blackkatmagic · 6 years
Hello! Out of curiosity, what fics do you have open on your computer atm? Also, this is kinda a weird question, but I was wondering if there was a fic in particular you were looking forward to (updating, posting, finishing, just in general). I also thought I'd mention that I really, really like what you're doing with your Ashura fic! I stopped reading Naruto waaay before he was introduced, so I had to go and wiki some stuff, but I absolutely love him, he's such a precious ball of fluff!
Four fics currently open, and...
1. a hurricane being born
With a shaky breath, Obito sinksdown on the grass, reaches over and buries his fingers in thick dark hair. “Kisame,”he whispers, and the man stirs, even with more of his flesh missing than attached.Luminescent eyes slide open, wavering in and out of focus, but finally they settleon Obito, and Kisame chuckles, low and wet and rasping.
“You,” he says, but it’s not anaccusation. “They got you too, huh?”
“Madara betrayed us,” Obito says.He curls his fingers, feeling blood and water in equal parts in Kisame’s hair,and closes his eyes again, letting himself bow forward, over Kisame's stillform. He just—wanted to die in a place of his own choosing, with the one personwho knows all the pieces of him, and not in front of the Kage and their uncomprehendinghatred.
Hope got him this far, hope and the knowledgethat Kisame is always stronger than people expect him to be, and now the lastof his strength is fading.
2. Bury my heart underneath these trees part 6
Oh, Indra, Ashurathinks sadly, and with the roil of that chakra so close all he can do is smilebitterly. You would hate this so much,wouldn’t you?
Not just his descendant declaring Ashura family.Not just the death of nearly his entire line. Not just Ashura’s closeness to achild of his blood. This whole world, Ashura thinks, so easy in its use ofchakra. He thought it needed to be burned out of existence, not shared, and tosee whole villages formed around its use, clans with special techniques, thecasual use of power that would have far outstripped his own—he would befurious.
3. Set the Battlements Ablaze (Cry Havoc ‘verse part 4)
“Why don’t you rest?” Konansays, gentle. Curls her fingers into shaggy red hair, around the nape of a neckno longer pierced by black chakra rods, and rests their temples together. “I’llfind something.”
“I should help,” Nagato says,but he sounds exhausted, and there's a slump to his shoulders that says he’s inpain.
“You’ve done your part, Nagato.” She doesn’tlook at the body on the table, keeps her eyes on Nagato instead of the cornerwhere it rests. Not yet. Not quite. “Let me do what I can. This is for both ofus.”
4. I’m up in the woods (I’m down on my mind) part 4
All of her warnings to Kakuzu tobe careful and it’s Konan who ends up in the middle of things.
She smiles to herself, and maybeit’s a little bitter, but the cup in her hands is steaming gently and the smellof it is crisp, green, touched with something floral. It’s surprising; Tsumedoesn’t seem the type to enjoy flowers.
There's a clatter on the stairs,the slightly off sound of a shinobi trying to make noise for a civilian, and amoment later Tsume appears in the kitchen, her wild hair still dripping withwater and her face scrubbed clean. “Sorry about that,” she says a littlegruffly, turning to set the kettle on the stove again.
“Waiting is no trouble,” Konantells her. “Forgive me the intrusion.”
Tsume’s smile is crooked as she takes the seatacross from Konan at the well-worn kitchen table. “Not an intrusion,” shecorrects. “I'm grateful that you listened. Most people wouldn’t care about astranger like that.”
