#and have fun and drink and do drugs with all the art majors
mityenka · 1 year
i could never be a dark academia girlie because when i read the secret history i kept rooting for the main character to go hang out and party with the cool liberal arts students. the pretentious study group meant nothing to me
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inkskinned · 2 years
hey it's nanowrimo. i have tips bc i've done it about 34 times.
Don't edit. Ever. Stop it. If you just decide to start a new project half thru this one with all new characters, no problem. pick up and keep writing as if you'd already written the first half of that.
"but i spelled it wrong" whatever. "but the grammar" whatever. make it exist first. no time for sense. think like you're working on a typewriter. no backspace. only forward go.
Don't re-read further than a paragraph or two backwards. "did i mention the gun before?" listen - it doesn't matter. if you need there to be a gun there, the gun is there. put it back in once you finish the book.
"i forgot the specifics of X thing i already wrote" whatever. change it, make a note/comment to figure it out later, and just write what makes sense for the moment. "no raquel it's legit the characters name and origin" idc that character is now reborn as Claudius from Elsewhere. it's fine.
only you see your mistakes. nobody else knows. one of the ways writing and dance overlap - only you know the choreography. nobody else will know if you miss a step, so just keep dancing and pretend you meant to do it like that.
it's an illusion that you need to write linearly - from point A to point B to point C. Nah; that's just timeline propaganda. I've written a LOT of books out of order and just reordered them once i've finished. if you have a scene you'd LOVE to write but can't get there yet because of plot, just fuckin write the scene. I've always found its easier to establish "point F" "point J" and "Point A" and then wiggle my way between those scenes.
write what you WANT to write. 230 pages of smut? of well-researched discussion on bread? whatever. the point is to strengthen muscles however you can.
if you miss a day, a week, whatever. not the end of the world. we all have dry days. also time is a myth so u can do this challenge whenever u want.
as soon as you try to write for a specific audience, you kill your voice. you are writing for yourself. stop thinking about how people will take ur book. it don't matter. what matter is u, enjoying writing. i luv u.
play to your strengths. i have characters talk so much because i don't know how to write a plot if it kills me but i'm really good at dialogue so.
i love a flight of fancy. write a poem in there. shift tactics and write in code. keep it fun for yourself.
see what happens if you shift something major about ur main characters - gender, wealth, superpowers. or if you change point-of-view. or if you kill everyone in a big explosion. do NOT edit anything before this or after it. often these little weird one-off exercises teach me what interests me about what i'm working on. it is never what i thought. plus it is a fun way to add like 1k words.
it's for fun and for practice. stop doing that project if it's giving you anxiety. once my nano was literally 50k words of half-started stories. just things i tried and tried and tried and wasn't able to flesh out. oops. but i am now 50k words of a better writer.
add dragons?
read books/listen to books on tape/etc. people often make the mistake of "buckling down" to just write. you need inspiration. you need to like. fill up on words. you need to remember how it feels to lose yourself in a story.
i don't have the time or space to really talk about this in this post but a lot of creative people turn to drugs/alcohol because it can help you be more creative. this is harmful, and walking a blade that only cuts deep. if you notice you and your loved ones are turning more to substances, please know i love you and i hope you are able to get help soon. i feel like this almost never gets mentioned because it's kind of a hazy underbelly to art. you are always more important than the work.
on that note. drink your fukin. water.
don't talk about a story until you've finished it. once you tell the story, it exists already, and isn't about discovery. i usually have a very canned "haha we'll see" response.
grapes :) tasty snack.
i love you be free.
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hammity-hammer · 1 year
steve harrington realizing that he’s got no purpose if he’s not protecting the people he loves from outer-dimensional beings, and has a minor (read: major) spiral about it post-vecna & the party fixing everything. he’s just a regular ole 20 something with no purpose— his friends are all in school, except eddie, who managed to pick up an apprenticeship as an electrician; putting all of that wire knowledge to use (just not in cars, he hasn’t hotwired one since 1986 and he’d like to keep it that way si vous plais) and making the rich houses have even cooler guts than they deserve.
the kids end up graduating (their first tries) and heading as one little pack to the same school (don’t ask me which, i’m a college drop out) and steve, eddie, and rob end up staying just outside of indy. rob finished school early, because of course she did, and she found that she may have a knack for hanging around high schoolers, so why not teach them how to become polyglots like she is?
steve still doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing— he bartends at a little club in the gayborhood, because they went there so often that the bartenders just kind of pushed him into it, and don’t get him wrong— mixing drinks and flirting all night is super fun, but it also… is kind of depressing? even if he gets to be around people like him and see them happy— he knows that a lot of alcohol and drugs causes that happiness and he wants so badly for his people to be out and proud and not murdered for it. but he can’t do that,, so he does the next best thing.
he talks with one of the regulars, andy, who owns a little tattoo shop on the corner, and andy invites him to come check it out. so he does the next day he’s free, and holy fucking christ. tattoos aren’t his thing— at least not on himself, but on other people they’re gorgeous. and they’re painful, but you’re turning the pain into art and you get to live with it in your skin and look at it and think about the fact that you’re here and you made it and you fucking survived. and people purposefully put scars into their bodies? and not in the i-battled-literal-other-dimensional-beings-and-won kind of way, or the i-battled-my-personal-demons-and-won kind of way, which both are things he’s dealt with so fucking intimately— but in the i-will-decorate-this-flesh-prison-and-make-it-a-castle kind of way, and that’s fucking beautiful. queer people taking their bodies and making them into art with ink and hot metal and needles and the love that they have for each other and the passion and the fucking spite at the world that keeps them going and making their presences KNOWN.
and maybe he gets some piercings while he’s there— it’s fascinating and feels so weird and freeing when the needle punctures his flesh and the jewelry goes in— and now he’s got a shiny little ring hanging through his earlobe; his nostril; his lip.
he learns that piercings take time and effort and care and that he has to treat himself with love to be able to heal— and that he is deserving of that love and care and dedication, especially from himself.
he keeps going back, maybe not always to get stabbed, but to watch others have it done. to see how different people’s anatomy takes different piercings, how he can’t have a piercing through his cheeks because he bites them too much when he’s anxious, but the girl that just left got both of hers done and they looked good. they fit her face, like little shiny dimples.
eventually, the piercer, killie, asks steve when he’s going to help them with their needles and their piercings— and he doesn’t know how to react because he hadn’t even thought about it and yet… maybe he could help other people fall in love with themselves and their bodies and help turn them into art one day
maybe he could be a pretty boy with his scars and his metal and his missing chunks and his polos and his jeans and his sneakers.
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butteredfrogs · 1 year
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Bold the facts - ginger edition
tagged by @ezra-trait tysm bestie!!
i already did my fav girl elvene so now it’s gingers turn because i’m having so much fun developing their story and lore (also just a reminder ginger goes by they/them!)
💰finance: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
🩹medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
👑class or caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
📚education: qualified (they studied art at university!) / unqualified / studying / other
🚨criminal record: yes, for major charges / yes for minor charges / no / has committed crimes but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
👶children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children
👨‍👩‍👧relationship with family: close with siblings / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased
🏡affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable
[traits and tendencies]
🥕extroverted / introverted / in between
🥕disorganised / organised / in between
🥕close minded / open minded / in between
🥕cautious / reckless / in between
🥕patient / impatient / in between
🥕outspoken / reserved / in between
🥕leader / follower / in between
🥕empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
🥕optimistic / pessimistic / in between
🥕traditional / modern / in between
🥕hard working / lazy / in between
🥕cultured / uncultured / in between
🥕loyal / disloyal / unknown
🥕faithful / unfaithful / unknown
✝️faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / spiritual
👻believe in spirits or ghosts: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
💀belief in afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
🦋belief in reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
👽belief in aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✝️religion: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
[sexuality and romantic interest]
❤️sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual (lesbian) / bisexual / pansexual / asexual
❤️sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless
❤️romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❤️sexually: adventurous / experienced / inexperienced / naive / curious
⚧️potential sexual partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧️potential romantic partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
🏹combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
📖literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
🎨artistic skill: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
🪛technical skill: excellent / good / moderate (probably from having to repair their crappy furniture) / poor / none
🍺drinking alcohol: never / special occasion / sometimes / infrequently / alcoholic
💨smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain smoker
🍄recreational drugs: never / special occasion / sometimes / infrequently/ addict
💊medical drugs: never / no longer need / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
🍔unhealthy food: never / special occasion / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
🛍️splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently (you don’t even wanna know how much they spend on video games and ghibli merch) / shopaholic
♠️gambling: never (unless you count the poker game with luigi which they always end up loosing at) / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
i love doing these they’re always so much fun so thank you for tagging me once again bestie! again i’m not sure who’s already done this so whoever is reading this i’m tagging you, go talk about your ocs, be free!
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rosebalor · 10 months
Chapter 1 (Miss I.D.G.A.F.)
(Sharing my story and love of writing with y’all)
I sit on the balcony of my one-bedroom apartment just staring out at the beautiful sunset sky. The soft breeze feels amazing in this Las Vegas heat. Before long, it's dark out and the lights from the High Roller are brighter than ever.
The Las Vegas strip is coming to life once again. I'm not into the whole gambling or party scene. I prefer staying in and reading a good book or watching Netflix. Call me boring but I'd much rather be safe than sorry especially when it comes to alcohol, drugs, and whatever else goes down here in "sin city". I've always been what most might perceive as a "good girl." I've never done anything bad in my life.
It may seem weird for someone like me to be living in such a party city but I have my reasons for living here. Well, two reasons actually. The first one is my best friend, Mel. She and I are as thick as thieves. We have known each other since freshman year of high school. I remember the first time I saw her. I was sitting in the cafeteria with my friends talking about our first day when in walks this gorgeous blonde with black cowboy boots.
Everyone was whispering all around about what she was wearing. This girl didn't have a care in the world about looking different. Clearly, she was not from Los Angeles. She had a brown bag lunch and was looking around for a place to sit. I got up from our table to introduce myself. I know what being the new girl is like and I wanted to make her feel welcomed.
From that day forward, we were inseparable. Amelia Benson, or Mel as she likes to be called, became my closest confidant. We are total opposites but somehow we just click. She has bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, fair-skinned and is about 5'8. I'm dark-haired with hazel eyes, tanned skin and is very petite at only 5'2. She loves to have fun and let loose while I'm more conservative and prefer the quiet.
She has been trying for years to get me out of my shell and has successfully done that once by making me get a tattoo when we first moved out. One week here and I now sport a heart and flower tattoo on my right shoulder. However, she has failed in getting me to go to clubs.
"Cmon, Nia! We're 21 now! It's like a right of passage to go out and get drunk now that we're legal!" she had told me on a few days after my birthday.
"No way! You know I hate that type of stuff."
"I don't get why. You're so pretty and you could honestly pull off any hot outfit and we could totally have fun on the strip."
I roll my eyes at her. She just doesn't understand that I have no interest in drinking and partying. It has nothing to do with how I look. I know I'm pretty and that guys check me out all of the time but I just don't care to flaunt that around.
My other reason for being here is my boyfriend Carter Montgomery. We've been together since jr high after so many years of being just friends. We grew up together and have been friends since practically birth. Weirdly enough, we're only 2 days apart. To this day, we still believe our mothers somehow planned it out that way.
Carter is the quarterback at UNLV. He got a full ride to go here and so I applied along with Mel and now Las Vegas has been our home for the past two years. We're currently juniors, Carter majoring in kinesiology, Mel in art history, and me in Psychology.
Since being out here, Carter and Mel have become closer since they both have the party streak. I don't mind when they hang out on the strip and at parties because I at least know they're safe. I know most people wouldn't be that trusting especially with a guy like Carter.
Carter is the big man on campus. Practically the whole school knows who he is. There is always a girl wanted to get with him but he shuts that down real quick. I don't blame other girls for throwing themselves at him. He's pretty hot with his brown, boyish hair, grey eyes, 6'2 frame, tan and toned body and a smile that could melt anyone's heart.
Carter can act like a douche, I mean what guy doesn't have that side to them? But I truly know him and I know the softer side he has. He's absolutely sweet, understanding and I know I can trust him. It also helps that after a night out, he always comes back to stay the night with me.
I may be a nice girl but even I have needs. I love Carter and I know he loves me so having sex felt like a normal thing. He has never pressured me into doing anything I don't want to do and that just makes me fall for him even more.
Just like clockwork, at around 1 AM, I hear someone at the door. I laugh as I hear Carter's voice as he cusses and fumbles with the lock. Eventually, he gets the door open and smiles as soon as he sees me.
I get up from the couch and hug him tightly.
"Mmm, I missed you," he says into my hair.
I smile, "I missed you too."
He lifts me up with ease and makes our way to the couch. He sits down and places me in his lap. I have my legs on either side of his and straddle him.
"How was your night?" I ask.
He shrugs. "Not bad, we all just hit a frat party so it was just pretty much the usual drunk people hanging out."
"And Mel?"
"She was there too. I made sure to walk her back to her apartment to make sure she got home safe."
I smile. Carter is such a gentleman.
He closes his eyes and I run my hands through his hair. I lean down and kiss his lips softly then make my way down to his neck. I bite down softly, sucking on his skin. He lets out a soft moan letting me know he's enjoying this.
We make out for a little while before Carter lifts me up yet again and walks us to the bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and hovers over me as he kisses me hard. Soon our clothes are off and he's inside me.
The only thing I hate about his drunk nights is how quick the sex is. I'm not saying the sex is bad but I usually feel a little frustrated after because it doesn't last as long as when he's sober. Within a few minutes, Carter is lying next to me asleep. I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower before getting back into bed and cuddling up to my snoring boyfriend.
The next day, I'm sitting at a frozen yogurt shop with Mel, listening to her talk about the party last night. I sit there eating my yogurt and pretending to listen. After a while, it gets boring when Mel talks about her partying but I've learned to block out most and listen just enough to make it look like I'm paying attention. It's a gift really.
We get interrupted by a few guys who ask us for our numbers. Mel gives them hers and makes them leave before they even have a chance to ask for mine again.
"So, you're going to the game on Saturday, right?"
"Well, my boyfriend is the quarterback so I kind of have to be there."
She nods her head. "Right. What about after? You should come out with us."
I sigh. "Not this again. You already know my answer to that."
"Stop being such a party pooper!" she says a little too loud. A few heads turn and look at us. She looks around silently apologizing to them and gets up.
"I'll be right back but this conversation isn't over."
I roll my eyes and go back to eating my fro-yo. As she walks to the bathroom, her phone goes off. Taylor Swift's "Shake it off" starts blaring. I reach for her phone to silent it surprised it's not on vibrate since she usually has it on that setting. I don't mean to look at the message on the screen but when I do, I'm in shock.
It's her old roommate Rachel, who I've never gotten along with, asking why Mel didn't call her earlier. She ends the text with "You better not be too busy making out with Carter!"
What the hell? As I'm about to silent the phone and put it back down, it goes off again. This time "Stay" by Sugarland starts playing. It's the chorus and the next verse that I know so well that catches my eye.
"Why don't you stay?
I'm down on my knees I'm so tired of bein' lonely Don't I give you what you need? When she calls you to go There is one thing you should know We don't have to live this way Baby, why don't you stay?You keep tellin' me, baby There will come a time When you will leave her arms And forever be in mine But I don't think that's the truth And I don't like bein' used, and I'm tired of waitin'It's too much pain to have to bear To love a man you have to share..."
I finally look at the name of who is texting her and almost drop the phone. Carter? What the fuck is going on? Why does she have that song set as his ringtone? I read his message and my heart stops.
"Hey baby, sorry I couldn't stay last night. I'll see you tonight though. Wear that outfit that I like so much."
Baby? Baby?!?! Oh. My. God.
My best friends are sneaking around behind my back.
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lag-blogs · 2 years
If anybody needs a pitch to get into playing Discon Elysium, I highly recommend Jacob Geller’s video about it. You can’t watch all of it bc major spoilers but it does an amazing job setting up the beauty of the game.
It’s also incredibly funny. I encourage you to fail checks and see what happens !! You can change clothes to boost stats (or do drugs and drink alcohol). It truly is a dress up game for Harry
There’s not a whole lot of fan art of ALL the other characters bc there’s so fucking many !!! Like so many people you want to meet. It always takes me HOURS to get through day 1 bc I want to talk to everybody and see what they’re up to. I’ve done five runs doing a different amalgamation of skills. Depending which of your 24 skills that you put points into, they will chime in during conversation. They all interact w each other and have a slightly different cadence and slang. It’s such a beautiful game that’ll make you learn shit about yourself. Be prepared and have fun !!
