Excellent foreshadowing & a twist to kyo’s/ akito’s / kureno’s story! The cat was right all along, but it’s not abt right or wrong. It’s abt choosing sides. With us or against us. If you are not with us, you are the barbaric enemy/ monster. ( kinda similar to our real world issues & politics)
Side Notes:
I have nothing to say abt motoko except in a 13 ep core & major final season with thematic & plot focus, she really got her share. Out of all the content to cut. what logic? I can never understand..... Not hating, but truly bewildered & confused. Fan service? Gotta be. Wasting valuable screen time for a character with no effect on plot or characters or anything.. I mean if it was a 26 ep season, then okay... but the nope! lets chop chop core plot & give motoko an epic send off!
Maybe Motoko got pity love from the anime team? She wasnt given yuki’s love, so the decision maker whoever they are, gave her better emotional focus than the actual love interest (machi) has got! XD (again not hating, but amused! XD)
I love how furuba’s writing don’t need over-exaggerated drama at all. All the pain is in the writing. in the characters themselves. The anime only needed to focus on them & get rid of the theatrical display of emotions & forced fast paced & unrealistic timeline. sigh~
Still, I love how ep 4 was directed in the anime starting the 2nd part, it was given its own mood & colors.
I love that Haru didnt just find Isuzu in the streets right wawy but waited few days to meet her. It hammers the importance of pacing time in the manga, but I also understands why the anime needed to go directly to it seeing that as I said haru & isuzu are reaching the end of their arc here & they want to close the door behind their issues once & for all. lol.
Everthing else abt Machi story, haru & isuzu, akito & kureni, I have already said before in my weekly anime reviews when se03 was airing.
I peeked into ch. 107 first two pages!!!!! Tohru’s focus???? Is this the beginning of the weakly directed ep 6? YESS!!! I cant wait to read it next weekend! <3
#Fruits Basket#manga spoilers#fruits basket manga#sleepy paper#ch 102#ch 103#ch104#ch105#ch106#Anime Only#reading the manga#manga reviwes
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Denki x reader pro hero au
Warning - angst!, talks about smoking weed just barely, reader gets bit by a villain and gets very badly poisoned that as it eats through their body takes them on fever dreams. Denki beats the villain before he finds reader I just didn’t know how to write it lolol
The stars danced in the sky, floating around like they were little fairy sprites dancing and spreading their magic across the world. The moon was bright, lighting up the few clouds around her in the sky, you could have sworn the clouds were neon colors, reflecting like the northern lights but that was impossible.. you blamed the villains quirk, a poison that was currently flooding your body through the bite wound to your thigh.
The thought of magic had your thoughts running off towards the way Denki’s eyes would shine when he would see you, little electric sparks running through the tips of his hair in excitement before he would sweep you up into a hug. If anyone was magic in this world it was him, you should have told him that.
The yellow electricity sparking through the air went well with the glowing hallucinations in the sky and until your eyes found his face you thought it was part of the vision.
His eyes are worried, his lips moving but you hear nothing, just the sounds of cicadas in the trees which was impossible since you were in the inner city. You find the energy to reach for him and he takes your hand quickly, you think you hear him say your name but you aren’t quite sure with the little fairy sprites that start to fall from his lips.
Your thoughts are hard to control, it’s hard to focus when the poison slowly takes over all of your senses. You’re dragged from one scenario to the next, remembering and watching different events in your life play out again like a movie. You weren’t sure if you were alive or dead, if you were awake or asleep, and where was Denki?
It all feels so real, if it wasnt for the pressure against your palm of him holding your hand that grounded you as the visions took over.
Youre 7 and your quirk has manifested, a strong combination of your parents quirks, flight from your mother and strong ghost like tentacles from your father that you could pull from your body like extra limbs. Your parents found you hanging upside down in your room with a tentacle holding a different toy as you giggled.
The world was always magical to you, you felt like you never could get enough of it, always fascinated by every tree and rock, it was so beautiful to you. Everything was a gift and the world had so much to offer, every time you left the house you found more reasons to believe in magic. A butterfly landing on your head, a cat that hates everyone but loves to rub against your legs, singing with the wind and having it wrap around you like it was a friend. All of these amazing things that most would look over made your world so much more magical.
The colors of your vision change and turn into the entrance exam for UA, the first day you met Kaminari. He had watched as your back was to the fight, your eyes watching the clouds as you smiled, using your tentacles to fight for you as you floated fifty feet above ground. You were so dazling that Kaminari was almost toast but your tentacle saved him and when he looked back up to you, your eyes were on him and you were smiling so bright he had to know you.
The vision changed to Kaminari stuttering through his words trying to talk to you and thank you for your help, he was so adorable you couldn’t help but hug him with a laugh “of course we should be friends!” you had said and he felt his brain go liquidy.
You’re 22 on your apartment balcony, smoking a joint he brought over after a hard day. You both needed it. That was the first time you held his hand, the first time you cuddled on your couch both needing the comfort.
This is when the colors start to make little sense to you. They swirl into darker muted versions of northern lights and then you’re sitting at a table in a living room that you don’t recognize but feel like you know it. A man is sitting across from you and smiling so softly your heart melts. Denki? It feels like him but it doesn’t look like him.
Another man smiling at you except now you’re on a walk beside a river you’ve never seen before, the setting sun coloring the sky with the colors of your vision as the man takes your hand. He’s dressed in clothes you’ve only ever seen in history movies and he’s cupping your cheek and telling you how much he loves you. You know this is Denki too.
Your mind feels like its spinning as the world flashes with bright colors and lights, in the real world Kaminari is screaming for someone, anyone to help! To get the paramedics to you! Anyone with a healing quirk! His hands cupped your cheeks and saw your usually (color) eyes swirling with sparkles of blue yellow and red, he was losing it. His best friend was taken down in the battle and he wasnt there to protect them how can he be called a pro hero when he cant do anything to save you.
The amount of visions you have of different versions of you and Denki seem never ending until it goes back to the one you know. Flour raining down over you both when he added it to the stand mixer as it went full speed and you remember at the time thinking how cute he looked a little messy.
Oh yes, the world was magic. Your world has always been filled with magic and you didn't doubt that it always would be. Oh what a world you were lucky to live in, oh what a man you were lucky to love, a man who’s memories are starting to fade from your mind. Breathing started to become a chore as the colors stopped their swirling, landing on a soft pale yellow and staying there as you walk forward through the vision, jogging, running, sprinting, you had to get back to him. Who was he? The man with the blond hair and kind eyes? Why did you need to reach him again? Everything was fading as the pale yellow seemed to sink into you and take you over, why were you so worried again? You closed your eyes and sighed, letting yourself disolve into the warmth of colors.
