#and he tried but also he was stuck in a place where his strength kind of contradicted the future he wanted
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gaywineauntsstuff · 2 days ago
Okay I’m gonna drop an unpopular opinion here
I really
Hate the Jason and Damian met in the league and have a close brotherly relationship
I honestly think it detracts from BOTH of their development and makes both the characters a lot more 2D and boring.
And also I think it disrespects my GIRL Stephanie brown. Bc that close personal bickering, anything goes sibling shit? Yeah that’s Damian and Steph all the way.
And yeah I tend to credit Dick Grayson (bc he’s my boy) for a lot of the Growth Damian goes through. But Stephanie brown and him have the funniest sibling relationship in history
And I think to have as interesting of a development as Damian has had you needed characters like Dick and Steph to be his Batman and Batgirl.
Dick who I think we can all agree is objectively the least violent of the bats at a baseline (Richard crash out Grayson moments notwithstanding) as well as Steph. Both have angry moments of doling out justice but BOTH prefer rehabilitation methods and tend to be more mouthy and loud about their thoughts during a battle
Steph CLAWED her way up into her position, she fought for that and held on with an iron grip that left indents. She wasn’t as good as, Dick born acrobat Grayson, Barbara prodigy Gordon and Tim genius Drake. So she worked her ass off and FORCED people to pay attention to her and got good enough that she matches the rest of the bats on the field.
Dick HAS the experience of working with difficult cases. He’s lead teams his age filled with drama, infighting and death successfully, he’s trained kids younger than him successfully on panel.
He’s canonically a very adaptable teacher, who has strength in meeting you where you’re at and getting you to move to where you want to be.
Both these things helped Damian exponentially
Now let me be so clear.
Damian did the work.
Damian put in the blood, sweat and tears into changing his beliefs and perceptions of the world. But that would not have been possible if these two didn’t at least make it known that “hey you can be the kind of person who cares and still have value and not be weak and pathetic”
Damian going vegetarian/vegan bc of his morals, Damian choosing not to kill, Damian choosing to leave Robin, Damian making choices unrelated to mantles, regrets and vengeance. Is due to the fact that he had Dick Grayson and Stephanie brown as examples (now ofc Alfred was also very very very imp but I feel like no one ignores his significance so I don’t feel the need to add him here)
And Jason?
Bc if Jason could be this kind, empathic older sibling to Damian? WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK WAS HE DOING WHEN HE FIRST CAME TO GOTHAM? the way he treated the bats and the rogues gallery? Slaughtering all of blackgate to end up in Arkham, making dick watch him fall to his ‘death’.
No absolutely not
This is the ‘pit madness’ nonsense all over again
Jason had to see the world outside of Gotham and work with other people who were anti-heroes who fall into the category.
Bc Jason didn’t start out as an antihero
Jason was a full on villain with a grudge against other villains, he worked for the place he’s in. It’s bc of characters he interacted with, it’s bc of realizations he’s dealt with. It’s because he’s been a little too trigger happy in the wrong place and ended up looking at the grief he caused others and realizing he didn’t want to do that.
It gets rid of Jason realizing HE CAN work with his family.
It gets rid of Jason BECOMING a solid older brother to Tim and erases the Jason who WANTS to have a relationship with his family.
It erases all of the times he’s tried and failed and still got up and tried again
Both of them have grown bc of the people around them and I think if they had each other at that time it would’ve gone 1 of 2 ways
1) a toxic loop re-establishing bad beliefs and practices that damage both of them and leave them more resentful and stuck in their ways
2) they would’ve hated each other and tried to kill each other
In summary
-both these characters didn’t show up nice, they worked for it, don’t erase that
- don’t erase the characters that helped them grow (my girl Steph Brown being left out of conversations she started will kill me)
- Jason can have close relationships with the family im not saying he shouldn’t. I’m just saying that Jay is the cool older brother who very obviously loves you but was at college when you were a kid and now doesn’t really know how to interact with you and it’s awkward but you know you can go to him even if he isn’t your first call in most situations
- Damian was not a good person, he CHOSE to be that’s important to his growth. And with that growth came the ability to form the close connections he now has in canon. Without the growth he undergoes he wouldn’t be able to form the protective loving group of family and friends he has around him
- I would highkey love a short miniseries of Jason and Damian working together and developing a nice relationship both in and out of the masks but until we get that. I’m sticking to awkward brother that loves you but doesn’t get you at all
Also if you disagree/ have more nuanced takes on the Jay Damian sibling arc please leave in the reblogs and comments, I like hearing more nuanced takes and discussing just please don’t be a dick (hehe) about it
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lavenderjewels · 1 year ago
(JJK 236 spoilers/leaks)
now that there’s been a main character sacrifice this means nobara can come back!
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scarletttries · 2 months ago
Write A Kiss Request: Kang Dae-Ho/ Player 388 (Squid Game) x Reader...a kiss out of envy or jealousy
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(prompt list here) & 2025 Request List - requests open for Dae-Ho
...a kiss for Dae-Ho out of jealousy
Of all the places you had ever found yourself getting a crush on someone, this was definitely the strangest. An almost sterile dorm room with bunk beds stacked to the ceiling. A playground of kids games with deadly consequences. A way to pay off your debts but risking your life in the process. Yeah, you really didn't need your mind to keep floating away on one of the players you were competing alongside, and yet try as you might you couldn't stop thinking about Dae-Ho.
Maybe it was the way he tried his hardest to make you smile after every awful round of your latest terrifying ordeal. Or the way he was constantly going out of his way to keep you safe and make sure you felt protected around him. Honestly it might just have been how the muscles in his arms would bulge every time he brushed his long black hair out of his face and tied it up behind him the way his sisters had taught him. He was enchanting, and beautiful, and silly and warm and he felt like the perfect distraction, if not your salvation, in a place like this.
You only wished there wasn't another player trying to use you as the same kind of distraction.
You hadn't even heard of 'the great rapper Thanos' before you entered these bizarrely painted halls, cringing every time he cornered you between games to try and charm you with his barely rhyming words and creepy nicknames. It wasn't hard to see that he was just trying it on with every girl in this place, but that didn't make it any less stomach-turning when his sights were set on you.
Luckily Dae-Ho had also noticed the way Thanos watched intently whenever you strolled across the room, and how seem to keep track of you in every game you played. Of course, Dae-Ho was doing the same thing, but you welcomed his presence, and he knew you felt safe with him by the way you stuck to his side every chance the two of you had. He was sure you were just being polite when you laughed at Thanos's terrible jokes, and applauded his awful little songs. You had to be. There was no way you'd actually see something in that purple haired weirdo.
That's what the sweet, misguided marine tried to tell himself, his own simmering resentment and insecurity plaguing his mind every time he saw you and the wannabe rapper together. You were the only silver lining of this hell-hole, the one comfort he had found in his darkest time, and he couldn't let himself imagine that you could feel anyway other than the same aching he felt. A desperate longing for the two of you to escape this place, to go back to your homes and then carve a new one out together where debt, and judgement, and the fear of this place could never find you. In the scariest moments of the games that was what Dae-Ho pictured, and it gave him enough strength to keep going, for the two of you and the life you could have together.
And so it was hardly a surprise when after the latest game every drop of blood in his veins started to boil when Thanos ran up to you in the dorm and scooped you up in a dramatic reunion hug.
"Senorita! I was so worried I had lost my girl in that round, it was crazy!"
He was right that it had been crazy. The mad scramble to find a room, and the desperate clinging to any hand you capture, and the uncertainty of who else would emerge safely when the doors finally opened. Dae-Ho hadn't let you leave his mind or his side for the duration of the game, never feeling so certain about his devotion to you as he did now. It was a game that had everyone huddling together a little bit closer as the dorm filled again, and Dae-Ho wasn't going to waste the adrenaline coursing through his veins on anything other than getting you away from Thanos.
"She's not your girl." He stated firmly, a little louder than he meant to as he stepped between you and Thanos where the purple-haired player had finally set you back on your feet. It was a relief that Dae-Ho had said exactly the phrase you were thinking, feeling safer to put some distance between you and Thanos now that he had arrived. Thanos smirked and stared dead-eyed through him, still a little out of his mind and looking for a reason to argue.
"Says who? Some nobody!" He spat out, looking around for one of his little cronies to echo his bitter laughter. You could see the focused look in Dae-Ho's eyes falter as Thanos's words struck a nerve, the echo of his father's view of him his whole life. You inched closer to Dae-Ho, letting your fingers trace softly down his arm until your hand found his, immediately getting snatched up and safely enclosed. Dae-Ho ignored Thanos and looked at you, the soft smile of thanks you offered him enough to bolster his confidence. No matter what anyone else said, or how they saw him, you always made him feel like he could really be somebody. Somebody important, and brave, and strong.
Unhappy about being ignored, Thanos stepped closer, getting right up in Dae-Ho's face to taunt him, "You think she wants you? Please she's just playing hard to get, for ME."
Dae-Ho acted quicker than he could find the words to speak, using his grip on your hand to pull you closer until you were flush with his chest, his free arm wrapping tightly around your waist as he lowered his head towards you. There was no time to think, no moment of hesitation, only an aching amount of possessive affection towards you that he could only express by landing his lips against yours in such a smooth maneuver that it might have knocked you off your feet if he weren't clutching you so tightly. You let go of his hand in an instant and threw your arms around his neck, letting your fingers thread through his silky hair and catch the back of his neck, drawing him closer and making sure his lips didn't have the space to leave yours.
His kiss was so strong it was almost forceful, Dae-Ho trying to conjure every ounce of adoration he had for you and the future he imagined you sharing into that one sweet moment. He tried to memorize the sensation of your kiss, the feel of your lips, the way you tasted. Anything he could bring to mind in case he met his end at these games and needed one comforting thought for his final moment.
He was the one to pull back first, although reluctantly, turning to Thanos and saying in as serious a tone as you had ever heard him use,
"Leave her alone." Without giving him time to reply he began to walk away, his arm glued to your waist to make sure that no-one would be able to try to take you from him ever again. The moment Thanos was out of earshot, he leaned in close, eyes wide with disbelief now you were away from public view,"I hope that was okay! Sorry I kind of panicked and then..." You had to fight back a laugh at the absolute change in tone and the sudden loss of domineering confidence he had just moments ago. You did a quick glance behind to make sure you weren't still the object of Thanos's attention, and then reached up to stroke Dae-Ho's cheek, planting a sweet kiss on his lips before he could talk himself into any more anxiety.
"It was better than okay." You reassured him, watching his eyes light up as a bright smile spread across his cheeks. He squeezed your waist tighter as you continued back to the safety of your beds,
"I can't wait to get out of here with you. My girl." He said proudly, confidence renewed that he could face whatever games came next as long as he had you.
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kaymarie-bell · 10 months ago
Diasomnia Spoilers, Chapter 8 (JP)
part 1
After Idia finishes his explanation of the plan, he makes our Magic Stones able to switch our clothes (like a character customization screen / magical girls lmfao) and we use Silver’s UM to start moving around. The first dream we see is Epel’s
Epel's dream:
In his dream, Epel has a buff body but the same face (also his steps sound like a giant walking lmfao.)
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We go to talk to him, but he picks a fight with Sebek. In Epel’s dream he’s taller than both Sebek and Jack (😭). We have to convince him that this dream isn’t really what he wants in order to wake him up. He kinda loses it once we mention Vil.
We get blot clones of Vil and Rook that are trying to convince him to stay inside the dream, telling him how much Leona praises him as the best rookie in the magift team and how he embodies the strength and beauty of Pomefiore.
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Grim snaps and reminds him of his wish to defeat Neige as the “poisoned apple” after the VDC.
Epel finally wakes up and accepts his true appearance. We fight against the fake Vil and Rook. Epel uses his UM to win. After that, Idia (in tablet form) explains the situation him.
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Idia gives him the invitation he prepared, and we leave a fake copy of Epel’s body in the dream (the buff one 😭) to keep Malleus from finding out too soon.
We then move on to Rook’s dream:
Just as the new SSR showed: we are in a dream where Rook is still a Savanaclaw student. He is not a first year. He recognizes Epel and wonders if Leona asked to see him because of magift.
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We try the “Vil would be mad if he saw you looking like that” strategy on Rook, however he doesn’t understand why it would concern him since Vil is an RSA student (‼️)
Vil is also Neige’s best friend (‼️‼️‼️)
Rook begins his fanboy rant about Vil and Neige’s “friendship.” He always imagined them as besties, and he keeps talking about their interviews and how they behave with each other. Sebek snaps at him and gets him to shut up for a bit, Rook is apologetic for getting too excited since he doesn’t have anyone to talk about this topic in Savanaclaw (😭)
Ortho wants us to go into Rook’s room to get more information about this version of him to wake him up. Rook tries to stop us but we manage to get inside.
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His room is decorated floor to ceiling with Neige’s merch on the left and Vil’s on the right (😭😭😭😭)
Sebek voice: what kind of rituals are you performing here?
Rook has been keeping his room a secret for all of his three years at NRC. He says he can’t let us go now…without looking at his oshis’ DVD collection first (😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
5 hours later. Everyone is tired, and Silver even fell asleep for the first time since we got stuck in these dreams.
Epel tries to make him remember the VDC, but in this Rook’s memory Neige sang Minna de Yahoo! alongside Vil. He tells us goodnight and we leave his room.
The group starts to wonder if this dream means that Rook would’ve preferred to not be friends with Vil, but Epel is against that idea. He thinks that Rook is still thinking about Vil’s overblot, and maybe he believes that if Vil and Neige weren’t rivals then Vil wouldn’t have gone through all that.
Our plan to make Rook wake up involves going to the Coliseum / VDC stage and sing Absolutely Beautiful (new rhythmic!)
We get a flashback of how we rehearsed the song. Epel guided us and assigned our places. Epel -> Vil / Ortho -> Jamil / Sebek -> Epel / Silver and Grim -> Adeuce combo / Yuu -> Kalim / Idia -> Audience and judge.
Idia is happy to take this role, since he is very strict about idol performances (😭) he also offered to get everything ready
Epel: ✨Really? Thank you, Idia-san! ✨
Idia: Ugh! It’s too dazzling! For a moment I thought I’d been reincarnated into an idol training game-
Idia: Pomefiore is frightening….
Idia: I mean, doesn’t this kinda make me a manager or a boys' idol group P?
Idia: “Idia Manager”….”Shroud P”…..Hah! It doesn’t sound too bad~
note: in the type of idol games Idia is talking about, the P stands for “Producer” (time to Ensemble our Stars)
Rook begins to wake up, but blot clones of Vil and Neige appear. They begin to sing Minna de Yahoo! and Rook gets distracted again. Epel starts to scream at him
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Epel: Look closely! The real Vil-san looks more wicked, and his eyebrows are so angled! His eyes are so sharp that his stare will make your heart skip a beat!
Epel: Your Roi de Poison! Our Queen! He is far more Poisonous and Beautiful [than the fake]!
Rook: Poisonous…Beautiful…?
Epel: Don’t you dare give out the words Vil-san wanted the most that day to those fakes! You’re a worse traitor now than when you voted for the Royal Sword Academy! (ouch)
Epel: Come on, wake up! ROOK HUNTEEEER!
Rook: One vote for RSA…traitor…ugh!
Rook: Ugh!….that’s right…in this world…the most beautiful thing in this world is…ARGH!
Rook wakes up, but the fakes are still trying to distract him. ( shoutout to Vil’s VA, this Vil speaks in a more…princely? manner. Definitely not Our Vil)
Rook knows this is a dream, but he still feels guilty about pointing his arrow at them
(Groovy spoiler for Rook's new SSR)
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Fake Vil voice: Neige get behind me!