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allegranardi · 2 years
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Name: Allegra Sofia Nardi Nicknames: Allie Gender/Pronouns: Cis-Female, her/hers Age: 26 Birthday: June 11th, 1996 Zodiac: Gemini Sun, Virgo Rising, Pisces Moon Hometown: Rome, Italy Neighborhood: West Point Homes, Seattle Occupation: A bartender (architect) Sexuality: Heterosexual. Relationship status: Dating Rhett Matthews Positive traits: innovative, fearless, reliable Negative traits: reckless, impulsive, jealous
tw: alcohol, drugs.
Born to an Italian mother and an American father in the beginning of what would be an incredibly hot Italian summer, Allegra spent the first three years of her life in Rome living in a small, yet a happy family of three - her mom, her older brother & herself. And what about her dad? Well, her parents were in a long distance relationship that started during her mother’s college years in the States. Her father couldn’t move to Rome because he was a DEA agent, while her mother never wanted to live in the States. However, when her mother had finally decided to move the small family to New York so that they could all finally be together, her parents decided to break up.. after seven months of living together. And New York was nothing like Rome, not even close.. but it became a home. 
Friendly as she was, Allegra had managed to find herself a great set of friends and hobbies that made her life much sweeter in The Big Apple. Yet it was one hobby that managed to stand out - ballet. And she was dancing till she was seventeen years old, even dreaming of turning pro one day. A talented dancer, Allegra was spending all of her time in the ballet classroom till her toes would be literally bleeding, but she didn’t care about the pain or the tears - it was all she wanted to do. However all good things must come to an end, don’t they? A sudden knee injury prevented her from turning into a professional ballet dancer.. Allegra had never really recovered from her dream shattering into a million pieces.
Considering there was no future for her in the world of ballet, Allegra enrolled into the Columbia University majoring in History of Art & Architecture. Whether she wanted to work as an architect or not was not so much important to her as her days were filled with partying. To forget the pain caused by the loss of her dream, the girl could be found at every damn party, numbing herself to the point of not knowing who she was. Drinking wasn’t an enemy of hers, but a very dear friend, just as doing drugs wasn’t unknown to her. But she had it under control, didn’t she? It was during the weekends only, and to be fair, it wasn’t even every weekend - well, not anymore. And perhaps she couldn’t even remember when was the last time she even took something. But how many times had she woken up not remembering anything at all? Or the times she had found herself lying next to the unknown men in unknown bedrooms? She never cared about anyone except having fun.. it was all she wanted to do.
But it all come to an end when she met a certain blond musician - Rhett Matthews. It didn’t take them long to hook up, with both more than keen to just have fun, but it took them quite long to confess to themselves and each other there was more to the two of them than just sex. From the meaningless kisses to the days & nights spent together not wanting to let each other go.. they fell in love. And boy, did they fall - it was one of those I-can’t-live-without-you loves.. the one they had no control over whatsoever, so it wasn’t surprising that Allegra decided to pack her suitcases and move to Seattle with Rhett. No questions asked.. the bottom line was, all she wanted was to be with him. 
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lucifer000sstuff · 1 year
Wonderland's Facade
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Warnings :
Vague mentions of drug use & cigarettes
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It was a regular night,the still ink sky dusted with luminescent white dots that many adore..the streets were barren,bits of paper dancing slowly in the cold breeze as streets lights shone with cats & druggies standing near or underneath it's welcoming warmth. People were exiting & entering bars nightclubs & their apartments to spend their night with a loved one or to get a fun time with someone they'll never see again.
The Empathy Error a small cyberpunk music band of three 18 year olds who were almost done with their high school & were trying to get a name in society for money making & fame were strolling the streets looking for another place to lurk in during the nights to get away from their day time troubles & sorrows & to have some drinks or maybe a few cigarettes before old man or street punk tell them to get lost from their newfound hang out spot.
Timmy the band's drummer & the top straight a student in art class was just sitting on an old trash can that was rusted & flipped over while Brittany or Brit who was a major in fashion & also the groups pianist was lighting a cigarette & finally Alice the person who didn't have much achievements to her name other than the fact she was good at playing the guitar thus why she was the band's ' leader ' was plucking random strings on her guitar trying to find the right melody that itched her brain so well it could be turned into a new song for the group's little album.
“ Got anything yet Al? ” Brit asked smoking their cigarette as she & Timmy watched Alice in curiosity.“ Nah but I'm trying.. ” Alice replied continuing to pluck the string on her black guitar. Timmy looked at Alice before sighing “ you don't ever give up do ya? ” Timmy said shaking his head before opening a chocolate bar taking a bite “ At least I'm trying & not jst eating chocolate ” Alice said jokingly but jst then the trio heard a sound..A snap they saw a white rabbit “ Awh! A bunny ” Brittany said throwing their cigarette bud away “ Lets follow it! ” Alice said before Timmy held her shoulder “ Didn't you hear about Alice in wonderland? & what happened when she followed the white rabbit?! ” Timmy said implying that the rabbit might lead them to danger or worst death...he was always the over thinker of the trio..which made the others laugh “ Timmy that's a fucking story bro nothin' is gonna happen! ” Alice said to the boy who was concerned about his peers safety & sanity at this point..but nonetheless he followed the other 2 who were following the white rabbit like little children.
After a few possible minutes of rabbit chasing the Empathy Error stopped at an abandoned library without hesitation or at least a minute of thinking the trio went in the library... Timmy was still a little scared but seeing so much books was amazing so he was a little calm. Alice told the group not to split up so if they were to die they'll die together. Brit spotted a book in front a window...the light from the moon lit sky & stars as they illuminated the area the book was laying on buts of dust danced in the moonlight making the book more alluring...Alice went towards the book Timmy & Brit behind her..she picked up the book “ it looks new..unlike the other's it's as if it was jst put here ” the teen said examining the book. “ I...don't open the book Alice! ” Timmy said...did Alice listen? No she did not & like they say actions have consequences & alice's were..life changing.
Alice open the book dropping it out of fear when the book made a ' whrr ' sound a blue portal opening sucking Alice in the other 2 tried to get the girl out but all efforts went down the drain when Alice got sucked in the book..as if on queue..the 2 kids heard men behind them..“ maybe I shouldn't have tested the drug we seized “ A raspy but young voice said followed by another one who replied “ it's not the drugs jake,I saw it too ” Timmy & Brittany turned around to see 2 police officers.. who suggested the teens follow them...with their friend & hope all lost Timmy & Brittany obeyed.
Alice woke up with a groan..she was laying in fluffy light green grass bits of pink & white falling on her..she sat up & dusted them off to see that they were petals..cherry blossom petals..she saw that there were also bits of red flowers..that looked like lilies..she saw that there were large cherry blossom trees around here sheltering her from the heat of the sun..that was centered amongst baby pink clouds in the orange & magenta sky,reflecting on the lake which was sprinkled with duck weeds & water lilies & other water life critters..she sat the strange yet peaceful silence trying to think about what just happened when suddenly she heard someone speak in a soft yet raspy tone..alongside an Italian accent .“ Luckily you didn't fall into the lake..it would've been such a shame for a new guest to die instantly ” the voice spoke.
Alice looked up to see a cat..purple with strokes of white on it's fur adorned with a black collar with a gold bow hanging from it a matching bell..“ what..are you? ” Alice asked in curiosity while wondering if she's lost her mind..“ oh me? I'm the Cheshire Cat ” said the creature.. before giving off a soft purple glow..now what stood in front of the girl was a tall man..dressed in black clothing..he had messy,long & unruly white hair which edges were purple & covered it's face..he also had on the same collar & his tail was robotic & long..he still had the same long cat ears except his right one had a piercing on it.
Alice was shocked to say the least..“ wait wait..isn't the Cheshire cat supposed to be well...a cat ” Alice questioned to which the..cat man responded with “ Reality isn't always what it appears to be my dear,that's basically what Wonderland's about ”
“ Wonderland?! ” Alice shouted when all the pieces could together... Alice was in wonderland..the wonderland.
“ Indeed you're in wonderland.. & I'm the Cheshire cat..but people call me Mr.Cheshire so ya could jst call me that instead ” Mr. Cheshire responded with a smirk as he observed the blonde girl..“ I rather C.C instead ” Alice responded Mr. Cheshire— C.C didn't mind..“ say..since Wonderland's a rather dangerous place for newcomers like you how about you follow me I'll offer you a place to stay. C.C spoke in a tone that was making his offer tempting.. & Alice with little to no knowledge about her surroundings agreed “ Delightful! Follow me my dear ” the man responded before leading Alice towards the place he was implying about...
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allegranardix · 2 years
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Name: Allegra Sofia Nardi Nicknames: Allie Gender/Pronouns: Cis-Female, Her/Hers Age: 26 Birthday: June 11th, 1996 Zodiac: Gemini Sun, Virgo Rising, Pisces Moon Hometown: Rome, Italy Neighborhood: Tribeca, Manhattan Occupation: Curatorial assistant at the MOMA NYC status: The Command associate Sexuality: Heterosexual Positive traits: innovative, fearless, reliable Negative traits: reckless, impulsive, jealous
tw: divorce, alcohol, drugs.
Born to an American mother and an Italian father in the beginning of what would be an incredibly hot Italian summer, Allegra spent first five years of her life in Rome living in a small, yet happy family of four. If you asked her what she remembered from those first five years of her life, she’d probably say the Tiber river and all the green surrounding it. However, after nine years of marriage, the happy family life was abruptly broken when her parents decided to get a divorce, causing Allegra to move to the States with her mother and older brother. And New York was nothing like Rome, not even close.. but it became a home.
Her childhood was a rather normal one, as much as it can be when one parent lives on one continent, while the second lives on another, but between those long airplane rides between Rome & New York, Allegra had managed to find herself a great set of friends and hobbies that made her life sweeter. Yet it was one hobby that stood out and soon become a big love of hers - ballet. Allegra was dancing ballet till she was seventeen years old, even dreaming of turning pro one day.. the girl was spending all of her time in the ballet class - dancing till her toes would be literally bleeding, but she didn’t care about the pain or the tears - it was all she wanted to do.. and she was talented, she really was. But all good things must come to an end, don’t they? A sudden knee injury prevented her from becoming a professional ballet dancer.. one could say she had never really recovered from that dream of hers shattering into a million pieces.
Considering there was no future for her in the world of ballet, Allegra enrolled into the Columbia University majoring in History of Art & Architecture.. buildings were not so fragile as dancing was.. or so she told to herself. But she was in love with art, always had been - and as she was often traveling with her family, she had realized her interest always laid in museums and the architecture of the cities she would visit. Those were nothing but breathing art.. there was magic in it - dreams that would come alive.. and in a way, she felt connected to the ballet again.
But there was wildness that was running through that girl’s blood.. she was still attracting people to herself - her presence magnetic as ever, one could find Allegra at every damn party, from the ones she would come to with her friends, all the way to those she’d come to alone, which she didn’t mind at all. All she wanted was to have fun.. and she could have that on her own. If she wanted people by her side, she could simply meet them in the club or a bar.. or at the party she crashed. There was something about having fun.. that kept the demons she was fighting at bay.
And drinking wasn’t an enemy of hers, but a friend, just as doing drugs wasn’t unknown to her.. not at all. But she had it under control, didn’t she? It was during the weekends only, and to be fair, it wasn’t even every weekend - not anymore. And perhaps she couldn’t even remember when was the last time she even took something. But how many times had she woken up not remembering anything at all? Was it only on the weekends even? How could one be certain where there was some party every night? In one moment she was in the kitchen of some apartment, and in the other she’d walking on the edge of thirty floor building.. but it was fun, wasn’t it? And as you already know, all she wanted was to have fun.. no matter of the price.
However, her life was good. Or at least it seemed so to her.. thanks to her academic success, the girl first got an internship at the MET, yet it was the MOMA who hired Allegra permanently immediately after graduating.. the youngest curatorial assistant. What a great job, what a perfect career move.. how lucky was she, wasn’t she? Yet, it was her parents truly she owed her career to.. her mother was a successful Manhattan’s OB/GYN, while her father.. well, it was a bit more complicated. Let’s just say Massimo Nardi had money, lots of it.. some would call him an entrepreneur, a successful CEO, while some would call him.. the boss. And it could mean a lot of things, but in her family it meant one thing only.. Cosa Nostra. Yes, you have read that right.. Allegra Sofia Nardi was the daughter of a mafia boss - of the man who had half of Southern Europe under his control.. drugs, guns, cars.. you name it, her father controlled it. And in New York, well.. he was the boss of the Command.
Many think her parents divorced due to the two of them falling out of love, yet the truth was entirely different.. it was her father who sent his wife back to her country with their two children - not because he was out of love, but because he wanted to protect them.. being such a powerful man he knew it was just a matter of time before his enemies, and he had many of them, would come after him.. after his beloved family. There was no way he’d let them steal what he loved the most, no matter what, and he sent them as far as he could.. to save them from the life he was born into & the life his children carried within their genetic code.
It was a brave attempt, a well thought move.. to save the Nardi children from the danger. But could one predict everything? Could the Nardi boss predict his children’s every move? Could he predict his daughter’s recklessness, love for danger.. to protect his children, the boss sent them to the States, yet perhaps it would have been better if the drug lord’d had his eyes on them all the time, keeping them close to himself.. perhaps then his only daughter - the beautiful, intelligent & successful Allegra Sofia Nardi.. the girl who had it all.. wouldn’t be so close to becoming one of the victims of her father’s dark empire.
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roroswitherose · 3 years
Series masterlist based off Monsta x album all about luv. 
Just a bunch of clichés tbh :]
Warnings might change in the future! I don’t have a timeline when the fics will be posted!
Comment to be added to tag list!
Currently writing : Happy without me
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SUMMARY: Taeyong is in love with y/n, his best friend since middle school. When his other best friend doyoung finally meets y/n, Taeyong notices that doyoung is slowly falling in love with y/n just like he did.
PAIRING(S): Best friend! Taeyong x Female Reader, Doyoung x Female Reader
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, College Au?, Best friends to lovers, Love triangle. 
WARNINGS: swearing, alcohol usage, kissing,
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SUMMARY: Mark was known as “ Sm university’s f-boy” and he didn’t mind being called that . But when he spends a family vacation with his best friends family he finds himself trying to convince y/n his best friends sister, that he’s not what the rumors make him out to be.
PAIRING(S): F boy! Mark x Female reader, Ft Brother! jeno , Ft Best Friend! Renjun
GENRE: Fluff, Little bit of Angst, Brothers best friend AU, Fuvk Boy AU.
WARNINGS: swearing, alcohol usage, underage drinking, mentions of sexual acts, kissing, Just mark being in love with y/n 
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SUMMARY: Jaehyun and y/n broke up 9 months ago. When he comes back for there mutual friends birthday and he’s sees how happy she is in a new relationship he can’t help but miss her and he realizes he made the biggest mistake by leaving her especially when he still loves her.
PAIRING(S): Ex! Jaehyun x Female reader, Bf! Jungkook x Female member
GENRE: Angst, jealous ex, Ex boyfriend AU
WARNINGS: Swearing, Cheating, Alcohol, kissing,
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SUMMARY: y/n wasn’t happy in her relationship and her neighbor mark knew it, she was slowly slipping away from her happy fun personality she had when she first moved in next door. So when her boyfriend leaves for the summer for an internship mark takes the summer to show her new adventures hoping that she won’t forget her true self.
PAIRING(S): neighbor! Mark x Female Reader
GENRE: Lots of fluff!, Angst, Friends to lovers.
WARNINGS: slight swearing, Kissing, Mentions of cheating, Mentions of depression, Clichés, mark being a sweetheart. 
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SUMMARY: Taeil and y/n love each other. In simple words they want to spend the rest of there life together. They just haven’t figured out if they would continue being just friends or be lovers, which they both want. But it’s hard to plan the rest of your life when it’s two years into the apocalypse. 
PAIRING(S): Taeil x Female Reader
GENRE: Fluff, Slight angst, Apocalypse AU, Best friends to lovers.
WARNINGS: Swearing, Descriptions of wounds and blood, A zombie apocalypse so zombies, Mentions of death, Mention of depression, kissing, Near Death experience,
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SUMMARY: Yuta used to be apart of y/n’s friend group but after he was caught with one of there friends girlfriend the friends cut off their friendship the summer before there first year at college. Now It’s been 5 months since the start of the second year of collage and 3 months since y/n and Yuta started secretly seeing each other.
PAIRING(S): Yuta x Female Reader, Best friend! NCT 127 x Female reader
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, College AU, Ex best friends to lovers, Soccer player Yuta.