As far as the fic I’m looking forward to the most, it usually varies depending on what I’m writing at that particular instant, but for now I’m really excited for the next part of the Bazz-B & Harry series - the meeting with Sirius is going to be a really fun one, and there are a couple of plot twists coming up that I’m going to enjoy writing. ^-^
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simkjrs · 7 years
Hello again! I just caught up with the BnHA manga - I'd mostly used wiki to find out who everyone in msa was up until now - and was surprised to find that the drug used to take away quirks was temporary. Is it the same in msa universe? Has Izuku been doing this for nothing? Also, do you know what you're going to be posting first? (msa ch 4, byggualom ch 7, villain comedy, or even that msa transported to canon you mentioned months ago) Thanks! Good luck with both writing and school!
it’s not the same in the msa universe because i started writing msa before it was revealed that the effects of the drug were only temporary and by that time i didn’t feel like changing the plot. therefore: msa au’s quirk-breaking drug has near-permanent effects unless you buy the antidote from the 8 precepts. 
i’ll uhhhh probably be posting msa sports festival au or msa ch 4 first, whichever i clean up first. im a bit tied up @ school rn though so it might be a bit. thanks for your patience!
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cooliogirl101 · 7 years
For TLM, what were you planning for Sayuri's powers? And how were they revealed - I take it she didn't tell anyone of their full power when she first awakened her shikai and bankai. How did she awaken her zampaktou?
Yeah, I’ll definitely say what her shikai ability is soon (haven’t fleshed out her bankai ability yet). That’s one of the things I planned out very early on and I’m looking forward to writing it (my favorite thing about this new format: no buildup, I can go straight from scene A to scene M if I want to). 
Feel like my readers will have a much easier time with prompts if they know what she can do haha. 
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kazliin · 8 years
Top 10 fanfic title and summaries?
Sacchariwrites - top 10 most popular in universe viktuuri fanfics? lol
Ok so for these are the top 15 (I couldn’t stick to top 10, I had too many ideas!) most popular Viktuuri fanfics of the Rivals universe AO3. As a disclaimer they are not based on any existing Viktuuri fanfic irl and they are not all fics and tropes I would necessarily read, write or like (I don’t even like RPF myself), they are just the kind of fic that I imagine would be most popular in the Rivals universe considering what is publicly known of Viktor and Yuuri’s story and how they are each viewed by the public in general and their fans, plus the kind of fics that tend to be popular in most fandoms. 
Top Fifteen Most Popular Fanfics In the ‘Rivals’ AlternateUniverse AO3
1)     Title: TheLife We Live
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman, YuriPlisetsky, Georgi Popovich, Mila Babicheva, Otabek Altin  
Additional tags: Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Love,Romance, Kissing, Sexual Content, Ice Skating (obviously)
Everyone knows thelove story of Katsuki and Nikiforov and the kiss that shocked the world. Whatnot so many people know however, is what came after.
(My take on thedomestic lives of Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki based on interviews,social media and fan speculation)
 2)     Title: Love!!!On Ice
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont,Christophe Giacometti, other minor characters
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Coach and Student, Coach AU
When the world’s topskater Viktor Nikiforov is permanently injured in a freak skating accident andforced to retire from skating for good he knows his life will never be the sameagain. But while his life is empty without skating to fill it, being forced tobecome the unwilling coach of a headstrong Japanese rising star skater was thevery last way he wanted to return to the ice.
The reluctant coachand unwilling student clash over almost everything but even through the hatred,something different slowly begins to emerge. Can Nikiforov teach Katsuki thesecrets to finally winning the gold? And can Katsuki bring back the meaning tohis life that Nikiforov thought he had lost forever?
 3)     Title: AMelody Sung, With Words Unspoken
Rating:  Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Jean-JacquesLeroy, various other skaters
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Canon Divergence, Injury, Angst and Fluff, Enemies to Lovers
At the height of hiscareer and at the brink of winning gold for the first time, Yuuri Katsuki isinstead injured and prevented from ever returning to competitive skating.Unable to let go of his love for the ice he instead turns to choreography,creating record-breaking routines that every skater dreams of one day skatingto. World renown for his work, he is in constant high demand but willing to workwith any skater who needs his help, from the youngest juniors to the mostdecorated seniors. All but one, his ex-rival Viktor Nikiforov, the world’s topskater and seemingly the only person who has never skated to a Katsuki routine.
Inspired by theemotive creations of Katsuki, Nikiforov sets out on a quest to convince theex-skater to help him choreograph the routines for his final and definitiveseason. Just how far will he have to go to convince his once-enemy to worktogether and what hidden secrets will he learn along the way?  
