#denki kaminari pro hero
theyluvv4riii · 2 months
I JUST GOT ANOTHER IDEA yandere class (romantic) 1a vs yandere ( platonic ofc) pro heros >:)
EDITED 06/07/24 (finished!!)
READ THIS FIRST, THEN ——— . (mini series, two parts)
first (this)
Every morning, you would have to come with Aizawa to the teachers lounge before class, always hanging out with the heroes specifically for them, almost always eating breakfast with them too. If your grades were bad, then maybe they could put aside spending time with you to help and get those back up.
Whenever you'd praise or congratulate one of the other heroes, maybe Thirteen, Present Mic, or All Might, they each would revel in them and nearly beg for more. How they loved the way you would talk about them, how you would get certain merch and put stickers on your water bottle of them just for them to see it as a way of saying, "your my hero!"
Each and every smile you'd give the pro heroes would always lead to them treating you like their own child, taking you places maybe you couldn't afford or getting you your favorite food or doing an activity with you.
Almost every day, during training with Class 1-A, Aizawa would pull you aside to talk to you (totally about school work), yet you would always be laughing, smiling, or something more then. While the other students trained, most of them would become more violent or aggressive as they became jealous your attention was on someone like Aizawa. They didnt care he was yours and their teacher, only they deserved your attention, not him.
During classes that were more highschool like, you would always get special help to make sure you were doing well, sometimes Aizawa would even give you a better grade although you failed. He would never want to see a frown on your face, you deserved to only feel happy and cheerful! After all, you were his baby!
During lunch time, you tended to sit with the Baku-squad as you were apart of their group. Although that fact, you would always be torn away from them by All Might or another teacher so you could eat lunch with him/others. This really pissed the Baku-squad off, but they never did anything more other then glare because they didn't want to scare you, their sweet innocent girl.
As the internships came by, you had been offered a opportunity with Endeavor, specifically along side him AND Todoroki. When he heard about this, he was estatic, but so was his father hearing you had chosen him rather then the other shitty heroes he was forced to compete with for your attention.
You and Todoroki sat on the bullet train, currently on your ways to his fathers hero agency. The two of you were sat side by side, your head on his shoulder whilst you slept.
Todoroki had a clue what the emotion he felt could be, but he was scared he could hurt you, therefore never showing anything more then friendliness. But deep down, he wanted to do so much more then just give you side hugs whenever school ended, sit down next to eachother with space between during studying, he wanted to feel you, to love you, to treat you like the princess you were.
His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, allowing you to snuggle into him. His face flushed red, but he made sure to calm himself down before one of his quirks acted up.
When the train stopped, instead of waking you up, he picked you up bridal style. Your bags would be picked up afterwards, the "servants" of his father, allowing Todoroki to have you in his arms and nothing else. He carried you into the agency, asking the front desk where your rooms were. His fathers training could wait, you needed sleep.
The receptionist told him the two of you were going to share a room, and that it only had one bed.
Was Endeavor trying what he thought he was? Yes, yes he was. Whether it was because his father wanted you stuck with him as his daughter or for a more powerful grandchild, he didnt know, but Todoroki was hardly keeping in his smile.
Your beautiful face sleeping was more then enough to make him crack a smile, his lips were nearly magnetic to yours. But instead, he refused to cross that boundry.
Todoroki's father suddenly barged into the room, seeing you on top of Todoroki almost made him squeal for joy. "I see the one bed and room worked, did it?" He asked, a proud smile on his large face.
Todoroki glared at him, not giving the satisfaction of saying 'it did,' and only woke you up, walking as a group to scout out the city for 'experience.'
While out, the two of you both got a text from Midoriya, but it was only his location. You gave eachother one look, and ran towards the alley way, never once turning to look back at Endeavor and his screaming.
Whilst you two ran across the busy streets, Endeavour became worried about the two of you. Mainly you, but thats not the point.
When you both finally arrived, you saw Iida on the ground bloodied in his metally hero costume, a pro hero on the wall exhausted and beaten, and Midoriya fighting the Hero Killer, Stain.
