#and he could ( redacted ) ( redacted ) (redacted ) ( redac--
skunkox · 20 days
When is Sam gonna say "Down, lil doggy"???
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hcppyhotel · 10 months
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❝ imagine having poor taste. ❞
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callsign-owl · 2 months
Unspoken Rules - Part 2
This is a continuation of Unspoken Rules - Part 1
London, United Kingdom - April 1999
The grand ballroom of the family estate gradually emptied as the last of the elegantly dressed guests bid their farewells and departed into the night. The remnants of the gala—scattered champagne flutes, crumpled napkins, and the lingering scent of expensive perfume—hinted at the evening's opulence.
Bartholomew stood near the grand staircase, his posture as rigid and imposing as ever. Beside him was Percival, still composed and confident despite the late hour. Owl stood a few steps away, his shoulders slumped and his gaze fixed on the floor, avoiding eye contact, his mind still swirling with the sensory overload of the evening.
"Percival," Bartholomew began, his voice carrying a rare note of warmth as he addressed his elder son. "You conducted yourself admirably tonight. You were poised, articulate, and represented the family well. I expect nothing less from you."
Percy nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Thank you, Father," he replied.
Bartholomew turned his attention to Owl, his expression hardening into one of disappointment and frustration. "As for you, *redacted*," he said, his voice low and seething with disapproval, "your behavior tonight was unacceptable. You're an embarrassment."
Owl flinched, his father's words striking him like a physical blow. He wanted to disappear, to melt into the shadows and escape the harsh scrutiny. "I was just trying to talk," he mumbled, his voice barely audible, a weak attempt to justify himself.
"Trying to talk?" Bartholomew's voice rose slightly, the anger barely contained as he took a step closer to Owl. "Interrupting conversations with childish jokes and irrelevant facts? Do you think that is how you should behave in front of our guests? Important people who expect a certain level of decorum?"
Owl felt the sting of his father's words deeply, each one a sharp reminder of his inadequacy. He glanced briefly at Percy, hoping for some form of support, but his brother stood silently, his expression unreadable. Owl swallowed hard, trying to muster the courage to speak. "I thought...I thought it would be interesting," he said weakly, his voice trailing off as doubt crept in.
"Interesting?" Bartholomew's laugh was harsh and devoid of humor. "This isn't about what you find interesting. This is about understanding your place, about knowing how to act in social situations. You need to learn to control yourself, to fit in. Why is that so difficult for you?"
Owl's eyes filled with tears, his vision blurring as he struggled to maintain his composure. "I'm trying, Father," he said, his voice breaking with the weight of his emotions. "I really am."
"Trying isn't good enough," Bartholomew snapped, his patience wearing thin as he continued to berate his younger son. "You need to succeed. You need to meet the standards expected of you. Every time you fail to do so, you disgrace this family."
The words cut deep, and Owl struggled to comprehend why his efforts always seemed to fall short. He wanted to explain, to make his father understand his confusion and frustration, but he couldn't find the right words. The harder he tried to fit in, the more out of place he felt.
"Look at your brother," Bartholomew continued, his voice now cold and measured. "Percival understands what is expected of him. He knows how to behave, how to make a good impression. You could learn a lot from him if you just paid attention."
Owl looked at Percy again, hoping for some sign of support or understanding, but his brother's face remained impassive. The silence stretched between them, heavy and suffocating. After a moment Owl spoke up, his voice quivering with a mix of desperation and defiance. "I am paying attention," he said, his eyes pleading. "I don't know why it's so hard for me."
Bartholomew sighed, a sound laced with exasperation rather than sympathy. "It's hard because you make it hard, *redacted*. You need to focus. You need discipline. These are things you should have learned by now."
The words felt like a judgment, a confirmation of everything Owl feared about himself—that he was broken, wrong in some fundamental way. He wanted to scream, to shout that he was trying his best, but he knew it wouldn't matter.
"You have to grow up," Bartholomew said, the finality in his voice cutting like a knife. "The world won't coddle you."
Owl nodded, the tears now falling freely despite his best efforts to contain them. He felt Percy's gaze on him, but his brother's silence was as painful as their father's words. Percy, who could have stepped in, who could have defended him, stood by and watched, maintaining the image of the perfect son.
Bartholomew glanced at his watch, his mind already moving on to the next task, the next business deal. "It's late. You both should go to bed," he said, turning away from Owl as if the conversation had never happened.
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data-expunged-0 · 2 years
The Dawn of the Final Day
Warning for Mild G/t and implied g/t.
President Ted was sick of this.
