almanac rat
73 posts
requests are always open, just ask! help perpetuate peace (20)
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almanacrat · 1 hour ago
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everybody wants to save the world but no one wants to die
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almanacrat · 2 years ago
You go to an old folks home to visit your grandparents, to try and take your mind off of things. You get checked in, go around the corner, see a trio of elders in the corner of the bingo hall. They're fighting over the last Werther's Original, their caretaker comes by with his chin down covered in blood.
"Don't mind them, they get grumpy without sweets." He smiles apologetically, his razor white teeth glimmer in the light.
Where the fuck is your Grandma?
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
never worked (pt. 2) - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!henderson!reader
warnings: mention of a dead dog (context lmfao), swearing, drug deal (remember the d.a.r.e. program kids)
author’s note: i’m a little too invested in this. enjoy.
word count: 2.1k
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Pumpkin Pie
WEdward Nashton x gn Reader
Warnings: None
The electric lights buzzed above Y/n’s head, flickering lazily. The streets of Gotham city were littered with people, some here and some there. Y/n wondered what each person was doing and where they were going to. Were they going home to two children and a spouse? No, perhaps they were going home to an empty apartment with a pet, or maybe they were going to work a night shift somewhere.
 Y/n worked the night shift five days out of the week. They had never been a fan of the night shift, especially now that Gotham was getting more dangerous, but a paycheck is a paycheck, and Y/n had bills to pay. 
Y/n made their rounds around the diner intermittently, making sure the customers didn't need anything. The late-night customers were typically pretty relaxed, not needing much assistance from Y/n except the occasional refill. Y/n stood behind the counter, looking at the crossword puzzle in front of them. They enjoyed solving little puzzles in the newspapers or wherever they happened upon one, and had gotten pretty good at solving them; however, there was one particular riddle stumping Y/n tonight. 
The chiming of the bell on the door caught Y/n’s attention. They snapped their head up to find one of the regulars. They never caught his name, but recognized his face and the thump of his military-style boots on the linoleum floor. 
“Hey.��� Y/n greeted. They didn't bother to pull out their notepad, knowing he would just order the same thing he always did.
“Hi.” He replied.
“Pumpkin pie and a latte, I assume?” Y/n smiled at him.
“Yes, please.” The man avoided their eyes, choosing to fiddle with a coffee stirrer instead. 
Y/n briskly served him his coffee and slice of pie, observing him from the side of  their eye. He looked down at a newspaper, circling certain things with a green pen, then glancing around himself briefly. Y/n went back to hovering over their crossword puzzle. They let out a frustrated sigh when they had solved all but the one. 
“Still working on that crossword?” Y/n’s coworker asked, leaning against the counter.
“Yep. I figured all of them out except this one.” Y/n stated.
“You’ll get it eventually.”
“I've been thinking about it for twenty minutes, and I still can't think of anything plausible to go there. It sucks.” Y/n complained, running their hands through their hair. 
“Well, what’s the prompt? I might be able to help you figure it out.” Their coworker snatched the paper from Y/n, looking at it in confusion.
“A price for your thoughts. It seems so obvious but I’m just going blank.” 
“A penny.” The man spoke, catching Y/n’s attention. 
“What?” Y/n asked, having not heard him clearly. 
“The answer is a penny. A penny for your thoughts.” He spoke after clearing his throat. 
“You’re right! How did I not see that?” Y/n lamented.
“You were probably just preoccupied with work.” The man found himself saying. 
“Hopefully that's it. Do you do a lot of puzzles?” 
“Yeah, I like puzzles.” He answered.
“What kind are your favorite?” 
“Riddles. I like all puzzles, but riddles are my favorite.” 
“That’s really interesting. Do you have any interesting riddles for me to solve?”
“Right now?” The man finally made eye contact with Y/n, looking up through his clear-rimmed glasses.
“Sure.” They smiled at him.
“Uh- okay. Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?”
Y/n remained quiet in thought before finally speaking. 
“Oh, I've got it! Counterfeit money?” Y/n chirped.
“Yes. You’re quite good at riddles.” He commented. “I bet you’re even better. What’s your name, anyway?” Y/n asked, looking into his deep eyes which were shaded by his gentle brown hair. 
“Edward. I like that name. I’m Y/n.” 
Edward resisted the urge to tell them that he knew their name already. In fact, he knew most things about them, but only by coincidence. Edward had seen them walking up to the apartment on occasion, and heard them talking to their coworkers about the details of their life. 
“Goodnight, Eddie.” Y/n called as he walked out of the diner. 
If anyone else had called him Eddie, he would have done unspeakable things to them, but not Y/n. He now felt that he should pay special attention to Y/n. Before tonight, they were just the person who worked at the diner. Now, they were the person who liked puzzles and had a wonderful smile. They were a creature too pure and kind for this world. They were someone to keep safe and watch over. Someone to protect from the cruel streets of Gotham City. 
Edward knew one thing when he left that diner; he had to have them. 
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Jet Lagged (Dwayne Hoover x Reader)
Part 1
Dwayne Hoover x femReader
Mrs. Neville sat imposingly at her desk, a crisp white sheet of paper in her hand. She was assigning project partners. Dwayne twiddled his thumbs, hoping that by some miracle of god he would be left to do the project by himself. He didn't want to be paired with anyone. He hated everyone and was certainly capable of completing this project by himself. 