When Midoriya got distracted by your twos entry, he got slammed into a nearby wall, also being paralyzed by Stain.
As Stain set his eyes on you, it was like something was sturck inside of him, something that desperately needed to have you.
First, Stain cut Todoroki, leaving you to stand in fear. His look was like no other, enough to make a grown man cower in fear. Without doubt, it terrified you.
Stain walked up to you slowly, looking at your unmoved body. Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki screamed for you to move, to do anything. They tried moving themselves, but they never had the chance to before you and Stain were gone.
They couldn't believe you had just dissapeared, Stain didn't hurt you either. It was weird, but that wasn't their main concern, it was that they couldn't help you, that you were stuck with that monster.
im sorry this took me so long to update! hope you like it though!! ♡
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myheromedia · 5 months
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love-fictional-ppl · 3 months
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Summary: reader is apart of the Bakusquad and they all r stoners
Pairings: platonic!katsuki bakugou x reader, platonic!Eijiro Kirishima x reader, platonic!pansexual!Denki Kaminari x reader, platonic!Hanta Sero x reader, platonic!mina ashido x reader, romantic!Eijiro Kirishima x Mina Ashido, past!mina ashido x Hanta Sero, (Kinda)Mina ashido x reader (yall made out)
Warnings: language, marijuana and vaping, alcohol, mentions of sex specifically high sex, masturbation mentioned, plug!sero
The most chaotic yet iconic smoke circle ever.
Twice a week everybody goes to Sero’s apartment for the smoke sesh
Usually hangouts are held at bakugou’s except he doesn’t like the smell trapped around his place
Bakugou actually has came to rely on the ritual. He lowkey gets annoyed whenever plans are cancelled
Sero smokes a lot it’s ridiculous
Sero and Mina both get horny when they’re high
one time before Mina and Kiri got together, Mina was so high and horny that she hooked up with Sero(who was also also high and horny)
All hangouts are pretty lowkey but Denki always tries to turn it into a party by bringing his speakers and a couple bottles of booze
You, Denki, and Mina are usually the ones who drink
Bakugou only drinks after a rough day, he claims the liquor makes him feel “vulnerable”
Kirishima doesn’t smoke too often but he loves the hangout vibes
When Kirishima and Mina got together he started smoking more except usually him and Mina left early so they could go home and fuck
Bakugou is actually really cute when he’s high don’t tell him that tho. He gets really giggly but if u annoy him he will quickly snap at you.
Denki usually winds up getting the munchies really bad and makes the group go to whatever fast food joint he’s craving that time
Everybody has a slightly different music taste so you guys pull straws each hangout to decide who gets control, somehow kirishima almost always wins
Sero likes to prank call when he’s high. No explanation necessary.
You and Mina play fight when your drunk, occasionally you make out
When you all were really stoned one time Denki confessed that he thought about all of you while masturbating atleast once
Sero makes weird food combos when he has the munchies
Sero also definitely sells weed and Denki buys off him
One time Denki convinced you all to host a party. It was a disaster. Bakugou was mad since you guys were at his apartment.
Overall a 9.8/10 💨 ⭕️
Only sorta proofread😭🤞
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serotonins-stuff · 2 years
He snapped at you during an argument ~bnha
(post argument)
~Bnha boys
~Includes : Bakugo, Izuku, Todoroki ,Denki , Sero, Kirishima, Hawks, Aizawa,Shigaraki ,Dabi
~warnings : just fluff
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Class 1A
Regrets everything he said after having some time to cool down
Decides to get you food he can give you as an apology
"Listen.... I didn't mean what I said before"
If you're still being pouty he'll offer pick you up and put you on the kitchen counter, hold your hips and tell you to forgive him already
Apologizes immediately
Gets frustrated with himself for losing his cool
Mumbles incoherently
"I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that"
Holds and rubs your arms soothingly while he apologizes.
Gives you a bit of space to try and figure out the best way to apologize
Might even ask Fuyumi for advice.
"That was out of line, I'm sorry"
holds your hands in his to look down at your face while he apologizes
Immediately realizes he messed up and curses himself out about it.