“Please” your eyes fluttered open in the vision to darkness as the soft word echoes around in your head, who was speaking? “please y/n” the voice cracks and you feel warm wetness land on your hand, the one you can feel again, a weight and warmth to it as the voice holds it. “y/n stay with me” it calls out and your eyes flutter open to the real world, the world that was your own. “Den?” you ask and a sob falls from his lips “y/n” he says and you reach up to cup his cheek, brushing away his tears “i dont feel so good Den, i think that guy bit me” your voice was soft, head still swimming “it’s going to be okay” he says “its going to be okay, i can see help coming they’re just having a hard time with the destruction. Stay with me okay? You have to”
Your arm starts to shake but before it can fall hes holding your hand to his cheek “Den, this world is full of magic” your voice cracks and your breathing is starting to hurt “dont ever forget about the magic. Promise me” he furrows his brows and a sob chokes through “dont-” he starts but your eyes were so dim he couldn't help but crying out an “i promise”
“My world Den, it was magic. But it was never as bright until i found you” tears flow from your eyes into your hairline filled with the colorful remanence of the poison “my sparky boy” you whisper and a smile barely tugs the corner of your lips as the poison mixes with your memories, muddling what you really wanted to say but you were unable to stop the worlds as the fell from your lips “we will always find each other, we have loved each other in lives before and lives to come, you are mine and i am yours” your eyes flutter closed as they begin to roll up in your head, he cries for you to hang on the sounds of help just down one more block, your eyes flutter open and he can tell how hard youre fighting to be here for as long as possible as you squeeze his hand as tight as possible “Denki, I love you” your hand relaxes and as your eyes close and your hands go limp in his, he feels the magic drain from his world.
#denki kaminari pro hero#kaminari denki x reader#kaminari x reader#kaminari x you#kaminari denki x you#mha x you#mha x reader#mha x y/n#bnha x you#bnha x y/n#bnha x reader#bnha kaminari#mha kaminari
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Cursebreaker, Chapter 2
[Prologue] // [Chapter 1] // [Chapter 2 - you are here!] // [Chapter 3] // [Epilogue] (FFN)
Summary: Once upon a time in the kingdom of Skytarin, a mermaid came to the surface for the first time, and laid her eyes upon a prince in red. Unable to shake the memory, she sought a curse to become human, if only to meet him. Little Mermaid retelling, part of the Fairy Tale AU! (Rated T for safety's sake, not a specific warning.)
Chapter 2: Discovery
Deep in the abyss of the ocean, time passed as it would in any part of the world, and the mer of the trench went about their lives normally each day. Those in the palace served Master Chen and his closest adviser, the wicked sorcerer Clouse. Even Skylor had to pay homage, as little as she liked it. Even as she did so, Skylor found her disobedient mind continuously wandering in the days after her visit to Zenith. The rocky cove, the plants on land, and the colorful city captured her memory, but none as much as the man in red. He was the most lovely memory: the most handsome human she'd seen in all that day, and better than all the mer she'd seen in all her life. Were all men as fascinating as he was?
Unfortunately for the mermaid, Skylor did not seem to have much time to go to the surface in the days that came after her first visit. She went about her days in the palace as normally as usual: doing the tasks her father allocated to her as his daughter. She spent time with her friends in the afternoon, but they stayed in the trench. Then she would return to the palace, where the guards' watchful eyes kept her in place. For days, this repeated, and she could find no exit. Her preoccupation was so strong, before she knew it, her father recognized her wistfulness.
One day, no more than a week after Skylor's visit to the surface, she joined her father for supper in the palace's dining hall. While it would usually be filled with many people, that day it was only populated by her father and Clouse, whose evil presence made Skylor's tail scales crawl. Nevertheless, she came to her father's side and greeted him with a kiss to the cheek.
"Good evening, Father."
"Ah, Skylor! There you are, I'm hungry!" He cheerfully grinned, and together they started their supper. Before they were far into their meal, however, Clouse whispered something in Chen's ear, making him cry out in agreement with it. "Ah, yes! Thank you for reminding me, Clousey Clouse!"
Skylor watched as Clouse sneered at the nickname, but he forced a slimy grin a moment later. "Of course, Master Chen."
Chen turned to Skylor with a prying smile, of the sort that set her on edge. "Tell me, Skylor. How do you entertain yourself these days? With whom do you spend your time?"
She turned her head questioningly, finding the question strange. "I do everything you ask of me, Father, to be the Master of the Waters like you one day."
"Yes, yes, I know that. Who are your friends?"
"Anemone, Mermista and Chamille, with some others," she responded automatically. "Is something the matter about them?"
"No, no, they are fine." He waved his hand dismissively, already changing tack. "You see, Clouse has– I have noticed you are quite distracted recently, Skylor. Despite the palace– it is beautiful, yes?"
"Yes, it is," she agreed slowly. "Father, I've been nothing but diligent, I promise you."
"Yes, I know this, but you have been so... what is the word?" He frowned. "You have been so distracted. Wistful. You're always looking up at the ceiling."
"I am?" She hesitated, glancing up, as if she were looking at the surface, where she wished to be.
"Yes, you are right now!" Chen leaned over, staring at her. "Daughter, are you upset? What is making you act this way?"
She hesitated again, if only to conceal her deception, afraid of him discovering it. "Well… it's not a problem, Father. It is simply… a little lonely in the palace."
"Lonely?" Chen cried. "What do you mean? Clousey Clouse and I are always here!"
"Yes, but… there is no one my age. None of my friends work in the palace. I'm away from them all the time."
Clouse nodded, having been silent and still for most of the conversation. "Would that be why you spend so much time outside of the palace, and return late? It has been… most inconvenient."
She nodded, looking down at her plate. "Yes, it is."
Clouse hummed, more of a sneer than an acquiescence. "We do not see you with them when you are away, Skylor. No one does. Where do you go?"
Chen took a bite of fish with aplomb, speaking through his full mouth to add on to Clouse's words. "Skylor, please, say you are being good. The trench can be dangerous! There are so many mer who would take advantage of you!"
She recoiled. "No, Father, it isn't like that! I don't go down into the deepest parts, or stay around strange mer... I stay with my friends."
"Then what is it? Is it… a special merman?" He grinned.
Skylor shook her head vehemently. "No, no, it's not that! You know I don't spend time with mermen."
"Not even when your friends are there?" Clouse probed. "They can be… negative influences."
"No, not then either." She struggled to find an excuse for her absence. "We… explore the ravine, and play with the fish."
