#and has yuuri convinced he's finally making a move on otabek
Bring Him Home
To  @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin From @kaleidodreams
Summary: During a snowstorm, Yuri worries when Otabek is late coming home from practice.
Rating: T/Teen and Up Audiences (Just for language, though, because Yurio.)
Message: I hope you enjoy gift, Rodinia! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
         "Where the hell is he?“
         Yuri pulls his coat tight around his torso as he looks over the fire escape railing, down at the parking lot three stories below. The space where Otabek usually parks his bike is still empty, covered with a light dusting of snow. Snowflakes continue to fall from the sky, clinging to Yuri’s hair and shoulders. The weather can’t seem to make up its mind what it wants to do. One minute it’ll be snowing, only for the snow to turn into sleet, then right back into snow again in seemingly the blink of an eye.
         Yuri hates Otabek driving his bike in this kind of weather. He’s a great driver, but the roads are icy, and it won’t be long until the sun sets, the sky already turning various shades of yellows, oranges, and blues behind the clouds. He should had waited around at the rink until Otabek finished his session with Viktor – the two of them were polishing up the choreography of Otabek’s free skate before Four Continents next week – instead of rushing back to the apartment to start on a dinner that was fast going cold. If he had, he would have convinced Otabek to leave the bike behind and take the subway back home with him instead.
         Yeah, six months later, and that’s still a little weird.
         Yuri fiddles with the simple black band adorning his right hand, the ring twisting easily due to the cold shrinking his already-slender fingers. Otabek had given it to him the night they moved into the apartment together, shortly before the current skating season started. A sappy gift, one that made Yuri cry ugly embarrassing tears when Otabek slipped it on his middle finger, but it means so much to him that Otabek accepts who he is, that he still loves him despite the fact that Yuri doesn’t have the same desires as him. Their relationship is unconventional, occupying some nebulous area between best friends and lovers, yet it works for them.
         Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he checks the clock for the third time since he came out on the fire escape. Shit, Otabek really is late; even with the bad weather, Yuri expected him to be home by now. He sighs, his breath visible in the freezing air. Should he call? He doesn’t want to distract Otabek from paying attention to the road if he’s driving, though.
         He settles for texting Viktor. It isn’t helpful, but at least he feels a little better after chewing Viktor out for allowing Otabek to leave on his own – never mind the fact that the snow didn’t start falling in earnest until after Otabek already texted Yuri to tell him he was about to leave the rink.
         If only he had been able to reply to the text faster…
         Yuri runs a hand through his hair, frustrated.
         He’s half-tempted to start looking for Otabek on his own, but he doesn’t own a car. Doesn’t even have a license yet. He keeps meaning to sign up for lessons; it’s just difficult to find the time between training, competitions, tours, and sponsorship obligations. Besides, he usually gets around the city well enough without one.
         Maybe I should try calling the local hospitals?
If something bad has happened… With shaking fingers, Yuri finds the number of the nearest hospital online. The phone starts to ring in his ear just as he hears the familiar sound of Otabek’s bike pulling into the parking lot.
         “Fuckin’ finally,” he says, exhaling in relief. After ending the call and sliding his phone back in the back pocket of his jeans, he leans over the railing and yells down at Otabek. “You’re late. Get your ass up here!”
         He isn’t sure if Otabek can understand what he’s saying from so far away, but he looks up at Yuri after he takes off his helmet, holding his hand up in a “thumbs up” signal.
         A grin tugs at Yuri’s lips despite himself. “Idiot.”
         He brushes off the snow as best he can, then climbs through the window to go back inside.
         Their apartment is in the loft of an old abandoned canning factory. Other than the bathroom, it’s completely open concept, with cement floors, exposed brick walls, and large floor-to-ceiling windows that look out onto the street view, letting in a ton of natural light when it isn’t so cloudy. It’s more Otabek’s style than Yuri’s, to be honest – Yuri likes silly things like drywall and ceilings that actually hide all the pipes and ductwork from sight – but his influence shines through in the pops of leopard print scattered around the room, from the throw pillows on the leather couch to the rug underneath their dining table to the duvet covering their king-sized bed.
         After shrugging off his coat, Yuri starts to sling it over the back of the couch when he thinks better of it, hanging it back on the coat rack where it belongs.
         Learning to live together has been a relatively smooth transition for the most part. He and Otabek enjoy a lot of the same things – the same foods, the same music, the same TV shows – and whatever differences between them tend to be complementary in nature. Yuri loves to cook; Otabek is a weirdo who actually likes doing dishes. Otabek’s better at keeping organized, so he makes sure the bills get paid on time and schedules most of their appointments. Yuri is an expert when it comes to bargain shopping thanks to his grandpa’s teachings, so he’s in charge of buying the groceries and other household necessities. They don’t argue about much, but Otabek’s annoyance with Yuri’s slovenly tendencies is their one red-button issue, a bad habit Yuri is trying his best to break.
         A couple of minutes later, Otabek walks through the front door. Yuri prepares to yell at him some more for worrying him so much, but the words die on his lips when he sees the long scratch along the side of Otabek’s cheek. It runs from just a little below his left eye to almost down to his jawline.
         “Oh my god, what the hell happened to your face?”
         Otabek flinches when Yuri gently presses a finger against the cut. “Oh, the cat got me,” he says. “It’s no big deal.”
         “What cat?” He couldn’t be talking about Potya. Yuri would have noticed the scratch earlier if that was the case. Besides, Potya isn’t much of a scratcher; he’s more likely to ignore someone altogether if he’s angry, swishing his tail as if he’s a king dismissing one of his lowly subjects.
         Yuri arches an eyebrow. “Did your jacket just ‘meow’?”
         Otabek unzips his leather jacket half-way, an orange tabby hesitantly poking its head out. The poor thing is wet and shivering, large green eyes taking in its new surroundings, and Yuri’s heart immediately fills with pity. Despite his tough reputation, he’s always had a soft spot for animals – particularly cats of all persuasions.
         “Stay here. I’ll get a towel,” he says, heading to the bathroom.
         When he returns, Otabek has taken the cat fully out of his jacket, its increasingly loud meows as it squirms in Otabek’s arms catching Potya’s attention. Potya claws at Otabek’s legs, letting out a few meows of his own as he tries to see what is going on.
         “Potya, down.” Yuri unhooks Potya’s claws from Otabek’s jeans, then gathers the skittish cat in the leopard-print towel he had brought with him, carrying it over to the couch.
         Yuri frowns as he looks the cat over. It appears severely underfed; he can feel its bones with only the slightest touch. He judges it to be around three to four months old, bigger than a kitten, but not quite full-grown. No collar to be found. It’s most likely a stray, but they would need to take it to the vet to check if it had a microchip to be certain.
         “Hey, where did you come from, little one?” he coos, rubbing the towel over the cat’s wet fur. The meows begin to quiet down, the tabby no longer trying to break free as it allows Yuri to dry it off.
         “You know that old maple tree where I usually park my bike?” Otabek sits down beside Yuri, slinging an arm over the back of the couch. “I was just about to leave the rink when I heard it meowing from up in the branches. It was too scared to climb down on its own, so I rescued him.”
         Glancing up, Yuri’s eyes widen. “You mean to tell me you climbed up a tree, rescued a stray cat, then drove all the way here from the rink in the sleet and snow with it stuffed in your fucking jacket?” He doesn’t know whether he wants to hug Otabek or smack him upside the head. Maybe a little of both. “Do you realize how dangerous that could have been?”
         Between the two of them, Otabek is supposed to be the responsible one. A stunt like that is more Yuri’s style.
         “What other choice did I have?” Otabek asks, scratching behind the tabby’s left ear. “I couldn’t leave it there, not when it was so cold and wet.”
         “Yeah, but –” Yuri sighs, bringing his hand to Otabek’s injured cheek. “You should clean that up and put some ointment on it.”
         “It’s fine,” he insists, brushing the hand away.
         “Beka, go get the first aid kit. It could get infected.”
         “Okay, okay.” Otabek heads to the bathroom.
         While he’s gone, Potya jumps up to take his spot on the couch, watching in curiosity as Yuri continues drying off the stray. “Hey, be nice,” Yuri warns with a wag of his finger. Potya isn’t accustomed to being around other animals besides Viktor’s and Yuuri’s poodle, Makkachin, but after sniffing the newcomer for a few seconds and letting out a hiss, he loses interest, hopping down to the floor with a flounce of his fluffy tail before climbing to the very top of his cat tower.
         Well, that went surprisingly…okay, Yuri thinks. Ideally, he’d like to keep one of the cats in a separate room for the time being, but in an apartment devoid of proper rooms, that really isn’t an option.
         After checking to see if the stray is a boy or a girl – definitely male – Yuri sets him down on the floor and heads to the kitchen, grabbing a can of Potya’s food from one of the upper cabinets. The stray follows after him, meowing at the top of his lungs as Yuri pulls back the tab on the can.
         “Hold on, just a minute,” he laughs, dumping the food into an old bowl of Potya’s and placing it down on the floor. “There. Hope you like chicken and tuna.”
         He does, if the way he chows down on the food is any indication, practically inhaling it. Yuri smirks, reminded of the way Yuuri always shovels bowls of katsudon in his mouth, and squats down to pet the tabby. It had probably been days since he had a decent meal. If Otabek hadn’t found and rescued him… “Man, you’re a lucky kitty,” Yuri murmurs.
         The tabby takes a break from eating, a loud purr vibrating through his emaciated body as he rubs his head against Yuri’s hand. Yuri practically dies from the cute, glad that Otabek’s not in earshot as he babbles high-pitched nonsense. Not that Otabek isn’t fully aware what being in the vicinity of an adorable kitty will do to him, but he likes to think he has some pride left.
         “Oh, gotta take a pic!”
         He pulls his phone back out and takes a few snapshots, choosing the cutest one to post on his Instagram. He captions it: Beka rescued this tabby from a tree near the rink. Nobody claims him? HE’S MINE!
         There, he’s done his duty to try to find the owner, although Yuri doubts he has one. If he does, then they’re obviously not a very good one.
         Leaving the tabby to continue eating his food, Yuri stands back up and sets his phone on the counter. Otabek still hasn’t returned to the living area, causing Yuri to frown. It shouldn’t take so long just to clean and bandage a scratch, should it?
         He knocks on the door to the bathroom. “Beka, do you need some help in there?”
         “No, I’m almost done. I’ll be out in a sec.”
         Yuri opens the door anyway. Otabek is standing shirtless in front of the mirror, applying topical ointment to the before-unseen scratches on his chest and abdomen. A gauze bandage already covers the one on his face.
         “Wow, Salchow really did a number on you,” Yuri says, leaning against the doorframe.
         Otabek meets his gaze in the reflection of the mirror, cocking an eyebrow. “Salchow?”
         “That’s what I decided to name him. It is a him, by the way. I checked.”
         “Good name,” Otabek says, smiling as he turns around, bracing himself against the vanity. “I guess that means we’re keeping him?”
         Oh, right, it isn’t just his decision anymore. Yuri forgot. Probably should’ve waited to post that picture until after they had discussed it…
         “I mean, do you mind? I don’t think he has an owner, and we can’t just let him loose again…”
         “It’s fine, but will he and Potya get along? You know how Potya gets around strangers…”
         Potya does tend to be wary when unknown people visit the apartment, although strangely enough, he had accepted Otabek almost right away. Sometimes Yuri suspects Potya even likes Otabek better than him.
         He pokes his head back into the living area, checking on them. So far, so good. Salchow is still chowing down on his food, and Potya has begun cleaning himself on top of the cat tower, completely ignoring the newcomer as he licks his paws. “I…think it’ll be okay?” he says, turning back around. “They haven’t killed each other yet, at least.”
         “That’s a low bar you’ve set for feline friendship.”
         Yuri rolls his eyes. “Whatever.  Here, give me that. You missed some.”
         Coming further into the bathroom, he takes the tube of antibiotic ointment from Otabek’s hand, squeezing a small amount on the tip of his finger and spreading it over a scratch located just above the waistband of his jeans.
         At his touch, Otabek’s breath hitches at the back of his throat.
         Yuri glances up. “Does it hurt?”
         “No.” He presses his lips together, eyes rolling up to the ceiling, and Yuri notices his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “No, um, I’m just…sensitive…there…”
         It takes Yuri a moment to realize what exactly Otabek means by that. When he does, he jerks his finger away as if he had touched a steaming hot kettle. “Oh. Crap! Sorry.”
         Otabek chuckles. “It’s not like I mind, you know.”
         “Yeah, but…”
         Not for the first time, Yuri wonders if Otabek is really satisfied with their relationship in its current state. Whenever he asks, Otabek always assures him that he is, that he loves just being with him even if they never do anything beyond cuddling and the occasional chaste kiss, but sometimes it’s hard for Yuri to believe.   
         “It really was stupid of you to bring Salchow home with you on your bike, though,” Yuri says, changing the subject. He turns his attention to another scratch underneath Otabek’s ribcage. “If he had tried to escape out of your jacket and you lost control…”
         Yuri shakes his head, trying to force the image of Otabek’s bloodied body laying lifeless in the snow beside the crumpled metal of his motorcycle out of his mind. It doesn’t work. His eyes well up anyway against his will, and he sniffles, swearing as he swipes his hand over his face.
         This isn’t him. He’s the Ice Tiger of Russia – tough and fierce. But he can’t help it when it comes to Otabek. He loves him too much, even if it’s not the same kind of “love” that most people expect. Yuri doesn’t really believe in soulmates, but if such a thing really existed, he has no doubt Otabek would be his.
         “Yura…” Otabek places his hands on Yuri’s upper arms. “I’m sorry I made you worry,” he says softly, resting his forehead against Yuri’s.
         “You should be.” Yuri tries to glare at him through his tears, but it’s half-hearted at best, his anger swallowed by the overwhelming relief he feels that Otabek made it home safe and in one piece, minus a few scratches.
         Sighing, he wraps his arms around Otabek’s waist and buries his head in his shoulder. “You really did scare me,” he admits in a muffled voice as Otabek returns the embrace. “It was getting so late, and the snow kept falling, and…and… Well, you should have called me!”
         “I know. I’m sorry.” Otabek kisses the top of his head, hugging him even tighter. The front of his favorite sweatshirt is no doubt covered in smears of ointment, but Yuri doesn’t care, taking comfort in the warmth of his body heat. “My phone died right after I sent that last text to you. I forgot to charge it.”
         “Not an excuse.”
         Otabek laughs softly, but Yuri’s one hundred percent serious. He doesn’t ever want to worry about him like that ever again. “No more driving your bike in bad weather, okay?”
         “Okay,” Otabek says, not even putting up the pretense of an argument.
         “And keep your stupid phone charged, too. You’re usually better about that.”
         “And –”
         Yuri finally pulls away, looking back up. “You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
         “'And don’t ever leave me alone in the world'…right?”
         Dammit, it annoys him when Otabek reads his mind like that. Is he really so predictable? “Well, I wasn’t gonna say it like that…” Shifting his eyes downward to stare at the tile floor, Yuri tucks a strand of hair behind his ear. “…but, um, yeah, that was the general gist of it, I guess.”
         Otabek brushes back Yuri’s bangs and kisses him on his forehead. “Okay, I promise I won’t die,” he says in a soft voice.
         If only it was possible to keep such a promise… Yuri wraps his arms around Otabek’s waist, allowing him to hug him once again. “Just… try not to get yourself killed,” he amends. “That’s good enough for me.”
         The two of them stay like that for a long moment, embracing each other  until a crashing sound followed by a stampede of tiny paws breaks the mood. Groaning, Yuri releases his hold.
         “I knew the peace was too good to last,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Come on, Beka. Let’s round up the kids before they really do kill each other.”
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kittiegirl1616 · 6 years
Yuri!!! on ICE Oneshot
“You’ll call if you need anything, right, Yuuri?” Victor asks.
Yuuri chuckles.  “Of course I will.  We’ll be fine though.”
“But Yurio’s heat is coming up soon and we’re really sorry that we can’t be there right at the start!”  Victor sounds extremely apologetic.
“You forget that our heats are completely synced now, Victor.  We’re both coming into heat soon.  We know that your guys’ work doesn’t always match our heat cycles and we’re okay with that as long as you are able to be home for part of it.”
“Yuuri!  Don’t make me feel even worse!” Victor whines.
He chuckles again.  “Sorry, Vicchan.  How about this, I’ll tell you that both Yuri and I aren’t anywhere near our heat cycles at the moment.  Does that make you feel better?”
“Somewhat.”  Victor isn’t convinced and Yuuri knows this.  “But this’ll do.  Oh, Otabek wants to talk to you, hold on.”
“Yuuri, is Yura okay? He’s not answering his phone.”  Now it’s Otabek who’s acting like a worried mother.
“Yuri is probably purposefully not answering his phone. All of you have called each of us at least 50 times in the past day and he’s probably tired of it.”  Yuuri absentmindedly picks up another one of Victor’s shirts and adds it to a pile of dirty clothes at the end of the couch. “Also, you guys are slobs when it comes to clothes.  Your clothes are all over the house.”
Otabek chuckles.  “That’s not because of us, Yuuri.  That’s because our omegas love to be able to smell us anywhere in the house.”  His voice takes on a raspy purr.
Yuuri flushes.  “Sh-shut up!” He stammers, knowing that it’s completely true.
“JJ is going to talk to you know.”
“Hmm.”  Pinning the phone between his shoulder and head, Yuuri scoops up the pile of clothes that belongs to the alphas and heads towards the bedroom, passing Yuri on his way in.  “They boys are asking about you.  Otabek says you haven’t been answering his phone calls.”
He scoffs.  “Yeah, I missed two because I was in the bathroom.  Then, I went to grab something to drink in the kitchen before calling him back and came back to find five more.  Potya jumped up and scared me, making me spill my drink so I had to clean it up and when I was done I had a total of 25 missed calls from him.  I’m not talking to him until he gets back to show him that he can be patient.”
“Yuuri?  Are you there?”  JJ asks.
Yuuri quickly tunes back into the phone conversation he’s supposed to be happening.  “I’m here, JJ.”
“How are you both faring?”  His voice is full of concern.
He sighs and rolls his eyes.  “We’re fine, JJ.”  Reaching the bedroom, Yuuri begins piling the clothes around the edges of the bed.
“You call us if your heats get to be too much.  One of us will leave and come home, okay?”  
“Yes, JJ.”  
Despite his cocky attitude, he was extremely caring of the two omegas; sometimes overly caring.
“All right, well, we’ve got to go now.  Tell Yuri that we love him, and we love you too.  Call us if you need us.”
“Bye, Yuuri; love you,” says Otabek.
Love you, Yuuri,” says Victor.
“Bye, guys, love you too.”
Ending the call, Yuuri pockets his phone and continue arranging the clothes. I love those guys so much.
“Yuuri, I brought more dirty laundry from the bathroom.”
“Thanks.”  Taking the clothes, he continues arranging the clothes around the bed.
“I had Victor, Beka, and JJ scent some blankets and pillows last night as well.  We can add those.”
Yuuri nods.  “That sounds good.”
As he continues to place the clothing around the bed, he hears Yuri take in a sharp breath.  “Some of my clothes are in there.”
He looks at him.  “Of course.”
“But I’m not an alpha.”
“I know that.  But you’re still important to me.  If you want to add some of my clothes, I’d be honored, but you don’t have to.  It’s whatever you feel comfortable with.”
“Hmmm.”  He hums and stands there, watching Yuuri continue to make the nest.  “I’m going to go grab some more things to add to the nest.”
“Sure thing.”  Humming to himself, Yuuri adds the final articles of clothing to the edge of the nest before moving around and rearranging some of the pieces.
“I’m back; move out of the way!”  Yuri shoves Yuuri out of the way and begins throwing pillows and blankets taken from the living room into the center of the nest.  Then, he walks into the bathroom and comes out a minute later with some of Yuuri’s clothing.  “You’re important to me too, Pig.”
Yuuri beams.  “Thank you!”
Yuri arranges the other’s clothes around the edge of the nest before climbing in and arranging some of the blankets and pillows.  “Get your ass in here and arrange some things!  I’m not the only one that this nest belongs to.”
Quickly climbing in, the Japanese omega quickly moves to help the Russian omega.  In no time, they’re lounging in their freshly remade nest, surrounded by their alphas’ scents.
“This is a comfy nest!” Yuuri chirps happily, taking his glasses off and putting them on the nightstand before wriggling around slightly.
The blond boy nods.  “It is.” Reaching over, he wraps his arms around the older omega’s waist and snuggles close, breathing in the comforting scent that only an omega can produce.
Yuuri smiles and wraps his arms around the younger omega.  A purr starts up in his chest as he closes his eyes and relishes the quality time the two omegas get when their alphas are gone.
Yuri yawns.  “Let’s take a nap; I have this sneaking suspicion that we won’t be getting much sleep in the upcoming days.”
“Me too.”
Their eyes close and they quickly fall asleep, their bodies preparing for their upcoming heat.