 4)     Title: OnLove: Eros
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov
Additional tags: The Eros Costume, Smut, Shameless Smut,Sexual Content, Top Viktor Nikiforov, Bottom Yuuri Katsuki, Porn with a littlebit of plot, Seduction, Riding, Oral Sex, Barebacking, Hair-pulling,Finger-fucking, Dirty talk, Orgasm Denial, the real story of how Katsukiconvinced Nikiforov to give him the Eros costume
“Why?” Nikiforov saidand his eyes were as dark as his words were cold. “Why would I ever want tohelp you?”
Katsuki licked hislips, looking up at the other skater with a heated gaze and smirking a littleas he ran his fingers up Nikiforov’s arm to rest tantalisingly on his shoulder.
“I think I can make itworth your while.”
 5)     Title: Beforethe Camera, Behind the Screen
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Actors, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Eventual Smut, they’re actors playingfigure skaters for a big Hollywood movie, and they hate each other, at first atleast, why do they not use body doubles for their sex scenes?, plot reasonsthat’s why
Sweat-slicked skingleamed under the lights, two bodies moving as one as gasps of pleasure filledthe quiet room. Katsuki had his head thrown back, eyes glazed as he rode outthe sensation, thighs clamped tight around the warm body beneath him and handsfisted into silver hair…
“Cut.” Came the harshvoice of the director as the studio lights snapped back on, flooding the scenewith a glaring brightness. “Take five everyone.”
“And you two.” heturned to the two actors who were both blinking in the sudden light and wipingthe fake sweat from where it was lying stickily across their skin. “You need toget it together soon or this whole movie is going to be a disaster. You’resupposed to be in love for Christ’s sake! Katsuki, you look like you’recounting down the minutes until you can finish this scene and go and get lunchand Nikiforov, you’re just looking bored. You’re supposed to be actors! I don’tcare how much you hate each other, you better act like you don’t or you’re bothgetting fired.”
Katsuki glared down atNikiforov who was still lying beneath him, looking annoyed.
“You better step upyour game.” Nikiforov drawled, looking disparagingly up at the man stillstraddling him. “I have a reputation to uphold and I’m not going to lose it toa bad movie because of one amateur, one-hit-wonder actor who can’t do his jobproperly.”
“Maybe it would beeasier to do my job if you weren’t such an arrogant ass who can’t admit to hisown mistakes.” Katsuki shot back, glare intensifying. “And stop acting likeyou’re such a big deal. You might be famous but you’re not that impressive.”
“I don’t know, I’vebeen reliably informed by a lot of people that I’m very impressive.”
Nikiforov flicked hiseyes to where their bodies were joined, only the smallest pieces of fabricseparating them, eyebrow raised suggestively. Katsuki snorted in disgust, thenrolled his hips in an unexpected movement that made a certain part of Nikiforovperk up in unintentional interest.
“I’ve seen better.”
 6)           Title: The Calm Before The Storm
Rating:  GeneralAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri and Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, other character tags to be added
Additional tags: Backstory, Childhood Friends, BackstorySpeculation, Fluff, Angst and Heartbreak, Nikiforov/Katsuki Rivalry Backstory
Another speculative ficabout the origins of the Katsuki/Nikiforov rivalry. Based on the popular theorythat they were childhood friends until something went horribly wrong.
7)     Title: coffee,cupcakes and other ways to fall in love
Rating:  Teen And UpAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, other character tags to be added
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - CoffeeShops & Cafés, Barista!Katsuki, Nikiforov is still a figure skater, Enemiesto Friends to Lovers, Katsuki is the cute barista Nikforov has been trying tocharm for weeks, Katsuki is having none of it
“You know, I like mymen like I like my coffee.” Nikiforov said, leaning closer across the counterand trying out his best, award winning smile. The cute barista - whose nametagwas always suspiciously absent whenever Nikiforov was in the shop and whosename he still couldn’t charm out of him, although not from lack of trying -merely glared in response and continued to make his order without replying.
