#and he didnt know peter was the other traitor
pyrrhicraven · 9 months
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sapphos-daydreams · 2 years
I've been watching Fringe and im kinda mad they killed Charlie
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emptycoffeemug · 2 years
Edmund is just the best character and anyone who thinks otherwise is simply incorrect
"But he was a traitor" you say.
He repented. He redeemed himself. Aslan redeemed him. As far as I'm concerned, this makes him the most human character. He is an epic hero representative of fallen humanity. He falls, yes, but he rises, and he rises to heights the others, except Lucy, don't reach.
Lucy is a mystic and an exception, so let's look at the other Pevensies.
Both Peter and Susan don't actually believe Lucy about the wardrobe, they're just more mature about it than Edmund. And in Prince Caspian, they don't believe Lucy again when she says she sees Aslan. You know who does believe her? That's right. Edmund. Edmund learns from his mistakes.
After Edmund stops being a jerk, he proves that he is clever, resourceful, caring, respectful, and respected. He becomes one of the legendary kings of Narnia, and it's not just because they needed a fourth person. He earned it. He fought to the bitter end to defeat Jadis. When he went after her wand instead of trying to kill her, that was a sacrifice move. It wasn't rage or revenge, it was a calculated move to give his side the advantage. He knew it would leave him open to an attack from her, but he did it anyway. He turned the tide of the battle.
Of course, Edmund is an absolute legend in Prince Caspian. If you didnt like him before, its obligatory to love him after he roasts Miraz.
Dont get me wrong, I still appreciate Peter and his mistakes are human. Edmund is just better.
Okay, I'll stop ranting now. If you made it this far, thanks for your time.
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firendgold · 5 months
Oh god the order left sirius to rot in prison take is back. I hate it so much they never take into account the bigger picture. "People knew he was very anti voldemort why wouldnt they think of that" well everyone in the order knew there was a spy among them and remus thought that was sirius, I wouldnt be suprised if other members thought it as well. And everyone in the order was anti voldemort. "Dumbledore didnt even hear sirius side of it when he heard out death eater snape" like snape asked to meet with Dumbledore and never do we hear of sirius requesting to speak to him while in jail. And as soon as sirius actually speeks to Dumbledore he realizes sirius is innocent. And they never seem to take into account how sirius never tried to prove his innocence, he seemed actually to rather do the opposite. So heres the case sirius the secret keeper betrayed the potters and hunted down and killed Peter qnd 12 other people and when they get to sirius he says i killed them. And with how the chaos of those days i can see how people wouldnt question he was guilty. The order didnt fight for him well he didnt fight for himself either and how are you gonna start doing that when sirius as good as said he was guilty.
That "take" generally recycles itself among newer readers and fanfic writers who are excellent with prose but should really know better than to whitewash certain characters, and who have a bad habit of not referring back to canon when doing their fix-its.
I generally ignore takes that sound like they're either from the "Marauders fandom" or from people who haven't read the books in a while. The "people let Sirius rot and they will all pay for it in my bashing fic" crowd fall into those two holes and also the hole called "has literally no imagination for or grace to give to things that aren't explicitly stated in the text". Sirius, Remus, and other characters who were in the Order the first time all talk about how they were grossly outnumbered and there was an aura of mistrust because people knew someone was leaking secrets, but not who it was or if it was just one person. Once Sirius' seeming betrayal came out, it makes perfect sense that a ragtag group of adults whose trust in each other was already frayed were ready and willing to attribute all the other traitorous acts to this same person.
The key thing is what you pointed out so long ago: Sirius never tried to prove his innocence. We don't know if he had a trial or not, but at the end of the day that doesn't matter either. It's canon that Veritaserum doesn't force people to tell the absolute truth (this is a common misconception), just the truth as the person sees it, and people with skill in certain magical disciplines like Occlumency can lie under its effects. So the equally common argument in every damn fic of "wHY diDN't tHEy JUsT uSE vERITaSERum" doesn't work in-universe.
The same fandom members who are just SO SURE that if Sirius had had his day in court he would have been freed, forget that Sirius made no moves to proclaim his innocence before, during or after his pursuit of Peter in 1980. Just a quick word to literally anyone about what had happened with Peter and the Fidelius and where he was going might have saved Sirius jail time, and yet.....
It is possible to love Sirius and acknowledge that he has a ridiculous guilt complex and consistently fucks himself over with reckless actions throughout his life... but a lot of his fans don't seem to agree, and would rather make Albus or someone else his scapegoat.
There's a hypocrisy in a lot of these fanfics and meta conversations and inaccurate readings, where these people assume Albus wants to control every single person (he doesn't), and that he SHOULDN'T be responsible for everyone's welfare (he doesn't want to be, and isn't, except when operating as the leader of the Order with every adult character's consent to being "ordered around" and sent on dangerous missions). Albus was the Order's leader, but he's not anyone's parent. He had directions, he made suggestions, but he didn't know everyone's business or he would have known about the Fidelius switch. He wasn't responsible for minding every Order member.
The argument's even more ridiculous when you remember the Ministry employees that join the Order in the Second War. Do you ever see anyone arguing that Albus knows every detail of Kingsley Shacklebolt or Nymphadora Tonks' lives? That he controls everything they do and is responsible for any danger they get into, even though their day jobs are literally being the magical police for Magical Britain? No, because it's ridiculous.
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okay i know you are on the same shack scene agenda as me and i need to dissect it even more so please tell me your thoughts about what remus is thinking/feeling when he sees peter on the map and decides to go after sirius 👀
What do we know? He finds out Peter is alive and he immediately finds it highly suspicious - nobody casually fakes their death after all. He goes straight to the willow and on his way he tries to make sense of it all. He knows that whatever he believed/was told is at least questionable. And the way through the tunnel is long so he has time to think.
I believe that Remus figured out what happened in October 1981 - more or less - the moment he entered the shack. When he asks how it is possible that Peter is alive, he is thinking out loud. He already went through every possibility, checking how probable each one was in the context of what was happening in the last couple months of the war and then he comes to the conclusion - you switched - and he is sure there is no other option. So when Sirius - who’s words he shouldnt really have any reasons to trust* - nods, he doesnt question it at all and gets straight to business to murder the rat. 
*That is, assuming he truly and fully believed Sirius to be the traitor.
I like to think that it took quite long for him to accept it and that it was mostly due to Dumbledore convincing him. He has no reason to doubt Dumbledore - and Dumbledore has no reason to think what he knows isn’t the whole truth - but what Dumbledore says doesnt make any sense (and even Rosmerta agrees!). But even if he doubs his words he has no means of going against him or proving him wrong so for the sake of his own sanity he has to accept it. 
And even then - when he was told Sirius was responsible for all those murders - he didnt think he deserved the Dementors Kiss. And we know that he holds James and Lily (especially James) in high regard and how much their friendship, support and acceptance meant for him bc of his childhood. Yet he is very quick to murder Peter - not even waiting for the kids to leave the scene jesus christ remus - when they find out he was the traitor. Yes, the point of his question for Harry about the Kiss was to show that it’s fate worse than death but come on - in front of my salad the kids?
