#and he INSISTS it is for the purposes of the mission only
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velvetvisionsaurora · 10 hours ago
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Pairing: Hongjoong x reader, Seonghwa x reader, Yunho x reader, Mingi x reader, Wooyoung x reader.
Summary: Five eight-year-old boys aboard the slave ship Crimson Serpent form an unbreakable bond with five-year-old y/n. before she's sold at auction. Despite their failed rescue attempt, they swear a blood oath on her teddy bear to find her. Fifteen years later, now feared pirates leading the ATEEZ
Warnings: Slavery/Human Trafficking, Separation/Loss, Violence, Eventual Smut. SA(not by any main characters) y/n gets switched to a real name but it has a purpose. More warnings to be updated.
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Chapter 12
Breaking Points
The captain's quarters were unusually crowded for a strategy meeting. Hongjoong sat behind his desk, maps and charts temporarily cleared to make space for the bottle of rum and glasses that Wooyoung had insisted on bringing.
"This isn't just a meeting," Wooyoung had declared as he burst in with the supplies. "It's a celebration."
Yunho leaned against the wall near the porthole, his tall frame folded into what little space remained. Across from him, Wooyoung perched on the edge of a storage trunk, already pouring generous portions of rum into mismatched glasses. Only Seonghwa maintained his usual perfect posture, seated at the chair opposite Hongjoong's desk, his back rigid and expression carefully neutral.
"To finding y/n," Wooyoung announced, raising his glass with characteristic enthusiasm. "After fifteen years of searching, false leads, and disappointments, we finally did it!"
Yunho and Hongjoong raised their glasses in agreement, though Seonghwa's participation was noticeably less enthusiastic, his movement mechanical rather than celebratory.
"It still doesn't seem real," Yunho said after taking a sip. "Even after seeing her with Mingi in the medical bay... part of me can't believe we actually found her."
"Found her?" Wooyoung scoffed good-naturedly. "She found us! Walked right into that auction house and practically delivered herself to Hongjoong. The universe has a strange sense of humor."
"Or justice," Hongjoong added quietly. "After fifteen years, we deserved a little cosmic assistance."
The room fell silent as each man contemplated the extraordinary circumstances that had brought y/n back into their lives.
"Have you considered what happens next?" Seonghwa asked, breaking the silence. His tone was measured, practical, devoid of the wonder that colored the others' voices.
"What do you mean?" Yunho asked.
"Our mission for fifteen years has been to find her," Seonghwa continued, his fingers absently straightening the edges of a nearby map. "Now that we've succeeded, what is our purpose? Do we continue targeting Blackwell's operations? Do we return to more conventional piracy? Do we..." he hesitated, "...alter our course entirely?"
"I think that's something we all need to figure out together," Hongjoong replied carefully. "Including y/n. Her perspective matters in this decision."
"Her perspective?" Seonghwa's eyebrow rose slightly. "She's been aboard for less than two weeks. Regardless of our shared childhood, she knows nothing of our operations, our strategic objectives, or the alliances we've built over fifteen years."
"She's a quick study," Wooyoung countered, his usual playfulness hardening slightly. "And she knows more about Blackwell's operation than anyone we've ever encountered. She's already provided intelligence that would have taken us months to gather through conventional means."
"I'm not questioning her value as an information source," Seonghwa clarified, his tone sharpening. "I'm questioning the wisdom of immediately integrating her into strategic decision-making when she's only just beginning to adjust to her new circumstances."
Something in his carefully controlled delivery sparked visible frustration in Wooyoung. He set his glass down with more force than necessary, rum sloshing dangerously close to the rim.
"What is wrong with you?" he demanded. "Ever since y/n revealed herself, you've been acting like she's some kind of... intruder. Like finding her is an inconvenience rather than the fulfillment of everything we've been working toward."
"I'm being realistic," Seonghwa replied, his voice cooling. "Someone needs to maintain operational perspective while the rest of you indulge in emotional reunion fantasies."
"Fantasies?" Wooyoung's voice rose incredulously. "There's nothing fantasy about it! She's here, she's real, and she's the same person we've been searching for since we were children!"
"Is she?" Seonghwa challenged, his composure finally showing cracks. "The five-year-old girl we knew aboard The Crimson Serpent no longer exists. She's been replaced by a twenty-year-old woman shaped by fifteen years of captivity and calculated survival. We know almost nothing about who she's become."
"We know exactly who she is," Wooyoung insisted, standing now as his frustration grew. "She breaks honey cakes in half before eating them. She arranges objects at right angles when distracted. She knows star patterns Yunho taught her. She recognized Mingi's compass mark. What more proof do you need?"
"Those are habits, not identity," Seonghwa countered, his posture growing more rigid with tension. "Surface behaviors that survived captivity, not confirmation of unchanged character or compatible objectives."
"Wooyoung, Seonghwa," Hongjoong began, his captain's voice cutting through the tension.
"No, I want to understand this," Wooyoung interrupted. "We've spent fifteen years searching for her. Now that we've found her, you're suddenly keeping your distance, treating her like she's a threat rather than the fulfillment of our oath. What happened to 'we promised to find her no matter how long it takes'?"
"We promised to find her," Seonghwa replied, his voice tight. "We didn't promise to abandon all rational caution upon doing so."
"Rational caution?" Wooyoung repeated incredulously. "Is that what you call barely speaking to her? Avoiding any moment alone with her? Arranging her quarters and belongings without ever directly interacting with her?"
"I'm respecting her need for adjustment," Seonghwa insisted. "Unlike you, who immediately expects her to resume childhood connections as if fifteen years of trauma simply doesn't matter."
"That's not fair," Yunho interjected, his gentle voice unusually firm. "None of us expects her to be unchanged. We're all giving her space to define our relationships on her terms."
"Are we?" Seonghwa challenged, turning toward the tall boatswain. "Or are we projecting fifteen years of fantasy onto someone who happens to match physical description and exhibit certain familiar habits?"
Hongjoong leaned forward, his attention fully focused on his quartermaster.
"Seonghwa," he said quietly, "what's really bothering you about y/n’s return?"
For a moment, it seemed Seonghwa might maintain his composure. Then something shifted in his expression—a fracture in the perfect control he had maintained not just for days but for fifteen years.
"She called him 'Puppy,'" he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"What?" Wooyoung asked, confusion temporarily displacing anger.
"When Mingi was brought in after the battle," Seonghwa continued, each word emerging with difficulty. "Bleeding, unconscious, possibly dying. She broke through her careful disguise and called him 'Puppy.' Not Yunho, not Wooyoung, not Hongjoong. Mingi."
Understanding dawned across Yunho's gentle features. "You think her strongest connection was with Mingi. That's why his injury triggered her revelation."
"I don't think," Seonghwa corrected, unusual emotion coloring his voice. "I know. I was watching her face when we carried him in. That wasn't calculated decision or strategic revelation. That was pure emotional response. Something she couldn't control despite fifteen years learning to control everything."
"And this bothers you because...?" Hongjoong prompted, though his expression suggested he already understood.
Seonghwa's hands moved to the edge of the desk, fingers gripping the wood with unusual force as his perfect posture finally collapsed. "Because it should have been me!" he burst out, voice cracking with emotion. "I was supposed to protect her that day in Halazia! I was the one with her when Captain Redmond found us!"
The outburst stunned even Wooyoung into momentary silence. Seonghwa's carefully maintained composure had shattered completely, revealing raw pain that had apparently survived fifteen years beneath his methodical exterior.
"It was my plan that failed," he continued, words rushing out now that the barrier had broken. "My responsibility to get her to the delivery crate. My failure that allowed Redmond to take her directly to auction."
"Seonghwa," Yunho said gently, "we all failed that day. It wasn't just your responsibility."
"I was the oldest," Seonghwa insisted, anguish evident despite his attempt to regain control. "The one who made the plans. The one who was supposed to anticipate problems and create contingencies. The one who promised her 'We'll take care of you' that first night aboard The Crimson Serpent."
"And when she finally revealed herself," he continued, voice dropping to a near whisper, "it wasn't because of me. Not because of my planning or preparation or fifteen years of methodical searching. But because Mingi was injured. Because emotional connection overrode strategic calculation despite fifteen years of careful control."
"You're blaming yourself for something that happened when you were eight years old," Hongjoong said finally. "Holding yourself to an impossible standard that no child could have met under those circumstances."
"My age doesn't change what happened," Seonghwa replied, though some of the intensity had drained from his voice. "She was taken because my plan failed. She endured fifteen years of captivity because I couldn't protect her that day."
"And you've been carrying that guilt for fifteen years," Yunho observed gently. "Using it as fuel for your obsessive planning, your meticulous strategies, your refusal to accept even minimal possibility of failure in any operation since."
For a moment, Seonghwa seemed about to deny this interpretation. Then his shoulders slumped slightly, uncharacteristic defeat showing in his usually perfect posture.
"What else could I do?" he asked quietly. "How else could I make amends for such catastrophic failure?"
"You could talk to her," Wooyoung suggested, his earlier anger replaced by genuine compassion. "Tell her what you just told us. Let her decide whether forgiveness is needed rather than assuming it's impossible."
The simple suggestion seemed to startle Seonghwa despite its obvious practicality.
"She might surprise you," Yunho added gently. "Y/n sees more than most people think. Just like when we were children."
"She understands Blackwell's psychological tactics better than anyone," Hongjoong contributed. "The way he deliberately isolated household members to prevent alliances, how he separated people who formed connections. She'd recognize that same pattern in your withdrawal."
Seonghwa remained silent, absorbing these perspectives without immediate response. Unlike his usual quick analysis, this particular situation seemed to require deeper consideration.
"I don't know how," he admitted finally, rare uncertainty replacing his typical precise certainty. "Fifteen years developing methods for finding her, and I have no protocol for actually interacting with her now that we have."
"Just talk to her," Wooyoung urged again. "Not as Quartermaster Seonghwa of the feared ATEEZ, but as the boy who once called her 'dove' when you thought no one could hear."
Seonghwa's head snapped up, surprise evident despite his attempt to maintain composure. "How did you—"
"We all had our names for her," Wooyoung admitted with a small smile. "You weren't as discreet as you thought when arranging her blankets at night or checking her hiding places were secure."
"I'll... consider it," Seonghwa said finally. "After I've developed appropriate approach and suitable methodology."
"Or you could just knock on her door and start with 'I'm sorry,'" Wooyoung suggested, gentle teasing returning to his voice. "Sometimes the direct approach works better than elaborate strategy, you know."
Before Seonghwa could respond, a knock interrupted their discussion. The door opened to reveal a crew member.
"Captain," she reported, "Master Gunner Mingi is awake and responsive. Doctor Yeosang reports significant improvement."
"Thank you," Hongjoong acknowledged, pleasure warming his voice. "Inform the doctor we'll visit when appropriate."
As the messenger departed, momentary silence settled over the captain's quarters.
"We should go see him," Wooyoung suggested. "Especially since this is the first time he's been fully conscious since y/n revealed herself."
"Agreed," Hongjoong confirmed, rising from his desk. "But Seonghwa, this conversation isn't finished. What you're carrying isn't just your burden to bear."
"Fifteen years is long enough to punish yourself for circumstances beyond your control," Yunho added gently. "Especially for actions taken when you were eight years old trying to protect someone against impossible odds."
Seonghwa didn't respond verbally, though a subtle shift in his expression suggested impact beyond polite acknowledgment.
As the officers prepared to depart, Seonghwa's voice stopped them momentarily—quieter than his usual precise delivery.
"I am glad we found her," he said. "Despite my... difficulties... with appropriate response or suitable interaction. Finding her represents fulfillment beyond merely mission completion."
"We know," Hongjoong assured him. "Just as she'll understand when you're ready to explain."
With this mutual understanding established, the ATEEZ officers departed toward the medical bay—shared purpose flowing beyond individual concerns or personal hesitations.
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Y/n stood at the observation deck's railing, watching stars emerge against the deepening blue as sunset transitioned toward night. After spending most of the day beside Mingi's treatment bed, she had eventually yielded to Yeosang's insistence that she take a break—"fresh air and different surroundings," he had prescribed with gentle authority that brooked no argument.
The open sky above and endless horizon beyond created a sensation of expansion that still felt novel despite several days aboard the ATEEZ. Unlike Blackwell's household with its deliberately restricted views, this unobstructed perspective offered liberation beyond merely physical accommodation.
"Star watching again?" Hongjoong's voice came from behind her.
"Old habits," she acknowledged, turning to watch him approach. "Yeosang insisted I take a break from the medical bay, and this seemed the natural destination."
"How's Mingi doing?" Hongjoong asked, genuine concern evident despite his casual phrasing.
"Better than expected," y/n replied, pleasure warming her voice despite lingering worry. "The wound is healing remarkably well according to Yeosang. He's fully conscious now, though still weak from blood loss."
"And emotionally?"
Y/n considered this carefully. "Processing. Just as we all are. Fifteen years searching for someone creates certain expectations, certain imagined scenarios. Reality inevitably differs from those projections."
"You've become remarkably perceptive," Hongjoong noted with genuine appreciation. "Though perhaps you always were, and circumstances simply developed existing abilities rather than creating entirely new ones."
"Necessity," y/n replied with a small shrug. "Survival in Blackwell's household required accurate assessment beyond merely visible behavior. Understanding motivations beneath surface actions often meant the difference between avoiding punishment and suffering consequences."
For several comfortable moments, they stood in companionable silence, watching stars emerge with increasing clarity. Unlike the awkwardness that extended separation might have created, their interaction flowed with natural ease despite fifteen years' absence.
"I spoke with Seonghwa today," Hongjoong said eventually. "About his... difficulty... engaging with you since your identity revelation."
Y/n nodded. "I'd noticed his withdrawal. The careful distance, the professional courtesy without personal engagement, the practical arrangements made without direct interaction."
"He's carrying significant guilt," Hongjoong explained. "Believes your capture during our escape attempt represents his personal failure rather than collective responsibility or circumstantial outcome."
"Because he was with me when Captain Redmond found us," y/n concluded immediately. "Because his plan included getting me to the delivery crate near the port-side loading area, and when that became impossible due to the fire, he had no contingency strategy immediately available."
"You remember the plan?" Hongjoong asked, wonder flowing beneath the simple question.
"Every aspect," y/n confirmed without hesitation. "Wooyoung creating distraction in the galley using cook's rum stores. Yunho and Seonghwa moving me to delivery crate with air holes that looked like wood damage. Mingi watching dock for safe passage and appropriate signal timing. You creating navigation record confusion to delay departure and subsequent pursuit."
The precise recitation created visible impact across Hongjoong's features, genuine emotion flowing beneath the captain's habitual control.
"We never thought..." he began, then paused before continuing more steadily. "We assumed such details would have faded given your age at the time and subsequent traumatic experiences."
"Some experiences embed themselves beyond normal memory limitations," y/n explained quietly. "Especially those carrying significant emotional weight."
For a moment, Hongjoong seemed at a loss for an appropriate response.
"Seonghwa needs to know this," he said finally. "That you remember not just the failure but the attempt. Not just the outcome but the intention and substantial effort behind it."
"I've been waiting for him to approach me," y/n admitted. "Giving him space to process whatever adjustment he needs following identity confirmation. Fifteen years developing methods for finding someone creates certain expectations that reality inevitably challenges."
"You understand him remarkably well despite limited direct interaction."
"We share certain characteristics," y/n explained with a small smile. "The careful planning, the methodical organization, the preference for controlled environment. These aren't merely personality traits but developed survival strategies serving different contexts."
As night fully claimed the sky, stars blazing against perfect darkness, Hongjoong's expression shifted subtly.
"Would you like to see something?" he asked. "Something I've kept hidden from even the other officers despite fifteen years together aboard this ship?"
"Of course," she replied, curiosity flowing beyond cautious restraint.
With decisive movement, Hongjoong led her from the observation deck toward a specific section of the ATEEZ rarely accessed by regular crew members.
"The navigation room?" Y/n asked as their destination became apparent.
"Not exactly," Hongjoong replied, a small smile suggesting significance beyond ordinary understanding. "Though that's what everyone else believes."
When they reached an ordinary-appearing door marked with a simple navigation designation, Hongjoong removed a key from around his neck.
"No one else has ever entered this room," he explained as he inserted the key into the lock. "Not even Seonghwa, who knows everything else about this ship and its operations."
As the door opened, Hongjoong gestured for y/n to enter first.
The room beyond appeared smaller than expected given its apparent significance, though careful organization maximized available space without creating a cramped atmosphere.
Every wall, from floor to ceiling, contained carefully mounted display cases. Within each transparent housing, meticulously arranged items told a story beyond mere collection—narrative flowing through physical objects rather than merely written words.
"What is this place?" Y/n asked softly, wonder flowing beneath her simple question.
"I call it the Memory Room," Hongjoong replied, unusual vulnerability replacing his typical strategic approach. "Though that's an unnecessarily dramatic name for what amounts to a personal museum beyond practical purpose."
As y/n moved closer to the nearest display case, its contents became clearer—small wooden animals arranged in chronological sequence, each bearing a distinctive compass marking, timeline extending from crude early attempts toward increasingly sophisticated creations.
"Mingi's carvings," she whispered. "You've collected them throughout the years."
"One from each port we've visited," Hongjoong confirmed, genuine emotion warming his voice. "Fifteen years of wooden messengers left throughout the maritime world, hoping somehow one might reach you despite impossible odds."
Each case revealed a similar pattern despite different contents—personal collections maintained by Hongjoong without their creators' knowledge. Yunho's star charts from various hemispheres and multiple seasons. Seonghwa's miniature maps of ports visited and harbors navigated.
"You've documented everything," y/n observed. "Not just our search for me, but their individual journeys throughout these fifteen years."
"They deserved remembrance beyond merely operational record," Hongjoong explained, genuine emotion coloring his voice. "Their development mattered beyond tactical contribution, their individual experiences significant beyond merely practical outcome."
"And here," Hongjoong said finally, approaching a case situated at the room's center. "The beginning of everything."
Within transparent housing, a small scrap of red fabric contained a crude compass drawn with remarkable precision despite simple materials. Five points arranged in perfect symmetry, a childish hand executing an adult concept with surprising accuracy.
"The original compass design," y/n whispered. "The one I watched Mingi create aboard The Crimson Serpent, before he carved it into that wooden star for Mr. Hugs."
"You remember that?" Hongjoong asked softly, wonder flowing beneath the simple question.
"I remember everything," y/n confirmed. "Mingi drawing this design late one night when everyone else was sleeping. Showing it to me with a rare smile. Explaining through gestures rather than words that five points represented five boys who would always protect me."
"When we found Mr. Hugs in Halazia harbor," Hongjoong explained, "the wooden star had fallen off during the struggle with Captain Redmond. We found it in the mud nearby. Mingi kept the original as a pendant, but I saved this fabric pattern that he used as his guide. It became our symbol - the compass that would lead us back to you."
He touched the glass case gently. "When we finally claimed our own ship, it seemed fitting to name it after the sound of these five points - ATEEZ. Five letters, five points, five boys searching for what was lost."
Y/n’s eyes widened as understanding dawned. "The ship's name is an acronym?"
Hongjoong nodded, a small smile playing at his lips. "Something between that and a code. The letters don't stand for anything specific - just the sound of five points working together. It was Wooyoung's idea. He said we needed something mysterious that would make other ships nervous when they heard it."
"It worked," y/n said with a soft laugh. "Even in Blackwell's household, servants whispered about the Black Ship with the strange name."
They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, both contemplating the simple compass design that had evolved into maritime legend.
"There's one more thing I want to show you," Hongjoong said, moving toward the far wall where a single shelf stood apart from the display cases.
Unlike the other collections, this area contained items that appeared unconnected to each other - a small shell, a ribbon, a button, a broken piece of colored glass, a dried flower preserved between thin sheets of transparent material.
"What are these?" Y/n asked, noting the careful arrangement despite their seeming randomness.
Hongjoong's expression shifted, vulnerability showing through his captain's composure. "These are... possibilities," he said quietly. "Items I found at various ports that might have been connected to you. A shell the right size for a child's hand. A ribbon that could have been from a girl's hair. Things with no concrete connection but that somehow felt important."
He touched the dried flower gently. "This was from a garden in Port Westerly where a girl matching your description had reportedly been seen. The lead proved false, but I kept the flower anyway. Another piece of the journey."
"I never stopped looking," Hongjoong said softly. "Even when logic suggested impossibility, when years passed without credible leads, when false hopes repeatedly materialized then vanished. Each of these represents a moment when I thought we might have found you."
Y/n reached out, her fingers hovering over the collection. "And now you have," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Now we have," he agreed, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that transcended captain's authority.
For a moment, they simply stood there, the physical distance between them seemingly irrelevant compared to the fifteen years that had separated them. Then, with a naturalness that belied the significance of the gesture, Hongjoong reached out and took her hand.
"I never gave up on finding you," Hongjoong said quietly, his thumb brushing lightly over her knuckles. "Even when others suggested we might be chasing ghosts."
"I never stopped believing someone would remember," y/n admitted, returning the gentle pressure of his hand. "Even when Blackwell did everything possible to convince me I had been forgotten or abandoned by anyone who had ever shown me kindness."
"Treasure," Hongjoong said softly, the childhood nickname emerging without conscious thought.
Without conscious decision, y/n stepped closer, eliminating the remaining distance between them. Hongjoong's free hand moved to her cheek, fingertips feather-light against her skin.
"Is this okay?" he asked, the simple question containing layers of meaning.
"More than okay," she replied honestly.
When their lips met, the contact carried fifteen years of searching, hoping, and remembering. Unlike a desperate connection formed through temporary passion, this gentle kiss represented culmination beyond merely physical attraction.
Hongjoong's hand moved from her cheek to the back of her neck, fingers threading through her hair with careful touch. Y/n leaned into the contact, her free hand finding anchor against his chest as the kiss deepened from tentative exploration to confident connection.
For several heartbeats, the Memory Room faded from awareness. Then, with mutual recognition, they gradually separated - not abrupt disconnection but gentle transition.
"I've been wanting to do that since you first walked into my quarters and called me 'Captain' without having any idea who I really was," Hongjoong admitted.
"I've been wanting to let you since I recognized your voice that first day in the auction house," y/n countered with a small smile. "Though I wouldn't have admitted it even to myself back then."
"What happens now?" Y/n asked after a moment.
"Whatever we decide together," Hongjoong replied, his hands still holding hers. "I meant what I said about your freedom being genuine. You determine your own course now, without obligation or expectation beyond your own choice."
"And if my course aligns with the ATEEZ?" Y/n asked. "If I choose to remain aboard this ship?"
"Then you would be welcomed as crew member rather than merely rescued captive," Hongjoong answered without hesitation. "Your skills and insights would represent significant asset beyond merely symbolic presence, your contributions valued for practical impact beyond merely personal connection."
"I'd like that," y/n admitted. "To be part of something meaningful beyond survival."
"Then consider yourself officially part of the ATEEZ crew," Hongjoong declared, captain's authority flowing beneath personal warmth. "Though specific role and responsibilities remain flexible pending further discussion."
"We should probably return to public areas before people notice our extended absence," Hongjoong suggested eventually. "The captain and newly revealed y/n disappearing together might create unnecessary speculation among a crew already processing remarkable developments."
"Always thinking about morale and operational efficiency," y/n observed with gentle teasing. "Even during pivotal personal moments."
"Occupational hazard of command responsibility," Hongjoong admitted with a small shrug. "Though I'm working on balancing tactical consideration with personal engagement despite fifteen years prioritizing mission above individual preference."
As they prepared to leave the Memory Room, Hongjoong's hand brushed y/n’s one final time - intentional contact flowing beyond accidental touch.
"We'll continue this conversation," he said quietly, personal warmth flowing beneath captain's natural authority. "When circumstances permit appropriate privacy."
"I'll hold you to that, Captain," y/n replied, matching his formal title with genuine warmth.
With mutual recognition established, they left the Memory Room together. As Hongjoong secured the door behind them, y/n found unexpected certainty settling within her consciousness.
After fifteen years believing herself forgotten or abandoned, she had discovered truth beyond memory or whispered ritual: five boys from The Crimson Serpent had never stopped searching for her, had transformed themselves into the most feared pirates on the seven seas specifically to fulfill a blood oath made during childhood failure.
The compass that had guided them all for fifteen years now pointed in a new direction, leading toward a future none could fully anticipate yet all would navigate together.
The feared Black Ship sailed onward through growing darkness, most notorious pirate vessel on the seven seas continuing mission transformed through reunion against impossible odds. Yet within that fearsome exterior, genuine connection flourished beyond tactical alliance or strategic association - real bonds forming despite unlikely circumstances, authentic relationships developing through shared purpose and mutual understanding.