"Explore? Pah!" her father exclaimed. "You have seen it all. Why explore more?"
"There is always more to see." Her mind turned to Zenith, and the man in red, but she did not speak of them. "Chamille recently showed me something secret. Something very special, which I had never heard about."
"Ooh, a secret? Tell me!" Chen all but demanded it, as gleefully as a child, his food forgotten.
Skylor hesitated, taking a bite of her own food while she fabricated her story. "...It was a cave, filled with treasure from the men's surface world. Gold, and silver, reaching all through the space."
"Oh, oh! Tell me more!"
"In the cave was… a lamp. What the men use for making light. It had a special engraving upon it, saying that he who rubbed it would be given wishes three, to use as he saw fit. We could not reach it– the cave was filled with air– but it was so tempting. There were gems, too! More than we have ever had here."
Chen clapped, happy as a clam. "This cave sounds amazing! Skylor, you must show me, tomorrow!"
Immediately, she shook her head, backtracking as much as possible. "Oh, no, I couldn't take you away from your work like that, Father. I'm sure you're busy."
"Nonsense! I would love to see!"
"I– I couldn't."
"Yes, you can!"
She hesitated. "No, really. I couldn't."
His giddiness slowly fell away, changing as quickly as the tides, as his emotions often did. "Why not? Do you not love me, Skylor?"
"No, of course I love you, Father!" She put up her hands, trying to placate him. "It's simply that… that the cave is near the surface. You would not want to go up to see it."
Chen paused, and Clouse cut in instead. "Near the surface, you say? The surface, which you are not to break?"
"I– yes. Not at the surface, but near it," she affirmed.
At her words, Chen's happiness completely collapsed into a dark look of anger. "You went to the surface, Skylor? You disobeyed the one rule which I have set to never be broken?"
"I– no, Father. I did not break the surf," she lied.
Clouse sneered. "You did not break the surf, yet you went to the surface? How can we be sure you are telling the truth, let alone that the cave is real?"
"What if you were seen?!" Chen cried. "What if you were seen by a man?!"
"I was not seen!"
Chen left his chair, lip quivering with rage as he rose up. "If I am to trust you, then prove it. Show us the cave! Now!"
"I can't!" she protested. "I was not seen, but Father, I just can't show you!"
"Then I cannot believe you!" He pointed a finger at her. "Skylor, you may have been seen by men! Because you have put us in danger, I will do what must be done to protect our people. The men must be struck first!"
Skylor's eyes grew wide. "What?"
Clouse sneered at her. "You have endangered all mer, Skylor. We must do all we can to protect our people… unless you can show us this cave? Perhaps then we could use this lamp you spoke of to wish for protection."
"I cannot show you," she protested. "Clouse, please understand! I should not have been there, I see that now."
Chen frowned darkly. "There is no cave, is there?" He neared her, and even as she left her chair, he cornered her in that side of the dining room, where there was no door. "Skylor, this must be punished. You shall see why we do not let you go to the surface, and then… we shall take care of the threat." His frown turned to a smile, too sweet to be on his face. "It is for your good, and for the people's. Now, sit, and finish your supper."
She hesitantly did as she was told, but for the rest of the meal, Skylor protested Chen's plan. However, his jealous rage was not to be dissuaded, for he spouted plan after plan to Clouse. Clouse inflamed his plans, and before long, Skylor was shut up in her room as they prepared to attack the kingdom of men. She pounded on the door to no avail– no, she could do nothing to stop him. All she could do was hope.
Days and nights passed while Skylor was imprisoned in her room, until she was finally set free. She was quickly informed that her father was beginning to make up a force of mermen, with which he would attack the men's ships, and according to his logic, protect the mer from them. Of course, it was clear to everyone else that such an action would reveal the mer's presence, but he could not be stopped, such was his rage. In every situation, any action of Skylor's was seen as a betrayal. She found herself constantly being forced into corners, unable to act or do anything, and longed for escape.
When she was finally less closely confined, Skylor began to scour every source for a way to evade her father's desires, and perhaps stop his wager of war on men. She read countless books, but found no help. She asked her friends for guidance, but received no aid. She prayed, but heard no answer. After all these failed attempts, she had to accept that her father would not back down, even as he proclaimed that it was for her safety… she needed something else.
As the situation grew more dire for the mermaid, a thought crossed her mind. If she could leave the Skytaran oceans, anywhere would be possible for protection. Despite the ease of provoking her father, by such actions, if she left the trench, she would be free to do anything. He would be distracted, and would not wage war; it was the perfect plan. As the idea grew and flourished in her mind, Skylor began to seek ways to achieve it. Thus, she began her research.
The first possible location for which to flee was ruled out almost immediately. While she could swim west, into the deep ocean, it was unlikely she would survive the wastes. It was uninhabitable for lone mer, and a mermaid was not strong enough to hold her own against the beasts of the deep. It would be asking for death, which she could not condone, and it would not help her anyway. Thus, one avenue of inquiry was ended.
The second possibility was ruled out just as quickly. Despite the closeness of the coast to the south, swimming toward the land kingdom of Kaiyo would prove foolish. An underwater mass of an unrecognizable barbed plant blocked all passage for one hundred miles, as it had for years beyond living memory, which would force her into the deep ocean as well. Even if she could make it around the obstacle, Kaiyo would be too warm of waters, and she suspected there were no mer living there. It would be a fool's errand to even try.
The third option was ruled out, too, but more slowly. There was a possibility of traveling north, toward the land kingdom of Vanterra. There, in their most northern islands, was another kingdom of mer. She knew not one thing about them, except for a troublesome fact, being that her father had a history with them. A history with her father often meant past war, and that she would not be accepted among them; they would cast her out if they knew her relation to him. She could not afford such a thing.
No, there was one fourth and impossible thing that she wished to do. If only she could go up on land, what would it mean for her? Would she stand, and walk on legs? If she only could, then she could be amongst the men and women. She could even meet the man in red… but how could she ever do such a thing?
In her consideration of her options, Skylor spent much time in the palace's library, avoiding her father and searching for answers. For days she found no answers, sinking into despair. However, at last she came upon a strange book that stirred a newborn hope in her. When plucked off its high shelf, so separated from the rest of the books, it felt heavy in her hands. Its bleached seaweed pages were strangely bound, undecorated... but perhaps it was what she needed?
The book needed no decoration to be fascinating, for every word was scrawled in the most beautiful squid ink calligraphy. The heavy tome made no pretenses, but she did not need them. Whatever this book was, it was not something she was meant to find, or anyone at all. It was similar to Clouse's many spellbooks, but this tome related to transfiguration… it was filled with deep, abyssal knowledge. The knowledge of the underwater sorcerers.