We defeat the blot clones, and Rook and Epel have their reunion
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Meanwhile Sebek and Idia:
Sebek: I can’t believe it…you’re not only making me fight, but also dance.
Idia: Hehe. I managed to get a good recording of the magnificent Sebek-shi waving his arms and feet in such a clumsy manner.
Sebek: You-! Turn that off! If you show this to anyone, I will not let you get away with it!
Rook notices Idia and is moved by him “guiding the underclassmen as a Dorm Leader” (😭)
Idia is like “eh? Not really…I’m more of a P or a manager…”
Rook asks him to explain what happened at Lilia’s farewell party. Idia shows him the video too. Rook joins our party, receives the invitation, and leaves a clone behind. We move onto the next dream.
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spider-jaysart · 9 months ago
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Beast world was very fun and Cat!Damian was the best part about it to me loll and now that I've created a Puppy!Jon to go along with him, I'm thinking these boys deserve an au dedicated to them both and the series!
It would all be just an au of everyone naturally living as their beast world selves, like that's just who they are, and everyone else in the universe besides them would also have natural animal forms of their own too and humans don't exist. It would be called "Beastverse/Beast world au Earth 68"
And I've got some Damijon headcanons for it!! (And also about some other stuff too!)
When Damian and Jon first met, that's when the phrase fighting cats and dogs definitely became much more true to it's words lolll, and it was wild lmaoo
In the beginning of their team up, Damian would meow around Jon all the time whenever they interacted, just so that he could speak with him less and give him a hard time understanding him, making Jon think that's all he can actually ever say. And meanwhile Jon would be the one speaking in English, but still trying to talk to Damian anyways loll (which was annoying to Damian loll). After some very much later adventures though, he then finally decided to reveal to Jon he can speak in English by suddenly talking in it during a moment where he was trying to comfort him and then Jon was kind of upset, like "Wait...YOU ACTUALLY KNEW HOW TO TALK THE WHOLE TIME??" And Damian was like "-tt- Of course I did, I just didn't want to talk to YOU." Lmaooo
Whenever the boys play, they can match eachothers playful sides a little too well and start jumping all over the place a little too crazy loll. Someone has to sometimes keep a close eye on them both because of this or fun messes will happen
Damian has a habit of scratching up anyone who messes with Jon
Damian as a cat really hates the rain, so Jon, knowing this, will protect him with his jacket and immediately lift him up in his arms to keep cozy until they got home or somewhere else dry
Jon loves Damian's meows and especially his purrs because they keep him calm and he just loves hearing them from Damian
Sometimes their tails get stuck together in a knot because Jon was wagging his too much again near Damian's, causing it to wrap around his tightly too quickly and get caught. They almost ended up completely dragging the other with them a few times without realizing at all because of this loll
Damian didn't like sharing his toys at all and would tell Jon to leave them alone or else, since they're special gifts from Talia. He would also used to insult Jon's own at first, seeing them as not so great compared to his, but later saw the fun in them when trying them himself and just couldn't stop. He then tried denying it by finally showing off his expensive ones and letting Jon play with them, and meanwhile he sneakily went back to playing with Jon's lolll. Now they share and no fights are made about it
A supervillian tried pitting them both against eachother one time in a battle against their will with physical control over them, saying cats and dogs are just species that will never mix together well no matter what. They fought, but did their best in whatever way they could to not actually hurt one another. The supervillian just became only bored and upset with this very quickly and then switched on mind control on them both. Damian had already deactivated the devices on himself just in time though during the fight before that, but Jon didn't, so he became aggressive and ended up hurting Damian kind of badly without holding back his abilities and strength. Damian ofc defended himself as much as he could against the attacks, but was overpowered in the end. Just as Jon was about to finish him off brutally as the raging dog he was now, he came back to his true senses when hearing Damian's poor meows falling deep into his ears superhearing and then when he realized in front of himself what he had done to him so far now, he just felt SO terrible. Jon became angered and ended up fighting the control on his own, finally setting himself free and then went to Damian's side to give him comfort and apologize. Jon then ended up chasing after the guy who was responsible for all of this, using his dog ways, like biting him in the butt and whatever else as well as deserved payback. Bro was terrified for his life. When Damian and Jon went back home after having that guy finally taken care of, Jon still couldn't stop apologizing about it all to Damian (even though Damian kept telling him to stop lol), served him the biggest bowl of his favorite treats, got him chocolate milk as a special, and gave him tons of doggy kisses and tight hugs, while keeping them both wrapped up sitting in a cozy blanket that Damian loves using
Damian, who does it with his own, teaches Jon how to keep his claws looking good and takes care of them for him sometimes
Whenever Damian is ignoring Jon's puppy eyes, then Jon will double it up with a combo of sad whimpers, which ends up helping him still get his way in the end for sure loll. Damian can also play this game too just by using his kitty eyes on Jon whenever they're disagreeing on things they want and they most times overpower Jon, making him fall completely weak for it lol, since that's not something he will usually see Damian do
Due to him being a cat, Damian hates cucumbers and smacks them away in instant fear whenever he sees them. When Jon learned this, he would try pranking him with them, but then one day Damian smacked it so hard that it hit Jon right on the head and knocked him out. Damian became concerned but then after finding out he was pranking him everytime, he was like "Well, it was certainly deserved for being so idiotic." To Jon when he finally woke up lmaoo
Damian thinks it's adorable whenever Jon is reacting excitedly with his dog side and can't help but pet him, give him plenty of belly rubs everytime, and other kinds of affection in those moments
Jon also loves petting Damian, but most times Damian will try to stop him from doing it. Jon just does it anyways though despite that lol, and no matter how much he fights it, Damian usually ends up leaning into the comforting touch without realizing it, loving the wonderful feel of it while letting out purrs, and then he suddenly wakes back up to reality in embarrassment and swats Jon's paws away while yelling at him lolll, meanwhile Jon just laughs because seeing cat reactions like that of Damian's is so cute to him. Overtime though, Damian later grows more comfortable with it in the future and let's Jon pet him anytime, especially whenever he's laying down and resting his head on his lap or when they're cuddling eachother
Whenever Damian is clinging onto Jon from the back while being flyed around, sometimes his nails will really poke Jon or create little holes in his hoodie. Jon is one of the only ones who never say anything about it though, since his skin is steel and can handle it
Sometimes whenever Damian gets mad and starts arguing with Jon, Jon will just simply take out the laser toy he carries with himself and turn it on near his boyfriend, which immediately throws Damian off from whatever he was saying and sends him into cat mode, keeping him very distracted and focused on catching the red dot instead lmaooo. After playing around with it and later coming back to reality, he's still upset about whatever the earlier situation was but is finally in a more calmed down mood to speak about it
The same can also be done with Jon, but with his favorite ball, which Damian always keeps in his belt just in case for him for whenever lolll. He snuck it into his belt during his first visit to the Kent house, feeling it would be useful for future missions and also just playing around with Jonno lol
When they became closer in their still growing friendship, Jon started carrying homemade treats for Damian in his pockets, which he made himself as a gift. He surprised Damian with them after seeing how stressed and tired he seemed while working on something and then he ended up devouring them in seconds like candy loll and was back into a better mood. Jon makes them all the time now after seeing how much he enjoys them and Damian always goes up to him for them whenever he's hungry, just usually putting his hand out and asking for them, knowing he has them on him lolll
Damian also began to keep treats in his belt for Jon as well after this. And he'll give it playfully, like for example: "Who wants a treat? Are there any good boys here who want it?" While waving it around and then Jon is just hopping around happily like "I do! I want it!" And then Damian's like "Oh, wait a minute...I only see one very good boy here actually and he's right here in front of me." With a smile while petting Jon and finally letting him have it
Bruce is actually a full on bat in this universe instead of his wolf form from canon. Talia and Ra's are both cats, but not normal ones. They have a bit of mixed mutation in their genes, which is bird related, so Talia and him both have very large, beautiful green golden wings because of this and they can also defend themselves with it very well, especially as a shield and to blow others out of the way with very strong created waves of wind. Because of this, Damian is a mixed animal but still looks like his canon cat self, except he has small, dark bat wings with lovely green and golden feathers attached to the bottom of it and they will grow so much more to his parents large size as he gets older. He also has very great hearing like his Father and has a habit of eating insects sometimes from his bat side
Starfire is a lion and instead of a fox, Dick is a cool bird beast with blue colors to match his Nightwing design. He used to have the Robin colors as a kid, but his feathers changed overtime and then completely once he was fully grown up and had decided to take up the Nightwing mantle. Mar'i and Jake are also a mix of both animal species because of this
When Damian grows up, he wraps up Jon in his wings a lot during cuddles, just like how Talia would used to always do to him back when he was still a kid and loved being surrounded by it while in her arms. Jon loves it, feeling very protected and warm in it, and also thinks Damian's unique wings are beautiful
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a-cartoon-lover · 5 months ago
Mr. Puzzles x reader who was a friend/neighbor in his childhood
A/N: Hi! This is my first x reader fanfic! Maybe there are some mistranslations, and it's based on my dream, also wanted to write down it before forget it all so it's kinda messy. Hope you'll enjoy!
"Where... is this place...?"
Before you realized it, you were standing at the entrance of what seemed to be an amusement park.
Your memory was in disarray. You were sure you had been lying in bed, falling into a deep sleep at home.
Yet, here you were, standing in front of a massive arched entrance.
"Welcome to Puzzle Park!"
A voice suddenly rang out beside your ear. Startled, you turned around to see a man standing there.
He gazed at you with shining eyes and a wide smile.
It seemed he was the manager of this park. The man stepped closer and extended his right hand toward you.
"You're the luckiest person in the world, no doubt about it. And why? Because, of course... you're the very first guest of my Puzzle Park, Mr. Puzzles' Puzzle Park!"
He spoke with pride. You felt a wave of suspicion toward this strange man. What was he talking about? Where was this place? And why were you here?
As these questions flooded your mind without answers, Mr. Puzzles seemed to notice your unease and gave you a gentle smile.
There was no malice in his smile; he simply appeared to be welcoming you. But at the same time, something about it felt unsettling.
"Puzzle... Park?"
You took a step back in confusion. Where was this place, and why were you here? You wanted to know the answers, but the words got stuck in your throat.
"Yes, Puzzle Park! And you have been chosen!"
He placed a hand on your shoulder, still smiling.
As if being dragged, you tried to shake off his hand, but your strength failed. Your body wouldn’t listen, and you were swept along by his pace.
Inside the park, everything was colorful, like a dream. Yet somewhere within, a sense of discomfort and fear tightened your chest.
"And the best part is, you get a personal tour from me! You're really lucky!"
Mr. Puzzles continued speaking enthusiastically.
"So, where should we start the tour—oh! Do you like carousels? Or maybe shooting games? Or perhaps—"
"I’m sorry, but... I have to go. And, I was just about to leave, so—"
You managed to squeeze out the words, resisting as much as you could to interrupt him. But he continued, seemingly ignoring you, his voice still cheerful.
"Ah, don’t be like that—there’s also go-karts and a mirror house!"
Hearing his words, your fear intensified.
Why was he so insistent? Why was he so fixated on you?
Questions swirled in your mind, but no answers surfaced—only more confusion.
"Perhaps you could let someone else take my place—"
"N-No, at least... at least visit the arcade!?"
His voice suddenly took on a desperate tone.
"I’m still working on it... could you at least give me your thoughts? The arcade is right next to the exit! Just a quick stop, okay???"
He grabbed your shoulders, and the strength of his grip was impossible to resist. Fear paralyzed you, and you had no choice but to nod.
His desperation hinted at something deeper. Part of you wanted to know the reason behind it, but another part was afraid to find out.
With mixed feelings, you had no choice but to follow him.
"...Only the arcade," you muttered.
To your surprise, he didn’t follow you, and you headed toward the arcade corner alone. The space was vast, lined with old game machines.
Among them, one purple machine caught your eye.
You didn’t know what kind of game it was, but for some reason, you felt drawn to it, and found yourself walking toward it naturally.
As soon as you touched the machine, you couldn’t pull away. It felt as though a powerful magnet was pulling you in, your body being absorbed into the machine.
In your hazy consciousness, the machine's form gradually shifted into that of Mr. Puzzles.
Before you knew it, your hands were wrapped around his head. The scene around you transformed into what seemed like a dim, underground space.
He stared at you with an intense gaze. Fear gripped you, rendering you motionless. He gently placed his hands on your cheeks, gazing at you lovingly.
"You'll stay with me, forever..."
His distorted voice echoed in your ears. Your body started to feel numb, and your mind began to cloud. His voice seeped into your consciousness, overwhelming you.
You couldn’t move a single finger, as if you were paralyzed.
He pulled you closer, embracing you softly. His embrace felt filled with affection, and his expression softened.
But there was still something ominous lurking beneath the surface.
Thank you for reading! Also there's bonus. After captchered, dream was still continue so here it is. It's suggestive maybe!
When you opened your eyes again, you were in a dimly lit castle-like space. There was no one else around—just Mr. Puzzles and you. You were lying in his lap as he gently stroked your head.
"What does he want…" You thought, but the body remained frozen.
Smiling with satisfaction, he stopped stroking, for some reason, placed his index finger in your mouth, making you suck it to the base. Had no idea what he was trying to do, but you sensed he was checking something.
"Does he think I'm a cat?" You wondered to yourself. As that thought crossed your mind, he began taking selfies with you while petting your head. His expression was full of smugness, as if he was completely sure you were under his control.
And all you could do was stay there, next to him, with no escape in sight.
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plutoslvr · 2 years ago
Okay so in my last Kevin post, I mentioned I have analysis' on how Kevin isn't a coward and how his trauma still affects him and you guys wanted to read it so here!
Why Kevin Day Isn’t a Coward: 
Essentially this comes down to 3 specific points in the fandom and even in the books since people are very adamant about the whole coward thing. The two things that people (in book and fandom-wise) use to argue that Kevin is a coward are: 
Kevin is still afraid/ doesn’t stand up to Riko 
That he left Jean behind in the nest.
Starting off with the first point. Kevin is still afraid and doesn’t stand up to Riko for the majority of the books. Firstly, we need to understand that Kevin has been abused from an extremely young age in the Nest and was conditioned into thinking that kind of behaviour was normal. And by that I mean specifically Riko’s abuse but before that, it was Coach Moriyama that abused both of them. 
He was stuck in the Nest for over a decade where his only role was “property” the entire time. That was all he would ever be to them and additionally to that, he wasn’t even allowed to be better than Riko. His entire life from the very start has been about exy but it was only after his mothers death where it became life or death. 
During tfc when Neil finds out how Kevin’s hand really broke Wymack says “But the day Kevin stops playing forever is the day he dies. He has nothing else. He wasn't raised to have anything else. Do you understand? We cannot lose to the Ravens this year. Kevin won't survive it."
He wasn’t raised to have anything else, exy is quite literally his everything, and without it, he has nothing and nobody. In this same scene, Wymack says, “Kevin doesn't talk about his time at Evermore, but I could tell it wasn't the first time Riko or Moriyama laid a hand on him. It was just the first time Kevin was smart enough to pack his bags and walk away.”
We never find out in detail what exactly happened to Kevin in the Nest but in TRK when Neil goes there we can see how deluded and obsessed Riko is with Kevin.
Neil moved up alongside him and regretted it almost immediately. Postcards of faraway cities both foreign and domestic were taped to the walls. Beneath each one were scraps of paper. Kevin's now-familiar scrawl listed dates and explanations for the travels. Most of them were games. Some indicated photo shoots and interviews. Books lined the shelves built into the headboard and Neil knew from skimming the spines they were Kevin's. Kevin was majoring in history for reasons Neil couldn't understand; these dry titles were the sorts of things he would find fascinating. It gave Neil chills to see his space preserved like this. It was like Kevin had gone out on an errand, not that he'd transferred to another team entirely.