WARNINGS: swearing, drinking, mention of cheating, mention of drugs( briefly), kissing,
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SUMMARY: Jungwoo is in love with his childhood best friend y/n. Is his eyes she’s perfect. While he only had a few friends and was a music major she was a popular art student. Jungwoo thinks that she’s in love with his best friend Johnny but she only has eyes for him, her “muse”
PAIRING(S): Music major! Jungwoo x Female Reader, Slight Johnny x reader.
GENRE: Fluff, Tiny bit of angst, College AU, Best friends to lovers, just another cliché fic :] 
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SUMMARY: Doyoung and y/n have been dating for 2 years but with both of there careers setting off they find it hard to keep there relationship alive. After a fight they realize there relationship is falling apart. So they end it.
PAIRING(S): Actor! Doyoung x Model! Female Reader
GENRE: Angst!, Established Relationship, Breakup AU
WARNINGS: Swearing, Crying, Breakup, Mention of cheating, Doyoung being jealous.
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SUMMARY: Y/n’s Parents don’t approve of her relationship with haechan so they give her an ultimatum college or haechan. But y/n is tired of listing to everything her parents say so she continues seeing haechan thinking that her parents have no idea about it, only to realize someone she never expected told her parents. 
PAIRING(S): Bad Boy!Haechan x Female Reader, Ft Brother!Doyoung
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Kind of a forbidden love?, Bad boy AU, Brothers Friend AU
WARNINGS: Swearing, Fighting, Mention of drugs, Alcohol usage, betrayal?
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SUMMARY: Johnny and y/n met when there family’s spent the summer together when there parents started business together. Now it’s been 7 months since there summer fling and Johnny can’t stop thinking about how unhappy he is at his father’s side running there company and how happy he was being with y/n.
PAIRING(S): Johnny x Female Reader, Ft Brother! Renjun
GENRE: a little bit of Angst, Fluff, Long distance,
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almanacrat · 3 years
Up the Wall (part one)
Jake Kiszka x femReader
~The majority vote was in favor of an enemies to lovers Jake fic, so here it is~
Summary: One of Y/n’s best friends brings her home to meet the family. She hits it off with all of them, but one of them immediately drives her up the wall, which will make for an interesting dinner and an even more interesting dynamic.
“It’ll be fine.” Sam slung an arm around Y/n as he dug out his house key.
Sam and Y/n had been college buddies for a while. Y/n was shy in big groups, so during class she barely uttered a word if she didn't have to and sat in the back by herself. Though she was friendly and polite, being in big groups made her nervous. Sammy was the exact opposite; fun and outgoing. Sam was the little ball of sunshine in every class, bringing joy and life with him wherever he went. He could talk to anyone, but he found that the shy kids were always the best people to talk to. Behind a wall of silence sat many undiscovered secrets, and Sam loved to learn who each of them really was. Because of this, it was no surprise to Danny when Sam decided to sit next to the quiet kid in his art history class. At first, Y/n found Sammy to be obnoxious, but became more comfortable and closer with him over time.
 The two were strictly friends, feeling too much like brother and sister to have any kind of underlying spark between them. Sam even became a little bit protective of her at times, shielding her from creepy old men at bars and protecting her drink while she was away.
The metallic jingling of Sammy’s keys whipped Y/n back into reality as the front door of his house opened and warm light graced the porch. Sammy had invited her to have dinner with his family, and it made her nervous. She was about to be judged by all of her best friend’s family members, and she hated it, but she decided she would do it for Sammy after he begged for days. So, that evening Y/n put on some brown bellbottoms with a light green top and braced herself for the evening. 
Y/n knew from how Sam talked about his family that they were kind and accepting, but she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if they hated her. What if they kicked her out of the house because they disliked her so much? She was already feeling bad due to an unpleasant interaction she had this morning.
Y/n was walking back to her car in the parking lot of a drug store when someone rounded the corner of their car and rammed into her, causing the person to drop their stuff. The man quickly scooped it up before she had time to help him, then swore at her. 
“What the fuck!” He yelled angrily.
“Woah, back off dude.” She took a step back, really wishing she had Sammy to ward this guy off. 
“You need to look where you're fucking walking.” The man’s voice was still raised to a loud volume.
“I was looking where I was going! It’s not my fault you rounded the corner of your car so fast.” Y/n blurted out, angry that he was mad at her.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have been walking so close to my car.” The man wouldn't let it go, and neither would Y/n. 
The wind played with his long brunette hair as his eyes darkened angrily. Y/n wanted to step on his clean Chelsea boots and walk away, but she was stubborn as a mule.
“Oh, I’m sorry for not walking in the middle of the fucking street! Next time I’ll walk right in the center so I can get run over!” 
“You’re so fucking pretentious!” The man shouted, throwing his arms up in the air.
“Thats rich coming from someone who doesn't know me. I think you’re a snob.” Y/n shot back before storming off to her car and slamming the door.
Vera didn't have any more time to think as Sammy grabbed her hand, bringing her with him into the house.
“Sammy, I look like Shaggy from fucking Scooby Doo.” Vera realized as gave her outfit a once-over. 
Sam looked her up and down, then began to laugh as he realized that she did indeed dress like Shaggy. 
“Ruh-roh, Raggy.” Was the only thing that Sammy said before his mother’s voice flooded the corridor.
“I think Sammy is here!” Her voice was warm and inviting, but the thought of meeting a group of new people froze Y/n’s blood. 
“Yep.” Sam called back to her, giving Y/n a look of exaggerated excitement before leading her into the living room where the most of the Kiszkas sat.
“Oh, dear, it’s so nice to meet you!” Karen exclaimed, pulling Y/n into a hug. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Kiszka.” Y/n smiled over her nerves, hoping to give an amiable impression. 
“Aren’t you precious. This is my husband, Kelly.” Karen announced as Kelly shook Y/n’s hand. 
“I’m Ronnie.” Sam’s sister had left her spot on the couch to greet Y/n. 
“I’m sure Josh will be down when he hears you’re here. Just a fair warning, Josh will make you his new friend.” Sammy cautioned.
Y/n had heard plenty about the twins before, especially Josh. Crazy stories of him surfaced during late-night discussions with Sam. Y/n knew it could be overwhelming to endure his presence, but she wasn't sure how overwhelming. 
“He’s up there messing with his hair.” Ronnie rolled her eyes, then she and Sam started laughing. 
“It’s not even hair anymore.” The two continued to snicker, “Just a ball of fuzz.” 
“Speak of the devil.” Ronnie remarked as a crash was heard from upstairs, followed by Josh bounding down the stairs. 
“Is she here?” Josh asked before he was even at the bottom of the stairs.
“Calm down, Josh. She’s right here.” Karen soothed, trying to calm the raging wildfire that was Josh Kiszka.
“Hi. I’m Josh.” Josh shook Y/n’s hand enthusiastically, his eyes alive with the spirit of a thousand torches and a large grin adorning his face. 
“Y/n.” Y/n introduced herself.
“I know your name. Your Sammy’s best friend... for now.” Josh made an evil face before laughing. 
“What is he on?” Y/n asked Sammy quietly.
“I don't know, but he needs a melatonin.” Sammy said lowly.
“Do you want me to go get Jake?” Josh asked.
“That would be nice, honey.” Karen answered, letting out a small sigh when he dissapeared back up the stairs. “Josh can be very high energy sometimes.” 
“I was warned beforehand.” Y/n said, making Karen let out a little laugh. 
Only a few seconds later, Josh came bebopping back down the wooden steps, declaring Jake’s arrival. The wood of the upstairs floor creaked from the weight of years of running and jumping that went on up there. Y/n watched as a pair of brown Chelsea boots stepped onto the landing, praying to whatever gods were out there that her instinct were wrong. Unfortunately, they were not. Y/n shuddered internally as she saw him walking down the stairs. Jake met her eye as he walked down the stairs, and both cringed subtly as they recognized each other, eyes widening in horror. Sam’s brother was the prick that yelled at her in the parking lot.
“Fuck” Was Y/n’s only thought as she realized she would be eating dinner with him.
A/n: I hope you liked the first chapter of the new series! I will be starting a tag list, so if you want to be added just comment saying so or message me:) 
Also, do you guys want smut in this because I feel personally inclined to put it in there (eventually).
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lqtraintracks · 3 years
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Humbly and with so much gratitude for the love this story has already received (I love everyone in this bar tonight!), I claim my submission for the Harry Draco Big Bang 2021, Bolts. My dearest artist, @slytherco, who not only made SIX major pieces of art for this story, plus several wonderful scene dividers, also made me this gorgeous banner! Long header is long. I'm not sorry. Title: Bolts Author: @lqtraintracks Artist: @slytherco Pairing(s): Harry/Draco; also: Hermione/Ron; Firenze/Bane/OMC / OFC (all centaurs); OMC / OMC, OFC / OMC, ONBC / OFC; Dean/Seamus; implied past Draco/Anthony Goldstein; past Draco/OMC; past Harry/Ginny; some other pairings, none having to do with H or D Other Key Characters: so many OCs, but the main one is Samantha Peabody; McGonagall; Hermione; Ron; Luna; Neville; Firenze; Narcissa; a were-boy named Gerald;  a ribald portrait named Madam Blanton; house elves; a kraken (sort of) Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~115,000 Era: Post-Hogwarts, EWE Content/Warnings: curses; truth curse; nonconsensual truth-telling; one-sided accidental bond of sorts; some homophobia; polyamory (not between Harry and Draco); some recreational drug use; some alcohol use/drinking; angst but with a happy ending; humor; UST; pent-up sexual frustration; a dubiously consensual lap dance; skinny-dipping; aggressive switching; flip-fuck; deep-throating; dual/alternating POV Summary: Harry joins the Hogwarts staff as the new History of Magic Professor, while Draco has already been teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts for the past year. When Samantha Peabody, a first year, is being bullied one day and throws a made-up Truth curse at her harasser, only to accidentally hit Harry instead, Harry becomes cursed to tell the truth, and not only that, he has to regularly tell it to Draco Malfoy. Samantha is clearly gifted, maybe the most powerful witch or wizard to ever come through Hogwarts, and yet she has no idea how to take the curse off. As they work to remove it—and also teach Samantha how to control a power that’s becoming more dangerous by the day—will Harry’s truths become too much to handle? And will whatever’s going on with Draco just make everything exponentially worse? Author’s Notes: I began the journey of writing this story back in 2018. I’m so grateful that writing for the 2021 Harry/Draco Big Bang gave me the push I needed to finish. I’d like to thank Grace and Writ for running the fest and working so hard! To my tireless, AMAZING betas who gave this their time, attention, and who made this so much tighter and better than it would have been otherwise: @tackytigerfic and @maesterchill, I cannot thank you enough, you beautiful humans! To @magpiefngrl for being the alpha I needed at exactly the time that I needed it! You came in and read straight through and helped me remember why I loved this story so much. Your support, your expertise, and everything you brought to this story means the world to me. I’m beyond grateful. And @bixgirl1. You gave me the two prompts that I smooshed together to get the idea for this fic. You listened to me talk about it for hours and were so supportive, so enthusiastic. And you were everything I needed as I started a fic that would turn into the longest thing I’ve ever written. In so many ways, you gave me the confidence to not only start this story, but to finish it. It simply would not exist without you.
And lastly to my artist, @slytherco: You absolute badass! You talented witch! You are one of my favorite artists in fandom, and I knew that the energy you bring to your work would be a wonderful complement to this story, but… Ola, you demolished even my highest hopes for this. You are astounding, and I am so grateful, my friend. Beyond your skill as an artist, you also were just a joy to work with, and I have simply loved our conversations during this process. You are so fun and sweet, and your art is daring and beautiful. You brought Bolts and this Harry and Draco to life. Congratulations on the extraordinary work you did here. I am unutterably honored.
(The first one and a half lines of this story, I ganked straight from Andrew Sean Greer’s phenomenal novel, ‘Less’. Back when I began, I just needed a start, and I adore that book with my whole heart, so I went with it, and it got me going. I wanted to give credit where it was deserved.) Title inspired by the song Lightning Bolts by Iko. <3 Enjoy!
Bolts by lqt
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rudystopit · 3 years
Looking for Someone
[aizawa x f!reader]
summary: aizawa is a PI looking a missing person. he notices a young women looking around the places the missing person was last seen. he starts following her.
warnings: nsfw, eating out, brat/tamer, unprotected sex, and overstimulation. 
wc: 5k
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He sat inside his car. He would never the noticed the nasty smell of rotting food and his own body order. Old coffee cups, fast food wrapping and Chinese take out littered his passenger seat. He sat deep into the seat with a camera to his face.
He took pictures of a 19 year old girl, walking down the street. See that sounds weird but Aizawa Shouta is the best PI in the lower boroughs. His greasy hair is always tied up and his scuff leaves unshaved until he found it annoyingly long. He never seemed to smile. He always working on some case and buried himself his work.
This case was a missing college junior. Her black hair and deep brown eyes are plastered all over the city. The host parents contacted him after the police said it was likely she was dead. he never liked the police, that’s why he never became one after high school.
He clicked a few more photos of the girl before exiting his car to follow her. Her hair bounced as she walked down the busy street. She had been visiting the last places the missing girl was at. A small cafe, an old bodega, a drug store, and a bookstore. She had been down here five times in the last three weeks. She ordered the same green tea and walked to the other places. Aizawa figured out her name is y/n l/n. she’s a student at the local college. Art major. She had some pretty good pieces in the local art show last year.
He followed her into the cafe. She ordered her tea and walked to the other end of the cafe. She pulls out her phone and scans the cafe. Her deep e/c set on his. She smiled and went back to her phone.
“Black coffee,” his deep, raspy voice rang out. His eye contact never leaving the young woman’s figure. He soaked in every inch of soft small body. Her eyes darted over the screen.
“She’s pretty, right?” The young kid on the other side of the counter said. This snapped Aizawa out of his daze. “She’s been coming here more often. I hope she’s single,” the kid laughs, looking at the young woman. “$3.50”
He gave the kid a five and walked over to the other side. Her tea was done and she thanked the worker and walked out the cafe. His coffee was done a few seconds later. He didn’t want to lose her so he swiftly walked out as she quickly turns around and runs square into his chest. Her hair smelt like vanilla and it was softer than what he imagined. She backs up and apologizes profusely. She asked to buy him a new drink and grabbed napkins to clean off the tea and coffee.
“It’s fine, I need to shower anyways,” he jokes. She looks at him not laughing. after awhile of silence, she checked her watch.
“Shit, I’m late, I’m so sorry again,” and with that she was off.
Aiwaza climbed back in his nasty car and drive. She doesn’t know anything. It’s just a coincidence. He went to a small diner on the outskirts of the city.It was an old ma and pop diner with the old red paint and faded sign saying “jersey’s.” The ring above the door rang to announce the new arrivals. He sat in the old booth by the front windows. A woman in a yellow dress uniform walks over.
“Good morning, Shouta,” the young woman’s voice rang. He smiled and looked at her. “The usual?”
“Good morning Anne, yes, Ricky in the back?” He asked.
“Sure is. we were just joking that we were gonna put a ‘Shouta Special’ on the menu,” she laughed, scribbling down his name. Ricky knew what that meant. Black coffee, eggs, hash and hot sauce.
“Ha, no one wants what I eat,” he laughed as Anne walked into the back. Aizawa pulls out a notebook and a case file. He flips open his notes to scribble off Y/n’s name.
The pencil hovered over the beautiful name. Something about her perfect hair and shining eyes that put a weird feeling in his chest. She feels familiar to him yet also new. He had felt this before but never this intense.
There are never coincidences in this line of work.
He looked over his papers and shoved the food into his mouth. Anne sat down in the other booth. She liked watching him and today was slow and the other waitress said she needs the tips.
“So Shouta, tell me about this one,” she said.
“Missing person,” he mumbled scanning over the papers. His face stayed in a scowl and his eyes were dull until he thought he found a clue.
“Sometimes it helps thinking out loud,” Anne said, pulling the papers out of his face.
“Saito Yui, she’s a college student. Straight A’s. Pre-med. She’s top of her class. Barely parties. No boyfriend. But she misses Saturday brunch with her family. Then misses a hang-out with her friend, then classes on Monday. Police say she left. There’s no evidence that she was taken. No enemies. No stalkers and she never got on any one’s bad side,” he says. “There’s this girl though. She’s been in all the spots that Yui was before she went missing,”
“Do you think she knows something?” Anne asked, leaning in.
He pulls out his camera. He clicks through the photos and turned it to her. She took the camera in her hands. she looked at it with focus. Like she was trying to read her.