Also Im not sure what to make out of his excuse of not telling dumbledore about the map/secret passages - that he convinced himself Sirius was using tricks he was taught by Voldemort and also that he is Dumbeldore’s doormat. Its a very very poor excuse  and. couldnt he just. show him an opened map and point to the secret passages and say they should be blocked/guarded? say he found this mysterious artifact of unspecified origins somewhere in the castle? anyways for me it doesnt make much sense until we consider that he had this thought - about sirius potentially maybe not being guilty - at the back of his head. maybe even subconsciously at this point. 
that or he was very gay for sirius. 
also I forgot to take my shipping goggles off, shit, my bad. 
I would love to hear your thoughts though, they happen to make more sense than mine >.<" 
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sarcasticsoup · 1 year
was curious what the Marauders were and.
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honestly I've never read or even SEEN HP so idk what's going on
**massive harry potter spoilers ahead**
hello! sorry this took me so long i went to answer you and then completely forgot to post it. also i may over/under explain things, idk how much of the series you know so sorry about that.
also this is really long, theres a tldr at the end if you want
basically in the books theyre mainly only mentioned through Snape's eyes (and snape is a racist terrorist who created torture spells - dont listen to snape stans they havent read the books) so the marauders are presented as "bullies" that used to hex people for fun.
ill admit, james potter (harrys dad) wasnt a great guy when he was younger and did take it out on snape a bit, but we're only really given the worst bits, and obviously snapes memory will have exaggerated it a bit.
the marauders were james potter, sirius black (harrys godfather), remus lupin (harrys 3rd year defence against the dark arts professor) and peter pettigrew (a traitor prick).
Voldemort (aka Tom Riddle) leads the Death Eaters, a terrorist group based around blood supremacy (hating wizards that have non-magical/muggle family members, especially parents, and arent 'pureblood' wizards), and the marauders and their friends joined the original Order of the Phoenix, lead by Dumbledore (hogwarts headmaster) against the death eaters in the first Wizarding War. Snape was a death eater, but later joined the Order as a spy for Dumbledore.
Regulus Black, Sirius' younger brother, gave up his life to help take down Voldemort, by stealing one of his horcruxes (an item that contained part of voldemorts soul, keeping him immortal) and as a fandom, we generally bloody love reg.
**this is where the spoilers start**
Peter Pettigrew, who was Wormtail in the Marauders due to his animagus (animal you can turn in to) being a rat, was part of the Order but also secretly was working as a Death Eater spy for Voldemort. As a fandom, we generally hate the bastard and wish he died sooner.
There was a prophecy made about Voldemorts death, that seemed like it was about James' son Harry. so James, Harry, and harrys mum Lily went into hiding to protect themselves.
(its worth mentioning that Lily was muggleborn - her parents werent magic - and snape had ended their 'friendship' while they were attending hogwarts by joining the death eaters, terrorising other muggleborns and then calling lily a slur. he claimed that he loved her and its supposed to be his turning point that he reveals he was secretly good bc he loved lily, but he didnt he was creepily obsessed with her. again, dont listen to the Snape stans)
lily and james made pettigrew their secret keeper, meaning peter was the only person who could tell people where they were, and peter told voldemort
voldy then came to their house, killed james and then asked lily to move out of his way (Snape had made him promise not to kill her, snape didnt give a fuck about james or harry though). lily didnt move, and sacrificed herself to protect her son. this act meant that when voldy tried to kill harry, the spell backfired, killing voldy instead of harry, and accidentally created another horcrux inside of harry. harry had a piece of voldemorts soul inside of him.
anyways harry goes to live with lily's sister and her family, and theyre incredibly abusive, and then the first book starts when harry is 11 and gets accepted into hogwarts, finding out that he's a wizard and all of the horrid shit that happened to his parents. snape hates him because harry looks exactly like james did and reminds him of lily.
sorry this was so long
tldr; we mainly see the marauders through the eyes of the terrorist group that they fought, so they look like 'bullies' but actually snape was a prick. the fandom is composed of people who know this, and most of the canon isnt relevant to us.
thanks for giving me the opportunity to write this, i enjoyed explaining it far too much :)
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impishtubist · 2 years
about you/other people in your asks condemning remus for thinking sirius betrayed the potters. i agree mostly (wish he did more to disprove it at least) but isn't it canon that 1, sirius thought remus was the traitor first, and 2, that remus didnt know sirius had switched with peter with the whole secret keeper thing? so sirius did the same thing you accuse remus of, plus remus had no reason to suspect anyone other than sirius because he only had the knowledge that s was the secret keeper aka the only one who could be the traitor
I can see how this can be confusing! Let me clarify: Sirius has never done a thing wrong in his life 🥰 Hope this helps!
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flyingcookierambles · 8 months
I'm going to explode lol
Thru lucky guesses and detective work I was able to figure out most of the obra dinn myself. But these last 6 people. I can't tell which Russian is which. I'm just gonna Google it lolllldjsjsjdjdje I'm sorry. At least I did like most of the others right lol.
I know who Nathan Peter's, Samuel Galligan, and Patrick o Hagan are, but I didn't put their death rights lol. I think Nathan, the purser, and two other guys tried to escape shortly before the kraken attack and all, so I dont know theirs fates. I put o Hagan as being drowned by a terrible beast since i swear the last image of him if being pulled overboard by one of the mermaids, I dont know why the game didn't verify it earlier??? Maybe I am wrong. Samuel tho, I am like the blindest person lol. I thought he too was drowned but then I took a closer look at his death scene and saw it-beng sia like shanked him lol. Good for you grandpa! (The Formosa 4 really did deserve better :'( )
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leafmeplease · 3 years
Please go check out my books. Also I'm sorry for spamming I just have nothing else to do and like I'm gonna succumb to such mortal things such as sleep.
Here's a little snippet from the first one.
A glass smashed overhead as Walperga Black aimed a glass vase at the head of her oldest child. 
Sirius could still hear his mother's screams as he walked out of the house. She took it better that expected. He smiled to himself as he messaged a boy called James Potter, he was an old friend they got to know each other while at boarding school together and soon became inseparable.
hey mate I just came out she took it better than I thought
I only got kicked out and had a vase thrown at my head but other than that I'm ok
I'm heading over to yours now
ok but James I do know you and she didn't kill me
Look at the bright side mate
And I have left that shit hole I had to call home
I'm moving in with you
Coz ya know I got disowned and I get to enjoy your mums cooking all the time
Speaking of which can you ask her to make some cookies for when I get there?
Shes already on it. Me and dad are on our way to pick you up so stay put you dumbass 
Ok I'll be at that coffee shop that you saw that cute girl that made you swoon over her eyes
Ight see you soon
And I do not swoon
What ever floats your boat
Fuck you
Siruis walked up the street to the cafe, it was only a two minute walk but people were looking at him funny, probably Because of the glass shards in his hair and that he had a big fuck off suitcase with all of his belongings. Plus the screaming still emitting from his former house about traitors and filth and what not.
And from my oneshots series,
Sirius black was laying on his bed in his dormitory at Hogwarts singing to muggle love songs at the top of his lungs, while James Potter and Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were sitting in the common room trying to study but found themselves unable to when they heard Padfoot singing.
Although he had a sweet voice he really was quite annoying. Remus , who would usually become entranced by the angelic majesty that was his sweet Padfoot's voice, was getting increasingly alloyed as they were studying for a rather important exam. 