He needed to end the civil war. He had some ideas, but they were pretty risky.
He could nuke Redac Incorporated! No, that'd have too many long-lasting effects.
He could kill Ted Prime! No, that'd put a huge target on his back.
Maybe a retbomb? Yeah... Yeah...
"DeadTed! This is urgent!"
"Everything's urgent with you, needlenose."
"You know damn well that I don't have a nose. Now c'mon, we gotta get to the bunker! President Ted set off a Retbomb!"
"A Retbomb?! Is he insane?!"
*for those who don't know what a retbomb is, a retbomb is essentially a bomb that can be set up to retcon a single person and all of their variants, rewriting their stories. In this case, it was set to Ted Redac.*
"Probably. We need to get to the bunker, stat!"
"You don't have to tell me twice!"
The Teds in the Chaos Citadel looked in horror as a retbomb explosion came towards them, sparing no Ted in its path.
Some Teds accepted that they weren't going to make the cut, and poured themselves a non-alcoholic strawberry daquiri(except for Ted Degroot, he was an alcoholic.)
Others cried, breaking down and wishing that it wouldn't end this way, praying to whatever gods they worshipped.
Either way, their fate was the same.
Tracker was swinging through the streets of Las Nevadas when all of a sudden, a bright, blue light rushed towards him. He tried to outspeed it, but he was caught.
In another reality, Navybeard the Brave was sailing with his crew, before a beam of light struck him down, with nobody seeming to notice.
Another beam of light was rushing to reality 616, ready to obliterate [REDACTED] McGee [REDACTED], but some sort of force field stopped it from reaching that reality, destroying that specific beam.
As Ted Prime's de facto right hand, DeadTed did a headcount. "Alright, has anyone seen Prime? I haven't." But nobody had seen him. Suddenly, they heard a loud banging at the door. "Guys! Help! I'm still out here!" "Holy shit, it's Ted Prime! We gotta help him!"
SlimeTed tried to open the door with all of his strength, but it wasn't enough. DeadTed tried to help, but he could do nothing as he watched Ted Prime get retconned in front of his very eyes.
As he watched Ted Prime get disintegrated, he fell to his knees and cried. The other Teds approached him and tried to comfort him, but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't save Ted Prime.
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a-v-j · 2 years
Ok, here is another ask which requires a long explanation since you've lost me.
1st Timeline Geno can only become Recall!Error, Redacted!Error and Hobo!Error.
2nd Timeline Geno can only become Fatal_Error or Oobleck.
3nd Timeline Geno remains Geno!Sans.
1st Timeline Normal Sans from Aftertale becomes Anti_Error.
3rd Timeline Normal Sans from Aftertale remains Classic!Sans.
2nd Timeline Error is the Sans from the timeline which 1st Loop Fatal_Error deleted it.
Ok, let's hope I have not forgotten anything.
Question 1:
How in the heck Redacted died to Hobo if they are theoretically the same person with the same amount of skill, as shown that they both kidnapped Swap and more? Shouldn't both of them have the same chance to kill the other, since Hobo looks like that was easy? How would a love interest make Redacted weaker than Hobo?
Question 2:
How can an Error theoretically die? Since Error!Sans is still unable to die, so using strings to erase them, wouldn't just turn them into something worse, like how Geno was turned into Fatal_Error? That would also apply on all the Errors (Anti_Error and Two Errored Swap!Sanses) Hobo killed in the bad ending of the ask series?
Question 3:
In the ask series, was Fatal_Error killing 2nd Timeline Error or which Error was fighting Fatal_Error in space?
Question 4:
How could 2nd Timeline Error be from a timeline which a Fatal_Error deleted? Like 2nd Timeline Geno needed an Error for him to become Fatal_Error. How could 1st Loop Fatal_Error be here if 2nd Timeline Error wasn't even created?
boy, you sure are a little spider bug that quite enjoys finding bugs in my interconnected webs of reality, arentcha?
1. Yeah, they're the same but vary in EXP and LV. Hobo had been destroying timelines after timelines, universe after universe, leveling up and gaining a lot more damage while Redacted had been distracted
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2.Errors can still die, but to get them to die is the hard part. The only canon thing i remember from CQ is death by collapsing universe.
Back to Hobo and Redacted, it was never stated how Redac was deleted and pretty sure it was JUST with strings. And i dont think he still have the same amount of DT to undelete himself and come back a virus like how Fatal did since, he's a split and so the DT must be portioned equally to the three of em.
and about the time Hobo killed of Anti and the Swaps. Neither Anti nor the Swaps have DT to become "worse" so...
