#avj lore time
a-v-j · 7 months
If I’m being totally honest, snap is kind of cute when he gets mad
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How bout now
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a-v-j · 1 year
If I remember correctly, Auto and Queri are engaged.
Are one or both of them going to wear a wedding dress?
If so, who and can we see?
Also, I think it way past time for the wedding unless they just didn't show us any photos.
recap montage time
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it never came to that point, auto went to sleep
Some drawings above made and collab-ed with @lenorblr
Borrowed for lore purposes, will remove upon creator request
"what a coinky fucking dink, supplemental lore, my favorite" -trueverse
Y'all seen Auto's "pov", time to see Queri's
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a-v-j · 1 year
i don't understand why people keep bothering about this "Nightmare is pregnant" thing, while there are many other more important things like: How are Future Auto and Future Core doing? did they finally opened that door? while people messes around with the usual stuff, what are old guys like Papercut and CO. up to? HOW ARE YPASPUR AND NASS DOING?
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You remembered my lesser know creations, im proud of you
Anyways, for future!auto and future!cor...nope! Haha
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For the paperpack, they still go around doing multiversal felonies and deliquency. Nothing too dangerous now lmao(since pc's ink works at the hq, he gets monitored and pj's ink is a starsans, so kinda like their dads are multiversal cops so they do misdemeanors but not enough to have the law involved lmao and sans(paperoni) and paps(paperus) kinda also keeps an eye on them(somebody had to be an adult there lol)
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For nass and ypaspur, they moved on from exploiting the king's riches and resorted to selling illegal magic stuff in the blackmarket and outside of deltarune(mostly nass and ypaspur does shows for parties and stuff or whenever an opportunity shows up), they also opened an orphanage for orphaned darkners
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a-v-j · 1 year
Theres a future Cor? Yay! Is this because Past/Current Auto has said that he can't catch feeling for Queri now, so when he goes back to his correct point in time it will split the timeline? - Because if Auto never meets/gets with Queri then Cor wont have the feeling that lead to him becoming unalive.
If not a split in the timelines then... How is Cor back? Not that I'm complaining. Yay Cor! 🥳 ... thinking about this the answer maybe *spoilers*...
Onwards to a somewhat connected note; is the non-canon Auto/Cor relationship from a timeline like the one theorise above or did they come about another way? Just found out about that pairing, now in my top three. The others being Eros/Anti and Link/Snap... I think Link/Snap is the only Canon one there 🤔 ?
Sorry for the long ask I got excited that theres a future Cor, Yay!... ... oh and that we're getting back Actual Current Auto that's good to. Sorry Auto...
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a-v-j · 1 year
Legit lore for Anti_nightmare 2.0😂👌
Anti and the boys: *on their phones*
past!auto: *walks by* anti, trash duty, it aint gonna throw itself away.
Anti: aww, i hate trash duty, hue, you do it.
Hue: hell nah brah. Sat you go.
Sat: no.
Ness: no.
Anti: rock, papers, scissors! *Everyone shows their pick* *anti loses* aww c'mon, the 2.0??? that's not fair!
Hue: *chuckles* dont be sore loser, ya lost.
Anti: *drags a manageable weight of garbage* *opens trash chute*
???: .. remember me, anti?
Anti: hello? Who's that... *Spiraling mass of codes jump at him* *gets tackled to the ground* *gets up as anti_nightmare*
Anti_night: it feels so good to be in a body again *glitches to anti* anti_nightmare?! U-uh...howre ya bud? *Glitches to anti_night* not bad, but i know you and i are gonna have such a fun time together. We got a lot of catching up to do
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Man im already feeling not so pump making this script to a comic 🥲 so here's the script only lol
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I like the codes in the bin idea so thanks @katroo31 but instead of becoming his own thing or possessing another nightmare, I'll just have it possessing Anti again instead
So anti_night is possible to return and be controllable if Anti's duplicates arent in Anti, as mentioned in this post
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Anti_nightmare is as goofy and unhinged almost like Sat. He's got none of nightmare's cold, unnerving, stoic, dark gent aura tho
And with anti_nightmare 2.0, Anti's personality has more control over and so he's a lot "goofier"(idk what word to call it) than before.