Riko is so sure that Kevin is going to come back to him because he’s instituted such fear into him, he doesn’t think Kevin has the strength to stand up to him. Which he does, but people don’t seem to realise you can’t undo over a decade's worth of trauma overnight. 
Anyway, during Neil’s time in the Nest, he’s treated very similarly to how Kevin would be considering he was in his place but also not as harsh because they had to send Neil back to the Foxes inevitably.
"I am going to love hurting you," Riko said, "like I loved hurting Kevin."
What follows this is Riko tying Neil down and torturing him with a switchblade. By the time Neil leaves the Nest he doesn’t remember anything from the experience- he was so traumatised by it that he doesn’t remember it at all. (It also kinda sucks how Neil gets more sympathy for being in the nest for 2 weeks than Kev did for being there for over a decade.)
Putting this into perspective, Kevin went through that for so much longer and doesn’t get nearly enough of the same sympathy Neil did. Neil returned and Kevin got punched for letting him go even though he tried persuading Neil not to. Kevin has always had Neil’s best interest at heart. 
Kevin shook his head and bulled on when Neil started to argue. "The master wants to salvage you. He's going to sign you to the Raven lineup in spring. So long as you keep quiet and keep your head down he won't tell the main family he's found you." "I'm not a Raven," Neil said. "I never will be." "Then run," Kevin insisted, low and frantic. "It's the only way you'll survive."
Kevin was willing to sacrifice the only chance he had to prove his autonomy to the Moriyamas if it meant Neil would be safe. Without Neil, they wouldn’t have enough players to qualify and they wouldn’t be able to play at all. (Again: “But the day Kevin stops playing forever is the day he dies. He has nothing else. He wasn't raised to have anything else. Do you understand? We cannot lose to the Ravens this year. Kevin won't survive it.")
Not to mention the whole “Kevin was silent for an endless minute, then said, "You should be Court." It was barely a whisper, but it cut Neil to the bone. It was a resentful goodbye to the bright future Kevin had wanted for Neil. Kevin recruited Neil because he believed in Neil's potential. He brought him to the Foxes intending to make a star athlete out of him. Despite his condescending attitude and his dismissals of Neil's best efforts Kevin honestly expected Neil to make the national team after graduation.
And even after that, he promised to teach Neil, because at the end of the day, Neil was still Neil and he never gave up on him once.
And Neil understood that being on the run for 8 years was more preferable to the Nest. 
“But all Neil had to do was look at Kevin to know he would have hated that life 
Sorry I kinda went off track there anyway we can also see how much Riko’s presence still affects Kevin especially in scenes like the Kathy Ferdinand show. 
“Any animosity Neil felt toward Kevin for forcing him onto this show evaporated. He couldn't be angry when Riko was here, not when Riko was to Kevin what Neil's father was to him. Petty anger had nothing on this full-fledged terror.”
Obviously, we all know what a dickhead Neil’s dad was to him so Neil comparing the fear of his father being similar to Kevin’s fear of Riko is so important because it just puts into perspective how afraid Kevin is here face-to-face with his abuser the first time since said abuser permanently disabled him.
But what I don’t think is that Kevin has been standing upto Riko since the start because right after this when they were backstage, Kevin physically stopped Riko from hurting Neil even if it meant getting hurt by Riko again.
A black look twisted Riko's expression into something ugly and unrecognizable. He reached for Neil, but Kevin caught his arm to stop him. Riko slammed his elbow back into Kevin's face without missing a beat.
This scene is probably the best to describe how downright afraid Kevin is of Riko but there are others when Kevin has multiple panic attacks at just the thought of Riko or being in the same vicinity as him and rightfully so! Riko abused him, manipulated him and then took away the only thing he had. And Kevin was just forced to think this was okay. 
And a lot of characters and fans see his fear as cowardice instead of a normal trauma response. This is also because Neil tends to speak out more against Riko than Kevin (You know I get it…) but unlike Neil, Kevin has had direct repercussions towards him for the “mistake” of talking back to Riko which of course makes him hesitant. 
He knows the Moriyamas could drag him back at any moment and he's terrified of that happening.
Which leads to the second bit of “Kevin doesn’t stand up to Riko.” when many times, he has.
The most prominent example is in TRK, just after the foxes lost their first match to the ravens.
“You have fallen so far, Kevin. You should have stayed down and saved us the trouble of forcing you back to your knees." "I'm satisfied," Kevin said. It was the last response any of the Foxes expected from him. They forgot about Riko in favor of gaping at Kevin. "Not with their score or performance, but with their spirit. I was right. There's more than enough here for me to work with."
Kevin chose the foxes over the ravens- over Riko. He doesn’t allow their loss to become something Riko can use against him but instead something to affirm his current standing with them. This is also the first game Andrew played without his meds meaning he’s crashed by the end of it.
Kevin distracted the Ravens from Andrew's unsteadiness by facing them.
Kevin willingly turned to talk to his ex-abuser and his team if it meant Andrew wouldn’t be under fire. Most people only see Kevin and Andrew as Andrew protecting Kevin but Kevin protected Andrew just as much.
And of course we have the whole tattoo removal and the last exy match against the foxes but I need everyone to understand that those are so so so important. Kevin spent the entire series save the last quarter of the last book viewing himself as Riko’s property. Riko refers to him as such and even without Riko near him, his control is still strong over Kevin.
So Kevin removing his tattoo and replacing it with something with a higher hierarchical structure than Riko’s status as king is so detrimental, it’s a turning point for him because he’s viewing himself as his own person now. And Kevin scoring the winning goal brings us full circle because the last time he did that with Riko, he ended up disabled and shunned.
This brings me to my second point about Kevin running away from the nest. Alot of people see Kevin escpaing from the nest and leaving behind Jean as an act of cowardice. This bit gets a bit complicated because in no way shape or form am I trying to compare trauma’s or anything like that.
But to continue on. The ravens had a very strict policy that we got to see during Neil's experience one of which being that no matter how injured they were, they were still expected to show up to practice. The more mistakes they made the more punishment they'd find themselves in. Not showing was practically a death wish.
Now Kevin having his hand fucking broken would mean thay either he doesn't practise and get punished or practise with his fucked up hand and further damage it. If he stayed I wholeheartedly believe he would've died.
He ran away to save his life and that will never be cowardice not once. He didn't go to Wymack immediately when he found out because he knew what kind of target he'd paint on Wymacks back.
"He was trying to protect him," Neil said. "If Coach knew Kevin was his son, he'd have tried to take him from Edgar Allan." Nicky grimaced. "They'd have never let Kevin go." 
He only left when he had no other option. He had nothing left, the one thing he did have was taken away from him, he had no purpose and for once Riko didn't care enough about him to pay attention. And he used that to run.
Leaving Jean behind was something he always regretted, but it was a game of survival. Jean was a gift to the Moriyamas, he was also property to them and couldn't leave. And if the roles were reversed I strongly believe Jean would've done the same thing.
Also Kevin finds a place for him layer with the trojans because he knew that being a fox wouldn't be good for him.
"He isn't safe with us," Kevin said. "I won't give him false hope."
Staying in the nest would've been suicide for Kevin. He's one of the biggest victims in the series but nobody talks about it enough I fear and there's so much to learn about him via context clues etc.
And the saddest thing in my opinion is that Kevin knew was it was like to be loved, he was raised by his mother for a few years before going to the Moriyamas. 
ANYWAY to conclude, I suck at essays and I hope I've worded everything well and what I'm trying to say gets across. Kevin is not a coward, never has been a coward and never will be. He's survived through such a damaging and abusive environment only to get moved to a separate environment where everyone just ridicules his defense tactics and he has no real sense of support. 
His reasons for what he does always stems from the fact the he doesn't want to go back to being under Riko and Coach Moriyamas "care" and that he's afraid. And most of the time it's things he can't shake from the nest.
Like when he pushes the foxes its so they're always at their best and so none of them get hurt or punished for mistakes. He pushed himself the hardest because he doesn't want to directly affect his teammates. 
Or the celebrity persona he was forced to develop.
Or how he makes sure everyone is staying healthy and that they don't force themselves to play when sick or injured because he knows what it's like to be forced to play like that day after day. 
AND IVE GONE OFF COURSE AGAIN yeah I kinda mashed together both analysis' of how Kevin's trauma from the nest affects him and how he's not a coward into one thing AND THIS IS SUPER LONG so if ur still here thank you very much for reading I really hope this makes sense
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coldresolve · 7 months ago
Moneymakers, pt.lii // Aftermath of Blood
Previous / AO3 / Wattpad / Masterlist / Next
His first half-conscious impression is that of choking. An internal pressure down the front of his neck, down into his chest, like there’s an obstruction in his airways.
Choking, but also not, somehow - his lungs are moving regardless. He doesn’t have the strength to lift his hand to his mouth. He bites down on something, body screaming as he weakly arches his back, and then he tries to speak, but can’t. No groan, no whisper, not even the sound of air leaving his throat.
A hushed voice above him, the low-light blur of a silhouette when he manages to pry apart eyelids that feel stuck to each other. “Relax, kid, you’re good. You’re getting all the air you need, just try and relax.”
His eyes struggle to focus on the face, finding a gentle expression set in dark skin, and a casual, raised brow.
“Ready to breathe on your own, are you? See if you can squeeze my hand.”
His limbs buzz, whir, like wind spinning around his skin. The hand wrapped in his own is barely noticeable. It takes conscious effort he only barely possesses to make all fingers bend simultaneously.
Shaun grimaces a little, still keeping his voice low. “Normally I’d require a bit more than that, but you’re uncomfortable, aren’t you?”
Renee can see the edge of something blue at the bottom of his vision, something that stays in place when he shifts his head. His teeth dig into it, but it’s hard enough to withstand the bite despite his jaw’s ache at the effort. Fingers making a loose fist in the covers.
Maybe he blacks out, maybe time just passes. Shaun takes hold of the object in front of Renee’s mouth, his other hand firm on his shoulder, and tells him to try to cough. For a few seconds, Renee thinks he might’ve forgotten how to do that, and his uneven gaze seeks the other, silently begging for clues.
Finally, as if by chance, his diaphragm contracts, and he discovers he can make it do that on his own. Shutting his eyes tight, he pours all feeble effort into coughing.
What follows is the bizarre, oddly relieving feeling of the pressure leaving his throat from the bottom up in one, rapid movement. Even after the tube clears his teeth, he can’t stop coughing, a weak effort by his body to make sure his airways are clear – it finally makes a sound, then, hoarse and ragged. Fills his chest with pain, and his stomach with the sense of seams being pulled taught. Wheezing air in between attacks with every fiber of his being, grunting involuntarily against agony. A hand tilts him sideways by the shoulder, while another supports the back of his neck through it. Words of reassurance he can’t make out. The smell of his own sweat, laced with something chemical.
Eventually, it fades into heaving, which fades into deep, rapid breathing. A sense of warmth flows through his body, relieving the pain. His vision blurs and blurs.
The heavy dark brings him back down.
“He’s sleeping every few hours.”
“I noticed.”
“And you don’t find that alarming?”
“It’s a reprieve, I suppose.”
“It’s a symptom, Kit.”
“That, too.”
“You know where this kind of thing ends if y—”
“Yes, I know. I’ve considered it, I’m aware. It crossed my mind.”
“So you just don’t care, is that it?”
“I figured I was wise in keeping my nose out of your business, but the more I glean from this, the more I’ve realized I can’t ignore my moral repulsion.”
“What happened to loyalty?”
“It was tied to whatever false front slipped when you talked to my wife yesterday.”
“I think I’ve made up my mind, Kit. I won’t stick a knife in your back when you leave. I’ll stick it in the front if you come back.”
“You manipulated her too, you know.”
The room has a different atmosphere. Different ambient sounds. Different smell, as if the brighter light against Renee’s closed lids somehow changed anything. Less biting, more pleasant.
The bed has been raised to prop up his back, not enough that he’s outright sitting, but he finds he’s lying more comfortably. His eyes flicker open, missing against brightness, walls that spin around him for several long moments.
Renee flexes his hands, although one doesn’t quite respond. He looks down at it. The cast for his elbow is back, from upper arm to thumb, joined by a splint around two fingers. Shifting its heavy weight reveals gauze following a curve down the side of his ribcage, and two red tubes sticking out of his stomach, joining with a mess of other wires. Under the covers, all he wears is a pair of boxers, but he’s pretty sure they’re not his own. He lets his head dump back down.
It's curious, there’s almost no pain this time around. Just a warmth, a pricking, senseless feeling all over, an iridescent sheen to the world, a barrier. A thick cloud in his head that makes his thoughts slow, then indiscernible after a certain point. Floating in warm mud, maybe.
Shaun approaches the bedside, half-leaning against it and offering a smile that’s blurred in his vision. “How are you feeling?”
Renee squints up at him. “’m high.”
Shaun nods, raising a brow. “Very.”
Swallowing thick, Renee’s eyes drift across the rest of the room. Off to the side, arms crossed over his chest, Davin dispassionately approaches to watch them. So does Conrad from a bed next to his, just a pair of eyes sticking out from the blanket covering his thin frame, idly watching beneath a mess of curls. Renee manages to move his tongue around, and it’s only then he realizes how dry his mouth is. Dry enough to burn if he wasn’t numb. His voice is so rough, he barely gets vowels out. “Do you h-have… water?”
Shaun smiles politely, backing up toward the door. “’Course. Sit tight.”
The sight of Davin should fill Renee with loathing, and he recognizes it on a distant, clinical sort of level, but the weight of that emotion is lost in the mud.
“You lost a kidney,” the man greets him.
When Renee blinks, even that feels sluggish, delayed. “… kidney,” he repeats.
Davin nods. “You know what a kidney is, don’t you?”
Renee nods a little. Frowns. “Why…?”
“A third of it blew out your back, I’m guessing, and the rest was so frayed it wouldn’t have healed on it’s own. Shaun had to cut out a small chunk of your liver, too. Minimal muscle damage, that’s the good news.” Davin sniffs. “There’s a second incision in your back where we fixated four of your ribs; one was poking at your lung but somehow didn’t penetrate. That’s just the notable stuff. I’ll give you the rest of the list, if you want it.”
Renee grimaces, in lieu of having enough energy to shake his head.
“You realize you got lucky, right? From now on, you’re living on borrowed time.”
Reentering with a glass of water in his hand, Shaun shoots him a look. “Let him gather his bearings, Kit.”
Davin snorts, casting his gaze down. “We’re a bit past courtesy,” he says under his breath.
Renee can’t lift the glass on his own, but he’s too exhausted to feel humiliated when Shaun brings it to his lips for him. Swallowing down the cold liquid finally triggers pain strong enough to break through the drugs, a rawness in his throat, as if the muscles involved are shredded. Still, he drinks hungrily, the nails of his good hand close to scratching at Shaun’s to pull the glass closer.
“Nice and easy, kid.”
The effort leaves him winded at first, panting hoarsely once the glass is finally empty. He sinks back against the pillow, head spinning.
It doesn’t suddenly crash back into his head, but instead flickers in his memory one drop at a time, moments here and there, out of order and hard to distinguish. Parts of it, whole sections, are gone entirely.