“Dark, strong and alittle bitter.” Nikiforov added with a flirtatious wink, making a point oflooking at the man’s feathery dark hair and the lean muscles that stood out inhis arms, accentuated by short sleeves of the uniform he was wearing.
“That’s funny. I likeyou just like I like my coffee too.” The barista’s glare changed in an instantto a coy smirk and Nikiforov’s heart leapt a little in his chest at the sight.It had been weeks since he had first spotted the man at his favourite coffeeshop and he had been trying to charm him from the moment their eyes first met. Unsuccessfullyso far but he knew it couldn’t be long now.
“And how is that?”Nikiforov replied, layering his tone with as much suggestiveness as he couldmuster.
“I don’t like coffee.”
The barista turnedaway to serve the next customer with a look of triumph and Nikiforov could feelhis face fall. Oh well, there was always next time. After all, he didn’t giveup easily and he always loved a challenge.
 8)     Title: AllThings Must Die (Except You and I)
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Other CharacterTags To Be Added
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe –Greek Mythology, Alternate Universe – Gods and Goddesses, Hades and Persephone,Hades and Persephone AU with a twist
The God of Death andthe God of Spring have been waging a silent war for years. Spring, with hiseyes the colour of the sky and his hair like precious metals, brings life andlaughter while Death, dark like a shadow, ends all things and sorrow walks inhis wake. For centuries their silent war raged on, until one day the power ofthe God of Spring grew too great and he taunted the God of Death, creating aneternal Spring on earth where nothing could ever die.
Angered by thearrogance of the other God, the God of Death kidnaped the God of Spring for hismockery, locking him away in the underworld and plunging the world above intoan eternal winter. But hatred slowly began to change into something new and thetwo Gods came to realise they might not be as different as they once seemed.But both were needed to keep the balance in the world, one above and one below,and as the long winter raged on even love was called into question. Because cananyone truly be in love if they are also not free?
 9)     Title: doingit backwards
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov
Additional tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega KatsukiYuuri, Alpha Victor Nikiforov, Mpreg, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting, Biting,Mating, Nesting, Protective Viktor Nikiforov, Viktor being a good dad before heeven knows he’s the dad, Angst With a Happy Ending
Katsuki hatesNikiforov and always has. But after one night of ill-advised passion leaves himwith a lot more than just hatred to remember the other man by, he realises hislife is about to change, and not necessarily for the better. And what’s worse,he knows he has to hide this new development from the other skater or face whatmight be terrible consequences.
Otherwise known as thefic where Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki fall in love, get married and havekids. Not necessarily in that order.
 10)  Title: wingedCupid painted blind
Rating:  Teen And UpAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov
Additional tags: Secret Identities, Mistaken Identities, PenPals, Falling In Love
Being the world’s bestfigure skating is exhilarating but also lonely. After a string of failedrelationships, Viktor Nikiforov decides to forgo love for good, knowing thatpeople only want the version of him they see on the TV and not who he really isinside. After finding a website for anonymous people just wanting someone totalk to, he quickly discovers that it is a good way to deal with his feelingswithout the pressure or expectation of his fame. Another user, KYKatsudon,quickly catches his attention and the two of them click instantly. Viktor findshe can talk to the other man about just about anything and the other man hassimilar feelings and fears. Slowly he begins to fall for the mysterious man atthe other end of the conversations and he wonders if maybe it might be worthtrying out love one more time. The only problem is he has no idea whoKYKatsudon really is, and he has never revealed his own identity either.
They might both be infor a surprise…
 11)  Title: EveryPawn Can Become A Queen
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Katsuki Mari, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Jean-JacquesLeroy, Georgi Popovich, Mila Babicheva, Other Character Tags To Be Added
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe -Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe – Historical Fantasy, Alternate Universe– Royalty, Plotting, Assassination Attempts, Enemies to Lovers
Yuuri is the Prince ofan Empire, second in line for the throne and renown in battle, a formidablewarrior who has been fighting for almost half his life against the neighbouringEmpire and their barbaric ways. But after tragedy strikes both kingdoms, anuneasy peace must be formed between the two opposing sides, a peace that mustbe sealed with the strongest of bonds.