“Yuri, it’s time to wake up; we need to make sure we can sleep tonight.”
The blond boy grumbles but wakes up.  He sits up in the nest and rubs his eyes before crawling out of the nest and to the bathroom.
Chuckling, the older omega also gets out of the bed and stretches.
“Hey, are you hot?”
“Huh?”  Yuuri turns sharply at the comment from the other boy.  “What?”
“Temperature wise, are you hot?”
“Oh, well, yeah; I guess.  Why?”
“Because I wanted to take the clothes you’re wearing right now and add them to the nest.  No one’s here but us, so we can walk around in our boxers and not have to worry about being groped by our horny alphas,” Yuri responds.
Yuuri taps his chin with his fingers.  “Fine, but you have to give me your clothes, so I can add them to the nest.”
Yuri beams at him.  “Deal!”
They quickly strip, handing their clothes to each other to arrange on the nest.  The younger omega finds himself staring at the older omega’s toned body and quickly looks away, his cheeks a right red.
“What’s wrong, Yuri?”
“Okay…?”  Yuuri clearly doesn’t believe him but doesn’t push the issue.  “Right, so what should we do?”
“I don’t know…we usually leave that to Victor, Beka, and JJ.  What were you planning on doing?”
“Well, I was actually planning on doing some stretches and work a little bit on ballet; you can join me if you want.”  Yuuri picks up his glasses from the nightstand and runs a hand through his hair so it falls away from his eyes and forehead.
“Maybe.  I wanted to try a recipe for dinner tonight that I don’t think the others will like, but only if you want to try it.”
Yuuri nods excitedly.  “Of course I want to try it!  Whenever you make food, it tastes delicious!  Why wouldn’t they like it?”
“Because it’s more of a traditional Japanese recipe that has eel in it…they don’t like eel.”
Yuuri thinks back to the time the alphas tried eel and shudders.  “Oh yeah, it made them sick for, like, a week.”
“Yeah.  But, I liked it.”
“Then go ahead and make it; just let me know if you need help preparing anything.”
The two omegas go their separate ways, Yuri to the kitchen and Yuuri to the living room.  Soon, soft music and delicious smells fill the apartment as the two boys work on their activities.
“Yuuri, I need help with something.”
Yuuri pauses mid step and walks into the kitchen, finding the other in an apron and his boxer briefs.  Chuckling, he wraps his arms around the boy’s slim waist and rests his chin on his shoulder. “You know, if our alphas saw you like that, you’d be bent over the counter and screaming by now.”
Yuri’s sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar spikes, letting the other know of his arousal.  “I know that, that’s why I’m getting in my share of this while they’re gone.  Now, are you going to help me or not?”
The Japanese omega laughs.  “Of course.  What do you need help with?”
“What do you season the eel with before you grill it?”
“Just a little salt and pepper.  The rest of the seasonings come when you eat it.”
“Okay, thanks!”
“No problem.”  Yuuri presses a kiss to the younger omega’s cheek.  “It smells delicious!”
“Of course it does!  I’m making it!”
Chuckling again, the dark-haired omega leaves Yuri in the kitchen to go back and practice.  Peeking at the clock, he notices that it’s closer to dinner than he thought.
“Huh, I guess we’ve just been losing track of time.”
“What’s that, Pig?”
“Nothing, Yurio,” Yuuri replies back in an overly sweet voice, using the nickname he knows Yuri can’t stand.
“I guess I kinda deserved that.”
Yuuri goes back to practicing ballet, working on a few steps he might use in his next practice to surprise his alphas and omega.  Quickly becoming absorbed, he doesn’t notice the fair-haired omega standing in the doorway, watching him, until soft hands fall on his hips.
“You need to straighten your back and bend from your hips more,” Yuri murmurs, pressing up against the other omega’s back.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.  It will give you that seductive edge that I know you’re looking for.”
“You’re welcome.”  Yuri takes the shell of Yuuri’s ear in his mouth and nibbles softly for a moment, causing the other to moan and push back against his cock.  Releasing the ear and sliding away, he saunters into the kitchen with a smirk, purposefully swinging his hips.
“Tease!” Yuuri calls after him, trying to get his hard on to go away.
“It’s what I do best!”
It definitely is, but I’m going to give him a run for his money.  Taking in what the younger omega told him, he straightens his back and bends from his hips more.  When the music ends, clapping comes from the doorway, making Yuuri whip his head in the direction.
“Our alphas will be completely captivated by you as you dance; it might even work to have them kneeling at your feet.  Even JJ would admit that you’re the better skater.” Yuri slinks closer, eyes trailing over the other skater’s toned form.  “Even I would be willing to admit that.”
Yuuri gulps and runs his eyes down the other skater’s toned form as well. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
They stand chest to chest for a moment before the younger omega stands on his tiptoes and wraps his arms around Yuuri’s neck, connecting their lips. With a moan, the older omega quickly takes control of the kiss.  Yuri’s mouth opens and Yuuri dips his tongue in the other’s mouth.  Their tongues dance and Yuuri’s hands reach down to grab a handful of Yuri’s ass, squeezing and kneading it gently.  The younger boy presses into his lover, wanting more and more.
Yuuri breaks their kiss and trails kisses down his neck, leaving the blond a whimpering mess.  Finding his scent gland, the raven-haired boy inhales deeply and sucks on it, making the blond melt into his arms.  Releasing his neck, Yuuri hugs the boy and pulls him over to the couch in the living room. Sitting down, Yuri is pulled into the other’s lap as their lips connect again.  The Russian’s hips begin to move as he slowly gyrates against Yuuri’s hips.
Right when they go to go farther, a video call pops up on the big screen of the TV, causing them both to groan.  Yuri reaches over and connects the call, allowing the picture of the three alphas to appear on the screen.
“What?” He snaps, not moving from his spot on Yuuri’s lap.
“What have you two been doing?” JJ asks, wiggling his eyebrows at their position.
“I’ve been dancing,” Yuuri replies, not giving them what they want.
“And I’ve been cooking; we’re about to sit down to eat.”
“So if you’re about to sit down to eat, why are you both in your boxers and straddling each other?” Otabek asks, amused at the omega’s play.
“We were hot and I was getting something out of his hair,” Yuri replies saucily.
“Yeah, temperature wise.  With our heats coming up, our temperatures are starting to rise.  Plus, with you three gone, we can walk around like this without the fear of being jumped.”  Yuri’s voice is matter of fact as he starts running his hands through Yuuri’s hair absentmindedly.
“Mhmm,” Yuuri agrees, leaning into the other boy’s touch and purring lightly.
“Have you started nesting?”
“It’s mostly done; once you get home we’ll take your clothes and add them.”
“Can’t wait to see your nest when we get home, my omegas,” Victor purrs, smiling at them.
The three alphas watch through the screen as their omegas groom each other as the conversation lulls.  Both omegas seem to forget that they’re on a video call as the become engrossed with themselves.
“They look so hot,” JJ whispers to Victor.
The silver-haired alpha nods, lost for words.  
“I think they were doing more than just Yura trying to get something out of Yuuri’s hair.  They’re teasing us,” Otabek says, quietly voicing his thoughts.
“I agree.”
Meanwhile, Yuri slowly leans down and connects his and Yuuri’s lips. His hands stay in the older omega’s hair.  The kiss is slow and relaxed, their tongues dancing together languidly.  Yuuri’s hands grip Yuri’s hips, and soon the younger omega begins to grind his hips.
The alphas sit back and quietly try to hold back their growls of pleasure.  
“This is just like watching a porno of our omegas,” JJ whispers.
“This is watching a porno of our omegas,” Otabek responds, also in a whisper so as to not disturb the omegas.
“I just want to get home and gobble them up!” Victor growls under his breath, his cock hardening in his pants.
Just as things start to get good and the alphas start to rub themselves, Yuri pulls away from the kiss and turns back to the camera.  “No peeking!”  And with a click, the alphas are left with a black screen.
“Oh, they are so getting it when we return!” Otabek growls, turned on beyond all belief.
“I think that’s what they’re aiming for,” JJ responds, groaning and flopping back on the bed.
“Now what are going to do?”
Back at the apartment, Yuri turns to Yuuri and grins.  ��Think we’ll get punished when they get back?” He asks excitedly.
The dark-haired omega looks up with hooded eyes.  “Oh definitely.”
“Good.”  Laying one more peck on Yuuri’s lips, Yuri stands up and walks back into the kitchen. “I was serious about sitting down for dinner, though.”
“I know.”  With a sigh, the Japanese omega stands up and makes his way into the kitchen.  They eat quickly and clean up before heading back to their nest almost instinctively, their bodies seeking out the rest they would be deprived of in their coming heats.
Climbing in, they snuggle up to one another and quickly fall asleep.
The omegas sleep all that night and most of the next day, only waking to eat and go to the bathroom.  It’s on the third day that they’re up and more active.
“Victor, Beka, and JJ are coming back today, right?” Yuri asks excitedly as he watches his lover make lunch.
Yuuri chuckles.  “Yes, Yuri, they are.  Excited much?”
“I’m just excited for the punishment!”
“I can hardly tell,” Yuuri drawls sarcastically, handing a bowl of katsudon to the blond.  “Though, I can’t help but think that with our alphas coming home, their pheromones will trigger our heats.  We should’ve started yesterday, but I think that with the absence of their pheromones for so long, our omegas became depressed and stalled our heats until we get a whiff of our alphas’ pheromones.  Meaning that we’ll lose our minds once they walk in that door.”
“So…no punishment?”
“No, I think we’ll still get that punishment, but it will come after our heat periods.”
“Do you really think that our omegas are holding off our heats?  I’ve never heard of that before,” Yuri says after a minute.
“I’ve read of one other instance of where the omega’s alpha was away on a business trip right around the start of their heat, and that the alpha was scheduled to come back within the first day or so of the omega’s heat; the omega’s omega became depressed and withheld the heat, longing for it’s alpha. Apparently, it’s a thing that only deeply bonded omegas do,” the older omega explains.
“That means that we’ve bonded deeply with our alphas, huh?”
“And each other.”
The omegas sit down and begin eating, each lost in their own thoughts. Yuuri begins to notice that his body temperature seems to be rising and that there’s and uncomfortable feeling in his lower regions.
“You’re feeling it too, huh?” Yuri asks, noticing the other shifting around. “You’re feeling warmer and uncomfortable down there.”
“Yeah; maybe it’s because my omega can sense our alphas getting closer.”
“Probably is the reason; especially if we’re so deeply bonded.”
“After we’re done eating, want to go to the nest and get ready for our alphas?” Yuuri asks mischievously.
Yuri grins.  “I thought you’d never ask!”
They share a look between themselves while they quickly finish eating and put their dishes in the sink before running back to their bedroom. Yuuri flips on the lowlights and puts his glasses down on the nightstand.  Yuri turns on the air conditioning and fan to help combat their rising temperatures.  Then, both of them strip out of their boxers and scramble into the nest.
“I can literally feel them getting closer,” Yuuri murmurs, sitting on his knees.
“Me too,” Yuri pants.
“Let’s get ready for them, shall we?”
Reaching back, the Japanese omega grabs the Russian omega’s ass with both hands and pulls his cheeks apart, exposing his hole to the air and making him moan.  Dipping two fingers in, Yuuri begins working and scissoring his lover’s hole.
“Yuuri!” Yuri whimpers, falling into the other’s arms.  His hands knead Yuuri’s ass before two of his fingers also dip in.
“Turn around,” Yuri orders in a shaky voice, “and lay down.”
Scrambling into position, he licks his lips.  Yuri also turns and now they’re both lying on their sides. Pulling Yuri’s ass to him, the older omega begins licking and nipping around the rim.  Yuri lets out a shrill moan as he shakily inserts two fingers back into Yuuri’s ass.  As they get more and more turned on, their body temperatures seem to rise and more slick is produced than normal.  Suddenly, a wave of heat has both of them stopping their movements and moaning loudly.  
“They’re home!” Yuuri breathes before he scrambles onto his knees.
“Yes!” Yuri hisses, doing the same.
Instantly, they’re bent over, backs arched, knees spread apart, and holes twitching in anticipation for their alpha’s arrivals.
“Well, this is certainly a sight for sore eyes,” booms the voice of the silver-haired alpha.
Both omegas moan, completely lost to their heats now.
JJ licks his lips.  “Definitely is.”
“And they’re even presenting for us,” Otabek murmurs, staring at the offerings in front of him.  “Who are we to deny them this?”
“Well then, let’s eat.”
The three alphas stalk into the room, door slamming behind them, as they go to sate the heats of their omegas.
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lazuliblade · 7 years
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“He’s running out of time” - the dreaded 30 second rule.
I meant to make this a long time ago (and probably HAVE made a long-forgotten draft somewhere), but kept convincing myself that it wasn’t important enough.  It’s a small figure skating scheduling tidbit.
This is ep12, after Yuuri and Victor have their pre-FS rinkside talk and Morooka mistakes their laughter for crying.
In this scene, Takeshi is commenting on the length of time Yuuri took to head out to center ice after his name was called by the announcer.
Rule 350 on page 12 of the 2016 Special Regulations rulebook (the rulebook edition that was out when YoI was created and finished, and currently still in effect), addresses the Call to Start. It outlines the expectations for skaters taking a starting position, and the consequences upon failing to comply. A skater has thirty (30) seconds to take their starting position upon having their name called. If they take even 1 second too long, the skater(s) will receive a penalty of 1.00 point, and if they are not in position by 60 seconds, then they are considered withdrawn from the segment of the competition (Short Program, Free Skate, Short Dance, etc.).
This rule was put in place after the 2013-2014 season ended because... the ISU wanted to shorten times and speed things up for TV programming. Prior to the 2014-2015 season, the time limit was 1 minute so that skaters had time to center themselves before starting. But the ISU deemed that 30 seconds was plenty of time. As you can imagine, that tripped up some skaters in following seasons. The most recent one I can remember off the top of my head is Yuzuru at the 2017 Worlds Men’s SP.
I do want to stress that the 30-second countdown only starts once the announcer introduces the next skater to skate. As we see with J.J. and Otabek in ep11, the next skater is allowed onto the ice as soon as the previous skater steps off. So while the judges are calculating scores, the next skater can skate around a bit and get a feel for the ice again. This means that a skater might be on the ice for a few minutes before their name is finally called.
On a related note, in case fic writers would like to know for whatever reason: Finishing AFTER the music ends can also incur a 1 point penalty for every 5 seconds passed the maximum allowed program time (rule 502, page 74). It’s not a big deal if a skater moves slightly after the music ends, but if their movement makes it so that they exceed the maximum time limit (2:45 for SP; 4:35 for FS), then that’s when a timekeeper and referee make the call. For example, if a skater’s program is 2:40 seconds, then they are right on the exact allotted time, and if they miss the end of the music by 2 seconds, it would put them at 2:42 which is still within the 5-second grace period. If a skater’s program is 2:45, then they need to end EXACTLY with the music or they will be penalized because they exceeded the 5 second grace period. This is why it’s a good idea to NOT make a program the maximum time, because even a second or two of wiggle room at the end can be the difference between being OK, and being dinged a point by the Referee (in consultation with the Timekeeper). This happened recently with Shoma Uno at the 2017 GPF Men’s SP. 
Same goes with being under the minimum time limit: 2:35 for SP/4:25 for FS. Better to make a program slighter longer than the minimum, in case the skater strikes their final pose a tad early.
So to tie it all up, Yuuri used up the preparatory time to resolve issues and set himself at ease. The announcer called his name while he was talking with Victor. When they parted, Yuuri was cutting it close to being penalized for taking his starting position late, but he made it in time, so he received no deductions.
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yoiotdfics · 6 years
Fic Recs for March 2017
birthday surprise by  suga
other than his grandpa, there was only one other person yuri wanted to hear from on his birthday.
Fall Where They May by  flammablehat
Viktor has a special talent for magically normalizing every strange thing he does.
all of rome by basilique
Right after their wedding, Yuuri and Viktor go on Honeymoon to Rome. They decided to splurge on a visit to an all-male bath house, because why not? And when it turns out to be something of a venue for sexual exhibitionism, why not join the fun? When in Rome…
Kings in Couture by slightlied
a devil wears prada au in which victor is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, yuuri’s his new secretary, and instead of talking about his feelings, victor just sends him on a bunch of errands
The Calm Before A Storm by  iamthefacebehindthemask
Early mornings had become Victor’s least favorite time of the day.
Emordnilap by  Dawn on ICE (Dawn_Blossom)
27-year old, five-time consecutive gold medalist Yuuri Katsuki is planning on retiring after his disgraceful performance at the Sochi Grand Prix FInal.
Victor Nikiforov is a better skater than him (the skating community says otherwise, but what do they know?) and therefore it does NOT make sense for him to show up in the onsen and declare that he’s going to be Yuuri’s student.
Imagery by  Cesare
Because Yuuri is never, ever lucky, of course Victor finds his poster stash.
This Tastes Fishy by  otapocalypse
Yuuri is comforted by his best friend
Making History by Moonlight: Bishounen Senshi Skater Moon!!! by  virdant
Yuuri moves to St. Petersburg, ugly tie in hand, prepared to make history and fight evil.
Do your research by  classicpleistocene
After World Championship, Michele and Emil take a week off together to be cuddly boyfriends and discover each others’ secrets.
i’m just going to the store by  bosbie
Accidental masked vigilante Victor Nikiforov.
Or: how Victor’s impulsiveness backfires and creates one of the greatest living internet memes to ever come out of Russia.
see myself through someone else by  maydei
Victor is a mermaid that washes up on the Atlantic Coast amidst a strong tide. When taking refuge up a small sound, he meets an artist under a bridge.
trust me, he’ll say yes by  JkWriter
phichit was used to getting calls all hours of the day from the other skaters. he wanted to get those calls because he loved meddling in the love lives of his friends.
Getting the Words Right by Lazchan
Viktor is out of town and Yuuri is left alone with Team Russia
between every breath that makes you whole and mine by incode
Yuuri wakes up feeling… not so hot.
Victor will help. Victor really, really wants to help.
(Victor hums thoughtfully, and then he disappears into the closet for a moment. When he returns, he thrusts a bundle of fabric into Yuuri’s chest.
Yuuri’s eyes go wide as he looks it over - his Team Japan jacket.)
crust and sugar over by  ShanaStoryteller
Katsuki sits cross-legged, clearly in no hurry to go anywhere. “What’s your name? I’m –”
“I know who you are,” he cuts him off, then blushes, then hates himself for both those things. Katsuki looks surprised, and Yuri can’t think as to why. He’s a nationally ranked figure skater. He’s Yuri’s favorite figure skater.
Yuuri and Yuri become friends and Viktor develops a crush.
a pinprick of light by Crollalanza
‘It’s as if all the flamboyance and fun has been used up on the ice. And now we become the grey people,’ Victor had warned Mila before her first Grand Prix banquet.
He’d not exaggerated, and the only social skills Mila was learning was how to stifle yawns before she could make a getaway.
Then Katsuki Yuuri drank a vat of champagne, and colour exploded into all their lives.
But it’s up to Mila and Sara to salvage his reputation when the events of the banquet threaten to go viral.
open up your eyes (breathe easy) by ashleypender
Viktor loves to touch his Yuuri.
Sweet Spots by  Crazy_Gaze
“But don’t get too comfortable. ‘Cause he’ll make you wait for it.” Phichit grumbles. “And if you don’t, next thing you know, you’re tied up, can’t move, and then he’ll laugh at you, Victor.”
Victor looks far from opposed to the idea though. “Oh…” He says, a little starstruck. “I might not be too opposed to that.”
(In which Victor and Phichit don’t really talk about Detroit but about Yuuri instead.)
To what should i compare thee with fine ass?by wepreachelectric
a simple, Shakespearien Sonnet about chris giacometti and his fine fine ass
resting pulse by cafecliche
For something all in his head, it can be brutally physical when it wants to be. But he’s an athlete - he knows how to listen to his body, categorize and interpret its signals. It doesn’t really follow that the smallest twinge in his knee could mean a very bad season at the same time full-blown palpitations mean it’s a day that ends in Y. But bodies are weird.
Victor, though. Victor is a stress test brought to life.
(Or: a story in heartbeats.)
Silver, Skype, Seduction by  Laikin394
Victor gives a great show. Especially, if Yuuri is the only viewer. or That one time where Victor and Yuuri are separated by different competitions and they make up for the lost time. AKA I wanted Victuuri Skype sex, let’s not pretend there’s plot in this.
a love that refuses to be silenced by wartransmission
A year into being officially (and he doesn’t count what happened in Barcelona, because really, Viktor?) engaged and capable of sleeping with Viktor on the same bed without combusting into embarrassed flames, Yuuri learns something about his favorite skater and now-fiancé.
The Five Languages of Viktor Nikiforovby  athoroughlybakedpotato (acommontater)
Language is not only how you understand other people, but how you learn to understand yourself.
a new day by  aquamarine_nebula
There were three lies Viktor’s mind tried to convince him regarding his relationship with Yuuri.