A trace of that feeling comes back – the one that’s marred the totality of his existence for what feels like an eternity. Maybe it’s triggered by physical cold water hitting his gut. It’s similar to panic - energizing, in a strange way, although it probably won’t last. With some effort, Renee hauls his upper body forward, pushing with his good arm until he’s sitting on his own. It dawns how wrecked he is – bar being drugged enough to see the world in far too many colors, moving in any significant way sucks the air out of his lungs, and even sitting like this, he can barely keep his balance.
Shaun’s hand is on his shoulder. “Try to rel—"
“I’m fuckin’ fine,” Renee bites out.
Just sore as hell. It doesn’t feel like he’s missing an organ, but then again, he’s not sure what that’s supposed to feel like. There’s mainly pain in his back, side and core, all mostly on his right side. The cast already has him curling an arm around it. He drops his head, letting his body adjust to the new position, breathing through it.
Davin clears his throat. “Fine enough to talk?”
Renee lets out a rough laugh. “Not to you.”
“I’d like to think I’m owed some clarity.”
Baring his teeth, Renee looks up at him, breath ragged in his throat. “Owed… You fucking started this.”
The way Shaun stiffens in his periphery isn’t lost on Renee, and Davin notices it, too. His jaw works for a moment before he turns his head towards him, inhaling deep through his nose. “Leave the room.”
Shaun grits his teeth. “If you’re going to—”
“He’s safe,” Davin says. “Leave the room.”
Shaun draws in a deep breath as his gaze travels the room, from Renee to Conrad and back to Davin. He looks on the verge of speaking, but instead sets his jaw, shaking his head. He brings the empty glass with him when he walks out.
Davin waits until the door has clicked shut before he takes a deep breath, shifting from one leg to the other. “I thought about double tapping you in the parking garage,” he mutters. “Took quite a bit of effort to view you as anything other than a loose end. Now I’ve compromised my own safety to save your miserable life. Don’t make me regret that decision.”
Renee sits tense, eyes locked on his lap. He can barely get the words, or the unsettling ease with which Davin says them, to make sense in his head, much less sink in fast enough to respond. Numb, shaking hands tighten and release, that’s all that happens.
Way too casually, Davin uncoils his arms and walks over to the side of Conrad’s bed, taking a seat on the foot of the mattress. He doesn’t seem to mind the way Conrad first coils his legs up further, then stiffly crawls up against the wall to increase the distance between them.
“Honesty for honesty, hm?” Brushing a chunk of hair behind one ear, Davin folds his hands, giving Renee an imperative look. “Mind explaining why your face has made national headlines?”
Even Renee’s hands stop fidgeting after that, reduced to subtle trembling as his fingers slack. He closes his eyes. “I don’t really… want to talk about it.”
“Too bad,” Davin says, matter-of fact. “News have been talking about an informant. Who was that?”
Renee frowns. “Inf…?”
A shock of cold water. His gaze snaps up, before he tries to reel his reaction back in, teeth gritted against the pressure threatening to loom in his chest. “He’s okay, right? He’s…? Is he… has he said anything?”
Davin eyes him for a moment, pursing his lips. “No, he hasn’t,” he mutters. “What’s his name?”
Renee shakes his head. “I don’t want—”
“News already described him as your source, if that’s what you’re worried about. The rest, I’ll find out eventually, you should know that by now. Cat’s out of the fucking bag, Renee. I’d like you to tell me who that guy is and what you told him.”
Renee winces, curling slightly over himself. Why would they release his details like that? Fucking drama-hungry—
“How did he find out?”
Ducking his head, he runs his working hand over his hair, grabbing his neck tight. Compressing his torso only agitates his injuries, but he can’t keep still in the overwhelming feeling of dread. He’s not ready to consider how fucked Laz’s life is going to be - or his own, or everything – after this. His voice is barely above a whisper. “God fuckin-… what was I even…?”
“Focus, Renee.”
“I stabbed him.”
Davin doesn’t sound the least bit taken aback by the confession. “I know,” is all he says. “What did you tell him?”
Letting out a terse breath, Renee looks up, although his shoulders slump. “I don’t fucking know, dude, I don’t—I wasn’t paying attention to…”
“Walk me through the conversation, if you have to.”
Renee shakes his head, teeth bared. “It doesn’t fuckin’ matter anymore.”
“Oh, yes it does.”
Davin snorts, raising a brow. “Did you tell him about me?”
Through the fog in his head, Renee remarks how bizarrely funny it is, the timing of Davin flashing his actual priorities every single time it might be relevant. He lets out a tense laugh. “I fuckin’ hope I did.”
Davin doesn’t react outward, but he’s silent for a bit, eyes locked with his. But contrary to the layered threats Renee expected, when he finally breaks from the staring contest, he smiles politely, tilting his head to the side. “Were you guys dating?”
Renee blinks, then lets out a bitter snort. “It’s not…”
“You seemed awfully concerned a minute ago.”
“What the fuck do you care?”
The slight curl to the corner of Davin’s mouth disappears, as he looks down at his hands. Something about the rapid shifts in atmosphere makes Renee indulge the silence, if nothing out of confusion – he can’t quite keep up. There’s a somber note to Davin’s voice when he speaks. “There’s something you should know,” he says.
The tone isn’t alarming, but a tiny movement in Renee’s periphery makes him glance at Conrad. Teeth locked, body pressed against the wall, as if he’s been trying to make himself as small as possible for the past five minutes. Renee catches him mid-wince, but he looks away the moment their eyes meet, brow creased in silent apprehension.
Renee swallows, frowning. “Wh…?”
Davin absentmindedly taps his thigh. “Police department did a briefing this morning. Officially confirmed you’re a suspect in Conrad’s case, but they did also give a recap of the events leading up to the chase. And I know they have incentive to embellish the truth, but…” He clicks his tongue. “There’s some things they have no reason to lie about, I suppose. They had EMS waiting near that building in case of an emergency. That cop you shot – Carla something – she was picked up by an ambulance and taken to the nearest trauma center. About an hour later, the news reported her death.”
The temperature in the room seems to instantly drop. Renee’s mouth opens, he’s staring at Davin with wide eyes. Not sure what to think, or if he’s even able to comprehend what was just said.
Davin’s jaw works. He leans back before he continues. “A couple paramedics stayed behind to tend to the informant, but he died on scene. You killed two people yesterday, Renee.”
On the other bed, Conrad has clasped a hand over his mouth, but even that doesn’t muffle the awful little sound he makes. It makes Renee turn his head again, distantly confused, but the guy’s eyes are shut tight now. He looks like he might be sick.
Brows furrowed, a slight curl to his upper lip, Renee gives a minute shake to his head. “Wh—I don’t… Are you talking about Laz?”
Davin nods. “Unless they forgot to mention a thirdperson you tried to kill, then yes, Laz the informant is dead.”
Breathing veering more superficial, Renee shakes his head again, blinking rapidly. “What… do you mean?”
“There’s not a whole lot of ways I could phrase it, Renee. You killed him.”
“I didn’t try to… It’s not…” He lets out a hard breath. “I didn’t hit his heart. You don’t die from, from—”
“I don’t know the specifics, but he’s dead. News have been circling footage of a body bag. I’ll show it to you, if you want to see it.”
It’s unnatural, the sensation washing over Renee, as if he can physically feel the blood draining from his head from the top down. His scalp, forehead, eyes and ears, mouth, jaw. Down and down. “You c-… There’s no way. There’s no way. He’s not—”
His throat closes, and he rocks forward,
Disjointed fragments of images, stuck in a loop, like an endless attempt to process the same piece of information over and over and over again. The sound he made when the blade punched into him, the look of shock in his eyes. The fact that he didn’t push Renee away, but instead drew him closer. Those can’t have been his last moments. They can’t, it’s not possible.
It hurts to think, physically hurts. Head, chest, stomach, agony. It’s paralyzing. Makes his body seize up, makes his breathing sound strangled to his own ears. Several moments pass, in which he can’t see anything. Or he can, but he can’t.
Can’t think for an eternity. Feels like he’s being deafeningly loud somehow, but when he finally manages to gather enough wherewithal to pay attention to his surroundings again, it’s silent. Conrad has ducked his face between his knees, shielding his head with his arms. Davin is just looking at him with an impassionate, but still vaguely curious expression.
Something like a whine escapes Renee’s throat. “You’re fucking with me. You fucking lying bastard, there’s no way—”
He’s halted in his tracks when Davin sighs, pulls out his phone and begins searching for something.
Renee holds up a finger, sneering. “Don’t fucking do that, don’t – I don’t care – I don’t give a fuck what they’re saying, do you hear me?”
With a hand on his thigh, Davin pushes himself to his feet, rolling his shoulders as he approaches the bedside. Renee feels himself recoiling, shaking as he , eyes fixed on the phone in the other’s hand. “I’m not gonna let you show me whatever the fuck—”
As soon as Davin is close enough, Renee kicks at him. He partially sees it coming when Davin catches his leg by the ankle, but what he doesn’t expect is for the man to lean his whole body into yanking backwards, pulling enough of Renee’s body from the bed to send him toppling over the edge.
Wires dislodge in the fall, coiling around his limbs, and IVs are ripped from his skin. The half-scream Renee lets out is painfully coarse and abruptly silenced when the floor knocks the air out of his lungs. He lands on his bad side, curling over his wounds before the pain even has a chance to flare, rolling over on his stomach. Above, the piercing blare of alarms from the machines that no longer detect his pulse.
He hasn’t even heaved in a breath before Davin’s knee is on his back, and a hand pulls his head sideways and presses his cheek into the floor. Vision sailing, he lets out a frantic grunt, struggling to will his lungs to inflate. “Ng—gh—”
“Stop it.” Conrad’s voice, a weak hiss.
Davin snorts. “I fucking hate denial.”
When he brings the phone down in front of his face, Renee instinctually shuts his eyes, wheezing through his teeth. The force on his head increases, as Davin leans his upper weight on the hold.
“Fucking look at it, Renee. You think I’m lying? I’ve never lied to you. Not once.”
Spit flies from his teeth as he bucks, half-conscious from agony, and pushes at Davin’s arm with his good hand - now streaked with blood from the ripped-out IV, plaster barely holding on by a corner. His eyes still find the screen, news B-roll taken outside of Lazarus’ apartment building. Yellow barrier tape – POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS – flutters between light posts, dozens and dozens of people in uniforms, some of whom stand in groups talking, others walking to and fro. Center frame, a gurney is rolled down the tiled path from the front door to the parking lot.
“See that, mh? About the size of your dealer?”
The top of the gurney is covered in a white sheet, but the wind has knocked a corner up to reveal the black tarp-like plastic underneath.
Renee can’t process anything. He lets out a broken sound, another, another. Doesn’t quite know or understand what they are. Hitching, rough from his chest, bits of words and outcries, fragmented by sobs that won’t stop coming, mostly unheard by his own ears. Long after Davin gets up and lets him lie there, Renee’s eyes are fixed on the spot in the air where the white sheet was. His whole body shakes. He doesn’t feel human.
He doesn’t even feel like an animal anymore.
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justauthoring · 2 years ago
hiii megumi fluff where reader is gojos lil sister 🥹
headcanon that megumi likes shy, sweet girls :) also, obviously this isn't general -- reader looks like gojo.
sometimes, megumi forgot you were gojo's younger sister.
the two of you were so completely different.
where gojo was sarcastic, you were kind. where he was teasing, you were gentle. megumi knes gojo cared, in his own way, but it was never hard to tell with you -- you were always just there, smiling with a warm gaze, reaching out for him.
he'd grown up beside you, went from thinking you were just some annoying girl with bright blue eyes and stark white hair that was too loud and too happy for him to thinking you were the sun above the clouds and every good thing in his life. he was in love with you, that he knew even if he'd struggled to come to terms with the realization.
in everyway you were infectious and megumi had fallen ill for you when he simply old enough to understand what crushes really were.
because you'd always been there. the second gojo had saved him from the zen'in clan and brought him and his sister home, there you were. you'd shied away from him at first while gojo had tried to coax you out, telling you they were gonna be living with you both from now on; only for you to shy awya from his hand and promptly lock yourself in your room.
a week later and you were practically clinging off of his arm. no matter how much he'd tried to pretend he hadn't liked it, he had, and no amount of him shrugging you off or glaring at you made you leave. even gojo had been shocked by your clinginess to megumi but he'd simply thought it was cute that his adorable little sister had made her first friend.
if gojo knew how close you two were now... megumi was sure he wouldn't feel the same.
"gumi," you whine, tugging on his arm to pull your attention on him and away from his thoughts. he blinks at the jeer, body jerking slightly from your sheer strength before he slowly tilts his head, letting his eyes fall on you.
you beam having his attention at you, rosy cheeks and sparkling gaze; "c'mon."
and he pauses, confused; "wha--"
"you said we'd train together, remember?"
like you needed training -- megumi wanted to snort. you didn't just look like gojo, your power was almost as powerful as his and megumi had constantly found himself amazed by the sheer pure natural talent you'd been born with.
and yet, somehow, you never seemed to recognize your own strength.
"we trained all morning," megumi reminds, quirking a brow down at you. "you should rest."
pouting, you tug at his arm; "i'm so close to nailing this new move, gumi. c'mon, don't you wanna help me?"
you knew megumi too well because the second those words leave your lips and your head tilts with that pretty little pout of yours, megumi is all but putty in your hands. he struggled to deny your wishes on a good day, but he could never deny you in the end run.
"just for an hour, okay?" he calls, glancing down at you. "i don't need you passing out again and gojo-sensei lecturing me to take better care of you."
giggling, you shake your head; "you're the best, gumi!" and without another word, you lean up to the tips of your toes, pressing a kiss against megumi's cheek that has him freezing in place at the touch. your lips are warm, slightly wet, and when you pull back from the chaste kiss, megumi swears he can still feel the kiss.
but you don't pull away completely. still leaning on your toes so you're slightly taller, you meet megumi's eyes briefly, the air turning thick in a way that has megumi choking on his breath. he watches you, watches the way your eyes flicker down before back up to his own, and then, suddenly, you're pressing your lips against his own.
it feels exactly how he'd imagined it, but megumi curses the way he's too shocked to return the kiss -- hands stuck to his sides in complete and utter shock as he feels those same warm, wet and soft lips that had once been on his cheek on his lips instead.
and when you pull back, you're grinning ear to ear; "thought i'd give you a proper thank you gift."
and megumi can't say anything. he's sure he's red in the face, can feel it in how warm he is, and he wants to say something but doesn't know what and is sure he'd make a bigger fool of himself if he tried.
but, you're unphased, taking megumi's larger hand into your own and squeezing.
"c'mon gumi," you cheer, "i feel like the today is the day!"
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writer-and-lover · 1 year ago
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Jumping the Gun
Kinktober Day 7: Stuck in a wall | Virginity. Sex club, BDSM club, restraints, clear consent, overstimulation and sex toys.
You were not the smartest person in the club, you were sure. And your friends, you decided, where dickheads for suggesting this. You’d asked your friends for a way to lose your virginity. Surely, there was some sort of club signal for wanting to get laid or something. Or a specific drink that would get rid of your innate ability to overthink and send you out into somebody’s open arms and warm bed. But no, your friends had gone with the worst possible solution.
The club they had chosen was not a simple one you could find around the corner. No, this one was specifically a sex one. A BDSM club that they loved to frequent and they swore up and down that it would help you finally lose your virginity. And the idiot you were, you agreed to it happily. When you’d first walked to the place, you’d been amazed. Star-eyed. Everything was so new, so casual and yet so intimate. You weren’t sure how much you could look at, so you tried your best to keep your gaze down. One of your friends guided you along, as the others scattered to do their respective things. He explained all the amazing activities to be done in this sort of club. It almost felt like a depraved fairy-tale, the way told them with so much magic. And poor little old you, you were so easily convinced.