Eventually Remus got sick of Srius and marched up to the dormitory preparing a speech to yell at him. "ALRIGHT YOU RUDDY PIECE OF SH-" however his scentace was cut short as he burst through the door and found all the words knocked out of him as his eyes fell upon a heavenly sight.
Sirius Black was laying on his head propped up by pillows, he was wearing nothing but a white button up long sleeve shirt completely unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing of him muscular chest which Remus was confused about when he saw a couple of tattoos on it (he had only just turned 15 after all), on his bottom half he was wearing nothing but a pair of baggy boxers, that were clearly showing a dick bulge that had grown a fair amount since Moony had entered the room, his shoulder length, black, curly hair was loosely tied in a messy, loose bun on top of his head, over all he looked like a hot mess that Remus wanted to ravish but unfortunately couldn't.
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Again; I am sorry for spamming I'm just bored. Please read my stories. Thankyou xx❤
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
Truth or Dare (Yes, I Double Dare You)
Ships: Parkner (Harley Keener/Peter Parker), mentioned Thompsborn (Harry Osborn/Flash Thompson)
Summary: Peter play Truth or Dare with his friends.
Tags: Febufluff, Day 8, I dare you to kiss me, Truth or Dare, Party Games, Birthday Party, They play truth or dare y'all, Peter has a crush on Harley, Harley likes him back, Thompsborn is in this too, Bisexual Peter Parker, Gay Harley Keener, Dare, Calling your crush, admitting feelings, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Kissing, Cute, Fluff, a lot of swearing, I dont know why i made them swear so much, im sorry lol, Bad French, Poor translated french, I Tried
Day eight of Febufluff: "I dare you to... kiss me"!
"Hmm, I dare you to speak in a French accent for the next three rounds." Flash grins over his cup, swirling the drink in front of his mouth before taking a sip, watching the smile drop off of his boyfriend's face, an incredulous expression replacing it.
"Yes, seriously! And that wasn't in an accent!"
"Oui, oui, baguette." Harry deadpans, looking so entirely done with Flash's bullshit, the entire room erupting into laughter as said boy sits up, shoving his boyfriend's shoulder hard.
"No halfassed bullshit, dickwad. The real deal."
"Fine, you want the real deal?" Harry sits up straight, and Peter starts giggling like a mad man from the other side of the room, leaning against the wall to watch the scene unfold, knowing exactly what is about to happen. Harry clears his throat, holds a dramatic pause for a few seconds, before- "Tu veux un accent francaise, tu vas recevoir un accent francaise."
"Oh my god, I forgot he spoke French!" Flash moans, slowly slipping down the wall in shame.
"Oh la la, ma chérie, qu'est ce que tu as fais, eh?" Harry grins, smug, cheeky, knowing he's won this hand as his boyfriend sinks even lower, his head almost level with the ground, his face red.
"And why is it so hot?!?"
"Okay, okay, enough." Ned laughs, sitting chris cross apple sauce beside Peter, the party hat sat on the top of his head beginning to sag.
It was Ned's 17th birthday, and instead of throwing a big party full of alcohol and loud music like most people in their classes did, he decided to have a smaller party, a sleepover full of board games, video games and now party games, with his closest friends, with their friend group. So here they all were, packing into Ned's smaller sized room, Flash and Harry practically conjoined at the hip sitting against the wall, Peter and Ned sitting on top of his bed on the other side of the room, and MJ and Harley leaning against said bed, sat on the floor, playing what would hopefully be a quick game of Truth or Dare. Hopefully.
Peter had never liked this game. There was always too much risk for him in this game, of being asked to reveal one of his many secrets, or of being asked to embarrass himself for laughs. He gets the appeal of it, the adrenaline rush, the amusement of watching your friends do something stupid, it's a fun game to watch, but that doesn't mean he likes playing it. He hadnt even called on yet though, and he was hoping to keep it that way.
He shouldn't have jinxed it.
As if his thoughts manifested into reality, Harry turns to stare at him with a unknown, horrifying glint in his eyes. Oh no, this is definitely not going to end well. "Action ou Vérité?"
Peter sighs, looking up to the ceiling as he mumbles "Dare.", assuming that's what Harry asked. If he's going to go down, he may as well go down in style.
Harry's grin widens, and Peter is already regretting his decision. "Je te défie de telephoner ton béguin."
Peter blinks at him in confusion, before MJ translates, "He's daring you to call your crush."
"What?!?" Peter sputters, Harry cackling at  his flushing face while Harley speaks up for the first time in a while, his ('beautiful, gorgeous, fuck-') face turned towards MJ, scrunched up in thought.
"You know French? Since when?"
MJ just shrugs, face impartial, the only sign of her shyness being her pushing a stray hair behind her ear. "Since I got bored one day and learned it."
Harley just nods, like that makes sense, all while Peter is internal freaking the fuck out. Normally, this type of thing wouldn't be an issue. Sure, your friends will find out who your crush is, and tease you about it, and it'll be embarassing and whatever, but that's not the problem. Oh no no no no no, that would be too easy for Peter Parker. No, the problem with this question for Peter is that his crush is in the damn room, sitting directly in front of him leaning against the bed, an easy smile tilting up his thin pink lips, showing off his adorable dimples as he scans the room again with those big, stunning ocean blue eyes, hair coiffed back just right, messy, but just neat enough to be perfect, one stray blond curl falling in front of his eyes and fuck, fuck, frick fuck.
What is he going to do?!? He can't exactly call Harley when he's right in front of him, but he can't exactly say that he won't do it either, he wont be that guy. And now everybody is staring at it, expectant, waiting, shit, shit, shit-
Ned's eyes are the only ones that are sympathetic, because he knows, he knows who Peter likes and why this is such a big deal. Harley is one of Peter's best friends, they've been friends for years, and Peter is closer to Harley than he is to anybody else, he cant just throw it all away because of a game, can he? Harley definitely doesnt like him back, so if he does call him, it'll only end badly, but theres this tiny, tiny, traitorous part of him that wants to fo it, wants to tell him, if only to get it out in the open. But he cant ruin their friendship like that, he cant, but- but- oh god, oh no-
"Come on, Parker, we don't have all day." Flash complains innocently, not knowing of Peter's internal dilemma as he throws a stray piece of popcorn at him, Peter catching it subconsciously and throwing it into his mouth, just to try and get a few more seconds of peace before all hell breaks loose, before he destroys his closest friendship with his stupid ass feelings, goddamn it-
"Yeah, Pete, come on, dont keep us on the end of our seats." Harley teases, placing his head onto the blankets and looking back at him upside down, his hair surrounding his head like a halo, making him look even more angelic that he normally does, and god, why him, why? "Who's caught your eye, hm?"
Peter takes a deep, long, shaky breath, trying to prepare himself for the worst (and failing), taking his phone out of his pocket and scrolling down to Harleys contract, the black letters and two heart emojis on either side staring back at him mockingly. He hovers his thumb over the call button, noting how much its trembling, before he gulps and presses it, placing the phone to his ear, squeezing his eyes shut like a coward, unable to watch, knowing that Harleys expression was going shift, was going to turn from soft and warm, friendly, to hard and angry, to hatred and disgust and-
ACDC blares out into the room, the noise very obviously Harley's ringtone, and Peter grits his teeth, biting his tongue hard, his heart hammering in his chest.