Charged with keepingthe peace for the sake of his people, Yuuri is forced to leave his homelandforever and marry the only son and heir of the opposing kingdom, forging analliance with marriage to protect the empire built on the backs and blood ofhis family and now ruled by his beloved sister. But Yuuri knows what themarriage truly is beneath the pretty words. A life-sentence, imprisoned foreverunder the rule of a man he hates and has faced on the battlefield countlesstime.
But the politicalmachinations of the foreign court might prove to be an even deadlierbattlefield than the one he just left and he must keep the peace between thetwo kingdoms to save the lives of millions, whatever the cost. And what’s more,his long-time enemy and new husband is not the man he believed him to be andhis position as Prince Consort holds more power than he ever expected. For theone who holds the heart of the future king is the one who can control thekingdom.
 12)  whatwould I pay, to stay here beside you
Rating:  Teen and UpAudiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, GeorgiPopovich, Mila Babicheva, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - The Little MermaidFusion (original), Mermaid!Viktor, Prince!Yuuri, Happy Ending
Viktor has always beenfascinated by the human world and especially one human in particular, a man heonce saved from drowning one stormy night after a shipwreck. A dashing princewith a beautiful laugh, kind and beloved by all who know him. After loving himfrom afar for years Viktor makes a deal with the sea-witch, in exchange for hissilver hair he has one month to make the prince fall in love and marry him orhe will lose his life and be turned to nothing but foam on the sea. Known byall as impulsive and rash, Viktor takes the deal without a second thought andbegins a life on land with the intention of wooing the prince and finding hishappily ever after.
The one problem? ThePrince hates him on sight.
Working against theclock, Viktor has one month to uncover the mystery of the Prince’s past anddiscover why he is so hated by the other man. And not only that but he mustalso convince the prince to fall in love and marry him, least he be lost to thesea forever.
13)   Title: Saving Viktor Nikiforov
Rating:  Mature
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Other Skaters, Celestino Cialdini, YakovFeltsman
Additional tags: Temporary Character Death, AlternateUniverse – Time Travel, Slow Burn
After a tragicaccident out on the ice, the world mourned the loss of figure skating legendViktor Nikiforov. Consumed by guilt, his rival Yuuri Katsuki lost all love ofthe sport that was once his life and wished desperately to change whathappened. In an unexpected turn of events his wish was granted and he was sentback in time, all the way back to his senior debut before the rivalry evenbegan. His one goal? Save Viktor Nikiforov.
 14)  ThroughAnother’s Eyes
Rating:  Gen
Archive Warning:  CreatorChose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Celestino Cialdini, YakovFeltsman, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Otabek Altin
Additional tags: Fluff and Angst, Changing POV, based onpublic and social media reactions of each person, also based on YuriPlisetsky’s face when they kissed on the podium at the end
A look at theNikiforov/Katsuki rivalry over the years from a variety of different points ofview
 15)  Roses andBlood
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, PhichitChulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Other Character(s)
Additional tags: Alternate Universe – Mafia, AlternateUniverse – Assassins and Hitmen, Enemies to Lovers
Katsuki Yuuri is oneof the most successful and feared assassins in the world, his reputation onlysucceeded by his greatest rival, an opposing hitman called Viktor Nikiforov.But after circumstances bring the two of them together for a complex andlong-lasting job an uneasy peace is formed and gradually hatred turns to trustand respect and from that grows something more.
Job complete and awareof his new feelings for the man he once thought he hated, Katsuki returns tothe organisation holding his leash - controlling him with the only other thinghe cares about - to be given his next job, something he cannot refuse no matterwhat.
Hisnext assignment. Kill Viktor Nikiforov.