“I hope she’s innocent,” Anne finally said, handing the camera back. Aiwaza looked at her puzzlingly. “She pretty and has a lot to live for.” Anne always knew what to say, even if it wasn’t correct. She slides out of the booth. “See you tomorrow Shouta,” she waves and disappears into the back.
He looked back at his notes. The only connection between Yui and y/n was that they had a class together on Thursdays. Intro to sociology. He decided he would go and sit outside the class and wait for her to come out.
He watched the college kids walk around him. A lot of them didn’t notice him and the ones that did shot him a dirty look. The wide doors open and a young woman comes walking out out in a tennis skirt and a pull over with the college name printed on the chest. Aiwaza watched as she walked away. Her h/c bounced with each determined step. he leans off the wall and makes his way to her.
“miss l/n.” she wipes around and stares him down. her eyes held such intensity, it took aiwaza back. “i have some questions for you.” he says.
“aren’t you the guy from the cafe? are you following me?” she beginning to walk away from him. he reaches out and grabs her soft wrist.
“please it’s about yui saito,” his grip tightens as she pulls away.
“let go creep,” she spat. “i barely know the exchange student. she lived in my dorm, that’s all i know,” and she turn away.
aizawa sat on a bench and pull his head in his hands. “god i know this job is hard but i know she knows something.” he mumbled to himself. he got up and walked to his car. the young y/n was leaning against it on her phone. he walks up to her.
she looks up at him. he unlocks the car and climbs in hoping she was gonna move. she opens the passager side door. he looks at her with a questioning look.
“you’re right i know more but i wasn’t gonna tell you in the middle of my college campus,” she says with her attitude. he moves all the trash to the back seat and she jumps in. “your car reeks,” she says rolling down the window and pinching her nose.
“shut up brat.” he pulls out of the parking lot and goes to jersey’s.
“do you want to know what i know?” he glared at her. “then be nice,” the whole drive y/n was staring out the window. she watches the old victorian buildings turned small business fade into the american suburbs to a ratty diner in the middle of nowhere.
“jersey’s? never heard of it” she says sliding out of his car. she stretches her arms and heads to the door. aiwaza glares at her as she walks in and talks with anne. she shows her to his usual booth and pulls aiwaza aside.
“she’s way pretty in person,” she laughs. her tone drops to a serious one quickly, “reminds me of someone,” aiwaza knew exactly who she was talking about.
about 10 years back, he was working a case and meet a spunky accountant looking for something fun to do. she somehow became a target for some under organization and sadly she didn’t make it. but aiwaza had ready fallen in love with her. how her brown hair flowed in the wind as she always rolled down his windows. or how she always insisted that if he wasn’t going to dress professionally that she was. and she stuck to it. always wearing pencil skirts or dress slacks. aiwaza missed her but the woman sitting in front of him definitely had her attitude and curiosity on life.
he stay there and watched y/n look threw the menu. she mumbled to herself and pointed at some names. she twitches her nose and scrunches it up as read the descriptions. Anne comes over and takes her order which was just a plate of fries.
“are you sure?” anne asks. y/n just nodded. “black coffee i’m guessing?” she looks over at aiwaza.
“yeah,” he lets out. anne rushes away. “what do yo know,”
“well i was going through her stuff and i saw a necklace from this weird jewelry store downtown and it’s 100% a cult. i think they took Yui,” aiwaza sighed and leaned back.
“i know and they didn’t. i talked to them and they said they remember her buying the necklace but she didn’t join their pray list.” he rubs his eyes and looks at the woman.
her eyes looking over every inch of him. he felt his cheeks heat up a little. he pulls his hands on the table as she about the grab them anne comes with her food and his coffee.
“her host family said she didn’t seem like the type of girl to just leave without telling anybody,” he said bring the cup to his mouth.
“do you shower?” she asks in such a cheery tone. aiwaza chokes on his coffee and coughs. “maybe that’s why your not married,” she takes a fry into her mouth. “because you stink.” he hears anne laughing behind him.
“i shower and i’m not married because i don’t have time to meet anyone,” he glared at her.
“well the waitress seems to know you really well. you should ask her out,” aizawa’s cheeks gets red.
“shut up brat,” he puts down some cash and starts to get up.
“i’m sorry, please let me help you,” she asks.
“no,” he makes his way to the door.
“please! i promise i can help!” she follows him.
“no, do you need a ride back or can you walk?” he asks before getting in his car.
“yes i need ride. and i’m sorry for asking if you shower and saying you stink. please i want to help you. i’m really smart. i can help you,” she begs.
“fine,” he says driving back to the school. y/n talked the whole way about things she noticed about yui saito. like one time at a party she didn’t even drink or how she always showered super early in the morning.
“what’s your name?” she asked before getting out.
“aizawa,” he answers, staring at the students watching a young woman get out of his car. his cheeks flushed at the thought of what they were thinking.
“aizawa,” the way she says his name. silky smooth and he wished he could hear it again. “aizawa!” she yelled. he snapped to look at her.
“what brat?” she held her phone out. he took it and quickly punched in his number. He hands back the phone. She quickly sends a little hi.  
“I’m guess you already know my name, but I’m y/n,” she smiles and walks away.
Aizawa drives home and flops onto his couch. He stares at the ceiling and thinks about  today’s weird events. he thought about her h/c and how her eyes sparkled with curiosity. she is a smart girl. she beautiful in every sense of the word.
he didn’t even realize his hand slide down his pants. he was hard. he let his hand drift up and down the outline of his member. he thought about y/n’s voice and how she said his name. he thought about her spunky personality. his hand slips into his boxers. He closes his eyes and thinks about her small hands and pink lips. his hand moves across his hard cock. he inhales as he picks up the pace. he thinks about how soft her lips would feel against his. he thinks about if she was virgin and how tight she would be. his hand quickens. light moans escape his lips. he thinks about how she would look on her knees. he imagines her sucking him off. he clenched his jaw as his cum rolls down his knuckles.
he gets up and washed off his hands. his phone buzzes.
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he rolls his eyes and opens the message.
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he rolls his eyes and tosses the phone onto the table. he liked the little banters. he liked how she’s willing to speak her mind. he turns on the tv and flicks through the channels. NCIS. sure yeah not. he goes and makes himself a small dinner and sits at the table looking over the papers for the case.
‘yui didn’t seem like the girl to just leave without telling anyone,’ the host parents said. maybe she did tell someone or at least write a note. y/n said she went into her room. he wonders if she found something in there besides the necklace.
aizawa didn’t go to bed till early in the morning. so waking up and going to deal with the ever so cheery y/n was going to be a fun treat...
he threw on a tattered black t shirt and some jeans. his jet black hair pulled into a messy ponytail. the bags under his eyes could have held a weekend vacation worth of clothes. he got into the nasty car and drove to the cafe.
he saw her standing outside on her phone. her thumbs texting away. he was always so amazed at how fast teens can type. he got out and walked over to the distracted y/n.
“let’s go in,” he says in his deep raspy voice. it makes y/n jump slightly. his voice sends a shiver to the butterflies in her stomach. she follows in behind him. he orders his coffee and waits for y/n to order. he looks over his shoulder at her. his dull eyes looking into her bright ones.
“oh umm a chai tea,” she said walking closer to him. her shoulder brushes up against his. he looks down at her. her eyes dart around the cafe. she soaks in the area and walks to the pick counter.
“what did you find?” he asked while they wait for y/n’s tea.
“oh, yui used to write poems in her free time. one of them talks about a heart broken girl dropping everything and moving to colorado and starting new. she mets a wonderful man and they feel like they’re living the dream until one day he gets violent.” the guy calls out her name and she goes to get the tea. she drops her sleeve for her cup. she bends to get it, completely showing off the light blue panties. aizawa coughs and turns away. “sorry,” she says and sits down, “why is your face red?”
“nothing,” he shakes his head. “how is that a clue,” he watched as she brought the hot cup to her lips. she slowly sipped on it so she wouldn’t get burned.
“do you look at my underwear?” she laughs. “i knew you were an old creep,” his face drops into a scowl.
“shut up brat,” he said through gritted teeth.
“it’s fine, i don’t mind,” she said, scrolling through her phone, “here. i think she wrote that poem about him,” she shows him a picture of a 23 year from her school. he has his arm around yui’s hip. “that’s henry. they were seeing each other at the beginning of the semester, but one day yui comes in with a huge bruise on her arm and people asked he what is was about and she just answered with some vague thing like ‘oh i fell’ which is totally bullshit,” she takes another sip of her tea. “wanna try?”
“no i’m good,” aizawa answers. “do you think henry hurt her and she left to get away from him?” he watched as she typed something out on her phone.
“hm? yeah totally. i mean if i was getting pushed around by some frat boy i would totally disappear too,” she looks him square in the eyes. a little hue goes to aizawa’s face. “are you sure you don’t want to try it? you look like you only drink bitter sludge and gross greasy food for every meal,” she leans across the table.
“i’m serious. i’m fine with my bitter sludge,” he laughs. she smiles.
“i like it when you laugh. it’s calming,” she says. the phrase comes as a surprise to aizawa.
“aww you got a crush on an old man like me,” he says getting up. “come on kiddo.”
she gets up and follows. “maybe i do,” she whisper to herself.
“stop mumbling,” he says waiting at the door. they walk across the street to his car. “did the poem say anymore?” he asks unlock the car.
“i don’t know. i only got through a few when i texted you,” she said getting into the passenger side. she didn’t have her smile. he looks over at her. she stared out the window. her eyes didn’t have the spark of curiosity.
“what? are you mad at the joke? i’m sorry,” he said, started the car. she picks up her phone and quickly typed out a message and it sends with a bing. she rested her arm on the window and leaned her head against it. “y/n. seriously what happened? you were all jokes and laughing seconds ago.”
“it’s nothing, aiwaza.” with that he stopped asking. they drove in silence to his apartment. she followed him up the old stairs and he unlocks the green door. “cleaner than the car,” she laughs and flops herself on his couch.
“i guess make yourself at home...” he throws the keys on the table. he opens his laptop and looks up yui’s name. her twitter came up and he read through her poems.
‘even when he would yell
i would think about those mountains
how i could easily get lost in their trees.
how even if i never made it home,
the mountains would be there.
then i’m reminded
even the mountains can hurt me.’
“not the best one she’s written,” y/n says standing behind him. he’s snapped out of daze. she was leaning over his chair. her hair tickling his neck. her breath prickling his cheek. she smelt of vanilla.
“i wanna see you do better,” he sneers.
“hmm, your car smells like,” she brought her finger to her chin. “trash and you’re pretty much ash, and i think you have a rush, but your snash comments don’t bother me.” she laughs.
“haha real funny brat,” he rolls his eyes and looks about at the computer. y/n still laughing at her little poem. he reads through some more poems.
“did you ever check the ct tv camera or whatever?” she asks sitting on the couch again. “isn’t that like the first thing to do?”
“i did,”
“and?” she looks at him. he’s not looking at her. he was reading the poems and looking through pictures. y/n stands up and walks to him. she gets close to his ear and whisper “and?” his large hand covers her face and pushes her away.
“there was nothing,” he said as she scowls are her. he gives her a side glance. she was mad at him. “what?”
“you’re rude,” she huffs.
“what you wanted me to kiss you?” he laughs and looks back at the screen.
“maybe,” she mumbles.
“stop mumbling,” he says, not breaking away from the computer. “if you’re gonna say something, make sure i can hear it or else what’s the point in saying it.”
she moves to him. she yells “I SAID MAYBE YOU RUDE OLD MAN” he stops and his face goes pale. he swallows a hard lump. his heart is beating in his ears. y/n’s face gets all red. “um, sorry i’ll leave,” she starts to the door. tears fills her eyes.
aizawa gets up to stop her. he grabs her wrist. “don’t joke like that,” he pulls her close to him. “but please stay,” he wipes her tears.
“it’s not a joke,” she whispers. she looks up at him. he’s eyes soften. he kisses her forehead. she leans up to kiss him on the kiss but he moves away.
“i’m old enough to be your dad,” he goes back to the computer. she sits on the couch and goes on her phone.
“you cant be that old,” she says, breaking the silence. he doesn’t answer. he doesn’t want to ruin something as precious as her. “45?” he doesn’t answer. “50?” she gets up and sits across from him. leaning on her hands. she narrow her eyes. “23?” he looks up at her with a ‘really?’ look. “i know, i know, guess give me an answer,” she whined.
“no,” he scrolled along.
“40?” she says. still no answer. “100?” no answer. “fine i’ll look you up.” he looks at her. “aizawa... shit... what’s your first name?” she looks around for another with his name on it. she sees a pile of mail on the counter. she quickly lunges toward it. he gets up to stop her.  she grabs a piece before he could stop her.
“y/n!” he yells.
“what no brat this time,” she sneers. she looks at the piece. he tries to snatch it way. she leans against the fridge. he quickly grabs it and raises it above his head with the rest of his mail. “give it back!” she yells and jumps for it.
“it’s my mail!” he laughs. she grabs his collar and stands on her tip toes. she reaches for it. he places his other hand on the fridge to keep his balance. “stop y/n! you won’t get it!”
“i’ll stop when you tell me how old you are!!” she says trying to climb him.
“stop being a brat. i’m not going to tell you how old i am,” he smiles as he watches her try to get the mail.
“make me,” she stops and looks him in the eye.
“you’re playing a dangerous game, y/n.” he puts the mail on top of the cabinets and walks away. she instantly start climbing on the counter. he grabs her hips and pulls her done. he bear hugs her. “STOP IT!”
“NEVER!” she bites him. he lets go, “just tell me how old you are.”
“jesus, fine, 41,” he sighs and sits on the couch. she sits next to him.
“that wasn’t so hard now was it,” she laughs.
“you’re an absolute brat,” she leans her head on his shoulder. he puts his head on top of hers. her hand plays with his hand. tracing each vein and knuckle. she laces her fingered with his. he doesn’t pull away. all he does is whisper “please y/n, we can’t-“ she cuts him off by kisses his cheek.
“we’re two consenting adults. why can’t we,” she whines. she shifts to sit in his lap. she laces both hands together. he tries to control his breathing. he looks over every inch of her body. she just looks down at him. she leans down and kisses him. she puts his hands on her hips. her arms snake themselves around his neck. he breaks away.
“are you sure?” he asks.
“yes,” she breathes out. she leans back down and kisses him. his hands travels up her shirt and he undoes her bra. she pulls away and strips off the shirt and bra. he starts kissing down her neck, leaving red and purple marks. one of his hands moves to grope the soft flesh of her boobs. y/n arcs her back against his hand.
aizawa shifts and flips her onto her back. he gives her a quick peck then he leaves trails ok quick little kisses down to the waist band of her skirt.he wraps his fingers around the fabric and looks up at her. y/n nods.
“use your words bunny,” he says kissing her stomach.
“yes, please,” she says, tangling her fingers into his hair. aizawa pulls off her skirt. he smiles at the light lacy panties. he slowly slides them down. he kisses the bottom of her stomach. y/n’s hand yanks the collar of his shirt. he quickly takes it off. she sits up and creases every inch of his body. she soaks in all the little scars and muscles. he grabs her wrist and kisses the top of her hand. he leaves a trail of kisses down her arm and to her mouth.
y/n puts her hand back on his chest and pushed him back. she straddles him. she leans down and gives him light kisses everywhere while her hand slowly drifts to his pants. she rubs the forming bulge. he sucks on his teeth. she smiles down at him.
“damn you too good for me,” he whispers.
“damn right old man,” she laughs. he rolls his eyes and sits up. he pulls her closer. her clit grazing over his jean covered dick. she moans into his ear.
“fuck,” he whispers. her hands drive in between her legs and undoes his jeans. he chuckles. “so impatience,”
“shut up,” she sneers. he picks her up and brings her to his bed. he tosses her down. he pulls down his pants. “hmm boxer briefs guy,”
“i’ll leave..” he says. she laughs and pulls him onto her. they kiss and his hand makes it’s way to her heat. he spreads her folds. she moans into the kiss. he smiles. he drags his middle fingers from the bottom to her clit. y/n rolls her hips to his touch. he rubs small circles into the bud. she smirks under him.
“aizawa please,” she moans.
“shouta,” he whispers. his finger hovers over her entrance.
“hmm?” she looks up at him. he slides his finger in. she moans and grips onto the bed. he  kept his hand still, feeling her clench around him.
“my first name,” he whispers. she thinks for a second and opens her mouth to say his name, but he starts moving his fingers causing her to moan it. she hits his arm.
“you purposely did that,” she pouted.
“so what if i did,” he leans down. y/n can feel his breath on her ear. “i want to hear it again.” her face gets all flushed. he moves his finger at a slowly pace. after awhile of little mewls and light breathing moans, aizawa slips his ring finger in.