First: Yuuri understood each and every one of his actions, so he had nothing to explain. Second: Yuuri was too good for him. Third: he loved Yuuri much more than Yuuri loved him.
(He was wrong about this.)
Flip, Sip, or Strip! bycutthroatpixie
Five times Yuuri totally owned at a college drinking game
(the plus one time he didn’t own at something is implied)
Figure Skators vs. Watermelon by Redawilo
Two Russians, a Kazakhstani, and a Japanese man decide to spend a hot afternoon on a beach trying to hit a watermelon with a stick. Pure silliness ensues.
Skating Out Your Emotions by Lazchan
Yuri is starting to wonder if he’s reading too much into Yuuri when he’s notskating, but the longer he stays in Russia, the more he notices the differences off and on the ice.
Have we got contact? by  Crollalanza
Seung-gil hadn’t been at all sure he’d watch the competition. What he’d do instead was practise and look after his dog, catching up on the highlights later because they were the only thing that could possible be useful. But then Sara Crispino texts him, and instead of ignoring her, he finds himself drawn into the excitement of the Grand Prix Final.
And it’s not long before everyone else starts messaging.
Champagne, Vodka, and Other Spirits by  Dawn on ICE (Dawn_Blossom)
Victor Nikiforov wouldn’t mind being dead if only the real estate agency would stop trying to sell his house.
the fall of this empire will be loud by  elesssar
In 1991, the Soviet Union collapses. In 1989, the Berlin wall falls. In 1987, Viktor Nikiforov, iconic figure skater and darling of the USSR, defects to the United States. In 1986, Yuuri Katsuki falls in love.
Even My Feet Smile For You by ineptshieldmaid
It’s because of this - this tendency of Viktor’s to be all limbs, always moving, even when he’s relaxed - that the thing with the feet happens. Not the thing with Yuri’s feet: that happens a lot, because Viktor is not subtle in his interests and Yuri is not the kind of man to pass up on leverage like that. No, this is the thing with Viktor’s feet. The one that leads to Yuri’s most widely-screencapped and circulated instagram post ever, and also Viktor’s most infamous profile picture.
Maybe He’s Born With It (Maybe It’s Phichit) by  mousapelli
Phichit altruistically saves Yuri from the melodramatic makeup tendencies of his fellow Russians.
Yuuri Enchanted by  the__magpie
At birth, Yuuri Katsuki was given the gift of obedience, although he quickly learns as he grows up that it is a curse. He has to obey any command given to him, even if it puts him or others in danger. Too afraid to face the terrifying outside world, Yuuri stays in his home town of Hasetsu, until a chance encounter with Prince Victor urges him to venture outside of his safe bubble. Determined to break his curse, Yuuri begins on an adventure involving fairies, ogres, true love, and courage he never knew he had.
The Year of King JJ by  WithBroomBefore
Yuri acknowledged, at some point, that JJ wasn’t objectively the worst person who had ever existed.
Friends First by  EternalWhiteRose
Otabek tells his coach that he wants to retire, but of course, news travels fast. Specifically, to the other side of the country. More specifically, to America and Canada.
OR; JJ and Leo visit Otabek unannounced.
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
16-year-old Yuri Plisetsky is a young noble. He's pretty happy with his life - he's the youngest son, so he's not expected to take over the estate or shoulder any responsibilities. He just kinda...does whatever the hell he wants.
No one really knows where Yura is most of the time either. He just...sometimes disappears for weeks at a time, and no one really bothers to find out where he goes (visiting his best friend Otabek in the neighbouring kingdom).
No one really cares because Yura is not only the youngest son, he's also a bastard.
He's not really too upset. He's made his peace with it. He's never really gonna amount to anything in life. But then. Surprise surprise, turns out the man his mother had had an affair with was a cousin of the Queen mother.
The current king, 35-year-old Viktor Nikiforov, doesn't have any heirs, with no plans to have any either, and so he decides to name his young cousin, Yura, as his heir.
And so, overnight, Yura finds his status in life completely changed, not that he's complaining - don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.
He's all packed up and moved to the palace within a week.
But being a prince isn't all fun and games, like his old life had been. He has new responsibilities to carry out and countless things to learn - from history and foreign policy, to swordplay and ballroom dancing. Yura takes to his new life like a fish to water - he finds he likes to learning about all these things, likes serving his country well as its future ruler.
The only thing that puts a damper on things is his new guardians - he quickly finds out that rumours of the king's frosty relationship with his husband are 100% true. Though they may present a strong, united front to the public, it becomes immediately clear that Viktor and his consort, Yuuri Katsuki, the first prince and younger brother of the queen of Yutopia, can barely stand each other.
Viktor Nikiforov truly lives up to his reputation as the ice king - he's always distant, his eyes cold and calculating, his smile devoid of any warmth whatsoever. He's coldly untouchable, barely even human.
On the other hand, his husband Yuuri at first seems to be his complete opposite, but is in fact just the same. He smiles sweetly at everyone, warm and friendly. He likes helping people out and listening to their troubles and taking care of them.But despite all that, he keeps everyone at arm's length. He listens, but he never talks about himself, never leans on anyone else, never talks about his own troubles or his fears or his aspirations. He never lets anyone see him as anything less than perfect, composed, untouchable.
Yura has to have dinner with both of them once a week, and those single-handedly the most stressful times of his week, the moments he hates the most - the tension is always so thick he could cut it with a knife, turning the delicious food to cardboard in his mouth.
After a month of living at the castle, Yura finally learns what the deal is between the two.
He's having tea with Lady Babicheva one day, and she tells him that things hadn't always been like this between the king and his consort. Mila tells him that once upon a time, Viktor and Yuuri had been head over heels in love.
Yura doesn't believe a single word of it. "What happened, then?" he asks skeptically.
"The Queen mother was killed,” she tells him softly, voice barely above a whisper.
Yura is confused. "I thought she had a heart attack?" he asks.
Mila leans in conspiratorially, dropping her voice even more, so that Yura can barely hear her. "It was covered up by the king," she tells him, eyes darting this way and that to make sure no one is around to hear them.
“Why?" asks Yura, still confused as all hell. "Wasn't the king said to be extremely close to his mother? I'd think he'd be the one most eager to see the killer put to justice!"
"He was!" Mila confirms. "But he was putting the safety of the country before his own feelings."
Yura is confused for a few seconds more, before horrible realization suddenly dawns on him, and a wide-eyed, horrified expression comes on his face.
Mila nods. "Prince Katsuki admitted to having her assassinated." 
And suddenly, everything makes sense to Yura. Before Viktor and Yuuri had married, their two countries had been at war for generations. They had formed a shaky truce only two decades ago, and the marriage between Viktor and Yuuri had been meant to strengthen their alliance.
The Queen mother had been an extremely popular ruler in her time on the throne, and if it had come out that she had been murdered by her own son-in-law, a war would have been unavoidable.
When she had died though, the two countries' economies had only just gotten back on their feet, and they were both still working to rebuild. Another war would have been disastrous for both sides.
So Viktor had let his own emotions take the backseat, had told everyone that she had died of a heart attack. Within the castle walls, however, he had taken drastic measures. He had put his husband under 24 hour surveillance.
(The rest of the world had cooed at how sweet it was, that he was so worried for his husband's safety that he had given him four constant bodyguards to protect him at all hours of the day)
Yuuri had been forced to move out of their shared bedchambers. He had been sentenced to house arrest, forbidden from leaving the palace grounds unless he was attending official functions with Viktor. He spent most of his time alone, in his lonely tower bedroom. 
Officially, the reason for all this was that Yuuri was sickly - that he stayed indoors due to his failing health. Only a select few in Viktor's inner circle knew the truth of it.
And even now, five years later, Mila is still heartbroken about it all. She used to be close to Yuuri, had spent many an afternoon strolling with him through the castle gardens and giggling with him over tea and court gossip. She still misses her friend like an almost physical ache, and his betrayal is still an open wound.
Yura, however, is still somewhat skeptical. Something feels........off to him.
He tries to stay away from Yuuri for a while after that,, just to be on the safe side. But the more he thinks about it, the more things just don’t add up, and the more he becomes *convinced* that there's something up
(There's no way anyone can just pretend to be that disgustingly nice all the time.)
There's nothing more that Yuri hates than an unsolved mystery, and so he starts going out of his way to talk to Yuuri, to spend time with him.
Yuuri is surprised at first, but absolutely delighted. After so many years of isolation, it's nice to have some social interaction. He had thought he would spend the next few decades alone, until Viktor had finally abdicated his throne, and Yuuri might hopefully be dismissed to move back to his family's home in Yutopia, his duty complete.
The two Yuris grow extremely close over time, and Viktor starts to get wary, worried that his husband is trying to influence his heir as well. He tries to keep Yura away from Yuuri, trying to keep the impressionable teenager safe. But Yura keeps sneaking his way into Yuuri's chambers, even after Yuuri warns him to stay away for his own safety.
Eventually, after several months of this, Yura finally gets the truth out of Yuuri.
The assassins had, in fact, been sent by a noble house from the country of  Svizra, one of their longtime allies, without the knowledge of their king Giacometti. The nobles had been hoping to take advantage of their weakened state in the aftermath of the war with Yutopia, and he been trying to instigate a war. 
A war which would almost certainly have spelled the end of the Nikiforovs’ dynasty.
But they hadn't accounted for just how fiercely loyal Yuuri was to his husband and his new country. If the public had found out that the Queen mother had been assassinated by their supposed allies, there would be no way to avoid a war - whether a war with the country of Svizra, or a civil war.
So Yuuri had claimed all the blame himself. Because he knew that, with their precarious alliance on the line, there would be no way Viktor would be able to  take official action against him, and would be forced instead to cover up the fact that foul play had been involved.
Yuri Plisetsky is rightfully horrified, and absolutely furious. "What the hell, dumbass!? WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL VIKTOR ABOUT IT?" he demands. "You didn't have to take all the blame! Viktor would have understood!!!”
And Yuuri and his bleeding heart refuses to look at Yura when he replies, quietly, that he didn't want Viktor and Chris's relationship to suffer because of it. Because even if it was proven that the king had had no part in the assassination, his failure to notice the growing unrest in his court would have put strain on their alliance. And Svizra is a powerful country whose friendship will be indispensable in the future while their two countries rebuild themselves.
Yura wants to just scream because it’s not fucking fair and Yuuri is a dumbass for trying to fix everything himself, and Viktor is a dumbass for believing someone like Yuuri could ever betray him, and Christophe is a dumbass for not being able to stop all this, and everyone is just SO FUCKING STUPID.
Yuuri manages to get Yura to stay quiet about the whole thing.
He promises not to say anything to Viktor outright, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try and make his stupid cousin see his mistake somehow.
Yura starts spending more time with Viktor - starts trying to get past the icy barrier of hurt and betrayal he wears around himself like armor. 
Viktor is slightly suspicious at first; suspicious that Yuuri has put him up to this. But it's as good an opportunity as any to sway Yura back to his own side, and maybe keep him out of his husband's clutches.
It doesn't take long for Yura to get Viktor to spill the story of the assassination to him (Viktor hopes it'll serve as a warning for Yura to stay away from Yuuri, to make him see that the man is dangerous)
And from then, Yura starts planting the seeds of doubt in his stupid cousin's mind.
"What motivation would he even HAVE to kill her!?" is the first thing Yura demands. And it stops Viktor short, because he'd somehow never even thought of that.
It takes quite a bit of effort to make Viktor come around. (Because Viktor wants so badly for it to be true, for Yuuri to be innocent. He wants so badly to have his sweetheart back, but he just knows that if he lets himself hope, but it turns out that Yuuri is exactly the kind of cold-blooded murderer they think he is, it will absolutely DESTROY Viktor.)
Yes, it takes Viktor quite a while to finally come around, but even he isn't able to keep up forever against Yura's pointed questions and the nagging doubts that have started to grow and fester in his mind.
And when he finally caves and decides to have a proper investigation into the matter, Yuuri's admission of guilt, his supposed motives for killing his mother-in-law, it all falls like a wet paper bag. There are more holes in his story than a slice of swiss cheese.
And Viktor is just. So ANGRY.
Angry at himself for ever believing that his sweet Yuuri would do something so treacherous when all this time it was quite the opposite, when Yuuri was ready to give up his own happiness, his own reputation, to keep his beloved country safe.
And he's angry at Yuuri too. Because they lost FIVE WHOLE YEARS. Five years of kisses and cuddling, five years of laughter and love, five years of happiness.
And he's probably never going to forgive himself for the way he's treated Yuuri in those years.
But now they have a lifetime to make up for it.
And finally, Viktor has something more to live for. He's no longer stuck just going through the motions.
It's not all perfect, he's never going to get his mother back, but he has his husband, and that's good enough for him.
Yuuri is an absolute sweetheart who’s beloved by his people, so when news spreads of his supposed “miraculous recovery”, his return to health, the people are overjoyed.
The servants in the palace are delighted to be allowed to talk to and laugh with him again. They fuss over him for months afterwards, worrying about him pushing himself too much (and Yuuri always feels so guilty about lying to them.)
Mila and Georgi and the other nobles who had known the truth behind Yuuri's apparent "sickness" that had rendered him bedridden for the past five years are ecstatic as well.
They're so happy to have their friend back, and after five years of heartbreak and misery, everything is right in St. Petersburg again.
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OWC Weekly Update!
Voting for Otayuri Winter Weekend prompts is currently underway - more information can be found on this post. Thank you for all the support! Here are 3 SFW and 3 NSFW fics we’re featuring this week.
Top SFW Fics
Be Mine by Ilya_Writes
5.8K - WIP
All loyalty and obedience that Yuri has ever known has stemmed from his position as the heir apparent, the future monarch of Amphora. But despite Otabek having no obligation to the Royal Family, he has vowed to devote his life to Yuri’s protection and pleasure of his own volition. The realization that Otabek may be the only person to have shown him both genuine defiance and devotion causes Yuri’s head to spin in a way that is not entirely unpleasant, and he finds himself wanting to believe that there is genuine fidelity and even reverence within the smoldering gaze of his fiancé's dark eyes.
Better Than a Rubber Duck by WingsofWriting
1.2K - complete
Otabek really, really didn't anticipate any complications from taking that corner office, no one wanted. He certainly didn't expect a blonde companion with an opinion on everything, despite having no basis of knowledge for it.
But There’s a Comfort in Failure by @punktsuki  
924 - complete
“How can you still look so attractive while crying” He breathed.
Yuri’s head snapped up at that, heart sinking. No. Otabek was not to waste these words on him.
Top NSFW Fics
Not your usual fantasy by arcsinx
19.2K - complete
Yuri's first impression of Almaty is that it's way hotter than St Petersburg. Otabek doesn't seem to be bothered much with that information when Yuri lets him know about it while fanning himself with a leaflet from their air company. He doesn't seem to be bothered either when Yuri lets him do all the work and gather their baggage from the carousel.
Yuri's leopard print stroller bag stands out like a flash of neon amidst the others, but he was of the mind that since he was moving to another country while four months pregnant under his mate and his family's insistence he had the right to do whatever the fuck he wanted.
Songs for Teenagers by @nezumibites  
35.7K - WIP
After the Grand Prix Final, Yuri heads back to St. Petersburg to essentially live with Yuuri and Viktor as they all train for the next skating season. Since there's no rush to start working on programs quite yet, his biggest problem is boredom and loneliness. Ever since leaving Otabek back in Barcelona, the two have been messaging and calling daily only to get closer. Yuri's feelings start to develop, but he doesn't know what to call them or how to sort them out. Then, Viktor, Yuuri, and even Otabek surprise Yuri with a plane ticket to Almaty to spend three weeks with his newfound best friend turned crush. Yuri is relieved at the fact that he'll have things to do and someone to spend time with, but terrified at the fact of making anything weird especially since he doesn't know how Otabek feels and they've only just begun getting closer as friends. This is his first actual friendship and he can't risk ruining it over something as stupid as "love" or whatever this feeling might be. This trip could either be a smooth ride or a car crash and all he can do is wait to see what happens.
Cop a Feel by @titaniumplatedspine
15K - WIP
When Officer Yuri Plisetsky is sent to a bar fight in the middle of his dinner break, he never expected to encounter someone like Otabek Altin. After accidentally groping the man's truly magnificent package, he wants nothing more than to really get a hand on the other man, but his job won't let them be together. Otabek is determine not to let that stop them, and does his best to pursue Yuri and convince him they do have a future. When a dangerous undercover operation goes sideways, it can either bring them together or destroy their chance of a relationship forever.
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v-nikivorof · 7 years
The Martian AU
Yuuri is a botanist going to Mars for 30 days
Pichit, Otabek, Yurio, JJ and Yuko are his crew
Pichit - is Martinez and nothing will convince me otherwise
Otabek - is 100% Beck
Yurio - of course has to be Johanssen
JJ is the wonderful bomb making Vogel
Yuko - Commander Louis
Viktor - the head of all Mars missions, Yuuri's fiancé
Chris is Annie, the PR gal
Yakov - the director of NASA
Minami - the brilliant Rich Purnell
Mila - Cindy, the discoverer of a very alive Yuuri
NASA sends the crew a warning about a huge storm
Walking back to the Eros III MAV, the satellite breaks looks and slams into Yuuri
He gets knocked out and his vital sings show flat
Yuko is devastated but she calls it and they fly back to the Hermes
They promptly call to NASA to tell them of Yuuri’s demise
When Viktor finds out, he almost destroys his entire office
Only his friend Chris can call him down
He just becomes a robot after that
The rest of the crew on the Hermes tries to focus on the mission of returning home
It's three weeks before anyone actually smiles properly
Two weeks later, Viktor sends an email to Mila to check out the coordinates of the Eros III Mission
When she sees that things have moved since the crew fled she calls Viktor immediately
He breaks every driving law known to man trying to get back to the space station as quick as possible
When they get out of the impromptu meeting, discussing Yuuri and he status of being possibly still alive Viktor collapses in the halls and Chris just barely catches him
Back on Mars, Yuuri can't stop looking at his ring
Once he had finished this mission, He was supposed to be marrying Viktor
He also can't stop looking all the emails that Viktor had sent him while on the Hermes
He swears he's going to get back no matter what it takes
It takes a lot
From farming potatoes from his own waste (not his finest moment)
To blowing himself up trying to create water 
To being at the hands of Commander Yuko's K-Pop
Yuuri breakers down when he can talk to Viktor again thanks to the Pathfinder rover being found
They quickly become a world loved couple when Yuuri signs off with "I’ll come home. I promise. I love you Vitya" all in Russian
Viktor cries for the entire night
Yuuri isn't much better
At lease Yuri isn’t there to tease him about it
The NASA team comes up with a supply mission for Yuuri, and it’s all the world seems to talk about
Until the resupply mission blows up ... literally
Viktor took 45 minutes and a quarter bottle of Vodka before he could tell his fiancé that the plan failed
Chris stays with him the entire night, with his own bottle of wine
Later, a little chicken nugget called Minami burst into Viktor's office screaming "hang up that phone. I know how we can bring Yuuri back home"
Minami’s plan is pure genius, using the Chinese Taiyang Shen rocket to resupply the Hermes, and using the earth’s gravity to shoot it back to Mars
Viktor literally drops his phone on the floor
Minami's plan is shut down, no thanks to Yakov 
Viktor goes behind Yakov’s back and emails the crew the Minami's plan
They decide to go back and get Yuuri. Of course
Yakov threatens to fire Viktor's sorry butt
But he can't go through with the threat
Because for the first time in forever Viktor has life back in his eyes
Viktor almost looses it when Yuuri asks him to tell his parents back in Japan that he might not be making it home
The trip the the Eros IV ship is brutal
And Yuuri’s rations are almost non existent 
He swears that he will. eat Katsudon every day for the rest of his life when he gets back to Earth, and nothing is going to stop him
Yuuri ends up flying like iron man ton reach Yuko when they finally go back to get him
And the crew saves him his favourite meal of Katsudon in celebration of his rescue
The first thing Yuuri does do in go have a shower
The entire crews hearts break when they see that Yuuri has all but become skin and bones just to survive
When Yuuri accepts the video call from Viktor and finally sees his fiancé' face he can't get any words out
Viktor is no better
They just cry together on screen for a solid hour, not that anyone was counting 
After 9 months of space travel Yuuri looks almost as good as new
When they land nothing can stop Yuuri from tackling Viktor to the ground 
They kiss for the first time in way to long and it's the best kiss ever
A year later they're happily married and Yuuri goes on to teach classes and Viktor stays on as director of Mars missions
Yuuri never goes back into space again
But he does live happily ever after with his beautiful husband and precious dog Makkachin
This is way to long but this AU has taken over my life so here. Have it! 
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novocaine-sea · 7 years
Yuri on Ice Fic Rec Pt 1
I don’t know how many parts there are going to be but let’s start out with some favorites!
it’s the life we’re living now by vivevoce - Mature - Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky - Chapters: 7/7
“... Did you know you still give me boners?” Yuri asks seriously. Otabek is startled into an incredulous snort. “Don’t laugh, you asshole! It’s tragic and inconvenient and probably going to last until we’re old and can’t get it up anymore.”