Skylor smiled brightly as she read it, and she closed it quickly. Stowing it under her arm, she made great haste, dashing to her bedroom as quickly as possible. When she reached it, she locked the doors firmly, just barely avoiding trapping her tail in the frame. Then she grinned and swam to her bed, placing the tome upon it.
Skylor sat on the bed and opened the book again. Hastily, she flipped to the proper page. She scanned its contents, taking note of the important details, and then… she smiled.
"Spell of Transformation: mer to man…"
No, the impossible was possible. She could disappear onto land! She could be a woman instead of a mermaid.
#OLST fanfic#ninjago#ninjago fanfic#skylor chen#kai smith#master chen#clouse#ninjago skylor#ninjago kai#ninjago chen#ninjago clouse#kai x skylor#skylor x kai#kailor#ninjago au#ninjago fairy tale au#fairy tale au#cursebreaker#little mermaid au
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Author’s Note: This is definitely one of my most favorite writings! Sorry I’m behind the posting schedule a little bit. Unstable internet connections are THE WORST!
Word Count: 5,840
6:47 P.M.
It is nighttime and cameras are panning around a very cozy nursery. The walls are wallpapered with a pastel kind of yellow filled with clouds, ponies, fairies and more animal pets, some of which double into night lights. A dresser is pushed up to one wall, where baby pictures of the cute little room owner are found, along with her parents in what appeared to be a photoshoot. A clock and little blocks that spelled out Y-U-N-A are also on the dresser. Airplanes, more clouds and stars hang on the ceilings, reflecting the soft glow of the lamplights. The windows are hidden by billowy cream-colored curtains.
One camera is panning down from the plush, carpeted floor, up to the center of the room, on which a massive, white crib could be found. A very cute, chubby-cheeked little baby girl with a jeweled crown on top her soft curls was on the crib, her chubby hands clapping with delight. Her squeals and vibrant peals of laughter filled the whole room. But it was another kind of noise that made cameramen chuckle.
Thud. “Ow!” Kwon Soonyoung rubbed his forehead in mock agony. He made a crying face and pretended to sob loudly, kneeling on the carpeted floor. But he peered behind his hands on his face, grinning, as the baby burst out laughing again, her hands clapping as she did so. Her cheeks had gone red with her giggles.
When the laughter stopped and the baby simply sat there, her whole face waiting and expectant for the next thing about to happen to her dad, Soonyoung decided to do it one last time. He drew close to the crib and pretended to bang his head on the wood. Thud. He rolled back on the floor. “Ow!”
The baby rolled back her head, tears rolling down her cheeks as her guttural baby giggles wracked her entire body. She slumped on the soft quilt of her crib, laughing and laughing.
“Wow, Kwon Yuna,” Kwon Soonyoung muttered, tired of having done the same trick for about thirty minutes now. “You never get tired, do you? Come here.” Soonyoung reached out to take the child. “Let me put you to sleep properly.” He looked at the clock on the dresser. “It’s almost past your bedtime!” Like the pro appa that he was, he cradled Yuna in his arms, which she was already starting to outgrow. How much time do I have left to carry you like this? He thought fondly, already nostalgic of the moment that his baby would grow too heavy for his arms. Then he softly padded to one side of the room, next to the windows, where a rocking chair was. Yuna liked to be rocked to sleep.
He sat there for a long time, rocking and rocking her in his arms. Yuna reached out to touch Soonyoung’s face with her tiny hands, wondering at his face.
Soonyoung smiled and kissed her forehead. “Sleep, little one! Sleep, Kwon Yuna!” He started humming a lullaby to lull her to sleep.
After a few more minutes, Kwon Yuna’s eyes began to droop. She cooed sleepily, and as her head dropped to Soonyoung’s chest, her little crown fell on the carpet. Soonyoung hoisted her carefully on his one arm to pick up the crown, all the while singing the lullaby softly. Soon, deep breaths told him that his baby girl had fallen asleep. Soonyoung carefully stood up, peered into Yuna’s peaceful, sleeping face again, and laid her down gently on the crib.
He stood there watching her for a few minutes before he smiled and whispered, “Good night, my baby girl.” Then he slowly walked out of the nursery and into the adjoining bedroom. He left the door open just in case Yuna might wake up in the early morning hours. Cameras rolled slowly as Soonyoung laid on his bed, exhausted.
He faintly smelled of milk, baby lotion and cereal, but he could not be bothered to get up from the bed. He closed his eyes and began to doze off. It was still early, just barely past 7 p.m., but he felt drained of all energy. He smiled as he thought of Yuna giggling and reached out his hand to grab you close to him, but then he remembered: right. He’s alone, and he’s going to be for the next forty-eight hours. He reached for his phone on the bedtable and pressed the speed-dial to call you.
“My love!” He whispered excitedly when you picked up.
From the other end of the line and a continent away, you grinned. “Hey, Superdad.”
“Hey yourself. Yuna’s sleeping now.” Soonyoung touched his shirt lightly. “And I think I should change my shirt because I got soaked with milk earlier but I’m too tired to stand up.”
“Are you sure she’s asleep? Already?”
“Of course!” Soonyoung smiled at the direction of the nursery. “Our baby sleeps nicely when I rock her to sleep. I think she really likes me more than she likes you.”
You scoffed mockingly. “Don’t kid yourself.”
“Jealous, are we?” Soonyoung giggled, almost very much like Yuna. “I thought we talked about not getting jealous when our Yuna likes one of us more.”
“In your dreams, Kwon Soonyoung.”
Soonyoung took a pillow and hugged it to himself. “I miss you.”
You lay back on your bed for the night, too, a queen-sized one that was very comfortable but seemed empty without Soonyoung beside you. “I miss you, too. But don’t be such a baby! The cameras are rolling and they might think you’re too crazy about me.”
Soonyoung laughed at that. “But aren’t I?” He snuggled onto the pillow on his head, still holding the phone to his other ear. “I really am crazy about you.”
You blushed. “I love you.”
Cries from the nursery made Soonyoung sit up on the bed. “Okay! I think I have to go now.”
You smiled and closed your eyes. “Bye.”
“Hey.” Soonyoung was sliding into his slippers and shuffling on to the direction of the nursery door. “I love you, too, by the way.”
You laughed. “Good night, Yuna-appa. And change your shirt. Really!”