Taglist: @hopeless-lovex0 @frankielou02 @jilxxasu @kur0kki @lezleeferguson-120 @uniquecloudbread @miniverse-zen @symmieangela @monstacheol @ateezswonderland @comicnerd557 @pixie0627 @fumaluvr @princesscallie @green-moon @starryjoong-jeongcheollie @wiccanmetallicrose @atinyapple1117 @sassy-snassy @soulphoenix1618 @wxnderingthoughts
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randomsprinkles · 2 years ago
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You tell yourself that Loid
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thebarneschronicles · 3 months ago
Closer to Home
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Synopsis: As you settle into your new role as the team’s “girl in the chair,” helping Sam and Bucky with their missions, you find yourself increasingly drawn to Bucky's intense presence. His brooding silence is matched only by his watchful eyes, and despite his gruff exterior, your kindness begins to chip away at his walls. When Bucky insists on walking you home one night, clyou chalk it up to his old-fashioned sense of duty and think nothing of it. But as the night unfolds, you realize there’s far more behind his actions than just good manners, and your growing feelings for him may not be as hidden as you think.
A/N: This was supposed to be something else ENTIRELY. But it just unravelled and here we are! Please, feel free to let me know your thoughts about it! B xx
Closer To Home Masterlist
Your relationship with Bucky hadn’t started with fireworks or dramatic confessions—it began like any other normal relationship: after drinks and a movie.
It was a quiet evening, the kind that felt heavier after long hours at your desk. You were finally wrapping up for the night, shrugging on your coat and slinging your purse over a shoulder. The clock had just ticked past 10 p.m., though it hardly felt late to you. Still, your shoulders sagged under the tension of the day—hours spent poring over intel, trying to uncover scraps of information that might help Sam and Bucky on their next mission.
“You shouldn’t be walking home alone.”
You looked up to find Bucky leaning casually against the doorway, arms crossed. His voice was gruff but not unkind, his blue eyes shadowed but steady.
“It’s just a few blocks,” you replied, already bracing for the argument.
His jaw tightened—a subtle shift, but one you’d come to recognize as the start of his infamous stubborn streak. “Doesn’t matter. My ma would haunt me if I let you.”
That earned him a laugh. “Your 'ma' sounds like quite the character.”
“She was,” he said, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. It disappeared as quickly as it came. “C’mon, grab your stuff. I’ll walk you.”
You didn’t argue further, mostly because you were too tired to win, and partly because there was something oddly comforting about his protectiveness, even if it came wrapped in brooding silences and sharp glances.
Being around Bucky had taken some getting used to. You knew about him, of course—who didn’t? But nothing had prepared you for the sheer intensity of James Buchanan Barnes up close. His unrelenting stares, his quiet presence that somehow filled a room, and the way he seemed to carry the weight of entire worlds on his shoulders.
When you’d first joined their team as the “girl in the chair” (a term Sam insisted on despite your repeated protests that you were, in fact, a woman), you hadn’t known what to expect. Your days as a research journalist had been left behind in favor of a role that felt more like a sidekick to two superheroes. Never the hero, always the support.
“It’s not nothing, though,” Sam had told you once, catching you mid-eye-roll during a particularly grueling debrief. “You’re saving lives too, y’know. Every name, every address you dig up? That’s someone else’s tomorrow you’re protecting.”
Still, the job came with its own toll: exhaustion, migraines, and a constant ache in your wrists from hours of typing. But it also came with a quiet sense of purpose—and Bucky’s occasional company.
At first, his silences had been intimidating, his brooding presence almost oppressive. But you met him with unwavering kindness—bringing him coffee when he looked like he needed it, or letting him retreat into your office to escape Sam’s chatter. Slowly, the silences grew shorter, and the stares softened into something more watchful.
Now, walking beside him under the soft glow of streetlights, the quiet felt less like distance and more like understanding.
“So,” you said, breaking the silence, “is this a one-time chivalry thing, or do I get an official escort service from now on?”
Bucky snorted. “You’re assuming I’m doing this for you.”
“Oh, really?” you teased, grinning. “Who else is benefitting from my safe arrival home?”
He glanced at you, a spark of humor flickering in his eyes. “Sam’ll never let me hear the end of it if something happens to you. Man loves his lectures.”
“Ah,” you said, mock-serious. “So I’m saving you from Sam’s wrath. Got it.”
He didn’t answer right away, but his pace slowed slightly, his hand brushing the base of your spine as you turned a corner, like he was directing towards home. “Maybe I just like making sure you’re okay,” he muttered.
Your heart stuttered at his words, a quiet ache blooming in your chest, but you didn’t dare press him further. Hope was a dangerous thing, a fragile spark that had burned you one too many times before. It was safer to tuck it away, to pretend his words meant nothing more than what he’d said—a simple gesture of kindness, nothing deeper.
You were friends, after all... right? Or at least, friendly. He was kind to you, yes, but Bucky Barnes was kind in a way that felt carefully measured, like a soldier fulfilling his duty. He was a gentleman through and through, the kind who’d been raised to believe it was his responsibility to make sure no lady faced the dangers of the night alone.
“His mah would’ve expected nothing less,” you thought wryly, your lips tugging into a faint smile.
He was a man out of time, after all. Decades removed from the era he was born into, yet somehow still anchored there, even now. You wouldn’t have been surprised if the rules he followed were the same ones ingrained into him all those years ago. And maybe, just maybe, it was easier to believe that than to let yourself hope he cared for any reason beyond habit or honor.
“Almost there,” he said, his voice breaking through your thoughts. His hand hovered near your elbow, steady and sure, as if ready to catch you should you stumble.
The steps to your door loomed far too quickly for your aching heart, bringing an abrupt end to your time with the brooding soldier. Each step felt heavier than the last, as if your body was reluctant to leave his quiet, steady presence.
You paused on the final step, its height almost eliminating the difference between you and Bucky. It gave you just enough courage to look up at him, your fingers nervously twisting around the strap of your purse.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
He dipped his head in a single nod, his icy blue eyes flickering down to meet yours. His expression, as always, was unreadable, cast in shadows under the dim streetlamp. “Anytime.”
The simplicity of his reply made your chest tighten. You nodded in return, swallowing hard as your heart hammered in your throat. Turning away from him, you fixed your gaze on your front door, willing yourself to move forward, to end the moment before it unraveled you completely.
Friends. That’s all this was. It had to be.
So why did it feel so wrong to turn your back on him? Why did it feel like you were forcing yourself to betray something deeper, something unspoken, simply by walking away?
Your hand was on the doorknob before you realized you’d stopped moving, the quiet war between your heart and your mind reaching a fever pitch. You squeezed your eyes shut, battling the urge that rose in you like a wave.
Don’t do it. Just go inside. Let him leave.
But the battle was already lost. Before you could stop yourself—before logic could wrestle control away from the reckless beating of your heart—you turned. Your feet moved without permission, carrying you back down the steps toward him.
It wasn’t a decision so much as a pull, steady and undeniable, the words slipping from your lips as if carried on a tide of longing you couldn’t resist.
“Would you like to come up for a drink?”
The words tumbled out unbidden, your voice trembling just enough to betray how desperately you wanted him to say yes.
His reaction couldn’t have been more Bucky if he tried. His eyes shifted, and you swore you could see every emotion flash through them—surprise, hesitation, something a lot like longing—before they settled back into the stoic mask he always wore. Quiet. Unimpressed. Broody. And yet…
“I wouldn’t mind a beer.”
A laugh bubbled up in your chest, shaky with relief, and you motioned toward your door. “Well, come on then. I’ve got a six-pack that’s been waiting for some company.”
His presence filled the small apartment in a way that made your breath catch, the air somehow heavier, more electric. How many times had your silly, stubborn heart conjured up this exact scenario? Late at night, Bucky standing just inside your door, peeling off his worn leather jacket and tugging off the gloves that shielded both metal and flesh. Then, as if he’d done it a thousand times, he’d settle into a corner of your couch, legs spread, shoulders sinking back into the soft fabric like he belonged there.
“There's Heineken, Bud, and Corona,” you said, your voice only slightly betraying your nerves as you toed off your shoes and dropped your keys and purse by the door. “I think I might even have some whiskey stashed away somewhere. What’s your poison?”
He hesitated for a moment, his gaze trailing lazily around the room before settling back on you. “I’ll have what you’re having.”
Your stomach flipped, and you nodded, biting back the grin threatening to stretch across your face. “Sure thing,” you said casually, though you were certain the flush creeping up your neck gave you away.
You turned toward the kitchen, your heart doing an embarrassing little leap as you busied yourself rummaging through the fridge and cabinets. The clink of bottles felt absurdly loud in the quiet apartment, every moment stretching with the weight of his presence just beyond your line of sight.
“Nice place,” he called from the living room, his tone casual but laced with something warmer.
“Thanks,” you replied, grabbing two beers and popping the caps off with practiced ease. “I’d say make yourself at home, but it looks like you’ve already got that covered.”
When you re-entered the room, there he was—exactly as you’d imagined so many times before. His jacket was draped over the back of the couch, his gloves neatly set beside it, and Bucky himself sprawled out comfortably. His metal hand rested casually on his knee, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips as his eyes met yours.
“Here you go, Mr. Barnes,” you said, forcing a steady smile as you handed him the green bottle.
“To your first visit,” you began, raising your own bottle in a toast. You couldn’t help the way your gaze lingered, taking in the sight of his broad frame on your couch, the casual way he sat, the sheer presence of him filling the space. Warmth pooled low in your belly, and before you could stop yourself, you added, “May it be the first of many.”
His smirk deepened at that, a flicker of amusement flashing across his features. He raised his bottle silently, going for a sip—but you stopped him, your hand darting out to rest on his.
“Wait!” you blurted, your palm lightly pressing against his larger one.
His frown was slight, his gaze shifting between your hands before settling on your face. “Why?”
“You have to look at me when we cheers,” you explained, your voice a little breathless, a little unsure of what you were doing but too far in to back out now.
His brow arched. “And why’s that?”
“Bad luck if you don’t. Years of it.” You shrugged, suddenly feeling the ridiculousness of your own words but refusing to back down. “I mean, I can’t even count how many years... Probably best not to risk it.”
For a second, you thought he might argue. But then he chuckled, a soft sound that sent a flutter straight to your chest. “God knows I’ve had enough of that already, haven’t I?”
You giggled, your laughter bubbling out, light and carefree. The fact that he played along felt like a victory, a small but monumental crack in his stoic armor.
With a glint of something softer in his eyes, he tilted his head toward you, his gaze locking with yours. “Alright, doll,” he said, his voice quieter now, warmer. “Let’s do it properly.”
Eyes steady on yours, he clinked his bottle against yours, the sound sharp and satisfying in the quiet room. And then, he didn’t look away—not for a second—as he took a slow sip.
You followed suit, the contact between your eyes and his making your heart race so fast you thought it might burst. The heat in his gaze was steady, grounding, and yet it sent a thrilling, electric charge through you that made your knees nearly buckle.
“Better?” he asked, his voice low, the faintest curve to his lips as he lowered his bottle.
“Much,” you replied, somehow managing to keep your voice steady, even as your pulse thundered in your ears.
The air between you seemed to shift then, heavier but no less comforting—a new tension that simmered beneath the surface. If Bucky noticed the way your gaze lingered on him, the way your breath hitched every time his hand grazed your knee as he reached for another beer, he never said a thing.
He was the perfect gentleman, as always. Even when you slid closer on the couch, settling beside him on the plush cushions - even though there were a whole three other seats available to you. Even when you turned toward him, resting your head on your palm, your eyes tracing the strong lines of his face while you rambled about the mission reports piling up on your desk. He didn’t even glance at your neckline when you leaned over him to grab the remote, though you couldn’t help but steal a quiet inhale of his scent—clean, warm, unmistakably him.
“Alright,” you said, breaking the quiet. “I feel like I’m torturing you by making you listen to all this. Do you feel like watching something?” Your tone was cheery, light, but your heart raced at the thought of sharing something as simple and intimate as watching a film together.
With your eyes fixed on the TV, you missed the brief hesitation in his expression—the flicker of doubt that crossed his face and quickly vanished. Yet, neither the guilt, the fear, nor the pain that lingered in his soul seemed strong enough to stop him from embracing what you offered so openly: a chance to simply be. For the first time in what felt like forever, Bucky seemed just a little less burdened by the shadows of his past, a ghost of his old self and a lot of his new one urging him to give in.
“What’s on Netflix?” he asked, his voice low and casual.
Your head whipped around so quickly you nearly gave yourself whiplash. “How do you know what Netflix is?”
His lips quirked into a rare, genuinely amused smile, the kind that made your stomach flip. “I’m old, but I’m not that old, doll.”
“You’re 106,” you shot back, arching a brow.
“And yet, I still know what streaming is,” he countered, the smile growing. “I’m not living under a rock.”
“Well, I am impressed, Mr. Barnes,” you teased, settling back into the cushions. “What else do you know about modern technology? Please tell me you’ve at least heard of TikTok.”
His expression shifted into something closer to a scowl, but the playful glint in his eye betrayed him. “I know about TikTok,” he said, sounding almost offended. “And dating apps. God, the horrors,” he added, shaking his head dramatically as he glanced at his phone like it was some sort of ancient relic.
You couldn’t help but laugh, the sound warm and genuine, filling the cozy space between you. But beneath the humor, your stomach twisted with an unexpected knot. Dating apps?
“What about dating apps?” you asked, trying to sound casual, but the curiosity in your voice was hard to hide.
Bucky groaned, slouching deeper into the couch as though the thought of them physically pained him. “I don’t know, doll. They just seem... unnatural. All these profiles and swiping left or right, like you’re picking a product instead of a person. Not my thing.” His voice held a certain distaste, and the casual way he said it made you wonder if he was speaking from experience—or just his own strong sense of principle.
You bit your lip, trying to suppress the questions bubbling up inside you. Had he ever used them? Was he speaking from personal experience, or just from watching the chaos unfold around him? Your thoughts shifted uncomfortably, and you tried to steer the conversation back to safer waters.
“I get it,” you said, trying to sound nonchalant. “It’s... kind of weird, honestly. It’s like shopping for a date, but with less... quality control.” You shot him a teasing grin, but the tightness in your chest was hard to ignore.
Bucky chuckled, the sound a low rumble that was soothing, even though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Exactly. I mean, if I’m gonna meet someone, I’d rather it be... I don’t know, real? Not behind a screen.”
For some reason, his comment made your heart stumble, a traitorous beat skipping out of rhythm. You quickly dropped your gaze to your beer, hoping the reaction wasn’t written all over your face. Was he hinting that he preferred real, in-person connections? That he’d rather... meet someone like that?
You cleared your throat, feigning casual interest to mask the swarm of uncertainty rising inside. “So, how would you go about it? Finding a date, I mean. Is Sam your wingman?”
Bucky nearly choked on his beer, shaking his head vehemently. “God, no! Can you imagine? He’s too busy being Captain America to care about my love life... except when he’s accusing me of flirting with his sister.”
The corner of his mouth lifted into a smirk, and your chest tightened with something sharp and unwelcome. Jealousy. You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to chase it away. “I didn’t know you liked Sarah,” you said, and to your horror, the disappointment in your voice was impossible to hide.
Bucky raised an eyebrow, clearly catching the shift in your tone. “She’s great,” he said with a thoughtful nod. Then his lips curved knowingly. “But not like that.”
The heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks was impossible to ignore, and Bucky’s sly grin told you he’d noticed. Your relief collided with your curiosity, the two tangling into a dangerous need to know more. “Oh,” you started hesitantly. “So... if not her, then who?”
He took another sip of his beer, the pause deliberate. “Had one date with the waitress from that Asian place we always order from. It… didn’t go well.”
Your brows furrowed. “And you haven’t tried again since then?”
“Not really.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair, the movement deceptively casual. “You know how it is these days—apps, algorithms, everyone judging you by a couple of photos and a bio. And who’s lining up to date a former assassin, huh? People know too much, too soon. Real connections don’t happen that way.”
The self-deprecating edge in his voice made your heart ache. You tilted your head, studying the way his vibranium fingers tapped lightly against the beer bottle. “Maybe,” you said softly, your voice steady despite the nervous thrum beneath your skin, “you’re looking in the wrong places.”
His gaze snapped to yours, sharp and searching. “Oh yeah?” he asked, voice low, almost daring. “And where do you think I should look?”
You swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his question, his attention. “Maybe a little closer to home,” you murmured, eyes resolutely fixed on the beer bottle in your own hands.
The silence that followed was electric, charged with unspoken possibilities that hung in the air like static. His gaze lingered on you, steady and intense, and you could feel it even without looking up. It made your pulse race in a way you didn’t dare acknowledge.
The truth was, you weren’t sure if you were just caught up in the moment—or if there was something more lingering in his words, in the way he was looking at you now.
You wanted to ask. The question burned on the tip of your tongue, begging to be spoken. But a part of you hesitated, afraid of the answer. What if this was nothing more than friendly banter? What if pushing further shattered the comfortable connection you’d built?
“Closer to home, huh?” Bucky’s voice was a low rumble, breaking the silence but not the tension. He leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees, and for a moment, it felt like he was closing the space between you. “And what does that mean, exactly? You got someone in mind for me, doll?”
There it was—that nickname. The one you pretended to hate but secretly adored. It sent a shiver down your spine, and you could feel the corner of your mouth twitch, betraying the smile you tried to suppress. His voice was so close it warmed you from head to toe. “I’m just saying,” you replied, forcing your tone to stay neutral, “maybe you’re overthinking it. Sometimes the best things are right in front of you.”
His lips quirked, his expression softening as if he’d caught onto something unsaid. “You think so?” Bucky asked, his voice quieter now, almost thoughtful.
You dared to turn your head and glance at him, and the way his blue eyes locked onto yours stole whatever breath you had left. “Yeah,” you said, your voice barely more than a whisper. “I know so.”
The moment stretched between you, fragile and heavy with unspoken words. You swore he was leaning closer, his gaze flickering briefly to your lips before returning to your eyes. And suddenly, the question burning in your chest felt inevitable.
“Bucky…” you began, voice trembling slightly, unsure of what you were about to say—or what he might say back.
“Yeah, doll?” Bucky’s voice was gentle, a thread of warmth in the charged air between you.
You hesitated, but the weight of your emotions was too much to carry any longer. “Is this a date?” you finally blurted, the words tumbling out before you could second-guess yourself.
For a moment, his expression didn’t change, and then he shook his head slowly. “It’s not,” he said, his voice steady but quiet.
Your chest tightened, and the disappointment hit hard, like a blow you hadn’t braced for. You tried to mask it, but your face betrayed you, your shoulders sagging under the weight of the rejection. The ache in your heart grew with every second of silence that followed, the room feeling colder with each passing beat.
What you missed was the storm raging behind his steel-blue eyes—the internal battle he fought against his demons, the ones that screamed he wasn’t good enough for you. Wasn’t good enough for anyone. He’d carried those ghosts for too long to ignore them now. But he wasn’t blind.
He’d noticed the way your smile softened when it was meant for him, brighter and warmer than it ever was for anyone else. He’d seen how you fretted over him after missions, your hands fluttering with concern even at the smallest scratch on his skin. And he’d felt the hope radiating from you tonight when you’d invited him over, your words laced with a vulnerability you rarely showed.
Bucky knew. He’d known for a while. And that knowledge both terrified and thrilled him. Love, in any form, was fragile—he’d learned that the hard way. But tonight, sitting here with you, he realized he couldn’t keep running from the possibility of it.
He wanted you. Your laughter, your kindness, your stubbornness, your touch. He craved all of it. And maybe he didn’t deserve it, but for once in his long life, he wanted to try.
Bucky set his beer down, his movements deliberate, and leaned closer. His flesh hand brushed against the back of your arm and the touch sent a shiver up your arm. 
“It’s not a date,” he repeated, voice low but filled with a quiet resolve that made your breath catch, hurt twisting at your heart.
Your brow furrowed, the downturn of your lips impossible to hide. “Heard you the first time…”
“This isn’t a date,” he pressed on. Then, with a small, almost shy smile, he added, “But it could be.”
Your heart skipped, his words hanging in the air like a lifeline. “Bucky…”
Cutting through your hesitation, his gaze locked onto yours, unflinching, steady. “If you want this… if you want me, I’m yours. I want to try.”
The vulnerability in his voice left you breathless, stealing any coherent thought you might have had. For the first time in what felt like forever, hope blossomed in your chest, warm and radiant. You didn’t hesitate this time, your lips curving into a soft, trembling smile.
“Is this because you’re afraid of the apps?” you teased, the quip breaking the intensity just enough for you to breathe. But your voice wavered slightly, and your eyes glistened with the tears threatening to spill. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll steal your virtue?”
Bucky chuckled, low and genuine, the sound sending warmth curling in your chest. “I’m not a damsel in distress, doll,” he said, his tone playful as his fingers brushed a strand of hair away from your face. The simple touch sent shivers down your spine, and you leaned into it instinctively.
“And you’re also not the big bad wolf you think you are,” you countered softly, your voice tinged with both affection and defiance.
“Well, technically…” His lips quirked into a lopsided grin. “I am the White Wolf.”
You rolled your eyes, the tension breaking into something lighter, something safe. “He jokes,” you said, shaking your head. “He could be kissing instead…”
His grin softened, and for a beat, he just looked at you, his hand still lingering near your face. Then, as if your words had given him permission, he leaned in, closing the space between you in a way that felt both inevitable and extraordinary.
“Guess I’ll take your advice for once, doll,” he murmured, his breath brushing against your lips.
The moment his lips touched yours, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of you. His kiss was gentle at first, a question rather than an assumption, as though he wanted to be sure this was what you truly wanted. His warm hand cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing softly against your cheekbone, while his vibranium hand rested lightly on your knee, grounding him in the moment.
You sighed into the kiss, your hand instinctively reaching up to thread through the short hair at the nape of his neck. The movement drew him closer, and he obliged, deepening the kiss with a soft groan that sent a shiver down your spine. His lips were soft yet firm, moving against yours in a way that spoke of patience and restrained hunger, like he was savoring every second of this moment.
His vibranium hand finally moved, finding your waist with surprising tenderness. The cool metal was a stark contrast to the heat of his other hand through the fabric of your shirt, but it pulled you to the reality of him—both the man he was and the one he’d fought so hard to become.
When you parted briefly for air, his forehead rested against yours, his breaths mingling with yours in the small space between you. His eyes fluttered open, heavy-lidded and brimming with emotions he didn’t have to say out loud.
“Doll…” he whispered, his voice rough and full of awe, like he couldn’t quite believe what had just happened.
But you weren’t done. You weren’t ready to let the moment slip away. Sliding your hand from his neck to his jaw, you tilted his face back toward yours, brushing your lips against his again, slower this time, savoring the taste of him. He responded immediately, his grip on your waist tightening as his mouth moved against yours with more certainty, more passion.
The kiss deepened, growing warmer, more insistent. Your bodies angled closer together, his presence consuming your senses. You could feel his heartbeat against yours, steady and strong, and the faint rasp of his stubble as it brushed against your skin only made the experience more intoxicating.
You weren’t sure how it happened—one moment you were pressed against the back of your couch, his hands and lips demanding your full attention, and the next, you were straddling his thighs. Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck as your harsh breaths mingled, the taste of his tongue intoxicating and impossible to resist.
For all his claims of being a man out of his time, Bucky Barnes knew exactly how to touch a woman. His hands were a perfect dichotomy: one warm and strong, the other cool and unyielding, but both equally firm and commanding. His touch left no room for doubt or hesitation, responding to every unspoken plea you hadn’t yet found the words for.
And his kiss? God, his kiss. You could write sonnets about the way his lips moved against yours, the way his tongue teased and claimed you, coaxing a need from you that you hadn’t known you were capable of. None of your wildest fantasies could compare to the reality of him, his body pressed against yours, solid and capable. The things it could do—what it was doing, what it promised to do—set your whole body alight with yearning.
You kissed him harder, deeper, needier, your hips moving instinctively against his. His groan rumbled low in his chest, a sound that only made you crave him more. But just as your movements grew more desperate, his vibranium hand clamped firmly on your hips, halting your rhythm. His flesh hand cupped your jaw, gentle but insistent, forcing you to break the kiss.
“Doll…” His voice was rough, laced with a warning that sent a delicious shiver down your spine.
You blinked at him, still dazed, heat crawling under your skin as you realized what you’d done. “Yes, I’m sorry, I know—I’m sorry,” you stammered, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
His breaths came heavy, his chest rising and falling against yours as his steel-blue eyes bore into yours. The hunger there mirrored your own, and the restraint in his grip only made you want him more.
Your lips quirked into a small, teasing smile, your own need warring with the desire to break the tension. “Seems like I really am trying to steal your virtue, huh?” you joked, your voice light but shaky as you turned your head to press a soft kiss to his palm.
His lips twitched, the faintest hint of amusement breaking through the hunger. “You’re gonna be the death of me,” he muttered, his hand slipping from your jaw to trail gently along your cheek, his thumb brushing over your kiss-swollen lips.