“shouta~” she moans out.
“that’s it, good girl,” he picks up his pace. she continues to moan. aizawa kisses her collarbone and attaches himself to her boobs. his tongue expertly swirls around her hardened buds. her hands tangled in his hair. she feels the knot in her stomach come undone as she comes on his fingers. he pulls them out and looks at them. she looks at him.
“don’t,” she says. he’s eyes flicker at her. “please don’t,” he smiles and sticks his two fingers in his mouth. he closes his eyes and moans.
“mmm sound good,” he teases. she throws a pillow at him.
“you suck,” she whines. he lays down on top of her and kisses her. she wraps her arms around him. he slides his hands down and brings her legs up. she wraps them around his waist. he sides his hand down his underwear and brings his harder dick out. he teases her entrance before pushing the tip in. she moans into the kiss.
“fuck you’re so tight,” he hissed into her ear.
“what? ever fucked a college student?” she laughs. until he slams his hips into her. she cried out in pain. “god, your a lot bigger than you seem, shouta,” she moans his name which makes him want to fuck her into the bed.
he pulls out them slams back in. “you better take it with out complaints. you’re the one who’s been asking for it,” he says threw gritted teeth. she does this breathing moan that sends him over the edge and into an absolute feral mindset. he holds himself up on his elbows and just pounds y/n into the bed. her moans turn into screams of pleasure as her legs squeeze around his waist.
the knot in her stomach reappears and she clenched around his dick. “fuck y/n, beg to come you fucking slut,” he groans out.
“shouta please.” he trusts even deeper. “fuck. god please shouta let me come on your huge dick,” she whimpers out, feeling the knot in her stomach snap.
“omg yes, y/n,” he moans as her pussy clenched around him. her beautiful moans escape her lips as her face shows nothing but euphoria. her pussy sucks him in, clenching around him, trying to milk him. he lets out a grunt as he paints her velvety walls white. he weakly thrust a few more times before collapsing next to her. he pants as she rolls over and puts her head on his chest. his large hand pets her hair as she falls asleep in his arms.
He whispers to himself,  “you’re the one I’ve been looking for,”
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127-mile · 4 years
The drug in me is you.
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Pairing: Doll maker!Kun x female reader.
Genre: Strangers to lovers, doll making | Fluff, angst, mature content.
Warnings: This is NOT what a healthy relationship is, this is pure fiction. 
Manipulation, obsession, explicit major character death, non-explicit mention of death, violence, blood, alcohol consumption, oral sex (fem. receiving), fingering, orgasm denial, overstimulation, slight dirty talk, protected sex, drug use (note that the reader is unaware of the drugs being used at first, Kun tells her later) + The sex happens before Kun starts using the drugs on the reader.
Plot: One night, you met Kun in a bar. Kun was handsome, kind, caring, intelligent but he was also obsessed with dolls. You thought it was funny, until he made you one of his many dolls. Fear not, you are not just any doll, you are his best creation. 
Word count: +10k.
A/N: Happy Valentine’s day guys! This is part of the 21 ways to kill your lover collab hosted by @du0tine​. Please mind the warnings. Title from Falling in Reverse.
Tag list: @moondustaeil​, @prettyjaems​, @svchengss​, @jaehyvnsvalentine​, @xiaojunssmile 
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Chapter zero: his best creation.
It is said that the eyes are a window to the soul, but when they look at you, your eyes are glassy, it is impossible to read the slightest emotion, your soul is empty, your soul has been replaced by a void, by the nothingness. Yet, you smile. A smile that is hard to describe, it is not forced, but it is not genuine either. It's just there.
You look at yourself in the bedroom mirror, and you hardly recognize yourself. Your fingers rest on the choker that adorns your neck, and for a brief second, your smile wears off, and your eyes seem to clear, but it disappears just as quickly. The choker is in red satin, a heart-shaped pendant in the middle. A letter is engrave on it. K.
The alarm on your phone makes you jump, and you turn to the object on the nightstand. It's time for you to go downstairs for breakfast. Kun must already be waiting for you. You turn off the alarm, and leave the room. If the bedroom is warm, the hallways are cold, or maybe it is just the cold from the tiling under your feet creeping into your body.
The marble stairs shine under your passage, and you do not dare to put your hand on the railing, of fear of leaving a trace. The house is immaculate, pristine. Anyone entering the house unexpectedly would think that no on lives here, that this is just a show house. This is what you also believed the first time you came here. Everything is in its place. Everything is perfect, just like Kun.
You walk into the dining room, and you see Kun. He is seated at the table, his laptop where a plate should be, but you know that in the morning, he likes to work while you eat, so he can spend a little more time with you before going to work. And you appreciate that. At least, you think you do.
The chair creaks as you pull it away from the table, and Kun looks up from his screen. He takes off his glasses which he puts on the table, and he smiles with a sweetness that warms your heart. "Good morning, my love, how are you?" you hold out your hand for him, and he takes it to place a tender kiss on the back. "I'm fine. I missed you in bed this morning."
Kun nods, and he gets up from his chair to fill your plate with fresh fruits, and pancakes drenched in maple syrup, just the way he knows you like them. "I'm sorry, doll, I had some late work to finish." if you live for Kun, Kun lives for his work. It is sad, but that's how life is sometimes, but that does not mean he does not love you.
"Eat everything." he says, and you nod, picking up your fork. He takes your glass and pours some squeezed orange juice into it. He turns to a locked glass cabinet, and takes out a small bottle filled with a translucent liquid. He drops a few drops in the glass, and you watch him to it, your head cocked to the side. "What is that?" you ask, and he sighs.
"I told you before, it helps keep you a sweet little doll." you nod again, you seem to have heard that phrase once or twice before, even though Kun has had to remind you every morning for months now. But he doesn't mind, he likes to remind you that it is thanks to him that you are such a sweet doll. He kisses the top of your head, and you close your eyes at the contact.
"Am I your favorite doll?" you ask before stuffing a strawberry into your mouth. Kun sits down again, and he watches you for a second. "Of course. Of all the dolls I made, you are the one I love the most, you are my best creation."
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Chapter one: finding the doll.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
You are surprised to hear a voice above the hubbub of music and conversations in the bar where you are. At first, you expect to find Taeyong grinning like an idiot, cheeks flushed from the alcohol he's been drinking ever since you arrived, but when you turn on your stool, you frown when you see a man you've never seen before. You tilt your head to the side.
"And why would I say yes?" you ask, and the man smile. He has two dimples that make him look a little more childhish, a thin layer of sweat sticks his hair to his forehead, but he is still handsome in the dimmed lights of the bar. The first two buttons of his shirt are open, and you can't help but glance at the sliver of skin. "The question is, why would you say no?"
You do not have an answer to that, so you nod and the man sits on the stool next to you. He calls out the bartender, and asks to put two glasses of whatever you were drinking. "My name is Kun." he says, turning to you, and he holds out his hand. Hand that you squeeze for a brief moment. "Y/n." he smiles once more. "Pleased to meet you."
"So what is a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?" he asks, and you shrug, sliding your index finger across the rim of your glass. "This is my brother's bar." you explain, and you see the colors disappear from Kun's face, and when he is about to open his mouth, probably to apologize, you smile. "I'm just kidding. My best friend got dumped, so I'm here to support him as he drowns his grief in overpriced cocktails."
Kun's shoulders relax, grinning. "What about you?" he brings the glass to his lips to take a sip, and he winces at the sligh burn of the liquid in his throat. "Terrible day at work, I needed to relax." he explains in a low voice. "It's true that being in a crowded bar that smells like sweat and cheap alcohol is the best way to unwind from a day at work." you say, looking at him above your glass.
Kun chuckles softly as he puts his glass back on the bar, he rests his fingers beside it, and immediately regrets his decision when he feels how sticky the bar is. "It's always better than being alone at home." he says, and you agree, altough you are more the type to relax in bed with music rather than in a crowded and noisy bar. You would never have entered this place in your life if Taeyong had not begged you to come with him for over an hour earlier.
"Tell me about you, Kun." you ask, finishing your drink in one go, and you turn on your stool to face him. "I work in my best friend's law firm, I have a dog, and I love reading." he speaks in a bored manner, and you bite the bottom of your lip so as not to laugh. "I'm not the most interesting person here." you shrug, putting your hands flat on your thighs. "That's true, but there must be more than that, come on Kun, don't be shy."
Kun seems to think about it for a minute or so, yes he has more than that, but he can't really afford to tell you, not during your first meeting. His idea is to have a good time, and why not bring a girl back to his house, not to scare anyone and end up in prison that same evening. "I have an obsession with dolls."
This time around, you can't contain your laughter, and Kun is not offended, this is what he was expecting. "Dolls? Like barbies, or porcelain dolls?" you ask after catching your breath, you appreciate his presence, you do not want to see him go so soon, so you have to look and sound interested. "Porcelain dolls, but they are different, they all have stories."
"Stories? What do you mean?" you tilt your head, and Kun turns on his stool too. His knees bang against yours, and you glide your gaze down your legs for a brief moment. "These are not just porcelain dolls you would find in a store, they all come to my house with a clear story, and it is up to me to make sure they end their lives peacefully, and happily." that's fucking weird. "I don't know if you are being serious, or if you are making fun of me Kun, and you know what? I'm not sure I actually want to know."
You do not know how, but you went from an odd discussion about Kun's obsession with dolls, to this situation. Pressed against the door of Kun's room, you pant while feeling Kun's lips on your neck, his teeth digging into your skin, his tongue soothing the burn right away. Kun's hands are everywhere, under your top, along your still clothed thighs, you do not know where to focus.
"You are so hot, doll." Kun whispers hotly against your ear, and you bite your lower lip. "Is that why you brought me here?" Because I remind you of a doll?" Kun's gaze meets yours and he smirks. "Perhaps." you roll your eyes, and before you have a chance to open your mouth, Kun drops to his knees, ignoring the burn of the carpet, and when you give him permission to continue, he busy himself by removing your pants and panties. He slips one of your legs over his shoulder, and he covers your thighs with hot burning kisses and bites.
Kun does everything he can to avoid the area you want him the most, and you begin to whimper impatiently. He laughs as he licks his last bite to soothe the pain, and he looks up at you. You look like a work of art, with your head thrown back against the door, your eyes half-open and parted lips. "What do you want, doll?" he asks, and you sigh. "I don't know. Everything. Give me everything Kun, don't be an asshole."
"Everything?" Kun asks, and you nod with vigor. "Alright, your wish is my command, doll." he kisses your ankle, and he brings his lips up close to your core, and he blows gently. The cold air makes you shiver slightly, and you close your eyes, resting one hand in Kun's hair, and the other on the door for stability, because as he slides a finger in between your folds, your knees buckle.
"You are so wet doll, and all because of a few kisses? Cute." you pull his hair lightly, and he growls. "Stop talking please." you mumble, and Kun shrugs his shoulders but with your eyes closed, you can't see him. Neither do you see him approach his face and replace his finger with his tongue. "Oh." that's all you can say before he lays his tongue flat against your clit.
You are convinced that Kun will spend the next few minutes teasing you, but he does not. He licks your clit with vigor, and you can't help but roll your hips for more contact, and his free hands keep your from moving too much, which make you whimper loudly. His mouth is hot, insanely so. He pushes a single digit into you, making you mewls, not expecting him to do so. "Such a good girl." he says, moving his face away to watch you lose yourself to pleasure.
"More, more, please." you whisper, and Kun obliges. A second, then a third finger join the first, and you bite your lower lip to cover your moans that are getting loud, and embarrassing, but Kun doesn't seem to agree with you. "That's what we are not going to do. I want to hear you." he says in a firm voice, slapping your thigh. You almost lose your balance, but he stops you from falling by resting his hand on your waist. His grip is strong, and you know you'll have bruises of the shape of his fingers for days.
You already feel so close to your orgasm, you can feel it, you can taste it on your tongue. Kun keeps stimulating your clit with his thumb while pumping his fingers in and out of you, your muscle tightens around his fingers and he loves the feeling of your hot, wet walls, so much that he feels himself throb in the confined of his jeans, he can't wait to put his cock to good use inside of you.
When you feel heat spreading through your body, Kun's fingers pull back and you whine. You feel empty, and you do not like that feeling, not with how good Kun's fingers made you feel. "No, no, why, I was so close." you sob, and Kun smiles when he sees a single tear run down your cheek, it is so beautiful to see how fucked out you look with only his fingers. "You will cum. Later. On my cock, doll." fuck. "If you are nice, I'll make you cum twice, how does that sound?" you nod, that's all you can do right now.
Kun puts your leg back on the floor, and when you lower your head to look at him, he slides his fingers into his mouth to lick them clean of your juice, and you roll your eyes. "Kun." you are out of breath, and he straightens up before kissing you. He doesn't wait to get your permission before sticking his tongue into your mouth, and even though the kiss is sloppy, teeth clashing and salive gathering at the corner of your mouths, he puts his hands on your waist, to keep you upright because this simple kiss makes your legs feel like jelly, and he can feel it.
"Lie down on the bed." he orders, and you obey. You do not know how, but you get to the bed without tripping. Before lying down, you get rid of your last pieces of clothing before throwing them somewhere in the bedroom. You lie down, your head resting on Kun's pillows which smell of his perfume, and a mixture of sweat and soap, which is weirdly addicting, you think.
When you turn your head to look at him, you are disappointed to see that he is already undressed, but that's okay, you'll find another opportunity to touch his soft skin. He rummages in a drawer, and you see him walk up to the bed with a condom in hand, and without waiting, he climbs onto the bed to hover over you.
He places a quick kiss on your lips, and he begins to open the condom's packet, but you shake your head, resting your hands on his. "Let me do it." Kun nods, but he gasps when you push him to the other side of the bed to straddle his thighs. His cock is hard, the tip is red and leaking precum. You lean in, and run your tongue through the slit before swallowing the sticky liquid, all under Kun's hungry gaze.
"You drive me crazy." he groans, and you smile, perfect, you like that. You throw the condow packet on the floor, and before rolling it over his member, you lick the vein on the side from bottom to top, a groan snarling out of Kun's mouth. "Can I ride you?" you ask, while rolling the condom over his thick member. "Whatever makes you happy, doll."
You take his cock in your hand, and you nudge the tip over your entrance, you take a deep breath, and you ease the member gently. Kun's hands rest on your waist, and he gently helps you, and when finally you bottom out, he stays still. Yes, he wants to fuck you into oblivion, but he is also human, and he doesn't want to hurt you. At least not that way.
When you feel ready, you put your hands flat on Kun's chest and you roll your hips. "So tight, doll. You were made for me." Kun looks handsome from above, you think, looking at the way he bites his lower lip with every movements of your pelvis, the way his fingers tighten around your waist. But after a while, Kun starts to get impatient, and he plants his feet on the mattress to thrust harder into you.
"Oh fuck." you moan following the movement of his thrusts, but soon, you feel the burn in your thighs. You, who wanted to have a minimum of control, are already losing it as your legs fall asleep on either side of Kun's thighs. "Kun, Kun." you sob, your vision misted with tears once more. "Yes, doll, I'll take care of it." he pushes you onto the bed, and you wrap your legs around his waist when he enters you again.
He nestles his face in the crook of you neck, and he bites, hard. You close your eyes, a lewd sound coming out of your mouth and you throw your head back. Kun's thrusts are quick, strong, and deep, so much so that if you legs weren't secured around his waist, you would be pushed against the headboard. He is not holding back, and fuck you are grateful for it.
Kun sits up, and his hands grip the headboard to speed up his thrusting if that's even possible. His cock rocks against your sweet spot, and your orgasm crash over you without you even realizing it. You vision turns black, and you see stars for a moment as Kun growls when your walls tighten deliciously around his lenght. "Oh fuck, yes." he kisses you but fucked stupid like you are, you are unable to kiss back, all you can do is pant, and whimper at how sensitive you feel.
"One more?" he asks in a soft voice, which contrasts with the way he pounds into you. You are not sure you can do it, but you nod anyway, your body might hate you tomorrow, but it will be worth it. Despite everything, Kun opens his mouth. "What's your color?" he asks, and even though it takes a minute for you to figure out what he is asking, you speak out, in a broken voice. "Green, green, Kun." Great.
Kun doesn't know if he wants to cum, or if he wants to spend the rest of the night fucking you. It is so good, and at the same time, he wants to taste the sweet release he can feel creeping up slowly. He keeps thrusting, his knuckles turning white from the force with which he squeezes the headboard, and even his growls get louder. As for you, a flood of moans mixed with his name flows from your lips which he kisses, and bites hard enough that the skin breaks and a drop of blood flows before he licks it clean.