Gives himself a pep talkin the other room before apologizing to you
"Ok, you're gonna go in there and apologize to her for being a douche ok?" he says while looking himself in the mirror.
"I shouldn't have said that....I'm sorry"
Cradles your face with one hand while the other stays on your hip
Puts his face in his arms while resting on the bed
"What am I doing?" he'll groan with frustration
Nervously stands in the bathroom wandering if you even want him around anymore
"I just,-I"
Fumbles with his words and hand movements nervously.
"I'm sorry"
Apologizes right after saying those words
"I didn't mean that.....I just"
Might even get teary eyed thinking about hurting your feelings
"I'm so sorry"
Gives you a big hug and cuddles you afterwords
Pro hero's
Sighs deeply while craning his ead at the ceiling, closing his eyes shut and ruffling his hair.
His wings droop at the thought of you being mad at him.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you like that"
He looks at you with such hope that you can't even stay mad at him forever.
Hoists you up by your thighs and nuzzles his face into your neck.
Trys to cheer you up
Makes you a coffee with smiley face marshmallows
Kisses the top of your forehead
"Im sorry for the way I acted"
Definitely rubs your back slowly while sitting you on his lap
Genuinely thinks you'll leave him
Puts on your favorite multiplayer game so you can play together
Holds you by the waist
"Im sorry about earlier"
Takes a long time to apologize but realizes he might lose you if he doesn't
Sits you on his lap if you're still pouty
Rubs you back, while you lay your head on his chest
"Look, I'm sorry alright?"
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athynathens · 6 months
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── : 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 ❧
surprise, princess
in which you got surprised with your husband’s appearance on set. pro hero! bakugo katsuki x actress! you/reader
lust for you
in which you caught the eye of a certain band member. drummer! bakugo katsuki x college student! you/reader
── : 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅 𐙚
coming soon
in which this oneshot is coming soon ;)
── : 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ⋆˙⟡ ☽
the worlds in between
in which amphyr domino [m-free • do-mi-no] stumbled across a student named bakugo katsuki. student hero! bakugo katsuki x fairy! amphyr domino
this short story will be a crossover between boku no hero academia and winx club.
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queer-obsession · 1 year
on my bullshit again and thought abt if MHA characters (pro heroes) would hard launch or soft launch your relationship so here you go:
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Izuku Midoiya: soft launch - he's definitely the type to take a relationship slow in general anyway and with his status as a pro he wouldn't want to just throw you to the wolves. His manager helps him out and after you've been together for honestly almost a year he'll carefully start stepping back from being single. If asked if he's in a relationship in an interview instead of "no" he'll say "no comment", he'll purposefully get caught buying something for you a couple times, he'll tweet a quote abt love, and eventually post a picture of him holding hands with you or hugging you where your face isn't visible, then his next interview when he gets asked if he has a partner he'll say yes and that's it, a few days later he posts a photo kissing you with your face visible and captions it with a simple heart
Katsuki Bakugou: No launch - He is a firm believer of it's nobodies fucking business so he just doesn't talk abt it. Eventually you guys would get caught by fans or paparazzi and he'd probably be like "yeah that's my partner got a fucking problem with it?" and that's it. Honestly people are to afraid to bring you up in interviews
Shoto Todoroki: Soft launch - he doesn't know the fucking difference but his manager would eventually want him to soft launch your relationship when people start to catch on so he does. He does the classics, gets caught buying flowers, posts abt love, takes a photo of a candlelit table for two, and eventually posts you two together. What the world doesn't know is that your actually the one that crafted all the soft launch posts
Kaminari Denki: Hard launch (by accident) - he can't help himself 😭 you guys probably planned on keep your relationship on the low for a bit longer but he accidentally mentions you in an interview or he posts a photo of you talking abt how cute you are and doesn't realize he did it on his main
Kirishima Eijiro: Hard launch - He can't shut up abt you. The second you guys are official EVERYONE knows. One day he just gets asked abt his relationship status and he just praises you for a minute straight and you only became his girlfriend a month ago