SOONYOUNG: (Bows as best he could with a baby girl on his lap.) Hello, everyone! Most people know me onscreen as Hoshi from SEVENTEEN, but right now in this show I am simply Kwon Soonyoung. (Yuna squeals on his lap, and he grins.) That’s a hello from my eight-month-old baby here, Kwon Yuna! We are both very excited to be on this show. (Reaches down as Yuna fusses and brings a bottle to Yuna’s lips.) Among my SEVENTEEN bros, I’m the youngest dad as of the moment. We often chat each other up and they always give me advice about how to do things since I’m still a bit clueless. They say baby years are the best years because you bond a lot with the baby, and you get fascinated by how they just grow up before you know it. (Kisses Yuna as she is busy with her milk bottle.) I’m really happy that I get to experience being her dad. It’s both a terrifying and beautiful experience. I just hope to be the best dad I could be for her.
Q: Are you on an indefinite break from work just to be with your wife and baby daughter?
SOONYOUNG: (Nods and smiles brightly.) Yes! Actually, I did not want to do so immediately because I felt like I might leave them unprepared since we are also readying for a comeba—oops. (Lowers his head, laughing.) Omo. I can’t believe it. Even as a dad I say things I’m not supposed to say. Anyway. Um. The members all insisted that I take the time to go and take care of Yuna here. I do go with them every now and then, mostly on mornings, so I could catch up with practice. My body clock changed after months of being with Yuna. I wake up earlier and I sleep earlier but these days I also have to wake up in the middle of the night. Yuna is at the age where she sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and cries for us. She knows we will come if she cries. (Ruffles Yuna’s hair playfully and Yuna smiles with her eyes at this, her toothless smile adorably seen as she stops drinking her milk to revel at her dad’s touch.) She’s pretty spoiled, I think. But who am I to complain? Looking this cute, I could not help but forgive her for waking her parents up at odd hours just so she could see us. (Grins at the camera.) Sorry. I know I’m being such a dad right now, spoiling my baby. But hey, that’s what dads do! (Laughs and takes the empty bottle from Yuna, and then bows again.) Please enjoy spending your day with us!
6:30 A.M.
NARRATOR: *Someone is having a very happy bath this morning! Let us see! The happy laughter is infectious! What lies ahead for a morning at the Kwon residence?*
“Ap-paaa!!! Wwaaaahhhbbbbiiiii!!!”
“I know! Your appa picked such a cute song! Good morning, too, Kwon Yuna!” Soonyoung happily translated as the Yuna played with the water on her bathtub. She giggled as bubbles erupted out of the water. Soonyoung scrubbed on her arms, her face.
Dad and baby are inside the bathroom next to the nursery. Both have been up for hours.
“Ggggurbbbbuuu app-paaa?” Yuna chatted with her appa, touching his cheek with a tiny hand filled with bubbles.
“Yes. The eyebags look awful, right? I had to stay up later for you!”
“Biiiii???” Yuna pressed, her eyes looking serious as Soonyoung rinsed her shampooed baby hair gently with warm water. “Bbbibbugabb???”
“Uh-huh. That late. But we’re still best friends! You slept very peacefully after I rocked you to sleep for the second time. Very good girl!” Kwon Yuna liked to wake up early and Soonyoung usually took that time to draw her a bath and get her things ready for the day. Once Yuna wakes up, the whole house wakes up, too! Who needs clocks? Yuna was one! My world literally revolves around this little person! Soonyoung thought to himself as he reached for a towel.
“Bbubbbubbbbbu,” Yuna babbled to her dad as he picked her up from the bubbly bathtub to dry her with a towel and dryer. “Gguggudduuuu!!! Ap-ppa, ap-ppa, appa!”
“Right! Your appa is so amazing, taking care of you all night and giving you a bath! He’s the best appa in the world! Isn’t he?” Soonyoung interpreted confidently as he playfully kissed his baby girl’s cheeks. “Wow. Eomma did a not-so-bad job at picking your bath soap. My love, if you’re watching this, I really dig this bath soap. Buy one for us, too!”
Yuna pinched Soonyoung’s cheeks playfully while he got placed her down the changing table. “Appa? Ggubbbuuu!!!”
“I know! You’re cute, too!” Soonyoung deftly got Yuna into her diapers and hauled her up into his arms. She squealed as they both got out of the bathroom and Soonyoung set her down on the newly vacuumed carpet, letting Yuna crawl around. Yuna gasped in delight at being let down. “Behave while appa gets out your clothes for you, okay?”
After dressing her up in a cute strawberry jumper that had green wings at the back, tying her hair rather clumsily with strawberry ponytails and securing her stray locks into another strawberry-themed hairband, Soonyoung grinned. “Cute, cute, cute!!!” He peppered Yuna with kisses. “Cute, cute, cute!!!”
Kwon Yuna did look like the cutest strawberry fairy, beaming at her dad, clapping her hands before ignoring him entirely and crawling around the nursery, gasping again as her quick little eyes found a picture book that was placed strategically by Soonyoung right where she could see it. She crawled faster with her hands and feet, straining just to get to the picture book. Upon reaching the picture book, she squealed out something like, “Gggaaaahhhhh!!!”
“Yas, girl! Like I told your eomma when we bought you stuff, that picture book is cool!” Soonyoung again translated, lying on his stomach next to his strawberry fairy, who looked like utterly amazed by the picture book, which contained different kinds of colors. Yuna stood up shakily, bouncing on her feet as she stood, before plunking down and sitting with her legs crossed, looking very much like a—yes, a strawberry. She babbled happily as she reached out to touch the book.
“Okay. We’ve done this yesterday, remember?” Soonyoung sat up and imitated how Yuna sat. Then he pointed at the bright color on the book which Yuna was touching with her finger. “Red.” Soonyoung tapped the color again. “Red.”
“W-wed,” Yuna breathed out, her voice unabashedly wondering.
Soonyoung excitedly tapped it again and bent down to listen closer. “Red.”
“Wed!!!” Yuna giggled and clapped her hands, excited at mimicking Soonyoung’s words.
“Yaaayyy! Yuna deserves a kiss!!! Kiss!!!” Soonyoung picked her up and held her into the air, kissing her cheeks as she laughed in delight. “Good job, best friend!” Then he settled her onto his lap and took the picture book. He smiled at Yuna again before tapping another color. “Blue.”
Yuna puckered her lips and looked up at Soonyoung. “Byue?”
“Yaaayyy!!! Way to go, best friend! Yes!” Yuna giggled again as Soonyoung held her up into the air and gave her her reward: appa’s fluttery kisses. “Okay, let’s say it again!” Carefully, Soonyoung put her closer to the book balanced on his one knee so Yuna could touch it. He pointed at the color again. “Blue.”