And so you ended up here, half way in a hole in the wall.
Of course, you’d been reassured over and over again that it’d be safe for you. Everyone was checked to be clean (you’d been asked to bring recent medical proof of being clean, too) and you’d be supervised. Plus, you had your safeword in case anything suddenly became way too much for you. And so you’d cluelessly agreed to it. Guided through the hole, your hands cuffed to the corners of the box you’d been put in. Right in front of you, a small TV showed you how your lower body looked, from your feet to your butt. Your legs had also been cuffed at the ankles, allowing for a small range of movement but preventing you from kicking out at all. Your shaggy tail had been left alone, thanks to your weak request. It drooped down now, curled up between your legs in nervousness and slight fear. You’d been stripped before-hand, so anyone who walked by could see everything. You felt so so vulnerable and alone in this dark box. You looked away from the screen.
It felt like you’d been panting and squirming for hours before you feel the first touch. It makes you squeak. Body tense. A rough, growl-like laugh in your ear. The box had speakers? A hand squeezes the base of your tail, sending a harsh jolt through you. It wasn’t exactly painful. It felt good, electric pleasure running up your spine and sending you shaking. You stare up at the screen, looking at the absolutely massive clawed hand grabbing at your tail. It was weirdly smooth, an blue-tinted black that contrasted with the man’s white suit. His body would’ve covered the camera if it hadn’t been for the weird angle it was placed at. He’s huge, maybe double your size. There’s a long cape covering his back, the same colour of his skin. The next touch surprises you, a gentle graze of his claws along your hip bone. You shiver. His hands feel cold, and kind of humid.
His hands move, squeezing at your waist in a bruising grip. His thumbs rest against the small of your back, tips of his claws sinking slightly into your spine. He seems to be feeling out the strength of your body. His large hands drag down your skin, his left one pulling your thighs apart as the right one cups at your sex. You flinch hard and he steadies your body with a mean hand on your side. You let out a cry at the touches, so overly sensitive from the lack of stimulation for so many years. He rubs harshly against the underside of your sex, ignoring your weak cries and muffled moans. A soft, blunt force presses against your hole, making you tense up. What you think is lube drips down the toy over your taint, and covers your thighs. It’s most likely one of the offered sex toys. You doubt he’d shove his claws into you. You hope he won’t shove his claws into you. You open your eyes, struggling, and stare at the screen. Looking at the small looking dildo press against your hole. The toy presses more and more insistently against you, until your hole opens up against the insistence. It feels- good. It makes your eyes roll into the back of your head as you come. It’s so sudden, the sudden orgasm that just having this small dildo penetrate you is giving you. Your body goes limp, and the man takes advantage of it. He leans down, and you can see him more clearly. He’s got a mutation quirk. An Orca quirk. No wonder he was so huge. He opens his mouth and lets out a long, broad tongue lap at your skin. The wet muscle drags down towards your entrance, where the dildo is being move slowly forward and backwards. The dildo stops, and you feel the blunt edge of the tongue push in alongside it. You scream, trying and failing to kick out despite the cuffs keeping your legs in place. Closing your thighs does nothing but annoy the man, and make him digs his claws into the soft fat of your thighs to keep them apart. You sob, damn near writhing in place. It goes on for a while, the new mind-numbing pleasure that makes you come over and over again. The dildos change, getting bigger in size and pulling more intense orgasm out of you.
Then suddenly the newest dildo is pulled out, and something warm and tapered presses against your hole.
You tremble at the feeling. It’s hot, nearly burning. And it feels big despite the pointed tip of it. You pant into the silence of the box, gently pulling at your cuffs. You’re so scared, but… you don’t want to safeword out. This man has made you feel so good, so far. This is just that one step further. The last step.
“Relax, pup.”
It’s the only warning you get. The feeling of his cock slowly and gently forcing you open melts your mind. Your mouth drops open, eyes wide open but rolled to the back of your head. Each gentle push makes you grunt softly, incapable of anything more. It feels unending, the burning hot pressure forcing it’s way inside you. And looking at the screen, you sob. It’s nowhere near half-way in. But he doesn’t seem satisfied in stopping now. Each shallow thrust pushes more and more of his spongy cock inside of you, driving you more and more mindless. You don’t know how long you lay there, legs shaking with effort. But you feel the material of his slacks brush against your skin, and you keen.
“Shh, nearly there.”
A small hum echoes through your body, making you stiffen. You- you can’t move. Can’t push back or away from this stranger’s cock. And yet, you’re not worried at all. Maybe it’s the intense pleasure of feeling his cock reach the deepest parts of yourself, parts you never thought you had. Or maybe he’s just got a special power about him. With a sharp snap of his hips, he sheathes himself completely in you. And you come. His cock presses into every single sweet spot inside of you. You feel spent, more like a fleshlight than a human being at this point. He starts thrusting now, clawed hands back at the dip of your hips. They squeeze you with a bruising hold. Pulling you back and forth on his cock, as much as the cuffs around your wrists and ankles allow him to. The drag drives you insane, slow paced and gentle. You beg, sobbing for more, more. Maybe he can’t hear you, despite the speakers you know they keep outside. Or maybe he’s just ignoring you, relishing in the warm, tight hole that could finally fit him in. Because he keeps the same insanity-inducing pace. His thrusts turn sloppy, pace picking up slightly as he begins chasing his impeding orgasm. It makes you howl, tail smacking hard against his arm. He grabs it, scratching at the base just to feel you come again with the loudest scream you’d ever let out in your life. And he sinks in fully to the hilt, filling you up with warm, thick seed.
You’re floating. Mind completely gone. You can feel the loss of pressure, the empty feeling when he pulls out. But you don’t have the energy to react. To beg him to stay. His come drips down your thighs, covering them in a disgusting manner. Some of it splatters to the floor.
He slips a small business card through the gap in the wall to your side of the box and disappears.
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mudhamster · 3 months ago
WBWNS: 9. December - Nutcracker
"They gave me the day off after lunch."
Katsuki looked up from his desk and met Izuku's almost offended look.
"My condolences?"
Izuku walked into the office, his eyebrows furrowed so deeply that they disappeared behind the curls on his forehead, and ignored him.
"The last time I had a day off was... a year ago? I had a fever then."
He dropped into his chair, lost in thought, and Katsuki reached into the small basket next to him, an Advent present from the hag, and flicked a peanut across the table. It landed in Izuku's curls, and he seemed to be so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice.
Dumb nerd with an even dumber hair routine, he thought amusedly and rummaged through his basket for more projectile material.
He tossed another nut, this time a hazelnut. Unfortunately, Deku raised his head at precisely that moment. It smacked him in the face and the idiot cried out, throwing his hands and feet up in the air. Katsuki snorted in deep amusement and blew the top three sheets of paper off of his desk in the process.
"Kacchan! Oh my God!" He threw the nut back and it whizzed past Katsuki's ear at the speed of sound and crashed into the wall behind him, where it got stuck.
They stared at each other with open mouths, until Izuku covered his mouth with his hands to hide his laughter.
"You're NOT supposed to scare me in confined spaces!"
Still stunned, Katsuki looked over his shoulder at the crushed nut in the concrete, "It was a lousy nut, Deku,"
"In my face! At my desk."
He rolled another over countless papers and Deku grabbed it angrily.
"Our desk," Katsuki teased.
"Why are you even doing this?"
As if he had been waiting for the question, he placed a miniature nutcracker between them and revelled in Izuku's surprised gasp.
"I had all kinds of ideas what to call you when you tried to crack those nuts with your bare flimsy fingers: 'nutcase deku', 'nutcrack noob', 'nonefficient-"
Katsuki stopped mid-sentence and looked at Deku's hand as it held the broken hazelnut shell.
"Kacchan, I've been training my hand strength for years," he imitated the movement, which, now that he saw it, reactivated the memory in Katsuki's head. Deku's hands in class, under the table, doing homework in the dormitory. Everywhere, really.
"Hand strength," he breathed and Izuku bit his lip.
"Yeah," He lifted the soft kernel out of its shell and rolled it back to Kacchan's side of the desk.
Still without a voice, but with a much too fast pulse, Kacchan picked it up, threw it into his mouth and lifted the tickets while chewing.
All to distract Deku.
To distract himself.
To understand why the thought of Deku cracking nuts with one hand also did something to his own.
Suddenly, Deku reached over the desk, ripped the paper out of his hands and held it high above his head: "The Nutcracker! But - that's today!"Katsuki nodded, his tongue still heavy as lead.
Izuku bolted out of the chair and Katsuki, without knowing why, managed to get up as well and had just enough time to put his feet firmly on the carpet to catch the nerd in a jumping hug.
"I've never been to a ballet," Deku's warm breath was on his ear, his grip around his neck tight, "didn't you want to go to the theater?"
“Would you rather be in the theater?"
"No, no I wouldn't," Izuku let himself sink back onto his heels, burying his hands in his hair and another nut fell to the ground between them, "I need a new shirt. We have to go to the mall again - when are you done?"
"Same time as you," their eyes met and Katsuki took a deep breath, "as it happens."
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ticklishshenanigansau · 5 months ago
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LaughterLand - Chapter 13: Upside-down
(story by Mod Secret, art by Mod Yosh)
Sans blinked rapidly as sunlight flooded his vision. His sockets were starting to grow sore and tired from the many times he had burst into tears through hysterical laughter today. Now, with the natural light surrounding his eyes, he had to take a moment to rub them out and adjust to his new surroundings.
Once his vision cleared, Sans got a good look around. There were trees everywhere, it seemed to be another part of the forest where the trees were much taller, they had more branches with lighter leaves about them. Something about these trees was peculiar, instead of reaching up to the sky, the branches seemed to be reaching downwards. Sans lightly shook his head. There was a sudden pressure that was building up and steadily flowing into his sockets, and no matter how much Sans jostled his skull around he couldn’t shake it away.
Trying his best to ignore it, he tried to look for any kind of landmark off in the distance, something that would help him discover where he was. That’s when he saw it, directly above him. What was supposed to be clear blue sky was instead deep green grass everywhere. It didn’t make any sense. He tried to take a step forward when he suddenly realized that both of his ankles were tightly restricted within the tangle of a couple of branches. It wasn’t until the bottom part of his shirt fell up over his skull, exposing his ribcage, that he finally realized … he was hanging upside-down in a tree, and miles off of the ground.
As he forced his shirt back down, he let out a horrified gasp at the sight of the ground below. Specifically just how far away he was from it. As if being held upside-down wasn’t dizzying enough, Sans could feel pangs of unbridled terror coursing through his bones as his body helplessly swayed through the air. He held his breath, forcing himself to keep still as he tried to calm down.
Looking up at his ankles, he noticed how the twisting branch that held them in place was perfectly wrapped around both of them. Almost as if he had perfectly teleported himself to fit between the ankle-shaped openings in the branch’s path. As nonsensical as it was, he knew better than to expect anything to make sense in this crazy place.
As terrifying as it was to be up so high, he knew he had to test the strength of the branches in order to see how freely he could move. He experimentally wiggled his toes, breathing a small sigh of relief when the branch didn’t move. He gave his right ankle an abrupt tug, followed shortly by the left. He was surprised to see the branch still holding tightly to his feet without any give at all. After a few more useless tugs, he was brave enough to give his body a fully fledged jolt. The branch didn’t move an inch, his feet stayed perfectly in place.
While Sans was grateful that the branch’s hold was strong enough to keep him from falling, it also meant he was very much stuck there. The thought made Sans start to worry again, LaughterLand was not a good place to get himself stuck in ANY position. He knew it was only a matter of time before the next creature arrived to tickle the daylights out of him again, and he was starting to feel horribly vulnerable with his feet stuck in place like that.  
"Nyeh … what happened?"
The sound of his brother's voice made Sans jump, not that it mattered since the tree still wasn't budging. He hurriedly looked around for where the voice had come from, still trying to pay no mind to the magic flowing to his head.
It didn't take long, Sans found Papyrus in the same exact position as himself. Hanging upside-down in the tree right next to him, just a few more feet above him. If Sans were able to sit up on top of the branch he could reach Papyrus with ease, but for the moment he was just grateful to see Papyrus at all.
“Papyrus!” Sans gasped. “Bro! Oh man, thank Asgore!”
“What the.… Sans?” It took Papyrus a moment to realize his predicament, but after immediately seeing the state his brother was in, he was able to figure it out a lot faster.
“Whoa!! How long have we been up here?!” Papyrus jolted at the sight of the ground below.
Sans glanced up to see if Papyrus’s feet were just as tangled up as his own. As his brother swayed back and forth, Sans could see both of his ankles were stuck within the gaps of a tree branch, much like himself. But where the busy entanglement of his own branch was sturdy and perfectly wrapped around to keep his feet in place, Papyrus’s didn’t look to be that thick. In fact it looked like both his ankles were trapped within a single branch that just barely split apart to form a gap. Sans couldn’t help but gasp as he noticed Papyrus’s movement starting to cause the branch to slightly bend.
“Pap, hold it!” he called out. “Don’t make a move!” Papyrus held himself still, finally glancing up at his feet. “That branch isn’t going to hold if you move around like that,” Sans explained. “Just keep still, okay? I’ll figure a way out of this.”
Sans noticed that Papyrus was no longer laughing. Figuring that the fresh air and being away from the closed space where the spell was completely engulfing them was just the cure he needed. A faint orange color still tinted his cheeks and there were plenty of tear-stains on his battle body, telling him that Papyrus was still recovering over the ordeal. Sans realized right then just how close he came to losing Papyrus over a stupid argument. He silently swore to himself right then and there that he would no longer fight with Papyrus, and that he would get them out of this place.
Sans turned to his left to see the thick trunk of the tree that was holding him. He tried to reach for it, hoping to somehow climb up the trunk to turn his body right-side-up again. But no matter how hard he swung himself, it was just barely out of the reach of his fingertips. He groaned in frustration as his shirt came back down over his eyes again. He hurriedly tried to pull it back down, not wanting to risk exposure to his spine, ribs, and especially not his sweet spot.
“When did you get your powers back, Sans?” Papyrus asked after a long sigh. “And why on earth did you teleport us here … like this?” he gestured his hands towards his ankles to prove a point.
“Honestly, bro … I don’t even know if they ARE back yet.” Sans grunted as he kept trying to swing over to the trunk while struggling to keep his shirt down. “I didn’t even know I COULD teleport us upside-down, let alone into a tree.”
“Okay, well … can’t you just teleport us down?” Papyrus asked, being mindful to keep himself still.
Sans paused, he tried to feel for the spark of power in his Soul, but just like before in the cave, it was gone. Still he closed his eyes and tried to feel for it, concentrating on any kind of powerful feeling his mind could come up with. But no matter how hard he focused, the power wouldn’t come. No spark, no magic, no teleporting out of this.
“I can’t…,” Sans replied blankly. He felt so defeated, especially after having pulled them out of that horrible situation back at the mansion. “I don’t know what it is, Pap … it’s this place. I feel like it’s messing with us.”
Sans looked over to see Papyrus shutting his eyes as well, obviously trying to concentrate on his own magic. He snapped his fingers a number of times, trying to summon a bone-construct. But nothing materialized, not one special attack. Papyrus already looked so tired from the spell draining all of that laughter out of him, as he opened his eyes to find nothing, Sans noted that he looked absolutely exhausted.
“Ohhh, that’s just great.” Papyrus let his arms hang down, looking utterly defeated. “Now what are we supposed to do?”
“Hang on, bro. I got this.” Sans continued to swing himself back and forth, still trying and failing to reach the tree trunk. “My branch is pretty sturdy, I’ll get us out of this.”