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Hobo is just...a whole lot more skilled with harnessing his destructive and manipulative capabilities and how exactly he does his thing is his business
3. It was MOE!Error, the one that appeared in Margin of Error Epilogue.
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That one Sans we all witnessed turning to Error
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Not to be confused with HQ!Error. HQ!Error just accidentally aid MOE's creation by making Geno give up and passing the burden to Sans(whom later became MOE!Error).
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4. There's the word "Loop" for a reason =)
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xx-sharpfawngz-xx · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
If you could have a tea party with one of your characters, which one would you choose and why? Which one would you pick last?
thank you for this!
See, the thing is that I would immediately jump at the opportunity to hang out with Ia bc they are absolute Bestie Material 
Tea party with Adina just sounds like the best time TnT
the least likely would probably be... Veno? mostly bc I’d be too nervous lmao and also pra that he [redacted][redacted][redacted][redac
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(crown) OK BUT NOW THAT YOU SAY NATE DESERVES A FRIEND I AM ALL FOR HIM AND REDAC BEING FRIENDS (or lovers) NOW like at least for my interps, they could bond over having weird cursed shadow powers, AND LIKE,, In general I could see them having like. Bestie time. Nate goes to hang out w/ Redac, hes gone for like 5 hours, when talks abt Redac to like Guy or smthing, Guy's just like "I think they kill people" and meanwhile Nate was just like "Yeah sure- Bradn't kills it with their cupcakes! Hehe."
It leads Guy to a level of uncertainty if Nate is just That Oblivious or if he's covering [REDACTED]'s ass in the sake of friendship. DW, Guy will keep it on the down low... in exchange for one of those cupcakes Nate keeps mentioning
Honestly I love the concept of [REDACTED] having weird friends 'long as you can find a bit of reason for it.
Schmitty: [huddling and shaking on the floor of the basement] Stay strong Schmitty. Stay strong for. Uhh... Scruffy. Scruffy misses daddy. She's a good girl. Jesus, I can't keep talking to myself! I'm going to go crazy!
[REDACTED]: [pokes his head in] Am I interrupting?
Schmitty: Y-YOU! Just let me go man! Quiplash isn't that fun!
[REDACTED]: ...so like, I was going to ask if you wanted to join us for brunch, but you seem preoccupied.
Schmitty, laughing: No, I like brunch, I love being out of this basem- [stops laughing] Us?
[cut to [REDACTED], Nate, Cookie, and Glargan O'Toe all at the brunch table, Schmitty glaring daggers]
Nate: ...ya' got something on your cheek sweetheart-
Schmitty: They're dried tears. From being locked in a basement. Because of that asshole! [gestures to [REDACTED]]
[REDACTED]: I asked if you wanted to visit the rec room or something if you got bored between games-
Schmitty: POOL. CORPSE.
Cookie: He really hasn't changed a bit
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computerkisser · 3 years
Share F/O hcs maybe? owo
i’ve already mentioned this in passing but since redacted as a character is kind of an affectionate goofy jigsaw parody i think that redac has a special interest in the saw movies!! i already read him as autistic but looking at tmp through the lens of rly liking saw I Can See It
it’s one of my favorite headcanons now cause having the same special interest as an f/o is just wonderful. and i think him liking saw makes a lot of sense! he’s obviously a horror nerd and the saw-like aesthetic of trivia murder party could easily be him drawing inspiration from it ^w^ and it means i can watch the movies with him!! i LOVE watching movies i like w/ people i care abt and it’s something i always think about with my f/os, and redacted having the same level of passion for em that i do is GREAT
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50shadesofmittens · 4 years
Oh hey I finally did something Rapunzel.
It’s super fucking tropey and looks like a one-way relationship from the context here but oh well have fun. Thanks to @coaxionunlimited for doing the prompt-swap with me that led to this. I needed to write something TTS that was not-fluff and not-humor (too much 3TtD) and this came out, the emotional climax of a 300-page mega-fic that is not yet written
EDIT: I walk away for literally 20 seconds and get better ideas. So there’s been some minor changes to this. since it’s posting
At the base of the silver Tower, on the back of a rented camel, one lone Custodian disguised as a mutant Tzeentch worshipper (read: wearing a paper-mache mask over his helmet and a T-shirt over his armor that proclaims “I <3 Change”) stands planning the next step of his daring assault.
Then a red lasso grabs him and yanks him up to the highest floor, in through a hole in the liquid-solid walls that closes as soon as the Custodian is deposited on the floors.
“Are you insane? Do you realize what will happen if even a single daemon finds you here? I’ve found you here! Tzeentchhas to know by now, and if you’re still here that means this is all one of his plans. Probably to end with your humiliating death or corruption!”