“Isabelle Douglas and Amy Piker.” Mrs. Neville called out. 
Dwayne felt a rush of relief when she said that. He abhorred both of them. They both talked too much too loud, and always seemed to have something to snicker about. 
Mrs. Neville continued down the list, calling each name with precision. 
“Dwayne Hoover and Y/n.”
Dwayne looked around the room, locking eyes with his partner. She was the lesser of all evils, he supposed. Despite hating everyone, she never got on his nerves. Just like him, she was a fly on the wall, never speaking unless spoken to and never causing a ruckus. 
Y/n had always secretly appreciated Dwayne. He wasn't obnoxious and crude like most of the guys, and, from what she saw, actually put in effort. Even if Dwayne was painfully shy, it was better than being stuck with someone who never shut up or wouldn't help at all. 
“Hey.” Y/n greeted, sitting beside Dwayne. They had all been told to start working on their projects during class to best utilize their time. 
“Hey.” He replied, refusing to make eye contact. 
“So... do you have a favorite author or anything?” Y/n asked, feeling awkward. The assignment was to create a poster about their favorite author, detailing their most famous works, facts about them, and what influenced their work. It seemed easy enough, but Y/n wasn’t even sure that Dwayne would say more than five words to her. She couldn't help but yawn. 
“Sorry, I’m kinda jet-lagged.” Y/n explained. She had flown to Maine to visit her grandparents over the long weekend.
“Nietzsche.” The short reply came. 
“Oh, cool. I love Nietzsche.” 
“You do?” Dwayne said and finally looked up at her.
“Yeah, I think he’s great, though, I’m more inclined to Henry Miller, to be honest.” Y/n spoke, studying his grey-green eyes.
“No way. Nietzsche is way better than Henry Miller. Miller is lame compared to Nietzsche.” Dwayne scoffed.
“Miller only seems lame compared to Nietzsche because Nietzsche has such an eloquent way of speaking, but when you take the meaning of what he’s saying, it’s just as good as Nietzsche.” 
“You’re nuts.” Dwayne said, a smile barely gracing his face.
“You can't say anything, you're just as crazy as I am.”
“You don't know that. You’ve only known me for five minutes now.” Dwayne quipped, fidgeting with the pencil in his hand. 
“I only needed three minutes to figure out that you’re crazy.” Y/n smirked.
“Whatever,” Dwayne rolled his eyes playfully, “Let’s just get this thing done.”
As the day went on, Y/n and Dwayne realized they had more classes together than they realized. 
During Chemistry class, a little white piece of paper slipped onto Y/n’s desk. The edges were torn and jagged, and the note read, “Do you know how to do this?”
Y/n looked for the culprit, and found it was Dwayne. There was a little piece missing from his page of notes from where he tore out the corner. 
“Yes.” Y/n scribbled on the paper, “What do you need help with?” 
“Number 7.” He passed it back. 
Y/n wrote a short explanation of the problem, hoping it made sense, and passed it back to Dwayne. After a moment a different scrap of paper floated onto her desk. 
“Thanks” It read.
lmk if you want to be added to the tag list.
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Friend of a Friend (Part 4)
Ethan Nestor (Crankgameplays) x femReader
“Whats stopping us from meeting up outside of this?” Ethan asked quietly, making sure Mark didn't hear from the table where he sat working on the video. 
“I don't wanna go behind his back. I know he’s being stubborn right now, but I think he’ll get used to it eventually.” 
“I hope so.” Ethan replied, glancing nervously at Mark.
Four months later, you were stopping for a coffee when you saw a familiar face. You hadn't seen Ethan in person, though you had texted every day and facetimed a couple of times. 
“Ethan!” You called.
He turned around, grinning when he realized it was you. Ethan enveloped you in a tight hug, giggling into your hair. 
“Long time no see.” You said, still being held by Ethan.
“It’s been too long. Can you crash another one of Mark’s filming sessions please?” He asked, finally letting go of you.
“I wish. Maybe I’ll bug him about it today.” 
“I’ll bug him too. People really liked seeing you on the channel.” Ethan said.
“Yeah, did you not read the comments?” 
“No, I was kinda scared to. I didn't want to see people shitting on me in the comments.”
“They loved you! I didn't see a single hate comment, I promise. And haters aren't something to be worried about.”
“Thanks, E.” Y/n replied, giving a warm smile. 
“Hey, do you want to sit with me?” Ethan asked.
“I really wish I could, but I have to be at work soon.” Y/n wished that she could quit her job and stay with Ethan in that moment, but, alas, she had to go to work. 
Y/n hugged Ethan tightly before leaving the cafe, unable to get her mind off of him for the rest of the day. She wondered if he felt the same connection that she did, and pondered the fate of star-crossed lovers. Of course, that was a dramatic label for the two of them, as they were neither doomed nor lovers. 
“Please, Mark? Everyone really liked her.” Ethan begged Mark while they were having a brainstorming session. The days of Unus Annus had begun and they were looking for new things to film. 
Mark looked at Amy for support, but found none.