Think of a more exaggerated version of what he was
And there's no more sentient tentacles since Anti's duplicates were out when the merging happened, so anti could focus on keeping control on anti_nightmare.
self cannibalism is reduced but Anti_night might still wanna bite once in a while, probably some habit
Recap of anti_night 1.0 👇
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Also had an idea for them to get an anti!cross
It will be a a cross already living the good ending of underverse or whatever and as he's enjoying his Quaso 🥐, he gets kidnapped by the gang, tied to a chair and forced to sit in the anti_error-void 👌
Also, anti!badsanses will be the meme-iest badsanses out there lol
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a-v-j · 1 year
Who’s autos favorite sans au? If you don’t mind me asking.
He doesn't favor the AUs. He used to make occasional visits to the classic universe tho
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a-v-j · 2 years
Crink, Cream, or Crossmare?
And why?
Canonly to Avjverse, Crink
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Because i got no choice, since i don't think this...
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..count as cream or crossmare, i mean unless you dont necessarily limit cream or crossmare to og!dream and og!nootnoot lol
I just picked not on personal preference but base on which of those ships are a couple in my stories lol
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a-v-j · 2 years
Hi, I saw some post about Auto (I think?) and yandemic, can I ask what is yandemic is?
Ah, the hotpink event or otherwise known as the fabled Yanderedemic! It's like a pandemic where the infected suffers from irresistible urge to be so infatuation with their senpai and kill those who they see as rivals!
Only two known individuals suffered from the yandere fever that time!
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a-v-j · 2 years
Wait a second, how does Auto turn to Matic?
If he continued the path to eliminating emotions and have complete apathy and be under complete control of ThePlayer.
Tbh, im thinking of removing that concept
Bout my other concept they were the same person and this is how i imagine they coexist
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They've always parallel each other's movements, well, they're as one at this time so every thing they do are synced.
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Matic just came out from the inner layer after Auto went to a multiversal travel business trip(to another multiverse outside Avjverse), no other admins were present at the time so...
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And before anyone say, "but they parallel each other's movements why Matic didnt go with Auto then???"
Again, Matic at that time was in the code layer, and those codes are bound to stick within Avjverse and so he's too
They separated from there and Matic became his own. Yay
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a-v-j · 1 year
A throw back to when I asked about Quota asking for a little brother for his bday.
When IS Aqcuire gonna become a present day baby instead of future.
TBH, if ONLY the SilverKing event took place last year, we'll be getting there!
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auto's perma-asleep right now! the story's postponed indefinitely!
but! BUT for a glimmer of hope!
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future!auto still exists! so we can conclude the story still somehow happened but as of the moment, it's on a thin string, he CAN disappear. it's like a 50/50 situation
a very crucial thing must happen so we'll get a better chance at going back on track with this story
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a-v-j · 2 years
But despite Corpie being a thing now, I'm guessing it hasn't retconned the self deletion so everything about that ship would be taking place in the past. If I am correct that there was no retcon, how did Topie take Cor's end. Sorry if this is a little morbid, but that's just where my brain lives right now
Lmao, Topie's in his suicide arc right now. Or atleast incoming. Yeah, his story progresses without me posting the story lol
Here's a totally no context old comic
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Ok a little bit of context
After Topie got basically rejected by his initial crush which is Auto, and was re assigned as Cor's assistant. He went SOUL searchin lol and met Inquire again. And he knows deep inside Inq is his other half tho both of them was reset, i mean cmon it's kinda obvious, he's an auto, inquire's a queri, and he is missing one. So he thinks they were meant to be. Tho he doesn't exactly remember that their story was cancelled, he has this theory he's committed to. And that to reunite
But yknow, Inquire no longer feels the same way and Topie does not handle rejection well
So trial after trial, he fails despite his efforts.
Damn recalling this story sounds so dumb now.