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astoryaboutwar · 7 years
Hi! So, I was thinking about the gifts people have in your fic and it occurred to me that the vast majority of gifts are completely terrifying, and that it would probably change a lot of things in the world. So does everyone have a gift? From what I understand, the only way the world would survive was if there were ways to prevent people with certain gifts from hacking the system, like yuuri did w/ the casino. Or do only a few people have gifts? And are they a secret from the general population?
Hi there!
Whooooops. Because of the style and structure of our doubts, a great deal of exposition that isn’t plot-essential gets left on the drafting table, which is a shame because I love this ‘verse so much, hah. So, you know, THANK YOU FOR THIS! Questions about worldbuilding are always my favourite. :)
The gifts we’ve seen so far have been fairly limited to those in the wetwork trade - which tends to draw individuals who have unusual gifts, be it in the nature of the ability or the extent of that ability. So Yuuri’s gift, Phichit’s, Victor’s - all these gifts are the outliers, rather than the norm (particularly Yuuri’s).
Gifts - and the knowledge thereof - are widespread, and are seen as a perfectly ordinary thing to possess, if not necessarily common. Most gifts are of the garden variety - such as Hiroko, who has the ability to order any dish to stay warm (basically). Both Toshiya and Mari don’t possess gifts, and neither does Leo. About one in four people are born with a gift of some sort, and most are fairly mundane in terms of what they can do.
SO, MY RAMBLING ASIDE (SORRY LOL) - not everyone has gifts, and those who do usually possess ‘tame’ gifts in comparison to the ones our boys have. Gifts are common knowledge, and are not seen as anything particularly out of the ordinary.
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gingersnapwolves · 3 years
rowanreader replied to your post: 4, 25 for your ask meme!
Any chance you'd be willing to post these eventually? They both sound pretty interesting lol
I mean, maybe ... what’s the appropriate tag to use for “I know these fics aren’t really great but I wrote them so I’m going to inflict them on the world”?
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deansfrecklesw · 3 years
So we got our friend Rowan a microphone for xmas, and they recorded one of my fics as a podfic!!!!! Ahhhh I'm so thankful!! <3
Please have a listen if you liked my family series--it's under 10 minutes and Rowan did such a fantastic job!!
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goodeveningtraveler · 6 years
[podfic] call me a fool if you like by howlikeagod
by rowanreads (austeyre)
Here is another fact: Peter Nureyev has plans for Juno Steel.
There is a big, bright, brilliant universe waiting to fill his eye with wonder, and a certain lovestruck thief who cannot wait to guide him through its greatest attractions.
Or: five places Peter Nureyev wanted to take Juno Steel
Words: 130, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Penumbra Podcast
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Nureyev, Juno Steel
Relationships: Peter Nureyev/Juno Steel
Additional Tags: sappy fantasizing, Space Tourism, peter being an eternal font of optimism and SURPRISE it doesn't work out too well for him, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic Length: 20-30 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3
from AO3 works tagged 'The Penumbra Podcast' https://ift.tt/2wKxGbr via IFTTT
0 notes
ao3feed-jupeter · 6 years
[podfic] call me a fool if you like by howlikeagod
by rowanreads (austeyre)
Here is another fact: Peter Nureyev has plans for Juno Steel.
There is a big, bright, brilliant universe waiting to fill his eye with wonder, and a certain lovestruck thief who cannot wait to guide him through its greatest attractions.
Or: five places Peter Nureyev wanted to take Juno Steel
Words: 130, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Penumbra Podcast
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Nureyev, Juno Steel
Relationships: Peter Nureyev/Juno Steel
Additional Tags: sappy fantasizing, Space Tourism, peter being an eternal font of optimism and SURPRISE it doesn't work out too well for him, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic Length: 20-30 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3
Read on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wKxGbr
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cywscross · 8 years
For CLV, would you say Hadrian and Harry are the same person with different experiences, or different people entirely? Like, if Hadrian and Harry swapped at birth, would either have a different personality?
I think they’d still be a little different. They’re from alternate realities so there should already be differences between them, even if they’re slight. They’d be similar, especially if they grew up with each other’s influences, they might choose to react to certain things differently. (Although did you seriously send me a nature vs nurture ask?)