Your free hand wrapped around his vibranium one, your thumb tracing the grooves of the metal. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” you murmured, your voice soft but laced with promise as you leaned in, resting your forehead against his.
For a moment, neither of you moved, the charged silence stretching as his hands anchored you, holding you steady but never pushing. His restraint was palpable, and you knew without a doubt—if you wanted more, he would give it to you willingly. But only if you asked.
You wouldn’t, though. Not tonight.
Instead, you leaned in, brushing soft, sweet kisses against his lips, your movements unhurried and tender. Each kiss felt like a promise, an unspoken assurance that there was no rush, no need for anything more than this moment. It took superhuman strength—the kind he had—not to let it escalate.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, your lips tingling and your cheeks warm. His eyes searched yours, and the way he looked at you—like you were the most precious thing in the world—made your heart swell. His thumb grazed your cheek, his smile soft and genuine.
“How about that movie?” he murmured, his voice low and teasing, though his eyes betrayed a depth of emotion that made your breath catch.
You laughed, the sound breaking the last remnants of tension and filling the cozy space around you. “Alright, fine. Let’s find something to watch, then. Any preferences?”
“Anything but those baking shows Sam keeps trying to get me into,” he muttered, his lips quirking in faint exasperation.
A giggle bubbled out of you at the mental image of Sam dragging Bucky into a world of frosting, sprinkles, and delicate pastries. The idea was so absurd yet so perfectly Sam that you couldn’t help yourself. Leaning in, you pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, your lips lingering just long enough to feel the faint rasp of stubble. “Deal. No baking shows.”
As the two of you settled back onto the couch, scrolling through movie options, the tension between you shifted again—this time, it was softer, lighter, wrapped in a warmth that felt safe and steady.
Bucky stretched his arm along the back of the couch, his fingers absently brushing against your shoulder as you leaned into him, your body naturally seeking his. And for the first time in a long time, you noticed something different about him. The shadows that usually haunted his expression seemed to have lifted, replaced by something quieter, something calmer.
Here, with you, Bucky wasn’t the broken soldier or the ex-assassin haunted by his past. He was just… himself. And in that moment, you realized that’s all you’d ever wanted him to be.
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luvbabydoll · 6 days ago
— under their noses — chapter four
a series made by © luvbabydoll
warnings — smut mdni
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the camera was rolling, the soft hum of the base just outside your quarters barely registering as you shifted on the bed, running your fingers along the hem of your unbuttoned uniform shirt.
this was just another video. another post. another payday.
you knew your audience. knew what they liked. knew that the whole forbidden angle—being the base’s nurse, technically off-limits—only made them more eager to empty their wallets for you.
the door creaked open.
and price stepped in.
you froze.
he didn’t speak at first. just stood there, eyes flicking between the camera and you.
you felt your pulse hammer against your ribs.
this was it. you were done. surely, he’d chew you out, report you, maybe even send you off base—
but then, he locked the door.
your breath hitched.
"keep going," he said.
your brain short-circuited. “…what?”
he tilted his head, arms crossing over his broad chest. "you heard me."
you stared. this had to be some kind of test.
so you decided to push back.
a slow, coy smile spread across your lips. you tilted your chin, voice smooth as silk. "wanna join me, captain?"
you expected him to scoff. maybe roll his eyes, tell you to knock it off—
but then his gaze darkened.
his jaw ticked.
and then—
"oh, sweetheart." his voice dropped to a low, gravelly rumble. "you have no idea what you just asked for."
you barely had time to react before he moved.
before he was suddenly there, right in front of you, kneeling.
your stomach flipped. your breath caught.
you thought—no way. he wasn’t actually—
but then his hands were on you.
firm. rough. heat searing through the fabric of your open uniform.
he dragged you to the edge of the bed.
and before you could even process what was happening—
he spread your thighs and dove in.
he was starving.
no slow teasing. no testing the waters.
he was fucking devouring you.
his tongue was hot, insistent, dragging through your slick folds as he groaned like a man who’d just been served his first meal in weeks.
the vibrations shot straight through you, your head tipping back, fingers clutching at the sheets as he ate.
his beard was rough, scraping against your sensitive skin, but the contrast—the heat of his mouth, the way his tongue flicked over your clit with purpose—had you whimpering.
and that only seemed to fuel him.
"that’s it, love." his voice was muffled, husky against your cunt. "let me hear you."
a shudder tore through you, your thighs twitching against his grip.
he held you still. big, calloused hands keeping you open as his tongue fucked into you, pressing, rolling, dragging desperate sounds from your lips.
you clenched around nothing, back arching, but he didn’t let up.
didn’t stop.
didn’t relent.
like he’d been waiting for this. like this was his plan all along.
and when he moaned into you—guttural, shameless—you shattered.
your orgasm tore through you, sudden and sharp, your body writhing against his firm grip.
and he didn’t stop.
not until you were shaking.
not until you were whimpering his name.
not until you were begging.
and only then did he pull back, his lips and beard shining.
his eyes were blown. dark. a predator who’d just tasted his first real kill.
and then—he licked his lips.
“sweet as fuck,” he muttered.
and then?
he stood.
towering over you. smug. amused.
he leaned down.
tipped your chin up with two fingers.
and in a low, satisfied drawl, he said—
“that all you needed, sweetheart?”
the next day
soap opens his phone. gets a notification.
he grins, clicking on it.
and then—
pure. unholy. silence.
gaz looks over his shoulder. "what’s wrong?"
soap doesn’t respond. just slowly turns the screen around.
ghost leans in.
and all three men see it.
on the bed. fucked-out, breathless.
and price.
on his fucking knees.
mouth coated in you, looking up at the camera like it’s a goddamn mission briefing.
soap screams.
gaz falls to his knees.
ghost just leaves. he’s done.
and then—
price walks into the room, casual as ever, tea in hand.
looks at them. then at the phone.
raises an eyebrow.
“something wrong, lads?”
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not-neverland06 · 6 months ago
Hey I’m just begging for a fic of Logan with a shy reader that she has a crush on him but thinks he’s never going to fix on her since Jean exists (maybe the reader can make her hair color change depending on the emotion or something
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a/n: sorry I haven’t been responding to asks. The new job has officially killed my spirit. But I got to work out finally and do some yoga so hopefully I’ll start feeling more motivated 🤞🤞this one will be shorter
Logan Howlett x X-men!reader (Chameleon)
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“Chameleon!” You jump, shoulders flying up to your ears. Almost immediately you can feel the tips of your fingers tingling. Sure enough, when you look down they’re already disappearing. Sighing, you turn around and glare at Scott. 
“What have I told you about scaring me?” 
He grimaces, raising his hands in surrender. “Sorry, I forgot.”
You roll your eyes and turn back toward your project. “Every time,” you mutter bitterly. You’re not an idiot. You know he thinks scaring you is funny. The whole school does. They all like to see you yelp and blend in with the nearest surface, the only thing visible is your stupid hair. 
“You’re, um, turning red.” Scott points to your head and you don’t have to look to know your hair is shifting colors.
You reach over and swat harshly at his arm, “Because you pissed me off! I know you scare me on purpose,” you accuse, jabbing your finger into his chest. He laughs and stumbles away from you. 
“Alright, alright, calm down. I was just messing around a little. Look,” he glances down at the lesson plans before you and sighs. “All this will have to wait. Charles needs us all for a mission.”
You huff and shove the papers into your desk drawer. “Alright, lead the way.” You feel Scott’s eyes still lingering on your hair and glare at him. “Move it, Summers,” you demand. 
You were already in a bad mood, you didn’t need him making it worse. It honestly shouldn’t be such a big deal for you. You get scared by everyone all the time. You used to enjoy it, enjoyed the way it felt like you all had your own joke. But, eventually, it started to feel less like an inside joke and more like you’re the unwitting butt of one. 
Some mutants get amazing powers, like Jean or Charles. Logan’s abilities are incredible, even if he doesn’t believe you when you tell him that. But yours, well, you're better suited as the cheap gimmick of a children’s birthday party than an X-Men. You’re just a walking mood ring that blends in with her environment. 
The only thing you’re good for is reconnaissance missions and embarrassing yourself. You don’t know what Charles sees in you. You’ve never understood why he insists you’re such a good asset to the team. Yes, you are good at spying on people, but you don’t need to when Charles has such strong telepathic abilities. You’re essentially useless in a fight due to a lack of regenerative or strength abilities. 
More often than not you feel like a child playing dress up, chasing after the big kids. You know the others don’t mean anything bad by it when they tease you into going invisible or laugh when your hair changes. It’s all in good fun. But it doesn’t make you feel any less like easy entertainment rather than a teammate. 
It doesn’t help that you’ve got little to no control over your abilities when it comes to Logan. You’ve never had such a horrifically bad crush like this. Anytime he opens his mouth around you, you're fighting off the urge to just go invisible and run away. You feel like you go feral around him. You don’t know how he hasn’t caught onto what the colors of your hair mean when you’re near him. 
It’s constantly switching between some odd mix of red and pink when you talk. Which, you know what it means, but you’re praying no one else does. Red can mean angry, depending on whether you’re talking to Scott or not. You know, though, that with Logan it just means you want to jump his bones and you’re hopelessly in love with him. 
Thankfully, like the others, he associates red with anger. Which isn’t great for you because that just means he thinks every time he opens his mouth you’re pissed off. At yourself, maybe, but at him, never. It just means when he wears those stupid tanktops you want to dig your teeth into his biceps and never let go. 
Scott opens the door to the meeting room and you slide in past him. Charles gives you a brief smile as a greeting. You take the chair at the end of the table, which just happens to be next to Logan - completely coincidental. He gives you a tense smile and you return it stiffly. You tug your hood over your hair, praying he doesn’t notice the red in your strands yet. You don’t want him to think you hate him. You completely prefer that over him knowing how feral you are for him, but it’s not conducive to your slow plan to finally get him to acknowledge you as a sexual partner. 
You swear, if your name isn’t Jean Grey, you might as well just be a shapeless blob of nothing. He glances over at her, that smoldering look in his eyes, and you try not to throw up in your mouth. Scott wraps an arm around Jean’s shoulders and they break their lingering stares. 
Logan glances over at you and catches the glare on your face before you can get rid of it. He huffs and turns towards Charles. With a sigh, you sink back into your chair and focus on not just going invisible. 
“Chameleon,” Charles says your name and your eyes widen. You wonder how much you’ve missed while you’ve been glaring at the back of Jean’s head. “Does that sound alright with you?”
You look around the table for help but they’re all staring expectantly at you. “Sure,” you stumble over the word, racking your brain for any answers. It seems not even your subconscious was paying attention to Charles droning on. “Sounds great.” He gives you a satisfied nod. 
“Good. Off to the jet, all of you.” he rolls out of the room and you wait until he’s out of earshot to kick Logan under the table. 
He glances back at you, smirking. “Don’t know what you agreed to?”
You purse your lips and shake your head. “Nope,” he gives you a look like he knew you’d say that. You hate how well he can read you when it feels like you’re constantly hitting walls trying to understand him. 
“You’re scoping a place out for us. Making sure it’s safe so we can retrieve some information.” You give him a thankful look and he chuckles. “You need to start paying attention, kid.”
You groan and get up from your chair, brushing past him. “I told you to quit calling me that.” It makes you feel like that’s all he’ll ever see you as, some kid invited onto the team. You want him to see you as someone he could have sex with, hopefully, love one day. 
He glances past you at Jean. She smiles at him and you fight everything inside you to not roll your eyes and gag at them. She’s holding onto Scott and making fuck me eyes at Logan, which he’s happily returning. This is just too disgusting for you. 
You shove past him and ignore how he calls out your name. Your real name. He’s the only one that uses it. For some reason, most people just refer to you by Chameleon. You don’t understand why. They just don’t seem to think of you outside your abilities as a mutant. 
You make it to the jet before the others, taking the private time to change into your X-Men suit. If there’s one useful thing about your ability, it’s that it affects whatever’s touching you. Which means, you don’t have to strip naked to go completely invisible. And if anyone is around you, all you have to do is hold onto them and they’ll blend in too. 
You’re tugging up the zipper of your top as Logan walks in. He gives you an odd look, sitting on the bench in front of you. “Angry about something?” He asks, gaze darting up to your head. 
You drag your fingers over the ends of your hair and sigh. “No,” you tell him bluntly, taking the seat beside him. 
His brows furrow in confusion. “It’s red, though,” he points out, his tone colored in suspicion. 
You laugh a little, “Red doesn’t always mean angry.” It’s the most you’ve ever confided about your hair colors to him. The largest hint you’ve ever given him that you don’t hate him. You’re worried if he knew how you really felt about him, he’d think you were a little creep. 
He slides his arm behind you on the bench, leaning in until you’re practically sharing the same air. You know your eyes are comically large, you don’t even want to know what color your hair is turning right now. “What else does it mean, kid?” He whispers and you don’t even pay attention to the nickname. All you can see and hear right now is him. How close he is, how close your lips are. 
You could lean forward an inch or two and you’d be kissing. “Um,” you swallow harshly around the lump in your throat. You don’t even know what he asked you, all you can think about now is kissing him. 
“Logan!” Ororo’s voice echoes through the jet and you leap away from him, trying to calm your racing heart. Logan sighs and leans back in his seat, giving Storm a tense smile. She glances at you and laughs, “She’s nearly see-through, what are you doing to her?”
You frown and look down at your hands. Sure enough, you’re going translucent. You let out a silent groan, and tuck your knees into your chest. You take a few deep breaths until you’re one solid form again. It’s so embarrassing when that happens, when you lose control over yourself like that. 
But it’s even worse when Logan does it to you. He gives you hope, stupid, hateful hope, for one minute that he might feel something deeper. Only for it to be another joke. You’re a walking mood ring, nothing more than a quick laugh to all of them. 
Jean walks up the ramp, her gaze going to Logan first before drifting towards you. “Are you alright?” She mutters, trying not to let the others hear. Of course, Logan can, with his stupid enhanced abilities. “You’re turning blue,” she points out and you roll your eyes. 
You can feel Logan’s stare burning holes into the side of your head and it only makes you feel worse. You hate being a joke, but you also hate showing them just how much it affects you. You don’t want to seem like a crybaby that can’t handle a little teasing. But you’d thought coming to Charles’ school meant people would stop poking fun at you. It feels like being dragged right back into high school. 
“I’m fine,” you tell her. She doesn’t look like she believes you but she takes a seat anyway. Of course, placing herself right next to Logan, even though her fiancee is a few feet away from her, looking just as hurt as you. They lean into each other and whisper. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. You let your glare bore into the floor, ignoring how much seeing them together hurts. 
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The mission had gone well, Logan had been hoping to go to the bar and grab a drink with you. But the second his back is towards you, you’re running off the jet. Logan calls out your name, trying to catch up. You glance back at him, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. He smiles at you and your eyes widen. You go invisible and Logan glances around, baffled. 
He calls out your name again but the door ahead of him opens and closes quickly. He can only assume you’ve run away again. You always run away from him. You’re always pissed off at him. He doesn’t know what Jean’s talking about when she says you like him. 
Logan’s never met anyone more repulsed by him. 
“Would you just trust me?” Jean tells him lowly, creeping up behind him. 
His face falls and he turns to her, glaring at her knowing smirk. “She just fuckin’ ran away from me. Pretty sure that’s about as good a hint as I’m gonna get, Jean.”
She glances over her shoulder, waving Scott away and looping her arm through Logan’s. “You’re an idiot, Howlett.” He scoffs and she swats at his shoulder. “Trust me, I can read minds, remember?”
Of course, he knows she’s got some pretty decent telepathic abilities. But he didn’t think she would so brazenly breach your boundaries. There’s an unspoken rule that the mind readers of the school don’t delve into your brain without permission. 
She sees the look on his face and sighs. “I didn’t read her mind. She got drunk a little while ago and told me about her raging crush on you,” she laughs a little at your expense and Logan lets out a short chuckle. You can be a pretty sloppy drunk if they let you go too far. He figures it was one of those girl’s nights he wants nothing to do with. You’d probably let the tight reigns you keep on yourself slip for once. 
“She goes red every time she sees me. I don’t know what else that could mean other than she hates me.” Logan isn’t surprised that you’re not taken with him like he is with you. He’s used to the rejection, but it hurts just a bit more coming from you. You’re so welcoming to the others. 
You embrace every new member of the school with open arms. Yet, with him, you get angry whenever you see him. You see through his walls, see the rot lurking underneath them. And, rightfully, want nothing to do with him. He understands your reasoning. 
Most days he barely wants anything to do with himself. He’s made a lot of bad choices in his life, half of which he can’t remember. But he’d hoped, for one minute, that you might give him a second chance. As much as Jean insists otherwise, he can see the truth of how you feel about him every time you run away. 
“Red doesn’t always mean anger,” Jean tells him elusively. It’s the same thing you’d said to him on the jet. It makes his brows furrow in confusion and he glares at her. 
“What else could it mean?” He demands sharply, sick of her teasing him with the possibility you might feel the same way. 
She bites her lip, looking suddenly sheepish. “I can’t say-”
“Jean,” Logan snaps. He stops her from walking any further, keeping her planted in one spot with him. “Tell me,” he’s sick of the games you’re both playing with him. He just wants some straight fucking answers. How hard is that?
She sighs and looks away from him. “I promised her I wouldn’t tell.”
“And I’m sure you promised you also wouldn’t tell me how she feels about me,” he points out. There’s a sharp tone to his voice, it’s rude but he can’t bother feeling guilty about it. 
She can’t meet his eye, a smirk fighting at the corner of her lips. He waits impatiently for her answer, irritation broiling quickly in his gut. He’s about to snap at her again when she finally meets his eyes. 
She speaks through a laugh, like what she’s about to say is so ridiculous she can’t hold it in. “She wants,” she cuts herself off with another laugh and Logan groans in frustration. He begins to walk away from her when she yells, “She wants to fuck you!” At his back. 
His eyes widen in surprise before he turns back to her with a displeased look. “Are you fuckin’ with me?” He demands, narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously. 
She shakes her head and brushes past him. “You didn’t hear it from me,” she warns, tone grave as she leaves the room. 
Logan is left standing in the same spot, stunned at the revelation. He’s not sure how much of that he believes. But he doesn’t understand why Jean would possibly lie to him about this. She gains nothing by setting him up for failure. As much as he doubts the honesty behind her words, he’s got no other choice but to trust them. 
He heads to the most likely place you’re hiding out. Charles has a private library that’s blocked off from the kids. There are too many first editions in there, he can’t risk any of them accidentally blowing them up. You like to head there when you’re trying to avoid people. 
He tries to stay quiet as he walks in, not wanting you to run off again. It’s hard to confront someone who goes invisible whenever she feels like it. He sees light blue hair draped over the back of an armchair. He feels like a creep as he stalks towards you, sneaking and pouncing on you so you can’t run away. 
He can’t imagine how Jean ever thought him approaching you would be a good idea. He whispers your name, trying not to startle you. It doesn’t take a genius to see how much you hate when the others scare you. They might not mean anything bad by it, but they have to be blind not to see how much it pisses you off. 
You still jump, glancing up at him with a surprised look. He looks to your hair for any tells of how you feel. Some pink weaves its way through the stands but it otherwise stays relatively blue. His brows furrow in confusion, he can’t tell if it’s a good or bad sign that there’s no red. 
“How are ya, kid? Ran off pretty quick earlier.” 
“Don’t call me that,” you mutter, giving him a brief glare before staring absently down at the book in your hands. Logan kneels beside your armchair, covering the pages with his hand. You huff, giving him an expectant look. “Yes, Logan?” You demand, tone short.
Logan tilts his head, examining you and your body language. You seem relatively closed off, irritated at him or something else. He doesn’t know what to say. He’s never been good with words or trying to express how he feels. He’s more comfortable showing how much he cares for those around him. 
Throwing caution to the wind, he lets his hand drift to your wrist and tugs you forward. Your eyes widen as he drags you toward him. The kiss is short, he doesn’t want to push you too much. But it takes everything in him to stop himself from deepening it. All he wants is to pull you into his arms and devour you. 
He holds back, parting from you with a low exhale. Your eyes flutter open and he grins when he sees the bright red your hair has turned. “What,” you sputter and stumble over your words. You shove him back and leap to your feet. “What the hell was that?” You demand, voice higher than he’s ever heard of it. “What was that?” You ask him shrilly, again. 
You almost seem to be stuck in a loop, blinking rapidly and asking the same thing. Logan chuckles and gets to his feet, he gives you a knowing look and you narrow your eyes at him in disbelief. 
“Jean told me.”
Your brows furrow and you shake your head. Realization dawns on your face and you gasp, looking up at him with something like horror on your expression. “No,” you tell him lowly. “She didn’t,” it almost sounds like you’re begging him to tell you otherwise. 
He laughs again and your face falls. You start going clear, he can see the bookshelf through your stomach and he sighs. He grabs your hand, holding onto you before you can run again. You don’t even seem to be aware that you’re slowly disappearing from view. 
“She’s, uh,” he struggles to figure out what to say to make you feel better. “She’s been coaching me,” he admits shamefully. “Trying to help me talk to you.”
You glance up at him but he can barely see your expression. The only thing reassuring him you’re here is his grip on you and your voice. “What? But I thought that-” You cut yourself off quickly and Logan glares down at where he thinks your face is. 
“Thought what?”
You take a long pause and exhale deeply. “I thought,” you mutter, “you liked her.”
“She’s with Scott,” he points out bluntly. He can practically hear you roll your eyes, even if he can’t see it. 
“Yeah, I know. But you guys are always whispering to each other and making googly eyes.”
“Googly eyes?” He interrupts, disgust clear in his tone. 
“I was wrong,” you continue, ignoring him. “I see that now, but I thought you didn’t care about me.”
Logan huffs, he hates that you thought that. He should have just been open with you from the start. He’s faced rejection his whole life, he shouldn’t have been so petrified of it just because it could come from you. If he’d just manned up and told you earlier, it would have saved you both a lot of time and hurt. 
“Kid,” he hopes he’s making eye contact with you and not just staring at some random book. It’s really hard to tell when you go invisible like this. “You’re the only person I care about in here.”
You’re quiet for a long while and he worries you’ve somehow slipped away without him realizing. But, ever so slowly, you start coming back into view. Logan awkwardly averts his eyes from your breasts, he’d been hoping he was making eye contact with you, clearly, he was wrong. 
“You mean that?” You ask, and he hates the trepidation in your voice. He’s never been good with words, he doesn’t know how to tell you how much you mean to him. But he can show you. 
His hand drifts up your arm, wrapping around the back of your neck and tugging you towards him. You trip over your feet, hands landing on his chest to stabilize yourself. He leans down, hovering over your lips for a moment. He waits until your eyes drift shut and your lips purse impatiently before he finally kisses you again. 
He doesn’t hold himself back this time. He pours every racing thought he’s ever had about you, every one of his wanted-to-tell-you-how-he-feels-and-hasn’t moments into the kiss. Your hands slowly curl up into his shirt, wrinkling it and tugging him further into you. 
To his surprise, you deepen the kiss, mouth moving over his like you want to devour him whole. He’s sure if he opened his eyes your hair would be a bright roaring red. He smirks against your lips, happy that, for once, he actually listened to Jean. If it gets him results like this, he might have to do it more often. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the comics/movies Wolverine/X-Men, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
General Taglist: @evasmlp ♡ 
Logan Taglist:  @nonamevenus @smexy-bucky-waifu @wh1sp @peony-always @corvusmorte  
@mrs-ephemeral @wolviesgirl @allllium @insomniachox @izbelross  ♡ 
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prythianpages · 4 months ago
Beautiful Stranger | Azriel
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Azriel x Reader | Azriel gets injured while on a mission and meets someone he never thought he would. aka you finding an injured Az and the mating bond snapping.
warnings: mentions injuries and blood; other than that, this is light & fluff
word count: 4,342
a/n: I love Halsey's Finally//Beautiful Stranger & when it came on my shuffle while driving, this fic played out in my mind.
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Humming quietly to yourself to keep your thoughts occupied, you allow the glow of the moon and fireflies to guide you back to the village. Dawn Court was your home, but after the fall of Spring, you had volunteered to help its fae, creatures, and land heal from the devastation left by Hybern’s attacks.
Though the damage to Spring was immense, its beauty still endured. The air still held a lingering heaviness but the flowers had begun to bloom once more with promise and hope of a better future. Your task today had been to gather healing herbs, yet when you stumbled upon a field of dandelions in full bloom, you couldn’t resist the urge to stop and admire the scenery. It was why you were returning late at night, long past the sunset you had promised to return by.
As you made your way along the path, the gentle breeze grew colder and sharper. It rustled the leaves on the trees and made the branches creak, its eerie sound halting your steps and silencing your humming. A chill of unease prickled your skin and your muscles tensed in alarm. 
Then you saw them. 
Shadows, darker than the night itself, swirling around you.