“Byuuueeeee!!!” Yuna mouthed just like Soonyoung. “Byue!!!”
“Very good, Kwon Yuna!” Another flight up, another kiss. “What’s this color?” Soonyoung pointed back to the first color they learned about. “It starts like r—”
“—Wed,” Yuna said confidently. “Wed!”
“And this one?”
Soonyoung laughed and proceeded to educate Yuna about colors. Byue, wed, gweeen, pppink…you get the idea. The baby talk drove Soonyoung nuts but he was fascinated that Yuna was learning so quickly. She’s definitely persistent, Soonyoung noticed fondly. She would touch a color, hear him say it over ang over again, and then repeat. She loved getting kisses and she loved flying with her dad’s arms. Cameras zoomed in on the father and daughter as they forgot the picture book, doing something much more fun-filled for Yuna. She was hoisted up by her dad’s arms, flying around the room, her green wings fluttering, her ponytails whipping around as Soonyoung “flew” her around the room.
“AppaI Appa!” She giggled, loving her flight like the strawberry fairy that she is. Cameramen chuckled as her guttural giggles filled the whole room again. “Wheeeeeeeeee!!!”
Soonyoung stopped, cradling her back again into his arms and raining hugs and kisses on her. “Love you best friend!!!”
“Appa!” Yuna said in babyish delight. “Appa! Mmmnam?” Yuna gesticulated with her hands, suddenly fussing now. “Mmmm?”
“Now that,” Soonyoung murmured as he kissed Yuna again, “is Yuna talk for ‘food, appa?’ Such a bright little princess! Off to breakfast we go!”
Q: As asked to the other members, were you there when Kwon Yuna was born?
SOONYOUNG: (Nods happily.) Yes, I was! Unlike the other SVT dads, my wife’s labor pains came right on schedule. It was difficult for them because childbirth is very unpredictable at times. My wife used to have long phone sessions with other SVT mommies about how she might have an expected due date but that sometimes the labor comes sooner or later—we were both nervous. I asked for a break then, too, two weeks in advance, just so I could be there for her when the time comes. She got contractions as early as two weeks, so we were kinda expecting that she might give birth sooner. But Yuna came out exactly on the due date as stated by our OB/GYN. (Stares off into a distance, transported by the memory.) I remember phoning Cheol and asking him what to do. He was my closest neighbor since they live just a few blocks away from our house, and we had bonded quite a lot during the pregnancy because he was the one who gave me advice the most. (Breaks into a smile.) He offered to drive us to the hospital the moment my wife’s water broke that morning. Which was really great because I kept panicking and I was almost noisier than my wife during the whole drive to the hospital. Seungcheol-hyung was like, “Calm down, calm down, breathe” and I was like, “Does it hurt, my love? What do I do? You can punch me or slap me if you want if it helps” and I remember my wife laughing and crying at the same time because she said I was too hilarious to watch as I panicked. (Soonyoung sheepishly grins.) It was true, I was a bit too much. I remember pacing on the floor as she gave birth. She was in labor until evening. The members came to the hospital and waited with me, which became some sort of tradition whenever one of us gets to hold our kids for the first time. So all of them were there when I got to peek inside the hospital room. My wife was awake, and she was holding the baby. I remember taking the baby—(gesticulates how)—very carefully, and just staring dumbstruck at the tiny creature in my arms. I was like super amazed because there she was, my baby! I helped make this beautiful baby girl! I was also sort of terrified because I could already see my face in her. (Laughs loudly as he remembers his expression.) But all in all I was just, plain, simple happy…when her tiny fingers enclosed my thumb, I was like, in love all over again. The tears just started falling when she did that. (Shakes his head while smiling.) The members were telling me things like, “You should name her after you because you look so much like each other” but my wife objected thankfully. My wife and I named her “Yuna”.
Q: We’ve heard that there was a special reason why you named her, “Yuna.” Can we ask what it is?
SOONYOUNG: (Claps his hands together when he remembers why.) Yes, there was a reason! My wife was having these very strange cravings with food and movies and she just wanted to be with me most of the time. She even followed me around tours and fanmeets for a while. Wonu joked to me that that was probably why Yuna looked so much like me. Which is true, I think. (Laughs again.) Anyway, for about seven months, I would just lie with my wife on our bed, re-watching Kim Yuna’s figure-skating competitions. She was very much addicted to Kim Yuna. She’d never had a very keen liking for figure-skating or the Olympics before or any sport in particular, so I was really, really surprised. It was when she was already about four months pregnant, that we’d decided that if her Kim Yuna frenzy would not stop by then, we would name our baby after Kim Yuna if our baby would be a girl. (Soonyoung smiles at the camera and bows.) Kim Yuna-ssi, you were such an inspiration. Thank you very much!
7:15 A.M.
NARRATOR: *Let’s see what baby Yuna will have for breakfast! Looks like Kwon-appa is busy making something on the kitchen counter! What could it be?*
“Our Yuna, just wait patiently for your meal,” Soonyoung called out in a sing-song voice.
The strawberry fairy sat tapping her own spoon on her highchair table, making gurgling noises as she chatted with herself. She would squeal at times when she found a tapping rhythm that she liked, but every now and then, she would look up to the direction across her. “Appa?” she asked, her question understandable even by the other people watching from hidden places in the room. “Mmm, Appa?” How long are you going to make that breakfast, Appa?
Soonyoung was sterilizing the bowl that Yuna would use for eating, as well as her utensils. He put them into a saucepan and began putting in water. He waited until he had the water had already boiled for a few minutes before turning off the stove. Still humming (‘The Three Bears’ song was playing in the background) and eating his own apple—the half of the one he was going to use for Yuna’s breakfast—he poured the contents of another saucepan—chopped apples, oats, cinnamon and milk—into a blender. The sound of the whirring blender made Yuna drop the wooden spoon she was playing with.
“Ugh!” Her startled body shook, and her eyes widened.
NARRATOR: *Omo, she looked really surprised at the sound of the blender!*
“You’re still jumpy at the sound of the blender?” Soonyoung cooed as he munched his apple. “Don’t worry! Appa is here! It’s just a noise! Look!” Soonyoung pretended to bump his head on the cupboard. Thud. “Ow!”
Yuna forgot about the blender burst out laughing.
“Sometimes I wonder why we’re best friends, girl.” Soonyoung muttered. He pressed something on the blender, and it whirred again. Yuna once more looked startled. Soonyoung sighed and pretended to bump his head again. Thud. “Ow!”
Again, the little strawberry fairy doubled in laughter. She hiccuped as she did so—another sign that she was extremely happy.
