#and have a developing bust
the-woman-upstairs · 5 months
Lassen shoots his shot right out there in front of the entire crew and Freddie’s only response is “Hmmmmm….try harder :) :) :)”
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starrodkid · 3 months
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I want to hug Choco box Girl...
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mortysmith · 9 months
perpetually annoyed by the way newer seasons treat morty. Sorry not Sorry !
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xbraveheartx · 1 year
I always knew the bad ending depiction of Carlo was unsettling, and not for the murderous reasons. It only further supports the theory I liked that someone brought up of Geppetto basically infantilizing his depiction of his son, since the “real” (brainwashed murderous obedient PUPPET) Carlo…
… doesn’t have freckles.
The blood smatter isn’t masking anything, you just literally can’t see any. And his eyes are brown (weird, right??). Well blue eyes can develop later in a child’s life, as do freckles. It’s not entirely uncommon to see baby photos of a blue-eyed adult with them sporting brown eyes, same as freckled adult with clear skin as kids.
Food for thought ✨
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syrips · 10 months
'oh, you're autistic? you didnt act autistic as a child'
biological egg donor. i literally built a banned school items black market and pyramid scheme in elementary school; and when it was discovered by school staff, the evidence instead framed a school bully who got in trouble for it. the bully literally knew it was me, but the staff didnt believe him. and the staff's reasoning for 'it must not be me?' i had a 'blank face and seemed (socially) uninvolved.'
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rotten7rat · 8 months
BATFILES: Cassandra Cain
FULL NAME: Cassandra Cain
ALIAS: Black Bat, prev. Batgirl, prev. Orphan
DATE OF BIRTH: January 26, 1997
HAIR: Dark brown, straight
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT: 5'3"/160cm
WEIGHT: 123lbs/56kg
ETHNIC BACKGROUND: Chinese, English, Scottish
DISTINCTIVE SCARS AND MARKINGS: two bullet scars on left thigh, several scars on both forearms and hands, small scar on right cheekbone
LANGUAGES: English and ASL
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: due to the speech isolation she suffered through the critical period of speech development, she has not mastered correct grammar
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six-of-ravens · 11 months
is it acceptable to message your boss "sorry when you sent this mild-phrased task through our project management system and didn't frantically bust into my office like DO THIS RIGHT NOW!!! i didn't realize you needed it done before I left. in my defence im so tired I forgot what side of the steering wheel my signal lights were on and kept turning on my windshield wipers first by accident."
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scattered-winter · 2 months
well i was hoping this whole experience would have been some character development material for the king but well. alas
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 months
Gonna try to get invested in my own ocs this month, wish me luck
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 24 days
It's getting to the point where instead of being encouraged, I just get pissed when people tell me their friends' success stories with getting jobs as software devs without formal education.
Everyone is like "oh yeah my friend did it without a degree, you can too!" And I'm like ok how did they get past the auto rejectors that won't even look at you if you don't have a degree? How good were they before they were hired, and who supported them while they educated themselves? Or who agreed to take them under the wing and give them a chance even though they were green?
I know people are trying to be encouraging but it's starting to feel less like "I believe you can do it" and more like "if you haven't done it yet, what's wrong with you?" They'll be like "you don't need a degree to succeed, just a willingness to learn" and I'm like, I know that as well as anyone, but to the people responsible for making budget decisions, I'm too much of a risk. What do I have to show for myself to them?