“Nice to see you too, Magnus.” The Custodian groaned as he got up from the floor. “Was that a hair-lasso you grabbed me with?”
“Shapeshifting is the easiest spell for me to cast if I don’t want to be seen.” Magnus replied, his hair rapidly shortening back to its usual length. “Not that it works completely- there are some forces which can, if they/she/it/whatever the squid is right now choose so, can see everything I see. And since I’m on probation/house arrest, again, I’m being watched fairly closely right now. So if we’re going to get you out of here alive-”
“We’re not.” Magnus startled as the Custodian continued, “We’re staying on this planet, and getting the planet out of the Warp.”
“Have you gone completely mental?” Magnus barked out a laugh. “Wait- don’t tell me, I should’ve known  when you thought it was a good idea to come out here, alone, with just yourself and is that a camel?”
“Right behind you.” Sure enough, the camel had followed it’s rider up the tower. This rider gave her many head-pats and good oaty snacks. She liked head-pats.
“The fuck-” Magnus shook his head. “Never mind. The point is, you have to go, before whatever scheme this all is gets too complicated for me to pull you out.”
“And what if sending me away is the scheme? Hm?” The Custodian shrugged. “It’s not like you can prepare for every plan Tz- that one has. Weren’t you the one who decided that it was better to just work with what we had, than to think too hard about how to win?”
“That was a very different scenario. Besides which, I’m not trying to win- I’m just trying to get by. For now,” Magnus added hastily, “once I’m in a better position I can-”
“Stop. Just- before you tell me what your long-term goals, are tell me this: how do you plan to get into this ‘better position’ in the first place?”
“I’ll work with what I have, just like you said!”
“So, what, Tzeentch mentions he wants this subsector conquered, you work on it, get further into his good graces, and just keep going until he’ll let you be free?” The Custodian shook his head. “We both know it’s not going to work like that.”
“I don’t expect it to go that far. I just need enough to make things… better.”
“You’re mixing your goals up. You’re planning too far ahead where you should be thinking about the now, and you make your immediate plans where you should be thinking about the long-term.”
“At least I’m doing something.” Magnus snapped. “Isn’t that enough? I used to just wait, wait, wait, planning every step and making every choice based on a thousand pre-existing factors, until I got too lost in my own head. You helped me break out of that- and I’m grateful, really, I am. I’m so, so glad I met you.
“But please,” and Magnus took the Custodian’s gauntlets into his own hands, “don’t destroy yourself trying to save me. You already have- in more ways than you’ll ever know. If I’m to live with the memories of you as my guide, don’t make one of those memories be your death. That’s not how I want to repay you.
“Go home, [R E D A C T E D]. The other Custodes need their Captain General, and the Imperium needs its leader. Don’t throw all that you’ve accomplished away. I’m not worth it.”
“I’d debate you on several of those points,” the Captain General said, “but for now, I’ll settle on a question: are your sons worth it? Are your people?”
“Don’t.” Magnus pulled away, and he turned away. “Don’t ask that.”
“Don’t tell me to choose- between the one thing that’s made me happy and the duty that I’ve only just really started to love again- you know, ever since I got back, I keep seeing all the amazing things I knew before but kept missing or mistaking for something worse. ‘We humans have a peculiar ability to turn the worst, stupidest dystopian situation into stuff we can laugh  grimly at, I appreciate that.’”
“the-nothing-maker, early second millennium assorted internet. Volume, Tumblr.” The Captain General said, “I read you that one.”
“You use my words against me, I use your quotes against you.” Magnus said, though there was no bite in his words. “You know, in the few times I haven’t been alone here, everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy. That you were tricking me into neglecting my kingdom so it’d fall into disarray, or were going to tell me to burn it all down so we could start over later.” Magnus sniffed. “It’s all rubbish. There might’ve been some downturns, but the working infrastructure hasn’t exactly collapsed without me- which is more than most daemon planets could say. Besides which, it’s not like I’ve been doing much governing since then.
“And the first offer you make is to save the planet- though if you were a daemon or another Tz-“ The Captain General made a loud noise of protest to keep Magnus from saying the whole name, “-follower, I could buy  that it’s some plan to destroy the planet, but… that’s not you. That’s the farthest thing from you. That’s why I- I can’t sit by while you’re destroyed.”