"Close, close." that's all you moan, and it's enough for Kun to understand. He nods, and one of his hands slides between your bodies to your clit, which he strokes with his thumb. You grab Kun's shoulders and dig your fingernails into the skin, and that's what seems to do, Kun cums in the condom. You feel it. You feel the hot cum against your walls even with the latex in between, and your legs start to shake with the intensity of your second orgasm.
Kun continues to thrust, slowly this time, riding his orgasm, but you are so sensitive that you shake your head. It is too much. "Stop, stop, please, I can't take it anymore." Kun obeys, and he stops his movements and he cages your face with his hands, being careful not to put his full weight on you. "It was perfect. You were perfect, doll." he whispers near your lips before kissing you for quite a while, and much more tenderly than before. And when he pulls out for air, he gets up from the bed to remove the condom and put it in the trash. You feel really empty, but ready to fall asleep.
When Kun returns to the bedroom with a damp cloth, he finds you asleep. You seem peaceful, so much that he doesn't want to wake you up and force you to go home, not that he wants you gone, so he doesn't. He puts on some sweatpants, and he lies down next to your after cleaning you briefly, and covering your naked body with a blanket, and he watches your for a moment before he too falls asleep, a smile on his face.
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Chapter two: the morning after.
It is around 11am when you open your eyes. At first, you are lost. You do not recognize the sheets your are in, and you do not recognize the scent around you. The presence next to you is foreign, and it takes you two or three minutes to remembers. The bar with Taeyong. Your meeting with Kun. Kun! You spent the night with Kun, now you remember, and when you turn your head, you see a tuft of blonde hair coming out of the comforter.
Oh fuck, Taeyong!
You left the bar last night without telling him you were ditching him to go home with a complete stranger. You get out of bed slowly, ignoring the pain in your legs, and you find your pants neatly folded on what you supposed is Kun's desk, and you are definitely not the one who did that. Your top and lingerie are laid aside, and you wonder if all the one night stands are as kind and considerate as the sleeping man. But you doubt it. In your pants pocket you take out your phone, and you are surprised to see only two messages from Taeyong.
From Yong: I'm leaving with someone, don't wait for me. From Yong: Can you come get me? Pretty please?
The last message was sent less than twenty minutes ago, which means he must still be waiting for you, and probably with one hell of a hangover. You are glad you didn't drink more than two drinks last night. You put your clothes on, and before leaving the room, you find a piece of paper to write down your number, and a little note. "Call me." and you leave the room.
The problem is, you do not know where you are. You do not know which part of town he took you to, you were to busy cleaning Kun's tonsils with your tongue in the taxi to watch where they were driving you. All you know is that you are in a house, with marble stairs, and modern decor without a hint of dust around you. You go down the stairs, not daring to put your hand on the railing, and you wonder if Kun decided to illegaly enter a show house the night before.
Everything is clean, tidy. Everything is in the image of Kun, perfect. The front door is unlocked, which greatly simplifies the task of leaving like a thief. You dial Taeyong's number, and the boy answers immediately. "Where are you? I'm tired, I want to go to sleep." he says in a hoarse voice, and you look around. "I wish I knew, Yong." you walk down the street, at least until you find a street name. You are in a nice neightborhood, the kind you never go to, way too far from your comfort zone.
"What do you mean you don't know where you are?" Taeyong asks, and you roll your eyes. "I left the bar with a guy last night, and I don't know where I am!" you hear Taeyong giggle before growling, probably from his pounding headache. "Slut." you sigh, as you look around. You probably look suspicious. "You can talk, you did the same." you mumble, and you hear him say something to an unknown voice, so you take the opportunity to hang up to call a taxi, it's the only way for you to get home. Or at least to get to Taeyong, then you can figure it out together.
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Chapter two and a half: Kun.
The following week, busy with work and with well, life, you stopped thinking about him, about Kun. You stopped thinking about the night you spent together, you stopped thinking about his hands, his lips, his scent, you just stopped. Work is mostly the cause, and also Taeyong who spends most of his time whinning about his ex partner, he is not recovering from his breakup, and it's tiring, really.
And when your phone rings, an unknown number appearing on your screen, you answer without a second thought. The perfect way to get you killed, Taeyong said once, but maybe one of your friends changed number and need something, you can't take the risk. But when you hear the voice, you do not recognize it. "Hello?" the silence is rather short. "Y/n, hello! How are you? Sorry I took so long to call, I was busy and didn't know if you actually wanted that." you frown, sitting on the sofa, the rerun of a show playing on the television. "I'm sorry, but who is it?"
"It's Kun?" the man says in an uncertain voice, and you remember. "Ah, Kun. Hi, I'm okay, and you, are you doing alright? Sorry for leaving last time, but my friend needed me." Kun makes a sound of aknowledgment before speaking. "Don't worry, I understand. I wanted to know if you wanted to meet?" you hesitate. You are not used of sleeping around with a man you met in a bar, so you are not sure if you really want to see him again. But also, why the hell not, you have the next week free of work, might as well make the most of it. "Yeah, why not."
"Do you remember the bar where we met? There's a café across the street, maybe we could meet up there later. Is around 3pm okay?" he asks, and you nod even though he can't see you. "Yeah that's fine with me. See you later." the man lets you know that he is excited to see you, and you hang up. You have a few more hours left, so you huddle once more in your blanket, and watch the television, wondering if going out is actually worth it.
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Chapter three: How to make a doll: step one.
The meeting/date in the café is what changed your life.
You were not sure you wanted to see Kun, and yet, a month later, you are unable to part with him. There is something appealing about Kun, something highly addicting. He is kind, caring, smart and of course, he is breathtakingly beautiful with his dimples, soft eyes and honey-like voice.
The mere thought that one day he might not want you anymore is painful. You can't imagine your life without Kun, without his smile, without his kisses, without his hands that make you feel things that you've never felt before. And without his love, because Kun's love is amazing, it's like he has not limit to the love he gives, no matter what he receives in return.
When he tells you that he loves you, you feel like hearing it for the first time, every time. You have butterflies in your stomach when he looks at you, or when he talks about you like you are the eighth wonder of the world to his friends and colleagues. You are proud to be with Kun, because you know he could have had any girl, and yet, you are the one he decided to choose. The one he decided to love more than anything.
"Y/n? Come have a glass of water." you smile when you hear your name coming out of Kun's mouth, it's like hearing the most beautiful melody, the way it rolls on his tongue. And he is so attentive too, you think and you leave the living room to join him in the kitchen. He is sitting on a stool around the kitchen island, and he hands you a glass of water, which you take, smiling. "Thanks Kun." you say, and he smiles too, dimples in full display. "You are welcome, doll."
You take a sip of water, then a second, and you grimace. "What's wrong?" he asks, tilting his head. "I don't know, the water tastes weird." Kun shakes his head, and takes a sip of hiw own glass. "I don't feel it, it must be you. You stay too long without drinking, you forget the taste." when Kun says something, you take him at his word, so you shrug and finish your drink. "Sit down with me for a bit." he pats the stool next to him, and you settle down, your head immediately resting on the shoulder of your boyfriend who kisses your forehead.
You stay like that, in silence, for a few minutes before Kun opens his mouth. "How are you feeling?" he asks, and you frown. If he had not asked you the question, you certainly would not have realized the fatigue that suddenly fell on your body. Your eyelids are heavy, and you limbs feel numb, your mouth is dry, and movements around you seem to be slowing down. "I do not know." you whisper tiredly. "My poor little doll." Kun responds, without a hint of pity in his voice.
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Chapter four: Bad doll?
This is not the only time the feeling of losing control of your body sets in. At first it's once a week, and now it's every morning, but you adjust pretty well to the side effects, and Kun is so nice to you when you feel bad, he takes care of you, he makes sure that you drink enough water, and that you eat enough food. He regularly returns from work at lunchtime to cook for you, and to remind you how wonderful you are, and how proud he is of you.
He gives you presents, but the one you prefer is the choker you never part with. You love the color, and the pendant reminds you that Kun is near you, even when he is not at home, and that's all you need. Time passes, and yet you do not realize it. You stopped responding to Taeyong, and even going to work. Kun said you did not have to go anymore, he may very well support the two of you with his job alone. No, you do not realize anything. You only see Kun, only hear Kun. Kun. Kun. Kun. Kun. His name echoes like a mantra in your head.
Today, going down the stairs, you are surprised to not hear the slightest noise. When Kun is at home, he enjoys playing music on his turntable. He says that even though the sound is not as crisps there, it is much better, he can appreciate the music more, but now you can't hear anything. Not even the sound of his computer keyboard where he spends most of his time when he is not at the office.
"Kun?" you ask, poking your head through the living room door, which is empty and as clean as usual, if not a little cleaner. You walk into the kitchen, and you pout when you notice that he is not there either, but a note is stuck on the fridge door.
"My doll, my beautiful doll. I'm sorry, but I had to leave for work. I know I promised to take you to the movies, but a case we are working on must be finished today, the trial having been brought forward. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to cook for you, and I'm so sorry. You can cook for yourself, but please be careful with the knives. Remember to drink at least 5 glasses of water today. I have my phone if you need anything. I love you. Kun."
You silently read Kun's words and nod. It's a shame, you were excited to go to the movies. You really haven't been out of the house since moving in with Kun. At least you think you moved here. Kun bought you enough clothes to fill a full closet, and your mind is far too cloudy to think about the clothes you already own, and the apartment you were renting back then.
You do not know if it's because Kun is not here, or because you are too lazy to cook, but you are not hungry. You come out of the kitchen, and once in the lobby of the house, you look around. You do not know what you are supposed to do. Even though Kun leaves you alone to go to work pretty much every day, he still advises you to do certain acitivites, or you usually feel far too tired to do anything.
But today, you feel good. Still a bit groggy, but much better than usual.
A name suddenly comes to your mind, for the first time in months, and you frown. Your heart does a weird thing when you think of this person. Not the same as when you think of Kun, but differently. A certain warmth spreads through your body, and you realize that you actually miss this person. Taeyong. You know you were used to spend a lot of time together, and that you even decided to save your money to find a big apartment to live in together.
He forgot about me, you think.
But you do not realize that you forgot about him, not the opposite. But you are too lost in your own head to realize it. You walk up the stairs, being careful not to put your fingers on the white wall or the railing, and push the door to the room you share with Kun. The decor has changed since the first time you came here. Several pictures of you, and you and Kun together are on the walls, and your favorite color can be found in small touches on the satin sheets, on the curtains, and a few trinkets here and there.
You find your phone in the bedside table drawer, and when you try to turn it on, nothing happens. After so long, the battery must be dead. Finding a charger is not difficult, you just have to walk around the bed to Kun's place. You take it, and you return to the living room. For some reason, you do not like being in the room on your own, you feel like you are being watched, it makes you uncomfortable.
Once in the living room, you plug in the phone, and while waiting for it to turn on, you turn on the television. A serie is playing, and even though you do not understand it, you watch, your head resting on a pillow, and soon, you find yourself wrapped in your favorite blanket, ready to fall asleep. So much for feeling full of energy.
When you open your eyes, you are hardly surprised to see the living room bathed in darkness. It often happens to you, to close your eyes before realizing that night has already fallen. It takes a moment before your eyes get used to the darkness that is only broken by a lit bedsite lamp next to Kun. Kun who is seated on an armchair, his arms crossed against his toned chest. You sit up, smiling. "You are back."
Normally, Kun would smile. He would get up to give you a long, tender hug and ask you how your day was. But today, he doesn't. He looks tired, stressed and disappointed. It is indeed an emotion you have never seen on his beautiful face, disappointment. "What's wrong?" you ask as you sit on the couch, legs crossed, your blanket falling from your shoulders, revealing the same pajamas you wore last night.
You look down, and notice that your phone is in Kun's hand, and tild your head. "Why?" he asks, pointing to the phone. "Why what?" He gets up, and he sits down next to you. You are not afraid, you know Kun will never hurt you, but you also do not know what to expect. You have never seen him angry except at one of his colleagues on the phone, and each time he makes sure to leave the room so that you do not see, or hear anything.
"Am I not enough?" he asks in a voice so weak that you wonder if you heard correctly. "Why do you ask me this?" he sighs and puts the phone down on the coffee table, it's on this time, and you can see the many notifications when the screen lights up. That can't be good, you think, but you do not even think about reaching for the phone, since Kun turns your head to face him by gripping your chin between two fingers.
You frown, your mouth opening slightly at his sudden move. "You haven't touched your phone since you've been here, and today you decided to do it, because you knew I wasn't coming back, why?" he asks in a firm voice, and you avoid his gaze, which doesn't seem to please him. "Good dolls look at me when I talk to them." he says with clenched teeth, and you shake your head. "I- I'm not a doll."
Kun scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Of course not. You are not, you are right. You don't deserve to be one of my dolls." this sudden realization makes you open your eyes wide, shaking your head. "What? Of course I deserve it!" when he shakes his head, your eyes fill with tears and he refrains from stroking your cheeks to calm you down. "No. A doll doesn't look to see someone else when I'm not around." it's crazy how fast a few words made you change your mind about being a doll.
You manage to extricate yourself from his grip, and you climb onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. Kun is surprised at your sudden behavior, and even though he knows he cannot give in, stay firm, he does nothing to stop it. But he doesn't touch you either, even though his hands only want one thing: to rest on your waist. "You are wrong, Kun, I didn't want to see anyone. I just wanted to watch, and I didn't even do it, I fell asleep before it turned on." you speak in a quick manner. "Hey, breathe." he says, and you take a deep breath.
Kun looks at his watch, and he makes a noise of surprise or aknowlegdment, you don't really know. "Did you drink any water today?" he asks, and you are surprised at the sudden change of tone in Kun's voice. "No, I was sleeping." now, he understands. "That's why you decided to act like this! You silly goose, you know you need to drink." you pout when Kun puts you down on the couch, because you already miss Kun's warm touch and scent. "I'll be right back."
A minute or two later, Kun returns with a glass of water in his hand, and he hands it to you. "Drink it all." you nod and take the glass to drink the content. Over time, you started to ignore the weird aftertaste that burns your throat a bit when Kun give you something to drink. He settles down next to you again to pull you onto his lap without waiting, except this time, he wraps his arms around your waist to press your chest against his. "You can't disobey me anymore, okay?" you nod.
"Yes, I will not do it again, I promise." he puts his hand on the back of your head, and he pulls you in for a languid kiss. But before you can initiate anything, he breaks the kiss. "I'm so sorry, I just want to be a good doll." you whisper close to his ear, and he smiles weakly. "I know that my love, and you are, it's just that sometimes you get distracted. But that won't happen again, I'll make sure of it myself."
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Chapter five: Taeyong.
For the following weeks, Kun makes sure not to leave you alone for too long. And the more time passes, the less able you feel to regain full control over your body. Kun does everything for you, he doesn't let you lift a finger, if only to clear your plate. If your thought were yours, you would wonder when he plans on spoon feed you himself, but they haven't belonged to you for a long time.
Sometimes you have moments of lucidity. Your eyes clear, and your memories come back, the times you spent with Taeyong, the life you had before meeting Kun, and during those brief moments, you wonder if you'll ever get back to those times you genuinely took for granted. You began to write in a notebook what you remember in these moments, and the time when it happens. And every time, it is before breakfast, when you get out of bed.
Like all plans, Kun's isn't foolproof, luckily you manage to keep it to yourself. You refuse to think about what would happen if he ever found out that sometimes you become yourself, Y/n, and not Kun's doll. Even in these times, you are not afraid of Kun, because you know he'll never hurt you, at least not physically, he is way too sweet, and too in love to do it. Because yes, despite the mental ordeal he makes you live on a daily basis, he loves you, you know it.
Maybe you should stop forcing yourself to remember your old life, and come to terms with what you have become. Maybe you'll get used to it, and start to appreciate what is offered to you, you think, looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror, the only place you can have a little bit of privacy. You rub cold water on your face, because you know that in a few minutes, when Kun gives you your drink, you will not be yourself. And when you turn to take the towel, you hear a little noise coming from the bedroom.
You frown, it is not Kun, you can hear the noises coming from the kitchen. So you come out of the bathroom, and you follow the noise that continues, to Kun's bedsite table which you open, and what a surprise when you find your phone. It's on, and Taeyon's photo appears on the screen. You take it, and with a trembling hand, you answer.
"Hello?" you ask, and the noise you hear coming from Taeyong is barely describable. It's a mix of surprise and relief. "Oh my god, Y/n! Do you have any idea how scared I've been for months?" you bite your lower lip. "I'm sorry." you answer, and he growls from the other side. You can't imagine what he felt. "Where are you? Are you okay? Are you safe?"