Like at the end of the day it just feels like either these folks were super lucky or I'm super unlucky and either way, hearing their stories doesn't usually help or encourage me. I'm fighting an uphill battle here trying to convince folks who think we're in an economic downtown, that a US-based junior developer is a good investment. Yuck. If you don't have anything helpful to say then at this point just don't say anything 😭
#I've always done my best learning on the job#and I'm an extremely loyal employee#to a fault definitely#but nobody is hiring junior devs or if they are it's ALWAYS offshore#I'm busting my ass trying to learn enough to make myself look like the viable candidate I think i probably am#but I'm trying to learn around a full time job and I'm the sole breadwinner and have been for years#which is fine! i don't mind! but it does make it hard to progress in something so brain-intensive when 40hrs per week is eaten by my job#and it's just a really bad time to be looking for work as a developer#idk anything about the economy but whether or not we're in an economic downturn. execs think we are#and their opinion is in some situations more influential than actual truth. this is one of those situations#my company keeps saying they're in the best financial spot they've been in since before the pandemic#but the only non senior devs they are hiring are offshore#which sucks bc they used to be really good about hiring for devs internally among people who proved their worth#i missed the last wave of that by about two years#anyway. I'm just frustrated and annoyed#stop telling me your friends' success stories unless you have specific actionable feedback#and even then think twice if you aren't in tech yourself cause i get a lot of weird advice#or unless you're offering to connect me with your friend who can either mentor me or get me a job themselves#I'm tired of hearing about it#'just put yourself out there!' just put yourself out of my earshot
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TW: DARK GAMES AND STUFF (just a lil rant, nothing hateful)
wow dark games are
idk i wanna stay innocent youtube please let me stay pure just recommend music and fandom shit please not this not the true crime cases and the horror games with dark meanings and ominous endings (especially ones with rape or child abuse) like please what made you think i would want to see this i listen to playlists titled " i have nothing in my head"
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goshdangronpa · 11 months
The case is closed. The victim is avenged. The killer is executed. Further plots twists have been revealed. We’ve reached the end of Chapter 1 in “I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU,” but it’s not over just yet. Danganronpa games always close out each chapter with a little something extra, and this project will be no different. I think that after all that death and destruction, something light and sweet is needed. (This is a long one.)
We’ll Make It Another Night: Ending Chapter 1 with a Sleepover
Focusing on the positives can be tough, even for someone as positive as Ibuki Mioda. It’s not like that positivity’s done her much good on this island. She tried her best to bring some good vibes into a bad situation, but it stopped being so effective as things got worse. She did what she could to make a difference with the disease patients, but lives were still lost. Even when she saved the day by making so many key contributions to the trial, the reward for her efforts was a decidedly hopeless death for poor Kazuichi.
What hurts most might be what happened with Mikan. Her free time events with Hajime in SDR2 show that she strives to break down people’s defenses and bring out the beautiful soul within. She tried doing that for arguably the person hiding behind the most defense mechanisms in the group. She made some real breakthroughs. More than that, she made the kind of friend she was hoping for when she accepted the invite to Hope’s Peak. All that now seems to be for nothing.
She starts to spiral … but, alone on a bench in Jabberwock Park, she finds someone else feeling even lousier than her.
When Byakuya Togami proclaimed himself leader of the class, he promised to protect everyone. He tried to make good on it by joining the medical staff in quarantine and watching over the island’s most vulnerable people. It ended so calamitously that his classmates accused him of committing murder for his own gain at the cost of everyone else’s lives. His stock as leader could not be any lower.
“Only a fool would still accept me as leader,” he laments, a far cry from his haughtiness.
Ibuki cheers, “Then I’m a fool for you!” She’s not just saying it to be nice.
Mikan’s not the only one she bonded with in quarantine. (Please excuse my one-ship mind.) Ibuki and Byakuya would ramble about life on the road, pester the pretentious Teruteru with requests for greasy fast food, and try to discern each other’s inner selves in long conversations. The investigation and trial saw them work as a team to root out inconsistencies, piece details together, fight false accusations, and catch the killer. Byakuya’s not used to trusting people, but he’s also never met anyone as genuine as this weird girl with no filter and baffling taste in everything. Her cheeky response is that her taste in friends includes him.
“That’s exactly what I mean,” he says, uncharacteristically self-effacing.
“Forget all that!” Ibuki shouts. “Let’s have another room party!”
Byakuya reminds her that she doesn’t have to stay in her hotel room anymore. She knows: with quarantine over, she wants to host the hangout at her cottage, make it a pajama party, and invite everyone! After all, they were planning a shindig before Monokuma threw a monkey wrench. Doing it now will give them, as well as the other volunteers and the surviving patients, a chance to finally hang out with the people who stayed at the cottages.
They send invites to every cottage. Ibuki even slides one under Mikan’s door, though she’s almost certainly staying somewhere less obvious. They go back to Ibuki’s cottage, then wait.