“I’m touched,” Otabek replies tonelessly. “You have such a way with words.”
“Yeah, I know.” Yuri grins, all sharp teeth. “Feel free to swoon a little closer into my arms. And on top of my crotch?”
“Fuck off.” Yuri can hear Otabek’s grudging smile, even with his back turned.
This is honestly such a wonderful fic, anything by her is incredible but this is the fic that really shoved me down the Otayuri rabbit hole
A Different Kind of Coaching by Nomanono - Explicit - Victor/Yuuri, Yuuri/Yuri/Victor, Otabek/Yuri, Victor/Yuri, Yuuri/Yuri, Otabek/Victor - Chapters: 27/?
Yuri decides he wants to give himself to a special someone, and luckily knows two people very well equipped to help him train so that, like all things, he can be the best at it.
Almost every single chapter is smut, it’s a guilty pleasure and all of it is really well written. If you ever wanna read something kinky, this is definitely the best fic for it.
O. Altin by HugsandButterflyKisses - Teen - Otabek/Yuri - Chapters: 1/1
Yuri Plisetsky's life gets thrown out of order when a hot neighbor moves in next door. Unfortunately for Yuri, his new neighbor also happens to be a serial killer. Yuri is convinced he is going to be the next victim. So, there's that.
This fic is literally hilarious it made me smile so wide my face hurt so if you need a good laugh (in the best possible way) it’s amazing! 
Match Made By Phichit by SociallyAwkwardFox - Teen - Victor/Yuuri, Leo/Guang-Hong, Michele/Emi, Sara/Mila, Otabek/Yuri, Phichit/Seung Gil - Chapters: 1/1
Five times Phichit plays matchmaker for his friends and the one time they play matchmaker for him.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! I love Phichit being a wing man and the ending is so sweet and ugh this fic is really cute.
These Words Are Not Enough by mousapelli - Teen - Leo/Guang-Hong - Chapters: 1/1
With fourteen time zones in between them, Leo and Guanghong find every way they can to cross the distance.
Honestly this fic is so great. Music incorporation, so much research about different time zones and things, pining, cuteness, ugh I cry every time! Anything by mousapelli is awesome tho sooooo
take a picture (it’ll last longer) by aozu - Teen - Seung Gil/Phichit - Chapters: 1/1
Phichit takes a lot of photos.
And by a lot, Seung-gil means a fuck ton.
THIS FIC MAKES MY HEART SWELL WITH JOY I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! Just everything about this fic makes me smile ugh my heart
Wildflowers by axona, Lulubean - Teen - Yuuri/Yuri, Phichit/Yuuri, Otabek/Yuri - Chapters: 10/10
These won’t be the last tears he sheds over Victor Nikiforov, but he has hit a point where they stop and leave him numb and dazed.
“He...that was my first kiss,” Yuuri whispers, staring down at his open palms on his lap helplessly.
Yurio makes a noise like he’s just been punched in the gut, and he growls something in Russian that Yuuri doesn’t bother translating. He only looks up when Yurio squats in front of him, firmly and unapologetically taking hold of Yuuri’s empty hands with his own, intense blue-green eyes staring at him.
“You deserve better than him.”
wyd? by tootsonnewts - NR - Otabek/Yuri - Chapters: 1/1
Ever since the coffee shop incident, Otabek personally sends Yuri every single one of his snaps, which are literally all the same three things: Otabek at the gym in a sleeveless shirt, Otabek on a run in a sleeveless shirt, Otabek in his bed in a sleeveless shirt, and JESUS CHRIST, does this guy own anything else?
Or, Otabek is a fuckboy and Yuri can't deal.
Fuckboy Otabek, need I say more? This fic is incredibly hilarious i got my entire life throughout the entire thing
we laugh, we fumble, we take it day by day by waitingforareason - G - Victor/Yuuri - Chapters 1/1
When it comes to taking their son on the ice for the first time, Yuuri is worried, Victor is patient, and everyone else is helplessly intrusive.
This is honestly one of my go to fics when I wanna be happy. It’s so precious and I love it so much. The child they adopt is so freakin cute too I wanna pinch his cheeks
Unexpected by CelesteFitzgerald - Teen - Otabek/JJ - Chapters 1/1
Since childhood, JJ had told his soulmate everything about his life. JJ’s soulmate on the other hand was not one for sharing. They turned down all of JJ's offers to meet up. But JJ knew they still cared and that they would meet eventually. He didn't know that "eventually" would be at the Grand Prix Final.
Soulmate AU where whatever you write on your skin shows up on your soulmate’s.
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n3rdlif343va · 7 years
congrats on 150 followers!!
Were you expecting this to be like 1,100 words long? Because it is 1,100 words long lol
This ask went straight for my heart! I am a huge indulger ofmusic, and this is such a great ask!!! I’m listing every skater that I had anidea for, saving Victor and Yuuri for last J(some of them are paired because it is cuter that way)
Leo and Guang Hong– have joint playlists on Spotify and are constantly sending each other newsongs and debating about which playlist they belong on. Whenever they aretrying to choose music for a program, they skype each other and blare the songat same time (“1,2,3… PLAY!”). They send each other YouTube videos of theirfavorite songs whenever they know that the other one is having a bad day.
Emil and Mickey –Emil sends Mickey songs and is constantly asking his opinion. All of them arestrangely romantic and Mickey is constantly responding with “yeah, that’s nice.”Emil’s profound patience is the only thing that keeps him from throwing hisphone in the closest body of water.
Sara and Mila –share similar tastes in music and can be found sharing earbuds whenever theyare together. They exchange the newest, most popular hits from their respectivecountries whenever a song strikes their fancy.
Their favorite musical pastime is finding the mostridiculous parody videos of popular songs on YouTube. Mila’s current favoriteis Talk Nerdy To Me while Sara loves the Staying in Anthem.
Minami – loves upbeatpop music and jazz music from every era. He finds inspiration for stepsequences from videos of old dance routines and has an obsession with old schooltap dancers (like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.) He absolutely did not tapdance on his training rink’s staircase pretending to be Shirley Temple to YuuriKatsuki’s Bill Robinson.
(Spoiler: he absolutely did)
Seung-gil –prides himself on his vast knowledge of his country’s music, from the most traditionalto more modern releases. He is constantly supporting musical artists on socialmedia and even knows how to play several instruments.
But one night, after a few too many drinks, Seung-gil takesthe private stage at a karaoke house…. And absolutely crushes Eminem’s Rap God.The other skaters are shocked into silence as Seung-gil drops the mic andcalmly walks off the stage like it never happened.
JJ – without embarrassmentor shame admits to liking Nickelback – a lot. He once sang with the band at abenefit concert and it was the best night of his life. He loves all kinds ofrock, even the songs that have a pop-like edge to them.
His secret pleasure is: Boy Bands. He knows every lyric toevery Backstreet Boys, O-Town, NSync, and 98 Degrees song that ever lived. Hecried when One Direction broke up. If he had his way, when he retired him andthe other skaters would form a boy band.
Chris – hasmultiple playlists of songs, comprised of all his past skates plus a randomassortment of all the songs he has picked up along the way. If you picked uphis phone and examined his playlists, you would think “sounds like Chris.”
But Chris also loves Opera. He will watch and listen toOpera in any language, and shed a few tears during the most emotional songs. Heloves the pure emotion mixed with the strong voices and has even learned tosing some of his favorite pieces. When he is alone in his car, he is beltingout the baritone parts, making his windows vibrating with the strong bravado ofhis voice. His boyfriend FINALLY catches him singing while showering and thevideo almost breaks the internet.
Phichit – willlie dead to your face and tell you that his entire music collection is full offluffy love songs. And it is true, for the most part, his playlists consistingof movie soundtracks and pop songs from all over the world.
But Yuuri knows about that one playlist, the one marked “RainyDay” that is filled with nothing but songs that would inspire even the biggestprude to start stripping.
Yuri P. – Mr.Edgelord wants you to believe that he is all hard rock and pounding EDM. Heblasts his music until Yakov and Lilia threaten to throw his speakers out ofthe window. Welcome to the madness is his ringtone and he dares anyone to sayanything about it.
But his favorite playlist has been slowly built up withsamples from Otabek’s mixes and the original songs that inspired his bestfriend. Even when the songs aren’t necessarily the kind of anger-lashing tunesthat Yuri wants to be associated with him, he loves each one of them andlistens to this playlist on loop.
Otabek – has playlistsfor each of the world’s most prominent DJs and keeps them organized in theorder in which the mixes were released. His other playlists are comprised ofhis own mixes, soundbites, and songs that inspire him.
But his absolutely favorite song… that’s a story for anotherday (or a catfishprompt response that will be out this weekend ha ha)
Yuuri K. – He isan emotional consumer of music. He wants to hear the message and feel the storyin the notes. Even if the song is a traditional Japanese song without lyrics,Yuuri can envision the story there. He immediately assigns songs to the peoplein his life and to different memories. When he hears the songs of Victor’s pastskating programs he swoons, but he cannot bring himself to listen to any of hisold program songs (especially from the Sochi year, because RIP Vicchan). StammiVicino will always hold a special place in Yuuri’s heart and the goosebumpsalways appear across his skin with the opening notes.
But there is another song, a song that Phichit would sendhim the YouTube video link for whenever there was a slight chance that Yuuriwould come face-to-face with Victor. It takes Yuuri until the first summer oftheir marriage to play Marry Me by Train for Victor. Slow dancing in theirsocks, Yuuri explains why it had always reminded him of Victor. They both cry.
Victor – will listento anything. He loves music and eagerly absorbs melodic sounds from all overthe world. Once Yuuri is in his life and his inspiration has sparked again,Victor begins to find new life in music, often telling Yuuri it is like he ishearing the world with brand new ears. He used to draw out routines, listingmoves on paper and pencil, but now he lets his ideas carry him around the room,while Yuuri watches him from the couch with a quiet smile. When they aremapping out pairs routines, they will dance anywhere, from the grocery store tothe middle of the park.
Victor is still trying to convince Yuuri to coordinate abanquet themed pair skate (complete with ties on their heads) to Say You Won’tLet Go.
And if you think Phichit’s stripping song list is bad… it isnothing compared to the pure lust comprised in Victor’s playlist simply labeled“Yuuri.”
Yakov – likes BrittanySpears. He just does, leave him alone, the man deserves a vice!
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4lyeskas · 7 years
hablar del amor, y defenderlo
read it on AO3 SERIES: Yuri!!! On Ice PAIRING: Otabek Altin x Yuri Plisetsky RATING: T  TAGS: post-canon, post wttm skate, hurt/comfort, mentions of injury, 5+1
an otayuri 5+1 // commissioned by @rainlikestars // @otayuriwriterscollective
¿quién puede hablar del amor y defenderlo? ¡que levante la mano, por favor!
The first time, they’re not even together yet.
Yuri is in Almaty for a visit, a change of pace. After the exhibition skate fiasco and ahead of Worlds, Lilia has become much stricter about his choreography, while Yuri has become more stubborn about he wants to do for himself. Viktor was the one who’d convinced Yakov to let Yuri take a short break, cool his head.
Yuri doesn’t like being indebted to Viktor, but he’s grateful, however reluctantly. Getting to visit Otabek is a very welcome bonus.
Otabek is accommodating, happy to have Yuri in his home city. He’s lightened his training schedule as much as he can (although with both Four Continents and Worlds coming up, it’s not all that much lighter), takes Yuri around the city at night. Otabek’s family takes to Yuri immediately, showering him in extra food and affection. Yuri even gets to skate in Otabek’s rink, working on his quad flip.
It makes Yuri feel worse about the agitation that gnaws at his ribs, his lungs.
He doesn’t even know why. He’s here in Almaty, he’s with Otabek; he’s away from Lilia and Yakov and their nagging, away from Viktor’s overbearing concern and Yuuri’s overly sincere consideration. But whenever he and Otabek go out, Yuri is anxious and self-conscious; whenever Otabek smiles at him, asks him how he feels, if he’s okay, Yuri gets flustered. There’s a lump in his throat that refuses to go away. It’s driving him crazy.
It’s when they come across some friends of Otabek that Yuri snaps. It’s Otabek’s day off, they’re meandering through a commercial area near Otabek’s home. An unfamiliar voice rings over the chatter of the city, drawing their attention.
“Beshka!” Otabek reacts first, turning around with a big smile; Yuri feels a flash of irritation in his chest. There’s a group of boys, four of them, weaving through the crowd towards them. They arrive and start chatting in -- Yuri’s not sure, it sounds like an odd mix of Russian and Kazakh, but he can’t understand a thing and it’s pissing him off.
It’s a while before they notice Yuri standing there, glaring. One of them breaks off with a surprised look and smiles apologetically, says something to Yuri. Otabek puts a hand on Yuri’s shoulder, gives him a quick smile, then turns back to his friend.
“Russian, please, Maxim,” he says with a laugh.
“Oh, sorry, sorry!” The boy - Maxim - beams at Yuri. The others are looking at him curiously, shooting each other unreadable glances that only vex Yuri even more. Maxim throws an arm around Yuri’s shoulder and smirks. “And you are?”
Yuri shrugs the arm off with no gentleness and huffs. “Leaving,” he snaps, storming off the way they came.
“Hey, what--” Yuri doesn’t want to hear. He takes off running, missing the way Otabek calls after him, the way the boys exchange concerned looks.
Otabek still catches up with him a few blocks away.
“Yura,” he says sharply, grabbing Yuri’s wrist to stop him from heading off again. Yuri twists his arm petulantly and stomps his foot.
“Let me go.”
“No.” Otabek is searching his face, frowning. The way he holds Yuri’s wrist, his expression, it makes Yuri feel like some problem child who’s being patronized and scolded. He hates it. “Yuri, what happened?”
“I’m pissed off, okay!” he yells. Startled, Otabek lets go of his hand; Yuri hugs his arms to his chest and stares at the ground.
“Why?” Otabek asks. “They’re my friends, Yura, of course they want to talk to me.”
The resentment is climbing up Yuri’s throat and he hates it. “I know,” he mutters, hunching up further. This, whatever it is, it frustrates him. He can’t explain why.
They stand there for a moment, in a side alley that smells vaguely of lamb and smoke, Yuri looking at his shoes and Otabek looking at Yuri.
Yuri cuts him off. “I’m done,” he says quickly, spinning on his heel and walking back in the direction of Otabek’s home. “I’m going back to Russia on the earliest flight, I can’t do this anymore.”
“What--” Otabek catches up with him again and this time actually blocks his way, standing in front of him (and fuck this, Yuri may be getting taller but Otabek is still bigger and in his way). He takes Yuri by the shoulders, trying to get Yuri to look at him, but Yuri won’t meet his eyes.
“Yura,” Otabek says softly, in a voice that makes something twist in Yuri’s chest. “Are you--” He hesitates. Yuri scrunches his face up. Otabek seems to be weighing his words carefully, uncertainly. He purses his lips, then looks at Yuri with an oddly tight expression. “Are you... jealous?”
Yuri’s eyes widen; his next inhale is sharp and painful.  He jerks away from Otabek even as he feels the heat in his cheeks, the chill in his lungs. “No,” he says breathlessly, adamantly, but the lie is obvious. “No--”
Otabek takes Yuri’s hands in his, holds tight despite Yuri’s protests and -- Yuri’s breath catches as Otabek presses Yuri’s palms to his chest, over a quick and nervous  heartbeat. One hand moves to card through Yuri’s hair, gentle as every other thing Otabek does with Yuri.
“Kotyonok,” Otabek says, and there’s a laugh lurking in the word. Yuri is still looking down. “There was never a need for you to be.”
Yuri’s hands close into fists, scrunching the front of Otabek’s shirt. He leans forward, pressing his forehead into Otabek’s shoulder. His friend just stands there and lets him, still stroking Yuri’s hair.
After a moment, Otabek asks, “still leaving?”
Yuri sniffs, shakes his head.
It’s not a good season for Yuri.
It was always going to be difficult to follow up his debut performances -- gold in the GPF, with  a world-record short program score; bronze at Euros; silver at both the Russian Championships and Worlds behind Viktor Nikiforov -- but Yuri is still frustrated, still angry, still desperately disappointed. When he finishes fifth in the Grand Prix Finals, a full twelve points behind Otabek in third, the feeling of failure threatens to drown him.
He stands through the awarding ceremony with shoulders back and head high in defiance, eyes firmly forward. He ignores JJ and the stupid silver medal around his neck; Chris and his stupidly teary eyes as he kisses his gold; Yuuri, who still has consolatory smiles for Yuri even if Yuuri himself had finished sixth although he’d scored well.
(Viktor, despite finishing fourth and not being on the podium for the first time in over a decade, is chattering happily with everyone and laughing. It makes something dark and ugly twist in Yuri’s gut.)
They all head back to the hotel to prepare for tonight’s banquet and tomorrow’s exhibition skate, and nobody notices that Yuri has disappeared.
Otabek gets the text while he’s looking for his suspenders.
> i can’t do this. i’m done,  you can go, it’s been real, goodbye
It’s a very Yuri text. Otabek looks at it, feels something cold and hollow in his chest. Reads and re-reads the words and forces himself not to panic.
Yuri is probably angry, resentful. He’d finished fifth, he’s disappointed, he doesn’t want to see people celebrating and congratulating when he feels like he’s failed. Even if he’s just seventeen, he doesn’t want to slip up, no matter how many people tell him he has room to make mistakes and grow.
(He’s still overshadowed by Viktor Nikiforov’s legacy, the way it hounds his performances; he fights and ends up trying too hard to escape it, hammering at the walls of the box that people have put him into against his will, to try and break them.)
Otabek looks for the key to Yuri’s room, and hesitates only a moment before heading over.
Yuri’s not in the bedroom.
His skate costume and team jacket are tossed onto the floor; the costume looks particularly badly crumpled. A lot of Yuri’s things are scattered across the room, though nothing seems broken.
Otabek finds him in the bathroom, sitting in the unfilled tub, hunched up in an oversized grey hoodie and a pair of tights. He has his chin on his arms, staring at the opposite wall with blank eyes. He’s terrifyingly still.
With careful footsteps, Otabek makes his way to the side of the tub and kneels down beside it. “Yura?” he asks softly, and then, “zvezdochko, are you with me?”
Slowly, Yuri’s eyes focus, flick over to Otabek, who can see the moment they recognize him -- those green eyes tighten, shutter, painfully. Yuri hugs himself tighter, as if trying to make himself small.
(And like this, he looks so unbearably hurt, and so young.)
“Yura,” Otabek says again, but this time not in asking. It’s one word, simple, rolling easy off his tongue; a quiet affirmation that Otabek is here, with him.
Yuri unfolds a little, drops his hands to his lap, hangs his head. Otabek waits.
A tiny, broken voice: “I lost.”
(Otabek wants to do anything to get rid of the way that voice shakes, get rid of of the sadness.)
Yuri inhales, exhales, curls further into himself. Says again, “I lost.”
“You did.” Otabek acknowledges the pain. Then he reaches out, cups Yuri’s face from under the fringe of hair that’s fallen over it. Says, “you are still more than enough.”
For a moment, they simply sit there, and then Otabek hears the wetness in Yuri’s breathing, feels something damp on his palm. Yuri tips his head, leaning into Otabek’s touch; hiding his face with his hair. His breaths come in muffled, hiccuping sobs.
“Yura.” This time, Otabek climbs into the tub with him, and almost before he’s settled in, Yuri’s thrown himself at Otabek, face pressed into Otabek’s dress shirt. His sobs get louder; his shoulders shake. His hands are clenched around fabric, crumpling it, but Otabek doesn’t care. He just gathers this beautiful, imperfect boy in his arms, and presses his cheek into sunshine hair, and lets Yuri cry.
(Otabek skips the banquet, spends the night in Yuri’s room. Yuri sleeps curled against him, one ankle slipped between both of his. Yuri also wakes up first; he’s lying on Otabek’s shoulder when Otabek wakes up, tracing idle circles on his friend’s chest.
Otabek takes his hand, kisses the palm, smiles. Yuri’s eyes are still red, and he looks so tired, but he smiles back.)
It’s finally the off-season. Otabek is in St. Petersburg to attend a two-week training camp held by Yakov in tandem with the newly-retired Viktor, who is surprisingly serious about this whole endeavor. Instead of booking a hotel, he’s taken Yuri up on his offer to stay at his apartment. And for a time, it’s comfortable. Otabek cooks in lieu of payment, and Yuri’s delighted to find that Otabek is excellent in the kitchen. Potya already likes Otabek well enough, but it’s Otabek, so Yuri thinks it’s understandable.