These were not the shadows you were used to seeing at night. No, these shadows felt alive and with purpose. 
You should’ve turned back. But there was something in the way they moved, fluid and insistent, that made you follow. With every step, they guided you away from the familiar moonlit path and deeper into the forest, pulling you toward the river that ran through the heart of the woods.
A flicker of blue light was coming from just beyond the tree line, catching your eye. Curiosity tugged at you, drawing you closer. The shadows slithered toward the faint glow, vanishing into the darkness by the water’s edge.
When you finally reached the riverbank, your breath hitched at the sight before you.
A male lay sprawled on the shore, half-submerged in the water, his blood mingling with the river’s water. Blinking your eyes, you saw the shadows that led you to him, clinging to his battered form and limp wings. They pulsed in a protective manner. It’s then that you recognized the source of the blue light. It was coming from the gems attached to the leathers he wore. 
Siphons. He must be Illyrian…but what was an Illyrian from the Night Court doing in Spring? Alone?
It didn’t matter. You immediately rushed and knelt beside him, your healer’s instincts snapping into action. Your finger’s pressed against his neck, mind racing with worry and dread as his skin felt cold against yours. He must’ve been out for awhile now. The nerves eased slightly when you felt a pulse. 
Weak but present. 
You slipped your arms beneath him, the shadows aiding you as they wrapped around his arms, helping you turn him over to his side. His dark hair clung to his face, your hand reaching up to brush it back.
Your eyes finally met the face of the fallen warrior and something snapped. 
So piercing and electrifying, it had your heart fluttering from the intensity. All at once, the golden threads of the bond you’d only heard stories about unraveled in your chest. They weaved between your rib cage, pulling you tight toward him. A pull so strong it left you breathless and in shock.
Fate and shadows had brought him to you. Your mate.
But the exhilaration of it all was soon smothered by panic, the golden threads beginning to quiver. His blood, too much of it, stained the riverbank. His body was limp in your arms, his breathing shallow.
You had found your mate and already, you were on the verge of losing him before you could even learn his name.
Azriel wakes to the sound of singing, a nice and sweet sound, and he catches faintly to the words. He’s never felt so warm, so relaxed. His senses are dulled by grogginess, his body sluggish, but something feels… different. Lighter, somehow. 
Beside him, his shadows stir, the familiar weight of their presence grounding him. But there's also something else— different from the cool and light caresses of his shadows. Firmer. Warmer. The pressure is foreign but comforting.
As his senses slowly return, the scent of herbs and incense reach him before his eyes flutter open. Where am I? He thinks, finally blinking his eyes to clear his vision.
The first thing he sees is you, the source of the beautiful singing.
Light streams into the room, casting a golden halo around you. It strikes him hard, stealing his breath and sending a shock through his chest. He doesn’t know who you are, what you are. But you’re beautiful, so beautiful that his brows furrow in bewildered awe. There’s no way, he thinks. I don’t belong here…
He wills his dry lips to part, his voice is rough and barely audible. “Am I…dead?”
Your eyes widen and your singing comes to a sudden stop, startled by his sudden words. The warmth he felt vanishes as you pull your hand back, and only then does he realize it had been your touch on his face earlier. Your hand hovers between you, glowing faintly with a bronze light, like the first rays of dawn, before you settle it into your lap.
“No,” you finally answer. “You’re not dead.”
Azriel tears his gaze from your face, even though some part of him protests. His eyes wander around the small room, taking in the sparse furniture, the wooden desk cluttered with jars and vials. The sunlight continues to stream through the single window, the curtain hanging doing little to dull the brightness thanks to the Spring breeze. It blinds him when it catches his eyes and he winces, looking away. 
His attention is inevitably drawn back to you. You’re seated beside him, perched on a small stool that does not look comfortable by the bed. His shadows, the loyal dark tendrils that always remain by his side, are dancing around you. Their movement is playful, loving almost and you don’t seem bothered by it. As if they’ve done this before. 
The sight stirs an unfamiliar flutter in his chest.
The flutter is cut short when one of his wings, too big for the bed he’s in, twitches and knocks into the bedside table. A vial tumbles to the floor, the sound of shattering glass jerking his body forward, and in an instant, the memories come rushing back.
He remembers the mission. Rhysand had sent him to the wall separating the mortal lands from Prythian. He had met with Jurian, the encounter brief, and then he was on his way back—flying over the Spring Court when he was ambushed. His mind aches as he tries to remember more but all he remembers is being struck by poisoned arrows and falling through trees. Multiple trees.
Hot, searing pain stabs through him at the sudden movement and your hands fly to his bandaged chest, gently urging him to sit back. “You’re safe,” you reassure him. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
Azriel shouldn’t feel comforted by your words, not when he barely knows you. However, he finds your voice soothing. He listens, allowing himself to slowly lean back against the pillows, despite his mind screaming at him that you’re a stranger. Your hands remain on his chest, glowing again with that soft bronze light, and the sharp pain in his body begins to ebb away, fading into a dull ache. Much more bearable.
His shadows return to him, sighing with relief as they nestle close. Azriel watches you, keen hazel eyes taking in more of your features. The curve of your lips, the softness of your eyes. They draw him in, and he finds himself unable to look away. Had it not been for the pain that shot through him moments ago, he would’ve thought you lied to him about not being dead. Because surely you weren’t from this world to have him in a daze like this…
“Who are you?”
“I’m…,” you hesitate, uncertainty crossing your features. He watches with bated breath, waiting but the words seem to catch in your throat. You swallow, clearing your throat before speaking again. “I’m just a healer.”
“And here I thought you were an angel from above.”
A quiet laugh escapes you, and the tension in your posture melts away. The corner of your lips tug up into a faint smile, one that Azriel surprisingly finds himself mirroring. “Sorry to disappoint.”
He doesn’t think. The words spill from him before he can stop them. “I didn’t say I was disappointed.”
The flush that dawns across your cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed. You turn your head, trying to hide the reaction. It’s too late. Azriel already saw it and even if he hadn’t, his shadows are happily gushing over it. Some, the ones not distracted by your beauty, curled around his ear and whispered about the emotion lingering on your face, in your eyes.
There was more you meant to say. Words left unsaid and he wants to know, the curiosity and yearning bordering on desperate. His gaze assesses you again, searching for an answer. For a hint. His shadows continue to whisper. Good, they say reassuringly, sensing no danger or malintent in you. We found her for you!
She saved master's life. Master was out for three days and she stayed by master’s side. She’s–
“What’s your name?” You ask, pulling him from the silent conversation with his shadows.
Azriel is not one to give his name so easily, often going by what he was–a Shadowsinger– rather than who he was. He’s also not one to dwell in places he’s unfamiliar with longer than necessary. But you saved his life and for some strange reason, his shadows had taken an immediate liking to you. They seem to trust you and therefore, so does he.
“Azriel,” you repeat and his shadows shudder in response, as though they, too, are captivated by the sound of it on your lips. His stomach flutters in time with their movement.
“What about yours?”
“Y/n,” he says, repeating your name the same way you had his. His shadows dance in the air around you both.
It’s late morning, as you pick up the empty plate from him, that he feels the familiar sensation of talons scraping against his mind. Azriel?? Rhysand’s voice is urgent, the frantic panic of it making him wince. Your head immediately turns in concern and Azriel brushes it off with a small shake of his head.
I’m alive. Azriel responds, his answer curt as he’s once again distracted by your presence.
Thank The Mother, Rhysand breathes a sigh of relief. Where are you? Are you somewhere safe? Do you need me to–
I’m fine. I was attacked while flying through Spring. 
Who? Rhysand demands.
Given the fact that whoever ambushed me has made no move to find me and finish the job, I’d say no one of importance. Azriel replies, lips curving into a small frown at the thought of being caught off guard and attacked. It rarely happened, his shadows always keeping him one step ahead of anyone and anything. Had they been distracted…?
He turns his head, searching for the shadows in question. Some remained with him, choosing to burrow under the blankets. The others, however, were hovering at your side and helping you clean up from breakfast. One even opens the door for you and he hears you murmur a small thanks as you leave the room.
Azriel had spent most of the afternoon sleeping. He didn’t want to, not liking the idea of being in such a vulnerable state with someone he barely knew. It’s not that he suspected you’d harm him or had bad intentions–you literally saved his life for Cauldron’s sake! It was just a feeling he was not used to. To be able to sleep safe and sound.
When he woke up again, it was a brand new day. He realized the bandages on his chest and arm had been changed. He was slowly gathering his strength back. One of his shadows must’ve given him away because shortly after he woke, you had walked in with a friend. 
“Wow,” the dark haired fae murmured, her steps faltering. Her eyes had widened in wonder, taking in the large expanse of his wings that made the bed look ridiculously small. “The Cauldron truly favors you.”
Azriel’s gaze couldn’t help but narrow. Those words had been directed at you, not him. 
You’d introduced her as Poppy, explaining she was your friend, another healer whose family had taken you in. Poppy had left shortly after setting a steaming bowl of stew on the table right next to the bed. She had been adamant on letting him know her mother had made it and not you, which he found odd.
Azriel was surprised to learn this was your room and you’d given it up for him. He tried to protest, offering to sleep on the couch or floor. Of course, you had refused and he was even more surprised to learn you were more stubborn than he was. 
Where are you in Spring? Rhysand’s presence in his mind pulls him back to the present. He hopes he hadn’t accidentally projected his memory to his friend, wanting to keep it to himself for now. I can send Cassian, if you’re unable to fly. 
No. Azriel responds immediately and he can feel Rhysand’s confusion. I’m alive and safe. I just need more time to recover. 
And without waiting for a response, Azriel brings up his mental shields again, shutting Rhysand out. He can only hope he doesn’t send Feyre knocking on his mind next. Or worse, actually send Cassian to Spring, despite him saying not to.
He should’ve said yes, and accepted the help. The Spring Court was among the least favorite of his courts, in tie with the Autumn Court. He had a strong distaste for the High Lord, who remained wandering through his forests like a beast. 
As you return to the room, Azriel catches sight of a faint glow wrapped around your wrist. He hadn’t seen it before, the glow of your magic outshining the gold ink etched there. A sun, cradled by a crescent moon, and below the moon, a fine lined star glimmers, connecting the two celestial bodies with its ray of starshine. 
“You’re far from home.” Azriel comments, nodding toward the tattoo.
“So are you,” you answer, lips turning up at the slight flush that takes over Azriel. You then glance down at the tattoo on your wrist. The insignia of your Court with the added touch of your healing gift. The tattoo was an honor, a testimony of the oath you had taken after mastering your magic. “I came to Spring to help after the war.”
“Will you go back home after?” He asks, a little too quickly, then clears his throat. His shadows snicker beside him in a knowing manner. “Or will you stay here?”
“I’ll stay here as long as I’m needed.”
He doesn’t understand why but a part of him feels relieved that you’re not attached to this court. 
“You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need,” you then add. 
He feels an odd sense of relief, and his shadows give a little wiggle in excitement. He sends them a glare, and they sheepishly return to hiding under the covers. Though one brave shadow lingers by his side long enough to whisper, you'll find out soon Master.
“They’re cute," your voice pulls him from questioning his teasing shadow.
Azriel lets out a snort, the effort making his chest and stomach ache. Cute. His shadows had been called many things—strange, unnerving, even unsettling—but never cute. They typically clung to him, weaving around his form quietly, careful not to disturb anyone. Unless he sent them on a mission of their own or they had a mission of their own.
Occasionally, they’d make an exception for Cassian, creeping up behind him just to tap his shoulder and bask in his exasperation when he turned to find nothing there. They’d even tried their luck with Rhysand once, though he was never fooled. Yet, for reasons Azriel couldn’t fathom, his shadows had taken an immediate liking to you, drifting toward you whenever they could.
The said shadows peek out from under the covers, almost shyly. If they could blush, he’s sure they would be at this moment. They're never going to forget this moment.
“I wouldn’t call them cute,” Azriel replies, ignoring their indignant hisses.
Conversation flows easily between you two from there, Azriel giving into his curiosity to know and learn more about you. Much to his surprise, Azriel indulged you in your questions, telling you about his shadows and things about himself he rarely told others. They were small, trivial things such as his exact favorite shade of blue and his biggest pet peeve. Yet you held onto every word, every detail and it felt strangely comforting.
Two more days passed, Azriel’s body still healing. Slowly but surely. You had been able to recover one of the arrows that had shot him. Not that it mattered. Azriel was now, unfortunately, familiar with the effects of faebane. It hindered his healing and though it was frustrating, there was one upside to it all–the friendship blossoming between you and Azriel.
There’s a knock on the door as you mix Azriel’s concoction for pain. “Yes?” You call out.
Poppy peeks her head in. “I was just checking to see if I had given you enough spearmint for the pain tonic and also to let you know that we’ll be out most of the day. If you wanted to take out your ma—male for a walk or something without being bothered by the little ones.”
You freeze and a sheepish look takes over your features, tainting your cheeks. “Poppy,” you say her name again in what sounds like a warning. “He has a name, you know. And he doesn’t need to be taken on a walk.”
“Oh, right, Azriel,” she says, giving him a cheery wave. “Hello again!”
“Hello,” Azriel replies, shifting in the bed, despite the protests of his muscles. He’s not at all offended by Poppy, her aura too bright and cheery to be bothered. He flashes you a grin that has your grasp on the mixer faltering. “I think a walk would be nice actually.”
“Told you!” Poppy replies. “Anyway, we’ll see you for dinner. Send a butterfly if you need me.”
When the door closes, you let out a small sigh, shaking your head with a small, sheepish smile. “I’m so sorry about her.”
Azriel brushes off your concern, his eyes shining bright when he looks back at you. “How about that walk?”
Azriel grunts as he pushes to stand, his wings trembling as he shifts his weight, unused to bearing himself after days of bedrest. He stumbles right into your arms, his usually steady form swaying. You quickly catch him, your arms coming around one of his sides. His shadows dart toward his other side, helping you hold him upright. 
“I’ve got you,” you say softly, your hold surprisingly firm. 
He can't help it. He lets out a low, amused breath. 
“What?” You ask.
“Usually, I’m the one saying that.”
Your lips quirk into a smile, a gleam in your eye, as you help him find his balance. “Well, even the best need someone to lean on sometimes, right?”
Azriel stares at you. Something in his chest tightens–a weird but comforting sensation. It’s similar, if not the same, to what he had felt when he first saw you. Warm and painfully sweet. The feeling reassures him that, though you were strangers mere days ago, you’re someone he can lean on.
“Come on,” you murmur, nodding toward the door. 
Azriel lets you guide him through the house and out onto the porch. You settle there together, cutting the walk very short. You're mindful not to push him too far when he's still recovering. Azriel doesn't mind, the fresh air enough for him. He knows he isn’t at full strength to protect you should anything arise. Even though you most likely know these forests better than himself.
His hands drift to the porch railing as he leans forward for support, fingers curling around the edge. The sunlight glances off his scarred hands, each ridge and mark stark against his skin. He’d kept them hidden beneath the covers and out of your view while bedridden, hiding them instinctively, unable to forget the pitying glances they’d drawn in the past. Though he’s sure you must've seen them when you rescued him.
Now, as he feels your gaze slide toward them, a familiar discomfort tugs at him. He starts to withdraw his hands, wanting to tuck them closer to himself.
But you reach out. Your hand hovers, brushing slightly over his. There’s a slight hesitation—an uncertainty in whether to bridge the space or leave it. In the end, you let your hand rest gently beside his.
Azriel hesitates, unused to this vulnerability, yet unable to move away. He glances up to meet your eyes and his guarded expression softens slightly. “They’re… not easy to look at,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. “I know they’re not.”
“I’m familiar with scars, you know. They don’t make you less of who you are.”
Azriel’s jaw tightens, his gaze dropping where your hands are barely brushing against one another. His throat feels tight, an ache he’s kept buried resurfacing.
“Not to me,” you continue. “I don’t see you any differently because of them.” 
He searches your face and he sees something in your eyes that helps him slowly relax. His gaze returns to your hand, fingers hovering now over his. This time, there’s no hesitation as you gently lay your hand over his, holding it as if the scars didn’t exist at all.
It’s such a simple gesture, yet it speaks volumes. 
His shadows slither down his arm and toward where your hands connect. For the first time, Azriel feels no urge to hide, no shame from the past that has long haunted him.
A silence drifts down between the two of you, settling like a blanket over the conversation. There’s no need to fill it, no awkwardness there. Just a gentle, shared peace, stretching softly around you both. He turns his head, shifting his gaze forward and takes a deep breath. 
He closes his eyes and a breeze rolls in, brushing against his skin and stirring his hair. His shadows begin to whisper excitedly. He basks in the sun’s warmth, and lets the scent of spring fill his senses from the fresh earth to the blooming flowers and the faint sweetness of pollen. It brings forth a tickle in his nose, and before he can stop it, he sneezes. His body groans in response, wings shuddering.
“Bless you,” you say, but he notices the way your mouth quirks as if you’re holding back a laugh.
“What?” he asks, brows furrowing.
“I’m sorry,” you giggle, your free hand rising to stifle it. “It’s just… you have such a fatherly sneeze.”
Azriel raises an eyebrow, a rare, amused smile creeping onto his face. “Fatherly sneeze?” He echoes. He has never heard the expression before yet he somehow understands it. If you thought his sneeze was “fatherly,” he’s curious to see your reaction to one of Cassian’s sneezes. That thought is enough to make him laugh outright.
It's so silly but the sound is so contagious that you laugh too. His shadows began to flutter around you, as if joining in on the laughter. Azriel’s gaze then drifts down, watching the way your lips curve in laughter, how your eyes crinkle at the corners, how effortlessly you draw light into his heart.
And there it is again—that rush of warmth. It’s mixed in with joy, so pure and intense it has to be coming from you. His heart stirs, his pulse quickens, his mind clears, and in a single, life-altering instant, he knows.
“You’re my mate.”
Your smile falters, replaced by a moment of hesitation. Some shadows travel to you, brushing softly against your arms as if in a reassuring manner. He can't help but watch them, realization dawning on him.
“Yeah, I am,” you admit quietly.
“How—when…” His voice catches, unable to form the words.
“I was walking through the forest when your shadows came to me. They led me to you, by the river. You were unconscious and bleeding. And then… the bond snapped for me the moment I saw your face. You were so cold and--and…,” your face tightens, eyes glistening at the memory and Azriel can feel the panic you must’ve felt then. “I’d just found what so many only dream of and you were already slipping away...I thought I’d never get to know your name…”
Azriel feels a pang deep in his chest as he absorbs every word. His chest feels tight again and he swallows thickly. “And when I woke up, why didn’t you tell me?”
Your gaze falls, fingers twisting together. “I wanted you to heal, to feel better. That’s all that mattered.”
“I owe you my life.”
“You don’t owe me anything. I would’ve saved you, mate or not.”
Azriel searches your face, touched beyond words at the sincerity in your tone. It made sense why he felt so drawn to you since the moment he saw you, why his shadows took a sudden liking to you and kept whispering "we found her, we found her!" They had known all this time, been able to sense it before he even could.
Looking back, Poppy being the one to bring him food and water and not you was not as strange as he originally thought. You were being mindful, not wanting to accidentally accept the bond without his knowledge. He felt an overwhelming gratitude for how gentle and considerate you've been with him all along. He couldn’t help but wonder how he had gotten so lucky to be bound to someone like you.
“And would you have sung to me, mate or not?” Azriel asks, his mind drifting back to the exact moment he'd first woken up.
Your cheeks flush, and you glance away toward the gardens, suddenly refusing to meet his eyes. “What?” You let out a small huff. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
 “What did I hear?” Azriel’s tone borders on teasing, his expression shifting into one of exaggerated contemplation. “Something like… ‘Beautiful stranger, here you are…’”
“That’s enough!” You interrupt, your face turning into an even deeper shade of pink, caught somewhere between mortification and laughter. 
This time, it’s Azriel holding back a chuckle. His lips curl into a small smirk, seeing the blush that lights up your face. He quite likes that shade on you—likes being the one to bring it out even more. “So…”
You keep your gaze straight ahead. “So…?”
Azriel leans in, his voice low and warm, making your stomach flutter. “Do you sing that song for just anyone too?”
“No,” you let out a laugh, your hands cup your face but there’s no hiding the blush there.  “I’m afraid that song was just for you.”
“Good,” he murmurs.
You turn to look at him, realizing his gaze had never left you. Your hands drop back to the porch railing.  “Yeah?” you whisper, your own heart pounding, not sure what it was you were asking.
But Azriel seems to understand anyway. He can feel what you’re feeling, now fully aware and attentive to the bond humming between you.
“Yeah,” he breathes, his smirk softening into a genuine smile, his heart finally at ease. 
A gentle warmth surges through the bond, reaching every shadowed corner of his heart and wrapping around his soul. It’s a feeling he could get used to, one he’s spent centuries longing and yearning for. It’s a feeling he’s searched for in all the wrong places, enduring the heavy weight of heartbreak after heartbreak.
But now, with you, he feels the weight begin to lift. After all the empty falls and broken promises, it’s finally, finally safe for him to fall.
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a/n: you can't tell me Az & Cas don't have dad sneezes lol. Anyway, I really wanted to write a fic where Az finally feels safe with someone because he deserves to. I hope you enjoyed this <3
General tag list: @scooobies, @kennedy-brooke, @sillysillygoose444 @lilah-asteria @the-sweet-psycho
@daycourtofficial, @milswrites, @stormhearty, @pit-and-the-pen, @mybestfriendmademe
@loving-and-dreaming @azriels-human @mrsjna, @adventure-awaits13, @lorosette
3K notes · View notes
vunblr · 2 months ago
A Cabin for Two
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Pairing: Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ only. Fluff. Smut. Unprotected sex.
Summary: Desperate for a break from the constant interruptions of their daily lives, Bucky plans a getaway to a secluded cabin deep in the woods. What begins as a peaceful escape soon tests their patience, sparks intimacy, and reveals the strength of their connection.
Word Count: 8.3k
notes: Part of the Roots and Branches AU
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The quiet of the mornings was a fragile thing, and it had been shattered almost an hour ago by the insistent chime of the doorbell. Bucky lay in bed, with his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he listened to the muffled voices drifting from the front door. She’d answered it quickly but politely, though the conversation had dragged on far longer than it should have.
He sighed, the comfort and warmth of the bed doing little to soothe the irritation bubbling under his skin. Alone time had become a rare treasure, and lately, it seemed like everyone in town had made it their mission to interfere. He knew the elderly neighbor meant well, but after endless minutes of unsolicited chatter, his patience was wearing thin.
Her polite attempts to wrap things up were obvious, even from here: a gentle laugh, a soft, “Oh, well, I won’t keep you much longer,” but the woman didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe she just didn’t care. Bucky’s jaw tightened for the first time in the day as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up, running a hand through his sleep-mussed hair.
With a grumble, he stood and pulled on his jeans, then grabbed his flannel shirt from the chair in the corner. His boots thudded softly against the wooden floor as he crossed to the hallway, shrugging into his coat and grabbing his keys from the hook by the door.
When he reached the entryway, he stopped briefly, flicking his eyes between the two women. She glanced over her shoulder at him, and her expression was somewhere between apologetic and exasperated. He arched a brow, his lips pressing into a thin line as he stepped forward.
“Excuse me,” he said, his voice low but polite, nodding at the elderly woman as he signaled his intention to pass.
“Oh!” The neighbor blinked up at him, clearly startled but recovering quickly. “Heading out so early?”
“I’m going to the workshop,” he almost growled as he glanced at her. Then, turning to Y/n, he softened slightly. “Call you later.”
She tilted her head, and a small frown tugged at her lips. “Oh, And breakfast? Want me to make y-”
“No need, darling,” he cut her off gently but firmly, turning on his heel before she could protest.
The screen door creaked and slammed shut behind him, and he strode toward the truck with purposeful steps. Sliding into the driver’s seat, he let out a deep breath, gripping the wheel as he stared at the empty road ahead.
Enough was enough, they needed a break. A time for just the two of them, away from the endless interruptions and the ever-watchful eyes of the town. The idea took root in his mind as the engine roared to life, and a plan took form as he drove toward the workshop. A cabin, a weekend, and nothing but the quiet woods surrounding them.
The workshop smelled of sawdust and varnish, and the familiar hum of machinery was already buzzing in the background as Bucky pulled up. He parked the truck, killed the engine, and sat for a moment, gripping the steering wheel as the plan solidified in his mind. The only problem? It was the height of the season. Every halfway-decent cabin in the area would already be booked.
“Damn it,” he muttered, leaning his head back against the seat with a groan.
Swallowing his pride, he pushed open the truck door and made his way inside. The workshop was bustling as usual, but Sam spotted him almost immediately, his sharp eyes narrowing as he approached. “Morning, sunshine,” he drawled, already a grin tugging at his lips. “You look grumpier than usual. What’s up?”
“Nothing,” Bucky replied curtly, shrugging off his coat and draping it over a nearby chair.