"Wha-" Harley sounds so confused, so so confused, and Peter's squeezes his eyes shut tighter, holding back the burning tears that are threatening to spill. "Peter, why are you- wait..." He stops, pauses, and Peter digs his nails into his palm, squeezing his phone until he hears it start to crack. "...really?"
His voice is shaky, and god, Peter made him upset, he is probably so hurt, so confused, so disgusted, god stupid, you're so stupid, why would you do that, why didnt you just not do it, why why why-
He nods once, slowly, swallowing down a sob before whispering out "I'm sorry," into the now eerily silent room, his friends seemingly shocked into silence. He doesnt even want to know what they're thinking, what expressions are on their faces-
Theres another pause, another moment before he hears somebody shifting, Harley standing up, he's leaving, he's leaving- Good job, Parker, now you're forcing him to leave, you made him feel so uncomfortable that he's leaving, good fricken job, god, what is wrong with you-
A hand rubs his cheek gently, so so gently, spurring him out of his head as it brushes away a tear that had broken free, before another hand joins it on his other cheek, cradling his face. Peter blinks opens his eyes, shocked to see that its Harleys hands on his face, and that its Harley sat right in front of his face, with a wide smile and glowing eyes, face bright. "You mean it? You really mean it?"
Peter just nods again, so, so confused but also filling with a spark of hope, of joy as Harley's smile grows even more, filling his face before he launches into Peter's arms, hugging him tightly. "Oh thank god," he breathes into Peter's shoulder, and Peter is so lost, what is happening- "I thought you  were gonna call someone else, and I was gonna have to act all happy and like it didn't bother me when it totally would have and-"
"Wait, wait," Peter finally puts together the pieces, and pulls away to stare at Harley with wide eyes, the beginning of a smile twitching at his lips. "You like me back?"
"Yeah?" Harley cheeks grow a rosey hue, and he looks away bashfully. "I thought it was obvious."
Peter shakes his head wildly, eyes still wide, this cant be happening, he likes me back, he likes me- "No, no it wasn't, it really really wasn't-"
"So, what I'm hearing," MJ cuts in, tone blunt as always, but with hints of warm amusement softening the usual edge, "is that you two are oblivious idiots."
They both laugh breathless, staring into each others eyes. "Apparently." Harley murmurs, his blue eyes swirling and flickering up and down, looking down at his lips before looking back up again.
Peter gets an idea, a cheesy, cheesy idea, and grins. "Hey, it's my turn now, right?" He asks to the group, never taking his eyes off of Harley.
"Yeeup!" Ned responds enthusiastically, seemingly thrilled to see his two best friends realizing their feelings for one another.
"Well," he leans forward a bit more, watching as Harleys pupil's grow bigger. "Truth or dare, Harls."
"Dare." He responds easily, quickly, seemingly getting more and more antsy by the second. Peter can't blame him, he feels the same way.
"I dare you to kiss me." Peter doesnt even finish his sentence before Harley's lips are pressed to his, his hands moving upwards and running through his hair, fingers grabbing lightly onto the strands as Peter grabs his hips lightly, pulling him closer, both of the boys grinning into the kiss. Peter can hear MJ gagging in the background, Harry exclaiming "gross!" like he doesnt kiss Flash every two seconds, and Ned squealing like a fangirl, but he ignores it all, just focusing on Harley, focusing on this moment, his heart swelling in his chest.
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Severus Snape Appreciation Month 2020
Day 2: The sorting hat chooses a different house
He wasn’t surprised he was sorted into Ravenclaw. Well a little. It made sense he loved to learn.
James still bullied him but not as bad.
His dad still sucked but life was more peaceful.
It was easier to be friends with Lily. Tho he didnt really make friends in his house. They did study together tho.
He was able to learn and create spells to his hearts content.
Without the light side being hating him he was not friends with Slytherins and never joined the Death eaters. After school he became the youngest potions master ever. He joined the order with Lily and her prick husband James. They tolerate each other.
He made a lot of discoveries in potions and spell development. Mostly for the order and the Ministry. You know who asked him to join and he declined.
Because he was still friends with Lily ( I will never see it as romantic sorry) He was made Godfather with Sirius. It caused a big fight between Lily and James on who to pick. Severs and Sirius were both displeased but loved baby Harry.
When James and Lily died Severus was able to clarify who the actual traitor was, took awhile and he got custody of Harry in the meantime. Albus tried to say blood wards but Severus who was smart as hell pulled apart that idea real fast. When Serrius was realeased Severus hesitantly allowed him to live with them. When Remus cam back from abroad they decided to find a place that will fit all of them. Serious working for the Aurors still and Severus took the potions position at Hogwarts, They chose Charity to be the Head of Slytherin as Severus was a Ravenclaw and Flitwik was still around. He was able to be home at evenings and holidays just like a regular job as he was not a head of house.
Minerva came by often. Harry calls her Nana and calls her Professor Nana during school. ( he gets scolded ) He calls the men by their Names as they are not his Dad and did not want to step on their friends Memories. Sirius and Severus still clash. Remus is mediator a lot. Remus is basically a stay at home dad who writes text books.
They took him to see Petunia all of one time. Did not go well.
Since he was allowed to do well and was being raised by three incredibly smart people he did really well. Lots of fights about which house he would go into. Has friends at school.
When he goes to Hogwarts they are all shocked he gets into Hufflepuff. He was raised to be kind and caring and loves his friends. He is still friends with Hermionie and Ron. And later Luna.
He is able to get thru the years faster and when Albus tried to bullshit with the Prophecy (Peter told You know who, after Albus told James and Lily” Severus went at him with the force of a thousand suns and a papa bear. Albus learned true fear.
Told him of Horcuxs. He told Remus and Sirius, They told Harry cause they felt he should know. Made it very clear its not his problem they will fix it. Sirius and Remus spent the 5th year going thu Albus’s memories and hunting them down. End of 5th year happens. Harry is lured to the ministry. Hit with the Killing curse. In Anger Severus curses You know who killing him as Harry is the last one.
They lived somewhat peacefully. Severus still lived with Sirius and Remus outside of school even when Harry is grown up just cause.
The end
Hope you liked it. Longer then I thought it would be.
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magical-homos · 6 years
if they knew sooner
'71 - '88
The first train ride Remus ever went on was the Hogwarts express. He arrived as a quiet, timid, scarred little boy- who was simply grateful to be given a place at the school. He arrived with a strong hatred towards himself and his own kind, he knew nothing about socialzing, he knew nothing about how other kids were, nothing about school, hell, his father didn't bother to teach him basic things like his mother used to, and like other students got taught. By the time he was five he stopped learning anything. The werewolf that attacked him that lonely night of a full moon in '65 had taken everything he knew away from him. Had stripped him of his family, his humanity, his happiness. He spent his days being burnt and hit and hiding in the thick walls of his basement room, wondering if the wolf would kill him in the coming moon.
Sirius had been on a train ride once, when he was a small child. That he barely remembered. He arrived at the platform, a pale, black haired and stone faced boy, taught brutally what was right and what was wrong. He thought- no, he knew that muggles and mudbloods were below him, that he had pristine blood and he was above even some purebloods, the blood traitors and mudblood lovers. He, unlike Remus, had been taught - homeschooled - in his years before turning eleven. He had been taught about dark magic, the 'unforgivables', how to want to control someone, hurt someone, to kill someone. He had been taught all the things his family needed to know, and most of all, he had been taught about the history of Slytherin. And he was looking forward to his sorting into the most perfect, noble, pure-blooded house there is. But he couldnt help but wonder, why he got that slightly sick feeling in his stomach when he followed his moms orders?