Still, Yuri is careful not to be too close, keeps a wary distance. He’s still not quite sure what they are, this odd limbo of friends and lovers and something in between, and the uncertainty makes him cautious. But he wants to figure it out together, and for now he’s happy enough laughing with Otabek in his living room while they look up videos of the coaches back in their skating days (Celestino Cialdini is a pleasant surprise). If they touch less, if he stays a little apart, well, he doesn’t think it’s that big a deal.
But on a Tuesday, after a particularly difficult session on jumps, Yuri emerges from the shower to see that Otabek hasn’t started on dinner. Instead, he’s sitting in the middle of the bedroom they’re sharing (Yuri on the bed, Otabek on the floor) and staring at his open suitcase.
“Beka?” Yuri calls curiously. He tosses his towel onto his desk chair, frowns.
“I was thinking,” Otabek says, and then he pauses. There’s a shirt in his hands, half-folded. “Maybe I should leave.”
Yuri feels like he’s been slapped. “What?”
“It’s.” There’s a sharp edge to Otabek’s shoulders, his arms, his jaw. Yuri doesn’t like it. As if sensing his distress, Potya miaows and curls around his ankles, presses against his shin. Otabek sighs. “It feels like -- you don’t exactly want me here.”
“Why would I not?” Yuri’s confused, and upset, and a little scared.
For a moment, Otabek says nothing, and the tension in the room threatens to suffocate Yuri. Then Otabek turns his head, meets Yuri’s eyes with a sincerity so forceful it knocks the breath from Yuri’s lungs.
“I like you,” Otabek says, straightforward and simple. Yuri’s heart stutters in his chest. “I love you, Yuri, and if you don’t feel the same way then I’ll need to leave because I can’t--”
He doesn’t get to say what he can’t, because Yuri has bolted across the room and thrown his arms around Otabek’s shoulders, buried his face in the crook of Otabek’s neck. His whole body is shaking as he presses against Otabek so hard they’re in danger of toppling over.
“Don’t you dare,” he bites out, and his fingers dig so hard into Otabek’s back that it hurts. “Don’t you dare, you can’t leave, you can’t, I won’t let you.”
“No.” The word is loud, anxious, cracked. “Don’t you dare, Beka, you can’t, I-- I--” Yuri can’t get it out; the words keep getting stuck in his throat. He pulls away, scrabbling for Otabek’s hands. Presses them shakily to his chest, where his heart is thudding fast and frightened.
(He remembers Otabek and these same actions, more than a year ago, in a side street in Almaty. He hopes desperately that Otabek will understand.)
Otabek looks at their hands, at the way Yuri’s tremble even as he holds Otabek’s so tightly.
He could almost laugh with the relief and the happiness that crashes down on him.
Carefully, he leans forward so their foreheads touch. They’re both starting to cry. They’re also so very bad at this -- at this thing between them.
“Okay,” Otabek says, and his voice has a laugh. Yuri hiccups one of his own, and then he’s back in Otabek’s arms and they’re lying on the floor in a tangle of limbs. Otabek looks at Yuri and thinks that he’s never been so beautiful.
They’re in the living room of Otabek’s home, on the floor and leaning against the couch. Otabek is trying to read a book. Yuri has his phone out and is scrolling through Instagram, head on Otabek’s shoulder, occasionally holding out his phone to show a funny picture or make a comment on someone’s post. JJ actually has a throwback one of him and Otabek from their Canada days; Otabek’s haircut is awful, and JJ is wearing the ugliest shirt Yuri has ever seen.
“I’m sure you’ve worn something you thought was cool at the time but now consider horrible,” Otabek chides. He’s just about ready to give up on getting any reading done, if Yuri’s going to keep interrupting (not that Otabek truly minds). Yuri glances up, looking absolutely offended.
“Of course not,” he declares. His fashion sense is amazing. Especially his shoes.
Otabek just raises his eyebrows and looks at him.
“Shut up,” Yuri says, aghast, even if Otabek hasn’t said anything. He elbows Otabek in the side, and Otabek just grins. He takes the phone from Yuri, looks closely at the post. JJ’s captioned it kings of style!!! and hashtagged it into oblivion, including #partnersinfashioncrime. It makes him laugh.
“Ugh.” Yuri wrinkles his nose, swiping his phone back and scrolling past (but not before hitting the double tap). Otabek pokes him in the ribs; Yuri squirms.
“We looked good,” Otabek retorts, smirking. Yuri rolls his eyes.
“Why don’t I just break up with you so you can get with JJ and look good together then,” he snipes, although there’s no real heat.
“Hmmm.” Otabek presses a finger to his lips in mock-consideration, and Yuri smacks him with a pillow from the couch. Otabek laughs again, pulls Yuri closer, kisses him.
“I like looking good with you,” he says between kisses. Yuri huffs, blushes, calls him an idiot, but kisses him back anyway.
Otabek purses his lips and thinks, it is not going to be a good season.
It’s September. He’s just come back from training and a particularly painful session, and he’s thinking. He’s in Russia for a few weeks, cross-training at Yakov’s rink among other things. He’s back in Yuri’s apartment, although this time there’s no mattress on the floor. His black zip-up hoodie is missing, presumably stolen by a little stray cat with golden hair.
(It’s his favorite pet name for Yuri, even if Yuri turns red and indignant whenever he uses it. But it suits him, with his brash affection and the way he refuses to answer to anyone, the way he’s weak to genuine care, the way he warms up to people.)
His phone is on the bed, open to a message thread with his coach. There’s a drawer in one of Yuri’s closets that holds his things, so his own suitcase doesn’t contain much. He needs to get started on dinner. Yuri’s extra training with Viktor should have ended a short while ago.
The door to the apartment opens with a bang, and slams shut just as loudly.
It startles Otabek, just like the angry footsteps like thunderclaps through the living room -- Yuri hasn’t even taken off his shoes. The door to the bedroom bursts open and Yuri is striding up to him with fury written all over his face.
“When the fuck were you going to tell me?” he yells, right up in Otabek’s face.
Otabek answers, eloquently, “what?”
Yuri stares at him in disbelief, then shoves him back, hard. “What the fuck, Beka?” He’s so angry he’s shaking. Otabek thinks he knows what this is about, he’s been dreading it, but that’s impossible, Yuri shouldn’t know, not yet, Yuri -- “You withdrew from the Olympics and you didn’t fucking tell me?”
Otabek closes his eyes, takes an unsteady breath to brace himself. It only pisses Yuri off even more.
“I had to find out from Viktor, of all people, he asked how I felt and if I’d be okay to compete. Do you know how humiliating it was to stand there and hear from someone else that you weren’t going? When the fuck did you even decide that?”
“All your big fucking speeches about relying on each other and asking me to trust you with the hard stuff -- what, were you all talk? Or did you just not trust me with -- fuck, Beka, you didn’t tell me anything.”
It hurts. It hurts that Yuri is angry, is hurt, is looking at him with an expression that’s equal parts betrayed and begging Otabek to say it isn’t true. It hurts that Yuri is obviously trying not to cry and Otabek wants to take that away, make it better, but this is… his fault.
“Was your knee that bad?” There’s a crack in Yuri’s voice that makes Otabek step forward, but Yuri backs off and it makes things feel worse. “You said the physical therapy was going fine, you… you came here to train and everything, Beka, you -- why didn’t you say?”
“I was going to.” It’s a weak excuse, but Otabek -- was scared, is still scared, didn’t want Yuri to have to shoulder that burden and strain in an Olympic season. In a season meant to be a redemption from the disappointments of the one before. But he should have said, he knows, he couldn’t have put it off forever -- “there just never seemed to be a… good time.”
(Pathetic, that’s what it is, that’s what he is.)
“Well when was it going to be a good time?” Yuri throws his arms up, gesturing wildly. “A month from now? Right before the Grand Prix series? Right before the Olympics? Never?”
“No, Yura--”
“Why did I have to find out from someone else?”
“Please, Yura, just listen--”
“To what? I’ve been here this whole time, I -- I’ve been asking if you’re all right, but you just -- kept lying to me and keeping me out, what, did you not trust me enough? Was I not good enough to be included in this?”
He wants to stop the words coming out of Yuri’s mouth, the pain bleeding through every one of them. He wants to say none of this is happening. He wants this discussion to not be taking place, to not ever have to take place. But Otabek can’t get that, can only stand there helplessly without reasons as Yuri looks at him so brokenly.
“That’s not true, Yura.” Otabek’s own voice is shaking. He doesn’t know what to say, except, “I’m sorry, I just--”
“Oh you’re sorry.” Yuri’s tone goes from upset to scathing in seconds. He’s standing in the middle of his room, their room, they’d kissed here just this morning, woken up tangled together. Yuri’s openly crying now, tear tracks down his cheeks, breathing coming heavy and short. Otabek knows the fury and disbelief in those eyes, has seen that directed at other people. He’s never been on the receiving end; he hates it. “That’s great of you, Beka, that really is.”
Then he turns and leaves, the door slamming in Otabek’s face.
Otabek doesn’t leave the apartment. Going out to look for Yuri is useless; Yuri knows this city far better than he ever will, can hide better. He’s tried calling, but each time it rings out to voicemail, and Yuri obviously isn’t going to answer any texts. He thinks about the lamb kofta still in the freezer that he was going to cook for dinner, and sits in the living room.
When the door opens, he springs to his feet, ready to beg if needed. But it’s Mila standing there, expression tight and eyes cold.
“Yura?” Otabek asks anyway.
Mila takes a quick glance around the apartment, then looks back at Otabek. There is none of the warmth in her expression that Otabek usually associates with her, no playfulness. “You should leave,” she says in clipped tones. Before he can reply, she’s striding towards the bedroom. Otabek’s suitcase is still in one corner, and Mila drags it over to the closet where his drawer is. It makes something twist in his chest.
“Viktor is furious.” She cuts him off, goes to stand by the door and looks at him pointedly. “And I am too, so I’m telling you to leave. Now. I’ll wait in the living room.”
Otabek watches her head out, then looks at the suitcase on the floor, the closet he and Yuri share. At the things that had slowly migrated into the drawer, things Yuri had borrowed and never returned, things Otabek had left and never asked for. He’s sure that if he doesn’t move, Mila is going to take care of this herself and with no gentleness.
The suitcase is full in ten minutes. Otabek feels very emptied out.
Almaty is getting colder. Otabek goes home, announces that he’s taking a break for the season, that he’s withdrawing his participation in both the Grand Prix and the Winter Olympics. The local media and skate fans are disappointed, but send him well-wishes and get-well-soons. They’d been worried this might happen, when Otabek had taken that fall during the last Worlds.
JJ calls him up just a few minutes after the news drops, even if it’s almost midnight in Canada.
“Are you okay?” his friend asks without preamble, and Otabek has never been so glad to hear JJ’s warm voice.
“I’ve had a while to accept things,” he answers honestly. It’s been a point of contention between him and his coach since Worlds; Otabek had just been too stubborn about it.
“Do you want to come out here?” There’s a rustle over the phone; JJ’s probably in bed. “The hospital affiliated with my rink is good, you could do your rehab here -- wait, no, I thought you were in St. Petersburg? What happened?”
Otabek opens his mouth, closes it. Tries to swallow around the lump in his throat.
“Beka?” JJ’s voice has softened; the nickname comes out tentative and nervous. “What happened?”
He can’t answer. There’s a photo on his desk, a small one, taken by Mila during that training camp of Yakov’s and Viktor’s. He remembers that moment, lunch at Viktor’s shared apartment with Katsuki, everyone playing games in the living room while Katsuki and Chris cooked. Yuri’s practically in Otabek’s lap while he laughs, controller held up triumphantly. Otabek knows that out of frame, Viktor will be reaching for Yuri, accusing him of cheating. Otabek himself is half-laughing, half-telling Yuri to be careful or he’ll hit someone.
He takes a shaky inhale. “I think,” and his voice cracks. “I’ll consider it.”
“Okay.” Otabek presses the phone to his ear even harder and wishes his friend were here because he could really use a hug.
Canada is even colder than Almaty, though not as much as Russia. JJ and Isabella welcome him with warm smiles and a home-cooked meal; JJ gives him the spare room, saying Isabella will be staying with her family.
Otabek stands, weight shifted to his left leg, and smiles as best as he can.
He travels with JJ to all the Grand Prix events, much to his doctor’s and coach’s disapproval. He goes even if he knows JJ isn’t assigned to the same events; it’s a nice distraction. The rest of the series he watches on shitty online streams or hotel televisions. He tells himself he’s not keeping track.
(He’s lying.)
JJ makes the Final with ease. Isabella is so proud, and so is Otabek, although much less loudly. He squashes down the tiny bubbles of resentment in his lungs and congratulates JJ with a smile.
“It’s not as good without you, though,” JJ tells him in the living room of his apartment, where they’ve returned for a few days before flying to Vancouver. Otabek smiles tightly from where he’s sprawled out on the couch. The brace on his right knee feels so very heavy.
“I’ll be back next season. Maybe even for Worlds, if they let me.”
They lapse into silence. JJ fiddles with his phone. Otabek looks at the ceiling. There is a very obvious elephant in the room.
“He’s going to be there,” JJ finally says, setting his phone on the coffee table. Otabek closes his eyes.
“I know.”
(They haven’t spoken since September. Each time Yuri had won gold -- Trophée de France, Rostelecom Cup -- Otabek had considered sending him a short message, just a congratulations. He’d stopped himself every time.
Yuri’s skating is still a study of technique and control, of flawless execution. His program scores rival those of his Grand Prix debut. He’s a favorite to win the competition.
There is no smile on his face, just steel and determination. It hurts to see. It’s as if Yuri has simply shut himself off, left only his skating.)
Vancouver has changed in the short time since Otabek was last here, but in many ways it’s still the same. He checks in along with JJ and his parents (Isabella will fly in for the actual competition in two days). He tries not to look around, to listen.
JJ goes to do a short press run. Otabek goes out for a walk.
When he returns, there are other skaters and coaches in the lobby, milling around and chatting. It’s hard not to be drawn to the sunshine hair, the blue Russian team jacket, the yelling. Yuri’s already in an argument with Viktor, sniping something while Viktor looks offended. He’s grown taller in the last few months; his hair is even longer now.
It hurts to see.
“Yura! Vitya! Check in already!” Otabek recognizes Yakov’s voice from behind him. He also recognizes the fury that flashes across Viktor’s face when he turns and sees Otabek standing there, watching them. His lips curl up in a sneer that mars his usually cheerful, good-looking face. But it stings far less than the way Yuri’s eyes slide right past Otabek like he isn’t even there, the way Yuri just walks past him with no acknowledgment. The way his expression doesn’t change, not even a little.
(For five years Otabek had told himself it was fine; that he would wait until they were on equal ground, when he could face Yuri both on and off the ice and hold his own. For five years Yuri had walked past Otabek and it was fine, because he hadn’t known who Otabek was, had been focused on himself. Otabek had simply fought tooth and nail for every scrap of talent he could get, until he could stand on the biggest of stages and feel like there was enough of himself to offer.
Five years, Otabek had waited, and it was fine. But now Yuri walks past him again like he doesn’t know him. It’s different, and it hurts.)
He goes back to his room and sits there and thinks, even more than not being able to skate this season, even more than watching everyone move around him, it’s the loss of Yuri’s bright, answering smile that hurts the most.
He declines JJ’s offer to have dinner with his family, stays at the hotel. But being in the room has him on edge, anxious; eventually, he leaves for another walk. When he comes back, cheeks red from the cold and even worse off than when he’d left, there’s someone in front of his hotel room door.
For a moment, his heart skips in hope, but the person has short black hair, not blonde. It takes him a moment to recognize Katsuki, but when he does, surprised is an understatement.
“Did you need something?” he asks, trying not to sound too nonplussed.
“I think I should talk to you,” Katsuki answers. Otabek searches his expression, looking for signs of the same fury and vindictiveness in Viktor, in Mila, but he finds none. Katsuki regards him coldly but civilly, so Otabek figures Katsuki’s not here to kill him.
They end up on the balcony of Otabek’s room, overlooking the city. Katsuki is fiddling his fingers, hemming and hawing and clearly trying to figure out what to say.
“I’m still disappointed with the way you handled this,” Katsuki eventually says; it’s not a very promising opener. Otabek blanches, but he knows he’d made a mistake. Hearing it from Katsuki of all people just weirdly makes it feel even worse. He braces himself for more reproach, but Katsuki just sighs and leans his cheek on his hand. “Viktor and Mila are furious, of course; I thought Mila was going to beat you up.”
Otabek grimaces. “I thought she would, too.”
It makes Katuski chuckle under his breath. “We talked her out of it.” He hums a little, looks out over the view. Says, quietly, “Yurio isn’t mad anymore.”
Otabek tries very hard not to hold his breath, not to hope for too much.
“Well, he still is, kind of.” There’s a tiny, fond smile tugging at Katsuki’s lips. “You’re supposed to be honest with each other about things like this, and you left him out. It hurt him a lot.” (Otabek knows this; it’s been haunting his thoughts since September.) “But I…”
Katsuki shakes his head, props his chin on one palm as he leans on the balcony ledge. “Two seasons ago, when I lost to Yurio in his senior debut, I’d actually decided to retire. But I didn’t tell Viktor about it until the night before the free skate.” Katsuki actually laughs, if a little sadly. “I’d thought that if I told him earlier, he’d talk me out of it, and, well… it was my decision. He was my coach, but I’d thought it would only be until the Grand Prix Final, and then he’d return to skating and I’d stop.”
Otabek doesn’t know what to say; he hadn’t even known this, not entirely. He also understands now, somewhat, why Katsuki had come to talk to him. He lets himself ask, “how did he take it?”
Katsuki shakes his head. “Badly. Or, well, he cried and he got angry, though not as much as Yurio did, from what I heard. And things were… difficult between us the next day. But when I just put everything I wanted to say into my skating as my apology and, well, confession. And he understood.” The Japanese skater glances at Otabek, then down to his knee, still in the brace under his pants. “Of course, you can’t exactly do the same… but Yurio will understand.”
Otabek looks at Katuski, who’s smiling softly, then turns his gaze out to the view. He inhales, exhales in a sigh. “Okay.”
“I’ll handle Viktor,” Katuski says, patting him on the shoulder. As he turns to leave, he adds, “be honest this time.”
Otabek swallows dryly, nods. “Okay.”
Finding Yuri the next day is simple. Otabek shows up at his hotel room door with nothing but himself and a jumble of words in his mouth. True to his word, Katsuki has spirited Viktor off somewhere, so it’s just Yuri in the doorway glaring at Otabek (and if looks could kill).
“Please, Yuri,” Otabek says, simply and sincerely. There’s a flash of uncertainty in Yuri’s eyes, and it hurts, but at this point the worst Yuri can do is close the door.
Thankfully, he doesn’t.
Leaving the door open, Yuri stomps back into the room and throws himself onto the couch, saying nothing and fiddling with his phone. Otabek takes the unspoken invitation and comes inside. He stands there awkwardly, trying to remember everything he’d rehearsed last night, then decides to follow Katsuki’s advice.
“I’m sorry,” he says, without preamble. He sees the way Yuri’s jaw tightens, his fingers still, but Otabek just presses on. “For whatever it’s still worth, Yura, I really am. I didn’t leave you out on purpose, and I didn’t mean to end up lying. I swear.”
Yuri doesn’t look up. Otabek steadies himself with a breath. “I was scared. It was a major decision, and I didn’t want it to affect you, too. I know it’s stupid, and it’s no excuse. I made a mistake. I won’t leave you out again.”
He can’t meet Yuri’s eyes like this, so Otabek simply lets every emotion bleed into his words and hopes it’s enough to get his message across. “I swear, Yura -- zvezdochko, I won’t shut you out again.”
The room is quiet. Yuri is still looking at his phone, cradled in his lap, and Otabek looks at Yuri and tries to swallow down the hope threatening to bloom in his chest. There is a moment, then two, then slowly, Yuri holds out one hand.
Otabek is across the room in a heartbeat, kneeling in front of Yuri, hands hovering. When he sees the tears pricking at the corner of Yuri’s eyes, he stops holding his breath.
“Kitten,” and the familiar nickname almost cracks as he says it, “I never wanted to hurt you, I swear. I know I messed up, but I am here, I -- I love you, Yura, I love you.”
He repeats the words, over and over, reaching up and cupping Yuri’s cheeks, threading fingers through sunshine hair. And Yuri crumples forward, into Otabek’s arms; pushes his face into Otabek’s shoulder, slender hands clutching at his shirt.
“Beka,” he says, wetly, hoarsely, and Otabek holds him tighter.
(Yuri doesn’t take gold; he finishes a point and a half shy of JJ’s total to come in second. But the steel in his skating has softened; his extensions and lines are less harsh. And when the initial congratulations have passed and Viktor has let go of Yuri, the young skater’s eyes search the crowd. When he finds Otabek, he smiles, a soft upturn of lips, and cheekily gives him a thumbs up.
Otabek shakes his head, but gives a thumbs up in return.)