Sam raised a brow, clearly unconvinced. “Uh-huh. Sure. You’re stomping around like someone stole your breakfast, but it’s ‘nothing.’ Got it.”
Bucky shot him a warning look, but Sam only chuckled, leaning against the workbench with crossed arms.
“Actually…” Bucky started, gruffly, “you know any cabins ‘round here? Something quiet. Away from people.”
Sam’s grin widened immediately. “You mean, like your house?”
Bucky leveled him with a dirty look, “Farther away.”
Sam’s grin widened. “Oh, this is gonna be good. Why do you need a faraway cabin, Buck?”
“Just answer the question,” Bucky muttered, pulling a pencil from behind his ear and fiddling with it to avoid Sam’s knowing gaze.
“Alright, alright,” Sam said, smirking. “There’s a couple of places I know of, but good luck finding one that’s not booked. You’re cutting it close, man.”
Bucky huffed, staring down at the workbench. “Figured. That’s why I’m asking you.”
Sam tilted his head, his grin turning sly. “And why exactly do you need a cabin? I thought you hated leaving your place for anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary.”
“Because,” Bucky grumbled, his voice tight with reluctance, “we could use a break. Just us. No interruptions.”
Sam’s grin practically split his face. “Oh, so it’s for her.” He let out a low whistle, clearly enjoying Bucky’s discomfort. “Man, you’re whipped. I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Sam,” Bucky warned, already starting to get irritated. “Are you gonna help or not?”
Sam chuckled, holding up his hands in a mock surrender. “Relax, big guy. I’ve got a cousin who rents out his place sometimes. It’s a little rustic, but it’s quiet, and I’m pretty sure he keeps a spot open for last-minute bookings.”
Bucky perked up slightly, meeting his gaze with Sam’s. “Think he’ll go for it?”
“For you? Probably,” Sam said, grinning. “But only if you promise to stop scowling at everyone for the rest of the week.”
By midmorning, Sam’s cousin had called back, and to Bucky’s relief, there was an opening. Apparently, Sam had pulled some strings, mentioning a few owed favors that Bucky didn’t bother asking about. He wasn’t thrilled about relying on Sam’s connections, but he’d take the win. The cabin was booked for the weekend, tucked deep in the woods with no neighbors for miles, a perfect escape.
The morning passed uneventfully after that. He kept busy at the workshop, occupying his mind with the trip and all the things he’d need to prepare. It wasn’t until just after noon that the door creaked open, and the sound of boots on the wooden floor caught his attention.
“Brought you something,” her voice chimed, light and warm, cutting through the steady hum of saws and chatter.
Bucky looked up to see her standing there, the familiar green tupperware in her hands and a smile tugging at her lips. His heart softened instantly, but with Sam and a couple of others milling about, he cleared his throat and kept his expression neutral.
“You didn’t have to do that,” he muttered, stepping closer to take the container.
“I wanted to,” she replied. “Figured you didn’t even have breakfast, did you?”
Caught, Bucky gave her a small, sheepish nod. “Thanks, sweetheart,” he said, low enough that only she could hear.
She tilted her head, widening her smile. “You’re welcome. Just make sure you eat it before it gets cold.”
He was about to step back when she leaned in, brushing a quick kiss against his stubbled cheek. His muscles tensed on instinct, heat rushing to his face as he shot a quick glance around the room. Sam, of course, was already watching, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
“Aww, such pampering,” he teased, dragging out the words. “Now I get why he wants to-”
Bucky’s glare cut him off mid-sentence, sharp and unrelenting. If looks could kill, Sam’s head would’ve been obliterated on the spot.
“Shut it, Wilson,” he growled, under his breath.
Sam held up his hands in mock surrender, but the grin didn’t leave his face. “Alright, alright. No need to get your flannel in a twist. Just saying, man, she’s a keeper.”
Bucky muttered something under his breath, and his ears tinged pink as he turned back to her, holding the tupper like it might save him from further embarrassment. She caught the faint tension in his shoulders and, more curiously, the lingering echo of Sam’s teasing. Tilting her head, she gave him a pointed look.
“So,” she asked lightly, her voice curious but playful, “what do you want?”
Bucky blinked, his brows knitting in confusion. “What?”
She arched a brow, twitching the corner of her mouth with amusement. “I pamper you,” she said, gesturing toward the tupperware in his hands, “so you want...?”
His jaw tightened, and a muscle in his cheek twitched as he quickly looked away. “Nothin’,” he muttered gruffly. “He just likes to talk.”
Her smile widened, and she folded her arms leaning slightly closer, clearly not buying his attempt to brush it off. He shifted awkwardly under her gaze, fumbling with the lid of the container.
“I should probably eat this,” he said finally, rushed and uneven, “and, uh, get back to the project.” He scratched the back of his neck, brushing the short ponytail he’d tied earlier that morning.
She stifled a laugh, and her eyes softened as she watched him retreat into himself with that signature mix of bashfulness and stubbornness. “Alright,” she said gently, stepping back with a teasing glint in her eye. “Enjoy the casserole, and don’t forget to actually eat it this time, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbled, turning toward the workbench with a slight hunch to his shoulders, clearly hoping to escape further scrutiny.
Behind him, Sam’s quiet chuckle reached his ears, and he sent another sharp glare in his direction. But as he settled back into his work, the faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth betrayed him.
Bucky parked his truck outside her house. He grabbed the keys from the ignition and swung the door open, but as he stepped down, a sharp pang shot through his left arm.
“Dammit,” he muttered, flexing his fingers and rolling his shoulder as he slammed the truck door shut. For the past two days, the damp weather had been wreaking havoc on the mess of titanium and bone beneath his skin. He grimaced, shaking it off as he made his way up the porch steps.
Fishing the spare key from his pocket, he fumbled with the lock for a moment before letting himself in.
The house was quiet, her laptop sat open on the coffee table, the screen glowing with text she’d been working on. She wasn’t in sight, probably in the bathroom or kitchen. Shrugging off his coat, he draped it over a chair and wandered closer to the coffee table, drawn by the colorful streaks of red and green she’d marked across the page.
He leaned in, squinting at the scene she was editing. A heated moment between a widowed heroine and a cowboy -one who, judging by the way she’d scribbled well-endowed in the margins- wasn’t exactly shy about his physical assets.
Bucky’s brow quirked as he read further. The barn. The hay. The cowboy’s intense sense of duty. The way the poor widow…wait. Was this guy seriously using a breeding-
He flinched, startled by her voice, and straightened so fast his neck cracked. She stood in the doorway, wide eyes darting between him and her laptop.
“I didn’t hear you come in,” she said, rushing forward and snapping the laptop shut faster than he could blink.
He raised his hands in mock innocence, though the corner of his mouth twitched. “Didn’t mean to snoop,” he drawled with amusement. “Just... couldn’t help but notice what kind of ‘research’ you’re doing these days.”
Her cheeks burned as she folded her arms, trying -and failing- to look unbothered. “It’s not research. It’s editing and proof-reading,” she corrected quickly. “And you’re supposed to be grabbing your tools, not reading over my shoulder!”
Bucky smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned casually against the back of the couch. “That what you call it? Editing?” She narrowed her eyes “I didn’t say anything about the, uh...” His smirk deepened as her glare sharpened. “...dedication that cowboy seems to have toward the widow and the old breeding stock on the barn.”
“Oh my god,” she groaned, covering her face with her hands.
Chuckling, Bucky pushed off the couch and moved closer. “Relax, sweetheart.” He brushed a hand against her arm, warmly and reassuringly. “I came to grab my tools, but... I’ve got something to tell you.”
She peeked at him through her fingers. “What’s that?”
His smirk faded into something softer, more thoughtful. “How do you feel about a weekend away? Just us. No laptops, no interruptions, no... cowboys.”
Her hands dropped from her face, and her eyes widened. “Wait, really?”
He nodded, scratching the back of his neck under his short ponytail. “Yeah. Got a cabin lined up. Quiet. Middle of nowhere. Thought it’d be good to... get outta here for a bit.”
Her expression melted into a warm smile, and she stepped closer, resting her hands lightly on his chest. “That sounds perfect, Buck.”
He ducked his head, and his lips twitched into a small, shy smile. “Figured you’d like it.”
She leaned up, brushing a kiss against his lips. “I love it. And you.”
His heart stuttered but he recovered quickly, pulling her closer. “Love you too, darlin’,”
She tilted her head with a playful glint in her eye as her hands slid down his chest. “So,” she began, teasing but curious, “what’s the occasion? Don’t tell me I forgot some special date I’m not aware of?”
Bucky froze for a split second, fidgeting with the sleeve of his sweater as his eyes darted briefly away. “I just-” he started, but the words got stuck in his throat. He kicked himself inwardly, forcing himself to man up and meet her gaze. Taking a breath, he straightened his shoulders.
“I want alone time with you,” he said firmly, tumbling out the words with an edge of determination.
Her lips parted in slight surprise, though her smile didn’t fade. She somehow understood where this was going, but knowing how rare it was for him to be this straightforward, she decided to play innocent and coax him into saying more.
“Alone?” she echoed, tilting her head. “But you already sleep here four days a week, and normally on weekends we-”
“Completely alone,” he cut her off.
She blinked at the rare flash of certainty in his voice, but his grumpy pout that followed had her stifling a laugh.
“No boy scout cookie sellers,” he grumbled while his expression darkened at the memory of being roped into buying five boxes last week. “No bored old ladies ringing the doorbell to trap you all morning. And not that friend of yours who always shows up for baking lessons she doesn’t even take seriously.”
“Okay, okay,” she chuckled at his increasing exasperation. “I get it.”
His frown softened slightly, but he still looked serious.
“And...” she ventured, with a sly grin, “what exactly are your plans for those days alone, hm?”
Bucky’s ears flushed red, and his mouth opened as though to respond, but for a moment, nothing came out. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, flicking his eyes to the side before landing back on her.
“Well...” he started, “figured we could... I don’t know. Talk. Sleep in. Walk in the woods. Maybe build a fire. Eat something you didn’t have to cook.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Just... be.”
Her heart softened, and her grin faded into a gentle smile as she stepped closer. “That sounds perfect, Buck,” she said softly, brushing a hand against his cheek.
His eyes searched hers for a moment, then he exhaled a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she said, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips as she added, “especially for the part where we could wander around naked at any hour knowing no one would come.”
Bucky froze, tightening his hands instinctively on her waist. His gaze flickered with something darker, primal, as her words hung in the air.
She bit her lip, feeling her cheeks warming as she saw his expression shift, at his blue eyes narrowing with interest. Emboldened, she tilted her head closer, dropping her voice into a sultry whisper. “And… since there are no neighbors... we can be all loud... and naughty.”
The growl that escaped him was low and deep, sending a delicious shiver racing down her spine. His hands slid down to her hips, holding her firmly as he stepped closer “You’re playin’ a dangerous game, sweetheart,” he murmured, his breath warm against her cheek.
“Am I?” she teased, as she trailed her fingers up his chest, her nails brushing lightly over the fabric of his sweater.
“You are,” he confirmed, tightening his grip just enough to make her breath hitch. “You sure you can keep up?”
Her laughter was soft and breathless as she leaned in, brushing her lips against his ear. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”
The weekend came by, and they headed off to the cabin. It was nice. The sun was dipping low, casting a golden glow over the snowy landscape. The truck rumbled steadily along the winding road, and the soft hum of the cozy heater filled the silence between them.
But as they rounded a bend, the truck jolted suddenly, listing to one side.
“Great,” Bucky muttered, pulling to the shoulder and cutting the engine. He stepped out into the crisp evening air, already suspecting the problem before he even reached the rear tire. The flat was obvious, the sagging rubber was almost completely deflated. He muttered another curse, running a hand through his hair.
He heard the passenger door open and turned to see her climbing out, tugging her coat tighter around herself as the snow began to drift down in lazy flakes.
“What’re you doing?” he asked, frowning as she approached.
“Coming to help,” she replied simply, her boots crunching against the snow as she reached his side.
“You should get back in the truck,” he said, gruffly but not unkind. “You’ll get sick out here.”
She raised a brow, crossing her arms. “The same could be said for you.”
“I’m fine,” he muttered, already crouching to pull the jack and wrench from the toolbox in the bed of the truck.
“Bucky,” she said softly, stepping closer. “You’re not fine. I know your arm’s bothering you.”
He froze briefly, before resuming his task without looking at her. “It’s nothin’. Just the weather messin’ with it.”
“And you were going to say something, when? she retorted. “Let me help. You don’t have to do this alone.”
He shook his head, gripping the jack with his good hand and positioning it under the truck. “I’ve got it,” he said, firmly. “Go sit in the truck where it’s warm.”
“Bucky,” she pressed, kneeling beside him despite the cold seeping through her jeans. “Stubborn man, you’re in pain, you’re not fooling me.”
He shot her a sideways glance, pressing his lips into a thin line. “I’m not lettin’ you freeze your ass off out here. Go inside.”
She reached out, placing a hand on his arm, not the one that ached, but the other, steady and sure. “I’m not going anywhere,” she said softly.
His jaw clenched, and his resolve flickered as her words settled over him. Finally, he sighed, easing the tension in his shoulders just slightly. “Fine,” he muttered. “You can hold the damn flashlight.”
She smiled, leaning up to press a quick kiss on his cheek before grabbing the flashlight from the truck. As she illuminated the work area, he couldn’t help the small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Stubborn woman,” he muttered under his breath.
The flat tire took longer than it should have. His left arm ached like a bitch, and each motion was a reminder of the puzzle of titanium and bone that would never quite work the way it used to. He tried to power through, determined to manage on his own, but his movements grew slower and more strained.
“Here, let me help,” she said softly, stepping forward as he struggled to lift the wheel into place.
“I got it,” he gritted out, but his grip faltered just enough for her to step in, steadying the weight with him.
It stung more than he cared to admit, her intervention feeling like a bruise to his pride. Once the wheel was finally secured, he tightened the lug nuts in silence, his mood darkening with every passing minute.
By the time they climbed back into the truck, the snow was falling heavier. The heater hummed softly, but the tension in the cab was palpable.
Bucky stared sternly at the road, gripping the wheel as his mind spiraled. The sting of the cold on his bare hands, the ache in his arm, the fact that he hadn’t been able to handle the damn tire without her help, it all gnawed at him, feeding the deep-rooted insecurities he tried so hard to bury.
“You okay?” she asked gently, breaking the silence.
“Yeah,” he said shortly, not looking at her.
She hesitated, scanning his profile. The stiffness in his posture, the tightness of his jaw, the way his hands gripped the wheel like it might slip from his grasp, she knew he wasn’t okay.
“Do you want some coffee?” she offered, lifting the thermos she’d packed. “It’s still warm.”
“No, thanks,” he replied, clipped.
She frowned, and her concern grew as the silence stretched on. His hands, red and raw from the cold, caught her attention, and she wondered if the pain had worsened.
“Bucky,” she said softly, “do you want me to drive? Your hands must be hurting after working in this weather without gloves.”
That did it.
His knuckles whitened on the steering wheel, his jaw locking as the words struck a nerve. He knew she meant well, but the offer felt like a confirmation of everything his mind was already whispering, that he wasn’t enough. That he couldn’t even take care of something as simple as a flat tire without help.
“I said I’m fine,” he muttered tensely.
She bit her lip, sensing the storm brewing beneath his calm exterior but unsure how to reach him. “It’s not a big deal,” she tried, her tone gentle. “We’re in this together, remember? There’s no shame in letting me help.”
His grip tightened further, and he exhaled sharply through his nose. “I said I can handle it,” he said firmly, his voice edged with frustration he hadn’t meant to direct at her.
He drove silently, fixing his gaze on the snow-dusted road ahead, while his mind churned with doubts. He hated the way he’d snapped at her, hated that she’d seen him struggle. Most of all, he hated the nagging voice in the back of his head, whispering that maybe he wasn’t enough for her.
The rest of the trip passed in silence. She had shifted slightly toward the window, leaning her shoulder against the door, with her gaze fixed on the snow-covered forest rushing past. The quiet wasn’t oppressive, but it wasn’t comfortable either.
Bucky’s grip on the wheel loosened. He hadn’t meant to snap, but the words had come out sharp anyway, cutting through her concern with the jagged edge of his pride.
The tension in his shoulders eased slightly as guilt settled in its place. She’d only been trying to help, and he’d let his frustration get the better of him.
At some point, the need to bridge the growing chasm between them grew too strong to ignore. He cleared his throat softly, his voice came low and gruff as he murmured, “A little coffee sounds nice now.”
There was no answer.
Frowning slightly, he glanced over at her, ready to apologize. But the words caught in his throat when he saw her.
Her head rested lightly against the window, her eyes closed, breathing softly and even. She’d fallen asleep.
Of course, he thought, with a pang of guilt. It was late, the air outside was cold, and to top it off, he hadn’t even been good company. He’d acted like an idiot, stewing in his frustration instead of appreciating the woman who had braved the freezing weather just to help him.
His gaze lingered on her for a moment, taking in the soft curve of her lips and the way her lashes rested against her cheeks. She looked peaceful, and the sight tugged at something deep inside him, making him tighten his grip on the wheel.
He returned his focus to the road, clenching his jaw briefly as he wrestled with the mess of emotions swirling in his chest. He couldn’t undo the way he’d acted, but he could make up for it. For now, he’d let her rest, keep her warm and comfortable.
As the cabin came into view at last, tucked into a small clearing in the snow-dusted forest, Bucky frowned slightly. It was smaller than he’d expected and not exactly what you’d call visually appealing. The roof looked like it hadn’t been repaired in years, the paint on the shutters was peeling, and the porch sagged just enough to make him hesitate about stepping on it.
He sighed quietly, chastising himself for being so quick to judge. Focus on the goal, he thought. Time alone with her. No neighbors. No interruptions. That’s all that matters.
She stirred beside him as he turned off the engine, and her eyes fluttered open. She sat up quickly, stretching as she glanced at him. “Oh, sorry I fell asleep,” she murmured, her voice still a little thick.
He shook his head, brushing off her apology. “Don’t worry about it,” he said softly. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I was... a grump. Didn’t mean to ruin the start of the trip.”
She tilted her head, and her gaze softened as a small smile tugged at her lips. “You didn’t ruin anything, Buck.”
He gave her a faint smile in return before glancing back at the cabin. “Let’s get inside,” he said, reaching for the door handle.
Getting the door open was another matter entirely. The old lock protested against his attempts, creaking and groaning as he jiggled the key. After a few muttered curses and a bit of elbow grease, the door finally swung open with a loud creak.
He stepped inside first. He’d fantasized that even if the cabin looked old on the outside, the inside would be a pleasant surprise, something rustic but cozy, maybe with modern upgrades to make up for the exterior.
No such luck.
The interior was just as outdated as the outside. The furniture was mismatched and worn, the wallpaper was peeling in places, and the lighting was dim at best. The faint smell of wood smoke lingered in the air, and the fireplace looked like it hadn’t been used in years.
Bucky stood in the center of the small room, crossing his arms as he took it all in. He’d definitely be having a chat with Sam about this cousin of his when they got back.
But for now, he had to find something positive to say, even as the disappointment tugged at the corners of his mind. He glanced back at her as she stepped in, brushing her hands over her arms to warm up.
“It’s... clean,” he finally said, feeling the words awkward as they left his mouth.
She blinked at him, then looked around, and her lips twitched as she fought back a laugh. “Clean, huh?”
He shrugged, pressing his lips into a thin line. “Let’s see... also it’s got four walls and a roof. That’s somethin’, right?” He sighed, glancing at the dingy fireplace. “I’ll start the fire.”
She smiled softly, setting her bag by the door. “I’ll grab the luggage,” she announced, turning toward the truck.
“Wait,” he called, already stepping toward her. “I can-”
“Nope,” she cut him off, spinning on her heel to face him, hands on her hips. “Don’t even start, James Buchanan Barnes.”
His jaw tightened slightly, and he crossed his arms. “You shouldn’t be out in this snow. It’s freezing.”
“Exactly,” she retorted, pointing at him. “Which is why you’re not going out there either. Your arm’s already giving you trouble, and I’m not about to let you make it worse.”
“I’m fine,” he said gruffly, but she wasn’t having it.
“Fine, huh?” she shot back, raising a brow. “Last I checked, we’re not living in the caves anymore. You don’t have to do everything yourself. I’m perfectly capable of hauling a couple of bags.”
“Darlin’-” he started, but she stepped closer, resting her hand lightly on his chest.
“Bucky,” she said gently. “Let me do this. You’re not proving anything by pushing yourself in this weather. Just... let me help, okay?”
He hesitated, and his jaw worked as his eyes searched hers. He hated the thought of sitting idle while she did the heavy lifting, but the concern in her gaze gave him pause. Finally, he sighed, slightly slumping his shoulders in defeat.
“Alright,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “But take it slow.”
“Always do,” she said with a small smile, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his cheek before heading out the door.
Starting the fire was proving to be yet another test for Bucky’s patience. He muttered a string of curses under his breath as the stubborn logs refused to catch, the kindling only sputtering weakly before fizzling out. At this point, he was starting to wonder if this whole thing was part of some hidden camera prank, because damn.
She had reentered the cabin while he was still wrestling with the fireplace, carrying their luggage and moving quietly so as not to disrupt his focus -or, more accurately-, his battle with the firewood. She unpacked their belongings in the small bedroom, making the best of the limited space and creaky furniture.
When she finished, Bucky was still hunched over the fireplace, furrowed brows and lips set in a grim line of determination. Suppressing a smile, she decided to let him be, for now, heading to the kitchen instead.
The tiny space was quaint, with mismatched cabinets and appliances that looked older than she was. She busied herself getting familiar with it, unpacking their groceries, and pulling out a few ingredients for dinner.
After a while, she peeked through the kitchen doorway to check on him. He was sitting back on his heels, rubbing his elbow absently, clearly, the ache in his arm was getting to him. The fireplace remained cold and unlit.
She sighed. She knew a direct approach wouldn’t do any good, not when his pride was already bruised. Instead, an idea formed in her mind, and she couldn’t help the mischievous grin that crept across her face.
“Um, Buck?” she called, with a note of uncertainty. “Can you come here for a second? There’s something about the water heater I don’t understand.”
His head snapped up, furrowing his brows as he stood and brushed off his hands. “The water heater? What’s wrong with it?”
“I’m not sure,” she replied, feigning confusion as she poked her head out of the kitchen. “I just need you to take a look.”
Without hesitation, he crossed the room. “Alright, let’s see what’s goin’ on.”
As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, she turned to face him, with wide, innocent eyes. He barely had time to notice that nothing in the room seemed out of place before she stepped forward, grabbing him by the front of his sweater and gently pushing him back against the counter.
“What the-” he started, gruffly with confusion as his ass hit the edge of the counter.
Her hands slid up to rest on his chest, and her fingers curled into the fabric as she looked up at him with mischief. “Gotcha,” she said softly, with a playful smile tugging at her lips.
He blinked, arching his brow as he realized he’d been ambushed. “This ain’t about the water heater, is it?”
“Not even a little,” she admitted, tilting her head as her grin widened.
His lips twitched, quirking upward despite his earlier sour mood. “You think you’re clever, huh?”
“Mm-hmm,” she murmured, leaning closer, and pressing a kiss to his stubbled jaw. “Now, let me make you a deal.”
He arched a brow. “I’m listenin’.”
“You come to sit down and rest that arm of yours,” she said, her tone gentle but firm, “and I’ll take care of the fire.”
“You?” he asked, his voice skeptical but not unkind.
“Me,” she replied confidently, pulling back just enough to meet his gaze. “Trust me, Buck. I’ve got this.”
He hesitated, and his jaw worked as he weighed his pride against the undeniable ache in his arm. Finally, he exhaled a slow breath and nodded. “Alright,” he muttered gruffly,  but his tone was tinged with reluctant gratitude. “But if you need help-”
“I’ll call for my big, strong lumberjack,” she teased, brushing another kiss against his cheek before stepping back toward the fireplace.
The thing was, she’d anticipated this exact scenario. Having grown up with the conveniences of city living, she’d given in to her practical instincts at the general store and bought a couple of ignition discs, just in case. No fuss, no frustration. Just place them under the wood, light them, and voilà.
She crouched near the hearth, arranging the wood carefully before sliding one of the discs into place. With a quick flick of the lighter, the flame caught instantly, spreading evenly and licking at the dry kindling.
Behind her, she heard the sound of a chair scraping softly against the floor. She glanced back to find Bucky standing there, arms crossed, one brow quirked as he watched the flames come to life.
“Couldn’t you, you know… have told me sooner you had those?” he asked, with a mix of curiosity and mild exasperation.
She straightened, dusting her hands off on her jeans as she met his gaze deadpan. “Well, you weren’t exactly in the mood for more interventions earlier.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair as his lips tugged into a wry, self-aware smile. “Fair point,” he muttered, slumping his shoulders slightly. “I’m sorry... again.”