Mina Ashido: Soft launch - I think she would love crafting and organizing a soft launch. Taking fun teasing pictures and watching people in the comments freak out. She just finds it cute to soft launch and practical. She eventually posts a photo of you two together probably on a holiday with the cheesiest and sweetest caption. She defiantly planned everything with the idea of announcing your relationship on said holiday to
Keigo Takami (Hawks): Soft launch - He's a very high ranking hero and let's not forget that the hero commission helicopters him like a bunch of stalkers. your relationship would be a secret for a while, over a year 1/2, because of the commission. When they realize your not going anywhere and that the public is catching on they organize for his handler and PR team to soft launch the relationship. I feel like his PR team definitely built up a bachelor reputation for him so they have to soft launch to get people shipping you guys and not being as mad he's no longer single. Shit goes on for months, him getting caught buying gifts, getting caught at a fancy restaurant, his PR manger tweeting cryptic shit, organizing a fake paparazzi shoot where they "catch" him holding hands with an unknown person. Eventually he mentions being in a relationship in an interview, but he doesn't post you for another few weeks at his managers request so that people can "digest"
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic): Hard launch - he doesn't really mention his personal life to much but his students know abt you and he mentions you on his radio show. He just casually mentions you one day and then doesn't talk abt you again for two months when he casually mentions you again
Aizawa Shouta: No launch (lowkey secret) - Another firm believer of it's no one's fucking business. There is no launch because your relationship would most likely be a secret. Never mentions you at work, is an underground hero, and a definite homebody. There was never any hope of any type of launch. Present mic is the only one that knows except maybe Midnight. Nezu knows to but he's a stalker
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko): Hard launch - When i say hard launch i mean it. This women legit just makes out with you in public one day and that's it. The internet almost breaks because it comes out of no where for the general public. Never talks abt you because she likes the focus to be on her hero work but doesn't shy away from PDA and doesn't care if people know.
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i hope someone finds this interesting 😭 reblogs appreciated ❤️ have fun down the MHA rabbit hole
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
If anyone in Class 1-A would develop a crush towards Dabi, I feel like it'd be either Kaminari or Tokoyami. Kaminari because he obviously likes them goth and edgy, as seen by his simping over Shinsou and the head over heels behavior he has for Jirou. Meanwhile, Tokoyami has a crush on him because he thinks Dabi is the perfect balance of goth and dark. This man dyed his whole head of brilliant white hair just for the aesthetic. He wears a badass coat and cool as fuck boots. Hell, his pants are stapled.
Thinking about Tokoyami telling all this to his mentor Hawks while they're working at the hero's apartment together, not knowing why the pro looks so fidgety. Hawks' expression looks dead inside when he reached the point of why Dabi's blue eyes are a nice contrast to his fashion choices. Unbeknownst to the smol birb child, the villain he is simping for is very much in the other room, looking every inch like the most sluttiest pin-up model you could think of while draped all over the hero's bed. He definitely would look like the teenager's wet dream, and Hawks wants to bleach his brain for even thinking about it.
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thoughtssvt · 6 months
Hero Talk Pod pt. 3
ft. Chargebolt (Kaminari Denki)
word association game
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deku : alright! kaminari-kun we're gonna play word association. i'm gonna give you a hero and you say the first word that pops into your head, okay?
kaminari : gotcha, gotcha
dk : red riot
kami : smash
dk : …
dk : ... dynamight
kami : hard smash
dk : *amused* earphone jack 
kami : hot
*getting faster*
dk : mockingbird (hitoshi)
kami : SEXY
dk : deku
kami : AWOOGA
dk : *cackling* chargebolt
kami : GAY
previous part | masterlist | next part
A/N : he did pretty good, if you ask me. anyway, please use my ask box if you have any reccs! i'd also love to hear from you :3
banner credit
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doumadono · 1 month
Emergency request.
I was told today that I'll have to get surgery on my back, and I'm really scared about it.
Would it be okay to request comfort from Denki Kaminari for a gender neutral reader? Thank you in advance.