“No just-” Magnus swallowed hard and looked the Captain General in the eye. “Just listen to me. It- it’s crazy but… if I died there would be another war, big fucking whoop it must be Tuesday, but… if you died, I think the galaxy would become a little colder. Because every time I look at you and try to decipher what sort of man you are, I find something wonderful there. Every time. And you can be petty, hypocritical, and cowardly, but even when you are those things that… kindness, that spark that makes you shine is still there. It doesn’t shine consistently, but it never vanishes completely. And… there’s nothing else I’ve seen or heard of in this galaxy that can match that. Not the Gods, not my Father, and certainly not me.”
“I know you still think, somewhere deep down, that you’re not worth it, or that you could be replaced. But I’m telling you, you can’t.”
“Magnus.” The Captain General said, louder now, but something scratchy in his voice as though he was pushing back tears underneath the helmet. “I didn’t come here to die. I know you think- that the place you’re in and the person you are makes it impossible to get out but- you keep forgetting one key thing, in the way it most counts. Who you are.
“You’re the person who saved hundreds of thousands of entire civilizations worth of culture and history- through negotiation and diplomacy, and just giving them respect. If it wasn’t you, someone else would’ve done it, and they wouldn’t have been anywhere near as kind. We both know by now that the kindest thing would’ve been to have left the galaxy alone, but that wasn’t gonna happen, so you made it happen your way. No matter what anyone else said, or did, or how they mocked you for it- you did what you thought was right. Just like in the Heresy, your sons were kept from the war because you fought back against the poison in your soul, and kept them as far from the madness as you could.
“You’ve done a lot of evil, I’m never going to argue on that, but you’ve got a lot of drive to do good- and you’ve done a lot of good, over and over, from the moment you got the chance. What you did for me, during [REDACTED]
“[REDAC-] But you showed me that you want to go farther- and you are going farther, from the twisted paths that came before. You managed to hold out longer than any of your brothers (exceptmaybeMortarionI’mnotclearonthetimeline) when it came to corruption.”
“You...” Magnus said, “are the only person in the galaxy who truly believes that intentions have any value.”
“Maybe that’s because the galaxy doesn’t value people’s hearts enough. That life is so disposable nobody bothers trying to help the hurting. I think that’s bullshit. And Magnus, you stood up with me against the indecisive squid once before, and with your help I won. Now, I’m asking you to stand with me once again.
“Please, Magnus.” The Captain General held out his hand, “trust me?”
And Magnus closed his eye, sighed deeply, shook his head, opened his eye, then reached out and took his hand. “Okay.” He said, voice breaking, “What must I do?”
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e8luhs · 7 years
🔥 karkat 🔥gamzee 🔥eridan. my three least favorites
i dont understand the appeal of karkat hes kind of a dick. i know that deep down hes struggling with low self esteem and stuff but god
w gamzee the whole situation w him and terezi was realy poorly written and could have been easily avoided had hussie actually put the thought and time into it but … whatever i guess. i think it forwarded terezis arc sure but things still could have been done better
eridan is [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redac
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thewebofslime · 6 years
Ohr Repeatedly Thanked Steele for ‘Updates’ and Assures Steele he will ‘Pass this [Information] along to my Colleagues’ (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 339 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Justice which reveal that former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr remained in regular contact with former British spy and Fusion GPS contractor Christopher Steele after Steele was terminated by the FBI in November 2016 for revealing to the media his position as an FBI confidential informant. The records show that Ohr served as a go-between for Steele by passing along information to “his colleagues” on matters relating to Steele’s activities. Ohr also set up meetings with Steele, regularly talked to him on the telephone and provided him assistance in dealing with situations Steele was confronting with the media. Judicial Watch obtained the records through a March 2018 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed after the Justice Department failed to respond a December 2017 request Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00490)). The lawsuit seeks: All records of contact or communication, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and instant chats between Bruce Ohr and any of the following individuals/entities: former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele; owner of Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson; and any other employees or representatives of Fusion GPS. All travel requests, authorizations and expense reports for Bruce Ohr. All calendar entries for Bruce Ohr. The timeframe for the requested records is January 1, 2015, to December 7, 2017. The emails between Bruce Ohr and Steele were heavily redacted, including some of the dates they were sent and received. On Friday, July 29, 2016, Steele emails Bruce Ohr about a meeting that is to include Bruce’s