James had been on a train ride a few times before, only one of them a Muggle train, and that didnt end very well. The 6 year old him had been running around, messing with muggle products and being amazed at them. A squib who worked at the train, serving snacks, escorted them out at the next stop. He arrived at the platform a messy haired, excited, michevious boy, his slightly oversized rectangular glasses laying on his bandaged nose crookedly. His jeans stained with dirt and ripped from a rocky fall, and his mother looking mildly dissaproving- "But mum, they're my favorite jeans!" "James, sweetie, at least let me charm the stain and rip out-" "-but thats what makes them cool!" yet his face was stretched into a grin and his eyes shone with excitement and happiness. He arrived a boy who was slightly uneducated, from living and growing up around older fashioned witches and wizards, yet still having been taught to respect whoever gives it in return.
Peter arrived at the station a half-blooded, chubby, mousy haired boy, clueless and oblivious to the world around him. He had been on train rides a few times with his family, but they were normal, so he never bothered counting them. He was intensely nervous about finding friends, he figured he was too weak, too stupid, too anything. His family, of course, promised him he would do well, but he couldnt help being intensely nervous for the year to come. The only friends he found in his elementary muggle school only were friends with him because he always brought the best snacks and toys to school, and was great fun at recess. They didnt really like him, he thought. He swore to himself that when he found friends, he would be friends with them forever. He daydreamed about finding new friends and being dorm-mates with them, adventuring and having fun with them.
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and James Potter, accompanied by Lily Evans (and with the occasional visit from Frank Longbottom and his girlfriend, Alice) all had gotten on the train for their last ride home at age 17, wondering what was to come next. Remus had been sending letters back and fourth to a fellow Gryffindor, who was now ten years older than they were, Molly Weasley. She spoke of dealing with her 7 year old, Bill, her 5 year old, Charles, her one year old, Percival, and her newborn twins. She made him promise to come help her out with her load of children the second he could. James held Lily's smaller hand in his, they had been together for four years now, and, little did James know, but Lily was planning in proposing the second they got out of the train and started settling down. Sirius had a protective arm slung over Remus"s shoulders while he scribbled back a reply to a stressed out mother, using Lily's owl, as usual, to send it back out the window. The group had found out Peter was joining the rising dark lord, Voldemort, in the worst way possible - they found him talking to a death eater about giving away disclosed information on a certain rising Order that planned on taking the Dark Lord down singlehandedly. Sirius had cried, first out of sadness from betrayal, which turned quickly into fury. Remus was equally as furious, but he forced it down long enough to hold Sirius back while James confronted their former friend. He tried to escape as Wormtail, but Lily's quick spellwork stopped him. They sadly reported him to the ministry and sent him off to Azkaban.
The group was saddened at their last train ride, the one they promised they would ride altogether, but were relieved nontheless that they had abandoned their former friend and could live their life with a bit less danger. Of course, theres still, always a little danger. There wouldnt be any fun if there was none.
The group exited the train thrilled for their new futures. Sirius planned on working his own way, doing his own thing, maybe making and selling something cool like magic motorcycles similar to the one he owned, something like that. Remus hoped to soon become a professor at Hogwarts, his first true home that stayed a home longer than five years, with his newfound confidence that Sirius, James and Lily had eased him into gaining, convincing him he was more than a monster, that he could do what he wished to do. James and Lily, of course, planned on living together. James had already begun mild auror training, while, as Lily did want to become an auror as well, she thought she'd be better off teaching at Hogwarts as a potions teacher, once Slughorn retired.
Lily proposed to James once they moved in.
Sirius proposed to Remus the second they left the train station.
Remus wanted a double wedding, but Sirius wanted them to have their own special day.
All four of them visited each other constantly, the two happy couples facing the war together.
And they'd stay that way for a long time. Together.
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elle--cos-blog · 6 years
Fight or flight - Jily
It all began with a prophecy. That crystal ball which would say how theyre family would become.
The two of them stood in the round office of Headmaster Dumbledore. Listening as the voice began
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ...
Lily gasped, she felt the tears prick her eyes, knowing her unborn son might be forced with the burden she used to believe they could handle.
Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ...
This time it was James who gasped, eyes going wide as he realised that date matches his sons due date, he would do anything to help his Elvendork out. Even dying.
And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ...
They both met eyes, not knowing parenthood yet feeling the instincts to save theyre son had began kicking in
And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives
This time Lily snapped, not even trying to hide her obvious tears she fell into her husbands arms, sobbing and sniffling. James lowered his head into the ginger locks letting his tears fall too. How would they tell Padfoot, the god father? Would they be able to?
Dumbledore sighed, and told them about hiding. Saying there was a home in Godrics hollow under many enchantments.
They didnt know what to do, on one hand, Lily couldnt fight, not while pregnant but she doesn't want her son laying his life down for he wizarding world.
James could fight and would continue to fight. But he knew the prophecy was only saying the truth. He knew about Alice and Franks unexpected pregnancy. He knew they where due the same month.
What ifs flew through theyre heads, only snapping back to reality to hear the words "Secret keeper"
They both knew what it meant. They both thought. Remus? Suspected traitor. Sirius? Would lay his life but very obvious. Peter? Had been awfully busy as of recenf events.
They decided to ask Sirius just in case. They were immediately shut down by the ragged man himself. Which is when Peter stood up. He claimed himself the better choice. I mean no one would suspect him.
No one would suspect him.
No one would suspect him.
Those were the words James and Lily though of. Those were they words they heard as the green light hit them. Those were the words written on peters face as he watched his best frinds get murdered.
But yknow. No one would suspect him.
Sirius? Jailed for murder.
Remus? Gone.
Peter? Safe, well for a while.
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killedbyvoldemort · 6 years
Dorcas was in the Order with Remus and Sirius, even if she didnt like them, she was definitely close to them, bc there were so few members. No way would she let Remus die screaming. Also she was in the Order, she wasnt cruel.
 “ BESIDES, THE WORLD ISN’T SPLIT INTO GOOD PEOPLE  &  DEATH EATERS.”  SIRIUS BLACK.   the  reverse  is  also  holds  true,  the world  isn’t  split  into  bad  people   &   the  order.  your  logic  makes  zero  sense   &   let  me  put  in  the aspect  of   other  character. 
peter pettigrew didn’t betray james  &  lily,  he  was  in  the  order,  he  wasn’t  a  traitor.   
sirius black didn’t attempt to use his friend to kill another classmate. he was in the order, he wasn’t a mastermind of a potential murder. 
mad-eye moody  (  barty crouch jr  )   turned  a  student  into  a ferret  &  forced  him  to  bounce  in  the  air,  squeaking  in  the  pain.  he  was  in  the  order  &  the  auror,  he  wasn’t  cruel.  i  say  mad eye  as  barty  jr because  the  real  moody  had  to  have  acted  like  that  for  people  not  to  be  suspicious.  a  part  of  that resided  in  him  before  his  transformation  to  mad-eye.  
would  regulus  black  be  evil  because  he was  a  death  eater  or  good  because  he  died  while  aiding  in  bringing voldemort  down  ?  
do  you  see  where  the  logic  makes  zero  sense  ?   there  is  not  mutual  dependency  on  order   &   good  or  death  eater   &   pure  evil.  humanity  is  a  complicated,  complex  bitch.  a  fluid  spectrum  that  will  move  people  between  the  two  ends  to  lie  somewhere  in  the  middle,  situation  dependent.  now,  let’s  get  into  two  main  ideas  of  you…..opinion.  