She stepped closer, brushing her hand lightly against his arm. “It’s okay, Buck. We’re here now. Fire’s going, and we’ll be warm in no time.”
He nodded, easing the tension in his posture as he let out a slow breath. “Alright,” he glanced toward the kitchen. “Why don’t you let me take care of dinner? You’ve already done enough. I’ll check it, stir it, and whatever else it needs.”
She opened her mouth to protest, but he held up a hand, cutting her off before she could get the words out.
“And you,” he continued, his tone firm but warm, “are going to take a shower and relax. You’ve done more than enough already.”
Her brow furrowed slightly, her hands resting on her hips. “Bucky, I don’t mind helping finishing-”
“I know you don’t,” he said, stepping closer and dipping his head to meet her gaze. “But I want to do this. You’ve been running around taking care of everything since we got here. Let me handle this, darlin’.”
Finally, she let out a soft sigh, quirking her lips into a faint smile. “Alright, fine,” she relented.
With that, she headed toward the small bathroom, and soon the faint sound of falling water filled the cabin. Bucky moved to the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves as he inspected the bubbling pot on the stove. He stirred it slowly, tasting the broth and deciding in record time it was ready. With a satisfied nod, he turned off the burner, set the lid in place, and leaned against the counter for a moment, letting the warmth from the stove soothe his thoughts.
She wasn’t the only one who got to pull sneaky moves, he decided, and he figured it was about time to even the score.
Quietly, he walked toward the bathroom, his footsteps oh so soft against the wooden floor. As he moved, he peeled off his sweater and undershirt, letting them fall into a pile near the bedroom door. His boots and socks followed, then his jeans, until he was down to nothing but a faint smirk as he reached the bathroom door.
The faint creak of the hinges went unnoticed, her voice carrying softly over the sound of the running water. She was singing along to a tune playing on her phone.
The flimsy shower curtain barely masked her silhouette, and he stepped closer, his shadow looming behind it as he reached for the edge.
She didn’t notice a thing, too lost in her song to hear the quiet rustle of the curtain rings sliding along the rod.
Until he stepped in.
“Bucky!” she squeaked, spinning around as the cool air rushed in with him.
He grinned, utterly unrepentant as he crowded into the small space, warm water splashing over his chest. “What?” he asked, feigning innocence. “Figured I’d save some water. Also, thought you liked surprises, like that little ambush in the kitchen” he murmured, as his hands found her waist, pulling her closer under the spray.
Before she could come up with a witty response, he dipped his head and captured her lips in a slow, lingering kiss. His touch was unhurried but thorough as his hands started to explore the soft, already-soaped curves of her body with an ease that made her toes curl.
She gasped softly against his mouth, curling her fingers instinctively into his damp hair, pulling him closer. Bucky,” she murmured between kisses, though the protest in her tone was faint.
“Hmm?” he hummed, his lips trailing from her mouth to her jaw, then down the column of her neck, leaving a warm path against her slick skin.
“This is...” She paused, her words faltering as his hands slid lower, steadying her against the slippery tiles.
“This is me,” he murmured, his voice deep and gravelly, “making up for being an ass earlier.”
A soft laugh escaped her, while her breasts brushed against him as she tilted her head to meet his gaze. “This how you apologize?”
He smiled, tracing lazy circles against her hip with his thumb. “Depends,” he drawled. “You acceptin’ it?”
She tilted her head, her lips curving into a slow, teasing smile as her fingers trailed down his chest. “Hmm,” she mused, pretending to consider it. “I don’t know... You were kind of a grump earlier.”
His smirk faltered just slightly, a flicker of guilt crossing his face. “Yeah,” he admitted softly, his hand tightening gently on her waist. “I was.”
Her heart softened at his honesty, her teasing tone giving way to something gentler. “You know, all you had to do was talk to me,” she said, brushing her fingers lightly up over his collarbone.
“I know,” he murmured, lowering his gaze for a moment. “I just... get in my head sometimes. Don’t mean to take it out on you.”
She cupped his jaw, guiding his eyes back to hers, brushing her thumb against the faint stubble on his cheek. “I know that, Buck. But you don’t have to do everything by yourself. I’m here. Let me be here, okay?”
He held her gaze and slowly he nodded, leaning into her touch. “Okay,” he whispered, the word heavy with unspoken gratitude.
Her smile widened, and she leaned up to press a soft kiss on his lips. “Good,” she murmured against his mouth.
When she started to pull back, he caught her by the waist, his half smile returning as he lowered his voice to a playful murmur. “Still haven’t said if you’re acceptin’ my apology, though.”
She laughed softly, sliding her hands back up to his shoulders. “I guess I could be persuaded.”
“Persuaded, huh?” he murmured, leaning in until their foreheads brushed, his lips barely a breath away from hers. “Guess I better try harder.”
“That so?” she whispered, her voice trembling with amusement and anticipation.
“Mm-hmm,” he rumbled, sliding his hands up her slick back, pulling her closer under the warm spray. “Wouldn’t want to leave any doubt.” He captured her mouth and fisted her hair with one hand, while the other roamed down her back to squeeze the curve of her ass. He broke the kiss to trail open-mouthed kisses along her jawline, nipping and sucking at her sensitive skin. “Think I can convince you?” he breathed against her ear, as he started to grind his hardening cock against her stomach.
“Uhuh, for starters you were the one who booked this cabin for us to be alone. That adds some points.” She conceded, biting her lip.
“Let’s see if I can score some more”. With a sudden move, he spun her around, pinning her against the tile wall. The cool surface of the tiles against her nipples contrasted sharply with the heat of his body at her back, and she shivered.
She gasped, feeling his full awakened cock pressing against her, as the water drippled over their bodies. "Such a naughty lumberjack" she teased, arching her back slightly to grind against him. “To think you get all flustered and awkward on a daily basis, and then…”
“...and then I let loose like this” he growled, punctuating the words with a sharp thrust of his hips, grinding his thick length against her ass. He slid up a hand to flick his thumb over one of her nipples as he leaned in to nip at her neck. “Guess I've got two sides to me, sweetheart”. His free hand slid down to cup her pussy possessively, spreading her open and rubbing his fingers on her wet folds.
“Yes, you do" she moaned, tilting her head to give him better access to her neck. "I love both sides of you, Buck. The sweet, grumpy boyfriend, and the passionate lover". She rocked her hips into his touch, soaking his fingers with her slick. "Please” she whined, pressing her rear against his aching cock.
He groaned at her words and bit down gently on her neck. “Patience, darlin’. We’ve got all night” he rasped, even as his fingers continued their torturous dance, circling her clit before dipping inside her. As much as he wanted to bury himself balls-deep in her right now, he also craved the slow burn of building pleasure between them. He knew just how to tease her, how to make her squirm and beg without ever quite reaching the edge. “Look at you, so wet and needy already”, he praised, adding a third finger to stretch her further as he pumped them in and out of her tight heat. “Tell me what you want, sugar”
“Oh god, Bucky please...” she pleaded, riding his hand shamelessly, chasing her release, desperate for friction, for more penetration, for anything that get her closer to-
With a low chuckle, he withdrew his fingers, leaving her empty and aching. He turned off the shower and lifted her effortlessly, carrying her out of the bathroom and towards the creaky bed awaiting them. As he laid her down, a little rougher than intended, he stood at the foot of the mattress, raking over her splayed form with appreciation. A smug smile curved his lips as he watched her squirm restlessly, trying to close the distance between them. “Not yet, sweetheart” he crooned, his voice husky with promise. “First, I need to taste you.”
Her body thrummed with pent-up desire as she gazed up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. Her pussy clenched at his words, and a whimper escaped her parted lips. "Please, Bucky" she begged, spreading her thighs wider in silent invitation.
His gaze dropped to her exposed folds, and he swallowed hard, fighting the urge to plunge straight inside her. Instead, he crawled onto the bed and leaned down, dragging his tongue up her slit, to swirl it around her needy clit.
She cried out, and her back arched off the mattress as waves of pleasure crashed over her. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, desperate for more contact. He hummed in approval and repeated the motion, increasing the pressure and speed as he worked her higher. His fingers dug into her hips, holding her still as he feasted on her, alternating between gentle laps and firm sucks on her clit. Just when she teetered on the edge, he pulled back, leaving her panting and desperate. “So close, aren't we, darlin’? With a wicked grin, he positioned himself between her thighs, the broad head of his cock nudging her entrance. Ready to leap?”
“If this is your way to ask for apologies, let me tell you-“ she was interrupted by his thick length spearing into her in one smooth stroke, making her cry out.
He stilled for a moment, savoring the sensation, before slowly withdrawing until just the tip remained inside her. Then, with a powerful thrust, he buried himself to the hilt once more. This time, he set a relentless pace, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her entire body. “Take it, sweetheart. Take everything I've got for you,” he groaned, as the headboard collided dangerously against the wooden wall again and again.
"Yes yes yes!!" she screamed as he struck her sweet spot repeatedly, digging her nails into his back as her inner muscles clenched wildly around his thickness. She was so close, the tension inside her building to a fever pitch, until finally, she came undone beneath him, milking his cock as he continued to thrust, prolonging her ecstasy. ”Bucky! Oh god, Bucky!”
“Gonna fill you up, darlin’”, he snarled, snapping his hips faster, going deeper as he neared the edge. “Fuck, you're squeezing me so good. So fucking tight and wet, just for me.” He praised, each word punctuated by a harsh slap of flesh against flesh. “Can't hold back anymore baby, I gotta-”. With a final, brutal thrust, he buried himself to the hilt and let go, emptying himself inside her willing pussy. For several moments, he remained frozen, savoring the sensation, until finally, with a soft groan he collapsed on top of her, his body heavy but comforting as his chest heaved against hers. His damp hair clung to his cheeks, as he buried his face in the crook of her neck.
After a long quiet stretch, she brushed her lips against his temple, “Hey.”
He grunted in response, low and muffled against her neck.
“How’s your arm?” she asked, brushing her fingers gently over his shoulder, breaking through the haze of contentment.
Bucky didn’t answer right away. He shifted slightly, lifting his head just enough to meet her eyes. His blue gaze was soft, still clouded with lingering post-coital bliss and a flicker of surprise there too, as if he hadn’t expected her to bring it up now.
“’S’ fine,” he said, “Doesn’t hurt as much anymore.”
“You sure? No lying to me, handsome.”
He huffed a quiet laugh, shifting his weight as he propped himself up on his forearms. “I’m sure,” he said, leaning down to kiss her forehead tenderly. “You’re good at distracting me.”
Her lips quirked into a small smile, and she shook her head. “Bucky,” she said softly, her tone turning serious. “I mean it. If it’s hurting, you need to let me know.”
He sighed, dropping his forehead against hers. “It’s alright,” he promised, his voice more earnest now. “Doesn’t hurt like it did earlier. Just... aches a little.”
“Alright,” she said, brushing her fingers soothingly along his arm. “Because maybe I’ve packed some oil for a sexy massage... just in case you needed it.”
Bucky froze for a beat, raising his brows slightly as he lifted his head to look at her. The surprise in his expression quickly gave way to a bloomed blush. “Oh, yeah?”
She grinned, “Figured it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared. You know, for emergencies.” she added teasingly.
“Emergencies,” he repeated.
She nodded, keeping her expression straight despite the mischievous sparkle in her eyes. “Of course. A good partner always thinks ahead. But I don’t see you very into it, maybe you don’t wanna-”
“I didn’t say that,” he mumbled promptly, rolling onto his back and pulling her with him so she sprawled across his chest. “I’d be a fool to turn down an offer like that.”
“Smart man,” she teased, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to his lips before slipping out of bed to rummage through her bag. “Stay put, honey.”
He ran a hand through his hair, muttering something under his breath that she couldn’t quite hear. When she turned back, bottle in hand, his gaze darted to it briefly before flicking back to her face, with a mix of amusement and lingering flustered disbelief. “Darlin’ you spoil me too much”
“Oh, and I plan to keep doing so. Now, roll over and relax.” She playfully ordered. When he complied, she straddled his waist. Her hands started moving expertly over his skin, spreading the warmed oil on his shoulders and upper back and the tension in his muscles slowly began to melt away as her thumbs pressed into the knots, working them loose with deliberate care.
He let out a low, contented groan, turning his head slightly to rest on his folded arms. “Really, you didn’t have to go all out like this,” he murmured, but even he faintly protested, his voice was thick with relaxation.
“Oh, I definitely did,” she teased lightly, moving her hands to his biceps, carefully avoiding his left elbow.
As her hands continued their soothing path, he silently thanked whatever twist of fate had brought her into his life.
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dividers by @/strangergraphics
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cosmicbucky · 1 year ago
summary: bucky finds out how to change the wallpaper on your phone, and takes every opportunity he can to do so. until one day he doesn't have the heart to
pairing: bucky barnes x female reader
word count: 1000
warnings: fluff, nonspecific friends to lovers, this was just a dumb idea i had
《《《《 ♡ 》》》》
The first time Bucky changed the wallpaper on your phone, it was an accident - kind of. He sat on your couch, lazily scrolling through the photos of Alpine you insisted he looked at, because you simply couldn’t resist having a Halloween photoshoot with her while he was off on yet another mission, leaving her in your trusting hands. He was happy you were in the kitchen, because he would never let you see the smile he wore as he browsed the album, chuckling silently to himself over how elaborate these photos were. His mood swiftly changed when he swiped incorrectly, an array of different options suddenly presenting themselves to him. He swore under his breath as he tried to make them go away, but he only made it worse as the option to change your wallpaper came up. With an annoyed huff, he just kept tapping, figuring that eventually he would get it back to how it was. After a few more grueling seconds, he sighed in relief as he was once more face to face with Alpine sitting inside a jack-o-lantern candy bucket - how was he supposed to know that photo was now both your lockscreen and homescreen?
“Did you change my lockscreen?” you curiously asked when you finally sat back down beside him, taking your phone and checking it for any new messages.
“Did I what?” he asked in confusion, his head snapping up from his own phone to look at you with a scrunched brow. 
You could only laugh lightly, turning your phone to display the new photo brandishing your screen. The second Bucky saw it, his eyes widened almost imperceptibly as his face flushed ever so slightly. 
“I, uh- sorry,” he muttered, scratching the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean to, your phone is just - it’s different than mine.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle fondly, your chuckles growing into more laughter as you realized it was also your homescreen. “It’s okay, Buck,” you assured softly, laughing quietly as you changed the photos back to their precursors. “It could have been worse, at least it’s not an embarrassing photo or something.” 
You were too busy fixing his mistake to notice the glint that sparkled in his eyes, a smirk growing on his face as your words gave him the most incredible idea he’s had in a while. 
The second time Bucky changed your wallpaper, it was very much not an accident. You left him your phone so he could look at the photos you took on your latest trip, unpacking your bags as he split his attention between listening to your stories and scrolling through a seemingly endless array of new pictures - which he truthfully enjoyed, but he was on a secret mission for the perfect, nondescript one to choose. 
“Again, Buck?” you giggled, flopping on the bed beside him as you took your phone back. 
“What?” he asked, just innocent and clueless enough to not raise any flags. 
“You and your fat thumbs, I swear,” you mumbled under your breath, changing the photos back once more, completely oblivious to his proud little smirk.
It took three more times for you to suspect that Bucky had started doing it on purpose, but your suspicions weren’t proven correct until he took a photo of you to display.
“Did you- when- really?” you stammered as you looked between him and your phone, half annoyed and half impressed because when did he even take this photo? 
He only grinned in response, laughing about how long he was able to do it under the pretense of it being an accident before running away in a fit of giggles, dodging the pillow you threw after him.
From that moment on, it became a game for him. 
Any opportunity that presented itself, Bucky snatched your phone and changed your displays to the most embarrassing and ridiculous photos of yourself.
A sunset was changed to you mid-sneeze. Alpine was changed to you post-nap. You partying with the gang was changed to an extreme close up of your face in that very photo. Louisiana docks were changed to you mid rant as you yelled at him to give you your phone back. A cherry blossom was changed to you passed out on the couch, wrapped up in a hoodie you stole from him and drooling all over the sleeve of it. 
As time went on, you stopped being surprised whenever it happened, and you grew to enjoy it. It was a silly thing, but it was a silly thing that only you and Bucky shared. It was a special thing, a cherished thing. It was your favourite thing.
Neither of you realized how the dynamic between the two of you started morphing into something else right in front of your very eyes. It was slow. It was gradual and complex and delicate and went unnoticed for almost a whole year. 
It was only noticed now, as Bucky took the opportunity to grab your phone as you slept soundly against his chest. It had been a while since he was able to get a chance to do this, and so he eagerly unlocked your phone, already running through different ideas of what picture to use. 
He was caught off guard when the picture staring back at him was from a few weeks ago. It was the day you finally convinced him to let you drive his bike after months of endless asking. It was a photo neither of you knew Sam took until later that night, when he sent it to both of you. 
It was you, sat in front of him on the bike and wrapped up in his arms, one securely planted on either side of you as his hands rested on yours, guiding you through everything as you both gleefully laughed at the fact that you actually managed to convince him to do this. 
For once, Bucky didn’t have the heart to change it. 
He couldn’t. 
It was his wallpaper, too. 
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sobbingscripter · 2 months ago
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Tags: [mlw][mdni][aged up][hero!reader][fingering][rough][breath play][choking][pussy spank][semi-public?][someone said vigilantexvigilante but i thought being a sidekick might work too?]
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Damian doesn't understand what he did to make Bruce do this to him. He doesn't know what he did to incur this type of punishment, but Jesus fucking Christ, Damian has heard enough.
"Turn that shit off." Damian hisses, lowering his binoculars and glaring at you from behind the translucent fabric of that half-mask, his hood lowered and resting in the nape of his neck. His upper lip is curled in distaste, his eyes presumably narrowed and his grip on the binoculars is making the fabric of his gloves creak in disapproval.
You let out a quiet huff, a deep and heavy exhale leaving your lips before you pause your music, the quiet thump's absence leaves you in a silence that... Jesus Christ, it's eery.
Damian doesn't understand why Bruce listened to Arthur's idea.
"She'll balance out all that... Angst."
That was all Arthur had to say for the rest of the Justice League to begin to peer-pressure Bruce into pairing Damian with you.
And his nightmare had begun.
You'd introduced yourself as 'Semen'.
Before Arthur had let out a sigh, before actually forcing you to introduce yourself properly.
Damian's snapped out of his rage-filled daydream when you take a slow, almost painful bite of a fucking—
"Did you bring snacks?" Damian asks incredulously, his emerald gaze trained on the packet in your grasp.
A fucking family size bag of chips.
"I get anxious."
You answer with a shrug, taking another bite before plopping down onto the camping chair you had insisted on bringing and Damian lets out a heavy, strained breath.
Before glancing back through the binoculars, intent on ignoring you.
It's a relatively simple mission.
He needs to spot different faces, equipment and containers, and you need to snap pictures of it.
Easy and simple.
But time passes on, slowly and painfully so, the only sound being the occasional sounds that leave you.
Like exaggerated sighs, snorts of laughter at certain graffiti that you spot on the peeling walls and cracked, mouldy floorboards of the warehouse you're both currently staked out in.
While you were preoccupied with the various graffiti that surrounded you, Damian took the leisure time to examine you.
Whether or not it was for murderous purposes, you'll never know.
Perfect body.
Stuffed into a costume that mimicked the markings of an orca, perfect legs crossed at the thighs and Damian really tries not to notice that little crease at your hip. And he tries not to notice that your suit has a built-in bra, but it's not really thick enough to hide that the Gotham cold has your nipples hardening to stiff peaks.
Your hair's done in space buns, out of your face and it's... Refreshing.
He can't begin to explain how annoying it is watching female superheroes fight with their hair in the way.
It's like asking to have your hair pulled.
But you're not.
And that's even more annoying.
"How long is your hair?"
Damian's question is sudden. His voice piercing the stillness and your brows knit in confusion, before you show him. Vaguely motioning with your hand, because in all honesty, you're not ready to loosen your hair and struggle for symmetry again.
Damian hums, almost thoughtfully, his tongue running across his teeth before coming to an abrupt half at his pointy canine.
"Take off your mask." Damian instructs, his voice is brash, stern and stoic, but there isn't any heat behind it.
"Okay, Reginald George. No need to be mean."
Lowering your mask, you look at Damian, a dark brow raising expectantly.
"Happy now, boy wonder?"
You question and Damian swallows.
Jesus, you're perfect. Long lashes, perfect complexion and the type of face he'd like to cradle as he fucks into you. Full, peachy lips and he can't deny that you've got the nicest eyebrows he's seen in a while.
Damian remains quiet.
A scrutinizing expression on his face, emerald pools seemingly glowering as they attempt to find faults. And for once, Damian can't nitpick.
His heart is pounding.
"Dick was Boy Wonder." Damian speaks, although his voice is soft.
He wants to reach out and touch you. He watches your lips curl into an amused grin, leaning forward to rest your elbows on your knees and the faint folds your tummy makes with the action makes him weak.
Not the folds themself.
But the CONFIDENCE you have to sit like that has Damian twitching in his pants, precum already forming a wet patch in his boxers. And he swallows.
"Film the building instead." He breathes out.
Damian leans back in the chair, the canvas making the slightest rustle but it's not enough to deter him from the way your cunt swallows his fingers greedily. Knuckles meet your pussy lips in quick recessions, his other hand wrapped around your throat, veins flexing beneath the tanned skin and the muscles in his fingers shift as he readjusts his grip, tilting your head and forcing you to meet his gaze.
"If you weren't so insufferable, I'd have called you beautiful." Damian breathes out, and he watches the way your lips part to let out the breathiest little moan, lashes fluttering as he gradually increases his grip on your throat.
Not enough to stop you from breathing.
But enough to know that he's the one in control right now.
And you know that. You knew that when you watched the way he readjusted his gloves before the two of you departed, you knew by the way Damian's neck cracked every 30 minutes.
And you definitely know by the way he has your thighs thrown over the armrests of the camping chair, canvas against the backs of your thighs and the invisible zipper of your suit opened wider than you've ever needed it to be.
"Fucking look at me."
Damian's fingers leave your gooey cunt, your channel spasming at the cool air that greets your hole before one smack leaves your stomach sucking in.
It's not painful so much as it is exhilarating.
The sting is soothed when you finally open up your eyes, staring at Damian with fucked out pupils and his fingers slide back into you, just to watch the way your plump bottom lip is caught between your teeth.
Fingertips press against that spongy spot and your toes curl in your boots, the palm of his hand grinding against your needy and swollen clit. And you whine, your hand moving over your arm and finding a grip on Damian's shoulder, nails digging into the fabric.
Digits fuck into you at a fucking inhumane pace, curling at all the right places, his grasp on your throat tightening and you swallow, a pitchy whine leaving your lips as you come.
Damian's fingers don't stop, not even remotely. Gradually cutting off your air supply until your cheeks redden with the cutest little blush, your lips parting and when you gasp, Damian lets go.
And his hand finds purchase on your tit, roughly pinching your nipple through the stretchy fabric and you nearly scream, because why is he so angry?
You look up at Damian through bleary eyes, tears brimming on your lower lashline and he could just melt at the way your bottom lip quivers, and he dips his head.
Pressing the sweetest kiss to your lips, his tongue pushing past your teeth and brushing against yours. It's electrifying, he can taste the saltiness of the chips in your mouth and it's scratching an itch he didn't even know he had.
Your eyes flutter shut, moaning into his mouth as his fingers gradually slow to a deep, and meaningful pace, stroking your gummy walls and his hand palms your breast so sweetly.
"Hard and then soft?" Damian whispers softly, a kiss pressed to the curve of your neck and you shudder, nodding your head almost shyly when you feel the way his fingers tug sweetly on your nipple.
"Okay, we'll go rough and then soft until our mission is over."
"So... Uh.... We were reviewing the footage and..." Arthur chews on his bottom lip. "And we heard some... Sounds."
"We were close to the bay." You lie, glancing towards Damian who has the most amazing poker face in the world.
"Mhm, well then, it would make sense why the fishes were so... Wet and... What was it now again, Batman?" Arthur glances towards Bruce, who remains busy at the computer, reviewing the footage with the sound off.
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solbaby7 · 10 months ago
Drifting Away
pairing: azriel x reader
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warnings: angst (sorry but it just hurts so good) swearing, mentions of poor mental health, romantic undertones
summary: You've been drowning for a long time and finally someone notices
[ part 2 ]
Azriel could hear you crying at night.
He wasn't sure when it started; how long it had been going on before the slinking shadows darted about the house, enjoying their free reign when he hears a noise. One so soft he nearly brushed it off as a breeze but he hears it again. A little louder, more throaty and then it clicks; the undeniable sound of despair being swiftly hidden away by the dark hours of the early morning when others were asleep and none the wiser.