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simkjrs · 7 years
Also! I don't know if this is a spoiler or anything, but Izuku made a deal for 3 questions + hearing the request out in exchange for not being arrested. But he was arrested. And it was implied that Izuku had to uphold the deal (or what - what happens if he doesn't) but are there any consequences for Kiri breaking the deal? Or Aizawa breaking the deal Kiri made on behalf of the heroes present? Does Izuku get some kinda benefit from them breaking the deal? Or was it technically not broken cuz
Kiri made the deal and not Aizawa? And! What can the spirits do? I mean, they can obviously interact with Izuku, and kinda affect the real world via their quirk (and making people go to sleep?) but can they do anything else? And, like, can the spirits ever purposely not work? I assume not, right? I was kinda hoping Eraserhead's spirit would find a way to avoid attacking Izuku when Eraserhead showed up... And can spirits merge/reproduce? Cuz they're inheritable? Anyway, loved the new snippet!
i’ll answer the ones that aren’t too spoiler-y!
1. kirishima is human, so his word isn’t binding the way it is for izuku. if kirishima broke his word, there wouldn’t be any consequences for him, just the interpersonal fallout. i.e. the only consequence would be how others might think of him afterwards 
2. technically, izuku only made the deal with kirishima to let him go in that moment -- and also to not try and stop him from getting away in the future. he didn’t make the deal with any of the other heroes, so aizawa arresting him doesn’t break kiri’s deal. 
3. no benefit to izuku if kiri breaks the deal. kiri’s human 
4. spirits can do lots of versatile things with their powers! there’s also Script, and also something else i’ve yet to introduce. their ability to affect the real world depends on where they’re anchored. more on that later
5. spirits can purposely not work but it’s... not beneficial to them. the price is unsavory. more on that later, also 
6. more on the formation of spirits later, also
more spoiler-y questions than i expected...
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cooliogirl101 · 3 years
Hii I want to submit a prompt about TLM. So, it's a; what if Sayuri from the world where Sousuke lost his memory--yeah that one, got transported to the canon universe. When the Visored is already a thing, and she got like, dropped near Urahara Kisuke's place.
Well, I imagine she's not in a nice place mentally, but the floor is yours! Honestly I just want to see their interactions.... At this stage. Aha. I think Kisuke's perceptive enough to notice her similarity with Sousuke--and who knows what he'll do. But yes, the floor is yours. Thank you! Have a nice holiday:)
(Sorry for the late response! Also @rowanreader asked a very similar prompt, so I'm combining them here):
For the Lonely Ghost AU
(Takes place six months after the Grand Fisher incident and 5 months after Masaki and Isshin decided to tell their kids about the spiritual world)
“So. It’s just Sayuri-san, is it?” Kisuke asked genially, leaning back in his chair. “No last name?”
“None that I particularly care to go by,” the oh-so-mysterious Sayuri replied. In contrast to his own slouched pose, she sat back straight and shoulders relaxed, posture perfect enough that she wouldn’t have looked out of place at a Kuchiki dinner party. She glanced at him. “I assume I have you to thank for my new gigai?”
“Ah.” Kisuke rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “There’s no need to thank me! Really, it’s the least I could do after you took care of Grand Fisher.”
“Mm.” Kisuke stilled as she looked at him fully for the first time, feeling her gaze settle on him like a weight. Something about those eyes--
"How are you finding it? No adjustment issues, I hope?" He asked.
"No," she replied. "Everything works perfectly. I haven't had any issues eating or drinking."
"That's good to hear. I was a little worried," Kisuke replied lightly. "I noticed you haven't touched your tea."
Something indecipherable flickered across her face.
"I haven't had tea in a long time. I'm afraid I've lost my taste for it," she murmured. Her eyes had gone distant again. "There's nothing wrong with the gigai, Urahara-san. Your work is perfect, as always."
Kisuke smiled, tilting the brim of his hat down.