When you are about to answer, you hear footsteps coming towards the bedroom door. "I have to go." and you hang up before shoving the phone in the drawer before closing it. And when the door opens, you turn to him, smiling. "Is everything okay?" Kun asks, and you walk up to him, nodding your head. "Perfectly fine, I was ready to come down." you put your hands on his chest, and you kiss Kun softly.
Kun answers to the kiss, one of his hands fiddling with the pendant of your necklace. He doesn't express it very often, but he is extremely proud to see you wearing it every day. It shows that you belong to him, even if you do not need it, you prove it to him every day. "Come eat." he says against your lips, and you take his hand to exit the room.
Once in the kitchen, you drink the glass of juice offered to you, and the effects come much faster now. And when you are finally in Kun doll's mindset, you feel stupid for answering Taeyong, so much so that you feel ready to confess everything to him, and ask him to throw the phone away for you to no longer be tempted, but you do not. "I love you Kun." you say, which surprises the man who smiles with a sweetness that warms your heart. "I love you too, doll, more than anything in the world."
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Chapter six: Yes, bad doll.
Kun has to go to work.
To do that, he made sure to give you a double dose last night, to make sure he wouldn't have to deal with another scene like last time. He trusts you, but you can never be too careful, he thinks, looking at you. You are sleeping peacefully, and you are so beautiful, he wonders what he has done to have a person like you in his life. You are the most beautiful doll, his best creation. However, when he met you, it was not a won situation. But you proved to him that you were capable of changing, and he would give his life for you.
He places a kiss on your forehead, and he pulls back when you stire in your sleep. For a second, he thinks he woke you up, but no, you turn, your breathing still deep. His little angel. He gets out of the room, takes his satchel, and leaves the house.
When you open your eyes, it is not because of the sun coming through the curtains, but because of the knocking on the door. You whine, and wonder when the noises will stop, but they don't. Kun must not have heard it, or he is not home. So reluctantly, you get out of bed. You have to hold on to the wall to walk, to avoid tripping. You feel feverish, and so so tired.
When, at least, you arrive at the bottom of the stairs, you approach the door. Everything is silent, and you regret having moved, but as your turn on your heels, the knocking on the door resumes. You open it, and you frown when your eyes fall on a man. He is not very tall, his hair is pink and washed out. He looks like he has not slept in weeks, and when his eyes fall on you, you wonder if he is going to cry.
"Y/n!" he throws himself on you to hug you to his chest. You know if Kun witnessed the scene, you would be in trouble, and yet, you stay in the man's arms. The warmth that he gives off, his perfume, his simple way of being are not unknown to you. "Taeyong." you breath, and the boy pulls back, his hands still resting on your shoulders. "I hope you have some explanations for me, young lady. I've been looking for you for months!"
"How did you find me?" you ask, cocking your head. He is truly struggling to recognize you. Your eyes are glassy, and he can no longer see the happiness and mischief he used to read in your eyes back in the days. "Thanks to your phone. I just wanted to make sure you were safe." you nod, hugging your body with your arms. "Of course I'm safe. Kun takes good care of me, and he loves me very much. I love him too."
Taeyong frowns, he feels liks he is listening to a robot, or a pre-recorded message. It is no longer his best friend that he has in front of him, but someone else, and he does not know how to explain what exactly has changed so much, or what could have happened. He even wonder if you weren't brainwashed, joined a cult, or had a frontal lobotomy. He knows it's stupid, but he is stupid, and those are the only thought that come to him. He is far from reality.
"Can I come in?" Taeyong asks, trying to see the inside of the house over your shoulder, and you bite your lip. You are not sure Kun would enjoy seeing a stranger in his own home, but he is not here right now, and a good doll must also be a kind and welcoming host, so you shrug. "Yes, of course." you push yourself out of the door to let Taeyong in, he wolf-whistles when he sees the inside, and how clean and shiny everything is. "Wow.
You head for the kitchen. "You can sit if you want. Do you want something to drink?" you ask, but he shakes his head. "No thanks." he sits down on a stool around the kitchen island, and you sit across from him, your hands resting on the cold surface of the counter. "So? Tell me everything that happened." yes, you suspected he would ask you the question. "I met Kun in the bar where we were that night. And I don't know, things happened naturally after we saw each other again. I think moving here was the next logical step, it just happened."
"But that doesn't explain why you stopped responding to my messages, and giving signs of life." Taeyong's voice is painful, even for you. You sigh, playing with a thread on your pyjama sleeve. "I don't know, Taeyong." it's the truth, you do not even know why you stopped caring about your phone, you who spent most of your time on it. "But I'm sorry." are you really? Not really.
You spend the next two hours talking. Well, Taeyong talks about things that have happened over the past few months, and you listen. You try to smile, nod at the right time, and be happy to be with him again, but you can't stop thinking about Kun, and what he is going to think when he finds out he's been here today. Not that he is preventing you from having contact with the outside world, but seeing how he reacted when you wanted to use your phone, you suspect that he is not going to be very happy.
"...and Ten started screaming." Taeyong says, and you open your mouth to laugh, but instead, your mouth opens in a silent cry as Taeyong's face makes contact with the kitchen island in a violent manner. So violent that he loses consciousness almost immediately. Behind him, you see Kun, and what you read in his eyes is nothing but pure rage. Your breathing is plowed, and you get up from your chair.
"Why would you do that?" you ask in a panicked voice, and he shakes his head, clicking his tongue. "You should thank me." he says as he approaches Taeyong. He grabs his hair to lift his head, and you gag when you see the amount of blood on his face. "But he didn't do anything!" you defend, and he laughs coldly, so much so that an unpleasant shiver runs down your spine.
He lets Taeyong's head fall back, and he looks at you. It's not longer disappointment he is showing, but something more intense. He is scary, and yet he smiles at you. "You know, I really thought you were different. When I met you, I finally thought I had found it, the perfect doll. I loved you so much, and I would have given you everything, even my life, and yet you decided to betray me." you shake your head as you join Kun.
"I didn't betray you Kun. He came on his own, I didn't contact him. I didn't tell him anything, we didn't do anything either." you say, cupping Kun's face, but he takes a step back to avoid the contact almost immediately, and ouch, that hurts. "I love you Kun, I love you so much." you continue in a whisper, and he shakes his head.
"If you really loved me, you wouldn't have let him in. You would have told him to go, and you would have moved on with your day. But no, you decided to be a little slut." A little slut? You would never dare to do such thing. You love Kun, and only Kun. No matter what he puts you through every day trying to make you the perfect doll, you have never loved anyone as much as you love Kun.
"I'm not a slut, Kun. I'm your little doll." you say in a low voice, not daring to look Kun in the eyes anymore. You feel him approaching you, and you refrain from taking a step back. "Are you sure of that? Are you my perfect doll?" he asks, and you nod. "And what would my perfect doll do for me?" you lift your head, and run the tip of your tongue over your dry lips. "Anything Kun. I would do anything for you."
"Very well." that's all he says before heading to the locked cabinet. The one in which he takes the small bottle of transparent liquid every morning. The bottle is full, and you wonder how get manages to get so many. You follow his every move with your eyes, and you frown when you see him emptying the entire bottle into a glass. And he pours a small amount of fruit juice into the glass before mixing everything.
He hands you the glass, and he says. "Drink."
You shake your head with vigor, you do not intend to drink the content of this glass. Only god knows what could happen to you. "You said you would do anything for me, and I want you to drink." he walks up to you, and every time he takes a step forward, you take a step back. At least until your back makes contact with the kitchen wall. You are stuck, you know it, Kun is too fast, if you try to escape, he will catch up with you in an instant.
"You said you were a perfect little doll. And you know very well that dolls listen and obey when I ask them something." his voice is much softer now, and you get lost in his big dark eyes. So much love are in his eyes, so he might not be able to hurt you, right? He is just playing with you to see your reaction, to see what you are ready to do for him, right? Taeyong growls behind Kun, but he doesn't pay him the slightest attention. "So?"
"I'm going to drink, because I love you Kun, and I want you to know that I am your perfect doll. Your best creation." you say in a whisper as you take the glass, and Kun looks satisfied. You pursue your lips, and it takes a minute for you to muster the courage to open your mouth and drink the content of the glass. The taste is horrible, and the burning sensation in your throat makes you cough hardly. You drop the glass which shatters to the ground. Kun hasn't moved, unlike you, he is too busy looking at you. He knows what is going to happen, and for many reasons, and he doesn't want to miss a thing.
"You know, Y/n, I've had a lot of dolls before you. They were different from each other, and each time I thought I had found the right one, but each time, I was wrong. They always found a way to lie to me, and betray my trust. But when I saw you, when I saw the effort you were willing to make to please me, I really believed you would be the last." he cannot hide his disappointment, and his disgust.
"I loved all of my dolls, trust me, but you... I never felt something so strong for any of them. You were the exception. The one and only." you are having a hard time keeping your eyes open, and slowly, you slide along the wall. Not only do your legs seem to weight a ton, you feel like your heart is doing things it shouldn't be doing. It beats too fast, and too slowly at the same time.
You have chills, and a cold sweat covers your forehead, and rolls down your spine. Soon, your lungs are racing, and it becomes more and more difficult for you to breathe. Kun crouches down in front of you, his fingers sliding down your wet cheeks from the tears you didn't know were rolling. "You are lucky, because your life will end in a much more peaceful way than theirs."
"I could have let them go. I could have helped them get rid of the drugs in their bodies, and let them go back to a normal life, but I couldn't afford to risk being reported to the police, or to see them with someone else, I hope you understand." he turns to looks at Taeyong who gradually regains consciousness. "And unfortunately, your little friend won't have an ending as sweet as yours. It'll teach him to not stick his nose where it does not belong."
Kun talks, but it's just gibberish to you, you can't concentrate. You can't. All you can do is put your hand down to your chest, it's so painful, everything burns. You are hot, and cold. A broken sob escapes your lips, and Kun places a kiss on your lips. "I will never love any of my next dolls as much as I loved you, I promise." he whispers against your lips. "I don't think I can love anyone after you. You were all I ever dreamed of."
You vision gradually fades. You see nothing, except the contours of Kun's body. You do not feel anything either. You do not know how long you've been on the ground, but you are not in pain anymore. You are at peace, you think, as you take your last breath.
A single tear rolls down Kun's cheek when he sees you take your last breath. His heart breaks, but he gets up. Kun could have forgiven you, of course, he dreams of nothing other than spending the rest of his life with you, but he hates being betrayed. No matter how intense his love for you was over the past few months, he refuses to be used. Trust is what matters most to him, and he knows the next few months will be horrible, it will take time for him to recover from your death, your "accidental" overdose, but he will. And he'll try again.
One more name to add to his list of failure.
But first, he has to take care of Taeyong. He can't have a witness in his house, or maybe he can use him. He is a handsome boy, he could be useful in his search for the perfect doll.
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chocolate-teapots · 2 years
The Wingwoman: Kim Taehyung
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       You have a natural talent at playing cupid except when it comes to yourself. What happens when your next arrow is pointed at someone who used to be yours? Afterall, how much grinning and bearing can one                                                 do on a double date?
Warnings: sexual tensionnnn af, swearing through this frustrating mess, mentions of smut, flirty insatiable Taehyung, aims to schedule dick appointments, garlic condoms, second lead Jimin, this fucking pic, lots of eye-fucking, mentions of drugs, casual alcohol consumption, under table touches. 
Meg carefully sculpted her lips with a bright glossy red, so close to the mirror I thought she'd go through it. Her nose made a funny little fog mark on it.
"Thank you so much for coming with me tonight, I just know I'd be much more at ease if you were there too," she spoke through the silly faces she pulled in her makeup application.
I watched her from the far corner, leaning against her wardrobe with my arms crossed in a casual way. This was just another night for me but this wasn't just another night for Meg.
"So, don't leave me in the dark anymore tell me about him," I asked curiously as she cleaned up some of the eyeliner she dotted on her nose due to her shaking hand. "Who's this mystery man that's got you away from binging Derry Girls this weekend?"
"Well," Meg began enthusiastically putting her lip gloss in her bag, that crush of hers vibrated through her body like a shiver as she began to describe him "he's an art major, so handsome it hurts, loves animals, apparently he has a really big-"
I decided to strike this conversation just to distract her from the rash that was starting to take over the majority of her exposed body. I knew about the guy she was meeting tonight, I had to otherwise all wingwoman moves would be generalised and pointless. I hadn't seen him though but he sounds great.
Meg looked really good tonight and I didn't want to ruin her confidence by having her swell into some kind of raspberry marshmallow. She looked really loved up, transported back to our days in high school where she'd giggle shyly over boys and I'd walk up to them with ease and collect them for her like click and collect shopping.
I was sort of a professional wingwoman around college minus the formality and money. Since I was a kid I found it really easy to talk to people and understand their behaviour and I really loved the social aspect of it and meeting new people constantly.
Always the bridesmaid and never the bride.
There was only one time I had ever come close to blushing like Meg was right now and that was at a volunteering camp my art program did last summer. I'd like to tell you that I never thought about him but in reality, I don't think there was a day I hadn't thought about him and what we had at least once.
Maybe it was the thrill of hooking up with a stranger, the ticking clock of a summer that had to end or maybe it did start with the letter 'l' and end with 'e'.
He too was so handsome it hurt. We ended up hooking up once or twice or a hundred or so times and it was so good it hurt. Being with him was so fun it hurt, laughing so hard it hurt and leaving him- well that just hurt.
"-friends are pretty fun, he throws a lot of parties, he volunteers and he's amazing. I can't wait for you to meet him."
That flush had now dulled down to a subtle flattering pink that brought out her lipstick as she smiled.
"Plus," she grabs her bag "I heard his friend is a real cutie too so maybe we'll both get a nice dick appointment."
I chuckle at her subtle choice of words.
"Sure Meg, let's go sweetie."
With another one of her shivers, she pulls me out of her room and into the car waiting for us outside to take us to the bar they were waiting at. The plan was to have a few drinks at the bar first, per my suggestion, just so everyone could lighten up a bit then maybe if we felt like it we could go to the fancy sushi place next door that had booths and really nice lighting.
"He's only human Meg, right now he's just as nervous as you wondering if he'll fuck up or not. It's what makes us charming so relax," her knee stops bouncing at my smooth words but her hands still folded in the lap of her short dress but at least they weren't shaking anymore.
After pushing through the several couples conveniently blocking the view of the trendy purple lit bar, Meg's nerves finally begin to vanish almost as if she left them behind in the car after our little pep talk.
I did well.
I really liked this bar, usually recommending it to people if they asked me about dating advice or even if they wanted to be themselves for a while after a long dry week. I was a little nervous, a completely unknown face waiting for me to seduce him by the bar while another one would rely on me to make her the seductive one but the familiarity of the songs and campy glasses brought me back to my own reality.
"Wait! Meg you never told me his name-"
"There he is!" she squealed over the beat, running in her taller-than-usual heels right over to the bar where a tall dark man waited in the dimmest of lights.
Before I could catch her she was already there and by the time I had actually managed to walk over in my wide trousers, they were already chatting as if they didn't need me at all.
Meg walks back over to me ready to make introductions and I finally lift my head to study both of the men that would define the rest of the night.
And when I said define I meant ruin.
My eyes start at the polished dress shoes and trailed up to the long-legged black pants hiding built legs and a familiar waist, his almost sheer black patterned shirt was tucked precisely into it and unbuttoned slightly to showcase a beautiful golden neck and attached to it an equally beautiful face.
That face.
"Y/N this is-"
Kim Taehyung.
It was him.
Out of all the people, out of all the nights he could've chosen to show up again in my life why did he have to choose one that would really hurt my best friend in the process? He was more handsome than the picture my mind put together over the past year of remembering him and Meg was right; he was so incredible it hurt.
I thought he moved back to Paris.
"Nice to meet you Y/N," he almost laughed through his smirk, bowing his head towards me knowing that this was killing me inside. His voice.
"Likewise," I breathed through a I-can't-believe-this smirk and an I'm-getting-tf-out frown.
I remembered how in camp every time I saw him I just wanted to kiss him and jump all over him and this was no exception. I clear my throat at the memory, turning back to my friend who was counting on me to set up her with someone I fucked last year.
It was no big deal right?
"So, where's your friend?" I asked Taehyung, noticing how he was alone at the bar rather than with a friend who had to be better than him please for God's sake, please be better than him.
His eyes glisten beneath his honey-coloured hair at my question, lighter they were before, not turning once towards Meg the entire time that he knew that it was, in fact, me that was joining them tonight.
"Ah, he's running a little late, as usual, should be here any second. He's probably still doing his hair."