wife Nellie Ohr, who then worked for Fusion GPS, at the Mayflower Hotel: Steele: Dear Bruce, Just to let you know I shall be in DC at short notice on business from this PM till Saturday eve, staying at the Mayflower Hotel. If you are in town it would be good to meet up, perhaps for breakfast tomorrow morn? Happy to see Nellie too if she’s up for it. Please let me know. Best, Chris Ohr: Dear Chris – Nice to hear from you! Nellie and I would be up for breakfast tomorrow and can come into town. What would be a good time for you? Bruce Steele: Thanks Bruce. On me at the Mayflower Hotel, Conn Ave NW at 0900 should work but I’ll confirm the time for definite this eve if I may. Looking forward to seeing you. Chris Ohr: Sounds good, but we won’t let you pay for breakfast! I’ll wait for your confirmation on time. Bruce Steele: Let’s do 0900 then. See you in the lobby. Chris Ohr: Very good. See you at 900. On Saturday, July 30, 2016, Steele sends his thanks to Bruce Ohr for the meeting, “Great to see you and Nellie this morning:” Ohr: Great to see you and Nellie this morning Bruce. Let’s keep in touch on the substantive issues/s. Glenn [Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson] is happy to speak to you on this if it would help. Best, Chris On Friday, September 16, 2016, Steele and Ohr begin planning a meeting in the Capital Hilton: Steele: Dear Bruce, I hope you are well. I am probably going to visit Washington again in the next couple of weeks on business of mutual interest. I would like to see you again in person and therefore to coordinate diaries. So when are you planning to be in town please? Thanks and Best, Chris P.S. I don’t think I have up to date cell or landline phone numbers for you. Grateful if you could send met them. Ohr: Hi Chris – It would be great to see you I DC. I’ll be out of town Sept 19-21 but should be here the rest of the time. My numbers are office 202 307 2510 and cell [Redacted] Let me know what works best for you. Steele: Dear Bruce, I have now arrived in DC and am staying at the Capital Hilton, 1101 16th Street NW. I don’t know my client-related programme yet but am keen to meet up with you. Might we provisionally say breakfast on Friday morn or even tomorrow morn if necessary? Look forward to hearing back from you. Best, Chris Ohr: Hi Chris Would tomorrow for breakfast still work for you? My calendar is pretty good tomorrow morning, not so good on Friday. An early breakfast Friday, say 8 am?, would work too. Should I come to your hotel? Bruce Steele: Thanks Bruce. 0800 on Friday would still be better for me, at the hotel. More useful to all I think, after my scheduled meetings tomorrow. Thanks, Chris Ohr: Chris – Perfect. I’ll see you Friday at your hotel at 8 am. Bruce Bruce Ohr’s December 8, 2016, phone log shows he called Simpson for a meeting “tomorrow at 3.” Bruce Ohr’s December 13, 2016, phone log shows he spoke with Glenn Simpson the day before and received “some more news.” The log also lists “Rod Rosenstein 5:48 pm.” A, exchange beginning December 11, 2016, between Bruce Ohr and Simpson shows them discussing a Daily Beast and a Think Progress article and setting up a phone call between them. The documents obtained by Judicial Watch show a string of encrypted text messages from January to November 2017, well after the FBI had terminated Steele, discussing a possible new point of contact should Ohr leave the FBI; a series of appointments for phone calls; and assurance that Ohr shared information with his “colleagues”: On January 31, 2017, messages are exchanged between Bruce Ohr and Steele regarding fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates: Steele: B, doubtless a sad and crazy day for you re-SY [Sally Yates]. Just wanted to check you are OK, still in situ and able to help locally as discussed, along with your Bureau colleagues, with our guy if the need arises? Many Thanks and Best as Always, C Ohr: Bruce: Yes, a crazy day. I’m still here and able to help as discussed. I’ll let you know if that Changes. Thanks! Steele: Thanks. You have my sympathy and support. If you end up out though, I really need another (Bureau?) contact point/number who is briefed. We can’t allow our guy to be forced to go back home. It would be disastrous all round, though his position right now looks stable. A million thanks. C Ohr: Bruce: Understood. I can certainly give you an FBI contact if it becomes necessary. On March 6, 2017, Senator Grassley wrote a letter to former FBI Director Comey regarding payments to Steele. On March 7, 2017, messages are exchanged between Steel and Bruce Ohr about the Grassley letter: Steele: Would it be possible to speak later today please? We’re very concerned by the Grassley letter and it’s possible implications for our operations and our sources. We need some reassurance. Many thanks Ohr: Bruce: Sure Would 1:30 today, DC time, work? Steele: Yes thanks it would…. I know you’ll appreciate why we are concerned. Ohr: Bruce: Of course. Ohr: Bruce: My Skype app is acting up. Can we use the Whatapp [sic] voice call? Ohr: Bruce: I think my skype is working now if you want to call me. Steele: Thanks for that, old friend. Please do fight our cause and keep in touch. Really fundamental issues at stake here. Very Best Ohr: Bruce: Likewise, hang in there! An exchange beginning on March 18, 2017, tells of apprehension regarding Comey’s scheduled March 20, 2017, testimony before Congress and hopes that “important firewalls will hold”: Steele: Hi! Just wondering if you had any news? Obviously we’re a bit apprehensive given Comey’s scheduled appearance at