The blender stopped whirring. Soonyoung finished his apple and checked to see if the mix had been pureed well. “Yes, yes, here it comes!” A few moments later, Soonyoung gently laid before Yuna a plate of oat porridge and a sippy cup filled with unsweetened orange fruit drink.
SOONYOUNG: (Blushes at being complimented for being a good appa who knows how to prepare and cook baby breakfast.) I sort of cheated on that! I had to study very hard because even before we started taping for The Return of Superman series, my wife had to go on a very long trip for work. She’s a consultant for a technological company…which is kinda cliché by the way. I knew I fell in love with her when she showed me how to re-format my laptop. I just knew that moment! Anyway, she’s been away for almost a month now, but she’ll be back any day now. It’s just a matter of helping the company close that deal. (Shows a list on his phone.) See? She gave me this list of things to do with Yuna just in case I run out of ideas. But some of the ones at the top are a ‘must’. Like I really have to do it for Yuna whether I like it or not. Which involves cooking strange baby meals, crawling lessons—just kidding, of course, my love! (Blows a reconciliatory kiss at the camera.) You really researched these baby meals well! Good job!
“You are a very good girl this morning, so I took some time to find where Eomma put the recipe for your favorite porridge. She wanted you to eat something with spinach, but we’re going to have something more enjoyable!” The little girl clapped her hands, as if she really understood how her dad just disobeyed a direct order from Mommy Headquarters. “Let’s hope we don’t get in trouble, bestie! Who’s your best friend?” Soonyoung rubbed noses with Yuna, who giggled. “Who’s your best friend?”
“Appa!” Whether Yuna said that as a response or whether she just said it as some sort of reflex for her happiness. Nevertheless, these buoyant replies made Soonyoung smile even wider. His heart felt like it could burst inside him.
My baby just called me! Me! Or not. He tried not to look so happy, but the giddiness kept showing on his face. “That’s right!” Soonyoung eagerly said. “We’re best friends, girl. And we’re not gonna tell Eomma, right?”
Yuna’s eyes widened at that. Soonyoung nervously pulled the tray back a little bit. It was as if she understood! “Girl, you can’t tell on me, she’d be angry at the both of us!”
Yuna just kept looking at him.
Soonyoung stared back.
“Eomma, no-no?” Yuna looked thunderstruck that she would be asked to keep a secret from her . “Bbuggubbuubuu?”
Soonyoung stared deeply into his daughters eyes. “That’s right, bestie. This is just between you and me. Okay? Pinky-swear?” Soonyoung reached out to do a pinky-swear, but Yuna kept staring at him. Slowly, as if she was wiser than her eight-month-old self, she reached for her bowl.
“Ggaaahh.” She began spooning the cereal clumsily.
Soonyoung breathed a sigh of relief. This was probably nothing.
“Eat on, baby girl!” Soonyoung looked at his watch. We have to go for our walk soon!”
RECIPE FOR YUNA’S FAVORITE PORRIDGE (according to Kwon Soonyoung’s list on his phone):
Oats (instant) | 1.5 tblspn
Apple | ½ big apple
Cinnamon powder | ¼ tsp
Water | ½ cup or adjust depending on Yuna’s appetite
Sugar (optional, if the mix isn’t sweet enough but not too much!)
8:00 A.M.
“The walk” wasn’t actually anywhere far from the house. Using a stroller, Soonyoung would jog around the neighborhood, pointing out things that would make Yuna exclaim loudly as she curiously looked at the object of her attention. Sometimes it was a cat, sometimes it was a fellow baby being walked by a parent, sometimes it was a tree or a flowers or birds. They weren’t anywhere near a park, and Soonyoung usually had to make do with the neighborhood, which wasn’t so bad itself. It was very private and had walled, mostly traditional Korean houses. And it was a good way to get to know neighbors, too! They passed by Seungcheol’s house, which was one of the more modern-looking houses on the block and was empty. The family van was out, too, but Soonyoung saw cameras from windows. Probably at daycare, he thought to himself, before pushing Yuna’s stroller again.
After that walk with Yuna, who had gotten her much-needed Vitamin D from the sun, Soonyoung opened the back gate, where a playhouse that was connected to tunnels and assorted carpet squares, rugs and different type of surfaces were mapped out like a puzzle game on the manicured lawn. Soonyoung gently took Yuna out of the stroller and placed her on a pink carpet square.
“Let’s practice crawling, Kwon Yuna!” he said like a pro dad, already gathering different elastic balls. He then knelt, carefully watching as Yuna tried to place her hands on the carpet square. Her strawberry-green wings fluttered with the morning breeze. Soonyoung smiled broadly. “Yuna, look!” He placed a ball three squares away. “It’s a ball!”
“B-ball!!!” Yuna shrieked excitedly and began crawling on the towards as fast as her little limbs could carry her. Soonyoung excitedly bent down to help just in case she tumbles.
“Yes! A ball!”
Yuna reached for the ball with a hand and it bounced, sending her into more squeals. “Ball!” She clapped her hands as she sat up, her strawberry bottoms bouncing. “Ball!”
“Well…how about this one?” Soonyoung placed a stuffed star four squares away. “Star!”
“Tar! Tar!” Yuna excitedly clapped her hands again and began to crawl towards the star. Soonyoung was heady with excitement. Their lesson-slash-playtime session was going well for the first two tries! When Yuna reached the star, he began to put another object, this time, five squares away. It was Yuna’s favorite outdoor toy. If you know Soonyoung, then you guessed it: a stuffed tiger. “Tiger!”
“Hosh!!! Hosh!!!” Yuna screamed with delight, much happier than before, and was faster this time. The crawling took only about five seconds. She wasn’t hesitant about this particular object—she knew that toy!
Soonyoung thought of you then. “Blame yourself, my love,” you said loudly for the cameras, “our daughter is calling tigers by my stage name!”
Yuna grabbed the tiger’s nose clumsily with finger and thumb. Her face was red with excitement, and her cheeks looked very much like Soonyoung’s when he was younger. “Hoooshi! Hooooshi!” She hugged the tiger close to her, her wings fluttering with her bouncy movements again.
NARRATOR: *AWWW! Everyone’s hearts just fluttered at this show of affection! She must really love her tiger!!!*
Soonyoung smiled again, before taking the tiger from Yuna. Yuna pouted, having been deprived of Hoshi the Tiger.
“Hey, look! Hoshi wants to race!!!” Soonyoung scooted over the carpet squares and made the tiger “run” across the carpet squares and into the playhouse, with Yuna following happily as fast as she could, her giggles sending warmth into the cameramen who were filming the whole thing.