There’s a strong possibility that no one will come. It’s been a long and difficult day for everyone. Maybe no one’s in the mood to party.
Then, when the clock strikes 8, Sonia Nevermind comes a-knocking. The Ultimate Princess has never been to such an intimate party before, especially not as just “one of the girls.” She also likes the idea of the shindig as a way to reunite the two halves of the class, especially because she wants to cast off her role as leader of one group. Right behind her are Gundham Tanaka, who bonded with her over the past few days, and Teruteru Hanamura, who won her favor after apparently showing a more nurturing side during the crisis. That’s enough for a party, especially because the latter brought snacks!
Others come as well, and this time Ibuki’s the one getting help in seeing the bright side. Mahiru Koizumi comes with her camera, eager to finally spend time with and get candids of her quarantined peers. Despite initially dismissing the idea as silly, Hiyoko Saionji is right behind her. Akane Owari and Nekomaru Nidai believe that surviving the disease and trial is worth celebrating. Peko Pekoyama wasn’t sure about going either, but relents when Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu tells her how fun their hangouts were. She’s glad that he’s making friends ("Just a few days ago, he might've dismissed such a gathering as a waste of time ..."). Meanwhile, he’s grateful for Peko’s survival and enthusiastic to publicly celebrate their connection instead of hiding it from everyone.
That’s a lot of people in one small cottage, but Ibuki says the more, the merrier! The party goes late into the night with pizza, make-up, hairstyling, gossip, games, and waiting with permanent marker in hand to draw on the first to fall asleep (Gundham). Gradually, everyone leaves for their own cottages. Sonia wants to stay for her first sleepover experience, but Ibuki promises to do it another night.
Byakuya helps clean up. Proclaiming the party a success, he bids Ibuki good night. “Hey, you’re not escaping that easy!” she says as he touches the doorknob. “You’re staying with Ibuki tonight!” This was her plan all along, she explains. She felt bad that he was the only one who slept by himself at the Hotel Mirai. So despite what she told Sonia, a sleepover’s happening tonight after all.
“That’s a great deal of trust to place in someone during a killing game,” Byakuya says. Ibuki brushes off the notion that he would ever kill her and pinky-swears that she won’t kill him. “People will jump to conclusions when we walk out of here in the morning,” he says. She replies that people can think what they want and she wouldn’t care. “The bed’s too small for both of us to fit,” he says. Ibuki teases him for such a brazen suggestion, then affirms she was going to take the sofa anyway.
“Please stay,” she finally says. That’s when Byakuya realizes that this sleepover idea isn’t just for him. He steps away from the door. They get comfy, Byakuya in her bed, Ibuki on the sofa, and hit the lights. He’ll be sure to wake up early and return to his own cottage before the others can notice. For now, the two friends rest together.
Meanwhile, in another cottage …
Nagito broods. Ibuki and Byakuya’s invite is in his hands, but he barely notices. The boy has too much on his mind. Despite being alone, he talks aloud just to straighten out his thoughts.
“I was going to start the killing game myself. I was planning to help the Ultimates achieve a greater hope to beat back despair, even if it meant sacrificing everyone else to elevate one. But Chiaki’s murder was such a waste. There was no hope behind Kazuichi killing her. And now, Mikan … that an Ultimate could descend into despair like that is maddening! Are they all so weak? Can someone like me really count on them? Maybe … maybe …”
He lifts his left hand and finds the letter crumpled beyond recognition. He’s still ruminating as Chapter 1 of “I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU” comes to a close.
Next time: ... I'm not sure! I might add a few random notes to round out Chapter 1. I'd love to respond to questions or suggestions if anyone has any (send an ask!). I'm also strongly considering a short hiatus. I know, many a long-term fanwork has died from the creator taking pauses, but I've got other fic-related ideas simmering and I'd like to develop Ch. 2 rather than coming up with it on the fly.
This has been a ton of fun, and I'm just proud that I was able to keep up with a serialized project. Watch this tumblog and we'll see what the future brings!