Congress on Monday. Hoping that important firewalls will hold. Many thanks, Ohr: Bruce: Sorry, no new news. I believe my earlier information is still accurate. I will let you know immediately if there is any change. Beginning on March 24, 2017, following Comey’s testimony, Ohr and Steele discuss “our response:” Steele: Hi Bruce, … we understand an approach from the Senate Intelligence Committee to us is imminent. I would like to discuss this and our response with you in the next couple of days if possible. Please let me know when might suit? Many thanks and Best, Chris Ohr: We can chat this weekend if you are available. Would sometime on Sunday work for you? I’m pretty open. Steele: Thanks Bruce. Let’s speak on Sunday eve UK time, maybe 1400 or 1500 EST if that works for you? Best Ohr: Bruce: 1400 east coast time on Sunday will work. Thanks and talk with you then. On March 30, 2017, Steele writes to Bruce Ohr about concerns with Senate Intelligence Committee leaks: Steele: Hi Bruce, any news? The Senate Intel Committee is leaking like a sieve [Redacted] Hopefully speak soon. Best, Chris Ohr: Chris, no news on this end, aside from what I’m reading in the papers. Just amazing. [Redacted] Let me know if you would like to talk. In May several messages are exchanged regarding scheduling calls ending on May 15, 2017, with Bruce Ohr confirming that he spoke with the FBI and will update Steele: Ohr: Bruce: thanks again. I chatted with my colleagues and can give you an update when you have a minute. On July 16, 2017, Steele askes Bruce Ohr to pass on information, and Ohr agrees: Steele: Hi Bruce, hope you’re enjoying the summer. [Redacted] Please pass this on as appropriate. Crazy week over there just past! Best, Chris Ohr: Bruce: Hi Chris, it’s good to hear from you. Hope all is well. I will pass this along to my colleagues. Thanks! On October 26, 2017, Steele says he’s “very concerned” about documents the FBI intends to turn over to Congress “about my work and relationship with them:” Steele: Hi Bruce. Can we have a word tomorrow please? Just seen a story in the media about the Bureau handing over docs to Congress about my work and relationship with them. Very concerned about this. Peoples live may be engangered [sic]. [Redacted] Thanks, Chris On October 30, 2017, Steele writes that he spoke to Simpson about information discussed with Bruce Ohr: Steele: Bruce, having spoken with Glenn [Simpson] in London today, I now understand and appreciate what you were talking about on Saturday. Love and Best Wishes to you, Nellie and all the family. On November 18, 2017, Steele and Ohr plan to discuss “difficulties and uncertainty” via Whatsapp: Steele: Dear Bruce, I hope you and the family are well. It’s been another tough week here under the media spotlight and with legal pressures bearing down on us. I am presuming [redacted]. Also, we remain in the dark as to what has been briefed to Congress about us, our assets and previous work. I know you understand the importance of all this and have done your very best to support us, but we would be grateful if you could continue to [Redacted]. Sincere thanks for everything you are doing and I hope to speak to you again soon. Best, Chris Ohr: Chris, thanks for reaching out. I understand the difficulties and uncertainty you are experiencing. I [redacted]. Let’s plan to talk early in the week – Bruce Steele: Hi Bruce, is there any chance we could have a catch-up Whatsapp call this eve GMT, maybe around 1500 with you? Otherwise tomorrow eve GMT? Many thanks, Chris Ohr: Bruce: Chris – I have a meeting ending at 1500 today that might spill over a few minutes. Would 1515 work for you? Steele: Yes, of course. C Ohr: Bruce: I will call you then. The documents also show that Nellie Ohr sent numerous emails and reports to Bruce Ohr and other Justice Department officials on Russia issues. “These smoking gun documents show that Christopher Steele, a Hillary Clinton operative and anti-Trump foreign national, secretly worked hand-in-glove with the Justice Department on its illicit targeting of President Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These documents leave no doubt that for more than a year after the FBI fired Christopher Steele for leaking, and for some 10 months after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, Bruce Ohr continued to act as a go-between for Steele with the FBI and Justice Department. The anti-Trump Russia investigation, now run by Robert Mueller, has been thoroughly compromised by this insider corruption.” Judicial Watch earlier released 412 pages of documents about FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrants targeting Carter Page, who had been a Trump campaign adviser, which seem to confirm the FBI and DOJ misled the courts in withholding the material information that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC were behind the “intelligence” used to persuade the courts to approve the FISA warrants that targeted the Trump team. Judicial Watch uncovered that the Justice Department (DOJ) admitted in a court filing that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the FISA spy warrant applications targeting Carter Page, a former Trump campaign part-time advisor who was the subject of four controversial FISA warrants. Judicial Watch also uncovered documents showing that Steele was cut off as a “Confidential Human Source” (CHS) after he disclosed his relationship with the FBI to a third party. The documents show at least 11 FBI payments to Steele in 2016 and document that he was admonished for unknown reasons in February 2016.