“I have to take Ethan’s side on this one. We got a lot of positive feedback from the Markiplier Makes video she was in.” Amy gave Mark a sympathetic look, knowing he wouldn't like that answer.
Mark sighed in defeat.
Amy kept the camera close to her body, discreetly filming the Ethan and Y/n’s reaction to seeing each other again. Ethan jumped up from his chair as soon as Y/n walked into the room, giving her a hug. This time the two didn’t wait for Mark to leave the room before they embraced. Mark did not look thrilled at their display of affection, but was reminded of Amy’s words. She assured him that he had no proof either Y/n or Ethan had romantic feelings for the other. 
The group walked toward the haunted asylum, the night breeze blowing gently and warmly against them. Windows adorned the building, and broken glass littered the pavement. Nothing about this house was comforting, and Y/n felt her heart rate increase with every step.
“You look so nervous.” Ethan laughed, speaking to Y/n. 
“It’s because I am. I hate this.” Y/n replied, unable to keep her eyes off the monument in front of them, noting that they had fallen a few paces behind Amy and Mark.
“Then why’d you agree to do it? You could've been in another video.” Ethan looked down at her.
“This was the only one Mark would let me be in.”
“What? Why?” Ethan furrowed his eyebrows.
“Probably because he didn't think I would agree to it. Or maybe he was testing how far I would go. Something like that, I guess. He knows how much I hate paranormal stuff.” Y/n answered.
“Alright! Here we are, at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. What are your thoughts on this place?” Mark asked, the camera pointed toward the three adventurers. 
“It’s pretty spooky. Just how I like ‘em.” Ethan said confidently.
“I think I’m gonna die.” Y/n murmured, making Mark and Ethan laugh. 
The group made their way into the building, the doors creaking and shuddering as they closed behind the four. Y/n walked timidly, especially frightened when a loud bang resounded through the corridors.
“What the hell was that?” Y/n whispered loudly.
“I think it was just a door shutting. Maybe a bird.” Mark commented, then continued walking.
“That was not a fucking bird.” Y/n replied worriedly, looking over her shoulder and letting out a shaky breath.
“Hey, it’s okay. This place is old and dusty; it was probably just something falling apart.” Ethan murmured in Y/n’s ear, slipping his hand into hers. 
Y/n did not reply, simply nodding her head instead. Being able to feel Ethan there certainly helped, but didn't completely shake the feeling that someone was watching them. They were about to finish the investigation when the main camera suddenly began to malfunction. The batteries were still good, so Mark had to exit the building and help Amy find a way to fix the camera.
“You two go ahead and do your solo investigations yourself. I’ll be in in a minute.” Mark gestured for them to go back, so they did. 
Y/n was not having fun. She was severely spooked, but was doing okay until she saw a pair of glowing eyes glaring at her. Y/n booked it out of the room, frantically calling Ethan’s name until she found him. 
“What?! What’s wrong?” Ethan asked as he wrapped his arms around Y/n, who had already attached herself to him, hiding her face in his shoulder. 
“Fuck, E. I saw a pair of eyes in there. I swear to god I did!” Y/n panicked.
“Let me go look.” Ethan said, heading for the room Y/n came from. 
Y/n followed closely behind, holding herself close to Ethan’s arm. Ethan shined his flashlight around the room, seeing nothing. The corners were filled with cobwebs, there were dark stains all over the room and broken scraps of wood littered the floor, but he didn't see anything that could have been mistaken for eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a breathy, almost whispered, laugh that didn't belong to him or Y/n. 
“Hell no. We’re getting out of here.” Ethan exclaimed, grabbing Y/n’s hand and running toward the exit. 
“What the hell happened?” Mark asked, still trying to fix the camera.
“Y/n saw a pair of eyes, and when we went back to investigate we heard a fucking laugh.” Ethan explained.
“And it wasn't either of you?” Mark inquired.
“Of course it wasn't.” Y/n replied.
“Well, I’m going in. I want to see what all the excitement is about.” Mark declared before marching into the asylum.
“Jesus Christ.” Y/n sighed as she sat with her back against the brick wall of the building. Ethan joined her and snaked an arm around her waist as she leaned against him silently. 
The line of trees was dark and mysterious, making Y/n feel even more unsafe. With every rustle of the branches, she felt like something was slowly inching closer to her, and she could only sit and wait for it to get her. Another loud slamming noise echoed from the building, making Y/n shriek. 
“I’ve got you. You’re safe.” Ethan held Y/n tighter and lightly stroker her hair with his free hand.
“Mark- he’s in there.” Y/n sputtered, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Mark will be alright. He’s a big boy, and if he wasn't okay we would hear him yelling. Yeah?” Ethan comforted her, watching her eyelids flutter as she struggled to keep herself awake. 
“Yeah.” Y/n agreed, slowly losing consciousness and succumbing to sleep.
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
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I love seeing these all together omg.