It’s morning in St. Petersburg, a rare day off for both Otabek and Yuri. They’re in the living room. Yuri’s with Potya, sunshine on his hair in its messy bun and on the old sweater he’s wearing, ratty at the cuffs. Otabek’s just come back from the kitchen, standing by the counter and watching them. It’s a soft and quiet morning, the cold seeping in just a little.
The early sunlight streams through the windows of their apartment, painting everything rose and gold. Potya miaows indignantly, having had enough of Yuri’s teasing, and stalks off to the sound of Yuri’s laughter. Otabek wants to kiss the crinkles at the corners of those bright green eyes, kiss him and kiss him.
A faint smell of bread and smoke wafts in from outside. There’s a blanket thrown over the back of the couch, which they cuddle under when they watch movies, or just sit and talk. There are photos, mementos littering various surfaces. There’s a cactus on the window sill.
Otabek looks at Yuri. high cheekbones and sharp shoulders, a slenderness that belies his strength; the line of his back that Otabek had kissed down last night. The warmth in his expression when he meets Otabek’s gaze and smiles, for no reason other than that Otabek makes him happy.
Otabek looks at Yuri, and the words simply come out.
“Marry me.”
Yuri’s hands still where they’re reaching for Potya; his eyes widen as he looks back at Otabek, stunned. Otabek just walks over to where he sits, kneels beside him, takes Yuri’s hands in his. Lifts them to his own lips for a kiss.
“Marry me.”
Yuri inhales shakily, eyes searching Otabek’s face. He finds nothing but certainty, a steadiness so characteristic of Otabek, that he relies on.
The answer is quiet, gentle, sure. There’s the softest of smiles on Yuri’s lips, an immeasurable fondness in his gaze as he looks up at Otabek. The floor is cold under Otabek’s knees, Yuri’s legs. It’s eight in the morning on a Wednesday.
Otabek kisses him.
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jbankai89 · 7 years
Never Let Me Go [13/37]
A/N: POV switch for this chapter. Enjoy! :)
Chapter Twelve – Lessons Learned
“How is he?”
Otabek's tense demand was met with an exasperated look from the doctor, and he turned back to the unmoving form of the omega in the hospital bed of the manor's small infirmary to look over his patient as he spoke.
“Broken forearm, severe bruising to his back, chest, throat, and calves, deep cuts from the tiger's claws...honestly, it's a miracle he's alive at all, sir,” he said while he focused his attention on Yuri. He lifted the omega's eyelids, checked his vitals, and looked over his cast and various bandages before he finally turned back to Otabek.
“But will he be all right?” Otabek demanded as he took a step closer, and felt his heart break a little at the sight of Yuri, bandaged up and bedridden. This is all my fault.
“Given enough time, he should make a full recovery,” the doctor replied as he reached out to offer Otabek's arm a reassuring squeeze. “I've given him a rabies shot, just to be safe, and some morphine for the pain.” Otabek ignored the physical show of reassurance, his full focus still trained on Yuri's sleeping form. His fair skin was a pasty white, dark circles ringed his eyes, and he was propped up to take the pressure off the wounds on his back, and his legs had been elevated on soft pillow, both of them thick with gauzy bandage and strong-smelling ointment.
Otabek reached forward and brushed a strand of hair from Yuri's cheek; he felt a fresh surge of anguish rise in his chest.
“Mr Altin,” the doctor said, drawing Otabek from his thoughts, and he turned away from Yuri and to the squat man. “Get out of here.”
“Excuse me?” he demanded, his tone dangerous, and the little man's eyes widened with fright.
“I mean get out of this room for a little while, sir,” he explained quickly, a note of panic in his voice. “Go get some air, a drink of water, just clear your head. There is nothing you can do right now, and your omega will be unconscious from the sedatives we gave him for quite a while, up until tomorrow, at least. Give yourself some time, then come see him again this evening if you wish.”
“He's not my omega,” Otabek replied roughly as he nodded, and took a reluctant step back. “He never was.”
If the doctor was confused by this reply he did not comment on it, but continued to smile placidly at Otabek as he turned and slipped from the room. When it shut, Otabek glanced back at it one last time, then strode down the hall and up to the bedrooms.
Otabek slowed his quick stride when he reached Yuri's room, and he offered the space a single cursory glance before he began to make the rounds.
Television, bookcase, the vent in the ceiling, the curtains, the closet door, and in the corner above his bed. He took down every single micro camera, no larger than the head of a pin, and was in the midst of removing the three microphones when Davies stepped inside, and his eyes widened.
“Mr Altin, what are you doing?” he demanded, a note of alarm in his voice as he gazed at his employer.
“Taking down the surveillance equipment,” Otabek answered simply while he ignored Davies's continued expression of shock at his statement. “This is enough; I can't do this to him anymore. I want the motion sensors around his door disabled as well—permanently.”
“Are you sure that's wise?” Davies asked uncertainly, “how will you know what he's doing when you're not keeping an eye on him?”
“I won't, and that's the point,” Otabek said in a firm tone that all but dared Davies to protest. “I've treated him like anything but what I want. I've treated him like a child, a prisoner...a toy. I am going to do right by him, like I should have from the start. If I had, this never would have happened, and he wouldn't be almost dead right now.”
“But sir, he is an omega,” Davies protested, “he needs a strong, guiding hand. To leave him on his own—”
“He is not a child,” Otabek growled, making his paid muscle jump. “He is an eighteen-year-old young man who knows his own mind, and I was stupid enough to forget that. I almost lost him. I don't care anymore, do you understand? I don't care what I have to lose, or gain, or anything. I want Yuri healthy, happy, and safe. That's all I want anymore.”
Otabek stormed from the room, the surveillance devices in hand, and he made his way down to the parlour. He dropped the devices to the ground, and dug his heel into them, the glass and plastic breaking with a number of soft, satisfying pops. He scooped the pieces off the floor, and dropped the broken glass and plastic into his pocket. He then moved to his mini bar to fetch his bottle of good scotch while he pulled his phone out, unlocked it, and began to type out a message.
It took Davies less than two minutes to respond to the summons, and when he appeared in the doorway, he was flushed, not as though he'd been running, but more in a shamefaced sort of way.
“Sir?” he prompted nervously, and Otabek let him stew in his panic for a few more moments, taking the time to sip his drink before he waved the man forward, and he stepped nervously into the room.
“I want you to run something of an errand for me,” Otabek said as he dug into his pocket and fished out a little slip of paper from his pocket. “I need you to track this man down, and bring him back here. Do whatever it takes. If he wants money, food, cars, houses, I don't care. It is imperative that you get him here. However, do not force his hand—do not hurt him or threaten him in any way. Understand?”
Davies nodded as Otabek pressed the paper into his hands, and he glanced down at the name. He blinked several times, and glanced back up to Otabek.
“Who is...Nikolai Plisetsky?” he asked, “why does that name sound familiar?”
“Yuri's grandfather,” Otabek replied, and ignored the look of genuine surprise on Davies's face following the statement. “It's time I stop trying to make Yuri happy for me, but for him instead.”
Davies grunted, but did not form a real answer before he slipped out of the room, and was gone.
Despite the doctor's order that Otabek take a breather for a few hours, he only managed to get through one extra-long film (the director's cut of Titanic) before he was burning to see Yuri again, and headed back down to the infirmary.
The doctor pursed his lips when he saw Otabek, but didn't comment, as though he was wholly unsurprised to see him there
“How is he?” Otabek asked, and nodded his thanks as the doctor pushed a chair over to Yuri's bedside, and the alpha sat down. He certainly looked no better, still pale, and wrapped up in bandages, but it seemed as though some colour had returned to his cheeks.
“Stable,” the doctor replied simply as he moved to stand next to Otabek's chair. “he just needs to rest and allow his body to heal.”
“That'll be more difficult once he wakes up,” Otabek muttered, and reached out compulsively to brush his fingers across Yuri's fair cheek. “His knee-jerk reaction is still to run from this place as fast as he possibly can...not that I blame him, after what I've done.”
“He won't be walking, much less running anywhere for the next few weeks, at least,” he said in a firm, matter-of-fact tone of voice. “I'll be surprised if he has any leg strength at all with those injuries. I'd suggest adding more protein to his meals for the next little while to avoid muscle atrophy, and chain him to the bed if you have to, any stress on those wounds won't do him any favours.”
“I'll speak to the cook,” Otabek replied, though he did not tear his gaze from Yuri as he spoke. Otabek longed to see him wake up, but at the same time he feared what might happen, too. The last thing he wanted was to worsen Yuri's injuries in any way, but at the same time, he found himself at a loss for how to convince Yuri to stay put—at least until his injuries healed.
Otabek smoothed the blanket needlessly over Yuri's still form, and his hands trembled minutely. He jerked back, and took several slow breaths, but it did not calm his frantic heart. He leant back in his seat, his eyes still trained on the omega, and he thought back to the pivotal conversation he'd had with Leo and Viktor not a full week earlier—the conversation that had changed everything.
It seemed like such a strange gathering, and yet so completely necessary that at the same time that it wasn't strange at all.
Otabek sat next to Viktor, and across from them sat Leo de la Iglasia. His bright and sunny smile seemed so out of place, considering what they had planned to discuss.
“Would anyone care for a drink?” Leo asked cheerfully as he regarded his two guests.
“Yes,” both Otabek and Viktor said at the same time with mirrored emphasis. The young American laughed, and got up to wander over to the mini-bar, and poured a measure of Canadian Club into three glasses. He carried it back to them, and pressed the whisky into each of their hands.
“So,” Leo said as he eased back in his seat and sipped his drink. “You two have had a change of heart, and wish to fix things with your omegas, is that right?” both Viktor and Otabek nodded. Leo smiled a little, his expression cautious, but approving as he sipped his drink once more before replying.“Okay, tell me everything.”
“I rushed things,” Viktor said first, his trademark cheeriness dimming as he stared down into the glass, and frowned. “I marked him and had sex with him during his first heat before we'd even gotten to know each other properly, and I was so stupid and selfish, I didn't really think about it. Father always said an omega was as good as his alpha, meaning an alpha who knew how to control them and things like that. I don't want to control Yuuri. I don't want to hurt him any more, but I'm worried that I can't fix things, that too much damage has been done. And I think back on things I said and did to him and with him and...I feel sick. He is a person, and it's something of a miracle that I didn't completely destroy him with my own selfishness.”
“And you, Otabek?” Leo asked kindly, nothing in his tone implying judgment, and he continued to smile at them both warmly.
“I thought I was being noble,” Otabek mumbled, “that I was being good to him. I didn't mark him—I still haven't—and I haven't touched him sexually. But I microchipped and collared him to keep him on the grounds of my home, and at first I insisted he share my bed, but when he continued to be resistent to me, I gave him his own room, with surveillance devices implanted in it. I approached him only when I wanted to discuss his heats, or things like that, even when it was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it. Then when he did go into heat I tried approaching him, hoping he might have had a change of heart, but when I tried to help him, he just lurched away from me, like I would hurt him—he was terrified. He has a microphone in his collar, and I could hear how miserable he was, but I still didn't do anything about it. I figured it would get better with time, but it hasn't. He still hates me.”
“You also punished him, didn't you?” Leo asked, and Otabek nodded.
“After his first escape attempt I beat him—I spanked him with a paddle, thirty times. I didn't even think about it, like he was a person I was hurting, I just...” Otabek broke off when his voice caught, and bowed his head. He took several slow breaths in an effort to calm himself down, but it didn't feel like it helped very much. “I didn't see him like a person. I saw him as an object. I didn't really realize that until recently, but I don't want to do that anymore. I'm tired of hurting someone I care about. I want to help him get better, I don't want him to feel like my possession.”
Leo did not speak at first. He set aside his glass, and took a small breath. He pressed his palms into his knees, and regarded both alphas with a critical eye.
“First off, let me tell you a thing or two about your omegas—you are lucky that they haven't tried to kill themselves yet, the way you two have been treating them.” Leo paused to let the words sink in. Otabek felt the bottom drop out of his stomach, and Viktor blanched at the implication. “Viktor, you are extremely lucky that Yuuri has not tried to induce an abortion. Some of the methods omegas back home used to use...drinking bleach, stabbing themselves in the stomach, starving themselves to the point of death...it was awful. It's in all our history books, but below university level, they rarely teach that stuff, because kids are too delicate to know the whole truth, you know?
“In my country, well, we are far from perfect, we got a lot of problems, but in terms of how our omegas are treated, it looks like a paradise compared to here. I came here for work, because my dad thought it was time I struck out on my own, as he put it, and put me in charge of our Russian office. Believe me when I say it's the most boring job in the universe, but it did give me a pretty comfortable life, so I'm not really complaining much.”
Leo paused his monologue to sip his drink, a frown twitching at the corners of his mouth. It was a long moment before he spoke again.
“I didn't really go to the Omega House looking for anything, if I'm being honest. I was more curious. My secretary told me about them, and they sort of sounded like whore houses to me. I just wanted to go and see it, but I had no plans to take an omega home. It just seemed so...wrong.”
“But you did,” Otabek filled in for him, “you selected Guang-Hong.”
At this, Leo chuckled, but it was not a jocular or bitter sound, but warm. His eyes softened, and he stared off into space.
“Yeah,” he said, “I did.”
“If you were so against it, why choose him?” Viktor asked, bent forward in his seat as he hung on to Leo's every word.
“I went on the pretense of looking for an omega, I figured they'd never let me in otherwise,” Leo explained, “I was just...curious, like I said. But then I saw him, and as stupid as it sounds, it was like love at first sight. It was like the lights dimmed everywhere else, and all I saw was him. He was beautiful, shy and sweet, and I just wanted to wrap him in a blanket and protect him from everything. The idea of anything ever hurting him made me so sad, and I just couldn't turn around and leave him in that place.
“I took him home, and I felt so bad because he was just so nervous,” Leo continued, a look of genuine heartbreak registering on his face as he spoke. “I hated that it was me scaring him so much, just by being there. I sat him down and explained that I wanted to get him out of there, and that I liked him, but that didn't mean anything. He was really confused by that, let me tell you.” Leo paused to laugh, but when neither Otabek nor Viktor reacted to it, he cleared his throat quickly and pressed on.
“I asked him out. Like a date-date. Because he wasn't marked yet there was only so much I could do without another alpha thinking they could just kidnap him for being out in public without that little bit of scar tissue, so I did what I could. We played video games together, and watched movies, and went swimming, and played one-a-side soccer...”
“—football,” Otabek and Viktor corrected simultaneously, and Leo snorted.
“Yeah, whatever,” he replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Anyway, at first Guang-Hong was really kind of hell bent on pleasing me. I'd be like, 'do you want to play Halo or Call of Duty?” and he'd just say, 'yes.'. When I would point out that that wasn't what I'd asked, he'd just panic. I felt so bad for him. I kept reminding him that this wasn't permanent, and that if he really wasn't happy here I could let him go, or send him somewhere safe, like to his family in Beijing, or whatever he wanted. But then he'd just freak out more. He was a bigger mess than I think even he realized.
“I googled some stuff on how to help him, like what sorts of things to ask him and stuff, and he was so stressed that he had no heat for the first two months at my house. He was just so confused and scared, I felt really bad for him. I just kept it up though. I didn't treat him like a servant, or a lover—I treated him like a friend. I told him things about me, and I asked him things about him. I always asked permission before I touched him, even if it was something as simple as touching the back of his hand. And slowly, he opened up to me. I could see that he started the like me how I liked him. He asked me to mark him when he went into heat, and then...well...when he did go into heat...” Leo trailed off with a bashful smile.
“So you just...acted like a friend, not an alpha?” Viktor asked uncertainly, and Leo smiled.
“That about sums it up, yeah.” Leo nodded. “I never went in looking for a partner, and I don't really care about having kids...not any time soon, anyway. What you two need to do I think is make sure that your partners know that they are more than what they can give you. Are they more to you than just a convenient lay, or a sentient baby-making machine? Omegas are people, they're not objects. They are not there for us to control. That said, here is what I think you should do: Viktor, you need to acknowledge your rape of Yuuri.”
“That's not—” Viktor began, but Leo cut in before he got very far.
“—yes it is,” Leo interrupted, his tone firm. “Yuuri was definitely not ready for kids, from what you've told me, and from what I've heard you say. But in his heat state, where it is difficult for an omega to think clearly, you took advantage of it, and used it as an opportunity to get what you wanted. He did not want this, and you've told me that he's petrified of being a mother. What mom goes: oh, yeah, I want to be a mom, but I'm absolutely terrified of everything that goes with it? He was not ready. You need to own up to that.”
Viktor's expression shifted to one of realization, then it crumbled as it was replaced by guilt. He bowed his head, and Otabek turned back to Leo, pretending he didn't see the Russian's tears of realization.
“Otabek, you need to acknowledge your abuse of Yuri,” Leo said firmly.
“It was only one time...” Otabek began, but trailed off when he saw Leo shaking his head.
“You put a collar on him and inserted a microchip in him to monitor his every move. You bugged the room you graciously gave to him. When he tried to run, you beat him. And every night, he was forced into your bed, and touched by someone who hurt him—brutally. You terrorized him, you touched him during his heat when he did not want you to—it doesn't matter if the touch was sexual or not, he still did not want you there,” Leo said, ticking the events off on his fingers as he went. “He's scared of you, and that's not something you fix easily. Yuri is more broken than he probably realizes, and that is all on you. You did this to him.”
“I didn't want this,” Otabek muttered, dropping his gaze from the judgmental eyes of the American. “I wanted a lover, not a...slave.”
“You were well on your way to totally destroying him,” Leo said seriously. “You should count yourself lucky that he's so stubborn, otherwise Yuri wouldn't be breaking, he'd be broken, and there may have been no way to reverse it.”
“What are we supposed to do now?” Viktor asked as he finally looked back up at Leo, his eyes still shining. “I don't want my—I don't want Yuuri to hurt, or be scared. He's precious to me, and I don't mean just as an omega to an alpha, I mean I care about him. If Yuuri were to be suddenly replaced with another omega, I feel like I would be distraught. I don't know if it's really love, but I know that I want him to be happy. I want him to smile, and for me to be the source of his happiness.”
“You can't decide that for him,” Leo said firmly, “only he can decide if you are to be the source of his happiness or not. You cannot force him to love you—either of you. Viktor, you need to give Yuuri space, and let him come to you. Treat him like a friend, not a husband. Let him decide whether you're worth loving or not. Otabek, you need to stop this obsessive-compulsive monitoring. He is eighteen, not eight. You need to treat him like a person, not a little kid who doesn't know to not shove a fork in a socket.”
“But my father always said that omegas—” Otabek began, and Leo frowned at him.
“—are you your father, or do you know better than him?” Leo asked, and Otabek blinked. “Yuri Plisetsky is an omega, but that is not all he is. I'd only spent about five minutes with him, and even I could see that. I saw a very strong young man who has had a hard life, someone passionate who does not let his social standing define him. What do you see, Otabek? Is he only an omega to you, a body to fuck and breed, or is he more than that?”
Rustling drew Otabek from sleep, and he blinked bemusedly, his mind caught in a cloud of memory. Talking to Leo had been hard, and he had not quite realized just how badly he had been treating Yuri until he'd spoken to him. It forced him to see things clearly, but even now, Otabek wasn't certain whether it was too late or not.
Perhaps it already was, given how Yuri bolted the first chance he got.
It took far too long for Otabek's mind to wake up, and register what he was witnessing—what the doctor was doing right in front of him. When it clicked, Otabek jumped into action.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Otabek demanded as he leapt up, and the doctor jumped back from the bed in alarm, dropping the cloth cuff he'd been holding.
“I'm sorry, sir, but you said he was a flight risk, so restraining him is for his own good—” the doctor began, but quailed with fright when Otabek turned his infuriated glare on him.
“Release him, now.”
“But sir—!”
“Now. This is how I almost lost him. Release him, or I swear, you will regret it.”
With trembling hands, the doctor stepped up to Yuri's bedside, and quickly unbuckled the wrist that had been bound, and collected the other cuff off the floor.
“M-my apologies, Mr Altin,” the doctor said shakily, “I was only acting in Yuri's best interest. If he wakes and panics, he will do more harm to himself.”
“If he wakes up restrained, that is what will make him panic,” Otabek said firmly. “The morphine in his system will keep him calm, as you should know, given that you are a doctor of medicine.”
“It was a precaution,” the doctor tried to explain, “it is common with patients who are liable to flee...”
“He is not a prisoner,” Otabek replied firmly. “I won't have him treated like one.”
“I'm sorry, sir,” the doctor repeated, and bowed his head. “Of course, you know him better than I do.”
Otabek grimaced, uncertain how much of that was true. He sat back down next to Yuri, and rested one hand over his.
“How long was I asleep?” Otabek asked the doctor, who was still hovering uncertainly, as though he did not know whether his presence would be welcomed or not.
“Not long,” the doctor replied, “maybe two hours, at most. It should be a while before he wakes yet. Shall I speak to one of your people about bringing in a more comfortable chair for you, sir?”