A spark of comfort - Denki Kaminari x gn!Reader
A/N: I'm sorry to hear that you're facing such a daunting situation. It's completely normal to feel scared about surgery. Take things one step at a time, and remember to be gentle with yourself. Sending you lots of positive energy and virtual hugs during this challenging time. If you ever need someone to talk to or just want some company, I'm here for you. Take care ♥
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The weight of the doctor's words still lingered in their mind as they left the clinic. "You will need surgery," he had said, his tone gentle but firm. The words echoed over and over, intertwining with the fear that surged within them. Surgery on their back was a daunting prospect, one that sent shivers down their spine.
The sun had begun its descent, casting an amber glow over the cityscape. Their feet moved almost of their own accord, taking them to a familiar destination. Denki Kaminari’s apartment was a place of solace, a sanctuary where they always found comfort. As a pro hero, Denki was often busy, but he had always made time for them, his closest friend.
The elevator ride to his floor felt interminable, and when they finally stood before his door, their heart pounded in their chest. They hesitated for a moment before knocking softly. 
The door opened almost immediately, and Denki stood there, his usual bright smile faltering slightly when he saw their expression. "Hey, dear," he said, stepping aside to let them in. "What's going on? You look like you just saw a ghost."
They forced a smile, but it didn’t reach their eyes. "Can we talk?"
Denki nodded, concern etching lines across his forehead. "Of course. Come on in."
The living room was cozy, filled with a lot of documents from Kaminari’s work. Denki motioned for them to sit on the couch, and they sank into the cushions, feeling the tension in their body refuse to ease.
Denki sat beside them, his golden eyes scanning their face. "Alright, spill it out. What's got you so wound up?"
They took a deep breath, trying to steady their voice. "I went to the doctor today. They said I need surgery on my back."
His eyes widened, and he reached out, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder. "Whoa, a surgery? That’s serious. What’s going on?"
They explained the situation, detailing the medical jargon and the necessity of the procedure. As they spoke, Denki listened intently, nodding from time to time, his hand never leaving their shoulder, his presence grounding them.
When they finished, he squeezed their shoulder gently. "That’s a lot to take in, dear. I can understand why you’re scared."
"I’m not gonna lie, I’m terrified, Denki," they admitted, their voice barely above a whisper. "What if something goes wrong? What if I can’t —"
"Hey, hey," Denki interrupted softly, his voice a soothing balm to their frayed nerves. "I get it. It's a scary thought. But you’re not alone in this. I’m here for you, every step of the way."
They looked up, meeting his earnest gaze. "Really? Ah, you’re always so kind to me but I know how busy you are and I just don’t want to —”
"Absolutely," he interrupted them, a determined look in his golden eyes. "You’re my best friend. We’re a team, remember?”
A small smile tugged at their lips. "Yeah, you’re right."
Denki’s smile grew, and he pulled them into a gentle hug. "We’re going to get through this together. And besides, you’re stronger than you think. You’ve got this."
His words, simple yet sincere, seeped into their heart, easing some of the fear. "Thank you, Denki. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
"Luckily, you’ll never have to find out," he joked with a wink, releasing them from the hug but keeping his hand on their back, a steadying presence. "Now, let’s figure out how we can prepare for this. We’ll make a plan, and I’ll be with you through every appointment and every step of recovery. And also, you can stay by my place after the surgery. I want to keep my eye on you.”
They nodded, feeling a spark of hope kindling within them. "That sounds good. But… I don’t want to be a bother to you…"
Denki stood up, letting out a sigh, "Listen, you are never a bother. And while we’re planning stuff, how about we get some takeout? I’m thinking of pizza. You need to keep your strength up, and pizza is practically a superhero’s secret weapon."
They laughed, the sound lighter than it had been all day. "Pizza sounds perfect."
As Denki grabbed his phone to place the order, they couldn’t help but feel grateful. The fear of surgery was still there, looming in the background, but with Denki by their side, it felt more manageable. He had a way of making even the darkest moments feel a little brighter, a little less daunting.
Sitting back on the couch, they watched him animatedly order enough pizza to feed an army, and for the first time since leaving the clinic, they felt a sense of calm. Whatever the future held, they knew they wouldn’t face it alone. And that made all the difference.
Denki returned, flopping down beside them and draping an arm around their shoulders again. "Alright, pizza’s on the way. Now, tell me more about this surgery. I want to know everything, so I can help you prepare."