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
what the hell, guys.
i’m about to dish out some hard truth that you are not going to want to hear, but you need to.
some of you have absolutely no self awareness when it comes to concerts.
spitting, peeing, biting, and fighting people in the pits?! absolutely not. if you want to act like a kindergartner then go get a yoga mat and take a nap. hell, have some juice while you’re at it. DONT FIGHT PEOPLE IN THE PIT. some of you guys are going crazy because you think someone in the band is going to notice you. they are 20+ years old. they aren’t going to fall in love with a 17 year old. while we all wish that would happen to us, it won’t. so, get your shit together, stop acting like you’ve never seen the light of day, and quit being rude.
if someone shoved you or bit you or spit on you, you’d be fuming and upset. therefore, don’t do it to other people. concerts are a way to have a good time and jam out to some music. if you wanna fight go take a kickboxing class, don’t fight people at a concert because you think Josh is going to fall in love with you after seeing you rip someone’s earring out for his tambourine,
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
On the Road
A/N: So... I’m back from the dead after a few months. I have no excuses other than that I was really busy and very drained mentally. Sorry for disappearing, but I’m back just in time. I’m going to the Huntington show next weekend. woo!
Josh Kiszka x Reader
The afternoon sun was stifled by the clouds, but still warmed the ground around you. The dust of the dirt parking lot blew in sync with the breeze, bringing a little relief to you as you worked in the heat. Being a roadie wasn't always fun and games like people chalk it up to be. Today you were unpacking the busses, so you hadn't stopped carrying equipment in what seemed like forever, and your job was far from finished. After a few hours you checked that everything was in order, taking inventory and making sure all the equipment was successfully transported. 
By then everyone had left. The rest of the crew was scattered about the area; some were in bars, a few picking up snacks, and the rest most likely in their rooms. The arena felt ghostly and suspicious when it was empty. Dark hallways loomed around every corner and little sounds caused you to turn your head suddenly. Of course, you told yourself there was no one there, and even when things spooked you, you had convinced yourself into rationality. 
Once you were done reviewing the backstage area, you went to check the stage. Ss you started to walk by, a figure popped up from behind one of the large speakers. You shrieked in fear and surprise, not having expected anyone to be there.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” It was Josh, the band’s vocalist.
“It’s okay, but holy shit, you scared the hell out of me.” You replied with a relieved sigh. 
“I can tell, you look pale as a ghost.”
“Yeah, well this place has been freaking me out all night. Most of the places we go are only creepy in a dark empty building kinda way, but this place is worse.” You said, looking around you at the old stage.
“I thought it was just me. I swear I've heard a thousand weird noises already. I thought I heard someone whistling, but it was probably just my imagination.”
“You heard the whistling too? I thought I was going crazy. It was probably just the wind though. What are you doing here anyway?” You asked.
“Trying to write. I haven't been able to come up with anything recently, so I figured some silence and solitude would do me good.” Josh answers, holding up a little notepad with some lyrics scribbled on it.
“Silence and solitude for Josh Kiszka? No way.” You joked, making him chuckle lightly.
“What can I say, I’m full of surprises. Now, what are you doing here? You guys finished setting up hours ago.” 
“I had to make sure everything was transported. I would hate to have a guitar left behind like in L.A..”
“That was hell! Jake was about to lose his mind. We have a spare guitar, but he insists on using that one. Something to do with luck I guess.” Josh recalled, patting the ground beside him as an invitation for you to sit, which you accepted gladly.
“Hey, he’s the rockstar so he has the right to get angry about stuff like that.”
“Oh so he’s the rockstar now?” Josh questioned playfully.
“I never said you weren't!”
“But you implied it! If I don't have a very specific type of microphone tomorrow night I am going to throw a fit.” He declared with a smile.
“And what kind of microphone do you want?” You smiled back.
“I’m not telling you. You’ll just have to guess, and if it isn't right I will refuse to perform.” 
“How about I give you the kind we usually give you, and you roll with it.”
“How about you get me a sparkly mic.” He says with faux brattiness.
“How about you kiss my ass.” You sass.
“How about you go out to dinner with me?” He says, catching you off guard. 
You quickly think about it, but it doesn't take you long to come to a decision. You accept his offer gracefully as he helps you off the floor.
“You’re in for one hell of a night, mama.”
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
no posts this week, fam. i’m in NYC!!! but posts next week i promise:)
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Friend of a Friend (part 3)
“Yeah, of course I’ll do it! What’s the video?” Y/n’s voice echoed from over the phone.
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out when you get there.” Mark replied.
The two said their goodbyes and ended the call. Y/n had agreed to do the video, but had no clue that Ethan would be there. Mark decided to let it be a surprise, knowing that she would talk his ear off if he told her.
Mark shut the door as he exited his room and returned to a nervous Ethan who sat completely still, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“She said no. Sorry, man.” Markiplier lied straight to Ethan’s face.
“Oh... it’s all good.” Ethan replied, trying to seem like he was unaffected, but his eyes told a different story. His face dropped at the response.
“So we still need to find someone for the video?” Tyler cleared his thought, trying to move the conversation forward. 
“I actually think I have someone who can do it.” Mark said.
“Who?” Tyler asked.
“I’m gonna leave it as a surprise. I think we’re all good here. Do you guys want to play Phasmagoria?”
The three played Phasmagoria for about an hour, then decided to watch a movie. Though the movie was intriguing at first, Ethan couldn't keep his focus. His heart sunk every time he thought about how he wasn't going to meet Y/n. He had really gotten his hopes up and he really wanted her to be in the video, but he also understood that she lived her own life and probably had to work. Ethan pulled out his phone and scrolled through twitter. He clicked on Mark’s profile, then searched the name Y/n in Mark’s following list. Sure enough, a profile picture with Y/n’s face popped up within seconds. Ethan clicked on her profile and found that she already followed him, so he hit the follow button without thinking. His stomach began to churn and he felt lightheaded as his mind raced. 