Papyrus groaned loudly as he crossed his arms. He had not yet forgotten about the heated argument the two of them had shared back at the mansion, and was still very hurt by it. Watching Sans helplessly flail through the air filled him with exasperation. He was not in the mood to endure another one of his brother’s ridiculous plans.
As Sans missed the trunk for what felt like the hundredth time, he let out a deep exhausted sigh. As usual, this was going to be a lot harder than he thought. He glanced back up at Papyrus, who wore a sore expression on his face. He was turned away from Sans with his arms crossed over his chest. Sans figured he was still upset about being trapped in a tree, unaware of his brother’s growing resentment.
“Well…,” Sans sighed. “I was hoping to climb up this thing to get myself loose. But … I guess I’ll have to … branch out my ideas a little, huh?”
He knew that now was probably not the best time to be making jokes — honestly it never was with Papyrus — but it was the only thing he could think of to help ease the situation. Papyrus was not amused, not even sparing Sans a dirty look.
“Aw come on, bro….” Sans grinned cheekily. “You can’t just … leaf me hanging like this.”
Papyrus let out a quiet “Hmph!” as he turned his back towards his brother. Sans was slightly taken aback by this reaction. Papyrus never liked his puns, but he would at least acknowledge how awful his brother’s sense of humor was and react accordingly, that’s what always made it so fun.
“Papyrus…?” Sans tempted. “What’s with the bite? I miss your … bark.” Even he couldn’t help but chuckle at his own ridiculous pun.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Papyrus finally replied in a snarky manner. “I must be too DELUSIONAL to enjoy your childish sense of humor.”
Sans froze, remembering the hurtful comment that had come out of him during their argument. He had to admit, it sounded much harsher coming from Papyrus’s perspective.
“Well, if you can’t reach the tree,” Papyrus continued bitterly. “Maybe you should do what I do and ‘just make friends with it’, then everything will be better!”
“Aw, come on Pap,” Sans implored. “You’re seriously mad at me over that dumb argument back there?” Papyrus didn’t respond, but instead turned away from him, still bitterly sulking. “Papyrus, we don’t have time for this, we have to find a way out of here before something even worse happens.”
Sans tried again to reach the trunk, but it was hopeless. Nothing he could do would make him shift any closer to the taunting tree trunk, and it was clear that Papyrus was too angry with him to help out. It was all so infuriating.
He eventually stopped to take a breath, remembering his promise to make peace with his brother. Obviously, Papyrus was still upset about the things that were said back at the mansion, Sans was too in his own way. But he knew that there was just no way that either of them was going to get out of this without working together. Being stuck in a tree with no way to get loose, he figured it was a good time to try and apologize without being under the influence of magic.
“Look Pap,” Sans finally said after a long sigh. “I’m sorry, I honestly am. I know things got kinda crazy back there, I really didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”
Papyrus’s expression started to soften, Sans could see it in his sockets. At least he was starting to get through to him.
“I just got frustrated because of you throwing the potion too early, and … I don’t know….” He turned away slightly to really think about how to explain himself. “I guess I just kind of felt like … you haven’t really been listening to me this whole time.”
He looked back at Papyrus, surprised to see his brother starting to tense up and cringe. A worried expression spread across Sans’s face. Had he said the wrong thing? He had sincerely thought that he was getting through to him.
“Pap … it’s okay,” Sans tried to explain. “What I meant was … like … the way you were always trying to make friends with things, I mean … it just kinda felt like you weren’t taking me seriously, y’know? That kind of thing.”
Papyrus gritted his teeth as he sharply twisted away from Sans, his fingers starting to dig into the sides of his battle body. Sans began to worry that he was starting to hurt his brother’s feelings all over again.
“B-But, I understand why you did,” he stammered. “I know that you were just trying to get us by with using a method of peace, I get it.”
Papyrus’s jaw was clamped down so tight that his cheeks were flushed orange again. His eyes bugged out as he tried to suppress tiny beads of tears forming in the corners of his sockets.
“I’m not mad, Papyrus,” Sans insisted. “Please don’t be upset with me, I know what I said back there was out of line. I know my plans are beyond spontaneous and not very well thought-out. I just thought that I could be the one to get us out of here. I’m your big brother, y’know … it’s kind of my job to protect you.”
Papyrus shut his sockets tightly and shook his head back and forth like crazy. Sans blinked in confusion, why was Papyrus fighting to accept his apology? He wasn’t usually this stubborn.
“Look Papyrus, we’re both at fault here. But if we’re gonna get out of this, we have to find a way to do it together. So … for my part in this crazy mess, I just want to say that I’m really sorr—”
Papyrus slapped his hands over his mouth to muffle a strained squeak. Tears finally escaping out of his sockets as his body started to curl in on itself. Sans’s sockets flew wide open as he stared at his brother, he finally got it now.
“Oh … you’re being tickled right now, aren’t you?”
Papyrus released his mouth, finally free to laugh and shriek as the unseen tickling sensation quickly began to overwhelm him. He began involuntarily twisting and swaying in order to physically vent his blind panic. Sans’s eyes darted up towards the branch holding his ankles together as it began to bend from Papyrus’s wiggling.
“Papyrus, stop!” Sans yelled. “The branch! Don’t move!”
Papyrus yelped and wrapped both arms around himself to keep still. But he still couldn’t stop himself from abruptly jerking around as he continued to helplessly laugh.
Sans scanned his brother up and down, looking for whatever could be attacking him. But nothing seemed to be there, no animals, no plants. His Soul began to sink, thinking that it might possibly be one of the Ghost Children again.
“Pap! Where is it?!” he called desperately. “What’s it getting at?!”
Sans strained his sockets trying to see what was up there, but he couldn’t see even an inch of what might possibly be getting at his brother’s feet. The attacker was either invisible like the Ghost Children or was exceptionally small, either way, Sans did not like the outcome. The branch bent downwards again as Papyrus spasmed in midair uncontrollably.
“Pap! Don’t move!” Sans yelled, although he knew it was not going to be that easy for poor Papyrus. He knew just how horribly ticklish his brother’s feet were.
“I-I CAHAHAHAHAN’T!!” Papyrus squealed, his body jerking and twisting about, causing the branch to bend even further. “NYAHAHAHA!! IT-IHIHIT’S SO BAHAHAD SAHAHAHANS!! AHAHAHA!!”
“I know, I know!” Sans himself tried to stay calm, hoping to somehow transfer some of that restraint to Papyrus. “Just try to breathe through it, okay? That branch isn’t going to hold if you keep squirming like that.”
Papyrus inhaled deeply to try and hold his breath. He couldn’t help but let a muffled squeal escape him as he felt the mysterious creature crawling along his arches. Whatever this thing was, it was light and delicate. Almost like a walking feather with many bristling stems. It seemed to walk aimlessly along one sole before moving onto the next, almost as if it was truly unaware of the ticklish distress it was causing the younger skeleton. He released his sides to forcefully clamp his hands over his mouth again. It was so much harder to hold still, he couldn’t risk opening his jaw to try and ‘breathe through it’ as Sans had suggested. For he knew the only breath that would escape would be unavoidable, uncontrollable cackles.
Sans tried so hard to think. Looking back at the tree trunk, he didn’t even want to waste precious time trying to make another grab for it. Papyrus wasn’t going to last that long, he had to find a way to reach him. At the same time, he thought about what Papyrus had said back at the mansion. How his plans did nothing but get them into even more trouble. He didn’t want to do anything that would ultimately end with the both of them being tickled past the breaking point again. Or worse, Papyrus falling to his doom.
Still, he had to come up with something … anything! Climbing the tree trunk wasn’t an option, there was no way to reach Papyrus without getting to the top of his own branch. The only other way he could reach him was … magic. He somehow managed to do it back at the mansion, however skewed the overall attempt turned out to be. Maybe if he concentrated hard enough, he could form another spark that could create a bone construct that could reach Papyrus.
Wasting no time, he shut his eyes to focus, trying to block out the panic in his gut, as well as the noises of Papyrus’s whimpering giggles. He felt his face twitch as he tried to pick up the sensation of magic within his Soul, but the intense concentration yielded nothing, not one spark. Momentarily caught off guard by Papyrus sharply inhaling, Sans shut his sockets even tighter to try again.
"Oh no…," Papyrus silently gasped, his body starting to tremble in panic.
"Pap?" Sans snapped out of his concentration after hearing his brother's gasp.
Papyrus squirmed uncomfortably, his face twisted with anguish trying to keep his mouth shut. His bug-eyes shot wide open allowing fresh tears to fall to the ground, one look was enough to tell Sans that he couldn't hold it in for much longer.
Papyrus finally broke, shrieking and helplessly twisting around in place, causing even more strain on the branch. Sans stretched out his own body, trying in vain to see who or what could possibly be attacking Papyrus. But still, he couldn't see a thing. His attention was soon drawn towards the branch as it continued to bend and give way to gravity as Papyrus pulled.
Even Sans had to shudder at Papyrus's plea. That particular spot on the both of them was absolutely horrible! His Soul jolted at the sudden sound of a crack high above him. He realized with horror that the branch was starting to split.
"Papyrus! Hold still!" he practically screamed to get his brother's attention.
Sans realized with absolute terror that Papyrus had no control over his squirming body. He was so lost in the all-consuming ticklish sensations that he couldn't control the urge to have his body physically searching for some kind of relief, even if it ultimately did nothing to help him.
Another much louder crack grabbed at Sans's attention as he watched the branch starting to break apart even further. He wanted to shut his eyes to try and focus on his magic again, but he didn't dare take his eyes off of his brother just in case he did fall. With no magic to help him, he realized right then and there that he was going to have to somehow catch Papyrus.
"Pap!!" Sans called over his brother's laughter. "Pap, reach for me! Reach for my hands!"
Somehow, Papyrus was able to hear Sans over the sounds of himself screaming in agony. He reached out his hands, feeling the branch giving way with every subtle move he made. Sans, in turn, tried to swing his way over towards Papyrus's direction. Their reach was still several feet away. But as Papyrus's hysterical laughter continued, both brothers braced for the worst as they heard the branch crack again.
Papyrus's laughter suddenly came to an abrupt halt. He exhaled steadily taking in slow deep breaths, the tickling on his feet came to a stop.
"Oh … oh … thank … everything…." He panted heavily.
With the torture on his feet gone, he worriedly stared up at the nearly-broken branch, still barely holding him to the tree. He knew that if he could just keep as still as possible, then there just had to be a chance of not falling to the ground after all.
"Are you okay?" Sans asked worriedly.
"Yeah … I think so…," Papyrus practically whispered, his voice finally feeling the strain from laughing so hard all day.
"Okay, just don't move," Sans instructed. "I'm gonna try again to get my magic going, and I'm gonna get us out of here."
Sans knew it was an empty promise, he hadn't been able to manifest a single spark since the mansion. Still, if it meant giving Papyrus enough reassurance to keep holding on, it was worth it.
As Sans shut his eyes to refocus yet again, Papyrus gave a sharp jolt. Utter fear coursing through his bones, he could feel the mysterious creature … it wasn't finished with him yet. Papyrus realized that it hadn’t yet started to move again, knowing if it had then he would have been back in stitches. This time it was just adjusting itself, Papyrus sharply inhaled. He knew it was going to try and tickle him again, he stared at Sans silently begging him to manifest his magic before it was too late.
Then he felt something starting to wrap around his toes. It was velvety soft and carefully wound between each and every gap. Papyrus shivered violently as the branch shook alongside him.
“No…,” he whimpered, catching Sans’s attention. “Please … not that…!”
Sans looked into Papyrus’s terrified eyes and realized within an instant that he was too late.
The creature started threading the strange silky substance back and forth between every toe. The soft texture brushed the in between spaces so delicately, tickling Papyrus like crazy.
Papyrus’s pleas went unanswered as his body jolted and spasmed out of control. Sans watched in horror as the branch holding him up gave one final deafening CRACK! Papyrus screamed as gravity instantly took hold of him and he started plummeting towards the ground.
Sans reached out both hands, just barely managing to grab onto Papyrus’s left ankle. The yank fiercely tugging on his own foot restraints, causing a moment of discomfort. But very soon, both skeletons realized that they were safe for the moment, breathing out heavy sighs of relief.
“Don’t worry, bro. I gotcha,” Sans reassured Papyrus as he gripped his ankle with both hands.
“Oh … my goodness….” Papyrus panted heavily, but spared his brother a grateful smile. “Nice … catch, brother … thank you….”
Sans closely inspected Papyrus’s foot, hoping to find some trace of the mystery attacker. Anything that could help him identify what exactly it was that they were dealing with. Nothing about his brother’s foot seemed odd or out of place. No scratch marks, no sign of feather-fluff, everything seemed normal … until he got to the toes.
Something soft and delicate was wrapped around every single one of his toes. Sans figured that’s what the strange creature had used to finally get him to fall out of the tree. It was translucent, Sans had to pull Papyrus’s foot up a little closer to really inspect it. As the sun glistened over it, Sans felt his Soul sink. He finally realized what it was … it was a spider web.
“Oh no….”
Sans felt something soft land on his right foot, he jolted in horror. The spider had chosen him for its next prey, and unlike Papyrus, Sans’s feet were totally immobilized. Even with Papyrus’s added weight, the branch hadn’t budged, not once. Sans was doomed.
“Oh no! No! No! No! No!”
Sans attempted to twist his ankle and curl his toes. But his feet stayed perfectly in place, and the spider started freely walking across his sole and arches. Sans let out a shivering whine as he shut his eyes and sucked in a breath.
“Sans … what’s going on up there?”
Papyrus could feel Sans’s grip on his ankle start to tighten as he heard the whimper escape his teeth. Sans spared Papyrus a desperate look, that was enough to tell Papyrus exactly what was happening.
Sans let out a strained groan as he felt the spider’s feather-like legs tapping away at his feet. It tickled horribly, and with both of his hands preoccupied with holding onto his brother, he had no way to physically vent about it. He tried so hard to hold in his laughter, despite knowing that it had never worked before. He refused to give this creepy crawler any of his laughter to feed on.
“Sans!” Papyrus called from below. “Just hang on, Brother! You can do it!” Papyrus wasn’t sure just how his encouragement was going to help Sans in this predicament. But he was hopeful that it was at least a little helpful.
Sans curled his toes tightly, in an attempt to distract from the spider’s aimless wandering. When that didn’t work, he tried opening and closing them again. While it did nothing to distract him, it practically served as an invitation for the spider to crawl up towards the balls of his feet.
The dam finally broke. Sans shrieked and cackled and squirmed desperately in the air, that horrid spot he had so feared being exploited for all it was worth.
Papyrus felt so helpless watching Sans practically going insane within a matter of moments. He knew it was only a matter of time before his brother lost all of the strength he needed to hold onto him. He could already feel his fingers starting to tremble around his ankles.
“Hang on, Sans!” Papyrus yelled. “I-I’ll think of something!”
He desperately looked around, trying to come up with a plan of his own. The ground was still too far away for him to fall without getting seriously hurt. He could probably reach the tree trunk like Sans was trying to do in the first place, but he didn’t want to risk swinging himself while Sans’s grip was already starting to weaken.
Sans, meanwhile, squeezed his eyes shut. He was frantically trying to get his magic to spark again. But beyond the fact that he still couldn’t detect a spark, he was laughing too hard to fully concentrate on pulling off even the simplest of magical abilities. Despite knowing this, he was starting to become desperate. Hoping against hope that some kind of spark would appear in the midst of his hysteria, one that he could gain enough control of to snap him out of this nightmare.