“This is fine,” Otabek replied without taking his eyes off Yuri, and closed his other hand over the omega's, sandwiching the limb between them. Yuri's skin felt hot, but not burning. The doctor muttered something, but Otabek did not turn to him, and assumed that it was a salutatory remark of some kind as he saw the man slink out of the room in his peripheral vision.
Otabek held onto Yuri's hand like one might cling to the side of a life boat. He blinked, and tears streaked his cheeks. He did not bother to wipe them away.
“Please wake up, Yuri,” Otabek whispered hoarsely, “please give me a chance to change for you, and give you a life that you deserve. Please.”
Otabek shifted his chair a little closer to the bed, his face lined with worry. Save for the hand closed between his, he did not touch the omega, and ignored the burning need he felt in his desire to do more—to caress his face, or kiss his forehead. Not again, Otabek reminded himself, remembering his conversation with Leo. He would never touch Yuri without his permission ever again.
Otabek dozed, and night had given way to day as he slept. When he next woke, there was an unread text message from Davies on his phone.
Found him. Nikolai Plisetsky lives in a tiny fishing village in the middle of nowhere. Will take at least a day to drive back if all goes well.
Smiling to himself, Otabek went back to his contacts, and selected the names of two of the housemaids.
Please have a second bed brought up to Yuri's room, and space made in his closet for a guest.
Otabek paused to listen to the soft scurrying of the house's servants hastening to do what he'd asked, then focused his full attention on the sleeping omega once more.
He smiled, and squeezed Yuri's hand gently. The strangest part was not the act of fetching Yuri's grandfather, but more in how he felt about it. Otabek was excited, but strangely, not for the reason he had expected.
Otabek was excited to see Yuri's reaction, and not for the possibility that Yuri's feelings towards him might change. Otabek was rather surprised that he really, truly did not care if Yuri thanked him or not, or even began to like him after he was reunited with the old man.
Whether Yuri liked him or hated him for this small act was inconsequential.
True, Otabek liked to think that Yuri would at least begin to see that he meant what he said, and no longer wished to treat Yuri as a child, or an object, but Otabek felt that he did not deserve such a gift—not yet.
Otabek Altin had a lot to make up for, and this was only the beginning.
A/N: Next chapter will be up on HALLOWEEN! :D
If you like my work, please consider throwing a few bucks into my Digital Tip Jar. I am a starving artist, and I like not actually starving to death :P
NLMG Masterpost
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abbywritestrash · 7 years
Yurio winning at the Olympics and having an amazing career and being depressed and lonely because regardless of how famous and successful he is he doesn't really have a family and he's convinced Yuuri and Victor are too involved with their own family to care about him that much
It happens while he’s standing at the top of the podium, a gold medal placed around his neck and the national anthem playing at a ridiculous volume. Really, it’s amazing that he’s made it this far without it ever happening before, but when it hits, it hits hard. 
He’s overwhelmed with pride. Of course he is, he just won the fucking Olympics, but as he looks out into the sea of people surrounding him, and then down at the second and third place winners, he finally sees it. He sees their lips moving, tears in their eyes as they eye their families in the crowd, mouthing words of ‘thank you’ and ‘I love you’ over and over to their loved ones. That’s what makes Yuri realise it. 
There’s no point in winning without anyone to share it with. 
He’s spent his life on the ice, shoving everyone that could possibly be a distraction as far away from himself as possible. He has no family left, he hadn’t even been with his Grandfather on his deathbed, and he’d thoroughly fucked up every relationship he’d ever had a chance of having. Otabek had tried to break him down, furiously tried to explain that he loved him no matter what and that he understood he would never mean more than the ice to Yuri, but he’d pushed him away, too. He didn’t have time for love, or for friendship. He needed to win, to prove to some unknown fucking entity that this had all been worth it, had been proof that he was strong and capable. The very best. 
But Victor had been the best too at one point. Victor had given it up for love, for the chance to be something more than just an athlete. Victor had given away every ounce of talent in his body because it meant that he would have someone there when his body wouldn’t be able to skate anymore. And where was Victor now? 
Probably at home, with Yuuri and their baby, their gorgeous little girl who they thought the world of. 
He would have scoffed at the thought years ago, but now, standing atop of the podium, he’s never felt more alone, more worthless, even with a gold medal hanging around his neck. 
What’s going to happen when his body gives up? 
What’s going to happen when he’s too old to figure skate?
What’s he going to do when all he has left is a box of gold medals worth absolutely nothing?
Was it worth it?
Because right now, after winning the world biggest sports competition, it didn’t feel like it was. It felt empty. Yuri Plisetsky was empty. 
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pllsetskyonice · 7 years
Europe’s Biggest Party
Yuuri Katsuki/Victor Nikiforov
2,351 words
AO3 link
Victor loves Eurovision and no one can convince me otherwise. Dedicated to @clairles who I’ve spent most of the past week screaming about Eurovision with.
(I rewatched practically all of the final for this, send help)
13 May, 21:45
Victor renamed the chat Europe’s Biggest Party
Victor added Yuuri Katsuki, Yuri Plisestsky, Emil Nekola, Christophe Giacometti, Michele Crispino and Sara Crispino
Yuuri: ...what is it?
Yuuri: oh
Yuuri: that’s the singing competition right?
Victor: Yes! I know we’re not all partying together but we can still scream over messages
Christophe: Russia aren't even competing this year though?
Victor: Yes I am aware, we're still going to watch it though because it's Eurovision and we must
Victor: And stfu Chris, Switzerland didn’t get past the semis with your entrant who looked like she’d stolen the dress from Beauty and the Beast
Emil: Czech Republic didn’t get to the finals either *sobs*
Michele: Italy did!
Victor: Italy pays to be there.
Yuuri: I’m confused?
Victor: Italy is part of the “Big 5”, which is the five counties (Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the UK) that make the biggest financial contributions to the European Broadcasting Union. They, along with the host nation, automatically get into the final
Yuuri: Oh I see!
Yuri added Otabek Altin
Victor: what’s he doing here Kazakhstan wasn’t invited
Yuri: Japan wasn’t either yet Katsudon is here
Yuri: Anyway he’s here watching it with me so I thought I might as well add him
Christophe: Oh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yuri: gtfo chris
//for Israel, add 01//
Yuri: jfc anyone would think you’re excited or some shit
Victor: me? Excited for Eurovision? What do you think this is?
Christophe: I voted for them in the semi finals I think?
Victor: a good choice
Otabek: I like the stage with how they’re making it look like a galaxy
Christophe: drinking game for tonight: take a shot every time you see a piece of white clothing on stage
Emil: don’t
Emil: if you saw the semis you’ll know that it looks like a bridal boutique at Eurovision this year and that will end with alcohol poisoning lmao
Yuuri: …no? I want to enjoy my first experience of Eurovision sober
Christophe: spoil sport
Christophe: being drunk just makes it more fun, just saying
Otabek: this song is very repetitive
Yuri: yeah well, welcome to Eurovision
//for Poland, add 02//
Emil: A wild violin appears
Victor: Did someone leave the door open? It looks there’s a draft on stage with her hair blowing like that
Christophe: *pours a shot*
Yuri: what’s going on with her dress I’m so confused
Victor: me too
//for Belarus, add 03//
Christophe: oh wow I’m don’t even know how many shots I’ve got to do for this one
Yuri: Many.
Yuuri: what language are they singing in?
Victor: Belarusian I think
Yuuri: well whatever it is the song sounds fun
Yuuri: I like it
Emil: not sure why they’re on a boat but I sure as hell want to dance on one now
Yuri: SAME
Christophe: aaaand they’re kissing
Christophe: what’s the betting the Yuuri and Victor are doing the same?
Otabek: High.
Victor: stfu all of you
Christophe: AHA! HE DIDN’T DENY IT!
Victor: chris I s2g
//for Austria, add 04//
Yuri: wow the dreamworks boy has grown up
Emil: think you need a few more shots chris
Christophe: I regret agreeing to this
Christophe: I feel like it was a mistake
Victor: you’re the one that started it in the first place!
Christophe: that’s a ~minor detail~ stfu
//for Armenia, add 05//
Yuuri: Is it just me or does Armenia remind you of welcome to the madness?
Yuri: Bitch stole my lighting cues I want them back
Victor: what on earth is she wearing
Victor: chain mail? Is this the 1500s?
Yuri: her jewellery is great though
Christophe: I’m having mixed feelings about the dancing tbh
Emil: same
Otabek: idk I think they work
//for The Netherlands, add 06//
Christophe: coming soon to some movie credits near you
Victor: their outfits are so sparkly
Michele: song is shit though
Yuri: ^^
Sara: I like it!
Michele: I take it back it’s not that bad
//for Moldova, add 07//
Emil: a hero has returned
Yuuri: ??
Victor: they first competed in 2010 and the saxophonist became a meme after
Victor: he’s a legend
Yuri: wtf is this dancing
Christophe: Bridal Wear 2017 by Moldova
Christophe: I suppose I’d better pour some more shots
Yuri: you’re damn right
//for Hungary, add 08//
Christophe: I’m feeling personally attacked by all this white clothing tbh
Emil: ah
Emil: another wild violin player
Otabek: I’m actually really liking this song
Yuri: it’s certainly not the worst we’ve seen so far
//for Italy, add 09//
Yuri: @michele @sara pls explain wtf is going on with your country’s entry
Sara: I wish I knew
Otabek: someone should tell them that harambe is so last year
Yuuri: this is very colourful
Christophe: at least that means I don’t have do so many shots lmao
//for Denmark, add 10//
Yuri: Isn’t the singer Australian?
Victor: Yes but she moved to Denmark recently
Yuri: like a suspiciously recently kind of recently?
Victor: quite possibly
Yuuri: I think her shoes might be white though?
//for Portugal, add 11//
Victor: SALVADOR!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Yuri: aren’t they one of the favourites to win it?
Yuuri: you know when you described Eurovision to me this wasn’t quite what I was expecting
Victor: yes they are! And yeah I get that haha
Victor: it’s certainly something different to what we usually expect at Eurovision haha
Victor: I think I like it though
Yuri: I don’t
Christophe: on the topic of making it stop
Christophe: oh look it’s the hosts
Otabek: lmao
//for Azerbaijan, add 12//
Yuri: okay what’s going on here
Michele: following italy’s example by including an animal in their choreograph
Sara: or the head of one I guess
Christophe: this is making my head hurt I’m so confused
Victor: same
//for Croatia, add 13//
Christophe: you vs the guy she told you not to worry about
Yuuri: what is going on here
Otabek: I’m really in two minds whether this works or not
Victor: I think it does
//for Australia, add 14//
Yuuri: I like Australia’s song! The guy is only seventeen he’s so talented!
Christophe: phichit better not see this haha
//for Greece, add 15//
Christophe: Someone tell Greece their paddling pool looks a bit shit compared the fountain Jedward brought in 2012
Yuri: You Tried™
Victor: If you're going to bring water on stage at least make an effort
Victor: Real talk though why did Ireland stop sending Jedward to represent them? They were basically made for Eurovision
Christophe: they really were
Christophe: I miss them
Christophe: this song is quite catchy though, I like it
//for Spain, add 16//
Otabek: this sounds kind of like Bruno Mars
Otabek: or some knock off version of one direction
Victor: they can definitely stop with those shirts
Victor: hideous garments
Yuri: oh god that voice break
Yuri: I cringed so bad
Otabek: same
//for Norway, add 17//
Christophe: I think daft punk might be missing one of its masks?
Christophe: ooh it lights up
Christophe: pretty
Yuri: I’ve had enough of this song already someone make it stop pls
Otabek: idk I think it kind of works?
Christophe: …I came out to have a good time…
Victor: crying
Victor: OMG MANS
Yuuri: who?
Victor: he won in 2015 for Sweden and then co-hosted it last year
Victor: he’s a hero and everyone loves him
//for the United Kingdom, add 18//
Christophte: ah, the UK
Christophe: the one country you don’t need to feel threatened by in Eurovision
Sara: idk I think this is song is actually pretty solid? I like it
Victor: it’s another ballad we don’t need another one of those
Victor: also I don’t like the dress
Otabek: the stage looks cool though
Sara: and she can definitely sing
Sara: I think they’ll do better than last year
//for Cyprus, add 19//
Yuri: I want his jacket
Yuuri: I love what they’re doing with the lights and the stage
Otabek: same
//for Romania, add 20//
Victor: Now here is a true Eurovision song
Christophe: exactly, where else would you here yodelling and rapping in the same song?
Yuri: Yodeleeii, yodeleioo
Otabek: this is crazy and I love it #Romania2018
Otabek: (Yuri is singing along I just thought you all should know)
//for Germany, add 21//
Otabek: yeah hi germany David Guetta called he wants his song back
Yuri: lmao it actually sounds so much like titanium
Otabek: swear it’s like exactly the same chords
Victor: it wouldn’t be Eurovision without a song that sounds dubiously like an actual pop song
Christophe: haha true
//for Ukraine, add 22//
Otabek: we’re barely thirty seconds in
Yuri: I don’t care
Yuuri: I’d ask why there’s a massive head on the stage but I’ve learnt now that there’s probably little to no reasoning behind it
Victor: I mean you’re not wrong haha
//for Belgium, add 23//
Christophe: I think it reminds me of something but I don’t know what
Otabek: the beginning sounds a bit bastille-like? Maybe? Idk
Sara: I love the flowers on her dress
Emil: Solid song, I’m loving it #Brussels2018
Victor: no, #Lisbon2018
Yuri: it’s quite obviously going to be Romania stfu
Yuri: “authentic tv host smile”? lol no that has got to be two of the creepiest smiles I’ve ever seen
Victor: lmao true
//for Sweden, add 24//
Christophe: *starts backstage bc it’s the only thing that’s going to make this song stand out*
Victor: I CHOKED
Yuuri: ...are those treadmills?
Victor: Yes, yuuri, they are.
//for Bulgaria, add 25//
Victor: he was born in THIS CENTURY
Victor: I feel so old
Yuuri: what’s with all the talented 17 year olds tonight
Otabek: this better win
Otabek: one of the best songs of the night
Emil: you still doing shots chris? His shirt is white
//for France, add 26//
Victor: we’re on the last song what the hell where’s the last two hours gone
Yuuri: I don’t know but it’s been fun
Sara: omg her dress
Sara: I want
Christophe: France: puts the Eiffel tower in the background whilst singing in French in case you’re in any doubt about what country this song is from
Otabek: why couldn’t Bulgaria end the show their song was so much better than this
Yuri: true though
//lines are now open//
Yuuri: another Eurovision hero?
Victor: how did you know
Yuuri: just a feeling
Victor: those of your who are able to, I hope you’re voting
Sara: of course!
Yuri: um.
Yuri: Ukraine what’s this interval act I’m so confused
Otabek: I like it
Otabek: It’s different
Victor: YES
Victor: YES WE DID
//lines are now closed//
Emil: well, I’m sensing a trend here
Victor: that’s not a bad thing! They’ve never won it
Otabek: Bulgaria is doing well too
Yuri: they’re still miles behind Portugal though
Yuuri: it’s not as cute as makkachin though
Victor: ♥‿♥ ♥‿♥
Victor: well of course Cyprus were going to give their 12 points to Greece that wasn’t a surprise
Yuri: oh my god this is so tense
Yuri: even though unless something shocking happens in the popular vote it looks like Portugal is going to win
Victor: the popular vote will be even tenser
Emil: well here we go
Christophe: Portugal has won the jury vote but idk Bulgaria might just pull it out the bag in the popular vote
Yuuri: this is worse than waiting for your score after skating
Christophe: lmao true
Victor: okay down to final four
Otabek: …no
Otabek: apparently not
Victor: YESSSS!!! SALVADOR!!!!
Christophe: I demand a recount
Emil: I mean, I’m not that salty about him winning? 53 years in the contest and this is the first time they’ve won it, there’s hope for us all
Victor: true
Victor: I like that he won HOWEVER what’s this speech did he just drag the rest of the competition I think he’s in the wrong place for a speech like that
Victor: this is Eurovision not the last night of the proms
Sara: he’s brought his sister onto the stage, I cry
Christophe: okay this is sweet
Victor: well, there we go, over for another year
Victor: did everyone enjoy it? Especially those of you who were watching it for the first time?
Otabek: I loved it
Yuuri: me too! We should throw a Eurovision party next year and invite everyone! Is that a thing?
Victor: YES
Christophe: It’s going in my diary now I do hope you realise this
Victor: of course I do! SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR! #LISBON2018
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kazliin · 8 years
Top 10 fanfic title and summaries?
Sacchariwrites - top 10 most popular in universe viktuuri fanfics? lol
Ok so for these are the top 15 (I couldn’t stick to top 10, I had too many ideas!) most popular Viktuuri fanfics of the Rivals universe AO3. As a disclaimer they are not based on any existing Viktuuri fanfic irl and they are not all fics and tropes I would necessarily read, write or like (I don’t even like RPF myself), they are just the kind of fic that I imagine would be most popular in the Rivals universe considering what is publicly known of Viktor and Yuuri’s story and how they are each viewed by the public in general and their fans, plus the kind of fics that tend to be popular in most fandoms. 
Top Fifteen Most Popular Fanfics In the ‘Rivals’ AlternateUniverse AO3
1)     Title: TheLife We Live
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman, YuriPlisetsky, Georgi Popovich, Mila Babicheva, Otabek Altin  
Additional tags: Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Love,Romance, Kissing, Sexual Content, Ice Skating (obviously)
Everyone knows thelove story of Katsuki and Nikiforov and the kiss that shocked the world. Whatnot so many people know however, is what came after.
(My take on thedomestic lives of Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki based on interviews,social media and fan speculation)
 2)     Title: Love!!!On Ice
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont,Christophe Giacometti, other minor characters
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Coach and Student, Coach AU
When the world’s topskater Viktor Nikiforov is permanently injured in a freak skating accident andforced to retire from skating for good he knows his life will never be the sameagain. But while his life is empty without skating to fill it, being forced tobecome the unwilling coach of a headstrong Japanese rising star skater was thevery last way he wanted to return to the ice.
The reluctant coachand unwilling student clash over almost everything but even through the hatred,something different slowly begins to emerge. Can Nikiforov teach Katsuki thesecrets to finally winning the gold? And can Katsuki bring back the meaning tohis life that Nikiforov thought he had lost forever?
 3)     Title: AMelody Sung, With Words Unspoken
Rating:  Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Jean-JacquesLeroy, various other skaters
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Canon Divergence, Injury, Angst and Fluff, Enemies to Lovers
At the height of hiscareer and at the brink of winning gold for the first time, Yuuri Katsuki isinstead injured and prevented from ever returning to competitive skating.Unable to let go of his love for the ice he instead turns to choreography,creating record-breaking routines that every skater dreams of one day skatingto. World renown for his work, he is in constant high demand but willing to workwith any skater who needs his help, from the youngest juniors to the mostdecorated seniors. All but one, his ex-rival Viktor Nikiforov, the world’s topskater and seemingly the only person who has never skated to a Katsuki routine.
Inspired by theemotive creations of Katsuki, Nikiforov sets out on a quest to convince theex-skater to help him choreograph the routines for his final and definitiveseason. Just how far will he have to go to convince his once-enemy to worktogether and what hidden secrets will he learn along the way?  
 4)     Title: OnLove: Eros
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov
Additional tags: The Eros Costume, Smut, Shameless Smut,Sexual Content, Top Viktor Nikiforov, Bottom Yuuri Katsuki, Porn with a littlebit of plot, Seduction, Riding, Oral Sex, Barebacking, Hair-pulling,Finger-fucking, Dirty talk, Orgasm Denial, the real story of how Katsukiconvinced Nikiforov to give him the Eros costume
“Why?” Nikiforov saidand his eyes were as dark as his words were cold. “Why would I ever want tohelp you?”
Katsuki licked hislips, looking up at the other skater with a heated gaze and smirking a littleas he ran his fingers up Nikiforov’s arm to rest tantalisingly on his shoulder.
“I think I can make itworth your while.”
 5)     Title: Beforethe Camera, Behind the Screen
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Actors, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Eventual Smut, they’re actors playingfigure skaters for a big Hollywood movie, and they hate each other, at first atleast, why do they not use body doubles for their sex scenes?, plot reasonsthat’s why
Sweat-slicked skingleamed under the lights, two bodies moving as one as gasps of pleasure filledthe quiet room. Katsuki had his head thrown back, eyes glazed as he rode outthe sensation, thighs clamped tight around the warm body beneath him and handsfisted into silver hair…
“Cut.” Came the harshvoice of the director as the studio lights snapped back on, flooding the scenewith a glaring brightness. “Take five everyone.”
“And you two.” heturned to the two actors who were both blinking in the sudden light and wipingthe fake sweat from where it was lying stickily across their skin. “You need toget it together soon or this whole movie is going to be a disaster. You’resupposed to be in love for Christ’s sake! Katsuki, you look like you’recounting down the minutes until you can finish this scene and go and get lunchand Nikiforov, you’re just looking bored. You’re supposed to be actors! I don’tcare how much you hate each other, you better act like you don’t or you’re bothgetting fired.”