His phone buzzed. It was a DM from Y/n, which Ethan opened without hesitation.
                                                    Y/n Fishbach
THE Ethan Nestor followed me??
The boy from comic con?
                                                                                               The one and only!! 
how unexpected
does mark know about this
                                                            no!! he will have my head if he finds out 
brb telling on you right now :)
                                                           no please!!! I will do whatever you want
                                                                                                         I wish to live
I guess I can make an exception 
because you're cool
                                                                                               You think I’m cool?
Only sometimes
                                                                                            Good enough for me
                                                                                      So what are you doing :)
oh just the usual
killing god ❤️
Ethan giggled at the message she sent, smiling to himself.
“Whatcha laughing at, Ethan?” Mark asked from the loveseat where he sat with Amy. 
“Uh- m- meme!” He stuttered, not wanting Mark to figure it out.
Mark gave a hum in response, snapping his attention back to the movie. Ethan looked back at his phone.
                                                   Y/n Fishbach
jk im just doing laundry
you there? 
                                                            Yeah! Im here but I almost got caught     
                                                                                                           by Mark😧
are u hanging out with him rn? 
                                                                                   Yeah im over at his house
How’d you almost get caught 
                                                                                          you made me giggle
you're not allowed to laugh 
                                                                                             ok giggle police🙄
did you just sass me?
ETHAN can be sassy
Eef*, sorry
                                                                                                         Get it right
                                                             I know three S words and they all apply
                                                                                                                  to me
and what would those three words
happen to be?
                                                                                  sassy, smart, and sexy😎
what about skillet?
                                                                                  ’ve seen that?
I watch all of Mark’s videos
                                                                 that was one of my lowest moments
I’ll take your word for it
I’m gonna go to bed now because
I'm tired, but have a goodnight :)
OH and beat Mark at some video 
games for me
                                                                                                    I already did :)
proud of you!! yay!!
Ethan smiled as he set his phone down, feeling giddy tat he had gotten to talk to Y/n. He knew Mark wouldn't approve of it under any circumstances, but he hoped that one day they would meet in person and Mark would relax about them knowing each other.
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Friend of a Friend (part 2)
Ethan Nestor x femReader
warnings: just swearing
Back at Mark’s house, Mark and Ethan were getting ready to plan out their next video. They sat at the kitchen table, computers open and brains running.
“Did you enjoy Comic Con Eth?” Mark asked.
“Yeah, I loved it! I met a lot more fans than I thought I would. Oh- and I met this super cool girl who was there!” Ethan rambled.
“Did she have black hair?” Mark inquired in faux interest.
“And was she wearing a Friday the 13th shirt with black boots?”
“Yes! That’s the one!” Ethan exclaimed with a broad smile, “You saw her too?”
“Yeah, she's my sister!” Mark raised his voice as he broke the news.
“What? You don't... You don't have a sister.” Ethan wore a confused smile on his face.
“I have two siblings, right?”
“One brother. One sister.” 
“You're messing with me. You would've introduced me to her by now.”
“You want proof?” Mark challenged.
Ethan nodded, prompting Mark to pull out his phone and show multiple family photos with Y/n in them. Ethan’s jaw hung ajar as he recognized the girl from the convention. 
“Why haven't you introduced us? She’s so cool!” Ethan stammered.
“Because I have to protect her.”
“From me? Mark, please? I’m not gonna kill her, I’m practically harmless.” Ethan threw his arms in the air, knocking his plastic cup off the table. “Okay, that was an accident.” He defended.
“Let’s drop it.” 
Later that night, Mark got a text from Y/n.
                                                    Sister Y/n
I got you something at CC today!! You better like it or else... 😈
                                                                                             Ooh! What is it?
It’s a surprise
Also I met THE Ethan Nestor today at comic con
                                                                                                       So I heard
                                                             My worst nightmare has come true
                                                        Also not fair! I want to know what it is
Does he know now?? 
You'll see what it is when you get it🙄
                                    Unfortunately, yes. Give it to me on Saturday bc I                                   
                                                                                          will be home then
Does this mean I can meet him?? again????
But like for real instead of coincidentally????
                                                                                                           Hell no
But Markyyyyyy :( 
Then you aren't getting your gift
                                                                                    Bro that’s so unfair😑
Not letting me meet Ethan is unfair
Can I pleeeeeeaaaase meet him
                                                         Why do you wanna meet him so bad?
he’s funny 
                                                                                          I’ll think about it...
Mark groaned as he set his phone down, rubbing his face with his hand.
“Whats wrong, honey?” Amy asked as she sat next to Mark on the couch.
“Y/n just texted. She wants to meet Ethan now.”
“Mark, I know you’re very concerned about Y/n, but what harm is going to come from her and Ethan meeting?” Amy began to rub his arm, hoping he would be less stressed.
“I don't know, but I wouldn't want to find out.”