Listening to Sans’s hysteria suddenly gave Papyrus an idea. Somehow Sans had managed to get his magic to spark at least once since they had come to this awful place. Papyrus knew that it was time for him to spark his own. While he had no idea how this land affected the flow of their powers, he knew it was his only chance to help Sans.
To his surprise, the tickling did stop. Sans gasped so suddenly that he started to cough. The balls of his feet tingled like crazy, he instinctively went to brush his feet overtop the tingling spots, forgetting how badly he was restrained.
Sans shrieked as he felt the spider starting to move again. The remaining tingles on his feet making him overly sensitive to even the lightest of touches. That’s when he felt the soft spider web being delicately woven between each of his toes.
“Oh no!” he gasped. “Nonononononono! Please! Don’t do this! You can’t do this! No!”
While Sans still had enough breath to fight, he tugged at his ankles with all of his might. Nearly forgetting that he and Papyrus were still miles off of the ground. It was no use, he was being pulled too tightly in both directions, he didn’t even have enough strength to properly bend his knees. His feet were wide open and completely at the mercy of this tiny spider.
Papyrus clasped his hands over his ear canals, doing his best to concentrate. He knew that in order to manifest his powers, he would need to block out everything going on around him. This included his fear of falling, the feeling of Sans’s grip being loosened, and even the sound of his brother’s hysterical laughter and screaming.
Sans continued to desperately pull at his ankles. He flexed his toes as frantically as he could until the spider gave the web surrounding his phalanges a sturdy tug. The web pulled his toes until they were taut and totally exposed.
“No!!” Sans cried frantically tugging at his immobile toes. “No! Get away! Get away from my toes! Don’t even touch my to—OHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHO!! STAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Sans was instantly thrown into a fit of frenzied laughter. The soft feathery webbing weaved back and forth between his toes causing wave after wave of the horrific ticklish sensation, and there was nothing Sans could do to make it stop.
Sans desperately pleaded, not just for the tickling to stop, but also for himself not to let go of Papyrus. He could feel his sweaty palms starting to steadily lose their grip on his brother’s ankle. His body wanted so desperately to free his hands and curl in on himself, as if that would somehow make his ordeal more bearable. But despite this feeling, he still squeezed hard onto his brother, refusing to succumb to his own desperation.
Papyrus breathed in deeply, manically searching his Soul for a spark. Any kind of manifestation of power no matter how deeply it was buried. He felt his mind grow tired the more he searched, but he kept the image of Sans’s frantic face lodged in his mind’s eye as motivation to keep going. It seemed to go on and on forever, until at last he felt something.
He wasn’t even sure if it was a proper spark at all, it was so frail, so pathetic. It hardly qualified as any source of redeemable magic at all. But it was all he had to go on. So without wasting any time, Papyrus poured all of his concentration into manifesting this tiny half-spark.
Real tears of panic started pouring from Sans’s sockets, he realized with absolute horror that his grip on Papyrus was visibly slipping. No matter how tightly both hands clasped around his brother, it was no use. The unending laughter was draining away at his strength and sanity. The tickling was too much, it wasn’t stopping. It was completely terrifying to wonder just how much longer it was going to go on. He couldn’t take anymore of it, he was going to lose his brother. He was going to drop him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Sans laughter intermixed with heartfelt sobs as he kept pleading for the torture to end.
Papyrus felt the spark starting to grow. Within moments, it manifested into a whole spark, nothing big or fancy, but it was enough for him to bring it to life in his fingertips. Papyrus felt his bones growing weak and exhausted, he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep up this concentration for very much longer. It was now or never! He snapped the spark from his fingers.
A single bone appeared in midair, right next to his face. Papyrus’s jaw dropped in shock, he nearly lost control over it in an instant. Immediately regaining his magic before that could happen, he clenched his fist, sending the special attack up towards Sans’s feet. It took some coordination, but Papyrus managed to place the construct exactly where he needed it to be.
The bone reared back just above Sans’s soles. Papyrus gritted his teeth, it was the only plan he could think of to save Sans. While he was certain this was going to help rescue them both, he knew that this was going to hurt … a lot.
“Sorry about this, Brother!”
The construct came down fast and hard onto the soles of Sans’s feet. In an instant the unbearable tickling sensations were replaced with a sharp stinging pain that practically electrified his bones from the shock.
“OWW!” Sans cried out.
He wiggled his feet to the best of his ability while blinking the tears away. While his feet throbbed in pain, he was surprisingly grateful to be feeling that sensation as opposed to the tickling. He greedily swallowed large breaths of air, readjusting himself to keep holding onto Papyrus.
“I … I did it!” Papyrus cheered. “I cast magic! Just like you, Sans!”
He felt for the spark again, but found with dismay that it had gone just as quickly as it had appeared. He looked up to see the bone itself was resting on the branch. Though he no longer had any telekinetic control over it, he was somewhat grateful to see that it had not also disappeared with his magic.
“Yeah … y-you did … good, bro,” Sans panted heavily. Shaking the last of the tears away from his cheeks.
“Is.… Is it gone?” Papyrus muttered, noticing that Sans had not resumed laughing.
Sans felt around his feet. The pain from the special attack had started to fade and he was half-expecting to feel the sensation of a squished spider on his soles. But he couldn’t feel anything different. He was starting to think that perhaps the attack had left his feet feeling numb. Until he noticed something coming down from the branch.
It was a little green spider flowing downwards from a tiny string of web. It was much tinier than Sans had expected, maybe about an inch in length. It had long spindly legs, much like other spiders. With little black speckles decorating each leg alongside tiny tufts of hair that resembled feather-fluff. Its thorax wasn’t plump like most spiders, it was actually elongated coming to a defined point at the end where the web was coming out. As the arachnid floated closer to Sans’s face, he noticed that it was wearing a little blue top hat, giving him a rather adorable appearance, at least for a spider.
“Well hello there, fellas!” The spider spoke with a vague Southern accent in what was clearly a male’s voice. “I’m real sorry about that, I didn’t realize I was trying to make a new home out of your feet.”
“Wait … what?” Sans put aside the fact that this spider was speaking to try and understand just where he was coming from.
“Well you don’t see feet of all things hanging around in trees, I just assumed you were a new form of plant or something,” the spider explained. His tone was light and friendly, unlike the majority of creatures the brothers had encountered while being here.
“You mean, you weren’t trying to t … tickle us?” Papyrus stammered. His tone was heavy with hesitation, afraid that he might give this new creature ideas.
“Oh no! I was only looking for a new place to put my web, honest!" The spider put one of his many legs over his chest, as a sign of crossing his heart.
“Wait a minute….” Sans lowered his brows in suspicion. “You weren’t trying to tickle us? Then why did you keep going, couldn’t you hear us laughing?”
“This is LaughterLand, sir,” the spider replied in a matter-of-fact tone. “Laughter is just one of those sounds that you hear all the time here.”
“And you’re not interested in laughter because…?” Sans still wasn’t buying it. Something about this still wasn’t adding up.
“Oh that’s a common misconception about this place,” the spider continued to explain. “While laughter is a main source of food for most critters around these parts, it’s not the ONLY source of food.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Sans asked dryly.
“Well, creatures like me don’t usually consume laughter. Our diet mostly consists of clouds, snow, thunderstorms … natural elements like that.”
“Wait, so there are more creatures like you out there?” Papyrus asked, starting to grow excited. “Creatures that WON’T tickle us to feast on our laughter?”
“Well, sure!” replied the spider. “Although you’ll have a heck of a time finding them, I guarantee they’re out there.”
“Sans! We should find these creatures and take refuge with them!” Papyrus declared. He started to swing excitedly back and forth, causing Sans to strain while holding onto him.
“Pap! I doubt that a bunch of little spiders are gonna protect us from Ghost Kids and a giant Tickle Monster….” He awkwardly looked back at the spider. “Uh … no offense.”
“None taken!” The spider replied cheerfully. “I don’t know what other non-laughter-eaters are out there, but I do know it’s not just us.”
“Well, as tempting as it is to wander around this dangerous place aimlessly searching…,” Sans answered with a hint of sarcasm. “We really need to get out of this tree and try to find our way home.”
“Oh you’re stuck?” the spider asked, sounding surprised. “Well why didn’t you just say so?” He turned and started crawling back up his little string. To the brother’s surprise, he lifted up Papyrus’s bone construct with ease, despite it nearly being a hundred times his size.
“With the help of this do-hicky, I’ll have you boys out of here in a jiffy!”
He began lowering down a much thicker string of web, it reached all the way down to Papyrus.
“Grab onto that and hold tight!” the spider instructed.
Papyrus complied, holding tight to the little web. He was surprised to find that it wasn’t sticky like normal spider webs, and despite it being so small, it actually felt quite sturdy.
The little spider dug the bone construct in between the branch and Sans’s right foot. He strained and pulled to pry the branch apart. To Sans’s utter shock, he could feel the sturdy branch starting to give way. Eventually he opened the gap enough for him to pull his foot out completely.
Once his ankle was free, the little spider moved onto the left ankle. Sans barely had time to completely register what happened before he felt gravity swiftly take hold of his body once his ankle was freed. He dropped like a stone down through the air before the momentum swung both brothers right-side-up with Papyrus clinging to the web and Sans clinging to Papyrus.
“Okay, now climb up!” called the spider.
Not questioning a thing, the skeletons hurriedly climbed up the web like it was a rope. Their heads ached and spun from finally being upright again. Neither of them realized how much the magic had flowed into their heads from being upside-down for so long. Thankfully it didn’t take long for the dizziness to pass, and soon both brothers were sitting comfortably next to the spider on the branch.
“Boy, am I glad that’s over,” Sans muttered, rubbing his temples.
“Me too.” Papyrus turned to the little spider. “Thanks so much Mr. … uh….”
“Oh just call me ‘Sky’, everyone does, on account of the fact that I’m a Sky Spider.” Sky tipped his little top hat like a proper gentleman.
“Thank you, Mr. Sky!” replied Papyrus happily. “My brother and I are grateful for your assistance.”
“My pleasure!” Sky replied, sticking his hat back on his head. “Now you just lemmie know if I can help you boys out in any way I can.”
Sans sighed deeply as he looked out at the colorful trees. Nothing at all looked familiar, and as strange as it was, he longed to see anything from the Underground.
“Well, it would be great if you could point us to a way out of this place,” he replied glumly. Knowing that it was pretty much useless to ask.
“Well….” Sky thought about it for a moment. “I might not know where the two of you came from, but I’ll betcha I can send you on a trip that might just take you out of here.”
“Really?” Papyrus answered, sounding hopeful.
“Well sure! I can’t guarantee you’ll end up back where you came from. But if you travel for long enough you can at least make it out of LaughterLand.”
Sans sighed, as much as he didn’t trust anybody in the crazy place, the offer did sound appealing. Especially if it meant an end to all of this merciless tickling. Papyrus looked at him hopefully, obviously wanting him to take the deal.
“Well … I guess it’s better than nothing,” he admitted. “So, what do we have to do?”
“Well, first I need to secure you both to a seatbelt,” Sky replied, stringing out another thick thread of web from his thorax.
He fastened it into a loop and instructed both brothers to tie it around their waists like a lasso. The skeletons obliged, and the web was tied around both of their spines holding them together.
“Alright, now I just gotta catch your ride!” Sky grabbed the other end of the web and started to climb up to the top of the tree. He peeked his head out over the leaves, looking up towards the fast-moving clouds.
“I really hope this works,” Sans muttered. “I’m not sure how many more surprises I can take.”
Papyrus nodded in agreement before turning his head to look up at Sky. The little green spider had tied the other end of the web into a real lasso and was swinging it far up over his head.
“Oh! Mr. Sky!” Papyrus called. “I had almost forgotten to ask you! Why are you called a ‘Sky Spider?’”
In an instant, Sky threw the lasso up into the air. The web wrapped itself around a large puffy cloud zooming off into the distance. Both brothers let out terrified screams as their bodies were yanked out of the tree and taking off high into the sky. Neither one could believe their sockets, they were strung up to a cloud of all things! Traveling at an unexpected speed high up over the forest and across the air.
They both looked down at the tree where they had been trapped, hoping to see Sky waving at them. But the little Sky Spider as well as the tree itself were quickly disappearing from view as their makeshift cloud carriage carried them off.
“For … crying out loud … S1!” Gaster groaned as he attempted to lift Sans’s unconscious body back onto the table.
“I told you … to restrain yourself … with the … ketchup!”
He silently cursed himself for letting his eldest creation become too big-boned and lazy. It took so much more effort than he had expected, but with his strength nearly to the point of giving out, he finally managed to lift the older skeleton back onto the table with a CRASH!
Gaster panted heavily, wiping the sweat from his brow. He leaned himself backwards in an attempt to crack the kinks out of his back. Grateful to finally have Sans back in place, he wearily glanced over at the table expecting to find both brothers in their places.
Sans was successfully placed back on the table, however, Gaster had handled him so roughly with this transportation that he had accidentally knocked Papyrus off of his table. The younger skeleton laid upside-down on the floor with his feet leaning against the table.
Gaster groaned deeply while massaging his temples. Looking after these two was so much more work than he bargained for. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could endure this experiment that just kept going more wrong.
As he shut his eyes to take in another deep breath, he failed to notice Papyrus’s magic starting to flare up. A single bone construct appeared directly over the scientist’s head, surprising him with a sudden drop.
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rubykgrant · 4 months ago
I should actually like. Write it all out as a story, but I don't have the strength for that... but a funny thing in my scenario where the younger rookie Grif and Simmons get time-traveled to a future (that takes place in the eventual plot of my bigger story-line) where they see their older selves together in a relationship, and just HATE that. The older guys take it with some good humor, they remember being Like That, it's fine... the funny part is, while younger Dexter still thinks the Dick he knows is a dick (and a dork), he gets an EMBARRASSING crush on older Simmons. Which, Grif notices, and explains to his Simmons-
"I maybe kinda had a thing for older dudes when I was his age. Not WAY older, I never had a crush on a teacher or somebody's dad, but some of my friends' older brothers? Yeah. I dunno, I thought they all seemed cooler and chill, and like- obviously more mature, but I thought that actually meant they wouldn't be annoying little jack-asses like everybody I went to school with. But they were still annoying jack-asses, who just happened to be a couple years older than me. That's why I didn't even date guys until I was done with high school. I also liked cute nerds. So, you're like ALL of his types, but he's still stuck at the age when I thought all guys were jerks and I was also a jerk, so I decided to avoid guys for the rest of my life. He's gotta be MISERABLE..."
Meanwhile, Dick is absolutely having a CRISIS about the older Grif; he's supposed to like girls, and girls are supposed to be "beautiful", right? So why does this DUDE look beautiful, but also still absolutely looks like a man, he's strong and handsome, and that's what a man is "supposed" to be, right? How can somebody be beautiful and handsome, with curves and muscles, strong and soft, with really nice hair, and a really nice smile, and a really nice laugh, and just a little bit of facial hair that actually looks more rugged than scruffy, Dick didn't think he'd be into that but- BUT HE ISN'T! Girls. Girls? (Simmons also notices this, and he tries really hard to kind of be encouraging without sounding too high-and-mighty, like "I know you because you're ME, so the way you feel doesn't matter, eventually you'll feel the same as I do", that wouldn't help. Simmons just lets Dick know, his life isn't some "cure of inevitable fate", and there isn't anything wrong with how he feels. When he gives his younger self a hug, it feels like a moment that SHOULD be between a father and son, but in both the past and the future, their dad wouldn't do something like this... so, that part is less funny, more bitter-sweet)
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nixtwix · 3 months ago
Oc revamp...again
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y'know what I'd on't think imma have a cohesive design for this character yet so imma just post her recent concepts and whichever y'all like, cool I might go with it who knows. mighty make a proper version of the classic sketch I was going for.