Meg giggles at his joke. It burned.
"Well, why don't you text him tell him not to bother? I'm sure you two would have a way better time-"
"No," Taehyung's deep voice cuts me off, he slithers his sleek arm around Meg's slender waist most likely relishing in my glare at the obnoxiously cute height difference and how his arm could wrap around her twice if he wanted to and the thought of her red lipstick smudged over his lips by the end of the night.
"Shall we?"
But I didn't.
I wasn't prepared to string my friend along like that and also ruin a potential boyfriend opportunity for her. I wanted to go. I wanted to transfer lives, run away, punch something.
The only man I'd ever come close to loving and he was unavailable.
But something told me that the way he smirked devilishly at me just like he did last year, his tongue lazily licking his lips, was not as friendly to me as I'd like to think.
It told me, he didn't mind.
By the time we had ordered our drink, a young man sauntered over to the bar greeting me warmly with a hella nice face and an even nicer figure.
"Jimin," I smiled, standing to kiss the fluffy-haired man's cheek. "You're my date?"
"Y/N," he beamed angelically, arm wrapping around my waist fondly. "When Taehyung said it was you I just had to tag along. It'll be fun!"
"As always."
And, Taehyung didn't realise then it was me? Of course not. He probably didn't even remember me before that point. I was the only psycho thinking about the pretty beauty spot on his lip when I was pouring my coffee in the mornings.
"Don't tell me Mina dumped you already?" I smirk teasingly, watching the pretty boy squirm at even the mention of her name. "Wasn't it just last month you were telling me how desperately in love with her you were?"
"Don't," Jimin whines pushing my shoulder "A lot can happen in a week."
Park Jimin was a good friend of mine. We were both in the department of arts but he was a dancer, a phenomenal one at that. A few weeks back I helped him land one of the new trainee dancers, Mina but obviously, it didn't work out so well.
It wasn't a surprise it didn't work out. Jimin was way too good for her.
In fact, I'd take to the court that Jimin was too good for anyone.
He leaned in, looking around the room for witnesses and releasing against my ear:
"She brought Garlic flavoured condoms."
I burst out laughing with him, heads flinging back and completely forgetting about the ghosts of Christmas past and present watching us in confusion.
"You two know each other?" Taehyung lifted his brow in confusion, eyes lingering on the limp arms Jimin and I had fondly wrapped around each other.
"Yeah, she's the best wing woman and friend on campus," I blush modestly at his enthusiasm, his hand resting warmly on my shoulder.
"Aish, get the drinks in before I accidentally fall in love with you Park Jimin."
Taehyung frowned and I, unfortunately, didn't miss it.  
By drink two, we were swinging slightly flushed on barstools having one collective conversation about classes and school and friends and stuff though I did my best not to talk to Taehyung. I kept my focus on the smiling blonde and the dangerous gap in Meg's dress that she begged me to watch tonight.
Drink three had both of us couples into separate conversations and I desperately wanted to cross the barrier just to even know what Taehyung was thinking right now. I tried to distract myself for Meg and have a good night with the charismatic blonde next to me but I couldn't help but notice him drift away every time Meg's laugh would chime.
Was he jealous?
By drink four we had lept off of the bar stools and away from our separate conversations to unite at a dark booth in the intimate corner of the bar, where I once distracted myself from the thought of Taehyung by actually giving some guy an amazing-
"So Y/N, how did you and Meg meet?"
It was some of my best work. 
Jimin and Taehyung wait for my answer and by the way he sipped his drink, it seemed that Taehyung knew exactly what I was thinking about at that very moment as the tiny grin steamed his cocktail glass.
If only he knew.
I stumbled back into the conversation but recovered with another sip of my own glass.
Trust Taehyung to drink cocktails too.
"Go on Meg, you say it better than I do," I said to the brunette who was visibly bouncing to talk more to Taehyung despite the fact her eyes were over this direction mostly.
Jimin made me very comfortable in the booth, giving me enough space between us so I wasn't forced into the wood beside me even though I chose to be. He really was a great guy and I felt almost guilty for not having someone here ready for him to whisk away into the moonlight.
Taehyung, however, made it pretty clear in Meg's little story that the thing he wanted more than anything was to get in my pants or at least my head again tonight by eye-fucking me into oblivion every time my name tumbled out of her immaculately painted lips.
"-and then I apologised for climbing into the wrong window in my underwear, stayed on her couch that night and we've been friends ever since."
She really was trying, even going as far as to shove the image of her in her underwear into his pretty brain but he wasn't having any of it. As she sips her drinks and talks more about the anecdote with my enthusiastic date, I glare at Taehyung motioning to Meg with my head over the rim of my glass.
Please just look at her.
He sighs subtly, dropping his game to start another charming conversation involving her.
Our first encounter.
It was cute to watch them talk but I knew it would never work even if I wasn't involved because she's not his type and really he isn't hers she just didn't know it yet. The thought of them maybe getting in a car together later...
We all decide to drop the restaurant as I predicted, having a couple of bar snacks scattered across the sticky table from where Jimin clumsily spilt his Vodka in a fit of laughter. Taehyung and I both took the lead by ordering for the table along with our 6th round of drinks and still the fact I was sitting across from an ex-fling on a double date was foggier to me than the alcohol was.
His legs were so long and spread out under the table, our knees collided awkwardly too many times to count under the influence of alcohol and that feeling alone felt better than whatever happened on this table with that guy that one time.
I couldn't even remember this name now.
My knees had to eventually rest between his delicious thighs and my head was very jealous.
"-and Professor Moon had no idea it was because we had the munchies."
Meg laughs and it wasn't just a giggle either, she really was interested in the story.
I grin at my friend, seeing a glimmer in her eyes that made all the times she came home crying because of a guy all better. Taehyung is really good for her and I can't ruin it.
But it didn't really seem as if I was the one trying to ruin things at all.
You see, above the table, things were all fun and light but underneath a smooth hand from the other side began to tickle my knee and the inside of my thigh.
"Ugh, speaking of munchies these fries are amazing," Meg implodes at the seasoned fries which were actually pretty good.
His hand tickles higher, massaging my skin so thoroughly I had to fight the eye roll. I glare at him through my fluster, my eyes saying one thing but my erratic pulse another.
"Try some Y/N you've barely touched them."
Jimin pushes the fries slightly my way but I was too flustered to do, say or eat anything. I was quite literally eating my thoughts.
"Yes Y/N," my name slipped from his lips like honey "You've been really quiet."
The feeling of his fingertips reaching for my soaked underwear and succeeding made me leap to my feet in a panic, knees and hips hitting every corner painfully.
"Okay! I'm going to the bathroom and I just stood abruptly cause I felt like telling everyone that..." I began to feel stupider and stupider the more I talked, "okay?"
Everyone turns to me with concern, even Taehyung as he wondered what he did so wrong on the enemy line. I do the walk of shame to the bathroom knowing that other people in the bar were probably looking at me too, scratching the back of my neck and every other bit of exposed skin that could be scratched to distract me from the flush.
I had never been so embarrassed or embarrassed at all in a place like this. He was getting into my head just like he wanted.
I heaved in front of the wooden mirror, the dim lighting of the bathroom hiding the majority of my fluster except for the crazed look in my eyes. I could see his smirk and his fake laughter with Meg. At least I was finally alone to let it all out before I'd return normally to the table and blame it on the vodka or something.
How long did this have to last? Did I break a mirror or accidentally murder someone or something? I mean what have I done to deserve this?
But, I was here for Meg. That couldn't change.
With newfound determination, I was ready to face the table again.
Then he walks into the empty bathroom, locking the main door behind him as if I'd be relieved to see him.
And I was sorry to say, I was.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I snapped at him in the mirror, resting against the sink and turning to face him with crossed arms.
I wish I hadn't.
His eyes are still warm even under no light, the sheerness of his shirt making me want to remember every little detail of our days and nights together. Like I'd ever forgotten. The alcohol made his cheeks redden into a perfect flush and there was an extra shimmer in his eyes.
What was he doing to me?
"I think it's pretty clear," Taehyung places either hand on the counter by my hips, leaning so close that I could trace very detail in the chain of his earring and even feel the tickles of his glossy fringe against my forehead. "Don't you?"
My harsh gaze doesn't weaken.
"You're meant to be on a date with my friend," I tell him off which he loved, frustration taking over me to the point where I actually sound like a girl for once- a girl with feelings at least. "Not seducing me!"
"Why? Is it working?" he cheekily catches his lip between his teeth while he plays with my fingers, the cool metal of his rings somehow soothing my burning skin.
When did my hands get there?
The laughing, the drinking, the two dates at the same time. It was all too much!
"Kind of- I mean wait no!"
I drop his hand trying to back away as much as I could, despite the fact his hips were kinda trapping me against the counter. Was there really no angry women outside dying for a piss right now?
Taehyung finally gets serious, giving me some space.
"Look, your friend is cute and all but I never thought I'd see you again Y/N and you've been driving me insane for a year and now you're here well- I want to do it all over again," he admits breathlessly and exhausted, filling the room with the silence that is meant to be kissed through.
"For a year I haven't been able to do anything, not even brush my teeth or drink my coffee without thinking about you and what we have."
How could I possibly know he wasn't lying to me? What if I was just another lay? I mean, did I really know him?
"So, what do I say? Oh sorry Meg, your date is bailing because we hooked up before and now he wants to do summer camp the remix with me? Is that okay with you? Enjoy your soufflé!" I mocked, making him laugh not only at me but at the situation.
I ended up joining him until he forced me to stop by tangling our hands together again. His hands were always so pretty and I'd stare at them on the dock outside our cabin in Naples. I felt as if I was overlooking the water with him again and drowning in it at the same time.
"I'm saying I'm sure she'd understand."
I knew he was right, it was the right thing to do for me but if she didn't that's years of friendship wasted for some guy. What if Taehyung and I never worked out? It would all be for nothing.
"Ugh," I groan throwing my head back in frustration "She's really into you man."
"Sometimes, you have to put yourself first," he takes a hand and runs it through a stand of my hair, making me melt against the spot at his boldness. His deep whispers hum inside of me.
Was he always this charming?
"When have you ever done that? Huh?"
"Let's just see how this night goes okay? I'll probably never see you again. Be nice to her, please? For me?" I beg through an awkward smile to try and hide my desperation.
Taehyung must've thought it was kinda cute or something as he sighs in defeat, his shining plump lips kissing my nose through an amused chuckle as his hands hold me in place though I wasn't planning on running.
We went back to the table together in silence, ready to face the suspicious looks from both of our dates as to why we'd come out of the bathroom together and why I had looked like I just got caught watching porn by my teacher.
Taehyung walked slightly ahead of me, stopping dead in his tracks once our table came into view and his shoulders dropped in... relief? In concern, I walk to his level with a furrowed brow and audibly gasp with my hand attaching to his shoulder automatically.
Making both of us feel luckier than ever was the sight of my date and my friend ferociously making out the dark booth and the music and the lighting failed to conceal every part of it.
Taehyung and I turned to look at each other before letting out a laugh so genuine it hurt. I held my snickers in his shoulder, naturally touching his chest as he hugged my waist with the same deep chuckles. We decided in each other's embrace, feeling just as good as it did before, to leave them be and face the music tomorrow not wasting any more time thinking of reasons why we shouldn't when obviously the world thought we should.
"Let's get out of here," Taehyung whispered, leading us both away from the funny scene with even funnier things in mind.
And that night was so good that it didn't hurt anymore since I wouldn't have to leave him again.
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suck-my-tomato · 3 years
Modern Time Skip; Two Years Later
“So yeah.” Sasuke said while he stood at the front of the little gym, hands in his pockets but a slight smile playing on the edge of his lips. “Today marks my 120 days, 4 months, of being sober.” Everyone in the group started to clap for their young member of AA. “It’s been rough… I’m not going to lie. Some days I think about how much fun it was to go out, you know.” His shoulders popped up in a shrug. “Doing all sorts of drugs and drinking until I can’t see anymore… Sometimes I think about just saying fuck it and picking it all back up, but thanks to this group and some new friends I made while attending, I’ve managed to make it this far.” Bowing his head again with politeness towards the group, Sasuke takes the 4-month chip from the leader of the group. “Thank you, for everything.”
              When the meeting ended and everyone got their chips for their amount of time staying sober, Sasuke headed out of the building and lit up a cigarette to calm his anxious nerves from the public speech he had to give. It’s a requirement for them to say their thanks, talk a little about their progress, when they get a chip no matter how long it has been and it is probably the worst part about coming to these meetings next to the crying part that some of the people do when they go around in a circle and admit to lapsing. He hasn’t been perfect,  he has been going to this group for almost a year now and only just hit 4 months of being sober as he has been the victim of relapsing a few times now. It was nothing major, his relapses, just a few lines of coke there or popping a pill while out with a girl or drinking whole bottles of alcohol by himself alone in this apartment... That is still mild compared what he was doing there for a while, especially right after Kimiko had disappeared after that stupid reunion Naruto threw.
              After Kimiko left, Sasuke all but fell off the deep end. He would call the number that once belonged to her maybe a hundred times a night, drunkenly text it even though the message would never deliver. He’d wander around the city, drunk off his ass or absolutely higher than the clouds themselves on who knows what, until either the police would arrest him for public intoxication or one of their old friends would see him and play mission impossible with getting the angry Uchiha back into his own bed. It was to the point that even Naruto had stopped making excuses for Sasuke, watching his best friend kill himself with poison nightly until they all collectively decided to have an intervention for him and got him admitted into rehab. While he was a grown adult, able to check himself out whenever he wanted, he didn’t solely for the fact that Naruto had paid for the room and treatment and Naruto, as they all knew, was always the broke one of the group. So he had endured it, went to therapy daily for his anger management, got sobered up and then left when it was time to leave. It helped for a few months, then something would trigger an episode and he’d go on a binger again. Off and on from being sober for a few weeks, going to his meetings then he might smell the same perfume she would wear and off to the alleys to pick up he’d go.
              “Sasuke!” A girl’s voice yelled out and in the same instant as him turning around to the familiar voice, she wrapped her arms around his torso. “Congrats on 4 months.” It was Cora, a girl about the same age as him that has been recently joining the meetings. She was here for her own drug abuse, and the two of them had often had moments of relapses together but she, like him, was nearing a good 4 months clean too. “Hey, thanks.” Sasuke smiled down at her, boyishly happy, and wrapped an arm around her waist when she pulled away so the two of them could walk down the street together.
              It would be a lie to say that he was fully over Kimiko, he never was going to be free from memorizes of her but he did his best to treat Cora like she was her own person and not project his feelings about Kimiko on her. A few times while hanging out, or sleeping together, he had accidentally called Cora the wrong name and endured the wrath of that but not once did he raise his voice back at her or raised a hand to hit her like he might have at Kimiko if she yelled at him. This relationship was going to be better; he was determined to break the cycle of abusive relationships. No, they weren’t dating but Sasuke had plans to ask her one day to be his girlfriend just… not yet. Not when every time he hears her call his name, he pictures someone else. “Are you still going to that fighting match with your friends?” Cora asked, leaning into him as the sounds of their footsteps echo on the sidewalk and Sasuke replied with a nod of his head, inhaling the cigarette. “Yeah, its not until late tonight. You work tonight, right?” Cora replied with her own nod and Sasuke went on. “I thought so. I’ll make sure to text you whenever I get there and when I leave.”
              Their conversation continued about the most mundane of things. Her work extending her hours because of the lack of employees but how she hopes it means she will be next in line for a promotion. His art that he is working on, a hobby he picked up to keep his mind and hands busy. The paint he needed to buy this weekend when she was off so she could join him because he knew how much she loved to tag along on little outings. They said goodbye at the entrance of his loft complex, placed a little kiss on the top of her forehead and he watched her walk off around the corner before heading into the elevator that took him to his floor.
              Nothing seemed out of normal until he put his key into the lock, turned it but did not hear the familiar clicking of the lock. The door was already unlocked, he was puzzled by that knowledge and stared at his key then the doorknob for a moment. “I guess I didn’t lock the door.” His mind was sometimes fuzzy, he forgot things and had grown paranoid, but the therapist said that was just a side effect of getting sober. There was medication he could take that would help, but he didn’t want to cut out drugs only to be putting legal ones into him, so he had turned them down. Shoes got slipped off at the door, keys got hung up on the key ring and he made his way throughout his place without seeing anything that should raise any alarms. Everything was in its place where he had left it and not a hair was found.
              “Get a grip, Uchiha.” Sasuke spoke into the room, sitting at his art desk and fishing out the paints he was going to use for the new piece. “You’re losing your mind.”
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