“Mark, Ethan is one of your best friends. You would know is he had bad intentions, and I think it’s obvious he doesn't. Just think about it, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. I love you Amy.” 
“I love you too, Mark.”
A few weeks passed, and Ethan kept hinting at wanting to meet Y/n. He wanted to beg Mark, but didn't want to push it. Y/n knew she could push it, though. Every phone call they shared involved her asking if he had decided yet, to which Mark would tell her that his decision was no. This didn't deter Y/n, but it made her a feel like she was treading water. She felt like she was getting no where, but all her moments of bugging Mark had started to work. Mark mulled over the idea, and figured that his friends would have to meet Y/n at some point, but he wasn't going to plan for them to meet. 
“Okay, so there's been a change of plans.” Mark announced when he approached the table where Tyler and Ethan sat. “Sean has had some family stuff come up and he has to fly home early, so he won't be able to be in the video with us tomorrow.”
“What?” Tyler sighed.
“Nooo.” Ethan protested.
“I know it sucks.” Mark spoke.
“Who’s gonna fill in for him?” Tyler asked.
“Not a clue. Do you guys have any ideas?” Mark took a seat leaning his head on his hand.
The three of them sat in silence, brainstorming who would be fun and who was in town, then Ethan had an idea, but it was a longshot. His eyes widened as he sat straight up.
“What have you got, Ethan?” Mark inquired.
“Mark...” Ethan pleaded, and Mark immediately knew what he was implying.
“No. No way.”
“Mark, please? We don't have anyone else and you'll be here the whole time so nothing will happen.” Ethan reasoned.
“Ethan, no. Tyler, do you have any ideas?” Mark ignored Ethans disheartened face and puppy dog eyes, switching his focus to Tyler who looked confused as all hell.
“I mean, I was thinking about Wade but he’s out of town. I got no one.” Tyler responded, shrugging. 
“God dammit.” Mark sighed, slowly returning his defeated gaze to Ethan, making him perk up and eyes grow wide with hope. “You win, Ethan. I’ll go call her.” Mark stood up and pushed his chair in, grabbing his phone.
“Are you serious? Oh my god! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!” Ethan sprang up from his chair and wrapped his arms tightly around Mark, who just patted him on the back and rolled his eyes.
“Only because it’s our last option.” Mark said as he removed Ethans arms from around himself.
Mark disappeared into his room to call Y/n. Meanwhile, Ethan was overflowing with joy and excitement, explaining everything to Tyler.
For the people who asked for a part two: @busybeingtrash @kat-sukis-hoe @nyx2021 
should I turn this into a mini series?
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Night and Day (part 3)
Sam Kiszka x femReader
warnings: none
also sorry this took so long to get out, I’m running on empty.
Y/n called out cheers, dreading each word that left her mouth. She hated cheer. She hated it so much, but her mother insisted that she stay on the team so she could get a scholarship and pay for college. Y/n had tried to argue that her grades alone would get her a scholarship, but her mother wasn't having any of it. Cheering in college had always been her mom’s plan, and it didn't matter if Y/n really wanted to do it or not.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the thought of the whole situation, then looked at the stands. Clusters of rowdy students filled the stands. They were throwing things and cheering loudly for the home team, but it was just background noise to Y/n. Amongst the crowd, Y/n spotted Sam. He stood at the front of the stands, mimicking the cheerleaders movements and making direct eye contact with Y/n. This was what he meant when he said he would be cheering Y/n on. 
After the game, Y/n quickly shover her pom poms in her duffel bag and made a beeline for the parking lot, where she would normally hitch a ride from someone on the team. 
“Hey, wait up.” Sam put a hand on her arm as he caught up to her. “We’re going to the party, remember?”
“I don't remember agreeing to anything.” Y/n kept walking, hoping he would drop it.
“Nope, we’re going. Come on.” 
Sam led Y/n to his car, unlocking it and quickly cleaning out his passenger seat. 
“You seemed really excited out there.” Sam teased on the way to the party.
“Oh, yeah. I was having a great time.” Y/n replied sarcastically.
“Why do you do it if you hate it?” 
“My mom makes me.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, you’re pretty good at it.” 
“Thanks, Sam.”
Y/n and Sam stayed together for most of the party. He would occasionally wrap his arm around her to guide her through crowds of people. Kids were drinking and vaping and some were making out in the corner. Others didn't bother to try and hide themselves and resorted to making out in the middle of the room. the stench of sweat hung in the air of the mildewy basement where fresh beer stains littered the carpet. Sam was playing a round of cards while Y/n watched from the wall. Nothing there much interested her, and she just wanted to go home.
“Want a drink?” A boy wearing a letterman jacket offered her red solo cup.
“What’s in it?”
“Lemonade.” The boy responded. “So you’re on the cheer team, huh?” The boy attempted to chat with her.
Y/n took the cup, looking at it. It didn't look too much different from lemonade, but it didn't smell much like lemonade. Still, Y/n wouldn't have been able to smell mothballs over the stench of the room.
“No.” Sam declared, snatching the drink and tossing it into a garbage can. 
“Sam, it was lemonade.” Y/n rolled her eyes.
“No, that was alcohol. Also, don't take drinks from guys you don't know.”
“Sam, I don't know anyone here but you.” “Then don’t take drinks from anyone but me.” 