Katsuki glared down atNikiforov who was still lying beneath him, looking annoyed.
“You better step upyour game.” Nikiforov drawled, looking disparagingly up at the man stillstraddling him. “I have a reputation to uphold and I’m not going to lose it toa bad movie because of one amateur, one-hit-wonder actor who can’t do his jobproperly.”
“Maybe it would beeasier to do my job if you weren’t such an arrogant ass who can’t admit to hisown mistakes.” Katsuki shot back, glare intensifying. “And stop acting likeyou’re such a big deal. You might be famous but you’re not that impressive.”
“I don’t know, I’vebeen reliably informed by a lot of people that I’m very impressive.”
Nikiforov flicked hiseyes to where their bodies were joined, only the smallest pieces of fabricseparating them, eyebrow raised suggestively. Katsuki snorted in disgust, thenrolled his hips in an unexpected movement that made a certain part of Nikiforovperk up in unintentional interest.
“I’ve seen better.”
 6)           Title: The Calm Before The Storm
Rating:  GeneralAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri and Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, other character tags to be added
Additional tags: Backstory, Childhood Friends, BackstorySpeculation, Fluff, Angst and Heartbreak, Nikiforov/Katsuki Rivalry Backstory
Another speculative ficabout the origins of the Katsuki/Nikiforov rivalry. Based on the popular theorythat they were childhood friends until something went horribly wrong.
7)     Title: coffee,cupcakes and other ways to fall in love
Rating:  Teen And UpAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, other character tags to be added
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - CoffeeShops & Cafés, Barista!Katsuki, Nikiforov is still a figure skater, Enemiesto Friends to Lovers, Katsuki is the cute barista Nikforov has been trying tocharm for weeks, Katsuki is having none of it
“You know, I like mymen like I like my coffee.” Nikiforov said, leaning closer across the counterand trying out his best, award winning smile. The cute barista - whose nametagwas always suspiciously absent whenever Nikiforov was in the shop and whosename he still couldn’t charm out of him, although not from lack of trying -merely glared in response and continued to make his order without replying.
“Dark, strong and alittle bitter.” Nikiforov added with a flirtatious wink, making a point oflooking at the man’s feathery dark hair and the lean muscles that stood out inhis arms, accentuated by short sleeves of the uniform he was wearing.
“That’s funny. I likeyou just like I like my coffee too.” The barista’s glare changed in an instantto a coy smirk and Nikiforov’s heart leapt a little in his chest at the sight.It had been weeks since he had first spotted the man at his favourite coffeeshop and he had been trying to charm him from the moment their eyes first met. Unsuccessfullyso far but he knew it couldn’t be long now.
“And how is that?”Nikiforov replied, layering his tone with as much suggestiveness as he couldmuster.
“I don’t like coffee.”
The barista turnedaway to serve the next customer with a look of triumph and Nikiforov could feelhis face fall. Oh well, there was always next time. After all, he didn’t giveup easily and he always loved a challenge.
 8)     Title: AllThings Must Die (Except You and I)
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Other CharacterTags To Be Added
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Greek Mythology, Alternate Universe – Gods and Goddesses, Hades and Persephone,Hades and Persephone AU with a twist
The God of Death andthe God of Spring have been waging a silent war for years. Spring, with hiseyes the colour of the sky and his hair like precious metals, brings life andlaughter while Death, dark like a shadow, ends all things and sorrow walks inhis wake. For centuries their silent war raged on, until one day the power ofthe God of Spring grew too great and he taunted the God of Death, creating aneternal Spring on earth where nothing could ever die.
Angered by thearrogance of the other God, the God of Death kidnaped the God of Spring for hismockery, locking him away in the underworld and plunging the world above intoan eternal winter. But hatred slowly began to change into something new and thetwo Gods came to realise they might not be as different as they once seemed.But both were needed to keep the balance in the world, one above and one below,and as the long winter raged on even love was called into question. Because cananyone truly be in love if they are also not free?
 9)     Title: doingit backwards
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov
Additional tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega KatsukiYuuri, Alpha Victor Nikiforov, Mpreg, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting, Biting,Mating, Nesting, Protective Viktor Nikiforov, Viktor being a good dad before heeven knows he’s the dad, Angst With a Happy Ending
Katsuki hatesNikiforov and always has. But after one night of ill-advised passion leaves himwith a lot more than just hatred to remember the other man by, he realises hislife is about to change, and not necessarily for the better. And what’s worse,he knows he has to hide this new development from the other skater or face whatmight be terrible consequences.
Otherwise known as thefic where Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki fall in love, get married and havekids. Not necessarily in that order.
 10)  Title: wingedCupid painted blind
Rating:  Teen And UpAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov
Additional tags: Secret Identities, Mistaken Identities, PenPals, Falling In Love
Being the world’s bestfigure skating is exhilarating but also lonely. After a string of failedrelationships, Viktor Nikiforov decides to forgo love for good, knowing thatpeople only want the version of him they see on the TV and not who he really isinside. After finding a website for anonymous people just wanting someone totalk to, he quickly discovers that it is a good way to deal with his feelingswithout the pressure or expectation of his fame. Another user, KYKatsudon,quickly catches his attention and the two of them click instantly. Viktor findshe can talk to the other man about just about anything and the other man hassimilar feelings and fears. Slowly he begins to fall for the mysterious man atthe other end of the conversations and he wonders if maybe it might be worthtrying out love one more time. The only problem is he has no idea whoKYKatsudon really is, and he has never revealed his own identity either.
They might both be infor a surprise…
 11)  Title: EveryPawn Can Become A Queen
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Katsuki Mari, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Jean-JacquesLeroy, Georgi Popovich, Mila Babicheva, Other Character Tags To Be Added
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe -Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe – Historical Fantasy, Alternate Universe– Royalty, Plotting, Assassination Attempts, Enemies to Lovers
Yuuri is the Prince ofan Empire, second in line for the throne and renown in battle, a formidablewarrior who has been fighting for almost half his life against the neighbouringEmpire and their barbaric ways. But after tragedy strikes both kingdoms, anuneasy peace must be formed between the two opposing sides, a peace that mustbe sealed with the strongest of bonds.
Charged with keepingthe peace for the sake of his people, Yuuri is forced to leave his homelandforever and marry the only son and heir of the opposing kingdom, forging analliance with marriage to protect the empire built on the backs and blood ofhis family and now ruled by his beloved sister. But Yuuri knows what themarriage truly is beneath the pretty words. A life-sentence, imprisoned foreverunder the rule of a man he hates and has faced on the battlefield countlesstime.
But the politicalmachinations of the foreign court might prove to be an even deadlierbattlefield than the one he just left and he must keep the peace between thetwo kingdoms to save the lives of millions, whatever the cost. And what’s more,his long-time enemy and new husband is not the man he believed him to be andhis position as Prince Consort holds more power than he ever expected. For theone who holds the heart of the future king is the one who can control thekingdom.
 12)  whatwould I pay, to stay here beside you
Rating:  Teen and UpAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, GeorgiPopovich, Mila Babicheva, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - The Little MermaidFusion (original), Mermaid!Viktor, Prince!Yuuri, Happy Ending
Viktor has always beenfascinated by the human world and especially one human in particular, a man heonce saved from drowning one stormy night after a shipwreck. A dashing princewith a beautiful laugh, kind and beloved by all who know him. After loving himfrom afar for years Viktor makes a deal with the sea-witch, in exchange for hissilver hair he has one month to make the prince fall in love and marry him orhe will lose his life and be turned to nothing but foam on the sea. Known byall as impulsive and rash, Viktor takes the deal without a second thought andbegins a life on land with the intention of wooing the prince and finding hishappily ever after.
The one problem? ThePrince hates him on sight.
Working against theclock, Viktor has one month to uncover the mystery of the Prince’s past anddiscover why he is so hated by the other man. And not only that but he mustalso convince the prince to fall in love and marry him, least he be lost to thesea forever.
13)   Title: Saving Viktor Nikiforov
Rating:  Mature
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Other Skaters, Celestino Cialdini, YakovFeltsman
Additional tags: Temporary Character Death, AlternateUniverse – Time Travel, Slow Burn
After a tragicaccident out on the ice, the world mourned the loss of figure skating legendViktor Nikiforov. Consumed by guilt, his rival Yuuri Katsuki lost all love ofthe sport that was once his life and wished desperately to change whathappened. In an unexpected turn of events his wish was granted and he was sentback in time, all the way back to his senior debut before the rivalry evenbegan. His one goal? Save Viktor Nikiforov.
 14)  ThroughAnother’s Eyes
Rating:  Gen
Archive Warning:  CreatorChose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Celestino Cialdini, YakovFeltsman, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Otabek Altin
Additional tags: Fluff and Angst, Changing POV, based onpublic and social media reactions of each person, also based on YuriPlisetsky’s face when they kissed on the podium at the end
A look at theNikiforov/Katsuki rivalry over the years from a variety of different points ofview
 15)  Roses andBlood
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Other Character(s)
Additional tags: Alternate Universe – Mafia, AlternateUniverse – Assassins and Hitmen, Enemies to Lovers
Katsuki Yuuri is oneof the most successful and feared assassins in the world, his reputation onlysucceeded by his greatest rival, an opposing hitman called Viktor Nikiforov.But after circumstances bring the two of them together for a complex andlong-lasting job an uneasy peace is formed and gradually hatred turns to trustand respect and from that grows something more.
Job complete and awareof his new feelings for the man he once thought he hated, Katsuki returns tothe organisation holding his leash - controlling him with the only other thinghe cares about - to be given his next job, something he cannot refuse no matterwhat.
Hisnext assignment. Kill Viktor Nikiforov.
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eh-440 · 7 years
the writing meme
so like most writers I have way too many projects on the go
hit j at any time to jump past this ramble of a post rip readers
original stuff not going into too much detail about these but I have Ideas. I’m going to describe these in some arbitrary number of descriptors (I choose... 3)
No Current Title Bc Entire Premise is Being Reevaluated (rip old title) this sucker’s premise is in its third re-write rip me and anything I had written for it before -genre is... a subset of fantasy, I guess. it involves people with magical powers  so I’m calling it fantasy subset -involves chemistry bc I’m a nerd -basic summary is chemistry powers are ok when they aren’t being used to  rebuild a “““better””” world. also violating the law of conservation of mass  makes one reconsider their career starring -amelia: starts off realizing that 3 different groups of people have manipulated her and is reasonably angry about this. “all I wanted to do is camp for the summer but NOW I have to spend it training bc soMEONE didn’t tell me about this power until they had year-round (long story involving other manipulation) access to me to train me as their asset” (”I’ll do it. but I get to go back at the end of the summer” “there’s no way you’ll pass the proficiency tests at the end of the summer--” “WATCH ME. *hyPERFOCUS ACTIVATED* great #thanksautism let’s do this”) -emer: finds out that the people who trained them aren’t actually very nice folks and needs to get out of that situation. “so that’s why my older sister left welp things make sense now”. makes enemies who are not ok people. -vina: I was trying to come up with a description but I feel like the remember the name meme would work fine
Music in Mind -all about musicians (like orchestral instruments) -genre would be contemporary I guess -mini playlist (pieces and songs that characters either play or just like listening  to): the bach double, partita no 3, read all about it, air on a g string,  mendelssohn's octet, either mission impossible or bond music haven’t decided  yet, danse bacchanale, piano man, adeste fidelis (yes the latin version listen  this character is a bit extra), ashokan farewell starring:  -katherine: parents are dead, is moving back to her hometown, and has an abusive violin teacher now. “look life it’s been like 2 years can you not--” knock knock it’s depression but this time there’s no comfort in violin/new bff to help. spent her 4 years away being remade as a violinist and no one in her hometown is quite ready for it (including her) "who tf made me section leader listen I am Not Ready and I’m p sure my stand partner is going to kill me” -felix: as of this year has have to teach himself and practice in secret. on top of that, he’s at the critical point where a lack of proper technical base is becoming a downfall. “listen katherine I know I asked you for help but is it seriously possible for me to have been doing so many things wrong for years” (”yes. bc i was the same”) -natalie: been coasting on the fact that all the top music prizes are hers but now there’s some real competition
A Book (behold my beautiful placeholder why are titles so hard) -a fantasy world based loosely on the great race (the chinese legend) -people have animal companions -Something Happened to the dragons (barely any human/dragon matches are  left) and a girl makes it her mission to (a) find out wtf is going on and (b) find  her dragon counterpart (spoiler alert: she finds a dragon but then... knock  knock it’s Consequences You Never Considered Before aka time for a huge  survival challenge/race)
Something About Dragons (yet another placeholder bc none of these things have titles ugh) (also have you noticed that I like dragons?) this one’s under wraps bc it’s still wayyyy in Development Phase -chinese dragons--they’re so lit ok (tho not literally bc no fire power) -adopted kids -a main conflict I literally haven’t even thought about lmao this is the reason it’s  fourth on my original works list, but I’m still excited about it bc DRAGONS ARE  LIT
oh shit I literally forgot one why do I have so many projects
For the Record (finally another actual title) -basically about a big fam at their cottage -feat a kid trying to swim a few k across a lake, faster than her relatives who  have already done it. at 15. (for some background, she’s a swimmer/distance  swimmer lmao this isn’t random) -another list: tree climbing, rock and beach glass collecting, snake and frog  finding, ice cream, chess playing, card tricks
yoi fics bc @therealpigfarts23 convinced me to start writing fanfiction. it all started with this first one
#icegiraffeofrussia that’s its working and probs final title bc now I don’t think of it as anything else -yuri has a growth spurt, cue viktor nicknaming him the ice giraffe of russia -the internet runs with it -rip yuri growth spurts are mean and rinkmates are shits (like friendly shits tho)
pjo au that series was half my childhood (hp was the other half) -based in part on this post (fml took a while to find it wHY didn’t I put the url  somewhere earlier) -currently trying to grow a plot heLP (would bc condensed pjo-ified canon-  parallel plot listen I've already thought of how viktor can introduce himself to  yuuri naked in this verse there is no turning back) -gonna jam a bunch of things in this point. literal knife shoes. hamsters at  camp (shhhhh). capture the flag. possible Phone Defense Squad (long story). starring: viktor: son of nike, yuuri: son of aphrodite, phichit: son of hermes, yuri: son of idk yet, mila and sara: hunters of artemis, otabek: son of hephaestus, leo: son of apollo, jj: son of zeus (I had to, sorry not sorry), etc
Possibly Something about the Making of Yuri’s ex skate -idk yet
The Ongoing Summer Work AU  may as well add this too -in my chat with autumn, may or may not write up as short pieces later -literally based on my life/my job atm not even claiming to be completely  fictional lmao -everyone embarrasses yuuri (he makes it so easy lmao)
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rainbowravioli · 8 years
(1/2) Related to your recent post: I swear, sometimes I feel like Kubo must often be thinking of an earlier version of YOI that was much more focused on the Yuri/Yuuri rivalry, a version we never saw, because she always focuses *so much* on their relationship in interviews, and how they constantly fuel and drive and feed off of each other, and seems to especially talk about Yuuri practically being fixated on some kind of strange 'sometimes friends sometimes rivals' intense connection there...
(2/2) and I’m always just like ??? Literally where was that on screen?! We saw *none* of that, Yuuri hardly gives any thought to Yuri over the course of the show at all- even Yuuri and Victor’s VAs responded to a question about what their chars. think of Yuri with something like ‘I don’t think they really think about him much at all to be honest’. It’s just such a weird dissonance between how she talks about the connection between Yuri and Yuuri, and how they were portrayed in the show
I love this conspiracy theory 
Seriously though, you’re so right, anon. And so is @angryfishtrap with what they say here. 
This dissonance is part of a series of oddities in Kubo’s interviews and how she talks about canon. Sometimes it feels like she’s describing a completely different series, and it’s particularly apparent when she’s talking about Yurio. 
Contrast how Sayo conceptualized YOI from the very beginning (as far back as 2010) to be about the bond between a Japanese skater and a foreign coach, with how Kubo seems much more focused in the (in canon one-sided) rivalry between Yurio and Yuuri and how she keeps dismissing the importance of Victuuri moments.
And it’s not simply that Sayo had just this vague concept by the time she met Kubo. Kubo herself said that Yuuri and Victor’s concepts (roles in the story and personalities) had already been created before she came into the project. They were the whole starting point. On the other hand, Kubo created Yurio. It’s not that much of a stretch to say she would be particularly attached to him. 
“(…)But after our first overseas research trip, the very first character I came up with was Yurio. Now that I think about it, the influence of anime from the latter half of the 1980’s pulsates strongly within me. Since that time, I’ve kind of liked brazen/cheeky characters with blond hair and blue eyes. So, since I was getting my hands into an anime original, I felt that I might as well go back to my roots and revive the characters I loved back then… In some ways, Yurio was born from entities that had become like my own flesh and blood, so he was very easy to write.” (x)
Kubo also keeps drawing attention to the Yuuri-Yurio rivalry and talking about it like it was the core relationship of the series when that’s really not what was shown on-screen. I’m reminded of when Yuri on Ice was first announced, it was said to be “the story of the two Yuris”, so much so that people interpreted the title to be about the both of them. But watching the series, not only is the title theory proven wrong in episode 4, but you quickly understand that Yuuri is the protagonist (even with Yurio + Victor being main characters too), and while Yurio is important and they do influence each other, Yurio is much more focused on Yuuri than vice-versa. Consider how Yuuri reacts in episode 4 when Yuko is giving him updated on Yurio.
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He’s barely interested. And it’s not like he doesn’t care about Yurio - he clearly does - it’s just that, well Yuuri has more things going on in his life to worry about than his self-proclaimed 15 year old rival. According to Kubo though, he shouldn’t have. 
To me, these two quotes from Kubo say everything about her view on this (x):
“I had a hard time drawing the relationship between Yuuri and Yurio. Especially Yurio, I think he’s easy to grasp as a character and I was sure he would become popular, but for the same reason it was difficult to make him unpredictable. I wanted to depict him and Yuuri as rivals, however figure skating is mostly a battle against yourself, a sport where you fight to pursue your personal best, and after their direct confrontation in episode 3 they also become physically separated, so I was careful about the balance when making them think of each other.”
“(…)It was for the purpose of reinforcing the fated connection between Yuuri and Yurio, and to consequently cause the viewers to want to cheer on Yuuri in the Grand Prix Final. However, at the same time the bond between Yuuri and Victor became deeper and deeper, and as I couldn’t really find enough place to put the spotlight on the rivarly with Yurio eventually Yurio stopped moving inside my storyboard, to my surprise. In that sense, I had to struggle to depict Yuuri and Yurio’s relationship until the end.” 
“Fated connection” is really not something that was there in canon. At all. But Kubo seems to think this was a thing, and she says she struggled to keep depicting it until the very end. She really wanted them to be rivals, but it really wasn’t happening in canon. Yurio thought it was, but he’s 15 and angry and hurt over Victor leaving and doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions. But Yuuri? Yuuri is fighting himself and people’s expectations of him. And even for Yurio, later we have characters like JJ and Otabek that do a much better job at being a rival to him than Yuuri ever did.
It’s very interesting to think about the Victor part though because yeah, even in canon, Victor is constantly overshadowing Yurio when it comes to what Yuuri is thinking about. Meanwhile, Yurio is very much focused on Yuuri (and Victor). Let’s look at episode 4 again. When the assignments are out for the Grand Prix events, Yurio doesn’t ask for his own, he asks for Yuuri’s.
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Yuuri meanwhile? Doesn’t ask about Yurio at all. He does think about him briefly when learning they will face-off in Russia…then immediatly focuses his attention on Victor. 
And then you have Kubo saying things like this
“I wanted viewers to remember “Hasetsu” as a place where Yuuri and Yurio could spend some carefree time” (x)
“I believe that, beside Victor, Yurio’s existence was also important in strengthening Yuuri’s feelings that he couldn’t end like that” (x)
“From Yuuri’s point of view it looks like Yurio suddenly has this new friend Otabek, and I think that he’d probably get really frustrated realizing that even if he’s not on the rink anymore Yurio will still be able to make other friends and rivals. Halfway through the story I often thought “Katsuki-san, aren’t you disregarding Yurio a bit too much?” (LOL)” (x)
So yes, it really feels like Kubo was much more interested in the Yuuri-Yurio dynamic and in Yurio overall.
I’m still 100% convinced that episode 12 was changed from what it was originally supposed to be. We can’t really know how those changes came about and why. But considering Sayo is a very busy person, considering Kubo has said she struggled with episode 12 the most to get scenes “right”, and considering episode 12 has that ridiculous sudden focus on the Yuuri-Yurio relationship to the point where it becomes the driving forces for Yuuri to decide to keep skating (contradicting Yuuri’s entire monologue during his FS btw), and everything Kubo has ever said in interviews about Yurio and the Yuuri-Yurio relationship…she was probably heavily involved in that episode, yes.
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