1.  THE  ORDER  OF  THE  PHOENIX  WAS  CLOSE   /   FEW  MEMBERS.  show  me  the  receipts.  it  is  an  idealistic  view  to  say  they  were  close  indicating  everyone  WAS  close    &   everyone  WAS  okay  with  one  another.   the  picture  shown  in  order  of  the  phoenix  was  taken  late  in  the  game,  within  the  last  year  of  the  war.  that  means  there  is  probably  a  shit  ton  of  people  that  have  died  prior,  retired,  etc.  we  do  not  really  know  how  big  it  was.  100+  deaths  could  have  occurred  by  that  point  in  a  hypothetical  debate.   MORE  IMPORTANTLY  :   this  group  of   recruited   &   elite    wizards    &   witches   worked  well  as  a  team.  they  thrived  under  the  leadership  of  albus  dumbledore,  alastor  moody,   alice  longbottom          /   whoever  the  fuck  all  the  leaders  were.   these  people  were  utilized   to  their  strengths,   divided  into  teams,  pairs,  with  who  they  work  best  with  to  get  the  job  done.  ultimately,  that  is  why  the  order  was  such  a  fucking  powerhouse   &   were  able  to  compete  with  the  death  eaters  that  gravely  outnumbered  them.  the  war    &  all  of  its  intensity  would  have  realistically  prevented  this  group  of  people  from  getting  close  to  one  another  as  an  union.   why  ?   because   chaos  reigned.  in  the  darkest  times,  it  was  a  constant  stream  of  mistrust,  no  one  knew  for  sure  what  side  anyone  was  on.  there  are  always  whispers  of  traitors,  people  are  going  missing,  families  are  being  slaughtered    &   people  are  being  tortured.  the  air  of  mistrust  was  heavy,  suffocating  because  you  don’t  know  what  the  other  person  is  or  who  they  really  aligned  with.  the  order  is  not  exempt.  going  to  pubs  is  a  risk.  this  is  all  before  the  constant  infliction  of  physical,  emotional,  psychological  trauma  that  is  endured  night  after  night.  i  am  not   saying  that  there  weren’t  friends  amongst  the  order  or  no  one  was  close,  but  it  is  impossible  they  were  all  close given  the  circumstances.  the  order  are  people  that  vary  in  age,  ethnicity,  race,  gender,  societal  status,  blood  status,  etc.  cruelty  status  should  be  added.  you  can  be  evil   &   be  on  the  “good”  side  of  this  war.  
2.  DORCAS’S  CRUELTY.   thank  you  for  neglecting  years  of  metas,  headcanons    &   development  to  reduce  my  muse  to  one  word  that  you  don’t  believe  she  is. really  appreciate  it.  here  is  the  low  down  in  case  you  are  new  here.  my  dorcas  is  irish.  she  is  from  belfast,  northern  ireland.  at  this  time,  from  when  she  was  a  kid,  had  lived  in  war.  she  lived  in  a  place  before  the  wizarding  world  started  in  a  state  of  fear  that  became  her  norm,  you  don’t  feel  the  fear  -  it  is  just  like  any  other  day.  still,  you  prepare  yourself.  there  was  a  wall  that  divided  the  irish  catholics   &   british  protestants  that  fought  over  what  each  war  is  ultimately  about  :  land.     DECADES  LONG   terror  of  bloody fridays,  bloody  sundays,  bombs, armies,  revolutions,  arrests,  shootings.  this  little  girl  became  a  student  at  hogwarts,  where  you  have  to  go  to  london  where  in  accounts  of  this  time  involved  the  irish  being  followed,  called  terrorists,  stopped  to  be  searched  &  frisked.  she  is  forced  to  enter  a  country  she  doesn’t  want  to  be  in,  go  to  a  school  that  she  doesn’t  want  to  go  to.  that  state  of  constant  fear  does  not  leave  her.  it’s a  constant,  it’s  transforms  into  a  survival  mode  where  she  has  a  knife  strapped  to  her  thigh  under  her  skirt  because  she  does  not  know  safety.  it’s  a  word,  it  has  a  definition,  but  it  lacks  meaning.  she  sharpened  herself  into  a  weapon   :   physically,  magically    &   mentally  her  mind  is  armored  with  defense  mechanism  because  her  traumatic  status  is  already  so  high,  she  is  subconsciously   &   meticulously  protecting  herself  from  it.  her  life  didn’t  have  to  make  her  kind.  it  made  her  realistic.  it  made  her  sharpen  her  teeth.  it  made  her  into  a  fighter.  she  was    R E C R U I T E D   into  the  order,  not  because  of  her  being  KIND  but  her  effectiveness  on  the  battlefield.   SHE  COMES  WITH  A  PRICE.  that  price  is  ruthlessness.  utter  brutality.  she  has  been  swallowed  by  war,  it  consumed  her  like  a  blazing  fire,  it  outlines  her  shape  amidst  the  destruction.  &   even  though  she  is  all  of  those  things,  terrifying  to  the  core  because  it  looks like  she  enjoys  it,  yes,  but  she  is  not  a  saver.  there’s  a  value  of  life  &  ambitions  that  has  carried  her  this  far  leading  to  her  ultimate  demise.  however  battle  hungry  she  is,  self-preservation  plays  a  role.  her  instinct  to  save  is  non-existent.  war  has  made  her  numb  to  injustices.  scrubbed  down  to  two  things  :  kill or  be  killed.  that  moment  where you  put  yourself  at  vulnerability to  be  maimed  or  killed  for  someone  else  is  that  -  an  instinct.  her  instinct  is  to  not.  order  or  not.  this  layer  adds  on  to  how  terrifying  she  is  because  even  though  she  is  on  the  “good”  side,  she  is  a  dark  witch  who  is  adept  to  dark  magic.  CALLING  HER  CRUEL  IS  AN  INJUSTICE  &  INSULT  TO  HOW  SHE  GOT  THIS  WAY  WHICH  IS  AN  INTERESTING,  HISTORICAL  DEVELOPMENT.  
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karenninaaa · 7 years
Twist of Fate (Peter Parker and Tony Stark fic -father-son relationship)
I need more Tony Stark and Peter Parker father son fic in my life. I felt like I read most of them and i’m still not satisfied. I read this fic in ao3 about Peter Parker being Tony’s son biologically and Peter didnt know it yet, so this fic was sort of inspired by that. I’ve been meaning to do a fic about them ever since I finished watching Spiderman: Homecoming  which was a long time ago. I just didn’t have the motivation to write but now I do so here it is. It’s Iron Man 3 altered btw, but following the canon of CA:CW and SM:H.
Summary: A single picture triggered Tony Stark to suspect that Peter Parker was his son, biologically.
Part 1
After a long day of boring meeting with the pain in the ass that was Ross in Washington D.C., Tony Stark didn’t expect to get a call from an unknown number as he slid in on the passenger’s seat of his car and as Happy drove them off the road.