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(crown) HI REDAC FRIENDSHIP HCS basically I HC that before they died and became the Quizkiller, they were kinda just. Some dude forced to work at the murder hotel, and during that time they ended up befriending Guy when Sports was just starting. They mostly hang out at bars n gripe m joke abt stuff (Redac, its mostly working at Murder Hotel stuff, Guy, its whatever annoys him), they love infodumping abt stuff to eachother (even if they both dont 100% get what the other person is saying) 1/2
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footage of Guy talking about niche sports trivia at the sports bar that [REDACTED] only frequently for the high quality hot wings, [REDACTED] patiently waiting for his turn to tell Guy the cool fact he learned about opera the other day
Guy WOULD give good hugs... he puts his whole body into em. probably lifts you off the ground, and spins you around or teeters side to side, while unable to hold back his laughter. god [REDACTED] needs one of those rn. man got so many issues.
I could see them being connected via e-mail pen pals or somethin. as tech progresses Guy suggests a video call and [REDACTED] is like "heheh :) no." and won't reply to anymore questions about it. Guy [to himself] says it's probably a case of not aging as well as he did (prideful bitch) so he drops it.
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(Crown) I see kid brainrot happening rn and two things: 1. I could see Redacted and the DATD host getting along in the sense that they do. Spooky kid stuff. Trying to summon ghosts and all that. Oh and also tie people to trees. They're both also very open about their calculated plan to murder Redac's dad (who has yet to leave, I'd imagine) and everyone else has decided not to question it. Also you BET they'd both go insane over Halloween, and probably scare all the other kids too
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in the hour long made-for-tv-movie episode where all the hosts go to summer camp, [REDACTED] and DATD send the YDKJ hosts on a snipe hunt and the quintet have to put their differences aside to get back to camp. hilarity ensues!
I can imagine the [REDACTED] plans to murder his dad going one of many ways since Young Man clearly lets a majority of the nonsense happen
Young Man: Kid, I found this... interesting note in one of your books
[REDACTED]: Oh, yeah, that's my plan to uh, dispose of my dad.
Young Man: Hm. Normally I'm feel pressed to inform your parents of this plan, but I don't think it'd be fair to give him that kind of advantage. Just don't do it in a way that makes me look involved, ok?
also 100%, Blather 'Round hostess always has the weirdest things she brings. probably has smelly markers, but they're funky flavours like chicken scented. the concept of them being friend-rivals is so much fun. they get paired together for a group assignment and they're both so headstrong they both want to be the 'leader' and they end up fighting about the dumbest things. Blather 'Round hostess appreciates their rivalry because Guy would hit a girl, he's not a lame jock (ftr they probably physically fought one time, got in trouble, had a mutual respect for each other, and leave their fighting to their nonsense more than their fists. but it's still obviously a rivalry)
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(breaks down your door /j) HEY Remember me I talked abt Binjpipe taking Cookie's tits, and now im gonna talk abt Glargan O'Toe. OK SO hes basically the host of the Zeeple Dome, which is a fun game where you play as little astronauts in a gladiator style battle, he's clearly an alien (he talks abt having multiple spines) hence the funny name, but some people do HC that he's trans. He also yells a lot/is hyper and hes like Redac in the sense that he thinks death n gore is a funny haha
you can have multiple spines and not be an alien. you could be a centaur! or a murderer. huh, yeah, you're right this guy IS like [REDACTED]
from what I think I recall of Zeeple Dome (obvi not the host or subject) is that people said it's bad because it's self contained and not really for streaming and like... idk it's still a party game even if you can't really stream it, I mean people love the devil and the details and push the button, one being impossible to rewatch and the other having zero audience participation. same with fakin it but you couldn't possibly convince me to play that I get so nervous playing faker games (tho it's prooobably a lot easier than I think it is)
do you think the astronauts from zeeple dome and the astronauts from push the button are friends
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