PREV: Mikan Tsumiki, Ultimate Despair
NEXT: A Few Last Notes on Chapter 1
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otvlanga · 2 years
Need a brynjolf fic where the MC is the new head of honor hall orphanage after grelod is assassinated and brynjolf has the hots for them and donates (very stolen and illegally obtained) money, food, and goods to the orphanage. And its like this whole moral debacle because MC is a goodie goodie law abiding citizen who’s new to riften, and brynjolf is the cool mysterious hot bad boy who’s clearly into disobeying the law but has a good heart deep down. And eventually MC falls for him despite the differences snd helps him reform the thieves guild into what it used to be about — giving back to the poor 🫶🏻
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grahamdollton · 7 months
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#my peculiar wife#i'm not rewatching speaking of sex atm i just found this in the vaults (my screenshot folder)#then again i might rewatch it today because i feel like shit and seeing him in such a..... state..... might improve matters#at least yesterday wasn't a total bust#and by that i mean i actually had a decent day yesterday which i haven't been able to say in ages#i left my cave and went to an estate sale where an incredibly attractive middle aged gentleman with silver hair let me have#these two big wooden roll top boxes full of cassettes (many of which are sealed blanks!) for five bucks.....#i haven't gone through them thoroughly yet but it looks like there's a lot of early appalachian gospel#can't go wrong there.........#the man kept calling me sir#sometimes it baffles me that i “”“pass”“” these days because my hair is so damn long and i keep my face clean shaven#so that's nice#with how depressed i've been sometimes i hate to acknowledge when i have a decent day or even a decent moment#because i almost superstitiously feel it will act as a magnet for my depression to swoop in and feed on it#and out of that fear my depression has developed this sort of..... personified stubbornness#where i both consciously and unconsciously avoid what might allow for an opening for “decent moments”.. pleasure.. joy.. whatever might#might grant me relief from pain even just for a moment etc#i don't know what i'm trying to describe here all i know is i feel trying to announce or acknowledge any sort of happiness i experience#feels like i'm directly endangering it#my brain is too scattered right now to try to articulate anything and i don't know why i'm doing so in the tags of a photo of#my peculiar wife james spader#just trying to exist again and not let myself be a hermit to the extent of harold smith which is very much the path i've been on for a long#long time#and i'm chipping away at that nonexistence in strange ways but chipping away nonetheless.......
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tblueger · 2 years
people on twt are like. so genuinely mad about tyson being put on waivers (esp when they think rossi should be sent down instead) and my thing is just that. we weren't using him right. right? like he was good in the pre-season and when he's allowed to exist in a scoring role rather than a checking one, which dean isn't giving him (because, despite the state of our team generally at the moment, scoring forwards aren't supposed to be where our issues are) so waiving him/sending him somewhere else will at least give him the chance to get that? you know? he could go somewhere where he (a) gets to play consistently and (b) plays to his own strengths rather than what people keep deciding he should be doing.
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masquenoire · 2 years
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Regarding Roman’s parents, the abuse he suffered at their hands went further than just neglect. Financially he was certainly well-provided for, never left to starve but behind closed doors, there was an abundance of anger and resentment in the family household. Mr. and Mrs. Sionis were *obsessed* with how they were regarded by their peers, especially the Waynes whom they aspired to be like despite loathing them in secret and their obsession with the wealthy family only deepened much to the deterioration of their own.
Mrs. Sionis was particularly resentful, both towards her husband and child as well as the people she envied so much. They lived the picture perfect life she craved, imagining herself in their shoes to the point she became absorbed with what they must have thought of her, how much ‘better’ life would be if only she could be more like Martha Wayne. Roman quickly began to despise both families; the Waynes for always being what his parents were concerned about and his own for only caring about how they looked to everybody else, ignoring their own son or how their behaviour was making him feel. Many nights he overheard vicious arguments, his parents blaming one another for perceived slights against them and how it was the other’s fault, how much they hated each other but also blaming them for how Roman turned out, how they were burdened with a freak like him instead of an ideal son like Bruce. As a result, Roman hated every moment of his childhood growing up, hating his parents more and more every passing year for how fake they were, pretending to be a doting couple who publically adored their ‘friends’ while talking shit about them behind their backs, how they refused to drop this pointless facade which only made them all miserable. He’d long since learned to keep his mouth shut, not to embarass his parents before their peers otherwise he’d end up being the one severely punished by his parents later on taking out their frustrations on him instead of each other.
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