“Whatever. This party is lame anyways.” 
“That’s because you’re not trying to have fun.”
“No, it’s because none of this stuff is interesting. If I wanted to be around a bunch of drunk people who are just talking shit then I'd go to a family reunion.” Y/n scoffed.
Sam introduced Y/n to a few more people before the night was over, his hand around her hip and his warmth creeping onto her. Even though it felt nice to have Sam next to her, she couldn't wait for him to let go. Girls were giving her looks, which was going no where good.
The next day at school, girls bombarded her with questions about her and Sam. They asked what he liked in a girl and how she got to be his girlfriend. Y/n clarified that she was in fact, not Sam’s girlfriend, but word travels fast in high school. 
At lunch, Y/n found a quiet hallway to eat in and settled down. She was relieved to be free of nasty stares and whispers surrounding her, but the peace didn't last long. 
“Hey, there you are!” Sam exclaimed brightly, sitting down by Y/n.
“Hey. I thought you usually sat in the lunch room?” 
“I do, but I wanted to sit with you today. Thats okay, right?”
“Yeah, I guess you can sit by me.” Y/n joked, earning a smile from Sam. 
“So does this mean we’re friends?”
“If you don't drag me to another party, then yes.” Y/n stuck out her hand for Sam to shake, which he willingly took.
Taglist: @trashx678 @lilcuutiee @mgk777 @tangerinegreen27 @theweightofstardust 
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
check out some artwork while i work on writing.
Tumblr media
gvf doodle:)
ig: art._by_mj
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
sorry I've been inactive on here, guys. It feels like I haven't posted in forever. I hope to get some things published tomorrow, but I haven't had much time to write. Ive been working my ass off lately for my silly little job. I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all a very SAFE and happy new year. Covid is having a comeback tour, so make sure you are wearing your mask. I know masks are annoying, but lets just deal with it so we can get rid of covid and have big get togethers again! hopefully Dreams in Gold won’t get cancelled. Love you all.
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Night and Day (part two)
Sam Kiszka x femReader
Warnings: none
“I can't believe it!” Y/n muttered to herself as she exited the classroom, clothing her book tightly against her chest. 
“Can’t believe what?” Sam popped up beside her, making her groan internally. “That you got detention?” 
“Yes! This is the first time I've ever had detention, and it wasn't even my fault.” Y/n lamented.
“Wait, this is your first time having detention?” 
“Yeah. Unlike you, I don't go out of my way to wreak havoc in the classroom.”
“”But you did today.” He smirked as he walked by her side.
“I did not! You started it.” Y/n was growing increasingly more frustrated. “I have to get to class.” Y/n stated, then turned a corner and disappeared into a classroom.
This left Sam with Danny, who silently spectated the whole interaction. 
“She’s cute. I wonder if she’s new.” Sammy mentioned to Danny.
“Sam, she’s gone here forever. My family is really good friends with her’s.”
“No way. How have I not met her?” 
“Because she’s smart, and she doesn't hang out with idiots like you.” Danny nudged Sam playfully, earning a gasp of faux shock from him.
Detention came around rather quickly that week, but not for Y/n. She had spent the whole week dreading it, afraid of what her parents might think. They pushed her to make to best grades and be the perfect child, and if they knew she had detention they would flip out. Luckily, she used the excuse of cheer practice to cover her back. Y/n told her parents that since it was Friday night and they had a big game, she would need to stay after school instead of coming home first.
Y/n slid into the cool plastic chair, anxiety bubbling in her stomach. She let out a sigh once she realized that detention was just study time. Y/n got out her homework and began working through it when the door to the classroom swung open, revealing none other than Sam Kiszka. He sauntered over to the seat next to Y/n and plopped down beside her. Y/n did her best to ignore him, but it was hard. One minute he was tapping his foot and the next minute he was  bouncing his leg up and down. 
“So you've really never had detention before?” Sam whispered, amazed.
“No. If my parents knew I was here right now they would kill me.”
“What’d you tell them?” 
“I told them I had to stay for cheer.” 
“You cheer? I know everyone on the cheer team, but I never knew you until this week. Do you just turn invisible or something?” Sammy joked.
“Very funny. I just don't talk to them.”
“Why not?”
“Just shy.”
“You're not shy around me.”
“That’s because you don't leave me alone. I would be if you could stop talking.” Y/n commented, earning herself a bit of silence as Sammy thought of something else to say.
“Are you going to the party tonight? The one after the game?”
“No. They’re stupid.” Y/n rolled her eyes, trying to continue her work.
“Have you even been to one?” Sam inquired.
“You’re a cheerleader and you haven't been to one of the parties?! That settles it, you're going with me after the game tonight.” 
“I can't, I have... something.” Y/n tried to find an excuse, but she didn't have one.
“Yeah, right. You don't have a choice. We’re gonna go and we’re gonna have fun.” 
“Maybe I don't want to have fun.” Y/n reasoned.
“Too bad.” Sam noticed that Y/n had her phone out, then snatched it from her an began to read the text she was prepared to send, “Oh my god, Paige, one of the Kiszka lunatics is going to kidnap me and take me to the party.” He read.
“You have no boundaries do you?” Y/n mused.