They smiled, the warmth of his friendship enveloping them. "Well, it’s going to be a bit complicated..."
As they began to explain, Denki listened with rapt attention.
"I'm so scared, still... I can't stop thinking about it," they said.
Denki gently rubbed their shoulders, his touch comforting and reassuring. "Hey, listen to me," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "I know this is scary, but I also know how incredibly strong and resilient you are. You've faced challenges before, and you've always come out on top. This is just another hurdle, and I have no doubt that you'll handle it with the same grace and courage." The pro hero paused, his gaze locking with theirs, conveying a depth of belief and admiration. "You're a wonderful person, you know that? You have a strength within you that's truly inspiring, and I feel lucky to know you."
After what felt like hours of talking and laughing, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their much-needed distraction in the form of pizza. 
Denki sprang up with enthusiasm, returning with two huge boxes filled with cheesy goodness. 
They shared the meal, savoring each bite and relishing in the simple joy of being together.
As the night drew to a close, Denki insisted on setting up a makeshift bed for them on his couch. 
With blankets and pillows arranged haphazardly, they settled in, feeling the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to them.
Before drifting off to sleep, Denki squeezed their hand gently, his eyes filled with unwavering support and affection. "You're going to be okay, you know? Before you know it, you'll be back on your feet, stronger than ever."
They smiled, the warmth of his words wrapping around them like a comforting blanket. "Thank you, Denki. For everything."
He grinned back, his own exhaustion evident but his spirit unwavering. "Anytime, partner. Now get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day, and we've got a battle to win."
With a final exchange of goodnights, they closed their eyes, feeling a sense of peace settle over them like a gentle embrace. In the safety of Denki's apartment, surrounded by friendship, they drifted off into a deep and restful sleep, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they were never alone.
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anathemaspeaks · 3 months
my hero academia
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navi. -> my hero academia masterlist
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welcome to my boku no hero academia masterlist! if you're looking for my spam posts or thirsts, search #anathema talks (for spam) or #anathema thirsts (for 18+ content). my main content will be under #anathema writes. enjoy! looking for my main? legend: ★ - contains smut ☆ - normal fic
all credits to the original artist of the banner, and @/cafekitsune for the divider!
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shoto todoroki
☆ dandelion wishes - always the bridesmaid, never the bride - isn't that how the saying goes? my name is momo yaoyorozu, and in my case, it's true.
☆ bliss - you never expected to end up with pro-hero shoto todoroki, but your life has other plans in mind for you.
bakugou katsuki
☆ sweater weather - sometimes, all it takes is a chilly spring evening, pizza, and the lack of a sweater for the start of something new.
☆ pillow fight! - your explosive boyfriend and pillows. what could possibly go wrong?
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plushmer · 1 year
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randomized expression challenge
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writersmorgue · 11 months
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There is no second part because they fear Kirishima’s wrath. Anyway thanks anon lolol
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thephilosophah · 1 year
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i’m rotating them around in my head but not like in a microwave. like in a washing machine.
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lovely-lillies-101 · 3 months
Birds Don’t Sing.
Sero x f!reader
Birds Don’t Sing Masterlist
01. Fresh
Mentions of: Flashbacks/Past Trauma, Reader has issues, etc.
1k wc.
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The conference room was quiet. It wasn't the nice, comforting type of quiet, no. It felt dense and thick,  with tension hanging heavily in the air. All that could be heard was the soft drumming of Sero's fingers against the wooden table. 
 He took a deep breath, gazing over at the blonde seated beside him. He was fidgeting, messing with his fingers while he bounced his knee. Seeing Kaminari anxious didn't help his nerves in the slightest. 
 Meetings like this were never good, especially when it was just him and Kaminari without the other sidekicks. They were probably going to get chewed out for something, but what? He flitted through the possibilities in his head. A patrol gone wrong maybe? Another one of Kaminari's dumb instagram posts blowing up? Or maybe it was the time Kamui Woods caught him playing solitaire on his computer when instead of writing a report. But Sero doubted that he would care enough about that to call a meeting. He hardly even said anything to him when it happened. He just gave him a dirty look and shrugged it off. 