There's an urge to check on you, one so overwhelming he taps his fingers against the smooth mahogany desk filled to the brim with mission reports and carefully notated maps with neat notes tucked in the corner. His ears strain for the sound again, mentally agreeing that if he heard it once more, he'd have no other choice but to check it out.
But nothing sounds.
Not for one minute, or two or twenty but he doesn't forget about it.
Especially not when he sees you the following morning, wearing a bright smile and laughing louder than anyone else in the room. He's subtle in the way he observed you, notating your mannerisms and the effortless charm that dripped from your tongue.
The picture of a well adjusted woman. One who seemed happy and fulfilled until the final line was spoken and the one-woman cast bowed for her performance, basking in the applause from a crowd well entertained.
You were attentive; borderline motherly in the way you took care of everyone around you--easily handing off the food from your plate without even batting an eye and Azriel's brow quirks in attention when he hears you decline more when offered; insisting that you're full, showing off a clean plate as you casually wipe your mouth against dark linen cloth.
However, he's certain you didn't take even a single bite.
It piques his interest; the warning signs of a silent struggle and he finds himself unable to stop from noting other things about you.
Like, the way you seemed to be a reliable sounding board. Mor or Feyre or Cassian would come to you for advice, spilling their burdens on your shoulders and you always welcomed them with open arms. You would nod quietly, never once interrupting and always providing such carefully curated advice. The kind you learned through life experience; pain and sorrow and true mind numbing emptiness that came from growing up with bright embers of hope; only to be pushed into the world and realize how far people will go to snuff those embers out.
And never once did they ask if you needed comfort in return.
“For a spymaster, I would have assumed you’d be better at being subtle when you stare.” It’s startling how silent you’d been, shifting from one end of the room to the next without being detected by his hearing or his shadows—shadows he now notices are circling around your feet, tickling at your bare toes against the wine red rug. “What were you looking at anyway?”
Hazel eyes are calculating when they take you in, brows furrowing when you smile down at him, humming to yourself as you twiddle your toes through the ebbing darkness that grows around your legs, teasing at the hem of your dress with a little tug. “You.”
Rhysand sits proudly in a chair big enough to be a throne, large decorative pillows perched under his arms and a grinning Feyre eased into his lap, head curling into his neck with content. Even Nesta and Cass were sitting closer than usual on the couch, feet bumping at the others as she pretended to be absorbed in some book but there was no way she was actually focusing with Cassian’s arm curled around the back of her shoulders. Mor chats idly with Armen, glittering jewelry shoved on two slim fingers and you can’t help but linger on all the incredibly powerful beings around you.
Such purpose all around and somehow you still couldn’t find your own.
“Well, it’s not everyday I get the privilege of your attention.” You twirl once, the material of your dress skimming the tips of his fingers. “Do tell—how do I look?”
Azriel doesn’t correct how that couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s a pause, his voice more soft when he speaks so it gets drowned out in the chatter behind you. “You look lonely.”
The reply makes you stop your toying with the shadows, gentle smile faltering when you squint down at him, throughly caught off guard. “What?” Azriel watches the second you seem to recompose yourself, smile sliding back in place but he can see the way you look at him, regarding him cautiously; wondering where he was getting at. “That’s ridiculous. I live in a home filled with my closest friends and family.”
You anticipate the nod, the smile and then the conversation will continue like nothing had ever happened; the answer appeasing the questioner and you’d continue about your day as you did all the others. But Azriel doesn’t change the subject, doesn’t accept the answer provided. Instead, a golden hand raises, tea still steaming over the rim. “Then, why do you seem so sad?”
“Where are you getting this from?”
“Because I heard something last night,” He watches the way you freeze, lids squinting a fraction and your hands actually tremble at your side.
“Hm," It’s alarming how good you are at taking control of the conversation; how your body adapts to the emotion that your brain predicts Azriel wants you to convey—happiness. His head slowly tilts to the side when you tip your head back and laugh, one that was so convincing even he nearly fell for it; but it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Always the spy, when do you ever take a day off?"
Az can't seem to tear his eyes off of you, not when Cassian chimes in with an inebriated laugh, a heavy hand clapping down on his brothers shoulder and you're grateful for the distraction. The ability to slink into easier conversation, to craft a carefully woven picture of serenity but the golden gaze boring into the back of your head is distracting; makes your hands shake ever so slightly over the width of your glass, the condensation dripping cool trails down the length of your arm.
He doesn't get the chance to speak to you for the rest of the night; either being whisked away by his brothers or somehow getting lead away by Elain and Fey when asking for help bringing out a few more things from the kitchen. Shadows trudge by, being his eyes and ears when one returns with the same conclusion; gone, gone, gone.
For the rest of the night, Azriel remained on edge, unable to relax into the drink in his hand and his foot is practically bouncing a hole in the hardwood when the others finally start filtering out for the night; stumbling into one another on their way to their rooms. Ears strain to hear each door close and he's light on his feet when he bristles down the hall, sharply turning to the right and once he's at the end of the hall he comes to an abrupt stop.
Light still pours out from the crack beneath your door and nerves build in his stomach when he sees the shadow of your feet walking past; there was no reasonable explanation to be here—on this floor—and that becomes abhorrantly apparent when the door opens and your raising a brow at him. "Listening in on ladies in their bedchambers is not very gentlemanly of you."
"I wasn't. Well, I was but it wasn't like that." Azriel's walking past you, entering your room without even asking and he seems genuinely startled by the way it looks. Not that it was dirty or unkempt but it was painstakingly bare. Years of living there and still there were no pictures on the wall, no trinkets or feminine flare; just a bed with thick blankets and a shelf filled to the brim with books. A desk with a single sketchbook and a little bag of pencils and charcoals.
He's still taking it in; it had to have been nearly eighty years and still it looked almost identical as it had when Rhys had first offered it to you as your own. "It's just not what I expected, that's all."
Your arms are crossed over your chest, hair braided tightly and it swayed as you walked, still dripping wet from a shower. It was alarmingly warm but you still wore a long sleeved shirt and fluffy socks that went up to your knees. "What did you expect?"
Az shrugs, turning to face you when he hears the way you slowly close the door. "You've been here a while. I suppose I had just expected to see more of you in here."
"Another one of your assessments?" There's no hiding the bite in your tone, the defensive stance you take when he begins wandering around; eyes eating up what little things you did have. Fingers graze over the spines of books, picking up one with tons of little dog-eared pages. "Please do tell what my lack of interest in interior decor says about me."
Book pages flutter, stopping when he catches one page more crinkled than most and his brows furrow when realizing the wrinkly circular dots were tears—your tears. "I wasn't evaluating you but since you asked," Azriel tucks the book under his arm and your lips part with a huff but he doesn't acknowledge the grumbles you give about taking things without asking. He's too busy scanning the contents of your desk; a cup of pens, little bottles of paints and a few brushes to accompany them. The thin drawer attached is half-filled with sketchbooks that were tightly bound an sealed with wax; a clear sign to stay the fuck out. "It shows that even after claiming to be perfectly content in a house filled with your so called "closest friends and family", you still refuse to get settled. That could stem from a plethora of things; variables I've accounted for but a definite conclusion is still pending at this time."
"Asshole," You all but hiss, smacking his hands away from sifting through the pages of the sketches and scribbles scrawled beside them— angsty little depictions of your thoughts when things got too overwhelming; when all you craved was a hot bath, one of Rhys' expensive bottles and an empty house so you could dance the line on how long you could hold your breath underwater.
"You asked." Ever the observer, noting the key you pull from under the neckline of your shirt, bending at the knee to unlock the side cabinet and open it just enough to shove the sketchbook inside. It's locked up tight and the intrigue only grows. "You also didn't say I was wrong."
"Fine," You concede, arms behind your back and braced against the desk, a body barrier between him and the secrets you weren't ready to confess. "You were wrong."
Azriel only smiles and your breath actually catches by how genuinely handsome he is. For once, he's not in his fighting leathers but somehow, the laid-back fashion of his dark sweatpants and t-shirt had your knees even more shaky. "Okay, then tell me something about you—something real."
The request startles you, brows screwing up and nose crinkling. "Why?"
A hand waves around him, shadows sliding over barren walls as if to aid in making Az's point. "Because, I should be able to get everything I need to know from being in what should be the most intimate place in the world for you but all I can get is that you like expensive sheets and quality curtains."
"I enjoy good sleep." It was the only two things that mattered when the sadness really set in. When minutes blurred into hours and in a blink of an eye you'd somehow skipped all three meals and everyone was shuffling away to their rooms for the night. "And I'll have you know the pens and colored pencils alone are more expensive than the duvet and curtains combined."
Azriel hums, fingers ghosting over the tin specifically made to hold them in place, perfectly color coded and all sharped to a point. "You draw? How don't I know that?"
"Because it doesn't save lives." It's meant as a joke, it even sounds like one but for some reason the shadowsinger can't seem to share the laugh. You refuse to meet his eye, creating some distance and tucking the key swiftly back under the fabric of your shirt, hands moving to fiddle with the ends of your sleeves. "I'm not all that good anyway."
"Good enough to spend so much money on supplies."
You let out an annoyed sigh and it doesn't affect him one bit; in fact, he finds himself enjoying any other emotion besides the faux smile he'd seen permanently plastered across your features. Your room smells like something Azriel can't place and he finds himself moving again, taking in more and more, trying to find the source of the sweet scent. "Is there a reason that you're here? You know, in my room instead of your own on the floor above us." You begin to trail behind him, following his line of sight and you too begin looking for whatever he was, rummaging through your closet and sniffing at your perfumes. "What are you doing?"
"I can smell something," It comes out distracted, body working without rationality when he ducks into your bathroom, sifting around shampoos and conditioners, soaps shaped like flowers and ivy but none of it is right. Not until he moves to the little cart by your clawfoot tub, fingers ruffling about vials and jars until he finds something that has your spine straightening. “What is this?”
There’s a pause while your will your voice to relax. “Infused rum.”
“Infused with?”
A scoff, bare toes on glossy floors when you snatch the bottle from him. “I don’t know, I don’t pay extra to get a history lesson. I just like how it makes me feel.”
Azriel raises a brow, eyes scanning the rest of the cart before sparing a glance at the empty tub. “In the bath?”
“Everyone has their own version of relaxation.” The bottle clinks back into place on the cart, tucked inconspicuously next to the other brightly colored vials and jars; perfectly hidden to anyone not equipped to pay attention to such things. “Do you usually question Mor or Elain of their drinking habits?”
It’s meant to push him away. To cut deep and throw him off your trail because Azriel was getting too close—too personal. “I would if they came to dinners faking smiles.” One step ahead forces you to take one step back, eyes squinting like a wounded animal bracing for one hell of a fight if it meant getting away. “I would if I saw them fading into nothing after spending their nights sobbing themselves to sleep.”
“Now you’re just speculating.”
“Am I?” Azriel pushes, evading your space and ignoring your attempts to create distance. It has to be some sort of manipulation tactic; distracting you with his intense presence in order to scramble your brain so that by time you realize he’s backed you into a corner—it’s too late. “Then tell me I’m wrong.” His left hand raises, his wrist enclosed in shadows as his fingers curl around your neck. Your pulse hums against his skin, heartrate spiking at the intimate touch and all words are robbed from your vocabulary.
The low rasp of his voice cuts you off, gentle grip never faltering from your neck. A shiver runs down your spine, the callouses on his thumb a welcomed roughness when sweeping at the curve of your chin. “It’s okay to be sad,” His scent is overwhelming, affecting your body similarly to a few glasses of fae wine and it takes effort for your knees not to tremble. “Just don’t let it consume you.”
For a second you think he’ll kiss you with how intensely he stares at your mouth, pulse still jumping against his fingertips.
The distance never fully closes and the phantom reminder of his touch remains branded on your skin as he slowly exits your room. And for the first time in years, instead of sniffling wrinkles into novels overflowing with friendship and love or drowning your sorrows in curated liquors —you sit at your desk and draw the sharp lines of Azriel’s jaw and that intense darkness shadowing golden irises and somewhere along the lines, you find a sliver of hope.
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caramelkats · 2 months ago
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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝¡. . .
𝐅𝐭. . . 𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞, 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢
𝐓𝐰! 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲), 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯, 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢-𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜, 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞, 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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"You know. . . If you wanted me so bad, you could've just asked. " He said, voice teasing you as he thrust his cock into you.
Your head turned as a feeling of warmth spread over your face. "H-hush Osamu," Voice low but determined as you shifted your line of sight to glare at the man.
Grinning, he grinds his hips deeper into your pelvis. His hands move almost reflexively to the strands of hair falling in your face. ". . . You look so pretty, belladonna. " Lips move to press against your own.
The bed creaked slightly with each thrust, sounds of your moans echoing throughout. Dazai's hands cups your face as he begins to pamper you with kisses, chuckling when he hears your embarrassed complaints. You should be used to it by now but in this situation you deemed it unnecessary and mocking.
Your face was twisted into a pout, as he continued to mess with you. It wasn't Dazai if he wasn't making someone a little frustrated.
"Qui—!," You were cut off as he smashed his lips directly onto your mouth, cutting off the rest of your complaints. His lips were soft, tongue Intertwining with yours. "Samu. . . Faster, please. "
At your request, he moves to press your legs a little farther up, moving to slot himself between your legs even more. "So impatient,. . .𝘣𝘶𝘵—I guess I can't deny my pretty girl"
And just as he said that, his hips met yours but this time they held more force, cock drilling into you with purpose. The unforgiving pace left you dumb, eyes widening as your nails dug into Osamu's wrist.
"Fuh—𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬!. . . Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop! " You rambled on, mind clouded from pleasure. Letting go was the only thing you could think about. Nothing more.
𝘈𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵. You were almost there you kept repeating to yourself. Everything felt as though it was it was vibrating underneath you, your head buzzing from pleasure as you tighten around him.
"There you go.. Good job..you came so pretty, I'm so proud of you, " His eyes we're crinkled at the corners as he smiles down at you.
"Now- how about a few more times, huh? . . . "
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Making Akutagawa angry was not an impossible task. Most days it would take a few comments of how boring he was. . . or even teasing him for his behavior. Today however all you needed were a few persistent shines of how bored you were and he was snatching you up by your hair and dragging you away into an alley.
"Stupid slut— why do you insist on bothering me. " His fingers were fisted in your hair, pulling your head back as he continues to press himself flush against you.
Eyes glossy and breaths baited, your hand covers your mouth as you fuck yourself back against him. Moans muffled. He stares at you, his eyes slits. "What's wrong?.. You were doing all that whining earlier— move your hand."
Not moving, you keep your hand pressed to your mouth. Your brows furrow and your eyes roll back as you feel him speed up. Just like that, he stops.
"I told you to move your hand. . . Did I not?" His hands release your hair, now moving to grab ahold of your wrist. Your hand is yanked away from your mouth, whimpering as he holds both of your wrist in a tight lock behind you.
"𝘔𝘮𝘮𝘮. . . I'm sorry Ryu! " Your tone is whiny, vocally begging him to keep fucking you. The amount of time passed had felt like hours but in all actuality it had been a few seconds.
He just stared down at you, mocking you. "Wait until we're finished with this mission. . . I'm not risking getting in trouble because you couldn't wait for me to fuck you. "
And with that, he let you go, sliding out of you as you stared at him wide eyed. "Hu—huh, wait, please Ryu!" He only glared at you, a warning that if you kept whining you wouldn't be getting anything after the two of you finished. Shutting up, you stood in place, lip jutting out as you waited for him to say something.
"Come on, we have to go.. You'll be fine."
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unintentionalseductress · 5 months ago
Someone You Loved
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I'm a mess since I finished Xavier's myth and my period came early so now I'm just sad and can't focus on anything else. Headcanons for the men when MC breaks up with them. Warnings: None, but lots of angst because everything SUCKS. Love and Deepspace. Hmph. More like Love and Deep Depression.
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In the darkness, Zayne wakes suddenly, his hands instinctively reaching out to pull you to him; only for his grasp to curl into cold sheets and emptiness.
How long had it been? Since he’d slept peacefully? The nightmares never seemed to plague him when you were asleep beside him in his bed, your breath softly ghosting the crook of his neck. He glances up at the ceiling trying to calm his breath. The little dreamcatcher you’d hung so long ago sways slightly and his heart clenches. The bed felt too big for just him. Before meeting you he slept in the middle; now he can’t bring himself to take back your half, leaving it empty, remembering the way your curled form occupied it.
The only time he saw you was when you came in for your checkup. And you seemed fine, which was good, but a part of him is haunted by the possibility that maybe something about him had made you leave him. You had insisted it wasn’t but he can’t help but run scenarios over and over in mind, swirling like a mess of ink in water.
Perhaps his reticent nature had finally driven you away. Or his sarcasm. Or maybe the scars on his hands. Women didn’t like scarred men, did they? He’d wondered about that for too long before Greyson, catching him staring at his hands, said, “Your hands are healing Dr. Zayne. Why do you look at them so doubtfully?”
After those words had been spoken, Zayne had thrown himself into his work. He’d always been a workaholic of course, but it had amplified to a point where he couldn’t go home. It was on purpose. He slept in his office until his superior had caught him, insisting he can’t sleep here.
No one was checking in on him. No one to remind him to take a break or to coax him into taking a nap in between patients. No one waking him up with a smile and a slice of cake that they’d picked up on their way to his place.
The nightmares started after he tried sleeping at home. He hates himself for feeling like a little boy, unable to sleep without a security blanket. But he needed you. The way all living things needed air and sunlight to thrive, he needed you in such a poignant way that it almost stops his blood knowing you’re not in his life anymore.
He knows he needs to sleep. Silently, because that’s what he’d grown accustomed to, silently rolling out to bed so as to not disturb you, he pads over to his closet and pulls out a t-shirt, far too small to be one of his own.
The t-shirt had somehow survived the purge, the day you’d taken all your stuff out of his apartment. It was strange to look at his apartment now because all he sees are the empty spaces you left behind. The spots on the windowsill where your little planters used to be. The blank space on the nightstand on your side of the bed where your phone, earbuds, and hand lotion used to once sit. The cup in the bathroom now holds only one toothbrush.
He brings the t-shirt to his nose and instantly your scent fills his being. He’s thankful he didn’t return it to you as he’d initially planned. The piece of fabric that retained the wonderful smell of your shampoo and the fresh scent of your skin. It calmed him. Cradling it against his cheek, he makes his way back to the bed, laying the t-shirt on his pillow and burying his nose into it as he tries to find a comfortable position.
The t-shirt works its magic, eventually lulling him into a dreamless sleep. The only peace he’s ever known was when he was with you.
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It was hard to avoid Xavier no matter where you went. His being your upstairs neighbor and your mission partner made it impossible not to see him. His chest ached whenever he saw you but he masked it with a smile. He never stopped looking out for you. Because he had promised, hadn’t he? So many centuries ago, in a different lifetime, that he’d always be there for you no matter what?
The day of the breakup is always a blur to him. He can’t recall any of the details, but he remembers your face with clarity, remembers the pained expression in your eyes. He had soothingly embraced you, encouraging you to talk to him about what was bothering you, because even his deepest worries never fathomed the idea of you leaving him.
Xavier had frozen when you had tearfully whispered that you wanted to break up. Surely he had misheard you? But no, he hadn’t. You had tried, in vain, to get him to explain where he disappeared to. It bothered you when Xavier disappeared and it didn’t matter if he came back each time. You told him you wanted the truth, and nothing less than that would convince you to stay. Xavier had faltered; he knew he owed it to you, but he didn’t know where to begin.
Philos was a distant dream, probably lost to time and deepspace but he couldn’t help it. The possibility of returning to his own timeline weighed down on him, a heavy burden of duty. If it had been just him, he would have gladly given up months ago, content to stay here with you. But the crew that had accompanied him, dedicated to his cause, stuck here because of his decisions deserved the chance, and he couldn’t give up on them.
Knowing he would never be able to explain without hurting you, he had given you a sad smile, his blue eyes growing misty as he tried to put conviction into his words. “I hope you find someone more worthy.” The feeling of your hands leaving his felt like a rift had divided his heart into two, a chasm separating you both. You left his apartment, and he spent the night on his balcony, listening to your sobs carrying through the air, not knowing how he could take away your pain. 
With much trial and error, Xavier now had a cordial relationship with you. He accompanied you whenever you asked. He still hung out with you at the arcade and came out for hot pot whenever you asked. Because hadn’t he promised to love you even when you weren’t his?
Xavier watches you talking to Tara and when you finally catch his eye, you give him a smile and wave, which he returns. Although he wishes you weren’t broken up, it always brings him relief to see you smiling. He had felt the satisfaction of watching you become a happier person, seeing you grow and eventually finding joy around you. And that would have to be enough. 
He would settle for having you in his life any way he could, even if you decided you didn’t love him. Because after losing you twice, he’d take anything to cut his losses. 
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Thomas follows Rafayel around his studio. He can see the state Rafayel is in, the dark bags under his eyes, and the unkempt hair and clothes.
“Rafayel, I think some rest-”
“I don’t need it.” Rafayel picks up a paintbrush, which is already messy from the various hues it was dipped into previously and begins to put strokes onto his canvas. Across the room are scattered paintings and unfinished sculptures, all half-done and looking rather gloomy. 
Thomas tries again. “I can book you a weekend at your favorite onsen. Perhaps a massage. It’ll help clear your head.”
Rafayel glares at him, anger in his lavender eyes. “I said I don’t need it. I have work to do. You know where the door is.”
Signing, Thomas takes his dismissal and the studio is plunged into silence. Rafayel tries again to finish his painting then grits his teeth and hurls the paintbrush away. Droplets of paint drip across the marble floor as it clatters some feet away.
It had been a while since you had broken up with him and Rafayel feels like he’s stuck in time. All his works are incomplete, becoming a neverending list of things that he might never actually pay attention to again.  
Of late, he’s obsessed with trying to paint you, but each time he recalls your face, something or the other feels off. The shape of your eyes, too slanted to be accurate, the curve of your nose, too round to be correct, haunt him as he gazes at the canvas before him. It was you, yet it wasn’t you. 
There’s panic growing in his chest at the idea that he might be forgetting what you look like. His hands and memory seem to be at odds with each other, unable to communicate and translate what he was remembering onto paper. 
He traces the edge of your face, the paint smearing his fingertips, frustration welling up in his heart. He feels disappointed in himself. Hadn’t he said to himself that even if you forgot, he’d remember for the both of you? Yet now, he can’t recall the features of your face, like the image of you in his head was behind a pixelated curtain, and all he could recollect were rough features that somewhat resembled you.
He might put himself into a manic state. He hasn’t slept, haunted by the possibility that he may never paint your portrait accurately again. Rafayel pulls out his phone, the light illuminating his tired face and he desperately looks through his photos. A few days after the breakup, in a fit of rage, he’d deleted all your photos off his phone, an action he now regretted.
“Please…please…there’s gotta be at least one…” he prays as he swipes through the pictures. As he’s about to give up, he finally comes across a single photo, a group picture, taken from his art exhibition some time ago. And there you are, all your features coming back to him with painful clarity. With a sigh, he picks up a fresh paintbrush and tries again, feeling relief flood him as your familiar face finally begins to bloom onto the canvas. 
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Luke and Kieran looked in concern at the closed door of Sylus’s room. Sylus wasn't the type to conduct business remotely. Even with all the henchmen at his disposal, he still preferred going out into the N109 zone to ensure his armories and money accounts were secure. But after the breakup, he had been delegating more and mingling with his associates less. 
The missing bottles of whiskey hadn’t gone unnoticed by their keen eyes, and the twins carefully crack open his bedroom door a fraction. He’s slumped over the large desk made of fine oak wood, a liquor bottle cracked open, and a glass in his hand. 
His ruby eyes are hazy and it’s clear he’s intoxicated. The little grumpy crow plushie was sitting on his desk, and his unfocused eyes were gazing in reminiscence at it while Mephisto glared at the soft toy in objection. 
“Boss?” Luke dares to approach him, and Sylus looks up sharply. 
“What?” The irritation in his voice is evident. 
“Um…Your meeting with the protocore dealer. He just left a message saying he hasn’t been able to get in touch with you and…” His voice falters as Sylus’s eyes glow like embers in a fireplace.
“He can wait.” The words are snarled as he downs the whiskey in a single gulp before pouring more. “Get out.”
Luke and Kieran retreat but they glance at each other despairingly. This was the N109 zone after all. Dealings with mafia leaders didn’t just get put on hold without consequences.
“Damn it all,” Sylus murmurs. He swirls the whiskey in his glass, and all he sees are your eyes, fixated on him in horror. He was used to the erratic atmospheric changes in the N109 zone but the night you left, it felt like he was being choked by the air, not a drop of oxygen left for him to breathe in. He knew he’d overdone it when threatening the merchant, knew he should have controlled himself from using his evol as cruelly as he had. But he needed the upper hand and the only way knew how to assert himself was through violence.  