“Nope! Also, I am not kidnapping you. Just... kidnapping you in a fun way?”
“Sure. Just let me do my work.” Y/n said, focusing on her homework once again. 
About five minutes of silence passed by, but Sammy couldn't help how talkative he was.
“So what else haven't you done?” Sam piped up.
“I haven't done my homework.” Y/n stated, hoping that would shut him up, but it only made him laugh. “Stop laughing! You're gonna get us yelled at.” Y/n exclaimed in a hushed tone.
“He’s out like a light. He never stays awake during detention.” Sam gestured to the teacher who was sleeping heavily in his leather chair. “Have you ever snuck out of detention?”
“This is my first detention, so no. I haven’t.” 
“Come on.” Sam pulled Y/n up and out of her chair, grabbing onto her wrist.
“Sam, what are you doing?”
“We are sneaking out.”
“This is an awful idea! What if he wakes up?” Y/n asked frantically, trying to get Sam to turn around.
“He won't. Now come on, I’m gonna go get a snack.” Sam insisted.
Sam did drag Y/n along to the vending machine with him, but they made it back just as the bell rang, snapping the teacher from his dreams. Sam admired the way Y/n tried to hide her smile when she realized what they had gotten away with. 
“See you at the game. I’ll be cheering you on from the stands.” Sam spoke before turning away and walking down the hallway, leaving Y/n to wonder what just occurred.
Taglist: @mgk777 @tangerinegreen27
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almanacrat · 3 years ago
Friend of a Friend
Ethan Nestor (CrankGamePlays) x femReader
Summary: Ethan meets Mark’s sister for the first time, but doesn't know it’s her.
Warnings: Swearing
Y/n and Mark loved to go to Comic Con. At first it began with Mark dragging Y/n along, but as she delved into the fandoms that were enveloped into the event, she began to love it.
As Mark grew more and more famous every day, people began to recognize him on their annual outing to the convention. Eventually, Y/n and Mark would get separated. Today was no different. The two had started together, but got separated fairly quickly. Y/n didn’t mind, though; she knew it made him and many others happy. 
An hour passed, and Y/n still saw no sign of Mark. Usually they had reunited by this time, but she didn’t sweat it. Ethan, one of Mark’s friends, was supposed to meet him at the venue. 
Y/n had never actually met Ethan in person, but over the screen he seemed really sweet. She always thought he was cute, too, but she would never tell Mark that. Mark had always been an overprotective brother, shielding her from any harmful thing he could. That included his friends. He never introduced Y/n to his friends, though he would brag on them day and night. He spoke about them in so much depth that Y/n practically felt like she knew them. 
Y/n wandered around the booths which were adorned with decor from many different comics and video games, admiring the dedication put into them. 
“Hey, your shirt is really cool.” A voice spoke and snapped Y/n out of her thoughts, complimenting her vintage Friday the 13th T-shirt. 
Y/n looked toward the direction of the voice and immediately recognized its owner. It was Ethan Nestor. He seemed extremely nervous and shaky, and Y/n wondered if he was always like this.
“Oh, thanks. I like your bracelet.” Y/n complimented the woven blue bracelet around his wrist.
“Th- thank you.” Y/n smiled at him and began to walk away, but Ethan grabbed her attention again, “And you’re uh- you’re really pretty too. I just wanted to tell you that.” He stammered with wide eyes. “I’m not trying to be creepy or anything, I’m really not, it’s just that-”
“It’s okay. I know you’re not trying to be creepy; I’ve heard that you’re a really great guy.” Y/n placed a hand on his forearm, hoping to calm him down. 
Y/n then realized what she had said. She hoped it didn't sound weird or ominous since Ethan didn't know her, and he probably didn’t even know that Mark had a sister.
“Who told you that?” Ethan asked with curiosity.
“Oh, you know. Friend of a friend.” Y/n smiled, then walked in the other direction, hoping to find Mark. 
What Y/n didn't know was that Mark was only a few yards away, standing at the booth he met Ethan at, and though Mark totally missed the whole interaction, Amy certainly did not. She thought the whole interaction was adorable, as she could see what a blushing mess Ethan was. 
“Hey, Mark?” Amy nudged Mark, drawing his attention toward her.
“Yeah?” His response came.
“I think you should introduce Y/n and Ethan.”
“Why? She already knows who he is. She sees him in my videos, and I think she watched his videos.” Mark hurriedly dismissed the idea. 
“But I think they would be cute, I mean, you should've seen the way he looked at her.” Amy got so caught up in playing matchmaker that she failed to realize she had spilled the secret she was attempting to keep from Mark.
“Wait, wait, wait. Back up. The way he looked at her?” Mark exclaimed, and Amy stayed silent before he asked, “Amy? What happened?”
“Okay, so Ethan might have just met Y/n, but he doesn't know she’s your sister. I know how you feel about her meeting people and her safety and all that, but can I just say that it was really cute? Eth was doing that whole blushy shy-boy thing he does when he likes someone and-” Amy quickly explained, but realized she shouldn't have told Mark about Ethan acting like he liked her.
“What?!” Mark was outraged. 
The rest of the day was not going to be pretty.
This is my first Ethan fic so I hope you guys like it :)
Also if you want to see a part 2, let me know
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