 As if he read his mind, in came Kamui woods, with his coworkers and Sero's other bosses, Mount Lady and Edgeshot. It was rare for all three of them to be together, especially not for a meeting. This was bad. This was really bad. Are they getting fired? 
 "Relax, you're not in trouble." Edgeshot reassured them, sensing their panic. Sero's shoulders dropped slightly, his muscles releasing all the tension and anxiety that had been building up inside. Kaminari let out a small sigh of relief and slumped back into his chair. 
 "We called this meeting because we had some news we wanted to share with you," Kamui chimed in. He picked up the remote from the table, clicking a button that turned the projector on. 
 "In a few days, a new sidekick will be joining you. Her name is-" 
 Mount Lady practically shouted her name, interrupting Kamui and gesturing wildly to the image that flashed on screen behind her. A photo of a beautiful young woman appeared on screen. Sero studied her features, her soft smile and bright eyes, the curve of her face, and her hair style and hero uniform. Kaminari nudged Sero slightly with his elbow, mumbling something about how attractive she was, earning himself an eye roll.
 "She was ranked highly as a sidekick, staying in the top ten consistently and even reaching the top five in her nation. She took a break a few years back but now she'll be joining you guys!" Mount Lady rambled excitedly. It made sense. A popular sidekick will improve their ratings, and it could probably help Sero and Kaminari rank up too. But why were they the first to hear about it? Why not tell everyone at once? He couldn't help but ask. 
 "That's great and all, but why didn't you tell Mineta and Shiozaki?"
 "Since she's going to be your priority. As we mentioned before, she's not from here. She isn't very fluent in Japanese, but you can speak her language, Sero. So, it'll be your responsibility to translate for her." Edgeshot replied,  "From now on, the three of you are going to be a team." 
 "We're sorry it had to end this way, but your compliance is greatly appreciated." You stared at the carpeted floor beneath you, refusing to look anywhere else. They were all staring, watching you, their eyes burning through your body. All you could do was sit and listen as the lawyers spoke to you. 
 Everyone knows now. They all know. 
You should be ashamed. You're disgusting. You're a monster. 
 Bright morning light peeked through the curtains, shining on your sheets. It had been at least three days since you left your bed due to your exhaustion from the jet lag. All you wanted to do was sleep, until now, when your stomach is twisting with hunger, the pain becoming almost sickening.
 You eventually got out of bed, but only after the delivery guy dropped your food off at your door. When you picked up the bag, you didn't expect to see a box next to it, addressed to you from your new agency, The Lurkers. Your curiosity outweighed your hunger, and you found yourself opening the box with a pair of scissors. 
 Reaching in, you grabbed the fabric lifting it up and raising it above you to look at. Black as night colored polyester with nylon and copper material, perfect for your quirk. It looked just like what you envisioned, if not better. You turned the body suit to the side, studying the bright yellow streaks and lightning bolts. It was perfect. It was yours. 
 It had been over two years since you last had a hero costume. There had been a time where you never wanted to wear one again. Where just the thought of it made you sick to your stomach and filled with dread. But now, here you were with your very own hero costume, based off your design. It's pure, untouched, perfect, fresh, clean, and new. Like everything is now. 
 You blinked the tears away as you held the costume against your body, hugging it to your chest. This was your chance to start over again. A fresh start. A clean slate. It was just what you needed and you weren't going to take it for granted. You're going to take every opportunity you can get to become the hero you always wanted to be, and nothing is going to hold you back. Not anymore. 
 You grabbed your phone, taking a picture and texting it to your aunt, before setting it down on the table. Before you went to eat, you noticed something left in the box. It was a little slit of paper, with Japanese characters that you couldn't translate inscribed on it. Underneath was a message written in your language. 
"Looking forward to meeting you next week - The Lurkers" 
 You smiled to yourself, feeling hope and excitement flicker in your chest.
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Lmaooo here’s the finished meme vid for the platonic sharing a bed concept I had for my post grad au where these three moved it together.
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jupitereleven · 2 years
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