However, once father and daughter were resting on the playhouse, Soonyoung noticed a strange smell. Sniffing and looking at Yuna, who was looking up at him innocently with her mother’s eyes, Soonyoung groaned. “Okay! Playtime’s over!!! Let’s change your diaper.”
TIPS ON HOW TO CHANGE A BABY’S DIAPER (according to Kwon Soonyoung):
Make sure the diaper you are using is fit for your baby’s skin—no matter how good the brand, it still depends on your baby!
Always sanitize changing areas, whether at home or outside, and keep away stuffed tigers while changing—they might catch the smell. Not so good for stuffed tigers like Hoshi the Tiger!
Make sure you throw the used diaper in a proper waste disposal. And don’t forget to take out the trash at the end of the day!
NEVER run out of diapers. It happened once to me while we were at an ocean park—and it was a very bad experience. #NeverForget
Wash your hands before and after!!!
10:00 A.M.
The doorbell rang, and Soonyoung tiptoed out of the living room, where he was rocking Yuna to sleep. She had changed from her clothes and her diaper, and she looked extremely adorable in her new tiger jumpsuit.
SOONYOUNG: (Nods at the camera and smiles.) That’s right. I made my wife buy that jumpsuit. My daughter can be a tiger, too! (Does his signature roaring pose.) Horanghae!!!
“Bbbabbujji?” Yuna asked you, all traces of sleepiness vanishing from her face.
Soonyoung grinned at her. “You’re probably wondering a lot, huh? Well, let’s see…” Soonyoung walked towards the door and grinned. “Hellooooooo, playmates!!!”
Jeon Eunha stepped in and bowed. “Good morning, Hoshi-samchon!”
Jeon Wonwoo grinned at Soonyoung and pushed up his glasses. “Hello, Yuna! Hello yourself, Soonyoung.”
Soonyoung chuckled and made way for the visitors. “Come in! Come in!” He welcomed them into the spacious living room with a playpen on one side. Jeon Eunha immediately skipped away to the bookcase, studying the contents carefully.
“What’s she doing? And I’m so glad you made it, Wonwoo!”
“Let me see my goddaughter.” Jeon Wonwoo reached out like a fellow expert dad and drew Yuna to him. Yuna, who had begun to become aware of strangers just a month ago, didn’t seem to mind this handsome stranger who was now rocking her. “She’s getting even more and more beautiful!”
Soonyoung beamed like the proud dad he was. “That’s my girl right there!”
“Soonyoung-samchon,” Eunha gently tugged at Soonyoung, who bent down to ruffle her hair. The beautiful Jeon Eunha looked like an Athenian queen in the making, wisely holding a book again. “Can I read this to Yuna?”
“Of course!” Soonyoung smiled. “Yuna would love being read to!”
Eunha happily skipped again towards the playpen, where plushies were next to the bookcase. “Appa, take Yuna here! I’ll read to her!”
“Okay.” Wonwoo rubbed noses with the cute Yuna and said, “Let’s go to Eunha-unnie, Yuna!” And he went to where his daughter, who was opening the picture book she had. Yuna quickly warmed up to Eunha after a few minutes.
“Yuna loves her unnie,” Soonyoung commented, looking at the two affectionately. “Thanks for coming by, Wonu!”
Wonwoo grinned at him. “Hey, we planned this, remember? Our kids are going to play with each other. Eunha’s been asking and asking me when she saw Yuna on your Instagram while I was scrolling.”
“She’s a very wise girl.”
“She is!”
“I hope Yuna learns from her as she gets older!”
Wonwoo grinned and the two dads walked into the playpen as well, participating with Eunha’s reading session. She was reading “Peter Rabbit”, which had been translated into Korean. Yuna was paying close attention to the pictures as she sat on Eunha’s lap, touching the pictures of the rabbits and the fences and the letters.
Wonwoo and Soonyoung talked about dad stuff and SVT, zoning out of the little kids’ world as the cameras rolled.
Q: Does Jeon Wonwoo regularly visit your house with Eunha?
SOONYOUNG: (Beams.) Yes, and I’m very happy he keeps me company! We have always been close, but I think we got closer when we both became dads. He’s the second guy who gives advice to me about stuff. We usually talk on the phone, but as Eunha got older, she wanted to see other friends and go to places. She’s very sharp and bright for her age. (Soonyoung scratches his head.) It’s like Wonwoo carbon-copied himself on his daughter. I’m glad that Yuna has an unnie who takes care of her when they meet, someone she can learn from truly.
“Being a dad changes us, huh?” Wonwoo commented, staring at the two. Yuna has started to doze off on Eunha’s lap. “There’s a tenderness and strength to us that we never had when we were merely guys…husbands…this is different.”
Soonyoung nodded. “Yes. Really.” He sighed. “Yuna changed my life. Literally.”
Wonwoo smirked. “I bet.”
“Congratulations on the addition to the family, by the way!”
Wonwoo smiled wider. “Ah, could I get any happier?”
The two dads laughed.
Suddenly Yuna’s eyes opened and looked directly at Soonyoung. She looked like she was about to cry as her lips pursed menacingly.
Soonyoung knew exactly what to do. He leaned on the picket fence of the playpent and—you guessed it!—bumped his head on it. Thud. “Ow!”
Yuna burst out into a fit of giggles on Eunha’s lap. Eunha, too, did not look so much like the extraordinary three-and-a-half-year-old girl. She was putting her hands into her mouth, book forgotten, laughing as hard as Yuna.
Wonwoo was laughing, too. “You idiot. Stop doing that or she’ll keep asking for it! There are a lot of friendlier games.”
“What can I say?” Soonyoung stopped pretending to cry and grinned at Wonwoo. “Dads do stupid things sometimes, huh?”
Wonwoo nudged him with an elbow. “Not yet, please! I’m still not ready for the dad-jokes phase!”
“Now that I have been so ready for. But in the meantime,” Soonyoung bumped his head again. Thud. “Ow!”
Yuna, Eunha, and Wonwoo burst out laughing, along with the muffled laughter of everyone who was watching behind the cameras.
Judging from the thudding noises, it was going to be a great day for the Kwon residence.
EPISODES | Ep. 1| Ep. 2 | after-party | Ep. 3 | only us | Ep. 4 | afterglow | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6.1
- Admin Leanne
#seventeen#svtcreations#seventeen scenarios#seventeen imagines#seventeen fluff#seventeen drabbles#seventeen hoshi#kwon soonyoung#tiger hoshi#dad seventeen#svt dad au#seventeen wonwoo#jeon wonwoo#The Return of Superman
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