"Such confidence in me already," he chuckled, shaking his head. "Do you always make such snap judgements of people?"
"You should be asking yourself that question, Urahara-san," she replied blandly. "I'm sure you've formed twice as many theories about me in the time we've been talking."
Kisuke laughed, more genuinely this time.
"Care to confirm any of them?" He asked, leaning forward.
"And ruin your fun?" Sayuri tilted her head to the side. "I wouldn't dare."
"Curious," Kisuke mused, thinking aloud.
"You're talking about the woman Isshin brought in?" Tessai asked. "She's quite the mystery, isn't she? What did you think of her?"
"I'm certain I've never met that woman before in my life. Yet I'm equally as certain she's met me," he stated.
"Oh?" Tessai asked, surprised. "What makes you say that?"
"She's familiar with gigai. More interestingly, she's familiar with my gigai," Kisuke said. A shinigami who had never been in a gigai before almost always had trouble adjusting to being in a physical body. And most of them wouldn't expect to be able to eat, since that was a special feature unique to gigai designed by him-- Kurotsuchi hadn't seen a need to incorporate that into the design. That Sayuri had automatically assumed she would be able to eat and drink human food...well.
"I wouldn't be surprised if Kurotsuchi had a few of your old gigai lying around. Maybe she came across one of them?" Tessai suggested, somewhat doubtfully.
"Hmm. Maybe," Kisuke said noncommittally.
No, Sayuri's knowledge extended beyond his work-- she was familiar with him, personally. The only question was, how?
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kazliin · 7 years
So, Phichit won gold at the cup of China, while Yuuri won silver. Were people surprised that this total newbie beat one of the world's top two skaters? Or was it kinda not surprising because Yuuri did take time off skating and was aiming to peak later?
A lot of people were thinking that Yuuri and Viktor had hit their peaks and now would gradually start declining until they retired after what happened so there wasn’t much surprise 
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astoryaboutwar · 7 years
The rings! Yuuri was going to ask Viktor to marry him?! Ouch - I kinda imagine this just punches Viktor in the gut when he finds out. Also, at the gala, was Viktor freaked out over Yuuri? Like, Yuuri actually, whole heartedly believed their cover story, actually believed he was in love with and married to Boris? Enough that Viktor... what, let him remember temporarily? Why did he do that? At the gala? Wouldn't that be kinda risky, cuz Yuuri could have lost his hold on his gift and let Wong see?
The rings ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Re: the gala, I think it was more Victor witnessing, properly, the culmination of the toll that Yuuri’s gift is taking on him. Victor's definitely aware - and increasingly so, as this chapter progresses - that Yuuri's losing his grip on reality and cracking, and when we get to the benefit, it’s pretty much an ‘oh fuck, this is serious’ moment.
What we had at the benefit was Yuuri sustaining a reality in which both Victor and him were themselves, and had their gifts, and then layered the reality of Soltanov and Daisuke on top of that. Think: a bubble within a bubble, with them in the inner bubble, and Yuuri cracking under the strain of maintaining it and keeping track of it, coupled with his unravelling mental health (which we all know was never the best to begin with). So Yuuri was always aware - or he was, at least, supposed to be aware - of who he was and his gift, and Victor’s.
I hope this helps! Thank you so much!!
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kazliin · 7 years
When Yuuri spoke to Viktor at the Olympics on the podium, we know he intended it as an insult, and Viktor interpreted it as flirting (that poor, poor boy), but what did Chris think it was? I mean he laughed, but was it b/c he thought Yuuri was flirting with or mocking Viktor? Was he aware of both the ways it could be taken?
Chris thought it was flirting too because he saw that Viktor was checking Yuuri out. To be fair to them both, ‘enjoying the view’ meaning, enjoying looking up at me because you’re on a lower podium’ is very context specific and you’d only really assume that’s how it’s meant since you’re in Yuuri’s head. But if you’re looking at someone and admiring them and they ask ‘enjoying the view’, you’re naturally going to think they mean ‘are you enjoying the view of me’ 
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