That's 3 Autos now committing un alive 'cause of a Queri lol
Yeah, i should've made those comic bout his obsessed infatuation for Inquire. And his infatuation with Auto before that. All i have right for the Aupic(auto/topie) arc is nsfw but dont think anyone's wants to know that lol
Alrighty now besides that.
Cor already gone self deletion and Topie's away chasing Inquire, too busy to notice Cor's "gone". Hes currently in his obsessed infatuation arc and then be soon to suicide arc lol
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a-v-j · 1 year
sorry, but how Dust and Killer Sans became anti Errors, they killed in their universes
Oh, dusti had an enlightenment with god and had been promised of a good ending and therefore forced Frisk to do a pacifist, despite going against what heve been killing for
And for nate, well, his killertale is a defective one where they were able to do a jerk pacifist where they beat all the monsters enough to be sparable.
Both of those universes had a forced reset in the end and wiped their universe entirely leaving them(their DT made it possible for them to survive from being wiped) in the white anti_error-void since their universes arent supposed to have a pacifist
Yeaaaah, me and the guys from discord tried to make it close to canon but gotta fo thru some twist in order for their anti_errorfication to work lol
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a-v-j · 1 year
Hello, it's been a long while since I've seen your blog and I wanted to catch up on all the antics of anti. Do you have a master post?
Lmao i dont have specific tags for anti but think ya can go thru the #Ask Avjverse or #avj random ask tags or #avj lore time.
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a-v-j · 2 years
I forgot the name of Delusion’s brother. Also, has his brother gotten him back for the whole forceful corruption thing?
His name is Illusion
And no, he never had the chance 'cuz he got stoned
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Just right after this scene 👇 aka his Corruption
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Centuries later, and with the increasing negativity in the multiverse 'cuz the Negativity guardian wasnt there to regulate it, Illusion broke out of his prison
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And ever since his escape, he avoided his brother and quietly does his thing like a rogue all while struggling with being the new him
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a-v-j · 2 years
... hmmmmm, I wonder, who knows that the player is not just one person, but an entity that assembles a good number of beings where in their reality all those funny skeletons are fictional characters that are drawn/coded ?
My question can literally be as simplified as " wHo cAN BrEacK thE FouRTh WaLl ???" But we all know that most of them are quite aware of the askers/annons, so are they aware of what the player is ?
Good day/evening to you btw (you can ignore this question, really, i'm just curious)
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Most of my Autos are 4th-wall breakers and yes, they know ThePlayer, interacted even.
Anti, Error, and Ink are categorized as comical 4th-wall breakers. But for the Errors case, due to insanity, they concluded the askers as voices so their 4thwallbreak capability is minimal compared to Auto.
And a bunch of Papyri here are comical 4th-wall breakers, i just never had the chance to showcase that bit.
Fatal, on the other hand, borders almost the same with Auto. He tried to kill ThePlayer once after figuring out they control everything, didnt happen obviously.
Comical 4th wall breakers are a PinkiePie level
While True 4th wall breakers are a Deadpool level
Sans!Glasses, on the other hand, is beyond the 4th-wall. He's on the other side with me lol
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a-v-j · 2 years
Do Geno divorced with Reaper and Geno married with Reaper share the same Sans and Papyrus or they have their own from their own timeline since they're 2 splits?
And how are these Sans and Papyrus doing?
A classic!sans and papyrus was never mentioned nor appeared in the Happy Afterdeath family really
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and judging by geno3.1.2's still existing glitches just says that he is still in a timeless void(a place i dont think classic!sans and papyrus would be able to visit)
while geno3.1.1(the one in the dysfunctional afterdeath family) already got out of the savescreen
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and he's got a sans and a papyrus as mentioned
and they seem to have been supportive and doing fine on the surface world and paps had a rummage sale and allegedly sold that sofa up there and bought a new one according to this world script from 2019(which was a time before the whole drama and implied divorce)
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and the image below is the time that death mentioned(over-exaggeratingly ofc)
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so in conclusion, they share a classic!sans and a paps
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