He answered it anyway because he needed a diversion from feeling so pissed off with the said pain in the ass. Tony could swear that the pain-in-the-ass o-meter was always rising up every time he would meet him. Tony was doing his best to clean the resolution for the accords in favour of the Avengers but Ross was more like putting hot chilli sauce on it. He was about to shoot some snide comments when he heard a noise on the other line
“No, Ned! Why did you do that?! I told you we can figure this out on our own-”
Tony recognized easily the voice in the background. It was the squeaky voice belongs to a fifteen year old he knew too well, Peter Parker.
“But we clearly need his help, Peter!” This time it was another voice who spoke, a voice unfamiliar to him
Tony immediately connected to the AI on the suit of Peter. It was offline. Meaning he wasn’t out spidermanning and risking his neck for god who knows what. So the life and death situation was out of the list.
“We just have to improvise-”
“You can’t just do improvise on that! It’s a big week and people from another schools are coming! You have to come up with a cool stuff.”
Tony decided to speak or else, he’s betting all his assets that they wouldn’t finish arguing until he butt in “I hope you do realize that you are calling a person whose time is worth of gold, so stop wasting it and Mr. Parker, I thought we reached the mutual understanding that my number is branded classified, therefore it wasn’t supposed to be given out to a random people out there.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Stark.” Peter mumbled on the other line and then his voice went octave higher and spoke in a haste. “But that’s Ned, my bestfriend. I gave him your number for emergency purposes because he knows I’m Spiderman so-”
“Well, is this part of an emergency purpose? Why is he calling me?” Tony answered.
“No it’s not-”
“Yes, it is!” Ned butted in. “Peter it involves your grades, do you want to fail on it?”
“Of course not. We can’t afford nugget to have failing grades. What’s going on?” Tony put it on a loud speaker and put his phone on the storage box attached to the armrest of the car door. He leaned his elbow on the armrest as Happy glanced at his boss through the rear mirror.
“Peter was one of the students who got chosen to make a mini robot he can showcase on the robotics week on the school but he’s lacking some of the resources to use for it.” Ned answered.
“Wow, kid. I admire your lung capacity for air, how could you say all of that in one breath?” Tony said as he heard Peter groaning in the background and mumbling along those lines of bestfriend and traitor.
“Um, thanks? And I have no idea how…” Ned said uncertainly.
“What’s your name kid?”
“Okay, Christopher, here’s what you’re gonna do” Tony said “You and your friend in crisis will go to the Avengers Facility, go straight to my lab, Friday and Pepper are there to assist you, and you have all the materials there that you would need for your howdy-dowdy techy project. Tell May that you will be there.”
There’s a beat of silence again
“OhmygodIamgoingtoo?” Ned said excitedly, words jumbling in his mouth.
But to Tony’s astonishment, he understood it. “Yes, I just said that.”
There’s some sort of fumbling on the other end “Mr. Stark, you don’t have to do that,”
“But I did, Underoos. So don’t sweat it.” Tony looked at the window of the car.
“Thank you. It means so much-”
“All right, let’s cut the speech right there. You didn’t win the Oscars. Got the message. You’re grateful, I get it. Just do me a favor, don’t turn my lab into a war zone. I don’t want to see smoke coming out of the window far ahead.”
“Yes, Mr. Stark we will be careful. Thank you”
Tony hung up.
“Friday, look after the spiderling in the lab, will you?” Tony said.
“Sure thing boss.” Friday answered.
He sent Pepper a message with the same thought.
Then, he continued to gaze outside through the window, though after a while, he turned to Happy.“Tell you what Hap, let’s cancel the Gala Party later and head back Upstate.”
Happy smirked. “He’s growing on you, boss.”
“I heard nothing.” Tony faced the window again.
Tony wouldn’t admit this to anyone but he knew that something had already shifted the very first moment he set foot on the Parker apartment and met personally the crime fighting spiderling in onesies. He knew that the moment Tony invited him to Germany, the name Peter Parker was something that would stick on him like a super glue and there’s no undoing it. The genius billionaire was aware that he’s hauling in another responsibility despite being the emotionally crippled that he was. He knew the future consequences of his action. After all, he’s a futurist and well acquainted with that ‘C’ word. 
However, if there’s something he miscalculated –which was rare on his part, was the attachment that would spring out of the mentoring he appointed upon himself. With emotionally crippled being said, he just didn’t know to deal with all the sentiment that goes with that responsibility package he took, and since there was just no role model to look after. That attachment just got worst after all the flying vulture guy fiasco happened a month ago. God forbid what he would do if he just found Peter Parker lifeless somewhere. See, before Tony Stark knew it, he just chained himself to that –okay sometimes adorable spider kid. Tony let a tiny smile grace on his lips.
The night already came as Tony arrived at the facility. Friday immediately informed him that Peter was at the lounge area together with his friend and Pepper. Tony heard laughter as he neared the lounge area, there’s light in there that was slightly illuminating the dimmed hallway he’s walking in.
Tony stopped at the doorway, his hands on his pants’ pocket. Not from far away,Pepper was sitting at the sofa adjacent to where Peter Parker and his friend were sitting. There were opened boxes of pizza on the center table. Friday didn’t seem to alert them on his arrival as they seemed oblivious to his presence, and as they continued to laugh on something they were talking about. Pepper’s back was facing Tony so his fiancée didn’t see him just yet, but Peter Parker just did when his eyes widen on him.
“Mr. Stark!” Peter exclaimed.
Well, that was Tony’s cue for his entrance, he walked towards them. “Well, well, well. What is this? Why am I not invited to the mini patottie party we have here?”
Pepper twisted in her seat to look at Tony, a surprise look was etched on her face. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at the Gala dinner in Washington.”
“It was no fun so I decided not to go.” Tony sat on the armrest of the couch Pepper was sitting on.
“He cancelled on it.” Happy said waltzing in to the room.
“Yes, because it’s no fun.” Tony countered as he leaned forward to get the pizza slice on the box. He flicked off the red pepper on it before leaning back and taking a bite into it. Happy also got himself a slice and sat comfortably on the empty seat.
Pepper laughed “You are as bad as Peter, why do you hate red pepper so much.”
“I don’t hate you.” Tony looked at Pepper but he also glanced at Peter who was munching on his red pepper-less pizza. He also noticed the pile of sliced red pepper on the lid of the box. “At least Nickelback here has a superb taste to note that red peppers are disgusting on a pizza.”
“I know right!” Peter agreed, enthusiasm bubbling in the air “Hawaiian is so much better –no offense Miss Potts, I know you ordered the whole pizza and I appreciate it and I like it-”
“Yes and more pineapples!” Tony said.
“Yeah! Aunt May always add extra pineapples when we ordered pizza because she knows I love pineapples.”
“Huh. I knew I was going in for a right person when I recruited you to our super secret boy band.” Tony said pointing his slice on Peter and then he continued to eat it.
“Oh, here they go, starting geeking out again.” Pepper air-quoted the word geeking.
“I always thought that Pineapples are like the last option for the pizza inventors because they couldn’t think of anything to put on pizza, Pineapples are like off for toppings.” For the first time since Tony’s arrival, Ned spoke up.
“I couldn’t agree more to you, kid.” Happy said and Pepper nodded in agreement.