He’d never hurt you. His precious little dove, his whole heart. But what you’d witnessed had left you terrified of him and his ominous abilities. Sylus had begged; his pride wasn’t so great as to risk losing you. He’d fallen to his knees, his arms locked around your waist, his cheek resting on your chest, listening to the way your heart was beating in your ribcage. It was hard to say how long the two of you had remained that way until you had gently disengaged from his grip, bid him goodbye, and left. He wasn’t deterred at first, calling and texting you desperately, sending gifts and bouquets to your door until you had called him and told him to stop. 
He drinks, feeling the heat and the sting of the whiskey as it goes down his throat, the only thing that helped with the pain. You were the sunlight in this dark world and without you, Sylus feels nothing except coldness. You were gone, the only blessing he’d ever received.
© unintentionalseductress original work | no copying, plagiarizing or translating
@theimmortalbuns @otomegamesforlife @sweets-kozume @supernaturalbaesduh @ladyparamount
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ohmygraves · 1 year ago
the first time you and ghost became roommates, he didn't have a lot of things.
he had his essentials, packed in a duffel bag and like, two moving boxes and that's it. he didn't even have his own furniture or pots and pans, so the two of you didn't cook for the first few weeks living together. he seems perfectly content with just living with the furniture that came with the apartment, an old beat up sofa and dirty stained dining table, together with a few chairs and old mattresses in each bedroom. you made it a goal to get rid of the smelly bed as soon as possible, working your arse off to afford new beds for the sake of your back.
ghost, or well, simon, don't feel the need to own too many things. he thinks it's a nuisance, since well it'll be tiring to pack so many things when he needs to move again for some reason or another. even when he stayed in the barracks, his room was always the most bare out of everyone.
you were the opposite, of course. you liked having lots of personal items and memorabilia, or just trinkets that you like in general. your shared flat is full of your items, posters hung up on the wall, framed pictures, potted plants, consoles and books, whatever you have. it felt like the place was only occupied by you, and with how often simon was away on deployments and missions, it might as well be.
you both split duties when he's around. you cook, he does dishes. you take out the trash, he cleans the bathroom. you tidy things up and he'd mop/vacuum it. he insisted that you cook since he's not much of a cook himself (which, explains why he doesn't have a single kitchen utensils in his stuff) and that you're better at cooking than him. he'd gladly deal with all the dirty jobs for you, wouldn't be the worst thing he did anyway.
you and simon get groceries separately (his "groceries" consisting of some type of booze and maybe toiletries, perhaps some snacks if he's feeling fancy), but very rarely you go together with him to tesco or something. you always have to remind him to note whatever things needed to be replaced at your shared flat, so that you don't have to go multiple times just to get a bottle of dish soap or toilet paper.
you two bicker like an old married couple sometimes, because he's a smart ass and would tease you, and you'd get mad at him for eating your things or using your soap/shampoo.
sometimes you wondered if rooming with simon was a bad idea, but he had always made sure to keep your job easy for you except for a few minor inconveniences he did on purpose just so you'd scold him. he helped move furniture and do the heavy jobs for you, and not to mention he leaves you alone, never nosy or get too friendly with you. although at the same time, he expected you to do the same for him.
if he tells you when he's coming back after missions, you'd get him a treat when he gets home, some beer already chilling in the refrigerator and his favorite snacks on the counter, together with his favorite takeout dinner (of course, you'd ask for the money back. you're not made of money if you're rooming with someone). some snarky note like "shower first before you sleep, stinky" or "it's 30 pounds for everything, you're welcome".
simon didn't think much of it, but he definitely took you for granted. you're a nice roommate, you two get along, and you're a great cook. you made sure to feed him whenever possible (because you're convinced he'd actually forget to eat when he's alone, considering his groceries as mentioned before), and not to mention you made his masks and balaclava smell nice and clean when you do laundry.
you'd patiently help him sew, teach him how to mend his clothes when he has the time (which is still a funny sight seeing how small the needles looked between his thick massive fingers). he always gets frustrated, telling you that you did a much better job than his lousy stitches that wouldn't even hold up after one wear. you'd sew all tears and holes on his masks and clothes, patch the holes up when you could.
in return, he'd bring some of your favorite snacks home. he always said something along the lines that it was on sale, or that it's buy one get one free, but you noted that he always brought home your favorite things after you mended his clothes, or helped him in some way. you didn't mind, you liked the snacks and it's nice that he shows his gratitude in this way.
you try to ignore the thumping of your heart every time he hands you things while saying "reckon you'd like this."
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ghostsandguns · 2 months ago
Living with Soap is wonderful. You love getting to spend so much time together—from waking up to his warm kisses and cozy snuggles, to watching him cook dinner, and ending the day curled up together on the couch enjoying a movie.
However! It also means living with:
Soap who always forgets to turn off the light when he leaves a room. You know he doesn't do it on purpose, but some days you come home to find the lights on. In every room. And he's not even there. You've started to leave little sticky notes on light switches as gentle reminders.
Soap who's always walking around in his underwear. And not the loose, sleepwear kind—no, I mean those tight short ones that hug his crotch and butt perfectly. He's completely unphased by the idea of the neighbours catching a glimpse. Sometimes you have to physically stop him from answering the door like that.
Soap who loves his showers scalding hot, making every shared shower a battle of wills. The water feels like lava to you, but he insists it's ''perfect.'' He only lets you turn down the heat a bit, if you let him fuck you against the wall.
Soap who has an ever-growing collection of trinkets from every country he's visited. Whenever he goes on a mission, he brings something back—a small statue, a magnet, a dried wildflower he picked up along the way. It's adorable, but the overflowing shelves and his cluttered desk would argue otherwise.
Soap who's essentially given Ghost unlimited access to your home, complete with a spare key. You've walked into the living room half-dressed on more than one occasion, only to come face-to-face with the behemoth of a man. Not that he's ever been surprised at your state of undress; he simply sits down on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table, while Soap pours him a cup of tea.
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eelliotss · 2 months ago
— A Curse Between Us, part 2
Bound by a curse and centuries of longing, he scours the universe to reclaim the woman who once shared his soul, only to find her fractured by forgotten memories and a life that no longer includes him. As he fights to reignite their bond, you emerge— a black box of secrets and power capable of shattering the fragile balance of his kingdom and plan, a new variable that alters the balance of his life
“I was supposed to be the last of us,” he breathed.
Will she always be his fate, or will your introduction into the picture tip the balance of his destiny?
⚠️ Spoilers to Sylus’s myth. Reader is not MC, and in this story, Sylus is still a dragon.
word count: 3.2k
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“I was supposed to be the last of us,” he breathed, the words heavy with a mix of wonder and dread. The room felt smaller now, charged with an energy both of you have not felt in centuries. The air was pressing down on your lungs as adrenaline coursed through your body.
“This shouldn’t be possible,” you whispered. A frown quickly crawled up your face as you hurriedly turned away, dashing into the crowd. Before Sylus could react, a voice rang in his ear: “Sylus, can I use your card?” That small distraction was enough for him to lose you. Somewhat annoyed, he answered, “Don’t bother me with such trivial matters.”
In that moment, the Onichynus leader knew the balance of power had shifted.
This was no mere encounter. It was a collision of forces that would change everything.
He stood motionless for a moment, his crimson eyes fixed on where she had been moments before. The energy she left behind lingered faintly, a tantalizing hum that refused to dissipate. It unsettled him. Another one of his kind? It was impossible. It had to be.
But he didn’t have time to entertain impossibilities.
Shaking off the unease clawing at the edges of his mind, Sylus turned his attention back to the voice ringing in his ear. “I’ll take this for a million,” she spoke, reminding him of the task at hand. Whatever Relia’s presence meant—whatever secrets she carried—would have to wait. There were more pressing matters to attend to. She was waiting for him.
“Five million.”
The corridors of the auction were buzzing with activity, the hum of conversations and the clinking of glasses filling the air. Sylus navigated the crowd with ease, his towering figure parting the sea of attendees without effort. He caught sight of her near the center of the auction floor, standing amidst a group of bidders. The soft light of the chandeliers above bathed her in a warm glow, making her stand out even among the richly dressed crowd.
She was laughing. It was a rare sound, light and carefree, and it sent a pang through his chest. She was pretending, of course. That laugh was just part of the role she was playing—an act to keep the bidders’ attention away from him and the true purpose of their visit here. But even knowing that, it was enough to stir something deep within him.
Sylus stopped a few feet away, leaning casually against a nearby pillar as he watched her. She was radiant, even in her feigned joy. His jaw tightened. She shouldn’t have to do this. She shouldn’t have to risk herself for this mission. But she had insisted, as she always did, and he hadn’t been able to refuse her. Not when she looked at him with that fire in her eyes, that unyielding determination that reminded him so much of the girl he had fallen in love with.
But she wasn’t that girl anymore. Not yet.
Sylus approached MC just as a well-dressed man leaned in closer, his expression filled with thinly veiled intent.
“That pendant,” the man said, gesturing toward the delicate piece resting on her chest. “It’s extraordinary. I’d offer you a fortune for it, along with a dance, if you’d indulge me.”
MC’s smile was tight, polite, but before she could reply, Sylus stepped forward with the ease of someone who owned the entire room. His smile was sharp, cutting through the tension. “Its a gift from me,” he said smoothly, his crimson gaze locking onto the man. “And, as for the dance, I’m afraid she already owes me one.”
The man hesitated under Sylus’s piercing stare before chuckling nervously. “Ah, I see. My apologies, then.” He bowed slightly, stepping back before disappearing into the crowd.
MC turned to Sylus with an arched brow, her irritation barely masked. “He was about to offer me ten hightowers for a dance. What are you going to offer me?”
Sylus’s lips curved into a knowing smirk, his usual arrogance gleaming in his expression. “My charming company,” he quipped, his tone teasing.
“Now, stop wasting time. The aether core. Do you know where it is?” She sighed, her demeanor shifting back into sharp focus.
Sylus’s smirk deepened as he gestured toward the far end of the auction hall. “Don’t ask useless questions. They took the bait. Let’s hurry before things get chaotic.”
He led her through the building’s corridors and stairwells until they emerged onto the rooftop. The air was sharp and electric, crackling with the unstable energy of a protofield. A swirling vortex of power surrounded the rooftop’s center, where a large, jagged stone pulsed with erratic light.
Sylus’s expression remained calm as he gestured her forward. “After you,” he said, his voice tinged with amusement.
MC stepped closer, her focus fixed on the glowing stone. As she approached, the energy intensified, swirling into chaotic patterns. Sylus stayed close behind, his presence steady as he guided her through the unstable field.
The moment she activated the stone, the air split with a deafening screech. From within the vortex, a massive electric-type wanderer emerged—a bird-like monster with jagged wings crackling with raw energy. It spread its wings wide, arcs of lightning cascading into the night sky.
MC’s breath hitched, but Sylus’s voice cut through her fear. “Don’t worry,” he said, his tone low and reassuring. “We’ll handle it.”
The battle that followed was fierce. The wanderer was fast, its strikes relentless, but Sylus moved with precision, his chains coiling and striking with deadly accuracy. MC supported him, her movements deliberate as she worked to weaken the creature’s defenses. Finally, with a combined effort, the bird let out a final, piercing cry before collapsing into a burst of energy.
Amid the remains of the creature, the aether core sat gleaming faintly. MC approached it cautiously, her hand reaching out to claim it. The moment her fingers brushed against its surface, it glowed faintly before shattering into pieces.
“What…?” MC’s voice was filled with confusion as she stared at the fragments. “What… happened?”
Sylus remained silent for a moment before answering, his voice quiet but steady. “That’s what happens. The core breaks as soon as its power enters you.” He glanced at her briefly before turning his gaze upward, his expression distant.
The rooftop felt heavier now, the silence pressing down on them. Sylus’s eyes scanned the dark sky above, but his mind was elsewhere. This place—it wasn’t just a battlefield. The setting resembled his graveyard of memories, the place where it had happened. Where she had been tortured. Where she had driven the blade into him, ending their shared tragedy with her curse.
And now, she stood here again, her gaze filled with curiosity and confusion, with no recollection of what had transpired. Of what they had been.
He swallowed the surge of emotions rising within him, his voice low as he finally spoke. “Let’s go,” he said, turning away from the sky. “We’re done here.”
MC followed, unaware of the storm of regret and longing swirling within him.
The journey back to Lincoln was uneventful for MC. He watched her departure from the shadowed balcony of one of his many hideouts in the N109 Zone, his crimson eyes fixed on the car as it disappeared into the distant haze of polluted skies. A part of him wanted to follow, to keep her within his reach, but he forced himself to stay. She was safer in Lincoln, far from the chaos that defined his domain.
But even with her gone, her presence lingered, clawing at him like a restless ghost. His fingers brushed against the red pin on his blazer as he leaned back against the cold metal railing. Memories of her—of their past—haunted him, as vivid as if they’d happened yesterday. He had been so close to her tonight, closer than he’d been in what felt like lifetimes, yet the distance between them felt greater than ever.
He pushed the thought aside, turning his mind toward the storm brewing in the N109 Zone. The auction’s aftermath had left ripples throughout the city, whispers of what had transpired spreading among its dangerous inhabitants. The acquisition of the Aether Core would draw attention, but Sylus knew how to handle such matters. What concerned him more was the unexpected element that had revealed itself during the auction.
The memory of you lingered in his mind, your eyes and calm demeanor a stark contrast to the chaos around you. You weren’t just another player in the Zone’s intricate web of power struggles. You were something else entirely—a black box, a variable he hadn’t accounted for.
The N109 Zone was his domain, a place he had shaped and bent to his will. He knew every player, every hidden agenda, every unspoken alliance. And yet, you had slipped through his grasp, your presence unexpected and unaccounted for.
He tapped a button on the console embedded in his desk, summoning his second-in-command, Kieran. The door to his quarters hissed open moments later, and Kieran stepped inside, his crow mask reflecting the dim light in the room.
“You called?” Kieran asked, his tone casual but attentive.
Sylus turned from the document in his hands, the list of the auction’s attendees, his crimson eyes meeting Kieran’s. “I need information. On her.” He tossed the paper onto the table, a red circle highlighted one name on the list.
Kieran raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise breaking through his usual stoic demeanor. “The princess of the N109 Zone? Thought she wasn’t on your radar.”
“She is now,” Sylus said sharply. “I want everything—her movements, her alliances, her purpose here. And I want it yesterday.”
Kieran nodded, his expression turning serious. “Consider it done. But… if I may, why so suddenly?”
Sylus didn’t answer right away. His mind was already racing, piecing together the threads of a plan. “She’s an anomaly,” he said finally.
Kieran hesitated for a moment, then nodded again. “Understood. I’ll have a report for you within the day.”
As Kieran left, Sylus returned to the window, his gaze distant. The pendant in his hand grew warmer, its glow intensifying for a brief moment before fading again. It was a reminder of what he was fighting for, what he had sacrificed everything to protect.
As expected of the right hand man of Onychinus’ leader, Kieran entered the boss’ office within a few hours, a stack of documents in his hands and a bemused expression on his face.
“Got something for you,” Kieran said, dropping the papers onto Sylus’s desk. “But, uh… don’t expect anything groundbreaking.”
Sylus arched an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued despite himself. “Go on.”
Kieran gestured to the papers. “Yn. Turns out, she’s exactly what you’d expect. The adopted daughter of Darian Graves, the second most influential man in the N109 zone. She was adopted when she was seven into power because of Grave’s inability to have kids despite years of trying, he boasted about how him finding her was destined, and showered her with anything a girl could dream of. She’s the true definition of daddy’s girl. Barely steps out of line, barely makes appearances except in her father’s place or companies her dad to events, keeps to herself most of the time. The only thing remotely interesting is that she doesn’t seem to care about the politics of the Zone. She’s more focused on… well, nothing, really. Just a quiet life under her father’s shadow.”
Sylus frowned, flipping through the documents. The information was mundane—locations you frequented, interactions with key figures, a few inconsequential purchases. Everything painted a picture of someone perfectly normal. Too normal. Well, as normal as the daughter of a black market business owner can be.
Kieran smirked, leaning against the wall. “Seems like you’re wasting your time on her. She’s as harmless as they come.”
Sylus didn’t respond immediately, his eyes scanning the pages with precision. Harmless. The word didn’t sit right with him. He’d felt the hum of her presence, the weight of something far more dangerous beneath the surface. This couldn’t be all there was to her.
His fingers paused on a photograph tucked among the papers—a candid shot of you walking through a crowded market, your expression calm and distant. Dark eyes, straight black hair, and an aura that seemed almost too composed. Sylus stared at the image for a long moment, his mind churning.
“Harmless,” Sylus murmured, his tone laced with doubt. “We’ll see about that.”
It wasn’t long before the opportunity to learn more about you presented itself.
A week passed. The N109 Zone was as chaotic as ever, its underbelly teeming with activity. Sylus spent his days managing his organization, keeping the Zone’s delicate balance of power in check. Yet his thoughts kept drifting back to you. Your presence had disrupted the careful structure of his world and the reality he had always believed.
His chance came when one of his subordinates reported a gathering of high-ranking figures in the Zone. A private meeting, hosted by none other than Darian Grave, your father, second most powerful figure in the N109 Zone. The meeting itself wasn’t unusual; such gatherings happened often, as rulers of the Zone’s territories maneuvered for influence. What caught Sylus’s attention was the guest list: you were rumored to be attending.
Sylus decided to go, not as a participant but as an observer. He rarely attended these meetings, preferring to operate from the shadows, but this time, curiosity won out.
The meeting was held in a sprawling underground hall, its walls adorned with symbols of wealth and power. Sylus arrived unnoticed, his presence concealed as he watched the proceedings from a shadowed alcove. The room was filled with familiar faces—warlords, smugglers, and mercenaries, all vying either for dominance or a powerful ally in the Zone. Desire laced every part of the room, from people’s eyes to the air within. He was well too accustomed to those looks.
The ballroom was a masterpiece of excess and elegance, a stark contrast to the chaos of the N109 Zone outside its walls. High vaulted ceilings stretched above, their intricate carvings illuminated by chandeliers dripping with crystal shards that refracted light like fractured stars. The air was thick, almost suffocating, with the pungent scent of colognes—bold, sharp, and overbearing. It was the kind of smell that tried too hard to assert dominance, an attempt to mask insecurities and project an air of power. The notes were harsh, peppery, and metallic, layered with a faint undertone of sweat and stale cigars. It clung to the room like an invisible fog, mingling with the distant tang of industrial steel that seeped in from the Zone outside.
The floor, a gleaming expanse of black marble streaked with veins of gold, reflected the movement of the guests as they glided across it. Women in shimmering gowns of every jewel tone imaginable swirled past men in sharp suits adorned with subtle metallic accents. The soft swish of fabric and the click of polished shoes against the marble provided a rhythmic counterpoint to the hum of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter.
In one corner, a live string quartet played a hauntingly beautiful melody, their music weaving through the air like a silken thread. Each note rose and fell with precision, managing to carry over the noise of the crowd without feeling intrusive. The sound was accompanied by the faint clink of glasses as waiters moved deftly through the room, balancing trays of crystal flutes filled with golden, bubbling liquid.
And then you appeared.
You entered the hall with an air of quiet confidence, accompanying your father like a jewel that adorned him, your movements fluid and unhurried. You wore a sleek black gown that shimmered faintly in the dim light, your dark orbs scanning the room with practiced indifference. Your aura was subdued, almost hidden, but Sylus could still feel the faint hum of your power—a reminder of your true nature.
Your father stated a grand speech, thanking everyone for joining his annual ball. And thus, the game officially began. People scurried to those they thought would benefit them, greed and lust lacing the air they breath out. After all, this ball was one of the gatherings of the most powerful people in the N109 zone. Unsurprisingly, the crowd around your father and you was one of the largest, with people almost begging to be seen by Darian— the man only second to the notorious Onichinus leader. You didn’t speak much, content to let your father dominate the conversation. Yet your mere presence commanded attention. Sylus studied you intently, his mind working to piece together the puzzle you presented. Your calmness was unnerving, your lack of overt ambition unusual for someone in your position.
As the mingles drew out, you found a way to excuse yourself from your father’s side. You glided to a server nearby to grab a glass of something that, hopefully, could drown out some of the noice around you. The peace was short-lived.
“Miss Yn,” a man approached you. Of course you saw their eyes, the eyes of men brimmed with lust, eyeing you from head to toe. The need in their eyes— for your wealth, power, and body— sent shivers down your spine. Your gaze met his with a soft smile on your lips. “I’m Alex,” he introduced. He rambled on about his business, seemingly boasting about how competent he is. You simply listened with a polite curve on your lips, occasionally throwing in a chuckle at his flat jokes, if you could even call them one. You must’ve acted your part a bit too well, giving him the confidence to inch closer and placing a hand on the top of your waist. “I heard you do not have a partner tonight,” his voice dropped along with his gaze. “How about we step away from this crowd and… get to know each other better?”
Bile rose in your throat as his suggestion hung in the air. You shifted slightly, sliding out of his grasp with practiced ease. You shifted slightly, creating just enough space to remove his hand without making a scene. “I appreciate your… enthusiasm, Alex,” you said, your tone calm but edged with frost. “But I’m afraid I must decline.” He frowned, his smile faltering. “Come on,” he pressed, stepping closer again. “Don’t be like that. I can—” “You can leave,” you interrupted, your voice sharper now, cutting through his excuses. Your midnight eyes met his with an intensity that made him pause. “I’ve been polite, but my patience has limits. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Alex hesitated, his confidence wavering under the weight of your gaze. His hand twitched as if considering another move. “You’re done here,” you said, your voice dropping lower, almost a growl. “Walk away before you embarrass yourself further. You wouldn’t want me calling for my father, would you?” The flicker of fear in his eyes was brief, but it was enough. He stepped back, muttering an incoherent excuse before retreating into the crowd, his bravado shattered.
You exhaled softly, the tension in your muscles easing as you released your tail from its hold. Lifting the champagne glass to your lips, you took another sip, savoring the bitterness that lingered.
“Handling your admirers with grace, I see,” came a familiar voice from behind you.
You didn’t need to turn to know it was Sylus. He leaned casually against the nearest pillar, his crimson eyes gleaming with amusement. Your eyes met his without surprise. If you were startled by his sudden appearance, you didn’t show it.
“You’re not very subtle,” you said, your tone as calm as ever.
Sylus smirked, leaning casually against the wall. “And yet, you noticed me. Maybe I wanted to be found.”
You tilted your head, studying him with a faint hint of amusement. “Or maybe you’re just bad at hiding.”
The exchange was brief, but it was enough to confirm what Sylus had suspected. You weren’t just another player in the Zone’s power games. You were something else entirely—a force that could reshape the rules of the game itself.
And for the first time in a long time, Sylus found himself intrigued.
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cokou · 8 months ago
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[Multi Character Fic] [マルチキャラクターフィクション]
Summary* quite literally the title, embarrassing things that happen during the do. Warnings* NSFW Note ✉* ~ I feel sadz ong😵‍💫 || MORE FOR LAW AND THE OTHERS LOLZ // do not translate, transfer, or reform. This is my only account (exp. Ao3), will not be crossposted in any other platforms. // Masterlist // PART 1
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—Back when you asked him to try out toys with you and he agreed, when the toys arrived he immediately disagreed and demanded a refund from the seller because apparently you ordered those 20 inches dildo's and he gave you real scolding afterwards. (Its not exactly DURING the deed but..) [-373 Aura]
—WHEN he insisted that no one would hear you in his office because no one was currently on the ship since he sent them on an expedition and Shachi bursted on the door making you guys scream in shock. Law panicked and accidentally roomed you outside the ship, IN THE SEA NAKED.
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—Back when he invited Killer on a threesome, then when it came to the bedroom the two of them decided to fight on who's going inside your puss puss and Killer called Kidd 'selfish' because he already felt you before and they decided to have a battleground in your room.
—When you were riding him so fast that you accidentally slipped of the bed taking him with you on floor and you twisted your foot. [-210294844 aura😥]
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—He asked Benn what position he should do to you, INFRONT OF YOU, and he recommended helicopter style. 'What the fuck'. (Not exactly DURING the thing but😭😭)
—When you were away from him at the time since you had to take care of a mission and you got a call from Benn that Shanks needed to speak to you, his dick got stuck on your teddy bear's thread and almost cut his circulation off. (☹️)
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❝ SABO ❞
—You both agreed to use a condom for safety purposes, unfortunately, the size you bought was a size bigger than his. During the deed he didn't realize it came off INSIDE YOU, so now you're in the hospital getting rid of the stuck condom. Advance Happy Father's Day, Sabo.
—Unknowingly, you two didn't notice that Koala was in the same room as you guys while she slept. In the middle of the session she screamed "SHUT UP" and jumpscared Sabo, causing his dick to have a tereible cramp and, (not suprisingly) rushed him in the ER.
P.S. he almost broke his dick.
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©Cokou 2024, all works belong to me.
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