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oh yeah, and this sketch of her in a dress I made during the angle mission in sonic speed simulator.
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now for about her: nix is relatively the same, tired, cautious toward travelers and towns folk, has healing powers along with speed and stealth.
now for the small additions: after the scar from forces, nix is blind in her left eye she barely see's anything through it. so unlike her classic Varient, she can't really tree jump or speed throught the forest, as well as she used to. and relies heavily on her hearing abilities, her right eye, and he memory of the forest. she not only has a strength in blow darts but also in potion making and thanks to tails, tinkering. she uses spare parts from defeated badniks,or abandoned bases to make prosthetic legs, or if a critter is terribly wounded, they use the badnik husk to maneuver and in a way survive, kind of like an iron man suite or wheelchair. of course she has to check it in with tails to make sure it doesn't get overwritten by eggman, and she has to repaint them fully so no one accidentally breaks the badnik husk being controlled by the animal. her speed: like before, she can catch up with sonic, however due to her eye and being stuck somewhat prisoner during forces, she's very out of tune with her own body, and is more likely to trip and fall. also she has problems spin dashing and curling into a ball to attack, feeling more dizzy as she does it, so sticks to attacking from afar, or using her Environment's to an advantage especially in high up places (thanks to Ray teaching her that little trick so that she can't just blow darts while hidden, she can maneuver if she needs to.) she can slightly heal just fine though, and thanks to her jade wisp friend, she's able to go through walls to get to patients faster if there's an emergency. her Chao: Ghost Chao: White and purple, name: Binx. Personality: skittish,shy, startled easily. but wants to help where they can. likes: nix,nature,mysteries, helping Dislikes: light, unknown travelers, loud noises. abilities: to posses badniks/scramble technology, bioluminescence. (the ball on its head lights like a candle, so any light that isn't his own scares him.) Mochi chao: a white,pink and green Chao with a yellow floating ball. she's a bit older, leaning towards hero, and keeps things in line, while learning to bake. (which causes a lot of messes in the cafe) she's sweet, playful, but determined. Snips: a dark omochao. found while nix was rummaging through a crashed egg fleet for parts when she found it, thinking if binx could posses it. however it overrode systems. kicking binx out, and caused a giant ruckus, to were nix has to put a pumpkin on its head to calm it down. its the most hostile of the Chao, but very protective, biting any foreigners, scaring critters away, and sometimes teasing binx. as for the design from A-2 thats probably going to be when she's older, or she wears it on a different time, while A-4 might be closer to her riders design. so yeah :) (also with the SSS event, I found it awesome how the whole map of autumn forest was exactly how I imagined it. and the way the waterfalls were designed just of my goodness. and the camp was so cute! playing it kinda helped flesh out how nix would be if a situation like a badnik ambush arose and I just...it was awesome, I wish I could complete it it was so fun.)
Hold on I forgot her first concept
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I cried formatting it like the sonic origins character references {Edit} TRIED, TRIED! I TRIED Formatting it like the Sonic origins character references you get in the art book! My brother lent the book to me so I could learn to draw sonic I swear there was no crying sobbing or tears involved. the only thing close to that was getting irritated because I couldn't draw her spines right or keep them symmetrical when I added ink to the reference.
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sk1bidi-n1k0-e4ts-people · 2 years ago
"Powers?" Pt 2 Dad!Tony stark x daughter!reader
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Summary: you find out you have powers.
Warnings: some cursing, blood,
Picking up right were we left of...
Bruce stuck the needle through the arm that was affected by the liquid, bruce took a blood sample to study, to make sure you were okay. He took another sample from the other arm, as he was looking at it under a microscope, he noticed something different.
He saw that the blood from your affected arm looked different from the blood on your other arm, he saw small, iddy bitty blue specks, it looked just like the liquid, he wasn't surprised because it had clearly entered your blood stream, he also noticed that your white blood cells had been activated, that hadn't surprised him either, but what did surprise him was the fact that it was merging with your blood cells, that definitely wasn't normal.
"Hey tony, come look at this" bruce said to tony, clearly confused
"Look, this is the blood from y/n's unaffected arm, and this" bruce paused to switch the microscopes out
"Is the blood from her other arm."
"The hell?" Tony whispered, "what seems to be the liquid is merging with her red blood cells" bruce explained to tony who had his eyebrows scrunched in confusion
"It shouldn't be doing that" tony said standing back up, "I'll go check on her." Tony said before walking out of the room, he was worried, scared, and confused, he didn't want anything to happen to you, you were his baby girl, only 12 years old, he wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you.
Tony walked in, and came to sit down next to you, trying to hide his nerves. You set your book down on your lap, waiting for him to speak
"Hey hun, how you feeling?" Tony asked hoping you didn't say anything that could put you in danger, or anything to do with your arm
"Yeah im fine, but my arm feels kinda funny" you said lifting your arm up slightly, tony let out a shuddered breath, though he tried to hide it, you caught on quickly
"Whats wrong dad?" you asked starting to feel nervous, then you reached for your dads hand, that's when he broke,
"So you know how you were exposed to that blue stuff"
Nodding, you urged him to continue
"So it has entered your blood stream, and is merging with your red blood cells" you looked at tony with wide eyes, slightly starting to panic, thats when bruce walked in, taking off his plastic gloves,
Upon seeing you looking quite spooked he quickly realized that tony had already told you. "Your gonna be fine kid, dont worry"
The last few days tony was very stressed, despite bruces attempts to calm tony, it never worked 🫥
"Hey uh bruce-"
"If this is about y/n again shes going to be fine" bruce responded in a flat tone. Tony went to check on you but you were napping, so he went to the couch, where he had tons of flashbacks to the day this all this started, how scared he was, how scared he still was, so he went to his bedroom, his bedroom was yalls safe spot, kind of the only place you two could have some father-daughter time without someone interrupting,
bruce said you could leave the medbey today given that the only thing stopping you was that you couldn't really get up. Like when your sick, how you don't feel the strength to get up, it had nothing to do with your arm or your blood, you just sat there for so long, that you didn't feel like you had the strength, but you did.
When you woke up you went back to reading, bruce walked in at one point, and you asked the question,
"Can i come out of the medbey now?" You asked twirling your fingers together, bruce just smiled, took out your IV, and any other wires you were hooked up to, and helped you up, you did a few laps around the room to get used to walking again, then walked out, you were still wearing the same clothes, so you went to your room to change.
After putting on fresh clothes you walked into the kitchen for a snack, where greeted by steve, nat, and thor all making lunch, while Thor was digging in the cabinets looking for pop tarts, nat was making a pb&j and Steve was reheating a taco.
"Hey guys" they all looked up at you, hugs all around, "you guys know where my dad is?" (Flashbacks anyone?)
"In his room I think" Steve replied and you were already bolting off to find him, knowing he'd be happy to see you were up,
"Damn she's running already" nat said with a small smile on her face
You knocked on your fathers door tony sighed thinking it was someone coming to comfort him, yes he was great full that they did this but it just became annoying,
"Look if your here to-" tony pausing upon seeing you in his doorway.
"Hi" you greeted him with a big smile on your face, and tony immediately took you in his arms, taking you in a big hug.
You went to school the next day glad to be back, yes it's school but at least it wasn't the medbey. 🤷‍♂️
It was 2nd period when you heard some boys shit taking about your dad, this infuriated you, "he's just some lame old guy," the first boy said, "yeah his daughter's probably a freak too" that's when you broke. Your pencil went up in flames and went out as you dropped it in fear. The whole class was silent, so you ran, you ended up in a stall in the girls bathroom,
you pulled out your phone to text your dad, you were shaking so bad it took nearly 2 minutes to type 'hey can you pick me up' when he eventually got to the school, and saw you crying, he immediately swallowed you in a big hug, you told him the whole story on the way home.
A/N: ok I'm just gonna stop here, it's already long enough, a lot going on in this one 🫠 but I will make part three soon, so stay tuned <3
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 1 year ago
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Tournament: Ivantill (Alien Stage) Vs Drake (The Music Freaks)
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(Vote for whichever ship you like more.)
Propaganda under cut. Note: spoilers for these medias may be below.
Ivantill propaganda
"SO BLAAAACK BLACK AS IT CAN BEEEEE.... anyways. These two are so.... <333. They're stuck in a music competition where if you lose you die. Ivan doesn't show much emotion but truly comes alive when he's around or talking about Till. Till is rebellious and is often beat by the aliens holding them hostage. Till is also in love with a girl named Mizi. Who is in a relationship. Yeah.... Ivan tried to escape with Till, and they almost made it out, but Till went back for Mizi and now they're stuck. Till and Ivan are going against each other in the next round of the competition and I'm so scared guys"
Drake propaganda
"There is literally a 0.1% chance they'll get in because it's a random YouTube gacha life series but I swear ITS GOOD!! It has good voice acting and good animation (especially once it gets to ep5 and onward), it has really good characters and writing (albeit very cliche)I swear!!. Oh well. A delusional demonic soul can hope
Also, Jake is the protagonist, so we know a lot more about him than we do about Drew, which means his actions might seem more "justified" because we're more aware of his background. And also, he just has more background in general so it's a bit easier to summarize his story. But there are multiple sides to this bond
So basically, Jake and drew are both complicated characters with their own issues. They were both best friends who weren't fully honest with each other and who recently "broke up" in the finale. They both did good and bad and bad-but+understandable things that ruined their relationship.
I am honestly kind of tired, because I have summarized the plot of TMF more times than I could count on my fingers, but I suppose I'll have to work up he strength, otherwise literally no one will even bother voting them. (If it gets into the bracket in the first place)
So basically, Jake got bullied in middle school for his passion for singing. Afterwards he got really insecure of himself, since the bullying was most definitely heavy. He didn't have any friends, until drew came into his life. Drew didn't know about Jake's passion for music, but out of fear for being made fun of again, Jake decided not to share that part of him. Drew was also one of those bullies who made fun of the schools music club, and called them freaks, though he never knew JAKE liked music, so. Jake basically was desperate for a friend and would sacrifice his real identity to simply please drew, especially since Jake KNEW drew bullied music lovers, while Drew never knew about Jake's passion and continued to obliviously make fun of the Music club, HOWEVER. later on in the show we realize that Jake faking his personality around drew would inevitably ruin their relationship. Howevereuif
Drew himself most likely has a form of separation anxiety and attachment issues, and he canonically has control issues evident by many of his actions. We don't know why yet, we can make theories, and it's probably gonna get revealed in season 2, but many people theorize his parents are neglectful so he seeks attention from others, as well as has underlying anxiety related to others leaving him. It's just a theory though, however it makes sense. In the show, we see him making fun of the music club, and Jake making fun of the music club with him too, because Jake is scared that drew will leave him if Jake is revealed to be one of those music freaks. This is toxic because Jake simply can't be himself around drew. But there's more reasons why they're toxic. Jake lied to Drew about who he was, which most definitely hurt Drew because he felt lied to and he felt manipulated, but st the same time drew was ALSO manipulative and possessive over Jake, and he was the one to make Jake feel like he can't be himself in the first place, so it's toxic both ways (but it's a little kore toxic coming from Drew's side). 
Now why is this a ship? I'll also have to explain this (before summarizing more of the plot hehe) basically Drew's possessiveness and clinginess could be perceived as him being romantically attracted to Jake, as well as the fact that he blushed when the topic of him being jelous of Jakes new friends came up, and he didn't even deny it, he just said "shut up!" Ok gay plum. It's also a ship bc of his attached they are though they're definitely toxic. It's not canon, and Drew's feelings are probably never going to be officialized, however, a demonic soul can hope.
Now onto further plot summary (what I summarized before was just the some of the backstory summarization, nothing else, were barely getting started): at one point, Jake joins the music club. Bc of his girl crush. OK YES Jake has a canon girl crush, which kinda ruins this ship it though this ship is prolly one sided anyway lmao. But doesn't matter. Basically Jake is crushing on his girl daisy, and at one point when a band competition is announced, Jake really feels appelled to sign up for their schools music club, however because of DREW, he felt like he COULDNT. so instead he sang an emo song on the rooftop, and then got caught by daisy. Daisy told him that he shouldn't let hid talent to go to wastel and that he should join the music club, and Jake impulsively tells her hell join the club. However he regrets it bc he feels like DREW, someone who's supposed to be his BEST FRIEND, is going to make fun of him for it. This is not healthy bruh. But anyhow - he still decides to join the club, and then he tells drew about it, but says that he joined the band JUST so he could perform at the competition and "win daisy over" because he's been meaning to ask her out. He has to use excuses in order to feel safe performing his passions, wow. Jake still feels the need to hide his passions, and he tells drew that he's just doing it for daisy, and after the competition hell simply leave the club. However all of that is simply lying. Jake lied to much, because of his insecurities, which caused further damage in his and Drew's bond. Jake actually WANTED to be a part of the Music club, the exact one drew would make fun of, Jake actually felt like family there. However obviously he couldn't open up about it to drew. So as time goes on in the show, drew starts feeling more and more obviously jealous. He also gets more and more progressively depressed and distant, because of the jealousy. Jake starts spending more time with the music club, while drew doesn't WANT him to be at the club, drew wants Jake ti be right by his side. And gets quite annoyed with the lack of attention he's received from him. Angsty jelly bf. Jake however never tells him that he's pursuing his passion and drew should be proud of him!!. Bit uhshhdidodd
More time passes, the competition is nearing, and drew is getting really really tired and jelous of Jakes lack of attendance in his life. Drew then proceeds to try and manipulate Jake into getting out of the music club, and got him to say a bunch of hurtful things about the club as well, so drew tried to convince both Jake AND himself that the music club is actually the one manipulating Jake into staying eitt them and spending less time with drew. Oh also I forgot to mention - they were all at Drew's house, by "all of them" I mean drew and Jakes other friends I'll call the jomies (Jake x homies). So basically one of the jomies decided to record the bunch of hurtful things Jake said about the club, y'know that drew pressured Jake into saying. Drew didn't record nor did he know about one of the jomies recording Jake but yeah. Drew still wanted to manipulate Jake into leaving the club anyway.
So long story short, one of the jomies proceed to send the recording to the music club, so the music club felt understandably upset at Jake especially since they've all been bullied in the past and had their trust broken, and so basically drew indirectly broke Jake and the music club up. Though this worked in Drew's favour because he WANTED the rift between them to happen. But also remember drew never knew about Jake's passion. For singing. 
Later on stuff happen, yada yada, Jake apologizes to the music club VERY, VERY publicly (the whole school heard them), and drew gets annoyed yet again, because like I said, drew is a jelly bf, he wants jakey all to himself, he is tired of Jake constantly talking about the music club, he feels like Jake cares more about the club than he does about HIM. which sucks because drew is very hungry for attention dye to his possible crappy home life. After Jakes apology, when the music club decided to forgive them, drew decided to get into an "argument" with Hailey, one of the music club members (by argument I mean drew literally just started yelling at her lmao). Then Jake decided to break up the fight. I also forgot to mention that Jake cares boh about the jomies AND the music club. He wants to be friends with both of them. But jomies and TMC don't. So then drew and Jake start arguing and yada yada I'm EXTREMELY tired my head hurts I don't think I can continue blabbering.... but UHM. Basically drew felt manipulated and betrayed. Jake was manipulated. They were both manipulative due to their own issues, and they both struggle deeply in this toxic bond. What is more toxic yaoi than that?"
So much angsty love breakup songs fit them, it hurts /pos
Never thought I'd write this much about a random gacha life series dam (pls watch it even though i practically spoiled everything)
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