“You are talking blasphemy!” Tony stood as he picked up a napkin to wipe his hands after finishing his slice. “I couldn’t stand this anymore. Come on, Parker to the lab, how’s the techy project going on? Have you come up with something that would make Dum-E jealous?” Peter stood up to join Tony as they started to head out the lounge area.
“Eh, not really Mr. Stark.” Peter said bashfully. “But can I ask you about the coiling on an electromagnet? What do you think …” Peter’s voice drifted off as the two walked farther out the room.
Unknown to them, three set of eyes are looking at them fondly.
“If I didn’t know better” Ned said “I would think that Mr. Stark is the long lost father of Peter.”
Part 2
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isaacathom · 6 years
probably the only cool thing that came out of my stupid dr:dawn thing was the whole thing with the three traitors. they were kinda cool. technically 4 if you count the mastermind, but practically 3
like theres the 3 of them. an actor, a director, and an analyst or some kinda iirc. they were best friends while attending the school, the actor and director were basically dating, its all nice. their 4th friend was i think a computer programmer of some kind, and after a series of logic leaps, decides ‘hey time to kill everyone’. and, with a lot of reservations, the three of them go on board. the actor and director know that they can pretend to have no idea whats happening (yknow, because HE is an actor and she must have learnt something from being a director, surely). but the analyst knows she cant. she knows she wouldnt be able to pretend. so she volunteers to go under the memory wipe so she cant give the game away. a/d arent super into the idea, but she goes under, and the game is under way.
within the game, the analyst either comes to believe she has no talent, or is the ultimate luck, idr. the actor and director have to pretend that theyve never met the others, but the whole group accepts that the two already know each other (which was always true). in an effort to make sure noone tries to ask them too many questions (and thus accidentally blurt out smth stupid) the two deliberately adopt sorta awkward personas. he actor (peeeter? peter, i think) deliberately acts the giant jackass, standoffish and aloof, tho its fairly obvious the further the game goes on that he genuinely cares about everyone. its a stereotypical act but its cool. she puts on a more ~quirky~ persona, acting as though the whole thing is just like one of her movies (which isnt TOO far from the truth, technically) which honestly just pisses a lot of people off.
what hurts a/d the most is that they end up pissing off the Analyst, who finds them insufferable, despite the fact they were once best friends. it really hurts, yknow.
the game goes on, people die, all fun. but it gets to a point where the remaining group is rather tightknit (excluding a/d, naturally), and the programmer mastermind gets incredibly bored. and so she reveals the next motive - Peter, the actor, is the prime accomplice to the mastermind.
and god, how much does it hurt to see people he once called friends turned white with fear and then red with anger. watch his girlfriend struggle to convey the correct emotion and just shake in confusion. everyone anger. he just bolts. completely loses it. out the fucking door in a flash. its almost insane how quickly he leaves. mans having a fucking breakdown in that cabin man. holy shit.
so his girlfriend, the director, Ashley, stammers out something about getting the Truth from him, and she leaves after him. their discussion is tough, because what do they do? rose (programmer, iirc) betrayed them. what do they do? dont do anything stupid, he tells her, when she goes to leave. :)
now Ashley knows whats up. by outing peter, he’s been made into a target. he’ll be interrogated, or executed. his death hangs on the wall, slowly ticking along. its only a matter of time. and she wont have that.
so she sets up a plan. she leaves a note on a random table, purportedly from peter, asking someone to meet them down in one of the rooms. peter doesnt leave his cabin, so theres no risk of him finding out about her plan unless someone knocks on his door. noone does. even though she usually gets up first, she deliberately sleeps in to ensure she isnt the first to find it. if questioned, she says she couldnt sleep due to the peter thing. everyone nods understandingly.
its breakfast. the note is gone. someone has it, and wont own up. the discussion at the table is either quiet or centered around what to do about peter. Ashley insists they go easy on him..... he cant be all that bad! they should talk to him! her words fall on deaf ears. but that note didnt.
that night, she hides at the meeting spot. one of the others finally arrives, clutching it. peter? she hides as her victim enters the room. then, bam, sneak out from behind the door, club the fuckers head in IMMEDIATELY. her victim collapses to the floor. its, i think the boxer. as she sets up her crime scene, she realises the cruel irony. that she murdered to save her boyfriend, who she knows was never into the death game idea and was coerced in by herself and rose, and that the person she murdered also had a girlfriend. another player in their game. she’ll be devastated, wont she. wouldnt be the first time a couple was torn apart by murder, she supposes. it cant be all that bad.
her crime scene is meticulously set up. she wants it to be obvious it was her, but not so obvious as to look fake. she finishes, closes the door, and heads back up to her cabin. the day looms.
the girlfriend ends up finding the body, having been told by him the night before that if anything happened, she should look on that floor. its detective and trial time.
peter is practically dragged out of his cabin by said girlfriend, demanding an explanation. he, truthfully, states he knew nothing about the meeting until they mentioned it, and knew nothing about the murder until he was given the case file by monokuma. people dont believe him. Ashley appeals for calm. its rough.
the trial isnt great. the girlfriend has decided that peter MUST be responsible due to the note. the analyst (still believing thats NOT her talent) instead deduces it to be clearly in Ashley’s handwriting, and blah blah. eventually, ashley is convicted, despite peter’s increasingly desperate attempts to reflect the blame back onto himself because of COURSE he cant fucking believe it!!!!! no!!! ashley is found guilty. peter absolutely breaks the fuck down. raw as fuck. no artifice at all, begging ashley for an explanation, a reason. ashley explains to them all that she knew peter would be murdered if she didnt act, blah blah. and then drops the final bombshell. he knows who the mastermind is. and he will tell you. :) smiles directly to camera before shes dragged off to her execution. peter is still absolutely fucking bereft. and like, yea, hes an ACTOR, but its..... very obvious. everyone had already caught on that his bravado was an act, and it had been breaking the entire trial. with each new point of evidence against her his artifice shattered more, until he said some shit that made is VERY obvious he was definitely a non-mind wiped fucker. guy lost his shit. poor guy.
after Ashley’s execution, and monokumas subsequent revelation that hey, ashley was also in on it. funny, that? and, oh, theres still one more left! :3c everyone is a little bit..... stunned, i think. peter goes to leave. likely gets stopped by the analyst, who offers him a tissue of something. dude breaks down again. he’s just having a rough day.
time passes. there are no more murders. peter divulges a lot of stuff, particularly about the years they lost due to the mindwipe. he’s hesitant to talk about rose, and he’s REALLY conflicted about calling out the analyst’s real power.
later later, all the shit ramps up, the analyst’s complicity in the entire thing (and the fact she was weirdly SUPER fucking into it, and that most of the fine details were her idea) is revealed, shit hits fan, eventually everyone kick’s roses ass and leaves.
uhhh tl;dr the 4 best friends set up the death game, with one acting as mastermind, 2 acting as plants, and 1 participating as a clueless fucker with mind wiping and some other memory fuckery (which she actually didnt agree to, funnily enough, and which started to bother ashley and peter when it became obvious she had been ‘tampered’ with). 1 of the plants is betrayed and exposed to the group, and the other plant (his gf) then fucking kills a guy in order to stop the others from being too rash and killing him before he could tell them anything. that was really on it. i really liked Peter and Ashley. i think those were their names. its good fun.
0 notes